# SublimeScold What is SublimeScold? It's this: ![Show HN - vim-WTF A vim plugin that sends a shaming email to the developer responsible for the highlighted line of code](vim-wtf.png) but for Sublime Text. Works with Git as version control. ## Steps to reproduce 1. Notice a piece of code that misses your expectations. 2. Select it, right-click and choose *Scold*. 3. Adjust the e-mail as you see fit. 4. Send it. 5. ??? 6. Profit! ## Alternate scenarios Both subject and e-mail body templates can be modified in plugin settings: * see *Preferences > Package Settings > Scold > Settings - Default* for available options * modify them in *Preferences > Package Settings > Scold > Settings - User* ## Will ~~not~~ maybe fix * Support other version control systems * Report errors betters * Detect when you try to shame yourself (and you will, trust me)