--- basePath: "/" paths: /transactions: get: summary: "Get Transactions" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The Transaction service is used to get a list of transactions for a user.
By default, this service returns the last 30 days of transactions from today's date.
The keyword parameter performs a contains search on the original, consumer, and simple description attributes, replace the special characters #, &, and + with percent-encoding values %23, %26, and %2B respectively. Eg: for -Debit# , pass the input as -Debit%23.
Values for categoryId parameter can be fetched from get transaction category list service.
The categoryId is used to filter transactions based on system-defined category as well as user-defined category.
User-defined categoryIds should be provided in the filter with the prefix ''U''. E.g. U10002
The skip and top parameters are used for pagination. In the skip and top parameters pass the number of records to be skipped and retrieved, respectively. The response header provides the links to retrieve the next and previous set of transactions.
Double quotes in the merchant name will be prefixed by backslashes (\) in the response, e.g. Toys \"R\" Us.
sourceId is a unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the transaction. The source ID is only available for the pre-populated accounts. Pre-populated accounts are the accounts that the FI customers shares with Yodlee, so that the user does not have to add or aggregate those accounts.

Note" operationId: "getTransactions" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for baseType
Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
Y800 : Invalid value for category
Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
Y800 : Invalid value for container
Y809 : Invalid date range
Y804 : Permitted values of top between 1 - 500
Y805 : Multiple containers not supported
Y800 : Invalid value for transaction type
Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100
Y824 : The maximum number of categoryIds permitted is 100
Y824 : The maximum number of highLevelCategoryIds permitted is 100
Y848 : detailCategoryId cannot be provided as input, as the detailedCategory feature is not enabled
Y823 : detailCategoryId is not for applicable containers other than bank and card
Y824 : The maximum number of detailCategoryIds permitted is 100
Y800 : Invalid value for detailCategoryId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "baseType" description: "DEBIT/CREDIT" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryId" description: "Comma separated categoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryType" description: "Transaction Category Type(UNCATEGORIZE, INCOME, TRANSFER, EXPENSE or DEFERRED_COMPENSATION)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "container" description: "bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "detailCategoryId" description: "Comma separated detailCategoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "Transaction from date(YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "highLevelCategoryId" description: "Comma separated highLevelCategoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "keyword" description: "Transaction search text" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0)" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "Transaction end date (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500)" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "type" description: "Transaction Type(SELL,SWEEP, etc.) for bank/creditCard/investment" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Transactions" /accounts/associatedAccounts/{providerAccountId}: get: summary: "Associated Accounts" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Yodlee classifies providers into credential-based aggregation and Open Banking (OB) providers.
This service is associated with the OB aggregation flow. As part of the OB solution, financial institutions may merge their subsidiaries and provide data as a single OB provider.
Before the OB solution, this data was aggregated with different provider IDs.
This service accepts the providerAccountId and returns all accounts of the associated providerAccounts that belong to the subsidiary of the financial institution.
This data should be displayed to the user to let them select the accounts that they wish to provide consent to share account data.
" operationId: "getAssociatedAccounts" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AssociatedAccountsResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" format: "int64" description: "providerAccountId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Accounts" /verification/verifiedAccounts: get: summary: "Get Verified Accounts" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The Verified Accounts API v1.1 provides information about the bank and investment accounts that the user has selected for verification, during the Account Verification flow on FastLink 4. By default, the API only returns information of the accounts that were selected and have been successfully verified.

" operationId: "getVerifiedAccounts" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifiedAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y813 : providerAccountId should be provided
Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
Y800 : Invalid value for verificationStatus
Y800 : Invalid value for isSelected
Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
Y807 : Resource not found
Y871 : The verification process for the request is still in progress. This API can only be invoked after the verification process is completed
Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 10" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountIds." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "isSelected" description: "Comma separated isSelected. Allowed values are true, false.
" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "providerAccountId." type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "verificationStatus" description: "Comma separated verificationStatus. Allowed values are SUCCESS, FAILED
Note: If no value is passed, the implicit default value is SUCCESS." type: "string" required: false tags: - "Verification" /cobrand/login: post: summary: "Cobrand Login" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The cobrand login service authenticates a cobrand.
Cobrand session in the response includes the cobrand session token (cobSession)
which is used in subsequent API calls like registering or signing in the user.
The idle timeout for a cobrand session is 2 hours and the absolute timeout is 24 hours. This service can be
invoked to create a new cobrand session token.
Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
" operationId: "cobrandLogin" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandLoginResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for cobrandParam" 401: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y003 : Account is locked, contact Yodlee customer care
Y001 : User name and password required" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandLoginRequest" in: "body" name: "cobrandLoginRequest" description: "cobrandLoginRequest" required: true tags: - "Cobrand" consumes: - "application/json" /dataExtracts/userData: get: summary: "Get userData" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get user data service is used to get a user's modified data for a particular period of time for accounts, transactions, holdings, and provider account information.
The time difference between fromDate and toDate fields cannot be more than 60 minutes.
By default, pagination is available for the transaction entity in this API. In the first response, the API will retrieve 500 transactions along with other data. The response header will provide a link to retrieve the next set of transactions.
In the response body of the first API response, totalTransactionsCount indicates the total number of transactions the API will retrieve for the user.
This service is only invoked with either admin access token or a cobrand session.
Refer to dataExtracts page for more information.

  • This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
  • " operationId: "getDataExtractsUserData" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsUserDataResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for eventName
    Y821 : Data update event not supported
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate.fromDate cannot be greater than current time
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate.toDate cannot be greater than current time
    .Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate or toDate.fromDate and toDate cannot be older than 7 days
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate.fromDate can not be greater than toDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for loginName" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "From DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "loginName" description: "Login Name" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "To DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)" type: "string" required: true tags: - "DataExtracts" /providers: get: summary: "Get Providers" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get provider service is used to get all the providers that are enabled, search a provider service by name or routing number and get popular sites of a region.
    Searching for a provider using a routing number is applicable only to the USA and Canada regions.
    The valid values for priority are:
    1. cobrand: Returns providers enabled for the cobrand (Default priority)
    2. popular: Returns providers popular among users of the customer

    Only the datasets, attributes, and containers that are enabled for the customer will be returned in the response.
    Input for the dataset$filter should adhere to the following expression:
    [.container[ OR ] OR .container[]]
    OR [ OR ]
    dataset$filter value examples:
    ACCT_PROFILE[FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container[bank OR investment OR creditCard]]
    BASIC_AGG_DATA[ACCOUNT_DETAILS.container[bank OR investment] OR HOLDINGS.container[bank]] OR ACCT_PROFILE[FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container[bank]]

    The fullAcountNumberFields is specified to filter the providers that have paymentAccountNumber or unmaskedAccountNumber support in the FULL_ACCT_NUMBER dataset attribute.
    Examples for usage of fullAccountNumberFields
    dataset$filter=ACCT_PROFILE[ FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container [ bank ]] & fullAccountNumberFields=paymentAccountNumber
    dataset$filter=ACCT_PROFILE[ FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container [ bank ]] & fullAccountNumberFields=unmaskedAccountNumber
    dataset$filter=ACCT_PROFILE[ FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container [ bank ]] & fullAccountNumberFields=unmaskedAccountNumber,paymentAccountNumber

    The skip and top parameters are used for pagination. In the skip and top parameters, pass the number of records to be skipped and retrieved, respectively.
    The response header provides the links to retrieve the next and previous set of transactions.

    1. In a product flow involving user interaction, Yodlee recommends invoking this service with filters.
    2. Without filters, the service may perform slowly as it takes a few minutes to return data in the response.
    3. The AuthParameter appears in the response only in case of token-based aggregation sites.
    4. The pagination feature only applies when the priority parameter is set as cobrand. If no values are provided in the skip and top parameters, the API will only return the first 500 records.
    5. This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    6. The capability has been deprecated in query parameter and response.
    " operationId: "getAllProviders" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for priority
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerName
    Y801 : Invalid length for a site search. The search string must have atleast 1 character
    Y800 : Invalid value for skip
    Y804 : Permitted values of top between 1 - 500
    Y821 : Dataset not supported
    Y820 : The additionalDataSet is not supported for Get provider API" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "capability" description: "CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT_VERIFICATION - capability search is deprecated" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "dataset$filter" description: "Expression to filter the providers by dataset(s) or dataset attribute(s). The default value will be the dataset or dataset attributes configured as default for the customer." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fullAccountNumberFields" description: "Specify to filter the providers with values paymentAccountNumber,unmaskedAccountNumber." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "institutionId" format: "int64" description: "Institution Id for Single site selection" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "name" description: "Name in minimum 1 character or routing number." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "priority" description: "Search priority" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerId" description: "Max 5 Comma seperated Provider Ids" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter." type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter." type: "integer" required: false tags: - "Providers" /providers/{providerId}: get: summary: "Get Provider Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get provider detail service is used to get detailed information including the login form for a provider.
    The response is a provider object that includes information such as name of the provider,
    provider's base URL, a list of containers supported by the provider, the login form details of the provider, etc.
    Only enabled datasets, attributes and containers gets returned in the response.

  • This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
  • The capability has been deprecated in the response." operationId: "getProvider" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderDetailResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "providerId" format: "int64" description: "providerId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Providers" /cobrand/config/notifications/events/{eventName}: post: summary: "Subscribe Event" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer POST /configs/notifications/events/{eventName}.
    The subscribe events service is used to subscribe to an event for receiving notifications.
    The callback URL, where the notification will be posted should be provided to this service.
    If the callback URL is invalid or inaccessible, the subscription will be unsuccessful, and an error will be thrown.
    Customers can subscribe to REFRESH,DATA_UPDATES and AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES event.

    This service is not available in developer sandbox/test environment and will be made available for testing in your dedicated environment, once the contract is signed.
    The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
    " operationId: "createSubscriptionEvent" responses: 201: description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required
    Y803 : callbackUrl required
    Y800 : Invalid value for callbackUrl" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "eventName" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest" in: "body" name: "eventRequest" description: "eventRequest" required: true tags: - "Cobrand" consumes: - "application/json" delete: summary: "Delete Subscription" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer DELETE /configs/notifications/events/{eventName}.
    The delete events service is used to unsubscribe from an events service.
    " operationId: "deleteSubscribedEvent" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "eventName" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" tags: - "Cobrand" put: summary: "Update Subscription" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer PUT /configs/notifications/events/{eventName}.
    The update events service is used to update the callback URL.
    If the callback URL is invalid or inaccessible, the subscription will be unsuccessful, and an error will be thrown.
    Note: The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
    " operationId: "updateSubscribedEvent" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required
    Y803 : callbackUrl required
    Y800 : Invalid value for callbackUrl" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "eventName" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest" in: "body" name: "eventRequest" description: "eventRequest" required: true tags: - "Cobrand" consumes: - "application/json" /configs/notifications/events: get: summary: "Get Subscribed Notification Events" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get events service provides the list of events for which consumers subscribed to receive notifications.
    " operationId: "getSubscribedNotificationEvents" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigsNotificationResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "eventName" description: "Name of the webhook subscription event" type: "string" required: false enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - "LATEST_BALANCE_UPDATES" - "CREDIT_ACCELERATOR_REPORT_UPDATES" tags: - "Configs" /consents/history/count: get: summary: "Get Consent History Count" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The count service provides the total number of history records for a specific consent.
    If you are implementing pagination for consent history, call this endpoint before calling GET /consents/history to know the number of records for the given consent that are returned for the input parameters passed.
    " operationId: "getConsentHistoryCount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentHistoryCountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    Y803 : consentId is required
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y809 : Invalid date range
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "consentId" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "Consent History from date(YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "Consent History end date (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Consents" /providers/count: get: summary: "Get Providers Count" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The count service provides the total number of providers that get returned in the GET /providers depending on the input parameters passed.
    If you are implementing pagination for providers, call this endpoint before calling GET /providers to know the number of providers that are returned for the input parameters passed.
    The functionality of the input parameters remains the same as that of the GET /providers endpoint

  • The capability has been deprecated in the query parameter.
  • " operationId: "getProvidersCount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersCountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for priority
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerName
    Y801 : Invalid length for a site search. The search string must have at least 1 character
    Y800 : Invalid value for skip
    Y804 : Permitted values of top between 1 - 500
    Y821 : Dataset not supported
    Y820 : The additionalDataSet is not supported for Get provider API" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "capability" description: "CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT_VERIFICATION - capability search is deprecated" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "dataset$filter" description: "Expression to filter the providers by dataset(s) or dataset attribute(s). The default value will be the dataset or dataset attributes configured as default for the customer." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fullAccountNumberFields" description: "Specify to filter the providers with values paymentAccountNumber,unmaskedAccountNumber." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "name" description: "Name in minimum 1 character or routing number." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "priority" description: "Search priority" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Providers" /derived/networth: get: summary: "Get Networth Summary" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get networth service is used to get the networth for the user.
    If the include parameter value is passed as details then networth with historical balances is returned.
    " operationId: "getNetworth" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedNetworthResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountIds
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y809 : Invalid date range
    Y800 : Invalid value for interval
    Y802 : Future date not allowed
    Y814 : Exchange rate not available for currency
    Y800 : Invalid value for container" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountIds" description: "comma separated accountIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "container" description: "bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "from date for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "details" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "interval" description: "D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0)" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "toDate for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500)" type: "integer" required: false tags: - "Derived" /consents/history: get: summary: "Get Consent History " deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get consent history service is used to retrieve all the history related to the consent.
    The get consent history service is available only for AU Open Banking region consents.
    All history event details for few fields like userDataPurge and deidentifiecationPreference may not be available for older consents.
    i. Duration (fromDate and toDate) is optional. In the absence of duration, one year history is retrieved from today's date.
    ii. The pagination feature is available by default. If no values are passed in the skip and top parameters, the API will only return the first 500 records.
    " operationId: "getConsentHistory" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentHistoryResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    Y803 : consentId is required
    Y804 : Permitted values of top between 1 - 500
    Y800 : Invalid value for skip
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y809 : Invalid date range
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "consentId" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "Consent History from date(YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0)" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "Consent History end date (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500)" type: "integer" required: false tags: - "Consents" /user/samlLogin: post: summary: "Saml Login" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The SAML login service is used to authenticate system users with a SAML response.
    A new user will be created with the input provided if that user isn't already in the system.
    For existing users, the system will make updates based on changes or new information.
    When authentication is successful, a user session token is returned.

  • The content type has to be passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • issuer, source and samlResponse should be passed as body parameters.
  • " operationId: "samlLogin" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y013 : Invalid value for samlResponse
    Y013 : Invalid value for issuer" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" name: "issuer" description: "issuer" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" name: "samlResponse" description: "samlResponse" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" name: "source" description: "source" type: "string" required: false tags: - "User" consumes: - "application/json" /verification/holderProfile: get: summary: "Get Holder Profile" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The Holder Profile API service allows retrieving the user's profile details (i.e., PII data such as name, email, phone number, and address) that are available at the provider account and each account level. The API accepts the providerAccountId and retrieves the profile information available under it and all the details available under each of the associated accounts.

    This service can only be invoked by Yodlee API v1.1, FastLink 3, and FastLink 4 customers.

    " operationId: "getHolderProfile" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HolderProfileResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y901 : Service not supported
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId. Only ACTIVE accountIds are supported
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId. All accountIds should belong to the same providerAccountId
    Y803 : providerAccountId required
    Y805 : Multiple providerAccountId not supported
    Y820 : The accountId is not supported for containers other than bank and investment
    can only be invoked after the verification process is completed
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 10
    Y878 : Profile data is not yet requested for this account" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "accountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "providerAccountId." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Verification" /documents/{documentId}: get: summary: "Download a Document" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get document details service allows consumers to download a document. The document is provided in base64.
    This API is a premium service which requires subscription in advance to use. Please contact Yodlee Client Services for more information.
    " operationId: "downloadDocument" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DocumentDownloadResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for documentId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "documentId" description: "documentId" type: "string" required: true tags: - "Documents" delete: summary: "Delete Document" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete document service allows the consumer to delete a document. The deleted document will not be returned in the get documents API. The HTTP response code is 204 (success without content).
    Documents can be deleted only if the document related dataset attributes are subscribed.
    " operationId: "deleteDocument" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for documentId
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "documentId" description: "documentId" type: "string" required: true tags: - "Documents" /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder: get: summary: "Get Account Holder Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get account holder details service retrieves the account holder information such as name, email, phone number, address, etc. of the verified financial account associated with the processorToken. The lastUpdated field indicates when the account information was last updated. We recommend using this service when looking for information related to the account holder(s), for instance, to confirm the account holder's name.

    Note: Remember to include the Authorization header." operationId: "getVerifiedAccountHolder" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccountHolderResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y008 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y800 : Invalid value for processorToken
    Y016 : processorToken header missing" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "header" name: "processorToken" description: "Token shared by customer to access financial account information." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Payment Processor" /transactions/categories/rules/{ruleId}: post: summary: "Run Transaction Categorization Rule" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The run transaction categorization rule service is used to run a rule on transactions, to categorize the transactions.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
    " operationId: "runTransactionCategorizationRule" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for ruleId
    Y400 : Categorization already in progress" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Run Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - default: "run" in: "query" name: "action" type: "string" required: true enum: - "run" - in: "path" name: "ruleId" format: "int64" description: "Unique id of the categorization rule" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" delete: summary: "Delete Transaction Categorization Rule" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete transaction categorization rule service is used to delete the given user-defined transaction categorization rule for both system-defined category as well as user-defined category.
    This will delete all the corresponding rule clauses associated with the rule.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    " operationId: "deleteTransactionCategorizationRule" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for ruleId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Deleted Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "ruleId" format: "int64" description: "ruleId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Transactions" put: summary: "Update Transaction Categorization Rule" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update transaction categorization rule service is used to update a categorization rule for both system-defined category as well as user-defined category.
    ruleParam JSON input should be as explained in the create transaction categorization rule service.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    " operationId: "updateTransactionCategorizationRule" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for ruleId
    Y806 : Invalid input" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Updated Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "ruleId" format: "int64" description: "ruleId" type: "integer" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest" in: "body" name: "transactionCategoriesRuleRequest" description: "transactionCategoriesRuleRequest" required: true tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" /user/accessTokens: get: summary: "Get Access Tokens" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The Get Access Tokens service is used to retrieve the access tokens for the application id(s) provided.
    URL in the response can be used to launch the application for which token is requested.

  • This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
    " operationId: "getAccessTokens" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserAccessTokensResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" name: "appIds" description: "appIds" type: "string" required: true tags: - "User" /cobrand/logout: post: summary: "Cobrand Logout" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The cobrand logout service is used to log out the cobrand.
    This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
    Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
    " operationId: "cobrandLogout" responses: 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Logout successful" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Cobrand" consumes: - "application/json" /consents/{consentId}: get: summary: "Get Authorization Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get authorization URL for consent service provides the authorization URL for the renew consent flow, within the consent dashboard.Note:This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "getConsentDetails" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdatedConsentResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "consentId" format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Consents" put: summary: "Put Consent" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update consent service is used to capture the user acceptance of the consent presented to him or her.
    This service returns the authorization-redirect URL that should be used to display to the user, the bank's authentication interface.Note:This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "updateConsent" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdatedConsentResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    Y800 : Invalid value for consentParam
    Y802 : The consent duration days is outside of the range selected during onboarding, hence consentDurationDays not allowed
    Y803 : consent duration days preference required consentParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - scopeId missing in the consentParam
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "consentId" format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "integer" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateConsentRequest" in: "body" name: "consentRequest" description: "Applicable Open Banking data cluster values." required: true tags: - "Consents" consumes: - "application/json" /providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}/preferences: put: summary: "Update Preferences" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This endpoint is used to update preferences like data extracts and auto refreshes without triggering refresh for the providerAccount.
    Setting isDataExtractsEnabled to false will not trigger data extracts notification and dataExtracts/events will not reflect any data change that is happening for the providerAccount.
    Modified data will not be provided in the dataExtracts/userData endpoint.
    Setting isAutoRefreshEnabled to false will not trigger auto refreshes for the provider account.
    " operationId: "updatePreferences" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for preferences
    Y800 : Invalid value for preferences.isDataExtractsEnabled
    Y800 : Invalid value for preferences.isAutoRefreshEnabled
    Y807 : Resource not found
    Y830 : Data extracts feature has to be enabled to set preferences.isDataExtractsEnabled as true
    Y830 : Auto refresh feature has to be enabled to set preferences.isAutoRefreshEnabled as true
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest" in: "body" name: "preferences" description: "preferences" required: true - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" format: "int64" description: "providerAccountId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "ProviderAccounts" consumes: - "application/json" /auth/token: post: summary: "Generate Access Token" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Generate Access Token using client credential authentication.
    This service returns access tokens required to access Yodlee 1.1 APIs. These tokens are the simplest and easiest of several alternatives for authenticating with Yodlee servers.
    The most commonly used services obtain data specific to an end user (your customer). For these services, you need a user access token. These are simply tokens created with the user name parameter (loginName) set to the id of your end user.

    Note: You determine this id and you must ensure it's unique among all your customers.

    Each token issued has an associated user. The token passed in the http headers explicitly names the user referenced in that API call.

    Some of the APIs do administrative work, and don't reference an end user.
    One example of administrative work is key management. Another example is registering a new user explicitly, with POST /user/register call or subscribe to webhook, with POST /config/notifications/events/{eventName}.
    To invoke these, you need an admin access token. Create this by passing in your admin user login name in place of a regular user name.

    This service also allows for simplified registration of new users. Any time you pass in a user name not already in use, the system will automatically implicitly create a new user for you.
    This user will naturally have very few associated details. You can later provide additional user information by calling the PUT user/register service.

    • The header Authorization does not apply to this service.
    • The content type has to be passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
    • Upgrading to client credential authentication requires infrastructure reconfiguration.
    • Customers wishing to switch from another authentication scheme to client credential authentication, please contact Yodlee Client Services.
    • Default expiry time of user access token and admin access token is 30 minutes.
    " operationId: "generateAccessToken" responses: 201: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientCredentialTokenResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for loginName
    Y806 : Invalid input
    Y801 : Invalid length for loginName
    Y303 : clientId or secret is missing
    Y301 : Invalid clientId or secret
    Y305 : Access token can be issued only for pre-registered users
    Y004 : Inactive user
    Y901 : Service not supported
    " 401: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y016 : loginName header missing
    Y015 : Unauthorized User
    Y016 : Api-Version header missing
    Y020 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y027 : Unsupported authentication type" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "formData" name: "clientId" description: "clientId issued by Yodlee is used to generate the OAuth token for authentication." type: "string" required: false - in: "formData" name: "secret" description: "secret issued by Yodlee is used to generate the OAuth token for authentication." type: "string" required: false tags: - "Auth" consumes: - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" delete: summary: "Delete Token" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This endpoint revokes the token passed in the Authorization header. This service is applicable for JWT-based (and all API key-based) authentication and also client credential (clientId and secret) based authentication. This service does not return a response body. The HTTP response code is 204 (success with no content).
    Tokens generally have limited lifetime of up to 30 minutes. You will call this service when you finish working with one user, and you want to delete the valid token rather than simply letting it expire.

  • Revoking an access token (either type, admin or a user token) can take up to 2 minutes, as the tokens are stored on a distributed system.
    " operationId: "deleteToken" responses: 401: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y020 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y023 : Token has expired
    Y016 : Api-Version header missing
    Y015 : Unauthorized User
    Y027 : Unsupported authentication type
    Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y020 : Invalid token in authorization header" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Auth" /providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}: get: summary: "Get Provider Account Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get provider account details service is used to learn the status of adding accounts and updating accounts.
    This service has to be called continuously to know the progress level of the triggered process. This service also provides the MFA information requested by the provider site.
    When include = credentials, questions is passed as input, the service returns the credentials (non-password values) and questions stored in the Yodlee system for that provider account.

  • The password and answer fields are not returned in the response.
  • " operationId: "getProviderAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountDetailResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y816 : questions can only be requested for questionAndAnswer Supported Sites" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "include credentials,questions" type: "string" required: false - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" format: "int64" description: "providerAccountId" type: "integer" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "requestId" description: "The unique identifier for the request that returns contextual data" type: "string" required: false tags: - "ProviderAccounts" delete: summary: "Delete Provider Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete provider account service is used to delete a provider account from the Yodlee system. This service also deletes the accounts that are created in the Yodlee system for that provider account.
    This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
    " operationId: "deleteProviderAccount" responses: 200: description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" format: "int64" description: "providerAccountId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "ProviderAccounts" /user: get: summary: "Get User Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get user details service is used to get the user profile information and the application preferences set at the time of user registration.
    " operationId: "getUser" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserDetailResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "User" put: summary: "Update User Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update user details service is used to update user details like name, address, currency preference, etc.
    Currency provided in the input will be respected in the derived services and the amount fields in the response will be provided in the preferred currency.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).

    Login Name Change Feature: loginName can be passed to update the user's login name. Once the loginName is updated, to access the user's data, a token with the changed loginName must be created. This feature is supported only Client Credentials authentication methods.
  • We strongly recommend to immediately delete the old access token once the user's loginName is successfully changed to avoid misuse.
  • After updating the login name, the already sent data extract events with the old login name will no more be functional. Replace the loginName with new loginName or try polling method to retrieve the data.

  • " operationId: "updateUser" responses: 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateUserRequest" in: "body" name: "userRequest" description: "userRequest" required: true tags: - "User" consumes: - "application/json" /accounts: post: summary: "Add Manual Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The add account service is used to add manual accounts.
    The response of add account service includes the account name , account number and Yodlee generated account id.
    All manual accounts added will be included as part of networth calculation by default.
    Add manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance and loan container only.

    • A real estate account addition is only supported for SYSTEM and MANUAL valuation type.
    " operationId: "createManualAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreatedAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountParam
    Y811 : Real Estate Property value already exists
    Y862 : The provided address is invalid, or the valuation is not available
    Y869 : Multiple matches found. Provide the complete address or call the POST /accounts/evaluateAddress API to retrieve the list of matched addresses
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateAccountRequest" in: "body" name: "accountParam" description: "accountParam" required: true tags: - "Accounts" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Accounts" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get accounts service provides information about accounts added by the user.
    By default, this service returns information for active and to be closed accounts.
    If requestId is provided, the accounts that are updated in the context of the requestId will be provided in the response.

    • fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.
    • fullAccountNumberList, PII (Personal Identifiable Information) and holder details are not available by default, as it is a premium feature that needs security approval. This will not be available for testing in Sandbox environment.
    " operationId: "getAllAccounts" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for status
    Y800 : Invalid value for container
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountIds." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "container" description: "bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/reward/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "profile, holder, fullAccountNumber, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh
  • fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.

  • profile is deprecated, and to retrieve the profile information, call the GET /verification/holderProfile API instead.
  • " type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "Comma separated providerAccountIds." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "requestId" description: "The unique identifier that returns contextual data" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "status" description: "ACTIVE,INACTIVE,TO_BE_CLOSED,CLOSED" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Accounts" /user/unregister: delete: summary: "Delete User" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete user service is used to delete or unregister a user from Yodlee.
    Once deleted, the information related to the users cannot be retrieved.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content)
    " operationId: "unregister" responses: 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "User" /holdings/assetClassificationList: get: summary: "Get Asset Classification List" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get asset classifications list service is used to get the supported asset classifications.
    The response includes different classification types like assetClass, country, sector, style, etc. and the values corresponding to each type.
    " operationId: "getAssetClassificationList" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingAssetClassificationListResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Holdings" /verifyAccount/{providerAccountId}: post: summary: "Verify Accounts Using Transactions" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The verify account service is used to verify the account's ownership by matching the transaction details with the accounts aggregated for the user.
    • If a match is identified, the service returns details of all the accounts along with the matched transaction's details.
    • If no transaction match is found, an empty response will be returned.
    • A maximum of 5 transactionCriteria can be passed in a request.
    • The baseType, date, and amount parameters should mandatorily be passed.
    • The optional dateVariance parameter cannot be more than 7 days. For example, +7, -4, or +/-2.
    • Pass the container or accountId parameters for better performance.
    • This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "initiateAccountVerification" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifyAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for container
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for amount
    Y800 : Invalid value for dateVariance
    Y801 : Invalid length for keyword
    Y804 : Permitted values of dateVariance between 1 - 7
    Y806 : Invalid input
    Y807 : Resource not found
    Y809 : Invalid date range
    Y812 : Required field/value - transactionCriteria missing in the input
    Y812 : Required field/value - amount missing in the transactionCriteria
    Y812 : Required field/value - amount date in the transactionCriteria
    Y812 : Required field/value - baseType missing in the transactionCriteria
    Y823 : Transaction not applicable for container
    Y824 : The maximum number of transactionCriteria permitted is 5
    Y857 : Transactions are not refreshed in the past 24 hours
    Y858 : Only active accounts can be verified
    Y901 : Service not supported
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" description: "providerAccountId" type: "string" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifyAccountRequest" in: "body" name: "verificationParam" description: "verificationParam" required: true tags: - "Verify Account" consumes: - "application/json" /consents/preferences: get: summary: "Get Consents Preferences" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This API service provides user's preferences for the consent" operationId: "getConsentPreferences" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentPreferencesResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    Y812 :Required field/value - consentId missing in the request
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" name: "consentId" description: "consentId" type: "string" required: true tags: - "Consents" /configs/publicKey: get: summary: "Get Public Key" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get public key service provides the public key that should be used to encrypt user credentials while invoking POST /providerAccounts and PUT /providerAccounts endpoints.
    This service will only work if the PKI (public key infrastructure) feature is enabled for the customer.

