import numpy as np import sys import cv2 import time import datetime import re from pyzm.helpers.Base import Base import portalocker import os from pyzm.helpers.utils import Timer import pyzm.helpers.globals as g import imutils # cv2 version check for unconnected layers fix def cv2_version() -> int: # Sick and tired of OpenCV playing games.... maj, min, patch = "", "", "" x = cv2.__version__.split(".") x_len = len(x) if x_len <= 2: maj, min = x patch = "0" elif x_len == 3: maj, min, patch = x patch = patch.replace("-dev", "") or "0" else: g.logger.Error("come and fix me again, OpenCV changing things every version just to play with us devs") return int(maj + min + patch) # Class to handle Yolo based detection class Yolo(Base): # The actual CNN object detection code # opencv DNN code credit: def __init__(self, options={}): = None self.classes = None self.options = options self.is_locked = False self.processor = self.options.get('object_processor') or 'cpu' self.lock_maximum = int(options.get(self.processor + '_max_processes') or 1) self.lock_timeout = int(options.get(self.processor + '_max_lock_wait') or 120) self.is_get_unconnected_api_list = False # self.lock_name='pyzm_'+self.processor+'_lock' self.lock_name = 'pyzm_uid{}_{}_lock'.format(os.getuid(), self.processor) self.disable_locks = options.get('disable_locks', 'no') if self.disable_locks == 'no': g.logger.Debug(2, 'portalock: max:{}, name:{}, timeout:{}'.format(self.lock_maximum, self.lock_name, self.lock_timeout)) self.lock = portalocker.BoundedSemaphore(maximum=self.lock_maximum, name=self.lock_name, timeout=self.lock_timeout) self.model_height = self.options.get('model_height', 416) self.model_width = self.options.get('model_width', 416) def acquire_lock(self): if self.disable_locks == 'yes': return if self.is_locked: g.logger.Debug(2, '{} portalock already acquired'.format(self.lock_name)) return try: g.logger.Debug(2, 'Waiting for {} portalock...'.format(self.lock_name)) self.lock.acquire() g.logger.Debug(2, 'Got {} portalock'.format(self.lock_name)) self.is_locked = True except portalocker.AlreadyLocked: g.logger.Error('Timeout waiting for {} portalock for {} seconds'.format(self.lock_name, self.lock_timeout)) raise ValueError( 'Timeout waiting for {} portalock for {} seconds'.format(self.lock_name, self.lock_timeout)) def release_lock(self): if self.disable_locks == 'yes': return if not self.is_locked: g.logger.Debug(2, '{} portalock already released'.format(self.lock_name)) return self.lock.release() self.is_locked = False g.logger.Debug(2, 'Released {} portalock'.format(self.lock_name)) def get_options(self): return self.options def populate_class_labels(self): class_file_abs_path = self.options.get('object_labels') f = open(class_file_abs_path, 'r') self.classes = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] f.close() def get_classes(self): return self.classes def load_model(self): name = self.options.get('name') or 'Yolo' g.logger.Debug(1, '|--------- Loading "{}" model from disk -------------|'.format(name)) t = Timer() = cv2.dnn.readNet(self.options.get('object_weights'), self.options.get('object_config')) # = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(config_file_abs_path, weights_file_abs_path) diff_time = t.stop_and_get_ms() cv2_ver = cv2_version() if cv2_ver >= 454: # see # we need to modify Yolo code not to expect a nested structure g.logger.Debug(1, 'You are using OpenCV >= 4.5.4, making sure we fix getUnconnectedOutLayers() API') self.is_get_unconnected_api_list = True g.logger.Debug( 1, 'perf: processor:{} Yolo initialization (loading {} model from disk) took: {}' .format(self.processor, self.options.get('object_weights'), diff_time)) if self.processor == 'gpu': if cv2_ver < 420: g.logger.Error('Not setting CUDA backend for OpenCV DNN') g.logger.Error( 'You are using OpenCV version {} which does not support CUDA for DNNs. A minimum of 4.2 is required. See on how to compile and install openCV 4.2' .format(cv2.