//Located in: \SteamCMD\css_ds\cstrike\cfg //CSS English Config //Advertising: Visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ServerTool sv_lan 0 // 1=Lanserver 0=Internetserver sv_region 3 // Region Servers. 0=US East, 1=US West, 2= Suedamerika, 3=Europa, 4=Asien, 5=Australien, 6=Mittlerer Osten, 7=Afrika und 255=World hostname "CS:S Server" // Servername sv_password "" // Server Password. (""=No password) sv_consistency 0 // 1=Players with custom skins aren´t allowed to connect //bot_join_team ct // Bots only join team... "ct" or "t" //mp_humanteam t // Human can only join team... "ct" or "t" //FastDL ; //sv_allowupload "1" //"0" to denied, to upload player custom sprays etc. //sv_allowdownload "0" //"0" denied the direct download from the server //sv_loadingurl "http://yourdomain.com/" //net_maxfilesize 128 rcon_password "TEST" // RCON password sv_rcon_maxfailures 10 // sv_rcon_minfailures 10 // sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30 // mp_buytime 1.5 // Buytime mp_startmoney 800 // Start money mp_c4timer 45 // C4 (Bomb) Timer (Min.=10 Max.=90) mp_flashlight 1 // Flashlight (1=Allowed 0=No) mp_decals "200" // mp_playerid 0 // Show name, if u aim on them. (0=all 1=Just Teammates 2=None) mp_footsteps 1 // Possible to hear Footsteps (1=on 0=off) mp_falldamage 1 // mp_hostagepenalty 0 // After how many hostage kills the player get kicked. 0=No kick decalfrequency 7 // After how many secounds u can spray again. (20=Default) mp_timelimit 30 // Maptime - Currently set to 30 minutes. mp_winlimit 0 // After X wins the map will change. mp_round_restart_delay 3 // mp_maxrounds 25 // How many rounds will be played per map. mp_roundtime 3.5 // Roundtime Currently: 3:30 min mp_freezetime 2 // Freezetime mp_autoteambalance 0 // Teambalance mp_limitteams 0 // How many players a team can more have then the other. mp_friendlyfire 0 // Friendlyfire. mp_tkpunish 0 // Teamkiller will automatic killed in the next round. (0=off 1=on) mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 // In this team, you will be kicked, if u attack a teammate. mp_autokick 1 // Kicking AFK player. sv_timeout 60 // After how many secounds you will be kicked. mp_forcecamera 1 // Cam Settings (0=You can watch everyone/ 1=Teamonly - First person / 2=Camera is forced at deathpoint.) mp_fadetoblack 0 // If this is set to 1, it became black if u die. (1=on 0=off) mp_allowspectators 1 // Team Spectaor is chooseable. (1=ja 0=nein) sv_specaccelerate 5 // It´s fine this way. sv_specspeed 3 // It´s fine this way. sv_specnoclip 1 // Spectator can look through Doors etc. sv_voiceenable 1 // Voicechat. (1=on 0=off) sv_alltalk 0 // 1=Voicechat with both teams. 0=Voicechat Team only. // sv_voicequality 5 // Fine // sv_voicecodec "voice_speex" // Avalible codex: "vaudio_miles" und "voice_speex" mp_chattime 10 // Chattime, while the game has ended. (1=min 120=max) mp_restartgame 0 // Restart in X secounds (The map will be restarted!) mp_forcerespawn 1 mp_teamplay 1 // 1=CTvs.T 2=Deathmatch (Free for all.) //--=::[ Physik ]:=-- // Just don´t change anything, unless you know, what you do. :) sv_gravity 800 // Does change the gravity. (800=Standart) phys_pushscale 1 // Does change the strengh of the physical objects. (1=original) phys_timescale 1 // Does change the speed of the physical objects. (1=original) phys_impactforcescale 1 // Impact of the shoots. sv_pushaway_clientside 0 // Clientsided pushing. (0=off 1=Only local players 2=all players) sv_pushaway_clientside_size 15 // Minimale Groesse der Objekte die zurueckgestossen werden sollen. (15=default) sv_pushaway_force 30000 // The strenght with that a player gets pushed away. (30000=default) sv_pushaway_max_force 1000 // Maximum power, that a player is giving to an objects. (1000=default) sv_pushaway_min_player_speed 75 // Minimale speed, that a player needs to have to push an object. (Does allow the hiding behind objects.) (75=default) sv_turbophysics 0 // With that options, player are able to stand on physical objects. (1=on 0=off/default) mp_solidplayers 0 // 1=Set player solid in multiplayer mode, no pushback !! Untested !! //Launching from external configs vv exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg exec mani_server.cfg mapchangecfgfile "server.cfg" servercfgfile "server.cfg" //--=::[ Please change the following lines only if the server does lag and you know, what you´re doing.]::=-- sv_unlag 1 // Fine sv_unlag_debug 0 sv_unlag_fixstuck 0 sv_maxrate 20000 // Fine sv_minrate 2500 // Fine sv_maxupdaterate 66 // Fine sv_minupdaterate 30 // Fine fps_max 600 // Fine host_framerate 0 writeid // Banned players will be loggeg in: "banned_user.cfg". writeip // Banned IPs will be loggeg in: "banned_ip.cfg". log on // Log. (on=an off=aus) sv_aim 0 // Auto aim. (1=on 0=off) sv_cheats 0 // sv_pausable 0 // sv_accelerate 5 // Player speed sv_airaccelerate 10 // Player speed - Fly sv_wateraccelerate 10 // Player speed water sv_waterfriction 1 sv_friction 4 sv_maxspeed 320 // Max speed sv_stepsize 18 // Step size //--=::[ Source TV ]:=-- tv_enable 0 // Source TV. (1=on 0=off) tv_port 27020 // Port SourceTV tv_autorecord 0 // Record everyone? tv_debug 0 // SrcTV debug info. tv_delay 10 // SrcTV Livestream Delay tv_dispatchmode 1 // ??? Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always tv_maxclients 128 // Max Spectator tv_maxrate 3500 // Max bandweight tv_name "Source TV" // Name of your SourceTV tv_overrideroot 0 // Changes the SrcTV master root adress. tv_password "" // SrcTV Password ( "" = Aus) tv_relaypassword "" // SrcTV relaypassword ( "" = Aus) tv_snapshotrate 20 // Every "X" Servertick, create a snapshot. (Only works if SrcTV is on. //--=::[ BOTS ]::=-- bot_quota 0 // How many Bots? bot_quota_mode normal // (fill=If a player join the game, the Bot will be kicked. normal=If a player join, the Bot won´t be kicked.) bot_join_after_player 1 // bot_difficulty 2 // (0=easy 1=normal 2=hard 3=extrem) bot_prefix "" // "Clantag" - Bot prefix bot_defer_to_human 0 // Bot do things like defuse the bomb etc... (1=Humans has to to that - 0=Bots also defuse the bomb etc.) bot_auto_vacate 1 // How many slots should be left for players. bot_chatter minimal // (on, off, radio, minimal, normal) bot_allow_grenades 1 // Allow Bot nates bot_allow_pistols 1 // Pistoles bot_allow_rifles 1 // Rifles. bot_allow_rogues 1 // bot_allow_shotguns 1 // Shotgun. bot_allow_snipers 1 // Sniper bot_allow_machine_guns 1 // Maschine Gun bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1 // SMG´s // Here are the RCON Commands for bots. // bot_about // Bot Informations // bot_add // Add a Bot // bot_add_t // Add a Bot for T // bot_add_ct // Add a Bot fot CT // bot_kill // Kill Bot X // bot_kick // Kick Bot X