#!/bin/env bash ###### NOTES ####################################################### # Project Page: https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel-7 # Licence (GPL-3.0): https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel-7/blob/master/LICENSE # Report Issues: https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel-7/wiki/How-to-Report-Issues-(Bugs,-Feature-Request-and-Help) # Wiki: https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel-7/wiki # # WARNING: For use on RHEL/CentOS 7.x and up only. # -Use at your own risk! # -Use only for new installations of Guacamole! # -Read all documentation (wiki) prior to using this script! # -Test prior to deploying on a production system! # ###### PRE-RUN CHECKS ############################################## if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then echo "This script must be run as sudo or root, try again..."; exit 1; fi if ! [ $(getenforce) = "Enforcing" ]; then echo "This script requires SELinux to be active and in \"Enforcing mode\""; exit 1; fi if ! [ $(uname -m) = "x86_64" ]; then echo "This script will only run on 64 bit versions of RHEL/CentOS"; exit 1; fi # Check that firewalld is installed if ! rpm -q --quiet "firewalld"; then echo "This script requires firewalld to be installed on the system"; exit 1; fi # Allow trap to work in functions set -E ###################################################################### ###### VARIABLES ################################################### ###################################################################### ###### UNIVERSAL VARIABLES ######################################### # USER CONFIGURABLE # # Generic SCRIPT_BUILD="2020_07_16" # Scripts Date for last modified as "yyyy_mm_dd" ADM_POC="Local Admin, admin@admin.com" # Point of contact for the Guac server admin # Versions GUAC_STBL_VER="1.2.0" # Latest stable version of Guac from https://guacamole.apache.org/releases/ MYSQL_CON_VER="8.0.21" # Working stable release of MySQL Connecter J MAVEN_VER="3.6.3" # Latest stable version of Apache Maven # Ports GUAC_PORT="4822" MYSQL_PORT="3306" # Key Sizes JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE_DEF="4096" # Default Java Keystore key-size LE_KEY_SIZE_DEF="4096" # Default Let's Encrypt key-size SSL_KEY_SIZE_DEF="4096" # Default Self-signed SSL key-size # Default Credentials MYSQL_PASSWD_DEF="guacamole" # Default MySQL/MariaDB root password DB_NAME_DEF="guac_db" # Defualt database name DB_USER_DEF="guac_adm" # Defualt database user name DB_PASSWD_DEF="guacamole" # Defualt database password JKS_GUAC_PASSWD_DEF="guacamole" # Default Java Keystore password JKS_CACERT_PASSWD_DEF="guacamole" # Default CACert Java Keystore password, used with LDAPS # Misc GUACD_USER="guacd" # The user name and group of the user running the guacd service GUAC_URIPATH_DEF="/" # Default URI for Guacamole DOMAIN_NAME_DEF="localhost" # Default domain name of server H_ERR=false # Defualt value of if an error has been triggered, should be false LIBJPEG_EXCLUDE="exclude=libjpeg-turbo-[0-9]*,libjpeg-turbo-*.*.9[0-9]-*" DEL_TMP_VAR=true # Default behavior to delete the temp var file used by error handler on completion. Set to false to keep the file to review last values NAME_SERVERS_DEF=" 2606:4700:4700::1111 2606:4700:4700::1001" # OCSP resolver DNS name servers defaults !!Only used if the host does not have name servers in resolv.conf!! # ONLY CHANGE IF NOT WORKING # # URLS MYSQL_CON_URL="https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/" #Direct URL for download LIBJPEG_REPO="https://libjpeg-turbo.org/pmwiki/uploads/Downloads/libjpeg-turbo.repo" # Dirs and File Names LIB_DIR="/var/lib/guacamole/" GUAC_CONF="guacamole.properties" # Guacamole configuration/properties file MYSQL_CON="mysql-connector-java-${MYSQL_CON_VER}" TMP_VAR_FILE="guac_tmp_vars" # Temp file name used to store varaibles for the error handler # Formats Black=`tput setaf 0` #${Black} Red=`tput setaf 1` #${Red} Green=`tput setaf 2` #${Green} Yellow=`tput setaf 3` #${Yellow} Blue=`tput setaf 4` #${Blue} Magenta=`tput setaf 5` #${Magenta} Cyan=`tput setaf 6` #${Cyan} White=`tput setaf 7` #${White} Bold=`tput bold` #${Bold} UndrLn=`tput sgr 0 1` #${UndrLn} Rev=`tput smso` #${Rev} Reset=`tput sgr0` #${Reset} ###### END UNIVERSAL VARIABLES ##################################### ###### INITIALIZE COMMON VARIABLES ################################# # ONLY CHANGE IF NOT WORKING # init_vars () { # Get the release version of Guacamole from/for Git GUAC_GIT_VER=`curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/guacamole-server/master/configure.ac | grep 'AC_INIT([guacamole-server]*' | awk -F'[][]' -v n=2 '{ print $(2*n) }'` PWD=`pwd` # Current directory # Set full path/file name of file used to stored temp variables used by the error handler VAR_FILE="${PWD}/${TMP_VAR_FILE}" echo "-1" > "${VAR_FILE}" # create file with -1 to set not as background process # Determine if OS is RHEL, CentOS or something else if grep -q "CentOS" /etc/redhat-release; then OS_NAME="CentOS" elif grep -q "Red Hat Enterprise" /etc/redhat-release; then OS_NAME="RHEL" else echo "Unable to verify OS from /etc/redhat-release as CentOS or RHEL, this script is intended only for those distro's, exiting." exit 1 fi OS_NAME_L="$(echo $OS_NAME | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" # Set lower case rhel or centos for use in some URLs # Outputs the major.minor.release number of the OS, Ex: 7.6.1810 and splits the 3 parts. MAJOR_VER=`cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -oP "[0-9]+" | sed -n 1p` # Return the leftmost digit representing major version MINOR_VER=`cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -oP "[0-9]+" | sed -n 2p` # Returns the middle digit representing minor version # Placeholder in case this info is ever needed. RHEL does not have release number, only major.minor # RELEASE_VER=`cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -oP "[0-9]+" | sed -n 3p` # Returns the rightmost digits representing release number #Set arch used in some paths MACHINE_ARCH=`uname -m` ARCH="64" # Set nginx url for RHEL or CentOS NGINX_URL="https://nginx.org/packages/$OS_NAME_L/$MAJOR_VER/$MACHINE_ARCH/" } ###### SOURCE VARIABLES ############################################ src_vars () { # Check if selected source is Git or stable release, set variables based on selection if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then GUAC_VER=${GUAC_GIT_VER} GUAC_URL="git://github.com/apache/" GUAC_SERVER="guacamole-server.git" GUAC_CLIENT="guacamole-client.git" MAVEN_MAJOR_VER=${MAVEN_VER:0:1} MAVEN_URL="https://www-us.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-${MAVEN_MAJOR_VER}/${MAVEN_VER}/binaries/" MAVEN_FN="apache-maven-${MAVEN_VER}" MAVEN_BIN="${MAVEN_FN}-bin.tar.gz" else # Stable release GUAC_VER=${GUAC_STBL_VER} GUAC_URL="https://apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?action=download&filename=guacamole/${GUAC_VER}/" GUAC_SERVER="guacamole-server-${GUAC_VER}" GUAC_CLIENT="guacamole-${GUAC_VER}" fi # JDBC Extension file name GUAC_JDBC="guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUAC_VER}" # LDAP extension file name GUAC_LDAP="guacamole-auth-ldap-${GUAC_VER}" # TOTP extension file name GUAC_TOTP="guacamole-auth-totp-${GUAC_VER}" # Dirs and file names INSTALL_DIR="/usr/local/src/guacamole/${GUAC_VER}/" # Guacamole installation dir FILENAME="${PWD}/guacamole-${GUAC_VER}_"$(date +"%d-%y-%b")"" # Script generated log filename logfile="${FILENAME}.log" # Script generated log file full name fwbkpfile="${FILENAME}.firewall.bkp" # Firewall backup file name } ###################################################################### ###### MENUS ####################################################### ###################################################################### ###### SOURCE MENU ################################################# src_menu () { clear echo -e " ${Reset}${Bold}----====Gucamole Installation Script====----\n ${Reset}Guacamole Remote Desktop Gateway\n" echo -e " ${Bold}*** Source Menu ***\n" echo " OS: ${Yellow}${OS_NAME} ${MAJOR_VER}.${MINOR_VER} ${MACHINE_ARCH}${Reset}" echo -e " ${Bold}Stable Version: ${Yellow}${GUAC_STBL_VER}${Reset} || ${Bold}Git Version: ${Yellow}${GUAC_GIT_VER}${Reset}\n" while true; do echo -n "${Green} Pick the desired source to install from (enter 'stable' or 'git', default is 'stable'): ${Yellow}" read GUAC_SOURCE case $GUAC_SOURCE in [Ss]table|"" ) GUAC_SOURCE="Stable"; break;; [Gg][Ii][Tt] ) GUAC_SOURCE="Git"; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter 'stable' or 'git' to select source/version (without quotes)";; esac done tput sgr0 } ###### START EXECUTION ############################################# init_vars src_menu src_vars ###### MENU HEADERS ################################################ # Called by each menu and summary menu to display the dynamic header menu_header () { tput sgr0 clear echo -e " ${Reset}${Bold}----====Gucamole Installation Script====----\n ${Reset}Guacamole Remote Desktop Gateway\n" echo -e " ${Bold}*** ${SUB_MENU_TITLE} ***\n" echo " OS: ${Yellow}${OS_NAME} ${MAJOR_VER}.${MINOR_VER} ${MACHINE_ARCH}${Reset}" echo -e " ${Bold}Source/Version: ${Yellow}${GUAC_SOURCE} ${GUAC_VER}${Reset}\n" } ###### DATABASE AND JKS MENU ####################################### db_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Database and JKS Menu" menu_header echo -n "${Green} Enter the Guacamole DB name (default ${DB_NAME_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read DB_NAME DB_NAME=${DB_NAME:-${DB_NAME_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the Guacamole DB username (default ${DB_USER_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read DB_USER DB_USER=${DB_USER:-${DB_USER_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the Java KeyStore key-size to use (default ${JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE=${JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE:-${JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE_DEF}} } ###### PASSWORDS MENU ############################################## pw_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Passwords Menu" menu_header echo -n "${Green} Enter the root password for MariaDB: ${Yellow}" read MYSQL_PASSWD MYSQL_PASSWD=${MYSQL_PASSWD:-${MYSQL_PASSWD_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the Guacamole DB password: ${Yellow}" read DB_PASSWD DB_PASSWD=${DB_PASSWD:-${DB_PASSWD_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the Guacamole Java KeyStore password, must be 6 or more characters: ${Yellow}" read JKS_GUAC_PASSWD JKS_GUAC_PASSWD=${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD:-${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD_DEF}} } ###### SSL CERTIFICATE TYPE MENU ################################### ssl_cert_type_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="SSL Certificate Type Menu" menu_header echo "${Green} What kind of SSL certificate should be used (default 2)?${Yellow}" PS3="${Green} Enter the number of the desired SSL certificate type: ${Yellow}" options=("LetsEncrypt" "Self-signed" "None") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "LetsEncrypt") SSL_CERT_TYPE="LetsEncrypt"; le_menu; break;; "Self-signed"|"") SSL_CERT_TYPE="Self-signed"; ss_menu; break;; "None") SSL_CERT_TYPE="None" OCSP_USE=false echo -e "\n\n${Red} No SSL certificate selected. This can be configured manually at a later time." sleep 3 break;; * ) echo "${Green} ${REPLY} is not a valid option, enter the number representing your desired cert type.";; esac done } ###### LETSENCRYPT MENU ############################################ le_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="LetsEncrypt Menu" menu_header echo -n "${Green} Enter a valid e-mail for let's encrypt certificate: ${Yellow}" read EMAIL_NAME echo -n "${Green} Enter the Let's Encrypt key-size to use (default ${LE_KEY_SIZE_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read LE_KEY_SIZE LE_KEY_SIZE=${LE_KEY_SIZE:-${LE_KEY_SIZE_DEF}} while true; do echo -n "${Green} Use OCSP Stapling (default yes): ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]*|"" ) OCSP_USE=true; break;; [Nn]* ) OCSP_USE=false; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done } ###### SELF-SIGNED SSL CERTIFICATE MENU ############################ ss_menu () { OCSP_USE=false SUB_MENU_TITLE="Self-signed SSL Certificate Menu" menu_header echo -n "${Green} Enter the Self-Signed SSL key-size to use (default ${SSL_KEY_SIZE_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read SSL_KEY_SIZE SSL_KEY_SIZE=${SSL_KEY_SIZE:-${SSL_KEY_SIZE_DEF}} } ###### NGINX OPTIONS MENU ########################################## nginx_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Nginx Menu" menu_header # Server LAN IP GUAC_LAN_IP_DEF=$(hostname -I | sed 's/ .*//') echo -n "${Green} Enter the LAN IP of this server (default ${GUAC_LAN_IP_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read GUAC_LAN_IP GUAC_LAN_IP=${GUAC_LAN_IP:-${GUAC_LAN_IP_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter a valid hostname or public domain such as mydomain.com (default ${DOMAIN_NAME_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read DOMAIN_NAME DOMAIN_NAME=${DOMAIN_NAME:-${DOMAIN_NAME_DEF}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the URI path, starting and ending with / for example /guacamole/ (default ${GUAC_URIPATH_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read GUAC_URIPATH GUAC_URIPATH=${GUAC_URIPATH:-${GUAC_URIPATH_DEF}} # Only prompt if SSL will be used if [ $SSL_CERT_TYPE != "None" ]; then while true; do echo -n "${Green} Use only >= 256-bit SSL ciphers (More secure, less compatible. default: yes)?: ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]*|"" ) NGINX_SEC=true; break;; [Nn]* ) NGINX_SEC=false; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done while true; do echo -n "${Green} Use Content-Security-Policy [CSP] (More secure, less compatible. default: yes)?: ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]*|"" ) USE_CSP=true; break;; [Nn]* ) USE_CSP=false; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done else NGINX_SEC=false USE_CSP=false fi } ###### PRIMARY AUTHORIZATION EXTENSIONS MENU ####################### prime_auth_ext_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Primary Authentication Extensions Menu" menu_header INSTALL_LDAP=false SECURE_LDAP=false INSTALL_RADIUS=false INSTALL_CAS=false INSTALL_OPENID=false # Allows selection of an authentication method in addition to MariaDB/Database or just MariaDB # which is used to store connection and user meta data for all other methods echo "${Green} What Guacamole extension should be used as the primary user authentication method (default 1)?${Yellow}" PS3="${Green} Enter the number of the desired authentication method: ${Yellow}" # Removing non-working options from the menu until they are ready # "RADIUS" "OpenID" "CAS" options=("MariaDB Database" "LDAP(S)") COLUMNS=1 select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "MariaDB Database"|"") PRIME_AUTH_TYPE="MariaDB"; break;; "LDAP(S)") PRIME_AUTH_TYPE="LDAP"; LDAP_ext_menu; break;; # "RADIUS") PRIME_AUTH_TYPE="RADIUS"; Radius_ext_menu; break;; # "OpenID") PRIME_AUTH_TYPE="OpenID"; OpenID_ext_menu; break;; # "CAS") PRIME_AUTH_TYPE="CAS"; CAS_ext_menu; break;; * ) echo "${Green} ${REPLY} is not a valid option, enter the number representing the desired primary authentication method.";; esac done unset COLUMNS } ###### 2FA EXTENSIONS MENU ######################################### secondary_auth_ext_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="2FA Extensions Menu" menu_header INSTALL_TOTP=false INSTALL_DUO=false # Allows optional selection of a Two Factor Authentication (2FA) method echo "${Green} What Guacamole extension should be used as the 2FA authentication method (default 1)?