  • The key in the response is a string in PEM format.
  • This endpoint is not available in the Sandbox environment and it is useful only if the PKI feature is enabled.
  • " operationId: "getPublicEncryptionKey" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigsPublicKeyResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Configs" /paymentProcessor/token: post: summary: "Create Account Token" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The create account token service allows you to create a secure processorToken for a user's verified financial account. This processorToken can then be shared with one of our payment processor partners." operationId: "generatePaymentProcessorToken" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentProcessorTokenResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y008 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y833 : Invalid values(s) for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for processor
    Y813 : accountId should be provided
    Y813 : processor should be provided" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentProcessorTokenRequest" in: "body" name: "tokenRequest" description: "account information" required: true tags: - "Account Token" consumes: - "application/json" delete: summary: "Delete Account Token" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete account token service allows you to revoke a previously generated processorToken. It is recommended to use this service when you want to disallow further access to the user's financial account, for instance when a user removes their account from your application." operationId: "revokePaymentProcessorToken" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y008 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y016 : processorToken header missing" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "header" name: "processorToken" description: "The token that you want to delete." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Account Token" /auth/apiKey/{key}: delete: summary: "Delete API Key" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This endpoint allows an existing API key to be deleted.
    You can use one of the following authorization methods to access this API:
    1. cobsession
    2. JWT token
  • This service is not available in developer sandbox environment and will be made availablefor testing in your dedicated environment. " operationId: "deleteApiKey" responses: 201: description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y807 : Resource not found
    Y806 : Invalid input" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "key" description: "key" type: "string" required: true tags: - "Auth" /providerAccounts: post: summary: "Add Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The add account service is used to link the user's account with the provider site in the Yodlee system. Providers that require multifactor authentication or open banking are also supported by this service. The response includes the Yodlee generated ID (providerAccountId) of the account along with the refresh information.

    Open Banking Implementation Notes:
    To link the user's account of the Open Banking provider site in the Yodlee system, pass the field entity that contains:
    1. id - From the authParameters provided in the get provider details service
    2. value - From the redirect URL of the Open Banking site

    Credential-based Implementation Notes:
    1. The loginForm or the field array are the objects under the provider object, obtained from the Get Provider Details service response.
    2. The credentials provided by the user should be embedded in the loginForm or field array object.
    3. While testing the PKI feature, encrypt the credentials using the Encryption Utility.
    4. The data to be retrieved from the provider site can be passed using datasetName or dataset. If datasetName is passed, all the attributes that are implicitly configured for the dataset will be retrieved.
    5. If the customer has not subscribed to the REFRESH event webhooks notification for accounts that require multifactor authentication (MFA), the get providerAccount service has to be called continuously till the login form (supported types are token, question & answer, and captcha) is returned in the response.
    6. The Update Account service should be called to post the MFA information to continue adding the account.

    Generic Implementation Notes:
    1. Refer to the Add Account flow chart for implementation.
    2. The get provider account details has Webhooks Support. If the customer has subscribed to the REFRESH event notification and has invoked this service to add an account, relevant notifications will be sent to the callback URL.
    3. If you had not subscribed for notifications, the Get Provider Account details service has to be polled continuously till the account addition status is FAILED or PARTIAL_SUCCESS or SUCCESS.
    4. A dataset may depend on another dataset for retrieval, so the response will include the requested datasets and the dependent datasets.
    It is necessary to check all the dataset additional statuses returned in the response, as the provider account status is drawn from the dataset additional statuses.
    5. Pass linkedProviderAccountId in the input to link a user's credential-based providerAccount with the open banking providerAccount. Ensure that the credential-based providerAccount belongs to the same institution.
    6. The content type has to be passed as application/json in the body parameter.
    7. Only for the REDSYS/PSD2 UK OB integration, passing the state parameter is mandatory during the add or update account process. The state parameter key can be found in the authParameter attribute of the get provider or get provider details API response. The value for the state parameter is present in the Authorization URL. Append the callback URL to the state parameter while adding or updating an account." operationId: "linkProviderAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AddedProviderAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : providerId is mandatory
    Y803 : Invalid value for credentialsParam
    Y400 : id and value in credentialsParam are mandatory
    Y901 : Service not supported" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountRequest" in: "body" name: "providerAccountRequest" description: "loginForm or field entity" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerId" format: "int64" description: "providerId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "ProviderAccounts" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Provider Accounts" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get provider accounts service is used to return all the provider accounts added by the user.
    This includes the failed and successfully added provider accounts.
    " operationId: "getAllProviderAccounts" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" name: "include" description: "include" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerIds" description: "Comma separated providerIds." type: "string" required: false tags: - "ProviderAccounts" put: summary: "Update Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Credential-based Implementation Notes:
    The update account API is used to: • Retrieve the latest information for accounts that belong to one providerAccount from the provider site. You must allow at least 15 min between requests.
    • Update account credentials when the user has changed the authentication information at the provider site.
    • Post MFA information for the MFA-enabled provider accounts during add and update accounts.
    • Retrieve the latest information of all the eligible accounts that belong to the user.

    Edit Credentials - Notes:
    • If credentials have to be updated in the Yodlee system, one of the following should be provided:
            ◦ LoginForm
            ◦ Field array
    • LoginForm or the field array, can be obtained from the GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=credentials API response.
    • The credentials provided by the user should be embedded in the loginForm or field array object before you pass to this API.
    Posting MFA Info - Notes:
    1. You might receive the MFA request details to be presented to the end user in the GET providerAccounts/{providerAccount} API during polling or through REFRESH webhooks notificaiton.
    2. After receiving the inputs from your user:
        a.Embed the MFA information provided by the user in the loginForm or field array object.
        b.Pass one of the following objects as input to this API:
            • LoginForm
            • Field array

    Points to consider:
    • Data to be retrieved from the provider site can be overridden using datasetName or dataset. If you do pass datasetName, all the datasets that are implicitly configured for
    the dataset will be retrieved. This action is allowed for edit credentials and single provider account refresh flows only.
    • Encrypt the credentials and MFA information using the public key.
    • While testing the PKI feature in sandbox environment, encrypt the password credentials and answers to the MFA questions using the encryption tool.

    Open Banking (OB)-based Authentication - Notes:
    The update account API is used to:
    • Retrieve the latest information for accounts from the provider site.
    • Update the renewed consent for an existing provider account.
    • Retrieve the latest information for all the eligible accounts that belong to the user.

    Yodlee recommendations:
    • Create the field entity with the authParameters provided in the get provider details API.
    • Populate the field entity with the values received from the OB site and pass it to this API.

    Update All Eligible Accounts - Notes:
    • This API will trigger a refresh for all the eligible provider accounts(both OB and credential-based accounts).
    • This API will not refresh closed, inactive, or UAR accounts, or accounts with refreshes in-progress or recently refreshed non-OB accounts.
    • No parameters should be passed to this API to trigger this action.
    • Do not call this API often. Our recommendation is to call this only at the time the user logs in to your app because it can hamper other API calls performance.
    • The response only contains information for accounts that were refreshed. If no accounts are eligible for refresh, no response is returned.

    What follows are common to both OB and credential-based authentication implementations:
    • Check the status of the providerAccount before invoking this API. Do not call this API to trigger any action on a providerAccount when an action is already in progress for the providerAccount.
    • If the customer has subscribed to the REFRESH event notification and invoked this API, relevant notifications will be sent to the customer.
    • A dataset may depend on another dataset for retrieval, so the response will include the requested and dependent datasets.
    • Check all the dataset additional statuses returned in the response because the provider account status is drawn from the dataset additional statuses.
    • Updating preferences using this API will trigger refreshes.
    • Pass linkedProviderAccountId in the input to link a user's credential-based providerAccount with the OB providerAccount or viceversa. Ensure that the both the providerAccounts belong to the same institution.
    • The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
    Note:Only for the REDSYS/PSD2 UK OB integration, passing the state parameter is mandatory during the add or update account process. The state parameter key can be found in the authParameter attribute of the get provider or get provider details API response. The value for the state parameter is present in the Authorization URL. Append the callback URL to the state parameter while adding or updating an account." operationId: "editCredentialsOrRefreshProviderAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdatedProviderAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y805 : Multiple providerAccountId not supported for updating credentials
    Y800 : Invalid value for credentialsParam
    Y400 : id and value in credentialsParam are mandatory
    Y806 : Invalid input
    Y823 : Credentials are not applicable for real estate aggregated / manual accounts
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountIds" description: "comma separated providerAccountIds" type: "string" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountRequest" in: "body" name: "providerAccountRequest" description: "loginForm or field entity" required: false tags: - "ProviderAccounts" consumes: - "application/json" /derived/transactionSummary: get: summary: "Get Transaction Summary" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The transaction summary service provides the summary values of transactions for the given date range by category type, high-level categories, or system-defined categories.

    Yodlee has the transaction data stored for a day, month, year and week per category as per the availability of user's data. If the include parameter value is passed as details, then summary details will be returned depending on the interval passed-monthly is the default.

    1. Details can be requested for only one system-defined category
    2. Passing categoryType is mandatory except when the groupBy value is CATEGORY_TYPE
    3. Dates will not be respected for monthly, yearly, and weekly details
    4. When monthly details are requested, only the fromDate and toDate month will be respected
    5. When yearly details are requested, only the fromDate and toDate year will be respected
    6. For weekly data points, details will be provided for every Sunday date available within the fromDate and toDate
    7. This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter
    " operationId: "getTransactionSummary" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedTransactionSummaryResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y010 : Invalid session
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for groupBy
    Y803 : groupBy required
    Y803 : categoryType required
    Y800 : Invalid value for categoryId
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate or toDate
    Y814 : Exchange rate not available for currency
    Y815 : Cannot apply filter on categoryId if groupBy value is CATEGORY_TYPE
    Y816 : User-defined category details can only be requested for one system categoryId with groupBy='CATEGORY'
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100
    Y824 : The maximum number of categoryIds permitted is 100
    Y824 : The maximum number of categoryTypes permitted is 100" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "comma separated account Ids" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryId" description: "comma separated categoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryType" description: "INCOME, EXPENSE, TRANSFER, UNCATEGORIZE or DEFERRED_COMPENSATION" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "YYYY-MM-DD format" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "groupBy" description: "CATEGORY_TYPE, HIGH_LEVEL_CATEGORY or CATEGORY" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "details" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "includeUserCategory" description: "TRUE/FALSE" type: "boolean" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "interval" description: "D-daily, W-weekly, M-mothly or Y-yearly" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "YYYY-MM-DD format" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Derived" /transactions/count: get: summary: "Get Transactions Count" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The count service provides the total number of transactions for a specific user depending on the input parameters passed.
    If you are implementing pagination for transactions, call this endpoint before calling GET /transactions to know the number of transactions that are returned for the input parameters passed.
    The functionality of the input parameters remains the same as that of the GET /transactions endpoint.
    " operationId: "getTransactionsCount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for detailCategoryId
    Y848 : detailCategoryId cannot be provided as input, as the detailedCategory feature is not enabled
    Y823 : detailCategoryId is not applicable for containers other than bank and card
    Y824 : The maximum number of detailCategoryIds permitted is 100
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountIds\t" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "baseType" description: "DEBIT/CREDIT" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryId" description: "Comma separated categoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "categoryType" description: "Transaction Category Type(UNCATEGORIZE, INCOME, TRANSFER, EXPENSE or DEFERRED_COMPENSATION)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "container" description: "bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "detailCategoryId" description: "Comma separated detailCategoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "Transaction from date(YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "highLevelCategoryId" description: "Comma separated highLevelCategoryIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "keyword" description: "Transaction search text\t" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "Transaction end date (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "type" description: "Transaction Type(SELL,SWEEP, etc.)" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Transactions" /consents/{consentId}/renewal: put: summary: "Renew Consent" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The consent renewal service is used to renew the consent by validating the consent state. This API supports both UK and AU Open Banking.
    Renewing an UK Open Banking consent:
  • Before the grace period of 90 days: The consent will be renewed using the third-party provider (TPP) renewal process that Yodlee does, and no consent reauthorisation is required.The API response will contain the complete renewed consent object.
  • After the grace period of 90 days: The API will provide an authorisation URL to redirect the user to the financial institution site to complete the consent reauthorization process.
    Renewing an AU Open Banking consent:
  • Invoke this API, and in the API response, an authorisation URL will be provided to redirect the user to the financial institution site to complete the consent reauthorisation process.

  • " operationId: "renewConsent" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/RenewConsentResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for consentId
    Y800 : Invalid value for consentParam
    Y802 : The consent duration days is outside of the range selected during onboarding, hence consentDurationDays not allowed
    Y803 : consent duration days preference required consentParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - scopeId missing in the consentParam
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "consentId" format: "int64" description: "Consent Id to be renewed." type: "integer" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/RenewConsentRequest" in: "body" name: "renewConsentRequest" description: "renewal entity from consent details service." required: false tags: - "Consents" consumes: - "application/json" /verification/classification/summary: get: summary: "Get Classification Summary" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get classification summary API service returns attributes that provide account-level and transaction-level summary for a user's account.

    As a prerequisite, the Account Verification customers should have Transactions enabled to fetch a response. The API can be invoked only for an account verified by the user following the get verified accounts API call. If the prerequisite is not satisfied, an appropriate error will be returned on invoking the API.
    " operationId: "getClassificationSummary" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ClassificationSummaryResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y847 : resource cannot be requested, as feature not enabled
    Y812 : Required field/value - accountId missing in the request
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId. Only ACTIVE and verified bank account ID belonging to the user is allowed.
    Y805 : Multiple accountId not supported
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" name: "accountId" description: "accountId" type: "string" required: true tags: - "Verification" /accounts/migrateAccounts/{providerAccountId}: put: summary: "Migrate Accounts" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This service is associated with the open banking (OB) flow.
    Before invoking this service, display all the associated accounts to the user by calling the GET /associatedAccounts API.
    The migrate accounts API treats the user's consent acceptance to initiate account migration. Invoking this service indicates that the user has given the consent to access the associated account information from the financial institution.
    If an existing provider supports bank, card, and loan accounts, and chose only to provide bank and card through OB APIs, a new providerAccountId for OB will be created.
    The bank and card account information will be moved to the new providerAccountId. The loan account will be retained in the existing provider account.
    This service returns the OB providerId and the OB providerAccountId. Note that, as part of this process, there is a possibility of one or more providerAccounts getting merged.
    The update or delete actions will not be allowed for the providerAccounts involved in the migration process until the user completes the authorization on the OB provider.
    The oauthMigrationEligibilityStatus attribute in the GET /accounts API response indicates the accounts included in the migration process.
    " operationId: "migrateAccounts" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountMigrationResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "providerAccountId" format: "int64" description: "providerAccountId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Accounts" consumes: - "application/json" /providerAccounts/refresh: put: summary: "Refresh Provider Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This api service will allow you to refresh the Non-MFA provider accounts against a configName, i.e refresh will respect the configurations of the configName while refreshing the account.
    Note: this service will only work with FastLink 4 users.
    " operationId: "refreshProviderAccount" responses: 201: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/RefreshProviderAccountResponse" description: "CREATED" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for configName
    Y803 : configName required
    Y812 : Required field/value providerAccountId missing in the request
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y825 : Update not allowed. Reason: providerAccountId {id} REFRESHED_RECENTLY
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountRefreshRequest" in: "body" name: "refreshRequest" description: "refreshRequest" required: true tags: - "ProviderAccounts" consumes: - "application/json" /transactions/categories/txnRules: get: summary: "Get Transaction Categorization Rules" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get transaction categorization rule service is used to get all the categorization rules.
    " operationId: "getTransactionCategorizationRules" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategorizationRuleResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Transactions" /transactions/categories/{categoryId}: delete: summary: "Delete Category" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete transaction categories service is used to delete the given user-defined category.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    " operationId: "deleteTransactionCategory" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for categoryId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Deleted Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "categoryId" format: "int64" description: "categoryId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Transactions" /documents: get: summary: "Get Documents" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get documents service allows customers to search or retrieve metadata related to documents.
    The API returns the document as per the input parameters passed. If no date range is provided then all downloaded documents will be retrieved. Details of deleted documents or documents associated to closed providerAccount will not be returned.
    This API is a premium service which requires subscription in advance to use. Please contact Yodlee Client Services for more information.
    " operationId: "getDocuments" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DocumentResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for docType" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "Keyword" description: "The string used to search a document by its name." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "The unique identifier of an account. Retrieve documents for a given accountId." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "docType" description: "Accepts only one of the following valid document types: STMT, TAX, and EBILL." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "The date from which documents have to be retrieved." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "The date to which documents have to be retrieved." type: "string" required: false tags: - "Documents" /accounts/evaluateAddress: post: summary: "Evaluate Address" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Use this service to validate the address before adding the real estate account.
    If the address is valid, the service will return the complete address information.
    The response will contain multiple addresses if the user-provided input matches with multiple entries in the vendor database.
    In the case of multiple matches, the user can select the appropriate address from the list and then invoke the add account service with the complete address.

    • Yodlee recommends to use this service before adding the real estate account to avoid failures.
    " operationId: "evaluateAddress" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EvaluateAddressResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y806 : Invalid input
    Y800 : Invalid value for zip
    Y812 : Required field/value - address missing in the request
    Y812 : Required field/value - street missing in the request
    Y812 : Required field/value - state & city / zip missing in the request" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EvaluateAddressRequest" in: "body" name: "addressParam" description: "addressParam" required: true tags: - "Accounts" consumes: - "application/json" /accounts/{accountId}: get: summary: "Get Account Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get account details service provides detailed information of an account.

  • fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.
  • " operationId: "getAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "accountId" format: "int64" description: "accountId" type: "integer" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "profile, holder, fullAccountNumber, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh
    Note:fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response." type: "string" required: false tags: - "Accounts" delete: summary: "Delete Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete account service allows an account to be deleted.
    This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
    " operationId: "deleteAccount" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y806 : Invalid input
    Y807 : Resource not found
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "accountId" format: "int64" description: "accountId" type: "integer" required: true tags: - "Accounts" put: summary: "Update Account" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update account service is used to update manual and aggregated accounts.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    Update manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance, loan, otherAssets, otherLiabilities and realEstate containers only.

  • A real estate account update is only supported for SYSTEM and MANUAL valuation type.
  • A real estate account can be linked to a loan account by passing accountId of a loan account in linkedAccountIds .
  • Attribute isEbillEnrolled is deprecated as it is applicable for bill accounts only.
  • " operationId: "updateAccount" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for updateParam
    Y862 : The provided address is invalid, or the valuation is not available
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    Y869 : Multiple matches found. Provide the complete address or call the POST /accounts/evaluateAddress API to retrieve the list of matched addresses
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "accountId" format: "int64" description: "accountId" type: "integer" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateAccountRequest" in: "body" name: "accountRequest" description: "accountRequest" required: true tags: - "Accounts" consumes: - "application/json" /accounts/historicalBalances: get: summary: "Get Historical Balances" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The historical balances service is used to retrieve the historical balances for an account or a user.
    Historical balances are daily (D), weekly (W), and monthly (M).
    The interval input should be passed as D, W, and M to retrieve the desired historical balances. The default interval is daily (D).
    When no account id is provided, historical balances of the accounts that are active, to be closed, and closed are provided in the response.
    If the fromDate and toDate are not passed, the last 90 days of data will be provided.
    The fromDate and toDate should be passed in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
    The date field in the response denotes the date for which the balance is requested.
    includeCF needs to be sent as true if the customer wants to return carried forward balances for a date when the data is not available.
    asofDate field in the response denotes the date as of which the balance was updated for that account.
    When there is no balance available for a requested date and if includeCF is sent as true, the previous date for which the balance is available is provided in the response.
    When there is no previous balance available, no data will be sent.
    By default, pagination is available for the historicalBalances entity in this API. The skip and top parameters are used for pagination. In the skip and top parameters, pass the number of records to be skipped and retrieved, respectively. The response header provides the links to retrieve the next and previous set of historical balances.
    The API will only retrieve a maximum 500 records by default when values for skip and top parameters are not provided." operationId: "getHistoricalBalances" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate
    Y809 : Invalid date range
    Y800 : Invalid value for interval
    Y802 : Future date not allowed" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "accountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "from date for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "includeCF" description: "Consider carry forward logic for missing balances" type: "boolean" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "interval" description: "D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0)" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "toDate for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500)" type: "integer" required: false tags: - "Accounts" /providerAccounts/profile: get: summary: "Get User Profile Details" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer GET /verification/holderProfile
    The get provider accounts profile service is used to return the user profile details that are associated to the provider account.
    " operationId: "getProviderAccountProfiles" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountUserProfileResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "Comma separated providerAccountIds." type: "string" required: false tags: - "ProviderAccounts" /user/register: post: summary: "Register User" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The register user service is used to register a user in Yodlee.
    The loginName cannot include spaces and must be between 3 and 150 characters.
    locale passed must be one of the supported locales for the customer.
    Currency provided in the input will be respected in the derived services and the amount fields in the response will be provided in the preferred currency.
    userParam is accepted as a body parameter.

  • The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
  • We recommend you to not use special characters in loginName other than \"@\", \"#\", \"_\" & \"-\"
  • ." operationId: "registerUser" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponse" description: "Login Successful" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for loginName
    Y800 : Invalid value for email
    Y801 : Invalid length for loginName
    Y800 : Invalid value for phoneNumber
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserRequest" in: "body" name: "userRequest" description: "userRequest" required: true tags: - "User" consumes: - "application/json" /verification: post: summary: "Initiaite Challenge Deposit" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The post verification service is used to initiate the matching service (MS) and the challenge deposit account verification (CDV) process to verify account ownership.
    The MS and CDV process can verify ownership of only bank accounts (i.e., checking and savings).
    The MS verification can be initiated only for an already aggregated account or a providerAccount.
    The prerequisite for the MS verification process is to request the ACCT_PROFILE dataset with the HOLDER_NAME attribute.
    In the MS verification process, a string-match of the account holder name with the registered user name is performed instantaneously. You can contact the Yodlee CustomerCare to configure the full name or only the last name match.
    Once the CDV process is initiated Yodlee will post the microtransaction (i.e., credit and debit) in the user's account. The CDV process takes 2 to 3 days to complete as it requires the user to provide the microtransaction details.
    The CDV process is currently supported only in the United States.
    The verificationId in the response can be used to track the verification request.

  • This endpoint cannot be used to test the CDV functionality in the developer sandbox or test environment. You will need a money transmitter license to implement the CDV functionality and also require the Yodlee Professional Services team's assistance to set up a dedicated environment." operationId: "initiateMatchingOrChallengeDepositeVerification" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y901 : Service not supported
    Y812 : Required field/value - verification.verificationType missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - accountNumber missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - accountType missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - bankTransferCode missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - bankTransferCode.id missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - bankTransferCode.type missing in the verificationParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for verification.verificationType
    Y800 : Invalid value for verificationParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for bankTransferCode.type
    Y800 : Invalid value for bankTransferCode.id
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountType
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y813 : Account details should be provided
    Y801 : Invalid length for accountNumber
    Y835 : Account(s) not eligible for Challenge Deposit verification
    Y806 : Invalid Input
    Y840 : Verification has been initiated already
    Y837 : Account has been verified already
    Y800 : Invalid value for userClassification" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationRequest" in: "body" name: "verificationParam" description: "verification information" required: true tags: - "Verification" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Verification Status" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get verification status service is used to retrieve the verification status of all accounts for which the MS or CDV process has been initiated.
    For the MS process, the account details object returns the aggregated information of the verified accounts. For the CDV process, the account details object returns the user provided account information.
    " operationId: "getVerificationStatus" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationStatusResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y901 : Service not supported
    Y813 : Either of accountId or providerAccountId should be provided
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for verification.verificationType
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y835 : Account(s) not eligible for Matching verification
    Y836 : No verification initiated" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "Comma separated providerAccountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "verificationType" description: "verificationType" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Verification" put: summary: "Verify Challenge Deposit" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The put verification service is used to complete the challenge deposit verification (CDV) process.
    This service is used only by the customer of CDV flow.
    In the CDV process, the user-provided microtransaction details (i.e., credit and debit) is matched against the microtransactions posted by Yodlee. For a successful verification of the account's ownership both the microtransaction details should match.
    The CDV process is currently supported only in the United States.

    • This endpoint cannot be used to test the CDV functionality in the developer sandbox or test environment. You will need a money transmitter license to implement the CDV functionality and also require the Yodlee Professional Services team's assistance to set up a dedicated environment.
    " operationId: "verifyChallengeDeposit" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y901 : Service not supported
    Y812 : Required field/value - verification.verificationType missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - amount.amount missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - baseType missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - currency missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - providerAccountId missing in the verificationParam
    Y812 : Required field/value - accountId missing in the verificationParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for verificationParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for verification.verificationType
    Y800 : Invalid value for baseType
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y813 : Transaction should be provided
    Y801 : Invalid length for accountNumber
    Y801 : Invalid length for amount
    Y835 : Account(s) not eligible for Challenge Deposit verification
    Y806 : Invalid Input
    Y840 : Verification has been initiated already
    Y837 : Account has been verified already
    Y838 : The currency code provided does not match with the currency of the transaction executed on the target account
    Y846 : The number of financial transactions made on the target account does not match with the number of transactions entered by the user.
    Y842 : Number of retries exceeded the maximum Challenge Deposit verification limit
    Y844 : Financial Instructions were not executed successfully on the target account
    Y845 : Verification time expired. Please try initiating challenge deposit again
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateVerificationRequest" in: "body" name: "verificationParam" description: "verification information" required: true tags: - "Verification" consumes: - "application/json" /holdings/securities: get: summary: "Get Security Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get security details service is used to get all the security information for the holdings
    " operationId: "getSecurities" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingSecuritiesResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for holdingId
    Y824 : The maximum number of holdingIds permitted is 100" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "holdingId" description: "Comma separated holdingId" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Holdings" /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance: get: summary: "Get Account Balance" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get account balance service retrieves the account balance information of the verified account associated with the processorToken. The response returns additional account information including account names, type and status, along with the account balance information.
    This service forces an update of the account balances. While other services also return the account balances, this service attempts to refresh the account balances in real-time rather than return a cached value. Refer to the lastUpdated field to determine when the account balances were refreshed. We recommend using this service when looking for the latest balance for the account.
    While posting a debit against an account, it is generally advisable to check the available balance field to verify the availability of sufficient funds. This service returns both available and current balances:
    • Available Balance is the amount in the account that is available for spending. The value is aggregated from the FI. For checking accounts with overdrafts, the available balance amount may include the overdraft amount if the FI adds the overdraft balance to the available balance.
    • Current Balance is the total amount of money in the account, aggregated from the FI.

    Note: Remember to include the Authorization header." operationId: "getVerifiedAccountBalance" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccountBalanceResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y008 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y800 : Invalid value for processorToken
    Y016 : processorToken header missing" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "header" name: "processorToken" description: "Token shared by customer to access financial account information." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Payment Processor" /configs/notifications/events/{eventName}: post: summary: "Subscribe For Notification Event" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The subscribe events service is used to subscribe to an event for receiving notifications.
    The callback URL, where the notification will be posted should be provided to this service.
    If the callback URL is invalid or inaccessible, the subscription will be unsuccessful, and an error will be thrown.

  • This service is not available in developer sandbox/test environment and will be made available for testing in your dedicated environment, once the contract is signed.
  • The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
  • " operationId: "createSubscriptionNotificationEvent" responses: 201: description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required
    Y803 : callbackUrl required
    Y800 : Invalid value for callbackUrl
    Y901 : Service not supported
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "Name of the webhook subscription event" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - "LATEST_BALANCE_UPDATES" - "CREDIT_ACCELERATOR_REPORT_UPDATES" - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateConfigsNotificationEventRequest" in: "body" name: "eventRequest" description: "eventRequest" required: true tags: - "Configs" consumes: - "application/json" delete: summary: "Delete Notification Subscription" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The delete events service is used to unsubscribe from an events service.
    " operationId: "deleteSubscribedNotificationEvent" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "Name of the webhook subscription event" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - "LATEST_BALANCE_UPDATES" - "CREDIT_ACCELERATOR_REPORT_UPDATES" tags: - "Configs" put: summary: "Update Notification Subscription" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update events service is used to update the callback URL.
    If the callback URL is invalid or inaccessible, the subscription will be unsuccessful, and an error will be thrown.

  • The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
    " operationId: "updateSubscribedNotificationEvent" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y803 : eventName required
    Y803 : callbackUrl required
    Y800 : Invalid value for callbackUrl" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "OK" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "eventName" description: "Name of the webhook subscription event" type: "string" required: true enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - "LATEST_BALANCE_UPDATES" - "CREDIT_ACCELERATOR_REPORT_UPDATES" - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateConfigsNotificationEventRequest" in: "body" name: "eventRequest" description: "eventRequest" required: true tags: - "Configs" consumes: - "application/json" /cobrand/config/notifications/events: get: summary: "Get Subscribed Events" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer GET /configs/notifications/events.
    The get events service provides the list of events for which consumers subscribed
    to receive notifications.
    " operationId: "getSubscribedEvents" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandNotificationResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "eventName" description: "eventName" type: "string" required: false enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" tags: - "Cobrand" /holdings: post: summary: "Add Holding" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The add manual holding service is used to add manual holdings. The response of add manual holding service includes the Yodlee generated holding id.

