04.03.2024 ========== README.md: removed entire instructions how to compile hcxdumptool on different distributions check the distribution's page how to update the ditribution, how to install missing dependencies and missing header files 25.02.2024 ========== release v6.3.4 release v6.3.3 internal BPFC compiler enabled by default new dependency libpcap 04.02.2024 ========== hcxdumptool: changed bit mask order of exitoneapol --exitoneapol= : exit on first EAPOL occurrence: bitmask: 1 = PMKID (from AP) 2 = EAPOL M2M3 (authorized) 4 = EAPOL M1M2/M1M2ROGUE (not authorized) 8 = EAPOL M1 06.01.2024 ========== hcxdumptool: changed option --beacon_off to --disable_beacon 04.12.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: allow to set monitor mode (-m) in combination with channel (-c) or frequency (-f) 28.12.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: do not spam channel with retries changed SNAPLEN 22.12.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added BE support removed option beacontx --beaconoff : disable internal BEACON (one BEACON/second to wildcard SSID) 08.12.2023 ========== Some drivers report incorrectly active monitor mode capability. hcxdumptool: do not set active monitor mode by default if driver report that it is possible removed option -p added new option -A in case active monitor mode is working as expected -A : ACK incoming frames INTERFACE must support active monitor mode 28.11.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added full featured BPF compiler due to additional dependency (libpcap and libpcap-dev) this feature must be enabled in Makefile added PROBEREQUEST counter to rcascan mode added option to sort rcascan display by PROBEREQUEST counter 27.11.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: accept Berklev Packet filter code in tcpdump raw format and in tcpdump c style format -bpf= : input Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) code (maximum 4096 instructions) in tcpdump raw format: example: tcpdump high level compiler: $ tcpdump -s 65535 -y IEEE802_11_RADIO wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > filter.bpf see man pcap-filter eample: bpf_asm low level compiler $ bpf_asm filter.asm | tr ',' '\n' > filter.bpf see https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/filter.html example: bpfc low level compiler: $ bpfc -f tcpdump -i filter.asm > filter.bpf see man bpfc in tcpdump c style format: example: tcpdump high level compiler: $ tcpdump -s 65535 -y IEEE802_11_RADIO wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 -dd > filter.bpf see man pcap-filter example: bpfc low level compiler: $ bpfc -f C -i filter.asm > filter.bpf see man bpfc 01.11.2023 ========== release v6.3.2 23.10.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: removed option "disable_beacon" because it is replaced by option beacontx=0 01.09.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to get shart and greppable interface list 26.07.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added compile time information to version information $ hcxdumptool -v hcxdumptool 6.3.1-35-g1a0930e (C) 2023 ZeroBeat compiled by gcc 13.1.1 Linux API headers 6.3.0 compiled with glibc 2.37 Under normal circumstances, the Linux kernel version could be greater than the "Linux API headers" version, but never less. 24.07.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to EXIT on EAPOL --exitoneapol= : exit on first EAPOL occurrence: bitmask: 1 = PMKID 2 = EAPOL M2 4 = EAPOL M3 target BPF filter is recommended get more information here: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/333#issuecomment-1647684235 03.07.2023 ========== added -Wpedantic to compiler flags and fixed all warnings 30.06.2023 ========== release v6.3.1 09.05.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added option to remove active monitor flag -p : do not set monitor mode: active (do not ACK incoming frames addressed to the device MAC default monitor mode: active (ACK all incoming frames addresed to the device MAC) This is a workaround on mt7601u devices/drivers. Running active monitor mode, only frames addressed to the MAC of the device or addressed to BROADCAST MAC are received. This is a driver/firmware problem! To verify if you are affected: run hcxdumptool run Wireshark in parallel and set filter option to "eapol" if Wireshark only show EAPOL M1 frames it is mandatory to disable active monitor mode by option "-p" Problem is reported here: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217465 06.05.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added option to save GPS information to pcapng dumpfile --nmea_pcapng : write GPS information to pcapng dump file 05.05.2023 ========== release v6.3.0 Since kernel 6.3 Kernel developer decided to print a dmesg warning if tools are detected that use deprecated WEXT: [ 2770.939021] warning: `hcxdumptool' uses wireless extensions which will stop working for Wi-Fi 7 hardware; use nl80211 hcxdumptool used ioctl(SIOCGIWNAME) to detect presence of WEXT. That was the last remnant of WEXT code. To get rid of this dmesg warning, this detection has been removed by latest commit. 03.05.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: changed/added several options: $ hcxdumptool --help hcxdumptool 6.2.9-161-gf581815 (C) 2023 ZeroBeat usage: hcxdumptool first stop all services that take access to the interface, e.g.: $ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service $ sudo systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service then run hcxdumptool press ctrl+c to terminate press GPIO button to terminate hardware modification is necessary, read more: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/tree/master/docs stop all services (e.g.: wpa_supplicant.service, NetworkManager.service) that take access to the interface do not set monitor mode by third party tools (iwconfig, iw, airmon-ng) do not use logical (NETLINK) interfaces (monx, wlanxmon, prismx, ...) created by airmon-ng and iw do not use virtual machines or emulators do not run other tools that take access to the interface in parallel (except: tshark, wireshark, tcpdump) do not use tools to change MAC (like macchanger) do not merge (pcapng) dump files, because this destroys assigned hash values! short options: -i : name of INTERFACE to be used default: first suitable INTERFACE warning: hcxdumptool changes the virtual MAC address of the INTERFACE -w : write packets to a pcapng-format file named default outfile name: yyyyddmmhhmmss-interfacename.pcapng get more information: https://pcapng.com/ -c : set channel (1a,2a,36b...) default: 1a,6a,11a important notice: channel numbers are not unique it is mandatory to add band information to the channel number (e.g. 12a) band a: NL80211_BAND_2GHZ band b: NL80211_BAND_5GHZ band c: NL80211_BAND_6GHZ band d: NL80211_BAND_60GHZ band e: NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ (902 MHz) to disable frequency management, set this option to a single frequency/channel -f : set frequency (2412,2417,5180,...) -F : use available frequencies from INTERFACE -t : minimum stay time (will increase on new stations and/or authentications) default 1 seconds -m : set monitor mode and terminate -L : show INTERFACE list -I : show detailed information about INTERFACE -h : show this help -v : show version long options: --bpf= : input kernel space Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) code steps to create a BPF (it only has to be done once): $ hcxdumptool -m create BPF to protect MACs $ tcpdump -i not wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > protect.bpf recommended to protect own devices create BPF to attack a MAC $ tcpdump -i wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > attack.bpf it is strongly recommended to allow all PROBEREQUEST frames (wlan_type mgt && wlan_subtype probe-req) $ tcpdump -i wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -ddd > attack.bpf see man pcap-filter for a list of all filter options add BPF code: $ hcxdumptool -i --bpf=attack.bpf ... --disable_beacon : do not transmit BEACON frames --disable_deauthentication : do not transmit DEAUTHENTICATION/DISASSOCIATION frames --disable_proberequest : do not transmit PROBEREQUEST frames --disable_association : do not AUTHENTICATE/ASSOCIATE --disable_reassociation : do not REASSOCIATE a CLIENT --beacontx= : transmit BEACON of first n entries of ESSID list default: 10 --proberesponsetx= : transmit PROBERESPONSEs of first n entries of ESSID list default: 10 --essidlist= : initialize ESSID list with these ESSIDs --errormax= : set maximum allowed ERRORs default: 100 ERRORs --watchdogmax= : set maximum TIMEOUT when no packets received default: 600 seconds --attemptclientmax= : set maximum of attempts to request an EAPOL M2 default: 10 attempts --attemptapmax= : set maximum of received BEACONs to request a PMKID or to get a 4-way handshake default: stop after 4 received BEACONs --tot= : enable timeout timer in minutes --onsigterm= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --ongpiobutton= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --ontot= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --onwatchdog= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --onerror= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --gpio_button= : Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number of button (2...27) push GPIO button (> 10 seconds) to terminate program default: 0 (GPIO not in use) --gpio_statusled= : Raspberry Pi GPIO number of status LED (2...27) default: 0 (GPIO not in use) --nmea_dev= : open NMEA device (/dev/ttyACM0, /dev/tty/USB0, ...) baudrate = BD9600 --gpsd : use gpsd to get position gpsd will be switched to NMEA0183 mode --nmea_out= : write GPS information to a nmea-format file named default outfile name: yyyymmddhhmmss.nmea output: NMEA 0183 standard messages: $GPRMC: Position, velocity, time and date $GPGGA: Position, orthometric height, fix related data, time $GPWPL: Position and MAC AP $GPTXT: ESSID in HEX ASCII use gpsbabel to convert to other formats: gpsbabel -w -t -i nmea -f in_file.nmea -o gpx -F out_file.gpx gpsbabel -w -t -i nmea -f in_file.nmea -o kml -F out_file.kml get more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183 --rcascan= : do (R)adio (C)hannel (A)ssignment scan default = passive scan a = active scan p = passive scan --rds= : sort real time display default: sort by time (last seen on top) 1 = sort by status (last PMKID/EAPOL on top) --help : show this help --version : show version Legend real time display: R = + AP display: AP is in TX range or under attack S = + AP display: AUTHENTICATION KEY MANAGEMENT PSK P = + AP display: got PMKID 1 = + AP display: got EAPOL M1 (CHALLENGE) 3 = + AP display: got EAPOL M1M2M3 (AUTHORIZATION) E = + CLIENT display: got EAP-START MESSAGE 2 = + CLIENT display: got EAPOL M1M2 (ROGUE CHALLENGE) Notice: This is a penetration testing tool! It is made to detect vulnerabilities in your NETWORK mercilessly! To store entire traffic, run -w allframes.pcapng> in parallel 19.04.