${Yellow}" PS3="${Green} Enter the number of the desired authentication method: ${Yellow}" # Removing non-working options from the menu until they are ready # "DUO" options=("None" "TOTP") COLUMNS=1 select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "None"|"") TFA_TYPE="None"; break;; "TOTP") TFA_TYPE="TOTP"; TOTP_ext_menu; break;; # "DUO") TFA_TYPE="DUO"; Duo_ext_menu; break;; * ) echo "${Green} ${REPLY} is not a valid option, enter the number representing the desired 2FA method.";; esac done unset COLUMNS } ###### LDAP MENU ################################################### LDAP_ext_menu () { INSTALL_LDAP=true SUB_MENU_TITLE="LDAP Extension Menu" menu_header # Allow selection of LDAPS while true; do echo -n "${Green} Use LDAPS instead of LDAP (Requires having the cert from the server copied locally, default: no): ${Yellow}" read SECURE_LDAP case $SECURE_LDAP in [Yy]* ) SECURE_LDAP=true; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) SECURE_LDAP=false; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done # Check if LDAPS was selected if [ $SECURE_LDAP = true ]; then echo -ne "\n${Green} Enter the LDAP Port (default 636): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_PORT LDAP_PORT=${LDAP_PORT:-636} # LDAPS Certificate placeholder values LDAPS_CERT_FN="mycert.cer" LDAPS_CERT_FULL="xNULLx" while [ ! -f ${LDAPS_CERT_FULL} ]; do echo -ne "\n${Green} Enter a valid filename of the .cer certificate file (Ex: mycert.cer): ${Yellow}" read LDAPS_CERT_FN LDAPS_CERT_FN=${LDAPS_CERT_FN:-${LDAPS_CERT_FN}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the full path of the dir containing the .cer certificate file (must end with / Ex: /home/me/): ${Yellow}" read LDAPS_CERT_DIR LDAPS_CERT_DIR=${LDAPS_CERT_DIR:-/home/} LDAPS_CERT_FULL=${LDAPS_CERT_DIR}${LDAPS_CERT_FN} if [ ! -f ${LDAPS_CERT_FULL} ]; then echo "${Red} The file/path: ${LDAPS_CERT_FULL} does not exist! Ensure the file is in the directory and try again..." fi done echo -ne "\n${Green} Set the password for the CACert Java Keystore, must be 6 or more characters (default ${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD_DEF}): ${Yellow}" read JKS_CACERT_PASSWD JKS_CACERT_PASSWD=${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD:-${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD_DEF}} else # Use LDAP not LDAPS echo -ne "\n${Green} Enter the LDAP Port (default 389): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_PORT LDAP_PORT=${LDAP_PORT:-389} fi echo -ne "\n${Green} Enter the LDAP Server Hostname (use the FQDN, Ex: ldaphost.domain.com): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_HOSTNAME LDAP_HOSTNAME=${LDAP_HOSTNAME:-ldaphost.domain.com} echo -n "${Green} Enter the LDAP User-Base-DN (Ex: dc=domain,dc=com): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_BASE_DN LDAP_BASE_DN=${LDAP_BASE_DN:-dc=domain,dc=com} echo -n "${Green} Enter the LDAP Search-Bind-DN (Ex: cn=user,ou=Admins,dc=domain,dc=com): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_BIND_DN LDAP_BIND_DN=${LDAP_BIND_DN:-cn=user,ou=Admins,dc=domain,dc=com} echo -n "${Green} Enter the LDAP Search-Bind-Password: ${Yellow}" read LDAP_BIND_PW LDAP_BIND_PW=${LDAP_BIND_PW:-password} echo -n "${Green} Enter the LDAP Username-Attribute (default sAMAccountName): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_UNAME_ATTR LDAP_UNAME_ATTR=${LDAP_UNAME_ATTR:-sAMAccountName} LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_DEF="(objectClass=*)" echo -n "${Green} Enter a custom LDAP user search filter (default \"${LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_DEF}\"): ${Yellow}" read LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER=${LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER:-${LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_DEF}} } ###### TOTP MENU ################################################### TOTP_ext_menu () { INSTALL_TOTP=true SUB_MENU_TITLE="TOTP Extension Menu" menu_header echo -n "${Green} Enter the TOTP issuer (default Apache Guacamole): ${Yellow}" read TOTP_ISSUER TOTP_ISSUER=${TOTP_ISSUER:-Apache Guacamole} echo -n "${Green} Enter the number of digits to use for TOTP (default 6): ${Yellow}" read TOTP_DIGITS TOTP_DIGITS=${TOTP_DIGITS:-6} echo -n "${Green} Enter the TOTP period in seconds (default 30): ${Yellow}" read TOTP_PER TOTP_PER=${TOTP_PER:-30} echo -n "${Green} Enter the TOTP mode (default sha1): ${Yellow}" read TOTP_MODE TOTP_MODE=${TOTP_MODE:-sha1} } ###### DUO MENU #################################################### Duo_ext_menu () { INSTALL_DUO=false SUB_MENU_TITLE="DUO Extension Menu" menu_header echo "${Red} Duo extension not currently available via this script." sleep 3 } ###### RADIUS MENU ################################################# Radius_ext_menu () { INSTALL_RADIUS=false SUB_MENU_TITLE="RADIUS Extension Menu" menu_header echo "${Red} RADIUS extension not currently available via this script." sleep 3 } ###### CAS MENU #################################################### CAS_ext_menu () { INSTALL_CAS=false SUB_MENU_TITLE="CAS Extension Menu" menu_header echo "${Red} CAS extension not currently available via this script." sleep 3 } ###### OPENID MENU ################################################# OpenID_ext_menu () { INSTALL_OPENID=false SUB_MENU_TITLE="OpenID Extension Menu" menu_header echo "${Red} OpenID extension not currently available via this script." sleep 3 } ###### CUSTOM EXTENSION MENU ####################################### cust_ext_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Custom Extension Menu" menu_header while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to install a custom Guacamole extensions from a local file (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) INSTALL_CUST_EXT=true # Set placeholder values CUST_FN="myextension.jar" CUST_FULL="xNULLx" while [ ! -f ${CUST_FULL} ]; do echo -ne "\n${Green} Enter a valid filename of the .jar extension file (Ex: myextension.jar): ${Yellow}" read CUST_FN CUST_FN=${CUST_FN:-${CUST_FN}} echo -n "${Green} Enter the full path of the dir containing the .jar extension file (must end with / Ex: /home/me/): ${Yellow}" read CUST_DIR CUST_DIR=${CUST_DIR:-/home/} CUST_FULL=${CUST_DIR}${CUST_FN} if [ ! -f ${CUST_FULL} ]; then # Check that full path/name exists, otherwise prompt again echo "${Red} The file/path: ${CUST_FULL} does not exist! Ensure the file is in the directory and try again..." fi done break;; [Nn]*|"" ) INSTALL_CUST_EXT=false; break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done } ###################################################################### ###### SUMMARY MENUS ############################################### ###################################################################### ###### MAIN SUMMARY MENU ########################################### sum_menu () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Summary Menu" menu_header RUN_INSTALL=false RET_SUM=false # List categories/menus to review or change echo "${Green} Select a category to review selections: ${Yellow}" PS3="${Green} Enter the number of the category to review: ${Yellow}" options=("Database" "Passwords" "SSL Cert Type" "Nginx" "Primary Authentication Extension" "2FA Extension" "Custom Extension" "Accept and Run Installation" "Cancel and Start Over" "Cancel and Exit Script") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "Database") sum_db; break;; "Passwords") sum_pw; break;; "SSL Cert Type") sum_ssl; break;; "Nginx") sum_nginx; break;; "Primary Authentication Extension") sum_prime_auth_ext; break;; "2FA Extension") sum_secondary_auth_ext; break;; "Custom Extension") sum_cust_ext; break;; "Accept and Run Installation") RUN_INSTALL=true; break;; "Cancel and Start Over") ScriptLoc=$(readlink -f "$0"); exec "$ScriptLoc"; break;; "Cancel and Exit Script") tput sgr0; exit 1; break;; * ) echo "${Green} ${REPLY} is not a valid option, enter the number representing the category to review.";; esac done } ###### DATABASE SUMMARY ############################################ sum_db () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Database Summary" menu_header echo "${Green} Guacamole DB name: ${Yellow}${DB_NAME}" echo "${Green} Guacamole DB username: ${Yellow}${DB_USER}" echo -e "${Green} Java KeyStore key-size: ${Yellow}${JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE}\n" while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change these selections (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) db_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### PASSWORD SUMMARY ############################################ sum_pw () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Passwords Summary" menu_header echo "${Green} MariaDB root password: ${Yellow}${MYSQL_PASSWD}" echo "${Green} Guacamole DB password: ${Yellow}${DB_PASSWD}" echo -e "${Green} Guacamole Java KeyStore password: ${Yellow}${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD}\n" while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change these selections (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) pw_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### SSL CERTIFICATE SUMMARY ##################################### sum_ssl () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="SSL Certificate Summary" menu_header echo -e "${Green} Certficate Type: ${Yellow}${SSL_CERT_TYPE}\n" # Check the certificate selection to display proper information for selection case $SSL_CERT_TYPE in "LetsEncrypt") echo "${Green} e-mail for LetsEncrypt certificate: ${Yellow}${EMAIL_NAME}" echo "${Green} LetEncrypt key-size: ${Yellow}${LE_KEY_SIZE}" echo -e "${Green} Use OCSP Stapling?: ${Yellow}${OCSP_USE}\n" ;; "Self-signed") echo -e "${Green} Self-Signed SSL key-size: ${Yellow}${SSL_KEY_SIZE}\n" ;; "None") echo -e "${Yellow} As no certificate type was selected, an SSL certificate can be configured manually at a later time.