#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Barry de Graaff # # Bugs and feedback: https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/owncloud-zimlet/issues # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # Keep `set -e` as the first line of the script, so the execution halts on unexpected errors. set -e # if you want to trace your script uncomment the following line #set -x OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet" OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH="/opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev/tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet" DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert" DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH="/opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert" OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/ownCloud" DOCCONVERT_EXTENSION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/DocConvert" OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_CLONE_URL="git://github.com/Zimbra-Community/owncloud-zimlet" OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_CLONE_BRANCH="soapServiceBarry" OCS_JAR_URL="https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/OCS/raw/master/extension/out/artifacts/OCS_jar/OCS.jar" PROPMIGR_JAR_URL="https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/propmigr/raw/master/out/artifacts/propmigr_jar/propmigr.jar" PROP2XML_JAR_URL="https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/prop2xml/raw/master/out/artifacts/prop2xml_jar/prop2xml.jar" OCS_EXTENSION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/OCS" ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH="/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/onlyoffice" OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_JAR_FILES="\ ant-1.7.0.jar \ commons-cli-1.2.jar \ commons-codec-1.9.jar \ commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar \ commons-httpclient-3.1.jar \ commons-logging-1.2.jar \ dav-soap-connector-extension.jar \ fluent-hc-4.5.1.jar \ httpclient-4.5.1.jar \ httpclient-cache-4.5.1.jar \ httpcore-4.4.3.jar \ httpcore-ab-4.4.3.jar \ httpcore-nio-4.4.3.jar \ httpmime-4.5.1.jar \ jna-4.1.0.jar \ jna-platform-4.1.0.jar \ urlrewritefilter-4.0.3.jar \ zal.jar \ commons-io-2.6.jar \ jackson-annotations-2.9.4.jar \ jackson-core-2.9.4.jar \ jackson-databind-2.9.4.jar \ java-jwt-3.3.0.jar " OWNCLOUD_DOC_URL="https\://zetalliance.org/owncloud-zimlet/" IS_AUTO="NO" if [[ "$1" == '--auto' ]] then IS_AUTO="YES" fi # We only support java versions bundled with Zimbra if [[ -x "/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java" ]] then #8.7 [[ ":$PATH:" != *":/opt/zimbra/common/bin:"* ]] && PATH="/opt/zimbra/common/bin:${PATH}" export PATH elif [[ -x "/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java" ]] then #8.6 [[ ":$PATH:" != *":/opt/zimbra/java/bin:"* ]] && PATH="/opt/zimbra/java/bin:${PATH}" export PATH else echo "Java is not found in /opt/zimbra" exit 1 fi echo "Automated Zimbra WebDAV Client installer for single-server Zimbra - Installs ant and git, the WebDAV Client server extension and Zimlet." # Make sure only root can run our script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Do you want to enable OnlyOffice document editing?" echo "You must configure owncloud_zimlet_onlyoffice_api_url after the installer completes" if [[ "${IS_AUTO}" == 'YES' ]] then YNONLYOFFICE="Y" else read YNONLYOFFICE; fi echo "" echo "Do you want to enable experimental LibreOffice document preview (odt,ods,odp) and document conversion from Office and EML files to PDF (tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04)? y/N:" if [[ "${IS_AUTO}" == 'YES' ]] then YNDOCPREV="N" else read YNDOCPREV; fi echo "" echo "There are two ways you can deploy the Zimlet" echo "You can have the installer do zmzimletctl deploy, this way you can enable/disable the Zimlet per user/cos." echo "Or you can have the installer install the Zimlet to /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev that way you will have" echo "less cache issues on updates of the Zimlet and it is also easier if you want to rebrand the Zimlet." echo "" echo "Do you want to deploy to /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev ? " echo "If you have trouble or are unsure, choose Y. Y/n:" if [[ "${IS_AUTO}" == 'YES' ]] then DEPLOYTODEV="N" else read DEPLOYTODEV; fi echo "" echo "Do you want to install public link sharing?" echo "If you use a WebDAV server that is not ownCloud or Nextcloud choose n." echo "If you have trouble or are unsure, choose Y. Y/n:" if [[ "${IS_AUTO}" == 'YES' ]] then YNOCS="Y" else read YNOCS; fi echo "Check if git and ant are installed." set +e YUM_CMD=$(which yum) APT_CMD=$(which apt-get) GIT_CMD=$(which git) ANT_CMD=$(which