OpenScrapers Repository The official repo for OpenScrapers!. all executable false all OpenScrapers Module Scrape common video host for URL's to be playable in Kodi, simplifying addon development of video plugins requiring multi video hosts. The author is not responsible for the use of this addon. The author is not responsible for the content found using this addon. The author does not host or own any content found within this addon.[CR]The author is in no way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi, or the XBMC Foundation.[CR]This is a Non-profit resource, organized solely for educational purposes which is protected under the Fair-Use doctrine of the Copyright Act, Specifically section 107, which does promote freedom of expression, by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 icon.png - Torrent scraper fixes.