# Changes to rollup-plugin-pug ## \[1.1.1] - 2019-03-24 ### Changed - Update devDependencies. ### Fixed - #14: fix (this.warn is not a function) - thanks to @leptonix - markdown-lint errors ## \[1.1.0] - 2018-10-14 Mostly internal changes ### Added - Add `Promise`, `Object` and `Symbol` to the predefined globals. ### Changed - This version requires node.js 6 or later. - Deprecate the `local` option as the plugin passes all the options to static templates. - Hide the internal `runtimeImport` variable. - Revision of the `transform` method, add comments. - Avoid type coersion (allows Typescript error detection). ### Removed - Unused `assign` function, now the plugin uses object spread. - Removed the ES6 version, seems rollup does not use it. ## \[1.0.0] - 2018-09-18 ### Added - Typescript definitions - Watch the included files in static templates. - AppVeyor tests. ### Changed - peerDependencies has rollup>=0.61 to allow dependency detection (see Rollup [#2259](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/2259)) - Updated devDependencies - Now the development of this plugin uses rollup v0.66 and Typescript v3.0 ### Removed - Dependency on rollup-plugin-buble as Rollup does not depends on it. ## \[0.1.6] - 2017-06-21 ### Changed - Updated devDependencies. ### Fixed - Fixes package installation. ## \[0.1.5] - 2017-06-20 ### Added - A custom runtime can be set through the `pugRuntime` option. - `pugRuntime: false` avoids importation of the pug-runtime. ### Fixed - The pug option `inlineRuntimeFunctions` is honored and the runtime is not imported. ## \[0.1.4] - 2017-05-18 ### Added - Support for ES6 `import` statements in one-line unbuffered code (starting with dash). ### Changed - Pug `render` method is used instead `compile` and receives `locals` and all the plugin options as parameter, so `_pug_options` is not used anymore (thanks to @StreetStrider). ## \[0.1.3] - 2017-03-11 ### Added - For static compilation, all the compiler options are passed through the `_pug_options` value to the template. ### Changed - Using the lastest Pug version. - Updated devDependencies. ## \[0.1.2] - 2016-11-02 ### Fixed - Minor fix to `compileDebug` forced to `true` on source map generation. ## \[0.1.1] - 2016-11-02 ### Changed - `sourceMap` is enabled without the `compileDebug`, regression of this option to `false`. - Updated gen-pug-source-map devDependency to v0.1.1, almost ready for production. ## \[0.1.0] - 2016-10-31 Complete rewrite, WIP ### Added - Experimental support for source maps. - Now the plugin imports an internal version of the pug-runtime *if* is necessary, so you don't have to worry about this anymore. - The new property `locals` is a plain JavaScript object with values passed to the compiler for static compilation. - The new property `staticPattern` is a regex that matches filenames to compile and evaluate at build time to produce plain HTML, so the loading of templates is faster, useful in SSR. ### Changed - The `basedir` option defaults to the absolute path of your rollup `entry` file. - Files from the `extend` and `include` directives are imported by the template, so changes in this dependencies must update the template in watch mode - See issue [#3](https://github.com/aMarCruz/rollup-plugin-pug/issues/3). ## \[0.0.2] - 2016-08-28 - Initial release