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: changed rcascan --rcascan= : do (R)adio (C)hannel (A)ssignment scan default = passive scan a = active scan p = passive scan 14.04.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to sort status display --rds= : sort real time display default: sort by time (last seen on top) 1 = sort by status (last PMKID/EAPOL on top) 07.04.2023 ========== removed obsolete hcxpioff refactored hcxdumptool: replaced entire hcxdumptool code by hcxlabtool code $ hcxdumptool --help hcxdumptool 6.2.9-22-gace924f (C) 2023 ZeroBeat usage: hcxdumptool first stop all services that take access to the interface , e.g.: $ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service $ sudo systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service than run hcxdumptool press ctrl+c to terminate press GPIO button to terminate hardware modification is necessary, read more: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/tree/master/docs do not set monitor mode by third party tools (iwconfig, iw, airmon-ng) do not use logical (NETLINK) interfaces (monx, wlanxmon, prismx, ...) created by airmon-ng and iw do not use virtual machines or emulators do not run other tools that take access to the interface in parallel (except: tshark, wireshark, tcpdump) do not use tools to change MAC (like macchanger) stop all services (e.g.: wpa_supplicant.service, NetworkManager.service) that take access to the interface short options: -i : name of INTERFACE to be used default: first suitable INTERFACE warning: hcxdumptool changes the virtual MAC address of the INTERFACE -w : write packets to a pcapng-format file named default outfile name: yyyyddmmhhmmss-interfacename.pcapng get more information: https://pcapng.com/ -c : set channel (1a,2a,36b...) default: 1a,6a,11a important notice: channel numbers are not unique it is mandatory to add band information to the channel number (e.g. 12a) band a: NL80211_BAND_2GHZ band b: NL80211_BAND_5GHZ band c: NL80211_BAND_6GHZ band d: NL80211_BAND_60GHZ band e: NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ (902 MHz) to disable frequency management, set this option to a single frequency/channel -f : set frequency (2412,2417,5180,...) -F : use available frequencies from INTERFACE -t : minimum stay time (will increase on new stations and/or authentications default 1 seconds -m : set monitor mode and terminate -L : show INTERFACE list -I : show detailed information about INTERFACE -h : show this help -v : show version long options: --bpf= : input kernel space Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) code steps to create a BPF (it only has to be done once): $ hcxdumptool -m create BPF to protect MACs $ tcpdump -i not wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > protect.bpf recommended to protect own devices create BPF to attack a MAC $ tcpdump -i wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > attack.bpf it is strongly recommended to allow all PROBEREQUEST frames (wlan_type mgt && wlan_subtype probe-req) $ tcpdump -i wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -ddd > attack.bpf see man pcap-filter for a list of all filter options add BPF code: $ hcxdumptool -i --bpf=attack.bpf ... --disable_beacon : do not transmit BEACON frames --disable_deauthentication : do not transmit DEAUTHENTICATION/DISASSOCIATION frames --disable_proberequest : do not transmit PROBEREQUEST frames --disable_association : do not AUTHENTICATE/ASSOCIATE --disable_reassociation : do not REASSOCIATE a CLIENT --beacontx= : transmit BEACON of first n entries of ESSID list default: 10 --proberesponsetx= : transmit PROBERESPONSEs of first n entries of ESSID list default: 10 --essidlist= : initialize ESSID list with this ESSIDs --errormax= : set maximum allowed ERRORs default: 100 ERRORs --watchdog= : set maximum TIMOUT when no packets received default: 600 seconds --attemptclientmax= : set maximum of attempts to request an EAPOL M2 default: 10 attempts --attemptapmax= : set maximum of received BEACONs to request a PMKID or to get a 4-way handshake default: stop after 4 received BEACONs --tot= : enable timeout timer in minutes --onsigterm= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --ongpiobutton= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --ongtot= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --onwatchdog= : action when the program has been terminated (poweroff, reboot) poweroff: power off system reboot: reboot system --gpio_button= : Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number of button (2...27) push GIPO button (> 10 seconds) to terminate program default: 0 (GPIO not in use) --gpio_statusled= : Raspberry Pi GPIO number of status LED (2...27) default: 0 (GPIO not in use) --nmea_dev= : open NMEA device (/dev/ttyACM0, /dev/tty/USB0, ...) baudrate = BD9600 --gpsd : use gpsd to get position gpsd will be switched to NMEA0183 mode --nmea_out= : write GPS information to a nmea-format file named default outfile name: yyyyddmmhhmmss.nmea output: NMEA 0183 standard messages: $GPRMC: Position, velocity, time and date $GPGGA: Position, orthometric height, fix related data, time $GPWPL: Position and MAC AP $GPTXT: ESSID in HEX ASCII use gpsbabel to convert to other formats: gpsbabel -w -t -i nmea -f in_file.nmea -o gpx -F out_file_gpx gpsbabel -w -t -i nmea -f in_file.nmea -o kml -F out_file.kml get more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183 --rcascan_passive : do passive (R)adio (C)hannel (A)ssignment scan --help : show this help --version : show version Legend real time display: R = + AP is in TX range P = + got PMKID M = + AP display: got EAPOL M1M2M3 (AUTHORIZATION) M = + CLIENT display: got EAPOL M1M2 (ROGUE CHALLENGE) A = + AUTHENTICATION KEY MANAGEMENT PSK Notice: This is a penetration testing tool! It is made to detect vulnerabilities in your NETWORK mercilessly! To store entire traffic, run -w allframes.pcapng> in parallel 06.04.2023 ========== release v6.2.9 several bug fixes This is the last version: that use WIRELESS EXTENSIONS that use ETHTOOL to get/set virtual MAC address that use old style status output that use soft coded filter lists that use msec timestamp that use crypto stuff that use server/client mode to display status Next version will go back to the roots: set focus on WPA PSK (WPA1, WPA2, WPA2 key version 3) set bandwidth to 20MHz to increase range set bitrate to lowest values to increase range use active monitor mode use NL80211 stack use RTNETLINK band a, b, c, d, e support use NMEA messages: $GPRMC: Position, velocity, time and date $GPGGA: Position, orthometric height, fix related data, time $GPWPL: Position and MAC AP $GPTXT: ESSID in HEX ASCII remove options that slow hcxdumptool down 10.03.2023 ========== release v6.2.8 move to OpenSSL 3.0 EVP API (from now on OPenSSL >= 3.0 is mandatory) new options several bug fixes 16.01.2023 ========== hcxdumptool: added option to reset an USB device without unplugging it --reset_usb_device=: reset USB device by BUS ID and device ID (/dev/bus/usb/bus_id/device_id $ lsusb Bus 005 Device 006: ID 7392:7710 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd Edimax Wi-Fi sysfs dev path = /dev/bus/usb/005/006 12.11.2022 ========== start moving to OpenSSL 3.0 EVP API this is a huge step forward an will break backward compatibility https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/OpenSSL_3.0 07.08.2022 ========== release v6.2.7 several bug fixes still using OpenSSL 1.1 02.06.2022 ========== hcxdumptool: added warning if a not recommended driver has been detected 31.05.2022 ========== hcxpcapngtool: added new option according to https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/220 --passive : channel management is completely disabled - initial channel must be set by a third party tool hcxdumptool is acting like a passive dumper (silent mode) expect possible heavy packet loss 22.04.2022 ========== release v6.2.6 several bug fixes license update still supporting OpenSSL 1.1 01.12.2021 ========== release v6.2.5 still supporting OpenSSL 1.1 08.11.