# VvPhpDollar # **Sublime Text Plugin** for a convenient way to insert PHP Dollar. ## Compatibility ## * Sublime Text 2 * Sublime Text 3 ## Installation ## * Install [Package Control][pck-ctrl]. Once installed, fire up the Command Palette (`Command-Shift-P` on OS X, `Ctrl-Shift-P` on Linux/Windows). Choose `Package Control: Install Package` and then select `VvPHPDollar`, when the list appears. Package Control will install `VvPHPDollar` and keep it be last version automatically . * Download plugin's zip file from here [Github][github] to your local laptop. Once downloaded, put unzip it, then open your `Sublime Text 2 or 3`, open your menu: `Preferences` --> `Browse Packages...`, then put the unzip folder into this folder. ## Usage ## * When you edit the file(i.e. `PHP`), when you need to put a `$` sign, you just need to input **placeholder**(i.e. `vv `, note: here is a space after`vv`), the plugin will replace this placeholder by PHP Dollar `$` sign. ## Customize ## Edit [VvPhpDollar.sublime-settings][vv_php_dollar_settings] file * For **placeholder**, edit `vv_sign` field. * For **syntax**, edit `syntax_list` field. ```json { "vv_sign":"vv ", "syntax_list":[ "PHP" ] } ``` [pck-ctrl]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control "Sublime Package Control by wbond" [github]: https://github.com/ZhaonanLi/VvPhpDollar "VvPHPDollar by Zhaonan Li" [vv_php_dollar_settings]: VvPhpDollar.sublime-settings "VvPhpDollar.sublime-settings"