#!/usr/bin/env zmpython # # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server # Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** # #set tempdir import tempfile tempfile.tempdir="/opt/zimbra/data/tmp" import sys import os import signal import socket import threading import traceback import conf # import commands from org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config import Configurator import state import listener from ldap import Ldap from logmsg import * if (os.geteuid() == 0): Log.logMsg(0, "Error: must not be run as root user."); # Removed this to speed up startup at the cost of some slowdown in the first fetch # Calling a Provisioning command here speeds up future runs # th = threading.Thread(target=commands.getserver,name="preconnect") # th.start() # Signal handling workaround. Directly affects the time required for a rewrite request to process sleepinterval = 1.0 def catchSignal(signum, fr): Log.logMsg(4, "Received signal %d" % (signum,)); if signum in (signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIGALRM): myState.sleepTimer = 0 return Log.logMsg(3, "Shutting down. Received signal %d" % (signum,)); sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, catchSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, catchSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, catchSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, catchSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, catchSignal) # Can't trap SIGQUIT, SIGKILL in jython? # signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, catchSignal) # signal.signal(signal.SIGKILL, catchSignal) def watchdog(): if (not myConfig.watchdog) or myState.firstRun: return Log.logMsg(4, "Watchdog enabled checking services"); for service in sorted(myState.curServices()): prevstatus = myState.prevServices(service) curstatus = myState.processIsRunning(service) and "running" or "stopped" if prevstatus is not None and curstatus != prevstatus: Log.logMsg(1, "Service status change: %s %s changed from %s to %s" % (myConfig.hostname, service, prevstatus, curstatus)) myState.prevServices(service, curstatus) # services need to be seen running at least once before eligible for watchdog restart if myState.getWatchdog(service) is None: Log.logMsg(1, "Tracking service %s " % (service)) if curstatus == "running" and myState.getWatchdog(service) is None: Log.logMsg(3, "Watchdog: service %s now available for watchdog." % (service,)) myState.watchdogProcess[service] = True if myConfig.wd_all: for service in sorted(myState.curServices()): if myState.getWatchdog(service) is None: continue if (myState.serverconfig.getServices(service) and myState.processIsNotRunning(service)): Log.logMsg(2, "Watchdog: adding %s to restart list" % (service,)); myState.curRestarts(service, -1) else: for service in sorted(myConfig.wd_list): Log.logMsg(4, "Watchdog: checking service %s" % (service,)); if myState.getWatchdog(service) is None: Log.logMsg(3, "Watchdog: skipping service %s. Service not yet available for restarts." % (service,)); continue if (myState.serverconfig.getServices(service) and myState.processIsNotRunning(service)): Log.logMsg(2, "Watchdog: adding %s to restart list" % (service,)); myState.curRestarts(service, -1) else: Log.logMsg(3, "Watchdog: service %s status is OK." % (service,)); def requestListener(): if state.State.mState.serverconfig["zimbraIPMode"] == "ipv4": listener_params = ("",int(state.State.mState.localconfig["zmconfigd_listen_port"])) try: server = listener.ThreadedStreamServer(listener_params, listener.ThreadedRequestHandler) except socket.error, e: Log.logMsg (1, "Error creating listener socket on port %s: %s" % (state.State.mState.localconfig["zmconfigd_listen_port"],str(e))) if contactService("STATUS"): Log.logMsg (0, "Can't create listener socket: %s" % str(e)) else: Log.logMsg (0, "zmconfigd service already running, exiting") else: listener_params = ("::1",int(state.State.mState.localconfig["zmconfigd_listen_port"])) try: server = listener.ThreadedStreamServerIPv6(listener_params, listener.ThreadedRequestHandler) except socket.error, e: Log.logMsg (1, "Error creating listener socket on port %s: %s" % (state.State.mState.localconfig["zmconfigd_listen_port"],str(e))) if contactService("STATUS"): Log.logMsg (0, "Can't create listener socket: %s" % str(e)) else: Log.logMsg (0, "zmconfigd service already running, exiting") server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever, name="listener") server_thread.setDaemon(True) server_thread.start() Log.logMsg(4, "Socket listener running as %s" % server_thread.getName()) def contactService(command, args=None): listener_params = ("localhost",int(state.State.mState.localconfig["zmconfigd_listen_port"])) if state.State.mState.serverconfig["zimbraIPMode"] == "ipv4": sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET4, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) message = "%s " % command if args: message += ' '.join(args) Log.logMsg(4, "Requesting %s" % message) try: sock.connect(listener_params) sock.send(message) response = sock.recv(2048) if re.match("ERROR", response): Log.logMsg(1, "Service returned %s" % response) sock.close() return True else: Log.logMsg(4, "Service returned %s" % response) sock.close() return False except socket.error, e: Log.logMsg(2, "Service unavailable (%s)" % e) return True t0 = time.clock() myState = state.State() state.State.mState = myState myConfig = conf.Config() conf.Config.mConfig = myConfig; myState.getLocalConfig(myConfig) Configurator.initialize(None, "/opt/zimbra/conf/zmconfigd.log4j.properties") Log.initLogging(myConfig) Ldap.initLdap(myConfig) Log.logMsg(1, "%s started on %s with loglevel=%d pid=%d" % (myConfig.progname, myConfig.hostname, myConfig.loglevel, os.getpid())) # if forced, check for a running daemon. If there's not one, just run once to maintain legacy behavior if len(sys.argv) > 1: if contactService("REWRITE", sys.argv[1:]): Log.logMsg(3, "Processing forced rewrites as standalone process") for arg in sys.argv[1:]: myState.forced += 1 Log.logMsg(3, "Adding %s to forced configs" % arg) myState.forcedconfig[arg] = arg else: dt = time.clock()-t0 Log.logMsg(4, "%s completed in %.2f seconds" % (myConfig.progname,dt)); sys.exit(0) else: if myState.isrunning(): Log.logMsg(0, "zmconfigd already running, exiting") else: myState.writepid() # Removed this to speed up startup at the cost of some slowdown in the first fetch # We don't really care about this thread, but should make sure it's done # th.join() while True: Log.logMsg (4, "Found %d threads" % threading.activeCount()) for th in threading.enumerate(): Log.logMsg(4, "Active Thread %s found" % th.getName()) if (th.getName() != "listener" and th.getName() != "MainThread" and th.getName() != "Thread" and th.getName != "SIGUSR2 handler"): Log.logMsg(4, "Attempting to join() %s" % th.getName()) th.join(5); if (th.isAlive()): Log.logMsg(1, "join() %s FAILED" % th.getName()) Log.logMsg(1, "Hung threads detected (%d total), exiting" % threading.activeCount()); sys.exit(1) t1 = time.clock() try: # read all the configs myState.getAllConfigs(myConfig) except Exception, e: [Log.logMsg(1,t) for t in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])] if myState.forced: Log.logMsg(0, "Key lookup failed.") Log.logMsg(1, "Sleeping...Key lookup failed (%s)" % (e,)) time.sleep(60) continue try: # read zmconfigd config myState.getMtaConfig(myConfig.configFile) # watchdog restarts apps if they are not running watchdog() # check for config changes myState.compareKeys() Log.logMsg (5, "LOCK myState.lAction requested") myState.lAction.acquire() Log.logMsg (5, "LOCK myState.lAction acquired") myState.compileActions() myState.requestedconfig = {} myState.doConfigRewrites() myState.lAction.notifyAll() myState.lAction.release() Log.logMsg (5, "LOCK myState.lAction released") # executes rewrites/postconf/restarts if myConfig.restartconfig: myState.doRestarts() except Exception, e: [Log.logMsg(1,t) for t in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])] if myState.forced and myState.forced < 100: Log.logMsg(0, "Configuration inconsistency detected (%s)" % (e,)) Log.logMsg(1, "Sleeping...Configuration inconsistency detected (%s)" % (e,)); time.sleep(60) continue if myState.forced: break # start the listener after we have the lock, or an early request can cause problems # start the listener after the rewrites, so the start script doesn't return before they're complete if myState.firstRun and not myState.forced: requestListener() Log.logMsg (5, "LOCK myState.lAction released") myState.firstRun = False lt = time.clock()-t1 Log.logMsg(4, "Loop completed in %.2f seconds" % (lt,)); Log.logMsg(4, "Sleeping for %d." % (myConfig.interval,)); # Jython won't wake up from time.sleep() when a signal is received and caught. # Uncaught signals seem to cause the JVM to exit myState.sleepTimer = myConfig.interval Log.logMsg (5, "Sleeping for %d" % myState.sleepTimer) while myState.sleepTimer > 0: time.sleep(sleepinterval) myState.sleepTimer -= sleepinterval Log.logMsg (5, "Waking up") dt = time.clock()-t0 Log.logMsg(5, "%s completed in %.2f seconds" % (myConfig.progname,dt)); sys.exit(0)