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: replaced channel scan engine by frequency scan engine this is high experimental tested devices: USB: Bus 005 Device 060: ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter Bus 005 Device 062: ID 148f:761a Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7610U ("Archer T2U" 2.4G+5G WLAN Adapter Bus 005 Device 064: ID 148f:5572 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5572 Wireless Adapter Bus 005 Device 065: ID 0e8d:7612 MediaTek Inc. MT7612U 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter Bus 005 Device 066: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n Bus 005 Device 068: ID 0bda:8178 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8192CU 802.11n WLAN Adapter Bus 005 Device 071: ID 7392:7710 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd Edimax Wi-Fi Bus 005 Device 073: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter Bus 005 Device 075: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter Bus 005 Device 078: ID 0b05:17d1 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AC51 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [Mediatek MT7610U] Bus 005 Device 082: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter PCI: 04:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8821CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter That is neccessary because, since WiFi 6, channel numbers are no longer unique: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels 24.10.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to ignore ioctl() warnings --force_interface : ignore all ioctl() warnings do not report issues, if attacks or channel switch is not working as expected 23.10.2021 ========== added generic hcxdumptool.1 man page 22.10.2021 ========== moved install dir from usr/local/bin to /usr/bin 14.09.2021 ========== release v6.2.4 This is the last version, supporting OpenSSL 1.1 Next version 6.3.0 will need OpenSSL 3.0.0 01.09.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to the next EAP request entry contained in the sequence passed to --eapreq with a type matching the Desired Auth Type requested in a client's Legacy NAK response --eapreq_follownak : jump to Auth Type requested by client in Legacy Nak response, if type available in remaining request sequence 29.08.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: GPIO flash intervall not longer hardcoded --gpio_statusled_intervall= : Raspberry Pi GPIO LED flash intervall default = flash every 5 seconds 15.08.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: allow MAC instead of filter list --filterlist_ap= : ACCESS POINT MAC or MAC filter list format: 112233445566, 11:22:33:44:55:66, 11-22-33-44-55-66 # comment maximum entries 256 run first --do_rcascan to retrieve information about the target --filterlist_client= : CLIENT MAC or MAC filter list format: 112233445566, 11:22:33:44:55:66, 11-22-33-44-55-66 # comment maximum entries 256 due to MAC randomization of the CLIENT, it does not always work! 17.05.2021 ========== release v 6.1.6 get ready for gcc 11.1.0 18.03.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added VENDOR filter --filterlist_ap_vendor= : ACCESS POINT MAC filter list by VENDOR format: 112233, 11:22:33, 11-22-33 # comment maximum entries 256 run first --do_rcascan to retrieve information about the target --filterlist_client_VENDOR= : CLIENT MAC filter list format: 112233, 11:22:33, 11-22-33 # comment maximum entries 256 due to MAC randomization of the CLIENT, it does not always work! 09.03.2021 ========== release v 6.1.6 get ready for OpenSSL 3.0 05.03.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: removed preamble option, because it is ignored by most wlan adapters 04.03.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option to use short preamble --short_preamble : use short preamble default: use long preamble that may not work on older devices! 23.02.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: allow output to stdout -o : output file in pcapng format, filename '-' outputs to stdout including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) 14.02.2021 ========== sll_pkttype = PACKET_OUTGOING is completey ingnored in promiscuous mode At least I found a way to detect outgoing packets. Luckily IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_TX_FLAGS is set on outgoing packets. If we check this, we are able to ignore them. That save us CPU time. 13.02.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added WATCHDOG - we need that to determine if USB device died Raspberry Pi LED will flash twice if now packet received turing the last past 600 seconds print AGE of last received packet in status 09.02.2021 ========== started to prepare to use openssl 3.0 Many structures have been made opaque in OpenSSL 3.0 since OpenSSL 1.0.2 https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/OpenSSL_3.0 it is recommended to upgrade to at least to OpenSSL 1.1 06.02.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: fixed handling of BE (according to hcxpcapngtool fixes) 18.01.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added auto channel/auto band. therefore default channel list and predefined channel lists changed! -c : set channel (1,2,3, ...) default: auto channel/auto band maximum entries: 255 standard 802.11 channels (depends on device, driver and world regulatory domain): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 36, 38, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 201, 205, 209, 213, 217, 221, 225, 229, 233 -s : set predefined scanlist 0 = auto channel/auto band (default) 1 = 1,6,11,3,5,1,6,11,2,4,1,6,11,7,9,1,6,11,8,10,1,6,11,12,13 (optimized 2.4GHz) 2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 (standard 2.4 GHz) 3 = 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 (standard 5GHz) 4 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 (standard 2.4GHz/5GHz) 5 = 201,205,209,213,217,221,225,229,233 (standard 6GHz) 16.01.2021 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option - rcascan ranking is no longer hard coded --rcascan_order=digit> : rcascan sorting order: 0 = sort by HIT (PROBERESPONSE) (default) 1 = sort by COUNT (BEACON) 2 = sort by CHANNEL 14.01.2021 ========== release v 6.1.5 03.01.2021 ========== hcxdummptool: added new option to limit status of rcascan to n lines --rcascan_max=digit> : show only n highest ranking lines default: 256 lines 21.12.2020 ========== removed TP-LINK TL-WN722N v1 (ath9k driver) from list of working devices due to driver issue hcxdumptool: moved from select() to pselect() 20.12.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added tot (transmission timeout timer) hcxdumptool will no longer freeze if driver died this is a workaround on ath9k driver issue: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/80#issuecomment-748622644 not caused by hcxdumptool: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/68578 19.12.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added support for 6GHz channels 201,205,209,213,217,221,225,229,233 on option -c and option -s -s : set predefined scanlist 0 = 1,6,11,3,5,1,6,11,2,4,1,6,11,7,9,1,6,11,8,10,1,6,11,12,13 (default) 1 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 2 = 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 3 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 4 = 201,205,209,213,217,221,225,229,233 10.12.2020 ========== Makefile: make use of pkg-config 02.12.2020 ========== release v 6.1.4 27.11.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: show openSSL version in status 24.10.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: Default channels are not longer hard coded. Now hcxdumptool test if channel is available. That allow handling of channels from a patched driver. Some 2 GHz ath9k radios are actually tunable on 2312-2732 on 5 MHz steps CHAN2G(2407, 14) CHAN2G(2402, 15) CHAN2G(2397, 16) CHAN2G(2392, 17) CHAN2G(2387, 18) CHAN2G(2382, 19) CHAN2G(2377, 20) CHAN2G(2372, 21) CHAN2G(2367, 22) CHAN2G(2362, 23) CHAN2G(2357, 24) CHAN2G(2352, 25) CHAN2G(2347, 26) CHAN2G(2342, 27) CHAN2G(2337, 28) CHAN2G(2332, 29) CHAN2G(2327, 30) CHAN2G(2322, 31) CHAN2G(2317, 32) CHAN2G(2312, 33) 09.10.2020 ========== release v 6.1.3 fixed broken GPS handling added better GPS error handling 03.10.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --example : show some example command lines 30.09.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new options --eapreq=[:],... : send max. 20 subsequent EAP requests after initial EAP ID request, hex string starting with EAP Type response is terminated with: :F = EAP Failure :S = EAP Success :I = EAP ERP Initiate :F = EAP ERP Finish :D = Deauthentication :T = TLS shutdown :- = no packet default behavior is terminating all responses with a EAP Failure, after last one the client is deauthenticated --eaptlstun : activate TLS tunnel negotiation and Phase 2 EAP requests when requesting PEAP using --eapreq requires --eap_server_cert and --eap_server_key --eap_server_cert= : EAP TLS tunnel Server cert PEM file --eap_server_key= : EAP TLS tunnel Server private key file 17.09.2020 ========== release v 6.1.2 15.09.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --stop_client_m2_attacks= : stop attacks against CLIENTS after 10 M2 frames received affected: ap-less (EAPOL 2/4 - M2) attack require hcxpcangtool --all option 24.08.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --eapreq=[:],... : send max. 20 subsequent EAP requests after initial EAP ID request, hex string starting with EAP Type response is terminated with :F = EAP Failure, :S = EAP Success, :I = EAP ERP Initiate, :F = EAP ERP Finish, :D = Deauthentication, :- = no packet default behavior is terminating all responses with a Failure packet, after last one the client is deauthenticated 14.08.