 * Kendo UI v2015.2.805 (http://www.telerik.com/kendo-ui)
 * Copyright 2015 Telerik AD. All rights reserved.
 * Kendo UI commercial licenses may be obtained at
 * http://www.telerik.com/purchase/license-agreement/kendo-ui-complete
 * If you do not own a commercial license, this file shall be governed by the trial license terms.
(function(f, define) {
    define([], f)
})(function() {
    "bundle all";
    ! function(e, t, n) {
        function i() {}

        function r(e, t) {
            if (t) return "'" + e.split("'").join("\\'").split('\\"').join('\\\\\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\t/g, "\\t") + "'";
            var n = e.charAt(0),
                i = e.substring(1);
            return "=" === n ? "+(" + i + ")+" : ":" === n ? "+$kendoHtmlEncode(" + i + ")+" : ";" + e + ";$kendoOutput+="

        function o(e, t, n) {
            return e += "", t = t || 2, n = t - e.length, n ? V[t].substring(0, n) + e : e

        function a(e) {
            var t = e.css(mt.support.transitions.css + "box-shadow") || e.css("box-shadow"),
                n = t ? t.match(Dt) || [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                i = kt.max(+n[3], +(n[4] || 0));
            return {
                left: -n[1] + i,
                right: +n[1] + i,
                bottom: +n[2] + i

        function s(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, s, l, c, d, u, h = Ct.browser,
                p = "rtl" == t.css("direction");
            return t.parent().hasClass("k-animation-container") ? (d = t.parent(".k-animation-container"), u = d[0].style, d.is(":hidden") && d.show(), i = St.test(u.width) || St.test(u.height), i || d.css({
                width: t.outerWidth(),
                height: t.outerHeight(),
                boxSizing: "content-box",
                mozBoxSizing: "content-box",
                webkitBoxSizing: "content-box"
            })) : (r = a(t), o = t[0].style.width, s = t[0].style.height, l = St.test(o), c = St.test(s), h.opera && (r.left = r.right = r.bottom = 5), i = l || c, !l && (!n || n && o) && (o = t.outerWidth()), !c && (!n || n && s) && (s = t.outerHeight()), t.wrap(e("<div/>").addClass("k-animation-container").css({
                width: o,
                height: s,
                marginLeft: r.left * (p ? 1 : -1),
                paddingLeft: r.left,
                paddingRight: r.right,
                paddingBottom: r.bottom
            })), i && t.css({
                width: "100%",
                height: "100%",
                boxSizing: "border-box",
                mozBoxSizing: "border-box",
                webkitBoxSizing: "border-box"
            })), h.msie && kt.floor(h.version) <= 7 && (t.css({
                zoom: 1
            }), t.children(".k-menu").width(t.width())), t.parent()

        function l(e) {
            var t = 1,
                n = arguments.length;
            for (t = 1; n > t; t++) c(e, arguments[t]);
            return e

        function c(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s = mt.data.ObservableArray,
                l = mt.data.LazyObservableArray,
                d = mt.data.DataSource,
                u = mt.data.HierarchicalDataSource;
            for (n in t) i = t[n], r = typeof i, o = r === Mt && null !== i ? i.constructor : null, o && o !== Array && o !== s && o !== l && o !== d && o !== u ? i instanceof Date ? e[n] = new Date(i.getTime()) : P(i.clone) ? e[n] = i.clone() : (a = e[n], e[n] = typeof a === Mt ? a || {} : {}, c(e[n], i)) : r !== Rt && (e[n] = i);
            return e

        function d(e, t, i) {
            for (var r in t)
                if (t.hasOwnProperty(r) && t[r].test(e)) return r;
            return i !== n ? i : e

        function u(e) {
            return e.replace(/([a-z][A-Z])/g, function(e) {
                return e.charAt(0) + "-" + e.charAt(1).toLowerCase()

        function h(e) {
            return e.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(e, t) {
                return t.toUpperCase()

        function p(t, n) {
            var i, r = {};
            return document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? (i = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, ""), n && e.each(n, function(e, t) {
                r[t] = i.getPropertyValue(t)
            })) : (i = t.currentStyle, n && e.each(n, function(e, t) {
                r[t] = i[h(t)]
            })), mt.size(r) || (r = i), r

        function f(e) {
            var t = p(e, ["overflow"]).overflow;
            return "auto" == t || "scroll" == t

        function g(e) {
            var t, n = 0;
            for (t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && "toJSON" != t && n++;
            return n

        function m(e, n, i) {
            n || (n = "offset");
            var r = e[n]();
            return Ct.browser.msie && (Ct.pointers || Ct.msPointers) && !i && (r.top -= t.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.scrollTop, r.left -= t.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.scrollLeft), r

        function v(e) {
            var t = {};
            return _t("string" == typeof e ? e.split(" ") : e, function(e) {
                t[e] = this
            }), t

        function _(e) {
            return new mt.effects.Element(e)

        function w(e, t, n, i) {
            return typeof e === It && (P(t) && (i = t, t = 400, n = !1), P(n) && (i = n, n = !1), typeof t === Ft && (n = t, t = 400), e = {
                effects: e,
                duration: t,
                reverse: n,
                complete: i
            }), vt({
                effects: {},
                duration: 400,
                reverse: !1,
                init: yt,
                teardown: yt,
                hide: !1
            }, e, {
                completeCallback: e.complete,
                complete: yt

        function b(t, n, i, r, o) {
            for (var a, s = 0, l = t.length; l > s; s++) a = e(t[s]), a.queue(function() {
                W.promise(a, w(n, i, r, o))
            return t

        function y(e, t, n, i) {
            return t && (t = t.split(" "), _t(t, function(t, n) {
                e.toggleClass(n, i)
            })), e

        function k(e) {
            return ("" + e).replace(j, "&amp;").replace(G, "&lt;").replace(Y, "&gt;").replace(q, "&quot;").replace($, "&#39;")

        function x(e, t) {
            var i;
            return 0 === t.indexOf("data") && (t = t.substring(4), t = t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.substring(1)), t = t.replace(it, "-$1"), i = e.getAttribute("data-" + mt.ns + t), null === i ? i = n : "null" === i ? i = null : "true" === i ? i = !0 : "false" === i ? i = !1 : At.test(i) ? i = parseFloat(i) : tt.test(i) && !nt.test(i) && (i = Function("return (" + i + ")")()), i

        function C(t, i) {
            var r, o, a = {};
            for (r in i) o = x(t, r), o !== n && (et.test(r) && (o = mt.template(e("#" + o).html())), a[r] = o);
            return a

        function S(t, n) {
            return e.contains(t, n) ? -1 : 1

        function T() {
            var t = e(this);
            return e.inArray(t.attr("data-" + mt.ns + "role"), ["slider", "rangeslider"]) > -1 || t.is(":visible")

        function D(e, t) {
            var n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            return (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(n) ? !e.disabled : "a" === n ? e.href || t : t) && A(e)

        function A(t) {
            return e.expr.filters.visible(t) && !e(t).parents().addBack().filter(function() {
                return "hidden" === e.css(this, "visibility")

        function E(e, t) {
            return new E.fn.init(e, t)
        var I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U, W, j, G, q, $, Y, Q, K, X, Z, J, et, tt, nt, it, rt, ot, at, st, lt, ct, dt, ut, ht, pt, ft, gt, mt = t.kendo = t.kendo || {
                cultures: {}
            vt = e.extend,
            _t = e.each,
            wt = e.isArray,
            bt = e.proxy,
            yt = e.noop,
            kt = Math,
            xt = t.JSON || {},
            Ct = {},
            St = /%/,
            Tt = /\{(\d+)(:[^\}]+)?\}/g,
            Dt = /(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+)?/i,
            At = /^(\+|-?)\d+(\.?)\d*$/,
            Et = "function",
            It = "string",
            Pt = "number",
            Mt = "object",
            zt = "null",
            Ft = "boolean",
            Rt = "undefined",
            Ht = {},
            Bt = {},
            Lt = [].slice,
            Nt = t.Globalize;
        mt.version = "2015.2.805", i.extend = function(e) {
            var t, n, i = function() {},
                r = this,
                o = e && e.init ? e.init : function() {
                    r.apply(this, arguments)
            i.prototype = r.prototype, n = o.fn = o.prototype = new i;
            for (t in e) n[t] = null != e[t] && e[t].constructor === Object ? vt(!0, {}, i.prototype[t], e[t]) : e[t];
            return n.constructor = o, o.extend = r.extend, o
        }, i.prototype._initOptions = function(e) {
            this.options = l({}, this.options, e)
        }, P = mt.isFunction = function(e) {
            return "function" == typeof e
        }, M = function() {
            this._defaultPrevented = !0
        }, z = function() {
            return this._defaultPrevented === !0
        }, F = i.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._events = {}
            bind: function(e, t, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = typeof e === It ? [e] : e,
                    u = typeof t === Et;
                if (t === n) {
                    for (r in e) c.bind(r, e[r]);
                    return c
                for (r = 0, o = d.length; o > r; r++) e = d[r], s = u ? t : t[e], s && (i && (a = s, s = function() {
                    c.unbind(e, s), a.apply(c, arguments)
                }, s.original = a), l = c._events[e] = c._events[e] || [], l.push(s));
                return c
            one: function(e, t) {
                return this.bind(e, t, !0)
            first: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = typeof e === It ? [e] : e,
                    l = typeof t === Et;
                for (n = 0, i = s.length; i > n; n++) e = s[n], r = l ? t : t[e], r && (o = a._events[e] = a._events[e] || [], o.unshift(r));
                return a
            trigger: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r._events[e];
                if (o) {
                    for (t = t || {}, t.sender = r, t._defaultPrevented = !1, t.preventDefault = M, t.isDefaultPrevented = z, o = o.slice(), n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++) o[n].call(r, t);
                    return t._defaultPrevented === !0
                return !1
            unbind: function(e, t) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r._events[e];
                if (e === n) r._events = {};
                else if (o)
                    if (t)
                        for (i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)(o[i] === t || o[i].original === t) && o.splice(i, 1);
                    else r._events[e] = [];
                return r
        }), R = /^\w+/, H = /\$\{([^}]*)\}/g, B = /\\\}/g, L = /__CURLY__/g, N = /\\#/g, O = /__SHARP__/g, V = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000"], I = {
            paramName: "data",
            useWithBlock: !0,
            render: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = "";
                for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) r += e(t[n]);
                return r
            compile: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, o, a = vt({}, this, t),
                    s = a.paramName,
                    l = s.match(R)[0],
                    c = a.useWithBlock,
                    d = "var $kendoOutput, $kendoHtmlEncode = kendo.htmlEncode;";
                if (P(e)) return e;
                for (d += c ? "with(" + s + "){" : "", d += "$kendoOutput=", i = e.replace(B, "__CURLY__").replace(H, "#=$kendoHtmlEncode($1)#").replace(L, "}").replace(N, "__SHARP__").split("#"), o = 0; i.length > o; o++) d += r(i[o], o % 2 === 0);
                d += c ? ";}" : ";", d += "return $kendoOutput;", d = d.replace(O, "#");
                try {
                    return n = Function(l, d), n._slotCount = Math.floor(i.length / 2), n
                } catch (u) {
                    throw Error(mt.format("Invalid template:'{0}' Generated code:'{1}'", e, d))
        function() {
            function e(e) {
                return a.lastIndex = 0, a.test(e) ? '"' + e.replace(a, function(e) {
                    var t = s[e];
                    return typeof t === It ? t : "\\u" + ("0000" + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
                }) + '"' : '"' + e + '"'

            function t(o, a) {
                var s, c, d, u, h, p, f = n,
                    g = a[o];
                if (g && typeof g === Mt && typeof g.toJSON === Et && (g = g.toJSON(o)), typeof r === Et && (g = r.call(a, o, g)), p = typeof g, p === It) return e(g);
                if (p === Pt) return isFinite(g) ? g + "" : zt;
                if (p === Ft || p === zt) return g + "";
                if (p === Mt) {
                    if (!g) return zt;
                    if (n += i, h = [], "[object Array]" === l.apply(g)) {
                        for (u = g.length, s = 0; u > s; s++) h[s] = t(s, g) || zt;
                        return d = 0 === h.length ? "[]" : n ? "[\n" + n + h.join(",\n" + n) + "\n" + f + "]" : "[" + h.join(",") + "]", n = f, d
                    if (r && typeof r === Mt)
                        for (u = r.length, s = 0; u > s; s++) typeof r[s] === It && (c = r[s], d = t(c, g), d && h.push(e(c) + (n ? ": " : ":") + d));
                        for (c in g) Object.hasOwnProperty.call(g, c) && (d = t(c, g), d && h.push(e(c) + (n ? ": " : ":") + d));
                    return d = 0 === h.length ? "{}" : n ? "{\n" + n + h.join(",\n" + n) + "\n" + f + "}" : "{" + h.join(",") + "}", n = f, d
            var n, i, r, a = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
                s = {
                    "\b": "\\b",
                    "	": "\\t",
                    "\n": "\\n",
                    "\f": "\\f",
                    "\r": "\\r",
                    '"': '\\"',
                    "\\": "\\\\"
                l = {}.toString;
            typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== Et && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function() {
                var e = this;
                return isFinite(e.valueOf()) ? o(e.getUTCFullYear(), 4) + "-" + o(e.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + o(e.getUTCDate()) + "T" + o(e.getUTCHours()) + ":" + o(e.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + o(e.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
            }, String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function() {
                return this.valueOf()
            }), typeof xt.stringify !== Et && (xt.stringify = function(e, o, a) {
                var s;
                if (n = "", i = "", typeof a === Pt)
                    for (s = 0; a > s; s += 1) i += " ";
                else typeof a === It && (i = a); if (r = o, o && typeof o !== Et && (typeof o !== Mt || typeof o.length !== Pt)) throw Error("JSON.stringify");
                return t("", {
                    "": e
        function() {
            function t(e) {
                if (e) {
                    if (e.numberFormat) return e;
                    if (typeof e === It) {
                        var t = mt.cultures;
                        return t[e] || t[e.split("-")[0]] || null
                    return null
                return null

            function i(e) {
                return e && (e = t(e)), e || mt.cultures.current

            function r(e) {
                e.groupSizes = e.groupSize, e.percent.groupSizes = e.percent.groupSize, e.currency.groupSizes = e.currency.groupSize

            function a(e, t, r) {
                r = i(r);
                var a = r.calendars.standard,
                    s = a.days,
                    l = a.months;
                return t = a.patterns[t] || t, t.replace(d, function(t) {
                    var i, r, c;
                    return "d" === t ? r = e.getDate() : "dd" === t ? r = o(e.getDate()) : "ddd" === t ? r = s.namesAbbr[e.getDay()] : "dddd" === t ? r = s.names[e.getDay()] : "M" === t ? r = e.getMonth() + 1 : "MM" === t ? r = o(e.getMonth() + 1) : "MMM" === t ? r = l.namesAbbr[e.getMonth()] : "MMMM" === t ? r = l.names[e.getMonth()] : "yy" === t ? r = o(e.getFullYear() % 100) : "yyyy" === t ? r = o(e.getFullYear(), 4) : "h" === t ? r = e.getHours() % 12 || 12 : "hh" === t ? r = o(e.getHours() % 12 || 12) : "H" === t ? r = e.getHours() : "HH" === t ? r = o(e.getHours()) : "m" === t ? r = e.getMinutes() : "mm" === t ? r = o(e.getMinutes()) : "s" === t ? r = e.getSeconds() : "ss" === t ? r = o(e.getSeconds()) : "f" === t ? r = kt.floor(e.getMilliseconds() / 100) : "ff" === t ? (r = e.getMilliseconds(), r > 99 && (r = kt.floor(r / 10)), r = o(r)) : "fff" === t ? r = o(e.getMilliseconds(), 3) : "tt" === t ? r = e.getHours() < 12 ? a.AM[0] : a.PM[0] : "zzz" === t ? (i = e.getTimezoneOffset(), c = 0 > i, r = ("" + kt.abs(i / 60)).split(".")[0], i = kt.abs(i) - 60 * r, r = (c ? "+" : "-") + o(r), r += ":" + o(i)) : ("zz" === t || "z" === t) && (r = e.getTimezoneOffset() / 60, c = 0 > r, r = ("" + kt.abs(r)).split(".")[0], r = (c ? "+" : "-") + ("zz" === t ? o(r) : r)), r !== n ? r : t.slice(1, t.length - 1)

            function s(e, t, r) {
                r = i(r);
                var o, a, s, c, d, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L = r.numberFormat,
                    N = L.groupSize[0],
                    O = L[m],
                    V = L[g],
                    U = L.decimals,
                    W = L.pattern[0],
                    j = [],
                    G = 0 > e,
                    q = f,
                    $ = f,
                    Y = -1;
                if (e === n) return f;
                if (!isFinite(e)) return e;
                if (!t) return r.name.length ? e.toLocaleString() : "" + e;
                if (d = u.exec(t)) {
                    if (t = d[1].toLowerCase(), a = "c" === t, s = "p" === t, (a || s) && (L = a ? L.currency : L.percent, N = L.groupSize[0], O = L[m], V = L[g], U = L.decimals, o = L.symbol, W = L.pattern[G ? 0 : 1]), c = d[2], c && (U = +c), "e" === t) return c ? e.toExponential(U) : e.toExponential();
                    if (s && (e *= 100), e = l(e, U), G = 0 > e, e = e.split(g), b = e[0], y = e[1], G && (b = b.substring(1)), $ = b, k = b.length, k >= N)
                        for ($ = f, C = 0; k > C; C++) C > 0 && (k - C) % N === 0 && ($ += O), $ += b.charAt(C);
                    if (y && ($ += V + y), "n" === t && !G) return $;
                    for (e = f, C = 0, S = W.length; S > C; C++) T = W.charAt(C), e += "n" === T ? $ : "$" === T || "%" === T ? o : T;
                    return e
                if (G && (e = -e), (t.indexOf("'") > -1 || t.indexOf('"') > -1 || t.indexOf("\\") > -1) && (t = t.replace(h, function(e) {
                    var t = e.charAt(0).replace("\\", ""),
                        n = e.slice(1).replace(t, "");
                    return j.push(n), w
                })), t = t.split(";"), G && t[1]) t = t[1], A = !0;
                else if (0 === e) {
                    if (t = t[2] || t[0], -1 == t.indexOf(v) && -1 == t.indexOf(_)) return t
                } else t = t[0]; if (F = t.indexOf("%"), R = t.indexOf("$"), s = -1 != F, a = -1 != R, s && (e *= 100), a && "\\" === t[R - 1] && (t = t.split("\\").join(""), a = !1), (a || s) && (L = a ? L.currency : L.percent, N = L.groupSize[0], O = L[m], V = L[g], U = L.decimals, o = L.symbol), D = t.indexOf(m) > -1, D && (t = t.replace(p, f)), E = t.indexOf(g), S = t.length, -1 != E ? (y = ("" + e).split("e"), y = y[1] ? l(e, Math.abs(y[1])) : y[0], y = y.split(g)[1] || f, P = t.lastIndexOf(_) - E, I = t.lastIndexOf(v) - E, M = P > -1, z = I > -1, C = y.length, M || z || (t = t.substring(0, E) + t.substring(E + 1), S = t.length, E = -1, C = 0), M && P > I ? C = P : I > P && (z && C > I ? C = I : M && P > C && (C = P)), C > -1 && (e = l(e, C))) : e = l(e), I = t.indexOf(v), H = P = t.indexOf(_), Y = -1 == I && -1 != P ? P : -1 != I && -1 == P ? I : I > P ? P : I, I = t.lastIndexOf(v), P = t.lastIndexOf(_), B = -1 == I && -1 != P ? P : -1 != I && -1 == P ? I : I > P ? I : P, Y == S && (B = Y), -1 != Y) {
                    if ($ = ("" + e).split(g), b = $[0], y = $[1] || f, k = b.length, x = y.length, G && -1 * e >= 0 && (G = !1), D)
                        if (k === N && E - H > k) b = O + b;
                        else if (k > N) {
                        for ($ = f, C = 0; k > C; C++) C > 0 && (k - C) % N === 0 && ($ += O), $ += b.charAt(C);
                        b = $
                    for (e = t.substring(0, Y), G && !A && (e += "-"), C = Y; S > C; C++) {
                        if (T = t.charAt(C), -1 == E) {
                            if (k > B - C) {
                                e += b;
                        } else if (-1 != P && C > P && (q = f), k >= E - C && E - C > -1 && (e += b, C = E), E === C) {
                            e += (y ? V : f) + y, C += B - E + 1;
                        T === _ ? (e += T, q = T) : T === v && (e += q)
                    if (B >= Y && (e += t.substring(B + 1)), a || s) {
                        for ($ = f, C = 0, S = e.length; S > C; C++) T = e.charAt(C), $ += "$" === T || "%" === T ? o : T;
                        e = $
                    if (S = j.length)
                        for (C = 0; S > C; C++) e = e.replace(w, j[C])
                return e
            var l, c, d = /dddd|ddd|dd|d|MMMM|MMM|MM|M|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|mm|m|fff|ff|f|tt|ss|s|zzz|zz|z|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g,
                u = /^(n|c|p|e)(\d*)$/i,
                h = /(\\.)|(['][^']*[']?)|(["][^"]*["]?)/g,
                p = /\,/g,
                f = "",
                g = ".",
                m = ",",
                v = "#",
                _ = "0",
                w = "??",
                b = "en-US",
                y = {}.toString;
            mt.cultures["en-US"] = {
                name: b,
                numberFormat: {
                    pattern: ["-n"],
                    decimals: 2,
                    ",": ",",
                    ".": ".",
                    groupSize: [3],
                    percent: {
                        pattern: ["-n %", "n %"],
                        decimals: 2,
                        ",": ",",
                        ".": ".",
                        groupSize: [3],
                        symbol: "%"
                    currency: {
                        pattern: ["($n)", "$n"],
                        decimals: 2,
                        ",": ",",
                        ".": ".",
                        groupSize: [3],
                        symbol: "$"
                calendars: {
                    standard: {
                        days: {
                            names: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
                            namesAbbr: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
                            namesShort: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]
                        months: {
                            names: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
                            namesAbbr: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
                        AM: ["AM", "am", "AM"],
                        PM: ["PM", "pm", "PM"],
                        patterns: {
                            d: "M/d/yyyy",
                            D: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",
                            F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
                            g: "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt",
                            G: "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
                            m: "MMMM dd",
                            M: "MMMM dd",
                            s: "yyyy'-'MM'-'ddTHH':'mm':'ss",
                            t: "h:mm tt",
                            T: "h:mm:ss tt",
                            u: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'",
                            y: "MMMM, yyyy",
                            Y: "MMMM, yyyy"
                        "/": "/",
                        ":": ":",
                        firstDay: 0,
                        twoDigitYearMax: 2029
            }, mt.culture = function(e) {
                var i, o = mt.cultures;
                return e === n ? o.current : (i = t(e) || o[b], i.calendar = i.calendars.standard, o.current = i, Nt && !Nt.load && r(i.numberFormat), n)
            }, mt.findCulture = t, mt.getCulture = i, mt.culture(b), l = function(e, t) {
                return t = t || 0, e = ("" + e).split("e"), e = Math.round(+(e[0] + "e" + (e[1] ? +e[1] + t : t))), e = ("" + e).split("e"), e = +(e[0] + "e" + (e[1] ? +e[1] - t : -t)), e.toFixed(t)
            }, c = function(e, t, i) {
                if (t) {
                    if ("[object Date]" === y.call(e)) return a(e, t, i);
                    if (typeof e === Pt) return s(e, t, i)
                return e !== n ? e : ""
            }, Nt && !Nt.load && (c = function(t, n, i) {
                return e.isPlainObject(i) && (i = i.name), Nt.format(t, n, i)
            }), mt.format = function(e) {
                var t = arguments;
                return e.replace(Tt, function(e, n, i) {
                    var r = t[parseInt(n, 10) + 1];
                    return c(r, i ? i.substring(1) : "")
            }, mt._extractFormat = function(e) {
                return "{0:" === e.slice(0, 3) && (e = e.slice(3, e.length - 1)), e
            }, mt._activeElement = function() {
                try {
                    return document.activeElement
                } catch (e) {
                    return document.documentElement.activeElement
            }, mt._round = l, mt.toString = c
        function() {
            function t(e, t, n) {
                return !(e >= t && n >= e)

            function i(e) {
                return e.charAt(0)

            function r(t) {
                return e.map(t, i)

            function o(e, t) {
                t || 23 !== e.getHours() || e.setHours(e.getHours() + 2)

            function a(e) {
                for (var t = 0, n = e.length, i = []; n > t; t++) i[t] = (e[t] + "").toLowerCase();
                return i

            function s(e) {
                var t, n = {};
                for (t in e) n[t] = a(e[t]);
                return n

            function l(e, i, a) {
                if (!e) return null;
                var l, c, d, u, f, g, m, _, w, b, y, k, x, C = function(e) {
                        for (var t = 0; i[H] === e;) t++, H++;
                        return t > 0 && (H -= 1), t
                    S = function(t) {
                        var n = v[t] || RegExp("^\\d{1," + t + "}"),
                            i = e.substr(B, t).match(n);
                        return i ? (i = i[0], B += i.length, parseInt(i, 10)) : null
                    T = function(t, n) {
                        for (var i, r, o, a = 0, s = t.length, l = 0, c = 0; s > a; a++) i = t[a], r = i.length, o = e.substr(B, r), n && (o = o.toLowerCase()), o == i && r > l && (l = r, c = a);
                        return l ? (B += l, c + 1) : null
                    D = function() {
                        var t = !1;
                        return e.charAt(B) === i[H] && (B++, t = !0), t
                    A = a.calendars.standard,
                    E = null,
                    I = null,
                    P = null,
                    M = null,
                    z = null,
                    F = null,
                    R = null,
                    H = 0,
                    B = 0,
                    L = !1,
                    N = new Date,
                    O = A.twoDigitYearMax || 2029,
                    V = N.getFullYear();
                for (i || (i = "d"), u = A.patterns[i], u && (i = u), i = i.split(""), d = i.length; d > H; H++)
                    if (l = i[H], L) "'" === l ? L = !1 : D();
                    else if ("d" === l) {
                    if (c = C("d"), A._lowerDays || (A._lowerDays = s(A.days)), null !== P && c > 2) continue;
                    if (P = 3 > c ? S(2) : T(A._lowerDays[3 == c ? "namesAbbr" : "names"], !0), null === P || t(P, 1, 31)) return null
                } else if ("M" === l) {
                    if (c = C("M"), A._lowerMonths || (A._lowerMonths = s(A.months)), I = 3 > c ? S(2) : T(A._lowerMonths[3 == c ? "namesAbbr" : "names"], !0), null === I || t(I, 1, 12)) return null;
                    I -= 1
                } else if ("y" === l) {
                    if (c = C("y"), E = S(c), null === E) return null;
                    2 == c && ("string" == typeof O && (O = V + parseInt(O, 10)), E = V - V % 100 + E, E > O && (E -= 100))
                } else if ("h" === l) {
                    if (C("h"), M = S(2), 12 == M && (M = 0), null === M || t(M, 0, 11)) return null
                } else if ("H" === l) {
                    if (C("H"), M = S(2), null === M || t(M, 0, 23)) return null
                } else if ("m" === l) {
                    if (C("m"), z = S(2), null === z || t(z, 0, 59)) return null
                } else if ("s" === l) {
                    if (C("s"), F = S(2), null === F || t(F, 0, 59)) return null
                } else if ("f" === l) {
                    if (c = C("f"), x = e.substr(B, c).match(v[3]), R = S(c), null !== R && (x = x[0].length, 3 > x && (R *= Math.pow(10, 3 - x)), c > 3 && (R = parseInt(("" + R).substring(0, 3), 10))), null === R || t(R, 0, 999)) return null
                } else if ("t" === l) {
                    if (c = C("t"), _ = A.AM, w = A.PM, 1 === c && (_ = r(_), w = r(w)), f = T(w), !f && !T(_)) return null
                } else if ("z" === l) {
                    if (g = !0, c = C("z"), "Z" === e.substr(B, 1)) {
                    if (m = e.substr(B, 6).match(c > 2 ? p : h), !m) return null;
                    if (m = m[0].split(":"), b = m[0], y = m[1], !y && b.length > 3 && (B = b.length - 2, y = b.substring(B), b = b.substring(0, B)), b = parseInt(b, 10), t(b, -12, 13)) return null;
                    if (c > 2 && (y = parseInt(y, 10), isNaN(y) || t(y, 0, 59))) return null
                } else if ("'" === l) L = !0, D();
                else if (!D()) return null;
                return k = null !== M || null !== z || F || null, null === E && null === I && null === P && k ? (E = V, I = N.getMonth(), P = N.getDate()) : (null === E && (E = V), null === P && (P = 1)), f && 12 > M && (M += 12), g ? (b && (M += -b), y && (z += -y), e = new Date(Date.UTC(E, I, P, M, z, F, R))) : (e = new Date(E, I, P, M, z, F, R), o(e, M)), 100 > E && e.setFullYear(E), e.getDate() !== P && g === n ? null : e

            function c(e) {
                var t = "-" === e.substr(0, 1) ? -1 : 1;
                return e = e.substring(1), e = 60 * parseInt(e.substr(0, 2), 10) + parseInt(e.substring(2), 10), t * e
            var d = /\u00A0/g,
                u = /[eE][\-+]?[0-9]+/,
                h = /[+|\-]\d{1,2}/,
                p = /[+|\-]\d{1,2}:?\d{2}/,
                f = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/,
                g = /[+-]\d*/,
                m = ["G", "g", "d", "F", "D", "y", "m", "T", "t"],
                v = {
                    2: /^\d{1,2}/,
                    3: /^\d{1,3}/,
                    4: /^\d{4}/
                _ = {}.toString;
            mt.parseDate = function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s;
                if ("[object Date]" === _.call(e)) return e;
                if (i = 0, r = null, e && 0 === e.indexOf("/D") && (r = f.exec(e))) return r = r[1], s = g.exec(r.substring(1)), r = new Date(parseInt(r, 10)), s && (s = c(s[0]), r = mt.timezone.apply(r, 0), r = mt.timezone.convert(r, 0, -1 * s)), r;
                if (n = mt.getCulture(n), !t) {
                    for (t = [], a = n.calendar.patterns, o = m.length; o > i; i++) t[i] = a[m[i]];
                    i = 0, t = ["yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm", "yyyy/MM/dd", "ddd MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffff", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", "yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm"].concat(t)
                for (t = wt(t) ? t : [t], o = t.length; o > i; i++)
                    if (r = l(e, t[i], n)) return r;
                return r
            }, mt.parseInt = function(e, t) {
                var n = mt.parseFloat(e, t);
                return n && (n = 0 | n), n
            }, mt.parseFloat = function(e, t, n) {
                if (!e && 0 !== e) return null;
                if (typeof e === Pt) return e;
                e = "" + e, t = mt.getCulture(t);
                var i, r, o = t.numberFormat,
                    a = o.percent,
                    s = o.currency,
                    l = s.symbol,
                    c = a.symbol,
                    h = e.indexOf("-");
                return u.test(e) ? (e = parseFloat(e.replace(o["."], ".")), isNaN(e) && (e = null), e) : h > 0 ? null : (h = h > -1, e.indexOf(l) > -1 || n && n.toLowerCase().indexOf("c") > -1 ? (o = s, i = o.pattern[0].replace("$", l).split("n"), e.indexOf(i[0]) > -1 && e.indexOf(i[1]) > -1 && (e = e.replace(i[0], "").replace(i[1], ""), h = !0)) : e.indexOf(c) > -1 && (r = !0, o = a, l = c), e = e.replace("-", "").replace(l, "").replace(d, " ").split(o[","].replace(d, " ")).join("").replace(o["."], "."), e = parseFloat(e), isNaN(e) ? e = null : h && (e *= -1), e && r && (e /= 100), e)
            }, Nt && !Nt.load && (mt.parseDate = function(e, t, n) {
                return "[object Date]" === _.call(e) ? e : Nt.parseDate(e, t, n)
            }, mt.parseFloat = function(t, i) {
                return typeof t === Pt ? t : t === n || null === t ? null : (e.isPlainObject(i) && (i = i.name), t = Nt.parseFloat(t, i), isNaN(t) ? null : t)
        function() {
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            Ct._scrollbar = n, Ct.scrollbar = function(e) {
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                        wp: /(Windows Phone(?: OS)?)\s(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
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                        mozilla: /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/i
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                return this.stop(e, t)
            kendoAnimate: function(e, t, n, i) {
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            kendoAddClass: function(e, t) {
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            kendoRemoveClass: function(e, t) {
                return mt.toggleClass(this, e, t, !1)
            kendoToggleClass: function(e, t, n) {
                return mt.toggleClass(this, e, t, n)
        }), j = /&/g, G = /</g, q = /"/g, $ = /'/g, Y = />/g, Q = function(e) {
            return e.target
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            e.fn[n] = function(e) {
                return this.bind(n, e)
        })), Ct.touch ? Ct.mobileOS ? (Ct.mousedown = "touchstart", Ct.mouseup = "touchend", Ct.mousemove = "touchmove", Ct.mousecancel = "touchcancel", Ct.click = "touchend", Ct.resize = "orientationchange") : (Ct.mousedown = "mousedown touchstart", Ct.mouseup = "mouseup touchend", Ct.mousemove = "mousemove touchmove", Ct.mousecancel = "mouseleave touchcancel", Ct.click = "click", Ct.resize = "resize") : Ct.pointers ? (Ct.mousemove = "pointermove", Ct.mousedown = "pointerdown", Ct.mouseup = "pointerup", Ct.mousecancel = "pointercancel", Ct.click = "pointerup", Ct.resize = "orientationchange resize") : Ct.msPointers ? (Ct.mousemove = "MSPointerMove", Ct.mousedown = "MSPointerDown", Ct.mouseup = "MSPointerUp", Ct.mousecancel = "MSPointerCancel", Ct.click = "MSPointerUp", Ct.resize = "orientationchange resize") : (Ct.mousemove = "mousemove", Ct.mousedown = "mousedown", Ct.mouseup = "mouseup", Ct.mousecancel = "mouseleave", Ct.click = "click", Ct.resize = "resize"), K = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a = t || "d",
                s = 1;
            for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) o = e[i], "" !== o && (n = o.indexOf("["), 0 !== n && (-1 == n ? o = "." + o : (s++, o = "." + o.substring(0, n) + " || {})" + o.substring(n))), s++, a += o + (r - 1 > i ? " || {})" : ")"));
            return Array(s).join("(") + a
        }, X = /^([a-z]+:)?\/\//i, vt(mt, {
            ui: mt.ui || {},
            fx: mt.fx || _,
            effects: mt.effects || W,
            mobile: mt.mobile || {},
            data: mt.data || {},
            dataviz: mt.dataviz || {},
            keys: {
                INSERT: 45,
                DELETE: 46,
                BACKSPACE: 8,
                TAB: 9,
                ENTER: 13,
                ESC: 27,
                LEFT: 37,
                UP: 38,
                RIGHT: 39,
                DOWN: 40,
                END: 35,
                HOME: 36,
                SPACEBAR: 32,
                PAGEUP: 33,
                PAGEDOWN: 34,
                F2: 113,
                F10: 121,
                F12: 123,
                NUMPAD_PLUS: 107,
                NUMPAD_MINUS: 109,
                NUMPAD_DOT: 110
            support: mt.support || Ct,
            animate: mt.animate || b,
            ns: "",
            attr: function(e) {
                return "data-" + mt.ns + e
            getShadows: a,
            wrap: s,
            deepExtend: l,
            getComputedStyles: p,
            isScrollable: f,
            size: g,
            toCamelCase: h,
            toHyphens: u,
            getOffset: mt.getOffset || m,
            parseEffects: mt.parseEffects || v,
            toggleClass: mt.toggleClass || y,
            directions: mt.directions || U,
            Observable: F,
            Class: i,
            Template: I,
            template: bt(I.compile, I),
            render: bt(I.render, I),
            stringify: bt(xt.stringify, xt),
            eventTarget: Q,
            htmlEncode: k,
            isLocalUrl: function(e) {
                return e && !X.test(e)
            expr: function(e, t, n) {
                return e = e || "", typeof t == It && (n = t, t = !1), n = n || "d", e && "[" !== e.charAt(0) && (e = "." + e), t ? (e = e.replace(/"([^.]*)\.([^"]*)"/g, '"$1_$DOT$_$2"'), e = e.replace(/'([^.]*)\.([^']*)'/g, "'$1_$DOT$_$2'"), e = K(e.split("."), n), e = e.replace(/_\$DOT\$_/g, ".")) : e = n + e, e
            getter: function(e, t) {
                var n = e + t;
                return Ht[n] = Ht[n] || Function("d", "return " + mt.expr(e, t))
            setter: function(e) {
                return Bt[e] = Bt[e] || Function("d,value", mt.expr(e) + "=value")
            accessor: function(e) {
                return {
                    get: mt.getter(e),
                    set: mt.setter(e)
            guid: function() {
                var e, t, n = "";
                for (e = 0; 32 > e; e++) t = 16 * kt.random() | 0, (8 == e || 12 == e || 16 == e || 20 == e) && (n += "-"), n += (12 == e ? 4 : 16 == e ? 3 & t | 8 : t).toString(16);
                return n
            roleSelector: function(e) {
                return e.replace(/(\S+)/g, "[" + mt.attr("role") + "=$1],").slice(0, -1)
            directiveSelector: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.split(" ");
                if (n)
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) "view" != n[t] && (n[t] = n[t].replace(/(\w*)(view|bar|strip|over)$/, "$1-$2"));
                return n.join(" ").replace(/(\S+)/g, "kendo-mobile-$1,").slice(0, -1)
            triggeredByInput: function(e) {
                return /^(label|input|textarea|select)$/i.test(e.target.tagName)
            logToConsole: function(e) {
                var i = t.console;
                !mt.suppressLog && n !== i && i.log && i.log(e)
        }), Z = F.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this;
                i.element = mt.jQuery(e).handler(i), i.angular("init", t), F.fn.init.call(i), n = t ? t.dataSource : null, n && (t = vt({}, t, {
                    dataSource: {}
                })), t = i.options = vt(!0, {}, i.options, t), n && (t.dataSource = n), i.element.attr(mt.attr("role")) || i.element.attr(mt.attr("role"), (t.name || "").toLowerCase()), i.element.data("kendo" + t.prefix + t.name, i), i.bind(i.events, t)
            events: [],
            options: {
                prefix: ""
            _hasBindingTarget: function() {
                return !!this.element[0].kendoBindingTarget
            _tabindex: function(e) {
                e = e || this.wrapper;
                var t = this.element,
                    n = "tabindex",
                    i = e.attr(n) || t.attr(n);
                t.removeAttr(n), e.attr(n, isNaN(i) ? 0 : i)
            setOptions: function(t) {
                this._setEvents(t), e.extend(this.options, t)
            _setEvents: function(e) {
                for (var t, n = this, i = 0, r = n.events.length; r > i; i++) t = n.events[i], n.options[t] && e[t] && n.unbind(t, n.options[t]);
                n.bind(n.events, e)
            resize: function(e) {
                var t = this.getSize(),
                    n = this._size;
                (e || (t.width > 0 || t.height > 0) && (!n || t.width !== n.width || t.height !== n.height)) && (this._size = t, this._resize(t, e), this.trigger("resize", t))
            getSize: function() {
                return mt.dimensions(this.element)
            size: function(e) {
                return e ? (this.setSize(e), n) : this.getSize()
            setSize: e.noop,
            _resize: e.noop,
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.element.removeData("kendo" + e.options.prefix + e.options.name), e.element.removeData("handler"), e.unbind()
            _destroy: function() {
            angular: function() {}
        }), J = Z.extend({
            dataItems: function() {
                return this.dataSource.flatView()
            _angularItems: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                n.angular(t, function() {
                    return {
                        elements: n.items(),
                        data: e.map(n.dataItems(), function(e) {
                            return {
                                dataItem: e
        }), mt.dimensions = function(e, t) {
            var n = e[0];
            return t && e.css(t), {
                width: n.offsetWidth,
                height: n.offsetHeight
        }, mt.notify = yt, et = /template$/i, tt = /^\s*(?:\{(?:.|\r\n|\n)*\}|\[(?:.|\r\n|\n)*\])\s*$/, nt = /^\{(\d+)(:[^\}]+)?\}|^\[[A-Za-z_]*\]$/, it = /([A-Z])/g, mt.initWidget = function(i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _;
            if (o ? o.roles && (o = o.roles) : o = mt.ui.roles, i = i.nodeType ? i : i[0], u = i.getAttribute("data-" + mt.ns + "role")) {
                f = -1 === u.indexOf("."), l = f ? o[u] : mt.getter(u)(t), m = e(i).data(), v = l ? "kendo" + l.fn.options.prefix + l.fn.options.name : "", g = f ? RegExp("^kendo.*" + u + "$", "i") : RegExp("^" + v + "$", "i");
                for (_ in m)
                    if (_.match(g)) {
                        if (_ !== v) return m[_];
                        a = m[_]
                if (l) {
                    for (p = x(i, "dataSource"), r = e.extend({}, C(i, l.fn.options), r), p && (r.dataSource = typeof p === It ? mt.getter(p)(t) : p), c = 0, d = l.fn.events.length; d > c; c++) s = l.fn.events[c], h = x(i, s), h !== n && (r[s] = mt.getter(h)(t));
                    return a ? e.isEmptyObject(r) || a.setOptions(r) : a = new l(i, r), a
        }, mt.rolesFromNamespaces = function(e) {
            var t, n, i = [];
            for (e[0] || (e = [mt.ui, mt.dataviz.ui]), t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i[t] = e[t].roles;
            return vt.apply(null, [{}].concat(i.reverse()))
        }, mt.init = function(t) {
            var n = mt.rolesFromNamespaces(Lt.call(arguments, 1));
            e(t).find("[data-" + mt.ns + "role]").addBack().each(function() {
                mt.initWidget(this, {}, n)
        }, mt.destroy = function(t) {
            e(t).find("[data-" + mt.ns + "role]").addBack().each(function() {
                var t, n = e(this).data();
                for (t in n) 0 === t.indexOf("kendo") && typeof n[t].destroy === Et && n[t].destroy()
        }, mt.resize = function(t, n) {
            var i, r = e(t).find("[data-" + mt.ns + "role]").addBack().filter(T);
            r.length && (i = e.makeArray(r), i.sort(S), e.each(i, function() {
                var t = mt.widgetInstance(e(this));
                t && t.resize(n)
        }, mt.parseOptions = C, vt(mt.ui, {
            Widget: Z,
            DataBoundWidget: J,
            roles: {},
            progress: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = t.find(".k-loading-mask"),
                    l = mt.support,
                    c = l.browser;
                n ? s.length || (i = l.isRtl(t), r = i ? "right" : "left", a = t.scrollLeft(), o = c.webkit && i ? t[0].scrollWidth - t.width() - 2 * a : 0, s = e("<div class='k-loading-mask'><span class='k-loading-text'>Loading...</span><div class='k-loading-image'/><div class='k-loading-color'/></div>").width("100%").height("100%").css("top", t.scrollTop()).css(r, Math.abs(a) + o).prependTo(t)) : s && s.remove()
            plugin: function(t, i, r) {
                var o, a = t.fn.options.name;
                i = i || mt.ui, r = r || "", i[a] = t, i.roles[a.toLowerCase()] = t, o = "getKendo" + r + a, a = "kendo" + r + a, e.fn[a] = function(i) {
                    var r, o = this;
                    return typeof i === It ? (r = Lt.call(arguments, 1), this.each(function() {
                        var t, s, l = e.data(this, a);
                        if (!l) throw Error(mt.format("Cannot call method '{0}' of {1} before it is initialized", i, a));
                        if (t = l[i], typeof t !== Et) throw Error(mt.format("Cannot find method '{0}' of {1}", i, a));
                        return s = t.apply(l, r), s !== n ? (o = s, !1) : n
                    })) : this.each(function() {
                        new t(this, i)
                    }), o
                }, e.fn[a].widget = t, e.fn[o] = function() {
                    return this.data(a)
        }), rt = {
            bind: function() {
                return this
            nullObject: !0,
            options: {}
        }, ot = Z.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                Z.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.element.autoApplyNS(), this.wrapper = this.element, this.element.addClass("km-widget")
            destroy: function() {
                Z.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.kendoDestroy()
            options: {
                prefix: "Mobile"
            events: [],
            view: function() {
                var e = this.element.closest(mt.roleSelector("view splitview modalview drawer"));
                return mt.widgetInstance(e, mt.mobile.ui) || rt
            viewHasNativeScrolling: function() {
                var e = this.view();
                return e && e.options.useNativeScrolling
            container: function() {
                var e = this.element.closest(mt.roleSelector("view layout modalview drawer splitview"));
                return mt.widgetInstance(e.eq(0), mt.mobile.ui) || rt
        }), vt(mt.mobile, {
            init: function(e) {
                mt.init(e, mt.mobile.ui, mt.ui, mt.dataviz.ui)
            appLevelNativeScrolling: function() {
                return mt.mobile.application && mt.mobile.application.options && mt.mobile.application.options.useNativeScrolling
            roles: {},
            ui: {
                Widget: ot,
                DataBoundWidget: J.extend(ot.prototype),
                roles: {},
                plugin: function(e) {
                    mt.ui.plugin(e, mt.mobile.ui, "Mobile")
        }), l(mt.dataviz, {
            init: function(e) {
                mt.init(e, mt.dataviz.ui)
            ui: {
                roles: {},
                themes: {},
                views: [],
                plugin: function(e) {
                    mt.ui.plugin(e, mt.dataviz.ui)
            roles: {}
        }), mt.touchScroller = function(t, n) {
            return e(t).map(function(t, i) {
                return i = e(i), Ct.kineticScrollNeeded && mt.mobile.ui.Scroller && !i.data("kendoMobileScroller") ? (i.kendoMobileScroller(n), i.data("kendoMobileScroller")) : !1
        }, mt.preventDefault = function(e) {
        }, mt.widgetInstance = function(e, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s = e.data(mt.ns + "role"),
                l = [];
            if (s) {
                if ("content" === s && (s = "scroller"), n)
                    if (n[0])
                        for (i = 0, r = n.length; r > i; i++) l.push(n[i].roles[s]);
                    else l.push(n.roles[s]);
                else l = [mt.ui.roles[s], mt.dataviz.ui.roles[s], mt.mobile.ui.roles[s]];
                for (s.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (l = [mt.getter(s)(t)]), i = 0, r = l.length; r > i; i++)
                    if (o = l[i], o && (a = e.data("kendo" + o.fn.options.prefix + o.fn.options.name))) return a
        }, mt.onResize = function(n) {
            var i = n;
            return Ct.mobileOS.android && (i = function() {
                setTimeout(n, 600)
            }), e(t).on(Ct.resize, i), i
        }, mt.unbindResize = function(n) {
            e(t).off(Ct.resize, n)
        }, mt.attrValue = function(e, t) {
            return e.data(mt.ns + t)
        }, mt.days = {
            Sunday: 0,
            Monday: 1,
            Tuesday: 2,
            Wednesday: 3,
            Thursday: 4,
            Friday: 5,
            Saturday: 6
        }, e.extend(e.expr[":"], {
            kendoFocusable: function(t) {
                var n = e.attr(t, "tabindex");
                return D(t, !isNaN(n) && n > -1)
        }), at = ["mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mouseup", "click"], st = "label, input, [data-rel=external]", lt = {
            setupMouseMute: function() {
                var t, n = 0,
                    i = at.length,
                    r = document.documentElement;
                if (!lt.mouseTrap && Ct.eventCapture)
                    for (lt.mouseTrap = !0, lt.bustClick = !1, lt.captureMouse = !1, t = function(t) {
                        lt.captureMouse && ("click" === t.type ? lt.bustClick && !e(t.target).is(st) && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation()) : t.stopPropagation())
                    }; i > n; n++) r.addEventListener(at[n], t, !0)
            muteMouse: function(e) {
                lt.captureMouse = !0, e.data.bustClick && (lt.bustClick = !0), clearTimeout(lt.mouseTrapTimeoutID)
            unMuteMouse: function() {
                clearTimeout(lt.mouseTrapTimeoutID), lt.mouseTrapTimeoutID = setTimeout(function() {
                    lt.captureMouse = !1, lt.bustClick = !1
                }, 400)
        }, ct = {
            down: "touchstart mousedown",
            move: "mousemove touchmove",
            up: "mouseup touchend touchcancel",
            cancel: "mouseleave touchcancel"
        }, Ct.touch && (Ct.mobileOS.ios || Ct.mobileOS.android) ? ct = {
            down: "touchstart",
            move: "touchmove",
            up: "touchend touchcancel",
            cancel: "touchcancel"
        } : Ct.pointers ? ct = {
            down: "pointerdown",
            move: "pointermove",
            up: "pointerup",
            cancel: "pointercancel pointerleave"
        } : Ct.msPointers && (ct = {
            down: "MSPointerDown",
            move: "MSPointerMove",
            up: "MSPointerUp",
            cancel: "MSPointerCancel MSPointerLeave"
        }), !Ct.msPointers || "onmspointerenter" in t || e.each({
            MSPointerEnter: "MSPointerOver",
            MSPointerLeave: "MSPointerOut"
        }, function(t, n) {
            e.event.special[t] = {
                delegateType: n,
                bindType: n,
                handle: function(t) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = t.relatedTarget,
                        a = t.handleObj;
                    return (!o || o !== r && !e.contains(r, o)) && (t.type = a.origType, i = a.handler.apply(this, arguments), t.type = n), i
        }), dt = function(e) {
            return ct[e] || e
        }, ut = /([^ ]+)/g, mt.applyEventMap = function(e, t) {
            return e = e.replace(ut, dt), t && (e = e.replace(ut, "$1." + t)), e
        }, ht = e.fn.on, vt(!0, E, e), E.fn = E.prototype = new e, E.fn.constructor = E, E.fn.init = function(t, n) {
            return n && n instanceof e && !(n instanceof E) && (n = E(n)), e.fn.init.call(this, t, n, pt)
        }, E.fn.init.prototype = E.fn, pt = E(document), vt(E.fn, {
            handler: function(e) {
                return this.data("handler", e), this
            autoApplyNS: function(e) {
                return this.data("kendoNS", e || mt.guid()), this
            on: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.data("kendoNS");
                return 1 === arguments.length ? ht.call(a, arguments[0]) : (e = a, t = Lt.call(arguments), typeof t[t.length - 1] === Rt && t.pop(), n = t[t.length - 1], i = mt.applyEventMap(t[0], s), Ct.mouseAndTouchPresent && i.search(/mouse|click/) > -1 && this[0] !== document.documentElement && (lt.setupMouseMute(), r = 2 === t.length ? null : t[1], o = i.indexOf("click") > -1 && i.indexOf("touchend") > -1, ht.call(this, {
                    touchstart: lt.muteMouse,
                    touchend: lt.unMuteMouse
                }, r, {
                    bustClick: o
                })), typeof n === It && (e = a.data("handler"), n = e[n], t[t.length - 1] = function(t) {
                    n.call(e, t)
                }), t[0] = i, ht.apply(a, t), a)
            kendoDestroy: function(e) {
                return e = e || this.data("kendoNS"), e && this.off("." + e), this
        }), mt.jQuery = E, mt.eventMap = ct, mt.timezone = function() {
            function e(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = t[3],
                    a = t[4],
                    s = t[5],
                    l = t[8];
                return l || (t[8] = l = {}), l[e] ? l[e] : (isNaN(a) ? 0 === a.indexOf("last") ? (n = new Date(Date.UTC(e, d[o] + 1, 1, s[0] - 24, s[1], s[2], 0)), i = u[a.substr(4, 3)], r = n.getUTCDay(), n.setUTCDate(n.getUTCDate() + i - r - (i > r ? 7 : 0))) : a.indexOf(">=") >= 0 && (n = new Date(Date.UTC(e, d[o], a.substr(5), s[0], s[1], s[2], 0)), i = u[a.substr(0, 3)], r = n.getUTCDay(), n.setUTCDate(n.getUTCDate() + i - r + (r > i ? 7 : 0))) : n = new Date(Date.UTC(e, d[o], a, s[0], s[1], s[2], 0)), l[e] = n)

            function t(t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s;
                return (n = n[i]) ? (a = new Date(t).getUTCFullYear(), n = jQuery.grep(n, function(e) {
                    var t = e[0],
                        n = e[1];
                    return a >= t && (n >= a || t == a && "only" == n || "max" == n)
                }), n.push(t), n.sort(function(t, n) {
                    return "number" != typeof t && (t = +e(a, t)), "number" != typeof n && (n = +e(a, n)), t - n
                }), s = n[jQuery.inArray(t, n) - 1] || n[n.length - 1], isNaN(s) ? s : null) : (r = i.split(":"), o = 0, r.length > 1 && (o = 60 * r[0] + +r[1]), [-1e6, "max", "-", "Jan", 1, [0, 0, 0], o, "-"])

            function n(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = t[n];
                if ("string" == typeof a && (a = t[a]), !a) throw Error('Timezone "' + n + '" is either incorrect, or kendo.timezones.min.js is not included.');
                for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0 && (r = a[i][3], !(r && e > r)); i--);
                if (o = a[i + 1], !o) throw Error('Timezone "' + n + '" not found on ' + e + ".");
                return o

            function i(e, i, r, o) {
                typeof e != Pt && (e = Date.UTC(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds()));
                var a = n(e, i, o);
                return {
                    zone: a,
                    rule: t(e, r, a[1])

            function r(e, t) {
                var n, r, o;
                return "Etc/UTC" == t || "Etc/GMT" == t ? 0 : (n = i(e, this.zones, this.rules, t), r = n.zone, o = n.rule, mt.parseFloat(o ? r[0] - o[6] : r[0]))

            function o(e, t) {
                var n = i(e, this.zones, this.rules, t),
                    r = n.zone,
                    o = n.rule,
                    a = r[2];
                return a.indexOf("/") >= 0 ? a.split("/")[o && +o[6] ? 1 : 0] : a.indexOf("%s") >= 0 ? a.replace("%s", o && "-" != o[7] ? o[7] : "") : a

            function a(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                return typeof t == It && (t = this.offset(e, t)), typeof n == It && (n = this.offset(e, n)), i = e.getTimezoneOffset(), e = new Date(e.getTime() + 6e4 * (t - n)), r = e.getTimezoneOffset(), new Date(e.getTime() + 6e4 * (r - i))

            function s(e, t) {
                return this.convert(e, e.getTimezoneOffset(), t)

            function l(e, t) {
                return this.convert(e, t, e.getTimezoneOffset())

            function c(e) {
                return this.apply(new Date(e), "Etc/UTC")
            var d = {
                    Jan: 0,
                    Feb: 1,
                    Mar: 2,
                    Apr: 3,
                    May: 4,
                    Jun: 5,
                    Jul: 6,
                    Aug: 7,
                    Sep: 8,
                    Oct: 9,
                    Nov: 10,
                    Dec: 11
                u = {
                    Sun: 0,
                    Mon: 1,
                    Tue: 2,
                    Wed: 3,
                    Thu: 4,
                    Fri: 5,
                    Sat: 6
            return {
                zones: {},
                rules: {},
                offset: r,
                convert: a,
                apply: s,
                remove: l,
                abbr: o,
                toLocalDate: c
        }(), mt.date = function() {
            function e(e, t) {
                return 0 === t && 23 === e.getHours() ? (e.setHours(e.getHours() + 2), !0) : !1

            function t(t, n, i) {
                var r = t.getHours();
                i = i || 1, n = (n - t.getDay() + 7 * i) % 7, t.setDate(t.getDate() + n), e(t, r)

            function n(e, n, i) {
                return e = new Date(e), t(e, n, i), e

            function i(e) {
                return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 1)

            function r(e) {
                var t = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 0),
                    n = i(e),
                    r = Math.abs(t.getTimezoneOffset() - n.getTimezoneOffset());
                return r && t.setHours(n.getHours() + r / 60), t

            function o(t) {
                return t = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate(), 0, 0, 0), e(t, 0), t

            function a(e) {
                return Date.UTC(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds())

            function s(e) {
                return e.getTime() - o(e)

            function l(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = s(t),
                    o = s(n);
                return e && r != o ? (t >= n && (n += m), i = s(e), r > i && (i += m), r > o && (o += m), i >= r && o >= i) : !0

            function c(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = t.getTime(),
                    o = n.getTime();
                return r >= o && (o += m), i = e.getTime(), i >= r && o >= i

            function d(t, n) {
                var i = t.getHours();
                return t = new Date(t), u(t, n * m), e(t, i), t

            function u(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = e.getTimezoneOffset();
                e.setTime(e.getTime() + t), n || (i = e.getTimezoneOffset() - r, e.setTime(e.getTime() + i * g))

            function h() {
                return o(new Date)

            function p(e) {
                return o(e).getTime() == h().getTime()

            function f(e) {
                var t = new Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                return e && t.setHours(e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds()), t
            var g = 6e4,
                m = 864e5;
            return {
                adjustDST: e,
                dayOfWeek: n,
                setDayOfWeek: t,
                getDate: o,
                isInDateRange: c,
                isInTimeRange: l,
                isToday: p,
                nextDay: function(e) {
                    return d(e, 1)
                previousDay: function(e) {
                    return d(e, -1)
                toUtcTime: a,
                MS_PER_DAY: m,
                MS_PER_HOUR: 60 * g,
                MS_PER_MINUTE: g,
                setTime: u,
                addDays: d,
                today: h,
                toInvariantTime: f,
                firstDayOfMonth: i,
                lastDayOfMonth: r,
                getMilliseconds: s
        }(), mt.stripWhitespace = function(e) {
            var t, n, i;
            if (document.createNodeIterator)
                for (t = document.createNodeIterator(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function(t) {
                    return t.parentNode == e ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT
                }, !1); t.nextNode();) t.referenceNode && !t.referenceNode.textContent.trim() && t.referenceNode.parentNode.removeChild(t.referenceNode);
                for (n = 0; e.childNodes.length > n; n++) i = e.childNodes[n], 3 != i.nodeType || /\S/.test(i.nodeValue) || (e.removeChild(i), n--), 1 == i.nodeType && mt.stripWhitespace(i)
        }, ft = t.requestAnimationFrame || t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || t.mozRequestAnimationFrame || t.oRequestAnimationFrame || t.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(e) {
            setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
        }, mt.animationFrame = function(e) {
            ft.call(t, e)
        }, gt = [], mt.queueAnimation = function(e) {
            gt[gt.length] = e, 1 === gt.length && mt.runNextAnimation()
        }, mt.runNextAnimation = function() {
            mt.animationFrame(function() {
                gt[0] && (gt.shift()(), gt[0] && mt.runNextAnimation())
        }, mt.parseQueryStringParams = function(e) {
            for (var t = e.split("?")[1] || "", n = {}, i = t.split(/&|=/), r = i.length, o = 0; r > o; o += 2) "" !== i[o] && (n[decodeURIComponent(i[o])] = decodeURIComponent(i[o + 1]));
            return n
        }, mt.elementUnderCursor = function(e) {
            return n !== e.x.client ? document.elementFromPoint(e.x.client, e.y.client) : n
        }, mt.wheelDeltaY = function(e) {
            var t, i = e.originalEvent,
                r = i.wheelDeltaY;
            return i.wheelDelta ? (r === n || r) && (t = i.wheelDelta) : i.detail && i.axis === i.VERTICAL_AXIS && (t = 10 * -i.detail), t
        }, mt.throttle = function(e, t) {
            var i, r, o = 0;
            return !t || 0 >= t ? e : (r = function() {
                function r() {
                    e.apply(a, l), o = +new Date
                var a = this,
                    s = +new Date - o,
                    l = arguments;
                return o ? (i && clearTimeout(i), s > t ? r() : i = setTimeout(r, t - s), n) : r()
            }, r.cancel = function() {
            }, r)
        }, mt.caret = function(t, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c = i !== n;
            if (r === n && (r = i), t[0] && (t = t[0]), !c || !t.disabled) {
                try {
                    t.selectionStart !== n ? c ? (t.focus(), t.setSelectionRange(i, r)) : i = [t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd] : document.selection && (e(t).is(":visible") && t.focus(), o = t.createTextRange(), c ? (o.collapse(!0), o.moveStart("character", i), o.moveEnd("character", r - i), o.select()) : (a = o.duplicate(), o.moveToBookmark(document.selection.createRange().getBookmark()), a.setEndPoint("EndToStart", o), s = a.text.length, l = s + o.text.length, i = [s, l]))
                } catch (d) {
                    i = []
                return i
        }, mt.compileMobileDirective = function(e, n) {
            var i = t.angular;
            return e.attr("data-" + mt.ns + "role", e[0].tagName.toLowerCase().replace("kendo-mobile-", "").replace("-", "")), i.element(e).injector().invoke(["$compile",
                function(t) {
                    t(e)(n), /^\$(digest|apply)$/.test(n.$$phase) || n.$digest()
            ]), mt.widgetInstance(e, mt.mobile.ui)
        }, mt.antiForgeryTokens = function() {
            var t = {},
                i = e("meta[name=csrf-token],meta[name=_csrf]").attr("content"),
                r = e("meta[name=csrf-param],meta[name=_csrf_header]").attr("content");
            return e("input[name^='__RequestVerificationToken']").each(function() {
                t[this.name] = this.value
            }), r !== n && i !== n && (t[r] = i), t
        }, mt.cycleForm = function(e) {
            function t(e) {
                var t = mt.widgetInstance(e);
                t && t.focus ? t.focus() : e.focus()
            var n = e.find("input, .k-widget").first(),
                i = e.find("button, .k-button").last();
            i.on("keydown", function(e) {
                e.keyCode != mt.keys.TAB || e.shiftKey || (e.preventDefault(), t(n))
            }), n.on("keydown", function(e) {
                e.keyCode == mt.keys.TAB && e.shiftKey && (e.preventDefault(), t(i))
        function() {
            function n(t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s = e("<form>").attr({
                        action: i,
                        method: "POST",
                        target: r
                    l = mt.antiForgeryTokens();
                l.fileName = n, o = t.split(";base64,"), l.contentType = o[0].replace("data:", ""), l.base64 = o[1];
                for (a in l) l.hasOwnProperty(a) && e("<input>").attr({
                    value: l[a],
                    name: a,
                    type: "hidden"

            function i(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = e;
                if ("string" == typeof e) {
                    for (n = e.split(";base64,"), i = n[0], r = atob(n[1]), o = new Uint8Array(r.length), a = 0; r.length > a; a++) o[a] = r.charCodeAt(a);
                    s = new Blob([o.buffer], {
                        type: i
                navigator.msSaveBlob(s, t)

            function r(e, n) {
                t.Blob && e instanceof Blob && (e = URL.createObjectURL(e)), o.download = n, o.href = e;
                var i = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                i.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !1, t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), o.dispatchEvent(i)
            var o = document.createElement("a"),
                a = "download" in o;
            mt.saveAs = function(e) {
                var t = n;
                e.forceProxy || (a ? t = r : navigator.msSaveBlob && (t = i)), t(e.dataURI, e.fileName, e.proxyURL, e.proxyTarget)
    }(jQuery, window),
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            if (!t) return e;
            e + "/" === t && (e = t);
            var n = RegExp("^" + t, "i");
            return n.test(e) || (e = t + "/" + e), p.protocol + "//" + (p.host + "/" + e).replace(/\/\/+/g, "/")

        function i(e) {
            return e ? "#!" : "#"

        function r(e) {
            var t = p.href;
            return "#!" === e && t.indexOf("#") > -1 && t.indexOf("#!") < 0 ? null : t.split(e)[1] || ""

        function o(e, t) {
            return 0 === t.indexOf(e) ? t.substr(e.length).replace(/\/\//g, "/") : t

        function a(e) {
            return e.replace(/^(#)?/, "#")

        function s(e) {
            return e.replace(/^(#(!)?)?/, "#!")
        var l = window.kendo,
            c = "change",
            d = "back",
            u = "same",
            h = l.support,
            p = window.location,
            f = window.history,
            g = 50,
            m = l.support.browser.msie,
            v = /^#*/,
            _ = window.document,
            w = l.Class.extend({
                back: function() {
                    m ? setTimeout(function() {
                    }) : f.back()
                forward: function() {
                    m ? setTimeout(function() {
                    }) : f.forward()
                length: function() {
                    return f.length
                replaceLocation: function(e) {
            b = w.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.root = e
                navigate: function(e) {
                    f.pushState({}, _.title, n(e, this.root))
                replace: function(e) {
                    f.replaceState({}, _.title, n(e, this.root))
                normalize: function(e) {
                    return o(this.root, e)
                current: function() {
                    var e = p.pathname;
                    return p.search && (e += p.search), o(this.root, e)
                change: function(t) {
                    e(window).bind("popstate.kendo", t)
                stop: function() {
                normalizeCurrent: function(e) {
                    var t, o = e.root,
                        a = p.pathname,
                        s = r(i(e.hashBang));
                    o === a + "/" && (t = o), o === a && s && (t = n(s.replace(v, ""), o)), t && f.pushState({}, _.title, t)
            y = w.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this._id = l.guid(), this.prefix = i(e), this.fix = e ? s : a
                navigate: function(e) {
                    p.hash = this.fix(e)
                replace: function(e) {
                normalize: function(e) {
                    return e.indexOf(this.prefix) < 0 ? e : e.split(this.prefix)[1]
                change: function(t) {
                    h.hashChange ? e(window).on("hashchange." + this._id, t) : this._interval = setInterval(t, g)
                stop: function() {
                    e(window).off("hashchange." + this._id), clearInterval(this._interval)
                current: function() {
                    return r(this.prefix)
                normalizeCurrent: function(e) {
                    var t = p.pathname,
                        n = e.root;
                    return e.pushState && n !== t ? (this.replaceLocation(n + this.prefix + o(n, t)), !0) : !1
            k = l.Observable.extend({
                start: function(t) {
                    if (t = t || {}, this.bind([c, d, u], t), !this._started) {
                        this._started = !0, t.root = t.root || "/";
                        var n, i = this.createAdapter(t);
                        i.normalizeCurrent(t) || (n = i.current(), e.extend(this, {
                            adapter: i,
                            root: t.root,
                            historyLength: i.length(),
                            current: n,
                            locations: [n]
                        }), i.change(e.proxy(this, "_checkUrl")))
                createAdapter: function(e) {
                    return h.pushState && e.pushState ? new b(e.root) : new y(e.hashBang)
                stop: function() {
                    this._started && (this.adapter.stop(), this.unbind(c), this._started = !1)
                change: function(e) {
                    this.bind(c, e)
                replace: function(e, t) {
                    this._navigate(e, t, function(t) {
                        t.replace(e), this.locations[this.locations.length - 1] = this.current
                navigate: function(e, n) {
                    return "#:back" === e ? (this.backCalled = !0, this.adapter.back(), t) : (this._navigate(e, n, function(t) {
                        t.navigate(e), this.locations.push(this.current)
                    }), t)
                _navigate: function(e, n, i) {
                    var r = this.adapter;
                    return e = r.normalize(e), this.current === e || this.current === decodeURIComponent(e) ? (this.trigger(u), t) : ((n || !this.trigger(c, {
                        url: e
                    })) && (this.current = e, i.call(this, r), this.historyLength = r.length()), t)
                _checkUrl: function() {
                    var e = this.adapter,
                        n = e.current(),
                        i = e.length(),
                        r = this.historyLength === i,
                        o = n === this.locations[this.locations.length - 2] && r,
                        a = this.backCalled,
                        s = this.current;
                    return null === n || this.current === n || this.current === decodeURIComponent(n) ? !0 : (this.historyLength = i, this.backCalled = !1, this.current = n, o && this.trigger("back", {
                        url: s,
                        to: n
                    }) ? (e.forward(), this.current = s, t) : this.trigger(c, {
                        url: n,
                        backButtonPressed: !a
                    }) ? (o ? e.forward() : (e.back(), this.historyLength--), this.current = s, t) : (o ? this.locations.pop() : this.locations.push(n), t))
        l.History = k, l.History.HistoryAdapter = w, l.History.HashAdapter = y, l.History.PushStateAdapter = b, l.absoluteURL = n, l.history = new k
    function() {
        function e(e, t) {
            return t ? e : "([^/]+)"

        function t(t, n) {
            return RegExp("^" + t.replace(f, "\\$&").replace(u, "(?:$1)?").replace(h, e).replace(p, "(.*?)") + "$", n ? "i" : "")

        function n(e) {
            return e.replace(/(\?.*)|(#.*)/g, "")
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.history,
            o = i.Observable,
            a = "init",
            s = "routeMissing",
            l = "change",
            c = "back",
            d = "same",
            u = /\((.*?)\)/g,
            h = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g,
            p = /\*\w+/g,
            f = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g,
            g = i.Class.extend({
                init: function(e, n, i) {
                    e instanceof RegExp || (e = t(e, i)), this.route = e, this._callback = n
                callback: function(e) {
                    var t, r, o = 0,
                        a = i.parseQueryStringParams(e);
                    for (e = n(e), t = this.route.exec(e).slice(1), r = t.length; r > o; o++) void 0 !== t[o] && (t[o] = decodeURIComponent(t[o]));
                    t.push(a), this._callback.apply(null, t)
                worksWith: function(e) {
                    return this.route.test(n(e)) ? (this.callback(e), !0) : !1
            m = o.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e || (e = {}), o.fn.init.call(this), this.routes = [], this.pushState = e.pushState, this.hashBang = e.hashBang, this.root = e.root, this.ignoreCase = e.ignoreCase !== !1, this.bind([a, s, l, d], e)
                destroy: function() {
                    r.unbind(l, this._urlChangedProxy), r.unbind(d, this._sameProxy), r.unbind(c, this._backProxy), this.unbind()
                start: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = function() {
                        i = function(e) {
                        o = function(e) {
                        same: n,
                        change: o,
                        back: i,
                        pushState: t.pushState,
                        hashBang: t.hashBang,
                        root: t.root
                    }), e = {
                        url: r.current || "/",
                        preventDefault: $.noop
                    }, t.trigger(a, e) || t._urlChanged(e), this._urlChangedProxy = o, this._backProxy = i
                route: function(e, t) {
                    this.routes.push(new g(e, t, this.ignoreCase))
                navigate: function(e, t) {
                    i.history.navigate(e, t)
                replace: function(e, t) {
                    i.history.replace(e, t)
                _back: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(c, {
                        url: e.url,
                        to: e.to
                    }) && e.preventDefault()
                _same: function() {
                _urlChanged: function(e) {
                    var t, n, r, o, a = e.url;
                    if (a || (a = "/"), this.trigger(l, {
                        url: e.url,
                        params: i.parseQueryStringParams(e.url),
                        backButtonPressed: e.backButtonPressed
                    })) return void e.preventDefault();
                    for (t = 0, n = this.routes, o = n.length; o > t; t++)
                        if (r = n[t], r.worksWith(a)) return;
                    this.trigger(s, {
                        url: a,
                        params: i.parseQueryStringParams(a),
                        backButtonPressed: e.backButtonPressed
                    }) && e.preventDefault()
        i.Router = m
    function(e, t) {
        function n(i, o) {
            var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = [],
                v = i.logic || "and",
                _ = i.filters;
            for (l = 0, c = _.length; c > l; l++) i = _[l], d = i.field, f = i.value, p = i.operator, i.filters ? i = n(i, o) : (g = i.ignoreCase, d = d.replace(/\./g, "/"), i = a[p], o && (i = s[p]), i && f !== t && (u = e.type(f), "string" === u ? (h = "'{1}'", f = f.replace(/'/g, "''"), g === !0 && (d = "tolower(" + d + ")")) : h = "date" === u ? o ? "{1:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00}" : "datetime'{1:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}'" : "{1}", i.length > 3 ? "substringof" !== i ? h = "{0}({2}," + h + ")" : (h = "{0}(" + h + ",{2})", "doesnotcontain" === p && (o ? (h = "{0}({2},'{1}') eq -1", i = "indexof") : h += " eq false")) : h = "{2} {0} " + h, i = r.format(h, i, f, d))), m.push(i);
            return i = m.join(" " + v + " "), m.length > 1 && (i = "(" + i + ")"), i

        function i(e) {
            for (var t in e) 0 === t.indexOf("@odata") && delete e[t]
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = e.extend,
            a = {
                eq: "eq",
                neq: "ne",
                gt: "gt",
                gte: "ge",
                lt: "lt",
                lte: "le",
                contains: "substringof",
                doesnotcontain: "substringof",
                endswith: "endswith",
                startswith: "startswith"
            s = o({}, a, {
                contains: "contains"
            l = {
                pageSize: e.noop,
                page: e.noop,
                filter: function(e, t, i) {
                    t && (t = n(t, i), t && (e.$filter = t))
                sort: function(t, n) {
                    var i = e.map(n, function(e) {
                        var t = e.field.replace(/\./g, "/");
                        return "desc" === e.dir && (t += " desc"), t
                    i && (t.$orderby = i)
                skip: function(e, t) {
                    t && (e.$skip = t)
                take: function(e, t) {
                    t && (e.$top = t)
            c = {
                read: {
                    dataType: "jsonp"
        o(!0, r.data, {
            schemas: {
                odata: {
                    type: "json",
                    data: function(e) {
                        return e.d.results || [e.d]
                    total: "d.__count"
            transports: {
                odata: {
                    read: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "jsonp",
                        jsonp: "$callback"
                    update: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        contentType: "application/json",
                        type: "PUT"
                    create: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        contentType: "application/json",
                        type: "POST"
                    destroy: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        type: "DELETE"
                    parameterMap: function(e, t, n) {
                        var i, o, a, s;
                        if (e = e || {}, t = t || "read", s = (this.options || c)[t], s = s ? s.dataType : "json", "read" === t) {
                            i = {
                                $inlinecount: "allpages"
                            }, "json" != s && (i.$format = "json");
                            for (a in e) l[a] ? l[a](i, e[a], n) : i[a] = e[a]
                        } else {
                            if ("json" !== s) throw Error("Only json dataType can be used for " + t + " operation.");
                            if ("destroy" !== t) {
                                for (a in e) o = e[a], "number" == typeof o && (e[a] = o + "");
                                i = r.stringify(e)
                        return i
        }), o(!0, r.data, {
            schemas: {
                "odata-v4": {
                    type: "json",
                    data: function(t) {
                        return t = e.extend({}, t), i(t), t.value ? t.value : [t]
                    total: function(e) {
                        return e["@odata.count"]
            transports: {
                "odata-v4": {
                    read: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json"
                    update: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        contentType: "application/json;IEEE754Compatible=true",
                        type: "PUT"
                    create: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        contentType: "application/json;IEEE754Compatible=true",
                        type: "POST"
                    destroy: {
                        cache: !0,
                        dataType: "json",
                        type: "DELETE"
                    parameterMap: function(e, t) {
                        var n = r.data.transports.odata.parameterMap(e, t, !0);
                        return "read" == t && (n.$count = !0, delete n.$inlinecount), n
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = e.isArray,
            r = e.isPlainObject,
            o = e.map,
            a = e.each,
            s = e.extend,
            l = n.getter,
            c = n.Class,
            d = c.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var l, c, d, u, h = this,
                        p = t.total,
                        f = t.model,
                        g = t.parse,
                        m = t.errors,
                        v = t.serialize,
                        _ = t.data;
                    f && (r(f) && (l = t.modelBase || n.data.Model, f.fields && a(f.fields, function(t, n) {
                        r(n) && n.field ? e.isFunction(n.field) || (n = s(n, {
                            field: h.getter(n.field)
                        })) : n = {
                            field: h.getter(n)
                        }, f.fields[t] = n
                    }), c = f.id, c && (d = {}, d[h.xpathToMember(c, !0)] = {
                        field: h.getter(c)
                    }, f.fields = s(d, f.fields), f.id = h.xpathToMember(c)), f = l.define(f)), h.model = f), p && ("string" == typeof p ? (p = h.getter(p), h.total = function(e) {
                        return parseInt(p(e), 10)
                    }) : "function" == typeof p && (h.total = p)), m && ("string" == typeof m ? (m = h.getter(m), h.errors = function(e) {
                        return m(e) || null
                    }) : "function" == typeof m && (h.errors = m)), _ && ("string" == typeof _ ? (_ = h.xpathToMember(_), h.data = function(e) {
                        var t, n = h.evaluate(e, _);
                        return n = i(n) ? n : [n], h.model && f.fields ? (t = new h.model, o(n, function(e) {
                            if (e) {
                                var n, i = {};
                                for (n in f.fields) i[n] = t._parse(n, f.fields[n].field(e));
                                return i
                        })) : n
                    }) : "function" == typeof _ && (h.data = _)), "function" == typeof g && (u = h.parse, h.parse = function(e) {
                        var t = g.call(h, e);
                        return u.call(h, t)
                    }), "function" == typeof v && (h.serialize = v)
                total: function(e) {
                    return this.data(e).length
                errors: function(e) {
                    return e ? e.errors : null
                serialize: function(e) {
                    return e
                parseDOM: function(e) {
                    var n, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = {},
                        u = e.attributes,
                        h = u.length;
                    for (c = 0; h > c; c++) l = u[c], d["@" + l.nodeName] = l.nodeValue;
                    for (r = e.firstChild; r; r = r.nextSibling) o = r.nodeType, 3 === o || 4 === o ? d["#text"] = r.nodeValue : 1 === o && (n = this.parseDOM(r), a = r.nodeName, s = d[a], i(s) ? s.push(n) : s = s !== t ? [s, n] : n, d[a] = s);
                    return d
                evaluate: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n, r, o, a, s, l = t.split("."); n = l.shift();)
                        if (e = e[n], i(e)) {
                            for (r = [], t = l.join("."), s = 0, o = e.length; o > s; s++) a = this.evaluate(e[s], t), a = i(a) ? a : [a], r.push.apply(r, a);
                            return r
                    return e
                parse: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = {};
                    return n = t.documentElement || e.parseXML(t).documentElement, i = this.parseDOM(n), r[n.nodeName] = i, r
                xpathToMember: function(e, t) {
                    return e ? (e = e.replace(/^\//, "").replace(/\//g, "."), e.indexOf("@") >= 0 ? e.replace(/\.?(@.*)/, t ? "$1" : '["$1"]') : e.indexOf("text()") >= 0 ? e.replace(/(\.?text\(\))/, t ? "#text" : '["#text"]') : e) : ""
                getter: function(e) {
                    return l(this.xpathToMember(e), !0)
        e.extend(!0, n.data, {
            XmlDataReader: d,
            readers: {
                xml: d
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n, i) {
            return function(r) {
                var o, a = {};
                for (o in r) a[o] = r[o];
                a.field = i ? n + "." + r.field : n, t == wt && e._notifyChange && e._notifyChange(a), e.trigger(t, a)

        function i(t, n) {
            if (t === n) return !0;
            var r, o = e.type(t),
                a = e.type(n);
            if (o !== a) return !1;
            if ("date" === o) return t.getTime() === n.getTime();
            if ("object" !== o && "array" !== o) return !1;
            for (r in t)
                if (!i(t[r], n[r])) return !1;
            return !0

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, i;
            for (i in e) {
                if (n = e[i], nt(n) && n.field && n.field === t) return n;
                if (n === t) return n
            return null

        function o(e) {
            this.data = e || []

        function a(e, n) {
            if (e) {
                var i = typeof e === pt ? {
                        field: e,
                        dir: n
                    } : e,
                    r = rt(i) ? i : i !== t ? [i] : [];
                return ot(r, function(e) {
                    return !!e.dir

        function s(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o = e.filters;
            if (o)
                for (t = 0, n = o.length; n > t; t++) i = o[t], r = i.operator, r && typeof r === pt && (i.operator = U[r.toLowerCase()] || r), s(i)

        function l(e) {
            return e && !it(e) ? ((rt(e) || !e.filters) && (e = {
                logic: "and",
                filters: rt(e) ? e : [e]
            }), s(e), e) : t

        function c(e) {
            return rt(e) ? e : [e]

        function d(e, n) {
            var i = typeof e === pt ? {
                    field: e,
                    dir: n
                } : e,
                r = rt(i) ? i : i !== t ? [i] : [];
            return L(r, function(e) {
                return {
                    field: e.field,
                    dir: e.dir || "asc",
                    aggregates: e.aggregates

        function u(e, t) {
            return e && e.getTime && t && t.getTime ? e.getTime() === t.getTime() : e === t

        function h(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l, c, d;
            for (t = t || [], c = t.length, a = 0; c > a; a++) s = t[a], l = s.aggregate, d = s.field, e[d] = e[d] || {}, o[d] = o[d] || {}, o[d][l] = o[d][l] || {}, e[d][l] = W[l.toLowerCase()](e[d][l], n, ct.accessor(d), i, r, o[d][l])

        function p(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e && !isNaN(e)

        function f(e) {
            return e && e.getTime

        function g(e) {
            var t, n = e.length,
                i = Array(n);
            for (t = 0; n > t; t++) i[t] = e[t].toJSON();
            return i

        function m(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c;
            for (l = 0, c = e.length; c > l; l++) {
                o = e[l];
                for (a in t) s = r[a], s && s !== a && (o[s] = t[a](o), delete o[a])

        function v(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c;
            for (l = 0, c = e.length; c > l; l++) {
                o = e[l];
                for (a in t) o[a] = n._parse(a, t[a](o)), s = r[a], s && s !== a && delete o[s]

        function _(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l;
            for (a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; a++) o = e[a], s = i[o.field], s && s != o.field && (o.field = s), o.value = n._parse(o.field, o.value), o.hasSubgroups ? _(o.items, t, n, i, r) : v(o.items, t, n, i, r)

        function w(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            return function(a) {
                return a = e(a), a && !it(i) && ("[object Array]" === Lt.call(a) || a instanceof Wt || (a = [a]), n(a, i, new t, r, o)), a || []

        function b(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r, o, a, s = 0; t.length && i && (r = t[s], o = r.items, a = o.length, e && e.field === r.field && e.value === r.value ? (e.hasSubgroups && e.items.length ? b(e.items[e.items.length - 1], r.items, n, i) : (o = o.slice(n, n + i), e.items = e.items.concat(o)), t.splice(s--, 1)) : r.hasSubgroups && o.length ? (b(r, o, n, i), r.items.length || t.splice(s--, 1)) : (o = o.slice(n, n + i), r.items = o, r.items.length || t.splice(s--, 1)), 0 === o.length ? n -= a : (n = 0, i -= o.length), !(++s >= t.length)););
            t.length > s && t.splice(s, t.length - s)

        function y(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a = [];
            for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++)
                if (o = e.at(t), o.hasSubgroups) a = a.concat(y(o.items));
                    for (i = o.items, r = 0; i.length > r; r++) a.push(i.at(r));
            return a

        function k(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            if (t)
                for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) r = e.at(n), r.hasSubgroups ? k(r.items, t) : r.items = new jt(r.items, t)

        function x(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (e[n].hasSubgroups) {
                    if (x(e[n].items, t)) return !0
                } else if (t(e[n].items, e[n])) return !0

        function C(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r = 0; e.length > r && e[r].data !== t && !S(e[r].data, n, i); r++);

        function S(e, t, n) {
            for (var i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) {
                if (e[i] && e[i].hasSubgroups) return S(e[i].items, t, n);
                if (e[i] === t || e[i] === n) return e[i] = n, !0

        function T(e, n, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l, c;
            for (a = 0, s = e.length; s > a; a++)
                if (l = e[a], l && !(l instanceof r))
                    if (l.hasSubgroups === t || o) {
                        for (c = 0; n.length > c; c++)
                            if (n[c] === l) {
                                e[a] = n.at(c), C(i, n, l, e[a]);
                    } else T(l.items, n, i, r, o)

        function D(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (r = e.at(n), r.uid == t.uid) return e.splice(n, 1), r

        function A(e, t) {
            return t ? I(e, function(e) {
                return e.uid && e.uid == t.uid || e[t.idField] === t.id && t.id !== t._defaultId
            }) : -1

        function E(e, t) {
            return t ? I(e, function(e) {
                return e.uid == t.uid
            }) : -1

        function I(e, t) {
            var n, i;
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (t(e[n])) return n;
            return -1

        function P(e, t) {
            var n, i;
            return e && !it(e) ? (n = e[t], i = nt(n) ? n.from || n.field || t : e[t] || t, dt(i) ? t : i) : t

        function M(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = {};
            for (r in e) "filters" !== r && (o[r] = e[r]);
            if (e.filters)
                for (o.filters = [], n = 0, i = e.filters.length; i > n; n++) o.filters[n] = M(e.filters[n], t);
            else o.field = P(t.fields, o.field);
            return o

        function z(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s = [];
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) {
                r = {}, o = e[n];
                for (a in o) r[a] = o[a];
                r.field = P(t.fields, r.field), r.aggregates && rt(r.aggregates) && (r.aggregates = z(r.aggregates, t)), s.push(r)
            return s

        function F(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h;
            for (t = e(t)[0], i = t.options, r = n[0], o = n[1], a = [], s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) u = {}, d = i[s], c = d.parentNode, c === t && (c = null), d.disabled || c && c.disabled || (c && (u.optgroup = c.label), u[r.field] = d.text, h = d.attributes.value, h = h && h.specified ? d.value : d.text, u[o.field] = h, a.push(u));
            return a

        function R(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = e(t)[0].tBodies[0],
                u = d ? d.rows : [],
                h = n.length,
                p = [];
            for (i = 0, r = u.length; r > i; i++) {
                for (s = {}, c = !0, a = u[i].cells, o = 0; h > o; o++) l = a[o], "th" !== l.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (c = !1, s[n[o].field] = l.innerHTML);
                c || p.push(s)
            return p

        function H(e) {
            return function() {
                var t = this._data,
                    n = Y.fn[e].apply(this, Ht.call(arguments));
                return this._data != t && this._attachBubbleHandlers(), n

        function B(t, n) {
            function i(e, t) {
                return e.filter(t).add(e.find(t))
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = e(t).children(),
                p = [],
                f = n[0].field,
                g = n[1] && n[1].field,
                m = n[2] && n[2].field,
                v = n[3] && n[3].field;
            for (r = 0, o = h.length; o > r; r++) a = {
                _loaded: !0
            }, s = h.eq(r), c = s[0].firstChild, u = s.children(), t = u.filter("ul"), u = u.filter(":not(ul)"), l = s.attr("data-id"), l && (a.id = l), c && (a[f] = 3 == c.nodeType ? c.nodeValue : u.text()), g && (a[g] = i(u, "a").attr("href")), v && (a[v] = i(u, "img").attr("src")), m && (d = i(u, ".k-sprite").prop("className"), a[m] = d && e.trim(d.replace("k-sprite", ""))), t.length && (a.items = B(t.eq(0), n)), "true" == s.attr("data-hasChildren") && (a.hasChildren = !0), p.push(a);
            return p
        var L, N, O, V, U, W, j, G, q, $, Y, Q, K, X, Z, J, et = e.extend,
            tt = e.proxy,
            nt = e.isPlainObject,
            it = e.isEmptyObject,
            rt = e.isArray,
            ot = e.grep,
            at = e.ajax,
            st = e.each,
            lt = e.noop,
            ct = window.kendo,
            dt = ct.isFunction,
            ut = ct.Observable,
            ht = ct.Class,
            pt = "string",
            ft = "function",
            gt = "create",
            mt = "read",
            vt = "update",
            _t = "destroy",
            wt = "change",
            bt = "sync",
            yt = "get",
            kt = "error",
            xt = "requestStart",
            Ct = "progress",
            St = "requestEnd",
            Tt = [gt, mt, vt, _t],
            Dt = function(e) {
                return e
            At = ct.getter,
            Et = ct.stringify,
            It = Math,
            Pt = [].push,
            Mt = [].join,
            zt = [].pop,
            Ft = [].splice,
            Rt = [].shift,
            Ht = [].slice,
            Bt = [].unshift,
            Lt = {}.toString,
            Nt = ct.support.stableSort,
            Ot = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/,
            Vt = /(\r+|\n+)/g,
            Ut = /(?=['\\])/g,
            Wt = ut.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.type = t || Gt, ut.fn.init.call(n), n.length = e.length, n.wrapAll(e, n)
                at: function(e) {
                    return this[e]
                toJSON: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.length,
                        i = Array(n);
                    for (e = 0; n > e; e++) t = this[e], t instanceof Gt && (t = t.toJSON()), i[e] = t;
                    return i
                parent: lt,
                wrapAll: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = function() {
                            return r
                    for (t = t || [], n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t[n] = r.wrap(e[n], o);
                    return t
                wrap: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    return null !== e && "[object Object]" === Lt.call(e) && (n = e instanceof i.type || e instanceof Yt, n || (e = e instanceof Gt ? e.toJSON() : e, e = new i.type(e)), e.parent = t, e.bind(wt, function(e) {
                        i.trigger(wt, {
                            field: e.field,
                            node: e.node,
                            index: e.index,
                            items: e.items || [this],
                            action: e.node ? e.action || "itemloaded" : "itemchange"
                    })), e
                push: function() {
                    var e, t = this.length,
                        n = this.wrapAll(arguments);
                    return e = Pt.apply(this, n), this.trigger(wt, {
                        action: "add",
                        index: t,
                        items: n
                    }), e
                slice: Ht,
                sort: [].sort,
                join: Mt,
                pop: function() {
                    var e = this.length,
                        t = zt.apply(this);
                    return e && this.trigger(wt, {
                        action: "remove",
                        index: e - 1,
                        items: [t]
                    }), t
                splice: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this.wrapAll(Ht.call(arguments, 2));
                    if (i = Ft.apply(this, [e, t].concat(a)), i.length)
                        for (this.trigger(wt, {
                            action: "remove",
                            index: e,
                            items: i
                        }), r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) i[r] && i[r].children && i[r].unbind(wt);
                    return n && this.trigger(wt, {
                        action: "add",
                        index: e,
                        items: a
                    }), i
                shift: function() {
                    var e = this.length,
                        t = Rt.apply(this);
                    return e && this.trigger(wt, {
                        action: "remove",
                        index: 0,
                        items: [t]
                    }), t
                unshift: function() {
                    var e, t = this.wrapAll(arguments);
                    return e = Bt.apply(this, t), this.trigger(wt, {
                        action: "add",
                        index: 0,
                        items: t
                    }), e
                indexOf: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this;
                    for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (i[t] === e) return t;
                    return -1
                forEach: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0, n = this.length; n > t; t++) e(this[t], t, this)
                map: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0, n = [], i = this.length; i > t; t++) n[t] = e(this[t], t, this);
                    return n
                reduce: function(e) {
                    var t, n = 0,
                        i = this.length;
                    for (2 == arguments.length ? t = arguments[1] : i > n && (t = this[n++]); i > n; n++) t = e(t, this[n], n, this);
                    return t
                reduceRight: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.length - 1;
                    for (2 == arguments.length ? t = arguments[1] : n > 0 && (t = this[n--]); n >= 0; n--) t = e(t, this[n], n, this);
                    return t
                filter: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = 0, i = [], r = this.length; r > n; n++) t = this[n], e(t, n, this) && (i[i.length] = t);
                    return i
                find: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = 0, i = this.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (t = this[n], e(t, n, this)) return t
                every: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = 0, i = this.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (t = this[n], !e(t, n, this)) return !1;
                    return !0
                some: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = 0, i = this.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (t = this[n], e(t, n, this)) return !0;
                    return !1
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t = this.indexOf(e); - 1 !== t && this.splice(t, 1)
                empty: function() {
                    this.splice(0, this.length)
            jt = Wt.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    ut.fn.init.call(this), this.type = t || Gt;
                    for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++) this[n] = e[n];
                    this.length = n, this._parent = tt(function() {
                        return this
                    }, this)
                at: function(e) {
                    var t = this[e];
                    return t instanceof this.type ? t.parent = this._parent : t = this[e] = this.wrap(t, this._parent), t
            Gt = ut.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = function() {
                            return i
                    for (n in e) t = e[n], "object" == typeof t && t && !t.getTime && "_" != n.charAt(0) && (t = i.wrap(t, n, r)), i[n] = t;
                    i.uid = ct.guid()
                shouldSerialize: function(e) {
                    return this.hasOwnProperty(e) && "_events" !== e && typeof this[e] !== ft && "uid" !== e
                forEach: function(e) {
                    for (var t in this) this.shouldSerialize(t) && e(this[t], t)
                toJSON: function() {
                    var e, t, n = {};
                    for (t in this) this.shouldSerialize(t) && (e = this[t], (e instanceof Gt || e instanceof Wt) && (e = e.toJSON()), n[t] = e);
                    return n
                get: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this;
                    return n.trigger(yt, {
                        field: e
                    }), t = "this" === e ? n : ct.getter(e, !0)(n)
                _set: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = e.indexOf(".") >= 0;
                    if (a)
                        for (n = e.split("."), i = ""; n.length > 1;) {
                            if (i += n.shift(), r = ct.getter(i, !0)(o), r instanceof Gt) return r.set(n.join("."), t), a;
                            i += "."
                    return ct.setter(e)(o, t), a
                set: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e.indexOf(".") >= 0,
                        r = ct.getter(e, !0)(n);
                    r !== t && (n.trigger("set", {
                        field: e,
                        value: t
                    }) || (i || (t = n.wrap(t, e, function() {
                        return n
                    })), (!n._set(e, t) || e.indexOf("(") >= 0 || e.indexOf("[") >= 0) && n.trigger(wt, {
                        field: e
                parent: lt,
                wrap: function(e, t, i) {
                    var r, o, a = this,
                        s = Lt.call(e);
                    return null == e || "[object Object]" !== s && "[object Array]" !== s || (r = e instanceof Wt, o = e instanceof Y, "[object Object]" !== s || o || r ? ("[object Array]" === s || r || o) && (r || o || (e = new Wt(e)), e.parent() != i() && e.bind(wt, n(a, wt, t, !1))) : (e instanceof Gt || (e = new Gt(e)), e.parent() != i() && (e.bind(yt, n(a, yt, t, !0)), e.bind(wt, n(a, wt, t, !0)))), e.parent = i), e
            qt = {
                number: function(e) {
                    return ct.parseFloat(e)
                date: function(e) {
                    return ct.parseDate(e)
                "boolean": function(e) {
                    return typeof e === pt ? "true" === e.toLowerCase() : null != e ? !!e : e
                string: function(e) {
                    return null != e ? e + "" : e
                "default": function(e) {
                    return e
            $t = {
                string: "",
                number: 0,
                date: new Date,
                "boolean": !1,
                "default": ""
            Yt = Gt.extend({
                init: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o = this;
                    if ((!n || e.isEmptyObject(n)) && (n = e.extend({}, o.defaults, n), o._initializers))
                        for (i = 0; o._initializers.length > i; i++) r = o._initializers[i], n[r] = o.defaults[r]();
                    Gt.fn.init.call(o, n), o.dirty = !1, o.idField && (o.id = o.get(o.idField), o.id === t && (o.id = o._defaultId))
                shouldSerialize: function(e) {
                    return Gt.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, e) && "uid" !== e && !("id" !== this.idField && "id" === e) && "dirty" !== e && "_accessors" !== e
                _parse: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        o = e,
                        a = i.fields || {};
                    return e = a[e], e || (e = r(a, o)), e && (n = e.parse, !n && e.type && (n = qt[e.type.toLowerCase()])), n ? n(t) : t
                _notifyChange: function(e) {
                    var t = e.action;
                    ("add" == t || "remove" == t) && (this.dirty = !0)
                editable: function(e) {
                    return e = (this.fields || {})[e], e ? e.editable !== !1 : !0
                set: function(e, t, n) {
                    var r = this;
                    r.editable(e) && (t = r._parse(e, t), i(t, r.get(e)) || (r.dirty = !0, Gt.fn.set.call(r, e, t, n)))
                accept: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = function() {
                            return i
                    for (t in e) n = e[t], "_" != t.charAt(0) && (n = i.wrap(e[t], t, r)), i._set(t, n);
                    i.idField && (i.id = i.get(i.idField)), i.dirty = !1
                isNew: function() {
                    return this.id === this._defaultId
        Yt.define = function(e, n) {
            n === t && (n = e, e = Yt);
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = et({
                    defaults: {}
                }, n),
                h = {},
                p = u.id,
                f = [];
            if (p && (u.idField = p), u.id && delete u.id, p && (u.defaults[p] = u._defaultId = ""), "[object Array]" === Lt.call(u.fields)) {
                for (l = 0, c = u.fields.length; c > l; l++) o = u.fields[l], typeof o === pt ? h[o] = {} : o.field && (h[o.field] = o);
                u.fields = h
            for (r in u.fields) o = u.fields[r], a = o.type || "default", s = null, d = r, r = typeof o.field === pt ? o.field : r, o.nullable || (s = u.defaults[d !== r ? d : r] = o.defaultValue !== t ? o.defaultValue : $t[a.toLowerCase()], "function" == typeof s && f.push(r)), n.id === r && (u._defaultId = s), u.defaults[d !== r ? d : r] = s, o.parse = o.parse || qt[a];
            return f.length > 0 && (u._initializers = f), i = e.extend(u), i.define = function(e) {
                return Yt.define(i, e)
            }, u.fields && (i.fields = u.fields, i.idField = u.idField), i
        }, N = {
            selector: function(e) {
                return dt(e) ? e : At(e)
            compare: function(e) {
                var t = this.selector(e);
                return function(e, n) {
                    return e = t(e), n = t(n), null == e && null == n ? 0 : null == e ? -1 : null == n ? 1 : e.localeCompare ? e.localeCompare(n) : e > n ? 1 : n > e ? -1 : 0
            create: function(e) {
                var t = e.compare || this.compare(e.field);
                return "desc" == e.dir ? function(e, n) {
                    return t(n, e, !0)
                } : t
            combine: function(e) {
                return function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = e[0](t, n);
                    for (i = 1, r = e.length; r > i; i++) o = o || e[i](t, n);
                    return o
        }, O = et({}, N, {
            asc: function(e) {
                var t = this.selector(e);
                return function(e, n) {
                    var i = t(e),
                        r = t(n);
                    return i && i.getTime && r && r.getTime && (i = i.getTime(), r = r.getTime()), i === r ? e.__position - n.__position : null == i ? -1 : null == r ? 1 : i.localeCompare ? i.localeCompare(r) : i > r ? 1 : -1
            desc: function(e) {
                var t = this.selector(e);
                return function(e, n) {
                    var i = t(e),
                        r = t(n);
                    return i && i.getTime && r && r.getTime && (i = i.getTime(), r = r.getTime()), i === r ? e.__position - n.__position : null == i ? 1 : null == r ? -1 : r.localeCompare ? r.localeCompare(i) : r > i ? 1 : -1
            create: function(e) {
                return this[e.dir](e.field)
        }), L = function(e, t) {
            var n, i = e.length,
                r = Array(i);
            for (n = 0; i > n; n++) r[n] = t(e[n], n, e);
            return r
        }, V = function() {
            function e(e) {
                return e.replace(Ut, "\\").replace(Vt, "")

            function t(t, n, i, r) {
                var o;
                return null != i && (typeof i === pt && (i = e(i), o = Ot.exec(i), o ? i = new Date(+o[1]) : r ? (i = "'" + i.toLowerCase() + "'", n = "(" + n + " || '').toLowerCase()") : i = "'" + i + "'"), i.getTime && (n = "(" + n + "?" + n + ".getTime():" + n + ")", i = i.getTime())), n + " " + t + " " + i
            return {
                quote: function(t) {
                    return t && t.getTime ? "new Date(" + t.getTime() + ")" : "string" == typeof t ? "'" + e(t) + "'" : "" + t
                eq: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t("==", e, n, i)
                neq: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t("!=", e, n, i)
                gt: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t(">", e, n, i)
                gte: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t(">=", e, n, i)
                lt: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t("<", e, n, i)
                lte: function(e, n, i) {
                    return t("<=", e, n, i)
                startswith: function(t, n, i) {
                    return i && (t = "(" + t + " || '').toLowerCase()", n && (n = n.toLowerCase())), n && (n = e(n)), t + ".lastIndexOf('" + n + "', 0) == 0"
                endswith: function(t, n, i) {
                    return i && (t = "(" + t + " || '').toLowerCase()", n && (n = n.toLowerCase())), n && (n = e(n)), t + ".indexOf('" + n + "', " + t + ".length - " + (n || "").length + ") >= 0"
                contains: function(t, n, i) {
                    return i && (t = "(" + t + " || '').toLowerCase()", n && (n = n.toLowerCase())), n && (n = e(n)), t + ".indexOf('" + n + "') >= 0"
                doesnotcontain: function(t, n, i) {
                    return i && (t = "(" + t + " || '').toLowerCase()", n && (n = n.toLowerCase())), n && (n = e(n)), t + ".indexOf('" + n + "') == -1"
        }(), o.filterExpr = function(e) {
            var n, i, r, a, s, l, c = [],
                d = {
                    and: " && ",
                    or: " || "
                u = [],
                h = [],
                p = e.filters;
            for (n = 0, i = p.length; i > n; n++) r = p[n], s = r.field, l = r.operator, r.filters ? (a = o.filterExpr(r), r = a.expression.replace(/__o\[(\d+)\]/g, function(e, t) {
                return t = +t, "__o[" + (h.length + t) + "]"
            }).replace(/__f\[(\d+)\]/g, function(e, t) {
                return t = +t, "__f[" + (u.length + t) + "]"
            }), h.push.apply(h, a.operators), u.push.apply(u, a.fields)) : (typeof s === ft ? (a = "__f[" + u.length + "](d)", u.push(s)) : a = ct.expr(s), typeof l === ft ? (r = "__o[" + h.length + "](" + a + ", " + V.quote(r.value) + ")", h.push(l)) : r = V[(l || "eq").toLowerCase()](a, r.value, r.ignoreCase !== t ? r.ignoreCase : !0)), c.push(r);
            return {
                expression: "(" + c.join(d[e.logic]) + ")",
                fields: u,
                operators: h
        }, U = {
            "==": "eq",
            equals: "eq",
            isequalto: "eq",
            equalto: "eq",
            equal: "eq",
            "!=": "neq",
            ne: "neq",
            notequals: "neq",
            isnotequalto: "neq",
            notequalto: "neq",
            notequal: "neq",
            "<": "lt",
            islessthan: "lt",
            lessthan: "lt",
            less: "lt",
            "<=": "lte",
            le: "lte",
            islessthanorequalto: "lte",
            lessthanequal: "lte",
            ">": "gt",
            isgreaterthan: "gt",
            greaterthan: "gt",
            greater: "gt",
            ">=": "gte",
            isgreaterthanorequalto: "gte",
            greaterthanequal: "gte",
            ge: "gte",
            notsubstringof: "doesnotcontain"
        }, o.normalizeFilter = l, o.prototype = {
            toArray: function() {
                return this.data
            range: function(e, t) {
                return new o(this.data.slice(e, e + t))
            skip: function(e) {
                return new o(this.data.slice(e))
            take: function(e) {
                return new o(this.data.slice(0, e))
            select: function(e) {
                return new o(L(this.data, e))
            order: function(e, t) {
                var n = {
                    dir: t
                return e && (e.compare ? n.compare = e.compare : n.field = e), new o(this.data.slice(0).sort(N.create(n)))
            orderBy: function(e) {
                return this.order(e, "asc")
            orderByDescending: function(e) {
                return this.order(e, "desc")
            sort: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = a(e, t),
                    s = [];
                if (n = n || N, o.length) {
                    for (i = 0, r = o.length; r > i; i++) s.push(n.create(o[i]));
                    return this.orderBy({
                        compare: n.combine(s)
                return this
            filter: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, a, s, c, d, u = this.data,
                    h = [];
                if (e = l(e), !e || 0 === e.filters.length) return this;
                for (r = o.filterExpr(e), s = r.fields, c = r.operators, a = d = Function("d, __f, __o", "return " + r.expression), (s.length || c.length) && (d = function(e) {
                    return a(e, s, c)
                }), t = 0, i = u.length; i > t; t++) n = u[t], d(n) && h.push(n);
                return new o(h)
            group: function(e, t) {
                e = d(e || []), t = t || this.data;
                var n, i = this,
                    r = new o(i.data);
                return e.length > 0 && (n = e[0], r = r.groupBy(n).select(function(i) {
                    var r = new o(t).filter([{
                        field: i.field,
                        operator: "eq",
                        value: i.value,
                        ignoreCase: !1
                    return {
                        field: i.field,
                        value: i.value,
                        items: e.length > 1 ? new o(i.items).group(e.slice(1), r.toArray()).toArray() : i.items,
                        hasSubgroups: e.length > 1,
                        aggregates: r.aggregate(n.aggregates)
                })), r
            groupBy: function(e) {
                if (it(e) || !this.data.length) return new o([]);
                var t, n, i, r, a = e.field,
                    s = this._sortForGrouping(a, e.dir || "asc"),
                    l = ct.accessor(a),
                    c = l.get(s[0], a),
                    d = {
                        field: a,
                        value: c,
                        items: []
                    h = [d];
                for (i = 0, r = s.length; r > i; i++) t = s[i], n = l.get(t, a), u(c, n) || (c = n, d = {
                    field: a,
                    value: c,
                    items: []
                }, h.push(d)), d.items.push(t);
                return new o(h)
            _sortForGrouping: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.data;
                if (!Nt) {
                    for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) r[n].__position = n;
                    for (r = new o(r).sort(e, t, O).toArray(), n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) delete r[n].__position;
                    return r
                return this.sort(e, t).toArray()
            aggregate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {},
                    r = {};
                if (e && e.length)
                    for (t = 0, n = this.data.length; n > t; t++) h(i, e, this.data[t], t, n, r);
                return i
        }, W = {
            sum: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n.get(t);
                return p(e) ? p(i) && (e += i) : e = i, e
            count: function(e) {
                return (e || 0) + 1
            average: function(e, n, i, r, o, a) {
                var s = i.get(n);
                return a.count === t && (a.count = 0), p(e) ? p(s) && (e += s) : e = s, p(s) && a.count++, r == o - 1 && p(e) && (e /= a.count), e
            max: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n.get(t);
                return p(e) || f(e) || (e = i), i > e && (p(i) || f(i)) && (e = i), e
            min: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n.get(t);
                return p(e) || f(e) || (e = i), e > i && (p(i) || f(i)) && (e = i), e
        }, o.process = function(e, n) {
            n = n || {};
            var i, r = new o(e),
                s = n.group,
                l = d(s || []).concat(a(n.sort || [])),
                c = n.filterCallback,
                u = n.filter,
                h = n.skip,
                p = n.take;
            return u && (r = r.filter(u), c && (r = c(r)), i = r.toArray().length), l && (r = r.sort(l), s && (e = r.toArray())), h !== t && p !== t && (r = r.range(h, p)), s && (r = r.group(s, e)), {
                total: i,
                data: r.toArray()
        }, j = ht.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.data = e.data
            read: function(e) {
            update: function(e) {
            create: function(e) {
            destroy: function(e) {
        }), G = ht.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                e = n.options = et({}, n.options, e), st(Tt, function(t, n) {
                    typeof e[n] === pt && (e[n] = {
                        url: e[n]
                }), n.cache = e.cache ? q.create(e.cache) : {
                    find: lt,
                    add: lt
                }, t = e.parameterMap, dt(e.push) && (n.push = e.push), n.push || (n.push = Dt), n.parameterMap = dt(t) ? t : function(e) {
                    var n = {};
                    return st(e, function(e, i) {
                        e in t && (e = t[e], nt(e) && (i = e.value(i), e = e.key)), n[e] = i
                    }), n
            options: {
                parameterMap: Dt
            create: function(e) {
                return at(this.setup(e, gt))
            read: function(n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.cache;
                n = a.setup(n, mt), i = n.success || lt, r = n.error || lt, o = s.find(n.data), o !== t ? i(o) : (n.success = function(e) {
                    s.add(n.data, e), i(e)
                }, e.ajax(n))
            update: function(e) {
                return at(this.setup(e, vt))
            destroy: function(e) {
                return at(this.setup(e, _t))
            setup: function(e, t) {
                e = e || {};
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.options[t],
                    o = dt(r.data) ? r.data(e.data) : r.data;
                return e = et(!0, {}, r, e), n = et(!0, {}, o, e.data), e.data = i.parameterMap(n, t), dt(e.url) && (e.url = e.url(n)), e
        }), q = ht.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._store = {}
            add: function(e, n) {
                e !== t && (this._store[Et(e)] = n)
            find: function(e) {
                return this._store[Et(e)]
            clear: function() {
                this._store = {}
            remove: function(e) {
                delete this._store[Et(e)]
        }), q.create = function(e) {
            var t = {
                inmemory: function() {
                    return new q
            return nt(e) && dt(e.find) ? e : e === !0 ? new q : t[e]()
        }, $ = ht.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = this;
                e = e || {};
                for (t in e) n = e[t], f[t] = typeof n === pt ? At(n) : n;
                r = e.modelBase || Yt, nt(f.model) && (f.model = i = r.define(f.model)), o = tt(f.data, f), f._dataAccessFunction = o, f.model && (a = tt(f.groups, f), s = tt(f.serialize, f), l = {}, c = {}, d = {}, u = {}, h = !1, i = f.model, i.fields && (st(i.fields, function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    p = e, nt(t) && t.field ? p = t.field : typeof t === pt && (p = t), nt(t) && t.from && (n = t.from), h = h || n && n !== e || p !== e, c[e] = At(n || p), d[e] = At(e), l[n || p] = e, u[e] = n || p
                }), !e.serialize && h && (f.serialize = w(s, i, m, d, l, u))), f._dataAccessFunction = o, f.data = w(o, i, v, c, l, u), f.groups = w(a, i, _, c, l, u))
            errors: function(e) {
                return e ? e.errors : null
            parse: Dt,
            data: Dt,
            total: function(e) {
                return e.length
            groups: Dt,
            aggregates: function() {
                return {}
            serialize: function(e) {
                return e
        }), Y = ut.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o = this;
                e && (i = e.data), e = o.options = et({}, o.options, e), o._map = {}, o._prefetch = {}, o._data = [], o._pristineData = [], o._ranges = [], o._view = [], o._pristineTotal = 0, o._destroyed = [], o._pageSize = e.pageSize, o._page = e.page || (e.pageSize ? 1 : t), o._sort = a(e.sort), o._filter = l(e.filter), o._group = d(e.group), o._aggregate = e.aggregate, o._total = e.total, o._shouldDetachObservableParents = !0, ut.fn.init.call(o), o.transport = Q.create(e, i, o), dt(o.transport.push) && o.transport.push({
                    pushCreate: tt(o._pushCreate, o),
                    pushUpdate: tt(o._pushUpdate, o),
                    pushDestroy: tt(o._pushDestroy, o)
                }), null != e.offlineStorage && ("string" == typeof e.offlineStorage ? (r = e.offlineStorage, o._storage = {
                    getItem: function() {
                        return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(r))
                    setItem: function(e) {
                        localStorage.setItem(r, Et(o.reader.serialize(e)))
                }) : o._storage = e.offlineStorage), o.reader = new ct.data.readers[e.schema.type || "json"](e.schema), n = o.reader.model || {}, o._detachObservableParents(), o._data = o._observe(o._data), o._online = !0, o.bind(["push", kt, wt, xt, bt, St, Ct], e)
            options: {
                data: null,
                schema: {
                    modelBase: Yt
                offlineStorage: null,
                serverSorting: !1,
                serverPaging: !1,
                serverFiltering: !1,
                serverGrouping: !1,
                serverAggregates: !1,
                batch: !1
            clone: function() {
                return this
            online: function(n) {
                return n !== t ? this._online != n && (this._online = n, n) ? this.sync() : e.Deferred().resolve().promise() : this._online
            offlineData: function(e) {
                return null == this.options.offlineStorage ? null : e !== t ? this._storage.setItem(e) : this._storage.getItem() || []
            _isServerGrouped: function() {
                var e = this.group() || [];
                return this.options.serverGrouping && e.length
            _pushCreate: function(e) {
                this._push(e, "pushCreate")
            _pushUpdate: function(e) {
                this._push(e, "pushUpdate")
            _pushDestroy: function(e) {
                this._push(e, "pushDestroy")
            _push: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._readData(e);
                n || (n = e), this[t](n)
            _flatData: function(e, t) {
                if (e) {
                    if (this._isServerGrouped()) return y(e);
                    if (!t)
                        for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++) e.at(n)
                return e
            parent: lt,
            get: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._flatData(this._data);
                for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++)
                    if (i[t].id == e) return i[t]
            getByUid: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._flatData(this._data);
                if (i)
                    for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (i[t].uid == e) return i[t]
            indexOf: function(e) {
                return E(this._data, e)
            at: function(e) {
                return this._data.at(e)
            data: function(e) {
                var n, i = this;
                if (e === t) {
                    if (i._data)
                        for (n = 0; i._data.length > n; n++) i._data.at(n);
                    return i._data
                i._detachObservableParents(), i._data = this._observe(e), i._pristineData = e.slice(0), i._storeData(), i._ranges = [], i.trigger("reset"), i._addRange(i._data), i._total = i._data.length, i._pristineTotal = i._total, i._process(i._data)
            view: function(e) {
                return e === t ? this._view : (this._view = this._observeView(e), t)
            _observeView: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                return T(e, n._data, n._ranges, n.reader.model || Gt, n._isServerGrouped()), t = new jt(e, n.reader.model), t.parent = function() {
                    return n.parent()
                }, t
            flatView: function() {
                var e = this.group() || [];
                return e.length ? y(this._view) : this._view
            add: function(e) {
                return this.insert(this._data.length, e)
            _createNewModel: function(e) {
                return this.reader.model ? new this.reader.model(e) : e instanceof Gt ? e : new Gt(e)
            insert: function(e, t) {
                return t || (t = e, e = 0), t instanceof Yt || (t = this._createNewModel(t)), this._isServerGrouped() ? this._data.splice(e, 0, this._wrapInEmptyGroup(t)) : this._data.splice(e, 0, t), t
            pushCreate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a;
                rt(e) || (e = [e]), t = [], n = this.options.autoSync, this.options.autoSync = !1;
                try {
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], o = this.add(r), t.push(o), a = o.toJSON(), this._isServerGrouped() && (a = this._wrapInEmptyGroup(a)), this._pristineData.push(a)
                } finally {
                    this.options.autoSync = n
                t.length && this.trigger("push", {
                    type: "create",
                    items: t
            pushUpdate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                for (rt(e) || (e = [e]), t = [], n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n], r = this._createNewModel(i), o = this.get(r.id), o ? (t.push(o), o.accept(i), o.trigger(wt), this._updatePristineForModel(o, i)) : this.pushCreate(i);
                t.length && this.trigger("push", {
                    type: "update",
                    items: t
            pushDestroy: function(e) {
                var t = this._removeItems(e);
                t.length && this.trigger("push", {
                    type: "destroy",
                    items: t
            _removeItems: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a;
                rt(e) || (e = [e]), t = [], n = this.options.autoSync, this.options.autoSync = !1;
                try {
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], o = this._createNewModel(r), a = !1, this._eachItem(this._data, function(e) {
                        var n, i;
                        for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                            if (i = e.at(n), i.id === o.id) {
                                t.push(i), e.splice(n, 1), a = !0;
                    }), a && (this._removePristineForModel(o), this._destroyed.pop())
                } finally {
                    this.options.autoSync = n
                return t
            remove: function(e) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i._isServerGrouped();
                return this._eachItem(i._data, function(o) {
                    return n = D(o, e), n && r ? (n.isNew && n.isNew() || i._destroyed.push(n), !0) : t
                }), this._removeModelFromRanges(e), this._updateRangesLength(), e
            destroyed: function() {
                return this._destroyed
            created: function() {
                var e, t, n = [],
                    i = this._flatData(this._data);
                for (e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) i[e].isNew && i[e].isNew() && n.push(i[e]);
                return n
            updated: function() {
                var e, t, n = [],
                    i = this._flatData(this._data);
                for (e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) i[e].isNew && !i[e].isNew() && i[e].dirty && n.push(i[e]);
                return n
            sync: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = [],
                    r = [],
                    o = n._destroyed,
                    a = (n._flatData(n._data), e.Deferred().resolve().promise());
                if (n.online()) {
                    if (!n.reader.model) return a;
                    i = n.created(), r = n.updated(), t = [], n.options.batch && n.transport.submit ? t = n._sendSubmit(i, r, o) : (t.push.apply(t, n._send("create", i)), t.push.apply(t, n._send("update", r)), t.push.apply(t, n._send("destroy", o))), a = e.when.apply(null, t).then(function() {
                        var e, t;
                        for (e = 0, t = arguments.length; t > e; e++) n._accept(arguments[e]);
                        n._storeData(!0), n._change({
                            action: "sync"
                        }), n.trigger(bt)
                } else n._storeData(!0), n._change({
                    action: "sync"
                return a
            cancelChanges: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                e instanceof ct.data.Model ? t._cancelModel(e) : (t._destroyed = [], t._detachObservableParents(), t._data = t._observe(t._pristineData), t.options.serverPaging && (t._total = t._pristineTotal), t._ranges = [], t._addRange(t._data), t._change())
            hasChanges: function() {
                var e, t, n = this._flatData(this._data);
                if (this._destroyed.length) return !0;
                for (e = 0, t = n.length; t > e; e++)
                    if (n[e].isNew && n[e].isNew() || n[e].dirty) return !0;
                return !1
            _accept: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = t.models,
                    o = t.response,
                    a = 0,
                    s = i._isServerGrouped(),
                    l = i._pristineData,
                    c = t.type;
                if (i.trigger(St, {
                    response: o,
                    type: c
                }), o && !it(o)) {
                    if (o = i.reader.parse(o), i._handleCustomErrors(o)) return;
                    o = i.reader.data(o), rt(o) || (o = [o])
                } else o = e.map(r, function(e) {
                    return e.toJSON()
                for ("destroy" === c && (i._destroyed = []), a = 0, n = r.length; n > a; a++) "destroy" !== c ? (r[a].accept(o[a]), "create" === c ? l.push(s ? i._wrapInEmptyGroup(r[a]) : o[a]) : "update" === c && i._updatePristineForModel(r[a], o[a])) : i._removePristineForModel(r[a])
            _updatePristineForModel: function(e, t) {
                this._executeOnPristineForModel(e, function(e, n) {
                    ct.deepExtend(n[e], t)
            _executeOnPristineForModel: function(e, n) {
                this._eachPristineItem(function(i) {
                    var r = A(i, e);
                    return r > -1 ? (n(r, i), !0) : t
            _removePristineForModel: function(e) {
                this._executeOnPristineForModel(e, function(e, t) {
                    t.splice(e, 1)
            _readData: function(e) {
                var t = this._isServerGrouped() ? this.reader.groups : this.reader.data;
                return t.call(this.reader, e)
            _eachPristineItem: function(e) {
                this._eachItem(this._pristineData, e)
            _eachItem: function(e, t) {
                e && e.length && (this._isServerGrouped() ? x(e, t) : t(e))
            _pristineForModel: function(e) {
                var n, i, r = function(r) {
                    return i = A(r, e), i > -1 ? (n = r[i], !0) : t
                return this._eachPristineItem(r), n
            _cancelModel: function(e) {
                var t = this._pristineForModel(e);
                this._eachItem(this._data, function(n) {
                    var i = E(n, e);
                    i >= 0 && (!t || e.isNew() && !t.__state__ ? n.splice(i, 1) : n[i].accept(t))
            _submit: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.trigger(xt, {
                    type: "submit"
                }), i.transport.submit(et({
                    success: function(n, i) {
                        var r = e.grep(t, function(e) {
                            return e.type == i
                        r && r.resolve({
                            response: n,
                            models: r.models,
                            type: i
                    error: function(e, n, r) {
                        for (var o = 0; t.length > o; o++) t[o].reject(e);
                        i.error(e, n, r)
                }, n))
            _sendSubmit: function(t, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = [];
                return r.options.batch && (t.length && o.push(e.Deferred(function(e) {
                    e.type = "create", e.models = t
                })), n.length && o.push(e.Deferred(function(e) {
                    e.type = "update", e.models = n
                })), i.length && o.push(e.Deferred(function(e) {
                    e.type = "destroy", e.models = i
                })), r._submit(o, {
                    data: {
                        created: r.reader.serialize(g(t)),
                        updated: r.reader.serialize(g(n)),
                        destroyed: r.reader.serialize(g(i))
                })), o
            _promise: function(t, n, i) {
                var r = this;
                return e.Deferred(function(e) {
                    r.trigger(xt, {
                        type: i
                    }), r.transport[i].call(r.transport, et({
                        success: function(t) {
                                response: t,
                                models: n,
                                type: i
                        error: function(t, n, i) {
                            e.reject(t), r.error(t, n, i)
                    }, t))
            _send: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = [],
                    a = r.reader.serialize(g(t));
                if (r.options.batch) t.length && o.push(r._promise({
                    data: {
                        models: a
                }, t, e));
                    for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) o.push(r._promise({
                        data: a[n]
                    }, [t[n]], e));
                return o
            read: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n._params(t),
                    r = e.Deferred();
                return n._queueRequest(i, function() {
                    var e = n.trigger(xt, {
                        type: "read"
                    e ? (n._dequeueRequest(), r.resolve(e)) : (n.trigger(Ct), n._ranges = [], n.trigger("reset"), n.online() ? n.transport.read({
                        data: i,
                        success: function(e) {
                            n.success(e, i), r.resolve()
                        error: function() {
                            var e = Ht.call(arguments);
                            n.error.apply(n, e), r.reject.apply(r, e)
                    }) : null != n.options.offlineStorage && (n.success(n.offlineData(), i), r.resolve()))
                }), r.promise()
            _readAggregates: function(e) {
                return this.reader.aggregates(e)
            success: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                    u = d.options;
                if (d.trigger(St, {
                    response: e,
                    type: "read"
                }), d.online()) {
                    if (e = d.reader.parse(e), d._handleCustomErrors(e)) return d._dequeueRequest(), t;
                    d._total = d.reader.total(e), d._aggregate && u.serverAggregates && (d._aggregateResult = d._readAggregates(e)), e = d._readData(e)
                } else {
                    for (e = d._readData(e), n = [], i = {}, r = d.reader.model, o = r ? r.idField : "id", a = 0; this._destroyed.length > a; a++) s = this._destroyed[a][o], i[s] = s;
                    for (a = 0; e.length > a; a++) l = e[a], c = l.__state__, "destroy" == c ? i[l[o]] || this._destroyed.push(this._createNewModel(l)) : n.push(l);
                    e = n, d._total = e.length
                d._pristineTotal = d._total, d._pristineData = e.slice(0), d._detachObservableParents(), d._data = d._observe(e), null != d.options.offlineStorage && d._eachItem(d._data, function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e.at(t), "update" == n.__state__ && (n.dirty = !0)
                }), d._storeData(), d._addRange(d._data), d._process(d._data), d._dequeueRequest()
            _detachObservableParents: function() {
                if (this._data && this._shouldDetachObservableParents)
                    for (var e = 0; this._data.length > e; e++) this._data[e].parent && (this._data[e].parent = lt)
            _storeData: function(e) {
                function t(e) {
                    var n, i, r, s = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e.at(n), r = i.toJSON(), o && i.items ? r.items = t(i.items) : (r.uid = i.uid, a && (i.isNew() ? r.__state__ = "create" : i.dirty && (r.__state__ = "update"))), s.push(r);
                    return s
                var n, i, r, o = this._isServerGrouped(),
                    a = this.reader.model;
                if (null != this.options.offlineStorage) {
                    for (n = t(this._data), i = 0; this._destroyed.length > i; i++) r = this._destroyed[i].toJSON(), r.__state__ = "destroy", n.push(r);
                    this.offlineData(n), e && (this._pristineData = n)
            _addRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t._skip || 0,
                    i = n + t._flatData(e, !0).length;
                    start: n,
                    end: i,
                    data: e,
                    timestamp: (new Date).getTime()
                }), t._ranges.sort(function(e, t) {
                    return e.start - t.start
            error: function(e, t, n) {
                this._dequeueRequest(), this.trigger(St, {}), this.trigger(kt, {
                    xhr: e,
                    status: t,
                    errorThrown: n
            _params: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = et({
                        take: t.take(),
                        skip: t.skip(),
                        page: t.page(),
                        pageSize: t.pageSize(),
                        sort: t._sort,
                        filter: t._filter,
                        group: t._group,
                        aggregate: t._aggregate
                    }, e);
                return t.options.serverPaging || (delete n.take, delete n.skip, delete n.page, delete n.pageSize), t.options.serverGrouping ? t.reader.model && n.group && (n.group = z(n.group, t.reader.model)) : delete n.group, t.options.serverFiltering ? t.reader.model && n.filter && (n.filter = M(n.filter, t.reader.model)) : delete n.filter, t.options.serverSorting ? t.reader.model && n.sort && (n.sort = z(n.sort, t.reader.model)) : delete n.sort, t.options.serverAggregates ? t.reader.model && n.aggregate && (n.aggregate = z(n.aggregate, t.reader.model)) : delete n.aggregate, n
            _queueRequest: function(e, n) {
                var i = this;
                i._requestInProgress ? i._pending = {
                    callback: tt(n, i),
                    options: e
                } : (i._requestInProgress = !0, i._pending = t, n())
            _dequeueRequest: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._requestInProgress = !1, e._pending && e._queueRequest(e._pending.options, e._pending.callback)
            _handleCustomErrors: function(e) {
                if (this.reader.errors) {
                    var t = this.reader.errors(e);
                    if (t) return this.trigger(kt, {
                        xhr: null,
                        status: "customerror",
                        errorThrown: "custom error",
                        errors: t
                    }), !0
                return !1
            _shouldWrap: function(e) {
                var t = this.reader.model;
                return t && e.length ? !(e[0] instanceof t) : !1
            _observe: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.reader.model;
                return n._shouldDetachObservableParents = !0, e instanceof Wt ? (n._shouldDetachObservableParents = !1, n._shouldWrap(e) && (e.type = n.reader.model, e.wrapAll(e, e))) : (t = n.pageSize() && !n.options.serverPaging ? jt : Wt, e = new t(e, n.reader.model), e.parent = function() {
                    return n.parent()
                }), n._isServerGrouped() && k(e, i), n._changeHandler && n._data && n._data instanceof Wt ? n._data.unbind(wt, n._changeHandler) : n._changeHandler = tt(n._change, n), e.bind(wt, n._changeHandler)
            _change: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = e ? e.action : "";
                if ("remove" === o)
                    for (t = 0, n = e.items.length; n > t; t++) e.items[t].isNew && e.items[t].isNew() || r._destroyed.push(e.items[t]);
                !r.options.autoSync || "add" !== o && "remove" !== o && "itemchange" !== o ? (i = parseInt(r._total, 10), p(r._total) || (i = parseInt(r._pristineTotal, 10)), "add" === o ? i += e.items.length : "remove" === o ? i -= e.items.length : "itemchange" === o || "sync" === o || r.options.serverPaging ? "sync" === o && (i = r._pristineTotal = parseInt(r._total, 10)) : i = r._pristineTotal, r._total = i, r._process(r._data, e)) : r.sync()
            _calculateAggregates: function(e, t) {
                t = t || {};
                var n = new o(e),
                    i = t.aggregate,
                    r = t.filter;
                return r && (n = n.filter(r)), n.aggregate(i)
            _process: function(e, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = {};
                r.options.serverPaging !== !0 && (o.skip = r._skip, o.take = r._take || r._pageSize, o.skip === t && r._page !== t && r._pageSize !== t && (o.skip = (r._page - 1) * r._pageSize)), r.options.serverSorting !== !0 && (o.sort = r._sort), r.options.serverFiltering !== !0 && (o.filter = r._filter), r.options.serverGrouping !== !0 && (o.group = r._group), r.options.serverAggregates !== !0 && (o.aggregate = r._aggregate, r._aggregateResult = r._calculateAggregates(e, o)), i = r._queryProcess(e, o), r.view(i.data), i.total === t || r.options.serverFiltering || (r._total = i.total), n = n || {}, n.items = n.items || r._view, r.trigger(wt, n)
            _queryProcess: function(e, t) {
                return o.process(e, t)
            _mergeState: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t && (n._pageSize = e.pageSize, n._page = e.page, n._sort = e.sort, n._filter = e.filter, n._group = e.group, n._aggregate = e.aggregate, n._skip = e.skip, n._take = e.take, n._skip === t && (n._skip = n.skip(), e.skip = n.skip()), n._take === t && n._pageSize !== t && (n._take = n._pageSize, e.take = n._take), e.sort && (n._sort = e.sort = a(e.sort)), e.filter && (n._filter = e.filter = l(e.filter)), e.group && (n._group = e.group = d(e.group)), e.aggregate && (n._aggregate = e.aggregate = c(e.aggregate))), e
            query: function(n) {
                var i, r, o = this.options.serverSorting || this.options.serverPaging || this.options.serverFiltering || this.options.serverGrouping || this.options.serverAggregates;
                return o || (this._data === t || 0 === this._data.length) && !this._destroyed.length ? this.read(this._mergeState(n)) : (r = this.trigger(xt, {
                    type: "read"
                }), r || (this.trigger(Ct), i = this._queryProcess(this._data, this._mergeState(n)), this.options.serverFiltering || (this._total = i.total !== t ? i.total : this._data.length), this._aggregateResult = this._calculateAggregates(this._data, n), this.view(i.data), this.trigger(St, {
                    type: "read"
                }), this.trigger(wt, {
                    items: i.data
                })), e.Deferred().resolve(r).promise())
            fetch: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = function(n) {
                        n !== !0 && dt(e) && e.call(t)
                return this._query().then(n)
            _query: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.query(et({}, {
                    page: t.page(),
                    pageSize: t.pageSize(),
                    sort: t.sort(),
                    filter: t.filter(),
                    group: t.group(),
                    aggregate: t.aggregate()
                }, e))
            next: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.page(),
                    r = n.total();
                return e = e || {}, !i || r && i + 1 > n.totalPages() ? t : (n._skip = i * n.take(), i += 1, e.page = i, n._query(e), i)
            prev: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.page();
                return e = e || {}, i && 1 !== i ? (n._skip = n._skip - n.take(), i -= 1, e.page = i, n._query(e), i) : t
            page: function(e) {
                var n, i = this;
                return e !== t ? (e = It.max(It.min(It.max(e, 1), i.totalPages()), 1), i._query({
                    page: e
                }), t) : (n = i.skip(), n !== t ? It.round((n || 0) / (i.take() || 1)) + 1 : t)
            pageSize: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t ? (n._query({
                    pageSize: e,
                    page: 1
                }), t) : n.take()
            sort: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t ? (n._query({
                    sort: e
                }), t) : n._sort
            filter: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e === t ? n._filter : (n.trigger("reset"), n._query({
                    filter: e,
                    page: 1
                }), t)
            group: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t ? (n._query({
                    group: e
                }), t) : n._group
            total: function() {
                return parseInt(this._total || 0, 10)
            aggregate: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t ? (n._query({
                    aggregate: e
                }), t) : n._aggregate
            aggregates: function() {
                var e = this._aggregateResult;
                return it(e) && (e = this._emptyAggregates(this.aggregate())), e
            _emptyAggregates: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {};
                if (!it(e))
                    for (t = {}, rt(e) || (e = [e]), n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t[e[n].aggregate] = 0, i[e[n].field] = t;
                return i
            _wrapInEmptyGroup: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this.group();
                for (i = o.length - 1, r = 0; i >= r; i--) n = o[i], t = {
                    value: e.get(n.field),
                    field: n.field,
                    items: t ? [t] : [e],
                    hasSubgroups: !!t,
                    aggregates: this._emptyAggregates(n.aggregates)
                return t
            totalPages: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.pageSize() || e.total();
                return It.ceil((e.total() || 0) / t)
            inRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = It.min(e + t, n.total());
                return !n.options.serverPaging && n._data.length > 0 ? !0 : n._findRange(e, i).length > 0
            lastRange: function() {
                var e = this._ranges;
                return e[e.length - 1] || {
                    start: 0,
                    end: 0,
                    data: []
            firstItemUid: function() {
                var e = this._ranges;
                return e.length && e[0].data.length && e[0].data[0].uid
            enableRequestsInProgress: function() {
                this._skipRequestsInProgress = !1
            _timeStamp: function() {
                return (new Date).getTime()
            range: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d;
                if (this._currentRequestTimeStamp = this._timeStamp(), this._skipRequestsInProgress = !0, e = It.min(e || 0, this.total()), i = this, r = It.max(It.floor(e / n), 0) * n, o = It.min(r + n, i.total()), a = i._findRange(e, It.min(e + n, i.total())), a.length) {
                    i._pending = t, i._skip = e > i.skip() ? It.min(o, (i.totalPages() - 1) * i.take()) : r, i._take = n, s = i.options.serverPaging, l = i.options.serverSorting, c = i.options.serverFiltering, d = i.options.serverAggregates;
                    try {
                        i.options.serverPaging = !0, i._isServerGrouped() || i.group() && i.group().length || (i.options.serverSorting = !0), i.options.serverFiltering = !0, i.options.serverPaging = !0, i.options.serverAggregates = !0, s && (i._detachObservableParents(), i._data = a = i._observe(a)), i._process(a)
                    } finally {
                        i.options.serverPaging = s, i.options.serverSorting = l, i.options.serverFiltering = c, i.options.serverAggregates = d
                } else n !== t && (i._rangeExists(r, o) ? e > r && i.prefetch(o, n, function() {
                    i.range(e, n)
                }) : i.prefetch(r, n, function() {
                    e > r && o < i.total() && !i._rangeExists(o, It.min(o + n, i.total())) ? i.prefetch(o, n, function() {
                        i.range(e, n)
                    }) : i.range(e, n)
            _findRange: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o, s, l, c, u, h, p, f, g, m, v = this,
                    _ = v._ranges,
                    w = [],
                    b = v.options,
                    y = b.serverSorting || b.serverPaging || b.serverFiltering || b.serverGrouping || b.serverAggregates;
                for (r = 0, g = _.length; g > r; r++)
                    if (i = _[r], e >= i.start && i.end >= e) {
                        for (f = 0, o = r; g > o; o++)
                            if (i = _[o], p = v._flatData(i.data, !0), p.length && e + f >= i.start && (c = i.data, u = i.end, y || (m = d(v.group() || []).concat(a(v.sort() || [])), h = v._queryProcess(i.data, {
                                sort: m,
                                filter: v.filter()
                            }), p = c = h.data, h.total !== t && (u = h.total)), s = 0, e + f > i.start && (s = e + f - i.start), l = p.length, u > n && (l -= u - n), f += l - s, w = v._mergeGroups(w, c, s, l), i.end >= n && f == n - e)) return w;
                return []
            _mergeGroups: function(e, t, n, i) {
                if (this._isServerGrouped()) {
                    var r, o = t.toJSON();
                    return e.length && (r = e[e.length - 1]), b(r, o, n, i), e.concat(o)
                return e.concat(t.slice(n, i))
            skip: function() {
                var e = this;
                return e._skip === t ? e._page !== t ? (e._page - 1) * (e.take() || 1) : t : e._skip
            take: function() {
                return this._take || this._pageSize
            _prefetchSuccessHandler: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = r._timeStamp();
                return function(a) {
                    var s, l, c, d = !1,
                        u = {
                            start: e,
                            end: t,
                            data: [],
                            timestamp: r._timeStamp()
                    if (r._dequeueRequest(), r.trigger(St, {
                        response: a,
                        type: "read"
                    }), a = r.reader.parse(a), c = r._readData(a), c.length) {
                        for (s = 0, l = r._ranges.length; l > s; s++)
                            if (r._ranges[s].start === e) {
                                d = !0, u = r._ranges[s];
                        d || r._ranges.push(u)
                    u.data = r._observe(c), u.end = u.start + r._flatData(u.data, !0).length, r._ranges.sort(function(e, t) {
                        return e.start - t.start
                    }), r._total = r.reader.total(a), (i || o >= r._currentRequestTimeStamp || !r._skipRequestsInProgress) && (n && c.length ? n() : r.trigger(wt, {}))
            prefetch: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = It.min(e + t, i.total()),
                    o = {
                        take: t,
                        skip: e,
                        page: e / t + 1,
                        pageSize: t,
                        sort: i._sort,
                        filter: i._filter,
                        group: i._group,
                        aggregate: i._aggregate
                i._rangeExists(e, r) ? n && n() : (clearTimeout(i._timeout), i._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    i._queueRequest(o, function() {
                        i.trigger(xt, {
                            type: "read"
                        }) ? i._dequeueRequest() : i.transport.read({
                            data: i._params(o),
                            success: i._prefetchSuccessHandler(e, r, n),
                            error: function() {
                                var e = Ht.call(arguments);
                                i.error.apply(i, e)
                }, 100))
            _multiplePrefetch: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = It.min(e + t, i.total()),
                    o = {
                        take: t,
                        skip: e,
                        page: e / t + 1,
                        pageSize: t,
                        sort: i._sort,
                        filter: i._filter,
                        group: i._group,
                        aggregate: i._aggregate
                i._rangeExists(e, r) ? n && n() : i.trigger(xt, {
                    type: "read"
                }) || i.transport.read({
                    data: i._params(o),
                    success: i._prefetchSuccessHandler(e, r, n, !0)
            _rangeExists: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r._ranges;
                for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++)
                    if (e >= o[n].start && o[n].end >= t) return !0;
                return !1
            _removeModelFromRanges: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                for (r = 0, o = this._ranges.length; o > r && (i = this._ranges[r], this._eachItem(i.data, function(i) {
                    t = D(i, e), t && (n = !0)
                }), !n); r++);
            _updateRangesLength: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = 0;
                for (n = 0, i = this._ranges.length; i > n; n++) e = this._ranges[n], e.start = e.start - r, t = this._flatData(e.data, !0).length, r = e.end - t, e.end = e.start + t
        }), Q = {}, Q.create = function(t, n, i) {
            var r, o = t.transport ? e.extend({}, t.transport) : null;
            return o ? (o.read = typeof o.read === pt ? {
                url: o.read
            } : o.read, i && (o.dataSource = i), t.type && (ct.data.transports = ct.data.transports || {}, ct.data.schemas = ct.data.schemas || {}, ct.data.transports[t.type] && !nt(ct.data.transports[t.type]) ? r = new ct.data.transports[t.type](et(o, {
                data: n
            })) : o = et(!0, {}, ct.data.transports[t.type], o), t.schema = et(!0, {}, ct.data.schemas[t.type], t.schema)), r || (r = dt(o.read) ? o : new G(o))) : r = new j({
                data: t.data || []
            }), r
        }, Y.create = function(e) {
            (rt(e) || e instanceof Wt) && (e = {
                data: e
            var n, i, r, o = e || {},
                a = o.data,
                s = o.fields,
                l = o.table,
                c = o.select,
                d = {};
            if (a || !s || o.transport || (l ? a = R(l, s) : c && (a = F(c, s), o.group === t && a[0] && a[0].optgroup !== t && (o.group = "optgroup"))), ct.data.Model && s && (!o.schema || !o.schema.model)) {
                for (n = 0, i = s.length; i > n; n++) r = s[n], r.type && (d[r.field] = r);
                it(d) || (o.schema = et(!0, o.schema, {
                    model: {
                        fields: d
            return o.data = a, c = null, o.select = null, l = null, o.table = null, o instanceof Y ? o : new Y(o)
        }, K = Yt.define({
            idField: "id",
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.hasChildren || e && e.hasChildren,
                    i = "items",
                    r = {};
                ct.data.Model.fn.init.call(t, e), typeof t.children === pt && (i = t.children), r = {
                    schema: {
                        data: i,
                        model: {
                            hasChildren: n,
                            id: t.idField,
                            fields: t.fields
                }, typeof t.children !== pt && et(r, t.children), r.data = e, n || (n = r.schema.data), typeof n === pt && (n = ct.getter(n)), dt(n) && (t.hasChildren = !!n.call(t, t)), t._childrenOptions = r, t.hasChildren && t._initChildren(), t._loaded = !(!e || !e[i] && !e._loaded)
            _initChildren: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this;
                i.children instanceof X || (e = i.children = new X(i._childrenOptions), t = e.transport, n = t.parameterMap, t.parameterMap = function(e, t) {
                    return e[i.idField || "id"] = i.id, n && (e = n(e, t)), e
                }, e.parent = function() {
                    return i
                }, e.bind(wt, function(e) {
                    e.node = e.node || i, i.trigger(wt, e)
                }), e.bind(kt, function(e) {
                    var t = i.parent();
                    t && (e.node = e.node || i, t.trigger(kt, e))
                }), i._updateChildrenField())
            append: function(e) {
                this._initChildren(), this.loaded(!0), this.children.add(e)
            hasChildren: !1,
            level: function() {
                for (var e = this.parentNode(), t = 0; e && e.parentNode;) t++, e = e.parentNode ? e.parentNode() : null;
                return t
            _updateChildrenField: function() {
                var e = this._childrenOptions.schema.data;
                this[e || "items"] = this.children.data()
            _childrenLoaded: function() {
                this._loaded = !0, this._updateChildrenField()
            load: function() {
                var n, i, r = {},
                    o = "_query";
                return this.hasChildren ? (this._initChildren(), n = this.children, r[this.idField || "id"] = this.id, this._loaded || (n._data = t, o = "read"), n.one(wt, tt(this._childrenLoaded, this)), i = n[o](r)) : this.loaded(!0), i || e.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            parentNode: function() {
                var e = this.parent();
                return e.parent()
            loaded: function(e) {
                return e === t ? this._loaded : (this._loaded = e, t)
            shouldSerialize: function(e) {
                return Yt.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, e) && "children" !== e && "_loaded" !== e && "hasChildren" !== e && "_childrenOptions" !== e
        }), X = Y.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = K.define({
                    children: e
                Y.fn.init.call(this, et(!0, {}, {
                    schema: {
                        modelBase: t,
                        model: t
                }, e)), this._attachBubbleHandlers()
            _attachBubbleHandlers: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._data.bind(kt, function(t) {
                    e.trigger(kt, t)
            remove: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.parentNode(),
                    i = this;
                return n && n._initChildren && (i = n.children), t = Y.fn.remove.call(i, e), n && !i.data().length && (n.hasChildren = !1), t
            success: H("success"),
            data: H("data"),
            insert: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.parent();
                return n && n._initChildren && (n.hasChildren = !0, n._initChildren()), Y.fn.insert.call(this, e, t)
            _find: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a;
                if (r = Y.fn[e].call(this, t)) return r;
                if (o = this._flatData(this._data))
                    for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (a = o[n].children, a instanceof X && (r = a[e](t))) return r
            get: function(e) {
                return this._find("get", e)
            getByUid: function(e) {
                return this._find("getByUid", e)
        }), X.create = function(e) {
            e = e && e.push ? {
                data: e
            } : e;
            var t = e || {},
                n = t.data,
                i = t.fields,
                r = t.list;
            return n && n._dataSource ? n._dataSource : (n || !i || t.transport || r && (n = B(r, i)), t.data = n, t instanceof X ? t : new X(t))
        }, Z = ct.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                ct.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this._prefetching = !1, this.dataSource = e, this.prefetch = !n;
                var i = this;
                e.bind("change", function() {
                }), e.bind("reset", function() {
                }), this._syncWithDataSource(), this.setViewSize(t)
            setViewSize: function(e) {
                this.viewSize = e, this._recalculate()
            at: function(e) {
                var n = this.pageSize,
                    i = !0;
                return e >= this.total() ? (this.trigger("endreached", {
                    index: e
                }), null) : this.useRanges ? this.useRanges ? ((this.dataOffset > e || e >= this.skip + n) && (i = this.range(Math.floor(e / n) * n)), e === this.prefetchThreshold && this._prefetch(), e === this.midPageThreshold ? this.range(this.nextMidRange, !0) : e === this.nextPageThreshold ? this.range(this.nextFullRange) : e === this.pullBackThreshold && this.range(this.offset === this.skip ? this.previousMidRange : this.previousFullRange), i ? this.dataSource.at(e - this.dataOffset) : (this.trigger("endreached", {
                    index: e
                }), null)) : t : this.dataSource.view()[e]
            indexOf: function(e) {
                return this.dataSource.data().indexOf(e) + this.dataOffset
            total: function() {
                return parseInt(this.dataSource.total(), 10)
            next: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.pageSize,
                    n = e.skip - e.viewSize + t,
                    i = It.max(It.floor(n / t), 0) * t;
                this.offset = n, this.dataSource.prefetch(i, t, function() {
                    e._goToRange(n, !0)
            range: function(e, t) {
                if (this.offset === e) return !0;
                var n = this,
                    i = this.pageSize,
                    r = It.max(It.floor(e / i), 0) * i,
                    o = this.dataSource;
                return t && (r += i), o.inRange(e, i) ? (this.offset = e, this._recalculate(), this._goToRange(e), !0) : this.prefetch ? (o.prefetch(r, i, function() {
                    n.offset = e, n._recalculate(), n._goToRange(e, !0)
                }), !1) : !0
            syncDataSource: function() {
                var e = this.offset;
                this.offset = null, this.range(e)
            destroy: function() {
            _prefetch: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = this.pageSize,
                    n = this.skip + t,
                    i = this.dataSource;
                i.inRange(n, t) || this._prefetching || !this.prefetch || (this._prefetching = !0, this.trigger("prefetching", {
                    skip: n,
                    take: t
                }), i.prefetch(n, t, function() {
                    e._prefetching = !1, e.trigger("prefetched", {
                        skip: n,
                        take: t
            _goToRange: function(e, t) {
                this.offset === e && (this.dataOffset = e, this._expanding = t, this.dataSource.range(e, this.pageSize), this.dataSource.enableRequestsInProgress())
            _reset: function() {
                this._syncPending = !0
            _change: function() {
                var e = this.dataSource;
                this.length = this.useRanges ? e.lastRange().end : e.view().length, this._syncPending && (this._syncWithDataSource(), this._recalculate(), this._syncPending = !1, this.trigger("reset", {
                    offset: this.offset
                })), this.trigger("resize"), this._expanding && this.trigger("expand"), delete this._expanding
            _syncWithDataSource: function() {
                var e = this.dataSource;
                this._firstItemUid = e.firstItemUid(), this.dataOffset = this.offset = e.skip() || 0, this.pageSize = e.pageSize(), this.useRanges = e.options.serverPaging
            _recalculate: function() {
                var e = this.pageSize,
                    t = this.offset,
                    n = this.viewSize,
                    i = Math.ceil(t / e) * e;
                this.skip = i, this.midPageThreshold = i + e - 1, this.nextPageThreshold = i + n - 1, this.prefetchThreshold = i + Math.floor(e / 3 * 2), this.pullBackThreshold = this.offset - 1, this.nextMidRange = i + e - n, this.nextFullRange = i, this.previousMidRange = t - n, this.previousFullRange = i - e
        }), J = ct.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                ct.Observable.fn.init.call(n), this.dataSource = e, this.batchSize = t, this._total = 0, this.buffer = new Z(e, 3 * t), this.buffer.bind({
                    endreached: function(e) {
                        n.trigger("endreached", {
                            index: e.index
                    prefetching: function(e) {
                        n.trigger("prefetching", {
                            skip: e.skip,
                            take: e.take
                    prefetched: function(e) {
                        n.trigger("prefetched", {
                            skip: e.skip,
                            take: e.take
                    reset: function() {
                        n._total = 0, n.trigger("reset")
                    resize: function() {
                        n._total = Math.ceil(this.length / n.batchSize), n.trigger("resize", {
                            total: n.total(),
                            offset: this.offset
            syncDataSource: function() {
            at: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.buffer,
                    r = e * this.batchSize,
                    o = this.batchSize,
                    a = [];
                for (i.offset > r && i.at(i.offset - 1), n = 0; o > n && (t = i.at(r + n), null !== t); n++) a.push(t);
                return a
            total: function() {
                return this._total
            destroy: function() {
                this.buffer.destroy(), this.unbind()
        }), et(!0, ct.data, {
            readers: {
                json: $
            Query: o,
            DataSource: Y,
            HierarchicalDataSource: X,
            Node: K,
            ObservableObject: Gt,
            ObservableArray: Wt,
            LazyObservableArray: jt,
            LocalTransport: j,
            RemoteTransport: G,
            Cache: q,
            DataReader: $,
            Model: Yt,
            Buffer: Z,
            BatchBuffer: J
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, n, i) {
            return v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    v.fn.init.call(i, e.element[0], t, n), i.widget = e, i._dataBinding = P(i.dataBinding, i), i._dataBound = P(i.dataBound, i), i._itemChange = P(i.itemChange, i)
                itemChange: function(e) {
                    a(e.item[0], e.data, this._ns(e.ns), [e.data].concat(this.bindings[t]._parents()))
                dataBinding: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.widget,
                        r = e.removedItems || i.items();
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) c(r[t])
                _ns: function(t) {
                    t = t || C.ui;
                    var n = [C.ui, C.dataviz.ui, C.mobile.ui];
                    return n.splice(e.inArray(t, n), 1), n.unshift(t), C.rolesFromNamespaces(n)
                dataBound: function(e) {
                    var i, r, o, s, l = this.widget,
                        c = e.addedItems || l.items(),
                        d = l[n],
                        u = (d.group() || [], C.data.HierarchicalDataSource);
                    if (!(u && d instanceof u) && c.length)
                        for (o = e.addedDataItems || d.flatView(), s = this.bindings[t]._parents(), i = 0, r = o.length; r > i; i++) a(c[i], o[i], this._ns(e.ns), [o[i]].concat(s))
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var r, o = this,
                        a = o.widget;
                    e = e || {}, e.action || (o.destroy(), a.bind("dataBinding", o._dataBinding), a.bind("dataBound", o._dataBound), a.bind("itemChange", o._itemChange), r = o.bindings[t].get(), a[n] instanceof C.data.DataSource && a[n] != r && (r instanceof C.data.DataSource ? a[i](r) : r && r._dataSource ? a[i](r._dataSource) : (a[n].data(r), o.bindings.value && (a instanceof C.ui.Select || a instanceof C.ui.MultiSelect) && a.value(p(o.bindings.value.get(), a.options.dataValueField)))))
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this.widget;
                    e.unbind("dataBinding", this._dataBinding), e.unbind("dataBound", this._dataBound), e.unbind("itemChange", this._itemChange)

        function i(e, n) {
            var i = C.initWidget(e, {}, n);
            return i ? new y(i) : t

        function r(e) {
            var t, n, i, o, a, s, l, c = {};
            for (l = e.match(k), t = 0, n = l.length; n > t; t++) i = l[t], o = i.indexOf(":"), a = i.substring(0, o), s = i.substring(o + 1), "{" == s.charAt(0) && (s = r(s)), c[a] = s;
            return c

        function o(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = {};
            for (i in e) r[i] = new n(t, e[i]);
            return r

        function a(e, t, n, s) {
            var c, d, u, h = e.getAttribute("data-" + C.ns + "role"),
                p = e.getAttribute("data-" + C.ns + "bind"),
                v = e.children,
                _ = [],
                w = !0,
                y = {};
            if (s = s || [t], (h || p) && l(e), h && (u = i(e, n)), p && (p = r(p.replace(x, "")), u || (y = C.parseOptions(e, {
                textField: "",
                valueField: "",
                template: "",
                valueUpdate: L,
                valuePrimitive: !1,
                autoBind: !0
            }), y.roles = n, u = new b(e, y)), u.source = t, d = o(p, s, f), y.template && (d.template = new m(s, "", y.template)), d.click && (p.events = p.events || {}, p.events.click = p.click, d.click.destroy(), delete d.click), d.source && (w = !1), p.attr && (d.attr = o(p.attr, s, f)), p.style && (d.style = o(p.style, s, f)), p.events && (d.events = o(p.events, s, g)), p.css && (d.css = o(p.css, s, f)), u.bind(d)), u && (e.kendoBindingTarget = u), w && v) {
                for (c = 0; v.length > c; c++) _[c] = v[c];
                for (c = 0; _.length > c; c++) a(_[c], t, n, s)

        function s(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, s = C.rolesFromNamespaces([].slice.call(arguments, 2));
            for (n = C.observable(n), t = e(t), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) o = t[i], 1 === o.nodeType && a(o, n, s)

        function l(e) {
            var t = e.kendoBindingTarget;
            t && (t.destroy(), B ? delete e.kendoBindingTarget : e.removeAttribute ? e.removeAttribute("kendoBindingTarget") : e.kendoBindingTarget = null)

        function c(e) {
            l(e), d(e)

        function d(e) {
            var t, n, i = e.children;
            if (i)
                for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++) c(i[t])

        function u(t) {
            var n, i;
            for (t = e(t), n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) c(t[n])

        function h(e, t) {
            var n = e.element,
                i = n[0].kendoBindingTarget;
            i && s(n, i.source, t)

        function p(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = [],
                o = 0;
            if (!t) return e;
            if (e instanceof D) {
                for (n = e.length; n > o; o++) i = e[o], r[o] = i.get ? i.get(t) : i[t];
                e = r
            } else e instanceof T && (e = e.get(t));
            return e
        var f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C = window.kendo,
            S = C.Observable,
            T = C.data.ObservableObject,
            D = C.data.ObservableArray,
            A = {}.toString,
            E = {},
            I = C.Class,
            P = e.proxy,
            M = "value",
            z = "source",
            F = "events",
            R = "checked",
            H = "css",
            B = !0,
            L = "change";
        ! function() {
            var e = document.createElement("a");
            try {
                delete e.test
            } catch (t) {
                B = !1
        }(), f = S.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                S.fn.init.call(n), n.source = e[0], n.parents = e, n.path = t, n.dependencies = {}, n.dependencies[t] = !0, n.observable = n.source instanceof S, n._access = function(e) {
                    n.dependencies[e.field] = !0
                }, n.observable && (n._change = function(e) {
                }, n.source.bind(L, n._change))
            _parents: function() {
                var t, n = this.parents,
                    i = this.get();
                return i && "function" == typeof i.parent && (t = i.parent(), e.inArray(t, n) < 0 && (n = [t].concat(n))), n
            change: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e.field,
                    r = this;
                if ("this" === r.path) r.trigger(L, e);
                    for (t in r.dependencies)
                        if (0 === t.indexOf(i) && (n = t.charAt(i.length), !n || "." === n || "[" === n)) {
                            r.trigger(L, e);
            start: function(e) {
                e.bind("get", this._access)
            stop: function(e) {
                e.unbind("get", this._access)
            get: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = e.source,
                    i = 0,
                    r = e.path,
                    o = n;
                if (!e.observable) return o;
                for (e.start(e.source), o = n.get(r); o === t && n;) n = e.parents[++i], n instanceof T && (o = n.get(r));
                if (o === t)
                    for (n = e.source; o === t && n;) n = n.parent(), n instanceof T && (o = n.get(r));
                return "function" == typeof o && (i = r.lastIndexOf("."), i > 0 && (n = n.get(r.substring(0, i))), e.start(n), o = n !== e.source ? o.call(n, e.source) : o.call(n), e.stop(n)), n && n !== e.source && (e.currentSource = n, n.unbind(L, e._change).bind(L, e._change)), e.stop(e.source), o
            set: function(e) {
                var t = this.currentSource || this.source,
                    n = C.getter(this.path)(t);
                "function" == typeof n ? t !== this.source ? n.call(t, this.source, e) : n.call(t, e) : t.set(this.path, e)
            destroy: function() {
                this.observable && (this.source.unbind(L, this._change), this.currentSource && this.currentSource.unbind(L, this._change)), this.unbind()
        }), g = f.extend({
            get: function() {
                var e, t = this.source,
                    n = this.path,
                    i = 0;
                for (e = t.get(n); !e && t;) t = this.parents[++i], t instanceof T && (e = t.get(n));
                return P(e, t)
        }), m = f.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                f.fn.init.call(i, e, t), i.template = n
            render: function(e) {
                var t;
                return this.start(this.source), t = C.render(this.template, e), this.stop(this.source), t
        }), v = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.element = e, this.bindings = t, this.options = n
            bind: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                e = t ? e[t] : e, e.bind(L, function(e) {
                    n.refresh(t || e)
                }), n.refresh(t)
            destroy: function() {}
        }), _ = v.extend({
            dataType: function() {
                var e = this.element.getAttribute("data-type") || this.element.type || "text";
                return e.toLowerCase()
            parsedValue: function() {
                return this._parseValue(this.element.value, this.dataType())
            _parseValue: function(e, t) {
                return "date" == t ? e = C.parseDate(e, "yyyy-MM-dd") : "datetime-local" == t ? e = C.parseDate(e, ["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm"]) : "number" == t ? e = C.parseFloat(e) : "boolean" == t && (e = e.toLowerCase(), e = null !== C.parseFloat(e) ? !!C.parseFloat(e) : "true" === e.toLowerCase()), e
        }), E.attr = v.extend({
            refresh: function(e) {
                this.element.setAttribute(e, this.bindings.attr[e].get())
        }), E.css = v.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                v.fn.init.call(this, e, t, n), this.classes = {}
            refresh: function(t) {
                var n = e(this.element),
                    i = this.bindings.css[t],
                    r = this.classes[t] = i.get();
                r ? n.addClass(t) : n.removeClass(t)
        }), E.style = v.extend({
            refresh: function(e) {
                this.element.style[e] = this.bindings.style[e].get() || ""
        }), E.enabled = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.bindings.enabled.get() ? this.element.removeAttribute("disabled") : this.element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled")
        }), E.readonly = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.bindings.readonly.get() ? this.element.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly") : this.element.removeAttribute("readonly")
        }), E.disabled = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.bindings.disabled.get() ? this.element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled") : this.element.removeAttribute("disabled")
        }), E.events = v.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                v.fn.init.call(this, e, t, n), this.handlers = {}
            refresh: function(t) {
                var n = e(this.element),
                    i = this.bindings.events[t],
                    r = this.handlers[t];
                r && n.off(t, r), r = this.handlers[t] = i.get(), n.on(t, i.source, r)
            destroy: function() {
                var t, n = e(this.element);
                for (t in this.handlers) n.off(t, this.handlers[t])
        }), E.text = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                var t = this.bindings.text.get(),
                    n = this.element.getAttribute("data-format") || "";
                null == t && (t = ""), e(this.element).text(C.toString(t, n))
        }), E.visible = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.element.style.display = this.bindings.visible.get() ? "" : "none"
        }), E.invisible = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.element.style.display = this.bindings.invisible.get() ? "none" : ""
        }), E.html = v.extend({
            refresh: function() {
                this.element.innerHTML = this.bindings.html.get()
        }), E.value = _.extend({
            init: function(t, n, i) {
                _.fn.init.call(this, t, n, i), this._change = P(this.change, this), this.eventName = i.valueUpdate || L, e(this.element).on(this.eventName, this._change), this._initChange = !1
            change: function() {
                this._initChange = this.eventName != L, this.bindings[M].set(this.parsedValue()), this._initChange = !1
            refresh: function() {
                var e, t;
                this._initChange || (e = this.bindings[M].get(), null == e && (e = ""), t = this.dataType(), "date" == t ? e = C.toString(e, "yyyy-MM-dd") : "datetime-local" == t && (e = C.toString(e, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")), this.element.value = e), this._initChange = !1
            destroy: function() {
                e(this.element).off(this.eventName, this._change)
        }), E.source = v.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                v.fn.init.call(this, e, t, n);
                var i = this.bindings.source.get();
                i instanceof C.data.DataSource && n.autoBind !== !1 && i.fetch()
            refresh: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.bindings.source.get();
                n instanceof D || n instanceof C.data.DataSource ? (e = e || {}, "add" == e.action ? t.add(e.index, e.items) : "remove" == e.action ? t.remove(e.index, e.items) : "itemchange" != e.action && t.render()) : t.render()
            container: function() {
                var e = this.element;
                return "table" == e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (e.tBodies[0] || e.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody")), e = e.tBodies[0]), e
            template: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.template,
                    n = this.container().nodeName.toLowerCase();
                return t || (t = "select" == n ? e.valueField || e.textField ? C.format('<option value="#:{0}#">#:{1}#</option>', e.valueField || e.textField, e.textField || e.valueField) : "<option>#:data#</option>" : "tbody" == n ? "<tr><td>#:data#</td></tr>" : "ul" == n || "ol" == n ? "<li>#:data#</li>" : "#:data#", t = C.template(t)), t
            add: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, s, l = this.container(),
                    c = l.cloneNode(!1),
                    d = l.children[t];
                if (e(c).html(C.render(this.template(), n)), c.children.length)
                    for (i = this.bindings.source._parents(), r = 0, o = n.length; o > r; r++) s = c.children[0], l.insertBefore(s, d || null), a(s, n[r], this.options.roles, [n[r]].concat(i))
            remove: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.container();
                for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i = r.children[e], c(i), r.removeChild(i)
            render: function() {
                var t, n, i, r = this.bindings.source.get(),
                    o = this.container(),
                    s = this.template();
                if (r instanceof C.data.DataSource && (r = r.view()), r instanceof D || "[object Array]" === A.call(r) || (r = [r]), this.bindings.template) {
                    if (d(o), e(o).html(this.bindings.template.render(r)), o.children.length)
                        for (t = this.bindings.source._parents(), n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) a(o.children[n], r[n], this.options.roles, [r[n]].concat(t))
                } else e(o).html(C.render(s, r))
        }), E.input = {
            checked: _.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    _.fn.init.call(this, t, n, i), this._change = P(this.change, this), e(this.element).change(this._change)
                change: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this.element,
                        r = this.value();
                    if ("radio" == i.type) r = this.parsedValue(), this.bindings[R].set(r);
                    else if ("checkbox" == i.type)
                        if (e = this.bindings[R].get(), e instanceof D) {
                            if (r = this.parsedValue(), r instanceof Date) {
                                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                                    if (e[n] instanceof Date && +e[n] === +r) {
                                        t = n;
                            } else t = e.indexOf(r);
                            t > -1 ? e.splice(t, 1) : e.push(r)
                        } else this.bindings[R].set(r)
                refresh: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.bindings[R].get(),
                        i = n,
                        r = this.dataType(),
                        o = this.element;
                    if ("checkbox" == o.type)
                        if (i instanceof D) {
                            if (e = -1, n = this.parsedValue(), n instanceof Date) {
                                for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++)
                                    if (i[t] instanceof Date && +i[t] === +n) {
                                        e = t;
                            } else e = i.indexOf(n);
                            o.checked = e >= 0
                        } else o.checked = i;
                    else "radio" == o.type && null != n && ("date" == r ? n = C.toString(n, "yyyy-MM-dd") : "datetime-local" == r && (n = C.toString(n, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")), o.value === "" + n && (o.checked = !0))
                value: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = e.value;
                    return "checkbox" == e.type && (t = e.checked), t
                destroy: function() {
                    e(this.element).off(L, this._change)
        }, E.select = {
            source: E.source.extend({
                refresh: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.bindings.source.get();
                    r instanceof D || r instanceof C.data.DataSource ? (n = n || {}, "add" == n.action ? i.add(n.index, n.items) : "remove" == n.action ? i.remove(n.index, n.items) : ("itemchange" == n.action || n.action === t) && (i.render(), i.bindings.value && i.bindings.value && (i.element.value = p(i.bindings.value.get(), e(i.element).data("valueField"))))) : i.render()
            value: _.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    _.fn.init.call(this, t, n, i), this._change = P(this.change, this), e(this.element).change(this._change)
                parsedValue: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.dataType(),
                        o = [];
                    for (n = 0, i = this.element.options.length; i > n; n++) t = this.element.options[n], t.selected && (e = t.attributes.value, e = e && e.specified ? t.value : t.text, o.push(this._parseValue(e, r)));
                    return o
                change: function() {
                    var e, n, i, r, o, a, s = [],
                        l = this.options.valueField || this.options.textField,
                        c = this.options.valuePrimitive;
                    if (s = this.parsedValue(), l)
                        for (e = this.bindings.source.get(), e instanceof C.data.DataSource && (e = e.view()), n = 0; s.length > n; n++)
                            for (r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++)
                                if (a = c ? this._parseValue(s[n], this.dataType()) === e[r].get(l) : "" + this._parseValue(e[r].get(l), this.dataType()) === s[n]) {
                                    s[n] = e[r];
                    i = this.bindings[M].get(), i instanceof D ? i.splice.apply(i, [0, i.length].concat(s)) : this.bindings[M].set(c || !(i instanceof T || null === i || i === t) && l ? s[0].get(l) : s[0])
                refresh: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this.element,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = this.bindings[M].get(),
                        a = o,
                        s = this.options.valueField || this.options.textField,
                        l = !1,
                        c = this.dataType();
                    for (a instanceof D || (a = new D([o])), i.selectedIndex = -1, n = 0; a.length > n; n++)
                        for (o = a[n], s && o instanceof T && (o = o.get(s)), "date" == c ? o = C.toString(a[n], "yyyy-MM-dd") : "datetime-local" == c && (o = C.toString(a[n], "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")), e = 0; r.length > e; e++) t = r[e].value, "" === t && "" !== o && (t = r[e].text), null != o && t == "" + o && (r[e].selected = !0, l = !0)
                destroy: function() {
                    e(this.element).off(L, this._change)
        }, E.widget = {
            events: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e, this.handlers = {}
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t = this.bindings.events[e],
                        n = this.handlers[e];
                    n && this.widget.unbind(e, n), n = t.get(), this.handlers[e] = function(e) {
                        e.data = t.source, n(e), e.data === t.source && delete e.data
                    }, this.widget.bind(e, this.handlers[e])
                destroy: function() {
                    var e;
                    for (e in this.handlers) this.widget.unbind(e, this.handlers[e])
            checked: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e, this._change = P(this.change, this), this.widget.bind(L, this._change)
                change: function() {
                refresh: function() {
                    this.widget.check(this.bindings[R].get() === !0)
                value: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = e.value;
                    return ("on" == t || "off" == t) && (t = e.checked), t
                destroy: function() {
                    this.widget.unbind(L, this._change)
            visible: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this.bindings.visible.get();
                    this.widget.wrapper[0].style.display = e ? "" : "none"
            invisible: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this.bindings.invisible.get();
                    this.widget.wrapper[0].style.display = e ? "none" : ""
            enabled: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e
                refresh: function() {
                    this.widget.enable && this.widget.enable(this.bindings.enabled.get())
            disabled: v.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, e.element[0], t, n), this.widget = e
                refresh: function() {
                    this.widget.enable && this.widget.enable(!this.bindings.disabled.get())
            source: n("source", "dataSource", "setDataSource"),
            value: v.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this, t.element[0], n, i), this.widget = t, this._change = e.proxy(this.change, this), this.widget.first(L, this._change);
                    var r = this.bindings.value.get();
                    this._valueIsObservableObject = !i.valuePrimitive && (null == r || r instanceof T), this._valueIsObservableArray = r instanceof D, this._initChange = !1
                change: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this.widget.value(),
                        l = this.options.dataValueField || this.options.dataTextField,
                        c = "[object Array]" === A.call(s),
                        d = this._valueIsObservableObject,
                        u = [];
                    if (this._initChange = !0, l)
                        if (this.bindings.source && (a = this.bindings.source.get()), "" === s && (d || this.options.valuePrimitive)) s = null;
                        else {
                            for ((!a || a instanceof C.data.DataSource) && (a = this.widget.dataSource.flatView()), c && (t = s.length, u = s.slice(0)), r = 0, o = a.length; o > r; r++)
                                if (n = a[r], i = n.get(l), c) {
                                    for (e = 0; t > e; e++)
                                        if (i == u[e]) {
                                            u[e] = n;
                                } else if (i == s) {
                                s = d ? n : i;
                            u[0] && (s = this._valueIsObservableArray ? u : d || !l ? u[0] : u[0].get(l))
                    this.bindings.value.set(s), this._initChange = !1
                refresh: function() {
                    var e, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    if (!this._initChange) {
                        if (e = this.widget, n = e.options, i = n.dataTextField, r = n.dataValueField || i, o = this.bindings.value.get(), a = n.text || "", s = 0, c = [], o === t && (o = null), r)
                            if (o instanceof D) {
                                for (l = o.length; l > s; s++) c[s] = o[s].get(r);
                                o = c
                            } else o instanceof T && (a = o.get(i), o = o.get(r));
                        n.autoBind !== !1 || n.cascadeFrom || !e.listView || e.listView.isBound() ? e.value(o) : (i !== r || a || (a = o), a || !o && 0 !== o || !n.valuePrimitive ? e._preselect(o, a) : e.value(o))
                    this._initChange = !1
                destroy: function() {
                    this.widget.unbind(L, this._change)
            gantt: {
                dependencies: n("dependencies", "dependencies", "setDependenciesDataSource")
            multiselect: {
                value: v.extend({
                    init: function(t, n, i) {
                        v.fn.init.call(this, t.element[0], n, i), this.widget = t, this._change = e.proxy(this.change, this), this.widget.first(L, this._change), this._initChange = !1
                    change: function() {
                        var e, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                            u = d.bindings[M].get(),
                            h = d.options.valuePrimitive,
                            p = h ? d.widget.value() : d.widget.dataItems(),
                            f = this.options.dataValueField || this.options.dataTextField;
                        if (p = p.slice(0), d._initChange = !0, u instanceof D) {
                            for (e = [], n = p.length, i = 0, r = 0, o = u[i], a = !1; o !== t;) {
                                for (c = !1, r = 0; n > r; r++)
                                    if (h ? a = p[r] == o : (l = p[r], l = l.get ? l.get(f) : l, a = l == (o.get ? o.get(f) : o)), a) {
                                        p.splice(r, 1), n -= 1, c = !0;
                                c ? i += 1 : (e.push(o), w(u, i, 1), s = i), o = u[i]
                            w(u, u.length, 0, p), e.length && u.trigger("change", {
                                action: "remove",
                                items: e,
                                index: s
                            }), p.length && u.trigger("change", {
                                action: "add",
                                items: p,
                                index: u.length - 1
                        } else d.bindings[M].set(p);
                        d._initChange = !1
                    refresh: function() {
                        if (!this._initChange) {
                            var e, n, i = this.options,
                                r = this.widget,
                                o = i.dataValueField || i.dataTextField,
                                a = this.bindings.value.get(),
                                s = a,
                                l = 0,
                                c = [];
                            if (a === t && (a = null), o)
                                if (a instanceof D) {
                                    for (e = a.length; e > l; l++) n = a[l], c[l] = n.get ? n.get(o) : n;
                                    a = c
                                } else a instanceof T && (a = a.get(o));
                            i.autoBind !== !1 || i.valuePrimitive === !0 || r.listView.isBound() ? r.value(a) : r._preselect(s, a)
                    destroy: function() {
                        this.widget.unbind(L, this._change)
            scheduler: {
                source: n("source", "dataSource", "setDataSource").extend({
                    dataBound: function(e) {
                        var t, n, i, r, o = this.widget,
                            s = e.addedItems || o.items();
                        if (s.length)
                            for (i = e.addedDataItems || o.dataItems(), r = this.bindings.source._parents(), t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++) a(s[t], i[t], this._ns(e.ns), [i[t]].concat(r))
        }, w = function(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l;
            if (i = i || [], n = n || 0, r = i.length, o = e.length, a = [].slice.call(e, t + n), s = a.length, r) {
                for (r = t + r, l = 0; r > t; t++) e[t] = i[l], l++;
                e.length = r
            } else if (n)
                for (e.length = t, n += t; n > t;) delete e[--n];
            if (s) {
                for (s = t + s, l = 0; s > t; t++) e[t] = a[l], l++;
                e.length = s
            for (t = e.length; o > t;) delete e[t], t++
        }, b = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.target = e, this.options = t, this.toDestroy = []
            bind: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this instanceof y,
                    l = this.binders();
                for (t in e) t == M ? n = !0 : t == z ? i = !0 : t != F || s ? t == R ? o = !0 : t == H ? a = !0 : this.applyBinding(t, e, l) : r = !0;
                i && this.applyBinding(z, e, l), n && this.applyBinding(M, e, l), o && this.applyBinding(R, e, l), r && !s && this.applyBinding(F, e, l), a && !s && this.applyBinding(H, e, l)
            binders: function() {
                return E[this.target.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || {}
            applyBinding: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = n[e] || E[e],
                    o = this.toDestroy,
                    a = t[e];
                if (r)
                    if (r = new r(this.target, t, this.options), o.push(r), a instanceof f) r.bind(a), o.push(a);
                        for (i in a) r.bind(a, i), o.push(a[i]);
                else if ("template" !== e) throw Error("The " + e + " binding is not supported by the " + this.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() + " element")
            destroy: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.toDestroy;
                for (e = 0, t = n.length; t > e; e++) n[e].destroy()
        }), y = b.extend({
            binders: function() {
                return E.widget[this.target.options.name.toLowerCase()] || {}
            applyBinding: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = n[e] || E.widget[e],
                    o = this.toDestroy,
                    a = t[e];
                if (!r) throw Error("The " + e + " binding is not supported by the " + this.target.options.name + " widget");
                if (r = new r(this.target, t, this.target.options), o.push(r), a instanceof f) r.bind(a), o.push(a);
                    for (i in a) r.bind(a, i), o.push(a[i])
        }), k = /[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+:(\{([^}]*)\}|[^,}]+)/g, x = /\s/g, C.unbind = u, C.bind = s, C.data.binders = E, C.data.Binder = v, C.notify = h, C.observable = function(e) {
            return e instanceof T || (e = new T(e)), e
        }, C.observableHierarchy = function(e) {
            function t(e) {
                var n, i;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) e[n]._initChildren(), i = e[n].children, i.fetch(), e[n].items = i.data(), t(e[n].items)
            var n = C.data.HierarchicalDataSource.create(e);
            return n.fetch(), t(n.data()), n._data._dataSource = n, n._data
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return parseInt(e, 10)

        function i(e, t) {
            return n(e.css(t))

        function r(e) {
            var t, n = [];
            for (t in e) n.push(t);
            return n

        function o(e) {
            for (var t in e) - 1 != U.indexOf(t) && -1 == W.indexOf(t) && delete e[t];
            return e

        function a(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a = [],
                s = {};
            for (i in t) n = i.toLowerCase(), o = P && -1 != U.indexOf(n), !E.hasHW3D && o && -1 == W.indexOf(n) ? delete t[i] : (r = t[i], o ? a.push(i + "(" + r + ")") : s[i] = r);
            return a.length && (s[st] = a.join(" ")), s

        function s(e, t) {
            var i, r, o;
            return P ? (i = e.css(st), i == Q ? "scale" == t ? 1 : 0 : (r = i.match(RegExp(t + "\\s*\\(([\\d\\w\\.]+)")), o = 0, r ? o = n(r[1]) : (r = i.match(H) || [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], t = t.toLowerCase(), L.test(t) ? o = parseFloat(r[3] / r[2]) : "translatey" == t ? o = parseFloat(r[4] / r[2]) : "scale" == t ? o = parseFloat(r[2]) : "rotate" == t && (o = parseFloat(Math.atan2(r[2], r[1])))), o)) : parseFloat(e.css(t))

        function l(e) {
            return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)

        function c(e, t) {
            var n = f.extend(t),
                i = n.prototype.directions;
            S[l(e)] = n, S.Element.prototype[e] = function(e, t, i, r) {
                return new n(this.element, e, t, i, r)
            }, T(i, function(t, i) {
                S.Element.prototype[e + l(i)] = function(e, t, r) {
                    return new n(this.element, i, e, t, r)

        function d(e, n, i, r) {
            c(e, {
                directions: m,
                startValue: function(e) {
                    return this._startValue = e, this
                endValue: function(e) {
                    return this._endValue = e, this
                shouldHide: function() {
                    return this._shouldHide
                prepare: function(e, o) {
                    var a, s, l = this,
                        c = "out" === this._direction,
                        d = l.element.data(n),
                        u = !(isNaN(d) || d == i);
                    a = u ? d : t !== this._startValue ? this._startValue : c ? i : r, s = t !== this._endValue ? this._endValue : c ? r : i, this._reverse ? (e[n] = s, o[n] = a) : (e[n] = a, o[n] = s), l._shouldHide = o[n] === r

        function u(e, t) {
            var n = C.directions[t].vertical,
                i = e[n ? Z : X]() / 2 + "px";
            return _[t].replace("$size", i)
        var h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C = window.kendo,
            S = C.effects,
            T = e.each,
            D = e.extend,
            A = e.proxy,
            E = C.support,
            I = E.browser,
            P = E.transforms,
            M = E.transitions,
            z = {
                scale: 0,
                scalex: 0,
                scaley: 0,
                scale3d: 0
            F = {
                translate: 0,
                translatex: 0,
                translatey: 0,
                translate3d: 0
            R = t !== document.documentElement.style.zoom && !P,
            H = /matrix3?d?\s*\(.*,\s*([\d\.\-]+)\w*?,\s*([\d\.\-]+)\w*?,\s*([\d\.\-]+)\w*?,\s*([\d\.\-]+)\w*?/i,
            B = /^(-?[\d\.\-]+)?[\w\s]*,?\s*(-?[\d\.\-]+)?[\w\s]*/i,
            L = /translatex?$/i,
            N = /(zoom|fade|expand)(\w+)/,
            O = /(zoom|fade|expand)/,
            V = /[xy]$/i,
            U = ["perspective", "rotate", "rotatex", "rotatey", "rotatez", "rotate3d", "scale", "scalex", "scaley", "scalez", "scale3d", "skew", "skewx", "skewy", "translate", "translatex", "translatey", "translatez", "translate3d", "matrix", "matrix3d"],
            W = ["rotate", "scale", "scalex", "scaley", "skew", "skewx", "skewy", "translate", "translatex", "translatey", "matrix"],
            j = {
                rotate: "deg",
                scale: "",
                skew: "px",
                translate: "px"
            G = P.css,
            q = Math.round,
            $ = "",
            Y = "px",
            Q = "none",
            K = "auto",
            X = "width",
            Z = "height",
            J = "hidden",
            et = "origin",
            tt = "abortId",
            nt = "overflow",
            it = "translate",
            rt = "position",
            ot = "completeCallback",
            at = G + "transition",
            st = G + "transform",
            lt = G + "backface-visibility",
            ct = G + "perspective",
            dt = "1500px",
            ut = "perspective(" + dt + ")",
            ht = {
                left: {
                    reverse: "right",
                    property: "left",
                    transition: "translatex",
                    vertical: !1,
                    modifier: -1
                right: {
                    reverse: "left",
                    property: "left",
                    transition: "translatex",
                    vertical: !1,
                    modifier: 1
                down: {
                    reverse: "up",
                    property: "top",
                    transition: "translatey",
                    vertical: !0,
                    modifier: 1
                up: {
                    reverse: "down",
                    property: "top",
                    transition: "translatey",
                    vertical: !0,
                    modifier: -1
                top: {
                    reverse: "bottom"
                bottom: {
                    reverse: "top"
                "in": {
                    reverse: "out",
                    modifier: -1
                out: {
                    reverse: "in",
                    modifier: 1
                vertical: {
                    reverse: "vertical"
                horizontal: {
                    reverse: "horizontal"
        C.directions = ht, D(e.fn, {
            kendoStop: function(e, t) {
                return M ? S.stopQueue(this, e || !1, t || !1) : this.stop(e, t)
        }), P && !M && (T(W, function(n, i) {
            e.fn[i] = function(n) {
                if (t === n) return s(this, i);
                var r = e(this)[0],
                    o = i + "(" + n + j[i.replace(V, "")] + ")";
                return -1 == r.style.cssText.indexOf(st) ? e(this).css(st, o) : r.style.cssText = r.style.cssText.replace(RegExp(i + "\\(.*?\\)", "i"), o), this
            }, e.fx.step[i] = function(t) {
        }), h = e.fx.prototype.cur, e.fx.prototype.cur = function() {
            return -1 != W.indexOf(this.prop) ? parseFloat(e(this.elem)[this.prop]()) : h.apply(this, arguments)
        }), C.toggleClass = function(e, t, n, i) {
            return t && (t = t.split(" "), M && (n = D({
                exclusive: "all",
                duration: 400,
                ease: "ease-out"
            }, n), e.css(at, n.exclusive + " " + n.duration + "ms " + n.ease), setTimeout(function() {
                e.css(at, "").css(Z)
            }, n.duration)), T(t, function(t, n) {
                e.toggleClass(n, i)
            })), e
        }, C.parseEffects = function(e, t) {
            var n = {};
            return "string" == typeof e ? T(e.split(" "), function(e, i) {
                var r = !O.test(i),
                    o = i.replace(N, function(e, t, n) {
                        return t + ":" + n.toLowerCase()
                    a = o.split(":"),
                    s = a[1],
                    l = {};
                a.length > 1 && (l.direction = t && r ? ht[s].reverse : s), n[a[0]] = l
            }) : T(e, function(e) {
                var i = this.direction;
                i && t && !O.test(e) && (this.direction = ht[i].reverse), n[e] = this
            }), n
        }, M && D(S, {
            transition: function(t, n, i) {
                var o, s, l, c, d = 0,
                    u = t.data("keys") || [];
                i = D({
                    duration: 200,
                    ease: "ease-out",
                    complete: null,
                    exclusive: "all"
                }, i), l = !1, c = function() {
                    l || (l = !0, s && (clearTimeout(s), s = null), t.removeData(tt).dequeue().css(at, "").css(at), i.complete.call(t))
                }, i.duration = e.fx ? e.fx.speeds[i.duration] || i.duration : i.duration, o = a(t, n), e.merge(u, r(o)), t.data("keys", e.unique(u)).height(), t.css(at, i.exclusive + " " + i.duration + "ms " + i.ease).css(at), t.css(o).css(st), M.event && (t.one(M.event, c), 0 !== i.duration && (d = 500)), s = setTimeout(c, i.duration + d), t.data(tt, s), t.data(ot, c)
            stopQueue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = e.data("keys"),
                    o = !n && r,
                    a = e.data(ot);
                return o && (i = C.getComputedStyles(e[0], r)), a && a(), o && e.css(i), e.removeData("keys").stop(t)
        }), p = C.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.element = e, n.effects = [], n.options = t, n.restore = []
            run: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, s, l, c, d, u = this,
                    h = t.length,
                    p = u.element,
                    f = u.options,
                    g = e.Deferred(),
                    m = {},
                    v = {};
                for (u.effects = t, g.then(e.proxy(u, "complete")), p.data("animating", !0), i = 0; h > i; i++)
                    for (n = t[i], n.setReverse(f.reverse), n.setOptions(f), u.addRestoreProperties(n.restore), n.prepare(m, v), l = n.children(), r = 0, c = l.length; c > r; r++) l[r].duration(f.duration).run();
                for (d in f.effects) D(v, f.effects[d].properties);
                for (p.is(":visible") || D(m, {
                    display: p.data("olddisplay") || "block"
                }), P && !f.reset && (s = p.data("targetTransform"), s && (m = D(s, m))), m = a(p, m), P && !M && (m = o(m)), p.css(m).css(st), i = 0; h > i; i++) t[i].setup();
                return f.init && f.init(), p.data("targetTransform", v), S.animate(p, v, D({}, f, {
                    complete: g.resolve
                })), g.promise()
            stop: function() {
                e(this.element).kendoStop(!0, !0)
            addRestoreProperties: function(e) {
                for (var t, n = this.element, i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) t = e[i], this.restore.push(t), n.data(t) || n.data(t, n.css(t))
            restoreCallback: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.element;
                for (e = 0, t = this.restore.length; t > e; e++) n = this.restore[e], i.css(n, i.data(n))
            complete: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = 0,
                    i = t.element,
                    r = t.options,
                    o = t.effects,
                    a = o.length;
                for (i.removeData("animating").dequeue(), r.hide && i.data("olddisplay", i.css("display")).hide(), this.restoreCallback(), R && !P && setTimeout(e.proxy(this, "restoreCallback"), 0); a > n; n++) o[n].teardown();
                r.completeCallback && r.completeCallback(i)
        }), S.promise = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = [],
                a = new p(e, t),
                s = C.parseEffects(t.effects);
            t.effects = s;
            for (r in s) n = S[l(r)], n && (i = new n(e, s[r].direction), o.push(i));
            o[0] ? a.run(o) : (e.is(":visible") || e.css({
                display: e.data("olddisplay") || "block"
            }).css("display"), t.init && t.init(), e.dequeue(), a.complete())
        }, D(S, {
            animate: function(n, r, a) {
                var s = a.transition !== !1;
                delete a.transition, M && "transition" in S && s ? S.transition(n, r, a) : P ? n.animate(o(r), {
                    queue: !1,
                    show: !1,
                    hide: !1,
                    duration: a.duration,
                    complete: a.complete
                }) : n.each(function() {
                    var n = e(this),
                        o = {};
                    T(U, function(e, a) {
                        var s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = r ? r[a] + " " : null;
                        f && (l = r, a in z && r[a] !== t ? (s = f.match(B), P && D(l, {
                            scale: +s[0]
                        })) : a in F && r[a] !== t && (c = n.css(rt), d = "absolute" == c || "fixed" == c, n.data(it) || (d ? n.data(it, {
                            top: i(n, "top") || 0,
                            left: i(n, "left") || 0,
                            bottom: i(n, "bottom"),
                            right: i(n, "right")
                        }) : n.data(it, {
                            top: i(n, "marginTop") || 0,
                            left: i(n, "marginLeft") || 0
                        })), u = n.data(it), s = f.match(B), s && (h = a == it + "y" ? 0 : +s[1], p = a == it + "y" ? +s[1] : +s[2], d ? (isNaN(u.right) ? isNaN(h) || D(l, {
                            left: u.left + h
                        }) : isNaN(h) || D(l, {
                            right: u.right - h
                        }), isNaN(u.bottom) ? isNaN(p) || D(l, {
                            top: u.top + p
                        }) : isNaN(p) || D(l, {
                            bottom: u.bottom - p
                        })) : (isNaN(h) || D(l, {
                            marginLeft: u.left + h
                        }), isNaN(p) || D(l, {
                            marginTop: u.top + p
                        })))), !P && "scale" != a && a in l && delete l[a], l && D(o, l))
                    }), I.msie && delete o.scale, n.animate(o, {
                        queue: !1,
                        show: !1,
                        hide: !1,
                        duration: a.duration,
                        complete: a.complete
        }), S.animatedPromise = S.promise, f = C.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.element = e, n._direction = t, n.options = {}, n._additionalEffects = [], n.restore || (n.restore = [])
            reverse: function() {
                return this._reverse = !0, this.run()
            play: function() {
                return this._reverse = !1, this.run()
            add: function(e) {
                return this._additionalEffects.push(e), this
            direction: function(e) {
                return this._direction = e, this
            duration: function(e) {
                return this._duration = e, this
            compositeRun: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = new p(e.element, {
                        reverse: e._reverse,
                        duration: e._duration
                    n = e._additionalEffects.concat([e]);
                return t.run(n)
            run: function() {
                if (this._additionalEffects && this._additionalEffects[0]) return this.compositeRun();
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.element,
                    s = 0,
                    l = i.restore,
                    c = l.length,
                    d = e.Deferred(),
                    u = {},
                    h = {},
                    p = i.children(),
                    f = p.length;
                for (d.then(e.proxy(i, "_complete")), r.data("animating", !0), s = 0; c > s; s++) t = l[s], r.data(t) || r.data(t, r.css(t));
                for (s = 0; f > s; s++) p[s].duration(i._duration).run();
                return i.prepare(u, h), r.is(":visible") || D(u, {
                    display: r.data("olddisplay") || "block"
                }), P && (n = r.data("targetTransform"), n && (u = D(n, u))), u = a(r, u), P && !M && (u = o(u)), r.css(u).css(st), i.setup(), r.data("targetTransform", h), S.animate(r, h, {
                    duration: i._duration,
                    complete: d.resolve
                }), d.promise()
            stop: function() {
                var t = 0,
                    n = this.children(),
                    i = n.length;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t].stop();
                return e(this.element).kendoStop(!0, !0), this
            restoreCallback: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.element;
                for (e = 0, t = this.restore.length; t > e; e++) n = this.restore[e], i.css(n, i.data(n))
            _complete: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.element;
                n.removeData("animating").dequeue(), t.restoreCallback(), t.shouldHide() && n.data("olddisplay", n.css("display")).hide(), R && !P && setTimeout(e.proxy(t, "restoreCallback"), 0), t.teardown()
            setOptions: function(e) {
                D(!0, this.options, e)
            children: function() {
                return []
            shouldHide: e.noop,
            setup: e.noop,
            prepare: e.noop,
            teardown: e.noop,
            directions: [],
            setReverse: function(e) {
                return this._reverse = e, this
        }), g = ["left", "right", "up", "down"], m = ["in", "out"], c("slideIn", {
            directions: g,
            divisor: function(e) {
                return this.options.divisor = e, this
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.element,
                    o = ht[i._direction],
                    a = -o.modifier * (o.vertical ? r.outerHeight() : r.outerWidth()),
                    s = a / (i.options && i.options.divisor || 1) + Y,
                    l = "0px";
                i._reverse && (n = e, e = t, t = n), P ? (e[o.transition] = s, t[o.transition] = l) : (e[o.property] = s, t[o.property] = l)
        }), c("tile", {
            directions: g,
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, e, t), this.options = {
                    previous: n
            previousDivisor: function(e) {
                return this.options.previousDivisor = e, this
            children: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._reverse,
                    n = e.options.previous,
                    i = e.options.previousDivisor || 1,
                    r = e._direction,
                    o = [C.fx(e.element).slideIn(r).setReverse(t)];
                return n && o.push(C.fx(n).slideIn(ht[r].reverse).divisor(i).setReverse(!t)), o
        }), d("fade", "opacity", 1, 0), d("zoom", "scale", 1, .01), c("slideMargin", {
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.element,
                    o = i.options,
                    a = r.data(et),
                    s = o.offset,
                    l = i._reverse;
                l || null !== a || r.data(et, parseFloat(r.css("margin-" + o.axis))), n = r.data(et) || 0, t["margin-" + o.axis] = l ? n : n + s
        }), c("slideTo", {
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = n.options,
                    o = r.offset.split(","),
                    a = n._reverse;
                P ? (t.translatex = a ? 0 : o[0], t.translatey = a ? 0 : o[1]) : (t.left = a ? 0 : o[0], t.top = a ? 0 : o[1]), i.css("left")
        }), c("expand", {
            directions: ["horizontal", "vertical"],
            restore: [nt],
            prepare: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.element,
                    o = i.options,
                    a = i._reverse,
                    s = "vertical" === i._direction ? Z : X,
                    l = r[0].style[s],
                    c = r.data(s),
                    d = parseFloat(c || l),
                    u = q(r.css(s, K)[s]());
                e.overflow = J, d = o && o.reset ? u || d : d || u, n[s] = (a ? 0 : d) + Y, e[s] = (a ? d : 0) + Y, c === t && r.data(s, l)
            shouldHide: function() {
                return this._reverse
            teardown: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element,
                    n = "vertical" === e._direction ? Z : X,
                    i = t.data(n);
                (i == K || i === $) && setTimeout(function() {
                    t.css(n, K).css(n)
                }, 0)
        }), v = {
            position: "absolute",
            marginLeft: 0,
            marginTop: 0,
            scale: 1
        }, c("transfer", {
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.element = e, this.options = {
                    target: t
                }, this.restore = []
            setup: function() {
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = S.box(i),
                    o = S.box(n.options.target),
                    a = s(i, "scale"),
                    l = S.fillScale(o, r),
                    c = S.transformOrigin(o, r);
                D(e, v), t.scale = 1, i.css(st, "scale(1)").css(st), i.css(st, "scale(" + a + ")"), e.top = r.top, e.left = r.left, e.transformOrigin = c.x + Y + " " + c.y + Y, n._reverse ? e.scale = l : t.scale = l
        }), _ = {
            top: "rect(auto auto $size auto)",
            bottom: "rect($size auto auto auto)",
            left: "rect(auto $size auto auto)",
            right: "rect(auto auto auto $size)"
        }, w = {
            top: {
                start: "rotatex(0deg)",
                end: "rotatex(180deg)"
            bottom: {
                start: "rotatex(-180deg)",
                end: "rotatex(0deg)"
            left: {
                start: "rotatey(0deg)",
                end: "rotatey(-180deg)"
            right: {
                start: "rotatey(180deg)",
                end: "rotatey(0deg)"
        }, c("turningPage", {
            directions: g,
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, e, t), this._container = n
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n._reverse,
                    r = i ? ht[n._direction].reverse : n._direction,
                    o = w[r];
                e.zIndex = 1, n._clipInHalf && (e.clip = u(n._container, C.directions[r].reverse)), e[lt] = J, t[st] = ut + (i ? o.start : o.end), e[st] = ut + (i ? o.end : o.start)
            setup: function() {
            face: function(e) {
                return this._face = e, this
            shouldHide: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._reverse,
                    n = e._face;
                return t && !n || !t && n
            clipInHalf: function(e) {
                return this._clipInHalf = e, this
            temporary: function() {
                return this.element.addClass("temp-page"), this
        }), c("staticPage", {
            directions: g,
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, e, t), this._container = n
            restore: ["clip"],
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n._reverse ? ht[n._direction].reverse : n._direction;
                e.clip = u(n._container, i), e.opacity = .999, t.opacity = 1
            shouldHide: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._reverse,
                    n = e._face;
                return t && !n || !t && n
            face: function(e) {
                return this._face = e, this
        }), c("pageturn", {
            directions: ["horizontal", "vertical"],
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, e, t), this.options = {}, this.options.face = n, this.options.back = i
            children: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = "horizontal" === t._direction ? "left" : "top",
                    r = C.directions[i].reverse,
                    o = t._reverse,
                    a = n.face.clone(!0).removeAttr("id"),
                    s = n.back.clone(!0).removeAttr("id"),
                    l = t.element;
                return o && (e = i, i = r, r = e), [C.fx(n.face).staticPage(i, l).face(!0).setReverse(o), C.fx(n.back).staticPage(r, l).setReverse(o), C.fx(a).turningPage(i, l).face(!0).clipInHalf(!0).temporary().setReverse(o), C.fx(s).turningPage(r, l).clipInHalf(!0).temporary().setReverse(o)]
            prepare: function(e, t) {
                e[ct] = dt, e.transformStyle = "preserve-3d", e.opacity = .999, t.opacity = 1
            teardown: function() {
        }), c("flip", {
            directions: ["horizontal", "vertical"],
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, e, t), this.options = {}, this.options.face = n, this.options.back = i
            children: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = "horizontal" === t._direction ? "left" : "top",
                    r = C.directions[i].reverse,
                    o = t._reverse,
                    a = t.element;
                return o && (e = i, i = r, r = e), [C.fx(n.face).turningPage(i, a).face(!0).setReverse(o), C.fx(n.back).turningPage(r, a).setReverse(o)]
            prepare: function(e) {
                e[ct] = dt, e.transformStyle = "preserve-3d"
        }), b = !E.mobileOS.android, y = ".km-touch-scrollbar, .km-actionsheet-wrapper", c("replace", {
            _before: e.noop,
            _after: e.noop,
            init: function(t, n, i) {
                f.prototype.init.call(this, t), this._previous = e(n), this._transitionClass = i
            duration: function() {
                throw Error("The replace effect does not support duration setting; the effect duration may be customized through the transition class rule")
            beforeTransition: function(e) {
                return this._before = e, this
            afterTransition: function(e) {
                return this._after = e, this
            _both: function() {
                return e().add(this._element).add(this._previous)
            _containerClass: function() {
                var e = this._direction,
                    t = "k-fx k-fx-start k-fx-" + this._transitionClass;
                return e && (t += " k-fx-" + e), this._reverse && (t += " k-fx-reverse"), t
            complete: function(t) {
                if (!(!this.deferred || t && e(t.target).is(y))) {
                    var n = this.container;
                    n.removeClass("k-fx-end").removeClass(this._containerClass()).off(M.event, this.completeProxy), this._previous.hide().removeClass("k-fx-current"), this.element.removeClass("k-fx-next"), b && n.css(nt, ""), this.isAbsolute || this._both().css(rt, ""), this.deferred.resolve(), delete this.deferred
            run: function() {
                if (this._additionalEffects && this._additionalEffects[0]) return this.compositeRun();
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = n._previous,
                    o = i.parents().filter(r.parents()).first(),
                    a = n._both(),
                    s = e.Deferred(),
                    l = i.css(rt);
                return o.length || (o = i.parent()), this.container = o, this.deferred = s, this.isAbsolute = "absolute" == l, this.isAbsolute || a.css(rt, "absolute"), b && (t = o.css(nt), o.css(nt, "hidden")), M ? (i.addClass("k-fx-hidden"), o.addClass(this._containerClass()), this.completeProxy = e.proxy(this, "complete"), o.on(M.event, this.completeProxy), C.animationFrame(function() {
                    i.removeClass("k-fx-hidden").addClass("k-fx-next"), r.css("display", "").addClass("k-fx-current"), n._before(r, i), C.animationFrame(function() {
                        o.removeClass("k-fx-start").addClass("k-fx-end"), n._after(r, i)
                })) : this.complete(), s.promise()
            stop: function() {
        }), k = C.Class.extend({
            init: function() {
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            tick: e.noop,
            done: e.noop,
            onEnd: e.noop,
            onCancel: e.noop,
            start: function() {
                this.enabled() && (this.done() ? this.onEnd() : (this._started = !0, C.animationFrame(this._tickProxy)))
            enabled: function() {
                return !0
            cancel: function() {
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            _tick: function() {
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                e._started && (e.tick(), e.done() ? (e._started = !1, e.onEnd()) : C.animationFrame(e._tickProxy))
        }), x = k.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                D(t, e), k.fn.init.call(t)
            done: function() {
                return this.timePassed() >= this.duration
            timePassed: function() {
                return Math.min(this.duration, new Date - this.startDate)
            moveTo: function(e) {
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                return function() {
                    t.movable.moveAxis(t.axis, e(t.timePassed(), t.initial, t.delta, t.duration))
        }), D(x, {
            easeOutExpo: function(e, t, n, i) {
                return e == i ? t + n : n * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * e / i) + 1) + t
            easeOutBack: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                return r = 1.70158, n * ((e = e / i - 1) * e * ((r + 1) * e + r) + 1) + t
        }), S.Animation = k, S.Transition = x, S.createEffect = c, S.box = function(t) {
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                y: isNaN(i) ? 0 : i
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    function(e) {
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                    return !0
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                showEnd: function() {},
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                beforeTransition: function(e) {
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                        type: e
                afterTransition: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(c, {
                        type: e
                hide: function() {
                    this._eachFragment(u), this.element.detach(), this.trigger(s)
                destroy: function() {
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                fragments: function(t) {
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                _eachFragment: function(e) {
                    for (var t in this._fragments) this._fragments[t][e](this, t)
                _createElement: function() {
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                        s = "<" + a.tagName + " />";
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                    } catch (l) {
                        h.test(l.message) && (i = a.content)
                    return "string" == typeof i ? (i = i.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), a._evalTemplate && (i = n.template(i)(a.model || {})), t = e(s).append(i), a._wrap || (t = t.contents())) : (t = i, a._evalTemplate && (o = e(n.template(e("<div />").append(t.clone(!0)).html())(a.model || {})), e.contains(document, t[0]) && t.replaceWith(o), t = o), a._wrap && (t = t.wrapAll(s).parent())), t
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                        element: t.element.clone(!0),
                        transition: t.transition,
                        id: t.id
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                showIn: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.container(e).show(t, n)
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                        i = n.find(e);
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                        if (!n.is(e)) throw Error("can't find a container with the specified " + e + " selector");
                        i = n
                    return t = new _(i), t.bind("accepted", function(e) {
                    }), t
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                detach: function() {}
            v = /^(\w+)(:(\w+))?( (\w+))?$/,
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                        a = e === o.view ? e.clone() : o.view,
                        s = o.history,
                        l = s[s.length - 2] || {},
                        c = l.id === r,
                        d = i || (c ? s[s.length - 1].transition : e.transition),
                        u = t(d);
                    return o.running && o.effect.stop(), "none" === d && (d = null), o.trigger("accepted", {
                        view: e
                    }), o.view = e, o.previous = a, o.running = !0, c ? s.pop() : s.push({
                        id: r,
                        transition: d
                    }), a ? (d && n.effects.enabled ? (e.element.addClass("k-fx-hidden"), e.showStart(), c && !i && (u.reverse = !u.reverse), o.effect = n.fx(e.element).replace(a.element, u.type).beforeTransition(function() {
                        e.beforeTransition("show"), a.beforeTransition("hide")
                    }).afterTransition(function() {
                        e.afterTransition("show"), a.afterTransition("hide")
                    }).direction(u.direction).setReverse(u.reverse), o.effect.run().then(function() {
                    })) : (e.showStart(), o.end()), !0) : (e.showStart(), e.showEnd(), o.after(), !0)
        n.ViewContainer = _, n.Fragment = m, n.Layout = g, n.View = p, n.ViewClone = f
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            return new r(e)

