# Changelog ## 1.3.0 Added `startWithPopTo()`, Improve the stability of `pop()`/`popTo()`. ## 1.2.0 Added ActionQueue mechanism, this will improve stability. ## 1.0.0 1. Extends of SupportActivity/SupportFragment is no longer a forced requirement. Through `implements ISupportActivity/Fragment` + `Delegate` to customize self-difined `SupportActivity/Fragment` 2. Remove `FragmentLifecycleCallbacks`(since support-25.1.0, `FragmentLifecycleCallbacks` is supported officially) 3. Add `extraTransaction()`to deal with self-defined tag, SharedElements, and transactions that are not managed by back stack 4. Compatible with support-25.4.0 5. Remove `replaceLoadRootFragment()` (use `loadRootFragment()` instead), Add `loadRootFragment(containerId, fragment, addToBack, allowEnterAnim)` 6. The lifecycle of Support can be triggered correctly through `replaceFragment()` 7. Dynamic change of Fragment's anim through `setFragmentAnimator()` 8. Support `popTo()` anim, add `popTo(f, includeF, afterRunnable, popAnimation)` 9. Further compatible with multi-touch, high-frequency transactions, optimize the problem of excessive drawing ## 0.10.0 1. Add a globally configurable `Fragmentation Builder` * Provide a convenient way to open the stack view Dialog * bubble: click bubble to open stack view Dialog * shake: shake to open stack view Dialog * none: do not display stack view Dialog * According to different environments, exceptions are dealt with respectively ("Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState!") 2、Fix `popToChild(f,includeF,afterRunnable)`hierarchical error problem ## 0.9.0 1. solve multi-touch problems, a number of optimizations, compatible problems etc. ## 0.8.0 1. Add `onLazyInitView()`, `onSupportVisible()`,`onSupportInvisible()` to simplify dev 2. SupportActivity provides ability to monitoring lifecycle of Fragment through `registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks()` 3. Support self-defined tag