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --wpaent to announce WPA ENTERPRISE 06.08.2020 ========== release v 6.1.1 fixed handling of long opts 30.07.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --ip to allow to set IP for server / client mode 29.07.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: add new radiotap flag: IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_NOSEQNO https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/11680527/ 29.07.2020 ========== release v 6.1.0 19.07.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: new option --beaconparams= : update or add Information Elements in all transmitted beacons maximum 50 IEs as TLV hex string, tag id 0 (ESSID) will be ignored, tag id 3 (channel) overwritten multiple IEs with same tag id are added, default IE is overwritten by the first 06.07.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: allow to set channel (-c) on --check_injection fixed display channel if tags.channel is empty added new option -s to set predefined scanlists -s : set predefined scanlist 0 = 1,6,11,3,5,1,6,11,2,4,1,6,11,7,9,1,6,11,8,10,1,6,11,12,13 (default) 1 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 2 = 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 3 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165 15.06.2020 ========== release v 6.0.7 10.06.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: changed behavior of --essidlist and --active_beacon according to https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/115 --essidlist - transmit beacons from this list only --active_beacon - transmit beacons from collected ESSIDs and from essidlist 21.05.2020 ========== release v 6.0.6 18.05.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --do_targetscan --do_targetscan= : same as do_rcascan - hide all networks, except target 17.05.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: fixed issue that caused hcxdumptool to respond on probereuest even if --silent is selcted allow MAC format 11:22:33:44:55:66 and 11-22-33-44-55-66 in filterlists 01.05.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: added option mask to save vendor defined action frames -f : frames to save bitmask: 0: clear default values 1: MANAGEMENT frames (default) 2: EAP and EAPOL frames (default) 4: IPV4 frames 8: IPV6 frames 16: WEP encrypted frames 32: WPA encrypted frames 64: vendor defined frames (AWDL) 05.04.2020 ========== release v 6.0.5 Security fix: We do not want to disturb uninvolved users! Increase error count and terminate hcxdumptool if channel was changed by a third party tool. After transmitting a request, hcxdumptool expect an answer on the same channel. If the channel was changed by a third party tool, hcxdumptool will never get this answer and transmit again, again and again. This will jam all channels, set by the third party tool. https://forum.hashkiller.io/index.php?threads/ap-less-attack-with-hcxtools.21036/page-4#post-237403 04.04.2020 ========== release v 6.0.4 27.03.2020 ========== hcxdumptool: ERROR_MAX not longer hard coded --error_max= : terminate hcxdumptool if error maximum reached default: 100 errors 26.03.2020 ========== Some drivers / firmwares provide only limited monitor functions instead of full packet injection capabilities. hcxdumptool: added packet injection test --check_injection : run packet injection test to determine that driver support full packet injection\n" 18.03.2020 ========== release v 6.0.3 removed debug message "OS not supported" from Makefile 14.03.2020 ========== release v 6.0.2 complete rewrite from scratch the Raspberry Pi is a little bit too slow, so we have to reduce status output. Most CLIENTs running randomized MACs. They are no longer displayed. improved IE tag walk similar to hcxpcapngtool improved attack vector added new options to improve attack vector against hardened targets added more information to help menu added option to import Berkeley packet Filter code fom tcpdump as alternative to apfilterlist and clientfilterlist make less noise on the the channel (receive more, transmit less) WLAN REASON CODE (deauthentication) no longer hardcoded moved to git versioning on non releases $ hcxdumptool -h hcxdumptool 6.0.2 (C) 2020 ZeroBeat usage : hcxdumptool press the switch to terminate hcxdumptool hardware modification is necessary, read more: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/tree/master/docs example: hcxdumptool -o output.pcapng -i wlp39s0f3u4u5 -t 5 --enable_status=3 do not run hcxdumptool on logical (NETLINK) interfaces (monx, wlanxmon) do not use hcxdumptool in combination with other 3rd party tools, which take access to the interface short options: -i : interface (monitor mode will be enabled by hcxdumptool) can also be done manually: ip link set down iw dev set type monitor ip link set up WARNING: iw use NETLINK (libnl) and hcxdumptool will not work on pure NETLINK interfaces -o : output file in pcapng format including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -f : frames to save bitmask: 0: clear default values 1: MANAGEMENT frames (default) 2: EAP and EAPOL frames (default) 4: IPV4 frames 8: IPV6 frames 16: WEP encrypted frames 32: WPA encrypted frames to clear default values use -f 0 first, followed by desired frame type (e.g. -f 0 -f 4) -c : set scan list (1,2,3, ...) default scan list: 1...13 maximum entries: 127 allowed channels (depends on the device): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 68, 96 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159 161, 165, 169, 173 -t : stay time on channel before hopping to the next channel default 4 seconds -m : set monitor mode by ioctl() system call and quit -I : show WLAN interfaces and quit -C : show available channels and quit if no channels are available, interface is probably in use or doesn't support monitor mode long options: --do_rcascan : show radio channel assignment (scan for target access points) this can be used to test that ioctl() calls and packet injection is working if you got no HIT, packet injection is possible not working also it can be used to get information about the target and to determine that the target is in range use this mode to collect data for the filter list run this mode at least for 2 minutes to save all received raw packets use option -o --reason_code= : deauthentication reason code recommended codes: 1 WLAN_REASON_UNSPECIFIED 2 WLAN_REASON_PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID 4 WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY 5 WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_AP_BUSY 6 WLAN_REASON_CLASS2_FRAME_FROM_NONAUTH_STA 7 WLAN_REASON_CLASS3_FRAME_FROM_NONASSOC_STA (default) 9 WLAN_REASON_STA_REQ_ASSOC_WITHOUT_AUTH --disable_client_attacks : do not attack clients affected: ap-less (EAPOL 2/4 - M2) attack --disable_ap_attacks : do not attack access points affected: connected clients and client-less (PMKID) attack --stop_ap_attacks= : stop attacks against ACCESS POINTs if BEACONs received default: stop after 600 BEACONs --resume_ap_attacks= : resume attacks against ACCESS POINTs after BEACONs received default: 864000 BEACONs --disable_deauthentication : do not send deauthentication or disassociation frames affected: conntected clients --silent : do not transmit! hcxdumptool is acting like a passive dumper expect possible packet loss --eapoltimeout= : set EAPOL TIMEOUT (microseconds) default: 20000 usec --bpfc= : input Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) code steps to create a BPF (it only has to be done once): set hcxdumptool monitormode $ hcxumptool -m create BPF to protect a MAC $ tcpdump -i not wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 and not wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > protect.bpf recommended to protect own devices or create BPF to attack a MAC $ tcpdump -i wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > attack.bpf not recommended, because important pre-authentication frames will be lost due to MAC randomization of the CLIENTs use the BPF code $ hcxumptool -i --bpfc=attack.bpf ... see man pcap-filter for a list of all filter options --filterlist_ap= : ACCESS POINT MAC filter list format: 112233445566 + comment maximum entries 256 run first --do_rcascan to retrieve information about the target --filterlist_client= : CLIENT MAC filter list format: 112233445566 # comment maximum entries 256 due to MAC randomization of the CLIENT, it does not always work! --filtermode= : mode for filter list mandatory in combination with --filterlist_ap and/or --filterlist_client 0: ignore filter list (default) 1: use filter list as protection list do not interact with ACCESS POINTs and CLIENTs from this list 2: use filter list as target list only interact with ACCESS POINTs and CLIENTs from this list not recommended, because important pre-authentication frames will be lost due to MAC randomization of the CLIENTs --weakcandidate= : use this pre shared key (8...63 characters) for weak candidate alert will be saved to pcapng to inform hcxpcaptool default: --mac_ap : use this MAC as ACCESS POINT MAC instead of a randomized one format: 112233445566 --mac_client : use this MAC as CLIENT MAC instead of a randomized one format: 112233445566 --essidlist= : transmit beacons from this ESSID list maximum entries: 256 ESSIDs --active_beacon : transmit beacon once every 200000 usec affected: ap-less --flood_beacon : transmit beacon on every received beacon affected: ap-less --infinity : prevent that a CLIENT can establish a connection to an assigned ACCESS POINT affected: ACCESS POINTs and CLIENTs --use_gps_device= : use GPS device /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyUSB0, ... NMEA 0183 $GPGGA $GPGGA --use_gpsd : use GPSD device NMEA 0183 $GPGGA, $GPRMC --nmea= : save track to file format: NMEA 0183 $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $GPWPL to convert it to gpx, use GPSBabel: gpsbabel -i nmea -f hcxdumptool.nmea -o gpx -F file.gpx to display the track, open file.gpx with viking --gpio_button= : Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number of button (2...27) default = GPIO not in use --gpio_statusled= : Raspberry Pi GPIO number of status LED (2...27) default = GPIO not in use --tot= : enable timeout timer in minutes (minimum = 2 minutes) : hcxdumptool will terminate if tot reached (EXIT code = 2) --reboot : once hcxdumptool terminated, reboot system --poweroff : once hcxdumptool terminated, power off system --enable_status= : enable real-time display (waterfall) only incoming traffic only once at the first occurrence due to MAC randomization of CLIENTs bitmask: 0: no status (default) 1: EAP and EAPOL 2: ASSOCIATION and REASSOCIATION 4: AUTHENTICATION 8: BEACON and PROBERESPONSE 16: ROGUE AP 32: GPS (once a minute) 64: internal status (once a minute) 128: run as server 256: run as client characters < 0x20 && > 0x7e are replaced by . example: show everything but don't run as server or client (1+2+4+8+16 = 31) show only EAP and EAPOL and ASSOCIATION and REASSOCIATION (1+2 = 3) --server_port= : define port for server status output (1...65535) : default IP: : default port: 60123 --client_port= : define port for client status read (1...65535) : default IP: : default port: 60123 --check_driver : run several tests to determine that driver support all(!) required ioctl() system calls --help : show this help --version : show version Run hcxdumptool -i interface --do_rcascan for at least 30 seconds, before you start an attack! Do not edit, merge or convert this pcapng files, because it will remove optional comment fields! It is much better to run gzip to compress the files. Wireshark, tshark and hcxpcapngtool will understand this. If hcxdumptool captured your password from WiFi traffic, you should check all your devices immediately! If you use GPS, make sure GPS device is inserted and has a GPS FIX, before you start hcxdumptool! 06.03.2020 ========== complete rewrite from scratch the Raspberry Pi is a little bit too slow, so we have to reduce status output. Most CLIENTs running randomized MACs. They are no longer displayed. improved IE tag walk similar to hcxpcapngtool improved attack vector added new options to improve attack vector against hardened targets added more information to help menu added option to import Berkeley packet Filter code fom tcpdump as alternative to apfilterlist and clientfilterlist make less noise on the the channel (receive more, transmit less) WLAN REASON CODE (deauthentication) no longer hardcoded moved to git versioning on non releases 29.01.2020 ========== moved to v6.0.1 removed options to set userdefined MAC_AP and/or MAC_CLIENT, because they make hcxdumptool's stealth capability ineffective improved handling of association/reassociation frames improved handling of null/powersave frames added counter for PMKID/EAPOL frames handle EAP request/response frames improved IE tag walk similar to hcxpcapngtool fixed cipher suite and AKM suite handling handle wrong FCS reduce pcapng size fixed internal counters allow mixed attack vector PSK/PSK256 handle PMKID in reassociationrequest 11.12.2019 ========== moved to v6.0.0 hcxdumptool: complete rewrite from scratch filterlist splitted (APs, CLIENTs), entries increased upt to 256 each list: --filterlist_ap --filterlist_client improved real time display: driver information and firmware information (if available) detailed information about PMKID and MESSAGE PAIR) allow more than one option (--enable_status) 0: no status (default) 1: EAPOL 2: PROBE REQUEST/PROBE RESPONSE 4: AUTHENTICATON 8: ASSOCIATION/REASSOCIATION 16: BEACON 32: GPS (once a minute) 64: internal status 128: send status to client choose pcapng frames to save (-f) using option -o improved rca_scan: 0: no real time display 1: show only access points in range (default) 2: show only access points not range 3: show all access points improved GPS handling: read GPS information directly from device --use_gps_device= or us GPSD --use_gpsd use full standard NMEA raw sentence $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $GPGWL this version need hcxpcaptool v6.0.0 to convert GPS information or gpsbabel gpsbabel -i nmea -f nmea.txt -o gpx -F test.gpx then open test.gpx with viking (layer -> waypoint -> BSSID) ignore M4 if SNONCE is zeroed ignore PMKID if zeroed improved handling of radiatapheader on ath9k_htc driver new option codes: ENTERPRISE NUMBER 0x2a, 0xce, 0x46, 0xa1 MAGIC NUMBER 0x2a, 0xce, 0x46, 0xa1, 0x79, 0xa0, 0x72, 0x33, 0x83, 0x37, 0x27, 0xab, 0x59, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x62, 0x45, 0x37, 0x11, 0x47, 0xa7, 0xcf, 0x32, 0x7f, 0x8d, 0x69, 0x80, 0xc0, 0x89, 0x5e, 0x5e, 0x98 OPTIONCODE_MACMYORIG 0xf29a (6 byte) OPTIONCODE_MACMYAP 0xf29b (6 byte) OPTIONCODE_RC 0xf29c (8 byte) OPTIONCODE_ANONCE 0xf29d (32 byte) OPTIONCODE_MACMYSTA 0xf29e (6 byte) OPTIONCODE_SNONCE 0xf29f (32 byte) OPTIONCODE_WEAKCANDIDATE 0xf2a0 (32 byte) OPTIONCODE_GPS 0xf2a1 (max 128 byte) removed weak candidate check, because it leads to many, many unauthorized MP:M1M2 hcxpioff: new options --tot, --poweroff, --reboot --tot= : enable timeout timer in minutes (minimum = 2 minutes) : hcxpioff will terminate if tot reached --reboot : once hcxpioff terminated, reboot system 20.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added pcapng custom block we store all custom information inside this block list of used pcapng option codes: #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYORIG 0xf29a #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYAP 0xf29b #define OPTIONCODE_RC 0xf29c #define OPTIONCODE_ANONCE 0xf29d #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYSTA 0xf29e #define OPTIONCODE_SNONCE 0xf29f #define OPTIONCODE_WEAKCANDIDATE 0xf2a0 18.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --weak_candidate added weak candidate detection on PMKID and WPA1 weak candidate is no longer "hard coded" ---weak_candidate= : use this password (8...63 characters) for weak candidate alert default: 00000000 affected: client-less attack list of used pcapng option codes: #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYAP 62107 #define OPTIONCODE_RC 62108 #define OPTIONCODE_ANONCE 62109 #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYSTA 62110 #define OPTIONCODE_SNONCE 62111 #define OPTIONCODE_WEAKCANDIDATE 62112 17.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added weak password check high experimental, only on WPA2 QOS new dependency: lib crypto (openssl) 07.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new options --reactive_beacon : send internal/external beacon on every received proberequest affected: ap-less --flood_beacon= : transmit internal/external beacon after every received management packet affected: ap-less 05.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new options (feature request: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/70) --disable_internal_beacons : do not transmit beacons using received ESSIDs default: transmit this kind of beacon once on channel change or every five seconds affected: ap-less and reactive_beacon, flood_beacon --use_external_beaconlist= : transmit beacons from this list maximum ESSID length 32, maximum entries 4095 default: transmit this kind of beacon once on channel change or every five seconds affected: ap-less and reactive_beacon, flood_beacon 28.08.2019 ========== moved to v5.2.2 02.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool : added bind() ll.sll_pkttype = PACKET_OTHERHOST | PACKET_OUTGOING added setsockopt() r.mr_type = PACKET_MR_PROMISC now dmesg will show when device entered promiscuous mode during hcxdumptool initialization: [ 6313.657830] device wlp3s0f0u11u1 entered promiscuous mode and when it left promiscuous mode when hcxdumptool terminated: [ 6313.735833] device wlp3s0f0u11u1 left promiscuous mode 01.09.2019 ========== hcxdumptool : print additional information about interfering services first_steps.txt : added quickstart guide to docs 28.08.2019 ========== moved to v5.2.1 25.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: removed option --ignore_warning (no longer needed) hcxdumptool forces to set monitor mode running ioctl(SIOCGIWMODE) IW_MODE_MONITOR if that doesn't work on first try, try it again and/or do monitor mode manually: ip link set down iw dev set type monitor ip link set up warning: on some drivers rtlXXXX netlink will not notice that we use forced ioctl() system calls in that case iw dev wlp3s0f0u11u4 will show you that the "netlink part" is still managed Interface wlp3s0f0u11u4 ifindex 11 wdev 0x800000001 addr 70:f1:1c:27:ae:ec type managed wiphy 8 txpower 13.00 dBm 19.08.2019 ========== moved to v5.2.0 18.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: print ESSID on status 1 15.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added server - client status output (only local networkes) --server_port= : define port for server status output (1...65535) : default IP: --client_port= : define port for client status read (1...65535) : default IP: example: on client machine run hcxdumptool with option --client_port=12345 $ hcxdumptool -i -o test.pcapng --enable_status=1 --client_port=12345 on caputure machine run hcxdumptool with option --server_port=12345 $ hcxdumptool -i -o test.pcapng --enable_status=1 --server_port=12345 13.