commandsFile:ClusterManagerCmd.conf helpFile:ClusterManagerHelp.dat # The list of comma-separated SPADS global presets which must be instanciated as # clusters. # Each global preset listed here will generate its own cluster of instances # based on this preset. Only "full presets" (i.e. presets defining all preset # settings) are usable as cluster preset. # If this setting is left empty, it is the same as if it was only containing the # current SPADS default preset: ClusterManager is in mono-cluster mode. clusters: # The maximum number of instances allowed to run simultaneously, all clusters # combined. maxInstances:50 # The maximum number of public instances allowed to run simultaneously, all # clusters combined. # (0 = no limit) maxInstancesPublic:40 # The maximum number of private instances allowed to run simultaneously, all # clusters combined. # (0 = no limit) maxInstancesPrivate:20 # Specify if instances must share the same Spring data archive cache, or if # each instance must manage its own cache. Sharing cache speeds-up archive # loading process, but it is more prone to race conditions and write access # conflicts. Using SPADS sequential unitsync mode is strongly recommended when # enabling shared archive cache. # Shared cache are implemented by creating symbolic links instead of copying # the content of the "cache" folder of the manager instance when initializing # new SPADS instance directories. shareArchiveCache:0 # Specify if instances must try to auto-register the lobby account when there is # a login error due to invalid login/password. Allowed values are: # 0 = auto-registration is disabled # 1 = auto-registration is enabled except for the cluster manager instance # 2 = auto-registration enabled for all instances, cluster manager included autoRegister:1 # The base game port, used to generate the "port" hosting setting of SPADS which # is specific to each instance launched by the cluster manager. # The cluster manager must be able to open all UDP ports between (baseGamePort) # and (baseGamePort+maxInstances-1) included on the network interfaces. baseGamePort:8452 # The base autohost port, used to generate the "autoHostPort" global setting of # SPADS which is specific to each instance launched by the cluster manager. # The cluster manager must be able to open all UDP ports between # (baseAutoHostPort) and (baseAutoHostPort+maxInstances-1) included on the # loopback interface. baseAutoHostPort:9452 # The waiting delay in seconds before removing a superfluous spare public # instance (when number of spare instances in cluster > targetSpares). # Don't set this too low, or the cluster manager will spend its time # starting/stopping instances on peak times. # (0 = never remove spare instances) removeSpareInstanceDelay:60 # The waiting delay in seconds before removing an empty/unused private instance. # Don't set this too low, or the user requesting the private instance won't have # time to join the host before it is automatically removed. removePrivateInstanceDelay:60 # The waiting delay in seconds before considering an instance launched by the # cluster manager which didn't update its state file has failed to start. # Don't set this too low, or the instances won't have time to startup before # being considered faulty by the cluster manager, which will try to replace them # prematurely. # (0 = disable detection of instances failing to start) startingInstanceTimeout:120 # The waiting delay in seconds before considering an offline instance is in # crashed/frozen state. # Don't set this too low, or the instances having small network hiccups will be # considered as crashed/frozen by the cluster manager which will try to replace # them prematurely. # (0 = disable detection of crashed/frozen instances) offlineInstanceTimeout:120 # The waiting delay in seconds before an instance whose manager is offline (i.e. # an "orphan" instance) should exit if idle. # (0 = disable auto-exit for idle orphan instances) orphanInstanceTimeout:120 # Windows systems only: specify if a new console window must be created for each # instance started by the cluster manager, or if the instances must be started # in detached/daemon mode. # On Linux systems, this setting is ignored and instances are always started in # detached/daemon mode. createNewConsoles:0 [_DEFAULT_] # The template used to build the name of each instance started in the cluster. # Following placeholders can be used: # %InstNb%: instance number # %InstNb2%: instance number, 2 digits (left-padded with zeros if needed) # %InstNb3%: instance number, 3 digits (left-padded with zeros if needed) # %InstNb0%: instance number, auto-left-padded with zeros if needed (based on maxInstances value) # %ClustInstNb%: cluster instance number # %ClustInstNb2%: cluster instance number, 2 digits (left-padded with zeros if needed) # %ClustInstNb3%: cluster instance number, 3 digits (left-padded with zeros if needed) # %ClustInstNb0%: cluster instance number, auto-left-padded with zeros if needed (based on maxInstancesInCluster value) # %PresetName%: name of the SPADS global preset on which the cluster is based # %ManagerName%: name of the cluster manager which started the instance nameTemplate:[%ManagerName%]%PresetName%[%ClustInstNb0%] # The target number of spare (i.e. unused/empty) public instances that the # cluster manager should keep running simultaneously in the cluster. targetSpares:1 # The maximum number of instances allowed to run simultaneously in the cluster. # (0 = no limit) maxInstancesInCluster:0 # The maximum number of public instances allowed to run simultaneously in the # cluster. # (0 = no limit) maxInstancesInClusterPublic:0 # The maximum number of private instances allowed to run simultaneously in the # cluster. # (0 = no limit) maxInstancesInClusterPrivate:0 # The lobby password to use for the cluster instances, if different from that of # the manager. # Notice: if you plan to give lobby server admin access to the cluster manager # so that it can automatically create bot accounts, then you must not use a # cluster specific lobby password and must let this setting empty. lobbyPassword: # The additional configuration macros passed to all slaves instances of the # cluster. confMacros: # The additional configuration macros passed to the public slave instances of # the cluster. confMacrosPublic: # The additional configuration macros passed to the private slave instances of # the cluster. confMacrosPrivate: