# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #https://extendsclass.com/python-tester.html ###### library ########################################################### Functions, Constants ##### import sys # getdefaultencoding, getfilesystemencoding, platform, argv import os # path, listdir import tempfile # NamedTemporaryFile import time # strftime import datetime # datetime import re # match, compilef, sub import logging, logging.handlers # FileHandler, Formatter, getLogger, DEBUG | RotatingFileHandler import inspect # getfile, currentframe import ssl # SSLContext import zipfile # ZipFile, namelist import json # loads from lxml import etree # fromstring try: from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLS as SSL_PROTOCOL # Python >= 2.7.13 #ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 except ImportError: from ssl import PROTOCOL_SSLv23 as SSL_PROTOCOL # Python < 2.7.13 try: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request # Python >= 3.0 except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen, Request # Python == 2.x try: import filebot #from https://github.com/filebot/plex-agents, needs the scanner from FileBot installed except: FileBot = {} else: FileBot = {'TheTVDB': 'tvdb', 'AniDB': 'anidb', 'TheMovieDB::TV': 'tsdb', 'movie': 'tmdb'} #Plex Libraries import Media # Episode import VideoFiles # Scan import Stack # Scan ###### fnmatch polyfill ############################################# _cache = {} _MAXCACHE = 100 class fnmatch: @staticmethod def fnmatch(name, pat): name = os.path.normcase(name) pat = os.path.normcase(pat) return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat) @staticmethod def fnmatchcase(name, pat): try: re_pat = _cache[pat] except KeyError: res = fnmatch.translate(pat) if len(_cache) >= _MAXCACHE: _cache.clear() _cache[pat] = re_pat = re.compile(res) return re_pat.match(name) is not None @staticmethod def translate(pat): """Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression. There is no way to quote meta-characters. """ i, n = 0, len(pat) res = '' while i < n: c = pat[i] i = i+1 if c == '*': res = res + '.*' else: res = res + re.escape(c) return res + '\Z(?ms)' ###### fnmatch polyfill end ######################################### ### http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/regex.htm # http://regex101.com/#python def com(string): return re.compile(string, re.UNICODE) #RE Compile def cic(string): return re.compile(string, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) #RE Compile Ignore Case ### Log variables, regex, skipped folders, words to remove, character maps ### SetupDone = False Log = None Handler = None PLEX_ROOT = "" PLEX_LIBRARY = {} PLEX_LIBRARY_URL = "http://localhost:32400/library/sections/" # Allow to get the library name to get a log per library https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/204059436-Finding-your-account-token-X-Plex-Token SSL_CONTEXT = ssl.SSLContext(SSL_PROTOCOL) HEADERS = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} SOURCE_IDS = cic(ur'\[((?P(anidb(|[2-4])|tvdb(|[2-6])|tmdb|tsdb|imdb|mal|youtube(|[2-3])))-(?P[^\[\]]*)|(?P(PL[^\[\]]{16}|PL[^\[\]]{32}|(UU|FL|LP|RD|UC|HC)[^\[\]]{22})))\]') SOURCE_ID_FILES = ["anidb.id", "anidb2.id", "anidb3.id", "anidb4.id", "tvdb.id", "tvdb2.id", "tvdb3.id", "tvdb4.id", "tvdb5.id", "tmdb.id", "tsdb.id", "imdb.id", "mal.id", "youtube.id", "youtube2.id", "youtube3.id"] SOURCE_ID_OFFSET = cic(ur'(?P\d{1,7})-(?Ps\d{1,3})?(?Pe-?\d{1,3})?') ASS_MAPPING_URL = 'https://rawgit.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/master/tvdb4.mapping.xml' ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL = 'http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?request=anime&client=hama&clientver=1&protover=1&aid=' ANIDB_SLEEP_MIN = 6 AniDBBan = False ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml' ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_MOD = 'https://rawgit.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/master/anime-list-corrections.xml' ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_LOC = 'anime-list-custom.xml' # Custom local correction for ScudLee mapping file url TVDB_API1_URL = 'http://thetvdb.com/api/A27AD9BE0DA63333/series/%s/all/en.xml' TVDB_API2_LOGIN = "https://api.thetvdb.com/login" TVDB_API2_KEY = "A27AD9BE0DA63333" TVDB_API2_EPISODES = 'https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{}/episodes?page={}' FILTER_CHARS = "\\/:*?<>|;" #_.~ # Windows file naming limitations + "~;" as plex cut title at this for the agent SEASON_RX = [ cic(ur'^(Specials|Speciali|SPs?|映像特典)'), # Specials (season 0) cic(ur'(^|(?P.*)[\._\-\— ]+)(Season|Series|Book|Saison|Livre|Temporada|Stagione|[Ss]|se)[\._\—\- ]*?(?P\d{1,4})([\._\-\— ]*.*|$)'), # (title) S01 cic(u'(?P.*)(?P\d{1,4}).*сезон.*'), # (title) S01 cic(ur'(^|(?P.*)[\._\-\— ]*)Volume[\._\-\— ]*?(?P(?=[MDCLXVI])M*D?C{0,4}L?X{0,4}V?I{0,4}).*?'), # (title) S01 cic(ur'^(Saga|(Story )?Ar[kc])')] # Last entry, folder name droped but files kept: Saga / Story Ar[kc] / Ar[kc] SERIES_RX = [ ######### Series regex - "serie - xxx - title" ### cic(ur'(^|(?P.*?)[ _\.\-]*)(?P\d{1,2})XE?(?P\d{1,4})(([_\-X]|[_\-]\d{1,2}X)(?P\d{1,4}))?([ _\.\-]+(?P.*))?$'), # 0 # 1x01 cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]*)SE?(?P<season>\d{1,4})[ _\.\-]?EP?(?P<ep>\d{1,4})(([\-]|EP?|[ _\.\-]EP?)(?P<ep2>\d{1,4}))?[ _\.]*(?P<title>.*?)$'), # 1 # s01e01-02 | ep01-ep02 | e01-02 | s01-e01 | s01 e01'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(?P<ep>\d{1,4})[ _\.\-]?of[ _\.\-]?\d{1,4}([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*?))?$', # 2 # 01 of 08 (no stacking for this one ?) cic(ur'^(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.]-[ _\.](EP?)?(?P<ep>\d{1,3})(-(?P<ep2>\d{1,3}))?(V\d)?[ _\.]*?(?P<title>.*)$'), # 2 # Serie - xx - title.ext | ep01-ep02 | e01-02 cic(ur'^(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.]\[(?P<season>\d{1,2})\][ _\.]\[(?P<ep>\d{1,4})\][ _\.](?P<title>.*)$'), cic(ur'^\[.*\]\[(?P<show>.*)\]\[第?(?P<ep>\d{1,4})[话話集]?(-(?P<ep2>\d{1,4})[话話集]?)?\].*$'), cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*)[ _\.\-]+)(?P<season>\d{1,2})ACV(?P<ep>\d{1,2})([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*)|$)') #20th Television production format (Futurama) ] MOVIE_RX = cic(ur'(?P<show>.*) \((?P<year>\d{4})\)$') DATE_RX = [ cic(ur'(?P<year>(19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-3][0-9]))[\-\.\/\_](?P<month>(0[1-9]|1[0-2]))\2(?P<day>(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))'), #2024-05-21, 2024/25/31, 2024.05.31 cic(ur'(?P<day>(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))[ \-\.\/\_](?P<month>(0[1-9]|1[0-2]))\2(?P<year>(19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-3][0-9]))')] #21-05-2024, 21/05/2024, 21.05.2024 ANIDB_RX = [ ###### AniDB Specials episode offset regex array cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(S|SP|SPECIAL|OAD)[ _\.]?(?P<ep>\d{1,2})(-(?P<ep2>\d{1,3}))?(V\d)?[ _\.]?(?P<title>.*)$'), # 0 # 001-099 Specials cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(OP|NCOP|OPENING)[ _\.]?(?P<ep>\d{1,2}[a-z]?)?[ _\.]?(V\d)?([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*))?$'), # 1 # 100-149 Openings cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(ED|NCED|ENDING)[ _\.]?(?P<ep>\d{1,2}[a-z]?)?[ _\.]?(V\d)?([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*))?$'), # 2 # 150-199 Endings cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(TRAILER|PROMO|PV|T)[ _\.]?(?P<ep>\d{1,2})[ _\.]?(V\d)?([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*))?$'), # 3 # 200-299 Trailer, Promo with a number '(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)((?<=E)P|PARODY|PARODIES?) ?(?P<ep>\d{1,2})? ?(v2|v3|v4|v5)?(?P<title>.*)$', # 10 # 300-399 Parodies cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(O|OTHERS?)(?P<ep>\d{1,2})[ _\.]?(V\d)?([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*))?$'), # 4 # 400-499 Others cic(ur'(^|(?P<show>.*?)[ _\.\-]+)(EP?[ _\.\-]?)?第?(?P<ep>\d{1,4})[话話集]?((-|-?EP?)(?P<ep2>\d{1,4})[话話集]?)?[ _\.]?(V\d)?([ _\.\-]+(?P<title>.*))?$')] # 5 # E01 | E01-02| E01-E02 | E01E02 ANIDB_OFFSET = [ 0, 100, 150, 200, 400, 0, 0] ###### AniDB Specials episode offset value array ANIDB_TYPE = ['Special', 'Opening', 'Ending', 'Trailer', 'Other', 'Episode', 'Episode'] ###### AniDB titles COUNTER = 500 IGNORE_DIRS = [ '*/@Recycle/*', '*/.@__thumb/*', '*/@eaDir/*', '*/lost+found/*', '*/.DS_Store/*', '*/.AppleDouble/*', # OS cache-trash folders '*/$Recycle.Bin/*', '*/System Volume Information/*', '*/Temporary Items/*', '*/Network Trash Folder/*', '*extras*', '*samples*', '*bonus*', # Plex special keyword file/folder exclusion (https://support.plex.tv/articles/201381883-special-keyword-file-folder-exclusion/) '*/.git/*', '*/.xattr/*', '*_UNPACK_*', '*_FAILED_*', # Additional software created folders '*/_*' ] # Folders that start with underscore IGNORE_FILES = [ '*[ _.-]sample.*', '*[ _.-]recap.*', '_*', '*/_*' ] # Samples, recaps, files that start with underscore # Uses re.match() so forces a '^' IGNORE_DIRS_RX_RAW = [ '@Recycle', r'\.@__thumb', r'lost\+found', r'\.AppleDouble', r'\$Recycle.Bin', 'System Volume Information', 'Temporary Items', 'Network Trash Folder', ###### Ignored folders '@eaDir', 'Extras', r'Samples?', 'bonus', r'.*bonus disc.*', r'trailers?', r'.*_UNPACK_.*', r'.*_FAILED_.*', r'_?Misc', '.xattr', 'audio', r'^subs?$', '.*Special Features', '@Recently-Snapshot'] # source: Filters.py removed '\..*', IGNORE_DIRS_RX = [cic(entry) for entry in IGNORE_DIRS_RX_RAW] # Uses re.match() so forces a '^' IGNORE_FILES_RX = [cic(ur'[ _\.\-]?sample'), cic(ur'-Recap\.'), cic(ur'\._'), cic(ur'OST'), cic(ur'soundtrack')] VIDEO_EXTS = [ '3g2', '3gp', 'asf', 'asx', 'avc', 'avi', 'avs', 'bin', 'bivx', 'divx', 'dv', 'dvr-ms', 'evo', 'fli', 'flv', 'img', 'iso', 'm2t', 'm2ts', 'm2v', # 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'mts', 'nrg', 'nsv', 'nuv', 'ogm', 'ogv', 'tp', 'pva', 'qt', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'sdp', 'swf', 'svq3', 'strm', # 'ts', 'ty', 'vdr', 'viv', 'vp3', 'wmv', 'wpl', 'wtv', 'xsp', 'xvid', 'webm', 'ifo', 'disc'] # DVD: 'ifo', 'bup', 'vob' WHACK_PRE_CLEAN_RAW = [ "x264-FMD Release", "EniaHD (HEVC, WEB-DL 2160p)", "x264-h65", "x264-mSD", "x264-BAJSKORV", "x264-MgB", "x264-SYS", "x264-FQM", "x264-ASAP", "x264-QCF", "x264-W4F", 'x264-w4f', "x264-AAC", 'x264-2hd', "x264-ASAP", 'x264-bajskorv', 'x264-batv', "x264-BATV", "x264-EXCELLENCE", "x264-KILLERS", "x264-LOL", 'x264-MgB', 'x264-qcf', 'x264-SnowDoN', 'x264-xRed', "H.264-iT00NZ", "H.264.iT00NZ", 'H264-PublicHD', "H.264-BS", 'REAL.HDTV', "WEB.DL", "H_264_iT00NZ", "www.crazy-torrent.com", "ReourceRG Kids Release", "Paramount", "By UniversalFreedom", "XviD-2HD", "XviD-AFG", "xvid-aldi", 'xvid-asap', "XviD-AXED", "XviD-BiA-mOt", 'xvid-fqm', "xvid-futv", 'xvid-killer', "XviD-LMAO", 'xvid-pfa', 'xvid-saints', "XviD-T00NG0D", "XViD-ViCKY", "XviD-BiA", "XVID-FHW", "PROPER-LOL", "5Banime-koi_5d", "%5banime-koi%5d", "minitheatre.org", "mthd bd dual", "WEB_DL", "HDTV-AFG", "HDTV-LMAO", "ResourceRG Kids", "kris1986k_vs_htt91", "-Pikanet128", "hdtv-lol", "REPACK-LOL", " - DDZ", "OAR XviD-BiA-mOt", "3xR", "(-Anf-)", "Anxious-He", "Coalgirls", "2xDVO.MVO", "VO.ENG.Subs", "NF.WEBRip.by.AKTEP", "(HappyLee Remastered HQ)", "Commie", "DarkDream", "Doremi", "ExiledDestiny", "Exiled-Destiny", "Exiled Destiny", "FFF", "FFFpeeps", "Hatsuyuki", "HorribleSubs", "joseole99", "DCU.WEB-DL", 'web-dl', "DDP5.1", "x265-NTb", "(II Subs)", "OAR HDTV-BiA-mOt", "Shimeji", "(BD)", "(RS)", "Rizlim", "Subtidal", "Seto-Otaku", "OCZ", "_dn92__Coalgirls__", "CasStudio", "BDRemux", "(BD 1920x1080 Hi10P, JPN+ENG)", "(BD 1280x720 Hi10P)", "(DVD_480p)", "(1080p_10bit)", "(1080p_10bit_DualAudio)", "(Tri.Audio)", "(Dual.Audio)", "(BD_720p_AAC)", "x264-RedBlade", "BD 1080p", "BD 960p", "BD 720p", "BD_720p", "TV 720p", "DVD 480p", "DVD 476p", "DVD 432p", "DVD 336p", "1080p.BluRay", "FLAC5.1", "x264-CTR", "1080p-Hi10p", "FLAC2.0", "DDP2.0", "2160p", "(final)", "2xRus.Eng", "1920x1080", "1280x720", "848x480", "952x720", "(DVD 720x480 h264 AC3)", "(720p_10bit)", "(1080p_10bit)", "(1080p_10bit", "(BD.1080p.AAC)", "[720p]", "WEBDL", "NewStudio", "H.264_AAC", "Hi10P", "Hi10", "x264", "BD 10-bit", "DXVA", "H.264", "(BD, 720p, FLAC)", "Blu-Ray", "Blu-ray", "SD TV", "SD DVD", "HD TV", "-dvdrip", "dvd-jap", "(DVD)", "BDRip", "FLAC", "Dual Audio", "EAC3", "AC3", "AC3.5.1", "AC3-5.1", "AAC2.0", "AAC.2.0", "AAC2_0", "AAC", "1080p", 'DD2.1', 'DD5.1', "5.1",'divx5.1', "DD5_1", "TV-1", "TV-2", "TV-3", "TV-4", "TV-5", "(Exiled_Destiny)", "720p", "480p", "_BD", ".XVID", "(xvid)", "dub.sub_ja+.ru+", "dub.sub_en.ja", "dub_en", "UNCENSORED", "THD", "H264", "2xDVO", 'ExKinoRay', "NTb", "(S01-02)", "-Cd 1", "-Cd 2", "Vol 1", "Vol 2", "Vol 3", "Vol 4", "Vol 5", "Vol.1", "Vol.2", "Vol.3", "Vol.4", "Vol.5", "NTSC", "%28", "%29", " (1)", "(Clean)", "(DVDRemux)", "vostfr", "HEVC", "(Bonus inclus)", "(BD 1920x1080)", "10Bits-WKN", "WKN", "(Complet)", "Despair-Paradise", "Shanks@", "[720p]", "10Bits", "(TV)", "[DragonMax]", "INTEGRALE", "MKV", "(Remastered HQ)", "MULTI", "DragonMax", "Zone-Telechargement.Ws", "Zone-Telechargement", "AniLibria.TV", "HDTV-RIP", "mawen1250", "Creditless", "YUV420P10", "AI-Raws", "philosophy-raws", "VCB-S", "10-bit", "DD2.0", "The0x539" ] #include spaces, hyphens, dots, underscore, case insensitive WHACK_PRE_CLEAN = [cic(re.escape(entry)) for entry in WHACK_PRE_CLEAN_RAW] WHACK = [ ### Tags to remove (lowercase) ### 'x264', 'h264', 'dvxa', 'divx', 'xvid', 'divx51', 'mp4', "avi", '8bit', '8-bit', 'hi10', 'hi10p', '10bit', '10-bit', 'crf24', 'crf 24', 'hevc', # Video Codecs (color depth and encoding) '480p', '576p', '720p', '1080p', '1080i', 'HappyLee', 'HQ', "rus", "eng", # Resolution '24fps', '25fps', 'ntsc', 'pal', 'ntsc-u', 'ntsc-j', 'BY AKTEP', # Refresh rate, Format 'mp3', 'ogg', 'ogm', 'vorbis', 'aac', 'dts', 'ac3', 'ac-3', '5.1ch', '5.1', '7.1ch', 'qaac', # Audio Codecs, channels 'dc', 'se', 'extended', 'unrated', 'multi', 'multisubs', 'dubbed', 'dub', 'subbed', 'subs', 'sub', 'engsub', 'eng', 'french', 'fr', 'jap', "JPN+ENG", # edition (dc = directors cut, se = special edition), subs and dubs 'custom', 'internal', 'repack', 'proper', 'rerip', "raw", "remastered", "uncensored", 'unc', 'cen', # format 'cd1', 'cd2', 'cd3', 'cd4', '1cd', '2cd', '3cd', '4cd', 'xxx', 'nfo', 'read.nfo', 'readnfo', 'nfofix', 'fragment', 'fs', 'ws', "- copy", "reenc", "hom", # misc 'retail', 'webrip', 'web-dl', 'wp', 'workprint', "mkv", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", # release type: retail, web, work print 'bdrc', 'bdrip', 'bluray', 'bd', 'brrip', 'hdrip', 'hddvd', 'hddvdrip', 'wsrip', # Source: bluray "eniahd", 'ddc', 'dvdrip', 'dvd', 'r1', 'r3', 'r5', "dvd", 'svcd', 'vcd', 'sd', 'hd', 'dvb', "release", 'ps3avchd', # Source: DVD, VCD, S-VCD 'dsr', 'dsrip', 'hdtv', 'pdtv', 'ppv', 'stv', 'tvrip', 'complete movie', "hiei", "metis", "norar", # Source: dtv, stv 'cam', 'bdscr', 'dvdscr', 'dvdscreener', 'scr', 'screener', 'tc', 'telecine', 'ts', 'telesync', 'mp4', # Source: screener "mthd", "thora", 'NewStudio', 'sickrage', 'brrip', "remastered", "yify", "tsr", "reidy", "gerdhanse", 'remux', #'limited', 'rikou', 'hom?', "it00nz", "nn92", "mthd", "elysium", "encodebyjosh", "krissy", "reidy", "it00nz", "s4a", "MVO", "VO" # Release group ] # Word Search Compiled Regex (IGNORECASE is not required as word is lowered at start) WS_VERSION = com(ur'v\d$') WS_DIGIT = com(ur'^\d+(\.\d+)?$') WS_MULTI_EP_SIMPLE = com(ur'^(?P<ep>\d{1,3})-(?P<ep2>\d{1,3})$') WS_MULTI_EP_COMPLEX = com(ur'^(ep?[ -]?)?(?P<ep>\d{1,3})(-|ep?|-ep?)(?P<ep2>\d{1,3})') WS_SPECIALS = com(ur'^((t|o)\d{1,3}$|(sp|special|op|ncop|opening|ed|nced|ending|trailer|promo|pv|others?|oad)(\d{1,3})?$)') # Switch to turn on youtube date scanning ### Setup core variables ################################################################################ def setup(): global SetupDone if SetupDone: return else: SetupDone = True ### Define PLEX_ROOT ################################################################################## global PLEX_ROOT PLEX_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())), "..", "..")) if not os.path.isdir(PLEX_ROOT): path_location = { 'Windows': '%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Plex Media Server', 'MacOSX': '$HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server', 'Linux': '$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server', 'Android': '/storage/emulated/0/Plex Media Server' } PLEX_ROOT = os.path.expandvars(path_location[Platform.OS.lower()] if Platform.OS.lower() in path_location else '~') # Platform.OS: Windows, MacOSX, or Linux ### Define logging setup ############################################################################## if sys.version[0] == '2': from imp import reload reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") global Log Log = logging.getLogger('main') Log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) set_logging() ### Populate PLEX_LIBRARY ############################################################################# Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) Log.info(u"Plex scan start: {}".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"))) try: library_xml = etree.fromstring(read_url(Request(PLEX_LIBRARY_URL, headers={"X-Plex-Token": read_file(os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, "X-Plex-Token.id")).strip() if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, "X-Plex-Token.id")) else Dict(os.environ, 'PLEXTOKEN')}))) for directory in library_xml.iterchildren('Directory'): for location in directory.iterchildren('Location'): PLEX_LIBRARY[location.get('path')] = {'title': directory.get('title'), 'scanner': directory.get("scanner"), 'agent': directory.get('agent')} Log.info(u'id: {:>2}, type: {:<6}, agent: {:<30}, scanner: {:<30}, library: {:<24}, path: {}'.format(directory.get("key"), directory.get('type'), directory.get("agent"), directory.get("scanner"), directory.get('title'), location.get("path"))) except Exception as e: Log.error("Exception: '%s', library_xml could not be loaded. X-Plex-Token file created?" % (e)) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) ### Read in a local file ################################################################################ def read_file(local_file): file_content = "" try: with open(local_file, 'r') as file: file_content = file.read() return file_content except Exception as e: Log.error("Error reading file '%s', Exception: '%s'" % (local_file, e)); raise e ### Write a local file ################################################################################## def write_file(local_file, file_content): try: with open(local_file, 'w') as file: file.write(file_content) except Exception as e: Log.error("Error writing file '%s', Exception: '%s'" % (local_file, e)); raise e ### Read in a url ####################################################################################### def read_url(url, data=None): url_content = "" try: if data is None: url_content = urlopen(url, context=SSL_CONTEXT).read() else: url_content = urlopen(url, context=SSL_CONTEXT, data=data).read() return url_content except Exception as e: Log.error("Error reading url '%s', Exception: '%s'" % (url, e)); raise e ### Download a url into the environment temp directory ################################################## def read_cached_url(url, foldername='', filename='', cache=518400): # cache=6days in seconds local_filename, hama_folder, file_content, file_content_cache, file_age = "", "", "", "", cache+1 if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(url) # Determine if files should be stored in the HAMA/DataItems folders or in the Temp directory if foldername: hama_folder = os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, 'Plug-in Support', 'Data', 'com.plexapp.agents.hama', 'DataItems') if foldername and os.path.exists(hama_folder): hama_folder = os.path.join(hama_folder, foldername) if not os.path.exists(hama_folder): os.makedirs(hama_folder) local_filename = os.path.join(hama_folder, filename) else: local_filename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "ASS-" + (foldername.replace(os.path.sep, '-') + '-' if foldername else '') + filename) # Load the cached file's contents if os.path.exists(local_filename): file_content_cache = read_file(local_filename) file_age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(local_filename) try: # Check cached file's anime enddate and adjust cache age (same as HAMA) if "api.anidb.net" in url and file_content_cache: xml = etree.fromstring(file_content_cache) ed = (xml.xpath('enddate')[0].text if xml.xpath('enddate') else '') or datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") enddate = datetime.datetime.strptime("{}-12-31".format(ed) if len(ed)==4 else "{}-{}".format(ed, ([30, 31] if int(ed[-2:])<=7 else [31, 30])[int(ed[-2:]) % 2] if ed[-2:]!='02' else 28) if len(ed)==7 else ed, '%Y-%m-%d') days_old = (datetime.datetime.now() - enddate).days if days_old > 1825: cache = 365*24*60*60 # enddate > 5 years ago => 1 year cache elif days_old > 30: cache = (days_old*365*24*60*60)/1825 # enddate > 30 days ago => (days_old/5yrs ended = x/1yrs cache) # Return the cached file string if it exists and is not too old if file_content_cache and file_age <= cache: Log.info(u"Using cached file - Filename: '{file}', Age: '{age:.2f} days', Limit: '{limit} days', url: '{url}'".format(file=local_filename, age=file_age/86400, limit=cache/86400, url=url)) return file_content_cache # Pull the content down as either cache does not exist or is too old if "api.anidb.net" in url: global AniDBBan if AniDBBan: # If a ban has been hit in scan run's life, return cached content (or nothing if there is no cached content) Log.info(u"Using cached file (AniDBBan) - Filename: '{file}', Age: '{age:.2f} days', Limit: '{limit} days', url: '{url}'".format(file=local_filename, age=file_age/86400, limit=cache/86400, url=url)) return file_content_cache import StringIO, gzip file_content = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(read_url(url))).read() time.sleep(ANIDB_SLEEP_MIN) if len(file_content)<512: # Check if the content is too short and thus an error response if 'banned' in file_content: AniDBBan = True Log.info(u"Using {action} file - Filename: '{file}', Age: '{age:.2f} days', Limit: '{limit} days', url: '{url}'".format(action="cached file" if file_content_cache else "error response", file=local_filename, age=file_age/86400, limit=cache/86400, url=url)) Log.info(u"-- Error response received: {}".format(file_content)) return file_content_cache or file_content # If an error has been hit, return cached content (or error response if there is no cached content) elif "api.thetvdb.com" in url: if 'Authorization' in HEADERS: Log.info(u'Authorised, HEADERS: {}'.format(HEADERS)) else: page = read_url(Request(TVDB_API2_LOGIN, headers=HEADERS), data=json.dumps({"apikey": TVDB_API2_KEY})) HEADERS['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + json.loads(page)['token'] Log.info(u'Now authorised, HEADERS: {}'.format(HEADERS)) file_content = read_url(Request(url, headers=HEADERS)) else: file_content = read_url(url) # Content was pulled down so save it if file_content: Log.info(u"{action} cached file - Filename: '{file}', Age: '{age:.2f} days', Limit: '{limit} days', url: '{url}'".format(action="Updating" if os.path.exists(local_filename) else "Creating", file=local_filename, age=file_age/86400, limit=cache/86400, url=url)) write_file(local_filename, file_content) return file_content except Exception as e: # Exception hit from possible: xml parsing, file reading/writing, bad url call Log.error("Error downloading '{}', Exception: '{}'".format(url, e)) raise e ### Sanitize string ##################################################################################### def os_filename_clean_string(string): for char, subst in zip(list(FILTER_CHARS), [" " for x in range(len(FILTER_CHARS))]) + [("`", "'"), ('"', "'")]: # remove leftover parenthesis (work with code a bit above) if char in string: string = string.replace(char, subst) # translate anidb apostrophes into normal ones #s = s.replace('&', 'and') return string ######################################################################################################### def Dict(var, *arg, **kwarg): """ Return the value of an (imbricated) dictionnary, if all fields exist else return "" unless "default=new_value" specified as end argument Ex: Dict(variable_dict, 'field1', 'field2', default = 0) """ for key in arg: if isinstance(var, dict) and key and key in var: var = var[key] else: return kwarg['default'] if kwarg and 'default' in kwarg else "" # Allow Dict(var, tvdbid).isdigit() for example return kwarg['default'] if var in (None, '', 'N/A', 'null') and kwarg and 'default' in kwarg else "" if var in (None, '', 'N/A', 'null') else var ######################################################################################################### def SaveDict(value, var, *arg): """ Save non empty value to a (nested) Dictionary fields unless value is a list or dict for which it will extend it instead # ex: SaveDict(GetXml(ep, 'Rating'), TheTVDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'rating') # ex: SaveDict(Dict(TheTVDB_dict, 'title'), TheTVDB_dict, 'title_sort') # ex: SaveDict(genre1, TheTVDB_dict, genre) to add to current list # ex: SaveDict([genre1, genre2], TheTVDB_dict, genre) to extend to current list """ if not value and value!=0: return "" # update dict only as string would revert to pre call value being immutable if not arg and (isinstance(var, list) or isinstance(var, dict)): if not (isinstance(var, list) or isinstance(var, dict)): var = value elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict): var.extend (value) else: var.append (value) return value for key in arg[:-1]: if not isinstance(var, dict): return "" if not key in var: var[key] = {} var = var[key] if not arg[-1] in var or not isinstance(var[arg[-1]], list): var[arg[-1]] = value elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict): var[arg[-1]].extend (value) else: var[arg[-1]].append (value) return value ### Set Logging to proper logging file ################################################################## def set_logging(root='', foldername='', filename='', backup_count=0, format='%(message)s', mode='a'):#%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s - if Dict(PLEX_LIBRARY, root, 'agent') == 'com.plexapp.agents.hama': cache_path = os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, 'Plug-in Support', 'Data', 'com.plexapp.agents.hama', 'DataItems', '_Logs') else: cache_path = os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, 'Logs', 'ASS Scanner Logs') if not foldername: foldername = Dict(PLEX_LIBRARY, root, 'title') # If foldername is not defined, try and pull the library title from PLEX_LIBRARY if foldername: cache_path = os.path.join(cache_path, os_filename_clean_string(foldername)) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) filename = os_filename_clean_string(filename) if filename else '_root_.scanner.log' log_file = os.path.join(cache_path, filename) # Bypass DOS path MAX_PATH limitation (260 Bytes=> 32760 Bytes, 255 Bytes per folder unless UDF 127B ytes max) if os.sep=="\\": dos_path = os.path.abspath(log_file) if isinstance(log_file, unicode) else os.path.abspath(log_file.decode('utf-8')) log_file = u"\\\\?\\UNC\\" + dos_path[2:] if dos_path.startswith(u"\\\\") else u"\\\\?\\" + dos_path #if not mode: mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(log_file) and os.stat(log_file).st_mtime + 3600 > time.time() else 'w' # Override mode for repeat manual scans or immediate rescans global Handler if Handler: Log.removeHandler(Handler) if backup_count: Handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=10*1024*1024, backupCount=backup_count, encoding='utf-8') else: Handler = logging.FileHandler (log_file, mode=mode, encoding='utf-8') Handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) Handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) Log.addHandler(Handler) ### Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks "z23a" -> ["z", 23, "a"] ##################### def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=com(r'(\d+)')): return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in _nsre.split(s)] def filter_chars(string): for char, subst in zip(list(FILTER_CHARS), [" " for x in range(len(FILTER_CHARS))]): if char in string: string = string.replace(char, subst) return string ### Allow to display ints even if equal to None at times ################################################ CS_PARENTHESIS = com(ur'\([^\(\)]*?\)') CS_BRACKETS_CHAR = com(ur'(\[|\]|\{|\})') CS_BRACKETS = com(ur'(\[(?!(第?\d{1,3}[话話集]?(-\d{1,3}[话話集]?)?([Vv]\d)?|((OP|NCOP|OPENING|ED|NCED|ENDING|OVA)(\d{1,3})?[ _\.]?(EP?)?(\d{1,3})?))\])[^\[\]]*?\]|\{(?!\d{1,3}\})[^\{\}]*?\})') CS_SPECIAL_EP_PAT, CS_SPECIAL_EP_REP = com(ur'(?P<a>[^0-9Ssv]\d{1,3})\.(?P<b>\d{1,2}(\D|$))'), ur'\g<a>DoNoTfIlTeR\g<b>' CS_CRC_HEX = com(ur'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}') CS_VIDEO_SIZE = com(ur'\d{3,4} ?[Xx] ?\d{3,4}') CS_PAREN_SPACE_PAT, CS_PAREN_SPACE_REP = com(ur'\([ _\.]*(?P<internal>[^\(\)]*?)[ _\.]*\)'), ur'(\g<internal>)' CS_PAREN_EMPTY = com(ur'\([-Xx]?\)') def clean_string(string, no_parenthesis=False, no_whack=False, no_dash=False, no_underscore=False, no_dot=False): if not string: return "" # if empty return empty string if no_parenthesis: # delete parts between parenthesis if needed while CS_PARENTHESIS.search(string): string = CS_PARENTHESIS.sub(' ', string) # support imbricated parrenthesis like: "Cyborg 009 - The Cyborg Soldier ((Cyborg) 009 (2001))" if string.count(']') > 1 and string.count(']') == string.count('][') + 1: # remove the first two pairs of '[]' if the file name is full of brackets (Ex: [xxx][xxx][xxx][xxx].mp4) string = string.replace('[', ' ', 2).replace(']', ' ', 2) while CS_BRACKETS.search(string): string = CS_BRACKETS.sub(' ', string) # remove "[xxx]" groups but ep numbers inside brackets as Plex cleanup keep inside () but not inside [] #look behind: (?<=S) < position < look forward: (?!S) string = CS_BRACKETS_CHAR.sub(" ", string) # remove any remaining '{}[]' characters if not no_whack: for index, word in enumerate(WHACK_PRE_CLEAN): string = word.sub(" ", string, 1) if WHACK_PRE_CLEAN_RAW[index].lower() in string.lower() else string # Remove words present in pre-clean list string = CS_SPECIAL_EP_PAT.sub(CS_SPECIAL_EP_REP, string) # Used to create a non-filterable special ep number (EX: 13.5 -> 13DoNoTfIlTeR5) # Restricvted to max 999.99 # Does not start with a season/special char 'S|s' (s2.03) or a version char 'v' (v1.2) string = filter_chars(string) for char, subst in [("`", "'"), ("(", " ( "), (")", " ) ")]: # remove leftover parenthesis (work with code a bit above) if char in string: string = string.replace(char, subst) # translate anidb apostrophes into normal ones #s = s.replace('&', 'and') string = string.replace("DoNoTfIlTeR", '.') # Replace 13DoNoTfIlTeR5 into 13.5 back string = CS_CRC_HEX.sub(' ', string) # CRCs removal string = CS_VIDEO_SIZE.sub(' ', string) # Video size ratio removal if no_dash: string = string.replace("-", " ").replace(u"—", " ") if no_dot: string = string.replace(".", " ") # replace the dash '-' if no_underscore: string = string.replace("_", " ") # replace the underscore '_' if string.rstrip().endswith(", The"): string = "The " + ''.join( string.split(", The", 1) ) # ", The" is rellocated in front if string.rstrip().endswith(", A" ): string = "A " + ''.join( string.split(", A" , 1) ) # ", A" is rellocated in front string = CS_PAREN_EMPTY.sub('', CS_PAREN_SPACE_PAT.sub(CS_PAREN_SPACE_REP, string)) # Remove internal spaces in parenthesis then remove empty parenthesis if not no_whack: string = " ".join([word for word in string.split() if word.lower() not in WHACK]).strip(" _.-")# remove double spaces + words present in "WHACK" list #filter(None, string.split()) for rx in ("-"): string = string[len(rx): ] if string.startswith(rx) else string # In python 2.2.3: string = string.strip(string, " -_") #if string.startswith(("-")): string=string[1:] for rx in ("-", "- copy"): string = string[ :-len(rx) ] if string.lower().endswith(rx) else string # In python 2.2.3: string = string.strip(string, " -_") return string.strip() ### Add files into Plex database ######################################################################## def add_episode_into_plex(media, file, root, path, show, season=1, ep=1, title="", year=None, ep2="", rx="", tvdb_mapping={}, unknown_series_length=False, offset_season=0, offset_episode=0, mappingList={}): global COUNTER match = SOURCE_IDS.search(show) if match: if match.group('yt'): source, id = 'youtube', match.group('yt') else: source, id = match.group('source'), match.group('id') else: source, id="", "" show=clean_string(show, no_dot=True) if source: show = show + ' [{}-{}]'.format(source, id) if isinstance(show, unicode): ushow = show; show = show.encode('utf-8') #Plex expect Show in UTF-8 else: ushow = show.decode('utf-8') if title==title.lower() or title==title.upper() and title.count(" ")>0: title = title.title() # capitalise if all caps or all lowercase and one space at least if isinstance(title, unicode): utitle= title; title = title.encode('utf-8') #Plex expect Title in UTF-8 else: utitle= title.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(file, unicode): ufile = os.path.basename(file); file = file.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8') else: ufile = os.path.basename(file.decode('utf-8')) try: if not os.path.exists(file): file = os.path.join(root, path, file) except Exception as e: Log.error("Failed to check path %s, Exception: %s" % (ufile, e)) # Season/Episode Offset if isinstance(ep, int) or isinstance(ep, str) and ep.isdigit(): #date-based if season > 0: season, ep, ep2 = season+offset_season if offset_season >= 0 else 0, int(ep)+offset_episode, int(ep2)+offset_episode if ep2 else None # Mapping List ep_orig = "s{}e{}{}".format(season, ep, "" if not ep2 or ep==ep2 else "-{}".format(ep2)) ep_orig_single = "s{}e{}".format (season, ep) ep_orig_padded = "s{:>02d}e{:>03d}{}".format(int(season), int(ep), " " if not ep2 or ep==ep2 else "-{:>03d}".format(int(ep2))) if ep_orig_single in mappingList: multi_ep = 0 if ep_orig == ep_orig_single else ep2-ep season, ep = mappingList[ep_orig_single][1:].split("e"); season = int(season) if '-' in ep or '+' in ep: ep, ep2 = re.split("[-+]", ep, 1); ep, ep2 = int(ep), int(ep2) if ep2 and ep2.isdigit() else None else: ep, ep2 = int(ep), int(ep)+multi_ep if multi_ep else None elif season > 0: if Dict(mappingList, 'episodeoffset'): ep, ep2 = ep+int(Dict(mappingList, 'episodeoffset')), ep2+int(Dict(mappingList, 'episodeoffset')) if ep2 else None if Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason') and not Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason_a', default=False): season = int(Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason')) if ep<=0 and season == 0: COUNTER = COUNTER+1; season, ep, ep2 = 0, COUNTER, COUNTER # s00e00 => s00e5XX (happens when ScudLee mapps to S0E0) if ep<=0 and season > 0: season, ep, ep2 = 0, 1, 1 # s[1-0]e00 => s00e01 if not ep2 or ep > ep2: ep2 = ep # make ep2 same as ep for loop and tests if tvdb_mapping and season > 0 : max_ep_num, season_buffer = max(tvdb_mapping.keys()), 0 if unknown_series_length else 1 if ep in tvdb_mapping: season, ep = tvdb_mapping[ep ] elif ep > max_ep_num and season == 1: season = tvdb_mapping[max_ep_num][0]+season_buffer if ep2 in tvdb_mapping: season, ep2 = tvdb_mapping[ep2] elif ep2 > max_ep_num and season == 1: season = tvdb_mapping[max_ep_num][0]+season_buffer ep_final = "s%de%d" % (season, ep) for epn in range(ep, ep2+1): if len(show) == 0: Log.warning(u"show: '{}', s{:02d}e{:03d}-{:03d}, file: '{}' has show empty, report logs to dev ASAP".format(show, season, ep, ep2, file)) else:# Media.Episode expects show and title in utf-8 encoded byte string (unicode title in Plex Media Scanner/log': WARN - Warning, Unicode passed in, should be UTF-8 string for attribute 'name') tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, epn, title, year) #tv_show = Media.Episode(show.encode('utf-8'), season, epn, title.encode('utf-8'), year) tv_show.display_offset = (epn-ep)*100/(ep2-ep+1) if ufile.upper()==u"VIDEO_TS.IFO": for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(file)) if os.path.dirname(file) else []: if item.upper().startswith("VTS_01_") and not item.upper()=="VTS_01_2.VOB": tv_show.parts.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), item).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8')) else: tv_show.parts.append(file) #.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) gives UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 101: ordinal not in range(128) media.append(tv_show) # at this level otherwise only one episode per multi-episode is showing despite log below correct else: ep_orig, ep_final = 'date', 'date' tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, None, title, year) tv_show.released_at = ep.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(ep, unicode) else ep tv_show.parts.append(file) media.append(tv_show) index = "SERIES_RX-"+str(SERIES_RX.index(rx)) if rx in SERIES_RX else "ANIDB_RX-"+str(ANIDB_RX.index(rx)) if rx in ANIDB_RX else rx # rank of the regex used from 0 multi = ' ' if not ep2 or ep==ep2 else '-{:>03d}'.format(ep2) before = " (Orig: %s)" % ep_orig_padded if ep_orig!=ep_final else "".ljust(20, ' ') Log.info(u'"{ushow}" s{season:>02d}e{episode:>10}{multi:s}{before} "{regex}" "{title}" "{file}"'.format(ushow=ushow, season=season, episode=ep, multi=multi, before=before, regex=index or '__', title=utitle, file=ufile)) #Log.info(show) ### Get the tvdbId from the AnimeId ##################################################################### def anidbTvdbMapping(AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree, anidbid): mappingList = {} for anime in AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.iter('anime') if AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree is not None else []: if anime.get("anidbid") == anidbid and anime.get('tvdbid').isdigit(): mappingList['episodeoffset'] = anime.get('episodeoffset') or '0' # Either entry is missing or exists but is blank mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'] = anime.get('defaulttvdbseason') or '1' # Either entry is missing or exists but is blank if mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'] == 'a': mappingList['defaulttvdbseason_a'] = True; mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'] = '1' else: mappingList['defaulttvdbseason_a'] = False try: for season in anime.iter('mapping'): for episode in range(int(season.get("start")), int(season.get("end"))+1) if season.get("offset") else []: mappingList[ 's'+season.get("anidbseason") + 'e' + str(episode) ] = 's' + season.get("tvdbseason") + 'e' + str(episode+int(season.get("offset"))) for episode in filter(None, season.text.split(';')) if season.text else []: mappingList[ 's'+season.get("anidbseason") + 'e' + episode.split('-')[0] ] = 's' + season.get("tvdbseason") + 'e' + episode.split('-')[1] except Exception as e: Log.error("mappingList creation exception: {}, mappingList: {}".format(e, mappingList)) else: Log.info(u"anidb: '%s', tvbdid: '%s', name: '%s', mappingList: %s" % (anidbid, anime.get('tvdbid'), anime.xpath("name")[0].text, str(mappingList)) ) return anime.get('tvdbid'), mappingList Log.error("-- No valid tvbdbid found for anidbid '%s'" % (anidbid)) return "", {} ### extension, as os.path.splitext ignore leading dots so ".plexignore" file is splitted into ".plexignore" and "" ### def extension(file): return file[1:] if file.count('.')==1 and file.startswith('.') else os.path.splitext(file)[1].lstrip('.').lower() ### Make sure the path is unicode, if it is not, decode using OS filesystem's encoding ### def sanitize_path(p): if not isinstance(p, unicode): return p.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8') return p def romanToInt(s): roman = {'I':1,'V':5,'X':10,'L':50,'C':100,'D':500,'M':1000,'IV':4,'IX':9,'XL':40,'XC':90,'CD':400,'CM':900} i, num = 0, 0 while i < len(s): if i+1<len(s) and s[i:i+2] in roman: num+=roman[s[i:i+2]]; i +=2 else: num+=roman[s[i]] ; i +=1 return num ### Look for episodes ################################################################################### def Scan(path, files, media, dirs, language=None, root=None, **kwargs): #get called for root and each root folder, path relative files are filenames, dirs fullpath setup() # Call setup to get core info. If setup is already done, it just returns and does nothing. # Sanitize all path msg = [u"Scan() - dirs: {}, files: {}".format(len(dirs or []), len(files or []))] files = [sanitize_path(p) for p in files] #unicode dirs = [sanitize_path(p) for p in dirs ] #unicode root = sanitize_path(root) path = sanitize_path(path) path_split = path.split(os.sep) reverse_path = list(reversed(path.split(os.sep))) log_filename = path.split(os.sep)[0] if path else '_root_' #VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, media, dirs, root) # If enabled does not allow zero size files msg, source, id = [], '', '' # Warsen: In theory, the way that Plex's special keyword file/folder # exclusion rules and subsequent rules from .plexignore files are supposed # to work is that the relative path of all files from root will be # checked against every rule using fnmatch. Doing that would result in # a perfectly accurate, but very slow algorithm. We can speed up the # algorithm by seperating directory rules from file rules and seperating # hardcoded rules from user-defined .plexignore rules. # Files should be tested using their relative path from root against # hardcoded file rules and all rules defined in .plexignore files. # Predefined directory rules should be surrounded by forward-slashes; # it is the only way to prevent an accident where you ignore a directory # which has part of its name simlar to a rule you want to ignore. # For example, if I had a theoretical directory "/I Was Lost+Found/", # it would get caught in patterns "*lost+found*" and "*lost+found/*". # The only way to avoid that is to use pattern "*/lost+found/*". # The problem with using path is that the seperators are defined by the # operating system. Joining path_split can make them forward-slashes # just for the purposes of testing against patterns. path2 = '/'.join(path_split) # Check if current path is matched in IGNORE_DIRS # The incoming path parameter does not have leading or trailing # forward-slashes. We have to both for the sake of testing against # predefined directory rules. for pattern in IGNORE_DIRS: if fnmatch.fnmatch('/'+path2+'/', pattern): Log.info(u"Ignoring path call: '/{}/' matches IGNORE_DIRS pattern index {}".format(path2, IGNORE_DIRS.index(pattern))) return ### .plexignore file handling ### # The problem with using path_split is that it doesn't work for an # algorithm where first iteration needs to be root. Use an alternative. path_split2 = path_split[:] if path: path_split2.insert(0, '') # Warsen: Iterate through path directories to obtain a full list of # .plexignore rules which would apply directly to the current path. # In theory, we do this by inserting the path of the current working # directory into every rule found the .plexignore file of that directory. # If we have a file "foo/.plexignore" which contains a single line # "bar.mp4", we'll set the pattern "foo/bar.mp4". # Later when we get to check file bar.mp4, we'll test its path relative # to the root which is "foo/bar.mp4". It's very important that this # algorithm prevents a "foo/2/bar.mp4" match in that example. plexignore_patterns = [] for index, dir in enumerate(path_split2): file = os.path.join(root, os.sep.join(path_split2[1:index+1]), '.plexignore') # Get a possible absolute path to a .plexignore file if os.path.isfile(file): msg.append(file) msg.append(''.ljust(len(file), '-')) for pattern in filter(None, read_file(file).splitlines()): pattern = u'' + pattern.strip() if pattern == '' or pattern.startswith('#'): continue # Skip empty and commented out lines cwd = u'/'.join(path_split2[1:index+1]) # Get current working directory relative to root plexignore_patterns.append(cwd+'/'+pattern if cwd else pattern) # Append the pattern to list, if cwd is something other than root (empty), insert it into the beggining of the pattern msg.append('# - ' + plexignore_patterns[-1]) msg.append(''.ljust(157, '-')) # Check if current path is matched in plexignore_patterns # We give the path a trailing forward-slash because user-defined rules # are expecting that for directories. See the article where they put # an example rule to ignore directories called "Modified" # https://support.plex.tv/articles/201381883-special-keyword-file-folder-exclusion/ for pattern in plexignore_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path2+'/', pattern): Log.info(u"Ignoring path call: '{}/' matches .plexignore pattern index {}".format(path2, plexignore_patterns.index(pattern))) return ### Filter files based on hardcoded and .plexignore rules ### for file in sorted(files, key=natural_sort_key): # Only sorted for logging purposes filename = os.path.basename(file) # Get the filename in isolation for a few lines of code if filename == '.plexignore': # Silent removal of a possible .plexignore file files.remove(file) continue filepath = path2+'/'+filename if path else filename # Get a path to the file relative to root for pattern in IGNORE_FILES: if fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, pattern): msg.append(u"Removed file: '{}' matches IGNORE_FILES pattern index {}".format(filepath, IGNORE_FILES.index(pattern))) files.remove(file) break else: for pattern in plexignore_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, pattern): msg.append(u"Removed file: '{}' matches .plexignore pattern index {}".format(filepath, plexignore_patterns.index(pattern))) files.remove(file) break else: ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1].lstrip('.').lower() if ext not in VIDEO_EXTS: msg.append(u"Removed file: '{}' has an unsupported extension".format(filepath)) files.remove(file) ### Old .plexignore file handling ### plexignore_dirs, plexignore_files = [], [] ### bluray/DVD folder management ### # source: https://github.com/doublerebel/plex-series-scanner-bdmv/blob/master/Plex%20Series%20Scanner%20(with%20disc%20image%20support).py if len(reverse_path) >= 3 and reverse_path[0].lower() == 'stream' and reverse_path[1].lower() == 'bdmv' or "VIDEO_TS.IFO" in str(files).upper(): for temp in ['stream', 'bdmv', 'video_ts']: if reverse_path[0].lower() == temp: reverse_path.pop(0) ep, disc = clean_string(reverse_path[0], True), True if len(reverse_path)>1: reverse_path.pop(0) #Log.info(u"BluRay/DVD folder detected - using as equivalent to filename ep: '%s', show: '%s'" % (ep, reverse_path[0])) else: disc = False ### Remove season folder to reduce complexity and use folder as serie name ### folder_season, season_folder_first = None, False for folder in reverse_path[:-1]: # remove root folder from test, [:-1] Doesn't thow errors but gives an empty list if items don't exist, might not be what you want in other cases if SOURCE_IDS.search(folder): continue #if it has a forced id, not a season folder has_forced_id_file = False for file in SOURCE_ID_FILES: # check to see if the folder contains a forced id file file_fullpath = os.path.join(root, os.sep.join(list(reversed(reverse_path))), file) if os.path.isfile(file_fullpath): has_forced_id_file = True break if has_forced_id_file == True: break #if it has a forced id file, not a season folder for rx in SEASON_RX: # in anime, more specials folders than season folders, so doing it first folder_clean = clean_string(folder, no_dash=True, no_underscore=True, no_dot=True) folder_clean = folder_clean.replace(reverse_path[-1], "") match = rx.search(folder_clean) # if match: # get season number but Skip last entry in seasons (skipped folders) if rx!