## SVG Viewer
#### About
SVG Viewer is Sublime Text 3 plugin for viewing SVG files as pictures.
It is an improved version of the original [SVG Preview](https://github.com/chunqiuyiyu/sublime-svg-preview)
#### Installation
###### Plugin
1. Make sure you already have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) installed
2. Open command pallete by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P
3. Choose "**Package Control: Install Package**" and then press Enter
4. Select "**SVG Viewer**" and press Enter
###### Converter
After installing plugin, you can use it only in online mode.
If you want use plugin in offline mode you should install SVG to PNG converter
By default we support these converters:
- [CairoSVG](https://cairosvg.org/)
- [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org/)
- [ImageMagick](https://imagemagick.org/)
- [SVGExport](https://github.com/shakiba/svgexport/) (DPI not supported)
But you can [add](#adding-converter) another converter
#### Using
1. Open SVG file
2. Open command pallete and select "**SVG Viewer: View SVG**"
3. (if fisrt run) Choose SVG converter from the suggested converters
4. Profit!
#### Settings
If you want edit settings, key bindings or converters, do:
Preferences → Package Settings → Settings / Key Bindings / Converters - Edit
#### Adding converter
If you want to use another SVG to PNG converter, do:
1. Generate command and name of your converter, such as this
"converter": "converter --input-file \"{name}\" --output-file \"{out}\" --dpi {dpi}"
2. Open converters.json file (Preferences → Package Settings → Converters - Edit) and add this string
3. Reopen Sublime Text, open command pallete, choose "**SVG Viewer: Change Converter**" and choose your converter
4. Profit!