\n" ;; esac while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change these selections (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) ssl_cert_type_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### NGINX SUMMARY ############################################### sum_nginx () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Nginx Summary" menu_header echo "${Green} Guacamole Server LAN IP address: ${Yellow}${GUAC_LAN_IP}" echo "${Green} Guacamole Server hostname or public domain: ${Yellow}${DOMAIN_NAME}" echo "${Green} URI path: ${Yellow}${GUAC_URIPATH}" echo "${Green} Using only 256-bit >= ciphers?: ${Yellow}${NGINX_SEC}" echo -e "${Green} Content-Security-Policy [CSP] enabled?: ${Yellow}${USE_CSP}\n" while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change these selections (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) nginx_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### STANDARD EXTENSIONS SUMMARY ################################# sum_prime_auth_ext () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Primary Authentication Extension Summary" menu_header echo -e "${Green} Primary Authentication type: ${Yellow}${PRIME_AUTH_TYPE}\n" echo "${Yellow}${Bold} -- MariaDB is used with all authentication implementations --${Reset}" echo "${Green} Default Guacamole username: ${Yellow}guacadmin" echo -e "${Green} Default Guacamole password: ${Yellow}guacadmin\n" # Check the authentication selection to display proper information for the selection case $PRIME_AUTH_TYPE in "LDAP") echo -e "${Reset}${Bold} -- LDAP Specific Parameters --${Reset}\n" echo "${Green} Use LDAPS instead of LDAP: ${Yellow}${SECURE_LDAP}" echo -e "${Green} LDAP(S) port: ${Yellow}${LDAP_PORT}\n" if [ $SECURE_LDAP = true ]; then echo "${Green} LDAPS full filename and path: ${Yellow}${LDAPS_CERT_FULL}" echo -e "${Green} CACert Java Keystroe password: ${Yellow}${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD}\n" fi echo "${Green} LDAP Server Hostname (should be FQDN, Ex: ldaphost.domain.com): ${Yellow}${LDAP_HOSTNAME}" echo "${Green} LDAP User-Base-DN (Ex: dc=domain,dc=com): ${Yellow}${LDAP_BASE_DN}" echo "${Green} LDAP Search-Bind-DN (Ex: cn=user,ou=Admins,dc=domain,dc=com): ${Yellow}${LDAP_BIND_DN}" echo "${Green} LDAP Search-Bind-Password: ${Yellow}${LDAP_BIND_PW}" echo "${Green} LDAP Username-Attribute: ${Yellow}${LDAP_UNAME_ATTR}" echo -e "${Green} LDAP user search filter: ${Yellow}${LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER}\n" ;; "RADIUS") echo -e "${Red} RADIUS cannot currently be installed by this script.\n" ;; "OpenID") echo -e "${Red} OpenID cannot currently be installed by this script.\n" ;; "CAS") echo -e "${Red} CAS cannot currently be installed by this script.\n" ;; esac while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change the authentication method and properties (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) prime_auth_ext_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### SELECTED EXTENSIONS SUMMARY ################################# sum_secondary_auth_ext () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="2FA Extension Summary" menu_header echo -e "${Green} 2FA selection: ${Yellow}${TFA_TYPE}\n" # Check the authentication selection to display proper information for the selection case $TFA_TYPE in "None") echo -e "${Yellow}${Bold} -- No form of 2FA will be implemented by this script --${Reset}\n" ;; "TOTP") echo "${Green} TOTP issuer: ${Yellow}${TOTP_ISSUER}" echo "${Green} Number of TOTP digits: ${Yellow}${TOTP_DIGITS}" echo "${Green} TOTP period in seconds: ${Yellow}${TOTP_PER}" echo -e "${Green} TOTP mode: ${Yellow}${TOTP_MODE}\n" ;; "DUO") echo -e "${Red} DUO cannot currently be installed by this script.\n" ;; esac while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change the 2FA method and properties (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) secondary_auth_ext_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### CUSTOM EXTENSION SUMMARY #################################### sum_cust_ext () { SUB_MENU_TITLE="Custom Extension Summary" menu_header echo -e "${Green} Install a custom Guacamole extension: ${Yellow}${INSTALL_CUST_EXT}\n" if [ $INSTALL_CUST_EXT = true ]; then echo "${Green} Filename of the .jar extension file: ${Yellow}${CUST_FN}" echo "${Green} Full path of the dir containing the .jar extension file: ${Yellow}${CUST_DIR}" echo -e "${Green} Full file path: ${Yellow}${CUST_FULL}\n" fi while true; do echo -n "${Green} Would you like to change these selections (default no)? ${Yellow}" read yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) cust_ext_menu; break;; [Nn]*|"" ) break;; * ) echo "${Green} Please enter yes or no. ${Yellow}";; esac done sum_menu } ###### MENU EXECUTION ############################################## db_menu pw_menu ssl_cert_type_menu nginx_menu prime_auth_ext_menu secondary_auth_ext_menu cust_ext_menu sum_menu # Sets file descriptor to 3 for this special echo function and spinner exec 3>&1 ###################################################################### ###### UTILITY FUNCTIONS ########################################### ###################################################################### ###### PROGRESS SPINNER FUNCTION ################################### # Used to show a process is making progress/running spinner () { pid=$! #Store the background process id in a temp file to use in err_handler echo $(jobs -p) > "${VAR_FILE}" spin[0]="-" spin[1]="\\" spin[2]="|" spin[3]="/" # Loop while the process is still running while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null do for i in "${spin[@]}" do if kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; then #Check that the process is running to prevent a full 4 character cycle on error # Display the spinner in 1/4 states echo -ne "\b\b\b${Bold}[${Green}$i${Reset}${Bold}]" >&3 sleep .5 # time between each state else #process has ended, stop next loop from finishing iteration break fi done done # Check if background process failed once complete if wait $pid; then # Exit 0 echo -ne "\b\b\b${Bold}[${Green}-done-${Reset}${Bold}]" >&3 else # Any other exit false fi #Set background process id value to -1 representing no background process running to err_handler echo "-1" > "${VAR_FILE}" tput sgr0 >&3 } ###### SPECIAL ECHO FUNCTION ####################################### # This allows echo to log and stdout (now fd3) while sending all else to log by default via exec s_echo () { # Use first arg $1 to determine if echo skips a line (yes/no) # Second arg $2 is the message case $1 in # No preceeding blank line [Nn]) echo -ne "\n${2}" | tee -a /dev/fd/3 echo # add new line after in log only ;; # Preceeding blank line [Yy]|*) echo -ne "\n\n${2}" | tee -a /dev/fd/3 echo # add new line after in log only ;; esac } # Used to force all stdout and stderr to the log file # s_echo function will be used when echo needs to be displayed and logged exec &> "${logfile}" ###### ERROR HANDLER FUNCTION ###################################### # Called by trap to display/log error info and exit script err_handler () { EXITCODE=$? #Read values from temp file used to store cross process values F_BG=$(sed -n 1p "${VAR_FILE}") # Check if the temp variable file is greater than 1 line of text if [ $(wc -l < "${VAR_FILE}") -gt 1 ]; then # If so, set variable according to value of the 2nd line in the file. H_ERR=$(sed -n 2p "${VAR_FILE}") else # Otherwise, set to false, error was not triggered previously H_ERR=false fi #Check this is the first time the err_handler has triggered if [ $H_ERR = false ]; then #Check if error occured with a background process running if [ $F_BG -gt 0 ]; then echo -ne "\b\b\b${Bold}[${Red}-FAILED-${Reset}${Bold}]" >&3 fi FAILED_COMMAND=$(eval echo "$BASH_COMMAND") # Used to expand the variables in the command returned by BASH_COMMAND s_echo "y" "${Reset}${Red}%%% ${Reset}${Bold}ERROR (Script Failed) | Line${Reset} ${BASH_LINENO[0]} ${Bold}| Command:${Reset} ${FAILED_COMMAND} ${Bold}| Exit code:${Reset} ${EXITCODE} ${Red}%%%${Reset}\n\n" #Flag as trap having been run already skipping double error messages echo "true" >> "${VAR_FILE}" fi # Log cleanup to remove escape sequences caused by tput for formatting text sed -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m\|\x1b[(]B\x1b\[m//g' ${logfile} tput sgr0 >&3 exit $EXITCODE } ###### CHECK INSTALLED PACKAGE FUNCTION ############################ # Query rpm for package without triggering trap when not found chk_installed () { if rpm -q "$@"; then RETVAL=$? else RETVAL=$? fi } ###### ERROR TRAP ################################################## # Trap to call error function to display and log error details trap err_handler ERR SIGINT SIGQUIT ###################################################################### ###### INSALLATION ################################################# ###################################################################### ###### REPOS INSTALLATION ########################################## reposinstall () { s_echo "n" "${Bold} ----==== INSTALLING GUACAMOLE ${GUAC_SOURCE} ${GUAC_VER} ====----" s_echo "y" "Installing Repos" # Install EPEL Repo chk_installed "epel-release" if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then s_echo "n" "${Reset}-EPEL is installed." else { rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-${MAJOR_VER}.noarch.rpm; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-EPEL is missing. Installing... "; spinner fi # Install RPMFusion Repo chk_installed "rpmfusion-free-release" if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then s_echo "n" "-RPMFusion is installed." else { rpm -Uvh https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-${MAJOR_VER}.noarch.rpm; } & s_echo "n" "-RPMFusion is missing. Installing... "; spinner fi # Install Nginx Repo { echo "[nginx-stable] name=Nginx Stable Repo baseurl=${NGINX_URL} gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key module_hotfixes=true" > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Installing Nginx repo... "; spinner # Install libjpeg-turbo Repo { yum install -y wget wget ${LIBJPEG_REPO} -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ # Exclude beta releases sed -i "s/exclude.*/${LIBJPEG_EXCLUDE}/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/libjpeg-turbo.repo } & s_echo "n" "-Installing libjpeg-turbo repo... "; spinner # Enable repos needed if using RHEL if [ $OS_NAME == "RHEL" ] ; then { subscription-manager repos --enable "rhel-*-optional-rpms" --enable "rhel-*-extras-rpms"; } & s_echo "n" "-Enabling ${OS_NAME} optional and extras repos... "; spinner fi yumupdate } ###### YUM UPDATES ################################################# yumupdate () { # Update OS/packages { yum update -y; } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Updating ${OS_NAME}, please wait... "; spinner baseinstall } ###### INSTALL BASE PACKAGES ####################################### baseinstall () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Installing Required Dependencies" # Install Required Packages { yum install -y cairo-devel ffmpeg-devel freerdp-devel freerdp-plugins gcc gnu-free-mono-fonts libjpeg-turbo-devel libjpeg-turbo-official libpng-devel libssh2-devel libtelnet-devel libvncserver-devel libvorbis-devel libwebp-devel libwebsockets-devel mariadb mariadb-server nginx openssl-devel pango-devel policycoreutils-python pulseaudio-libs-devel setroubleshoot tomcat uuid-devel } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Installing required packages... "; spinner # Additional packages required by git if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then { yum install -y git libtool java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel; } & s_echo "n" "-Installing packages required for git... "; spinner #Install Maven cd /opt { wget ${MAVEN_URL}${MAVEN_BIN} tar -xvzf ${MAVEN_BIN} ln -s ${MAVEN_FN} maven rm -rf /opt/${MAVEN_BIN} } & s_echo "n" "-Installing Apache Maven for git... "; spinner export PATH=/opt/maven/bin:${PATH} cd ~ fi createdirs } ###### CREATE DIRECTORIES ########################################## createdirs () { { rm -fr ${INSTALL_DIR} mkdir -v /etc/guacamole mkdir -vp ${INSTALL_DIR}{client,selinux} mkdir -vp ${LIB_DIR}{extensions,lib} mkdir -v /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/ } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Creating Required Directories... "; spinner cd ${INSTALL_DIR} downloadguac } ###### DOWNLOAD GUACAMOLE ########################################## downloadguac () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Downloading Guacamole Packages" # MySQL Connector downloadmysqlconn () { { wget ${MYSQL_CON_URL}${MYSQL_CON}.tar.gz; } & s_echo "n" "-Downloading MySQL Connector package for installation... "; spinner } if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then { git clone ${GUAC_URL}${GUAC_SERVER}; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Cloning Guacamole Server package from git... "; spinner { git clone ${GUAC_URL}${GUAC_CLIENT}; } & s_echo "n" "-Cloning Guacamole Client package from git... "; spinner downloadmysqlconn else # Stable release { wget "${GUAC_URL}source/${GUAC_SERVER}.tar.gz" -O ${GUAC_SERVER}.tar.gz; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Downloading Guacamole Server package for installation... "; spinner { wget "${GUAC_URL}binary/${GUAC_CLIENT}.war" -O ${INSTALL_DIR}client/guacamole.war; } & s_echo "n" "-Downloading Guacamole Client package for installation... "; spinner { wget "${GUAC_URL}binary/${GUAC_JDBC}.tar.gz" -O ${GUAC_JDBC}.tar.gz; } & s_echo "n" "-Downloading Guacamole JDBC Extension package for installation... "; spinner downloadmysqlconn # Decompress Guacamole Packages s_echo "y" "${Bold}Decompressing Guacamole Packages" { tar xzvf ${GUAC_SERVER}.tar.gz rm -f ${GUAC_SERVER}.tar.gz mv -v ${GUAC_SERVER} server } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Decompressing Guacamole Server source... "; spinner { tar xzvf ${GUAC_JDBC}.tar.gz rm -f ${GUAC_JDBC}.tar.gz mv -v ${GUAC_JDBC} extension mv -v extension/mysql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-${GUAC_VER}.jar ${LIB_DIR}extensions/ } & s_echo "n" "-Decompressing Guacamole JDBC extension... "; spinner fi { tar xzvf ${MYSQL_CON}.tar.gz rm -f ${MYSQL_CON}.tar.gz mv -v ${MYSQL_CON}/${MYSQL_CON}.jar ${LIB_DIR}lib/ } & s_echo "n" "-Decompressing MySQL Connector... "; spinner installguacserver } ###### INSTALL GUACAMOLE SERVER #################################### installguacserver () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Install Guacamole Server" if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then cd guacamole-server/ { autoreconf -fi; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Guacamole Server compile prep... "; spinner else # Stable release cd server fi # Compile Guacamole Server { ./configure --with-systemd-dir=/etc/systemd/system; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Compiling Guacamole Server Stage 1 of 4... "; spinner { make; } & s_echo "n" "-Compiling Guacamole Server Stage 2 of 4... "; spinner { make install; } & s_echo "n" "-Compiling Guacamole Server Stage 3 of 4... "; spinner { ldconfig; } & s_echo "n" "-Compiling Guacamole Server Stage 4 of 4... "; spinner cd .. installguacclient } ###### INSTALL GUACAMOLE CLIENT #################################### installguacclient () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Install Guacamole Client" if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then cd guacamole-client/ { mvn package; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Compiling Guacamole