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            attr: {}
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            children: [],
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                    appendChild: function(n) {
                        e.replaceChild(n, t.node)
                }, d);
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                i = this.node;
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            html: a,
            element: s,
            text: l,
            render: function(e) {
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            html: a,
            text: l,
            element: s,
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                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.options = e, this._strings = t, this._styles = n, this._mergeCells = []
                toXML: function(e) {
                    var t, n, r = this.options.rows || [],
                        a = this.options.filter,
                        s = {};
                    for (this._maxCellIndex = 0, t = [], n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t.push(this._row(r, s, r[n], n));
                    return h({
                        freezePane: this.options.freezePane,
                        columns: this.options.columns,
                        data: t,
                        index: e,
                        mergeCells: this._mergeCells,
                        filter: a ? {
                            from: i(o(this.options), a.from),
                            to: i(o(this.options), a.to)
                        } : null
                _row: function(e, t, n, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, c, d;
                    for (this._cellIndex && this._cellIndex > this._maxCellIndex && (this._maxCellIndex = this._cellIndex), this._cellIndex = 0, a = [], s = n.cells, l = 0, c = s.length; c > l; l++) o = this._cell(s[l], t, r), o && a.push.apply(a, o);
                    for (; this._maxCellIndex > this._cellIndex;) d = t[this._cellIndex], d && (d.rowSpan -= 1), a.push({
                        ref: i(r, this._cellIndex)
                    }), this._cellIndex++;
                    return {
                        data: a
                _lookupString: function(e) {
                    var t = "$" + e,
                        n = this._strings.indexes[t];
                    return void 0 !== n ? e = n : (e = this._strings.indexes[t] = this._strings.uniqueCount, this._strings.uniqueCount++), this._strings.count++, e
                _lookupStyle: function(n) {
                    var i, r = t.stringify(n);
                    return "{}" == r ? 0 : (i = e.inArray(r, this._styles), 0 > i && (i = this._styles.push(r) - 1), i + 1)
                _cell: function(e, n, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, v;
                    if (!e) return void this._cellIndex++;
                    for (o = e.value, a = {
                        bold: e.bold,
                        color: e.color,
                        background: e.background,
                        italic: e.italic,
                        underline: e.underline,
                        fontName: e.fontName,
                        fontSize: e.fontSize,
                        format: e.format,
                        hAlign: e.hAlign,
                        vAlign: e.vAlign,
                        wrap: e.wrap
                    }, s = this.options.columns || [], l = s[this._cellIndex], l && l.autoWidth && (l.width = Math.max(l.width || 0, ("" + o).length)), c = typeof o, "string" === c ? (o = this._lookupString(o), c = "s") : "number" === c ? c = "n" : "boolean" === c ? (c = "b", o = +o) : o && o.getTime ? (c = null, o = (t.timezone.remove(o, "Etc/UTC") - m) / t.date.MS_PER_DAY + 1, a.format || (a.format = "mm-dd-yy")) : (c = null, o = ""), a = this._lookupStyle(a), d = [], p = n[this._cellIndex] || {}; p.rowSpan > 1;) {
                        for (p.rowSpan -= 1, u = p.colSpan; u > 0;) d.push({
                            ref: i(r, this._cellIndex)
                        }), u--, this._cellIndex++;
                        p = n[this._cellIndex] || {}
                    if (h = i(r, this._cellIndex), d.push({
                        value: o,
                        type: c,
                        style: a,
                        ref: h
                    }), f = e.colSpan || 1, g = e.rowSpan || 1, f > 1 || g > 1) {
                        for (g > 1 && (n[this._cellIndex] = {
                            colSpan: f,
                            rowSpan: g
                        }), v = 1; f > v; v++) this._cellIndex++, d.push({
                            ref: i(r, this._cellIndex)
                        this._mergeCells.push(h + ":" + i(r + g - 1, this._cellIndex))
                    return this._cellIndex++, d
            _ = {
                General: 0,
                0: 1,
                "0.00": 2,
                "#,##0": 3,
                "#,##0.00": 4,
                "0%": 9,
                "0.00%": 10,
                "0.00E+00": 11,
                "# ?/?": 12,
                "# ??/??": 13,
                "mm-dd-yy": 14,
                "d-mmm-yy": 15,
                "d-mmm": 16,
                "mmm-yy": 17,
                "h:mm AM/PM": 18,
                "h:mm:ss AM/PM": 19,
                "h:mm": 20,
                "h:mm:ss": 21,
                "m/d/yy h:mm": 22,
                "#,##0 ;(#,##0)": 37,
                "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)": 38,
                "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)": 39,
                "#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)": 40,
                "mm:ss": 45,
                "[h]:mm:ss": 46,
                "mmss.0": 47,
                "##0.0E+0": 48,
                "@": 49,
                "[$-404]e/m/d": 27,
                "m/d/yy": 30,
                t0: 59,
                "t0.00": 60,
                "t#,##0": 61,
                "t#,##0.00": 62,
                "t0%": 67,
                "t0.00%": 68,
                "t# ?/?": 69,
                "t# ??/??": 70
            w = t.Class.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    this.options = t || {}, this._strings = {
                        indexes: {},
                        count: 0,
                        uniqueCount: 0
                    }, this._styles = [], this._sheets = e.map(this.options.sheets || [], e.proxy(function(e) {
                        return new v(e, this._strings, this._styles)
                    }, this))
                toDataURL: function() {
                    var n, i, h, m, v, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D;
                    if ("undefined" == typeof JSZip) throw Error("JSZip not found. Check http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/excel/introduction#requirements for more details.");
                    for (n = new JSZip, i = n.folder("docProps"), i.file("core.xml", l({
                        creator: this.options.creator || "Kendo UI",
                        lastModifiedBy: this.options.creator || "Kendo UI",
                        created: this.options.date || (new Date).toJSON(),
                        modified: this.options.date || (new Date).toJSON()
                    })), h = this._sheets.length, i.file("app.xml", c({
                        sheets: this._sheets
                    })), m = n.folder("_rels"), m.file(".rels", s), v = n.folder("xl"), w = v.folder("_rels"), w.file("workbook.xml.rels", p({
                        count: h
                    })), v.file("workbook.xml", u({
                        sheets: this._sheets,
                        definedNames: e.map(this._sheets, function(e, t) {
                            var n = e.options,
                                i = n.filter;
                            return i ? {
                                localSheetId: t,
                                name: n.title || "Sheet" + (t + 1),
                                from: r(o(n), i.from),
                                to: r(o(n), i.to)
                            } : void 0
                    })), b = v.folder("worksheets"), y = new Date, k = 0; h > k; k++) b.file(t.format("sheet{0}.xml", k + 1), this._sheets[k].toXML(k));
                    return x = e.map(this._styles, e.parseJSON), C = function(e) {
                        return e.underline || e.bold || e.italic || e.color || e.fontName || e.fontSize
                    }, S = e.map(x, function(e) {
                        return e.color && (e.color = a(e.color)), C(e) ? e : void 0
                    }), T = e.map(x, function(e) {
                        return e.format && void 0 === _[e.format] ? e : void 0
                    }), D = e.map(x, function(e) {
                        return e.background ? (e.background = a(e.background), e) : void 0
                    }), v.file("styles.xml", g({
                        fonts: S,
                        fills: D,
                        formats: T,
                        styles: e.map(x, function(t) {
                            var n = {};
                            return C(t) && (n.fontId = e.inArray(t, S) + 1), t.background && (n.fillId = e.inArray(t, D) + 2), n.hAlign = t.hAlign, n.vAlign = t.vAlign, n.wrap = t.wrap, t.format && (n.numFmtId = void 0 !== _[t.format] ? _[t.format] : 165 + e.inArray(t, T)), n
                    })), v.file("sharedStrings.xml", f(this._strings)), n.file("[Content_Types].xml", d({
                        count: h
                    })), "data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64," + n.generate({
                        compression: "DEFLATE"
        t.ooxml = {
            Workbook: w,
            Worksheet: v
    }(kendo.jQuery, kendo),
    function(e, t) {
        t.ExcelExporter = t.Class.extend({
            init: function(n) {
                var i, r, o;
                n.columns = this._trimColumns(n.columns || []), this.allColumns = e.map(this._leafColumns(n.columns || []), this._prepareColumn), this.columns = e.grep(this.allColumns, function(e) {
                    return !e.hidden
                }), this.options = n, i = n.dataSource, i instanceof t.data.DataSource ? (this.dataSource = new i.constructor(e.extend({}, i.options, {
                    page: n.allPages ? 0 : i.page(),
                    filter: i.filter(),
                    pageSize: n.allPages ? i.total() : i.pageSize(),
                    sort: i.sort(),
                    group: i.group(),
                    aggregate: i.aggregate()
                })), r = i.data(), r.length > 0 && (this.dataSource._data = r, o = this.dataSource.transport, i._isServerGrouped() && o.options.data && (o.options.data = null))) : this.dataSource = t.data.DataSource.create(i)
            _trimColumns: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                    var t = !!e.field;
                    return !t && e.columns && (t = n._trimColumns(e.columns).length > 0), t
            _leafColumns: function(e) {
                var t, n = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].columns ? n = n.concat(this._leafColumns(e[t].columns)) : n.push(e[t]);
                return n
            workbook: function() {
                return e.Deferred(e.proxy(function(t) {
                    this.dataSource.fetch().then(e.proxy(function() {
                        var e = {
                            sheets: [{
                                columns: this._columns(),
                                rows: this._rows(),
                                freezePane: this._freezePane(),
                                filter: this._filter()
                        t.resolve(e, this.dataSource.view())
                    }, this))
                }, this)).promise()
            _prepareColumn: function(n) {
                var i, r;
                if (n.field) return i = function(e) {
                    return e.get(n.field)
                }, r = null, n.values && (r = {}, e.each(n.values, function() {
                    r[this.value] = this.text
                }), i = function(e) {
                    return r[e.get(n.field)]
                }), e.extend({}, n, {
                    value: i,
                    values: r,
                    groupHeaderTemplate: t.template(n.groupHeaderTemplate || "${title}: ${value}"),
                    groupFooterTemplate: n.groupFooterTemplate ? t.template(n.groupFooterTemplate) : null,
                    footerTemplate: n.footerTemplate ? t.template(n.footerTemplate) : null
            _filter: function() {
                if (!this.options.filterable) return null;
                var e = this._depth();
                return {
                    from: e,
                    to: e + this.columns.length - 1
            _dataRow: function(t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p;
                for (this._hierarchical() && (n = this.dataSource.level(t) + 1), r = [], o = 0; n > o; o++) r[o] = {
                    background: "#dfdfdf",
                    color: "#333"
                if (i && t.items) return a = e.grep(this.allColumns, function(e) {
                    return e.field == t.field
                })[0], s = a && a.title ? a.title : t.field, l = a ? a.groupHeaderTemplate : null, c = s + ": " + t.value, d = e.extend({
                    title: s,
                    field: t.field,
                    value: a && a.values ? a.values[t.value] : t.value,
                    aggregates: t.aggregates
                }, t.aggregates[t.field]), l && (c = l(d)), r.push({
                    value: c,
                    background: "#dfdfdf",
                    color: "#333",
                    colSpan: this.columns.length + i - n
                }), u = this._dataRows(t.items, n + 1), u.unshift({
                    type: "group-header",
                    cells: r
                }), u.concat(this._footer(t));
                for (h = [], p = 0; this.columns.length > p; p++) h[p] = this._cell(t, this.columns[p]);
                return this._hierarchical() && (h[0].colSpan = i - n + 1), [{
                    type: "data",
                    cells: r.concat(h)
            _dataRows: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this._depth(),
                    r = [];
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) r.push.apply(r, this._dataRow(e[n], t, i));
                return r
            _footer: function(t) {
                var n = [],
                    i = !1,
                    r = e.map(this.columns, e.proxy(function(n) {
                        return n.groupFooterTemplate ? (i = !0, {
                            background: "#dfdfdf",
                            color: "#333",
                            value: n.groupFooterTemplate(e.extend({}, this.dataSource.aggregates(), t.aggregates, t.aggregates[n.field]))
                        }) : {
                            background: "#dfdfdf",
                            color: "#333"
                    }, this));
                return i && n.push({
                    type: "group-footer",
                    cells: e.map(Array(this.dataSource.group().length), function() {
                        return {
                            background: "#dfdfdf",
                            color: "#333"
                }), n
            _isColumnVisible: function(e) {
                return this._visibleColumns([e]).length > 0 && (e.field || e.columns)
            _visibleColumns: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                    var t = !e.hidden;
                    return t && e.columns && (t = n._visibleColumns(e.columns).length > 0), t
            _headerRow: function(t, n) {
                var i = e.map(t.cells, function(e) {
                    return {
                        background: "#7a7a7a",
                        color: "#fff",
                        value: e.title,
                        colSpan: e.colSpan > 1 ? e.colSpan : 1,
                        rowSpan: t.rowSpan > 1 && !e.colSpan ? t.rowSpan : 1
                return this._hierarchical() && (i[0].colSpan = this._depth() + 1), {
                    type: "header",
                    cells: e.map(Array(n.length), function() {
                        return {
                            background: "#7a7a7a",
                            color: "#fff"
            _prependHeaderRows: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.dataSource.group(),
                    i = [{
                        rowSpan: 1,
                        cells: [],
                        index: 0
                for (this._prepareHeaderRows(i, this.options.columns), t = i.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) e.unshift(this._headerRow(i[t], n))
            _prepareHeaderRows: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s = i || e[e.length - 1],
                    l = e[s.index + 1],
                    c = 0;
                for (a = 0; t.length > a; a++) r = t[a], this._isColumnVisible(r) && (o = {
                    title: r.title || r.field,
                    colSpan: 0
                }, s.cells.push(o), r.columns && r.columns.length && (l || (l = {
                    rowSpan: 0,
                    cells: [],
                    index: e.length
                }, e.push(l)), o.colSpan = this._trimColumns(this._visibleColumns(r.columns)).length, this._prepareHeaderRows(e, r.columns, o, l), c += o.colSpan - 1, s.rowSpan = e.length - s.index));
                n && (n.colSpan += c)
            _rows: function() {
                var t, n, i = this.dataSource.group(),
                    r = this._dataRows(this.dataSource.view(), 0);
                return this.columns.length && (this._prependHeaderRows(r), t = !1, n = e.map(this.columns, e.proxy(function(n) {
                    if (n.footerTemplate) {
                        t = !0;
                        var i = this.dataSource.aggregates();
                        return {
                            background: "#dfdfdf",
                            color: "#333",
                            value: n.footerTemplate(e.extend({}, i, i[n.field]))
                    return {
                        background: "#dfdfdf",
                        color: "#333"
                }, this)), t && r.push({
                    type: "footer",
                    cells: e.map(Array(i.length), function() {
                        return {
                            background: "#dfdfdf",
                            color: "#333"
                })), r
            _headerDepth: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = 1,
                    r = 0;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].columns && (n = this._headerDepth(e[t].columns), n > r && (r = n));
                return i + r
            _freezePane: function() {
                var t = this._visibleColumns(this.options.columns || []),
                    n = this._visibleColumns(this._trimColumns(this._leafColumns(e.grep(t, function(e) {
                        return e.locked
                return {
                    rowSplit: this._headerDepth(t),
                    colSplit: n ? n + this.dataSource.group().length : 0
            _cell: function(e, t) {
                return {
                    value: t.value(e)
            _hierarchical: function() {
                return this.options.hierarchy && this.dataSource.level
            _depth: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.dataSource,
                    r = 0;
                if (this._hierarchical()) {
                    for (e = i.view(), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = i.level(e[t]), n > r && (r = n);
                } else r = i.group().length;
                return r
            _columns: function() {
                var t = this._depth(),
                    n = e.map(Array(t), function() {
                        return {
                            width: 20
                return n.concat(e.map(this.columns, function(e) {
                    return {
                        width: parseInt(e.width, 10),
                        autoWidth: e.width ? !1 : !0
        }), t.ExcelMixin = {
            extend: function(t) {
                t.events.push("excelExport"), t.options.excel = e.extend(t.options.excel, this.options), t.saveAsExcel = this.saveAsExcel
            options: {
                proxyURL: "",
                allPages: !1,
                filterable: !1,
                fileName: "Export.xlsx"
            saveAsExcel: function() {
                var n = this.options.excel || {},
                    i = new t.ExcelExporter({
                        columns: this.columns,
                        dataSource: this.dataSource,
                        allPages: n.allPages,
                        filterable: n.filterable,
                        hierarchy: n.hierarchy
                i.workbook().then(e.proxy(function(e, i) {
                    if (!this.trigger("excelExport", {
                        workbook: e,
                        data: i
                    })) {
                        var r = new t.ooxml.Workbook(e);
                            dataURI: r.toDataURL(),
                            fileName: e.fileName || n.fileName,
                            proxyURL: n.proxyURL,
                            forceProxy: n.forceProxy
                }, this))
    }(kendo.jQuery, kendo),
    function(e) {
        var t = kendo.data.RemoteTransport.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t, n = e && e.signalr ? e.signalr : {},
                    i = n.promise;
                if (!i) throw Error('The "promise" option must be set.');
                if ("function" != typeof i.done || "function" != typeof i.fail) throw Error('The "promise" option must be a Promise.');
                if (this.promise = i, t = n.hub, !t) throw Error('The "hub" option must be set.');
                if ("function" != typeof t.on || "function" != typeof t.invoke) throw Error('The "hub" option is not a valid SignalR hub proxy.');
                this.hub = t, kendo.data.RemoteTransport.fn.init.call(this, e)
            push: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.signalr.client || {};
                t.create && this.hub.on(t.create, e.pushCreate), t.update && this.hub.on(t.update, e.pushUpdate), t.destroy && this.hub.on(t.destroy, e.pushDestroy)
            _crud: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this.hub,
                    a = this.options.signalr.server;
                if (!a || !a[n]) throw Error(kendo.format('The "server.{0}" option must be set.', n));
                i = [a[n]], r = this.parameterMap(t.data, n), e.isEmptyObject(r) || i.push(r), this.promise.done(function() {
                    o.invoke.apply(o, i).done(t.success).fail(t.error)
            read: function(e) {
                this._crud(e, "read")
            create: function(e) {
                this._crud(e, "create")
            update: function(e) {
                this._crud(e, "update")
            destroy: function(e) {
                this._crud(e, "destroy")
        e.extend(!0, kendo.data, {
            transports: {
                signalr: t
    function(e, t, n) {
        function i(e, r) {
            var a, d;
            if (null == e || "none" == e) return null;
            if (e instanceof s) return e;
            if (e = e.toLowerCase(), a = o.exec(e)) return e = "transparent" == a[1] ? new l(1, 1, 1, 0) : i(u.namedColors[a[1]], r), e.match = [a[1]], e;
            if ((a = /^#?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})\b/i.exec(e)) ? d = new c(n(a[1], 16), n(a[2], 16), n(a[3], 16), 1) : (a = /^#?([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])\b/i.exec(e)) ? d = new c(n(a[1] + a[1], 16), n(a[2] + a[2], 16), n(a[3] + a[3], 16), 1) : (a = /^rgb\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) ? d = new c(n(a[1], 10), n(a[2], 10), n(a[3], 10), 1) : (a = /^rgba\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) ? d = new c(n(a[1], 10), n(a[2], 10), n(a[3], 10), t(a[4])) : (a = /^rgb\(\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*\)/.exec(e)) ? d = new l(t(a[1]) / 100, t(a[2]) / 100, t(a[3]) / 100, 1) : (a = /^rgba\(\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) && (d = new l(t(a[1]) / 100, t(a[2]) / 100, t(a[3]) / 100, t(a[4]))), d) d.match = a;
            else if (!r) throw Error("Cannot parse color: " + e);
            return d

        function r(e, t, n) {
            for (n || (n = "0"), e = e.toString(16); t > e.length;) e = "0" + e;
            return e
        var o, a, s, l, c, d, u = function(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                s = u.formats;
            if (1 === arguments.length)
                for (e = a.resolveColor(e), r = 0; s.length > r; r++) t = s[r].re, n = s[r].process, i = t.exec(e), i && (o = n(i), a.r = o[0], a.g = o[1], a.b = o[2]);
            else a.r = arguments[0], a.g = arguments[1], a.b = arguments[2];
            a.r = a.normalizeByte(a.r), a.g = a.normalizeByte(a.g), a.b = a.normalizeByte(a.b)
        u.prototype = {
            toHex: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.padDigit,
                    n = e.r.toString(16),
                    i = e.g.toString(16),
                    r = e.b.toString(16);
                return "#" + t(n) + t(i) + t(r)
            resolveColor: function(e) {
                return e = e || "black", "#" == e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1, 6)), e = e.replace(/ /g, ""), e = e.toLowerCase(), e = u.namedColors[e] || e
            normalizeByte: function(e) {
                return 0 > e || isNaN(e) ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e
            padDigit: function(e) {
                return 1 === e.length ? "0" + e : e
            brightness: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = Math.round;
                return t.r = n(t.normalizeByte(t.r * e)), t.g = n(t.normalizeByte(t.g * e)), t.b = n(t.normalizeByte(t.b * e)), t
            percBrightness: function() {
                var e = this;
                return Math.sqrt(.241 * e.r * e.r + .691 * e.g * e.g + .068 * e.b * e.b)
        }, u.formats = [{
            re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [n(e[1], 10), n(e[2], 10), n(e[3], 10)]
        }, {
            re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [n(e[1], 16), n(e[2], 16), n(e[3], 16)]
        }, {
            re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [n(e[1] + e[1], 16), n(e[2] + e[2], 16), n(e[3] + e[3], 16)]
        }], u.namedColors = {
            aqua: "00ffff",
            azure: "f0ffff",
            beige: "f5f5dc",
            black: "000000",
            blue: "0000ff",
            brown: "a52a2a",
            coral: "ff7f50",
            cyan: "00ffff",
            darkblue: "00008b",
            darkcyan: "008b8b",
            darkgray: "a9a9a9",
            darkgreen: "006400",
            darkorange: "ff8c00",
            darkred: "8b0000",
            dimgray: "696969",
            fuchsia: "ff00ff",
            gold: "ffd700",
            goldenrod: "daa520",
            gray: "808080",
            green: "008000",
            greenyellow: "adff2f",
            indigo: "4b0082",
            ivory: "fffff0",
            khaki: "f0e68c",
            lightblue: "add8e6",
            lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
            lightgreen: "90ee90",
            lightpink: "ffb6c1",
            lightyellow: "ffffe0",
            lime: "00ff00",
            limegreen: "32cd32",
            linen: "faf0e6",
            magenta: "ff00ff",
            maroon: "800000",
            mediumblue: "0000cd",
            navy: "000080",
            olive: "808000",
            orange: "ffa500",
            orangered: "ff4500",
            orchid: "da70d6",
            pink: "ffc0cb",
            plum: "dda0dd",
            purple: "800080",
            red: "ff0000",
            royalblue: "4169e1",
            salmon: "fa8072",
            silver: "c0c0c0",
            skyblue: "87ceeb",
            slateblue: "6a5acd",
            slategray: "708090",
            snow: "fffafa",
            steelblue: "4682b4",
            tan: "d2b48c",
            teal: "008080",
            tomato: "ff6347",
            turquoise: "40e0d0",
            violet: "ee82ee",
            wheat: "f5deb3",
            white: "ffffff",
            whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
            yellow: "ffff00",
            yellowgreen: "9acd32"
        }, o = ["transparent"];
        for (a in u.namedColors) u.namedColors.hasOwnProperty(a) && o.push(a);
        o = RegExp("^(" + o.join("|") + ")(\\W|$)", "i"), s = kendo.Class.extend({
            toHSV: function() {
                return this
            toRGB: function() {
                return this
            toHex: function() {
                return this.toBytes().toHex()
            toBytes: function() {
                return this
            toCss: function() {
                return "#" + this.toHex()
            toCssRgba: function() {
                var e = this.toBytes();
                return "rgba(" + e.r + ", " + e.g + ", " + e.b + ", " + t((+this.a).toFixed(3)) + ")"
            toDisplay: function() {
                return kendo.support.browser.msie && 9 > kendo.support.browser.version ? this.toCss() : this.toCssRgba()
            equals: function(e) {
                return e === this || null !== e && this.toCssRgba() == i(e).toCssRgba()
            diff: function(e) {
                if (null == e) return 0 / 0;
                var t = this.toBytes();
                return e = e.toBytes(), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(.3 * (t.r - e.r), 2) + Math.pow(.59 * (t.g - e.g), 2) + Math.pow(.11 * (t.b - e.b), 2))
            clone: function() {
                var e = this.toBytes();
                return e === this && (e = new c(e.r, e.g, e.b, e.a)), e
        }), l = s.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                this.r = e, this.g = t, this.b = n, this.a = i
            toHSV: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.r,
                    i = this.g,
                    r = this.b,
                    o = Math.min(n, i, r),
                    a = Math.max(n, i, r),
                    s = a,
                    l = a - o;
                return 0 === l ? new d(0, 0, s, this.a) : (0 !== a ? (t = l / a, e = n == a ? (i - r) / l : i == a ? 2 + (r - n) / l : 4 + (n - i) / l, e *= 60, 0 > e && (e += 360)) : (t = 0, e = -1), new d(e, t, s, this.a))
            toBytes: function() {
                return new c(255 * this.r, 255 * this.g, 255 * this.b, this.a)
        }), c = l.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                this.r = Math.round(e), this.g = Math.round(t), this.b = Math.round(n), this.a = i
            toRGB: function() {
                return new l(this.r / 255, this.g / 255, this.b / 255, this.a)
            toHSV: function() {
                return this.toRGB().toHSV()
            toHex: function() {
                return r(this.r, 2) + r(this.g, 2) + r(this.b, 2)
            toBytes: function() {
                return this
        }), d = s.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                this.h = e, this.s = t, this.v = n, this.a = i
            toRGB: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, c = this.h,
                    d = this.s,
                    u = this.v;
                if (0 === d) t = n = i = u;
                else switch (c /= 60, e = Math.floor(c), r = c - e, o = u * (1 - d), a = u * (1 - d * r), s = u * (1 - d * (1 - r)), e) {
                    case 0:
                        t = u, n = s, i = o;
                    case 1:
                        t = a, n = u, i = o;
                    case 2:
                        t = o, n = u, i = s;
                    case 3:
                        t = o, n = a, i = u;
                    case 4:
                        t = s, n = o, i = u;
                        t = u, n = o, i = a
                return new l(t, n, i, this.a)
            toBytes: function() {
                return this.toRGB().toBytes()
        }), u.fromBytes = function(e, t, n, i) {
            return new c(e, t, n, null != i ? i : 1)
        }, u.fromRGB = function(e, t, n, i) {
            return new l(e, t, n, null != i ? i : 1)
        }, u.fromHSV = function(e, t, n, i) {
            return new d(e, t, n, null != i ? i : 1)
        }, kendo.Color = u, kendo.parseColor = i
    }(window.kendo.jQuery, parseFloat, parseInt),
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return typeof e !== F

        function n(e, t) {
            var n = i(t);
            return A.round(e * n) / n

        function i(e) {
            return e ? A.pow(10, e) : 1

        function r(e, t, n) {
            return A.max(A.min(e, n), t)

        function o(e) {
            return e * P

        function a(e) {
            return e / P

        function s(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e && !isNaN(e)

        function l(e, n) {
            return t(e) ? e : n

        function c(e) {
            return e * e

        function d(e) {
            var t, n = [];
            for (t in e) n.push(t + e[t]);
            return n.sort().join("")

        function u(e) {
            var t, n = 2166136261;
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) n += (n << 1) + (n << 4) + (n << 7) + (n << 8) + (n << 24), n ^= e.charCodeAt(t);
            return n >>> 0

        function h(e) {
            return u(d(e))

        function p(e) {
            var t, n = e.length,
                i = M,
                r = z;
            for (t = 0; n > t; t++) r = A.max(r, e[t]), i = A.min(i, e[t]);
            return {
                min: i,
                max: r

        function f(e) {
            return p(e).min

        function g(e) {
            return p(e).max

        function m(e) {
            return _(e).min

        function v(e) {
            return _(e).max

        function _(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = M,
                o = z;
            for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = e[t], null !== i && isFinite(i) && (r = A.min(r, i), o = A.max(o, i));
            return {
                min: r === M ? void 0 : r,
                max: o === z ? void 0 : o

        function w(e) {
            return e ? e[e.length - 1] : void 0

        function b(e, t) {
            return e.push.apply(e, t), e

        function y(e) {
            return E.template(e, {
                useWithBlock: !1,
                paramName: "d"

        function k(e, n) {
            return t(n) && null !== n ? " " + e + "='" + n + "' " : ""

        function x(e) {
            var t, n = "";
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n += k(e[t][0], e[t][1]);
            return n

        function C(e) {
            var n, i, r = "";
            for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n][1], t(i) && (r += e[n][0] + ":" + i + ";");
            return "" !== r ? r : void 0

        function S(e) {
            return "string" != typeof e && (e += "px"), e

        function T(e) {
            var t, n, i = [];
            if (e)
                for (t = E.toHyphens(e).split("-"), n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i.push("k-pos-" + t[n]);
            return i.join(" ")

        function D(e) {
            return "" === e || null === e || "none" === e || "transparent" === e || !t(e)
        var A = Math,
            E = window.kendo,
            I = E.deepExtend,
            P = A.PI / 180,
            M = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            z = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            F = "undefined",
            R = Date.now;
        R || (R = function() {
            return (new Date).getTime()
        }), I(E, {
            util: {
                MAX_NUM: M,
                MIN_NUM: z,
                append: b,
                arrayLimits: p,
                arrayMin: f,
                arrayMax: g,
                defined: t,
                deg: a,
                hashKey: u,
                hashObject: h,
                isNumber: s,
                isTransparent: D,
                last: w,
                limitValue: r,
                now: R,
                objectKey: d,
                round: n,
                rad: o,
                renderAttr: k,
                renderAllAttr: x,
                renderPos: T,
                renderSize: S,
                renderStyle: C,
                renderTemplate: y,
                sparseArrayLimits: _,
                sparseArrayMin: m,
                sparseArrayMax: v,
                sqr: c,
                valueOrDefault: l
        }), E.dataviz.util = E.util
    function() {
        function e(e) {
            var n, i, r, a, s, l, c, d = "",
                u = 0;
            for (e = t(e); e.length > u;) n = e.charCodeAt(u++), i = e.charCodeAt(u++), r = e.charCodeAt(u++), a = n >> 2, s = (3 & n) << 4 | i >> 4, l = (15 & i) << 2 | r >> 6, c = 63 & r, isNaN(i) ? l = c = 64 : isNaN(r) && (c = 64), d = d + o.charAt(a) + o.charAt(s) + o.charAt(l) + o.charAt(c);
            return d

        function t(e) {
            var t, n, i = "";
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e.charCodeAt(t), 128 > n ? i += r(n) : 2048 > n ? (i += r(192 | n >>> 6), i += r(128 | 63 & n)) : 65536 > n && (i += r(224 | n >>> 12), i += r(128 | n >>> 6 & 63), i += r(128 | 63 & n));
            return i
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.deepExtend,
            r = String.fromCharCode,
            o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
        i(n.util, {
            encodeBase64: e,
            encodeUTF8: t
    function(e) {
        var t = Math,
            n = window.kendo,
            i = n.deepExtend,
            r = e.inArray,
            o = {
                observers: function() {
                    return this._observers = this._observers || []
                addObserver: function(e) {
                    return this._observers ? this._observers.push(e) : this._observers = [e], this
                removeObserver: function(e) {
                    var t = this.observers(),
                        n = r(e, t);
                    return -1 != n && t.splice(n, 1), this
                trigger: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this._observers;
                    if (r && !this._suspended)
                        for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++) n = r[i], n[e] && n[e](t);
                    return this
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    this.trigger("optionsChange", e)
                geometryChange: function(e) {
                    this.trigger("geometryChange", e)
                suspend: function() {
                    return this._suspended = (this._suspended || 0) + 1, this
                resume: function() {
                    return this._suspended = t.max((this._suspended || 0) - 1, 0), this
                _observerField: function(e, t) {
                    this[e] && this[e].removeObserver(this), this[e] = t, t.addObserver(this)
        i(n, {
            mixins: {
                ObserversMixin: o
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return null === e ? null : e instanceof m ? e : new m(e)

        function n(e) {
            return e && w.isFunction(e.matrix) ? e.matrix() : e

        function i(e, t, n, i) {
            var r = 0,
                o = 0;
            return i && (r = v.atan2(i.c * n, i.a * t), 0 !== i.b && (o = v.atan2(i.d * n, i.b * t))), {
                x: r,
                y: o

        function r(e, t) {
            for (; t > e;) e += 90;
            return e

        function o(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i = t[n], r = i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.substring(1, i.length), e["set" + r] = a(i), e["get" + r] = s(i)

        function a(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return this[e] !== t && (this[e] = t, this.geometryChange()), this

        function s(e) {
            return function() {
                return this[e]

        function l(e, t, n) {
            e > t && (t += 360);
            var i = v.abs(t - e);
            return n || (i = 360 - i), i

        function c(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a = D((r - e) / n, 3),
                s = D((o - t) / i, 3);
            return D(T(v.atan2(s, a)))

        function d(e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s) {
            var d, u, h, p, f, g, m, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E;
            if (t !== i) b = n - e, y = i - t, k = _(r, 2), x = _(o, 2), C = (x * b * (e + n) + k * y * (t + i)) / (2 * k * y), S = C - i, T = -(b * x) / (k * y), f = 1 / k + _(T, 2) / x, g = 2 * (T * S / x - n / k), m = _(n, 2) / k + _(S, 2) / x - 1, w = v.sqrt(_(g, 2) - 4 * f * m), d = (-g - w) / (2 * f), u = C + T * d, h = (-g + w) / (2 * f), p = C + T * h;
            else {
                if (e === n) return !1;
                g = -2 * i, m = _((n - e) * o / (2 * r), 2) + _(i, 2) - _(o, 2), w = v.sqrt(_(g, 2) - 4 * m), d = h = (e + n) / 2, u = (-g - w) / 2, p = (-g + w) / 2
            return D = c(d, u, r, o, e, t), A = c(d, u, r, o, n, i), E = l(D, A, s), (a && 180 >= E || !a && E > 180) && (d = h, u = p, D = c(d, u, r, o, e, t), A = c(d, u, r, o, n, i)), {
                center: new P(d, u),
                startAngle: D,
                endAngle: A
        var u, h, p, f, g, m, v = Math,
            _ = v.pow,
            w = window.kendo,
            b = w.Class,
            y = w.deepExtend,
            k = w.mixins.ObserversMixin,
            x = w.util,
            C = x.defined,
            S = x.rad,
            T = x.deg,
            D = x.round,
            A = v.PI / 2,
            E = x.MIN_NUM,
            I = x.MAX_NUM,
            P = b.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.x = e || 0, this.y = t || 0
                equals: function(e) {
                    return e && e.x === this.x && e.y === this.y
                clone: function() {
                    return new P(this.x, this.y)
                rotate: function(e, n) {
                    return this.transform(t().rotate(e, n))
                translate: function(e, t) {
                    return this.x += e, this.y += t, this.geometryChange(), this
                translateWith: function(e) {
                    return this.translate(e.x, e.y)
                move: function(e, t) {
                    return this.x = this.y = 0, this.translate(e, t)
                scale: function(e, t) {
                    return C(t) || (t = e), this.x *= e, this.y *= t, this.geometryChange(), this
                scaleCopy: function(e, t) {
                    return this.clone().scale(e, t)
                transform: function(e) {
                    var t = n(e),
                        i = this.x,
                        r = this.y;
                    return this.x = t.a * i + t.c * r + t.e, this.y = t.b * i + t.d * r + t.f, this.geometryChange(), this
                transformCopy: function(e) {
                    var t = this.clone();
                    return e && t.transform(e), t
                distanceTo: function(e) {
                    var t = this.x - e.x,
                        n = this.y - e.y;
                    return v.sqrt(t * t + n * n)
                round: function(e) {
                    return this.x = D(this.x, e), this.y = D(this.y, e), this.geometryChange(), this
                toArray: function(e) {
                    var t = C(e),
                        n = t ? D(this.x, e) : this.x,
                        i = t ? D(this.y, e) : this.y;
                    return [n, i]
        o(P.fn, ["x", "y"]), y(P.fn, k), P.fn.toString = function(e, t) {
            var n = this.x,
                i = this.y;
            return C(e) && (n = D(n, e), i = D(i, e)), t = t || " ", n + t + i
        }, P.create = function(e, t) {
            return C(e) ? e instanceof P ? e : 1 === arguments.length && 2 === e.length ? new P(e[0], e[1]) : new P(e, t) : void 0
        }, P.min = function() {
            var e, t, n = x.MAX_NUM,
                i = x.MAX_NUM;
            for (e = 0; arguments.length > e; e++) t = arguments[e], n = v.min(t.x, n), i = v.min(t.y, i);
            return new P(n, i)
        }, P.max = function() {
            var e, t, n = x.MIN_NUM,
                i = x.MIN_NUM;
            for (e = 0; arguments.length > e; e++) t = arguments[e], n = v.max(t.x, n), i = v.max(t.y, i);
            return new P(n, i)
        }, P.minPoint = function() {
            return new P(E, E)
        }, P.maxPoint = function() {
            return new P(I, I)
        }, P.ZERO = new P(0, 0), u = b.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.width = e || 0, this.height = t || 0
            equals: function(e) {
                return e && e.width === this.width && e.height === this.height
            clone: function() {
                return new u(this.width, this.height)
            toArray: function(e) {
                var t = C(e),
                    n = t ? D(this.width, e) : this.width,
                    i = t ? D(this.height, e) : this.height;
                return [n, i]
        }), o(u.fn, ["width", "height"]), y(u.fn, k), u.create = function(e, t) {
            return C(e) ? e instanceof u ? e : 1 === arguments.length && 2 === e.length ? new u(e[0], e[1]) : new u(e, t) : void 0
        }, u.ZERO = new u(0, 0), h = b.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.setOrigin(e || new P), this.setSize(t || new u)
            clone: function() {
                return new h(this.origin.clone(), this.size.clone())
            equals: function(e) {
                return e && e.origin.equals(this.origin) && e.size.equals(this.size)
            setOrigin: function(e) {
                return this._observerField("origin", P.create(e)), this.geometryChange(), this
            getOrigin: function() {
                return this.origin
            setSize: function(e) {
                return this._observerField("size", u.create(e)), this.geometryChange(), this
            getSize: function() {
                return this.size
            width: function() {
                return this.size.width
            height: function() {
                return this.size.height
            topLeft: function() {
                return this.origin.clone()
            bottomRight: function() {
                return this.origin.clone().translate(this.width(), this.height())
            topRight: function() {
                return this.origin.clone().translate(this.width(), 0)
            bottomLeft: function() {
                return this.origin.clone().translate(0, this.height())
            center: function() {
                return this.origin.clone().translate(this.width() / 2, this.height() / 2)
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = this.topLeft().transformCopy(e),
                    n = this.topRight().transformCopy(e),
                    i = this.bottomRight().transformCopy(e),
                    r = this.bottomLeft().transformCopy(e);
                return h.fromPoints(t, n, i, r)
            transformCopy: function(e) {
                return h.fromPoints(this.topLeft().transform(e), this.bottomRight().transform(e))
        }), y(h.fn, k), h.fromPoints = function() {
            var e = P.min.apply(this, arguments),
                t = P.max.apply(this, arguments),
                n = new u(t.x - e.x, t.y - e.y);
            return new h(e, n)
        }, h.union = function(e, t) {
            return h.fromPoints(P.min(e.topLeft(), t.topLeft()), P.max(e.bottomRight(), t.bottomRight()))
        }, h.intersect = function(e, t) {
            return e = {
                left: e.topLeft().x,
                top: e.topLeft().y,
                right: e.bottomRight().x,
                bottom: e.bottomRight().y
            }, t = {
                left: t.topLeft().x,
                top: t.topLeft().y,
                right: t.bottomRight().x,
                bottom: t.bottomRight().y
            }, t.right >= e.left && e.right >= t.left && t.bottom >= e.top && e.bottom >= t.top ? h.fromPoints(new P(v.max(e.left, t.left), v.max(e.top, t.top)), new P(v.min(e.right, t.right), v.min(e.bottom, t.bottom))) : void 0
        }, p = b.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.setCenter(e || new P), this.setRadius(t || 0)
            setCenter: function(e) {
                return this._observerField("center", P.create(e)), this.geometryChange(), this
            getCenter: function() {
                return this.center
            equals: function(e) {
                return e && e.center.equals(this.center) && e.radius === this.radius
            clone: function() {
                return new p(this.center.clone(), this.radius)
            pointAt: function(e) {
                return this._pointAt(S(e))
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t, n, r, o, a = P.maxPoint(),
                    s = P.minPoint(),
                    l = i(this.center, this.radius, this.radius, e);
                for (t = 0; 4 > t; t++) n = this._pointAt(l.x + t * A).transformCopy(e), r = this._pointAt(l.y + t * A).transformCopy(e), o = new P(n.x, r.y), a = P.min(a, o), s = P.max(s, o);
                return h.fromPoints(a, s)
            _pointAt: function(e) {
                var t = this.center,
                    n = this.radius;
                return new P(t.x - n * v.cos(e), t.y - n * v.sin(e))
        }), o(p.fn, ["radius"]), y(p.fn, k), f = b.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.setCenter(e || new P), t = t || {}, this.radiusX = t.radiusX, this.radiusY = t.radiusY || t.radiusX, this.startAngle = t.startAngle, this.endAngle = t.endAngle, this.anticlockwise = t.anticlockwise || !1
            clone: function() {
                return new f(this.center, {
                    radiusX: this.radiusX,
                    radiusY: this.radiusY,
                    startAngle: this.startAngle,
                    endAngle: this.endAngle,
                    anticlockwise: this.anticlockwise
            setCenter: function(e) {
                return this._observerField("center", P.create(e)), this.geometryChange(), this
            getCenter: function() {
                return this.center
            MAX_INTERVAL: 45,
            pointAt: function(e) {
                var t = this.center,
                    n = S(e);
                return new P(t.x + this.radiusX * v.cos(n), t.y + this.radiusY * v.sin(n))
            curvePoints: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.startAngle,
                    r = this.anticlockwise ? -1 : 1,
                    o = [this.pointAt(i)],
                    a = i,
                    s = this._arcInterval(),
                    l = s.endAngle - s.startAngle,
                    c = v.ceil(l / this.MAX_INTERVAL),
                    d = l / c;
                for (e = 1; c >= e; e++) t = a + r * d, n = this._intervalCurvePoints(a, t), o.push(n.cp1, n.cp2, n.p2), a = t;
                return o
            bbox: function(e) {
                for (var t, n, o = this, a = o._arcInterval(), s = a.startAngle, l = a.endAngle, c = i(this.center, this.radiusX, this.radiusY, e), d = T(c.x), u = T(c.y), p = o.pointAt(s).transformCopy(e), f = o.pointAt(l).transformCopy(e), g = P.min(p, f), m = P.max(p, f), v = r(d, s), _ = r(u, s); l > v || l > _;) l > v && (t = o.pointAt(v).transformCopy(e), v += 90), l > _ && (n = o.pointAt(_).transformCopy(e), _ += 90), p = new P(t.x, n.y), g = P.min(g, p), m = P.max(m, p);
                return h.fromPoints(g, m)
            _arcInterval: function() {
                var e, t = this.startAngle,
                    n = this.endAngle,
                    i = this.anticlockwise;
                return i && (e = t, t = n, n = e), (t > n || i && t === n) && (n += 360), {
                    startAngle: t,
                    endAngle: n
            _intervalCurvePoints: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.pointAt(e),
                    r = n.pointAt(t),
                    o = n._derivativeAt(e),
                    a = n._derivativeAt(t),
                    s = (S(t) - S(e)) / 3,
                    l = new P(i.x + s * o.x, i.y + s * o.y),
                    c = new P(r.x - s * a.x, r.y - s * a.y);
                return {
                    p1: i,
                    cp1: l,
                    cp2: c,
                    p2: r
            _derivativeAt: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = S(e);
                return new P(-t.radiusX * v.sin(n), t.radiusY * v.cos(n))
        }), o(f.fn, ["radiusX", "radiusY", "startAngle", "endAngle", "anticlockwise"]), y(f.fn, k), f.fromPoints = function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a = d(e.x, e.y, t.x, t.y, n, i, r, o);
            return new f(a.center, {
                startAngle: a.startAngle,
                endAngle: a.endAngle,
                radiusX: n,
                radiusY: i,
                anticlockwise: 0 === o
        }, g = b.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                this.a = e || 0, this.b = t || 0, this.c = n || 0, this.d = i || 0, this.e = r || 0, this.f = o || 0
            multiplyCopy: function(e) {
                return new g(this.a * e.a + this.c * e.b, this.b * e.a + this.d * e.b, this.a * e.c + this.c * e.d, this.b * e.c + this.d * e.d, this.a * e.e + this.c * e.f + this.e, this.b * e.e + this.d * e.f + this.f)
            invert: function() {
                var e = this.a,
                    t = this.b,
                    n = this.c,
                    i = this.d,
                    r = this.e,
                    o = this.f,
                    a = e * i - t * n;
                return 0 === a ? null : new g(i / a, -t / a, -n / a, e / a, (n * o - i * r) / a, (t * r - e * o) / a)
            clone: function() {
                return new g(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f)
            equals: function(e) {
                return e ? this.a === e.a && this.b === e.b && this.c === e.c && this.d === e.d && this.e === e.e && this.f === e.f : !1
            round: function(e) {
                return this.a = D(this.a, e), this.b = D(this.b, e), this.c = D(this.c, e), this.d = D(this.d, e), this.e = D(this.e, e), this.f = D(this.f, e), this
            toArray: function(e) {
                var t, n = [this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f];
                if (C(e))
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) n[t] = D(n[t], e);
                return n
        }), g.fn.toString = function(e, t) {
            return this.toArray(e).join(t || ",")
        }, g.translate = function(e, t) {
            return new g(1, 0, 0, 1, e, t)
        }, g.unit = function() {
            return new g(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
        }, g.rotate = function(e, t, n) {
            var i = new g;
            return i.a = v.cos(S(e)), i.b = v.sin(S(e)), i.c = -i.b, i.d = i.a, i.e = t - t * i.a + n * i.b || 0, i.f = n - n * i.a - t * i.b || 0, i
        }, g.scale = function(e, t) {
            return new g(e, 0, 0, t, 0, 0)
        }, g.IDENTITY = g.unit(), m = b.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this._matrix = e || g.unit()
            clone: function() {
                return new m(this._matrix.clone())
            equals: function(e) {
                return e && e._matrix.equals(this._matrix)
            _optionsChange: function() {
                    field: "transform",
                    value: this
            translate: function(e, t) {
                return this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(g.translate(e, t)), this._optionsChange(), this
            scale: function(e, t, n) {
                return C(t) || (t = e), n && (n = P.create(n), this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(g.translate(n.x, n.y))), this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(g.scale(e, t)), n && (this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(g.translate(-n.x, -n.y))), this._optionsChange(), this
            rotate: function(e, t) {
                return t = P.create(t) || P.ZERO, this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(g.rotate(e, t.x, t.y)), this._optionsChange(), this
            multiply: function(e) {
                var t = n(e);
                return this._matrix = this._matrix.multiplyCopy(t), this._optionsChange(), this
            matrix: function() {
                return this._matrix
        }), y(m.fn, k), y(w, {
            geometry: {
                Arc: f,
                Circle: p,
                Matrix: g,
                Point: P,
                Rect: h,
                Size: u,
                Transformation: m,
                transform: t,
                toMatrix: n
        }), w.dataviz.geometry = w.geometry
    function(e) {
        var t, n, i, r = e.noop,
            o = Object.prototype.toString,
            a = window.kendo,
            s = a.Class,
            l = a.ui.Widget,
            c = a.deepExtend,
            d = a.util,
            u = d.defined,
            h = l.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.options = c({}, this.options, t), l.fn.init.call(this, e, this.options), this._click = this._handler("click"), this._mouseenter = this._handler("mouseenter"), this._mouseleave = this._handler("mouseleave"), this._visual = new a.drawing.Group, this.options.width && this.element.css("width", this.options.width), this.options.height && this.element.css("height", this.options.height)
                options: {
                    name: "Surface"
                events: ["click", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "resize"],
                draw: function(e) {
                clear: function() {
                    this._visual.children = []
                destroy: function() {
                    this._visual = null, l.fn.destroy.call(this)
                exportVisual: function() {
                    return this._visual
                getSize: function() {
                    return {
                        width: this.element.width(),
                        height: this.element.height()
                setSize: function(e) {
                        width: e.width,
                        height: e.height
                    }), this._size = e, this._resize()
                eventTarget: function(t) {
                    for (var n, i = e(t.touch ? t.touch.initialTouch : t.target); !n && i.length > 0 && (n = i[0]._kendoNode, !i.is(this.element) && 0 !== i.length);) i = i.parent();
                    return n ? n.srcElement : void 0
                _resize: r,
                _handler: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return function(n) {
                        var i = t.eventTarget(n);
                        i && t.trigger(e, {
                            element: i,
                            originalEvent: n
        a.ui.plugin(h), h.create = function(e, t) {
            return i.current.create(e, t)
        }, t = s.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.childNodes = [], this.parent = null, e && (this.srcElement = e, this.observe())
            destroy: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (this.srcElement && this.srcElement.removeObserver(this), e = this.childNodes, t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.childNodes[t].destroy();
                this.parent = null
            load: r,
            observe: function() {
                this.srcElement && this.srcElement.addObserver(this)
            append: function(e) {
                this.childNodes.push(e), e.parent = this
            insertAt: function(e, t) {
                this.childNodes.splice(t, 0, e), e.parent = this
            remove: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e + t;
                for (n = e; i > n; n++) this.childNodes[n].removeSelf();
                this.childNodes.splice(e, t)
            removeSelf: function() {
                this.clear(), this.destroy()
            clear: function() {
                this.remove(0, this.childNodes.length)
            invalidate: function() {
                this.parent && this.parent.invalidate()
            geometryChange: function() {
            optionsChange: function() {
            childrenChange: function(e) {
                "add" === e.action ? this.load(e.items, e.index) : "remove" === e.action && this.remove(e.index, e.items.length), this.invalidate()
        }), n = s.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                this.prefix = t || "";
                for (n in e) i = e[n], i = this._wrap(i, n), this[n] = i
            get: function(e) {
                return a.getter(e, !0)(this)
            set: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = a.getter(e, !0)(this);
                i !== t && (n = this._set(e, this._wrap(t, e)), n || this.optionsChange({
                    field: this.prefix + e,
                    value: t
            _set: function(e, t) {
                var i, r, o, s = e.indexOf(".") >= 0;
                if (s)
                    for (i = e.split("."), r = ""; i.length > 1;) {
                        if (r += i.shift(), o = a.getter(r, !0)(this), o || (o = new n({}, r + "."), o.addObserver(this), this[r] = o), o instanceof n) return o.set(i.join("."), t), s;
                        r += "."
                return this._clear(e), a.setter(e)(this, t), s
            _clear: function(e) {
                var t = a.getter(e, !0)(this);
                t && t.removeObserver && t.removeObserver(this)
            _wrap: function(e, t) {
                var i = o.call(e);
                return null !== e && u(e) && "[object Object]" === i && (e instanceof n || e instanceof s || (e = new n(e, this.prefix + t + ".")), e.addObserver(this)), e
        }), c(n.fn, a.mixins.ObserversMixin), i = function() {
            this._items = []
        }, i.prototype = {
            register: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this._items,
                    r = i[0],
                    o = {
                        name: e,
                        type: t,
                        order: n
                !r || r.order > n ? i.unshift(o) : i.push(o)
            create: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this._items,
                    o = r[0];
                if (t && t.type)
                    for (n = t.type.toLowerCase(), i = 0; r.length > i; i++)
                        if (r[i].name === n) {
                            o = r[i];
                return o ? new o.type(e, t) : void a.logToConsole("Warning: Unable to create Kendo UI Drawing Surface. Possible causes:\n- The browser does not support SVG, VML and Canvas. User agent: " + navigator.userAgent + "\n- The Kendo UI scripts are not fully loaded")
        }, i.current = new i, c(a, {
            drawing: {
                DASH_ARRAYS: {
                    dot: [1.5, 3.5],
                    dash: [4, 3.5],
                    longdash: [8, 3.5],
                    dashdot: [3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 3.5],
                    longdashdot: [8, 3.5, 1.5, 3.5],
                    longdashdotdot: [8, 3.5, 1.5, 3.5, 1.5, 3.5]
                Color: a.Color,
                BaseNode: t,
                OptionsStore: n,
                Surface: h,
                SurfaceFactory: i
        }), a.dataviz.drawing = a.drawing
    function() {
        var e = window.kendo,
            t = e.deepExtend,
            n = e.util.defined,
            i = "gradient",
            r = {
                extend: function(e) {
                    e.fill = this.fill, e.stroke = this.stroke
                fill: function(e, t) {
                    var r, o = this.options;
                    return n(e) ? (e && e.nodeType != i ? (r = {
                        color: e
                    }, n(t) && (r.opacity = t), o.set("fill", r)) : o.set("fill", e), this) : o.get("fill")
                stroke: function(e, t, i) {
                    return n(e) ? (this.options.set("stroke.color", e), n(t) && this.options.set("stroke.width", t), n(i) && this.options.set("stroke.opacity", i), this) : this.options.get("stroke")
            o = {
                extend: function(e, t) {
                    e.traverse = function(e) {
                        var n, i, r = this[t];
                        for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) i = r[n], i.traverse ? i.traverse(e) : e(i);
                        return this
        t(e.drawing, {
            mixins: {
                Paintable: r,
                Traversable: o
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            return d.current.measure(e, t)
        var n = document,
            i = window.kendo,
            r = i.Class,
            o = i.deepExtend,
            a = i.util,
            s = a.defined,
            l = 1,
            c = r.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this._size = e, this._length = 0, this._map = {}
                put: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._map,
                        r = {
                            key: e,
                            value: t
                    i[e] = r, n._head ? (n._tail.newer = r, r.older = n._tail, n._tail = r) : n._head = n._tail = r, n._length >= n._size ? (i[n._head.key] = null, n._head = n._head.newer, n._head.older = null) : n._length++
                get: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._map[e];
                    return n ? (n === t._head && n !== t._tail && (t._head = n.newer, t._head.older = null), n !== t._tail && (n.older && (n.older.newer = n.newer, n.newer.older = n.older), n.older = t._tail, n.newer = null, t._tail.newer = n, t._tail = n), n.value) : void 0
            d = r.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this._cache = new c(1e3)
                measure: function(t, i) {
                    var r, o, c, d, u, h = a.objectKey(i),
                        p = a.hashKey(t + h),
                        f = this._cache.get(p);
                    if (f) return f;
                    r = {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0,
                        baseline: 0
                    }, o = this._measureBox, c = this._baselineMarker.cloneNode(!1);
                    for (d in i) u = i[d], s(u) && (o.style[d] = u);
                    return e(o).text(t), o.appendChild(c), n.body.appendChild(o), (t + "").length && (r.width = o.offsetWidth - l, r.height = o.offsetHeight, r.baseline = c.offsetTop + l), this._cache.put(p, r), o.parentNode.removeChild(o), r
        d.fn._baselineMarker = e("<div class='k-baseline-marker' style='display: inline-block; vertical-align: baseline;width: " + l + "px; height: " + l + "px;overflow: hidden;' />")[0], d.fn._measureBox = e("<div style='position: absolute !important; top: -4000px !important; width: auto !important; height: auto !important;padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border: 0 !important;line-height: normal !important; visibility: hidden !important; white-space:nowrap !important;' />")[0], d.current = new d, o(i.drawing, {
            util: {
                TextMetrics: d,
                LRUCache: c,
                measureText: t
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a;
            for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], o.visible() && (a = t ? o.bbox(n) : o.rawBBox(), a && (i = i ? $.union(i, a) : a));
            return i

        function n(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], r.visible() && (o = r.clippedBBox(t), o && (n = n ? $.union(n, o) : o));
            return n

        function i(e, t) {
            e.origin.x -= t, e.origin.y -= t, e.size.width += 2 * t, e.size.height += 2 * t

        function r(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++) e[t[n]] = o(t[n])

        function o(e) {
            var t = "_" + e;
            return function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this._observerField(t, e), this.geometryChange(), this) : this[t]

        function a(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++) e[t[n]] = s(t[n])

        function s(e) {
            var t = "_" + e;
            return function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this._observerField(t, q.create(e)), this.geometryChange(), this) : this[t]

        function l(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++) e[t[n]] = c(t[n])

        function c(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return rt(t) ? (this.options.set(e, t), this) : this.options.get(e)

        function d() {
            return "kdef" + gt++

        function u(e, t, n) {
            k(e, t, n, "x", "width")

        function h(e, t, n) {
            k(e, t, n, "y", "height")

        function p(e) {
            y(b(e), "x", "y", "width")

        function f(e) {
            y(b(e), "y", "x", "height")

        function g(e, t) {
            return v(e, t, "x", "y", "width")

        function m(e, t) {
            return v(e, t, "y", "x", "height")

        function v(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c = [],
                d = w(e, t, r),
                u = t.origin.clone();
            for (l = 0; d.length > l; l++)
                for (s = d[l], o = s[0], u[i] = o.bbox.origin[i], S(u, o.bbox, o.element), o.bbox.origin[n] = u[n], y(s, n, i, r), c.push([]), a = 0; s.length > a; a++) c[l].push(s[a].element);
            return c

        function _(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = e.clippedBBox(),
                o = r.size,
                a = t.size;
            (o.width > a.width || o.height > a.height) && (n = J.min(a.width / o.width, a.height / o.height), i = e.transform() || G.transform(), i.scale(n, n), e.transform(i))

        function w(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s = t.size[n],
                l = 0,
                c = [],
                d = [],
                u = function() {
                        element: i,
                        bbox: o
            for (a = 0; e.length > a; a++) i = e[a], o = i.clippedBBox(), o && (r = o.size[n], l + r > s ? d.length ? (c.push(d), d = [], u(), l = r) : (u(), c.push(d), d = [], l = 0) : (u(), l += r));
            return d.length && c.push(d), c

        function b(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) t = e[i], n = t.clippedBBox(), n && r.push({
                element: t,
                bbox: n
            return r

        function y(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l;
            if (e.length > 1)
                for (r = e[0].bbox, o = new q, l = 1; e.length > l; l++) a = e[l].element, s = e[l].bbox, o[t] = r.origin[t] + r.size[i], o[n] = s.origin[n], S(o, s, a), s.origin[t] = o[t], r = s

        function k(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s;
            for (n = n || "start", s = 0; e.length > s; s++) o = e[s].clippedBBox(), o && (a = o.origin.clone(), a[i] = x(o.size[r], t, n, i, r), S(a, o, e[s]))

        function x(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o;
            return o = n == mt ? t.origin[i] : n == vt ? t.origin[i] + t.size[r] - e : t.origin[i] + (t.size[r] - e) / 2

        function C(e, t, n) {
            var i = n.transform() || G.transform(),
                r = i.matrix();
            r.e += e, r.f += t, n.transform(i)

        function S(e, t, n) {
            C(e.x - t.origin.x, e.y - t.origin.y, n)
        var T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U = window.kendo,
            W = U.Class,
            j = U.deepExtend,
            G = U.geometry,
            q = G.Point,
            $ = G.Rect,
            Y = G.Size,
            Q = G.Matrix,
            K = G.toMatrix,
            X = U.drawing,
            Z = X.OptionsStore,
            J = Math,
            et = J.pow,
            tt = U.util,
            nt = tt.append,
            it = tt.arrayLimits,
            rt = tt.defined,
            ot = tt.last,
            at = tt.valueOrDefault,
            st = U.mixins.ObserversMixin,
            lt = e.inArray,
            ct = [].push,
            dt = [].pop,
            ut = [].splice,
            ht = [].shift,
            pt = [].slice,
            ft = [].unshift,
            gt = 1,
            mt = "start",
            vt = "end",
            _t = "horizontal",
            wt = W.extend({
                nodeType: "Element",
                init: function(e) {
                _initOptions: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    e = e || {}, t = e.transform, n = e.clip, t && (e.transform = G.transform(t)), n && !n.id && (n.id = d()), this.options = new Z(e), this.options.addObserver(this)
                transform: function(e) {
                    return rt(e) ? void this.options.set("transform", G.transform(e)) : this.options.get("transform")
                parentTransform: function() {
                    for (var e, t, n = this; n.parent;) n = n.parent, e = n.transform(), e && (t = e.matrix().multiplyCopy(t || Q.unit()));
                    return t ? G.transform(t) : void 0
                currentTransform: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.transform(),
                        r = K(i);
                    return rt(e) || (e = this.parentTransform()), t = K(e), n = r && t ? t.multiplyCopy(r) : r || t, n ? G.transform(n) : void 0
                visible: function(e) {
                    return rt(e) ? (this.options.set("visible", e), this) : this.options.get("visible") !== !1
                clip: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options;
                    return rt(e) ? (e && !e.id && (e.id = d()), t.set("clip", e), this) : t.get("clip")
                opacity: function(e) {
                    return rt(e) ? (this.options.set("opacity", e), this) : at(this.options.get("opacity"), 1)
                clippedBBox: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this._clippedBBox(e);
                    return n ? (t = this.clip(), t ? $.intersect(n, t.bbox(e)) : n) : void 0
                _clippedBBox: function(e) {
                    return this.bbox(e)
        j(wt.fn, st), T = W.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                e = e || [], this.length = 0, this._splice(0, e.length, e)
            elements: function(e) {
                return e ? (this._splice(0, this.length, e), this._change(), this) : this.slice(0)
            push: function() {
                var e = arguments,
                    t = ct.apply(this, e);
                return this._add(e), t
            slice: pt,
            pop: function() {
                var e = this.length,
                    t = dt.apply(this);
                return e && this._remove([t]), t
            splice: function(e, t) {
                var n = pt.call(arguments, 2),
                    i = this._splice(e, t, n);
                return this._change(), i
            shift: function() {
                var e = this.length,
                    t = ht.apply(this);
                return e && this._remove([t]), t
            unshift: function() {
                var e = arguments,
                    t = ft.apply(this, e);
                return this._add(e), t
            indexOf: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this;
                for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++)
                    if (i[t] === e) return t;
                return -1
            _splice: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = ut.apply(this, [e, t].concat(n));
                return this._clearObserver(i), this._setObserver(n), i
            _add: function(e) {
                this._setObserver(e), this._change()
            _remove: function(e) {
                this._clearObserver(e), this._change()
            _setObserver: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].addObserver(this)
            _clearObserver: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].removeObserver(this)
            _change: function() {}
        }), j(T.fn, st), D = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Group",
            init: function(e) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, e), this.children = []
            childrenChange: function(e, t, n) {
                this.trigger("childrenChange", {
                    action: e,
                    items: t,
                    index: n
            append: function() {
                return nt(this.children, arguments), this._reparent(arguments, this), this.childrenChange("add", arguments), this
            insertAt: function(e, t) {
                return this.children.splice(t, 0, e), e.parent = this, this.childrenChange("add", [e], t), this
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = lt(e, this.children);
                return t >= 0 && (this.children.splice(t, 1), e.parent = null, this.childrenChange("remove", [e], t)), this
            removeAt: function(e) {
                if (e >= 0 && this.children.length > e) {
                    var t = this.children[e];
                    this.children.splice(e, 1), t.parent = null, this.childrenChange("remove", [t], e)
                return this
            clear: function() {
                var e = this.children;
                return this.children = [], this._reparent(e, null), this.childrenChange("remove", e, 0), this
            bbox: function(e) {
                return t(this.children, !0, this.currentTransform(e))
            rawBBox: function() {
                return t(this.children, !1)
            _clippedBBox: function(e) {
                return n(this.children, this.currentTransform(e))
            currentTransform: function(e) {
                return wt.fn.currentTransform.call(this, e) || null
            _reparent: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n], r = i.parent, r && r != this && r.remove && r.remove(i), i.parent = t
        }), X.mixins.Traversable.extend(D.fn, "children"), A = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Text",
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, n), this.content(e), this.position(t || new G.Point), this.options.font || (this.options.font = "12px sans-serif"), rt(this.options.fill) || this.fill("#000")
            content: function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this.options.set("content", e), this) : this.options.get("content")
            measure: function() {
                var e = X.util.measureText(this.content(), {
                    font: this.options.get("font")
                return e
            rect: function() {
                var e = this.measure(),
                    t = this.position().clone();
                return new G.Rect(t, [e.width, e.height])
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = K(this.currentTransform(e));
                return this.rect().bbox(t)
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this.rect().bbox()
        }), X.mixins.Paintable.extend(A.fn), a(A.fn, ["position"]), E = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Circle",
            init: function(e, t) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, t), this.geometry(e || new G.Circle), rt(this.options.stroke) || this.stroke("#000")
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = K(this.currentTransform(e)),
                    n = this._geometry.bbox(t),
                    r = this.options.get("stroke.width");
                return r && i(n, r / 2), n
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this._geometry.bbox()
        }), X.mixins.Paintable.extend(E.fn), r(E.fn, ["geometry"]), I = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Arc",
            init: function(e, t) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, t), this.geometry(e || new G.Arc), rt(this.options.stroke) || this.stroke("#000")
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = K(this.currentTransform(e)),
                    n = this.geometry().bbox(t),
                    r = this.options.get("stroke.width");
                return r && i(n, r / 2), n
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this.geometry().bbox()
            toPath: function() {
                var e, t = new z,
                    n = this.geometry().curvePoints();
                if (n.length > 0)
                    for (t.moveTo(n[0].x, n[0].y), e = 1; n.length > e; e += 3) t.curveTo(n[e], n[e + 1], n[e + 2]);
                return t
        }), X.mixins.Paintable.extend(I.fn), r(I.fn, ["geometry"]), P = T.extend({
            _change: function() {
        }), M = W.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.anchor(e || new q), this.controlIn(t), this.controlOut(n)
            bboxTo: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.anchor().transformCopy(t),
                    r = e.anchor().transformCopy(t);
                return n = this.controlOut() && e.controlIn() ? this._curveBoundingBox(i, this.controlOut().transformCopy(t), e.controlIn().transformCopy(t), r) : this._lineBoundingBox(i, r)
            _lineBoundingBox: function(e, t) {
                return $.fromPoints(e, t)
            _curveBoundingBox: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = [e, t, n, i],
                    o = this._curveExtremesFor(r, "x"),
                    a = this._curveExtremesFor(r, "y"),
                    s = it([o.min, o.max, e.x, i.x]),
                    l = it([a.min, a.max, e.y, i.y]);
                return $.fromPoints(new q(s.min, l.min), new q(s.max, l.max))
            _curveExtremesFor: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._curveExtremes(e[0][t], e[1][t], e[2][t], e[3][t]);
                return {
                    min: this._calculateCurveAt(n.min, t, e),
                    max: this._calculateCurveAt(n.max, t, e)
            _calculateCurveAt: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = 1 - e;
                return et(i, 3) * n[0][t] + 3 * et(i, 2) * e * n[1][t] + 3 * et(e, 2) * i * n[2][t] + et(e, 3) * n[3][t]
            _curveExtremes: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = e - 3 * t + 3 * n - i,
                    s = -2 * (e - 2 * t + n),
                    l = e - t,
                    c = J.sqrt(s * s - 4 * a * l),
                    d = 0,
                    u = 1;
                return 0 === a ? 0 !== s && (d = u = -l / s) : isNaN(c) || (d = (-s + c) / (2 * a), u = (-s - c) / (2 * a)), r = J.max(J.min(d, u), 0), (0 > r || r > 1) && (r = 0), o = J.min(J.max(d, u), 1), (o > 1 || 0 > o) && (o = 1), {
                    min: r,
                    max: o
        }), a(M.fn, ["anchor", "controlIn", "controlOut"]), j(M.fn, st), z = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Path",
            init: function(e) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, e), this.segments = new P, this.segments.addObserver(this), rt(this.options.stroke) || (this.stroke("#000"), rt(this.options.stroke.lineJoin) || this.options.set("stroke.lineJoin", "miter"))
            moveTo: function(e, t) {
                return this.suspend(), this.segments.elements([]), this.resume(), this.lineTo(e, t), this
            lineTo: function(e, t) {
                var n = rt(t) ? new q(e, t) : e,
                    i = new M(n);
                return this.segments.push(i), this
            curveTo: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                return this.segments.length > 0 && (i = ot(this.segments), r = new M(n, t), this.suspend(), i.controlOut(e), this.resume(), this.segments.push(r)), this
            arc: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l, c;
                return this.segments.length > 0 && (o = ot(this.segments), a = o.anchor(), s = tt.rad(e), l = new q(a.x - n * J.cos(s), a.y - i * J.sin(s)), c = new G.Arc(l, {
                    startAngle: e,
                    endAngle: t,
                    radiusX: n,
                    radiusY: i,
                    anticlockwise: r
                }), this._addArcSegments(c)), this
            arcTo: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s;
                return this.segments.length > 0 && (o = ot(this.segments), a = o.anchor(), s = G.Arc.fromPoints(a, e, t, n, i, r), this._addArcSegments(s)), this
            _addArcSegments: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (this.suspend(), t = e.curvePoints(), n = 1; t.length > n; n += 3) this.curveTo(t[n], t[n + 1], t[n + 2]);
                this.resume(), this.geometryChange()
            close: function() {
                return this.options.closed = !0, this.geometryChange(), this
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = K(this.currentTransform(e)),
                    n = this._bbox(t),
                    r = this.options.get("stroke.width");
                return r && i(n, r / 2), n
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this._bbox()
            _bbox: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this.segments,
                    a = o.length;
                if (1 === a) n = o[0].anchor().transformCopy(e), t = new $(n, Y.ZERO);
                else if (a > 0)
                    for (i = 1; a > i; i++) r = o[i - 1].bboxTo(o[i], e), t = t ? $.union(t, r) : r;
                return t
        }), X.mixins.Paintable.extend(z.fn), z.fromRect = function(e, t) {
            return new z(t).moveTo(e.topLeft()).lineTo(e.topRight()).lineTo(e.bottomRight()).lineTo(e.bottomLeft()).close()
        }, z.fromPoints = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            if (e) {
                for (n = new z(t), i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = q.create(e[i]), r && (0 === i ? n.moveTo(r) : n.lineTo(r));
                return n
        }, z.fromArc = function(e, t) {
            var n = new z(t),
                i = e.startAngle,
                r = e.pointAt(i);
            return n.moveTo(r.x, r.y), n.arc(i, e.endAngle, e.radiusX, e.radiusY, e.anticlockwise), n
        }, F = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "MultiPath",
            init: function(e) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, e), this.paths = new P, this.paths.addObserver(this), rt(this.options.stroke) || this.stroke("#000")
            moveTo: function(e, t) {
                var n = new z;
                return n.moveTo(e, t), this.paths.push(n), this
            lineTo: function(e, t) {
                return this.paths.length > 0 && ot(this.paths).lineTo(e, t), this
            curveTo: function(e, t, n) {
                return this.paths.length > 0 && ot(this.paths).curveTo(e, t, n), this
            arc: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                return this.paths.length > 0 && ot(this.paths).arc(e, t, n, i, r), this
            arcTo: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                return this.paths.length > 0 && ot(this.paths).arcTo(e, t, n, i, r), this
            close: function() {
                return this.paths.length > 0 && ot(this.paths).close(), this
            bbox: function(e) {
                return t(this.paths, !0, this.currentTransform(e))
            rawBBox: function() {
                return t(this.paths, !1)
            _clippedBBox: function(e) {
                return n(this.paths, this.currentTransform(e))
        }), X.mixins.Paintable.extend(F.fn), R = wt.extend({
            nodeType: "Image",
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                wt.fn.init.call(this, n), this.src(e), this.rect(t || new G.Rect)
            src: function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this.options.set("src", e), this) : this.options.get("src")
            bbox: function(e) {
                var t = K(this.currentTransform(e));
                return this._rect.bbox(t)
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this._rect.bbox()
        }), r(R.fn, ["rect"]), H = W.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.options = new Z({
                    offset: e,
                    color: t,
                    opacity: rt(n) ? n : 1
                }), this.options.addObserver(this)
        }), l(H.fn, ["offset", "color", "opacity"]), j(H.fn, st), H.create = function(e) {
            if (rt(e)) {
                var t;
                return t = e instanceof H ? e : e.length > 1 ? new H(e[0], e[1], e[2]) : new H(e.offset, e.color, e.opacity)
        }, B = T.extend({
            _change: function() {
                    field: "stops"
        }), L = W.extend({
            nodeType: "gradient",
            init: function(e) {
                this.stops = new B(this._createStops(e.stops)), this.stops.addObserver(this), this._userSpace = e.userSpace, this.id = d()
            userSpace: function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this._userSpace = e, this.optionsChange(), this) : this._userSpace
            _createStops: function(e) {
                var t, n = [];
                for (e = e || [], t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n.push(H.create(e[t]));
                return n
            addStop: function(e, t, n) {
                this.stops.push(new H(e, t, n))
            removeStop: function(e) {
                var t = this.stops.indexOf(e);
                t >= 0 && this.stops.splice(t, 1)
        }), j(L.fn, st, {
            optionsChange: function(e) {
                this.trigger("optionsChange", {
                    field: "gradient" + (e ? "." + e.field : ""),
                    value: this
            geometryChange: function() {
        }), N = L.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                e = e || {}, L.fn.init.call(this, e), this.start(e.start || new q), this.end(e.end || new q(1, 0))
        }), a(N.fn, ["start", "end"]), O = L.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                e = e || {}, L.fn.init.call(this, e), this.center(e.center || new q), this._radius = rt(e.radius) ? e.radius : 1, this._fallbackFill = e.fallbackFill
            radius: function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this._radius = e, this.geometryChange(), this) : this._radius
            fallbackFill: function(e) {
                return rt(e) ? (this._fallbackFill = e, this.optionsChange(), this) : this._fallbackFill
        }), a(O.fn, ["center"]), V = D.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                D.fn.init.call(this, U.deepExtend({}, this._defaults, t)), this._rect = e, this._fieldMap = {}
            _defaults: {
                alignContent: mt,
                justifyContent: mt,
                alignItems: mt,
                spacing: 0,
                orientation: _t,
                lineSpacing: 0,
                wrap: !0
            rect: function(e) {
                return e ? (this._rect = e, this) : this._rect
            _initMap: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this._fieldMap;
                e.orientation == _t ? (t.sizeField = "width", t.groupsSizeField = "height", t.groupAxis = "x", t.groupsAxis = "y") : (t.sizeField = "height", t.groupsSizeField = "width", t.groupAxis = "y", t.groupsAxis = "x")
            reflow: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, C, T, D;
                if (this._rect && 0 !== this.children.length) {
                    for (this._initMap(), this.options.transform && this.transform(null), e = this.options, t = this._fieldMap, n = this._rect, i = this._initGroups(), r = i.groups, o = i.groupsSize, a = t.sizeField, s = t.groupsSizeField, l = t.groupAxis, c = t.groupsAxis, d = x(o, n, e.alignContent, c, s), u = new q, h = new q, p = new G.Size, w = 0; r.length > w; w++) {
                        for (v = r[w], u[l] = f = x(v.size, n, e.justifyContent, l, a), u[c] = d, p[a] = v.size, p[s] = v.lineSize, _ = new $(u, p), b = 0; v.bboxes.length > b; b++) m = v.elements[b], g = v.bboxes[b], h[l] = f, h[c] = x(g.size[s], _, e.alignItems, c, s), S(h, g, m), f += g.size[a] + e.spacing;
                        d += v.lineSize + e.lineSpacing
                    }!e.wrap && v.size > n.size[a] && (y = n.size[a] / _.size[a], k = _.topLeft().scale(y, y), C = _.size[s] * y, T = x(C, n, e.alignContent, c, s), D = G.transform(), "x" === l ? D.translate(n.origin.x - k.x, T - k.y) : D.translate(T - k.x, n.origin.y - k.y), D.scale(y, y), this.transform(D))
            _initGroups: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.options,
                    r = this.children,
                    o = i.lineSpacing,
                    a = this._fieldMap.sizeField,
                    s = -o,
                    l = [],
                    c = this._newGroup(),
                    d = function() {
                        l.push(c), s += c.lineSize + o
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t = r[n], e = r[n].clippedBBox(), t.visible() && e && (i.wrap && c.size + e.size[a] + i.spacing > this._rect.size[a] ? 0 === c.bboxes.length ? (this._addToGroup(c, e, t), d(), c = this._newGroup()) : (d(), c = this._newGroup(), this._addToGroup(c, e, t)) : this._addToGroup(c, e, t));
                return c.bboxes.length && d(), {
                    groups: l,
                    groupsSize: s
            _addToGroup: function(e, t, n) {
                e.size += t.size[this._fieldMap.sizeField] + this.options.spacing, e.lineSize = Math.max(t.size[this._fieldMap.groupsSizeField], e.lineSize), e.bboxes.push(t), e.elements.push(n)
            _newGroup: function() {
                return {
                    lineSize: 0,
                    size: -this.options.spacing,
                    bboxes: [],
                    elements: []
        }), j(X, {
            align: u,
            Arc: I,
            Circle: E,
            Element: wt,
            ElementsArray: T,
            fit: _,
            Gradient: L,
            GradientStop: H,
            Group: D,
            Image: R,
            Layout: V,
            LinearGradient: N,
            MultiPath: F,
            Path: z,
            RadialGradient: O,
            Segment: M,
            stack: p,
            Text: A,
            vAlign: h,
            vStack: f,
            vWrap: m,
            wrap: g
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            var t = [];
            return e.replace(g, function(e, n) {
            }), t

        function n(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = t ? 0 : 1;
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i += 2) e.splice(i + r, 0, n)

        function i(e, t) {
            return e && t ? t.scaleCopy(2).translate(-e.x, -e.y) : void 0

        function r(e, t, n) {
            var i = 1 / 3;
            return t = t.clone().scale(2 / 3), {
                controlOut: t.clone().translateWith(e.scaleCopy(i)),
                controlIn: t.translateWith(n.scaleCopy(i))
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.drawing,
            s = o.geometry,
            l = o.Class,
            c = s.Point,
            d = o.deepExtend,
            u = e.trim,
            h = o.util,
            p = h.last,
            f = /([a-df-z]{1})([^a-df-z]*)(z)?/gi,
            g = /[,\s]?([+\-]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+)(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g,
            m = "m",
            v = "z",
            _ = l.extend({
                parse: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = new a.MultiPath(n),
                        o = new c;
                    return e.replace(f, function(e, n, a, s) {
                        var l = n.toLowerCase(),
                            c = l === n,
                            d = t(u(a));
                        if (l === m && (c ? (o.x += d[0], o.y += d[1]) : (o.x = d[0], o.y = d[1]), r.moveTo(o.x, o.y), d.length > 2 && (l = "l", d.splice(0, 2))), w[l]) w[l](r, {
                            parameters: d,
                            position: o,
                            isRelative: c,
                            previousCommand: i
                        }), s && s.toLowerCase() === v && r.close();
                        else if (l !== m) throw Error("Error while parsing SVG path. Unsupported command: " + l);
                        i = l
                    }), r
            w = {
                l: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = t.parameters,
                        o = t.position;
                    for (n = 0; r.length > n; n += 2) i = new c(r[n], r[n + 1]), t.isRelative && i.translateWith(o), e.lineTo(i.x, i.y), o.x = i.x, o.y = i.y
                c: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = t.parameters,
                        s = t.position;
                    for (o = 0; a.length > o; o += 6) n = new c(a[o], a[o + 1]), i = new c(a[o + 2], a[o + 3]), r = new c(a[o + 4], a[o + 5]), t.isRelative && (i.translateWith(s), n.translateWith(s), r.translateWith(s)), e.curveTo(n, i, r), s.x = r.x, s.y = r.y
                v: function(e, t) {
                    var i = t.isRelative ? 0 : t.position.x;
                    n(t.parameters, !0, i), this.l(e, t)
                h: function(e, t) {
                    var i = t.isRelative ? 0 : t.position.y;
                    n(t.parameters, !1, i), this.l(e, t)
                a: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l = t.parameters,
                        d = t.position;
                    for (n = 0; l.length > n; n += 7) i = l[n], r = l[n + 1], o = l[n + 3], a = l[n + 4], s = new c(l[n + 5], l[n + 6]), t.isRelative && s.translateWith(d), e.arcTo(s, i, r, o, a), d.x = s.x, d.y = s.y
                s: function(e, t) {
                    var n, r, o, a, s, l = t.parameters,
                        d = t.position,
                        u = t.previousCommand;
                    for (("s" == u || "c" == u) && (a = p(p(e.paths).segments).controlIn()), s = 0; l.length > s; s += 4) o = new c(l[s], l[s + 1]), r = new c(l[s + 2], l[s + 3]), t.isRelative && (o.translateWith(d), r.translateWith(d)), n = a ? i(a, d) : d.clone(), a = o, e.curveTo(n, o, r), d.x = r.x, d.y = r.y
                q: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, o, a, s = t.parameters,
                        l = t.position;
                    for (a = 0; s.length > a; a += 4) o = new c(s[a], s[a + 1]), i = new c(s[a + 2], s[a + 3]), t.isRelative && (o.translateWith(l), i.translateWith(l)), n = r(l, o, i), e.curveTo(n.controlOut, n.controlIn, i), l.x = i.x, l.y = i.y
                t: function(e, t) {
                    var n, o, a, s, l, d = t.parameters,
                        u = t.position,
                        h = t.previousCommand;
                    for (("q" == h || "t" == h) && (s = p(p(e.paths).segments), o = s.controlIn().clone().translateWith(u.scaleCopy(-1 / 3)).scale(1.5)), l = 0; d.length > l; l += 2) a = new c(d[l], d[l + 1]), t.isRelative && a.translateWith(u), o = o ? i(o, u) : u.clone(), n = r(u, o, a), e.curveTo(n.controlOut, n.controlIn, a), u.x = a.x, u.y = a.y
        _.current = new _, a.Path.parse = function(e, t) {
            return _.current.parse(e, t)
        }, d(a, {
            PathParser: _
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            var t, n, i, r;
            try {
                t = e.getScreenCTM ? e.getScreenCTM() : null
            } catch (o) {}
            t && (n = -t.e % 1, i = -t.f % 1, r = e.style, (0 !== n || 0 !== i) && (r.left = n + "px", r.top = i + "px"))

        function n() {
            var e = document.getElementsByTagName("base")[0],
                t = "",
                n = document.location.href,
                i = n.indexOf("#");
            return e && !d.support.browser.msie && (-1 !== i && (n = n.substring(0, i)), t = n), t

        function i(e) {
            return "url(" + n() + "#" + e + ")"

        function r(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = new F({
                    encodeText: !0
                o = e.clippedBBox();
            return o && (t = o.getOrigin(), n = new p.Group, n.transform(h.transform().translate(-t.x, -t.y)), n.children.push(e), e = n), r.load([e]), i = "<?xml version='1.0' ?><svg xmlns='" + E + "' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' version='1.1'>" + r.render() + "</svg>", r.destroy(), i

        function o(t, n) {
            var i = r(t);
            return n && n.raw || (i = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + g.encodeBase64(i)), e.Deferred().resolve(i).promise()

        function a(e, t) {
            return "clip" == e || "fill" == e && (!t || t.nodeType == C)

        function s(e) {
            if (!e || !e.indexOf || e.indexOf("&") < 0) return e;
            var t = s._element;
            return t.innerHTML = e, t.textContent || t.innerText
        var l, c = document,
            d = window.kendo,
            u = d.deepExtend,
            h = d.geometry,
            p = d.drawing,
            f = p.BaseNode,
            g = d.util,
            m = g.defined,
            v = g.isTransparent,
            _ = g.renderAttr,
            w = g.renderAllAttr,
            b = g.renderTemplate,
            y = e.inArray,
            k = "butt",
            x = p.DASH_ARRAYS,
            C = "gradient",
            S = "none",
            T = ".kendo",
            D = "solid",
            A = " ",
            E = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
            I = "transform",
            P = "undefined",
            M = p.Surface.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    p.Surface.fn.init.call(this, e, n), this._root = new F(this.options), Q(this.element[0], this._template(this)), this._rootElement = this.element[0].firstElementChild, t(this._rootElement), this._root.attachTo(this._rootElement), this.element.on("click" + T, this._click), this.element.on("mouseover" + T, this._mouseenter), this.element.on("mouseout" + T, this._mouseleave), this.resize()
                type: "svg",
                destroy: function() {
                    this._root && (this._root.destroy(), this._root = null, this._rootElement = null, this.element.off(T)), p.Surface.fn.destroy.call(this)
                translate: function(e) {
                    var t = d.format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", Math.round(e.x), Math.round(e.y), this._size.width, this._size.height);
                    this._offset = e, this._rootElement.setAttribute("viewBox", t)
                draw: function(e) {
                    p.Surface.fn.draw.call(this, e), this._root.load([e])
                clear: function() {
                    p.Surface.fn.clear.call(this), this._root.clear()
                svg: function() {
                    return "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" + this._template(this)
                exportVisual: function() {
                    var e, t = this._visual,
                        n = this._offset;
                    return n && (e = new p.Group, e.children.push(t), e.transform(h.transform().translate(-n.x, -n.y)), t = e), t
                _resize: function() {
                    this._offset && this.translate(this._offset)
                _template: b("<svg style='width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;' xmlns='" + E + "' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' version='1.1'>#= d._root.render() #</svg>")
            z = f.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    f.fn.init.call(this, e), this.definitions = {}
                destroy: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element._kendoNode = null, this.element = null), this.clearDefinitions(), f.fn.destroy.call(this)
                load: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.element;
                    for (o = 0; e.length > o; o++) i = e[o], r = i.children, n = new Y[i.nodeType](i), m(t) ? a.insertAt(n, t) : a.append(n), n.createDefinitions(), r && r.length > 0 && n.load(r), s && n.attachTo(s, t)
                root: function() {
                    for (var e = this; e.parent;) e = e.parent;
                    return e
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = c.createElement("div");
                    Q(i, "<svg xmlns='" + E + "' version='1.1'>" + this.render() + "</svg>"), n = i.firstChild.firstChild, n && (m(t) ? e.insertBefore(n, e.childNodes[t] || null) : e.appendChild(n), this.setElement(n))
                setElement: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.childNodes;
                    for (this.element && (this.element._kendoNode = null), this.element = e, this.element._kendoNode = this, n = 0; i.length > n; n++) t = e.childNodes[n], i[n].setElement(t)
                clear: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    for (this.clearDefinitions(), this.element && (this.element.innerHTML = ""), e = this.childNodes, t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].destroy();
                    this.childNodes = []
                removeSelf: function() {
                    if (this.element) {
                        var e = this.element.parentNode;
                        e && e.removeChild(this.element), this.element = null
                template: b("#= d.renderChildren() #"),
                render: function() {
                    return this.template(this)
                renderChildren: function() {
                    var e, t = this.childNodes,
                        n = "";
                    for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) n += t[e].render();
                    return n
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    var t = e.field,
                        n = e.value;
                    "visible" === t ? this.css("display", n ? "" : S) : l[t] && a(t, n) ? this.updateDefinition(t, n) : "opacity" === t && this.attr("opacity", n), f.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                attr: function(e, t) {
                    this.element && this.element.setAttribute(e, t)
                allAttr: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.attr(e[t][0], e[t][1])
                css: function(e, t) {
                    this.element && (this.element.style[e] = t)
                allCss: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.css(e[t][0], e[t][1])
                removeAttr: function(e) {
                    this.element && this.element.removeAttribute(e)
                mapTransform: function(e) {
                    var t = [];
                    return e && t.push([I, "matrix(" + e.matrix().toString(6) + ")"]), t
                renderTransform: function() {
                    return w(this.mapTransform(this.srcElement.transform()))
                transformChange: function(e) {
                    e ? this.allAttr(this.mapTransform(e)) : this.removeAttr(I)
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.options,
                        t = [
                            ["cursor", e.cursor]
                    return e.visible === !1 && t.push(["display", S]), t
                renderStyle: function() {
                    return _("style", g.renderStyle(this.mapStyle()))
                renderOpacity: function() {
                    return _("opacity", this.srcElement.options.opacity)
                createDefinitions: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.srcElement,
                        o = this.definitions;
                    if (r) {
                        n = r.options;
                        for (t in l) e = n.get(t), e && a(t, e) && (o[t] = e, i = !0);
                        i && this.definitionChange({
                            action: "add",
                            definitions: o
                definitionChange: function(e) {
                    this.parent && this.parent.definitionChange(e)
                updateDefinition: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.definitions,
                        r = n[e],
                        o = l[e],
                        a = {};
                    r && (a[e] = r, this.definitionChange({
                        action: "remove",
                        definitions: a
                    }), delete n[e]), t ? (a[e] = t, this.definitionChange({
                        action: "add",
                        definitions: a
                    }), n[e] = t, this.attr(o, i(t.id))) : r && this.removeAttr(o)
                clearDefinitions: function() {
                    var e, t = this.definitions;
                    for (e in t) {
                            action: "remove",
                            definitions: t
                        }), this.definitions = {};
                renderDefinitions: function() {
                    return w(this.mapDefinitions())
                mapDefinitions: function() {
                    var e, t = this.definitions,
                        n = [];
                    for (e in t) n.push([l[e], i(t[e].id)]);
                    return n
            F = z.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    z.fn.init.call(this), this.options = e, this.defs = new R
                attachTo: function(e) {
                    this.element = e, this.defs.attachTo(e.firstElementChild)
                clear: function() {
                template: b("#=d.defs.render()##= d.renderChildren() #"),
                definitionChange: function(e) {
            R = z.extend({
                init: function() {
                    z.fn.init.call(this), this.definitionMap = {}
                attachTo: function(e) {
                    this.element = e
                template: b("<defs>#= d.renderChildren()#</defs>"),
                definitionChange: function(e) {
                    var t = e.definitions,
                        n = e.action;
                    "add" == n ? this.addDefinitions(t) : "remove" == n && this.removeDefinitions(t)
                createDefinition: function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    return "clip" == e ? n = H : "fill" == e && (t instanceof p.LinearGradient ? n = q : t instanceof p.RadialGradient && (n = $)), new n(t)
                addDefinitions: function(e) {
                    for (var t in e) this.addDefinition(t, e[t])
                addDefinition: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.definitionMap,
                        r = t.id,
                        o = this.element,
                        a = i[r];
                    a ? a.count++ : (n = this.createDefinition(e, t), i[r] = {
                        element: n,
                        count: 1
                    }, this.append(n), o && n.attachTo(this.element))
                removeDefinitions: function(e) {
                    for (var t in e) this.removeDefinition(e[t])
                removeDefinition: function(e) {
                    var t = this.definitionMap,
                        n = e.id,
                        i = t[n];
                    i && (i.count--, 0 === i.count && (this.remove(y(i.element, this.childNodes), 1), delete t[n]))
            H = z.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    z.fn.init.call(this), this.srcElement = e, this.id = e.id, this.load([e])
                template: b("<clipPath id='#=d.id#'>#= d.renderChildren()#</clipPath>")
            B = z.extend({
                template: b("<g#= d.renderTransform() + d.renderStyle() + d.renderOpacity() + d.renderDefinitions()#>#= d.renderChildren() #</g>"),
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    e.field == I && this.transformChange(e.value), z.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
            L = z.extend({
                geometryChange: function() {
                    this.attr("d", this.renderData()), this.invalidate()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    switch (e.field) {
                        case "fill":
                            e.value ? this.allAttr(this.mapFill(e.value)) : this.removeAttr("fill");
                        case "fill.color":
                                color: e.value
                        case "stroke":
                            e.value ? this.allAttr(this.mapStroke(e.value)) : this.removeAttr("stroke");
                        case I:
                            var t = this.attributeMap[e.field];
                            t && this.attr(t, e.value)
                    z.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                attributeMap: {
                    "fill.opacity": "fill-opacity",
                    "stroke.color": "stroke",
                    "stroke.width": "stroke-width",
                    "stroke.opacity": "stroke-opacity"
                content: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element.textContent = this.srcElement.content())
                renderData: function() {
                    return this.printPath(this.srcElement)
                printPath: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = e.segments,
                        s = a.length;
                    if (s > 0) {
                        for (t = [], o = 1; s > o; o++) i = this.segmentType(a[o - 1], a[o]), i !== r && (r = i, t.push(i)), t.push("L" === i ? this.printPoints(a[o].anchor()) : this.printPoints(a[o - 1].controlOut(), a[o].controlIn(), a[o].anchor()));
                        return n = "M" + this.printPoints(a[0].anchor()) + A + t.join(A), e.options.closed && (n += "Z"), n
                printPoints: function() {
                    var e, t = arguments,
                        n = t.length,
                        i = [];
                    for (e = 0; n > e; e++) i.push(t[e].toString(3));
                    return i.join(A)
                segmentType: function(e, t) {
                    return e.controlOut() && t.controlIn() ? "C" : "L"
                mapStroke: function(e) {
                    var t = [];
                    return e && !v(e.color) ? (t.push(["stroke", e.color]), t.push(["stroke-width", e.width]), t.push(["stroke-linecap", this.renderLinecap(e)]), t.push(["stroke-linejoin", e.lineJoin]), m(e.opacity) && t.push(["stroke-opacity", e.opacity]), m(e.dashType) && t.push(["stroke-dasharray", this.renderDashType(e)])) : t.push(["stroke", S]), t
                renderStroke: function() {
                    return w(this.mapStroke(this.srcElement.options.stroke))
                renderDashType: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = e.width || 1,
                        o = e.dashType;
                    if (o && o != D) {
                        for (t = x[o.toLowerCase()], n = [], i = 0; t.length > i; i++) n.push(t[i] * r);
                        return n.join(" ")
                renderLinecap: function(e) {
                    var t = e.dashType,
                        n = e.lineCap;
                    return t && t != D ? k : n
                mapFill: function(e) {
                    var t = [];
                    return e && e.nodeType == C || (e && !v(e.color) ? (t.push(["fill", e.color]), m(e.opacity) && t.push(["fill-opacity", e.opacity])) : t.push(["fill", S])), t
                renderFill: function() {
                    return w(this.mapFill(this.srcElement.options.fill))
                template: b("<path #= d.renderStyle() # #= d.renderOpacity() # #= kendo.util.renderAttr('d', d.renderData()) # #= d.renderStroke() # #= d.renderFill() # #= d.renderDefinitions() # #= d.renderTransform() #></path>")
            N = L.extend({
                renderData: function() {
                    return this.printPath(this.srcElement.toPath())
            O = L.extend({
                renderData: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.srcElement.paths;
                    if (n.length > 0) {
                        for (e = [], t = 0; n.length > t; t++) e.push(this.printPath(n[t]));
                        return e.join(" ")
            V = L.extend({
                geometryChange: function() {
                    var e = this.center();
                    this.attr("cx", e.x), this.attr("cy", e.y), this.attr("r", this.radius()), this.invalidate()
                center: function() {
                    return this.srcElement.geometry().center
                radius: function() {
                    return this.srcElement.geometry().radius
                template: b("<circle #= d.renderStyle() # #= d.renderOpacity() # cx='#= d.center().x #' cy='#= d.center().y #' r='#= d.radius() #' #= d.renderStroke() # #= d.renderFill() # #= d.renderDefinitions() # #= d.renderTransform() # ></circle>")
            U = L.extend({
                geometryChange: function() {
                    var e = this.pos();
                    this.attr("x", e.x), this.attr("y", e.y), this.invalidate()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "font" === e.field ? (this.attr("style", g.renderStyle(this.mapStyle())), this.geometryChange()) : "content" === e.field && L.fn.content.call(this, this.srcElement.content()), L.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = L.fn.mapStyle.call(this),
                        t = this.srcElement.options.font;
                    return e.push(["font", d.htmlEncode(t)]), e
                pos: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.position(),
                        t = this.srcElement.measure();
                    return e.clone().setY(e.y + t.baseline)
                content: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.content(),
                        t = this.root().options;
                    return t && t.encodeText && (e = s(e), e = d.htmlEncode(e)), e
                template: b("<text #= d.renderStyle() # #= d.renderOpacity() # x='#= this.pos().x #' y='#= this.pos().y #' #= d.renderStroke() # #= d.renderTransform() # #= d.renderDefinitions() # #= d.renderFill() #>#= d.content() #</text>")
            W = L.extend({
                geometryChange: function() {
                    this.allAttr(this.mapPosition()), this.invalidate()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "src" === e.field && this.allAttr(this.mapSource()), L.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                mapPosition: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.rect(),
                        t = e.topLeft();
                    return [
                        ["x", t.x],
                        ["y", t.y],
                        ["width", e.width() + "px"],
                        ["height", e.height() + "px"]
                renderPosition: function() {
                    return w(this.mapPosition())
                mapSource: function() {
                    return [
                        ["xlink:href", this.srcElement.src()]
                renderSource: function() {
                    return w(this.mapSource())
                template: b("<image preserveAspectRatio='none' #= d.renderStyle() # #= d.renderTransform()# #= d.renderOpacity() # #= d.renderPosition() # #= d.renderSource() # #= d.renderDefinitions()#></image>")
            j = z.extend({
                template: b("<stop #=d.renderOffset()# #=d.renderStyle()# />"),
                renderOffset: function() {
                    return _("offset", this.srcElement.offset())
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement;
                    return [
                        ["stop-color", e.color()],
                        ["stop-opacity", e.opacity()]
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "offset" == e.field ? this.attr(e.field, e.value) : ("color" == e.field || "opacity" == e.field) && this.css("stop-" + e.field, e.value)
            G = z.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    z.fn.init.call(this, e), this.id = e.id, this.loadStops()
                loadStops: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.srcElement,
                        i = n.stops,
                        r = this.element;
                    for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++) e = new j(i[t]), this.append(e), r && e.attachTo(r)
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "gradient.stops" == e.field ? (f.fn.clear.call(this), this.loadStops()) : e.field == C && this.allAttr(this.mapCoordinates())
                renderCoordinates: function() {
                    return w(this.mapCoordinates())
                mapSpace: function() {
                    return ["gradientUnits", this.srcElement.userSpace() ? "userSpaceOnUse" : "objectBoundingBox"]
            q = G.extend({
                template: b("<linearGradient id='#=d.id#' #=d.renderCoordinates()#>#= d.renderChildren()#</linearGradient>"),
                mapCoordinates: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement,
                        t = e.start(),
                        n = e.end(),
                        i = [
                            ["x1", t.x],
                            ["y1", t.y],
                            ["x2", n.x],
                            ["y2", n.y], this.mapSpace()
                    return i
            $ = G.extend({
                template: b("<radialGradient id='#=d.id#' #=d.renderCoordinates()#>#= d.renderChildren()#</radialGradient>"),
                mapCoordinates: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement,
                        t = e.center(),
                        n = e.radius(),
                        i = [
                            ["cx", t.x],
                            ["cy", t.y],
                            ["r", n], this.mapSpace()
                    return i
            Y = {
                Group: B,
                Text: U,
                Path: L,
                MultiPath: O,
                Circle: V,
                Arc: N,
                Image: W
            Q = function(e, t) {
                e.innerHTML = t
        ! function() {
            var e = "<svg xmlns='" + E + "'></svg>",
                t = c.createElement("div"),
                n = typeof DOMParser != P;
            t.innerHTML = e, n && t.firstChild.namespaceURI != E && (Q = function(e, t) {
                var n = new DOMParser,
                    i = n.parseFromString(t, "text/xml"),
                    r = c.adoptNode(i.documentElement);
                e.innerHTML = "", e.appendChild(r)
        }(), s._element = document.createElement("span"), l = {
            clip: "clip-path",
            fill: "fill"
        }, d.support.svg = function() {
            return c.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1")
        }(), d.support.svg && p.SurfaceFactory.current.register("svg", M, 10), u(p, {
            exportSVG: o,
            svg: {
                ArcNode: N,
                CircleNode: V,
                ClipNode: H,
                DefinitionNode: R,
                GradientStopNode: j,
                GroupNode: B,
                ImageNode: W,
                LinearGradientNode: q,
                MultiPathNode: O,
                Node: z,
                PathNode: L,
                RadialGradientNode: $,
                RootNode: F,
                Surface: M,
                TextNode: U,
                _exportGroup: r
    function(e) {
        function t(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = {
                    width: "800px",
                    height: "600px",
                    cors: "Anonymous"
                d = t.clippedBBox();
            return d && (i = d.getOrigin(), r = new b.Group, r.transform(w.transform().translate(-i.x, -i.y)), r.children.push(t), t = r, o = d.getSize(), c.width = o.width + "px", c.height = o.height + "px"), n = p(c, n), a = e("<div />").css({
                display: "none",
                width: n.width,
                height: n.height
            }).appendTo(document.body), s = new T(a, n), s.draw(t), l = s.image(), l.always(function() {
                s.destroy(), a.remove()
            }), l

        function n(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++) i = t[r], n = h.parseColor(i.color()), n.a *= i.opacity(), e.addColorStop(i.offset(), n.toCssRgba())
        var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = document,
            h = window.kendo,
            p = h.deepExtend,
            f = h.util,
            g = f.defined,
            m = f.isTransparent,
            v = f.renderTemplate,
            _ = f.valueOrDefault,
            w = h.geometry,
            b = h.drawing,
            y = b.BaseNode,
            k = "butt",
            x = b.DASH_ARRAYS,
            C = 1e3 / 60,
            S = "solid",
            T = b.Surface.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    b.Surface.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this.element[0].innerHTML = this._template(this);
                    var r = this.element[0].firstElementChild;
                    r.width = e(t).width(), r.height = e(t).height(), this._rootElement = r, this._root = new i(r)
                destroy: function() {
                    b.Surface.fn.destroy.call(this), this._root && (this._root.destroy(), this._root = null)
                type: "canvas",
                draw: function(e) {
                    b.Surface.fn.draw.call(this, e), this._root.load([e], void 0, this.options.cors)
                clear: function() {
                    b.Surface.fn.clear.call(this), this._root.clear()
                image: function() {
                    var t, n = this._root,
                        i = this._rootElement,
                        r = [];
                    return n.traverse(function(e) {
                        e.loading && r.push(e.loading)
                    }), t = e.Deferred(), e.when.apply(e, r).done(function() {
                        try {
                            var e = i.toDataURL();
                        } catch (r) {
                    }).fail(function(e) {
                    }), t.promise()
                _resize: function() {
                    this._rootElement.width = this._size.width, this._rootElement.height = this._size.height, this._root.invalidate()
                _template: v("<canvas style='width: 100%; height: 100%;'></canvas>")
            D = y.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    y.fn.init.call(this, e), e && this.initClip()
                initClip: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.clip();
                    e && (this.clip = e, e.addObserver(this))
                clear: function() {
                    this.srcElement && this.srcElement.removeObserver(this), this.clearClip(), y.fn.clear.call(this)
                clearClip: function() {
                    this.clip && (this.clip.removeObserver(this), delete this.clip)
                setClip: function(e) {
                    this.clip && (e.beginPath(), r.fn.renderPoints(e, this.clip), e.clip())
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "clip" == e.field && (this.clearClip(), this.initClip()), y.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                setTransform: function(e) {
                    if (this.srcElement) {
                        var t = this.srcElement.transform();
                        t && e.transform.apply(e, t.matrix().toArray(6))
                load: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this;
                    for (a = 0; e.length > a; a++) r = e[a], o = r.children, i = new d[r.nodeType](r, n), o && o.length > 0 && i.load(o, t, n), g(t) ? s.insertAt(i, t) : s.append(i);
                setOpacity: function(e) {
                    if (this.srcElement) {
                        var t = this.srcElement.opacity();
                        g(t) && this.globalAlpha(e, t)
                globalAlpha: function(e, t) {
                    t && e.globalAlpha && (t *= e.globalAlpha), e.globalAlpha = t
                visible: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement;
                    return !e || e && e.options.visible !== !1
            A = D.extend({
                renderTo: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    if (this.visible()) {
                        for (e.save(), this.setTransform(e), this.setClip(e), this.setOpacity(e), t = this.childNodes, n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i = t[n], i.visible() && i.renderTo(e);
        b.mixins.Traversable.extend(A.fn, "childNodes"), i = A.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                A.fn.init.call(this), this.canvas = t, this.ctx = t.getContext("2d"), this.invalidate = h.throttle(e.proxy(this._invalidate, this), C)
            destroy: function() {
                A.fn.destroy.call(this), this.canvas = null, this.ctx = null
            _invalidate: function() {
                this.ctx && (this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height), this.renderTo(this.ctx))
        }), b.mixins.Traversable.extend(i.fn, "childNodes"), r = D.extend({
            renderTo: function(e) {
                e.save(), this.setTransform(e), this.setClip(e), this.setOpacity(e), e.beginPath(), this.renderPoints(e, this.srcElement), this.setLineDash(e), this.setLineCap(e), this.setLineJoin(e), this.setFill(e), this.setStroke(e), e.restore()
            setFill: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.options.fill,
                    n = !1;
                return t && ("gradient" == t.nodeType ? (this.setGradientFill(e, t), n = !0) : m(t.color) || (e.fillStyle = t.color, e.save(), this.globalAlpha(e, t.opacity), e.fill(), e.restore(), n = !0)), n
            setGradientFill: function(e, t) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this.srcElement.rawBBox();
                t instanceof b.LinearGradient ? (r = t.start(), o = t.end(), i = e.createLinearGradient(r.x, r.y, o.x, o.y)) : t instanceof b.RadialGradient && (a = t.center(), i = e.createRadialGradient(a.x, a.y, 0, a.x, a.y, t.radius())), n(i, t.stops), e.save(), t.userSpace() || e.transform(s.width(), 0, 0, s.height(), s.origin.x, s.origin.y), e.fillStyle = i, e.fill(), e.restore()
            setStroke: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.options.stroke;
                return t && !m(t.color) && t.width > 0 ? (e.strokeStyle = t.color, e.lineWidth = _(t.width, 1), e.save(), this.globalAlpha(e, t.opacity), e.stroke(), e.restore(), !0) : void 0
            dashType: function() {
                var e = this.srcElement.options.stroke;
                return e && e.dashType ? e.dashType.toLowerCase() : void 0
            setLineDash: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.dashType();
                n && n != S && (t = x[n], e.setLineDash ? e.setLineDash(t) : (e.mozDash = t, e.webkitLineDash = t))
            setLineCap: function(e) {
                var t = this.dashType(),
                    n = this.srcElement.options.stroke;
                t && t !== S ? e.lineCap = k : n && n.lineCap && (e.lineCap = n.lineCap)
            setLineJoin: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.options.stroke;
                t && t.lineJoin && (e.lineJoin = t.lineJoin)
            renderPoints: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l = t.segments;
                if (0 !== l.length) {
                    for (n = l[0], i = n.anchor(), e.moveTo(i.x, i.y), r = 1; l.length > r; r++) n = l[r], i = n.anchor(), o = l[r - 1], a = o.controlOut(), s = n.controlIn(), a && s ? e.bezierCurveTo(a.x, a.y, s.x, s.y, i.x, i.y) : e.lineTo(i.x, i.y);
                    t.options.closed && e.closePath()
        }), o = r.extend({
            renderPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.srcElement.paths;
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) r.fn.renderPoints(e, n[t])
        }), a = r.extend({
            renderPoints: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.geometry(),
                    n = t.center,
                    i = t.radius;
                e.arc(n.x, n.y, i, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
        }), s = r.extend({
            renderPoints: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.toPath();
                r.fn.renderPoints.call(this, e, t)
        }), l = r.extend({
            renderTo: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement,
                    n = t.position(),
                    i = t.measure();
                e.save(), this.setTransform(e), this.setClip(e), this.setOpacity(e), e.beginPath(), e.font = t.options.font, this.setFill(e) && e.fillText(t.content(), n.x, n.y + i.baseline), this.setStroke(e) && (this.setLineDash(e), e.strokeText(t.content(), n.x, n.y + i.baseline)), e.restore()
        }), c = r.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i, o;
                r.fn.init.call(this, t), this.onLoad = e.proxy(this.onLoad, this), this.onError = e.proxy(this.onError, this), this.loading = e.Deferred(), i = this.img = new Image, n && !/^data:/i.test(t.src()) && (i.crossOrigin = n), o = i.src = t.src(), i.complete ? this.onLoad() : (i.onload = this.onLoad, i.onerror = this.onError)
            renderTo: function(e) {
                "resolved" === this.loading.state() && (e.save(), this.setTransform(e), this.setClip(e), this.drawImage(e), e.restore())
            optionsChange: function(t) {
                "src" === t.field ? (this.loading = e.Deferred(), this.img.src = this.srcElement.src()) : r.fn.optionsChange.call(this, t)
            onLoad: function() {
                this.loading.resolve(), this.invalidate()
            onError: function() {
                this.loading.reject(Error("Unable to load image '" + this.img.src + "'. Check for connectivity and verify CORS headers."))
            drawImage: function(e) {
                var t = this.srcElement.rect(),
                    n = t.topLeft();
                e.drawImage(this.img, n.x, n.y, t.width(), t.height())
        }), d = {
            Group: A,
            Text: l,
            Path: r,
            MultiPath: o,
            Circle: a,
            Arc: s,
            Image: c
        }, h.support.canvas = function() {
            return !!u.createElement("canvas").getContext
        }(), h.support.canvas && b.SurfaceFactory.current.register("canvas", T, 20), p(h.drawing, {
            exportImage: t,
            canvas: {
                ArcNode: s,
                CircleNode: a,
                GroupNode: A,
                ImageNode: c,
                MultiPathNode: o,
                Node: D,
                PathNode: r,
                RootNode: i,
                Surface: T,
                TextNode: l
    function(e) {
        function t() {
            if (u.namespaces && !u.namespaces.kvml) {
                u.namespaces.add("kvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
                var e = u.styleSheets.length > 30 ? u.styleSheets[0] : u.createStyleSheet();
                e.addRule(".kvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)")

        function n(e) {
            var t = u.createElement("kvml:" + e);
            return t.className = "kvml", t

        function i(e) {
            var t, n = e.length,
                i = [];
            for (t = 0; n > t; t++) i.push(e[t].scaleCopy(M).toString(0, ","));
            return i.join(" ")

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, r, a, s, l, c = e.segments,
                d = c.length;
            if (d > 0) {
                for (n = [], l = 1; d > l; l++) a = o(c[l - 1], c[l]), a !== s && (s = a, n.push(a)), n.push("l" === a ? i([c[l].anchor()]) : i([c[l - 1].controlOut(), c[l].controlIn(), c[l].anchor()]));
                return r = "m " + i([c[0].anchor()]) + " " + n.join(" "), e.options.closed && (r += " x"), t !== !0 && (r += " e"), r

        function o(e, t) {
            return e.controlOut() && t.controlIn() ? "c" : "l"

        function a(e) {
            return 0 === e.indexOf("fill") || 0 === e.indexOf(F)

        function s(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = n * E(t.opacity(), 1);
            return i = e ? l(e, t.color(), r) : l(t.color(), "#fff", 1 - r)

        function l(e, t, n) {
            var i = new x(e),
                r = new x(t),
                o = c(i.r, r.r, n),
                a = c(i.g, r.g, n),
                s = c(i.b, r.b, n);
            return new x(o, a, s).toHex()

        function c(e, t, n) {
            return h.round(n * t + (1 - n) * e)
        var d, u = document,
            h = Math,
            p = h.atan2,
            f = h.ceil,
            g = h.sqrt,
            m = window.kendo,
            v = m.deepExtend,
            _ = e.noop,
            w = m.drawing,
            b = w.BaseNode,
            y = m.geometry,
            k = y.toMatrix,
            x = m.Color,
            C = m.util,
            S = C.isTransparent,
            T = C.defined,
            D = C.deg,
            A = C.round,
            E = C.valueOrDefault,
            I = "none",
            P = ".kendo",
            M = 100,
            z = M * M,
            F = "gradient",
            R = 4,
            H = w.Surface.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    w.Surface.fn.init.call(this, e, n), t(), this.element.empty(), this._root = new L, this._root.attachTo(this.element[0]), this.element.on("click" + P, this._click), this.element.on("mouseover" + P, this._mouseenter), this.element.on("mouseout" + P, this._mouseleave)
                type: "vml",
                destroy: function() {
                    this._root && (this._root.destroy(), this._root = null, this.element.off(P)), w.Surface.fn.destroy.call(this)
                draw: function(e) {
                    w.Surface.fn.draw.call(this, e), this._root.load([e], void 0, null)
                clear: function() {
                    w.Surface.fn.clear.call(this), this._root.clear()
            B = b.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    b.fn.init.call(this, e), this.createElement(), this.attachReference()
                observe: _,
                destroy: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element._kendoNode = null, this.element = null), b.fn.destroy.call(this)
                clear: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    for (this.element && (this.element.innerHTML = ""), e = this.childNodes, t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].destroy();
                    this.childNodes = []
                removeSelf: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element), this.element = null), b.fn.removeSelf.call(this)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = u.createElement("div")
                attachReference: function() {
                    this.element._kendoNode = this
                load: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    for (i = E(i, 1), this.srcElement && (i *= E(this.srcElement.options.opacity, 1)), r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], a = o.children, s = o.currentTransform(n), l = i * E(o.options.opacity, 1), c = new at[o.nodeType](o, s, l), a && a.length > 0 && c.load(a, t, s, i), T(t) ? this.insertAt(c, t) : this.append(c), c.attachTo(this.element, t)
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    T(t) ? e.insertBefore(this.element, e.children[t] || null) : e.appendChild(this.element)
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "visible" == e.field && this.css("display", e.value !== !1 ? "" : I)
                setStyle: function() {
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = [];
                    return this.srcElement && this.srcElement.options.visible === !1 && e.push(["display", I]), e
                mapOpacityTo: function(e, t) {
                    var n = E(this.opacity, 1);
                    n *= E(t, 1), e.push(["opacity", n])
                attr: function(e, t) {
                    this.element && (this.element[e] = t)
                allAttr: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.attr(e[t][0], e[t][1])
                css: function(e, t) {
                    this.element && (this.element.style[e] = t)
                allCss: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.css(e[t][0], e[t][1])
            L = B.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    B.fn.createElement.call(this), this.allCss([
                        ["width", "100%"],
                        ["height", "100%"],
                        ["position", "relative"],
                        ["visibility", "visible"]
                attachReference: _
            N = m.Class.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.srcElement = e, this.observer = t, e.addObserver(this)
                geometryChange: function() {
                        field: "clip",
                        value: this.srcElement
                clear: function() {
            O = B.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    B.fn.init.call(this, e), e && this.initClip()
                observe: function() {
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = B.fn.mapStyle.call(this);
                    return this.srcElement && this.srcElement.clip() && e.push(["clip", this.clipRect()]), e
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "clip" == e.field && (this.clearClip(), this.initClip(), this.setClip()), B.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                clear: function() {
                    this.clearClip(), B.fn.clear.call(this)
                initClip: function() {
                    this.srcElement.clip() && (this.clip = new N(this.srcElement.clip(), this), this.clip.observer = this)
                clearClip: function() {
                    this.clip && (this.clip.clear(), this.clip = null, this.css("clip", this.clipRect()))
                setClip: function() {
                    this.clip && this.css("clip", this.clipRect())
                clipRect: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = d,
                        r = this.srcElement.clip();
                    return r && (e = this.clipBBox(r), t = e.topLeft(), n = e.bottomRight(), i = m.format("rect({0}px {1}px {2}px {3}px)", t.y, n.x, n.y, t.x)), i
                clipBBox: function(e) {
                    var t = this.srcElement.rawBBox().topLeft(),
                        n = e.rawBBox();
                    return n.origin.translate(-t.x, -t.y), n
            V = O.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    B.fn.createElement.call(this), this.setStyle()
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    this.css("display", I), B.fn.attachTo.call(this, e, t), this.srcElement.options.visible !== !1 && this.css("display", "")
                _attachTo: function(e) {
                    var t = document.createDocumentFragment();
                    t.appendChild(this.element), e.appendChild(t)
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = O.fn.mapStyle.call(this);
                    return e.push(["position", "absolute"]), e.push(["white-space", "nowrap"]), e
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "transform" === e.field && this.refreshTransform(), "opacity" === e.field && this.refreshOpacity(), O.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                refreshTransform: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.srcElement.currentTransform(e),
                        i = this.childNodes,
                        r = i.length;
                    for (this.setClip(), t = 0; r > t; t++) i[t].refreshTransform(n)
                currentOpacity: function() {
                    var e = E(this.srcElement.options.opacity, 1);
                    return this.parent && this.parent.currentOpacity && (e *= this.parent.currentOpacity()), e
                refreshOpacity: function() {
                    var e, t = this.childNodes,
                        n = t.length,
                        i = this.currentOpacity();
                    for (e = 0; n > e; e++) t[e].refreshOpacity(i)
                initClip: function() {
                    if (O.fn.initClip.call(this), this.clip) {
                        var e = this.clip.srcElement.bbox(this.srcElement.currentTransform());
                        e && (this.css("width", e.width() + e.origin.x), this.css("height", e.height() + e.origin.y))
                clipBBox: function(e) {
                    return e.bbox(this.srcElement.currentTransform())
                clearClip: function() {
            U = B.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.opacity = t, B.fn.init.call(this, e)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("stroke"), this.setOpacity()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    0 === e.field.indexOf("stroke") && this.setStroke()
                refreshOpacity: function(e) {
                    this.opacity = e, this.setStroke()
                setStroke: function() {
                setOpacity: function() {
                mapStroke: function() {
                    var e, t = this.srcElement.options.stroke,
                        n = [];
                    return t && !S(t.color) && 0 !== t.width ? (n.push(["on", "true"]), n.push(["color", t.color]), n.push(["weight", (t.width || 1) + "px"]), this.mapOpacityTo(n, t.opacity), T(t.dashType) && n.push(["dashstyle", t.dashType]), T(t.lineJoin) && n.push(["joinstyle", t.lineJoin]), T(t.lineCap) && (e = t.lineCap.toLowerCase(), "butt" === e && (e = "butt" === e ? "flat" : e), n.push(["endcap", e]))) : n.push(["on", "false"]), n
            W = B.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.opacity = n, B.fn.init.call(this, e)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("fill"), this.setFill()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    a(e.field) && this.setFill()
                refreshOpacity: function(e) {
                    this.opacity = e, this.setOpacity()
                setFill: function() {
                setOpacity: function() {
                attr: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.element;
                    if (i) {
                        for (n = e.split("."); n.length > 1;) i = i[n.shift()];
                        i[n[0]] = t
                mapFill: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.fill(),
                        t = [
                            ["on", "false"]
                    return e && (e.nodeType == F ? t = this.mapGradient(e) : S(e.color) || (t = this.mapFillColor(e))), t
                mapFillColor: function(e) {
                    var t = [
                        ["on", "true"],
                        ["color", e.color]
                    return this.mapOpacityTo(t, e.opacity), t
                mapGradient: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.srcElement.options,
                        i = n.fallbackFill || e.fallbackFill && e.fallbackFill();
                    return t = e instanceof w.LinearGradient ? this.mapLinearGradient(e) : e instanceof w.RadialGradient && e.supportVML ? this.mapRadialGradient(e) : i ? this.mapFillColor(i) : [
                        ["on", "false"]
                mapLinearGradient: function(e) {
                    var t = e.start(),
                        n = e.end(),
                        i = C.deg(p(n.y - t.y, n.x - t.x)),
                        r = [
                            ["on", "true"],
                            ["type", F],
                            ["focus", 0],
                            ["method", "none"],
                            ["angle", 270 - i]
                    return this.addColors(r), r
                mapRadialGradient: function(e) {
                    var t = this.srcElement.rawBBox(),
                        n = e.center(),
                        i = (n.x - t.origin.x) / t.width(),
                        r = (n.y - t.origin.y) / t.height(),
                        o = [
                            ["on", "true"],
                            ["type", "gradienttitle"],
                            ["focus", "100%"],
                            ["focusposition", i + " " + r],
                            ["method", "none"]
                    return this.addColors(o), o
                addColors: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.srcElement.options,
                        r = E(this.opacity, 1),
                        o = [],
                        a = i.fill.stops,
                        l = i.baseColor,
                        c = this.element.colors ? "colors.value" : "colors",
                        d = s(l, a[0], r),
                        u = s(l, a[a.length - 1], r);
                    for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++) t = a[n], o.push(h.round(100 * t.offset()) + "% " + s(l, t, r));
                    e.push([c, o.join(",")], ["color", d], ["color2", u])
            j = B.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.transform = t, B.fn.init.call(this, e)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("skew"), this.setTransform()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "transform" === e.field && this.refresh(this.srcElement.currentTransform())
                refresh: function(e) {
                    this.transform = e, this.setTransform()
                transformOrigin: function() {
                    return "-0.5,-0.5"
                setTransform: function() {
                mapTransform: function() {
                    var e = this.transform,
                        t = [],
                        n = k(e);
                    return n ? (n.round(R), t.push(["on", "true"], ["matrix", [n.a, n.c, n.b, n.d, 0, 0].join(",")], ["offset", n.e + "px," + n.f + "px"], ["origin", this.transformOrigin()])) : t.push(["on", "false"]), t
            G = O.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.fill = this.createFillNode(e, t, n), this.stroke = new U(e, n), this.transform = this.createTransformNode(e, t), O.fn.init.call(this, e)
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    this.fill.attachTo(this.element), this.stroke.attachTo(this.element), this.transform.attachTo(this.element), B.fn.attachTo.call(this, e, t)
                createFillNode: function(e, t, n) {
                    return new W(e, t, n)
                createTransformNode: function(e, t) {
                    return new j(e, t)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("shape"), this.setCoordsize(), this.setStyle()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    a(e.field) ? this.fill.optionsChange(e) : 0 === e.field.indexOf("stroke") ? this.stroke.optionsChange(e) : "transform" === e.field ? this.transform.optionsChange(e) : "opacity" === e.field && (this.fill.setOpacity(), this.stroke.setOpacity()), O.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                refreshTransform: function(e) {
                refreshOpacity: function(e) {
                    e *= E(this.srcElement.options.opacity, 1), this.fill.refreshOpacity(e), this.stroke.refreshOpacity(e)
                mapStyle: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = O.fn.mapStyle.call(this);
                    return e && t || (e = t = M), i.push(["position", "absolute"], ["width", e + "px"], ["height", t + "px"]), n = this.srcElement.options.cursor, n && i.push(["cursor", n]), i
                setCoordsize: function() {
                        ["coordorigin", "0 0"],
                        ["coordsize", z + " " + z]
            q = B.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("path"), this.setPathData()
                geometryChange: function() {
                setPathData: function() {
                    this.attr("v", this.renderData())
                renderData: function() {
                    return r(this.srcElement)
            $ = G.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.pathData = this.createDataNode(e), G.fn.init.call(this, e, t, n)
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    this.pathData.attachTo(this.element), G.fn.attachTo.call(this, e, t)
                createDataNode: function(e) {
                    return new q(e)
                geometryChange: function() {
                    this.pathData.geometryChange(), G.fn.geometryChange.call(this)
            Y = q.extend({
                renderData: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this.srcElement.paths;
                    if (i.length > 0) {
                        for (e = [], t = 0; i.length > t; t++) n = i.length - 1 > t, e.push(r(i[t], n));
                        return e.join(" ")
            Q = $.extend({
                createDataNode: function(e) {
                    return new Y(e)
            K = j.extend({
                transformOrigin: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.geometry().bbox(),
                        t = e.center(),
                        n = -f(t.x) / f(e.width()),
                        i = -f(t.y) / f(e.height());
                    return n + "," + i
            X = G.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("oval"), this.setStyle()
                createTransformNode: function(e, t) {
                    return new K(e, t)
                geometryChange: function() {
                    G.fn.geometryChange.call(this), this.setStyle(), this.refreshTransform()
                mapStyle: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.geometry(),
                        t = e.radius,
                        n = e.center,
                        i = f(2 * t),
                        r = G.fn.mapStyle.call(this, i, i);
                    return r.push(["left", f(n.x - t) + "px"], ["top", f(n.y - t) + "px"]), r
            Z = q.extend({
                renderData: function() {
                    return r(this.srcElement.toPath())
            J = $.extend({
                createDataNode: function(e) {
                    return new Z(e)
            et = q.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    q.fn.createElement.call(this), this.attr("textpathok", !0)
                renderData: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.rect(),
                        t = e.center();
                    return "m " + i([new y.Point(e.topLeft().x, t.y)]) + " l " + i([new y.Point(e.bottomRight().x, t.y)])
            tt = B.extend({
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("textpath"), this.attr("on", !0), this.attr("fitpath", !1), this.setStyle(), this.setString()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "content" === e.field ? this.setString() : this.setStyle(), B.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                mapStyle: function() {
                    return [
                        ["font", this.srcElement.options.font]
                setString: function() {
                    this.attr("string", this.srcElement.content())
            nt = $.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.path = new tt(e), $.fn.init.call(this, e, t, n)
                createDataNode: function(e) {
                    return new et(e)
                attachTo: function(e, t) {
                    this.path.attachTo(this.element), $.fn.attachTo.call(this, e, t)
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    ("font" === e.field || "content" === e.field) && (this.path.optionsChange(e), this.pathData.geometryChange(e)), $.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
            it = q.extend({
                renderData: function() {
                    var e = this.srcElement.rect(),
                        t = (new w.Path).moveTo(e.topLeft()).lineTo(e.topRight()).lineTo(e.bottomRight()).lineTo(e.bottomLeft()).close();
                    return r(t)
            rt = j.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.opacity = n, j.fn.init.call(this, e, t)
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = n("fill"), this.attr("type", "frame"), this.attr("rotate", !0), this.setOpacity(), this.setSrc(), this.setTransform()
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    "src" === e.field && this.setSrc(), j.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                geometryChange: function() {
                refreshOpacity: function(e) {
                    this.opacity = e, this.setOpacity()
                setOpacity: function() {
                    var e = [];
                    this.mapOpacityTo(e, this.srcElement.options.opacity), this.allAttr(e)
                setSrc: function() {
                    this.attr("src", this.srcElement.src())
                mapTransform: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = this.srcElement,
                        c = l.rawBBox(),
                        d = c.center(),
                        u = M / 2,
                        h = M,
                        f = c.width() / h,
                        m = c.height() / h,
                        v = 0,
                        _ = this.transform;
                    return _ ? (n = k(_), i = g(n.a * n.a + n.b * n.b), r = g(n.c * n.c + n.d * n.d), f *= i, m *= r, o = D(p(n.b, n.d)), a = D(p(-n.c, n.a)), v = (o + a) / 2, 0 !== v ? (s = l.bbox().center(), e = (s.x - u) / h, t = (s.y - u) / h) : (e = (d.x * i + n.e - u) / h, t = (d.y * r + n.f - u) / h)) : (e = (d.x - u) / h, t = (d.y - u) / h), f = A(f, R), m = A(m, R), e = A(e, R), t = A(t, R), v = A(v, R), [
                        ["size", f + "," + m],
                        ["position", e + "," + t],
                        ["angle", v]
            ot = $.extend({
                createFillNode: function(e, t, n) {
                    return new rt(e, t, n)
                createDataNode: function(e) {
                    return new it(e)
                optionsChange: function(e) {
                    ("src" === e.field || "transform" === e.field) && this.fill.optionsChange(e), $.fn.optionsChange.call(this, e)
                geometryChange: function() {
                    this.fill.geometryChange(), $.fn.geometryChange.call(this)
                refreshTransform: function(e) {
                    $.fn.refreshTransform.call(this, e), this.fill.refresh(this.srcElement.currentTransform(e))
            at = {
                Group: V,
                Text: nt,
                Path: $,
                MultiPath: Q,
                Circle: X,
                Arc: J,
                Image: ot
        m.support.vml = function() {
            var e = m.support.browser;
            return e.msie && 9 > e.version
        }(), d = "inherit", m.support.browser.msie && 8 > m.support.browser.version && (d = "rect(auto auto auto auto)"), m.support.vml && w.SurfaceFactory.current.register("vml", H, 30), v(w, {
            vml: {
                ArcDataNode: Z,
                ArcNode: J,
                CircleTransformNode: K,
                CircleNode: X,
                FillNode: W,
                GroupNode: V,
                ImageNode: ot,
                ImageFillNode: rt,
                ImagePathDataNode: it,
                MultiPathDataNode: Y,
                MultiPathNode: Q,
                Node: B,
                PathDataNode: q,
                PathNode: $,
                RootNode: L,
                StrokeNode: U,
                Surface: H,
                TextNode: nt,
                TextPathNode: tt,
                TextPathDataNode: et,
                TransformNode: j
    function(e, t, n) {
        "use strict";

        function i(n, i) {
            function o(t) {
                var n = new st.Group,
                    i = t.getBoundingClientRect();
                return M(n, [1, 0, 0, 1, -i.left, -i.top]), pt._clipbox = !1, pt._matrix = lt.Matrix.unit(), pt._stackingContext = {
                    element: t,
                    group: n
                }, e(t).addClass("k-pdf-export"), tt(t, n), e(t).removeClass("k-pdf-export"), n

            function a(t) {
                return null != t ? ("string" == typeof t && (t = kendo.template(t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""))), "function" == typeof t ? function(n) {
                    var i = t(n);
                    return i ? e(i)[0] : void 0
                } : function() {
                    return e(t).clone()[0]
                }) : void 0

            function s(n, i, r, o, s, l, c) {
                function d() {
                    function e() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                                pages: k,
                                container: C
                        }, 10)
                    var t, i;
                    ("-" != r || s) && u(x), t = g(), x.parentNode.insertBefore(t, x), t.appendChild(x), _ ? (i = k.length, k.forEach(function(t, n) {
                        var r = _({
                            element: t,
                            pageNum: n + 1,
                            totalPages: k.length
                        r && (t.appendChild(r), h(r, function() {
                            0 === --i && e()
                    })) : e()

                function u(n) {
                    var i, o, a, l, c = b(n),
                        d = t(y(c, "padding-bottom")),
                        h = t(y(c, "border-bottom-width")),
                        p = S;
                    for (S += d + h, i = !0, o = n.firstChild; o; o = o.nextSibling)
                        if (1 == o.nodeType) {
                            if (i = !1, a = e(o), a.is(r)) {
                            if (!s) {
                            if (!/^(?:static|relative)$/.test(y(b(o), "position"))) continue;
                            l = m(o), 1 == l ? f(o) : l && (a.data("kendoChart") || /^(?:img|tr|iframe|svg|object|canvas|input|textarea|select|video|h[1-6])/i.test(o.tagName)) ? f(o) : u(o)
                        } else 3 == o.nodeType && s && (v(o, i), i = !1);
                    S = p

                function p(e) {
                    var t = e.parentNode,
                        n = t.firstChild;
                    if (e === n) return !0;
                    if (e === t.children[0]) {
                        if (7 == n.nodeType || 8 == n.nodeType) return !0;
                        if (3 == n.nodeType) return !/\S/.test(n.data)
                    return !1

                function f(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    return 1 == e.nodeType && e !== x && p(e) ? f(e.parentNode) : (t = g(), n = w.createRange(), n.setStartBefore(x), n.setEndBefore(e), t.appendChild(n.extractContents()), void x.parentNode.insertBefore(t, x))

                function g() {
                    var t = w.createElement("KENDO-PDF-PAGE");
                    return e(t).css({
                        display: "block",
                        boxSizing: "content-box",
                        width: o || "auto",
                        padding: l.top + "px " + l.right + "px " + l.bottom + "px " + l.left + "px",
                        position: "relative",
                        height: s || "auto",
                        overflow: s || o ? "hidden" : "visible",
                        clear: "both"
                    }), c && c.pageClassName && (t.className = c.pageClassName), k.push(t), t

                function m(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e.getBoundingClientRect();
                    return 0 === i.width || 0 === i.height ? 0 : (t = x.getBoundingClientRect().top, n = s - S, i.height > n ? 3 : i.top - t > n ? 1 : i.bottom - t > n ? 2 : 0)

                function v(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a;
                    /\S/.test(e.data) && (n = e.data.length, i = w.createRange(), i.selectNodeContents(e), r = m(i), r && (o = e, 1 == r ? f(t ? e.parentNode : e) : (! function s(t, n, r) {
                        return i.setEnd(e, n), t == n || n == r ? n : m(i) ? s(t, t + n >> 1, n) : s(n, n + r >> 1, r)
                    }(0, n >> 1, n), !/\S/.test("" + i) && t ? f(e.parentNode) : (o = e.splitText(i.endOffset), a = g(), i.setStartBefore(x), a.appendChild(i.extractContents()), x.parentNode.insertBefore(a, x))), v(o)))
                var _ = a(c.template),
                    w = i.ownerDocument,
                    k = [],
                    x = e(i).clone(!0, !0)[0],
                    C = w.createElement("KENDO-PDF-DOCUMENT"),
                    S = 0;
                e(x).find("tfoot").each(function() {
                }), e(x).find("ol").each(function() {
                    e(this).children().each(function(e) {
                        this.setAttribute("kendo-split-index", e)
                }), e(C).css({
                    display: "block",
                    position: "absolute",
                    boxSizing: "content-box",
                    left: "-10000px",
                    top: "-10000px"
                }), o && (e(C).css({
                    width: o,
                    paddingLeft: l.left,
                    paddingRight: l.right
                }), e(x).css({
                    overflow: "hidden"
                })), C.appendChild(x), i.parentNode.insertBefore(C, i), c.beforePageBreak ? setTimeout(function() {
                    c.beforePageBreak(C, d)
                }, 15) : setTimeout(d, 15)
            i || (i = {});
            var l = e.Deferred();
            if (n = e(n)[0], !n) return l.reject("No element to export");
            if ("function" != typeof window.getComputedStyle) throw Error("window.getComputedStyle is missing.  You are using an unsupported browser, or running in IE8 compatibility mode.  Drawing HTML is supported in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE9+.");
            return kendo.pdf && kendo.pdf.defineFont(r(n.ownerDocument)), h(n, function() {
                var e, t = i && i.forcePageBreak,
                    r = i && i.paperSize && "auto" != i.paperSize,
                    a = r && kendo.pdf.getPaperOptions(function(e, t) {
                        return e in i ? i[e] : t
                    c = r && a.paperSize[0],
                    d = r && a.paperSize[1],
                    u = i.margin && a.margin;
                t || d ? (u || (u = {
                    left: 0,
                    top: 0,
                    right: 0,
                    bottom: 0
                }), e = new st.Group({
                    pdf: {
                        multiPage: !0,
                        paperSize: r ? a.paperSize : "auto"
                }), s(function(t) {
                    if (i.progress) {
                        var n = !1,
                            r = 0;
                        ! function a() {
                            t.pages.length > r ? (e.append(o(t.pages[r])), i.progress({
                                pageNum: ++r,
                                totalPages: t.pages.length,
                                cancel: function() {
                                    n = !0
                            }), n ? t.container.parentNode.removeChild(t.container) : setTimeout(a)) : (t.container.parentNode.removeChild(t.container), l.resolve(e))
                    } else t.pages.forEach(function(t) {
                    }), t.container.parentNode.removeChild(t.container), l.resolve(e)
                }, n, t, c ? c - u.left - u.right : null, d ? d - u.top - u.bottom : null, u, i)) : l.resolve(o(n))
            }), l.promise()

        function r(e) {
            function t(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var t = null;
                    try {
                        t = e.cssRules
                    } catch (n) {}
                    t && i(e, t)

            function n(e) {
                var t, n = y(e.style, "src");
                return n ? ot(n).reduce(function(e, t) {
                    var n = at(t);
                    return n && e.push(n), e
                }, []) : (t = at(e.cssText), t ? [t] : [])

            function i(e, i) {
                var o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
                for (o = 0; i.length > o; ++o) switch (a = i[o], a.type) {
                    case 3:
                    case 5:
                        s = a.style, l = ot(y(s, "font-family")), c = /^(400|bold)$/i.test(y(s, "font-weight")), d = "italic" == y(s, "font-style"), u = n(a), u.length > 0 && r(e, l, c, d, u[0])

            function r(e, t, n, i, r) {
                /^data:/i.test(r) || /^[^\/:]+:\/\//.test(r) || /^\//.test(r) || (r = (e.href + "").replace(/[^\/]*$/, "") + r), t.forEach(function(e) {
                    e = e.replace(/^(['"]?)(.*?)\1$/, "$2"), n && (e += "|bold"), i && (e += "|italic"), o[e] = r
            var o, a;
            for (null == e && (e = document), o = {}, a = 0; e.styleSheets.length > a; ++a) t(e.styleSheets[a]);
            return o

        function o(e, t) {
            return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)

        function a(e) {
            return e = "_counter_" + e, pt[e]

        function s(e) {
            var t = [],
                n = pt;
            for (e = "_counter_" + e; n;) o(n, e) && t.push(n[e]), n = Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
            return t.reverse()

        function l(e, t) {
            var n = pt;
            for (e = "_counter_" + e; n && !o(n, e);) n = Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
            n || (n = pt._root), n[e] = (n[e] || 0) + (null == t ? 1 : t)

        function c(e, t) {
            e = "_counter_" + e, pt[e] = null == t ? 0 : t

        function d(e, n, i) {
            var r, o, a;
            for (r = 0; e.length > r;) o = e[r++], a = t(e[r]), isNaN(a) ? n(o, i) : (n(o, a), ++r)

        function u(e, t) {
            var n = kendo.parseColor(e);
            return n && (n = n.toRGB(), t ? n = n.toCssRgba() : 0 === n.a && (n = null)), n

        function h(e, t) {
            function n(e) {
                ht[e] || (ht[e] = !0, o.push(e))

            function i() {
                --r <= 0 && t()
            var r, o = [];
            ! function a(e) {
                /^img$/i.test(e.tagName) && n(e.src), rt(y(b(e), "background-image")).forEach(function(e) {
                    "url" == e.type && n(e.url)
                }), e.children && ct.call(e.children).forEach(a)
            }(e), r = o.length, 0 === r && i(), o.forEach(function(e) {
                var t = ht[e] = new Image;
                /^data:/i.test(e) || (t.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"), t.src = e, t.complete ? i() : (t.onload = i, t.onerror = function() {
                    ht[e] = null, i()

        function p(e) {
            for (var t = {
                1: "i",
                10: "x",
                100: "c",
                2: "ii",
                20: "xx",
                200: "cc",
                3: "iii",
                30: "xxx",
                300: "ccc",
                4: "iv",
                40: "xl",
                400: "cd",
                5: "v",
                50: "l",
                500: "d",
                6: "vi",
                60: "lx",
                600: "dc",
                7: "vii",
                70: "lxx",
                700: "dcc",
                8: "viii",
                80: "lxxx",
                800: "dccc",
                9: "ix",
                90: "xc",
                900: "cm",
                1e3: "m"
            }, n = [1e3, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], i = ""; e > 0;) n[0] > e ? n.shift() : (i += t[n[0]], e -= n[0]);
            return i

        function f(e) {
            var t, i = "";
            do t = e % 26, i = String.fromCharCode(97 + t) + i, e = n.floor(e / 26); while (e > 0);
            return i

        function g(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            pt = Object.create(pt), pt[e.tagName.toLowerCase()] = {
                element: e,
                style: t
            }, i = y(t, "text-decoration"), i && "none" != i && (r = y(t, "color"), i.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(e) {
                pt[e] || (pt[e] = r)
            })), w(t) && (pt._stackingContext = {
                element: e,
                group: n

        function m() {
            pt = Object.getPrototypeOf(pt)

        function v(e) {
            if (null != pt._clipbox) {
                var t = e.bbox(pt._matrix);
                pt._clipbox = pt._clipbox ? lt.Rect.intersect(pt._clipbox, t) : t

        function _() {
            var e = pt._clipbox;
            return null == e ? !0 : e ? 0 === e.width() || 0 === e.height() : void 0

        function w(e) {
            function t(t) {
                return y(e, t)
            return "none" != t("transform") || "static" != t("position") && "auto" != t("z-index") || t("opacity") < 1 ? !0 : void 0

        function b(e, t) {
            return window.getComputedStyle(e, t || null)

        function y(e, t) {
            return e.getPropertyValue(t) || dt.webkit && e.getPropertyValue("-webkit-" + t) || dt.mozilla && e.getPropertyValue("-moz-" + t) || dt.opera && e.getPropertyValue("-o-" + t) || dt.msie && e.getPropertyValue("-ms-" + t)

        function k(e, t, n, i) {
            e.setProperty(t, n, i), dt.webkit ? e.setProperty("-webkit-" + t, n, i) : dt.mozilla ? e.setProperty("-moz-" + t, n, i) : dt.opera ? e.setProperty("-o-" + t, n, i) : dt.msie && (e.setProperty("-ms-" + t, n, i), t = "ms" + t.replace(/(^|-)([a-z])/g, function(e, t, n) {
                return t + n.toUpperCase()
            }), e[t] = n)

        function x(e) {
            if (dt.msie || dt.chrome) {
                var t = e.getClientRects();
                if (2 == t.length && 1 >= t[1].width) return t[0];
                if (3 == t.length && 1 >= t[0].width && 1 >= t[2].width) return t[1]
            return e.getBoundingClientRect()

        function C(e, n) {
            return n = "border-" + n, {
                width: t(y(e, n + "-width")),
                style: y(e, n + "-style"),
                color: u(y(e, n + "-color"), !0)

        function S(e, t) {
            var n = e.style.cssText,
                i = t();
            return e.style.cssText = n, i

        function T(e, n) {
            var i = y(e, "border-" + n + "-radius").split(/\s+/g).map(t);
            return 1 == i.length && i.push(i[0]), R({
                x: i[0],
                y: i[1]

        function D(e) {
            var t = e.getBoundingClientRect();
            return t = A(t, "border-*-width", e), t = A(t, "padding-*", e)

        function A(e, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l;
            return "string" == typeof n ? (r = b(i), o = t(y(r, n.replace("*", "top"))), a = t(y(r, n.replace("*", "right"))), s = t(y(r, n.replace("*", "bottom"))), l = t(y(r, n.replace("*", "left")))) : "number" == typeof n && (o = a = s = l = n), {
                top: e.top + o,
                right: e.right - a,
                bottom: e.bottom - s,
                left: e.left + l,
                width: e.right - e.left - a - l,
                height: e.bottom - e.top - s - o

        function E(e) {
            var n, i, r = y(e, "transform");
            return "none" == r ? null : (n = /^\s*matrix\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*$/.exec(r), n ? (i = y(e, "transform-origin"), n = n[1].split(/\s*,\s*/g).map(t), i = i.split(/\s+/g).map(t), {
                matrix: n,
                origin: i
            }) : void 0)

        function I(e) {
            return 180 * e / n.PI % 360

        function P(e) {
            var i = t(e);
            return /grad$/.test(e) ? n.PI * i / 200 : /rad$/.test(e) ? i : /turn$/.test(e) ? n.PI * i * 2 : /deg$/.test(e) ? n.PI * i / 180 : void 0

        function M(e, t) {
            return t = new lt.Matrix(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]), e.transform(t), t

        function z(e, t) {

        function F(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r = new lt.Arc([t, n], i).curvePoints(), o = 1; r.length > o;) e.curveTo(r[o++], r[o++], r[o++])

        function R(e) {
            return (0 >= e.x || 0 >= e.y) && (e.x = e.y = 0), e

        function H(e, t, i, r, o) {
            var a = n.max(0, t.x),
                s = n.max(0, t.y),
                l = n.max(0, i.x),
                c = n.max(0, i.y),
                d = n.max(0, r.x),
                u = n.max(0, r.y),
                h = n.max(0, o.x),
                p = n.max(0, o.y),
                f = n.min(e.width / (a + l), e.height / (c + u), e.width / (d + h), e.height / (p + s));
            return 1 > f && (a *= f, s *= f, l *= f, c *= f, d *= f, u *= f, h *= f, p *= f), {
                tl: {
                    x: a,
                    y: s
                tr: {
                    x: l,
                    y: c
                br: {
                    x: d,
                    y: u
                bl: {
                    x: h,
                    y: p

        function B(e, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = b(e),
                p = T(h, "top-left"),
                f = T(h, "top-right"),
                g = T(h, "bottom-left"),
                m = T(h, "bottom-right");
            return ("padding" == i || "content" == i) && (r = C(h, "top"), o = C(h, "right"), a = C(h, "bottom"), s = C(h, "left"), p.x -= s.width, p.y -= r.width, f.x -= o.width, f.y -= r.width, m.x -= o.width, m.y -= a.width, g.x -= s.width, g.y -= a.width, "content" == i && (l = t(y(h, "padding-top")), c = t(y(h, "padding-right")), d = t(y(h, "padding-bottom")), u = t(y(h, "padding-left")), p.x -= u, p.y -= l, f.x -= c, f.y -= l, m.x -= c, m.y -= d, g.x -= u, g.y -= d)), "number" == typeof i && (p.x -= i, p.y -= i, f.x -= i, f.y -= i, m.x -= i, m.y -= i, g.x -= i, g.y -= i), L(n, p, f, m, g)

        function L(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o = H(e, t, n, i, r),
                a = o.tl,
                s = o.tr,
                l = o.br,
                c = o.bl,
                d = new st.Path({
                    fill: null,
                    stroke: null
            return d.moveTo(e.left, e.top + a.y), a.x && F(d, e.left + a.x, e.top + a.y, {
                startAngle: -180,
                endAngle: -90,
                radiusX: a.x,
                radiusY: a.y
            }), d.lineTo(e.right - s.x, e.top), s.x && F(d, e.right - s.x, e.top + s.y, {
                startAngle: -90,
                endAngle: 0,
                radiusX: s.x,
                radiusY: s.y
            }), d.lineTo(e.right, e.bottom - l.y), l.x && F(d, e.right - l.x, e.bottom - l.y, {
                startAngle: 0,
                endAngle: 90,
                radiusX: l.x,
                radiusY: l.y
            }), d.lineTo(e.left + c.x, e.bottom), c.x && F(d, e.left + c.x, e.bottom - c.y, {
                startAngle: 90,
                endAngle: 180,
                radiusX: c.x,
                radiusY: c.y
            }), d.close()

        function N(e, n) {
            var i = t(e) + "";
            switch (n) {
                case "decimal-leading-zero":
                    return 2 > i.length && (i = "0" + i), i;
                case "lower-roman":
                    return p(e);
                case "upper-roman":
                    return p(e).toUpperCase();
                case "lower-latin":
                case "lower-alpha":
                    return f(e - 1);
                case "upper-latin":
                case "upper-alpha":
                    return f(e - 1).toUpperCase();
                    return i

        function O(e, t) {
            function n(e, t, n) {
                return n ? (n = n.replace(/^\s*(["'])(.*)\1\s*$/, "$2"), s(e).map(function(e) {
                    return N(e, t)
                }).join(n)) : N(a(e) || 0, t)
            var i, r = ot(t, /^\s+/),
                o = [];
            return r.forEach(function(t) {
                var r;
                (i = /^\s*(["'])(.*)\1\s*$/.exec(t)) ? o.push(i[2].replace(/\\([0-9a-f]{4})/gi, function(e, t) {
                    return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t, 16))
                })) : (i = /^\s*counter\((.*?)\)\s*$/.exec(t)) ? (r = ot(i[1]), o.push(n(r[0], r[1]))) : (i = /^\s*counters\((.*?)\)\s*$/.exec(t)) ? (r = ot(i[1]), o.push(n(r[0], r[2], r[1]))) : o.push((i = /^\s*attr\((.*?)\)\s*$/.exec(t)) ? e.getAttribute(i[1]) || "" : t)
            }), o.join("")

        function V(e) {
            var t, n;
            if (e.cssText) return e.cssText;
            for (t = [], n = 0; e.length > n; ++n) t.push(e[n] + ": " + y(e, e[n]));
            return t.join(";\n")

        function U(e, n) {
            function i(n, i) {
                var o, a = b(e, n);
                a.content && "normal" != a.content && "none" != a.content && "0px" != a.width && (o = e.ownerDocument.createElement(ut), o.style.cssText = V(a), o.textContent = O(e, a.content), e.insertBefore(o, i), ":before" != n || /absolute|fixed/.test(y(o.style, "position")) || (o.style.marginLeft = t(y(o.style, "margin-left")) - o.offsetWidth + "px"), r.push(o))
            if (e.tagName == ut) return void W(e, n);
            var r = [];
            i(":before", e.firstChild), i(":after", null), W(e, n), r.forEach(function(t) {

        function W(i, r) {
            function o(e) {
                var t, n, r, o, a, s;
                if (/^td$/i.test(i.tagName) && (t = pt.table, t && "collapse" == y(t.style, "border-collapse"))) {
                    if (n = C(t.style, "left").width, r = C(t.style, "top").width, 0 === n && 0 === r) return e;
                    if (o = t.element.getBoundingClientRect(), a = t.element.rows[0].cells[0], s = a.getBoundingClientRect(), s.top == o.top || s.left == o.left) return ct.call(e).map(function(e) {
                        return {
                            left: e.left + n,
                            top: e.top + r,
                            right: e.right + n,
                            bottom: e.bottom + r,
                            height: e.height,
                            width: e.width
                return e

            function a(e, t, i, o, a, s, l, c) {
                function d(t, r, o) {
                    var a = n.PI / 2 * t / (t + i),
                        s = {
                            x: r.x - t,
                            y: r.y - i
                        l = new st.Path({
                            fill: {
                                color: e
                            stroke: null
                        }).moveTo(0, 0);
                    M(l, o), F(l, 0, r.y, {
                        startAngle: -90,
                        endAngle: -I(a),
                        radiusX: r.x,
                        radiusY: r.y
                    }), s.x > 0 && s.y > 0 ? (l.lineTo(s.x * n.cos(a), r.y - s.y * n.sin(a)), F(l, 0, r.y, {
                        startAngle: -I(a),
                        endAngle: -90,
                        radiusX: s.x,
                        radiusY: s.y,
                        anticlockwise: !0
                    })) : s.x > 0 ? l.lineTo(s.x, i).lineTo(0, i) : l.lineTo(s.x, i).lineTo(s.x, 0), h.append(l.close())
                if (!(0 >= i)) {
                    var u, h = new st.Group;
                    M(h, c), r.append(h), R(s), R(l), u = new st.Path({
                        fill: {
                            color: e
                        stroke: null
                    }), h.append(u), u.moveTo(s.x ? n.max(s.x, o) : 0, 0).lineTo(t - (l.x ? n.max(l.x, a) : 0), 0).lineTo(t - n.max(l.x, a), i).lineTo(n.max(s.x, o), i).close(), s.x && d(o, s, [-1, 0, 0, 1, s.x, 0]), l.x && d(a, l, [1, 0, 0, 1, t - l.x, 0])

            function s(t) {
                var n, o, a = new st.Group;
                for (z(a, L(t, U, W, $, q)), r.append(a), "A" == i.tagName && i.href && !/^#?$/.test(e(i).attr("href")) && (a._pdfLink = {
                    url: i.href,
                    top: t.top,
                    right: t.right,
                    bottom: t.bottom,
                    left: t.left
                }), K && (n = new st.Path({
                    fill: {
                        color: K.toCssRgba()
                    stroke: null
                }), n.moveTo(t.left, t.top).lineTo(t.right, t.top).lineTo(t.right, t.bottom).lineTo(t.left, t.bottom).close(), a.append(n)), o = h.length; --o >= 0;) l(a, t, h[o], g[o % g.length], m[o % m.length], _[o % _.length], w[o % w.length])

            function l(e, n, r, o, a, s, l) {
                function c(e, n, r, c, d) {
                    function u() {
                        for (; m.origin.x > n.left;) m.origin.x -= r

                    function h() {
                        for (; m.origin.y > n.top;) m.origin.y -= c

                    function p() {
                        for (; n.right > m.origin.x;) d(e, m.clone()), m.origin.x += r
                    var f, g, m, v, _ = r / c,
                        w = n;
                    if ("content-box" == s ? (w = A(w, "border-*-width", i), w = A(w, "padding-*", i)) : "padding-box" == s && (w = A(w, "border-*-width", i)), /^\s*auto(\s+auto)?\s*$/.test(l) || (f = l.split(/\s+/g), r = /%$/.test(f[0]) ? w.width * t(f[0]) / 100 : t(f[0]), c = 1 == f.length || "auto" == f[1] ? r / _ : /%$/.test(f[1]) ? w.height * t(f[1]) / 100 : t(f[1])), g = (a + "").split(/\s+/), 1 == g.length && (g[1] = "50%"), g[0] = /%$/.test(g[0]) ? t(g[0]) / 100 * (w.width - r) : t(g[0]), g[1] = /%$/.test(g[1]) ? t(g[1]) / 100 * (w.height - c) : t(g[1]), m = new lt.Rect([w.left + g[0], w.top + g[1]], [r, c]), "no-repeat" == o) d(e, m);
                    else if ("repeat-x" == o) u(), p();
                    else if ("repeat-y" == o)
                        for (h(); n.bottom > m.origin.y;) d(e, m.clone()), m.origin.y += c;
                    else if ("repeat" == o)
                        for (u(), h(), v = m.origin.clone(); n.bottom > m.origin.y;) m.origin.x = v.x, p(), m.origin.y += c
                if (r && "none" != r)
                    if ("url" == r.type) {
                        if (/^url\(\"data:image\/svg/i.test(r.url)) return;
                        var d = ht[r.url];
                        d && d.width > 0 && d.height > 0 && c(e, n, d.width, d.height, function(e, t) {
                            e.append(new st.Image(r.url, t))
                    } else {
                        if ("linear" != r.type) return;
                        c(e, n, n.width, n.height, j(r))

            function c() {
                function e(e) {
                    S(i, function() {
                        i.style.position = "relative";
                        var t = i.ownerDocument.createElement(ut);
                        t.style.position = "absolute", t.style.boxSizing = "border-box", "outside" == o ? (t.style.width = "6em", t.style.left = "-6.8em", t.style.textAlign = "right") : t.style.left = "0px", e(t), i.insertBefore(t, i.firstChild), tt(t, r), i.removeChild(t)

                function t(e) {
                    var t, n = i.parentNode.children,
                        r = i.getAttribute("kendo-split-index");
                    if (null != r) return e(0 | r, n.length);
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; ++t)
                        if (n[t] === i) return e(t, n.length)
                var n, o, a = y(E, "list-style-type");
                if ("none" != a) switch (n = y(E, "list-style-image"), o = y(E, "list-style-position"), a) {
                    case "circle":
                    case "disc":
                    case "square":
                        e(function(e) {
                            e.style.fontSize = "60%", e.style.lineHeight = "200%", e.style.paddingRight = "0.5em", e.style.fontFamily = "DejaVu Serif", e.innerHTML = {
                                disc: "●",
                                circle: "◯",
                                square: "■"
                    case "decimal":
                    case "decimal-leading-zero":
                        e(function(e) {
                            t(function(t) {
                                ++t, "decimal-leading-zero" == a && 2 > (t + "").length && (t = "0" + t), e.innerHTML = t + "."
                    case "lower-roman":
                    case "upper-roman":
                        e(function(e) {
                            t(function(t) {
                                t = p(t + 1), "upper-roman" == a && (t = t.toUpperCase()), e.innerHTML = t + "."
                    case "lower-latin":
                    case "lower-alpha":
                    case "upper-latin":
                    case "upper-alpha":
                        e(function(e) {
                            t(function(t) {
                                t = f(t), /^upper/i.test(a) && (t = t.toUpperCase()), e.innerHTML = t + "."

            function d(e, t, n) {
                function o(e) {
                    return {
                        x: e.y,
                        y: e.x
                var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g;
                if (0 !== e.width && 0 !== e.height && (s(e), l = V.width > 0 && (t && "ltr" == Q || n && "rtl" == Q), c = N.width > 0 && (n && "ltr" == Q || t && "rtl" == Q), 0 !== P.width || 0 !== V.width || 0 !== N.width || 0 !== O.width)) {
                    if (P.color == N.color && P.color == O.color && P.color == V.color && P.width == N.width && P.width == O.width && P.width == V.width && l && c) return e = A(e, P.width / 2), d = B(i, e, P.width / 2), d.options.stroke = {
                        color: P.color,
                        width: P.width
                    }, void r.append(d);
                    if (0 === U.x && 0 === W.x && 0 === $.x && 0 === q.x && 2 > P.width && 2 > V.width && 2 > N.width && 2 > O.width) return P.width > 0 && r.append(new st.Path({
                        stroke: {
                            width: P.width,
                            color: P.color
                    }).moveTo(e.left, e.top + P.width / 2).lineTo(e.right, e.top + P.width / 2)), O.width > 0 && r.append(new st.Path({
                        stroke: {
                            width: O.width,
                            color: O.color
                    }).moveTo(e.left, e.bottom - O.width / 2).lineTo(e.right, e.bottom - O.width / 2)), l && r.append(new st.Path({
                        stroke: {
                            width: V.width,
                            color: V.color
                    }).moveTo(e.left + V.width / 2, e.top).lineTo(e.left + V.width / 2, e.bottom)), void(c && r.append(new st.Path({
                        stroke: {
                            width: N.width,
                            color: N.color
                    }).moveTo(e.right - N.width / 2, e.top).lineTo(e.right - N.width / 2, e.bottom)));
                    u = H(e, U, W, $, q), h = u.tl, p = u.tr, f = u.br, g = u.bl, a(P.color, e.width, P.width, V.width, N.width, h, p, [1, 0, 0, 1, e.left, e.top]), a(O.color, e.width, O.width, N.width, V.width, f, g, [-1, 0, 0, -1, e.right, e.bottom]), a(V.color, e.height, V.width, O.width, P.width, o(g), o(h), [0, -1, 1, 0, e.left, e.bottom]), a(N.color, e.height, N.width, P.width, O.width, o(p), o(f), [0, 1, -1, 0, e.right, e.top])
            var h, g, m, _, w, k, x, D, E = b(i),
                P = C(E, "top"),
                N = C(E, "right"),
                O = C(E, "bottom"),
                V = C(E, "left"),
                U = T(E, "top-left"),
                W = T(E, "top-right"),
                q = T(E, "bottom-left"),
                $ = T(E, "bottom-right"),
                Q = y(E, "direction"),
                K = y(E, "background-color");
            for (K = u(K), h = rt(y(E, "background-image")), g = ot(y(E, "background-repeat")), m = ot(y(E, "background-position")), _ = ot(y(E, "background-origin")), w = ot(y(E, "background-size")), dt.msie && 10 > dt.version && (m = ot(i.currentStyle.backgroundPosition)), k = A(i.getBoundingClientRect(), "border-*-width", i), function() {
                var e, n, i, o, a, s, l, c = y(E, "clip"),
                    d = /^\s*rect\((.*)\)\s*$/.exec(c);
                d && (e = d[1].split(/[ ,]+/g), n = "auto" == e[0] ? k.top : t(e[0]) + k.top, i = "auto" == e[1] ? k.right : t(e[1]) + k.left, o = "auto" == e[2] ? k.bottom : t(e[2]) + k.top, a = "auto" == e[3] ? k.left : t(e[3]) + k.left, s = new st.Group, l = (new st.Path).moveTo(a, n).lineTo(i, n).lineTo(i, o).lineTo(a, o).close(), z(s, l), r.append(s), r = s, v(l))
            }(), x = i.getClientRects(), 1 == x.length && (x = [i.getBoundingClientRect()]), x = o(x), D = 0; x.length > D; ++D) d(x[D], 0 === D, D == x.length - 1);
            return x.length > 0 && "list-item" == y(E, "display") && c(x[0]),
                function() {
                    function e() {
                        var e = B(i, k, "padding"),
                            t = new st.Group;
                        z(t, e), r.append(t), r = t, v(e)
                    Y(i) ? e() : /^(hidden|auto|scroll)/.test(y(E, "overflow")) ? e() : /^(hidden|auto|scroll)/.test(y(E, "overflow-x")) ? e() : /^(hidden|auto|scroll)/.test(y(E, "overflow-y")) && e()
                }(), G(i, r) || Z(i, r), r

        function j(e) {
            return function(i, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _ = r.width(),
                        w = r.height();
                switch (e.type) {
                    case "linear":
                        switch (o = null != e.angle ? e.angle : n.PI, e.to) {
                            case "top":
                                o = 0;
                            case "left":
                                o = -n.PI / 2;
                            case "bottom":
                                o = n.PI;
                            case "right":
                                o = n.PI / 2;
                            case "top left":
                            case "left top":
                                o = -n.atan2(w, _);
                            case "top right":
                            case "right top":
                                o = n.atan2(w, _);
                            case "bottom left":
                            case "left bottom":
                                o = n.PI + n.atan2(w, _);
                            case "bottom right":
                            case "right bottom":
                                o = n.PI - n.atan2(w, _)
                        e.reverse && (o -= n.PI), o %= 2 * n.PI, 0 > o && (o += 2 * n.PI), a = n.abs(_ * n.sin(o)) + n.abs(w * n.cos(o)), s = n.atan(_ * n.tan(o) / w), l = n.sin(s), c = n.cos(s), d = n.abs(l) + n.abs(c), u = d / 2 * l, h = d / 2 * c, o > n.PI / 2 && 3 * n.PI / 2 >= o && (u = -u, h = -h), p = [], f = 0, g = e.stops.map(function(n, i) {
                            var r, o = n.percent;
                            return o ? o = t(o) / 100 : n.length ? o = t(n.length) / a : 0 === i ? o = 0 : i == e.stops.length - 1 && (o = 1), r = {
                                color: n.color.toCssRgba(),
                                offset: o
                            }, null != o ? (f = o, p.forEach(function(e, t) {
                                var n = e.stop;
                                n.offset = e.left + (f - e.left) * (t + 1) / (p.length + 1)
                            }), p = []) : p.push({
                                left: f,
                                stop: r
                            }), r
                        }), m = [.5 - u, .5 + h], v = [.5 + u, .5 - h], i.append(st.Path.fromRect(r).stroke(null).fill(new st.LinearGradient({
                            start: m,
                            end: v,
                            stops: g,
                            userSpace: !1
                    case "radial":
                        window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log("Radial gradients are not yet supported in HTML renderer")

        function G(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a;
            return t.getAttribute(kendo.attr("role")) && (i = kendo.widgetInstance(e(t)), i && (i.exportDOMVisual || i.exportVisual)) ? (r = i.exportDOMVisual ? i.exportDOMVisual() : i.exportVisual()) ? (o = new st.Group, o.children.push(r), a = t.getBoundingClientRect(), o.transform(lt.transform().translate(a.left, a.top)), n.append(o), !0) : !1 : void 0

        function q(e, t, n) {
            var i = D(e),
                r = new lt.Rect([i.left, i.top], [i.width, i.height]),
                o = new st.Image(t, r);
            z(o, B(e, i, "content")), n.append(o)

        function $(e, n) {
            var i = b(e),
                r = b(n),
                o = t(y(i, "z-index")),
                a = t(y(r, "z-index")),
                s = y(i, "position"),
                l = y(r, "position");
            return isNaN(o) && isNaN(a) ? /static|absolute/.test(s) && /static|absolute/.test(l) ? 0 : "static" == s ? -1 : "static" == l ? 1 : 0 : isNaN(o) ? 0 === a ? 0 : a > 0 ? -1 : 1 : isNaN(a) ? 0 === o ? 0 : o > 0 ? 1 : -1 : t(o) - t(a)

        function Y(e) {
            return /^(?:textarea|select|input)$/i.test(e.tagName)

        function Q(e) {
            return e.selectedOptions && e.selectedOptions.length > 0 ? e.selectedOptions[0] : e.options[e.selectedIndex]

        function K(e, t) {
            var i = b(e),
                r = y(i, "color"),
                o = e.getBoundingClientRect();
            "checkbox" == e.type ? (t.append(st.Path.fromRect(new lt.Rect([o.left + 1, o.top + 1], [o.width - 2, o.height - 2])).stroke(r, 1)), e.checked && t.append((new st.Path).stroke(r, 1.2).moveTo(o.left + .22 * o.width, o.top + .55 * o.height).lineTo(o.left + .45 * o.width, o.top + .75 * o.height).lineTo(o.left + .78 * o.width, o.top + .22 * o.width))) : (t.append(new st.Circle(new lt.Circle([(o.left + o.right) / 2, (o.top + o.bottom) / 2], n.min(o.width - 2, o.height - 2) / 2)).stroke(r, 1)), e.checked && t.append(new st.Circle(new lt.Circle([(o.left + o.right) / 2, (o.top + o.bottom) / 2], n.min(o.width - 8, o.height - 8) / 2)).fill(r).stroke(null)))

        function X(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s = e.tagName.toLowerCase();
            if ("input" == s && ("checkbox" == e.type || "radio" == e.type)) return K(e, t);
            if (n = e.parentNode, i = e.ownerDocument, r = i.createElement(ut), r.style.cssText = V(b(e)), r.style.display = "inline-block", "input" == s && (r.style.whiteSpace = "pre"), ("select" == s || "textarea" == s) && (r.style.overflow = "auto"), "select" == s)
                if (e.multiple)
                    for (a = 0; e.options.length > a; ++a) o = i.createElement(ut), o.style.cssText = V(b(e.options[a])), o.style.display = "block", o.textContent = e.options[a].textContent, r.appendChild(o);
                else o = Q(e), o && (r.textContent = o.textContent);
            else r.textContent = e.value;
            n.insertBefore(r, e), r.scrollLeft = e.scrollLeft, r.scrollTop = e.scrollTop, Z(r, t), n.removeChild(r)

        function Z(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d;
            switch (pt._stackingContext.element === e && (pt._stackingContext.group = t), e.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
                case "img":
                    q(e, e.src, t);
                case "canvas":
                    try {
                        q(e, e.toDataURL("image/png"), t)
                    } catch (u) {}
                case "textarea":
                case "input":
                case "select":
                    X(e, t);
                    for (n = [], i = [], r = [], o = [], a = e.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling) switch (a.nodeType) {
                        case 3:
                            /\S/.test(a.data) && J(e, a, t);
                        case 1:
                            s = b(a), l = y(s, "display"), c = y(s, "float"), d = y(s, "position"), "static" != d ? o.push(a) : "inline" != l ? "none" != c ? i.push(a) : n.push(a) : r.push(a)
                    n.sort($).forEach(function(e) {
                        tt(e, t)
                    }), i.sort($).forEach(function(e) {
                        tt(e, t)
                    }), r.sort($).forEach(function(e) {
                        tt(e, t)
                    }), o.sort($).forEach(function(e) {
                        tt(e, t)

        function J(e, i, r) {
            function o() {
                var e, t, r, o, s, l, h, p = d,
                    f = c.substr(d).search(/\S/);
                if (d += f, 0 > f || d >= u) return !0;
                if (m.setStart(i, d), m.setEnd(i, d + 1), e = m.getBoundingClientRect(), t = !1, w && (f = c.substr(d).search(/\s/), f >= 0 && (m.setEnd(i, d + f), r = m.getBoundingClientRect(), r.bottom == e.bottom && (e = r, t = !0, d += f))), !t) {
                    if (f = function g(t, n, r) {
                        m.setEnd(i, n);
                        var o = x(m);
                        return o.bottom != e.bottom && n > t ? g(t, t + n >> 1, n) : o.right != e.right ? (e = o, r > n ? g(n, n + r >> 1, r) : n) : n
                    }(d, n.min(u, d + C), u), f == d) return !0;
                    if (d = f, f = ("" + m).search(/\s+$/), 0 === f) return;
                    f > 0 && (m.setEnd(i, m.startOffset + f), e = m.getBoundingClientRect())
                if (dt.msie && (e = m.getClientRects()[0]), o = "" + m, /^(?:pre|pre-wrap)$/i.test(k)) {
                    if (/\t/.test(o)) {
                        for (s = 0, f = p; m.startOffset > f; ++f) l = c.charCodeAt(f), 9 == l ? s += 8 - s % 8 : 10 == l || 13 == l ? s = 0 : s++;
                        for (;
                            (f = o.search("	")) >= 0;) h = "        ".substr(0, 8 - (s + f) % 8), o = o.substr(0, f) + h + o.substr(f + 1)
                } else o = o.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
                a(o, e)

            function a(e, t) {
                var n, i, o;
                dt.msie && !isNaN(p) && (n = st.util.measureText(e, {
                    font: f
                }), i = (t.top + t.bottom - n.height) / 2, t = {
                    top: i,
                    right: t.right,
                    bottom: i + n.height,
                    left: t.left,
                    height: n.height,
                    width: t.right - t.left
                }), o = new it(e, new lt.Rect([t.left, t.top], [t.width, t.height]), {
                    font: f,
                    fill: {
                        color: g
                }), r.append(o), s(t)

            function s(e) {
                function t(t, n) {
                    var i, o;
                    t && (i = h / 12, o = new st.Path({
                        stroke: {
                            width: i,
                            color: t
                    }), n -= i, o.moveTo(e.left, n).lineTo(e.right, n), r.append(o))
                t(pt.underline, e.bottom), t(pt["line-through"], e.bottom - e.height / 2.7), t(pt.overline, e.top)
            var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, w, k, C;
            if (!_() && (l = b(e), !(t(y(l, "text-indent")) < -500) && (c = i.data, d = 0, u = c.search(/\S\s*$/) + 1, u && (h = y(l, "font-size"), p = y(l, "line-height"), f = [y(l, "font-style"), y(l, "font-variant"), y(l, "font-weight"), h, y(l, "font-family")].join(" "), h = t(h), p = t(p), 0 !== h))))
                for (g = y(l, "color"), m = e.ownerDocument.createRange(), v = y(l, "text-align"), w = "justify" == v, k = y(l, "white-space"), C = e.getBoundingClientRect().width / h * 5, 0 === C && (C = 500); !o(););

        function et(e, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c;
            for ("auto" != i ? (r = pt._stackingContext.group, i = t(i)) : (r = n, i = 0), o = r.children, a = 0; o.length > a && !(null != o[a]._dom_zIndex && o[a]._dom_zIndex > i); ++a);
            return s = new st.Group, r.insertAt(s, a), s._dom_zIndex = i, r !== n && pt._clipbox && (l = pt._matrix.invert(), c = pt._clipbox.transformCopy(l), z(s, st.Path.fromRect(c))), s

        function tt(e, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, u, h, p = b(e),
                f = y(p, "counter-reset");
            f && d(ot(f, /^\s+/), c, 0), i = y(p, "counter-increment"), i && d(ot(i, /^\s+/), l, 1), /^(style|script|link|meta|iframe|svg|col|colgroup)$/i.test(e.tagName) || null != pt._clipbox && (r = t(y(p, "opacity")), o = y(p, "visibility"), a = y(p, "display"), 0 !== r && "hidden" != o && "none" != a && (s = E(p), h = y(p, "z-index"), (s || 1 > r) && "auto" == h && (h = 0), u = et(e, n, h), 1 > r && u.opacity(r * u.opacity()), g(e, p, u), s ? S(e, function() {
                var t, n, i, r;
                k(e.style, "transform", "none", "important"), k(e.style, "transition", "none", "important"), "static" == y(p, "position") && k(e.style, "position", "relative", "important"), t = e.getBoundingClientRect(), n = t.left + s.origin[0], i = t.top + s.origin[1], r = [1, 0, 0, 1, -n, -i], r = nt(r, s.matrix), r = nt(r, [1, 0, 0, 1, n, i]), r = M(u, r), pt._matrix = pt._matrix.multiplyCopy(r), U(e, u)
            }) : U(e, u), m()))

        function nt(e, t) {
            var n = e[0],
                i = e[1],
                r = e[2],
                o = e[3],
                a = e[4],
                s = e[5],
                l = t[0],
                c = t[1],
                d = t[2],
                u = t[3],
                h = t[4],
                p = t[5];
            return [n * l + i * d, n * c + i * u, r * l + o * d, r * c + o * u, a * l + s * d + h, a * c + s * u + p]
        var it, rt, ot, at, st = kendo.drawing,
            lt = kendo.geometry,
            ct = Array.prototype.slice,
            dt = kendo.support.browser,
            ut = "KENDO-PSEUDO-ELEMENT",
            ht = {},
            pt = {};
        pt._root = pt, it = st.Text.extend({
            nodeType: "Text",
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                st.Text.fn.init.call(this, e, t.getOrigin(), n), this._pdfRect = t
            rect: function() {
                return this._pdfRect
            rawBBox: function() {
                return this._pdfRect
        }), st.drawDOM = i, i.getFontFaces = r, rt = function() {
            function e(e) {
                function f() {
                    var t = s.exec(e);
                    t && (e = e.substr(t[1].length))

                function g(t) {
                    var n = t.exec(e);
                    return n ? (e = e.substr(n[1].length), n[1]) : void 0

                function m() {
                    var t, r, o = kendo.parseColor(e, !0);
                    return o ? (e = e.substr(o.match[0].length), o = o.toRGB(), (t = g(i)) || (r = g(n)), {
                        color: o,
                        length: t,
                        percent: r
                    }) : void 0

                function v(t) {
                    var i, o, s, u, h, p, f = [],
                        v = !1;
                    if (g(l)) {
                        for (i = g(a), i ? (i = P(i), g(d)) : (o = g(r), "to" == o ? o = g(r) : o && /^-/.test(t) && (v = !0), s = g(r), g(d)), /-moz-/.test(t) && null == i && null == o && (u = g(n), h = g(n), v = !0, "0%" == u ? o = "left" : "100%" == u && (o = "right"), "0%" == h ? s = "top" : "100%" == h && (s = "bottom"), g(d)); e && !g(c) && (p = m());) f.push(p), g(d);
                        return {
                            type: "linear",
                            angle: i,
                            to: o && s ? o + " " + s : o ? o : s ? s : null,
                            stops: f,
                            reverse: v

                function _() {
                    if (g(l)) {
                        var e = g(h);
                        return e = e.replace(/^['"]+|["']+$/g, ""), g(c), {
                            type: "url",
                            url: e
                var w, b = e;
                return o(p, b) ? p[b] : ((w = g(t)) ? w = v(w) : (w = g(u)) && (w = _()), p[b] = w || {
                    type: "none"
            var t = /^((-webkit-|-moz-|-o-|-ms-)?linear-gradient\s*)\(/,
                n = /^([-0-9.]+%)/,
                i = /^([-0-9.]+px)/,
                r = /^(left|right|top|bottom|to|center)\W/,
                a = /^([-0-9.]+(deg|grad|rad|turn))/,
                s = /^(\s+)/,
                l = /^(\()/,
                c = /^(\))/,
                d = /^(,)/,
                u = /^(url)\(/,
                h = /^(.*?)\)/,
                p = {},
                f = {};
            return function(t) {
                return o(f, t) ? f[t] : f[t] = ot(t).map(e)
        }(), ot = function() {
            var e = {};
            return function(t, n) {
                function i(e) {
                    return h = e.exec(t.substr(c))

                function r(e) {
                    return e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
                var a, s, l, c, d, u, h;
                if (n || (n = /^\s*,\s*/), a = t + n, o(e, a)) return e[a];
                for (s = [], l = 0, c = 0, d = 0, u = !1; t.length > c;)!u && i(/^[\(\[\{]/) ? (d++, c++) : !u && i(/^[\)\]\}]/) ? (d--, c++) : !u && i(/^[\"\']/) ? (u = h[0], c++) : "'" == u && i(/^\\\'/) ? c += 2 : '"' == u && i(/^\\\"/) ? c += 2 : "'" == u && i(/^\'/) ? (u = !1, c++) : '"' == u && i(/^\"/) ? (u = !1, c++) : i(n) ? (!u && !d && c > l && (s.push(r(t.substring(l, c))), l = c + h[0].length), c += h[0].length) : c++;
                return c > l && s.push(r(t.substring(l, c))), e[a] = s
        }(), at = function() {
            var e = {};
            return function(t) {
                var n, i = e[t];
                return i || ((n = /url\((['"]?)([^'")]*?)\1\)\s+format\((['"]?)truetype\3\)/.exec(t)) ? i = e[t] = n[2] : (n = /url\((['"]?)([^'")]*?\.ttf)\1\)/.exec(t)) && (i = e[t] = n[2])), i
    }(window.kendo.jQuery, parseFloat, Math),
    function(e) {
        var t = e.noop,
            n = window.kendo,
            i = n.Class,
            r = n.util,
            o = n.animationFrame,
            a = n.deepExtend,
            s = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.options = a({}, n.options, t), n.element = e
                options: {
                    duration: 500,
                    easing: "swing"
                setup: t,
                step: t,
                play: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = e.easing[n.easing],
                        a = n.duration,
                        s = n.delay || 0,
                        l = r.now() + s,
                        c = l + a;
                    0 === a ? (t.step(1), t.abort()) : setTimeout(function() {
                        var e = function() {
                            var n, s, d, u;
                            t._stopped || (n = r.now(), s = r.limitValue(n - l, 0, a), d = s / a, u = i(d, s, 0, 1, a), t.step(u), c > n ? o(e) : t.abort())
                    }, s)
                abort: function() {
                    this._stopped = !0
                destroy: function() {
            l = function() {
                this._items = []
        l.prototype = {
            register: function(e, t) {
                    name: e,
                    type: t
            create: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this._items;
                if (t && t.type)
                    for (i = t.type.toLowerCase(), r = 0; o.length > r; r++)
                        if (o[r].name.toLowerCase() === i) {
                            n = o[r];
                return n ? new n.type(e, t) : void 0
        }, l.current = new l, s.create = function(e, t, n) {
            return l.current.create(e, t, n)
        }, a(n.drawing, {
            Animation: s,
            AnimationFactory: l
    }(window.kendo.jQuery, Math),
    function(e) {
        function t(t) {
            var n, i = s.ui.validator.ruleResolvers || {},
                r = {};
            for (n in i) e.extend(!0, r, i[n].resolve(t));
            return r

        function n(e) {
            return e.replace(/&amp/g, "&amp;").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&#39;/g, "'").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">")

        function i(e) {
            return e = (e + "").split("."), e.length > 1 ? e[1].length : 0

        function r(t) {
            return e(e.parseHTML ? e.parseHTML(t) : t)

        function o(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, l = e();
            for (o = 0, a = t.length; a > o; o++) i = t[o], u.test(i.className) && (r = i.getAttribute(s.attr("for")), r === n && (l = l.add(i)));
            return l
        var a, s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui.Widget,
            c = ".kendoValidator",
            d = "k-invalid-msg",
            u = RegExp(d, "i"),
            h = "k-invalid",
            p = "k-valid",
            f = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i,
            g = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i,
            m = ":input:not(:button,[type=submit],[type=reset],[disabled],[readonly])",
            v = ":checkbox:not([disabled],[readonly])",
            _ = "[type=number],[type=range]",
            w = "blur",
            b = "name",
            y = "form",
            k = "novalidate",
            x = e.proxy,
            C = function(e, t) {
                return "string" == typeof t && (t = RegExp("^(?:" + t + ")$")), t.test(e)
            S = function(e, t, n) {
                var i = e.val();
                return e.filter(t).length && "" !== i ? C(i, n) : !0
            T = function(e, t) {
                return e.length ? null != e[0].attributes[t] : !1
        s.ui.validator || (s.ui.validator = {
            rules: {},
            messages: {}
        }), a = l.extend({
            init: function(n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = t(n),
                    a = "[" + s.attr("validate") + "!=false]";
                i = i || {}, i.rules = e.extend({}, s.ui.validator.rules, o.rules, i.rules), i.messages = e.extend({}, s.ui.validator.messages, o.messages, i.messages), l.fn.init.call(r, n, i), r._errorTemplate = s.template(r.options.errorTemplate), r.element.is(y) && r.element.attr(k, k), r._inputSelector = m + a, r._checkboxSelector = v + a, r._errors = {}, r._attachEvents(), r._isValidated = !1
            events: ["validate", "change"],
            options: {
                name: "Validator",
                errorTemplate: '<span class="k-widget k-tooltip k-tooltip-validation"><span class="k-icon k-warning"> </span> #=message#</span>',
                messages: {
                    required: "{0} is required",
                    pattern: "{0} is not valid",
                    min: "{0} should be greater than or equal to {1}",
                    max: "{0} should be smaller than or equal to {1}",
                    step: "{0} is not valid",
                    email: "{0} is not valid email",
                    url: "{0} is not valid URL",
                    date: "{0} is not valid date",
                    dateCompare: "End date should be greater than or equal to the start date"
                rules: {
                    required: function(e) {
                        var t = e.filter("[type=checkbox]").length && !e.is(":checked"),
                            n = e.val();
                        return !(T(e, "required") && ("" === n || !n || t))
                    pattern: function(e) {
                        return e.filter("[type=text],[type=email],[type=url],[type=tel],[type=search],[type=password]").filter("[pattern]").length && "" !== e.val() ? C(e.val(), e.attr("pattern")) : !0
                    min: function(e) {
                        if (e.filter(_ + ",[" + s.attr("type") + "=number]").filter("[min]").length && "" !== e.val()) {
                            var t = parseFloat(e.attr("min")) || 0,
                                n = s.parseFloat(e.val());
                            return n >= t
                        return !0
                    max: function(e) {
                        if (e.filter(_ + ",[" + s.attr("type") + "=number]").filter("[max]").length && "" !== e.val()) {
                            var t = parseFloat(e.attr("max")) || 0,
                                n = s.parseFloat(e.val());
                            return t >= n
                        return !0
                    step: function(e) {
                        if (e.filter(_ + ",[" + s.attr("type") + "=number]").filter("[step]").length && "" !== e.val()) {
                            var t, n = parseFloat(e.attr("min")) || 0,
                                r = parseFloat(e.attr("step")) || 1,
                                o = parseFloat(e.val()),
                                a = i(r);
                            return a ? (t = Math.pow(10, a), Math.floor((o - n) * t) % (r * t) / Math.pow(100, a) === 0) : (o - n) % r === 0
                        return !0
                    email: function(e) {
                        return S(e, "[type=email],[" + s.attr("type") + "=email]", f)
                    url: function(e) {
                        return S(e, "[type=url],[" + s.attr("type") + "=url]", g)
                    date: function(e) {
                        return e.filter("[type^=date],[" + s.attr("type") + "=date]").length && "" !== e.val() ? null !== s.parseDate(e.val(), e.attr(s.attr("format"))) : !0
                validateOnBlur: !0
            destroy: function() {
                l.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.off(c)
            value: function() {
                return this._isValidated ? 0 === this.errors().length : !1
            _submit: function(e) {
                return this.validate() ? !0 : (e.stopPropagation(), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), !1)
            _checkElement: function(e) {
                var t = this.value();
                this.validateInput(e), this.value() !== t && this.trigger("change")
            _attachEvents: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.element.is(y) && t.element.on("submit" + c, x(t._submit, t)), t.options.validateOnBlur && (t.element.is(m) ? (t.element.on(w + c, function() {
                }), t.element.is(v) && t.element.on("click" + c, function() {
                })) : (t.element.on(w + c, t._inputSelector, function() {
                }), t.element.on("click" + c, t._checkboxSelector, function() {
            validate: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = !1,
                    o = this.value();
                if (this._errors = {}, this.element.is(m)) r = this.validateInput(this.element);
                else {
                    for (i = !1, e = this.element.find(this._inputSelector), t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) this.validateInput(e.eq(t)) || (i = !0);
                    r = !i
                return this.trigger("validate", {
                    valid: r
                }), o !== r && this.trigger("change"), r
            validateInput: function(t) {
                var i, o, a, l, c, u, f, g, m, v;
                return t = e(t), this._isValidated = !0, i = this, o = i._errorTemplate, a = i._checkValidity(t), l = a.valid, c = "." + d, u = t.attr(b) || "", f = i._findMessageContainer(u).add(t.next(c).filter(function() {
                    var t = e(this);
                    return t.filter("[" + s.attr("for") + "]").length ? t.attr(s.attr("for")) === u : !0
                })).hide(), t.removeAttr("aria-invalid"), l ? delete i._errors[u] : (g = i._extractMessage(t, a.key), i._errors[u] = g, m = r(o({
                    message: n(g)
                })), v = f.attr("id"), i._decorateMessageContainer(m, u), v && m.attr("id", v), f.replaceWith(m).length || m.insertAfter(t), m.show(), t.attr("aria-invalid", !0)), t.toggleClass(h, !l), t.toggleClass(p, l), l
            hideMessages: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = "." + d,
                    n = e.element;
                n.is(m) ? n.next(t).hide() : n.find(t).hide()
            _findMessageContainer: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, a = s.ui.validator.messageLocators,
                    l = e();
                for (i = 0, r = this.element.length; r > i; i++) l = l.add(o(this.element[i].getElementsByTagName("*"), t));
                for (n in a) l = l.add(a[n].locate(this.element, t));
                return l
            _decorateMessageContainer: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = s.ui.validator.messageLocators;
                e.addClass(d).attr(s.attr("for"), t || "");
                for (n in i) i[n].decorate(e, t);
                e.attr("role", "alert")
            _extractMessage: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options.messages[t],
                    r = e.attr(b);
                return i = s.isFunction(i) ? i(e) : i, s.format(e.attr(s.attr(t + "-msg")) || e.attr("validationMessage") || e.attr("title") || i || "", r, e.attr(t))
            _checkValidity: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.options.rules;
                for (t in n)
                    if (!n[t].call(this, e)) return {
                        valid: !1,
                        key: t
                return {
                    valid: !0
            errors: function() {
                var e, t = [],
                    n = this._errors;
                for (e in n) t.push(n[e]);
                return t
        }), s.ui.plugin(a)
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            var n = e.x.location,
                i = e.y.location,
                r = t.x.location,
                o = t.y.location,
                a = n - r,
                s = i - o;
            return {
                center: {
                    x: (n + r) / 2,
                    y: (i + o) / 2
                distance: Math.sqrt(a * a + s * s)

        function n(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = [],
                a = e.originalEvent,
                s = e.currentTarget,
                l = 0;
            if (e.api) r.push({
                id: 2,
                event: e,
                target: e.target,
                currentTarget: e.target,
                location: e,
                type: "api"
            else if (e.type.match(/touch/))
                for (n = a ? a.changedTouches : [], t = n.length; t > l; l++) i = n[l], r.push({
                    location: i,
                    event: e,
                    target: i.target,
                    currentTarget: s,
                    id: i.identifier,
                    type: "touch"
            else r.push(o.pointers || o.msPointers ? {
                location: a,
                event: e,
                target: e.target,
                currentTarget: s,
                id: a.pointerId,
                type: "pointer"
            } : {
                id: 1,
                event: e,
                target: e.target,
                currentTarget: s,
                location: e,
                type: "mouse"
            return r

        function i(e) {
            for (var t = r.eventMap.up.split(" "), n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) e(t[n])
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = r.support,
            a = window.document,
            s = r.Class,
            l = r.Observable,
            c = e.now,
            d = e.extend,
            u = o.mobileOS,
            h = u && u.android,
            p = 800,
            f = o.browser.msie ? 5 : 0,
            g = "press",
            m = "hold",
            v = "select",
            _ = "start",
            w = "move",
            b = "end",
            y = "cancel",
            k = "tap",
            x = "release",
            C = "gesturestart",
            S = "gesturechange",
            T = "gestureend",
            D = "gesturetap",
            A = {
                api: 0,
                touch: 0,
                mouse: 9,
                pointer: 9
            E = !o.touch || o.mouseAndTouchPresent,
            I = s.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.axis = e, n._updateLocationData(t), n.startLocation = n.location, n.velocity = n.delta = 0, n.timeStamp = c()
                move: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e["page" + t.axis],
                        i = c(),
                        r = i - t.timeStamp || 1;
                    (n || !h) && (t.delta = n - t.location, t._updateLocationData(e), t.initialDelta = n - t.startLocation, t.velocity = t.delta / r, t.timeStamp = i)
                _updateLocationData: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.axis;
                    t.location = e["page" + n], t.client = e["client" + n], t.screen = e["screen" + n]
            P = s.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    d(this, {
                        x: new I("X", n.location),
                        y: new I("Y", n.location),
                        type: n.type,
                        threshold: e.threshold || A[n.type],
                        userEvents: e,
                        target: t,
                        currentTarget: n.currentTarget,
                        initialTouch: n.target,
                        id: n.id,
                        pressEvent: n,
                        _moved: !1,
                        _finished: !1
                press: function() {
                    this._holdTimeout = setTimeout(e.proxy(this, "_hold"), this.userEvents.minHold), this._trigger(g, this.pressEvent)
                _hold: function() {
                    this._trigger(m, this.pressEvent)
                move: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    if (!t._finished) {
                        if (t.x.move(e.location), t.y.move(e.location), !t._moved) {
                            if (t._withinIgnoreThreshold()) return;
                            if (M.current && M.current !== t.userEvents) return t.dispose();
                        t._finished || t._trigger(w, e)
                end: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.endTime = c(), t._finished || (t._finished = !0, t._trigger(x, e), t._moved ? t._trigger(b, e) : t._trigger(k, e), clearTimeout(t._holdTimeout), t.dispose())
                dispose: function() {
                    var t = this.userEvents,
                        n = t.touches;
                    this._finished = !0, this.pressEvent = null, clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout), n.splice(e.inArray(this, n), 1)
                skip: function() {
                cancel: function() {
                isMoved: function() {
                    return this._moved
                _start: function(e) {
                    clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout), this.startTime = c(), this._moved = !0, this._trigger(_, e)
                _trigger: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = t.event,
                        r = {
                            touch: n,
                            x: n.x,
                            y: n.y,
                            target: n.target,
                            event: i
                    n.userEvents.notify(e, r) && i.preventDefault()
                _withinIgnoreThreshold: function() {
                    var e = this.x.initialDelta,
                        t = this.y.initialDelta;
                    return Math.sqrt(e * e + t * t) <= this.threshold
            M = l.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var s, c, u, h = this,
                        A = r.guid();
                    n = n || {}, s = h.filter = n.filter, h.threshold = n.threshold || f, h.minHold = n.minHold || p, h.touches = [], h._maxTouches = n.multiTouch ? 2 : 1, h.allowSelection = n.allowSelection, h.captureUpIfMoved = n.captureUpIfMoved, h.eventNS = A, t = e(t).handler(h), l.fn.init.call(h), d(h, {
                        element: t,
                        surface: e(n.global && E ? a.documentElement : n.surface || t),
                        stopPropagation: n.stopPropagation,
                        pressed: !1
                    }), h.surface.handler(h).on(r.applyEventMap("move", A), "_move").on(r.applyEventMap("up cancel", A), "_end"), t.on(r.applyEventMap("down", A), s, "_start"), (o.pointers || o.msPointers) && t.css("-ms-touch-action", "pinch-zoom double-tap-zoom"), n.preventDragEvent && t.on(r.applyEventMap("dragstart", A), r.preventDefault), t.on(r.applyEventMap("mousedown", A), s, {
                        root: t
                    }, "_select"), h.captureUpIfMoved && o.eventCapture && (c = h.surface[0], u = e.proxy(h.preventIfMoving, h), i(function(e) {
                        c.addEventListener(e, u, !0)
                    })), h.bind([g, m, k, _, w, b, x, y, C, S, T, D, v], n)
                preventIfMoving: function(e) {
                    this._isMoved() && e.preventDefault()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e, t = this;
                    t._destroyed || (t._destroyed = !0, t.captureUpIfMoved && o.eventCapture && (e = t.surface[0], i(function(n) {
                        e.removeEventListener(n, t.preventIfMoving)
                    })), t.element.kendoDestroy(t.eventNS), t.surface.kendoDestroy(t.eventNS), t.element.removeData("handler"), t.surface.removeData("handler"), t._disposeAll(), t.unbind(), delete t.surface, delete t.element, delete t.currentTarget)
                capture: function() {
                    M.current = this
                cancel: function() {
                    this._disposeAll(), this.trigger(y)
                notify: function(e, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.touches;
                    if (this._isMultiTouch()) {
                        switch (e) {
                            case w:
                                e = S;
                            case b:
                                e = T;
                            case k:
                                e = D
                        d(n, {
                            touches: r
                        }, t(r[0], r[1]))
                    return this.trigger(e, d(n, {
                        type: e
                press: function(e, t, n) {
                    this._apiCall("_start", e, t, n)
                move: function(e, t) {
                    this._apiCall("_move", e, t)
                end: function(e, t) {
                    this._apiCall("_end", e, t)
                _isMultiTouch: function() {
                    return this.touches.length > 1
                _maxTouchesReached: function() {
                    return this.touches.length >= this._maxTouches
                _disposeAll: function() {
                    for (var e = this.touches; e.length > 0;) e.pop().dispose()
                _isMoved: function() {
                    return e.grep(this.touches, function(e) {
                        return e.isMoved()
                _select: function(e) {
                    (!this.allowSelection || this.trigger(v, {
                        event: e
                    })) && e.preventDefault()
                _start: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = 0,
                        s = o.filter,
                        l = n(t),
                        c = l.length,
                        d = t.which;
                    if (!(d && d > 1 || o._maxTouchesReached()))
                        for (M.current = null, o.currentTarget = t.currentTarget, o.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation(); c > a && !o._maxTouchesReached(); a++) r = l[a], i = s ? e(r.currentTarget) : o.element, i.length && (r = new P(o, i, r), o.touches.push(r), r.press(), o._isMultiTouch() && o.notify("gesturestart", {}))
                _move: function(e) {
                    this._eachTouch("move", e)
                _end: function(e) {
                    this._eachTouch("end", e)
                _eachTouch: function(e, t) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = {},
                        c = n(t),
                        d = s.touches;
                    for (i = 0; d.length > i; i++) r = d[i], l[r.id] = r;
                    for (i = 0; c.length > i; i++) o = c[i], a = l[o.id], a && a[e](o)
                _apiCall: function(t, n, i, r) {
                        api: !0,
                        pageX: n,
                        pageY: i,
                        clientX: n,
                        clientY: i,
                        target: e(r || this.element)[0],
                        stopPropagation: e.noop,
                        preventDefault: e.noop
        M.defaultThreshold = function(e) {
            f = e
        }, M.minHold = function(e) {
            p = e
        }, r.getTouches = n, r.touchDelta = t, r.UserEvents = M
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, n) {
            try {
                return e.contains(t, n) || t == n
            } catch (i) {
                return !1

        function i(e, t) {
            return parseInt(e.css(t), 10) || 0

        function r(e, t) {
            return Math.min(Math.max(e, t.min), t.max)

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = A(e),
                r = n.left + i(e, "borderLeftWidth") + i(e, "paddingLeft"),
                o = n.top + i(e, "borderTopWidth") + i(e, "paddingTop"),
                a = r + e.width() - t.outerWidth(!0),
                s = o + e.height() - t.outerHeight(!0);
            return {
                x: {
                    min: r,
                    max: a
                y: {
                    min: o,
                    max: s

        function a(n, i, r) {
            for (var o, a, s = 0, l = i && i.length, c = r && r.length; n && n.parentNode;) {
                for (s = 0; l > s; s++)
                    if (o = i[s], o.element[0] === n) return {
                        target: o,
                        targetElement: n
                for (s = 0; c > s; s++)
                    if (a = r[s], e.contains(a.element[0], n) && w.matchesSelector.call(n, a.options.filter)) return {
                        target: a,
                        targetElement: n
                n = n.parentNode
            return t

        function s(e, t) {
            var n, i = t.options.group,
                r = e[i];
            if (x.fn.destroy.call(t), r.length > 1) {
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++)
                    if (r[n] == t) {
                        r.splice(n, 1);
            } else r.length = 0, delete e[i]

        function l(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = b.body;
            return e[0] === r ? (n = r.scrollTop, i = r.scrollLeft, {
                top: n,
                left: i,
                bottom: n + y.height(),
                right: i + y.width()
            }) : (t = e.offset(), t.bottom = t.top + e.height(), t.right = t.left + e.width(), t)

        function c(e) {
            return e === b.body || e === b.documentElement || e === b

        function d(t) {
            if (!t || c(t)) return e(b.body);
            for (var n = e(t)[0]; !_.isScrollable(n) && !c(n);) n = n.parentNode;
            return e(n)

        function u(e, t, n) {
            var i = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                r = 50;
            return r > e - n.left ? i.x = -(r - (e - n.left)) : r > n.right - e && (i.x = r - (n.right - e)), r > t - n.top ? i.y = -(r - (t - n.top)) : r > n.bottom - t && (i.y = r - (n.bottom - t)), i
        var h, p, f, g, m, v, _ = window.kendo,
            w = _.support,
            b = window.document,
            y = e(window),
            k = _.Class,
            x = _.ui.Widget,
            C = _.Observable,
            S = _.UserEvents,
            T = e.proxy,
            D = e.extend,
            A = _.getOffset,
            E = {},
            I = {},
            P = {},
            M = _.elementUnderCursor,
            z = "keyup",
            F = "change",
            R = "dragstart",
            H = "hold",
            B = "drag",
            L = "dragend",
            N = "dragcancel",
            O = "hintDestroyed",
            V = "dragenter",
            U = "dragleave",
            W = "drop",
            j = C.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = t[0];
                    i.capture = !1, r.addEventListener ? (e.each(_.eventMap.down.split(" "), function() {
                        r.addEventListener(this, T(i._press, i), !0)
                    }), e.each(_.eventMap.up.split(" "), function() {
                        r.addEventListener(this, T(i._release, i), !0)
                    })) : (e.each(_.eventMap.down.split(" "), function() {
                        r.attachEvent(this, T(i._press, i))
                    }), e.each(_.eventMap.up.split(" "), function() {
                        r.attachEvent(this, T(i._release, i))
                    })), C.fn.init.call(i), i.bind(["press", "release"], n || {})
                captureNext: function() {
                    this.capture = !0
                cancelCapture: function() {
                    this.capture = !1
                _press: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.trigger("press"), t.capture && e.preventDefault()
                _release: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.trigger("release"), t.capture && (e.preventDefault(), t.cancelCapture())
            G = C.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    C.fn.init.call(n), n.forcedEnabled = !1, e.extend(n, t), n.scale = 1, n.horizontal ? (n.measure = "offsetWidth", n.scrollSize = "scrollWidth", n.axis = "x") : (n.measure = "offsetHeight", n.scrollSize = "scrollHeight", n.axis = "y")
                makeVirtual: function() {
                    e.extend(this, {
                        virtual: !0,
                        forcedEnabled: !0,
                        _virtualMin: 0,
                        _virtualMax: 0
                virtualSize: function(e, t) {
                    (this._virtualMin !== e || this._virtualMax !== t) && (this._virtualMin = e, this._virtualMax = t, this.update())
                outOfBounds: function(e) {
                    return e > this.max || this.min > e
                forceEnabled: function() {
                    this.forcedEnabled = !0
                getSize: function() {
                    return this.container[0][this.measure]
                getTotal: function() {
                    return this.element[0][this.scrollSize]
                rescale: function(e) {
                    this.scale = e
                update: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.virtual ? t._virtualMax : t.getTotal(),
                        i = n * t.scale,
                        r = t.getSize();
                    (0 !== n || t.forcedEnabled) && (t.max = t.virtual ? -t._virtualMin : 0, t.size = r, t.total = i, t.min = Math.min(t.max, r - i), t.minScale = r / n, t.centerOffset = (i - r) / 2, t.enabled = t.forcedEnabled || i > r, e || t.trigger(F, t))
            q = C.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    C.fn.init.call(t), t.x = new G(D({
                        horizontal: !0
                    }, e)), t.y = new G(D({
                        horizontal: !1
                    }, e)), t.container = e.container, t.forcedMinScale = e.minScale, t.maxScale = e.maxScale || 100, t.bind(F, e)
                rescale: function(e) {
                    this.x.rescale(e), this.y.rescale(e), this.refresh()
                centerCoordinates: function() {
                    return {
                        x: Math.min(0, -this.x.centerOffset),
                        y: Math.min(0, -this.y.centerOffset)
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.x.update(), e.y.update(), e.enabled = e.x.enabled || e.y.enabled, e.minScale = e.forcedMinScale || Math.min(e.x.minScale, e.y.minScale), e.fitScale = Math.max(e.x.minScale, e.y.minScale), e.trigger(F)
            $ = C.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    D(t, e), C.fn.init.call(t)
                outOfBounds: function() {
                    return this.dimension.outOfBounds(this.movable[this.axis])
                dragMove: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dimension,
                        i = t.axis,
                        r = t.movable,
                        o = r[i] + e;
                    n.enabled && ((n.min > o && 0 > e || o > n.max && e > 0) && (e *= t.resistance), r.translateAxis(i, e), t.trigger(F, t))
            Y = k.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this;
                    D(o, {
                        elastic: !0
                    }, e), i = o.elastic ? .5 : 0, r = o.movable, o.x = t = new $({
                        axis: "x",
                        dimension: o.dimensions.x,
                        resistance: i,
                        movable: r
                    }), o.y = n = new $({
                        axis: "y",
                        dimension: o.dimensions.y,
                        resistance: i,
                        movable: r
                    }), o.userEvents.bind(["move", "end", "gesturestart", "gesturechange"], {
                        gesturestart: function(e) {
                            o.gesture = e, o.offset = o.dimensions.container.offset()
                        gesturechange: function(e) {
                            var i, a, s, l = o.gesture,
                                c = l.center,
                                d = e.center,
                                u = e.distance / l.distance,
                                h = o.dimensions.minScale,
                                p = o.dimensions.maxScale;
                            h >= r.scale && 1 > u && (u += .8 * (1 - u)), r.scale * u >= p && (u = p / r.scale), a = r.x + o.offset.left, s = r.y + o.offset.top, i = {
                                x: (a - c.x) * u + d.x - a,
                                y: (s - c.y) * u + d.y - s
                            }, r.scaleWith(u), t.dragMove(i.x), n.dragMove(i.y), o.dimensions.rescale(r.scale), o.gesture = e, e.preventDefault()
                        move: function(e) {
                            e.event.target.tagName.match(/textarea|input/i) || (t.dimension.enabled || n.dimension.enabled ? (t.dragMove(e.x.delta), n.dragMove(e.y.delta), e.preventDefault()) : e.touch.skip())
                        end: function(e) {
            Q = w.transitions.prefix + "Transform";
        p = w.hasHW3D ? function(e, t, n) {
            return "translate3d(" + e + "px," + t + "px,0) scale(" + n + ")"
        } : function(e, t, n) {
            return "translate(" + e + "px," + t + "px) scale(" + n + ")"
        }, f = C.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                C.fn.init.call(n), n.element = e(t), n.element[0].style.webkitTransformOrigin = "left top", n.x = 0, n.y = 0, n.scale = 1, n._saveCoordinates(p(n.x, n.y, n.scale))
            translateAxis: function(e, t) {
                this[e] += t, this.refresh()
            scaleTo: function(e) {
                this.scale = e, this.refresh()
            scaleWith: function(e) {
                this.scale *= e, this.refresh()
            translate: function(e) {
                this.x += e.x, this.y += e.y, this.refresh()
            moveAxis: function(e, t) {
                this[e] = t, this.refresh()
            moveTo: function(e) {
                D(this, e), this.refresh()
            refresh: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.x,
                    i = t.y;
                t.round && (n = Math.round(n), i = Math.round(i)), e = p(n, i, t.scale), e != t.coordinates && (_.support.browser.msie && 10 > _.support.browser.version ? (t.element[0].style.position = "absolute", t.element[0].style.left = t.x + "px", t.element[0].style.top = t.y + "px") : t.element[0].style[Q] = e, t._saveCoordinates(e), t.trigger(F))
            _saveCoordinates: function(e) {
                this.coordinates = e
        }), g = x.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this;
                x.fn.init.call(i, e, t), n = i.options.group, n in I ? I[n].push(i) : I[n] = [i]
            events: [V, U, W],
            options: {
                name: "DropTarget",
                group: "default"
            destroy: function() {
                s(I, this)
            _trigger: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = E[i.options.group];
                return r ? i.trigger(e, D({}, n.event, {
                    draggable: r,
                    dropTarget: n.dropTarget
                })) : t
            _over: function(e) {
                this._trigger(V, e)
            _out: function(e) {
                this._trigger(U, e)
            _drop: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = E[t.options.group];
                n && (n.dropped = !t._trigger(W, e))
        }), g.destroyGroup = function(e) {
            var t, n = I[e] || P[e];
            if (n) {
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) x.fn.destroy.call(n[t]);
                n.length = 0, delete I[e], delete P[e]
        }, g._cache = I, m = g.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this;
                x.fn.init.call(i, e, t), n = i.options.group, n in P ? P[n].push(i) : P[n] = [i]
            destroy: function() {
                s(P, this)
            options: {
                name: "DropTargetArea",
                group: "default",
                filter: null
        }), v = x.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                x.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._activated = !1, n.userEvents = new S(n.element, {
                    global: !0,
                    allowSelection: !0,
                    filter: n.options.filter,
                    threshold: n.options.distance,
                    start: T(n._start, n),
                    hold: T(n._hold, n),
                    move: T(n._drag, n),
                    end: T(n._end, n),
                    cancel: T(n._cancel, n),
                    select: T(n._select, n)
                }), n._afterEndHandler = T(n._afterEnd, n), n._captureEscape = T(n._captureEscape, n)
            events: [H, R, B, L, N, O],
            options: {
                name: "Draggable",
                distance: _.support.touch ? 0 : 5,
                group: "default",
                cursorOffset: null,
                axis: null,
                container: null,
                filter: null,
                ignore: null,
                holdToDrag: !1,
                autoScroll: !1,
                dropped: !1
            cancelHold: function() {
                this._activated = !1
            _captureEscape: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                e.keyCode === _.keys.ESC && (t._trigger(N, {
                    event: e
                }), t.userEvents.cancel())
            _updateHint: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    o = i.options,
                    a = i.boundaries,
                    s = o.axis,
                    l = i.options.cursorOffset;
                l ? n = {
                    left: t.x.location + l.left,
                    top: t.y.location + l.top
                } : (i.hintOffset.left += t.x.delta, i.hintOffset.top += t.y.delta, n = e.extend({}, i.hintOffset)), a && (n.top = r(n.top, a.y), n.left = r(n.left, a.x)), "x" === s ? delete n.top : "y" === s && delete n.left, i.hint.css(n)
            _shouldIgnoreTarget: function(t) {
                var n = this.options.ignore;
                return n && e(t).is(n)
            _select: function(e) {
                this._shouldIgnoreTarget(e.event.target) || e.preventDefault()
            _start: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    a = r.options,
                    s = a.container,
                    l = a.hint;
                return this._shouldIgnoreTarget(n.touch.initialTouch) || a.holdToDrag && !r._activated ? (r.userEvents.cancel(), t) : (r.currentTarget = n.target, r.currentTargetOffset = A(r.currentTarget), l && (r.hint && r.hint.stop(!0, !0).remove(), r.hint = _.isFunction(l) ? e(l.call(r, r.currentTarget)) : l, i = A(r.currentTarget), r.hintOffset = i, r.hint.css({
                    position: "absolute",
                    zIndex: 2e4,
                    left: i.left,
                    top: i.top
                }).appendTo(b.body), r.angular("compile", function() {
                    for (var t = e(n.target); !t.data("$$kendoScope") && t.length;) t = t.parent();
                    return {
                        elements: r.hint.get(),
                        scopeFrom: t.data("$$kendoScope")
                })), E[a.group] = r, r.dropped = !1, s && (r.boundaries = o(s, r.hint)), e(b).on(z, r._captureEscape), r._trigger(R, n) && (r.userEvents.cancel(), r._afterEnd()), r.userEvents.capture(), t)
            _hold: function(e) {
                this.currentTarget = e.target, this._trigger(H, e) ? this.userEvents.cancel() : this._activated = !0
            _drag: function(n) {
                var i, r, o = this;
                n.preventDefault(), i = this._elementUnderCursor(n), o._withDropTarget(i, function(i, r) {
                    if (!i) return h && (h._trigger(U, D(n, {
                        dropTarget: e(h.targetElement)
                    })), h = null), t;
                    if (h) {
                        if (r === h.targetElement) return;
                        h._trigger(U, D(n, {
                            dropTarget: e(h.targetElement)
                    i._trigger(V, D(n, {
                        dropTarget: e(r)
                    })), h = D(i, {
                        targetElement: r
                }), o._trigger(B, D(n, {
                    dropTarget: h,
                    elementUnderCursor: i
                })), this.options.autoScroll && (this._cursorElement !== i && (this._scrollableParent = d(i), this._cursorElement = i), this._scrollableParent[0] && (r = u(n.x.location, n.y.location, l(this._scrollableParent)), this._scrollCompenstation = e.extend({}, this.hintOffset), this._scrollVelocity = r, 0 === r.y && 0 === r.x ? (clearInterval(this._scrollInterval), this._scrollInterval = null) : this._scrollInterval || (this._scrollInterval = setInterval(e.proxy(this, "_autoScroll"), 50)))), o.hint && o._updateHint(n)
            _autoScroll: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this._scrollableParent[0],
                    l = this._scrollVelocity,
                    c = this._scrollCompenstation;
                s && (n = s === b.body, n ? (e = b.body.offsetHeight > y.height(), t = b.body.offsetWidth > y.width()) : (e = s.scrollHeight >= s.offsetHeight, t = s.scrollWidth >= s.offsetWidth), i = s.scrollTop + l.y, r = e && i > 0 && s.scrollHeight > i, o = s.scrollLeft + l.x, a = t && o > 0 && s.scrollWidth > o, r && (s.scrollTop += l.y), a && (s.scrollLeft += l.x), n && (a || r) && (r && (c.top += l.y), a && (c.left += l.x), this.hint.css(c)))
            _end: function(t) {
                this._withDropTarget(this._elementUnderCursor(t), function(n, i) {
                    n && (n._drop(D({}, t, {
                        dropTarget: e(i)
                    })), h = null)
                }), this._trigger(L, t), this._cancel(t.event)
            _cancel: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._scrollableParent = null, clearInterval(this._scrollInterval), e._activated = !1, e.hint && !e.dropped ? setTimeout(function() {
                    e.hint.stop(!0, !0).animate(e.currentTargetOffset, "fast", e._afterEndHandler)
                }, 0) : e._afterEnd()
            _trigger: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return n.trigger(e, D({}, t.event, {
                    x: t.x,
                    y: t.y,
                    currentTarget: n.currentTarget,
                    initialTarget: t.touch ? t.touch.initialTouch : null,
                    dropTarget: t.dropTarget,
                    elementUnderCursor: t.elementUnderCursor
            _elementUnderCursor: function(e) {
                var t = M(e),
                    i = this.hint;
                return i && n(i[0], t) && (i.hide(), t = M(e), t || (t = M(e)), i.show()), t
            _withDropTarget: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.options.group,
                    r = I[i],
                    o = P[i];
                (r && r.length || o && o.length) && (n = a(e, r, o), n ? t(n.target, n.targetElement) : t())
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                x.fn.destroy.call(e), e._afterEnd(), e.userEvents.destroy(), this._scrollableParent = null, this._cursorElement = null, clearInterval(this._scrollInterval), e.currentTarget = null
            _afterEnd: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.hint && t.hint.remove(), delete E[t.options.group], t.trigger("destroy"), t.trigger(O), e(b).off(z, t._captureEscape)
        }), _.ui.plugin(g), _.ui.plugin(m), _.ui.plugin(v), _.TapCapture = j, _.containerBoundaries = o, D(_.ui, {
            Pane: Y,
            PaneDimensions: q,
            Movable: f
        }), _.ui.Draggable.utils = {
            autoScrollVelocity: u,
            scrollableViewPort: l,
            findScrollableParent: d
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.mobile,
            r = n.effects,
            o = i.ui,
            a = e.proxy,
            s = e.extend,
            l = o.Widget,
            c = n.Class,
            d = n.ui.Movable,
            u = n.ui.Pane,
            h = n.ui.PaneDimensions,
            p = r.Transition,
            f = r.Animation,
            g = Math.abs,
            m = 500,
            v = .7,
            _ = .96,
            w = 10,
            b = 55,
            y = .5,
            k = 5,
            x = "km-scroller-release",
            C = "km-scroller-refresh",
            S = "pull",
            T = "change",
            D = "resize",
            A = "scroll",
            E = 2,
            I = f.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    f.fn.init.call(t), s(t, e), t.userEvents.bind("gestureend", a(t.start, t)), t.tapCapture.bind("press", a(t.cancel, t))
                enabled: function() {
                    return this.dimensions.minScale > this.movable.scale
                done: function() {
                    return .01 > this.dimensions.minScale - this.movable.scale
                tick: function() {
                    var e = this.movable;
                    e.scaleWith(1.1), this.dimensions.rescale(e.scale)
                onEnd: function() {
                    var e = this.movable;
                    e.scaleTo(this.dimensions.minScale), this.dimensions.rescale(e.scale)
            P = f.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    f.fn.init.call(t), s(t, e, {
                        transition: new p({
                            axis: e.axis,
                            movable: e.movable,
                            onEnd: function() {
                    }), t.tapCapture.bind("press", function() {
                    }), t.userEvents.bind("end", a(t.start, t)), t.userEvents.bind("gestureend", a(t.start, t)), t.userEvents.bind("tap", a(t.onEnd, t))
                onCancel: function() {
                freeze: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.cancel(), t._moveTo(e)
                onEnd: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.paneAxis.outOfBounds() ? e._snapBack() : e._end()
                done: function() {
                    return g(this.velocity) < 1
                start: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this;
                    n.dimension.enabled && (n.paneAxis.outOfBounds() ? n._snapBack() : (t = e.touch.id === E ? 0 : e.touch[n.axis].velocity, n.velocity = Math.max(Math.min(t * n.velocityMultiplier, b), -b), n.tapCapture.captureNext(), f.fn.start.call(n)))
                tick: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dimension,
                        n = e.paneAxis.outOfBounds() ? y : e.friction,
                        i = e.velocity *= n,
                        r = e.movable[e.axis] + i;
                    !e.elastic && t.outOfBounds(r) && (r = Math.max(Math.min(r, t.max), t.min), e.velocity = 0), e.movable.moveAxis(e.axis, r)
                _end: function() {
                    this.tapCapture.cancelCapture(), this.end()
                _snapBack: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dimension,
                        n = e.movable[e.axis] > t.max ? t.max : t.min;
                _moveTo: function(e) {
                        location: e,
                        duration: m,
                        ease: p.easeOutExpo
            M = f.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    n.effects.Animation.fn.init.call(this), s(t, e, {
                        origin: {},
                        destination: {},
                        offset: {}
                tick: function() {
                    this._updateCoordinates(), this.moveTo(this.origin)
                done: function() {
                    return g(this.offset.y) < k && g(this.offset.x) < k
                onEnd: function() {
                    this.moveTo(this.destination), this.callback && this.callback.call()
                setCoordinates: function(e, t) {
                    this.offset = {}, this.origin = e, this.destination = t
                setCallback: function(e) {
                    e && n.isFunction(e) ? this.callback = e : e = t
                _updateCoordinates: function() {
                    this.offset = {
                        x: (this.destination.x - this.origin.x) / 4,
                        y: (this.destination.y - this.origin.y) / 4
                    }, this.origin = {
                        y: this.origin.y + this.offset.y,
                        x: this.origin.x + this.offset.x
            z = c.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = "x" === t.axis,
                        r = e('<div class="km-touch-scrollbar km-' + (i ? "horizontal" : "vertical") + '-scrollbar" />');
                    s(n, t, {
                        element: r,
                        elementSize: 0,
                        movable: new d(r),
                        scrollMovable: t.movable,
                        alwaysVisible: t.alwaysVisible,
                        size: i ? "width" : "height"
                    }), n.scrollMovable.bind(T, a(n.refresh, n)), n.container.append(r), t.alwaysVisible && n.show()
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.axis,
                        n = e.dimension,
                        i = n.size,
                        r = e.scrollMovable,
                        o = i / n.total,
                        a = Math.round(-r[t] * o),
                        s = Math.round(i * o);
                    o >= 1 ? this.element.css("display", "none") : this.element.css("display", ""), a + s > i ? s = i - a : 0 > a && (s += a, a = 0), e.elementSize != s && (e.element.css(e.size, s + "px"), e.elementSize = s), e.movable.moveAxis(t, a)
                show: function() {
                        opacity: v,
                        visibility: "visible"
                hide: function() {
                    this.alwaysVisible || this.element.css({
                        opacity: 0
            F = l.extend({
                init: function(i, r) {
                    var o, c, p, f, m, v, _, w, b, y = this;
                    return l.fn.init.call(y, i, r), i = y.element, (y._native = y.options.useNative && n.support.hasNativeScrolling) ? (i.addClass("km-native-scroller").prepend('<div class="km-scroll-header"/>'), s(y, {
                        scrollElement: i,
                        fixedContainer: i.children().first()
                    }), t) : (i.css("overflow", "hidden").addClass("km-scroll-wrapper").wrapInner('<div class="km-scroll-container"/>').prepend('<div class="km-scroll-header"/>'), o = i.children().eq(1), c = new n.TapCapture(i), p = new d(o), f = new h({
                        element: o,
                        container: i,
                        forcedEnabled: y.options.zoom
                    }), m = this.options.avoidScrolling, v = new n.UserEvents(i, {
                        allowSelection: !0,
                        preventDragEvent: !0,
                        captureUpIfMoved: !0,
                        multiTouch: y.options.zoom,
                        start: function(t) {
                            var n = g(t.x.velocity),
                                i = g(t.y.velocity),
                                r = 2 * n >= i,
                                o = e.contains(y.fixedContainer[0], t.event.target),
                                a = 2 * i >= n;
                            !o && !m(t) && y.enabled && (f.x.enabled && r || f.y.enabled && a) ? v.capture() : v.cancel()
                    }), _ = new u({
                        movable: p,
                        dimensions: f,
                        userEvents: v,
                        elastic: y.options.elastic
                    }), w = new I({
                        movable: p,
                        dimensions: f,
                        userEvents: v,
                        tapCapture: c
                    }), b = new M({
                        moveTo: function(e) {
                            y.scrollTo(e.x, e.y)
                    }), p.bind(T, function() {
                        y.scrollTop = -p.y, y.scrollLeft = -p.x, y.trigger(A, {
                            scrollTop: y.scrollTop,
                            scrollLeft: y.scrollLeft
                    }), y.options.mousewheelScrolling && i.on("DOMMouseScroll mousewheel", a(this, "_wheelScroll")), s(y, {
                        movable: p,
                        dimensions: f,
                        zoomSnapBack: w,
                        animatedScroller: b,
                        userEvents: v,
                        pane: _,
                        tapCapture: c,
                        pulled: !1,
                        enabled: !0,
                        scrollElement: o,
                        scrollTop: 0,
                        scrollLeft: 0,
                        fixedContainer: i.children().first()
                    }), y._initAxis("x"), y._initAxis("y"), y._wheelEnd = function() {
                        y._wheel = !1, y.userEvents.end(0, y._wheelY)
                    }, f.refresh(), y.options.pullToRefresh && y._initPullToRefresh(), t)
                _wheelScroll: function(e) {
                    this._wheel || (this._wheel = !0, this._wheelY = 0, this.userEvents.press(0, this._wheelY)), clearTimeout(this._wheelTimeout), this._wheelTimeout = setTimeout(this._wheelEnd, 50);
                    var t = n.wheelDeltaY(e);
                    t && (this._wheelY += t, this.userEvents.move(0, this._wheelY)), e.preventDefault()
                makeVirtual: function() {
                virtualSize: function(e, t) {
                    this.dimensions.y.virtualSize(e, t)
                height: function() {
                    return this.dimensions.y.size
                scrollHeight: function() {
                    return this.scrollElement[0].scrollHeight
                scrollWidth: function() {
                    return this.scrollElement[0].scrollWidth
                options: {
                    name: "Scroller",
                    zoom: !1,
                    pullOffset: 140,
                    visibleScrollHints: !1,
                    elastic: !0,
                    useNative: !1,
                    mousewheelScrolling: !0,
                    avoidScrolling: function() {
                        return !1
                    pullToRefresh: !1,
                    messages: {
                        pullTemplate: "Pull to refresh",
                        releaseTemplate: "Release to refresh",
                        refreshTemplate: "Refreshing"
                events: [S, A, D],
                _resize: function() {
                    this._native || this.contentResized()
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    l.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), e.pullToRefresh && t._initPullToRefresh()
                reset: function() {
                    this._native ? this.scrollElement.scrollTop(0) : (this.movable.moveTo({
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                    }), this._scale(1))
                contentResized: function() {
                    this.dimensions.refresh(), this.pane.x.outOfBounds() && this.movable.moveAxis("x", this.dimensions.x.min), this.pane.y.outOfBounds() && this.movable.moveAxis("y", this.dimensions.y.min)
                zoomOut: function() {
                    var e = this.dimensions;
                    e.refresh(), this._scale(e.fitScale), this.movable.moveTo(e.centerCoordinates())
                enable: function() {
                    this.enabled = !0
                disable: function() {
                    this.enabled = !1
                scrollTo: function(e, t) {
                    this._native ? (this.scrollElement.scrollLeft(g(e)), this.scrollElement.scrollTop(g(t))) : (this.dimensions.refresh(), this.movable.moveTo({
                        x: e,
                        y: t
                animatedScrollTo: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r;
                    this._native ? this.scrollTo(e, t) : (i = {
                        x: this.movable.x,
                        y: this.movable.y
                    }, r = {
                        x: e,
                        y: t
                    }, this.animatedScroller.setCoordinates(i, r), this.animatedScroller.setCallback(n), this.animatedScroller.start())
                pullHandled: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.refreshHint.removeClass(C), e.hintContainer.html(e.pullTemplate({})), e.yinertia.onEnd(), e.xinertia.onEnd(), e.userEvents.cancel()
                destroy: function() {
                    l.fn.destroy.call(this), this.userEvents && this.userEvents.destroy()
                _scale: function(e) {
                    this.dimensions.rescale(e), this.movable.scaleTo(e)
                _initPullToRefresh: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dimensions.y.forceEnabled(), e.pullTemplate = n.template(e.options.messages.pullTemplate), e.releaseTemplate = n.template(e.options.messages.releaseTemplate), e.refreshTemplate = n.template(e.options.messages.refreshTemplate), e.scrollElement.prepend('<span class="km-scroller-pull"><span class="km-icon"></span><span class="km-loading-left"></span><span class="km-loading-right"></span><span class="km-template">' + e.pullTemplate({}) + "</span></span>"), e.refreshHint = e.scrollElement.children().first(), e.hintContainer = e.refreshHint.children(".km-template"), e.pane.y.bind("change", a(e._paneChange, e)), e.userEvents.bind("end", a(e._dragEnd, e))
                _dragEnd: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.pulled && (e.pulled = !1, e.refreshHint.removeClass(x).addClass(C), e.hintContainer.html(e.refreshTemplate({})), e.yinertia.freeze(e.options.pullOffset / 2), e.trigger("pull"))
                _paneChange: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.movable.y / y > e.options.pullOffset ? e.pulled || (e.pulled = !0, e.refreshHint.removeClass(C).addClass(x), e.hintContainer.html(e.releaseTemplate({}))) : e.pulled && (e.pulled = !1, e.refreshHint.removeClass(x), e.hintContainer.html(e.pullTemplate({})))
                _initAxis: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.movable,
                        i = t.dimensions[e],
                        r = t.tapCapture,
                        o = t.pane[e],
                        a = new z({
                            axis: e,
                            movable: n,
                            dimension: i,
                            container: t.element,
                            alwaysVisible: t.options.visibleScrollHints
                    i.bind(T, function() {
                    }), o.bind(T, function() {
                    }), t[e + "inertia"] = new P({
                        axis: e,
                        paneAxis: o,
                        movable: n,
                        tapCapture: r,
                        userEvents: t.userEvents,
                        dimension: i,
                        elastic: t.options.elastic,
                        friction: t.options.friction || _,
                        velocityMultiplier: t.options.velocityMultiplier || w,
                        end: function() {
                            a.hide(), t.trigger("scrollEnd", {
                                axis: e,
                                scrollTop: t.scrollTop,
                                scrollLeft: t.scrollLeft
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return e.position().top + 3
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.ui.Widget,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = !1,
            s = ".kendoGroupable",
            l = "change",
            c = i.template('<div class="k-group-indicator" data-#=data.ns#field="${data.field}" data-#=data.ns#title="${data.title || ""}" data-#=data.ns#dir="${data.dir || "asc"}"><a href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-si-arrow-${(data.dir || "asc") == "asc" ? "n" : "s"}">(sorted ${(data.dir || "asc") == "asc" ? "ascending": "descending"})</span>${data.title ? data.title: data.field}</a><a class="k-button k-button-icon k-button-bare"><span class="k-icon k-group-delete"></span></a></div>', {
                useWithBlock: !1
            d = function(t) {
                return e('<div class="k-header k-drag-clue" />').css({
                    width: t.width(),
                    paddingLeft: t.css("paddingLeft"),
                    paddingRight: t.css("paddingRight"),
                    lineHeight: t.height() + "px",
                    paddingTop: t.css("paddingTop"),
                    paddingBottom: t.css("paddingBottom")
                }).html(t.attr(i.attr("title")) || t.attr(i.attr("field"))).prepend('<span class="k-icon k-drag-status k-denied" />')
            u = e('<div class="k-grouping-dropclue"/>'),
            h = r.extend({
                init: function(c, h) {
                    var p, f, g = this,
                        m = i.guid(),
                        v = o(g._intializePositions, g),
                        _ = g._dropCuePositions = [];
                    r.fn.init.call(g, c, h), a = i.support.isRtl(c), f = a ? "right" : "left", g.draggable = p = g.options.draggable || new i.ui.Draggable(g.element, {
                        filter: g.options.draggableElements,
                        hint: d,
                        group: m
                    }), g.groupContainer = e(g.options.groupContainer, g.element).kendoDropTarget({
                        group: p.options.group,
                        dragenter: function(e) {
                            g._canDrag(e.draggable.currentTarget) && (e.draggable.hint.find(".k-drag-status").removeClass("k-denied").addClass("k-add"), u.css("top", n(g.groupContainer)).css(f, 0).appendTo(g.groupContainer))
                        dragleave: function(e) {
                            e.draggable.hint.find(".k-drag-status").removeClass("k-add").addClass("k-denied"), u.remove()
                        drop: function(t) {
                            var n, r = t.draggable.currentTarget,
                                o = r.attr(i.attr("field")),
                                s = r.attr(i.attr("title")),
                                l = g.indicator(o),
                                c = g._dropCuePositions,
                                d = c[c.length - 1];
                            (r.hasClass("k-group-indicator") || g._canDrag(r)) && (d ? (n = g._dropCuePosition(i.getOffset(u).left + parseInt(d.element.css("marginLeft"), 10) * (a ? -1 : 1) + parseInt(d.element.css("marginRight"), 10)), n && g._canDrop(e(l), n.element, n.left) && (n.before ? n.element.before(l || g.buildIndicator(o, s)) : n.element.after(l || g.buildIndicator(o, s)), g._change())) : (g.groupContainer.append(g.buildIndicator(o, s)), g._change()))
                        filter: "div.k-group-indicator",
                        hint: d,
                        group: p.options.group,
                        dragcancel: o(g._dragCancel, g),
                        dragstart: function(e) {
                            var t = e.currentTarget,
                                i = parseInt(t.css("marginLeft"), 10),
                                r = t.position(),
                                o = a ? r.left - i : r.left + t.outerWidth();
                            v(), u.css({
                                top: n(g.groupContainer),
                                left: o
                            }).appendTo(g.groupContainer), this.hint.find(".k-drag-status").removeClass("k-denied").addClass("k-add")
                        dragend: function() {
                        drag: o(g._drag, g)
                    }).on("click" + s, ".k-button", function(t) {
                        t.preventDefault(), g._removeIndicator(e(this).parent())
                    }).on("click" + s, ".k-link", function(t) {
                        var n = e(this).parent(),
                            r = g.buildIndicator(n.attr(i.attr("field")), n.attr(i.attr("title")), "asc" == n.attr(i.attr("dir")) ? "desc" : "asc");
                        n.before(r).remove(), g._change(), t.preventDefault()
                    }), p.bind(["dragend", "dragcancel", "dragstart", "drag"], {
                        dragend: function() {
                        dragcancel: o(g._dragCancel, g),
                        dragstart: function(e) {
                            var n, i, r;
                            return g.options.allowDrag || g._canDrag(e.currentTarget) ? (v(), _.length ? (n = _[_.length - 1].element, i = parseInt(n.css("marginRight"), 10), r = n.position().left + n.outerWidth() + i) : r = 0, t) : (e.preventDefault(), t)
                        drag: o(g._drag, g)
                    }), g.dataSource = g.options.dataSource, g.dataSource && g._refreshHandler ? g.dataSource.unbind(l, g._refreshHandler) : g._refreshHandler = o(g.refresh, g), g.dataSource && (g.dataSource.bind("change", g._refreshHandler), g.refresh())
                refresh: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dataSource;
                    t.groupContainer && t.groupContainer.empty().append(e.map(n.group() || [], function(n) {
                        var r = n.field,
                            o = i.attr("field"),
                            a = t.element.find(t.options.filter).filter(function() {
                                return e(this).attr(o) === r
                        return t.buildIndicator(n.field, a.attr(i.attr("title")), n.dir)
                    }).join("")), t._invalidateGroupContainer()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    r.fn.destroy.call(e), e.groupContainer.off(s), e.groupContainer.data("kendoDropTarget") && e.groupContainer.data("kendoDropTarget").destroy(), e.groupContainer.data("kendoDraggable") && e.groupContainer.data("kendoDraggable").destroy(), e.options.draggable || e.draggable.destroy(), e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler && (e.dataSource.unbind("change", e._refreshHandler), e._refreshHandler = null), e.groupContainer = e.element = e.draggable = null
                options: {
                    name: "Groupable",
                    filter: "th",
                    draggableElements: "th",
                    messages: {
                        empty: "Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column"
                indicator: function(t) {
                    var n = e(".k-group-indicator", this.groupContainer);
                    return e.grep(n, function(n) {
                        return e(n).attr(i.attr("field")) === t
                buildIndicator: function(e, t, n) {
                    return c({
                        field: e.replace(/"/g, "'"),
                        dir: n,
                        title: t,
                        ns: i.ns
                descriptors: function() {
                    var t, n, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = e(".k-group-indicator", s.groupContainer);
                    return t = s.element.find(s.options.filter).map(function() {
                        var t = e(this),
                            r = t.attr(i.attr("aggregates")),
                            s = t.attr(i.attr("field"));
                        if (r && "" !== r)
                            for (n = r.split(","), r = [], o = 0, a = n.length; a > o; o++) r.push({
                                field: s,
                                aggregate: n[o]
                        return r
                    }).toArray(), e.map(l, function(n) {
                        return n = e(n), r = n.attr(i.attr("field")), {
                            field: r,
                            dir: n.attr(i.attr("dir")),
                            aggregates: t || []
                _removeIndicator: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.remove(), t._invalidateGroupContainer(), t._change()
                _change: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dataSource && e.dataSource.group(e.descriptors())
                _dropCuePosition: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, s, l = this._dropCuePositions;
                    if (u.is(":visible") && 0 !== l.length) return t = Math.ceil(t), n = l[l.length - 1], i = n.left, r = n.right, o = parseInt(n.element.css("marginLeft"), 10), s = parseInt(n.element.css("marginRight"), 10), t >= r && !a || i > t && a ? t = {
                        left: n.element.position().left + (a ? -o : n.element.outerWidth() + s),
                        element: n.element,
                        before: !1
                    } : (t = e.grep(l, function(e) {
                        return t >= e.left && e.right >= t || a && t > e.right
                    })[0], t && (t = {
                        left: a ? t.element.position().left + t.element.outerWidth() + s : t.element.position().left - o,
                        element: t.element,
                        before: !0
                    })), t
                _drag: function(e) {
                    var t = this._dropCuePosition(e.x.location);
                    t && u.css({
                        left: t.left,
                        right: "auto"
                _canDrag: function(e) {
                    var t = e.attr(i.attr("field"));
                    return "false" != e.attr(i.attr("groupable")) && t && (e.hasClass("k-group-indicator") || !this.indicator(t))
                _canDrop: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = e.next(),
                        r = e[0] !== t[0] && (!i[0] || t[0] !== i[0] || !a && n > i.position().left || a && n < i.position().left);
                    return r
                _dragEnd: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = t.currentTarget.attr(i.attr("field")),
                        o = n.indicator(r);
                    t !== n.options.draggable && !t.dropped && o && n._removeIndicator(e(o)), n._dragCancel()
                _dragCancel: function() {
                    u.remove(), this._dropCuePositions = []
                _intializePositions: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        r = e(".k-group-indicator", n.groupContainer);
                    n._dropCuePositions = e.map(r, function(n) {
                        return n = e(n), t = i.getOffset(n).left, {
                            left: parseInt(t, 10),
                            right: parseInt(t + n.outerWidth(), 10),
                            element: n
                _invalidateGroupContainer: function() {
                    var e = this.groupContainer;
                    e && e.is(":empty") && e.html(this.options.messages.empty)
    function(e) {
        function t(t, n) {
            t = e(t), n ? t.find(".k-drag-status").removeClass("k-add").addClass("k-denied") : t.find(".k-drag-status").removeClass("k-denied").addClass("k-add")
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.getOffset,
            r = n.ui.Widget,
            o = "change",
            a = "k-reorderable",
            s = r.extend({
                init: function(s, l) {
                    var c, d = this,
                        u = n.guid() + "-reorderable";
                    r.fn.init.call(d, s, l), s = d.element.addClass(a), l = d.options, d.draggable = c = l.draggable || new n.ui.Draggable(s, {
                        group: u,
                        filter: l.filter,
                        hint: l.hint
                    }), d.reorderDropCue = e('<div class="k-reorder-cue"><div class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s"></div><div class="k-icon k-i-arrow-n"></div></div>'), s.find(c.options.filter).kendoDropTarget({
                        group: c.options.group,
                        dragenter: function(e) {
                            var n, r, o, a;
                            d._draggable && (n = this.element, o = !d._dropTargetAllowed(n) || d._isLastDraggable(), t(e.draggable.hint, o), o || (r = i(n), a = r.left, l.inSameContainer && !l.inSameContainer({
                                source: n,
                                target: d._draggable,
                                sourceIndex: d._index(n),
                                targetIndex: d._index(d._draggable)
                            }) ? d._dropTarget = n : d._index(n) > d._index(d._draggable) && (a += n.outerWidth()), d.reorderDropCue.css({
                                height: n.outerHeight(),
                                top: r.top,
                                left: a
                        dragleave: function(e) {
                            t(e.draggable.hint, !0), d.reorderDropCue.remove(), d._dropTarget = null
                        drop: function() {
                            var e, t, n;
                            d._dropTarget = null, d._draggable && (e = this.element, t = d._draggable, n = !1, d._dropTargetAllowed(e) && !d._isLastDraggable() && d.trigger(o, {
                                element: d._draggable,
                                target: e,
                                oldIndex: d._index(t),
                                newIndex: d._index(e),
                                position: i(d.reorderDropCue).left > i(e).left ? "after" : "before"
                    }), c.bind(["dragcancel", "dragend", "dragstart", "drag"], {
                        dragcancel: function() {
                            d.reorderDropCue.remove(), d._draggable = null, d._elements = null
                        dragend: function() {
                            d.reorderDropCue.remove(), d._draggable = null, d._elements = null
                        dragstart: function(e) {
                            d._draggable = e.currentTarget, d._elements = d.element.find(d.draggable.options.filter)
                        drag: function(e) {
                            var t, n;
                            d._dropTarget && !this.hint.find(".k-drag-status").hasClass("k-denied") && (t = i(d._dropTarget).left, n = d._dropTarget.outerWidth(), d.reorderDropCue.css(e.pageX > t + n / 2 ? {
                                left: t + n
                            } : {
                                left: t
                options: {
                    name: "Reorderable",
                    filter: "*"
                events: [o],
                _isLastDraggable: function() {
                    var e, t = this.options.inSameContainer,
                        n = this._draggable[0],
                        i = this._elements.get(),
                        r = !1;
                    if (!t) return !1;
                    for (; !r && i.length > 0;) e = i.pop(), r = n !== e && t({
                        source: n,
                        target: e,
                        sourceIndex: this._index(n),
                        targetIndex: this._index(e)
                    return !r
                _dropTargetAllowed: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.inSameContainer,
                        n = this.options.dragOverContainers,
                        i = this._draggable;
                    return i[0] === e[0] ? !1 : t && n ? t({
                        source: i,
                        target: e,
                        sourceIndex: this._index(i),
                        targetIndex: this._index(e)
                    }) ? !0 : n(this._index(i), this._index(e)) : !0
                _index: function(e) {
                    return this._elements.index(e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    r.fn.destroy.call(t), t.element.find(t.draggable.options.filter).each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        t.data("kendoDropTarget") && t.data("kendoDropTarget").destroy()
                    }), t.draggable && (t.draggable.destroy(), t.draggable.element = t.draggable = null), t.elements = t.reorderDropCue = t._elements = t._draggable = null
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.Widget,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = n.isFunction,
            s = e.extend,
            l = "horizontal",
            c = "vertical",
            d = "start",
            u = "resize",
            h = "resizeend",
            p = r.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    r.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.orientation = n.options.orientation.toLowerCase() != c ? l : c, n._positionMouse = n.orientation == l ? "x" : "y", n._position = n.orientation == l ? "left" : "top", n._sizingDom = n.orientation == l ? "outerWidth" : "outerHeight", n.draggable = new i.Draggable(e, {
                        distance: 1,
                        filter: t.handle,
                        drag: o(n._resize, n),
                        dragcancel: o(n._cancel, n),
                        dragstart: o(n._start, n),
                        dragend: o(n._stop, n)
                    }), n.userEvents = n.draggable.userEvents
                events: [u, h, d],
                options: {
                    name: "Resizable",
                    orientation: l
                resize: function() {},
                _max: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.hint ? n.hint[n._sizingDom]() : 0,
                        r = n.options.max;
                    return a(r) ? r(e) : r !== t ? n._initialElementPosition + r - i : r
                _min: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options.min;
                    return a(i) ? i(e) : i !== t ? n._initialElementPosition + i : i
                _start: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options.hint,
                        r = e(t.currentTarget);
                    n._initialElementPosition = r.position()[n._position], n._initialMousePosition = t[n._positionMouse].startLocation, i && (n.hint = a(i) ? e(i(r)) : i, n.hint.css({
                        position: "absolute"
                    }).css(n._position, n._initialElementPosition).appendTo(n.element)), n.trigger(d, t), n._maxPosition = n._max(t), n._minPosition = n._min(t), e(document.body).css("cursor", r.css("cursor"))
                _resize: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i._maxPosition,
                        o = i._minPosition,
                        a = i._initialElementPosition + (e[i._positionMouse].location - i._initialMousePosition);
                    n = o !== t ? Math.max(o, a) : a, i.position = n = r !== t ? Math.min(r, n) : n, i.hint && i.hint.toggleClass(i.options.invalidClass || "", n == r || n == o).css(i._position, n), i.resizing = !0, i.trigger(u, s(e, {
                        position: n
                _stop: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.hint && n.hint.remove(), n.resizing = !1, n.trigger(h, s(t, {
                        position: n.position
                    })), e(document.body).css("cursor", "")
                _cancel: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.hint && (n.position = t, n.hint.css(n._position, n._initialElementPosition), n._stop(e))
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    r.fn.destroy.call(e), e.draggable && e.draggable.destroy()
                press: function(e) {
                    if (e) {
                        var t = e.position(),
                            n = this;
                        n.userEvents.press(t.left, t.top, e[0]), n.targetPosition = t, n.target = e
                move: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._position,
                        r = n.targetPosition,
                        o = n.position;
                    o === t && (o = r[i]), r[i] = o + e, n.userEvents.move(r.left, r.top)
                end: function() {
                    this.userEvents.end(), this.target = this.position = t
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, n) {
            try {
                return e.contains(t, n) || t == n
            } catch (i) {
                return !1

        function i(e) {
            return e.clone()

        function r(e) {
            return e.clone().removeAttr("id").css("visibility", "hidden")
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui.Widget,
            s = "start",
            l = "beforeMove",
            c = "move",
            d = "end",
            u = "change",
            h = "cancel",
            p = "sort",
            f = "remove",
            g = "receive",
            m = ">*",
            v = -1,
            _ = a.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    a.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.options.placeholder || (n.options.placeholder = r), n.options.hint || (n.options.hint = i), n._draggable = n._createDraggable()
                events: [s, l, c, d, u, h],
                options: {
                    name: "Sortable",
                    hint: null,
                    placeholder: null,
                    filter: m,
                    holdToDrag: !1,
                    disabled: null,
                    container: null,
                    connectWith: null,
                    handler: null,
                    cursorOffset: null,
                    axis: null,
                    ignore: null,
                    autoScroll: !1,
                    cursor: "auto"
                destroy: function() {
                    this._draggable.destroy(), a.fn.destroy.call(this)
                _createDraggable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = t.options;
                    return new o.ui.Draggable(n, {
                        filter: i.filter,
                        hint: o.isFunction(i.hint) ? i.hint : e(i.hint),
                        holdToDrag: i.holdToDrag,
                        container: i.container ? e(i.container) : null,
                        cursorOffset: i.cursorOffset,
                        axis: i.axis,
                        ignore: i.ignore,
                        autoScroll: i.autoScroll,
                        dragstart: e.proxy(t._dragstart, t),
                        dragcancel: e.proxy(t._dragcancel, t),
                        drag: e.proxy(t._drag, t),
                        dragend: e.proxy(t._dragend, t)
                _dragstart: function(t) {
                    var n = this.draggedElement = t.currentTarget,
                        i = (t.target || o.elementUnderCursor(t), this.options.disabled),
                        r = this.options.handler,
                        a = this.options.placeholder,
                        l = this.placeholder = e(o.isFunction(a) ? a.call(this, n) : a);
                    i && n.is(i) ? t.preventDefault() : r && !e(t.initialTarget).is(r) ? t.preventDefault() : this.trigger(s, {
                        item: n,
                        draggableEvent: t
                    }) ? t.preventDefault() : (n.css("display", "none"), n.before(l), this._setCursor())
                _dragcancel: function() {
                    this._cancel(), this.trigger(h, {
                        item: this.draggedElement
                    }), this._resetCursor()
                _drag: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = this.draggedElement,
                        c = this._findTarget(n),
                        d = {
                            left: n.x.location,
                            top: n.y.location
                        u = {
                            x: n.x.delta,
                            y: n.y.delta
                        h = this.options.axis,
                        p = {
                            item: l,
                            list: this,
                            draggableEvent: n
                    if ("x" === h || "y" === h) return this._movementByAxis(h, d, u[h], p), t;
                    if (c) {
                        if (i = this._getElementCenter(c.element), r = {
                            left: Math.round(d.left - i.left),
                            top: Math.round(d.top - i.top)
                        }, e.extend(p, {
                            target: c.element
                        }), c.appendToBottom) return this._movePlaceholder(c, null, p), t;
                        if (c.appendAfterHidden && this._movePlaceholder(c, "next", p), this._isFloating(c.element) ? 0 > u.x && 0 > r.left ? o = "prev" : u.x > 0 && r.left > 0 && (o = "next") : 0 > u.y && 0 > r.top ? o = "prev" : u.y > 0 && r.top > 0 && (o = "next"), o) {
                            for (s = "prev" === o ? jQuery.fn.prev : jQuery.fn.next, a = s.call(c.element); a.length && !a.is(":visible");) a = s.call(a);
                            a[0] != this.placeholder[0] && this._movePlaceholder(c, o, p)
                _dragend: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this.placeholder,
                        l = this.draggedElement,
                        c = this.indexOf(l),
                        h = this.indexOf(s),
                        m = this.options.connectWith;
                    return this._resetCursor(), o = {
                        action: p,
                        item: l,
                        oldIndex: c,
                        newIndex: h,
                        draggableEvent: n
                    }, h >= 0 ? r = this.trigger(d, o) : (i = s.parents(m).getKendoSortable(), o.action = f, a = e.extend({}, o, {
                        action: g,
                        oldIndex: v,
                        newIndex: i.indexOf(s)
                    }), r = !(!this.trigger(d, o) && !i.trigger(d, a))), r || h === c ? (this._cancel(), t) : (s.replaceWith(l), l.show(), this._draggable.dropped = !0, o = {
                        action: this.indexOf(l) != v ? p : f,
                        item: l,
                        oldIndex: c,
                        newIndex: this.indexOf(l),
                        draggableEvent: n
                    }, this.trigger(u, o), i && (a = e.extend({}, o, {
                        action: g,
                        oldIndex: v,
                        newIndex: i.indexOf(l)
                    }), i.trigger(u, a)), t)
                _findTarget: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o = this._findElementUnderCursor(n),
                        a = this.options.connectWith;
                    return e.contains(this.element[0], o) ? (i = this.items(), r = i.filter(o)[0] || i.has(o)[0], r ? {
                        element: e(r),
                        sortable: this
                    } : null) : this.element[0] == o && this._isEmpty() ? {
                        element: this.element,
                        sortable: this,
                        appendToBottom: !0
                    } : this.element[0] == o && this._isLastHidden() ? (r = this.items().eq(0), {
                        element: r,
                        sortable: this,
                        appendAfterHidden: !0
                    }) : a ? this._searchConnectedTargets(o, n) : t
                _findElementUnderCursor: function(e) {
                        var t = o.elementUnderCursor(e),
                            i = e.sender;
                    return n(i.hint[0], t) && (i.hint.hide(), t = o.elementUnderCursor(e), t || (t = o.elementUnderCursor(e)), i.hint.show()), t
                _searchConnectedTargets: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = e(this.options.connectWith);
                    for (a = 0; s.length > a; a++)
                        if (i = s.eq(a).getKendoSortable(), e.contains(s[a], t)) {
                            if (i) return r = i.items(), o = r.filter(t)[0] || r.has(t)[0], o ? (i.placeholder = this.placeholder, {
                                element: e(o),
                                sortable: i
                            }) : null
                        } else if (s[a] == t) {
                        if (i && i._isEmpty()) return {
                            element: s.eq(a),
                            sortable: i,
                            appendToBottom: !0
                        if (this._isCursorAfterLast(i, n)) return o = i.items().last(), {
                            element: o,
                            sortable: i
                _isCursorAfterLast: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = e.items().last(),
                        a = {
                            left: t.x.location,
                            top: t.y.location
                    return n = o.getOffset(r), n.top += r.outerHeight(), n.left += r.outerWidth(), i = this._isFloating(r) ? n.left - a.left : n.top - a.top, 0 > i ? !0 : !1
                _movementByAxis: function(t, n, i, r) {
                    var o, a = "x" === t ? n.left : n.top,
                        s = 0 > i ? this.placeholder.prev() : this.placeholder.next();
                    s.length && !s.is(":visible") && (s = 0 > i ? s.prev() : s.next()), e.extend(r, {
                        target: s
                    }), o = this._getElementCenter(s), o && (o = "x" === t ? o.left : o.top), s.length && 0 > i && 0 > a - o ? this._movePlaceholder({
                        element: s,
                        sortable: this
                    }, "prev", r) : s.length && i > 0 && a - o > 0 && this._movePlaceholder({
                        element: s,
                        sortable: this
                    }, "next", r)
                _movePlaceholder: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this.placeholder;
                    e.sortable.trigger(l, n) || (t ? "prev" === t ? e.element.before(i) : "next" === t && e.element.after(i) : e.element.append(i), e.sortable.trigger(c, n))
                _setCursor: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options.cursor;
                    n && "auto" !== n && (t = e(document.body), this._originalCursorType = t.css("cursor"), t.css({
                        cursor: n
                    }), this._cursorStylesheet || (this._cursorStylesheet = e("<style>* { cursor: " + n + " !important; }</style>")), this._cursorStylesheet.appendTo(t))
                _resetCursor: function() {
                    this._originalCursorType && (e(document.body).css("cursor", this._originalCursorType), this._originalCursorType = null, this._cursorStylesheet.remove())
                _getElementCenter: function(e) {
                    var t = e.length ? o.getOffset(e) : null;
                    return t && (t.top += e.outerHeight() / 2, t.left += e.outerWidth() / 2), t
                _isFloating: function(e) {
                    return /left|right/.test(e.css("float")) || /inline|table-cell/.test(e.css("display"))
                _cancel: function() {
                    this.draggedElement.show(), this.placeholder.remove()
                _items: function() {
                    var e, t = this.options.filter;
                    return e = t ? this.element.find(t) : this.element.children()
                indexOf: function(e) {
                    var t = this._items(),
                        n = this.placeholder,
                        i = this.draggedElement;
                    return n && e[0] == n[0] ? t.not(i).index(e) : t.not(n).index(e)
                items: function() {
                    var e = this.placeholder,
                        t = this._items();
                    return e && (t = t.not(e)), t
                _isEmpty: function() {
                    return !this.items().length
                _isLastHidden: function() {
                    return 1 === this.items().length && this.items().is(":hidden")
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            if (!e.is(":visible")) return !1;
            var n = r.getOffset(e),
                i = t.left + t.width,
                o = t.top + t.height;
            return n.right = n.left + e.outerWidth(), n.bottom = n.top + e.outerHeight(), !(n.left > i || t.left > n.right || n.top > o || t.top > n.bottom)
        var i, r = window.kendo,
            o = r.ui.Widget,
            a = e.proxy,
            s = Math.abs,
            l = "aria-selected",
            c = "k-state-selected",
            d = "k-state-selecting",
            u = "k-selectable",
            h = "change",
            p = ".kendoSelectable",
            f = "k-state-unselecting",
            g = "input,a,textarea,.k-multiselect-wrap,select,button,a.k-button>.k-icon,button.k-button>.k-icon,span.k-icon.k-i-expand,span.k-icon.k-i-collapse",
            m = r.support.browser.msie,
            v = !1;
        ! function(e) {
            ! function() {
                e('<div class="parent"><span /></div>').on("click", ">*", function() {
                    v = !0
        }(e), i = o.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i, s = this;
                o.fn.init.call(s, t, n), s._marquee = e("<div class='k-marquee'><div class='k-marquee-color'></div></div>"), s._lastActive = null, s.element.addClass(u), s.relatedTarget = s.options.relatedTarget, i = s.options.multiple, this.options.aria && i && s.element.attr("aria-multiselectable", !0), s.userEvents = new r.UserEvents(s.element, {
                    global: !0,
                    allowSelection: !0,
                    filter: (v ? "" : "." + u + " ") + s.options.filter,
                    tap: a(s._tap, s)
                }), i && s.userEvents.bind("start", a(s._start, s)).bind("move", a(s._move, s)).bind("end", a(s._end, s)).bind("select", a(s._select, s))
            events: [h],
            options: {
                name: "Selectable",
                filter: ">*",
                multiple: !1,
                relatedTarget: e.noop
            _isElement: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.element,
                    i = n.length,
                    r = !1;
                for (e = e[0], t = 0; i > t; t++)
                    if (n[t] === e) {
                        r = !0;
                return r
            _tap: function(t) {
                var n, i = e(t.target),
                    r = this,
                    o = t.event.ctrlKey || t.event.metaKey,
                    a = r.options.multiple,
                    s = a && t.event.shiftKey,
                    l = t.event.which,
                    d = t.event.button;
                !r._isElement(i.closest("." + u)) || l && 3 == l || d && 2 == d || this._allowSelection(t.event.target) && (n = i.hasClass(c), a && o || r.clear(), i = i.add(r.relatedTarget(i)), s ? r.selectRange(r._firstSelectee(), i) : (n && o ? (r._unselect(i), r._notify(h)) : r.value(i), r._lastActive = r._downTarget = i))
            _start: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = e(n.target),
                    a = o.hasClass(c),
                    s = n.event.ctrlKey || n.event.metaKey;
                if (this._allowSelection(n.event.target)) {
                    if (r._downTarget = o, !r._isElement(o.closest("." + u))) return r.userEvents.cancel(), t;
                    r.options.useAllItems ? r._items = r.element.find(r.options.filter) : (i = o.closest(r.element), r._items = i.find(r.options.filter)), n.sender.capture(), r._marquee.appendTo(document.body).css({
                        left: n.x.client + 1,
                        top: n.y.client + 1,
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                    }), s || r.clear(), o = o.add(r.relatedTarget(o)), a && (r._selectElement(o, !0), s && o.addClass(f))
            _move: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = {
                        left: e.x.startLocation > e.x.location ? e.x.location : e.x.startLocation,
                        top: e.y.startLocation > e.y.location ? e.y.location : e.y.startLocation,
                        width: s(e.x.initialDelta),
                        height: s(e.y.initialDelta)
                t._marquee.css(n), t._invalidateSelectables(n, e.event.ctrlKey || e.event.metaKey), e.preventDefault()
            _end: function() {
                var e, t = this;
                t._marquee.remove(), t._unselect(t.element.find(t.options.filter + "." + f)).removeClass(f), e = t.element.find(t.options.filter + "." + d), e = e.add(t.relatedTarget(e)), t.value(e), t._lastActive = t._downTarget, t._items = null
            _invalidateSelectables: function(e, t) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this._downTarget[0],
                    l = this._items;
                for (i = 0, r = l.length; r > i; i++) a = l.eq(i), o = a.add(this.relatedTarget(a)), n(a, e) ? a.hasClass(c) ? t && s !== a[0] && o.removeClass(c).addClass(f) : a.hasClass(d) || a.hasClass(f) || o.addClass(d) : a.hasClass(d) ? o.removeClass(d) : t && a.hasClass(f) && o.removeClass(f).addClass(c)
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = a(n._selectElement, n);
                return e ? (e.each(function() {
                }), n._notify(h), t) : n.element.find(n.options.filter + "." + c)
            _firstSelectee: function() {
                var e, t = this;
                return null !== t._lastActive ? t._lastActive : (e = t.value(), e.length > 0 ? e[0] : t.element.find(t.options.filter)[0])
            _selectElement: function(t, n) {
                var i = e(t),
                    r = !n && this._notify("select", {
                        element: t
                i.removeClass(d), r || (i.addClass(c), this.options.aria && i.attr(l, !0))
            _notify: function(e, t) {
                return t = t || {}, this.trigger(e, t)
            _unselect: function(e) {
                return e.removeClass(c), this.options.aria && e.attr(l, !1), e
            _select: function(t) {
                this._allowSelection(t.event.target) && (!m || m && !e(r._activeElement()).is(g)) && t.preventDefault()
            _allowSelection: function(t) {
                return e(t).is(g) ? (this.userEvents.cancel(), this._downTarget = null, !1) : !0
            resetTouchEvents: function() {
            clear: function() {
                var e = this.element.find(this.options.filter + "." + c);
            selectRange: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this;
                for (a.clear(), a.element.length > 1 && (o = a.options.continuousItems()), o && o.length || (o = a.element.find(a.options.filter)), t = e.inArray(e(t)[0], o), n = e.inArray(e(n)[0], o), t > n && (r = t, t = n, n = r), a.options.useAllItems || (n += a.element.length - 1), i = t; n >= i; i++) a._selectElement(o[i]);
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                o.fn.destroy.call(e), e.element.off(p), e.userEvents.destroy(), e._marquee = e._lastActive = e.element = e.userEvents = null
        }), i.parseOptions = function(e) {
            var t = "string" == typeof e && e.toLowerCase();
            return {
                multiple: t && t.indexOf("multiple") > -1,
                cell: t && t.indexOf("cell") > -1
        }, r.ui.plugin(i)
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui.Widget,
            r = e.proxy,
            o = n.keys,
            a = "click",
            s = "k-button",
            l = "k-button-icon",
            c = "k-button-icontext",
            d = ".kendoButton",
            u = "disabled",
            h = "k-state-disabled",
            p = "k-state-focused",
            f = "k-state-selected",
            g = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var o = this;
                    i.fn.init.call(o, e, t), e = o.wrapper = o.element, t = o.options, e.addClass(s).attr("role", "button"), t.enable = t.enable && !e.attr(u), o.enable(t.enable), o._tabindex(), o._graphics(), e.on(a + d, r(o._click, o)).on("focus" + d, r(o._focus, o)).on("blur" + d, r(o._blur, o)).on("keydown" + d, r(o._keydown, o)).on("keyup" + d, r(o._keyup, o)), n.notify(o)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.wrapper.off(d), i.fn.destroy.call(e)
                events: [a],
                options: {
                    name: "Button",
                    icon: "",
                    spriteCssClass: "",
                    imageUrl: "",
                    enable: !0
                _isNativeButton: function() {
                    return "button" == this.element.prop("tagName").toLowerCase()
                _click: function(e) {
                    this.options.enable && this.trigger(a, {
                        event: e
                    }) && e.preventDefault()
                _focus: function() {
                    this.options.enable && this.element.addClass(p)
                _blur: function() {
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t._isNativeButton() || (e.keyCode == o.ENTER || e.keyCode == o.SPACEBAR) && (e.keyCode == o.SPACEBAR && (e.preventDefault(), t.options.enable && t.element.addClass(f)), t._click(e))
                _keyup: function() {
                _graphics: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.element,
                        a = r.options,
                        s = a.icon,
                        d = a.spriteCssClass,
                        u = a.imageUrl;
                    (d || u || s) && (i = !0, o.contents().not("span.k-sprite").not("span.k-icon").not("img.k-image").each(function(t, n) {
                        (1 == n.nodeType || 3 == n.nodeType && e.trim(n.nodeValue).length > 0) && (i = !1)
                    }), o.addClass(i ? l : c)), s ? (t = o.children("span.k-icon").first(), t[0] || (t = e('<span class="k-icon"></span>').prependTo(o)), t.addClass("k-i-" + s)) : d ? (t = o.children("span.k-sprite").first(), t[0] || (t = e('<span class="k-sprite"></span>').prependTo(o)), t.addClass(d)) : u && (n = o.children("img.k-image").first(), n[0] || (n = e('<img alt="icon" class="k-image" />').prependTo(o)), n.attr("src", u))
                enable: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element;
                    e === t && (e = !0), e = !!e, n.options.enable = e, i.toggleClass(h, !e).attr("aria-disabled", !e).attr(u, !e);
                    try {
                    } catch (r) {}
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n, i, r) {
            return e({
                idx: t,
                text: n,
                ns: c.ns,
                numeric: i,
                title: r || ""

        function i(e, t, n) {
            return k({
                className: e.substring(1),
                text: t,
                wrapClassName: n || ""

        function r(e, t, n, i) {
            e.find(t).parent().attr(c.attr("page"), n).attr("tabindex", -1).toggleClass("k-state-disabled", i)

        function o(e, t) {
            r(e, p, 1, 1 >= t)

        function a(e, t) {
            r(e, g, Math.max(1, t - 1), 1 >= t)

        function s(e, t, n) {
            r(e, m, Math.min(n, t + 1), t >= n)

        function l(e, t, n) {
            r(e, f, n, t >= n)
        var c = window.kendo,
            d = c.ui,
            u = d.Widget,
            h = e.proxy,
            p = ".k-i-seek-w",
            f = ".k-i-seek-e",
            g = ".k-i-arrow-w",
            m = ".k-i-arrow-e",
            v = "change",
            _ = ".kendoPager",
            w = "click",
            b = "keydown",
            y = "disabled",
            k = c.template('<a href="\\#" title="#=text#" class="k-link k-pager-nav #= wrapClassName #"><span class="k-icon #= className #">#=text#</span></a>'),
            x = u.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r, d, y, k, x = this;
                    u.fn.init.call(x, t, n), n = x.options, x.dataSource = c.data.DataSource.create(n.dataSource), x.linkTemplate = c.template(x.options.linkTemplate), x.selectTemplate = c.template(x.options.selectTemplate), x.currentPageTemplate = c.template(x.options.currentPageTemplate), r = x.page(), d = x.totalPages(), x._refreshHandler = h(x.refresh, x), x.dataSource.bind(v, x._refreshHandler), n.previousNext && (x.element.find(p).length || (x.element.append(i(p, n.messages.first, "k-pager-first")), o(x.element, r, d)), x.element.find(g).length || (x.element.append(i(g, n.messages.previous)), a(x.element, r, d))), n.numeric && (x.list = x.element.find(".k-pager-numbers"), x.list.length || (x.list = e('<ul class="k-pager-numbers k-reset" />').appendTo(x.element))), n.input && (x.element.find(".k-pager-input").length || x.element.append('<span class="k-pager-input k-label">' + n.messages.page + '<input class="k-textbox">' + c.format(n.messages.of, d) + "</span>"), x.element.on(b + _, ".k-pager-input input", h(x._keydown, x))), n.previousNext && (x.element.find(m).length || (x.element.append(i(m, n.messages.next)), s(x.element, r, d)), x.element.find(f).length || (x.element.append(i(f, n.messages.last, "k-pager-last")), l(x.element, r, d))), n.pageSizes && (x.element.find(".k-pager-sizes").length || (y = n.pageSizes.length ? n.pageSizes : ["all", 5, 10, 20], k = e.map(y, function(e) {
                        return e.toLowerCase && "all" === e.toLowerCase() ? "<option value='all'>" + n.messages.allPages + "</option>" : "<option>" + e + "</option>"
                    }), e('<span class="k-pager-sizes k-label"><select/>' + n.messages.itemsPerPage + "</span>").appendTo(x.element).find("select").html(k.join("")).end().appendTo(x.element)), x.element.find(".k-pager-sizes select").val(x.pageSize()), c.ui.DropDownList && x.element.find(".k-pager-sizes select").show().kendoDropDownList(), x.element.on(v + _, ".k-pager-sizes select", h(x._change, x))), n.refresh && (x.element.find(".k-pager-refresh").length || x.element.append('<a href="#" class="k-pager-refresh k-link" title="' + n.messages.refresh + '"><span class="k-icon k-i-refresh">' + n.messages.refresh + "</span></a>"), x.element.on(w + _, ".k-pager-refresh", h(x._refreshClick, x))), n.info && (x.element.find(".k-pager-info").length || x.element.append('<span class="k-pager-info k-label" />')), x.element.on(w + _, "a", h(x._click, x)).addClass("k-pager-wrap k-widget k-floatwrap"), x.element.on(w + _, ".k-current-page", h(x._toggleActive, x)), n.autoBind && x.refresh(), c.notify(x)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    u.fn.destroy.call(e), e.element.off(_), e.dataSource.unbind(v, e._refreshHandler), e._refreshHandler = null, c.destroy(e.element), e.element = e.list = null
                events: [v],
                options: {
                    name: "Pager",
                    selectTemplate: '<li><span class="k-state-selected">#=text#</span></li>',
                    currentPageTemplate: '<li class="k-current-page"><span class="k-link k-pager-nav">#=text#</span></li>',
                    linkTemplate: '<li><a tabindex="-1" href="\\#" class="k-link" data-#=ns#page="#=idx#" #if (title !== "") {# title="#=title#" #}#>#=text#</a></li>',
                    buttonCount: 10,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    numeric: !0,
                    info: !0,
                    input: !1,
                    previousNext: !0,
                    pageSizes: !1,
                    refresh: !1,
                    messages: {
                        allPages: "All",
                        display: "{0} - {1} of {2} items",
                        empty: "No items to display",
                        page: "Page",
                        of: "of {0}",
                        itemsPerPage: "items per page",
                        first: "Go to the first page",
                        previous: "Go to the previous page",
                        next: "Go to the next page",
                        last: "Go to the last page",
                        refresh: "Refresh",
                        morePages: "More pages"
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource.unbind(v, t._refreshHandler), t.dataSource = t.options.dataSource = e, e.bind(v, t._refreshHandler), t.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, d, u, h, p = this,
                        f = 1,
                        g = p.page(),
                        m = "",
                        v = p.options,
                        _ = p.pageSize(),
                        w = p.dataSource.total(),
                        b = p.totalPages(),
                        k = p.linkTemplate,
                        x = v.buttonCount;
                    if (!e || "itemchange" != e.action) {
                        if (v.numeric) {
                            for (g > x && (r = g % x, f = 0 === r ? g - x + 1 : g - r + 1), i = Math.min(f + x - 1, b), f > 1 && (m += n(k, f - 1, "...", !1, v.messages.morePages)), t = f; i >= t; t++) m += n(t == g ? p.selectTemplate : k, t, t, !0);
                            b > i && (m += n(k, t, "...", !1, v.messages.morePages)), "" === m && (m = p.selectTemplate({
                                text: 0
                            })), m = this.currentPageTemplate({
                                text: g
                            }) + m, p.list.removeClass("k-state-expanded").html(m)
                        v.info && (m = w > 0 ? c.format(v.messages.display, (g - 1) * _ + 1, Math.min(g * _, w), w) : v.messages.empty, p.element.find(".k-pager-info").html(m)), v.input && p.element.find(".k-pager-input").html(p.options.messages.page + '<input class="k-textbox">' + c.format(v.messages.of, b)).find("input").val(g).attr(y, 1 > w).toggleClass("k-state-disabled", 1 > w), v.previousNext && (o(p.element, g, b), a(p.element, g, b), s(p.element, g, b), l(p.element, g, b)), v.pageSizes && (d = p.element.find(".k-pager-sizes option[value='all']").length > 0, u = d && _ === this.dataSource.total(), h = _, u && (_ = "all", h = v.messages.allPages), p.element.find(".k-pager-sizes select").val(_).filter("[" + c.attr("role") + "=dropdownlist]").kendoDropDownList("value", _).kendoDropDownList("text", h))
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    if (e.keyCode === c.keys.ENTER) {
                        var t = this.element.find(".k-pager-input").find("input"),
                            n = parseInt(t.val(), 10);
                        (isNaN(n) || 1 > n || n > this.totalPages()) && (n = this.page()), t.val(n), this.page(n)
                _refreshClick: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this.dataSource.read()
                _change: function(e) {
                    var t = e.currentTarget.value,
                        n = parseInt(t, 10),
                        i = this.dataSource;
                    isNaN(n) ? "all" == (t + "").toLowerCase() && i.pageSize(i.total()) : i.pageSize(n)
                _toggleActive: function() {
                _click: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget);
                    t.preventDefault(), n.is(".k-state-disabled") || this.page(n.attr(c.attr("page")))
                totalPages: function() {
                    return Math.ceil((this.dataSource.total() || 0) / (this.pageSize() || 1))
                pageSize: function() {
                    return this.dataSource.pageSize() || this.dataSource.total()
                page: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this.dataSource.total() > 0 ? this.dataSource.page() : 0 : (this.dataSource.page(e), this.trigger(v, {
                        index: e
                    }), t)
    function(e) {
        function t(t, n) {
            return t === n || e.contains(t, n)
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.Widget,
            o = n.support,
            a = n.getOffset,
            s = "open",
            l = "close",
            c = "deactivate",
            d = "activate",
            u = "center",
            h = "left",
            p = "right",
            f = "top",
            g = "bottom",
            m = "absolute",
            v = "hidden",
            _ = "body",
            w = "location",
            b = "position",
            y = "visible",
            k = "effects",
            x = "k-state-active",
            C = "k-state-border",
            S = /k-state-border-(\w+)/,
            T = ".k-picker-wrap, .k-dropdown-wrap, .k-link",
            D = "down",
            A = e(document.documentElement),
            E = e(window),
            I = "scroll",
            P = "resize scroll",
            M = o.transitions.css,
            z = M + "transform",
            F = e.extend,
            R = ".kendoPopup",
            H = ["font-size", "font-family", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-weight", "line-height"],
            B = r.extend({
                init: function(t, i) {
                    var o, a = this;
                    i = i || {}, i.isRtl && (i.origin = i.origin || g + " " + p, i.position = i.position || f + " " + p), r.fn.init.call(a, t, i), t = a.element, i = a.options, a.collisions = i.collision ? i.collision.split(" ") : [], a.downEvent = n.applyEventMap(D, n.guid()), 1 === a.collisions.length && a.collisions.push(a.collisions[0]), o = e(a.options.anchor).closest(".k-popup,.k-group").filter(":not([class^=km-])"), i.appendTo = e(e(i.appendTo)[0] || o[0] || _), a.element.hide().addClass("k-popup k-group k-reset").toggleClass("k-rtl", !!i.isRtl).css({
                        position: m
                    }).appendTo(i.appendTo).on("mouseenter" + R, function() {
                        a._hovered = !0
                    }).on("mouseleave" + R, function() {
                        a._hovered = !1
                    }), a.wrapper = e(), i.animation === !1 && (i.animation = {
                        open: {
                            effects: {}
                        close: {
                            hide: !0,
                            effects: {}
                    }), F(i.animation.open, {
                        complete: function() {
                                overflow: y
                            }), a._activated = !0, a._trigger(d)
                    }), F(i.animation.close, {
                        complete: function() {
                    }), a._mousedownProxy = function(e) {
                    }, a._resizeProxy = function(e) {
                    }, i.toggleTarget && e(i.toggleTarget).on(i.toggleEvent + R, e.proxy(a.toggle, a))
                events: [s, d, l, c],
                options: {
                    name: "Popup",
                    toggleEvent: "click",
                    origin: g + " " + h,
                    position: f + " " + h,
                    anchor: _,
                    appendTo: null,
                    collision: "flip fit",
                    viewport: window,
                    copyAnchorStyles: !0,
                    autosize: !1,
                    modal: !1,
                    adjustSize: {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "slideIn:down",
                            transition: !0,
                            duration: 200
                        close: {
                            duration: 100,
                            hide: !0
                _animationClose: function() {
                    var t, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options;
                    a.wrapper.hide(), t = a.wrapper.data(w), i = e(s.anchor), t && a.wrapper.css(t), s.anchor != _ && (r = ((i.attr("class") || "").match(S) || ["", "down"])[1], o = C + "-" + r, i.removeClass(o).children(T).removeClass(x).removeClass(o), a.element.removeClass(C + "-" + n.directions[r].reverse)), a._closing = !1, a._trigger(c)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t, i = this,
                        o = i.options,
                        a = i.element.off(R);
                    r.fn.destroy.call(i), o.toggleTarget && e(o.toggleTarget).off(R), o.modal || (A.unbind(i.downEvent, i._mousedownProxy), i._scrollableParents().unbind(I, i._resizeProxy), E.unbind(P, i._resizeProxy)), n.destroy(i.element.children()), a.removeData(), o.appendTo[0] === document.body && (t = a.parent(".k-animation-container"), t[0] ? t.remove() : a.remove())
                open: function(t, i) {
                    var r, a, l, c = this,
                        d = {
                            isFixed: !isNaN(parseInt(i, 10)),
                            x: t,
                            y: i
                        u = c.element,
                        h = c.options,
                        p = "down",
                        g = e(h.anchor),
                        w = u[0] && u.hasClass("km-widget");
                    if (!c.visible()) {
                        if (h.copyAnchorStyles && (w && "font-size" == H[0] && H.shift(), u.css(n.getComputedStyles(g[0], H))), u.data("animating") || c._trigger(s)) return;
                        c._activated = !1, h.modal || (A.unbind(c.downEvent, c._mousedownProxy).bind(c.downEvent, c._mousedownProxy), o.mobileOS.ios || o.mobileOS.android || (c._scrollableParents().unbind(I, c._resizeProxy).bind(I, c._resizeProxy), E.unbind(P, c._resizeProxy).bind(P, c._resizeProxy))), c.wrapper = a = n.wrap(u, h.autosize).css({
                            overflow: v,
                            display: "block",
                            position: m
                        }), o.mobileOS.android && a.css(z, "translatez(0)"), a.css(b), e(h.appendTo)[0] == document.body && a.css(f, "-10000px"), r = F(!0, {}, h.animation.open), c.flipped = c._position(d), r.effects = n.parseEffects(r.effects, c.flipped), p = r.effects.slideIn ? r.effects.slideIn.direction : p, h.anchor != _ && (l = C + "-" + p, u.addClass(C + "-" + n.directions[p].reverse), g.addClass(l).children(T).addClass(x).addClass(l)), u.data(k, r.effects).kendoStop(!0).kendoAnimate(r)
                position: function() {
                    this.visible() && this._position()
                toggle: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e[e.visible() ? l : s]()
                visible: function() {
                    return this.element.is(":" + y)
                close: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        c = s.options;
                    if (s.visible()) {
                        if (i = s.wrapper[0] ? s.wrapper : n.wrap(s.element).hide(), s._closing || s._trigger(l)) return;
                        s.element.find(".k-popup").each(function() {
                            var n = e(this),
                                i = n.data("kendoPopup");
                            i && i.close(t)
                        }), A.unbind(s.downEvent, s._mousedownProxy), s._scrollableParents().unbind(I, s._resizeProxy), E.unbind(P, s._resizeProxy), t ? r = {
                            hide: !0,
                            effects: {}
                        } : (r = F(!0, {}, c.animation.close), o = s.element.data(k), a = r.effects, !a && !n.size(a) && o && n.size(o) && (r.effects = o, r.reverse = !0), s._closing = !0), s.element.kendoStop(!0), i.css({
                            overflow: v
                        }), s.element.kendoAnimate(r)
                _trigger: function(e) {
                    return this.trigger(e, {
                        type: e
                _resize: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    "resize" === e.type ? (clearTimeout(t._resizeTimeout), t._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        t._position(), t._resizeTimeout = null
                    }, 50)) : (!t._hovered || t._activated && t.element.hasClass("k-list-container")) && t.close()
                _mousedown: function(i) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = r.element[0],
                        a = r.options,
                        s = e(a.anchor)[0],
                        l = a.toggleTarget,
                        c = n.eventTarget(i),
                        d = e(c).closest(".k-popup"),
                        u = d.parent().parent(".km-shim").length;
                    d = d[0], (u || !d || d === r.element[0]) && "popover" !== e(i.target).closest("a").data("rel") && (t(o, c) || t(s, c) || l && t(e(l)[0], c) || r.close())
                _fit: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = 0;
                    return e + t > n && (i = n - (e + t)), 0 > e && (i = -e), i
                _flip: function(e, t, n, i, r, o, a) {
                    var s = 0;
                    return a = a || t, o !== r && o !== u && r !== u && (e + a > i && (s += -(n + t)), 0 > e + s && (s += n + t)), s
                _scrollableParents: function() {
                    return e(this.options.anchor).parentsUntil("body").filter(function(e, t) {
                        return n.isScrollable(t)
                _position: function(t) {
                    var i, r, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, v = this,
                        _ = v.element,
                        y = v.wrapper,
                        k = v.options,
                        x = e(k.viewport),
                        C = x.offset(),
                        S = e(k.anchor),
                        T = k.origin.toLowerCase().split(" "),
                        D = k.position.toLowerCase().split(" "),
                        A = v.collisions,
                        E = o.zoomLevel(),
                        I = 10002,
                        P = !!(x[0] == window && window.innerWidth && 1.02 >= E),
                        M = 0,
                        z = document.documentElement,
                        R = P ? window.innerWidth : x.width(),
                        H = P ? window.innerHeight : x.height();
                    if (P && z.scrollHeight - z.clientHeight > 0 && (R -= n.support.scrollbar()), i = S.parents().filter(y.siblings()), i[0])
                        if (s = Math.max(+i.css("zIndex"), 0)) I = s + 10;
                            for (r = S.parentsUntil(i), l = r.length; l > M; M++) s = +e(r[M]).css("zIndex"), s && s > I && (I = s + 10);
                    return y.css("zIndex", I), y.css(t && t.isFixed ? {
                        left: t.x,
                        top: t.y
                    } : v._align(T, D)), c = a(y, b, S[0] === y.offsetParent()[0]), d = a(y), u = S.offsetParent().parent(".k-animation-container,.k-popup,.k-group"), u.length && (c = a(y, b, !0), d = a(y)), x[0] === window ? (d.top -= window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0, d.left -= window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || 0) : (d.top -= C.top, d.left -= C.left), v.wrapper.data(w) || y.data(w, F({}, c)), h = F({}, d), p = F({}, c), f = k.adjustSize, "fit" === A[0] && (p.top += v._fit(h.top, y.outerHeight() + f.height, H / E)), "fit" === A[1] && (p.left += v._fit(h.left, y.outerWidth() + f.width, R / E)), g = F({}, p), "flip" === A[0] && (p.top += v._flip(h.top, _.outerHeight(), S.outerHeight(), H / E, T[0], D[0], y.outerHeight())), "flip" === A[1] && (p.left += v._flip(h.left, _.outerWidth(), S.outerWidth(), R / E, T[1], D[1], y.outerWidth())), _.css(b, m), y.css(p), p.left != g.left || p.top != g.top
                _align: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.wrapper,
                        s = e(r.options.anchor),
                        l = t[0],
                        c = t[1],
                        d = n[0],
                        h = n[1],
                        f = a(s),
                        m = e(r.options.appendTo),
                        v = o.outerWidth(),
                        _ = o.outerHeight(),
                        w = s.outerWidth(),
                        b = s.outerHeight(),
                        y = f.top,
                        k = f.left,
                        x = Math.round;
                    return m[0] != document.body && (i = a(m), y -= i.top, k -= i.left), l === g && (y += b), l === u && (y += x(b / 2)), d === g && (y -= _), d === u && (y -= x(_ / 2)), c === p && (k += w), c === u && (k += x(w / 2)), h === p && (k -= v), h === u && (k -= x(v / 2)), {
                        top: y,
                        left: k
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui.Widget,
            r = e.proxy,
            o = e.extend,
            a = window.setTimeout,
            s = "click",
            l = "show",
            c = "hide",
            d = "k-notification",
            u = ".k-notification-wrap .k-i-close",
            h = "info",
            p = "success",
            f = "warning",
            g = "error",
            m = "top",
            v = "left",
            _ = "bottom",
            w = "right",
            b = "up",
            y = ".kendoNotification",
            k = '<div class="k-widget k-notification"></div>',
            x = '<div class="k-notification-wrap"><span class="k-icon k-i-note">#=typeIcon#</span>#=content#<span class="k-icon k-i-close">Hide</span></div>',
            C = i.extend({
                init: function(t, r) {
                    var o = this;
                    i.fn.init.call(o, t, r), r = o.options, r.appendTo && e(r.appendTo).is(t) || o.element.hide(), o._compileTemplates(r.templates), o._guid = "_" + n.guid(), o._isRtl = n.support.isRtl(t), o._compileStacking(r.stacking, r.position.top, r.position.left), n.notify(o)
                events: [l, c],
                options: {
                    name: "Notification",
                    position: {
                        pinned: !0,
                        top: null,
                        left: null,
                        bottom: 20,
                        right: 20
                    stacking: "default",
                    hideOnClick: !0,
                    button: !1,
                    allowHideAfter: 0,
                    autoHideAfter: 5e3,
                    appendTo: null,
                    width: null,
                    height: null,
                    templates: [],
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "fade:in",
                            duration: 300
                        close: {
                            effects: "fade:out",
                            duration: 600,
                            hide: !0
                _compileTemplates: function(t) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = n.template;
                    i._compiled = {}, e.each(t, function(t, n) {
                        i._compiled[n.type] = r(n.template || e("#" + n.templateId).html())
                    }), i._defaultCompiled = r(x)
                _getCompiled: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._defaultCompiled;
                    return e ? t._compiled[e] || n : n
                _compileStacking: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = {
                            paddingTop: 0,
                            paddingRight: 0,
                            paddingBottom: 0,
                            paddingLeft: 0
                        s = null !== n ? v : w;
                    switch (e) {
                        case "down":
                            i = _ + " " + s, r = m + " " + s, delete a.paddingBottom;
                        case w:
                            i = m + " " + w, r = m + " " + v, delete a.paddingRight;
                        case v:
                            i = m + " " + v, r = m + " " + w, delete a.paddingLeft;
                        case b:
                            i = m + " " + s, r = _ + " " + s, delete a.paddingTop;
                            null !== t ? (i = _ + " " + s, r = m + " " + s, delete a.paddingBottom) : (i = m + " " + s, r = _ + " " + s, delete a.paddingTop)
                    o._popupOrigin = i, o._popupPosition = r, o._popupPaddings = a
                _attachPopupEvents: function(e, t) {
                    function i(e) {
                        e.on(s + y, function() {
                    var r, o = this,
                        l = e.allowHideAfter,
                        c = !isNaN(l) && l > 0;
                    t.options.anchor !== document.body && t.options.origin.indexOf(w) > 0 && t.bind("open", function() {
                        var e = n.getShadows(t.element);
                        a(function() {
                            t.wrapper.css("left", parseFloat(t.wrapper.css("left")) + e.left + e.right)
                    }), e.hideOnClick ? t.bind("activate", function() {
                        c ? a(function() {
                        }, l) : i(t.element)
                    }) : e.button && (r = t.element.find(u), c ? a(function() {
                    }, l) : i(r))
                _showPopup: function(t, i) {
                    var r, s, l = this,
                        c = i.autoHideAfter,
                        d = i.position.left,
                        h = i.position.top;
                    s = e("." + l._guid + ":not(.k-hiding)").last(), r = new n.ui.Popup(t, {
                        anchor: s[0] ? s : document.body,
                        origin: l._popupOrigin,
                        position: l._popupPosition,
                        animation: i.animation,
                        modal: !0,
                        collision: "",
                        isRtl: l._isRtl,
                        close: function() {
                        deactivate: function(e) {
                            e.sender.element.off(y), e.sender.element.find(u).off(y), e.sender.destroy()
                    }), l._attachPopupEvents(i, r), s[0] ? r.open() : (null === d && (d = e(window).width() - t.width() - i.position.right), null === h && (h = e(window).height() - t.height() - i.position.bottom), r.open(d, h)), r.wrapper.addClass(l._guid).css(o({
                        margin: 0
                    }, l._popupPaddings)), i.position.pinned ? (r.wrapper.css("position", "fixed"), s[0] && l._togglePin(r.wrapper, !0)) : s[0] || l._togglePin(r.wrapper, !1), c > 0 && a(function() {
                    }, c)
                _hidePopup: function(e) {
                    e.wrapper.addClass("k-hiding"), e.close()
                _togglePin: function(t, n) {
                    var i = e(window),
                        r = n ? -1 : 1;
                        top: parseInt(t.css(m), 10) + r * i.scrollTop(),
                        left: parseInt(t.css(v), 10) + r * i.scrollLeft()
                _attachStaticEvents: function(e, t) {
                    function n(e) {
                        e.on(s + y, r(i._hideStatic, i, t))
                    var i = this,
                        o = e.allowHideAfter,
                        l = !isNaN(o) && o > 0;
                    e.hideOnClick ? l ? a(function() {
                    }, o) : n(t) : e.button && (l ? a(function() {
                    }, o) : n(t.find(u)))
                _showStatic: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = t.autoHideAfter,
                        r = t.animation,
                        o = t.stacking == b || t.stacking == v ? "prependTo" : "appendTo";
                    e.addClass(n._guid)[o](t.appendTo).hide().kendoAnimate(r.open || !1), n._attachStaticEvents(t, e), i > 0 && a(function() {
                    }, i)
                _hideStatic: function(e) {
                    e.kendoAnimate(o(this.options.animation.close || !1, {
                        complete: function() {
                            e.off(y).find(u).off(y), e.remove()
                    })), this._triggerHide(e)
                _triggerHide: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(c, {
                        element: e
                    }), this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e
                show: function(i, r) {
                    var a, s, c = this,
                        u = c.options,
                        p = e(k);
                    return r || (r = h), null !== i && i !== t && "" !== i && (n.isFunction(i) && (i = i()), s = {
                        typeIcon: r,
                        content: ""
                    }, a = e.isPlainObject(i) ? o(s, i) : o(s, {
                        content: i
                    }), p.addClass(d + "-" + r).toggleClass(d + "-button", u.button).attr("data-role", "alert").css({
                        width: u.width,
                        height: u.height
                    }).append(c._getCompiled(r)(a)), c.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: p,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: a
                    }), e(u.appendTo)[0] ? c._showStatic(p, u) : c._showPopup(p, u), c.trigger(l, {
                        element: p
                    })), c
                info: function(e) {
                    return this.show(e, h)
                success: function(e) {
                    return this.show(e, p)
                warning: function(e) {
                    return this.show(e, f)
                error: function(e) {
                    return this.show(e, g)
                hide: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.getNotifications();
                    return n.each(t.options.appendTo ? function(n, i) {
                    } : function(n, i) {
                        var r = e(i).data("kendoPopup");
                        r && t._hidePopup(r)
                    }), t
                getNotifications: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e("." + t._guid);
                    return t.options.appendTo ? n : n.children("." + d)
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var n, r = this;
                    i.fn.setOptions.call(r, e), n = r.options, e.templates !== t && r._compileTemplates(n.templates), (e.stacking !== t || e.position !== t) && r._compileStacking(n.stacking, n.position.top, n.position.left)
                destroy: function() {
                    i.fn.destroy.call(this), this.getNotifications().off(y).find(u).off(y)
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            for (; e.length;) n(e), e = e.parent()

        function n(e) {
            var t = e.data(o.ns + "title");
            t && (e.attr("title", t), e.removeData(o.ns + "title"))

        function i(e) {
            var t = e.attr("title");
            t && (e.data(o.ns + "title", t), e.attr("title", ""))

        function r(e) {
            for (; e.length && !e.is("body");) i(e), e = e.parent()
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui.Widget,
            s = o.ui.Popup,
            l = o.isFunction,
            c = e.isPlainObject,
            d = e.extend,
            u = e.proxy,
            h = e(document),
            p = o.isLocalUrl,
            f = "_tt_active",
            g = "aria-describedby",
            m = "show",
            v = "hide",
            _ = "error",
            w = "contentLoad",
            b = "requestStart",
            y = "k-content-frame",
            k = '<div role="tooltip" class="k-widget k-tooltip#if (!autoHide) {# k-tooltip-closable#}#">#if (!autoHide) {# <div class="k-tooltip-button"><a href="\\#" class="k-icon k-i-close">close</a></div> #}#<div class="k-tooltip-content"></div>#if (callout){ #<div class="k-callout k-callout-#=dir#"></div>#}#</div>',
            x = o.template("<iframe frameborder='0' class='" + y + "' src='#= content.url #'>This page requires frames in order to show content</iframe>"),
            C = ".kendoTooltip",
            S = {
                bottom: {
                    origin: "bottom center",
                    position: "top center"
                top: {
                    origin: "top center",
                    position: "bottom center"
                left: {
                    origin: "center left",
                    position: "center right",
                    collision: "fit flip"
                right: {
                    origin: "center right",
                    position: "center left",
                    collision: "fit flip"
                center: {
                    position: "center center",
                    origin: "center center"
            T = {
                top: "bottom",
                bottom: "top",
                left: "right",
                right: "left",
                center: "center"
            D = {
                bottom: "n",
                top: "s",
                left: "e",
                right: "w",
                center: "n"
            A = {
                horizontal: {
                    offset: "top",
                    size: "outerHeight"
                vertical: {
                    offset: "left",
                    size: "outerWidth"
            E = function(e) {
                return e.target.data(o.ns + "title")
            I = a.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    a.fn.init.call(i, e, t), n = i.options.position.match(/left|right/) ? "horizontal" : "vertical", i.dimensions = A[n], i._documentKeyDownHandler = u(i._documentKeyDown, i), i.element.on(i.options.showOn + C, i.options.filter, u(i._showOn, i)).on("mouseenter" + C, i.options.filter, u(i._mouseenter, i)), this.options.autoHide && i.element.on("mouseleave" + C, i.options.filter, u(i._mouseleave, i))
                options: {
                    name: "Tooltip",
                    filter: "",
                    content: E,
                    showAfter: 100,
                    callout: !0,
                    position: "bottom",
                    showOn: "mouseenter",
                    autoHide: !0,
                    width: null,
                    height: null,
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "fade:in",
                            duration: 0
                        close: {
                            effects: "fade:out",
                            duration: 40,
                            hide: !0
                events: [m, v, w, _, b],
                _mouseenter: function(t) {
                _showOn: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(t.currentTarget);
                    n.options.showOn && n.options.showOn.match(/click|focus/) ? n._show(i) : (clearTimeout(n.timeout), n.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, n.options.showAfter))
                _appendContent: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.content,
                        r = n.content,
                        a = n.options.iframe;
                    c(i) && i.url ? ("iframe" in n.options || (a = !p(i.url)), n.trigger(b, {
                        options: i,
                        target: e
                    }), a ? (r.hide(), t = r.find("." + y)[0], t ? t.src = i.url || t.src : r.html(x({
                        content: i
                    })), r.find("." + y).off("load" + C).on("load" + C, function() {
                        n.trigger(w), r.show()
                    })) : (r.empty(), o.ui.progress(r, !0), n._ajaxRequest(i))) : i && l(i) ? (i = i({
                        sender: this,
                        target: e
                    }), r.html(i || "")) : r.html(i), n.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: r
                _ajaxRequest: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                        type: "GET",
                        dataType: "html",
                        cache: !1,
                        error: function(e, n) {
                            o.ui.progress(t.content, !1), t.trigger(_, {
                                status: n,
                                xhr: e
                        success: u(function(e) {
                            o.ui.progress(t.content, !1), t.content.html(e), t.trigger(w)
                        }, t)
                    }, e))
                _documentKeyDown: function(e) {
                    e.keyCode === o.keys.ESC && this.hide()
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.popup;
                    t && t.options.anchor && e._appendContent(t.options.anchor)
                hide: function() {
                    this.popup && this.popup.close()
                show: function(e) {
                    e = e || this.element, r(e), this._show(e)
                _show: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.target();
                    n.popup || n._initPopup(), i && i[0] != e[0] && (n.popup.close(), n.popup.element.kendoStop(!0, !0)), i && i[0] == e[0] || (n._appendContent(e), n.popup.options.anchor = e), n.popup.one("deactivate", function() {
                        t(e), e.removeAttr(g), this.element.removeAttr("id").attr("aria-hidden", !0), h.off("keydown" + C, n._documentKeyDownHandler)
                    }), n.popup.open()
                _initPopup: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = e(o.template(k)({
                            callout: n.callout && "center" !== n.position,
                            dir: D[n.position],
                            autoHide: n.autoHide
                    t.popup = new s(i, d({
                        activate: function() {
                            var e = this.options.anchor,
                                i = e[0].id || t.element[0].id;
                            i && (e.attr(g, i + f), this.element.attr("id", i + f)), n.callout && t._positionCallout(), this.element.removeAttr("aria-hidden"), h.on("keydown" + C, t._documentKeyDownHandler), t.trigger(m)
                        close: function() {
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                        animation: n.animation
                    }, S[n.position])), i.css({
                        width: n.width,
                        height: n.height
                    }), t.content = i.find(".k-tooltip-content"), t.arrow = i.find(".k-callout"), n.autoHide ? i.on("mouseleave" + C, u(t._mouseleave, t)) : i.on("click" + C, ".k-tooltip-button", u(t._closeButtonClick, t))
                _closeButtonClick: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this.hide()
                _mouseleave: function(n) {
                    if (this.popup) {
                        var i = e(n.currentTarget),
                            r = i.offset(),
                            o = n.pageX,
                            a = n.pageY;
                        if (r.right = r.left + i.outerWidth(), r.bottom = r.top + i.outerHeight(), o > r.left && r.right > o && a > r.top && r.bottom > a) return;
                    } else t(e(n.currentTarget));
                _positionCallout: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.position,
                        i = t.dimensions,
                        r = i.offset,
                        o = t.popup,
                        a = o.options.anchor,
                        s = e(a).offset(),
                        l = parseInt(t.arrow.css("border-top-width"), 10),
                        c = e(o.element).offset(),
                        d = D[o.flipped ? T[n] : n],
                        u = s[r] - c[r] + e(a)[i.size]() / 2 - l;
                    t.arrow.removeClass("k-callout-n k-callout-s k-callout-w k-callout-e").addClass("k-callout-" + d).css(r, u)
                target: function() {
                    return this.popup ? this.popup.options.anchor : null
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this.popup;
                    e && (e.element.off(C), e.destroy()), this.element.off(C), h.off("keydown" + C, this._documentKeyDownHandler), a.fn.destroy.call(this)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = t.length,
                a = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++)
                for (n = e[i], r = 0; o > r; r++) n === t[r] && a.push({
                    index: i,
                    item: n
            return a

        function i(t, n) {
            var r, o = !1;
            return t.filters && (r = e.grep(t.filters, function(e) {
                return o = i(e, n), e.filters ? e.filters.length : e.field != n
            }), o || t.filters.length === r.length || (o = !0), t.filters = r), o
        var r, o, a = window.kendo,
            s = a.ui,
            l = s.Widget,
            c = a.keys,
            d = a.support,
            u = a.htmlEncode,
            h = a._activeElement,
            p = a.data.ObservableArray,
            f = "id",
            g = "change",
            m = "k-state-focused",
            v = "k-state-hover",
            _ = "k-loading",
            w = "open",
            b = "close",
            y = "select",
            k = "selected",
            x = "requestStart",
            C = "requestEnd",
            S = "width",
            T = e.extend,
            D = e.proxy,
            A = e.isArray,
            E = d.browser,
            I = E.msie && 9 > E.version,
            P = /"/g,
            M = {
                ComboBox: "DropDownList",
                DropDownList: "ComboBox"
            z = a.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.ns;
                    l.fn.init.call(r, t, n), t = r.element, n = r.options, r._isSelect = t.is(y), r._isSelect && r.element[0].length && (n.dataSource || (n.dataTextField = n.dataTextField || "text", n.dataValueField = n.dataValueField || "value")), r.ul = e('<ul unselectable="on" class="k-list k-reset"/>').attr({
                        tabIndex: -1,
                        "aria-hidden": !0
                    }), r.list = e("<div class='k-list-container'/>").append(r.ul).on("mousedown" + o, D(r._listMousedown, r)), i = t.attr(f), i && (r.list.attr(f, i + "-list"), r.ul.attr(f, i + "_listbox")), r._header(), r._accessors(), r._initValue()
                options: {
                    valuePrimitive: !1,
                    headerTemplate: ""
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    l.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), e && e.enable !== t && (e.enabled = e.enable)
                focus: function() {
                readonly: function(e) {
                        readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                        disable: !1
                enable: function(e) {
                        readonly: !1,
                        disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
                _listOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options;
                    return e = e || {}, e = {
                        height: e.height || t.height,
                        dataValueField: e.dataValueField || t.dataValueField,
                        dataTextField: e.dataTextField || t.dataTextField,
                        groupTemplate: e.groupTemplate || t.groupTemplate,
                        fixedGroupTemplate: e.fixedGroupTemplate || t.fixedGroupTemplate,
                        template: e.template || t.template
                    }, e.template || (e.template = "#:" + a.expr(e.dataTextField, "data") + "#"), e
                _initList: function() {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.virtual,
                        o = !!r,
                        s = i.value,
                        l = D(n._listBound, n),
                        c = {
                            autoBind: !1,
                            selectable: !0,
                            dataSource: n.dataSource,
                            click: D(n._click, n),
                            change: D(n._listChange, n),
                            activate: D(n._activateItem, n),
                            deactivate: D(n._deactivateItem, n),
                            dataBinding: function() {
                                n.trigger("dataBinding"), n._angularItems("cleanup")
                            dataBound: l,
                            listBound: l,
                            selectedItemChange: D(n._listChange, n)
                    c = e.extend(n._listOptions(), c, "object" == typeof r ? r : {}), n.listView = o ? new a.ui.VirtualList(n.ul, c) : new a.ui.StaticList(n.ul, c), s !== t && n.listView.value(s).done(function() {
                        var e = i.text;
                        !n.listView.filter() && n.input && (-1 === n.selectedIndex ? ((e === t || null === e) && (e = s), n._accessor(s), n.input.val(e), n._placeholder()) : -1 === n._oldIndex && (n._oldIndex = n.selectedIndex))
                _listMousedown: function(e) {
                    this.filterInput && this.filterInput[0] === e.target || e.preventDefault()
                _filterSource: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = n.dataSource,
                        a = T({}, o.filter() || {}),
                        s = i(a, r.dataTextField);
                    (e || s) && n.trigger("filtering", {
                        filter: e
                    }) || (e && (a = a.filters || [], a.push(e)), t ? o.read(a) : o.filter(a))
                _header: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.headerTemplate;
                    e.isFunction(i) && (i = i({})), i && (n.list.prepend(i), t = n.ul.prev(), n.header = t[0] ? t : null, n.header && n.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.header
                _initValue: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options.value;
                    null !== t ? e.element.val(t) : (t = e._accessor(), e.options.value = t), e._old = t
                _ignoreCase: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.dataSource.reader.model;
                    n && n.fields && (e = n.fields[t.options.dataTextField], e && e.type && "string" !== e.type && (t.options.ignoreCase = !1))
                _focus: function(e) {
                    return this.listView.focus(e)
                current: function(e) {
                    return this._focus(e)
                items: function() {
                    return this.ul[0].children
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.ns;
                    l.fn.destroy.call(e), e._unbindDataSource(), e.listView.destroy(), e.list.off(t), e.popup.destroy(), e._form && e._form.off("reset", e._resetHandler)
                dataItem: function(n) {
                    var i = this;
                    return n === t ? i.listView.selectedDataItems()[0] : ("number" != typeof n && (n = e(i.items()).index(n)), i.dataSource.flatView()[n])
                _activateItem: function() {
                    var e = this.listView.focus();
                    e && this._focused.add(this.filterInput).attr("aria-activedescendant", e.attr("id"))
                _deactivateItem: function() {
                _accessors: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = e.options,
                        i = a.getter,
                        r = t.attr(a.attr("text-field")),
                        o = t.attr(a.attr("value-field"));
                    !n.dataTextField && r && (n.dataTextField = r), !n.dataValueField && o && (n.dataValueField = o), e._text = i(n.dataTextField), e._value = i(n.dataValueField)
                _aria: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n._focused.add(n.filterInput);
                    i.suggest !== t && r.attr("aria-autocomplete", i.suggest ? "both" : "list"), e = e ? e + " " + n.ul[0].id : n.ul[0].id, r.attr("aria-owns", e), n.ul.attr("aria-live", i.filter && "none" !== i.filter ? "polite" : "off")
                _blur: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._change(), e.close()
                _change: function() {
                    var e, n = this,
                        i = n.selectedIndex,
                        r = n.options.value,
                        o = n.value();
                    n._isSelect && !n.listView.isBound() && r && (o = r), o !== n._old ? e = !0 : i !== t && i !== n._oldIndex && (e = !0), e && (n._old = o, n._oldIndex = i, n._typing || n.element.trigger(g), n.trigger(g)), n.typing = !1
                _data: function() {
                    return this.dataSource.view()
                _enable: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        n = e.options,
                        i = e.element.is("[disabled]");
                    n.enable !== t && (n.enabled = n.enable), !n.enabled || i ? e.enable(!1) : e.readonly(e.element.is("[readonly]"))
                _dataValue: function(e) {
                    var n = this._value(e);
                    return n === t && (n = this._text(e)), n
                _offsetHeight: function() {
                    var t = 0,
                        n = this.listView.content.prevAll(":visible");
                    return n.each(function() {
                        var n = e(this);
                        t += n.hasClass("k-list-filter") ? n.children().outerHeight() : n.outerHeight()
                    }), t
                _height: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.list,
                        o = i.options.height,
                        a = i.popup.visible();
                    return e && (n = r.add(r.parent(".k-animation-container")).show(), o = i.listView.content[0].scrollHeight > o ? o : "auto", n.height(o), "auto" !== o && (t = i._offsetHeight(), t && (o -= t)), i.listView.content.height(o), a || n.hide()), o
                _adjustListWidth: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.list,
                        i = n[0].style.width,
                        r = this.wrapper;
                    if (n.data(S) || !i) return e = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(r[0], null) : 0, t = e ? parseFloat(e.width) : r.outerWidth(), e && E.msie && (t += parseFloat(e.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(e.paddingRight) + parseFloat(e.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(e.borderRightWidth)), i = "border-box" !== n.css("box-sizing") ? t - (n.outerWidth() - n.width()) : t, n.css({
                        fontFamily: r.css("font-family"),
                        width: i
                    }).data(S, i), !0
                _openHandler: function(e) {
                    this._adjustListWidth(), this.trigger(w) ? e.preventDefault() : (this._focused.attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.ul.attr("aria-hidden", !1))
                _closeHandler: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(b) ? e.preventDefault() : (this._focused.attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.ul.attr("aria-hidden", !0))
                _focusItem: function() {
                    var e = this.listView,
                        n = e.focus(),
                        i = e.select();
                    i = i[i.length - 1], i === t && this.options.highlightFirst && !n && (i = 0), i !== t ? e.focus(i) : e.scrollToIndex(0)
                _calculateGroupPadding: function(e) {
                    var t = this.ul.children(".k-first:first"),
                        n = this.listView.content.prev(".k-group-header"),
                        i = 0;
                    n[0] && "none" !== n[0].style.display && ("auto" !== e && (i = a.support.scrollbar()), i += parseFloat(t.css("border-right-width"), 10) + parseFloat(t.children(".k-group").css("padding-right"), 10), n.css("padding-right", i))
                _firstOpen: function() {
                    var e = this._height(this.dataSource.flatView().length);
                _popup: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.popup = new s.Popup(e.list, T({}, e.options.popup, {
                        anchor: e.wrapper,
                        open: D(e._openHandler, e),
                        close: D(e._closeHandler, e),
                        animation: e.options.animation,
                        isRtl: d.isRtl(e.wrapper)
                    })), e.options.virtual || e.popup.one(w, D(e._firstOpen, e))
                _makeUnselectable: function() {
                    I && this.list.find("*").not(".k-textbox").attr("unselectable", "on")
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(v, "mouseenter" === t.type)
                _toggle: function(e, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = d.mobileOS && (d.touch || d.MSPointers || d.pointers);
                    e = e !== t ? e : !i.popup.visible(), n || r || i._focused[0] === h() || (i._prevent = !0, i._focused.focus(), i._prevent = !1), i[e ? w : b]()
                _triggerCascade: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._cascadeTriggered && e._old === e.value() && e._oldIndex === e.selectedIndex || (e._cascadeTriggered = !0, e.trigger("cascade", {
                        userTriggered: e._userTriggered
                _unbindDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dataSource.unbind(x, e._requestStartHandler).unbind(C, e._requestEndHandler).unbind("error", e._errorHandler)
        T(z, {
            inArray: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = t.children;
                if (!e || e.parentNode !== t) return -1;
                for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++)
                    if (e === r[n]) return n;
                return -1
        }), a.ui.List = z, s.Select = z.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                z.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._initial = this.element.val()
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                n.options.dataSource = e, n._dataSource(), n.listView.setDataSource(n.dataSource), n.options.autoBind && n.dataSource.fetch(), t = n._parentWidget(), t && n._cascadeSelect(t)
            close: function() {
            select: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e === t ? n.selectedIndex : (n._select(e), n._old = n._accessor(), n._oldIndex = n.selectedIndex, t)
            search: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a;
                e = "string" == typeof e ? e : this.text(), t = this, n = e.length, i = t.options, r = i.ignoreCase, o = i.filter, a = i.dataTextField, clearTimeout(t._typingTimeout), (!n || n >= i.minLength) && (t._state = "filter", t.listView.filter(!0), "none" === o ? t._filter(e) : (t._open = !0, t._filterSource({
                    value: r ? e.toLowerCase() : e,
                    field: a,
                    operator: o,
                    ignoreCase: r
            _accessor: function(e, t) {
                return this[this._isSelect ? "_accessorSelect" : "_accessorInput"](e, t)
            _accessorInput: function(e) {
                var n = this.element[0];
                return e === t ? n.value : (null === e && (e = ""), n.value = e, t)
            _accessorSelect: function(e, n) {
                var i, r = this.element[0],
                    o = r.selectedIndex;
                return e === t ? (o > -1 && (i = r.options[o]), i && (e = i.value), e || "") : (o > -1 && r.options[o].removeAttribute(k), n === t && (n = -1), null !== e && "" !== e && -1 == n ? this._custom(e) : (e ? r.value = e : r.selectedIndex = n, r.selectedIndex > -1 && (i = r.options[r.selectedIndex]), i && i.setAttribute(k, k)), t)
            _custom: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = n._customOption;
                r || (r = e("<option/>"), n._customOption = r, i.append(r)), r.text(t), r[0].setAttribute(k, k), r[0].selected = !0
            _hideBusy: function() {
                var e = this;
                clearTimeout(e._busy), e._arrow.removeClass(_), e._focused.attr("aria-busy", !1), e._busy = null
            _showBusy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._request = !0, e._busy || (e._busy = setTimeout(function() {
                    e._arrow && (e._focused.attr("aria-busy", !0), e._arrow.addClass(_))
                }, 100))
            _requestEnd: function() {
                this._request = !1, this._hideBusy()
            _dataSource: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = n.options,
                    o = r.dataSource || {};
                o = e.isArray(o) ? {
                    data: o
                } : o, n._isSelect && (t = i[0].selectedIndex, t > -1 && (r.index = t), o.select = i, o.fields = [{
                    field: r.dataTextField
                }, {
                    field: r.dataValueField
                }]), n.dataSource ? n._unbindDataSource() : (n._requestStartHandler = D(n._showBusy, n), n._requestEndHandler = D(n._requestEnd, n), n._errorHandler = D(n._hideBusy, n)), n.dataSource = a.data.DataSource.create(o).bind(x, n._requestStartHandler).bind(C, n._requestEndHandler).bind("error", n._errorHandler)
            _firstItem: function() {
            _lastItem: function() {
            _nextItem: function() {
            _prevItem: function() {
            _move: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = e.keyCode,
                    l = s === c.DOWN;
                if (s === c.UP || l) {
                    if (e.altKey) a.toggle(l);
                    else {
                        if (!a.listView.isBound()) return a._fetch || (a.dataSource.one(g, function() {
                            a._fetch = !1, a._move(e)
                        }), a._fetch = !0, a._filterSource()), e.preventDefault(), !0;
                        if (r = a._focus(), a._fetch || r && !r.hasClass("k-state-selected") || (l ? (a._nextItem(), a._focus() || a._lastItem()) : (a._prevItem(), a._focus() || a._firstItem())), a.trigger(y, {
                            item: a.listView.focus()
                        })) return a._focus(r), t;
                        a._select(a._focus(), !0), a.popup.visible() || a._blur()
                    e.preventDefault(), i = !0
                } else if (s === c.ENTER || s === c.TAB) {
                    if (a.popup.visible() && e.preventDefault(), r = a._focus(), n = a.dataItem(), a.popup.visible() || n && a.text() === a._text(n) || (r = null), o = a.filterInput && a.filterInput[0] === h(), r) {
                        if (a.trigger(y, {
                            item: r
                        })) return;
                    } else a.input && (a._accessor(a.input.val()), a.listView.value(a.input.val()));
                    a._focusElement && a._focusElement(a.wrapper), o && s === c.TAB ? a.wrapper.focusout() : a._blur(), a.close(), i = !0
                } else s === c.ESC && (a.popup.visible() && e.preventDefault(), a.close(), i = !0);
                return i
            _fetchData: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = !!e.dataSource.view().length;
                e._request || e.options.cascadeFrom || e.listView.isBound() || e._fetch || t || (e._fetch = !0, e.dataSource.fetch().done(function() {
                    e._fetch = !1
            _options: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = l.element,
                    d = e.length,
                    h = "",
                    p = 0;
                for (n && (h = n); d > p; p++) r = "<option", o = e[p], a = l._text(o), s = l._value(o), s !== t && (s += "", -1 !== s.indexOf('"') && (s = s.replace(P, "&quot;")), r += ' value="' + s + '"'), r += ">", a !== t && (r += u(a)), r += "</option>", h += r;
                c.html(h), i !== t && (c[0].value = i)
            _reset: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.element,
                    i = n.attr("form"),
                    r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
            _parentWidget: function() {
                var t = this.options.name,
                    n = e("#" + this.options.cascadeFrom),
                    i = n.data("kendo" + t);
                return i || (i = n.data("kendo" + M[t])), i
            _cascade: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.cascadeFrom;
                if (i) {
                    if (e = t._parentWidget(), !e) return;
                    n.autoBind = !1, e.first("cascade", function(n) {
                        t._userTriggered = n.userTriggered, t.listView.isBound() && t._clearSelection(e, !0), t._cascadeSelect(e)
                    }), e.listView.isBound() ? t._cascadeSelect(e) : e.value() || t.enable(!1)
            _cascadeChange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t._accessor();
                t._userTriggered ? t._clearSelection(e, !0) : n ? (n !== t.listView.value()[0] && t.value(n), t.dataSource.view()[0] && -1 !== t.selectedIndex || t._clearSelection(e, !0)) : t.dataSource.flatView().length && t.select(t.options.index), t.enable(), t._triggerCascade(), t._userTriggered = !1
            _cascadeSelect: function(e) {
                var t, n, r, o = this,
                    a = e.dataItem(),
                    s = a ? e._value(a) : null,
                    l = o.options.cascadeFromField || e.options.dataValueField;
                s || 0 === s ? (t = o.dataSource.filter() || {}, i(t, l), n = t.filters || [], n.push({
                    field: l,
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: s
                }), r = function() {
                    o.unbind("dataBound", r), o._cascadeChange(e)
                }, o.first("dataBound", r), o.dataSource.filter(n)) : (o.enable(!1), o._clearSelection(e), o._triggerCascade(), o._userTriggered = !1)
        }), r = ".StaticList", o = a.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                l.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this.element.attr("role", "listbox").on("click" + r, "li", D(this._click, this)).on("mouseenter" + r, "li", function() {
                }).on("mouseleave" + r, "li", function() {
                }), this.content = this.element.wrap("<div unselectable='on'></div>").parent().css({
                    overflow: "auto",
                    position: "relative"
                }), this.header = this.content.before('<div class="k-group-header" style="display:none"></div>').prev(), this._bound = !1, this._optionID = a.guid(), this._selectedIndices = [], this._view = [], this._dataItems = [], this._values = [];
                var i = this.options.value;
                i && (this._values = e.isArray(i) ? i.slice(0) : [i]), this._getter(), this._templates(), this.setDataSource(this.options.dataSource), this._onScroll = D(function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._scrollId), e._scrollId = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 50)
                }, this)
            options: {
                name: "StaticList",
                dataValueField: null,
                selectable: !0,
                template: null,
                groupTemplate: null,
                fixedGroupTemplate: null
            events: ["click", "change", "activate", "deactivate", "dataBinding", "dataBound", "selectedItemChange"],
            setDataSource: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = t || {};
                r = e.isArray(r) ? {
                    data: r
                } : r, r = a.data.DataSource.create(r), i.dataSource ? (i.dataSource.unbind(g, i._refreshHandler), n = i.value(), i.value([]), i._bound = !1, i.value(n)) : i._refreshHandler = D(i.refresh, i), i.dataSource = r.bind(g, i._refreshHandler), i._fixedHeader()
            setOptions: function(e) {
                l.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._getter(), this._templates(), this._render()
            destroy: function() {
                this.element.off(r), this._refreshHandler && this.dataSource.unbind(g, this._refreshHandler), l.fn.destroy.call(this)
            scrollToIndex: function(e) {
                var t = this.element[0].children[e];
                t && this.scroll(t)
            scroll: function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    e[0] && (e = e[0]);
                    var t = this.content[0],
                        n = e.offsetTop,
                        i = e.offsetHeight,
                        r = t.scrollTop,
                        o = t.clientHeight,
                        a = n + i;
                    r > n ? r = n : a > r + o && (r = a - o), t.scrollTop = r
            selectedDataItems: function(n) {
                var i = this._valueGetter;
                return n === t ? this._dataItems.slice() : (this._dataItems = n, this._values = e.map(n, function(e) {
                    return i(e)
                }), t)
            next: function() {
                var e = this.focus();
                e = e ? e.next() : 0, this.focus(e)
            prev: function() {
                var e = this.focus();
                e = e ? e.prev() : this.element[0].children.length - 1, this.focus(e)
            first: function() {
            last: function() {
                this.focus(this.element[0].children[this.element[0].children.length - 1])
            focus: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r._optionID;
                return n === t ? r._current : (n = r._get(n), n = n[n.length - 1], n = e(this.element[0].children[n]), r._current && (r._current.removeClass(m).removeAttr("aria-selected").removeAttr(f), r.trigger("deactivate")), i = !!n[0], i && (n.addClass(m), r.scroll(n), n.attr("id", o)), r._current = i ? n : null, r.trigger("activate"), t)
            focusIndex: function() {
                return this.focus() ? this.focus().index() : t
            filter: function(e) {
                return e === t ? this._filtered : (this._filtered = e, t)
            skipUpdate: function(e) {
                this._skipUpdate = e
            select: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r.options.selectable,
                    a = "multiple" !== o && o !== !1,
                    s = r._selectedIndices,
                    l = [],
                    c = [];
                if (n === t) return s.slice();
                if (n = r._get(n), 1 === n.length && -1 === n[0] && (n = []), !r._filtered || a || !r._deselectFiltered(n)) {
                    if (a && !r._filtered && -1 !== e.inArray(n[n.length - 1], s)) return r._dataItems.length && r._view.length && (r._dataItems = [r._view[s[0]].item]), t;
                    i = r._deselect(n), c = i.removed, n = i.indices, n.length && (a && (n = [n[n.length - 1]]), l = r._select(n)), (l.length || c.length) && (r._valueComparer = null, r.trigger("change", {
                        added: l,
                        removed: c
            removeAt: function(e) {
                return this._selectedIndices.splice(e, 1), this._values.splice(e, 1), this._valueComparer = null, {
                    position: e,
                    dataItem: this._dataItems.splice(e, 1)[0]
            setValue: function(t) {
                t = e.isArray(t) || t instanceof p ? t.slice(0) : [t], this._values = t, this._valueComparer = null
            value: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r._valueDeferred;
                return n === t ? r._values.slice() : (r.setValue(n), o && "resolved" !== o.state() || (r._valueDeferred = o = e.Deferred()), r.isBound() && (i = r._valueIndices(r._values), "multiple" === r.options.selectable && r.select(-1), r.select(i), o.resolve()), r._skipUpdate = !1, o)
            _click: function(t) {
                t.isDefaultPrevented() || this.trigger("click", {
                    item: e(t.currentTarget)
            _valueExpr: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = 0,
                    l = [];
                if (!a._valueComparer || a._valueType !== e) {
                    for (a._valueType = e; n.length > s; s++) i = n[s], i !== t && "" !== i && null !== i && ("boolean" === e ? i = !!i : "number" === e ? i = +i : "string" === e && (i = "" + i)), l.push(i);
                    r = "for (var idx = 0; idx < " + l.length + "; idx++) { if (current === values[idx]) {   return idx; }} return -1;", o = Function(["current", "values"], r), a._valueComparer = function(e) {
                        return o(e, l)
                return a._valueComparer
            _dataItemPosition: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._valueGetter(e),
                    i = this._valueExpr(typeof n, t);
                return i(n)
            _getter: function() {
                this._valueGetter = a.getter(this.options.dataValueField)
            _deselect: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.element[0].children,
                    s = o.options.selectable,
                    l = o._selectedIndices,
                    c = o._dataItems,
                    d = o._values,
                    u = [],
                    h = 0,
                    p = 0;
                if (t = t.slice(), s !== !0 && t.length) {
                    if ("multiple" === s)
                        for (; t.length > h; h++)
                            if (i = t[h], e(a[i]).hasClass("k-state-selected"))
                                for (n = 0; l.length > n; n++)
                                    if (r = l[n], r === i) {
                                        e(a[r]).removeClass("k-state-selected"), u.push({
                                            position: n + p,
                                            dataItem: c.splice(n, 1)[0]
                                        }), l.splice(n, 1), t.splice(h, 1), d.splice(n, 1), p += 1, h -= 1, n -= 1;
                } else {
                    for (; l.length > h; h++) e(a[l[h]]).removeClass("k-state-selected"), u.push({
                        position: h,
                        dataItem: c[h]
                    o._values = [], o._dataItems = [], o._selectedIndices = []
                return {
                    indices: t,
                    removed: u
            _deselectFiltered: function(t) {
                for (var n, i, r, o = this.element[0].children, a = [], s = 0; t.length > s; s++) i = t[s], n = this._view[i].item, r = this._dataItemPosition(n, this._values), r > -1 && (a.push(this.removeAt(r)), e(o[i]).removeClass("k-state-selected"));
                return a.length ? (this.trigger("change", {
                    added: [],
                    removed: a
                }), !0) : !1
            _select: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.element[0].children,
                    a = r._view,
                    s = [],
                    l = 0;
                for (-1 !== t[t.length - 1] && r.focus(t); t.length > l; l++) i = t[l], n = a[i], -1 !== i && n && (n = n.item, r._selectedIndices.push(i), r._dataItems.push(n), r._values.push(r._valueGetter(n)), e(o[i]).addClass("k-state-selected").attr("aria-selected", !0), s.push({
                    dataItem: n
                return s
            _get: function(n) {
                return "number" == typeof n ? n = [n] : A(n) || (n = e(n).data("offset-index"), n === t && (n = -1), n = [n]), n
            _template: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.template;
                return n ? (n = a.template(n), n = function(e) {
                    return '<li tabindex="-1" role="option" unselectable="on" class="k-item">' + n(e) + "</li>"
                }) : n = a.template('<li tabindex="-1" role="option" unselectable="on" class="k-item">${' + a.expr(t.dataTextField, "data") + "}</li>", {
                    useWithBlock: !1
                }), n
            _templates: function() {
                var e, t, n = {
                    template: this.options.template,
                    groupTemplate: this.options.groupTemplate,
                    fixedGroupTemplate: this.options.fixedGroupTemplate
                for (t in n) e = n[t], e && "function" != typeof e && (n[t] = a.template(e));
                this.templates = n
            _normalizeIndices: function(e) {
                for (var n = [], i = 0; e.length > i; i++) e[i] !== t && n.push(e[i]);
                return n
            _valueIndices: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this._view,
                    r = 0;
                if (t = t ? t.slice() : [], !e.length) return [];
                for (; i.length > r; r++) n = this._dataItemPosition(i[r].item, e), -1 !== n && (t[n] = r);
                return this._normalizeIndices(t)
            _firstVisibleItem: function() {
                for (var t = this.element[0], n = this.content[0], i = n.scrollTop, r = e(t.children[0]).height(), o = Math.floor(i / r) || 0, a = t.children[o] || t.lastChild, s = i > a.offsetTop; a;)
                    if (s) {
                        if (a.offsetTop + r > i || !a.nextSibling) break;
                        a = a.nextSibling
                    } else {
                        if (i >= a.offsetTop || !a.previousSibling) break;
                        a = a.previousSibling
                return this._view[e(a).data("offset-index")]
            _fixedHeader: function() {
                this.isGrouped() && this.templates.fixedGroupTemplate ? (this.header.show(), this.content.scroll(this._onScroll)) : (this.header.hide(), this.content.off("scroll", this._onScroll))
            _renderHeader: function() {
                var e, t = this.templates.fixedGroupTemplate;
                t && (e = this._firstVisibleItem(), e && this.header.html(t(e.group)))
            _renderItem: function(e) {
                var t = '<li tabindex="-1" role="option" unselectable="on" class="k-item',
                    n = e.item,
                    i = 0 !== e.index,
                    r = e.selected;
                return i && e.newGroup && (t += " k-first"), r && (t += " k-state-selected"), t += '"' + (r ? ' aria-selected="true"' : "") + ' data-offset-index="' + e.index + '">', t += this.templates.template(n), i && e.newGroup && (t += '<div class="k-group">' + this.templates.groupTemplate(e.group) + "</div>"), t + "</li>"
            _render: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = "",
                    o = 0,
                    a = 0,
                    s = [],
                    l = this.dataSource.view(),
                    c = this.value(),
                    d = this.isGrouped();
                if (d)
                    for (o = 0; l.length > o; o++)
                        for (t = l[o], n = !0, i = 0; t.items.length > i; i++) e = {
                            selected: this._selected(t.items[i], c),
                            item: t.items[i],
                            group: t.value,
                            newGroup: n,
                            index: a
                        }, s[a] = e, a += 1, r += this._renderItem(e), n = !1;
                    for (o = 0; l.length > o; o++) e = {
                        selected: this._selected(l[o], c),
                        item: l[o],
                        index: o
                    }, s[o] = e, r += this._renderItem(e);
                this._view = s, this.element[0].innerHTML = r, d && s.length && this._renderHeader()
            _selected: function(e, t) {
                var n = !this._filtered || "multiple" === this.options.selectable;
                return n && -1 !== this._dataItemPosition(e, t)
            refresh: function(e) {
                var t, i = this,
                    r = e && e.action;
                i.trigger("dataBinding"), i._fixedHeader(), i._render(), i._bound = !0, "itemchange" === r ? (t = n(i._dataItems, e.items), t.length && i.trigger("selectedItemChange", {
                    items: t
                })) : i._filtered || i._skipUpdate ? (i.focus(0), i._skipUpdate && (i._skipUpdate = !1, i._selectedIndices = i._valueIndices(i._values, i._selectedIndices))) : r && "add" !== r || i.value(i._values), i._valueDeferred && i._valueDeferred.resolve(), i.trigger("dataBound")
            isBound: function() {
                return this._bound
            isGrouped: function() {
                return (this.dataSource.group() || []).length
        }), s.plugin(o)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o = e.getFullYear(),
                a = t.getFullYear(),
                s = n.getFullYear();
            return o -= o % i, r = o + (i - 1), a > o && (o = a), r > s && (r = s), o + "-" + r

        function i(e) {
            for (var t, n = 0, i = e.min, r = e.max, o = e.start, a = e.setter, l = e.build, c = e.cells || 12, d = e.perRow || 4, u = e.content || P, h = e.empty || M, p = e.html || '<table tabindex="0" role="grid" class="k-content k-meta-view" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr role="row">'; c > n; n++) n > 0 && n % d === 0 && (p += '</tr><tr role="row">'), t = l(o, n), p += s(o, i, r) ? u(t) : h(t), a(o, 1);
            return p + "</tr></tbody></table>"

        function r(e, t, n) {
            var i = e.getFullYear(),
                r = t.getFullYear(),
                o = r,
                a = 0;
            return n && (r -= r % n, o = r - r % n + n - 1), i > o ? a = 1 : r > i && (a = -1), a

        function o() {
            var e = new ft;
            return new ft(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate())

        function a(e, t, n) {
            var i = o();
            return e && (i = new ft(+e)), t > i ? i = new ft(+t) : i > n && (i = new ft(+n)), i

        function s(e, t, n) {
            return +e >= +t && +n >= +e

        function l(e, t) {
            return e.slice(t).concat(e.slice(0, t))

        function c(e, t, n) {
            t = t instanceof ft ? t.getFullYear() : e.getFullYear() + n * t, e.setFullYear(t)

        function d(t) {
            e(this).toggleClass($, it.indexOf(t.type) > -1 || t.type == tt)

        function u(e) {

        function h(e) {
            return A(e).calendars.standard

        function p(e) {
            var n = gt[e.start],
                i = gt[e.depth],
                r = A(e.culture);
            e.format = T(e.format || r.calendars.standard.patterns.d), isNaN(n) && (n = 0, e.start = U), (i === t || i > n) && (e.depth = U), e.dates || (e.dates = [])

        function f(e) {
            F && e.find("*").attr("unselectable", "on")

        function g(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++)
                if (e === +t[n]) return !0;
            return !1

        function m(e, t) {
            return e ? e.getFullYear() === t.getFullYear() && e.getMonth() === t.getMonth() && e.getDate() === t.getDate() : !1

        function v(e, t) {
            return e ? e.getFullYear() === t.getFullYear() && e.getMonth() === t.getMonth() : !1
        var _, w = window.kendo,
            b = w.support,
            y = w.ui,
            k = y.Widget,
            x = w.keys,
            C = w.parseDate,
            S = w.date.adjustDST,
            T = w._extractFormat,
            D = w.template,
            A = w.getCulture,
            E = w.support.transitions,
            I = E ? E.css + "transform-origin" : "",
            P = D('<td#=data.cssClass# role="gridcell"><a tabindex="-1" class="k-link" href="\\#" data-#=data.ns#value="#=data.dateString#">#=data.value#</a></td>', {
                useWithBlock: !1
            M = D('<td role="gridcell">&nbsp;</td>', {
                useWithBlock: !1
            z = w.support.browser,
            F = z.msie && 9 > z.version,
            R = ".kendoCalendar",
            H = "click" + R,
            B = "keydown" + R,
            L = "id",
            N = "min",
            O = "left",
            V = "slideIn",
            U = "month",
            W = "century",
            j = "change",
            G = "navigate",
            q = "value",
            $ = "k-state-hover",
            Y = "k-state-disabled",
            Q = "k-state-focused",
            K = "k-other-month",
            X = ' class="' + K + '"',
            Z = "k-nav-today",
            J = "td:has(.k-link)",
            et = "blur" + R,
            tt = "focus",
            nt = tt + R,
            it = b.touch ? "touchstart" : "mouseenter",
            rt = b.touch ? "touchstart" + R : "mouseenter" + R,
            ot = b.touch ? "touchend" + R + " touchmove" + R : "mouseleave" + R,
            at = 6e4,
            st = 864e5,
            lt = "_prevArrow",
            ct = "_nextArrow",
            dt = "aria-disabled",
            ut = "aria-selected",
            ht = e.proxy,
            pt = e.extend,
            ft = Date,
            gt = {
                month: 0,
                year: 1,
                decade: 2,
                century: 3
            mt = k.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this;
                    k.fn.init.call(o, t, n), t = o.wrapper = o.element, n = o.options, n.url = window.unescape(n.url), o._templates(), o._header(), o._footer(o.footer), r = t.addClass("k-widget k-calendar").on(rt + " " + ot, J, d).on(B, "table.k-content", ht(o._move, o)).on(H, J, function(t) {
                        var n = t.currentTarget.firstChild; - 1 != n.href.indexOf("#") && t.preventDefault(), o._click(e(n))
                    }).on("mouseup" + R, "table.k-content, .k-footer", function() {
                        o._focusView(o.options.focusOnNav !== !1)
                    }).attr(L), r && (o._cellID = r + "_cell_selected"), p(n), i = C(n.value, n.format, n.culture), o._index = gt[n.start], o._current = new ft(+a(i, n.min, n.max)), o._addClassProxy = function() {
                        o._active = !0, o._cell.addClass(Q)
                    }, o._removeClassProxy = function() {
                        o._active = !1, o._cell.removeClass(Q)
                    }, o.value(i), w.notify(o)
                options: {
                    name: "Calendar",
                    value: null,
                    min: new ft(1900, 0, 1),
                    max: new ft(2099, 11, 31),
                    dates: [],
                    url: "",
                    culture: "",
                    footer: "",
                    format: "",
                    month: {},
                    start: U,
                    depth: U,
                    animation: {
                        horizontal: {
                            effects: V,
                            reverse: !0,
                            duration: 500,
                            divisor: 2
                        vertical: {
                            effects: "zoomIn",
                            duration: 400
                events: [j, G],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    p(e), e.dates[0] || (e.dates = t.options.dates), k.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), t._templates(), t._footer(t.footer), t._index = gt[t.options.start], t.navigate()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._today;
                    e.element.off(R), e._title.off(R), e[lt].off(R), e[ct].off(R), w.destroy(e._table), t && w.destroy(t.off(R)), k.fn.destroy.call(e)
                current: function() {
                    return this._current
                view: function() {
                    return this._view
                focus: function(e) {
                    e = e || this._table, this._bindTable(e), e.focus()
                min: function(e) {
                    return this._option(N, e)
                max: function(e) {
                    return this._option("max", e)
                navigateToPast: function() {
                    this._navigate(lt, -1)
                navigateToFuture: function() {
                    this._navigate(ct, 1)
                navigateUp: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._index;
                    e._title.hasClass(Y) || e.navigate(e._current, ++t)
                navigateDown: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._index,
                        r = n.options.depth;
                    if (e) return i === gt[r] ? (+n._value != +e && (n.value(e), n.trigger(j)), t) : (n.navigate(e, --i), t)
                navigate: function(n, i) {
                    i = isNaN(i) ? gt[i] : i;
                    var r, o, s, l, c = this,
                        d = c.options,
                        u = d.culture,
                        h = d.min,
                        p = d.max,
                        g = c._title,
                        m = c._table,
                        v = c._oldTable,
                        w = c._value,
                        b = c._current,
                        y = n && +n > +b,
                        k = i !== t && i !== c._index;
                    n || (n = b), c._current = n = new ft(+a(n, h, p)), i === t ? i = c._index : c._index = i, c._view = o = _.views[i], s = o.compare, l = i === gt[W], g.toggleClass(Y, l).attr(dt, l), l = s(n, h) < 1, c[lt].toggleClass(Y, l).attr(dt, l), l = s(n, p) > -1, c[ct].toggleClass(Y, l).attr(dt, l), m && v && v.data("animating") && (v.kendoStop(!0, !0), m.kendoStop(!0, !0)), c._oldTable = m, (!m || c._changeView) && (g.html(o.title(n, h, p, u)), c._table = r = e(o.content(pt({
                        min: h,
                        max: p,
                        date: n,
                        url: d.url,
                        dates: d.dates,
                        format: d.format,
                        culture: u
                    }, c[o.name]))), f(r), c._animate({
                        from: m,
                        to: r,
                        vertical: k,
                        future: y
                    }), c._focus(n), c.trigger(G)), i === gt[d.depth] && w && c._class("k-state-selected", o.toDateString(w)), c._class(Q, o.toDateString(n)), !m && c._cell && c._cell.removeClass(Q), c._changeView = !0
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._view,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = n._view,
                        a = r.min,
                        l = r.max;
                    return e === t ? n._value : (e = C(e, r.format, r.culture), null !== e && (e = new ft(+e), s(e, a, l) || (e = null)), n._value = e, o && null === e && n._cell ? n._cell.removeClass("k-state-selected") : (n._changeView = !e || i && 0 !== i.compare(e, n._current), n.navigate(e)), t)
                _move: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, s = this,
                        l = s.options,
                        c = t.keyCode,
                        d = s._view,
                        u = s._index,
                        h = new ft(+s._current),
                        p = w.support.isRtl(s.wrapper);
                    return t.target === s._table[0] && (s._active = !0), t.ctrlKey ? c == x.RIGHT && !p || c == x.LEFT && p ? (s.navigateToFuture(), i = !0) : c == x.LEFT && !p || c == x.RIGHT && p ? (s.navigateToPast(), i = !0) : c == x.UP ? (s.navigateUp(), i = !0) : c == x.DOWN && (s._click(e(s._cell[0].firstChild)), i = !0) : (c == x.RIGHT && !p || c == x.LEFT && p ? (n = 1, i = !0) : c == x.LEFT && !p || c == x.RIGHT && p ? (n = -1, i = !0) : c == x.UP ? (n = 0 === u ? -7 : -4, i = !0) : c == x.DOWN ? (n = 0 === u ? 7 : 4, i = !0) : c == x.ENTER ? (s._click(e(s._cell[0].firstChild)), i = !0) : c == x.HOME || c == x.END ? (r = c == x.HOME ? "first" : "last", o = d[r](h), h = new ft(o.getFullYear(), o.getMonth(), o.getDate(), h.getHours(), h.getMinutes(), h.getSeconds(), h.getMilliseconds()), i = !0) : c == x.PAGEUP ? (i = !0, s.navigateToPast()) : c == x.PAGEDOWN && (i = !0, s.navigateToFuture()), (n || r) && (r || d.setDate(h, n), s._focus(a(h, l.min, l.max)))), i && t.preventDefault(), s._current
                _animate: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.from,
                        i = e.to,
                        r = t._active;
                    n ? n.parent().data("animating") ? (n.off(R), n.parent().kendoStop(!0, !0).remove(), n.remove(), i.insertAfter(t.element[0].firstChild), t._focusView(r)) : n.is(":visible") && t.options.animation !== !1 ? t[e.vertical ? "_vertical" : "_horizontal"](n, i, e.future) : (i.insertAfter(n), n.off(R).remove(), t._focusView(r)) : (i.insertAfter(t.element[0].firstChild), t._bindTable(i))
                _horizontal: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i._active,
                        o = i.options.animation.horizontal,
                        a = o.effects,
                        s = e.outerWidth();
                    a && -1 != a.indexOf(V) && (e.add(t).css({
                        width: s
                    }), e.wrap("<div/>"), i._focusView(r, e), e.parent().css({
                        position: "relative",
                        width: 2 * s,
                        "float": O,
                        "margin-left": n ? 0 : -s
                    }), t[n ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](e), pt(o, {
                        effects: V + ":" + (n ? "right" : O),
                        complete: function() {
                            e.off(R).remove(), i._oldTable = null, t.unwrap(), i._focusView(r)
                    }), e.parent().kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(o))
                _vertical: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options.animation.vertical,
                        a = o.effects,
                        s = r._active;
                    a && -1 != a.indexOf("zoom") && (t.css({
                        position: "absolute",
                        top: e.prev().outerHeight(),
                        left: 0
                    }).insertBefore(e), I && (n = r._cellByDate(r._view.toDateString(r._current)), i = n.position(), i = i.left + parseInt(n.width() / 2, 10) + "px " + (i.top + parseInt(n.height() / 2, 10) + "px"), t.css(I, i)), e.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate({
                        effects: "fadeOut",
                        duration: 600,
                        complete: function() {
                            e.off(R).remove(), r._oldTable = null, t.css({
                                position: "static",
                                top: 0,
                                left: 0
                            }), r._focusView(s)
                    }), t.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(o))
                _cellByDate: function(t) {
                    return this._table.find("td:not(." + K + ")").filter(function() {
                        return e(this.firstChild).attr(w.attr(q)) === t
                _class: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i._cellID,
                        o = i._cell;
                    o && o.removeAttr(ut).removeAttr("aria-label").removeAttr(L), o = i._table.find("td:not(." + K + ")").removeClass(t).filter(function() {
                        return e(this.firstChild).attr(w.attr(q)) === n
                    }).attr(ut, !0), t !== Q || i._active || i.options.focusOnNav === !1 || (t = ""), o.addClass(t), o[0] && (i._cell = o), r && (o.attr(L, r), i._table.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant").attr("aria-activedescendant", r))
                _bindTable: function(e) {
                    e.on(nt, this._addClassProxy).on(et, this._removeClassProxy)
                _click: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = new Date(+t._current),
                        r = e.attr(w.attr(q)).split("/");
                    r = new ft(r[0], r[1], r[2]), S(r, 0), t._view.setDate(i, r), t.navigateDown(a(i, n.min, n.max))
                _focus: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._view;
                    0 !== n.compare(e, t._current) ? t.navigate(e) : (t._current = e, t._class(Q, n.toDateString(e)))
                _focusView: function(e, t) {
                    e && this.focus(t)
                _footer: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = o(),
                        a = i.element,
                        s = a.find(".k-footer");
                    return n ? (s[0] || (s = e('<div class="k-footer"><a href="#" class="k-link k-nav-today"></a></div>').appendTo(a)), i._today = s.show().find(".k-link").html(n(r)).attr("title", w.toString(r, "D", i.options.culture)), i._toggle(), t) : (i._toggle(!1), s.hide(), t)
                _header: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.element;
                    n.find(".k-header")[0] || n.html('<div class="k-header"><a href="#" role="button" class="k-link k-nav-prev"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span></a><a href="#" role="button" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" class="k-link k-nav-fast"></a><a href="#" role="button" class="k-link k-nav-next"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span></a></div>'), e = n.find(".k-link").on(rt + " " + ot + " " + nt + " " + et, d).click(!1), t._title = e.eq(1).on(H, function() {
                        t._active = t.options.focusOnNav !== !1, t.navigateUp()
                    }), t[lt] = e.eq(0).on(H, function() {
                        t._active = t.options.focusOnNav !== !1, t.navigateToPast()
                    }), t[ct] = e.eq(2).on(H, function() {
                        t._active = t.options.focusOnNav !== !1, t.navigateToFuture()
                _navigate: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._index + 1,
                        r = new ft(+n._current);
                    e = n[e], e.hasClass(Y) || (i > 3 ? r.setFullYear(r.getFullYear() + 100 * t) : _.views[i].setDate(r, t), n.navigate(r))
                _option: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = r._value || r._current;
                    return n === t ? o[e] : (n = C(n, o.format, o.culture), n && (o[e] = new ft(+n), i = e === N ? n > a : a > n, (i || v(a, n)) && (i && (r._value = null), r._changeView = !0), r._changeView || (r._changeView = !(!o.month.content && !o.month.empty)), r.navigate(r._value), r._toggle()), t)
                _toggle: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n._today;
                    e === t && (e = s(o(), i.min, i.max)), r && (r.off(H), e ? r.addClass(Z).removeClass(Y).on(H, ht(n._todayClick, n)) : r.removeClass(Z).addClass(Y).on(H, u))
                _todayClick: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = gt[t.options.depth],
                        i = o();
                    e.preventDefault(), 0 === t._view.compare(t._current, i) && t._index == n && (t._changeView = !1), t._value = i, t.navigate(i, n), t.trigger(j)
                _templates: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = t.footer,
                        i = t.month,
                        r = i.content,
                        o = i.empty;
                    e.month = {
                        content: D('<td#=data.cssClass# role="gridcell"><a tabindex="-1" class="k-link#=data.linkClass#" href="#=data.url#" ' + w.attr("value") + '="#=data.dateString#" title="#=data.title#">' + (r || "#=data.value#") + "</a></td>", {
                            useWithBlock: !!r
                        empty: D('<td role="gridcell">' + (o || "&nbsp;") + "</td>", {
                            useWithBlock: !!o
                    }, e.footer = n !== !1 ? D(n || '#= kendo.toString(data,"D","' + t.culture + '") #', {
                        useWithBlock: !1
                    }) : null
        y.plugin(mt), _ = {
            firstDayOfMonth: function(e) {
                return new ft(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 1)
            firstVisibleDay: function(e, t) {
                t = t || w.culture().calendar;
                for (var n = t.firstDay, i = new ft(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 0, e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds()); i.getDay() != n;) _.setTime(i, -1 * st);
                return i
            setTime: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.getTimezoneOffset(),
                    i = new ft(e.getTime() + t),
                    r = i.getTimezoneOffset() - n;
                e.setTime(i.getTime() + r * at)
            views: [{
                name: U,
                title: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    return h(i).months.names[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getFullYear()
                content: function(e) {
                    for (var t = this, n = 0, r = e.min, o = e.max, a = e.date, s = e.dates, c = e.format, d = e.culture, u = e.url, p = u && s[0], f = h(d), m = f.firstDay, v = f.days, b = l(v.names, m), y = l(v.namesShort, m), k = _.firstVisibleDay(a, f), x = t.first(a), C = t.last(a), T = t.toDateString, D = new ft, A = '<table tabindex="0" role="grid" class="k-content" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr role="row">'; 7 > n; n++) A += '<th scope="col" title="' + b[n] + '">' + y[n] + "</th>";
                    return D = new ft(D.getFullYear(), D.getMonth(), D.getDate()), S(D, 0), D = +D, k = new ft(k.getFullYear(), k.getMonth(), k.getDate()), S(k, 0), i({
                        cells: 42,
                        perRow: 7,
                        html: A += '</tr></thead><tbody><tr role="row">',
                        start: k,
                        min: new ft(r.getFullYear(), r.getMonth(), r.getDate()),
                        max: new ft(o.getFullYear(), o.getMonth(), o.getDate()),
                        content: e.content,
                        empty: e.empty,
                        setter: t.setDate,
                        build: function(e) {
                            var t = [],
                                n = e.getDay(),
                                i = "",
                                r = "#";
                            return (x > e || e > C) && t.push(K), +e === D && t.push("k-today"), (0 === n || 6 === n) && t.push("k-weekend"), p && g(+e, s) && (r = u.replace("{0}", w.toString(e, c, d)), i = " k-action-link"), {
                                date: e,
                                dates: s,
                                ns: w.ns,
                                title: w.toString(e, "D", d),
                                value: e.getDate(),
                                dateString: T(e),
                                cssClass: t[0] ? ' class="' + t.join(" ") + '"' : "",
                                linkClass: i,
                                url: r
                first: function(e) {
                    return _.firstDayOfMonth(e)
                last: function(e) {
                    var t = new ft(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 0),
                        n = _.firstDayOfMonth(e),
                        i = Math.abs(t.getTimezoneOffset() - n.getTimezoneOffset());
                    return i && t.setHours(n.getHours() + i / 60), t
                compare: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = e.getMonth(),
                        r = e.getFullYear(),
                        o = t.getMonth(),
                        a = t.getFullYear();
                    return n = r > a ? 1 : a > r ? -1 : i == o ? 0 : i > o ? 1 : -1
                setDate: function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.getHours();
                    t instanceof ft ? e.setFullYear(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate()) : _.setTime(e, t * st), S(e, n)
                toDateString: function(e) {
                    return e.getFullYear() + "/" + e.getMonth() + "/" + e.getDate()
            }, {
                name: "year",
                title: function(e) {
                    return e.getFullYear()
                content: function(e) {
                    var t = h(e.culture).months.namesAbbr,
                        n = this.toDateString,
                        r = e.min,
                        o = e.max;
                    return i({
                        min: new ft(r.getFullYear(), r.getMonth(), 1),
                        max: new ft(o.getFullYear(), o.getMonth(), 1),
                        start: new ft(e.date.getFullYear(), 0, 1),
                        setter: this.setDate,
                        build: function(e) {
                            return {
                                value: t[e.getMonth()],
                                ns: w.ns,
                                dateString: n(e),
                                cssClass: ""
                first: function(e) {
                    return new ft(e.getFullYear(), 0, e.getDate())
                last: function(e) {
                    return new ft(e.getFullYear(), 11, e.getDate())
                compare: function(e, t) {
                    return r(e, t)
                setDate: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = e.getHours();
                    t instanceof ft ? (n = t.getMonth(), e.setFullYear(t.getFullYear(), n, e.getDate()), n !== e.getMonth() && e.setDate(0)) : (n = e.getMonth() + t, e.setMonth(n), n > 11 && (n -= 12), n > 0 && e.getMonth() != n && e.setDate(0)), S(e, i)
                toDateString: function(e) {
                    return e.getFullYear() + "/" + e.getMonth() + "/1"
            }, {
                name: "decade",
                title: function(e, t, i) {
                    return n(e, t, i, 10)
                content: function(e) {
                    var t = e.date.getFullYear(),
                        n = this.toDateString;
                    return i({
                        start: new ft(t - t % 10 - 1, 0, 1),
                        min: new ft(e.min.getFullYear(), 0, 1),
                        max: new ft(e.max.getFullYear(), 0, 1),
                        setter: this.setDate,
                        build: function(e, t) {
                            return {
                                value: e.getFullYear(),
                                ns: w.ns,
                                dateString: n(e),
                                cssClass: 0 === t || 11 == t ? X : ""
                first: function(e) {
                    var t = e.getFullYear();
                    return new ft(t - t % 10, e.getMonth(), e.getDate())
                last: function(e) {
                    var t = e.getFullYear();
                    return new ft(t - t % 10 + 9, e.getMonth(), e.getDate())
                compare: function(e, t) {
                    return r(e, t, 10)
                setDate: function(e, t) {
                    c(e, t, 1)
                toDateString: function(e) {
                    return e.getFullYear() + "/0/1"
            }, {
                name: W,
                title: function(e, t, i) {
                    return n(e, t, i, 100)
                content: function(e) {
                    var t = e.date.getFullYear(),
                        n = e.min.getFullYear(),
                        r = e.max.getFullYear(),
                        o = this.toDateString,
                        a = n,
                        s = r;
                    return a -= a % 10, s -= s % 10, 10 > s - a && (s = a + 9), i({
                        start: new ft(t - t % 100 - 10, 0, 1),
                        min: new ft(a, 0, 1),
                        max: new ft(s, 0, 1),
                        setter: this.setDate,
                        build: function(e, t) {
                            var i = e.getFullYear(),
                                a = i + 9;
                            return n > i && (i = n), a > r && (a = r), {
                                ns: w.ns,
                                value: i + " - " + a,
                                dateString: o(e),
                                cssClass: 0 === t || 11 == t ? X : ""
                first: function(e) {
                    var t = e.getFullYear();
                    return new ft(t - t % 100, e.getMonth(), e.getDate())
                last: function(e) {
                    var t = e.getFullYear();
                    return new ft(t - t % 100 + 99, e.getMonth(), e.getDate())
                compare: function(e, t) {
                    return r(e, t, 100)
                setDate: function(e, t) {
                    c(e, t, 10)
                toDateString: function(e) {
                    var t = e.getFullYear();
                    return t - t % 10 + "/0/1"
        }, _.isEqualDatePart = m, _.makeUnselectable = f, _.restrictValue = a, _.isInRange = s, _.normalize = p, _.viewsEnum = gt, w.calendar = _
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            var n = t.parseFormats,
                i = t.format;
            H.normalize(t), n = e.isArray(n) ? n : [n], n.length || n.push("yyyy-MM-dd"), -1 === e.inArray(i, n) && n.splice(0, 0, t.format), t.parseFormats = n

        function i(e) {
        var r, o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui,
            s = a.Widget,
            l = o.parseDate,
            c = o.keys,
            d = o.template,
            u = o._activeElement,
            h = "<div />",
            p = "<span />",
            f = ".kendoDatePicker",
            g = "click" + f,
            m = "open",
            v = "close",
            _ = "change",
            w = "disabled",
            b = "readonly",
            y = "k-state-default",
            k = "k-state-focused",
            x = "k-state-selected",
            C = "k-state-disabled",
            S = "k-state-hover",
            T = "mouseenter" + f + " mouseleave" + f,
            D = "mousedown" + f,
            A = "id",
            E = "min",
            I = "max",
            P = "month",
            M = "aria-disabled",
            z = "aria-expanded",
            F = "aria-hidden",
            R = "aria-readonly",
            H = o.calendar,
            B = H.isInRange,
            L = H.restrictValue,
            N = H.isEqualDatePart,
            O = e.extend,
            V = e.proxy,
            U = Date,
            W = function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = document.body,
                    s = e(h).attr(F, "true").addClass("k-calendar-container").appendTo(r);
                i.options = t = t || {}, n = t.id, n && (n += "_dateview", s.attr(A, n), i._dateViewID = n), i.popup = new a.Popup(s, O(t.popup, t, {
                    name: "Popup",
                    isRtl: o.support.isRtl(t.anchor)
                })), i.div = s, i.value(t.value)
        W.prototype = {
            _calendar: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    r = n.calendar,
                    s = n.options;
                r || (t = e(h).attr(A, o.guid()).appendTo(n.popup.element).on(D, i).on(g, "td:has(.k-link)", V(n._click, n)), n.calendar = r = new a.Calendar(t), n._setOptions(s), o.calendar.makeUnselectable(r.element), r.navigate(n._value || n._current, s.start), n.value(n._value))
            _setOptions: function(e) {
                    focusOnNav: !1,
                    change: e.change,
                    culture: e.culture,
                    dates: e.dates,
                    depth: e.depth,
                    footer: e.footer,
                    format: e.format,
                    max: e.max,
                    min: e.min,
                    month: e.month,
                    start: e.start
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this.options;
                this.options = O(t, e, {
                    change: t.change,
                    close: t.close,
                    open: t.open
                }), this.calendar && this._setOptions(this.options)
            destroy: function() {
            open: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._calendar(), e.popup.open()
            close: function() {
            min: function(e) {
                this._option(E, e)
            max: function(e) {
                this._option(I, e)
            toggle: function() {
                var e = this;
                e[e.popup.visible() ? v : m]()
            move: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.keyCode,
                    i = t.calendar,
                    r = e.ctrlKey && n == c.DOWN || n == c.ENTER,
                    o = !1;
                if (e.altKey) n == c.DOWN ? (t.open(), e.preventDefault(), o = !0) : n == c.UP && (t.close(), e.preventDefault(), o = !0);
                else if (t.popup.visible()) {
                    if (n == c.ESC || r && i._cell.hasClass(x)) return t.close(), e.preventDefault(), !0;
                    t._current = i._move(e), o = !0
                return o
            current: function(e) {
                this._current = e, this.calendar._focus(e)
            value: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.calendar,
                    i = t.options;
                t._value = e, t._current = new U(+L(e, i.min, i.max)), n && n.value(e)
            _click: function(e) {
                -1 !== e.currentTarget.className.indexOf(x) && this.close()
            _option: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.calendar;
                n.options[e] = t, i && i[e](t)
        }, W.normalize = n, o.DateView = W, r = s.extend({
            init: function(t, i) {
                var r, a, c = this;
                s.fn.init.call(c, t, i), t = c.element, i = c.options, i.min = l(t.attr("min")) || l(i.min), i.max = l(t.attr("max")) || l(i.max), n(i), c._initialOptions = O({}, i), c._wrapper(), c.dateView = new W(O({}, i, {
                    id: t.attr(A),
                    anchor: c.wrapper,
                    change: function() {
                        c._change(this.value()), c.close()
                    close: function(e) {
                        c.trigger(v) ? e.preventDefault() : (t.attr(z, !1), a.attr(F, !0))
                    open: function(e) {
                        var n, i = c.options;
                        c.trigger(m) ? e.preventDefault() : (c.element.val() !== c._oldText && (n = l(t.val(), i.parseFormats, i.culture), c.dateView[n ? "current" : "value"](n)), t.attr(z, !0), a.attr(F, !1), c._updateARIA(n))
                })), a = c.dateView.div, c._icon();
                try {
                    t[0].setAttribute("type", "text")
                } catch (d) {
                    t[0].type = "text"
                    role: "combobox",
                    "aria-expanded": !1,
                    "aria-owns": c.dateView._dateViewID
                }), c._reset(), c._template(), r = t.is("[disabled]") || e(c.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), r ? c.enable(!1) : c.readonly(t.is("[readonly]")), c._old = c._update(i.value || c.element.val()), c._oldText = t.val(), o.notify(c)
            events: [m, v, _],
            options: {
                name: "DatePicker",
                value: null,
                footer: "",
                format: "",
                culture: "",
                parseFormats: [],
                min: new Date(1900, 0, 1),
                max: new Date(2099, 11, 31),
                start: P,
                depth: P,
                animation: {},
                month: {},
                dates: [],
                ARIATemplate: 'Current focused date is #=kendo.toString(data.current, "D")#'
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    i = t._value;
                s.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), e = t.options, e.min = l(e.min), e.max = l(e.max), n(e), t.dateView.setOptions(e), i && (t.element.val(o.toString(i, e.format, e.culture)), t._updateARIA(i))
            _editable: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t._dateIcon.off(f),
                    r = t.element.off(f),
                    o = t._inputWrapper.off(f),
                    a = e.readonly,
                    s = e.disable;
                a || s ? (o.addClass(s ? C : y).removeClass(s ? y : C), r.attr(w, s).attr(b, a).attr(M, s).attr(R, a)) : (o.addClass(y).removeClass(C).on(T, t._toggleHover), r.removeAttr(w).removeAttr(b).attr(M, !1).attr(R, !1).on("keydown" + f, V(t._keydown, t)).on("focusout" + f, V(t._blur, t)).on("focus" + f, function() {
                }), n.on(g, V(t._click, t)).on(D, i))
            readonly: function(e) {
                    readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                    disable: !1
            enable: function(e) {
                    readonly: !1,
                    disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                s.fn.destroy.call(e), e.dateView.destroy(), e.element.off(f), e._dateIcon.off(f), e._inputWrapper.off(f), e._form && e._form.off("reset", e._resetHandler)
            open: function() {
            close: function() {
            min: function(e) {
                return this._option(E, e)
            max: function(e) {
                return this._option(I, e)
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e === t ? n._value : (n._old = n._update(e), null === n._old && n.element.val(""), n._oldText = n.element.val(), t)
            _toggleHover: function(t) {
                e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(S, "mouseenter" === t.type)
            _blur: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element.val();
                e.close(), t !== e._oldText && e._change(t), e._inputWrapper.removeClass(k)
            _click: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element;
                e.dateView.toggle(), o.support.touch || t[0] === u() || t.focus()
            _change: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                e = t._update(e), +t._old != +e && (t._old = e, t._oldText = t.element.val(), t._typing || t.element.trigger(_), t.trigger(_)), t._typing = !1
            _keydown: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.dateView,
                    i = t.element.val(),
                    r = !1;
                n.popup.visible() || e.keyCode != c.ENTER || i === t._oldText ? (r = n.move(e), t._updateARIA(n._current), r || (t._typing = !0)) : t._change(i)
            _icon: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element;
                t = i.next("span.k-select"), t[0] || (t = e('<span unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-calendar">select</span></span>').insertAfter(i)), n._dateIcon = t.attr({
                    role: "button",
                    "aria-controls": n.dateView._dateViewID
            _option: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.options;
                return n === t ? r[e] : (n = l(n, r.parseFormats, r.culture), n && (r[e] = new U(+n), i.dateView[e](n)), t)
            _update: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.min,
                    a = i.max,
                    s = n._value,
                    c = l(e, i.parseFormats, i.culture),
                    d = null === c && null === s || c instanceof Date && s instanceof Date;
                return +c === +s && d ? (t = o.toString(c, i.format, i.culture), t !== e && n.element.val(null === c ? e : t), c) : (null !== c && N(c, r) ? c = L(c, r, a) : B(c, r, a) || (c = null), n._value = c, n.dateView.value(c), n.element.val(c ? o.toString(c, i.format, i.culture) : e), n._updateARIA(c), c)
            _wrapper: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element;
                t = i.parents(".k-datepicker"), t[0] || (t = i.wrap(p).parent().addClass("k-picker-wrap k-state-default"), t = t.wrap(p).parent()), t[0].style.cssText = i[0].style.cssText, i.css({
                    width: "100%",
                    height: i[0].style.height
                }), n.wrapper = t.addClass("k-widget k-datepicker k-header").addClass(i[0].className), n._inputWrapper = e(t[0].firstChild)
            _reset: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.element,
                    i = n.attr("form"),
                    r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                    t.value(n[0].defaultValue), t.max(t._initialOptions.max), t.min(t._initialOptions.min)
                }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
            _template: function() {
                this._ariaTemplate = d(this.options.ARIATemplate)
            _updateARIA: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.dateView.calendar;
                n.element.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), i && (t = i._cell, t.attr("aria-label", n._ariaTemplate({
                    current: e || i.current()
                })), n.element.attr("aria-activedescendant", t.attr("id")))
        }), a.plugin(r)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            return n ? t.substring(0, e).split(n).length - 1 : 0

        function i(e, t, i) {
            return t.split(i)[n(e, t, i)]

        function r(e, t, i, r) {
            var o = t.split(r);
            return o.splice(n(e, t, r), 1, i), r && "" !== o[o.length - 1] && o.push(""), o.join(r)
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.support,
            s = o.caret,
            l = o._activeElement,
            c = a.placeholder,
            d = o.ui,
            u = d.List,
            h = o.keys,
            p = o.data.DataSource,
            f = "aria-disabled",
            g = "aria-readonly",
            m = "k-state-default",
            v = "disabled",
            _ = "readonly",
            w = "k-state-focused",
            b = "k-state-selected",
            y = "k-state-disabled",
            k = "k-state-hover",
            x = ".kendoAutoComplete",
            C = "mouseenter" + x + " mouseleave" + x,
            S = e.proxy,
            T = u.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, a = this;
                    a.ns = x, n = e.isArray(n) ? {
                        dataSource: n
                    } : n, u.fn.init.call(a, t, n), t = a.element, n = a.options, n.placeholder = n.placeholder || t.attr("placeholder"), c && t.attr("placeholder", n.placeholder), a._wrapper(), a._loader(), a._dataSource(), a._ignoreCase(), t[0].type = "text", i = a.wrapper, a._popup(), t.addClass("k-input").on("keydown" + x, S(a._keydown, a)).on("paste" + x, S(a._search, a)).on("focus" + x, function() {
                        a._prev = a._accessor(), a._placeholder(!1), i.addClass(w)
                    }).on("focusout" + x, function() {
                        a._change(), a._placeholder(), i.removeClass(w)
                        autocomplete: "off",
                        role: "textbox",
                        "aria-haspopup": !0
                    }), a._enable(), a._old = a._accessor(), t[0].id && t.attr("aria-owns", a.ul[0].id), a._aria(), a._placeholder(), a._initList(), r = e(a.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), r && a.enable(!1), o.notify(a)
                options: {
                    name: "AutoComplete",
                    enabled: !0,
                    suggest: !1,
                    template: "",
                    groupTemplate: "#:data#",
                    fixedGroupTemplate: "#:data#",
                    dataTextField: "",
                    minLength: 1,
                    delay: 200,
                    height: 200,
                    filter: "startswith",
                    ignoreCase: !0,
                    highlightFirst: !1,
                    separator: null,
                    placeholder: "",
                    animation: {},
                    value: null
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler ? e._unbindDataSource() : e._progressHandler = S(e._showBusy, e), e.dataSource = p.create(e.options.dataSource).bind("progress", e._progressHandler)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.listView.setDataSource(this.dataSource)
                events: ["open", "close", "change", "select", "filtering", "dataBinding", "dataBound"],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this._listOptions(e);
                    u.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), t.dataValueField = t.dataTextField, this.listView.setOptions(t), this._accessors(), this._aria()
                _editable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = t.wrapper.off(x),
                        r = e.readonly,
                        o = e.disable;
                    r || o ? (i.addClass(o ? y : m).removeClass(o ? m : y), n.attr(v, o).attr(_, r).attr(f, o).attr(g, r)) : (i.addClass(m).removeClass(y).on(C, t._toggleHover), n.removeAttr(v).removeAttr(_).attr(f, !1).attr(g, !1))
                close: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.listView.focus();
                    t && t.removeClass(b), e.popup.close()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.element.off(x), e.wrapper.off(x), u.fn.destroy.call(e)
                refresh: function() {
                select: function(e) {
                search: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = r.ignoreCase,
                        a = r.separator;
                    e = e || n._accessor(), clearTimeout(n._typingTimeout), a && (e = i(s(n.element)[0], e, a)), t = e.length, (!t || t >= r.minLength) && (n._open = !0, n.listView.filter(!0), n._filterSource({
                        value: o ? e.toLowerCase() : e,
                        operator: r.filter,
                        field: r.dataTextField,
                        ignoreCase: o
                suggest: function(e) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r._last,
                        a = r._accessor(),
                        c = r.element[0],
                        d = s(c)[0],
                        p = r.options.separator,
                        f = a.split(p),
                        g = n(d, a, p),
                        m = d;
                    return o == h.BACKSPACE || o == h.DELETE ? (r._last = t, t) : (e = e || "", "string" != typeof e && (e[0] && (e = r.dataSource.view()[u.inArray(e[0], r.ul[0])]), e = e ? r._text(e) : ""), 0 >= d && (d = a.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) + 1), i = a.substring(0, d).lastIndexOf(p), i = i > -1 ? d - (i + p.length) : d, a = f[g].substring(0, i), e && (e = "" + e, i = e.toLowerCase().indexOf(a.toLowerCase()), i > -1 && (e = e.substring(i + a.length), m = d + e.length, a += e), p && "" !== f[f.length - 1] && f.push("")), f[g] = a, r._accessor(f.join(p || "")), c === l() && s(c, d, m), t)
                value: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._accessor() : (this.listView.value(e), this._accessor(e), this._old = this._accessor(), t)
                _click: function(e) {
                    var n = e.item,
                        i = this.element;
                    return this.trigger("select", {
                        item: n
                    }) ? (this.close(), t) : (this._select(n), this._blur(), s(i, i.val().length), t)
                _initList: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.virtual,
                        i = !!n,
                        r = S(t._listBound, t),
                        a = {
                            autoBind: !1,
                            selectable: !0,
                            dataSource: t.dataSource,
                            click: e.proxy(t._click, this),
                            change: e.proxy(t._listChange, this),
                            activate: S(t._activateItem, t),
                            deactivate: S(t._deactivateItem, t),
                            dataBinding: function() {
                                t.trigger("dataBinding"), t._angularItems("cleanup")
                            dataBound: r,
                            listBound: r
                    a = e.extend(t._listOptions(), a, "object" == typeof n ? n : {}), a.dataValueField = a.dataTextField, t.listView = i ? new o.ui.VirtualList(t.ul, a) : new o.ui.StaticList(t.ul, a), t.listView.value(t.options.value)
                _listBound: function() {
                    var e, n, i = this,
                        r = i.popup,
                        o = i.options,
                        a = i.dataSource.flatView(),
                        s = a.length,
                        c = i.element[0] === l();
                    i._angularItems("compile"), i.listView.value([]), i.listView.focus(-1), i.listView.filter(!1), i._calculateGroupPadding(i._height(s)), r.position(), s && (n = this.listView.focus(), o.highlightFirst && !n && i.listView.first(), o.suggest && c && i.suggest(a[0])), i._open && (i._open = !1, e = s ? "open" : "close", i._typingTimeout && !c && (e = "close"), r[e](), i._typingTimeout = t), i._touchScroller && i._touchScroller.reset(), i._hideBusy(), i._makeUnselectable(), i.trigger("dataBound")
                _listChange: function() {
                    this.listView.filter() || this._selectValue(this.listView.selectedDataItems()[0])
                _selectValue: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.separator,
                        n = "";
                    e && (n = this._text(e)), null === n && (n = ""), t && (n = r(s(this.element)[0], this._accessor(), n, t)), this._prev = n, this._accessor(n), this._placeholder()
                _accessor: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element[0];
                    return e === t ? (e = i.value, i.className.indexOf("k-readonly") > -1 && e === n.options.placeholder ? "" : e) : (i.value = null === e ? "" : e, n._placeholder(), t)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.keyCode,
                        i = t.popup.visible(),
                        r = this.listView.focus();
                    if (t._last = n, n === h.DOWN) i && this._move(r ? "next" : "first"), e.preventDefault();
                    else if (n === h.UP) i && this._move(r ? "prev" : "last"), e.preventDefault();
                    else if (n === h.ENTER || n === h.TAB) {
                        if (n === h.ENTER && i && e.preventDefault(), i && r) {
                            if (t.trigger("select", {
                                item: r
                            })) return;
                    } else n === h.ESC ? (i && e.preventDefault(), t.close()) : (t._search(), t._typing = !0)
                _move: function(e) {
                    this.listView[e](), this.options.suggest && this.suggest(this.listView.focus())
                _hideBusy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._busy), e._loading.hide(), e.element.attr("aria-busy", !1), e._busy = null
                _showBusy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._busy || (e._busy = setTimeout(function() {
                        e.element.attr("aria-busy", !0), e._loading.show()
                    }, 100))
                _placeholder: function(e) {
                    if (!c) {
                        var n, i = this,
                            r = i.element,
                            o = i.options.placeholder;
                        if (o) {
                            if (n = r.val(), e === t && (e = !n), e || (o = n !== o ? n : ""), n === i._old && !e) return;
                            r.toggleClass("k-readonly", e).val(o), o || r[0] !== document.activeElement || s(r[0], 0, 0)
                _search: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), e._typingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        e._prev !== e._accessor() && (e._prev = e._accessor(), e.search())
                    }, e.options.delay)
                _select: function(e) {
                _loader: function() {
                    this._loading = e('<span class="k-icon k-loading" style="display:none"></span>').insertAfter(this.element)
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(k, "mouseenter" === t.type)
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n[0];
                    e = n.parent(), e.is("span.k-widget") || (e = n.wrap("<span />").parent()), e.attr("tabindex", -1), e.attr("role", "presentation"), e[0].style.cssText = i.style.cssText, n.css({
                        width: "100%",
                        height: i.style.height
                    }), t._focused = t.element, t.wrapper = e.addClass("k-widget k-autocomplete k-header").addClass(i.className)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            for (var i, r = 0, o = t.length - 1; o > r; ++r) i = t[r], i in e || (e[i] = {}), e = e[i];
            e[t[o]] = n
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.ui,
            o = r.Select,
            a = i.support,
            s = i._activeElement,
            l = i.data.ObservableObject,
            c = i.keys,
            d = ".kendoDropDownList",
            u = "disabled",
            h = "readonly",
            p = "change",
            f = "k-state-focused",
            g = "k-state-default",
            m = "k-state-disabled",
            v = "aria-disabled",
            _ = "aria-readonly",
            w = "mouseenter" + d + " mouseleave" + d,
            b = "tabindex",
            y = "filter",
            k = "accept",
            x = e.proxy,
            C = o.extend({
                init: function(n, r) {
                    var a, s, l, c = this,
                        u = r && r.index;
                    c.ns = d, r = e.isArray(r) ? {
                        dataSource: r
                    } : r, o.fn.init.call(c, n, r), r = c.options, n = c.element.on("focus" + d, x(c._focusHandler, c)), c._focusInputHandler = e.proxy(c._focusInput, c), c._inputTemplate(), c._reset(), c._prev = "", c._word = "", c.optionLabel = e(), c._wrapper(), c._tabindex(), c.wrapper.data(b, c.wrapper.attr(b)), c._span(), c._popup(), c._mobile(), c._dataSource(), c._ignoreCase(), c._filterHeader(), c._aria(), c._enable(), c._oldIndex = c.selectedIndex = -1, u !== t && (r.index = u), c._initialIndex = r.index, c._optionLabel(), c._initList(), c._cascade(), r.autoBind ? c.dataSource.fetch() : -1 === c.selectedIndex && (s = r.text || "", s || (a = r.optionLabel, a && 0 === r.index ? s = a : c._isSelect && (s = n.children(":selected").text())), c._textAccessor(s)), l = e(c.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), l && c.enable(!1), i.notify(c)
                options: {
                    name: "DropDownList",
                    enabled: !0,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    index: 0,
                    text: null,
                    value: null,
                    delay: 500,
                    height: 200,
                    dataTextField: "",
                    dataValueField: "",
                    optionLabel: "",
                    cascadeFrom: "",
                    cascadeFromField: "",
                    ignoreCase: !0,
                    animation: {},
                    filter: "none",
                    minLength: 1,
                    virtual: !1,
                    template: null,
                    valueTemplate: null,
                    optionLabelTemplate: null,
                    groupTemplate: "#:data#",
                    fixedGroupTemplate: "#:data#"
                events: ["open", "close", p, "select", "filtering", "dataBinding", "dataBound", "cascade"],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    o.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this.listView.setOptions(this._listOptions(e)), this._optionLabel(), this._inputTemplate(), this._accessors(), this._filterHeader(), this._enable(), this._aria(), !this.value() && this.optionLabel[0] && this.select(0)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.wrapper.off(d), e.element.off(d), e._inputWrapper.off(d), e._arrow.off(), e._arrow = null, e.optionLabel.off(), o.fn.destroy.call(e)
                open: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.popup.visible() || (e.listView.isBound() && e._state !== k ? e._allowOpening() && (e.popup.one("activate", e._focusInputHandler), e.popup.open(), e._focusItem()) : (e._open = !0, e._state = "rebind", e.filterInput && (e.filterInput.val(""), e._prev = ""), e._filterSource()))
                _focusInput: function() {
                _allowOpening: function() {
                    return this.optionLabel[0] || this.filterInput || this.dataSource.view().length
                toggle: function(e) {
                    this._toggle(e, !0)
                current: function(e) {
                    var n;
                    return e === t ? (n = this.listView.focus(), !n && 0 === this.selectedIndex && this.optionLabel[0] ? this.optionLabel : n) : (this._focus(e), t)
                dataItem: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = null,
                        o = !!i.optionLabel[0],
                        a = i.options.optionLabel;
                    return n === t ? r = i.listView.selectedDataItems()[0] : ("number" != typeof n ? n = n.hasClass("k-list-optionlabel") ? -1 : e(i.items()).index(n) : o && (n -= 1), r = i.dataSource.flatView()[n]), !r && o && (r = e.isPlainObject(a) ? new l(a) : i._assignInstance(i._optionLabelText(), "")), r
                refresh: function() {
                text: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options.ignoreCase;
                    return e = null === e ? "" : e, e === t ? r._textAccessor() : ("string" == typeof e && (i = o ? e.toLowerCase() : e, r._select(function(e) {
                        return e = r._text(e), o && (e = (e + "").toLowerCase()), e === i
                    }), n = r.dataItem(), n && (e = n)), r._textAccessor(e), t)
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.dataSource;
                    return e === t ? (e = n._accessor() || n.listView.value()[0], e === t || null === e ? "" : e) : (e && (n._initialIndex = null), n._request && n.options.cascadeFrom && n.listView.isBound() ? (n._valueSetter && i.unbind(p, n._valueSetter), n._valueSetter = x(function() {
                    }, n), i.one(p, n._valueSetter), t) : (n.listView.value(e).done(function() {
                        -1 === n.selectedIndex && n.text() && (n.text(""), n._accessor("", -1)), n._old = n._accessor(), n._oldIndex = n.selectedIndex
                    }), n._fetchData(), t))
                _optionLabel: function() {
                    var n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = r.optionLabel,
                        a = r.optionLabelTemplate;
                    return o ? (a || (a = "#:", a += "string" == typeof o ? "data" : i.expr(r.dataTextField, "data"), a += "#"), "function" != typeof a && (a = i.template(a)), n.optionLabelTemplate = a, n.optionLabel[0] || (n.optionLabel = e('<div class="k-list-optionlabel"></div>').prependTo(n.list)), n.optionLabel.html(a(o)).off().click(x(n._click, n)).on(w, n._toggleHover), n.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.optionLabel
                    }), t) : (n.optionLabel.off().remove(), n.optionLabel = e(), t)
                _optionLabelText: function() {
                    var e = this.options.optionLabel;
                    return "string" == typeof e ? e : this._text(e)
                _listBound: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this,
                        r = i._initialIndex,
                        o = i.options.optionLabel,
                        a = i._state === y,
                        s = i.dataSource.flatView(),
                        l = s.length;
                    i._angularItems("compile"), i._presetValue = !1, i.options.virtual || (t = i._height(a ? l || 1 : l), i._calculateGroupPadding(t)), i.popup.position(), i._isSelect && (n = i.value(), l ? o && (o = i._option("", i._optionLabelText())) : n && (o = i._option(n, i.text())), i._options(s, o, n)), i._makeUnselectable(), a || (i._open && i.toggle(i._allowOpening()), i._open = !1, i._fetch || (l ? (!i.listView.value().length && r > -1 && null !== r && i.select(r), i._initialIndex = null, e = i.listView.selectedDataItems()[0], e && i.text() !== i._text(e) && i._selectValue(e)) : i._textAccessor() !== i._optionLabelText() && (i.listView.value(""), i._selectValue(null), i._oldIndex = i.selectedIndex))), i._hideBusy(), i.trigger("dataBound")
                _listChange: function() {
                    this._selectValue(this.listView.selectedDataItems()[0]), (this._presetValue || this._old && -1 === this._oldIndex) && (this._oldIndex = this.selectedIndex)
                _focusHandler: function() {
                _focusinHandler: function() {
                    this._inputWrapper.addClass(f), this._prevent = !1
                _focusoutHandler: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._state === y,
                        n = window.self !== window.top,
                        i = e._focus();
                    e._prevent || (clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), t && i && !e.trigger("select", {
                        item: i
                    }) && e._select(i, !e.dataSource.view().length), a.mobileOS.ios && n ? e._change() : e._blur(), e._inputWrapper.removeClass(f), e._prevent = !0, e._open = !1, e.element.blur())
                _wrapperMousedown: function() {
                    this._prevent = !!this.filterInput
                _wrapperClick: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this.popup.unbind("activate", this._focusInputHandler), this._focused = this.wrapper, this._toggle()
                _editable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = e.disable,
                        r = e.readonly,
                        o = t.wrapper.add(t.filterInput).off(d),
                        a = t._inputWrapper.off(w);
                    r || i ? i ? (o.removeAttr(b), a.addClass(m).removeClass(g)) : (a.addClass(g).removeClass(m), o.on("focusin" + d, x(t._focusinHandler, t)).on("focusout" + d, x(t._focusoutHandler, t))) : (n.removeAttr(u).removeAttr(h), a.addClass(g).removeClass(m).on(w, t._toggleHover), o.attr(b, o.data(b)).attr(v, !1).attr(_, !1).on("keydown" + d, x(t._keydown, t)).on("focusin" + d, x(t._focusinHandler, t)).on("focusout" + d, x(t._focusoutHandler, t)).on("mousedown" + d, x(t._wrapperMousedown, t)), t.wrapper.on("click" + d, x(t._wrapperClick, t)), t.filterInput || o.on("keypress" + d, x(t._keypress, t))), n.attr(u, i).attr(h, r), o.attr(v, i).attr(_, r)
                _option: function(e, t) {
                    return '<option value="' + e + '">' + t + "</option>"
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = e.keyCode,
                        a = e.altKey,
                        l = r.popup.visible();
                    if (r.filterInput && (n = r.filterInput[0] === s()), o === c.LEFT ? (o = c.UP, i = !0) : o === c.RIGHT && (o = c.DOWN, i = !0), !i || !n) {
                        if (e.keyCode = o, a && o === c.UP && r._focusElement(r.wrapper), o === c.ENTER && r._typingTimeout && r.filterInput && l) return e.preventDefault(), t;
                        i = r._move(e), i || (l && r.filterInput || (o === c.HOME ? (i = !0, r._firstItem()) : o === c.END && (i = !0, r._lastItem()), i && (r._select(r._focus()), e.preventDefault())), a || i || !r.filterInput || r._search())
                _matchText: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options.ignoreCase,
                        r = !1;
                    return e += "", i && (e = e.toLowerCase()), 0 === e.indexOf(n._word) && (n.optionLabel[0] && (t += 1), n._select(t), n.popup.visible() || n._change(), r = !0), r
                _selectNext: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = this, i = e, r = n.dataSource.flatView(), o = r.length; o > e; e++)
                        if (t = n._text(r[e]), t && n._matchText(t, e) && (1 !== n._word.length || i !== n.selectedIndex)) return !0;
                    if (i > 0 && o > i)
                        for (e = 0; i >= e; e++)
                            if (t = n._text(r[e]), t && n._matchText(t, e)) return !0;
                    return !1
                _keypress: function(e) {
                    var t, n, r, o = this;
                    0 !== e.which && e.keyCode !== i.keys.ENTER && (t = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode || e.keyCode), n = o.selectedIndex, r = o._word.length, o.options.ignoreCase && (t = t.toLowerCase()), " " === t && e.preventDefault(), r || (o._word = t), o._last === t && 1 >= r && n > -1 && o._selectNext(n) || (r && (o._word += t), o._last = t, o._search()))
                _popupOpen: function() {
                    var e = this.popup;
                    e.wrapper = i.wrap(e.element), e.element.closest(".km-root")[0] && (e.wrapper.addClass("km-popup km-widget"), this.wrapper.addClass("km-widget"))
                _popup: function() {
                    o.fn._popup.call(this), this.popup.one("open", x(this._popupOpen, this))
                _click: function(n) {
                    var i = n.item || e(n.currentTarget);
                    return this.trigger("select", {
                        item: i
                    }) ? (this.close(), t) : (this._userTriggered = !0, this._select(i), this._focusElement(this.wrapper), this._blur(), t)
                _focusElement: function(e) {
                    var t = s(),
                        n = this.wrapper,
                        i = this.filterInput,
                        r = e === i ? n : i,
                        o = a.mobileOS && (a.touch || a.MSPointers || a.pointers);
                    i && i[0] === e[0] && o || i && r[0] === t && (this._prevent = !0, this._focused = e.focus())
                _filter: function(e) {
                    var n, i;
                    e && (n = this, i = n.options.ignoreCase, i && (e = e.toLowerCase()), n._select(function(r) {
                        var o = n._text(r);
                        return o !== t ? (o += "", i && (o = o.toLowerCase()), 0 === o.indexOf(e)) : t
                _search: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        n = e.dataSource,
                        i = e.selectedIndex;
                    if (clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), "none" !== e.options.filter) e._typingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        var t = e.filterInput.val();
                        e._prev !== t && (e._prev = t, e.search(t)), e._typingTimeout = null
                    }, e.options.delay);
                    else {
                        if (e._typingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                            e._word = ""
                        }, e.options.delay), -1 === i && (i = 0), !e.ul[0].firstChild) return n.fetch().done(function() {
                            n.data()[0] && i > -1 && e._selectNext(i)
                        }), t;
                _get: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = "function" == typeof t,
                        a = o ? e() : e(t);
                    if (this.optionLabel[0] && ("number" == typeof t ? t > -1 && (t -= 1) : a.hasClass("k-list-optionlabel") && (t = -1)), o) {
                        for (n = this.dataSource.flatView(), r = 0; n.length > r; r++)
                            if (t(n[r])) {
                                t = r, i = !0;
                        i || (t = -1)
                    return t
                _firstItem: function() {
                    this.optionLabel[0] ? this._focus(this.optionLabel) : this.listView.first()
                _lastItem: function() {
                    this.optionLabel.removeClass("k-state-focused"), this.listView.last()
                _nextItem: function() {
                    this.optionLabel.hasClass("k-state-focused") ? (this.optionLabel.removeClass("k-state-focused"), this.listView.first()) : this.listView.next()
                _prevItem: function() {
                    this.optionLabel.hasClass("k-state-focused") || (this.listView.prev(), this.listView.focus() || this.optionLabel.addClass("k-state-focused"))
                _focusItem: function() {
                    var e = this.listView,
                        n = e.focus(),
                        i = e.select();
                    i = i[i.length - 1], i === t && this.options.highlightFirst && !n && (i = 0), i !== t ? e.focus(i) : this.options.optionLabel ? (this._focus(this.optionLabel), this._select(this.optionLabel)) : e.scrollToIndex(0)
                _focus: function(e) {
                    var n = this.listView,
                        i = this.optionLabel;
                    return e === t ? (e = n.focus(), !e && i.hasClass("k-state-focused") && (e = i), e) : (i.removeClass("k-state-focused"), e = this._get(e), n.focus(e), -1 === e && i.addClass("k-state-focused"), t)
                _select: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    e = n._get(e), n.listView.select(e), t || n._state !== y || (n.listView.filter(!1), n._state = k), -1 === e && n._selectValue(null)
                _selectValue: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options.optionLabel,
                        r = n.optionLabel,
                        o = n.listView.select(),
                        a = "",
                        s = "";
                    o = o[o.length - 1], o === t && (o = -1), r.removeClass("k-state-focused k-state-selected"), e ? (s = e, a = n._dataValue(e), i && (o += 1)) : i && (n._focus(r.addClass("k-state-selected")), s = n._optionLabelText(), a = "string" == typeof i ? "" : n._value(i), o = 0), n.selectedIndex = o, null === a && (a = ""), n._textAccessor(s), n._accessor(a, o), n._triggerCascade()
                _mobile: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.popup,
                        n = a.mobileOS,
                        i = t.element.parents(".km-root").eq(0);
                    i.length && n && (t.options.animation.open.effects = n.android || n.meego ? "fadeIn" : n.ios || n.wp ? "slideIn:up" : t.options.animation.open.effects)
                _filterHeader: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options,
                        i = "none" !== n.filter;
                    this.filterInput && (this.filterInput.off(d).parent().remove(), this.filterInput = null), i && (t = '<span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-search">select</span>', this.filterInput = e('<input class="k-textbox"/>').attr({
                        role: "listbox",
                        "aria-haspopup": !0,
                        "aria-expanded": !1
                    }), this.list.prepend(e('<span class="k-list-filter" />').append(this.filterInput.add(t))))
                _span: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.wrapper,
                        r = "span.k-input";
                    t = i.find(r), t[0] || (i.append('<span unselectable="on" class="k-dropdown-wrap k-state-default"><span unselectable="on" class="k-input">&nbsp;</span><span unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s">select</span></span></span>').append(n.element), t = i.find(r)), n.span = t, n._inputWrapper = e(i[0].firstChild), n._arrow = i.find(".k-icon")
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n[0];
                    e = n.parent(), e.is("span.k-widget") || (e = n.wrap("<span />").parent(), e[0].style.cssText = i.style.cssText, e[0].title = i.title), n.hide(), t._focused = t.wrapper = e.addClass("k-widget k-dropdown k-header").addClass(i.className).css("display", "").attr({
                        unselectable: "on",
                        role: "listbox",
                        "aria-haspopup": !0,
                        "aria-expanded": !1
                _clearSelection: function(e) {
                    this.select(e.value() ? 0 : -1)
                _inputTemplate: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.valueTemplate;
                    n = n ? i.template(n) : e.proxy(i.template("#:this._text(data)#", {
                        useWithBlock: !1
                    }), t), t.valueTemplate = n
                _textAccessor: function(n) {
                    var i, r = null,
                        o = this.valueTemplate,
                        a = this.options,
                        s = a.optionLabel,
                        c = this.span;
                    return n === t ? c.text() : (e.isPlainObject(n) || n instanceof l ? r = n : s && this._optionLabelText() === n && (r = s, o = this.optionLabelTemplate), r || (r = this._assignInstance(n, this._accessor())), i = function() {
                        return {
                            elements: c.get(),
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: r
                    }, this.angular("cleanup", i), c.html(o(r)), this.angular("compile", i), t)
                _preselect: function(e, t) {
                    e || t || (t = this._optionLabelText()), this._accessor(e), this._textAccessor(t), this._old = this._accessor(), this._oldIndex = this.selectedIndex, this.listView.setValue(e), this._initialIndex = null, this._presetValue = !0
                _assignInstance: function(e, t) {
                    var i = this.options.dataTextField,
                        r = {};
                    return i ? (n(r, i.split("."), e), n(r, this.options.dataValueField.split("."), t), r = new l(r)) : r = e, r
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.List,
            o = i.Select,
            a = n.caret,
            s = n.support,
            l = s.placeholder,
            c = n._activeElement,
            d = n.keys,
            u = ".kendoComboBox",
            h = "click" + u,
            p = "mousedown" + u,
            f = "disabled",
            g = "readonly",
            m = "change",
            v = "k-state-default",
            _ = "k-state-focused",
            w = "k-state-disabled",
            b = "aria-disabled",
            y = "aria-readonly",
            k = "filter",
            x = "accept",
            C = "rebind",
            S = "mouseenter" + u + " mouseleave" + u,
            T = e.proxy,
            D = o.extend({
                init: function(t, i) {
                    var r, a, s = this;
                    s.ns = u, i = e.isArray(i) ? {
                        dataSource: i
                    } : i, o.fn.init.call(s, t, i), i = s.options, t = s.element.on("focus" + u, T(s._focusHandler, s)), i.placeholder = i.placeholder || t.attr("placeholder"), s._reset(), s._wrapper(), s._input(), s._tabindex(s.input), s._popup(), s._dataSource(), s._ignoreCase(), s._enable(), s._oldIndex = s.selectedIndex = -1, s._aria(), s._initialIndex = i.index, s._initList(), s._cascade(), i.autoBind ? s._filterSource() : (r = i.text, !r && s._isSelect && (r = t.children(":selected").text()), r && (s.input.val(r), s._prev = r)), r || s._placeholder(), a = e(s.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), a && s.enable(!1), n.notify(s)
                options: {
                    name: "ComboBox",
                    enabled: !0,
                    index: -1,
                    text: null,
                    value: null,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    delay: 200,
                    dataTextField: "",
                    dataValueField: "",
                    minLength: 0,
                    height: 200,
                    highlightFirst: !0,
                    filter: "none",
                    placeholder: "",
                    suggest: !1,
                    cascadeFrom: "",
                    cascadeFromField: "",
                    ignoreCase: !0,
                    animation: {},
                    template: null,
                    groupTemplate: "#:data#",
                    fixedGroupTemplate: "#:data#"
                events: ["open", "close", m, "select", "filtering", "dataBinding", "dataBound", "cascade"],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    o.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this.listView.setOptions(e), this._accessors(), this._aria()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.input.off(u), e.element.off(u), e._inputWrapper.off(u), o.fn.destroy.call(e)
                _focusHandler: function() {
                _arrowClick: function() {
                _inputFocus: function() {
                    this._inputWrapper.addClass(_), this._placeholder(!1)
                _inputFocusout: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._inputWrapper.removeClass(_), clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), e._typingTimeout = null, e.options.text !== e.input.val() && e.text(e.text()), e._placeholder(), e._blur(), e.element.blur()
                _editable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.disable,
                        i = e.readonly,
                        r = t._inputWrapper.off(u),
                        o = t.element.add(t.input.off(u)),
                        a = t._arrow.parent().off(h + " " + p);
                    i || n ? (r.addClass(n ? w : v).removeClass(n ? v : w), o.attr(f, n).attr(g, i).attr(b, n).attr(y, i)) : (r.addClass(v).removeClass(w).on(S, t._toggleHover), o.removeAttr(f).removeAttr(g).attr(b, !1).attr(y, !1), a.on(h, T(t._arrowClick, t)).on(p, function(e) {
                    }), t.input.on("keydown" + u, T(t._keydown, t)).on("focus" + u, T(t._inputFocus, t)).on("focusout" + u, T(t._inputFocusout, t)))
                open: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._state;
                    e.popup.visible() || (!e.listView.isBound() && t !== k || t === x ? (e._open = !0, e._state = C, e.listView.filter(!1), e._filterSource()) : (e.popup.open(), e._focusItem()))
                _listBound: function() {
                    var e, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.options,
                        s = o._initialIndex,
                        l = o._state === k,
                        d = o.input[0] === c(),
                        u = o.listView,
                        h = u.focus(),
                        p = this.dataSource.flatView(),
                        f = this.dataSource.page(),
                        g = p.length;
                    o._angularItems("compile"), o._presetValue = !1, a.virtual || o._calculateGroupPadding(o._height(g)), o.popup.position(), o._isSelect && (n = o.element[0].children[0], o._state === C && (o._state = ""), i = !0, r = o._customOption, o._customOption = t, o._options(p, "", o.value()), r && r[0].selected ? o._custom(r.val(), i) : n || o._custom("", i)), o._makeUnselectable(), l || o._fetch ? l && h && h.removeClass("k-state-selected") : (u.value().length || (null !== s && s > -1 ? (o.select(s), h = u.focus()) : o._accessor() && u.value(o._accessor())), o._initialIndex = null, e = o.listView.selectedDataItems()[0], e && o.text() && o.text() !== o._text(e) && o._selectValue(e)), !g || f !== t && 1 !== f || (a.highlightFirst ? h || u.focusIndex() || u.focus(0) : u.focus(-1), a.suggest && d && o.input.val() && o.suggest(p[0])), o._open && (o._open = !1, o._typingTimeout && !d ? o.popup.close() : o.toggle(!!g), o._typingTimeout = null), o._touchScroller && o._touchScroller.reset(), o._hideBusy(), o.trigger("dataBound")
                _listChange: function() {
                    this._selectValue(this.listView.selectedDataItems()[0]), this._presetValue && (this._oldIndex = this.selectedIndex)
                _get: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    if ("function" == typeof e) {
                        for (t = this.dataSource.flatView(), i = 0; t.length > i; i++)
                            if (e(t[i])) {
                                e = i, n = !0;
                        n || (e = -1)
                    return e
                _select: function(e, t) {
                    e = this._get(e), -1 === e && (this.input[0].value = "", this._accessor("")), this.listView.select(e), t || this._state !== k || (this.listView.filter(!1), this._state = x)
                _selectValue: function(e) {
                    var n = this.listView.select(),
                        i = "",
                        r = "";
                    n = n[n.length - 1], n === t && (n = -1), this.selectedIndex = n, -1 === n ? (i = r = this.input[0].value, this.listView.focus(-1)) : (e && (i = this._dataValue(e), r = this._text(e)), null === i && (i = "")), this._prev = this.input[0].value = r, this._accessor(i !== t ? i : r, n), this._placeholder(), this._triggerCascade()
                refresh: function() {
                suggest: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        o = i.input[0],
                        s = i.text(),
                        l = a(o)[0],
                        u = i._last;
                    return u == d.BACKSPACE || u == d.DELETE ? (i._last = t, t) : (e = e || "", "string" != typeof e && (e[0] && (e = i.dataSource.view()[r.inArray(e[0], i.ul[0])]), e = e ? i._text(e) : ""), 0 >= l && (l = s.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) + 1), e ? (e = "" + e, n = e.toLowerCase().indexOf(s.toLowerCase()), n > -1 && (s += e.substring(n + s.length))) : s = s.substring(0, l), s.length === l && e || (o.value = s, o === c() && a(o, l, s.length)), t)
                text: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s;
                    if (e = null === e ? "" : e, n = this, i = n.input[0], r = n.options.ignoreCase, o = e, e === t) return i.value;
                    if (a = n.dataItem(), n.options.autoBind !== !1 || n.listView.isBound()) {
                        if (a && n._text(a) === e && (s = n._value(a), null === s ? s = "" : s += "", s === n._old)) return n._triggerCascade(), t;
                        r && (o = o.toLowerCase()), n._select(function(e) {
                            return e = n._text(e), r && (e = (e + "").toLowerCase()), e === o
                        }), 0 > n.selectedIndex && (n._accessor(e), i.value = e, n._triggerCascade()), n._prev = i.value
                toggle: function(e) {
                    this._toggle(e, !0)
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options;
                    return e === t ? (e = n._accessor() || n.listView.value()[0], e === t || null === e ? "" : e) : ((e !== i.value || n.input.val() !== i.text) && (n._accessor(e), n.listView.value(e).done(function() {
                        n._selectValue(n.listView.selectedDataItems()[0]), -1 === n.selectedIndex && (n._accessor(e), n.input.val(e), n._placeholder(!0)), n._old = n._accessor(), n._oldIndex = n.selectedIndex, n._prev = n.input.val(), n._state === k && (n._state = x)
                    }), n._fetchData()), t)
                _click: function(e) {
                    var n = e.item;
                    return this.trigger("select", {
                        item: n
                    }) ? (this.close(), t) : (this._userTriggered = !0, this._select(n), this._blur(), t)
                _filter: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = i.dataSource,
                        a = r.ignoreCase,
                        s = function(n) {
                            var r = i._text(n);
                            return r !== t ? (r += "", "" !== r && "" === e ? !1 : (a && (r = r.toLowerCase()), 0 === r.indexOf(e))) : t
                    return a && (e = e.toLowerCase()), i.ul[0].firstChild ? (this.listView.focus(this._get(s)), n = this.listView.focus(), n && (r.suggest && i.suggest(n), this.open()), this.options.highlightFirst && !e && this.listView.first(), t) : (o.one(m, function() {
                        o.view()[0] && i.search(e)
                    }).fetch(), t)
                _input: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.element.removeClass("k-input")[0],
                        r = i.accessKey,
                        o = n.wrapper,
                        a = "input.k-input",
                        s = i.name || "";
                    s && (s = 'name="' + s + '_input" '), t = o.find(a), t[0] || (o.append('<span tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" class="k-dropdown-wrap k-state-default"><input ' + s + 'class="k-input" type="text" autocomplete="off"/><span tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s">select</span></span></span>').append(n.element), t = o.find(a)), t[0].style.cssText = i.style.cssText, t[0].title = i.title, i.maxLength > -1 && (t[0].maxLength = i.maxLength), t.addClass(i.className).val(this.options.text || i.value).css({
                        width: "100%",
                        height: i.style.height
                        role: "combobox",
                        "aria-expanded": !1
                    }).show(), l && t.attr("placeholder", n.options.placeholder), r && (i.accessKey = "", t[0].accessKey = r), n._focused = n.input = t, n._inputWrapper = e(o[0].firstChild), n._arrow = o.find(".k-icon").attr({
                        role: "button",
                        tabIndex: -1
                    }), i.id && n._arrow.attr("aria-controls", n.ul[0].id)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.keyCode;
                    t._last = n, clearTimeout(t._typingTimeout), t._typingTimeout = null, n == d.TAB || t._move(e) || t._search()
                _placeholder: function(e) {
                    if (!l) {
                        var n, i = this,
                            r = i.input,
                            o = i.options.placeholder;
                        if (o) {
                            if (n = i.value(), e === t && (e = !n), r.toggleClass("k-readonly", e), !e) {
                                if (n) return;
                                o = ""
                            r.val(o), o || r[0] !== c() || a(r[0], 0, 0)
                _search: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._typingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        var t = e.text();
                        e._prev !== t && (e._prev = t, e.search(t)), e._typingTimeout = null
                    }, e.options.delay)
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = t.parent();
                    n.is("span.k-widget") || (n = t.hide().wrap("<span />").parent(), n[0].style.cssText = t[0].style.cssText), e.wrapper = n.addClass("k-widget k-combobox k-header").addClass(t[0].className).css("display", "")
                _clearSelection: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e.value(),
                        r = i && -1 === e.selectedIndex;
                    (t || !i || r) && (n.options.value = "", n.value(""))
                _preselect: function(e, t) {
                    this.input.val(t), this._accessor(e), this._old = this._accessor(), this._oldIndex = this.selectedIndex, this.listView.setValue(e), this._placeholder(), this._initialIndex = null, this._presetValue = !0
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n;
            if (null === e && null !== t || null !== e && null === t) return !1;
            if (n = e.length, n !== t.length) return !1;
            for (; n--;)
                if (e[n] !== t[n]) return !1;
            return !0
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.ui,
            o = r.List,
            a = i.keys,
            s = i._activeElement,
            l = i.data.ObservableArray,
            c = e.proxy,
            d = "id",
            u = "li",
            h = "accept",
            p = "filter",
            f = "rebind",
            g = "open",
            m = "close",
            v = "change",
            _ = "progress",
            w = "select",
            b = "aria-disabled",
            y = "aria-readonly",
            k = "k-state-focused",
            x = "k-loading-hidden",
            C = "k-state-hover",
            S = "k-state-disabled",
            T = "disabled",
            D = "readonly",
            A = ".kendoMultiSelect",
            E = "click" + A,
            I = "keydown" + A,
            P = "mouseenter" + A,
            M = "mouseleave" + A,
            z = P + " " + M,
            F = /"/g,
            R = e.isArray,
            H = ["font-family", "font-size", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-weight", "letter-spacing", "text-transform", "line-height"],
            B = o.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r, a, s = this;
                    s.ns = A, o.fn.init.call(s, t, n), s._optionsMap = {}, s._customOptions = {}, s._wrapper(), s._tagList(), s._input(), s._textContainer(), s._loader(), s._tabindex(s.input), t = s.element.attr("multiple", "multiple").hide(), n = s.options, n.placeholder || (n.placeholder = t.data("placeholder")), r = t.attr(d), r && (s._tagID = r + "_tag_active", r += "_taglist", s.tagList.attr(d, r)), s._aria(r), s._dataSource(), s._ignoreCase(), s._popup(), s._tagTemplate(), s._initList(), s._reset(), s._enable(), s._placeholder(), n.autoBind ? s.dataSource.fetch() : n.value && s._preselect(n.value), a = e(s.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), a && s.enable(!1), i.notify(s)
                _preselect: function(t, n) {
                    var r = this;
                    R(t) || t instanceof i.data.ObservableArray || (t = [t]), (e.isPlainObject(t[0]) || t[0] instanceof i.data.ObservableObject || !r.options.dataValueField) && (r.dataSource.data(t), r.value(n || r._initialValues), r._retrieveData = !0)
                options: {
                    name: "MultiSelect",
                    tagMode: "multiple",
                    enabled: !0,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    autoClose: !0,
                    highlightFirst: !0,
                    dataTextField: "",
                    dataValueField: "",
                    filter: "startswith",
                    ignoreCase: !0,
                    minLength: 0,
                    delay: 100,
                    value: null,
                    maxSelectedItems: null,
                    placeholder: "",
                    height: 200,
                    animation: {},
                    itemTemplate: "",
                    tagTemplate: "",
                    groupTemplate: "#:data#",
                    fixedGroupTemplate: "#:data#"
                events: [g, m, v, w, "filtering", "dataBinding", "dataBound"],
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.listView.setDataSource(this.dataSource), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this._listOptions(e);
                    o.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._normalizeOptions(t), this.listView.setOptions(t), this._accessors(), this._aria(this.tagList.attr(d)), this._tagTemplate()
                currentTag: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    return e === t ? n._currentTag : (n._currentTag && (n._currentTag.removeClass(k).removeAttr(d), n.input.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant")), e && (e.addClass(k).attr(d, n._tagID), n.input.attr("aria-activedescendant", n._tagID)), n._currentTag = e, t)
                dataItems: function() {
                    return this.listView.selectedDataItems()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.ns;
                    clearTimeout(e._busy), clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), e.wrapper.off(t), e.tagList.off(t), e.input.off(t), o.fn.destroy.call(e)
                _activateItem: function() {
                    o.fn._activateItem.call(this), this.currentTag(null)
                _normalizeOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.itemTemplate || this.options.template,
                        n = e.itemTemplate || t || e.template;
                    n || (n = "#:" + i.expr(e.dataTextField, "data") + "#"), e.template = n
                _initList: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.virtual,
                        r = !!n,
                        o = c(t._listBound, t),
                        a = {
                            autoBind: !1,
                            selectable: "multiple",
                            dataSource: t.dataSource,
                            click: c(t._click, t),
                            change: c(t._listChange, t),
                            activate: c(t._activateItem, t),
                            deactivate: c(t._deactivateItem, t),
                            dataBinding: function() {
                                t.trigger("dataBinding"), t._angularItems("cleanup")
                            dataBound: o,
                            listBound: o,
                            selectedItemChange: c(t._selectedItemChange, t)
                    a = e.extend(t._listOptions(), a, "object" == typeof n ? n : {}), t._normalizeOptions(a), t.listView = r ? new i.ui.VirtualList(t.ul, a) : new i.ui.StaticList(t.ul, a), t.listView.value(t._initialValues || t.options.value)
                _listChange: function(e) {
                    this._state === f && (this._state = "", e.added = []), this._selectValue(e.added, e.removed)
                _selectedItemChange: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e.items;
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) t = i[n], this.tagList.children().eq(t.index).children("span:first").html(this.tagTextTemplate(t.item))
                _wrapperMousedown: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = "input" !== t.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
                        o = e(t.target),
                        a = o.hasClass("k-select") || o.hasClass("k-icon");
                    a && (a = !o.closest(".k-select").children(".k-i-arrow-s").length), !r || a && i.support.mobileOS || t.preventDefault(), a || (n.input[0] !== s() && r && n.input.focus(), 0 === n.options.minLength && n.open())
                _inputFocus: function() {
                    this._placeholder(!1), this.wrapper.addClass(k)
                _inputFocusout: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._typingTimeout), e.wrapper.removeClass(k), e._placeholder(!e.listView.selectedDataItems()[0], !0), e.close(), e._state === p && (e._state = h, e.listView.filter(!1), e.listView.skipUpdate(!0)), e.element.blur()
                _removeTag: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i._state,
                        o = e.index(),
                        a = i.listView,
                        s = a.value()[o],
                        l = i._customOptions[s];
                    l !== t || r !== h && r !== p || (l = i._optionsMap[s]), l !== t ? (n = i.element[0].children[l], n.removeAttribute("selected"), n.selected = !1, a.removeAt(o), e.remove()) : a.select(a.select()[o]), i.currentTag(null), i._change(), i._close()
                _tagListClick: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget);
                    n.children(".k-i-arrow-s").length || this._removeTag(n.closest(u))
                _editable: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = t.disable,
                        r = t.readonly,
                        o = n.wrapper.off(A),
                        a = n.tagList.off(A),
                        s = n.element.add(n.input.off(A));
                    r || i ? (i ? o.addClass(S) : o.removeClass(S), s.attr(T, i).attr(D, r).attr(b, i).attr(y, r)) : (o.removeClass(S).on(z, n._toggleHover).on("mousedown" + A + " touchend" + A, c(n._wrapperMousedown, n)), n.input.on(I, c(n._keydown, n)).on("paste" + A, c(n._search, n)).on("focus" + A, c(n._inputFocus, n)).on("focusout" + A, c(n._inputFocusout, n)), s.removeAttr(T).removeAttr(D).attr(b, !1).attr(y, !1), a.on(P, u, function() {
                    }).on(M, u, function() {
                    }).on(E, "li.k-button .k-select", c(n._tagListClick, n)))
                _close: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.options.autoClose ? e.close() : e.popup.position()
                close: function() {
                open: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._request && (e._retrieveData = !1), e._retrieveData || !e.listView.isBound() || e._state === h ? (e._open = !0, e._state = f, e._retrieveData = !1, e.listView.filter(!1), e.listView.skipUpdate(!0), e._filterSource()) : e._allowSelection() && (e.popup.open(), e._focusItem())
                toggle: function(e) {
                    e = e !== t ? e : !this.popup.visible(), this[e ? g : m]()
                refresh: function() {
                _listBound: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        n = e.dataSource.flatView(),
                        i = e.dataSource.page(),
                        r = n.length;
                    e._angularItems("compile"), e._render(n), e._calculateGroupPadding(e._height(r)), e._open && (e._open = !1, e.toggle(r)), e.popup.position(), !e.options.highlightFirst || i !== t && 1 !== i || e.listView.first(), e._touchScroller && e._touchScroller.reset(), e._hideBusy(), e._makeUnselectable(), e.trigger("dataBound")
                search: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = r.ignoreCase,
                        a = r.filter,
                        s = r.dataTextField,
                        l = i.input.val();
                    r.placeholder === l && (l = ""), clearTimeout(i._typingTimeout), e = "string" == typeof e ? e : l, n = e.length, (!n || n >= r.minLength) && (i.listView.filter(!0), i._state = p, i._open = !0, t = {
                        value: o ? e.toLowerCase() : e,
                        field: s,
                        operator: a,
                        ignoreCase: o
                    }, i._filterSource(t, i._retrieveData), i._retrieveData = !1)
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.listView.value().slice(),
                        r = n.options.maxSelectedItems;
                    return e === t ? i : (e = n._normalizeValues(e), null !== r && e.length > r && (e = e.slice(0, r)), n.listView.value(e), n._old = e, n._fetchData(), t)
                _setOption: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.element[0].children[this._optionsMap[e]];
                    n && (t ? n.setAttribute("selected", "selected") : n.removeAttribute("selected"), n.selected = t)
                _fetchData: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = !!e.dataSource.view().length,
                        n = 0 === e.listView.value().length;
                    n || e._request || (e._retrieveData || !e._fetch && !t) && (e._fetch = !0, e._retrieveData = !1, e.dataSource.read().done(function() {
                        e._fetch = !1
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = e.options,
                        r = n.dataSource || {};
                    r = R(r) ? {
                        data: r
                    } : r, r.select = t, r.fields = [{
                        field: n.dataTextField
                    }, {
                        field: n.dataValueField
                    }], e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler ? e._unbindDataSource() : e._progressHandler = c(e._showBusy, e), e.dataSource = i.data.DataSource.create(r).bind(_, e._progressHandler)
                _reset: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.attr("form"),
                        r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                    r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            t.value(t._initialValues), t._placeholder()
                    }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
                _initValue: function() {
                    var e = this.options.value || this.element.val();
                    this._old = this._initialValues = this._normalizeValues(e)
                _normalizeValues: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return null === t ? t = [] : t && e.isPlainObject(t) ? t = [n._value(t)] : t && e.isPlainObject(t[0]) ? t = e.map(t, function(e) {
                        return n._value(e)
                    }) : R(t) || t instanceof l || (t = [t]), t
                _change: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.value();
                    n(t, e._old) || (e._old = t.slice(), e.trigger(v), e.element.trigger(v))
                _click: function(e) {
                    var n = e.item;
                    return this.trigger(w, {
                        item: n
                    }) ? (this._close(), t) : (this._select(n), this._change(), this._close(), t)
                _keydown: function(n) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = n.keyCode,
                        s = r._currentTag,
                        l = r.listView.focus(),
                        c = r.input.val(),
                        d = i.support.isRtl(r.wrapper),
                        u = r.popup.visible();
                    if (o === a.DOWN) {
                        if (n.preventDefault(), !u) return r.open(), l || this.listView.first(), t;
                        l ? (this.listView.next(), this.listView.focus() || this.listView.last()) : this.listView.first()
                    } else if (o === a.UP) u && (l && this.listView.prev(), this.listView.focus() || r.close()), n.preventDefault();
                    else if (o === a.LEFT && !d || o === a.RIGHT && d) c || (s = s ? s.prev() : e(r.tagList[0].lastChild), s[0] && r.currentTag(s));
                    else if (o === a.RIGHT && !d || o === a.LEFT && d)!c && s && (s = s.next(), r.currentTag(s[0] ? s : null));
                    else if (o === a.ENTER && u) {
                        if (l) {
                            if (r.trigger(w, {
                                item: l
                            })) return r._close(), t;
                        r._change(), r._close(), n.preventDefault()
                    } else o === a.ESC ? (u ? n.preventDefault() : r.currentTag(null), r.close()) : o === a.HOME ? u ? this.listView.first() : c || (s = r.tagList[0].firstChild, s && r.currentTag(e(s))) : o === a.END ? u ? this.listView.last() : c || (s = r.tagList[0].lastChild, s && r.currentTag(e(s))) : o !== a.DELETE && o !== a.BACKSPACE || c ? (clearTimeout(r._typingTimeout), setTimeout(function() {
                    }), r._search()) : (o !== a.BACKSPACE || s || (s = e(r.tagList[0].lastChild)), s && s[0] && r._removeTag(s))
                _hideBusy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._busy), e.input.attr("aria-busy", !1), e._loading.addClass(x), e._request = !1, e._busy = null
                _showBusyHandler: function() {
                    this.input.attr("aria-busy", !0), this._loading.removeClass(x)
                _showBusy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._request = !0, e._busy || (e._busy = setTimeout(c(e._showBusyHandler, e), 100))
                _placeholder: function(e, n) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = r.input,
                        a = s();
                    e === t && (e = !1, o[0] !== a && (e = !r.listView.selectedDataItems()[0])), r._prev = "", o.toggleClass("k-readonly", e).val(e ? r.options.placeholder : ""), o[0] !== a || n || i.caret(o[0], 0, 0), r._scale()
                _scale: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper,
                        i = n.width(),
                        r = t._span.text(t.input.val());
                    n.is(":visible") ? e = r.width() + 25 : (r.appendTo(document.documentElement), i = e = r.width() + 25, r.appendTo(n)), t.input.width(e > i ? i : e)
                _option: function(e, n, r) {
                    var o = "<option";
                    return e !== t && (e += "", -1 !== e.indexOf('"') && (e = e.replace(F, "&quot;")), o += ' value="' + e + '"'), r && (o += " selected"), o += ">", n !== t && (o += i.htmlEncode(n)), o += "</option>"
                _render: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this.listView.selectedDataItems(),
                        l = this.listView.value(),
                        c = e.length,
                        d = "";
                    for (l.length !== s.length && (s = this._buildSelectedItems(l)), o = {}, a = {}, r = 0; c > r; r++) n = e[r], i = this._value(n), t = this._selectedItemIndex(i, s), -1 !== t && s.splice(t, 1), a[i] = r, d += this._option(i, this._text(n), -1 !== t);
                    if (s.length)
                        for (r = 0; s.length > r; r++) n = s[r], i = this._value(n), o[i] = c, a[i] = c, c += 1, d += this._option(i, this._text(n), !0);
                    this._customOptions = o, this._optionsMap = a, this.element.html(d)
                _buildSelectedItems: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.options.dataValueField,
                        r = this.options.dataTextField,
                        o = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = {}, t[i] = e[n], t[r] = e[n], o.push(t);
                    return o
                _selectedItemIndex: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n = this._value, i = 0; t.length > i; i++)
                        if (e === n(t[i])) return i;
                    return -1
                _search: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._typingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        var t = e.input.val();
                        e._prev !== t && (e._prev = t, e.search(t))
                    }, e.options.delay)
                _allowSelection: function() {
                    var e = this.options.maxSelectedItems;
                    return null === e || e > this.listView.value().length
                _angularTagItems: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.angular(t, function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.tagList[0].children,
                            data: e.map(n.dataItems(), function(e) {
                                return {
                                    dataItem: e
                _selectValue: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.value(),
                        s = o.dataSource.total(),
                        l = o.tagList,
                        c = o._value;
                    if (o._angularTagItems("cleanup"), "multiple" === o.options.tagMode) {
                        for (r = t.length - 1; r > -1; r--) n = t[r], l[0].removeChild(l[0].children[n.position]), o._setOption(c(n.dataItem), !1);
                        for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) i = e[r], l.append(o.tagTemplate(i.dataItem)), o._setOption(c(i.dataItem), !0)
                    } else {
                        for ((!o._maxTotal || s > o._maxTotal) && (o._maxTotal = s), l.html(""), a.length && l.append(o.tagTemplate({
                            values: a,
                            dataItems: o.dataItems(),
                            maxTotal: o._maxTotal,
                            currentTotal: s
                        })), r = t.length - 1; r > -1; r--) o._setOption(c(t[r].dataItem), !1);
                        for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o._setOption(c(e[r].dataItem), !0)
                    o._angularTagItems("compile"), o._placeholder()
                _select: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t._state === f && (t._state = ""), t._allowSelection() && (this.listView.select(e), t._placeholder(), t._state === p && (t._state = h, t.listView.filter(!1), t.listView.skipUpdate(!0)))
                _input: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element[0].accessKey,
                        i = t._innerWrapper.children("input.k-input");
                    i[0] || (i = e('<input class="k-input" style="width: 25px" />').appendTo(t._innerWrapper)), t.element.removeAttr("accesskey"), t._focused = t.input = i.attr({
                        accesskey: n,
                        autocomplete: "off",
                        role: "listbox",
                        "aria-expanded": !1
                _tagList: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._innerWrapper.children("ul");
                    n[0] || (n = e('<ul role="listbox" unselectable="on" class="k-reset"/>').appendTo(t._innerWrapper)), t.tagList = n
                _tagTemplate: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        r = n.tagTemplate,
                        o = n.dataSource,
                        a = "multiple" === n.tagMode;
                    t.element[0].length && !o && (n.dataTextField = n.dataTextField || "text", n.dataValueField = n.dataValueField || "value"), e = a ? i.template("#:" + i.expr(n.dataTextField, "data") + "#", {
                        useWithBlock: !1
                    }) : i.template("#:values.length# item(s) selected"), t.tagTextTemplate = r = r ? i.template(r) : e, t.tagTemplate = function(e) {
                        return '<li class="k-button" unselectable="on"><span unselectable="on">' + r(e) + '</span><span unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon ' + (a ? "k-i-close" : "k-i-arrow-s") + '">' + (a ? "delete" : "open") + "</span></span></li>"
                _loader: function() {
                    this._loading = e('<span class="k-icon k-loading ' + x + '"></span>').insertAfter(this.input)
                _textContainer: function() {
                    var t = i.getComputedStyles(this.input[0], H);
                    t.position = "absolute", t.visibility = "hidden", t.top = -3333, t.left = -3333, this._span = e("<span/>").css(t).appendTo(this.wrapper)
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.parent("span.k-multiselect");
                    i[0] || (i = n.wrap('<div class="k-widget k-multiselect k-header" unselectable="on" />').parent(), i[0].style.cssText = n[0].style.cssText, i[0].title = n[0].title, e('<div class="k-multiselect-wrap k-floatwrap" unselectable="on" />').insertBefore(n)), t.wrapper = i.addClass(n[0].className).css("display", ""), t._innerWrapper = e(i[0].firstChild)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            var i = n ? " k-slider-horizontal" : " k-slider-vertical",
                r = e.style ? e.style : t.attr("style"),
                o = t.attr("class") ? " " + t.attr("class") : "",
                a = "";
            return "bottomRight" == e.tickPlacement ? a = " k-slider-bottomright" : "topLeft" == e.tickPlacement && (a = " k-slider-topleft"), r = r ? " style='" + r + "'" : "", "<div class='k-widget k-slider" + i + o + "'" + r + "><div class='k-slider-wrap" + (e.showButtons ? " k-slider-buttons" : "") + a + "'></div></div>"

        function i(e, t, n) {
            var i = "";
            return i = "increase" == t ? n ? "k-i-arrow-e" : "k-i-arrow-n" : n ? "k-i-arrow-w" : "k-i-arrow-s", "<a class='k-button k-button-" + t + "'><span class='k-icon " + i + "' title='" + e[t + "ButtonTitle"] + "'>" + e[t + "ButtonTitle"] + "</span></a>"

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, i = "<ul class='k-reset k-slider-items'>",
                r = k.floor(c(t / e.smallStep)) + 1;
            for (n = 0; r > n; n++) i += "<li class='k-tick' role='presentation'>&nbsp;</li>";
            return i += "</ul>"

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = t.is("input") ? 1 : 2,
                i = 2 == n ? e.leftDragHandleTitle : e.dragHandleTitle;
            return "<div class='k-slider-track'><div class='k-slider-selection'><!-- --></div><a href='#' class='k-draghandle' title='" + i + "' role='slider' aria-valuemin='" + e.min + "' aria-valuemax='" + e.max + "' aria-valuenow='" + (n > 1 ? e.selectionStart || e.min : e.value || e.min) + "'>Drag</a>" + (n > 1 ? "<a href='#' class='k-draghandle' title='" + e.rightDragHandleTitle + "'role='slider' aria-valuemin='" + e.min + "' aria-valuemax='" + e.max + "' aria-valuenow='" + (e.selectionEnd || e.max) + "'>Drag</a>" : "") + "</div>"

        function a(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return t + e

        function s(e) {
            return function() {
                return e

        function l(e) {
            return (e + "").replace(".", f.cultures.current.numberFormat["."])