__version__)) self.processor = 'cpu' else: g.logger.Debug(1, 'Using CPU for detection') if self.processor == 'gpu': g.logger.Debug(2, 'Setting CUDA backend for OpenCV') g.logger.Debug(3, 'If you did not set your CUDA_ARCH_BIN correctly during OpenCV compilation, you will get errors during detection related to invalid device/make_policy') self.populate_class_labels() def get_output_layers(self): layer_names = if self.is_get_unconnected_api_list: output_layers = [ layer_names[i - 1] for i in ] else: output_layers = [ layer_names[i[0] - 1] for i in ] return output_layers def detect(self, image=None): Height, Width = image.shape[:2] g.logger.Debug(2, 'detect extracted image dimensions as: {}wx{}h'.format(Width, Height)) downscaled = False upsize_xfactor = None upsize_yfactor = None max_size = self.options.get('max_size', Width) old_image = None if Width > max_size: downscaled = True g.logger.Debug(2, 'Scaling image down to max size: {}'.format(max_size)) old_image = image.copy() image = imutils.resize(image, width=max_size) newHeight, newWidth = image.shape[:2] upsize_xfactor = Width / newWidth upsize_yfactor = Height / newHeight if self.options.get('auto_lock', True): self.acquire_lock() try: if not self.load_model() g.logger.Debug( 1, '|---------- YOLO (input image: {}w*{}h, model resize dimensions: {}w*{}h) ----------|' .format(Width, Height, self.model_width, self.model_height)) scale = 0.00392 # 1/255, really. Normalize inputs. t = Timer() ln = self.get_output_layers() blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, scale, (self.model_width, self.model_height), (0, 0, 0), True, crop=False) outs = if self.options.get('auto_lock', True): self.release_lock() except: if self.options.get('auto_lock', True): self.release_lock() raise diff_time = t.stop_and_get_ms() g.logger.Debug( 1, 'perf: processor:{} Yolo detection took: {}'.format(self.processor, diff_time)) class_ids = [] confidences = [] boxes = [] nms_threshold = 0.4 conf_threshold = 0.2 # first nms filter out with a yolo confidence of 0.2 (or less) if float(self.options.get('object_min_confidence')) < conf_threshold: conf_threshold = float(self.options.get('object_min_confidence')) for out in outs: for detection in out: scores = detection[5:] class_id = np.argmax(scores) confidence = scores[class_id] center_x = int(detection[0] * Width) center_y = int(detection[1] * Height) w = int(detection[2] * Width) h = int(detection[3] * Height) x = center_x - w / 2 y = center_y - h / 2 class_ids.append(class_id) confidences.append(float(confidence)) boxes.append([x, y, w, h]) t = Timer() indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, conf_threshold, nms_threshold) diff_time = t.stop_and_get_ms() g.logger.Debug( 2, 'perf: processor:{} Yolo NMS filtering took: {}'.format(self.processor, diff_time)) bbox = [] label = [] conf = [] # now filter out with configured yolo confidence, so we can see rejections in log for i in indices: if not self.is_get_unconnected_api_list: i = i[0] box = boxes[i] x = box[0] y = box[1] w = box[2] h = box[3] bbox.append([ int(round(x)), int(round(y)), int(round(x + w)), int(round(y + h)) ]) label.append(str(self.classes[class_ids[i]])) conf.append(confidences[i]) if downscaled: g.logger.Debug(2, 'Scaling image back up to {}'.format(Width)) image = old_image for box in bbox: box[0] = round(box[0] * upsize_xfactor) box[1] = round(box[1] * upsize_yfactor) box[2] = round(box[2] * upsize_xfactor) box[3] = round(box[3] * upsize_yfactor) return bbox, label, conf, ['yolo'] * len(label)