=SEASON_RX[-1]: if rx==SEASON_RX[-2]: folder_season = romanToInt(match.group('season')) else: folder_season = int( match.group('season')) if match.groupdict().has_key('season') and match.group('season') else 0 #break if len(reverse_path)>=2 and folder==reverse_path[-2]: season_folder_first = True #msg.append(u'Removed season folder: "{}", SEASON_RX index: {}, Season: {}'.format(folder_clean, SEASON_RX.index(rx), folder_season)) reverse_path.remove(folder) # Since iterating slice [:] or [:-1] doesn't hinder iteration. All ways to remove: reverse_path.pop(-1), reverse_path.remove(thing|array[0]) break folder_show = filter_chars(reverse_path[0]) if reverse_path else "" ### Remove un-needed sub-directories (mathing IGNORE_DIRS_RX) ### for dir in dirs[:]: for rx in IGNORE_DIRS_RX: # loop rx for folders to ignore if rx.match(os.path.basename(dir)): # if folder match rx msg.append(u"Removed subdir: '{}' match '{}' pattern: '{}'".format(dir, 'IGNORE_DIRS_RX', IGNORE_DIRS_RX.index(rx))) dirs.remove(dir) break #msg.append(u'dirs ({}): {}, Files({}): {}'.format( len(dirs), dirs, len(files), files )) ### Remove files un-needed (ext not in VIDEO_EXTS, mathing IGNORE_FILES_RX or .plexignore pattern) ### for file in sorted(files or [], key=natural_sort_key): #sorted create list copy allowing deleting in place ext = file[1:] if file.count('.')==1 and file.startswith('.') else os.path.splitext(file)[1].lstrip('.').lower() # Otherwise ".plexignore" file is splitted into ".plexignore" and "" if ext in VIDEO_EXTS: for rx in IGNORE_FILES_RX + [cic(entry) for entry in plexignore_files]: # Filter trailers and sample files if rx.match(os.path.basename(file)): msg.append(u"# File: '{}' match '{}' pattern: '{}'".format(os.path.relpath(file, root), 'IGNORE_FILES_RX' if rx in IGNORE_FILES_RX else '.plexignore', rx)) files.remove(file) break #msg.append(u'{}'.format(os.path.relpath(file, root))) else: files.remove(file) if os.path.splitext(file)[1] not in ('.log', '.plexignore'): msg.append(u"Unknown extension File: '{}'".format(os.path.relpath(file, root))) ### ZIP ### if ext == 'zip': Log.info(file) zip_archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file) for zip_archive_filename in zip_archive.namelist(): zext = os.path.splitext(zip_archive_filename)[1][1:] #zname, zext = ... #zext = zext[1:] if zext in VIDEO_EXTS: files.append( zip_archive_filename) #filecontents = zip_archive.read(zip_archive_filename) #Log.info(u'{}'.format(zip_archive_filename)) ### 7zip ### ### RAR ### #import rarfile https://rarfile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html #rar_archive = rarfile.RarFile('myarchive.rar') #for rar_archive_filename in rar_archive.infolist(): # zname, zext = os.path.splitext(rar_archive_filename.filename); zext = zext[1:] # if zext in VIDEO_EXTS: files.append(rar_archive_filename.filenamee) #filecontents = rar_archive.read(rar_archive_filename) #Plex folder call skip for Grouping folders with 2+ subfolders set_logging(root=root, filename=log_filename+'.filelist.log', mode='a' if path else 'w') #Logging to *.filelist.log #Log.info(u'#1# Call: "{}", path: "{}"'.format('Root' if kwargs else 'Plex', path)) for file in files: Log.info(u'{}'.format(os.path.relpath(file, root))) #Create filelist ### Logging ### if not kwargs: set_logging(root=root, filename='_root_.scanner.log', mode='a') #Logging to *.scanner.log Log.info(u'Call: "Plex", dirs({:>2}), files({:>3}), path: "{}"'.format(len(dirs), len(files), path)) set_logging(root=root, filename=log_filename+'.scanner.log', mode='a' if path else 'w') #Logging to *.scanner.log Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) Log.info(u'Call: "{}", path: "{}", folder_show: "{}", dirs ({}), files ({})'.format('Root' if kwargs else 'Plex', path, folder_show, len(dirs), len(files))) #Log.info(u"reverse_path: {}, original value: {}, folder_show: {}".format(reverse_path, list(reversed(path.split(os.sep))))) #Log.info(u"{} scan start: {}".format("Grouping folder" if kwargs else "Plex", datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"))) if path and not files: return Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) if msg: for entry in msg: Log.info(entry) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) array, misc_words, misc_count, mappingList = (), [], {}, {} tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length = {}, False offset_match, offset_season, offset_episode = None, 0, 0 if path: ### Grouping folders skip , unless single series folder ### if not kwargs and len(reverse_path)>1 and not season_folder_first: parent_dir = os.path.join(root, reverse_path[-1]) # folder at root fullpath parent_dir_nb = len([file for dir in os.listdir(parent_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(parent_dir, dir))]) #How many folders in folder at root if len(reverse_path)>1 and parent_dir_nb>1 and "Plex Versions" not in parent_dir and "Optimized for " not in parent_dir: Log.info(u'### Grouping folders skipped, will be handled by root level scan ### [return]') Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) Log.info(u'') return #Grouping folders Plex call, but mess after one season folder is ok else: Log.info(u"### Grouping folders, not skipped as single series folder ###") ### Forced guid modes ### match = SOURCE_IDS.search(folder_show) if match: if match.group('yt'): source, id = 'youtube', match.group('yt') else: source, id = match.group('source'), match.group('id') Log.info(u'Forced ID (series folder) - source: "{}", id: "{}"'.format(source, id)) else: for file in SOURCE_ID_FILES: file_fullpath = os.path.join(root, os.sep.join(list(reversed(reverse_path))), file) if os.path.isfile(file_fullpath): source, id = file.rstrip('.id'), read_file(file_fullpath).strip() Log.info(u'Forced ID (source file) - source: "{}", id: "{}"'.format(source, id)) folder_show = "%s [%s-%s]" % (clean_string(reverse_path[0]), os.path.splitext(file)[0], id) break else: if FileBot: attr, db, sid = None, "", "" for file in files: attr = filebot.xattr_metadata(file) if attr: db, sid = filebot.series_id(attr).split('_') # db = attr_get(attr, 'seriesInfo', 'database') # id = attr_get(attr, 'seriesInfo', 'id') #if attr.get('imdbId'): db, id = 'movie', movie_id(attr) if db in FileBot and sid: # movies: mid = movie_id(attr), imdb_id = attr.get('imdbId'),tmdb_id = attr.get('tmdbId') source, id = FileBot[db], sid Log.info(u'FileBot Xattr found, source: {}, id: {}, attr: {}'.format(source, id, attr)) folder_show = id if source=='tvdb' else "%s [%s-%s]" % (clean_string(reverse_path[0]), source, id) #or source=='tmdb' in movie scanner break else: Log.info(u'No forced id found in series folder name nor id file') source, id = "", "" folder_show = folder_show.replace(" - ", " ").split(" ", 2)[2] if folder_show.lower().startswith(("saison","season","series","Book","Livre")) and len(folder_show.split(" ", 2))==3 else clean_string(folder_show) # Dragon Ball/Saison 2 - Dragon Ball Z/Saison 8 => folder_show = "Dragon Ball Z" #Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '-')) ### Calculate offset for season or episode (tvdb 2/3/4 mode's offset_episode adjustment is done after tvdb_mapping is populated) ### if source.startswith('tvdb') or source.startswith('anidb'): # offset_match = SOURCE_ID_OFFSET.search(id) if offset_match: match_season, match_episode = "", "" if offset_match.group('season' ): match_season = offset_match.group('season' ) if offset_match.group('episode'): match_episode = offset_match.group('episode') folder_show, id = folder_show.replace("-"+match_season+match_episode+"]", "]"), offset_match.group('id') if source.startswith('tvdb'): #tvdb2, tvdb3 - Absolutely numbered serie displayed with seasons with episodes re-numbered (tvdb2) or staying absolute (tvdb3, for long running shows without proper seasons like dbz, one piece) if source in ('tvdb2', 'tvdb3'): Log.info(u"TVDB season mode ({}) enabled".format(source)) try: #Load series episode pages and group them in one dict episodes_json, page = [], 1 while page not in (None, '', 'null'): episodes_json_page = json.loads(read_cached_url(TVDB_API2_EPISODES.format(id, page), foldername=os.path.join('TheTVDB','json',id), filename="episodes_page{}_en.json".format(page))) episodes_json.extend(episodes_json_page['data'] if 'data' in episodes_json_page else []) #Log.Info(u'TVDB_API2_EPISODES: {}, links: {}'.format(TVDB_API2_EPISODES.format(id, page), Dict(episodes_json_page, 'links'))) page = Dict(episodes_json_page, 'links', 'next') # SORT JSON EPISODES tvdb_mapping = {} for episode_json in episodes_json: tvdb_mapping [Dict(episode_json, 'absoluteNumber')] = ( Dict(episode_json, 'airedSeason'), Dict(episode_json, 'airedEpisodeNumber') if source =='tvdb2' else Dict(episode_json, 'absoluteNumber') ) tvdb_mapping = sorted(tvdb_mapping, key=natural_sort_key) #Log.Info(u'len: {}, tvdb_mapping: {}'.format(len(tvdb_mapping), tvdb_mapping)) except Exception as e: Log.error("json loading issue, Exception: %s" % e) #tvdb4 - Absolute numbering in any season arrangements aka saga mode elif source=='tvdb4' and folder_season==None: #1-folders nothing to do, 2-local, 3-online try: file_fullpath = os.path.join(root, path, "tvdb4.mapping") if os.path.isfile(file_fullpath): tvdb4_mapping_content = read_file(file_fullpath).strip() Log.info(u"TVDB season mode (%s) enabled, tvdb4 mapping file: '%s'" % (id, file_fullpath)) else: tvdb4_mapping_content = etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ASS_MAPPING_URL).strip()).xpath("/tvdb4entries/anime[@tvdbid='%s']" % id)[0].text.strip() Log.info(u"TVDB season mode (%s) enabled, tvdb4 mapping url: '%s'" % (id, ASS_MAPPING_URL)) for line in filter(None, tvdb4_mapping_content.splitlines()): season = line.strip().split("|") for absolute_episode in range(int(season[1]), int(season[2])+1): tvdb_mapping[absolute_episode] = (int(season[0]), int(absolute_episode)) if "(unknown length)" in season[3].lower(): unknown_series_length = True except Exception as e: tvdb_mapping = {} if str(e) == "list index out of range": Log.error("tvdbid: '%s' not found in online season mapping file" % id) else: Log.error("Error opening tvdb4 mapping, Exception: '%s'" % e) #tvdb5 - TheTVDB to absolute index order elif source=='tvdb5': tvdb_guid_url = TVDB_API1_URL % id Log.info(u"TVDB season mode (%s) enabled, tvdb serie rl: '%s'" % (source, tvdb_guid_url)) try: tvdbanime = etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(tvdb_guid_url, foldername=os.path.join('TheTVDB','json',id), filename="series_en.xml")) for episode in tvdbanime.xpath('Episode'): if episode.xpath('absolute_number')[0].text: mappingList['s%se%s'%(episode.xpath('SeasonNumber')[0].text, episode.xpath('EpisodeNumber')[0].text)] = "s1e%s" % episode.xpath('absolute_number')[0].text Log.info(u"mappingList: %s" % str(mappingList)) except Exception as e: Log.error("xml loading issue, Exception: '%s''" % e) if tvdb_mapping: Log.info(u"unknown_series_length: %s, tvdb_mapping: %s (showing changing seasons/episodes only)" % (unknown_series_length, str({x:tvdb_mapping[x] for x in tvdb_mapping if tvdb_mapping[x]!=(1,x)}))) #[for x in tvdb_mapping if tvdb_mapping[x]!=(1,x)] Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '-')) ### Calculate offset for season or episode (must be done after 'tvdb_mapping' is populated) ### if offset_match: # Can't retest as fist go removed the offset entry from 'id' so just reuse earlier matching results match_season, match_episode = "", "" if offset_match.group('season' ): match_season, offset_season = offset_match.group('season' ), int(offset_match.group('season' )[1:])-1 if offset_match.group('episode'): match_episode, offset_episode = offset_match.group('episode'), int(offset_match.group('episode')[1:])-(1 if int(offset_match.group('episode')[1:])>=0 else 0) if tvdb_mapping and match_season!='s0': season_ep1 = min([e[1] for e in tvdb_mapping.values() if e[0] == offset_season+1]) if source in ['tvdb3','tvdb4'] else 1 offset_episode += list(tvdb_mapping.keys())[list(tvdb_mapping.values()).index((offset_season+1,season_ep1))] - 1 if offset_season!=0 or offset_episode!=0: Log.info(u"Manual file offset - (season: '%s', episode: '%s') -> (offset_season: '%s', offset_episode: '%s')" % (match_season, match_episode, offset_season, offset_episode)) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '-')) ### forced guid modes - anidb2/3/4 (requires ScudLee's mapping xml file) ### if source in ["anidb2", "anidb3", "anidb4"]: a2_tvdbid = "" Log.info(u"AniDB mode (%s) enabled, loading mapping xml file (Local->ASS mod->ScudLee master)" % source) # Local custom mapping file dir = os.path.join(root, path) while dir: scudlee_filename_custom = os.path.join(dir, ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_LOC) if os.path.exists( scudlee_filename_custom ): try: Log.info(u"Loading local custom mapping from local: %s" % scudlee_filename_custom) a2_tvdbid, mappingList = anidbTvdbMapping(etree.fromstring(read_file(scudlee_filename_custom)), id) except: Log.info(u"Invalid local custom mapping file content") else: break dir = os.path.dirname(dir) if len(dir) > len(root) else '' # Clear variable if we've just finished processing down to (and including) root # Online mod mapping file = ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_MOD (anime-list-corrections.xml) if not a2_tvdbid: try: a2_tvdbid, mappingList = anidbTvdbMapping(etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_MOD, foldername='AnimeLists')), id) except Exception as e: Log.error("Error parsing ASS's file mod content, Exception: '%s'" % e) # Online mapping file = ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING (anime-list-master.xml) if not a2_tvdbid: try: a2_tvdbid, mappingList = anidbTvdbMapping(etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING, foldername='AnimeLists')), id) except Exception as e: Log.error("Error parsing ScudLee's file content, Exception: '%s'" % e) # Set folder_show from successful mapping if a2_tvdbid: folder_show = clean_string(folder_show) + " [tvdb-%s]" % a2_tvdbid else: folder_show = clean_string(folder_show) + " [anidb-%s]" % (id) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '-')) if source in ["anidb3", "anidb4"]: a3_tvdbid, season_map, relations_map, max_season, new_season, new_episode = "", {}, {}, 0, '', '' Log.info(u"AniDB mode (%s) enabled, loading season and relation mapping for all associated tvdbid entries" % source) if source=="anidb3" and Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason', default='1') != '0': Log.info(u"defaulttvdbseason: '%s', is not season 0 so using unmodified mapping" % Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason')) else: try: AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree = etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING, foldername='AnimeLists')) # Load ScudLee mapping AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree_mod = etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_MOD, foldername='AnimeLists')) # Load ASS mod mapping # Override/Add ASS mod entries into ScudLee mapping mod_anidbids, mod_anidbid_elem = [], [] for anime in AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree_mod.iter('anime'): # Store the anidbid & element entries mod_anidbids.append(anime.get("anidbid")); mod_anidbid_elem.append(anime) for anime in AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.iter('anime'): # Go over each ScudLee entry to see if it needs to be replaced if anime.get("anidbid") in mod_anidbids: index = mod_anidbids.index(anime.get("anidbid")) AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.replace(anime, mod_anidbid_elem[index]) # Replace the element from ScudLee with ASS del mod_anidbid_elem[index]; del mod_anidbids[index] # Delete from the list once replaced for anidbid_elem in mod_anidbid_elem: AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.append(anidbid_elem) # Add in the remaining entries in the list as new # Find each entry that has the same tvdbid listing and store its max season# for anime1 in AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.iter('anime'): if anime1.get("anidbid") == id and anime1.get('tvdbid').isdigit(): a3_tvdbid = anime1.get('tvdbid') # Set the tvdbid found from the anidbid for anime2 in AniDB_TVDB_mapping_tree.iter('anime'): # Load all anidbid's using the same tvdbid with their max tvdb season# if anime2.get('tvdbid') == a3_tvdbid: season_map[anime2.get("anidbid")] = {'min': anime2.get('defaulttvdbseason') or '1', 'max': anime2.get('defaulttvdbseason') or '1'} # Set the min/max season to the 'defaulttvdbseason' if source=="anidb4" and int(anime2.get('episodeoffset') or '0')>0: season_map[anime2.get("anidbid")] = {'min': '0', 'max': '0'} # Force series as special if not starting the TVDB season for season in anime2.iter('mapping'): if season_map[anime2.get("anidbid")]['max'].isdigit() and int(season_map[anime2.get("anidbid")]['max']) < int(season.get("tvdbseason")): season_map[anime2.get("anidbid")]['max'] = season.get("tvdbseason") # Update the max season to the largest 'tvdbseason' season seen in 'mapping-list' # Process if entries are found for the anidbid with a valid tvdbid if len(season_map) > 0: # Get the max season number from TVDB API for episode in etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(TVDB_API1_URL % a3_tvdbid, foldername=os.path.join('TheTVDB','json',a3_tvdbid), filename="series_en.xml")).xpath('Episode'): if int(episode.xpath('SeasonNumber')[0].text) > max_season: max_season = int(episode.xpath('SeasonNumber')[0].text) # Set the min/max season to ints & update max value to the next min-1 to handle multi tvdb season anidb entries map_min_values = [int(season_map[x]['min']) for x in season_map for y in season_map[x] if y=='min'] for entry in season_map: entry_min, entry_max = int(season_map[entry]['min']), int(season_map[entry]['max']) while entry_min!=0 and entry_max+1 not in map_min_values and entry_max < max_season: entry_max += 1 season_map[entry] = {'min': entry_min, 'max': entry_max} # Generate a relations map using all anidbid's using the same tvdbid stored earlier for entry in season_map: relations_map[entry] = {} for anime in etree.fromstring(read_cached_url(ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+entry, foldername=os.path.join('AniDB','xml'), filename="%s.xml" % entry)).xpath('/anime/relatedanime/anime'): if anime.get('type') in relations_map[entry]: relations_map[entry][anime.get('type')].append(anime.get('id')) # Additional anidbid with an existing relation type else: relations_map[entry][anime.get('type')] = [anime.get('id')] # First anidbid with a new relation type #### Note: Below must match hama (variable names are different but logic matches) #### def get_prequel_info(prequel_id): #Log.info(u"get_prequel_info(prequel_id) = %s" % prequel_id) if source=="anidb3": if season_map[prequel_id]['min'] == 0 and 'Prequel' in relations_map[prequel_id] and relations_map[prequel_id]['Prequel'][0] in season_map: a, b = get_prequel_info(relations_map[prequel_id]['Prequel'][0]) # Recurively go down the tree following prequels if not str(a).isdigit(): return ('', '') return (a, b+100) if a < max_season else (a+1, 0) # If the prequel is < max season, add 100 to the episode number offset: Else, add it into the next new season at episode 0 if season_map[prequel_id]['min'] == 0: return ('', '') # Root prequel is a special so leave mapping alone as special elif season_map[prequel_id]['max'] < max_season: return (season_map[prequel_id]['max'], 100) # Root prequel season is < max season so add to the end of the Prequel season else: return (max_season+1, 0) # Root prequel season is >= max season so add to the season after max if source=="anidb4": if season_map[prequel_id]['min'] != 1 and 'Prequel' in relations_map[prequel_id] and relations_map[prequel_id]['Prequel'][0] in season_map: a, b = get_prequel_info(relations_map[prequel_id]['Prequel'][0]) # Recurively go down the tree following prequels return (a+1+season_map[prequel_id]['max']-season_map[prequel_id]['min'], 0) if str(a).isdigit() else ('', '') # Add 1 to the season number and start at episode 0 return (2, 0) if season_map[prequel_id]['min'] == 1 else ('', '') # Root prequel is season 1 so start counting up. Else was a sequel of specials only so leave mapping alone if source=="anidb3": if season_map[id]['min'] == 0 and 'Prequel' in relations_map[id] and relations_map[id]['Prequel'][0] in season_map: new_season, new_episode = get_prequel_info(relations_map[id]['Prequel'][0]) # Recurively go down the tree following prequels to a TVDB season non-0 AniDB prequel if source=="anidb4": if 'Prequel' in relations_map[id] and relations_map[id]['Prequel'][0] in season_map: new_season, new_episode = get_prequel_info(relations_map[id]['Prequel'][0]) # Recurively go down the tree following prequels to the TVDB season 1 AniDB prequel #Log.info(u"season_map: %s" % str(season_map)) #Log.info(u"relations_map: %s" % str(relations_map)) if str(new_season).isdigit(): # A new season & eppisode offset has been assigned mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'], mappingList['episodeoffset'] = str(new_season), str(new_episode) for key in mappingList.keys(): # Clear out possible mapping list entries for season 1 to leave the default season and episode offset to be applied while keeping season 0 mapping if key.startswith("s1"): del mappingList[key] Log.info(u"anidbid: '%s', tvdbid: '%s', max_season: '%s', mappingList: %s, season_map: %s" % (id, a3_tvdbid, max_season, str(mappingList), str(season_map))) else: Log.info(u"anidbid: '%s', tvdbid: '%s', max_season: '%s', season_map: %s, no override set so using unmodified mapping" % (id, a3_tvdbid, max_season, str(season_map))) if a3_tvdbid: folder_show = clean_string(folder_show) + " [tvdb%s-%s]" % ('' if source=="anidb3" else "6", a3_tvdbid) else: folder_show = clean_string(folder_show) + " [anidb-%s]" % (id) except Exception as e: Log.error("Error parsing content, Exception: '%s'" % e) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '-')) ### Youtube ################################################################################################################################## if source.startswith('youtube') and len(id)>2 and id[0:2] in ('PL', 'UU', 'FL', 'LP', 'RD'): try: API_KEY = etree.fromstring(read_file(os.path.join(PLEX_ROOT, 'Plug-in Support', 'Preferences', 'com.plexapp.agents.youtube.xml'))).xpath("/PluginPreferences/YouTube-Agent_youtube_api_key")[0].text.strip() except Exception as e: API_KEY='AIzaSyC2q8yjciNdlYRNdvwbb7NEcDxBkv1Cass'; Log.info(u'exception: {}'.format(e)) folder_show = "%s [%s-%s]" % (clean_string(reverse_path[0]), 'youtube', id) ### YouTube-dl -J --dump-single-json Playlist file load ### json_playlist_file = os.path.join(root, path, 'Playlist.info.json') #"{}.info.json".format(id)) if os.path.exists(json_playlist_file): Log.info(u'YouTube-dl Playlist file load {}'.format(os.path.relpath(json_playlist_file, root))) json_playlist = Dict(json.loads(read_file(json_playlist_file)), 'entries') for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(root, path)): if extension(file) not in VIDEO_EXTS or os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, path, file)): continue #files only with video extensions for rank, video in enumerate(sorted(json_playlist, key = lambda i: (i["upload_date"]), start=1)): VideoID = Dict(video, 'id') if VideoID and VideoID in file: add_episode_into_plex(media, os.path.join(root, path, file), root, path, folder_show, int(folder_season if folder_season is not None else 1), rank, Dict(video, 'title'), "", rank, 'YouTube', tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList); break else: Log.info(u'None of video IDs found in filename: {}'.format(file))# entry["_filename"], entry["playlist_index"], entry['upload_date'], return else: ### YouTube Playlist API call ####################################################################################################### Log.info(u'YouTube Playlist API call') YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_ITEMS = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet,contentDetails&maxResults=50&playlistId={}&key='+API_KEY json_full, json_page = [], {'nextPageToken': None} while 'nextPageToken' in json_page: # and iteration <= 50: url=YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_ITEMS.format(id) Log.info(u'{}'.format(url)) try: json_page = json.loads(read_url(url +( '&pageToken='+Dict(json_page, 'nextPageToken') if Dict(json_page, 'nextPageToken') else ''))) except Exception as e: json_page = {}; Log.info(u'exception: {}, url: {}'.format(e, url)) else: json_full.extend( Dict(json_page, 'items', default=[]) ) totalResults = Dict(json_page, "pageInfo", "totalResults") #iteration +=1 reverse = False if source=='youtube3' else Dict(json_full, 0, "snippet", "publishedAt") > Dict(json_full, -1, "snippet", "publishedAt") #Dict(video, 'contentDetails', 'videoPublishedAt') if json_full: Log.info(u'---- totalResults: {}, reverse: {}, os.listdir(os.path.join(root, path): {}'.format(totalResults, reverse, os.listdir(os.path.join(root, path)))) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(root, path)): file = os.path.join(root, path, filename) if extension(filename) not in VIDEO_EXTS or os.path.isdir(file): continue #only files with video extensions for rank, video in enumerate(sorted(json_full, key = lambda i: (i['snippet']['publishedAt'])) if source=='youtube3' else json_full, start=0): epNumber = totalResults - rank if reverse else rank+1 VideoID = Dict(video, 'snippet', 'resourceId', 'videoId') or Dict(video, 'contentDetails', 'videoId') if VideoID and VideoID in filename: add_episode_into_plex(media, file, root, path, folder_show, int(folder_season or 1), epNumber, video['snippet']['title'].encode('utf8'), "", "", 'YouTube', tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList); break else: Log.info(u'None of video IDs found in filename: {}'.format(filename)) return else: Log.info(u'json_full is empty') ### YouTube Channel ### if source.startswith('youtube') and id.startswith('UC') or id.startswith('HC'): # or not json_playlist and not json_full and source.startswith('youtube') and len(id)>2 and id[0:2] in ('PL', 'UU', 'FL', 'LP', 'RD') mapping = {} #mapping[season][ep]=filename if dupe #mapping[season][ep]=index count, mapping[season][epxx] = filename, for file in files: #to have latest ep first, add: ", reverse=True" filename = os.path.join(root, path, file) if extension(file) not in VIDEO_EXTS or os.path.isdir(filename): continue #only files with video extensions for rx in DATE_RX: match = rx.search(file) # file starts with "yyyy-mm-dd" "yyyy.mm.dd" "yyyy mm dd" or "yyyymmdd" if match: if source=='youtube2': filedate = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(filename)) season, episode = match.group('year'), '{:>02}{:>02}{:>02}{:>02}'.format(match.group('month'), match.group('day'), filedate[3], filedate[4]) else: season, episode = match.group('year'), '{}-{:>02}-{:>02}'.format(match.group('year'), match.group('month'), match.group('day')) break else: filedate = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(filename)) if source=='youtube2': season, episode = str(filedate[0]), '{:>02}{:>02}{:>02}{:>02}'.format(filedate[1], filedate[2], filedate[3], filedate[4]) else: season, episode = str(filedate[0]), '{}-{:>02}-{:>02}'.format(filedate[0], filedate[1], filedate[2]) if isinstance(season, unicode): season = season.encode('utf-8') if not Dict(mapping, season, episode): SaveDict(filename, mapping, season, episode) else: if isinstance(Dict(mapping, season, episode), int): index = Dict(mapping, season, episode) + 1 else: index = 2; SaveDict(Dict(mapping, season, episode), mapping, season, episode+'01') #save filename under duplicate episode naming convention SaveDict(index, mapping, season, episode) SaveDict(filename, mapping, season, episode + '{:02d}'.format(index)) episode = episode + '{:02d}'.format(index) Log.info(u'season: {}, episode: {}, filename: {},'.format(season, episode, filename)) for season in mapping or []: #to have latest ep first, add: ", reverse=True" Log.info(u'season: {}, keys({}): {}'.format(season, len(mapping[season]), mapping[season].keys())) for episode in mapping[season] or []: filename = Dict(mapping, season, episode) if not isinstance(filename, int): add_episode_into_plex(media, filename, root, path, folder_show if not id or id in folder_show else folder_show+'['+id+']', int(season), episode[0:10], os.path.basename(filename), season, "", "Youtube Date", tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList) return ### Build misc variable to check numbers in titles ### misc, length = "|", 0 # put all filenames in folder in a string to count if ep number valid or present in multiple files ###clean_string was true ### files.sort(key=natural_sort_key) if folder_show: array = (folder_show, clean_string(folder_show), clean_string(folder_show, True), clean_string(folder_show, no_dash=True), clean_string(folder_show, True, no_dash=True)) for file in files: # build misc variable, to avoid numbers in titles if present in multiple filenames length2=len(os.path.basename(file)) # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29776299/aligning-japanese-characters-in-python if length<length2: length = length2 # max len longest - dirname(file) for prefix in array: # remove cleansed folder name from cleansed filename and remove potential space if clean_string(file, no_whack=True).lower().startswith(prefix.lower()): misc+= clean_string(os.path.basename(file).lower().replace(prefix.lower(), " ", 1), True)+"|"; break else: misc+= clean_string(os.path.basename(file), True)+"|" for separator in [' ', '.', '-', '_']: misc = misc.replace(separator, '|') misc = "|".join([s for s in misc.split('|') if s]) #Log.info(u"misc: '%s'" % misc) for item in misc.split('|'): misc_count[item] = misc_count[item]+1 if item in misc_count else 1 for item in misc_count: if item and (misc_count[item] >= len(files) and len(files)>=6 or misc_count[item]== max(misc_count.values()) and max(misc_count.values())>3 ): misc_words.append(item) #misc = misc.replace("|%s|" % item, '|') #Log.info(u"misc_words: '%s', misc_count: '%s'" % (str(misc_words), str(misc_count))) misc_words.sort(key=len, reverse=True) # Sort by string length so largest words are taken out first so smaller words that are in the larger words are not an issue #Log.info(u'misc_count: {}'.format(misc_count)) #Log.info(u'misc_words: {}'.format(misc_words)) #Log.info(u''.ljust(157, '-')) ### File main loop ### global COUNTER COUNTER, movie_list, AniDB_op, standard_holding, unknown_holding, run_count, anidb_xml = 500, {}, {}, [], [], 1, None while True: for file in files: show, season, ep2, title, year = folder_show, folder_season if folder_season is not None else 1, None, "", "" ext = file[1:] if file.count('.')==1 and file.startswith('.') else os.path.splitext(file)[1].lstrip('.').lower() # Otherwise ".plexignore" file is splitted into ".plexignore" and "" if ext not in VIDEO_EXTS: continue #DVD/BluRay folders if ext=="ifo" and not file.upper()=="VIDEO_TS.IFO": continue if disc: filename = ep else: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] if not path: root_filename = filename filename = sanitize_path(filename) ### remove cleansed folder name from cleansed filename or keywords otherwise ### if path and run_count == 1: if clean_string(file, True, no_dash=True)==clean_string(folder_show, True, no_dash=True): filename, title = "01", folder_show ### If a file name matches the folder name, place as episode 1 else: for prefix in array: if clean_string(filename, no_whack=True).lower().startswith(prefix.lower()): filename = clean_string(re.sub(prefix, " ", filename, 1, re.IGNORECASE), True); break else: filename = clean_string(filename) for item in misc_words: filename = re.sub(re.escape(item), " ", filename, 1, re.IGNORECASE) ## need to escape names, otherwise words with certain characters (like c++) will make it think its an invalid regex string else: filename = clean_string(filename) ep = filename if "Complete Movie" in ep: ep = "01" ### Movies ### If using WebAOM (anidb rename), as clean_string remove leading " - " elif len(files)==1 and (not re.search(ur'\d+(\.\d+)?', clean_string(filename, True)) or "movie" in ep.lower()+folder_show.lower() or "gekijouban" in ep.lower()+folder_show.lower() or "-m" in folder_show.split()): ep, title = "01", folder_show #if ("movie" in ep.lower()+folder_show.lower() or "gekijouban" in folder_show.lower()) or "-m" in folder_show.split(): ep, title, = "01", folder_show ### Movies ### If only one file in the folder & contains '(movie|gekijouban)' in the file or folder name if folder_show and folder_season >= 1: # for prefix in ("s%d" % folder_season, "s%02d" % folder_season): #"%s %d " % (folder_show, folder_season), if prefix in ep.lower() or prefix in misc_count and misc_count[prefix]>1: ep = re.sub(prefix, "", ep, 1, re.IGNORECASE).lstrip() # Series S2 like transformers (bad naming) # Serie S2 in season folder, Anidb specials regex doesn't like if folder_show and ep.lower().startswith("special") or re.search(ur'[^a-z]omake[^a-z]', ep.lower()) or "picture drama" in ep.lower(): season, title = 0, ep.title() # If specials, season is 0 and if title empty use as title ### if not path: root_filename = clean_string(root_filename.split(ep)[0] if ep else root_filename) show = root_filename ### Date Regex ### for rx in DATE_RX: match = rx.search(ep) if match: season, ep = int(match.group('year')), '{}-{}-{}'.format(match.group('year'), match.group('month'), match.group('day')) Log.info(u'season: {}, ep: {}'.format(season, ep)) add_episode_into_plex(media, file, root, path, folder_show if id in folder_show else folder_show+'['+id+']', season, ep, filename, season, "", "Youtube Date Rx" if match else "YouTube file date", tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList) break_out_flag = True break else: break_out_flag = False if break_out_flag : continue ### Word search for ep number in scrubbed title ### words, loop_completed, rx, is_special = list(filter(None, clean_string(ep, False, no_underscore=True).split())), False, "Word Search", False # for word in words if path else []: # ep=word.lower().strip('-.') # cannot use words[words.index(word)] otherwise# if word=='': continue filter prevent "" on double spaces if WS_VERSION.search(ep): ep=ep[:-2].rstrip('-.') # if not ep: continue # skip_word = False for prefix in ["ep", "e", "act", "s"]: # if ep.startswith(prefix) and len(ep)>len(prefix) and WS_DIGIT.search(ep[len(prefix):]): if prefix == "s" and words.index(word) + 1 < len(words) and '-' in words[words.index(word) + 1:]: skip_word = True; continue # don't take special if it is followed by the separator #Log.info(u'misc_count[word]: {}, filename.count(word)>=2: {}'.format(misc_count[word] if word in misc_count else 0, filename.count(word))) ep, season = ep[len(prefix):], 0 if prefix=="s" and (word not in misc_count or filename.count(word)==1 and misc_count[word]==1 or filename.count(word)>=2 and misc_count[word]==2) else season # E/EP/act before ep number ex: Trust and Betrayal OVA-act1 # to solve s00e002 "Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch S5 Picture Drama 02 'Stage 3.25'.mkv" "'Stage 3 25'" break else: if '-' in ep and len(filter(None, ep.split('-',1)))==2: # If separator in string if WS_MULTI_EP_SIMPLE.search(ep): ep, ep2 = ep.split('-'); break if WS_MULTI_EP_COMPLEX.search(ep): ep="Skip"; break # if multi ep: make it non digit and exit so regex takes care of it elif path and ( ( (ep in misc_count and misc_count[ep]==1) and len(files)>=2) or ep not in clean_string(folder_show, True).lower().split() ): ep = ep.split('-',1)[0] if ''.join(letter for letter in ep.split('-',1)[0] if letter.isdigit()) else ep.split('-',1)[1] # otherwise all after separator becomes word#words.insert(words.index(word)+1, "-".join(ep.split("-",1)[1:])) #.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x). #??? else: continue if WS_SPECIALS.search(ep): is_special = True; break # Specials go to regex # 's' is ignored as dealt with later in prefix processing # '(t|o)' require a number to make sure a word is not accidently matched if ''.join(letter for letter in ep if letter.isdigit())=="": continue # Continue if there are no numbers in the string if path and ep in misc_count and misc_count[ep]>=2: continue # Continue if not root folder and string found in in any other filename if ep in clean_string(folder_show, True).split() and clean_string(filename, True).split().count(ep)!