# Static website generator Preacher is a static website generator, written in PHP. It requires no configuration of the software itself. Simply write Markdown, a Twig template or two and enjoy your personal site. ![The general problem](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/the_general_problem.png) > I find that when someone's taking time to do something right in the present, they're a perfectionist with no ability to prioritize, whereas when someone took time to do something right in the past, they're a master artisan of great foresight. # How to preach After [installing Preacher](README.html), one only needs to commit their source files to activate Preacher. ![Post commit hook](https://zeroconfig.github.io/Preacher/img/post-commit.png) The following steps are executed: 1. Update source file 2. Commit source file > Output generates 3. Commit output file Try `vendor/bin/preach --help` to see how to run Preacher manually. # Preacher for writers * [Getting started](README.html) * [Template data](recipes/template-data.html) * [GitHub Flavored Markdown](recipes/github-flavored-markdown.html) * [Creating drafts](recipes/draft.html) * [Adding Microdata to your site](recipes/microdata.html) * [Managing asset cache](recipes/asset-cache.html) # Preacher for developers * [Creating a Preacher plugin](recipes/custom-plugins.html) * [Enriching template data](recipes/data-enricher.html) * [Generating document feeds](recipes/feed-generator.html) * [Extending Twig](recipes/extending-twig.html) * [Swapping out Markdown](recipes/custom-source-reader.html)