ant) ZIP_CMD=$(which zip) set -e if [[ -z $GIT_CMD ]] || [[ -z $ANT_CMD ]] || [[ -z $ZIP_CMD ]]; then if [[ ! -z $YUM_CMD ]]; then yum install -y git ant make zip else apt-get install -y git ant make zip fi fi if [[ "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'N' || "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'n' ]]; then echo "Using Production path per user request" OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH="${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH}" DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PATH="${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH}" else echo "Using Development path per user request" OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH="${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH}" DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PATH="${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH}" fi echo "Remove old versions of Zimlet." rm -Rf ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH}/ rm -Rf ${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_DEV_PATH}/ rm -Rf ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH}/ rm -Rf ${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PRODUCTION_PATH}/ su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl -l undeploy tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet" su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl -l undeploy tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert" TMPFOLDER="$(mktemp -d /tmp/webdav-client-installer.XXXXXXXX)" echo "Saving existing configuration to $TMPFOLDER/upgrade" mkdir $TMPFOLDER/upgrade if [ -f ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties ]; then cp ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties $TMPFOLDER/upgrade else touch $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/config.properties fi echo "Download WebDAV Client to $TMPFOLDER" cd $TMPFOLDER git clone --depth=1 -b ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_CLONE_BRANCH} ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_CLONE_URL} echo "Compiling WebDAV Client." cd owncloud-zimlet cd extension && ant download-libs && cd .. make echo "Installing server extension to ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}" cd $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/dist/owncloud-extension/ mkdir -p ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -f ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/*.jar for njarfile in ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_JAR_FILES} ; do cp ${njarfile} ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/ done ENC_PWD=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c 24) ENC_SALT=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c 24) # Here we set the template for config.properties, if upgrading we alter it further down echo "allowdomains=* disable_password_storing=false owncloud_zimlet_server_name= owncloud_zimlet_server_port= owncloud_zimlet_server_path=/nextcloud/remote.php/webdav/ owncloud_zimlet_oc_folder=/nextcloud owncloud_zimlet_disable_rename_delete_new_folder=false owncloud_zimlet_extra_toolbar_button_title=Go to Nextcloud owncloud_zimlet_extra_toolbar_button_url=owncloud_zimlet_oc_folder owncloud_zimlet_app_title=Nextcloud owncloud_zimlet_max_upload_size=104857600 owncloud_zimlet_welcome_url=${OWNCLOUD_DOC_URL} owncloud_zimlet_accountname_with_domain=false owncloud_zimlet_disable_auto_upload_on_exceed=false owncloud_zimlet_onlyoffice_api_url= owncloud_zimlet_onlyoffice_secret= owncloud_zimlet_link_expiry_days= owncloud_zimlet_link_enforce_date=false owncloud_zimlet_link_enforce_password=false encryption_password_secret=${ENC_PWD} encryption_salt_secret=${ENC_SALT} owncloud_zimlet_disable_eml_export=false enable_seafile_patches=false " > ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties #There has to be a better way to get the contents of zimbraMailTrustedIP but #haven't found it yet. So for now we put it in trustedIPs.properties and have the #installer update it. #See also: UserPropertyExtractor.checkZimbraMailTrustedIP echo "#Do not make manual changes to this file, see WebDAV Client README.md " > ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/trustedIPs.properties echo -n "zimbramailtrustedips=" >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/trustedIPs.properties echo $(su zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov gcf zimbraMailTrustedIP | cut -c22- | tr '\n' ';'") >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/trustedIPs.properties if [[ "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'N' || "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'n' ]]; then echo "owncloud_zimlet_enable_onlyoffice=false " >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties else echo "owncloud_zimlet_enable_onlyoffice=true " >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties fi if [[ "$YNOCS" == 'N' || "$YNOCS" == 'n' ]]; then echo "owncloud_zimlet_disable_ocs_public_link_shares=true " >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties else echo "owncloud_zimlet_disable_ocs_public_link_shares=false " >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties fi ls -hal ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/ echo "Installing Zimlet." if [[ "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'N' || "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'n' ]]; then chown zimbra:zimbra $TMPFOLDER -R su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl -l deploy $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet.zip" else mkdir -p ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/ unzip $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet.zip -d ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/ fi if [[ "$YNDOCPREV" == 'Y' || "$YNDOCPREV" == 'y' ]]; then echo "Install LibreOffice and document convertion features" cp -v $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/bin/* /usr/local/sbin/ rm -f /usr/local/sbin/emailconverter-2.0.1-all.jar cp -v $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/docconvert/emailconverter-2.0.1-all.jar /usr/local/sbin/ if [[ ! -z $YUM_CMD ]]; then yum install -y libreoffice-headless libreoffice else apt-get install -y libreoffice fi CENTOS=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | grep "CentOS Linux release 7" | wc -l) if [ $CENTOS -eq 1 ] then yum -y remove wkhtmltopdf yum -y install xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/releases/download/0.12.5/wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm -O /tmp/wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm set +e rpm -i /tmp/wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm set -e rm -f /tmp/wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltopdf else echo "Manual installation step required," echo "If you want to be able to convert EML to PDF files, follow instructions at:" echo "https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/owncloud-zimlet/wiki/eml2pdf-manual-install-steps" echo "any key to continue..." read dummy fi echo "Configure docconvert user and set up sudo in /etc/sudoers.d/99_zimbra-docconvert" set +e if [[ ! -z $YUM_CMD ]]; then adduser docconvert else useradd docconvert fi set -e echo "zimbra ALL=(docconvert) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/99_zimbra-docconvert usermod -a -G zimbra docconvert usermod -a -G docconvert zimbra echo "setting up fall back clean-up in /etc/cron.d/docconvert-clean" echo "*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/find /tmp -cmin +5 -type f -name 'docconvert*' -exec rm -f {} \;" > /etc/cron.d/docconvert-clean echo "Installing PDF convert link extension" mkdir -p ${DOCCONVERT_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -f ${DOCCONVERT_EXTENSION_PATH}/*.jar cp -v $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/docconvert/extension/out/artifacts/DocConvert/DocConvert.jar ${DOCCONVERT_EXTENSION_PATH}/DocConvert.jar echo "Installing DocConvert Zimlet." if [[ "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'N' || "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'n' ]]; then cd $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/docconvert/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert/ make su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl -l deploy $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/docconvert/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert.zip" else mkdir -p ${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PATH}/ cp -v $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/docconvert/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_docconvert/* ${DOCCONVERT_ZIMLET_PATH}/ fi fi echo "Downloading OCS Share API implementation for WebDAV Client" if [[ "$YNOCS" == 'N' || "$YNOCS" == 'n' ]]; then echo "Skip by user request." mkdir -p ${OCS_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -Rf ${OCS_EXTENSION_PATH} else mkdir -p ${OCS_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -f ${OCS_EXTENSION_PATH}/*.jar cd ${OCS_EXTENSION_PATH} wget --no-cache "${OCS_JAR_URL}" fi echo "Setting up OnlyOffice" if [[ "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'N' || "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'n' ]]; then echo "Skip by user request." mkdir -p ${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -Rf ${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH} else mkdir -p ${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH} rm -f ${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH}/*.jar cp $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/onlyoffice/out/artifacts/onlyoffice_jar/onlyoffice.jar "${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH}" cp $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/onlyoffice/lib/zcs-lib-json-simple.jar "${ONLYOFFICE_EXTENSION_PATH}" ONLYOFFICE_PWD=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c 10) #here one could optionally support mysql by using jdbc:mysql://, ssl is disabled as this is a local connection echo "db_connect_string=jdbc:mariadb://$ONLYOFFICE_PWD" >> ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties ONLYOFFICE_DBCREATE="$(mktemp /tmp/onlyoffice-dbcreate.XXXXXXXX.sql)" cat < "${ONLYOFFICE_DBCREATE}" DROP USER 'ad-onlyoffice_db'@''; DROP DATABASE onlyoffice_db; CREATE DATABASE onlyoffice_db CHARACTER SET 'UTF8'; CREATE USER 'ad-onlyoffice_db'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '${ONLYOFFICE_PWD}'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onlyoffice_db . * TO 'ad-onlyoffice_db'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES ; EOF echo "Creating database and user" /opt/zimbra/bin/mysql --force < "${ONLYOFFICE_DBCREATE}" echo "Populating onlyoffice_db please wait..." /opt/zimbra/bin/mysql onlyoffice_db < $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/onlyoffice/ddl.sql echo "Install daily backup via /etc/cron.daily in /onlyoffice-backup" cat < /etc/cron.daily/onlyoffice-backup #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /onlyoffice-backup rm /onlyoffice-backup/onlyoffice-`date +%w`.sql /opt/zimbra/common/bin/mysqldump -h -P7306 -u'ad-onlyoffice_db' -p'${ONLYOFFICE_PWD}' --add-drop-table onlyoffice_db > /onlyoffice-backup/onlyoffice-`date +%w`.sql EOF chmod +rx /etc/cron.daily/onlyoffice-backup fi echo "Restoring config.properties" set +e cd $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/ wget --no-cache "${PROPMIGR_JAR_URL}" cat $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/config.properties | grep -v db_connect_string > $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/config1.properties java -jar $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/propmigr.jar $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/config1.properties ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties set -e echo "Configuring Zimlet." wget --no-cache "${PROP2XML_JAR_URL}" chown zimbra:zimbra $TMPFOLDER -R if [[ "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'N' || "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'n' ]]; then su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl -l deploy $TMPFOLDER/owncloud-zimlet/zimlet/tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet.zip" java -jar $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/prop2xml.jar tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml su - zimbra -c "zmzimletctl configure ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml" else java -jar $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/prop2xml.jar tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml chown zimbra:zimbra ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml chmod u+rw ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml fi chown zimbra:zimbra ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties chmod u+rw ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties echo "Flushing Zimlet Cache." su - zimbra -c "zmprov fc all" su - zimbra -c "zmmailboxdctl restart" echo "" echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zimbra WebDAV Client installed successful. Your clients CAN CONNECT TO ALL DAV SERVERS BY DEFAULT, you can restrict the allowed DAV servers to connect to in: ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties allowdomains=allowme.example.com;allowmealso.example.com - No service restart is needed after changing this file. " if [[ "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'N' || "$DEPLOYTODEV" == 'n' ]]; then chown zimbra:zimbra $TMPFOLDER -R echo "To configure Zimlet run as user Zimbra:" echo "java -jar $TMPFOLDER/upgrade/prop2xml.jar tk_barrydegraaff_owncloud_zimlet ${OWNCLOUD_EXTENSION_PATH}/config.properties ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml" echo "zmzimletctl configure ${OWNCLOUD_ZIMLET_PATH}/config_template.xml" echo "zmprov fc all" echo "rm -Rf $TMPFOLDER" echo "Then go to the Admin Web Interface and enable Zimlet in the COS'es you want." else rm -Rf $TMPFOLDER fi if [[ "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'Y' || "$YNONLYOFFICE" == 'y' ]]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: OnlyOffice integration database is dropped on Zimbra upgrades!" echo "You may want to re-run the installer after each Zimbra upgrade or move to" echo "a MariaDB running outside the Zimbra server." echo "See: /etc/cron.daily/onlyoffice-backup" echo "" fi