# SmojSubmit [![Package Control](https://img.shields.io/packagecontrol/dt/SmojSubmit?style=flat-square)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SmojSubmit) [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit/blob/master/LICENSE) SmojSubmit is a Sublime Text plugin, which can submit your code to Online Judge by one click, and pull the result automatically. English | [简体中文](https://github.com/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit/blob/master/README.zh.md) --- ![Introduction gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YanWQ-monad/static/master/SmojSubmit/Introduction.gif) ## Install Install SmojSubmit from [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/search/SmojSubmit). Here are the detailed steps: 1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P, and select `Package Control: Install Package`; 2. Enter `SmojSubmit` and install. ## Configure Select `Preferences` → `Package Settings` → `SMOJ Submit` → `Edit Settings`, then enter your passwords to the configuration. Note: `init_login` option is to toggle whether or not log in to the Online Judge when Sublime Text starts, keep the default if you don't have special needs.
A configuration example ``` json { "oj": { "bzoj": { "username": "Monad", "password": "******", "init_login": false }, "luogu": { "username": "Monad", "password": "******", "init_login": false }, "codeforces": { "username": "YanWQmonad", "password": "******", "init_login": false } } } ```
## Usage Right click on the Sublime Text editing area, select the target Online Judge in `Submit to...`. The `Submit` button is to submit to the latest submitted Online Judge. ## Contributing & Bugs report Due to the use of unofficial API, there may be some bugs in the plugin. If you have an issue, please report it in the [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit/issues). Of course, features request is also accepted. And welcome [PR](https://github.com/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit/pulls). ## License [MIT](https://github.com/YanWQ-monad/SmojSubmit/blob/master/LICENSE)