openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: "7.0.0" title: Xero Assets API description: The Assets API exposes fixed asset related functions of the Xero Accounting application and can be used for a variety of purposes such as creating assets, retrieving asset valuations etc. termsOfService: "" contact: name: "Xero Platform Team" email: "" url: "" license: name: MIT url: '' servers: - description: Xero API servers url: paths: /Assets: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [assets,] tags: - Asset summary: searches fixed asset operationId: getAssets description: By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset in the system parameters: - name: status in: query description: Required when retrieving a collection of assets. See Asset Status Codes schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetStatusQueryParam' required: true - name: page in: query description: Results are paged. This specifies which page of the results to return. The default page is 1. schema: type: integer example: 1 - name: pageSize x-snake: page_size in: query description: The number of records returned per page. By default the number of records returned is 10. schema: type: integer example: 5 - name: orderBy x-snake: order_by in: query description: Requests can be ordered by AssetType, AssetName, AssetNumber, PurchaseDate and PurchasePrice. If the asset status is DISPOSED it also allows DisposalDate and DisposalPrice. schema: type: string enum: - AssetType - AssetName - AssetNumber - PurchaseDate - PurchasePrice - DisposalDate - DisposalPrice example: AssetName - name: sortDirection x-snake: sort_direction in: query description: ASC or DESC schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: ASC - name: filterBy x-snake: filter_by in: query description: A string that can be used to filter the list to only return assets containing the text. Checks it against the AssetName, AssetNumber, Description and AssetTypeName fields. schema: type: string example: "Company Car" responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Assets' example: '{ "pagination":{ "page":1, "pageSize":10, "pageCount":2, "itemCount":11, "links":{ "first":{ "href":"" }, "next":{ "href":"" }, "last":{ "href":"" } } }, "items":[ { "assetId":"68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c", "assetName":"Computer47822", "assetNumber":"123478074", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "purchasePrice":100.0000, "disposalPrice":0.0, "assetStatus":"Draft", "trackingItems":[ ], "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c", "depreciableObjectType":"Asset", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"5da77739-7f22-4109-b0a0-67480fb89af0", "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.50, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02T00:00:00", "priorAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentCapitalGain":0.000000, "currentGainLoss":0.000000 }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "taxDepreciationDetails":[ ], "canRollback":true, "accountingBookValue":100.000000, "taxValues":[ ], "isDeleteEnabledForDate":false }, { "assetId":"52ea3adf-f04a-4577-8fd2-43c52a256bd5", "assetName":"Computer4148", "assetNumber":"123466620", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "purchasePrice":100.0000, "disposalPrice":0.0, "assetStatus":"Draft", "trackingItems":[ ], "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"52ea3adf-f04a-4577-8fd2-43c52a256bd5", "depreciableObjectType":"Asset", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"c0d5280f-28b6-4329-b5b7-36e08c662010", "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.50, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02T00:00:00", "priorAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentCapitalGain":0.000000, "currentGainLoss":0.000000 }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "taxDepreciationDetails":[ ], "canRollback":true, "accountingBookValue":100.000000, "taxValues":[ ], "isDeleteEnabledForDate":false } ] }' '400': description: bad input parameter post: security: - OAuth2: [assets] tags: - Asset summary: adds a fixed asset parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createAsset x-hasAssetsValidationError: true x-example: - asset: is_object: true key: asset keyPascal: Asset - assetName: key: assetname keyPascal: assetName keySnake: asset_name csharp: AssetName default: "Other Computer" object: asset - assetNumber: key: assetnumber keyPascal: assetNumber keySnake: asset_number csharp: AssetNumber default: FA-00210 object: asset - status: is_last: true nonString: true key: status keyPascal: Status default: Draft php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Asset\AssetStatus::Draft node: Asset.StatusEnum.DRAFT ruby: XeroRuby::Asset::AssetStatus::DRAFT python_string: DRAFT java: com.xero.models.assets.AssetStatus.DRAFT csharp: AssetStatus.Draft object: asset description: Adds an asset to the system responses: '200': description: return single object - create new asset content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Asset' example: '{ "assetId":"2257c64a-77ca-444c-a5ea-fa9a588c7039", "assetName":"Computer74863", "assetNumber":"123477544", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "purchasePrice":100.0000, "disposalPrice":23.2300, "assetStatus":"Draft", "trackingItems":[], "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"2257c64a-77ca-444c-a5ea-fa9a588c7039", "depreciableObjectType":"Asset", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"b58a2ace-1213-4681-9f11-2e30f57b5b8c", "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.50, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02T00:00:00", "priorAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentCapitalGain":0.000000, "currentGainLoss":0.000000 }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "taxDepreciationDetails":[], "canRollback":true, "accountingBookValue":76.770000, "taxValues":[], "isDeleteEnabledForDate":true }' '400': description: 'invalid input, object invalid' content: application/json: example: '{ "resourceValidationErrors":[ ], "fieldValidationErrors":[ { "fieldName":"BookDepreciationSetting.DepreciationRate", "valueProvided":"", "localisedMessage":"Can''t have both Depreciation Rate and Effective Life", "type":"", "title":"Validation Error", "detail":"Can''t have both Depreciation Rate and Effective Life" } ], "type":"", "title":"The resource update failed validation.", "detail":"Validation Errors" }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Asset' example: '{ "assetName":"Computer74863", "assetNumber":"123477544", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01", "purchasePrice":100.0, "disposalPrice":23.23, "assetStatus":"Draft", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.5, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "currentCapitalGain":5.32, "currentGainLoss":3.88, "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02", "costLimit":100.0, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":2.25 }, "AccountingBookValue":99.5 }' description: Fixed asset you are creating /Assets/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [assets,] tags: - Asset summary: Retrieves fixed asset by id operationId: getAssetById description: | By passing in the appropriate asset id, you can search for a specific fixed asset in the system parameters: - name: id in: path required: true description: fixed asset id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Asset' example: '{ "assetId":"68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c", "assetName":"Computer47822", "assetNumber":"123478074", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01T00:00:00", "purchasePrice":100.0000, "disposalPrice":23.0000, "assetStatus":"Draft", "trackingItems":[ ], "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c", "depreciableObjectType":"Asset", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"5da77739-7f22-4109-b0a0-67480fb89af0", "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.50, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02T00:00:00", "priorAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":0.000000, "currentCapitalGain":0.000000, "currentGainLoss":0.000000 }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "taxDepreciationDetails":[ ], "canRollback":true, "metaData":{ "bookDepreciationDetailsCanChange":true, "taxDepreciationDetailsCanChange":true }, "accountingBookValue":77.000000, "taxValues":[ ], "isDeleteEnabledForDate":true }' '400': description: bad input parameter /AssetTypes: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [assets,] tags: - Asset summary: searches fixed asset types operationId: getAssetTypes description: By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset types in the system responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetType' example: '[ { "assetTypeId":"710255c6-d2ed-4463-b992-06c8685add5e", "assetTypeName":"Computer Equipment", "fixedAssetAccountId":"37c35de7-8df0-44bf-8e7c-f1f67cf6a278", "depreciationExpenseAccountId":"0fbd1820-9dd0-454a-9515-6ec076a84cf7", "accumulatedDepreciationAccountId":"512eac06-6894-47cd-b421-673b4ca2693a", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"710255c6-d2ed-4463-b992-06c8685add5e", "depreciableObjectType":"AssetType", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"39b9c2e9-62b1-4efc-ab75-fa9152ffaa5f", "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"FullMonth", "depreciationRate":25.00, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "locks":0, "lockPrivateUseAccount":false }, { "assetTypeId":"1a398a67-9d9d-4783-8689-14a8efce89d9", "assetTypeName":"Machinery97704", "fixedAssetAccountId":"5c93f577-c48f-44cd-8593-01489e319c2b", "depreciationExpenseAccountId":"adc14376-c960-43f0-b7f3-4063e5098039", "accumulatedDepreciationAccountId":"9195cadd-8645-41e6-9f67-7bcd421defe8", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"1a398a67-9d9d-4783-8689-14a8efce89d9", "depreciableObjectType":"AssetType", "bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId":"6d09a96d-7768-4f28-95e8-c9ac870fe36e", "depreciationMethod":"DiminishingValue100", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":40.00, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "taxDepreciationSettings":[ ], "locks":0, "lockPrivateUseAccount":false } ]' '400': description: bad input parameter post: security: - OAuth2: [assets] tags: - Asset summary: adds a fixed asset type parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createAssetType x-example: - bookDepreciationSetting: is_object: true key: bookDepreciationSetting keyPascal: BookDepreciationSetting keySnake: book_depreciation_setting - depreciationMethod: key: depreciationMethod keyPascal: DepreciationMethod keySnake: depreciation_method object: bookDepreciationSetting default: DiminishingValue100 - averagingMethod: key: averagingMethod keyPascal: AveragingMethod keySnake: averaging_method object: bookDepreciationSetting default: ActualDays - depreciationRate: nonString: true key: depreciationRate keyPascal: DepreciationRate keySnake: deprecitation_rate object: bookDepreciationSetting default: 40 - depreciationCalculationMethod: key: depreciationCalculationMethod keyPascal: DepreciationCalculationMethod keySnake: depreciation_calculation_method object: bookDepreciationSetting default: None is_last: true - assetType: key: assetType keyPascal: AssetType keySnake: asset_type x-snake: asset_type is_object: true - assetTypeName: key: assetTypeName keyPascal: AssetTypeName keySnake: asset_type_name object: assetType default: Computer Equipment - fixedAssetAccountId: is_uuid: true key: fixedAssetAccountId keyPascal: FixedAssetAccountId keySnake: fixed_asset_account_id object: assetType default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - depreciationExpenseAccountId: is_uuid: true key: depreciationExpenseAccountId keyPascal: DepreciationExpenseAccountId keySnake: depreciation_expense_account_id object: assetType default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - accumulatedDepreciationAccountId: is_uuid: true key: accumulatedDepreciationAccountId keyPascal: AccumulatedDepreciationAccountId keySnake: accumulated_depreciation_account_id object: assetType default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - set_bookDepreciationSetting: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: bookDepreciationSetting keyPascal: BookDepreciationSetting keySnake: book_depreciation_setting default: bookDepreciationSetting python: book_depreciation_setting ruby: book_depreciation_setting object: assetType x-hasAssetsValidationError: true description: Adds an fixed asset type to the system responses: '200': description: results single object - created fixed type content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetType' example: '{ "assetTypeId":"85509b5d-308e-420d-9532-b85105058916", "assetTypeName":"Machinery11004", "fixedAssetAccountId":"3d8d063a-c148-4bb8-8b3c-a5e2ad3b1e82", "depreciationExpenseAccountId":"d1602f69-f900-4616-8d34-90af393fa368", "accumulatedDepreciationAccountId":"9195cadd-8645-41e6-9f67-7bcd421defe8", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciableObjectId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "depreciableObjectType":"None", "depreciationMethod":"DiminishingValue100", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.05, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "locks":0, "lockPrivateUseAccount":false }' '400': description: 'invalid input, object invalid' content: application/json: example: '{ "resourceValidationErrors":[ ], "fieldValidationErrors":[ { "fieldName":"FixedAssetAccountId", "valueProvided":"", "localisedMessage":"Fixed Asset Account Id is invalid", "type":"", "title":"Validation Error", "detail":"Fixed Asset Account Id is invalid" }, { "fieldName":"DepreciationExpenseAccountId", "valueProvided":"", "localisedMessage":"Depreciation Expense Account Id is invalid", "type":"", "title":"Validation Error", "detail":"Depreciation Expense Account Id is invalid" } ], "type":"", "title":"The resource update failed validation.", "detail":"Validation Errors" }' '409': description: a type already exists requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetType' example: '{ "assetTypeName":"Machinery11004", "fixedAssetAccountId":"3d8d063a-c148-4bb8-8b3c-a5e2ad3b1e82", "depreciationExpenseAccountId":"d1602f69-f900-4616-8d34-90af393fa368", "accumulatedDepreciationAccountId":"9195cadd-8645-41e6-9f67-7bcd421defe8", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciationMethod":"DiminishingValue100", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.05, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" } }' description: Asset type to add /Settings: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [assets,] tags: - Asset summary: searches fixed asset settings operationId: getAssetSettings description: By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset types in the system responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Setting' example: '{ "assetNumberPrefix":"FA-", "assetNumberSequence":"0007", "assetStartDate":"2016-01-01T00:00:00", "optInForTax":false }' '400': description: bad input parameter components: securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 description: For more information flows: authorizationCode: authorizationUrl: '' tokenUrl: '' scopes: email: Grant read-only access to your email openid: Grant read-only access to your open id profile: your profile information assets: Grant read-write access to fixed assets Grant read-only access to fixed assets parameters: requiredHeader: in: header name: xero-tenant-id x-snake: xero_tenant_id description: Xero identifier for Tenant example: YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID schema: type: string required: true idempotencyKey: in: header name: Idempotency-Key x-snake: idempotency_key description: This allows you to safely retry requests without the risk of duplicate processing. 128 character max. example: "KEY_VALUE" schema: type: string schemas: Assets: type: object properties: pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pagination' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Asset' Pagination: properties: page: type: integer example: 1 pageSize: type: integer example: 10 pageCount: type: integer example: 1 itemCount: type: integer example: 2 Asset: type: object required: - assetName properties: assetId: type: string format: uuid description: "The Xero-generated Id for the asset" example: "3b5b3a38-5649-495f-87a1-14a4e5918634" assetName: type: string description: "The name of the asset" example: "Awesome Truck 3" assetTypeId: type: string format: uuid description: "The Xero-generated Id for the asset type" example: "3b5b3a38-5649-495f-87a1-14a4e5918634" assetNumber: type: string description: "Must be unique." example: "FA-0013" purchaseDate: type: string format: date description: "The date the asset was purchased YYYY-MM-DD" example: "2015-07-01T00:00:00" purchasePrice: type: number format: double x-is-money: true description: "The purchase price of the asset" example: "1000.0000" disposalDate: type: string format: date description: "The date the asset was disposed" example: "2020-07-01T00:00:00" disposalPrice: type: number format: double x-is-money: true description: "The price the asset was disposed at" example: "1.0000" assetStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetStatus' warrantyExpiryDate: type: string description: "The date the asset’s warranty expires (if needed) YYYY-MM-DD" example: "ca4c6b39-4f4f-43e8-98da-5e1f350a6694" serialNumber: type: string description: "The asset's serial number" example: "ca4c6b39-4f4f-43e8-98da-5e1f350a6694" bookDepreciationSetting: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BookDepreciationSetting' bookDepreciationDetail: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BookDepreciationDetail' canRollback: type: boolean description: "Boolean to indicate whether depreciation can be rolled back for this asset individually. This is true if it doesn't have 'legacy' journal entries and if there is no lock period that would prevent this asset from rolling back." example: true accountingBookValue: type: number format: double x-is-money: true description: "The accounting value of the asset" example: 0 isDeleteEnabledForDate: type: boolean description: "Boolean to indicate whether delete is enabled" example: true AssetStatus: type: string description: "See Asset Status Codes." example: "Draft" enum: - Draft - Registered - Disposed AssetStatusQueryParam: type: string description: "See Asset Status Codes." example: "DRAFT" enum: - DRAFT - REGISTERED - DISPOSED AssetType: type: object x-snake: asset_type required: - assetTypeName - bookDepreciationSetting properties: assetTypeId: type: string format: uuid example: "5da209c5-5e19-4a43-b925-71b776c49ced" description: "Xero generated unique identifier for asset types" assetTypeName: type: string example: "Computer Equipment" description: "The name of the asset type" fixedAssetAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "24e260f1-bfc4-4766-ad7f-8a8ce01de879" description: "The asset account for fixed assets of this type" depreciationExpenseAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "b23fc79b-d66b-44b0-a240-e138e086fcbc" description: "The expense account for the depreciation of fixed assets of this type" accumulatedDepreciationAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "ca4c6b39-4f4f-43e8-98da-5e1f350a6694" description: "The account for accumulated depreciation of fixed assets of this type" bookDepreciationSetting: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BookDepreciationSetting' locks: type: integer example: 33 description: "All asset types that have accumulated depreciation for any assets that use them are deemed ‘locked’ and cannot be removed." BookDepreciationSetting: required: - name properties: depreciationMethod: type: string enum: - NoDepreciation - StraightLine - DiminishingValue100 - DiminishingValue150 - DiminishingValue200 - FullDepreciation example: "StraightLine" description: "The method of depreciation applied to this asset. See Depreciation Methods" averagingMethod: type: string enum: - FullMonth - ActualDays example: "ActualDays" description: "The method of averaging applied to this asset. See Averaging Methods" depreciationRate: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.05 description: "The rate of depreciation (e.g. 0.05)" effectiveLifeYears: type: integer example: 5 description: "Effective life of the asset in years (e.g. 5)" depreciationCalculationMethod: type: string enum: - Rate - Life - None example: "None" description: "See Depreciation Calculation Methods" depreciableObjectId: type: string format: uuid example: "68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c" description: "Unique Xero identifier for the depreciable object" depreciableObjectType: type: string example: "Asset" description: "The type of asset object" bookEffectiveDateOfChangeId: type: string format: uuid example: "68f17094-af97-4f1b-b36b-013b45b6ad3c" description: "Unique Xero identifier for the effective date change" BookDepreciationDetail: required: - name properties: currentCapitalGain: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 5.25 description: "When an asset is disposed, this will be the sell price minus the purchase price if a profit was made." currentGainLoss: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.50 description: "When an asset is disposed, this will be the lowest one of sell price or purchase price, minus the current book value." depreciationStartDate: type: string format: date example: "2015-07-01T00:00:00" description: "YYYY-MM-DD" costLimit: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 9000.0000 description: "The value of the asset you want to depreciate, if this is less than the cost of the asset." residualValue: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10000.0000 description: "The value of the asset remaining when you've fully depreciated it." priorAccumDepreciationAmount: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.45 description: "All depreciation prior to the current financial year." currentAccumDepreciationAmount: type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 5.0000 description: "All depreciation occurring in the current financial year." Setting: required: - name properties: assetNumberPrefix: type: string example: "FA-" description: "The prefix used for fixed asset numbers (“FA-” by default)" assetNumberSequence: type: string example: "0022" description: "The next available sequence number" assetStartDate: type: string format: date example: "2015-07-31T00:00:00" description: "The date depreciation calculations started on registered fixed assets in Xero" lastDepreciationDate: type: string format: date example: "2015-07-01T00:00:00" description: "The last depreciation date" defaultGainOnDisposalAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "346ddb97-739a-4274-b43b-66aa3218d17c" description: "Default account that gains are posted to" defaultLossOnDisposalAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "1b798541-24e2-4855-9309-c023a0b576f3" description: "Default account that losses are posted to" defaultCapitalGainOnDisposalAccountId: type: string format: uuid example: "6d6a0bdb-e118-45d8-a023-2ad617ec1cb7" description: "Default account that capital gains are posted to" optInForTax: type: boolean description: "opt in for tax calculation" example: false type: object Error: externalDocs: url: "" properties: resourceValidationErrors: description: Array of elements of resource validation errors type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceValidationErrorsElement" fieldValidationErrors: description: Array of elements of field validation errors type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FieldValidationErrorsElement" type: description: The internal type of error, not accessible externally type: string title: description: Title of the error type: string detail: description: Detail of the error type: string type: object ResourceValidationErrorsElement: externalDocs: url: "" properties: resourceName: description: The field name of the erroneous field type: string localisedMessage: description: Explanation of the resource validation error type: string type: description: Internal type of the resource error message type: string title: description: Title of the resource validation error type: string detail: description: Detail of the resource validation error type: string type: object FieldValidationErrorsElement: externalDocs: url: "" properties: fieldName: description: The field name of the erroneous field type: string valueProvided: description: The provided value type: string localisedMessage: description: Explanation of the field validation error type: string type: description: Internal type of the field validation error message type: string title: description: Title of the field validation error type: string detail: description: Detail of the field validation error type: string type: object