    Add manual holding can only be added to a manual account of investment type container only." operationId: "addHolding" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingIdListResponse" description: "OK" 201: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingIdListResponse" description: "Created Successfully" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for symbol
    Y800 : Invalid value for exercisedQuantity
    Y800 : Invalid value for cusipNumber
    Y800 : Invalid value for vestedQuantity
    Y800 : Invalid value for unvestedValue
    Y800 : Invalid value for vestedValue
    Y800 : Invalid value for option
    Y800 : Invalid value for holdingType
    Y800 : Invalid value for maturityDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for price
    Y800 : Invalid value for term
    Y800 : Invalid value for contractQuantity
    Y800 : Invalid value for isShort
    Y800 : Invalid value for value
    Y800 : Invalid value for expirationDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for interestRate
    Y800 : Invalid value for quantity
    Y800 : Invalid value for grantDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for sedol
    Y800 : Invalid value for vestedSharesExercisable
    Y800 : Invalid value for spread
    Y800 : Invalid value for couponRate
    Y800 : Invalid value for unvestedQuantity
    Y800 : Invalid value for costBasis
    Y800 : Invalid value for vestingDate
    Y800 : Invalid value for isin
    Y800 : Invalid value for strikePrice
    Y801 : Invalid length for symbol
    Y801 : Invalid length for term
    Y801 : Invalid length for description
    Y801 : Required field/value - description missing in the request
    Y812 : Required field/value - accountId missing in the request
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingRequest" in: "body" name: "addHoldingRequest" description: "addHoldingRequest" required: true tags: - "Holdings" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Holdings" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get holdings service is used to get the list of holdings of a user.
    Supported holding types can be employeeStockOption, moneyMarketFund, bond, etc. and is obtained using get holding type list service.
    Asset classifications for the holdings need to be requested through the \"include\" parameter.
    Asset classification information for holdings are not available by default, as it is a premium feature.
    " operationId: "getHoldings" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for include
    Y800 : Invalid value for classificationType
    Y800 : Invalid value for classificationValue
    Y800 : Invalid value for include
    Y400 : classificationType mismatch
    Y400 : classificationValue mismatch
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "assetClassification.classificationType" description: "e.g. Country, Sector, etc." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "classificationValue" description: "e.g. US" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "assetClassification" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "providerAccountId" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Holdings" /auth/apiKey: post: summary: "Generate API Key" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This endpoint is used to generate an API key. The RSA public key you provide should be in 2048 bit PKCS#8 encoded format.
    A public key is a mandatory input for generating the API key.
    The public key should be a unique key. The apiKeyId you get in the response is what you should use to generate the JWT token.
    You can use one of the following authorization methods to access
    this API:
    1. cobsession
    2. JWT token
    Alternatively, you can use base 64 encoded cobrandLogin and cobrandPassword in the Authorization header (Format: Authorization: Basic )

  • This service is not available in developer sandbox environment and will be made available for testing in your dedicated environment. The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
  • " operationId: "generateApiKey" responses: 201: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ApiKeyResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for RS512 publicKey
    Y806 : Invalid input
    Y824 : The maximum number of apiKey permitted is 5
    Y811 : publicKey value already exists" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ApiKeyRequest" in: "body" name: "apiKeyRequest" description: "apiKeyRequest" required: true tags: - "Auth" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get API Keys" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "This endpoint provides the list of API keys that exist for a customer.
    You can use one of the following authorization methods to access this API:
    1. cobsession
    2. JWT token
  • This service is not available in developer sandbox environment and will be made available for testing in your dedicated environment. " operationId: "getApiKeys" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ApiKeyResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Auth" /institutions: get: summary: "Get institutions" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Yodlee classifies providers into credential-based aggregation and Open Banking (OB) providers. The get institutions service helps in identifying credential and related OB sites in a financial institution. The service searches for an institution regardless of the authentication types associated with the providers. Using the get institutions service, retrieve institutions enabled for the customer, search an institution by its name or routing number, and retrieve the popular institutions for a region. Searching for an institution using a routing number applies only to the USA and Canada regions.
    The valid values for the priority parameter are:
    1.\tall: Returns all the institutions enabled for the customer (the default value for the priority parameter).
    2.\tsearch: Returns institutions matching the name provided by the user. The name parameter is mandatory if the priority parameter is set as search.
    3.\tpopular: Returns institutions that are popular among the customer's users.
    Only the datasets, attributes, and containers that are enabled for the customer will be returned in the response.
    Input for the dataset$filter should adhere to the following expression:[.container[ OR ] OR .container[]]
    OR [ OR ]
    dataset$filter value examples:
    ACCT_PROFILE[FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container[bank OR investment OR creditCard]]
    BASIC_AGG_DATA[ACCOUNT_DETAILS.container[bank OR investment] OR HOLDINGS.container[bank]] OR ACCT_PROFILE[FULL_ACCT_NUMBER.container[bank]]

    The skip and top parameters are used for pagination. In the skip and top parameters, pass the number of records to be skipped and retrieved, respectively.
    The response header provides the links to retrieve the next and previous set of transactions.


    1. If no value is set for the priority parameter, all the institutions enabled for the customer will be returned.
    2. In a product flow involving user interaction, Yodlee recommends invoking this service with filters.
    Without filters, the service may perform slowly as it takes a few minutes to return data in the response.
    3. The response includes comma separated provider IDs that are associated with the institution.
    4. This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "getInstitutions" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InstitutionResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for priority
    Y800 : Invalid value for skip
    Y804 : Permitted values of top between 1 - 500
    Y821 : Dataset not supported
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "dataset$filter" description: "Expression to filter the providers by dataset(s) or dataset attribute(s). The default value will be the dataset or dataset attributes configured as default for the customer." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "name" description: "Name in minimum 1 character or routing number." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "priority" description: "Search priority" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerId" format: "int64" description: "providerId" type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "skip" format: "int32" description: "skip (Min 0) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter." type: "integer" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "top" format: "int32" description: "top (Max 500) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter." type: "integer" required: false tags: - "Institutions" /cobrand/publicKey: get: summary: "Get Public Key" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Refer GET /configs/publicKey.
    The get public key service provides the customer the public key that should be used to encrypt the user credentials before sending it to Yodlee.
    This endpoint is useful only for PKI enabled.
    " operationId: "getPublicKey" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandPublicKeyResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Cobrand" /transactions/categories: post: summary: "Create Category" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The create transaction categories service is used to create user-defined categories for a system-defined category.
    The parentCategoryId is the system-defined category id.This can be retrieved using get transaction categories service.
    The categoryName can accept minimum of 1, maximum of 50 alphanumeric or special characters.
    The HTTP response code is 201 (Created successfully).
    " operationId: "createTransactionCategory" responses: 201: description: "Created Successfully" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for categoryParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for source
    Y801 : Invalid length for categoryName. Min 1 and max 50 is required
    Y803 : parentCategoryId required
    Y811 : categoryName value already exists" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategoryRequest" in: "body" name: "transactionCategoryRequest" description: "User Transaction Category in JSON format" required: true tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Transaction Category List" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The categories service returns the list of available transaction categories.
    High level category is returned in the response only if it is opted by the customer.
    When invoked by passing the cobrand session or admin access token, this service returns the supported transaction categories at the cobrand level.
    When invoked by passing the cobrand session and the user session or user access token, this service returns the transaction categories
    along with user-defined categories.
    Double quotes in the user-defined category name will be prefixed by backslashes (\) in the response,
    e.g. Toys \"R\" Us.
    Source and id are the primary attributes of the category entity.

  • This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
  • " operationId: "getTransactionCategories" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategoryResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Transactions" put: summary: "Update Category" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update transaction categories service is used to update the transaction category name
    for a high level category, a system-defined category and a user-defined category.
    The renamed category can be set back to the original name by passing an empty string for categoryName.
    The categoryName can accept minimum of 1, maximum of 50 alphanumeric or special characters.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    " operationId: "updateTransactionCategory" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for categoryParam
    Y800 : Invalid value for source
    Y801 : Invalid length for categoryName. Min 1 and max 50 is required
    Y803 : id required
    Y811 : categoryName value already exists" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Updated Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateCategoryRequest" in: "body" name: "updateCategoryRequest" description: "updateCategoryRequest" required: true tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" /partner/paymentProcessor/account: get: summary: "Get Account Details" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get account details service retrieves account information such as account name, type, status, balance, account number and transfer code (for example, routing number of the bank account in the US) of the verified account associated with the processorToken. The lastUpdated field indicates when the account information was last updated. We recommend using this service when looking for details related to the financial account, for instance, the full account number and bank transfer code for initiating a payment.

    Note: Remember to include the Authorization header." operationId: "getVerifiedAccount" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccountResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y007 : Authorization header missing
    Y008 : Invalid token in authorization header
    Y800 : Invalid value for processorToken
    Y016 : processorToken header missing" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "header" name: "processorToken" description: "Token shared by customer to access financial account information." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Payment Processor" /transactions/categories/rules: post: summary: "Create or Run Transaction Categorization Rule" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The Create or Run Transaction Categorization Rule endpoint is used to:
    Create transaction categorization rules for both system and user-defined categories.
    Run all the transaction categorization rules to categorize transactions by calling the endpoint with action=run as the query parameter.

    The input body parameters to create transaction categorization rules follow:
    categoryId - This field is mandatory and numeric
    priority - This field is optional and numeric. Priority decides the order in which the rule gets applied on transactions.
    ruleClause - This field is mandatory and should contain at least one rule
    field - The value can be description or amount

    If the field value is description then,
    1. operation - value can be stringEquals or stringContains
    2. value - value should be min of 3 and max of 50 characters

    If the field value is amount then,
    1. operation - value can be numberEquals, numberLessThan, numberLessThanEquals, numberGreaterThan or numberGreaterThanEquals
    2. value - min value 0 and a max value of 99999999999.99 is allowed
    The HTTP response code is 201 (Created Successfully)." operationId: "createOrRunTransactionCategorizationRules" responses: 201: description: "Created Successfully" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y806 : Invalid input
    Y400 : Rule already exists. Rule should be unique in terms of combination of description and amount" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "No Content" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "action" description: "To run rules, pass action=run. Only value run is supported" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "ruleParam" description: "rules(JSON format) to categorize the transactions" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Transaction Categorization Rules" deprecated: true produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get transaction categorization rule service is used to get all the categorization rules.
    " operationId: "getTransactionCategorizationRulesDeprecated" responses: 200: schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategorizationRule" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Transactions" /consents: post: summary: "Post Consent" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The generate consent service is used to generate all the consent information and permissions associated to a provider.
    The scope provided in the response is based on the providerId and the datasets provided in the input.
    If no dataset value is provided, the datasets that are configured for the customer will be considered.
    The configured dataset can be overridden by providing the dataset as an input.
    If no applicationName is provided in the input, the default applicationName will be considered. Note:This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "createConsent" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreatedConsentResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerId
    Y807 : Resource not found
    Y800 : Invalid value for consentParam
    Y901 : Service not supported
    Y800 : Invalid value for applicationName
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateConsentRequest" in: "body" name: "consentRequest" description: "Unique identifier for the provider site(mandatory), the name of the application,
    the flag responsible to include html content in the response,
    when passed as true and the name of the dataset attribute supported by the provider." required: true tags: - "Consents" consumes: - "application/json" get: summary: "Get Consents" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get consent service is used to retrieve all the consents submitted to Yodlee.
    The service can be used to build a manage consent interface or a consent dashboard to implement the renew and revoke consent flows.
    Note:This service supports the localization feature and accepts locale as a header parameter.
    " operationId: "getConsents" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "consentIds" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "The flag responsible to include renew details like sharing duration and reauthorization required" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountIds" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition." type: "string" required: false tags: - "Consents" /statements: get: summary: "Get Statements" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The statements service is used to get the list of statement related information.
    By default, all the latest statements of active and to be closed accounts are retrieved for the user.
    Certain sites do not have both a statement date and a due date. When a fromDate is passed as an input, all the statements that have the due date on or after the passed date are retrieved.
    For sites that do not have the due date, statements that have the statement date on or after the passed date are retrieved.
    The default value of \"isLatest\" is true. To retrieve historical statements isLatest needs to be set to false.
    " operationId: "getStatements" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/StatementResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for status
    Y805 : Multiple containers not supported
    Y800 : Invalid value for container
    Y800 : Invalid value for isLatest
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "accountId" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "container" description: "creditCard/loan/insurance" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "from date for statement retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "isLatest" description: "isLatest (true/false)" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "status" description: "ACTIVE,TO_BE_CLOSED,CLOSED" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Statements" /accounts/latestBalances: get: summary: "Get Latest Balances" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The latest balances service provides the latest account balance by initiating a new balance refresh request" operationId: "getLatestBalances" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountBalanceResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for providerAccountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId. Only ACTIVE accountId are supported
    Y901 : Service not supported
    Y803 : providerAccountId required
    Y805 : Multiple providerAccountId not supported
    Y803 : accountId required
    Y820 : The accountId is not supported for container other than bank, investment
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 10
    Y800 : Invalid value for accountId. All accountIds should belong to the same providerAccountId" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountId" description: "Comma separated accountIds." type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "providerAccountId" description: "providerAccountId." type: "string" required: true tags: - "Accounts" /holdings/holdingTypeList: get: summary: "Get Holding Type List" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get holding types list service is used to get the supported holding types.
    The response includes different holding types such as future, moneyMarketFund, stock, etc. and it returns the supported holding types
    " operationId: "getHoldingTypeList" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingTypeListResponse" description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "Holdings" /transactions/{transactionId}: put: summary: "Update Transaction" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The update transaction service is used to update the category,consumer description, memo, isPhysical, merchantType, detailCategory for a transaction.
    The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
    " operationId: "updateTransaction" responses: 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y812 : Required field -container missing in the transactionParam parameter input
    Y800 : Invalid value for transactionId
    Y800 : Invalid value for merchantType
    Y800 : Invalid value for detailCategoryId
    Y800 : Invalid value for categoryId
    Y868 : No action is allowed, as the data is being migrated to the Open Banking provider
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Updated Successfully" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "path" name: "transactionId" format: "int64" description: "transactionId" type: "integer" required: true - schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionRequest" in: "body" name: "transactionRequest" description: "transactionRequest" required: true tags: - "Transactions" consumes: - "application/json" /user/logout: post: summary: "User Logout" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "Deprecated: This endpoint is deprecated for API Key-based authentication. The user logout service allows the user to log out of the application.
    The service does not return a response body. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
    " operationId: "userLogout" responses: 401: description: "Unauthorized" 204: description: "Logout successful" 404: description: "Not Found" tags: - "User" consumes: - "application/json" /dataExtracts/events: get: summary: "Get Events" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get extracts events service is used to learn about occurrences of data extract related events. This service currently supports only the DATA_UPDATES event.
    Passing the event name as DATA_UPDATES provides information about users for whom data has been modified in the system for the specified time range. To learn more, please refer to the Data Extracts page.
    You can retrieve data in increments of no more than 60 minutes over the period of the last 7 days from today's date.
    This service is only invoked with either admin access token or a cobrand session.
    " operationId: "getDataExtractsEvents" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsEventResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate.fromDate cannot be greater than current time
    Y800 : Invalid value for toDate.toDate cannot be greater than current time
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate or toDate.fromDate and toDate cannot be older than 7 days
    Y800 : Invalid value for fromDate.fromDate cannot be greater than toDate." 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "eventName" description: "Event Name" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "fromDate" description: "From DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)" type: "string" required: true - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "toDate" description: "To DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)" type: "string" required: true tags: - "DataExtracts" /derived/holdingSummary: get: summary: "Get Holding Summary" deprecated: false produces: - "application/json;charset=UTF-8" description: "The get holding summary service is used to get the summary of asset classifications for the user.
    By default, accounts with status as ACTIVE and TO BE CLOSED will be considered.
    If the include parameter value is passed as details then a summary with holdings and account information is returned.
    " operationId: "getHoldingSummary" responses: 200: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedHoldingSummaryResponse" description: "OK" 400: schema: $ref: "#/definitions/YodleeError" description: "Y800 : Invalid value for classificationType
    Y814 : Exchange rate not available for currency
    Y824 : The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100
    " 401: description: "Unauthorized" 404: description: "Not Found" parameters: - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "accountIds" description: "Comma separated accountIds" type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "classificationType" description: "e.g. Country, Sector, etc." type: "string" required: false - in: "query" allowEmptyValue: false name: "include" description: "details" type: "string" required: false tags: - "Derived" definitions: HoldingResponse: type: "object" title: "HoldingResponse" properties: holding: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Holding" CustomDisplayData: type: "object" title: "CustomDisplayData" required: - "clientTrustedAdvisorTxt" - "consentConfirmation" - "deletePreference" - "thirdParty" - "userDataTreatment" properties: consentConfirmation: description: "Details of ConsentConfirmation" $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentConfirmation" deletePreference: description: "Details of DeletePreference" $ref: "#/definitions/DeletePreference" thirdParty: description: "Details of ThirdParty" $ref: "#/definitions/ThirdParty" clientTrustedAdvisorTxt: description: "Details of ClientTrustedAdvisorTxt" $ref: "#/definitions/ClientTrustedAdvisorTxt" userDataTreatment: description: "Details of UserDataTreatment" $ref: "#/definitions/UserDataTreatment" AccountHolderData: type: "object" title: "AccountHolderData" properties: identifier: description: "Identifiers of the account holder.
  • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
  • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier" gender: description: "Identifiers of the account holder.
  • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
  • " readOnly: true type: "string" ownership: description: "Indicates the ownership of the account.
  • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
  • " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PRIMARY" - "SECONDARY" - "CUSTODIAN" - "OTHERS" - "POWER_OF_ATTORNEY" - "TRUSTEE" - "JOINT_OWNER" - "BENEFICIARY" - "AAS" - "BUSINESS" - "DBA" - "TRUST" name: description: "Name of the account holder.
  • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
  • " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" ProviderAccount: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccount" properties: preferences: description: "User preference values for Auto-Refresh and DataExtracts Notification

    • GET providerAccounts
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountPreferences" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" isManual: description: "Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" isRealTimeMFA: description: "Attribute to specify whether the user has to input(credentials/MFA) for refreshing an account

    • GET providerAccounts
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • " readOnly: true type: "boolean" lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " type: "integer" createdDate: description: "The date on when the provider account is created in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" requestId: description: "Unique id generated to indicate the request.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" status: description: "The status of last update attempted for the account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "PARTIAL_SUCCESS" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" - "MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" - "DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED" Document: type: "object" title: "Document" properties: accountID: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier for the account. The account ID to which the document is linked.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" lastUpdated: description: "Indicates the date and time the document was last updated.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" formType: description: "Indicates the type of the tax form.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" docType: description: "Indicates the type of the document.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "STMT" - "TAX" - "EBILL" name: description: "Indicates the name of the document.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" id: description: "The document's primary key and unique identifier.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" source: description: "Indicates the source of the document download.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" status: description: "Indicates the status of the document download.

      Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" ProviderAccountUserProfileResponse: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountUserProfileResponse" properties: providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountProfile" HoldingAssetClassificationListResponse: type: "object" title: "HoldingAssetClassificationListResponse" properties: assetClassificationList: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AssetClassificationList" ConsentHistoryCount: type: "object" title: "ConsentHistoryCount" properties: TOTAL: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/TotalCount" ClassificationSummaryTransactionSummary: type: "object" title: "ClassificationSummaryTransactionSummary" properties: fromDate: description: "The date from which the transactions are considered for evaluating the attributes (Date of the oldest transaction for the accountId)" readOnly: true type: "string" cardPayments: description: "Indicates whether the account has any card-related payments based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" isPrimaryAccount: description: "Indicates whether the account is a primary account based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" loanPayments: description: "Indicates whether the account has any loan payments based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" toDate: description: "The date until which the transactions are considered for evaluating the attributes (Date of the latest transaction for the accountId)" readOnly: true type: "string" billPayments: description: "Indicates whether the account has any bill payments based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" mortgagePayments: description: "Indicates whether the account has any mortgage payments based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" salaryCredits: description: "Indicates whether the account has salary credits based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" isActiveAccount: description: "Indicates whether the account is an active account based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" latestTransactions: description: "An array that lists the details about the latest 3 transactions that occurred in the user's account" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClassificationSummaryTransaction" incomeCredits: description: "Indicates whether the account has any income credits based on an implicit logic" readOnly: true type: "boolean" DocumentResponse: type: "object" title: "DocumentResponse" properties: document: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Document" Consent: type: "object" title: "Consent" required: - "applicationDisplayName" - "clientADR" - "clientTrustedAdvisor" - "consentId" - "consentStatus" - "expirationDate" - "expirationDateTime" - "links" - "preferences" - "providerId" - "revokeDate" - "revokeDateTime" - "scope" - "startDate" - "startDateTime" - "title" - "titleBody" properties: dataAccessFrequency: description: "Data Access Frequency explains the number of times that this consent can be used.
      Otherwise called as consent frequency type." type: "string" enum: - "ONE_TIME" - "RECURRING" expirationDateTime: description: "Consent expiry datetime." type: "string" otspADR: description: "Unique/Accredition Id of the ADR" type: "string" clientTrustedAdvisor: description: "describes information of client trusted advisor" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientTrustedAdvisor" providerConsentId: description: "Provider consent id" type: "string" revokeDate: description: "Consent revoke date." type: "string" title: description: "Title for the consent form." type: "string" applicationDisplayName: description: "Application display name." type: "string" consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "integer" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Provider Id for which the consent needs to be generated." type: "integer" consentStatus: description: "Status of the consent." type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "CONSENT_GENERATED" - "CONSENT_ACCEPTED" - "CONSENT_AUTHORIZED" - "CONSENT_MISMATCH" - "PENDING" - "EXPIRED" - "REVOKED" - "CONSENT_REPEALED" scope: description: "Scope describes about the consent permissions and their purpose." type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Scope" userDataTreatment: description: "userDataTreatment describes details consumer data right policy and De-identification of data" $ref: "#/definitions/UserDataTreatment" links: description: "GET consent preferences API details" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Links" expirationDate: description: "Consent expiry date." type: "string" otspADRName: description: "Name of the Accredited Data Recipient/Organization" type: "string" preferences: description: "Preferences describes options about the additional usage of data or purge data" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Preferences" clientADR: description: "Client Name of the ADR" type: "string" renewal: description: "Renewal describes the sharing duration and reauthorization required." $ref: "#/definitions/Renewal" revokeDateTime: description: "Consent revoke datetime." type: "string" titleBody: description: "Description for the title." type: "string" startDateTime: description: "Consent start datetime." type: "string" thirdPartyADR: description: "ThirdPartyADR describes details of additional parties which are accredited data recipients under organization" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ThirdPartyADR" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource.
      This is created during account addition.

      • GET providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" startDate: description: "Consent start date." type: "string" UserAccessTokensResponse: type: "object" title: "UserAccessTokensResponse" properties: user: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserAccessToken" HoldingSecuritiesResponse: type: "object" title: "HoldingSecuritiesResponse" properties: holding: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/SecurityHolding" TransactionCategorizationRuleInfo: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategorizationRuleInfo" required: - "categoryId" - "ruleClause" properties: ruleClause: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/FieldOperation" source: type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" priority: format: "int32" type: "integer" categoryId: format: "int32" type: "integer" VerifyTransactionCriteria: type: "object" title: "VerifyTransactionCriteria" required: - "amount" - "date" properties: date: type: "string" amount: format: "double" type: "number" verifiedTransaction: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" matched: description: "Indicates if the criteria is matched or not.
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "COMPLETE" - "NONE" keyword: type: "string" dateVariance: type: "string" baseType: description: "Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " type: "string" enum: - "CREDIT" - "DEBIT" DataExtractsEventLinks: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsEventLinks" properties: methodType: readOnly: true type: "string" rel: readOnly: true type: "string" href: readOnly: true type: "string" ConfigsPublicKeyResponse: type: "object" title: "ConfigsPublicKeyResponse" properties: publicKey: $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigsPublicKey" HistoricalBalance: type: "object" title: "HistoricalBalance" properties: date: description: "Date for which the account balance was provided. This balance could be a carryforward, calculated or a scraped balance.
      Additional Details:
      Scraped: Balance shown in the provider site. This balance gets stored in Yodlee system during system/user account updates.
      CarryForward: Balance carried forward from the scraped balance to the days for which the balance was not available in the system. Balance may not be available for all the days in the system due to MFA information required, error in the site, credential changes, etc.
      calculated: Balances that gets calculated for the days that are prior to the account added date.

      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      • GET accounts/historicalBalances
      • GET derived/networth
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isAsset: description: "Indicates whether the balance is an asset or liability.

      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      • GET accounts/historicalBalances
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" balance: description: "Balance amount of the account.

      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      • GET accounts/historicalBalances
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" asOfDate: description: "Date as of when the balance is last updated due to the auto account updates or user triggered updates. This balance will be carry forward for the days where there is no balance available in the system.

      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      • GET accounts/historicalBalances
      " readOnly: true type: "string" dataSourceType: description: "The source of balance information.

      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      • GET accounts/historicalBalances
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "S" - "C" - "CF" UserRequestPreferences: type: "object" title: "UserRequestPreferences" properties: dateFormat: minLength: 1 description: "The dateformat of the user.This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services." type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 timeZone: minLength: 1 description: "The timezone of the user. This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services." type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 currency: description: "The currency of the user. This currency will be respected while providing the response for derived API services.
      Applicable Values
      " type: "string" enum: - "USD" - "AUD" - "BRL" - "CAD" - "EUR" - "GBP" - "HKD" - "IDR" - "INR" - "JPY" - "NZD" - "SGD" - "ZAR" - "CNY" - "VND" - "MYR" - "CHF" - "AED" - "AFA" - "ALL" - "AMD" - "ANG" - "AOA" - "ARS" - "AWG" - "AZM" - "BAM" - "BBD" - "BDT" - "BGL" - "BHD" - "BIF" - "BMD" - "BND" - "BOB" - "BSD" - "BTN" - "BWP" - "BYR" - "BZD" - "CDF" - "CLP" - "COP" - "CRC" - "CUP" - "CVE" - "CYP" - "CZK" - "DJF" - "DKK" - "DOP" - "DZD" - "EEK" - "EGP" - "ERN" - "ETB" - "FJD" - "FKP" - "GEL" - "GGP" - "GHC" - "GIP" - "GMD" - "GNF" - "GTQ" - "GYD" - "HNL" - "HRK" - "HTG" - "HUF" - "ILS" - "IMP" - "IQD" - "IRR" - "ISK" - "JEP" - "JMD" - "JOD" - "KES" - "KGS" - "KHR" - "KMF" - "KPW" - "KRW" - "KWD" - "KYD" - "KZT" - "LAK" - "LBP" - "LKR" - "LRD" - "LSL" - "LTL" - "LVL" - "LYD" - "MAD" - "MDL" - "MGF" - "MKD" - "MMK" - "MNT" - "MOP" - "MRO" - "MTL" - "MUR" - "MVR" - "MWK" - "MXN" - "MZM" - "NAD" - "NGN" - "NIO" - "NOK" - "NPR" - "OMR" - "PAB" - "PEN" - "PGK" - "PHP" - "PKR" - "PLN" - "PYG" - "QAR" - "ROL" - "RUR" - "RWF" - "SAR" - "SBD" - "SCR" - "SDD" - "SEK" - "SHP" - "SIT" - "SKK" - "SLL" - "SOS" - "SPL" - "SRG" - "STD" - "SVC" - "SYP" - "SZL" - "THB" - "TJR" - "TMM" - "TND" - "TOP" - "TRL" - "TTD" - "TVD" - "TWD" - "TZS" - "UAH" - "UGX" - "UYU" - "UZS" - "VEB" - "VUV" - "WST" - "XAF" - "XAG" - "XAU" - "XCD" - "XDR" - "XOF" - "XPD" - "XPF" - "XPT" - "YER" - "YUM" - "ZMK" - "ZWD" - "ADP" - "ATS" - "BEF" - "BUK" - "CSD" - "CSK" - "DDM" - "DEM" - "ECS" - "ESP" - "FIM" - "GRD" - "GWP" - "IEP" - "ITL" - "LUF" - "MLF" - "NLG" - "PTE" - "SUR" - "TPE" - "UAK" - "XBA" - "XBB" - "XBC" - "XBD" - "XEU" - "XFO" - "XFU" - "XGF" - "XMK" - "XRM" - "XTS" - "YDD" - "YUD" - "ZRN" - "TJS" - "RON" - "BGN" - "BTC" - "XBT" - "CNH" - "RUB" - "TRY" - "GHS" - "TMT" - "ZMW" - "VEF" - "SSP" - "ALK" locale: description: "The locale of the user. This locale will be considered for localization features like providing the provider information in the supported locale or providing category names in the transaction related services.
      Applicable Values
      " type: "string" enum: - "en_US" - "en_AN" - "en_GB" - "en_AU" - "en_BE" - "zh_CN" - "en_IN" - "en_CA" - "en_ES" - "en_NZ" - "en_IE" - "en_IL" - "en_FR" - "en_AE" - "en_FJ" - "en_GU" - "en_HK" - "en_IT" - "en_JP" - "en_KH" - "en_KP" - "en_KR" - "en_MY" - "en_PG" - "en_PH" - "en_SB" - "en_SG" - "en_TH" - "en_TO" - "en_VN" - "en_VU" - "en_WS" - "es_ES" - "fr_CA" - "fr_FR" - "nl_AN" - "en_CH" - "en_ZA" - "en_CN" - "en_FI" - "en_AT" - "de_AT" - "en_DE" - "de_DE" - "de_RU" - "en_ID" - "en_MX" - "es_MX" - "en_PT" - "en_SE" - "en_GLOBAL" - "pt_BR" - "en_DK" - "en_BR" - "en_BM" - "en_CK" - "en_CO" - "en_JE" - "en_BG" - "en_BW" - "en_MW" - "en_KE" - "en_SZ" - "en_ZW" - "en_NL" - "nl_NL" RewardBalance: type: "object" title: "RewardBalance" properties: expiryDate: description: "The date on which the balance expires.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" balanceToReward: description: "The balance required to qualify for a reward such as retaining membership, business reward, etc.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" balanceType: description: "The type of reward balance.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "EXPIRING_BALANCE" - "BALANCE_TO_LEVEL" - "BALANCE_TO_REWARD" - "BALANCE" - "TOTAL_BALANCE" balance: format: "double" description: "The actual reward balance.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "number" description: description: "The description for the reward balance as available at provider source.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" balanceToLevel: description: "The balance required to reach a reward level.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" units: description: "Unit of reward balance - miles, points, segments, dollars, credits.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: reward
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" ProviderAccountDetail: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountDetail" required: - "consentId" properties: preferences: description: "User preference values for Auto-Refresh and DataExtracts Notification

      • GET providerAccounts
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountPreferences" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" isManual: description: "Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " type: "integer" loginForm: description: "This entity gets returned in the response for only MFA based provider accounts during the add/update account polling process. This indicates that the MFA information is expected from the user to complete the process. This represents the structure of MFA form that is displayed to the user in the provider site.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/LoginForm" createdDate: description: "The date on when the provider account is created in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" requestId: description: "Unique id generated to indicate the request.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" status: description: "The status of last update attempted for the account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "PARTIAL_SUCCESS" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" - "MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" - "DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED" PaymentAccountBalanceResponse: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccountBalanceResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccountBalance" ClassificationSummaryMerchant: type: "object" title: "ClassificationSummaryMerchant" properties: name: description: "The name of the merchant" readOnly: true type: "string" StatementResponse: type: "object" title: "StatementResponse" properties: statement: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Statement" UpdatedProviderAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "UpdatedProviderAccountResponse" properties: providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdatedProviderAccount" EvaluateAccountAddress: type: "object" title: "EvaluateAccountAddress" required: - "street" properties: zip: description: "Zip." type: "string" country: description: "Country." type: "string" address3: description: "Address Line 3." type: "string" address2: description: "Address Line 2." type: "string" city: description: "City." type: "string" sourceType: type: "string" address1: description: "Address Line 1." type: "string" street: type: "string" state: description: "State." type: "string" type: type: "string" enum: - "HOME" - "BUSINESS" - "POBOX" - "RETAIL" - "OFFICE" - "SMALL_BUSINESS" - "COMMUNICATION" - "PERMANENT" - "STATEMENT_ADDRESS" - "PAYMENT" - "PAYOFF" - "UNKNOWN" TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest" required: - "rule" properties: rule: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategorizationRuleInfo" CreatedConsentResponse: type: "object" title: "CreatedConsentResponse" properties: consent: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateConsent" ConsentHistoryResponse: type: "object" title: "ConsentHistoryResponse" properties: consentHistory: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentHistory" UpdateAccountRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateAccountRequest" required: - "account" properties: account: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateAccountInfo" VerificationResponse: type: "object" title: "VerificationResponse" properties: verification: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Verification" ProviderDetailResponse: type: "object" title: "ProviderDetailResponse" properties: provider: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderDetail" ClientCredentialTokenResponse: type: "object" title: "ClientCredentialTokenResponse" properties: token: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientCredentialToken" UpdateTransaction: type: "object" title: "UpdateTransaction" required: - "categoryId" - "categorySource" - "container" properties: categorySource: type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" container: type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" isPhysical: type: "boolean" detailCategoryId: format: "int64" type: "integer" description: $ref: "#/definitions/Description" memo: type: "string" merchantType: type: "string" enum: - "BILLERS" - "SUBSCRIPTION" - "OTHERS" categoryId: format: "int64" type: "integer" Attribute: type: "object" title: "Attribute" properties: container: description: "Containers for which the attributes are supported.

