# Full color code support and some variables
# Keep in mind that variables wont work for some lines, when it will for anothers :)
# Just keep them where there are now and everything will be ok :)
# Some lines can have global variables set. For player who will be effected. In example /heal Zrips then Zrips data will be used
# [serverName] to show server name
# [playerName] to show target player name
# [playerDisplayName] to show target player display name
# [lvl] to show target player level
# [exp] to show target player total exp
# [hp] to show target player health
# [maxHp] to show target player max health
# [hunger] to show target player hunger level
# [gameMode] to show target player gamemode
# [prefix] to show target player prefix if possible
# [suffix] to show target player suffix if possible
# Sender is console or player who performs command. In example Zrips performs /heal Zhax then Zrips data will be used
# [senderName] to show Sender player name
# [senderDisplayName] to show Sender player display name
# [senderLvl] to show Sender player level
# [senderExp] to show Sender player total exp
# [senderHp] to show Sender player health
# [senderMaxHp] to show Sender player max health
# [senderHunger] to show Sender player hunger level
# [senderGameMode] to show Sender player gamemode
# [senderPrefix] to show Sender player prefix if possible
# [senderSuffix] to show Sender player suffix if possible
# Source is player which is being used for extra info. In example Zrips performs /tp Zhax Zrips then Zhax data will be used as its location is being taken for new player location
# [sourceName] to show source player name
# [sourceDisplayName] to show source player display name
# [sourceLvl] to show source player level
# [sourceExp] to show source player total exp
# [sourceHp] to show source player health
# [sourceMaxHp] to show source player max health
# [sourceHunger] to show source player hunger level
# [sourceGameMode] to show source player gamemode
# [sourcePrefix] to show source player prefix if possible
# [sourceSuffix] to show source player suffix if possible
# ***********************************************
# Some lines supports option to send them to custom places, like action bar, title, sub title or even create JSON/clickable messages
# If line starts with !toast! then player will get toast message (advancement popup, only 1.12 and up). Some extra variables can be used to define type and icon. example: !toast! -t:goal -icon:paper Hello world!
# If line starts with !actionbar! then player will get action bar message defined after this variable
# If line starts with !actionbar:[seconds]! then player will get action bar message for defined amount of time
# If line starts with !broadcast! then everyone will receive message. You can add extra !toast! !actionbar! or !title! to send message for everyone to specific place, in example !broadcast!!title!
# If line starts with !customtext:[cTextName]! then custom text will be taken by name provided and shown for player. In case its used after !broadcast! then everyone who is online will get this custom text message
# If line starts with !title! then player will get title message defined after this variable, in addition it can contain !subtitle! which will add subtitle message
# If line starts with !bosbar:[name]-[timer]! then player will get bossbar message defined after this variable, in addition you can define how long this message will be visible. You need to define bossbar name which can be anything you want, but lines with same name will override each other to prevent stacking
# To include clickable messages: TextHover textcommandSuggested text
# and required, other is optional
# Use /n to break line
# To have more than one JSON message use
# performs command as a player who clicked
# performs command from console once
# performs command from console every time player clicks text
# includes url
# Use !prefix! in any locale line to automatically include this prefix
prefix: '&8&l[&cKC&8&l] '
NoPermission: '&8[&cServer&8] &7Na toto nemáš dostatočné práva!'
CantHavePermission: '&8[&cServer&8] &7Na toto nemáš dostatočné práva!'
WrongGroup: '&cYou are in wrong group for this!'
NoPlayerPermission: '&c[playerName] nemáš právo na [permission]'
Ingame: '&cToto môžeš použiť v hre!'
NoInformation: '&cŽiadne informácie!'
Console: '&6Server'
FromConsole: '&cToto môžeš použiť v hre!'
NotOnline: '&cTento hráč nie je online!'
NobodyOnline: '&cNikto nie je online!'
Same: '&cNemôžeš otvoriť svoj vlastný inventár!'
cantLoginWithDifCap: '&cTvoj nick bol zmenený. Starý nick: &e[oldName]&c. Tvoj nick
je &e[currentName]&c.'
Searching: '&eHľadám dáta uživteľa. Može to zabrať nejakú chvíľu!'
NoPlayer: '&cHráč nebol nájdený!'
NoCommand: '&cTaký príkaz neexistuje!'
NoCommandWhileSleeping: '&cCan''t perform commands while sleeping!'
cantFindCommand: '&5Príkaz &7[%1]&5 nenájený, nemyslel si príkaz &7[%2]&5?'
nolocation: '&4Can''t find suitable location'
PurgeNotEnabled: '&cMazanie starých dát nie je povolené v configu!'
FeatureNotEnabled: '&cTáto funkcia nie je povolená'
TeamManagementDisabled: '&7Táto funkcia je obmedzená pokiaľ &eDisableTeamManagement
&7je nastavené na "true"!'
ModuleNotEnabled: '&cTento modul nie je povolený!'
versionNotSupported: '&cVerzia serveru nepodporuje túto možnosť!'
bungeeNoGo: '&ctáto funkcia nefunguje na BuneeCord serveroch!'
clickToTeleport: "&7\n&a Klikni pre teleport \n&7 "
UseMaterial: '&cPouži meno materiálu!'
IncorrectMaterial: '&4Incorrect material name!'
UseInteger: '&cPouži číslo!'
UseBoolean: '&7Použi &aTrue &7alebo &cFalse&7!'
NoLessThan: '&cČíslo nesmie byť menšie ako &7[amount]&c!'
NoMoreThan: '&cČíslo nesmie byť väčšie ako &7[amount]&c!'
NoGameMode: '&cPouži &7[&a0&8/&a1&8/&a2&8/&a3&7] &calebo &aSurvival&8/&aCreative&8/&aAdventure&8/&aSpectator
&calebo &as&8/&ac&8/&aa&8/&asp&c!'
NoWorld: '&cSvet z takým názvom neexistuje!'
IncorrectLocation: '&4Lokácia zle definovaná!'
NameChange: '&6[playerDisplayName] &esa pripojil s menom &6[namelist]'
Cooldowns: '&eOdpočet pre príkaz &6[cmd] &ezačal! Počkaj &6[time]'
specializedCooldowns: '&eOdpočet pre tento príkaz začal! Počkaj &6[time]'
specializedRunning: '&eCommand still running, please wait &6[time]'
CooldownOneTime: '&eTento príkaz môžeš použiť iba raz!'
canceled: '&eVykonávanie príkazu bolo zrušené z dôvodu pohnutia!'
counter: '!actionbar!&8--> &e[time] &8<--'
DontMove: '!title!!subtitle!&6Nehýb sa!'
DontMove: '&4Don''t move for &7[autoTimeLeft] &4seconds!'
WaitFor: '&4Wait for &7[autoTimeLeft] &4seconds!'
Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner'
FailedSpawnerMine: '!actionbar!&cFailed to mine spawner. &7[percent]% &cdrop chance'
ClickSpawner: '!actionbar!&7[percent]% &eDrop chance'
created: '&eVýťah vytvorený!'
CantPlaceSpawner: '&eNemôžeš položiť spawner v blískosti iného spawnera &8(&e[range]&8)'
ChunksLoading: '&eWorld chunk data sa stále načítavajú. Prosím počkaj a skús to
znova neskôr.'
ShulkerBox: Shulker Box
CantUseNonEncrypted: '!actionbar!&cPríkaz pre tento item nie je zapísaný správne.
Nedá sa použiť!'
CantDecode: '!actionbar!&cNemožno odkódovať správu/príkaz. Kľúč pre tento krok je
chybný. Informuj člena tímu!'
Show: '&eZobrziť'
Remove: '&cZamzať'
Back: '&eNaspäť'
Forward: '&eĎalej'
Update: '&eNačítať'
Save: '&eUložiť'
Delete: '&cZmazať'
Click: '&cKlikni'
Preview: '&ePreview'
PasteOld: '&eVložiť starý'
ClickToPaste: '&eKlikni pre vloženie do chatu'
CantTeleportWorld: '&eNemôžeš sa teleportovať do tohoto sveta.'
CantTeleportNoWorld: '&cTarget world doesn''t exist. Teleportation canceled'
CantTeleport: '&eNemôžeš sa teleportovať pretože si presiahol limit itemov. Prejdi
na spodok a zisti maximálny počet itemov.'
ClickToConfirmDelete: '&eClick to confirm removal of &6[name]'
teleported: '&eBol si teleportovaný!'
BlackList: '&e[material] [amount] &6Maximálne [max]'
PlayerSpliter: '&e----- &6[playerDisplayName] &e-----'
Spliter: '&e--------------------------------------------------'
SpliterValue: '&e------------------ &6[value] &e------------------'
singleSpliter: '&e-'
SpliterMiddle: ' &6[value] '
ListSpliter: ', '
ProgressBarFill: '&2▏'
ProgressBarEmpty: '&e▏'
nothingInHand: "\n&8[&cPouži&8] &7/recipe &8[&cmeno itemu&8]\n&a "
nothingInHandLeather: '&eMusíš držať kožený item v ruke.'
nothingToShow: '&eNič tu nie je!'
noItem: '&cPredmet nenájdený!'
dontHaveItem: '&cNemáš &6[itemName] x[amount] &cv tvojom inventáry.'
wrongWorld: '&cNemôžeš toto použiť v tomto svete!'
wrongPortal: '&cYou are in incorrect area of effect'
differentWorld: '&cRozdielne svety'
HaveItem: '&cMáš &6[amount]x [itemName] &cv tvojom inventáry.'
ItemWillBreak: '!actionbar!&eTvoj predmet (&6[itemName]&e) sa za chvíľu rozbije!
ArmorWillBreak: '!actionbar!&eYour [itemName] will break soon! &e[current]&6/&e[max]'
cantDoInGamemode: '&eYou can''t do this in this game mode'
cantDoForPlayer: '&eNemôžeš použiť pre hráča &6[playerDisplayName]'
cantDoForYourSelf: '&eNemôžeš použiť na seba.'
cantDetermineMobType: '&cNemôže určiť moba pre druh z &e[type] &cpremeny.'
cantRename: '!actionbar!&eNemôžeš tento predmet premenovať na tento názov!'
confirmRedefine: '&eClick to confirm redefining'
cantEdit: '&eYou can''t edit this'
wrongName: '&cZlé meno!'
unknown: unknown
invalidName: '&cNeznáme meno!'
alreadyexist: '&cToto meno už je zabraté'
dontexist: '&cHráč s týmto menom neexistuje!'
worldDontExist: '&cPoždovaný svet nie je dostupný. Teleport je zakázaný!'
flyingToHigh: '&cNemôžeš lietať veľmi vysoko. Maximálna výška je &6[max]&c!'
specializedItemFail: '&cNemôžeš zvoliť špecifický item potrebný pre &7[value]'
sunSpeeding: Spí [count] z [total] [hour] hodín [speed]X rýchlejšie!
sleepersRequired: '!actionbar!&f[sleeping] &7z &f[required] &7spí &8(&7viac hráčov
= rýchlejší priebeh noci&8)'
sunSpeedingTitle: '&7[hour]'
skippingNight: '!title!&7Skipping entire night'
sunSpeedingSubTitle: '&f[count]&7/&f[total] &7(&f[speed]X&7)'
repairConfirm: '&7\n&eKlikni sem pre potvrdenie opravy predmetu &7[items] &eza &7[cost]&7\n&c'
bookDate: '&7Napísané: &f[date]'
maintenance: '&7Údržba'
notSet: nenastavené
mapLimit: '&cNemôže presahovať 30 000 000 blockov'
startedEditingPainting: '&eZapol si editor obrazov. Klikni na iný block pre zrušenie.'
canceledEditingPainting: '&eZrušil si editor obrazov.'
changedPainting: '!actionbar!&eZmenil si obraz &6[name] &ez ID &6[id]'
noSpam: '!title!&cNespamuj!'
noCmdSpam: '!title!&cNespamuj príkazy!'
spamConsoleInform: '&cHráč (&7[playerName]&c) bol označený (&7[rules]&c) za porušenie
pravidla:&r [message]'
lookAtSign: '&ePozeraj sa na cedulku!'
lookAtBlock: '&ePozeraj sa na block!'
lookAtEntity: '&ePozeraj sa na entitu!'
noSpace: '&eNot enough free space'
notOnGround: '&eToto nemôžeš použiť počas letu.'
# This line can have extra variables: [totalUsers] [onlinePlayers]
FirstJoin: '&8[&cServer&8] &7Hráč &c[playerDisplayName] &7je poprvé na serveru.
Veľa šťastia!'
LogoutCustom: '&8[&c-&8] [playerName]'
LoginCustom: '&8[&2+&8] [playerName]'
deathlocation: '&eZomrel si na &cx:&6[x] &cy:&6[y] &cz:&6[z]&e vo svete &6[world]'
exploit: '&cYou cant create book with more than [amount] pages'
CantUseShulkerBox: '&cCan''t use shulker box while you are in combat with player.
Wait: [time]'
CantUseCommand: '!actionbar!&cCan''t use command while in combat mobe. Wait: [time]'
bossBarPvp: '&cCombat mode [autoTimeLeft]'
bossBarPve: '&2Combat mode [autoTimeLeft]'
Online: '&6Online'
Offline: '&cOffline'
not: '&cServer nie je napojený na BungeeCord.'
noserver: '&cServer s týmto menom neexistuje!'
server: '&eServer: &7[name]'
am: '&eAM'
pm: '&ePM'
Online: '&aOnline'
Offline: '&cOffline'
TrueColor: '&2'
FalseColor: '&4'
'True': '&aZapnuté'
'False': '&cVypnuté'
Enabled: '&6Zapnuté'
Disabled: '&cVypnuté'
survival: '&6Survival'
creative: '&6Creative'
adventure: '&6Adventure'
spectator: '&6Spectator'
flying: '&cLieta'
notflying: '&cNelieta'
noSchedule: '&cPlán s týmto menom nebol nájdený!'
cooldown: '&eTotem odpočet: [time]'
warmup: '&eTotem effect: [time]'
cantConsume: '&ePoužitie Totemu bolo zamietnute z dôvodu nedokončenia odpočtu!'
FullDrop: '&5Not all items fit in your inventory. They have been dropped on ground'
info: '&8Info: &8[playerDisplayName]'
saved: '&e[time] &eInventár úložený pod ID &e[id]'
NoSavedInv: '&eHráč nemá žiadne uložené inventáre.'
NoEntries: '&cSúbor existuje ale žiaden inventár nebol nájdený!'
CantFind: '&eInventár s týmto ID nebol nájdený!'
TopLine: '&e----------- &6[playerDisplayName] Uložené inventáre &e-----------'
List: '&eID: &6[id]&e. &6[time]'
KillerSymbol: '&c ☠'
Click: '&eKlikni pre zobrazenie ([id]) uloženého inventára.'
IdDontExist: '&cToto uložené ID neexistuje!'
Deleted: '&eTvoj inventár bol zmazaný!'
Restored: '&eObnovil si &e[sourcename] &einventár pre hráča &e[targetname].'
GotRestored: '&eTvoj inventár bol obnovený z [sourcename] z uloženého času [time].'
LoadForSelf: '&eNčítanie tohoto inventár pre teba.'
LoadForOwner: '&eNačítanie tohoto inventára pre majiteľa.'
NextInventory: '&eĎalší inventár'
PreviousInventory: '&ePredošlí inventár'
Editable: '&eEdit mode zapnutý'
NonEditable: '&cEdit mode vypnutý'
TimeNotRecorded: '&e-No record-'
years: '&e[years] &7rokov '
oneYear: '&e[years] &7rok '
day: '&e[days] &7dní '
oneDay: '&e[days] &7deň '
hour: '&e[hours] &7hodiny '
oneHour: '&e[hours] &7hodina '
min: '&e[mins] &7minút '
sec: '&e[secs] &7sekúnd '
vanishSymbolOn: '&8[&bV&8]'
vanishSymbolOff: ''
afkSymbolOn: '&8[&cAFK&8]'
afkSymbolOff: ''
nextPageConsole: '&fFor next page perform &5[command]'
prevPage: "\n&7 <<< &cNaspäť "
prevPageGui: '&6Predchádzajúca strana '
prevPageClean: '&6Predchádzajúca '
prevPageOff: "\n&7 <<< &cNaspäť "
prevPageHover: '&7<<<'
firstPageHover: '&7|<'
nextPage: '&c Ďalej &7>>>'
nextPageGui: '&6Ďalšia strana'
nextPageClean: '&6 Ďalej'
nextPageOff: '&c Ďalej &2>>----'
nextPageHover: '&7>>>'
lastPageHover: '&7>|'
pageCount: '&2[current]&7/&2[total]'
pageCountHover: '&2[totalEntries]'
skullOwner: '!actionbar!&7Owner:&r [playerName]'
beeinfo: '!actionbar!&7Honey level: &e[level]&7/&e[maxlevel] &7Bees inside: &e[count]&7/&e[maxcount]'
circle: '&3Kruh'
square: '&5Štvorec'
clear: '&7Clear'
protectedArea: '&cOchranná zóna. Toto nemôžeš tu použiť.'
valueToLong: '&eHodnota je príliš veľká. Maximum: [max]'
valueToShort: '&eHodnota je príliš malá. Minimum: [min]'
noGodDamage: '!actionbar!&cYou can''t damage players while being immortal'
armor: '&eTvoj Armor sloty by mali byť prázdne!'
hand: '&eTvoja ruka by mala byť prázdna!'
maininv: '&eTvoj hlavný inventár by mal byť prázdny!'
maininvslots: '&eTvoj hlavný inventár by mal mať aspoň &6[count] &epráznych slotov!'
inv: '&eTvoj inventár by mal byť prázdny!'
offhand: '&eTvoja druhá ruka by mala byť prázdna!'
quickbar: '&eTvoj Hotbar by mal byť prázdny!'
quickbarslots: '&eTvoj Hotbar by mal mať aspoň &6[count] &epráznych slotov!'
subinv: '&eTvoj sub inventár musí byť prázdny.'
subinvslots: '&eTvoj sub inventár musí mať aspoň &6[count] &eprázdnych miesto!'
pickIcon: '&8Pick icon'
block_explosion: Explosion
contact: Block Damage
cramming: cramming
custom: Unknown
dragon_breath: Dragon breath
drowning: Drowning
dryout: dryout
entity_attack: Entity attack
entity_explosion: Explosion
entity_sweep_attack: entity sweep attack
fall: Fall
falling_block: Falling block
fire: Fire
fire_tick: Fire
fly_into_wall: Fly into wall
hot_floor: Magma block
lava: Lava
lightning: Lightning
magic: Magic
melting: Melting
poison: Poison
projectile: Projectile
starvation: Starvation
suffocation: Suffocation
suicide: Suicide
thorns: Thorns
void: Void
wither: Wither
BADLANDS: Badlands
BADLANDS_PLATEAU: Badlands plateau
BAMBOO_JUNGLE: Bamboo jungle
BAMBOO_JUNGLE_HILLS: Bamboo jungle hills
BEACH: Beach
BIRCH_FOREST: Birch forest
BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS: Birch forest hills
COLD_OCEAN: Cold ocean
DARK_FOREST: Dark forest
DARK_FOREST_HILLS: Dark forest hills
DEEP_COLD_OCEAN: Deep cold ocean
DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN: Deep frozen ocean
DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN: Deep lukewarm ocean
DEEP_OCEAN: Deep ocean
DEEP_WARM_OCEAN: Deep warm ocean
DESERT: Desert
DESERT_HILLS: Desert hills
DESERT_LAKES: Desert lakes
END_BARRENS: End barrens
END_HIGHLANDS: End highlands
END_MIDLANDS: End midlands
ERODED_BADLANDS: Eroded badlands
FLOWER_FOREST: Flower forest
FOREST: Forest
FROZEN_OCEAN: Frozen ocean
FROZEN_RIVER: Frozen river
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA: Giant spruce taiga
GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS: Giant spruce taiga hills
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA: Giant tree taiga
GIANT_TREE_TAIGA_HILLS: Giant tree taiga hills
GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS: Gravelly mountains
ICE_SPIKES: Ice spikes
JUNGLE: Jungle
JUNGLE_EDGE: Jungle edge
JUNGLE_HILLS: Jungle hills
LUKEWARM_OCEAN: Lukewarm ocean
MODIFIED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU: Modified badlands plateau
MODIFIED_GRAVELLY_MOUNTAINS: Modified gravelly mountains
MODIFIED_JUNGLE: Modified jungle
MODIFIED_JUNGLE_EDGE: Modified jungle edge
MODIFIED_WOODED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU: Modified wooded badlands plateau
MOUNTAINS: Mountains
MOUNTAIN_EDGE: Mountain edge
MUSHROOM_FIELDS: Mushroom fields
MUSHROOM_FIELD_SHORE: Mushroom field shore
NETHER: Nether
OCEAN: Ocean
PLAINS: Plains
RIVER: River
SAVANNA: Savanna
SAVANNA_PLATEAU: Savanna plateau
SHATTERED_SAVANNA: Shattered savanna
SHATTERED_SAVANNA_PLATEAU: Shattered savanna plateau
SMALL_END_ISLANDS: Small end islands
SNOWY_BEACH: Snowy beach
SNOWY_MOUNTAINS: Snowy mountains
SNOWY_TAIGA: Snowy taiga
SNOWY_TAIGA_HILLS: Snowy taiga hills
SNOWY_TAIGA_MOUNTAINS: Snowy taiga mountains
SNOWY_TUNDRA: Snowy tundra
STONE_SHORE: Stone shore
SUNFLOWER_PLAINS: Sunflower plains
SWAMP: Swamp
SWAMP_HILLS: Swamp hills
TAIGA: Taiga
TAIGA_HILLS: Taiga hills
TAIGA_MOUNTAINS: Taiga mountains
TALL_BIRCH_FOREST: Tall birch forest
TALL_BIRCH_HILLS: Tall birch hills
THE_END: The end
THE_VOID: The void
WARM_OCEAN: Warm ocean
WOODED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU: Wooded badlands plateau
WOODED_HILLS: Wooded hills
WOODED_MOUNTAINS: Wooded mountains
area_effect_cloud: Area effect cloud
armor_stand: Armor stand
arrow: Arrow
bat: Bat
bee: Bee
blaze: Blaze
boat: Boat
cat: Cat
cave_spider: Cave spider
chicken: Chicken
cod: Cod
cow: Cow
creeper: Creeper
dolphin: Dolphin
donkey: Donkey
dragon_fireball: Dragon fireball
dropped_item: Dropped item
drowned: Drowned
egg: Egg
elder_guardian: Elder guardian
enderman: Enderman
endermite: Endermite
ender_crystal: Ender crystal
ender_dragon: Ender dragon
ender_pearl: Ender pearl
ender_signal: Ender signal
evoker: Evoker
evoker_fangs: Evoker fangs
experience_orb: Experience orb
falling_block: Falling block
fireball: Fireball
firework: Firework
fishing_hook: Fishing hook
fox: Fox
ghast: Ghast
giant: Giant
guardian: Guardian
horse: Horse
husk: Husk
illusioner: Illusioner
iron_golem: Iron golem
item_frame: Item frame
leash_hitch: Leash hitch
lightning: Lightning
llama: Llama
llama_spit: Llama spit
magma_cube: Magma cube
minecart: Minecart
minecart_chest: Minecart chest
minecart_command: Minecart command
minecart_furnace: Minecart furnace
minecart_hopper: Minecart hopper
minecart_mob_spawner: Minecart mob spawner
minecart_tnt: Minecart tnt
mule: Mule
mushroom_cow: Mushroom cow
ocelot: Ocelot
painting: Painting
panda: Panda
parrot: Parrot
phantom: Phantom
pig: Pig
pig_zombie: Pig zombie
pillager: Pillager
player: Player
polar_bear: Polar bear
primed_tnt: Primed tnt
pufferfish: Pufferfish
rabbit: Rabbit
ravager: Ravager
salmon: Salmon
sheep: Sheep
shulker: Shulker
shulker_bullet: Shulker bullet
silverfish: Silverfish
skeleton: Skeleton
skeleton_horse: Skeleton horse
slime: Slime
small_fireball: Small fireball
snowball: Snowball
snowman: Snowman
spectral_arrow: Spectral arrow
spider: Spider
splash_potion: Splash potion
squid: Squid
stray: Stray
thrown_exp_bottle: Thrown exp bottle
trader_llama: Trader llama
trident: Trident
tropical_fish: Tropical fish
turtle: Turtle
unknown: Unknown
vex: Vex
villager: Villager
vindicator: Vindicator
wandering_trader: Wandering trader
witch: Witch
wither: Wither
wither_skeleton: Wither skeleton
wither_skull: Wither skull
wolf: Wolf
zombie: Zombie
zombie_horse: Zombie horse
zombie_villager: Zombie villager
- FireProtection
- Sharpness
- Flame
- AquaAffinity
- Punch
- DepthStrider
- VanishingCurse
- Unbreaking
- Knockback
- Luck
- BindingCurse
- Fortune
- Protection
- Efficiency
- Mending
- FrostWalker
- Lure
- Looting
- BlastProtection
- Smite
- FireAspect
- SweepingEdge
- Thorns
- BaneOfArthropods
- Respiration
- SilkTouch
- ProjectileProtection
- FallProtection
- FeatherFalling
- Power
- Infinity
- Speed
- Slow
- Fast digging
- Slow digging
- Increase damage
- Heal
- Harm
- Jump
- Confusion
- Regeneration
- Damage resistance
- Fire resistance
- Water breathing
- Invisibility
- Blindness
- Night vision
- Hunger
- Weakness
- Poison
- Wither
- Health boost
- Absorption
- Saturation
- Glowing
- Levitation
- Luck
- Unluck
- Slow falling
- Conduit power
- Dolphins grace
- Bad omen
- Hero of the village
n: Sever
ne: Severo-východ
e: Východ
se: Juho-východ
s: Juh
sw: Juho-západ
w: Západ
nw: Severo-západ
middlemouse: '&2Klikni kolečom myši pre editovanie!'
newItem: '&7Polož sem nový item'
newLine: '&2'
newLineHover: '&2Pridať nový riadok'
newPage: '&2'
newPageHover: '&2Vytvoriť novú stranu'
removePage: '&c'
removePageHover: '&cZmazať stranu'
deleteSymbol: '&cX'
deleteSymbolHover: '&cZmazať &e[text]'
extraEditSymbol: ' &6!'
addSymbol: ' &2+'
addSymbolHover: '&2Pridať nový'
cancelSymbol: ' &7&l[X]'
cancelSymbolHover: '&aCancel'
acceptSymbol: '&8[&a✔&8]'
acceptSymbolHover: '&2Prijať'
denySymbol: ' &8[&4X&8]'
denySymbolHover: '&4Zamietnuť'
enabledSymbol: '&2[+]'
disabledSymbol: '&c[-]'
enabled: '&2Zapnuté'
disabled: '&cVypnuté'
running: '&2Beží'
paused: '&cPozastavené'
editSymbol: '&e✎'
editSymbolHover: '&eEdit &6[text]'
editLineColor: '&f'
listUpSymbol: '&6⇑'
listUpSymbolHover: '&eHore'
listDownSymbol: '&6⇓'
listDownSymbolHover: '&eDole'
listNumbering: '&e[number]. '
listAlign: '&80'
ChangeHover: '&eKlikni pre zmenu'
ChangeCommands: '&eCommands'
enabledColor: '&6'
disabledColor: '&7'
commandTitle: ' &e--- &6[name] &e---'
commandList: ' &e[command] '
emptyLine: '&7[Empty line]'
commandEdit: '&eUpraviť list'
lineAddInfo: '&eNapíš nový riadok. Napíš &6cancel &epre zrušenie.'
commandAddInfo: '&eNapíš nový príkaz. Napíš &6cancel &epre zrušenie.'
commandAddInformationHover: '&e[playerName] môže byť použité pre získanie mena hráča.'
commandEditInfo: '&eKlikni pre vloženie starého textu. Napíš &6cancel &epre zrušenie.
Napíš &6remove &epre zmazanie listu.'
listLimit: '&eList can''t be bigger than &6[amount] &eentries'
commandEditInfoHover: '&eKlikni pre vloženie starého textu.'
list: '&e'
relocation: '!actionbar!&cBol si teleportovaný.'
'on': '&6AFK'
'off': '&7Hraje'
left: '&6[playerDisplayName] &esa vrátil!'
MayNotRespond: '&eJe AFK'
MayNotRespondStaff: '&7Tento administrátor je momentálne &c&lAFK&7.'
hpBar: '&f[victim] &e[max]&f/&e[current] &f(&c-[damage]&f)'
Effects: '&8Efekty potionu'
List: '&e[PotionName] [PotionAmplifier] &eTrvanie: &e[LeftDuration] &esekund'
NoPotions: '&ežiadne'
Title: '&8Informácie o hráčovi'
Health: '&eživoty: &6[Health]/[maxHealth]'
Hunger: '&eJedlo: &6[Hunger]'
Saturation: '&eSýtosť: &6[Saturation]'
Exp: '&eXP: &6[Exp]'
NotEnoughExp: '&eNedostatok XP: &6[Exp]'
NotEnoughExpNeed: '&eNedostatok XP: &6[Exp]/[need]'
tooMuchExp: '&ePríliš veľa XP: &6[Exp]/[need]'
NotEnoughVotes: '&eNedostatok hlasov: &6[votes]'
TooMuchVotes: '&ePríliš veľa hlasov: &6[votes]'
BadGameMode: '&cNemôžeš toto robiť v danom hernom mode!'