        function c(e) {
            e = parseFloat(e, 10);
            var t = k.pow(10, q || 0);
            return k.round(e * t) / t

        function d(e, n) {
            var i = w(e.getAttribute(n));
            return null === i && (i = t), i

        function u(e) {
            return typeof e !== Y

        function h(e) {
            return 1e4 * e
        var p, f = window.kendo,
            g = f.ui.Widget,
            m = f.ui.Draggable,
            v = e.extend,
            _ = f.format,
            w = f.parseFloat,
            b = e.proxy,
            y = e.isArray,
            k = Math,
            x = f.support,
            C = x.pointers,
            S = x.msPointers,
            T = "change",
            D = "slide",
            A = ".slider",
            E = "touchstart" + A + " mousedown" + A,
            I = C ? "pointerdown" + A : S ? "MSPointerDown" + A : E,
            P = "touchend" + A + " mouseup" + A,
            M = C ? "pointerup" : S ? "MSPointerUp" + A : P,
            z = "moveSelection",
            F = "keydown" + A,
            R = "click" + A,
            H = "mouseover" + A,
            B = "focus" + A,
            L = "blur" + A,
            N = ".k-draghandle",
            O = ".k-slider-track",
            V = ".k-tick",
            U = "k-state-selected",
            W = "k-state-focused",
            j = "k-state-default",
            G = "k-state-disabled",
            q = 3,
            $ = "disabled",
            Y = "undefined",
            Q = "tabindex",
            K = f.getTouches,
            X = g.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    if (g.fn.init.call(i, e, t), t = i.options, i._distance = c(t.max - t.min), i._isHorizontal = "horizontal" == t.orientation, i._isRtl = i._isHorizontal && f.support.isRtl(e), i._position = i._isHorizontal ? "left" : "bottom", i._sizeFn = i._isHorizontal ? "width" : "height", i._outerSize = i._isHorizontal ? "outerWidth" : "outerHeight", t.tooltip.format = t.tooltip.enabled ? t.tooltip.format || "{0}" : "{0}", 0 >= t.smallStep) throw Error("Kendo UI Slider smallStep must be a positive number.");
                    i._createHtml(), i.wrapper = i.element.closest(".k-slider"), i._trackDiv = i.wrapper.find(O), i._setTrackDivWidth(), i._maxSelection = i._trackDiv[i._sizeFn](), i._sliderItemsInit(), i._reset(), i._tabindex(i.wrapper.find(N)), i[t.enabled ? "enable" : "disable"](), n = f.support.isRtl(i.wrapper) ? -1 : 1, i._keyMap = {
                        37: a(-1 * n * t.smallStep),
                        40: a(-t.smallStep),
                        39: a(1 * n * t.smallStep),
                        38: a(+t.smallStep),
                        35: s(t.max),
                        36: s(t.min),
                        33: a(+t.largeStep),
                        34: a(-t.largeStep)
                    }, f.notify(i)
                events: [T, D],
                options: {
                    enabled: !0,
                    min: 0,
                    max: 10,
                    smallStep: 1,
                    largeStep: 5,
                    orientation: "horizontal",
                    tickPlacement: "both",
                    tooltip: {
                        enabled: !0,
                        format: "{0}"
                _resize: function() {
                    this._setTrackDivWidth(), this.wrapper.find(".k-slider-items").remove(), this._maxSelection = this._trackDiv[this._sizeFn](), this._sliderItemsInit(), this._refresh()
                _sliderItemsInit: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e._maxSelection / ((t.max - t.min) / t.smallStep),
                        i = e._calculateItemsWidth(k.floor(e._distance / t.smallStep));
                    "none" != t.tickPlacement && n >= 2 && (e._trackDiv.before(r(t, e._distance)), e._setItemsWidth(i), e._setItemsTitle()), e._calculateSteps(i), "none" != t.tickPlacement && n >= 2 && t.largeStep >= t.smallStep && e._setItemsLargeTick()
                getSize: function() {
                    return f.dimensions(this.wrapper)
                _setTrackDivWidth: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = 2 * parseFloat(e._trackDiv.css(e._isRtl ? "right" : e._position), 10);
                    e._trackDiv[e._sizeFn](e.wrapper[e._sizeFn]() - 2 - t)
                _setItemsWidth: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = 0,
                        a = t.length - 1,
                        s = i.wrapper.find(V),
                        l = 0,
                        c = 2,
                        d = s.length,
                        u = 0;
                    for (n = 0; d - 2 > n; n++) e(s[n + 1])[i._sizeFn](t[n]);
                    if (i._isHorizontal ? (e(s[o]).addClass("k-first")[i._sizeFn](t[a - 1]), e(s[a]).addClass("k-last")[i._sizeFn](t[a])) : (e(s[a]).addClass("k-first")[i._sizeFn](t[a]), e(s[o]).addClass("k-last")[i._sizeFn](t[a - 1])), i._distance % r.smallStep !== 0 && !i._isHorizontal) {
                        for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) u += t[n];
                        l = i._maxSelection - u, l += parseFloat(i._trackDiv.css(i._position), 10) + c, i.wrapper.find(".k-slider-items").css("padding-top", l)
                _setItemsTitle: function() {
                    for (var t = this, n = t.options, i = t.wrapper.find(V), r = n.min, o = i.length, a = t._isHorizontal && !t._isRtl ? 0 : o - 1, s = t._isHorizontal && !t._isRtl ? o : -1, l = t._isHorizontal && !t._isRtl ? 1 : -1; a - s !== 0; a += l) e(i[a]).attr("title", _(n.tooltip.format, c(r))), r += n.smallStep
                _setItemsLargeTick: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = r.wrapper.find(V),
                        s = 0;
                    if (h(o.largeStep) % h(o.smallStep) === 0 || r._distance / o.largeStep >= 3)
                        for (r._isHorizontal || r._isRtl || (a = e.makeArray(a).reverse()), s = 0; a.length > s; s++) t = e(a[s]), n = r._values[s], i = c(h(n - this.options.min)), i % h(o.smallStep) === 0 && i % h(o.largeStep) === 0 && (t.addClass("k-tick-large").html("<span class='k-label'>" + t.attr("title") + "</span>"), 0 !== s && s !== a.length - 1 && t.css("line-height", t[r._sizeFn]() + "px"))
                _calculateItemsWidth: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = parseFloat(r._trackDiv.css(r._sizeFn)) + 1,
                        s = a / r._distance;
                    for (r._distance / o.smallStep - k.floor(r._distance / o.smallStep) > 0 && (a -= r._distance % o.smallStep * s), t = a / e, n = [], i = 0; e - 1 > i; i++) n[i] = t;
                    return n[e - 1] = n[e] = t / 2, r._roundWidths(n)
                _roundWidths: function(e) {
                    var t, n = 0,
                        i = e.length;
                    for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n += e[t] - k.floor(e[t]), e[t] = k.floor(e[t]);
                    return n = k.round(n), this._addAdditionalSize(n, e)
                _addAdditionalSize: function(e, t) {
                    if (0 === e) return t;
                    var n, i = parseFloat(t.length - 1) / parseFloat(1 == e ? e : e - 1);
                    for (n = 0; e > n; n++) t[parseInt(k.round(i * n), 10)] += 1;
                    return t
                _calculateSteps: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.min,
                        o = 0,
                        a = k.ceil(n._distance / i.smallStep),
                        s = 1;
                    if (a += n._distance / i.smallStep % 1 === 0 ? 1 : 0, e.splice(0, 0, 2 * e[a - 2]), e.splice(a - 1, 1, 2 * e.pop()), n._pixelSteps = [o], n._values = [r], 0 !== a) {
                        for (; a > s;) o += (e[s - 1] + e[s]) / 2, n._pixelSteps[s] = o, r += i.smallStep, n._values[s] = c(r), s++;
                        t = n._distance % i.smallStep === 0 ? a - 1 : a, n._pixelSteps[t] = n._maxSelection, n._values[t] = i.max, n._isRtl && (n._pixelSteps.reverse(), n._values.reverse())
                _getValueFromPosition: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = k.max(r.smallStep * (i._maxSelection / i._distance), 0),
                        a = 0,
                        s = o / 2;
                    if (i._isHorizontal ? (a = e - t.startPoint, i._isRtl && (a = i._maxSelection - a)) : a = t.startPoint - e, i._maxSelection - (parseInt(i._maxSelection % o, 10) - 3) / 2 < a) return r.max;
                    for (n = 0; i._pixelSteps.length > n; n++)
                        if (k.abs(i._pixelSteps[n] - a) - 1 <= s) return c(i._values[n])
                _getFormattedValue: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = "",
                        s = o.options.tooltip;
                    return y(e) ? (i = e[0], r = e[1]) : t && t.type && (i = t.selectionStart, r = t.selectionEnd), t && (n = t.tooltipTemplate), !n && s.template && (n = f.template(s.template)), y(e) || t && t.type ? n ? a = n({
                        selectionStart: i,
                        selectionEnd: r
                    }) : (i = _(s.format, i), r = _(s.format, r), a = i + " - " + r) : (t && (t.val = e), a = n ? n({
                        value: e
                    }) : _(s.format, e)), a
                _getDraggableArea: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = f.getOffset(e._trackDiv);
                    return {
                        startPoint: e._isHorizontal ? t.left : t.top + e._maxSelection,
                        endPoint: e._isHorizontal ? t.left + e._maxSelection : t.top
                _createHtml: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        r = e.options,
                        a = t.find("input");
                    2 == a.length ? (a.eq(0).prop("value", l(r.selectionStart)), a.eq(1).prop("value", l(r.selectionEnd))) : t.prop("value", l(r.value)), t.wrap(n(r, t, e._isHorizontal)).hide(), r.showButtons && t.before(i(r, "increase", e._isHorizontal)).before(i(r, "decrease", e._isHorizontal)), t.before(o(r, t))
                _focus: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = t.target,
                        r = n.value(),
                        o = n._drag;
                    o || (i == n.wrapper.find(N).eq(0)[0] ? (o = n._firstHandleDrag, n._activeHandle = 0) : (o = n._lastHandleDrag, n._activeHandle = 1), r = r[n._activeHandle]), e(i).addClass(W + " " + U), o && (n._activeHandleDrag = o, o.selectionStart = n.options.selectionStart, o.selectionEnd = n.options.selectionEnd, o._updateTooltip(r))
                _focusWithMouse: function(t) {
                    t = e(t);
                    var n = this,
                        i = t.is(N) ? t.index() : 0;
                    window.setTimeout(function() {
                        n.wrapper.find(N)[2 == i ? 1 : 0].focus()
                    }, 1), n._setTooltipTimeout()
                _blur: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._activeHandleDrag;
                    e(t.target).removeClass(W + " " + U), i && (i._removeTooltip(), delete n._activeHandleDrag, delete n._activeHandle)
                _setTooltipTimeout: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._tooltipTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
                        var t = e._drag || e._activeHandleDrag;
                        t && t._removeTooltip()
                    }, 300)
                _clearTooltipTimeout: function() {
                    var e, t = this;
                    window.clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout), e = t._drag || t._activeHandleDrag, e && e.tooltipDiv && e.tooltipDiv.stop(!0, !1).css("opacity", 1)
                _reset: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.attr("form"),
                        r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                    r[0] && (t._form = r.on("reset", b(t._formResetHandler, t)))
                destroy: function() {
                    this._form && this._form.off("reset", this._formResetHandler), g.fn.destroy.call(this)
            Z = X.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    var r, o = this;
                    n.type = "text", i = v({}, {
                        value: d(n, "value"),
                        min: d(n, "min"),
                        max: d(n, "max"),
                        smallStep: d(n, "step")
                    }, i), n = e(n), i && i.enabled === t && (i.enabled = !n.is("[disabled]")), X.fn.init.call(o, n, i), i = o.options, u(i.value) && null !== i.value || (i.value = i.min, n.prop("value", l(i.min))), i.value = k.max(k.min(i.value, i.max), i.min), r = o.wrapper.find(N), new Z.Selection(r, o, i), o._drag = new Z.Drag(r, "", o, i)
                options: {
                    name: "Slider",
                    showButtons: !0,
                    increaseButtonTitle: "Increase",
                    decreaseButtonTitle: "Decrease",
                    dragHandleTitle: "drag",
                    tooltip: {
                        format: "{0:#,#.##}"
                    value: null
                enable: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options;
                    a.disable(), n !== !1 && (a.wrapper.removeClass(G).addClass(j), a.wrapper.find("input").removeAttr($), i = function(n) {
                        var i, r, o, s = K(n)[0];
                        if (s) {
                            if (i = a._isHorizontal ? s.location.pageX : s.location.pageY, r = a._getDraggableArea(), o = e(n.target), o.hasClass("k-draghandle")) return o.addClass(W + " " + U), t;
                            a._update(a._getValueFromPosition(i, r)), a._focusWithMouse(n.target), a._drag.dragstart(n), n.preventDefault()
                    }, a.wrapper.find(V + ", " + O).on(I, i).end().on(I, function() {
                        e(document.documentElement).one("selectstart", f.preventDefault)
                    }).on(M, function() {
                    }), a.wrapper.find(N).attr(Q, 0).on(P, function() {
                    }).on(R, function(e) {
                        a._focusWithMouse(e.target), e.preventDefault()
                    }).on(B, b(a._focus, a)).on(L, b(a._blur, a)), r = b(function(e) {
                        var t = a._nextValueByIndex(a._valueIndex + 1 * e);
                        a._setValueInRange(t), a._drag._updateTooltip(t)
                    }, a), s.showButtons && (o = b(function(e, t) {
                        this._clearTooltipTimeout(), (1 === e.which || x.touch && 0 === e.which) && (r(t), this.timeout = setTimeout(b(function() {
                            this.timer = setInterval(function() {
                            }, 60)
                        }, this), 200))
                    }, a), a.wrapper.find(".k-button").on(P, b(function(e) {
                        this._clearTimer(), a._focusWithMouse(e.target)
                    }, a)).on(H, function(t) {
                    }).on("mouseout" + A, b(function(t) {
                        e(t.currentTarget).removeClass("k-state-hover"), this._clearTimer()
                    }, a)).eq(0).on(E, b(function(e) {
                        o(e, 1)
                    }, a)).click(!1).end().eq(1).on(E, b(function(e) {
                        o(e, -1)
                    }, a)).click(f.preventDefault)), a.wrapper.find(N).off(F, !1).on(F, b(this._keydown, a)), s.enabled = !0)
                disable: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.wrapper.removeClass(j).addClass(G), e(t.element).prop($, $), t.wrapper.find(".k-button").off(E).on(E, f.preventDefault).off(P).on(P, f.preventDefault).off("mouseleave" + A).on("mouseleave" + A, f.preventDefault).off(H).on(H, f.preventDefault), t.wrapper.find(V + ", " + O).off(I).off(M), t.wrapper.find(N).attr(Q, -1).off(P).off(F).off(R).off(B).off(L), t.options.enabled = !1
                _update: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.value() != e;
                    t.value(e), n && t.trigger(T, {
                        value: t.options.value
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options;
                    return e = c(e), isNaN(e) ? i.value : (e >= i.min && i.max >= e && i.value != e && (n.element.prop("value", l(e)), i.value = e, n._refreshAriaAttr(e), n._refresh()), t)
                _refresh: function() {
                    this.trigger(z, {
                        value: this.options.value
                _refreshAriaAttr: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n._drag;
                    t = i && i._tooltipDiv ? i._tooltipDiv.text() : n._getFormattedValue(e, null), this.wrapper.find(N).attr("aria-valuenow", e).attr("aria-valuetext", t)
                _clearTimer: function() {
                    clearTimeout(this.timeout), clearInterval(this.timer)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.keyCode in t._keyMap && (t._clearTooltipTimeout(), t._setValueInRange(t._keyMap[e.keyCode](t.options.value)), t._drag._updateTooltip(t.value()), e.preventDefault())
                _setValueInRange: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options;
                    return e = c(e), isNaN(e) ? (n._update(i.min), t) : (e = k.max(k.min(e, i.max), i.min), n._update(e), t)
                _nextValueByIndex: function(e) {
                    var t = this._values.length;
                    return this._isRtl && (e = t - 1 - e), this._values[k.max(0, k.min(e, t - 1))]
                _formResetHandler: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options.min;
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        var n = e.element[0].value;
                        e.value("" === n || isNaN(n) ? t : n)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    X.fn.destroy.call(e), e.wrapper.off(A).find(".k-button").off(A).end().find(N).off(A).end().find(V + ", " + O).off(A).end(), e._drag.draggable.destroy(), e._drag._removeTooltip(!0)
        Z.Selection = function(e, t, n) {
            function i(i) {
                var r = i - n.min,
                    o = t._valueIndex = k.ceil(c(r / n.smallStep)),
                    a = parseInt(t._pixelSteps[o], 10),
                    s = t._trackDiv.find(".k-slider-selection"),
                    l = parseInt(e[t._outerSize]() / 2, 10),
                    d = t._isRtl ? 2 : 0;
                s[t._sizeFn](t._isRtl ? t._maxSelection - a : a), e.css(t._position, a - l - d)
            i(n.value), t.bind([T, D, z], function(e) {
                i(parseFloat(e.value, 10))
        }, Z.Drag = function(e, t, n, i) {
            var r = this;
            r.owner = n, r.options = i, r.element = e, r.type = t, r.draggable = new m(e, {
                distance: 0,
                dragstart: b(r._dragstart, r),
                drag: b(r.drag, r),
                dragend: b(r.dragend, r),
                dragcancel: b(r.dragcancel, r)
            }), e.click(!1)
        }, Z.Drag.prototype = {
            dragstart: function(e) {
                this.owner._activeDragHandle = this, this.draggable.userEvents.cancel(), this.draggable.userEvents._start(e)
            _dragstart: function(n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.owner,
                    o = i.options;
                return o.enabled ? (this.owner._activeDragHandle = this, r.element.off(H), r.wrapper.find("." + W).removeClass(W + " " + U), i.element.addClass(W + " " + U), e(document.documentElement).css("cursor", "pointer"), i.dragableArea = r._getDraggableArea(), i.step = k.max(o.smallStep * (r._maxSelection / r._distance), 0), i.type ? (i.selectionStart = o.selectionStart, i.selectionEnd = o.selectionEnd, r._setZIndex(i.type)) : i.oldVal = i.val = o.value, i._removeTooltip(!0), i._createTooltip(), t) : (n.preventDefault(), t)
            _createTooltip: function() {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.owner,
                    o = i.options.tooltip,
                    a = "",
                    s = e(window);
                o.enabled && (o.template && (t = i.tooltipTemplate = f.template(o.template)), e(".k-slider-tooltip").remove(), i.tooltipDiv = e("<div class='k-widget k-tooltip k-slider-tooltip'><!-- --></div>").appendTo(document.body), a = r._getFormattedValue(i.val || r.value(), i), i.type || (n = "k-callout-" + (r._isHorizontal ? "s" : "e"), i.tooltipInnerDiv = "<div class='k-callout " + n + "'><!-- --></div>", a += i.tooltipInnerDiv), i.tooltipDiv.html(a), i._scrollOffset = {
                    top: s.scrollTop(),
                    left: s.scrollLeft()
                }, i.moveTooltip())
            drag: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.owner,
                    r = e.x.location,
                    o = e.y.location,
                    a = n.dragableArea.startPoint,
                    s = n.dragableArea.endPoint;
                e.preventDefault(), n.val = i._isHorizontal ? i._isRtl ? n.constrainValue(r, a, s, s > r) : n.constrainValue(r, a, s, r >= s) : n.constrainValue(o, s, a, s >= o), n.oldVal != n.val && (n.oldVal = n.val, n.type ? ("firstHandle" == n.type ? n.selectionStart = n.selectionEnd > n.val ? n.val : n.selectionEnd = n.val : n.val > n.selectionStart ? n.selectionEnd = n.val : n.selectionStart = n.selectionEnd = n.val, t = {
                    values: [n.selectionStart, n.selectionEnd],
                    value: [n.selectionStart, n.selectionEnd]
                }) : t = {
                    value: n.val
                }, i.trigger(D, t)), n._updateTooltip(n.val)
            _updateTooltip: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.tooltip,
                    r = "";
                i.enabled && (t.tooltipDiv || t._createTooltip(), r = t.owner._getFormattedValue(c(e), t), t.type || (r += t.tooltipInnerDiv), t.tooltipDiv.html(r), t.moveTooltip())
            dragcancel: function() {
                return this.owner._refresh(), e(document.documentElement).css("cursor", ""), this._end()
            dragend: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.owner;
                return e(document.documentElement).css("cursor", ""), t.type ? n._update(t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd) : (n._update(t.val), t.draggable.userEvents._disposeAll()), t._end()
            _end: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.owner;
                return t._focusWithMouse(e.element), t.element.on(H), !1
            _removeTooltip: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.owner;
                n.tooltipDiv && i.options.tooltip.enabled && i.options.enabled && (t ? (n.tooltipDiv.remove(), n.tooltipDiv = null) : n.tooltipDiv.fadeOut("slow", function() {
                    e(this).remove(), n.tooltipDiv = null
            moveTooltip: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.owner,
                    s = 0,
                    l = 0,
                    c = o.element,
                    d = f.getOffset(c),
                    u = 8,
                    h = e(window),
                    p = o.tooltipDiv.find(".k-callout"),
                    g = o.tooltipDiv.outerWidth(),
                    m = o.tooltipDiv.outerHeight();
                o.type ? (t = a.wrapper.find(N), d = f.getOffset(t.eq(0)), n = f.getOffset(t.eq(1)), a._isHorizontal ? (s = n.top, l = d.left + (n.left - d.left) / 2) : (s = d.top + (n.top - d.top) / 2, l = n.left), r = t.eq(0).outerWidth() + 2 * u) : (s = d.top, l = d.left, r = c.outerWidth() + 2 * u), a._isHorizontal ? (l -= parseInt((g - c[a._outerSize]()) / 2, 10), s -= m + p.height() + u) : (s -= parseInt((m - c[a._outerSize]()) / 2, 10), l -= g + p.width() + u), a._isHorizontal ? (i = o._flip(s, m, r, h.outerHeight() + o._scrollOffset.top), s += i, l += o._fit(l, g, h.outerWidth() + o._scrollOffset.left)) : (i = o._flip(l, g, r, h.outerWidth() + o._scrollOffset.left), s += o._fit(s, m, h.outerHeight() + o._scrollOffset.top), l += i), i > 0 && p && (p.removeClass(), p.addClass("k-callout k-callout-" + (a._isHorizontal ? "n" : "w"))), o.tooltipDiv.css({
                    top: s,
                    left: l
            _fit: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = 0;
                return e + t > n && (i = n - (e + t)), 0 > e && (i = -e), i
            _flip: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = 0;
                return e + t > i && (r += -(n + t)), 0 > e + r && (r += n + t), r
            constrainValue: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = 0;
                return o = e > t && n > e ? r.owner._getValueFromPosition(e, r.dragableArea) : i ? r.options.max : r.options.min
        }, f.ui.plugin(Z), p = X.extend({
            init: function(n, i) {
                var r, o = this,
                    a = e(n).find("input"),
                    s = a.eq(0)[0],
                    c = a.eq(1)[0];
                s.type = "text", c.type = "text", i && i.showButtons && (window.console && window.console.warn("showbuttons option is not supported for the range slider, ignoring"), i.showButtons = !1), i = v({}, {
                    selectionStart: d(s, "value"),
                    min: d(s, "min"),
                    max: d(s, "max"),
                    smallStep: d(s, "step")
                }, {
                    selectionEnd: d(c, "value"),
                    min: d(c, "min"),
                    max: d(c, "max"),
                    smallStep: d(c, "step")
                }, i), i && i.enabled === t && (i.enabled = !a.is("[disabled]")), X.fn.init.call(o, n, i), i = o.options, u(i.selectionStart) && null !== i.selectionStart || (i.selectionStart = i.min, a.eq(0).prop("value", l(i.min))), u(i.selectionEnd) && null !== i.selectionEnd || (i.selectionEnd = i.max, a.eq(1).prop("value", l(i.max))), r = o.wrapper.find(N), new p.Selection(r, o, i), o._firstHandleDrag = new Z.Drag(r.eq(0), "firstHandle", o, i), o._lastHandleDrag = new Z.Drag(r.eq(1), "lastHandle", o, i)
            options: {
                name: "RangeSlider",
                leftDragHandleTitle: "drag",
                rightDragHandleTitle: "drag",
                tooltip: {
                    format: "{0:#,#.##}"
                selectionStart: null,
                selectionEnd: null
            enable: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r.options;
                r.disable(), n !== !1 && (r.wrapper.removeClass(G).addClass(j), r.wrapper.find("input").removeAttr($), i = function(n) {
                    var i, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = K(n)[0];
                    if (h) {
                        if (i = r._isHorizontal ? h.location.pageX : h.location.pageY, a = r._getDraggableArea(), s = r._getValueFromPosition(i, a), l = e(n.target), l.hasClass("k-draghandle")) return r.wrapper.find("." + W).removeClass(W + " " + U), l.addClass(W + " " + U), t;
                        o.selectionStart > s ? (c = s, d = o.selectionEnd, u = r._firstHandleDrag) : s > r.selectionEnd ? (c = o.selectionStart, d = s, u = r._lastHandleDrag) : o.selectionEnd - s >= s - o.selectionStart ? (c = s, d = o.selectionEnd, u = r._firstHandleDrag) : (c = o.selectionStart, d = s, u = r._lastHandleDrag), u.dragstart(n), r._setValueInRange(c, d), r._focusWithMouse(u.element)
                }, r.wrapper.find(V + ", " + O).on(I, i).end().on(I, function() {
                    e(document.documentElement).one("selectstart", f.preventDefault)
                }).on(M, function() {
                    r._activeDragHandle && r._activeDragHandle._end()
                }), r.wrapper.find(N).attr(Q, 0).on(P, function() {
                }).on(R, function(e) {
                    r._focusWithMouse(e.target), e.preventDefault()
                }).on(B, b(r._focus, r)).on(L, b(r._blur, r)), r.wrapper.find(N).off(F, f.preventDefault).eq(0).on(F, b(function(e) {
                    this._keydown(e, "firstHandle")
                }, r)).end().eq(1).on(F, b(function(e) {
                    this._keydown(e, "lastHandle")
                }, r)), r.options.enabled = !0)
            disable: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.wrapper.removeClass(j).addClass(G), e.wrapper.find("input").prop($, $), e.wrapper.find(V + ", " + O).off(I).off(M), e.wrapper.find(N).attr(Q, -1).off(P).off(F).off(R).off(B).off(L), e.options.enabled = !1
            _keydown: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options.selectionStart,
                    s = o.options.selectionEnd;
                e.keyCode in o._keyMap && (o._clearTooltipTimeout(), "firstHandle" == t ? (r = o._activeHandleDrag = o._firstHandleDrag, a = o._keyMap[e.keyCode](a), a > s && (s = a)) : (r = o._activeHandleDrag = o._lastHandleDrag, s = o._keyMap[e.keyCode](s), a > s && (a = s)), o._setValueInRange(c(a), c(s)), n = Math.max(a, o.options.selectionStart), i = Math.min(s, o.options.selectionEnd), r.selectionEnd = Math.max(i, o.options.selectionStart), r.selectionStart = Math.min(n, o.options.selectionEnd), r._updateTooltip(o.value()[o._activeHandle]), e.preventDefault())
            _update: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.value(),
                    r = i[0] != e || i[1] != t;
                n.value([e, t]), r && n.trigger(T, {
                    values: [e, t],
                    value: [e, t]
            value: function(e) {
                return e && e.length ? this._value(e[0], e[1]) : this._value()
            _value: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.selectionStart,
                    a = r.selectionEnd;
                return isNaN(e) && isNaN(n) ? [o, a] : (e = c(e), n = c(n), e >= r.min && r.max >= e && n >= r.min && r.max >= n && n >= e && (o != e || a != n) && (i.element.find("input").eq(0).prop("value", l(e)).end().eq(1).prop("value", l(n)), r.selectionStart = e, r.selectionEnd = n, i._refresh(), i._refreshAriaAttr(e, n)), t)
            values: function(e, t) {
                return y(e) ? this._value(e[0], e[1]) : this._value(e, t)
            _refresh: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options;
                e.trigger(z, {
                    values: [t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd],
                    value: [t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd]
                }), t.selectionStart == t.max && t.selectionEnd == t.max && e._setZIndex("firstHandle")
            _refreshAriaAttr: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.wrapper.find(N),
                    o = i._activeHandleDrag;
                n = i._getFormattedValue([e, t], o), r.eq(0).attr("aria-valuenow", e), r.eq(1).attr("aria-valuenow", t), r.attr("aria-valuetext", n)
            _setValueInRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.options;
                e = k.max(k.min(e, n.max), n.min), t = k.max(k.min(t, n.max), n.min), e == n.max && t == n.max && this._setZIndex("firstHandle"), this._update(k.min(e, t), k.max(e, t))
            _setZIndex: function(t) {
                this.wrapper.find(N).each(function(n) {
                    e(this).css("z-index", "firstHandle" == t ? 1 - n : n)
            _formResetHandler: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options;
                setTimeout(function() {
                    var n = e.element.find("input"),
                        i = n[0].value,
                        r = n[1].value;
                    e.values("" === i || isNaN(i) ? t.min : i, "" === r || isNaN(r) ? t.max : r)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                X.fn.destroy.call(e), e.wrapper.off(A).find(V + ", " + O).off(A).end().find(N).off(A), e._firstHandleDrag.draggable.destroy(), e._lastHandleDrag.draggable.destroy()
        }), p.Selection = function(e, t, n) {
            function i(i) {
                i = i || [];
                var o = i[0] - n.min,
                    a = i[1] - n.min,
                    s = k.ceil(c(o / n.smallStep)),
                    l = k.ceil(c(a / n.smallStep)),
                    d = t._pixelSteps[s],
                    u = t._pixelSteps[l],
                    h = parseInt(e.eq(0)[t._outerSize]() / 2, 10),
                    p = t._isRtl ? 2 : 0;
                e.eq(0).css(t._position, d - h - p).end().eq(1).css(t._position, u - h - p), r(d, u)

            function r(e, n) {
                var i, r, o = t._trackDiv.find(".k-slider-selection");
                i = k.abs(e - n), o[t._sizeFn](i), t._isRtl ? (r = k.max(e, n), o.css("right", t._maxSelection - r - 1)) : (r = k.min(e, n), o.css(t._position, r - 1))
            i(t.value()), t.bind([T, D, z], function(e) {
        }, f.ui.plugin(p)
    function(e, t, n) {
        function i(e, t, n) {
            n = d(n), n && !n.equals(e.color()) && ("change" == t && (e._value = n), n = 1 != n.a ? n.toCssRgba() : n.toCss(), e.trigger(t, {
                value: n

        function r(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            return e = Array.prototype.slice.call(e), i = e.length, r = e.indexOf(t), 0 > r ? 0 > n ? e[i - 1] : e[0] : (r += n, 0 > r ? r += i : r %= i, e[r])

        function o(e) {

        function a(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui,
            c = l.Widget,
            d = s.parseColor,
            u = s.Color,
            h = s.keys,
            p = "background-color",
            f = "k-state-selected",
            g = "000000,7f7f7f,880015,ed1c24,ff7f27,fff200,22b14c,00a2e8,3f48cc,a349a4,ffffff,c3c3c3,b97a57,ffaec9,ffc90e,efe4b0,b5e61d,99d9ea,7092be,c8bfe7",
            m = "FFFFFF,FFCCFF,FF99FF,FF66FF,FF33FF,FF00FF,CCFFFF,CCCCFF,CC99FF,CC66FF,CC33FF,CC00FF,99FFFF,99CCFF,9999FF,9966FF,9933FF,9900FF,FFFFCC,FFCCCC,FF99CC,FF66CC,FF33CC,FF00CC,CCFFCC,CCCCCC,CC99CC,CC66CC,CC33CC,CC00CC,99FFCC,99CCCC,9999CC,9966CC,9933CC,9900CC,FFFF99,FFCC99,FF9999,FF6699,FF3399,FF0099,CCFF99,CCCC99,CC9999,CC6699,CC3399,CC0099,99FF99,99CC99,999999,996699,993399,990099,FFFF66,FFCC66,FF9966,FF6666,FF3366,FF0066,CCFF66,CCCC66,CC9966,CC6666,CC3366,CC0066,99FF66,99CC66,999966,996666,993366,990066,FFFF33,FFCC33,FF9933,FF6633,FF3333,FF0033,CCFF33,CCCC33,CC9933,CC6633,CC3333,CC0033,99FF33,99CC33,999933,996633,993333,990033,FFFF00,FFCC00,FF9900,FF6600,FF3300,FF0000,CCFF00,CCCC00,CC9900,CC6600,CC3300,CC0000,99FF00,99CC00,999900,996600,993300,990000,66FFFF,66CCFF,6699FF,6666FF,6633FF,6600FF,33FFFF,33CCFF,3399FF,3366FF,3333FF,3300FF,00FFFF,00CCFF,0099FF,0066FF,0033FF,0000FF,66FFCC,66CCCC,6699CC,6666CC,6633CC,6600CC,33FFCC,33CCCC,3399CC,3366CC,3333CC,3300CC,00FFCC,00CCCC,0099CC,0066CC,0033CC,0000CC,66FF99,66CC99,669999,666699,663399,660099,33FF99,33CC99,339999,336699,333399,330099,00FF99,00CC99,009999,006699,003399,000099,66FF66,66CC66,669966,666666,663366,660066,33FF66,33CC66,339966,336666,333366,330066,00FF66,00CC66,009966,006666,003366,000066,66FF33,66CC33,669933,666633,663333,660033,33FF33,33CC33,339933,336633,333333,330033,00FF33,00CC33,009933,006633,003333,000033,66FF00,66CC00,669900,666600,663300,660000,33FF00,33CC00,339900,336600,333300,330000,00FF00,00CC00,009900,006600,003300,000000",
            v = {
                apply: "Apply",
                cancel: "Cancel"
            _ = ".kendoColorTools",
            w = "click" + _,
            b = "keydown" + _,
            y = s.support.browser,
            k = y.msie && 9 > y.version,
            x = c.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    c.fn.init.call(i, e, t), e = i.element, t = i.options, i._value = t.value = d(t.value), i._tabIndex = e.attr("tabIndex") || 0, n = i._ariaId = t.ariaId, n && e.attr("aria-labelledby", n), t._standalone && (i._triggerSelect = i._triggerChange)
                options: {
                    name: "ColorSelector",
                    value: null,
                    _standalone: !0
                events: ["change", "select", "cancel"],
                color: function(e) {
                    return e !== n && (this._value = d(e), this._updateUI(this._value)), this._value
                value: function(e) {
                    return e = this.color(e), e && (e = this.options.opacity ? e.toCssRgba() : e.toCss()), e || null
                enable: function(t) {
                    0 === arguments.length && (t = !0), e(".k-disabled-overlay", this.wrapper).remove(), t || this.wrapper.append("<div class='k-disabled-overlay'></div>"), this._onEnable(t)
                _select: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._value;
                    e = this.color(e), t || (this.element.trigger("change"), e.equals(n) ? this._standalone || this.trigger("cancel") : this.trigger("change", {
                        value: this.value()
                _triggerSelect: function(e) {
                    i(this, "select", e)
                _triggerChange: function(e) {
                    i(this, "change", e)
                destroy: function() {
                    this.element && this.element.off(_), this.wrapper && this.wrapper.off(_).find("*").off(_), this.wrapper = null, c.fn.destroy.call(this)
                _updateUI: e.noop,
                _selectOnHide: function() {
                    return null
                _cancel: function() {
            C = x.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, l, c = this;
                    if (x.fn.init.call(c, t, n), t = c.wrapper = c.element, n = c.options, i = n.palette, "websafe" == i ? (i = m, n.columns = 18) : "basic" == i && (i = g), "string" == typeof i && (i = i.split(",")), e.isArray(i) && (i = e.map(i, function(e) {
                        return d(e)
                    })), c._selectedID = (n.ariaId || s.guid()) + "_selected", t.addClass("k-widget k-colorpalette").attr("role", "grid").attr("aria-readonly", "true").append(e(c._template({
                        colors: i,
                        columns: n.columns,
                        tileSize: n.tileSize,
                        value: c._value,
                        id: n.ariaId
                    }))).on(w, ".k-item", function(t) {
                    }).attr("tabIndex", c._tabIndex).on(b, a(c._keydown, c)), r = n.tileSize) {
                        if (/number|string/.test(typeof r)) o = l = parseFloat(r);
                        else {
                            if ("object" != typeof r) throw Error("Unsupported value for the 'tileSize' argument");
                            o = parseFloat(r.width), l = parseFloat(r.height)
                            width: o,
                            height: l
                focus: function() {
                options: {
                    name: "ColorPalette",
                    columns: 10,
                    tileSize: null,
                    palette: "basic"
                _onEnable: function(e) {
                    e ? this.wrapper.attr("tabIndex", this._tabIndex) : this.wrapper.removeAttr("tabIndex")
                _keydown: function(t) {
                    var n, i, a = this.wrapper,
                        s = a.find(".k-item"),
                        l = s.filter("." + f).get(0),
                        c = t.keyCode;
                    if (c == h.LEFT ? n = r(s, l, -1) : c == h.RIGHT ? n = r(s, l, 1) : c == h.DOWN ? n = r(s, l, this.options.columns) : c == h.UP ? n = r(s, l, -this.options.columns) : c == h.ENTER ? (o(t), l && this._select(e(l).css(p))) : c == h.ESC && this._cancel(), n) {
                        o(t), this._current(n);
                        try {
                            i = d(n.css(p)), this._triggerSelect(i)
                        } catch (u) {}
                _current: function(t) {
                    this.wrapper.find("." + f).removeClass(f).attr("aria-selected", !1).removeAttr("id"), e(t).addClass(f).attr("aria-selected", !0).attr("id", this._selectedID), this.element.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant").attr("aria-activedescendant", this._selectedID)
                _updateUI: function(t) {
                    var i = null;
                    this.wrapper.find(".k-item").each(function() {
                        var r = d(e(this).css(p));
                        return r && r.equals(t) ? (i = this, !1) : n
                    }), this._current(i)
                _template: s.template('<table class="k-palette k-reset" role="presentation"><tr role="row"># for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { ## var selected = colors[i].equals(value); ## if (i && i % columns == 0) { # </tr><tr role="row"> # } #<td role="gridcell" unselectable="on" style="background-color:#= colors[i].toCss() #"#= selected ? " aria-selected=true" : "" # #=(id && i === 0) ? "id=\\""+id+"\\" " : "" # class="k-item#= selected ? " ' + f + '" : "" #" aria-label="#= colors[i].toCss() #"></td># } #</tr></table>')
            S = x.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    x.fn.init.call(i, t, n), n = i.options, t = i.element, i.wrapper = t.addClass("k-widget k-flatcolorpicker").append(i._template(n)), i._hueElements = e(".k-hsv-rectangle, .k-transparency-slider .k-slider-track", t), i._selectedColor = e(".k-selected-color-display", t), i._colorAsText = e("input.k-color-value", t), i._sliders(), i._hsvArea(), i._updateUI(i._value || d("#f00")), t.find("input.k-color-value").on(b, function(t) {
                        var n, r, o = this;
                        if (t.keyCode == h.ENTER) try {
                            n = d(o.value), r = i.color(), i._select(n, n.equals(r))
                        } catch (a) {
                        } else i.options.autoupdate && setTimeout(function() {
                            var e = d(o.value, !0);
                            e && i._updateUI(e, !0)
                        }, 10)
                    }).end().on(w, ".k-controls button.apply", function() {
                    }).on(w, ".k-controls button.cancel", function() {
                        i._updateUI(i.color()), i._cancel()
                    }), k && i._applyIEFilter()
                destroy: function() {
                    this._hueSlider.destroy(), this._opacitySlider && this._opacitySlider.destroy(), this._hueSlider = this._opacitySlider = this._hsvRect = this._hsvHandle = this._hueElements = this._selectedColor = this._colorAsText = null, x.fn.destroy.call(this)
                options: {
                    name: "FlatColorPicker",
                    opacity: !1,
                    buttons: !1,
                    input: !0,
                    preview: !0,
                    autoupdate: !0,
                    messages: v
                _applyIEFilter: function() {
                    var e = this.element.find(".k-hue-slider .k-slider-track")[0],
                        t = e.currentStyle.backgroundImage;
                    t = t.replace(/^url\([\'\"]?|[\'\"]?\)$/g, ""), e.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + t + "', sizingMethod='scale')"
                _sliders: function() {
                    function e(e) {
                        n._updateUI(n._getHSV(e.value, null, null, null))

                    function t(e) {
                        n._updateUI(n._getHSV(null, null, null, e.value / 100))
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element;
                    n._hueSlider = i.find(".k-hue-slider").kendoSlider({
                        min: 0,
                        max: 359,
                        tickPlacement: "none",
                        showButtons: !1,
                        slide: e,
                        change: e
                    }).data("kendoSlider"), n._opacitySlider = i.find(".k-transparency-slider").kendoSlider({
                        min: 0,
                        max: 100,
                        tickPlacement: "none",
                        showButtons: !1,
                        slide: t,
                        change: t
                _hsvArea: function() {
                    function e(e, n) {
                        var i = this.offset,
                            r = e - i.left,
                            o = n - i.top,
                            a = this.width,
                            s = this.height;
                        r = 0 > r ? 0 : r > a ? a : r, o = 0 > o ? 0 : o > s ? s : o, t._svChange(r / a, 1 - o / s)
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.find(".k-hsv-rectangle"),
                        r = i.find(".k-draghandle").attr("tabIndex", 0).on(b, a(t._keydown, t));
                    t._hsvEvents = new s.UserEvents(i, {
                        global: !0,
                        press: function(t) {
                            this.offset = s.getOffset(i), this.width = i.width(), this.height = i.height(), r.focus(), e.call(this, t.x.location, t.y.location)
                        start: function() {
                            i.addClass("k-dragging"), r.focus()
                        move: function(t) {
                            t.preventDefault(), e.call(this, t.x.location, t.y.location)
                        end: function() {
                    }), t._hsvRect = i, t._hsvHandle = r
                _onEnable: function(e) {
                    this._hueSlider.enable(e), this._opacitySlider && this._opacitySlider.enable(e), this.wrapper.find("input").attr("disabled", !e);
                    var t = this._hsvRect.find(".k-draghandle");
                    e ? t.attr("tabIndex", this._tabIndex) : t.removeAttr("tabIndex")
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    function t(t, n) {
                        var r = i._getHSV();
                        r[t] += n * (e.shiftKey ? .01 : .05), 0 > r[t] && (r[t] = 0), r[t] > 1 && (r[t] = 1), i._updateUI(r), o(e)

                    function n(t) {
                        var n = i._getHSV();
                        n.h += t * (e.shiftKey ? 1 : 5), 0 > n.h && (n.h = 0), n.h > 359 && (n.h = 359), i._updateUI(n), o(e)
                    var i = this;
                    switch (e.keyCode) {
                        case h.LEFT:
                            e.ctrlKey ? n(-1) : t("s", -1);
                        case h.RIGHT:
                            e.ctrlKey ? n(1) : t("s", 1);
                        case h.UP:
                            t(e.ctrlKey && i._opacitySlider ? "a" : "v", 1);
                        case h.DOWN:
                            t(e.ctrlKey && i._opacitySlider ? "a" : "v", -1);
                        case h.ENTER:
                        case h.F2:
                        case h.ESC:
                focus: function() {
                _getHSV: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r = this._hsvRect,
                        o = r.width(),
                        a = r.height(),
                        s = this._hsvHandle.position();
                    return null == e && (e = this._hueSlider.value()), null == t && (t = s.left / o), null == n && (n = 1 - s.top / a), null == i && (i = this._opacitySlider ? this._opacitySlider.value() / 100 : 1), u.fromHSV(e, t, n, i)
                _svChange: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._getHSV(null, e, t, null);
                _updateUI: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._hsvRect;
                    e && (this._colorAsText.removeClass("k-state-error"), n._selectedColor.css(p, e.toDisplay()), t || n._colorAsText.val(n._opacitySlider ? e.toCssRgba() : e.toCss()), n._triggerSelect(e), e = e.toHSV(), n._hsvHandle.css({
                        left: e.s * i.width() + "px",
                        top: (1 - e.v) * i.height() + "px"
                    }), n._hueElements.css(p, u.fromHSV(e.h, 1, 1, 1).toCss()), n._hueSlider.value(e.h), n._opacitySlider && n._opacitySlider.value(100 * e.a))
                _selectOnHide: function() {
                    return this.options.buttons ? null : this._getHSV()
                _template: s.template('# if (preview) { #<div class="k-selected-color"><div class="k-selected-color-display"><input class="k-color-value" #= !data.input ? \'style="visibility: hidden;"\' : "" #></div></div># } #<div class="k-hsv-rectangle"><div class="k-hsv-gradient"></div><div class="k-draghandle"></div></div><input class="k-hue-slider" /># if (opacity) { #<input class="k-transparency-slider" /># } ## if (buttons) { #<div unselectable="on" class="k-controls"><button class="k-button k-primary apply">#: messages.apply #</button> <button class="k-button cancel">#: messages.cancel #</button></div># } #')
            T = c.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = this;
                    c.fn.init.call(l, t, n), n = l.options, t = l.element, i = t.attr("value") || t.val(), i = i ? d(i, !0) : d(n.value, !0), l._value = n.value = i, r = l.wrapper = e(l._template(n)), t.hide().after(r), t.is("input") && (t.appendTo(r), o = t.closest("label"), a = t.attr("id"), a && (o = o.add('label[for="' + a + '"]')), o.click(function(e) {
                        l.open(), e.preventDefault()
                    })), l._tabIndex = t.attr("tabIndex") || 0, l.enable(!t.attr("disabled")), s = t.attr("accesskey"), s && (t.attr("accesskey", null), r.attr("accesskey", s)), l.bind("activate", function(e) {
                        e.isDefaultPrevented() || l.toggle()
                    }), l._updateUI(i)
                destroy: function() {
                    this.wrapper.off(_).find("*").off(_), this._popup && (this._selector.destroy(), this._popup.destroy()), this._selector = this._popup = this.wrapper = null, c.fn.destroy.call(this)
                enable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper,
                        i = n.children(".k-picker-wrap"),
                        r = i.find(".k-select");
                    0 === arguments.length && (e = !0), t.element.attr("disabled", !e), n.attr("aria-disabled", !e), r.off(_).on("mousedown" + _, o), n.addClass("k-state-disabled").removeAttr("tabIndex").add("*", n).off(_), e && n.removeClass("k-state-disabled").attr("tabIndex", t._tabIndex).on("mouseenter" + _, function() {
                    }).on("mouseleave" + _, function() {
                    }).on("focus" + _, function() {
                    }).on("blur" + _, function() {
                    }).on(b, a(t._keydown, t)).on(w, ".k-select", a(t.toggle, t)).on(w, t.options.toolIcon ? ".k-tool-icon" : ".k-selected-color", function() {
                _template: s.template('<span role="textbox" aria-haspopup="true" class="k-widget k-colorpicker k-header"><span class="k-picker-wrap k-state-default"># if (toolIcon) { #<span class="k-tool-icon #= toolIcon #"><span class="k-selected-color"></span></span># } else { #<span class="k-selected-color"></span># } #<span class="k-select" unselectable="on"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s" unselectable="on"></span></span></span></span>'),
                options: {
                    name: "ColorPicker",
                    palette: null,
                    columns: 10,
                    toolIcon: null,
                    value: null,
                    messages: v,
                    opacity: !1,
                    buttons: !0,
                    preview: !0,
                    ARIATemplate: 'Current selected color is #=data || ""#'
                events: ["activate", "change", "select", "open", "close"],
                open: function() {
                close: function() {
                toggle: function() {
                color: x.fn.color,
                value: x.fn.value,
                _select: x.fn._select,
                _triggerSelect: x.fn._triggerSelect,
                _isInputTypeColor: function() {
                    var e = this.element[0];
                    return /^input$/i.test(e.tagName) && /^color$/i.test(e.type)
                _updateUI: function(e) {
                    var t = "";
                    e && (t = this._isInputTypeColor() || 1 == e.a ? e.toCss() : e.toCssRgba(), this.element.val(t)), this._ariaTemplate || (this._ariaTemplate = s.template(this.options.ARIATemplate)), this.wrapper.attr("aria-label", this._ariaTemplate(t)), this._triggerSelect(e), this.wrapper.find(".k-selected-color").css(p, e ? e.toDisplay() : "transparent")
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = e.keyCode;
                    this._getPopup().visible() ? (t == h.ESC ? this._selector._cancel() : this._selector._keydown(e), o(e)) : (t == h.ENTER || t == h.DOWN) && (this.open(), o(e))
                _getPopup: function() {
                    var t, i, r, o, a = this,
                        l = a._popup;
                    return l || (t = a.options, i = t.palette ? C : S, t._standalone = !1, delete t.select, delete t.change, delete t.cancel, r = s.guid(), o = a._selector = new i(e('<div id="' + r + '"/>').appendTo(document.body), t), a.wrapper.attr("aria-owns", r), a._popup = l = o.wrapper.kendoPopup({
                        anchor: a.wrapper,
                        adjustSize: {
                            width: 5,
                            height: 0
                    }).data("kendoPopup"), o.bind({
                        select: function(e) {
                        change: function() {
                            a._select(o.color()), a.close()
                        cancel: function() {
                    }), l.bind({
                        close: function(e) {
                            if (a.trigger("close")) return e.preventDefault(), n;
                            var t = o._selectOnHide();
                            t ? a._select(t) : (a.wrapper.focus(), a._updateUI(a.color()))
                        open: function(e) {
                            a.trigger("open") ? e.preventDefault() : a.wrapper.children(".k-picker-wrap").addClass("k-state-focused")
                        activate: function() {
                            o._select(a.color(), !0), o.focus(), a.wrapper.children(".k-picker-wrap").addClass("k-state-focused")
                    })), l
        l.plugin(C), l.plugin(S), l.plugin(T)
    }(jQuery, parseInt),
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            return '<span unselectable="on" class="k-link"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-arrow-' + e + '" title="' + t + '">' + t + "</span></span>"
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.caret,
            o = i.keys,
            a = i.ui,
            s = a.Widget,
            l = i._activeElement,
            c = i._extractFormat,
            d = i.parseFloat,
            u = i.support.placeholder,
            h = i.getCulture,
            p = i._round,
            f = "change",
            g = "disabled",
            m = "readonly",
            v = "k-input",
            _ = "spin",
            w = ".kendoNumericTextBox",
            b = "touchend",
            y = "mouseleave" + w,
            k = "mouseenter" + w + " " + y,
            x = "k-state-default",
            C = "k-state-focused",
            S = "k-state-hover",
            T = "focus",
            D = ".",
            A = "k-state-selected",
            E = "k-state-disabled",
            I = "aria-disabled",
            P = "aria-readonly",
            M = /^(-)?(\d*)$/,
            z = null,
            F = e.proxy,
            R = e.extend,
            H = s.extend({
                init: function(n, r) {
                    var o, a, l, d, u, h = this,
                        p = r && r.step !== t;
                    s.fn.init.call(h, n, r), r = h.options, n = h.element.on("focusout" + w, F(h._focusout, h)).attr("role", "spinbutton"), r.placeholder = r.placeholder || n.attr("placeholder"), h._initialOptions = R({}, r), h._reset(), h._wrapper(), h._arrows(), h._input(), i.support.mobileOS ? h._text.on(b + w + " " + T + w, function() {
                        h._toggleText(!1), n.focus()
                    }) : h._text.on(T + w, F(h._click, h)), o = h.min(n.attr("min")), a = h.max(n.attr("max")), l = h._parse(n.attr("step")), r.min === z && o !== z && (r.min = o), r.max === z && a !== z && (r.max = a), p || l === z || (r.step = l), n.attr("aria-valuemin", r.min).attr("aria-valuemax", r.max), r.format = c(r.format), d = r.value, h.value(d !== z ? d : n.val()), u = n.is("[disabled]") || e(h.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), u ? h.enable(!1) : h.readonly(n.is("[readonly]")), i.notify(h)
                options: {
                    name: "NumericTextBox",
                    decimals: z,
                    min: z,
                    max: z,
                    value: z,
                    step: 1,
                    culture: "",
                    format: "n",
                    spinners: !0,
                    placeholder: "",
                    upArrowText: "Increase value",
                    downArrowText: "Decrease value"
                events: [f, _],
                _editable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = e.disable,
                        r = e.readonly,
                        o = t._text.add(n),
                        a = t._inputWrapper.off(k);
                    t._toggleText(!0), t._upArrowEventHandler.unbind("press"), t._downArrowEventHandler.unbind("press"), n.off("keydown" + w).off("keypress" + w).off("paste" + w), r || i ? (a.addClass(i ? E : x).removeClass(i ? x : E), o.attr(g, i).attr(m, r).attr(I, i).attr(P, r)) : (a.addClass(x).removeClass(E).on(k, t._toggleHover), o.removeAttr(g).removeAttr(m).attr(I, !1).attr(P, !1), t._upArrowEventHandler.bind("press", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), t._spin(1), t._upArrow.addClass(A)
                    }), t._downArrowEventHandler.bind("press", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), t._spin(-1), t._downArrow.addClass(A)
                    }), t.element.on("keydown" + w, F(t._keydown, t)).on("keypress" + w, F(t._keypress, t)).on("paste" + w, F(t._paste, t)))
                readonly: function(e) {
                        readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                        disable: !1
                enable: function(e) {
                        readonly: !1,
                        disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.element.add(e._text).add(e._upArrow).add(e._downArrow).add(e._inputWrapper).off(w), e._upArrowEventHandler.destroy(), e._downArrowEventHandler.destroy(), e._form && e._form.off("reset", e._resetHandler), s.fn.destroy.call(e)
                min: function(e) {
                    return this._option("min", e)
                max: function(e) {
                    return this._option("max", e)
                step: function(e) {
                    return this._option("step", e)
                value: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    return e === t ? i._value : (e = i._parse(e), n = i._adjust(e), e === n && (i._update(e), i._old = i._value), t)
                focus: function() {
                _adjust: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = n.min,
                        r = n.max;
                    return e === z ? e : (i !== z && i > e ? e = i : r !== z && e > r && (e = r), e)
                _arrows: function() {
                    var t, r = this,
                        o = function() {
                            clearTimeout(r._spinning), t.removeClass(A)
                        a = r.options,
                        s = a.spinners,
                        l = r.element;
                    t = l.siblings(".k-icon"), t[0] || (t = e(n("n", a.upArrowText) + n("s", a.downArrowText)).insertAfter(l), t.wrapAll('<span class="k-select"/>')), s || (t.parent().toggle(s), r._inputWrapper.addClass("k-expand-padding")), r._upArrow = t.eq(0), r._upArrowEventHandler = new i.UserEvents(r._upArrow, {
                        release: o
                    }), r._downArrow = t.eq(1), r._downArrowEventHandler = new i.UserEvents(r._downArrow, {
                        release: o
                _blur: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._toggleText(!0), e._change(e.element.val())
                _click: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    clearTimeout(t._focusing), t._focusing = setTimeout(function() {
                        var n, i, o, a = e.target,
                            s = r(a)[0],
                            l = a.value.substring(0, s),
                            c = t._format(t.options.format),
                            d = c[","],
                            u = 0;
                        d && (i = RegExp("\\" + d, "g"), o = RegExp("([\\d\\" + d + "]+)(\\" + c[D] + ")?(\\d+)?")), o && (n = o.exec(l)), n && (u = n[0].replace(i, "").length, -1 != l.indexOf("(") && 0 > t._value && u++), t._focusin(), r(t.element[0], u)
                _change: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t._update(e), e = t._value, t._old != e && (t._old = e, t._typing || t.element.trigger(f), t.trigger(f)), t._typing = !1
                _culture: function(e) {
                    return e || h(this.options.culture)
                _focusin: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._inputWrapper.addClass(C), e._toggleText(!1), e.element[0].focus()
                _focusout: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._focusing), e._inputWrapper.removeClass(C).removeClass(S), e._blur()
                _format: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._culture(t).numberFormat;
                    return e = e.toLowerCase(), e.indexOf("c") > -1 ? n = n.currency : e.indexOf("p") > -1 && (n = n.percent), n
                _input: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = "k-formatted-value",
                        r = n.element.addClass(v).show()[0],
                        o = r.accessKey,
                        a = n.wrapper;
                    t = a.find(D + i), t[0] || (t = e('<input type="text"/>').insertBefore(r).addClass(i));
                    try {
                        r.setAttribute("type", "text")
                    } catch (s) {
                        r.type = "text"
                    t[0].tabIndex = r.tabIndex, t[0].style.cssText = r.style.cssText, t[0].title = r.title, t.prop("placeholder", n.options.placeholder), o && (t.attr("accesskey", o), r.accessKey = ""), n._text = t.addClass(r.className)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.keyCode;
                    t._key = n, n == o.DOWN ? t._step(-1) : n == o.UP ? t._step(1) : n == o.ENTER ? t._change(t.element.val()) : t._typing = !0
                _keypress: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p;
                    0 === e.which || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.keyCode === o.BACKSPACE || e.keyCode === o.ENTER || (t = this, n = t.options.min, i = t.element, a = r(i), s = a[0], l = a[1], c = String.fromCharCode(e.which), d = t._format(t.options.format), u = t._key === o.NUMPAD_DOT, h = i.val(), u && (c = d[D]), h = h.substring(0, s) + c + h.substring(l), p = t._numericRegex(d).test(h), p && u ? (i.val(h), r(i, s + c.length), e.preventDefault()) : (null !== n && n >= 0 && "-" === h.charAt(0) || !p) && e.preventDefault(), t._key = 0)
                _numericRegex: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e[D],
                        i = t.options.decimals;
                    return n === D && (n = "\\" + n), i === z && (i = e.decimals), 0 === i ? M : (t._separator !== n && (t._separator = n, t._floatRegExp = RegExp("^(-)?(((\\d+(" + n + "\\d*)?)|(" + n + "\\d*)))?$")), t._floatRegExp)
                _paste: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.target,
                        i = n.value;
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        t._parse(n.value) === z && t._update(i)
                _option: function(e, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.options;
                    return n === t ? r[e] : (n = i._parse(n), (n || "step" !== e) && (r[e] = n, i.element.attr("aria-value" + e, n).attr(e, n)), t)
                _spin: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    t = t || 500, clearTimeout(n._spinning), n._spinning = setTimeout(function() {
                        n._spin(e, 50)
                    }, t), n._step(e)
                _step: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = t._parse(n.val()) || 0;
                    l() != n[0] && t._focusin(), i += t.options.step * e, t._update(t._adjust(i)), t._typing = !1, t.trigger(_)
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(S, "mouseenter" === t.type)
                _toggleText: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t._text.toggle(e), t.element.toggle(!e)
                _parse: function(e, t) {
                    return d(e, this._culture(t), this.options.format)
                _update: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = r.format,
                        a = r.decimals,
                        s = n._culture(),
                        l = n._format(o, s);
                    a === z && (a = l.decimals), e = n._parse(e, s), t = e !== z, t && (e = parseFloat(p(e, a))), n._value = e = n._adjust(e), n._placeholder(i.toString(e, o, s)), t ? (e = "" + e, -1 !== e.indexOf("e") && (e = p(+e, a)), e = e.replace(D, l[D])) : e = "", n.element.val(e).attr("aria-valuenow", e)
                _placeholder: function(e) {
                    this._text.val(e), u || e || this._text.val(this.options.placeholder)
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.element,
                        r = i[0];
                    t = i.parents(".k-numerictextbox"), t.is("span.k-numerictextbox") || (t = i.hide().wrap('<span class="k-numeric-wrap k-state-default" />').parent(), t = t.wrap("<span/>").parent()), t[0].style.cssText = r.style.cssText, r.style.width = "", n.wrapper = t.addClass("k-widget k-numerictextbox").addClass(r.className).css("display", ""), n._inputWrapper = e(t[0].firstChild)
                _reset: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.attr("form"),
                        r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                    r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            t.value(n[0].value), t.max(t._initialOptions.max), t.min(t._initialOptions.min)
                    }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, i) {
            t.filters && (t.filters = e.grep(t.filters, function(e) {
                return n(e, i), e.filters ? e.filters.length : e.field != i

        function i(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a;
            if (e && e.length)
                for (a = [], t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = e[t], o = i.text || i.value || i, r = null == i.value ? i.text || i : i.value, a[t] = {
                    text: o,
                    value: r
            return a

        function r(t, n) {
            return e.grep(t, function(t) {
                return t.filters ? (t.filters = e.grep(t.filters, function(e) {
                    return e.field != n
                }), t.filters.length) : t.field != n

        function o(t, n) {
            t.filters && (t.filters = e.grep(t.filters, function(e) {
                return o(e, n), e.filters ? e.filters.length : e.field == n && "eq" == e.operator

        function a(n) {
            return "and" == n.logic && n.filters.length > 1 ? [] : n.filters ? e.map(n.filters, function(e) {
                return a(e)
            }) : null !== n.value && n.value !== t ? [n.value] : []

        function s(e, n) {
            for (var i, r, o = c.getter(n, !0), a = [], s = 0, l = {}; e.length > s;) i = e[s++], r = o(i), r === t || null === r || l.hasOwnProperty(r) || (a.push(i), l[r] = !0);
            return a

        function l(e, t) {
            return function(n) {
                var i = e(n);
                return s(i, t)
        var c = window.kendo,
            d = c.ui,
            u = e.proxy,
            h = "kendoPopup",
            p = "init",
            f = "refresh",
            g = "change",
            m = ".kendoFilterMenu",
            v = "Is equal to",
            _ = "Is not equal to",
            w = {
                number: "numerictextbox",
                date: "datepicker"
            b = {
                string: "text",
                number: "number",
                date: "date"
            y = c.isFunction,
            k = d.Widget,
            x = '<div><div class="k-filter-help-text">#=messages.info#</div><label><input type="radio" data-#=ns#bind="checked: filters[0].value" value="true" name="filters[0].value"/>#=messages.isTrue#</label><label><input type="radio" data-#=ns#bind="checked: filters[0].value" value="false" name="filters[0].value"/>#=messages.isFalse#</label><div><button type="submit" class="k-button k-primary">#=messages.filter#</button><button type="reset" class="k-button">#=messages.clear#</button></div></div>',
            C = '<div><div class="k-filter-help-text">#=messages.info#</div><select data-#=ns#bind="value: filters[0].operator" data-#=ns#role="dropdownlist">#for(var op in operators){#<option value="#=op#">#=operators[op]#</option>#}#</select>#if(values){#<select data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[0].value" data-#=ns#text-field="text" data-#=ns#value-field="value" data-#=ns#source=\'#=kendo.stringify(values).replace(/\'/g,"&\\#39;")#\' data-#=ns#role="dropdownlist" data-#=ns#option-label="#=messages.selectValue#" data-#=ns#value-primitive="true"></select>#}else{#<input data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[0].value" class="k-textbox" type="text" #=role ? "data-" + ns + "role=\'" + role + "\'" : ""# />#}##if(extra){#<select class="k-filter-and" data-#=ns#bind="value: logic" data-#=ns#role="dropdownlist"><option value="and">#=messages.and#</option><option value="or">#=messages.or#</option></select><select data-#=ns#bind="value: filters[1].operator" data-#=ns#role="dropdownlist">#for(var op in operators){#<option value="#=op#">#=operators[op]#</option>#}#</select>#if(values){#<select data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[1].value" data-#=ns#text-field="text" data-#=ns#value-field="value" data-#=ns#source=\'#=kendo.stringify(values).replace(/\'/g,"&\\#39;")#\' data-#=ns#role="dropdownlist" data-#=ns#option-label="#=messages.selectValue#" data-#=ns#value-primitive="true"></select>#}else{#<input data-#=ns#bind="value: filters[1].value" class="k-textbox" type="text" #=role ? "data-" + ns + "role=\'" + role + "\'" : ""#/>#}##}#<div><button type="submit" class="k-button k-primary">#=messages.filter#</button><button type="reset" class="k-button">#=messages.clear#</button></div></div>',
            S = '<div data-#=ns#role="view" data-#=ns#init-widgets="false" class="k-grid-filter-menu"><div data-#=ns#role="header" class="k-header"><button class="k-button k-cancel">#=messages.cancel#</button>#=title#<button type="submit" class="k-button k-submit">#=messages.filter#</button></div><form class="k-filter-menu k-mobile-list"><ul class="k-filter-help-text"><li><span class="k-link">#=messages.info#</span><ul><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label">#=messages.operator#<select data-#=ns#bind="value: filters[0].operator">#for(var op in operators){#<option value="#=op#">#=operators[op]#</option>#}#</select></label></li><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label">#=messages.value##if(values){#<select data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[0].value"><option value="">#=messages.selectValue#</option>#for(var val in values){#<option value="#=values[val].value#">#=values[val].text#</option>#}#</select>#}else{#<input data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[0].value" class="k-textbox" type="#=inputType#" #=useRole ? "data-" + ns + "role=\'" + role + "\'" : ""# />#}#</label></li>#if(extra){#</ul><ul class="k-filter-help-text"><li><span class="k-link"></span><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label"><input type="radio" name="logic" class="k-check" data-#=ns#bind="checked: logic" value="and" />#=messages.and#</label></li><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label"><input type="radio" name="logic" class="k-check" data-#=ns#bind="checked: logic" value="or" />#=messages.or#</label></li></ul><ul class="k-filter-help-text"><li><span class="k-link"></span><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label">#=messages.operator#<select data-#=ns#bind="value: filters[1].operator">#for(var op in operators){#<option value="#=op#">#=operators[op]#</option>#}#</select></label></li><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label">#=messages.value##if(values){#<select data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[1].value"><option value="">#=messages.selectValue#</option>#for(var val in values){#<option value="#=values[val].value#">#=values[val].text#</option>#}#</select>#}else{#<input data-#=ns#bind="value:filters[1].value" class="k-textbox" type="#=inputType#" #=useRole ? "data-" + ns + "role=\'" + role + "\'" : ""# />#}#</label></li>#}#</ul></li><li class="k-button-container"><button type="reset" class="k-button">#=messages.clear#</button></li></ul></div></form></div>',
            T = '<div data-#=ns#role="view" data-#=ns#init-widgets="false" class="k-grid-filter-menu"><div data-#=ns#role="header" class="k-header"><button class="k-button k-cancel">#=messages.cancel#</button>#=title#<button type="submit" class="k-button k-submit">#=messages.filter#</button></div><form class="k-filter-menu k-mobile-list"><ul class="k-filter-help-text"><li><span class="k-link">#=messages.info#</span><ul><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label"><input class="k-check" type="radio" data-#=ns#bind="checked: filters[0].value" value="true" name="filters[0].value"/>#=messages.isTrue#</label></li><li class="k-item"><label class="k-label"><input class="k-check" type="radio" data-#=ns#bind="checked: filters[0].value" value="false" name="filters[0].value"/>#=messages.isFalse#</label></li></ul></li><li class="k-button-container"><button type="reset" class="k-button">#=messages.clear#</button></li></ul></form></div>',
            D = k.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = "string";
                    k.fn.init.call(s, t, n), i = s.operators = n.operators || {}, t = s.element, n = s.options, n.appendToElement || (o = t.addClass("k-with-icon k-filterable").find(".k-grid-filter"), o[0] || (o = t.prepend('<a class="k-grid-filter" href="#"><span class="k-icon k-filter"/></a>').find(".k-grid-filter")), o.attr("tabindex", -1).on("click" + m, u(s._click, s))), s.link = o || e(), s.dataSource = n.dataSource, s.field = n.field || t.attr(c.attr("field")), s.model = s.dataSource.reader.model, s._parse = function(e) {
                        return e + ""
                    }, s.model && s.model.fields && (a = s.model.fields[s.field], a && (l = a.type || "string", a.parse && (s._parse = u(a.parse, a)))), n.values && (l = "enums"), s.type = l, i = i[l] || n.operators[l];
                    for (r in i) break;
                    s._defaultFilter = function() {
                        return {
                            field: s.field,
                            operator: r || "eq",
                            value: ""
                    }, s._refreshHandler = u(s.refresh, s), s.dataSource.bind(g, s._refreshHandler), n.appendToElement ? s._init() : s.refresh()
                _init: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.ui,
                        r = y(i);
                    n.pane = n.options.pane, n.pane && (n._isMobile = !0), r || (t = i || w[n.type]), n._isMobile ? n._createMobileForm(t) : n._createForm(t), n.form.on("submit" + m, u(n._submit, n)).on("reset" + m, u(n._reset, n)), r && n.form.find(".k-textbox").removeClass("k-textbox").each(function() {
                    }), n.form.find("[" + c.attr("role") + "=numerictextbox]").removeClass("k-textbox").end().find("[" + c.attr("role") + "=datetimepicker]").removeClass("k-textbox").end().find("[" + c.attr("role") + "=timepicker]").removeClass("k-textbox").end().find("[" + c.attr("role") + "=datepicker]").removeClass("k-textbox"), n.refresh(), /*n.trigger(p, {
                        field: n.field,
                        container: n.form
                    }),*/ c.cycleForm(n.form)
                _createForm: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = n.operators || {},
                        a = n.type;
                    o = o[a] || r.operators[a], n.form = e('<form class="k-filter-menu"/>').html(c.template("boolean" === a ? x : C)({
                        field: n.field,
                        format: r.format,
                        ns: c.ns,
                        messages: r.messages,
                        extra: r.extra,
                        operators: o,
                        type: a,
                        role: t,
                        values: i(r.values)
                    })), r.appendToElement ? (n.element.append(n.form), n.popup = n.element.closest(".k-popup").data(h)) : n.popup = n.form[h]({
                        anchor: n.link,
                        open: u(n._open, n),
                        activate: u(n._activate, n),
                        close: function() {
                            n.options.closeCallback && n.options.closeCallback(n.element)
                    }).data(h), n.form.on("keydown" + m, u(n._keydown, n))
                _createMobileForm: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = n.operators || {},
                        a = n.type;
                    o = o[a] || r.operators[a], n.form = e("<div />").html(c.template("boolean" === a ? T : S)({
                        field: n.field,
                        title: r.title || n.field,
                        format: r.format,
                        ns: c.ns,
                        messages: r.messages,
                        extra: r.extra,
                        operators: o,
                        type: a,
                        role: t,
                        useRole: !c.support.input.date && "date" === a || "number" === a,
                        inputType: b[a],
                        values: i(r.values)
                    })), n.view = n.pane.append(n.form.html()), n.form = n.view.element.find("form"), n.view.element.on("click", ".k-submit", function(e) {
                        n.form.submit(), e.preventDefault()
                    }).on("click", ".k-cancel", function(e) {
                        n._closeForm(), e.preventDefault()
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dataSource.filter() || {
                            filters: [],
                            logic: "and"
                    e.filterModel = c.observable({
                        logic: "and",
                        filters: [e._defaultFilter(), e._defaultFilter()]
                    }), e.form && c.bind(e.form.children().first(), e.filterModel), e._bind(t) ? e.link.addClass("k-state-active") : e.link.removeClass("k-state-active")
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    k.fn.destroy.call(e), e.form && (c.unbind(e.form), c.destroy(e.form), e.form.unbind(m), e.popup && (e.popup.destroy(), e.popup = null), e.form = null), e.view && (e.view.purge(), e.view = null), e.link.unbind(m), e._refreshHandler && (e.dataSource.unbind(g, e._refreshHandler), e.dataSource = null), e.element = e.link = e._refreshHandler = e.filterModel = null
                _bind: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = e.filters,
                        s = !1,
                        l = 0,
                        c = o.filterModel;
                    for (t = 0, n = a.length; n > t; t++) r = a[t], r.field == o.field ? (c.set("logic", e.logic), i = c.filters[l], i || (c.filters.push({
                        field: o.field
                    }), i = c.filters[l]), i.set("value", o._parse(r.value)), i.set("operator", r.operator), l++, s = !0) : r.filters && (s = s || o._bind(r));
                    return s
                _stripFilters: function(t) {
                    return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                        return "" !== e.value && null != e.value
                _merge: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o = this,
                        a = e.logic || "and",
                        s = this._stripFilters(e.filters),
                        l = o.dataSource.filter() || {
                            filters: [],
                            logic: "and"
                    for (n(l, o.field), i = 0, r = s.length; r > i; i++) t = s[i], t.value = o._parse(t.value);
                    return s.length && (l.filters.length ? (e.filters = s, "and" !== l.logic && (l.filters = [{
                        logic: l.logic,
                        filters: l.filters
                    }], l.logic = "and"), l.filters.push(s.length > 1 ? e : s[0])) : (l.filters = s, l.logic = a)), l
                filter: function(e) {
                    e = this._merge(e), e.filters.length && this.dataSource.filter(e)
                clear: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dataSource.filter() || {
                            filters: []
                    n.filters = e.grep(n.filters, function(e) {
                        return e.filters ? (e.filters = r(e.filters, t.field), e.filters.length) : e.field != t.field
                    }), n.filters.length || (n = null), t.dataSource.filter(n)
                _submit: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.filter(this.filterModel.toJSON()), this._closeForm()
                _reset: function() {
                    this.clear(), this._closeForm()
                _closeForm: function() {
                    this._isMobile ? this.pane.navigate("", this.options.animations.right) : this.popup.close()
                _click: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.trigger(p, {
                        field: this.field,
                        container: this.form
                    }), this.popup || this.pane || this._init(), this._isMobile ? this.pane.navigate(this.view, this.options.animations.left) : this.popup.toggle()
                _open: function() {
                    var t;
                    e(".k-filter-menu").not(this.form).each(function() {
                        t = e(this).data(h), t && t.close()
                _activate: function() {
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    e.keyCode == c.keys.ESC && this.popup.close()
                events: [p],
                options: {
                    name: "FilterMenu",
                    extra: !0,
                    appendToElement: !1,
                    type: "string",
                    operators: {
                        string: {
                            eq: v,
                            neq: _,
                            startswith: "Starts with",
                            contains: "Contains",
                            doesnotcontain: "Does not contain",
                            endswith: "Ends with"
                        number: {
                            eq: v,
                            neq: _,
                            gte: "Is greater than or equal to",
                            gt: "Is greater than",
                            lte: "Is less than or equal to",
                            lt: "Is less than"
                        date: {
                            eq: v,
                            neq: _,
                            gte: "Is after or equal to",
                            gt: "Is after",
                            lte: "Is before or equal to",
                            lt: "Is before"
                        enums: {
                            eq: v,
                            neq: _
                    messages: {
                        info: "Show items with value that:",
                        isTrue: "is true",
                        isFalse: "is false",
                        filter: "Filter",
                        clear: "Clear",
                        and: "And",
                        or: "Or",
                        selectValue: "-Select value-",
                        operator: "Operator",
                        value: "Value",
                        cancel: "Cancel"
                    animations: {
                        left: "slide",
                        right: "slide:right"
            A = ".kendoFilterMultiCheck",
            E = c.data.DataSource,
            I = k.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r;
                    k.fn.init.call(this, t, n), n = this.options, this.element = e(t), i = this.field = this.options.field || this.element.attr(c.attr("field")), r = n.checkSource, n.forceUnique ? (r = n.dataSource.options, delete r.pageSize, this.checkSource = E.create(r), this.checkSource.reader.data = l(this.checkSource.reader.data, this.field)) : this.checkSource = E.create(r), this.dataSource = n.dataSource, this.model = this.dataSource.reader.model, this._parse = function(e) {
                        return e + ""
                    }, this.model && this.model.fields && (i = this.model.fields[this.field], i && (i.parse && (this._parse = u(i.parse, i)), this.type = i.type || "string")), n.appendToElement ? this._init() : this._createLink(), this._refreshHandler = u(this.refresh, this), this.dataSource.bind(g, this._refreshHandler)
                _createLink: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = e.addClass("k-with-icon k-filterable").find(".k-grid-filter");
                    t[0] || (t = e.prepend('<a class="k-grid-filter" href="#"><span class="k-icon k-filter"/></a>').find(".k-grid-filter")), this._link = t.attr("tabindex", -1).on("click" + m, u(this._click, this))
                _init: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = this.options.forceUnique,
                        n = this.options;
                    this.pane = n.pane, this.pane && (this._isMobile = !0), this._createForm(), t && !this.checkSource.options.serverPaging && this.dataSource.data().length ? (this.checkSource.data(s(this.dataSource.data(), this.field)), this.refresh()) : (this._attachProgress(), this.checkSource.fetch(function() {
                    })), this.options.forceUnique || (this.checkChangeHandler = function() {
                        e.container.empty(), e.refresh()
                    }, this.checkSource.bind(g, this.checkChangeHandler)), this.form.on("keydown" + A, u(this._keydown, this)).on("submit" + A, u(this._filter, this)).on("reset" + A, u(this._reset, this)), this.trigger(p, {
                        field: this.field,
                        container: this.form
                _attachProgress: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this._progressHandler = function() {
                        d.progress(e.container, !0)
                    }, this._progressHideHandler = function() {
                        d.progress(e.container, !1)
                    }, this.checkSource.bind("progress", this._progressHandler).bind("change", this._progressHideHandler)
                _createForm: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this.options,
                        r = "<ul class='k-reset k-multicheck-wrap'></ul><button type='submit' class='k-button k-primary'>" + i.messages.filter + "</button>";
                    r += "<button type='reset' class='k-button'>" + i.messages.clear + "</button>", this.form = e('<form class="k-filter-menu"/>').html(r), this.container = this.form.find(".k-multicheck-wrap"), this._isMobile ? (this.view = this.pane.append(this.form.addClass("k-mobile-list").wrap("<div/>").parent().html()), t = this.view.element, this.form = t.find("form"), this.container = t.find(".k-multicheck-wrap"), n = this, t.on("click", ".k-primary", function(e) {
                        n.form.submit(), e.preventDefault()
                    }).on("click", "[type=reset]", function(e) {
                        n._reset(), e.preventDefault()
                    })) : i.appendToElement ? (this.popup = this.element.closest(".k-popup").data(h), this.element.append(this.form)) : this.popup = this.form.kendoPopup({
                        anchor: this._link
                createCheckAllItem: function() {
                    var t = this.options,
                        n = c.template(t.itemTemplate({
                            field: "all",
                            mobile: this._isMobile
                        i = e(n({
                            all: t.messages.checkAll
                    this.container.prepend(i), this.checkBoxAll = i.find(":checkbox").eq(0).addClass("k-check-all"), this.checkAllHandler = u(this.checkAll, this), this.checkBoxAll.on(g + A, this.checkAllHandler)
                updateCheckAllState: function() {
                    if (this.checkBoxAll) {
                        var e = this.container.find(":checkbox:not(.k-check-all)").length == this.container.find(":checked:not(.k-check-all)").length;
                        this.checkBoxAll.prop("checked", e)
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.forceUnique,
                        n = this.dataSource,
                        i = this.getFilterArray();
                    this._link && this._link.toggleClass("k-state-active", 0 !== i.length), this.form && (!e || !t || e.sender !== n || n.options.serverPaging || "itemchange" != e.action && "add" != e.action && "remove" != e.action || (this.checkSource.data(s(this.dataSource.data(), this.field)), this.container.empty()), this.container.is(":empty") && this.createCheckBoxes(), this.checkValues(i), this.trigger(f))
                getFilterArray: function() {
                    var t, n = e.extend(!0, {}, {
                        filters: [],
                        logic: "and"
                    }, this.dataSource.filter());
                    return o(n, this.field), t = a(n)
                createCheckBoxes: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this.options,
                        r = {
                            field: this.field,
                            format: i.format,
                            mobile: this._isMobile,
                            type: this.type
                    this.options.forceUnique ? i.values ? (e = i.values, r.valueField = "value", r.field = "text") : e = this.checkSource.data() : e = this.checkSource.view(), t = c.template(i.itemTemplate(r)), n = c.render(t, e), i.checkAll && (this.createCheckAllItem(), this.container.on(g + A, ":checkbox", u(this.updateCheckAllState, this))), this.container.append(n)
                checkAll: function() {
                    var e = this.checkBoxAll.is(":checked");
                    this.container.find(":checkbox").prop("checked", e)
                checkValues: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    e(e.grep(this.container.find(":checkbox").prop("checked", !1), function(i) {
                        var r, o, a = !1;
                        if (!e(i).is(".k-check-all"))
                            for (r = n._parse(e(i).val()), o = 0; t.length > o; o++)
                                if (a = "date" == n.type ? t[o].getTime() == r.getTime() : t[o] == r) return a
                    })).prop("checked", !0), this.updateCheckAllState()
                _filter: function(t) {
                    var n, i;
                    t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), n = {
                        logic: "or"
                    }, i = this, n.filters = e.map(this.form.find(":checkbox:checked:not(.k-check-all)"), function(t) {
                        return {
                            value: e(t).val(),
                            operator: "eq",
                            field: i.field
                    }), n = this._merge(n), n.filters.length && this.dataSource.filter(n), this._closeForm()
                _stripFilters: function(t) {
                    return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                        return null != e.value
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    k.fn.destroy.call(e), e.form && (c.unbind(e.form), c.destroy(e.form), e.form.unbind(A), e.popup && (e.popup.destroy(), e.popup = null), e.form = null, e.container && (e.container.unbind(A), e.container = null), e.checkBoxAll && e.checkBoxAll.unbind(A)), e.view && (e.view.purge(), e.view = null), e._link && e._link.unbind(m), e._refreshHandler && (e.dataSource.unbind(g, e._refreshHandler), e.dataSource = null), e.checkChangeHandler && e.checkSource.unbind(g, e.checkChangeHandler), e._progressHandler && e.checkSource.unbind("progress", e._progressHandler), e._progressHideHandler && e.checkSource.unbind("change", e._progressHideHandler), e.element = e.checkSource = e.container = e.checkBoxAll = e._link = e._refreshHandler = e.checkAllHandler = null
                options: {
                    name: "FilterMultiCheck",
                    itemTemplate: function(e) {
                        var n = e.field,
                            i = e.format,
                            r = e.valueField,
                            o = e.mobile,
                            a = "";
                        return r === t && (r = n), "date" == e.type && (a = ":yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz"), "<li class='k-item'><label class='k-label'><input type='checkbox' class='" + (o ? "k-check" : "") + "'  value='#:kendo.format('{0" + a + "}'," + r + ")#'/>#:kendo.format('" + (i ? i : "{0}") + "', " + n + ")#</label></li>"
                    checkAll: !0,
                    appendToElement: !1,
                    messages: {
                        checkAll: "Select All",
                        clear: "Clear",
                        filter: "Filter"
                    forceUnique: !0,
                    animations: {
                        left: "slide",
                        right: "slide:right"
                events: [p, f]
        e.extend(I.fn, {
            _click: D.fn._click,
            _keydown: D.fn._keydown,
            _reset: D.fn._reset,
            _closeForm: D.fn._closeForm,
            clear: D.fn.clear,
            _merge: D.fn._merge
        }), d.plugin(D), d.plugin(I)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            return e = e.split(" ")[!t + 0] || e, e.replace("top", "up").replace("bottom", "down")

        function i(e, t, n) {
            e = e.split(" ")[!t + 0] || e;
            var i = {
                    origin: ["bottom", n ? "right" : "left"],
                    position: ["top", n ? "right" : "left"]
                r = /left|right/.test(e);
            return r ? (i.origin = ["top", e], i.position[1] = c.directions[e].reverse) : (i.origin[0] = e, i.position[0] = c.directions[e].reverse), i.origin = i.origin.join(" "), i.position = i.position.join(" "), i

        function r(t, n) {
            try {
                return e.contains(t, n)
            } catch (i) {
                return !1

        function o(t) {
            t = e(t), t.addClass("k-item").children(x).addClass(P), t.children("a").addClass(T).children(x).addClass(P), t.filter(":not([disabled])").addClass(G), t.filter(".k-separator:empty").append("&nbsp;"), t.filter("li[disabled]").addClass(Y).removeAttr("disabled").attr("aria-disabled", !0), t.filter("[role]").length || t.attr("role", "menuitem"), t.children("." + T).length || t.contents().filter(function() {
                return !(this.nodeName.match(y) || 3 == this.nodeType && !e.trim(this.nodeValue))
            }).wrapAll("<span class='" + T + "'/>"), a(t), s(t)

        function a(t) {
            t = e(t), t.find("> .k-link > [class*=k-i-arrow]:not(.k-sprite)").remove(), t.filter(":has(.k-menu-group)").children(".k-link:not(:has([class*=k-i-arrow]:not(.k-sprite)))").each(function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    n = t.parent().parent();
                t.append("<span class='k-icon " + (n.hasClass(S + "-horizontal") ? "k-i-arrow-s" : "k-i-arrow-e") + "'/>")

        function s(t) {
            t = e(t), t.filter(".k-first:not(:first-child)").removeClass(I), t.filter(".k-last:not(:last-child)").removeClass(D), t.filter(":first-child").addClass(I), t.filter(":last-child").addClass(D)
        var l, c = window.kendo,
            d = c.ui,
            u = c._activeElement,
            h = c.support.touch && c.support.mobileOS,
            p = "mousedown",
            f = "click",
            g = e.extend,
            m = e.proxy,
            v = e.each,
            _ = c.template,
            w = c.keys,
            b = d.Widget,
            y = /^(ul|a|div)$/i,
            k = ".kendoMenu",
            x = "img",
            C = "open",
            S = "k-menu",
            T = "k-link",
            D = "k-last",
            A = "close",
            E = "timer",
            I = "k-first",
            P = "k-image",
            M = "select",
            z = "zIndex",
            F = "activate",
            R = "deactivate",
            H = "touchstart" + k + " MSPointerDown" + k + " pointerdown" + k,
            B = c.support.pointers,
            L = c.support.msPointers,
            N = L || B,
            O = B ? "pointerover" : L ? "MSPointerOver" : "mouseenter",
            V = B ? "pointerout" : L ? "MSPointerOut" : "mouseleave",
            U = h || N,
            W = e(document.documentElement),
            j = "kendoPopup",
            G = "k-state-default",
            q = "k-state-hover",
            $ = "k-state-focused",
            Y = "k-state-disabled",
            Q = ".k-menu",
            K = ".k-menu-group",
            X = K + ",.k-animation-container",
            Z = ":not(.k-list) > .k-item",
            J = ".k-item.k-state-disabled",
            et = ".k-item:not(.k-state-disabled)",
            tt = ".k-item:not(.k-state-disabled) > .k-link",
            nt = ":not(.k-item.k-separator)",
            it = nt + ":eq(0)",
            rt = nt + ":last",
            ot = "> div:not(.k-animation-container,.k-list-container)",
            at = {
                2: 1,
                touch: 1
            st = {
                content: _("<div class='k-content #= groupCssClass() #' tabindex='-1'>#= content(item) #</div>"),
                group: _("<ul class='#= groupCssClass(group) #'#= groupAttributes(group) # role='menu' aria-hidden='true'>#= renderItems(data) #</ul>"),
                itemWrapper: _("<#= tag(item) # class='#= textClass(item) #'#= textAttributes(item) #>#= image(item) ##= sprite(item) ##= text(item) ##= arrow(data) #</#= tag(item) #>"),
                item: _("<li class='#= wrapperCssClass(group, item) #' role='menuitem' #=item.items ? \"aria-haspopup='true'\": \"\"##=item.enabled === false ? \"aria-disabled='true'\" : ''#>#= itemWrapper(data) ## if (item.items) { ##= subGroup({ items: item.items, menu: menu, group: { expanded: item.expanded } }) ## } else if (item.content || item.contentUrl) { ##= renderContent(data) ## } #</li>"),
                image: _("<img class='k-image' alt='' src='#= imageUrl #' />"),
                arrow: _("<span class='#= arrowClass(item, group) #'></span>"),
                sprite: _("<span class='k-sprite #= spriteCssClass #'></span>"),
                empty: _("")
            lt = {
                wrapperCssClass: function(e, t) {
                    var n = "k-item",
                        i = t.index;
                    return n += t.enabled === !1 ? " k-state-disabled" : " k-state-default", e.firstLevel && 0 === i && (n += " k-first"), i == e.length - 1 && (n += " k-last"), t.cssClass && (n += " " + t.cssClass), n
                textClass: function() {
                    return T
                textAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.url ? " href='" + e.url + "'" : ""
                arrowClass: function(e, t) {
                    var n = "k-icon";
                    return n += t.horizontal ? " k-i-arrow-s" : " k-i-arrow-e"
                text: function(e) {
                    return e.encoded === !1 ? e.text : c.htmlEncode(e.text)
                tag: function(e) {
                    return e.url ? "a" : "span"
                groupAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.expanded !== !0 ? " style='display:none'" : ""
                groupCssClass: function() {
                    return "k-group k-menu-group"
                content: function(e) {
                    return e.content ? e.content : "&nbsp;"
            ct = b.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    b.fn.init.call(i, t, n), t = i.wrapper = i.element, n = i.options, i._initData(n), i._updateClasses(), i._animations(n), i.nextItemZIndex = 100, i._tabindex(), i._focusProxy = m(i._focusHandler, i), t.on(H, et, i._focusProxy).on(f + k, J, !1).on(f + k, et, m(i._click, i)).on("keydown" + k, m(i._keydown, i)).on("focus" + k, m(i._focus, i)).on("focus" + k, ".k-content", m(i._focus, i)).on(H + " " + p + k, ".k-content", m(i._preventClose, i)).on("blur" + k, m(i._removeHoverItem, i)).on("blur" + k, "[tabindex]", m(i._checkActiveElement, i)).on(O + k, et, m(i._mouseenter, i)).on(V + k, et, m(i._mouseleave, i)).on(O + k + " " + V + k + " " + p + k + " " + f + k, tt, m(i._toggleHover, i)), n.openOnClick && (i.clicked = !1, i._documentClickHandler = m(i._documentClick, i), e(document).click(i._documentClickHandler)), t.attr("role", "menubar"), t[0].id && (i._ariaId = c.format("{0}_mn_active", t[0].id)), c.notify(i)
                events: [C, A, F, R, M],
                options: {
                    name: "Menu",
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            duration: 200
                        close: {
                            duration: 100
                    orientation: "horizontal",
                    direction: "default",
                    openOnClick: !1,
                    closeOnClick: !0,
                    hoverDelay: 100,
                    popupCollision: t
                _initData: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.dataSource && (t.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: t.element.children()
                    }), t.element.empty(), t.append(e.dataSource, t.element), t.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: t.element.children()
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.animation;
                    this._animations(e), e.animation = g(!0, t, e.animation), "dataSource" in e && this._initData(e), this._updateClasses(), b.fn.setOptions.call(this, e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    b.fn.destroy.call(t), t.element.off(k), t._documentClickHandler && e(document).unbind("click", t._documentClickHandler), c.destroy(t.element)
                enable: function(e, t) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, t !== !1), this
                disable: function(e) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, !1), this
                append: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var n = this._insert(e, t, t.length ? t.find("> .k-menu-group, > .k-animation-container > .k-menu-group") : null);
                    return v(n.items, function() {
                        n.group.append(this), a(this)
                    }), a(t), s(n.group.find(".k-first, .k-last").add(n.items)), this
                insertBefore: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var n = this._insert(e, t, t.parent());
                    return v(n.items, function() {
                        t.before(this), a(this), s(this)
                    }), s(t), this
                insertAfter: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var n = this._insert(e, t, t.parent());
                    return v(n.items, function() {
                        t.after(this), a(this), s(this)
                    }), s(t), this
                _insert: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, a, s, l, c = this;
                    return n && n.length || (i = c.element), s = e.isPlainObject(t), l = {
                        firstLevel: i.hasClass(S),
                        horizontal: i.hasClass(S + "-horizontal"),
                        expanded: !0,
                        length: i.children().length
                    }, n && !i.length && (i = e(ct.renderGroup({
                        group: l
                    })).appendTo(n)), s || e.isArray(t) ? r = e(e.map(s ? [t] : t, function(t, n) {
                        return "string" == typeof t ? e(t).get() : e(ct.renderItem({
                            group: l,
                            item: g(t, {
                                index: n
                    })) : (r = "string" == typeof t && "<" != t.charAt(0) ? c.element.find(t) : e(t), a = r.find("> ul").addClass("k-menu-group").attr("role", "menu"), r = r.filter("li"), r.add(a.find("> li")).each(function() {
                    })), {
                        items: r,
                        group: i
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r;
                    return e = this.element.find(e), t = this, n = e.parentsUntil(t.element, Z), i = e.parent("ul:not(.k-menu)"), e.remove(), i && !i.children(Z).length && (r = i.parent(".k-animation-container"), r.length ? r.remove() : i.remove()), n.length && (n = n.eq(0), a(n), s(n)), t
                open: function(r) {
                    var o = this,
                        a = o.options,
                        s = "horizontal" == a.orientation,
                        l = a.direction,
                        d = c.support.isRtl(o.wrapper);
                    return r = o.element.find(r), /^(top|bottom|default)$/.test(l) && (l = d ? s ? (l + " left").replace("default", "bottom") : "left" : s ? (l + " right").replace("default", "bottom") : "right"), r.siblings().find(">.k-popup:visible,>.k-animation-container>.k-popup:visible").each(function() {
                        var t = e(this).data("kendoPopup");
                        t && t.close()
                    }), r.each(function() {
                        var r = e(this);
                        clearTimeout(r.data(E)), r.data(E, setTimeout(function() {
                            var u, p, f, m, v, _, w, b, y = r.find(".k-menu-group:first:hidden");
                            y[0] && o._triggerEvent({
                                item: r[0],
                                type: C
                            }) === !1 && (!y.find(".k-menu-group")[0] && y.children(".k-item").length > 1 ? (p = e(window).height(), f = function() {
                                    maxHeight: p - (y.outerHeight() - y.height()) - c.getShadows(y).bottom,
                                    overflow: "auto"
                            }, c.support.browser.msie && 7 >= c.support.browser.version ? setTimeout(f, 0) : f()) : y.css({
                                maxHeight: "",
                                overflow: ""
                            }), r.data(z, r.css(z)), r.css(z, o.nextItemZIndex++), u = y.data(j), m = r.parent().hasClass(S), v = m && s, _ = i(l, m, d), w = a.animation.open.effects, b = w !== t ? w : "slideIn:" + n(l, m), u ? (u = y.data(j), u.options.origin = _.origin, u.options.position = _.position, u.options.animation.open.effects = b) : u = y.kendoPopup({
                                activate: function() {
                                        item: this.wrapper.parent(),
                                        type: F
                                deactivate: function(e) {
                                        opacity: ""
                                    }), o._triggerEvent({
                                        item: this.wrapper.parent(),
                                        type: R
                                origin: _.origin,
                                position: _.position,
                                collision: a.popupCollision !== t ? a.popupCollision : v ? "fit" : "fit flip",
                                anchor: r,
                                appendTo: r,
                                animation: {
                                    open: g(!0, {
                                        effects: b
                                    }, a.animation.open),
                                    close: a.animation.close
                                close: function(e) {
                                    var t = e.sender.wrapper.parent();
                                        item: t[0],
                                        type: A
                                    }) ? e.preventDefault() : (t.css(z, t.data(z)), t.removeData(z), h && (t.removeClass(q), o._removeHoverItem()))
                            }).data(j), y.removeAttr("aria-hidden"), u.open())
                        }, o.options.hoverDelay))
                    }), o
                close: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.element;
                    return t = r.find(t), t.length || (t = r.find(">.k-item")), t.each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        !n && i._isRootItem(t) && (i.clicked = !1), clearTimeout(t.data(E)), t.data(E, setTimeout(function() {
                            var e = t.find(".k-menu-group:not(.k-list-container):not(.k-calendar-container):first:visible").data(j);
                            e && (e.close(), e.element.attr("aria-hidden", !0))
                        }, i.options.hoverDelay))
                    }), i
                _toggleDisabled: function(t, n) {
                    this.element.find(t).each(function() {
                        e(this).toggleClass(G, n).toggleClass(Y, !n).attr("aria-disabled", !n)
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    var n = e(c.eventTarget(t) || t.target).closest(Z),
                        i = t.type == O || -1 !== p.indexOf(t.type);
                    n.parents("li." + Y).length || n.toggleClass(q, i || "mousedown" == t.type || "click" == t.type), this._removeHoverItem()
                _preventClose: function() {
                    this.options.closeOnClick || (this._closurePrevented = !0)
                _checkActiveElement: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(t ? t.currentTarget : this._hoverItem()),
                        o = n._findRootParent(i)[0];
                    this._closurePrevented || setTimeout(function() {
                        (!document.hasFocus() || !r(o, c._activeElement()) && t && !r(o, t.currentTarget)) && n.close(o)
                    }, 0), this._closurePrevented = !1
                _removeHoverItem: function() {
                    var e = this._hoverItem();
                    e && e.hasClass($) && (e.removeClass($), this._oldHoverItem = null)
                _updateClasses: function() {
                    var e, t = this.element,
                        n = ".k-menu-init div ul";
                    t.removeClass("k-menu-horizontal k-menu-vertical"), t.addClass("k-widget k-reset k-header k-menu-init " + S).addClass(S + "-" + this.options.orientation), t.find("li > ul").filter(function() {
                        return !c.support.matchesSelector.call(this, n)
                    }).addClass("k-group k-menu-group").attr("role", "menu").attr("aria-hidden", t.is(":visible")).end().find("li > div").addClass("k-content").attr("tabindex", "-1"), e = t.find("> li,.k-menu-group > li"), t.removeClass("k-menu-init"), e.each(function() {
                _mouseenter: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(t.currentTarget),
                        o = i.children(".k-animation-container").length || i.children(K).length;
                    t.delegateTarget == i.parents(Q)[0] && (n.options.openOnClick && !n.clicked || h || (B || L) && t.originalEvent.pointerType in at && n._isRootItem(i.closest(Z)) || !r(t.currentTarget, t.relatedTarget) && o && n.open(i), (n.options.openOnClick && n.clicked || U) && i.siblings().each(m(function(e, t) {
                        n.close(t, !0)
                    }, n)))
                _mouseleave: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        o = e(n.currentTarget),
                        a = o.children(".k-animation-container").length || o.children(K).length;
                    return o.parentsUntil(".k-animation-container", ".k-list-container,.k-calendar-container")[0] ? (n.stopImmediatePropagation(), t) : (i.options.openOnClick || h || (B || L) && n.originalEvent.pointerType in at || r(n.currentTarget, n.relatedTarget || n.target) || !a || r(n.currentTarget, c._activeElement()) || i.close(o), t)
                _click: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options,
                        l = e(c.eventTarget(n)),
                        d = l[0] ? l[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() : "",
                        u = "INPUT" == d || "SELECT" == d || "BUTTON" == d || "LABEL" == d,
                        h = l.closest("." + T),
                        p = l.closest(Z),
                        f = h.attr("href"),
                        g = l.attr("href"),
                        m = e("<a href='#' />").attr("href"),
                        v = !!f && f !== m,
                        _ = v && !!f.match(/^#/),
                        w = !!g && g !== m,
                        b = s.openOnClick && o && a._isRootItem(p);
                    if (!l.closest(ot, p[0]).length) {
                        if (p.hasClass(Y)) return n.preventDefault(), t;
                        if (n.handled || !a._triggerEvent({
                            item: p[0],
                            type: M
                        }) || u || n.preventDefault(), n.handled = !0, r = p.children(X), o = r.is(":visible"), s.closeOnClick && (!v || _) && (!r.length || b)) return p.removeClass(q).css("height"), a._oldHoverItem = a._findRootParent(p), a.close(h.parentsUntil(a.element, Z)), a.clicked = !1, -1 != "MSPointerUp".indexOf(n.type) && n.preventDefault(), t;
                        v && n.enterKey && h[0].click(), (a._isRootItem(p) && s.openOnClick || c.support.touch || (B || L) && a._isRootItem(p.closest(Z))) && (v || u || w || n.preventDefault(), a.clicked = !0, i = r.is(":visible") ? A : C, (s.closeOnClick || i != A) && a[i](p))
                _documentClick: function(e) {
                    r(this.element[0], e.target) || (this.clicked = !1)
                _focus: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = n.target,
                        o = i._hoverItem(),
                        a = u();
                    return r == i.wrapper[0] || e(r).is(":kendoFocusable") ? (a === n.currentTarget && (o.length ? i._moveHover([], o) : i._oldHoverItem || i._moveHover([], i.wrapper.children().first())), t) : (n.stopPropagation(), e(r).closest(".k-content").closest(".k-menu-group").closest(".k-item").addClass($), i.wrapper.focus(), t)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = e.keyCode,
                        s = o._oldHoverItem,
                        l = c.support.isRtl(o.wrapper);
                    if (e.target == e.currentTarget || a == w.ESC) {
                        if (s || (s = o._oldHoverItem = o._hoverItem()), i = o._itemBelongsToVertival(s), r = o._itemHasChildren(s), a == w.RIGHT) n = o[l ? "_itemLeft" : "_itemRight"](s, i, r);
                        else if (a == w.LEFT) n = o[l ? "_itemRight" : "_itemLeft"](s, i, r);
                        else if (a == w.DOWN) n = o._itemDown(s, i, r);
                        else if (a == w.UP) n = o._itemUp(s, i, r);
                        else if (a == w.ESC) n = o._itemEsc(s, i);
                        else if (a == w.ENTER || a == w.SPACEBAR) n = s.children(".k-link"), n.length > 0 && (o._click({
                            target: n[0],
                            preventDefault: function() {},
                            enterKey: !0
                        }), o._moveHover(s, o._findRootParent(s)));
                        else if (a == w.TAB) return n = o._findRootParent(s), o._moveHover(s, n), o._checkActiveElement(), t;
                        n && n[0] && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation())
                _hoverItem: function() {
                    return this.wrapper.find(".k-item.k-state-hover,.k-item.k-state-focused").filter(":visible")
                _itemBelongsToVertival: function(e) {
                    var t = this.wrapper.hasClass("k-menu-vertical");
                    return e.length ? e.parent().hasClass("k-menu-group") || t : t
                _itemHasChildren: function(e) {
                    return e.length ? e.children("ul.k-menu-group, div.k-animation-container").length > 0 : !1
                _moveHover: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i._ariaId;
                    t.length && n.length && t.removeClass($), n.length && (n[0].id && (r = n[0].id), n.addClass($), i._oldHoverItem = n, r && (i.element.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), e("#" + r).removeAttr("id"), n.attr("id", r), i.element.attr("aria-activedescendant", r)))
                _findRootParent: function(e) {
                    return this._isRootItem(e) ? e : e.parentsUntil(Q, "li.k-item").last()
                _isRootItem: function(e) {
                    return e.parent().hasClass(S)
                _itemRight: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this;
                    if (!e.hasClass(Y)) return t ? n ? (o.open(e), i = e.find(".k-menu-group").children().first()) : "horizontal" == o.options.orientation && (r = o._findRootParent(e), o.close(r), i = r.nextAll(it)) : (i = e.nextAll(it), i.length || (i = e.prevAll(rt))), i && !i.length ? i = o.wrapper.children(".k-item").first() : i || (i = []), o._moveHover(e, i), i
                _itemLeft: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    return t ? (n = e.parent().closest(".k-item"), i.close(n), i._isRootItem(n) && "horizontal" == i.options.orientation && (n = n.prevAll(it))) : (n = e.prevAll(it), n.length || (n = e.nextAll(rt))), n.length || (n = i.wrapper.children(".k-item").last()), i._moveHover(e, n), n
                _itemDown: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this;
                    if (t) i = e.nextAll(it);
                    else {
                        if (!n || e.hasClass(Y)) return;
                        r.open(e), i = e.find(".k-menu-group").children().first()
                    return !i.length && e.length ? i = e.parent().children().first() : e.length || (i = r.wrapper.children(".k-item").first()), r._moveHover(e, i), i
                _itemUp: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    if (t) return n = e.prevAll(it), !n.length && e.length ? n = e.parent().children().last() : e.length || (n = i.wrapper.children(".k-item").last()), i._moveHover(e, n), n
                _itemEsc: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    return t ? (n = e.parent().closest(".k-item"), i.close(n), i._moveHover(e, n), n) : e
                _triggerEvent: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.trigger(e.type, {
                        type: e.type,
                        item: e.item
                _focusHandler: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(c.eventTarget(t)).closest(Z);
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        n._moveHover([], i), i.children(".k-content")[0] && i.parent().closest(".k-item").removeClass($)
                    }, 200)
                _animations: function(e) {
                    e && "animation" in e && !e.animation && (e.animation = {
                        open: {
                            effects: {}
                        close: {
                            hide: !0,
                            effects: {}
        g(ct, {
            renderItem: function(e) {
                e = g({
                    menu: {},
                    group: {}
                }, e);
                var t = st.empty,
                    n = e.item;
                return st.item(g(e, {
                    image: n.imageUrl ? st.image : t,
                    sprite: n.spriteCssClass ? st.sprite : t,
                    itemWrapper: st.itemWrapper,
                    renderContent: ct.renderContent,
                    arrow: n.items || n.content ? st.arrow : t,
                    subGroup: ct.renderGroup
                }, lt))
            renderGroup: function(e) {
                return st.group(g({
                    renderItems: function(e) {
                        for (var t = "", n = 0, i = e.items, r = i ? i.length : 0, o = g({
                            length: r
                        }, e.group); r > n; n++) t += ct.renderItem(g(e, {
                            group: o,
                            item: g({
                                index: n
                            }, i[n])
                        return t
                }, e, lt))
            renderContent: function(e) {
                return st.content(g(e, lt))
        }), l = ct.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                ct.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.target = e(i.options.target), i._popup(), i._wire()
            options: {
                name: "ContextMenu",
                filter: null,
                showOn: "contextmenu",
                orientation: "vertical",
                alignToAnchor: !1,
                target: "body"
            events: [C, A, F, R, M],
            setOptions: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                ct.fn.setOptions.call(n, t), n.target.off(n.showOn + k, n._showProxy), n.userEvents && n.userEvents.destroy(), n.target = e(n.options.target), t.orientation && n.popup.wrapper[0] && n.popup.element.unwrap(), n._wire(), ct.fn.setOptions.call(this, t)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.target.off(e.options.showOn + k), W.off(c.support.mousedown + k, e._closeProxy), e.userEvents && e.userEvents.destroy(), ct.fn.destroy.call(e)
            open: function(n, i) {
                var o = this;
                return n = e(n)[0], r(o.element[0], e(n)[0]) ? ct.fn.open.call(o, n) : o._triggerEvent({
                    item: o.element,
                    type: C
                }) === !1 && (o.popup.visible() && o.options.filter && o.popup.close(!0), i !== t ? (o.popup.wrapper.hide(), o.popup.open(n, i)) : (o.popup.options.anchor = (n ? n : o.popup.anchor) || o.target, o.popup.open()), W.off(o.popup.downEvent, o.popup._mousedownProxy), W.on(c.support.mousedown + k, o._closeProxy)), o
            close: function() {
                var t = this;
                r(t.element[0], e(arguments[0])[0]) ? ct.fn.close.call(t, arguments[0]) : t.popup.visible() && t._triggerEvent({
                    item: t.element,
                    type: A
                }) === !1 && (t.popup.close(), W.off(c.support.mousedown + k, t._closeProxy), t.unbind(M, t._closeTimeoutProxy))
            _showHandler: function(e) {
                var t, n = e,
                    i = this,
                    o = i.options;
                e.event && (n = e.event, n.pageX = e.x.location, n.pageY = e.y.location), r(i.element[0], e.relatedTarget || e.target) || (i._eventOrigin = n, n.preventDefault(), n.stopImmediatePropagation(), i.element.find("." + $).removeClass($), (o.filter && c.support.matchesSelector.call(n.currentTarget, o.filter) || !o.filter) && (o.alignToAnchor ? i.open(n.currentTarget) : (i.popup.options.anchor = n.currentTarget, i._targetChild ? (t = i.target.offset(), i.open(n.pageX - t.left, n.pageY - t.top)) : i.open(n.pageX, n.pageY))))
            _closeHandler: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    o = e(t.relatedTarget || t.target),
                    a = o.closest(i.target.selector)[0] == i.target[0],
                    s = o.closest(et).children(X),
                    l = r(i.element[0], o[0]);
                i._eventOrigin = t, n = 3 !== t.which, i.popup.visible() && (n && a || !a) && (i.options.closeOnClick && !s[0] && l || !l) && (l ? (this.unbind(M, this._closeTimeoutProxy), i.bind(M, i._closeTimeoutProxy)) : i.close())
            _wire: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = e.target;
                e._showProxy = m(e._showHandler, e), e._closeProxy = m(e._closeHandler, e), e._closeTimeoutProxy = m(e.close, e), n[0] && (c.support.mobileOS && "contextmenu" == t.showOn ? (e.userEvents = new c.UserEvents(n, {
                    filter: t.filter,
                    allowSelection: !1
                }), n.on(t.showOn + k, !1), e.userEvents.bind("hold", e._showProxy)) : t.filter ? n.on(t.showOn + k, t.filter, e._showProxy) : n.on(t.showOn + k, e._showProxy))
            _triggerEvent: function(n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = e(i.popup.options.anchor)[0],
                    o = i._eventOrigin;
                return i._eventOrigin = t, i.trigger(n.type, g({
                    type: n.type,
                    item: n.item || this.element[0],
                    target: r
                }, o ? {
                    event: o
                } : {}))
            _popup: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._triggerProxy = m(e._triggerEvent, e), e.popup = e.element.addClass("k-context-menu").kendoPopup({
                    anchor: e.target || "body",
                    copyAnchorStyles: e.options.copyAnchorStyles,
                    collision: e.options.popupCollision || "fit",
                    animation: e.options.animation,
                    activate: e._triggerProxy,
                    deactivate: e._triggerProxy
                }).data("kendoPopup"), e._targetChild = r(e.target[0], e.popup.element[0])
        }), d.plugin(ct), d.plugin(l)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            return e.trim(t).replace(/&nbsp;/gi, "")

        function i(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = {};
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) r = e[n], o[r[t]] = r;
            return o

        function r(e) {
            var t, n = [];
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].columns ? n = n.concat(r(e[t].columns)) : n.push(e[t]);
            return n
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui,
            s = e.proxy,
            l = e.extend,
            c = e.grep,
            d = e.map,
            u = e.inArray,
            h = "k-state-selected",
            p = "asc",
            f = "desc",
            g = "change",
            m = "init",
            v = "select",
            _ = "kendoPopup",
            w = "kendoFilterMenu",
            b = "kendoMenu",
            y = ".kendoColumnMenu",
            k = a.Widget,
            x = k.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = this;
                    k.fn.init.call(r, t, n), t = r.element, n = r.options, r.owner = n.owner, r.dataSource = n.dataSource, r.field = t.attr(o.attr("field")), r.title = t.attr(o.attr("title")), i = t.find(".k-header-column-menu"), i[0] || (i = t.addClass("k-with-icon").prepend('<a class="k-header-column-menu" href="#"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrowhead-s"/></a>').find(".k-header-column-menu")), r.link = i.attr("tabindex", -1).on("click" + y, s(r._click, r)), r.wrapper = e('<div class="k-column-menu"/>')
                _init: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.pane = e.options.pane, e.pane && (e._isMobile = !0), e._isMobile ? e._createMobileMenu() : e._createMenu(), e._angularItems("compile"), e._refreshHandler = s(e.refresh, e), e.dataSource.bind(g, e._refreshHandler), e._sort(), e._columns(), e._filter(), e._lockColumns(), e.trigger(m, {
                        field: e.field,
                        container: e.wrapper
                events: [m],
                options: {
                    name: "ColumnMenu",
                    messages: {
                        sortAscending: "Sort Ascending",
                        sortDescending: "Sort Descending",
                        filter: "Filter",
                        columns: "Columns",
                        done: "Done",
                        settings: "Column Settings",
                        lock: "Lock",
                        unlock: "Unlock"
                    filter: "",
                    columns: !0,
                    sortable: !0,
                    filterable: !0,
                    animations: {
                        left: "slide"
                _createMenu: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options;
                        ns: o.ns,
                        messages: t.messages,
                        sortable: t.sortable,
                        filterable: t.filterable,
                        columns: e._ownerColumns(),
                        showColumns: t.columns,
                        lockedColumns: t.lockedColumns
                    })), e.popup = e.wrapper[_]({
                        anchor: e.link,
                        open: s(e._open, e),
                        activate: s(e._activate, e),
                        close: function() {
                            e.options.closeCallback && e.options.closeCallback(e.element)
                    }).data(_), e.menu = e.wrapper.children()[b]({
                        orientation: "vertical",
                        closeOnClick: !1
                _createMobileMenu: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = o.template(S)({
                            ns: o.ns,
                            field: e.field,
                            title: e.title || e.field,
                            messages: t.messages,
                            sortable: t.sortable,
                            filterable: t.filterable,
                            columns: e._ownerColumns(),
                            showColumns: t.columns,
                            lockedColumns: t.lockedColumns
                    e.view = e.pane.append(n), e.wrapper = e.view.element.find(".k-column-menu"), e.menu = new T(e.wrapper.children(), {
                        pane: e.pane
                    }), e.view.element.on("click", ".k-done", function(t) {
                        e.close(), t.preventDefault()
                    }), e.options.lockedColumns && e.view.bind("show", function() {
                _angularItems: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.angular(t, function() {
                        var t = n.wrapper.find(".k-columns-item input[" + o.attr("field") + "]").map(function() {
                                return e(this).closest("li")
                            i = d(n._ownerColumns(), function(e) {
                                return {
                                    column: e._originalObject
                        return {
                            elements: t,
                            data: i
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._angularItems("cleanup"), k.fn.destroy.call(e), e.filterMenu && e.filterMenu.destroy(), e._refreshHandler && e.dataSource.unbind(g, e._refreshHandler), e.options.columns && e.owner && (e._updateColumnsMenuHandler && (e.owner.unbind("columnShow", e._updateColumnsMenuHandler), e.owner.unbind("columnHide", e._updateColumnsMenuHandler)), e._updateColumnsLockedStateHandler && (e.owner.unbind("columnLock", e._updateColumnsLockedStateHandler), e.owner.unbind("columnUnlock", e._updateColumnsLockedStateHandler))), e.menu && (e.menu.element.off(y), e.menu.destroy()), e.wrapper.off(y), e.popup && e.popup.destroy(), e.view && e.view.purge(), e.link.off(y), e.owner = null, e.wrapper = null, e.element = null
                close: function() {
                    this.menu.close(), this.popup && (this.popup.close(), this.popup.element.off("keydown" + y))
                _click: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation();
                    var t = this.options;
                    t.filter && this.element.is(!t.filter) || (this.popup || this.pane || this._init(), this._isMobile ? this.pane.navigate(this.view, this.options.animations.left) : this.popup.toggle())
                _open: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    e(".k-column-menu").not(t.wrapper).each(function() {
                    }), t.popup.element.on("keydown" + y, function(e) {
                        e.keyCode == o.keys.ESC && t.close()
                    }), t.options.lockedColumns && t._updateLockedColumns()
                _activate: function() {
                _ownerColumns: function() {
                    var e = r(this.owner.columns),
                        t = c(e, function(e) {
                            var t = !0,
                                i = n(e.title || "");
                            return (e.menu === !1 || !e.field && !i.length) && (t = !1), t
                    return d(t, function(t) {
                        return {
                            originalField: t.field,
                            field: t.field || t.title,
                            title: t.title || t.field,
                            hidden: t.hidden,
                            index: u(t, e),
                            locked: !!t.locked,
                            _originalObject: t
                _sort: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options.sortable && (t.refresh(), t.menu.bind(v, function(n) {
                        var i, r = e(n.item);
                        r.hasClass("k-sort-asc") ? i = p : r.hasClass("k-sort-desc") && (i = f), i && (r.parent().find(".k-sort-" + (i == p ? f : p)).removeClass(h), t._sortDataSource(r, i), t.close())
                _sortDataSource: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.options.sortable,
                        s = null === a.compare ? t : a.compare,
                        l = o.dataSource,
                        c = l.sort() || [];
                    if (e.hasClass(h) && a && a.allowUnsort !== !1 ? (e.removeClass(h), n = t) : e.addClass(h), "multiple" === a.mode) {
                        for (i = 0, r = c.length; r > i; i++)
                            if (c[i].field === o.field) {
                                c.splice(i, 1);
                            field: o.field,
                            dir: n,
                            compare: s
                    } else c = [{
                        field: o.field,
                        dir: n,
                        compare: s
                _columns: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options.columns && (t._updateColumnsMenu(), t._updateColumnsMenuHandler = s(t._updateColumnsMenu, t), t.owner.bind(["columnHide", "columnShow"], t._updateColumnsMenuHandler), t._updateColumnsLockedStateHandler = s(t._updateColumnsLockedState, t), t.owner.bind(["columnUnlock", "columnLock"], t._updateColumnsLockedStateHandler), t.menu.bind(v, function(n) {
                        var i, a, s, l = e(n.item),
                            d = r(t.owner.columns);
                        t._isMobile && n.preventDefault(), l.parent().closest("li.k-columns-item")[0] && (i = l.find(":checkbox"), i.attr("disabled") || (s = i.attr(o.attr("field")), a = c(d, function(e) {
                            return e.field == s || e.title == s
                        })[0], a.hidden === !0 ? t.owner.showColumn(a) : t.owner.hideColumn(a)))
                _updateColumnsMenu: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, a, s = o.attr("field"),
                        l = o.attr("locked"),
                        h = c(this._ownerColumns(), function(e) {
                            return !e.hidden
                        p = c(h, function(e) {
                            return e.originalField
                        f = c(p, function(e) {
                            return e.locked === !0
                        g = c(p, function(e) {
                            return e.locked !== !0
                    for (h = d(h, function(e) {
                        return e.field
                    }), a = this.wrapper.find(".k-columns-item input[" + s + "]").prop("disabled", !1).prop("checked", !1), e = 0, t = a.length; t > e; e++) n = a.eq(e), r = "true" === n.attr(l), i = !1, u(n.attr(s), h) > -1 && (i = !0, n.prop("checked", i)), i && (1 == f && r && n.prop("disabled", !0), 1 != g || r || n.prop("disabled", !0))
                _updateColumnsLockedState: function() {
                    var e, t, n, r, a = o.attr("field"),
                        s = o.attr("locked"),
                        l = i(this._ownerColumns(), "field"),
                        c = this.wrapper.find(".k-columns-item input[type=checkbox]");
                    for (e = 0, t = c.length; t > e; e++) n = c.eq(e), r = l[n.attr(a)], r && n.attr(s, r.locked);
                _filter: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = w,
                        i = t.options;
                    i.filterable !== !1 && (i.filterable.multi && (n = "kendoFilterMultiCheck", i.filterable.dataSource && (i.filterable.checkSource = i.filterable.dataSource, delete i.filterable.dataSource)), t.filterMenu = t.wrapper.find(".k-filterable")[n](l(!0, {}, {
                        appendToElement: !0,
                        dataSource: i.dataSource,
                        values: i.values,
                        field: t.field,
                        title: t.title
                    }, i.filterable)).data(n), t._isMobile && t.menu.bind(v, function(n) {
                        var i = e(n.item);
                        i.hasClass("k-filter-item") && t.pane.navigate(t.filterMenu.view, t.options.animations.left)
                _lockColumns: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.menu.bind(v, function(n) {
                        var i = e(n.item);
                        i.hasClass("k-lock") ? (t.owner.lockColumn(t.field), t.close()) : i.hasClass("k-unlock") && (t.owner.unlockColumn(t.field), t.close())
                _updateLockedColumns: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.field,
                        o = this.owner.columns,
                        a = c(o, function(e) {
                            return e.field == r || e.title == r
                    a && (e = a.locked === !0, t = c(o, function(t) {
                        return !t.hidden && (t.locked && e || !t.locked && !e)
                    }).length, n = this.wrapper.find(".k-lock").removeClass("k-state-disabled"), i = this.wrapper.find(".k-unlock").removeClass("k-state-disabled"), (e || 1 == t) && n.addClass("k-state-disabled"), e && 1 != t || i.addClass("k-state-disabled"), this._updateColumnsLockedState())
                refresh: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options.dataSource.sort() || [],
                        o = i.field;
                    for (i.wrapper.find(".k-sort-asc, .k-sort-desc").removeClass(h), t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) e = r[t], o == e.field && i.wrapper.find(".k-sort-" + e.dir).addClass(h);
                    i.link[i._filterExist(i.dataSource.filter()) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("k-state-active")
                _filterExist: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = !1;
                    if (e) {
                        for (e = e.filters, n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = e[n], t.field == this.field ? r = !0 : t.filters && (r = r || this._filterExist(t));
                        return r
            C = '<ul>#if(sortable){#<li class="k-item k-sort-asc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-sort-asc"></span>${messages.sortAscending}</span></li><li class="k-item k-sort-desc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-sort-desc"></span>${messages.sortDescending}</span></li>#if(showColumns || filterable){#<li class="k-separator"></li>#}##}##if(showColumns){#<li class="k-item k-columns-item"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-columns"></span>${messages.columns}</span><ul>#for (var idx = 0; idx < columns.length; idx++) {#<li><input type="checkbox" data-#=ns#field="#=columns[idx].field.replace(/"/g,"&\\#34;")#" data-#=ns#index="#=columns[idx].index#" data-#=ns#locked="#=columns[idx].locked#"/>#=columns[idx].title#</li>#}#</ul></li>#if(filterable || lockedColumns){#<li class="k-separator"></li>#}##}##if(filterable){#<li class="k-item k-filter-item"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-filter"></span>${messages.filter}</span><ul><li><div class="k-filterable"></div></li></ul></li>#if(lockedColumns){#<li class="k-separator"></li>#}##}##if(lockedColumns){#<li class="k-item k-lock"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-lock"></span>${messages.lock}</span></li><li class="k-item k-unlock"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-unlock"></span>${messages.unlock}</span></li>#}#</ul>',
            S = '<div data-#=ns#role="view" data-#=ns#init-widgets="false" class="k-grid-column-menu"><div data-#=ns#role="header" class="k-header">${messages.settings}<button class="k-button k-done">#=messages.done#</button></div><div class="k-column-menu k-mobile-list"><ul><li><span class="k-link">${title}</span><ul>#if(sortable){#<li class="k-item k-sort-asc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-sort-asc"></span>${messages.sortAscending}</span></li><li class="k-item k-sort-desc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-sort-desc"></span>${messages.sortDescending}</span></li>#}##if(lockedColumns){#<li class="k-item k-lock"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-lock"></span>${messages.lock}</span></li><li class="k-item k-unlock"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-sprite k-i-unlock"></span>${messages.unlock}</span></li>#}##if(filterable){#<li class="k-item k-filter-item"><span class="k-link k-filterable"><span class="k-sprite k-filter"></span>${messages.filter}</span></li>#}#</ul></li>#if(showColumns){#<li class="k-columns-item"><span class="k-link">${messages.columns}</span><ul>#for (var idx = 0; idx < columns.length; idx++) {#<li class="k-item"><label class="k-label"><input type="checkbox" class="k-check" data-#=ns#field="#=columns[idx].field.replace(/"/g,"&\\#34;")#" data-#=ns#index="#=columns[idx].index#" data-#=ns#locked="#=columns[idx].locked#"/>#=columns[idx].title#</label></li>#}#</ul></li>#}#</ul></div></div>',
            T = k.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    k.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.element.on("click" + y, "li.k-item:not(.k-separator):not(.k-state-disabled)", "_click")
                events: [v],
                _click: function(t) {
                    e(t.target).is("[type=checkbox]") || t.preventDefault(), this.trigger(v, {
                        item: t.currentTarget
                close: function() {
                destroy: function() {
                    k.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.off(y)
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.Widget,
            o = "dir",
            a = "asc",
            s = "single",
            l = "field",
            c = "desc",
            d = ".kendoColumnSorter",
            u = ".k-link",
            h = "aria-sort",
            p = e.proxy,
            f = r.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    r.fn.init.call(i, e, t), i._refreshHandler = p(i.refresh, i), i.dataSource = i.options.dataSource.bind("change", i._refreshHandler), n = i.element.find(u), n[0] || (n = i.element.wrapInner('<a class="k-link" href="#"/>').find(u)), i.link = n, i.element.on("click" + d, p(i._click, i))
                options: {
                    name: "ColumnSorter",
                    mode: s,
                    allowUnsort: !0,
                    compare: null,
                    filter: ""
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    r.fn.destroy.call(e), e.element.off(d), e.dataSource.unbind("change", e._refreshHandler), e._refreshHandler = e.element = e.link = e.dataSource = null
                refresh: function() {
                    var t, i, r, s, d = this,
                        u = d.dataSource.sort() || [],
                        p = d.element,
                        f = p.attr(n.attr(l));
                    for (p.removeAttr(n.attr(o)), p.removeAttr(h), t = 0, i = u.length; i > t; t++) r = u[t], f == r.field && p.attr(n.attr(o), r.dir);
                    s = p.attr(n.attr(o)), p.find(".k-i-arrow-n,.k-i-arrow-s").remove(), s === a ? (e('<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-n" />').appendTo(d.link), p.attr(h, "ascending")) : s === c && (e('<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s" />').appendTo(d.link), p.attr(h, "descending"))
                _click: function(e) {
                    var i, r, d = this,
                        u = d.element,
                        h = u.attr(n.attr(l)),
                        p = u.attr(n.attr(o)),
                        f = d.options,
                        g = null === d.options.compare ? t : d.options.compare,
                        m = d.dataSource.sort() || [];
                    if (e.preventDefault(), !f.filter || u.is(f.filter)) {
                        if (p = p === a ? c : p === c && f.allowUnsort ? t : a, f.mode === s) m = [{
                            field: h,
                            dir: p,
                            compare: g
                        else if ("multiple" === f.mode) {
                            for (i = 0, r = m.length; r > i; i++)
                                if (m[i].field === h) {
                                    m.splice(i, 1);
                                field: h,
                                dir: p,
                                compare: g
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            return t = null != t ? t : "", t.type || e.type(t) || "string"

        function i(t) {
            t.find(":input:not(:button, [" + s.attr("role") + "=upload], [" + s.attr("skip") + "], [type=file]), select").each(function() {
                var t = s.attr("bind"),
                    n = this.getAttribute(t) || "",
                    i = "checkbox" === this.type || "radio" === this.type ? "checked:" : "value:",
                    r = this.name; - 1 === n.indexOf(i) && r && (n += (n.length ? "," : "") + i + r, e(this).attr(t, n))

        function r(e) {
            var t, i, r = (e.model.fields || e.model)[e.field],
                o = n(r),
                a = r ? r.validation : {},
                l = s.attr("type"),
                c = s.attr("bind"),
                d = {
                    name: e.field
            for (t in a) i = a[t], f(t, _) >= 0 ? d[l] = t : h(i) || (d[t] = p(i) ? i.value || t : i), d[s.attr(t + "-msg")] = i.message;
            return f(o, _) >= 0 && (d[l] = o), d[c] = ("boolean" === o ? "checked:" : "value:") + e.field, d

        function o(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a;
            if (e && e.length)
                for (a = [], t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = e[t], o = i.text || i.value || i, r = null == i.value ? i.text || i : i.value, a[t] = {
                    text: o,
                    value: r
            return a

        function a(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = e ? e.validation || {} : {};
            for (n in r) i = r[n], p(i) && i.value && (i = i.value), h(i) && (t[n] = i)
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui,
            c = l.Widget,
            d = e.extend,
            u = s.support.browser.msie && 9 > s.support.browser.version,
            h = s.isFunction,
            p = e.isPlainObject,
            f = e.inArray,
            g = /("|\%|'|\[|\]|\$|\.|\,|\:|\;|\+|\*|\&|\!|\#|\(|\)|<|>|\=|\?|\@|\^|\{|\}|\~|\/|\||`)/g,
            m = '<div class="k-widget k-tooltip k-tooltip-validation" style="margin:0.5em"><span class="k-icon k-warning"> </span>#=message#<div class="k-callout k-callout-n"></div></div>',
            v = "change",
            _ = ["url", "email", "number", "date", "boolean"],
            w = {
                number: function(t, n) {
                    var i = r(n);
                    e('<input type="text"/>').attr(i).appendTo(t).kendoNumericTextBox({
                        format: n.format
                    }), e("<span " + s.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
                date: function(t, n) {
                    var i = r(n),
                        o = n.format;
                    o && (o = s._extractFormat(o)), i[s.attr("format")] = o, e('<input type="text"/>').attr(i).appendTo(t).kendoDatePicker({
                        format: n.format
                    }), e("<span " + s.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
                string: function(t, n) {
                    var i = r(n);
                    e('<input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox"/>').attr(i).appendTo(t)
                "boolean": function(t, n) {
                    var i = r(n);
                    e('<input type="checkbox" />').attr(i).appendTo(t)
                values: function(t, n) {
                    var i = r(n);
                    e("<select " + s.attr("text-field") + '="text"' + s.attr("value-field") + '="value"' + s.attr("source") + "='" + s.stringify(o(n.values)).replace(/\'/g, "&apos;") + "'" + s.attr("role") + '="dropdownlist"/>').attr(i).appendTo(t), e("<span " + s.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
            b = c.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    n.target && (n.$angular = n.target.options.$angular), c.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i._validateProxy = e.proxy(i._validate, i), i.refresh()
                events: [v],
                options: {
                    name: "Editable",
                    editors: w,
                    clearContainer: !0,
                    errorTemplate: m
                editor: function(e, t) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.options.editors,
                        o = p(e),
                        a = o ? e.field : e,
                        l = i.options.model || {},
                        c = o && e.values,
                        u = c ? "values" : n(t),
                        h = o && e.editor,
                        f = h ? e.editor : r[u],
                        m = i.element.find("[" + s.attr("container-for") + "=" + a.replace(g, "\\$1") + "]");
                    f = f ? f : r.string, h && "string" == typeof e.editor && (f = function(t) {
                    }), m = m.length ? m : i.element, f(m, d(!0, {}, o ? e : {
                        field: a
                    }, {
                        model: l
                _validate: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = t.value,
                        o = i._validationEventInProgress,
                        a = {},
                        l = s.attr("bind"),
                        c = t.field.replace(g, "\\$1"),
                        d = RegExp("(value|checked)\\s*:\\s*" + c + "\\s*(,|$)");
                    a[t.field] = t.value, n = e(":input[" + l + '*="' + c + '"]', i.element).filter("[" + s.attr("validate") + "!='false']").filter(function() {
                        return d.test(e(this).attr(l))
                    }), n.length > 1 && (n = n.filter(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        return !t.is(":radio") || t.val() == r
                    try {
                        i._validationEventInProgress = !0, (!i.validatable.validateInput(n) || !o && i.trigger(v, {
                            values: a
                        })) && t.preventDefault()
                    } finally {
                        i._validationEventInProgress = !1
                end: function() {
                    return this.validatable.validate()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e.element
                    }), c.fn.destroy.call(e), e.options.model.unbind("set", e._validateProxy), s.unbind(e.element), e.validatable && e.validatable.destroy(), s.destroy(e.element), e.element.removeData("kendoValidator")
                refresh: function() {
                    var n, r, o, l, c, d, h, f, g = this,
                        m = g.options.fields || [],
                        v = g.options.clearContainer ? g.element.empty() : g.element,
                        _ = g.options.model || {},
                        w = {};
                    for (e.isArray(m) || (m = [m]), n = 0, r = m.length; r > n; n++) o = m[n], l = p(o), c = l ? o.field : o, d = (_.fields || _)[c], a(d, w), g.editor(o, d);
                    if (g.options.target && g.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: v,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: _
                    }), !r) {
                        h = _.fields || _;
                        for (c in h) a(h[c], w)
                    i(v), g.validatable && g.validatable.destroy(), s.bind(v, g.options.model), g.options.model.unbind("set", g._validateProxy), g.options.model.bind("set", g._validateProxy), g.validatable = new s.ui.Validator(v, {
                        validateOnBlur: !1,
                        errorTemplate: g.options.errorTemplate || t,
                        rules: w
                    }), f = v.find(":kendoFocusable").eq(0).focus(), u && f.focus()
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return t !== e

        function i(e, t, n) {
            return Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(e, 10), 1 / 0 === n ? n : parseInt(n, 10)), parseInt(t, 10))

        function r(e, t) {
            return function() {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.wrapper,
                    r = i[0].style,
                    o = n.options;
                return o.isMaximized || o.isMinimized ? n : (n.restoreOptions = {
                    width: r.width,
                    height: r.height
                }, i.children(x).hide().end().children(y).find(G).parent().hide().eq(0).before(J.action({
                    name: "Restore"
                })), t.call(n), "maximize" == e ? n.wrapper.children(y).find(Y).parent().hide() : n.wrapper.children(y).find(Y).parent().show(), n)

        function o() {
            return !this.type || this.type.toLowerCase().indexOf("script") >= 0

        function a(e) {
            var t = this;
            t.owner = e, t._draggable = new d(e.wrapper, {
                filter: ">" + x,
                group: e.wrapper.id + "-resizing",
                dragstart: p(t.dragstart, t),
                drag: p(t.drag, t),
                dragend: p(t.dragend, t)
            }), t._draggable.userEvents.bind("press", p(t.addOverlay, t)), t._draggable.userEvents.bind("release", p(t.removeOverlay, t))

        function s(e, t) {
            var n = this;
            n.owner = e, n._draggable = new d(e.wrapper, {
                filter: t,
                group: e.wrapper.id + "-moving",
                dragstart: p(n.dragstart, n),
                drag: p(n.drag, n),
                dragend: p(n.dragend, n),
                dragcancel: p(n.dragcancel, n)
            }), n._draggable.userEvents.stopPropagation = !1
        var l = window.kendo,
            c = l.ui.Widget,
            d = l.ui.Draggable,
            u = e.isPlainObject,
            h = l._activeElement,
            p = e.proxy,
            f = e.extend,
            g = e.each,
            m = l.template,
            v = "body",
            _ = ".kendoWindow",
            w = ".k-window",
            b = ".k-window-title",
            y = b + "bar",
            k = ".k-window-content",
            x = ".k-resize-handle",
            C = ".k-overlay",
            S = "k-content-frame",
            T = "k-loading",
            D = "k-state-hover",
            A = "k-state-focused",
            E = "k-window-maximized",
            I = ":visible",
            P = "hidden",
            M = "cursor",
            z = "open",
            F = "activate",
            R = "deactivate",
            H = "close",
            B = "refresh",
            L = "resize",
            N = "resizeEnd",
            O = "dragstart",
            V = "dragend",
            U = "error",
            W = "overflow",
            j = "zIndex",
            G = ".k-window-actions .k-i-minimize,.k-window-actions .k-i-maximize",
            q = ".k-i-pin",
            $ = ".k-i-unpin",
            Y = q + "," + $,
            Q = ".k-window-titlebar .k-window-action",
            K = ".k-window-titlebar .k-i-refresh",
            X = l.isLocalUrl,
            Z = c.extend({
                init: function(i, r) {
                    var a, s, d, h, f, g, m, v = this,
                        x = {},
                        C = !1,
                        S = r && r.actions && !r.actions.length;
                    c.fn.init.call(v, i, r), r = v.options, h = r.position, i = v.element, f = r.content, S && (r.actions = []), v.appendTo = e(r.appendTo), v._animations(), f && !u(f) && (f = r.content = {
                        url: f
                    }), i.find("script").filter(o).remove(), i.parent().is(v.appendTo) || h.top !== t && h.left !== t || (i.is(I) ? (x = i.offset(), C = !0) : (s = i.css("visibility"), d = i.css("display"), i.css({
                        visibility: P,
                        display: ""
                    }), x = i.offset(), i.css({
                        visibility: s,
                        display: d
                    })), h.top === t && (h.top = x.top), h.left === t && (h.left = x.left)), n(r.visible) && null !== r.visible || (r.visible = i.is(I)), a = v.wrapper = i.closest(w), i.is(".k-content") && a[0] || (i.addClass("k-window-content k-content"), v._createWindow(i, r), a = v.wrapper = i.closest(w), v._dimensions()), v._position(), r.pinned && v.pin(!0), f && v.refresh(f), r.visible && v.toFront(), g = a.children(k), v._tabindex(g), r.visible && r.modal && v._overlay(a.is(I)).css({
                        opacity: .5
                    }), a.on("mouseenter" + _, Q, p(v._buttonEnter, v)).on("mouseleave" + _, Q, p(v._buttonLeave, v)).on("click" + _, "> " + Q, p(v._windowActionHandler, v)), g.on("keydown" + _, p(v._keydown, v)).on("focus" + _, p(v._focus, v)).on("blur" + _, p(v._blur, v)), this._resizable(), this._draggable(), m = i.attr("id"), m && (m += "_wnd_title", a.children(y).children(b).attr("id", m), g.attr({
                        role: "dialog",
                        "aria-labelledby": m
                    })), a.add(a.children(".k-resize-handle," + y)).on("mousedown" + _, p(v.toFront, v)), v.touchScroller = l.touchScroller(i), v._resizeHandler = p(v._onDocumentResize, v), v._marker = l.guid().substring(0, 8), e(window).on("resize" + _ + v._marker, v._resizeHandler), r.visible && (v.trigger(z), v.trigger(F)), l.notify(v)
                _buttonEnter: function(t) {
                _buttonLeave: function(t) {
                _focus: function() {
                _blur: function() {
                _dimensions: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.wrapper,
                        r = this.options,
                        o = r.width,
                        a = r.height,
                        s = r.maxHeight,
                        l = ["minWidth", "minHeight", "maxWidth", "maxHeight"];
                    for (this.title(r.title), e = 0; l.length > e; e++) t = r[l[e]], t && 1 / 0 != t && n.css(l[e], t);
                    s && 1 / 0 != s && this.element.css("maxHeight", s), o && n.width(("" + o).indexOf("%") > 0 ? o : i(o, r.minWidth, r.maxWidth)), a && n.height(("" + a).indexOf("%") > 0 ? a : i(a, r.minHeight, r.maxHeight)), r.visible || n.hide()
                _position: function() {
                    var e = this.wrapper,
                        t = this.options.position;
                    0 === t.top && (t.top = "" + t.top), 0 === t.left && (t.left = "" + t.left), e.css({
                        top: t.top || "",
                        left: t.left || ""
                _animations: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    e.animation === !1 && (e.animation = {
                        open: {
                            effects: {}
                        close: {
                            hide: !0,
                            effects: {}
                _resize: function() {
                _resizable: function() {
                    var t = this.options.resizable,
                        n = this.wrapper;
                    this.resizing && (n.off("dblclick" + _).children(x).remove(), this.resizing.destroy(), this.resizing = null), t && (n.on("dblclick" + _, y, p(function(t) {
                        e(t.target).closest(".k-window-action").length || this.toggleMaximization()
                    }, this)), g("n e s w se sw ne nw".split(" "), function(e, t) {
                    }), this.resizing = new a(this)), n = null
                _draggable: function() {
                    var e = this.options.draggable;
                    this.dragging && (this.dragging.destroy(), this.dragging = null), e && (this.dragging = new s(this, e.dragHandle || y))
                _actions: function() {
                    var t = this.options.actions,
                        n = this.wrapper.children(y),
                        i = n.find(".k-window-actions");
                    t = e.map(t, function(e) {
                        return {
                            name: e
                    }), i.html(l.render(J.action, t))
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    c.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this.restore(), this._animations(), this._dimensions(), this._position(), this._resizable(), this._draggable(), this._actions()
                events: [z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U],
                options: {
                    name: "Window",
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: {
                                zoom: {
                                    direction: "in"
                                fade: {
                                    direction: "in"
                            duration: 350
                        close: {
                            effects: {
                                zoom: {
                                    direction: "out",
                                    properties: {
                                        scale: .7
                                fade: {
                                    direction: "out"
                            duration: 350,
                            hide: !0
                    title: "",
                    actions: ["Close"],
                    autoFocus: !0,
                    modal: !1,
                    resizable: !0,
                    draggable: !0,
                    minWidth: 90,
                    minHeight: 50,
                    maxWidth: 1 / 0,
                    maxHeight: 1 / 0,
                    pinned: !1,
                    position: {},
                    content: null,
                    visible: null,
                    height: null,
                    width: null,
                    appendTo: "body"
                _closable: function() {
                    return e.inArray("close", e.map(this.options.actions, function(e) {
                        return e.toLowerCase()
                    })) > -1
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t, n, r, o, a, s, c = this,
                        d = c.options,
                        u = l.keys,
                        h = e.keyCode,
                        p = c.wrapper,
                        f = 10,
                        g = c.options.isMaximized;
                    e.target != e.currentTarget || c._closing || (h == u.ESC && c._closable() && c._close(!1), !d.draggable || e.ctrlKey || g || (t = l.getOffset(p), h == u.UP ? n = p.css("top", t.top - f) : h == u.DOWN ? n = p.css("top", t.top + f) : h == u.LEFT ? n = p.css("left", t.left - f) : h == u.RIGHT && (n = p.css("left", t.left + f))), d.resizable && e.ctrlKey && !g && (h == u.UP ? (n = !0, o = p.height() - f) : h == u.DOWN && (n = !0, o = p.height() + f), h == u.LEFT ? (n = !0, r = p.width() - f) : h == u.RIGHT && (n = !0, r = p.width() + f), n && (a = i(r, d.minWidth, d.maxWidth), s = i(o, d.minHeight, d.maxHeight), isNaN(a) || (p.width(a), c.options.width = a + "px"), isNaN(s) || (p.height(s), c.options.height = s + "px"), c.resize())), n && e.preventDefault())
                _overlay: function(t) {
                    var n = this.appendTo.children(C),
                        i = this.wrapper;
                    return n.length || (n = e("<div class='k-overlay' />")), n.insertBefore(i[0]).toggle(t).css(j, parseInt(i.css(j), 10) - 1), n
                _actionForIcon: function(e) {
                    var t = /\bk-i-\w+\b/.exec(e[0].className)[0];
                    return {
                        "k-i-close": "_close",
                        "k-i-maximize": "maximize",
                        "k-i-minimize": "minimize",
                        "k-i-restore": "restore",
                        "k-i-refresh": "refresh",
                        "k-i-pin": "pin",
                        "k-i-unpin": "unpin"
                _windowActionHandler: function(n) {
                    var i, r;
                    if (!this._closing) return i = e(n.target).closest(".k-window-action").find(".k-icon"), r = this._actionForIcon(i), r ? (n.preventDefault(), this[r](), !1) : t
                _modals: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e(w).filter(function() {
                            var n = e(this),
                                i = t._object(n),
                                r = i && i.options;
                            return r && r.modal && r.visible && n.is(I)
                        }).sort(function(t, n) {
                            return +e(t).css("zIndex") - +e(n).css("zIndex")
                    return t = null, n
                _object: function(e) {
                    var n = e.children(k),
                        i = l.widgetInstance(n);
                    return i instanceof Z ? i : t
                center: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options.position,
                        o = i.wrapper,
                        a = e(window),
                        s = 0,
                        l = 0;
                    return i.options.isMaximized ? i : (i.options.pinned || (s = a.scrollTop(), l = a.scrollLeft()), n = l + Math.max(0, (a.width() - o.width()) / 2), t = s + Math.max(0, (a.height() - o.height() - parseInt(o.css("paddingTop"), 10)) / 2), o.css({
                        left: n,
                        top: t
                    }), r.top = t, r.left = n, i)
                title: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.wrapper,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = i.children(y),
                        a = o.children(b);
                    return arguments.length ? (e === !1 ? (i.addClass("k-window-titleless"), o.remove()) : (o.length ? a.html(e) : (i.prepend(J.titlebar(r)), n._actions(), o = i.children(y)), t = o.outerHeight(), i.css("padding-top", t), o.css("margin-top", -t)), n.options.title = e, n) : a.text()
                content: function(e, t) {
                    var i = this.wrapper.children(k),
                        r = i.children(".km-scroll-container");
                    return i = r[0] ? r : i, n(e) ? (this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: i.children()
                    }), l.destroy(this.element.children()), i.empty().html(e), this.angular("compile", function() {
                        var e, n = [];
                        for (e = i.length; --e >= 0;) n.push({
                            dataItem: t
                        return {
                            elements: i.children(),
                            data: n
                    }), this) : i.html()
                open: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.wrapper,
                        o = i.options,
                        a = o.animation.open,
                        s = r.children(k),
                        c = e(document);
                    return i.trigger(z) || (i._closing && r.kendoStop(!0, !0), i._closing = !1, i.toFront(), o.autoFocus && i.element.focus(), o.visible = !0, o.modal && (t = i._overlay(!1), t.kendoStop(!0, !0), a.duration && l.effects.Fade ? (n = l.fx(t).fadeIn(), n.duration(a.duration || 0), n.endValue(.5), n.play()) : t.css("opacity", .5), t.show()), r.is(I) || (s.css(W, P), r.show().kendoStop().kendoAnimate({
                        effects: a.effects,
                        duration: a.duration,
                        complete: p(this._activate, this)
                    }))), o.isMaximized && (i._documentScrollTop = c.scrollTop(), i._documentScrollLeft = c.scrollLeft(), e("html, body").css(W, P)), i
                _activate: function() {
                    this.options.autoFocus && this.element.focus(), this.trigger(F), this.wrapper.children(k).css(W, "")
                _removeOverlay: function(n) {
                    var i, r = this._modals(),
                        o = this.options,
                        a = o.modal && !r.length,
                        s = o.modal ? this._overlay(!0) : e(t),
                        c = o.animation.close;
                    a ? !n && c.duration && l.effects.Fade ? (i = l.fx(s).fadeOut(), i.duration(c.duration || 0), i.startValue(.5), i.play()) : this._overlay(!1).remove() : r.length && this._object(r.last())._overlay(!0)
                _close: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.wrapper,
                        r = n.options,
                        o = r.animation.open,
                        a = r.animation.close,
                        s = e(document);
                    if (i.is(I) && !n.trigger(H, {
                        userTriggered: !t
                    })) {
                        if (n._closing) return;
                        n._closing = !0, r.visible = !1, e(w).each(function(t, n) {
                            var r = e(n).children(k);
                            n != i && r.find("> ." + S).length > 0 && r.children(C).remove()
                        }), this._removeOverlay(), i.kendoStop().kendoAnimate({
                            effects: a.effects || o.effects,
                            reverse: a.reverse === !0,
                            duration: a.duration,
                            complete: p(this._deactivate, this)
                    n.options.isMaximized && (e("html, body").css(W, ""), n._documentScrollTop && n._documentScrollTop > 0 && s.scrollTop(n._documentScrollTop), n._documentScrollLeft && n._documentScrollLeft > 0 && s.scrollLeft(n._documentScrollLeft))
                _deactivate: function() {
                    var e, t = this;
                    t.wrapper.hide().css("opacity", ""), t.trigger(R), t.options.modal && (e = t._object(t._modals().last()), e && e.toFront())
                close: function() {
                    return this._close(!0), this
                _actionable: function(t) {
                    return e(t).is(Q + "," + Q + " .k-icon,:input,a")
                _shouldFocus: function(t) {
                    var n = h(),
                        i = this.element;
                    return !(!this.options.autoFocus || e(n).is(i) || this._actionable(t) || i.find(n).length && i.find(t).length)
                toFront: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.wrapper,
                        a = o[0],
                        s = +o.css(j),
                        l = s,
                        c = t && t.target || null;
                    return e(w).each(function(t, n) {
                        var i = e(n),
                            r = i.css(j),
                            o = i.children(k);
                        isNaN(r) || (s = Math.max(+r, s)), n != a && o.find("> ." + S).length > 0 && o.append(J.overlay)
                    }), (!o[0].style.zIndex || s > l) && o.css(j, s + 2), r.element.find("> .k-overlay").remove(), r._shouldFocus(c) && (r.element.focus(), n = e(window).scrollTop(), i = parseInt(o.position().top, 10), i > 0 && n > i && (n > 0 ? e(window).scrollTop(i) : o.css("top", n))), o = null, r
                toggleMaximization: function() {
                    return this._closing ? this : this[this.options.isMaximized ? "restore" : "maximize"]()
                restore: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = n.minHeight,
                        r = t.restoreOptions,
                        o = e(document);
                    return n.isMaximized || n.isMinimized ? (i && 1 / 0 != i && t.wrapper.css("min-height", i), t.wrapper.css({
                        position: n.pinned ? "fixed" : "absolute",
                        left: r.left,
                        top: r.top,
                        width: r.width,
                        height: r.height
                    }).removeClass(E).find(".k-window-content,.k-resize-handle").show().end().find(".k-window-titlebar .k-i-restore").parent().remove().end().end().find(G).parent().show().end().end().find(Y).parent().show(), t.options.width = r.width, t.options.height = r.height, e("html, body").css(W, ""), this._documentScrollTop && this._documentScrollTop > 0 && o.scrollTop(this._documentScrollTop), this._documentScrollLeft && this._documentScrollLeft > 0 && o.scrollLeft(this._documentScrollLeft), n.isMaximized = n.isMinimized = !1, t.resize(), t) : t
                maximize: r("maximize", function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper,
                        i = n.position(),
                        r = e(document);
                    f(t.restoreOptions, {
                        left: i.left,
                        top: i.top
                    }), n.css({
                        left: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        position: "fixed"
                    }).addClass(E), this._documentScrollTop = r.scrollTop(), this._documentScrollLeft = r.scrollLeft(), e("html, body").css(W, P), t.options.isMaximized = !0, t._onDocumentResize()
                minimize: r("minimize", function() {
                    var e = this;
                        height: "",
                        minHeight: ""
                    }), e.element.hide(), e.options.isMinimized = !0
                pin: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(window),
                        r = n.wrapper,
                        o = parseInt(r.css("top"), 10),
                        a = parseInt(r.css("left"), 10);
                    (t || !n.options.pinned && !n.options.isMaximized) && (r.css({
                        position: "fixed",
                        top: o - i.scrollTop(),
                        left: a - i.scrollLeft()
                    }), r.children(y).find(q).addClass("k-i-unpin").removeClass("k-i-pin"), n.options.pinned = !0)
                unpin: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e(window),
                        i = t.wrapper,
                        r = parseInt(i.css("top"), 10),
                        o = parseInt(i.css("left"), 10);
                    t.options.pinned && !t.options.isMaximized && (i.css({
                        position: "",
                        top: r + n.scrollTop(),
                        left: o + n.scrollLeft()
                    }), i.children(y).find($).addClass("k-i-pin").removeClass("k-i-unpin"), t.options.pinned = !1)
                _onDocumentResize: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.wrapper,
                        o = e(window),
                        a = l.support.zoomLevel();
                    i.options.isMaximized && (t = o.width() / a, n = o.height() / a - parseInt(r.css("padding-top"), 10), r.css({
                        width: t,
                        height: n
                    }), i.options.width = t, i.options.height = n, i.resize())
                refresh: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options,
                        l = e(a.element);
                    return u(t) || (t = {
                        url: t
                    }), t = f({}, s.content, t), r = n(s.iframe) ? s.iframe : t.iframe, o = t.url, o ? (n(r) || (r = !X(o)), r ? (i = l.find("." + S)[0], i ? i.src = o || i.src : l.html(J.contentFrame(f({}, s, {
                        content: t
                    }))), l.find("." + S).unbind("load" + _).on("load" + _, p(this._triggerRefresh, this))) : a._ajaxRequest(t)) : (t.template && a.content(m(t.template)({})), a.trigger(B)), l.toggleClass("k-window-iframecontent", !!r), a
                _triggerRefresh: function() {
                _ajaxComplete: function() {
                    clearTimeout(this._loadingIconTimeout), this.wrapper.find(K).removeClass(T)
                _ajaxError: function(e, t) {
                    this.trigger(U, {
                        status: t,
                        xhr: e
                _ajaxSuccess: function(e) {
                    return function(t) {
                        var n = t;
                        e && (n = m(e)(t || {})), this.content(n, t), this.element.prop("scrollTop", 0), this.trigger(B)
                _showLoading: function() {
                _ajaxRequest: function(t) {
                    this._loadingIconTimeout = setTimeout(p(this._showLoading, this), 100), e.ajax(f({
                        type: "GET",
                        dataType: "html",
                        cache: !1,
                        error: p(this._ajaxError, this),
                        complete: p(this._ajaxComplete, this),
                        success: p(this._ajaxSuccess(t.template), this)
                    }, t))
                _destroy: function() {
                    this.resizing && this.resizing.destroy(), this.dragging && this.dragging.destroy(), this.wrapper.off(_).children(k).off(_).end().find(".k-resize-handle,.k-window-titlebar").off(_), e(window).off("resize" + _ + this._marker), clearTimeout(this._loadingIconTimeout), c.fn.destroy.call(this), this.unbind(t), l.destroy(this.wrapper), this._removeOverlay(!0)
                destroy: function() {
                    this._destroy(), this.wrapper.empty().remove(), this.wrapper = this.appendTo = this.element = e()
                _createWindow: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this.element,
                        r = this.options,
                        o = l.support.isRtl(i);
                    r.scrollable === !1 && i.attr("style", "overflow:hidden;"), n = e(J.wrapper(r)), t = i.find("iframe:not(.k-content)").map(function() {
                        var e = this.getAttribute("src");
                        return this.src = "", e
                    }), n.toggleClass("k-rtl", o).appendTo(this.appendTo).append(i).find("iframe:not(.k-content)").each(function(e) {
                        this.src = t[e]
                    }), n.find(".k-window-title").css(o ? "left" : "right", n.find(".k-window-actions").outerWidth() + 10), i.css("visibility", "").show(), i.find("[data-role=editor]").each(function() {
                        var t = e(this).data("kendoEditor");
                        t && t.refresh()
                    }), n = i = null
            J = {
                wrapper: m("<div class='k-widget k-window' />"),
                action: m("<a role='button' href='\\#' class='k-window-action k-link'><span role='presentation' class='k-icon k-i-#= name.toLowerCase() #'>#= name #</span></a>"),
                titlebar: m("<div class='k-window-titlebar k-header'>&nbsp;<span class='k-window-title'>#= title #</span><div class='k-window-actions' /></div>"),
                overlay: "<div class='k-overlay' />",
                contentFrame: m("<iframe frameborder='0' title='#= title #' class='" + S + "' src='#= content.url #'>This page requires frames in order to show content</iframe>"),
                resizeHandle: m("<div class='k-resize-handle k-resize-#= data #'></div>")
        a.prototype = {
            addOverlay: function() {
            removeOverlay: function() {
            dragstart: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.owner,
                    r = i.wrapper;
                n.elementPadding = parseInt(r.css("padding-top"), 10), n.initialPosition = l.getOffset(r, "position"), n.resizeDirection = t.currentTarget.prop("className").replace("k-resize-handle k-resize-", ""), n.initialSize = {
                    width: r.width(),
                    height: r.height()
                }, n.containerOffset = l.getOffset(i.appendTo, "position"), r.children(x).not(t.currentTarget).hide(), e(v).css(M, t.currentTarget.css(M))
            drag: function(e) {
                var t, n, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.owner,
                    l = s.wrapper,
                    c = s.options,
                    d = a.resizeDirection,
                    u = a.containerOffset,
                    h = a.initialPosition,
                    p = a.initialSize,
                    f = Math.max(e.x.location, u.left),
                    g = Math.max(e.y.location, u.top);
                d.indexOf("e") >= 0 ? (t = f - h.left, l.width(i(t, c.minWidth, c.maxWidth))) : d.indexOf("w") >= 0 && (o = h.left + p.width, t = i(o - f, c.minWidth, c.maxWidth), l.css({
                    left: o - t - u.left,
                    width: t
                })), d.indexOf("s") >= 0 ? (n = g - h.top - a.elementPadding, l.height(i(n, c.minHeight, c.maxHeight))) : d.indexOf("n") >= 0 && (r = h.top + p.height, n = i(r - g, c.minHeight, c.maxHeight), l.css({
                    top: r - n - u.top,
                    height: n
                })), t && (s.options.width = t + "px"), n && (s.options.height = n + "px"), s.resize()
            dragend: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.owner,
                    r = i.wrapper;
                return r.children(x).not(t.currentTarget).show(), e(v).css(M, ""), i.touchScroller && i.touchScroller.reset(), 27 == t.keyCode && r.css(n.initialPosition).css(n.initialSize), i.trigger(N), !1
            destroy: function() {
                this._draggable && this._draggable.destroy(), this._draggable = this.owner = null
        }, s.prototype = {
            dragstart: function(t) {
                var n = this.owner,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = i.find(".k-window-actions"),
                    o = l.getOffset(n.appendTo);
                n.trigger(O), n.initialWindowPosition = l.getOffset(n.wrapper, "position"), n.startPosition = {
                    left: t.x.client - n.initialWindowPosition.left,
                    top: t.y.client - n.initialWindowPosition.top
                }, n.minLeftPosition = r.length > 0 ? r.outerWidth() + parseInt(r.css("right"), 10) - i.outerWidth() : 20 - i.outerWidth(), n.minLeftPosition -= o.left, n.minTopPosition = -o.top, n.wrapper.append(J.overlay).children(x).hide(), e(v).css(M, t.currentTarget.css(M))
            drag: function(t) {
                var n = this.owner,
                    i = n.options.position,
                    r = Math.max(t.y.client - n.startPosition.top, n.minTopPosition),
                    o = Math.max(t.x.client - n.startPosition.left, n.minLeftPosition),
                    a = {
                        left: o,
                        top: r
                e(n.wrapper).css(a), i.top = r, i.left = o
            _finishDrag: function() {
                var t = this.owner;
                t.wrapper.children(x).toggle(!t.options.isMinimized).end().find(C).remove(), e(v).css(M, "")
            dragcancel: function(e) {
                this._finishDrag(), e.currentTarget.closest(w).css(this.owner.initialWindowPosition)
            dragend: function() {
                return this._finishDrag(), this.owner.trigger(V), !1
            destroy: function() {
                this._draggable && this._draggable.destroy(), this._draggable = this.owner = null
        }, l.ui.plugin(Z)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var t, n, i = e.find(k("popover")),
                r = s.roles;
            for (t = 0, n = i.length; n > t; t++) o.initWidget(i[t], {}, r)

        function i(e) {
            o.triggeredByInput(e) || e.preventDefault()

        function r(t) {
            t.each(function() {
                o.initWidget(e(this), {}, s.roles)
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.mobile,
            s = a.ui,
            l = o.attr,
            c = s.Widget,
            d = o.ViewClone,
            u = "init",
            h = '<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 20000; display: none" />',
            p = "beforeShow",
            f = "show",
            g = "afterShow",
            m = "beforeHide",
            v = "transitionEnd",
            _ = "transitionStart",
            w = "hide",
            b = "destroy",
            y = o.attrValue,
            k = o.roleSelector,
            x = o.directiveSelector,
            C = o.compileMobileDirective,
            S = c.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    c.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this.params = {}, e.extend(this, n), this.transition = this.transition || this.defaultTransition, this._id(), this.options.$angular ? this._overlay() : (this._layout(), this._overlay(), this._scroller(), this._model())
                events: [u, p, f, g, m, w, b, _, v],
                options: {
                    name: "View",
                    title: "",
                    layout: null,
                    getLayout: e.noop,
                    reload: !1,
                    transition: "",
                    defaultTransition: "",
                    useNativeScrolling: !1,
                    stretch: !1,
                    zoom: !1,
                    model: null,
                    modelScope: window,
                    scroller: {},
                    initWidgets: !0
                enable: function(e) {
                    t === e && (e = !0), e ? this.overlay.hide() : this.overlay.show()
                destroy: function() {
                    this.layout && this.layout.detach(this), this.trigger(b), c.fn.destroy.call(this), this.scroller && this.scroller.destroy(), this.options.$angular && this.element.scope().$destroy(), o.destroy(this.element)
                purge: function() {
                    this.destroy(), this.element.remove()
                triggerBeforeShow: function() {
                    return this.trigger(p, {
                        view: this
                    }) ? !1 : !0
                triggerBeforeHide: function() {
                    return this.trigger(m, {
                        view: this
                    }) ? !1 : !0
                showStart: function() {
                    var e = this.element;
                    e.css("display", ""), this.inited ? this._invokeNgController() : (this.inited = !0, this.trigger(u, {
                        view: this
                    })), this.layout && this.layout.attach(this), this._padIfNativeScrolling(), this.trigger(f, {
                        view: this
                    }), o.resize(e)
                showEnd: function() {
                    this.trigger(g, {
                        view: this
                    }), this._padIfNativeScrolling()
                hideEnd: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.element.hide(), e.trigger(w, {
                        view: e
                    }), e.layout && e.layout.trigger(w, {
                        view: e,
                        layout: e.layout
                beforeTransition: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(_, {
                        type: e
                afterTransition: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(v, {
                        type: e
                _padIfNativeScrolling: function() {
                    if (a.appLevelNativeScrolling()) {
                        var e = o.support.mobileOS && o.support.mobileOS.android,
                            t = a.application.skin() || "",
                            n = a.application.os.android || t.indexOf("android") > -1,
                            i = "flat" === t || t.indexOf("material") > -1,
                            r = !e && !n || i ? "header" : "footer",
                            s = !e && !n || i ? "footer" : "header";
                            paddingTop: this[r].height(),
                            paddingBottom: this[s].height()
                contentElement: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.options.stretch ? e.content : e.scrollerContent
                clone: function() {
                    return new d(this)
                _scroller: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    a.appLevelNativeScrolling() || (t.options.stretch ? t.content.addClass("km-stretched-view") : (t.content.kendoMobileScroller(e.extend(t.options.scroller, {
                        zoom: t.options.zoom,
                        useNative: t.options.useNativeScrolling
                    })), t.scroller = t.content.data("kendoMobileScroller"), t.scrollerContent = t.scroller.scrollElement), o.support.kineticScrollNeeded && (e(t.element).on("touchmove", ".km-header", i), t.options.useNativeScrolling || e(t.element).on("touchmove", ".km-content", i)))
                _model: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        i = e.options.model;
                    "string" == typeof i && (i = o.getter(i)(e.options.modelScope)), e.model = i, n(t), e.element.css("display", ""), e.options.initWidgets && (i ? o.bind(t, i, s, o.ui, o.dataviz.ui) : a.init(t.children())), e.element.css("display", "none")
                _id: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = e.attr("id") || "";
                    this.id = y(e, "url") || "#" + t, "#" == this.id && (this.id = o.guid(), e.attr("id", this.id))
                _layout: function() {
                    var e = k("content"),
                        t = this.element;
                    t.addClass("km-view"), this.header = t.children(k("header")).addClass("km-header"), this.footer = t.children(k("footer")).addClass("km-footer"), t.children(e)[0] || t.wrapInner("<div " + l("role") + '="content"></div>'), this.content = t.children(k("content")).addClass("km-content"), this.element.prepend(this.header).append(this.footer), this.layout = this.options.getLayout(this.layout), this.layout && this.layout.setup(this)
                _overlay: function() {
                    this.overlay = e(h).appendTo(this.element)
                _invokeNgController: function() {
                    var t, n, i;
                    this.options.$angular && (t = this.element.controller(), n = this.element.scope(), t && (i = e.proxy(this, "_callController", t, n), /^\$(digest|apply)$/.test(n.$$phase) ? i() : n.$apply(i)))
                _callController: function(e, t) {
                    this.element.injector().invoke(e.constructor, e, {
                        $scope: t
            T = c.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    c.fn.init.call(this, e, t), e = this.element, this.header = e.children(this._locate("header")).addClass("km-header"), this.footer = e.children(this._locate("footer")).addClass("km-footer"), this.elements = this.header.add(this.footer), n(e), this.options.$angular || o.mobile.init(this.element.children()), this.element.detach(), this.trigger(u, {
                        layout: this
                _locate: function(e) {
                    return this.options.$angular ? x(e) : k(e)
                options: {
                    name: "Layout",
                    id: null,
                    platform: null
                events: [u, f, w],
                setup: function(e) {
                    e.header[0] || (e.header = this.header), e.footer[0] || (e.footer = this.footer)
                detach: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.header === t.header && t.header[0] && e.element.prepend(t.header.detach()[0].cloneNode(!0)), e.footer === t.footer && t.footer.length && e.element.append(t.footer.detach()[0].cloneNode(!0))
                attach: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.currentView;
                    n && t.detach(n), e.header === t.header && (t.header.detach(), e.element.children(k("header")).remove(), e.element.prepend(t.header)), e.footer === t.footer && (t.footer.detach(), e.element.children(k("footer")).remove(), e.element.append(t.footer)), t.trigger(f, {
                        layout: t,
                        view: e
                    }), t.currentView = e
            D = o.Observable,
            A = /<body[^>]*>(([\u000a\u000d\u2028\u2029]|.)*)<\/body>/i,
            E = "loadStart",
            I = "loadComplete",
            P = "showStart",
            M = "sameViewRequested",
            z = "viewShow",
            F = "viewTypeDetermined",
            R = "after",
            H = D.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var n, i, a, s, l = this;
                    if (D.fn.init.call(l), e.extend(l, t), l.sandbox = e("<div />"), a = l.container, n = l._hideViews(a), l.rootView = n.first(), !l.rootView[0] && t.rootNeeded) throw i = a[0] == o.mobile.application.element[0] ? 'Your kendo mobile application element does not contain any direct child elements with data-role="view" attribute set. Make sure that you instantiate the mobile application using the correct container.' : 'Your pane element does not contain any direct child elements with data-role="view" attribute set.', Error(i);
                    l.layouts = {}, l.viewContainer = new o.ViewContainer(l.container), l.viewContainer.bind("accepted", function(e) {
                        e.view.params = l.params
                    }), l.viewContainer.bind("complete", function(e) {
                        l.trigger(z, {
                            view: e.view
                    }), l.viewContainer.bind(R, function() {
                    }), this.getLayoutProxy = e.proxy(this, "_getLayout"), l._setupLayouts(a), s = a.children(l._locate("modalview drawer")), l.$angular ? (l.$angular[0].viewOptions = {
                        defaultTransition: l.transition,
                        loader: l.loader,
                        container: l.container,
                        getLayout: l.getLayoutProxy
                    }, s.each(function(n, i) {
                        C(e(i), t.$angular[0])
                    })) : r(s), this.bind(this.events, t)
                events: [P, R, z, E, I, M, F],
                destroy: function() {
                    for (var e in this.layouts) this.layouts[e].destroy()
                view: function() {
                    return this.viewContainer.view
                showView: function(e, t, n) {
                    if (e = e.replace(RegExp("^" + this.remoteViewURLPrefix), ""), "" === e && this.remoteViewURLPrefix && (e = "/"), e.replace(/^#/, "") === this.url) return this.trigger(M), !1;
                    var i = this,
                        r = function(n) {
                            return i.viewContainer.show(n, t, e)
                        a = i._findViewElement(e),
                        s = o.widgetInstance(a);
                    return i.url = e.replace(/^#/, ""), i.params = n, s && s.reload && (s.purge(), a = []), this.trigger(F, {
                        remote: 0 === a.length,
                        url: e
                    }), a[0] ? (s || (s = i._createView(a)), r(s)) : (this.serverNavigation ? location.href = e : i._loadView(e, r), !0)
                append: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, o, a = this.sandbox,
                        s = (t || "").split("?")[0],
                        c = this.container;
                    return A.test(e) && (e = RegExp.$1), a[0].innerHTML = e, c.append(a.children("script, style")), n = this._hideViews(a), o = n.first(), o.length || (n = o = a.wrapInner("<div data-role=view />").children()), s && o.hide().attr(l("url"), s), this._setupLayouts(a), i = a.children(this._locate("modalview drawer")), c.append(a.children(this._locate("layout modalview drawer")).add(n)), r(i), this._createView(o)
                _locate: function(e) {
                    return this.$angular ? x(e) : k(e)
                _findViewElement: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.split("?")[0];
                    return n ? (t = this.container.children("[" + l("url") + "='" + n + "']"), t[0] || -1 !== n.indexOf("/") || (t = this.container.children("#" === n.charAt(0) ? n : "#" + n)), t) : this.rootView
                _createView: function(e) {
                    return this.$angular ? C(e, this.$angular[0]) : o.initWidget(e, {
                        defaultTransition: this.transition,
                        loader: this.loader,
                        container: this.container,
                        getLayout: this.getLayoutProxy,
                        modelScope: this.modelScope,
                        reload: y(e, "reload")
                    }, s.roles)
                _getLayout: function(e) {
                    return "" === e ? null : e ? this.layouts[e] : this.layouts[this.layout]
                _loadView: function(t, n) {
                    this._xhr && this._xhr.abort(), this.trigger(E), this._xhr = e.get(o.absoluteURL(t, this.remoteViewURLPrefix), "html").always(e.proxy(this, "_xhrComplete", n, t))
                _xhrComplete: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = !0;
                    if ("object" == typeof n && 0 === n.status) {
                        if (!(n.responseText && n.responseText.length > 0)) return;
                        i = !0, n = n.responseText
                    this.trigger(I), i && e(this.append(n, t))
                _hideViews: function(e) {
                    return e.children(this._locate("view splitview")).hide()
                _setupLayouts: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    t.children(i._locate("layout")).each(function() {
                        n = i.$angular ? C(e(this), i.$angular[0]) : o.initWidget(e(this), {}, s.roles);
                        var t = n.options.platform;
                        t && t !== a.application.os.name ? n.destroy() : i.layouts[n.options.id] = n
        o.mobile.ViewEngine = H, s.plugin(S), s.plugin(T)
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.mobile.ui,
            i = n.Widget,
            r = e.map(t.eventMap, function(e) {
                return e
            }).join(" ").split(" "),
            o = i.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = e('<div class="km-loader"><span class="km-loading km-spin"></span><span class="km-loading-left"></span><span class="km-loading-right"></span></div>');
                    i.fn.init.call(r, o, n), r.container = t, r.captureEvents = !1, r._attachCapture(), o.append(r.options.loading).hide().appendTo(t)
                options: {
                    name: "Loader",
                    loading: "<h1>Loading...</h1>",
                    timeout: 100
                show: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    clearTimeout(e._loading), e.options.loading !== !1 && (e.captureEvents = !0, e._loading = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, e.options.timeout))
                hide: function() {
                    this.captureEvents = !1, clearTimeout(this._loading), this.element.hide()
                changeMessage: function(e) {
                    this.options.loading = e, this.element.find(">h1").html(e)
                transition: function() {
                    this.captureEvents = !0, this.container.css("pointer-events", "none")
                transitionDone: function() {
                    this.captureEvents = !1, this.container.css("pointer-events", "")
                _attachCapture: function() {
                    function e(e) {
                        n.captureEvents && e.preventDefault()
                    var t, n = this;
                    for (n.captureEvents = !1, t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n.container[0].addEventListener(r[t], e, !0)
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.mobile,
            r = n.roleSelector,
            o = i.ui,
            a = o.Widget,
            s = i.ViewEngine,
            l = o.View,
            c = i.ui.Loader,
            d = "external",
            u = "href",
            h = "#!",
            p = "navigate",
            f = "viewShow",
            g = "sameViewRequested",
            m = n.support.mobileOS,
            v = m.ios && !m.appMode && m.flatVersion >= 700,
            _ = /popover|actionsheet|modalview|drawer/,
            w = "#:back",
            b = n.attrValue,
            y = a.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var i = this;
                    a.fn.init.call(i, e, t), t = i.options, e = i.element, e.addClass("km-pane"), i.options.collapsible && e.addClass("km-collapsible-pane"), this.history = [], this.historyCallback = function(e, t, n) {
                        var r = i.transition;
                        return i.transition = null, v && n && (r = "none"), i.viewEngine.showView(e, r, t)
                    }, this._historyNavigate = function(e) {
                        if (e === w) {
                            if (1 === i.history.length) return;
                            i.history.pop(), e = i.history[i.history.length - 1]
                        } else i.history.push(e);
                        i.historyCallback(e, n.parseQueryStringParams(e))
                    }, this._historyReplace = function(e) {
                        var t = n.parseQueryStringParams(e);
                        i.history[i.history.length - 1] = e, i.historyCallback(e, t)
                    }, i.loader = new c(e, {
                        loading: i.options.loading
                    }), i.viewEngine = new s({
                        container: e,
                        transition: t.transition,
                        modelScope: t.modelScope,
                        rootNeeded: !t.initial,
                        serverNavigation: t.serverNavigation,
                        remoteViewURLPrefix: t.root || "",
                        layout: t.layout,
                        $angular: t.$angular,
                        loader: i.loader,
                        showStart: function() {
                            i.loader.transition(), i.closeActiveDialogs()
                        after: function() {
                        viewShow: function(e) {
                            i.trigger(f, e)
                        loadStart: function() {
                        loadComplete: function() {
                        sameViewRequested: function() {
                        viewTypeDetermined: function(e) {
                            e.remote && i.options.serverNavigation || i.trigger(p, {
                                url: e.url
                    }), this._setPortraitWidth(), n.onResize(function() {
                    }), i._setupAppLinks()
                closeActiveDialogs: function() {
                    var t = this.element.find(r("actionsheet popover modalview")).filter(":visible");
                    t.each(function() {
                        n.widgetInstance(e(this), o).close()
                navigateToInitial: function() {
                    var e = this.options.initial;
                    e && this.navigate(e)
                options: {
                    name: "Pane",
                    portraitWidth: "",
                    transition: "",
                    layout: "",
                    collapsible: !1,
                    initial: null,
                    modelScope: window,
                    loading: "<h1>Loading...</h1>"
                events: [p, f, g],
                append: function(e) {
                    return this.viewEngine.append(e)
                destroy: function() {
                    a.fn.destroy.call(this), this.viewEngine.destroy(), this.userEvents.destroy()
                navigate: function(e, t) {
                    e instanceof l && (e = e.id), this.transition = t, this._historyNavigate(e)
                replace: function(e, t) {
                    e instanceof l && (e = e.id), this.transition = t, this._historyReplace(e)
                bindToRouter: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        i = this.history,
                        r = this.viewEngine;
                    e.bind("init", function(t) {
                        var o, a = t.url,
                            s = e.pushState ? a : "/";
                        r.rootView.attr(n.attr("url"), s), o = i.length, "/" === a && o && (e.navigate(i[o - 1], !0), t.preventDefault())
                    }), e.bind("routeMissing", function(e) {
                        t.historyCallback(e.url, e.params, e.backButtonPressed) || e.preventDefault()
                    }), e.bind("same", function() {
                    }), t._historyNavigate = function(t) {
                    }, t._historyReplace = function(t) {
                hideLoading: function() {
                showLoading: function() {
                changeLoadingMessage: function(e) {
                view: function() {
                    return this.viewEngine.view()
                _setPortraitWidth: function() {
                    var e, t = this.options.portraitWidth;
                    t && (e = n.mobile.application.element.is(".km-vertical") ? t : "auto", this.element.css("width", e))
                _setupAppLinks: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        i = "tab",
                        o = "[data-" + n.ns + "navigate-on-press]",
                        a = e.map(["button", "backbutton", "detailbutton", "listview-link"], function(e) {
                            return r(e) + ":not(" + o + ")"
                    this.element.handler(this).on("down", r(i) + "," + o, "_mouseup").on("click", r(i) + "," + a + "," + o, "_appLinkClick"), this.userEvents = new n.UserEvents(this.element, {
                        filter: a,
                        tap: function(e) {
                            e.event.currentTarget = e.touch.currentTarget, t._mouseup(e.event)
                    }), this.element.css("-ms-touch-action", "")
                _appLinkClick: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget).attr("href"),
                        i = n && "#" !== n[0] && this.options.serverNavigation;
                    i || b(e(t.currentTarget), "rel") == d || t.preventDefault()
                _mouseup: function(r) {
                    if (!(r.which > 1 || r.isDefaultPrevented())) {
                        var a = this,
                            s = e(r.currentTarget),
                            l = b(s, "transition"),
                            c = b(s, "rel") || "",
                            p = b(s, "target"),
                            f = s.attr(u),
                            g = v && 0 === s[0].offsetHeight,
                            m = f && "#" !== f[0] && this.options.serverNavigation;
                        g || m || c === d || t === f || f === h || (s.attr(u, h), setTimeout(function() {
                            s.attr(u, f)
                        }), c.match(_) ? (n.widgetInstance(e(f), o).openFor(s), ("actionsheet" === c || "drawer" === c) && r.stopPropagation()) : ("_top" === p ? a = i.application.pane : p && (a = e("#" + p).data("kendoMobilePane")), a.navigate(f, l)), r.preventDefault())
        y.wrap = function(e) {
            e.is(r("view")) || (e = e.wrap("<div data-" + n.ns + 'role="view" data-stretch="true"></div>').parent());
            var t = e.wrap('<div class="km-pane-wrapper"><div></div></div>').parent(),
                i = new y(t);
            return i.navigate(""), i
        }, o.plugin(y)
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.mobile,
            i = n.ui,
            r = "hide",
            o = "open",
            a = "close",
            s = '<div class="km-popup-wrapper" />',
            l = '<div class="km-popup-arrow" />',
            c = '<div class="km-popup-overlay" />',
            d = "km-up km-down km-left km-right",
            u = i.Widget,
            h = {
                down: {
                    origin: "bottom center",
                    position: "top center"
                up: {
                    origin: "top center",
                    position: "bottom center"
                left: {
                    origin: "center left",
                    position: "center right",
                    collision: "fit flip"
                right: {
                    origin: "center right",
                    position: "center left",
                    collision: "fit flip"
            p = {
                animation: {
                    open: {
                        effects: "fade:in",
                        duration: 0
                    close: {
                        effects: "fade:out",
                        duration: 400
            f = {
                horizontal: {
                    offset: "top",
                    size: "height"
                vertical: {
                    offset: "left",
                    size: "width"
            g = {
                up: "down",
                down: "up",
                left: "right",
                right: "left"
            m = u.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    var o, a, d = this,
                        g = n.closest(".km-modalview-wrapper"),
                        m = n.closest(".km-root").children(".km-pane").first(),
                        v = g[0] ? g : m;
                    i.viewport ? m = i.viewport : m[0] || (m = window), i.container ? v = i.container : v[0] || (v = document.body), o = {
                        viewport: m,
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                        autosize: !0,
                        open: function() {
                        activate: e.proxy(d._activate, d),
                        deactivate: function() {
                            d.overlay.hide(), d._apiCall || d.trigger(r), d._apiCall = !1
                    }, u.fn.init.call(d, n, i), n = d.element, i = d.options, n.wrap(s).addClass("km-popup").show(), a = d.options.direction.match(/left|right/) ? "horizontal" : "vertical", d.dimensions = f[a], d.wrapper = n.parent().css({
                        width: i.width,
                        height: i.height
                    }).addClass("km-popup-wrapper km-" + i.direction).hide(), d.arrow = e(l).prependTo(d.wrapper).hide(), d.overlay = e(c).appendTo(v).hide(), o.appendTo = d.overlay, i.className && d.overlay.addClass(i.className), d.popup = new t.ui.Popup(d.wrapper, e.extend(!0, o, p, h[i.direction]))
                options: {
                    name: "Popup",
                    width: 240,
                    height: "",
                    direction: "down",
                    container: null,
                    viewport: null
                events: [r],
                show: function(t) {
                    this.popup.options.anchor = e(t), this.popup.open()
                hide: function() {
                    this._apiCall = !0, this.popup.close()
                destroy: function() {
                    u.fn.destroy.call(this), this.popup.destroy(), this.overlay.remove()
                target: function() {
                    return this.popup.options.anchor
                _activate: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.direction,
                        i = t.dimensions,
                        r = i.offset,
                        o = t.popup,
                        a = o.options.anchor,
                        s = e(a).offset(),
                        l = e(o.element).offset(),
                        c = o.flipped ? g[n] : n,
                        u = 2 * t.arrow[i.size](),
                        h = t.element[i.size]() - t.arrow[i.size](),
                        p = e(a)[i.size](),
                        f = s[r] - l[r] + p / 2;
                    u > f && (f = u), f > h && (f = h), t.wrapper.removeClass(d).addClass("km-" + c), t.arrow.css(r, f).show()
            v = u.extend({
                init: function(n, r) {
                    var o, s = this;
                    s.initialOpen = !1, u.fn.init.call(s, n, r), o = e.extend({
                        className: "km-popover-root",
                        hide: function() {
                    }, this.options.popup), s.popup = new m(s.element, o), s.popup.overlay.on("move", function(e) {
                        e.target == s.popup.overlay[0] && e.preventDefault()
                    }), s.pane = new i.Pane(s.element, e.extend(this.options.pane, {
                        $angular: this.options.$angular
                    })), s.pane.navigateToInitial(), t.notify(s, i)
                options: {
                    name: "PopOver",
                    popup: {},
                    pane: {}
                events: [o, a],
                open: function(e) {
                    this.popup.show(e), this.initialOpen ? this.pane.view()._invokeNgController() : (this.pane.navigate(""), this.popup.popup._position(), this.initialOpen = !0)
                openFor: function(e) {
                    this.open(e), this.trigger(o, {
                        target: this.popup.target()
                close: function() {
                destroy: function() {
                    u.fn.destroy.call(this), this.pane.destroy(), this.popup.destroy(), t.destroy(this.element)
        i.plugin(m), i.plugin(v)
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.mobile.ui,
            r = n.ui.Popup,
            o = '<div class="km-shim"/>',
            a = "hide",
            s = i.Widget,
            l = s.extend({
                init: function(t, i) {
                    var l = this,
                        c = n.mobile.application,
                        d = n.support.mobileOS,
                        u = c ? c.os.name : d ? d.name : "ios",
                        h = "ios" === u || "wp" === u || (c ? c.os.skin : !1),
                        p = "blackberry" === u,
                        f = i.align || (h ? "bottom center" : p ? "center right" : "center center"),
                        g = i.position || (h ? "bottom center" : p ? "center right" : "center center"),
                        m = i.effect || (h ? "slideIn:up" : p ? "slideIn:left" : "fade:in"),
                        v = e(o).handler(l).hide();
                    s.fn.init.call(l, t, i), l.shim = v, t = l.element, i = l.options, i.className && l.shim.addClass(i.className), i.modal || l.shim.on("up", "_hide"), (c ? c.element : e(document.body)).append(v), l.popup = new r(l.element, {
                        anchor: v,
                        modal: !0,
                        appendTo: v,
                        origin: f,
                        position: g,
                        animation: {
                            open: {
                                effects: m,
                                duration: i.duration
                            close: {
                                duration: i.duration
                        close: function(e) {
                            var t = !1;
                            l._apiCall || (t = l.trigger(a)), t && e.preventDefault(), l._apiCall = !1
                        deactivate: function() {
                        open: function() {
                    }), n.notify(l)
                events: [a],
                options: {
                    name: "Shim",
                    modal: !1,
                    align: t,
                    position: t,
                    effect: t,
                    duration: 200
                show: function() {
                hide: function() {
                    this._apiCall = !0, this.popup.close()
                destroy: function() {
                    s.fn.destroy.call(this), this.shim.kendoDestroy(), this.popup.destroy(), this.shim.remove()
                _hide: function(t) {
                    t && e.contains(this.shim.children().children(".k-popup")[0], t.target) || this.popup.close()
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.support,
            i = t.mobile.ui,
            r = i.Shim,
            o = i.Popup,
            a = i.Widget,
            s = "open",
            l = "close",
            c = "command",
            d = "li>a",
            u = "actionsheetContext",
            h = '<div class="km-actionsheet-wrapper" />',
            p = t.template('<li class="km-actionsheet-cancel"><a href="\\#">#:cancel#</a></li>'),
            f = a.extend({
                init: function(s, l) {
                    var c, u, f, g = this,
                        m = n.mobileOS;
                    a.fn.init.call(g, s, l), l = g.options, f = l.type, s = g.element, u = "auto" === f ? m && m.tablet : "tablet" === f, c = u ? o : r, l.cancelTemplate && (p = t.template(l.cancelTemplate)), s.addClass("km-actionsheet").append(p({
                        cancel: g.options.cancel
                    })).wrap(h).on("up", d, "_click").on("click", d, t.preventDefault), g.view().bind("destroy", function() {
                    }), g.wrapper = s.parent().addClass(f ? " km-actionsheet-" + f : ""), g.shim = new c(g.wrapper, e.extend({
                        modal: m.ios && 7 > m.majorVersion,
                        className: "km-actionsheet-root"
                    }, g.options.popup)), g._closeProxy = e.proxy(g, "_close"), g.shim.bind("hide", g._closeProxy), u && t.onResize(g._closeProxy), t.notify(g, i)
                events: [s, l, c],
                options: {
                    name: "ActionSheet",
                    cancel: "Cancel",
                    type: "auto",
                    popup: {
                        height: "auto"
                open: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    i.target = e(t), i.context = n, i.shim.show(t)
                close: function() {
                    this.context = this.target = null, this.shim.hide()
                openFor: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.data(u);
                    t.open(e, n), t.trigger(s, {
                        target: e,
                        context: n
                destroy: function() {
                    a.fn.destroy.call(this), t.unbindResize(this._closeProxy), this.shim.destroy()
                _click: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a;
                    n.isDefaultPrevented() || (i = e(n.currentTarget), r = i.data("action"), r && (o = {
                        target: this.target,
                        context: this.context
                    }, a = this.options.$angular, a ? this.element.injector().get("$parse")(r)(a[0])(o) : t.getter(r)(window)(o)), this.trigger(c, {
                        target: this.target,
                        context: this.context,
                        currentTarget: i
                    }), n.preventDefault(), this._close())
                _close: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(l) ? e.preventDefault() : this.close()
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.Widget,
            o = "horizontal",
            a = "vertical",
            s = 0,
            l = 100,
            c = 0,
            d = 5,
            u = "k-progressbar",
            h = "k-progressbar-reverse",
            p = "k-progressbar-indeterminate",
            f = "k-complete",
            g = "k-state-selected",
            m = "k-progress-status",
            v = "k-state-selected",
            _ = "k-state-default",
            w = "k-state-disabled",
            b = {
                VALUE: "value",
                PERCENT: "percent",
                CHUNK: "chunk"
            y = "change",
            k = "complete",
            x = "boolean",
            C = Math,
            S = e.extend,
            T = e.proxy,
            D = 100,
            A = 400,
            E = 3,
            I = {
                progressStatus: "<span class='k-progress-status-wrap'><span class='k-progress-status'></span></span>"
            P = r.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    r.fn.init.call(this, e, t), t = n.options, n._progressProperty = t.orientation === o ? "width" : "height", n._fields(), t.value = n._validateValue(t.value), n._validateType(t.type), n._wrapper(), n._progressAnimation(), t.value !== t.min && t.value !== !1 && n._updateProgress()
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    r.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), e.hasOwnProperty("reverse") && t.wrapper.toggleClass("k-progressbar-reverse", e.reverse), e.hasOwnProperty("enable") && t.enable(e.enable), t._progressAnimation(), t._validateValue(), t._updateProgress()
                events: [y, k],
                options: {
                    name: "ProgressBar",
                    orientation: o,
                    reverse: !1,
                    min: s,
                    max: l,
                    value: c,
                    enable: !0,
                    type: b.VALUE,
                    chunkCount: d,
                    showStatus: !0,
                    animation: {}
                _fields: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t._isStarted = !1, t.progressWrapper = t.progressStatus = e()
                _validateType: function(i) {
                    var r = !1;
                    if (e.each(b, function(e, n) {
                        return n === i ? (r = !0, !1) : t
                    }), !r) throw Error(n.format("Invalid ProgressBar type '{0}'", i))
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper = t.element,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = i.orientation;
                    n.addClass("k-widget " + u), n.addClass(u + "-" + (r === o ? o : a)), i.enable === !1 && n.addClass(w), i.reverse && n.addClass(h), i.value === !1 && n.addClass(p), i.type === b.CHUNK ? t._addChunkProgressWrapper() : i.showStatus && (t.progressStatus = t.wrapper.prepend(I.progressStatus).find("." + m), e = i.value !== !1 ? i.value : i.min, t.progressStatus.text(i.type === b.VALUE ? e : t._calculatePercentage(e).toFixed() + "%"))
                value: function(e) {
                    return this._value(e)
                _value: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options;
                    return e === t ? r.value : (typeof e !== x ? (e = i._roundValue(e), isNaN(e) || (n = i._validateValue(e), n !== r.value && (i.wrapper.removeClass(p), r.value = n, i._isStarted = !0, i._updateProgress()))) : e || (i.wrapper.addClass(p), r.value = !1), t)
                _roundValue: function(e) {
                    e = parseFloat(e);
                    var t = C.pow(10, E);
                    return C.floor(e * t) / t
                _validateValue: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options;
                    if (e !== !1) {
                        if (n.min >= e || e === !0) return n.min;
                        if (e >= n.max) return n.max
                    } else if (e === !1) return !1;
                    return isNaN(t._roundValue(e)) ? n.min : e
                _updateProgress: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e._calculatePercentage();
                    t.type === b.CHUNK ? (e._updateChunks(n), e._onProgressUpdateAlways(t.value)) : e._updateProgressWrapper(n)
                _updateChunks: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.chunkCount,
                        s = parseInt(D / r * 100, 10) / 100,
                        l = parseInt(100 * e, 10) / 100,
                        c = C.floor(l / s);
                    t = n.wrapper.find(i.orientation === o && !i.reverse || i.orientation === a && i.reverse ? "li.k-item:lt(" + c + ")" : "li.k-item:gt(-" + (c + 1) + ")"), n.wrapper.find("." + v).removeClass(v).addClass(_), t.removeClass(_).addClass(v)
                _updateProgressWrapper: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.wrapper.find("." + g),
                        r = t._isStarted ? t._animation.duration : 0,
                        o = {};
                    0 === i.length && t._addRegularProgressWrapper(), o[t._progressProperty] = e + "%", t.progressWrapper.animate(o, {
                        duration: r,
                        start: T(t._onProgressAnimateStart, t),
                        progress: T(t._onProgressAnimate, t),
                        complete: T(t._onProgressAnimateComplete, t, n.value),
                        always: T(t._onProgressUpdateAlways, t, n.value)
                _onProgressAnimateStart: function() {
                _onProgressAnimate: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = parseFloat(e.elem.style[n._progressProperty], 10);
                    i.showStatus && (t = 1e4 / parseFloat(n.progressWrapper[0].style[n._progressProperty]), n.progressWrapper.find(".k-progress-status-wrap").css(n._progressProperty, t + "%")), i.type !== b.CHUNK && 98 >= r && n.progressWrapper.removeClass(f)
                _onProgressAnimateComplete: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = parseFloat(n.progressWrapper[0].style[n._progressProperty]);
                    i.type !== b.CHUNK && r > 98 && n.progressWrapper.addClass(f), i.showStatus && (t = i.type === b.VALUE ? e : i.type == b.PERCENT ? n._calculatePercentage(e).toFixed() + "%" : C.floor(n._calculatePercentage(e)) + "%", n.progressStatus.text(t)), e === i.min && n.progressWrapper.hide()
                _onProgressUpdateAlways: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options;
                    t._isStarted && t.trigger(y, {
                        value: e
                    }), e === n.max && t._isStarted && t.trigger(k, {
                        value: n.max
                enable: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options;
                    i.enable = t === e ? !0 : e, n.wrapper.toggleClass(w, !i.enable)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                _addChunkProgressWrapper: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.wrapper,
                        r = D / n.chunkCount,
                        o = "";
                    for (1 >= n.chunkCount && (n.chunkCount = d), o += "<ul class='k-reset'>", e = n.chunkCount - 1; e >= 0; e--) o += "<li class='k-item k-state-default'></li>";
                    o += "</ul>", i.append(o).find(".k-item").css(t._progressProperty, r + "%").first().addClass("k-first").end().last().addClass("k-last"), t._normalizeChunkSize()
                _normalizeChunkSize: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e.wrapper.find(".k-item:last"),
                        i = parseFloat(n[0].style[e._progressProperty]),
                        r = D - t.chunkCount * i;
                    r > 0 && n.css(e._progressProperty, i + r + "%")
                _addRegularProgressWrapper: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.progressWrapper = e("<div class='" + g + "'></div>").appendTo(t.wrapper), t.options.showStatus && (t.progressWrapper.append(I.progressStatus), t.progressStatus = t.wrapper.find("." + m))
                _calculateChunkSize: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options.chunkCount,
                        n = e.wrapper.find("ul.k-reset");
                    return (parseInt(n.css(e._progressProperty), 10) - (t - 1)) / t
                _calculatePercentage: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = e !== t ? e : i.value,
                        o = i.min,
                        a = i.max;
                    return n._onePercent = C.abs((a - o) / 100), C.abs((r - o) / n._onePercent)
                _progressAnimation: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = t.animation;
                    e._animation = n === !1 ? {
                        duration: 0
                    } : S({
                        duration: A
                    }, t.animation)
    function(e, t, n) {
        "use strict";

        function i() {
            function e() {
                var t, r, o;
                for (t = 0; arguments.length > t; ++t) {
                    if (r = arguments[t], r === n) throw Error("Cannot output undefined to PDF");
                    if (r instanceof y) r.beforeRender(e), r.render(e);
                    else if (V(r)) g(r, e);
                    else if (f(r)) m(r, e);
                    else if ("number" == typeof r) {
                        if (isNaN(r)) throw Error("Cannot output NaN to PDF");
                        o = r.toFixed(7), o.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (o = o.replace(/\.?0+$/, "")), "-0" == o && (o = "0"), i.writeString(o)
                    } else /string|boolean/.test(typeof r) ? i.writeString(r + "") : "function" == typeof r.get ? i.write(r.get()) : "object" == typeof r && (r ? e(new q(r)) : i.writeString("null"))
            var t = 0,
                i = z();
            return e.writeData = function(e) {
            }, e.withIndent = function(n) {
                ++t, n(e), --t
            }, e.indent = function() {
                e(it, u("", 2 * t, "  ")), e.apply(null, arguments)
            }, e.offset = function() {
                return i.offset()
            }, e.toString = function() {
                throw Error("FIX CALLER")
            }, e.get = function() {
                return i.get()
            }, e.stream = function() {
                return i
            }, e

        function r(e, t) {
            var n = e.beforeRender,
                i = e.render;
            e.beforeRender = function() {}, e.render = function(e) {
                e(t, " 0 R")
            }, e.renderFull = function(r) {
                e._offset = r.offset(), r(t, " 0 obj "), n.call(e, r), i.call(e, r), r(" endobj")

        function o(e) {
            var t, n = e("paperSize", at.a4);
            if (!n) return {};
            if ("string" == typeof n && (n = at[n.toLowerCase()], null == n)) throw Error("Unknown paper size");
            return n[0] = b(n[0]), n[1] = b(n[1]), e("landscape", !1) && (n = [Math.max(n[0], n[1]), Math.min(n[0], n[1])]), t = e("margin"), t && ("string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t ? (t = b(t, 0), t = {
                left: t,
                top: t,
                right: t,
                bottom: t
            }) : t = {
                left: b(t.left, 0),
                top: b(t.top, 0),
                right: b(t.right, 0),
                bottom: b(t.bottom, 0)
            }, e("addMargin") && (n[0] += t.left + t.right, n[1] += t.top + t.bottom)), {
                paperSize: n,
                margin: t

        function a(e) {
            function t(t, n) {
                return e && null != e[t] ? e[t] : n
            var n, a, s = this,
                l = i(),
                c = 0,
                d = [];
            s.getOption = t, s.attach = function(e) {
                return d.indexOf(e) < 0 && (r(e, ++c), d.push(e)), e
            }, s.pages = [], s.FONTS = {}, s.IMAGES = {}, s.GRAD_COL_FUNCTIONS = {}, s.GRAD_OPC_FUNCTIONS = {}, s.GRAD_COL = {}, s.GRAD_OPC = {}, n = s.attach(new Y), a = s.attach(new Q), n.setPages(a), s.addPage = function(e) {
                var t, n, r, l = o(function(t, n) {
                        return e && null != e[t] ? e[t] : n
                    c = l.paperSize,
                    d = l.margin,
                    u = c[0],
                    h = c[1];
                return d && (u -= d.left + d.right, h -= d.top + d.bottom), t = new $(i(), null, !0), n = {
                    Contents: s.attach(t),
                    Parent: a,
                    MediaBox: [0, 0, c[0], c[1]]
                }, r = new J(s, n), r._content = t, a.addPage(s.attach(r)), r.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, c[1]), d && (r.translate(d.left, d.top), r.rect(0, 0, u, h), r.clip()), s.pages.push(r), r
            }, s.render = function() {
                var e, i;
                for (l("%PDF-1.4", it, "%ÂÁÚÏÎ", it, it), e = 0; d.length > e; ++e) d[e].renderFull(l), l(it, it);
                for (i = l.offset(), l("xref", it, 0, " ", d.length + 1, it), l("0000000000 65535 f ", it), e = 0; d.length > e; ++e) l(h(d[e]._offset, 10), " 00000 n ", it);
                return l(it), l("trailer", it), l(new q({
                    Size: d.length + 1,
                    Root: n,
                    Info: new q({
                        Producer: new U(t("producer", "Kendo UI PDF Generator")),
                        Title: new U(t("title", "")),
                        Author: new U(t("author", "")),
                        Subject: new U(t("subject", "")),
                        Keywords: new U(t("keywords", "")),
                        Creator: new U(t("creator", "Kendo UI PDF Generator")),
                        CreationDate: t("date", new Date)
                }), it, it), l("startxref", it, i, it), l("%%EOF", it), l.stream().offset(0)

        function s(t, n) {
            function i() {
                e.console && (e.console.error ? e.console.error("Cannot load URL: %s", t) : e.console.log("Cannot load URL: %s", t)), n(null)
            var r = new XMLHttpRequest;
            r.open("GET", t, !0), nt && (r.responseType = "arraybuffer"), r.onload = function() {
                200 == r.status || 304 == r.status ? n(nt ? new Uint8Array(r.response) : new VBArray(r.responseBody).toArray()) : i()
            }, r.onerror = i, r.send(null)

        function l(e, t) {
            var n = st[e];
            n ? t(n) : s(e, function(n) {
                if (null == n) throw Error("Cannot load font from " + e);
                var i = new tt.pdf.TTFFont(n);
                st[e] = i, t(i)

        function c(e, t) {
            function i(e) {
                c.src = e, c.complete && !tt.support.browser.msie ? o() : (c.onload = o, c.onerror = r)

            function r() {
                t(lt[e] = "TAINTED")

            function o() {
                var i, o, l, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _;
                if (s && /^image\/jpe?g$/i.test(s.type)) return i = new FileReader, i.onload = function() {
                    c = new C(c.width, c.height, z(new Uint8Array(this.result))), URL.revokeObjectURL(a), t(lt[e] = c)
                }, i.readAsArrayBuffer(s), n;
                o = document.createElement("canvas"), o.width = c.width, o.height = c.height, l = o.getContext("2d"), l.drawImage(c, 0, 0);
                try {
                    d = l.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
                } catch (w) {
                    return r()
                } finally {
                    a && URL.revokeObjectURL(a)
                for (u = !1, h = z(), p = z(), f = d.data, g = 0; f.length > g;) h.writeByte(f[g++]), h.writeByte(f[g++]), h.writeByte(f[g++]), m = f[g++], 255 > m && (u = !0), p.writeByte(m);
                u ? c = new S(c.width, c.height, h, p) : (v = o.toDataURL("image/jpeg"), v = v.substr(v.indexOf(";base64,") + 8), _ = z(), _.writeBase64(v), _.offset(0), c = new C(c.width, c.height, _)), t(lt[e] = c)
            var a, s, l, c = lt[e];
            c ? t(c) : (c = new Image, /^data:/i.test(e) || (c.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"), nt && !/^data:/i.test(e) ? (l = new XMLHttpRequest, l.onload = function() {
                s = l.response, a = URL.createObjectURL(s), i(a)
            }, l.onerror = r, l.open("GET", e, !0), l.responseType = "blob", l.send()) : i(e))

        function d(e) {
            return function(t, n) {
                var i = t.length,
                    r = i;
                if (0 === i) return n();
                for (; r-- > 0;) e(t[r], function() {
                    0 === --i && n()

        function u(e, t, n) {
            for (; t > e.length;) e = n + e;
            return e

        function h(e, t) {
            return u(e + "", t, "0")

        function p(e, t) {
            return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)

        function f(e) {
            return e instanceof Date

        function g(e, t) {
            t("["), e.length > 0 && t.withIndent(function() {
                for (var n = 0; e.length > n; ++n) n > 0 && n % 8 === 0 ? t.indent(e[n]) : t(" ", e[n])
            }), t(" ]")

        function m(e, t) {
            t("(D:", h(e.getUTCFullYear(), 4), h(e.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2), h(e.getUTCDate(), 2), h(e.getUTCHours(), 2), h(e.getUTCMinutes(), 2), h(e.getUTCSeconds(), 2), "Z)")

        function v(e) {
            return e * (72 / 25.4)

        function _(e) {
            return v(10 * e)

        function w(e) {
            return 72 * e

        function b(e, n) {
            var i, r;
            if ("number" == typeof e) return e;
            if ("string" == typeof e && (i = /^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(mm|cm|in|pt)\s*$/.exec(e), i && (r = t(i[1]), !isNaN(r)))) return "pt" == i[2] ? r : {
                mm: v,
                cm: _,
                "in": w
            if (null != n) return n;
            throw Error("Can't parse unit: " + e)

        function y() {}

        function k(e, t, n) {
            n || (n = y), e.prototype = new n;
            for (var i in t) p(t, i) && (e.prototype[i] = t[i]);
            return e

        function x(e) {
            return p(G, e) ? G[e] : G[e] = new j(e)

        function C(e, t, n) {
            this.asStream = function() {
                var i = new $(n, {
                    Type: x("XObject"),
                    Subtype: x("Image"),
                    Width: e,
                    Height: t,
                    BitsPerComponent: 8,
                    ColorSpace: x("DeviceRGB"),
                    Filter: x("DCTDecode")
                return i._resourceName = x("I" + ++rt), i

        function S(e, t, n, i) {
            this.asStream = function(r) {
                var o = new $(i, {
                        Type: x("XObject"),
                        Subtype: x("Image"),
                        Width: e,
                        Height: t,
                        BitsPerComponent: 8,
                        ColorSpace: x("DeviceGray")
                    }, !0),
                    a = new $(n, {
                        Type: x("XObject"),
                        Subtype: x("Image"),
                        Width: e,
                        Height: t,
                        BitsPerComponent: 8,
                        ColorSpace: x("DeviceRGB"),
                        SMask: r.attach(o)
                    }, !0);
                return a._resourceName = x("I" + ++rt), a

        function T(e) {
            return e.map(function(e) {
                return V(e) ? T(e) : "number" == typeof e ? (Math.round(1e3 * e) / 1e3).toFixed(3) : e
            }).join(" ")

        function D(e, t, n, i, r, o, a) {
            var s = T([t, n, i, r, o, a]),
                l = e.GRAD_COL_FUNCTIONS[s];
            return l || (l = e.GRAD_COL_FUNCTIONS[s] = e.attach(new q({
                FunctionType: 2,
                Domain: [0, 1],
                Range: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
                N: 1,
                C0: [t, n, i],
                C1: [r, o, a]
            }))), l

        function A(e, t, n) {
            var i = T([t, n]),
                r = e.GRAD_OPC_FUNCTIONS[i];
            return r || (r = e.GRAD_OPC_FUNCTIONS[i] = e.attach(new q({
                FunctionType: 2,
                Domain: [0, 1],
                Range: [0, 1],
                N: 1,
                C0: [t],
                C1: [n]
            }))), r

        function E(e, t) {
            function n(e) {
                return 1 == e.length ? e[0] : {
                    FunctionType: 3,
                    Functions: e,
                    Domain: [0, 1],
                    Bounds: u,
                    Encode: h
            var i, r, o, a, s, l = !1,
                c = [],
                d = [],
                u = [],
                h = [];
            for (i = 1; t.length > i; ++i) r = t[i - 1], o = t[i], a = r.color, s = o.color, d.push(D(e, a.r, a.g, a.b, s.r, s.g, s.b)), (1 > a.a || 1 > s.a) && (l = !0), u.push(o.offset), h.push(0, 1);
            if (l)
                for (i = 1; t.length > i; ++i) r = t[i - 1], o = t[i], a = r.color, s = o.color, c.push(A(e, a.a, s.a));
            return u.pop(), {
                hasAlpha: l,
                colors: n(d),
                opacities: l ? n(c) : null

        function I(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l;
            return o || (l = [t].concat(i), n.forEach(function(e) {
                l.push(e.offset, e.color.r, e.color.g, e.color.b)
            }), s = T(l), a = e.GRAD_COL[s]), a || (a = new q({
                Type: x("Shading"),
                ShadingType: t ? 3 : 2,
                ColorSpace: x("DeviceRGB"),
                Coords: i,
                Domain: [0, 1],
                Function: r,
                Extend: [!0, !0]
            }), e.attach(a), a._resourceName = "S" + ++rt, s && (e.GRAD_COL[s] = a)), a

        function P(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l;
            return o || (l = [t].concat(i), n.forEach(function(e) {
                l.push(e.offset, e.color.a)
            }), s = T(l), a = e.GRAD_OPC[s]), a || (a = new q({
                Type: x("ExtGState"),
                AIS: !1,
                CA: 1,
                ca: 1,
                SMask: {
                    Type: x("Mask"),
                    S: x("Luminosity"),
                    G: e.attach(new $("/a0 gs /s0 sh", {
                        Type: x("XObject"),
                        Subtype: x("Form"),
                        FormType: 1,
                        BBox: o ? [o.left, o.top + o.height, o.left + o.width, o.top] : [0, 1, 1, 0],
                        Group: {
                            Type: x("Group"),
                            S: x("Transparency"),
                            CS: x("DeviceGray"),
                            I: !0
                        Resources: {
                            ExtGState: {
                                a0: {
                                    CA: 1,
                                    ca: 1
                            Shading: {
                                s0: {
                                    ColorSpace: x("DeviceGray"),
                                    Coords: i,
                                    Domain: [0, 1],
                                    ShadingType: t ? 3 : 2,
                                    Function: r,
                                    Extend: [!0, !0]
            }), e.attach(a), a._resourceName = "O" + ++rt, s && (e.GRAD_OPC[s] = a)), a

        function M(e, t, n) {
            var i = "radial" == t.type,
                r = E(e, t.stops),
                o = i ? [t.start.x, t.start.y, t.start.r, t.end.x, t.end.y, t.end.r] : [t.start.x, t.start.y, t.end.x, t.end.y],
                a = I(e, i, t.stops, o, r.colors, t.userSpace && n),
                s = r.hasAlpha ? P(e, i, t.stops, o, r.opacities, t.userSpace && n) : null;
            return {
                hasAlpha: r.hasAlpha,
                shading: a,
                opacity: s

        function z(t) {
            function n() {
                return T >= D

            function i() {
                return D > T ? t[T++] : 0

            function r(e) {
                y(T), t[T++] = 255 & e, T > D && (D = T)

            function o() {
                return i() << 8 | i()

            function a(e) {
                r(e >> 8), r(e)

            function s() {
                var e = o();
                return e >= 32768 ? e - 65536 : e

            function l(e) {
                a(0 > e ? e + 65536 : e)

            function c() {
                return 65536 * o() + o()

            function d(e) {
                a(e >>> 16 & 65535), a(65535 & e)

            function u() {
                var e = c();
                return e >= 2147483648 ? e - 4294967296 : e

            function h(e) {
                d(0 > e ? e + 4294967296 : e)

            function p() {
                return c() / 65536

            function f(e) {
                d(Math.round(65536 * e))

            function g() {
                return u() / 65536

            function m(e) {
                h(Math.round(65536 * e))

            function v(e) {
                return b(e, i)

            function _(e) {
                return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, v(e))

            function w(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) r(e.charCodeAt(t))

            function b(e, t) {
                for (var n = Array(e), i = 0; e > i; ++i) n[i] = t();
                return n
            var y, k, x, C, S, T = 0,
                D = 0;
            return null == t ? t = nt ? new Uint8Array(256) : [] : D = t.length, y = nt ? function(e) {
                if (e >= t.length) {
                    var n = new Uint8Array(Math.max(e + 256, 2 * t.length));
                    n.set(t, 0), t = n
            } : function() {}, k = nt ? function() {
                return new Uint8Array(t.buffer, 0, D)
            } : function() {
                return t
            }, x = nt ? function(e) {
                if ("string" == typeof e) return w(e);
                var n = e.length;
                y(T + n), t.set(e, T), T += n, T > D && (D = T)
            } : function(e) {
                if ("string" == typeof e) return w(e);
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) r(e[t])
            }, C = nt ? function(e, n) {
                if (t.buffer.slice) return new Uint8Array(t.buffer.slice(e, e + n));
                var i = new Uint8Array(n);
                return i.set(new Uint8Array(t.buffer, e, n)), i
            } : function(e, n) {
                return t.slice(e, e + n)
            }, S = {
                eof: n,
                readByte: i,
                writeByte: r,
                readShort: o,
                writeShort: a,
                readLong: c,
                writeLong: d,
                readFixed: p,
                writeFixed: f,
                readShort_: s,
                writeShort_: l,
                readLong_: u,
                writeLong_: h,
                readFixed_: g,
                writeFixed_: m,
                read: v,
                write: x,
                readString: _,
                writeString: w,
                times: b,
                get: k,
                slice: C,
                offset: function(e) {
                    return null != e ? (T = e, S) : T
                skip: function(e) {
                    T += e
                toString: function() {
                    throw Error("FIX CALLER.  BinaryStream is no longer convertible to string!")
                length: function() {
                    return D
                saveExcursion: function(e) {
                    var t = T;
                    try {
                        return e()
                    } finally {
                        T = t
                writeBase64: function(t) {
                    e.atob ? w(e.atob(t)) : x(ot.decode(t))
                base64: function() {
                    return ot.encode(k())

