--- layout: page title: Parsing Exercises | AnneB's Collection parent: Parsing Exercises date: 2020-06-29 --- 1. TOC {:toc} ## From Anne B's *dependency grammar trees* post to FI ## Let's talk about a different way ``` (let :: verb us :: pronoun (talk :: verb (about :: preposition (way :: noun a :: det different :: adj )))) (let :: v ([you]) (talk us (about (way a different))) ) ``` ## You can find more stuff which is similar or related and work on that. ``` (and :: conj (find :: verb you :: pronoun can :: verb -- helper verb, need to revisit (stuff :: noun more :: adj) (is :: verb which :: pronoun or :: conj similar :: adj related :: adj)) (work :: verb (on :: prep that :: n)) ``` -- note from Anne B's trees: denote implied words -- 'realtive pronoun' -- conjunction role ## Assuming you're an adult, there are some things you're already good at judging. ``` (assuming :: subordinating conjunction (are :: verb there :: adverb (things :: noun some :: determiner (are :: verb you :: pronoun already :: adverb (good :: noun (at :: preposition judging :: gerund) ) ) :: adjective clause ) ) (are :: verb you :: pronoun (adult :: noun an :: determiner) ) ) ``` * 'good::adj at::prep judging::gerund' - can 'good at' be a preposition? * 'she speaks good English' -> good is an adj on English * wait, good modifies 'at judging' which acts as NP. Correction: preposition phrases act as adj or adv. * in 'dark red apple': 'dark' is an adverb on 'red', so any adj can be an adv when modifying another adj. * 'She is good with horses': 'good with' is a prepositional phrase on 'is'; similar meaning to 'she handles horses well', 'well' is adverb modifying 'handles' * idea: good is a noun (you are already good), and 'at judging' is an adj prep phrase governing 'good' * you::pronoun are::v already::adv good::n at::prep judging::gerund * this *clause* is then used as an adjective (googled 'clause as an adjective' and apparently adjective clauses are a thing) * problem: 'you are already skilled at judging' -- skilled is an adj. * can adjective prepositional phrases modify other adjectives? if so they act as an adverb, but no mention of that in /grammar, is it important? * could treat 'good at' as a preposition * how do you tie in 'assuming you're an adult'? prepositional phrase? modifies the rest of the sentence. * 'there are some things' - no noun before verb * // opened up thread on FIGG * // ET mentions assuming being root * 'assuming' could be replaced with 'if' => conjunction * should have googled assuming - it's a conj * check against Anne's tree: looks good!!! ## There are some areas where you're confident, competent, skilled, etc. ### attempt 1 ``` (are :: verb, linking there :: adverb (areas :: noun some :: adjective) ([are] :: aux verb, linking [you] :: pronoun confident :: adj competent :: adj skilled :: adj etc :: adverb which :: adverb ) ) ``` ### Differences with Anne's tree * Anne has 'where' under 'areas', but 'where' is an adverb? (not an adjective; is "where you're ..." an adverb phrase?) * "where you're ..." refers to the areas, so should be under that * verbs are not children of nouns * areas is linked to the properties "confident, ..." via where * 'where' feels more like a proposition * we could replace 'where' with 'wherein' and meaning is preserved (wherein is an adverb, but means 'in which'; a preposition and pronoun/determiner) * ### 'in which' variant: there are some areas in which you're confident, ... ``` (are :: verb, linking there :: adverb (areas :: noun some :: adjective (in :: preposition which :: determiner ['areas'] ([are] :: verb, linking [you] :: pronoun confident :: adj competent :: adj skilled :: adj etc :: adverb ) :: adjective clause ) ) ) ``` This matches Anne's structure, i.e.: ``` (are :: verb, linking there :: adverb (areas :: noun some :: adjective (where :: adverb??? ([are] :: verb, linking [you] :: pronoun confident :: adj competent :: adj skilled :: adj etc :: adverb ) :: adjective clause ) ) ) ``` ### Attempt 2 ``` (are :: verb, linking there :: adverb (areas :: noun some :: adjective ([are] :: verb, linking [you] :: pronoun where :: adverb confident :: adj competent :: adj skilled :: adj etc :: adverb ) :: adjective clause ) ) ``` * can an adverb take an object/compliment? * Why are the called the same thing as adverbs that don't take one? * idea: where is on second 'are', which transforms 'you are confident, ...' into an adjective clause * what was it before that? noun clause? can you have a clause/phrase without a type (a type being noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc) ## More precisely, if n ever fails the Fermat test, we can be certain that n is not prime. discussed in the post `[FI] [grammar] Grammar analysis: More precisely, if n ever fails the Fermat test, we can be certain that n is not prime.` ``` if can :: aux v we :: pronoun be :: v certain :: n that :: pronoun is :: v (linking) n :: noun, subject not :: adverb prime :: adjective, complement fails :: verb n :: noun ever :: adverb Fermat test :: noun the :: determiner precisely :: adverb, modifying the rest of the sentence more :: adverb ``` questions: * the `if` conjunction is split; we could rewrite it "we can be certain that n is not prime if n ever fails the fermat test", so it sounds like "we can be certain ... not prime" is the coordinating clause. should we put that first in the tree even though the sentence orders it the other way?