import asyncio import logging import os import bellows.types as t import bellows.zigbee.appdb import bellows.zigbee.device import bellows.zigbee.util import bellows.zigbee.zcl import bellows.zigbee.zdo from bellows.zigbee.exceptions import DeliveryError LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ControllerApplication(bellows.zigbee.util.ListenableMixin): direct = t.EmberOutgoingMessageType.OUTGOING_DIRECT def __init__(self, ezsp, database_file=None): self._send_sequence = 0 self._ezsp = ezsp self.devices = {} self._pending = {} self._listeners = {} self._ieee = None self._nwk = None if database_file is not None: self._dblistener = bellows.zigbee.appdb.PersistingListener(database_file, self) self.add_listener(self._dblistener) self._dblistener.load() @asyncio.coroutine def initialize(self): """Perform basic NCP initialization steps""" e = self._ezsp yield from e.reset() yield from e.version() c = t.EzspConfigId yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE, 2) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL, 5) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS, 2) zdo = ( t.EmberZdoConfigurationFlags.APP_RECEIVES_SUPPORTED_ZDO_REQUESTS | t.EmberZdoConfigurationFlags.APP_HANDLES_UNSUPPORTED_ZDO_REQUESTS ) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS, zdo) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE, 2) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE, 1) LOGGER.debug("CONFIG_TRANSIENT_KEY_TIMEOUT_S, 180, True") yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_TRANSIENT_KEY_TIMEOUT_S, 300, True) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT, 60 ) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT_SHIFT, 6 ) LOGGER.debug("CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE, 16") # yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE, 16 ) # yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE, 16 ) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_SOURCE_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE, 32 ) yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN, 32 ) """ 8 is default, this means 8 direct connected endpoints """ LOGGER.debug("CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT, 32") yield from self._cfg(c.CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT, 0xff) @asyncio.coroutine def startup(self, auto_form=False): """Perform a complete application startup""" yield from self.initialize() e = self._ezsp v = yield from e.networkInit() if v[0] != 0: if not auto_form: raise Exception("Could not initialize network") yield from self.form_network() v = yield from e.getNetworkParameters() assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check if v[1] != t.EmberNodeType.COORDINATOR: if not auto_form: raise Exception("Network not configured as coordinator")"Forming network") yield from self._ezsp.leaveNetwork() yield from asyncio.sleep(1) # TODO yield from self.form_network() yield from self._policy() nwk = yield from e.getNodeId() self._nwk = nwk[0] ieee = yield from e.getEui64() self._ieee = ieee[0] e.add_callback(self.ezsp_callback_handler) @asyncio.coroutine def form_network(self, channel=15, pan_id=None, extended_pan_id=None): channel = t.uint8_t(channel) if pan_id is None: pan_id = t.uint16_t.from_bytes(os.urandom(2), 'little') pan_id = t.uint16_t(pan_id) if extended_pan_id is None: extended_pan_id = t.fixed_list(8, t.uint8_t)([t.uint8_t(0)] * 8) initial_security_state = bellows.zigbee.util.zha_security(controller=True) v = yield from self._ezsp.setInitialSecurityState(initial_security_state) assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check parameters = t.EmberNetworkParameters() parameters.panId = pan_id parameters.extendedPanId = extended_pan_id parameters.radioTxPower = t.uint8_t(8) parameters.radioChannel = channel parameters.joinMethod = t.EmberJoinMethod.USE_MAC_ASSOCIATION parameters.nwkManagerId = t.EmberNodeId(0) parameters.nwkUpdateId = t.uint8_t(0) parameters.channels = t.uint32_t(0) yield from self._ezsp.formNetwork(parameters) yield from self._ezsp.setValue(t.EzspValueId.VALUE_STACK_TOKEN_WRITING, 1) @asyncio.coroutine def _cfg(self, config_id, value, optional=False): v = yield from self._ezsp.setConfigurationValue(config_id, value) if not optional: assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check @asyncio.coroutine def _policy(self): """Set up the policies for what the NCP should do""" e = self._ezsp v = yield from e.setPolicy( t.EzspPolicyId.TC_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY, t.EzspDecisionId.DENY_TC_KEY_REQUESTS, ) assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check v = yield from e.setPolicy( t.EzspPolicyId.APP_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY, t.EzspDecisionId.ALLOW_APP_KEY_REQUESTS, ) assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check v = yield from e.setPolicy( t.EzspPolicyId.TRUST_CENTER_POLICY, t.EzspDecisionId.ALLOW_PRECONFIGURED_KEY_JOINS, ) assert v[0] == 0 # TODO: Better check def add_device(self, ieee, nwk): assert isinstance(ieee, t.EmberEUI64) # TODO: Shut down existing device dev = bellows.zigbee.device.Device(self, ieee, nwk) self.devices[ieee] = dev return dev @asyncio.coroutine def remove(self, ieee): assert isinstance(ieee, t.EmberEUI64) dev = self.devices.pop(ieee, None) if not dev: LOGGER.debug("Device not found for removal: %s", ieee) return"Removing device 0x%04x (%s)", dev.nwk, ieee) zdo_worked = False try: resp = yield from dev.zdo.leave() zdo_worked = resp[0] == 0 except Exception: pass if not zdo_worked: # This should