BadArea: '&cNemôžeš vykonať túto akciu v tejto oblasti.'
GameMode: '&eHerný mod: &6[GameMode]'
GodMode: '&eGod mode: &6[GodMode]'
Flying: '&eLietanie: &6[Flying]'
CanFly: '&eMôže lietať: &6[CanFly]'
Uuid: '&6[uuid]'
ip: '&eIP: &6[address]'
FirstConnection: '&ePrvé pripojenie: &6[time]'
Lastseen: '&ePosledne videný: &6[time]'
Onlinesince: '&eOnline čas: &6[time]'
Money: '&8[&cPenize&8] &eAktuálny zostatok: &6[money]'
Group: '&eRank: &6[group]'
disabled: '&cNemôžeš použiť tento príkaz počas vypnutej ekonomiky.'
noMoney: '&cNemáš dostatok peňazí!'
charged: '!actionbar!&fCharged: &6[amount]'
notEnoughMoney: '&cNemáš dostatok peňazí! Potrebuješ (&6[amount]&c)'
tooMuchMoney: '&cMáš príliš veľa peňazí!'
commandCost: '&7This command cost is &6[cost] &7repeat it or click here to confirm'
Speed: '&eRýchlosť: &6[speed]&ekm/h'
SpeedBoost: ' &2+ '
SpeedSuperBoost: ' &6+ '
CanUse: '&cNemôžeš si nasadiť elytru!'
CantGlide: '&cCan''t use elytra here!'
Charging: '&eNabíjanie &f[percentage]&e%'
SelectPoints: '&cOznač 2 body s &6[tool]'
PrimaryPoint: '&eVybratý prvý bod [point]'
SecondaryPoint: '&eVybratý druhý bod [point]'
CoordsTop: '&eX:&6[x] &eY:&6[y] &eZ:&6[z]'
CoordsBottom: '&eX:&6[x] &eY:&6[y] &eZ:&6[z]'
Area: '&7[world] &f(&6[x1]:[y1]:[z1] &e[x2]:[y2]:[z2]&f)'
ToHigh: '&cPortál je veľmi vysoký. Maximálna výška je &6[max]&c!'
ToWide: '&cPortál je veľmi široký. Maimálna šírka je &6[max]&c!'
Creation: '!actionbar!&7Created [height]x[width] nether portal!'
Disabled: '&cVytvorenie portálu sa neporadilo!'
Title: '&8Poloha hráčov'
Killer: '&eVrah: &6[killer]'
OneLiner: '&ePoloha: &6[location]'
DeathReason: '&eDôvod smrti: &6[reason]'
Full: '&7[world] &f[x]&7:&f[y]&7:&f[z]'
World: '&eSvet: &6[world]'
X: '&eX: &6[x]'
Y: '&eY: &6[y]'
Z: '&eZ: &6[z]'
Pitch: '&eSklon: &6[pitch]'
Yaw: '&eUhol: &6[yaw]'
Locations: '&7Locations: '
Title: '&7Otvoriť Ender Chestu'
localPrefix: ''
shoutPrefix: '&c[S]&r'
LocalNoOne: '!actionbar!&cNobody hear you, write ! before message for global chat'
shoutDeduction: '!actionbar!&cOdpočet pre &e[amount]&c.'
# Use \n to add new line
publicHover: '&ePoslaný čas: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
privateHover: '&ePoslaný čas: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
staffHover: '&ePoslaný čas: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
helpopHover: '&ePoslaný čas: &6%server_time_hh:mm:ss%'
link: '&l&4[&7ODKAZ&4]'
item: '&7[%cmi_iteminhand_displayname%[amount]&7]'
itemAmount: ' x[amount]'
itemEmpty: '&7[Mighty fist]'