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --check_driver --check_driver : run several tests to determine that driver support all(!) required system calls If everything is fine, result should look like this: $ sudo hcxdumptool -i wlp3s0f0u10u4 --check_driver driver tests passed - all required ioctl() system calls are supported by driver If not, hcxdumptool will show which test failed: $ sudo hcxdumptool -i wlp3s0f0u10u5 --check_driver ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCGIWMODE) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) - IW_MODE_MONITOR failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCGIWMODE) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCGIWMODE) - IW_MODE_MONITOR failed ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) -IFF_UP failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) - IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING | IFF_BROADCAST failed ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCETHTOOL) - ETHTOOL_GPERMADDR failed: No such device ioctl(SIOCSIWFREQ) - IW_FREQ_FIXED failed: No such device it looks like this interface/driver isn't suitable for hcxdumptool possible reasons: wrong interface selected interface is blocked by another tool driver doesn't support required ioctl() system calls 12.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: a crappy filter list is not longer a reason to terminate initialization 11.08.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new options --tot and --reboot --tot= : enable timeout timer in minutes (minimum = 2 minutes) : hcxdumptool will terminate if tot reached (EXIT code = 2) --reboot : once hcxdumptool terminated, reboot system hcxdumptool return values: 0 = every thing is fine 1 = error occured 2 = tot reached 23.07.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: moved from usleep() to nanosleep() hcxpioff: moved from usleep() to nanosleep() 17.07.2019 ========== added some additional information which ioctl() command isn't supported by driver added warning on option --do_rcascan if packet injection fails (driver doesn't support full packet injection) after 20 seconds Remarks: nl80211/cfg80211/mac80211 doesn't use use ioctl() calls, they use netlink. hcxdumptool use ioctl() calls and will not work on netlink. That is the case, if ioctl(SIOCGIWMODE) or ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) calls failed! Read more here: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-netlink-sockets-and-ioctl-calls 30.06.2019 ========== increased maximum filter list entries from 64 up to 255 this will have a price tag, because hcxdumptool's respond time increases. 25.06.2019 ========== detect Raspberry Pi 4 23.06.2019 ========== moved to v 5.1.7 hcxdumptool: improved help fixed pcpng option header 12.06.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: ignore more warnings if --ignore_warning is selcted do not report issues if you run this option!!! 29.05.2019 ========== hcxdumptool moved to v 5.1.5 19.05.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: activated option --ignore warning --ignore_warning : ignore warnings try this if you get some driver warnings do not report issues 16.04.2019 ========== updated wiki device and README.md. This adapters are working fine, running kernel 4.19, 4.20 and 5.0: EDIMAX EW-7711UAN ID 7392:7710 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd ALLNET ALL-WA0150N ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter TENDA W311U+ ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter LogiLink WL0151 ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter regardles of the xhci issue. 14.04.2019 ========== removed all device names from README.md, because VENDORS often change chipsets or driver errors occur: v1 of a device is working fine, while v2 doesn't work device A, running driver A is working fine, while device B running driver A doesn't work driver doesn't support monitor mode driver support monitor mode, but doesn't support packet injection Examples here: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202241 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202243 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202541 To find a working device, I recommend to read wikidevi: https://wikidevi.com/ 02.04.2019 ========== hcxdumptool now use this radiotap header: static const uint8_t hdradiotap[] = { 0x00, 0x00, // radiotap version + pad byte 0x0e, 0x00, // radiotap header length 0x06, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, // bitmap 0x00, // flags 0x02, // rate 0x14, // tx power 0x01, // antenna 0x08, 0x00 // tx flags #define HDRRT_SIZE sizeof(hdradiotap) }; read more about radiotap header here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/mac80211-injection.txt header is working with: ID 148f:761a Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7610U ("Archer T2U" 2.4G+5G WLAN Adapter removed "USB ID 7392:a812 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd" from "known as working device list" because this driver is not working with the radiotap header. 30.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option --silent --silent : do not transmit! hcxdumptool is acting like a passive dumper added RTL8187. Removed the wron devices from the list (only RT3070 ia affected) * USB ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter (ALFA AWUS036H) * USB ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter 29.03.2019 ========== added cflag DEBUG if compiled with DEBUG, hcxdumptool show raw packets and raw GSP data, directly received from the device removed ALFA AWUS036NH from the "known as workinging list", because the device doesn't work any longer, running kernel 5.0. 28.03.2019 ========== removed devices from "known working" list: * USB ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter (ALFA AWUS036H) * USB ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter because they are not working running kernel 5.0 27.03.2019 ========== removed wiringPi dependency now we are running "bare metal" - complete GPIO stuff moved to hcxdumptool and hcxpioff do not use wiringPi in combination with hcxdumptool and/or hcxpioff Makefile: removed DOGPIOSUPPORT hcxdumptool: changed options wiringPi options to GPIO options --gpio_button= : Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number of button (2...27) default = GPIO not in use --gpio_statusled= : Raspberry Pi GPIO number of status LED (2...27) default = GPIO not in use hcxpioff: changed options wiringPi options to GPIO options --gpio_button= : Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number of button (2...27) default = GPIO not in use --gpio_statusled= : Raspberry Pi GPIO number of status LED (2...27) default = GPIO not in use The GPIO is disabled on default. If you like to activate GPIO support you must do the hardware modifactions as described here: doc/gpiowait.odg and set the options according to your modification. You can choose every GPIO pin, as long as you use a pull down resistor to ground. Raspberry model should be detected by automatic and according to the revision we use: GPIO mem 0x20000000 for A, B, A+, B+, and Zero, Zero W(H) GPIO mem 0x3F000000 for 2B, 3B, 3A+, 3B+ compute modules (CMx) are not supported. 20.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: GPIO pins are no longer hard coded! --wpi_button= : wiringPi number of of button (0...31, Raspberry Pi A and B: 0 .. 16) default = 7 --wpi_statusled= : wiringPi number of status LED (0...31, Raspberry Pi A and B: 0 .. 16) default = 0 19.03.2019 ========== hcxpioff: refactored - GPIO pins are no longer hard coded! --wpi_button= : wiringPi number of of button (0...31, Raspberry Pi A and B: 0 .. 16) default = 7 --wpi_statusled= : wiringPi number of status LED (0...31, Raspberry Pi A and B: 0 .. 16) default = 0 --help : show this help --version : show version 16.03.2019 ========== added man page hcxdumptool.1 removed device from list: USB ID 7392:a812 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd (Edimax AC600 USB / Manufacturer: Realtek) because the driver from here: https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au is no longer working on kernel 5.0 09.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool moved to v 5.1.4 hcxdumptool: added new option: --ignore_warning : hcxdumptool will not terminate if other services take access on the device : warning: expect problems if hcxdumptool tries to change channels From now on, hcxdumptool will not terminate during the initalization if another service take access on the interface. Expect problems and do not report issues related to this option!!!! From now on, hcxdumptool will also show channel and frequency (when running option -C) 1 / 2412MHz (20 dBm) 2 / 2417MHz (20 dBm) 3 / 2422MHz (20 dBm) 4 / 2427MHz (20 dBm) 5 / 2432MHz (20 dBm) 6 / 2437MHz (20 dBm) 7 / 2442MHz (20 dBm) 8 / 2447MHz (20 dBm) 9 / 2452MHz (20 dBm) 10 / 2457MHz (20 dBm) 11 / 2462MHz (20 dBm) 12 / 2467MHz (20 dBm) 13 / 2472MHz (20 dBm) 09.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added improved warning message Now hcxdumptool print the error message received from the driver inside the brackets $ hcxdumptool -i wlp3s0f0u1 -c 14 initialization... warning: unable to set channel 14 (Invalid argument) - removed this channel from scan list In this case the user tried to set channel 14. The driver doesn't support this and responds with Invalid argument 07.