        function F(e) {
            return e.replace(/^\s*(['"])(.*)\1\s*$/, "$2")

        function R(e) {
            var t, n = /^\s*((normal|italic)\s+)?((normal|small-caps)\s+)?((normal|bold|\d+)\s+)?(([0-9.]+)(px|pt))(\/(([0-9.]+)(px|pt)|normal))?\s+(.*?)\s*$/i,
                i = n.exec(e);
            return i ? (t = i[8] ? parseInt(i[8], 10) : 12, {
                italic: i[2] && "italic" == i[2].toLowerCase(),
                variant: i[4],
                bold: i[6] && /bold|700/i.test(i[6]),
                fontSize: t,
                lineHeight: i[12] ? "normal" == i[12] ? t : parseInt(i[12], 10) : null,
                fontFamily: i[14].split(/\s*,\s*/g).map(F)
            }) : {
                fontSize: 12,
                fontFamily: "sans-serif"

        function H(e) {
            function t(t) {
                return e.bold && (t += "|bold"), e.italic && (t += "|italic"), t.toLowerCase()
            var n, i, r, o = e.fontFamily;
            if (o instanceof Array)
                for (r = 0; o.length > r && (n = t(o[r]), !(i = et[n])); ++r);
            else i = et[o.toLowerCase()];
            for (;
                "function" == typeof i;) i = i();
            return i || (i = "Times-Roman"), i

        function B(e, t) {
            e = e.toLowerCase(), et[e] = function() {
                return et[t]
            }, et[e + "|bold"] = function() {
                return et[t + "|bold"]
            }, et[e + "|italic"] = function() {
                return et[t + "|italic"]
            }, et[e + "|bold|italic"] = function() {
                return et[t + "|bold|italic"]

        function L(e, t) {
            if (1 == arguments.length)
                for (var n in e) p(e, n) && L(n, e[n]);
            else switch (e = e.toLowerCase(), et[e] = t, e) {
                case "dejavu sans":
                    et["sans-serif"] = t;
                case "dejavu sans|bold":
                    et["sans-serif|bold"] = t;
                case "dejavu sans|italic":
                    et["sans-serif|italic"] = t;
                case "dejavu sans|bold|italic":
                    et["sans-serif|bold|italic"] = t;
                case "dejavu serif":
                    et.serif = t;
                case "dejavu serif|bold":
                    et["serif|bold"] = t;
                case "dejavu serif|italic":
                    et["serif|italic"] = t;
                case "dejavu serif|bold|italic":
                    et["serif|bold|italic"] = t;
                case "dejavu mono":
                    et.monospace = t;
                case "dejavu mono|bold":
                    et["monospace|bold"] = t;
                case "dejavu mono|italic":
                    et["monospace|italic"] = t;
                case "dejavu mono|bold|italic":
                    et["monospace|bold|italic"] = t

        function N(e, t) {
            var n = e[0],
                i = e[1],
                r = e[2],
                o = e[3],
                a = e[4],
                s = e[5],
                l = t[0],
                c = t[1],
                d = t[2],
                u = t[3],
                h = t[4],
                p = t[5];
            return [n * l + i * d, n * c + i * u, r * l + o * d, r * c + o * u, a * l + s * d + h, a * c + s * u + p]

        function O(e) {
            return 1 === e[0] && 0 === e[1] && 0 === e[2] && 1 === e[3] && 0 === e[4] && 0 === e[5]
        var V, U, W, j, G, q, $, Y, Q, K, X, Z, J, et, tt = e.kendo,
            nt = !!e.Uint8Array,
            it = "\n",
            rt = 0,
            ot = function() {
                var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
                return {
                    decode: function(t) {
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                        return h
                    encode: function(t) {
                        for (var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = 0, d = t.length, u = ""; d > c;) n = t[c++], i = t[c++], r = t[c++], o = n >>> 2, a = (3 & n) << 4 | i >>> 4, s = (15 & i) << 2 | r >>> 6, l = 63 & r, c - d == 2 ? s = l = 64 : c - d == 1 && (l = 64), u += e.charAt(o) + e.charAt(a) + e.charAt(s) + e.charAt(l);
                        return u
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                    return e + t

                function o(e) {
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                var a = .5522847498307936;
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    function(e) {
        "use strict";

        function t(e, t) {
            return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)

        function n(e) {
            return Object.keys(e).sort(function(e, t) {
                return e - t

        function i(e) {
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                offset: e.readLong(),
                length: e.readLong()
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                        s.offset(o), a.parse()
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            render: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = Object.keys(e).length,
                    u = Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(d) / Math.LN2)),
                    h = 16 * u,
                    p = Math.floor(Math.log(u) / Math.LN2),
                    f = 16 * d - h,
                    g = b();
                g.writeLong(this.scalerType), g.writeShort(d), g.writeShort(h), g.writeShort(p), g.writeShort(f), n = 16 * d, i = g.offset() + n, r = null, o = b();
                for (a in e)
                    if (t(e, a))
                        for (s = e[a], g.writeString(a), g.writeLong(this.checksum(s)), g.writeLong(i), g.writeLong(s.length), o.write(s), "head" == a && (r = i), i += s.length; i % 4;) o.writeByte(0), i++;
                return g.write(o.get()), l = this.checksum(g.get()), c = 2981146554 - l, g.offset(r + 8), g.writeLong(c), g.get()
            checksum: function(e) {
                e = b(e);
                for (var t = 0; !e.eof();) t += e.readLong();
                return 4294967295 & t
        }, l = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                e.offset(this.offset), this.version = e.readLong(), this.revision = e.readLong(), this.checkSumAdjustment = e.readLong(), this.magicNumber = e.readLong(), this.flags = e.readShort(), this.unitsPerEm = e.readShort(), this.created = e.read(8), this.modified = e.read(8), this.xMin = e.readShort_(), this.yMin = e.readShort_(), this.xMax = e.readShort_(), this.yMax = e.readShort_(), this.macStyle = e.readShort(), this.lowestRecPPEM = e.readShort(), this.fontDirectionHint = e.readShort_(), this.indexToLocFormat = e.readShort_(), this.glyphDataFormat = e.readShort_()
            render: function(e) {
                var t = b();
                return t.writeLong(this.version), t.writeLong(this.revision), t.writeLong(0), t.writeLong(this.magicNumber), t.writeShort(this.flags), t.writeShort(this.unitsPerEm), t.write(this.created), t.write(this.modified), t.writeShort_(this.xMin), t.writeShort_(this.yMin), t.writeShort_(this.xMax), t.writeShort_(this.yMax), t.writeShort(this.macStyle), t.writeShort(this.lowestRecPPEM), t.writeShort_(this.fontDirectionHint), t.writeShort_(e), t.writeShort_(this.glyphDataFormat), t.get()
        }), c = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                var t = this.file.head.indexToLocFormat;
                this.offsets = 0 === t ? e.times(this.length / 2, function() {
                    return 2 * e.readShort()
                }) : e.times(this.length / 4, e.readLong)
            offsetOf: function(e) {
                return this.offsets[e]
            lengthOf: function(e) {
                return this.offsets[e + 1] - this.offsets[e]
            render: function(e) {
                var t, n = b(),
                    i = e[e.length - 1] > 65535;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) i ? n.writeLong(e[t]) : n.writeShort(e[t] / 2);
                return {
                    format: i ? 1 : 0,
                    table: n.get()
        }), d = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                e.offset(this.offset), this.version = e.readLong(), this.ascent = e.readShort_(), this.descent = e.readShort_(), this.lineGap = e.readShort_(), this.advanceWidthMax = e.readShort(), this.minLeftSideBearing = e.readShort_(), this.minRightSideBearing = e.readShort_(), this.xMaxExtent = e.readShort_(), this.caretSlopeRise = e.readShort_(), this.caretSlopeRun = e.readShort_(), this.caretOffset = e.readShort_(), e.skip(8), this.metricDataFormat = e.readShort_(), this.numOfLongHorMetrics = e.readShort()
            render: function(e) {
                var t = b();
                return t.writeLong(this.version), t.writeShort_(this.ascent), t.writeShort_(this.descent), t.writeShort_(this.lineGap), t.writeShort(this.advanceWidthMax), t.writeShort_(this.minLeftSideBearing), t.writeShort_(this.minRightSideBearing), t.writeShort_(this.xMaxExtent), t.writeShort_(this.caretSlopeRise), t.writeShort_(this.caretSlopeRun), t.writeShort_(this.caretOffset), t.write([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), t.writeShort_(this.metricDataFormat), t.writeShort(e.length), t.get()
        }), u = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                e.offset(this.offset), this.version = e.readLong(), this.numGlyphs = e.readShort(), this.maxPoints = e.readShort(), this.maxContours = e.readShort(), this.maxComponentPoints = e.readShort(), this.maxComponentContours = e.readShort(), this.maxZones = e.readShort(), this.maxTwilightPoints = e.readShort(), this.maxStorage = e.readShort(), this.maxFunctionDefs = e.readShort(), this.maxInstructionDefs = e.readShort(), this.maxStackElements = e.readShort(), this.maxSizeOfInstructions = e.readShort(), this.maxComponentElements = e.readShort(), this.maxComponentDepth = e.readShort()
            render: function(e) {
                var t = b();
                return t.writeLong(this.version), t.writeShort(e.length), t.writeShort(this.maxPoints), t.writeShort(this.maxContours), t.writeShort(this.maxComponentPoints), t.writeShort(this.maxComponentContours), t.writeShort(this.maxZones), t.writeShort(this.maxTwilightPoints), t.writeShort(this.maxStorage), t.writeShort(this.maxFunctionDefs), t.writeShort(this.maxInstructionDefs), t.writeShort(this.maxStackElements), t.writeShort(this.maxSizeOfInstructions), t.writeShort(this.maxComponentElements), t.writeShort(this.maxComponentDepth), t.get()
        }), h = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                e.offset(this.offset), t = this.file, n = t.hhea, this.metrics = e.times(n.numOfLongHorMetrics, function() {
                    return {
                        advance: e.readShort(),
                        lsb: e.readShort_()
                }), i = t.maxp.numGlyphs - t.hhea.numOfLongHorMetrics, this.leftSideBearings = e.times(i, e.readShort_)
            forGlyph: function(e) {
                var t = this.metrics,
                    n = t.length;
                return n > e ? t[e] : {
                    advance: t[n - 1].advance,
                    lsb: this.leftSideBearings[e - n]
            render: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = b();
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) n = this.forGlyph(e[t]), i.writeShort(n.advance), i.writeShort_(n.lsb);
                return i.get()
        }), p = function() {
            function e(e) {
                this.raw = e

            function n(e) {
                var t, n, r;
                for (this.raw = e, t = this.glyphIds = [], n = this.idOffsets = [];;) {
                    if (r = e.readShort(), n.push(e.offset()), t.push(e.readShort()), !(r & a)) break;
                    e.skip(r & i ? 4 : 2), r & l ? e.skip(8) : r & s ? e.skip(4) : r & o && e.skip(2)
            var i, o, a, s, l, c;
            return e.prototype = {
                compound: !1,
                render: function() {
                    return this.raw.get()
            }, i = 1, o = 8, a = 32, s = 64, l = 128, c = 256, n.prototype = {
                compound: !0,
                render: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = b(this.raw.get());
                    for (t = 0; this.glyphIds.length > t; ++t) n = this.glyphIds[t], i.offset(this.idOffsets[t]), i.writeShort(e[n]);
                    return i.get()
            }, r({
                parse: function() {
                    this.cache = {}
                glyphFor: function(i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g = this.cache;
                    return t(g, i) ? g[i] : (r = this.file.loca, o = r.lengthOf(i), 0 === o ? g[i] = null : (a = this.rawData, s = this.offset + r.offsetOf(i), l = b(a.slice(s, o)), c = l.readShort_(), d = l.readShort_(), u = l.readShort_(), h = l.readShort_(), p = l.readShort_(), f = g[i] = -1 == c ? new n(l) : new e(l), f.numberOfContours = c, f.xMin = d, f.yMin = u, f.xMax = h, f.yMax = p, f))
                render: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = b(),
                        s = [];
                    for (i = 0; t.length > i; ++i) r = t[i], o = e[r], s.push(a.offset()), o && a.write(o.render(n));
                    return s.push(a.offset()), {
                        table: a.get(),
                        offsets: s
        }(), f = function() {
            function e(e, t) {
                this.text = e, this.length = e.length, this.platformID = t.platformID, this.platformSpecificID = t.platformSpecificID, this.languageID = t.languageID, this.nameID = t.nameID
            return r({
                parse: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    for (t.offset(this.offset), n = t.readShort(), i = t.readShort(), r = this.offset + t.readShort(), o = t.times(i, function() {
                        return {
                            platformID: t.readShort(),
                            platformSpecificID: t.readShort(),
                            languageID: t.readShort(),
                            nameID: t.readShort(),
                            length: t.readShort(),
                            offset: t.readShort() + r
                    }), a = this.strings = {}, s = 0; o.length > s; ++s) l = o[s], t.offset(l.offset), c = t.readString(l.length), a[l.nameID] || (a[l.nameID] = []), a[l.nameID].push(new e(c, l));
                    this.postscriptEntry = a[6][0], this.postscriptName = this.postscriptEntry.text.replace(/[^\x20-\x7F]/g, "")
                render: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this.strings,
                        d = 0;
                    for (i in c) t(c, i) && (d += c[i].length);
                    r = b(), o = b(), r.writeShort(0), r.writeShort(d), r.writeShort(6 + 12 * d);
                    for (i in c)
                        if (t(c, i))
                            for (a = 6 == i ? [new e(n, this.postscriptEntry)] : c[i], s = 0; a.length > s; ++s) l = a[s], r.writeShort(l.platformID), r.writeShort(l.platformSpecificID), r.writeShort(l.languageID), r.writeShort(l.nameID), r.writeShort(l.length), r.writeShort(o.offset()), o.writeString(l.text);
                    return r.write(o.get()), r.get()
        }(), g = function() {
            var e = ".notdef .null nonmarkingreturn space exclam quotedbl numbersign dollar percent ampersand quotesingle parenleft parenright asterisk plus comma hyphen period slash zero one two three four five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less equal greater question at A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z bracketleft backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore grave a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z braceleft bar braceright asciitilde Adieresis Aring Ccedilla Eacute Ntilde Odieresis Udieresis aacute agrave acircumflex adieresis atilde aring ccedilla eacute egrave ecircumflex edieresis iacute igrave icircumflex idieresis ntilde oacute ograve ocircumflex odieresis otilde uacute ugrave ucircumflex udieresis dagger degree cent sterling section bullet paragraph germandbls registered copyright trademark acute dieresis notequal AE Oslash infinity plusminus lessequal greaterequal yen mu partialdiff summation product pi integral ordfeminine ordmasculine Omega ae oslash questiondown exclamdown logicalnot radical florin approxequal Delta guillemotleft guillemotright ellipsis nonbreakingspace Agrave Atilde Otilde OE oe endash emdash quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright divide lozenge ydieresis Ydieresis fraction currency guilsinglleft guilsinglright fi fl daggerdbl periodcentered quotesinglbase quotedblbase perthousand Acircumflex Ecircumflex Aacute Edieresis Egrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Oacute Ocircumflex apple Ograve Uacute Ucircumflex Ugrave dotlessi circumflex tilde macron breve dotaccent ring cedilla hungarumlaut ogonek caron Lslash lslash Scaron scaron Zcaron zcaron brokenbar Eth eth Yacute yacute Thorn thorn minus multiply onesuperior twosuperior threesuperior onehalf onequarter threequarters franc Gbreve gbreve Idotaccent Scedilla scedilla Cacute cacute Ccaron ccaron dcroat".split(/\s+/g);
            return r({
                parse: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    switch (e.offset(this.offset), this.format = e.readLong(), this.italicAngle = e.readFixed_(), this.underlinePosition = e.readShort_(), this.underlineThickness = e.readShort_(), this.isFixedPitch = e.readLong(), this.minMemType42 = e.readLong(), this.maxMemType42 = e.readLong(), this.minMemType1 = e.readLong(), this.maxMemType1 = e.readLong(), this.format) {
                        case 65536:
                        case 196608:
                        case 131072:
                            for (t = e.readShort(), this.glyphNameIndex = e.times(t, e.readShort), this.names = [], n = this.offset + this.length; e.offset() < n;) this.names.push(e.readString(e.readByte()));
                        case 151552:
                            t = e.readShort(), this.offsets = e.read(t);
                        case 262144:
                            this.map = e.times(this.file.maxp.numGlyphs, e.readShort)
                glyphFor: function(t) {
                    switch (this.format) {
                        case 65536:
                            return e[t] || ".notdef";
                        case 131072:
                            var n = this.glyphNameIndex[t];
                            return e.length > n ? e[n] : this.names[n - e.length] || ".notdef";
                        case 151552:
                        case 196608:
                            return ".notdef";
                        case 262144:
                            return this.map[t] || 65535
                render: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                    if (196608 == this.format) return this.raw();
                    for (n = b(this.rawData.slice(this.offset, 32)), n.writeLong(131072), n.offset(32), i = [], r = [], o = 0; t.length > o; ++o) a = t[o], s = this.glyphFor(a), l = e.indexOf(s), l >= 0 ? i.push(l) : (i.push(e.length + r.length), r.push(s));
                    for (n.writeShort(t.length), o = 0; i.length > o; ++o) n.writeShort(i[o]);
                    for (o = 0; r.length > o; ++o) n.writeByte(r[o].length), n.writeString(r[o]);
                    return n.get()
        }(), m = function() {
            function e(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.platformID = e.readShort(), n.platformSpecificID = e.readShort(), n.offset = t + e.readLong(), e.saveExcursion(function() {
                    var t, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f;
                    switch (e.offset(n.offset), n.format = e.readShort(), n.length = e.readShort(), n.language = e.readShort(), n.isUnicode = 3 == n.platformID && 1 == n.platformSpecificID && 4 == n.format || 0 === n.platformID && 4 == n.format, n.codeMap = {}, n.format) {
                        case 0:
                            for (t = 0; 256 > t; ++t) n.codeMap[t] = e.readByte();
                        case 4:
                            for (i = e.readShort() / 2, e.skip(6), r = e.times(i, e.readShort), e.skip(2), o = e.times(i, e.readShort), a = e.times(i, e.readShort_), s = e.times(i, e.readShort), l = (n.length + n.offset - e.offset()) / 2, c = e.times(l, e.readShort), t = 0; i > t; ++t)
                                for (d = o[t], u = r[t], h = d; u >= h; ++h) 0 === s[t] ? p = h + a[t] : (f = s[t] / 2 - (i - t) + (h - d), p = c[f] || 0, 0 !== p && (p += a[t])), n.codeMap[h] = 65535 & p

            function t(e, t) {
                function i(n) {
                    return t[e[n]]
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, y, k = n(e),
                    x = [],
                    C = [],
                    S = null,
                    T = null;
                for (r = 0; k.length > r; ++r) o = k[r], a = i(o), s = a - o, (null == S || s !== T) && (S && C.push(S), x.push(o), T = s), S = o;
                for (S && C.push(S), C.push(65535), x.push(65535), l = x.length, c = 2 * l, d = 2 * Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(l) / Math.LN2)), u = Math.log(d / 2) / Math.LN2, h = c - d, p = [], f = [], g = [], r = 0; l > r; ++r) {
                    if (m = x[r], v = C[r], 65535 == m) {
                        p.push(0), f.push(0);
                    if (_ = i(m), m - _ >= 32768)
                        for (p.push(0), f.push(2 * (g.length + l - r)), w = m; v >= w; ++w) g.push(i(w));
                    else p.push(_ - m), f.push(0)
                return y = b(), y.writeShort(3), y.writeShort(1), y.writeLong(12), y.writeShort(4), y.writeShort(16 + 8 * l + 2 * g.length), y.writeShort(0), y.writeShort(c), y.writeShort(d), y.writeShort(u), y.writeShort(h), C.forEach(y.writeShort), y.writeShort(0), x.forEach(y.writeShort), p.forEach(y.writeShort_), f.forEach(y.writeShort), g.forEach(y.writeShort), y.get()
            return r({
                parse: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.offset;
                    t.offset(r), i.version = t.readShort(), n = t.readShort(), i.unicodeEntry = null, i.tables = t.times(n, function() {
                        var n = new e(t, r);
                        return n.isUnicode && (i.unicodeEntry = n), n
                render: function(e, n) {
                    var i = b();
                    return i.writeShort(0), i.writeShort(1), i.write(t(e, n)), i.get()
                getUnicodeEntry: function() {
                    if (!this.unicodeEntry) throw Error("Font doesn't have an Unicode encoding");
                    return this.unicodeEntry
        }(), v = r({
            parse: function(e) {
                e.offset(this.offset), this.version = e.readShort(), this.averageCharWidth = e.readShort_(), this.weightClass = e.readShort(), this.widthClass = e.readShort(), this.type = e.readShort(), this.ySubscriptXSize = e.readShort_(), this.ySubscriptYSize = e.readShort_(), this.ySubscriptXOffset = e.readShort_(), this.ySubscriptYOffset = e.readShort_(), this.ySuperscriptXSize = e.readShort_(), this.ySuperscriptYSize = e.readShort_(), this.ySuperscriptXOffset = e.readShort_(), this.ySuperscriptYOffset = e.readShort_(), this.yStrikeoutSize = e.readShort_(), this.yStrikeoutPosition = e.readShort_(), this.familyClass = e.readShort_(), this.panose = e.times(10, e.readByte), this.charRange = e.times(4, e.readLong), this.vendorID = e.readString(4), this.selection = e.readShort(), this.firstCharIndex = e.readShort(), this.lastCharIndex = e.readShort(), this.version > 0 && (this.ascent = e.readShort_(), this.descent = e.readShort_(), this.lineGap = e.readShort_(), this.winAscent = e.readShort(), this.winDescent = e.readShort(), this.codePageRange = e.times(2, e.readLong), this.version > 1 && (this.xHeight = e.readShort(), this.capHeight = e.readShort(), this.defaultChar = e.readShort(), this.breakChar = e.readShort(), this.maxContext = e.readShort()))
            render: function() {
                return this.raw()
        }), _ = 1e5, a.prototype = {
            use: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                if ("string" == typeof e) {
                    for (n = "", i = 0; e.length > i; ++i) t = this.use(e.charCodeAt(i)), n += String.fromCharCode(t);
                    return n
                return t = this.unicodes[e], t || (t = this.next++, this.subset[t] = e, this.unicodes[e] = t, r = this.font.cmap.getUnicodeEntry().codeMap[e], r && (this.ncid2ogid[t] = r, null == this.ogid2ngid[r] && (o = this.nextGid++, this.ogid2ngid[r] = o, this.ngid2ogid[o] = r))), t
            encodeText: function(e) {
                return this.use(e)
            glyphIds: function() {
                return n(this.ogid2ngid)
            glyphsFor: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                for (t || (t = {}), n = 0; e.length > n; ++n) i = e[n], t[i] || (r = t[i] = this.font.glyf.glyphFor(i), r && r.compound && this.glyphsFor(r.glyphIds, t));
                return t
            render: function() {
                var e, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this.glyphsFor(this.glyphIds());
                for (e in d) t(d, e) && (e = parseInt(e, 10), null == this.ogid2ngid[e] && (i = this.nextGid++, this.ogid2ngid[e] = i, this.ngid2ogid[i] = e));
                return r = n(this.ngid2ogid), o = r.map(function(e) {
                    return this.ngid2ogid[e]
                }, this), a = this.font, s = a.glyf.render(d, o, this.ogid2ngid), l = a.loca.render(s.offsets), this.lastChar = this.next - 1, c = {
                    cmap: m.render(this.ncid2ogid, this.ogid2ngid),
                    glyf: s.table,
                    loca: l.table,
                    hmtx: a.hmtx.render(o),
                    hhea: a.hhea.render(o),
                    maxp: a.maxp.render(o),
                    post: a.post.render(o),
                    name: a.name.render(this.psName),
                    head: a.head.render(l.format),
                    "OS/2": a.os2.render()
                }, this.font.directory.render(c)
            cidToGidMap: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = b(),
                    r = 0;
                for (e = this.firstChar; this.next > e; ++e) {
                    for (; e > r;) i.writeShort(0), r++;
                    t = this.ncid2ogid[e], t ? (n = this.ogid2ngid[t], i.writeShort(n)) : i.writeShort(0), r++
                return i.get()
        }, s.prototype = {
            parse: function() {
                var e = this.directory = new i(this.contents);
                this.head = e.readTable("head", l), this.loca = e.readTable("loca", c), this.hhea = e.readTable("hhea", d), this.maxp = e.readTable("maxp", u), this.hmtx = e.readTable("hmtx", h), this.glyf = e.readTable("glyf", p), this.name = e.readTable("name", f), this.post = e.readTable("post", g), this.cmap = e.readTable("cmap", m), this.os2 = e.readTable("OS/2", v), this.psName = this.name.postscriptName, this.ascent = this.os2.ascent || this.hhea.ascent, this.descent = this.os2.descent || this.hhea.descent, this.lineGap = this.os2.lineGap || this.hhea.lineGap, this.scale = 1e3 / this.head.unitsPerEm
            widthOfGlyph: function(e) {
                return this.hmtx.forGlyph(e).advance * this.scale
            makeSubset: function() {
                return new a(this)
        }, w.TTFFont = s
    function(e, t) {
        "use strict";

        function n(t, n) {
            function i(e, t, n) {
                return n || (n = d), n.pdf && null != n.pdf[e] ? n.pdf[e] : t

            function r() {
                function r(e) {
                    var t, n, r, o, l, c = e.options,
                        d = S(e),
                        u = d.bbox;
                    e = d.root, t = i("paperSize", i("paperSize", "auto"), c), n = !1, "auto" == t && (u ? (r = u.getSize(), t = [r.width, r.height], n = !0, o = u.getOrigin(), d = new T.Group, d.transform(new D.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -o.x, -o.y)), d.append(e), e = d) : t = "A4"), l = a.addPage({
                        paperSize: t,
                        margin: i("margin", i("margin"), c),
                        addMargin: n,
                        landscape: i("landscape", i("landscape", !1), c)
                    }), s(e, l, a)
                if (!(--o > 0)) {
                    var a = new e.pdf.Document({
                        producer: i("producer"),
                        title: i("title"),
                        author: i("author"),
                        subject: i("subject"),
                        keywords: i("keywords"),
                        creator: i("creator"),
                        date: i("date")
                    u ? t.children.forEach(r) : r(t), n(a.render(), a)
            var o, l = [],
                c = [],
                d = t.options,
                u = i("multiPage");
            t.traverse(function(t) {
                    Image: function(e) {
                        c.indexOf(e.src()) < 0 && c.push(e.src())
                    Text: function(t) {
                        var n = e.pdf.parseFontDef(t.options.font),
                            i = e.pdf.getFontURL(n);
                        l.indexOf(i) < 0 && l.push(i)
                }, t)
            }), o = 2, e.pdf.loadFonts(l, r), e.pdf.loadImages(c, r)

        function i(e, t) {
            n(e, function(e) {
                t("data:application/pdf;base64," + e.base64())

        function r(e, t) {
            n(e, function(e) {
                t(new Blob([e.get()], {
                    type: "application/pdf"

        function o(t, n, o, a) {
            window.Blob && !e.support.browser.safari ? r(t, function(t) {
                    dataURI: t,
                    fileName: n
                }), a && a(t)
            }) : i(t, function(t) {
                    dataURI: t,
                    fileName: n,
                    proxyURL: o
                }), a && a(t)

        function a(e, t) {
            var n = e[t.nodeType];
            return n ? n.call.apply(n, arguments) : t

        function s(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o;
            e.options._pdfDebug && t.comment("BEGIN: " + e.options._pdfDebug), i = e.transform(), r = e.opacity(), t.save(), null != r && 1 > r && t.setOpacity(r), l(e, t, n), c(e, t, n), d(e, t, n), i && (o = i.matrix(), t.transform(o.a, o.b, o.c, o.d, o.e, o.f)), a({
                Path: m,
                MultiPath: v,
                Circle: _,
                Arc: w,
                Text: b,
                Image: k,
                Group: y
            }, e, t, n), t.restore(), e.options._pdfDebug && t.comment("END: " + e.options._pdfDebug)

        function l(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l = e.stroke && e.stroke();
            if (l) {
                if (n = l.color) {
                    if (n = C(n), null == n) return;
                    t.setStrokeColor(n.r, n.g, n.b), 1 != n.a && t.setStrokeOpacity(n.a)
                if (i = l.width, null != i) {
                    if (0 === i) return;
                r = l.dashType, r && t.setDashPattern(E[r], 0), o = l.lineCap, o && t.setLineCap(I[o]), a = l.lineJoin, a && t.setLineJoin(P[a]), s = l.opacity, null != s && t.setStrokeOpacity(s)

        function c(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = e.fill && e.fill();
            if (r && !(r instanceof T.Gradient)) {
                if (n = r.color) {
                    if (n = C(n), null == n) return;
                    t.setFillColor(n.r, n.g, n.b), 1 != n.a && t.setFillOpacity(n.a)
                i = r.opacity, null != i && t.setFillOpacity(i)

        function d(e, t, n) {
            var i = e.clip();
            i && (g(i, t, n), t.clip())

        function u(e) {
            return e && (e instanceof T.Gradient || e.color && !/^(none|transparent)$/i.test(e.color) && (null == e.width || e.width > 0) && (null == e.opacity || e.opacity > 0))

        function h(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = e.fill();
            return u instanceof T.Gradient ? (i ? t.clipStroke() : t.clip(), r = u instanceof T.RadialGradient, r ? (o = {
                x: u.center().x,
                y: u.center().y,
                r: 0
            }, a = {
                x: u.center().x,
                y: u.center().y,
                r: u.radius()
            }) : (o = {
                x: u.start().x,
                y: u.start().y
            }, a = {
                x: u.end().x,
                y: u.end().y
            }), s = {
                type: r ? "radial" : "linear",
                start: o,
                end: a,
                userSpace: u.userSpace(),
                stops: u.stops.elements().map(function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.offset();
                    return n = /%$/.test(n) ? parseFloat(n) / 100 : parseFloat(n), t = C(e.color()), t.a *= e.opacity(), {
                        offset: n,
                        color: t
            }, l = e.rawBBox(), c = l.topLeft(), d = l.getSize(), l = {
                left: c.x,
                top: c.y,
                width: d.width,
                height: d.height
            }, t.gradient(s, l), !0) : void 0

        function p(e, t, n) {
            u(e.fill()) && u(e.stroke()) ? h(e, t, n, !0) || t.fillStroke() : u(e.fill()) ? h(e, t, n, !1) || t.fill() : u(e.stroke()) ? t.stroke() : t.nop()

        function f(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = e.segments;
            if (4 == o.length && e.options.closed) {
                for (n = [], i = 0; o.length > i; ++i) {
                    if (o[i].controlIn()) return !1;
                    n[i] = o[i].anchor()
                if (r = n[0].y == n[1].y && n[1].x == n[2].x && n[2].y == n[3].y && n[3].x == n[0].x || n[0].x == n[1].x && n[1].y == n[2].y && n[2].x == n[3].x && n[3].y == n[0].y) return t.rect(n[0].x, n[0].y, n[2].x - n[0].x, n[2].y - n[0].y), !0

        function g(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = e.segments;
            if (0 !== c.length && !f(e, t, n)) {
                for (r = 0; c.length > r; ++r) o = c[r], a = o.anchor(), i ? (s = i.controlOut(), l = o.controlIn(), s && l ? t.bezier(s.x, s.y, l.x, l.y, a.x, a.y) : t.lineTo(a.x, a.y)) : t.moveTo(a.x, a.y), i = o;
                e.options.closed && t.close()

        function m(e, t, n) {
            g(e, t, n), p(e, t, n)

        function v(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = e.paths;
            for (i = 0; r.length > i; ++i) g(r[i], t, n);
            p(e, t, n)

        function _(e, t, n) {
            var i = e.geometry();
            t.circle(i.center.x, i.center.y, i.radius), p(e, t, n)

        function w(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = e.geometry().curvePoints();
            for (t.moveTo(r[0].x, r[0].y), i = 1; r.length > i;) t.bezier(r[i].x, r[i++].y, r[i].x, r[i++].y, r[i].x, r[i++].y);
            p(e, t, n)

        function b(t, n) {
            var i, r = e.pdf.parseFontDef(t.options.font),
                o = t._position;
            t.fill() && t.stroke() ? i = A.fillAndStroke : t.fill() ? i = A.fill : t.stroke() && (i = A.stroke), n.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, o.x, o.y + r.fontSize), n.beginText(), n.setFont(e.pdf.getFontURL(r), r.fontSize), n.setTextRenderingMode(i), n.showText(t.content(), t._pdfRect ? t._pdfRect.width() : null), n.endText()

        function y(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            for (e._pdfLink && t.addLink(e._pdfLink.url, e._pdfLink), i = e.children, r = 0; i.length > r; ++r) s(i[r], t, n)

        function k(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = e.src();
            o && (n = e.rect(), i = n.getOrigin(), r = n.getSize(), t.transform(r.width, 0, 0, -r.height, i.x, i.y + r.height), t.drawImage(o))

        function x(e, n) {
            var i, r = t.Deferred();
            for (i in n) e.options.set("pdf." + i, n[i]);
            return T.pdf.toDataURL(e, r.resolve), r.promise()

        function C(t) {
            var n = e.parseColor(t, !0);
            return n ? n.toRGB() : null

        function S(e) {
            function t(e) {
                return l = !0, e

            function n(e) {
                return e.visible() && e.opacity() > 0 && (u(e.fill()) || u(e.stroke()))

            function i(e) {
                var t, n, i = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; ++t) n = s(e[t]), null != n && i.push(n);
                return i

            function r(e, t) {
                var n, i = c,
                    r = d;
                e.transform() && (d = d.multiplyCopy(e.transform().matrix())), n = e.clip(), n && (n = n.bbox(), n && (n = n.bbox(d), c = c ? D.Rect.intersect(c, n) : n));
                try {
                    return t()
                } finally {
                    c = i, d = r

            function o(e) {
                if (null == c) return !1;
                var t = e.rawBBox().bbox(d);
                return c && t && (t = D.Rect.intersect(t, c)), t

            function s(s) {
                return r(s, function() {
                    if (!(s instanceof T.Group || s instanceof T.MultiPath)) {
                        var r = o(s);
                        if (!r) return t(null);
                        h = h ? D.Rect.union(h, r) : r
                    return a({
                        Path: function(e) {
                            return 0 !== e.segments.length && n(e) ? e : t(null)
                        MultiPath: function(e) {
                            if (!n(e)) return t(null);
                            var r = new T.MultiPath(e.options);
                            return r.paths = i(e.paths), 0 === r.paths.length ? t(null) : r
                        Circle: function(e) {
                            return n(e) ? e : t(null)
                        Arc: function(e) {
                            return n(e) ? e : t(null)
                        Text: function(e) {
                            return /\S/.test(e.content()) && n(e) ? e : t(null)
                        Image: function(e) {
                            return e.visible() && e.opacity() > 0 ? e : t(null)
                        Group: function(n) {
                            var r = new T.Group(n.options);
                            return r.children = i(n.children), r._pdfLink = n._pdfLink, n === e || 0 !== r.children.length || n._pdfLink ? r : t(null)
                    }, s)
            var l, c = !1,
                d = D.Matrix.unit(),
                h = null;
            do l = !1, e = s(e); while (e && l);
            return {
                root: e,
                bbox: h
        var T = e.drawing,
            D = e.geometry,
            A = e.pdf.TEXT_RENDERING_MODE,
            E = {
                dash: [4],
                dashDot: [4, 2, 1, 2],
                dot: [1, 2],
                longDash: [8, 2],
                longDashDot: [8, 2, 1, 2],
                longDashDotDot: [8, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2],
                solid: []
            I = {
                butt: 0,
                round: 1,
                square: 2
            P = {
                miter: 0,
                round: 1,
                bevel: 2
        e.deepExtend(T, {
            exportPDF: x,
            pdf: {
                toDataURL: i,
                toBlob: r,
                saveAs: o,
                toStream: n
    }(window.kendo, window.kendo.jQuery),
    function(e, t) {
        e.PDFMixin = {
            extend: function(e) {
                e.events.push("pdfExport"), e.options.pdf = this.options, e.saveAsPDF = this.saveAsPDF, e._drawPDF = this._drawPDF, e._drawPDFShadow = this._drawPDFShadow
            options: {
                fileName: "Export.pdf",
                proxyURL: "",
                paperSize: "auto",
                allPages: !1,
                landscape: !1,
                margin: null,
                title: null,
                author: null,
                subject: null,
                keywords: null,
                creator: "Kendo UI PDF Generator",
                date: null
            saveAsPDF: function() {
                var n, i = new t.Deferred,
                    r = i.promise(),
                    o = {
                        promise: r
                if (!this.trigger("pdfExport", o)) return n = this.options.pdf, n.multiPage = n.allPages, this._drawPDF(i).then(function(t) {
                    return e.drawing.exportPDF(t, n)
                }).done(function(t) {
                        dataURI: t,
                        fileName: n.fileName,
                        proxyURL: n.proxyURL,
                        forceProxy: n.forceProxy,
                        proxyTarget: n.proxyTarget
                    }), i.resolve()
                }).fail(function(e) {
                }), r
            _drawPDF: function() {
                return e.drawing.drawDOM(this.wrapper)
            _drawPDFShadow: function(n) {
                var i, r, o;
                return n = n || {}, i = this.wrapper, r = t("<div class='k-pdf-export-shadow'>"), n.width && r.css({
                    width: n.width,
                    overflow: "visible"
                }), i.before(r), r.append(n.content || i.clone(!0, !0)), o = e.drawing.drawDOM(r), o.always(function() {
                }), o
    }(kendo, window.kendo.jQuery),
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return Array(e + 1).join('<td class="k-group-cell">&nbsp;</td>')

        function i(e) {
            var t, n = " ";
            if (e) {
                if (typeof e === ln) return e;
                for (t in e) n += t + '="' + e[t] + '"'
            return n

        function r(t, n) {
            e("th, th .k-grid-filter, th .k-link", t).add(document.body).css("cursor", n)

        function o(t, n, i, r, o) {
            var a, s = n;
            for (n = e(), o = o || 1, a = 0; o > a; a++) n = n.add(t.eq(s + a));
            "number" == typeof i ? n[r ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](t.eq(i)) : n.appendTo(i)

        function a(t, n, i) {
            return e(t).add(n).find(i)

        function s(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a;
            for (n = yt(n) ? n : [n], i = 0, r = n.length; r > i; i++) o = n[i], vt(o) && o.click && (a = o.name || o.text, t.on(rn + Ht, "a.k-grid-" + (a || "").replace(/\s/g, ""), {
                commandName: a
            }, Ct(o.click, e)))

        function l(e, t, n) {
            return wt(e, function(e) {
                var i, r;
                return e = typeof e === ln ? {
                    field: e
                } : e, (!p(e) || n) && (e.attributes = W(e.attributes), e.footerAttributes = W(e.footerAttributes), e.headerAttributes = W(e.headerAttributes), i = !0), e.columns && (e.columns = l(e.columns, t, i)), r = dt.guid(), e.headerAttributes = _t({
                    id: r
                }, e.headerAttributes), _t({
                    encoded: t,
                    hidden: i
                }, e)

        function c(e, t) {
            var n = [];
            return d(e, t, n), n[n.length - 1]

        function d(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            for (n = n || [], i = 0; t.length > i; i++) {
                if (e === t[i]) return !0;
                if (t[i].columns) {
                    if (r = n.length, n.push(t[i]), d(e, t[i].columns, n)) return !0;
                    n.splice(r, n.length - r)
            return !1

        function u(e, t) {
            var n = t ? j : W;
            e.hidden = !t, e.attributes = n(e.attributes), e.footerAttributes = n(e.footerAttributes), e.headerAttributes = n(e.headerAttributes)

        function h() {
            return "none" !== this.style.display

        function p(e) {
            return f([e]).length > 0

        function f(e) {
            return bt(e, function(e) {
                var t = !e.hidden;
                return t && e.columns && (t = f(e.columns).length > 0), t

        function g(t) {
            return e(t).map(function() {
                return this.toArray()

        function m(e, t, n) {
            var i = w(z(t)),
                r = w(F(t)),
                o = e.rowSpan;
            e.rowSpan = n ? i > r ? o - (i - r) || 1 : o + (r - i) : i > r ? o + (i - r) : o - (r - i) || 1

        function v(t, n, i, r, o, a, s) {
            var l, c, d = w(t),
                u = w([n]);
            d > u && (l = Array(s + 1).join('<th class="k-group-cell k-header">&nbsp;</th>'), c = a.children(":not(.k-filter-row)"), e(Array(d - u + 1).join("<tr>" + l + "</tr>")).insertAfter(c.last())), I(a, d - u), b(i, r, o, a)

        function _(t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
            for (i = i || 0, a = n, n = L(n), s = {}, l = t.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row)"), c = function() {
                var t = e(this);
                return !t.hasClass("k-group-cell") && !t.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell")
            }, d = 0, u = n.length; u > d; d++) r = y(n[d], a), s[r.row] || (s[r.row] = l.eq(r.row).find(".k-header").filter(c)), o = s[r.row].eq(r.cell), o.attr(dt.attr("index"), i + d);
            return n.length

        function w(e) {
            var t, n, i = 1,
                r = 0;
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].columns && (n = w(e[t].columns), n > r && (r = n));
            return i + r

        function b(t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s = C(t[0], n),
                l = i.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row):eq(" + s.row + ")>th.k-header"),
                c = e(),
                d = s.cell;
            for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++) c = c.add(l.eq(d + o));
            for (r.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row)").eq(s.row).append(c), a = [], o = 0; t.length > o; o++) t[o].columns && (a = a.concat(t[o].columns));
            a.length && b(a, n, i, r)

        function y(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o;
            for (n = n || 0, i = i || {}, i[n] = i[n] || 0, o = 0; t.length > o; o++) {
                if (t[o] == e) {
                    r = {
                        cell: i[n],
                        row: n
                if (t[o].columns && (r = y(e, t[o].columns, n + 1, i))) break;
            return r

        function k(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o = n.locked;
            do r = e[t], t += i ? 1 : -1; while (r && t > -1 && e.length > t && r != n && !r.columns && r.locked == o);
            return r

        function x(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s;
            return t.columns ? (t = t.columns, t[i ? 0 : t.length - 1]) : (r = c(t, e), o = r ? r.columns : e, a = kt(t, o), 0 === a && i ? a++ : a != o.length - 1 || i ? (a > 0 || 0 === a && !i) && (a += i ? -1 : 1) : a--, s = kt(n, o), t = k(o, a, n, s > a), t && t != n && t.columns ? x(e, t, n, i) : null)

        function C(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o;
            for (n = n || 0, i = i || {}, i[n] = i[n] || 0, o = 0; t.length > o; o++) {
                if (t[o] == e) {
                    r = {
                        cell: i[n],
                        row: n
                if (t[o].columns && (r = C(e, t[o].columns, n + 1, i))) break;
                t[o].hidden || i[n]++
            return r

        function S(e) {
            var t = T(z(e));
            return t.concat(T(F(e)))

        function T(e) {
            var t, n = [],
                i = [];
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n.push(e[t]), e[t].columns && (i = i.concat(e[t].columns));
            return i.length && (n = n.concat(T(i))), n

        function D(e) {
            var t, n, i = 0;
            for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], t.columns ? i += D(t.columns) : t.hidden && i++;
            return i

        function A(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = 0;
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = e[n].style.width, t && -1 == t.indexOf("%") && (r += parseInt(t, 10));
            return r

        function E(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = e.find("tr:not(.k-filter-row) th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)");
            for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++) n = r[i].rowSpan, n > 1 && (r[i].rowSpan = n - t || 1)

        function I(e, t) {
            var n, i = e.find("tr:not(.k-filter-row) th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)");
            for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) i[n].rowSpan += t

        function P(t) {
            var n, i = t.find("tr:not(.k-filter-row)"),
                r = i.filter(function() {
                    return !e(this).children().length
                o = i.find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)");
            for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++) o[n].rowSpan > 1 && (o[n].rowSpan -= r);
            return i.length - r

        function M(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l = [];
            for (o = 0, s = e.length; s > o; o++) a = n[i] || [], a.push(t.eq(r + o)), n[i] = a, e[o].columns && (l = l.concat(e[o].columns));
            l.length && M(l, t, n, i + 1, r + e.length)

        function z(e) {
            return bt(e, function(e) {
                return e.locked

        function F(e) {
            return bt(e, function(e) {
                return !e.locked

        function R(e) {
            return bt(e, function(e) {
                return !e.locked && p(e)

        function H(e) {
            return bt(e, function(e) {
                return e.locked && p(e)

        function B(e) {
            var t, n = [];
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].hidden || (e[t].columns ? n = n.concat(B(e[t].columns)) : n.push(e[t]));
            return n

        function L(e) {
            var t, n = [];
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].columns ? n = n.concat(L(e[t].columns)) : n.push(e[t]);
            return n

        function N(n) {
            var i, r = n.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row)"),
                o = function() {
                    var t = e(this);
                    return !t.hasClass("k-group-cell") && !t.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell")
                a = e();
            return r.length > 1 && (a = r.find("th").filter(o).filter(function() {
                return this.rowSpan > 1
            })), a = a.add(r.last().find("th").filter(o)), i = dt.attr("index"), a.sort(function(n, r) {
                var o, a;
                return n = e(n), r = e(r), o = n.attr(i), a = r.attr(i), o === t && (o = e(n).index()), a === t && (a = e(r).index()), o = parseInt(o, 10), a = parseInt(a, 10), o > a ? 1 : a > o ? -1 : 0
            }), a

        function O(t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = t.closest("table"),
                d = e().add(t),
                u = t.closest("tr"),
                h = c.find("tr:not(.k-filter-row)"),
                p = h.index(u);
            if (p > 0) {
                for (n = h.eq(p - 1), i = n.find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").filter(function() {
                    return !e(this).attr("rowspan")
                }), r = 0, o = u.find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").index(t), a = t.prevAll(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").filter(function() {
                    return this.colSpan > 1
                }), s = 0; a.length > s; s++) r += a[s].colSpan || 1;
                for (o += Math.max(r - 1, 0), r = 0, s = 0; i.length > s; s++)
                    if (l = i.eq(s), r += l.attr("colSpan") ? l[0].colSpan : 1, o >= s && r > o) {
                        d = O(l).add(d);
            return d

        function V(t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = t.closest("thead"),
                u = e().add(t),
                h = t.closest("tr"),
                p = d.find("tr:not(.k-filter-row)"),
                f = p.index(h) + t[0].rowSpan,
                g = dt.attr("colspan");
            if (p.length - 1 >= f) {
                for (n = h.next(), i = h.find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").index(t), r = t.prevAll(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), r = r.filter(function() {
                    return !this.rowSpan || 1 === this.rowSpan
                }), a = 0, o = 0; r.length > o; o++) a += parseInt(r.eq(o).attr(g), 10) || 1;
                for (s = n.find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), l = parseInt(t.attr(g), 10) || 1, o = 0; l > o;) n = s.eq(o + a), u = u.add(V(n)), c = parseInt(n.attr(g), 10), c > 1 && (l -= c - 1), o++
            return u

        function U(t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a = t;
            return r && t.empty(), pt ? t[0].innerHTML = i : (o = document.createElement("div"), o.innerHTML = "<table><tbody>" + i + "</tbody></table>", t = o.firstChild.firstChild, n[0].replaceChild(t, a[0]), t = e(t)), t

        function W(e) {
            e = e || {};
            var t = e.style;
            return t ? (t = t.replace(/((.*)?display)(.*)?:([^;]*)/i, "$1:none"), t === e.style && (t = t.replace(/(.*)?/i, "display:none;$1"))) : t = "display:none", _t({}, e, {
                style: t

        function j(e) {
            e = e || {};
            var t = e.style;
            return t && (e.style = t.replace(/(display\s*:\s*none\s*;?)*/gi, "")), e

        function G(t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a = t.find(">colgroup"),
                s = wt(n, function(e) {
                    return o = e.width, o && 0 !== parseInt(o, 10) ? dt.format('<col style="width:{0}"/>', typeof o === ln ? o : o + "px") : "<col />"
            (i || a.find(".k-hierarchy-col").length) && s.splice(0, 0, '<col class="k-hierarchy-col" />'), a.length && a.remove(), a = e(Array(r + 1).join('<col class="k-group-col">') + s.join("")), a.is("colgroup") || (a = e("<colgroup/>").append(a)), t.prepend(a), bn.msie && 8 == bn.version && (t.css("display", "inline-table"), window.setTimeout(function() {
                t.css("display", "")
            }, 1))

        function q(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = 0,
                o = e.find("th:not(.k-group-cell)");
            for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) t[n].locked && (o.eq(n).insertBefore(o.eq(r)), o = e.find("th:not(.k-group-cell)"), r++)

        function $(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = {};
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = e[n], r[t.value] = t.text;
            return r

        function Y(e, t, n, i) {
            var r = n && n.length && vt(n[0]) && "value" in n[0],
                o = r ? $(n)[e] : e;
            return o = null != o ? o : "", t ? dt.format(t, o) : i === !1 ? o : dt.htmlEncode(o)

        function Q(e, t, n) {
            for (var i, r = 0, o = e[r]; o;) {
                if (i = n ? !0 : "none" !== o.style.display, i && !mn.test(o.className) && --t < 0) {
                    o.style.display = n ? "" : "none";
                o = e[++r]

        function K(t, n) {
            for (var i, r, o = 0, a = t.length; a > o; o += 1) r = t.eq(o), r.is(".k-grouping-row,.k-detail-row") ? (i = r.children(":not(.k-group-cell):first,.k-detail-cell").last(), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) - 1)) : (r.hasClass("k-grid-edit-row") && (i = r.children(".k-edit-container")[0]) && (i = e(i), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) - 1), i.find("col").eq(n).remove(), r = i.find("tr:first")), Q(r[0].cells, n, !1))

        function X(e) {
            var t, n, i = [];
            for (n = 0; e.length > n && (t = e[n], "field" in t && "value" in t && "items" in t); n++) i.push(t), t.hasSubgroups && (i = i.concat(X(t.items)));
            return i

        function Z(e) {
            var t, n, i = [];
            for (n = 0; e.length > n && (t = e[n], "field" in t && "value" in t && "items" in t); n++) t.hasSubgroups && (i = i.concat(Z(t.items))), i.push(t.aggregates);
            return i

        function J(t, n) {
            for (var i, r, o, a = 0, s = t.length; s > a; a += 1) r = t.eq(a), r.is(".k-grouping-row,.k-detail-row") ? (i = r.children(":not(.k-group-cell):first,.k-detail-cell").last(), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) + 1)) : (r.hasClass("k-grid-edit-row") && (i = r.children(".k-edit-container")[0]) && (i = e(i), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) + 1), G(i.find(">form>table"), f(o), !1, 0), r = i.find("tr:first")), Q(r[0].cells, n, !0))

        function et(e, t, n) {
            n = n || 1;
            var i, r, o;
            for (r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++) i = e.eq(r).children().last(), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) + n), i = t.eq(r).children().last(), i.attr("colspan", parseInt(i.attr("colspan"), 10) - n)

        function tt(e) {
            var t, n, i = 0,
                r = e.find(">colgroup>col");
            for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t += 1) i += parseInt(r[t].style.width, 10);
            return i

        function nt(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            e = e[0], t = t[0], e.rows.length !== t.rows.length && (n = e.offsetHeight, i = t.offsetHeight, n > i ? (r = t.rows[t.rows.length - 1], vn.test(r.className) && (r = t.rows[t.rows.length - 2]), o = n - i) : (r = e.rows[e.rows.length - 1], vn.test(r.className) && (r = e.rows[e.rows.length - 2]), o = i - n), r.style.height = r.offsetHeight + o + "px")

        function it(e, t) {
            var n, i = e.offsetHeight,
                r = t.offsetHeight;
            i > r ? n = i + "px" : r > i && (n = r + "px"), n && (e.style.height = t.style.height = n)

        function rt(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            if (typeof e === ln && e === t) return e;
            if (vt(e) && e.name === t) return e;
            if (yt(e))
                for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                    if (r = e[n], typeof r === ln && r === t || r.name === t) return r;
            return null

        function ot(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a = bn.msie;
            if (n === !0) {
                if (t = e(t), i = !0, i && (r = t.parent().scrollTop(), o = t.parent().scrollLeft()), a) try {
                } catch (s) {
                } else t[0].focus();
                i && (t.parent().scrollTop(r), t.parent().scrollLeft(o))
            } else e(t).one("focusin", function(e) {

        function at(n) {
            var i = e(n.currentTarget),
                r = i.is("th"),
                o = this.table.add(this.lockedTable),
                a = this.thead.parent().add(e(">table", this.lockedHeader)),
                s = e(n.target).is(":button,a,:input,a>.k-icon,textarea,span.k-select,span.k-icon,span.k-link,.k-input,.k-multiselect-wrap,.k-tool-icon"),
                l = i.closest("table")[0];
            if (!dt.support.touch) return s && i.find(dt.roleSelector("filtercell")).length ? (this.current(i), t) : ((l === o[0] || l === o[1] || l === a[0] || l === a[1]) && (e(n.target).is("a.k-i-collapse, a.k-i-expand") || (this.options.navigatable && this.current(i), (r || !s) && setTimeout(function() {
                kn && e(dt._activeElement()).hasClass("k-widget") || ot(l, !0)
            }), r && n.preventDefault())), t)

        function st(e) {
            return e && (e.hasClass("k-edit-cell") || e.parent().hasClass("k-grid-edit-row"))

        function lt(e, t, i) {
            return '<tr role="row" class="k-grouping-row">' + n(t) + '<td colspan="' + e + '" aria-expanded="true"><p class="k-reset"><a class="k-icon k-i-collapse" href="#" tabindex="-1"></a>' + i + "</p></td></tr>"

        function ct(e) {
            return '<tr role="row" class="k-grouping-row"><td colspan="' + e + '" aria-expanded="true"><p class="k-reset">&nbsp;</p></td></tr>'
        var dt = window.kendo,
            ut = dt.ui,
            ht = dt.data.DataSource,
            pt = dt.support.tbodyInnerHtml,
            ft = dt._activeElement,
            gt = ut.Widget,
            mt = dt.keys,
            vt = e.isPlainObject,
            _t = e.extend,
            wt = e.map,
            bt = e.grep,
            yt = e.isArray,
            kt = e.inArray,
            xt = Array.prototype.push,
            Ct = e.proxy,
            St = dt.isFunction,
            Tt = e.isEmptyObject,
            Dt = Math,
            At = "progress",
            Et = "error",
            It = ":not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell):visible",
            Pt = "tbody>tr:not(.k-grouping-row):not(.k-detail-row):not(.k-group-footer) > td:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)",
            Mt = "tr:not(.k-footer-template):visible",
            zt = ":not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell):visible",
            Ft = Mt + ":first>" + zt + ":first",
            Rt = "th.k-header:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)",
            Ht = ".kendoGrid",
            Bt = "edit",
            Lt = "save",
            Nt = "remove",
            Ot = "detailInit",
            Vt = "filterMenuInit",
            Ut = "columnMenuInit",
            Wt = "change",
            jt = "columnHide",
            Gt = "columnShow",
            qt = "saveChanges",
            $t = "dataBound",
            Yt = "detailExpand",
            Qt = "detailCollapse",
            Kt = "k-state-focused",
            Xt = "k-state-selected",
            Zt = "k-grid-norecords",
            Jt = "columnResize",
            en = "columnReorder",
            tn = "columnLock",
            nn = "columnUnlock",
            rn = "click",
            on = "height",
            an = "tabIndex",
            sn = "function",
            ln = "string",
            cn = "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
            dn = "No records available.",
            un = "Delete",
            hn = "Cancel",
            pn = /(\}|\#)/gi,
            fn = /#/gi,
            gn = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
            mn = RegExp("(^|" + gn + ")(k-group-cell|k-hierarchy-cell)(" + gn + "|$)"),
            vn = RegExp("(^|" + gn + ")(k-filter-row)(" + gn + "|$)"),
            _n = '<a class="k-button k-button-icontext #=className#" #=attr# href="\\#"><span class="#=iconClass# #=imageClass#"></span>#=text#</a>',
            wn = !1,
            bn = dt.support.browser,
            yn = bn.msie && 7 == bn.version,
            kn = bn.msie && 8 == bn.version,
            xn = gt.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    gt.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._refreshHandler = Ct(n.refresh, n), n.setDataSource(t.dataSource), n.wrap()
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource && t.dataSource.unbind(Wt, t._refreshHandler), t.dataSource = e, t.dataSource.bind(Wt, t._refreshHandler)
                options: {
                    name: "VirtualScrollable",
                    itemHeight: e.noop,
                    prefetch: !0
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    gt.fn.destroy.call(e), e.dataSource.unbind(Wt, e._refreshHandler), e.wrapper.add(e.verticalScrollbar).off(Ht), e.drag && (e.drag.destroy(), e.drag = null), e.wrapper = e.element = e.verticalScrollbar = null, e._refreshHandler = null
                wrap: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = dt.support.scrollbar() + 1,
                        r = n.element;
                        width: "auto",
                        overflow: "hidden"
                    }).css(wn ? "padding-left" : "padding-right", i), n.content = r.children().first(), t = n.wrapper = n.content.wrap('<div class="k-virtual-scrollable-wrap"/>').parent().bind("DOMMouseScroll" + Ht + " mousewheel" + Ht, Ct(n._wheelScroll, n)), dt.support.kineticScrollNeeded && (n.drag = new dt.UserEvents(n.wrapper, {
                        global: !0,
                        start: function(e) {
                        move: function(e) {
                            n.verticalScrollbar.scrollTop(n.verticalScrollbar.scrollTop() - e.y.delta), t.scrollLeft(t.scrollLeft() - e.x.delta), e.preventDefault()
                    })), n.verticalScrollbar = e('<div class="k-scrollbar k-scrollbar-vertical" />').css({
                        width: i
                    }).appendTo(r).bind("scroll" + Ht, Ct(n._scroll, n))
                _wheelScroll: function(t) {
                    if (!t.ctrlKey) {
                        var n = this.verticalScrollbar,
                            i = n.scrollTop(),
                            r = dt.wheelDeltaY(t);
                        !r || r > 0 && 0 === i || 0 > r && i + n[0].clientHeight == n[0].scrollHeight || (t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).one("wheel" + Ht, !1), this.verticalScrollbar.scrollTop(i + -r))
                _scroll: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = !t.options.prefetch,
                        i = e.currentTarget.scrollTop,
                        r = t.dataSource,
                        o = t.itemHeight,
                        a = r.skip() || 0,
                        s = t._rangeStart || a,
                        l = t.element.innerHeight(),
                        c = !!(t._scrollbarTop && t._scrollbarTop > i),
                        d = Dt.max(Dt.floor(i / o), 0),
                        u = Dt.max(d + Dt.floor(l / o), 0);
                    t._scrollTop = i - s * o, t._scrollbarTop = i, t._scrolling = n, t._fetch(d, u, c) || (t.wrapper[0].scrollTop = t._scrollTop), n && (t._scrollingTimeout && clearTimeout(t._scrollingTimeout), t._scrollingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        t._scrolling = !1, t._page(t._rangeStart, t.dataSource.take())
                    }, 100))
                itemIndex: function(e) {
                    var t = this._rangeStart || this.dataSource.skip() || 0;
                    return t + e
                position: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this._rangeStart || this.dataSource.skip() || 0,
                        i = this.dataSource.pageSize();
                    return t = e > n ? e - n + 1 : n - e - 1, t > i ? i : t
                scrollIntoView: function(e) {
                    var t = this.wrapper[0],
                        n = t.clientHeight,
                        i = this._scrollTop || t.scrollTop,
                        r = e[0].offsetTop,
                        o = e[0].offsetHeight;
                    i > r ? this.verticalScrollbar[0].scrollTop -= n / 2 : r + o >= i + n && (this.verticalScrollbar[0].scrollTop += n / 2)
                _fetch: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = r.dataSource,
                        a = r.itemHeight,
                        s = o.take(),
                        l = r._rangeStart || o.skip() || 0,
                        c = Dt.floor(t / s) * s,
                        d = !1,
                        u = .33;
                    return l > t ? (d = !0, l = Dt.max(0, n - s), r._scrollTop = (t - l) * a, r._page(l, s)) : n >= l + s && !i ? (d = !0, l = t, r._scrollTop = a, r._page(l, s)) : !r._fetching && r.options.prefetch && (c + s - s * u > t && t > s && o.prefetch(c - s, s, e.noop), n > c + s * u && o.prefetch(c + s, s, e.noop)), d
                fetching: function() {
                    return this._fetching
                _page: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = !n.options.prefetch,
                        r = n.dataSource;
                    clearTimeout(n._timeout), n._fetching = !0, n._rangeStart = e, r.inRange(e, t) ? r.range(e, t) : (i || dt.ui.progress(n.wrapper.parent(), !0), n._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        n._scrolling || (i && dt.ui.progress(n.wrapper.parent(), !0), r.range(e, t))
                    }, 100))
                repaintScrollbar: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = "",
                        i = 25e4,
                        r = t.dataSource,
                        o = dt.support.kineticScrollNeeded ? 0 : dt.support.scrollbar(),
                        a = t.wrapper[0],
                        s = t.itemHeight = t.options.itemHeight() || 0,
                        l = a.scrollWidth > a.offsetWidth ? o : 0,
                        c = r.total() * s + l;
                    for (e = 0; e < Dt.floor(c / i); e++) n += '<div style="width:1px;height:' + i + 'px"></div>';
                    c % i && (n += '<div style="width:1px;height:' + c % i + 'px"></div>'), t.verticalScrollbar.html(n), a.scrollTop = t._scrollTop
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dataSource,
                        n = e._rangeStart;
                    dt.ui.progress(e.wrapper.parent(), !1), clearTimeout(e._timeout), e.repaintScrollbar(), e.drag && e.drag.cancel(), n && !e._fetching && (e._rangeStart = t.skip(), 1 === t.page() && (e.verticalScrollbar[0].scrollTop = 0)), e._fetching = !1
            Cn = {
                create: {
                    text: "Add new record",
                    imageClass: "k-add",
                    className: "k-grid-add",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                cancel: {
                    text: "Cancel changes",
                    imageClass: "k-cancel",
                    className: "k-grid-cancel-changes",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                save: {
                    text: "Save changes",
                    imageClass: "k-update",
                    className: "k-grid-save-changes",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                destroy: {
                    text: "Delete",
                    imageClass: "k-delete",
                    className: "k-grid-delete",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                edit: {
                    text: "Edit",
                    imageClass: "k-edit",
                    className: "k-grid-edit",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                update: {
                    text: "Update",
                    imageClass: "k-update",
                    className: "k-primary k-grid-update",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                canceledit: {
                    text: "Cancel",
                    imageClass: "k-cancel",
                    className: "k-grid-cancel",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                excel: {
                    text: "Export to Excel",
                    imageClass: "k-i-excel",
                    className: "k-grid-excel",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
                pdf: {
                    text: "Export to PDF",
                    imageClass: "k-i-pdf",
                    className: "k-grid-pdf",
                    iconClass: "k-icon"
            Sn = dt.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = this;
                    n = yt(n) ? {
                        dataSource: n
                    } : n, gt.fn.init.call(r, t, n), i && (r._events = i), wn = dt.support.isRtl(t), r._element(), r._aria(), r._columns(r.options.columns), r._dataSource(), r._tbody(), r._pageable(), r._thead(), r._groupable(), r._toolbar(), r._setContentHeight(), r._templates(), r._navigatable(), r._selectable(), r._clipboard(), r._details(), r._editable(), r._attachCustomCommandsEvent(), r._minScreenSupport(), r.options.autoBind ? r.dataSource.fetch() : r._footer(), r.lockedContent && (r.wrapper.addClass("k-grid-lockedcolumns"), r._resizeHandler = function() {
                    }, e(window).on("resize" + Ht, r._resizeHandler)), dt.notify(r)
                events: [Wt, "dataBinding", "cancel", $t, Yt, Qt, Ot, Vt, Ut, Bt, Lt, Nt, qt, Jt, en, Gt, jt, tn, nn],
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.scrollable;
                    t.options.dataSource = e, t._dataSource(), t._pageable(), t._thead(), n && (n.virtual ? t.content.find(">.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap").scrollLeft(0) : t.content.scrollLeft(0)), t.options.groupable && t._groupable(), t.virtualScrollable && t.virtualScrollable.setDataSource(t.options.dataSource), t.options.navigatable && t._navigatable(), t.options.selectable && t._selectable(), t.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
                options: {
                    name: "Grid",
                    columns: [],
                    toolbar: null,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    filterable: !1,
                    scrollable: !0,
                    sortable: !1,
                    selectable: !1,
                    allowCopy: !1,
                    navigatable: !1,
                    pageable: !1,
                    editable: !1,
                    groupable: !1,
                    rowTemplate: "",
                    altRowTemplate: "",
                    noRecords: !1,
                    dataSource: {},
                    height: null,
                    resizable: !1,
                    reorderable: !1,
                    columnMenu: !1,
                    detailTemplate: null,
                    columnResizeHandleWidth: 3,
                    mobile: "",
                    messages: {
                        editable: {
                            cancelDelete: hn,
                            confirmation: cn,
                            confirmDelete: un
                        commands: {
                            create: Cn.create.text,
                            cancel: Cn.cancel.text,
                            save: Cn.save.text,
                            destroy: Cn.destroy.text,
                            edit: Cn.edit.text,
                            update: Cn.update.text,
                            canceledit: Cn.canceledit.text,
                            excel: Cn.excel.text,
                            pdf: Cn.pdf.text
                        noRecords: dn
                destroy: function() {
                    var t, n = this;
                    n._angularItems("cleanup"), n._destroyColumnAttachments(), gt.fn.destroy.call(n), this._navigatableTables = null, n._resizeHandler && e(window).off("resize" + Ht, n._resizeHandler), n.pager && n.pager.element && n.pager.destroy(), n.pager = null, n.groupable && n.groupable.element && n.groupable.element.kendoGroupable("destroy"), n.groupable = null, n.options.reorderable && n.wrapper.data("kendoReorderable").destroy(), n.selectable && n.selectable.element && (n.selectable.destroy(), n.clearArea(), n.copyHandler && (n.wrapper.off("keydown", n.copyHandler), n.unbind(n.copyHandler)), n.updateClipBoardState && (n.unbind(n.updateClipBoardState), n.updateClipBoardState = null), n.clearAreaHandler && n.wrapper.off("keyup", n.clearAreaHandler)), n.selectable = null, n.resizable && (n.resizable.destroy(), n._resizeUserEvents && (n._resizeHandleDocumentClickHandler && e(document).off("click", n._resizeHandleDocumentClickHandler), n._resizeUserEvents.destroy(), n._resizeUserEvents = null), n.resizable = null), n.virtualScrollable && n.virtualScrollable.element && n.virtualScrollable.destroy(), n.virtualScrollable = null, n._destroyEditable(), n.dataSource && (n.dataSource.unbind(Wt, n._refreshHandler).unbind(At, n._progressHandler).unbind(Et, n._errorHandler), n._refreshHandler = n._progressHandler = n._errorHandler = null), t = n.element.add(n.wrapper).add(n.table).add(n.thead).add(n.wrapper.find(">.k-grid-toolbar")), n.content && (t = t.add(n.content).add(n.content.find(">.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap"))), n.lockedHeader && n._removeLockedContainers(), n.pane && n.pane.destroy(), n.minScreenResizeHandler && e(window).off("resize", n.minScreenResizeHandler), n._draggableInstance && n._draggableInstance.element && n._draggableInstance.destroy(), n._draggableInstance = null, t.off(Ht), dt.destroy(n.wrapper), n.rowTemplate = n.altRowTemplate = n.lockedRowTemplate = n.lockedAltRowTemplate = n.detailTemplate = n.footerTemplate = n.groupFooterTemplate = n.lockedGroupFooterTemplate = n.noRecordsTemplate = null, n.scrollables = n.thead = n.tbody = n.element = n.table = n.content = n.footer = n.wrapper = n._groupableClickHandler = n._setContentWidthHandler = null
                getOptions: function() {
                    var n, i, r, o = this.options;
                    return o.dataSource = null, n = _t(!0, {}, this.options), n.columns = dt.deepExtend([], this.columns), i = this.dataSource, r = i.options.data && i._data, i.options.data = null, n.dataSource = e.extend(!0, {}, i.options), i.options.data = r, n.dataSource.data = r, n.dataSource.page = i.page(), n.dataSource.filter = i.filter(), n.dataSource.pageSize = i.pageSize(), n.dataSource.sort = i.sort(), n.dataSource.group = i.group(), n.dataSource.aggregate = i.aggregate(), n.dataSource.transport && (n.dataSource.transport.dataSource = null), n.$angular = t, n
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this.getOptions();
                    dt.deepExtend(o, e), e.dataSource || (o.dataSource = this.dataSource), t = this.wrapper, n = this._events, i = this.element, this.destroy(), this.options = null, this._isMobile && (r = t.closest(dt.roleSelector("pane")).parent(), r.after(t), r.remove(), t.removeClass("k-grid-mobile")), t[0] !== i[0] && (t.before(i), t.remove()), i.empty(), this.init(i, o, n), this._setEvents(o)
                items: function() {
                    return this.lockedContent ? this._items(this.tbody).add(this._items(this.lockedTable.children("tbody"))) : this._items(this.tbody)
                _items: function(t) {
                    return t.children().filter(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        return !t.hasClass("k-grouping-row") && !t.hasClass("k-detail-row") && !t.hasClass("k-group-footer")
                dataItems: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = dt.ui.DataBoundWidget.fn.dataItems.call(this);
                    if (this.lockedContent) {
                        for (e = i.length, t = Array(2 * e), n = e; --n >= 0;) t[n] = t[n + e] = i[n];
                        i = t
                    return i
                _destroyColumnAttachments: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.resizeHandle = null, t.thead && (this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: t.thead.get()
                    }), t.thead.add(t.lockedHeader).find("th").each(function() {
                        var t = e(this),
                            n = t.data("kendoFilterMenu"),
                            i = t.data("kendoColumnSorter"),
                            r = t.data("kendoColumnMenu");
                        n && n.destroy(), i && i.destroy(), r && r.destroy()
                _attachCustomCommandsEvent: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this,
                        r = L(i.columns || []);
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) e = r[t].command, e && s(i, i.wrapper, e)
                _aria: function() {
                    var e = this.element.attr("id") || "aria";
                    e && (this._cellId = e + "_active_cell")
                _element: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element;
                    n.is("table") || (n = t.options.scrollable ? t.element.find("> .k-grid-content > table") : t.element.children("table"), n.length || (n = e("<table />").appendTo(t.element))), yn && n.attr("cellspacing", 0), t.table = n.attr("role", t._hasDetails() ? "treegrid" : "grid"), t._wrapper()
                _createResizeHandle: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = d.options.columnResizeHandleWidth,
                        h = d.options.scrollable,
                        p = d.resizeHandle,
                        f = this._groups();
                    if (p && d.lockedContent && p.data("th")[0] !== n[0] && (p.off(Ht).remove(), p = null), p || (p = d.resizeHandle = e('<div class="k-resize-handle"><div class="k-resize-handle-inner"></div></div>'), t.append(p)), wn) i = n.position().left, h && (a = n.closest(".k-grid-header-wrap, .k-grid-header-locked"), s = bn.msie ? a.scrollLeft() : 0, l = bn.webkit ? a[0].scrollWidth - a[0].offsetWidth - a.scrollLeft() : 0, c = bn.mozilla ? a[0].scrollWidth - a[0].offsetWidth - (a[0].scrollWidth - a[0].offsetWidth - a.scrollLeft()) : 0, i -= l - c + s);
                    else {
                        for (i = n[0].offsetWidth, r = N(n.closest("thead")).filter(":visible"), o = 0; r.length > o && r[o] != n[0]; o++) i += r[o].offsetWidth;
                        f > 0 && (i += t.find(".k-group-cell:first").outerWidth() * f), d._hasDetails() && (i += t.find(".k-hierarchy-cell:first").outerWidth())
                        top: n.position().top,
                        left: i - u,
                        height: n.outerHeight(),
                        width: 3 * u
                    }).data("th", n).show(), p.off("dblclick" + Ht).on("dblclick" + Ht, function() {
                _positionColumnResizeHandle: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.columnResizeHandleWidth,
                        i = t.lockedHeader ? t.lockedHeader.find("thead:first") : e();
                    t.thead.add(i).on("mousemove" + Ht, "th", function(i) {
                        var o, a, s, l = e(this);
                        l.hasClass("k-group-cell") || l.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell") || (o = i.clientX, a = e(window).scrollLeft(), s = l.offset().left + (wn ? 0 : this.offsetWidth), o + a > s - n && s + n > o + a ? t._createResizeHandle(l.closest("div"), l) : t.resizeHandle ? t.resizeHandle.hide() : r(t.wrapper, ""))
                _resizeHandleDocumentClick: function(t) {
                    e(t.target).closest(".k-column-active").length || (e(document).off(t), this._hideResizeHandle())
                _hideResizeHandle: function() {
                    this.resizeHandle && (this.resizeHandle.data("th").removeClass("k-column-active"), this.lockedContent && !this._isMobile ? (this.resizeHandle.off(Ht).remove(), this.resizeHandle = null) : this.resizeHandle.hide())
                _positionColumnResizeHandleTouch: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.lockedHeader ? t.lockedHeader.find("thead:first") : e();
                    t._resizeUserEvents = new dt.UserEvents(n.add(t.thead), {
                        filter: "th:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)",
                        threshold: 10,
                        hold: function(n) {
                            var i = e(n.target);
                            n.preventDefault(), i.addClass("k-column-active"), t._createResizeHandle(i.closest("div"), i), t._resizeHandleDocumentClickHandler || (t._resizeHandleDocumentClickHandler = Ct(t._resizeHandleDocumentClick, t)), e(document).on("click", t._resizeHandleDocumentClickHandler)
                _resizable: function() {
                    var t, n, i, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                        d = c.options,
                        u = this._isMobile,
                        h = dt.support.mobileOS ? 0 : dt.support.scrollbar();
                    d.resizable && (t = d.scrollable ? c.wrapper.find(".k-grid-header-wrap:first") : c.wrapper, u ? c._positionColumnResizeHandleTouch(t) : c._positionColumnResizeHandle(t), c.resizable && c.resizable.destroy(), c.resizable = new ut.Resizable(t.add(c.lockedHeader), {
                        handle: (d.scrollable ? "" : ">") + ".k-resize-handle",
                        hint: function(t) {
                            return e('<div class="k-grid-resize-indicator" />').css({
                                height: t.data("th").outerHeight() + c.tbody.attr("clientHeight")
                        start: function(t) {
                            var h, p, f, g;
                            l = e(t.currentTarget).data("th"), u && c._hideResizeHandle(), h = l.closest("table"), p = e.inArray(l[0], N(l.closest("thead")).filter(":visible")), a = h.parent().hasClass("k-grid-header-locked"), f = a ? c.lockedTable : c.table, g = c.footer || e(), c.footer && c.lockedContent && (g = c.footer.children(a ? ".k-grid-footer-locked" : ".k-grid-footer-wrap")), r(c.wrapper, "col-resize"), s = d.scrollable ? h.find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + p + ")").add(f.children("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + p + ")")).add(g.find("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + p + ")")) : f.children("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + p + ")"), n = t.x.location, i = l.outerWidth(), o = a ? f.children("tbody").outerWidth() : c.tbody.outerWidth(), bn.webkit && c.wrapper.addClass("k-grid-column-resizing")
                        resize: function(t) {
                            var r, u, p, f, g, m, v = wn ? -1 : 1,
                                _ = i + t.x.location * v - n * v;
                            d.scrollable ? (a && c.lockedFooter ? r = c.lockedFooter.children("table") : c.footer && (r = c.footer.find(">.k-grid-footer-wrap>table")), r && r[0] || (r = e()), u = l.closest("table"), p = a ? c.lockedTable : c.table, f = !1, g = c.wrapper.width() - h, m = _, a && o - i + m > g && (m = i + (g - o - 2 * h), 0 > m && (m = _), f = !0), m > 10 && (s.css("width", m), o && (m = f ? g - 2 * h : o + t.x.location * v - n * v, p.add(u).add(r).css("width", m), a || (c._footerWidth = m)))) : _ > 10 && s.css("width", _)
                        resizeend: function() {
                            var e, t, n, o = l.outerWidth();
                            r(c.wrapper, ""), bn.webkit && c.wrapper.removeClass("k-grid-column-resizing"), i != o && (t = c.lockedHeader ? c.lockedHeader.find("thead:first tr:first").add(c.thead.find("tr:first")) : l.parent(), n = l.attr(dt.attr("index")), n || (n = t.find("th:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)").index(l)), e = L(c.columns)[n], e.width = o, c.trigger(Jt, {
                                column: e,
                                oldWidth: i,
                                newWidth: o
                            }), c._applyLockedContainersWidth(), c._syncLockedContentHeight(), c._syncLockedHeaderHeight()), c._hideResizeHandle(), l = null
                _draggable: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options.reorderable && (t._draggableInstance && t._draggableInstance.destroy(), t._draggableInstance = t.wrapper.kendoDraggable({
                        group: dt.guid(),
                        filter: t.content ? ".k-grid-header:first " + Rt : "table:first>.k-grid-header " + Rt,
                        drag: function() {
                        hint: function(t) {
                            return e('<div class="k-header k-drag-clue" />').css({
                                width: t.width(),
                                paddingLeft: t.css("paddingLeft"),
                                paddingRight: t.css("paddingRight"),
                                lineHeight: t.height() + "px",
                                paddingTop: t.css("paddingTop"),
                                paddingBottom: t.css("paddingBottom")
                            }).html(t.attr(dt.attr("title")) || t.attr(dt.attr("field")) || t.text()).prepend('<span class="k-icon k-drag-status k-denied" />')
                _reorderable: function() {
                    var t, n = this;
                    n.options.reorderable && (n.wrapper.data("kendoReorderable") && n.wrapper.data("kendoReorderable").destroy(), t = function(e, t, i) {
                        var r = e[t],
                            o = e[i],
                            a = c(r, n.columns);
                        return e = a ? a.columns : n.columns, kt(o, e)
                    }, n.wrapper.kendoReorderable({
                        draggable: n._draggableInstance,
                        dragOverContainers: function(e, i) {
                            var r = S(n.columns);
                            return r[e].lockable !== !1 && t(r, e, i) > -1
                        inSameContainer: function(i) {
                            return e(i.source).parent()[0] === e(i.target).parent()[0] && t(S(n.columns), i.sourceIndex, i.targetIndex) > -1
                        change: function(e) {
                            var i = S(n.columns),
                                r = i[e.oldIndex],
                                o = t(i, e.oldIndex, e.newIndex);
                            n.trigger(en, {
                                newIndex: o,
                                oldIndex: kt(r, i),
                                column: r
                            }), n.reorderColumn(o, r, "before" === e.position)
                _reorderHeader: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, s, l, c = this,
                        d = y(e[0], c.columns),
                        u = y(t, c.columns),
                        h = [];
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) e[i].columns && (h = h.concat(e[i].columns));
                    r = a(c.lockedHeader, c.thead, "tr:eq(" + d.row + ")>th.k-header:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), s = z(e).length, l = z([t]).length, h.length ? (s > 0 && 0 === l ? v(e, t, h, c.columns, c.lockedHeader.find("thead"), c.thead, this._groups()) : 0 === s && l > 0 && v(e, t, h, c.columns, c.thead, c.lockedHeader.find("thead"), this._groups()), (t.columns || d.cell - u.cell > 1 || u.cell - d.cell > 1) && (t = x(c.columns, t, e[0], n), t && c._reorderHeader(h, t, n))) : s !== l && m(r[d.cell], c.columns, s), o(r, d.cell, u.cell, n, e.length)
                _reorderContent: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = e(),
                        h = t[0],
                        p = f(t),
                        g = kt(h, L(d.columns)),
                        m = kt(n, L(d.columns)),
                        v = kt(h, B(d.columns)),
                        _ = kt(n, B(d.columns)),
                        w = z(d.columns).length,
                        b = !!n.locked,
                        y = d.footer || d.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer"),
                        k = r = _;
                    for (n.hidden && (b ? (_ = d.lockedTable.find("colgroup"), k = d.lockedHeader.find("colgroup"), r = e(d.lockedFooter).find(">table>colgroup")) : (_ = d.tbody.prev(), k = d.thead.prev(), r = y.find(".k-grid-footer-wrap").find(">table>colgroup"))), d._hasFilterRow() && o(d.wrapper.find(".k-filter-row th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), g, m, i, t.length), o(a(d.lockedHeader, d.thead.prev(), "col:not(.k-group-col,.k-hierarchy-col)"), v, k, i, p.length), d.options.scrollable && o(a(d.lockedTable, d.tbody.prev(), "col:not(.k-group-col,.k-hierarchy-col)"), v, _, i, p.length), y && y.length && (o(a(d.lockedFooter, y.find(".k-grid-footer-wrap"), ">table>colgroup>col:not(.k-group-col,.k-hierarchy-col)"), v, r, i, p.length), o(y.find(".k-footer-template>td:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), g, m, i, t.length)), s = d.tbody.children(":not(.k-grouping-row,.k-detail-row)"), d.lockedTable && (w > m ? g >= w && et(d.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr.k-grouping-row"), d.table.find(">tbody>tr.k-grouping-row"), t.length) : w > g && et(d.table.find(">tbody>tr.k-grouping-row"), d.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr.k-grouping-row"), t.length), u = d.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr:not(.k-grouping-row,.k-detail-row)")), l = 0, c = s.length; c > l; l += 1) o(a(u[l], s[l], ">td:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), g, m, i, t.length)
                _autoFitLeafColumn: function(e) {
                autoFitColumn: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y = this,
                        k = y.options,
                        x = y.columns,
                        C = y.lockedHeader ? N(y.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead")).filter(h).length : 0,
                        S = "col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col)",
                        D = "td:visible:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)";
                    if (t = "number" == typeof t ? x[t] : vt(t) ? bt(T(x), function(e) {
                        return e === t
                    })[0] : bt(T(x), function(e) {
                        return e.field === t
                    })[0], t && p(t)) {
                        for (n = kt(t, L(x)), o = t.locked, r = o ? y.lockedHeader.children("table") : y.thead.parent(), i = r.find("[data-index='" + n + "']"), s = o ? y.lockedTable : y.table, l = y.footer || e(), y.footer && y.lockedContent && (l = y.footer.children(o ? ".k-grid-footer-locked" : ".k-grid-footer-wrap")), c = l.find("table").first(), y.lockedHeader && !o && (n -= C), d = 0; x.length > d && x[d] !== t; d++) x[d].hidden && n--;
                        if (a = k.scrollable ? r.find(S).eq(n).add(s.children("colgroup").find(S).eq(n)).add(c.find("colgroup").find(S).eq(n)) : s.children("colgroup").find(S).eq(n), u = r.add(s).add(c), f = i.outerWidth(), a.width(""), u.css("table-layout", "fixed"), a.width("auto"), u.addClass("k-autofitting"), u.css("table-layout", ""), g = Math.ceil(Math.max(i.outerWidth(), s.find("tr:not(.k-grouping-row)").eq(0).children(D).eq(n).outerWidth(), c.find("tr").eq(0).children(D).eq(n).outerWidth())) + 1, a.width(g), t.width = g, k.scrollable) {
                            for (m = r.find("col"), _ = 0, w = 0, b = m.length; b > w; w += 1) {
                                if (v = m[w].style.width, !v || -1 != v.indexOf("%")) {
                                    _ = 0;
                                _ += parseInt(v, 10)
                            _ && u.each(function() {
                                this.style.width = _ + "px"
                        bn.msie && 8 == bn.version && (u.css("display", "inline-table"), setTimeout(function() {
                            u.css("display", "table")
                        }, 1)), u.removeClass("k-autofitting"), y.trigger(Jt, {
                            column: t,
                            oldWidth: f,
                            newWidth: g
                        }), y._applyLockedContainersWidth(), y._syncLockedContentHeight(), y._syncLockedHeaderHeight()
                reorderColumn: function(e, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a = this,
                        s = c(n, a.columns),
                        l = s ? s.columns : a.columns,
                        d = kt(n, l),
                        u = l[e],
                        h = !!u.locked,
                        p = z(a.columns).length;
                    d !== e && (n.locked || !h || 1 != F(a.columns).length) && (!n.locked || h || 1 != p) && (a._hideResizeHandle(), i === t && (i = d > e), o = [n], a._reorderHeader(o, u, i), a.lockedHeader && (P(a.thead), P(a.lockedHeader)), u.columns && (u = L(u.columns), u = u[i ? 0 : u.length - 1]), n.columns && (o = L(n.columns)), a._reorderContent(o, u, i), r = !!n.locked, r = r != h, n.locked = h, l.splice(i ? e : e + 1, 0, n), l.splice(e > d ? d : d + 1, 1), a._templates(), a._updateColumnCellIndex(), a._updateTablesWidth(), a._applyLockedContainersWidth(), a._syncLockedHeaderHeight(), a._syncLockedContentHeight(), a._updateFirstColumnClass(), r && (h ? a.trigger(tn, {
                        column: n
                    }) : a.trigger(nn, {
                        column: n
                _updateColumnCellIndex: function() {
                    var e, t = 0;
                    this.lockedHeader && (e = this.lockedHeader.find("thead"), t = _(e, z(this.columns))), _(this.thead, F(this.columns), t)
                lockColumn: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.columns;
                    e = "number" == typeof e ? n[e] : bt(n, function(t) {
                        return t.field === e
                    })[0], !e || e.locked || e.hidden || (t = z(n).length - 1, this.reorderColumn(t, e, !1))
                unlockColumn: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.columns;
                    e = "number" == typeof e ? n[e] : bt(n, function(t) {
                        return t.field === e
                    })[0], e && e.locked && !e.hidden && (t = z(n).length, this.reorderColumn(t, e, !0))
                cellIndex: function(t) {
                    var n = 0;
                    return this.lockedTable && !e.contains(this.lockedTable[0], t[0]) && (n = L(z(this.columns)).length), e(t).parent().children("td:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").index(t) + n
                _modelForContainer: function(t) {
                    t = e(t), t.is("tr") || "popup" === this._editMode() || (t = t.closest("tr"));
                    var n = t.attr(dt.attr("uid"));
                    return this.dataSource.getByUid(n)
                _editable: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.selectable && n.selectable.options.multiple,
                        r = n.options.editable,
                        o = function() {
                            var t = ft(),
                                i = n._editContainer;
                            !i || e.contains(i[0], t) || i[0] === t || e(t).closest(".k-animation-container").length || n.editable.end() && n.closeCell()
                    r && (t = n._editMode(), "incell" === t ? r.update !== !1 && n.wrapper.on(rn + Ht, "tr:not(.k-grouping-row) > td", function(t) {
                        var r = e(this),
                            o = n.lockedTable && r.closest("table")[0] === n.lockedTable[0];
                        r.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell") || r.hasClass("k-detail-cell") || r.hasClass("k-group-cell") || r.hasClass("k-edit-cell") || r.has("a.k-grid-delete").length || r.has("button.k-grid-delete").length || r.closest("tbody")[0] !== n.tbody[0] && !o || e(t.target).is(":input") || (n.editable ? n.editable.end() && (i && e(ft()).blur(), n.closeCell(), n.editCell(r)) : n.editCell(r))
                    }).on("focusin" + Ht, function() {
                        e.contains(this, ft()) || (clearTimeout(n.timer), n.timer = null)
                    }).on("focusout" + Ht, function() {
                        n.timer = setTimeout(o, 1)
                    }) : r.update !== !1 && n.wrapper.on(rn + Ht, "tbody>tr:not(.k-detail-row,.k-grouping-row):visible a.k-grid-edit", function(t) {
                        t.preventDefault(), n.editRow(e(this).closest("tr"))
                    }), r.destroy !== !1 ? n.wrapper.on(rn + Ht, "tbody>tr:not(.k-detail-row,.k-grouping-row):visible .k-grid-delete", function(t) {
                        t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), n.removeRow(e(this).closest("tr"))
                    }) : n.wrapper.on(rn + Ht, "tbody>tr:not(.k-detail-row,.k-grouping-row):visible button.k-grid-delete", function(e) {
                        e.stopPropagation(), n._confirmation() || e.preventDefault()
                editCell: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    t = e(t), n = this, i = L(n.columns)[n.cellIndex(t)], r = n._modelForContainer(t), n.closeCell(), !r || r.editable && !r.editable(i.field) || i.command || !i.field || (n._attachModelChange(r), n._editContainer = t, n.editable = t.addClass("k-edit-cell").kendoEditable({
                        fields: {
                            field: i.field,
                            format: i.format,
                            editor: i.editor,
                            values: i.values
                        model: r,
                        target: n,
                        change: function(e) {
                            n.trigger(Lt, {
                                values: e.values,
                                container: t,
                                model: r
                            }) && e.preventDefault()
                    }).data("kendoEditable"), o = t.parent().addClass("k-grid-edit-row"), n.lockedContent && it(o[0], n._relatedRow(o).addClass("k-grid-edit-row")[0]), n.trigger(Bt, {
                        container: t,
                        model: r
                _adjustLockedHorizontalScrollBar: function() {
                    var e = this.table,
                        t = e.parent(),
                        n = e[0].offsetWidth > t[0].clientWidth ? dt.support.scrollbar() : 0;
                    this.lockedContent.height(t.height() - n)
                _syncLockedContentHeight: function() {
                    this.lockedTable && (this.touchScroller || this._adjustLockedHorizontalScrollBar(), this._adjustRowsHeight(this.table, this.lockedTable))
                _syncLockedHeaderHeight: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    this.lockedHeader && (e = this.lockedHeader.children("table"), t = this.thead.parent(), this._adjustRowsHeight(e, t), nt(e, t))
                _syncLockedFooterHeight: function() {
                    this.lockedFooter && this.footer && this.footer.length && this._adjustRowsHeight(this.lockedFooter.children("table"), this.footer.find(".k-grid-footer-wrap > table"))
                _destroyEditable: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = function() {
                            if (e.editable) {
                                var t = e.editView ? e.editView.element : e._editContainer;
                                t && (t.off(rn + Ht, "a.k-grid-cancel", e._editCancelClickHandler), t.off(rn + Ht, "a.k-grid-update", e._editUpdateClickHandler)), e._detachModelChange(), e.editable.destroy(), e.editable = null, e._editContainer = null, e._destroyEditView()
                    e.editable && ("popup" !== e._editMode() || e._isMobile ? t() : e._editContainer.data("kendoWindow").bind("deactivate", t).close()), e._actionSheet && (e._actionSheet.destroy(), e._actionSheet = null)
                _destroyEditView: function() {
                    this.editView && (this.editView.purge(), this.editView = null, this.pane.navigate(""))
                _attachModelChange: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t._modelChangeHandler = function(e) {
                            field: e.field,
                            model: this
                    }, e.bind("change", t._modelChangeHandler)
                _detachModelChange: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._editContainer,
                        n = e._modelForContainer(t);
                    n && n.unbind(Wt, e._modelChangeHandler)
                closeCell: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a._editContainer;
                    s && (n = s.closest("tr").attr(dt.attr("uid")), o = a.dataSource.getByUid(n), t && a.trigger("cancel", {
                        container: s,
                        model: o
                    }) || (s.removeClass("k-edit-cell"), i = L(a.columns)[a.cellIndex(s)], r = s.parent().removeClass("k-grid-edit-row"), a._destroyEditable(), a._displayCell(s, i, o), s.hasClass("k-dirty-cell") && e('<span class="k-dirty"/>').prependTo(s), a.lockedContent && it(r.css("height", "")[0], a._relatedRow(r).css("height", "")[0])))
                _displayCell: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = {
                            storage: {},
                            count: 0
                        o = _t({}, dt.Template, i.options.templateSettings),
                        a = dt.template(i._cellTmpl(t, r), o);
                    r.count > 0 && (a = Ct(a, r.storage)), e.empty().html(a(n)), i.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: n
                removeRow: function(e) {
                    this._confirmation(e) && this._removeRow(e)
                _removeRow: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i._editMode();
                    "incell" !== r && i.cancelRow(), t = e(t), i.lockedContent && (t = t.add(i._relatedRow(t))), t = t.hide(), n = i._modelForContainer(t), n && !i.trigger(Nt, {
                        row: t,
                        model: n
                    }) ? (i.dataSource.remove(n), ("inline" === r || "popup" === r) && i.dataSource.sync()) : "incell" === r && i._destroyEditable()
                _editMode: function() {
                    var e = "incell",
                        t = this.options.editable;
                    return t !== !0 && (e = "string" == typeof t ? t : t.mode || e), e
                editRow: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this;
                    n instanceof dt.data.ObservableObject ? i = n : (n = e(n), i = a._modelForContainer(n)), r = a._editMode(), a.cancelRow(), i && (a._attachModelChange(i), "popup" === r ? a._createPopupEditor(i) : "inline" === r ? a._createInlineEditor(n, i) : "incell" === r && e(n).children(It).each(function() {
                        var n = e(this),
                            r = L(a.columns)[n.index()];
                        return i = a._modelForContainer(n), i && (!i.editable || i.editable(r.field)) && r.field ? (a.editCell(n), !1) : t
                    }), o = a.editView ? a.editView.element : a._editContainer, o && (this._editCancelClickHandler || (this._editCancelClickHandler = Ct(this._editCancelClick, this)), o.on(rn + Ht, "a.k-grid-cancel", this._editCancelClickHandler), this._editUpdateClickHandler || (this._editUpdateClickHandler = Ct(this._editUpdateClick, this)), o.on(rn + Ht, "a.k-grid-update", this._editUpdateClickHandler)))
                _editUpdateClick: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.saveRow()
                _editCancelClick: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options.navigatable,
                        o = i.editable.options.model,
                        a = i.editView ? i.editView.element : i._editContainer;
                    t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), i.trigger("cancel", {
                        container: a,
                        model: o
                    }) || (n = i.items().index(e(i.current()).parent()), i.cancelRow(), r && (i.current(i.items().eq(n).children().filter(zt).first()), ot(i.table, !0)))
                _createPopupEditor: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = this,
                        g = "<div " + dt.attr("uid") + '="' + n.uid + '" class="k-popup-edit-form' + (f._isMobile ? " k-mobile-list" : "") + '"><div class="k-edit-form-container">',
                        m = [],
                        v = L(f.columns),
                        _ = f.options.editable,
                        w = _.template,
                        b = vt(_) ? _.window : {},
                        y = _t({}, dt.Template, f.options.templateSettings);
                    if (b = b || {}, w)
                        for (typeof w === ln && (w = window.unescape(w)), g += dt.template(w, y)(n), o = 0, a = v.length; a > o; o++) i = v[o], i.command && (d = rt(i.command, "edit"), d && (r = d));
                        for (o = 0, a = v.length; a > o; o++) i = v[o], i.command ? i.command && (d = rt(i.command, "edit"), d && (r = d)) : (g += '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="' + i.field + '">' + (i.title || i.field || "") + "</label></div>", n.editable && !n.editable(i.field) || !i.field ? (h = {
                            storage: {},
                            count: 0
                        }, s = dt.template(f._cellTmpl(i, h), y), h.count > 0 && (s = Ct(s, h.storage)), g += '<div class="k-edit-field">' + s(n) + "</div>") : (m.push({
                            field: i.field,
                            format: i.format,
                            editor: i.editor,
                            values: i.values
                        }), g += "<div " + dt.attr("container-for") + '="' + i.field + '" class="k-edit-field"></div>'));
                    r && vt(r) && (r.text && vt(r.text) && (l = r.text.update, c = r.text.cancel), r.attr && (u = r.attr)), f._isMobile ? (g += "</div></div>", f.editView = f.pane.append("<div data-" + dt.ns + 'role="view" data-' + dt.ns + 'init-widgets="false" class="k-grid-edit-form"><div data-' + dt.ns + 'role="header" class="k-header">' + f._createButton({
                        name: "update",
                        text: l,
                        attr: u
                    }) + (b.title || "Edit") + f._createButton({
                        name: "canceledit",
                        text: c,
                        attr: u
                    }) + "</div>" + g + "</div>"), p = f._editContainer = f.editView.element.find(".k-popup-edit-form")) : (g += '<div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default">', g += f._createButton({
                        name: "update",
                        text: l,
                        attr: u
                    }) + f._createButton({
                        name: "canceledit",
                        text: c,
                        attr: u
                    }), g += "</div></div></div>", p = f._editContainer = e(g).appendTo(f.wrapper).eq(0).kendoWindow(_t({
                        modal: !0,
                        resizable: !1,
                        draggable: !0,
                        title: "Edit",
                        visible: !1,
                        close: function(i) {
                            if (i.userTriggered) {
                                if (i.sender.element.focus(), f.trigger("cancel", {
                                    container: p,
                                    model: n
                                })) return i.preventDefault(), t;
                                var r = f.items().index(e(f.current()).parent());
                                f.cancelRow(), f.options.navigatable && (f.current(f.items().eq(r).children().filter(zt).first()), ot(f.table, !0))
                    }, b))), f.editable = f._editContainer.kendoEditable({
                        fields: m,
                        model: n,
                        clearContainer: !1,
                        target: f
                    }).data("kendoEditable"), f._isMobile && p.find("input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]").parent(".k-edit-field").addClass("k-check").prev(".k-edit-label").addClass("k-check").click(function() {
                    }), f._openPopUpEditor(), f.trigger(Bt, {
                        container: p,
                        model: n
                _openPopUpEditor: function() {
                    this._isMobile ? this.pane.navigate(this.editView, this._editAnimation) : this._editContainer.data("kendoWindow").center().open()
                _createInlineEditor: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = [];
                    a.lockedContent && (t = t.add(a._relatedRow(t))), t.children(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").each(function() {
                        if (r = e(this), i = L(a.columns)[a.cellIndex(r)], i.command || !i.field || n.editable && !n.editable(i.field)) {
                            if (i.command && (o = rt(i.command, "edit"))) {
                                var t, l, c;
                                vt(o) && (o.text && vt(o.text) && (t = o.text.update, l = o.text.cancel), o.attr && (c = o.attr)), e(a._createButton({
                                    name: "update",
                                    text: t,
                                    attr: c
                                }) + a._createButton({
                                    name: "canceledit",
                                    text: l,
                                    attr: c
                        } else s.push({
                            field: i.field,
                            format: i.format,
                            editor: i.editor,
                            values: i.values
                        }), r.attr(dt.attr("container-for"), i.field), r.empty()
                    }), a._editContainer = t, a.editable = new dt.ui.Editable(t.addClass("k-grid-edit-row"), {
                        target: a,
                        fields: s,
                        model: n,
                        clearContainer: !1
                    }), t.length > 1 && (it(t[0], t[1]), a._applyLockedContainersWidth()), a.trigger(Bt, {
                        container: t,
                        model: n
                cancelRow: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t._editContainer;
                    n && (e = t._modelForContainer(n), t._destroyEditable(), t.dataSource.cancelChanges(e), t._displayRow("popup" !== t._editMode() ? n : t.tbody.find("[" + dt.attr("uid") + "=" + e.uid + "]")))
                saveRow: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._editContainer,
                        n = e._modelForContainer(t),
                        i = e.editable;
                    t && i && i.end() && !e.trigger(Lt, {
                        container: t,
                        model: n
                    }) && e.dataSource.sync()
                _displayRow: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o._modelForContainer(t),
                        s = t.hasClass("k-state-selected"),
                        l = t.hasClass("k-alt");
                    a && (o.lockedContent && (n = e((l ? o.lockedAltRowTemplate : o.lockedRowTemplate)(a)), o._relatedRow(t.last()).replaceWith(n)), o.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: t.get()
                    }), i = e((l ? o.altRowTemplate : o.rowTemplate)(a)), t.replaceWith(i), o.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: i.get(),
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: a
                    }), s && o.options.selectable && o.select(i.add(n)), n && it(i[0], n[0]), r = i.next(), r.hasClass("k-detail-row") && r.is(":visible") && i.find(".k-hierarchy-cell .k-icon").removeClass("k-plus").addClass("k-minus"))
                _showMessage: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this;
                    return a._isMobile ? (i = dt.template('<ul><li class="km-actionsheet-title">#:title#</li><li><a href="\\#" class="k-button k-grid-delete">#:confirmDelete#</a></li></ul>'), r = e(i(t)).appendTo(a.view.element), o = a._actionSheet = new dt.mobile.ui.ActionSheet(r, {
                        cancel: t.cancelDelete,
                        cancelTemplate: '<li class="km-actionsheet-cancel"><a class="k-button" href="\\#">#:cancel#</a></li>',
                        close: function() {
                        command: function(t) {
                            var i = e(t.currentTarget).parent();
                            i.hasClass("km-actionsheet-cancel") || a._removeRow(n)
                        popup: a._actionSheetPopupOptions
                    }), o.open(n), !1) : window.confirm(t.title)
                _confirmation: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.editable,
                        i = n === !0 || typeof n === ln ? t.options.messages.editable.confirmation : n.confirmation;
                    return i !== !1 && null != i ? (typeof i === sn && (i = i(t._modelForContainer(e))), t._showMessage({
                        confirmDelete: n.confirmDelete || t.options.messages.editable.confirmDelete,
                        cancelDelete: n.cancelDelete || t.options.messages.editable.cancelDelete,
                        title: i === !0 ? t.options.messages.editable.confirmation : i
                    }, e)) : !0
                cancelChanges: function() {
                saveChanges: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    (e.editable && e.editable.end() || !e.editable) && !e.trigger(qt) && e.dataSource.sync()
                addRow: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.dataSource,
                        l = a._editMode(),
                        c = a.options.editable.createAt || "",
                        d = s.pageSize(),
                        u = s.view() || [];
                    (a.editable && a.editable.end() || !a.editable) && ("incell" != l && a.cancelRow(), e = s.indexOf(u[0]), "bottom" == c.toLowerCase() && (e += u.length, d && !s.options.serverPaging && u.length >= d && (e -= 1)), 0 > e && (e = s.page() > s.totalPages() ? (s.page() - 1) * d : 0), t = s.insert(e, {}), n = t.uid, i = a.lockedContent ? a.lockedTable : a.table, r = i.find("tr[" + dt.attr("uid") + "=" + n + "]"), o = r.children("td:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").eq(a._firstEditableColumnIndex(r)), "inline" === l && r.length ? a.editRow(r) : "popup" === l ? a.editRow(t) : o.length && a.editCell(o), "bottom" == c.toLowerCase() && a.lockedContent && (a.lockedContent[0].scrollTop = a.content[0].scrollTop = a.content[0].offsetHeight))
                _firstEditableColumnIndex: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = L(r.columns),
                        a = r._modelForContainer(e);
                    for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (t = o[n], a && (!a.editable || a.editable(t.field)) && !t.command && t.field && t.hidden !== !0) return n;
                    return -1
                _toolbar: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.wrapper,
                        r = n.options.toolbar,
                        o = n.options.editable;
                    r && (t = n.wrapper.find(".k-grid-toolbar"), t.length || (St(r) || (r = typeof r === ln ? r : n._toolbarTmpl(r).replace(fn, "\\#"), r = Ct(dt.template(r), n)), t = e('<div class="k-header k-grid-toolbar" />').html(r({})).prependTo(i), n.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: t.get()
                    })), o && o.create !== !1 && t.on(rn + Ht, ".k-grid-add", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), n.addRow()
                    }).on(rn + Ht, ".k-grid-cancel-changes", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), n.cancelChanges()
                    }).on(rn + Ht, ".k-grid-save-changes", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), n.saveChanges()
                    }), t.on(rn + Ht, ".k-grid-excel", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), n.saveAsExcel()
                    }), t.on(rn + Ht, ".k-grid-pdf", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), n.saveAsPDF()
                _toolbarTmpl: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = "";
                    if (yt(e))
                        for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) r += i._createButton(e[t]);
                    return r
                _createButton: function(e) {
                    var n, r = e.template || _n,
                        o = typeof e === ln ? e : e.name || e.text,
                        a = Cn[o] ? Cn[o].className : "k-grid-" + (o || "").replace(/\s/g, ""),
                        s = {
                            className: a,
                            text: o,
                            imageClass: "",
                            attr: "",
                            iconClass: ""
                        l = this.options.messages.commands;
                    if (!(o || vt(e) && e.template)) throw Error("Custom commands should have name specified");
                    return vt(e) ? (e.className && kt(s.className, e.className.split(" ")) < 0 ? e.className += " " + s.className : e.className === t && (e.className = s.className), "edit" === o && vt(e.text) && (e = _t(!0, {}, e), e.text = e.text.edit), e.attr && (vt(e.attr) && (e.attr = i(e.attr)), typeof e.attr === ln && (n = e.attr.match(/class="(.+?)"/), n && kt(n[1], e.className.split(" ")) < 0 && (e.className += " " + n[1]))), s = _t(!0, s, Cn[o], {
                        text: l[o]
                    }, e)) : s = _t(!0, s, Cn[o], {
                        text: l[o]
                    }), dt.template(r)(s)
                _hasFooters: function() {
                    return !!this.footerTemplate || !!this.groupFooterTemplate || this.footer && this.footer.length > 0 || this.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer").length > 0
                _groupable: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t._groupableClickHandler ? t.table.add(t.lockedTable).off(rn + Ht, t._groupableClickHandler) : t._groupableClickHandler = function(n) {
                        var i = e(this),
                            r = i.closest("tr");
                        i.hasClass("k-i-collapse") ? t.collapseGroup(r) : t.expandGroup(r), n.preventDefault(), n.stopPropagation()
                    }, t._isLocked() ? t.lockedTable.on(rn + Ht, ".k-grouping-row .k-i-collapse, .k-grouping-row .k-i-expand", t._groupableClickHandler) : t.table.on(rn + Ht, ".k-grouping-row .k-i-collapse, .k-grouping-row .k-i-expand", t._groupableClickHandler), t._attachGroupable()
                _attachGroupable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper,
                        i = t.options.groupable,
                        r = Rt + "[" + dt.attr("field") + "]",
                        o = t.content ? ".k-grid-header:first " + r : "table:first>.k-grid-header " + r;
                    i && i.enabled !== !1 && (n.has("div.k-grouping-header")[0] || e("<div>&nbsp;</div>").addClass("k-grouping-header").prependTo(n), t.groupable && t.groupable.destroy(), t.groupable = new ut.Groupable(n, _t({}, i, {
                        draggable: t._draggableInstance,
                        groupContainer: ">div.k-grouping-header",
                        dataSource: t.dataSource,
                        draggableElements: o,
                        filter: o,
                        allowDrag: t.options.reorderable
                _continuousItems: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d;
                    if (this.lockedContent) {
                        for (i = this, r = i.table.add(i.lockedTable), o = e(t, r[0]), a = e(t, r[1]), s = n ? z(i.columns).length : 1, l = n ? i.columns.length - s : 1, c = [], d = 0; o.length > d; d += s) xt.apply(c, o.slice(d, d + s)), xt.apply(c, a.splice(0, l));
                        return c
                _selectable: function() {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = [],
                        l = a._isLocked(),
                        c = a.options.selectable;
                    c && (a.selectable && a.selectable.destroy(), c = dt.ui.Selectable.parseOptions(c), n = c.multiple, i = c.cell, a._hasDetails() && (s[s.length] = ".k-detail-row"), (a.options.groupable || a._hasFooters()) && (s[s.length] = ".k-grouping-row,.k-group-footer"), s = s.join(","), "" !== s && (s = ":not(" + s + ")"), r = a.table, l && (r = r.add(a.lockedTable)), o = ">" + (i ? Pt : "tbody>tr" + s), a.selectable = new dt.ui.Selectable(r, {
                        filter: o,
                        aria: !0,
                        multiple: n,
                        change: function() {
                        useAllItems: l && n && i,
                        relatedTarget: function(t) {
                            var n, r, o, s;
                            if (!i && l) {
                                for (r = e(), o = 0, s = t.length; s > o; o++) n = a._relatedRow(t[o]), kt(n[0], t) < 0 && (r = r.add(n));
                                return r
                        continuousItems: function() {
                            return a._continuousItems(o, i)
                    }), a.options.navigatable && r.on("keydown" + Ht, function(o) {
                        var s = a.current(),
                            c = o.target;
                        if (o.keyCode === mt.SPACEBAR && e.inArray(c, r) > -1 && !s.is(".k-edit-cell,.k-header") && s.parent().is(":not(.k-grouping-row,.k-detail-row,.k-group-footer)")) {
                            if (o.preventDefault(), o.stopPropagation(), s = i ? s : s.parent(), l && !i && (s = s.add(a._relatedRow(s))), n)
                                if (o.ctrlKey) {
                                    if (s.hasClass(Xt)) return s.removeClass(Xt), a.trigger(Wt), t
                                } else a.selectable.clear();
                            else a.selectable.clear();
                _clipboard: function() {
                    var e, t = this.options,
                        n = t.selectable;
                    n && t.allowCopy && (e = this, t.navigatable || e.table.add(e.lockedTable).attr("tabindex", 0).on("mousedown" + Ht + " keydown" + Ht, ".k-detail-cell", function(e) {
                        e.target !== e.currentTarget && e.stopImmediatePropagation()
                    }).on("mousedown" + Ht, Mt + ">" + zt, Ct(at, e)), e.copyHandler = Ct(e.copySelection, e), e.updateClipBoardState = function() {
                        e.areaClipBoard && e.areaClipBoard.val(e.getTSV()).focus().select()
                    }, e.bind("change", e.updateClipBoardState), e.wrapper.on("keydown", e.copyHandler), e.clearAreaHandler = Ct(e.clearArea, e), e.wrapper.on("keyup", e.clearAreaHandler))
                copySelection: function(t) {
                    t instanceof jQuery.Event && !t.ctrlKey && !t.metaKey || e(t.target).is("input:visible,textarea:visible") || window.getSelection && "" + window.getSelection() || document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text || (this.areaClipBoard || (this.areaClipBoard = e("<textarea />").css({
                        position: "fixed",
                        top: "50%",
                        left: "50%",
                        opacity: 0,
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                    }).appendTo(this.wrapper)), this.areaClipBoard.val(this.getTSV()).focus().select())
                getTSV: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.select(),
                        c = "	",
                        d = s.options.allowCopy,
                        u = !0;
                    return e.isPlainObject(d) && d.delimeter && (c = d.delimeter), t = "", l.length && (l.eq(0).is("tr") && (l = l.find("td:not(.k-group-cell)")), u && l.filter(":visible"), n = [], i = this.columns.length, r = s._isLocked() && z(s.columns).length, o = !0, e.each(l, function(t, a) {
                        var l, c, d, h;
                        a = e(a), l = a.closest("tr"), c = l.index(), d = a.index(), u && (d -= a.prevAll(":hidden").length), r && o && (o = e.contains(s.lockedTable[0], a[0])), s._groups() && o && (d -= s._groups()), d = o ? d : d + r, i > d && (i = d), h = a.text(), n[c] || (n[c] = []), n[c][d] = h
                    }), a = n.length, n = e.each(n, function(e, t) {
                        t && (n[e] = t.slice(i), a > e && (a = e))
                    }), e.each(n.slice(a), function(e, n) {
                        t += n ? n.join(c) + "\r\n" : "\r\n"
                    })), t
                clearArea: function(t) {
                    this.areaClipBoard && t && t.target === this.areaClipBoard[0] && (this.options.navigatable ? e(this.current()).closest("table").focus() : this.table.focus()), this.areaClipBoard && (this.areaClipBoard.remove(), this.areaClipBoard = null)
                _minScreenSupport: function() {
                    var t = this.hideMinScreenCols();
                    t && (this.minScreenResizeHandler = Ct(this.hideMinScreenCols, this), e(window).on("resize", this.minScreenResizeHandler))
                hideMinScreenCols: function() {
                    var e, n, i, r = this.columns,
                        o = !1,
                        a = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width;
                    for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) n = r[e], i = n.minScreenWidth, i !== t && null !== i && (o = !0, i > a ? this.hideColumn(n) : this.showColumn(n));
                    return o
                _relatedRow: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this.lockedTable;
                    return t = e(t), r ? (n = t.closest(this.table.add(this.lockedTable)), i = n.find(">tbody>tr").index(t), n = n[0] === this.table[0] ? r : this.table, n.find(">tbody>tr").eq(i)) : t
                clearSelection: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.selectable.clear(), e.trigger(Wt)
                select: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.selectable;
                    return n = e(n), n.length ? (r.options.multiple || (r.clear(), n = n.first()), i._isLocked() && (n = n.add(n.map(function() {
                        return i._relatedRow(this)
                    }))), r.value(n), t) : r.value()
                _updateCurrentAttr: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = e(t).data("headerId");
                    e(t).removeClass(Kt).removeAttr("aria-describedby").closest("table").removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), r ? (r = r.replace(this._cellId, ""), e(t).attr("id", r)) : e(t).removeAttr("id"), n.data("headerId", n.attr("id")).attr("id", this._cellId).addClass(Kt).closest("table").attr("aria-activedescendant", this._cellId), n.closest("tr").hasClass("k-grouping-row") || n.hasClass("k-header") ? n.attr("aria-describedby", this._cellId) : (i = this.columns[this.cellIndex(n)], i && (r = i.headerAttributes.id), n.attr("aria-describedby", r + " " + this._cellId)), this._current = n
                _scrollCurrent: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this._current,
                        l = this.options.scrollable;
                    s && l && (t = s.parent(), n = t.closest("table").parent(), i = n.is(".k-grid-content-locked,.k-grid-header-locked"), r = n.is(".k-grid-content-locked,.k-grid-content,.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap"), o = e(this.content).find(">.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap").andSelf().last()[0], r && (l.virtual ? (a = Math.max(kt(t[0], this._items(t.parent())), 0), this._rowVirtualIndex = this.virtualScrollable.itemIndex(a), this.virtualScrollable.scrollIntoView(t)) : this._scrollTo(this._relatedRow(t)[0], o)), this.lockedContent && (this.lockedContent[0].scrollTop = o.scrollTop), i || this._scrollTo(s[0], o))
                current: function(t) {
                    var n = this._current;
                    return t = e(t), t.length && (n && n[0] === t[0] || (this._updateCurrentAttr(n, t), this._scrollCurrent())), this._current
                _removeCurrent: function() {
                    this._current && (this._current.removeClass(Kt), this._current = null)
                _scrollTo: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = t.tagName.toLowerCase(),
                        o = "td" === r || "th" === r,
                        a = t[o ? "offsetLeft" : "offsetTop"],
                        s = t[o ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight"],
                        l = n[o ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop"],
                        c = n[o ? "clientWidth" : "clientHeight"],
                        d = a + s,
                        u = 0,
                        h = 0,
                        p = 0;
                    wn && o && (i = e(t).closest("table")[0], bn.msie ? h = i.offsetLeft : bn.mozilla && (p = i.offsetLeft - dt.support.scrollbar())), l = Math.abs(l + h - p), u = l > a ? a : d > l + c ? c >= s ? d - c : a : l, u = Math.abs(u + h) + p, n[o ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop"] = u
                _navigatable: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this;
                    r.options.navigatable && (t = r.table.add(r.lockedTable), n = r.thead.parent().add(e(">table", r.lockedHeader)), i = t, r.options.scrollable && (i = i.add(n), n.attr(an, -1)), this._navigatableTables = i, i.off("mousedown" + Ht + " focus" + Ht + " focusout" + Ht + " keydown" + Ht), n.on("keydown" + Ht, Ct(r._openHeaderMenu, r)).find("a.k-link").attr("tabIndex", -1), t.attr(an, Dt.max(t.attr(an) || 0, 0)).on("mousedown" + Ht + " keydown" + Ht, ".k-detail-cell", function(e) {
                        e.target !== e.currentTarget && e.stopImmediatePropagation()
                    }), i.on(dt.support.touch ? "touchstart" + Ht : "mousedown" + Ht, Mt + ">" + zt, Ct(at, r)).on("focus" + Ht, Ct(r._tableFocus, r)).on("focusout" + Ht, Ct(r._tableBlur, r)).on("keydown" + Ht, Ct(r._tableKeyDown, r)))
                _openHeaderMenu: function(e) {
                    e.altKey && e.keyCode == mt.DOWN && (this.current().find(".k-grid-filter, .k-header-column-menu").click(), e.stopImmediatePropagation())
                _setTabIndex: function(e) {
                    this._navigatableTables.attr(an, -1), e.attr(an, 0)
                _tableFocus: function(t) {
                    var n, i;
                    dt.support.touch || (n = this.current(), i = e(t.currentTarget), n && n.is(":visible") ? n.addClass(Kt) : this.current(i.find(Ft)), this._setTabIndex(i))
                _tableBlur: function() {
                    var e = this.current();
                    e && e.removeClass(Kt)
                _tableKeyDown: function(n) {
                    var i, r = this.current(),
                        o = this.virtualScrollable && this.virtualScrollable.fetching(),
                        a = e(n.target),
                        s = !n.isDefaultPrevented() && !a.is(":button,a,:input,a>.k-icon");
                    return o ? (n.preventDefault(), t) : (r = r ? r : e(this.lockedTable).add(this.table).find(Ft), r.length && (i = !1, s && n.keyCode == mt.UP && (i = this._moveUp(r)), s && n.keyCode == mt.DOWN && (i = this._moveDown(r)), s && n.keyCode == (wn ? mt.LEFT : mt.RIGHT) && (i = this._moveRight(r, n.altKey)), s && n.keyCode == (wn ? mt.RIGHT : mt.LEFT) && (i = this._moveLeft(r, n.altKey)), s && n.keyCode == mt.PAGEDOWN && (i = this._handlePageDown()), s && n.keyCode == mt.PAGEUP && (i = this._handlePageUp()), (n.keyCode == mt.ENTER || n.keyCode == mt.F2) && (i = this._handleEnterKey(r, n.currentTarget, a)), n.keyCode == mt.ESC && (i = this._handleEscKey(r, n.currentTarget)), n.keyCode == mt.TAB && (i = this._handleTabKey(r, n.currentTarget, n.shiftKey)), i && (n.preventDefault(), n.stopPropagation())), t)
                _moveLeft: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = e.parent(),
                        o = r.parent();
                    return t ? this.collapseRow(r) : (i = o.find(Mt).index(r), n = this._prevHorizontalCell(o, e, i), n[0] || (o = this._horizontalContainer(o), n = this._prevHorizontalCell(o, e, i), n[0] !== e[0] && ot(o.parent(), !0)), this.current(n)), !0
                _moveRight: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = e.parent(),
                        o = r.parent();
                    return t ? this.expandRow(r) : (i = o.find(Mt).index(r), n = this._nextHorizontalCell(o, e, i), n[0] || (o = this._horizontalContainer(o, !0), n = this._nextHorizontalCell(o, e, i), n[0] !== e[0] && ot(o.parent(), !0)), this.current(n)), !0
                _moveUp: function(e) {
                    var t = e.parent().parent(),
                        n = this._prevVerticalCell(t, e);
                    return n[0] || (t = this._verticalContainer(t, !0), n = this._prevVerticalCell(t, e), n[0] && ot(t.parent(), !0)), this.current(n), !0
                _moveDown: function(e) {
                    var t = e.parent().parent(),
                        n = this._nextVerticalCell(t, e);
                    return n[0] || (t = this._verticalContainer(t), n = this._nextVerticalCell(t, e), n[0] && ot(t.parent(), !0)), this.current(n), !0
                _handlePageDown: function() {
                    return this.options.pageable ? (this.dataSource.page(this.dataSource.page() + 1), !0) : !1
                _handlePageUp: function() {
                    return this.options.pageable ? (this.dataSource.page(this.dataSource.page() - 1), !0) : !1
                _handleTabKey: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o = this.options.editable && "incell" == this._editMode();
                    return !o || t.is("th") ? !1 : (r = e(ft()).closest(".k-edit-cell"), r[0] && r[0] !== t[0] && (t = r), r = this._tabNext(t, n, i), r.length ? (this._handleEditing(t, r, r.closest("table")), !0) : !1)
                _handleEscKey: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = ft(),
                        o = "incell" == this._editMode();
                    return st(t) ? (o ? this.closeCell(!0) : (i = e(t).parent().index(), r && r.blur(), this.cancelRow(), i >= 0 && this.current(this.items().eq(i).children(zt).first())), bn.msie && 9 > bn.version && document.body.focus(), ot(n, !0), !0) : t.has(r).length ? (ot(n, !0), !0) : !1
                _toggleCurrent: function(e) {
                    var t = e.parent();
                    return t.is(".k-master-row,.k-grouping-row") ? (t.find(".k-icon:first").click(), !0) : !1
                _handleEnterKey: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o = this.options.editable,
                        a = i.closest("[role=gridcell]");
                    return i.is("table") || e.contains(t[0], i[0]) || (t = a), t.is("th") ? (t.find(".k-link").click(), !0) : !o && this._toggleCurrent(t) ? !0 : (r = t.find(":kendoFocusable:first"), r[0] && !t.hasClass("k-edit-cell") && t.hasClass("k-state-focused") ? (r.focus(), !0) : o && !i.is(":button,.k-button,textarea") ? (a[0] || (a = t), this._handleEditing(a, !1, n), !0) : !1)
                _nextHorizontalCell: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = t.nextAll(It);
                    return a.length || (i = e.find(Mt), r = i.index(t.parent()), -1 != r) ? a.first() : t.hasClass("k-header") ? (o = [], M([z(this.columns)[0]], V(i.eq(0).children().first()), o, 0, 0), o[n] ? o[n][0] : t) : t.parent().hasClass("k-filter-row") ? i.last().children(It).first() : i.eq(n).children(It).first()
                _prevHorizontalCell: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = t.prevAll(It);
                    return s.length || (i = e.find(Mt), r = i.index(t.parent()), -1 != r) ? s.first() : t.hasClass("k-header") ? (o = [], a = z(this.columns), M([a[a.length - 1]], V(i.eq(0).children().last()), o, 0, 0), o[n] ? o[n][0] : t) : t.parent().hasClass("k-filter-row") ? i.last().children(It).last() : i.eq(n).children(It).last()
                _currentDataIndex: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = n.attr("data-index");
                    return r ? (i = z(this.columns).length, i && !e.closest("div").hasClass("k-grid-content-locked")[0] ? r - i : r) : t
                _prevVerticalCell: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r = n.parent(),
                        o = t.children(Mt),
                        a = o.index(r),
                        s = this._currentDataIndex(t, n);
                    if (s || n.hasClass("k-header")) return i = O(n), i.eq(i.length - 2);
                    if (s = r.children(It).index(n), r.hasClass("k-filter-row")) return N(t).eq(s);
                    if (-1 == a) {
                        if (r = t.find(".k-filter-row"), !r[0]) return N(t).eq(s)
                    } else r = 0 === a ? e() : o.eq(a - 1);
                    return i = r.children(It), i.eq(i.length > s ? s : 0)
                _nextVerticalCell: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = n.parent(),
                        o = e.children(Mt),
                        a = o.index(r),
                        s = this._currentDataIndex(e, n);
                    return -1 != a && s === t && n.hasClass("k-header") ? V(n).eq(1) : (s = s ? parseInt(s, 10) : r.children(It).index(n), r = o.eq(-1 == a ? 0 : a + n[0].rowSpan), i = r.children(It), i.eq(i.length > s ? s : 0))
                _verticalContainer: function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.parent(),
                        i = this._navigatableTables.length,
                        r = Math.floor(i / 2),
                        o = kt(n[0], this._navigatableTables);
                    return t && (r *= -1), o += r, (o >= 0 || i > o) && (n = this._navigatableTables.eq(o)), n.find(t ? "thead" : "tbody")
                _horizontalContainer: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this._navigatableTables.length;
                    return 2 >= r ? e : (n = e.parent(), i = kt(n[0], this._navigatableTables), i += t ? 1 : -1, !t || 2 != i && i != r ? !t && (1 == i || 0 > i) ? e : this._navigatableTables.eq(i).find("thead, tbody") : e)
                _tabNext: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = !0,
                        r = n ? e.prevAll(It + ":first") : e.nextAll(":visible:first");
                    return r.length || (r = e.parent(), this.lockedTable && (i = n && t == this.lockedTable[0] || !n && t == this.table[0], r = this._relatedRow(r)), i && (r = r[n ? "prevAll" : "nextAll"]("tr:not(.k-grouping-row):not(.k-detail-row):visible:first")), r = r.children(It + (n ? ":last" : ":first"))), r
                _handleEditing: function(n, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s = this,
                        l = e(ft()),
                        c = s._editMode(),
                        d = bn.msie,
                        u = d && 9 > bn.version,
                        h = s._editContainer;
                    if (r = e(r), a = "incell" == c ? n.hasClass("k-edit-cell") : n.parent().hasClass("k-grid-edit-row"), s.editable) {
                        if (e.contains(h[0], l[0]) && (bn.opera || u ? l.change().triggerHandler("blur") : (l.blur(), d && l.blur())), !s.editable) return ot(r), t;
                        if (!s.editable.end()) return s.current("incell" == c ? h : h.children().filter(It).first()), o = h.find(":kendoFocusable:first")[0], o && o.focus(), t;
                        "incell" == c ? s.closeCell() : (s.saveRow(), a = !0)
                    i && s.current(i), u && document.body.focus(), ot(r, !0), (!a && !i || i) && ("incell" == c ? s.editCell(s.current()) : s.editRow(s.current().parent()))
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.table,
                        n = e.options.height,
                        i = e.element;
                    i.is("div") || (i = i.wrap("<div/>").parent()), e.wrapper = i.addClass("k-grid k-widget"), n && (e.wrapper.css(on, n), t.css(on, "auto")), e._initMobile()
                _initMobile: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options,
                        i = this;
                    this._isMobile = n.mobile === !0 && dt.support.mobileOS || "phone" === n.mobile || "tablet" === n.mobile, this._isMobile && (t = this.wrapper.addClass("k-grid-mobile").wrap("<div data-" + dt.ns + 'role="view" data-' + dt.ns + 'init-widgets="false"></div>').parent(), this.pane = dt.mobile.ui.Pane.wrap(t), this.view = this.pane.view(), this._actionSheetPopupOptions = e(document.documentElement).hasClass("km-root") ? {
                        modal: !1
                    } : {
                        align: "bottom center",
                        position: "bottom center",
                        effect: "slideIn:up"
                    }, n.height && this.pane.element.parent().css(on, n.height), this._editAnimation = "slide", this.view.bind("show", function() {
                        i._isLocked() && (i._updateTablesWidth(), i._applyLockedContainersWidth(), i._syncLockedContentHeight(), i._syncLockedHeaderHeight(), i._syncLockedFooterHeight())
                _tbody: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.table;
                    t = i.find(">tbody"), t.length || (t = e("<tbody/>").appendTo(i)), n.tbody = t.attr("role", "rowgroup")
                _scrollable: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.options,
                        s = a.scrollable,
                        l = s !== !0 && s.virtual && !o.virtualScrollable,
                        c = !dt.support.kineticScrollNeeded || l ? dt.support.scrollbar() : 0;
                    s && (t = o.wrapper.children(".k-grid-header"), t[0] || (t = e('<div class="k-grid-header" />').insertBefore(o.table)), t.css(wn ? "padding-left" : "padding-right", s.virtual ? c + 1 : c), n = e('<table role="grid" />'), yn && n.attr("cellspacing", 0), n.width(o.table[0].style.width), n.append(o.thead), t.empty().append(e('<div class="k-grid-header-wrap" />').append(n)), o.content = o.table.parent(), o.content.is(".k-virtual-scrollable-wrap, .km-scroll-container") && (o.content = o.content.parent()), o.content.is(".k-grid-content, .k-virtual-scrollable-wrap") || (o.content = o.table.wrap('<div class="k-grid-content" />').parent()), l && (o.virtualScrollable = new xn(o.content, {
                        dataSource: o.dataSource,
                        itemHeight: function() {
                            return o._averageRowHeight()
                    })), o.scrollables = t.children(".k-grid-header-wrap"), i = o.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer"), i.length && (o.scrollables = o.scrollables.add(i.children(".k-grid-footer-wrap"))), s.virtual ? o.content.find(">.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap").unbind("scroll" + Ht).bind("scroll" + Ht, function() {
                        o.scrollables.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), o.lockedContent && (o.lockedContent[0].scrollTop = this.scrollTop)
                    }) : (o.content.unbind("scroll" + Ht).bind("scroll" + Ht, function() {
                        o.scrollables.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), o.lockedContent && (o.lockedContent[0].scrollTop = this.scrollTop)
                    }), r = o.content.data("kendoTouchScroller"), r && r.destroy(), r = dt.touchScroller(o.content), r && r.movable && (o.touchScroller = r, r.movable.bind("change", function(e) {
                        o.scrollables.scrollLeft(-e.sender.x), o.lockedContent && o.lockedContent.scrollTop(-e.sender.y)
                    }), o.one($t, function(e) {
                _renderNoRecordsContent: function() {
                    var t, n = this;
                    n.options.noRecords && n.wrapper.is(":visible") && (t = n.table.parent().children("." + Zt), t.length && t.remove(), n.dataSource && n.dataSource.view().length || e(n.noRecordsTemplate({})).insertAfter(n.table))
                _setContentWidth: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = "k-grid-content-expander",
                        o = '<div class="' + r + '"></div>',
                        a = i.resizable;
                    i.options.scrollable && i.wrapper.is(":visible") && (n = i.table.parent().children("." + r), i._setContentWidthHandler = Ct(i._setContentWidth, i), i.dataSource && i.dataSource.view().length ? n[0] && (n.remove(), a && a.unbind("resize", i._setContentWidthHandler)) : (n[0] || (n = e(o).appendTo(i.table.parent()), a && a.bind("resize", i._setContentWidthHandler)), i.thead && (n.width(i.thead.width()), t && i.content.scrollLeft(t))), i._applyLockedContainersWidth())
                _applyLockedContainersWidth: function() {
                    if (this.options.scrollable && this.lockedHeader) {
                        var e, t = this.thead.parent(),
                            n = t.parent(),
                            i = this.wrapper[0].clientWidth,
                            r = this._groups(),
                            o = dt.support.scrollbar(),
                            a = this.lockedHeader.find(">table>colgroup>col:not(.k-group-col, .k-hierarchy-col)"),
                            s = t.find(">colgroup>col:not(.k-group-col, .k-hierarchy-col)"),
                            l = A(a),
                            c = A(s);
                        r > 0 && (l += this.lockedHeader.find(".k-group-cell:first").outerWidth() * r), l >= i && (l = i - 3 * o), this.lockedHeader.add(this.lockedContent).width(l), n[0].style.width = n.parent().width() - l - 2 + "px", t.add(this.table).width(c), this.virtualScrollable && (i -= o), this.content[0].style.width = i - l - 2 + "px", this.lockedFooter && this.lockedFooter.length && (this.lockedFooter.width(l), e = this.footer.find(".k-grid-footer-wrap"), e[0].style.width = n[0].clientWidth + "px", e.children().first().width(c))
                _setContentHeight: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.wrapper.innerHeight(),
                        r = t.wrapper.children(".k-grid-header"),
                        o = dt.support.scrollbar();
                    n.scrollable && t.wrapper.is(":visible") && (i -= r.outerHeight(), t.pager && (i -= t.pager.element.outerHeight()), n.groupable && (i -= t.wrapper.children(".k-grouping-header").outerHeight()), n.toolbar && (i -= t.wrapper.children(".k-grid-toolbar").outerHeight()), t.footerTemplate && (i -= t.wrapper.children(".k-grid-footer").outerHeight()), e = function(e) {
                        var t, n;
                        return e[0].style.height ? !0 : (t = e.height(), e.height("auto"), n = e.height(), t != n ? (e.height(""), !0) : (e.height(""), !1))
                    }, e(t.wrapper) && (i > 2 * o ? (t.lockedContent && (o = t.table[0].offsetWidth > t.table.parent()[0].clientWidth ? o : 0, t.lockedContent.height(i - o)), t.content.height(i)) : t.content.height(2 * o + 1)))
                _averageRowHeight: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t._items(t.tbody).length,
                        i = t._rowHeight;
                    return 0 === n ? i : (t._rowHeight || (t._rowHeight = i = t.table.outerHeight() / n, t._sum = i, t._measures = 1), e = t.table.outerHeight() / n, i !== e && (t._measures++, t._sum += e, t._rowHeight = t._sum / t._measures), i)
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var e, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.dataSource;
                    r = yt(r) ? {
                        data: r
                    } : r, vt(r) && (_t(r, {
                        table: n.table,
                        fields: n.columns
                    }), e = i.pageable, vt(e) && e.pageSize !== t && (r.pageSize = e.pageSize)), n.dataSource && n._refreshHandler ? n.dataSource.unbind(Wt, n._refreshHandler).unbind(At, n._progressHandler).unbind(Et, n._errorHandler) : (n._refreshHandler = Ct(n.refresh, n), n._progressHandler = Ct(n._requestStart, n), n._errorHandler = Ct(n._error, n)), n.dataSource = ht.create(r).bind(Wt, n._refreshHandler).bind(At, n._progressHandler).bind(Et, n._errorHandler)
                _error: function() {
                _requestStart: function() {
                _modelChange: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = this,
                        p = h.tbody,
                        f = t.model,
                        g = h.tbody.find("tr[" + dt.attr("uid") + "=" + f.uid + "]"),
                        m = g.hasClass("k-alt"),
                        v = h._items(p).index(g),
                        _ = h.lockedContent;
                    if (_ && (n = h._relatedRow(g)), g.add(n).children(".k-edit-cell").length && !h.options.rowTemplate) g.add(n).children(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)").each(function() {
                        i = e(this), r = L(h.columns)[h.cellIndex(i)], r.field === t.field && (i.hasClass("k-edit-cell") ? i.addClass("k-dirty-cell") : (h._displayCell(i, r, f), e('<span class="k-dirty"/>').prependTo(i)))
                    else if (!g.hasClass("k-grid-edit-row")) {
                        for (s = e().add(g), _ && (o = (m ? h.lockedAltRowTemplate : h.lockedRowTemplate)(f), s = s.add(n), n.replaceWith(o)), h.angular("cleanup", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: s.get()
                        }), o = (m ? h.altRowTemplate : h.rowTemplate)(f), g.replaceWith(o), o = h._items(p).eq(v), u = [{
                            dataItem: f
                        }], _ && (g = g.add(n), n = h._relatedRow(o)[0], it(o[0], n), o = o.add(n), u.push({
                            dataItem: f
                        })), h.angular("compile", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: o.get(),
                                data: u
                        }), a = h.options.selectable, a && g.hasClass("k-state-selected") && h.select(o), c = s.children(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), l = o.children(":not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"), v = 0, d = h.columns.length; d > v; v++) r = h.columns[v], i = l.eq(v), a && c.eq(v).hasClass("k-state-selected") && i.addClass("k-state-selected"), r.field === t.field && e('<span class="k-dirty"/>').prependTo(i);
                        h.trigger("itemChange", {
                            item: o,
                            data: f,
                            ns: ut
                _pageable: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.pageable;
                    i && (t = n.wrapper.children("div.k-grid-pager"), t.length || (t = e('<div class="k-pager-wrap k-grid-pager"/>').appendTo(n.wrapper)), n.pager && n.pager.destroy(), n.pager = "object" == typeof i && i instanceof dt.ui.Pager ? i : new dt.ui.Pager(t, _t({}, i, {
                        dataSource: n.dataSource
                _footer: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.dataSource.aggregates(),
                        s = "",
                        l = o.footerTemplate,
                        c = o.options,
                        d = o.footer || o.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer");
                    l ? (s = e(o._wrapFooter(l(a))), d.length ? (n = s, o.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: d.get()
                    }), d.replaceWith(n), d = o.footer = n) : d = o.footer = c.scrollable ? c.pageable ? s.insertBefore(o.wrapper.children("div.k-grid-pager")) : s.appendTo(o.wrapper) : s.insertBefore(o.tbody), o.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: d.find("td:not(.k-group-cell, .k-hierarchy-cell)").get(),
                            data: wt(o.columns, function(e) {
                                return {
                                    column: e,
                                    aggregate: a[e.field]
                    })) : d && !o.footer && (o.footer = d), d.length && (c.scrollable && (t = d.attr("tabindex", -1).children(".k-grid-footer-wrap"), o.scrollables = o.scrollables.filter(function() {
                        return !e(this).is(".k-grid-footer-wrap")
                    }).add(t)), o._footerWidth && d.find("table").css("width", o._footerWidth), t && (i = o.content.scrollLeft(), r = c.scrollable !== !0 && c.scrollable.virtual && !o.virtualScrollable, r && (i = o.wrapper.find(".k-virtual-scrollable-wrap").scrollLeft()), t.scrollLeft(i))), o.lockedContent && (o._appendLockedColumnFooter(), o._applyLockedContainersWidth(), o._syncLockedFooterHeight())
                _wrapFooter: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = "",
                        r = dt.support.mobileOS ? 0 : dt.support.scrollbar();
                    return n.options.scrollable ? (i = e('<div class="k-grid-footer"><div class="k-grid-footer-wrap"><table' + (yn ? ' cellspacing="0"' : "") + "><tbody>" + t + "</tbody></table></div></div>"), n._appendCols(i.find("table")), i.css(wn ? "padding-left" : "padding-right", r), i) : '<tfoot class="k-grid-footer">' + t + "</tfoot>"
                _columnMenu: function() {
                    var e, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = L(d.columns),
                        h = d.options,
                        p = h.columnMenu,
                        f = bt(d.columns, function(e) {
                            return e.columns !== t
                        }).length > 0,
                        g = this._isMobile,
                        m = function(e) {
                            d.trigger(Ut, {
                                field: e.field,
                                container: e.container
                        v = function(e) {
                            ot(e.closest("table"), !0)
                        _ = h.$angular;
                    if (p)
                        for ("boolean" == typeof p && (p = {}), a = N(d.thead), s = 0, l = a.length; l > s; s++) n = u[s], c = a.eq(s), n.command || !n.field && !c.attr("data-" + dt.ns + "field") || (e = c.data("kendoColumnMenu"), e && e.destroy(), r = n.sortable !== !1 && p.sortable !== !1 && h.sortable !== !1 ? _t({}, h.sortable, {
                            compare: (n.sortable || {}).compare
                        }) : !1, o = h.filterable && n.filterable !== !1 && p.filterable !== !1 ? _t({
                            pane: d.pane
                        }, h.filterable, n.filterable) : !1, n.filterable && n.filterable.dataSource && (o.forceUnique = !1, o.checkSource = n.filterable.dataSource), o && (o.format = n.format), i = {
                            dataSource: d.dataSource,
                            values: n.values,
                            columns: p.columns,
                            sortable: r,
                            filterable: o,
                            messages: p.messages,
                            owner: d,
                            closeCallback: v,
                            init: m,
                            pane: d.pane,
                            filter: g ? ":not(.k-column-active)" : "",
                            lockedColumns: !f && n.lockable !== !1 && z(u).length > 0
                        }, _ && (i.$angular = _), c.kendoColumnMenu(i))
                _headerCells: function() {
                    return this.thead.find("th").filter(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        return !t.hasClass("k-group-cell") && !t.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell")
                _filterable: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = L(s.columns),
                        c = function(e) {
                            s.trigger(Vt, {
                                field: e.field,
                                container: e.container
                        d = function(e) {
                            ot(e.closest("table"), !0)
                        u = s.options.filterable;
                    if (u && typeof u.mode == ln && -1 == u.mode.indexOf("menu") && (u = !1), u && !s.options.columnMenu)
                        for (t = N(s.thead), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) n = t.eq(i), l[i].filterable === !1 || l[i].command || !l[i].field && !n.attr("data-" + dt.ns + "field") || (e = n.data("kendoFilterMenu"), e && e.destroy(), e = n.data("kendoFilterMultiCheck"), e && e.destroy(), o = l[i].filterable, a = _t({}, u, o, {
                            dataSource: s.dataSource,
                            values: l[i].values,
                            format: l[i].format,
                            closeCallback: d,
                            title: l[i].title || l[i].field,
                            init: c,
                            pane: s.pane
                        }), o && o.messages && (a.messages = _t(!0, {}, u.messages, o.messages)), o && o.dataSource && (a.forceUnique = !1, a.checkSource = o.dataSource), o && o.multi ? n.kendoFilterMultiCheck(a) : n.kendoFilterMenu(a))
                _filterRow: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = this;
                    if (p._hasFilterRow())
                        for (t = L(p.columns), n = p.options.filterable, i = p.thead.find(".k-filter-row"), this._updateHeader(this.dataSource.group().length), r = 0; t.length > r; r++)
                            if (a = t[r], s = p.options.filterable.operators, l = !1, c = e("<th/>"), d = a.field, a.hidden && c.hide(), i.append(c), d && a.filterable !== !1) {
                                if (u = a.filterable && a.filterable.cell || {}, o = p.options.dataSource, o instanceof ht && (o = p.options.dataSource.options), h = _t(!0, {}, n.messages), a.filterable && _t(!0, h, a.filterable.messages), u.enabled === !1) {
                                u.dataSource && (o = u.dataSource, l = !0), a.filterable && a.filterable.operators && (s = a.filterable.operators), e("<span/>").attr(dt.attr("field"), d).kendoFilterCell({
                                    dataSource: p.dataSource,
                                    suggestDataSource: o,
                                    customDataSource: l,
                                    field: d,
                                    messages: h,
                                    values: a.values,
                                    template: u.template,
                                    delay: u.delay,
                                    inputWidth: u.inputWidth,
                                    suggestionOperator: u.suggestionOperator,
                                    minLength: u.minLength,
                                    dataTextField: u.dataTextField,
                                    operator: u.operator,
                                    operators: s,
                                    showOperators: u.showOperators
                            } else c.html("&nbsp;")
                _sortable: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = L(a.columns),
                        l = a.options.sortable;
                    if (l) {
                        for (i = N(a.thead), r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) e = s[r], e.sortable !== !1 && !e.command && e.field && (n = i.eq(r), t = n.data("kendoColumnSorter"), t && t.destroy(), n.attr("data-" + dt.ns + "field", e.field).kendoColumnSorter(_t({}, l, e.sortable, {
                            dataSource: a.dataSource,
                            aria: !0,
                            filter: ":not(.k-column-active)"
                        i = null
                _columns: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.table,
                        s = a.find("col"),
                        c = o.options.dataSource;
                    if (t = t.length ? t : wt(a.find("th"), function(t, n) {
                        t = e(t);
                        var i = t.attr(dt.attr("sortable")),
                            r = t.attr(dt.attr("filterable")),
                            o = t.attr(dt.attr("type")),
                            a = t.attr(dt.attr("groupable")),
                            l = t.attr(dt.attr("field")),
                            c = t.attr(dt.attr("title")),
                            d = t.attr(dt.attr("menu"));
                        return l || (l = t.text().replace(/\s|[^A-z0-9]/g, "")), {
                            field: l,
                            type: o,
                            title: c,
                            sortable: "false" !== i,
                            filterable: "false" !== r,
                            groupable: "false" !== a,
                            menu: d,
                            template: t.attr(dt.attr("template")),
                            width: s.eq(n).css("width")
                    }), n = !(o.table.find("tbody tr").length > 0 && (!c || !c.transport)), o.options.scrollable) {
                        if (r = t, i = z(t), t = F(t), i.length > 0 && 0 === t.length) throw Error("There should be at least one non locked column");
                        q(o.element.find("tr:has(th):first"), r), t = i.concat(t)
                    o.columns = l(t, n)
                _groups: function() {
                    var e = this.dataSource.group();
                    return e ? e.length : 0
                _tmpl: function(e, t, r, o) {
                    var a, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = _t({}, dt.Template, d.options.templateSettings),
                        h = t.length,
                        p = {
                            storage: {},
                            count: 0
                        f = d._hasDetails(),
                        g = [],
                        m = d._groups();
                    if (!e) {
                        for (e = "<tr", r && g.push("k-alt"), f && g.push("k-master-row"), g.length && (e += ' class="' + g.join(" ") + '"'), h && (e += " " + dt.attr("uid") + '="#=' + dt.expr("uid", u.paramName) + '#"'), e += " role='row'>", m > 0 && !o && (e += n(m)), f && (e += '<td class="k-hierarchy-cell"><a class="k-icon k-plus" href="\\#" tabindex="-1"></a></td>'), a = 0; h > a; a++) l = t[a], s = l.template, c = typeof s, e += "<td" + i(l.attributes) + " role='gridcell'>", e += d._cellTmpl(l, p), e += "</td>";
                        e += "</tr>"
                    return e = dt.template(e, u), p.count > 0 ? Ct(e, p.storage) : e
                _headerCellText: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = _t({}, dt.Template, t.options.templateSettings),
                        i = e.headerTemplate,
                        r = typeof i,
                        o = e.title || e.field || "";
                    return r === sn ? o = dt.template(i, n)({}) : r === ln && (o = i), o
                _cellTmpl: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = _t({}, dt.Template, r.options.templateSettings),
                        a = e.template,
                        s = o.paramName,
                        l = e.field,
                        c = "",
                        d = e.format,
                        u = typeof a,
                        h = e.values;
                    if (e.command) {
                        if (yt(e.command)) {
                            for (n = 0, i = e.command.length; i > n; n++) c += r._createButton(e.command[n]);
                            return c.replace(fn, "\\#")
                        return r._createButton(e.command).replace(fn, "\\#")
                    return u === sn ? (t.storage["tmpl" + t.count] = a, c += "#=this.tmpl" + t.count + "(" + s + ")#", t.count++) : u === ln ? c += a : h && h.length && vt(h[0]) && "value" in h[0] && l ? (c += "#var v =" + dt.stringify($(h)).replace(fn, "\\#") + "#", c += "#var f = v[", o.useWithBlock || (c += s + "."), c += l + "]#", c += "${f != null ? f : ''}") : (c += e.encoded ? "#:" : "#=", d && (c += 'kendo.format("' + d.replace(pn, "\\$1") + '",'), l ? (l = dt.expr(l, s), c += l + "==null?'':" + l) : c += "''", d && (c += ")"), c += "#"), c
                _templates: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.dataSource,
                        r = i.group(),
                        o = t.footer || t.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer"),
                        a = i.aggregate(),
                        s = L(t.columns),
                        l = L(z(t.columns)),
                        c = n.scrollable ? L(F(t.columns)) : s;
                    if (n.scrollable && l.length) {
                        if (n.rowTemplate || n.altRowTemplate) throw Error("Having both row template and locked columns is not supported");
                        t.rowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.rowTemplate, c, !1, !0), t.altRowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.altRowTemplate || n.rowTemplate, c, !0, !0), t.lockedRowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.rowTemplate, l), t.lockedAltRowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.altRowTemplate || n.rowTemplate, l, !0)
                    } else t.rowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.rowTemplate, c), t.altRowTemplate = t._tmpl(n.altRowTemplate || n.rowTemplate, c, !0);
                    t._hasDetails() && (t.detailTemplate = t._detailTmpl(n.detailTemplate || "")), (t._group && !Tt(a) || !Tt(a) && !o.length || bt(s, function(e) {
                        return e.footerTemplate
                    }).length) && (t.footerTemplate = t._footerTmpl(s, a, "footerTemplate", "k-footer-template")), r && bt(s, function(e) {
                        return e.groupFooterTemplate
                    }).length && (a = e.map(r, function(e) {
                        return e.aggregates
                    }), t.groupFooterTemplate = t._footerTmpl(c, a, "groupFooterTemplate", "k-group-footer", l.length), n.scrollable && l.length && (t.lockedGroupFooterTemplate = t._footerTmpl(l, a, "groupFooterTemplate", "k-group-footer"))), t.options.noRecords && (t.noRecordsTemplate = t._noRecordsTmpl())
                _noRecordsTmpl: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = '<div class="{0}">{1}</div>',
                        o = '<div class="k-grid-norecords-template"{1}>{0}</div>',
                        a = this.options.scrollable && !this.wrapper[0].style.height ? ' style="margin:0 auto;position:static;"' : "",
                        s = {
                            storage: {},
                            count: 0
                        l = e.extend({}, dt.Template, this.options.templateSettings),
                        c = l.paramName,
                        d = "";
                    return t = this.options.noRecords.template ? this.options.noRecords.template : dt.format(o, this.options.messages.noRecords, a), n = typeof t, "function" === n ? (s.storage["tmpl" + s.count] = t, d += "#=this.tmpl" + s.count + "(" + c + ")#", s.count++) : "string" === n && (d += t), i = dt.template(dt.format(r, Zt, d), l), s.count > 0 && (i = e.proxy(i, s.storage)), i
                _footerTmpl: function(e, t, r, o, a) {
                    var s, l, c, d, u, h = this,
                        p = _t({}, dt.Template, h.options.templateSettings),
                        f = p.paramName,
                        g = "",
                        m = {},
                        v = 0,
                        _ = {},
                        w = h._groups(),
                        b = h.dataSource._emptyAggregates(t);
                    for (g += '<tr class="' + o + '">', w > 0 && !a && (g += n(w)), h._hasDetails() && (g += '<td class="k-hierarchy-cell">&nbsp;</td>'), s = 0, l = e.length; l > s; s++) u = e[s], c = u[r], d = typeof c, g += "<td" + i(u.footerAttributes) + ">", c ? (d !== sn && (_ = b[u.field] ? _t({}, p, {
                        paramName: f + "['" + u.field + "']"
                    }) : {}, c = dt.template(c, _)), m["tmpl" + v] = c, g += "#=this.tmpl" + v + "(" + f + ")#", v++) : g += "&nbsp;", g += "</td>";
                    return g += "</tr>", g = dt.template(g, p), v > 0 ? Ct(g, m) : g
                _detailTmpl: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        i = "",
                        r = _t({}, dt.Template, t.options.templateSettings),
                        o = r.paramName,
                        a = {},
                        s = 0,
                        l = t._groups(),
                        c = f(L(t.columns)).length,
                        d = typeof e;
                    return i += '<tr class="k-detail-row">', l > 0 && (i += n(l)), i += '<td class="k-hierarchy-cell"></td><td class="k-detail-cell"' + (c ? ' colspan="' + c + '"' : "") + ">", d === sn ? (a["tmpl" + s] = e, i += "#=this.tmpl" + s + "(" + o + ")#", s++) : i += e, i += "</td></tr>", i = dt.template(i, r), s > 0 ? Ct(i, a) : i
                _hasDetails: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return null !== e.options.detailTemplate || (e._events[Ot] || []).length
                _hasFilterRow: function() {
                    var t = this.options.filterable,
                        n = t && typeof t.mode == ln && -1 != t.mode.indexOf("row"),
                        i = this.columns,
                        r = e.grep(i, function(e) {
                            return e.filterable === !1
                    return i.length && r.length == i.length && (n = !1), n
                _details: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    if (t.options.scrollable && t._hasDetails() && z(t.columns).length) throw Error("Having both detail template and locked columns is not supported");
                    t.table.on(rn + Ht, ".k-hierarchy-cell .k-plus, .k-hierarchy-cell .k-minus", function(n) {
                        var i, r, o = e(this),
                            a = o.hasClass("k-plus"),
                            s = o.closest("tr.k-master-row"),
                            l = t.detailTemplate,
                            c = t._hasDetails();
                        return o.toggleClass("k-plus", !a).toggleClass("k-minus", a), i = s.next(), c && !i.hasClass("k-detail-row") && (r = t.dataItem(s), i = e(l(r)).addClass(s.hasClass("k-alt") ? "k-alt" : "").insertAfter(s), t.angular("compile", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: i.get(),
                                data: [{
                                    dataItem: r
                        }), t.trigger(Ot, {
                            masterRow: s,
                            detailRow: i,
                            data: r,
                            detailCell: i.find(".k-detail-cell")
                        })), t.trigger(a ? Yt : Qt, {
                            masterRow: s,
                            detailRow: i
                        }), i.toggle(a), t._current && t._current.attr("aria-expanded", a), n.preventDefault(), !1
                dataItem: function(t) {
                    if (t = e(t)[0], !t) return null;
                    var n, i, r = this.tbody.children(),
                        o = /k-grouping-row|k-detail-row|k-group-footer/,
                        a = t.sectionRowIndex;
                    for (i = a, n = 0; a > n; n++) o.test(r[n].className) && i--;
                    return this._data[i]
                expandRow: function(t) {
                    e(t).find("> td .k-plus, > td .k-i-expand").click()
                collapseRow: function(t) {
                    e(t).find("> td .k-minus, > td .k-i-collapse").click()
                _createHeaderCells: function(e, n) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = "",
                        h = L(d.columns);
                    for (r = 0, s = e.length; s > r; r++) o = e[r].column || e[r], a = d._headerCellText(o), l = "", c = kt(o, h), o.command ? (u += "<th" + i(o.headerAttributes), n && !e[r].colSpan && (u += " rowspan='" + n + "'"), c > -1 && (u += dt.attr("index") + "='" + c + "'"), u += ">" + a + "</th>") : (o.field && (l = dt.attr("field") + "='" + o.field + "' "), u += "<th role='columnheader' " + l, n && !e[r].colSpan && (u += " rowspan='" + n + "'"), e[r].colSpan > 1 && (u += 'colspan="' + (e[r].colSpan - D(o.columns)) + '" ', u += dt.attr("colspan") + "='" + e[r].colSpan + "'"), o.title && (u += dt.attr("title") + '="' + o.title.replace('"', "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "'") + '" '), o.groupable !== t && (u += dt.attr("groupable") + "='" + o.groupable + "' "), o.aggregates && o.aggregates.length && (u += dt.attr("aggregates") + "='" + o.aggregates + "'"), c > -1 && (u += dt.attr("index") + "='" + c + "'"), u += i(o.headerAttributes), u += ">" + a + "</th>");
                    return u
                _appendLockedColumnContent: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.columns,
                        s = this.table.find("colgroup"),
                        l = s.find("col:not(.k-group-col,.k-hierarchy-col)"),
                        c = e(),
                        d = 0,
                        u = 0;
                    for (t = 0, n = a.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (a[t].locked)
                            if (p(a[t])) {
                                for (r = 1, a[t].columns && (r = L(a[t].columns).length - D(a[t].columns)), r = r || 1, o = 0; r > o; o++) c = c.add(l.eq(t + u + o - d));
                                u += r - 1
                            } else d++;
                    i = e('<div class="k-grid-content-locked"><table' + (yn ? ' cellspacing="0"' : "") + "><colgroup/><tbody></tbody></table></div>"), s.detach(), i.find("colgroup").append(c), s.insertBefore(this.table.find("tbody")), this.lockedContent = i.insertBefore(this.content), this.lockedTable = i.children("table")
                _appendLockedColumnFooter: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.footer,
                        o = r.find(".k-footer-template>td"),
                        a = r.find(".k-grid-footer-wrap>table>colgroup>col"),
                        s = e('<div class="k-grid-footer-locked"><table><colgroup /><tbody><tr class="k-footer-template"></tr></tbody></table></div>'),
                        l = i._groups(),
                        c = e(),
                        d = e();
                    for (c = c.add(o.filter(".k-group-cell")), t = 0, n = L(z(i.columns)).length; n > t; t++) c = c.add(o.eq(t + l));
                    for (d = d.add(a.filter(".k-group-col")), t = 0, n = L(H(i.columns)).length; n > t; t++) d = d.add(a.eq(t + l));
                    c.appendTo(s.find("tr")), d.appendTo(s.find("colgroup")), i.lockedFooter = s.prependTo(r)
                _appendLockedColumnHeader: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, f = this,
                        m = this.columns,
                        v = [],
                        _ = 0,
                        w = e(),
                        b = f._hasFilterRow(),
                        y = 0,
                        k = e(),
                        x = 0,
                        C = e(),
                        S = f.thead.prev().find("col:not(.k-group-col,.k-hierarchy-col)"),
                        T = f.thead.find("tr:first .k-header:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"),
                        A = f.thead.find(".k-filter-row").find("th:not(.k-group-cell,.k-hierarchy-cell)"),
                        I = 0;
                    for (n = 0, r = m.length; r > n; n++) {
                        if (m[n].locked) {
                            if (l = T.eq(n), x = L(m[n].columns || []).length, p(m[n])) {
                                for (m[n].columns && (c = x - D(m[n].columns)), c = c || 1, d = 0; c > d; d++) w = w.add(S.eq(n + I + d - _));
                                I += c - 1
                            for (M([m[n]], V(l), v, 0, 0), x = x || 1, u = 0; x > u; u++) k = k.add(A.eq(y + u));
                            y += x
                        m[n].columns && (_ += D(m[n].columns)), p(m[n]) || _++
                    if (v.length) {
                        for (i = '<div class="k-grid-header-locked" style="width:1px"><table' + (yn ? ' cellspacing="0"' : "") + "><colgroup/><thead>", i += Array(v.length + 1).join("<tr></tr>"), i += (b ? '<tr class="k-filter-row" />' : "") + "</thead></table></div>", s = e(i), S = s.find("colgroup"), S.append(f.thead.prev().find("col.k-group-col").add(w)), o = s.find("thead tr:not(.k-filter-row)"), n = 0, r = v.length; r > n; n++) C = g(v[n]), o.eq(n).append(f.thead.find("tr:eq(" + n + ") .k-group-cell").add(C));
                        h = P(this.thead), h > v.length && E(s, h - v.length), a = s.find(".k-filter-row"), a.append(f.thead.find(".k-filter-row .k-group-cell").add(k)), this.lockedHeader = s.prependTo(t), this.thead.find(".k-group-cell").remove(), this._syncLockedHeaderHeight()
                _removeLockedContainers: function() {
                    var e = this.lockedHeader.add(this.lockedContent).add(this.lockedFooter);
                    dt.destroy(e), e.off(Ht).remove(), this.lockedHeader = this.lockedContent = this.lockedFooter = null, this.selectable = null
                _thead: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.columns,
                        l = a._hasDetails() && s.length,
                        c = a._hasFilterRow(),
                        d = "",
                        u = a.table.find(">thead"),
                        h = a.element.find("thead:first").length > 0;
                    if (u.length || (u = e("<thead/>").insertBefore(a.tbody)), a.lockedHeader && a.thead ? (n = a.thead.find("tr:has(th):not(.k-filter-row)").html(""), n.remove(), n = e(), a._removeLockedContainers()) : n = a.element.find(h ? "thead:first tr:has(th):not(.k-filter-row)" : "tr:has(th):first"), !n.length && (n = u.children().first(), !n.length)) {
                        for (i = [{
                            rowSpan: 1,
                            cells: [],
                            index: 0
                        }], a._prepareColumns(i, s), t = 0; i.length > t; t++) d += "<tr>", l && (d += '<th class="k-hierarchy-cell">&nbsp;</th>'), d += a._createHeaderCells(i[t].cells, i[t].rowSpan), d += "</tr>";
                        n = e(d)
                    c && (r = e("<tr/>"), r.addClass("k-filter-row"), (l || n.find(".k-hierarchy-cell").length) && r.prepend('<th class="k-hierarchy-cell">&nbsp;</th>'), o = (a.thead || u).find(".k-filter-row"), o.length && (dt.destroy(o), o.remove()), u.append(r)), n.children().length ? l && !n.find(".k-hierarchy-cell")[0] && n.prepend('<th class="k-hierarchy-cell">&nbsp;</th>') : (d = "", l && (d += '<th class="k-hierarchy-cell">&nbsp;</th>'), d += a._createHeaderCells(s), n.html(d)), n.attr("role", "row").find("th").addClass("k-header"), a.options.scrollable || u.addClass("k-grid-header"), n.find("script").remove().end().prependTo(u), a.thead && a._destroyColumnAttachments(), this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: u.find("th").get()
                    }), this.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: u.find("th").get(),
                            data: wt(s, function(e) {
                                return {
                                    column: e
                    }), a.thead = u.attr("role", "rowgroup"), a._sortable(), a._filterable(), a._filterRow(), a._scrollable(), a._updateCols(), a._columnMenu(), this.options.scrollable && z(this.columns).length && (a._appendLockedColumnHeader(a.thead.closest(".k-grid-header")), a._appendLockedColumnContent(), a.lockedContent.bind("DOMMouseScroll" + Ht + " mousewheel" + Ht, Ct(a._wheelScroll, a)), a._applyLockedContainersWidth()), a._updateColumnCellIndex(), a._updateFirstColumnClass(), a._resizable(), a._draggable(), a._reorderable(), a.groupable && a._attachGroupable()
                _updateFirstColumnClass: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.columns || [],
                        o = i._hasDetails() && r.length;
                    o || i._groups() || (t = e(), n = i.thead.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row):not(:first)"), r = F(r), n.length && r[0] && !r[0].columns && (t = t.add(n)), i._isLocked() && (n = i.lockedHeader.find("thead>tr:not(.k-filter-row):not(:first)"), r = z(i.columns), n.length && r[0] && !r[0].columns && (t = t.add(n))), t.each(function() {
                        var t = e(this).find("th");
                        t.removeClass("k-first"), t.eq(0).addClass("k-first")
                _prepareColumns: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a = i || e[e.length - 1],
                        s = e[a.index + 1],
                        l = 0;
                    for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++) o = {
                        column: t[r],
                        colSpan: 0
                    }, a.cells.push(o), t[r].columns && t[r].columns.length && (s || (s = {
                        rowSpan: 0,
                        cells: [],
                        index: e.length
                    }, e.push(s)), o.colSpan = t[r].columns.length, this._prepareColumns(e, t[r].columns, o, s), l += o.colSpan - 1, a.rowSpan = e.length - a.index);
                    n && (n.colSpan += l)
                _wheelScroll: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r;
                    t.ctrlKey || (n = this.content, this.options.scrollable.virtual && (n = this.virtualScrollable.verticalScrollbar), i = n.scrollTop(), r = dt.wheelDeltaY(t), r && (t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).one("wheel" + Ht, !1), n.scrollTop(i + -r)))
                _isLocked: function() {
                    return null != this.lockedHeader
                _updateCols: function(e) {
                    e = e || this.thead.parent().add(this.table), this._appendCols(e, this._isLocked())
                _updateLockedCols: function(e) {
                    this._isLocked() && (e = e || this.lockedHeader.find("table").add(this.lockedTable), G(e, B(H(this.columns)), this._hasDetails(), this._groups()))
                _appendCols: function(e, t) {
                    t ? G(e, B(R(this.columns)), this._hasDetails(), 0) : G(e, B(f(this.columns)), this._hasDetails(), this._groups())
                _autoColumns: function(e) {
                    if (e && e.toJSON) {
                        var t, n, i = this;
                        e = e.toJSON(), n = !(i.table.find("tbody tr").length > 0 && (!i.dataSource || !i.dataSource.transport));
                        for (t in e) i.columns.push({
                            field: t,
                            encoded: n,
                            headerAttributes: {
                                id: dt.guid()
                        i._thead(), i._templates()
                _rowsHtml: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = "",
                        a = t.rowTemplate,
                        s = t.altRowTemplate;
                    for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) o += n % 2 ? s(e[n]) : a(e[n]), r._data.push(e[n]);
                    return o
                _groupRowHtml: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                    var a, s, l = this,
                        c = "",
                        d = e.field,
                        u = bt(L(l.columns), function(e) {
                            return e.field == d
                        })[0] || {},
                        h = u.groupHeaderTemplate,
                        p = (u.title || d) + ": " + Y(e.value, u.format, u.values, u.encoded),
                        f = l._groupAggregatesDefaultObject || {},
                        g = _t({}, f, e.aggregates),
                        m = _t({}, {
                            field: e.field,
                            value: e.value,
                            aggregates: g
                        }, e.aggregates[e.field]),
                        v = r.groupFooterTemplate,
                        _ = e.items;
                    if (h && (p = typeof h === sn ? h(m) : dt.template(h)(m)), c += i(t, n, p), e.hasSubgroups)
                        for (a = 0, s = _.length; s > a; a++) c += l._groupRowHtml(_[a], o ? t : t - 1, n + 1, i, r, o);
                    else c += l._rowsHtml(_, r);
                    return v && (c += v(g)), c
                collapseGroup: function(t) {
                    t = e(t);
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.options.groupable,
                        l = s.showFooter,
                        c = l ? 0 : 1,
                        d = e();
                    for (this._isLocked() && (t.closest("div").hasClass("k-grid-content-locked") ? d = this.tbody.children("tr:eq(" + t.index() + ")").nextAll("tr") : (d = t.nextAll("tr"), t = this.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr:eq(" + t.index() + ")"))), n = t.find(".k-group-cell").length, t.find(".k-icon").addClass("k-i-expand").removeClass("k-i-collapse"), t.find("td[aria-expanded='true']:first").attr("aria-expanded", !1), t = t.nextAll("tr"), r = 0, o = t.length; o > r && (a = t.eq(r), i = a.find(".k-group-cell").length, a.hasClass("k-grouping-row") ? c++ : a.hasClass("k-group-footer") && c--, !(n >= i || a.hasClass("k-group-footer") && 0 > c)); r++) a.hide(), d.eq(r).hide()
                expandGroup: function(t) {
                    t = e(t);
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.options.groupable.showFooter,
                        c = e(),
                        d = [],
                        u = 1;
                    for (this._isLocked() && (t.closest("div").hasClass("k-grid-content-locked") ? c = this.tbody.children("tr:eq(" + t.index() + ")").nextAll("tr") : (c = t.nextAll("tr"), t = this.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr:eq(" + t.index() + ")"))), n = t.find(".k-group-cell").length, t.find(".k-icon").addClass("k-i-collapse").removeClass("k-i-expand"), t.find("td[aria-expanded='false']:first").attr("aria-expanded", !0), t = t.nextAll("tr"), o = 0, a = t.length; a > o && (i = t.eq(o), r = i.find(".k-group-cell").length, !(n >= r)); o++) r != n + 1 || i.hasClass("k-detail-row") || (i.show(), c.eq(o).show(), i.hasClass("k-grouping-row") && i.find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-i-collapse") && s.expandGroup(i), i.hasClass("k-master-row") && i.find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus") && (i.next().show(), c.eq(o + 1).show())), i.hasClass("k-grouping-row") && (l && d.push(i.is(":visible")), u++), i.hasClass("k-group-footer") && (l && i.toggle(d.pop()), 1 == u ? (i.show(), c.eq(o).show()) : u--)
                _updateHeader: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._isLocked() ? n.lockedHeader.find("thead") : n.thead,
                        r = i.find("tr.k-filter-row").find("th.k-group-cell").length,
                        o = i.find("tr:first").find("th.k-group-cell").length,
                        a = i.children("tr:not(:first)").filter(function() {
                            return !e(this).children(":visible").length
                    t > o ? (e(Array(t - o + 1).join('<th class="k-group-cell k-header">&nbsp;</th>')).prependTo(i.children("tr:not(.k-filter-row)")), n.element.is(":visible") && a.find("th.k-group-cell").hide()) : o > t && i.find("tr").each(function() {
                        e(this).find("th.k-group-cell").filter(":eq(" + t + "),:gt(" + t + ")").remove()
                    }), t > r && e(Array(t - r + 1).join('<th class="k-group-cell k-header">&nbsp;</th>')).prependTo(i.find(".k-filter-row"))
                _firstDataItem: function(e, t) {
                    return e && t && (e = e.hasSubgroups ? this._firstDataItem(e.items[0], t) : e.items[0]), e
                _updateTablesWidth: function() {
                    var t, n = this;
                    n._isLocked() && (t = e(">.k-grid-footer>.k-grid-footer-wrap>table", n.wrapper).add(n.thead.parent()).add(n.table), n._footerWidth = tt(t.eq(0)), t.width(n._footerWidth), t = e(">.k-grid-footer>.k-grid-footer-locked>table", n.wrapper).add(n.lockedHeader.find(">table")).add(n.lockedTable), t.width(tt(t.eq(0))))
                hideColumn: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, s, l, c, d, g, m, v, _ = this,
                        w = 0,
                        b = _.footer || _.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer"),
                        y = _.columns,
                        k = _.lockedHeader ? N(_.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead")).filter(h).length : 0;
                    if (n = "number" == typeof n ? y[n] : vt(n) ? bt(T(y), function(e) {
                        return e === n
                    })[0] : bt(T(y), function(e) {
                        return e.field === n
                    })[0], n && p(n)) {
                        if (n.columns && n.columns.length) {
                            for (c = C(n, y), u(n, !1), Q(a(e(">table>thead", _.lockedHeader), _.thead, ">tr:eq(" + c.row + ")>th"), c.cell, !1), o = 0; n.columns.length > o; o++) this.hideColumn(n.columns[o]);
                            return _.trigger(jt, {
                                column: n
                            }), t
                        if (m = kt(n, f(L(y))), u(n, !1), _._setParentsVisibility(n, !1), _._templates(), _._updateCols(), _._updateLockedCols(), v = _.thead, d = m, _.lockedHeader && k > m ? v = _.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead") : d -= k, i = N(v).filter(h).eq(d), i[0].style.display = "none", Q(a(e(">table>thead", _.lockedHeader), _.thead, ">tr.k-filter-row>th"), m, !1), b[0] && (_._updateCols(b.find(">.k-grid-footer-wrap>table")), _._updateLockedCols(b.find(">.k-grid-footer-locked>table")), Q(b.find(".k-footer-template>td"), m, !1)), _.lockedTable && k > m ? K(_.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr"), m) : K(_.tbody.children(), m - k), _.lockedTable) _._updateTablesWidth(), _._applyLockedContainersWidth(), _._syncLockedContentHeight(), _._syncLockedHeaderHeight(), _._syncLockedFooterHeight();
                        else {
                            for (s = _.thead.prev().find("col"), o = 0, g = s.length; g > o; o += 1) {
                                if (l = s[o].style.width, !l || -1 != l.indexOf("%")) {
                                    w = 0;
                                w += parseInt(l, 10)
                            r = e(">.k-grid-header table:first,>.k-grid-footer table:first", _.wrapper).add(_.table), _._footerWidth = null, w && (r.each(function() {
                                this.style.width = w + "px"
                            }), _._footerWidth = w), bn.msie && 8 == bn.version && (r.css("display", "inline-table"), setTimeout(function() {
                                r.css("display", "table")
                            }, 1))
                        _._updateFirstColumnClass(), _.trigger(jt, {
                            column: n
                _setParentsVisibility: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, s, l, c = this.columns,
                        h = [],
                        p = n ? function(e) {
                            return f(e.columns).length && e.hidden
                        } : function(e) {
                            return !f(e.columns).length && !e.hidden
                    if (d(t, c, h) && h.length)
                        for (i = h.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) r = h[i], o = y(r, c), s = a(e(">table>thead", this.lockedHeader), this.thead, ">tr:eq(" + o.row + ")>th:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)").eq(o.cell), p(r) && (u(r, n), s[0].style.display = n ? "" : "none"), s.filter("[" + dt.attr("colspan") + "]").length && (l = parseInt(s.attr(dt.attr("colspan")), 10), s[0].colSpan = l - D(r.columns) || 1)
                showColumn: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, s, l, c, d, h, f, g, m, v = this,
                        _ = v.columns,
                        w = v.footer || v.wrapper.find(".k-grid-footer"),
                        b = v.lockedHeader ? N(v.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead")).length : 0;
                    if (n = "number" == typeof n ? _[n] : vt(n) ? bt(T(_), function(e) {
                        return e === n
                    })[0] : bt(T(_), function(e) {
                        return e.field === n
                    })[0], n && !p(n)) {
                        if (n.columns && n.columns.length) {
                            for (d = y(n, _), u(n, !0), Q(a(e(">table>thead", v.lockedHeader), v.thead, ">tr:eq(" + d.row + ")>th"), d.cell, !0), i = 0; n.columns.length > i; i++) this.showColumn(n.columns[i]);
                            return v.trigger(Gt, {
                                column: n
                            }), t
                        if (g = kt(n, L(_)), u(n, !0), v._setParentsVisibility(n, !0), v._templates(), v._updateCols(), v._updateLockedCols(), m = v.thead, c = g, v.lockedHeader && b > g ? m = v.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead") : c -= b, o = N(m).eq(c), o[0].style.display = "", Q(a(e(">table>thead", v.lockedHeader), v.thead, ">tr.k-filter-row>th"), g, !0), w[0] && (v._updateCols(w.find(">.k-grid-footer-wrap>table")), v._updateLockedCols(w.find(">.k-grid-footer-locked>table")), Q(w.find(".k-footer-template>td"), g, !0)), v.lockedTable && b > g ? J(v.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr"), g) : J(v.tbody.children(), g - b), v.lockedTable) v._updateTablesWidth(), v._applyLockedContainersWidth(), v._syncLockedContentHeight(), v._syncLockedHeaderHeight();
                        else if (s = e(">.k-grid-header table:first,>.k-grid-footer table:first", v.wrapper).add(v.table), n.width) {
                            for (l = 0, f = v.thead.prev().find("col"), i = 0, r = f.length; r > i; i += 1) {
                                if (h = f[i].style.width, h.indexOf("%") > -1) {
                                    l = 0;
                                l += parseInt(h, 10)
                            v._footerWidth = null, l && (s.each(function() {
                                this.style.width = l + "px"
                            }), v._footerWidth = l)
                        } else s.width("");
                        v._updateFirstColumnClass(), v.trigger(Gt, {
                            column: n
                _progress: function(e) {
                    var t = this.element;
                    this.lockedContent ? t = this.wrapper : this.element.is("table") ? t = this.element.parent() : this.content && this.content.length && (t = this.content), dt.ui.progress(t, e)
                _resize: function(e, t) {
                    this.content && (this._setContentWidth(), this._setContentHeight()), this.virtualScrollable && (t || this._rowHeight) && (t && (this._rowHeight = null), this.virtualScrollable.repaintScrollbar())
                _isActiveInTable: function() {
                    var t = ft();
                    return this.table[0] === t || e.contains(this.table[0], t) || this._isLocked() && (this.lockedTable[0] === t || e.contains(this.lockedTable[0], t))
                refresh: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.dataSource.view(),
                        o = i.options.navigatable,
                        a = e(i.current()),
                        s = !1,
                        l = (i.dataSource.group() || []).length,
                        c = i.content && i.content.scrollLeft(),
                        d = l + B(f(i.columns)).length;
                    t && "itemchange" === t.action && i.editable || (t = t || {}, i.trigger("dataBinding", {
                        action: t.action || "rebind",
                        index: t.index,
                        items: t.items
                    }) || (i._angularItems("cleanup"), o && (i._isActiveInTable() || i._editContainer && i._editContainer.data("kendoWindow")) && (s = a.is("th"), n = Math.max(i.cellIndex(a), 0)), i._destroyEditable(), i._progress(!1), i._hideResizeHandle(), i._data = [], i.columns.length || (i._autoColumns(i._firstDataItem(r[0], l)), d = l + i.columns.length), i._group = l > 0 || i._group, i._group && (i._templates(), i._updateCols(), i._updateLockedCols(), i._updateHeader(l), i._group = l > 0), i._renderContent(r, d, l), i._renderLockedContent(r, d, l), i._footer(), i._renderNoRecordsContent(), i._setContentHeight(), i._setContentWidth(c), i.lockedTable && (i.options.scrollable.virtual ? i.content.find(">.k-virtual-scrollable-wrap").trigger("scroll") : i.touchScroller ? i.touchScroller.movable.trigger("change") : i.content.trigger("scroll")), i._restoreCurrent(n, s), i.touchScroller && i.touchScroller.contentResized(), i.selectable && i.selectable.resetTouchEvents(), i._angularItems("compile"), i.trigger($t)))
                _restoreCurrent: function(n, i) {
                    var r, o, a;
                    n === t || 0 > n || (this._removeCurrent(), i ? this.current(this.thead.find("th:not(.k-group-cell)").eq(n)) : (r = 0, this._rowVirtualIndex ? r = this.virtualScrollable.position(this._rowVirtualIndex) : n = 0, o = e(), this.lockedTable && (o = this.lockedTable.find(">tbody>tr").eq(r)), o = o.add(this.tbody.children().eq(r)), a = o.find(">td:not(.k-group-cell):not(.k-hierarchy-cell)").eq(n), this.current(a)), this._current && ot(this._current.closest("table")[0], !0))
                _angularItems: function(e) {
                    dt.ui.DataBoundWidget.fn._angularItems.call(this, e), "cleanup" === e && this._cleanupDetailItems(), this._angularGroupItems(e), this._angularGroupFooterItems(e)
                _cleanupDetailItems: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._hasDetails() && (e.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e.tbody.children(".k-detail-row")
                    }), e.tbody.find(".k-detail-cell").empty())
                _angularGroupItems: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n._group && n.angular(t, function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.tbody.children(".k-grouping-row"),
                            data: e.map(X(n.dataSource.view()), function(e) {
                                return {
                                    dataItem: e
                _angularGroupFooterItems: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n._group && n.groupFooterTemplate && n.angular(t, function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.tbody.children(".k-group-footer"),
                            data: e.map(Z(n.dataSource.view()), function(e) {
                                return {
                                    dataItem: e
                _renderContent: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = "",
                        s = null != o.lockedContent,
                        l = {
                            rowTemplate: o.rowTemplate,
                            altRowTemplate: o.altRowTemplate,
                            groupFooterTemplate: o.groupFooterTemplate
                    if (t = s ? t - B(H(o.columns)).length : t, n > 0)
                        for (t = s ? t - n : t, o.detailTemplate && t++, o.groupFooterTemplate && (o._groupAggregatesDefaultObject = o.dataSource.aggregates()), i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) a += o._groupRowHtml(e[i], t, 0, s ? ct : lt, l, s);
                    else a += o._rowsHtml(e, l);
                    o.tbody = U(o.tbody, o.table, a, this.options.$angular)
                _renderLockedContent: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = "",
                        s = {
                            rowTemplate: this.lockedRowTemplate,
                            altRowTemplate: this.lockedAltRowTemplate,
                            groupFooterTemplate: this.lockedGroupFooterTemplate
                    if (this.lockedContent) {
                        if (o = this.lockedTable, n > 0)
                            for (t -= f(L(F(this.columns))).length, i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) a += this._groupRowHtml(e[i], t, 0, lt, s);
                        else a = this._rowsHtml(e, s);
                        U(o.children("tbody"), o, a, this.options.$angular), this._syncLockedContentHeight()
                _adjustRowsHeight: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = e[0].rows,
                        s = a.length,
                        l = t[0].rows,
                        c = e.add(t),
                        d = c.length,
                        u = [];
                    for (n = 0; s > n && l[n]; n++) a[n].style.height && (a[n].style.height = l[n].style.height = ""), i = a[n].offsetHeight, r = l[n].offsetHeight, o = 0, i > r ? o = i : r > i && (o = r), u.push(o);
                    for (n = 0; d > n; n++) c[n].style.display = "none";
                    for (n = 0; s > n; n++) u[n] && (a[n].style.height = l[n].style.height = u[n] + 1 + "px");
                    for (n = 0; d > n; n++) c[n].style.display = ""
        dt.ExcelMixin && dt.ExcelMixin.extend(Sn.prototype), dt.PDFMixin && (dt.PDFMixin.extend(Sn.prototype), Sn.prototype._drawPDF = function(n) {
            function i() {
                d && a !== t ? (c.unbind("change", r), c.one("change", function() {
                }), c.page(a)) : s.resolve(o)

            function r() {
                    width: l.wrapper.width()
                }).done(function(e) {
                    var t = c.page(),
                        r = d ? c.totalPages() : 1,
                        a = {
                            page: e,
                            pageNumber: t,
                            progress: t / r,
                            totalPages: r
                    n.notify(a), o.append(a.page), r > t ? c.page(t + 1) : i()
                }).fail(function(e) {
            var o, a, s = new e.Deferred,
                l = this,
                c = l.dataSource,
                d = l.options.pdf.allPages;
            return this._initPDFProgress(n), o = new dt.drawing.Group, a = c.page(), d ? (c.bind("change", r), c.page(1)) : r(), s.promise()
        }, Sn.prototype._initPDFProgress = function(t) {
            var n, i = e("<div class='k-loading-pdf-mask'><div class='k-loading-color'/></div>");
                position: "absolute",
                top: 0,
                left: 0
            })), this.wrapper.append(i), n = e("<div class='k-loading-pdf-progress'>").appendTo(i).kendoProgressBar({
                type: "chunk",
                chunkCount: 10,
                min: 0,
                max: 1,
                value: 0
            }).data("kendoProgressBar"), t.progress(function(e) {
            }).always(function() {
                dt.destroy(i), i.remove()
        }), ut.plugin(Sn), ut.plugin(xn)
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = "change",
            r = "cancel",
            o = "dataBound",
            a = "dataBinding",
            s = n.ui.Widget,
            l = n.keys,
            c = ">*",
            d = "progress",
            u = "error",
            h = "k-state-focused",
            p = "k-state-selected",
            f = "k-edit-item",
            g = "edit",
            m = "remove",
            v = "save",
            _ = "click",
            w = ".kendoListView",
            b = e.proxy,
            y = n._activeElement,
            k = n.ui.progress,
            x = n.data.DataSource,
            C = n.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
                init: function(t, i) {
                    var r = this;
                    i = e.isArray(i) ? {
                        dataSource: i
                    } : i, s.fn.init.call(r, t, i), i = r.options, r.wrapper = t = r.element, t[0].id && (r._itemId = t[0].id + "_lv_active"), r._element(), r._dataSource(), r._templates(), r._navigatable(), r._selectable(), r._pageable(), r._crudHandlers(), r.options.autoBind && r.dataSource.fetch(), n.notify(r)
                events: [i, r, a, o, g, m, v],
                options: {
                    name: "ListView",
                    autoBind: !0,
                    selectable: !1,
                    navigatable: !1,
                    template: "",
                    altTemplate: "",
                    editTemplate: ""
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    s.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._templates(), this.selectable && (this.selectable.destroy(), this.selectable = null), this._selectable()
                _templates: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    this.template = n.template(e.template || ""), this.altTemplate = n.template(e.altTemplate || e.template), this.editTemplate = n.template(e.editTemplate || "")
                _item: function(e) {
                    return this.element.children()[e]()
                items: function() {
                    return this.element.children()
                dataItem: function(t) {
                    var i = n.attr("uid"),
                        r = e(t).closest("[" + i + "]").attr(i);
                    return this.dataSource.getByUid(r)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
                _unbindDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dataSource.unbind(i, e._refreshHandler).unbind(d, e._progressHandler).unbind(u, e._errorHandler)
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler ? e._unbindDataSource() : (e._refreshHandler = b(e.refresh, e), e._progressHandler = b(e._progress, e), e._errorHandler = b(e._error, e)), e.dataSource = x.create(e.options.dataSource).bind(i, e._refreshHandler).bind(d, e._progressHandler).bind(u, e._errorHandler)
                _progress: function() {
                    k(this.element, !0)
                _error: function() {
                    k(this.element, !1)
                _element: function() {
                    this.element.addClass("k-widget k-listview").attr("role", "listbox")
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var i, r, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = d.dataSource.view(),
                        h = "",
                        p = d.template,
                        f = d.altTemplate,
                        g = y();
                    if (e = e || {}, "itemchange" === e.action) return d._hasBindingTarget() || d.editable || (i = e.items[0], s = d.items().filter("[" + n.attr("uid") + "=" + i.uid + "]"), s.length > 0 && (l = s.index(), d.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: [s]
                    }), s.replaceWith(p(i)), s = d.items().eq(l), s.attr(n.attr("uid"), i.uid), d.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: [s],
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: i
                    }), d.trigger("itemChange", {
                        item: s,
                        data: i
                    }))), t;
                    if (!d.trigger(a, {
                        action: e.action || "rebind",
                        items: e.items,
                        index: e.index
                    })) {
                        for (d._angularItems("cleanup"), d._destroyEditable(), l = 0, c = u.length; c > l; l++) h += l % 2 ? f(u[l]) : p(u[l]);
                        for (d.element.html(h), r = d.items(), l = 0, c = u.length; c > l; l++) r.eq(l).attr(n.attr("uid"), u[l].uid).attr("role", "option").attr("aria-selected", "false");
                        d.element[0] === g && d.options.navigatable && d.current(r.eq(0)), d._angularItems("compile"), d.trigger(o)
                _pageable: function() {
                    var t, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options.pageable;
                    e.isPlainObject(o) && (i = o.pagerId, t = e.extend({}, o, {
                        dataSource: r.dataSource,
                        pagerId: null
                    }), r.pager = new n.ui.Pager(e("#" + i), t))
                _selectable: function() {
                    var e, r, o = this,
                        a = o.options.selectable,
                        s = o.options.navigatable;
                    a && (e = n.ui.Selectable.parseOptions(a).multiple, o.selectable = new n.ui.Selectable(o.element, {
                        aria: !0,
                        multiple: e,
                        filter: c,
                        change: function() {
                    }), s && o.element.on("keydown" + w, function(n) {
                        if (n.keyCode === l.SPACEBAR) {
                            if (r = o.current(), n.target == n.currentTarget && n.preventDefault(), e)
                                if (n.ctrlKey) {
                                    if (r && r.hasClass(p)) return r.removeClass(p), t
                                } else o.selectable.clear();
                            else o.selectable.clear();
                current: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element,
                        r = n._current,
                        o = n._itemId;
                    return e === t ? r : (r && r[0] && (r[0].id === o && r.removeAttr("id"), r.removeClass(h), i.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant")), e && e[0] && (o = e[0].id || o, n._scrollTo(e[0]), i.attr("aria-activedescendant", o), e.addClass(h).attr("id", o)), n._current = e, t)
                _scrollTo: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = !1,
                        a = "scroll";
                    "auto" == r.wrapper.css("overflow") || r.wrapper.css("overflow") == a ? n = r.wrapper[0] : (n = window, o = !0), i = function(i, r) {
                        var s = o ? e(t).offset()[i.toLowerCase()] : t["offset" + i],
                            l = t["client" + r],
                            c = e(n)[a + i](),
                            d = e(n)[r.toLowerCase()]();
                        s + l > c + d ? e(n)[a + i](s + l - d) : c > s && e(n)[a + i](s)
                    }, i("Top", "Height"), i("Left", "Width")
                _navigatable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        i = t.options.navigatable,
                        r = t.element,
                        o = function(n) {
                            t.current(e(n.currentTarget)), e(n.target).is(":button,a,:input,a>.k-icon,textarea") || r.focus()
                    i && (t._tabindex(), r.on("focus" + w, function() {
                        var e = t._current;
                        e && e.is(":visible") || (e = t._item("first")), t.current(e)
                    }).on("focusout" + w, function() {
                        t._current && t._current.removeClass(h)
                    }).on("keydown" + w, function(i) {
                        var o, a, s = i.keyCode,
                            c = t.current(),
                            d = e(i.target),
                            u = !d.is(":button,textarea,a,a>.t-icon,input"),
                            h = d.is(":text"),
                            p = n.preventDefault,
                            g = r.find("." + f),
                            m = y();
                        if (!(!u && !h && l.ESC != s || h && l.ESC != s && l.ENTER != s))
                            if (l.UP === s || l.LEFT === s) c && (c = c.prev()), t.current(c && c[0] ? c : t._item("last")), p(i);
                            else if (l.DOWN === s || l.RIGHT === s) c && (c = c.next()), t.current(c && c[0] ? c : t._item("first")), p(i);
                        else if (l.PAGEUP === s) t.current(null), t.dataSource.page(t.dataSource.page() - 1), p(i);
                        else if (l.PAGEDOWN === s) t.current(null), t.dataSource.page(t.dataSource.page() + 1), p(i);
                        else if (l.HOME === s) t.current(t._item("first")), p(i);
                        else if (l.END === s) t.current(t._item("last")), p(i);
                        else if (l.ENTER === s) 0 !== g.length && (u || h) ? (o = t.items().index(g), m && m.blur(), t.save(), a = function() {
                            t.element.trigger("focus"), t.current(t.items().eq(o))
                        }, t.one("dataBound", a)) : "" !== t.options.editTemplate && t.edit(c);
                        else if (l.ESC === s) {
                            if (g = r.find("." + f), 0 === g.length) return;
                            o = t.items().index(g), t.cancel(), t.element.trigger("focus"), t.current(t.items().eq(o))
                    }), r.on("mousedown" + w + " touchstart" + w, c, b(o, t)))
                clearSelection: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.selectable.clear(), e.trigger(i)
                select: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.selectable;
                    return n = e(n), n.length ? (r.options.multiple || (r.clear(), n = n.first()), r.value(n), t) : r.value()
                _destroyEditable: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.editable && (e.editable.destroy(), delete e.editable)
                _modelFromElement: function(e) {
                    var t = e.attr(n.attr("uid"));
                    return this.dataSource.getByUid(t)
                _closeEditable: function() {
                    var e, t, i, r = this,
                        o = r.editable,
                        a = r.template;
                    return o && (o.element.index() % 2 && (a = r.altTemplate), r.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: [o.element]
                    }), e = r._modelFromElement(o.element), r._destroyEditable(), i = o.element.index(), o.element.replaceWith(a(e)), t = r.items().eq(i), t.attr(n.attr("uid"), e.uid), r._hasBindingTarget() && n.bind(t, e), r.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: [t],
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: e
                    })), !0
                edit: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r = this,
                        o = r._modelFromElement(e),
                        a = o.uid;
                    r.cancel(), e = r.items().filter("[" + n.attr("uid") + "=" + a + "]"), i = e.index(), e.replaceWith(r.editTemplate(o)), t = r.items().eq(i).addClass(f).attr(n.attr("uid"), o.uid), r.editable = t.kendoEditable({
                        model: o,
                        clearContainer: !1,
                        errorTemplate: !1,
                        target: r
                    }).data("kendoEditable"), r.trigger(g, {
                        model: o,
                        item: t
                save: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.editable;
                    i && (t = i.element, e = n._modelFromElement(t), i.end() && !n.trigger(v, {
                        model: e,
                        item: t
                    }) && (n._closeEditable(), n.dataSource.sync()))
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dataSource,
                        i = t._modelFromElement(e);
                    t.editable && (n.cancelChanges(t._modelFromElement(t.editable.element)), t._closeEditable()), t.trigger(m, {
                        model: i,
                        item: e
                    }) || (e.hide(), n.remove(i), n.sync())
                add: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dataSource,
                        n = t.indexOf((t.view() || [])[0]);
                    0 > n && (n = 0), e.cancel(), t.insert(n, {}), e.edit(e.element.children().first())
                cancel: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.dataSource;
                    n.editable && (e = n.editable.element, t = n._modelFromElement(e), n.trigger(r, {
                        model: t,
                        container: e
                    }) || (i.cancelChanges(t), n._closeEditable()))
                _crudHandlers: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        i = _ + w;
                    t.element.on(i, ".k-edit-button", function(i) {
                        var r = e(this).closest("[" + n.attr("uid") + "]");
                        t.edit(r), i.preventDefault()
                    }), t.element.on(i, ".k-delete-button", function(i) {
                        var r = e(this).closest("[" + n.attr("uid") + "]");
                        t.remove(r), i.preventDefault()
                    }), t.element.on(i, ".k-update-button", function(e) {
                        t.save(), e.preventDefault()
                    }), t.element.on(i, ".k-cancel-button", function(e) {
                        t.cancel(), e.preventDefault()
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    s.fn.destroy.call(e), e._unbindDataSource(), e._destroyEditable(), e.element.off(w), e.pager && e.pager.destroy(), n.destroy(e.element)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            return e.map(i(t), function(e) {
                return e.name
            }).join(", ")

        function i(e) {
            var t = e[0];
            return t.files ? r(t.files) : [{
                name: s(t.value),
                extension: a(t.value),
                size: null

        function r(t) {
            return e.map(t, function(e) {
                return o(e)

        function o(e) {
            var t = e.name || e.fileName;
            return {
                name: w.htmlEncode(t),
                extension: a(t),
                size: e.size || e.fileSize,
                rawFile: e

        function a(e) {
            var t = e.match(x);
            return t ? t[0] : ""

        function s(e) {
            var t = e.lastIndexOf("\\");
            return -1 != t ? e.substr(t + 1) : e

        function l(t, n) {
            var i = w.guid();
            return e.map(t, function(e) {
                return e.uid = n ? w.guid() : i, e

        function c(t) {
            return !t.multiple && e(".k-file", t.wrapper).length > 1

        function d(n, i, r) {
            var o, a;
            return i._supportsRemove() ? (o = n.data("fileNames"), a = e.map(o, function(e) {
                return e.name
            }), i._submitRemove(a, r, function(e, t, r) {
                i._removeFileEntry(n), i.trigger(D, {
                    operation: "remove",
                    files: o,
                    response: e,
                    XMLHttpRequest: r
            }, function(e) {
                c(i) && i._removeFileEntry(n), i.trigger(A, {
                    operation: "remove",
                    files: o,
                    XMLHttpRequest: e
                }), k("Server response: " + e.responseText)
            }), t) : (c(i) && i._removeFileEntry(n), t)

        function u(t, n, i) {
            var r = !1,
                o = "";
            try {
                o = e.parseJSON(h(t)), r = !0
            } catch (a) {
            r && n(o)

        function h(e) {
            return (t === e || "" === e) && (e = "{}"), e

        function p(e) {
            e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()

        function f(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o;
            e.on("dragenter" + t, function() {
                n(), o = new Date, r || (r = setInterval(function() {
                    var e = new Date - o;
                    e > 100 && (i(), clearInterval(r), r = null)
                }, 100))
            }).on("dragover" + t, function() {
                o = new Date

        function g(e) {
            return e.is(".k-file-progress, .k-file-success, .k-file-error")

        function m(t) {
            return e(t.target).closest(".k-file")
        var v, _, w = window.kendo,
            b = w.ui.Widget,
            y = w.antiForgeryTokens,
            k = w.logToConsole,
            x = /\.([^\.]+)$/,
            C = ".kendoUpload",
            S = "select",
            T = "upload",
            D = "success",
            A = "error",
            E = "complete",
            I = "cancel",
            P = "progress",
            M = "remove",
            z = b.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this;
                    b.fn.init.call(a, t, n), a.name = t.name, a.multiple = a.options.multiple, a.localization = a.options.localization, i = a.element, a.wrapper = i.closest(".k-upload"), 0 === a.wrapper.length && (a.wrapper = a._wrapInput(i)), a._activeInput(i), a.toggle(a.options.enabled), r = a._ns = C + "-" + w.guid(), i.closest("form").on("submit" + r, e.proxy(a._onParentFormSubmit, a)).on("reset" + r, e.proxy(a._onParentFormReset, a)), a.options.async.saveUrl ? (a._module = a._supportsFormData() ? new _(a) : new v(a), a._async = !0, o = a.options.files, o.length > 0 && a._renderInitialFiles(o)) : a._module = new F(a), a._supportsDrop() && a._setupDropZone(), a.wrapper.on("click", ".k-upload-action", e.proxy(a._onFileAction, a)).on("click", ".k-upload-selected", e.proxy(a._onUploadSelected, a)), a.element.val() && a._onInputChange({
                        target: a.element
                events: [S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M],
                options: {
                    name: "Upload",
                    enabled: !0,
                    multiple: !0,
                    showFileList: !0,
                    template: "",
                    files: [],
                    async: {
                        removeVerb: "POST",
                        autoUpload: !0,
                        withCredentials: !0
                    localization: {
                        select: "Select files...",
                        cancel: "Cancel",
                        retry: "Retry",
                        remove: "Remove",
                        uploadSelectedFiles: "Upload files",
                        dropFilesHere: "drop files here to upload",
                        statusUploading: "uploading",
                        statusUploaded: "uploaded",
                        statusWarning: "warning",
                        statusFailed: "failed",
                        headerStatusUploading: "Uploading...",
                        headerStatusUploaded: "Done"
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element;
                    b.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), t.multiple = t.options.multiple, n.attr("multiple", t._supportsMultiple() ? t.multiple : !1), t.toggle(t.options.enabled)
                enable: function(e) {
                    e = t === e ? !0 : e, this.toggle(e)
                disable: function() {
                toggle: function(e) {
                    e = t === e ? e : !e, this.wrapper.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", e), this.element.prop("disabled", e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    e(document).add(e(".k-dropzone", t.wrapper)).add(t.wrapper.closest("form")).off(t._ns), e(t.element).off(C), b.fn.destroy.call(t)
                _addInput: function(t) {
                    if (t[0].nodeType) {
                        var n = this,
                            i = t.clone().val("");
                        i.insertAfter(n.element).data("kendoUpload", n), e(n.element).hide().attr("tabindex", "-1").removeAttr("id").off(C), n._activeInput(i), n.element.focus()
                _activeInput: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.wrapper;
                    n.element = t, t.attr("multiple", n._supportsMultiple() ? n.multiple : !1).attr("autocomplete", "off").on("click" + C, function(e) {
                        i.hasClass("k-state-disabled") && e.preventDefault()
                    }).on("focus" + C, function() {
                    }).on("blur" + C, function() {
                    }).on("change" + C, e.proxy(n._onInputChange, n)).on("keydown" + C, e.proxy(n._onInputKeyDown, n))
                _onInputKeyDown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.wrapper.find(".k-upload-action:first");
                    e.keyCode === w.keys.TAB && n.length > 0 && (e.preventDefault(), n.focus())
                _onInputChange: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e(t.target),
                        r = l(n._inputFiles(i), n._isAsyncNonBatch()),
                        o = n.trigger(S, {
                            files: r
                    o ? (n._addInput(i), i.remove()) : n._module.onSelect({
                        target: i
                    }, r)
                _onDrop: function(t) {
                    var n, i = t.originalEvent.dataTransfer,
                        o = this,
                        a = i.files,
                        s = l(r(a), o._isAsyncNonBatch());
                    p(t), a.length > 0 && (!o.multiple && s.length > 1 && s.splice(1, s.length - 1), n = o.trigger(S, {
                        files: s
                    }), n || o._module.onSelect({
                        target: e(".k-dropzone", o.wrapper)
                    }, s))
                _isAsyncNonBatch: function() {
                    return this._async && !this.options.async.batch || !1
                _renderInitialFiles: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = 0;
                    for (t = l(t, !0), o = 0; t.length > o; o++) n = t[o], i = r._enqueueFile(n.name, {
                        fileNames: [n]
                    }), i.addClass("k-file-success").data("files", [t[o]]), e(".k-progress", i).width("100%"), r.options.template || e(".k-upload-status", i).prepend("<span class='k-upload-pct'>100%</span>"), r._supportsRemove() && r._fileAction(i, M)
                _prepareTemplateData: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.fileNames,
                        i = {},
                        r = 0,
                        o = 0;
                    for (o = 0; n.length > o; o++) r += n[o].size;
                    return i.name = e, i.size = r, i.files = t.fileNames, i
                _prepareDefaultFileEntryTemplate: function(t, n) {
                    var i = "",
                        r = e("<li class='k-file'><span class='k-progress'></span><span class='k-icon'></span><span class='k-filename' title='" + t + "'>" + t + "</span><strong class='k-upload-status'></strong></li>");
                    return 1 == n.fileNames.length && n.fileNames[0].extension && (i = n.fileNames[0].extension.substring(1), e(".k-icon", r).addClass("k-i-" + i)), r
                _enqueueFile: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = n.fileNames[0].uid,
                        c = e(".k-upload-files", s.wrapper),
                        d = s.options,
                        u = d.template;
                    return 0 === c.length && (c = e("<ul class='k-upload-files k-reset'></ul>").appendTo(s.wrapper), s.options.showFileList || c.hide(), s.wrapper.removeClass("k-upload-empty")), i = e(".k-file", c), u ? (o = s._prepareTemplateData(t, n), u = w.template(u), r = e("<li class='k-file'>" + u(o) + "</li>"), r.find(".k-upload-action").addClass("k-button k-button-bare"), s.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: r,
                            data: [o]
                    })) : r = s._prepareDefaultFileEntryTemplate(t, n), r.attr(w.attr("uid"), l).appendTo(c).data(n), s._async || e(".k-progress", r).width("100%"), !s.multiple && i.length > 0 && (a = {
                        files: i.data("fileNames")
                    }, s.trigger(M, a) || s._module.onRemove({
                        target: e(i, s.wrapper)
                    }, a.data)), r
                _removeFileEntry: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = t.closest(".k-upload-files");
                    t.remove(), n = e(".k-file", o), i = e(".k-file-success, .k-file-error", o), i.length === n.length && this._hideUploadButton(), 0 === n.length && (o.remove(), r.wrapper.addClass("k-upload-empty"), r._hideHeaderUploadstatus())
                _fileAction: function(e, t) {
                    var n = {
                            remove: "k-delete",
                            cancel: "k-cancel",
                            retry: "k-retry"
                        i = {
                            remove: "k-i-close",
                            cancel: "k-i-close",
                            retry: "k-i-refresh"
                    n.hasOwnProperty(t) && (this._clearFileAction(e), this.options.template ? e.find(".k-upload-action").addClass("k-button k-button-bare").append("<span class='k-icon " + i[t] + " " + n[t] + "' title='" + this.localization[t] + "'></span>").show() : (e.find(".k-upload-status .k-upload-action").remove(), e.find(".k-upload-status").append(this._renderAction(n[t], this.localization[t], i[t]))))
                _fileState: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.localization,
                        r = {
                            uploading: {
                                text: i.statusUploading
                            uploaded: {
                                text: i.statusUploaded
                            failed: {
                                text: i.statusFailed
                        o = r[n];
                    o && e(".k-icon:not(.k-delete, .k-cancel, .k-retry)", t).text(o.text)
                _renderAction: function(t, n, i) {
                    return e("" !== t ? "<button type='button' class='k-button k-button-bare k-upload-action'><span class='k-icon " + i + " " + t + "' title='" + n + "'></span></button>" : "<button type='button' class='k-button'>" + n + "</button>")
                _clearFileAction: function(t) {
                    e(".k-upload-action", t).empty().hide()
                _onFileAction: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this;
                    return a.wrapper.hasClass("k-state-disabled") || (n = e(t.target).closest(".k-upload-action"), i = n.find(".k-icon"), r = n.closest(".k-file"), o = {
                        files: r.data("fileNames")
                    }, i.hasClass("k-delete") ? a.trigger(M, o) || a._module.onRemove({
                        target: e(r, a.wrapper)
                    }, o.data) : i.hasClass("k-cancel") ? (a.trigger(I, o), a._module.onCancel({
                        target: e(r, a.wrapper)
                    }), this._checkAllComplete(), a._updateHeaderUploadStatus()) : i.hasClass("k-retry") && (e(".k-warning", r).remove(), a._module.onRetry({
                        target: e(r, a.wrapper)
                    }))), !1
                _onUploadSelected: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.wrapper;
                    return t.hasClass("k-state-disabled") || this._module.onSaveSelected(), !1
                _onFileProgress: function(t, n) {
                    var i;
                    this.options.template ? e(".k-progress", t.target).width(n + "%") : (i = e(".k-upload-pct", t.target), 0 === i.length && e(".k-upload-status", t.target).prepend("<span class='k-upload-pct'></span>"), e(".k-upload-pct", t.target).text(n + "%"), e(".k-progress", t.target).width(n + "%")), this.trigger(P, {
                        files: m(t).data("fileNames"),
                        percentComplete: n
                _onUploadSuccess: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = m(e);
                    this._fileState(i, "uploaded"), i.removeClass("k-file-progress").addClass("k-file-success"), this._updateHeaderUploadStatus(), this.trigger(D, {
                        files: i.data("fileNames"),
                        response: t,
                        operation: "upload",
                        XMLHttpRequest: n
                    }), this._supportsRemove() ? this._fileAction(i, M) : this._clearFileAction(i), this._checkAllComplete()
                _onUploadError: function(t, n) {
                    var i = m(t),
                        r = e(".k-upload-pct", i);
                    this._fileState(i, "failed"), i.removeClass("k-file-progress").addClass("k-file-error"), e(".k-progress", i).width("100%"), r.length > 0 ? r.empty().removeClass("k-upload-pct").addClass("k-icon k-warning") : e(".k-upload-status", i).prepend("<span class='k-icon k-warning'></span>"), this._updateHeaderUploadStatus(), this._fileAction(i, "retry"), this.trigger(A, {
                        operation: "upload",
                        files: i.data("fileNames"),
                        XMLHttpRequest: n
                    }), k("Server response: " + n.responseText), this._checkAllComplete()
                _showUploadButton: function() {
                    var t = e(".k-upload-selected", this.wrapper);
                    0 === t.length && (t = this._renderAction("", this.localization.uploadSelectedFiles).addClass("k-upload-selected")), this.wrapper.append(t)
                _hideUploadButton: function() {
                    e(".k-upload-selected", this.wrapper).remove()
                _showHeaderUploadStatus: function() {
                    var t = this.localization,
                        n = e(".k-dropzone", this.wrapper),
                        i = e(".k-upload-status-total", this.wrapper);
                    0 !== i.length && i.remove(), i = '<strong class="k-upload-status k-upload-status-total">' + t.headerStatusUploading + '<span class="k-icon k-loading">' + t.statusUploading + "</span></strong>", n.length > 0 ? n.append(i) : e(".k-upload-button", this.wrapper).after(i)
                _updateHeaderUploadStatus: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.localization,
                        a = e(".k-file", r.wrapper).not(".k-file-success, .k-file-error");
                    0 === a.length && (t = e(".k-file.k-file-error", r.wrapper), n = e(".k-upload-status-total", r.wrapper), i = e(".k-icon", n).removeClass("k-loading").addClass(0 !== t.length ? "k-warning" : "k-i-tick").text(0 !== t.length ? o.statusWarning : o.statusUploaded), n.text(r.localization.headerStatusUploaded).append(i))
                _hideHeaderUploadstatus: function() {
                    e(".k-upload-status-total", this.wrapper).remove()
                _onParentFormSubmit: function() {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.element;
                    t !== this._module.onAbort && this._module.onAbort(), r.value || (n = e(r), n.attr("disabled", "disabled"), window.setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 0))
                _onParentFormReset: function() {
                    e(".k-upload-files", this.wrapper).remove()
                _supportsFormData: function() {
                    return "undefined" != typeof FormData
                _supportsMultiple: function() {
                    var e = this._userAgent().indexOf("Windows") > -1;
                    return !(w.support.browser.opera || w.support.browser.safari && e)
                _supportsDrop: function() {
                    var e = this._userAgent().toLowerCase(),
                        t = /chrome/.test(e),
                        n = !t && /safari/.test(e),
                        i = n && /windows/.test(e);
                    return !i && this._supportsFormData() && this.options.async.saveUrl
                _userAgent: function() {
                    return navigator.userAgent
                _setupDropZone: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this;
                    e(".k-upload-button", this.wrapper).wrap("<div class='k-dropzone'></div>"), t = i._ns, n = e(".k-dropzone", i.wrapper).append(e("<em>" + i.localization.dropFilesHere + "</em>")).on("dragenter" + t, p).on("dragover" + t, function(e) {
                    }).on("drop" + t, e.proxy(this._onDrop, this)), f(n, t, function() {
                    }, function() {
                    }), f(e(document), t, function() {
                        n.addClass("k-dropzone-active"), n.closest(".k-upload").removeClass("k-upload-empty")
                    }, function() {
                        n.removeClass("k-dropzone-active"), 0 === e("li.k-file", n.closest(".k-upload")).length && n.closest(".k-upload").addClass("k-upload-empty")
                _supportsRemove: function() {
                    return !!this.options.async.removeUrl
                _submitRemove: function(t, n, i, r) {
                    var o = this,
                        a = o.options.async.removeField || "fileNames",
                        s = e.extend(n, y());
                    s[a] = t, jQuery.ajax({
                        type: this.options.async.removeVerb,
                        dataType: "json",
                        dataFilter: h,
                        url: this.options.async.removeUrl,
                        traditional: !0,
                        data: s,
                        success: i,
                        error: r,
                        xhrFields: {
                            withCredentials: this.options.async.withCredentials
                _wrapInput: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options;
                    return e.wrap("<div class='k-widget k-upload k-header'><div class='k-button k-upload-button'></div></div>"), n.async.saveUrl || e.closest(".k-upload").addClass("k-upload-sync"), e.closest(".k-upload").addClass("k-upload-empty"), e.closest(".k-button").append("<span>" + this.localization.select + "</span>"), e.closest(".k-upload")
                _checkAllComplete: function() {
                    0 === e(".k-file.k-file-progress", this.wrapper).length && this.trigger(E)
                _inputFiles: function(e) {
                    return i(e)
            F = function(e) {
                this.name = "syncUploadModule", this.element = e.wrapper, this.upload = e, this.element.closest("form").attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data").attr("encoding", "multipart/form-data")
        F.prototype = {
            onSelect: function(t, i) {
                var r, o = this.upload,
                    a = e(t.target);
                o._addInput(a), r = o._enqueueFile(n(a), {
                    relatedInput: a,
                    fileNames: i
                }), o._fileAction(r, M)
            onRemove: function(e) {
                var t = m(e);
                t.data("relatedInput").remove(), this.upload._removeFileEntry(t)
        }, v = function(e) {
            this.name = "iframeUploadModule", this.element = e.wrapper, this.upload = e, this.iframes = []
        }, z._frameId = 0, v.prototype = {
            onSelect: function(t, n) {
                var i = this.upload,
                    r = e(t.target),
                    o = this.prepareUpload(r, n);
                i.options.async.autoUpload ? this.performUpload(o) : (i._supportsRemove() && this.upload._fileAction(o, M), i._showUploadButton())
            prepareUpload: function(t, i) {
                var r, o, a, s = this.upload,
                    l = e(s.element),
                    c = s.options.async.saveField || t.attr("name");
                return s._addInput(t), t.attr("name", c), r = this.createFrame(s.name + "_" + z._frameId++), this.registerFrame(r), o = this.createForm(s.options.async.saveUrl, r.attr("name")).append(l), a = s._enqueueFile(n(t), {
                    frame: r,
                    relatedInput: l,
                    fileNames: i
                }), r.data({
                    form: o,
                    file: a
                }), a
            performUpload: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = {
                        files: t.data("fileNames")
                    a = t.data("frame"),
                    s = this.upload;
                if (s.trigger(T, o)) s._removeFileEntry(a.data("file")), this.cleanupFrame(a), this.unregisterFrame(a);
                else {
                    s._hideUploadButton(), s._showHeaderUploadStatus(), a.appendTo(document.body), n = a.data("form").attr("action", s.options.async.saveUrl).appendTo(document.body), o.data = e.extend({}, o.data, y());
                    for (i in o.data) r = n.find("input[name='" + i + "']"), 0 === r.length && (r = e("<input>", {
                        type: "hidden",
                        name: i
                    }).prependTo(n)), r.val(o.data[i]);
                    s._fileAction(t, I), s._fileState(t, "uploading"), e(t).removeClass("k-file-error").addClass("k-file-progress"), a.one("load", e.proxy(this.onIframeLoad, this)), n[0].submit()
            onSaveSelected: function() {
                var t = this;
                e(".k-file", this.element).each(function() {
                    var n = e(this),
                        i = g(n);
                    i || t.performUpload(n)
            onIframeLoad: function(t) {
                var n, i = e(t.target);
                try {
                    n = i.contents().text()
                } catch (r) {
                    n = "Error trying to get server response: " + r
                this.processResponse(i, n)
            processResponse: function(t, n) {
                var i = t.data("file"),
                    r = this,
                    o = {
                        responseText: n
                u(n, function(n) {
                    e.extend(o, {
                        statusText: "OK",
                        status: "200"
                    }), r.upload._onFileProgress({
                        target: e(i, r.upload.wrapper)
                    }, 100), r.upload._onUploadSuccess({
                        target: e(i, r.upload.wrapper)
                    }, n, o), r.cleanupFrame(t), r.unregisterFrame(t)
                }, function() {
                    e.extend(o, {
                        statusText: "error",
                        status: "500"
                    }), r.upload._onUploadError({
                        target: e(i, r.upload.wrapper)
                    }, o)
            onCancel: function(t) {
                var n = e(t.target).data("frame");
                this.stopFrameSubmit(n), this.cleanupFrame(n), this.unregisterFrame(n), this.upload._removeFileEntry(n.data("file"))
            onRetry: function(e) {
                var t = m(e);
            onRemove: function(e, t) {
                var n = m(e),
                    i = n.data("frame");
                i ? (this.unregisterFrame(i), this.upload._removeFileEntry(n), this.cleanupFrame(i)) : d(n, this.upload, t)
            onAbort: function() {
                var t = this.element,
                    n = this;
                e.each(this.iframes, function() {
                    e("input", this.data("form")).appendTo(t), n.stopFrameSubmit(this[0]), this.data("form").remove(), this.remove()
                }), this.iframes = []
            createFrame: function(t) {
                return e("<iframe name='" + t + "' id='" + t + "' style='display:none;' />")
            createForm: function(t, n) {
                return e("<form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST' action='" + t + "' target='" + n + "'/>")
            stopFrameSubmit: function(e) {
                t !== e.stop ? e.stop() : e.document && e.document.execCommand("Stop")
            registerFrame: function(e) {
            unregisterFrame: function(t) {
                this.iframes = e.grep(this.iframes, function(e) {
                    return e.attr("name") != t.attr("name")
            cleanupFrame: function(e) {
                var t = e.data("form");
                e.data("file").data("frame", null), setTimeout(function() {
                    t.remove(), e.remove()
                }, 1)
        }, _ = function(e) {
            this.name = "formDataUploadModule", this.element = e.wrapper, this.upload = e
        }, _.prototype = {
            onSelect: function(t, n) {
                var i = this.upload,
                    r = this,
                    o = e(t.target),
                    a = this.prepareUpload(o, n);
                e.each(a, function() {
                    i.options.async.autoUpload ? r.performUpload(this) : (i._supportsRemove() && i._fileAction(this, M), i._showUploadButton())
            prepareUpload: function(t, n) {
                var i = this.enqueueFiles(n);
                return t.is("input") && (e.each(i, function() {
                    e(this).data("relatedInput", t)
                }), t.data("relatedFileEntries", i), this.upload._addInput(t)), i
            enqueueFiles: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.upload,
                    s = t.length,
                    l = [];
                if (a.options.async.batch === !0) n = e.map(t, function(e) {
                    return e.name
                }).join(", "), o = a._enqueueFile(n, {
                    fileNames: t
                }), o.data("files", t), l.push(o);
                    for (i = 0; s > i; i++) r = t[i], n = r.name, o = a._enqueueFile(n, {
                        fileNames: [r]
                    }), o.data("files", [r]), l.push(o);
                return l
            performUpload: function(t) {
                var n, i = this.upload,
                    r = this.createFormData(),
                    o = this.createXHR(),
                    a = {
                        files: t.data("fileNames"),
                        XMLHttpRequest: o
                if (i.trigger(T, a)) this.removeFileEntry(t);
                else {
                    if (i._fileAction(t, I), i._hideUploadButton(), i._showHeaderUploadStatus(), a.formData) r = a.formData;
                    else {
                        a.data = e.extend({}, a.data, y());
                        for (n in a.data) r.append(n, a.data[n]);
                        this.populateFormData(r, t.data("files"))
                    i._fileState(t, "uploading"), e(t).removeClass("k-file-error").addClass("k-file-progress"), this.postFormData(i.options.async.saveUrl, r, t, o)
            onSaveSelected: function() {
                var t = this;
                e(".k-file", this.element).each(function() {
                    var n = e(this),
                        i = g(n);
                    i || t.performUpload(n)
            onCancel: function(e) {
                var t = m(e);
                this.stopUploadRequest(t), this.removeFileEntry(t)
            onRetry: function(e) {
                var t = m(e);
            onRemove: function(e, t) {
                var n = m(e);
                n.hasClass("k-file-success") ? d(n, this.upload, t) : this.removeFileEntry(n)
            createXHR: function() {
                return new XMLHttpRequest
            postFormData: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this;
                n.data("request", i), i.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
                    r.onRequestSuccess.call(r, e, n)
                }, !1), i.addEventListener(A, function(e) {
                    r.onRequestError.call(r, e, n)
                }, !1), i.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(e) {
                    r.onRequestProgress.call(r, e, n)
                }, !1), i.open("POST", e, !0), i.withCredentials = this.upload.options.async.withCredentials, i.send(t)
            createFormData: function() {
                return new FormData
            populateFormData: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.upload,
                    r = t.length;
                for (n = 0; r > n; n++) e.append(i.options.async.saveField || i.name, t[n].rawFile);
                return e
            onRequestSuccess: function(t, n) {
                function i() {
                        target: e(n, o.upload.wrapper)
                    }, r)
                var r = t.target,
                    o = this;
                r.status >= 200 && 299 >= r.status ? u(r.responseText, function(t) {
                        target: e(n, o.upload.wrapper)
                    }, 100), o.upload._onUploadSuccess({
                        target: e(n, o.upload.wrapper)
                    }, t, r), o.cleanupFileEntry(n)
                }, i) : i()
            onRequestError: function(t, n) {
                var i = t.target;
                    target: e(n, this.upload.wrapper)
                }, i)
            cleanupFileEntry: function(t) {
                var n = t.data("relatedInput"),
                    i = !0;
                n && (e.each(n.data("relatedFileEntries") || [], function() {
                    this.parent().length > 0 && this[0] != t[0] && (i = i && this.hasClass("k-file-success"))
                }), i && n.remove())
            removeFileEntry: function(e) {
                this.cleanupFileEntry(e), this.upload._removeFileEntry(e)
            onRequestProgress: function(t, n) {
                var i = Math.round(100 * t.loaded / t.total);
                    target: e(n, this.upload.wrapper)
                }, i)
            stopUploadRequest: function(e) {
        }, w.ui.plugin(z)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            e.on("dragenter" + x, function() {
                t(), r = new Date, i || (i = setInterval(function() {
                    var e = new Date - r;
                    e > 100 && (n(), clearInterval(i), i = null)
                }, 100))
            }).on("dragover" + x, function() {
                r = new Date

        function i(e, n) {
            return e !== t && e.match(/\/$/) || (e = (e || "") + "/"), e + n

        function r(e) {
            if (!e) return "";
            var t = " bytes";
            return e >= 1073741824 ? (t = " GB", e /= 1073741824) : e >= 1048576 ? (t = " MB", e /= 1048576) : e >= 1024 && (t = " KB", e /= 1024), Math.round(100 * e) / 100 + t

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = e[t];
            return h(n) ? n.from || n.field || t : n
        var a, s, l, c, d = window.kendo,
            u = d.ui.Widget,
            h = e.isPlainObject,
            p = e.proxy,
            f = e.extend,
            g = d.support.placeholder,
            m = d.support.browser,
            v = d.isFunction,
            _ = /(^\/|\/$)/g,
            w = "change",
            b = "apply",
            y = "error",
            k = "click",
            x = ".kendoFileBrowser",
            C = ".kendoBreadcrumbs",
            S = ".kendoSearchBox",
            T = "name",
            D = "size",
            A = "type",
            E = {
                field: A,
                dir: "asc"
            I = d.template('<li class="k-tile-empty"><strong>${text}</strong></li>'),
            P = '<div class="k-widget k-filebrowser-toolbar k-header k-floatwrap"><div class="k-toolbar-wrap"># if (showUpload) { # <div class="k-widget k-upload"><div class="k-button k-button-icontext k-upload-button"><span class="k-icon k-add"></span>#=messages.uploadFile#<input type="file" name="file" /></div></div># } ## if (showCreate) { #<button type="button" class="k-button k-button-icon"><span class="k-icon k-addfolder" /></button># } ## if (showDelete) { #<button type="button" class="k-button k-button-icon k-state-disabled"><span class="k-icon k-delete" /></button>&nbsp;# } #</div><div class="k-tiles-arrange"><label>#=messages.orderBy#: <select /></label></a></div></div>';
        f(!0, d.data, {
            schemas: {
                filebrowser: {
                    data: function(e) {
                        return e.items || e || []
                    model: {
                        id: "name",
                        fields: {
                            name: "name",
                            size: "size",
                            type: "type"
        }), f(!0, d.data, {
            transports: {
                filebrowser: d.data.RemoteTransport.extend({
                    init: function(t) {
                        d.data.RemoteTransport.fn.init.call(this, e.extend(!0, {}, this.options, t))
                    _call: function(t, n) {
                        n.data = e.extend({}, n.data, {
                            path: this.options.path()
                        }), v(this.options[t]) ? this.options[t].call(this, n) : d.data.RemoteTransport.fn[t].call(this, n)
                    read: function(e) {
                        this._call("read", e)
                    create: function(e) {
                        this._call("create", e)
                    destroy: function(e) {
                        this._call("destroy", e)
                    update: function() {},
                    options: {
                        read: {
                            type: "POST"
                        update: {
                            type: "POST"
                        create: {
                            type: "POST"
                        destroy: {
                            type: "POST"
        }), a = m.msie && 8 > m.version ? function(e) {
            return e.offsetTop
        } : function(t) {
            return t.offsetTop - e(t).height()
        }, s = u.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                t = t || {}, u.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.element.addClass("k-filebrowser"), n.element.on(k + x, ".k-filebrowser-toolbar button:not(.k-state-disabled):has(.k-delete)", p(n._deleteClick, n)).on(k + x, ".k-filebrowser-toolbar button:not(.k-state-disabled):has(.k-addfolder)", p(n._addClick, n)).on("keydown" + x, "li.k-state-selected input", p(n._directoryKeyDown, n)).on("blur" + x, "li.k-state-selected input", p(n._directoryBlur, n)), n._dataSource(), n.refresh(), n.path(n.options.path)
            options: {
                name: "FileBrowser",
                messages: {
                    uploadFile: "Upload",
                    orderBy: "Arrange by",
                    orderByName: "Name",
                    orderBySize: "Size",
                    directoryNotFound: "A directory with this name was not found.",
                    emptyFolder: "Empty Folder",
                    deleteFile: 'Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?',
                    invalidFileType: 'The selected file "{0}" is not valid. Supported file types are {1}.',
                    overwriteFile: 'A file with name "{0}" already exists in the current directory. Do you want to overwrite it?',
                    dropFilesHere: "drop file here to upload",
                    search: "Search"
                transport: {},
                path: "/",
                fileTypes: "*.*"
            events: [y, w, b],
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                u.fn.destroy.call(e), e.dataSource.unbind(y, e._errorHandler), e.element.add(e.list).add(e.toolbar).off(x), d.destroy(e.element)
            value: function() {
                var e, n = this,
                    r = n._selectedItem(),
                    o = n.options.transport.fileUrl;
                return r && "f" === r.get(A) ? (e = i(n.path(), r.get(T)).replace(_, ""), o && (e = v(o) ? o(e) : d.format(o, encodeURIComponent(e))), e) : t
            _selectedItem: function() {
                var e = this.listView,
                    n = e.select();
                return n.length ? this.dataSource.getByUid(n.attr(d.attr("uid"))) : t
            _toolbar: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = d.template(P),
                    i = t.options.messages,
                    r = [{
                        text: i.orderByName,
                        value: "name"
                    }, {
                        text: i.orderBySize,
                        value: "size"
                t.toolbar = e(n({
                    messages: i,
                    showUpload: t.options.transport.uploadUrl,
                    showCreate: t.options.transport.create,
                    showDelete: t.options.transport.destroy
                })).appendTo(t.element).find(".k-upload input").kendoUpload({
                    multiple: !1,
                    localization: {
                        dropFilesHere: i.dropFilesHere
                    async: {
                        saveUrl: t.options.transport.uploadUrl,
                        autoUpload: !0
                    upload: p(t._fileUpload, t),
                    error: function(e) {
                            xhr: e.XMLHttpRequest,
                            status: "error"
                }).end(), t.upload = t.toolbar.find(".k-upload input").data("kendoUpload"), t.arrangeBy = t.toolbar.find(".k-tiles-arrange select").kendoDropDownList({
                    dataSource: r,
                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    change: function() {
                }).data("kendoDropDownList"), t._attachDropzoneEvents()
            _attachDropzoneEvents: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.options.transport.uploadUrl && (n(e(document.documentElement), e.proxy(t._dropEnter, t), e.proxy(t._dropLeave, t)), t._scrollHandler = p(t._positionDropzone, t))
            _dropEnter: function() {
                this._positionDropzone(), e(document).on("scroll" + x, this._scrollHandler)
            _dropLeave: function() {
                this._removeDropzone(), e(document).off("scroll" + x, this._scrollHandler)
            _positionDropzone: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element,
                    n = t.offset();
                    width: t[0].clientWidth,
                    height: t[0].clientHeight,
                    lineHeight: t[0].clientHeight + "px"
            _removeDropzone: function() {
                    width: "",
                    height: "",
                    lineHeight: "",
                    top: "",
                    left: ""
            _deleteClick: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.listView.select(),
                    n = d.format(e.options.messages.deleteFile, t.find("strong").text());
                t.length && e._showMessage(n, "confirm") && e.listView.remove(t)
            _addClick: function() {
            _getFieldName: function(e) {
                return o(this.dataSource.reader.model.fields, e)
            _fileUpload: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.fileTypes,
                    o = RegExp(("(" + r.split(",").join(")|(") + ")").replace(/\*\./g, ".*."), "i"),
                    a = e.files[0].name,
                    s = T,
                    l = D;
                o.test(a) ? (e.data = {
                    path: n.path()
                }, t = n._createFile(a), t ? n.upload.one("success", function(e) {
                    t.set(s, e.response[n._getFieldName(s)]), t.set(l, e.response[n._getFieldName(l)]), n._tiles = n.listView.items().filter("[" + d.attr("type") + "=f]")
                }) : e.preventDefault()) : (e.preventDefault(), n._showMessage(d.format(i.messages.invalidFileType, a, r)))
            _findFile: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.dataSource.data(),
                    o = A,
                    a = T;
                for (e = e.toLowerCase(), t = 0, i = r.length; i > t; t++)
                    if ("f" === r[t].get(o) && r[t].get(a).toLowerCase() === e) {
                        n = r[t];
                return n
            _createFile: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = 0,
                    o = {},
                    a = A,
                    s = i.dataSource.view(),
                    l = i._findFile(e);
                if (l && !i._showMessage(d.format(i.options.messages.overwriteFile, e), "confirm")) return null;
                if (l) return l;
                for (t = 0, n = s.length; n > t; t++)
                    if ("f" === s[t].get(a)) {
                        r = t;
                return o[a] = "f", o[T] = e, o[D] = 0, i.dataSource.insert(++r, o)
            createDirectory: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = 0,
                    r = A,
                    o = T,
                    a = n.dataSource.data(),
                    s = n._nameDirectory(),
                    l = new n.dataSource.reader.model;
                for (e = 0, t = a.length; t > e; e++) "d" === a[e].get(r) && (i = e);
                l.set(r, "d"), l.set(o, s), n.listView.one("dataBound", function() {
                    var e = n.listView.items().filter("[" + d.attr("uid") + "=" + l.uid + "]"),
                        t = e.find("input");
                    e.length && this.edit(e), this.element.scrollTop(e.attr("offsetTop") - this.element[0].offsetHeight), setTimeout(function() {
                }).one("save", function(e) {
                    var t = e.model.get(o);
                    t ? e.model.set(o, n._nameExists(t, l.uid) ? n._nameDirectory() : t) : e.model.set(o, s)
                }), n.dataSource.insert(++i, l)
            _directoryKeyDown: function(e) {
                13 == e.keyCode && e.currentTarget.blur()
            _directoryBlur: function() {
            _nameExists: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.dataSource.data(),
                    o = A,
                    a = T;
                for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++)
                    if ("d" === r[n].get(o) && r[n].get(a).toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase() && r[n].uid !== t) return !0;
                return !1
            _nameDirectory: function() {
                var t, n, i, r = "New folder",
                    o = this.dataSource.data(),
                    a = [],
                    s = A,
                    l = T;
                for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++) "d" === o[n].get(s) && o[n].get(l).toLowerCase().indexOf(r.toLowerCase()) > -1 && a.push(o[n].get(l));
                if (e.inArray(r, a) > -1) {
                    n = 2;
                    do t = r + " (" + n + ")", n++; while (e.inArray(t, a) > -1);
                    r = t
                return r
            orderBy: function(e) {
                    field: A,
                    dir: "asc"
                }, {
                    field: e,
                    dir: "asc"
            search: function(e) {
                    field: T,
                    operator: "contains",
                    value: e
            _content: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.list = e('<ul class="k-reset k-floats k-tiles" />').appendTo(t.element).on("dblclick" + x, "li", p(t._dblClick, t)), t.listView = new d.ui.ListView(t.list, {
                    dataSource: t.dataSource,
                    template: t._itemTmpl(),
                    editTemplate: t._editTmpl(),
                    selectable: !0,
                    autoBind: !1,
                    dataBinding: function(e) {
                        t.toolbar.find(".k-delete").parent().addClass("k-state-disabled"), ("remove" === e.action || "sync" === e.action) && e.preventDefault()
                    dataBound: function() {
                        t.dataSource.view().length ? t._tiles = this.items().filter("[" + d.attr("type") + "=f]") : this.wrapper.append(I({
                            text: t.options.messages.emptyFolder
                    change: p(t._listViewChange, t)
            _dblClick: function(t) {
                var n, r = this,
                    o = e(t.currentTarget);
                o.hasClass("k-edit-item") && r._directoryBlur(), o.filter("[" + d.attr("type") + "=d]").length ? (n = r.dataSource.getByUid(o.attr(d.attr("uid"))), n && (r.path(i(r.path(), n.get(T))), r.breadcrumbs.value(r.path()))) : o.filter("[" + d.attr("type") + "=f]").length && r.trigger(b)
            _listViewChange: function() {
                var e = this._selectedItem();
                e && (this.toolbar.find(".k-delete").parent().removeClass("k-state-disabled"), "f" === e.get(A) && this.trigger(w))
            _dataSource: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.transport,
                    r = f({}, E),
                    o = {
                        field: T,
                        dir: "asc"
                    a = {
                        type: i.type || "filebrowser",
                        sort: [r, o]
                h(i) && (i.path = p(t.path, t), a.transport = i), h(n.schema) ? a.schema = n.schema : i.type && h(d.data.schemas[i.type]) && (e = d.data.schemas[i.type]), t.dataSource && t._errorHandler ? t.dataSource.unbind(y, t._errorHandler) : t._errorHandler = p(t._error, t), t.dataSource = d.data.DataSource.create(a).bind(y, t._errorHandler)
            _navigation: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = e('<div class="k-floatwrap"><input/><input/></div>').appendTo(this.element);
                t.breadcrumbs = n.find("input:first").kendoBreadcrumbs({
                    value: t.options.path,
                    change: function() {
                }).data("kendoBreadcrumbs"), t.searchBox = n.parent().find("input:last").kendoSearchBox({
                    label: t.options.messages.search,
                    change: function() {
            _error: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                n.trigger(y, e) || (t = e.xhr.status, "error" == e.status ? "404" == t ? n._showMessage(n.options.messages.directoryNotFound) : "0" != t && n._showMessage("Error! The requested URL returned " + t + " - " + e.xhr.statusText) : "timeout" == t && n._showMessage("Error! Server timeout."))
            _showMessage: function(e, t) {
                return window[t || "alert"](e)
            refresh: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._navigation(), e._toolbar(), e._content()
            _editTmpl: function() {
                var e = '<li class="k-tile k-state-selected" ' + d.attr("uid") + '="#=uid#" ';
                return e += d.attr("type") + '="${' + A + '}">', e += "#if(" + A + ' == "d") { #', e += '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-folder"></span></div>', e += "#}else{#", e += '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-loading"></span></div>', e += "#}#", e += "#if(" + A + ' == "d") { #', e += '<input class="k-input" ' + d.attr("bind") + '="value:' + T + '"/>', e += "#}#", e += "</li>", p(d.template(e), {
                    sizeFormatter: r
            _itemTmpl: function() {
                var e = '<li class="k-tile" ' + d.attr("uid") + '="#=uid#" ';
                return e += d.attr("type") + '="${' + A + '}">', e += "#if(" + A + ' == "d") { #', e += '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-folder"></span></div>', e += "#}else{#", e += '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-file"></span></div>', e += "#}#", e += "<strong>${" + T + "}</strong>", e += "#if(" + A + ' == "f") { # <span class="k-filesize">${this.sizeFormatter(' + D + ")}</span> #}#", e += "</li>", p(d.template(e), {
                    sizeFormatter: r
            path: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n._path || "";
                return e !== t ? (n._path = e.replace(_, "") + "/", n.dataSource.read({
                    path: n._path
                }), t) : (i && (i = i.replace(_, "")), "/" === i || "" === i ? "" : i + "/")
        }), l = u.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                t = t || {}, u.fn.init.call(n, e, t), g && n.element.attr("placeholder", n.options.label), n._wrapper(), n.element.on("keydown" + S, p(n._keydown, n)).on("change" + S, p(n._updateValue, n)), n.wrapper.on(k + S, "a", p(n._click, n)), g || n.element.on("focus" + S, p(n._focus, n)).on("blur" + S, p(n._blur, n))
            options: {
                name: "SearchBox",
                label: "Search",
                value: ""
            events: [w],
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.wrapper.add(e.element).add(e.label).off(S), u.fn.destroy.call(e)
            _keydown: function(e) {
                13 === e.keyCode && this._updateValue()
            _click: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this._updateValue()
            _updateValue: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element.val();
                t !== e.value() && (e.value(t), e.trigger(w))
            _blur: function() {
                this._updateValue(), this._toggleLabel()
            _toggleLabel: function() {
                g || this.label.toggle(!this.element.val())
            _focus: function() {
            _wrapper: function() {
                var t = this.element,
                    n = t.parents(".k-search-wrap");
                t[0].style.width = "", t.addClass("k-input"), n.length || (n = t.wrap(e('<div class="k-widget k-search-wrap k-textbox"/>')).parent(), g || e('<label style="display:block">' + this.options.label + "</label>").insertBefore(t), e('<a href="#" class="k-icon k-i-search k-search"/>').appendTo(n)), this.wrapper = n, this.label = n.find(">label")
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e !== t ? (n.options.value = e, n.element.val(e), n._toggleLabel(), t) : n.options.value
        }), c = u.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                t = t || {}, u.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._wrapper(), n.wrapper.on("focus" + C, "input", p(n._focus, n)).on("blur" + C, "input", p(n._blur, n)).on("keydown" + C, "input", p(n._keydown, n)).on(k + C, "a.k-i-arrow-n:first", p(n._rootClick, n)).on(k + C, "a:not(.k-i-arrow-n)", p(n._click, n)), n.value(n.options.value)
            options: {
                name: "Breadcrumbs",
                gap: 50
            events: [w],
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                u.fn.destroy.call(e), e.wrapper.add(e.wrapper.find("input")).add(e.wrapper.find("a")).off(C)
            _update: function(e) {
                e = "/" === (e || "").charAt(0) ? e : "/" + (e || ""), e !== this.value() && (this.value(e), this.trigger(w))
            _click: function(t) {
                t.preventDefault(), this._update(this._path(e(t.target).prevAll("a:not(.k-i-arrow-n)").addBack()))
            _rootClick: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this._update("")
            _focus: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element;
                e.overlay.hide(), e.element.val(e.value()), setTimeout(function() {
            _blur: function() {
                if (!this.overlay.is(":visible")) {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = t.val().replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/");
                    e.overlay.show(), t.val(""), e._update(n)
            _keydown: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                13 === e.keyCode && (t._blur(), setTimeout(function() {
            _wrapper: function() {
                var t, n = this.element,
                    i = n.parents(".k-breadcrumbs");
                n[0].style.width = "", n.addClass("k-input"), i.length || (i = n.wrap(e('<div class="k-widget k-breadcrumbs k-textbox"/>')).parent()), t = i.find(".k-breadcrumbs-wrap"), t.length || (t = e('<div class="k-breadcrumbs-wrap"/>').appendTo(i)), this.wrapper = i, this.overlay = t
            refresh: function() {
                var n, i, r, o, a = "",
                    s = this.value();
                for (s !== t && s.match(/^\//) || (s = "/" + (s || "")), n = s.split("/"), r = 0, o = n.length; o > r; r++) i = n[r], i && (a || (a += '<a href="#" class="k-icon k-i-arrow-n">root</a>'), a += '<a class="k-link" href="#">' + n[r] + "</a>", a += '<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e">&gt;</span>');
                this.overlay.empty().append(e(a)), this._adjustSectionWidth()
            _adjustSectionWidth: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.wrapper,
                    r = i.width() - n.options.gap,
                    o = n.overlay.find("a");
                o.each(function(n) {
                    t = e(this), t.parent().width() > r && (n == o.length - 1 ? t.width(r) : t.prev().addBack().hide())
            value: function(e) {
                return e !== t ? (this._value = e.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"), this.refresh(), t) : this._value
            _path: function(t) {
                return "/" + e.map(t, function(t) {
                    return e(t).text()
        }), d.ui.plugin(s), d.ui.plugin(c), d.ui.plugin(l)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, n) {
            return e !== t && e.match(/\/$/) || (e = (e || "") + "/"), e + n

        function i(e) {
            if (!e) return "";
            var t = " bytes";
            return e >= 1073741824 ? (t = " GB", e /= 1073741824) : e >= 1048576 ? (t = " MB", e /= 1048576) : e >= 1024 && (t = " KB", e /= 1024), Math.round(100 * e) / 100 + t
        var r, o, a = window.kendo,
            s = a.ui.FileBrowser,
            l = e.isPlainObject,
            c = e.proxy,
            d = e.extend,
            u = a.support.browser,
            h = a.isFunction,
            p = /(^\/|\/$)/g,
            f = "error",
            g = ".kendoImageBrowser",
            m = "name",
            v = "size",
            _ = "type",
            w = {
                field: _,
                dir: "asc"
            b = a.template('<li class="k-tile-empty"><strong>${text}</strong></li>');
        d(!0, a.data, {
            schemas: {
                imagebrowser: {
                    data: function(e) {
                        return e.items || e || []
                    model: {
                        id: "name",
                        fields: {
                            name: "name",
                            size: "size",
                            type: "type"
        }), d(!0, a.data, {
            transports: {
                imagebrowser: a.data.RemoteTransport.extend({
                    init: function(t) {
                        a.data.RemoteTransport.fn.init.call(this, e.extend(!0, {}, this.options, t))
                    _call: function(t, n) {
                        n.data = e.extend({}, n.data, {
                            path: this.options.path()
                        }), h(this.options[t]) ? this.options[t].call(this, n) : a.data.RemoteTransport.fn[t].call(this, n)
                    read: function(e) {
                        this._call("read", e)
                    create: function(e) {
                        this._call("create", e)
                    destroy: function(e) {
                        this._call("destroy", e)
                    update: function() {},
                    options: {
                        read: {
                            type: "POST"
                        update: {
                            type: "POST"
                        create: {
                            type: "POST"
                        destroy: {
                            type: "POST"
        }), r = u.msie && 8 > u.version ? function(e) {
            return e.offsetTop
        } : function(t) {
            return t.offsetTop - e(t).height()
        }, o = s.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                t = t || {}, s.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.element.addClass("k-imagebrowser")
            options: {
                name: "ImageBrowser",
                fileTypes: "*.png,*.gif,*.jpg,*.jpeg"
            value: function() {
                var e, i = this,
                    r = i._selectedItem(),
                    o = i.options.transport.imageUrl;
                return r && "f" === r.get(_) ? (e = n(i.path(), r.get(m)).replace(p, ""), o && (e = h(o) ? o(e) : a.format(o, encodeURIComponent(e))), e) : t
            _fileUpload: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.fileTypes,
                    o = RegExp(("(" + r.split(",").join(")|(") + ")").replace(/\*\./g, ".*."), "i"),
                    s = e.files[0].name,
                    l = m,
                    c = v;
                o.test(s) ? (e.data = {
                    path: n.path()
                }, t = n._createFile(s), t ? (t._uploading = !0, n.upload.one("success", function(e) {
                    delete t._uploading, t.set(l, e.response[n._getFieldName(l)]), t.set(c, e.response[n._getFieldName(c)]), n._tiles = n.listView.items().filter("[" + a.attr("type") + "=f]"), n._scroll()
                })) : e.preventDefault()) : (e.preventDefault(), n._showMessage(a.format(i.messages.invalidFileType, s, r)))
            _content: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.list = e('<ul class="k-reset k-floats k-tiles" />').appendTo(t.element).on("scroll" + g, c(t._scroll, t)).on("dblclick" + g, "li", c(t._dblClick, t)), t.listView = new a.ui.ListView(t.list, {
                    dataSource: t.dataSource,
                    template: t._itemTmpl(),
                    editTemplate: t._editTmpl(),
                    selectable: !0,
                    autoBind: !1,
                    dataBinding: function(e) {
                        t.toolbar.find(".k-delete").parent().addClass("k-state-disabled"), ("remove" === e.action || "sync" === e.action) && e.preventDefault()
                    dataBound: function() {
                        t.dataSource.view().length ? (t._tiles = this.items().filter("[" + a.attr("type") + "=f]"), t._scroll()) : this.wrapper.append(b({
                            text: t.options.messages.emptyFolder
                    change: c(t._listViewChange, t)
            _dataSource: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.transport,
                    r = d({}, w),
                    o = {
                        field: m,
                        dir: "asc"
                    s = {
                        type: i.type || "imagebrowser",
                        sort: [r, o]
                l(i) && (i.path = c(t.path, t), s.transport = i), l(n.schema) ? s.schema = n.schema : i.type && l(a.data.schemas[i.type]) && (e = a.data.schemas[i.type]), t.dataSource && t._errorHandler ? t.dataSource.unbind(f, t._errorHandler) : t._errorHandler = c(t._error, t), t.dataSource = a.data.DataSource.create(s).bind(f, t._errorHandler)
            _loadImage: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e(t),
                    r = n.dataSource.getByUid(i.attr(a.attr("uid"))),
                    o = r.get(m),
                    s = n.options.transport.thumbnailUrl,
                    l = e("<img />", {
                        alt: o
                    c = "?";
                r._uploading || (l.hide().on("load" + g, function() {
                }), i.find(".k-loading").after(l), h(s) ? s = s(n.path(), encodeURIComponent(o)) : (s.indexOf("?") >= 0 && (c = "&"), s = s + c + "path=" + n.path() + encodeURIComponent(o)), l.attr("src", s), t.loaded = !0)
            _scroll: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.options.transport && e.options.transport.thumbnailUrl && (clearTimeout(e._timeout), e._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    var n = e.list.outerHeight(),
                        i = e.list.scrollTop(),
                        o = i + n;
                    e._tiles.each(function() {
                        var n = r(this),
                            a = n + this.offsetHeight;
                        return (n >= i && o > n || a >= i && o > a) && e._loadImage(this), n > o ? !1 : t
                    }), e._tiles = e._tiles.filter(function() {
                        return !this.loaded
                }, 250))
            _itemTmpl: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = '<li class="k-tile" ' + a.attr("uid") + '="#=uid#" ';
                return t += a.attr("type") + '="${' + _ + '}">', t += "#if(" + _ + ' == "d") { #', t += '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-folder"></span></div>', t += "#}else{#", t += e.options.transport && e.options.transport.thumbnailUrl ? '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-loading"></span></div>' : '<div class="k-thumb"><span class="k-icon k-file"></span></div>', t += "#}#", t += "<strong>${" + m + "}</strong>", t += "#if(" + _ + ' == "f") { # <span class="k-filesize">${this.sizeFormatter(' + v + ")}</span> #}#", t += "</li>", c(a.template(t), {
                    sizeFormatter: i
        }), a.ui.plugin(o)
    function(e, t) {
        var n, i, r, o, a = window.kendo,
            s = a.Class,
            l = a.ui.Widget,
            c = a.support.mobileOS,
            d = a.support.browser,
            u = e.extend,
            h = e.proxy,
            p = a.deepExtend,
            f = ".kendoEditor",
            g = a.keys,
            m = s.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e
                getHtml: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return a.template(e.template, {
                        useWithBlock: !1
            v = {
                editorWrapperTemplate: '<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" class="k-widget k-editor k-header" role="presentation"><tbody><tr role="presentation"><td class="k-editor-toolbar-wrap" role="presentation"><ul class="k-editor-toolbar" role="toolbar" /></td></tr><tr><td class="k-editable-area" /></tr></tbody></table>',
                buttonTemplate: '<a href="" role="button" class="k-tool"#= data.popup ? " data-popup" : "" # unselectable="on" title="#= data.title #"><span unselectable="on" class="k-tool-icon #= data.cssClass #"></span><span class="k-tool-text">#= data.title #</span></a>',
                colorPickerTemplate: '<div class="k-colorpicker #= data.cssClass #" />',
                comboBoxTemplate: '<select title="#= data.title #" class="#= data.cssClass #" />',
                dropDownListTemplate: '<span class="k-editor-dropdown"><select title="#= data.title #" class="#= data.cssClass #" /></span>',
                separatorTemplate: '<span class="k-separator" />',
                overflowAnchorTemplate: '<a href="" role="button" class="k-tool k-overflow-anchor" data-popup unselectable="on"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-more"></span></a>',
                formatByName: function(t, n) {
                    for (var i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                        if (e.inArray(t, n[i].tags) >= 0) return n[i]
                registerTool: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.options;
                    n && n.template && (n.template.options.cssClass = "k-" + e), t.name || (t.options.name = e, t.name = e.toLowerCase()), y.defaultTools[e] = t
                registerFormat: function(e, t) {
                    y.fn.options.formats[e] = t
            _ = {
                bold: "Bold",
                italic: "Italic",
                underline: "Underline",
                strikethrough: "Strikethrough",
                superscript: "Superscript",
                subscript: "Subscript",
                justifyCenter: "Center text",
                justifyLeft: "Align text left",
                justifyRight: "Align text right",
                justifyFull: "Justify",
                insertUnorderedList: "Insert unordered list",
                insertOrderedList: "Insert ordered list",
                indent: "Indent",
                outdent: "Outdent",
                createLink: "Insert hyperlink",
                unlink: "Remove hyperlink",
                insertImage: "Insert image",
                insertFile: "Insert file",
                insertHtml: "Insert HTML",
                viewHtml: "View HTML",
                fontName: "Select font family",
                fontNameInherit: "(inherited font)",
                fontSize: "Select font size",
                fontSizeInherit: "(inherited size)",
                formatBlock: "Format",
                formatting: "Format",
                foreColor: "Color",
                backColor: "Background color",
                style: "Styles",
                emptyFolder: "Empty Folder",
                editAreaTitle: "Editable area. Press F10 for toolbar.",
                uploadFile: "Upload",
                orderBy: "Arrange by:",
                orderBySize: "Size",
                orderByName: "Name",
                invalidFileType: 'The selected file "{0}" is not valid. Supported file types are {1}.',
                deleteFile: 'Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?',
                overwriteFile: 'A file with name "{0}" already exists in the current directory. Do you want to overwrite it?',
                directoryNotFound: "A directory with this name was not found.",
                imageWebAddress: "Web address",
                imageAltText: "Alternate text",
                imageWidth: "Width (px)",
                imageHeight: "Height (px)",
                fileWebAddress: "Web address",
                fileTitle: "Title",
                linkWebAddress: "Web address",
                linkText: "Text",
                linkToolTip: "ToolTip",
                linkOpenInNewWindow: "Open link in new window",
                dialogUpdate: "Update",
                dialogInsert: "Insert",
                dialogCancel: "Cancel",
                createTable: "Create table",
                createTableHint: "Create a {0} x {1} table",
                addColumnLeft: "Add column on the left",
                addColumnRight: "Add column on the right",
                addRowAbove: "Add row above",
                addRowBelow: "Add row below",
                deleteRow: "Delete row",
                deleteColumn: "Delete column"
            w = !c || c.ios && c.flatVersion >= 500 || !c.ios && t !== document.documentElement.contentEditable,
            b = {
                basic: ["bold", "italic", "underline"],
                alignment: ["justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight"],
                lists: ["insertUnorderedList", "insertOrderedList"],
                indenting: ["indent", "outdent"],
                links: ["createLink", "unlink"],
                tables: ["createTable", "addColumnLeft", "addColumnRight", "addRowAbove", "addRowBelow", "deleteRow", "deleteColumn"]
            y = l.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, s, c, d = this,
                        g = a.ui.editor,
                        m = g.Dom;
                    w && (l.fn.init.call(d, t, n), d.options = p({}, d.options, n), t = d.element, c = t[0], s = m.name(c), t.closest("form").on("submit" + f, function() {
                    }), o = u({}, d.options), o.editor = d, "textarea" == s ? (d._wrapTextarea(), r = d.wrapper.find(".k-editor-toolbar"), c.id && r.attr("aria-controls", c.id)) : (d.element.attr("contenteditable", !0).addClass("k-widget k-editor k-editor-inline"), o.popup = !0, r = e('<ul class="k-editor-toolbar" role="toolbar" />').insertBefore(t)), d.toolbar = new g.Toolbar(r[0], o), d.toolbar.bindTo(d), "textarea" == s && setTimeout(function() {
                        var e = d.wrapper[0].style.height,
                            t = parseInt(e, 10),
                            n = d.wrapper.height();
                        e.indexOf("px") > 0 && !isNaN(t) && n > t && d.wrapper.height(t - (n - t))
                    }), d._resizable(), d._initializeContentElement(d), d.keyboard = new g.Keyboard([new g.BackspaceHandler(d), new g.TypingHandler(d), new g.SystemHandler(d)]), d.clipboard = new g.Clipboard(this), d.undoRedoStack = new g.UndoRedoStack, n && n.value ? i = n.value : d.textarea ? (i = c.value, d.options.encoded && e.trim(c.defaultValue).length && (i = c.defaultValue), i = i.replace(/[\r\n\v\f\t ]+/gi, " ")) : i = c.innerHTML, d.value(i), e(document).on("mousedown", h(d._endTyping, d)).on("mouseup", h(d._mouseup, d)), d.toolbar.resize(), a.notify(d))
                _endTyping: function() {
                    var e = this.keyboard;
                    try {
                        e.isTypingInProgress() && (e.endTyping(!0), this.saveSelection())
                    } catch (t) {}
                _selectionChange: function() {
                    d.msie || a.ui.editor.Dom.ensureTrailingBreaks(this.body), this._selectionStarted = !1, this.saveSelection(), this.trigger("select", {})
                _resizable: function() {
                    var n = this.options.resizable,
                        i = e.isPlainObject(n) ? n.content === t || n.content === !0 : n;
                    i && this.textarea && (e("<div class='k-resize-handle'><span class='k-icon k-resize-se' /></div>").insertAfter(this.textarea), this.wrapper.kendoResizable(u({}, this.options.resizable, {
                        start: function(t) {
                            var n = this.editor = e(t.currentTarget).closest(".k-editor");
                            this.initialSize = n.height(), n.find("td:last").append("<div class='k-overlay' />")
                        resize: function(e) {
                            var t = e.y.initialDelta,
                                n = this.initialSize + t,
                                i = this.options.min || 0,
                                r = this.options.max || 1 / 0;
                            n = Math.min(r, Math.max(i, n)), this.editor.height(n)
                        resizeend: function() {
                            this.editor.find(".k-overlay").remove(), this.editor = null
                _wrapTextarea: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n[0].style.width,
                        r = n[0].style.height,
                        o = v.editorWrapperTemplate,
                        a = e(o).insertBefore(n).width(i).height(r),
                        s = a.find(".k-editable-area");
                    n.attr("autocomplete", "off").appendTo(s).addClass("k-content k-raw-content").css("display", "none"), t.textarea = n, t.wrapper = a
                _createContentElement: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        s = o.textarea,
                        l = o.options.domain,
                        c = l || document.domain,
                        d = "",
                        u = 'javascript:""';
                    return (l || c != location.hostname) && (d = '<script>document.domain="' + c + '"</script>', u = "javascript:document.write('" + d + "')"), s.hide(), n = e("<iframe />", {
                        title: o.options.messages.editAreaTitle,
                        frameBorder: "0"
                    })[0], e(n).css("display", "").addClass("k-content").insertBefore(s), n.src = u, i = n.contentWindow || n, r = i.document || n.contentDocument, e(n).one("load", function() {
                    }), r.open(), r.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8' /><style>html,body{padding:0;margin:0;height:100%;min-height:100%;}body{font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;padding-top:1px;margin-top:-1px;word-wrap: break-word;-webkit-nbsp-mode: space;-webkit-line-break: after-white-space;" + (a.support.isRtl(s) ? "direction:rtl;" : "") + "}h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}h2{font-size:1.5em}h3{font-size:1.16em}h4{font-size:1em}h5{font-size:.83em}h6{font-size:.7em}p{margin:0 0 1em;padding:0 .2em}.k-marker{display:none;}.k-paste-container,.Apple-style-span{position:absolute;left:-10000px;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden}ul,ol{padding-left:2.5em}span{-ms-high-contrast-adjust:none;}a{color:#00a}code{font-size:1.23em}telerik\\3Ascript{display: none;}.k-table{table-layout:fixed;width:100%;border-spacing:0;margin: 0 0 1em;}.k-table td{min-width:1px;padding:.2em .3em;}.k-table,.k-table td{outline:0;border: 1px dotted #ccc;}.k-table p{margin:0;padding:0;}</style>" + d + "<script>(function(d,c){d[c]('header'),d[c]('article'),d[c]('nav'),d[c]('section'),d[c]('footer');})(document, 'createElement');</script>" + e.map(t, function(e) {
                        return "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" + e + "'>"
                    }).join("") + "</head><body autocorrect='off' contenteditable='true'></body></html>"), r.close(), i
                _blur: function() {
                    var e = this.textarea,
                        t = e ? e.val() : this._oldValue,
                        n = this.options.encoded ? this.encodedValue() : this.value();
                    this.update(), e && e.trigger("blur"), n != t && this.trigger("change")
                _spellCorrect: function(n) {
                    var i, r = !1;
                    e(n.body).on("contextmenu" + f, function() {
                        n.one("select", function() {
                            i = null
                        }), n._spellCorrectTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                            i = new a.ui.editor.RestorePoint(n.getRange()), r = !1
                        }, 10)
                    }).on("input" + f, function() {
                        return i ? a.support.browser.mozilla && !r ? (r = !0, t) : (a.ui.editor._finishUpdate(n, i), t) : t
                _initializeContentElement: function() {
                    var n, i, r = this;
                    r.textarea ? (r.window = r._createContentElement(r.options.stylesheets), n = r.document = r.window.contentDocument || r.window.document, r.body = n.body, i = r.window, e(n).on("mouseup" + f, h(r._mouseup, r))) : (r.window = window, n = r.document = document, r.body = r.element[0], i = r.body, r.toolbar.decorateFrom(r.body)), e(i).on("blur" + f, h(this._blur, this));
                    try {
                        n.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", null, !1)
                    } catch (o) {}
                    a.support.touch && e(n).on("selectionchange" + f, h(this._selectionChange, this)).on("keydown" + f, function() {
                        a._activeElement() != n.body && r.window.focus()
                    }), this._spellCorrect(r), e(r.body).on("dragstart" + f, !1).on("keydown" + f, function(e) {
                        var n, i, o, a, s, l;
                        return e.keyCode !== g.BACKSPACE && e.keyCode !== g.DELETE || "true" === r.body.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? e.keyCode === g.F10 ? (setTimeout(h(r.toolbar.focus, r.toolbar), 100), e.preventDefault(), t) : ((e.keyCode == g.LEFT || e.keyCode == g.RIGHT) && (n = r.getRange(), i = e.keyCode == g.LEFT, o = n[i ? "startContainer" : "endContainer"], a = n[i ? "startOffset" : "endOffset"], s = i ? -1 : 1, i && (a -= 1), a + s > 0 && 3 == o.nodeType && "" == o.nodeValue[a] && (n.setStart(o, a + s), n.collapse(!0), r.selectRange(n))), (l = r.keyboard.toolFromShortcut(r.toolbar.tools, e)) ? (e.preventDefault(), /^(undo|redo)$/.test(l) || r.keyboard.endTyping(!0), r.trigger("keydown", e), r.exec(l), !1) : (r.keyboard.clearTimeout(), r.keyboard.keydown(e), t)) : !1
                    }).on("keyup" + f, function(t) {
                        var n = [8, 9, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 40, 45, 46];
                        (e.inArray(t.keyCode, n) > -1 || 65 == t.keyCode && t.ctrlKey && !t.altKey && !t.shiftKey) && r._selectionChange(), r.keyboard.keyup(t)
                    }).on("mousedown" + f, function(t) {
                        if (r._selectionStarted = !0, !d.gecko) {
                            var n = e(t.target);
                            (2 == t.which || 1 == t.which && t.ctrlKey) && n.is("a[href]") && window.open(n.attr("href"), "_new")
                    }).on("click" + f, function(e) {
                        var t, n = a.ui.editor.Dom;
                        "img" === n.name(e.target) && (t = r.createRange(), t.selectNode(e.target), r.selectRange(t))
                    }).on("cut" + f + " paste" + f, function(e) {
                        r.clipboard["on" + e.type](e)
                    }).on("focusin" + f, function() {
                        e(this).addClass("k-state-active"), r.toolbar.show()
                    }).on("focusout" + f, function() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            var t = a._activeElement(),
                                n = r.body,
                                i = r.toolbar;
                            t == n || e.contains(n, t) || e(t).is(".k-editortoolbar-dragHandle") || i.focused() || (e(n).removeClass("k-state-active"), i.hide())
                        }, 10)
                _mouseup: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._selectionStarted && setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 1)
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.textarea && (e.textarea.val(e.value()), e.wrapper.find("iframe").remove(), e._initializeContentElement(e), e.value(e.textarea.val()))
                events: ["select", "change", "execute", "error", "paste", "keydown", "keyup"],
                options: {
                    name: "Editor",
                    messages: _,
                    formats: {},
                    encoded: !0,
                    domain: null,
                    resizable: !1,
                    serialization: {
                        entities: !0,
                        semantic: !0,
                        scripts: !1
                    stylesheets: [],
                    dialogOptions: {
                        modal: !0,
                        resizable: !1,
                        draggable: !0,
                        animation: !1
                    fontName: [{
                        text: "Arial",
                        value: "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Courier New",
                        value: "'Courier New',Courier,monospace"
                    }, {
                        text: "Georgia",
                        value: "Georgia,serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Impact",
                        value: "Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Lucida Console",
                        value: "'Lucida Console',Monaco,monospace"
                    }, {
                        text: "Tahoma",
                        value: "Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Times New Roman",
                        value: "'Times New Roman',Times,serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Trebuchet MS",
                        value: "'Trebuchet MS',Helvetica,sans-serif"
                    }, {
                        text: "Verdana",
                        value: "Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif"
                    fontSize: [{
                        text: "1 (8pt)",
                        value: "xx-small"
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                        text: "2 (10pt)",
                        value: "x-small"
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                        text: "3 (12pt)",
                        value: "small"
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                        text: "4 (14pt)",
                        value: "medium"
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                        text: "5 (18pt)",
                        value: "large"
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                        text: "6 (24pt)",
                        value: "x-large"
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                        text: "7 (36pt)",
                        value: "xx-large"
                    formatBlock: [{
                        text: "Paragraph",
                        value: "p"
                    }, {
                        text: "Quotation",
                        value: "blockquote"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 1",
                        value: "h1"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 2",
                        value: "h2"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 3",
                        value: "h3"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 4",
                        value: "h4"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 5",
                        value: "h5"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 6",
                        value: "h6"
                    tools: [].concat.call(["formatting"], b.basic, b.alignment, b.lists, b.indenting, b.links, ["insertImage"], b.tables)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    l.fn.destroy.call(t), e(t.window).add(t.document).add(t.body).add(t.wrapper).add(t.element.closest("form")).off(f), e(document).off("mousedown", h(t._endTyping, t)).off("mouseup", h(t._mouseup, t)), clearTimeout(this._spellCorrectTimeout), t._focusOutside(), t.toolbar.destroy(), a.destroy(t.wrapper)
                _focusOutside: function() {
                    if (a.support.browser.msie && this.textarea) {
                        var t = e("<input style='position:absolute;left:-10px;top:-10px;width:1px;height:1px;font-size:0;border:0;' />").appendTo(document.body).focus();
                state: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = y.defaultTools[e],
                        r = i && (i.options.finder || i.finder),
                        o = a.ui.editor.RangeUtils;
                    return r ? (t = this.getRange(), n = o.textNodes(t), !n.length && t.collapsed && (n = [t.startContainer]), r.getFormat ? r.getFormat(n) : r.isFormatted(n)) : !1
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this.body,
                        i = a.ui.editor,
                        r = i.Serializer.domToXhtml(n, this.options.serialization);
                    return e === t ? r : (e != r && (i.Serializer.htmlToDom(e, n), d.msie || a.ui.editor.Dom.ensureTrailingBreaks(this.body), this.selectionRestorePoint = null, this.update(), this.toolbar.refreshTools()), t)
                saveSelection: function(t) {
                    t = t || this.getRange();
                    var n = t.commonAncestorContainer,
                        i = this.body;
                    (n == i || e.contains(i, n)) && (this.selectionRestorePoint = new a.ui.editor.RestorePoint(t))
                _focusBody: function() {
                    var e, t = this.body,
                        n = this.wrapper && this.wrapper.find("iframe")[0],
                        i = this.document.documentElement,
                        r = a._activeElement();
                    r != t && r != n && (e = i.scrollTop, t.focus(), i.scrollTop = e)
                restoreSelection: function() {
                    this._focusBody(), this.selectionRestorePoint && this.selectRange(this.selectionRestorePoint.toRange())
                focus: function() {
                update: function(e) {
                    e = e || this.options.encoded ? this.encodedValue() : this.value(), this.textarea ? this.textarea.val(e) : this._oldValue = e
                encodedValue: function() {
                    return a.ui.editor.Dom.encode(this.value())
                createRange: function(e) {
                    return a.ui.editor.RangeUtils.createRange(e || this.document)
                getSelection: function() {
                    return a.ui.editor.SelectionUtils.selectionFromDocument(this.document)
                selectRange: function(e) {
                    var t = this.getSelection();
                    t.removeAllRanges(), t.addRange(e), this.saveSelection(e)
                getRange: function() {
                    var e = this.getSelection(),
                        t = e && e.rangeCount > 0 ? e.getRangeAt(0) : this.createRange(),
                        n = this.document;
                    return t.startContainer != n || t.endContainer != n || t.startOffset || t.endOffset || (t.setStart(this.body, 0), t.collapse(!0)), t
                selectedHtml: function() {
                    return a.ui.editor.Serializer.domToXhtml(this.getRange().cloneContents())
                paste: function(t, n) {
                    var i = new a.ui.editor.InsertHtmlCommand(e.extend({
                        range: this.getRange(),
                        html: t
                    }, n));
                    i.editor = this, i.exec()
                exec: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = null;
                    if (!e) throw Error("kendoEditor.exec(): `name` parameter cannot be empty");
                    if ("true" !== s.body.getAttribute("contenteditable")) return !1;
                    if (e = e.toLowerCase(), s.keyboard.isTypingInProgress() || s.restoreSelection(), r = s.toolbar.toolById(e), !r)
                        for (a in y.defaultTools)
                            if (a.toLowerCase() == e) {
                                r = y.defaultTools[a];
                    if (r) {
                        if (i = s.getRange(), r.command && (l = r.command(u({
                            range: i
                        }, n))), o = s.trigger("execute", {
                            name: e,
                            command: l
                        })) return;
                        if (/^(undo|redo)$/i.test(e)) s.undoRedoStack[e]();
                        else if (l && (l.managesUndoRedo || s.undoRedoStack.push(l), l.editor = s, l.exec(), l.async)) return l.change = h(s._selectionChange, s), t;
        y.defaultTools = {
            undo: {
                options: {
                    key: "Z",
                    ctrl: !0
            redo: {
                options: {
                    key: "Y",
                    ctrl: !0
        }, a.ui.plugin(y), n = s.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.options = e
            initialize: function(e, t) {
                    unselectable: "on",
                    title: t.title
            command: function(e) {
                return new this.options.command(e)
            update: e.noop
        }), n.exec = function(e, t, n) {
            e.exec(t, {
                value: n
        }, i = n.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                n.fn.init.call(this, e)
            command: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return new a.ui.editor.FormatCommand(u(e, {
                    formatter: t.options.formatter
            update: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.options.finder.isFormatted(t);
                e.toggleClass("k-state-selected", n), e.attr("aria-pressed", n)
        }), v.registerTool("separator", new n({
            template: new m({
                template: v.separatorTemplate
        })), r = d.msie && 9 > d.version ? "" : "", o = '<br class="k-br" />', d.msie && (10 > d.version ? o = "" : 11 > d.version && (o = " ")), u(a.ui, {
            editor: {
                ToolTemplate: m,
                EditorUtils: v,
                Tool: n,
                FormatTool: i,
                _bomFill: r,
                emptyElementContent: o
        }), a.PDFMixin && (a.PDFMixin.extend(y.prototype), y.prototype._drawPDF = function() {
            return a.drawing.drawDOM(this.body, this.options.pdf)
        }, y.prototype.saveAsPDF = function() {
            var t, n, i = new e.Deferred,
                r = i.promise(),
                o = {
                    promise: r
            if (!this.trigger("pdfExport", o)) return t = this.options.pdf, n = t.paperSize, this._drawPDF(i).then(function(e) {
                return t.paperSize = "auto", a.drawing.exportPDF(e, t)
            }).done(function(e) {
                    dataURI: e,
                    fileName: t.fileName,
                    proxyURL: t.proxyURL,
                    forceProxy: t.forceProxy
                }), t.paperSize = n, i.resolve()
            }).fail(function(e) {
            }), r
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            var t, n, i = {};
            for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i[e[t]] = !0;
            return i
        var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = window.kendo,
            p = e.map,
            f = e.extend,
            g = h.support.browser,
            m = "style",
            v = "float",
            _ = "cssFloat",
            w = "styleFloat",
            b = "class",
            y = "k-marker",
            k = t("area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed".split(",")),
            x = "div,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,address,applet,blockquote,button,center,dd,dir,dl,dt,fieldset,form,frameset,hr,iframe,isindex,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,pre,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,header,article,nav,footer,section,aside,main,figure,figcaption".split(","),
            C = x.concat(["ul", "ol", "li"]),
            S = t(C),
            T = "span,em,a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,script,select,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var,data,time,mark,ruby".split(","),
            D = t(T),
            A = t("checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected".split(",")),
            E = function(e) {
                1 == e.nodeType && e.normalize()
        g.msie && g.version >= 8 && (E = function(e) {
            if (1 == e.nodeType && e.firstChild)
                for (var t = e.firstChild, n = t;;) {
                    if (n = n.nextSibling, !n) break;
                    3 == n.nodeType && 3 == t.nodeType && (n.nodeValue = t.nodeValue + n.nodeValue, u.remove(t)), t = n
        }), n = /^\s+$/, i = /rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/i, r = /\ufeff/g, o = /^(\s+|\ufeff)$/, s = "color,padding-left,padding-right,padding-top,padding-bottom,background-color,background-attachment,background-image,background-position,background-repeat,border-top-style,border-top-width,border-top-color,border-bottom-style,border-bottom-width,border-bottom-color,border-left-style,border-left-width,border-left-color,border-right-style,border-right-width,border-right-color,font-family,font-size,font-style,font-variant,font-weight,line-height".split(","), l = /[<>\&]/g, c = /[\u00A0-\u2666<>\&]/g, d = {
            34: "quot",
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            39: "apos",
            60: "lt",
            62: "gt",
            160: "nbsp",
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            165: "yen",
            166: "brvbar",
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            168: "uml",
            169: "copy",
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            171: "laquo",
            172: "not",
            173: "shy",
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            191: "iquest",
            192: "Agrave",
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            195: "Atilde",
            196: "Auml",
            197: "Aring",
            198: "AElig",
            199: "Ccedil",
            200: "Egrave",
            201: "Eacute",
            202: "Ecirc",
            203: "Euml",
            204: "Igrave",
            205: "Iacute",
            206: "Icirc",
            207: "Iuml",
            208: "ETH",
            209: "Ntilde",
            210: "Ograve",
            211: "Oacute",
            212: "Ocirc",
            213: "Otilde",
            214: "Ouml",
            215: "times",
            216: "Oslash",
            217: "Ugrave",
            218: "Uacute",
            219: "Ucirc",
            220: "Uuml",
            221: "Yacute",
            222: "THORN",
            223: "szlig",
            224: "agrave",
            225: "aacute",
            226: "acirc",
            227: "atilde",
            228: "auml",
            229: "aring",
            230: "aelig",
            231: "ccedil",
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            237: "iacute",
            238: "icirc",
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            240: "eth",
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            243: "oacute",
            244: "ocirc",
            245: "otilde",
            246: "ouml",
            247: "divide",
            248: "oslash",
            249: "ugrave",
            250: "uacute",
            251: "ucirc",
            252: "uuml",
            253: "yacute",
            254: "thorn",
            255: "yuml",
            402: "fnof",
            913: "Alpha",
            914: "Beta",
            915: "Gamma",
            916: "Delta",
            917: "Epsilon",
            918: "Zeta",
            919: "Eta",
            920: "Theta",
            921: "Iota",
            922: "Kappa",
            923: "Lambda",
            924: "Mu",
            925: "Nu",
            926: "Xi",
            927: "Omicron",
            928: "Pi",
            929: "Rho",
            931: "Sigma",
            932: "Tau",
            933: "Upsilon",
            934: "Phi",
            935: "Chi",
            936: "Psi",
            937: "Omega",
            945: "alpha",
            946: "beta",
            947: "gamma",
            948: "delta",
            949: "epsilon",
            950: "zeta",
            951: "eta",
            952: "theta",
            953: "iota",
            954: "kappa",
            955: "lambda",
            956: "mu",
            957: "nu",
            958: "xi",
            959: "omicron",
            960: "pi",
            961: "rho",
            962: "sigmaf",
            963: "sigma",
            964: "tau",
            965: "upsilon",
            966: "phi",
            967: "chi",
            968: "psi",
            969: "omega",
            977: "thetasym",
            978: "upsih",
            982: "piv",
            8226: "bull",
            8230: "hellip",
            8242: "prime",
            8243: "Prime",
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            8260: "frasl",
            8472: "weierp",
            8465: "image",
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            8594: "rarr",
            8595: "darr",
            8596: "harr",
            8629: "crarr",
            8656: "lArr",
            8657: "uArr",
            8658: "rArr",
            8659: "dArr",
            8660: "hArr",
            8704: "forall",
            8706: "part",
            8707: "exist",
            8709: "empty",
            8711: "nabla",
            8712: "isin",
            8713: "notin",
            8715: "ni",
            8719: "prod",
            8721: "sum",
            8722: "minus",
            8727: "lowast",
            8730: "radic",
            8733: "prop",
            8734: "infin",
            8736: "ang",
            8743: "and",
            8744: "or",
            8745: "cap",
            8746: "cup",
            8747: "int",
            8756: "there4",
            8764: "sim",
            8773: "cong",
            8776: "asymp",
            8800: "ne",
            8801: "equiv",
            8804: "le",
            8805: "ge",
            8834: "sub",
            8835: "sup",
            8836: "nsub",
            8838: "sube",
            8839: "supe",
            8853: "oplus",
            8855: "otimes",
            8869: "perp",
            8901: "sdot",
            8968: "lceil",
            8969: "rceil",
            8970: "lfloor",
            8971: "rfloor",
            9001: "lang",
            9002: "rang",
            9674: "loz",
            9824: "spades",
            9827: "clubs",
            9829: "hearts",
            9830: "diams",
            338: "OElig",
            339: "oelig",
            352: "Scaron",
            353: "scaron",
            376: "Yuml",
            710: "circ",
            732: "tilde",
            8194: "ensp",
            8195: "emsp",
            8201: "thinsp",
            8204: "zwnj",
            8205: "zwj",
            8206: "lrm",
            8207: "rlm",
            8211: "ndash",
            8212: "mdash",
            8216: "lsquo",
            8217: "rsquo",
            8218: "sbquo",
            8220: "ldquo",
            8221: "rdquo",
            8222: "bdquo",
            8224: "dagger",
            8225: "Dagger",
            8240: "permil",
            8249: "lsaquo",
            8250: "rsaquo",
            8364: "euro"
        }, u = {
            block: S,
            inline: D,
            findNodeIndex: function(e, t) {
                var n = 0;
                if (!e) return -1;
                for (;;) {
                    if (e = e.previousSibling, !e) break;
                    t && 3 == e.nodeType || n++
                return n
            isDataNode: function(e) {
                return e && null !== e.nodeValue && null !== e.data
            isAncestorOf: function(t, n) {
                try {
                    return !u.isDataNode(t) && (e.contains(t, u.isDataNode(n) ? n.parentNode : n) || n.parentNode == t)
                } catch (i) {
                    return !1
            isAncestorOrSelf: function(e, t) {
                return u.isAncestorOf(e, t) || e == t
            findClosestAncestor: function(e, t) {
                if (u.isAncestorOf(e, t))
                    for (; t && t.parentNode != e;) t = t.parentNode;
                return t
            getNodeLength: function(e) {
                return u.isDataNode(e) ? e.length : e.childNodes.length
            splitDataNode: function(e, t) {
                for (var n, i = e.cloneNode(!1), r = "", o = e.nextSibling; o && 3 == o.nodeType && o.nodeValue;) r += o.nodeValue, n = o, o = o.nextSibling, u.remove(n);
                e.deleteData(t, e.length), i.deleteData(0, t), i.nodeValue += r, u.insertAfter(i, e)
            attrEquals: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                for (n in t)
                    if (i = e[n], n == v && (i = e[h.support.cssFloat ? _ : w]), "object" == typeof i) {
                        if (!u.attrEquals(i, t[n])) return !1
                    } else if (i != t[n]) return !1;
                return !0
            blockParentOrBody: function(e) {
                return u.parentOfType(e, C) || e.ownerDocument.body
            blockParents: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = [];
                for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) r = u.parentOfType(t[n], u.blockElements), r && e.inArray(r, o) < 0 && o.push(r);
                return o
            windowFromDocument: function(e) {
                return e.defaultView || e.parentWindow
            normalize: E,
            blockElements: C,
            nonListBlockElements: x,
            inlineElements: T,
            empty: k,
            fillAttrs: A,
            toHex: function(e) {
                var t = i.exec(e);
                return t ? "#" + p(t.slice(1), function(e) {
                    return e = parseInt(e, 10).toString(16), e.length > 1 ? e : "0" + e
                }).join("") : e
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                    var t = e.charCodeAt(0),
                        n = d[t];
                    return n ? "&" + n + ";" : e
            stripBom: function(e) {
                return (e || "").replace(r, "")
            insignificant: function(e) {
                var t = e.attributes;
                return "k-marker" == e.className || u.is(e, "br") && ("k-br" == e.className || t._moz_dirty || t._moz_editor_bogus_node)
            significantNodes: function(t) {
                return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                    var t = u.name(e);
                    return "br" == t ? !1 : u.insignificant(e) ? !1 : 3 == e.nodeType && o.test(e.nodeValue) ? !1 : 1 == e.nodeType && !k[t] && u.emptyNode(e) ? !1 : !0
            emptyNode: function(e) {
                return !u.significantNodes(e.childNodes).length
            name: function(e) {
                return e.nodeName.toLowerCase()
            significantChildNodes: function(t) {
                return e.grep(t.childNodes, function(e) {
                    return 3 != e.nodeType || !u.isWhitespace(e)
            lastTextNode: function(e) {
                var t, n = null;
                if (3 == e.nodeType) return e;
                for (t = e.lastChild; t; t = t.previousSibling)
                    if (n = u.lastTextNode(t)) return n;
                return n
            is: function(e, t) {
                return u.name(e) == t
            isMarker: function(e) {
                return e.className == y
            isWhitespace: function(e) {
                return n.test(e.nodeValue)
            isBlock: function(e) {
                return S[u.name(e)]
            isEmpty: function(e) {
                return k[u.name(e)]
            isInline: function(e) {
                return D[u.name(e)]
            scrollContainer: function(e) {
                var t = u.windowFromDocument(e),
                    n = (t.contentWindow || t).document || t.ownerDocument || t;
                return n = h.support.browser.webkit || "BackCompat" == n.compatMode ? n.body : n.documentElement
            scrollTo: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = e(u.isDataNode(t) ? t.parentNode : t),
                    o = u.windowFromDocument(t.ownerDocument),
                    a = o.innerHeight,
                    s = u.scrollContainer(t.ownerDocument);
                n = r.offset().top, i = r[0].offsetHeight, i || (i = parseInt(r.css("line-height"), 10) || Math.ceil(1.2 * parseInt(r.css("font-size"), 10)) || 15), i + n > s.scrollTop + a && (s.scrollTop = i + n - a)
            persistScrollTop: function(e) {
                a = u.scrollContainer(e).scrollTop
            restoreScrollTop: function(e) {
                u.scrollContainer(e).scrollTop = a
            insertAt: function(e, t, n) {
                e.insertBefore(t, e.childNodes[n] || null)
            insertBefore: function(e, t) {
                return t.parentNode ? t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t) : t
            insertAfter: function(e, t) {
                return t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling)
            remove: function(e) {
            removeTextSiblings: function(e) {
                for (var t = e.parentNode; e.nextSibling && 3 == e.nextSibling.nodeType;) t.removeChild(e.nextSibling);
                for (; e.previousSibling && 3 == e.previousSibling.nodeType;) t.removeChild(e.previousSibling)
            trim: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (t = e.childNodes.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) n = e.childNodes[t], u.isDataNode(n) ? (u.stripBom(n.nodeValue).length || u.remove(n), u.isWhitespace(n) && u.insertBefore(n, e)) : n.className != y && (u.trim(n), n.childNodes.length || u.isEmpty(n) || u.remove(n));
                return e
            closest: function(e, t) {
                for (; e && u.name(e) != t;) e = e.parentNode;
                return e
            sibling: function(e, t) {
                do e = e[t]; while (e && 1 != e.nodeType);
                return e
            next: function(e) {
                return u.sibling(e, "nextSibling")
            prev: function(e) {
                return u.sibling(e, "previousSibling")
            parentOfType: function(e, t) {
                do e = e.parentNode; while (e && !u.ofType(e, t));
                return e
            ofType: function(t, n) {
                return e.inArray(u.name(t), n) >= 0
            changeTag: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = u.create(e.ownerDocument, t),
                    c = e.attributes;
                if (!n)
                    for (i = 0, r = c.length; r > i; i++) s = c[i], s.specified && (o = s.nodeName, a = s.nodeValue, o == b ? l.className = a : o == m ? l.style.cssText = e.style.cssText : l.setAttribute(o, a));
                for (; e.firstChild;) l.appendChild(e.firstChild);
                return u.insertBefore(l, e), u.remove(e), l
            editableParent: function(e) {
                for (; e && (3 == e.nodeType || "true" !== e.contentEditable);) e = e.parentNode;
                return e
            wrap: function(e, t) {
                return u.insertBefore(t, e), t.appendChild(e), t
            unwrap: function(e) {
                for (var t = e.parentNode; e.firstChild;) t.insertBefore(e.firstChild, e);
            create: function(e, t, n) {
                return u.attr(e.createElement(t), n)
            attr: function(e, t) {
                t = f({}, t), t && m in t && (u.style(e, t.style), delete t.style);
                for (var n in t) null === t[n] ? (e.removeAttribute(n), delete t[n]) : "className" == n && (e[n] = t[n]);
                return f(e, t)
            style: function(t, n) {
                e(t).css(n || {})
            unstyle: function(e, t) {
                for (var n in t) n == v && (n = h.support.cssFloat ? _ : w), e.style[n] = "";
                "" === e.style.cssText && e.removeAttribute(m)
            inlineStyle: function(t, n, i) {
                var r, o = e(u.create(t.ownerDocument, n, i));
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                    return g.msie && "line-height" == e && "1px" == o.css(e) ? "line-height:1.5" : e + ":" + o.css(e)
                }).join(";"), o.remove(), r
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                var t = e.css("background-color");
                return t.indexOf("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0") < 0 && "transparent" !== t ? t : "html" === e[0].tagName.toLowerCase() ? "Window" : u.getEffectiveBackground(e.parent())
            removeClass: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = " " + t.className + " ",
                    a = n.split(" ");
                for (i = 0, r = a.length; r > i; i++) o = o.replace(" " + a[i] + " ", " ");
                o = e.trim(o), o.length ? t.className = o : t.removeAttribute(b)
            commonAncestor: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o = arguments.length,
                    a = [],
                    s = 1 / 0,
                    l = null;
                if (!o) return null;
                if (1 == o) return arguments[0];
                for (e = 0; o > e; e++) {
                    for (t = [], n = arguments[e]; n;) t.push(n), n = n.parentNode;
                    a.push(t.reverse()), s = Math.min(s, t.length)
                if (1 == o) return a[0][0];
                for (e = 0; s > e; e++) {
                    for (i = a[0][e], r = 1; o > r; r++)
                        if (i != a[r][e]) return l;
                    l = i
                return l
            closestSplittableParent: function(t) {
                var n, i, r;
                return n = 1 == t.length ? u.parentOfType(t[0], ["ul", "ol"]) : u.commonAncestor.apply(null, t), n || (n = u.parentOfType(t[0], ["p", "td"]) || t[0].ownerDocument.body), u.isInline(n) && (n = u.blockParentOrBody(n)), i = p(t, u.editableParent), r = u.commonAncestor(i)[0], e.contains(n, r) && (n = r), n
            closestEditable: function(t, n) {
                var i, r = u.editableParent(t);
                return i = u.ofType(t, n) ? t : u.parentOfType(t, n), i && r && e.contains(i, r) ? i = r : !i && r && (i = r), i
            closestEditableOfType: function(e, t) {
                var n = u.closestEditable(e, t);
                return n && u.ofType(n, t) ? n : void 0
            filter: function(e, t, n) {
                for (var i, r = 0, o = t.length, a = []; o > r; r++) i = u.name(t[r]), (!n && i == e || n && i != e) && a.push(t[r]);
                return a
            ensureTrailingBreaks: function(t) {
                var n = e(t).find("p,td,th"),
                    i = n.length,
                    r = 0;
                if (i)
                    for (; i > r; r++) u.ensureTrailingBreak(n[r]);
                else u.ensureTrailingBreak(t)
            removeTrailingBreak: function(t) {
            ensureTrailingBreak: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                u.removeTrailingBreak(e), t = e.lastChild, n = t && u.name(t), (!n || "br" != n && "img" != n || "br" == n && "k-br" != t.className) && (i = e.ownerDocument.createElement("br"), i.className = "k-br", e.appendChild(i))
        }, h.ui.editor.Dom = u
    function(e, t) {
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            o = r.ui.editor,
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            s = e.extend,
            l = "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large".split(","),
            c = /"/g,
            d = /<br[^>]*>/i,
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            p = /([\w|\-]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+);?/i,
            f = /^sizzle-\d+/i,
            g = /^k-script-/i,
            m = /\s*onerror\s*=\s*(?:'|")?([^'">\s]*)(?:'|")?/i,
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                    return e.replace(m, "")
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                        for (t = this; t.firstChild && 3 != t.firstChild.nodeType;) t = t.firstChild;
                        1 != t.nodeType || a.empty[a.name(t)] || (t.innerHTML = r.ui.editor.emptyElementContent)
            _removeSystemElements: function(t) {
                e(".k-paste-container", t).remove()
            _resetOrderedLists: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = e.getElementsByTagName("ol");
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            _preventScriptExecution: function(t) {
                e(t).find("*").each(function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.attributes;
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) e = r[t], i = e.nodeName, e.specified && /^on/i.test(i) && (this.setAttribute("k-script-" + i, e.value), this.removeAttribute(i))
            htmlToDom: function(t, n) {
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                    c = l.msie,
                    d = c && 9 > l.version;
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                    var e = this;
                    e[s] && (e.setAttribute("href", e[s]), e.removeAttribute(s)), e[o] && (e.setAttribute("src", e[o]), e.removeAttribute(o))
                })) : c && (a.normalize(n), i._resetOrderedLists(n)), i._preventScriptExecution(n), i._fillEmptyElements(n), i._removeSystemElements(n), e("table", n).addClass("k-table"), n
            domToXhtml: function(i, o) {
                function s(t) {
                    return e.grep(t, function(e) {
                        return "style" != e.name

                function m(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, s, l = e.trim,
                        d = l(t).split(";"),
                        u = [];
                    for (o = 0, s = d.length; s > o; o++) d[o].length && (n = p.exec(d[o]), n && (i = l(n[1].toLowerCase()), r = l(n[2]), "font-size-adjust" != i && "font-stretch" != i && (i.indexOf("color") >= 0 ? r = a.toHex(r) : i.indexOf("font") >= 0 ? r = r.replace(c, "'") : /\burl\(/g.test(r) && (r = r.replace(c, "")), u.push({
                        property: i,
                        value: r
                    return u

                function v(e) {
                    var t, n = m(e);
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) C.push(n[t].property), C.push(":"), C.push(n[t].value), C.push(";")

                function _(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, s, l, c = [],
                        d = e.attributes;
                    for (n = 0, i = d.length; i > n; n++) t = d[n], r = t.nodeName, s = t.value, l = t.specified, "value" == r && "value" in e && e.value ? l = !0 : "type" == r && "text" == s ? l = !0 : "class" != r || s ? f.test(r) ? l = !1 : "complete" == r ? l = !1 : "altHtml" == r ? l = !1 : "start" == r && (a.is(e, "ul") || a.is(e, "ol")) ? l = !1 : r.indexOf("_moz") >= 0 ? l = !1 : g.test(r) && (l = !!o.scripts) : l = !1, l && c.push(t);
                    return c

                function w(n, i) {
                    var o, s, l, c, d, h, p, f;
                    if (i = i || _(n), a.is(n, "img") && (h = n.style.width, p = n.style.height, f = e(n), h && u.test(h) && (f.attr("width", parseInt(h, 10)), a.unstyle(n, {
                        width: t
                    })), p && u.test(p) && (f.attr("height", parseInt(p, 10)), a.unstyle(n, {
                        height: t
                    }))), i.length)
                        for (i.sort(function(e, t) {
                            return e.nodeName > t.nodeName ? 1 : t.nodeName > e.nodeName ? -1 : 0
                        }), o = 0, s = i.length; s > o; o++) l = i[o], c = l.nodeName, d = l.value, ("class" != c || "k-table" != d) && (c = c.replace(g, ""), C.push(" "), C.push(c), C.push('="'), "style" == c ? v(d || n.style.cssText) : C.push("src" == c || "href" == c ? r.htmlEncode(n.getAttribute(c, 2)) : a.fillAttrs[c] ? c : d), C.push('"'))

                function b(e, t, n) {
                    for (var i = e.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) k(i, t, n)

                function y(e) {
                    return e.nodeValue.replace(/\ufeff/g, "")

                function k(e, i, r) {
                    var s, l, c, d, u, h = e.nodeType;
                    if (1 == h) {
                        if (s = a.name(e), !s || a.insignificant(e)) return;
                        if (a.isInline(e) && 1 == e.childNodes.length && 3 == e.firstChild.nodeType && !y(e.firstChild)) return;
                        if (!o.scripts && ("script" == s || "k:script" == s)) return;
                        if (l = S[s], l && (t === l.semantic || o.semantic ^ l.semantic)) return l.start(e), b(e, !1, l.skipEncoding), l.end(e), t;
                        C.push("<"), C.push(s), w(e), a.empty[s] ? C.push(" />") : (C.push(">"), b(e, i || a.is(e, "pre")), C.push("</"), C.push(s), C.push(">"))
                    } else 3 == h ? (d = y(e), !i && n && (c = e.parentNode, u = e.previousSibling, u || (u = (a.isInline(c) ? c : e).previousSibling), (!u || "" === u.innerHTML || a.isBlock(u)) && (d = d.replace(/^[\r\n\v\f\t ]+/, "")), d = d.replace(/ +/, " ")), C.push(r ? d : a.encode(d, o))) : 4 == h ? (C.push("<![CDATA["), C.push(e.data), C.push("]]>")) : 8 == h && (e.data.indexOf("[CDATA[") < 0 ? (C.push("<!--"), C.push(e.data), C.push("-->")) : (C.push("<!"), C.push(e.data), C.push(">")))

                function x(e) {
                    var t = e.childNodes.length,
                        n = t && 3 == e.firstChild.nodeType;
                    return n && (1 == t || 2 == t && a.insignificant(e.lastChild))
                var C = [],
                    S = {
                        iframe: {
                            start: function(e) {
                                C.push("<iframe"), w(e), C.push(">")
                            end: function() {
                        "k:script": {
                            start: function(e) {
                                C.push("<script"), w(e), C.push(">")
                            end: function() {
                            skipEncoding: !0
                        span: {
                            semantic: !0,
                            start: function(t) {
                                var n, i, r = t.style,
                                    o = _(t),
                                    c = s(o);
                                c.length && (C.push("<span"), w(t, c), C.push(">")), "underline" == r.textDecoration && C.push("<u>"), n = [], r.color && n.push('color="' + a.toHex(r.color) + '"'), r.fontFamily && n.push('face="' + r.fontFamily + '"'), r.fontSize && (i = e.inArray(r.fontSize, l), n.push('size="' + i + '"')), n.length && C.push("<font " + n.join(" ") + ">")
                            end: function(e) {
                                var t = e.style;
                                (t.color || t.fontFamily || t.fontSize) && C.push("</font>"), "underline" == t.textDecoration && C.push("</u>"), s(_(e)).length && C.push("</span>")
                        strong: {
                            semantic: !0,
                            start: function() {
                            end: function() {
                        em: {
                            semantic: !0,
                            start: function() {
                            end: function() {
                        b: {
                            semantic: !1,
                            start: function() {
                            end: function() {
                        i: {
                            semantic: !1,
                            start: function() {
                            end: function() {
                        u: {
                            semantic: !1,
                            start: function() {
                                C.push('<span style="text-decoration:underline;">')
                            end: function() {
                        font: {
                            semantic: !1,
                            start: function(e) {
                                var t, n, i;
                                C.push('<span style="'), t = e.getAttribute("color"), n = l[e.getAttribute("size")], i = e.getAttribute("face"), t && (C.push("color:"), C.push(a.toHex(t)), C.push(";")), i && (C.push("font-family:"), C.push(i), C.push(";")), n && (C.push("font-size:"), C.push(n), C.push(";")), C.push('">')
                            end: function() {
                return S.script = S["k:script"], o = o || {}, t === o.semantic && (o.semantic = !0), x(i) ? a.encode(y(i.firstChild).replace(/[\r\n\v\f\t ]+/, " "), o) : (b(i), C = C.join(""), "" === C.replace(d, "").replace(h, "") ? "" : C)
        }, s(o, {
            Serializer: i
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s;
            if (e == t) return i - n;
            for (r = t; r && r.parentNode != e;) r = r.parentNode;
            if (r) return p(r) - n;
            for (r = e; r && r.parentNode != t;) r = r.parentNode;
            if (r) return i - p(r) - 1;
            for (o = h.commonAncestor(e, t), a = e; a && a.parentNode != o;) a = a.parentNode;
            for (a || (a = o), s = t; s && s.parentNode != o;) s = s.parentNode;
            return s || (s = o), a == s ? 0 : p(s) - p(a)

        function n(e, n) {
            function i(e) {
                try {
                    return t(e.startContainer, e.endContainer, e.startOffset, e.endOffset) < 0
                } catch (n) {
                    return !0
            i(e) && (n ? (e.commonAncestorContainer = e.endContainer = e.startContainer, e.endOffset = e.startOffset) : (e.commonAncestorContainer = e.startContainer = e.endContainer, e.startOffset = e.endOffset), e.collapsed = !0)

        function i(e) {
            e.collapsed = e.startContainer == e.endContainer && e.startOffset == e.endOffset;
            for (var t = e.startContainer; t && t != e.endContainer && !h.isAncestorOf(t, e.endContainer);) t = t.parentNode;
            e.commonAncestorContainer = t

        function r(e) {
            var t = e.duplicate(),
                n = e.duplicate();
            return t.collapse(!0), n.collapse(!1), h.commonAncestor(e.parentElement(), t.parentElement(), n.parentElement())

        function o(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = t[n ? "startContainer" : "endContainer"],
                o = t[n ? "startOffset" : "endOffset"],
                a = 0,
                s = f(r),
                l = s ? r : r.childNodes[o] || null,
                c = s ? r.parentNode : r,
                d = t.ownerDocument,
                u = d.body.createTextRange();
            (3 == r.nodeType || 4 == r.nodeType) && (a = o), c || (c = d.body), "img" == c.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? (u.moveToElementText(c), u.collapse(!1), e.setEndPoint(n ? "StartToStart" : "EndToStart", u)) : (i = c.insertBefore(h.create(d, "a"), l), u.moveToElementText(i), h.remove(i), u[n ? "moveStart" : "moveEnd"]("character", a), u.collapse(!1), e.setEndPoint(n ? "StartToStart" : "EndToStart", u))

        function a(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = h.create(t.ownerDocument, "a"),
                g = e.duplicate(),
                m = i ? "StartToStart" : "StartToEnd",
                v = !1;
            u.innerHTML = "", g.collapse(i), o = g.parentElement(), h.isAncestorOrSelf(n, o) || (o = n);
            do v ? o.insertBefore(u, u.previousSibling) : (o.appendChild(u), v = !0), g.moveToElementText(u); while ((r = g.compareEndPoints(m, e)) > 0 && u.previousSibling);
            a = u.nextSibling, -1 == r && f(a) ? (g.setEndPoint(i ? "EndToStart" : "EndToEnd", e), h.remove(u), c = [a, g.text.length]) : (s = !i && u.previousSibling, l = i && u.nextSibling, f(l) ? c = [l, 0] : f(s) ? c = [s, s.length] : (d = p(u), c = o.nextSibling && d == o.childNodes.length - 1 ? [o.nextSibling, 0] : [o, d]), h.remove(u)), t[i ? "setStart" : "setEnd"].apply(t, c)
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.Class,
            c = e.extend,
            d = s.ui.editor,
            u = s.support.browser,
            h = d.Dom,
            p = h.findNodeIndex,
            f = h.isDataNode,
            g = h.findClosestAncestor,
            m = h.getNodeLength,
            v = h.normalize,
            _ = {
                selectionFromWindow: function(e) {
                    return "getSelection" in e ? e.getSelection() : new y(e.document)
                selectionFromRange: function(e) {
                    var t = T.documentFromRange(e);
                    return _.selectionFromDocument(t)
                selectionFromDocument: function(e) {
                    return _.selectionFromWindow(h.windowFromDocument(e))
            w = l.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    e.extend(this, {
                        ownerDocument: t,
                        startContainer: t,
                        endContainer: t,
                        commonAncestorContainer: t,
                        startOffset: 0,
                        endOffset: 0,
                        collapsed: !0
                setStart: function(e, t) {
                    this.startContainer = e, this.startOffset = t, i(this), n(this, !0)
                setEnd: function(e, t) {
                    this.endContainer = e, this.endOffset = t, i(this), n(this, !1)
                setStartBefore: function(e) {
                    this.setStart(e.parentNode, p(e))
                setStartAfter: function(e) {
                    this.setStart(e.parentNode, p(e) + 1)
                setEndBefore: function(e) {
                    this.setEnd(e.parentNode, p(e))
                setEndAfter: function(e) {
                    this.setEnd(e.parentNode, p(e) + 1)
                selectNode: function(e) {
                    this.setStartBefore(e), this.setEndAfter(e)
                selectNodeContents: function(e) {
                    this.setStart(e, 0), this.setEnd(e, e[1 === e.nodeType ? "childNodes" : "nodeValue"].length)
                collapse: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e ? t.setEnd(t.startContainer, t.startOffset) : t.setStart(t.endContainer, t.endOffset)
                deleteContents: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.cloneRange();
                    e.startContainer != e.commonAncestorContainer && e.setStartAfter(g(e.commonAncestorContainer, e.startContainer)), e.collapse(!0),
                    function n(e) {
                        for (; e.next();) e.hasPartialSubtree() ? n(e.getSubtreeIterator()) : e.remove()
                    }(new b(t))
                cloneContents: function() {
                    var e = T.documentFromRange(this);
                    return function t(n) {
                        for (var i, r = e.createDocumentFragment(); i = n.next();) i = i.cloneNode(!n.hasPartialSubtree()), n.hasPartialSubtree() && i.appendChild(t(n.getSubtreeIterator())), r.appendChild(i);
                        return r
                    }(new b(this))
                extractContents: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.cloneRange();
                    return t.startContainer != t.commonAncestorContainer && t.setStartAfter(g(t.commonAncestorContainer, t.startContainer)), t.collapse(!0), e = T.documentFromRange(t),
                        function i(n) {
                            for (var r, o = e.createDocumentFragment(); r = n.next();) n.hasPartialSubtree() ? (r = r.cloneNode(!1), r.appendChild(i(n.getSubtreeIterator()))) : n.remove(t.originalRange), o.appendChild(r);
                            return o
                        }(new b(n))
                insertNode: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    f(t.startContainer) ? (t.startOffset != t.startContainer.nodeValue.length && h.splitDataNode(t.startContainer, t.startOffset), h.insertAfter(e, t.startContainer)) : h.insertAt(t.startContainer, e, t.startOffset), t.setStart(t.startContainer, t.startOffset)
                cloneRange: function() {
                    return e.extend(new w(this.ownerDocument), {
                        startContainer: this.startContainer,
                        endContainer: this.endContainer,
                        commonAncestorContainer: this.commonAncestorContainer,
                        startOffset: this.startOffset,
                        endOffset: this.endOffset,
                        collapsed: this.collapsed,
                        originalRange: this
                toString: function() {
                    var e = this.startContainer.nodeName,
                        t = this.endContainer.nodeName;
                    return ("#text" == e ? this.startContainer.nodeValue : e) + "(" + this.startOffset + ") : " + ("#text" == t ? this.endContainer.nodeValue : t) + "(" + this.endOffset + ")"
            b = l.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    if (e.extend(this, {
                        range: t,
                        _current: null,
                        _next: null,
                        _end: null
                    }), !t.collapsed) {
                        var n = t.commonAncestorContainer;
                        this._next = t.startContainer != n || f(t.startContainer) ? g(n, t.startContainer) : t.startContainer.childNodes[t.startOffset], this._end = t.endContainer != n || f(t.endContainer) ? g(n, t.endContainer).nextSibling : t.endContainer.childNodes[t.endOffset]
                hasNext: function() {
                    return !!this._next
                next: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._current = e._next;
                    return e._next = e._current && e._current.nextSibling != e._end ? e._current.nextSibling : null, f(e._current) && (e.range.endContainer == e._current && (t = t.cloneNode(!0), t.deleteData(e.range.endOffset, t.length - e.range.endOffset)), e.range.startContainer == e._current && (t = t.cloneNode(!0), t.deleteData(0, e.range.startOffset))), t
                traverse: function(e) {
                    function t() {
                        return i._current = i._next, i._next = i._current && i._current.nextSibling != i._end ? i._current.nextSibling : null, i._current
                    for (var n, i = this; n = t();) i.hasPartialSubtree() ? i.getSubtreeIterator().traverse(e) : e(n);
                    return n
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.range.startContainer == a._current,
                        l = a.range.endContainer == a._current;
                    f(a._current) && (s || l) ? (t = s ? a.range.startOffset : 0, n = l ? a.range.endOffset : a._current.length, i = n - t, e && (s || l) && (a._current == e.startContainer && e.startOffset >= t && (e.startOffset -= i), a._current == e.endContainer && e.endOffset >= n && (e.endOffset -= i)), a._current.deleteData(t, i)) : (r = a._current.parentNode, !e || a.range.startContainer != r && a.range.endContainer != r || (o = p(a._current), r == e.startContainer && e.startOffset >= o && (e.startOffset -= 1), r == e.endContainer && e.endOffset > o && (e.endOffset -= 1)), h.remove(a._current))
                hasPartialSubtree: function() {
                    return !f(this._current) && (h.isAncestorOrSelf(this._current, this.range.startContainer) || h.isAncestorOrSelf(this._current, this.range.endContainer))
                getSubtreeIterator: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.range.cloneRange();
                    return t.selectNodeContents(e._current), h.isAncestorOrSelf(e._current, e.range.startContainer) && t.setStart(e.range.startContainer, e.range.startOffset), h.isAncestorOrSelf(e._current, e.range.endContainer) && t.setEnd(e.range.endContainer, e.range.endOffset), new b(t)
            y = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.ownerDocument = e, this.rangeCount = 1
                addRange: function(e) {
                    var t = this.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
                    o(t, e, !1), o(t, e, !0), t.select()
                removeAllRanges: function() {
                    var e = this.ownerDocument.selection;
                    "None" != e.type && e.empty()
                getRangeAt: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, o, s, l, c, d = new w(this.ownerDocument),
                        u = this.ownerDocument.selection;
                    try {
                        if (e = u.createRange(), t = e.item ? e.item(0) : e.parentElement(), t.ownerDocument != this.ownerDocument) return d
                    } catch (h) {
                        return d
                    if ("Control" == u.type) d.selectNode(e.item(0));
                    else if (n = r(e), a(e, d, n, !0), a(e, d, n, !1), 9 == d.startContainer.nodeType && d.setStart(d.endContainer, d.startOffset), 9 == d.endContainer.nodeType && d.setEnd(d.startContainer, d.endOffset), 0 === e.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", e) && d.collapse(!1), i = d.startContainer, o = d.endContainer, s = this.ownerDocument.body, !(d.collapsed || 0 !== d.startOffset || d.endOffset != m(d.endContainer) || i == o && f(i) && i.parentNode == s)) {
                        for (l = !1, c = !1; 0 === p(i) && i == i.parentNode.firstChild && i != s;) i = i.parentNode, l = !0;
                        for (; p(o) == m(o.parentNode) - 1 && o == o.parentNode.lastChild && o != s;) o = o.parentNode, c = !0;
                        i == s && o == s && l && c && (d.setStart(i, 0), d.setEnd(o, m(s)))
                    return d
            k = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.enumerate = function() {
                        function t(e) {
                            if (h.is(e, "img") || 3 == e.nodeType && (!h.isWhitespace(e) || "" == e.nodeValue)) n.push(e);
                                for (e = e.firstChild; e;) t(e), e = e.nextSibling
                        var n = [];
                        return new b(e).traverse(t), n
            x = l.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.range = e, n.rootNode = T.documentFromRange(e), n.body = t || n.getEditable(e), "body" != h.name(n.body) && (n.rootNode = n.body), n.html = n.body.innerHTML, n.startContainer = n.nodeToPath(e.startContainer), n.endContainer = n.nodeToPath(e.endContainer), n.startOffset = n.offset(e.startContainer, e.startOffset), n.endOffset = n.offset(e.endContainer, e.endOffset)
                index: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = 0, i = e.nodeType; e = e.previousSibling;) t = e.nodeType, (3 != t || i != t) && n++, i = t;
                    return n
                getEditable: function(e) {
                    for (var t = e.commonAncestorContainer; t && (3 == t.nodeType || t.attributes && !t.attributes.contentEditable);) t = t.parentNode;
                    return t
                restoreHtml: function() {
                    this.body.innerHTML = this.html
                offset: function(e, t) {
                    if (3 == e.nodeType)
                        for (;
                            (e = e.previousSibling) && 3 == e.nodeType;) t += e.nodeValue.length;
                    return t
                nodeToPath: function(e) {
                    for (var t = []; e != this.rootNode;) t.push(this.index(e)), e = e.parentNode;
                    return t
                toRangePoint: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    for (var r = this.rootNode, o = n.length, a = i; o--;) r = r.childNodes[n[o]];
                    for (; r && 3 == r.nodeType && a > r.nodeValue.length;) a -= r.nodeValue.length, r = r.nextSibling;
                    r && a >= 0 && e[t ? "setStart" : "setEnd"](r, a)
                toRange: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.range.cloneRange();
                    return e.toRangePoint(t, !0, e.startContainer, e.startOffset), e.toRangePoint(t, !1, e.endContainer, e.endOffset), t
            C = l.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.caret = null
                addCaret: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.caret = h.create(T.documentFromRange(e), "span", {
                        className: "k-marker"
                    }), e.insertNode(t.caret), e.selectNode(t.caret), t.caret
                removeCaret: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.caret.previousSibling,
                        s = 0;
                    a && (s = f(a) ? a.nodeValue.length : p(a)), t = o.caret.parentNode, n = a ? p(a) : 0, h.remove(o.caret), v(t), i = t.childNodes[n], f(i) ? e.setStart(i, s) : i ? (r = h.lastTextNode(i), r ? e.setStart(r, r.nodeValue.length) : e[a ? "setStartAfter" : "setStartBefore"](i)) : (u.msie || t.innerHTML || (t.innerHTML = '<br _moz_dirty="" />'), e.selectNodeContents(t)), e.collapse(!0)
                add: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = e.collapsed && !T.isExpandable(e),
                        a = T.documentFromRange(e);
                    return t && e.collapsed && (r.addCaret(e), e = T.expand(e)), n = e.cloneRange(), n.collapse(!1), r.end = h.create(a, "span", {
                        className: "k-marker"
                    }), n.insertNode(r.end), n = e.cloneRange(), n.collapse(!0), r.start = r.end.cloneNode(!0), n.insertNode(r.start), r._removeDeadMarkers(r.start, r.end), o && (i = a.createTextNode(""), h.insertAfter(i.cloneNode(), r.start), h.insertBefore(i, r.end)), v(e.commonAncestorContainer), e.setStartBefore(r.start), e.setEndAfter(r.end), e
                _removeDeadMarkers: function(e, t) {
                    e.previousSibling && "" == e.previousSibling.nodeValue && h.remove(e.previousSibling), t.nextSibling && "" == t.nextSibling.nodeValue && h.remove(t.nextSibling)
                _normalizedIndex: function(e) {
                    for (var t = p(e), n = e; n.previousSibling;) 3 == n.nodeType && 3 == n.previousSibling.nodeType && t--, n = n.previousSibling;
                    return t
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, p = this,
                        g = p.start,
                        m = p.end;
                    for (v(e.commonAncestorContainer); !g.nextSibling && g.parentNode;) g = g.parentNode;
                    for (; !m.previousSibling && m.parentNode;) m = m.parentNode;
                    if (t = g.previousSibling && 3 == g.previousSibling.nodeType && g.nextSibling && 3 == g.nextSibling.nodeType, n = m.previousSibling && 3 == m.previousSibling.nodeType && m.nextSibling && 3 == m.nextSibling.nodeType, i = t && n, g = g.nextSibling, m = m.previousSibling, r = !1, o = !1, g == p.end && (o = !!p.start.previousSibling, g = m = p.start.previousSibling || p.end.nextSibling, r = !0), h.remove(p.start), h.remove(p.end), !g || !m) return e.selectNodeContents(e.commonAncestorContainer), void e.collapse(!0);
                    if (a = r ? f(g) ? g.nodeValue.length : g.childNodes.length : 0, s = f(m) ? m.nodeValue.length : m.childNodes.length, 3 == g.nodeType)
                        for (; g.previousSibling && 3 == g.previousSibling.nodeType;) g = g.previousSibling, a += g.nodeValue.length;
                    if (3 == m.nodeType)
                        for (; m.previousSibling && 3 == m.previousSibling.nodeType;) m = m.previousSibling, s += m.nodeValue.length;
                    l = g.parentNode, c = m.parentNode, d = this._normalizedIndex(g), u = this._normalizedIndex(m), v(l), 3 == g.nodeType && (g = l.childNodes[d]), v(c), 3 == m.nodeType && (m = c.childNodes[u]), r ? (3 == g.nodeType ? e.setStart(g, a) : e[o ? "setStartAfter" : "setStartBefore"](g), e.collapse(!0)) : (3 == g.nodeType ? e.setStart(g, a) : e.setStartBefore(g), 3 == m.nodeType ? e.setEnd(m, s) : e.setEndAfter(m)), p.caret && p.removeCaret(e)
            S = /[\u0009-\u000d]|\u0020|\u00a0|\ufeff|\.|,|;|:|!|\(|\)|\?/,
            T = {
                nodes: function(e) {
                    var t = T.textNodes(e);
                    return t.length || (e.selectNodeContents(e.commonAncestorContainer), t = T.textNodes(e), t.length || (t = h.significantChildNodes(e.commonAncestorContainer))), t
                textNodes: function(e) {
                    return new k(e).enumerate()
                documentFromRange: function(e) {
                    var t = e.startContainer;
                    return 9 == t.nodeType ? t : t.ownerDocument
                createRange: function(e) {
                    return u.msie && 9 > u.version ? new w(e) : e.createRange()
                selectRange: function(e) {
                    var t, n = T.image(e);
                    n && (e.setStartAfter(n), e.setEndAfter(n)), t = _.selectionFromRange(e), t.removeAllRanges(), t.addRange(e)
                stringify: function(e) {
                    return s.format("{0}:{1} - {2}:{3}", h.name(e.startContainer), e.startOffset, h.name(e.endContainer), e.endOffset)
                split: function(e, t, n) {
                    function i(i) {
                        var r, o = e.cloneRange();
                        o.collapse(i), o[i ? "setStartBefore" : "setEndAfter"](t), r = o.extractContents(), n && (r = h.trim(r)), h[i ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](r, t)
                    i(!0), i(!1)
                mapAll: function(t, n) {
                    var i = [];
                    return new b(t).traverse(function(t) {
                        var r = n(t);
                        r && e.inArray(r, i) < 0 && i.push(r)
                    }), i
                getAll: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t;
                    return "string" == typeof t && (t = function(e) {
                        return h.is(e, n)
                    }), T.mapAll(e, function(e) {
                        return t(e) ? e : void 0
                getMarkers: function(e) {
                    return T.getAll(e, function(e) {
                        return "k-marker" == e.className
                image: function(e) {
                    var t = T.getAll(e, "img");
                    return 1 == t.length ? t[0] : void 0
                isStartOf: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i;
                    for (e = e.cloneRange(); 0 === e.startOffset && e.startContainer != t;) {
                        for (n = h.findNodeIndex(e.startContainer), i = e.startContainer.parentNode; n > 0 && h.insignificant(i[n - 1]);) n--;
                        e.setStart(i, n)
                    return 0 === e.startOffset && e.startContainer == t
                isEndOf: function(e, t) {
                    function n(e) {
                        h.insignificant(e) || r.push(e)
                    var i, r;
                    return e = e.cloneRange(), e.collapse(!1), i = e.startContainer, h.isDataNode(i) && e.startOffset == h.getNodeLength(i) && (e.setStart(i.parentNode, h.findNodeIndex(i) + 1), e.collapse(!0)), e.setEnd(t, h.getNodeLength(t)), r = [], new b(e).traverse(n), !r.length
                wrapSelectedElements: function(e) {
                    function t(e, t) {
                        var n, i = h.getNodeLength(t);
                        if (e == i) return !0;
                        for (n = e; i > n; n++)
                            if (!h.insignificant(t.childNodes[n])) return !1;
                        return !0
                    for (var n = h.editableParent(e.startContainer), i = h.editableParent(e.endContainer); 0 === e.startOffset && e.startContainer != n;) e.setStart(e.startContainer.parentNode, h.findNodeIndex(e.startContainer));
                    for (; t(e.endOffset, e.endContainer) && e.endContainer != i;) e.setEnd(e.endContainer.parentNode, h.findNodeIndex(e.endContainer) + 1);
                    return e
                expand: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = e.cloneRange(),
                        a = o.startContainer.childNodes[0 === o.startOffset ? 0 : o.startOffset - 1],
                        s = o.endContainer.childNodes[o.endOffset];
                    return f(a) && f(s) ? (t = a.nodeValue, n = s.nodeValue, t && n ? (i = t.split("").reverse().join("").search(S), r = n.search(S), i && r ? (r = -1 == r ? n.length : r, i = -1 == i ? 0 : t.length - i, o.setStart(a, i), o.setEnd(s, r), o) : o) : o) : o
                isExpandable: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = e.startContainer,
                        l = T.documentFromRange(e);
                    return s == l || s == l.body ? !1 : (t = e.cloneRange(), (n = s.nodeValue) ? (i = n.substring(0, t.startOffset), r = n.substring(t.startOffset), o = 0, a = 0, i && (o = i.split("").reverse().join("").search(S)), r && (a = r.search(S)), o && a) : !1)
        c(d, {
            SelectionUtils: _,
            W3CRange: w,
            RangeIterator: b,
            W3CSelection: y,
            RangeEnumerator: k,
            RestorePoint: x,
            Marker: C,
            RangeUtils: T
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            var n = e.selectionRestorePoint = new d(e.getRange()),
                i = new f(t, n);
            return i.editor = e, e.undoRedoStack.push(i), n
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.Class,
            r = n.ui.editor,
            o = r.EditorUtils,
            a = o.registerTool,
            s = r.Dom,
            l = r.Tool,
            c = r.ToolTemplate,
            d = r.RestorePoint,
            u = r.Marker,
            h = e.extend,
            p = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e, this.restorePoint = new d(e.range), this.marker = new u, this.formatter = e.formatter
                getRange: function() {
                    return this.restorePoint.toRange()
                lockRange: function(e) {
                    return this.marker.add(this.getRange(), e)
                releaseRange: function(e) {
                    this.marker.remove(e), this.editor.selectRange(e)
                undo: function() {
                    var e = this.restorePoint;
                    e.restoreHtml(), this.editor.selectRange(e.toRange())
                redo: function() {
                createDialog: function(t, i) {
                    var r = this.editor;
                    return e(t).appendTo(document.body).kendoWindow(h({}, r.options.dialogOptions, i)).closest(".k-window").toggleClass("k-rtl", n.support.isRtl(r.wrapper)).end()
                exec: function() {
                    var e = this.lockRange(!0);
                    this.formatter.editor = this.editor, this.formatter.toggle(e), this.releaseRange(e)
            f = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.body = e.body, this.startRestorePoint = e, this.endRestorePoint = t
                redo: function() {
                    this.body.innerHTML = this.endRestorePoint.html, this.editor.selectRange(this.endRestorePoint.toRange())
                undo: function() {
                    this.body.innerHTML = this.startRestorePoint.html, this.editor.selectRange(this.startRestorePoint.toRange())
            g = p.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    p.fn.init.call(this, e), this.managesUndoRedo = !0
                exec: function() {
                    var e, t = this.editor,
                        n = this.options,
                        i = n.range,
                        r = t.body,
                        o = new d(i, r),
                        a = n.html || n.value || "";
                    t.selectRange(i), t.clipboard.paste(a, n), n.postProcess && n.postProcess(t, t.getRange()), e = new f(o, new d(t.getRange(), r)), e.editor = t, t.undoRedoStack.push(e), t.focus()
            m = l.extend({
                initialize: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.editor,
                        i = this.options,
                        o = i.items ? i.items : n.options.insertHtml;
                    new r.SelectBox(e, {
                        dataSource: o,
                        dataTextField: "text",
                        dataValueField: "value",
                        change: function() {
                            l.exec(n, "insertHtml", this.value())
                        title: n.options.messages.insertHtml,
                        highlightFirst: !1
                command: function(e) {
                    return new g(e)
                update: function(e) {
                    var t = e.data("kendoSelectBox") || e.find("select").data("kendoSelectBox");
                    t.close(), t.value(t.options.title)
            v = i.extend({
                init: function() {
                push: function(e) {
                    this.stack = this.stack.slice(0, this.currentCommandIndex + 1), this.currentCommandIndex = this.stack.push(e) - 1
                undo: function() {
                    this.canUndo() && this.stack[this.currentCommandIndex--].undo()
                redo: function() {
                    this.canRedo() && this.stack[++this.currentCommandIndex].redo()
                clear: function() {
                    this.stack = [], this.currentCommandIndex = -1
                canUndo: function() {
                    return this.currentCommandIndex >= 0
                canRedo: function() {
                    return this.currentCommandIndex != this.stack.length - 1
            _ = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.editor = e
                keydown: function(n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.editor,
                        a = o.keyboard,
                        s = a.isTypingKey(n),
                        l = h(e.Event(), n);
                    return r.editor.trigger("keydown", l), l.isDefaultPrevented() ? (n.preventDefault(), !0) : l.isDefaultPrevented() || !s || a.isTypingInProgress() ? !1 : (i = o.getRange(), r.startRestorePoint = new d(i), a.startTyping(function() {
                        r.endRestorePoint = t(o, r.startRestorePoint)
                    }), !0)
                keyup: function(e) {
                    var t = this.editor.keyboard;
                    return this.editor.trigger("keyup", e), t.isTypingInProgress() ? (t.endTyping(), !0) : !1
            w = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.editor = e
                _addCaret: function(e) {
                    var t = s.create(this.editor.document, "a");
                    return e.appendChild(t), t
                _restoreCaret: function(e) {
                    var t = this.editor.createRange();
                    t.setStartAfter(e), t.collapse(!0), this.editor.selectRange(t), s.remove(e)
                _handleDelete: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e.endContainer,
                        o = s.closestEditableOfType(i, s.blockElements);
                    return o && r.RangeUtils.isEndOf(e, o) ? (t = this._addCaret(o), n = s.next(o), n && "p" == s.name(n) ? (this._merge(o, n), this._restoreCaret(t), !0) : (s.remove(t), !1)) : !1
                _handleBackspace: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, o, a = e.startContainer,
                        l = e.startOffset,
                        c = s.closestEditableOfType(a, ["li"]),
                        d = s.closestEditableOfType(a, "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6".split(","));
                    if (s.isDataNode(a)) {
                        for (; l >= 0 && "" == a.nodeValue[l - 1];) a.deleteData(l - 1, 1), l--;
                        e.setStart(a, Math.max(0, l)), e.collapse(!0), this.editor.selectRange(e)
                    return d && d.previousSibling && r.RangeUtils.isStartOf(e, d) ? (t = d.previousSibling, n = this._addCaret(t), this._merge(t, d), this._restoreCaret(n), !0) : c && r.RangeUtils.isStartOf(e, c) ? (i = new r.GreedyBlockFormatter([{
                        tags: ["p"]
                    }]), o = c.firstChild, i.editor = this.editor, i.apply(c.childNodes), e.setStart(o, 0), this.editor.selectRange(e), !0) : !1
                _handleSelection: function(t) {
                    var n, i, o, a = t.commonAncestorContainer,
                        l = s.closest(a, "table"),
                        c = r.emptyElementContent;
                    return /t(able|body)/i.test(s.name(a)) && t.selectNode(l), n = new u, n.add(t, !1), t.setStartAfter(n.start), t.setEndBefore(n.end), i = t.startContainer, o = t.endContainer, t.deleteContents(), l && "" === e(l).text() && (t.selectNode(l), t.deleteContents()), a = t.commonAncestorContainer, "p" === s.name(a) && "" === a.innerHTML && (a.innerHTML = c, t.setStart(a, 0)), this._join(i, o), s.insertAfter(this.editor.document.createTextNode(""), n.start), n.remove(t), i = t.startContainer, "tr" == s.name(i) && (i = i.childNodes[Math.max(0, t.startOffset - 1)], t.setStart(i, s.getNodeLength(i))), t.collapse(!0), this.editor.selectRange(t), !0
                _root: function(e) {
                    for (; e && e.parentNode && "body" != s.name(e.parentNode);) e = e.parentNode;
                    return e
                _join: function(e, t) {
                    e = this._root(e), t = this._root(t), e != t && s.is(t, "p") && this._merge(e, t)
                _merge: function(e, t) {
                    for (s.removeTrailingBreak(e); t.firstChild;) e.appendChild(t.firstChild);
                keydown: function(e) {
                    var i, r, o = this.editor.getRange(),
                        a = e.keyCode,
                        s = n.keys,
                        l = a === s.BACKSPACE,
                        c = a == s.DELETE;
                    !l && !c || o.collapsed ? l ? i = "_handleBackspace" : c && (i = "_handleDelete") : i = "_handleSelection", i && (r = new d(o), this[i](o) && (e.preventDefault(), t(this.editor, r)))
                keyup: e.noop
            b = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.editor = e, this.systemCommandIsInProgress = !1
                createUndoCommand: function() {
                    this.startRestorePoint = this.endRestorePoint = t(this.editor, this.startRestorePoint)
                changed: function() {
                    return this.startRestorePoint ? this.startRestorePoint.html != this.editor.body.innerHTML : !1
                keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.editor,
                        i = n.keyboard;
                    return i.isModifierKey(e) ? (i.isTypingInProgress() && i.endTyping(!0), t.startRestorePoint = new d(n.getRange()), !0) : i.isSystem(e) ? (t.systemCommandIsInProgress = !0, t.changed() && (t.systemCommandIsInProgress = !1, t.createUndoCommand()), !0) : !1
                keyup: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.systemCommandIsInProgress && e.changed() ? (e.systemCommandIsInProgress = !1, e.createUndoCommand(), !0) : !1
            y = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.handlers = e, this.typingInProgress = !1
                isCharacter: function(e) {
                    return e >= 48 && 90 >= e || e >= 96 && 111 >= e || e >= 186 && 192 >= e || e >= 219 && 222 >= e || 229 == e
                toolFromShortcut: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = String.fromCharCode(n.keyCode);
                    for (i in t)
                        if (r = e.extend({
                            ctrl: !1,
                            alt: !1,
                            shift: !1
                        }, t[i].options), (r.key == o || r.key == n.keyCode) && r.ctrl == n.ctrlKey && r.alt == n.altKey && r.shift == n.shiftKey) return i
                isTypingKey: function(e) {
                    var t = e.keyCode;
                    return this.isCharacter(t) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || 32 == t || 13 == t || 8 == t || 46 == t && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey
                isModifierKey: function(e) {
                    var t = e.keyCode;
                    return 17 == t && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey || 16 == t && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || 18 == t && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey
                isSystem: function(e) {
                    return 46 == e.keyCode && e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey
                startTyping: function(e) {
                    this.onEndTyping = e, this.typingInProgress = !0
                stopTyping: function() {
                    this.typingInProgress && this.onEndTyping && this.onEndTyping(), this.typingInProgress = !1
                endTyping: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.clearTimeout(), t ? n.stopTyping() : n.timeout = window.setTimeout(e.proxy(n.stopTyping, n), 1e3)
                isTypingInProgress: function() {
                    return this.typingInProgress
                clearTimeout: function() {
                notify: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.handlers;
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n && !i[n][t](e); n++);
                keydown: function(e) {
                    this.notify(e, "keydown")
                keyup: function(e) {
                    this.notify(e, "keyup")
            k = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.editor = e, this.cleaners = [new C, new S, new T, new D]
                htmlToFragment: function(e) {
                    var t = this.editor,
                        n = t.document,
                        i = s.create(n, "div"),
                        r = n.createDocumentFragment();
                    for (i.innerHTML = e; i.firstChild;) r.appendChild(i.firstChild);
                    return r
                isBlock: function(e) {
                    return /<(div|p|ul|ol|table|h[1-6])/i.test(e)
                _startModification: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.editor;
                    if (!this._inProgress) return this._inProgress = !0, e = n.getRange(), t = new d(e), s.persistScrollTop(n.document), {
                        range: e,
                        restorePoint: t
                _endModification: function(e) {
                    t(this.editor, e.restorePoint), this.editor._selectionChange(), this._inProgress = !1
                _contentModification: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.editor,
                        r = n._startModification();
                    r && (e.call(n, i, r.range), setTimeout(function() {
                        t.call(n, i, r.range), n._endModification(r)
                oncut: function() {
                    this._contentModification(e.noop, e.noop)
                _fileToDataURL: function(t) {
                    var n = e.Deferred(),
                        i = new FileReader;
                    return t instanceof window.File || (t = t.getAsFile()), i.onload = e.proxy(n.resolve, n), i.readAsDataURL(t), n.promise()
                _triggerPaste: function(e, t) {
                    var n = {
                        html: e || ""
                    n.html = n.html.replace(/\ufeff/g, ""), this.editor.trigger("paste", n), this.paste(n.html, t || {})
                _handleImagePaste: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    if ("FileReader" in window && (n = t.clipboardData || t.originalEvent.clipboardData || window.clipboardData, i = n && (n.items || n.files), r = i && e.grep(i, function(e) {
                        return /^image\//i.test(e.type)
                    }), r.length && (o = this._startModification()))) return e.when.apply(e, e.map(r, this._fileToDataURL)).done(e.proxy(function() {
                        var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
                            n = e.map(t, function(e) {
                                return '<img src="' + e.target.result + '" />'
                        this._triggerPaste(n), this._endModification(o)
                    }, this)), !0
                onpaste: function(t) {
                    return this._handleImagePaste(t) ? void t.preventDefault() : void this._contentModification(function(i, r) {
                        var o, a, l, c = s.create(i.document, "div", {
                                className: "k-paste-container",
                                innerHTML: ""
                            d = n.support.browser;
                        i.body.appendChild(c), d.msie && 11 > d.version ? (t.preventDefault(), o = i.createRange(), o.selectNodeContents(c), i.selectRange(o), a = i.document.body.createTextRange(), a.moveToElementText(c), e(i.body).unbind("paste"), a.execCommand("Paste"), e(i.body).bind("paste", e.proxy(this.onpaste, this))) : (l = i.createRange(), l.selectNodeContents(c), i.selectRange(l)), r.deleteContents()
                    }, function(t, n) {
                        var i, r = "";
                        t.selectRange(n), i = e(t.body).children(".k-paste-container"), i.each(function() {
                            var e = this.lastChild;
                            e && s.is(e, "br") && s.remove(e), r += this.innerHTML
                        }), i.remove(), this._triggerPaste(r, {
                            clean: !0
                splittableParent: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i;
                    if (e) return s.closestEditableOfType(t, ["p", "ul", "ol"]) || t.parentNode;
                    if (n = t.parentNode, i = t.ownerDocument.body, s.isInline(n))
                        for (; n.parentNode != i && !s.isBlock(n.parentNode);) n = n.parentNode;
                    return n
                paste: function(t, n) {
                    var i, o, a, l, c, d, p, f, g, m, v, _, w = this.editor;
                    for (n = h({
                        clean: !1,
                        split: !0
                    }, n), i = 0, o = this.cleaners.length; o > i; i++) this.cleaners[i].applicable(t) && (t = this.cleaners[i].clean(t));
                    if (n.clean && (t = t.replace(/(<br>(\s|&nbsp;)*)+(<\/?(div|p|li|col|t))/gi, "$3"), t = t.replace(/<(a|span)[^>]*><\/\1>/gi, "")), t = t.replace(/^<li/i, "<ul><li").replace(/li>$/g, "li></ul>"), a = this.isBlock(t), w.focus(), l = w.getRange(), l.deleteContents(), l.startContainer == w.document && l.selectNodeContents(w.body), c = new u, d = c.addCaret(l), p = this.splittableParent(a, d), f = !1, g = p != w.body && !s.is(p, "td"), n.split && g && (a || s.isInline(p)) && (l.selectNode(d), r.RangeUtils.split(l, p, !0), f = !0), m = this.htmlToFragment(t), m.firstChild && "k-paste-container" === m.firstChild.className) {
                        for (v = [], i = 0, o = m.childNodes.length; o > i; i++) v.push(m.childNodes[i].innerHTML);
                        m = this.htmlToFragment(v.join("<br />"))
                    if (e(m.childNodes).filter("table").addClass("k-table").end().find("table").addClass("k-table"), l.insertNode(m), p = this.splittableParent(a, d), f) {
                        for (; d.parentNode != p;) s.unwrap(d.parentNode);
                    s.normalize(l.commonAncestorContainer), d.style.display = "inline", s.restoreScrollTop(w.document), s.scrollTo(d), c.removeCaret(l), _ = l.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode, l.collapsed && "tbody" == s.name(_) && (l.setStartAfter(e(_).closest("table")[0]), l.collapse(!0)), w.selectRange(l)
            x = i.extend({
                clean: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.replacements;
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t += 2) e = e.replace(r[t], r[t + 1]);
                    return e
            C = x.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.replacements = [/<(\/?)script([^>]*)>/i, "<$1telerik:script$2>"]
                applicable: function(e) {
                    return /<script[^>]*>/i.test(e)
            S = x.extend({
                init: function() {
                    var e = " ";
                    this.replacements = [/<span\s+class="Apple-tab-span"[^>]*>\s*<\/span>/gi, e, /\t/gi, e, /&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;/gi, e]
                applicable: function(e) {
                    return /&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;|class="?Apple-tab-span/i.test(e)
            T = x.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.replacements = [/<\?xml[^>]*>/gi, "", /<!--(.|\n)*?-->/g, "", /&quot;/g, "'", /(?:<br>&nbsp;[\s\r\n]+|<br>)*(<\/?(h[1-6]|hr|p|div|table|tbody|thead|tfoot|th|tr|td|li|ol|ul|caption|address|pre|form|blockquote|dl|dt|dd|dir|fieldset)[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\s\r\n]+|<br>)*/g, "$1", /<br><br>/g, "<BR><BR>", /<br>(?!\n)/g, " ", /<table([^>]*)>(\s|&nbsp;)+<t/gi, "<table$1><t", /<tr[^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;)*<\/tr>/gi, "", /<tbody[^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;)*<\/tbody>/gi, "", /<table[^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;)*<\/table>/gi, "", /<BR><BR>/g, "<br>", /^\s*(&nbsp;)+/gi, "", /(&nbsp;|<br[^>]*>)+\s*$/gi, "", /mso-[^;"]*;?/gi, "", /<(\/?)b(\s[^>]*)?>/gi, "<$1strong$2>", /<(\/?)font(\s[^>]*)?>/gi, this.convertFontMatch, /<(\/?)i(\s[^>]*)?>/gi, "<$1em$2>", /<o:p>&nbsp;<\/o:p>/gi, "&nbsp;", /<\/?(meta|link|style|o:|v:|x:)[^>]*>((?:.|\n)*?<\/(meta|link|style|o:|v:|x:)[^>]*>)?/gi, "", /<\/o>/g, "", /style=(["|'])\s*\1/g, "", /(<br[^>]*>)?\n/g,
                        function(e, t) {
                            return t ? e : " "
                convertFontMatch: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = /face=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i,
                        r = i.exec(n),
                        o = n && r && r[1];
                    return t ? "</span>" : o ? '<span style="font-family:' + o + '">' : "<span>"
                applicable: function(e) {
                    return /class="?Mso/i.test(e) || /style="[^"]*mso-/i.test(e) || /urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office/.test(e)
                stripEmptyAnchors: function(e) {
                    return e.replace(/<a([^>]*)>\s*<\/a>/gi, function(e, t) {
                        return !t || t.indexOf("href") < 0 ? "" : e
                listType: function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return /^(<span [^>]*texhtml[^>]*>)?<span [^>]*(Symbol|Wingdings)[^>]*>/i.test(e) && (t = !0), e = e.replace(/<\/?\w+[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/&nbsp;/g, " "), !t && /^[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o]\u00a0+/.test(e) || t && /^.\u00a0+/.test(e) ? "ul" : /^\s*\w+[\.\)]\u00a0{2,}/.test(e) ? "ol" : void 0
                _convertToLi: function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return 1 == e.childNodes.length ? t = e.firstChild.innerHTML.replace(/^\w+[\.\)](&nbsp;)+ /, "") : (s.remove(e.firstChild), 3 == e.firstChild.nodeType && /^[ivx]+\.$/i.test(e.firstChild.nodeValue) && s.remove(e.firstChild), /^(&nbsp;|\s)+$/i.test(e.firstChild.innerHTML) && s.remove(e.firstChild), t = e.innerHTML), s.remove(e), s.create(document, "li", {
                        innerHTML: t
                lists: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h = e(s.blockElements.join(","), t),
                        p = -1,
                        f = {
                            ul: {},
                            ol: {}
                        g = t;
                    for (r = 0; h.length > r; r++)
                        if (o = h[r], a = this.listType(o.innerHTML), i = s.name(o), "td" != i)
                            if (a && "p" == i) {
                                if (l = parseFloat(o.style.marginLeft || 0), c = f[a][l], (l > p || !c) && (c = s.create(document, a), g == t ? s.insertBefore(c, o) : g.appendChild(c), f[a][l] = c), n != a)
                                    for (d in f)
                                        for (u in f[d]) e.contains(c, f[d][u]) && delete f[d][u];
                                g = this._convertToLi(o), c.appendChild(g), p = l, n = a
                            } else o.innerHTML ? (f = {
                                ul: {},
                                ol: {}
                            }, g = t, p = -1) : s.remove(o)
                removeAttributes: function(e) {
                    for (var t = e.attributes, n = t.length; n--;) "colspan" != s.name(t[n]) && e.removeAttributeNode(t[n])
                createColGroup: function(t) {
                    var i = t.cells,
                        r = e(t).closest("table"),
                        o = r.children("colgroup");
                    2 > i.length || (o.length && (i = o.children(), o[0].parentNode.removeChild(o[0])), o = e(e.map(i, function(e) {
                        var t = e.width;
                        return t && 0 !== parseInt(t, 10) ? n.format('<col style="width:{0}px;"/>', t) : "<col />"
                    }).join("")), o.is("colgroup") || (o = e("<colgroup/>").append(o)), o.prependTo(r))
                convertHeaders: function(t) {
                    var n, i = t.cells,
                        r = e.map(i, function(t) {
                            var n = e(t).children("p").children("strong")[0];
                            return n && "strong" == s.name(n) ? n : void 0
                    if (r.length == i.length) {
                        for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) s.unwrap(r[n]);
                        for (e(t).closest("table").find("colgroup").after("<thead></thead>").end().find("thead").append(t), n = 0; i.length > n; n++) s.changeTag(i[n], "th")
                removeParagraphs: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a;
                    for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                        for (this.removeAttributes(t[n]), o = e(t[n]), a = o.children("p"), i = 0, r = a.length; r > i; i++) r - 1 > i && s.insertAfter(s.create(document, "br"), a[i]), s.unwrap(a[i])
                removeDefaultColors: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) /^\s*color:\s*[^;]*;?$/i.test(e[t].style.cssText) && s.unwrap(e[t])
                tables: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s = e(t).find("table"),
                        l = this;
                    for (o = 0; s.length > o; o++) {
                        for (n = s[o].rows, r = i = n[0], a = 1; n.length > a; a++) n[a].cells.length > r.cells.length && (r = n[a]);
                        l.createColGroup(r), l.convertHeaders(i), l.removeAttributes(s[o]), l.removeParagraphs(s.eq(o).find("td,th")), l.removeDefaultColors(s.eq(o).find("span"))
                headers: function(t) {
                    var n, i = e(t).find("p.MsoTitle");
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) s.changeTag(i[n], "h1")
                clean: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this;
                    return e = x.fn.clean.call(n, e), e = n.stripEmptyAnchors(e), t = s.create(document, "div", {
                        innerHTML: e
                    }), n.headers(t), n.lists(t), n.tables(t), e = t.innerHTML.replace(/(<[^>]*)\s+class="?[^"\s>]*"?/gi, "$1")
            D = x.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.replacements = [/\s+class="Apple-style-span[^"]*"/gi, "", /<(div|p|h[1-6])\s+style="[^"]*"/gi, "<$1", /^<div>(.*)<\/div>$/, "$1"]
                applicable: function(e) {
                    return /class="?Apple-style-span|style="[^"]*-webkit-nbsp-mode/i.test(e)
            A = p.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    p.fn.init.call(this, e), this.managesUndoRedo = !0
                exec: function() {
                    var e = this.editor;
                    n.support.browser.msie ? e.document.execCommand("print", !1, null) : e.window.print && e.window.print()
            E = p.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.async = !0, p.fn.init.call(this, e)
                exec: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = this.lockRange(!0);
                    this.editor.saveAsPDF().then(function() {
        h(r, {
            _finishUpdate: t,
            Command: p,
            GenericCommand: f,
            InsertHtmlCommand: g,
            InsertHtmlTool: m,
            UndoRedoStack: v,
            TypingHandler: _,
            SystemHandler: b,
            BackspaceHandler: w,
            Keyboard: y,
            Clipboard: k,
            Cleaner: x,
            TabCleaner: S,
            MSWordFormatCleaner: T,
            WebkitFormatCleaner: D,
            PrintCommand: A,
            ExportPdfCommand: E
        }), a("insertHtml", new m({
            template: new c({
                template: o.dropDownListTemplate,
                title: "Insert HTML",
                initialValue: "Insert HTML"
        })), a("print", new l({
            command: A,
            template: new c({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Print"
        })), a("pdf", new l({
            command: E,
            template: new c({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Export PDF"
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.Class,
            i = t.ui.editor,
            r = t.ui.Editor.fn.options.formats,
            o = i.EditorUtils,
            a = i.Tool,
            s = i.ToolTemplate,
            l = i.FormatTool,
            c = i.Dom,
            d = i.RangeUtils,
            u = e.extend,
            h = i.EditorUtils.registerTool,
            p = i.EditorUtils.registerFormat,
            f = "k-marker",
            g = n.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.format = e
                numberOfSiblings: function(e) {
                    var t, n = 0,
                        i = 0,
                        r = 0,
                        o = e.parentNode;
                    for (t = o.firstChild; t; t = t.nextSibling) t != e && (t.className == f ? r++ : 3 == t.nodeType ? n++ : i++);
                    return r > 1 && o.firstChild.className == f && o.lastChild.className == f ? 0 : i + n
                findSuitable: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i;
                    if (!t && this.numberOfSiblings(e) > 0) return null;
                    for (n = e.parentNode, i = this.format[0].tags; !c.ofType(n, i);) {
                        if (this.numberOfSiblings(n) > 0) return null;
                        n = n.parentNode
                    return n
                findFormat: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.format,
                        s = c.attrEquals;
                    for (t = 0, n = a.length; n > t; t++) {
                        if (i = e, r = a[t].tags, o = a[t].attr, i && c.ofType(i, r) && s(i, o)) return i;
                        for (; i;)
                            if (i = c.parentOfType(i, r), i && s(i, o)) return i
                    return null
                isFormatted: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (this.findFormat(e[t])) return !0;
                    return !1
            m = n.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.finder = new g(e), this.attributes = u({}, e[0].attr, t), this.tag = e[0].tags[0]
                wrap: function(e) {
                    return c.wrap(e, c.create(e.ownerDocument, this.tag, this.attributes))
                activate: function(e, t) {
                    this.finder.isFormatted(t) ? (this.split(e), this.remove(t)) : this.apply(t)
                toggle: function(e) {
                    var t = d.textNodes(e);
                    t.length > 0 && this.activate(e, t)
                apply: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = [];
                    for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) {
                        if (i = e[t], r = this.finder.findSuitable(i)) c.attr(r, this.attributes);
                        else {
                            for (; !c.isBlock(i.parentNode) && 1 == i.parentNode.childNodes.length;) i = i.parentNode;
                            r = this.wrap(i)
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = this.finder.findFormat(e[t]), i && (this.attributes && this.attributes.style ? (c.unstyle(i, this.attributes.style), i.style.cssText || i.attributes["class"] || c.unwrap(i)) : c.unwrap(i))
                split: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = d.textNodes(e),
                        r = i.length;
                    if (r > 0)
                        for (t = 0; r > t; t++) n = this.finder.findFormat(i[t]), n && d.split(e, n, !0)
                consolidate: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n; e.length > 1;)
                        if (t = e.pop(), n = e[e.length - 1], t.previousSibling && t.previousSibling.className == f && n.appendChild(t.previousSibling), t.tagName == n.tagName && t.previousSibling == n && t.style.cssText == n.style.cssText) {
                            for (; t.firstChild;) n.appendChild(t.firstChild);
            v = g.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.format = e, this.greedyProperty = t, g.fn.init.call(this, e)
                getInlineCssValue: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, h, p, f, g = t.attributes,
                        m = e.trim;
                    if (g)
                        for (n = 0, i = g.length; i > n; n++)
                            if (r = g[n], o = r.nodeName, a = r.nodeValue, r.specified && "style" == o)
                                for (s = m(a || t.style.cssText).split(";"), d = 0, u = s.length; u > d; d++)
                                    if (l = s[d], l.length) {
                                        if (h = l.split(":"), p = m(h[0].toLowerCase()), f = m(h[1]), p != this.greedyProperty) continue;
                                        return p.indexOf("color") >= 0 ? c.toHex(f) : f
                getFormatInner: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = e(c.isDataNode(t) ? t.parentNode : t),
                        a = o.parentsUntil("[contentEditable]").addBack().toArray().reverse();
                    for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (r = "className" == this.greedyProperty ? a[n].className : this.getInlineCssValue(a[n])) return r;
                    return "inherit"
                getFormat: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.getFormatInner(e[0]);
                    for (t = 1, n = e.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (i != this.getFormatInner(e[t])) return "";
                    return i
                isFormatted: function(e) {
                    return "" !== this.getFormat(e)
            _ = m.extend({
                init: function(e, n, i) {
                    m.fn.init.call(this, e, n), this.values = n, this.finder = new v(e, i), i && (this.greedyProperty = t.toCamelCase(i))
                activate: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.greedyProperty,
                        i = "apply";
                    this.split(e), n && "inherit" == this.values.style[n] && (i = "remove"), this[i](t)
            w = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    l.fn.init.call(this, u(e, {
                        finder: new g(e.format),
                        formatter: function() {
                            return new m(e.format)
            b = a.extend({
                update: function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.data(this.type);
                    n.close(), n.value(this.finder.getFormat(t))
            y = b.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    a.fn.init.call(this, e), this.type = t.support.browser.msie || t.support.touch ? "kendoDropDownList" : "kendoComboBox", this.format = [{
                        tags: ["span"]
                    }], this.finder = new v(this.format, e.cssAttr)
                command: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options,
                        n = this.format,
                        r = {};
                    return new i.FormatCommand(u(e, {
                        formatter: function() {
                            return r[t.domAttr] = e.value, new _(n, {
                                style: r
                            }, t.cssAttr)
                initialize: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = t.editor,
                        r = this.options,
                        o = r.name,
                        s = [];
                    r.defaultValue && (s = [{
                        text: i.options.messages[r.defaultValue[0].text],
                        value: r.defaultValue[0].value
                    }]), n = s.concat(r.items ? r.items : i.options[o] || []), e[this.type]({
                        dataTextField: "text",
                        dataValueField: "value",
                        dataSource: n,
                        change: function() {
                            a.exec(i, o, this.value())
                        highlightFirst: !1
                    }), e.closest(".k-widget").removeClass("k-" + o).find("*").addBack().attr("unselectable", "on"), e.data(this.type).value("inherit")
            k = a.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    a.fn.init.call(this, e), this.format = [{
                        tags: ["span"]
                    }], this.finder = new v(this.format, e.cssAttr)
                options: {
                    palette: "websafe"
                update: function() {
                command: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options,
                        n = this.format,
                        r = {};
                    return new i.FormatCommand(u(e, {
                        formatter: function() {
                            return r[t.domAttr] = e.value, new _(n, {
                                style: r
                            }, t.cssAttr)
                initialize: function(n, i) {
                    var r = i.editor,
                        o = this.name,
                        s = u({}, k.fn.options, this.options),
                        l = s.palette;
                    n = this._widget = new t.ui.ColorPicker(n, {
                        value: e.isArray(l) ? l[0] : "#000",
                        toolIcon: "k-" + s.name,
                        palette: l,
                        change: function() {
                            var e = n.value();
                            e && a.exec(r, o, e), r.focus()
                        activate: function(e) {
                            e.preventDefault(), n.trigger("change")
                    }), n.wrapper.attr({
                        title: i.title,
                        unselectable: "on"
                    }).find("*").attr("unselectable", "on")
        u(i, {
            InlineFormatFinder: g,
            InlineFormatter: m,
            DelayedExecutionTool: b,
            GreedyInlineFormatFinder: v,
            GreedyInlineFormatter: _,
            InlineFormatTool: w,
            FontTool: y,
            ColorTool: k
        }), p("bold", [{
            tags: ["strong", "b"]
        }, {
            tags: ["span"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    fontWeight: "bold"
        }]), h("bold", new w({
            key: "B",
            ctrl: !0,
            format: r.bold,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Bold"
        })), p("italic", [{
            tags: ["em", "i"]
        }, {
            tags: ["span"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    fontStyle: "italic"
        }]), h("italic", new w({
            key: "I",
            ctrl: !0,
            format: r.italic,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Italic"
        })), p("underline", [{
            tags: ["span"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textDecoration: "underline"
        }, {
            tags: ["u"]
        }]), h("underline", new w({
            key: "U",
            ctrl: !0,
            format: r.underline,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Underline"
        })), p("strikethrough", [{
            tags: ["del", "strike"]
        }, {
            tags: ["span"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textDecoration: "line-through"
        }]), h("strikethrough", new w({
            format: r.strikethrough,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Strikethrough"
        })), p("superscript", [{
            tags: ["sup"]
        }]), h("superscript", new w({
            format: r.superscript,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Superscript"
        })), p("subscript", [{
            tags: ["sub"]
        }]), h("subscript", new w({
            format: r.subscript,
            template: new s({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Subscript"
        })), h("foreColor", new k({
            cssAttr: "color",
            domAttr: "color",
            name: "foreColor",
            template: new s({
                template: o.colorPickerTemplate,
                title: "Color"
        })), h("backColor", new k({
            cssAttr: "background-color",
            domAttr: "backgroundColor",
            name: "backColor",
            template: new s({
                template: o.colorPickerTemplate,
                title: "Background Color"
        })), h("fontName", new y({
            cssAttr: "font-family",
            domAttr: "fontFamily",
            name: "fontName",
            defaultValue: [{
                text: "fontNameInherit",
                value: "inherit"
            template: new s({
                template: o.comboBoxTemplate,
                title: "Font Name"
        })), h("fontSize", new y({
            cssAttr: "font-size",
            domAttr: "fontSize",
            name: "fontSize",
            defaultValue: [{
                text: "fontSizeInherit",
                value: "inherit"
            template: new s({
                template: o.comboBoxTemplate,
                title: "Font Size"
    function(e) {
        var t, n = window.kendo,
            i = n.Class,
            r = e.extend,
            o = n.ui.editor,
            a = n.ui.Editor.fn.options.formats,
            s = o.Dom,
            l = o.Command,
            c = o.ToolTemplate,
            d = o.FormatTool,
            u = o.EditorUtils,
            h = u.registerTool,
            p = u.registerFormat,
            f = o.RangeUtils,
            g = i.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.format = e
                contains: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r;
                    for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (r = t[n], !r || !s.isAncestorOrSelf(e, r)) return !1;
                    return !0
                findSuitable: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this.format,
                        l = [];
                    for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) {
                        for (o = a.length - 1; o >= 0 && !(r = s.ofType(t[n], a[o].tags) ? t[n] : s.parentOfType(t[n], a[o].tags)); o--);
                        if (!r || "true" === r.contentEditable) return [];
                        e.inArray(r, l) < 0 && l.push(r)
                    for (n = 0, i = l.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (this.contains(l[n], l)) return [l[n]];
                    return l
                findFormat: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.format,
                        l = s.editableParent(e);
                    for (t = 0, n = a.length; n > t; t++)
                        for (i = e, r = a[t].tags, o = a[t].attr; i && s.isAncestorOf(l, i);) {
                            if (s.ofType(i, r) && s.attrEquals(i, o)) return i;
                            i = i.parentNode
                    return null
                getFormat: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = function(e) {
                            return i.findFormat(s.isDataNode(e) ? e.parentNode : e)
                        o = r(e[0]);
                    if (!o) return "";
                    for (t = 1, n = e.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (o != r(e[t])) return "";
                    return o.nodeName.toLowerCase()
                isFormatted: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (!this.findFormat(e[t])) return !1;
                    return !0
            m = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.format = e, this.values = t, this.finder = new g(e)
                wrap: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l, c = 1 == n.length ? s.blockParentOrBody(n[0]) : s.commonAncestor.apply(null, n);
                    for (s.isInline(c) && (c = s.blockParentOrBody(c)), i = s.significantChildNodes(c), r = s.findNodeIndex(i[0]), o = s.create(c.ownerDocument, e, t), a = 0; i.length > a; a++) l = i[a], s.isBlock(l) ? (s.attr(l, t), o.childNodes.length && (s.insertBefore(o, l), o = o.cloneNode(!1)), r = s.findNodeIndex(l) + 1) : o.appendChild(l);
                    o.firstChild && s.insertAt(c, o, r)
                apply: function(t) {
                    function n(e) {
                        return r({}, e && e.attr, d)
                    var i, o, a, l, c, d = this.values,
                        h = s.filter("img", t),
                        p = u.formatByName("img", this.format),
                        f = n(p);
                    if (e.each(h, function() {
                        s.attr(this, f)
                    }), h.length != t.length)
                        if (o = s.filter("img", t, !0), a = this.finder.findSuitable(o), a.length)
                            for (l = 0, c = a.length; c > l; l++) i = u.formatByName(s.name(a[l]), this.format), s.attr(a[l], n(i));
                        else i = this.format[0], this.wrap(i.tags[0], n(i), o)
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o;
                    for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = this.finder.findFormat(e[t]), i && (o = s.name(i), "div" != o || i.getAttribute("class") ? (r = u.formatByName(o, this.format), r.attr.style && s.unstyle(i, r.attr.style), r.attr.className && s.removeClass(i, r.attr.className)) : s.unwrap(i))
                toggle: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = f.nodes(e);
                    t.finder.isFormatted(n) ? t.remove(n) : t.apply(n)
            v = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.format = e, n.values = t, n.finder = new g(e)
                apply: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, a, l, c, d = this.format,
                        u = s.blockParents(e),
                        h = d[0].tags[0];
                    if (u.length)
                        for (t = 0, n = u.length; n > t; t++) c = s.name(u[t]), "li" == c ? (i = u[t].parentNode, r = new o.ListFormatter(i.nodeName.toLowerCase(), h), a = this.editor.createRange(), a.selectNode(u[t]), r.toggle(a)) : h && ("td" == c || u[t].attributes.contentEditable) ? new m(d, this.values).apply(u[t].childNodes) : (l = s.changeTag(u[t], h), s.attr(l, d[0].attr));
                    else new m(d, this.values).apply(e)
                toggle: function(e) {
                    var t = f.textNodes(e);
                    t.length || (e.selectNodeContents(e.commonAncestorContainer), t = f.textNodes(e), t.length || (t = s.significantChildNodes(e.commonAncestorContainer))), this.apply(t)
            _ = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e.formatter = e.formatter(), l.fn.init.call(this, e)
            w = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    d.fn.init.call(this, r(e, {
                        finder: new g(e.format),
                        formatter: function() {
                            return new m(e.format)
        r(o, {
            BlockFormatFinder: g,
            BlockFormatter: m,
            GreedyBlockFormatter: v,
            FormatCommand: _,
            BlockFormatTool: w
        }), t = ["ul", "ol", "li"], p("justifyLeft", [{
            tags: s.nonListBlockElements,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "left"
        }, {
            tags: ["img"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    "float": "left",
                    display: "",
                    marginLeft: "",
                    marginRight: ""
        }, {
            tags: t,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "left",
                    listStylePosition: ""
        }]), h("justifyLeft", new w({
            format: a.justifyLeft,
            template: new c({
                template: u.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Justify Left"
        })), p("justifyCenter", [{
            tags: s.nonListBlockElements,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "center"
        }, {
            tags: ["img"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    display: "block",
                    marginLeft: "auto",
                    marginRight: "auto",
                    "float": ""
        }, {
            tags: t,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "center",
                    listStylePosition: "inside"
        }]), h("justifyCenter", new w({
            format: a.justifyCenter,
            template: new c({
                template: u.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Justify Center"
        })), p("justifyRight", [{
            tags: s.nonListBlockElements,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "right"
        }, {
            tags: ["img"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    "float": "right",
                    display: "",
                    marginLeft: "",
                    marginRight: ""
        }, {
            tags: t,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "right",
                    listStylePosition: "inside"
        }]), h("justifyRight", new w({
            format: a.justifyRight,
            template: new c({
                template: u.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Justify Right"
        })), p("justifyFull", [{
            tags: s.nonListBlockElements,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "justify"
        }, {
            tags: ["img"],
            attr: {
                style: {
                    display: "block",
                    marginLeft: "auto",
                    marginRight: "auto",
                    "float": ""
        }, {
            tags: t,
            attr: {
                style: {
                    textAlign: "justify",
                    listStylePosition: ""
        }]), h("justifyFull", new w({
            format: a.justifyFull,
            template: new c({
                template: u.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Justify Full"
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = e.extend,
            i = t.ui.editor,
            r = i.Dom,
            o = i.Command,
            a = i.Tool,
            s = i.BlockFormatter,
            l = r.normalize,
            c = i.RangeUtils,
            d = i.EditorUtils.registerTool,
            u = o.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e, o.fn.init.call(this, e)
                _insertMarker: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = r.create(e, "a");
                    return i.className = "k-marker", t.insertNode(i), i.parentNode || (n = t.commonAncestorContainer, n.innerHTML = "", n.appendChild(i)), l(i.parentNode), i
                _moveFocus: function(e, t) {
                    if (r.isEmpty(t)) e.setStartBefore(t);
                    else {
                        var n = c.textNodes(e)[0];
                        if (!n) {
                            for (; t.childNodes.length && !r.is(t.firstChild, "br");) t = t.firstChild;
                            n = t
                        r.isEmpty(n) ? e.setStartBefore(n) : e.selectNodeContents(n)
                shouldTrim: function(e) {
                    var t = "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6".split(","),
                        n = r.parentOfType(e.startContainer, t),
                        i = r.parentOfType(e.endContainer, t);
                    return n && !i || !n && i
                _blankAfter: function(e) {
                    for (; e && (r.isMarker(e) || "" === r.stripBom(e.nodeValue));) e = e.nextSibling;
                    return !e
                exec: function() {
                    var e, t, n, o, a, d, u, h, p = this.getRange(),
                        f = c.documentFromRange(p),
                        g = i.emptyElementContent,
                        m = this.shouldTrim(p);
                    p.deleteContents(), a = this._insertMarker(f, p), d = r.closestEditableOfType(a, ["li"]), u = r.closestEditableOfType(a, "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6".split(",")), d ? r.emptyNode(d) && (o = r.create(f, "p"), d.nextSibling && (h = p.cloneRange(), h.selectNode(d), c.split(h, d.parentNode)), r.insertAfter(o, d.parentNode), r.remove(1 == d.parentNode.childNodes.length ? d.parentNode : d), o.innerHTML = g, n = o) : u && this._blankAfter(a) && (o = r.create(f, "p"), r.insertAfter(o, u), o.innerHTML = g, r.remove(a), n = o), n || (d || u || new s([{
                        tags: ["p"]
                    }]).apply([a]), p.selectNode(a), e = r.parentOfType(a, [d ? "li" : u ? r.name(u) : "p"]), c.split(p, e, m), t = e.previousSibling, r.is(t, "li") && t.firstChild && !r.is(t.firstChild, "br") && (t = t.firstChild), n = e.nextSibling, this.clean(t), this.clean(n, {
                        links: !0
                    }), r.is(n, "li") && n.firstChild && !r.is(n.firstChild, "br") && (n = n.firstChild), r.remove(e), l(t)), l(n), this._moveFocus(p, n), p.collapse(!0), r.scrollTo(n), c.selectRange(p)
                clean: function(t, n) {
                    var o, a = t;
                    if (t.firstChild && r.is(t.firstChild, "br") && r.remove(t.firstChild), r.isDataNode(t) && !t.nodeValue && (t = t.parentNode), t) {
                        for (o = !1; t.firstChild && 1 == t.firstChild.nodeType;) o = o || r.significantNodes(t.childNodes).length > 1, t = t.firstChild;
                        if (r.isEmpty(t) || !/^\s*$/.test(t.innerHTML) || o || (e(a).find(".k-br").remove(), t.innerHTML = i.emptyElementContent), n && n.links)
                            for (; t != a;) {
                                if (r.is(t, "a") && r.emptyNode(t)) {
                                t = t.parentNode
            h = o.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e, o.fn.init.call(this, e)
                exec: function() {
                    var e, n = this.getRange(),
                        i = r.create(c.documentFromRange(n), "br"),
                        o = t.support.browser,
                        a = o.msie && 11 > o.version;
                    n.deleteContents(), n.insertNode(i), l(i.parentNode), a || i.nextSibling && !r.isWhitespace(i.nextSibling) || (e = i.cloneNode(!0), e.className = "k-br", r.insertAfter(e, i)), n.setStartAfter(i), n.collapse(!0), r.scrollTo(i.nextSibling || i), c.selectRange(n)
        n(i, {
            ParagraphCommand: u,
            NewLineCommand: h
        }), d("insertLineBreak", new a({
            key: 13,
            shift: !0,
            command: h
        })), d("insertParagraph", new a({
            key: 13,
            command: u
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.Class,
            i = e.extend,
            r = t.ui.editor,
            o = r.Dom,
            a = r.RangeUtils,
            s = r.EditorUtils,
            l = r.Command,
            c = r.ToolTemplate,
            d = r.FormatTool,
            u = r.BlockFormatFinder,
            h = a.textNodes,
            p = r.EditorUtils.registerTool,
            f = u.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.tag = e;
                    var t = this.tags = ["ul" == e ? "ol" : "ul", e];
                    u.fn.init.call(this, [{
                        tags: t
                isFormatted: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = this.findFormat(e[n]), t && o.name(t) == this.tag && i.push(t);
                    if (1 > i.length) return !1;
                    if (i.length != e.length) return !1;
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n && i[n].parentNode == t.parentNode; n++)
                        if (i[n] != t) return !1;
                    return !0
                findSuitable: function(e) {
                    var t = this.findFormat(e[0]);
                    return t && o.name(t) == this.tag ? t : null
            g = n.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.finder = new f(e), n.tag = e, n.unwrapTag = t
                isList: function(e) {
                    var t = o.name(e);
                    return "ul" == t || "ol" == t || "dl" == t
                wrap: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = o.create(e.ownerDocument, "li");
                    for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                        if (i = t[n], o.is(i, "li")) e.appendChild(i);
                        else if (this.isList(i))
                        for (; i.firstChild;) e.appendChild(i.firstChild);
                    else if (o.is(i, "td")) {
                        for (; i.firstChild;) r.appendChild(i.firstChild);
                        e.appendChild(r), i.appendChild(e), e = e.cloneNode(!1), r = r.cloneNode(!1)
                    } else r.appendChild(i), o.isBlock(i) && (e.appendChild(r), o.unwrap(i), r = r.cloneNode(!1));
                    r.firstChild && e.appendChild(r)
                containsAny: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                        if (o.isAncestorOrSelf(e, t[n])) return !0;
                    return !1
                suitable: function(e, t) {
                    if ("k-marker" == e.className) {
                        var n = e.nextSibling;
                        if (n && o.isBlock(n)) return !1;
                        if (n = e.previousSibling, n && o.isBlock(n)) return !1
                    return this.containsAny(e, t) || o.isInline(e) || 3 == e.nodeType
                _parentLists: function(t) {
                    var n = o.closestEditable(t);
                    return e(t).parentsUntil(n, "ul,ol")
                split: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, s, l, c = h(e);
                    if (c.length)
                        for (t = o.parentOfType(c[0], ["li"]), n = o.parentOfType(c[c.length - 1], ["li"]), e.setStartBefore(t), e.setEndAfter(n), r = 0, s = c.length; s > r; r++) l = this.finder.findFormat(c[r]), l && (i = this._parentLists(l), i.length ? a.split(e, i.last()[0], !0) : a.split(e, l, !0))
                merge: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n, i = t.previousSibling; i && ("k-marker" == i.className || 3 == i.nodeType && o.isWhitespace(i));) i = i.previousSibling;
                    if (i && o.name(i) == e) {
                        for (; t.firstChild;) i.appendChild(t.firstChild);
                        o.remove(t), t = i
                    for (n = t.nextSibling; n && ("k-marker" == n.className || 3 == n.nodeType && o.isWhitespace(n));) n = n.nextSibling;
                    if (n && o.name(n) == e) {
                        for (; t.lastChild;) n.insertBefore(t.lastChild, n.firstChild);
                breakable: function(e) {
                    return e != e.ownerDocument.body && !/table|tbody|tr|td/.test(o.name(e)) && !e.attributes.contentEditable
                applyOnSection: function(t, n) {
                    function i() {
                    var r, a, s, l, c = this.tag,
                        d = o.closestSplittableParent(n),
                        u = [],
                        h = this.finder.findSuitable(n);
                    for (h || (h = new f("ul" == c ? "ol" : "ul").findSuitable(n)), /table|tbody/.test(o.name(d)) ? r = e.map(n, function(e) {
                        return o.parentOfType(e, ["td"])
                    }) : (r = o.significantChildNodes(d), e.grep(r, o.isBlock).length && (r = e.grep(r, e.proxy(function(e) {
                        return this.containsAny(e, n)
                    }, this))), r.length || (r = n)), a = 0; r.length > a; a++) s = r[a], l = (!h || !o.isAncestorOrSelf(h, s)) && this.suitable(s, n), l && (h && this.isList(s) ? (e.each(s.childNodes, i), o.remove(s)) : u.push(s));
                    u.length == r.length && this.breakable(d) && (u = [d]), h || (h = o.create(d.ownerDocument, c), o.insertBefore(h, u[0])), this.wrap(h, u), o.is(h, c) || o.changeTag(h, c), this.merge(c, h)
                apply: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = 0,
                        a = [];
                    do i = o.closestEditable(e[r], ["td", "body"]), t && i == t ? n.push(e[r]) : (t && a.push({
                        section: t,
                        nodes: n
                    }), n = [e[r]], t = i), r++; while (e.length > r);
                    for (a.push({
                        section: t,
                        nodes: n
                    }), r = 0; a.length > r; r++) this.applyOnSection(a[r].section, a[r].nodes)
                unwrap: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, a = e.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(),
                        s = this.unwrapTag;
                    for (n = e.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
                        for (i = o.create(e.ownerDocument, s || "p"); n.firstChild;) r = n.firstChild, o.isBlock(r) ? (i.firstChild && (a.appendChild(i), i = o.create(e.ownerDocument, s || "p")), a.appendChild(r)) : i.appendChild(r);
                        i.firstChild && a.appendChild(i)
                    t = this._parentLists(e), t[0] ? (o.insertAfter(a, t.last()[0]), t.last().remove()) : o.insertAfter(a, e), o.remove(e)
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = this.finder.findFormat(e[n]), t && this.unwrap(t)
                toggle: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = h(e),
                        r = e.commonAncestorContainer;
                    i.length || (e.selectNodeContents(r), i = h(e), i.length || (t = r.ownerDocument.createTextNode(""), e.startContainer.appendChild(t), i = [t], e.selectNode(t.parentNode))), n.finder.isFormatted(i) ? (n.split(e), n.remove(i)) : n.apply(i)
            m = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e.formatter = new g(e.tag), l.fn.init.call(this, e)
            v = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e, d.fn.init.call(this, i(e, {
                        finder: new f(e.tag)
                command: function(e) {
                    return new m(i(e, {
                        tag: this.options.tag
        i(r, {
            ListFormatFinder: f,
            ListFormatter: g,
            ListCommand: m,
            ListTool: v
        }), p("insertUnorderedList", new v({
            tag: "ul",
            template: new c({
                template: s.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Insert unordered list"
        })), p("insertOrderedList", new v({
            tag: "ol",
            template: new c({
                template: s.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Insert ordered list"
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.Class,
            i = e.extend,
            r = e.proxy,
            o = t.ui.editor,
            a = o.Dom,
            s = o.RangeUtils,
            l = o.EditorUtils,
            c = o.Command,
            d = o.Tool,
            u = o.ToolTemplate,
            h = o.InlineFormatter,
            p = o.InlineFormatFinder,
            f = s.textNodes,
            g = o.EditorUtils.registerTool,
            m = n.extend({
                findSuitable: function(e) {
                    return a.parentOfType(e, ["a"])
            v = n.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.finder = new m
                apply: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, l, c, d, u = f(e);
                    if (t.innerHTML) {
                        for (i = s.documentFromRange(e), n = s.getMarkers(e), e.deleteContents(), o = a.create(i, "a", t), e.insertNode(o), l = o.parentNode, "a" == a.name(l) && a.insertAfter(o, l), a.emptyNode(l) && a.remove(l), c = o, d = 0; n.length > d; d++) a.insertAfter(n[d], c), c = n[d];
                        n.length && (a.insertBefore(i.createTextNode(""), n[1]), a.insertAfter(i.createTextNode(""), n[1]), e.setStartBefore(n[0]), e.setEndAfter(n[n.length - 1]))
                    } else r = new h([{
                        tags: ["a"]
                    }], t), r.finder = this.finder, r.apply(u)
            _ = c.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e.formatter = {
                        toggle: function(e) {
                            new h([{
                                tags: ["a"]
                    }, this.options = e, c.fn.init.call(this, e)
            w = c.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e, c.fn.init.call(this, e), this.formatter = new v, e.url ? this.exec = function() {
                        this.formatter.apply(e.range, {
                            href: e.url,
                            innerHTML: e.text || e.url,
                            target: e.target
                    } : (this.attributes = null, this.async = !0)
                _dialogTemplate: function() {
                    return t.template("<div class=\"k-editor-dialog k-popup-edit-form k-edit-form-container\"><div class='k-edit-label'><label for='k-editor-link-url'>#: messages.linkWebAddress #</label></div><div class='k-edit-field'><input type='text' class='k-input k-textbox' id='k-editor-link-url'></div><div class='k-edit-label k-editor-link-text-row'><label for='k-editor-link-text'>#: messages.linkText #</label></div><div class='k-edit-field k-editor-link-text-row'><input type='text' class='k-input k-textbox' id='k-editor-link-text'></div><div class='k-edit-label'><label for='k-editor-link-title'>#: messages.linkToolTip #</label></div><div class='k-edit-field'><input type='text' class='k-input k-textbox' id='k-editor-link-title'></div><div class='k-edit-label'></div><div class='k-edit-field'><input type='checkbox' class='k-checkbox' id='k-editor-link-target'><label for='k-editor-link-target' class='k-checkbox-label'>#: messages.linkOpenInNewWindow #</label></div><div class='k-edit-buttons k-state-default'><button class=\"k-dialog-insert k-button k-primary\">#: messages.dialogInsert #</button><button class=\"k-dialog-close k-button\">#: messages.dialogCancel #</button></div></div>")({
                        messages: this.editor.options.messages
                exec: function() {
                    var t, n, i, o, s = (this.getRange().collapsed, this.editor.options.messages);
                    this._initialText = "", this._range = this.lockRange(!0), t = f(this._range), n = t.length ? this.formatter.finder.findSuitable(t[0]) : null, i = t.length && "img" == a.name(t[0]), o = this.createDialog(this._dialogTemplate(), {
                        title: s.createLink,
                        close: r(this._close, this),
                        visible: !1
                    }), n && (this._range.selectNodeContents(n), t = f(this._range)), this._initialText = this.linkText(t), o.find(".k-dialog-insert").click(r(this._apply, this)).end().find(".k-dialog-close").click(r(this._close, this)).end().find(".k-edit-field input").keydown(r(this._keydown, this)).end().find("#k-editor-link-url").val(this.linkUrl(n)).end().find("#k-editor-link-text").val(this._initialText).end().find("#k-editor-link-title").val(n ? n.title : "").end().find("#k-editor-link-target").attr("checked", n ? "_blank" == n.target : !1).end().find(".k-editor-link-text-row").toggle(!i), this._dialog = o.data("kendoWindow").center().open(), e("#k-editor-link-url", o).focus().select()
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n = t.keys;
                    e.keyCode == n.ENTER ? this._apply(e) : e.keyCode == n.ESC && this._close(e)
                _apply: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this._dialog.element,
                        s = e("#k-editor-link-url", o).val(),
                        l = e("#k-editor-link-text", o);
                    s && "http://" != s && (s.indexOf("@") > 0 && !/^(\w+:)|(\/\/)/i.test(s) && (s = "mailto:" + s), this.attributes = {
                        href: s
                    }, n = e("#k-editor-link-title", o).val(), n && (this.attributes.title = n), l.is(":visible") && (i = l.val(), i || this._initialText ? i && i !== this._initialText && (this.attributes.innerHTML = a.stripBom(i)) : this.attributes.innerHTML = s), r = e("#k-editor-link-target", o).is(":checked"), this.attributes.target = r ? "_blank" : null, this.formatter.apply(this._range, this.attributes)), this._close(t), this.change && this.change()
                _close: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this._dialog.destroy(), a.windowFromDocument(s.documentFromRange(this._range)).focus(), this.releaseRange(this._range)
                linkUrl: function(e) {
                    return e ? e.getAttribute("href", 2) : "http://"
                linkText: function(e) {
                    var t, n = "";
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n += e[t].nodeValue;
                    return a.stripBom(n || "")
                redo: function() {
                    var e = this.lockRange(!0);
                    this.formatter.apply(e, this.attributes), this.releaseRange(e)
            b = d.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    this.options = t, this.finder = new p([{
                        tags: ["a"]
                    }]), d.fn.init.call(this, e.extend(t, {
                        command: _
                initialize: function(e, t) {
                    d.fn.initialize.call(this, e, t), e.addClass("k-state-disabled")
                update: function(e, t) {
                    e.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", !this.finder.isFormatted(t)).removeClass("k-state-hover")
        i(t.ui.editor, {
            LinkFormatFinder: m,
            LinkFormatter: v,
            UnlinkCommand: _,
            LinkCommand: w,
            UnlinkTool: b
        }), g("createLink", new d({
            key: "K",
            ctrl: !0,
            command: w,
            template: new u({
                template: l.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Create Link"
        })), g("unlink", new b({
            key: "K",
            ctrl: !0,
            shift: !0,
            template: new u({
                template: l.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Remove Link"
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = e.extend,
            r = n.ui.editor,
            o = r.EditorUtils,
            a = r.Dom,
            s = o.registerTool,
            l = r.ToolTemplate,
            c = r.RangeUtils,
            d = r.Command,
            u = r.LinkFormatter,
            h = c.textNodes,
            p = n.keys,
            f = "#k-editor-file-url",
            g = "#k-editor-file-title",
            m = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    d.fn.init.call(t, e), t.formatter = new u, t.async = !0, t.attributes = {}
                insertFile: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.attributes,
                        i = c.documentFromRange(t);
                    if (n.href && "http://" != n.href) {
                        if (!e) return e = a.create(i, "a", {
                            href: n.href
                        }), e.innerHTML = n.innerHTML, t.deleteContents(), t.insertNode(e), e.nextSibling || a.insertAfter(i.createTextNode(""), e), t.setStartAfter(e), t.setEndAfter(e), c.selectRange(t), !0;
                        a.attr(e, n)
                    return !1
                _dialogTemplate: function(e) {
                    return n.template('<div class="k-editor-dialog k-popup-edit-form k-edit-form-container"># if (showBrowser) { #<div class="k-filebrowser"></div># } #<div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-file-url">#: messages.fileWebAddress #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-file-url"></div><div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-file-title">#: messages.fileTitle #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-file-title"></div><div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default"><button class="k-dialog-insert k-button k-primary">#: messages.dialogInsert #</button><button class="k-dialog-close k-button">#: messages.dialogCancel #</button></div></div>')({
                        messages: this.editor.options.messages,
                        showBrowser: e
                redo: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.lockRange();
                    this.formatter.apply(t, this.attributes), e.releaseRange(t)
                exec: function() {
                    function e(e) {
                        var t = s.element,
                            n = t.find(f).val().replace(/ /g, "%20"),
                            i = t.find(g).val();
                        l.attributes = {
                            href: n,
                            innerHTML: "" !== i ? i : n
                        }, m = l.insertFile(v, d), r(e), l.change && l.change()

                    function r(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), s.destroy(), a.windowFromDocument(c.documentFromRange(d)).focus(), m || l.releaseRange(d)

                    function o(t) {
                        t.keyCode == p.ENTER ? e(t) : t.keyCode == p.ESC && r(t)
                    var s, l = this,
                        d = l.lockRange(),
                        u = h(d),
                        m = !1,
                        v = u.length ? this.formatter.finder.findSuitable(u[0]) : null,
                        _ = l.editor.options,
                        w = _.messages,
                        b = _.fileBrowser,
                        y = !!(n.ui.FileBrowser && b && b.transport && b.transport.read !== t),
                        k = {
                            title: w.insertFile,
                            visible: !1,
                            resizable: y
                    k.close = r, y && (k.width = 750), s = this.createDialog(l._dialogTemplate(y), k).toggleClass("k-filebrowser-dialog", y).find(".k-dialog-insert").click(e).end().find(".k-dialog-close").click(r).end().find(".k-edit-field input").keydown(o).end().find(f).val(v ? v.getAttribute("href", 2) : "http://").end().find(g).val(v ? v.title : "").end().data("kendoWindow"), y && new n.ui.FileBrowser(s.element.find(".k-filebrowser"), i({}, b, {
                        change: function() {
                        apply: e
                    })), s.center().open(), s.element.find(f).focus().select()
        n.ui.editor.FileCommand = m, s("insertFile", new r.Tool({
            command: m,
            template: new l({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Insert File"
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = e.extend,
            r = n.ui.editor,
            o = r.EditorUtils,
            a = r.Dom,
            s = o.registerTool,
            l = r.ToolTemplate,
            c = r.RangeUtils,
            d = r.Command,
            u = n.keys,
            h = "#k-editor-image-url",
            p = "#k-editor-image-title",
            f = "#k-editor-image-width",
            g = "#k-editor-image-height",
            m = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    d.fn.init.call(t, e), t.async = !0, t.attributes = {}
                insertImage: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.attributes,
                        r = c.documentFromRange(t);
                    if (i.src && "http://" != i.src) {
                        if (n = function() {
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                i.width || e.removeAttribute("width"), i.height || e.removeAttribute("height"), e.removeAttribute("complete")
                        }, !e) return e = a.create(r, "img", i), e.onload = e.onerror = n, t.deleteContents(), t.insertNode(e), e.nextSibling || a.insertAfter(r.createTextNode(""), e), n(), t.setStartAfter(e), t.setEndAfter(e), c.selectRange(t), !0;
                        e.onload = e.onerror = n, a.attr(e, i), n()
                    return !1
                _dialogTemplate: function(e) {
                    return n.template('<div class="k-editor-dialog k-popup-edit-form k-edit-form-container"># if (showBrowser) { #<div class="k-filebrowser k-imagebrowser"></div># } #<div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-image-url">#: messages.imageWebAddress #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-image-url"></div><div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-image-title">#: messages.imageAltText #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-image-title"></div><div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-image-width">#: messages.imageWidth #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-image-width"></div><div class=\'k-edit-label\'><label for="k-editor-image-height">#: messages.imageHeight #</label></div><div class=\'k-edit-field\'><input type="text" class="k-input k-textbox" id="k-editor-image-height"></div><div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default"><button class="k-dialog-insert k-button k-primary">#: messages.dialogInsert #</button><button class="k-dialog-close k-button">#: messages.dialogCancel #</button></div></div>')({
                        messages: this.editor.options.messages,
                        showBrowser: e
                redo: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.lockRange();
                    e.insertImage(c.image(t), t) || e.releaseRange(t)
                exec: function() {
                    function e(e) {
                        var t = s.element,
                            n = parseInt(t.find(f).val(), 10),
                            i = parseInt(t.find(g).val(), 10);
                        l.attributes = {
                            src: t.find(h).val().replace(/ /g, "%20"),
                            alt: t.find(p).val()
                        }, l.attributes.width = null, l.attributes.height = null, !isNaN(n) && n > 0 && (l.attributes.width = n), !isNaN(i) && i > 0 && (l.attributes.height = i), m = l.insertImage(v, d), r(e), l.change && l.change()

                    function r(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), s.destroy(), a.windowFromDocument(c.documentFromRange(d)).focus(), m || l.releaseRange(d)

                    function o(t) {
                        t.keyCode == u.ENTER ? e(t) : t.keyCode == u.ESC && r(t)
                    var s, l = this,
                        d = l.lockRange(),
                        m = !1,
                        v = c.image(d),
                        _ = v && v.getAttribute("width") || "",
                        w = v && v.getAttribute("height") || "",
                        b = l.editor.options,
                        y = b.messages,
                        k = b.imageBrowser,
                        x = !!(n.ui.ImageBrowser && k && k.transport && k.transport.read !== t),
                        C = {
                            title: y.insertImage,
                            visible: !1,
                            resizable: x
                    C.close = r, x && (C.width = 750), s = this.createDialog(l._dialogTemplate(x), C).toggleClass("k-filebrowser-dialog", x).find(".k-dialog-insert").click(e).end().find(".k-dialog-close").click(r).end().find(".k-edit-field input").keydown(o).end().find(h).val(v ? v.getAttribute("src", 2) : "http://").end().find(p).val(v ? v.alt : "").end().find(f).val(_).end().find(g).val(w).end().data("kendoWindow"), x && new n.ui.ImageBrowser(s.element.find(".k-imagebrowser"), i({}, k, {
                        change: function() {
                        apply: e
                    })), s.center().open(), s.element.find(h).focus().select()
        n.ui.editor.ImageCommand = m, s("insertImage", new r.Tool({
            command: m,
            template: new l({
                template: o.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Insert Image"
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui.DropDownList,
            r = n.ui.editor.Dom,
            o = i.extend({
                init: function(t, r) {
                    var o = this;
                    i.fn.init.call(o, t, r), n.support.mobileOS.ios && (this._initSelectOverlay(), this.bind("dataBound", e.proxy(this._initSelectOverlay, this))), o.text(o.options.title), o.bind("open", function() {
                        if (o.options.autoSize) {
                            var e, t = o.list;
                                whiteSpace: "nowrap",
                                width: "auto"
                            }), e = t.width(), e ? e += 20 : e = o._listWidth, t.css("width", e + n.support.scrollbar()), o._listWidth = e
                options: {
                    name: "SelectBox",
                    index: -1
                _initSelectOverlay: function() {
                    var t, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.value(),
                        l = this.dataSource.view(),
                        c = "",
                        d = n.htmlEncode;
                    for (i = 0; l.length > i; i++) t = l[i], c += "<option value='" + d(t.value) + "'", t.value == s && (c += " selected"), c += ">" + d(t.text) + "</option>";
                    r = e("<select class='k-select-overlay'>" + c + "</select>"), o = e(this.element).closest(".k-widget"), o.next(".k-select-overlay").remove(), r.insertAfter(o), r.on("change", function() {
                        a.value(this.value), a.trigger("change")
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = i.fn.value.call(n, e);
                    return e === t ? r : (i.fn.value.call(n) || n.text(n.options.title), t)
                decorate: function(t) {
                    var n, i, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.dataSource,
                        c = l.data();
                    for (t && s.list.css("background-color", r.getEffectiveBackground(e(t))), n = 0; c.length > n; n++) i = c[n].tag || "span", o = c[n].className, a = r.inlineStyle(t, i, {
                        className: o
                    }), a = a.replace(/"/g, "'"), c[n].style = a + ";display:inline-block";
        n.ui.plugin(o), n.ui.editor.SelectBox = o
    function(e, t) {
        function n(n, i) {
            var r = "rtl" == e(n).css("direction"),
                o = r ? "Right" : "Left",
                a = "td" != s.name(n) ? "margin" + o : "padding" + o;
            return i === t ? n.style[a] || 0 : (i > 0 ? n.style[a] = i + "px" : (n.style[a] = "", n.style.cssText || n.removeAttribute("style")), t)
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.Class,
            o = e.extend,
            a = i.ui.editor,
            s = a.Dom,
            l = a.EditorUtils,
            c = l.registerTool,
            d = a.Command,
            u = a.Tool,
            h = a.ToolTemplate,
            p = a.RangeUtils,
            f = s.blockElements,
            g = a.BlockFormatFinder,
            m = a.BlockFormatter,
            v = r.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this.finder = new g([{
                        tags: s.blockElements
                apply: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = this.finder.findSuitable(t),
                        g = [];
                    if (f.length) {
                        for (i = 0, r = f.length; r > i; i++) s.is(f[i], "li") ? e(f[i]).index() ? e.inArray(f[i].parentNode, g) < 0 && g.push(f[i]) : g.push(f[i].parentNode) : g.push(f[i]);
                        for (; g.length;)
                            if (o = g.shift(), s.is(o, "li"))
                                if (a = o.parentNode, l = e(o).prev("li"), c = l.find("ul,ol").last(), d = e(o).children("ul,ol")[0], d && l[0]) c[0] ? (c.append(o), c.append(e(d).children()), s.remove(d)) : (l.append(d), d.insertBefore(o, d.firstChild));
                                    for (d = l.children("ul,ol")[0], d || (d = s.create(o.ownerDocument, s.name(a)), l.append(d)); o && o.parentNode == a;) d.appendChild(o), o = g.shift();
                            for (u = parseInt(n(o), 10) + 30, n(o, u), h = 0; g.length > h; h++) e.contains(o, g[h]) && g.splice(h, 1)
                    } else p = new m([{
                        tags: ["p"]
                    }], {
                        style: {
                            marginLeft: 30
                    }), p.apply(t)
                remove: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = this.finder.findSuitable(t);
                    for (r = 0, o = u.length; o > r; r++) {
                        if (c = e(u[r]), c.is("li")) {
                            if (a = c.parent(), s = a.parent(), s.is("li,ul,ol") && !n(a[0])) {
                                if (i && e.contains(i, s[0])) continue;
                                l = c.nextAll("li"), l.length && e(a[0].cloneNode(!1)).appendTo(c).append(l), s.is("li") ? c.insertAfter(s) : c.appendTo(s), a.children("li").length || a.remove();
                            if (i == a[0]) continue;
                            i = a[0]
                        } else i = u[r];
                        d = parseInt(n(i), 10) - 30, n(i, d)
            _ = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e.formatter = {
                        toggle: function(e) {
                            (new v).apply(p.nodes(e))
                    }, d.fn.init.call(this, e)
            w = d.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    e.formatter = {
                        toggle: function(e) {
                            (new v).remove(p.nodes(e))
                    }, d.fn.init.call(this, e)
            b = u.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    u.fn.init.call(this, e), this.finder = new g([{
                        tags: f
                initialize: function(e, t) {
                    u.fn.initialize.call(this, e, t), e.addClass("k-state-disabled")
                update: function(i, r) {
                    var o, a, l, c, d = this.finder.findSuitable(r);
                    for (l = 0, c = d.length; c > l; l++)
                        if (o = n(d[l]), o || (a = e(d[l]).parents("ul,ol").length, o = s.is(d[l], "li") && (a > 1 || n(d[l].parentNode)) || s.ofType(d[l], ["ul", "ol"]) && a > 0), o) return i.removeClass("k-state-disabled"), t;
        o(a, {
            IndentFormatter: v,
            IndentCommand: _,
            OutdentCommand: w,
            OutdentTool: b
        }), c("indent", new u({
            command: _,
            template: new h({
                template: l.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Indent"
        })), c("outdent", new b({
            command: w,
            template: new h({
                template: l.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Outdent"
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = e.extend,
            i = t.ui.editor,
            r = i.EditorUtils,
            o = i.Command,
            a = i.Tool,
            s = i.ToolTemplate,
            l = o.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options = e, o.fn.init.call(t, e), t.attributes = null, t.async = !0
                exec: function() {
                    function n(e) {
                        o.value(s.find(d).val()), i(e), r.change && r.change(), o.trigger("change")

                    function i(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), s.data("kendoWindow").destroy(), o.focus()
                    var r = this,
                        o = r.editor,
                        a = o.options.messages,
                        s = e(t.template(l.template)(a)).appendTo(document.body),
                        c = l.indent(o.value()),
                        d = ".k-editor-textarea";
                    this.createDialog(s, {
                        title: a.viewHtml,
                        close: i,
                        visible: !1
                    }).find(d).val(c).end().find(".k-dialog-update").click(n).end().find(".k-dialog-close").click(i).end().data("kendoWindow").center().open(), s.find(d).focus()
        n(l, {
            template: "<div class='k-editor-dialog k-popup-edit-form k-edit-form-container k-viewhtml-dialog'><textarea class='k-editor-textarea k-input'></textarea><div class='k-edit-buttons k-state-default'><button class='k-dialog-update k-button k-primary'>#: dialogUpdate #</button><button class='k-dialog-close k-button'>#: dialogCancel #</button></div></div>",
            indent: function(e) {
                return e.replace(/<\/(p|li|ul|ol|h[1-6]|table|tr|td|th)>/gi, "</$1>\n").replace(/<(ul|ol)([^>]*)><li/gi, "<$1$2>\n<li").replace(/<br \/>/gi, "<br />\n").replace(/\n$/, "")
        }), t.ui.editor.ViewHtmlCommand = l, i.EditorUtils.registerTool("viewHtml", new a({
            command: l,
            template: new s({
                template: r.buttonTemplate,
                title: "View HTML"
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.ui.editor,
            i = n.Tool,
            r = n.ToolTemplate,
            o = n.DelayedExecutionTool,
            a = n.Command,
            s = n.Dom,
            l = n.EditorUtils,
            c = n.RangeUtils,
            d = l.registerTool,
            u = o.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    i.fn.init.call(n, t.deepExtend({}, n.options, e)), n.type = "kendoSelectBox", n.finder = {
                        getFormat: function() {
                            return ""
                options: {
                    items: [{
                        text: "Paragraph",
                        value: "p"
                    }, {
                        text: "Quotation",
                        value: "blockquote"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 1",
                        value: "h1"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 2",
                        value: "h2"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 3",
                        value: "h3"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 4",
                        value: "h4"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 5",
                        value: "h5"
                    }, {
                        text: "Heading 6",
                        value: "h6"
                    width: 110
                toFormattingItem: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.value;
                    return n ? e.tag || e.className ? e : (t = n.indexOf("."), 0 === t ? e.className = n.substring(1) : -1 == t ? e.tag = n : (e.tag = n.substring(0, t), e.className = n.substring(t + 1)), e) : e
                command: function(t) {
                    var i = t.value;
                    return i = this.toFormattingItem(i), new n.FormatCommand({
                        range: t.range,
                        formatter: function() {
                            var t, r = (i.tag || i.context || "span").split(","),
                                o = [{
                                    tags: r,
                                    attr: {
                                        className: i.className || ""
                            return t = e.inArray(r[0], s.inlineElements) >= 0 ? new n.GreedyInlineFormatter(o) : new n.GreedyBlockFormatter(o)
                initialize: function(e, n) {
                    var r = n.editor,
                        o = this.options,
                        a = o.name,
                        s = this;
                    e.width(o.width), e.kendoSelectBox({
                        dataTextField: "text",
                        dataValueField: "value",
                        dataSource: o.items || r.options[a],
                        title: r.options.messages[a],
                        autoSize: !0,
                        change: function() {
                            var e = this.dataItem();
                            e && i.exec(r, a, e.toJSON())
                        dataBound: function() {
                            var e, t = this.dataSource.data();
                            for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e] = s.toFormattingItem(t[e])
                        highlightFirst: !1,
                        template: t.template('<span unselectable="on" style="display:block;#=(data.style||"")#">#:data.text#</span>')
                    }), e.addClass("k-decorated").closest(".k-widget").removeClass("k-" + a).find("*").addBack().attr("unselectable", "on")
                getFormattingValue: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    for (i = 0; t.length > i; i++)
                        if (r = t[i], o = r.tag || r.context || "", a = r.className ? "." + r.className : "", s = o + a, l = e(n[0]).closest(s)[0]) {
                            if (1 == n.length) return r.value;
                            for (c = 1; n.length > c && e(n[c]).closest(s)[0]; c++)
                                if (c == n.length - 1) return r.value
                    return ""
                update: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, a, l, c, d = e(t).data(this.type);
                    if (d && (i = d.dataSource, r = i.data(), c = s.commonAncestor.apply(null, n), c == s.closestEditable(c) || this._ancestor != c)) {
                        for (this._ancestor = c, a = 0; r.length > a; a++) l = r[a].context, r[a].visible = !l || !!e(c).closest(l).length;
                            field: "visible",
                            operator: "eq",
                            value: !0
                        }]), o.fn.update.call(this, t, n), d.value(this.getFormattingValue(i.view(), n)), d.wrapper.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", !i.view().length)
                destroy: function() {
                    this._ancestor = null
            h = a.extend({
                exec: function() {
                    var t, i = new n.ListFormatter("ul"),
                        r = this.lockRange(!0),
                        o = this.options.remove || "strong,em,span,sup,sub,del,b,i,u,font".split(",");
                    c.wrapSelectedElements(r), t = new n.RangeIterator(r), t.traverse(function a(t) {
                        var n, r, l, c;
                        if (t && !s.isMarker(t)) {
                            if (n = s.name(t), "ul" == n || "ol" == n)
                                for (r = t.previousSibling, l = t.nextSibling, i.unwrap(t); r && r != l; r = r.nextSibling) a(r);
                            else if ("blockquote" == n) s.changeTag(t, "p");
                            else if (1 == t.nodeType && !s.insignificant(t)) {
                                for (c = t.childNodes.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) a(t.childNodes[c]);
                                t.removeAttribute("style"), t.removeAttribute("class")
                            e.inArray(n, o) > -1 && s.unwrap(t)
                    }), this.releaseRange(r)
        e.extend(n, {
            FormattingTool: u,
            CleanFormatCommand: h
        }), d("formatting", new u({
            template: new r({
                template: l.dropDownListTemplate,
                title: "Format"
        })), d("cleanFormatting", new i({
            command: h,
            template: new r({
                template: l.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Clean formatting"
    function(e) {
        var t, n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui,
            r = i.editor,
            o = i.Widget,
            a = e.extend,
            s = e.proxy,
            l = n.keys,
            c = ".kendoEditor",
            d = n.ui.editor.EditorUtils,
            u = n.ui.editor.ToolTemplate,
            h = n.ui.editor.Tool,
            p = "overflowAnchor",
            f = ".k-tool-group:visible a.k-tool:not(.k-state-disabled),.k-tool.k-overflow-anchor,.k-tool-group:visible .k-widget.k-colorpicker,.k-tool-group:visible .k-selectbox,.k-tool-group:visible .k-dropdown,.k-tool-group:visible .k-combobox .k-input",
            g = h.extend({
                initialize: function(t, n) {
                        unselectable: "on"
                    var i = n.editor.toolbar;
                    t.on("click", e.proxy(function() {
                    }, i))
                options: {
                    name: p
                command: e.noop,
                update: e.noop,
                destroy: e.noop
        d.registerTool(p, new g({
            key: "",
            ctrl: !0,
            template: new u({
                template: d.overflowAnchorTemplate
        })), t = o.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var i = this;
                t = a({}, t, {
                    name: "EditorToolbar"
                }), o.fn.init.call(i, e, t), t.popup && i._initPopup(), t.resizable && t.resizable.toolbar && (i._resizeHandler = n.onResize(function() {
                }), i.element.addClass("k-toolbar-resizable"))
            events: ["execute"],
            groups: {
                basic: ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
                scripts: ["subscript", "superscript"],
                alignment: ["justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight", "justifyFull"],
                links: ["insertImage", "insertFile", "createLink", "unlink"],
                lists: ["insertUnorderedList", "insertOrderedList", "indent", "outdent"],
                tables: ["createTable", "addColumnLeft", "addColumnRight", "addRowAbove", "addRowBelow", "deleteRow", "deleteColumn"],
                advanced: ["viewHtml", "cleanFormatting", "print", "pdf"],
                fonts: ["fontName", "fontSize"],
                colors: ["foreColor", "backColor"]
            overflowFlaseTools: ["formatting", "fontName", "fontSize", "foreColor", "backColor", "insertHtml"],
            _initPopup: function() {
                this.window = e(this.element).wrap("<div class='editorToolbarWindow k-header' />").parent().prepend("<button class='k-button k-button-bare k-editortoolbar-dragHandle'><span class='k-icon k-i-move' /></button>").kendoWindow({
                    title: !1,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: {
                        dragHandle: ".k-editortoolbar-dragHandle"
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "fade:in"
                        close: {
                            effects: "fade:out"
                    minHeight: 42,
                    visible: !1,
                    autoFocus: !1,
                    actions: [],
                    dragend: function() {
                        this._moved = !0
                }).on("mousedown", function(t) {
                    e(t.target).is(".k-icon") || t.preventDefault()
            _toggleOverflowStyles: function(e, t) {
                e.find("li").toggleClass("k-item k-state-default", t).find(".k-tool:not(.k-state-disabled),.k-overflow-button").toggleClass("k-overflow-button k-button", t)
            _initOverflowPopup: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = "<ul class='k-editor-overflow-popup k-overflow-container k-list-container'></ul>";
                n.overflowPopup = e(i).appendTo("body").kendoPopup({
                    anchor: t,
                    origin: "bottom right",
                    position: "top right",
                    copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                    open: function(e) {
                        this.element.is(":empty") && e.preventDefault(), n._toggleOverflowStyles(this.element, !0)
                    activate: s(n.focusOverflowPopup, n)
            items: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options.resizable && this.options.resizable.toolbar;
                return t = this.element.children().find("> *, select"), n && (e = this.overflowPopup, t = t.add(e.element.children().find("> *"))), t
            focused: function() {
                return this.element.find(".k-state-focused").length > 0
            toolById: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.tools;
                for (t in n)
                    if (t.toLowerCase() == e) return n[t]
            toolGroupFor: function(t) {
                var n, i = this.groups;
                if (this.isCustomTool(t)) return "custom";
                for (n in i)
                    if (e.inArray(t, i[n]) >= 0) return n
            bindTo: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.window;
                n._editor && n._editor.unbind("select", s(n.resize, n)), n._editor = t, n.options.resizable && n.options.resizable.toolbar && t.options.tools.push(p), n.tools = n.expandTools(t.options.tools), n.render(), n.element.find(".k-combobox .k-input").keydown(function(t) {
                    var n = e(this).closest(".k-combobox").data("kendoComboBox"),
                        i = t.keyCode;
                    i == l.RIGHT || i == l.LEFT ? n.close() : i == l.DOWN && (n.dropDown.isOpened() || (t.stopImmediatePropagation(), n.open()))
                }), n._attachEvents(), n.items().each(function() {
                    var i, r = n._toolName(this),
                        o = "more" !== r ? n.tools[r] : n.tools.overflowAnchor,
                        a = o && o.options,
                        s = t.options.messages,
                        l = a && a.tooltip || s[r],
                        c = e(this);
                    o && o.initialize && (("fontSize" == r || "fontName" == r) && (i = s[r + "Inherit"], c.find("input").val(i).end().find("span.k-input").text(i).end()), o.initialize(c, {
                        title: n._appendShortcutSequence(l, o),
                        editor: n._editor
                    }), c.closest(".k-widget", n.element).addClass("k-editor-widget"), c.closest(".k-colorpicker", n.element).next(".k-colorpicker").addClass("k-editor-widget"))
                }), t.bind("select", s(n.resize, n)), n.update(), i && i.wrapper.css({
                    top: "",
                    left: "",
                    width: ""
            show: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.window,
                    o = i.options.editor;
                r && (e = r.wrapper, t = o.element, e.is(":visible") && i.window.options.visible || (e[0].style.width || e.width(t.outerWidth() - parseInt(e.css("border-left-width"), 10) - parseInt(e.css("border-right-width"), 10)), r._moved || (n = t.offset(), e.css({
                    top: Math.max(0, parseInt(n.top, 10) - e.outerHeight() - parseInt(i.window.element.css("padding-bottom"), 10)),
                    left: Math.max(0, parseInt(n.left, 10))
                })), r.open()))
            hide: function() {
                this.window && this.window.close()
            focus: function() {
                var e = "tabIndex",
                    t = this.element,
                    n = this._editor.element.attr(e);
                t.attr(e, n || 0).focus().find(f).first().focus(), n || 0 === n || t.removeAttr(e)
            focusOverflowPopup: function() {
                var e = "tabIndex",
                    t = this.overflowPopup.element,
                    n = this._editor.element.attr(e);
                t.closest(".k-animation-container").addClass("k-overflow-wrapper"), t.attr(e, n || 0).focus().find(f).first().focus(), n || 0 === n || t.removeAttr(e)
            _appendShortcutSequence: function(e, t) {
                if (!t.key) return e;
                var n = e + " (";
                return t.ctrl && (n += "Ctrl + "), t.shift && (n += "Shift + "), t.alt && (n += "Alt + "), n += t.key + ")"
            _nativeTools: ["insertLineBreak", "insertParagraph", "redo", "undo"],
            tools: {},
            isCustomTool: function(e) {
                return !(e in n.ui.Editor.defaultTools)
            expandTools: function(t) {
                var i, o, s, l, c = this._nativeTools,
                    d = n.deepExtend({}, n.ui.Editor.defaultTools),
                    u = {};
                for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++) i = t[o], l = i.name, e.isPlainObject(i) ? l && d[l] ? (u[l] = a({}, d[l]), a(u[l].options, i)) : (s = a({
                    cssClass: "k-i-custom",
                    type: "button",
                    title: ""
                }, i), s.name || (s.name = "custom"), s.cssClass = "k-" + ("custom" == s.name ? "i-custom" : s.name), s.template || "button" != s.type || (s.template = r.EditorUtils.buttonTemplate, s.title = s.title || s.tooltip), u[l] = {
                    options: s
                }) : d[i] && (u[i] = d[i]);
                for (o = 0; c.length > o; o++) u[c[o]] || (u[c[o]] = d[c[o]]);
                return u
            render: function() {
                function t(t) {
                    var i;
                    return t.getHtml ? i = t.getHtml() : (e.isFunction(t) || (t = n.template(t)), i = t(o)), e.trim(i)

                function i() {
                    h.children().length && (k && (h.data("position", y), y++), h.appendTo(_))

                function r(t) {
                    t !== p ? (h = e("<li class='k-tool-group' role='presentation' />"), h.data("overflow", -1 === e.inArray(t, x) ? !0 : !1)) : h = e("<li class='k-overflow-tools' />")
                var o, a, l, c, d, u, h, f, g = this,
                    m = g.tools,
                    v = g._editor.element,
                    _ = g.element.empty(),
                    w = g._editor.options.tools,
                    b = n.support.browser,
                    y = 0,
                    k = g.options.resizable && g.options.resizable.toolbar,
                    x = this.overflowFlaseTools;
                for (_.empty(), w.length && (c = w[0].name || w[0]), r(c, x), f = 0; w.length > f; f++) c = w[f].name || w[f], o = m[c] && m[c].options, !o && e.isPlainObject(c) && (o = c), a = o && o.template, "break" == c && (i(), e("<li class='k-row-break' />").appendTo(g.element), r(c, x)), a && (u = g.toolGroupFor(c), (d != u || c == p) && (i(), r(c, x), d = u), a = t(a), l = e(a).appendTo(h), "custom" == u && (i(), r(c, x)), o.exec && l.hasClass("k-tool") && l.click(s(o.exec, v[0])));
                i(), e(g.element).children(":has(> .k-tool)").addClass("k-button-group"), g.options.popup && b.msie && 9 > b.version && g.window.wrapper.find("*").attr("unselectable", "on"), g.updateGroups(), k && g._initOverflowPopup(g.element.find(".k-overflow-anchor")), g.angular("compile", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: g.element
            updateGroups: function() {
                e(this.element).children().each(function() {
                    e(this).children().filter(function() {
                        return !e(this).hasClass("k-state-disabled")
            decorateFrom: function(t) {
                this.items().filter(".k-decorated").each(function() {
                    var n = e(this).data("kendoSelectBox");
                    n && n.decorate(t)
            destroy: function() {
                var e, t = this.tools;
                for (e in t) t[e].destroy && t[e].destroy();
                this.window && this.window.destroy(), this._resizeHandler && n.unbindResize(this._resizeHandler), this.overflowPopup && this.overflowPopup.destroy()
            _attachEvents: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = "[role=button].k-tool",
                    i = n + ":not(.k-state-disabled)",
                    r = n + ".k-state-disabled",
                    o = t.overflowPopup ? t.overflowPopup.element : e([]);
                t.element.add(o).off(c).on("mouseenter" + c, i, function() {
                }).on("mouseleave" + c, i, function() {
                }).on("mousedown" + c, n, function(e) {
                }).on("keydown" + c, f, function(n) {
                    function i(e, t, n) {
                        var i = t.find(f),
                            r = i.index(a) + e;
                        return n && (r = Math.max(0, Math.min(i.length - 1, r))), i[r]
                    var r, o, a = this,
                        s = t.options.resizable && t.options.resizable.toolbar,
                        c = n.keyCode;
                    c == l.RIGHT || c == l.LEFT ? e(a).hasClass(".k-dropdown") || (r = i(c == l.RIGHT ? 1 : -1, t.element, !0)) : !s || c != l.UP && c != l.DOWN ? c == l.ESC ? (t.overflowPopup.visible() && t.overflowPopup.close(), r = t._editor) : c != l.TAB || n.ctrlKey || n.altKey || (o = s && e(a.parentElement).hasClass("k-overflow-tool-group") ? t.overflowPopup.element : t.element, n.shiftKey ? r = i(-1, o) : (r = i(1, o), r || (r = t._editor))) : r = i(c == l.DOWN ? 1 : -1, t.overflowPopup.element, !0), r && (n.preventDefault(), r.focus())
                }).on("click" + c, i, function(n) {
                    var i = e(this);
                    n.preventDefault(), n.stopPropagation(), i.removeClass("k-state-hover"), i.is("[data-popup]") || t._editor.exec(t._toolName(this))
                }).on("click" + c, r, function(e) {
            _toolName: function(t) {
                var n, i;
                if (t) return n = t.className, /k-tool\b/i.test(n) && (n = t.firstChild.className), i = e.grep(n.split(" "), function(e) {
                    return !/^k-(widget|tool|tool-icon|icon|state-hover|header|combobox|dropdown|selectbox|colorpicker)$/i.test(e)
                }), i[0] ? i[0].substring(i[0].lastIndexOf("-") + 1) : "custom"
            refreshTools: function() {
                var t = this,
                    i = t._editor,
                    r = i.getRange(),
                    o = n.ui.editor.RangeUtils.textNodes(r);
                o.length || (o = [r.startContainer]), t.items().each(function() {
                    var n = t.tools[t._toolName(this)];
                    n && n.update && n.update(e(this), o)
                }), this.update()
            update: function() {
            _resize: function(e) {
                var t = e.width,
                    n = this.options.resizable && this.options.resizable.toolbar,
                    i = this.overflowPopup;
                this.refreshTools(), n && (i.visible() && i.close(!0), this._refreshWidths(), this._shrink(t), this._stretch(t), this._toggleOverflowStyles(this.element, !1), this._toggleOverflowStyles(this.overflowPopup.element, !0), this.element.children("li.k-overflow-tools").css("visibility", i.element.is(":empty") ? "hidden" : "visible"))
            _refreshWidths: function() {
                this.element.children("li").each(function(t, n) {
                    var i = e(n);
                    i.data("outerWidth", i.outerWidth(!0))
            _shrink: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                if (e < this._groupsWidth())
                    for (n = this._visibleGroups().filter(":not(.k-overflow-tools)"), i = n.length - 1; i >= 0 && (t = n.eq(i), !(e > this._groupsWidth())); i--) this._hideGroup(t)
            _stretch: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                if (e > this._groupsWidth())
                    for (n = this._hiddenGroups(), i = 0; n.length > i && (t = n.eq(i), !(e < this._groupsWidth()) && this._showGroup(t, e)); i++);
            _hiddenGroups: function() {
                var t = this.overflowPopup,
                    n = this.element.children("li.k-tool-group").filter(":hidden");
                return n = n.add(t.element.children("li")), n.sort(function(t, n) {
                    return e(t).data("position") > e(n).data("position") ? 1 : -1
                }), n
            _visibleGroups: function() {
                return this.element.children("li.k-tool-group, li.k-overflow-tools").filter(":visible")
            _groupsWidth: function() {
                var t = 0;
                return this._visibleGroups().each(function() {
                    t += e(this).data("outerWidth")
                }), Math.ceil(t)
            _hideGroup: function(e) {
                if (e.data("overflow")) {
                    var t = this.overflowPopup;
                } else e.hide()
            _showGroup: function(t, n) {
                var i, r;
                return t.length && n > this._groupsWidth() + t.data("outerWidth") ? (t.hasClass("k-overflow-tool-group") ? (i = t.data("position"), 0 === i ? t.detach().prependTo(this.element) : (r = this.element.children().filter(function(t, n) {
                    return e(n).data("position") === i - 1
                }), t.detach().insertAfter(r)), t.removeClass("k-overflow-tool-group")) : t.show(), !0) : !1
        }), e.extend(r, {
            Toolbar: t
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = e.extend,
            i = e.proxy,
            r = t.ui.editor,
            o = r.Dom,
            a = r.EditorUtils,
            s = r.RangeUtils,
            l = r.Command,
            c = ".kendoEditor",
            d = "k-state-active",
            u = "k-state-selected",
            h = r.Tool,
            p = r.ToolTemplate,
            f = r.InsertHtmlCommand,
            g = r.BlockFormatFinder,
            m = r.EditorUtils.registerTool,
            v = "<td>" + r.emptyElementContent + "</td>",
            _ = new g([{
                tags: ["table"]
            w = f.extend({
                _tableHtml: function(e, t) {
                    return e = e || 1, t = t || 1, "<table class='k-table' data-last>" + Array(e + 1).join("<tr>" + Array(t + 1).join(v) + "</tr>") + "</table>"
                postProcess: function(t, n) {
                    var i = e("table[data-last]", t.document).removeAttr("data-last");
                    n.setStart(i.find("td")[0], 0), n.collapse(!0), t.selectRange(n)
                exec: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    e.html = this._tableHtml(e.rows, e.columns), e.postProcess = this.postProcess, f.fn.exec.call(this)
            b = h.extend({
                initialize: function(t, n) {
                    h.fn.initialize.call(this, t, n);
                    var r = e(this.options.popupTemplate).appendTo("body").kendoPopup({
                        anchor: t,
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                        open: i(this._open, this),
                        activate: i(this._activate, this),
                        close: i(this._close, this)
                    t.click(i(this._toggle, this)).keydown(i(this._keydown, this)), this._editor = n.editor, this._popup = r
                popup: function() {
                    return this._popup
                _activate: e.noop,
                _open: function() {
                _close: function() {
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n = t.keys,
                        i = e.keyCode;
                    i == n.DOWN && e.altKey ? this._popup.open() : i == n.ESC && this._popup.close()
                _toggle: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.target).closest(".k-tool");
                    n.hasClass("k-state-disabled") || this.popup().toggle()
                update: function(e) {
                    var t = this.popup();
                    t.wrapper && "block" == t.wrapper.css("display") && t.close(), e.removeClass("k-state-hover")
                destroy: function() {
            y = b.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    this.cols = 8, this.rows = 6, b.fn.init.call(this, e.extend(t, {
                        command: w,
                        popupTemplate: "<div class='k-ct-popup'>" + Array(this.cols * this.rows + 1).join("<span class='k-ct-cell k-state-disabled' />") + "<div class='k-status'></div></div>"
                _activate: function() {
                    function n(t) {
                        var n = e(window);
                        return {
                            row: Math.floor((t.clientY + n.scrollTop() - u.top) / r) + 1,
                            col: Math.floor((t.clientX + n.scrollLeft() - u.left) / i) + 1
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = o._popup.element,
                        s = a.find(".k-ct-cell"),
                        l = s.eq(0),
                        d = s.eq(s.length - 1),
                        u = t.getOffset(l),
                        h = t.getOffset(d),
                        p = o.cols,
                        f = o.rows;
                    a.find("*").addBack().attr("unselectable", "on"), h.left += d[0].offsetWidth, h.top += d[0].offsetHeight, i = (h.left - u.left) / p, r = (h.top - u.top) / f, a.on("mousemove" + c, function(e) {
                    }).on("mouseleave" + c, function() {
                    }).on("mouseup" + c, function(e) {
                _valid: function(e) {
                    return e && e.row > 0 && e.col > 0 && this.rows >= e.row && this.cols >= e.col
                _exec: function(e) {
                    this._valid(e) && (this._editor.exec("createTable", {
                        rows: e.row,
                        columns: e.col
                    }), this._popup.close())
                _setTableSize: function(n) {
                    var i = this._popup.element,
                        r = i.find(".k-status"),
                        o = i.find(".k-ct-cell"),
                        a = this.cols,
                        s = this._editor.options.messages;
                    this._valid(n) ? (r.text(t.format(s.createTableHint, n.row, n.col)), o.each(function(t) {
                        e(this).toggleClass(u, n.col > t % a && n.row > t / a)
                    })) : (r.text(s.dialogCancel), o.removeClass(u))
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    b.fn._keydown.call(this, e), this._popup.visible() && (n = t.keys, i = e.keyCode, r = this._popup.element.find(".k-ct-cell"), o = Math.max(r.filter(".k-state-selected").last().index(), 0), a = Math.floor(o / this.cols), s = o % this.cols, l = !1, i != n.DOWN || e.altKey ? i == n.UP ? (l = !0, a--) : i == n.RIGHT ? (l = !0, s++) : i == n.LEFT && (l = !0, s--) : (l = !0, a++), c = {
                        row: Math.max(1, Math.min(this.rows, a + 1)),
                        col: Math.max(1, Math.min(this.cols, s + 1))
                    }, i == n.ENTER ? this._exec(c) : this._setTableSize(c), l && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()))
                _open: function() {
                    var e = this._editor.options.messages;
                    b.fn._open.call(this), this.popup().element.find(".k-status").text(e.dialogCancel).end().find(".k-ct-cell").removeClass(u)
                _close: function() {
                    b.fn._close.call(this), this.popup().element.off(c)
                update: function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    b.fn.update.call(this, e), n = _.isFormatted(t), e.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", n)
            k = l.extend({
                exec: function() {
                    for (var e, t, n, i, a = this.lockRange(!0), s = a.endContainer;
                        "td" != o.name(s);) s = s.parentNode;
                    for (t = s.parentNode, e = t.children.length, n = t.cloneNode(!0), i = 0; t.cells.length > i; i++) n.cells[i].innerHTML = r.emptyElementContent;
                    "before" == this.options.position ? o.insertBefore(n, t) : o.insertAfter(n, t), this.releaseRange(a)
            x = l.extend({
                exec: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, a = this.lockRange(!0),
                        s = o.closest(a.endContainer, "td"),
                        l = o.closest(s, "table"),
                        c = l.rows,
                        d = this.options.position;
                    for (e = o.findNodeIndex(s, !0), t = 0; c.length > t; t++) n = c[t].cells[e], i = n.cloneNode(), i.innerHTML = r.emptyElementContent, "before" == d ? o.insertBefore(i, n) : o.insertAfter(i, n);
            C = l.extend({
                exec: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.lockRange(),
                        a = s.mapAll(r, function(t) {
                            return e(t).closest("tr")[0]
                        l = o.closest(a[0], "table");
                    if (a.length >= l.rows.length) t = o.next(l), (!t || o.insignificant(t)) && (t = o.prev(l)), o.remove(l);
                        for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++) i = a[n], o.removeTextSiblings(i), t = o.next(i) || o.prev(i), t = t.cells[0], o.remove(i);
                    t && (r.setStart(t, 0), r.collapse(!0), this.editor.selectRange(r))
            S = l.extend({
                exec: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.lockRange(),
                        i = o.closest(n.endContainer, "td"),
                        r = o.closest(i, "table"),
                        a = r.rows,
                        s = o.findNodeIndex(i, !0),
                        l = a[0].cells.length;
                    if (1 == l) e = o.next(r), (!e || o.insignificant(e)) && (e = o.prev(r)), o.remove(r);
                        for (o.removeTextSiblings(i), e = o.next(i) || o.prev(i), t = 0; a.length > t; t++) o.remove(a[t].cells[s]);
                    e && (n.setStart(e, 0), n.collapse(!0), this.editor.selectRange(n))
            T = h.extend({
                command: function(e) {
                    return e = n(e, this.options), "delete" == e.action ? "row" == e.type ? new C(e) : new S(e) : "row" == e.type ? new k(e) : new x(e)
                initialize: function(e, t) {
                    h.fn.initialize.call(this, e, t), e.addClass("k-state-disabled")
                update: function(e, t) {
                    var n = !_.isFormatted(t);
                    e.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", n)
        n(t.ui.editor, {
            PopupTool: b,
            TableCommand: w,
            InsertTableTool: y,
            TableModificationTool: T,
            InsertRowCommand: k,
            InsertColumnCommand: x,
            DeleteRowCommand: C,
            DeleteColumnCommand: S
        }), m("createTable", new y({
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                popup: !0,
                title: "Create table"
        })), m("addColumnLeft", new T({
            type: "column",
            position: "before",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Add column on the left"
        })), m("addColumnRight", new T({
            type: "column",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Add column on the right"
        })), m("addRowAbove", new T({
            type: "row",
            position: "before",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Add row above"
        })), m("addRowBelow", new T({
            type: "row",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Add row below"
        })), m("deleteRow", new T({
            type: "row",
            action: "delete",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Delete row"
        })), m("deleteColumn", new T({
            type: "column",
            action: "delete",
            template: new p({
                template: a.buttonTemplate,
                title: "Delete column"
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.caret,
            r = n.keys,
            o = n.ui,
            a = o.Widget,
            s = ".kendoMaskedTextBox",
            l = e.proxy,
            c = (n.support.propertyChangeEvent ? "propertychange" : "input") + s,
            d = "k-state-disabled",
            u = "disabled",
            h = "readonly",
            p = "change",
            f = a.extend({
                init: function(t, r) {
                    var o, l, c = this;
                    a.fn.init.call(c, t, r), c._rules = e.extend({}, c.rules, c.options.rules), t = c.element, o = t[0], c.wrapper = t, c._tokenize(), c._form(), c.element.addClass("k-textbox").attr("autocomplete", "off").on("focus" + s, function() {
                        var e = o.value;
                        e ? c._togglePrompt(!0) : o.value = c._old = c._emptyMask, c._oldValue = e, c._timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
                            i(t, 0, e ? c._maskLength : 0)
                    }).on("focusout" + s, function() {
                        var e = t.val();
                        clearTimeout(c._timeoutId), o.value = c._old = "", e !== c._emptyMask && (o.value = c._old = e), c._change(), c._togglePrompt()
                    }), l = t.is("[disabled]") || e(c.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), l ? c.enable(!1) : c.readonly(t.is("[readonly]")), c.value(c.options.value || t.val()), n.notify(c)
                options: {
                    name: "MaskedTextBox",
                    clearPromptChar: !1,
                    unmaskOnPost: !1,
                    promptChar: "_",
                    culture: "",
                    rules: {},
                    value: "",
                    mask: ""
                events: [p],
                rules: {
                    0: /\d/,
                    9: /\d|\s/,
                    "#": /\d|\s|\+|\-/,
                    L: /[a-zA-Z]/,
                    "?": /[a-zA-Z]|\s/,
                    "&": /\S/,
                    C: /./,
                    A: /[a-zA-Z0-9]/,
                    a: /[a-zA-Z0-9]|\s/
                setOptions: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    a.fn.setOptions.call(n, t), n._rules = e.extend({}, n.rules, n.options.rules), n._tokenize(), this._unbindInput(), this._bindInput(), n.value(n.element.val())
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.element.off(s), e._formElement && (e._formElement.off("reset", e._resetHandler), e._formElement.off("submit", e._submitHandler)), a.fn.destroy.call(e)
                raw: function() {
                    var e = this._unmask(this.element.val(), 0);
                    return e.replace(RegExp(this.options.promptChar, "g"), "")
                value: function(e) {
                    var i = this.element,
                        r = this._emptyMask;
                    return e === t ? this.element.val() : (null === e && (e = ""), r ? (e = this._unmask(e + ""), i.val(e ? r : ""), this._mask(0, this._maskLength, e), e = i.val(), this._oldValue = e, n._activeElement() !== i && (e === r ? i.val("") : this._togglePrompt()), t) : (i.val(e), t))
                _togglePrompt: function(e) {
                    var t = this.element[0],
                        n = t.value;
                    this.options.clearPromptChar && (n = e ? this._oldValue : n.replace(RegExp(this.options.promptChar, "g"), " "), t.value = this._old = n)
                readonly: function(e) {
                        readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                        disable: !1
                enable: function(e) {
                        readonly: !1,
                        disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
                _bindInput: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._maskLength && e.element.on("keydown" + s, l(e._keydown, e)).on("keypress" + s, l(e._keypress, e)).on("paste" + s, l(e._paste, e)).on(c, l(e._propertyChange, e))
                _unbindInput: function() {
                    this.element.off("keydown" + s).off("keypress" + s).off("paste" + s).off(c)
                _editable: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = e.disable,
                        r = e.readonly;
                    t._unbindInput(), r || i ? n.attr(u, i).attr(h, r).toggleClass(d, i) : (n.removeAttr(u).removeAttr(h).removeClass(d), t._bindInput())
                _change: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.value();
                    t !== e._oldValue && (e._oldValue = t, e.trigger(p), e.element.trigger(p))
                _propertyChange: function() {
                    var e, t, r = this,
                        o = r.element[0],
                        a = o.value;
                    n._activeElement() === o && (a === r._old || r._pasting || (t = i(o)[0], e = r._unmask(a.substring(t), t), o.value = r._old = a.substring(0, t) + r._emptyMask.substring(t), r._mask(t, t, e), i(o, t)))
                _paste: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.target,
                        r = i(n),
                        o = r[0],
                        a = r[1],
                        s = t._unmask(n.value.substring(a), a);
                    t._pasting = !0, setTimeout(function() {
                        var e = n.value,
                            r = e.substring(o, i(n)[0]);
                        n.value = t._old = e.substring(0, o) + t._emptyMask.substring(o), t._mask(o, o, r), o = i(n)[0], t._mask(o, o, s), i(n, o), t._pasting = !1
                _form: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.attr("form"),
                        r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                    r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                    }, t._submitHandler = function() {
                        t.element[0].value = t._old = t.raw()
                    }, t.options.unmaskOnPost && r.on("submit", t._submitHandler), t._formElement = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n, o = e.keyCode,
                        a = this.element[0],
                        s = i(a),
                        l = s[0],
                        c = s[1],
                        d = o === r.BACKSPACE;
                    d || o === r.DELETE ? (l === c && (d ? l -= 1 : c += 1, n = this._find(l, d)), n !== t && n !== l ? (d && (n += 1), i(a, n)) : l > -1 && this._mask(l, c, "", d), e.preventDefault()) : o === r.ENTER && this._change()
                _keypress: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    0 === e.which || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.keyCode === r.ENTER || (t = String.fromCharCode(e.which), n = i(this.element), this._mask(n[0], n[1], t), (e.keyCode === r.BACKSPACE || t) && e.preventDefault())
                _find: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.element.val() || this._emptyMask,
                        i = 1;
                    for (t === !0 && (i = -1); e > -1 || this._maskLength >= e;) {
                        if (n.charAt(e) !== this.tokens[e]) return e;
                        e += i
                    return -1
                _mask: function(e, r, o, a) {
                    var s, l, c, d, u = this.element[0],
                        h = u.value || this._emptyMask,
                        p = this.options.promptChar,
                        f = 0;
                    for (e = this._find(e, a), e > r && (r = e), l = this._unmask(h.substring(r), r), o = this._unmask(o, e), s = o.length, o && (l = l.replace(RegExp("^_{0," + s + "}"), "")), o += l, h = h.split(""), c = o.charAt(f); this._maskLength > e;) h[e] = c || p, c = o.charAt(++f), d === t && f > s && (d = e), e = this._find(e + 1);
                    u.value = this._old = h.join(""), n._activeElement() === u && (d === t && (d = this._maskLength), i(u, d))
                _unmask: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d;
                    if (!t) return "";
                    for (t = (t + "").split(""), o = 0, a = n || 0, s = this.options.promptChar, l = t.length, c = this.tokens.length, d = ""; c > a && (i = t[o], r = this.tokens[a], i === r || i === s ? (d += i === s ? s : "", o += 1, a += 1) : "string" != typeof r ? ((r.test && r.test(i) || e.isFunction(r) && r(i)) && (d += i, a += 1), o += 1) : a += 1, !(o >= l)););
                    return d
                _tokenize: function() {
                    for (var e, t, i, r, o = [], a = 0, s = this.options.mask || "", l = s.split(""), c = l.length, d = 0, u = "", h = this.options.promptChar, p = n.getCulture(this.options.culture).numberFormat, f = this._rules; c > d; d++)
                        if (e = l[d], t = f[e]) o[a] = t, u += h, a += 1;
                            for ("." === e || "," === e ? e = p[e] : "$" === e ? e = p.currency.symbol : "\\" === e && (d += 1, e = l[d]), e = e.split(""), i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) o[a] = e[i], u += e[i], a += 1;
                    this.tokens = o, this._emptyMask = u, this._maskLength = u.length
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var n = "string" == typeof e ? [{
                    name: e
                }] : e,
                i = "[object Array]" === vt.call(n) ? n : n !== t ? [n] : [];
            return wt(i, function(e) {
                return "string" == typeof e ? {
                    name: e
                } : {
                    name: e.name,
                    type: e.type