=2: continue # Continue if string is in the folder name & string is not in the filename only twice #if ep.isdigit() and len(ep)==4 and (int(ep)< 1900 or folder_season and int(ep[0:2])==folder_season): season, ep = int(ep[0:2]), ep[2:4] # 1206 could be season 12 episode 06 #Get assigned from left ot right #elif ep.isdigit() and len(ep)==4: filename = clean_string( " ".join(words).replace(ep, "(%s)" % ep)); continue # take everything after supposed episode number if ep.isdigit() and len(ep)==4 and int(ep)>= 1930: filename = clean_string( " ".join(words).replace(ep, "(%s)" % ep)); continue # take everything after supposed episode number if skip_word: continue if "." in ep and ep.split(".", 1)[0].isdigit() and ep.split(".")[1].isdigit(): season, ep, title = 0, ep.split(".", 1)[0], "Special " + ep; break # ep 12.5 = "12" title "Special 12.5" title = clean_string( " ".join(words[words.index(word):])[" ".join(words[words.index(word):]).lower().index(ep)+len(ep):] ) # take everything after supposed episode number break else: loop_completed = True ### Check for movies at root ### if not path: if " - Complete Movie" in file: ep, title, show, loop_completed = "01", ep.split(" - Complete Movie")[0], ep.split(" - Complete Movie")[0], False # root folder and movie else: match = MOVIE_RX.search(ep) if match: ep, title, year, loop_completed = "01", match.group('show'), match.group('year'), False if not loop_completed and ep.isdigit(): standard_holding.append([file, root, path, show, season, int(ep), title, year, int(ep2) if ep2 and ep2.isdigit() else None, rx, tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList]) continue ### Check for Regex: SERIES_RX + ANIDB_RX ### ep = filename for rx in ANIDB_RX if is_special else (SERIES_RX + ANIDB_RX): match = rx.search(ep) if match: if match.groupdict().has_key('ep' ) and match.group('ep' ): ep = match.group('ep') elif rx in ANIDB_RX: ep = "01" else: movie_list[season] = movie_list[season]+1 if season in movie_list else 1 ep = str(movie_list[season]) # if no ep in regex and anidb special#add movies using year as season, starting at 1 # Year alone is season Year and ep incremented, good for series, bad for movies but cool for movies in series folder... Log.info(u'movie - '+ep) if match.groupdict().has_key('ep2' ) and match.group('ep2' ): ep2 = match.group('ep2' ) # if match.groupdict().has_key('show' ) and match.group('show' ) and not path: show = clean_string( match.group('show' )) # Mainly if file at root or _ folder if match.groupdict().has_key('season') and match.group('season'): season = int( match.group('season')) # if match.groupdict().has_key('title' ) and match.group('title' ): title = clean_string( match.group('title' )) # elif rx in ANIDB_RX: title = ANIDB_TYPE[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)] + ' ' + ep # Dingmatt fix for opening with just the ep number if rx in ANIDB_RX[:-1]: ### AniDB Specials ################################################################ season = 0 # offset = 100 for OP, 150 for ED, etc... #Log.info(u"ep: '%s', rx: '%s', file: '%s'" % (ep, rx, file)) # AniDB xml load (ALWAYS GZIPPED) if source.startswith('anidb') and id and anidb_xml is None and rx in ANIDB_RX[1:3]: #2nd and 3rd rx anidb_str = read_cached_url(ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+id, foldername=os.path.join('AniDB','xml'), filename="%s.xml" % id) anidb_xml = etree.fromstring( anidb_str ) #Build AniDB_op AniDB_op = {} for episode in anidb_xml.xpath('/anime/episodes/episode'): for epno in episode.iterchildren('epno' ): type, epno = epno.get('type'), epno.text for title_tag in episode.iterchildren('title'): title_ = title_tag.text if type=='3': index=0 if title_.startswith('Opening '): epno, index = title_.lstrip('Opening '), 1 if title_.startswith('Ending ' ): epno, index = title_.lstrip('Ending '), 2 Log.info(u'type: {}, epno: {}, title: {}, ANIDB_RX.index(rx): {}'.format(type, epno, title_, ANIDB_RX.index(rx))) if epno and not epno.isdigit() and len(epno)>1 and epno[:-1].isdigit(): ### OP/ED with letter version Example: op2a epno, offsetno = int(epno[:-1]), ord(epno[-1:])-ord('a') if not index in AniDB_op: AniDB_op[index] = {epno: offsetno } elif not epno in AniDB_op[index] or offsetno>AniDB_op[index][epno]: AniDB_op[index][epno] = offsetno Log.info(u"AniDB URL: '{}', length: {}, AniDB_op: {}".format(ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+id, len(anidb_str), AniDB_op)) ### OP/ED with letter version Example: op2a if not ep.isdigit() and len(ep)>1 and ep[:-1].isdigit(): ep, offset = int(ep[:-1]), ord(ep[-1:])-ord('a') else: ep, offset = int(ep), 0 if anidb_xml is None: if ANIDB_RX.index(rx) in AniDB_op: AniDB_op[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)] [ep] = offset # {101: 0 for op1a / 152: for ed2b} and the distance between a and the version we have hereep, offset = str( int( ep[:-1] ) ), offset + sum( AniDB_op.values() ) # "if xxx isdigit() else 1" implied since OP1a for example... # get the offset (100, 150, 200, 300, 400) + the sum of all the mini offset caused by letter version (1b, 2b, 3c = 4 mini offset) else: AniDB_op[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)] = {ep: offset} cumulative_offset = sum( [ AniDB_op[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)][x] for x in Dict(AniDB_op, ANIDB_RX.index(rx), default={0:0}) if x<ep and ANIDB_RX.index(rx) in AniDB_op and x in AniDB_op[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)] ] ) ep = ANIDB_OFFSET[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)] + int(ep) + offset + cumulative_offset # Sum of all prior offsets #Log.info(u'ep type offset: {}, ep: {}, offset: {}, cumulative_offset: {}, final ep number: {}'.format(ANIDB_OFFSET[ANIDB_RX.index(rx)], ep, offset, cumulative_offset, ep)) standard_holding.append([file, root, path, show, int(season), int(ep), title, year, int(ep2) if ep2 and ep2.isdigit() else int(ep), rx, tvdb_mapping, unknown_series_length, offset_season, offset_episode, mappingList]) break if match: continue # next file iteration ### Ep not found, adding as season 0 episode 501+ ### if " - " in ep and len(ep.split(" - "))>1: title = clean_string(" - ".join(ep.split(" - ")[1:])).strip() COUNTER = COUNTER+1 #Log.info(u'COUNTER "{}"'.format(COUNTER)) if not path and not title: unknown_holding.append([file, root, path, clean_string(root_filename), 1, 1, title or clean_string(filename, False, no_underscore=True), year, "", ""]) else: unknown_holding.append([file, root, path, show if path else title, 0, COUNTER, title or clean_string(filename, False, no_underscore=True), year, "", ""]) if run_count == 1 and len(files) > 0 and len(unknown_holding) == len(files): Log.info(u"[All files were seen as unknown(5XX). Trying one more time without miscellaneous string filtering.]") run_count, standard_holding, unknown_holding, COUNTER = run_count + 1, [], [], COUNTER - len(unknown_holding) else: break #Break out and don't try a second run as not all files are unknown or there are no files for entry in standard_holding + unknown_holding: add_episode_into_plex(media, *entry) if files: Stack.Scan(path, files, media, dirs) ### Library root level manual call to Grouping folders ### if not path: Log.info(u"Library root ([R] Series in Grouping folder Root call (uncached), [_] Normal (cached) Plex call, include grouping folder itself, [S][s] Season folders (uppercase for Root call, lowercase for Plex standard Call)") folder_count, subfolders = {}, dirs[:] while subfolders: #Allow to add to the list while looping, any other method failed ([:], enumerate) full_path = subfolders.pop(0) path = os.path.relpath(full_path, root) folder = os.path.basename(path) folder_clean = clean_string(folder, no_dash=True, no_underscore=True, no_dot=True) #no clean until season loop searched for source id ### Skip path if matching Ignore dirs ### for rx in IGNORE_DIRS_RX: # loop rx for folders to ignore if rx.match(folder): # if folder match rx Log.info(u'{}[!] {} match IGNORE_DIRS_RX pattern [{}]'.format(''.ljust(path.count(os.sep)*4, ' '), os.path.basename(path), IGNORE_DIRS_RX.index(rx))) if full_path in dirs: dirs.remove(full_path) # Since iterating slice [:] or [:-1] doesn't hinder iteration. All ways to remove: reverse_path.pop(-1), reverse_path.remove(thing|array[0]) break else: ### Process subfolders ### subdir_dirs, subdir_files, folder_count[path] = [], [], 0 try: for item in os.listdir(full_path): #sorted(os.listdir(full_path), key=natural_sort_key, reverse=True) : path_item = os.path.join(full_path, item) if os.path.isdir(path_item): subfolders.insert(folder_count[path], path_item) subdir_dirs.append(path_item) folder_count[path] +=1 elif extension(item) in VIDEO_EXTS+['zip']: subdir_files.append(path_item) except Exception as e: Log.error("Exception: '{}'".format(e)) ### Extract season and transparent folder from reverse_path ### reverse_path = list(reversed(path.split(os.sep))) season_folder = [] #season_folder_first = False for dir in reverse_path[:-1]: # remove root folder from test, [:-1] Doesn't thow errors but gives an empty list if items don't exist, might not be what you want in other cases match = SOURCE_IDS.search(dir) if match: Log.info(u'Source id detected: {}'.format(match.group('yt') if match.group('yt') else match.group('id'))); continue #if it has a forced id, not a season folder has_forced_id_file = False for file in SOURCE_ID_FILES: # check to see if the folder contains a forced id file file_fullpath = os.path.join(root, os.sep.join(list(reversed(reverse_path))), file) if os.path.isfile(file_fullpath): has_forced_id_file = True Log.info(u'Source id detected: {}'.format(read_file(file_fullpath).strip())) break if has_forced_id_file == True: continue #if it has a forced id file, not a season folder dir_clean = clean_string(dir, no_dash=True, no_underscore=True, no_dot=True) for rx in SEASON_RX: # in anime, more specials folders than season folders, so doing it first if rx.search(dir_clean): # get season number but Skip last entry in seasons (skipped folders) if rx!=SEASON_RX[-1]: season_folder.append(dir) # and len(reverse_path)>=2: # and folder==reverse_path[-2]: #season_folder_first = True reverse_path.remove(dir) # Since iterating slice [:] or [:-1] doesn't hinder iteration. All ways to remove: reverse_path.pop(-1), reverse_path.remove(thing|array[0]) break ### Call Grouping folders series ### grouping_dir = full_path.rsplit(os.sep, full_path.count(os.sep)-1-root.count(os.sep))[0] root_folder = os.path.relpath(grouping_dir, root).split(os.sep, 1)[0] indent = path.count(os.sep)*4 if folder!=root_folder and folder_clean!=root_folder: folder_clean = folder_clean.replace(root_folder, "").strip() if root_folder==path: set_logging(root=root, filename=path.split(os.sep)[0]+'.scanner.log' , mode='w') #Empty serie folder log set_logging(root=root, filename=path.split(os.sep)[0]+'.filelist.log', mode='w') #Empty filelist log set_logging(root=root, filename=log_filename +'.scanner.log' , mode='a') #Set back if len(reverse_path)>1 and folder_count[root_folder]>1: # and not season_folder_first ### Calling Scan for grouping folders only ### Log.info(u'{}[{}] {:<{x}}{}'.format(''.ljust(indent, ' '), 'S' if folder in season_folder else 'G', folder, '({:>3} files)'.format(len(subdir_files)) if subdir_files else '', x=120-indent)) if subdir_files: Scan(path, sorted(subdir_files), media, sorted(subdir_dirs), language=language, root=root, kwargs_trigger=True) #relative path for dir or it will show only grouping folder series set_logging(root=root, filename=log_filename+'.scanner.log', mode='a') #due to concurrent calls, wouldn't log propertly without setting it back, just in case else: Log.info(u'{}[{}] {:<{x}}{}'.format(''.ljust(indent, ' '), 's' if folder in season_folder else '_', folder, '({:>3} files)'.format(len(subdir_files)) if subdir_files else '', x=120-indent)) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) Log.info(u"Dirs left for normal Plex calls:") for dir in dirs: Log.info(u"[_] {}".format(os.path.relpath(dir, root))) Log.info(u"".ljust(157, '=')) Log.info(u"") ### Command line scanner call ### if __name__ == '__main__': #command line print("Absolute Series Scanner by ZeroQI") path = sys.argv[1] files = [os.path.join(path, file) for file in os.listdir(path)] media = [] Scan(path[1:], files, media, []) print("Files detected: ", media)