      • GET providers
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" fromDate: description: "Applicable only to EBILLS and STATEMENTS attributes of DOCUMENT dataset.

      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true type: "string" toFinYear: description: "Applicable only to TAX attribute of DOCUMENT dataset.

      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true type: "string" fromFinYear: description: "Applicable only to TAX attribute of DOCUMENT dataset.

      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true type: "string" containerAttributes: description: "Applicable only to TRANSACTIONS attributes of BASIC_AGG_DATA dataset.

      • GET providers
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerAttributes" toDate: description: "Applicable only to EBILLS and STATEMENTS attributes of DOCUMENT dataset.

      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts
      " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "Attributes that are supported for a dataset.

      • GET providers
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" enum: - "BASIC_ACCOUNT_INFO" - "TRANSACTIONS" - "STATEMENTS" - "HOLDINGS" - "ACCOUNT_DETAILS" - "TAX" - "EBILLS" - "FULL_ACCT_NUMBER" - "BANK_TRANSFER_CODE" - "HOLDER_NAME" - "HOLDER_DETAILS" - "PAYMENT_PROFILE" - "PAYMENT_DETAILS" - "INTEREST_DETAILS" - "COVERAGE" TransactionCategory: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategory" properties: highLevelCategoryName: description: "The name of the high level category. A group of similar transaction categories are clubbed together to form a high-level category.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" defaultHighLevelCategoryName: description: "A attribute which will always hold the first value(initial name) of Yodlee defined highLevelCategoryName attribute.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" highLevelCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier of the high level category.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" detailCategory: description: "Entity that provides detail category attributes

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DetailCategory" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the category.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" source: description: "Source used to identify whether the transaction category is user defined category or system created category.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" category: description: "The name of the category.
      Note: Transaction categorization is one of the core features offered by Yodlee and the categories are assigned to the transactions by the system. Transactions can be clubbed together by the category that is assigned to them.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" classification: description: "Category Classification.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PERSONAL" - "BUSINESS" type: description: "Transaction categories and high-level categories are further mapped to five transaction category types. Customers, based on their needs can either use the transaction categories, the high-level categories, or the transaction category types.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "TRANSFER" - "DEFERRED_COMPENSATION" - "UNCATEGORIZE" - "INCOME" - "EXPENSE" defaultCategoryName: description: "A attribute which will always hold the first value(initial name) of Yodlee defined category attribute.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" Providers: type: "object" title: "Providers" properties: languageISOCode: description: "The language in which the provider details are provided. For example, a site supports two languages English and French. English being the primary language, the provider response will be provided in French depending on the user's locale. The language follows the two letter ISO code.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" forgetPasswordUrl: description: "The forget password URL of the provider site.

      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" PRIORITY: description: "Indicates the priority for which the service is invoked.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "POPULAR" - "SUGGESTED" - "COBRAND" - "SEARCH" - "ALL" associatedProviderIds: description: "The screen-scraping providers that are associated to the Open Banking provider ID.

      Applicable containers: All Containers
      • GET providers
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" loginHelp: description: "Help text to guide the user to choose the correct provider site.

      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" capability: description: "Capability of the site

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers

      Note : capability has been deprecated" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Capability" isConsentRequired: description: "Indicates if a provider site requires consent.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" loginUrl: description: "The login URL of the provider's site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isAutoRefreshEnabled: description: "Indicates if a provider site is auto-refreshed.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" logo: description: "The logo link of the provider institution. The link will return the logo in the PNG format.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" betaContainers: description: "This attribute will show the list of containers which are presently under development for the provider site and their link attempt may be unsuccessful

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider site(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" authParameter: description: "AuthParameter appears in the response only in case of token-based aggregation sites.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "authorizationCode" - "idToken" - "authResponse" - "state" authType: description: "The authentication type enabled at the provider site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OAUTH" - "CREDENTIALS" - "MFA_CREDENTIALS" favicon: description: "Favicon link of the provider.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "AccountType supported by the provider, eg: Brokerage Cash, Current

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "CURRENT" - "BROKERAGE_CASH" countryISOCode: description: "Country to which the provider belongs.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isAddedByUser: description: "Indicates that the site has been added by the user at least once.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" primaryLanguageISOCode: description: "The primary language of the site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" help: description: "Text to guide user through linking an account that belongs to the site

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" baseUrl: description: "The base URL of the provider's site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "The name of a provider site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" lastModified: description: "Determines when the provider information was updated by Yodlee. If the customer caches the data, the cache is recommended to be refreshed based on this field.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersDataset" status: description: "Determines if the provider is supported for the cobrand (customer), is in the beta stage, etc.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "Supported" - "Beta" - "Unsupported" EvaluateAddressResponse: type: "object" title: "EvaluateAddressResponse" properties: address: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" isValidAddress: type: "boolean" Merchant: type: "object" title: "Merchant" properties: website: description: "The website of the merchant.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" address: description: "The address of the merchant associated with the transaction is populated in the merchant address field.
      Note: The merchant address field is not available by default and customers will have to specifically request the merchant's address (that includes city, state, and ZIP of the merchant). The merchant address field is available only for merchants in the United States.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" contact: description: "The merchant contact information like phone and email.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" categoryLabel: description: "The business categories of the merchant.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" coordinates: description: "The merchant geolocation coordinates like latitude and longitude.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,loan
      " $ref: "#/definitions/Coordinates" name: description: "The name of the merchant.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" id: description: "Identifier of the merchant.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" source: description: "The source through which merchant information is retrieved.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "YODLEE" - "FACTUAL" logoURL: description: "The logoURL of the merchant.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" CobrandNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "CobrandNotificationEvent" properties: name: description: "Name of the event for which the customers must subscribe to receive notifications.
      Valid Value: Notification Events Name

      • GET cobrand/config/notifications/events
      Applicable Values
      " type: "string" enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

      • GET cobrand/config/notifications/events
      " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 TransactionTotal: type: "object" title: "TransactionTotal" properties: count: format: "int64" type: "integer" CobrandNotificationResponse: type: "object" title: "CobrandNotificationResponse" properties: event: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandNotificationEvent" ProviderResponse: type: "object" title: "ProviderResponse" properties: provider: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Providers" UpdateConfigsNotificationEventRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateConfigsNotificationEventRequest" required: - "event" properties: event: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateConfigsNotificationEvent" RenewConsentRequest: type: "object" title: "RenewConsentRequest" required: - "clientTrustedAdvisor" properties: preferences: description: "preferences for consent renewal.

      • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
      " $ref: "#/definitions/RenewConsentPreferences" renewal: description: "renewal entity from consent details service, containing default consent duration and reauthorization eligibility.

      • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
      " $ref: "#/definitions/RenewalConsent" clientTrustedAdvisor: description: "describes information of client trusted advisor." type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientTrustedAdvisor" Statement: type: "object" title: "Statement" properties: apr: format: "double" description: "The APR applied to the balance on the credit card account, as available in the statement.
      Note: In case of variable APR, the APR available on the statement might differ from the APR available at the account-level.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "number" cashApr: format: "double" description: "The APR applicable to cash withdrawals on the credit card account.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "number" billingPeriodStart: description: "The start date of the statement period.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" dueDate: description: "The date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid.
      Note: The due date that appears in the statement may differ from the due date at the account-level.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" interestAmount: description: "The interest amount that is part of the amount due or the payment amount.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" statementDate: description: "The date on which the statement is generated.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" cashAdvance: description: "Cash Advance is the amount that is withdrawn from credit card over the counter or from an ATM up to the available credit/cash limit.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" billingPeriodEnd: description: "The end date of the statement period.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" principalAmount: description: "The principal amount that is part of the amount due or the payment amount.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" loanBalance: description: "The outstanding principal balance on the loan account.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" amountDue: description: "The total amount owed at the end of the billing period.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" description: "Account to which the statement belongs to.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" lastUpdated: description: "The date when the account was last updated by Yodlee.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isLatest: description: "The field is set to true if the statement is the latest generated statement.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" minimumPayment: description: "Credit Card: The minimum amount that the consumer has to pay every month on the credit card account. Data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lastPaymentDate: description: "The date on which the last payment was done during the billing cycle.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPaymentAmount: description: "The last payment done for the previous billing cycle in the current statement period.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the statement.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" newCharges: description: "New charges on the statement (i.e., charges since last statement to end of the billing period). Applicable to line of credit loan type.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" PaymentProcessorTokenResponse: type: "object" title: "PaymentProcessorTokenResponse" properties: token: description: "token" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountToken" DerivedNetworth: type: "object" title: "DerivedNetworth" properties: date: description: "The date as of when the networth information is provided.

      Applicable containers: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" liability: description: "The liability amount that the user owes.

      Applicable containers: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" historicalBalances: description: "Balances of the accounts over the period of time.

      Applicable containers: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedNetworthHistoricalBalance" networth: description: "Networth of the user.

      Applicable containers: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" asset: description: "The asset value that the user owns.

      Applicable containers: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" PaymentAccountHolder: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccountHolder" properties: accountStatus: description: "The status of the account that is updated by the user through an application or an API.
      • ACTIVE: All the added aggregated accounts status will be made \"ACTIVE\" by default.
      • TO_BE_CLOSED: If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED.
      • INACTIVE: Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services.
      • CLOSED: Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, charge, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" profile: description: "The details of the account holder’s profile.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AccountProfileDetail" holder: description: "Holder details of the account.
  • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
  • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHolderData" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" DataExtractsProviderAccount: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsProviderAccount" properties: destinationProviderAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The providerAccountId that is retained as part of the many-to-one OAuth migration process.
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" isManual: description: "Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" createdDate: description: "The date on when the provider account is created in the system.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" isDeleted: description: "Indicates if the provider account is deleted from the system.Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" requestId: description: "Unique id generated to indicate the request.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" sourceProviderAccountIds: description: "The providerAccountIds that are deleted and merged into the destinationProviderAccountId as part of the many-to-one OAuth migration process.
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" status: description: "The status of last update attempted for the account.

    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "PARTIAL_SUCCESS" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" - "MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" - "DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED" PhoneNumber: type: "object" title: "PhoneNumber" properties: type: description: "type of phone number" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "HOME" - "WORK" - "LANDLINE" - "MOBILE" value: description: "Phone Number" readOnly: true type: "string" UpdateConsentRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateConsentRequest" required: - "clientTrustedAdvisor" properties: preferences: description: "preferences for consent renewal.

    • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
    " $ref: "#/definitions/RenewConsentPreferences" scopeId: description: "Applicable Open Banking data cluster values.

    • PUT Consent
    " type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "ACCOUNT_DETAILS" - "TRANSACTION_DETAILS" - "STATEMENT_DETAILS" - "CONTACT_DETAILS" clientTrustedAdvisor: description: "describes information of client trusted advisor" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientTrustedAdvisor" VerificationHolderProfile: type: "object" title: "VerificationHolderProfile" properties: accountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account" readOnly: true type: "integer" address: description: "The account holder's address available at the profile and account levels" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AbstractAddress" phoneNumber: description: "The account holder's phone number available at the profile and account levels" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PhoneNumber" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource" readOnly: true type: "integer" holder: description: "The holder entity is account-specific and captures the ownership status and the name details of the user" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationHolder" email: description: "The account holder's email ID available at the profile and account levels" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Email" ProviderAccountRefreshRequest: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountRefreshRequest" required: - "configName" - "providerAccountIds" properties: configName: description: "The name of configuration created at the time onboarding or configuration creation." type: "string" providerAccountIds: description: "Comma separated providerAccountIds." type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" AccountProfile: type: "object" title: "AccountProfile" properties: identifier: description: "Identifiers available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier" address: description: "Address available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" phoneNumber: description: "Phone number available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PhoneNumber" email: description: "Email Id available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Email" ProviderAccountRequest: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountRequest" required: - "field" properties: consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated for the request through POST Consent.

    • POST Provider Account
    • PUT Provider Account
    " type: "integer" preferences: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountPreferences" aggregationSource: type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" field: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Field" datasetName: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "BASIC_AGG_DATA" - "ADVANCE_AGG_DATA" - "ACCT_PROFILE" - "DOCUMENT" dataset: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersDataset" PaymentBankTransferCodeData: type: "object" title: "PaymentBankTransferCodeData" properties: id: description: "The financial institution's branch identification number that is associated with the lender.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    " type: "string" type: description: "The payment bank transfer code type varies based on the region of the account originates from.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "BSB" - "IFSC" - "ROUTING_NUMBER" - "SORT_CODE" TransactionCount: type: "object" title: "TransactionCount" properties: TOTAL: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionTotal" Email: type: "object" title: "Email" properties: type: readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PRIMARY" - "SECONDARY" - "PERSONAL" - "WORK" - "OTHERS" value: readOnly: true type: "string" UserAccessToken: type: "object" title: "UserAccessToken" properties: accessTokens: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccessTokens" EvaluateAddressRequest: type: "object" title: "EvaluateAddressRequest" required: - "address" properties: address: $ref: "#/definitions/EvaluateAccountAddress" DerivedHoldingSummaryResponse: type: "object" title: "DerivedHoldingSummaryResponse" properties: holdingSummary: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedHoldingsSummary" link: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedHoldingsLinks" UserAddress: type: "object" title: "UserAddress" properties: zip: description: "Zip." type: "string" country: description: "Country." type: "string" address3: description: "Address Line 3." type: "string" address2: description: "Address Line 2." type: "string" city: description: "City." type: "string" address1: description: "Address Line 1." type: "string" state: description: "State." type: "string" PaymentAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccountResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccount" StockExchangeDetail: type: "object" title: "StockExchangeDetail" properties: symbol: description: "Ticker symbol representing particular securities listed on an exchange.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" countryCode: description: "Country codes are geocodes developed to represent countries and dependent areas.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" currencyCode: description: "ISO codes of currency.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" exchangeCode: description: "An Exchange code is a four-character code used to identify stock markets and other trading exchanges within global trading.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" Name: type: "object" title: "Name" properties: middle: description: "Middle name." type: "string" last: description: "Last name." type: "string" fullName: description: "Full name." type: "string" first: description: "First name." type: "string" UserResponsePreferences: type: "object" title: "UserResponsePreferences" properties: dateFormat: minLength: 1 description: "The dateformat of the user.This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services." type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 timeZone: minLength: 1 description: "The timezone of the user. This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services." type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 currency: description: "The currency of the user. This currency will be respected while providing the response for derived API services.
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "USD" - "AUD" - "BRL" - "CAD" - "EUR" - "GBP" - "HKD" - "IDR" - "INR" - "JPY" - "NZD" - "SGD" - "ZAR" - "CNY" - "VND" - "MYR" - "CHF" - "AED" - "AFA" - "ALL" - "AMD" - "ANG" - "AOA" - "ARS" - "AWG" - "AZM" - "BAM" - "BBD" - "BDT" - "BGL" - "BHD" - "BIF" - "BMD" - "BND" - "BOB" - "BSD" - "BTN" - "BWP" - "BYR" - "BZD" - "CDF" - "CLP" - "COP" - "CRC" - "CUP" - "CVE" - "CYP" - "CZK" - "DJF" - "DKK" - "DOP" - "DZD" - "EEK" - "EGP" - "ERN" - "ETB" - "FJD" - "FKP" - "GEL" - "GGP" - "GHC" - "GIP" - "GMD" - "GNF" - "GTQ" - "GYD" - "HNL" - "HRK" - "HTG" - "HUF" - "ILS" - "IMP" - "IQD" - "IRR" - "ISK" - "JEP" - "JMD" - "JOD" - "KES" - "KGS" - "KHR" - "KMF" - "KPW" - "KRW" - "KWD" - "KYD" - "KZT" - "LAK" - "LBP" - "LKR" - "LRD" - "LSL" - "LTL" - "LVL" - "LYD" - "MAD" - "MDL" - "MGF" - "MKD" - "MMK" - "MNT" - "MOP" - "MRO" - "MTL" - "MUR" - "MVR" - "MWK" - "MXN" - "MZM" - "NAD" - "NGN" - "NIO" - "NOK" - "NPR" - "OMR" - "PAB" - "PEN" - "PGK" - "PHP" - "PKR" - "PLN" - "PYG" - "QAR" - "ROL" - "RUR" - "RWF" - "SAR" - "SBD" - "SCR" - "SDD" - "SEK" - "SHP" - "SIT" - "SKK" - "SLL" - "SOS" - "SPL" - "SRG" - "STD" - "SVC" - "SYP" - "SZL" - "THB" - "TJR" - "TMM" - "TND" - "TOP" - "TRL" - "TTD" - "TVD" - "TWD" - "TZS" - "UAH" - "UGX" - "UYU" - "UZS" - "VEB" - "VUV" - "WST" - "XAF" - "XAG" - "XAU" - "XCD" - "XDR" - "XOF" - "XPD" - "XPF" - "XPT" - "YER" - "YUM" - "ZMK" - "ZWD" - "ADP" - "ATS" - "BEF" - "BUK" - "CSD" - "CSK" - "DDM" - "DEM" - "ECS" - "ESP" - "FIM" - "GRD" - "GWP" - "IEP" - "ITL" - "LUF" - "MLF" - "NLG" - "PTE" - "SUR" - "TPE" - "UAK" - "XBA" - "XBB" - "XBC" - "XBD" - "XEU" - "XFO" - "XFU" - "XGF" - "XMK" - "XRM" - "XTS" - "YDD" - "YUD" - "ZRN" - "TJS" - "RON" - "BGN" - "BTC" - "XBT" - "CNH" - "RUB" - "TRY" - "GHS" - "TMT" - "ZMW" - "VEF" - "SSP" - "ALK" locale: description: "The locale of the user. This locale will be considered for localization features like providing the provider information in the supported locale or providing category names in the transaction related services.
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "en_US" - "en_AN" - "en_GB" - "en_AU" - "en_BE" - "zh_CN" - "en_IN" - "en_CA" - "en_ES" - "en_NZ" - "en_IE" - "en_IL" - "en_FR" - "en_AE" - "en_FJ" - "en_GU" - "en_HK" - "en_IT" - "en_JP" - "en_KH" - "en_KP" - "en_KR" - "en_MY" - "en_PG" - "en_PH" - "en_SB" - "en_SG" - "en_TH" - "en_TO" - "en_VN" - "en_VU" - "en_WS" - "es_ES" - "fr_CA" - "fr_FR" - "nl_AN" - "en_CH" - "en_ZA" - "en_CN" - "en_FI" - "en_AT" - "de_AT" - "en_DE" - "de_DE" - "de_RU" - "en_ID" - "en_MX" - "es_MX" - "en_PT" - "en_SE" - "en_GLOBAL" - "pt_BR" - "en_DK" - "en_BR" - "en_BM" - "en_CK" - "en_CO" - "en_JE" - "en_BG" - "en_BW" - "en_MW" - "en_KE" - "en_SZ" - "en_ZW" - "en_NL" - "nl_NL" DocumentDownloadResponse: type: "object" title: "DocumentDownloadResponse" properties: document: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DocumentDownload" Identifier: type: "object" title: "Identifier" properties: type: description: "Type of Identifier" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "NIE" - "DNI" - "EIN" - "BN" - "AADHAR" - "NIN" - "NRIC" value: description: "Value of the identifier" readOnly: true type: "string" TransactionCategoryResponse: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategoryResponse" properties: transactionCategory: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategory" DerivedTransactionSummaryResponse: type: "object" title: "DerivedTransactionSummaryResponse" properties: links: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedTransactionsLinks" transactionSummary: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedTransactionsSummary" FullAccountNumbers: type: "object" title: "FullAccountNumbers" properties: paymentAccountNumber: description: "The payment account number is used for payments in all regions, this may be looked as an ACH account number in the US.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    " readOnly: true type: "string" unmaskedAccountNumber: description: "The unmasked account number is same as account number that is used to refer to an account and is not partial or masked.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    " readOnly: true type: "string" DerivedHolding: type: "object" title: "DerivedHolding" properties: symbol: description: "The symbol of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" exercisedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.
    Note: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" cusipNumber: description: "The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" assetClassification: description: "Asset classification applied to the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AssetClassification" vestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.
    Note: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" description: description: "The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)
    For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" unvestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the unvested units.
    Note: FIs usually calculates the unvested value as the market price unvested quantity. The unvested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityStyle: description: "Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the vested units.
    Note: FIs usually calculates the vested value as the market price vested quantity. The vested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" optionType: description: "The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).
    Note: The option type field is only applicable to options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "put" - "call" - "unknown" - "other" lastUpdated: description: "The date when the information was last updated in the system.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" matchStatus: description: "Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" holdingType: description: "Type of holding

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "stock" - "mutualFund" - "bond" - "CD" - "option" - "moneyMarketFund" - "other" - "remic" - "future" - "commodity" - "currency" - "unitInvestmentTrust" - "employeeStockOption" - "insuranceAnnuity" - "unknown" - "preferredStock" - "ETF" - "warrants" - "digitalAsset" maturityDate: description: "The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" price: description: "The current price of the security.
    Note: Only for bonds the price field indicates the normalized price and not the price aggregated from the site. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" term: description: "The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.
    Note: The term field is only applicable to CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" contractQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.
    Note: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" isShort: description: "Indicates that the holding is a short trading.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" value: description: "The total market value of the security. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" expirationDate: description: "The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.
    Note: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" description: "The interest rate on a CD.
    Note: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" quantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity held for the holding.
    Note: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.
    For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" accruedInterest: description: "The accruedInterest of the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" grantDate: description: "The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.
    Note: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" sedol: description: "The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.
    Note: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedSharesExercisable: format: "double" description: "The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.
    Note: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" spread: description: "The difference between the current market value of a stock and the strike price of the employee stock option, when the market value of the shares are greater than the stock price.
    Note: The spread field is only applicable to employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" enrichedDescription: description: "The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" couponRate: format: "double" description: "The stated interest rate for a bond.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" createdDate: description: "The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accruedIncome: description: "The accruedIncome of the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityType: description: "Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" unvestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.
    Note: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" costBasis: description: "In a one-off security purchase, the cost basis is the quantity acquired multiplied by the price per unit paid plus any commission paid. In case, the same position is acquired in different lots on different days at different prices, the sum total of the cost incurred is divided by the total units acquired to arrive at the average cost basis.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" vestingDate: description: "The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.
    Note: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.

    Note: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" strikePrice: description: "The strike (exercise) price for the option position.
    Note: The strike price field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" UpdateConfigsNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "UpdateConfigsNotificationEvent" properties: callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

    • GET configs/notifications/events
    " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 FieldOperation: type: "object" title: "FieldOperation" properties: field: description: "Field for which the clause is created.

    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    Applicable Values:
    • amount
    • description
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "amount" - "description" operation: description: "Operation for which the clause is created.

    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    Applicable values (depends on the value of field):
    • field is description -> operation can be
      1. stringEquals
      2. stringContains
    • field is amount -> operation can be
      1. numberEquals
      2. numberLessThan
      3. numberLessThanEquals
      4. numberGreaterThan
      5. numberGreaterThanEquals
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "numberEquals" - "numberLessThan" - "numberLessThanEquals" - "numberGreaterThan" - "numberGreaterThanEquals" - "stringEquals" - "stringContains" value: description: "The value would be the amount value in case of amount based rule clause or the string value in case of description based rule clause.

    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    Applicable Values:
    • field is description -> value should be min of 3 and max of 50 characters
    • field is amount -> value should be min value of 0 and a max value of 99999999999.99
    " type: "object" AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse: type: "object" title: "AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHistory" UserRequest: type: "object" title: "UserRequest" required: - "user" properties: user: $ref: "#/definitions/UserRegistration" PaymentProfile: type: "object" title: "PaymentProfile" properties: identifier: description: "The additional information such as platform code or payment reference number that is required to make payments.
    Additional Details:The identifier field applies only to the student loan account type.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentIdentifier" address: description: "The address of the lender to which the monthly payments or the loan payoff amount should be paid.
    Additional Details:The address field applies only to the student loan account type.
    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" paymentBankTransferCode: description: "The additional information for payment bank transfer code.

    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentBankTransferCode" DerivedHoldingsSummary: type: "object" title: "DerivedHoldingsSummary" properties: holding: description: "Securities that belong to the asset classification type and contributed to the summary value.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedHolding" classificationType: description: "The classification type of the security. The supported asset classification type and the values are provided in the /holdings/assetClassificationList.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" classificationValue: description: "The classification value that corresponds to the classification type of the holding. The supported asset classification type and the values are provided in the /holdings/assetClassificationList.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" value: description: "Summary value of the securities.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" account: description: "Accounts that contribute to the classification.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedHoldingsAccount" AbstractAddress: type: "object" title: "AbstractAddress" properties: zip: description: "Zip." type: "string" country: description: "Country." type: "string" address3: description: "Address Line 3." type: "string" address2: description: "Address Line 2." type: "string" city: description: "City." type: "string" address1: description: "Address Line 1." type: "string" state: description: "State." type: "string" ProvidersCountResponse: type: "object" title: "ProvidersCountResponse" properties: provider: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersCount" DataExtractsEvent: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsEvent" properties: data: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsEventData" info: readOnly: true type: "string" CoverageAmount: type: "object" title: "CoverageAmount" properties: cover: description: "The maximum amount that will be paid to an individual or an entity for a covered loss

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" unitType: description: "The type of coverage unit indicates if the coverage is for an individual or a family.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PER_FAMILY" - "PER_MEMBER" type: description: "The type of coverage provided to an individual or an entity.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "DEDUCTIBLE" - "OUT_OF_POCKET" - "ANNUAL_BENEFIT" - "MAX_BENEFIT" - "COVERAGE_AMOUNT" - "MONTHLY_BENEFIT" - "OTHER" limitType: description: "The type of coverage limit indicates if the coverage is in-network or out-of-network.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_NETWORK" - "OUT_NETWORK" met: description: "The amount the insurance company paid for the incurred medical expenses.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" PaymentIdentifier: type: "object" title: "PaymentIdentifier" properties: type: description: "Type of Identifier" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "REFERENCE_NUMBER" - "PLATFORM_CODE" value: description: "Value of the identifier" readOnly: true type: "string" UpdateCategoryRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateCategoryRequest" required: - "id" - "source" properties: highLevelCategoryName: type: "string" id: format: "int64" type: "integer" exclusiveMinimum: false minimum: 1.0 source: type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" categoryName: type: "string" AccountBalanceResponse: type: "object" title: "AccountBalanceResponse" properties: accountBalance: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountLatestBalance" TransactionCountResponse: type: "object" title: "TransactionCountResponse" properties: transaction: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCount" StatusLink: type: "object" title: "StatusLink" properties: methodType: readOnly: true type: "string" rel: readOnly: true type: "string" href: readOnly: true type: "string" ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest" properties: preferences: description: "The preference set for the provider account.

    • GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=preferences
    " $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountPreferences" AccountDataset: type: "object" title: "AccountDataset" properties: lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the dataset is last updated successfully for the given provider account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" updateEligibility: description: "Indicate whether the dataset is eligible for update or not.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ALLOW_UPDATE" - "ALLOW_UPDATE_WITH_CREDENTIALS" - "DISALLOW_UPDATE" additionalStatus: description: "The status of last update attempted for the dataset.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    Applicable Values

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "The name of the dataset requested from the provider site

    Account Type: Manual
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    • GET providers
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "BASIC_AGG_DATA" - "ADVANCE_AGG_DATA" - "ACCT_PROFILE" - "DOCUMENT" lastUpdateAttempt: description: "Indicate when the last attempt was performed to update the dataset for the given provider account

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" UserDataTreatment: type: "object" title: "UserDataTreatment" required: - "cdrPolicy" - "dataHandling" - "description" properties: dataHandling: description: "Details of CDR Data Handling" $ref: "#/definitions/DataHandling" cdrPolicy: description: "Details of CDR Policy" $ref: "#/definitions/CdrPolicy" description: description: "After we have finished using your data or you have withdraw your consent to use the data, it will be de-identified as per our" type: "string" HoldingId: type: "object" title: "HoldingId" properties: id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" RuleClause: type: "object" title: "RuleClause" properties: field: description: "Field for which the clause is created.

    Valid Values:amount,descriptionApplicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "amount" - "description" userDefinedRuleId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier generated for every rule the user creates.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" fieldValue: description: "The value would be the amount value in case of amount based rule clause or the string value in case of description based rule clause.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" operation: description: "Operation for which the clause is created.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "numberEquals" - "numberLessThan" - "numberLessThanEquals" - "numberGreaterThan" - "numberGreaterThanEquals" - "stringEquals" - "stringContains" ruleClauseId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier generated for the rule clause.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" CreateAccountInfo: type: "object" title: "CreateAccountInfo" required: - "accountName" - "accountType" properties: includeInNetWorth: type: "string" address: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" accountName: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 100 accountType: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 dueDate: type: "string" memo: minLength: 0 type: "string" maxLength: 250 homeValue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountNumber: minLength: 0 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" type: "string" maxLength: 100 frequency: type: "string" enum: - "DAILY" - "ONE_TIME" - "WEEKLY" - "EVERY_2_WEEKS" - "SEMI_MONTHLY" - "MONTHLY" - "QUARTERLY" - "SEMI_ANNUALLY" - "ANNUALLY" - "EVERY_2_MONTHS" - "EBILL" - "FIRST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "LAST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "EVERY_4_WEEKS" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" amountDue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" balance: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" nickname: minLength: 0 type: "string" maxLength: 50 valuationType: type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "MANUAL" UpdateVerification: type: "object" title: "UpdateVerification" required: - "transaction" properties: accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" reason: description: "The reason the account verification failed.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "INITIATED" - "DEPOSITED" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" verificationType: description: "The account verification type.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" type: "string" enum: - "MATCHING" - "CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT" account: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationAccount" transaction: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationTransaction" verificationDate: description: "The date of the account verification.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "string" verificationId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the verification request.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" PaymentAccountBalance: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccountBalance" properties: accountStatus: description: "The status of the account that is updated by the user through an application or an API.
    • ACTIVE: All the added aggregated accounts status will be made \"ACTIVE\" by default.
    • TO_BE_CLOSED: If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED.
    • INACTIVE: Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services.
    • CLOSED: Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, charge, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "string" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" ConsentConfirmation: type: "object" title: "ConsentConfirmation" required: - "description" - "header" properties: description: description: "Consent confirmation Description" type: "string" header: description: "Consent confirmation Header" type: "string" RefreshProviderAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "RefreshProviderAccountResponse" properties: statusLink: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/StatusLink" HolderProfileResponse: type: "object" title: "HolderProfileResponse" properties: holderProfile: description: "The holder profile entity encapsulates all the user's details, such as the corresponding accounts and the user’s profile data under it" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationHolderProfile" InstitutionResponse: type: "object" title: "InstitutionResponse" properties: institution: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Institution" Money: type: "object" title: "Money" properties: amount: format: "double" description: "Value of amount." type: "number" convertedAmount: format: "double" description: "Value of the converted amount." type: "number" currency: description: "Currency should be a valid three-letter ISO Code." type: "string" enum: - "USD" - "AUD" - "BRL" - "CAD" - "EUR" - "GBP" - "HKD" - "IDR" - "INR" - "JPY" - "NZD" - "SGD" - "ZAR" - "CNY" - "VND" - "MYR" - "CHF" - "AED" - "AFA" - "ALL" - "AMD" - "ANG" - "AOA" - "ARS" - "AWG" - "AZM" - "BAM" - "BBD" - "BDT" - "BGL" - "BHD" - "BIF" - "BMD" - "BND" - "BOB" - "BSD" - "BTN" - "BWP" - "BYR" - "BZD" - "CDF" - "CLP" - "COP" - "CRC" - "CUP" - "CVE" - "CYP" - "CZK" - "DJF" - "DKK" - "DOP" - "DZD" - "EEK" - "EGP" - "ERN" - "ETB" - "FJD" - "FKP" - "GEL" - "GGP" - "GHC" - "GIP" - "GMD" - "GNF" - "GTQ" - "GYD" - "HNL" - "HRK" - "HTG" - "HUF" - "ILS" - "IMP" - "IQD" - "IRR" - "ISK" - "JEP" - "JMD" - "JOD" - "KES" - "KGS" - "KHR" - "KMF" - "KPW" - "KRW" - "KWD" - "KYD" - "KZT" - "LAK" - "LBP" - "LKR" - "LRD" - "LSL" - "LTL" - "LVL" - "LYD" - "MAD" - "MDL" - "MGF" - "MKD" - "MMK" - "MNT" - "MOP" - "MRO" - "MTL" - "MUR" - "MVR" - "MWK" - "MXN" - "MZM" - "NAD" - "NGN" - "NIO" - "NOK" - "NPR" - "OMR" - "PAB" - "PEN" - "PGK" - "PHP" - "PKR" - "PLN" - "PYG" - "QAR" - "ROL" - "RUR" - "RWF" - "SAR" - "SBD" - "SCR" - "SDD" - "SEK" - "SHP" - "SIT" - "SKK" - "SLL" - "SOS" - "SPL" - "SRG" - "STD" - "SVC" - "SYP" - "SZL" - "THB" - "TJR" - "TMM" - "TND" - "TOP" - "TRL" - "TTD" - "TVD" - "TWD" - "TZS" - "UAH" - "UGX" - "UYU" - "UZS" - "VEB" - "VUV" - "WST" - "XAF" - "XAG" - "XAU" - "XCD" - "XDR" - "XOF" - "XPD" - "XPF" - "XPT" - "YER" - "YUM" - "ZMK" - "ZWD" - "ADP" - "ATS" - "BEF" - "BUK" - "CSD" - "CSK" - "DDM" - "DEM" - "ECS" - "ESP" - "FIM" - "GRD" - "GWP" - "IEP" - "ITL" - "LUF" - "MLF" - "NLG" - "PTE" - "SUR" - "TPE" - "UAK" - "XBA" - "XBB" - "XBC" - "XBD" - "XEU" - "XFO" - "XFU" - "XGF" - "XMK" - "XRM" - "XTS" - "YDD" - "YUD" - "ZRN" - "TJS" - "RON" - "BGN" - "BTC" - "XBT" - "CNH" - "RUB" - "TRY" - "GHS" - "TMT" - "ZMW" - "VEF" - "SSP" - "ALK" convertedCurrency: description: "Currency should be a valid three-letter ISO Code." type: "string" enum: - "USD" - "AUD" - "BRL" - "CAD" - "EUR" - "GBP" - "HKD" - "IDR" - "INR" - "JPY" - "NZD" - "SGD" - "ZAR" - "CNY" - "VND" - "MYR" - "CHF" - "AED" - "AFA" - "ALL" - "AMD" - "ANG" - "AOA" - "ARS" - "AWG" - "AZM" - "BAM" - "BBD" - "BDT" - "BGL" - "BHD" - "BIF" - "BMD" - "BND" - "BOB" - "BSD" - "BTN" - "BWP" - "BYR" - "BZD" - "CDF" - "CLP" - "COP" - "CRC" - "CUP" - "CVE" - "CYP" - "CZK" - "DJF" - "DKK" - "DOP" - "DZD" - "EEK" - "EGP" - "ERN" - "ETB" - "FJD" - "FKP" - "GEL" - "GGP" - "GHC" - "GIP" - "GMD" - "GNF" - "GTQ" - "GYD" - "HNL" - "HRK" - "HTG" - "HUF" - "ILS" - "IMP" - "IQD" - "IRR" - "ISK" - "JEP" - "JMD" - "JOD" - "KES" - "KGS" - "KHR" - "KMF" - "KPW" - "KRW" - "KWD" - "KYD" - "KZT" - "LAK" - "LBP" - "LKR" - "LRD" - "LSL" - "LTL" - "LVL" - "LYD" - "MAD" - "MDL" - "MGF" - "MKD" - "MMK" - "MNT" - "MOP" - "MRO" - "MTL" - "MUR" - "MVR" - "MWK" - "MXN" - "MZM" - "NAD" - "NGN" - "NIO" - "NOK" - "NPR" - "OMR" - "PAB" - "PEN" - "PGK" - "PHP" - "PKR" - "PLN" - "PYG" - "QAR" - "ROL" - "RUR" - "RWF" - "SAR" - "SBD" - "SCR" - "SDD" - "SEK" - "SHP" - "SIT" - "SKK" - "SLL" - "SOS" - "SPL" - "SRG" - "STD" - "SVC" - "SYP" - "SZL" - "THB" - "TJR" - "TMM" - "TND" - "TOP" - "TRL" - "TTD" - "TVD" - "TWD" - "TZS" - "UAH" - "UGX" - "UYU" - "UZS" - "VEB" - "VUV" - "WST" - "XAF" - "XAG" - "XAU" - "XCD" - "XDR" - "XOF" - "XPD" - "XPF" - "XPT" - "YER" - "YUM" - "ZMK" - "ZWD" - "ADP" - "ATS" - "BEF" - "BUK" - "CSD" - "CSK" - "DDM" - "DEM" - "ECS" - "ESP" - "FIM" - "GRD" - "GWP" - "IEP" - "ITL" - "LUF" - "MLF" - "NLG" - "PTE" - "SUR" - "TPE" - "UAK" - "XBA" - "XBB" - "XBC" - "XBD" - "XEU" - "XFO" - "XFU" - "XGF" - "XMK" - "XRM" - "XTS" - "YDD" - "YUD" - "ZRN" - "TJS" - "RON" - "BGN" - "BTC" - "XBT" - "CNH" - "RUB" - "TRY" - "GHS" - "TMT" - "ZMW" - "VEF" - "SSP" - "ALK" Field: type: "object" title: "Field" properties: image: description: "Image displayed at the endsite.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " type: "string" prefix: description: "The prefix string that has to be displayed before the field value.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" minLength: format: "int64" description: "The minimum length of the login form field.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" valueEditable: description: "Indicates whether the field is editable or not.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isOptional: description: "Indicates if a field is an optional field or a mandatory field.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" suffix: description: "The suffix string that has to be displayed next to the field value.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" type: description: "This indicates the display type of the field. For example, text box, image, etc.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "text" - "password" - "options" - "checkbox" - "radio" - "image" - "option" isValueProvided: description: "Indicates that the answer to the security question already exists in the Yodlee system.Persuading the user to provide the answer to the security question again during the edit-credential flow can be avoided.

    • GET providerAccounts?include=questions
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}? include=questions
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" name: description: "Name of the field.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" id: minLength: 1 description: "Identifier for the field.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 value: description: "Value expected from the user for the field. This will be blank and is expected to be filled and sent back when submitting the login or MFA information.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " type: "string" maxLength: format: "int64" description: "The maximum length of the login form field.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" option: description: "Provides the different values that are available for the user to choose. This field is applicable for drop-down or radio field types.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Option" ClassificationSummaryAccountSummary: type: "object" title: "ClassificationSummaryAccountSummary" properties: accountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank" readOnly: true type: "integer" lastUpdated: description: "The date-time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system" readOnly: true type: "string" site: description: "The name of the provider site" readOnly: true type: "string" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site" readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated such as savings, checking, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account." readOnly: true type: "string" accountOpenDate: description: "The date on which the user opened the account at the provider site" readOnly: true type: "string" transactionSummary: description: "The transaction summary entity encapsulates the transaction-level summary attributes and account specifics based on the nature of transactions" readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ClassificationSummaryTransactionSummary" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. The value is aggregated from the provider site during the last refresh.
    Note: For checking accounts with overdraft, the available balance amount may include the overdraft amount if the provider site adds the overdraft balance to the available balance." readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" CreateConfigsNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "CreateConfigsNotificationEvent" properties: callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

    • GET configs/notifications/events
    " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 PaymentBankTransferCode: type: "object" title: "PaymentBankTransferCode" properties: id: description: "Value of the identifier" readOnly: true type: "string" type: description: "Type of BankTransferCode" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ROUTING_NUMBER" - "BSB" - "IFSC" - "SORT_CODE" ContainerAttributes: type: "object" title: "ContainerAttributes" properties: BANK: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionDays" LOAN: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionDays" CREDITCARD: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionDays" INVESTMENT: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionDays" INSURANCE: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionDays" Preferences: type: "object" title: "Preferences" required: - "id" - "title" - "type" - "value" properties: id: format: "int32" description: "Id of the preference" type: "integer" label: description: "Detailed description for each preference" type: "string" title: description: "Type of the preferences
    userDataPurge" type: "string" type: description: "Visual Type of the preference selection" type: "string" value: description: "Value of the preference" type: "string" AccountHolder: type: "object" title: "AccountHolder" properties: identifier: description: "Identifiers of the account holder.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier" gender: description: "Identifiers of the account holder.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" ownership: description: "Indicates the ownership of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PRIMARY" - "SECONDARY" - "CUSTODIAN" - "OTHERS" - "POWER_OF_ATTORNEY" - "TRUSTEE" - "JOINT_OWNER" - "BENEFICIARY" - "AAS" - "BUSINESS" - "DBA" - "TRUST" name: description: "Name of the account holder.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" ThirdParty: type: "object" title: "ThirdParty" required: - "description" - "header" properties: description: description: "Third Party Description" type: "string" header: description: "Third Party Header" type: "string" HoldingTypeListResponse: type: "object" title: "HoldingTypeListResponse" properties: holdingType: readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "stock" - "mutualFund" - "bond" - "CD" - "option" - "moneyMarketFund" - "other" - "remic" - "future" - "commodity" - "currency" - "unitInvestmentTrust" - "employeeStockOption" - "insuranceAnnuity" - "unknown" - "preferredStock" - "ETF" - "warrants" - "digitalAsset" ClientTrustedAdvisorTxt: type: "object" title: "ClientTrustedAdvisorTxt" required: - "description" properties: description: description: "ClientTrustedAdvisorTxt Description" type: "string" Holding: type: "object" title: "Holding" properties: symbol: description: "The symbol of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" exercisedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.
    Note: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" cusipNumber: description: "The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" assetClassification: description: "Asset classification applied to the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AssetClassification" vestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.
    Note: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" description: description: "The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)
    For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" unvestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the unvested units.
    Note: FIs usually calculates the unvested value as the market price unvested quantity. The unvested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityStyle: description: "Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the vested units.
    Note: FIs usually calculates the vested value as the market price vested quantity. The vested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" optionType: description: "The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).
    Note: The option type field is only applicable to options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "put" - "call" - "unknown" - "other" lastUpdated: description: "The date when the information was last updated in the system.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" matchStatus: description: "Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" holdingType: description: "Type of holding

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "stock" - "mutualFund" - "bond" - "CD" - "option" - "moneyMarketFund" - "other" - "remic" - "future" - "commodity" - "currency" - "unitInvestmentTrust" - "employeeStockOption" - "insuranceAnnuity" - "unknown" - "preferredStock" - "ETF" - "warrants" - "digitalAsset" maturityDate: description: "The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" price: description: "The current price of the security.
    Note: Only for bonds the price field indicates the normalized price and not the price aggregated from the site. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" term: description: "The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.
    Note: The term field is only applicable to CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" contractQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.
    Note: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" isShort: description: "Indicates that the holding is a short trading.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" value: description: "The total market value of the security. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" expirationDate: description: "The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.
    Note: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" description: "The interest rate on a CD.
    Note: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" quantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity held for the holding.
    Note: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.
    For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" isManual: description: "Indicates if a holding is aggregated from a site or it is a manual holding i.e. holding information manually provided by the user." readOnly: true type: "boolean" accruedInterest: description: "The accruedInterest of the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" grantDate: description: "The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.
    Note: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" sedol: description: "The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.
    Note: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedSharesExercisable: format: "double" description: "The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.
    Note: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" spread: description: "The difference between the current market value of a stock and the strike price of the employee stock option, when the market value of the shares are greater than the stock price.
    Note: The spread field is only applicable to employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" enrichedDescription: description: "The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" couponRate: format: "double" description: "The stated interest rate for a bond.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" createdDate: description: "The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accruedIncome: description: "The accruedIncome of the holding.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityType: description: "Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" unvestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.
    Note: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "number" costBasis: description: "In a one-off security purchase, the cost basis is the quantity acquired multiplied by the price per unit paid plus any commission paid. In case, the same position is acquired in different lots on different days at different prices, the sum total of the cost incurred is divided by the total units acquired to arrive at the average cost basis.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" vestingDate: description: "The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.
    Note: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.

    Note: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" strikePrice: description: "The strike (exercise) price for the option position.
    Note: The strike price field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" ClientCredentialToken: type: "object" title: "ClientCredentialToken" properties: expiresIn: format: "int32" description: "Time in seconds after which the issued accessToken expires.

    • POST /auth/token
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" issuedAt: description: "The date and time on which accessToken was created for the customer.

    • POST /auth/token
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accessToken: description: "Access Token to access YSL 1.1 services.

    • POST /auth/token
    " readOnly: true type: "string" Coverage: type: "object" title: "Coverage" properties: amount: description: "The coverage amount-related details.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/CoverageAmount" planType: description: "The plan type for an insurance provided to an individual or an entity.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "PPO" - "HMO" - "UNKNOWN" endDate: description: "The date on which the coverage for the account ends or expires.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" type: description: "The type of coverage provided to an individual or an entity.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "VISION" - "DENTAL" - "MEDICAL" - "HEALTH" - "DEATH_COVER" - "TOTAL_PERMANENT_DISABILITY" - "ACCIDENTAL_DEATH_COVER" - "INCOME_PROTECTION" - "DEATH_TOTAL_PERMANENT_DISABILITY" - "OTHER" startDate: description: "The date on which the coverage for the account starts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" AssetClassificationList: type: "object" title: "AssetClassificationList" properties: classificationType: description: "The type of classification to which the investment belongs (assetClass, country, sector, and style).
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" classificationValue: description: "The value for each classificationType.
    Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" UserResponse: type: "object" title: "UserResponse" properties: user: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/User" AssociatedAccountsResponse: type: "object" title: "AssociatedAccountsResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AssociatedAccount" VerifiedAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "VerifiedAccountResponse" properties: requestId: description: "The unique identifier for the verification request that returns contextual data" readOnly: true type: "string" requestDate: description: "The date of the verification request" readOnly: true type: "string" state: description: "The overall status of the verification request" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "COMPLETED" - "FAILED" verifiedAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifiedAccounts" failedReason: description: "The reason for the failure of the verification request" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACCOUNT_LOCKED" - "ADDL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" - "CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_NEEDED" - "INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS" - "INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDED" - "REQUEST_TIME_OUT" - "SITE_BLOCKING_ERROR" - "UNEXPECTED_SITE_ERROR" - "SITE_NOT_SUPPORTED" - "SITE_UNAVAILABLE" - "TECH_ERROR" - "USER_ACTION_NEEDED_AT_SITE" - "SITE_SESSION_INVALIDATED" - "NEW_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" - "CONSENT_REQUIRED" - "CONSENT_EXPIRED" - "CONSENT_REVOKED" - "INCORRECT_OAUTH_TOKEN" - "REQUIRED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE" - "MATCHING_FAILED" - "NO_ELIGIBLE_ACCOUNTS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" CreateAccountRequest: type: "object" title: "CreateAccountRequest" required: - "account" properties: account: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateAccountInfo" Scope: type: "object" title: "Scope" required: - "scopeId" - "title" - "titleBody" properties: titleBody: description: "Title body that explains the purpose of the scope." type: "array" items: type: "string" scopeId: description: "Unique Dataset Cluster name for the consent group like
    TRANSACTION_DETAILS" type: "string" enum: - "ACCOUNT_DETAILS" - "TRANSACTION_DETAILS" - "STATEMENT_DETAILS" - "CONTACT_DETAILS" datasetAttributes: description: "Permissions that are associated with the Consent group like
    ACCT_PROFILE.HOLDER_DETAILS" type: "array" items: type: "string" title: description: "Title for the Data Cluster." type: "string" ConsentHistory: type: "object" title: "ConsentHistory" required: - "consentCollectionPeriod" - "consentStatus" - "eventDateTime" - "expirationDateTime" - "revokedDateTime" - "startDateTime" properties: eventDateTime: description: "History logged time." type: "string" expirationDateTime: description: "Expiration date of the consent. This data point is available for all Open Banking regions and only few provider consents of the US Open Banking region." type: "string" userDataPurge: format: "int64" description: "Applicable data deletion preference for consent as per AU OB onboarding model and user's "delete my data instead" option." type: "integer" deidentificationPreference: description: "whether user has given consent to use deidentified data or not. Oauthpref id = 4." type: "boolean" startDateTime: description: "Consent start date." type: "string" consentStatus: description: "Represents the current status of the consent." type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "EXPIRED" - "REVOKED" revokedDateTime: description: "Revoked date for the consent if consent is revoked." type: "string" consentCollectionPeriod: format: "int32" description: "Consent duration period selected by user for recurring consents during the new account addition or consent renewal. This data point is applicable for AU Open Banking region only. Oauthpref id = 6" type: "integer" VerifyAccountRequest: type: "object" title: "VerifyAccountRequest" required: - "transactionCriteria" properties: container: type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" accountId: format: "int64" type: "integer" transactionCriteria: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifyTransactionCriteria" TransactionCategoryRequest: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategoryRequest" required: - "parentCategoryId" properties: parentCategoryId: format: "int32" type: "integer" exclusiveMinimum: false minimum: 1.0 source: readOnly: true type: "string" categoryName: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 50 AssociatedAccount: type: "object" title: "AssociatedAccount" properties: lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.
    Applicable containers: bank
    Associated Accounts
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" balance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: available balance or current balance.
    Credit Card: running Balance.
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.
    Insurance: CashValue or amountDue
    Loan: principalBalance
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, otherAssets, otherLiabilities, realEstate
    Associated Accounts
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    (The POST accounts service response return this field as name)
    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerId: description: "Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource.

    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, credit card, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    • CD
    • PPF
    • FSA
    • IRA
    • OTHER
    • CREDIT
    • STORE
    • CHARGE
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • HSA
    • IRA
    • 401K
    • 403B
    • TRUST
    • SIMPLE
    • JTTIC
    • JTWROS
    • ROTH
    • 529_PLAN
    • 401A
    • PSP
    • MPP
    • SEP
    • UTMA
    • UGMA
    • ESOPP
    • CHURCH
    • CMA
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • TRUST
    • ROTH_IRA
    • SEP_IRA
    • ESTATE
    • CASH_ISA
    • ROTH_403B
    • OTHER
    Manual Account Type
    • CD
    • CREDIT

    Applicable containers: bank
    Associated Accounts
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.

    Applicable containers: bank
    Associated Accounts
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" CONTAINER: description: "The type of service. E.g., Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Insurance, etc.

    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    Credit Card: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,
    i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerName: description: "Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.

    Associated Accounts
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Associated Accounts
    • GET Associated Accounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" CobrandLoginResponse: type: "object" title: "CobrandLoginResponse" properties: session: $ref: "#/definitions/CobrandSession" cobrandId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the cobrand (customer) in the system.

    • POST cobrand/login
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" applicationId: description: "The application identifier.

    • POST cobrand/login
    " readOnly: true type: "string" locale: description: "The customer's locale that will be considered for the localization functionality.

    • POST cobrand/login
    " readOnly: true type: "string" Account: type: "object" title: "Account" properties: availableCash: description: "The amount that is available for an ATM withdrawal, i.e., the cash available after deducting the amount that is already withdrawn from the total cash limit. (totalCashLimit-cashAdvance= availableCash)
    Additional Details: The available cash amount at the account-level can differ from the available cash at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" includeInNetWorth: description: "Used to determine whether an account to be considered in the networth calculation.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,loan,investment,insurance,realEstate,otherAssets,otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" moneyMarketBalance: description: "The amount in the money market fund or its equivalent such as bank deposit programs.
    Note: The money market balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" enrollmentDate: description: "Date on which the user is enrolled on the rewards program.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" estimatedDate: description: "The date on which the home value was estimated.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" memo: description: "The additional description or notes given by the user.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" guarantor: description: "A nonprofit or state organization that works with lender, servicer, school, and the Department of Education to help successfully repay Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans. If FFELP student loans default, the guarantor takes ownership of them.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestPaidLastYear: description: "Interest paid in last calendar year.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" balance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: available balance or current balance.
    Credit Card: running Balance.
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.
    Insurance: CashValue or amountDue
    Loan: principalBalance
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, otherAssets, otherLiabilities, realEstate
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" homeInsuranceType: description: "Type of home insurance, like -
    • RENTAL
    • RENTER
    • etc..
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "HOME_OWNER" - "RENTAL" - "RENTER" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET investmentOptions
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    • POST accounts
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" cash: description: "The amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a brokerage or investment account.
    Note: The cash balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" totalCreditLine: description: "Total credit line is the amount of money that can be charged to a credit card. If credit limit of $5,000 is issued on a credit card, the total charges on the card cannot exceed this amount.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerName: description: "Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" valuationType: description: "The valuation type indicates whether the home value is calculated either manually or by Yodlee Partners.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "MANUAL" marginBalance: description: "The amount of borrowed funds used to purchase securities.
    Note: Margin balance is displayed only if the brokerage account is approved for margin. The margin balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" apr: format: "double" description: "The annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest on the credit card account.
    Additional Details: The yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate of interest is applied every month on the outstanding credit card balance.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" availableCredit: description: "
    Credit Card: Amount that is available to spend on the credit card. It is usually the Total credit line- Running balance- pending charges.
    Loan: The unused portion of line of credit, on a revolving loan (such as a home-equity line of credit).
    Additional Details:
    Note: The available credit amount at the account-level can differ from the available credit field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" isManual: description: "Indicates if an account is aggregated from a site or it is a manual account i.e. account information manually provided by the user.
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" profile: description: "Profile information of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AccountProfile" escrowBalance: description: "The amount a mortgage company holds to pay a consumer's non-mortgage related expenses like insurance and property taxes.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The escrow balance field is only applicable to the mortgage account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" nextLevel: description: "The eligible next level of the rewards program.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" classification: description: "The classification of the account such as personal, corporate, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, reward, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OTHER" - "PERSONAL" - "CORPORATE" - "SMALL_BUSINESS" - "TRUST" - "ADD_ON_CARD" - "VIRTUAL_CARD" loanPayoffAmount: description: "The amount to be paid to close the loan account, i.e., the total amount required to meet a borrower's obligation on a loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" interestRateType: description: "The type of the interest rate, for example, fixed or variable.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "FIXED" - "VARIABLE" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" loanPayByDate: description: "The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" faceAmount: description: "The amount stated on the face of a consumer's policy that will be paid in the event of his or her death or any other event as stated in the insurance policy. The face amount is also referred to as the sum insured or maturity value in India.
    Note: The face amount field is applicable only to life insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyFromDate: description: "The date the insurance policy began.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" premiumPaymentTerm: description: "The number of years for which premium payments have to be made in a policy.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" policyTerm: description: "The duration for which the policy is valid or in effect. For example, one year, five years, etc.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" repaymentPlanType: description: "The type of repayment plan that the borrower prefers to repay the loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "STANDARD" - "GRADUATED" - "EXTENDED" - "INCOME_BASED" - "INCOME_CONTINGENT" - "INCOME_SENSITIVE" - "PAY_AS_YOU_EARN" - "REVISED_PAY_AS_YOU_EARN" aggregatedAccountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated." readOnly: true type: "string" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountStatus: description: "The status of the account that is updated by the consumer through an application or an API. Valid Values: AccountStatus
    Additional Details:
    ACTIVE: All the added manual and aggregated accounts status will be made \"ACTIVE\" by default.
    TO_BE_CLOSED: If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED
    INACTIVE: Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services
    CLOSED: Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" lifeInsuranceType: description: "Type of life insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OTHER" - "TERM_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "UNIVERSAL_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "WHOLE_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "VARIABLE_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "ULIP" - "ENDOWMENT" fullAccountNumber: description: "Full account number of the account that is included only when include = fullAccountNumber is provided in the request. For student loan account the account number that will be used for ACH or fund transfer

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward, otherAssets, otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.
    " readOnly: true type: "string" premium: description: "The financial cost that the policyholder pays to the insurance company to obtain an insurance cover.The premium is paid as a lump sum or in installments during the duration of the policy.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the account(s) are added in the system.
    Valid Values: SYSTEM, USER
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" overDraftLimit: description: "The overdraft limit for the account.
    Note: The overdraft limit is provided only for AUS, INDIA, UK, NZ locales.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" nickname: description: "The nickname of the account as provided by the consumer to identify an account. The account nickname can be used instead of the account name.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" term: description: "The tenure for which the CD account is valid or in case of loan, the number of years/months over which the loan amount has to be repaid.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: The Term field is only applicable for the account type CD.Loan: The period for which the loan agreement is in force. The period, before or at the end of which, the loan should either be repaid or renegotiated for another term.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" description: "
    Bank: The interest rate offered by a FI to its depositors on a bank account.
    Loan: Interest rate applied on the loan.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The Interest Rate field is only applicable for the following account types: savings, checking, money market, and certificate of deposit.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" deathBenefit: description: "The death benefit amount on a life insurance policy and annuity. It is usually equal to the face amount of the policy, but sometimes can vary for a whole life and universal life insurance policies.
    Note: The death benefit amount field is applicable only to annuities and life insurance.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" address: description: "The home address of the real estate account. The address entity for home address consists of state, zip and city only

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" cashValue: description: "The amount of cash value available in the consumer's life insurance policy account - except for term insurance policy - for withdrawals, loans, etc. This field is also used to capture the cash value on the home insurance policy.It is the standard that the insurance company generally prefer to reimburse the policyholder for his or her loss, i.e., the cash value is equal to the replacement cost minus depreciation. The cash value is also referred to as surrender value in India for life insurance policies.
    Note: The cash value field is applicable to all types of life insurance (except for term life) and home insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" holder: description: "Holder details of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHolder" 401kLoan: description: "The amount borrowed from the 401k account.
    Note: The 401k loan field is only applicable to the 401k account type.
    Applicable containers: investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" homeValue: description: "The home value of the real estate account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    Credit Card: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,
    i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST accounts
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" createdDate: description: "The date on which the account is created in the Yodlee system.
    Additional Details: It is the date when the user links or aggregates the account(s) that are held with the provider to the Yodlee system.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestPaidYTD: description: "Interest paid from the start of the year to date.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" collateral: description: "Property or possession offered to support a loan that can be seized on a default.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" runningBalance: description: "The amount that is currently owed on the credit card account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" sourceId: description: "A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the account. The source ID is only available for the HELD accounts.

    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" dueDate: description: "The date on which the due amount has to be paid.
    Additional Details:
    Credit Card: The monthly date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid on the credit card account.
    Loan: The date on or before which the due amount should be paid.
    Note: The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" frequency: description: "The frequency of the billing cycle of the account in case of card. The frequency in which premiums are paid in an insurance policy such as monthly, quarterly, and annually. The frequency in which due amounts are paid in a loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "DAILY" - "ONE_TIME" - "WEEKLY" - "EVERY_2_WEEKS" - "SEMI_MONTHLY" - "MONTHLY" - "QUARTERLY" - "SEMI_ANNUALLY" - "ANNUALLY" - "EVERY_2_MONTHS" - "EBILL" - "FIRST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "LAST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "EVERY_4_WEEKS" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" maturityAmount: description: "The maturity amount on the CD is the amount(principal and interest) paid on or after the maturity date.
    Additional Details: The Maturity Amount field is only applicable for the account type CD(Fixed Deposits).

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" associatedProviderAccountId: description: "The providerAccountIds that share the account with the primary providerAccountId that was created when the user had added the account for the first time.
    Additional Details: This attribute is returned in the response only if the account deduplication feature is enabled and the same account is mapped to more than one provider account IDs indicating the account is owned by more than one user, for example, joint accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" isAsset: description: "The account to be considered as an asset or liability.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" principalBalance: description: "The principal or loan balance is the outstanding balance on a loan account, excluding the interest and fees. The principal balance is the original borrowed amount plus any applicable loan fees, minus any principal payments.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" totalCashLimit: description: "The maximum amount that can be withdrawn from an ATM using the credit card. Credit cards issuer allow cardholders to withdraw cash using their cards - the cash limit is a percent of the overall credit limit.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" maturityDate: description: "The date when a certificate of deposit (CD/FD) matures or the final payment date of a loan at which point the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.
    Additional Details: The date when a certificate of deposit (CD) matures, i.e., the money in the CD can be withdrawn without paying an early withdrawal penalty.The final payment date of a loan, i.e., the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" minimumAmountDue: description: "The minimum amount due is the lowest amount of money that a consumer is required to pay each month.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" annualPercentageYield: format: "double" description: "Annual percentage yield (APY) is a normalized representation of an interest rate, based on a compounding period of one year. APY generally refers to the rate paid to a depositor by a financial institution on an account.
    Applicable containers: bank
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, credit card, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    • CD
    • PPF
    • FSA
    • IRA
    • OTHER
    • CREDIT
    • STORE
    • CHARGE
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • HSA
    • IRA
    • 401K
    • 403B
    • TRUST
    • SIMPLE
    • JTTIC
    • JTWROS
    • ROTH
    • 529_PLAN
    • 401A
    • PSP
    • MPP
    • SEP
    • UTMA
    • UGMA
    • ESOPP
    • CHURCH
    • CMA
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • TRUST
    • ROTH_IRA
    • SEP_IRA
    • ESTATE
    • CASH_ISA
    • ROTH_403B
    • OTHER
    Manual Account Type
    • CD
    • CREDIT

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" originationDate: description: "The date on which the loan is disbursed.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalVestedBalance: description: "The total vested balance that appears in an investment account. Such as the 401k account or the equity award account that includes employer provided funding.
    Note: The amount an employee can claim after he or she leaves the organization. The total vested balance field is only applicable to the retirement related accounts such as 401k, equity awards, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" rewardBalance: description: "Information of different reward balances associated with the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RewardBalance" sourceAccountStatus: description: "Indicates the status of the loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_REPAYMENT" - "DEFAULTED" - "IN_SCHOOL" - "IN_GRACE_PERIOD" - "DELINQUENCY" - "DEFERMENT" - "FORBEARANCE" linkedAccountIds: description: "List of Loan accountId(s) to which the real-estate account is linked

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" derivedApr: format: "double" description: "Derived APR will be an estimated purchase APR based on consumers credit card transactions and credit card purchase.
    Aggregated / Manual / Derived: Derived
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" policyEffectiveDate: description: "The date on which the insurance policy coverage commences.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalUnvestedBalance: description: "The total unvested balance that appears in an investment account.Such as the 401k account or the equity award account that includes employer provided funding.
    Note: The amount the employer contributes is generally subject to vesting and remain unvested for a specific period of time or until fulfillment of certain conditions. The total unvested balance field is only applicable to the retirement related accounts such as 401k, equity awards, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" annuityBalance: description: "Indicates the contract value of the annuity.
    Note: The annuity balance field is applicable only to annuities.
    Applicable containers: insurance, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    (The POST accounts service response return this field as name)
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalCreditLimit: description: "The maximum amount of credit a financial institution extends to a consumer through a line of credit or a revolving loan like HELOC.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The credit limit field is applicable only to LOC and HELOC account types.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyStatus: description: "The status of the policy.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "IN_ACTIVE" - "OTHER" shortBalance: description: "The sum of the current market values of short positions held in a brokerage account.
    Note: The short balance balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lender: description: "The financial institution that provides the loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastEmployeeContributionAmount: description: "Indicates the last amount contributed by the employee to the 401k account.
    Note: The last employee contribution amount field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerId: description: "Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPaymentDate: description: "The date on which the payment for the previous or current billing cycle is done.
    Additional Details: If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment date of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the date on which the payment was made for any of the previous billing cycles. The last payment date at the account-level can differ from the last payment date at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" primaryRewardUnit: description: "Primary reward unit for this reward program. E.g. miles, points, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPaymentAmount: description: "Last/Previous payment amount on the account. Portion of the principal and interest paid on previous month or period to satisfy a loan.
    Additional Details: If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment that was made for any of the previous billing cycles.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" remainingBalance: description: "The sum of the future payments due to be paid to the insurance company during a policy year. It is the policy rate minus the payments made till date.
    Note: The remaining balance field is applicable only to auto insurance and home insurance.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" userClassification: description: "Applicable containers: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST accounts
  • GET dataExtracts/userData
  • Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "BUSINESS" - "PERSONAL" bankTransferCode: description: "Bank and branch identification information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/BankTransferCode" expirationDate: description: "The date on which the insurance policy expires or matures.
    Additional Details: The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" coverage: description: "The coverage-related details of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coverage" cashApr: format: "double" description: "Annual percentage rate applied to cash withdrawals on the card.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " type: "number" autoRefresh: description: "Auto refresh account-related information.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AutoRefresh" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" displayedName: description: "The name or identification of the account owner, as it appears at the FI site.
    Note: The account holder name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder name in the account summary page.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" fullAccountNumberList: description: "Full account number List of the account that is included only when include = fullAccountNumberList is provided in the request.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward, otherAssets, otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/FullAccountNumberList" amountDue: description: "The amount due to be paid for the account.
    Additional Details:Credit Card: The total amount due for the purchase of goods or services that must be paid by the due date.
    Loan: The amount due to be paid on the due date.
    Note: The amount due at the account-level can differ from the amount due at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" currentLevel: description: "Current level of the reward program the user is associated with. E.g. Silver, Jade etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" originalLoanAmount: description: "The amount of loan that the lender has provided.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyToDate: description: "The date to which the policy exists.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" loanPayoffDetails: description: "The loan payoff details such as date by which the payoff amount should be paid, loan payoff amount, and the outstanding balance on the loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/LoanPayoffDetails" paymentProfile: description: "The payment profile attribute contains information such as payment address, payment identifier, etc., that are required to set up a payment.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentProfile" CONTAINER: description: "The type of service. E.g., Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Insurance, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" lastEmployeeContributionDate: description: "The date on which the last employee contribution was made to the 401k account.
    Note: The last employee contribution date field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPayment: description: "The last payment made for the account.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bill
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" recurringPayment: description: "The monthly or periodic payment on a loan that is recurring in nature. The recurring payment amount is usually same as the amount due, unless late fees or other charges are added eventually changing the amount due for a particular month.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" HoldingIdListResponse: type: "object" title: "HoldingIdListResponse" properties: holding: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingId" ApiKeyResponse: type: "object" title: "ApiKeyResponse" properties: apiKey: description: "ApiKey customer details.

    • GET /auth/apiKey
    • POST /auth/apiKey
    " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ApiKeyOutput" CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest: type: "object" title: "CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest" required: - "event" properties: event: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateCobrandNotificationEvent" Institution: type: "object" title: "Institution" properties: languageISOCode: description: "The language in which the provider details are provided. For example, a site supports two languages English and French. English being the primary language, the provider response will be provided in French depending on the user's locale. The language follows the two letter ISO code.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" favicon: description: "Favicon link of the provider.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" countryISOCode: description: "Country to which the provider belongs.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isAddedByUser: description: "Indicates that the site has been added by the user at least once.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" PRIORITY: description: "Indicates the priority for which the service is invoked.

    • GET institutions
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "POPULAR" - "SUGGESTED" - "COBRAND" - "SEARCH" - "ALL" primaryLanguageISOCode: description: "The primary language of the site.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" baseUrl: description: "The base URL of the provider's site.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" loginUrl: description: "The login URL of the provider's site.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerId: description: "providerId

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" name: description: "The name of a provider site.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" logo: description: "The logo link of the provider institution. The link will return the logo in the PNG format.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider site.(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" lastModified: description: "Determines when the provider information was updated by Yodlee. If the customer caches the data, the cache is recommended to be refreshed based on this field.

    • GET institutions
    " readOnly: true type: "string" Security: type: "object" title: "Security" properties: stockExchangeDetails: description: "Securities exchange provide the securities information at the corresponding exchanges.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/StockExchangeDetail" issueTypeMultiplier: format: "double" description: "Price units corresponding to the security style. This is used to derive actual price of the security from market value.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" stateTaxable: description: "The state in which the security is taxed.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" callDate: description: "Next call date of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" cdscFundFlag: description: "cdsc fund flag of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" cusip: description: "A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" federalTaxable: description: "Flag indicating federal taxable.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" sAndPRating: description: "Unique identifier for S&P rating on Envestnet platform.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" shareClass: description: "Share class of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isEnvestnetDummySecurity: description: "Flag indicating a dummy security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" description: description: "The description (name) of the security. For example, Cisco Systems.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" minimumPurchase: format: "int32" description: "Minimum purchase of security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" type: description: "Indicates the type of security like stocks, mutual fund, etc.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" firstCouponDate: description: "First coupon date of security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" frequency: format: "int32" description: "Coupon Frequency.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" accrualMethod: description: "The method in which interest is accrued or earned.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" incomeCurrency: description: "ISO 4217 currency code indicating income currency of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" maturityDate: description: "Maturity date of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" callPrice: format: "double" description: "Next call price of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" id: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" issueDate: description: "Issue date of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" sector: description: "Identifier of the sector to which the security belongs to.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" agencyFactor: format: "double" description: "Agency factor of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" interestRate: format: "double" description: "The rate of interest paid annually, expressed as a percentage of the bond's par or face value.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "number" lastModifiedDate: description: "The last updated date of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" gicsSector: description: "GICS Sector is a categorization the S&P assigns to all publically traded companies.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" closedFlag: description: "true:Closed for all investors , false: Open to all investors.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" sedol: description: "The Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.
    Note: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" subSector: description: "GICS sector ID to which the security belongs to.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastCouponDate: description: "Last coupon date of security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isSyntheticSecurity: description: "Indicates whether the security is a simulated security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" tradeCurrencyCode: description: "ISO 4217 currency code indicating trading currency of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isDummySecurity: description: "Indicates whether the security is a dummy security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" moodyRating: description: "Unique identifier for Moody rating on Envestnet platform.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" style: description: "Classification of the style for the security.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" firmEligible: description: "1- indicates Eligible,0- indicates firm is not eligible.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" fundFamily: description: "Mutual Fund Family Name.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.

    Applicable containers: investment, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" DataExtractsAccount: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsAccount" properties: availableCash: description: "The amount that is available for an ATM withdrawal, i.e., the cash available after deducting the amount that is already withdrawn from the total cash limit. (totalCashLimit-cashAdvance= availableCash)
    Additional Details: The available cash amount at the account-level can differ from the available cash at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" includeInNetWorth: description: "Used to determine whether an account to be considered in the networth calculation.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,loan,investment,insurance,realEstate,otherAssets,otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" moneyMarketBalance: description: "The amount in the money market fund or its equivalent such as bank deposit programs.
    Note: The money market balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" enrollmentDate: description: "Date on which the user is enrolled on the rewards program.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" estimatedDate: description: "The date on which the home value was estimated.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" memo: description: "The additional description or notes given by the user.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" guarantor: description: "A nonprofit or state organization that works with lender, servicer, school, and the Department of Education to help successfully repay Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans. If FFELP student loans default, the guarantor takes ownership of them.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestPaidLastYear: description: "Interest paid in last calendar year.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" balance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: available balance or current balance.
    Credit Card: running Balance.
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.
    Insurance: CashValue or amountDue
    Loan: principalBalance
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, otherAssets, otherLiabilities, realEstate
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" homeInsuranceType: description: "Type of home insurance, like -
    • RENTAL
    • RENTER
    • etc..
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "HOME_OWNER" - "RENTAL" - "RENTER" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET investmentOptions
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    • POST accounts
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" cash: description: "The amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a brokerage or investment account.
    Note: The cash balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" totalCreditLine: description: "Total credit line is the amount of money that can be charged to a credit card. If credit limit of $5,000 is issued on a credit card, the total charges on the card cannot exceed this amount.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerName: description: "Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" valuationType: description: "The valuation type indicates whether the home value is calculated either manually or by Yodlee Partners.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "MANUAL" marginBalance: description: "The amount of borrowed funds used to purchase securities.
    Note: Margin balance is displayed only if the brokerage account is approved for margin. The margin balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" apr: format: "double" description: "The annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest on the credit card account.
    Additional Details: The yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate of interest is applied every month on the outstanding credit card balance.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" availableCredit: description: "
    Credit Card: Amount that is available to spend on the credit card. It is usually the Total credit line- Running balance- pending charges.
    Loan: The unused portion of line of credit, on a revolving loan (such as a home-equity line of credit).
    Additional Details:
    Note: The available credit amount at the account-level can differ from the available credit field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" isManual: description: "Indicates if an account is aggregated from a site or it is a manual account i.e. account information manually provided by the user.
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" escrowBalance: description: "The amount a mortgage company holds to pay a consumer's non-mortgage related expenses like insurance and property taxes.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The escrow balance field is only applicable to the mortgage account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" nextLevel: description: "The eligible next level of the rewards program.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" classification: description: "The classification of the account such as personal, corporate, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, reward, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OTHER" - "PERSONAL" - "CORPORATE" - "SMALL_BUSINESS" - "TRUST" - "ADD_ON_CARD" - "VIRTUAL_CARD" loanPayoffAmount: description: "The amount to be paid to close the loan account, i.e., the total amount required to meet a borrower's obligation on a loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" interestRateType: description: "The type of the interest rate, for example, fixed or variable.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "FIXED" - "VARIABLE" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" loanPayByDate: description: "The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" faceAmount: description: "The amount stated on the face of a consumer's policy that will be paid in the event of his or her death or any other event as stated in the insurance policy. The face amount is also referred to as the sum insured or maturity value in India.
    Note: The face amount field is applicable only to life insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyFromDate: description: "The date the insurance policy began.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" premiumPaymentTerm: description: "The number of years for which premium payments have to be made in a policy.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" policyTerm: description: "The duration for which the policy is valid or in effect. For example, one year, five years, etc.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" repaymentPlanType: description: "The type of repayment plan that the borrower prefers to repay the loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "STANDARD" - "GRADUATED" - "EXTENDED" - "INCOME_BASED" - "INCOME_CONTINGENT" - "INCOME_SENSITIVE" - "PAY_AS_YOU_EARN" - "REVISED_PAY_AS_YOU_EARN" aggregatedAccountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated." readOnly: true type: "string" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountStatus: description: "The status of the account that is updated by the consumer through an application or an API. Valid Values: AccountStatus
    Additional Details:
    ACTIVE: All the added manual and aggregated accounts status will be made \"ACTIVE\" by default.
    TO_BE_CLOSED: If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED
    INACTIVE: Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services
    CLOSED: Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" lifeInsuranceType: description: "Type of life insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OTHER" - "TERM_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "UNIVERSAL_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "WHOLE_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "VARIABLE_LIFE_INSURANCE" - "ULIP" - "ENDOWMENT" premium: description: "The financial cost that the policyholder pays to the insurance company to obtain an insurance cover.The premium is paid as a lump sum or in installments during the duration of the policy.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the account(s) are added in the system.
    Valid Values: SYSTEM, USER
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" isDeleted: description: "Indicates if the account is marked as deleted.Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" overDraftLimit: description: "The overdraft limit for the account.
    Note: The overdraft limit is provided only for AUS, INDIA, UK, NZ locales.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" nickname: description: "The nickname of the account as provided by the consumer to identify an account. The account nickname can be used instead of the account name.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" term: description: "The tenure for which the CD account is valid or in case of loan, the number of years/months over which the loan amount has to be repaid.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: The Term field is only applicable for the account type CD.Loan: The period for which the loan agreement is in force. The period, before or at the end of which, the loan should either be repaid or renegotiated for another term.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" description: "
    Bank: The interest rate offered by a FI to its depositors on a bank account.
    Loan: Interest rate applied on the loan.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The Interest Rate field is only applicable for the following account types: savings, checking, money market, and certificate of deposit.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" deathBenefit: description: "The death benefit amount on a life insurance policy and annuity. It is usually equal to the face amount of the policy, but sometimes can vary for a whole life and universal life insurance policies.
    Note: The death benefit amount field is applicable only to annuities and life insurance.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" address: description: "The home address of the real estate account. The address entity for home address consists of state, zip and city only

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" cashValue: description: "The amount of cash value available in the consumer's life insurance policy account - except for term insurance policy - for withdrawals, loans, etc. This field is also used to capture the cash value on the home insurance policy.It is the standard that the insurance company generally prefer to reimburse the policyholder for his or her loss, i.e., the cash value is equal to the replacement cost minus depreciation. The cash value is also referred to as surrender value in India for life insurance policies.
    Note: The cash value field is applicable to all types of life insurance (except for term life) and home insurance.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" 401kLoan: description: "The amount borrowed from the 401k account.
    Note: The 401k loan field is only applicable to the 401k account type.
    Applicable containers: investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" homeValue: description: "The home value of the real estate account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Manual
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    Credit Card: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,
    i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST accounts
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" createdDate: description: "The date on which the account is created in the Yodlee system.
    Additional Details: It is the date when the user links or aggregates the account(s) that are held with the provider to the Yodlee system.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" interestPaidYTD: description: "Interest paid from the start of the year to date.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" isSelectedForAggregation: description: "Indicates if the account is selected by user for aggregation.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" collateral: description: "Property or possession offered to support a loan that can be seized on a default.
    Applicable containers: loan
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" runningBalance: description: "The amount that is currently owed on the credit card account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" sourceId: description: "A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the account. The source ID is only available for the HELD accounts.

    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" dueDate: description: "The date on which the due amount has to be paid.
    Additional Details:
    Credit Card: The monthly date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid on the credit card account.
    Loan: The date on or before which the due amount should be paid.
    Note: The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" frequency: description: "The frequency of the billing cycle of the account in case of card. The frequency in which premiums are paid in an insurance policy such as monthly, quarterly, and annually. The frequency in which due amounts are paid in a loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "DAILY" - "ONE_TIME" - "WEEKLY" - "EVERY_2_WEEKS" - "SEMI_MONTHLY" - "MONTHLY" - "QUARTERLY" - "SEMI_ANNUALLY" - "ANNUALLY" - "EVERY_2_MONTHS" - "EBILL" - "FIRST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "LAST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "EVERY_4_WEEKS" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" maturityAmount: description: "The maturity amount on the CD is the amount(principal and interest) paid on or after the maturity date.
    Additional Details: The Maturity Amount field is only applicable for the account type CD(Fixed Deposits).

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" associatedProviderAccountId: description: "The providerAccountIds that share the account with the primary providerAccountId that was created when the user had added the account for the first time.
    Additional Details: This attribute is returned in the response only if the account deduplication feature is enabled and the same account is mapped to more than one provider account IDs indicating the account is owned by more than one user, for example, joint accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" isAsset: description: "The account to be considered as an asset or liability.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" principalBalance: description: "The principal or loan balance is the outstanding balance on a loan account, excluding the interest and fees. The principal balance is the original borrowed amount plus any applicable loan fees, minus any principal payments.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" totalCashLimit: description: "The maximum amount that can be withdrawn from an ATM using the credit card. Credit cards issuer allow cardholders to withdraw cash using their cards - the cash limit is a percent of the overall credit limit.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" maturityDate: description: "The date when a certificate of deposit (CD/FD) matures or the final payment date of a loan at which point the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.
    Additional Details: The date when a certificate of deposit (CD) matures, i.e., the money in the CD can be withdrawn without paying an early withdrawal penalty.The final payment date of a loan, i.e., the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" minimumAmountDue: description: "The minimum amount due is the lowest amount of money that a consumer is required to pay each month.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" annualPercentageYield: format: "double" description: "Annual percentage yield (APY) is a normalized representation of an interest rate, based on a compounding period of one year. APY generally refers to the rate paid to a depositor by a financial institution on an account.
    Applicable containers: bank
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, credit card, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    • CD
    • PPF
    • FSA
    • IRA
    • OTHER
    • CREDIT
    • STORE
    • CHARGE
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • HSA
    • IRA
    • 401K
    • 403B
    • TRUST
    • SIMPLE
    • JTTIC
    • JTWROS
    • ROTH
    • 529_PLAN
    • 401A
    • PSP
    • MPP
    • SEP
    • UTMA
    • UGMA
    • ESOPP
    • CHURCH
    • CMA
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • TRUST
    • ROTH_IRA
    • SEP_IRA
    • ESTATE
    • CASH_ISA
    • ROTH_403B
    • OTHER
    Manual Account Type
    • CD
    • CREDIT

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" originationDate: description: "The date on which the loan is disbursed.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalVestedBalance: description: "The total vested balance that appears in an investment account. Such as the 401k account or the equity award account that includes employer provided funding.
    Note: The amount an employee can claim after he or she leaves the organization. The total vested balance field is only applicable to the retirement related accounts such as 401k, equity awards, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" rewardBalance: description: "Information of different reward balances associated with the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RewardBalance" sourceAccountStatus: description: "Indicates the status of the loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values:
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_REPAYMENT" - "DEFAULTED" - "IN_SCHOOL" - "IN_GRACE_PERIOD" - "DELINQUENCY" - "DEFERMENT" - "FORBEARANCE" linkedAccountIds: description: "List of Loan accountId(s) to which the real-estate account is linked

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: realEstate
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" derivedApr: format: "double" description: "Derived APR will be an estimated purchase APR based on consumers credit card transactions and credit card purchase.
    Aggregated / Manual / Derived: Derived
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "number" policyEffectiveDate: description: "The date on which the insurance policy coverage commences.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalUnvestedBalance: description: "The total unvested balance that appears in an investment account.Such as the 401k account or the equity award account that includes employer provided funding.
    Note: The amount the employer contributes is generally subject to vesting and remain unvested for a specific period of time or until fulfillment of certain conditions. The total unvested balance field is only applicable to the retirement related accounts such as 401k, equity awards, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" annuityBalance: description: "Indicates the contract value of the annuity.
    Note: The annuity balance field is applicable only to annuities.
    Applicable containers: insurance, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    (The POST accounts service response return this field as name)
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalCreditLimit: description: "The maximum amount of credit a financial institution extends to a consumer through a line of credit or a revolving loan like HELOC.
    Additional Details:
    Note: The credit limit field is applicable only to LOC and HELOC account types.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyStatus: description: "The status of the policy.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "IN_ACTIVE" - "OTHER" shortBalance: description: "The sum of the current market values of short positions held in a brokerage account.
    Note: The short balance balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lender: description: "The financial institution that provides the loan.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastEmployeeContributionAmount: description: "Indicates the last amount contributed by the employee to the 401k account.
    Note: The last employee contribution amount field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerId: description: "Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPaymentDate: description: "The date on which the payment for the previous or current billing cycle is done.
    Additional Details: If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment date of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the date on which the payment was made for any of the previous billing cycles. The last payment date at the account-level can differ from the last payment date at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" primaryRewardUnit: description: "Primary reward unit for this reward program. E.g. miles, points, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPaymentAmount: description: "Last/Previous payment amount on the account. Portion of the principal and interest paid on previous month or period to satisfy a loan.
    Additional Details: If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment that was made for any of the previous billing cycles.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" remainingBalance: description: "The sum of the future payments due to be paid to the insurance company during a policy year. It is the policy rate minus the payments made till date.
    Note: The remaining balance field is applicable only to auto insurance and home insurance.
    Applicable containers: insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" userClassification: description: "Applicable containers: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST accounts
  • GET dataExtracts/userData
  • Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "BUSINESS" - "PERSONAL" bankTransferCode: description: "Bank and branch identification information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment, loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/BankTransferCode" expirationDate: description: "The date on which the insurance policy expires or matures.
    Additional Details: The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" coverage: description: "The coverage-related details of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance,investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coverage" cashApr: format: "double" description: "Annual percentage rate applied to cash withdrawals on the card.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: creditCard
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " type: "number" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" displayedName: description: "The name or identification of the account owner, as it appears at the FI site.
    Note: The account holder name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder name in the account summary page.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" sourceProviderAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The providerAccountId that is deleted and merged into the destinationProviderAccountId as part of the many-to-one OAuth migration process.
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" amountDue: description: "The amount due to be paid for the account.
    Additional Details:Credit Card: The total amount due for the purchase of goods or services that must be paid by the due date.
    Loan: The amount due to be paid on the due date.
    Note: The amount due at the account-level can differ from the amount due at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides more up-to-date information.
    Applicable containers: creditCard, loan, insurance
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" currentLevel: description: "Current level of the reward program the user is associated with. E.g. Silver, Jade etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: reward
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" originalLoanAmount: description: "The amount of loan that the lender has provided.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" policyToDate: description: "The date to which the policy exists.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: insurance
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" loanPayoffDetails: description: "The loan payoff details such as date by which the payoff amount should be paid, loan payoff amount, and the outstanding balance on the loan account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/LoanPayoffDetails" CONTAINER: description: "The type of service. E.g., Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Insurance, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: All containers
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" lastEmployeeContributionDate: description: "The date on which the last employee contribution was made to the 401k account.
    Note: The last employee contribution date field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true type: "string" lastPayment: description: "The last payment made for the account.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bill
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" recurringPayment: description: "The monthly or periodic payment on a loan that is recurring in nature. The recurring payment amount is usually same as the amount due, unless late fees or other charges are added eventually changing the amount due for a particular month.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET dataExtracts/userData
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" Renewal: type: "object" title: "Renewal" required: - "defaultRenewalDuration" - "isReauthorizationRequired" properties: defaultRenewalDuration: format: "int64" description: "Shows the duration in days of consent renewal" type: "integer" isReauthorizationRequired: description: "Shows if the consent renewal need reauthorization" type: "boolean" YodleeError: type: "object" title: "YodleeError" properties: errorMessage: description: "The descriptive message that explains the error scenario." readOnly: true type: "string" errorCode: description: "The error code follows the format YNNN. The error codes do not change. New error codes may be added as we introduce new features and enhance functionalities." readOnly: true type: "string" referenceCode: description: "Unique Yodlee identifier used to troubleshoot issues at Yodlee's end." readOnly: true type: "string" DocumentDownload: type: "object" title: "DocumentDownload" properties: docContent: description: "Contents of the document in Base64 format.

    Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" id: description: "The document's primary key and unique identifier.

    Applicable containers: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance
    " readOnly: true type: "string" UpdateVerificationRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateVerificationRequest" properties: verification: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateVerification" DetailCategory: type: "object" title: "DetailCategory" properties: name: description: "The name of the detail category

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier of the detail category.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" AccessTokens: type: "object" title: "AccessTokens" properties: appId: description: "The identifier of the application for which the access token is generated.

    • GET user/accessTokens
    " type: "string" value: description: "Access token value used to invoke the widgets/apps.

    • GET user/accessTokens
    " type: "string" url: description: "Base URL using which the application is accessed.

    • GET user/accessTokens
    " type: "string" ApiKeyOutput: type: "object" title: "ApiKeyOutput" properties: expiresIn: format: "int64" description: "Time in seconds after which the JWT token created for users expires.

    • GET /auth/apiKey
    • POST /auth/apiKey
    " type: "integer" createdDate: description: "The date on which the apiKey was created for the customer.

    • GET /auth/apiKey
    • POST /auth/apiKey
    " type: "string" publicKey: minLength: 1 description: "Public key uploaded by the customer while generating ApiKey.

    • GET /auth/apiKey
    • POST /auth/apiKey
    " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 key: description: "ApiKey or the issuer key used to generate the JWT token for authentication.

    • GET /auth/apiKey
    • POST /auth/apiKey
    " type: "string" LoanPayoffDetails: type: "object" title: "LoanPayoffDetails" properties: payByDate: description: "The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" payoffAmount: description: "The loan payoff amount.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" outstandingBalance: description: "The outstanding balance on the loan account. The outstanding balance amount may differ from the payoff amount. It is usually the sum of outstanding principal, unpaid interest, and fees, if any.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: loan
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" RenewConsentPreferences: type: "object" title: "RenewConsentPreferences" required: - "id" - "value" properties: id: format: "int64" description: "preference id for AU Open Banking only.

    • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
    " type: "integer" value: description: "preference value for AU Open Banking only.

    • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
    " type: "string" DeletePreference: type: "object" title: "DeletePreference" properties: description: description: "Delete Preference Descritption" type: "string" alternateDescription: description: "Delete Preference Alternate Descritption" type: "string" labelDescription: description: "Delete Preference LabelDescritption" type: "string" UpdatedConsentResponse: type: "object" title: "UpdatedConsentResponse" properties: consent: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateConsent" Capability: type: "object" title: "Capability" properties: container: readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" name: readOnly: true type: "string" Coordinates: type: "object" title: "Coordinates" properties: latitude: format: "double" description: "Latitude of the merchant

    Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,loan
    " type: "number" longitude: format: "double" description: "Longitude of the merchant

    Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,loan
    " type: "number" TransactionCategorizationRuleResponse: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategorizationRuleResponse" properties: txnRules: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/TransactionCategorizationRule" ProviderAccountDetailResponse: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountDetailResponse" properties: providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccountDetail" UserDetailResponse: type: "object" title: "UserDetailResponse" properties: user: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserDetail" DerivedNetworthHistoricalBalance: type: "object" title: "DerivedNetworthHistoricalBalance" properties: date: description: "Date for which the account balance was provided. This balance could be a carryforward, calculated or a scraped balance. AdditIonal Details: scraped: Balance shown in the provider site. This balance gets stored in Yodlee system during system/user account updates. carryForward : Balance carried forward from the scraped balance to the days for which the balance was not available in the system. Balance may not be available for all the days in the system due to MFA information required, error in the site, credential changes, etc. calculated: Balances that gets calculated for the days that are prior to the account added date.

    Account Type: Aggregated and Manual
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    • GET derived/networth
    " readOnly: true type: "string" accountId: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" isAsset: description: "Indicates whether the balance is an asset or liability.

    Account Type: Aggregated and Manual
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "boolean" balance: description: "Balance amount of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated and Manual
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" asOfDate: description: "Date as of when the balance is last updated due to the auto account updates or user triggered updates. This balance will be carry forward for the days where there is no balance available in the system.

    Account Type: Aggregated and Manual
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" dataSourceType: description: "The source of balance information.

    Account Type: Aggregated and Manual
    Applicable containers: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan
    • GET accounts/historicalBalances
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "S" - "C" - "CF" DerivedTransactionsSummary: type: "object" title: "DerivedTransactionsSummary" properties: categoryType: description: "Type of categories provided by transactions/categories service.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "TRANSFER" - "DEFERRED_COMPENSATION" - "UNCATEGORIZE" - "INCOME" - "EXPENSE" categorySummary: description: "Summary of transaction amouts at category level.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedCategorySummary" creditTotal: description: "The total of credit transactions for the category type.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" links: description: "Link of the API services that corresponds to the value derivation.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedTransactionsLinks" debitTotal: description: "The total of debit transactions for the category type.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" DerivedCategorySummary: type: "object" title: "DerivedCategorySummary" properties: creditTotal: description: "The total of credit transactions for the category.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" details: description: "Credit and debit summary per date.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedCategorySummaryDetails" links: description: "Link of the API services that corresponds to the value derivation.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedTransactionsLinks" categoryName: description: "The name of the category.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" categoryId: format: "int64" description: "Id of the category. This information is provided by transactions/categories service.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" debitTotal: description: "The total of debit transactions for the category.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" VerifiedAccounts: type: "object" title: "VerifiedAccounts" properties: accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    (The POST accounts service response return this field as name)
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" verificationStatus: description: "The status of the account verification." readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • CMA
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • CMA
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" displayedName: description: "The name or identification of the account owner, as it appears at the FI site.
    Note: The account holder name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder name in the account summary page.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" holder: description: "Holder details of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHolder" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank / Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" classification: description: "The classification of the account such as personal, corporate, etc.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
  • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
  • Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OTHER" - "PERSONAL" - "CORPORATE" - "SMALL_BUSINESS" - "TRUST" - "ADD_ON_CARD" - "VIRTUAL_CARD" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" fullAccountNumberList: description: "Full account number List of the account that contains paymentAccountNumber and unmaskedAccountNumber.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/FullAccountNumberList" accountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" accountAgeClassification: description: "Attribute to return the classification of the account age by specifying whether the account is old/new/recent as relevant for a verification use case. If it could not be classified into any one of these values, the attribute would return the value as 'unclassified'" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "UNCLASSIFIED" - "OLD" - "NEW" - "RECENT" balance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: available balance or current balance.
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerId: description: "Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" CONTAINER: description: "The type of service. E.g., Bank, Investment

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "investment" isSelected: description: "Indicates if an account is selected by the user in the FastLink 4 application" readOnly: true type: "boolean" cash: description: "The amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a brokerage or investment account.
    Note: The cash balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" bankTransferCode: description: "Bank and branch identification information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/BankTransferCode" providerName: description: "Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET /verification/verifiedAccounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" failedReason: description: "The reason for the verification failure of the account." readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "REQUIRED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE" - "MATCHING_FAILED" BankTransferCode: type: "object" title: "BankTransferCode" properties: id: description: "The FI's branch identification number.Additional Details: The routing number of the bank account in the United States. For non-United States accounts, it is the IFSC code (India), BSB number (Australia), and sort code (United Kingdom).
    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST verification
    " type: "string" type: description: "The bank transfer code type varies depending on the region of the account origination.
    Account Type: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST verification
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "BSB" - "IFSC" - "ROUTING_NUMBER" - "SORT_CODE" UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest" required: - "event" properties: event: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateCobrandNotificationEvent" AccountMigrationResponse: type: "object" title: "AccountMigrationResponse" properties: providerId: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" providerAccountId: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" CobrandPublicKeyResponse: type: "object" title: "CobrandPublicKeyResponse" properties: keyAlias: description: "The key name used for encryption.

    • GET cobrand/publicKey
    " readOnly: true type: "string" keyAsPemString: description: "Public key that the customer should be using to encrypt the credentials and answers before sending to the add & update providerAccounts APIs.

    • GET cobrand/publicKey
    " readOnly: true type: "string" Cobrand: type: "object" title: "Cobrand" required: - "cobrandLogin" - "cobrandPassword" properties: cobrandLogin: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 cobrandPassword: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 locale: pattern: "[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}" description: "The customer's locale that will be considered for the localization functionality.

    • POST cobrand/login
    " type: "string" AutoRefresh: type: "object" title: "AutoRefresh" properties: additionalStatus: description: "Indicates the reason for the status.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SCHEDULED" - "TEMP_ERROR" - "SITE_BLOCKING" - "SITE_NOT_SUPPORTED" - "REAL_TIME_MFA_REQUIRED" - "USER_ACTION_REQUIRED" - "UNSUBSCRIBED" - "MANUAL_ACCOUNT" asOfDate: description: "Date on which the auto refresh status is determined.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" status: description: "Indicates whether auto refresh is enabled or disabled.

    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ENABLED" - "DISABLED" DataExtractsUser: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsUser" properties: loginName: readOnly: true type: "string" CobrandLoginRequest: type: "object" title: "CobrandLoginRequest" required: - "cobrand" properties: cobrand: $ref: "#/definitions/Cobrand" DerivedNetworthResponse: type: "object" title: "DerivedNetworthResponse" properties: networth: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DerivedNetworth" VerificationHolder: type: "object" title: "VerificationHolder" properties: ownership: description: "Indicates the ownership of the account" readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "The name of the account holder" readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" Description: type: "object" title: "Description" properties: security: description: "The description will provide the actual name of the security.

    Applicable containers: investment
    " readOnly: true type: "string" original: description: "Original transaction description as it appears at the FI site.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" simple: description: "The transaction description that appears at the FI site may not be self-explanatory, i.e., the source, purpose of the transaction may not be evident. Yodlee attempts to simplify and make the transaction meaningful to the consumer, and this simplified transaction description is provided in the simple description field.Note: The simple description field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.

    Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
    " readOnly: true type: "string" consumer: description: "The description of the transaction as defined by the consumer. The consumer can define or provide more details of the transaction in this field.

    " type: "string" UpdateUserRegistration: type: "object" title: "UpdateUserRegistration" properties: preferences: $ref: "#/definitions/UserRequestPreferences" address: $ref: "#/definitions/UserAddress" phoneNumber: type: "string" loginName: type: "string" name: $ref: "#/definitions/Name" email: type: "string" segmentName: type: "string" Profile: type: "object" title: "Profile" properties: identifier: description: "Identifiers available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier" address: description: "Address available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" phoneNumber: description: "Phone number available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PhoneNumber" gender: description: "Gender of the provider account holder.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET providerAccounts/profile
    " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "Name of the provider account holder.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET providerAccounts/profile
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" email: description: "Email Id available in the profile page of the account.

    Account Type: Aggregated
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Email" TransactionRequest: type: "object" title: "TransactionRequest" required: - "transaction" properties: transaction: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateTransaction" ClassificationSummaryResponse: type: "object" title: "ClassificationSummaryResponse" properties: accountSummary: description: "The account summary entity encapsulates the account-level summary information, and the transaction entity provides a transaction-level summary for an account passed." readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClassificationSummaryAccountSummary" UserDetail: type: "object" title: "UserDetail" properties: preferences: description: "Preferences of the user to be respected in the data provided through various API services.

    • POST user/samlLogin
    • POST user/register
    • GET user
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponsePreferences" address: description: "The address of the user.

    • GET user
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserAddress" phoneNumber: type: "string" loginName: description: "The login name of the user used for authentication.

    • POST user/register
    • GET user
    " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "First, middle and last names of the user.

    • POST user/samlLogin
    • POST user/register
    • GET user
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" id: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier of a consumer/user in Yodlee system for whom the API services would be accessed for.

    • POST user/samlLogin
    • POST user/register
    • GET user
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" roleType: type: "string" enum: - "INDIVIDUAL" email: description: "The email address of the user.

    • GET user
    " readOnly: true type: "string" segmentName: type: "string" TransactionResponse: type: "object" title: "TransactionResponse" properties: transaction: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Transaction" ConsentResponse: type: "object" title: "ConsentResponse" properties: consent: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Consent" ClassificationSummaryTransaction: type: "object" title: "ClassificationSummaryTransaction" properties: date: description: "The date the transaction happens in the account" readOnly: true type: "string" amount: description: "The amount of the transaction as it appears at the provider site" readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" description: description: "The description of the transaction" readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Description" merchant: description: "The name of the merchant corresponding to the transaction" readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ClassificationSummaryMerchant" baseType: description: "Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "CREDIT" - "DEBIT" LoginForm: type: "object" title: "LoginForm" properties: mfaInfoTitle: description: "The title for the MFA information demanded from the user.This is the title displayed in the provider site.This field is applicable for MFA form types only.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" help: description: "The help that can be displayed to the customer in the login form.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" forgetPasswordURL: description: "The forget password URL of the provider site.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " type: "string" formType: description: "The type of the forms for which the user information is required.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "login" - "questionAndAnswer" - "token" - "image" mfaInfoText: description: "The text displayed in the provider site while requesting the user's MFA information. This field is applicable for MFA form types only.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" loginHelp: description: "The help that can be displayed to the customer in the login form.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "string" mfaTimeout: format: "int64" description: "The amount of time before which the user is expected to provide MFA information. This field is applicable for MFA form types only. This would be an useful information that could be displayed to the users.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" id: format: "int64" description: "The identifier of the login form.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " type: "integer" row: description: "This indicates one row in the form. The row will have one label. But it may have single or multiple fields.

    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Row" AccountLatestBalance: type: "object" title: "AccountLatestBalance" properties: accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
    (The POST accounts service response return this field as name)
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" totalBalance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.Applicable containers: investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    • CD
    • PPF
    • FSA
    • IRA
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • HSA
    • IRA
    • 401K
    • 403B
    • TRUST
    • SIMPLE
    • JTTIC
    • JTWROS
    • ROTH
    • 529_PLAN
    • 401A
    • PSP
    • MPP
    • SEP
    • UTMA
    • UGMA
    • ESOPP
    • CHURCH
    • CMA
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • TRUST
    • ROTH_IRA
    • SEP_IRA
    • ESTATE
    • CASH_ISA
    • ROTH_403B
    • OTHER
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" refreshStatus: description: "The status of the account balance refresh request." readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SUCCESS" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "FAILED" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank / Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" balance: description: "The total account value.
    Additional Details:
    Bank: available balance or current balance.
    Investment: The total balance of all the investment account, as it appears on the FI site.Applicable containers: bank, investment
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerId: description: "Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" CONTAINER: description: "The type of service. E.g., Bank, Investment

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    Applicable Values
    " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "investment" cash: description: "The amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a brokerage or investment account.
    Note: The cash balance field is only applicable to brokerage related accounts.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" providerName: description: "Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment
    • GET accounts/latestBalances
    " readOnly: true type: "string" failedReason: description: "The reason the account balance refresh failed." readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "REQUIRED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_NEEDED" - "INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS" - "USER_ACTION_NEEDED_AT_SITE" - "ADDL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" - "INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDED" - "ACCOUNT_LOCKED" - "SITE_NOT_SUPPORTED" - "SITE_BLOCKING_ERROR" - "TECH_ERROR" - "UNEXPECTED_SITE_ERROR" - "SITE_UNAVAILABLE" - "SITE_SESSION_INVALIDATED" - "REQUEST_TIME_OUT" - "CONSENT_EXPIRED" - "CONSENT_REVOKED" - "INCORRECT_OAUTH_TOKEN" - "CONSENT_REQUIRED" - "NEW_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" CreateConsent: type: "object" title: "CreateConsent" required: - "applicationDisplayName" - "clientADR" - "clientTrustedAdvisor" - "consentId" - "consentStatus" - "expirationDate" - "expirationDateTime" - "links" - "preferences" - "providerId" - "revokeDate" - "revokeDateTime" - "scope" - "startDate" - "startDateTime" - "title" - "titleBody" properties: dataAccessFrequency: description: "Data Access Frequency explains the number of times that this consent can be used.
    Otherwise called as consent frequency type." type: "string" enum: - "ONE_TIME" - "RECURRING" otspADRName: description: "Name of the Accredited Data Recipient/Organization" type: "string" expirationDateTime: description: "Consent expiry datetime." type: "string" preferences: description: "Preferences describes options about the additional usage of data or purge data" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Preferences" otspADR: description: "Unique/Accredition Id of the ADR" type: "string" clientADR: description: "Client Name of the ADR" type: "string" renewal: description: "Renewal describes the sharing duration and reauthorization required." $ref: "#/definitions/Renewal" clientTrustedAdvisor: description: "describes information of client trusted advisor" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ClientTrustedAdvisor" revokeDateTime: description: "Consent revoke datetime." type: "string" providerConsentId: description: "Provider consent id" type: "string" revokeDate: description: "Consent revoke date." type: "string" title: description: "Title for the consent form." type: "string" applicationDisplayName: description: "Application display name." type: "string" titleBody: description: "Description for the title." type: "string" consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "integer" startDateTime: description: "Consent start datetime." type: "string" customDisplayData: description: "customDisplayData describes details thirdParty , consentConfirmation,deletePreference,userdataTreatment and clientTrustedAdvisorTxt" $ref: "#/definitions/CustomDisplayData" thirdPartyADR: description: "ThirdPartyADR describes details of additional parties which are accredited data recipients under organization" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ThirdPartyADR" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Provider Id for which the consent needs to be generated." type: "integer" consentStatus: description: "Status of the consent." type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "CONSENT_GENERATED" - "CONSENT_ACCEPTED" - "CONSENT_AUTHORIZED" - "CONSENT_MISMATCH" - "PENDING" - "EXPIRED" - "REVOKED" - "CONSENT_REPEALED" scope: description: "Scope describes about the consent permissions and their purpose." type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Scope" links: description: "GET consent preferences API details" type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Links" startDate: description: "Consent start date." type: "string" expirationDate: description: "Consent expiry date." type: "string" Verification: type: "object" title: "Verification" properties: accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" reason: description: "The reason the account verification failed.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "INITIATED" - "DEPOSITED" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" verificationType: description: "The account verification type.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" type: "string" enum: - "MATCHING" - "CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT" account: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationAccount" verificationDate: description: "The date of the account verification.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "string" verificationId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the verification request.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" DataExtractsEventResponse: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsEventResponse" properties: event: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsEvent" UserRegistration: type: "object" title: "UserRegistration" required: - "loginName" properties: preferences: $ref: "#/definitions/UserRequestPreferences" address: $ref: "#/definitions/UserAddress" phoneNumber: type: "string" loginName: minLength: 3 type: "string" maxLength: 150 name: $ref: "#/definitions/Name" email: type: "string" segmentName: type: "string" SecurityHolding: type: "object" title: "SecurityHolding" properties: security: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Security" id: readOnly: true type: "string" TotalCount: type: "object" title: "TotalCount" properties: count: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" ProvidersDataset: type: "object" title: "ProvidersDataset" properties: name: description: "The name of the dataset requested from the provider site

    Account Type: Manual
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • GET providerAccounts
    • POST providerAccounts
    • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
    • GET providers/{providerId}
    • GET providers
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "BASIC_AGG_DATA" - "ADVANCE_AGG_DATA" - "ACCT_PROFILE" - "DOCUMENT" attribute: description: "The name of the dataset attribute suported by the provider.

    • GET providers/{providerId}
    • GET providers
    " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Attribute" ConfigsNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "ConfigsNotificationEvent" properties: name: description: "Name of the event for which the customers must subscribe to receive notifications.
    Valid Value: Notification Events Name

    • GET configs/notifications/events
    Applicable Values
    " type: "string" enum: - "REFRESH" - "DATA_UPDATES" - "AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES" - "LATEST_BALANCE_UPDATES" - "CREDIT_ACCELERATOR_REPORT_UPDATES" callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

    • GET configs/notifications/events
    " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 HoldingRequest: type: "object" title: "HoldingRequest" required: - "holding" properties: holding: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/HoldingRequestInfo" ThirdPartyADR: type: "object" title: "ThirdPartyADR" required: - "name" - "url" properties: name: description: "name of ADR" type: "string" url: description: "Unique Id of ADR" type: "string" ConfigsNotificationResponse: type: "object" title: "ConfigsNotificationResponse" properties: event: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigsNotificationEvent" VerificationStatus: type: "object" title: "VerificationStatus" properties: accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" reason: description: "The reason the account verification failed.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "INITIATED" - "DEPOSITED" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " type: "integer" verificationType: description: "The account verification type.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification

    Applicable Values" type: "string" enum: - "MATCHING" - "CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT" account: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationAccount" remainingAttempts: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" verificationDate: description: "The date of the account verification.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "string" verificationId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the verification request.

    • POST verification
    • GET verification
    • PUT verification
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" ProviderAccountProfile: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountProfile" properties: profile: description: "PII related data like address, name, phoneNumber, identifier and email.

    • GET providerAccounts/profile
    " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Profile" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for profile

    • GET providerAccounts/profile
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" CreateConfigsNotificationEventRequest: type: "object" title: "CreateConfigsNotificationEventRequest" required: - "event" properties: event: $ref: "#/definitions/CreateConfigsNotificationEvent" VerifiedAccount: type: "object" title: "VerifiedAccount" properties: fullAccountNumber: type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, credit card, charge, HELOC, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
    Valid Values:
    Aggregated Account Type
    • CD
    • PPF
    • FSA
    • IRA
    • OTHER
    • CREDIT
    • STORE
    • CHARGE
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 1.0)
    • HSA
    • IRA
    • 401K
    • 403B
    • TRUST
    • SIMPLE
    • JTTIC
    • JTWROS
    • ROTH
    • 529_PLAN
    • 401A
    • PSP
    • MPP
    • SEP
    • UTMA
    • UGMA
    • ESOPP
    • CHURCH
    • CMA
    • OTHER
    investment (SN 2.0)
    • TRUST
    • ROTH_IRA
    • SEP_IRA
    • ESTATE
    • CASH_ISA
    • ROTH_403B
    • OTHER
    Manual Account Type
    • CD
    • CREDIT

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the provider account resource.

    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    Applicable containers: All containers
    " readOnly: true type: "integer" holder: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountHolder" id: format: "int64" type: "integer" accountNumber: description: "The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)
    Additional Details: Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment:
    The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.
    Credit Card: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,
    i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.
    Applicable containers: All Containers
    Aggregated / Manual: Both
    • GET accounts
    • GET accounts/{accountId}
    • POST accounts
    " readOnly: true type: "string" bankTransferCode: description: "Bank and branch identification information.
    Aggregated / Manual: Aggregated
    Applicable containers: bank, investment, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/BankTransferCode" providerName: description: "Applicable containers: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities
      " readOnly: true type: "string" AddedProviderAccount: type: "object" title: "AddedProviderAccount" properties: lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" requestId: description: "Unique id generated to indicate the request.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isManual: description: "Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" status: description: "The status of last update attempted for the account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "PARTIAL_SUCCESS" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" - "MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" - "DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED" DataExtractsUserData: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsUserData" properties: holding: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsHolding" totalTransactionsCount: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" user: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsUser" account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsAccount" transaction: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsTransaction" providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsProviderAccount" UpdateCobrandNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "UpdateCobrandNotificationEvent" properties: callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

      • GET cobrand/config/notifications/events
      " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 VerificationRequest: type: "object" title: "VerificationRequest" required: - "verification" properties: verification: $ref: "#/definitions/Verification" AccountAddress: type: "object" title: "AccountAddress" properties: zip: description: "Zip." type: "string" country: description: "Country." type: "string" address3: description: "Address Line 3." type: "string" address2: description: "Address Line 2." type: "string" city: description: "City." type: "string" sourceType: type: "string" address1: description: "Address Line 1." type: "string" street: type: "string" state: description: "State." type: "string" type: type: "string" enum: - "HOME" - "BUSINESS" - "POBOX" - "RETAIL" - "OFFICE" - "SMALL_BUSINESS" - "COMMUNICATION" - "PERMANENT" - "STATEMENT_ADDRESS" - "PAYMENT" - "PAYOFF" - "UNKNOWN" CreateCobrandNotificationEvent: type: "object" title: "CreateCobrandNotificationEvent" properties: callbackUrl: minLength: 1 description: "URL to which the notification should be posted.

      • GET cobrand/config/notifications/events
      " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 CreatedAccountInfo: type: "object" title: "CreatedAccountInfo" properties: accountName: readOnly: true type: "string" id: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" accountNumber: readOnly: true type: "string" ApiKeyRequest: type: "object" title: "ApiKeyRequest" properties: publicKey: minLength: 1 description: "Public key uploaded by the customer while generating ApiKey.

      • GET /auth/apiKey
      • POST /auth/apiKey
      " type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 VerificationTransaction: type: "object" title: "VerificationTransaction" required: - "amount" - "baseType" properties: amount: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" baseType: type: "string" enum: - "CREDIT" - "DEBIT" CdrPolicy: type: "object" title: "CdrPolicy" required: - "description" - "url" properties: description: description: "Consumer Data Right Policy" type: "string" url: description: "https://solutions.yodlee.com/au-cdr.html" type: "string" DataExtractsTransaction: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsTransaction" properties: date: description: "The value provided will be either postDate or transactionDate. postDate takes higher priority than transactionDate, except for the investment container as only transactionDate is available. The availability of postDate or transactionDate depends on the provider site.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" sourceId: description: "A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the transaction. The source ID is only available for the pre-populated accounts.
      Pre-populated accounts are the accounts that the FI customers shares with Yodlee, so that the user does not have to add or aggregate those accounts." readOnly: true type: "string" symbol: description: "The symbol of the security being traded.
      Note: The settle date field applies only to trade-related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" cusipNumber: description: "The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.

      : The CUSIP number field applies only to trade related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" highLevelCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The high level category assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" detailCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The id of the detail category that is assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" description: description: "Description details

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Description" memo: description: "Additional notes provided by the user for a particular transaction through application or API services.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" settleDate: description: "It is the date on which the transaction is finalized, that is, the date the ownership of the security is transferred to the buyer. The settlement date is usually few days after the transaction date.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" type: description: "The nature of the transaction, i.e., deposit, refund, payment, etc.
      Note: The transaction type field is available only for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and India based provider sites.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" intermediary: description: "The intermediary of the transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" baseType: description: "Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "CREDIT" - "DEBIT" categorySource: description: "Indicates the source of the category, i.e., categories derived by the system or assigned/provided by the consumer. This is the source field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" principal: description: "The portion of the principal in the transaction amount. The transaction amount can be the amount due, payment amount, minimum amount, repayment, etc.

      Applicable containers: loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lastUpdated: readOnly: true type: "string" isDeleted: description: "Indicates if the transaction is marked as deleted.Applicable containers: All Containers
      Aggregated / Manual: Both
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" interest: description: "The portion of interest in the transaction amount. The transaction amount can be the amount due, payment amount, minimum amount, repayment, etc.

      Applicable containers: loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" price: description: "The price of the security for the transaction.
      Note: The price field applies only to the trade related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" commission: description: "A commission or brokerage associated with a transaction.