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added debug code in main packet loop [processpackets()] to print raw GPS data, received from GPSD: /* printf("\ndebug: %s\n", gpsddata); */ uncomment this before you run make to retrieve this values. 06.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added GPS date and GPS time to status and pcapng comment field. $ sudo hcxdumptool -i wlp3s0f0u1 --use_gpsd -o test.pcapng initialization... connecting to GPSD... waiting up to 5 seconds to retrieve first position GPSD activated start capturing (stop with ctrl+c) GPS LATITUDE.............: 49.126403 GPS LONGITUDE............: 4.626175 GPS ALTITUDE.............: 129.500000 GPS DATE.................: 06.03.2019 GPS TIME.................: 21:52:41 INTERFACE................: wlp3s0f0u1 ERRORMAX.................: 100 errors FILTERLIST...............: 0 entries MAC CLIENT...............: f04f7c89dabb MAC ACCESS POINT.........: 980ee432604d (incremented on every new client) EAPOL TIMEOUT............: 150000 REPLAYCOUNT..............: 61455 ANONCE...................: 182972399cd2e65deb7941601cca14b644681c092dcf6f704935c7f3d2eaceea INFO: cha=11, rx=7080, rx(dropped)=1676, tx=408, powned=10, err=0, lat=49.126342, lon=4.626268, alt=129.500000, gpsdate=06.03.2019, gpstime=22:01:55^C terminated... $ tshark -r test.pcapng-0 -Y frame.comment -T fields -E header=y -e frame.number -e frame.time -e wlan.sa -e frame.comment 172 Mar 6, 2019 23:01:48.793212000 CET 1a:f8:7c:91:24:a3 lat:49.126337,lon:4.626268,alt:129.500000,date:06.03.2019,time:22:01:48 05.03.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: removed general info about tx-power - now we use iw style to show tx-power/channel hcxdumptool -i -C initialization... available channels: 1 (20 dBm) 2 (20 dBm) 3 (20 dBm) ... 132 (26 dBm) 136 (26 dBm) 140 (26 dBm) 149 (13 dBm) 153 (13 dBm) 157 (13 dBm) 161 (13 dBm) 165 (13 dBm) 26.02.2019 ========== hcxdumptool moved to version 5.1.3 due several bug fixes and improved rcascan status output 18.02.2019 ========== release hcxdumptool v 5.1.2 due to serveral bugfixes 02.02.2019 ========== release hcxdumptool v 5.1.1 20.01.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: added new MT76 device: "TP-LINK Archer Archer T2U" working with kernel: 4.19, 4.20 (some issues), 5.0 read more here: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/issues/42 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202241 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202243 11.01.2019 ========== hcxdudmptool: From now on, we assume that a packet is outgoing, if dBm Antenne Signal is absent. 08.01.2019 ========== hcxdudmptool and mac80211_hwsim mac80211_hwsim is a Linux kernel module that can be used to simulate arbitrary number of IEEE 802.11 radios for mac80211. It can be used to test hcxdumptool: load module: $ sudo modprobe mac80211_hwsim run hcxdumptool to retrieve informations about the interface: $ hcxdumptool -I wlan interfaces: 020000000000 wlan0 (mac80211_hwsim) 020000000100 wlan1 (mac80211_hwsim) bring monitor interface up: $ sudo sudo ip link set hwsim0 up run hcxdumptool: $ sudo hcxdumptool -i wlan0 initialization... start capturing (stop with ctrl+c) INTERFACE:...............: wlan0 ERRORMAX.................: 100 errors FILTERLIST...............: 0 entries MAC CLIENT...............: c8aacc9c01ec MAC ACCESS POINT.........: 580943000000 (incremented on every new client) EAPOL TIMEOUT............: 150000 REPLAYCOUNT..............: 62263 ANONCE...................: 513282ebb604e6e10c450d6c3eaa6428d118b54abeef4672be3ef700052305d5 INFO: cha=11, rx=0, rx(dropped)=0, tx=120, powned=0, err=0 run wireshark on wlan0 or hwsim0 to monitor hcxdumptool output. do not forget to remove mac80211_hwsim if the module is not longer needed! read more here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/readme/Documentation-networking-mac80211_hwsim-README 04.01.2019 ========== hcxdumptool - changed flash time: LED flashes every 5 seconds = everything is fine LED stays on = no signal received during the last past five seconds hcxdumptool - ignore double outgoing packets (rth->it_present == 0) 03.01.2019 ========== hcxdumptool: changed flash time (5 times longer on ERROR) hcxpioff: changed flash time 20.12.2018 ========== improved detection of broken driver from now on GPIO LED blinks twice every 5 seconds - if a possbile driver issue is detected - if no packets received during the last past 5 seconds another indicator is that the incoming packetcounter (rx=xxxx) doesn't increase or dmesg show this error: [65786.808078] ieee80211 phy2: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 14 failed to flush [65824.174119] ieee80211 phy2: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 14 failed to flush [67801.029527] ------------[ cut here ]------------ it seems to be a kernel issue that hcxdumptool isn't able to handle, automatically: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=237028 https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=929&opened=169&status%5B0%5D= https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2132263-ubuntu-16-04-wifi-disconnects-randomly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1750226 https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=206815 workaround: 1) get driver information $ hcxdumptool -I wlan interfaces: 7cdd90xxxxxx wlp3s0f0u2 (rt2800usb) 2) remove module $ modprobe -r rt2800usb 3) load module $ modprobe rt2800usb 18.12.2018 ========== added new option to set station MAC address --station_mac= : use this MAC address for station format = 112233445566 format = 112233000000 (to set only OUI) format = 445566 (to set only NIC) added new option to set access point MAC address --ap_mac= : use this MAC address for access point as start MAC format = 112233445566 format = 112233000000 (to set only OUI) format = 445566 (to set only NIC) warning: do not use a MAC of an existing access point in your range improved detection of broken driver set default ERRORMAX to 100 added option to set ERRORMAX -T : set maximum ERRROR count (hcxdumptool terminates when the value is reached) default: 100 errors Remarks: errorcount will increase by one, if send packet (tx=xxx) > 3*incoming packets (rx=xxx) 15.12.2018 ========== improved random generator (now seeded with and adapter mac address) Raspberry Pi: improved handling of GPIO switch 07.12.2018 ========== restore interface settings after -C improved help menu -more informations about monitor mode -more informations about packet injection monitor mode and packet injection must be supported by the driver, otherwise hcxdumptool will not work. 05.12.2018 ========== moved to v 5.1.0 (according to hashcat) 04.12.2018 ========== added new option: -C : show available channels and quit 27.11.2018 ========== added new option: --poweroff : once hcxdumptool finished, power off system 26.11.2018 ========== several big endian fixes switched to version 5.0.1 07.10.2018 ========== added new option filter mode 3: --filterlist= : mac filter list format: 112233445566 + comment maximum line lenght 255, maximum entries 64 --filtermode= : mode for filter list 1: use filter list as protection list (default) in transmission branch receive everything, interact with all APs and CLIENTs in range, except(!) the ones from the filter list 2: use filter list as target list in transmission branch receive everything, only interact with APs and CLIENTs in range, from the filter list 3: use filter list as target list in receiving branch only receive APs and CLIENTs in range, from the filter list 30.10.2018 ========== moved to version 5.0.0 05.10.2018 ========== added more error messages fixed small bug in error count on channel change failure 04.10.2018 ========== show GPS position (if activated) in status line (refresh every 5 seconds) fixed broken status display on rcascan increased speed of rcascan fixed error handling if selected channels not supported by driver if option -t is not set, skip empty channels after one second improved scan list fixed some static var 01.10.2018 ========== changed order of channels in default scan list: 1, 9, 6, 3, 11, 7, 1, 10, 6, 8, 11, 4, 1, 12, 6, 2, 11, 5, 13 27.09.2018 ========== added GPSD support (stored as comment in pcapng file) --use_gpsd : use GPSD to retrieve position add latitude, longitude and altitude to every pcapng frame device must be supported by GPSD: http://www.catb.org/gpsd/hardware.html (tested using: AktivePilot JENTRO BT-GPS-8) Retrieve GPS information with: $ tshark -r filename.pcapng -Y frame.comment -T fields -E header=y -e frame.number -e frame.time -e wlan.sa -e frame.comment write mac_ap to pcapng SHB write mac_sta to pcapng SHB SHB optioncodes: #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYAP 62107 #define OPTIONCODE_RC 62108 #define OPTIONCODE_ANONCE 62109 #define OPTIONCODE_MACMYSTA 62110 16.09.2018 ========== show warning if NetworkManager and/or wpa_supplicant is running 15.09.2018 ========== added Cisco Systems, Inc VENDOR information --station_vendor= : use this VENDOR information for station 0: transmit no VENDOR information (default) 1: Broadcom 2: Apple-Broadcom 3: Sonos 4: Netgear-Broadcom 5: Wilibox Deliberant Group LLC 6: Cisco Systems, Inc 11.09.2018 ========== You can “uncomment a line” in a configuration file by removing the # at the start of the line. Or, to “comment out” a line, add a # character to the start of the line. 001122334455 myap # aabbccddeeff ignore this mac 112233445566 second ap # this is may comment 05.09.2018 ========== added Netgear Broadcom VENDOR information added Wilibox Deliberant Group LLC VENDOR information 04.09.2018 ========== improved rcascan (show time and access points which hide their ESSID) prepare detection of PMF refactored access point handling handle 4096 access points simultaneously refactored client handling handle 4096 clients simultaneously speed up retrieving PMKIDs (< 1 minute) attack access points which hide their ESSID increased filter list line length increased filter list maximum entries added option to show beacons in status output: --enable_status= : enable status messages bitmask: 1: EAPOL 2: PROBEREQUEST/PROBERESPONSE 4: AUTHENTICATON 8: ASSOCIATION 16: BEACON added option to choose station VENDOR information: --station_chipset= : use this VENDOR information for station 0: transmit no VENDOR information (default) 1: Broadcom 2: Apple-Broadcom 3: Sonos 30.08.2018 ========== iw/ip functionality added! now hcxdumptool will set monitor mode and bring up interface! previous interface settings will be restored, when hcxdumptool terminated 19.08.2018 ========== parse SAE authentication 19.08.2018 ========== added radio assignment scan --do_rcascan : show radio channel assignment (scan for target access points) --save_rcascan= : output rca scan list to file when hcxdumptool terminated --save_rcascan_raw= : output file in pcapngformat unfiltered packets including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) 17.08.2018 ========== detect NETWORK EAP authentication system transmit BROADCAST beacon 16.08.2018 ========== From now on we store open system authentications to pcapng only if they have have a vendor specific field. we are no longer interested in standard open system authentications (payload len = 6) changed some default values: -D : deauthentication interval default: 10 (every 10 beacons) the target beacon interval is used as trigger -A : ap attack interval default: 10 (every 10 beacons) --give_up_deauthentications=: disable transmitting deauthentications after n tries default: 100 tries (minimum: 4) affected: connections between client an access point deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames --give_up_ap_attacks= : disable transmitting directed proberequests after n tries default: 100 tries (minimum: 4) affected: client-less attack deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames 13.08.2018 ========== increased some attack values: --give_up_deauthentications=: disable transmitting deauthentications after n tries default: 100 tries (minimum: 4) affected: connections between client an access point deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames --give_up_ap_attacks= : disable transmitting directed proberequests after n tries default: 100 tries (minimum: 4) 07.08.2018 ========== moved to 4.2.1 added communication between hcxdumptool and hcxpcaptool via pcapng option fields: 62108 for REPLAYCOUNT uint64_t 62109 for ANONCE uint8_t[32] enabled hardware handshake instead of software handshake changed beavior auf status: --enable_status= : enables status messages bitmask: 1: EAPOL 2: PROBEREQUEST/PROBERESPONSE 4: AUTHENTICATON 8: ASSOCIATION Now we use a bitmask to deliver status messages. 06.08.2018 ========== write ISB (Interface Statistic Block) at the end of a cpature 04.08.2018 ========== addet new option (--disable-active_scan) to hcxdumptool --disable_active_scan: do not transmit proberequests to BROADCAST using a BROADCAST ESSID 04.08.2018 ========== release hcxdumptool 4.2.0 complete refactored: -various new options -measurement of EAPOL timeout -full support for hashcat hashmodes -m 16800 and 16801 -now default format is pcapng $ ./hcxdumptool-bleeding --help hcxdumptool 4.2.0 (C) 2018 ZeroBeat usage : hcxdumptool example: hcxdumptool -o output.pcapng -i wlp39s0f3u4u5 -t 5 --enable_status options: -i : interface (monitor mode must be enabled) ip link set down iw dev set type monitor ip link set up -o : output file in pcapngformat management frames and EAP/EAPOL frames including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -O : output file in pcapngformat unencrypted IPv4 and IPv6 frames including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -W : output file in pcapngformat encrypted WEP frames including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -c : set scanlist (1,2,3,...) default scanlist: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 maximum entries: 127 allowed channels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157 161, 165, 167, 169, 184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 204, 208, 212, 216 -t : stay time on channel before hopping to the next channel default: 5 seconds -E : EAPOL timeout default: 100000 = 1 second value depends on channel assignment -D : deauthentication interval default: 20 (every 20 beacons) the target beacon interval is used as trigger -A : ap attack interval default: 20 (every 20 beacons) the target beacon interval is used as trigger -I : show suitable wlan interfaces and quit -h : show this help -v : show version --filterlist= : mac filter list format: 112233445566 + comment maximum line lenght 128, maximum entries 32 --filtermode= : mode for filter list 1: use filter list as protection list (default) 2: use filter list as target list --disable_deauthentications: disable transmitting deauthentications affected: connections between client an access point deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames --give_up_deauthentications=: disable transmitting deauthentications after n tries default: 10 tries (minimum: 4) affected: connections between client an access point deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames --disable_disassociations : disable transmitting disassociations affected: retry (EAPOL 4/4 - M4) attack --disable_ap_attacks : disable attacks on single access points affected: client-less (PMKID) attack --give_up_ap_attacks= : disable transmitting directed proberequests after n tries default: 10 tries (minimum: 4) affected: client-less attack deauthentication attacks will not work against protected management frames --disable_client_attacks : disable attacks on single clients points affected: ap-less (EAPOL 2/4 - M2) attack --enable_status : enable status messages --help : show this help --version : show version 01.08.2018 ========== moved some stuff from hcxtools to hcxdumptool repository prepare complete refactoring! 04.03.2018 ========== hcxdumptool: added new option -W -W : WEP encrypted packets output file in pcapformat including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) 04.03.2018 ========== hcxdumptool again complete refactored: 02.03.2018 ========== hcxdumptool is complete refactored: - improved scan engine - improved authentication engine (incl. Radio Measurement, and NULL frame detection) - dropped timer - use threads for LED and channel switch - use only one file descriptor for raw socket operations - working on Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 3e) WiFi adapter (kernel >= 4.15) - working on Alfa AWUS036NH, Alfa AWUS036NHA - working on Alfa AWUS036ACH (driver: https://github.com/kimocoder/rtl8812au) - more channels allowed (depends on installed wireless regulatory domain) - simple usage: hcxdumptool -i -o dumpfile.pcap -t 5 interface (real interface - no monX) must be in monitor - all services/programs with access to the interface must be stopped! - new format of blacklist - and more... reported to run on Gentoo https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool_bleeding_testing/issues/2#issuecomment-369256915 reported to run on OpenWRT/LEDE https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool_bleeding_testing/issues/3#issuecomment-369756725 reported to run with Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 3e) https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool_bleeding_testing/issues/2#issuecomment-369259800 $ hcxdumptool -h hcxdumptool 4.1.0 (C) 2018 ZeroBeat usage: hcxdumptool options: -i : interface (monitor mode must be eanabled) ip link set down iw dev set type monitor ip link set up -o : output file in pcapformat including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -O : ip based traffic output file in pcapformat including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP) -c : set scanlist (1,2,3,... / default = default scanlist) default scanlist: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 allowed channels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 147, 151, 155, 167 -t : stay time on channel before hopping to the next channel default = 5 seconds -T : terminate after maximal errors : default: 1000000 -D : do not transmit deauthentications or disassociations -R : do not transmit requests -A : do not respond to requests from clients -B : blacklist (do not deauthenticate clients from this hosts) format = mac_ap:mac_sta:ESSID 112233445566:aabbccddeeff:networkname (max. 32 chars) -P : enable poweroff -s : enable status messages -I : show suitable wlan interfaces and quit -h : show this help -v : show version 27.02.2018 ========== Now recommendations since we are run into heavy problems with latest drivers and operating systems * Operatingsystem: archlinux (strict), Kernel >= 4.14 (strict) * Raspberry Pi A, B, A+, B+ (Recommended: A+ = very low power consumption or B+), but notebooks and desktops could work, too. * GPIO hardware mod recommended Supported adapters (strict) * USB ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter * USB ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter * USB ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter * USB ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter * USB ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter 25.02.2018 ========== - initial start of this repository - added hcxdumptool - added hcxpioff