UnrealScript IDE Plug-in for Sublime Text 2/3 =========================== UnrealScript IDE adds many features to Sublime Text 2/3 that you'd expect from a good UnrealScript IDE. Fully featured object-oriented auto-completion, go to declaration, syntax highlighting, build and run, snippets and some more to name a few... ![Pic](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/61K4WHO5xEbq9qKU2v2tWjVmmk7Ot0SutLj6t2aTjAQgccv86a24ooZjp7QZ2AAltxXZrda6UqUlBP4zMQysr7E1OES-Hl5jafnkeBGa--7kK52AzoiMkstvIKb6Pes0hzMl6EyZwhzPbEm2P8ok5QSHtUbREa9HSblw09SzhRuMWjy2RpkgKY61MdClzDiziMmYS_hZG22G60DO05xesYB7dfcTfF0dpbsV5h43Ruwgk9UBv8PNmuNsBsvRSsTsyl32ca0Fm9HI6p5Mogfln8bhlrFEQY8gBG6cEayStHmLHUckwuMFqtmzp_21xIfXngJd26Uoj5ee40fTquBiu9qQDe7RwogC3smazuxf6OmCE4wWa_4z96o6EoJzhH7mzzJM9hoO_YVgCvWjnzk6DPGqmv65dCO9vYCVe7duCJOArJKHoF6rYWGEkmMWhKprNe34tL65YThG6PWdtz5c5xB886P99FiAwViu5kCtOHFLi2YIWKHLtvwBc2LmomweSHbp_UBA28tb9cN6-4gqWEhNGW66vcK_6x2IgvTI0vP7_-CELRqVWwRO5pQ924aziXyX1P17fXabLxR9UTawO-zJ2l3Yks8b_LpqFnd0lx3pQMP-CPvb4w6gL06uiyb-B3Y62HBPsKabSXlC6qzoA98609aPOZs2iaXbgsbR3_7oqiADShg8f6y3Lg=w640-h390-no) Features ------------ * **Dynamic, intelligent auto-completions** * fully object-oriented completions * context sensitive completions (e.g. in the defaultproperties block you only want to get variables) * content assist. You wont have to open the editor anymore to search for asset names. * parameter hints * display documentation when you need it * completions feel like the great Sublime Text 2/3 snippets * **Go to declaration and back again** * object-oriented go to declaration (pressing it over controller.GetPlayerViewPoint(a, b) will take you to the declaration of GetPlayerViewPoint in Controller) * go to the declaration of the currently selected word via F10, alt + left click, right click menu, 'Goto' -> 'UnrealScript Goto Declaration' or search for it in in the command palette * when browsing in the declarations you can always return to your starting position by using one of the above keys when nothing is under your cursor. * **Debugger** * UnrealScript IDE comes with [UnrealDebugger](https://code.google.com/p/unreal-debugger/) integrated. * You can set breakpoints directly inside Sublime Text 2/3 * [more information](https://github.com/Zinggi/UnrealScriptIDE/wiki/Usage#debugger) * **Syntax highlighting** * For .uc files and .log files * **Build system** * to build your game use Ctrl + B, F7 or search for it in the command palette. * if the build contains errors, the error log will be opened, allowing you to navigate to your errors quickly. * if the build was successful, the game will start * **Launch Game** * quickly open the game with your last configuration * you can chose which map to open * chose between Standalone or a Server and 2 Clients or add any other configuration you might like * [more information](https://github.com/Zinggi/UnrealScriptIDE/wiki/Usage#launch-game) * **Various useful Snippets** * predefined Snippets for standard classes, and language features such as defaultproperties * **Add bookmarks to your comments** * to add a bookmark write your comments like this: // ! text or /** ! text*/ * navigate to them quickly via Ctrl + R * **More coming...** Planned ------------ * **Add support for enumerations** * **Your suggestion here?** * You can suggest features, report bugs and vote for features on this site here: [UnrealScript IDE - Userecho](http://unrealscriptide.userecho.com/) Installation ------------ **Very easy with [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) right inside Sublime Text 2/3 (Package Control needs to be installed):** 1. Ctrl + shift + P 2. Search for "install", hit enter 3. Search for "UnrealScriptIDE", hit enter For a more in detail explanation visit the wiki: https://github.com/Zinggi/UnrealScriptIDE/wiki/Getting-Started **Manually (not recommended):** 1. Clone or download this package 2. Put it into your Packages directory (find using 'Preferences' -> 'Browse Packages...') **please note:** ---------------- UnrealScriptIDE will **only** work properly if you add the **Src** folder as a project. To do so, goto 'Project' -> 'Add Folder To Project...' -> add the Src folder (/UDK/UDK-201*-**/Development/Src/) Usage ---------------- Please refer to the wiki: https://github.com/Zinggi/UnrealScriptIDE/wiki ------------ All **credits** for [UnrealDebugger](https://code.google.com/p/unreal-debugger/) goes to **[Carlos Lopez](https://code.google.com/u/105243014413414365723/)**. Huge Thanks! All **credits** for various Snippets (and also for the old (now unused) Syntax highlighting file) goes to **[Michael Alexander](https://github.com/beefsack)**. Thanks! All **credits** for Syntax highlighting in UnrealScript files goes to **[Rokit](https://github.com/rokit)** and **[Eliot](https://github.com/EliotVU)**. Thanks! **Credits** for Syntax highlighting in Log files goes to **[Rokit](https://github.com/rokit)**. Thanks! If UnrealScriptIDE is helpfull to you, please consider making a donation. (Especially when you're using it commercially) [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XT5LYESK99ESA) [![gittip](http://i.imgur.com/lg9rx9w.png)](https://www.gittip.com/Zinggi/) **Thanks!** My auto-complete settings ------------ Here are some relevant settings for auto-completion that I've found quite helpful: { "auto_complete_with_fields": true, //this allows auto-completion inside snippets. "auto_complete_triggers": //this activates auto-completion on '.' [ { "characters": ".", "selector": "source.unrealscript" } ], "auto_complete_delay": 0, "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true, // I prefer 'tab' to 'enter' } * * * License ------------ UnrealScript IDE Plug-in for Sublime Text 2/3 Copyright (C) 2013 Florian Zinggeler This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .