--- title: Notes | Tutorial 52 layout: post date: 2020-11-02 parent: Tutorial Notes tutorial_link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= lesson: 52 --- ## prenotes - "why I live" post + reflections on max's microblogging ## draft - nb: I haven't actually read it again since first draft ---- > If one's choices could matter that much, how could one possibly *know* that? mb change to > If one's choices can matter that much, how could one possibly *know* that they *do*? ---- - making a big impact on humanity is wrong goal -- can fail through no fault of own. unsuitable as primary life goal. - *primality* of goal important for life; okay to have goals like popularlize PF, but not for it to be a life goal - be reasonably under your own control - changing the world can be a goal but you should be okay with failing - Problems for *my* projects: Flux, SV -- very dependent on other ppl. ---- - atlas shrugged - holiday book? ---- > Their other choices--the ones they *hoped* would matter--will end up swallowed and forgotten by the passage of time. ET: one of the main errors ppl make - self-crit and detecting mistakes early ---- > To the left is a future of hit and miss choices, erratic legacy, and the fog of cosmic uncertainty. ---- > I used to be worried about failing. "Could it be that I will spend my life in vain pursuit of greatness and progress?" If the past half decade had been different, that might have become true. I know better, now. ET (86 min) Need to *like the journey*. Value in the means, not just the result/ends. > epistemic idea-cone Vague ---- larger it is - the more the focus is on organising knowledge, and less "how do you do X" how do you organise to avoid it being a mess (and also keep it maintainable, endurable, etc) ---- thinking of it as practice -> powering up mode