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"wins": 44, "oscarWins": 1, "emmyWins": 0 }, "quotes": [ { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps we've just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And we've barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, that our destiny lies above us." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "[through video monitor]Hey Dad. You sonabitch. Never made one of these while you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And when you went quiet, it seemed like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today's my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that by the time you came back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[crying]" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "So it'd be a real good time for you to come back." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You're ruling my son out for college now? The kid's fifteen." }, { "character": { "name": "Principal", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0654648/", "sourceId": "nm0654648" } }, "line": "Tom's score simply isn't high enough." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What's your waistline? 32? With, what, a 33 inseam?" }, { "character": { "name": "Principal", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0654648/", "sourceId": "nm0654648" } }, "line": "I'm not sure I see what you're getting at." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You're telling me it takes two numbers to measure your own ass but only one to measure my son's future?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "[as Cooper repairs him]Settings. General settings. Security settings." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Honesty, new setting: ninety-five percent." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Confirmed. Additional settings." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Humor, seventy-five percent." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Confirmed. Self destruct sequence in T minus 10, 9..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Let's make that sixty percent." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Sixty percent, confirmed. Knock knock." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You want fifty-five?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Hey TARS, what's your honesty parameter?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "90 percent." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "90 percent?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Okay, 90 percent it is." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "Endurance rotation is 67, 68 RPM." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "CASE, get ready to match our spin with the retro thrusters." }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "It's not possible." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. It's necessary." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Everybody good? Plenty of slaves for my robot colony?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[whispering]Tell me something. Doctor Brand, and Edmonds..." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Why are you whispering? They can't hear you." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Doctor Brand and Edmonds, they close?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I wouldn't know." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Is that a ninety percent wouldn't know, or ten percent wouldn't know?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I also have a discretion setting, Cooper." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Ah. But not a poker face, huh?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You're a scientist, Brand." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "So listen to me when I say that love isn't something that we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "None." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artefact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Honestly, Amelia... it might." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I have a cue light I can use to show you when I'm joking, if you like." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "That might help." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Yeah, you can use it to find your way back to the ship after I blow you out the airlock." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[cue light flashes]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "This world's a treasure, Don; but it's been telling us to leave for a while now." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "Ranger 2, prepare to detach." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "What! NO, NO! Cooper! Cooper, what are you doing?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Newton's third law. You've got to leave something behind." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "You said there were enough resources for both of us!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We agreed, Dr. Brand... ninety percent." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[to young Murph]Tell him Murph. Make him stay. Make... Make him stay Murph. Make him stay Murph! Don't let me leave, Murph! Don't, don't let me leave Murph! NO, NO, NO, NO!" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "It was you. You were my ghost." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Cooper... Cooper... Come in, Cooper." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "TARS?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Roger that." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You survived!" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Somewhere, in their fifth dimension, they... saved us." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Who the hell is they? Why would they want to help us, huh?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I don't know, but they constructed this three-dimensional space inside of their five-dimensional reality to allow you to understand it." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well, it ain't working." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Yes it is! You've seen that time is represented here as a *physical* dimension! You've worked out that you *can* exert a force across space-time!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Gravity. To send a message." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Affirmative." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Gravity can cross the dimensions, including time." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You don't believe we went to the Moon?" }, { "character": { "name": "Ms. Kelly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2180792/", "sourceId": "nm2180792" } }, "line": "I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, that the Soviets bankrupted themselves, pouring resources into rockets and other useless machines..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Useless machines?" }, { "character": { "name": "Ms. Kelly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2180792/", "sourceId": "nm2180792" } }, "line": "And if we don't want to repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th Century then we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You know, one of those useless machines they used to make was called an MRI, and if we had any of those left the doctors would have been able to find the cyst in my wife's brain, *before* she died instead of after, and then she would've been the one sitting here, listening to this instead of me, which would've been a good thing because she was always the... calmer one." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "Why did you and mom name me after something that's bad?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well, we didn't." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "Murphy's law?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Murphy's law doesn't mean that something bad will happen. It means that whatever *can* happen, will happen. And that sounded just fine to us." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "We have a mission." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Yeah, and our mission is to find a planet that can habitate the people living on Earth right now. Okay? Plan A does not work if the people on Earth are dead by the time we pull it off." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "I'm not afraid of death. I'm an old physicist - I'm afraid of time." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Not sure of what I'm more afraid of: them never coming back, or coming back to find we've failed." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "Then let's succeed." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I'm here now, Murph. I'm here." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "No. No parent should have to watch their own child die. I have my kids here for me now. You go." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Where?" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "Brand. She's... out there. Setting up camp. Alone, in a strange galaxy. Maybe right now, she's settling in for the long nap. By the light of our new sun. In our new home." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "You can't just think about your family. You have to think bigger than that." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I'm thinking about my family and millions of other families." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Cooper, you can't ask TARS to do this for us." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "He's a robot. So you don't have to *ask* him to do anything." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Cooper, you asshole!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Sorry, you broke up a little bit there." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "It's what we intended, Dr. Brand. It's our only chance to save the people on Earth. If I can find a way to transmit the quantum data I'll find in there, they might still make it." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Okay. Now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[looks up, sees space ships]Rangers." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "The last components of our one versatile ship in orbit, the Endurance. Our final expedition." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You sent people out there looking for a new home?" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "The Lazarus missions." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "That sounds cheerful." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Lazarus came back from the dead." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Sure, but he had to die in the first place. There's not a planet in our solar system that can sustain life and the nearest star is over a thousand years away, I mean, that doesn't even qualify as futile. Where'd you send them?" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Cooper, I can't tell you any more, unless you agree to pilot this craft. You're the best pilot we ever had." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "And I barely left the stratosphere." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "This team never left the simulator. We need a pilot, and this is the mission that you were trained for." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What, without even knowing it? An hour ago, you didn't even know I was alive and you were going anyway." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "We had no choice. But something sent you here. They chose you." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well who's \"they\"?" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Dr. Brand does not answer]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "How long would I be gone?" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Hard to know. Years." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I've got kids, professor." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Get out there, and save them." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "You might have to decide between seeing your children again and the future of the human race." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system?" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "To our galaxy." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[comforting his daughter]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I love you, forever. You hear me? I love you forever. And I'm coming back. I'm coming back." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "It's hard leaving everything... my kids, your father..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[cutting him off]We're gonna be spending a lot of time together..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We should learn to talk." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "And when not to. Just being honest." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I don't think you need to be *that* honest." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. Just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said, \"Now, we're just here to be memories for our kids.\" I think now I understand what she meant. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Where's the rest?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Towards the mountains!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Those aren't mountains... they're waves." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Oh shit. Oh shit!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "That one's moving away from us..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[struggling through the water]We need the recorder!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[he looks in the other direction and sees a mounting wave towering thousands of feet over them]Brand, Doyle, back to the Ranger, now!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "What are you gonna do with it?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I'm going to give it something socially responsible to do. Like drive a combine." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "Can't we just let it go? It wasn't hurting anybody." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph. Like the rest of us." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I wouldn't leave you behind... Dr. Brand." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You'd do this for us?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Before you get all teary, try to remember that as a robot, I have to do anything you say." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Your cue light's broken." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I'm not joking. *Flashes cue light*" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Cooper, they didn't bring us here to change the past." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Say that again." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "They didn't bring us here to change the past." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[realizing]But they didn't bring us here at all. We brought ourselves. TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA, in binary." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "In binary, roger, feeding data." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper creates the binary lines in the dust on Murphy's bedroom floor]" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "It's not a ghost... it's gravity." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Don't you get it yet, TARS? I brought myself here! We're here to communicate with the three-dimensional world! We're the bridge! I thought they chose me. But they didn't choose me, they chose her!" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "For what, Cooper?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "To save the world! All of this, is one little girl's bedroom, every moment! It's infinitely complex! They have access, to infinite time and space, but they're not *bound* by anything! They can't find a specific place *in* time, they can't communicate. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph, just like I found this moment." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "How, Cooper?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Love, TARS, love. It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key!" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "What are we here to do?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Find how to tell her... The watch... The watch. That's it. We code the data into the movement of the second hand. TARS, translate the data into Morse and feed it to me." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "She will. She will." }, { "character": { "name": "Getty", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0333410/", "sourceId": "nm0333410" } }, "line": "[watching for Tom]Murph I can see his car! He's coming, Murph!" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "Okay. I'm coming down!" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "How do you know?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Because I gave it to her." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "[rushing downstairs with the watch]He came back! It was him! All this time, I didn't, I didn't know it was him! Dad's gonna save us!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Oh we are not prepared for this. We have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Well we got this far on our brains, further than any human in history." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well not far enough! And now we're stuck *here*, until there won't be anyone on Earth left to save!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Donald", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001475/", "sourceId": "nm0001475" } }, "line": "Popcorn at a ball game is unnatural. I want a hot dog." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. Cause I'm gonna save all of us. For you, Cooper." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Don't judge me, Cooper. You were never tested like I was. Few men have been." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well, this little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "You don't sound so bad for a man pushing 120!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "Dad?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "I thought you were the ghost." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "There are no such things as ghosts, babe." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "Grandpa says you can get ghosts." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Maybe that's because Grandpa is a little too close to being one himself. Go back to bed." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Couldn't you've told her you were going to save the world?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's that you want to make sure your children feel safe. And that rules out telling a 10-year old that the world's ending." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You're a scientist, Brand." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "So listen to me, when I say that love is not something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "We love people who've died. Where's the \"social utility\" in that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "None." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Principal", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0654648/", "sourceId": "nm0654648" } }, "line": "We didn't run out of planes and television sets. We ran out of food." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "How'd it go?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I got you suspended." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We're still pioneers, we barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper is sitting at a parent/teacher meeting with the principal and one of Murph's teachers who wants to punish Murph for believing in the Apollo mission to the moon]" }, { "character": { "name": "Ms. Kelly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2180792/", "sourceId": "nm2180792" } }, "line": "Murph got into a fistfight with several of her classmates over this Apollo nonsense. So we thought it would be best to bring you in and see what ideas you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Alright, yeah, you know what? There's a game tomorrow night. She's going through a bit of a baseball phase. Her favorite team's playing, There's gonna be candy and soda..." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[smiles]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I think I'll take her to that." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[cut to Cooper walking back to his truck, quietly whistling]" }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "How'd it go?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[awkwardly]I got you suspended." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Detach!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Goodbye TARS." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Good-bye Dr. Brand. See you on the other side Coop." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "See you there slick!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[Cooper sits to watch the video messages left for him over the years]Cooper." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "Computer:Messages span twenty-three years." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Play from the beginning." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[message from Tom starts playing]" }, { "character": { "name": "Young Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3154303/", "sourceId": "nm3154303" } }, "line": "Hey, Dad. Checkin' in, sayin' hi. Um... finished second in school, Miss Carlin's still giving me Cs though. Pulled me down, but second's not bad. Grandpa attended the ceremony. Um... oh, I met another girl, dad. I, uh... I really think this is the one. Her name is Lois. That's her right there." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Tom holds up a photo of Lois, Cooper, overwhelmed with emotion, begins weeping]" }, { "character": { "name": "Young Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3154303/", "sourceId": "nm3154303" } }, "line": "Murphy stole grandpa's car. She crashed it, she's okay though." }, { "character": { "name": "Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000729/", "sourceId": "nm0000729" } }, "line": "[we see another message from Tom showing him as an adult]Hey, Dad. Look at this!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Tom holds up his baby next to him]" }, { "character": { "name": "Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000729/", "sourceId": "nm0000729" } }, "line": "You're a grandpa. His name's Jesse. I kind of wanted to call him Coop, but, Lois says maybe next time." }, { "character": { "name": "Lois", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1489668/", "sourceId": "nm1489668" } }, "line": "[to Jesse]Say bye-bye Grandpa. Bye-bye Grandpa." }, { "character": { "name": "Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000729/", "sourceId": "nm0000729" } }, "line": "[Cooper continues to watch his messages, the next one shows Tom looking despondent]Sorry it's been a while. Just... what with Jesse and all. Uh... grandpa died last week. We buried him out in the back plot next to mom and... Jesse. Just where we would've buried you if you'd ever... come back. Murph was there at the funeral. We don't see her that much, but she came for that." }, { "character": { "name": "Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000729/", "sourceId": "nm0000729" } }, "line": "[Tom hesitates]You're not listening to this, I know that. All these messages are just... drifting out there in the darkness. Lois says that, uh... I have to let you go. And, uh... so, I guess... I'm letting you go. I don't know where you are, Dad. But I hope that wherever you are you're at peace. Goodbye." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Tom turns off the camera, Cooper touches the screen not wanting to let go when suddenly a message from a now adult Murph comes up]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I'm coming back..." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "[crying]When?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "Cooper, this is no time for caution." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Look, I'm glad you're excited about gravity, bud, but you're not getting anymore answers until I get assurances." }, { "character": { "name": "Williams", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001137/", "sourceId": "nm0001137" } }, "line": "Assurances?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[Covers Murph's ears]Yeah. Like that we're getting out of here. And I don't mean in the trunk of some car." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We wanna get down fast, don't we?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Actually we want to get there in one piece." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Hang on." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Donald", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001475/", "sourceId": "nm0001475" } }, "line": "In my day we had real ball players. Who are these bums?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "Of all these anomalies, the most significant is this: out near Saturn, a disturbance of space-time." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "It's a wormhole?" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "Appeared 48 years ago." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "And, it leads where?" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Another galaxy." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "A wormhole's not a naturally occurring phenomenon..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Someone placed it there." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "\"They.\"" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "And whoever they are, they appear to be looking out for us. That wormhole, lets us travel to other stars. Came along right as we needed it." }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You send probes into that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Mm-hm." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "We sent *people* into it. Ten years ago." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "The Lazarus missions." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Twelve possible worlds, twelve Ranger launches, carrying the bravest humans ever to live. Led by the remarkable Dr. Mann." }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Each person's landing pod had enough life support for two years, but they could use hibernation to stretch that, making observations on organics over a decade or more. Their mission was to assess their world, and if it showed potential, then they could send out a signal, bed down for the long nap, wait to be rescued." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "And what if the world didn't show promise?" }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Hence the bravery." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "I'm not gonna make it!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Yes you are, yes you are!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Get the patch kit." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Tom", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3154303/", "sourceId": "nm3154303" } }, "line": "How am I supposed to patch it?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Figure it out. I'm not always gonna be here to help you." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Do you see your children? It's okay. They're right there with you." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper returns to see Murph as an old woman]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "It was me, Murph... I was your ghost." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "I know. They didn't believe me, they thought I was doing it all myself. But..." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[points to the watch]" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "I knew who it was." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "Hey Dad." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Hey, Murph." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "You son of a bitch. I never made one of these when you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And then when you went quiet, it felt like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today is my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that when you come back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[she begins to cry]" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "So it would be a real good time for you to come back." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Murph wipes the tears from her eyes and ends the message]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Murph. You have to talk to me, Murph. I have to fix this, before I go." }, { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "I'll keep it broken so you have to stay." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Donald", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001475/", "sourceId": "nm0001475" } }, "line": "When I was a kid, it seemed like they made something new every day. Some, gadget or idea, like every day was Christmas. But six billion people, just imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all. This world isn't so bad. You're the one who doesn't belong. Born forty years too late, or forty years too early... My daughter knew it, God bless her. And your kids know it. Especially Murph." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "If we find a home, then what?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "This is not about my life, or Cooper's life; this is about all mankind!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What happens if he blows the airlock?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Nothing good..." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[first lines]" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "Well, my dad was a farmer. Um, like everybody else back then. Of course, he didn't start that way." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Getty", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0333410/", "sourceId": "nm0333410" } }, "line": "You have an idea?" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "A feeling. I told you about my ghost. My dad thought I called it a ghost, because I was scared of it. But I was never scared of it. I called it a ghost, because it felt... it felt like a person; like it was trying to tell me something. If there's an answer here on earth it's back there, somehow in that room." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "I worked out the message. One word. Know what it is? Stay. It says stay, Dad." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[after Cooper and Brand return to the Endurance 23 years later]" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Why didn't you sleep?" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "Oh, I had a couple of stretches. I stopped believing you were coming back. Something seemed wrong about dreaming my life away." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Did it work?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "I think it might have." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "How do you know?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Because, the bulk beings are closing the tesseract." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Don't you get it yet, TARS? They're not *beings*... they're us! What I've been doing for Murph, they're doing for me, for all of us." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Cooper, people couldn't build this." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. No, not yet. But one day. Not you and me, but a people, a civilization that's evolved beyond the four dimensions we know." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[the tesseract closes around him in a brilliant flash of light]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What happens now?" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[he sees the Endurance on its flight through the wormhole, touches Brand's hand through the space-time distortion]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We'll find a way, Professor, we always have." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Driven by the unshakeable faith, the Earth is ours?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Not just ours, no. But it is our home." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[the ranger won't take off]CASE, what's the problem?" }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "Too waterlogged. Let it drain." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "GODDAMN IT!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[smashes the dashboard]" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "I told you to leave me." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "And I told you to get your ass back here!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Why didn't you leave me?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "The difference is one of us was thinking about the mission, Brand!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper punches the wall next to Brand's head]" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Cooper, you were thinking about getting home! I was trying to do the right thing!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "You tell that to Doyle!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "We agreed Amelia. 90%." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Your father had to find another way to save the human race from extinction. Plan B. A colony." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "But why not tell people? Why keep building those damn stations?" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Because he knew how hard it would be to get people to work together to save the species instead of themselves." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Bullshit." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "You never would have come here unless you believed you were going to save them. Evolution has yet to transcend that simple barrier. We can care deeply - selflessly - about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "But the lie... that monstrous lie..." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Unforgivable. And he knew that. He was prepared to destroy his own humanity in order to save the species. He made an incredible sacrifice..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. No, the incredible sacrifice is being made by the people on Earth who are gonna die! Because in his fucking arrogance he declared their case hopeless." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "I'm sorry Cooper. Their case... is hopeless." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No... no." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "We are the future." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[as they pass through the wormhole a space-time distortion appears inside of the Endurance]" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "What is that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "I think it's them." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[she reaches toward the distortion]" }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Don't, don't!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Brand touches the distortion; the Endurance exits the wormhole and space returns to normal]" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "What was that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[grinning]First handshake." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[reuniting with Romilly, after just a few hours on Miller's planet, deep in Gargantua's gravity well]Hello, Rom." }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "I've waited years." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "How... How many years?" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "By now it must be..." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "It's twenty-three years, four months, eight days." }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "Doyle?" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper stares at floor, walks past]" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "I thought I was prepared. I knew the theory, I... Reality's different." }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "Miller?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "There's nothing here for us." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Our atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen. We don't even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen. The last people to starve, will be the first to suffocate. And your daughter's generation will be the last to survive on Earth." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Very graceful." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. But very efficient." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "[to Tom]He came back! It was him! All this time... I... I didn't know it was him. Dad's gonna save us!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "Eureka! It's traditional..." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[after Mann breaks Cooper's helmet and leaves him for dead]" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "I'm sorry. I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm here. I'm here for you. Just listen to my voice, Cooper. I'm right here. You're not alone." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "[looking back]Do you see your children? It's okay, they're right there with you." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "[turns to leave]Did Professor Brand tell you that poem before you left? Do you remember? \"Do not go gentle... into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.\"" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Mann switches off his transmitter. Cooper chokes; Cooper manages to get his long-range transmitter reinstalled]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[gasping]MURPH! HELP! HELP!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Cooper? CASE! Go! Go!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No... No air... ammonia..." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Cooper, we're coming! Hang in there, don't talk! Try to breathe as little as possible, we're almost there!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "I don't know how long I have been here..." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another face..." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Dr. Mann, do not open the inner hatch. I repeat, do not open the inner hatch! I repeat, do not open..." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Brand? I don't know what he said to you, but I am taking command of the Endurance, and then we can talk about completing the mission." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Dr. Mann, listen to me..." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "This is not about my life, or Cooper's life; this is about all mankind!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[opening the inner hatch]" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "There is a moment..." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[the airlock explodes]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[the ranger's engines are waterlogged, needing time to dry before they can leave Miller's planet]CASE! How much time?" }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "45 to an hour." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Agh!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[removes helmet]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "The stuff of life, huh? What's this gonna cost us, Brand?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[devastated]A lot. Decades." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "God... What happened to Miller?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Judging by the... wreckage, she was broken up by a wave soon after impact." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "How does the wreckage stay together after all these years, huh?" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Because of the time slippage. On this planet's time, she just landed hours ago, she... she probably just died minutes ago." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Sir, I'm having trouble completing the bootup." }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "I don't understand." }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "There is a security lockout, sir, it requires a person to access function. It's all yours, sir." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Romilly accesses archives]" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "[confused]This data makes no sense." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[lying on the floor of the Ranger after the fight with Mann]I'm sorry." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "What?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Mann... was lying! Go, go! Romilly!" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[transmitting]Romilly! Romilly, do you read me, Romilly? Romilly!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Romilly puts in his ear piece]" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "[realizing that KIPP has been booby-trapped]Step back professor! STEP BACK!" }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Mann's landing pod explodes with TARS and Romilly inside]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Cooper, There's no point using fuel to chase..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Analyze the Endurance's spin" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000323/", "sourceId": "nm0000323" } }, "line": "Cooper, what are you doing?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Docking." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[They land on Miller's Planet, which has severe gravitational time dilation]" }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "[sardonically]Very graceful." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. But very efficient." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[He looks at Doyle, who has been alarmed by the landing, and then at Brand]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What are you waiting for? Let's go. Go, go, go, go go! Seven years per hour here. Let's make it count." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Booting up KIPP]" }, { "character": { "name": "Romilly", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1408543/", "sourceId": "nm1408543" } }, "line": "This... data makes no sense." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[while landing on Miller's planet]" }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "We should ease." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Hands where I can see 'em, CASE! The only time I ever went down was when a machine was easing at the wrong time." }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "A little caution..." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Will get you killed, just like reckless driving." }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Cooper, it's too damn fast!" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I got this." }, { "character": { "name": "CASE", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1577637/", "sourceId": "nm1577637" } }, "line": "Should I disable the feedback?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "No. I need to feel the air." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Who's they?" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "Potentially habitable worlds right within our reach." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Could save us from extinction." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "A machine doesn't improvise well because you cannot program a fear of death." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Our survival instinct is our greatest source of inspiration." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Disengage Endurance Two" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "I'm sorry." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "What?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Mann... was lying!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[as the Endurance is about to enter the wormhole]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Any trick to this, Doyle?" }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "No one knows." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Well, the others made it, right?" }, { "character": { "name": "Doyle", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004747/", "sourceId": "nm0004747" } }, "line": "...at least some of them." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Cooper glares at Doyle]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that?" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "None." }, { "character": { "name": "Brand", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/", "sourceId": "nm0004266" } }, "line": "Maybe it means something more, something we can't... yet, understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some... artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade... who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving... that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet. All right, Cooper... yes... the tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Honestly, Amelia... it might. TARS, chart a course for Dr. Mann's." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[Murph, look at me. I can't be your ghost right now]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[You have no idea when you're coming back. No idea at all!]" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Come on, TARS!" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Lois", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1489668/", "sourceId": "nm1489668" } }, "line": "Murph, are you done eating or would you like some more souffle?" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "I'm full, thanks. It was delicious." }, { "character": { "name": "Lois", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1489668/", "sourceId": "nm1489668" } }, "line": "Will you spend the night? Your room is exactly how you left it, it's ready, just..." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "No, I have to get back." }, { "character": { "name": "Lois", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1489668/", "sourceId": "nm1489668" } }, "line": "My sewing machine's in there but there's..." }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1567113/", "sourceId": "nm1567113" } }, "line": "[uncomfortable]I, I have to... just... too many memories." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Mann was lying." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": false, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Young Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3237775/", "sourceId": "nm3237775" } }, "line": "You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": true, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "[as Cooper holds his now elderly daughter's hands]Nobody believed me, but I knew you'd come back." }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "How?" }, { "character": { "name": "Murph", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000995/", "sourceId": "nm0000995" } }, "line": "...Because my dad promised me." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": true, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "Dr. Mann there's a 50/50 chance your gonna kill yourself." }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "Those are the best odds I've had in years." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": true, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[after the explosion]" }, { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "What's your trust setting, TARS?" }, { "character": { "name": "TARS", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/", "sourceId": "nm0410347" } }, "line": "Lower than yours, apparently" } ] }, { "isSpoiler": true, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "Cooper", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/", "sourceId": "nm0000190" } }, "line": "[when Dr. Mann betrays him]You fucking coward." } ] }, { "isSpoiler": true, "lines": [ { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[last lines]" }, { "character": { "name": "Dr. Mann", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000354/", "sourceId": "nm0000354" } }, "line": "...There is a moment..." }, { "character": { "name": "", "playerSource": { "sourceType": "IMDB", "sourceUrl": "", "sourceId": "" } }, "line": "[gets cut-off by an explosion]" } ] } ], "goofs": [ { "details": "In the caravan setting out from the village when the situation on Earth hits bottom there's a clear outline of a Mercedes 190 radiator, showing the Mercedes emblem. That point in time is two generations from now, making that car, which was manufactured up until early 2000, roughly 74 years old.", "groupName": "Anachronisms" }, { "details": "When Getty is at the house with Murph to check on Coop's lungs, he notices Lois coughing. When he asks her how long she's had her cough, she replies off-camera \"A while.\" However, her reflection can be seen in the window behind Getty, & as she says \"A while\", her reflection instead shows her coughing into her arm.", "groupName": "Audio/visual unsynchronised" }, { "details": "At the baseball game, right after Donald complains about not having hot dogs, Murphys spoken dialogue differs from her mouth movements when she talks to Cooper.", "groupName": "Audio/visual unsynchronised" }, { "details": "At the baseball game, when Murph says to Cooper, \"You hate farming, dad,\" the audio is out of sync with her lips.", "groupName": "Audio/visual unsynchronised" }, { "details": "(at around 44 mins) Cooper empathizes with Dr Brand saying, \"It's hard, leaving everything.\" We can see his mouth - although not in focus - is visibly moving before his dialogue.", "groupName": "Audio/visual unsynchronised" }, { "details": "Boom Mic visible in the rear-view mirror of the car when Cooper has said goodbye to his son and closes the car door.", "groupName": "Boom mic visible" }, { "details": "In one scene where the older Murph takes the watch outside the box in her room, a boom mic is being reflected in the glass of the watch.", "groupName": "Boom mic visible" }, { "details": "Considering how important the Lazarus and Endurance missions were to the future humans, it seems highly unlikely that they didn't realize the importance of TARS when it was found together with Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) near Saturn almost 80 years later. They would want to download the wealth of recorded data TARS would contain about the Endurance mission, not just dump it in Cooper's museum house.", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "During the docking crisis scene, CASE analyzes the Endurance's spin at 67-68 RPM, meaning the entire station should complete a little more than 1 rotations per second. However, the actual RPM observed by the viewers is significantly slower, closer to 20 RPM (or 1 rotation every 3 seconds).", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "While docking with the Endurance, Cooper calls out distances in feet. NASA uses the metric system, so he should have been calling the distances in meters. Of course, since it was a while since he worked for NASA, such mistakes were bound to happen.", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "Mann states that the air on his planet contains too much ammonia to be breathable, but that at the surface, \"the chlorine dissipates\", giving way to breathable air.Ammonia is comprised of one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms, with no chlorine in is molecular structure. Mann, being a scientist, would have known this.", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "When Cooper sees the second wave approaching and orders the others back to the spacecraft, he says \"we're in the middle of a swell\".. Actually the region between two wave crests is a \"trough\", not a \"swell\".. (Although the extreme urgency of the situation could have understandably contributed to his error.)", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "During the cornfield drone chase, Cooper says the solar cells on its wings could \"power an entire farm.\" A theoretically 100% efficient solar panel couldn't reach even a hundred watts per square foot.", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "When on Cooper Station while sitting on the porch outside the farmhouse, TARS asks Cooper if \"this is how it really was?\" presumably about how it was back on Earth. However TARS was on Earth when they first met, and by inference, had been for a long time. He surly would have had first hand knowledge of how life was back on Earth.", "groupName": "Character error" }, { "details": "Two characters sustain a fall from an ice plateau, on a steep ice ramp, onto a shadowy ice platform. A moment later, a panoramic shot shows them fighting on a very different place.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Immediately, after the death of Professor Brand, When Murphy is transmitting the message to Dr. Brand, she says, \"I am very sorry for your loss.\"However, when Dr. Brand receives the message at the ship, it plays as, \"I am sorry for your loss.\"", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "The drone that Cooper and his children are chasing has an antenna on top. But the one they catch does not have it.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "When Cooper is sitting in Murph's room following the sandstorm and contemplating gravity as the cause of the lines of sand on the floor, he tosses a coin onto the floor and it lands at the end of a line of sand and very near a joint where two floor boards butt against each other. Then in the next scene the coin has moved to much further up the line of sand and away from the butt joint of the two floor boards, even moving over at least one floor board width.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "When Cooper goes in Murph's room to say goodbye, his watch indicates something like 9 a.m. In the next scene, when he gives a watch to Murph, his watch indicates something like 8.20 a.m.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Cooper draws a schematic on the drawing board to depict a landing on a planet close to the black hole. Two scenes later, the drawing is different from the one first shown.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Once landed on Millers planet, and in the 7 Earth years per their hour time dilation field, the audience can see the receding wave that has just passed.The event flow is real time and only takes a few minutes.The next wave is almost on top of them when it's noticed and, considering the speed at which it arrived, there was too much action from that point before it actually hit, when they should have only had seconds.Also, the crew didn't seem to panic enough for self preservation, since Doyle had died after lingering unnecessarily.As soon as the ship is on the other side of the wave we see the next wave approaching in the background as the landing struts extend.The action / conversation flow is continuous between the waves and is again only a few minutes, yet the dialogue leads us to believe 3/4 of an hour has passed while waiting for the engines to drain.In terms of the context of the situation only around 10-12 minutes was experienced on Millers planet, meaning just over a year of Earth time which would have been similar to original expectations, yet 23 years passed for Romilly on the mother ship.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Inside the tesseract, while Cooper is ready to transmit data from the black hole to Murphy, his space suit changes with a mirror effect (his name is written on his right instead of the left).", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "When the spinning spacecraft Endurance crew looks out their window at a small Earth as they pull further away, just before they all go to hibernation in their liquid-filled tubes, the Earth is spinning counterclockwise. However, in previous scene the Endurance was seen pulling away from Earth rotating clockwise as viewed from Earth.The latter scene's Earth spin should be clockwise instead of counterclockwise.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "When Cooper sits on the bed with Murph,trying to say, \"Goodbye,\" before he leaves, her necklace alternates from being on the outside of her t-shirt and the inside, as the camera perspective changes back and forth.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Prior to Coops leaving Earth there are several scenes where he has a spiral bound notepad in his shirt pocket. Throughout these scenes the notepad spiral binding has a number of loops loose from the pad, then switches to an undamaged notepad and back again.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "During the first dust storm, Cooper pulls the truck straight up to the house. As the family exits the truck and enters the house, the wind and dust is blowing from left to right of the screen. When Cooper and Murph exit the house after the storm, the dust is piled up on the wrong side (right side) of the truck.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Near the end of the film after Murph throws the papers and yells \"Eureka\", you can see a close-up of several people and a yellow mechanical robot arm moving downwards. In the next shot focusing on Murph, the mechanical arm in the background is in full upwards position.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "When driving in the Truck before the tire blew up, Murph has a pencil in her hair. Moments after the blowout, the brother comments on the event by saying \"Murphy's Law\", Murph answers angrily while not having a pencil in her hair.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Young Murph doesn't have a chin cleft; however, the older Murph has one.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "Cooper and Mann's shoes keep changing color from white to orange and vice-versa during their fight scene even though the scenes are believed to be continuous from the sequence. Both of them are seen to have orange spikes in their fight scene and both have completely white shoes later on in the movie.", "groupName": "Continuity" }, { "details": "The rocket launching from the underground facility was portrayed as a three-stage Saturn V booster. The rings of office windows in the silo would have been blown out on launch. The static test firings of the Saturn V's Rocketdyne F-1 motors at NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Alabama were known to routinely blow out windows in downtown Huntsville well over five miles away.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "At 1 AU from Gargantua, Miller's planet would be traveling at roughly 0.99c. In the companion book, Kip Thrope explains that Cooper made use of Intermediate Black Holes (IMBH) of roughly 10,000 solar masses in order to match this velocity. However, using a top speed of 0.3 AU / month (the rate that Endurance traveled to Saturn), it would have taken at least three months in Cooper's time (proper time) for the ranger to travel from an IMBH that was just 1 AU away from Miller's planet to Miller's planet. Given the time dilation in the neighborhood of Miller's planet, roughly 15,000 years in Earth time is needed for this leg of the trip. Another three months from Miller's planet back to another IMBH gives a best case scenario of 30,000 years (Earth time) for a trip to Miller's planet and back.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "No one can survive the g-force necessary to produce 7 years of time dilation per hour. The trip to Miller's planet and back would also consume a prohibitive amount of fuel.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "When leaving Earth, a three stage rocket is used to launch the Ranger and four people (and a robot). When leaving the water planet (with 1.3 times Earth's gravity) the thrust from Ranger is sufficient to lift 2 people (and a robot). The combined weight of the other two people would not be enough to combat the additional gravity.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "Harvesting machines appear in one scene, suggesting harvest is underway. Corn is not harvested when it is green. The plant has matured and the ears ready for harvest when the stalks and leaves appear dried-out, light brown in color or \"dead\" in appearance. Also: drought or \"dust bowl\" conditions would not produce the high stalks and robust rows of thickly-foliaged plants as portrayed in the film. The plants would appear sickly and short.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "After Cooper decides he is leaving for the mission, during ascent in the Ranger TARS announces first that he is \"beginning roll pro-grade\" then goes on to say \"prepare for stage 1 separation... Stage 1... there it is, Mach 1.\" Instead TARS should have announced reaching Mach 1 long before Stage 1 separation. At this point in the ascent by the time the first stage is depleted they would already be going much faster than Mach 1, around 2,300 m/s which is closer to Mach 7. This is possible because as the vehicle gains altitude, air density drops, reducing aerodynamic drag and increasing terminal velocity, allowing the vehicle to go much faster than possible at sea level. The Apollo program utilized its first two stages this way: the first main ascent stage (S-IC) was capable of reaching the edge of the upper atmosphere, but at this point the vehicle would still reenter as it does not have the necessary horizontal velocity to achieve a full orbit. The second stage (S-II) would then be activated to build the horizontal velocity needed to achieve LEO (Low Earth Orbit). Staging is done this way on purpose (using maths) and is very important to save fuel, possibly the most important resource in space besides life support itself. In the movie, the rocket they show used to launch the Ranger is very reminiscent of the first two stages of the Saturn V (Apollo vehicle) with a Ranger attached on top. No operational launch vehicle has ever surpassed the Saturn V in height, weight, total impulse, or payload capability. As this is NASA and not a private space firm doing these missions, it is safe to assume they would re-use effective & proven older designs with slight modifications (payload is now a Ranger) to perform these missions, especially to save on time and development costs. Saturn V and Apollo program details per Wikipedia, knowledge of it per KSP and FAR.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "Approaching the black hole the gravity increases rapidly with the reduced distance to the event horizon (divided with the square of the distance between the two mass objects) i.e. if the distance is halved, the gravity increases by a factor of four. Getting really close to the event horizon every object experiences stronger pull to its parts closer to the event horizon than to those that are further away from it. All objects with mass and size (e.g. humans or space ships) would get torn apart as a result of different gravity acting on their parts. No one and nothing with mass and size can enter or even approach the black hole undamaged.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "During the emergency attempt to dock with the spinning Endurance, CASE informs Cooper that the Endurance is hitting the stratosphere of the planet below, with Brand adding that the Endurance has no heat shield. Since the atmosphere is apparently dense enough to support \"frozen clouds\" (sic), the Endurance would have long burned up before ever coming close to the stratosphere.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "After Dr. Mann blowups up part of Endurance and sends it spinning, there is no reason for Endurance to spin exactly on its original axis (could have been perpendicular or any other direction). Even if it was in the same direction, the rotation axis would not be at the center of the docking bay, as the center of gravity of Endurance would be shifted away from the missing parts. Thus, it is more likely that Endurance would be impossible to dock.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "Murphy's Law is \"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong\" and not \"Anything that can happen, will happen.\"", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "The surface of Miller's planet would not be illuminated. No light would be coming from the black hole since it is not feeding. If it was feeding on other objects there would be a ring of light from an intensely hot ring of plasma and would likely destroy Miller's planet or render it hot, dry and barren.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "The title of the film is technically inaccurate. Interstellar travel is between stars within a galaxy. According to Professor Brand the 3 potential planets (designated Miller, Edmunds and Mann) are in another galaxy. This required both Cooper's Endurance mission and the previous Lazarus mission to travel from our galaxy to another - which would be defined as intergalactic travel.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "As the shuttle heads into Miller's atmosphere and begins to vibrate, the reflections on the astronauts' helmet visors remain perfectly stationary. In fact, they would be vibrating and those images would be jumping as well.