Client... "; spinner { mv -v guacamole/target/guacamole-${GUAC_VER}.war ${LIB_DIR}guacamole.war; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole Client... "; spinner cd .. else # Stable release { mv -v client/guacamole.war ${LIB_DIR}guacamole.war; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Moving Guacamole Client... "; spinner fi finishguac } ###### FINALIZE GUACAMOLE INSTALLATION ############################# finishguac () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Setup Guacamole" # Generate Guacamole Configuration File { echo "# Hostname and port of guacamole proxy guacd-hostname: localhost guacd-port: ${GUAC_PORT} # MySQL properties mysql-hostname: localhost mysql-port: ${MYSQL_PORT} mysql-database: ${DB_NAME} mysql-username: ${DB_USER} mysql-password: ${DB_PASSWD} mysql-default-max-connections-per-user: 0 mysql-default-max-group-connections-per-user: 0" > /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF}; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Generating Guacamole configuration file... "; spinner # Create Required Symlinks for Guacamole { ln -vfs ${LIB_DIR}guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps ln -vfs /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF} /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/ ln -vfs ${LIB_DIR}lib/ /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/ ln -vfs ${LIB_DIR}extensions/ /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/ ln -vfs /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac* /usr/lib${ARCH}/freerdp } & s_echo "n" "-Making required symlinks... "; spinner # Copy JDBC if using git if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then # Get JDBC from compiled client { find ./guacamole-client/extensions -name "guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-${GUAC_VER}.jar" -exec mv -v {} ${LIB_DIR}extensions/ \;; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole JDBC extension to extensions dir... "; spinner fi # Setup guacd user, group and permissions { # Create a user and group for guacd with a home folder but no login groupadd ${GUACD_USER} # The guacd user is created as a service account, no login but does get a home dir as needed by freerdp useradd -r ${GUACD_USER} -m -s "/bin/nologin" -g ${GUACD_USER} -c ${GUACD_USER} # Set the user that runs the guacd service sed -i "s/User=daemon/User=${GUACD_USER}/g" /etc/systemd/system/guacd.service } & s_echo "n" "-Setup guacd user... "; spinner appconfigs } ###### DATABASE/TOMCAT/JKS SETUP ################################### appconfigs () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Configure MariaDB" # Enable/Start MariaDB/MySQL Service { systemctl enable mariadb.service systemctl restart mariadb.service } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Enable & start MariaDB service... "; spinner # Set MariaDB/MySQL Root Password { mysqladmin -u root password ${MYSQL_PASSWD}; } & s_echo "n" "-Setting root password for MariaDB... "; spinner # Run MariaDB/MySQL Secure Install { mysql_secure_installation <' /etc/tomcat/server.xml sed -i "s/JKS_GUAC_PASSWD/${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD}/g" /etc/tomcat/server.xml } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Base Tomcat configuration... "; spinner { # Tomcat RemoteIpValve (to pass remote host IP's from proxy to tomcat. Allows Guacamole to log remote host IPs) sed -i '/<\/Host>/i\' /etc/tomcat/server.xml sed -i "s/GUAC_SERVER_IP/${GUAC_LAN_IP}/g" /etc/tomcat/server.xml } & s_echo "n" "-Set RemoteIpValve in Tomcat configuration... "; spinner { # Add ErrorReportingValve to prevent displaying tomcat info on error pages sed -i '/<\/Host>/i\' /etc/tomcat/server.xml } & s_echo "n" "-Set ErrorReportingVavle in Tomcat configuration... "; spinner # Java KeyStore Setup { keytool -genkey -alias Guacamole -keyalg RSA -keysize ${JKSTORE_KEY_SIZE} -keystore /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/.keystore -storepass ${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD} -keypass ${JKS_GUAC_PASSWD} -noprompt -dname "CN='', OU='', O='', L='', S='', C=''"; } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Configuring the Java KeyStore... "; spinner # Enable/Start Tomcat and Guacamole Services { systemctl enable tomcat systemctl restart tomcat systemctl enable guacd systemctl restart guacd } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Enable & Start Tomcat and Guacamole Services... "; spinner nginxcfg } ###### NGINX CONFIGURATION ######################################### nginxcfg () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Nginx Configuration" # Backup Nginx Configuration { mv /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.ori.bkp; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Making Nginx config backup... "; spinner # HTTP Nginx Conf { echo "server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name ${DOMAIN_NAME}; return 301 https://\$host\$request_uri; location ${GUAC_URIPATH} { proxy_pass http://${GUAC_LAN_IP}:8080/guacamole/; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection \$http_connection; proxy_cookie_path /guacamole/ ${GUAC_URIPATH}; access_log off; } }" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole.conf } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Generate Nginx guacamole.config... "; spinner # HTTPS/SSL Nginx Conf { echo "server { #listen 443 ssl http2 default_server; #listen [::]:443 ssl http2 default_server; server_name ${DOMAIN_NAME}; server_tokens off; #ssl_certificate guacamole.crt; #ssl_certificate_key guacamole.key; " > /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf # If OCSP Stapling was selected add lines if [ $OCSP_USE = true ]; then if [[ -r /etc/resolv.conf ]]; then NAME_SERVERS=$(awk '/^nameserver/{print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf | xargs) fi if [[ -z $NAME_SERVERS ]]; then NAME_SERVERS=$NAME_SERVERS_DEF fi echo " #ssl_trusted_certificate guacamole.pem; ssl_stapling on; ssl_stapling_verify on; resolver ${NAME_SERVERS} valid=30s; resolver_timeout 30s;" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf fi # If using >= 256-bit ciphers if [ $NGINX_SEC = true ]; then echo " ssl_ciphers 'TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384';" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf else echo " ssl_ciphers 'TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256';" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf fi # Rest of HTTPS/SSL Nginx Conf echo " ssl_protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2; ssl_ecdh_curve secp521r1:secp384r1:prime256v1; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_timeout 1d; ssl_session_tickets off; add_header Referrer-Policy \"no-referrer\"; add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains\" always;" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf # If CSP was enabled, add line, otherwise add but comment out (to allow easily manual toggle of the feature) if [ $USE_CSP = true ]; then echo " add_header Content-Security-Policy \"default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self' wss://${DOMAIN_NAME}; object-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; base-uri 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self';\" always;" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf else echo " #add_header Content-Security-Policy \"default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self' wss://${DOMAIN_NAME}; object-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; base-uri 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self';\" always;" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf fi echo " add_header X-Frame-Options \"SAMEORIGIN\" always; add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"nosniff\" always; add_header X-XSS-Protection \"1; mode=block\" always; proxy_hide_header Server; proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By; client_body_timeout 10; client_header_timeout 10; location ${GUAC_URIPATH} { proxy_pass http://${GUAC_LAN_IP}:8080/guacamole/; proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection \$http_connection; proxy_cookie_path /guacamole/ \"${GUAC_URIPATH}; HTTPOnly; Secure; SameSite\"; access_log /var/log/nginx/guac_access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/guac_error.log; } }" >> /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf } & s_echo "n" "-Generate Nginx guacamole_ssl.config... "; spinner # Nginx CIS hardening v1.0.0 { # 2.3.2 Restrict access to Nginx files find /etc/nginx -type d | xargs chmod 750 find /etc/nginx -type f | xargs chmod 640 # 2.4.3 & 2.4.4 set keepalive_timeout and send_timeout to 1-10 seconds, default 65/60. sed -i '/keepalive_timeout/c\keepalive_timeout 10\;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # sed -i '/send_timeout/c\send_timeout 10\;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # 2.5.2 Reoving mentions of Nginx from index and error pages ! read -r -d '' BLANK_HTML <<"EOF" EOF echo "${BLANK_HTML}" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html echo "${BLANK_HTML}" > /usr/share/nginx/html/50x.html # 3.4 Ensure logs are rotated (may set this as a user defined parameter) sed -i "s/daily/weekly/" /etc/logrotate.d/nginx sed -i "s/rotate 52/rotate 13/" /etc/logrotate.d/nginx } & s_echo "n" "-Hardening Nginx config... "; spinner # Enable/Start Nginx Service { systemctl enable nginx systemctl restart nginx } & s_echo "n" "-Enable & Start Nginx Service... "; spinner # Call each Guac extension function for those selected if [ $INSTALL_LDAP = true ]; then ldapsetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_TOTP = true ]; then totpsetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_DUO = true ]; then duosetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_RADIUS = true ]; then radiussetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_CAS = true ]; then cassetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_OPENID = true ]; then openidsetup; fi if [ $INSTALL_CUST_EXT = true ]; then custsetup; fi selinuxsettings } ###### LDAP SETUP ################################################## ldapsetup () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Setup the LDAP Extension" # Append LDAP configuration lines to guacamole.properties { echo " # LDAP properties ldap-hostname: ${LDAP_HOSTNAME} ldap-port: ${LDAP_PORT}" >> /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF}; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Updating guacamole.properties file for LDAP... "; spinner # LDAPS specific properties if [ $SECURE_LDAP = true ]; then { KS_PATH=$(find "/usr/lib/jvm/" -name "cacerts") keytool -storepasswd -new ${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD} -keystore ${KS_PATH} -storepass "changeit" keytool -importcert -alias "ldaps" -keystore ${KS_PATH} -storepass ${JKS_CACERT_PASSWD} -file ${LDAPS_CERT_FULL} -noprompt echo "ldap-encryption-method: ssl" >> /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF} } & s_echo "n" "-Updating guacamole.properties file for LDAPS... "; spinner fi # Finish appending general LDAP configuration lines to guacamole.properties { echo "ldap-user-base-dn: ${LDAP_BASE_DN} ldap-search-bind-dn: ${LDAP_BIND_DN} ldap-search-bind-password: ${LDAP_BIND_PW} ldap-username-attribute: ${LDAP_UNAME_ATTR} ldap-user-search-filter: ${LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER} mysql-auto-create-accounts: true" >> /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF}; } & s_echo "n" "-Finishing updates to the guacamole.properties file for LDAP... "; spinner if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then # Copy LDAP Extension to Extensions Directory { find ./guacamole-client/extensions -name "${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" -exec mv -v {} ${LIB_DIR}extensions/ \;; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole LDAP extension to extensions dir... "; spinner else # Stable release # Download LDAP Extension { wget "${GUAC_URL}binary/${GUAC_LDAP}.tar.gz" -O ${GUAC_LDAP}.tar.gz; } & s_echo "n" "-Downloading LDAP extension... "; spinner # Decompress LDAP Extension { tar xzvf ${GUAC_LDAP}.tar.gz rm -f ${GUAC_LDAP}.tar.gz mv ${GUAC_LDAP} extension } & s_echo "n" "-Decompressing Guacamole LDAP Extension... "; spinner # Copy LDAP Extension to Extensions Directory { mv -v extension/${GUAC_LDAP}/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar ${LIB_DIR}extensions/; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole LDAP extension to extensions dir... "; spinner fi } ###### TOTP SETUP ################################################## totpsetup () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Setup the TOTP Extension" # Append TOTP configuration lines to guacamole.properties { echo " # TOTP properties totp-issuer: ${TOTP_ISSUER} totp-digits: ${TOTP_DIGITS} totp-period: ${TOTP_PER} totp-mode: ${TOTP_MODE}" >> /etc/guacamole/${GUAC_CONF}; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Updating guacamole.properties file for TOTP... "; spinner if [ $GUAC_SOURCE == "Git" ]; then # Copy TOTP Extension to Extensions Directory { find ./guacamole-client/extensions -name "${GUAC_TOTP}.jar" -exec mv -v {} ${LIB_DIR}extensions/ \;; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole TOTP extension to extensions dir... "; spinner else # Stable release # Download TOTP Extension { wget "${GUAC_URL}binary/${GUAC_TOTP}.tar.gz" -O ${GUAC_TOTP}.tar.gz; } & s_echo "n" "-Downloading TOTP extension... "; spinner # Decompress TOTP Extension { tar xzvf ${GUAC_TOTP}.tar.gz rm -f ${GUAC_TOTP}.tar.gz mv ${GUAC_TOTP} extension } & s_echo "n" "-Decompressing Guacamole TOTP Extension... "; spinner # Copy TOTP Extension to Extensions Directory { mv -v extension/${GUAC_TOTP}/${GUAC_TOTP}.jar ${LIB_DIR}extensions/; } & s_echo "n" "-Moving Guacamole TOTP extension to extensions dir... "; spinner fi } ###### DUO SETUP ################################################### duosetup () { # Placehold until extension is added echo "duosetup" } ###### RADIUS SETUP ################################################ radiussetup () { # Placehold until extension is added echo "radiussetup" } ###### CAS SETUP ################################################### cassetup () { # Placehold until extension is added echo "cassetup" } ###### OpenID SETUP ################################################ openidsetup () { # Placehold until extension is added echo "openidsetup" } ###### CUSTOM EXTENSION SETUP ###################################### custsetup () { # Copy Custom Extension to Extensions Directory { mv -v ${CUST_FULL} ${LIB_DIR}extensions/; } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Copying Custom Guacamole Extension to Extensions Dir... "; spinner } ###### SELINUX SETTINGS ############################################ selinuxsettings () { { # Set Booleans setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 setsebool -P httpd_can_network_relay 1 setsebool -P tomcat_can_network_connect_db 1 # Guacamole Client Context semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}guacamole.war" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}guacamole.war" # Guacamole JDBC Extension Context semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-${GUAC_VER}.jar" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-${GUAC_VER}.jar" # MySQL Connector Extension Context semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}lib/${MYSQL_CON}.jar" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}lib/${MYSQL_CON}.jar" # Guacamole LDAP Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_LDAP = true ]; then semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" fi # Guacamole TOTP Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_TOTP = true ]; then # Placehold until extension is added # echo "totp true" semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_TOTP}.jar" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_TOTP}.jar" fi # Guacamole Duo Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_DUO = true ]; then # Placehold until extension is added echo "duo true" #semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" #restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" fi # Guacamole RADIUS Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_RADIUS = true ]; then # Placehold until extension is added echo "radius true" #semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" #restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" fi # Guacamole CAS Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_CAS = true ]; then # Placehold until extension is added echo "cas true" #semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" #restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" fi # Guacamole OpenID Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_OPENID = true ]; then # Placehold until extension is added echo "openid true" #semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" #restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${GUAC_LDAP}.jar" fi # Guacamole Custom Extension Context (If selected) if [ $INSTALL_CUST_EXT = true ]; then semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_exec_t "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${CUST_FN}" restorecon -v "${LIB_DIR}extensions/${CUST_FN}" fi } & s_echo "y" "${Bold}Setting SELinux Context... "; spinner # Log SEL status sestatus firewallsettings } ###### FIREWALL SETTINGS ########################################### firewallsettings () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Firewall Configuration" chk_installed "firewalld" # Ensure firewalld is enabled and started { if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then systemctl enable firewalld systemctl restart firewalld fi } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-firewalld is installed and started on the system... "; spinner # Backup firewall public zone config { cp /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml $fwbkpfile; } & s_echo "n" "-Backing up firewall public zone to: $fwbkpfile "; spinner # Open HTTP and HTTPS ports { echo -e "Add new rule...\nfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http" firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http echo -e "Add new rule...\nfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https" firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https } & s_echo "n" "-Opening HTTP and HTTPS service ports... "; spinner # Open 8080 and 8443 ports. Need to review if this is required or not { echo -e "Add new rule...\nfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp" firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp echo -e "Add new rule...\nfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp" firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp } & s_echo "n" "-Opening ports 8080 and 8443 on TCP... "; spinner #echo -e "Reload firewall...\nfirewall-cmd --reload\n" { firewall-cmd --reload; } & s_echo "n" "-Reloading firewall... "; spinner sslcerts } ###### SSL CERTIFICATE ############################################# sslcerts () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}SSL Certificate Configuration" if [ $SSL_CERT_TYPE != "None" ]; then # Lets Encrypt Setup (If selected) if [ $SSL_CERT_TYPE = "LetsEncrypt" ]; then # Install certbot from repo { yum install -y certbot python2-certbot-nginx; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Downloading certboot tool... "; spinner # OCSP { if [ $OCSP_USE = true ]; then certbot certonly --nginx --must-staple -n --agree-tos --rsa-key-size ${LE_KEY_SIZE} -m "${EMAIL_NAME}" -d "${DOMAIN_NAME}" else # Generate without OCSP --must-staple certbot certonly --nginx -n --agree-tos --rsa-key-size ${LE_KEY_SIZE} -m "${EMAIL_NAME}" -d "${DOMAIN_NAME}" fi } & s_echo "n" "-Generating a ${SSL_CERT_TYPE} SSL Certificate... "; spinner # Symlink Lets Encrypt certs so renewal does not break Nginx { ln -vs "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN_NAME}/fullchain.pem" /etc/nginx/guacamole.crt ln -vs "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN_NAME}/privkey.pem" /etc/nginx/guacamole.key ln -vs "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN_NAME}/chain.pem" /etc/nginx/guacamole.pem } & s_echo "n" "-Creating symlinks to ${SSL_CERT_TYPE} SSL certificates... "; spinner # Setup automatic cert renewal { systemctl enable certbot-renew.service systemctl enable certbot-renew.timer systemctl list-timers --all | grep certbot } & s_echo "n" "-Setup automatic ${SSL_CERT_TYPE} SSL certificate renewals... "; spinner else # Use a Self-Signed Cert { openssl req -x509 -sha512 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:${SSL_KEY_SIZE} -keyout /etc/nginx/guacamole.key -out /etc/nginx/guacamole.crt -subj "/C=''/ST=''/L=''/O=''/OU=''/CN=''"; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Generating ${SSL_CERT_TYPE} SSL Certificate... "; spinner fi # Nginx CIS v1.0.0 - 4.1.3 ensure private key permissions are restricted { ls -l /etc/nginx/guacamole.key chmod 400 /etc/nginx/guacamole.key } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Changing permissions on SSL private key... "; spinner { # Uncomment listen lines from Nginx guacamole_ssl.conf (fixes issue introduced by Nginx 1.16.0) sed -i 's/#\(listen.*443.*\)/\1/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf # Uncomment cert lines from Nginx guacamole_ssl.conf sed -i 's/#\(.*ssl_.*certificate.*\)/\1/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole_ssl.conf } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Enabling SSL certificate in guacamole_ssl.conf... "; spinner HTTPS_ENABLED=true else # Cert is set to None s_echo "n" "${Reset}-No SSL Cert selected..." # Will not force/use HTTPS without a cert, comment out redirect { sed -i '/\(return 301 https\)/s/^/#/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/guacamole.conf; } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Update guacamole.conf to allow HTTP connections... "; spinner HTTPS_ENABLED=false fi showmessages } ###### COMPLETION MESSAGES ######################################### showmessages () { s_echo "y" "${Bold}Services" # Restart all services and log status { systemctl restart tomcat systemctl status tomcat systemctl restart guacd systemctl status guacd systemctl restart mariadb systemctl status mariadb systemctl restart nginx systemctl status nginx # Verify that the guacd user is running guacd ps aux | grep ${GUACD_USER} ps -U ${GUACD_USER} } & s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Restarting all services... "; spinner # Completion messages s_echo "y" "${Bold}${Green}##### Installation Complete! #####${Reset}" s_echo "y" "${Bold}Log Files" s_echo "n" "${Reset}-Log file: ${logfile}" s_echo "n" "-firewall backup file: ${fwbkpfile}" # Determine Guac server URL for web GUI if [ ${DOMAIN_NAME} = "localhost" ]; then GUAC_URL=${GUAC_LAN_IP}${GUAC_URIPATH} else # Not localhost GUAC_URL=${DOMAIN_NAME}${GUAC_URIPATH} fi # Determine if HTTPS is used or not if [ ${HTTPS_ENABLED} = true ]; then HTTPS_MSG="${Reset} or ${Bold}https://${GUAC_URL}${Reset}" else # HTTPS not used HTTPS_MSG="${Reset}. Without a cert, HTTPS is not forced/available." fi # Manage Guac s_echo "y" "${Bold}To manage Guacamole" s_echo "n" "${Reset}-go to: ${Bold}http://${GUAC_URL}${HTTPS_MSG}" s_echo "n" "-The default username and password are: ${Red}guacadmin" # Recommendations s_echo "y" "Important Recommendations${Reset}" if [ $INSTALL_LDAP = false ]; then s_echo "n" "-It is highly recommended to create an admin account in Guacamole and delete/disable the default asap!" else s_echo "n" "-You should assign at least one AD/LDAP user to have full admin, see the directions on how-to at:" s_echo "n" "${Green} https://github.com/Zer0CoolX/guacamole-install-rhel-7/wiki/LDAP-or-LDAPS-Authentication#important-manual-steps${Reset}" s_echo "n" "-Afterwards, it is highly recommended to delete/disable the default admin account and/or create a uniquely named local admin account asap!" if [ $SECURE_LDAP = true ]; then s_echo "n" "-Its highly recommended to remove the LDAPS certificate file from: ${LDAPS_CERT_FULL}" fi fi s_echo "y" "${Green}While not technically required, you should consider a reboot after verifying installation${Reset}" s_echo "y" "${Bold}Contact ${Reset}${ADM_POC}${Bold} with any questions or concerns regarding this script\n" # Log cleanup to remove escape sequences caused by tput for formatting text sed -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m\|\x1b[(]B\x1b\[m//g' ${logfile} tput sgr0 >&3 } ###### INSTALLATION EXECUTION ###################################### # Runs the install if the option was selected from the summary menu if [ ${RUN_INSTALL} = true ]; then tput sgr0 >&3 clear >&3 reposinstall if [ $DEL_TMP_VAR = true ]; then rm "$VAR_FILE" fi exit 0 fi