      Additional Details:The commission only applies to trade-related transactions.Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" id: format: "int64" description: "An unique identifier for the transaction. The combination of the id and account container are unique in the system.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" merchantType: description: "Indicates the merchantType of the transaction.e.g:-BILLERS,SUBSCRIPTION,OTHERS

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" amount: description: "The amount of the transaction as it appears at the FI site.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" checkNumber: description: "The checkNumber of the transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isPhysical: description: "Indicates if the transaction is happened online or in-store.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" quantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity associated with the transaction.
      Note: The quantity field applies only to trade-related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" valoren: description: "It is an identification number that is assigned to financial instruments such as stocks and bonds trading in Switzerland.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isManual: description: "Indicates if the transaction is aggregated from the FI site or the consumer has manually created the transaction using the application or an API.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" merchant: description: "The name of the merchant associated with the transaction.
      Note: The merchant name field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Merchant" sedol: description: "SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List, a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" transactionDate: description: "The date the transaction happens in the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" categoryType: description: "The categoryType of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the type field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "TRANSFER" - "DEFERRED_COMPENSATION" - "UNCATEGORIZE" - "INCOME" - "EXPENSE" accountId: format: "int64" description: "The account from which the transaction was made. This is basically the primary key of the account resource.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" createdDate: readOnly: true type: "string" sourceType: description: "The source through which the transaction is added to the Yodlee system.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loann
      Applicable Values:
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "AGGREGATED" - "MANUAL" CONTAINER: description: "The account's container.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" postDate: description: "The date on which the transaction is posted to the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" parentCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The parentCategoryId of the category assigned to the transaction.
      Note: This field will be provided in the response if the transaction is assigned to a user-created category.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" subType: description: "The transaction subtype field provides a detailed transaction type. For example, purchase is a transaction type and the transaction subtype field indicates if the purchase was made using a debit or credit card.
      Note: The transaction subtype field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and India.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" runningBalance: description: "The running balance in an account indicates the balance of the account after every transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" categoryId: format: "int64" description: "The id of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the id field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" holdingDescription: description: "For transactions involving securities, this captures the securities description.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) standard is used worldwide to identify specific securities.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" status: description: "The status of the transaction: pending or posted.
      Note: Most FI sites only display posted transactions. If the FI site displays transaction status, same will be aggregated.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "POSTED" - "PENDING" - "SCHEDULED" - "FAILED" - "CLEARED" AccountHistory: type: "object" title: "AccountHistory" properties: historicalBalances: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/HistoricalBalance" id: format: "int64" readOnly: true type: "integer" UserSession: type: "object" title: "UserSession" properties: userSession: description: "Session provided for a valid user to access API services upon successful authentication.

      • POST user/samlLogin
      • POST user/register
      " readOnly: true type: "string" ProviderAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountResponse" properties: providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProviderAccount" VerifyAccount: type: "object" title: "VerifyAccount" properties: transactionCriteria: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifyTransactionCriteria" account: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifiedAccount" VerificationBankTransferCode: type: "object" title: "VerificationBankTransferCode" properties: id: description: "The FI's branch identification number.Additional Details: The routing number of the bank account in the United States. For non-United States accounts, it is the IFSC code (India), BSB number (Australia), and sort code (United Kingdom).
      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: bank, investment
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • POST verification
      " type: "string" type: description: "The bank transfer code type varies depending on the region of the account origination.
      Account Type: Aggregated
      Applicable containers: bank, investment
      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      • POST verification
      Applicable Values
      " type: "string" enum: - "BSB" - "IFSC" - "ROUTING_NUMBER" - "SORT_CODE" UpdateAccountInfo: type: "object" title: "UpdateAccountInfo" properties: container: type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" includeInNetWorth: type: "string" address: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" accountName: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 100 dueDate: type: "string" memo: minLength: 0 type: "string" maxLength: 250 homeValue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountNumber: minLength: 0 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" type: "string" maxLength: 100 frequency: type: "string" enum: - "DAILY" - "ONE_TIME" - "WEEKLY" - "EVERY_2_WEEKS" - "SEMI_MONTHLY" - "MONTHLY" - "QUARTERLY" - "SEMI_ANNUALLY" - "ANNUALLY" - "EVERY_2_MONTHS" - "EBILL" - "FIRST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "LAST_DAY_MONTHLY" - "EVERY_4_WEEKS" - "UNKNOWN" - "OTHER" accountStatus: type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" amountDue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" linkedAccountIds: description: "List of loan accounts to which a real-estate account is linked." type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" balance: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" isEbillEnrolled: type: "string" nickname: minLength: 0 type: "string" maxLength: 50 PaymentAccount: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccount" properties: accountStatus: description: "The status of the account that is updated by the user through an application or an API.
      • ACTIVE: All the added aggregated accounts status will be made \"ACTIVE\" by default.
      • TO_BE_CLOSED: If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED.
      • INACTIVE: Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services.
      • CLOSED: Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "TO_BE_CLOSED" - "CLOSED" - "DELETED" lastUpdated: description: "The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountName: description: "The account name as it appears at the site.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "The type of account that is aggregated, i.e., savings, checking, charge, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "string" currentBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; it is equal to the ledger balance of the account.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.

      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" bankTransferCode: description: "Bank and branch identification information.

      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentBankTransferCodeData" availableBalance: description: "The balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdraft, available balance may include overdraft amount, if end site adds overdraft balance to available balance.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/balance
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" fullAccountNumberList: description: "Full account number List of the account that is included only when include = fullAccountNumberList is provided in the request.
      • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/FullAccountNumbers" DataExtractsEventUserData: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsEventUserData" properties: links: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsEventLinks" user: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsUser" HoldingRequestInfo: type: "object" title: "HoldingRequestInfo" required: - "accountId" - "description" - "value" properties: symbol: type: "string" exercisedQuantity: format: "double" type: "number" cusipNumber: type: "string" vestedQuantity: format: "double" type: "number" description: minLength: 1 type: "string" maxLength: 2147483647 unvestedValue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" vestedValue: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" optionType: type: "string" enum: - "put" - "call" - "unknown" - "other" holdingType: type: "string" enum: - "stock" - "mutualFund" - "bond" - "CD" - "option" - "moneyMarketFund" - "other" - "remic" - "future" - "commodity" - "currency" - "unitInvestmentTrust" - "employeeStockOption" - "insuranceAnnuity" - "unknown" - "preferredStock" - "ETF" - "warrants" - "digitalAsset" maturityDate: type: "string" price: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" term: type: "string" contractQuantity: format: "double" type: "number" isShort: type: "boolean" value: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" expirationDate: type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" type: "number" quantity: format: "double" type: "number" grantDate: type: "string" sedol: type: "string" vestedSharesExercisable: format: "double" type: "number" spread: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" type: "integer" couponRate: format: "double" type: "number" unvestedQuantity: format: "double" type: "number" costBasis: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" vestingDate: type: "string" isin: type: "string" strikePrice: $ref: "#/definitions/Money" AddedProviderAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "AddedProviderAccountResponse" properties: providerAccount: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AddedProviderAccount" FullAccountNumberList: type: "object" title: "FullAccountNumberList" properties: paymentAccountNumber: description: "Payment Account Number of given account.

      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" unmaskedAccountNumber: description: "Unmasked account number of given account.

      • GET accounts
      • GET accounts/{accountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" VerificationAccount: type: "object" title: "VerificationAccount" required: - "accountNumber" - "accountType" - "bankTransferCode" properties: accountName: type: "string" accountType: type: "string" enum: - "SAVINGS" - "CHECKING" accountNumber: minLength: 3 type: "string" maxLength: 17 userClassification: type: "string" enum: - "BUSINESS" - "PERSONAL" bankTransferCode: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationBankTransferCode" DerivedTransactionsLinks: type: "object" title: "DerivedTransactionsLinks" properties: transactions: description: "Link of the transaction API service that corresponds to the value derivation.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" ConsentHistoryCountResponse: type: "object" title: "ConsentHistoryCountResponse" properties: consentHistory: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/ConsentHistoryCount" Transaction: type: "object" title: "Transaction" properties: date: description: "The value provided will be either postDate or transactionDate. postDate takes higher priority than transactionDate, except for the investment container as only transactionDate is available. The availability of postDate or transactionDate depends on the provider site.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" sourceId: description: "A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the transaction. The source ID is only available for the pre-populated accounts.
      Pre-populated accounts are the accounts that the FI customers shares with Yodlee, so that the user does not have to add or aggregate those accounts." readOnly: true type: "string" symbol: description: "The symbol of the security being traded.
      Note: The settle date field applies only to trade-related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" cusipNumber: description: "The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.

      : The CUSIP number field applies only to trade related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" highLevelCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The high level category assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" detailCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The id of the detail category that is assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" description: description: "Description details

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Description" memo: description: "Additional notes provided by the user for a particular transaction through application or API services.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" settleDate: description: "It is the date on which the transaction is finalized, that is, the date the ownership of the security is transferred to the buyer. The settlement date is usually few days after the transaction date.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" type: description: "The nature of the transaction, i.e., deposit, refund, payment, etc.
      Note: The transaction type field is available only for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and India based provider sites.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" intermediary: description: "The intermediary of the transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" baseType: description: "Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "CREDIT" - "DEBIT" categorySource: description: "Indicates the source of the category, i.e., categories derived by the system or assigned/provided by the consumer. This is the source field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" principal: description: "The portion of the principal in the transaction amount. The transaction amount can be the amount due, payment amount, minimum amount, repayment, etc.

      Applicable containers: loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" lastUpdated: readOnly: true type: "string" interest: description: "The portion of interest in the transaction amount. The transaction amount can be the amount due, payment amount, minimum amount, repayment, etc.

      Applicable containers: loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" price: description: "The price of the security for the transaction.
      Note: The price field applies only to the trade related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" commission: description: "A commission or brokerage associated with a transaction.

      Additional Details:The commission only applies to trade-related transactions.Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" id: format: "int64" description: "An unique identifier for the transaction. The combination of the id and account container are unique in the system.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" merchantType: description: "Indicates the merchantType of the transaction.e.g:-BILLERS,SUBSCRIPTION,OTHERS

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" amount: description: "The amount of the transaction as it appears at the FI site.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" checkNumber: description: "The checkNumber of the transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isPhysical: description: "Indicates if the transaction is happened online or in-store.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" quantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity associated with the transaction.
      Note: The quantity field applies only to trade-related transactions.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" valoren: description: "It is an identification number that is assigned to financial instruments such as stocks and bonds trading in Switzerland.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isManual: description: "Indicates if the transaction is aggregated from the FI site or the consumer has manually created the transaction using the application or an API.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" merchant: description: "The name of the merchant associated with the transaction.
      Note: The merchant name field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Merchant" sedol: description: "SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List, a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" transactionDate: description: "The date the transaction happens in the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" categoryType: description: "The categoryType of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the type field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "TRANSFER" - "DEFERRED_COMPENSATION" - "UNCATEGORIZE" - "INCOME" - "EXPENSE" accountId: format: "int64" description: "The account from which the transaction was made. This is basically the primary key of the account resource.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" createdDate: readOnly: true type: "string" sourceType: description: "The source through which the transaction is added to the Yodlee system.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loann
      Applicable Values:
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "AGGREGATED" - "MANUAL" CONTAINER: description: "The account's container.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "bank" - "creditCard" - "investment" - "insurance" - "loan" - "reward" - "bill" - "realEstate" - "otherAssets" - "otherLiabilities" postDate: description: "The date on which the transaction is posted to the account.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" parentCategoryId: format: "int64" description: "The parentCategoryId of the category assigned to the transaction.
      Note: This field will be provided in the response if the transaction is assigned to a user-created category.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" subType: description: "The transaction subtype field provides a detailed transaction type. For example, purchase is a transaction type and the transaction subtype field indicates if the purchase was made using a debit or credit card.
      Note: The transaction subtype field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and India.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "string" runningBalance: description: "The running balance in an account indicates the balance of the account after every transaction.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" categoryId: format: "int64" description: "The id of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the id field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" holdingDescription: description: "For transactions involving securities, this captures the securities description.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) standard is used worldwide to identify specific securities.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" status: description: "The status of the transaction: pending or posted.
      Note: Most FI sites only display posted transactions. If the FI site displays transaction status, same will be aggregated.

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "POSTED" - "PENDING" - "SCHEDULED" - "FAILED" - "CLEARED" Option: type: "object" title: "Option" properties: displayText: description: "The text that is displayed to the user for that option in the provider site.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" optionValue: description: "The value that is associated with the option.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" isSelected: description: "The option that is selected by default in the provider site.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "boolean" ConfigsPublicKey: type: "object" title: "ConfigsPublicKey" properties: alias: description: "The key name used for encryption.

      • GET configs/publicKey
      " readOnly: true type: "string" key: description: "Public key that the customer should be using to encrypt the credentials and answers before sending to the add and update providerAccounts APIs.

      • GET configs/publicKey
      " readOnly: true type: "string" Row: type: "object" title: "Row" properties: fieldRowChoice: description: "Fields that belong to a particular choice are collected together using this field.
      Recommendations: All the field row choices label to be grouped and displayed as options to the customer. On choosing a particular choice field, we recommend displaying the fields relevant to them. First field choice could be selected by default.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" field: description: "Details of fields that belong to the row.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Field" form: description: "Form denotes the set of the fields that are related.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" id: description: "Unique identifier of the row.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" label: description: "The label text displayed for a row in the form.

      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " type: "string" AccountResponse: type: "object" title: "AccountResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" UpdateUserRequest: type: "object" title: "UpdateUserRequest" required: - "user" properties: user: $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateUserRegistration" ProviderAccountPreferences: type: "object" title: "ProviderAccountPreferences" properties: isDataExtractsEnabled: description: "Indicates if the updates to the provider account should be part of the data extracts event notification or the data extract data retrieval service.

      • GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=preferences
      " type: "boolean" linkedProviderAccountId: format: "int64" description: "LinkedproviderAccountd is a providerAccountId linked by the user to the primary provider account.
      LinkedProviderAccountId and the providerAccountId belongs to the same institution.

      • POST Provider Account
      • PUT Provider Account
      • GET Provider Accounts
      " type: "integer" isAutoRefreshEnabled: description: "Indicates if auto-refreshes have to be triggered for the provider account.

      • GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=preferences
      " type: "boolean" DataExtractsEventData: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsEventData" properties: fromDate: readOnly: true type: "string" userData: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsEventUserData" userCount: format: "int32" readOnly: true type: "integer" toDate: readOnly: true type: "string" User: type: "object" title: "User" properties: preferences: description: "Preferences of the user to be respected in the data provided through various API services.

      • POST user/samlLogin
      • POST user/register
      • GET user
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponsePreferences" session: description: "Session token of the user using which other services are invoked in the system.

      • POST user/samlLogin
      • POST user/register
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/UserSession" loginName: description: "The login name of the user used for authentication.

      • POST user/register
      • GET user
      " readOnly: true type: "string" name: description: "First, middle and last names of the user.

      • POST user/samlLogin
      • POST user/register
      • GET user
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Name" id: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier of a consumer/user in Yodlee system for whom the API services would be accessed for.

      • POST user/samlLogin
      • POST user/register
      • GET user
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" roleType: type: "string" enum: - "INDIVIDUAL" VerificationStatusResponse: type: "object" title: "VerificationStatusResponse" properties: verification: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/VerificationStatus" DataHandling: type: "object" title: "DataHandling" required: - "dataList" - "headerDescription" properties: dataList: description: "We will apply the CDR de-identificatiion process.
      De-identificatied data will be used without further consent.
      De-identification of CDR data means your data cannot be associated with your identity after de-identification process takes place." type: "array" items: type: "string" headerDescription: description: "De-identification of data" type: "string" PaymentProcessorTokenRequest: type: "object" title: "PaymentProcessorTokenRequest" required: - "accountId" - "processor" properties: accountId: description: "The unique identifier for the user's account." type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" processor: description: "The payment processor with whom the customer is integrating." type: "string" RenewConsentResponse: type: "object" title: "RenewConsentResponse" properties: consentId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for consent. This is created during consent creation." type: "integer" authorizationUrl: description: "Authorization url generated for the request through PUT Consent to reach endsite." type: "string" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition." type: "integer" CreatedAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "CreatedAccountResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/CreatedAccountInfo" VerifyAccountResponse: type: "object" title: "VerifyAccountResponse" properties: verifyAccount: $ref: "#/definitions/VerifyAccount" ClientTrustedAdvisor: type: "object" title: "ClientTrustedAdvisor" required: - "email" - "name" - "role" properties: role: description: "Role of the Client Trusted Advisor: Example : Lawyer , Accountant , etc..." type: "string" name: description: "Name of the client trusted advisor" type: "string" email: description: "Email Id of the Client Trusted Advisor: PRIMARY , SECONDARY , PERSONAL , WORK and OTHERS" type: "string" AccountToken: type: "object" title: "AccountToken" properties: processorToken: description: "The unique token that the payment partner can use to make API request to the Envestnet | Yodlee system." readOnly: true type: "string" accountId: format: "int64" description: "The unique identifier for the user's account." readOnly: true type: "integer" UpdateConsent: type: "object" title: "UpdateConsent" properties: consentId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for consent. This is created during consent creation." type: "integer" authorizationUrl: description: "Authorization url generated for the request through PUT Consent to reach endsite." type: "string" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition." type: "integer" ProviderDetail: type: "object" title: "ProviderDetail" properties: languageISOCode: description: "The language in which the provider details are provided. For example, a site supports two languages English and French. English being the primary language, the provider response will be provided in French depending on the user's locale. The language follows the two letter ISO code.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" favicon: description: "Favicon link of the provider.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accountType: description: "AccountType supported by the provider, eg: Brokerage Cash, Current

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "CURRENT" - "BROKERAGE_CASH" countryISOCode: description: "Country to which the provider belongs.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isAddedByUser: description: "Indicates that the site has been added by the user at least once.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" PRIORITY: description: "Indicates the priority for which the service is invoked.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "POPULAR" - "SUGGESTED" - "COBRAND" - "SEARCH" - "ALL" associatedProviderIds: description: "The screen-scraping providers that are associated to the Open Banking provider ID.

      Applicable containers: All Containers
      • GET providers
      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: format: "int64" type: "integer" primaryLanguageISOCode: description: "The primary language of the site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" help: description: "Text to guide user through linking an account that belongs to the site

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" baseUrl: description: "The base URL of the provider's site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" capability: description: "Capability of the site

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers

      Note : capability has been deprecated" readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Capability" loginForm: description: "This entity represents the structure of the login or MFA form that is displayed to the user at the provider site. For performance reasons, this field is returned only when a single provider is requested in the request.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/LoginForm" isConsentRequired: description: "Indicates if a provider site requires consent.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" loginUrl: description: "The login URL of the provider's site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isAutoRefreshEnabled: description: "Indicates if a provider site is auto-refreshed.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" name: description: "The name of a provider site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" logo: description: "The logo link of the provider institution. The link will return the logo in the PNG format.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" betaContainers: description: "This attribute will show the list of containers which are presently under development for the provider site and their link attempt may be unsuccessful

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider site(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" lastModified: description: "Determines when the provider information was updated by Yodlee. If the customer caches the data, the cache is recommended to be refreshed based on this field.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" authParameter: description: "AuthParameter appears in the response only in case of token-based aggregation sites.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "authorizationCode" - "idToken" - "authResponse" - "state" authType: description: "The authentication type enabled at the provider site.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "OAUTH" - "CREDENTIALS" - "MFA_CREDENTIALS" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersDataset" status: description: "Determines if the provider is supported for the cobrand (customer), is in the beta stage, etc.

      • GET providers/{providerId}
      • GET providers
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "Supported" - "Beta" - "Unsupported" ProvidersCount: type: "object" title: "ProvidersCount" properties: TOTAL: readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/TotalCount" AccountProfileDetail: type: "object" title: "AccountProfileDetail" properties: identifier: description: "Identifiers available in the profile page of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier" address: description: "Address available in the profile page of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountAddress" phoneNumber: description: "Phone number available in the profile page of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PhoneNumber" email: description: "Email Id available in the profile page of the account.
    • GET /partner/paymentProcessor/account/holder
    • " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Email" TransactionCategorizationRule: type: "object" title: "TransactionCategorizationRule" properties: ruleClauses: description: "Details of rules.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RuleClause" userDefinedRuleId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier generated for every rule the user creates.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" categoryLevelId: format: "int32" description: "The level of the category for which the rule is created.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" transactionCategorisationId: format: "int64" description: "Category id that is assigned to the transaction when the transaction matches the rule clause. This is the id field of the transaction category resource.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" memId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the user.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" rulePriority: format: "int32" description: "The order in which the rules get executed on transactions.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" TransactionDays: type: "object" title: "TransactionDays" properties: fullAccountNumberFields: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "paymentAccountNumber" - "unmaskedAccountNumber" numberOfTransactionDays: format: "int32" type: "integer" UpdatedProviderAccount: type: "object" title: "UpdatedProviderAccount" properties: lastUpdated: description: "Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.

      Account Type: Aggregated
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" loginForm: description: "This entity gets returned in the response for only MFA based provider accounts during the add/update account polling process. This indicates that the MFA information is expected from the user to complete the process. This represents the structure of MFA form that is displayed to the user in the provider site.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/LoginForm" createdDate: description: "The date on when the provider account is created in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" aggregationSource: description: "The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "SYSTEM" - "USER" oauthMigrationStatus: description: "Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "IN_PROGRESS" - "TO_BE_MIGRATED" - "COMPLETED" - "MIGRATED" providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" requestId: description: "Unique id generated to indicate the request.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isManual: description: "Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" dataset: description: "Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      " readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountDataset" status: description: "The status of last update attempted for the account.

      • GET providerAccounts
      • POST providerAccounts
      • PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
      • GET dataExtracts/userData
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS" - "USER_INPUT_REQUIRED" - "IN_PROGRESS" - "PARTIAL_SUCCESS" - "SUCCESS" - "FAILED" - "MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" - "DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED" DataExtractsUserDataResponse: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsUserDataResponse" properties: userData: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/DataExtractsUserData" RenewalConsent: type: "object" title: "RenewalConsent" properties: defaultRenewalDuration: description: "Consent default renewal duration.

      • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
      " type: "string" isReauthorizationRequired: description: "Consent eligibility for reauthorization.

      • PUT consents/{consentId}/renewal
      " type: "boolean" DerivedHoldingsLinks: type: "object" title: "DerivedHoldingsLinks" properties: holdings: readOnly: true type: "string" Contact: type: "object" title: "Contact" properties: phone: description: "Phone number of the merchant

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " type: "string" email: description: "Email Id of the merchant

      Applicable containers: bank,creditCard,investment,loan
      " type: "string" DerivedHoldingsAccount: type: "object" title: "DerivedHoldingsAccount" properties: id: format: "int64" description: "The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.
      Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" value: description: "The investment accounts cash balance.
      Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" CobrandSession: type: "object" title: "CobrandSession" properties: cobSession: type: "string" AssetClassification: type: "object" title: "AssetClassification" properties: allocation: format: "double" description: "The allocation percentage of the holding.

      Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" classificationType: description: "The type of classification to which the investment belongs (assetClass, country, sector, and style).
      Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" classificationValue: description: "The value for each classificationType.
      Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" PaymentAccountHolderResponse: type: "object" title: "PaymentAccountHolderResponse" properties: account: readOnly: true type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/PaymentAccountHolder" DataExtractsHolding: type: "object" title: "DataExtractsHolding" properties: symbol: description: "The symbol of the security.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" exercisedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.
      Note: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" cusipNumber: description: "The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.
      Note: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" description: description: "The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)
      For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" unvestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the unvested units.
      Note: FIs usually calculates the unvested value as the market price unvested quantity. The unvested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityStyle: description: "Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedValue: description: "Indicates the estimated market value of the vested units.
      Note: FIs usually calculates the vested value as the market price vested quantity. The vested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" optionType: description: "The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).
      Note: The option type field is only applicable to options.

      Applicable containers: investment
      Applicable Values
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "put" - "call" - "unknown" - "other" lastUpdated: description: "The date when the information was last updated in the system.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" matchStatus: description: "Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" holdingType: description: "Type of holding

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" enum: - "stock" - "mutualFund" - "bond" - "CD" - "option" - "moneyMarketFund" - "other" - "remic" - "future" - "commodity" - "currency" - "unitInvestmentTrust" - "employeeStockOption" - "insuranceAnnuity" - "unknown" - "preferredStock" - "ETF" - "warrants" - "digitalAsset" maturityDate: description: "The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" price: description: "The current price of the security.
      Note: Only for bonds the price field indicates the normalized price and not the price aggregated from the site. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" term: description: "The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.
      Note: The term field is only applicable to CD.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" contractQuantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.
      Note: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" id: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" isShort: description: "Indicates that the holding is a short trading.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "boolean" value: description: "The total market value of the security. For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" expirationDate: description: "The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.
      Note: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" interestRate: format: "double" description: "The interest rate on a CD.
      Note: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" quantity: format: "double" description: "The quantity held for the holding.
      Note: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.
      For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "number" accruedInterest: description: "The accruedInterest of the holding.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" grantDate: description: "The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.
      Note: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" sedol: description: "The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.
      Note: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" vestedSharesExercisable: format: "double" description: "The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.
      Note: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" spread: description: "The difference between the current market value of a stock and the strike price of the employee stock option, when the market value of the shares are greater than the stock price.
      Note: The spread field is only applicable to employee stock options.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" accountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" enrichedDescription: description: "The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" couponRate: format: "double" description: "The stated interest rate for a bond.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" createdDate: description: "The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" accruedIncome: description: "The accruedIncome of the holding.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" securityType: description: "Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "string" providerAccountId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.

      Applicable containers: investment, insurance
      " readOnly: true type: "integer" unvestedQuantity: format: "double" description: "Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.
      Note: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "number" costBasis: description: "In a one-off security purchase, the cost basis is the quantity acquired multiplied by the price per unit paid plus any commission paid. In case, the same position is acquired in different lots on different days at different prices, the sum total of the cost incurred is divided by the total units acquired to arrive at the average cost basis.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" vestingDate: description: "The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.
      Note: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" isin: description: "The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.

      Note: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" strikePrice: description: "The strike (exercise) price for the option position.
      Note: The strike price field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.

      Applicable containers: investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" DerivedCategorySummaryDetails: type: "object" title: "DerivedCategorySummaryDetails" properties: date: description: "Date on which the credit and debit transactions had occured.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
      " readOnly: true type: "string" creditTotal: description: "Total of credit transaction amounts that had occured on the date.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" debitTotal: description: "Total of debit transaction amounts that had occured on the date.

      Applicable containers: creditCard, bank, investment
      " readOnly: true $ref: "#/definitions/Money" Links: type: "object" title: "Links" required: - "href" - "methodType" - "rel" properties: methodType: description: "Type of the HTTP method
      GET , PUT , POST , DELETE , ..." type: "string" rel: description: "Get Consent preference" type: "string" href: description: "Get Consent preference Endpoint" type: "string" ConsentPreferencesResponse: type: "object" title: "ConsentPreferencesResponse" required: - "consentId" - "customDisplayData" - "preferences" properties: consentId: format: "int64" description: "Consent Id generated through POST Consent." type: "integer" preferences: description: "User chosen preference value for consent expiration" $ref: "#/definitions/Preferences" customDisplayData: description: "custom display data" $ref: "#/definitions/CustomDisplayData" CreateConsentRequest: type: "object" title: "CreateConsentRequest" properties: providerId: format: "int64" description: "Unique identifier for the provider site.(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).

      • POST Consent
      " type: "integer" dataset: description: "The name of the dataset attribute supported by the provider.If no dataset value is provided, the datasets that are configured for the customer will be considered.The configured dataset can be overridden by providing the dataset as an input.

      • POST Consent
      " type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ProvidersDataset" applicationName: description: "The name of the application.If no applicationName is provided in the input, the default applicationName will be considered

      • POST Consent
      " type: "string" swagger: "2.0" info: license: name: "Yodlee Developer License" url: "https://developer.yodlee.com/terms/condition#_Services_1" contact: email: "developer@yodlee.com" description: "This file describes the Yodlee Platform APIs using the swagger notation. You can use this swagger file to generate client side SDKs to the Yodlee Platform APIs for many different programming languages. Yodlee API v1.1 - Overview.

      You will have to set the header before making the API call. The following headers apply to all the APIs:
      • Authorization: This header holds the access token
      • Api-Version: 1.1
      Note: If there are any API-specific headers, they are mentioned explicitly in the respective API's description." termsOfService: "https://developer.yodlee.com/terms/condition" title: "Yodlee Core APIs" version: "1.1.0" tags: - name: "Account Token" description: "Account verification customers looking to integrate with one of our payment partners can use the Account Token endpoints. These APIs allow creating a secure processor token for your user's verified financial accounts. You can then share the processor token with our payment partners to enable them to securely request the user's account details from Envestnet | Yodlee.

      You will have to set the header before making the API call. The following headers apply to all the APIs:

      • Authorization: This header holds the access token
      • Api-Version: 1.1
      Note: If there are any API-specific headers, they are mentioned explicitly in the respective API's description.

      " - name: "Accounts" description: "Accounts API" - name: "Auth" description: "Auth API" - name: "Cobrand" description: "Cobrand API" - name: "Configs" description: "Configs API" - name: "Consents" description: "Consents API" - name: "DataExtracts" description: "DataExtracts API" - name: "Derived" description: "Derived API" - name: "Documents" description: "Documents API" - name: "Holdings" description: "Holdings API" - name: "Institutions" description: "Institutions API" - name: "Payment Processor" description: "Envestnet | Yodlee's payment processor partners can use the Payment Processor endpoints to access verified account details using the processorToken created and shared by mutual customers. These APIs are only for payment processor partners and not for developers using the Envestnet | Yodlee services to integrate with payment partners. Refer here for a guide on working with payment processor partners.
      As a processor payment partner, you can retrieve the following account information using the processorToken:
      • Account details include account status, account name, full account number, bank transfer code, balance, etc.
      • Account holder details include name, email, phone number, address, etc.
      • Account balance details.

      You will have to set the header before making the API call. The following headers apply to all the APIs:

      • Authorization: This header holds the access token
      Note: If there are any API-specific headers, they are mentioned explicitly in the respective API's description.

      " - name: "ProviderAccounts" description: "Provider Accounts API" - name: "Providers" description: "Providers API" - name: "Statements" description: "Statements API" - name: "Transactions" description: "Transactions API" - name: "User" description: "Users API" - name: "Verification" description: "Verification API" - name: "Verify Account" description: "Verify Account API"