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "Such a planet orbiting as Miller's planet would have been tidally locked in orbit meaning it would not rotate, resulting in the same side facing the black hole all the time. The wave would be stationary and pose no threat to anyone on the planet.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "The newer model Dodge truck driven throughout the movie has rust on the chrome plastic trim around the radiator grill. Rust can only possibly form on metal, such as the large chrome bumpers.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "The Dodge Ram truck driven by Cooper has a 6 speed manual transmission. As young Murphy is shifting and grinding the gears being called out loud, she is told second then third, neither of which are in the position she shifts into.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "The \"Population Bomb\" with 500 embryos as described by Dr. Brand would never work with the level of resources and equipment sent with the Endurance. The 500 embryos would have to be put in 500 incubators for viable babies to be born, but there is no sign of that in the base camp set up by Dr. Brand on Edmund's planet. Not even enough food to feed the babies for the first couple of months either before they can crawl and scavenge for themselves.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "At 0:18:20 when they're leaving the car and rushing straight to the entrance door because of the dust storm suddenly there is another person helping them enter the building.But he didn't follow them inside he just walks away to the left side of the house.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "The waves on Miller's planet could not exist where the depth is only 1 meter. Ocean waves are vertical movements of the water which could not exist as shown. If there was horizontal movement of water the currents would be in excess of 1000 kilometers per hour in order to feed that wave of that height.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "At 2h 9mins, during the spinning docking sequence, the G force appears to be forcing the two pilots to lean in different directions, instead of in the same direction. This is correct, as the spacecraft is spinning about its central axis and centrepetal force will act on the pilots in this way.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "According to the exterior views of the Endurance, the individual modules would have very high ceilings. To move between them you would have to climb a ladder and then crawl through a tunnel and climb back down a ladder.This is not reflected in any of the scenes we see inside the Endurance.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "When Dr Mann is retrieved from his Cryogenic Suspension he is cut out of the fluid bag he was occupying after the lid to the chamber is manually opened.He later mentions he had 'slept' several times and the last time in desperation had not set any wake date.How had he managed to extricate himself from his bag on his own previously and place himself back in it and closing the lid whilst in the bag?The mechanics of the cryogenic suspension process is evidently requiring assistance, assistance which Dr Mann didn't have.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "In \"The Science of Interstellar\" special feature, at 21min 03sec the camera flies over the outer rim of a galaxy. There is a whole collection of stars that fly with the camera, rather then past it. They appear stationary in the frame.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "When Cooper and Murphy arrive in the truck at NASA, Cooper wakes her up and tells her it's the end of the road. Murphy sleepily asks him if him if he brought the wire cutter and goes back to sleep. As soon as Cooper steps out of the truck, she sits up wide-eyed and sits in the driver's seat. That was unusual and appears to be a conflict in acting directing.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "Current satellite technology can not only measure things like waves and topography, but it can do it in very fine detail. Surely the Endurance would have had similar (if not more advanced) technology on board. As such, surely they would have noticed the massive, fast moving waves on Miller's planet long before they started the landing process. - But, time is passing on Endurance 7 years per hour compared to on the planet, over 61,000 times faster. The motion of the waves would not have been visible at all. Though, it still seems strange they didn't seem to consider that conditions in the planet's time frame could be drastically different than what they see from the ship.", "groupName": "Incorrectly regarded as goofs" }, { "details": "When he meets the people of NASA, Cooper says the nearest star is 1,000 light years away. While the nearest star, in the Alpha Centauri system, is about 4.4 light years away, Cooper meant that it would take a ship 1,000 years to get there using the technology known at the time.", "groupName": "Incorrectly regarded as goofs" }, { "details": "When Dr. Mann attempts to open the airlock of the Ranger he is on while attempting to enter into the Endurance, there would be basic mechanical, electrical and electronic interlocks preventing him from opening the outer hatch of the airlock while there is still atmosphere in the airlock and there is an imperfect mating of the docking mechanisms. This basic component of airlocks became standard in the 20th century.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "NASA would need the help of significant industrial technology in order to build the Endeavor and the other spacecraft needed for the Lazarus missions. All indications are most of Earth's industry, especially its high tech industry, is no longer operating by 2074 as shown by everyone driving vehicles that are at least 60 years old and the old drone that Cooper and his family caused to crash near their home.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "Cooper and Donald sit on their porch before Cooper's departure, drinking what appears to be beer, despite the fact that all crops except for corn (including ostensibly hops and barley, ingredients in beer) are not able to be grown.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "On Miller's planet, Brand ignores Cooper's order to evacuate immediately because she insists that they nest to retrieve Miller's data. But the planet was clearly uninhabitable due to the mountain sized waves caused by the black hole.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "When Cooper has to reset all the automatic farm machines' GPS systems, this indicates that some agency, normally NASA, has been maintaining and replacing the GPS satellites as needed at a time when NASA is supposedly shut down and no longer existing. We know that NASA still exists, but is keeping its existence secret, so theoretically, it shouldn't be launching GPS satellites every so often. Indications are that most industry in the world has ground to a halt as well, shown by all the vehicles that are by this date, several decades old, so there wouldn't be much of a high tech industry available to build new GPS satellites.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "Doyle dies on Miller's world because he does not get back to the ship in time. However this only happens because he inexplicably chooses to stand around and wait for CASE to rescue Brand instead of continuing to evacuate.", "groupName": "Plot holes" }, { "details": "When Brand climbs onto CASE to rush her back to the Ranger, she's lying in the opposite direction when they start making their way back.", "groupName": "Revealing mistakes" }, { "details": "When Cooper first gifts the watch to Murphy, it is around 8:20. When Murphy throws the watch on the floor, the scene was obviously flipped because now it shows it is 3:30, plus the direction of the clasp is reversed from normal watches.", "groupName": "Revealing mistakes" }, { "details": "After Dr. Mann blows up part of Endurance and sends it spinning, Cooper must match its spin by spinning the shuttle to dock with it. Both Cooper and Dr.Brand can be seen leaning toward the right when the shuttle starts to spin. They return to the upright position when the shuttle has successfully docked with Endurance and both stopped spinning by using the shuttle's retro-thrusters. When the shuttle and Endurance spin at the same speed, they are both in a uniform circular motion, so the only force felt by Cooper and Dr. Brand should be the centripetal force pointing towards the spinning axis, which is behind their seats. They should only feel tangential acceleration that can rotate their seats when the circular motion is not uniform (i.e. when the shuttle spins up and the shuttle plus Endurance slow down). The correct reaction should be: they lean to the right when the shuttle spins up, return to the upright position when the RPM matches, then lean to the left when they slow down, and finally return to the upright position when Endurance stops spinning.", "groupName": "Factual errors" }, { "details": "After waking up on Cooper Station, Cooper walks by a memorial monument which lists the names of the Endurance and Lazarus astronauts. Each list is in alphabetical order, but in the Lazarus list Miller's name appears before Mann's.", "groupName": "Miscellaneous" }, { "details": "When Cooper is visiting Murph on Cooper station there is a younger kid in glasses who looks at the camera crew just before he switches to Cooper.", "groupName": "Revealing mistakes" } ] }