--- layout: page title: Parsing Exercises | Part 4 parent: Parsing Exercises date: 2020-06-30 --- 1. TOC {:toc} # Part 4 Exercises > For these practice sentences, first mark clauses and phrases (using curly and angle brackets), then make a short outline, then write and answer a question for each word. You may need to do research to figure them out, especially the last two. * John pet his dog and cat with vigor. * Seeing isn’t believing. * I like philosophy because it involves thinking methods. * Some people don’t love truth or honesty. * John and Olivia enthusiastically sang their favorite song on the stage, but singing well wasn’t enough for the actors pretending to be judges. * While you’re having a discussion, never misquote anyone. * I think that nuclear power is safe. ## John pet his dog and cat with vigor. `{John pet >} .` * **outline**: `{John pet <[John's] dog and cat>}` (note: replacing `dog and cat` with `pets` is a bit too ambiguous for my taste) * **outline en-gb**: `{John patted <[John's] pets>}` * rearranged: `{ > >}.` - 3 phrases * what action? patting * who did the patting? John * what did john pat? pets * what action did john do to his pets: patted * who owns the pets? john * what are his pets? dog and cat * how did he pat them? with vigour #### correction: `{John pet > }.` * go for larger clauses #### uncertainties * is `pet his dog and cat` a verb phrase? not really b/c it doesn't take a subj and obj. * more obvious when rearranging, `patted with vigour` is a verb phrase * everything but the subject can be a verb phrase; verb + modifiers is sometimes called a verb phrase ## Seeing isn’t believing. `{ <[is not]> }` * **outline**: `{ <[is not]> }` -- just the same as the sentence w/ `[is not]`? * 3 phrases * what is the action? equivalence (or lack thereof) * how is action modified? negation: `not` * what is the subject? seeing * what is not equivalent to seeing? believing ## I like philosophy because it involves thinking methods. `{ } because { }` * **outline**: `{I like philosophy} because {philosophy involves }` * Who's speaking? `I` * what are they describing doing? liking something * what do they like? philosophy * how do they expand on liking it? offering a reason (because) * what's the essence of the reason? involvement of something * how do they refer to philosophy? `it` * what thing does it involve? methods * what is the specific thing those methods relate to? thinking * subordinating conjunctions can be included in subordinate clause ## Some people don’t love truth or honesty. `{ <[do not] love> }` * `love` is the main verb, `not` an adverb on `do`, and `do` a helper verb for `love`. Feels right to keep them together because we get a verb phrase **(???)** * **outline**: `[Xs] [not] love truth` (Xs being some collective noun; didn't want to just say 'people' because modifier is important, but I can't think of a generic term for a subset of people) * what action is the sentence about: loving * how is the main verb modified: negation via `do not` * Who doesn't love truth or honesty? people * Which people: *some* people * What do they not love (in the first case)? truth * What else might they not love? honesty * what's the relationship between the two: `or` -- i.e. not-loving either is enough to include them in the 'some' ## John and Olivia enthusiastically sang their favorite song on the stage, but singing well wasn’t enough for the actors pretending to be judges. `{ }, but { <[was not]> <[to be impressed]>}.` * note: `< >` - unsure if I should mark 3 phrases here. If I did, why not do it for all combinations of phrases that result in other phrases? * **outline**: `[John] sang, but singing [was insufficient] [for the judges] [to be impressed]` * *First clause*: ` ` * what is the action? `sing` * when did it happen? in the past * how did it happen? enthusiastically * who did the singing? `[John]` (`john and olivia`) * what did they sing? `song` * what was special about the song? `favourite` * who's favourite? `their`'s * where did they sing? `stage` * which stage? `the` stage * what was their relationship to the stage? `on` it * *Second clause*: ` <[was not] enough> <[to be impressed]>` * what's the action? `was` (be) * what was doing the "being"? `singing` * a particular type of singing? `well` (i.e. good singing) * how was the action modified? `not` (negated) * what was it not being? `enough` (noun) * TODO: rest of Qs * implied quality of judges enough refers to? 'impressed' ## While you’re having a discussion, never misquote anyone. `While {[you are] }, { }` * **outline**: `never misquote anyone [when] [you do discussions]` * how is the condition specified? `while` (as in `while you are doing Y, X`, similar to: 'X during Y') * what is the condition? `[you are] having a discussion` * who does the condition apply to? `you` * what's the verb applied to `you` during condition? `are` * what are you during condition? `having` something (`having a discussion`) * what are you having? `discussion` * which discussion? `a` (indeterminate; any discussion) * what should you do when satisfying the condition? `never misquote anyone` * what is the main action concerned in primary clause? `misquote` * what's the modification of the main action? `never` * so the full action in primary clause is? `never misquote` * who should you never misquote? `anyone` ## I think that nuclear power is safe. `{ } that { }` * **outline**: `I think that X`; X = `nuclear power is safe` -- how to make this more of an outline? is it worth it? * **outline 2**: `X, I think that` -- note: 'that' becomes a determiner in this case, not a conjunction; so it's *technically* similar? * Who's speaking? `I` * What's `I` doing? `think`ing * what does `I` think? `nuclear power is safe` * what is the main noun `I` thinks about? `power` * what is `power` doing? `is` (being) * what is `power` being? `safe` * what type of power? `nuclear`