probably be delivered to the parent device instead # of the device itself. yield from self._ezsp.removeDevice(dev.nwk,, self.listener_event('device_removed', dev) def ezsp_callback_handler(self, frame_name, args): if frame_name == 'incomingMessageHandler': self._handle_frame(*args) elif frame_name == 'messageSentHandler': if args[4] != 0: self._handle_frame_failure(*args) else: self._handle_frame_sent(*args) elif frame_name == 'trustCenterJoinHandler': if args[2] == t.EmberDeviceUpdate.DEVICE_LEFT: self._handle_leave(*args) else: self._handle_join(*args) def _handle_frame(self, message_type, aps_frame, lqi, rssi, sender, binding_index, address_index, message): try: self.get_device(nwk=sender).radio_details(lqi, rssi) except KeyError: LOGGER.debug("No such device %s", sender) if aps_frame.destinationEndpoint == 0: deserialize = bellows.zigbee.zdo.deserialize else: deserialize = bellows.zigbee.zcl.deserialize tsn, command_id, is_reply, args = deserialize(aps_frame.clusterId, message) if is_reply: self._handle_reply(sender, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args) else: self._handle_message(False, sender, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args) def _handle_reply(self, sender, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args): try: send_fut, reply_fut = self._pending[tsn] if send_fut.done(): self._pending.pop(tsn) if reply_fut: reply_fut.set_result(args) return except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Unexpected response TSN=%s command=%s args=%s", tsn, command_id, args) except asyncio.futures.InvalidStateError as exc: LOGGER.debug("Invalid state on future - probably duplicate response: %s", exc) # We've already handled, don't drop through to device handler return self._handle_message(True, sender, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args) def _handle_message(self, is_reply, sender, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args): try: device = self.get_device(nwk=sender) except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Message on unknown device 0x%04x", sender) return return device.handle_message(is_reply, aps_frame, tsn, command_id, args) def _handle_join(self, nwk, ieee, device_update, join_dec, parent_nwk):"Device 0x%04x (%s) joined the network", nwk, ieee) if ieee in self.devices: dev = self.get_device(ieee) if dev.nwk != nwk: LOGGER.debug("Device %s changed id (0x%04x => 0x%04x)", ieee, dev.nwk, nwk) dev.nwk = nwk # elif dev.initializing or dev.status == bellows.zigbee.device.Status.ENDPOINTS_INIT: # LOGGER.debug("Skip initialization for existing device %s", ieee) # return else: dev = self.add_device(ieee, nwk) self.listener_event('device_joined', dev) dev.schedule_initialize() def _handle_leave(self, nwk, ieee, *args):"Device 0x%04x (%s) left the network", nwk, ieee) dev = self.devices.get(ieee, None) if dev is not None: self.listener_event('device_left', dev) def _handle_frame_failure(self, message_type, destination, aps_frame, message_tag, status, message): try: send_fut, reply_fut = self._pending.pop(message_tag) send_fut.set_exception(DeliveryError("Message send failure: %s" % (status, ))) if reply_fut: reply_fut.cancel() except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Unexpected message send failure") except asyncio.futures.InvalidStateError as exc: LOGGER.debug("Invalid state on future - probably duplicate response: %s", exc) def _handle_frame_sent(self, message_type, destination, aps_frame, message_tag, status, message): try: send_fut, reply_fut = self._pending[message_tag] # Sometimes messageSendResult and a reply come out of order # If we've already handled the reply, delete pending if reply_fut is None or reply_fut.done(): self._pending.pop(message_tag) send_fut.set_result(True) except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Unexpected message send notification") except asyncio.futures.InvalidStateError as exc: LOGGER.debug("Invalid state on future - probably duplicate response: %s", exc) @bellows.zigbee.util.retryable_request @asyncio.coroutine def request(self, nwk, aps_frame, data, expect_reply=True, timeout=10): seq = aps_frame.sequence assert seq not in self._pending send_fut = asyncio.Future() reply_fut = None if expect_reply: reply_fut = asyncio.Future() self._pending[seq] = (send_fut, reply_fut) v = yield from self._ezsp.sendUnicast(, nwk, aps_frame, seq, data) if v[0] != 0: self._pending.pop(seq) send_fut.cancel() if expect_reply: reply_fut.cancel() raise DeliveryError("Message send failure %s" % (v[0], )) # Wait for messageSentHandler message v = yield from send_fut if expect_reply: # Wait for reply v = yield from asyncio.wait_for(reply_fut, timeout) return v def permit(self, time_s=60): assert 0 <= time_s <= 254 return self._ezsp.permitJoining(time_s) def permit_with_key(self, node, code, time_s=60): if type(node) is not t.EmberEUI64: node = t.EmberEUI64([t.uint8_t(p) for p in node]) key = bellows.zigbee.util.convert_install_code(code) if key is None: raise Exception("Invalid install code") v = yield from self._ezsp.addTransientLinkKey(node, key) if v[0] != 0: raise Exception("Failed to set link key") return self._ezsp.permitJoining(time_s, True) def get_sequence(self): self._send_sequence = (self._send_sequence + 1) % 256 return self._send_sequence def get_device(self, ieee=None, nwk=None): if ieee is not None: return self.devices[ieee] for dev in self.devices.values(): # TODO: Make this not terrible if dev.nwk == nwk: return dev raise KeyError @property def ieee(self): return self._ieee @property def nwk(self): return self._nwk