import "hash" import "pe" rule Mirai_Generic_Arch : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - Generic Architecture" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet } rule Mirai_MIPS_LSB : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - MIPS LSB" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5 = "bf650d39eb603d92973052ca80a4fdda" SHA1 = "03ecd3b49aa19589599c64e4e7a51206a592b4ef" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "03ecd3b49aa19589599c64e4e7a51206a592b4ef" } rule Mirai_MIPS_MSB : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - MIPS MSB" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5 = "0eb51d584712485300ad8e8126773941" SHA1 = "18bce2f0107b5fab1b0b7c453e2a6b6505200cbd" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "18bce2f0107b5fab1b0b7c453e2a6b6505200cbd" } rule Mirai_ARM_LSB : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - ARM LSB" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5= "eba670256b816e2d11f107f629d08494" SHA1 = "8a25dee4ea7d61692b2b95bd047269543aaf0c81" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "8a25dee4ea7d61692b2b95bd047269543aaf0c81" } rule Mirai_Renesas_SH : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - Renesas SH LSB" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5 = "863dcf82883c885b0686dce747dcf502" SHA1 = "bdc86295fad70480f0c6edcc37981e3cf11d838c" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "bdc86295fad70480f0c6edcc37981e3cf11d838c" } rule Mirai_PPC_Cisco : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - PowerPC or Cisco 4500" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5= "dbd92b08cbff8455ff76c453ff704dc6" SHA1 = "6933d555a008a07b859a55cddb704441915adf68" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: ( $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet ) and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "6933d555a008a07b859a55cddb704441915adf68" } rule Mirai_SPARC_MSB : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Botnet TR-069 Worm - SPARC MSB" author = "Felipe Molina / @felmoltor" date = "2016-12-04" version = "1.0" MD5= "05891dbabc42a36f33c30535f0931555" SHA1 = "3d770480b6410cba39e19b3a2ff3bec774cabe47" ref1 = "" ref2 = "" ref3 = "" strings: $miname = "Myname--is:" $iptables1 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7547 -j DROP" $iptables2 = "busybox iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 5555 -j DROP" $procnet = "/proc/net/tcp" condition: ( $miname and $iptables1 and $iptables2 and $procnet ) and hash.sha1(0,filesize) == "3d770480b6410cba39e19b3a2ff3bec774cabe47" } rule Mirai_1 : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Variant 1" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "655c3cf460489a7d032c37cd5b84a3a8" SHA1 = "4dd3803956bc31c8c7c504734bddec47a1b57d58" strings: $dir1 = "/dev/watchdog" $dir2 = "/dev/misc/watchdog" $pass1 = "PMMV" $pass2 = "FGDCWNV" $pass3 = "OMVJGP" condition: $dir1 and $pass1 and $pass2 and not $pass3 and not $dir2 } rule Mirai_2 : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Variant 2" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "0e5bda9d39b03ce79ab8d421b90c0067" SHA1 = "96f42a9fad2923281d21eca7ecdd3161d2b61655" strings: $dir1 = "/dev/watchdog" $dir2 = "/dev/misc/watchdog" $s1 = "PMMV" $s2 = "ZOJFKRA" $s3 = "FGDCWNV" $s4 = "OMVJGP" condition: $dir1 and $dir2 and $s1 and $s2 and $s3 and not $s4 } rule Mirai_3 : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Variant 3" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "bb22b1c921ad8fa358d985ff1e51a5b8" SHA1 = "432ef83c7692e304c621924bc961d95c4aea0c00" strings: $dir1 = "/dev/watchdog" $dir2 = "/dev/misc/watchdog" $s1 = "PMMV" $s2 = "ZOJFKRA" $s3 = "FGDCWNV" $s4 = "OMVJGP" $ssl = "ssl3_ctrl" condition: $dir1 and $dir2 and $s1 and $s2 and $s3 and $s4 and not $ssl } rule Mirai_4 : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Variant 4" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "f832ef7a4fcd252463adddfa14db43fb" SHA1 = "4455d237aadaf28aafce57097144beac92e55110" strings: $s1 = "210765" $s2 = "qllw" $s3 = ";;;;;;" condition: $s1 and $s2 and $s3 } rule Mirai_Dwnl : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Downloader" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "85784b54dee0b7c16c57e3a3a01db7e6" SHA1 = "6f6c625ef730beefbc23c7f362af329426607dee" strings: $s1 = "GET /mirai/" $s2 = "dvrHelper" condition: $s1 and $s2 } rule Mirai_5 : MALW { meta: description = "Mirai Variant 5" author = "Joan Soriano / @joanbtl" date = "2017-04-16" version = "1.0" MD5 = "7e17c34cddcaeb6755c457b99a8dfe32" SHA1 = "b63271672d6a044704836d542d92b98e2316ad24" strings: $dir1 = "/dev/watchdog" $dir2 = "/dev/misc/watchdog" $s1 = "PMMV" $s2 = "ZOJFKRA" $s3 = "FGDCWNV" $s4 = "OMVJGP" $ssl = "ssl3_ctrl" condition: $dir1 and $dir2 and $s1 and $s2 and $s3 and $s4 and $ssl }