// ==UserScript== // @name Douyu斗鱼 主播开播下播提醒 + 粤语/国语语音播报通知 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 3.3.4 // @description 手动打开关注页面并放置在后台(https://www.douyu.com/directory/myFollow) 有主播开播/更改标题时自动发送通知提醒 // @author anonymous, hlc1209, P // @icon https://www.douyu.com/favicon.ico // @match https://www.douyu.com/directory/myFollow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @license MIT // @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/498616/Douyu%E6%96%97%E9%B1%BC%20%E4%B8%BB%E6%92%AD%E5%BC%80%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%8B%E6%92%AD%E6%8F%90%E9%86%92%20%2B%20%E7%B2%A4%E8%AF%AD%E5%9B%BD%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%AD%E9%9F%B3%E6%92%AD%E6%8A%A5%E9%80%9A%E7%9F%A5.user.js // @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/498616/Douyu%E6%96%97%E9%B1%BC%20%E4%B8%BB%E6%92%AD%E5%BC%80%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%8B%E6%92%AD%E6%8F%90%E9%86%92%20%2B%20%E7%B2%A4%E8%AF%AD%E5%9B%BD%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%AD%E9%9F%B3%E6%92%AD%E6%8A%A5%E9%80%9A%E7%9F%A5.meta.js // ==/UserScript== var baseURL = "https://douyu.com"; var save = {}; var save_name = {}; shim_GM_notification(); /*--- Cross-browser Shim code follows: Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36779883/userscript-notifications-work-on-chrome-but-not-firefox */ /*--create style--*/ GM_getValue("LANG", "zh-CN"); GM_getValue("RATE", 1); GM_getValue("switchVoice", true); GM_getValue("GM_notice", true); var domHead = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var domStyle = document.createElement("style"); domStyle.type = "text/css"; domStyle.rel = "stylesheet"; class BaseClass { constructor() { GM_registerMenuCommand("设置", () => this.menuSet()); this.setStyle(); } setStyle() { let menuSetStyle = ` .zhmMask{ z-index:999999999; background-color:#000; position: fixed;top: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0; opacity:0.8; } .wrap-box{ z-index:1000000000; position:fixed;;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -200px); width: 300px; color: #555; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; overflow:hidden; font:16px numFont,PingFangSC-Regular,Tahoma,Microsoft Yahei,sans-serif !important; 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outline: none; } .textarea__body[data-is-valid=true] { border-color: var(--valid-color); box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--valid-color); } .textarea__body[data-is-valid=false] { border-color: var(--invalid-color); box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--invalid-color); } .textarea ._dummy-box { border: 1px solid; box-sizing: border-box; min-height: 240px; overflow: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; padding: 1em; visibility: hidden; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; } .toLeftMove{ nimation:moveToLeft 0.5s infinite; -webkit-animation:moveToLeft 0.5s infinite; /*Safari and Chrome*/ animation-iteration-count:1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @keyframes moveToLeft{ from {left:200px;} to {left:0px;} } @-webkit-keyframes moveToLeft /*Safari and Chrome*/{ from {left:200px;} to {left:0px;} } .toRightMove{ nimation:moveToRight 2s infinite; -webkit-animation:moveToRight 2s infinite; /*Safari and Chrome*/ animation-iteration-count:1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @keyframes moveToRight{ from {left:0px;} to {left:2000px;} } @-webkit-keyframes moveToRight /*Safari and Chrome*/{ from {left:0px;} to {left:200px;} } label { margin-right: 15px; 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} /* 当输入框被聚焦时,给滑块添加阴影 */ input:focus+.slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196f3; } /* 当输入框被选中时,移动滑块 */ input:checked+.slider:before { transform: translateX(26px); } /* 创建滑块的圆角样式 */ .slider.round { border-radius: 34px; } /* 创建滑块的圆形样式 */ .slider.round:before { border-radius: 50%; } `; domStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(menuSetStyle)); domHead.appendChild(domStyle); } menuSet() { let setHtml = "
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"语音播报已开启" : "语音播报已关闭"; let strGMSwitch = gmState == true ? "通知弹窗已开启" : "通知弹窗已关闭"; GM_setValue("GM_notice", gmState); let numRate = GM_getValue("RATE", 1); let strLang = GM_getValue("LANG", "zh-HK") === "zh-CN" ? "国语" : "粤语"; let sTxt = bSwitch + ','+ strGMSwitch +",播报语言设置为" + strLang + ",语速设置为" + numRate; console.log(sTxt) speak( { text: sTxt, }, function () { console.log("语音播放结束:" + sTxt); }, function () { console.log("语音开始播放"); } ); GM_setValue("switchVoice", previousState); }); } }); } createElement(dom, domId) { var rootElement = document.body; var newElement = document.createElement(dom); newElement.id = domId; var newElementHtmlContent = document.createTextNode(""); rootElement.appendChild(newElement); newElement.appendChild(newElementHtmlContent); } } var baseClass = new BaseClass(); /** * @description 文字转语音方法 * @public * @param { text, rate, lang, volume, pitch } object * @param text 要合成的文字内容,字符串 * @param rate 读取文字的语速 0.1~10 正常1 * @param lang 读取文字时的语言 * @param volume 读取时声音的音量 0~1 正常1 * @param pitch 读取时声音的音高 0~2 正常1 * @returns SpeechSynthesisUtterance */ function speak( { text, speechRate, lang, volume, pitch }, endEvent, startEvent ) { if (!window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance) { console.warn("当前浏览器不支持文字转语音服务"); return; } if (!text) { return; } let onoff = GM_getValue("switchVoice", true); if (onoff != true) { return; } let setlang = GM_getValue("LANG", "zh-CN"); let setrate = GM_getValue("RATE", 1); const speechUtterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); speechUtterance.text = text; speechUtterance.rate = speechRate || setrate; speechUtterance.lang = lang || setlang; speechUtterance.volume = volume || 1; speechUtterance.pitch = pitch || 1; speechUtterance.onend = function () { endEvent && endEvent(); }; speechUtterance.onstart = function () { startEvent && startEvent(); }; var timeFun = window.setInterval(function () { window.clearInterval(timeFun); speechSynthesis.speak(speechUtterance); }, 500); return speechUtterance; } function shim_GM_notification() { if (typeof GM_notification === "function") { return; } window.GM_notification = function (ntcOptions) { checkPermission(); function checkPermission() { if (Notification.permission === "granted") { fireNotice(); } else if (Notification.permission === "denied") { console.log( "User has denied notifications for this page/site!" ); return; } else { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { console.log("New permission: ", permission); checkPermission(); }); } } function fireNotice() { if (!ntcOptions.title) { console.log("Title is required for notification"); return; } if (ntcOptions.text && !ntcOptions.body) { ntcOptions.body = ntcOptions.text; } var ntfctn = new Notification(ntcOptions.title, ntcOptions); if (ntcOptions.onclick) { ntfctn.onclick = ntcOptions.onclick; } if (ntcOptions.timeout) { setTimeout(function () { ntfctn.close(); }, ntcOptions.timeout); } } }; } //function test(){location.reload()} function reloadPage() { var refreshInterval = 5 * 1000; //* 3600 * 24; // 设置刷新间隔时间(单位:秒) //test(); //location.reload(); var timeFun = window.setInterval(function () { location.reload(); window.clearInterval(timeFun); }, refreshInterval); } var init_flag = 0; function append_notify(res) { var status = false; var changed = 0; for (let each in res.data.list) { // for room status var isLive = !res.data.list[each].videoLoop; status = isLive && res.data.list[each].show_status == 1; if (!isLive) { console.log( res.data.list[each].nickname + "-" + res.data.list[each].room_id + "-" + isLive + "-" + status + "-视频轮播ing" ); } if (!(res.data.list[each].room_id in save)) { save[res.data.list[each].room_id] = status; if (init_flag == 1) { changed = 1; } } else if (save[res.data.list[each].room_id] != status) { save[res.data.list[each].room_id] = status; let strStatus = status == true ? "开播了" : "下播了"; var notificationDetails = (function () { var tempUrl = res.data.list[each].url; speak( { text: res.data.list[each].nickname + strStatus, }, function () { console.log("语音播放结束"); }, function () { console.log("语音开始播放"); } ); return { text: "点击通知快速传送", title: res.data.list[each].nickname + strStatus, image: res.data.list[each].avatar_small, //timeout: 60000, onclick: function () { console.log("Notice clicked."); GM_openInTab(baseURL + tempUrl, false); //window.focus (); }, }; })(); wrap_GM_notification(notificationDetails); //下播 开播都刷新 反正状态变了都刷新 changed = 1; } // for room name changing if (!(res.data.list[each].room_id in save_name)) { save_name[res.data.list[each].room_id] = res.data.list[each].room_name; changed = 1; } else if ( save_name[res.data.list[each].room_id] != res.data.list[each].room_name ) { save_name[res.data.list[each].room_id] = res.data.list[each].room_name; var notificationDetails_name = (() => { var tempUrl = res.data.list[each].url; speak( { text: res.data.list[each].nickname + " 更改了房间标题" + res.data.list[each].room_name, }, function () { console.log("语音播放结束"); }, function () { console.log("语音开始播放"); } ); return { text: res.data.list[each].room_name, title: res.data.list[each].nickname + " 更改了房间标题", image: res.data.list[each].avatar_small, //timeout: 60000, onclick: function () { console.log("Notice clicked."); GM_openInTab(baseURL + tempUrl, false); //window.focus (); }, }; })(); wrap_GM_notification(notificationDetails_name); changed = 1; } } if (init_flag != 0 && changed == 1) { reloadPage(); } init_flag = 1; console.log("Following rooms checked"); } function check() { console.log("Following rooms checking"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: `https://www.douyu.com/wgapi/livenc/liveweb/follow/list?sort=0&cid1=0`, onload: (response) => { var res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); append_notify(res); }, }); } function wrap_GM_notification(param) { let bGMnotice = GM_getValue("GM_notice", true); if (bGMnotice) { GM_notification(param); } else { console.log("GM_notification disabled"); } } check(); function notifyTitle(s) { wrap_GM_notification({ text: "斗鱼开播提醒", title: s, timeout: 1800, image: "https://img.douyucdn.cn/data/yuba/admin/2018/08/13/201808131555573522222945055.jpg?i=31805464339f469e0d3f992e565e261803", onclick: function () { console.log("Notice clicked."); GM_openInTab("https://www.douyu.com", false); //window.focus (); }, }); } notifyTitle("斗鱼开播提醒启动了"); //window.onbeforeunload = function(event){notifyTitle('开播提醒已退出')} //window.onunload = function(event) {notifyTitle('斗鱼开播提醒已退出')} window.setInterval(check, 10000);