        function i(e) {
            var n = "string" == typeof e ? [{
                    name: [e],
                    expand: !1
                }] : e,
                i = "[object Array]" === vt.call(n) ? n : n !== t ? [n] : [];
            return wt(i, function(e) {
                return "string" == typeof e ? {
                    name: [e],
                    expand: !1
                } : {
                    name: "[object Array]" === vt.call(e.name) ? e.name.slice() : [e.name],
                    expand: e.expand

        function r(e, t, n, i) {
            var o, a, s, l;
            if (n || (n = t), i || (i = 0), l = n.members[i], l && !l.measure) {
                if (s = l.children, a = s.length, n === t ? e[ht.stringify([l.name])] = !!a : a && (e[ht.stringify(at(n, i))] = !0), a)
                    for (o = 0; a > o; o++) r(e, t, s[o], i);
                r(e, t, n, i + 1)

        function o(t) {
            var n, i, o = {};
            t.length && r(o, t[0]), n = [];
            for (i in o) n.push({
                name: e.parseJSON(i),
                expand: o[i]
            return n

        function a(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a = t.tuples || [],
                s = a[0];
            if (s && s.members.length > e.length)
                for (n = s.members, i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                    if (!n[i].measure) {
                        for (r = !1, o = 0; e.length > o; o++)
                            if (0 === H(e[o]).indexOf(n[i].hierarchy)) {
                                r = !0;
                        r || e.push({
                            name: [n[i].name],
                            expand: !1

        function s(e) {
            var t, n = [],
                i = e.members;
            for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++) i[t].measure || n.push({
                name: [i[t].name],
                expand: i[t].children.length > 0
            return n

        function l(e, t, n) {
            var r, o;
            return e = e || {}, a(t, e), n.length > 1 && t.push({
                name: Ct,
                measure: !0,
                children: i(n)
            }), r = {
                members: t
            }, e.tuples && (o = y(e.tuples, r), o.tuple && (t = s(o.tuple))), t

        function c(e) {
            var t = ht.getter(e.field, !0);
            return function(n, i) {
                return e.aggregate(t(n.dataItem), i, n)

        function d(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e && !isNaN(e)

        function u(e) {
            return e && e.getTime

        function h(e, n, i) {
            return e.tuples.length < m(n.tuples, i) ? n : t

        function p(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l = e.length,
                c = m(t, i),
                d = i.length || 1;
            for (a = 0; n > a; a++)
                for (o = 0; l > o; o++) s = g(e[o], t) * d, s += o % d, r[a * l + o].ordinal = a * c + s

        function f(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l = e.length,
                c = (m(t, i), i.length || 1);
            for (a = 0; l > a; a++)
                for (s = g(e[a], t), s *= c, s += a % c, o = 0; n > o; o++) r[a * n + o].ordinal = s * n + o

        function g(e, t) {
            return y(t, e).index

        function m(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            if (!e.length) return 0;
            for (n = e.slice(), i = n.shift(), r = 1; i;) i.members ? [].push.apply(n, i.members) : i.children && (i.measure || (r += i.children.length), [].push.apply(n, i.children)), i = n.shift();
            return t.length && (r *= t.length), r

        function v(e) {
            return e || (e = {
                tuples: []
            }), e.tuples || (e.tuples = []), e

        function _(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a;
            if (!e) return 0;
            for (i = Math.max(n.length, 1), r = e.members.slice(0, t), o = i, a = r.shift(), i > 1 && (i += 1); a;) a.name === Ct ? o += i : a.children ? [].push.apply(r, a.children) : (o++, [].push.apply(r, a.members)), a = r.shift();
            return o

        function w(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l;
            if (!t[0]) return {
                parsedRoot: null,
                tuples: e,
                memberIndex: 0,
                index: 0
            if (i = y(e, t[0]), !i.tuple) return {
                parsedRoot: null,
                tuples: t,
                memberIndex: 0,
                index: 0
            if (r = i.tuple.members, o = t[0].members, a = -1, r.length !== o.length) return {
                parsedRoot: null,
                tuples: t,
                memberIndex: 0,
                index: 0
            for (s = 0, l = r.length; l > s; s++)!r[s].measure && o[s].children[0] && (-1 == a && o[s].children.length && (a = s), r[s].children = o[s].children);
            return n = Math.max(n.length, 1), {
                parsedRoot: i.tuple,
                index: i.index * n,
                memberIndex: a,
                tuples: e

        function b(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = !0;
            for (e = e.members, t = t.members, n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) e[n].measure || t[n].measure || (r = r && H(e[n]) === H(t[n]));
            return r

        function y(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = 0;
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) {
                if (r = e[n], b(r, t)) return {
                    tuple: r,
                    index: c
                for (c++, a = 0, s = r.members.length; s > a; a++)
                    if (l = r.members[a], !l.measure && (o = y(l.children, t), c += o.index, o.tuple)) return {
                        tuple: o.tuple,
                        index: c
            return {
                index: c

        function k(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = "";
            for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) n = e[i], o += n.name, t[o] || (t[o] = n)

        function x(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a = e.members,
                s = "",
                l = "";
            for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++) {
                if (r = a[n], o) {
                    if (t[s + r.name]) {
                        s += r.name, o = t[s];
                    return t[s + r.parentName] ? t[s + r.parentName] : t[l + r.parentName] ? t[l + r.parentName] : t[l]
                if (s += r.name, o = t[r.parentName], !o && (o = t[s], !o)) return null;
                o && (l += o.name)
            return o

        function C(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            if (0 === t.length) return -1;
            for (n = t[0], i = e.members, r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++)
                if (i[r].name == n.name) return r

        function S(n, i) {
            if (!(0 > i)) {
                var r = {
                    name: Ct,
                    measure: !0,
                    children: [e.extend({
                        members: [],
                        dataIndex: n.dataIndex
                    }, n.members[i])]
                n.members.splice(i, 1, r), n.dataIndex = t

        function T(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s;
            if (1 > e.length) return [];
            for (n = [], i = {}, r = C(e[0], t), o = 0; e.length > o; o++) a = e[o], a.dataIndex = o, S(a, r), s = x(a, i), s ? s.children.push(0 > r || !s.measure ? a : a.members[r].children[0]) : n.push(a), k(a.members, i);
            return n

        function D(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d;
            if (!e || !e.length) return t;
            for (n = [], i = E(e), r = i.length, o = Math.max(t.length / r, 1), a = 0; r > a; a++)
                for (l = o * a, c = o * i[a], s = 0; o > s; s++) d = parseInt(c + s, 10), n[parseInt(l + s, 10)] = t[d] || {
                    value: "",
                    fmtValue: "",
                    ordinal: d
            return n

        function A(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
            if (!e || !e.length) return t;
            for (n = [], i = E(e), r = i.length, o = Math.max(t.length / r, 1), s = 0; o > s; s++)
                for (l = r * s, a = 0; r > a; a++) c = i[a] + l, n[l + a] = t[c] || {
                    value: "",
                    fmtValue: "",
                    ordinal: c
            return n

        function E(e) {
            var n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
            for (e = e.slice(), n = [], i = e.shift(); i;) {
                for (i.dataIndex !== t && n.push(i.dataIndex), a = 0, r = 0, o = i.members.length; o > r; r++) l = i.members[r], s = l.children, l.measure ? [].splice.apply(e, [0, 0].concat(s)) : [].splice.apply(e, [a, 0].concat(s)), a += s.length;
                i = e.shift()
            return n

        function I(e) {
            var t = e.split(".");
            return t.length > 2 ? t[0] + "." + t[1] : e

        function P(e, t) {
            var n = e.length - 1,
                i = e[n],
                r = M(t, i);
            return r && r.dir ? i = "ORDER(" + i + ".Children," + r.field + ".CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION," + r.dir + ")" : i += ".Children", e[n] = i, e

        function M(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (0 === t.indexOf(e[n].field)) return e[n];
            return null

        function z(e) {
            var t, n = "CROSSJOIN({";
            return e.length > 2 ? (t = e.pop(), n += z(e)) : (n += e.shift(), t = e.pop()), n += "},{", n += t, n += "})"

        function F(e, t) {
            var n = e.slice(0);
            return t.length > 1 && n.push("{" + R(t).join(",") + "}"), z(n)

        function R(e) {
            for (var n, i = 0, r = e.length, o = []; r > i; i++) n = e[i], o.push(n.name !== t ? n.name : n);
            return o

        function H(e) {
            return e = e.name || e, "[object Array]" === vt.call(e) && (e = e[e.length - 1]), e

        function B(e) {
            for (var t = e.length, n = [], i = 0; t > i; i++) n.push(e[i].name[0]);
            return n

        function L(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = 0,
                a = e.length,
                s = t.length;
            for (t = t.slice(0); a > o; o++)
                for (n = e[o], r = 0; s > r; r++)
                    if (i = I(t[r]), -1 !== n.indexOf(i)) {
                        t[r] = n;
            return {
                names: t,
                expandedIdx: r,
                uniquePath: t.slice(0, r + 1).join("")

        function N(e) {
            for (var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = [], l = [], c = [], d = 0, u = e.length; u > d; d++)
                if (t = e[d], r = t.name, a = !1, "[object Array]" !== vt.call(r) && (t.name = r = [r]), r.length > 1) l.push(t);
                else {
                    for (o = I(r[0]), n = 0, i = c.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (0 === c[n].name[0].indexOf(o)) {
                            a = !0;
                    a || c.push(t), t.expand && s.push(t)
            return s = s.concat(l), {
                root: c,
                expanded: s

        function O(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = "";
            if (e = e || [], i = N(e), r = i.root, o = B(r), a = [], i = i.expanded, s = i.length, l = 0, d = [], o.length > 1 || t.length > 1) {
                for (a.push(F(o, t)); s > l; l++) c = P(i[l].name, n), d = L(c, o).names, a.push(F(d, t));
                u += a.join(",")
            } else {
                for (; s > l; l++) c = P(i[l].name, n), d.push(c[0]);
                u += o.concat(d).join(",")
            return u

        function V(e) {
            var t = "",
                n = e.value,
                i = e.field,
                r = e.operator;
            return "in" == r ? (t += "{", t += n, t += "}") : (t += "Filter(", t += i + ".MEMBERS", t += ht.format(q[r], i, n), t += ")"), t

        function U(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = "",
                o = e.filters,
                a = o.length;
            for (i = a - 1; i >= 0; i--) n = "SELECT (", n += V(o[i]), n += ") ON 0", i == a - 1 ? (n += " FROM [" + t + "]", r = n) : r = n + " FROM ( " + r + " )";
            return r

        function W(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o = "";
            if (t) {
                o += "<" + e + ">";
                for (r in t) i = t[r], n && (r = r.replace(/([A-Z]+(?=$|[A-Z][a-z])|[A-Z]?[a-z]+)/g, "$1_").toUpperCase().replace(/_$/, "")), o += "<" + r + ">" + i + "</" + r + ">";
                o += "</" + e + ">"
            } else o += "<" + e + "/>";
            return o

        function j(e) {
            if (null == e) return [];
            var t = vt.call(e);
            return "[object Array]" !== t ? [e] : e

        function G(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o = {
                    tuples: []
                a = j(ht.getter("Tuples.Tuple", !0)(e)),
                s = ht.getter("Caption['#text']"),
                l = ht.getter("UName['#text']"),
                c = ht.getter("LName['#text']"),
                d = ht.getter("LNum['#text']"),
                u = ht.getter("CHILDREN_CARDINALITY['#text']", !0),
                h = ht.getter("['@Hierarchy']"),
                p = ht.getter("PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0);
            for (t = 0; a.length > t; t++) {
                for (n = [], i = j(a[t].Member), r = 0; i.length > r; r++) n.push({
                    children: [],
                    caption: s(i[r]),
                    name: l(i[r]),
                    levelName: c(i[r]),
                    levelNum: d(i[r]),
                    hasChildren: parseInt(u(i[r]), 10) > 0,
                    parentName: p(i[r]),
                    hierarchy: h(i[r])
                    members: n
            return o
        var q, $, Y, Q, K, X, Z, J, et, tt, nt, it, rt, ot, at, st, lt, ct, dt, ut, ht = window.kendo,
            pt = ht.ui,
            ft = ht.Class,
            gt = pt.Widget,
            mt = ht.data.DataSource,
            vt = {}.toString,
            _t = function(e) {
                return e
            wt = e.map,
            bt = e.extend,
            yt = ht.isFunction,
            kt = "change",
            xt = "error",
            Ct = "Measures",
            St = "progress",
            Tt = "stateReset",
            Dt = "auto",
            At = "<div/>",
            Et = ".kendoPivotGrid",
            It = "__row_total__",
            Pt = "dataBinding",
            Mt = "dataBound",
            zt = "expandMember",
            Ft = "collapseMember",
            Rt = "k-i-arrow-s",
            Ht = "k-i-arrow-e",
            Bt = "<span>#: data.member.caption || data.member.name #</span>",
            Lt = '<span class="k-icon k-i-kpi-#=data.dataItem.value > 0 ? "open" : data.dataItem.value < 0 ? "denied" : "hold"#">#:data.dataItem.value#</span>',
            Nt = '<span class="k-icon k-i-kpi-#=data.dataItem.value > 0 ? "increase" : data.dataItem.value < 0 ? "decrease" : "equal"#">#:data.dataItem.value#</span>',
            Ot = '#= data.dataItem ? kendo.htmlEncode(data.dataItem.fmtValue || data.dataItem.value) || "&nbsp;" : "&nbsp;" #',
            Vt = '<table class="k-pivot-layout"><tr><td><div class="k-pivot-rowheaders"></div></td><td><div class="k-pivot-table k-state-default"></div></td></tr></table>',
            Ut = {
                sum: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.accumulator;
                    return d(n) ? d(e) && (n += e) : n = e, n
                count: function(e, t) {
                    return (t.accumulator || 0) + 1
                average: {
                    aggregate: function(e, n) {
                        var i = n.accumulator;
                        return n.count === t && (n.count = 0), d(i) ? d(e) && (i += e) : i = e, d(e) && n.count++, i
                    result: function(e) {
                        var t = e.accumulator;
                        return d(t) && (t /= e.count), t
                max: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.accumulator;
                    return d(n) || u(n) || (n = e), e > n && (d(e) || u(e)) && (n = e), n
                min: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t.accumulator;
                    return d(n) || u(n) || (n = e), n > e && (d(e) || u(e)) && (n = e), n
            Wt = ft.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = bt({}, this.options, e), this.dimensions = this._normalizeDescriptors("field", this.options.dimensions), this.measures = this._normalizeDescriptors("name", this.options.measures)
                _normalizeDescriptors: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    if (t = t || {}, n = {}, "[object Array]" === vt.call(t)) {
                        for (r = 0, o = t.length; o > r; r++) i = t[r], "string" == typeof i ? n[i] = {} : i[e] && (n[i[e]] = i);
                        t = n
                    return t
                _rootTuples: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = n.length || 1,
                        l = this.dimensions || [],
                        c = 0,
                        d = e.length,
                        u = [],
                        h = [];
                    if (d || n.length) {
                        for (c = 0; s > c; c++) {
                            for (i = {
                                members: []
                            }, a = 0; d > a; a++) r = e[a], o = r.split("&"), i.members[i.members.length] = {
                                children: [],
                                caption: (l[r] || {}).caption || "All",
                                name: r,
                                levelName: r,
                                levelNum: "0",
                                hasChildren: !0,
                                parentName: o.length > 1 ? o[0] : t,
                                hierarchy: r
                            s > 1 && (i.members[i.members.length] = {
                                children: [],
                                caption: n[c].caption,
                                name: n[c].descriptor.name,
                                levelName: "MEASURES",
                                levelNum: "0",
                                hasChildren: !1,
                                parentName: t,
                                hierarchy: "MEASURES"
                            }), u[u.length] = i
                    return {
                        keys: h,
                        tuples: u
                _expandedTuples: function(e, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g = i.length || 1,
                        m = this.dimensions || [],
                        v = [],
                        _ = [];
                    for (a in e) {
                        for (s = e[a], d = this._findExpandedMember(n, s.uniquePath), l = v[d.index] || [], c = _[d.index] || [], u = d.member.names, r = 0; g > r; r++) {
                            for (o = {
                                members: []
                            }, f = 0; u.length > f; f++) f === d.member.expandedIdx ? (o.members[o.members.length] = {
                                children: [],
                                caption: s.value,
                                name: s.name,
                                hasChildren: !1,
                                levelNum: 1,
                                levelName: s.parentName + s.name,
                                parentName: s.parentName,
                                hierarchy: s.parentName + s.name
                            }, 0 === r && c.push(at(o, f).join(""))) : (p = u[f], h = p.split("&"), o.members[o.members.length] = {
                                children: [],
                                caption: (m[p] || {}).caption || "All",
                                name: p,
                                levelName: p,
                                levelNum: "0",
                                hasChildren: !0,
                                parentName: h.length > 1 ? h[0] : t,
                                hierarchy: p
                            g > 1 && (o.members[o.members.length] = {
                                children: [],
                                caption: i[r].caption,
                                name: i[r].descriptor.name,
                                levelName: "MEASURES",
                                levelNum: "0",
                                hasChildren: !0,
                                parentName: t,
                                hierarchy: "MEASURES"
                            }), l[l.length] = o
                        v[d.index] = l, _[d.index] = c
                    return {
                        keys: _,
                        tuples: v
                _findExpandedMember: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                        if (e[n].uniquePath === t) return {
                            member: e[n],
                            index: n
                _asTuples: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r;
                    return n = n || [], i = this._rootTuples(t.root, n), r = this._expandedTuples(e, t.expanded, n), {
                        keys: [].concat.apply(i.keys, r.keys),
                        tuples: [].concat.apply(i.tuples, r.tuples)
                _measuresInfo: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n, i, r = 0, o = e && e.length, a = [], s = {}, l = {}, c = this.measures || {}; o > r; r++) i = e[r].descriptor.name, n = c[i] || {}, a.push(i), n.result && (s[i] = n.result), n.format && (l[i] = n.format);
                    return {
                        names: a,
                        formats: l,
                        resultFuncs: s,
                        rowAxis: t
                _toDataArray: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = [],
                        g = 1,
                        m = [],
                        v = n.length || 1,
                        _ = i.length || 1;
                    for (t.rowAxis ? (m = t.names, g = m.length) : p = t.names, a = 0; v > a; a++)
                        for (d = e[n[a] || It], c = 0; g > c; c++)
                            for (t.rowAxis && (p = [m[c]]), s = 0; _ > s; s++)
                                for (h = i[s] || It, u = d.items[h], r = h === It ? d.aggregates : u ? u.aggregates : {}, l = 0; p.length > l; l++) o = p[l], this._addData(f, r[o], t.formats[o], t.resultFuncs[o]);
                    return f
                _addData: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o = "";
                    t && (t = i ? i(t) : t.accumulator, o = n ? ht.format(n, t) : t), r = e.length, e[r] = {
                        ordinal: r,
                        value: t || "",
                        fmtValue: o
                _matchDescriptors: function(e, n, i) {
                    for (var r, o, a, s, l = n.names, c = n.expandedIdx; c > 0;)
                        if (r = l[--c].split("&"), r.length > 1 && (o = r[0], a = r[1], s = i[o](e), s = s !== t && null !== s ? "" + s : s, s != a)) return !1;
                    return !0
                _calculateAggregate: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = {};
                    for (o = 0; e.length > o; o++) r = e[o].descriptor.name, i = n.aggregates[r] || {}, i.accumulator = e[o].aggregator(t, i), a[r] = i;
                    return a
                _processColumns: function(e, n, i, r, o, a, s, l) {
                    for (var c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v = o.dataItem, _ = 0; n.length > _; _++) d = n[_], this._matchDescriptors(v, d, i) && (m = d.names.slice(0, d.expandedIdx).join(""), f = d.names[d.expandedIdx], c = i[f](v), c = c !== t && null !== c ? "" + c : c, g = f, f = f + "&" + c, p = m + f, u = r[p] || {
                        index: s.columnIndex,
                        parentName: g,
                        name: f,
                        uniquePath: m + g,
                        value: c
                    }, h = a.items[p] || {
                        aggregates: {}
                    }, a.items[p] = {
                        index: u.index,
                        aggregates: this._calculateAggregate(e, o, h)
                    }, l && (r[p] || s.columnIndex++, r[p] = u))
                _measureAggregators: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = e.measures || [],
                        l = this.measures || {},
                        d = [];
                    if (s.length) {
                        for (i = 0, r = s.length; r > i; i++)
                            if (t = s[i], n = l[t.name], o = null, n) {
                                if (a = n.aggregate, "string" == typeof a) {
                                    if (o = Ut[a.toLowerCase()], !o) throw Error("There is no such aggregate function");
                                    n.aggregate = o.aggregate || o, n.result = o.result
                                    descriptor: t,
                                    caption: n.caption,
                                    result: n.result,
                                    aggregator: c(n)
                    } else d.push({
                        descriptor: {
                            name: "default"
                        caption: "default",
                        aggregator: function() {
                            return 1
                    return d
                _normalizeName: function(e) {
                    return -1 !== e.indexOf(" ") && (e = '["' + e + '"]'), e
                _buildGetters: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = {};
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) n = e[i], t = n.split("&"), t.length > 1 ? r[t[0]] = ht.getter(t[0], !0) : r[n] = ht.getter(this._normalizeName(n), !0);
                    return r
                _parseDescriptors: function(e) {
                    var t, n = N(e),
                        i = B(n.root),
                        r = n.expanded,
                        o = [];
                    for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) o.push(L(r[t].name, i));
                    return {
                        root: i,
                        expanded: o
                process: function(e, n) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z;
                    if (e = e || [], n = n || {}, r = n.measures || [], o = "rows" === n.measuresAxis, a = n.columns || [], s = n.rows || [], !a.length && s.length && (!r.length || r.length && o) && (a = s, s = [], o = !1), a.length || s.length || (o = !1), !a.length && r.length && (a = i(n.measures)), a = this._parseDescriptors(a), s = this._parseDescriptors(s), l = {}, c = {}, d = {}, h = {
                        columnIndex: 0
                    }, p = this._measureAggregators(n), f = this._buildGetters(a.root), g = this._buildGetters(s.root), m = !1, v = a.expanded, _ = s.expanded, y = 0 !== _.length, M = e.length, z = 0, a.root.length || s.root.length)
                        for (m = !0, z = 0; M > z; z++)
                            for (w = e[z], b = {
                                dataItem: w,
                                index: z
                            }, S = l[It] || {
                                items: {},
                                aggregates: {}
                            }, this._processColumns(p, v, f, c, b, S, h, !y), S.aggregates = this._calculateAggregate(p, b, S), l[It] = S, k = 0; _.length > k; k++) x = _[k], this._matchDescriptors(w, x, g) ? (D = x.names.slice(0, x.expandedIdx).join(""), C = x.names[x.expandedIdx], A = C, u = g[C](w), u = u !== t ? "" + u : u, C = C + "&" + u, T = D + C, d[T] = {
                                uniquePath: D + A,
                                parentName: A,
                                name: C,
                                value: u
                            }, E = l[T] || {
                                items: {},
                                aggregates: {}
                            }, this._processColumns(p, v, f, c, b, E, h, !0), E.aggregates = this._calculateAggregate(p, b, E), l[T] = E) : this._processColumns(p, v, f, c, b, {
                                items: {},
                                aggregates: {}
                            }, h, !0);
                    return m && M ? (!(p.length > 1) || n.columns && n.columns.length || (a = {
                        root: [],
                        expanded: []
                    }), I = this._asTuples(c, a, o ? [] : p), P = this._asTuples(d, s, o ? p : []), c = I.tuples, d = P.tuples, l = this._toDataArray(l, this._measuresInfo(p, o), P.keys, I.keys)) : l = c = d = [], {
                        axes: {
                            columns: {
                                tuples: c
                            rows: {
                                tuples: d
                        data: l
            jt = ft.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.transport = t, this.options = t.options || {}, this.transport.discover || yt(e.discover) && (this.discover = e.discover)
                read: function(e) {
                    return this.transport.read(e)
                update: function(e) {
                    return this.transport.update(e)
                create: function(e) {
                    return this.transport.create(e)
                destroy: function(e) {
                    return this.transport.destroy(e)
                discover: function(e) {
                    return this.transport.discover ? this.transport.discover(e) : (e.success({}), t)
                catalog: function(n) {
                    var i, r = this.options || {};
                    return n === t ? (r.connection || {}).catalog : (i = r.connection || {}, i.catalog = n, this.options.connection = i, e.extend(this.transport.options, {
                        connection: i
                    }), t)
                cube: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this.options || {};
                    return e === t ? (i.connection || {}).cube : (n = i.connection || {}, n.cube = e, this.options.connection = n, bt(!0, this.transport.options, {
                        connection: n
                    }), t)
            Gt = mt.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var r, o = ((t || {}).schema || {}).cube,
                        a = "columns",
                        s = {
                            axes: _t,
                            cubes: _t,
                            catalogs: _t,
                            measures: _t,
                            dimensions: _t,
                            hierarchies: _t,
                            levels: _t,
                            members: _t
                    o && (s = e.extend(s, this._cubeSchema(o)), this.cubeBuilder = new Wt(o)), mt.fn.init.call(this, bt(!0, {}, {
                        schema: s
                    }, t)), this.transport = new jt(this.options.transport || {}, this.transport), this._columns = i(this.options.columns), this._rows = i(this.options.rows), r = this.options.measures || [], "[object Object]" === vt.call(r) && (a = r.axis || "columns", r = r.values || []), this._measures = n(r), this._measuresAxis = a, this._skipNormalize = 0, this._axes = {}
                _cubeSchema: function(e) {
                    return {
                        dimensions: function() {
                            var t, n = [],
                                i = e.dimensions;
                            for (t in i) n.push({
                                name: t,
                                caption: i[t].caption || t,
                                uniqueName: t,
                                defaultHierarchy: t,
                                type: 1
                            return e.measures && n.push({
                                name: Ct,
                                caption: Ct,
                                uniqueName: Ct,
                                type: 2
                            }), n
                        hierarchies: function() {
                            return []
                        measures: function() {
                            var t, n = [],
                                i = e.measures;
                            for (t in i) n.push({
                                name: t,
                                caption: t,
                                uniqueName: t,
                                aggregator: t
                            return n
                options: {
                    serverSorting: !0,
                    serverPaging: !0,
                    serverFiltering: !0,
                    serverGrouping: !0,
                    serverAggregates: !0
                catalog: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this.transport.catalog() : (this.transport.catalog(e), this._mergeState({}), this._axes = {}, this.data([]), t)
                cube: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this.transport.cube() : (this.transport.cube(e), this._axes = {}, this._mergeState({}), this.data([]), t)
                axes: function() {
                    return this._axes
                columns: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._columns : (this._skipNormalize += 1, this._clearAxesData = !0, this._columns = i(e), this.query({
                        columns: e,
                        rows: this.rowsAxisDescriptors(),
                        measures: this.measures()
                    }), t)
                rows: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._rows : (this._skipNormalize += 1, this._clearAxesData = !0, this._rows = i(e), this.query({
                        columns: this.columnsAxisDescriptors(),
                        rows: e,
                        measures: this.measures()
                    }), t)
                measures: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._measures : (this._skipNormalize += 1, this._clearAxesData = !0, this.query({
                        columns: this.columnsAxisDescriptors(),
                        rows: this.rowsAxisDescriptors(),
                        measures: n(e)
                    }), t)
                measuresAxis: function() {
                    return this._measuresAxis || "columns"
                _expandPath: function(e, t) {
                    var n, r, o, a = "columns" === t ? "columns" : "rows",
                        s = "columns" === t ? "rows" : "columns",
                        c = i(e),
                        d = H(c[c.length - 1]);
                    for (this._lastExpanded = a, c = l(this.axes()[a], c, this.measures()), n = 0; c.length > n; n++)
                        if (r = H(c[n]), r === d) {
                            if (c[n].expand) return;
                            c[n].expand = !0
                        } else c[n].expand = !1;
                    o = {}, o[a] = c, o[s] = this._descriptorsForAxis(s), this._query(o)
                _descriptorsForAxis: function(e) {
                    var t = this.axes(),
                        n = this[e]() || [];
                    return t && t[e] && t[e].tuples && t[e].tuples[0] && (n = o(t[e].tuples || [])), n
                columnsAxisDescriptors: function() {
                    return this._descriptorsForAxis("columns")
                rowsAxisDescriptors: function() {
                    return this._descriptorsForAxis("rows")
                _process: function(e, t) {
                    this._view = e, t = t || {}, t.items = t.items || this._view, this.trigger(kt, t)
                _query: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return e || (this._skipNormalize += 1, this._clearAxesData = !0), t.query(bt({}, {
                        page: t.page(),
                        pageSize: t.pageSize(),
                        sort: t.sort(),
                        filter: t.filter(),
                        group: t.group(),
                        aggregate: t.aggregate(),
                        columns: this.columnsAxisDescriptors(),
                        rows: this.rowsAxisDescriptors(),
                        measures: this.measures()
                    }, e))
                query: function(t) {
                    var n = this._mergeState(t);
                    return this._data.length && this.cubeBuilder ? (this._params(n), this._updateLocalData(this._pristineData), e.Deferred().resolve().promise()) : this.read(n)
                _mergeState: function(e) {
                    return e = mt.fn._mergeState.call(this, e), e !== t && (this._measures = n(e.measures), e.columns ? e.columns = i(e.columns) : e.columns || (this._columns = []), e.rows ? e.rows = i(e.rows) : e.rows || (this._rows = [])), e
                filter: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._filter : (this._skipNormalize += 1, this._clearAxesData = !0, this._query({
                        filter: e,
                        page: 1
                    }), t)
                expandColumn: function(e) {
                    this._expandPath(e, "columns")
                expandRow: function(e) {
                    this._expandPath(e, "rows")
                success: function(e) {
                    var t;
                    this.cubeBuilder && (t = (this.reader.data(e) || []).slice(0)), mt.fn.success.call(this, e), t && (this._pristineData = t)
                _processResult: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, g;
                    return this.cubeBuilder && (n = this.cubeBuilder.process(e, this._requestData), e = n.data, t = n.axes), c = this.columns(), d = this.rows(), u = t.columns && t.columns.tuples, c.length || !d.length || !u || !this._rowMeasures().length && this.measures().length || (t = {
                        columns: {},
                        rows: t.columns
                    }), c.length || d.length || "rows" !== this.measuresAxis() || !u || (t = {
                        columns: {},
                        rows: t.columns
                    }), this._axes = {
                        columns: v(this._axes.columns),
                        rows: v(this._axes.rows)
                    }, t = {
                        columns: v(t.columns),
                        rows: v(t.rows)
                    }, i = this._normalizeTuples(t.columns.tuples, this._axes.columns.tuples, c, this._columnMeasures()), r = this._normalizeTuples(t.rows.tuples, this._axes.rows.tuples, d, this._rowMeasures()), this._skipNormalize -= 1, this.cubeBuilder || (e = this._normalizeData({
                        columnsLength: t.columns.tuples.length,
                        rowsLength: t.rows.tuples.length,
                        columnIndexes: i,
                        rowIndexes: r,
                        data: e
                    })), "rows" == this._lastExpanded ? (o = t.columns.tuples, s = this._columnMeasures(), a = h(t.columns, this._axes.columns, s), a && (l = "columns", t.columns = a, p(o, a.tuples, t.rows.tuples.length, s, e), this.cubeBuilder || (e = this._normalizeData({
                        columnsLength: m(t.columns.tuples, s),
                        rowsLength: t.rows.tuples.length,
                        data: e
                    })))) : "columns" == this._lastExpanded && (o = t.rows.tuples, s = this._rowMeasures(), a = h(t.rows, this._axes.rows, s), a && (l = "rows", t.rows = a, f(o, a.tuples, t.columns.tuples.length, s, e), this.cubeBuilder || (e = this._normalizeData({
                        columnsLength: m(t.rows.tuples, s),
                        rowsLength: t.columns.tuples.length,
                        data: e
                    })))), this._lastExpanded = null, g = this._mergeAxes(t, e, l), this._axes = g.axes, g.data
                _readData: function(e) {
                    var t = this.reader.axes(e),
                        n = this.reader.data(e);
                    return this._processResult(n, t)
                _createTuple: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = e.members,
                        h = u.length,
                        p = {
                            members: []
                        f = 0;
                    for (t && (h -= 1); h > f; f++) d = u[f], r = +d.levelNum, o = d.name, a = d.parentName, c = d.caption || o, s = d.hasChildren, l = d.hierarchy, i = d.levelName, n && (c = "All", 0 === r ? a = d.name : r -= 1, s = !0, o = l = i = a), p.members.push({
                        name: o,
                        children: [],
                        caption: c,
                        levelName: i,
                        levelNum: "" + r,
                        hasChildren: s,
                        hierarchy: l,
                        parentName: n ? "" : a
                    return t && p.members.push({
                        name: t.name,
                        children: []
                    }), p
                _hasRoot: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    if (t.length) return y(t, e).tuple;
                    for (i = e.members, a = !0, l = 0, c = i.length; c > l; l++)
                        if (r = i[l], s = +r.levelNum || 0, o = n[l], !(0 === s || o && r.name === H(o))) {
                            a = !1;
                    return a
                _mergeAxes: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = this._columnMeasures(),
                        c = this._rowMeasures(),
                        d = this.axes(),
                        u = e.rows.tuples.length,
                        h = m(d.columns.tuples, l),
                        p = e.columns.tuples.length;
                    return "columns" == n ? (p = h, r = e.columns.tuples) : (r = T(e.columns.tuples, l), t = A(r, t)), o = w(d.columns.tuples, r, l), "rows" == n ? (u = m(e.rows.tuples, c), r = e.rows.tuples) : (r = T(e.rows.tuples, c), t = D(r, t)), a = w(d.rows.tuples, r, c), d.columns.tuples = o.tuples, d.rows.tuples = a.tuples, h !== m(d.columns.tuples, l) ? (i = o.index + _(o.parsedRoot, o.memberIndex, l), s = h + p, t = this._mergeColumnData(t, i, u, p, s)) : (i = a.index + _(a.parsedRoot, a.memberIndex, c), t = this._mergeRowData(t, i, u, p)), {
                        axes: d,
                        data: t
                _mergeColumnData: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l = this.data().toJSON(),
                        c = 0,
                        d = Math.max(this._columnMeasures().length, 1);
                    for (n = Math.max(n, 1), l.length > 0 && (c = d, r -= d), o = 0; n > o; o++) a = t + o * r, s = e.splice(0, i), s.splice(0, c), [].splice.apply(l, [a, 0].concat(s));
                    return l
                _mergeRowData: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s = this.data().toJSON(),
                        l = Math.max(this._rowMeasures().length, 1);
                    for (i = Math.max(i, 1), s.length > 0 && (n -= l, e.splice(0, i * l)), r = 0; n > r; r++) a = e.splice(0, i), o = t * i + r * i, [].splice.apply(s, [o, 0].concat(a));
                    return s
                _columnMeasures: function() {
                    var e = this.measures(),
                        t = [];
                    return "columns" === this.measuresAxis() && (0 === this.columns().length ? t = e : e.length > 1 && (t = e)), t
                _rowMeasures: function() {
                    var e = this.measures(),
                        t = [];
                    return "rows" === this.measuresAxis() && (0 === this.rows().length ? t = e : e.length > 1 && (t = e)), t
                _updateLocalData: function(e, t) {
                    this.cubeBuilder && (t && (this._requestData = t), e = this._processResult(e)), this._data = this._observe(e), this._ranges = [], this._addRange(this._data), this._total = this._data.length, this._pristineTotal = this._total, this._process(this._data)
                data: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    return e === t ? n._data : (this._pristineData = e.slice(0), this._updateLocalData(e, {
                        columns: this.columns(),
                        rows: this.rows(),
                        measures: this.measures()
                    }), t)
                _normalizeTuples: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s = i.length || 1,
                        l = 0,
                        c = [],
                        d = {},
                        u = 0;
                    if (e.length) {
                        if (0 >= this._skipNormalize && !this._hasRoot(e[0], t, n)) {
                            for (this._skipNormalize = 0; s > l; l++) c.push(this._createTuple(e[0], i[l], !0)), d[l] = l;
                            e.splice.apply(e, [0, e.length].concat(c).concat(e)), l = s
                        if (i.length)
                            for (a = r = e[l], o = r.members.length - 1; r;) {
                                if (u >= s && (u = 0), r.members[o].name !== i[u].name && (e.splice(l, 0, this._createTuple(r, i[u])), d[l] = l), l += 1, u += 1, r = e[l], s > u && (!r || st(a, o - 1) !== st(r, o - 1))) {
                                    for (; s > u; u++) e.splice(l, 0, this._createTuple(a, i[u])), d[l] = l, l += 1;
                                    r = e[l]
                                a = r
                        return d
                _normalizeData: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r = e.data,
                        o = e.columnIndexes || {},
                        a = e.rowIndexes || {},
                        s = e.columnsLength || 1,
                        l = s * (e.rowsLength || 1),
                        c = 0,
                        d = 0,
                        u = 0,
                        h = Array(l);
                    if (r.length === l) return r;
                    for (; l > c; c++) {
                        for (; a[parseInt(c / s, 10)] !== t;)
                            for (i = 0; s > i; i++) h[c] = {
                                value: "",
                                fmtValue: "",
                                ordinal: c
                            }, c += 1;
                        for (; o[c % s] !== t;) h[c] = {
                            value: "",
                            fmtValue: "",
                            ordinal: c
                        }, c += 1;
                        if (n = r[d]) {
                            if (n.ordinal - u > 1)
                                for (u += 1; n.ordinal > u; u++) h[c] = {
                                    value: "",
                                    fmtValue: "",
                                    ordinal: c
                                }, c += 1;
                            u = n.ordinal, n.ordinal = c, h[c] = n, d += 1
                        } else h[c] = {
                            value: "",
                            fmtValue: "",
                            ordinal: c
                    return h
                discover: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.transport;
                    return e.Deferred(function(e) {
                            success: function(t) {
                                t = i.reader.parse(t), i._handleCustomErrors(t) || (n && (t = n(t)), e.resolve(t))
                            error: function(t, n, r) {
                                e.reject(t), i.error(t, n, r)
                        }, t))
                    }).promise().done(function() {
                schemaMeasures: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaMeasures",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: e.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: e.transport.cube()
                    }, function(t) {
                        return e.reader.measures(t)
                schemaKPIs: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaKPIs",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: e.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: e.transport.cube()
                    }, function(t) {
                        return e.reader.kpis(t)
                schemaDimensions: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaDimensions",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: e.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: e.transport.cube()
                    }, function(t) {
                        return e.reader.dimensions(t)
                schemaHierarchies: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaHierarchies",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: t.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: t.transport.cube(),
                                dimensionUniqueName: e
                    }, function(e) {
                        return t.reader.hierarchies(e)
                schemaLevels: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaLevels",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: t.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: t.transport.cube(),
                                hierarchyUniqueName: e
                    }, function(e) {
                        return t.reader.levels(e)
                schemaCubes: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaCubes",
                            restrictions: {
                                catalogName: e.transport.catalog()
                    }, function(t) {
                        return e.reader.cubes(t)
                schemaCatalogs: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaCatalogs"
                    }, function(t) {
                        return e.reader.catalogs(t)
                schemaMembers: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.discover({
                        data: {
                            command: "schemaMembers",
                            restrictions: bt({
                                catalogName: t.transport.catalog(),
                                cubeName: t.transport.cube()
                            }, e)
                    }, function(e) {
                        return t.reader.members(e)
                _params: function(e) {
                    this._clearAxesData && (this._axes = {}, this._data = this._observe([]), this._clearAxesData = !1, this.trigger(Tt));
                    var t = mt.fn._params.call(this, e);
                    return t = bt({
                        measures: this.measures(),
                        measuresAxis: this.measuresAxis(),
                        columns: this.columns(),
                        rows: this.rows()
                    }, t), this.cubeBuilder && (this._requestData = t), t
        Gt.create = function(e) {
            e = e && e.push ? {
                data: e
            } : e;
            var t = e || {},
                n = t.data;
            if (t.data = n, !(t instanceof Gt) && t instanceof ht.data.DataSource) throw Error("Incorrect DataSource type. Only PivotDataSource instances are supported");
            return t instanceof Gt ? t : new Gt(t)
        }, q = {
            contains: ', InStr({0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,"{1}") > 0',
            doesnotcontain: ', InStr({0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,"{1}") = 0',
            startswith: ', Left({0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,Len("{1}"))="{1}"',
            endswith: ', Right({0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,Len("{1}"))="{1}"',
            eq: ', {0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION = "{1}"',
            neq: ', NOT {0}.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION = "{1}"'
        }, $ = {
            schemaCubes: "MDSCHEMA_CUBES",
            schemaCatalogs: "DBSCHEMA_CATALOGS",
            schemaMeasures: "MDSCHEMA_MEASURES",
            schemaDimensions: "MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS",
            schemaHierarchies: "MDSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES",
            schemaLevels: "MDSCHEMA_LEVELS",
            schemaMembers: "MDSCHEMA_MEMBERS",
            schemaKPIs: "MDSCHEMA_KPIS"
        }, Y = {
            read: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = '<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><Header/><Body><Execute xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis"><Command><Statement>';
                return a += "SELECT NON EMPTY {", t = e.columns || [], n = e.rows || [], i = e.measures || [], r = "rows" === e.measuresAxis, o = e.sort || [], !t.length && n.length && (!i.length || i.length && r) && (t = n, n = [], r = !1), t.length || n.length || (r = !1), t.length ? a += O(t, r ? [] : i, o) : i.length && !r && (a += R(i).join(",")), a += "} DIMENSION PROPERTIES CHILDREN_CARDINALITY, PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON COLUMNS", (n.length || r && i.length > 1) && (a += ", NON EMPTY {", a += n.length ? O(n, r ? i : [], o) : R(i).join(","), a += "} DIMENSION PROPERTIES CHILDREN_CARDINALITY, PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS"), e.filter ? (a += " FROM ", a += "(", a += U(e.filter, e.connection.cube), a += ")") : a += " FROM [" + e.connection.cube + "]", 1 == i.length && t.length && (a += " WHERE (" + R(i).join(",") + ")"), a += "</Statement></Command><Properties><PropertyList><Catalog>" + e.connection.catalog + "</Catalog><Format>Multidimensional</Format></PropertyList></Properties></Execute></Body></Envelope>", a.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;")
            discover: function(t) {
                t = t || {};
                var n = '<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><Header/><Body><Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">';
                return n += "<RequestType>" + ($[t.command] || t.command) + "</RequestType>", n += "<Restrictions>" + W("RestrictionList", t.restrictions, !0) + "</Restrictions>", t.connection && t.connection.catalog && (t.properties = e.extend({}, {
                    Catalog: t.connection.catalog
                }, t.properties)), n += "<Properties>" + W("PropertyList", t.properties) + "</Properties>", n += "</Discover></Body></Envelope>"
        }, Q = ht.data.RemoteTransport.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = e;
                e = this.options = bt(!0, {}, this.options, e), ht.data.RemoteTransport.call(this, e), yt(t.discover) ? this.discover = t.discover : "string" == typeof t.discover ? this.options.discover = {
                    url: t.discover
                } : t.discover || (this.options.discover = this.options.read)
            setup: function(t, n) {
                return t.data = t.data || {}, e.extend(!0, t.data, {
                    connection: this.options.connection
                }), ht.data.RemoteTransport.fn.setup.call(this, t, n)
            options: {
                read: {
                    dataType: "text",
                    contentType: "text/xml",
                    type: "POST"
                discover: {
                    dataType: "text",
                    contentType: "text/xml",
                    type: "POST"
                parameterMap: function(e, t) {
                    return Y[t](e, t)
            discover: function(t) {
                return e.ajax(this.setup(t, "discover"))
        }), K = {
            cubes: {
                name: ht.getter("CUBE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("CUBE_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                type: ht.getter("CUBE_TYPE['#text']", !0)
            catalogs: {
                name: ht.getter("CATALOG_NAME['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0)
            measures: {
                name: ht.getter("MEASURE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("MEASURE_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                uniqueName: ht.getter("MEASURE_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                aggregator: ht.getter("MEASURE_AGGREGATOR['#text']", !0),
                groupName: ht.getter("MEASUREGROUP_NAME['#text']", !0),
                displayFolder: ht.getter("MEASURE_DISPLAY_FOLDER['#text']", !0),
                defaultFormat: ht.getter("DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING['#text']", !0)
            kpis: {
                name: ht.getter("KPI_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("KPI_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                value: ht.getter("KPI_VALUE['#text']", !0),
                goal: ht.getter("KPI_GOAL['#text']", !0),
                status: ht.getter("KPI_STATUS['#text']", !0),
                trend: ht.getter("KPI_TREND['#text']", !0),
                statusGraphic: ht.getter("KPI_STATUS_GRAPHIC['#text']", !0),
                trendGraphic: ht.getter("KPI_TREND_GRAPHIC['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("KPI_DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                groupName: ht.getter("MEASUREGROUP_NAME['#text']", !0)
            dimensions: {
                name: ht.getter("DIMENSION_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("DIMENSION_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                uniqueName: ht.getter("DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                defaultHierarchy: ht.getter("DEFAULT_HIERARCHY['#text']", !0),
                type: ht.getter("DIMENSION_TYPE['#text']", !0)
            hierarchies: {
                name: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                uniqueName: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                dimensionUniqueName: ht.getter("DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                displayFolder: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_DISPLAY_FOLDER['#text']", !0),
                origin: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_ORIGIN['#text']", !0),
                defaultMember: ht.getter("DEFAULT_MEMBER['#text']", !0)
            levels: {
                name: ht.getter("LEVEL_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("LEVEL_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                description: ht.getter("DESCRIPTION['#text']", !0),
                uniqueName: ht.getter("LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                dimensionUniqueName: ht.getter("DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                displayFolder: ht.getter("LEVEL_DISPLAY_FOLDER['#text']", !0),
                orderingProperty: ht.getter("LEVEL_ORDERING_PROPERTY['#text']", !0),
                origin: ht.getter("LEVEL_ORIGIN['#text']", !0),
                hierarchyUniqueName: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0)
            members: {
                name: ht.getter("MEMBER_NAME['#text']", !0),
                caption: ht.getter("MEMBER_CAPTION['#text']", !0),
                uniqueName: ht.getter("MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                dimensionUniqueName: ht.getter("DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                hierarchyUniqueName: ht.getter("HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                levelUniqueName: ht.getter("LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME['#text']", !0),
                childrenCardinality: ht.getter("CHILDREN_CARDINALITY['#text']", !0)
        }, X = ["axes", "catalogs", "cubes", "dimensions", "hierarchies", "levels", "measures"], Z = ht.data.XmlDataReader.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                ht.data.XmlDataReader.call(this, e), this._extend(e)
            _extend: function(e) {
                for (var t, n, i = 0, r = X.length; r > i; i++) t = X[i], n = e[t], n && n !== _t && (this[t] = n)
            parse: function(e) {
                var t = ht.data.XmlDataReader.fn.parse(e.replace(/<(\/?)(\w|-)+:/g, "<$1"));
                return ht.getter("['Envelope']['Body']", !0)(t)
            errors: function(e) {
                var t = ht.getter("['Fault']", !0)(e);
                return t ? [{
                    faultstring: ht.getter("faultstring['#text']", !0)(t),
                    faultcode: ht.getter("faultcode['#text']", !0)(t)
                }] : null
            axes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r;
                for (e = ht.getter('ExecuteResponse["return"].root', !0)(e), t = j(ht.getter("Axes.Axis", !0)(e)), i = {
                    columns: {},
                    rows: {}
                }, r = 0; t.length > r; r++) n = t[r], "sliceraxis" !== n["@name"].toLowerCase() && (i.columns.tuples ? i.rows = G(n) : i.columns = G(n));
                return i
            data: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a;
                for (e = ht.getter('ExecuteResponse["return"].root', !0)(e), t = j(ht.getter("CellData.Cell", !0)(e)), n = [], i = ht.getter("['@CellOrdinal']"), r = ht.getter("Value['#text']"), o = ht.getter("FmtValue['#text']"), a = 0; t.length > a; a++) n.push({
                    value: r(t[a]),
                    fmtValue: o(t[a]),
                    ordinal: parseInt(i(t[a]), 10)
                return n
            _mapSchema: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a;
                for (e = ht.getter('DiscoverResponse["return"].root', !0)(e), n = j(ht.getter("row", !0)(e)), i = [], r = 0; n.length > r; r++) {
                    o = {};
                    for (a in t) o[a] = t[a](n[r]);
                return i
            measures: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.measures)
            kpis: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.kpis)
            hierarchies: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.hierarchies)
            levels: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.levels)
            dimensions: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.dimensions)
            cubes: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.cubes)
            catalogs: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.catalogs)
            members: function(e) {
                return this._mapSchema(e, K.members)
        }), bt(!0, ht.data, {
            PivotDataSource: Gt,
            XmlaTransport: Q,
            XmlaDataReader: Z,
            PivotCubeBuilder: Wt,
            transports: {
                xmla: Q
            readers: {
                xmla: Z
        }), J = function(e, t) {
            if (!e) return null;
            for (var n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (e[n].field === t) return e[n];
            return null
        }, et = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = [];
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) e[n].field !== t && r.push(e[n]);
            return r
        }, ht.ui.PivotSettingTarget = gt.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                gt.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.element.addClass("k-pivot-setting"), i.dataSource = ht.data.PivotDataSource.create(n.dataSource), i._refreshHandler = e.proxy(i.refresh, i), i.dataSource.first(kt, i._refreshHandler), n.template || (i.options.template = "<div data-" + ht.ns + 'name="${data.name || data}">${data.name || data}' + (i.options.enabled ? '<a class="k-button k-button-icon k-button-bare"><span class="k-icon k-setting-delete"></span></a>' : "") + "</div>"), i.template = ht.template(i.options.template), i.emptyTemplate = ht.template(i.options.emptyTemplate), i._sortable(), i.element.on("click" + Et, ".k-button,.k-item", function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.target),
                        r = n.closest("[" + ht.attr("name") + "]").attr(ht.attr("name"));
                    r && (n.hasClass("k-setting-delete") ? i.remove(r) : i.options.sortable && n[0] === t.currentTarget && i.sort({
                        field: r,
                        dir: n.find(".k-i-sort-asc")[0] ? "desc" : "asc"
                }), (n.filterable || n.sortable) && (i.fieldMenu = new pt.PivotFieldMenu(i.element, {
                    messages: i.options.messages.fieldMenu,
                    filter: ".k-setting-fieldmenu",
                    filterable: n.filterable,
                    sortable: n.sortable,
                    dataSource: i.dataSource
                })), i.refresh()
            options: {
                name: "PivotSettingTarget",
                template: null,
                filterable: !1,
                sortable: !1,
                emptyTemplate: "<div class='k-empty'>${data}</div>",
                setting: "columns",
                enabled: !0,
                messages: {
                    empty: "Drop Fields Here"
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.dataSource.unbind(kt, this._refreshHandler), this.dataSource = this.options.dataSource = e, this.fieldMenu && this.fieldMenu.setDataSource(e), e.first(kt, this._refreshHandler), this.refresh()
            _sortable: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.options.enabled && (this.sortable = this.element.kendoSortable({
                    connectWith: this.options.connectWith,
                    filter: ">:not(.k-empty)",
                    hint: e.options.hint,
                    cursor: "move",
                    start: function(e) {
                    change: function(t) {
                        var n = t.item.attr(ht.attr("name"));
                        "receive" == t.action ? e.add(n) : "remove" == t.action ? e.remove(n) : "sort" == t.action && e.move(n, t.newIndex)
            _indexOf: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = -1;
                for (n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++)
                    if (H(t[n]) === e) {
                        r = n;
                return r
            _isKPI: function(e) {
                return "kpi" === e.type || e.measure
            validate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = 2 == e.type || "aggregator" in e || this._isKPI(e);
                return i ? "measures" === this.options.setting : "measures" === this.options.setting ? i : (t = this.dataSource[this.options.setting](), n = e.defaultHierarchy || e.uniqueName, this._indexOf(n, t) > -1 ? !1 : (t = this.dataSource["columns" === this.options.setting ? "rows" : "columns"](), this._indexOf(n, t) > -1 ? !1 : !0))
            add: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = this.dataSource[this.options.setting]();
                for (t = e.isArray(t) ? t.slice(0) : [t], n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) - 1 !== this._indexOf(t[n], r) && (t.splice(n, 1), n -= 1, i -= 1);
                t.length && (r = r.concat(t), this.dataSource[this.options.setting](r))
            move: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.dataSource[this.options.setting](),
                    i = this._indexOf(e, n);
                i > -1 && (e = n.splice(i, 1)[0], n.splice(t, 0, e), this.dataSource[this.options.setting](n))
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataSource[this.options.setting](),
                    n = this._indexOf(e, t);
                n > -1 && (t.splice(n, 1), this.dataSource[this.options.setting](t))
            sort: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.sortable,
                    n = t === !0 || t.allowUnsort,
                    i = n && "asc" === e.dir,
                    r = this.dataSource.sort() || [],
                    o = et(r, e.field);
                i && r.length !== o.length && (e = null), e && o.push(e), this.dataSource.sort(o)
            refresh: function() {
                var e, n = "",
                    i = this.dataSource[this.options.setting](),
                    r = i.length,
                    o = 0;
                if (r)
                    for (; r > o; o++) e = i[o], e = e.name === t ? {
                        name: e
                    } : e, n += this.template(bt({
                        sortIcon: this._sortIcon(e.name)
                    }, e));
                else n = this.emptyTemplate(this.options.messages.empty);
            destroy: function() {
                gt.fn.destroy.call(this), this.dataSource.unbind(kt, this._refreshHandler), this.element.off(Et), this.sortable && this.sortable.destroy(), this.fieldMenu && this.fieldMenu.destroy(), this.element = null, this._refreshHandler = null
            _sortIcon: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataSource.sort(),
                    n = J(t, H(e)),
                    i = "";
                return n && (i = "k-i-sort-" + n.dir), i
        }), tt = gt.extend({
            init: function(n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this;
                gt.fn.init.call(a, n, i), a._dataSource(), a._bindConfigurator(), a._wrapper(), a._createLayout(), a._columnBuilder = r = new lt, a._rowBuilder = o = new ct, a._contentBuilder = new dt, a._templates(), a.columnsHeader.add(a.rowsHeader).on("click", "span.k-icon", function() {
                    var n, i, s, l, c = e(this),
                        d = r,
                        u = "expandColumn",
                        h = c.attr(ht.attr("path")),
                        p = {
                            axis: "columns",
                            path: e.parseJSON(h)
                    c.parent().is("td") && (d = o, u = "expandRow", p.axis = "rows"), i = c.hasClass(Rt), s = d.metadata[h], l = s.expanded === t, n = i ? Ft : zt, a.trigger(n, p) || (d.metadata[h].expanded = !i, c.toggleClass(Rt, !i).toggleClass(Ht, i), !i && l ? a.dataSource[u](p.path) : a.refresh())
                }), a._scrollable(), a.options.autoBind && a.dataSource.fetch(), ht.notify(a)
            events: [Pt, Mt, zt, Ft],
            options: {
                name: "PivotGrid",
                autoBind: !0,
                reorderable: !0,
                filterable: !1,
                sortable: !1,
                height: null,
                columnWidth: 100,
                configurator: "",
                columnHeaderTemplate: null,
                rowHeaderTemplate: null,
                dataCellTemplate: null,
                kpiStatusTemplate: null,
                kpiTrendTemplate: null,
                messages: {
                    measureFields: "Drop Data Fields Here",
                    columnFields: "Drop Column Fields Here",
                    rowFields: "Drop Rows Fields Here"
            _templates: function() {
                var e = this.options.columnHeaderTemplate,
                    t = this.options.rowHeaderTemplate,
                    n = this.options.dataCellTemplate,
                    i = this.options.kpiStatusTemplate,
                    r = this.options.kpiTrendTemplate;
                this._columnBuilder.template = ht.template(e || Bt, {
                    useWithBlock: !!e
                }), this._contentBuilder.dataTemplate = ht.template(n || Ot, {
                    useWithBlock: !!n
                }), this._contentBuilder.kpiStatusTemplate = ht.template(i || Lt, {
                    useWithBlock: !!i
                }), this._contentBuilder.kpiTrendTemplate = ht.template(r || Nt, {
                    useWithBlock: !!r
                }), this._rowBuilder.template = ht.template(t || Bt, {
                    useWithBlock: !!t
            _bindConfigurator: function() {
                var t = this.options.configurator;
                t && e(t).kendoPivotConfigurator("setDataSource", this.dataSource)
            cellInfoByElement: function(t) {
                return t = e(t), this.cellInfo(t.index(), t.parent("tr").index())
            cellInfo: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this._contentBuilder,
                    r = i.columnIndexes[e || 0],
                    o = i.rowIndexes[t || 0];
                return r && o ? (n = o.index * i.rowLength + r.index, {
                    columnTuple: r.tuple,
                    rowTuple: o.tuple,
                    measure: r.measure || o.measure,
                    dataItem: this.dataSource.view()[n]
                }) : null
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.measuresTarget && this.measuresTarget.setDataSource(e), this.rowsTarget && this.rowsTarget.setDataSource(e), this.columnsTarget && this.columnsTarget.setDataSource(e), this._bindConfigurator(), this.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
            setOptions: function(e) {
                gt.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._templates()
            _dataSource: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.dataSource;
                n = e.isArray(n) ? {
                    data: n
                } : n, t.dataSource && this._refreshHandler ? t.dataSource.unbind(kt, t._refreshHandler).unbind(Tt, t._stateResetHandler).unbind(St, t._progressHandler).unbind(xt, t._errorHandler) : (t._refreshHandler = e.proxy(t.refresh, t), t._progressHandler = e.proxy(t._requestStart, t), t._stateResetHandler = e.proxy(t._stateReset, t), t._errorHandler = e.proxy(t._error, t)), t.dataSource = ht.data.PivotDataSource.create(n).bind(kt, t._refreshHandler).bind(St, t._progressHandler).bind(Tt, t._stateResetHandler).bind(xt, t._errorHandler)
            _error: function() {
            _requestStart: function() {
            _stateReset: function() {
                this._columnBuilder.reset(), this._rowBuilder.reset()
            _wrapper: function() {
                var e = this.options.height;
                this.wrapper = this.element.addClass("k-widget k-pivot"), e && this.wrapper.css("height", e)
            _measureFields: function() {
                this.measureFields = e(At).addClass("k-pivot-toolbar k-header k-settings-measures"), this.measuresTarget = this._createSettingTarget(this.measureFields, {
                    setting: "measures",
                    messages: {
                        empty: this.options.messages.measureFields
            _createSettingTarget: function(t, n) {
                var i = '<span tabindex="0" class="k-button" data-' + ht.ns + 'name="${data.name}">${data.name}',
                    r = n.sortable,
                    o = "";
                return r && (o += "#if (data.sortIcon) {#", o += '<span class="k-icon ${data.sortIcon} k-setting-sort"></span>', o += "#}#"), (n.filterable || r) && (o += '<span class="k-icon k-i-arrowhead-s k-setting-fieldmenu"></span>'), this.options.reorderable && (o += '<span class="k-icon k-si-close k-setting-delete"></span>'), o && (i += '<span class="k-field-actions">' + o + "</span>"), i += "</span>", new ht.ui.PivotSettingTarget(t, e.extend({
                    template: i,
                    emptyTemplate: '<span class="k-empty">${data}</span>',
                    enabled: this.options.reorderable,
                    dataSource: this.dataSource
                }, n))
            _initSettingTargets: function() {
                this.columnsTarget = this._createSettingTarget(this.columnFields, {
                    connectWith: this.rowFields,
                    setting: "columns",
                    filterable: this.options.filterable,
                    sortable: this.options.sortable,
                    messages: {
                        empty: this.options.messages.columnFields,
                        fieldMenu: this.options.messages.fieldMenu
                }), this.rowsTarget = this._createSettingTarget(this.rowFields, {
                    connectWith: this.columnFields,
                    setting: "rows",
                    filterable: this.options.filterable,
                    sortable: this.options.sortable,
                    messages: {
                        empty: this.options.messages.rowFields,
                        fieldMenu: this.options.messages.fieldMenu
            _createLayout: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = e(Vt),
                    i = n.find(".k-pivot-rowheaders"),
                    r = n.find(".k-pivot-table"),
                    o = e(At).addClass("k-grid k-widget");
                t._measureFields(), t.columnFields = e(At).addClass("k-pivot-toolbar k-header k-settings-columns"), t.rowFields = e(At).addClass("k-pivot-toolbar k-header k-settings-rows"), t.columnsHeader = e('<div class="k-grid-header-wrap" />').wrap('<div class="k-grid-header" />'), t.columnsHeader.parent().css("padding-right", ht.support.scrollbar()), t.rowsHeader = e('<div class="k-grid k-widget k-alt"/>'), t.content = e('<div class="k-grid-content" />'), i.append(t.measureFields), i.append(t.rowFields), i.append(t.rowsHeader), o.append(t.columnsHeader.parent()), o.append(t.content), r.append(t.columnFields), r.append(o), t.wrapper.append(n), t.columnsHeaderTree = new ht.dom.Tree(t.columnsHeader[0]), t.rowsHeaderTree = new ht.dom.Tree(t.rowsHeader[0]), t.contentTree = new ht.dom.Tree(t.content[0]), t._initSettingTargets()
            _progress: function(e) {
                ht.ui.progress(this.wrapper, e)
            _resize: function() {
                this.columnsHeader.children("table"), this.content.children("table");
                this.content[0].firstChild && (this._setSectionsWidth(), this._setSectionsHeight(), this._setContentWidth(), this._setContentHeight())
            _setSectionsWidth: function() {
                var e = this.rowsHeader,
                    t = e.parent(".k-pivot-rowheaders").width(Dt),
                    n = Math.max(this.measureFields.outerWidth(), this.rowFields.outerWidth());
                n = Math.max(e.children("table").width(), n), t.width(n)
            _setSectionsHeight: function() {
                var e = this.measureFields.height(Dt).height(),
                    t = this.columnFields.height(Dt).height(),
                    n = this.rowFields.height(Dt).innerHeight(),
                    i = this.columnsHeader.height(Dt).innerHeight(),
                    r = n - this.rowFields.height(),
                    o = t > e ? t : e,
                    a = i > n ? i : n;
                this.measureFields.height(o), this.columnFields.height(o), this.rowFields.height(a - r), this.columnsHeader.height(a)
            _setContentWidth: function() {
                var e = this.content.find("table"),
                    t = this.columnsHeader.children("table"),
                    n = e.children("colgroup").children().length,
                    i = n * this.options.columnWidth,
                    r = Math.ceil(i / this.content.width() * 100);
                100 > r && (r = 100), e.add(t).css("width", r + "%"), this._resetColspan(t)
            _setContentHeight: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = e.content,
                    i = e.rowsHeader,
                    r = e.wrapper.innerHeight(),
                    o = ht.support.scrollbar(),
                    a = n[0].offsetHeight === n[0].clientHeight,
                    s = e.options.height;
                if (e.wrapper.is(":visible")) {
                    if (!r || !s) return a && (o = 0), n.height("auto"), i.height(n.height() - o), t;
                    r -= e.columnFields.outerHeight(), r -= e.columnsHeader.outerHeight(), 2 * o >= r && (r = 2 * o + 1, a || (r += o)), n.height(r), a && (o = 0), i.height(r - o)
            _resetColspan: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e.children("tbody").children(":first").children(":first");
                n._colspan === t && (n._colspan = i.attr("colspan")), i.attr("colspan", 1), clearTimeout(n._layoutTimeout), n._layoutTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    i.attr("colspan", n._colspan), n._colspan = t
            _axisMeasures: function(e) {
                var t = [],
                    n = this.dataSource,
                    i = n.measures(),
                    r = i.length > 1 || i[0] && i[0].type;
                return n.measuresAxis() === e && (0 === n[e]().length || r) && (t = i), t
            items: function() {
                return []
            refresh: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.dataSource,
                    i = n.axes(),
                    r = (i.columns || {}).tuples || [],
                    o = (i.rows || {}).tuples || [],
                    a = t._columnBuilder,
                    s = t._rowBuilder,
                    l = {},
                    c = {};
                t.trigger(Pt, {
                    action: "rebind"
                }) || (a.measures = t._axisMeasures("columns"), t.columnsHeaderTree.render(a.build(r)), t.rowsHeaderTree.render(s.build(o)), l = {
                    indexes: a._indexes,
                    measures: a.measures,
                    metadata: a.metadata
                }, c = {
                    indexes: s._indexes,
                    measures: this._axisMeasures("rows"),
                    metadata: s.metadata
                }, t.contentTree.render(t._contentBuilder.build(n.view(), l, c)), t._resize(), t.touchScroller ? t.touchScroller.contentResized() : (e = ht.touchScroller(t.content), e && e.movable && (t.touchScroller = e, e.movable.bind("change", function(e) {
                    t.columnsHeader.scrollLeft(-e.sender.x), t.rowsHeader.scrollTop(-e.sender.y)
                }))), t._progress(!1), t.trigger(Mt))
            _scrollable: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.columnsHeader,
                    i = t.rowsHeader;
                t.content.scroll(function() {
                    n.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), i.scrollTop(this.scrollTop)
                }), i.bind("DOMMouseScroll" + Et + " mousewheel" + Et, e.proxy(t._wheelScroll, t))
            _wheelScroll: function(t) {
                var n, i;
                t.ctrlKey || (n = ht.wheelDeltaY(t), i = this.content.scrollTop(), n && (t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).one("wheel" + Et, !1), this.rowsHeader.scrollTop(i + -n), this.content.scrollTop(i + -n)))
        }), nt = ht.dom.element, it = ht.dom.html, rt = ht.dom.text, ot = function(e, t) {
            return {
                maxChildren: 0,
                children: 0,
                maxMembers: 0,
                members: 0,
                measures: 1,
                levelNum: e,
                parentMember: 0 !== t
        }, at = function(e, t) {
            for (var n = [], i = 0; t >= i; i++) n.push(e.members[i].name);
            return n
        }, st = function(e, t) {
            for (var n = "", i = 0; t >= i; i++) n += e.members[i].name;
            return n
        }, lt = ft.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.measures = 1, this.metadata = {}
            build: function(e) {
                var t = this._tbody(e),
                    n = this._colGroup();
                return [nt("table", null, [n, t])]
            reset: function() {
                this.metadata = {}
            _colGroup: function() {
                for (var e = this._rowLength(), t = [], n = 0; e > n; n++) t.push(nt("col", null));
                return nt("colgroup", null, t)
            _tbody: function(e) {
                var t = e[0];
                return this.map = {}, this.rows = [], this.rootTuple = t, this._indexes = [], t ? (this._buildRows(t, 0), this._normalize()) : this.rows.push(nt("tr", null, [nt("th", null, [it("&nbsp;")])])), nt("tbody", null, this.rows)
            _normalize: function() {
                for (var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.rows, a = o.length, s = 0; a > s; s++)
                    if (e = o[s], 1 !== e.rowSpan)
                        for (i = e.children, n = 0, t = i.length; t > n; n++) r = i[n], r.tupleAll && (r.attr.rowSpan = e.rowSpan)
            _rowIndex: function(e) {
                for (var t = this.rows, n = t.length, i = 0; n > i && t[i] !== e; i++);
                return i
            _rowLength: function() {
                var e = this.rows[0] ? this.rows[0].children : [],
                    t = e.length,
                    n = 0,
                    i = 0;
                if (t)
                    for (; t > i; i++) n += e[i].attr.colSpan || 1;
                return n || (n = this.measures), n
            _row: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this.rootTuple.members[t].name,
                    a = e.members[t].levelNum,
                    s = o + a,
                    l = this.map,
                    c = l[s];
                return c ? (c.notFirst = !1, c.parentMember && c.parentMember === n || (c.parentMember = n, c.collapsed = 0, c.colSpan = 0)) : (c = nt("tr", null, []), c.parentMember = n, c.collapsed = 0, c.colSpan = 0, c.rowSpan = 1, l[s] = c, i = l[o + (+a - 1)], i && (r = i.children, c.notFirst = r[1] && -1 === r[1].attr.className.indexOf("k-alt") ? !0 : i.notFirst), this.rows.splice(this._rowIndex(i) + 1, 0, c)), c
            _measures: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this.map,
                    s = a.measureRow;
                for (s || (s = nt("tr", null, []), a.measureRow = s, this.rows.push(s)), r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++) i = e[r], s.children.push(this._cell(n || "", [this._content(i, t)], i));
                return o
            _content: function(e, t) {
                return it(this.template({
                    member: e,
                    tuple: t
            _cell: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = nt("th", {
                    className: "k-header" + e
                }, t);
                return i.value = n.caption || n.name, i
            _buildRows: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = e.members,
                    g = f[n],
                    m = f[n + 1],
                    v = [],
                    _ = 0,
                    w = 0,
                    b = 0;
                if (g.measure) return this._measures(g.children, e), t;
                if (u = ht.stringify(at(e, n)), r = this._row(e, n, i), a = g.children, s = a.length, h = this.metadata[u], h || (this.metadata[u] = h = ot(+g.levelNum, n)), this._indexes.push({
                    path: u,
                    tuple: e
                }), g.hasChildren && (h.expanded === !1 && (w = h.maxChildren, r.collapsed += w, h.children = 0, s = 0), d = {
                    className: "k-icon " + (s ? Rt : Ht)
                }, d[ht.attr("path")] = u, v.push(nt("span", d))), v.push(this._content(g, e)), l = this._cell(r.notFirst ? " k-first" : "", v, g), r.children.push(l), r.colSpan += 1, s) {
                    for (c = this._cell(" k-alt", [this._content(g, e)], g), r.children.push(c); s > _; _++) o = this._buildRows(a[_], n, g);
                    p = o.colSpan, w = o.collapsed, l.attr.colSpan = p, h.children = p, h.members = 1, r.colSpan += p, r.collapsed += w, r.rowSpan = o.rowSpan + 1, m && (m.measure ? p = this._measures(m.children, e, " k-alt") : (o = this._buildRows(e, n + 1), p = o.colSpan, r.collapsed += o.collapsed, b = o.collapsed), c.attr.colSpan = p, p -= 1, h.members += p, r.colSpan += p)
                } else m && (m.measure ? p = this._measures(m.children, e) : (o = this._buildRows(e, n + 1), p = o.colSpan, r.collapsed += o.collapsed, b = o.collapsed), h.members = p, p > 1 && (l.attr.colSpan = p, r.colSpan += p - 1));
                return h.members + b > h.maxMembers && (h.maxMembers = h.members + b), a = h.children + w, a > h.maxChildren && (h.maxChildren = a), (c || l).tupleAll = !0, r
        }), ct = ft.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.metadata = {}
            build: function(e) {
                var t = this._tbody(e),
                    n = this._colGroup();
                return [nt("table", null, [n, t])]
            reset: function() {
                this.metadata = {}
            _rowLength: function() {
                for (var e = this.rows[0].children, t = 0, n = 0, i = e[n]; i;) t += i.attr.colSpan || 1, i = e[++n];
                return t
            _colGroup: function() {
                for (var e = this._rowLength(), t = [], n = 0; e > n; n++) t.push(nt("col", null));
                return nt("colgroup", null, t)
            _tbody: function(e) {
                var t = e[0];
                return this.rootTuple = t, this.rows = [], this.map = {}, this._indexes = [], t ? (this._buildRows(t, 0), this._normalize()) : this.rows.push(nt("tr", null, [nt("td", null, [it("&nbsp;")])])), nt("tbody", null, this.rows)
            _normalize: function() {
                for (var e, t, n, i, r = this.rows, o = r.length, a = 0, s = this.rootTuple.members, l = s[0].name, c = s.length, d = 0, u = this.map; o > a; a++)
                    for (e = r[a], d = 0; c > d; d++) n = this[s[d].name], t = e.colSpan["dim" + d], t && n > t.levelNum && (t.attr.colSpan = n - t.levelNum + 1);
                e = u[l], i = u[l + "all"], e && (e.children[0].attr.className = "k-first"), i && (i.children[0].attr.className += " k-first")
            _row: function(e) {
                var t = nt("tr", null, e);
                return t.rowSpan = 1, t.colSpan = {}, this.rows.push(t), t
            _content: function(e, t) {
                return it(this.template({
                    member: e,
                    tuple: t
            _cell: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = nt("td", {
                    className: e
                }, t);
                return i.value = n.caption || n.name, i
            _buildRows: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = this.map,
                    h = e.members,
                    p = h[t],
                    f = h[t + 1],
                    g = p.children,
                    m = g.length,
                    v = +p.levelNum + 1,
                    _ = this.rootTuple.members[t].name,
                    w = at(e, t - 1).join(""),
                    b = w + (p.parentName || ""),
                    y = u[b + "all"] || u[b],
                    k = [];
                if (!y || y.hasChild ? y = this._row() : y.hasChild = !0, p.measure) {
                    for (a = y.allCell ? "k-grid-footer" : "", y.children.push(this._cell(a, [this._content(g[0], e)], g[0])), y.rowSpan = m, d = 1; m > d; d++) this._row([this._cell(a, [this._content(g[d], e)], g[d])]);
                    return y
                if (u[w + p.name] = y, n = ht.stringify(at(e, t)), o = this.metadata[n], o || (this.metadata[n] = o = ot(v - 1, t)), this._indexes.push({
                    path: n,
                    tuple: e
                }), p.hasChildren && (o.expanded === !1 && (m = 0, o.children = 0), s = {
                    className: "k-icon " + (m ? Rt : Ht)
                }, s[ht.attr("path")] = n, k.push(nt("span", s))), k.push(this._content(p, e)), a = y.allCell && !m ? "k-grid-footer" : "", c = this._cell(a, k, p), c.levelNum = v, y.children.push(c), y.colSpan["dim" + t] = c, (!this[_] || v > this[_]) && (this[_] = v), m) {
                    for (y.allCell = !1, y.hasChild = !1, d = 0; m > d; d++) i = this._buildRows(g[d], t), y !== i && (y.rowSpan += i.rowSpan);
                    y.rowSpan > 1 && (c.attr.rowSpan = y.rowSpan), o.children = y.rowSpan, l = this._cell("k-grid-footer", [this._content(p, e)], p), l.levelNum = v, r = this._row([l]), r.colSpan["dim" + t] = l, r.allCell = !0, u[w + p.name + "all"] = r, f && (i = this._buildRows(e, t + 1), l.attr.rowSpan = i.rowSpan), y.rowSpan += r.rowSpan, o.members = r.rowSpan
                } else f && (y.hasChild = !1, this._buildRows(e, t + 1), (l || c).attr.rowSpan = y.rowSpan, o.members = y.rowSpan);
                return o.children > o.maxChildren && (o.maxChildren = o.children), o.members > o.maxMembers && (o.maxMembers = o.members), y
        }), dt = ft.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.columnAxis = {}, this.rowAxis = {}
            build: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = n.indexes[0],
                    s = n.metadata[a ? a.path : t];
                return this.columnAxis = n, this.rowAxis = i, this.data = e, this.rowLength = s ? s.maxChildren + s.maxMembers : n.measures.length || 1, this.rowLength || (this.rowLength = 1), r = this._tbody(), o = this._colGroup(), [nt("table", null, [o, r])]
            _colGroup: function() {
                var e = this.columnAxis.measures.length || 1,
                    t = [],
                    n = 0;
                for (this.rows[0] && (e = this.rows[0].children.length); e > n; n++) t.push(nt("col", null));
                return nt("colgroup", null, t)
            _tbody: function() {
                return this.rows = [], this.data[0] ? (this.columnIndexes = this._indexes(this.columnAxis, this.rowLength), this.rowIndexes = this._indexes(this.rowAxis, Math.ceil(this.data.length / this.rowLength)), this._buildRows()) : this.rows.push(nt("tr", null, [nt("td", null, [it("&nbsp;")])])), nt("tbody", null, this.rows)
            _indexes: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = [],
                    c = e.indexes,
                    d = e.metadata,
                    u = e.measures,
                    h = u.length || 1,
                    p = 0,
                    f = 0,
                    g = 0,
                    m = c.length;
                if (!m) {
                    for (o = 0; h > o; o++) l[o] = {
                        index: o,
                        measure: u[o],
                        tuple: null
                    return l
                for (; m > g; g++) {
                    if (i = c[g], r = d[i.path], a = r.children + r.members, s = 0, a && (a -= h), r.expanded === !1 && r.children !== r.maxChildren && (s = r.maxChildren), r.parentMember && 0 === r.levelNum && (a = -1), a > -1) {
                        for (o = 0; h > o; o++) l[a + f + o] = {
                            children: a,
                            index: p,
                            measure: u[o],
                            tuple: i.tuple
                        }, p += 1;
                        for (; l[f] !== t;) f += 1
                    if (f === n) break;
                    p += s
                return l
            _buildRows: function() {
                for (var e = this.rowIndexes, t = e.length, n = 0; t > n; n++) this.rows.push(this._buildRow(e[n]))
            _buildRow: function(e) {
                for (var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = e.index * this.rowLength, c = this.columnIndexes, d = c.length, u = [], h = 0; d > h; h++) t = c[h], o = {}, t.children && (o.className = "k-alt"), r = "", a = this.data[l + t.index], s = t.measure || e.measure, n = {
                    columnTuple: t.tuple,
                    rowTuple: e.tuple,
                    measure: s,
                    dataItem: a
                }, "" !== a.value && s && s.type && ("status" === s.type ? r = this.kpiStatusTemplate(n) : "trend" === s.type && (r = this.kpiTrendTemplate(n))), r || (r = this.dataTemplate(n)), i = nt("td", o, [it(r)]), i.value = a.value, u.push(i);
                return o = {}, e.children && (o.className = "k-grid-footer"), nt("tr", o, u)
        }), pt.plugin(tt), ht.PivotExcelExporter = ht.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.options = e, this.widget = e.widget, this.dataSource = this.widget.dataSource
            _columns: function() {
                var e, t = this.widget.columnsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    n = this.widget.rowsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    i = t.children[0].children.length,
                    r = n.children[0].children.length,
                    o = this.widget.options.columnWidth,
                    a = [];
                if (r && this.dataSource.data()[0])
                    for (e = 0; r > e; e++) a.push({
                        autoWidth: !0
                for (e = 0; i > e; e++) a.push({
                    autoWidth: !1,
                    width: o
                return a
            _cells: function(e, t, n) {
                for (var i, r, o, a, s, l = [], c = 0, d = e.length; d > c; c++) {
                    for (r = [], o = e[c].children, i = o.length, a = 0; i > a; a++) s = o[a], r.push({
                        background: "#7a7a7a",
                        color: "#fff",
                        value: s.value,
                        colSpan: s.attr.colSpan || 1,
                        rowSpan: s.attr.rowSpan || 1
                    n && n(r, c), l.push({
                        cells: r,
                        type: t
                return l
            _rows: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.widget.columnsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    i = this.widget.rowsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    r = n.children[0].children.length,
                    o = i.children[0].children.length,
                    a = n.children[1].children,
                    s = i.children[1].children,
                    l = this.widget.contentTree.children[0].children[1].children,
                    c = this._cells(a, "header");
                return o && c[0].cells.splice(0, 0, {
                    background: "#7a7a7a",
                    color: "#fff",
                    value: "",
                    colSpan: o,
                    rowSpan: a.length
                }), e = function(e, t) {
                    for (var n, i, o = 0, a = l[t].children; r > o; o++) n = a[o], i = +n.value, isNaN(i) && (i = ""), e.push({
                        background: "#dfdfdf",
                        color: "#333",
                        value: i,
                        colSpan: 1,
                        rowSpan: 1
                }, t = this._cells(s, "data", e), c.concat(t)
            _freezePane: function() {
                var e = this.widget.columnsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    t = this.widget.rowsHeaderTree.children[0],
                    n = t.children[0].children.length,
                    i = e.children[1].children;
                return {
                    colSplit: n,
                    rowSplit: i.length
            workbook: function() {
                var t;
                return this.dataSource.view()[0] ? (t = e.Deferred(), t.resolve()) : t = this.dataSource.fetch(), t.then(e.proxy(function() {
                    return {
                        sheets: [{
                            columns: this._columns(),
                            rows: this._rows(),
                            freezePane: this._freezePane(),
                            filter: null
                }, this))
        }), ut = {
            extend: function(t) {
                t.events.push("excelExport"), t.options.excel = e.extend(t.options.excel, this.options), t.saveAsExcel = this.saveAsExcel
            options: {
                proxyURL: "",
                filterable: !1,
                fileName: "Export.xlsx"
            saveAsExcel: function() {
                var t = this.options.excel || {},
                    n = new ht.PivotExcelExporter({
                        widget: this
                n.workbook().then(e.proxy(function(e) {
                    if (!this.trigger("excelExport", {
                        workbook: e
                    })) {
                        var n = new ht.ooxml.Workbook(e);
                            dataURI: n.toDataURL(),
                            fileName: e.fileName || t.fileName,
                            proxyURL: t.proxyURL,
                            forceProxy: t.forceProxy
                }, this))
        }, ht.PivotExcelMixin = ut, ht.ooxml && ht.ooxml.Workbook && ut.extend(tt.prototype), ht.PDFMixin && (ht.PDFMixin.extend(tt.prototype), tt.fn._drawPDF = function() {
            return this._drawPDFShadow({
                width: this.wrapper.width()
    function(e, t) {
            var n = window.kendo,
                i = n.ui,
                r = e.proxy,
                o = e.extend,
                a = "visibility",
                s = "k-state-hover",
                l = "input,a,textarea,.k-multiselect-wrap,select,button,a.k-button>.k-icon,button.k-button>.k-icon,span.k-icon.k-i-expand,span.k-icon.k-i-collapse";
            i.HierarchicalDragAndDrop = n.Class.extend({
                init: function(t, a) {
                    this.element = t, this.hovered = t, this.options = o({
                        dragstart: e.noop,
                        drag: e.noop,
                        drop: e.noop,
                        dragend: e.noop
                    }, a), this._draggable = new i.Draggable(t, {
                        ignore: l,
                        filter: a.filter,
                        autoScrolL: a.autoScroll,
                        cursorOffset: {
                            left: 10,
                            top: n.support.mobileOS ? -40 / n.support.zoomLevel() : 10
                        hint: r(this._hint, this),
                        dragstart: r(this.dragstart, this),
                        dragcancel: r(this.dragcancel, this),
                        drag: r(this.drag, this),
                        dragend: r(this.dragend, this),
                        $angular: a.$angular
                _hint: function(e) {
                    return "<div class='k-header k-drag-clue'><span class='k-icon k-drag-status' />" + this.options.hintText(e) + "</div>"
                _removeTouchHover: function() {
                    n.support.touch && this.hovered && (this.hovered.find("." + s).removeClass(s), this.hovered = !1)
                _hintStatus: function(n) {
                    var i = this._draggable.hint.find(".k-drag-status")[0];
                    return n ? (i.className = "k-icon k-drag-status " + n, t) : e.trim(i.className.replace(/k-(icon|drag-status)/g, ""))
                dragstart: function(t) {
                    this.source = t.currentTarget.closest(this.options.itemSelector), this.options.dragstart(this.source) && t.preventDefault(), this.dropHint = this.options.reorderable ? e("<div class='k-drop-hint' />").css(a, "hidden").appendTo(this.element) : e()
                drag: function(t) {
                    var i, r, o, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = this.options,
                        v = this.source,
                        _ = this.dropTarget = e(n.eventTarget(t)),
                        w = _.closest(m.allowedContainers);
                    w.length ? v[0] == _[0] || m.contains(v[0], _[0]) ? g = "k-denied" : (g = "k-insert-middle", p = m.itemFromTarget(_), i = p.item, i.length ? (this._removeTouchHover(), r = i.outerHeight(), l = p.content, m.reorderable ? (c = r / (l.length > 0 ? 4 : 2), o = n.getOffset(i).top, d = o + c > t.y.location, u = t.y.location > o + r - c, h = l.length && !d && !u) : (h = !0, d = !1, u = !1), this.hovered = h ? w : !1, this.dropHint.css(a, h ? "hidden" : "visible"), this._lastHover && this._lastHover[0] != l[0] && this._lastHover.removeClass(s), this._lastHover = l.toggleClass(s, h), h ? g = "k-add" : (f = i.position(), f.top += d ? 0 : r, this.dropHint.css(f)[d ? "prependTo" : "appendTo"](m.dropHintContainer(i)), d && p.first && (g = "k-insert-top"), u && p.last && (g = "k-insert-bottom"))) : _[0] != this.dropHint[0] && (this._lastHover && this._lastHover.removeClass(s), g = e.contains(this.element[0], w[0]) ? "k-denied" : "k-add")) : (g = "k-denied", this._removeTouchHover()), this.options.drag({
                        originalEvent: t.originalEvent,
                        source: v,
                        target: _,
                        pageY: t.y.location,
                        pageX: t.x.location,
                        status: g.substring(2),
                        setStatus: function(e) {
                            g = e
                    }), "k-denied" == g && this._lastHover && this._lastHover.removeClass(s), 0 !== g.indexOf("k-insert") && this.dropHint.css(a, "hidden"), this._hintStatus(g)
                dragcancel: function() {
                dragend: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, o = "over",
                        l = this.source,
                        c = this.dropHint,
                        d = this.dropTarget;
                    return "visible" == c.css(a) ? (o = this.options.dropPositionFrom(c), n = c.closest(this.options.itemSelector)) : d && (n = d.closest(this.options.itemSelector), n.length || (n = d.closest(this.options.allowedContainers))), i = {
                        originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
                        source: l[0],
                        destination: n[0],
                        valid: "k-denied" != this._hintStatus(),
                        setValid: function(e) {
                            this.valid = e
                        dropTarget: d[0],
                        position: o
                    }, r = this.options.drop(i), c.remove(), this._removeTouchHover(), this._lastHover && this._lastHover.removeClass(s), !i.valid || r ? (this._draggable.dropped = i.valid, t) : (this._draggable.dropped = !0, this.options.dragend({
                        originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
                        source: l,
                        destination: n,
                        position: o
                    }), t)
                destroy: function() {
                    this._lastHover = this.hovered = null, this._draggable.destroy()
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return function(t) {
                var n = t.children(".k-animation-container");
                return n.length || (n = t), n.children(e)

        function i(e) {
            return p.template(e, {
                useWithBlock: !1

        function r(e) {
            return e.find("> div .k-checkbox [type=checkbox]")

        function o(e) {
            return function(t, n) {
                n = n.closest(W);
                var i, r = n.parent();
                return r.parent().is("li") && (i = r.parent()), this._dataSourceMove(t, r, i, function(t, i) {
                    return this._insert(t.data(), i, n.index() + e)

        function a(t, n) {
            for (var i; t && "ul" != t.nodeName.toLowerCase();) i = t, t = t.nextSibling, 3 == i.nodeType && (i.nodeValue = e.trim(i.nodeValue)), h.test(i.className) ? n.insertBefore(i, n.firstChild) : n.appendChild(i)

        function s(t) {
            var n = t.children("div"),
                i = t.children("ul"),
                r = n.children(".k-icon"),
                o = t.children(":checkbox"),
                s = n.children(".k-in");
            t.hasClass("k-treeview") || (n.length || (n = e("<div />").prependTo(t)), !r.length && i.length ? r = e("<span class='k-icon' />").prependTo(n) : i.length && i.children().length || (r.remove(), i.remove()), o.length && e("<span class='k-checkbox' />").appendTo(n).append(o), s.length || (s = t.children("a").eq(0).addClass("k-in"), s.length || (s = e("<span class='k-in' />")), s.appendTo(n), n.length && a(n[0].nextSibling, s[0])))
        var l, c, d, u, h, p = window.kendo,
            f = p.ui,
            g = p.data,
            m = e.extend,
            v = p.template,
            _ = e.isArray,
            w = f.Widget,
            b = g.HierarchicalDataSource,
            y = e.proxy,
            k = p.keys,
            x = ".kendoTreeView",
            C = "select",
            S = "check",
            T = "navigate",
            D = "expand",
            A = "change",
            E = "error",
            I = "checked",
            P = "indeterminate",
            M = "collapse",
            z = "dragstart",
            F = "drag",
            R = "drop",
            H = "dragend",
            B = "dataBound",
            L = "click",
            N = "undefined",
            O = "k-state-hover",
            V = "k-treeview",
            U = ":visible",
            W = ".k-item",
            j = "string",
            G = "aria-selected",
            q = "aria-disabled",
            $ = {
                text: "dataTextField",
                url: "dataUrlField",
                spriteCssClass: "dataSpriteCssClassField",
                imageUrl: "dataImageUrlField"
            Y = function(e) {
                return "object" == typeof HTMLElement ? e instanceof HTMLElement : e && "object" == typeof e && 1 === e.nodeType && typeof e.nodeName === j
        c = n(".k-group"), d = n(".k-group,.k-content"), u = function(e) {
            return e.children("div").children(".k-icon")
        }, h = /k-sprite/, l = p.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = !1,
                    a = t && !!t.dataSource;
                _(t) && (n = !0, t = {
                    dataSource: t
                }), t && typeof t.loadOnDemand == N && _(t.dataSource) && (t.loadOnDemand = !1), w.prototype.init.call(r, e, t), e = r.element, t = r.options, i = e.is("ul") && e || e.hasClass(V) && e.children("ul"), o = !a && i.length, o && (t.dataSource.list = i), r._animation(), r._accessors(), r._templates(), e.hasClass(V) ? (r.wrapper = e, r.root = e.children("ul").eq(0)) : (r._wrapper(), i && (r.root = e, r._group(r.wrapper))), r._tabindex(), r.root.attr("role", "tree"), r._dataSource(o), r._attachEvents(), r._dragging(), o ? r._syncHtmlAndDataSource() : t.autoBind && (r._progress(!0), r.dataSource.fetch()), t.checkboxes && t.checkboxes.checkChildren && r.updateIndeterminate(), r.element[0].id && (r._ariaId = p.format("{0}_tv_active", r.element[0].id)), p.notify(r)
            _attachEvents: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = ".k-in:not(.k-state-selected,.k-state-disabled)",
                    i = "mouseenter";
                t.wrapper.on(i + x, ".k-in.k-state-selected", function(e) {
                }).on(i + x, n, function() {
                }).on("mouseleave" + x, n, function() {
                }).on(L + x, n, y(t._click, t)).on("dblclick" + x, ".k-in:not(.k-state-disabled)", y(t._toggleButtonClick, t)).on(L + x, ".k-plus,.k-minus", y(t._toggleButtonClick, t)).on("keydown" + x, y(t._keydown, t)).on("focus" + x, y(t._focus, t)).on("blur" + x, y(t._blur, t)).on("mousedown" + x, ".k-in,.k-checkbox :checkbox,.k-plus,.k-minus", y(t._mousedown, t)).on("change" + x, ".k-checkbox :checkbox", y(t._checkboxChange, t)).on("click" + x, ".k-checkbox :checkbox", y(t._checkboxClick, t)).on("click" + x, ".k-request-retry", y(t._retryRequest, t)).on("click" + x, function(n) {
                    e(n.target).is(":kendoFocusable") || t.focus()
            _checkboxClick: function(t) {
                var n = e(t.target);
                n.data(P) && (n.data(P, !1).prop(P, !1).prop(I, !0), this._checkboxChange(t))
            _syncHtmlAndDataSource: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, o, a, s, l, c, d;
                for (e = e || this.root, t = t || this.dataSource, n = t.view(), i = p.attr("uid"), o = p.attr("expanded"), a = this.options.checkboxes, s = e.children("li"), l = 0; s.length > l; l++) d = n[l], c = s.eq(l), c.attr("role", "treeitem").attr(i, d.uid), d.expanded = "true" === c.attr(o), a && (d.checked = r(c).prop(I)), this._syncHtmlAndDataSource(c.children("ul"), d.children)
            _animation: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.animation;
                t === !1 ? t = {
                    expand: {
                        effects: {}
                    collapse: {
                        hide: !0,
                        effects: {}
                } : t.collapse && "effects" in t.collapse || (t.collapse = m({
                    reverse: !0
                }, t.expand)), m(t.collapse, {
                    hide: !0
                }), e.animation = t
            _dragging: function() {
                var t, n = this.options.dragAndDrop,
                    i = this.dragging;
                n && !i ? (t = this, this.dragging = new f.HierarchicalDragAndDrop(this.element, {
                    reorderable: !0,
                    $angular: this.options.$angular,
                    autoScroll: this.options.autoScroll,
                    filter: "div:not(.k-state-disabled) .k-in",
                    allowedContainers: ".k-treeview",
                    itemSelector: ".k-treeview .k-item",
                    hintText: y(this._hintText, this),
                    contains: function(t, n) {
                        return e.contains(t, n)
                    dropHintContainer: function(e) {
                        return e
                    itemFromTarget: function(e) {
                        var t = e.closest(".k-top,.k-mid,.k-bot");
                        return {
                            item: t,
                            content: e.closest(".k-in"),
                            first: t.hasClass("k-top"),
                            last: t.hasClass("k-bot")
                    dropPositionFrom: function(e) {
                        return e.prevAll(".k-in").length > 0 ? "after" : "before"
                    dragstart: function(e) {
                        return t.trigger(z, {
                            sourceNode: e[0]
                    drag: function(e) {
                        t.trigger(F, {
                            originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
                            sourceNode: e.source[0],
                            dropTarget: e.target[0],
                            pageY: e.pageY,
                            pageX: e.pageX,
                            statusClass: e.status,
                            setStatusClass: e.setStatus
                    drop: function(e) {
                        return t.trigger(R, {
                            originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
                            sourceNode: e.source,
                            destinationNode: e.destination,
                            valid: e.valid,
                            setValid: function(t) {
                                this.valid = t, e.setValid(t)
                            dropTarget: e.dropTarget,
                            dropPosition: e.position
                    dragend: function(e) {
                        function n(n) {
                            t.updateIndeterminate(), t.trigger(H, {
                                originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
                                sourceNode: n && n[0],
                                destinationNode: r[0],
                                dropPosition: o
                        var i = e.source,
                            r = e.destination,
                            o = e.position;
                        "over" == o ? t.append(i, r, n) : ("before" == o ? i = t.insertBefore(i, r) : "after" == o && (i = t.insertAfter(i, r)), n(i))
                })) : !n && i && (i.destroy(), this.dragging = null)
            _hintText: function(e) {
                return this.templates.dragClue({
                    item: this.dataItem(e),
                    treeview: this.options
            _templates: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = y(e._fieldAccessor, e);
                t.template && typeof t.template == j ? t.template = v(t.template) : t.template || (t.template = i("# var text = " + n("text") + "(data.item); ## if (typeof data.item.encoded != 'undefined' && data.item.encoded === false) {##= text ## } else { ##: text ## } #")), e._checkboxes(), e.templates = {
                    wrapperCssClass: function(e, t) {
                        var n = "k-item",
                            i = t.index;
                        return e.firstLevel && 0 === i && (n += " k-first"), i == e.length - 1 && (n += " k-last"), n
                    cssClass: function(e, t) {
                        var n = "",
                            i = t.index,
                            r = e.length - 1;
                        return e.firstLevel && 0 === i && (n += "k-top "), n += 0 === i && i != r ? "k-top" : i == r ? "k-bot" : "k-mid"
                    textClass: function(e) {
                        var t = "k-in";
                        return e.enabled === !1 && (t += " k-state-disabled"), e.selected === !0 && (t += " k-state-selected"), t
                    toggleButtonClass: function(e) {
                        var t = "k-icon";
                        return t += e.expanded !== !0 ? " k-plus" : " k-minus", e.enabled === !1 && (t += "-disabled"), t
                    groupAttributes: function(e) {
                        var t = "";
                        return e.firstLevel || (t = "role='group'"), t + (e.expanded !== !0 ? " style='display:none'" : "")
                    groupCssClass: function(e) {
                        var t = "k-group";
                        return e.firstLevel && (t += " k-treeview-lines"), t
                    dragClue: i("#= data.treeview.template(data) #"),
                    group: i("<ul class='#= data.r.groupCssClass(data.group) #'#= data.r.groupAttributes(data.group) #>#= data.renderItems(data) #</ul>"),
                    itemContent: i("# var imageUrl = " + n("imageUrl") + "(data.item); ## var spriteCssClass = " + n("spriteCssClass") + "(data.item); ## if (imageUrl) { #<img class='k-image' alt='' src='#= imageUrl #'># } ## if (spriteCssClass) { #<span class='k-sprite #= spriteCssClass #' /># } ##= data.treeview.template(data) #"),
                    itemElement: i("# var item = data.item, r = data.r; ## var url = " + n("url") + "(item); #<div class='#= r.cssClass(data.group, item) #'># if (item.hasChildren) { #<span class='#= r.toggleButtonClass(item) #' role='presentation' /># } ## if (data.treeview.checkboxes) { #<span class='k-checkbox' role='presentation'>#= data.treeview.checkboxes.template(data) #</span># } ## var tag = url ? 'a' : 'span'; ## var textAttr = url ? ' href=\\'' + url + '\\'' : ''; #<#=tag#  class='#= r.textClass(item) #'#= textAttr #>#= r.itemContent(data) #</#=tag#></div>"),
                    item: i("# var item = data.item, r = data.r; #<li role='treeitem' class='#= r.wrapperCssClass(data.group, item) #' " + p.attr("uid") + "='#= item.uid #' aria-selected='#= item.selected ? \"true\" : \"false \" #' #=item.enabled === false ? \"aria-disabled='true'\" : ''## if (item.expanded) { #data-expanded='true' aria-expanded='true'# } #>#= r.itemElement(data) #</li>"),
                    loading: i("<div class='k-icon k-loading' /> #: data.messages.loading #"),
                    retry: i("#: data.messages.requestFailed # <button class='k-button k-request-retry'>#: data.messages.retry #</button>")
            items: function() {
                return this.element.find(".k-item > div:first-child")
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                var t = this.options;
                t.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.dataSource.fetch(), t.checkboxes && t.checkboxes.checkChildren && this.updateIndeterminate()
            _bindDataSource: function() {
                this._refreshHandler = y(this.refresh, this), this._errorHandler = y(this._error, this), this.dataSource.bind(A, this._refreshHandler), this.dataSource.bind(E, this._errorHandler)
            _unbindDataSource: function() {
                var e = this.dataSource;
                e && (e.unbind(A, this._refreshHandler), e.unbind(E, this._errorHandler))
            _dataSource: function(e) {
                function t(e) {
                    for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++) e[n]._initChildren(), e[n].children.fetch(), t(e[n].children.view())
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.dataSource;
                r = _(r) ? {
                    data: r
                } : r, n._unbindDataSource(), r.fields || (r.fields = [{
                    field: "text"
                }, {
                    field: "url"
                }, {
                    field: "spriteCssClass"
                }, {
                    field: "imageUrl"
                }]), n.dataSource = r = b.create(r), e && (r.fetch(), t(r.view())), n._bindDataSource()
            events: [z, F, R, H, B, D, M, C, A, T, S],
            options: {
                name: "TreeView",
                dataSource: {},
                animation: {
                    expand: {
                        effects: "expand:vertical",
                        duration: 200
                    collapse: {
                        duration: 100
                messages: {
                    loading: "Loading...",
                    requestFailed: "Request failed.",
                    retry: "Retry"
                dragAndDrop: !1,
                checkboxes: !1,
                autoBind: !0,
                autoScroll: !1,
                loadOnDemand: !0,
                template: "",
                dataTextField: null
            _accessors: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = i.element;
                for (e in $) t = r[$[e]], n = o.attr(p.attr(e + "-field")), !t && n && (t = n), t || (t = e), _(t) || (t = [t]), r[$[e]] = t
            _fieldAccessor: function(t) {
                var n = this.options[$[t]],
                    i = n.length,
                    r = "(function(item) {";
                return 0 === i ? r += "return item['" + t + "'];" : (r += "var levels = [" + e.map(n, function(e) {
                    return "function(d){ return " + p.expr(e) + "}"
                }).join(",") + "];", r += "return levels[Math.min(item.level(), " + i + "-1)](item)"), r += "})"
            setOptions: function(e) {
                w.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._animation(), this._dragging(), this._templates()
            _trigger: function(e, t) {
                return this.trigger(e, {
                    node: t.closest(W)[0]
            _setChecked: function(t, n) {
                if (t && e.isFunction(t.view))
                    for (var i = 0, r = t.view(); r.length > i; i++) r[i][I] = n, r[i].children && this._setChecked(r[i].children, n)
            _setIndeterminate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, o = c(e),
                    a = !0;
                if (o.length && (t = r(o.children()), n = t.length)) {
                    if (n > 1) {
                        for (i = 1; n > i; i++)
                            if (t[i].checked != t[i - 1].checked || t[i].indeterminate || t[i - 1].indeterminate) {
                                a = !1;
                    } else a = !t[0].indeterminate;
                    return r(e).data(P, !a).prop(P, !a).prop(I, a && t[0].checked)
            updateIndeterminate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                if (e = e || this.wrapper, t = c(e).children(), t.length) {
                    for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) this.updateIndeterminate(t.eq(n));
                    i = this._setIndeterminate(e), i && i.prop(I) && (this.dataItem(e).checked = !0)
            _bubbleIndeterminate: function(e) {
                if (e.length) {
                    var t, n = this.parent(e);
                    n.length && (this._setIndeterminate(n), t = n.children("div").find(".k-checkbox :checkbox"), t.prop(P) === !1 ? this.dataItem(n).set(I, t.prop(I)) : delete this.dataItem(n).checked, this._bubbleIndeterminate(n))
            _checkboxChange: function(t) {
                var n = e(t.target),
                    i = n.prop(I),
                    r = n.closest(W),
                    o = this.dataItem(r);
                o.checked != i && (o.set(I, i), this._trigger(S, r))
            _toggleButtonClick: function(t) {
            _mousedown: function(t) {
                var n = e(t.currentTarget).closest(W);
                this._clickTarget = n, this.current(n)
            _focusable: function(e) {
                return e && e.length && e.is(":visible") && !e.find(".k-in:first").hasClass("k-state-disabled")
            _focus: function() {
                var t = this.select(),
                    n = this._clickTarget;
                p.support.touch || (n && n.length && (t = n), this._focusable(t) || (t = this.current()), this._focusable(t) || (t = this._nextVisible(e())), this.current(t))
            focus: function() {
                var e, t = this.wrapper,
                    n = t[0],
                    i = [],
                    r = [],
                    o = document.documentElement;
                do n = n.parentNode, n.scrollHeight > n.clientHeight && (i.push(n), r.push(n.scrollTop)); while (n != o);
                for (t.focus(), e = 0; i.length > e; e++) i[e].scrollTop = r[e]
            _blur: function() {
            _enabled: function(e) {
                return !e.children("div").children(".k-in").hasClass("k-state-disabled")
            parent: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = /\bk-treeview\b/,
                    o = /\bk-item\b/;
                typeof t == j && (t = this.element.find(t)), Y(t) || (t = t[0]), i = o.test(t.className);
                do t = t.parentNode, o.test(t.className) && (i ? n = t : i = !0); while (!r.test(t.className) && !n);
                return e(n)
            _nextVisible: function(e) {
                function t(e) {
                    for (; e.length && !e.next().length;) e = i.parent(e);
                    return e.next().length ? e.next() : e
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i._expanded(e);
                return e.length && e.is(":visible") ? r ? (n = c(e).children().first(), n.length || (n = t(e))) : n = t(e) : n = i.root.children().eq(0), i._enabled(n) || (n = i._nextVisible(n)), n
            _previousVisible: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this;
                if (!e.length || e.prev().length)
                    for (n = e.length ? e.prev() : i.root.children().last(); i._expanded(n) && (t = c(n).children().last(), t.length);) n = t;
                else n = i.parent(e) || e;
                return i._enabled(n) || (n = i._previousVisible(n)), n
            _keydown: function(n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = n.keyCode,
                    a = r.current(),
                    s = r._expanded(a),
                    l = a.find(".k-checkbox:first :checkbox"),
                    c = p.support.isRtl(r.element);
                n.target == n.currentTarget && (!c && o == k.RIGHT || c && o == k.LEFT ? s ? i = r._nextVisible(a) : r.expand(a) : !c && o == k.LEFT || c && o == k.RIGHT ? s ? r.collapse(a) : (i = r.parent(a), r._enabled(i) || (i = t)) : o == k.DOWN ? i = r._nextVisible(a) : o == k.UP ? i = r._previousVisible(a) : o == k.HOME ? i = r._nextVisible(e()) : o == k.END ? i = r._previousVisible(e()) : o == k.ENTER ? a.find(".k-in:first").hasClass("k-state-selected") || r._trigger(C, a) || r.select(a) : o == k.SPACEBAR && l.length && (l.prop(I, !l.prop(I)).data(P, !1).prop(P, !1), r._checkboxChange({
                    target: l
                }), i = a), i && (n.preventDefault(), a[0] != i[0] && (r._trigger(T, i), r.current(i))))
            _click: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = e(t.currentTarget),
                    o = d(r.closest(W)),
                    a = r.attr("href");
                n = a ? "#" == a || a.indexOf("#" + this.element.id + "-") >= 0 : o.length && !o.children().length, n && t.preventDefault(), r.hasClass(".k-state-selected") || i._trigger(C, r) || i.select(r)
            _wrapper: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.element,
                    r = "k-widget k-treeview";
                i.is("ul") ? (e = i.wrap("<div />").parent(), t = i) : (e = i, t = e.children("ul").eq(0)), n.wrapper = e.addClass(r), n.root = t
            _group: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.hasClass(V),
                    i = {
                        firstLevel: n,
                        expanded: n || t._expanded(e)
                    r = e.children("ul");
                r.addClass(t.templates.groupCssClass(i)).css("display", i.expanded ? "" : "none"), t._nodes(r, i)
            _nodes: function(t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = t.children("li");
                n = m({
                    length: o.length
                }, n), o.each(function(t, o) {
                    o = e(o), i = {
                        index: t,
                        expanded: r._expanded(o)
                    }, s(o), r._updateNodeClasses(o, n, i), r._group(o)
            _checkboxes: function() {
                var e, t = this.options,
                    n = t.checkboxes;
                n && (e = "<input type='checkbox' #= (item.enabled === false) ? 'disabled' : '' # #= item.checked ? 'checked' : '' #", n.name && (e += " name='" + n.name + "'"), e += " />", n = m({
                    template: e
                }, t.checkboxes), typeof n.template == j && (n.template = v(n.template)), t.checkboxes = n)
            _updateNodeClasses: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = e.children("div"),
                    r = e.children("ul"),
                    o = this.templates;
                e.hasClass("k-treeview") || (n = n || {}, n.expanded = typeof n.expanded != N ? n.expanded : this._expanded(e), n.index = typeof n.index != N ? n.index : e.index(), n.enabled = typeof n.enabled != N ? n.enabled : !i.children(".k-in").hasClass("k-state-disabled"), t = t || {}, t.firstLevel = typeof t.firstLevel != N ? t.firstLevel : e.parent().parent().hasClass(V), t.length = typeof t.length != N ? t.length : e.parent().children().length, e.removeClass("k-first k-last").addClass(o.wrapperCssClass(t, n)), i.removeClass("k-top k-mid k-bot").addClass(o.cssClass(t, n)), i.children(".k-in").removeClass("k-in k-state-default k-state-disabled").addClass(o.textClass(n)), (r.length || "true" == e.attr("data-hasChildren")) && (i.children(".k-icon").removeClass("k-plus k-minus k-plus-disabled k-minus-disabled").addClass(o.toggleButtonClass(n)), r.addClass("k-group")))
            _processNodes: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.element.find(t).each(function(t, r) {
                    n.call(i, t, e(r).closest(W))
            dataItem: function(t) {
                var n = e(t).closest(W).attr(p.attr("uid")),
                    i = this.dataSource;
                return i && i.getByUid(n)
            _insertNode: function(t, n, i, r, o) {
                var a, l, d, u, h = this,
                    p = c(i),
                    f = p.children().length + 1,
                    g = {
                        firstLevel: i.hasClass(V),
                        expanded: !o,
                        length: f
                    m = "",
                    v = function(e, t) {
                for (d = 0; t.length > d; d++) u = t[d], u.index = n + d, m += h._renderItem({
                    group: g,
                    item: u
                if (l = e(m), l.length) {
                    for (h.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: l.get(),
                            data: t.map(function(e) {
                                return {
                                    dataItem: e
                    }), p.length || (p = e(h._renderGroup({
                        group: g
                    })).appendTo(i)), r(l, p), i.hasClass("k-item") && (s(i), h._updateNodeClasses(i)), h._updateNodeClasses(l.prev().first()), h._updateNodeClasses(l.next().last()), d = 0; t.length > d; d++) u = t[d], u.hasChildren && (a = u.children.data(), a.length && h._insertNode(a, u.index, l.eq(d), v, !h._expanded(l.eq(d))));
                    return l
            _updateNodes: function(t, n) {
                function i(e, t) {
                    e.find(".k-checkbox :checkbox").prop(I, t).data(P, !1).prop(P, !1)
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, u, h = this,
                    p = {
                        treeview: h.options,
                        item: s
                    g = "expanded" != n && "checked" != n;
                if ("selected" == n) s = t[0], o = h.findByUid(s.uid).find(".k-in:first").removeClass("k-state-hover").toggleClass("k-state-selected", s[n]).end(), s[n] && h.current(o), o.attr(G, !!s[n]);
                else {
                    for (u = e.map(t, function(e) {
                        return h.findByUid(e.uid).children("div")
                    }), g && h.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: u
                    }), r = 0; t.length > r; r++) p.item = s = t[r], a = u[r], o = a.parent(), g && a.children(".k-in").html(h.templates.itemContent(p)), n == I ? (l = s[n], i(a, l), h.options.checkboxes.checkChildren && (i(o.children(".k-group"), l), h._setChecked(s.children, l), h._bubbleIndeterminate(o))) : "expanded" == n ? h._toggle(o, s, s[n]) : "enabled" == n && (o.find(".k-checkbox :checkbox").prop("disabled", !s[n]), c = !d(o).is(U), o.removeAttr(q), s[n] || (s.selected && s.set("selected", !1), s.expanded && s.set("expanded", !1), c = !0, o.attr(G, !1).attr(q, !0)), h._updateNodeClasses(o, {}, {
                        enabled: s[n],
                        expanded: !c
                    })), a.length && this.trigger("itemChange", {
                        item: a,
                        data: s,
                        ns: f
                    g && h.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: u,
                            data: e.map(t, function(e) {
                                return [{
                                    dataItem: e
            _appendItems: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = c(n),
                    r = i.children(),
                    o = !this._expanded(n);
                typeof e == N && (e = r.length), this._insertNode(t, e, n, function(t, n) {
                    e >= r.length ? t.appendTo(n) : t.insertBefore(r.eq(e))
                }, o), this._expanded(n) && (this._updateNodeClasses(n), c(n).css("display", "block"))
            _refreshChildren: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this.options,
                    l = a.loadOnDemand,
                    d = a.checkboxes && a.checkboxes.checkChildren;
                if (c(e).empty(), t.length)
                    for (this._appendItems(n, t, e), r = c(e).children(), l && d && this._bubbleIndeterminate(r.last()), i = 0; r.length > i; i++) o = r.eq(i), this.trigger("itemChange", {
                        item: o.children("div"),
                        data: this.dataItem(o),
                        ns: f
                else s(e)
            _refreshRoot: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this._renderGroup({
                    items: t,
                    group: {
                        firstLevel: !0,
                        expanded: !0
                for (this.root.length ? (this._angularItems("cleanup"), n = e(o), this.root.attr("class", n.attr("class")).html(n.html())) : this.root = this.wrapper.html(o).children("ul"), this.root.attr("role", "tree"), i = 0; t.length > i; i++) r = this.root.children(".k-item"), this.trigger("itemChange", {
                    item: r.eq(i),
                    data: t[i],
                    ns: f
            refresh: function(e) {
                var n, i, r = e.node,
                    o = e.action,
                    a = e.items,
                    s = this.wrapper,
                    l = this.options,
                    c = l.loadOnDemand,
                    d = l.checkboxes && l.checkboxes.checkChildren;
                if (e.field) {
                    if (!a[0] || !a[0].level) return;
                    return this._updateNodes(a, e.field)
                if (r && (s = this.findByUid(r.uid), this._progress(s, !1)), d && "remove" != o) {
                    for (i = !1, n = 0; a.length > n; n++)
                        if ("checked" in a[n]) {
                            i = !0;
                    if (!i && r && r.checked)
                        for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++) a[n].checked = !0
                if ("add" == o ? this._appendItems(e.index, a, s) : "remove" == o ? this._remove(this.findByUid(a[0].uid), !1) : "itemchange" == o ? this._updateNodes(a) : "itemloaded" == o ? this._refreshChildren(s, a, e.index) : this._refreshRoot(a), "remove" != o)
                    for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++)(!c || a[n].expanded) && a[n].load();
                this.trigger(B, {
                    node: r ? s : t
            _error: function(e) {
                var t = e.node && this.findByUid(e.node.uid),
                    n = this.templates.retry({
                        messages: this.options.messages
                t ? (this._progress(t, !1), this._expanded(t, !1), u(t).addClass("k-i-refresh"), e.node.loaded(!1)) : (this._progress(!1), this.element.html(n))
            _retryRequest: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this.dataSource.fetch()
            expand: function(e) {
                this._processNodes(e, function(e, t) {
                    this.toggle(t, !0)
            collapse: function(e) {
                this._processNodes(e, function(e, t) {
                    this.toggle(t, !1)
            enable: function(e, t) {
                t = 2 == arguments.length ? !!t : !0, this._processNodes(e, function(e, n) {
                    this.dataItem(n).set("enabled", t)
            current: function(n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i._current,
                    o = i.element,
                    a = i._ariaId;
                return arguments.length > 0 && n && n.length ? (r && (r[0].id === a && r.removeAttr("id"), r.find(".k-in:first").removeClass("k-state-focused")), r = i._current = e(n, o).closest(W), r.find(".k-in:first").addClass("k-state-focused"), a = r[0].id || a, a && (i.wrapper.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), r.attr("id", a), i.wrapper.attr("aria-activedescendant", a)), t) : (r || (r = i._nextVisible(e())), r)
            select: function(n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.element;
                return arguments.length ? (n = e(n, r).closest(W), r.find(".k-state-selected").each(function() {
                    var t = i.dataItem(this);
                    t ? (t.set("selected", !1), delete t.selected) : e(this).removeClass("k-state-selected")
                }), n.length && i.dataItem(n).set("selected", !0), i.trigger(A), t) : r.find(".k-state-selected").closest(W)
            _toggle: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this.options,
                    a = d(e),
                    s = n ? "expand" : "collapse";
                a.data("animating") || this._trigger(s, e) || (this._expanded(e, n), i = t && t.loaded(), r = !a.children().length, !n || i && !r ? (this._updateNodeClasses(e, {}, {
                    expanded: n
                }), n || a.css("height", a.height()).css("height"), a.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(m({
                    reset: !0
                }, o.animation[s], {
                    complete: function() {
                        n && a.css("height", "")
                }))) : (o.loadOnDemand && this._progress(e, !0), a.remove(), t.load()))
            toggle: function(t, n) {
                t = e(t), u(t).is(".k-minus,.k-plus,.k-minus-disabled,.k-plus-disabled") && (1 == arguments.length && (n = !this._expanded(t)), this._expanded(t, n))
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                w.fn.destroy.call(e), e.wrapper.off(x), e._unbindDataSource(), e.dragging && e.dragging.destroy(), p.destroy(e.element), e.root = e.wrapper = e.element = null
            _expanded: function(e, n) {
                var i = p.attr("expanded"),
                    r = this.dataItem(e);
                return 1 == arguments.length ? "true" === e.attr(i) || r && r.expanded : (d(e).data("animating") || (r && (r.set("expanded", n), n = r.expanded), n ? (e.attr(i, "true"), e.attr("aria-expanded", "true")) : (e.removeAttr(i), e.attr("aria-expanded", "false"))), t)
            _progress: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.element,
                    i = this.templates.loading({
                        messages: this.options.messages
                1 == arguments.length ? (t = e, t ? n.html(i) : n.empty()) : u(e).toggleClass("k-loading", t).removeClass("k-i-refresh")
            text: function(e, n) {
                var i = this.dataItem(e),
                    r = this.options[$.text],
                    o = i.level(),
                    a = r.length,
                    s = r[Math.min(o, a - 1)];
                return n ? (i.set(s, n), t) : i[s]
            _objectOrSelf: function(t) {
                return e(t).closest("[data-role=treeview]").data("kendoTreeView") || this
            _dataSourceMove: function(t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a = this._objectOrSelf(i || n),
                    s = a.dataSource,
                    l = e.Deferred().resolve().promise();
                return i && i[0] != a.element[0] && (o = a.dataItem(i), o.loaded() || (a._progress(i, !0), l = o.load()), i != this.root && (s = o.children, s && s instanceof b || (o._initChildren(), o.loaded(!0), s = o.children))), t = this._toObservableData(t), r.call(this, s, t, l)
            _toObservableData: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = t;
                return (t instanceof window.jQuery || Y(t)) && (n = this._objectOrSelf(t).dataSource, i = e(t).attr(p.attr("uid")), r = n.getByUid(i), r && (r = n.remove(r))), r
            _insert: function(e, t, n) {
                t instanceof p.data.ObservableArray ? t = t.toJSON() : _(t) || (t = [t]);
                var i = e.parent();
                return i && i._initChildren && (i.hasChildren = !0, i._initChildren()), e.splice.apply(e, [n, 0].concat(t)), this.findByUid(e[n].uid)
            insertAfter: o(1),
            insertBefore: o(0),
            append: function(t, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = r.root;
                return n && (o = c(n)), r._dataSourceMove(t, o, n, function(t, o, a) {
                    function s() {
                        n && r._expanded(n, !0);
                        var e = t.data(),
                            i = Math.max(e.length, 0);
                        return r._insert(e, o, i)
                    var l;
                    return a.then(function() {
                        l = s(), (i = i || e.noop)(l)
                    }), l || null
            _remove: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this;
                return t = e(t, a.element), this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: t.get()
                }), i = t.parent().parent(), r = t.prev(), o = t.next(), t[n ? "detach" : "remove"](), i.hasClass("k-item") && (s(i), a._updateNodeClasses(i)), a._updateNodeClasses(r), a._updateNodeClasses(o), t
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataItem(e);
                t && this.dataSource.remove(t)
            detach: function(e) {
                return this._remove(e, !0)
            findByText: function(t) {
                return e(this.element).find(".k-in").filter(function(n, i) {
                    return e(i).text() == t
            findByUid: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = this.element.find(".k-item"),
                    o = p.attr("uid");
                for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++)
                    if (r[i].getAttribute(o) == t) {
                        n = r[i];
                return e(n)
            expandPath: function(n, i) {
                function r(e, t, n) {
                    e && !e.loaded() ? e.set("expanded", !0) : t.call(n)
                var o, a, s;
                for (n = n.slice(0), o = this, a = this.dataSource, s = a.get(n[0]), i = i || e.noop; n.length > 0 && s && (s.expanded || s.loaded());) s.set("expanded", !0), n.shift(), s = a.get(n[0]);
                return n.length ? (a.bind("change", function(e) {
                    var t, s = e.node && e.node.id;
                    s && s === n[0] && (n.shift(), n.length ? (t = a.get(n[0]), r(t, i, o)) : i.call(o))
                }), r(s, i, o), t) : i.call(o)
            _parents: function(e) {
                for (var t = e && e.parentNode(), n = []; t && t.parentNode;) n.push(t), t = t.parentNode();
                return n
            expandTo: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (e instanceof p.data.Node || (e = this.dataSource.get(e)), t = this._parents(e), n = 0; t.length > n; n++) t[n].set("expanded", !0)
            _renderItem: function(e) {
                return e.group || (e.group = {}), e.treeview = this.options, e.r = this.templates, this.templates.item(e)
            _renderGroup: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return e.renderItems = function(e) {
                    var n = "",
                        i = 0,
                        r = e.items,
                        o = r ? r.length : 0,
                        a = e.group;
                    for (a.length = o; o > i; i++) e.group = a, e.item = r[i], e.item.index = i, n += t._renderItem(e);
                    return n
                }, e.r = t.templates, t.templates.group(e)
        }), f.plugin(l)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = [];
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) e[n].field !== t && r.push(e[n]);
            return r

        function i(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a;
            if (!e) return [];
            for (e = e.filters, i = 0, r = [], o = e.length; o > i; i++) a = e[i].operator, (n || "in" === a) && a !== n || e[i].field !== t || r.push(e[i]);
            return r

        function r(t, n, r) {
            var o, a = 0,
                s = r.length;
            if (t = i(t, n, "in")[0])
                for (o = t.value.split(","); s > a; a++) r[a].checked = e.inArray(r[a].uniqueName, o) >= 0;
                for (; s > a; a++) r[a].checked = !0

        function o(e, t) {
            var n, i = e.length;
            for (n = 0; i > n; n++) e[n].checked && 0 !== e[n].level() && t.push(e[n].uniqueName), e[n].hasChildren && o(e[n].children.view(), t)
        var a = window.kendo,
            s = a.ui,
            l = "kendoContextMenu",
            c = e.proxy,
            d = ".kendoPivotFieldMenu",
            u = s.Widget,
            h = u.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    u.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._dataSource(), this._layout(), a.notify(this)
                events: [],
                options: {
                    name: "PivotFieldMenu",
                    filter: null,
                    filterable: !0,
                    sortable: !0,
                    messages: {
                        info: "Show items with value that:",
                        sortAscending: "Sort Ascending",
                        sortDescending: "Sort Descending",
                        filterFields: "Fields Filter",
                        filter: "Filter",
                        include: "Include Fields...",
                        title: "Fields to include",
                        clear: "Clear",
                        ok: "OK",
                        cancel: "Cancel",
                        operators: {
                            contains: "Contains",
                            doesnotcontain: "Does not contain",
                            startswith: "Starts with",
                            endswith: "Ends with",
                            eq: "Is equal to",
                            neq: "Is not equal to"
                _layout: function() {
                    var t = this.options;
                    this.wrapper = e(a.template(f)({
                        ns: a.ns,
                        filterable: t.filterable,
                        sortable: t.sortable,
                        messages: t.messages
                    })), this.menu = this.wrapper[l]({
                        filter: t.filter,
                        target: this.element,
                        orientation: "vertical",
                        showOn: "click",
                        closeOnClick: !1,
                        open: c(this._menuOpen, this),
                        select: c(this._select, this),
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1
                    }).data(l), this._createWindow(), t.filterable && this._initFilterForm()
                _initFilterForm: function() {
                    var e = this.menu.element.find(".k-filter-item"),
                        t = c(this._filter, this);
                    this._filterOperator = new a.ui.DropDownList(e.find("select")), this._filterValue = e.find(".k-textbox"), e.on("submit" + d, t).on("click" + d, ".k-button-filter", t).on("click" + d, ".k-button-clear", c(this._reset, this))
                _setFilterForm: function(e) {
                    var t = this._filterOperator,
                        n = "",
                        i = "";
                    e && (n = e.operator, i = e.value), t.value(n), t.value() || t.select(0), this._filterValue.val(i)
                _clearFilters: function(e) {
                    var t, n, r = this.dataSource.filter() || {},
                        o = 0;
                    for (r.filters = r.filters || [], t = i(r, e), n = t.length; n > o; o++) r.filters.splice(r.filters.indexOf(t[o]), 1);
                    return r
                _filter: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r._filterValue.val();
                    return e.preventDefault(), o ? (n = {
                        field: r.currentMember,
                        operator: r._filterOperator.value(),
                        value: o
                    }, i = r._clearFilters(r.currentMember), i.filters.push(n), r.dataSource.filter(i), r.menu.close(), t) : (r.menu.close(), t)
                _reset: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._clearFilters(t.currentMember);
                    e.preventDefault(), n.filters[0] || (n = {}), t.dataSource.filter(n), t._setFilterForm(null), t.menu.close()
                _sort: function(e) {
                    var t = this.currentMember,
                        i = this.dataSource.sort() || [];
                    i = n(i, t), i.push({
                        field: t,
                        dir: e
                    }), this.dataSource.sort(i), this.menu.close()
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource()
                _dataSource: function() {
                    this.dataSource = a.data.PivotDataSource.create(this.options.dataSource)
                _createWindow: function() {
                    var t = this.options.messages;
                    this.includeWindow = e(a.template(g)({
                        messages: t
                    })).on("click" + d, ".k-button-ok", c(this._applyIncludes, this)).on("click" + d, ".k-button-cancel", c(this._closeWindow, this)), this.includeWindow = new s.Window(this.includeWindow, {
                        title: t.title,
                        visible: !1,
                        resizable: !1,
                        open: c(this._windowOpen, this)
                _applyIncludes: function(e) {
                    var t, n = [],
                        r = this.treeView.dataSource.view(),
                        a = r[0].checked,
                        s = this.dataSource.filter(),
                        l = i(s, this.currentMember, "in")[0];
                    o(r, n), l && (a ? (s.filters.splice(s.filters.indexOf(l), 1), s.filters.length || (s = {})) : l.value = n.join(","), t = s), n.length && (t || a || (t = {
                        field: this.currentMember,
                        operator: "in",
                        value: n.join(",")
                    }, s && (s.filters.push(t), t = s))), t && this.dataSource.filter(t), this._closeWindow(e)
                _closeWindow: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this.includeWindow.close()
                _treeViewDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return a.data.HierarchicalDataSource.create({
                        schema: {
                            model: {
                                id: "uniqueName",
                                hasChildren: function(e) {
                                    return parseInt(e.childrenCardinality, 10) > 0
                        transport: {
                            read: function(t) {
                                var n = {},
                                    i = e.treeView.dataSource.get(t.data.uniqueName),
                                    o = t.data.uniqueName;
                                o ? (n.memberUniqueName = i.uniqueName.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;"), n.treeOp = 1) : n.levelUniqueName = e.currentMember + ".[(ALL)]", e.dataSource.schemaMembers(n).done(function(n) {
                                    r(e.dataSource.filter(), e.currentMember, n), t.success(n)
                _createTreeView: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.treeView = new s.TreeView(e, {
                        autoBind: !1,
                        dataSource: t._treeViewDataSource(),
                        dataTextField: "caption",
                        template: "#: data.item.caption || data.item.name #",
                        checkboxes: {
                            checkChildren: !0
                        dataBound: function() {
                            s.progress(t.includeWindow.element, !1)
                _menuOpen: function(t) {
                    var n;
                    t.event && (n = a.attr("name"), this.currentMember = e(t.event.target).closest("[" + n + "]").attr(n), this.options.filterable && this._setFilterForm(i(this.dataSource.filter(), this.currentMember)[0]))
                _select: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.item);
                    e(".k-pivot-filter-window").not(this.includeWindow.element).kendoWindow("close"), n.hasClass("k-include-item") ? this.includeWindow.center().open() : n.hasClass("k-sort-asc") ? this._sort("asc") : n.hasClass("k-sort-desc") && this._sort("desc")
                _windowOpen: function() {
                    this.treeView || this._createTreeView(this.includeWindow.element.find(".k-treeview")), s.progress(this.includeWindow.element, !0), this.treeView.dataSource.read()
                destroy: function() {
                    u.fn.destroy.call(this), this.menu && (this.menu.destroy(), this.menu = null), this.treeView && (this.treeView.destroy(), this.treeView = null), this.includeWindow && (this.includeWindow.destroy(), this.includeWindow = null), this.wrapper = null, this.element = null
            p = '<div class="k-filterable k-content" tabindex="-1" data-role="fieldmenu"><form class="k-filter-menu"><div><div class="k-filter-help-text">#=messages.info#</div><select>#for(var op in messages.operators){#<option value="#=op#">#=messages.operators[op]#</option>#}#</select><input class="k-textbox" type="text" /><div><a class="k-button k-primary k-button-filter" href="\\#">#=messages.filter#</a><a class="k-button k-button-clear" href="\\#">#=messages.clear#</a></div></div></form></div>',
            f = '<ul class="k-pivot-fieldmenu"># if (sortable) {#<li class="k-item k-sort-asc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-sort-asc"></span>${messages.sortAscending}</span></li><li class="k-item k-sort-desc"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-sort-desc"></span>${messages.sortDescending}</span></li># if (filterable) {#<li class="k-separator"></li># } ## } ## if (filterable) {#<li class="k-item k-include-item"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-filter"></span>${messages.include}</span></li><li class="k-separator"></li><li class="k-item k-filter-item"><span class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-filter"></span>${messages.filterFields}</span><ul><li>' + p + "</li></ul></li># } #</ul>",
            g = '<div class="k-popup-edit-form k-pivot-filter-window"><div class="k-edit-form-container"><div class="k-treeview"></div><div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default"><a class="k-button k-primary k-button-ok" href="\\#">${messages.ok}</a><a class="k-button k-button-cancel" href="\\#">${messages.cancel}</a></div></div>';
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, i) {
            var r, o, a = [];
            if (e.isPlainObject(t))
                if (t.hasOwnProperty("filters")) a = t.filters;
                else if (t.field == i) return t;
            for (e.isArray(t) && (a = t), r = 0; a.length > r; r++)
                if (o = n(a[r], i)) return o

        function i(t, n) {
            t.filters && (t.filters = e.grep(t.filters, function(e) {
                return i(e, n), e.filters ? e.filters.length : e.field != n

        function r(e, t) {
            var n = o.getter(t, !0);
            return function(t) {
                for (var i, r, o = e(t), a = [], s = 0, l = {}; o.length > s;) i = o[s++], r = n(i), l.hasOwnProperty(r) || (a.push(i), l[r] = !0);
                return a
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui,
            s = o.data.DataSource,
            l = a.Widget,
            c = "change",
            d = "boolean",
            u = "enums",
            h = "string",
            p = "Is equal to",
            f = "Is not equal to",
            g = e.proxy,
            m = l.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    var r, a, s, p, f, m, v, _, w, b, y, k;
                    if (n = e(n).addClass("k-filtercell"), r = this.wrapper = e("<span/>").appendTo(n), a = this, f = i, _ = a.operators = i.operators || {}, w = a.input = e("<input/>").attr(o.attr("bind"), "value: value").appendTo(r), l.fn.init.call(a, n[0], i), i = a.options, s = a.dataSource = i.dataSource, a.model = s.reader.model, v = i.type = h, b = o.getter("reader.model.fields", !0)(s) || {}, y = b[i.field], y && y.type && (v = i.type = y.type), i.values && (i.type = v = u), _ = _[v] || i.operators[v], !f.operator)
                        for (m in _) {
                            i.operator = m;
                    a._parse = function(e) {
                        return e + ""
                    }, a.model && a.model.fields && (k = a.model.fields[i.field], k && k.parse && (a._parse = g(k.parse, k))), a.viewModel = p = o.observable({
                        operator: i.operator,
                        value: null,
                        operatorVisible: function() {
                            var e = this.get("value");
                            return null !== e && e !== t && "undefined" != e
                    }), p.bind(c, g(a.updateDsFilter, a)), v == h && a.initSuggestDataSource(i), null !== i.inputWidth && w.width(i.inputWidth), a._setInputType(i, v), v != d && i.showOperators !== !1 ? a._createOperatorDropDown(_) : r.addClass("k-operator-hidden"), a._createClearIcon(), o.bind(this.wrapper, p), v == h && (i.template || a.setAutoCompleteSource()), v == u && a.setComboBoxSource(a.options.values), a._refreshUI(), a._refreshHandler = g(a._refreshUI, a), a.dataSource.bind(c, a._refreshHandler)
                _setInputType: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, a, s, l, c = this,
                        p = c.input;
                    "function" == typeof t.template ? t.template.call(c.viewModel, {
                        element: c.input,
                        dataSource: c.suggestDataSource
                    }) : n == h ? p.attr(o.attr("role"), "autocomplete").attr(o.attr("text-field"), t.dataTextField || t.field).attr(o.attr("filter"), t.suggestionOperator).attr(o.attr("delay"), t.delay).attr(o.attr("min-length"), t.minLength).attr(o.attr("value-primitive"), !0) : "date" == n ? p.attr(o.attr("role"), "datepicker") : n == d ? (p.remove(), i = e("<input type='radio'/>"), r = c.wrapper, a = o.guid(), s = e("<label/>").text(t.messages.isTrue).append(i), i.attr(o.attr("bind"), "checked:value").attr("name", a).val("true"), l = s.clone().text(t.messages.isFalse), i.clone().val("false").appendTo(l), r.append([s, l])) : "number" == n ? p.attr(o.attr("role"), "numerictextbox") : n == u && p.attr(o.attr("role"), "combobox").attr(o.attr("text-field"), "text").attr(o.attr("suggest"), !0).attr(o.attr("filter"), "contains").attr(o.attr("value-field"), "value").attr(o.attr("value-primitive"), !0)
                _createOperatorDropDown: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = [];
                    for (n in t) r.push({
                        text: t[n],
                        value: n
                    i = e('<input class="k-dropdown-operator" ' + o.attr("bind") + '="value: operator"/>').appendTo(this.wrapper), this.operatorDropDown = i.kendoDropDownList({
                        dataSource: r,
                        dataTextField: "text",
                        dataValueField: "value",
                        open: function() {
                        valuePrimitive: !0
                    }).data("kendoDropDownList"), this.operatorDropDown.wrapper.find(".k-i-arrow-s").removeClass("k-i-arrow-s").addClass("k-filter")
                initSuggestDataSource: function(e) {
                    var n = e.suggestDataSource;
                    n instanceof s || (!e.customDataSource && n && (n.group = t), n = this.suggestDataSource = s.create(n)), e.customDataSource || (n._pageSize = t, n.reader.data = r(n.reader.data, this.options.field)), this.suggestDataSource = n
                setAutoCompleteSource: function() {
                    var e = this.input.data("kendoAutoComplete");
                    e && e.setDataSource(this.suggestDataSource)
                setComboBoxSource: function(e) {
                    var t = s.create({
                            data: e
                        n = this.input.data("kendoComboBox");
                    n && n.setDataSource(t)
                _refreshUI: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        i = n(t.dataSource.filter(), this.options.field) || {},
                        r = t.viewModel;
                    t.manuallyUpdatingVM = !0, i = e.extend(!0, {}, i), t.options.type == d && r.value !== i.value && t.wrapper.find(":radio").prop("checked", !1), i.operator && r.set("operator", i.operator), r.set("value", i.value), t.manuallyUpdatingVM = !1
                updateDsFilter: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.viewModel;
                    a.manuallyUpdatingVM || "operator" == n.field && s.value === t || (i = e.extend({}, a.viewModel.toJSON(), {
                        field: a.options.field
                    }), r = {
                        logic: "and",
                        filters: []
                    }, i.value !== t && null !== i.value && r.filters.push(i), o = a._merge(r), a.dataSource.filter(o.filters.length ? o : {}))
                _merge: function(t) {
                    var n, r, o, a = this,
                        s = t.logic || "and",
                        l = t.filters,
                        c = a.dataSource.filter() || {
                            filters: [],
                            logic: "and"
                    for (i(c, a.options.field), r = 0, o = l.length; o > r; r++) n = l[r], n.value = a._parse(n.value);
                    return l = e.grep(l, function(e) {
                        return "" !== e.value && null !== e.value
                    }), l.length && (c.filters.length ? (t.filters = l, "and" !== c.logic && (c.filters = [{
                        logic: c.logic,
                        filters: c.filters
                    }], c.logic = "and"), c.filters.push(l.length > 1 ? t : l[0])) : (c.filters = l, c.logic = s)), c
                _createClearIcon: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    e("<button type='button' class='k-button k-button-icon'/>").attr(o.attr("bind"), "visible:operatorVisible").html("<span class='k-icon k-i-close'/>").click(g(t.clearFilter, t)).appendTo(t.wrapper)
                clearFilter: function() {
                    this.viewModel.set("value", null)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.filterModel = null, l.fn.destroy.call(e), o.destroy(e.element)
                events: [c],
                options: {
                    name: "FilterCell",
                    delay: 200,
                    minLength: 1,
                    inputWidth: null,
                    values: t,
                    customDataSource: !1,
                    field: "",
                    dataTextField: "",
                    type: "string",
                    suggestDataSource: null,
                    suggestionOperator: "startswith",
                    operator: "eq",
                    showOperators: !0,
                    template: null,
                    messages: {
                        isTrue: "is true",
                        isFalse: "is false",
                        filter: "Filter",
                        clear: "Clear",
                        operator: "Operator"
                    operators: {
                        string: {
                            eq: p,
                            neq: f,
                            startswith: "Starts with",
                            contains: "Contains",
                            doesnotcontain: "Does not contain",
                            endswith: "Ends with"
                        number: {
                            eq: p,
                            neq: f,
                            gte: "Is greater than or equal to",
                            gt: "Is greater than",
                            lte: "Is less than or equal to",
                            lt: "Is less than"
                        date: {
                            eq: p,
                            neq: f,
                            gte: "Is after or equal to",
                            gt: "Is after",
                            lte: "Is before or equal to",
                            lt: "Is before"
                        enums: {
                            eq: p,
                            neq: f
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            t = e(t), t.children(v).children(".k-icon").remove(), t.filter(":has(.k-panel),:has(.k-content)").children(".k-link:not(:has([class*=k-i-arrow]))").each(function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    n = t.parent();
                t.append("<span class='k-icon " + (n.hasClass(M) ? "k-i-arrow-n k-panelbar-collapse" : "k-i-arrow-s k-panelbar-expand") + "'/>")

        function i(t) {
            t = e(t), t.filter(".k-first:not(:first-child)").removeClass(x), t.filter(".k-last:not(:last-child)").removeClass(g), t.filter(":first-child").addClass(x), t.filter(":last-child").addClass(g)
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = r.ui,
            a = r.keys,
            s = e.extend,
            l = e.each,
            c = r.template,
            d = o.Widget,
            u = /^(ul|a|div)$/i,
            h = ".kendoPanelBar",
            p = "img",
            f = "href",
            g = "k-last",
            m = "k-link",
            v = "." + m,
            _ = "error",
            w = ".k-item",
            b = ".k-group",
            y = b + ":visible",
            k = "k-image",
            x = "k-first",
            C = "expand",
            S = "select",
            T = "k-content",
            D = "activate",
            A = "collapse",
            E = "mouseenter",
            I = "mouseleave",
            P = "contentLoad",
            M = "k-state-active",
            z = "> .k-panel",
            F = "> .k-content",
            R = "k-state-focused",
            H = "k-state-disabled",
            B = "k-state-selected",
            L = "." + B,
            N = "k-state-highlight",
            O = w + ":not(.k-state-disabled)",
            V = "> " + O + " > " + v + ", .k-panel > " + O + " > " + v,
            U = w + ".k-state-disabled > .k-link",
            W = "> li > " + L + ", .k-panel > li > " + L,
            j = "k-state-default",
            G = "aria-disabled",
            q = "aria-expanded",
            $ = "aria-hidden",
            Y = "aria-selected",
            Q = ":visible",
            K = ":empty",
            X = "single",
            Z = {
                content: c("<div role='region' class='k-content'#= contentAttributes(data) #>#= content(item) #</div>"),
                group: c("<ul role='group' aria-hidden='true' class='#= groupCssClass(group) #'#= groupAttributes(group) #>#= renderItems(data) #</ul>"),
                itemWrapper: c("<#= tag(item) # class='#= textClass(item, group) #' #= contentUrl(item) ##= textAttributes(item) #>#= image(item) ##= sprite(item) ##= text(item) ##= arrow(data) #</#= tag(item) #>"),
                item: c("<li role='menuitem' #=aria(item)#class='#= wrapperCssClass(group, item) #'>#= itemWrapper(data) ## if (item.items) { ##= subGroup({ items: item.items, panelBar: panelBar, group: { expanded: item.expanded } }) ## } else if (item.content || item.contentUrl) { ##= renderContent(data) ## } #</li>"),
                image: c("<img class='k-image' alt='' src='#= imageUrl #' />"),
                arrow: c("<span class='#= arrowClass(item) #'></span>"),
                sprite: c("<span class='k-sprite #= spriteCssClass #'></span>"),
                empty: c("")
            J = {
                aria: function(e) {
                    var t = "";
                    return (e.items || e.content || e.contentUrl) && (t += q + "='" + (e.expanded ? "true" : "false") + "' "), e.enabled === !1 && (t += G + "='true'"), t
                wrapperCssClass: function(e, t) {
                    var n = "k-item",
                        i = t.index;
                    return n += t.enabled === !1 ? " " + H : t.expanded === !0 ? " " + M : " k-state-default", 0 === i && (n += " k-first"), i == e.length - 1 && (n += " k-last"), t.cssClass && (n += " " + t.cssClass), n
                textClass: function(e, t) {
                    var n = m;
                    return t.firstLevel && (n += " k-header"), n
                textAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.url ? " href='" + e.url + "'" : ""
                arrowClass: function(e) {
                    var t = "k-icon";
                    return t += e.expanded ? " k-i-arrow-n k-panelbar-collapse" : " k-i-arrow-s k-panelbar-expand"
                text: function(e) {
                    return e.encoded === !1 ? e.text : r.htmlEncode(e.text)
                tag: function(e) {
                    return e.url || e.contentUrl ? "a" : "span"
                groupAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.expanded !== !0 ? " style='display:none'" : ""
                groupCssClass: function() {
                    return "k-group k-panel"
                contentAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.item.expanded !== !0 ? " style='display:none'" : ""
                content: function(e) {
                    return e.content ? e.content : e.contentUrl ? "" : "&nbsp;"
                contentUrl: function(e) {
                    return e.contentUrl ? 'href="' + e.contentUrl + '"' : ""
            et = d.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, o = this;
                    d.fn.init.call(o, t, n), t = o.wrapper = o.element.addClass("k-widget k-reset k-header k-panelbar"), n = o.options, t[0].id && (o._itemId = t[0].id + "_pb_active"), o._tabindex(), o._initData(n), o._updateClasses(), o._animations(n), t.on("click" + h, V, function(t) {
                        o._click(e(t.currentTarget)) && t.preventDefault()
                    }).on(E + h + " " + I + h, V, o._toggleHover).on("click" + h, U, !1).on("keydown" + h, e.proxy(o._keydown, o)).on("focus" + h, function() {
                        var e = o.select();
                        o._current(e[0] ? e : o._first())
                    }).on("blur" + h, function() {
                    }).attr("role", "menu"), i = t.find("li." + M + " > ." + T), i[0] && o.expand(i.parent(), !1), r.notify(o)
                events: [C, A, S, D, _, P],
                options: {
                    name: "PanelBar",
                    animation: {
                        expand: {
                            effects: "expand:vertical",
                            duration: 200
                        collapse: {
                            duration: 200
                    expandMode: "multiple"
                destroy: function() {
                    d.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.off(h), r.destroy(this.element)
                _initData: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.dataSource && (t.element.empty(), t.append(e.dataSource, t.element))
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.animation;
                    this._animations(e), e.animation = s(!0, t, e.animation), "dataSource" in e && this._initData(e), d.fn.setOptions.call(this, e)
                expand: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = {};
                    return n = n !== !1, t = this.element.find(t), t.each(function(o, a) {
                        a = e(a);
                        var s = a.find(z).add(a.find(F));
                        if (!a.hasClass(H) && s.length > 0) {
                            if (i.options.expandMode == X && i._collapseAllExpanded(a)) return i;
                            t.find("." + N).removeClass(N), a.addClass(N), n || (r = i.options.animation, i.options.animation = {
                                expand: {
                                    effects: {}
                                collapse: {
                                    hide: !0,
                                    effects: {}
                            }), i._triggerEvent(C, a) || i._toggleItem(a, !1), n || (i.options.animation = r)
                    }), i
                collapse: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = {};
                    return n = n !== !1, t = i.element.find(t), t.each(function(t, o) {
                        o = e(o);
                        var a = o.find(z).add(o.find(F));
                        !o.hasClass(H) && a.is(Q) && (o.removeClass(N), n || (r = i.options.animation, i.options.animation = {
                            expand: {
                                effects: {}
                            collapse: {
                                hide: !0,
                                effects: {}
                        }), i._triggerEvent(A, o) || i._toggleItem(o, !0), n || (i.options.animation = r))
                    }), i
                _toggleDisabled: function(e, t) {
                    e = this.element.find(e), e.toggleClass(j, t).toggleClass(H, !t).attr(G, !t)
                select: function(n) {
                    var i = this;
                    return n === t ? i.element.find(W).parent() : (n = i.element.find(n), n.length ? n.each(function() {
                        var n = e(this),
                            r = n.children(v);
                        return n.hasClass(H) ? i : (i._triggerEvent(S, n) || i._updateSelected(r), t)
                    }) : this._updateSelected(n), i)
                clearSelection: function() {
                enable: function(e, t) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, t !== !1), this
                disable: function(e) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, !1), this
                append: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var r = this._insert(e, t, t.length ? t.find(z) : null);
                    return l(r.items, function() {
                        r.group.append(this), i(this)
                    }), n(t), i(r.group.find(".k-first, .k-last")), r.group.height("auto"), this
                insertBefore: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var n = this._insert(e, t, t.parent());
                    return l(n.items, function() {
                        t.before(this), i(this)
                    }), i(t), n.group.height("auto"), this
                insertAfter: function(e, t) {
                    t = this.element.find(t);
                    var n = this._insert(e, t, t.parent());
                    return l(n.items, function() {
                        t.after(this), i(this)
                    }), i(t), n.group.height("auto"), this
                remove: function(e) {
                    e = this.element.find(e);
                    var t = this,
                        r = e.parentsUntil(t.element, w),
                        o = e.parent("ul");
                    return e.remove(), !o || o.hasClass("k-panelbar") || o.children(w).length || o.remove(), r.length && (r = r.eq(0), n(r), i(r)), t
                reload: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    t = n.element.find(t), t.each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        n._ajaxRequest(t, t.children("." + T), !t.is(Q))
                _first: function() {
                    return this.element.children(O).first()
                _last: function() {
                    var e = this.element.children(O).last(),
                        t = e.children(y);
                    return t[0] ? t.children(O).last() : e
                _current: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = i._focused,
                        o = i._itemId;
                    return n === t ? r : (i.element.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), r && r.length && (r[0].id === o && r.removeAttr("id"), r.children(v).removeClass(R)), e(n).length && (o = n[0].id || o, n.attr("id", o).children(v).addClass(R), i.element.attr("aria-activedescendant", o)), i._focused = n, t)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.keyCode,
                        i = t._current();
                    e.target == e.currentTarget && (n == a.DOWN || n == a.RIGHT ? (t._current(t._nextItem(i)), e.preventDefault()) : n == a.UP || n == a.LEFT ? (t._current(t._prevItem(i)), e.preventDefault()) : n == a.ENTER || n == a.SPACEBAR ? (t._click(i.children(v)), e.preventDefault()) : n == a.HOME ? (t._current(t._first()), e.preventDefault()) : n == a.END && (t._current(t._last()), e.preventDefault()))
                _nextItem: function(e) {
                    if (!e) return this._first();
                    var t = e.children(y),
                        n = e.nextAll(":visible").first();
                    return t[0] && (n = t.children("." + x)), n[0] || (n = e.parent(y).parent(w).next()), n[0] || (n = this._first()), n.hasClass(H) && (n = this._nextItem(n)), n
                _prevItem: function(e) {
                    if (!e) return this._last();
                    var t, n = e.prevAll(":visible").first();
                    if (n[0])
                        for (t = n; t[0];) t = t.children(y).children("." + g), t[0] && (n = t);
                    else n = e.parent(y).parent(w), n[0] || (n = this._last());
                    return n.hasClass(H) && (n = this._prevItem(n)), n
                _insert: function(t, n, i) {
                    var o, a, l = this,
                        c = e.isPlainObject(t),
                        d = n && n[0];
                    return d || (i = l.element), a = {
                        firstLevel: i.hasClass("k-panelbar"),
                        expanded: i.parent().hasClass(M),
                        length: i.children().length
                    }, d && !i.length && (i = e(et.renderGroup({
                        group: a
                    })).appendTo(n)), t instanceof r.Observable && (t = t.toJSON()), c || e.isArray(t) ? (o = e.map(c ? [t] : t, function(t, n) {
                        return e("string" == typeof t ? t : et.renderItem({
                            group: a,
                            item: s(t, {
                                index: n
                    }), d && n.attr(q, !1)) : (o = "string" == typeof t && "<" != t.charAt(0) ? l.element.find(t) : e(t), l._updateItemsClasses(o)), {
                        items: o,
                        group: i
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget);
                    n.parents("li." + H).length || n.toggleClass("k-state-hover", t.type == E)
                _updateClasses: function() {
                    var t, r, o = this;
                    t = o.element.find("li > ul").not(function() {
                        return e(this).parentsUntil(".k-panelbar", "div").length
                    }).addClass("k-group k-panel").attr("role", "group"), t.parent().attr(q, !1).not("." + M).children("ul").attr($, !0).hide(), r = o.element.add(t).children(), o._updateItemsClasses(r), n(r), i(r)
                _updateItemsClasses: function(e) {
                    for (var t = e.length, n = 0; t > n; n++) this._updateItemClasses(e[n], n)
                _updateItemClasses: function(t, n) {
                    var i, o, a = this._selected,
                        s = this.options.contentUrls,
                        l = s && s[n],
                        c = this.element[0];
                    t = e(t).addClass("k-item").attr("role", "menuitem"), r.support.browser.msie && t.css("list-style-position", "inside").css("list-style-position", ""), t.children(p).addClass(k), o = t.children("a").addClass(m), o[0] && (o.attr("href", l), o.children(p).addClass(k)), t.filter(":not([disabled]):not([class*=k-state])").addClass("k-state-default"), t.filter("li[disabled]").addClass("k-state-disabled").attr(G, !0).removeAttr("disabled"), t.children("div").addClass(T).attr("role", "region").attr($, !0).hide().parent().attr(q, !1), o = t.children(L), o[0] && (a && a.removeAttr(Y).children(L).removeClass(B), o.addClass(B), this._selected = t.attr(Y, !0)), t.children(v)[0] || (i = "<span class='" + m + "'/>", s && s[n] && t[0].parentNode == c && (i = '<a class="k-link k-header" href="' + s[n] + '"/>'), t.contents().filter(function() {
                        return !(this.nodeName.match(u) || 3 == this.nodeType && !e.trim(this.nodeValue))
                    }).wrapAll(i)), t.parent(".k-panelbar")[0] && t.children(v).addClass("k-header")
                _click: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                        c = l.element;
                    if (!e.parents("li." + H).length && e.closest(".k-widget")[0] == c[0]) {
                        if (o = e.closest(v), a = o.closest(w), l._updateSelected(o), n = a.find(z).add(a.find(F)), i = o.attr(f), r = i && ("#" == i.charAt(i.length - 1) || -1 != i.indexOf("#" + l.element[0].id + "-")), t = !(!r && !n.length), n.data("animating")) return t;
                        if (l._triggerEvent(S, a) && (t = !0), t !== !1) return l.options.expandMode == X && l._collapseAllExpanded(a) ? t : (n.length && (s = n.is(Q), l._triggerEvent(s ? A : C, a) || (t = l._toggleItem(a, s))), t)
                _toggleItem: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this,
                        a = e.find(z),
                        s = e.find(v),
                        l = s.attr(f);
                    return a.length ? (this._toggleGroup(a, n), i = !0) : (r = e.children("." + T), r.length && (i = !0, r.is(K) && l !== t ? o._ajaxRequest(e, r, n) : o._toggleGroup(r, n))), i
                _toggleGroup: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options.animation,
                        r = i.expand,
                        o = s({}, i.collapse),
                        a = o && "effects" in o;
                    e.is(Q) == t && (e.parent().attr(q, !t).attr($, t).toggleClass(M, !t).find("> .k-link > .k-icon").toggleClass("k-i-arrow-n", !t).toggleClass("k-panelbar-collapse", !t).toggleClass("k-i-arrow-s", t).toggleClass("k-panelbar-expand", t), r = t ? s(a ? o : s({
                        reverse: !0
                    }, r), {
                        hide: !0
                    }) : s({
                        complete: function(e) {
                            n._triggerEvent(D, e.closest(w))
                    }, r), e.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(r))
                _collapseAllExpanded: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = !1,
                        o = t.find(z).add(t.find(F));
                    return o.is(Q) && (r = !0), o.is(Q) || 0 === o.length || (n = t.siblings(), n.find(z).add(n.find(F)).filter(function() {
                        return e(this).is(Q)
                    }).each(function(t, n) {
                        n = e(n), r = i._triggerEvent(A, n.closest(w)), r || i._toggleGroup(n, !0)
                    })), r
                _ajaxRequest: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = this,
                        o = t.find(".k-panelbar-collapse, .k-panelbar-expand"),
                        a = t.find(v),
                        s = setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 100),
                        l = {},
                        c = a.attr(f);
                        type: "GET",
                        cache: !1,
                        url: c,
                        dataType: "html",
                        data: l,
                        error: function(e, t) {
                            o.removeClass("k-loading"), r.trigger(_, {
                                xhr: e,
                                status: t
                            }) && this.complete()
                        complete: function() {
                            clearTimeout(s), o.removeClass("k-loading")
                        success: function(e) {
                            function o() {
                                return {
                                    elements: n.get()
                            try {
                                r.angular("cleanup", o), n.html(e), r.angular("compile", o)
                            } catch (a) {
                                var s = window.console;
                                s && s.error && s.error(a.name + ": " + a.message + " in " + c), this.error(this.xhr, "error")
                            r._toggleGroup(n, i), r.trigger(P, {
                                item: t[0],
                                contentElement: n[0]
                _triggerEvent: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return n.trigger(e, {
                        item: t[0]
                _updateSelected: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = e.parent(w),
                        r = t._selected;
                    r && r.removeAttr(Y), t._selected = i.attr(Y, !0), n.find(W).removeClass(B), n.find("> ." + N + ", .k-panel > ." + N).removeClass(N), e.addClass(B), e.parentsUntil(n, w).filter(":has(.k-header)").addClass(N), t._current(i[0] ? i : null)
                _animations: function(e) {
                    e && "animation" in e && !e.animation && (e.animation = {
                        expand: {
                            effects: {}
                        collapse: {
                            hide: !0,
                            effects: {}
        s(et, {
            renderItem: function(e) {
                e = s({
                    panelBar: {},
                    group: {}
                }, e);
                var t = Z.empty,
                    n = e.item;
                return Z.item(s(e, {
                    image: n.imageUrl ? Z.image : t,
                    sprite: n.spriteCssClass ? Z.sprite : t,
                    itemWrapper: Z.itemWrapper,
                    renderContent: et.renderContent,
                    arrow: n.items || n.content || n.contentUrl ? Z.arrow : t,
                    subGroup: et.renderGroup
                }, J))
            renderGroup: function(e) {
                return Z.group(s({
                    renderItems: function(e) {
                        for (var t = "", n = 0, i = e.items, r = i ? i.length : 0, o = s({
                            length: r
                        }, e.group); r > n; n++) t += et.renderItem(s(e, {
                            group: o,
                            item: s({
                                index: n
                            }, i[n])
                        return t
                }, e, J))
            renderContent: function(e) {
                return Z.content(s(e, J))
        }), r.ui.plugin(et)
    function(e) {
        var t = e.proxy,
            n = ".kendoResponsivePanel",
            i = "open",
            r = "close",
            o = "click" + n + " touchstart" + n,
            a = kendo.ui.Widget,
            s = a.extend({
                init: function(i, r) {
                    a.fn.init.call(this, i, r), this._guid = "_" + kendo.guid(), this._toggleHandler = t(this._toggleButtonClick, this), this._closeHandler = t(this._close, this), e(document.documentElement).on(o, this.options.toggleButton, this._toggleHandler), this._registerBreakpoint(), this.element.addClass("k-rpanel k-rpanel-" + this.options.orientation + " " + this._guid), this._resizeHandler = t(this.resize, this, !1), e(window).on("resize" + n, this._resizeHandler)
                _mediaQuery: "@media (max-width: #= breakpoint-1 #px) {.#= guid #.k-rpanel-animate.k-rpanel-left,.#= guid #.k-rpanel-animate.k-rpanel-right {-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .2s ease-out;-ms-transition: -ms-transform .2s ease-out;transition: transform .2s ease-out;} .#= guid #.k-rpanel-top {overflow: hidden;}.#= guid #.k-rpanel-animate.k-rpanel-top {-webkit-transition: max-height .2s linear;-ms-transition: max-height .2s linear;transition: max-height .2s linear;}} @media (min-width: #= breakpoint #px) {#= toggleButton # { display: none; } .#= guid #.k-rpanel-left { float: left; } .#= guid #.k-rpanel-right { float: right; } .#= guid #.k-rpanel-left, .#= guid #.k-rpanel-right {position: relative;-webkit-transform: translateX(0);-ms-transform: translateX(0);transform: translateX(0);-webkit-transform: translateX(0) translateZ(0);-ms-transform: translateX(0) translateZ(0);transform: translateX(0) translateZ(0);} .#= guid #.k-rpanel-top { max-height: none; }}",
                _registerBreakpoint: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                        breakpoint: e.breakpoint,
                        toggleButton: e.toggleButton,
                        guid: this._guid
                _registerStyle: function(t) {
                    var n = e("head,body")[0],
                        i = document.createElement("style");
                    n.appendChild(i), i.styleSheet ? i.styleSheet.cssText = t : i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t))
                options: {
                    name: "ResponsivePanel",
                    orientation: "left",
                    toggleButton: ".k-rpanel-toggle",
                    breakpoint: 640,
                    autoClose: !0
                events: [i, r],
                _resize: function() {
                _toggleButtonClick: function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), this.element.hasClass("k-rpanel-expanded") ? this.close() : this.open()
                open: function() {
                    this.trigger(i) || (this.element.addClass("k-rpanel-animate k-rpanel-expanded"), this.options.autoClose && e(document.documentElement).on(o, this._closeHandler))
                close: function() {
                    this.trigger(r) || (this.element.addClass("k-rpanel-animate").removeClass("k-rpanel-expanded"), e(document.documentElement).off(o, this._closeHandler))
                _close: function(t) {
                    var n = t.isDefaultPrevented(),
                        i = e(t.target).closest(this.options.toggleButton + ",.k-rpanel");
                    i.length || n || this.close()
                destroy: function() {
                    a.fn.destroy.call(this), e(window).off("resize" + n, this._resizeHandler), e(document.documentElement).off(o, this._closeHandler)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            t.children(m).addClass(S), t.children("a").addClass(b).children(m).addClass(S), t.filter(":not([disabled]):not([class*=k-state-disabled])").addClass(R), t.filter("li[disabled]").addClass(F).removeAttr("disabled"), t.filter(":not([class*=k-state])").children("a").filter(":focus").parent().addClass(H + " " + N), t.attr("role", "tab"), t.filter("." + H).attr("aria-selected", !0), t.each(function() {
                var t = e(this);
                t.children("." + b).length || t.contents().filter(function() {
                    return !(this.nodeName.match(f) || 3 == this.nodeType && !d(this.nodeValue))
                }).wrapAll("<span class='" + b + "'/>")

        function i(e) {
            var t = e.children(".k-item");
            t.filter(".k-first:not(:first-child)").removeClass(T), t.filter(".k-last:not(:last-child)").removeClass(y), t.filter(":first-child").addClass(T), t.filter(":last-child").addClass(y)

        function r(e, t) {
            return "<span class='k-button k-button-icon k-button-bare k-tabstrip-" + e + "' unselectable='on'><span class='k-icon " + t + "'></span></span>"
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui,
            s = o.keys,
            l = e.map,
            c = e.each,
            d = e.trim,
            u = e.extend,
            h = o.template,
            p = a.Widget,
            f = /^(a|div)$/i,
            g = ".kendoTabStrip",
            m = "img",
            v = "href",
            _ = "prev",
            w = "show",
            b = "k-link",
            y = "k-last",
            k = "click",
            x = "error",
            C = ":empty",
            S = "k-image",
            T = "k-first",
            D = "select",
            A = "activate",
            E = "k-content",
            I = "contentUrl",
            P = "mouseenter",
            M = "mouseleave",
            z = "contentLoad",
            F = "k-state-disabled",
            R = "k-state-default",
            H = "k-state-active",
            B = "k-state-focused",
            L = "k-state-hover",
            N = "k-tab-on-top",
            O = ".k-item:not(." + F + ")",
            V = ".k-tabstrip-items > " + O + ":not(." + H + ")",
            U = {
                content: h("<div class='k-content'#= contentAttributes(data) # role='tabpanel'>#= content(item) #</div>"),
                itemWrapper: h("<#= tag(item) # class='k-link'#= contentUrl(item) ##= textAttributes(item) #>#= image(item) ##= sprite(item) ##= text(item) #</#= tag(item) #>"),
                item: h("<li class='#= wrapperCssClass(group, item) #' role='tab' #=item.active ? \"aria-selected='true'\" : ''#>#= itemWrapper(data) #</li>"),
                image: h("<img class='k-image' alt='' src='#= imageUrl #' />"),
                sprite: h("<span class='k-sprite #= spriteCssClass #'></span>"),
                empty: h("")
            W = {
                wrapperCssClass: function(e, t) {
                    var n = "k-item",
                        i = t.index;
                    return n += t.enabled === !1 ? " k-state-disabled" : " k-state-default", 0 === i && (n += " k-first"), i == e.length - 1 && (n += " k-last"), n
                textAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.url ? " href='" + e.url + "'" : ""
                text: function(e) {
                    return e.encoded === !1 ? e.text : o.htmlEncode(e.text)
                tag: function(e) {
                    return e.url ? "a" : "span"
                contentAttributes: function(e) {
                    return e.active !== !0 ? " style='display:none' aria-hidden='true' aria-expanded='false'" : ""
                content: function(e) {
                    return e.content ? e.content : e.contentUrl ? "" : "&nbsp;"
                contentUrl: function(e) {
                    return e.contentUrl ? o.attr("content-url") + '="' + e.contentUrl + '"' : ""
            j = p.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, a = this;
                    p.fn.init.call(a, t, n), a._animations(a.options), n = a.options, a._wrapper(), a._isRtl = o.support.isRtl(a.wrapper), a._tabindex(), a._updateClasses(), a._dataSource(), n.dataSource && a.dataSource.fetch(), a._tabPosition(), a._scrollable(), a.options.contentUrls && a.wrapper.find(".k-tabstrip-items > .k-item").each(function(t, n) {
                        e(n).find(">." + b).data(I, a.options.contentUrls[t])
                    }), a.wrapper.on(P + g + " " + M + g, V, a._toggleHover).on("focus" + g, e.proxy(a._active, a)).on("blur" + g, function() {
                    }), a._keyDownProxy = e.proxy(a._keydown, a), n.navigatable && a.wrapper.on("keydown" + g, a._keyDownProxy), a.wrapper.children(".k-tabstrip-items").on(k + g, ".k-state-disabled .k-link", !1).on(k + g, " > " + O, function(t) {
                        var n, i = a.wrapper[0];
                        if (i !== document.activeElement)
                            if (n = o.support.browser.msie) try {
                            } catch (r) {
                            } else i.focus();
                        a._click(e(t.currentTarget)) && t.preventDefault()
                    }), i = a.tabGroup.children("li." + H), r = a.contentHolder(i.index()), i[0] && r.length > 0 && 0 === r[0].childNodes.length && a.activateTab(i.eq(0)), a.element.attr("role", "tablist"), a.element[0].id && (a._ariaId = a.element[0].id + "_ts_active"), o.notify(a)
                _active: function() {
                    var e = this.tabGroup.children().filter("." + H);
                    e = e[0] ? e : this._endItem("first"), e[0] && this._current(e)
                _endItem: function(e) {
                    return this.tabGroup.children(O)[e]()
                _item: function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    return n = t === _ ? "last" : "first", e ? (e = e[t](), e[0] || (e = this._endItem(n)), e.hasClass(F) && (e = this._item(e, t)), e) : this._endItem(n)
                _current: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._focused,
                        r = n._ariaId;
                    return e === t ? i : (i && (i[0].id === r && i.removeAttr("id"), i.removeClass(B)), e && (e.hasClass(H) || e.addClass(B), n.element.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), r = e[0].id || r, r && (e.attr("id", r), n.element.attr("aria-activedescendant", r))), n._focused = e, t)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = e.keyCode,
                        o = i._current(),
                        a = i._isRtl;
                    if (e.target == e.currentTarget) {
                        if (r == s.DOWN || r == s.RIGHT) n = a ? _ : "next";
                        else if (r == s.UP || r == s.LEFT) n = a ? "next" : _;
                        else if (r == s.ENTER || r == s.SPACEBAR) i._click(o), e.preventDefault();
                        else {
                            if (r == s.HOME) return i._click(i._endItem("first")), e.preventDefault(), t;
                            if (r == s.END) return i._click(i._endItem("last")), e.preventDefault(), t
                        n && (i._click(i._item(o, n)), e.preventDefault())
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource && t._refreshHandler ? t.dataSource.unbind("change", t._refreshHandler) : t._refreshHandler = e.proxy(t.refresh, t), t.dataSource = o.data.DataSource.create(t.options.dataSource).bind("change", t._refreshHandler)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options.dataSource = e, t._dataSource(), t.dataSource.fetch()
                _animations: function(e) {
                    e && "animation" in e && !e.animation && (e.animation = {
                        open: {
                            effects: {}
                        close: {
                            effects: {}
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, a = this,
                        s = a.options,
                        l = o.getter(s.dataTextField),
                        c = o.getter(s.dataContentField),
                        d = o.getter(s.dataContentUrlField),
                        u = o.getter(s.dataImageUrlField),
                        h = o.getter(s.dataUrlField),
                        p = o.getter(s.dataSpriteCssClass),
                        f = [],
                        g = a.dataSource.view();
                    for (e = e || {}, i = e.action, i && (g = e.items), t = 0, r = g.length; r > t; t++) n = {
                        text: l(g[t])
                    }, s.dataContentField && (n.content = c(g[t])), s.dataContentUrlField && (n.contentUrl = d(g[t])), s.dataUrlField && (n.url = h(g[t])), s.dataImageUrlField && (n.imageUrl = u(g[t])), s.dataSpriteCssClass && (n.spriteCssClass = p(g[t])), f[t] = n;
                    if ("add" == e.action) e.index < a.tabGroup.children().length ? a.insertBefore(f, a.tabGroup.children().eq(e.index)) : a.append(f);
                    else if ("remove" == e.action)
                        for (t = 0; g.length > t; t++) a.remove(e.index);
                    else "itemchange" == e.action ? (t = a.dataSource.view().indexOf(g[0]), e.field === s.dataTextField && a.tabGroup.children().eq(t).find(".k-link").text(g[0].get(e.field))) : (a.trigger("dataBinding"), a.remove("li"), a.append(f), a.trigger("dataBound"))
                value: function(n) {
                    var i = this;
                    return n === t ? i.select().text() : (n != i.value() && i.tabGroup.children().each(function() {
                        e.trim(e(this).text()) == n && i.select(this)
                    }), t)
                items: function() {
                    return this.tabGroup[0].children
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.animation;
                    t._animations(e), e.animation = u(!0, n, e.animation), e.navigatable ? t.wrapper.on("keydown" + g, t._keyDownProxy) : t.wrapper.off("keydown" + g, t._keyDownProxy), p.fn.setOptions.call(t, e)
                events: [D, A, w, x, z, "change", "dataBinding", "dataBound"],
                options: {
                    name: "TabStrip",
                    dataTextField: "",
                    dataContentField: "",
                    dataImageUrlField: "",
                    dataUrlField: "",
                    dataSpriteCssClass: "",
                    dataContentUrlField: "",
                    tabPosition: "top",
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "expand:vertical fadeIn",
                            duration: 200
                        close: {
                            duration: 200
                    collapsible: !1,
                    navigatable: !0,
                    contentUrls: !1,
                    scrollable: {
                        distance: 200
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    p.fn.destroy.call(e), e._refreshHandler && e.dataSource.unbind("change", e._refreshHandler), e.wrapper.off(g), e.wrapper.children(".k-tabstrip-items").off(g), e._scrollableModeActive && (e._scrollPrevButton.off().remove(), e._scrollNextButton.off().remove()), e.scrollWrap.children(".k-tabstrip").unwrap(), o.destroy(e.wrapper)
                select: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return 0 === arguments.length ? n.tabGroup.children("li." + H) : (isNaN(t) || (t = n.tabGroup.children().get(t)), t = n.tabGroup.find(t), e(t).each(function(t, i) {
                        i = e(i), i.hasClass(H) || n.trigger(D, {
                            item: i[0],
                            contentElement: n.contentHolder(i.index())[0]
                        }) || n.activateTab(i)
                    }), n)
                enable: function(e, t) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, t !== !1), this
                disable: function(e) {
                    return this._toggleDisabled(e, !1), this
                reload: function(t) {
                    t = this.tabGroup.find(t);
                    var n = this;
                    return t.each(function() {
                        var t = e(this),
                            i = t.find("." + b).data(I),
                            r = n.contentHolder(t.index());
                        i && n.ajaxRequest(t, r, null, i)
                    }), n
                append: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._create(e);
                    return c(n.tabs, function(e) {
                        var i = n.contents[e];
                        t.tabGroup.append(this), "bottom" == t.options.tabPosition ? t.tabGroup.before(i) : t._scrollableModeActive ? t._scrollPrevButton.before(i) : t.wrapper.append(i), t.angular("compile", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: [i]
                    }), i(t.tabGroup), t._updateContentElements(), t.resize(!0), t
                insertBefore: function(t, n) {
                    n = this.tabGroup.find(n);
                    var r = this,
                        o = r._create(t),
                        a = e(r.contentElement(n.index()));
                    return c(o.tabs, function(e) {
                        var t = o.contents[e];
                        n.before(this), a.before(t), r.angular("compile", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: [t]
                    }), i(r.tabGroup), r._updateContentElements(), r.resize(!0), r
                insertAfter: function(t, n) {
                    n = this.tabGroup.find(n);
                    var r = this,
                        o = r._create(t),
                        a = e(r.contentElement(n.index()));
                    return c(o.tabs, function(e) {
                        var t = o.contents[e];
                        n.after(this), a.after(t), r.angular("compile", function() {
                            return {
                                elements: [t]
                    }), i(r.tabGroup), r._updateContentElements(), r.resize(!0), r
                remove: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = typeof t;
                    return "string" === r ? t = i.tabGroup.find(t) : "number" === r && (t = i.tabGroup.children().eq(t)), n = t.map(function() {
                        var t = i.contentElement(e(this).index());
                        return o.destroy(t), t
                    }), t.remove(), n.remove(), i._updateContentElements(), i.resize(!0), i
                _create: function(i) {
                    var r, o, a, s = e.isPlainObject(i),
                        c = this;
                    return s || e.isArray(i) ? (i = e.isArray(i) ? i : [i], r = l(i, function(t, n) {
                        return e(j.renderItem({
                            group: c.tabGroup,
                            item: u(t, {
                                index: n
                    }), o = l(i, function(n, i) {
                        return "string" == typeof n.content || n.contentUrl ? e(j.renderContent({
                            item: u(n, {
                                index: i
                        })) : t
                    })) : (r = "string" == typeof i && "<" != i[0] ? c.element.find(i) : e(i), o = e(), r.each(function() {
                        if (a = e("<div class='" + E + "'/>"), /k-tabstrip-items/.test(this.parentNode.className)) {
                            var t = parseInt(this.getAttribute("aria-controls").replace(/^.*-/, ""), 10) - 1;
                            a = e(c.contentElement(t))
                        o = o.add(a)
                    }), n(r)), {
                        tabs: r,
                        contents: o
                _toggleDisabled: function(t, n) {
                    t = this.tabGroup.find(t), t.each(function() {
                        e(this).toggleClass(R, n).toggleClass(F, !n)
                _updateClasses: function() {
                    var r, o, a, s = this;
                    s.wrapper.addClass("k-widget k-header k-tabstrip"), s.tabGroup = s.wrapper.children("ul").addClass("k-tabstrip-items k-reset"), s.tabGroup[0] || (s.tabGroup = e("<ul class='k-tabstrip-items k-reset'/>").appendTo(s.wrapper)), r = s.tabGroup.find("li").addClass("k-item"), r.length && (o = r.filter("." + H).index(), a = o >= 0 ? o : t, s.tabGroup.contents().filter(function() {
                        return 3 == this.nodeType && !d(this.nodeValue)
                    }).remove()), o >= 0 && r.eq(o).addClass(N), s.contentElements = s.wrapper.children("div"), s.contentElements.addClass(E).eq(a).addClass(H).css({
                        display: "block"
                    }), r.length && (n(r), i(s.tabGroup), s._updateContentElements())
                _updateContentElements: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.contentUrls || [],
                        i = t.tabGroup.find(".k-item"),
                        r = (t.element.attr("id") || o.guid()) + "-",
                        a = t.wrapper.children("div");
                    a.length && i.length > a.length ? (a.each(function(e) {
                        var t = parseInt(this.id.replace(r, ""), 10),
                            n = i.filter("[aria-controls=" + r + t + "]"),
                            o = r + (e + 1);
                        n.data("aria", o), this.setAttribute("id", o)
                    }), i.each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        this.setAttribute("aria-controls", t.data("aria")), t.removeData("aria")
                    })) : i.each(function(i) {
                        var o = a.eq(i),
                            s = r + (i + 1);
                        this.setAttribute("aria-controls", s), !o.length && n[i] ? e("<div class='" + E + "'/>").appendTo(t.wrapper).attr("id", s) : (o.attr("id", s), e(this).children(".k-loading")[0] || n[i] || e("<span class='k-loading k-complete'/>").prependTo(this)), o.attr("role", "tabpanel"), o.filter(":not(." + H + ")").attr("aria-hidden", !0).attr("aria-expanded", !1), o.filter("." + H).attr("aria-expanded", !0)
                    }), t.contentElements = t.contentAnimators = t.wrapper.children("div"), t.tabsHeight = t.tabGroup.outerHeight() + parseInt(t.wrapper.css("border-top-width"), 10) + parseInt(t.wrapper.css("border-bottom-width"), 10), o.kineticScrollNeeded && o.mobile.ui.Scroller && (o.touchScroller(t.contentElements), t.contentElements = t.contentElements.children(".km-scroll-container"))
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.wrapper = e.element.is("ul") ? e.element.wrapAll("<div />").parent() : e.element, e.scrollWrap = e.wrapper.parent(".k-tabstrip-wrapper"), e.scrollWrap[0] || (e.scrollWrap = e.wrapper.wrapAll("<div class='k-tabstrip-wrapper' />").parent())
                _tabPosition: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options.tabPosition;
                    e.wrapper.addClass("k-floatwrap k-tabstrip-" + t), "bottom" == t && e.tabGroup.appendTo(e.wrapper), e.resize(!0)
                _setContentElementsDimensions: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options.tabPosition;
                    ("left" == s || "right" == s) && (e = a.wrapper.children(".k-content"), t = e.filter(":visible"), n = "margin-" + s, i = a.tabGroup, r = i.outerWidth(), o = Math.ceil(i.height()) - parseInt(t.css("padding-top"), 10) - parseInt(t.css("padding-bottom"), 10) - parseInt(t.css("border-top-width"), 10) - parseInt(t.css("border-bottom-width"), 10), setTimeout(function() {
                        e.css(n, r).css("min-height", o)
                _resize: function() {
                    this._setContentElementsDimensions(), this._scrollable()
                _sizeScrollWrap: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    e.is(":visible") && (t = this.options.tabPosition, n = Math.floor(e.outerHeight(!0)) + ("left" === t || "right" === t ? 2 : this.tabsHeight), this.scrollWrap.css("height", n).css("height"))
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(L, t.type == P)
                _click: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = e.find("." + b),
                        o = r.attr(v),
                        a = i.options.collapsible,
                        s = i.contentHolder(e.index());
                    if (e.closest(".k-widget")[0] == i.wrapper[0]) {
                        if (e.is("." + F + (a ? "" : ",." + H))) return !0;
                        if (n = r.data(I) || o && ("#" == o.charAt(o.length - 1) || -1 != o.indexOf("#" + i.element[0].id + "-")), t = !o || n, i.tabGroup.children("[data-animating]").length) return t;
                        if (i.trigger(D, {
                            item: e[0],
                            contentElement: s[0]
                        })) return !0;
                        if (t !== !1) return a && e.is("." + H) ? (i.deactivateTab(e), !0) : (i.activateTab(e) && (t = !0), t)
                _scrollable: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, a = this,
                        s = a.options;
                    a._scrollableAllowed() && (a.wrapper.addClass("k-tabstrip-scrollable"), e = a.wrapper[0].offsetWidth, t = a.tabGroup[0].scrollWidth, t > e && !a._scrollableModeActive ? (a._nowScrollingTabs = !1, a._isRtl = o.support.isRtl(a.element), a.wrapper.append(r("prev", "k-i-arrow-w") + r("next", "k-i-arrow-e")), n = a._scrollPrevButton = a.wrapper.children(".k-tabstrip-prev"), i = a._scrollNextButton = a.wrapper.children(".k-tabstrip-next"), a.tabGroup.css({
                        marginLeft: n.outerWidth() + 9,
                        marginRight: i.outerWidth() + 12
                    }), n.on("mousedown" + g, function() {
                        a._nowScrollingTabs = !0, a._scrollTabsByDelta(s.scrollable.distance * (a._isRtl ? 1 : -1))
                    }), i.on("mousedown" + g, function() {
                        a._nowScrollingTabs = !0, a._scrollTabsByDelta(s.scrollable.distance * (a._isRtl ? -1 : 1))
                    }), n.add(i).on("mouseup" + g, function() {
                        a._nowScrollingTabs = !1
                    }), a._scrollableModeActive = !0, a._toggleScrollButtons()) : a._scrollableModeActive && e >= t ? (a._scrollableModeActive = !1, a.wrapper.removeClass("k-tabstrip-scrollable"), a._scrollPrevButton.off().remove(), a._scrollNextButton.off().remove(), a.tabGroup.css({
                        marginLeft: "",
                        marginRight: ""
                    })) : a._scrollableModeActive || a.wrapper.removeClass("k-tabstrip-scrollable"))
                _scrollableAllowed: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.scrollable && !isNaN(e.scrollable.distance) && ("top" == e.tabPosition || "bottom" == e.tabPosition)
                _scrollTabsToItem: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.tabGroup,
                        r = i.scrollLeft(),
                        o = e.outerWidth(),
                        a = n._isRtl ? e.position().left : e.position().left - i.children().first().position().left,
                        s = i[0].offsetWidth,
                        l = Math.ceil(parseFloat(i.css("padding-left")));
                    n._isRtl ? 0 > a ? t = r + a - (s - r) - l : a + o > s && (t = r + a - o + 2 * l) : a + o > r + s ? t = a + o - s + 2 * l : r > a && (t = a - l), i.finish().animate({
                        scrollLeft: t
                    }, "fast", "linear", function() {
                _scrollTabsByDelta: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.tabGroup,
                        i = n.scrollLeft();
                        scrollLeft: i + e
                    }, "fast", "linear", function() {
                        t._nowScrollingTabs ? t._scrollTabsByDelta(e) : t._toggleScrollButtons()
                _toggleScrollButtons: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.tabGroup,
                        n = t.scrollLeft();
                    e._scrollPrevButton.toggle(e._isRtl ? t[0].scrollWidth - t[0].offsetWidth - 1 > n : 0 !== n), e._scrollNextButton.toggle(e._isRtl ? 0 !== n : t[0].scrollWidth - t[0].offsetWidth - 1 > n)
                deactivateTab: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.animation,
                        i = n.open,
                        r = u({}, n.close),
                        a = r && "effects" in r;
                    e = t.tabGroup.find(e), r = u(a ? r : u({
                        reverse: !0
                    }, i), {
                        hide: !0
                    }), o.size(i.effects) ? (e.kendoAddClass(R, {
                        duration: i.duration
                    }), e.kendoRemoveClass(H, {
                        duration: i.duration
                    })) : (e.addClass(R), e.removeClass(H)), e.removeAttr("aria-selected"), t.contentAnimators.filter("." + H).kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(r).removeClass(H).attr("aria-hidden", !0)
                activateTab: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, a, s, l, c, d, h, p, f, g, m, v;
                    if (!this.tabGroup.children("[data-animating]").length) return e = this.tabGroup.find(e), t = this, n = t.options.animation, i = n.open, r = u({}, n.close), a = r && "effects" in r, s = e.parent().children(), l = s.filter("." + H), c = s.index(e), r = u(a ? r : u({
                        reverse: !0
                    }, i), {
                        hide: !0
                    }), o.size(i.effects) ? (l.kendoRemoveClass(H, {
                        duration: r.duration
                    }), e.kendoRemoveClass(L, {
                        duration: r.duration
                    })) : (l.removeClass(H), e.removeClass(L)), d = t.contentAnimators, t.inRequest && (t.xhr.abort(), t.inRequest = !1), 0 === d.length ? (t.tabGroup.find("." + N).removeClass(N), e.addClass(N).css("z-index"), e.addClass(H), t._current(e), t.trigger("change"), t._scrollableModeActive && t._scrollTabsToItem(e), !1) : (h = d.filter("." + H), p = t.contentHolder(c), f = p.closest(".k-content"), t.tabsHeight = t.tabGroup.outerHeight() + parseInt(t.wrapper.css("border-top-width"), 10) + parseInt(t.wrapper.css("border-bottom-width"), 10), t._sizeScrollWrap(h), 0 === p.length ? (h.removeClass(H).attr("aria-hidden", !0).kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(r), !1) : (e.attr("data-animating", !0), g = (e.children("." + b).data(I) || !1) && p.is(C), m = function() {
                        t.tabGroup.find("." + N).removeClass(N), e.addClass(N).css("z-index"), o.size(i.effects) ? (l.kendoAddClass(R, {
                            duration: i.duration
                        }), e.kendoAddClass(H, {
                            duration: i.duration
                        })) : (l.addClass(R), e.addClass(H)), l.removeAttr("aria-selected"), e.attr("aria-selected", !0), t._current(e), t._sizeScrollWrap(f), f.addClass(H).removeAttr("aria-hidden").kendoStop(!0, !0).attr("aria-expanded", !0).kendoAnimate(u({
                            init: function() {
                                t.trigger(w, {
                                    item: e[0],
                                    contentElement: p[0]
                                }), o.resize(p)
                        }, i, {
                            complete: function() {
                                e.removeAttr("data-animating"), t.trigger(A, {
                                    item: e[0],
                                    contentElement: p[0]
                                }), o.resize(p), t.scrollWrap.css("height", "").css("height")
                    }, v = function() {
                        g ? (e.removeAttr("data-animating"), t.ajaxRequest(e, p, function() {
                            e.attr("data-animating", !0), m(), t.trigger("change")
                        })) : (m(), t.trigger("change")), t._scrollableModeActive && t._scrollTabsToItem(e)
                    }, h.removeClass(H), h.attr("aria-hidden", !0), h.attr("aria-expanded", !1), h.length ? h.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(u({
                        complete: v
                    }, r)) : v(), !0))
                contentElement: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, a;
                    if (isNaN(e - 0)) return t;
                    if (n = this.contentElements && this.contentElements[0] && !o.kineticScrollNeeded ? this.contentElements : this.contentAnimators, e = n && 0 > e ? n.length + e : e, i = RegExp("-" + (e + 1) + "$"), n)
                        for (r = 0, a = n.length; a > r; r++)
                            if (i.test(n.eq(r).closest(".k-content")[0].id)) return n[r];
                    return t
                contentHolder: function(t) {
                    var n = e(this.contentElement(t)),
                        i = n.children(".km-scroll-container");
                    return o.support.touch && i[0] ? i : n
                ajaxRequest: function(t, n, i, r) {
                    var a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f;
                    t = this.tabGroup.find(t), a = this, s = e.ajaxSettings.xhr, l = t.find("." + b), c = {}, d = t.width() / 2, u = !1, h = t.find(".k-loading").removeClass("k-complete"), h[0] || (h = e("<span class='k-loading'/>").prependTo(t)), p = 2 * d - h.width(), f = function() {
                            marginLeft: (parseInt(h.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0) < d ? p : 0
                        }, 500, f)
                    }, o.support.browser.msie && 10 > o.support.browser.version && setTimeout(f, 40), r = r || l.data(I) || l.attr(v), a.inRequest = !0, a.xhr = e.ajax({
                        type: "GET",
                        cache: !1,
                        url: r,
                        dataType: "html",
                        data: c,
                        xhr: function() {
                            var t = this,
                                n = s(),
                                i = t.progressUpload ? "progressUpload" : t.progress ? "progress" : !1;
                            return n && e.each([n, n.upload], function() {
                                this.addEventListener && this.addEventListener("progress", function(e) {
                                    i && t[i](e)
                                }, !1)
                            }), t.noProgress = !(window.XMLHttpRequest && "upload" in new XMLHttpRequest), n
                        progress: function(e) {
                            if (e.lengthComputable) {
                                var t = parseInt(e.loaded / e.total * 100, 10) + "%";
                                    width: t,
                                    marginLeft: 0
                        error: function(e, t) {
                            a.trigger("error", {
                                xhr: e,
                                status: t
                            }) && this.complete()
                        stopProgress: function() {
                            clearInterval(u), h.stop(!0).addClass("k-progress")[0].style.cssText = ""
                        complete: function(e) {
                            a.inRequest = !1, this.noProgress ? setTimeout(this.stopProgress, 500) : this.stopProgress(), "abort" == e.statusText && h.remove()
                        success: function(e) {
                            var s, l, c;
                            try {
                                s = this, l = 10, s.noProgress && (h.width(l + "%"), u = setInterval(function() {
                                        lengthComputable: !0,
                                        loaded: Math.min(l, 100),
                                        total: 100
                                    }), l += 10
                                }, 40)), a.angular("cleanup", function() {
                                    return {
                                        elements: n.get()
                                }), o.destroy(n), n.html(e)
                            } catch (d) {
                                c = window.console, c && c.error && c.error(d.name + ": " + d.message + " in " + r), this.error(this.xhr, "error")
                            i && i.call(a, n), a.angular("compile", function() {
                                return {
                                    elements: n.get()
                            }), a.trigger(z, {
                                item: t[0],
                                contentElement: n[0]
        u(j, {
            renderItem: function(e) {
                e = u({
                    tabStrip: {},
                    group: {}
                }, e);
                var t = U.empty,
                    n = e.item;
                return U.item(u(e, {
                    image: n.imageUrl ? U.image : t,
                    sprite: n.spriteCssClass ? U.sprite : t,
                    itemWrapper: U.itemWrapper
                }, W))
            renderContent: function(e) {
                return U.content(u(e, W))
        }), o.ui.plugin(j)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = e.getTimezoneOffset();
            e.setTime(e.getTime() + t), n || (i = e.getTimezoneOffset() - r, e.setTime(e.getTime() + i * z))

        function i() {
            var e = new $,
                t = new $(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), 0, 0, 0),
                n = new $(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), 12, 0, 0);
            return -1 * (t.getTimezoneOffset() - n.getTimezoneOffset())

        function r(e) {
            return 60 * e.getHours() * z + e.getMinutes() * z + 1e3 * e.getSeconds() + e.getMilliseconds()

        function o(e, t, n) {
            var i, o = r(t),
                a = r(n);
            return e && o != a ? (i = r(e), o > i && (i += F), o > a && (a += F), i >= o && a >= i) : !0

        function a(e) {
            var t = e.parseFormats;
            e.format = f(e.format || d.getCulture(e.culture).calendars.standard.patterns.t), t = j(t) ? t : [t], t.splice(0, 0, e.format), e.parseFormats = t

        function s(e) {
        var l, c, d = window.kendo,
            u = d.keys,
            h = d.parseDate,
            p = d._activeElement,
            f = d._extractFormat,
            g = d.support,
            m = g.browser,
            v = d.ui,
            _ = v.Widget,
            w = "open",
            b = "close",
            y = "change",
            k = ".kendoTimePicker",
            x = "click" + k,
            C = "k-state-default",
            S = "disabled",
            T = "readonly",
            D = "li",
            A = "<span/>",
            E = "k-state-focused",
            I = "k-state-hover",
            P = "mouseenter" + k + " mouseleave" + k,
            M = "mousedown" + k,
            z = 6e4,
            F = 864e5,
            R = "k-state-selected",
            H = "k-state-disabled",
            B = "aria-selected",
            L = "aria-expanded",
            N = "aria-hidden",
            O = "aria-disabled",
            V = "aria-readonly",
            U = "aria-activedescendant",
            W = "id",
            j = e.isArray,
            G = e.extend,
            q = e.proxy,
            $ = Date,
            Y = new $;
        Y = new $(Y.getFullYear(), Y.getMonth(), Y.getDate(), 0, 0, 0), l = function(t) {
            var n = this,
                i = t.id;
            n.options = t, n.ul = e('<ul tabindex="-1" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true" unselectable="on" class="k-list k-reset"/>').css({
                overflow: g.kineticScrollNeeded ? "" : "auto"
            }).on(x, D, q(n._click, n)).on("mouseenter" + k, D, function() {
            }).on("mouseleave" + k, D, function() {
            }), n.list = e("<div class='k-list-container'/>").append(n.ul).on(M, s), i && (n._timeViewID = i + "_timeview", n._optionID = i + "_option_selected", n.ul.attr(W, n._timeViewID)), n._popup(), n._heightHandler = q(n._height, n), n.template = d.template('<li tabindex="-1" role="option" class="k-item" unselectable="on">#=data#</li>', {
                useWithBlock: !1
        }, l.prototype = {
            current: function(n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.options.active;
                return n === t ? i._current : (i._current && i._current.removeClass(R).removeAttr(B).removeAttr(W), n && (n = e(n).addClass(R).attr(W, i._optionID).attr(B, !0), i.scroll(n[0])), i._current = n, r && r(n), t)
            close: function() {
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.ul.off(k), e.list.off(k), e._touchScroller && e._touchScroller.destroy(), e.popup.destroy()
            open: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.ul[0].firstChild || e.bind(), e.popup.open(), e._current && e.scroll(e._current[0])
            dataBind: function(e) {
                for (var t, n = this, i = n.options, r = i.format, a = d.toString, s = n.template, l = e.length, c = 0, u = ""; l > c; c++) t = e[c], o(t, i.min, i.max) && (u += s(a(t, r, i.culture)));
            refresh: function() {
                var e, t, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.format,
                    c = i(),
                    u = 0 > c,
                    h = s.min,
                    p = s.max,
                    f = r(h),
                    g = r(p),
                    m = s.interval * z,
                    v = d.toString,
                    _ = a.template,
                    w = new $(+h),
                    b = w.getDate(),
                    y = 0,
                    k = "";
                for (o = u ? (F + c * z) / m : F / m, f != g && (f > g && (g += F), o = (g - f) / m + 1), t = parseInt(o, 10); o > y; y++) y && n(w, m, u), g && t == y && (e = r(w), b < w.getDate() && (e += F), e > g && (w = new $(+p))), k += _(v(w, l, s.culture));
            bind: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options.dates;
                t && t[0] ? e.dataBind(t) : e.refresh()
            _html: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.ul[0].innerHTML = e, t.popup.unbind(w, t._heightHandler), t.popup.one(w, t._heightHandler), t.current(null), t.select(t._value)
            scroll: function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var t, n = this.ul[0],
                        i = e.offsetTop,
                        r = e.offsetHeight,
                        o = n.scrollTop,
                        a = n.clientHeight,
                        s = i + r,
                        l = this._touchScroller;
                    l ? (t = this.list.height(), i > t && (i = i - t + r), l.scrollTo(0, -i)) : n.scrollTop = o > i ? i : s > o + a ? s - a : o
            select: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = n._current;
                t instanceof Date && (t = d.toString(t, i.format, i.culture)), "string" == typeof t && (r && r.text() === t ? t = r : (t = e.grep(n.ul[0].childNodes, function(e) {
                    return (e.textContent || e.innerText) == t
                }), t = t[0] ? t : null)), n.current(t)
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this.options;
                e.min = h(e.min), e.max = h(e.max), this.options = G(t, e, {
                    active: t.active,
                    change: t.change,
                    close: t.close,
                    open: t.open
                }), this.bind()
            toggle: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.popup.visible() ? e.close() : e.open()
            value: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t._value = e, t.ul[0].firstChild && t.select(e)
            _click: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e(t.currentTarget),
                    r = i.text(),
                    o = n.options.dates;
                o && o.length > 0 && (r = o[i.index()]), t.isDefaultPrevented() || (n.select(i), n.options.change(r, !0), n.close())
            _height: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.list,
                    n = t.parent(".k-animation-container"),
                    i = e.options.height;
                e.ul[0].children.length && t.add(n).show().height(e.ul[0].scrollHeight > i ? i : "auto").hide()
            _parse: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t._value || Y;
                return e instanceof $ ? e : (e = h(e, n.parseFormats, n.culture), e && (e = new $(i.getFullYear(), i.getMonth(), i.getDate(), e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds())), e)
            _adjustListWidth: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.list,
                    i = n[0].style.width,
                    r = this.options.anchor;
                (n.data("width") || !i) && (e = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(r[0], null) : 0, t = e ? parseFloat(e.width) : r.outerWidth(), e && (m.mozilla || m.msie) && (t += parseFloat(e.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(e.paddingRight) + parseFloat(e.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(e.borderRightWidth)), i = t - (n.outerWidth() - n.width()), n.css({
                    fontFamily: r.css("font-family"),
                    width: i
                }).data("width", i))
            _popup: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.list,
                    n = e.options,
                    i = n.anchor;
                e.popup = new v.Popup(t, G(n.popup, {
                    anchor: i,
                    open: n.open,
                    close: n.close,
                    animation: n.animation,
                    isRtl: g.isRtl(n.anchor)
                })), e._touchScroller = d.touchScroller(e.popup.element)
            move: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e.keyCode,
                    r = n.ul[0],
                    o = n._current,
                    a = i === u.DOWN;
                if (i === u.UP || a) {
                    if (e.altKey) return n.toggle(a), t;
                    o = a ? o ? o[0].nextSibling : r.firstChild : o ? o[0].previousSibling : r.lastChild, o && n.select(o), n.options.change(n._current.text()), e.preventDefault()
                } else(i === u.ENTER || i === u.TAB || i === u.ESC) && (e.preventDefault(), o && n.options.change(o.text(), !0), n.close())
        }, l.getMilliseconds = r, d.TimeView = l, c = _.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, s = this;
                _.fn.init.call(s, t, n), t = s.element, n = s.options, n.min = h(t.attr("min")) || h(n.min), n.max = h(t.attr("max")) || h(n.max), a(n), s._initialOptions = G({}, n), s._wrapper(), s.timeView = r = new l(G({}, n, {
                    id: t.attr(W),
                    anchor: s.wrapper,
                    format: n.format,
                    change: function(e, n) {
                        n ? s._change(e) : t.val(e)
                    open: function(e) {
                        s.timeView._adjustListWidth(), s.trigger(w) ? e.preventDefault() : (t.attr(L, !0), i.attr(N, !1))
                    close: function(e) {
                        s.trigger(b) ? e.preventDefault() : (t.attr(L, !1), i.attr(N, !0))
                    active: function(e) {
                        t.removeAttr(U), e && t.attr(U, r._optionID)
                })), i = r.ul, s._icon(), s._reset();
                try {
                    t[0].setAttribute("type", "text")
                } catch (c) {
                    t[0].type = "text"
                    role: "combobox",
                    "aria-expanded": !1,
                    "aria-owns": r._timeViewID
                }), o = t.is("[disabled]") || e(s.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), o ? s.enable(!1) : s.readonly(t.is("[readonly]")), s._old = s._update(n.value || s.element.val()), s._oldText = t.val(), d.notify(s)
            options: {
                name: "TimePicker",
                min: Y,
                max: Y,
                format: "",
                dates: [],
                parseFormats: [],
                value: null,
                interval: 30,
                height: 200,
                animation: {}
            events: [w, b, y],
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t._value;
                _.fn.setOptions.call(t, e), e = t.options, a(e), t.timeView.setOptions(e), n && t.element.val(d.toString(n, e.format, e.culture))
            dataBind: function(e) {
                j(e) && this.timeView.dataBind(e)
            _editable: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.disable,
                    i = e.readonly,
                    r = t._arrow.off(k),
                    o = t.element.off(k),
                    a = t._inputWrapper.off(k);
                i || n ? (a.addClass(n ? H : C).removeClass(n ? C : H), o.attr(S, n).attr(T, i).attr(O, n).attr(V, i)) : (a.addClass(C).removeClass(H).on(P, t._toggleHover), o.removeAttr(S).removeAttr(T).attr(O, !1).attr(V, !1).on("keydown" + k, q(t._keydown, t)).on("focusout" + k, q(t._blur, t)).on("focus" + k, function() {
                }), r.on(x, q(t._click, t)).on(M, s))
            readonly: function(e) {
                    readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                    disable: !1
            enable: function(e) {
                    readonly: !1,
                    disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                _.fn.destroy.call(e), e.timeView.destroy(), e.element.off(k), e._arrow.off(k), e._inputWrapper.off(k), e._form && e._form.off("reset", e._resetHandler)
            close: function() {
            open: function() {
            min: function(e) {
                return this._option("min", e)
            max: function(e) {
                return this._option("max", e)
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e === t ? n._value : (n._old = n._update(e), null === n._old && n.element.val(""), n._oldText = n.element.val(), t)
            _blur: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element.val();
                e.close(), t !== e._oldText && e._change(t), e._inputWrapper.removeClass(E)
            _click: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element;
                e.timeView.toggle(), g.touch || t[0] === p() || t.focus()
            _change: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                e = t._update(e), +t._old != +e && (t._old = e, t._oldText = t.element.val(), t._typing || t.element.trigger(y), t.trigger(y)), t._typing = !1
            _icon: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element;
                t = i.next("span.k-select"), t[0] || (t = e('<span unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-clock">select</span></span>').insertAfter(i)), n._arrow = t.attr({
                    role: "button",
                    "aria-controls": n.timeView._timeViewID
            _keydown: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.keyCode,
                    i = t.timeView,
                    r = t.element.val();
                i.popup.visible() || e.altKey ? i.move(e) : n === u.ENTER && r !== t._oldText ? t._change(r) : t._typing = !0
            _option: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.options;
                return n === t ? r[e] : (n = i.timeView._parse(n), n && (n = new $(+n), r[e] = n, i.timeView.options[e] = n, i.timeView.bind()), t)
            _toggleHover: function(t) {
                e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(I, "mouseenter" === t.type)
            _update: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.timeView,
                    r = i._parse(e);
                return o(r, n.min, n.max) || (r = null), t._value = r, t.element.val(r ? d.toString(r, n.format, n.culture) : e), i.value(r), r
            _wrapper: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.element;
                t = i.parents(".k-timepicker"), t[0] || (t = i.wrap(A).parent().addClass("k-picker-wrap k-state-default"), t = t.wrap(A).parent()), t[0].style.cssText = i[0].style.cssText, n.wrapper = t.addClass("k-widget k-timepicker k-header").addClass(i[0].className), i.css({
                    width: "100%",
                    height: i[0].style.height
                }), n._inputWrapper = e(t[0].firstChild)
            _reset: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.element,
                    i = n.attr("form"),
                    r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                    t.value(n[0].defaultValue), t.max(t._initialOptions.max), t.min(t._initialOptions.min)
                }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
        }), v.plugin(c)
    function(e, t) {
        function n() {
            var e, t = this.options.anchor,
                n = t.outerWidth();
            a.wrap(this.element).addClass("k-split-wrapper"), e = "border-box" !== this.element.css("box-sizing") ? n - (this.element.outerWidth() - this.element.width()) : n, this.element.css({
                fontFamily: t.css("font-family"),
                "min-width": e

        function i(e) {
            e.target.is(".k-toggle-button") || e.target.toggleClass(b, "press" == e.type)

        function r(t) {
            return t = e(t), t.hasClass("km-actionsheet") ? t.closest(".km-popup-wrapper") : t.addClass("km-widget km-actionsheet").wrap('<div class="km-actionsheet-wrapper km-actionsheet-tablet km-widget km-popup"></div>').parent().wrap('<div class="km-popup-wrapper k-popup"></div>').parent()

        function o(e) {
        var a = window.kendo,
            s = a.Class,
            l = a.ui.Widget,
            c = e.proxy,
            d = a.isFunction,
            u = "k-toolbar",
            h = "k-button",
            p = "k-overflow-button",
            f = "k-toggle-button",
            g = "k-button-group",
            m = "k-split-button",
            v = "k-separator",
            _ = "k-popup",
            w = "k-toolbar-resizable",
            b = "k-state-active",
            y = "k-state-disabled",
            k = "k-state-hidden",
            x = "k-group-start",
            C = "k-group-end",
            S = "k-primary",
            T = "k-icon",
            D = "k-i-",
            A = "k-button-icon",
            E = "k-button-icontext",
            I = "k-list-container k-split-container",
            P = "k-split-button-arrow",
            M = "k-overflow-anchor",
            z = "k-overflow-container",
            F = "k-toolbar-first-visible",
            R = "k-toolbar-last-visible",
            H = "click",
            B = "toggle",
            L = "open",
            N = "close",
            O = "overflowOpen",
            V = "overflowClose",
            U = "never",
            W = "auto",
            j = "always",
            G = "k-overflow-hidden",
            q = a.attr("uid"),
            $ = a.Class.extend({
                addOverflowAttr: function() {
                    this.element.attr(a.attr("overflow"), this.options.overflow || W)
                addUidAttr: function() {
                    this.element.attr(q, this.options.uid)
                addIdAttr: function() {
                    this.options.id && this.element.attr("id", this.options.id)
                addOverflowIdAttr: function() {
                    this.options.id && this.element.attr("id", this.options.id + "_overflow")
                attributes: function() {
                    this.options.attributes && this.element.attr(this.options.attributes)
                show: function() {
                    this.element.removeClass(k).show(), this.options.hidden = !1
                hide: function() {
                    this.element.addClass(k).hide(), this.options.hidden = !0
                remove: function() {
                enable: function(e) {
                    e === t && (e = !0), this.element.toggleClass(y, !e), this.options.enable = e
                twin: function() {
                    var e = this.element.attr(q);
                    return this.overflow ? this.toolbar.element.find("[" + q + "='" + e + "']").data(this.options.type) : this.toolbar.options.resizable ? this.toolbar.popup.element.find("[" + q + "='" + e + "']").data(this.options.type) : t
            Y = $.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    var r = e(n.useButtonTag ? "<button></button>" : "<a></a>");
                    this.element = r, this.options = n, this.toolbar = i, this.attributes(), n.primary && r.addClass(S), n.togglable && (r.addClass(f), this.toggle(n.selected)), n.url === t || n.useButtonTag || (r.attr("href", n.url), n.mobile && r.attr(a.attr("role"), "button")), n.group && (r.attr(a.attr("group"), n.group), (this.overflow && this.options.overflow === j || !this.overflow) && (this.group = this.toolbar.addToGroup(this, n.group))), !n.togglable && n.click && d(n.click) && (this.clickHandler = n.click), n.togglable && n.toggle && d(n.toggle) && (this.toggleHandler = n.toggle)
                toggle: function(e, t) {
                    e = !!e, this.group && e ? this.group.select(this) : this.group || this.select(e), t && this.twin() && this.twin().toggle(e)
                getParentGroup: function() {
                    return this.options.isChild ? this.element.closest("." + g).data("buttonGroup") : t
                _addGraphics: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.element,
                        o = this.options.icon,
                        a = this.options.spriteCssClass,
                        s = this.options.imageUrl;
                    (a || s || o) && (t = !0, r.contents().not("span.k-sprite,span." + T + ",img.k-image").each(function(n, i) {
                        (1 == i.nodeType || 3 == i.nodeType && e.trim(i.nodeValue).length > 0) && (t = !1)
                    }), r.addClass(t ? A : E)), o ? (n = r.children("span." + T).first(), n[0] || (n = e('<span class="' + T + '"></span>').prependTo(r)), n.addClass(D + o)) : a ? (n = r.children("span.k-sprite").first(), n[0] || (n = e('<span class="k-sprite"></span>').prependTo(r)), n.addClass(a)) : s && (i = r.children("img.k-image").first(), i[0] || (i = e('<img alt="icon" class="k-image" />').prependTo(r)), i.attr("src", s))
            Q = Y.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    Y.fn.init.call(this, e, t);
                    var n = this.element;
                    n.addClass(h), this.addIdAttr(), e.align && n.addClass("k-align-" + e.align), "overflow" != e.showText && e.text && n.html(e.mobile ? '<span class="km-text">' + e.text + "</span>" : e.text), e.hasIcon = "overflow" != e.showIcon && (e.icon || e.spriteCssClass || e.imageUrl), e.hasIcon && this._addGraphics(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.enable(e.enable), e.hidden && this.hide(), this.element.data({
                        type: "button",
                        button: this
                select: function(e) {
                    e === t && (e = !1), this.element.toggleClass(b, e), this.options.selected = e
            K = Y.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.overflow = !0, Y.fn.init.call(this, e, t);
                    var n = this.element;
                    n.addClass(p + " " + h), "toolbar" != e.showText && e.text && n.html(e.mobile ? '<span class="km-text">' + e.text + "</span>" : e.text), e.hasIcon = "toolbar" != e.showIcon && (e.icon || e.spriteCssClass || e.imageUrl), e.hasIcon && this._addGraphics(), e.isChild || this._wrap(), this.addOverflowIdAttr(), this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.enable(e.enable), e.hidden && this.hide(), this.element.data({
                        type: "button",
                        button: this
                _wrap: function() {
                    this.element = this.element.wrap("<li></li>").parent()
                overflowHidden: function() {
                select: function(e) {
                    e === t && (e = !1), this.options.isChild ? this.element.toggleClass(b, e) : this.element.find(".k-button").toggleClass(b, e), this.options.selected = e
            X = $.extend({
                createButtons: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this.options,
                        o = r.buttons || [];
                    for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) o[i].uid || (o[i].uid = a.guid()), n = new t(e.extend({
                        mobile: r.mobile,
                        isChild: !0,
                        type: "button"
                    }, o[i]), this.toolbar), n.element.appendTo(this.element)
                refresh: function() {
                    this.element.children().filter(":not('." + k + "'):first").addClass(x), this.element.children().filter(":not('." + k + "'):last").addClass(C)
            Z = X.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element = e("<div></div>");
                    this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.addIdAttr(), t.align && i.addClass("k-align-" + t.align), this.createButtons(Q), this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.refresh(), i.addClass(g), this.element.data({
                        type: "buttonGroup",
                        buttonGroup: this
            J = X.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element = e("<li></li>");
                    this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.overflow = !0, this.addOverflowIdAttr(), this.createButtons(K), this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.refresh(), i.addClass((t.mobile ? "" : g) + " k-overflow-group"), this.element.data({
                        type: "buttonGroup",
                        buttonGroup: this
                overflowHidden: function() {
            et = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element = e('<div class="' + m + '"></div>');
                    this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.mainButton = new Q(t, n), this.arrowButton = e('<a class="' + h + " " + P + '"><span class="' + (t.mobile ? "km-icon km-arrowdown" : "k-icon k-i-arrow-s") + '"></span></a>'), this.popupElement = e('<ul class="' + I + '"></ul>'), this.mainButton.element.appendTo(i), this.arrowButton.appendTo(i), this.popupElement.appendTo(i), t.align && i.addClass("k-align-" + t.align), t.id || (t.id = t.uid), i.attr("id", t.id + "_wrapper"), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.addUidAttr(), this.createMenuButtons(), this.createPopup(), this.mainButton.main = !0, i.data({
                        type: "splitButton",
                        splitButton: this,
                        kendoPopup: this.popup
                createMenuButtons: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this.options,
                        r = i.menuButtons;
                    for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t = new Q(e.extend({
                        mobile: i.mobile,
                        type: "button",
                        click: i.click
                    }, r[n]), this.toolbar), t.element.wrap("<li></li>").parent().appendTo(this.popupElement)
                createPopup: function() {
                    var t = this.options,
                        i = this.element;
                    this.popupElement.attr("id", t.id + "_optionlist").attr(q, t.rootUid), t.mobile && (this.popupElement = r(this.popupElement)), this.popup = this.popupElement.kendoPopup({
                        appendTo: t.mobile ? e(t.mobile).children(".km-pane") : null,
                        anchor: i,
                        isRtl: this.toolbar._isRtl,
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                        animation: t.animation,
                        open: n
                remove: function() {
                    this.popup.destroy(), this.element.remove()
                toggle: function() {
                enable: function(e) {
                    e === t && (e = !0), this.mainButton.enable(e), this.options.enable = e
            tt = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this.element = e('<li class="' + m + '"></li>'),
                        a = t.menuButtons;
                    for (this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.overflow = !0, this.mainButton = new K(e.extend({
                        isChild: !0
                    }, t)), this.mainButton.element.appendTo(o), r = 0; a.length > r; r++) i = new K(e.extend({
                        mobile: t.mobile,
                        isChild: !0
                    }, a[r]), this.toolbar), i.element.appendTo(o);
                    this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), this.mainButton.main = !0, o.data({
                        type: "splitButton",
                        splitButton: this
                overflowHidden: function() {
            nt = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element = e("<div>&nbsp;</div>");
                    this.element = i, this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.attributes(), this.addIdAttr(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), i.addClass(v), i.data({
                        type: "separator",
                        separator: this
            it = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element = e("<li>&nbsp;</li>");
                    this.element = i, this.options = t, this.toolbar = n, this.overflow = !0, this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowIdAttr(), i.addClass(v), i.data({
                        type: "separator",
                        separator: this
                overflowHidden: function() {
            rt = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = d(t) ? t(n) : t;
                    r = r instanceof jQuery ? r.wrap("<div></div>").parent() : e("<div></div>").html(r), this.element = r, this.options = n, this.options.type = "template", this.toolbar = i, this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addIdAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), r.data({
                        type: "template",
                        template: this
            ot = $.extend({
                init: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = e(d(t) ? t(n) : t);
                    r = r instanceof jQuery ? r.wrap("<li></li>").parent() : e("<li></li>").html(r), this.element = r, this.options = n, this.options.type = "template", this.toolbar = i, this.overflow = !0, this.attributes(), this.addUidAttr(), this.addOverflowIdAttr(), this.addOverflowAttr(), r.data({
                        type: "template",
                        template: this
                overflowHidden: function() {
            at = {
                button: {
                    toolbar: Q,
                    overflow: K
                buttonGroup: {
                    toolbar: Z,
                    overflow: J
                splitButton: {
                    toolbar: et,
                    overflow: tt
                separator: {
                    toolbar: nt,
                    overflow: it
                overflowAnchor: '<div class="k-overflow-anchor"></div>',
                overflowContainer: '<ul class="k-overflow-container k-list-container"></ul>'
            st = s.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.name = e, this.buttons = []
                add: function(e) {
                    this.buttons[this.buttons.length] = e
                remove: function(t) {
                    var n = e.inArray(t, this.buttons);
                    this.buttons.splice(n, 1)
                select: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; this.buttons.length > t; t++) this.buttons[t].select(!1);
            lt = l.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r, s = this;
                    if (l.fn.init.call(s, t, n), n = s.options, t = s.wrapper = s.element, t.addClass(u + " k-widget"), this.uid = a.guid(), this._isRtl = a.support.isRtl(t), this._groups = {}, t.attr(q, this.uid), s.isMobile = "boolean" == typeof n.mobile ? n.mobile : s.element.closest(".km-root")[0], s.animation = s.isMobile ? {
                        open: {
                            effects: "fade"
                    } : {}, s.isMobile && (t.addClass("km-widget"), T = "km-icon", D = "km-", h = "km-button", g = "km-buttongroup km-widget", b = "km-state-active", y = "km-state-disabled"), n.resizable ? (s._renderOverflow(), t.addClass(w), s.overflowUserEvents = new a.UserEvents(s.element, {
                        threshold: 5,
                        allowSelection: !0,
                        filter: "." + M,
                        tap: c(s._toggleOverflow, s)
                    }), s._resizeHandler = a.onResize(function() {
                    })) : s.popup = {
                        element: e([])
                    }, n.items && n.items.length)
                        for (r = 0; n.items.length > r; r++) s.add(n.items[r]);
                    s.userEvents = new a.UserEvents(document, {
                        threshold: 5,
                        allowSelection: !0,
                        filter: "[" + q + "=" + this.uid + "] ." + h + ", [" + q + "=" + this.uid + "] ." + p,
                        tap: c(s._buttonClick, s),
                        press: i,
                        release: i
                    }), s.element.on(H, "." + y, o), n.resizable && s.popup.element.on(H, 0 / 0 + y, o), n.resizable && this._toggleOverflowAnchor(), a.notify(s)
                events: [H, B, L, N, O, V],
                options: {
                    name: "ToolBar",
                    items: [],
                    resizable: !0,
                    mobile: null
                addToGroup: function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    return n = this._groups[t] ? this._groups[t] : this._groups[t] = new st, n.add(e), n
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.element.find("." + m).each(function(t, n) {
                    }), t.userEvents.destroy(), t.options.resizable && (a.unbindResize(t._resizeHandler), t.overflowUserEvents.destroy(), t.popup.destroy()), l.fn.destroy.call(t)
                add: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = at[t.type],
                        o = t.template,
                        s = this,
                        l = s.isMobile ? "" : "k-item k-state-default",
                        c = t.overflowTemplate;
                    e.extend(t, {
                        uid: a.guid(),
                        animation: s.animation,
                        mobile: s.isMobile,
                        rootUid: s.uid
                    }), o && !c ? t.overflow = U : t.overflow || (t.overflow = W), t.overflow !== U && s.options.resizable && (c ? i = new ot(c, t, s) : r && (i = new r.overflow(t, s), i.element.addClass(l)), i && (t.overflow === W && i.overflowHidden(), i.element.appendTo(s.popup.container), s.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: i.element.get()
                    }))), t.overflow !== j && (o ? n = new rt(o, t, s) : r && (n = new r.toolbar(t, s)), n && (s.options.resizable ? (n.element.appendTo(s.element).css("visibility", "hidden"), s._shrink(s.element.innerWidth()), n.element.css("visibility", "visible")) : n.element.appendTo(s.element), s.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: n.element.get()
                _getItem: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this.options.resizable;
                    return t = this.element.find(e), r = t.length ? t.data("type") : "", n = t.data(r), n && n.main && (t = t.parent("." + m), r = "splitButton", n = t.data(r)), !t.length && o && (t = this.popup.element.find(e), r = t.data("type"), i = t.data(r)), i && i.main && (t = t.parent("." + m), r = "splitButton", i = t.data(r)), n && o && (i = n.twin()), {
                        type: r,
                        toolbar: n,
                        overflow: i
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t = this._getItem(e);
                    t.toolbar && t.toolbar.remove(), t.overflow && t.overflow.remove(), this.resize(!0)
                hide: function(e) {
                    var t = this._getItem(e);
                    t.toolbar && (t.toolbar.hide(), "button" === t.toolbar.options.type && t.toolbar.options.isChild && t.toolbar.getParentGroup().refresh()), t.overflow && (t.overflow.hide(), "button" === t.overflow.options.type && t.overflow.options.isChild && t.overflow.getParentGroup().refresh()), this.resize(!0)
                show: function(e) {
                    var t = this._getItem(e);
                    t.toolbar && (t.toolbar.show(), "button" === t.toolbar.options.type && t.toolbar.options.isChild && t.toolbar.getParentGroup().refresh()), t.overflow && (t.overflow.show(), "button" === t.overflow.options.type && t.overflow.options.isChild && t.overflow.getParentGroup().refresh()), this.resize(!0)
                enable: function(e, n) {
                    var i = this._getItem(e);
                    t === n && (n = !0), i.toolbar && i.toolbar.enable(n), i.overflow && i.overflow.enable(n)
                getSelectedFromGroup: function(e) {
                    return this.element.find("." + f + "[data-group='" + e + "']").filter("." + b)
                toggle: function(t, n) {
                    var i = e(t),
                        r = i.data("button");
                    r.options.togglable && r.toggle(n ? n : !r.options.selected, !0)
                _renderOverflow: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = at.overflowContainer,
                        i = t._isRtl,
                        o = i ? "left" : "right";
                    t.overflowAnchor = e(at.overflowAnchor).addClass(h), t.element.append(t.overflowAnchor), t.isMobile ? (t.overflowAnchor.append('<span class="km-icon km-more"></span>'), n = r(n)) : t.overflowAnchor.append('<span class="k-icon k-i-more"></span>'), t.popup = new a.ui.Popup(n, {
                        origin: "bottom " + o,
                        position: "top " + o,
                        anchor: t.overflowAnchor,
                        isRtl: i,
                        animation: t.animation,
                        appendTo: t.isMobile ? e(t.isMobile).children(".km-pane") : null,
                        copyAnchorStyles: !1,
                        open: function(n) {
                            var r = a.wrap(t.popup.element).addClass("k-overflow-wrapper");
                            t.isMobile ? t.popup.container.css("max-height", parseFloat(e(".km-content:visible").innerHeight()) - 15 + "px") : r.css("margin-left", (i ? -1 : 1) * ((r.outerWidth() - r.width()) / 2 + 1)), t.trigger(O) && n.preventDefault()
                        close: function(e) {
                            t.trigger(V) && e.preventDefault()
                    }), t.popup.container = t.isMobile ? t.popup.element.find("." + z) : t.popup.element, t.popup.container.attr(q, this.uid)
                _toggleOverflowAnchor: function() {
                    this.overflowAnchor.css(this.popup.element.children(":not(." + G + ", ." + _ + ")").length > 0 ? {
                        visibility: "visible",
                        width: ""
                    } : {
                        visibility: "hidden",
                        width: "1px"
                _buttonClick: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                        u = n.target.closest("." + P).length;
                    return n.preventDefault(), u ? (c._toggle(n), t) : (r = e(n.target).closest("." + h, c.element), r.hasClass(M) || (o = r.data("button"), !o && c.popup && (r = e(n.target).closest("." + p, c.popup.container), o = r.parent("li").data("button")), o && o.options.enable && (o.options.togglable ? (s = d(o.toggleHandler) ? o.toggleHandler : null, o.toggle(!o.options.selected, !0), l = {
                        target: r,
                        group: o.options.group,
                        checked: o.options.selected,
                        id: o.options.id
                    }, s && s.call(c, l), c.trigger(B, l)) : (s = d(o.clickHandler) ? o.clickHandler : null, l = {
                        target: r,
                        id: o.options.id
                    }, s && s.call(c, l), c.trigger(H, l)), r.hasClass(p) && c.popup.close(), a = r.closest(".k-split-container"), a[0] && (i = a.data("kendoPopup"), (i ? i : a.parents(".km-popup-wrapper").data("kendoPopup")).close()))), t)
                _toggle: function(t) {
                    var n, i = e(t.target).closest("." + m).data("splitButton");
                    t.preventDefault(), i.options.enable && (n = i.popup.element.is(":visible") ? this.trigger(N, {
                        target: i.element
                    }) : this.trigger(L, {
                        target: i.element
                    }), n || i.toggle())
                _toggleOverflow: function() {
                _resize: function(e) {
                    var t = e.width;
                    this.options.resizable && (this.popup.close(), this._shrink(t), this._stretch(t), this._markVisibles(), this._toggleOverflowAnchor())
                _childrenWidth: function() {
                    var t = 0;
                    return this.element.children(":visible:not('." + k + "')").each(function() {
                        t += e(this).outerWidth(!0)
                    }), Math.ceil(t)
                _shrink: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    if (e < this._childrenWidth())
                        for (n = this.element.children(":visible:not([data-overflow='never'], ." + M + ")"), i = n.length - 1; i >= 0 && (t = n.eq(i), !(e > this._childrenWidth())); i--) this._hideItem(t)
                _stretch: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    if (e > this._childrenWidth())
                        for (n = this.element.children(":hidden:not('." + k + "')"), i = 0; n.length > i && (t = n.eq(i), !(e < this._childrenWidth()) && this._showItem(t, e)); i++);
                _hideItem: function(e) {
                    e.hide(), this.popup && this.popup.container.find(">li[data-uid='" + e.data("uid") + "']").removeClass(G)
                _showItem: function(e, t) {
                    return e.length && t > this._childrenWidth() + e.outerWidth(!0) ? (e.show(), this.popup && this.popup.container.find(">li[data-uid='" + e.data("uid") + "']").addClass(G), !0) : !1
                _markVisibles: function() {
                    var e = this.popup.container.children(),
                        t = this.element.children(":not(.k-overflow-anchor)"),
                        n = e.filter(":not(.k-overflow-hidden)"),
                        i = t.filter(":visible");
                    e.add(t).removeClass(F + " " + R), n.first().add(i.first()).addClass(F), n.last().add(i.last()).addClass(R)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var t = new Date(2100, 0, 1);
            return t.setMinutes(-e), t

        function i(e) {

        function r(t) {
            var n, i = o.getCulture(t.culture).calendars.standard.patterns,
                r = !t.parseFormats.length;
            t.format = c(t.format || i.g), t.timeFormat = n = c(t.timeFormat || i.t), o.DateView.normalize(t), r && t.parseFormats.push("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"), -1 === e.inArray(n, t.parseFormats) && t.parseFormats.splice(1, 0, n)
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.TimeView,
            s = o.parseDate,
            l = o._activeElement,
            c = o._extractFormat,
            d = o.calendar,
            u = d.isInRange,
            h = d.restrictValue,
            p = d.isEqualDatePart,
            f = a.getMilliseconds,
            g = o.ui,
            m = g.Widget,
            v = "open",
            _ = "close",
            w = "change",
            b = ".kendoDateTimePicker",
            y = "click" + b,
            k = "disabled",
            x = "readonly",
            C = "k-state-default",
            S = "k-state-focused",
            T = "k-state-hover",
            D = "k-state-disabled",
            A = "mouseenter" + b + " mouseleave" + b,
            E = "mousedown" + b,
            I = "month",
            P = "<span/>",
            M = "aria-activedescendant",
            z = "aria-expanded",
            F = "aria-hidden",
            R = "aria-owns",
            H = "aria-disabled",
            B = "aria-readonly",
            L = Date,
            N = new L(1800, 0, 1),
            O = new L(2099, 11, 31),
            V = {
                view: "date"
            U = {
                view: "time"
            W = e.extend,
            j = m.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, a = this;
                    m.fn.init.call(a, t, n), t = a.element, n = a.options, n.min = s(t.attr("min")) || s(n.min), n.max = s(t.attr("max")) || s(n.max), r(n), a._initialOptions = W({}, n), a._wrapper(), a._views(), a._icons(), a._reset(), a._template();
                    try {
                        t[0].setAttribute("type", "text")
                    } catch (l) {
                        t[0].type = "text"
                        role: "combobox",
                        "aria-expanded": !1
                    }), a._midnight = a._calculateMidnight(n.min, n.max), i = t.is("[disabled]") || e(a.element).parents("fieldset").is(":disabled"), i ? a.enable(!1) : a.readonly(t.is("[readonly]")), a._old = a._update(n.value || a.element.val()), a._oldText = t.val(), o.notify(a)
                options: {
                    name: "DateTimePicker",
                    value: null,
                    format: "",
                    timeFormat: "",
                    culture: "",
                    parseFormats: [],
                    dates: [],
                    min: new L(N),
                    max: new L(O),
                    interval: 30,
                    height: 200,
                    footer: "",
                    start: I,
                    depth: I,
                    animation: {},
                    month: {},
                    ARIATemplate: 'Current focused date is #=kendo.toString(data.current, "d")#'
                events: [v, _, w],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, a = this,
                        l = a._value;
                    m.fn.setOptions.call(a, e), e = a.options, e.min = t = s(e.min), e.max = n = s(e.max), r(e), a._midnight = a._calculateMidnight(e.min, e.max), i = e.value || a._value || a.dateView._current, t && !p(t, i) && (t = new L(N)), n && !p(n, i) && (n = new L(O)), a.dateView.setOptions(e), a.timeView.setOptions(W({}, e, {
                        format: e.timeFormat,
                        min: t,
                        max: n
                    })), l && (a.element.val(o.toString(l, e.format, e.culture)), a._updateARIA(l))
                _editable: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        r = n.element.off(b),
                        a = n._dateIcon.off(b),
                        s = n._timeIcon.off(b),
                        c = n._inputWrapper.off(b),
                        d = t.readonly,
                        u = t.disable;
                    d || u ? (c.addClass(u ? D : C).removeClass(u ? C : D), r.attr(k, u).attr(x, d).attr(H, u).attr(B, d)) : (c.addClass(C).removeClass(D).on(A, n._toggleHover), r.removeAttr(k).removeAttr(x).attr(H, !1).attr(B, !1).on("keydown" + b, e.proxy(n._keydown, n)).on("focus" + b, function() {
                    }).on("focusout" + b, function() {
                        n._inputWrapper.removeClass(S), r.val() !== n._oldText && n._change(r.val()), n.close("date"), n.close("time")
                    }), a.on(E, i).on(y, function() {
                        n.toggle("date"), o.support.touch || r[0] === l() || r.focus()
                    }), s.on(E, i).on(y, function() {
                        n.toggle("time"), o.support.touch || r[0] === l() || r.focus()
                readonly: function(e) {
                        readonly: e === t ? !0 : e,
                        disable: !1
                enable: function(e) {
                        readonly: !1,
                        disable: !(e = e === t ? !0 : e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    m.fn.destroy.call(e), e.dateView.destroy(), e.timeView.destroy(), e.element.off(b), e._dateIcon.off(b), e._timeIcon.off(b), e._inputWrapper.off(b), e._form && e._form.off("reset", e._resetHandler)
                close: function(e) {
                    "time" !== e && (e = "date"), this[e + "View"].close()
                open: function(e) {
                    "time" !== e && (e = "date"), this[e + "View"].open()
                min: function(e) {
                    return this._option("min", e)
                max: function(e) {
                    return this._option("max", e)
                toggle: function(e) {
                    var t = "timeView";
                    "time" !== e ? e = "date" : t = "dateView", this[e + "View"].toggle(), this[t].close()
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    return e === t ? n._value : (n._old = n._update(e), null === n._old && n.element.val(""), n._oldText = n.element.val(), t)
                _change: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e = t._update(e), +t._old != +e && (t._old = e, t._oldText = t.element.val(), t.trigger(w), t._typing || t.element.trigger(w))
                _option: function(e, i) {
                    var r, o, a = this,
                        l = a.options,
                        c = a.timeView,
                        d = c.options,
                        u = a._value || a._old;
                    if (i === t) return l[e];
                    if (i = s(i, l.parseFormats, l.culture)) {
                        if (l.min.getTime() === l.max.getTime() && (d.dates = []), l[e] = new L(i.getTime()), a.dateView[e](i), a._midnight = a._calculateMidnight(l.min, l.max), u && (r = p(l.min, u), o = p(l.max, u)), r || o) {
                            if (d[e] = i, r && !o && (d.max = n(l.interval)), o) {
                                if (a._midnight) return c.dataBind([O]), t;
                                r || (d.min = N)
                        } else d.max = O, d.min = N;
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass(T, "mouseenter" === t.type)
                _update: function(t) {
                    var i, r, a, l, c, d = this,
                        f = d.options,
                        g = f.min,
                        m = f.max,
                        v = f.dates,
                        _ = d.timeView,
                        w = d._value,
                        b = s(t, f.parseFormats, f.culture),
                        y = null === b && null === w || b instanceof Date && w instanceof Date;
                    return +b === +w && y ? (c = o.toString(b, f.format, f.culture), c !== t && d.element.val(null === b ? t : c), b) : (null !== b && p(b, g) ? b = h(b, g, m) : u(b, g, m) || (b = null), d._value = b, _.value(b), d.dateView.value(b), b && (a = d._old, r = _.options, v[0] && (v = e.grep(v, function(e) {
                        return p(b, e)
                    }), v[0] && (_.dataBind(v), l = !0)), l || (p(b, g) && (r.min = g, r.max = n(f.interval), i = !0), p(b, m) && (d._midnight ? (_.dataBind([O]), l = !0) : (r.max = m, i || (r.min = N), i = !0))), !l && (!a && i || a && !p(a, b)) && (i || (r.max = O, r.min = N), _.bind())), d.element.val(b ? o.toString(b, f.format, f.culture) : t), d._updateARIA(b), b)
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dateView,
                        i = t.timeView,
                        r = t.element.val(),
                        a = n.popup.visible();
                    e.altKey && e.keyCode === o.keys.DOWN ? t.toggle(a ? "time" : "date") : a ? (n.move(e), t._updateARIA(n._current)) : i.popup.visible() ? i.move(e) : e.keyCode === o.keys.ENTER && r !== t._oldText ? t._change(r) : t._typing = !0
                _views: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, l, c = this,
                        d = c.element,
                        h = c.options,
                        p = d.attr("id");
                    c.dateView = e = new o.DateView(W({}, h, {
                        id: p,
                        anchor: c.wrapper,
                        change: function() {
                            var t, n = e.calendar.value(),
                                i = +n,
                                r = +h.min,
                                o = +h.max;
                            (i === r || i === o) && (t = new L(+c._value), t.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate()), u(t, r, o) && (n = t)), c._change(n), c.close("date")
                        close: function(e) {
                            c.trigger(_, V) ? e.preventDefault() : (d.attr(z, !1), n.attr(F, !0), t.popup.visible() || d.removeAttr(R))
                        open: function(t) {
                            c.trigger(v, V) ? t.preventDefault() : (d.val() !== c._oldText && (l = s(d.val(), h.parseFormats, h.culture), c.dateView[l ? "current" : "value"](l)), n.attr(F, !1), d.attr(z, !0).attr(R, e._dateViewID), c._updateARIA(l))
                    })), n = e.div, r = h.min.getTime(), c.timeView = t = new a({
                        id: p,
                        value: h.value,
                        anchor: c.wrapper,
                        animation: h.animation,
                        format: h.timeFormat,
                        culture: h.culture,
                        height: h.height,
                        interval: h.interval,
                        min: new L(N),
                        max: new L(O),
                        dates: r === h.max.getTime() ? [new Date(r)] : [],
                        parseFormats: h.parseFormats,
                        change: function(n, i) {
                            n = t._parse(n), h.min > n ? (n = new L(+h.min), t.options.min = n) : n > h.max && (n = new L(+h.max), t.options.max = n), i ? (c._timeSelected = !0, c._change(n)) : (d.val(o.toString(n, h.format, h.culture)), e.value(n), c._updateARIA(n))
                        close: function(t) {
                            c.trigger(_, U) ? t.preventDefault() : (i.attr(F, !0), d.attr(z, !1), e.popup.visible() || d.removeAttr(R))
                        open: function(e) {
                            t._adjustListWidth(), c.trigger(v, U) ? e.preventDefault() : (d.val() !== c._oldText && (l = s(d.val(), h.parseFormats, h.culture), c.timeView.value(l)), i.attr(F, !1), d.attr(z, !0).attr(R, t._timeViewID), t.options.active(t.current()))
                        active: function(e) {
                            d.removeAttr(M), e && d.attr(M, t._optionID)
                    }), i = t.ul
                _icons: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.element;
                    t = i.next("span.k-select"), t[0] || (t = e('<span unselectable="on" class="k-select"><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-calendar">select</span><span unselectable="on" class="k-icon k-i-clock">select</span></span>').insertAfter(i)), t = t.children(), n._dateIcon = t.eq(0).attr({
                        role: "button",
                        "aria-controls": n.dateView._dateViewID
                    }), n._timeIcon = t.eq(1).attr({
                        role: "button",
                        "aria-controls": n.timeView._timeViewID
                _wrapper: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.element;
                    t = i.parents(".k-datetimepicker"), t[0] || (t = i.wrap(P).parent().addClass("k-picker-wrap k-state-default"), t = t.wrap(P).parent()), t[0].style.cssText = i[0].style.cssText, i.css({
                        width: "100%",
                        height: i[0].style.height
                    }), n.wrapper = t.addClass("k-widget k-datetimepicker k-header").addClass(i[0].className), n._inputWrapper = e(t[0].firstChild)
                _reset: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element,
                        i = n.attr("form"),
                        r = i ? e("#" + i) : n.closest("form");
                    r[0] && (t._resetHandler = function() {
                        t.value(n[0].defaultValue), t.max(t._initialOptions.max), t.min(t._initialOptions.min)
                    }, t._form = r.on("reset", t._resetHandler))
                _template: function() {
                    this._ariaTemplate = o.template(this.options.ARIATemplate)
                _calculateMidnight: function(e, t) {
                    return f(e) + f(t) === 0
                _updateARIA: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.dateView.calendar;
                    n.element.removeAttr(M), i && (t = i._cell, t.attr("aria-label", n._ariaTemplate({
                        current: e || i.current()
                    })), n.element.attr(M, t.attr("id")))
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return v.test(e)

        function i(e) {
            return m.test(e) || /^\d+$/.test(e)

        function r(e) {
            return !n(e) && !i(e)

        function o(e, t) {
            var i = parseInt(e, 10);
            return n(e) && (i = Math.floor(i * t / 100)), i

        function a(e, n) {
            return function(i, r) {
                var o, a = this.element.find(i).data(E);
                return 1 == arguments.length ? a[e] : (a[e] = r, n && (o = this.element.data("kendo" + this.options.name), o.resize(!0)), t)

        function s(e) {
            var t = this,
                n = e.orientation;
            t.owner = e, t._element = e.element, t.orientation = n, p(t, n === S ? c : l), t._resizable = new d.ui.Resizable(e.element, {
                orientation: n,
                handle: ".k-splitbar-draggable-" + n + "[data-marker=" + e._marker + "]",
                hint: f(t._createHint, t),
                start: f(t._start, t),
                max: f(t._max, t),
                min: f(t._min, t),
                invalidClass: "k-restricted-size-" + n,
                resizeend: f(t._stop, t)
        var l, c, d = window.kendo,
            u = d.ui,
            h = d.keys,
            p = e.extend,
            f = e.proxy,
            g = u.Widget,
            m = /^\d+(\.\d+)?px$/i,
            v = /^\d+(\.\d+)?%$/i,
            _ = ".kendoSplitter",
            w = "expand",
            b = "collapse",
            y = "contentLoad",
            k = "error",
            x = "resize",
            C = "layoutChange",
            S = "horizontal",
            T = "vertical",
            D = "mouseenter",
            A = "click",
            E = "pane",
            I = "mouseleave",
            P = "k-state-focused",
            M = "k-" + E,
            z = "." + M,
            F = g.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    g.fn.init.call(i, e, t), i.wrapper = i.element, n = i.options.orientation.toLowerCase() != T, i.orientation = n ? S : T, i._dimension = n ? "width" : "height", i._keys = {
                        decrease: n ? h.LEFT : h.UP,
                        increase: n ? h.RIGHT : h.DOWN
                    }, i._resizeStep = 10, i._marker = d.guid().substring(0, 8), i._initPanes(), i.resizing = new s(i), i.element.triggerHandler("init" + _)
                events: [w, b, y, k, x, C],
                _addOverlays: function() {
                    this._panes().append("<div class='k-splitter-overlay k-overlay' />")
                _removeOverlays: function() {
                _attachEvents: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.orientation;
                    t.element.children(".k-splitbar-draggable-" + n).on("keydown" + _, f(t._keydown, t)).on("mousedown" + _, function(e) {
                    }).on("focus" + _, function(t) {
                    }).on("blur" + _, function(n) {
                        e(n.currentTarget).removeClass(P), t.resizing && t.resizing.end()
                    }).on(D + _, function() {
                        e(this).addClass("k-splitbar-" + t.orientation + "-hover")
                    }).on(I + _, function() {
                        e(this).removeClass("k-splitbar-" + t.orientation + "-hover")
                    }).on("mousedown" + _, f(t._addOverlays, t)).end().children(".k-splitbar").on("dblclick" + _, f(t._togglePane, t)).children(".k-collapse-next, .k-collapse-prev").on(A + _, t._arrowClick(b)).end().children(".k-expand-next, .k-expand-prev").on(A + _, t._arrowClick(w)).end().end(), e(window).on("resize" + _ + t._marker, f(t.resize, t, !1)), e(document).on("mouseup" + _ + t._marker, f(t._removeOverlays, t))
                _detachEvents: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.element.children(".k-splitbar-draggable-" + t.orientation).off(_).end().children(".k-splitbar").off("dblclick" + _).children(".k-collapse-next, .k-collapse-prev, .k-expand-next, .k-expand-prev").off(_), e(window).off(_ + t._marker), e(document).off(_ + t._marker)
                options: {
                    name: "Splitter",
                    orientation: S,
                    panes: []
                destroy: function() {
                    g.fn.destroy.call(this), this._detachEvents(), this.resizing && this.resizing.destroy(), d.destroy(this.element), this.wrapper = this.element = null
                _keydown: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = t.keyCode,
                        o = i.resizing,
                        a = e(t.currentTarget),
                        s = i._keys,
                        l = r === s.increase,
                        c = r === s.decrease;
                    l || c ? (t.ctrlKey ? (n = a[c ? "next" : "prev"](), o && o.isResizing() && o.end(), n[i._dimension]() ? i._triggerAction(b, a[c ? "prev" : "next"]()) : i._triggerAction(w, n)) : o && o.move((c ? -1 : 1) * i._resizeStep, a), t.preventDefault()) : r === h.ENTER && o && (o.end(), t.preventDefault())
                _initPanes: function() {
                    var e = this.options.panes || [],
                        t = this;
                    this.element.addClass("k-widget").addClass("k-splitter").children().each(function(n, i) {
                        "script" != i.nodeName.toLowerCase() && t._initPane(i, e[n])
                    }), this.resize()
                _initPane: function(t, n) {
                    t = e(t).attr("role", "group").addClass(M), t.data(E, n ? n : {}).toggleClass("k-scrollable", n ? n.scrollable !== !1 : !0), this.ajaxRequest(t)
                ajaxRequest: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this;
                    e = r.element.find(e), i = e.data(E), t = t || i.contentUrl, t && (e.append("<span class='k-icon k-loading k-pane-loading' />"), d.isLocalUrl(t) ? jQuery.ajax({
                        url: t,
                        data: n || {},
                        type: "GET",
                        dataType: "html",
                        success: function(t) {
                            r.angular("cleanup", function() {
                                return {
                                    elements: e.get()
                            }), e.html(t), r.angular("compile", function() {
                                return {
                                    elements: e.get()
                            }), r.trigger(y, {
                                pane: e[0]
                        error: function(t, n) {
                            r.trigger(k, {
                                pane: e[0],
                                status: n,
                                xhr: t
                    }) : e.removeClass("k-scrollable").html("<iframe src='" + t + "' frameborder='0' class='k-content-frame'>This page requires frames in order to show content</iframe>"))
                _triggerAction: function(e, t) {
                    this.trigger(e, {
                        pane: t[0]
                    }) || this[e](t[0])
                _togglePane: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = e(t.target);
                    r.closest(".k-splitter")[0] == i.element[0] && (n = r.children(".k-icon:not(.k-resize-handle)"), 1 === n.length && (n.is(".k-collapse-prev") ? i._triggerAction(b, r.prev()) : n.is(".k-collapse-next") ? i._triggerAction(b, r.next()) : n.is(".k-expand-prev") ? i._triggerAction(w, r.prev()) : n.is(".k-expand-next") && i._triggerAction(w, r.next())))
                _arrowClick: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return function(i) {
                        var r, o = e(i.target);
                        o.closest(".k-splitter")[0] == n.element[0] && (r = o.is(".k-" + t + "-prev") ? o.parent().prev() : o.parent().next(), n._triggerAction(t, r))
                _updateSplitBar: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = function(e, t) {
                            return t ? "<div class='k-icon " + e + "' />" : ""
                        r = this.orientation,
                        o = t.resizable !== !1 && n.resizable !== !1,
                        a = t.collapsible,
                        s = t.collapsed,
                        l = n.collapsible,
                        c = n.collapsed;
                    e.addClass("k-splitbar k-state-default k-splitbar-" + r).attr("role", "separator").attr("aria-expanded", !(s || c)).removeClass("k-splitbar-" + r + "-hover").toggleClass("k-splitbar-draggable-" + r, o && !s && !c).toggleClass("k-splitbar-static-" + r, !o && !a && !l).html(i("k-collapse-prev", a && !s && !c) + i("k-expand-prev", a && s && !c) + i("k-resize-handle", o) + i("k-collapse-next", l && !c && !s) + i("k-expand-next", l && c && !s)), o || a || l || e.removeAttr("tabindex")
                _updateSplitBars: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    this.element.children(".k-splitbar").each(function() {
                        var n = e(this),
                            i = n.prevAll(z).first().data(E),
                            r = n.nextAll(z).first().data(E);
                        r && t._updateSplitBar(n, i, r)
                _removeSplitBars: function() {
                _panes: function() {
                    return this.element ? this.element.children(z) : e()
                _resize: function() {
                    var n, i, a, s, l, c, u, h, p, f, g = this,
                        m = g.element,
                        v = m.children(z),
                        _ = g.orientation == S,
                        w = m.children(".k-splitbar"),
                        b = w.length,
                        y = _ ? "width" : "height",
                        k = m[y]();
                    g.wrapper.addClass("k-splitter-resizing"), 0 === b ? (b = v.length - 1, v.slice(0, b).after("<div tabindex='0' class='k-splitbar' data-marker='" + g._marker + "' />"), g._updateSplitBars(), w = m.children(".k-splitbar")) : g._updateSplitBars(), w.each(function() {
                        k -= this[_ ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight"]
                    }), n = 0, i = 0, a = e(), v.css({
                        position: "absolute",
                        top: 0
                    })[y](function() {
                        var s, l = e(this),
                            c = l.data(E) || {};
                        if (l.removeClass("k-state-collapsed"), c.collapsed) s = c.collapsedSize ? o(c.collapsedSize, k) : 0, l.css("overflow", "hidden").addClass("k-state-collapsed");
                        else {
                            if (r(c.size)) return a = a.add(this), t;
                            s = o(c.size, k)
                        return i++, n += s, s
                    }), k -= n, s = a.length, l = Math.floor(k / s), a.slice(0, s - 1).css(y, l).end().eq(s - 1).css(y, k - (s - 1) * l), c = 0, u = _ ? "height" : "width", h = _ ? "left" : "top", p = _ ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight", 0 === s && (f = v.filter(function() {
                        return !(e(this).data(E) || {}).collapsed
                    }).last(), f[y](k + f[0][p])), m.children().css(u, m[u]()).each(function(e, t) {
                        "script" != t.tagName.toLowerCase() && (t.style[h] = Math.floor(c) + "px", c += t[p])
                    }), g._detachEvents(), g._attachEvents(), g.wrapper.removeClass("k-splitter-resizing"), d.resize(v), g.trigger(C)
                toggle: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = this;
                    e = r.element.find(e), i = e.data(E), (n || i.collapsible) && (1 == arguments.length && (n = i.collapsed === t ? !1 : i.collapsed), i.collapsed = !n, i.collapsed ? e.css("overflow", "hidden") : e.css("overflow", ""), r.resize(!0))
                collapse: function(e) {
                    this.toggle(e, !1)
                expand: function(e) {
                    this.toggle(e, !0)
                _addPane: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    return n.length && (i.options.panes.splice(t, 0, e), i._initPane(n, e), i._removeSplitBars(), i.resize(!0)), n
                append: function(t) {
                    t = t || {};
                    var n = this,
                        i = e("<div />").appendTo(n.element);
                    return n._addPane(t, n.options.panes.length, i)
                insertBefore: function(t, n) {
                    n = e(n), t = t || {};
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.wrapper.children(".k-pane").index(n),
                        o = e("<div />").insertBefore(e(n));
                    return i._addPane(t, r, o)
                insertAfter: function(t, n) {
                    n = e(n), t = t || {};
                    var i = this,
                        r = i.wrapper.children(".k-pane").index(n),
                        o = e("<div />").insertAfter(e(n));
                    return i._addPane(t, r + 1, o)
                remove: function(t) {
                    t = e(t);
                    var n = this;
                    return t.length && (d.destroy(t), t.each(function(t, i) {
                        n.options.panes.splice(n.wrapper.children(".k-pane").index(i), 1), e(i).remove()
                    }), n._removeSplitBars(), n.options.panes.length && n.resize(!0)), n
                size: a("size", !0),
                min: a("min"),
                max: a("max")
        u.plugin(F), l = {
            sizingProperty: "height",
            sizingDomProperty: "offsetHeight",
            alternateSizingProperty: "width",
            positioningProperty: "top",
            mousePositioningProperty: "pageY"
        }, c = {
            sizingProperty: "width",
            sizingDomProperty: "offsetWidth",
            alternateSizingProperty: "height",
            positioningProperty: "left",
            mousePositioningProperty: "pageX"
        }, s.prototype = {
            press: function(e) {
            move: function(e, t) {
                this.pressed || (this.press(t), this.pressed = !0), this._resizable.target || this._resizable.press(t), this._resizable.move(e)
            end: function() {
                this._resizable.end(), this.pressed = !1
            destroy: function() {
                this._resizable.destroy(), this._resizable = this._element = this.owner = null
            isResizing: function() {
                return this._resizable.resizing
            _createHint: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                return e("<div class='k-ghost-splitbar k-ghost-splitbar-" + n.orientation + " k-state-default' />").css(n.alternateSizingProperty, t[n.alternateSizingProperty]())
            _start: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    r = e(t.currentTarget),
                    o = r.prev(),
                    a = r.next(),
                    s = o.data(E),
                    l = a.data(E),
                    c = parseInt(o[0].style[n.positioningProperty], 10),
                    d = parseInt(a[0].style[n.positioningProperty], 10) + a[0][n.sizingDomProperty] - r[0][n.sizingDomProperty],
                    u = parseInt(n._element.css(n.sizingProperty), 10),
                    h = function(e) {
                        var t = parseInt(e, 10);
                        return (i(e) ? t : u * t / 100) || 0
                    p = h(s.min),
                    f = h(s.max) || d - c,
                    g = h(l.min),
                    m = h(l.max) || d - c;
                n.previousPane = o, n.nextPane = a, n._maxPosition = Math.min(d - g, c + f), n._minPosition = Math.max(c + p, d - m)
            _max: function() {
                return this._maxPosition
            _min: function() {
                return this._minPosition
            _stop: function(t) {
                var n, i, o, a, s, l, c, u, h = this,
                    p = e(t.currentTarget),
                    f = h.owner;
                return f._panes().children(".k-splitter-overlay").remove(), t.keyCode !== d.keys.ESC && (n = t.position, i = p.prev(), o = p.next(), a = i.data(E), s = o.data(E), l = n - parseInt(i[0].style[h.positioningProperty], 10), c = parseInt(o[0].style[h.positioningProperty], 10) + o[0][h.sizingDomProperty] - n - p[0][h.sizingDomProperty], u = h._element.children(z).filter(function() {
                    return r(e(this).data(E).size)
                }).length, (!r(a.size) || u > 1) && (r(a.size) && u--, a.size = l + "px"), (!r(s.size) || u > 1) && (s.size = c + "px"), f.resize(!0)), !1
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return e[e.length - 1]

        function i(e) {
            return e instanceof Array ? e : [e]

        function r(e) {
            return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e || "boolean" == typeof e

        function o(e, t, n) {
            return Math.ceil(e * t / n)

        function a(e, t, n) {
            var i = document.createElement(n || "div");
            return t && (i.className = t), e.appendChild(i), i

        function s() {
            var t, n = e('<div class="k-popup"><ul class="k-list"><li class="k-item"><li></ul></div>');
            return n.css({
                position: "absolute",
                left: "-200000px",
                visibility: "hidden"
            }), n.appendTo(document.body), t = parseFloat(v.getComputedStyles(n.find(".k-item")[0], ["line-height"])["line-height"]), n.remove(), t

        function l(e, t, n) {
            return {
                down: e * n,
                up: e * (t - 1 - n)

        function c(e, t) {
            var n = (e.listScreens - 1 - e.threshold) * t,
                i = e.threshold * t;
            return function(e, t, r) {
                return t > r ? n > t - e.top : 0 === e.top || t - e.top > i

        function d(e, t) {
            return function(n) {
                return t(e.scrollTop, n)

        function u(e) {
            return function(t, n) {
                return e(t.items, t.index, n), t

        function h(e, t) {
            v.support.browser.msie && 10 > v.support.browser.version ? e.style.top = t + "px" : (e.style.webkitTransform = "translateY(" + t + "px)", e.style.transform = "translateY(" + t + "px)")

        function p(t, n) {
            return function(i, r) {
                for (var o = 0, a = i.length; a > o; o++) t(i[o], r[o], n), r[o].item && (this.trigger(B, {
                    item: e(i[o]),
                    data: r[o].item,
                    ns: v.ui
                }), r[o].index === this._selectedIndex && this.select(this._selectedIndex))

        function f(e, t) {
            var n;
            return t > 0 ? (n = e.splice(0, t), e.push.apply(e, n)) : (n = e.splice(t, -t), e.unshift.apply(e, n)), n

        function g(n, i, r) {
            var o = r.template;
            n = e(n), i.item || (o = r.placeholderTemplate), this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                return {
                    elements: [n]
            }), n.attr("data-uid", i.item ? i.item.uid : "").attr("data-offset-index", i.index).html(o(i.item || {})), n.toggleClass(M, i.current), n.toggleClass(P, i.selected), n.toggleClass("k-first", i.newGroup), n.toggleClass("k-loading-item", !i.item), 0 !== i.index && i.newGroup && e("<div class=" + I + "></div>").appendTo(n).html(r.groupTemplate({
                group: i.group
            })), i.top !== t && h(n[0], i.top), this.angular("compile", function() {
                return {
                    elements: [n],
                    data: [{
                        dataItem: i.item,
                        group: i.group,
                        newGroup: i.newGroup

        function m(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = t.length,
                a = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++)
                for (n = e[i], r = 0; o > r; r++) n === t[r] && a.push({
                    index: i,
                    item: n
            return a
        var v = window.kendo,
            _ = v.ui,
            w = _.Widget,
            b = _.DataBoundWidget,
            y = e.proxy,
            k = "k-virtual-wrap",
            x = "k-virtual-list",
            C = "k-virtual-content",
            S = "k-list",
            T = "k-group-header",
            D = "k-virtual-item",
            A = "k-item",
            E = "k-height-container",
            I = "k-group",
            P = "k-state-selected",
            M = "k-state-focused",
            z = "k-state-hover",
            F = "change",
            R = "click",
            H = "listBound",
            B = "itemChange",
            L = "activate",
            N = "deactivate",
            O = ".VirtualList",
            V = b.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r = this;
                    r._listCreated = !1, r._fetching = !1, r._filter = !1, w.fn.init.call(r, t, n), r.options.itemHeight || (r.options.itemHeight = s()), n = r.options, r.element.addClass(S + " " + x).attr("role", "listbox"), r.content = r.element.wrap("<div unselectable='on' class='" + C + "'></div>").parent(), r.wrapper = r.content.wrap("<div class='" + k + "'></div>").parent(), r.header = r.content.before("<div class='" + T + "'></div>").prev(), r.element.on("mouseenter" + O, "li:not(.k-loading-item)", function() {
                    }).on("mouseleave" + O, "li", function() {
                    }), r._values = i(r.options.value), r._selectedDataItems = [], r._selectedIndexes = [], r._rangesList = {}, r._activeDeferred = null, r._promisesList = [], r._optionID = v.guid(), r.setDataSource(n.dataSource), r.content.on("scroll" + O, v.throttle(function() {
                    }, n.delay)), r._selectable()
                options: {
                    name: "VirtualList",
                    autoBind: !0,
                    delay: 100,
                    height: null,
                    listScreens: 4,
                    threshold: .5,
                    itemHeight: null,
                    oppositeBuffer: 1,
                    type: "flat",
                    selectable: !1,
                    value: [],
                    dataValueField: null,
                    template: "#:data#",
                    placeholderTemplate: "loading...",
                    groupTemplate: "#:group#",
                    fixedGroupTemplate: "fixed header template",
                    valueMapper: null
                events: [F, R, H, B, L, N],
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    w.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._selectProxy && this.options.selectable === !1 ? this.element.off(R, "." + D, this._selectProxy) : !this._selectProxy && this.options.selectable && this._selectable(), this.refresh()
                items: function() {
                    return e(this._items)
                destroy: function() {
                    this.wrapper.off(O), this.dataSource.unbind(F, this._refreshHandler), w.fn.destroy.call(this)
                setDataSource: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = t || {};
                    r = e.isArray(r) ? {
                        data: r
                    } : r, r = v.data.DataSource.create(r), i.dataSource ? (i.dataSource.unbind(F, i._refreshHandler), i.dataSource.unbind(F, i._rangeChangeHandler), n = i.value(), i.value([]), i.mute(function() {
                    })) : (i._refreshHandler = e.proxy(i.refresh, i), i._rangeChangeHandler = e.proxy(i.rangeChange, i)), i.dataSource = r.bind(F, i._refreshHandler).bind(F, i._rangeChangeHandler), 0 !== i.dataSource.view().length ? i.refresh() : i.options.autoBind && i.dataSource.fetch()
                rangeChange: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dataSource.page();
                    e.isBound() && e._rangeChange === !0 && e._lastPage !== t && (e._lastPage = t, e.trigger(H))
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = e && e.action;
                    n._mute || (n._fetching ? n._renderItems && n._renderItems(!0) : (n._filter && n.focus(0), n._createList(), i || !n._values.length || n._filter ? (n._lastPage = n.dataSource.page(), n._listCreated = !0, n.trigger(H)) : n.value(n._values, !0).done(function() {
                        n._lastPage = n.dataSource.page(), n._listCreated = !0, n.trigger(H)
                    })), "itemchange" === i && (t = m(n._selectedDataItems, e.items), t.length && n.trigger("selectedItemChange", {
                        items: t
                    })), n._fetching = !1)
                removeAt: function(e) {
                    return this._selectedIndexes.splice(e, 1), this._values.splice(e, 1), {
                        position: e,
                        dataItem: this._selectedDataItems.splice(e, 1)[0]
                setValue: function(e) {
                    this._values = i(e)
                value: function(n, r) {
                    var o = this;
                    return n === t ? o._values.slice() : (n = i(n), "multiple" === o.options.selectable && o.select().length && n.length && o.select(-1), o._valueDeferred && "resolved" !== o._valueDeferred.state() || (o._valueDeferred = e.Deferred()), n.length || o.select(-1), o._values = n, (o.isBound() && !o._mute || r) && o._prefetchByValue(n), o._valueDeferred)
                _prefetchByValue: function(e) {
                    var n, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s._dataView,
                        c = s._valueGetter,
                        d = !1,
                        u = [];
                    for (o = 0; e.length > o; o++)
                        for (a = 0; l.length > a; a++) n = l[a].item, n && (d = r(n) ? e[o] === n : e[o] === c(n), d && u.push(a));
                    if (u.length === e.length) return s._values = [], s.select(u), t;
                    if ("function" != typeof s.options.valueMapper) throw Error("valueMapper is not provided");
                        value: "multiple" === this.options.selectable ? e : e[0],
                        success: function(e) {
                            s._values = [], s._selectedIndexes = [], s._selectedDataItems = [], e = i(e), e.length || (e = [-1]), s.select(e)
                deferredRange: function(t) {
                    var n = this.dataSource,
                        i = this.itemCount,
                        r = this._rangesList,
                        o = e.Deferred(),
                        a = [],
                        s = Math.floor(t / i) * i,
                        l = Math.ceil(t / i) * i,
                        c = l === s ? [l] : [s, l];
                    return e.each(c, function(t, o) {
                        var s, l = o + i,
                            c = r[o];
                        c && c.end === l ? s = c.deferred : (s = e.Deferred(), r[o] = {
                            end: l,
                            deferred: s
                        }, n._multiplePrefetch(o, i, function() {
                        })), a.push(s)
                    }), e.when.apply(e, a).then(function() {
                    }), o
                prefetch: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = this.itemCount,
                        r = !n._promisesList.length;
                    return n._activeDeferred || (n._activeDeferred = e.Deferred(), n._promisesList = []), e.each(t, function(e, t) {
                        var r = Math.floor(t / i) * i;
                    }), r && e.when.apply(e, n._promisesList).done(function() {
                        n._activeDeferred.resolve(), n._activeDeferred = null, n._promisesList = []
                    }), n._activeDeferred
                _findDataItem: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.dataSource.view();
                    if ("group" === this.options.type)
                        for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) {
                            if (t = i[n].items, !(e >= t.length)) return t[e];
                            e -= t.length
                    return i[e]
                selectedDataItems: function() {
                    return this._selectedDataItems.slice()
                scrollTo: function(e) {
                scrollToIndex: function(e) {
                    this.scrollTo(e * this.options.itemHeight)
                focus: function(i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this.options.itemHeight,
                        u = this._optionID,
                        h = !0;
                    if (i === t) return s = this.element.find("." + M), s.length ? s : null;
                    if ("function" == typeof i)
                        for (a = this.dataSource.flatView(), l = 0; a.length > l; l++)
                            if (i(a[l])) {
                                i = l;
                    return i instanceof Array && (i = n(i)), isNaN(i) ? (r = e(i), o = parseInt(e(r).attr("data-offset-index"), 10)) : (o = i, r = this._getElementByIndex(o)), -1 === o ? (this.element.find("." + M).removeClass(M), this._focusedIndex = t, t) : (r.length ? (r.hasClass(M) && (h = !1), this._focusedIndex !== t && (s = this._getElementByIndex(this._focusedIndex), s.removeClass(M).removeAttr("id"), h && this.trigger(N)), this._focusedIndex = o, r.addClass(M).attr("id", u), c = this._getElementLocation(o), "top" === c ? this.scrollTo(o * d) : "bottom" === c ? this.scrollTo(o * d + d - this.screenHeight) : "outScreen" === c && this.scrollTo(o * d), h && this.trigger(L)) : (this._focusedIndex = o, this.items().removeClass(M), this.scrollToIndex(o)), t)
                focusIndex: function() {
                    return this._focusedIndex
                first: function() {
                    this.scrollTo(0), this.focus(0)
                last: function() {
                    var e = this.dataSource.total();
                    this.scrollTo(this.heightContainer.offsetHeight), this.focus(e)
                prev: function() {
                    var e, n = this._focusedIndex;
                    return !isNaN(n) && n > 0 ? (n -= 1, this.focus(n), e = this.focus(), e && e.hasClass("k-loading-item") && (n += 1, this.focus(n)), n) : t
                next: function() {
                    var e, n = this._focusedIndex,
                        i = this.dataSource.total() - 1;
                    return !isNaN(n) && i > n ? (n += 1, this.focus(n), e = this.focus(), e && e.hasClass("k-loading-item") && (n -= 1, this.focus(n)), n) : t
                select: function(e) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = "multiple" !== a.options.selectable,
                        l = !!a._activeDeferred,
                        c = [];
                    return e === t ? a._selectedIndexes.slice() : (i = a._getIndecies(e), a._filter && !s && a._deselectFiltered(i) || !i.length || s && !a._filter && n(i) === n(this._selectedIndexes) || (c = a._deselect(i), s && (a._activeDeferred = null, l = !1, i.length && (i = [n(i)])), o = function() {
                        var e = a._select(i);
                        a.focus(i), (e.length || c.length) && a.trigger(F, {
                            added: e,
                            removed: c
                        }), a._valueDeferred && a._valueDeferred.resolve()
                    }, r = a.prefetch(i), l || (r ? r.done(o) : o())), t)
                isBound: function() {
                    return this._listCreated
                mute: function(e) {
                    this._mute = !0, y(e(), this), this._mute = !1
                filter: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._filter : (this._filter = e, this._rangeChange = !0, t)
                skipUpdate: e.noop,
                _getElementByIndex: function(t) {
                    return this.items().filter(function(n, i) {
                        return t === parseInt(e(i).attr("data-offset-index"), 10)
                _clean: function() {
                    this.result = t, this._lastScrollTop = t, this._lastPage = t, e(this.heightContainer).remove(), this.heightContainer = t, this.element.empty()
                _height: function() {
                    var e = !!this.dataSource.view().length,
                        t = this.options.height,
                        n = this.options.itemHeight,
                        i = this.dataSource.total();
                    return e ? t / n > i && (t = i * n) : t = 0, t
                _screenHeight: function() {
                    var e = this._height(),
                        t = this.content;
                    t.height(e), this.screenHeight = e
                _getElementLocation: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.content.scrollTop(),
                        i = this.screenHeight,
                        r = this.options.itemHeight,
                        o = e * r,
                        a = o + r,
                        s = n + i;
                    return t = o === n - r || a > n && n > o ? "top" : o === s || s > o && a > s ? "bottom" : o >= n && n + (i - r) >= o ? "inScreen" : "outScreen"
                _templates: function() {
                    var e, t = {
                        template: this.options.template,
                        placeholderTemplate: this.options.placeholderTemplate,
                        groupTemplate: this.options.groupTemplate,
                        fixedGroupTemplate: this.options.fixedGroupTemplate
                    for (e in t) "function" != typeof t[e] && (t[e] = v.template(t[e]));
                    this.templates = t
                _generateItems: function(e, t) {
                    for (var n, i = [], r = this.options.itemHeight + "px"; t-- > 0;) n = document.createElement("li"), n.tabIndex = -1, n.className = D + " " + A, n.setAttribute("role", "option"), n.style.height = r, n.style.minHeight = r, e.appendChild(n), i.push(n);
                    return i
                _saveInitialRanges: function() {
                    var t, n = this.dataSource._ranges,
                        i = e.Deferred();
                    for (i.resolve(), this._rangesList = {}, t = 0; n.length > t; t++) this._rangesList[n[t].start] = {
                        end: n[t].end,
                        deferred: i
                _createList: function() {
                        var t = this,
                            n = t.content.get(0),
                            i = t.options,
                            r = t.dataSource;
                    t._listCreated && t._clean(), t._saveInitialRanges(), t._screenHeight(), t._buildValueGetter(), t.itemCount = o(t.screenHeight, i.listScreens, i.itemHeight), t.itemCount > r.total() && (t.itemCount = r.total()), t._templates(), t._items = t._generateItems(t.element[0], t.itemCount), t._setHeight(i.itemHeight * r.total()), t.options.type = (r.group() || []).length ? "group" : "flat", "flat" === t.options.type ? t.header.hide() : t.header.show(), t.getter = t._getter(function() {
                    }), t._onScroll = function(e, n) {
                        var i = t._listItems(t.getter);
                        return t._fixedHeader(e, i(e, n))
                    }, t._renderItems = t._whenChanged(d(n, t._onScroll), u(t._reorderList(t._items, e.proxy(g, t)))), t._renderItems(), t._calculateGroupPadding(t.screenHeight)
                _setHeight: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.heightContainer;
                    if (i ? t = i.offsetHeight : i = this.heightContainer = a(this.content[0], E), e !== t)
                        for (i.innerHTML = ""; e > 0;) n = Math.min(e, 25e4), a(i).style.height = n + "px", e -= n
                _getter: function() {
                    var e = null,
                        t = this.dataSource,
                        n = t.skip(),
                        i = this.options.type,
                        r = this.itemCount,
                        o = {};
                    return function(a, s) {
                        var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = this;
                        if (t.inRange(s, r)) {
                            if (n !== s && (m._mute = !0, m._fetching = !0, m._rangeChange = !0, t.range(s, r), n = s, m._rangeChange = !1, m._fetching = !1, m._mute = !1), "group" === i) {
                                if (!o[s])
                                    for (c = o[s] = [], d = t.view(), u = 0, h = d.length; h > u; u++)
                                        for (p = d[u], f = 0, g = p.items.length; g > f; f++) c.push({
                                            item: p.items[f],
                                            group: p.value
                                l = o[s][a - s]
                            } else l = t.view()[a - s];
                            return l
                        return e !== s && (e = s, n = s, m._fetching = !0, m._getterDeferred && m._getterDeferred.reject(), m._getterDeferred = m.deferredRange(s), m._getterDeferred.then(function() {
                            var e = m._indexConstraint(m.content[0].scrollTop);
                            m._getterDeferred = null, e >= s && s + r >= e && (m._fetching = !0, m._rangeChange = !0, t.range(s, r), m._rangeChange = !1)
                        })), null
                _fixedHeader: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.currentVisibleGroup,
                        r = this.options.itemHeight,
                        o = Math.floor((e - t.top) / r),
                        a = t.items[o];
                    return a && a.item && (n = a.group, n !== i && (this.header[0].innerHTML = n || "", this.currentVisibleGroup = n)), t
                _itemMapper: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, o = this.options.type,
                        a = this.options.itemHeight,
                        s = this._focusedIndex,
                        l = !1,
                        c = !1,
                        d = !1,
                        u = null,
                        h = !1,
                        p = this._valueGetter;
                    if ("group" === o && (e && (d = 0 === t || this._currentGroup && this._currentGroup !== e.group, this._currentGroup = e.group), u = e ? e.group : null, e = e ? e.item : null), n.length && e)
                        for (i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                            if (h = r(e) ? n[i] === e : n[i] === p(e)) {
                                n.splice(i, 1), l = !0;
                    return s === t && (c = !0), {
                        item: e ? e : null,
                        group: u,
                        newGroup: d,
                        selected: l,
                        current: c,
                        index: t,
                        top: t * a
                _range: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.itemCount,
                        o = this._values.slice(),
                        a = [];
                    for (this._view = {}, this._currentGroup = null, n = e, i = e + r; i > n; n++) t = this._itemMapper(this.getter(n, e), n, o), a.push(t), this._view[t.index] = t;
                    return this._dataView = a, a
                _getDataItemsCollection: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._range(this._listIndex(e, t));
                    return {
                        index: n.length ? n[0].index : 0,
                        top: n.length ? n[0].top : 0,
                        items: n
                _listItems: function() {
                    var t = this.screenHeight,
                        n = this.options,
                        i = c(n, t);
                    return e.proxy(function(e, t) {
                        var n = this.result,
                            r = this._lastScrollTop;
                        return !t && n && i(n, e, r) || (n = this._getDataItemsCollection(e, r)), this._lastScrollTop = e, this.result = n, n
                    }, this)
                _whenChanged: function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    return function(i) {
                        var r = e(i);
                        r !== n && (n = r, t(r, i))
                _reorderList: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = t.length,
                        o = -1 / 0;
                    return n = e.proxy(p(n, this.templates), this),
                        function(e, a, s) {
                            var l, c, d = a - o;
                            s || Math.abs(d) >= r ? (l = t, c = e) : (l = f(t, d), c = d > 0 ? e.slice(-d) : e.slice(0, -d)), n(l, c, i._listCreated), o = a
                _bufferSizes: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return l(this.screenHeight, e.listScreens, e.oppositeBuffer)
                _indexConstraint: function(e) {
                    var t = this.itemCount,
                        n = this.options.itemHeight,
                        i = this.dataSource.total();
                    return Math.min(Math.max(i - t, 0), Math.max(0, Math.floor(e / n)))
                _listIndex: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this._bufferSizes();
                    return n = e - (e > t ? i.down : i.up), this._indexConstraint(n)
                _selectable: function() {
                    this.options.selectable && (this._selectProxy = e.proxy(this, "_clickHandler"), this.element.on(R + O, "." + D, this._selectProxy))
                _getIndecies: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = [];
                    if ("function" == typeof e)
                        for (t = this.dataSource.flatView(), n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                            if (e(t[n])) {
                    return "number" == typeof e && i.push(e), e instanceof jQuery && (e = parseInt(e.attr("data-offset-index"), 10), isNaN(e) || i.push(e)), e instanceof Array && (i = e), i
                _deselect: function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = [],
                        d = this._selectedIndexes,
                        u = 0,
                        h = this.options.selectable,
                        p = 0;
                    if (-1 === n[u]) {
                        for (s = 0; d.length > s; s++) r = d[s], this._getElementByIndex(r).removeClass(P), c.push({
                            index: r,
                            position: s,
                            dataItem: this._selectedDataItems[s]
                        return this._values = [], this._selectedDataItems = [], this._selectedIndexes = [], n.splice(0, n.length), c
                    if (h === !0) i = n[u], r = d[u], r !== t && i !== r && (this._getElementByIndex(r).removeClass(P), c.push({
                        index: r,
                        position: u,
                        dataItem: this._selectedDataItems[u]
                    }), this._values = [], this._selectedDataItems = [], this._selectedIndexes = []);
                    else if ("multiple" === h)
                        for (l = 0; n.length > l; l++)
                            if (u = e.inArray(n[l], d), r = d[u], r !== t) {
                                if (a = this._getElementByIndex(r), !a.hasClass("k-state-selected")) continue;
                                a.removeClass(P), this._values.splice(u, 1), this._selectedIndexes.splice(u, 1), o = this._selectedDataItems.splice(u, 1)[0], n.splice(l, 1), c.push({
                                    index: r,
                                    position: u + p,
                                    dataItem: o
                                }), p++, l--
                    return c
                _deselectFiltered: function(t) {
                    for (var n, i, r, o, a = this.element[0].children, s = this._values, l = [], c = 0; t.length > c; c++) {
                        for (r = -1, i = t[c], n = this._valueGetter(this._view[i].item), o = 0; s.length > o; o++)
                            if (n == s[o]) {
                                r = o;
                        r > -1 && (l.push(this.removeAt(r)), e(a[i]).removeClass("k-state-selected"))
                    return l.length ? (this.trigger("change", {
                        added: [],
                        removed: l
                    }), !0) : !1
                _select: function(t) {
                    var n, i, o = this,
                        a = "multiple" !== this.options.selectable,
                        s = this.dataSource,
                        l = this.itemCount,
                        c = this._valueGetter,
                        d = [];
                    return a && (o._selectedIndexes = [], o._selectedDataItems = [], o._values = []), i = s.skip(), e.each(t, function(e, t) {
                        var a = l > t ? 1 : Math.floor(t / l) + 1,
                            u = (a - 1) * l;
                        o.mute(function() {
                            s.range(u, l), n = o._findDataItem([t - u]), o._selectedIndexes.push(t), o._selectedDataItems.push(n), o._values.push(r(n) ? n : c(n)), d.push({
                                index: t,
                                dataItem: n
                            }), o._getElementByIndex(t).addClass(P), s.range(i, l)
                    }), d
                _clickHandler: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget);
                    !t.isDefaultPrevented() && n.attr("data-uid") && this.trigger(R, {
                        item: n
                _buildValueGetter: function() {
                    this._valueGetter = v.getter(this.options.dataValueField)
                _calculateGroupPadding: function(e) {
                    var t = this.items().first(),
                        n = this.header,
                        i = 0;
                    n[0] && "none" !== n[0].style.display && ("auto" !== e && (i = v.support.scrollbar()), i += parseFloat(t.css("border-right-width"), 10) + parseFloat(t.children(".k-group").css("right"), 10), n.css("padding-right", i))
        v.ui.VirtualList = V, v.ui.plugin(V)
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            function n(e, r) {
                var o, a;
                if (r = r[t])
                    for (o = i[e] = i[e] || [], a = 0; r.length > a; a++) o.push(r[a]), n(e + 1, r[a])
            var i = [];
            return n(0, e), i

        function n() {
            return I.support.cssBorderSpacing ? "" : 'cellspacing="0"'

        function i(t, i) {
            return t.length ? "<table " + n() + ' class="' + e.trim("k-scheduler-table " + (i || "")) + '"><tr>' + t.join("</tr><tr>") + "</tr></table>" : ""

        function r(e, t) {
            return e.length ? "<div style='position:relative'>" + i(e, t) + "</div>" : ""

        function o(t, n, r) {
            var o, a = [];
            if (r > 0)
                for (o = 0; t > o; o++) a.push("<th>&nbsp;</th>");
            return n && a.push('<th class="k-scheduler-times-all-day">' + n.text + "</th>"), 1 > r ? e() : e('<div class="k-scheduler-times">' + i(a) + "</div>")

        function a(t, n, o) {
            var a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = [];
            for (s = 0; t.length > s; s++) {
                for (l = t[s], c = [], d = n / l.length, a = 0; l.length > a; a++) u = l[a], c.push('<th colspan="' + (u.colspan || d) + '" class="' + (u.className || "") + '">' + u.text + "</th>");
            if (h = [], o) {
                for (p = t[t.length - 1], f = [], g = o.cellContent, a = 0; p.length > a; a++) f.push('<td class="' + (p[a].className || "") + '">' + (g ? g(a) : "&nbsp;") + "</th>");
            return e('<div class="k-scheduler-header k-state-default"><div class="k-scheduler-header-wrap">' + i(m) + r(h, "k-scheduler-header-all-day") + "</div></div>")

        function s(t, n) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c = Array(n).join().split(","),
                d = [];
            for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++)
                for (a = t[o], s = n / a.length, r = 0; a.length > r; r++) l = a[r].className || "", a[r].allDay && (l = "k-scheduler-times-all-day"), c[s * r] += '<th class="' + l + '" rowspan="' + s + '">' + a[r].text + "</th>";
            for (r = 0; n > r; r++) d.push(c[r]);
            return 1 > n ? e() : e('<div class="k-scheduler-times">' + i(d) + "</div>")

        function l() {
            return e('<div class="k-scheduler-content"><table ' + n() + ' class="k-scheduler-table"/></div>')

        function c() {
            return D = D ? D : I.support.scrollbar()

        function d(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s;
            for (i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) r = u(e[i]), o = r.start, s = r.end, a = t >= o && s >= t, (a || o >= t && n >= s || o >= t && n >= o) && (t > o && (t = o), s > n && (n = s));
            return h(e, t, n)

        function u(e) {
            return {
                start: e.start,
                end: e.end

        function h(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = u(e[i]), (t > r.start && r.end > t || r.start >= t && n >= r.end) && o.push(e[i]);
            return o

        function p(e) {
            return g(e)

        function f(e) {
            return g(e)

        function g(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = [];
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) {
                for (n = e[t], i = u(n), r = null, o = 0, a = l.length; a > o; o++)
                    if (s = i.start > l[o].end, l[o].start > i.start || s) {
                        r = l[o], i.end > r.end && (r.end = i.end);
                r || (r = {
                    start: i.start,
                    end: i.end,
                    events: []
                }, l.push(r)), r.events.push(n)
            return l

        function m(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l = t[0];
            if (l) {
                for (r = [], o = l.dataSource.view(), a = 0; o.length > a; a++) s = {
                    text: i({
                        text: I.htmlEncode(I.getter(l.dataTextField)(o[a])),
                        color: I.getter(l.dataColorField)(o[a]),
                        field: l.field,
                        title: l.title,
                        name: l.name,
                        value: I.getter(l.dataValueField)(o[a])
                    className: "k-slot-cell"
                }, s[e] = m(e, t.slice(1), n, i), r.push(s);
                return r
            return n

        function v(t) {
            return function(n) {
                if (e.isArray(n) || n instanceof I.data.ObservableArray) {
                    for (var i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                        if (n[i] == t) return !0;
                    return !1
                return n == t

        function _(e) {
            e.className = e.className.replace(E, "") + " k-state-selected"
        var w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I = window.kendo,
            P = I.ui,
            M = P.Widget,
            z = I.keys,
            F = ".kendoSchedulerView",
            R = Math,
            H = '<div class="k-marquee k-scheduler-marquee"><div class="k-marquee-color"></div><div class="k-marquee-text"><div class="k-label-top"></div><div class="k-label-bottom"></div></div></div>';
        I.ui.scheduler = {}, w = I.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this._index = e, this._timeSlotCollections = [], this._daySlotCollections = []
            addTimeSlotCollection: function(e, t) {
                return this._addCollection(e, t, this._timeSlotCollections)
            addDaySlotCollection: function(e, t) {
                return this._addCollection(e, t, this._daySlotCollections)
            _addCollection: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = new x(e, t, this._index, n.length);
                return n.push(i), i
            timeSlotCollectionCount: function() {
                return this._timeSlotCollections.length
            daySlotCollectionCount: function() {
                return this._daySlotCollections.length
            daySlotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                return this._slotByPosition(e, t, this._daySlotCollections)
            timeSlotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                return this._slotByPosition(e, t, this._timeSlotCollections)
            _slotByPosition: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = I.support.browser;
                for (i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                    for (r = n[i], o = 0; o < r.count(); o++)
                        if (a = r.at(o), s = a.offsetWidth, l = a.clientHeight, c.msie && (l = a.clientHeight - 1, s = a.clientWidth), e >= a.offsetLeft && a.offsetLeft + s > e && t >= a.offsetTop && a.offsetTop + l >= t) return a
            refresh: function() {
                var e;
                for (e = 0; this._daySlotCollections.length > e; e++) this._daySlotCollections[e].refresh();
                for (e = 0; this._timeSlotCollections.length > e; e++) this._timeSlotCollections[e].refresh()
            timeSlotRanges: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this._timeSlotCollections,
                    r = this._startSlot(e, i);
                return !r.inRange && e >= r.slot.end && (r = null), n = r, t > e && (n = this._endSlot(t, i)), n && !n.inRange && n.slot.start >= t && (n = null), null === r && null === n ? [] : (null === r && (r = {
                    inRange: !0,
                    slot: i[n.slot.collectionIndex].first()
                }), null === n && (n = {
                    inRange: !0,
                    slot: i[r.slot.collectionIndex].last()
                }), this._continuousRange(y, i, r, n))
            daySlotRanges: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this._daySlotCollections,
                    o = this._startSlot(e, r, n);
                if (!o.inRange && e >= o.slot.end && (o = null), i = o, t > e && (i = this._endSlot(t, r, n)), i && !i.inRange && i.slot.start >= t && (i = null), null === o && null === i) return [];
                if (null === o)
                    do e += I.date.MS_PER_DAY, o = this._startSlot(e, r, n); while (!o.inRange && e >= o.slot.end);
                if (null === i)
                    do t -= I.date.MS_PER_DAY, i = this._endSlot(t, r, n); while (!i.inRange && i.slot.start >= t);
                return this._continuousRange(k, r, o, i)
            _continuousRange: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d = n.slot,
                    u = i.slot,
                    h = d.collectionIndex,
                    p = u.collectionIndex,
                    f = [];
                for (r = h; p >= r; r++) o = t[r], a = o.first(), s = o.last(), l = !1, c = !1, r == h && (c = !n.inRange), r == p && (l = !i.inRange), d.start > a.start && (a = d), s.start > u.start && (s = u), p > h && (r == h ? l = !0 : r == p ? c = !0 : l = c = !0), f.push(new e({
                    start: a,
                    end: s,
                    collection: o,
                    head: l,
                    tail: c
                return f
            slotRanges: function(e, t) {
                var n = e._startTime || I.date.toUtcTime(e.start),
                    i = e._endTime || I.date.toUtcTime(e.end);
                return void 0 === t && (t = e.isMultiDay()), t ? this.daySlotRanges(n, i, e.isAllDay) : this.timeSlotRanges(n, i)
            ranges: function(e, t, n, i) {
                return "number" != typeof e && (e = I.date.toUtcTime(e)), "number" != typeof t && (t = I.date.toUtcTime(t)), n ? this.daySlotRanges(e, t, i) : this.timeSlotRanges(e, t)
            _startCollection: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = t[n], i.startInRange(e)) return i;
                return null
            _endCollection: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                for (i = 0; t.length > i; i++)
                    if (r = t[i], r.endInRange(e, n)) return r;
                return null
            _getCollections: function(e) {
                return e ? this._daySlotCollections : this._timeSlotCollections
            continuousSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = t ? -1 : 1,
                    i = this._getCollections(e.isDaySlot),
                    r = i[e.collectionIndex + n];
                return r ? r[t ? "last" : "first"]() : void 0
            firstSlot: function() {
                var e = this._getCollections(this.daySlotCollectionCount());
                return e[0].first()
            lastSlot: function() {
                var e = this._getCollections(this.daySlotCollectionCount());
                return e[e.length - 1].last()
            upSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = function(e, i, r) {
                        var o = 0 === r;
                        return !t && !e && o && n.daySlotCollectionCount() ? n._daySlotCollections[0].at(i) : void 0
                return this.timeSlotCollectionCount() || (t = !0), this._verticalSlot(e, -1, i)
            downSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = function(e, i, r) {
                        return !t && e && n.timeSlotCollectionCount() ? n._timeSlotCollections[r].at(0) : void 0
                return this.timeSlotCollectionCount() || (t = !0), this._verticalSlot(e, 1, i)
            leftSlot: function(e) {
                return this._horizontalSlot(e, -1)
            rightSlot: function(e) {
                return this._horizontalSlot(e, 1)
            _horizontalSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e.index,
                    r = e.isDaySlot,
                    o = e.collectionIndex,
                    a = this._getCollections(r);
                return r ? i += t : o += t, n = a[o], n ? n.at(i) : void 0
            _verticalSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = e.index,
                    o = e.isDaySlot,
                    a = e.collectionIndex,
                    s = this._getCollections(o);
                return (e = n(o, a, r)) ? e : (o ? a += t : r += t, i = s[a], i ? i.at(r) : void 0)
            _collection: function(e, t) {
                var n = t ? this._daySlotCollections : this._timeSlotCollections;
                return n[e]
            _startSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this._startCollection(e, t),
                    o = !0;
                return r || (r = t[0], o = !1), i = r.slotByStartDate(e, n), i || (i = r.first(), o = !1), {
                    slot: i,
                    inRange: o
            _endSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this._endCollection(e, t, n),
                    o = !0;
                return r || (r = t[t.length - 1], o = !1), i = r.slotByEndDate(e, n), i || (i = r.last(), o = !1), {
                    slot: i,
                    inRange: o
            getSlotCollection: function(e, t) {
                return this[t ? "getDaySlotCollection" : "getTimeSlotCollection"](e)
            getTimeSlotCollection: function(e) {
                return this._timeSlotCollections[e]
            getDaySlotCollection: function(e) {
                return this._daySlotCollections[e]
        }), b = I.Class.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                e.extend(this, t)
            innerHeight: function() {
                var e, t = this.collection,
                    n = this.start.index,
                    i = this.end.index,
                    r = 0;
                for (e = n; i >= e; e++) r += t.at(e).offsetHeight;
                return r
            events: function() {
                return this.collection.events()
            addEvent: function(e) {
            startSlot: function() {
                return this.start.offsetLeft > this.end.offsetLeft ? this.end : this.start
            endSlot: function() {
                return this.start.offsetLeft > this.end.offsetLeft ? this.start : this.end
        }), y = b.extend({
            innerHeight: function() {
                var e, t = this.collection,
                    n = this.start.index,
                    i = this.end.index,
                    r = 0;
                for (e = n; i >= e; e++) r += t.at(e).offsetHeight;
                return r
            outerRect: function(e, t, n) {
                return this._rect("offset", e, t, n)
            _rect: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = this.start,
                    p = this.end,
                    f = I.support.isRtl(h.element);
                return "number" != typeof t && (t = I.date.toUtcTime(t)), "number" != typeof n && (n = I.date.toUtcTime(n)), i ? (r = h.offsetTop, o = p.offsetTop + p[e + "Height"], f ? (a = p.offsetLeft, s = h.offsetLeft + h[e + "Width"]) : (a = h.offsetLeft, s = p.offsetLeft + p[e + "Width"])) : (l = t - h.start, 0 > l && (l = 0), c = h.end - h.start, r = h.offsetTop + h[e + "Height"] * l / c, d = p.end - n, 0 > d && (d = 0), u = p.end - p.start, o = p.offsetTop + p[e + "Height"] - p[e + "Height"] * d / u, f ? (a = Math.round(p.offsetLeft + p[e + "Width"] * d / u), s = Math.round(h.offsetLeft + h[e + "Width"] - h[e + "Width"] * l / c)) : (a = Math.round(h.offsetLeft + h[e + "Width"] * l / c), s = Math.round(p.offsetLeft + p[e + "Width"] - p[e + "Width"] * d / u))), {
                    top: r,
                    bottom: o,
                    left: 0 === a ? a : a + 1,
                    right: s
            innerRect: function(e, t, n) {
                return this._rect("client", e, t, n)
        }), k = b.extend({
            innerWidth: function() {
                var e, t = this.collection,
                    n = this.start.index,
                    i = this.end.index,
                    r = 0,
                    o = n !== i ? "offsetWidth" : "clientWidth";
                for (e = n; i >= e; e++) r += t.at(e)[o];
                return r
        }), x = I.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                this._slots = [], this._events = [], this._start = I.date.toUtcTime(e), this._end = I.date.toUtcTime(t), this._groupIndex = n, this._collectionIndex = i
            refresh: function() {
                for (var e = 0; this._slots.length > e; e++) this._slots[e].refresh()
            startInRange: function(e) {
                return e >= this._start && this._end > e
            endInRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = t ? this._end > e : this._end >= e;
                return e >= this._start && n
            slotByStartDate: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e;
                for ("number" != typeof i && (i = I.date.toUtcTime(e)), t = 0; this._slots.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = this._slots[t], n.startInRange(i)) return n;
                return null
            slotByEndDate: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = e;
                if ("number" != typeof r && (r = I.date.toUtcTime(e)), t) return this.slotByStartDate(e, !1);
                for (n = 0; this._slots.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = this._slots[n], i.endInRange(r)) return i;
                return null
            count: function() {
                return this._slots.length
            events: function() {
                return this._events
            addTimeSlot: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = new S(e, t, n, this._groupIndex, this._collectionIndex, this._slots.length, i);
            addDaySlot: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = new T(e, t, n, this._groupIndex, this._collectionIndex, this._slots.length, i);
            first: function() {
                return this._slots[0]
            last: function() {
                return this._slots[this._slots.length - 1]
            at: function(e) {
                return this._slots[e]
        }), C = I.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                this.element = e, this.clientWidth = e.clientWidth, this.clientHeight = e.clientHeight, this.offsetWidth = e.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight = e.offsetHeight, this.offsetTop = e.offsetTop, this.offsetLeft = e.offsetLeft, this.start = t, this.end = n, this.element = e, this.groupIndex = i, this.collectionIndex = r, this.index = o, this.isDaySlot = !1
            startDate: function() {
                return I.timezone.toLocalDate(this.start)
            endDate: function() {
                return I.timezone.toLocalDate(this.end)
            startInRange: function(e) {
                return e >= this.start && this.end > e
            endInRange: function(e) {
                return e > this.start && this.end >= e
            startOffset: function() {
                return this.start
            endOffset: function() {
                return this.end
        }), S = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o, a) {
                C.fn.init.apply(this, arguments), this.isHorizontal = a ? !0 : !1
            refresh: function() {
                var e = this.element;
                this.clientWidth = e.clientWidth, this.clientHeight = e.clientHeight, this.offsetWidth = e.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight = e.offsetHeight, this.offsetTop = e.offsetTop, this.offsetLeft = e.offsetLeft
            offsetX: function(e, t) {
                return e ? this.offsetLeft + t : this.offsetLeft + t
            startInRange: function(e) {
                return e >= this.start && this.end > e
            endInRange: function(e) {
                return e > this.start && this.end >= e
            startOffset: function(t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l;
                if (i) return this.start;
                if (r = e(this.element).offset(), o = this.end - this.start, this.isHorizontal) {
                    if (l = I.support.isRtl(this.element), a = t - r.left, s = Math.floor(o * (a / this.offsetWidth)), l) return this.start + o - s
                } else a = n - r.top, s = Math.floor(o * (a / this.offsetHeight));
                return this.start + s
            endOffset: function(t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l;
                if (i) return this.end;
                if (r = e(this.element).offset(), o = this.end - this.start, this.isHorizontal) {
                    if (l = I.support.isRtl(this.element), a = t - r.left, s = Math.floor(o * (a / this.offsetWidth)), l) return this.start + o - s
                } else a = n - r.top, s = Math.floor(o * (a / this.offsetHeight));
                return this.start + s
        }), T = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o, a) {
                C.fn.init.apply(this, arguments), this.eventCount = a, this.isDaySlot = !0, this.element.children.length ? (this.firstChildHeight = this.element.children[0].offsetHeight + 3, this.firstChildTop = this.element.children[0].offsetTop) : (this.firstChildHeight = 3, this.firstChildTop = 0)
            refresh: function() {
                this.clientHeight = this.element.clientHeight, this.offsetTop = this.element.offsetTop
            startDate: function() {
                var e = new Date(this.start);
                return I.timezone.apply(e, "Etc/UTC")
            endDate: function() {
                var e = new Date(this.end);
                return I.timezone.apply(e, "Etc/UTC")
            startInRange: function(e) {
                return e >= this.start && this.end > e
            endInRange: function(e) {
                return e > this.start && this.end >= e
        }), I.ui.SchedulerView = M.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                M.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this._scrollbar = c(), this._isRtl = I.support.isRtl(t), this._resizeHint = e(), this._moveHint = e(), this._cellId = I.guid(), this._resourcesForGroups(), this._selectedSlots = []
            _isMobile: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return e.mobile === !0 && I.support.mobileOS || "phone" === e.mobile || "tablet" === e.mobile
            _isMobilePhoneView: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return e.mobile === !0 && I.support.mobileOS && !I.support.mobileOS.tablet || "phone" === e.mobile
            _addResourceView: function() {
                var e = new w(this.groups.length);
                return this.groups.push(e), e
            dateForTitle: function() {
                return I.format(this.options.selectedDateFormat, this.startDate(), this.endDate())
            shortDateForTitle: function() {
                return I.format(this.options.selectedShortDateFormat, this.startDate(), this.endDate())
            _changeGroup: function(e, t) {
                var n = t ? "prevGroupSlot" : "nextGroupSlot",
                    i = this[n](e.start, e.groupIndex, e.isAllDay);
                return i && (e.groupIndex += t ? -1 : 1), i
            _changeGroupContinuously: function() {
                return null
            _changeViewPeriod: function() {
                return !1
            _horizontalSlots: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = i ? "leftSlot" : "rightSlot",
                    s = t[0].start,
                    l = t[t.length - 1].end,
                    c = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                return n || (r = this._normalizeHorizontalSelection(e, t, i), r && (s = l = r)), s = c[a](s), l = c[a](l), n || this._isVerticallyGrouped() || s && l || (s = l = this._changeGroup(e, i)), s && l || (o = this._continuousSlot(e, t, i), o = this._changeGroupContinuously(e, o, n, i), o && (s = l = o)), {
                    startSlot: s,
                    endSlot: l
            _verticalSlots: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = t[0].start,
                    s = t[t.length - 1].end,
                    l = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                return n || (r = this._normalizeVerticalSelection(e, t, i), r && (a = s = r)), o = i ? "upSlot" : "downSlot", a = l[o](a, n), s = l[o](s, n), n || !this._isVerticallyGrouped() || a && s || (a = s = this._changeGroup(e, i)), {
                    startSlot: a,
                    endSlot: s
            _normalizeHorizontalSelection: function() {
                return null
            _normalizeVerticalSelection: function(e, t, n) {
                var i;
                return i = n ? t[0].start : t[t.length - 1].end
            _continuousSlot: function() {
                return null
            constrainSelection: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.groups[0];
                this.inRange(e) ? n.daySlotCollectionCount() || (e.isAllDay = !1) : (t = n.firstSlot(), e.isAllDay = t.isDaySlot, e.start = t.startDate(), e.end = t.endDate()), this.groups[e.groupIndex] || (e.groupIndex = 0)
            move: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = !1,
                    d = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                if (d.timeSlotCollectionCount() || (e.isAllDay = !0), i = d.ranges(e.start, e.end, e.isAllDay, !1), t === z.DOWN || t === z.UP) {
                    if (c = !0, a = t === z.UP, this._updateDirection(e, i, n, a, !0), s = this._verticalSlots(e, i, n, a), !s.startSlot && !n && this._changeViewPeriod(e, a, !0)) return c
                } else if ((t === z.LEFT || t === z.RIGHT) && (c = !0, a = t === z.LEFT, this._updateDirection(e, i, n, a, !1), s = this._horizontalSlots(e, i, n, a), !s.startSlot && !n && this._changeViewPeriod(e, a, !1))) return c;
                return c && (r = s.startSlot, o = s.endSlot, n ? (l = e.backward, l && r ? e.start = r.startDate() : !l && o && (e.end = o.endDate())) : r && o && (e.isAllDay = r.isDaySlot, e.start = r.startDate(), e.end = o.endDate()), e.events = []), c
            moveToEventInGroup: function(t, n, i, r) {
                for (var o, a, s = t._continuousEvents || [], l = r ? -1 : 1, c = s.length, d = r ? c - 1 : 0; c > d && d > -1;) {
                    if (a = s[d], (!r && a.start.startDate() >= n.startDate() || r && a.start.startDate() <= n.startDate()) && (i.length && (a = s[d + l]), a && -1 === e.inArray(a.uid, i))) {
                        o = !!a;
                    d += l
                return a
            moveToEvent: function(e, t) {
                for (var n, i = e.groupIndex, r = this.groups[i], o = r.ranges(e.start, e.end, e.isAllDay, !1)[0].start, a = this.groups.length, s = t ? -1 : 1, l = e.events; a > i && i > -1 && (n = this.moveToEventInGroup(r, o, l, t), i += s, r = this.groups[i], r && !n);) l = [], o = t ? r.lastSlot() : r.firstSlot(!0);
                return n && (e.events = [n.uid], e.start = n.start.startDate(), e.end = n.end.endDate(), e.isAllDay = n.start.isDaySlot, e.groupIndex = n.start.groupIndex), !!n
            current: function(e) {
                return void 0 === e ? this._current : (this._current = e, void(this.content.has(e) && this._scrollTo(e, this.content[0])))
            select: function(e) {
                this.clearSelection(), this._selectEvents(e) || this._selectSlots(e)
            _selectSlots: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = e.isAllDay,
                    c = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                for (c.timeSlotCollectionCount() || (l = !0), this._selectedSlots = [], t = c.ranges(e.start, e.end, l, !1), r = 0; t.length > r; r++)
                    for (o = t[r], a = o.collection, s = o.start.index; o.end.index >= s; s++) i = a.at(s), n = i.element, n.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0), _(n), this._selectedSlots.push({
                        start: i.startDate(),
                        end: i.endDate(),
                        element: n
                e.backward && (n = t[0].start.element), this.current(n)
            _selectEvents: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = !1,
                    o = t.events,
                    a = this.groups[t.groupIndex]._continuousEvents || [],
                    s = a.length;
                if (!o[0] || !a[0]) return r;
                for (i = e(), t.events = [], n = 0; s > n; n++) e.inArray(a[n].uid, o) > -1 && (i = i.add(a[n].element), t.events.push(a[n].uid));
                return i[0] && (i.addClass("k-state-selected").attr("aria-selected", !0), this.current(i.last()[0]), this._selectedSlots = [], r = !0), r
            inRange: function(e) {
                var t = this.startDate(),
                    n = I.date.addDays(this.endDate(), 1),
                    i = e.start,
                    r = e.end;
                return i >= t && n > i && r > t && n >= r
            _resourceValue: function(e, t) {
                return e.valuePrimitive && (t = I.getter(e.dataValueField)(t)), t
            _resourceBySlot: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.groupedResources,
                    s = {};
                if (a.length)
                    for (t = e.groupIndex, n = a.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) i = a[n], r = this._resourceValue(i, i.dataSource.view()[t % i.dataSource.total()]), i.multiple && (r = [r]), o = I.setter(i.field), o(s, r), t = Math.floor(t / i.dataSource.total());
                return s
            _createResizeHint: function(t, n, i, r) {
                return e(H).css({
                    left: t,
                    top: n,
                    width: i,
                    height: r
            _removeResizeHint: function() {
                this._resizeHint.remove(), this._resizeHint = e()
            _removeMoveHint: function() {
                this._moveHint.remove(), this._moveHint = e()
            _scrollTo: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.offsetTop,
                    i = e.offsetHeight,
                    r = t.scrollTop,
                    o = t.clientHeight,
                    a = n + i,
                    s = 0;
                s = r > n ? n : a > r + o ? o >= i ? a - o : n : r, t.scrollTop = s
            _shouldInverseResourceColor: function(e) {
                var t = new A(e.color).isDark(),
                    n = this.element.css("color"),
                    i = new A(n).isDark();
                return t == i
            _eventTmpl: function(t, n) {
                var i, r = this.options,
                    o = e.extend({}, I.Template, r.templateSettings),
                    a = o.paramName,
                    s = "",
                    l = typeof t,
                    c = {
                        storage: {},
                        count: 0
                return "function" === l ? (c.storage["tmpl" + c.count] = t, s += "#=this.tmpl" + c.count + "(" + a + ")#", c.count++) : "string" === l && (s += t), i = I.template(I.format(n, s), o), c.count > 0 && (i = e.proxy(i, c.storage)), i
            eventResources: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = [],
                    h = this.options;
                if (!h.resources) return u;
                for (t = 0; h.resources.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = h.resources[t], i = n.field, r = I.getter(i)(e), null != r)
                        for (n.multiple || (r = [r]), o = n.dataSource.view(), a = 0; r.length > a; a++) {
                            for (s = null, l = r[a], n.valuePrimitive || (l = I.getter(n.dataValueField)(l)), c = 0; o.length > c; c++)
                                if (o[c].get(n.dataValueField) == l) {
                                    s = o[c];
                            null !== s && (d = I.getter(n.dataColorField)(s), u.push({
                                field: n.field,
                                title: n.title,
                                name: n.name,
                                text: I.getter(n.dataTextField)(s),
                                value: l,
                                color: d
                    return u
            createLayout: function(i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c = -1;
                for (i.rows || (i.rows = []), r = 0; i.rows.length > r; r++)
                    if (i.rows[r].allDay) {
                        c = r;
                o = i.rows[c], c >= 0 && i.rows.splice(c, 1), a = this.columnLevels = t(i, "columns"), s = this.rowLevels = t(i, "rows"), this.table = e("<table " + n() + ' class="k-scheduler-layout k-scheduler-' + this.name + 'view"/>'), l = s[s.length - 1].length, this.table.append(this._topSection(a, o, l)), this.table.append(this._bottomSection(a, s, l)), this.element.append(this.table), this._scroller()
            refreshLayout: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.element.find(">.k-scheduler-toolbar"),
                    c = s.element.innerHeight(),
                    d = this._scrollbar,
                    u = 0,
                    h = this._isRtl ? "left" : "right";
                for (t = 0; l.length > t; t++) c -= l.eq(t).outerHeight();
                s.datesHeader && (u = s.datesHeader.outerHeight()), s.timesHeader && s.timesHeader.outerHeight() > u && (u = s.timesHeader.outerHeight()), s.datesHeader && s.timesHeader && (n = s.datesHeader.find("table:first tr"), s.timesHeader.find("tr").height(function(t) {
                })), u && (c -= u), s.footer && (c -= s.footer.outerHeight()), i = function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    return e[0].style.height ? !0 : (t = e.height(), e.height("auto"), n = e.height(), t != n ? (e.height(""), !0) : (e.height(""), !1))
                }, r = s.content[0], o = I.support.kineticScrollNeeded ? 0 : d, i(s.element) && (s.content.height(c > 2 * d ? c : 2 * d + 1), s.times.height(r.clientHeight), a = s.times.find("table"), a.length && a.height(s.content.find("table")[0].clientHeight)), r.offsetWidth - r.clientWidth > 0 ? (s.table.addClass("k-scrollbar-v"), s.datesHeader.css("padding-" + h, o - parseInt(s.datesHeader.children().css("border-" + h + "-width"), 10))) : s.datesHeader.css("padding-" + h, ""), r.offsetHeight - r.clientHeight > 0 || r.clientHeight > s.content.children(".k-scheduler-table").height() ? s.table.addClass("k-scrollbar-h") : s.table.removeClass("k-scrollbar-h")
            _topSection: function(t, n, i) {
                this.timesHeader = o(t.length, n, i);
                var r = t[t.length - 1].length;
                return this.datesHeader = a(t, r, n), e("<tr>").append(this.timesHeader.add(this.datesHeader).wrap("<td>").parent())
            _bottomSection: function(t, n, i) {
                return this.times = s(n, i), this.content = l(t[t.length - 1], n[n.length - 1]), e("<tr>").append(this.times.add(this.content).wrap("<td>").parent())
            _scroller: function() {
                var t, n = this;
                this.content.bind("scroll" + F, function() {
                    n.datesHeader.find(">.k-scheduler-header-wrap").scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), n.times.scrollTop(this.scrollTop)
                }), t = I.touchScroller(this.content, {
                    avoidScrolling: function(t) {
                        return e(t.event.target).closest(".k-event.k-event-active").length > 0
                }), t && t.movable && (this._touchScroller = t, this.content = t.scrollElement, t.movable.bind("change", function(e) {
                    n.datesHeader.find(">.k-scheduler-header-wrap").scrollLeft(-e.sender.x), n.times.scrollTop(-e.sender.y)
            _resourcesForGroups: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = [],
                    o = this.options.group,
                    a = this.options.resources;
                if (o = o && o.resources ? o.resources : [], a && o.length)
                    for (e = 0, t = a.length; t > e; e++)
                        for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++) a[e].name === o[n] && r.push(a[e]);
                this.groupedResources = r
            _createColumnsLayout: function(e, t, n) {
                return m("columns", e, t, n)
            _groupOrientation: function() {
                var e = this.options.group;
                return e && e.resources ? e.orientation : "horizontal"
            _isVerticallyGrouped: function() {
                return this.groupedResources.length && "vertical" === this._groupOrientation()
            _createRowsLayout: function(e, t, n) {
                return m("rows", e, t, n)
            selectionByElement: function() {
                return null
            clearSelection: function() {
                this.content.find(".k-state-selected").removeAttr("id").attr("aria-selected", !1).removeClass("k-state-selected")
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                M.fn.destroy.call(this), e.table && (I.destroy(e.table), e.table.remove()), e.groups = null, e.table = null, e.content = null, e.times = null, e.datesHeader = null, e.timesHeader = null, e.footer = null, e._resizeHint = null, e._moveHint = null
            calendarInfo: function() {
                return I.getCulture().calendars.standard
            prevGroupSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this.groups[t],
                    o = r.ranges(e, e, n, !1)[0].start;
                if (!(0 >= t)) return this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? r.timeSlotCollectionCount() ? (i = r._collection(n ? o.index : o.collectionIndex, !1), i.last()) : (i = r._collection(r.daySlotCollectionCount() - 1, !0), i.at(o.index)) : r.timeSlotCollectionCount() ? (i = r._collection(n ? 0 : r.timeSlotCollectionCount() - 1, n), n ? i.last() : i.at(o.index)) : (i = r._collection(o.collectionIndex, !0), i.last())
            nextGroupSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this.groups[t],
                    a = o.ranges(e, e, n, !1)[0].start;
                if (!(t >= this.groups.length - 1)) return this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? o.timeSlotCollectionCount() ? (r = o.daySlotCollectionCount(), i = o._collection(r ? 0 : a.collectionIndex, r), n ? i.first() : i.at(a.collectionIndex)) : (i = o._collection(0, !0), i.at(a.index)) : o.timeSlotCollectionCount() ? (i = o._collection(0, n), n ? i.first() : i.at(a.index)) : (i = o._collection(a.collectionIndex, !0), i.first())
            _eventOptionsForMove: function() {
                return {}
            _updateEventForResize: function() {},
            _updateEventForSelection: function(e) {
                return e
        }), A = function(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                s = A.formats;
            if (1 === arguments.length)
                for (e = a.resolveColor(e), r = 0; s.length > r; r++) t = s[r].re, n = s[r].process, i = t.exec(e), i && (o = n(i), a.r = o[0], a.g = o[1], a.b = o[2]);
            else a.r = arguments[0], a.g = arguments[1], a.b = arguments[2];
            a.r = a.normalizeByte(a.r), a.g = a.normalizeByte(a.g), a.b = a.normalizeByte(a.b)
        }, A.prototype = {
            resolveColor: function(e) {
                return e = e || "#000", "#" == e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1, 6)), e = e.replace(/ /g, ""), e = e.toLowerCase(), e = A.namedColors[e] || e
            normalizeByte: function(e) {
                return 0 > e || isNaN(e) ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e
            percBrightness: function() {
                var e = this;
                return R.sqrt(.241 * e.r * e.r + .691 * e.g * e.g + .068 * e.b * e.b)
            isDark: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.percBrightness();
                return 180 > t
        }, A.formats = [{
            re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10), parseInt(e[3], 10)]
        }, {
            re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [parseInt(e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3], 16)]
        }, {
            re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
            process: function(e) {
                return [parseInt(e[1] + e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2] + e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3] + e[3], 16)]
        }], A.namedColors = {
            aqua: "00ffff",
            azure: "f0ffff",
            beige: "f5f5dc",
            black: "000000",
            blue: "0000ff",
            brown: "a52a2a",
            coral: "ff7f50",
            cyan: "00ffff",
            darkblue: "00008b",
            darkcyan: "008b8b",
            darkgray: "a9a9a9",
            darkgreen: "006400",
            darkorange: "ff8c00",
            darkred: "8b0000",
            dimgray: "696969",
            fuchsia: "ff00ff",
            gold: "ffd700",
            goldenrod: "daa520",
            gray: "808080",
            green: "008000",
            greenyellow: "adff2f",
            indigo: "4b0082",
            ivory: "fffff0",
            khaki: "f0e68c",
            lightblue: "add8e6",
            lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
            lightgreen: "90ee90",
            lightpink: "ffb6c1",
            lightyellow: "ffffe0",
            lime: "00ff00",
            limegreen: "32cd32",
            linen: "faf0e6",
            magenta: "ff00ff",
            maroon: "800000",
            mediumblue: "0000cd",
            navy: "000080",
            olive: "808000",
            orange: "ffa500",
            orangered: "ff4500",
            orchid: "da70d6",
            pink: "ffc0cb",
            plum: "dda0dd",
            purple: "800080",
            red: "ff0000",
            royalblue: "4169e1",
            salmon: "fa8072",
            silver: "c0c0c0",
            skyblue: "87ceeb",
            slateblue: "6a5acd",
            slategray: "708090",
            snow: "fffafa",
            steelblue: "4682b4",
            tan: "d2b48c",
            teal: "008080",
            tomato: "ff6347",
            turquoise: "40e0d0",
            violet: "ee82ee",
            wheat: "f5deb3",
            white: "ffffff",
            whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
            yellow: "ffff00",
            yellowgreen: "9acd32"
        }, E = /\s*k-state-selected/, e.extend(P.SchedulerView, {
            createColumns: p,
            createRows: f,
            rangeIndex: u,
            collidingEvents: d,
            groupEqFilter: v
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var t = new Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            return c(t, m(e)), t

        function i(e, t, n) {
            return e >= t && n >= e

        function r(e, t, n, i) {
            return i = i ? n >= e : n > e, e > t && i

        function o(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o = e._continuousEvents,
                a = o[o.length - 1],
                l = p(t.start.startDate()).getTime();
            if (i && a && p(a.start.startDate()).getTime() == l) {
                for (r = o.length - 1; r > -1 && !(o[r].isAllDay || p(o[r].start.startDate()).getTime() < l); r--);
                o.splice(r + 1, 0, {
                    element: n,
                    isAllDay: !0,
                    uid: n.attr(s.attr("uid")),
                    start: t.start,
                    end: t.end
            } else o.push({
                element: n,
                isAllDay: i,
                uid: n.attr(s.attr("uid")),
                start: t.start,
                end: t.end

        function a(e) {
            var t = [],
                n = e.workWeekStart;
            for (t.push(n); e.workWeekEnd != n;) n > 6 ? n -= 7 : n++, t.push(n);
            return t
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui,
            c = s.date.setTime,
            d = l.SchedulerView,
            u = e.extend,
            h = e.proxy,
            p = s.date.getDate,
            f = s.date.MS_PER_MINUTE,
            g = s.date.MS_PER_DAY,
            m = s.date.getMilliseconds,
            v = ".kendoMultiDayView",
            _ = s.template('<div title="(#=kendo.format("{0:t} - {1:t}", start, end)#): #=title.replace(/"/g,"&\\#34;")#"><div class="k-event-template k-event-time">#:kendo.format("{0:t} - {1:t}", start, end)#</div><div class="k-event-template">${title}</div></div>'),
            w = s.template('<div title="(#=kendo.format("{0:t}", start)#): #=title.replace(/"/g,"&\\#34;")#"><div class="k-event-template">${title}</div></div>'),
            b = s.template("<span class='k-link k-nav-day'>#=kendo.toString(date, 'ddd M/dd')#</span>"),
            y = '<div role="gridcell" aria-selected="false" data-#=ns#uid="#=uid#"#if (resources[0]) { #style="background-color:#=resources[0].color#; border-color: #=resources[0].color#"class="k-event#=inverseColor ? " k-event-inverse" : ""#" #} else {#class="k-event"#}#><span class="k-event-actions"># if(data.tail || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span>#}## if(data.isException()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-exception"></span># } else if(data.isRecurring()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span># } #</span>{0}<span class="k-event-actions">#if (showDelete) {#<a href="\\#" class="k-link k-event-delete"><span class="k-icon k-si-close"></span></a>#}## if(data.head || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span>#}#</span>#if(resizable && !singleDay && !data.tail && !data.middle){#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-w"></span>#}##if(resizable && !singleDay && !data.head && !data.middle){#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-e"></span>#}#</div>',
            k = '<div role="gridcell" aria-selected="false" data-#=ns#uid="#=uid#" #if (resources[0]) { #style="background-color:#=resources[0].color #; border-color: #=resources[0].color#"class="k-event#=inverseColor ? " k-event-inverse" : ""#"#} else {#class="k-event"#}#><span class="k-event-actions"># if(data.isException()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-exception"></span># } else if(data.isRecurring()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span># } #</span>{0}<span class="k-event-actions">#if (showDelete) {#<a href="\\#" class="k-link k-event-delete"><span class="k-icon k-si-close"></span></a>#}#</span><span class="k-event-top-actions"># if(data.tail || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-n"></span># } #</span><span class="k-event-bottom-actions"># if(data.head || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-s"></span># } #</span># if(resizable && !data.tail && !data.middle) {#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-n"></span># } ## if(resizable && !data.head && !data.middle) {#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-s"></span># } #</div>',
            x = d.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    d.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.title = n.options.title || n.options.name, n._workDays = a(n.options), n._templates(), n._editable(), n.calculateDateRange(), n._groups(), n._currentTime()
                _currentTimeMarkerUpdater: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h = new Date,
                        p = this.options;
                    for (p.currentTimeMarker.useLocalTimezone === !1 && (t = p.dataSource.options.schema.timezone, p.dataSource && t && (n = s.timezone.offset(h, t), h = s.timezone.convert(h, h.getTimezoneOffset(), n))), this.times.find(".k-current-time").remove(), i = p.group && "horizontal" != p.group.orientation ? this.groups.length : 1, r = 0; i > r; r++) {
                        if (o = this.groups[r], a = s.date.toUtcTime(h), l = o.timeSlotRanges(a, a + 1), 0 === l.length) return;
                        c = l[0].collection, d = c.slotByStartDate(h), d && (u = e("<div class='k-current-time'></div>"), u.appendTo(this.times).css({
                            top: Math.round(l[0].innerRect(h, new Date(h.getTime() + 1), !1).top),
                            height: "1px",
                            right: "1px",
                            left: 0
                _currentTime: function() {
                    var e, n = this,
                        i = n.options.currentTimeMarker;
                    i !== !1 && i.updateInterval !== t && (e = i.updateInterval, n._currentTimeMarkerUpdater(), n._currentTimeUpdateTimer = setInterval(h(this._currentTimeMarkerUpdater, n), e))
                _updateResizeHint: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, l, c, u, h, p, f, g, m = e.isMultiDay(),
                        v = this.groups[t],
                        _ = v.ranges(n, i, m, e.isAllDay);
                    for (this._removeResizeHint(), r = 0; _.length > r; r++) o = _[r], a = o.startSlot(), l = a.offsetWidth, c = a.clientHeight, u = a.offsetTop, m ? l = o.innerWidth() : (h = o.outerRect(n, i, this.options.snap), u = h.top, c = h.bottom - h.top), p = d.fn._createResizeHint.call(this, a.offsetLeft, u, l, c), this._resizeHint = this._resizeHint.add(p);
                    f = "t", g = this.content, m && (f = "M/dd", g = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-header-wrap:has(.k-scheduler-header-all-day) > div"), g.length || (g = this.content)), this._resizeHint.appendTo(g), this._resizeHint.find(".k-label-top,.k-label-bottom").text(""), this._resizeHint.first().addClass("k-first").find(".k-label-top").text(s.toString(s.timezone.toLocalDate(n), f)), this._resizeHint.last().addClass("k-last").find(".k-label-bottom").text(s.toString(s.timezone.toLocalDate(i), f))
                _updateMoveHint: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u = e.isMultiDay(),
                        h = this.groups[t],
                        p = s.date.toUtcTime(e.start) + n,
                        f = p + e.duration(),
                        g = h.ranges(p, f, u, e.isAllDay);
                    for (p = s.timezone.toLocalDate(p), f = s.timezone.toLocalDate(f), this._removeMoveHint(), !u && (0 === m(f) || m(f) < m(this.startTime())) && g.length > 1 && g.pop(), i = 0; g.length > i; i++) r = g[i], o = r.start, a = this._createEventElement(e.clone({
                        start: p,
                        end: f
                    }), !u), a.addClass("k-event-drag-hint"), l = {
                        left: o.offsetLeft + 2,
                        top: o.offsetTop
                    }, this._isRtl && (l.left = .1 * o.clientWidth + o.offsetLeft + 2), u ? l.width = r.innerWidth() - 4 : (c = r.outerRect(p, f, this.options.snap), l.top = c.top, l.height = c.bottom - c.top, l.width = .9 * o.clientWidth - 4), a.css(l), this._moveHint = this._moveHint.add(a);
                    d = this.content, u && (d = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-header-wrap:has(.k-scheduler-header-all-day) > div"), d.length || (d = this.content)), this._moveHint.appendTo(d)
                _slotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    for (this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? (i = this.content.offset(), t += this.content[0].scrollTop, e += this.content[0].scrollLeft) : i = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-header-wrap:has(.k-scheduler-header-all-day)").find(">div").offset(), i && (e -= i.left, t -= i.top), e = Math.ceil(e), t = Math.ceil(t), o = 0; this.groups.length > o; o++)
                        if (r = this.groups[o], n = r.daySlotByPosition(e, t)) return n;
                    for (i && (e += i.left, t += i.top), i = this.content.offset(), e -= i.left, t -= i.top, this._isVerticallyGrouped() || (t += this.content[0].scrollTop, e += this.content[0].scrollLeft), e = Math.ceil(e), t = Math.ceil(t), o = 0; this.groups.length > o; o++)
                        if (r = this.groups[o], n = r.timeSlotByPosition(e, t)) return n;
                    return null
                _groupCount: function() {
                    var e = this.groupedResources;
                    return e.length ? "vertical" === this._groupOrientation() ? this._rowCountForLevel(e.length - 1) : this._columnCountForLevel(e.length) / this._columnOffsetForResource(e.length) : 1
                _columnCountInResourceView: function() {
                    var e = this.groupedResources;
                    return !e.length || this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? this._columnCountForLevel(0) : this._columnOffsetForResource(e.length)
                _timeSlotGroups: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, v, _, w = this._timeSlotInterval(),
                        b = this.content.find("tr:not(.k-scheduler-header-all-day)");
                    for (b.attr("role", "row"), n = b.length, this._isVerticallyGrouped() && (n = Math.floor(n / e)), i = 0; e > i; i++)
                        for (r = 0, this._isVerticallyGrouped() && (r = i), o = r * n, s = 0, this._isVerticallyGrouped() || (s = i);
                            (r + 1) * n > o;) {
                            for (l = b[o].children, c = this.groups[i], o % n === 0 && (a = m(new Date(+this.startTime()))), d = s * t;
                                (s + 1) * t > d; d++) u = l[d], h = d % t, p = c.getTimeSlotCollection(h), f = this._dates[h], g = Date.UTC(f.getFullYear(), f.getMonth(), f.getDate()), v = g + a, _ = v + w, u.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), u.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1), p.addTimeSlot(u, v, _);
                            a += w, o++
                _daySlotGroups: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h, p, f;
                    for (n = this.element.find(this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? ".k-scheduler-header-all-day" : ".k-scheduler-header-all-day tr"), n.attr("role", "row"), i = 0; e > i; i++)
                        for (r = 0, this._isVerticallyGrouped() && (r = i), o = this.groups[i], a = o.getDaySlotCollection(0), l = n[r].children, c = 0, this._isVerticallyGrouped() || (c = i), d = 0, u = c * t;
                            (c + 1) * t > u; u++) h = l[u], u % t === 0 && (d = 0), p = this._dates[d], f = Date.UTC(p.getFullYear(), p.getMonth(), p.getDate()), d++, h.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), h.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1), a.addDaySlot(h, f, f + s.date.MS_PER_DAY)
                _groups: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this._groupCount(),
                        r = this._columnCountInResourceView();
                    for (this.groups = [], e = 0; i > e; e++) {
                        for (t = this._addResourceView(e), n = 0; r > n; n++) t.addTimeSlotCollection(this._dates[n], s.date.addDays(this._dates[n], 1));
                        this.options.allDaySlot && t.addDaySlotCollection(this._dates[0], s.date.addDays(this._dates[this._dates.length - 1], 1))
                    this._timeSlotGroups(i, r), this.options.allDaySlot && this._daySlotGroups(i, r)
                options: {
                    name: "MultiDayView",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d}",
                    allDaySlot: !0,
                    showWorkHours: !1,
                    title: "",
                    startTime: s.date.today(),
                    endTime: s.date.today(),
                    minorTickCount: 2,
                    majorTick: 60,
                    majorTimeHeaderTemplate: "#=kendo.toString(date, 't')#",
                    minorTimeHeaderTemplate: "&nbsp;",
                    groupHeaderTemplate: "#=text#",
                    slotTemplate: "&nbsp;",
                    allDaySlotTemplate: "&nbsp;",
                    eventTemplate: _,
                    allDayEventTemplate: w,
                    dateHeaderTemplate: b,
                    editable: !0,
                    workDayStart: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                    workDayEnd: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 17, 0, 0),
                    workWeekStart: 1,
                    workWeekEnd: 5,
                    footer: {
                        command: "workDay"
                    messages: {
                        allDay: "all day",
                        showFullDay: "Show full day",
                        showWorkDay: "Show business hours"
                    currentTimeMarker: {
                        updateInterval: 1e4,
                        useLocalTimezone: !0
                events: ["remove", "add", "edit"],
                _templates: function() {
                    var e = this.options,
                        t = u({}, s.Template, e.templateSettings);
                    this.eventTemplate = this._eventTmpl(e.eventTemplate, k), this.allDayEventTemplate = this._eventTmpl(e.allDayEventTemplate, y), this.majorTimeHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.majorTimeHeaderTemplate, t), this.minorTimeHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.minorTimeHeaderTemplate, t), this.dateHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.dateHeaderTemplate, t), this.slotTemplate = s.template(e.slotTemplate, t), this.allDaySlotTemplate = s.template(e.allDaySlotTemplate, t), this.groupHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.groupHeaderTemplate, t)
                _editable: function() {
                    this.options.editable && (this._isMobile() ? this._touchEditable() : this._mouseEditable())
                _mouseEditable: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.element.on("click" + v, ".k-event a:has(.k-si-close)", function(n) {
                        t.trigger("remove", {
                            uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(s.attr("uid"))
                        }), n.preventDefault()
                    }), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + v, ".k-scheduler-content td", function(n) {
                        var i, r;
                        e(this).parent().hasClass("k-scheduler-header-all-day") || (i = t._slotByPosition(n.pageX, n.pageY), i && (r = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                            eventInfo: u({
                                start: i.startDate(),
                                end: i.endDate()
                            }, r)
                        })), n.preventDefault())
                    }).on("dblclick" + v, ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td", function(e) {
                        var n, i = t._slotByPosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);
                        i && (n = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                            eventInfo: u({}, {
                                isAllDay: !0,
                                start: s.date.getDate(i.startDate()),
                                end: s.date.getDate(i.startDate())
                            }, n)
                        })), e.preventDefault()
                    }), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + v, ".k-event", function(n) {
                        t.trigger("edit", {
                            uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(s.attr("uid"))
                        }), n.preventDefault()
                _touchEditable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = 0;
                    s.support.mobileOS.android && (n = 5), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && (t._addUserEvents = new s.UserEvents(t.element, {
                        threshold: n,
                        filter: ".k-scheduler-content td",
                        tap: function(n) {
                            var i, r;
                            e(n.target).parent().hasClass("k-scheduler-header-all-day") || (i = t._slotByPosition(n.x.location, n.y.location), i && (r = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                                eventInfo: u({
                                    start: i.startDate(),
                                    end: i.endDate()
                                }, r)
                            })), n.preventDefault())
                    }), t._allDayUserEvents = new s.UserEvents(t.element, {
                        threshold: n,
                        filter: ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td",
                        tap: function(e) {
                            var n, i = t._slotByPosition(e.x.location, e.y.location);
                            i && (n = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                                eventInfo: u({}, {
                                    isAllDay: !0,
                                    start: s.date.getDate(i.startDate()),
                                    end: s.date.getDate(i.startDate())
                                }, n)
                            })), e.preventDefault()
                    })), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && (t._editUserEvents = new s.UserEvents(t.element, {
                        threshold: n,
                        filter: ".k-event",
                        tap: function(n) {
                            var i = e(n.target).closest(".k-event");
                            i.hasClass("k-event-active") || t.trigger("edit", {
                                uid: i.attr(s.attr("uid"))
                            }), n.preventDefault()
                _layout: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = [],
                        o = [],
                        a = this.options,
                        l = this;
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = {}, n.text = l.dateHeaderTemplate({
                        date: e[t]
                    }), s.date.isToday(e[t]) && (n.className = "k-today"), r.push(n);
                    return i = this.groupedResources, a.allDaySlot && o.push({
                        text: a.messages.allDay,
                        allDay: !0,
                        cellContent: function(t) {
                            var n = t;
                            return t = i.length && "vertical" !== l._groupOrientation() ? t % e.length : t, l.allDaySlotTemplate({
                                date: e[t],
                                resources: function() {
                                    return l._resourceBySlot({
                                        groupIndex: n
                    }), this._forTimeRange(this.startTime(), this.endTime(), function(e, t, n, i) {
                        var r = t ? l.majorTimeHeaderTemplate : l.minorTimeHeaderTemplate,
                            a = {
                                text: r({
                                    date: e
                                className: i ? "k-slot-cell" : ""
                    }), i.length && ("vertical" === this._groupOrientation() ? o = this._createRowsLayout(i, o, this.groupHeaderTemplate) : r = this._createColumnsLayout(i, r, this.groupHeaderTemplate)), {
                        columns: r,
                        rows: o
                _footer: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.options;
                    r.footer !== !1 && (t = '<div class="k-header k-scheduler-footer">', n = r.footer.command, n && "workDay" === n ? (t += '<ul class="k-reset k-header">', t += '<li class="k-state-default k-scheduler-fullday"><a href="#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-clock"></span>', t += (r.showWorkHours ? r.messages.showFullDay : r.messages.showWorkDay) + "</a></li>", t += "</ul>") : t += "&nbsp;", t += "</div>", this.footer = e(t).appendTo(this.element), i = this, this.footer.on("click" + v, ".k-scheduler-fullday", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), i.trigger("navigate", {
                            view: i.name || r.name,
                            date: i.startDate(),
                            isWorkDay: !r.showWorkHours
                _forTimeRange: function(e, t, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, d, u, h, p, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C;
                    for (e = n(e), t = n(t), o = this, a = m(e), s = m(t), l = o.options.minorTickCount, d = o.options.majorTick * f, u = d / l || 1, h = new Date(+e), p = h.getDate(), _ = 0, b = "", w = g / u, a != s && (a > s && (s += g), w = (s - a) / u), w = Math.round(w); w > _; _++) y = _ % (d / u), k = 0 === y, x = l - 1 > y, C = y === l - 1, b += i(h, k, x, C), c(h, u, !1);
                    return s && (v = m(h), p < h.getDate() && (v += g), v > s && (h = new Date(+t))), r && (b += r(h)), b
                _content: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = r.startTime(),
                        l = this.endTime(),
                        c = 1,
                        d = 1,
                        u = e.length,
                        h = "",
                        p = this.groupedResources,
                        f = this.slotTemplate,
                        g = this.allDaySlotTemplate,
                        m = !1;
                    for (p.length && (m = "vertical" === r._groupOrientation(), m ? (d = this._rowCountForLevel(this.rowLevels.length - 2), o.allDaySlot && (t = function(t) {
                        var n, i, o = '<tr class="k-scheduler-header-all-day">',
                            a = function() {
                                return r._resourceBySlot({
                                    groupIndex: t
                        for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) o += "<td>" + g({
                            date: e[n],
                            resources: a
                        }) + "</td>";
                        return o + "</tr>"
                    })) : c = this._columnCountForLevel(this.columnLevels.length - 2)), h += "<tbody>", n = function(t, n) {
                        var o, a, l, d, h = "",
                            p = "",
                            g = 0;
                        for (h = "<tr" + (n ? ' class="k-middle-row"' : "") + ">", d = function(e) {
                            return function() {
                                return r._resourceBySlot({
                                    groupIndex: e
                        }; c > g; g++)
                            for (o = 0, a = u; a > o; o++) p = "", s.date.isToday(e[o]) && (p += "k-today"), (s.date.getMilliseconds(t) < s.date.getMilliseconds(r.options.workDayStart) || s.date.getMilliseconds(t) >= s.date.getMilliseconds(r.options.workDayEnd) || !r._isWorkDay(e[o])) && (p += " k-nonwork-hour"), h += "<td" + ("" !== p ? ' class="' + p + '"' : "") + ">", l = s.date.getDate(e[o]), s.date.setTime(l, s.date.getMilliseconds(t)), h += f({
                                date: l,
                                resources: d(m ? i : g)
                            }), h += "</td>";
                        return h += "</tr>"
                    }, i = 0; d > i; i++) h += t ? t(i) : "", h += this._forTimeRange(a, l, n);
                    h += "</tbody>", this.content.find("table").append(h)
                _isWorkDay: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.getDay(),
                        i = this._workDays;
                    for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++)
                        if (i[t] === n) return !0;
                    return !1
                _render: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this;
                    t = t || [], this._dates = t, this._startDate = t[0], this._endDate = t[t.length - 1 || 0], this.createLayout(this._layout(t)), this._content(t), this._footer(), this.refreshLayout(), n = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-header-all-day td"), n.length && (this._allDayHeaderHeight = n.first()[0].clientHeight), i.datesHeader.on("click" + v, ".k-nav-day", function(t) {
                        var n = e(t.currentTarget).closest("th"),
                            r = n.offset(),
                            o = i._slotByPosition(r.left, r.top + n.outerHeight());
                        i.trigger("navigate", {
                            view: "day",
                            date: o.startDate()
                startTime: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.showWorkHours ? e.workDayStart : e.startTime
                endTime: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.showWorkHours ? e.workDayEnd : e.endTime
                startDate: function() {
                    return this._startDate
                endDate: function() {
                    return this._endDate
                _end: function(e) {
                    var t = m(this.endTime()) || g;
                    return e && (t = 0), new Date(this._endDate.getTime() + t)
                nextDate: function() {
                    return s.date.nextDay(this.endDate())
                previousDate: function() {
                    return s.date.previousDay(this.startDate())
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._currentTimeUpdateTimer && clearInterval(e._currentTimeUpdateTimer), e.datesHeader && e.datesHeader.off(v), e.element && e.element.off(v), e.footer && e.footer.remove(), d.fn.destroy.call(this), this._isMobile() && e.options.editable && (e.options.editable.create !== !1 && (e._addUserEvents.destroy(), e._allDayUserEvents.destroy()), e.options.editable.update !== !1 && e._editUserEvents.destroy())
                inRange: function(e) {
                    var t = d.fn.inRange.call(this, e),
                        n = m(this.startTime()),
                        i = m(this.endTime()) || s.date.MS_PER_DAY,
                        r = m(e.start),
                        o = m(e.end) || s.date.MS_PER_DAY;
                    return t && r >= n && i >= o
                selectionByElement: function(e) {
                    var t = e.offset();
                    return this._slotByPosition(t.left, t.top)
                _timeSlotInterval: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.majorTick / e.minorTickCount * f
                _timeSlotIndex: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options,
                        n = m(e),
                        i = m(this.startTime()),
                        r = t.majorTick / t.minorTickCount * f;
                    return (n - i) / r
                _slotIndex: function(e, t) {
                    return t ? this._dateSlotIndex(e) : this._timeSlotIndex(e)
                _dateSlotIndex: function(e, t) {
                    var n, r, o, a, l = this._dates || [],
                        c = 1;
                    for (n = 0, r = l.length; r > n; n++)
                        if (o = s.date.getDate(l[n]), a = new Date(s.date.getDate(l[n]).getTime() + g - (t ? 0 : 1)), i(e, o, a)) return n * c;
                    return -1
                _positionAllDayEvent: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, u = n.innerWidth(),
                        h = n.start.index,
                        p = n.end.index,
                        f = d.collidingEvents(n.events(), h, p),
                        g = this._headerColumnCount || 0,
                        m = 2,
                        v = h !== p ? 5 : 4,
                        _ = this._allDayHeaderHeight,
                        w = n.startSlot();
                    for (t.css({
                        left: w.offsetLeft + m,
                        width: u - v
                    }), n.addEvent({
                        slotIndex: h,
                        start: h,
                        end: p,
                        element: t
                    }), f.push({
                        slotIndex: h,
                        start: h,
                        end: p,
                        element: t
                    }), i = d.createRows(f), i.length && i.length > g && (this._headerColumnCount = i.length), r = n.start.offsetTop, o = 0, a = i.length; a > o; o++)
                        for (s = i[o].events, l = 0, c = s.length; c > l; l++) e(s[l].element).css({
                            top: r + o * _
                _arrangeColumns: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, u, h, p, f, g, m = i.start;
                    for (e = {
                        element: e,
                        slotIndex: m.index,
                        start: t,
                        end: t + n
                    }, o = m.clientWidth, a = .1 * o, l = i.events(), c = d.collidingEvents(l, e.start, e.end), i.addEvent(e), c.push(e), r = d.createColumns(c), u = (o - a) / r.length, h = 0, p = r.length; p > h; h++)
                        for (s = r[h].events, f = 0, g = s.length; g > f; f++) s[f].element[0].style.width = u - 4 + "px", s[f].element[0].style.left = (this._isRtl ? a : 0) + m.offsetLeft + h * u + 2 + "px"
                _positionEvent: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = e._startTime || e.start,
                        r = e._endTime || e.end,
                        o = n.innerRect(i, r, !1),
                        a = o.bottom - o.top - 2;
                    0 > a && (a = 0), t.css({
                        top: o.top,
                        height: a
                    }), this._arrangeColumns(t, o.top, t[0].clientHeight, n)
                _createEventElement: function(t, n, r, o) {
                    var a, l, c, d, h, f, v = n ? this.eventTemplate : this.allDayEventTemplate,
                        _ = this.options,
                        w = _.editable,
                        b = this._isMobile(),
                        y = w && w.destroy !== !1 && !b,
                        k = w && w.resize !== !1,
                        x = p(this.startDate()),
                        C = p(this.endDate()),
                        S = m(this.startTime()),
                        T = m(this.endTime()),
                        D = t._time("start"),
                        A = t._time("end");
                    return S >= T && (T = m(new Date(this.endTime().getTime() + g - 1))), n || t.isAllDay || (C = new Date(C.getTime() + g)), l = t.start, c = t.end, t.isAllDay && (c = p(t.end)), !i(p(l), x, C) && !i(c, x, C) || n && S > D && A > T ? a = !0 : p(l) < x || n && S > D ? o = !0 : (c > C && !n || n && A > T) && (r = !0), d = this.eventResources(t), t._startTime && (l = new Date(D), l = s.timezone.apply(l, "Etc/UTC")), t.endTime && (c = new Date(A), c = s.timezone.apply(c, "Etc/UTC")), h = u({}, {
                        ns: s.ns,
                        resizable: k,
                        showDelete: y,
                        middle: a,
                        head: r,
                        tail: o,
                        singleDay: 1 == this._dates.length,
                        resources: d,
                        inverseColor: d && d[0] ? this._shouldInverseResourceColor(d[0]) : !1
                    }, t, {
                        start: l,
                        end: c
                    }), f = e(v(h)), this.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: f,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: h
                    }), f
                _isInTimeSlot: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.startTime(),
                        i = this.endTime(),
                        o = e._startTime || e.start,
                        a = e._endTime || e.end;
                    return m(i) === m(s.date.getDate(i)) && (i = s.date.getDate(i), c(i, g - 1)), e._date("end") > e._date("start") && (a = +e._date("end") + (g - 1)), a -= e._date("end"), o -= e._date("start"), i = m(i), n = m(n), n === o && o === a ? !0 : (t = o !== i, r(o, n, i, t) || r(a, n, i, t) || r(n, o, a) || r(i, o, a))
                _isInDateSlot: function(e) {
                    var t = this.groups[0],
                        n = t.firstSlot().start,
                        r = t.lastSlot().end - 1,
                        o = s.date.toUtcTime(e.start),
                        a = s.date.toUtcTime(e.end);
                    return (i(o, n, r) || i(a, n, r) || i(n, o, a) || i(r, o, a)) && (!i(a, n, n) || i(a, o, o) || e.isAllDay)
                _updateAllDayHeaderHeight: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    if (this._height !== e && (this._height = e, t = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-header-all-day td"), t.length))
                        for (t.parent().add(this.element.find(".k-scheduler-times-all-day").parent()).height(e), n = 0; this.groups.length > n; n++) this.groups[n].refresh()
                _renderEvents: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, m, v, _, w = this.datesHeader.find(".k-scheduler-header-wrap > div");
                    for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++)
                        if (n = e[i], this._isInDateSlot(n))
                            if (a = n.isAllDay || n.end.getTime() - n.start.getTime() >= g, s = a && !this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? w : this.content, a) this.options.allDaySlot && (d = this.groups[t], d._continuousEvents || (d._continuousEvents = []), c = d.slotRanges(n), c.length && (l = this._createEventElement(n, !a), this._positionAllDayEvent(l, c[0]), o(d, c[0], l, !0), l.appendTo(s)));
                            else if (this._isInTimeSlot(n))
                        for (d = this.groups[t], d._continuousEvents || (d._continuousEvents = []), c = d.slotRanges(n), u = c.length, h = 0; u > h; h++) p = c[h], f = n.start, m = n.end, u > 1 && (0 === h ? m = p.end.endDate() : h == u - 1 ? f = p.start.startDate() : (f = p.start.startDate(), m = p.end.endDate())), v = n.clone({
                            start: f,
                            end: m,
                            _startTime: n._startTime,
                            _endTime: n.endTime
                        }), this._isInTimeSlot(v) && (_ = p.head, l = this._createEventElement(n, !a, _, p.tail), l.appendTo(s), this._positionEvent(v, l, p), o(d, p, l, !1))
                render: function(t) {
                    var n, r, o, a, l;
                    for (this._headerColumnCount = 0, this._groups(), this.element.find(".k-event").remove(), t = new s.data.Query(t).sort([{
                        field: "start",
                        dir: "asc"
                    }, {
                        field: "end",
                        dir: "desc"
                    }]).toArray(), n = [], this._eventsByResource(t, this.groupedResources, n), r = this, o = e.map(this._dates, function(t) {
                        return Math.max.apply(null, e.map(n, function(n) {
                            return e.grep(n, function(e) {
                                return e.isMultiDay() && i(t, p(e.start), p(e.end))
                    }), a = Math.max.apply(null, o), this._updateAllDayHeaderHeight((a + 1) * this._allDayHeaderHeight), l = 0; n.length > l; l++) this._renderEvents(n[l], l);
                    this.refreshLayout(), this.trigger("activate")
                _eventsByResource: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l = t[0];
                    if (l)
                        for (i = l.dataSource.view(), r = 0; i.length > r; r++) o = this._resourceValue(l, i[r]), a = new s.data.Query(e).filter({
                            field: l.field,
                            operator: d.groupEqFilter(o)
                        }).toArray(), t.length > 1 ? this._eventsByResource(a, t.slice(1), n) : n.push(a);
                    else n.push(e)
                _columnOffsetForResource: function(e) {
                    return this._columnCountForLevel(e) / this._columnCountForLevel(e - 1)
                _columnCountForLevel: function(e) {
                    var t = this.columnLevels[e];
                    return t ? t.length : 0
                _rowCountForLevel: function(e) {
                    var t = this.rowLevels[e];
                    return t ? t.length : 0
                clearSelection: function() {
                    this.content.add(this.datesHeader).find(".k-state-selected").removeAttr("id").attr("aria-selected", !1).removeClass("k-state-selected")
                _updateDirection: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o = e.isAllDay,
                        a = t[0].start,
                        s = t[t.length - 1].end;
                    n && (r ? o || a.index !== s.index || a.collectionIndex !== s.collectionIndex || (e.backward = i) : (o && a.index === s.index || !o && a.collectionIndex === s.collectionIndex) && (e.backward = i))
                _changeViewPeriod: function(e, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s;
                    return i ? t : (r = n ? this.previousDate() : this.nextDate(), o = e.start, a = e.end, e.start = new Date(r), e.end = new Date(r), s = e.isAllDay ? g : m(a), c(e.start, m(o)), c(e.end, s), this._isVerticallyGrouped() || (e.groupIndex = n ? this.groups.length - 1 : 0), e.events = [], !0)
        u(!0, l, {
            MultiDayView: x,
            DayView: x.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "DayView",
                    title: "Day"
                name: "day"
            WeekView: x.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "WeekView",
                    title: "Week",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}"
                name: "week",
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.options.date,
                        i = s.date.dayOfWeek(n, this.calendarInfo().firstDay, -1),
                        r = [];
                    for (e = 0, t = 7; t > e; e++) r.push(i), i = s.date.nextDay(i);
            WorkWeekView: x.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "WorkWeekView",
                    title: "Work Week",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}"
                name: "workWeek",
                nextDate: function() {
                    return s.date.dayOfWeek(s.date.nextDay(this.startDate()), this.calendarInfo().firstDay, 1)
                previousDate: function() {
                    var e = s.date.dayOfWeek(this.startDate(), this.calendarInfo().firstDay, -1);
                    return s.date.previousDay(e)
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                    for (var e = this.options.date, t = s.date.dayOfWeek, n = t(e, this.calendarInfo().firstDay, -1), i = t(n, this.options.workWeekStart, 1), r = t(i, this.options.workWeekEnd, 1), o = []; r >= i;) o.push(i), i = s.date.nextDay(i);
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            var t, n, i = 0;
            for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i += e[t].items.length;
            return i

        function n(e, t) {
            return e.valuePrimitive && (t = o.getter(e.dataValueField)(t)), t

        function i(e) {
            for (var t, n = 0, i = e.length, o = []; i > n; n++) t = e[n], t.groups ? (t = r(t.groups), o = o.concat(t)) : o = o.concat(r(t.items));
            return o

        function r(e) {
            for (var t = [].concat(e), n = t.shift(), i = [], r = [].push; n;) n.groups ? r.apply(t, n.groups) : n.items ? r.apply(t, n.items) : r.call(i, n), n = t.shift();
            return i
        var o = window.kendo,
            a = o.ui,
            s = ".kendoAgendaView",
            l = '<div class="k-task" title="#:title.replace(/"/g,"\'")#" data-#=kendo.ns#uid="#=uid#"># if (resources[0]) {#<span class="k-scheduler-mark" style="background-color:#=resources[0].color#"></span># } ## if (data.isException()) { #<span class="k-icon k-i-exception"></span># } else if (data.isRecurring()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span># } #{0}#if (showDelete) {#<a href="\\#" class="k-link k-event-delete"><span class="k-icon k-si-close"></span></a>#}#</div>';
        a.AgendaView = a.SchedulerView.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                a.SchedulerView.fn.init.call(this, t, n), n = this.options, n.editable && (n.editable = e.extend({
                    "delete": !0
                }, n.editable, {
                    create: !1,
                    update: !1
                })), this.title = n.title, this.name = "agenda", this._eventTemplate = this._eventTmpl(n.eventTemplate, l), this._dateTemplate = o.template(n.eventDateTemplate), this._groupTemplate = o.template(n.eventGroupTemplate), this._timeTemplate = o.template(n.eventTimeTemplate), this.element.on("mouseenter" + s, ".k-scheduler-agenda .k-scheduler-content tr", "_mouseenter").on("mouseleave" + s, ".k-scheduler-agenda .k-scheduler-content tr", "_mouseleave").on("click" + s, ".k-scheduler-agenda .k-scheduler-content .k-link:has(.k-si-close)", "_remove"), this._renderLayout(n.date)
            _mouseenter: function(t) {
            _mouseleave: function(t) {
            _remove: function(t) {
                t.preventDefault(), this.trigger("remove", {
                    uid: e(t.currentTarget).closest(".k-task").attr(o.attr("uid"))
            nextDate: function() {
                return o.date.nextDay(this.startDate())
            startDate: function() {
                return this._startDate
            endDate: function() {
                return this._endDate
            previousDate: function() {
                return o.date.previousDay(this.startDate())
            _renderLayout: function(e) {
                this._startDate = e, this._endDate = o.date.addDays(e, 7), this.createLayout(this._layout()), this.table.addClass("k-scheduler-agenda")
            _layout: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = [{
                    text: this.options.messages.time,
                    className: "k-scheduler-timecolumn"
                }, {
                    text: this.options.messages.event
                if (this._isMobilePhoneView() || i.splice(0, 0, {
                    text: this.options.messages.date,
                    className: "k-scheduler-datecolumn"
                }), e = this.groupedResources, e.length) {
                    for (t = [], n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t.push({
                        text: "",
                        className: "k-scheduler-groupcolumn"
                    i = t.concat(i)
                return {
                    columns: i
            _tasks: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, a, s, l, c = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = e[t], i = n.start, r = n.end, a = (o.date.getDate(r) - o.date.getDate(i)) / o.date.MS_PER_DAY + 1, s = n.clone(), s.startDate = o.date.getDate(i), s.startDate >= this.startDate() && c.push(s), a > 1)
                        for (s.end = o.date.nextDay(i), s.head = !0, l = 1; a > l; l++) i = s.end, s = n.clone(), s.start = i, s.startDate = o.date.getDate(i), s.end = o.date.nextDay(i), l == a - 1 ? (s.end = new Date(s.start.getFullYear(), s.start.getMonth(), s.start.getDate(), r.getHours(), r.getMinutes(), r.getSeconds(), r.getMilliseconds()), s.tail = !0) : (s.isAllDay = !0, s.middle = !0), s.end <= this.endDate() && s.start >= this.startDate() && c.push(s);
                return new o.data.Query(c).sort([{
                    field: "start",
                    dir: "asc"
                }, {
                    field: "end",
                    dir: "asc"
                    field: "startDate"
            _renderTaskGroups: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = [],
                    p = this.options.editable,
                    f = p && p.destroy !== !1 && !this._isMobile(),
                    g = this._isMobilePhoneView();
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                    for (i = e[n].value, r = e[n].items, a = o.date.isToday(i), s = 0; r.length > s; s++) {
                        if (l = r[s], c = [], d = g ? [] : c, 0 === n && 0 === s && t.length)
                            for (u = 0; t.length > u; u++) d.push(o.format('<td class="k-scheduler-groupcolumn{2}" rowspan="{0}">{1}</td>', t[u].rowSpan, this._groupTemplate({
                                value: t[u].text
                            }), t[u].className));
                        0 === s && (g ? (d.push(o.format('<td class="k-scheduler-datecolumn" colspan="2">{0}</td>', this._dateTemplate({
                            date: i
                        }))), h.push('<tr role="row" aria-selected="false"' + (a ? ' class="k-today">' : ">") + d.join("") + "</tr>")) : c.push(o.format('<td class="k-scheduler-datecolumn{3}{2}" rowspan="{0}">{1}</td>', r.length, this._dateTemplate({
                            date: i
                        }), n != e.length - 1 || t.length ? "" : " k-last", t.length ? "" : " k-first"))), l.format = l.head ? "{0:t}" : l.tail ? "{1:t}" : "{0:t}-{1:t}", l.resources = this.eventResources(l), c.push(o.format('<td class="k-scheduler-timecolumn"><div>{0}{1}{2}</div></td><td>{3}</td>', l.tail || l.middle ? '<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span>' : "", this._timeTemplate(l.clone({
                            start: l._startTime || l.start,
                            end: l.endTime || l.end
                        })), l.head || l.middle ? '<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span>' : "", this._eventTemplate(l.clone({
                            showDelete: f
                        })))), h.push('<tr role="row" aria-selected="false"' + (a ? ' class="k-today">' : ">") + c.join("") + "</tr>")
                return h.join("")
            render: function(e) {
                var t, n, r = this.content.find("table").empty(),
                    o = [];
                e.length > 0 && (t = this.groupedResources, t.length ? (o = this._createGroupConfiguration(e, t, null), this._renderGroups(o, r, [])) : (o = this._tasks(e), r.append(this._renderTaskGroups(o, [])))), n = this._eventsList = i(o), this._angularItems(r, n), this.refreshLayout(), this.trigger("activate")
            _angularItems: function(e, t) {
                this.angular("compile", function() {
                    var n = [],
                        i = t.map(function(t) {
                            return n.push({
                                dataItem: t
                            }), e.find(".k-task[" + o.attr("uid") + "=" + t.uid + "]")
                    return {
                        elements: i,
                        data: n
            _renderGroups: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o;
                for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) o = n.splice(0), o.push(e[i]), e[i].groups ? this._renderGroups(e[i].groups, t, o) : t.append(this._renderTaskGroups(e[i].items, o))
            _createGroupConfiguration: function(e, i, r) {
                var s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = i[0],
                    g = [],
                    m = f.dataSource.view(),
                    v = this._isMobilePhoneView();
                for (s = 0; m.length > s; s++) l = n(f, m[s]), c = new o.data.Query(e).filter({
                    field: f.field,
                    operator: a.SchedulerView.groupEqFilter(l)
                }).toArray(), c.length && (d = this._tasks(c), u = r ? "" : " k-first", s === m.length - 1 && (!r || r.className.indexOf("k-last") > -1) && (u += " k-last"), h = {
                    text: o.getter(f.dataTextField)(m[s]),
                    value: l,
                    rowSpan: 0,
                    className: u
                }, i.length > 1 ? (h.groups = this._createGroupConfiguration(c, i.slice(1), h), r && (r.rowSpan += h.rowSpan)) : (h.items = d, p = t(h.items), v && (p += h.items.length), h.rowSpan = p, r && (r.rowSpan += p)), g.push(h));
                return g
            selectionByElement: function(t) {
                var n, i, r;
                return t = e(t), !t.hasClass("k-scheduler-datecolumn") && this._eventsList.length ? (t.is(".k-task") && (t = t.closest("td")), this._isMobile() ? (r = t.parent(), n = r.parent().children().filter(function() {
                    return e(this).children(":not(.k-scheduler-datecolumn)").length
                }).index(r)) : n = t.parent().index(), i = this._eventsList[n], {
                    index: n,
                    start: i.start,
                    end: i.end,
                    isAllDay: i.isAllDay,
                    uid: i.uid
                }) : void 0
            select: function(e) {
                var t = this.table.find(".k-task").eq(e.index).closest("tr").addClass("k-state-selected").attr("aria-selected", !0)[0];
            move: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = !1,
                    r = e.index;
                return t == o.keys.UP ? (r--, i = !0) : t == o.keys.DOWN && (r++, i = !0), i && (n = this._eventsList[r], n && (e.start = n.start, e.end = n.end, e.isAllDay = n.isAllDay, e.events = [n.uid], e.index = r)), i
            moveToEvent: function() {
                return !1
            constrainSelection: function(e) {
                var t = this._eventsList[0];
                t && (e.start = t.start, e.end = t.end, e.isAllDay = t.isAllDay, e.events = [t.uid], e.index = 0)
            isInRange: function() {
                return !0
            destroy: function() {
                this.element && this.element.off(s), a.SchedulerView.fn.destroy.call(this)
            options: {
                title: "Agenda",
                name: "agenda",
                editable: !0,
                selectedDateFormat: "{0:D}-{1:D}",
                selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}",
                eventTemplate: "#:title#",
                eventTimeTemplate: "#if(data.isAllDay) {##=this.options.messages.allDay##} else { ##=kendo.format(format, start, end)## } #",
                eventDateTemplate: '<strong class="k-scheduler-agendaday">#=kendo.toString(date, "dd")#</strong><em class="k-scheduler-agendaweek">#=kendo.toString(date,"dddd")#</em><span class="k-scheduler-agendadate">#=kendo.toString(date, "y")#</span>',
                eventGroupTemplate: '<strong class="k-scheduler-adgendagroup">#=value#</strong>',
                messages: {
                    event: "Event",
                    date: "Date",
                    time: "Time",
                    allDay: "all day"
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            return e.slice(t).concat(e.slice(0, t))

        function n(e, t) {
            for (var n = t.firstDay, i = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 0, e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds()); i.getDay() != n;) r.date.setTime(i, -1 * d);
            return i

        function i(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = t,
                o = n;
            return i = e, i >= r && o >= i
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = r.ui,
            a = o.SchedulerView,
            s = ".kendoMonthView",
            l = e.extend,
            c = r.date.getDate,
            d = r.date.MS_PER_DAY,
            u = 6,
            h = 7,
            p = r.template('<span class="k-link k-nav-day">#:kendo.toString(date, "dd")#</span>'),
            f = '<div role="gridcell" aria-selected="false" data-#=ns#uid="#=uid#"#if (resources[0]) { #style="background-color:#=resources[0].color #; border-color: #=resources[0].color#"class="k-event#=inverseColor ? " k-event-inverse" : ""#"#} else {#class="k-event"#}#><span class="k-event-actions"># if(data.tail || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span>#}## if(data.isException()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-exception"></span># } else if(data.isRecurring()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span>#}#</span>{0}<span class="k-event-actions">#if (showDelete) {#<a href="\\#" class="k-link k-event-delete"><span class="k-icon k-si-close"></span></a>#}## if(data.head || data.middle) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span>#}#</span># if(resizable && !data.tail && !data.middle) {#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-w"></span>#}## if(resizable && !data.head && !data.middle) {#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-e"></span>#}#</div>',
            g = r.template('<div title="#=title.replace(/"/g,"&\\#34;")#"><div class="k-event-template">#:title#</div></div>'),
            m = r.template('<div style="width:#=width#px;left:#=left#px;top:#=top#px" class="k-more-events k-button"><span>...</span></div>');
        o.MonthView = a.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                a.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.title = n.options.title, n.name = "month", n._templates(), n._editable(), n._renderLayout(n.options.date), n._groups()
            _updateDirection: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l, c;
                n && (o = t[0].start, a = t[t.length - 1].end, s = o.index === a.index, l = o.collectionIndex === a.collectionIndex, c = r ? s && l || l : s && l, c && (e.backward = i))
            _changeViewPeriod: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n ? 7 : 1;
                return t && (i *= -1), e.start = r.date.addDays(e.start, i), e.end = r.date.addDays(e.end, i), (!n || n && this._isVerticallyGrouped()) && (e.groupIndex = t ? this.groups.length - 1 : 0), e.events = [], !0
            _continuousSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = e.backward ? 0 : t.length - 1,
                    r = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                return r.continuousSlot(t[i].start, n)
            _changeGroupContinuously: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s;
                return n || (r = e.groupIndex, o = this.groups.length - 1, a = this._isVerticallyGrouped(), s = this.groups[r], !t && a ? (t = s[i ? "lastSlot" : "firstSlot"](), r += i ? -1 : 1) : t && !a && (r = i ? o : 0), (0 > r || r > o) && (r = i ? o : 0, t = null), e.groupIndex = r), t
            _normalizeHorizontalSelection: function(e, t, n) {
                var i;
                return i = n ? t[0].start : t[t.length - 1].end
            _normalizeVerticalSelection: function(e, t) {
                var n;
                return n = e.backward ? t[0].start : t[t.length - 1].end
            _templates: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = l({}, r.Template, e.templateSettings);
                this.eventTemplate = this._eventTmpl(e.eventTemplate, f), this.dayTemplate = r.template(e.dayTemplate, t), this.groupHeaderTemplate = r.template(e.groupHeaderTemplate, t)
            dateForTitle: function() {
                return r.format(this.options.selectedDateFormat, this._firstDayOfMonth, this._lastDayOfMonth)
            shortDateForTitle: function() {
                return r.format(this.options.selectedShortDateFormat, this._firstDayOfMonth, this._lastDayOfMonth)
            nextDate: function() {
                return r.date.nextDay(this._lastDayOfMonth)
            previousDate: function() {
                return r.date.previousDay(this._firstDayOfMonth)
            startDate: function() {
                return this._startDate
            endDate: function() {
                return this._endDate
            _renderLayout: function(t) {
                var i = this;
                this._firstDayOfMonth = r.date.firstDayOfMonth(t), this._lastDayOfMonth = r.date.lastDayOfMonth(t), this._startDate = n(t, this.calendarInfo()), this.createLayout(this._layout()), this._content(), this.refreshLayout(), this.content.on("click" + s, ".k-nav-day,.k-more-events", function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget).offset(),
                        r = i._slotByPosition(n.left, n.top);
                    t.preventDefault(), i.trigger("navigate", {
                        view: "day",
                        date: r.startDate()
            _editable: function() {
                this.options.editable && !this._isMobilePhoneView() && (this._isMobile() ? this._touchEditable() : this._mouseEditable())
            _mouseEditable: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.element.on("click" + s, ".k-scheduler-monthview .k-event a:has(.k-si-close)", function(n) {
                    t.trigger("remove", {
                        uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(r.attr("uid"))
                    }), n.preventDefault()
                }), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + s, ".k-scheduler-monthview .k-scheduler-content td", function(n) {
                    var i, r = e(n.currentTarget).offset(),
                        o = t._slotByPosition(r.left, r.top);
                    o && (i = t._resourceBySlot(o), t.trigger("add", {
                        eventInfo: l({
                            isAllDay: !0,
                            start: o.startDate(),
                            end: o.startDate()
                        }, i)
                    })), n.preventDefault()
                }), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + s, ".k-scheduler-monthview .k-event", function(n) {
                    t.trigger("edit", {
                        uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(r.attr("uid"))
                    }), n.preventDefault()
            _touchEditable: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = 0;
                r.support.mobileOS.android && (n = 5), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && (t._addUserEvents = new r.UserEvents(t.element, {
                    threshold: n,
                    filter: ".k-scheduler-monthview .k-scheduler-content td",
                    tap: function(n) {
                        var i, r = e(n.target).offset(),
                            o = t._slotByPosition(r.left, r.top);
                        o && (i = t._resourceBySlot(o), t.trigger("add", {
                            eventInfo: l({
                                isAllDay: !0,
                                start: o.startDate(),
                                end: o.startDate()
                            }, i)
                        })), n.preventDefault()
                })), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && (t._editUserEvents = new r.UserEvents(t.element, {
                    threshold: n,
                    filter: ".k-scheduler-monthview .k-event",
                    tap: function(n) {
                        0 === e(n.event.target).closest("a:has(.k-si-close)").length && (t.trigger("edit", {
                            uid: e(n.target).closest(".k-event").attr(r.attr("uid"))
                        }), n.preventDefault())
            selectionByElement: function(t) {
                var n = e(t).offset();
                return this._slotByPosition(n.left, n.top)
            _columnCountForLevel: function(e) {
                var t = this.columnLevels[e];
                return t ? t.length : 0
            _rowCountForLevel: function(e) {
                var t = this.rowLevels[e];
                return t ? t.length : 0
            _content: function() {
                var e, t = "<tbody>",
                    n = 1,
                    i = this.groupedResources;
                for (i.length && this._isVerticallyGrouped() && (n = this._rowCountForLevel(i.length - 1)), e = 0; n > e; e++) t += this._createCalendar(e);
                t += "</tbody>", this.content.find("table").html(t)
            _createCalendar: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, o, a = this.startDate(),
                    s = h * u,
                    l = h,
                    c = [a],
                    d = "",
                    p = 1,
                    f = this._isVerticallyGrouped(),
                    g = this.groupedResources;
                for (g.length && (f || (p = this._columnCountForLevel(g.length - 1))), this._slotIndices = {}, t = 0, n = s / l; n > t; t++) {
                    for (d += "<tr>", c.push(a), i = t * l, o = 0; p > o; o++) d += this._createRow(a, i, l, f ? e : o);
                    a = r.date.addDays(a, l), d += "</tr>"
                return this._weekStartDates = c, this._endDate = r.date.previousDay(a), d
            _createRow: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var o, a = this,
                    s = a._firstDayOfMonth,
                    l = a._lastDayOfMonth,
                    d = a.dayTemplate,
                    u = "",
                    h = "",
                    p = function() {
                        return a._resourceBySlot({
                            groupIndex: i
                for (o = 0; n > o; o++) u = "", r.date.isToday(e) && (u += "k-today"), r.date.isInDateRange(e, s, l) || (u += " k-other-month"), h += "<td ", "" !== u && (h += 'class="' + u + '"'), h += ">", h += d({
                    date: e,
                    resources: p
                }), h += "</td>", a._slotIndices[c(e).getTime()] = t + o, e = r.date.nextDay(e);
                return h
            _layout: function() {
                var n, i, r, o = this.calendarInfo(),
                    a = this._isMobile() ? o.days.namesShort : o.days.names,
                    s = t(a, o.firstDay),
                    l = e.map(s, function(e) {
                        return {
                            text: e
                    c = this.groupedResources;
                if (c.length)
                    if (this._isVerticallyGrouped()) {
                        for (i = [], r = 0; 6 > r; r++) i.push({
                            text: "<div>&nbsp;</div>",
                            className: "k-hidden k-slot-cell"
                        n = this._createRowsLayout(c, i, this.groupHeaderTemplate)
                    } else l = this._createColumnsLayout(c, l, this.groupHeaderTemplate);
                return {
                    columns: l,
                    rows: n
            _createEventElement: function(t) {
                var n, i = this.options,
                    o = i.editable,
                    a = this._isMobile();
                return t.showDelete = o && o.destroy !== !1 && !a, t.resizable = o && o.resize !== !1 && !a, t.ns = r.ns, t.resources = this.eventResources(t), t.inverseColor = t.resources && t.resources[0] ? this._shouldInverseResourceColor(t.resources[0]) : !1, n = e(this.eventTemplate(t)), this.angular("compile", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: n,
                        data: [{
                            dataItem: t
                }), n
            _isInDateSlot: function(e) {
                var t = this.groups[0],
                    n = t.firstSlot().start,
                    o = t.lastSlot().end - 1,
                    a = r.date.toUtcTime(e.start),
                    s = r.date.toUtcTime(e.end);
                return (i(a, n, o) || i(s, n, o) || i(n, a, s) || i(o, a, s)) && (!i(s, n, n) || i(s, a, a) || e.isAllDay)
            _slotIndex: function(e) {
                return this._slotIndices[c(e).getTime()]
            _positionMobileEvent: function(t, n, i) {
                var o, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = t.start;
                t.start.offsetLeft > t.end.offsetLeft && (p = t.end), o = t.start.index, s = o, l = 3, c = a.collidingEvents(t.events(), o, s), c.push({
                    element: n,
                    start: o,
                    end: s
                }), d = a.createRows(c), u = t.collection.at(o), h = u.container, h || (h = e(r.format('<div class="k-events-container" style="top:{0};left:{1};width:{2}"/>', p.offsetTop + p.firstChildTop + p.firstChildHeight - 3 + "px", p.offsetLeft + "px", p.offsetWidth + "px")), u.container = h, this.content[0].appendChild(h[0])), l >= d.length && (t.addEvent({
                    element: n,
                    start: o,
                    end: s,
                    groupIndex: p.groupIndex
                }), i._continuousEvents.push({
                    element: n,
                    uid: n.attr(r.attr("uid")),
                    start: t.start,
                    end: t.end
                }), h[0].appendChild(n[0]))
            _positionEvent: function(t, n, i) {
                var o, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, v, _, w, b, y, k = this.options.eventHeight,
                    x = t.start;
                for (t.start.offsetLeft > t.end.offsetLeft && (x = t.end), o = t.start.index, s = t.end.index, l = x.eventCount, c = a.collidingEvents(t.events(), o, s), d = o !== s ? 5 : 4, c.push({
                    element: n,
                    start: o,
                    end: s
                }), u = a.createRows(c), h = 0, p = Math.min(u.length, l); p > h; h++)
                    for (f = u[h].events, g = x.offsetTop + x.firstChildHeight + h * k + 3 * h + "px", v = 0, _ = f.length; _ > v; v++) f[v].element[0].style.top = g;
                if (u.length > l)
                    for (w = o; s >= w; w++) {
                        if (b = t.collection, y = b.at(w), y.more) return;
                        y.more = e(m({
                            ns: r.ns,
                            start: w,
                            end: w,
                            width: y.clientWidth - 2,
                            left: y.offsetLeft + 2,
                            top: y.offsetTop + y.firstChildHeight + l * k + 3 * l
                        })), this.content[0].appendChild(y.more[0])
                    } else t.addEvent({
                        element: n,
                        start: o,
                        end: s,
                        groupIndex: x.groupIndex
                    }), n[0].style.width = t.innerWidth() - d + "px", n[0].style.left = x.offsetLeft + 2 + "px", n[0].style.height = k + "px", i._continuousEvents.push({
                        element: n,
                        uid: n.attr(r.attr("uid")),
                        start: t.start,
                        end: t.end
                    }), n.appendTo(this.content)
            _slotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.content.offset();
                for (e -= r.left, t -= r.top, t += this.content[0].scrollTop, e += this.content[0].scrollLeft, e = Math.ceil(e), t = Math.ceil(t), n = 0; this.groups.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = this.groups[n].daySlotByPosition(e, t)) return i;
                return null
            _createResizeHint: function(e) {
                var t = e.startSlot().offsetLeft,
                    n = e.start.offsetTop,
                    i = e.innerWidth(),
                    r = e.start.clientHeight - 2,
                    o = a.fn._createResizeHint.call(this, t, n, i, r);
                o.appendTo(this.content), this._resizeHint = this._resizeHint.add(o)
            _updateResizeHint: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var o, a, s;
                for (this._removeResizeHint(), o = this.groups[t], a = o.ranges(n, i, !0, e.isAllDay), s = 0; a.length > s; s++) this._createResizeHint(a[s]);
                this._resizeHint.find(".k-label-top,.k-label-bottom").text(""), this._resizeHint.first().addClass("k-first").find(".k-label-top").text(r.toString(r.timezone.toLocalDate(n), "M/dd")), this._resizeHint.last().addClass("k-last").find(".k-label-bottom").text(r.toString(r.timezone.toLocalDate(i), "M/dd"))
            _updateMoveHint: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, o, a, s, l, c = r.date.toUtcTime(e.start) + n,
                    d = c + e.duration(),
                    u = this.groups[t],
                    h = u.ranges(c, d, !0, e.isAllDay);
                for (this._removeMoveHint(), i = 0; h.length > i; i++) o = h[i], a = o.startSlot(), s = o.endSlot(), l = this._createEventElement(e.clone({
                    head: o.head,
                    tail: o.tail
                })), l.css({
                    left: a.offsetLeft + 2,
                    top: a.offsetTop + a.firstChildHeight,
                    height: this.options.eventHeight,
                    width: o.innerWidth() - (a.index !== s.index ? 5 : 4)
                }), l.addClass("k-event-drag-hint"), l.appendTo(this.content), this._moveHint = this._moveHint.add(l)
            _groups: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, o, a, s, l, c, d, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b = this._groupCount(),
                    y = h,
                    k = u;
                for (this.groups = [], e = 0; b > e; e++) this._addResourceView(e);
                for (t = this.content[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"), n = 0; b > n; n++)
                    for (i = 0, o = 0, this._isVerticallyGrouped() && (o = n), a = o * k;
                        (o + 1) * k > a; a++)
                        for (s = this.groups[n], l = s.addDaySlotCollection(r.date.addDays(this.startDate(), i), r.date.addDays(this.startDate(), i + y)), c = t[a], d = c.children, p = 0, c.setAttribute("role", "row"), this._isVerticallyGrouped() || (p = n), f = p * y;
                            (p + 1) * y > f; f++) g = d[f], m = g.clientHeight, v = g.children.length ? g.children[0].offsetHeight + 3 : 0, _ = r.date.toUtcTime(r.date.addDays(this.startDate(), i)), i++, w = Math.floor((m - v - this.options.moreButtonHeight) / (this.options.eventHeight + 3)), g.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), g.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1), l.addDaySlot(g, _, _ + r.date.MS_PER_DAY, w)
            render: function(e) {
                this.content.children(".k-event,.k-more-events,.k-events-container").remove(), this._groups(), e = new r.data.Query(e).sort([{
                    field: "start",
                    dir: "asc"
                }, {
                    field: "end",
                    dir: "desc"
                var t = this.groupedResources;
                t.length ? this._renderGroups(e, t, 0, 1) : this._renderEvents(e, 0), this.refreshLayout(), this.trigger("activate")
            _renderEvents: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = this._isMobilePhoneView();
                for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++)
                    if (n = e[i], this._isInDateSlot(n))
                        for (o = this.groups[t], o._continuousEvents || (o._continuousEvents = []), a = o.slotRanges(n, !0), s = a.length, l = 0; s > l; l++) c = a[l], d = n.start, u = n.end, s > 1 && (0 === l ? u = c.end.endDate() : l == s - 1 ? d = c.start.startDate() : (d = c.start.startDate(), u = c.end.endDate())), h = n.clone({
                            start: d,
                            end: u,
                            head: c.head,
                            tail: c.tail
                        }), p ? this._positionMobileEvent(c, this._createEventElement(h), o) : this._positionEvent(c, this._createEventElement(h), o)
            _renderGroups: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var o, s, l, c, d = t[0];
                if (d)
                    for (o = d.dataSource.view(), s = 0; o.length > s; s++) l = this._resourceValue(d, o[s]), c = new r.data.Query(e).filter({
                        field: d.field,
                        operator: a.groupEqFilter(l)
                    }).toArray(), t.length > 1 ? n = this._renderGroups(c, t.slice(1), n++, i + 1) : this._renderEvents(c, n++);
                return n
            _groupCount: function() {
                var e = this.groupedResources;
                return e.length ? this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? this._rowCountForLevel(e.length - 1) : this._columnCountForLevel(e.length) / this._columnOffsetForResource(e.length) : 1
            _columnOffsetForResource: function(e) {
                return this._columnCountForLevel(e) / this._columnCountForLevel(e - 1)
            destroy: function() {
                this.table && this.table.removeClass("k-scheduler-monthview"), this.content && this.content.off(s), this.element && this.element.off(s), a.fn.destroy.call(this), this._isMobile() && !this._isMobilePhoneView() && this.options.editable && (this.options.editable.create !== !1 && this._addUserEvents.destroy(), this.options.editable.update !== !1 && this._editUserEvents.destroy())
            events: ["remove", "add", "edit", "navigate"],
            options: {
                title: "Month",
                name: "month",
                eventHeight: 25,
                moreButtonHeight: 13,
                editable: !0,
                selectedDateFormat: "{0:y}",
                selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:y}",
                groupHeaderTemplate: "#=text#",
                dayTemplate: p,
                eventTemplate: g
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n;
            return 0 !== e && t > e ? n = t - e : (n = e % t, n && (n = t - n)), n

        function i(e) {
            var t = e.getMonth(),
                n = m(e) ? et[t] : tt[t];
            return n + e.getDate()

        function r(e, n) {
            var i, r;
            return e = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate()), X(e, 0), i = e.getFullYear(), n !== t ? (K(e, n, -1), e.setDate(e.getDate() + 4)) : e.setDate(e.getDate() + (4 - (e.getDay() || 7))), X(e, 0), r = Math.floor((e.getTime() - new Date(i, 0, 1, -6)) / 864e5), 1 + Math.floor(r / 7)

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = Z(e).getDay(),
                i = 7 - (n + 7 - (t || 7)) || 7;
            return 0 > i && (i += 7), Math.ceil((e.getDate() - i) / 7) + 1

        function a(e, t) {
            return e + (t > e ? 7 : 0)

        function s(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, s, l, c, d = t.offset;
            return d ? (i = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 0), r = o(i, n), s = a(t.day, n), l = s < a(new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 1).getDay(), n), c = s > a(i.getDay(), n), 0 > d ? d = r + (d + 1 - (c ? 1 : 0)) : l && (d += 1), r -= c ? 1 : 0, (l ? 1 : 0) > d || d > r ? null : d) : o(e, n)

        function l(e, t) {
            return o(new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 0), t)

        function c(e, t, n) {
            return o(e, n) === s(e, t, n)

        function d(e, t, n) {
            for (var i, r, l, c, d = a(t.getDay(), n), u = e.length, h = [], p = 0; u > p; p++)
                if (r = e[p], c = o(t, n), i = s(t, r, n), null !== i)
                    if (i > c) h.push(r);
                    else if (c === i)
                if (l = a(r.day, n), l > d) h.push(r);
                else if (d === l) return null;
            return h

        function u(e, t, n) {
            for (var i, r = 0, o = e.length, a = []; o > r; r++) {
                if (i = e[r], n && (i = n(i)), t === i) return null;
                i > t && a.push(i)
            return a

        function h(e, t) {
            for (var n, i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) {
                if (n = parseInt(e[i], 10), isNaN(n) || t.start > n || n > t.end || 0 === n && 0 > t.start) return null;
                e[i] = n
            return e.sort(v)

        function p(e) {
            for (var n, i, r, o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) {
                if (n = e[o], i = n.length, r = n.substring(i - 2).toUpperCase(), r = rt[r], r === t) return null;
                e[o] = {
                    offset: parseInt(n.substring(0, i - 2), 10) || 0,
                    day: r
            return e

        function f(e) {
            for (var t, n, i = 0, r = e.length, o = []; r > i; i++) t = e[i], "string" == typeof t ? n = t : (n = "" + it[t.day], t.offset && (n = t.offset + n)), o.push(n);
            return "" + o

        function g(e) {
            var t = e.getMonth();
            return 1 === t ? 1 === new Date(e.getFullYear(), 1, 29).getMonth() ? 29 : 28 : nt[t]

        function m(e) {
            return e = e.getFullYear(), e % 4 === 0 && e % 100 !== 0 || e % 400 === 0

        function v(e, t) {
            return e - t

        function _(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = 0,
                o = [];
            if (e)
                for (e = e.split(";"), n = e.length; n > r; r++) i = S(e[r], t), i && o.push(i);
            return o

        function w(t, n, i) {
            for (var r = e.isArray(t) ? t : _(t, i), o = n.getTime() - n.getMilliseconds(), a = 0, s = r.length; s > a; a++)
                if (r[a].getTime() === o) return !0;
            return !1

        function b(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = 0,
                o = [].concat(e);
            for (n = o.length; n > r; r++) i = o[r], i = U.timezone.convert(i, t || i.getTimezoneOffset(), "Etc/UTC"), o[r] = U.toString(i, lt);
            return o.join(";") + ";"

        function y(e, t) {
            var n = new Date(e);
            switch (t.freq) {
                case "yearly":
                    n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
                case "monthly":
                    n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), 1);
                case "weekly":
                    K(n, t.weekStart, -1)
            return t.hours && n.setHours(0), t.minutes && n.setMinutes(0), t.seconds && n.setSeconds(0), n

        function k(e, t) {
            var n = new Date(e);
            switch (t.freq) {
                case "yearly":
                    n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), 11, 31);
                case "monthly":
                    n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth() + 1, 0);
                case "weekly":
                    K(n, t.weekStart, -1), n.setDate(n.getDate() + 6)
            return t.hours && n.setHours(23), t.minutes && n.setMinutes(59), t.seconds && n.setSeconds(59), n

        function x(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s = e.slice(n._startIdx),
                l = s.length,
                c = n.positions,
                d = [];
            for (o = 0, a = c.length; a > o; o++) i = c[o], 0 > i ? i = l + i : i -= 1, r = s[i], r && r.start >= t && d.push(r);
            return e = e.slice(0, n._startIdx).concat(d), n._startIdx = e.length, e

        function C(e, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, C, S, T, A, E, I, P, M, z, F = D(e.recurrenceRule, r),
                R = [];
            if (!F) return [e];
            for (P = F.positions, M = P ? 0 : 1, f = F.start, g = F.end, (f || g) && (e = e.clone({
                start: f ? new Date(f.value[0]) : t,
                end: g ? new Date(g.value[0]) : t
            })), A = e.start, T = A.getTime(), S = J(A), C = _(e.recurrenceException, r), !C[0] && F.exdates && (C = F.exdates.value, e.set("recurrenceException", b(C, r))), h = n = new Date(n), i = new Date(i), v = F.freq, I = mt[v], E = F.count, F.until && i > F.until && (i = new Date(F.until)), m = "yearly" === v || "monthly" === v || "weekly" === v, T > n || E || F.interval > 1 || m ? n = new Date(T) : (l = n.getHours(), c = n.getMinutes(), d = n.getSeconds(), F.hours || (l = A.getHours()), F.minutes || (c = A.getMinutes()), F.seconds || (d = A.getSeconds()), n.setHours(l, c, d, A.getMilliseconds())), F._startPeriod = new Date(n), P && (n = y(n, F), i = k(i, F), z = J(i) - J(n), 0 > z && (l = n.getHours(), i.setHours(l, n.getMinutes(), n.getSeconds(), n.getMilliseconds()), Y.adjustDST(i, l)), F._startPeriod = new Date(n), F._endPeriod = k(n, F), F._startIdx = 0), u = e.duration(), F._startTime = o = Y.toInvariantTime(n), I.setup && I.setup(F, A, n), I.limit(n, i, F); i >= n;)
                if (s = new Date(n), Q(s, u), p = n >= h || s > h, (p && !w(C, n, r) || P) && (o = Y.toUtcTime(Y.getDate(n)) + J(F._startTime), a = o + u, T !== n.getTime() || S !== J(F._startTime) ? R.push(e.toOccurrence({
                    start: new Date(n),
                    end: s,
                    _startTime: o,
                    _endTime: a
                })) : (e._startTime = o, e._endTime = a, R.push(e))), P) {
                    if (I.next(n, F), I.limit(n, i, F), n > F._endPeriod && (R = x(R, A, F), F._endPeriod = k(n, F), M = R.length), E && E === M) break
                } else {
                    if (E && E === M) break;
                    M++, I.next(n, F), I.limit(n, i, F)
            return R

        function S(e, t) {
            return e = U.parseDate(e, ot), e && t && (e = W.convert(e, e.getTimezoneOffset(), t)), e

        function T(e, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = e.split(";");
            for (c = 0, d = u.length; d > c; c++)
                if (i = u[c].split(":"), r = i[0], o = i[1], -1 !== r.indexOf("TZID") && (a = r.substring(r.indexOf("TZID")).split("=")[1]), o)
                    for (o = o.split(","), s = 0, l = o.length; l > s; s++) o[s] = S(o[s], a || n);
            return o ? {
                value: o,
                tzid: a
            } : t

        function D(n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, g = {},
                m = 0,
                v = !1,
                _ = function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.day,
                        i = t.day;
                    return u > n && (n += 7), u > i && (i += 7), n - i
            if (!n) return null;
            for (c = n.split("\n"), c[1] || -1 === n.indexOf("DTSTART") && -1 === n.indexOf("DTEND") && -1 === n.indexOf("EXDATE") || (c = n.split(" ")), m = 0, a = c.length; a > m; m++) l = e.trim(c[m]), -1 !== l.indexOf("DTSTART") ? g.start = T(l, i) : -1 !== l.indexOf("DTEND") ? g.end = T(l, i) : -1 !== l.indexOf("EXDATE") ? g.exdates = T(l, i) : -1 !== l.indexOf("RRULE") ? s = l.substring(6) : e.trim(l) && (s = l);
            for (s = s.split(";"), m = 0, a = s.length; a > m; m++) switch (d = s[m], r = d.split("="), o = e.trim(r[1]).split(","), e.trim(r[0]).toUpperCase()) {
                case "FREQ":
                    g.freq = o[0].toLowerCase();
                case "UNTIL":
                    g.until = S(o[0], i);
                case "COUNT":
                    g.count = parseInt(o[0], 10);
                case "INTERVAL":
                    g.interval = parseInt(o[0], 10);
                case "BYSECOND":
                    g.seconds = h(o, {
                        start: 0,
                        end: 60
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYMINUTE":
                    g.minutes = h(o, {
                        start: 0,
                        end: 59
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYHOUR":
                    g.hours = h(o, {
                        start: 0,
                        end: 23
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYMONTHDAY":
                    g.monthDays = h(o, {
                        start: -31,
                        end: 31
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYYEARDAY":
                    g.yearDays = h(o, {
                        start: -366,
                        end: 366
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYMONTH":
                    g.months = h(o, {
                        start: 1,
                        end: 12
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYDAY":
                    g.weekDays = f = p(o), v = !0;
                case "BYWEEKNO":
                    g.weeks = h(o, {
                        start: -53,
                        end: 53
                    }), v = !0;
                case "BYSETPOS":
                    g.positions = h(o, {
                        start: -366,
                        end: 366
                case "WKST":
                    g.weekStart = u = rt[o[0]]
            return g.freq === t || g.count !== t && g.until ? null : (g.interval || (g.interval = 1), u === t && (g.weekStart = u = U.culture().calendar.firstDay), f && (g.weekDays = f.sort(_)), g.positions && !v && (g.positions = null), g._hasRuleValue = v, g)

        function A(e, t) {
            for (var n, i = e.value, r = e.tzid || "", o = i.length, a = 0; o > a; a++) n = i[a], n = W.convert(n, r || t || n.getTimezoneOffset(), "Etc/UTC"), i[a] = U.toString(n, "yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ");
            return r && (r = ";TZID=" + r), r + ":" + i.join(",") + " "

        function E(e, n) {
            var i = e.weekStart,
                r = "FREQ=" + e.freq.toUpperCase(),
                o = e.exdates || "",
                a = e.start || "",
                s = e.end || "",
                l = e.until;
            return e.interval > 1 && (r += ";INTERVAL=" + e.interval), e.count && (r += ";COUNT=" + e.count), l && (l = W.convert(l, n || l.getTimezoneOffset(), "Etc/UTC"), r += ";UNTIL=" + U.toString(l, "yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")), e.months && (r += ";BYMONTH=" + e.months), e.weeks && (r += ";BYWEEKNO=" + e.weeks), e.yearDays && (r += ";BYYEARDAY=" + e.yearDays), e.monthDays && (r += ";BYMONTHDAY=" + e.monthDays), e.weekDays && (r += ";BYDAY=" + f(e.weekDays)), e.hours && (r += ";BYHOUR=" + e.hours), e.minutes && (r += ";BYMINUTE=" + e.minutes), e.seconds && (r += ";BYSECOND=" + e.seconds), e.positions && (r += ";BYSETPOS=" + e.positions), i !== t && (r += ";WKST=" + it[i]), a && (a = "DTSTART" + A(a, n)), s && (s = "DTEND" + A(s, n)), o && (o = "EXDATE" + A(o, n)), (a || s || o) && (r = a + s + o + "RRULE:" + r), r
        var I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U = window.kendo,
            W = U.timezone,
            j = U.Class,
            G = U.ui,
            q = G.Widget,
            $ = G.DropDownList,
            Y = U.date,
            Q = Y.setTime,
            K = Y.setDayOfWeek,
            X = Y.adjustDST,
            Z = Y.firstDayOfMonth,
            J = Y.getMilliseconds,
            et = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366],
            tt = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365],
            nt = [31, 28, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
            it = {
                0: "SU",
                1: "MO",
                2: "TU",
                3: "WE",
                4: "TH",
                5: "FR",
                6: "SA"
            rt = {
                SU: 0,
                MO: 1,
                TU: 2,
                WE: 3,
                TH: 4,
                FR: 5,
                SA: 6
            ot = ["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH", "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyyMMddTHHmmssfffzzz", "yyyyMMddTHHmmsszzz", "yyyyMMddTHHmmss", "yyyyMMddTHHmm", "yyyyMMddTHH", "yyyyMMdd"],
            at = ["months", "weeks", "yearDays", "monthDays", "weekDays", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"],
            st = at.length,
            lt = "yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ",
            ct = {
                months: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = n.months,
                        r = u(i, e.getMonth() + 1),
                        o = !1;
                    return null !== r && (r.length ? e.setMonth(r[0] - 1, 1) : e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear() + 1, i[0] - 1, 1), o = !0), o
                monthDays: function(e, t, n) {
                    for (var i, r, o, a = !1, s = e.getHours(), l = function(e) {
                        return 0 > e && (e = i + e), e
                    }; t >= e;) {
                        if (r = e.getMonth(), i = g(e), o = u(n.monthDays, e.getDate(), l), null === o) return a;
                        if (a = !0, o.length) {
                            if (e.setMonth(r, o.sort(v)[0]), X(e, s), r === e.getMonth()) break
                        } else e.setMonth(r + 1, 1)
                    return a
                yearDays: function(e, t, n) {
                    for (var r, o, a = !1, s = e.getHours(), l = function(e) {
                        return 0 > e && (e = r + e), e
                    }; t > e;) {
                        if (r = m(e) ? 366 : 365, o = u(n.yearDays, i(e), l), null === o) return a;
                        if (a = !0, r = e.getFullYear(), o.length) {
                            e.setFullYear(r, 0, o.sort(v)[0]), X(e, s);
                        e.setFullYear(r + 1, 0, 1)
                    return a
                weeks: function(e, t, n) {
                    for (var i, o, a, s = n.weekStart, l = !1, c = e.getHours(), d = function(e) {
                        return 0 > e && (e = 53 + e), e
                    }; t > e;) {
                        if (o = u(n.weeks, r(e, s), d), null === o) return l;
                        if (l = !0, i = e.getFullYear(), o.length) {
                            a = 7 * o.sort(v)[0] - 1, e.setFullYear(i, 0, a), K(e, s, -1), X(e, c);
                        e.setFullYear(i + 1, 0, 1)
                    return l
                weekDays: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, a = n.weekDays,
                        s = n.weekStart,
                        u = d(a, e, s),
                        h = e.getHours();
                    if (null === u) return !1;
                    if (i = u[0], i || (i = a[0], K(e, s)), r = i.day, i.offset)
                        for (; t >= e && !c(e, i, s);) o(e, s) === l(e, s) ? (e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + 1, 1), X(e, h)) : (e.setDate(e.getDate() + 7), X(e, h), K(e, s, -1));
                    return e.getDay() !== r && K(e, r), !0
                hours: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = n.hours,
                        r = n._startTime,
                        o = r.getHours(),
                        a = u(i, o),
                        s = !1;
                    return null !== a && (s = !0, e.setHours(o), X(e, o), a.length ? (a = a[0], e.setHours(a)) : (a = e.getHours(), e.setDate(e.getDate() + 1), X(e, a), a = i[0], e.setHours(a), X(e, a)), n.minutes && e.setMinutes(0), r.setHours(a, e.getMinutes())), s
                minutes: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = n.minutes,
                        r = e.getMinutes(),
                        o = u(i, r),
                        a = n._startTime.getHours(),
                        s = !1;
                    return null !== o && (s = !0, o.length ? o = o[0] : (a += 1, o = i[0]), n.seconds && e.setSeconds(0), e.setHours(a, o), a %= 24, X(e, a), n._startTime.setHours(a, o, e.getSeconds())), s
                seconds: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = n.seconds,
                        r = n._startTime.getHours(),
                        o = u(i, e.getSeconds()),
                        a = e.getMinutes(),
                        s = !1;
                    return null !== o && (s = !0, o.length ? e.setSeconds(o[0]) : (a += 1, e.setMinutes(a, i[0]), a > 59 && (a %= 60, r = (r + 1) % 24)), n._startTime.setHours(r, a, e.getSeconds())), s
            dt = j.extend({
                next: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = t._startTime,
                        o = r.getDate();
                    if (t.seconds) i = e.getSeconds() + 1, e.setSeconds(i), r.setSeconds(i), r.setDate(o);
                    else {
                        if (!t.minutes) return !1;
                        n = e.getMinutes() + 1, e.setMinutes(n), r.setMinutes(n), r.setDate(o)
                    return !0
                normalize: function(e) {
                    var t = e.rule;
                    4 === e.idx && t.hours && (t._startTime.setHours(0), this._hour(e.date, t))
                limit: function(e, n, i) {
                    for (var r, o, a, s, l, c = i.interval; n >= e;) {
                        for (a = o = t, l = e.getDate(), s = 0; st > s; s++) {
                            if (r = at[s], i[r]) {
                                if (a = ct[r](e, n, i), o !== t && a) break;
                                o = a
                            a && this.normalize({
                                date: e,
                                rule: i,
                                day: l,
                                idx: s
                        if ((1 === c || !this.interval(i, e)) && s === st) break
                interval: function(e, t) {
                    var i, o, a = new Date(e._startPeriod),
                        s = new Date(t),
                        l = t.getHours(),
                        c = e.weekStart,
                        d = e.interval,
                        u = e.freq,
                        h = !1,
                        p = 0,
                        f = 0,
                        g = 1;
                    return "hourly" === u ? (i = s.getTimezoneOffset() - a.getTimezoneOffset(), o = e._startTime.getHours(), s = s.getTime(), l !== o && (s += (o - l) * Y.MS_PER_HOUR), s -= a, i && (s -= i * Y.MS_PER_MINUTE), i = Math.floor(s / Y.MS_PER_HOUR), p = n(i, d), 0 !== p && (this._hour(t, e, p), h = !0)) : "daily" === u ? (Y.setTime(s, -a), i = Math.floor(s / Y.MS_PER_DAY), p = n(i, d), 0 !== p && (this._date(t, e, p), h = !0)) : "weekly" === u ? (i = 52 * (t.getFullYear() - a.getFullYear()), p = r(t, c) - r(a, c) + i, p = n(p, d), 0 !== p && (Y.setDayOfWeek(t, e.weekStart, -1), t.setDate(t.getDate() + 7 * p), X(t, l), h = !0)) : "monthly" === u ? (i = t.getFullYear() - a.getFullYear(), i = t.getMonth() - a.getMonth() + 12 * i, p = n(i, d), 0 !== p && (g = e._hasRuleValue ? 1 : t.getDate(), t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth() + p, g), X(t, l), h = !0)) : "yearly" === u && (i = t.getFullYear() - a.getFullYear(), p = n(i, d), e.months || (f = t.getMonth()), e.yearDays || e.monthDays || e.weekDays || (g = t.getDate()), 0 !== p && (t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear() + p, f, g), X(t, l), h = !0)), h
                _hour: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = t._startTime,
                        r = i.getHours();
                    n && (r += n), e.setHours(r), r %= 24, i.setHours(r), X(e, r)
                _date: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = e.getHours();
                    e.setDate(e.getDate() + n), X(e, i) || this._hour(e, t)
            ut = dt.extend({
                next: function(e, t) {
                    dt.fn.next(e, t) || this._hour(e, t, 1)
                normalize: function(e) {
                    var t = e.rule;
                    4 === e.idx && (t._startTime.setHours(0), this._hour(e.date, t))
            ht = dt.extend({
                next: function(e, t) {
                    dt.fn.next(e, t) || this[t.hours ? "_hour" : "_date"](e, t, 1)
            pt = ht.extend({
                setup: function(e, t) {
                    e.weekDays || (e.weekDays = [{
                        day: t.getDay(),
                        offset: 0
            ft = dt.extend({
                next: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i;
                    if (!dt.fn.next(e, t))
                        if (t.hours) this._hour(e, t, 1);
                        else if (t.monthDays || t.weekDays || t.yearDays || t.weeks) this._date(e, t, 1);
                    else {
                        for (n = e.getDate(), i = e.getHours(), e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + 1), X(e, i); e.getDate() !== n;) e.setDate(n), X(e, i);
                        this._hour(e, t)
                normalize: function(e) {
                    var t = e.rule,
                        n = e.date,
                        i = n.getHours();
                    0 !== e.idx || t.monthDays || t.weekDays ? dt.fn.normalize(e) : (n.setDate(e.day), X(n, i))
                setup: function(e, t, n) {
                    e.monthDays || e.weekDays || n.setDate(t.getDate())
            gt = ft.extend({
                next: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = e.getHours();
                    if (!dt.fn.next(e, t))
                        if (t.hours) this._hour(e, t, 1);
                        else if (t.monthDays || t.weekDays || t.yearDays || t.weeks) this._date(e, t, 1);
                    else if (t.months) {
                        for (n = e.getDate(), e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + 1), X(e, i); e.getDate() !== n;) e.setDate(n), X(e, i);
                        this._hour(e, t)
                    } else e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear() + 1), X(e, i), this._hour(e, t)
                setup: function() {}
            mt = {
                hourly: new ut,
                daily: new ht,
                weekly: new pt,
                monthly: new ft,
                yearly: new gt
            vt = "click";
        U.recurrence = {
            rule: {
                parse: D,
                serialize: E
            expand: C,
            dayInYear: i,
            weekInYear: r,
            weekInMonth: o,
            numberOfWeeks: l,
            isException: w,
            toExceptionString: b
        }, I = function(e) {
            for (var t = U.culture().calendar.days.namesShort, n = t.length, i = "", r = 0, o = []; n > r; r++) o.push(r);
            for (t = t.slice(e).concat(t.slice(0, e)), o = o.slice(e).concat(o.slice(0, e)), r = 0; n > r; r++) i += '<label class="k-check"><input class="k-recur-weekday-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="' + o[r] + '" /> ' + t[r] + "</label>";
            return i
        }, P = U.template('# if (frequency !== "never") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatEvery#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input class="k-recur-interval"/>#:messages.interval#</div># } ## if (frequency === "weekly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatOn#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field">#=weekDayCheckBoxes(firstWeekDay)#</div># } else if (frequency === "monthly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatOn#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><ul class="k-reset"><li><label><input class="k-recur-month-radio" type="radio" name="month" value="monthday" />#:messages.day#</label><input class="k-recur-monthday" /></li><li><input class="k-recur-month-radio" type="radio" name="month" value="weekday" /><input class="k-recur-weekday-offset" /><input class="k-recur-weekday" /></li></ul></div># } else if (frequency === "yearly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatOn#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><ul class="k-reset"><li><input class="k-recur-year-radio" type="radio" name="year" value="monthday" /><input class="k-recur-month" /><input class="k-recur-monthday" /></li><li><input class="k-recur-year-radio" type="radio" name="year" value="weekday" /><input class="k-recur-weekday-offset" /><input class="k-recur-weekday" />#:messages.of#<input class="k-recur-month" /></li></ul></div># } ## if (frequency !== "never") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:end.label#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><ul class="k-reset"><li><label><input class="k-recur-end-never" type="radio" name="end" value="never" />#:end.never#</label></li><li><label><input class="k-recur-end-count" type="radio" name="end" value="count" />#:end.after#</label><input class="k-recur-count" />#:end.occurrence#</li><li><label><input class="k-recur-end-until" type="radio" name="end" value="until" />#:end.on#</label><input class="k-recur-until" /></li></ul></div># } #'), M = [{
            day: 0,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 1,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 2,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 3,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 4,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 5,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 6,
            offset: 0
        }], z = [{
            day: 1,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 2,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 3,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 4,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 5,
            offset: 0
        }], F = [{
            day: 0,
            offset: 0
        }, {
            day: 6,
            offset: 0
        }], R = q.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = t && t.frequencies;
                q.fn.init.call(i, e, t), i.wrapper = i.element, t = i.options, t.start = n = t.start || Y.today(), r && (t.frequencies = r), "string" == typeof n && (t.start = U.parseDate(n, "yyyyMMddTHHmmss")), null === t.firstWeekDay && (t.firstWeekDay = U.culture().calendar.firstDay), i._namespace = "." + t.name
            options: {
                value: "",
                start: "",
                timezone: "",
                spinners: !0,
                firstWeekDay: null,
                frequencies: ["never", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly"],
                mobile: !1,
                messages: {
                    frequencies: {
                        never: "Never",
                        hourly: "Hourly",
                        daily: "Daily",
                        weekly: "Weekly",
                        monthly: "Monthly",
                        yearly: "Yearly"
                    hourly: {
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        interval: " hour(s)"
                    daily: {
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        interval: " day(s)"
                    weekly: {
                        interval: " week(s)",
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        repeatOn: "Repeat on: "
                    monthly: {
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        repeatOn: "Repeat on: ",
                        interval: " month(s)",
                        day: "Day "
                    yearly: {
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        repeatOn: "Repeat on: ",
                        interval: " year(s)",
                        of: " of "
                    end: {
                        label: "End:",
                        mobileLabel: "Ends",
                        never: "Never",
                        after: "After ",
                        occurrence: " occurrence(s)",
                        on: "On "
                    offsetPositions: {
                        first: "first",
                        second: "second",
                        third: "third",
                        fourth: "fourth",
                        last: "last"
                    weekdays: {
                        day: "day",
                        weekday: "weekday",
                        weekend: "weekend day"
            events: ["change"],
            _initInterval: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._value;
                    spinners: e.options.spinners,
                    value: t.interval || 1,
                    decimals: 0,
                    format: "#",
                    min: 1,
                    change: function() {
                        t.interval = this.value(), e._trigger()
            _weekDayRule: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = (t._weekDay.element || t._weekDay).val(),
                    i = +(t._weekDayOffset.element || t._weekDayOffset).val(),
                    r = null,
                    o = null;
                e || ("day" === n ? (r = M, o = i) : "weekday" === n ? (r = z, o = i) : "weekend" === n ? (r = F, o = i) : r = [{
                    offset: i,
                    day: +n
                }]), t._value.weekDays = r, t._value.positions = o
            _weekDayView: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r._value.weekDays,
                    a = r._value.positions,
                    s = r._weekDayOffset;
                o && (n = o.length, a && (7 === n ? (t = "day", e = a) : 5 === n ? (t = "weekday", e = a) : 2 === n && (t = "weekend", e = a)), t || (o = o[0], t = o.day, e = o.offset || ""), i = s.value ? "value" : "val", s[i](e), r._weekDay[i](t))
            _initWeekDay: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.messages.weekdays,
                    r = n.options.messages.offsetPositions,
                    o = n._container.find(".k-recur-weekday"),
                    a = function() {
                        n._weekDayRule(), n._trigger()
                o[0] && (n._weekDayOffset = new $(n._container.find(".k-recur-weekday-offset"), {
                    change: a,
                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    dataSource: [{
                        text: r.first,
                        value: "1"
                    }, {
                        text: r.second,
                        value: "2"
                    }, {
                        text: r.third,
                        value: "3"
                    }, {
                        text: r.fourth,
                        value: "4"
                    }, {
                        text: r.last,
                        value: "-1"
                }), t = [{
                    text: i.day,
                    value: "day"
                }, {
                    text: i.weekday,
                    value: "weekday"
                }, {
                    text: i.weekend,
                    value: "weekend"
                }], n._weekDay = new $(o, {
                    value: n.options.start.getDay(),
                    change: a,
                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    dataSource: t.concat(e.map(U.culture().calendar.days.names, function(e, t) {
                        return {
                            text: e,
                            value: t
                }), n._weekDayView())
            _initWeekDays: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a._value,
                    l = a._container.find(".k-recur-weekday-checkbox");
                if (l[0] && (l.on(vt + a._namespace, function() {
                    s.weekDays = e.map(l.filter(":checked"), function(e) {
                        return {
                            day: +e.value,
                            offset: 0
                    }), a.options.mobile || a._trigger()
                }), s.weekDays))
                    for (i = 0, r = l.length, o = s.weekDays.length; r > i; i++)
                        for (n = l[i], t = 0; o > t; t++) n.value == s.weekDays[t].day && (n.checked = !0)
            _initMonthDay: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._value,
                    n = e._container.find(".k-recur-monthday");
                n[0] && (e._monthDay = new U.ui.NumericTextBox(n, {
                    spinners: e.options.spinners,
                    min: 1,
                    max: 31,
                    decimals: 0,
                    format: "#",
                    value: t.monthDays ? t.monthDays[0] : e.options.start.getDate(),
                    change: function() {
                        var n = this.value();
                        t.monthDays = n ? [n] : n, e._trigger()
            _initCount: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._container.find(".k-recur-count"),
                    n = e._value;
                e._count = t.kendoNumericTextBox({
                    spinners: e.options.spinners,
                    value: n.count || 1,
                    decimals: 0,
                    format: "#",
                    min: 1,
                    change: function() {
                        n.count = this.value(), e._trigger()
            _initUntil: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._container.find(".k-recur-until"),
                    n = e.options.start,
                    i = e._value,
                    r = i.until;
                e._until = t.kendoDatePicker({
                    min: r && n > r ? r : n,
                    value: r || new Date(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate(), 23, 59, 59),
                    change: function() {
                        var t = this.value();
                        i.until = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate(), 23, 59, 59), e._trigger()
            _trigger: function() {
                this.options.mobile || this.trigger("change")
        }), H = R.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                R.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._initFrequency(), n._initContainer(), n.value(n.options.value)
            options: {
                name: "RecurrenceEditor"
            events: ["change"],
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._frequency.destroy(), e._container.find("input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]").off(vt + e._namespace), U.destroy(e._container), R.fn.destroy.call(e)
            value: function(e) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.options.timezone;
                return e === t ? i._value.freq ? E(i._value, r) : "" : (i._value = D(e, r) || {}, n = i._value.freq, n ? i._frequency.value(n) : i._frequency.select(0), i._initView(i._frequency.value()), t)
            _initContainer: function() {
                var t = this.element,
                    n = e('<div class="k-recur-view" />'),
                    i = t.parent(".k-edit-field");
                i[0] ? n.insertAfter(i) : t.append(n), this._container = n
            _initFrequency: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.frequencies,
                    o = i.messages.frequencies,
                    a = e("<input />");
                r = e.map(r, function(e) {
                    return {
                        text: o[e],
                        value: e
                }), t = r[0], t && "never" === t.value && (t.value = ""), n.element.append(a), n._frequency = new $(a, {
                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    dataSource: r,
                    change: function() {
                        n._value = {}, n._initView(n._frequency.value()), n.trigger("change")
            _initView: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n._value,
                    r = n.options,
                    o = {
                        frequency: e || "never",
                        weekDayCheckBoxes: I,
                        firstWeekDay: r.firstWeekDay,
                        messages: r.messages[e],
                        end: r.messages.end
                return U.destroy(n._container), n._container.html(P(o)), e ? (i.freq = e, "weekly" !== e || i.weekDays || (i.weekDays = [{
                    day: r.start.getDay(),
                    offset: 0
                }]), n._initInterval(), n._initWeekDays(), n._initMonthDay(), n._initWeekDay(), n._initMonth(), n._initCount(), n._initUntil(), n._period(), n._end(), t) : (n._value = {}, t)
            _initMonth: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n._value,
                    r = i.months || [n.options.start.getMonth() + 1],
                    o = n._container.find(".k-recur-month");
                o[0] && (t = {
                    change: function() {
                        i.months = [+this.value()], n.trigger("change")
                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    dataSource: e.map(U.culture().calendar.months.names, function(e, t) {
                        return {
                            text: e,
                            value: t + 1
                }, n._month1 = new $(o[0], t), n._month2 = new $(o[1], t), r && (r = r[0], n._month1.value(r), n._month2.value(r)))
            _end: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t._value,
                    i = t._container,
                    r = t._namespace,
                    o = function(e) {
                        t._toggleEnd(e.currentTarget.value), t.trigger("change")
                t._buttonNever = i.find(".k-recur-end-never").on(vt + r, o), t._buttonCount = i.find(".k-recur-end-count").on(vt + r, o), t._buttonUntil = i.find(".k-recur-end-until").on(vt + r, o), n.count ? e = "count" : n.until && (e = "until"), t._toggleEnd(e)
            _period: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._value,
                    n = "monthly" === t.freq,
                    i = n ? e._toggleMonthDay : e._toggleYear,
                    r = ".k-recur-" + (n ? "month" : "year") + "-radio",
                    o = e._container.find(r);
                (n || "yearly" === t.freq) && (o.on(vt + e._namespace, function(t) {
                    i.call(e, t.currentTarget.value), e.trigger("change")
                }), e._buttonMonthDay = o.eq(0), e._buttonWeekDay = o.eq(1), i.call(e, t.weekDays ? "weekday" : "monthday"))
            _toggleEnd: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this;
                "count" === e ? (o._buttonCount.prop("checked", !0), i = !0, r = !1, t = o._count.value(), n = null) : "until" === e ? (o._buttonUntil.prop("checked", !0), i = !1, r = !0, t = null, n = o._until.value()) : (o._buttonNever.prop("checked", !0), i = r = !1, t = n = null), o._count.enable(i), o._until.enable(r), o._value.count = t, o._value.until = n
            _toggleMonthDay: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = !1,
                    r = !0,
                    o = !1;
                "monthday" === e ? (n._buttonMonthDay.prop("checked", !0), t = [n._monthDay.value()], i = !0, r = !1, o = !0) : (n._buttonWeekDay.prop("checked", !0), t = null), n._weekDay.enable(r), n._weekDayOffset.enable(r), n._monthDay.enable(i), n._value.monthDays = t, n._weekDayRule(o)
            _toggleYear: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = !1,
                    r = !0;
                "monthday" === e ? (i = !0, r = !1, t = n._month1.value()) : t = n._month2.value(), n._month1.enable(i), n._month2.enable(r), n._value.months = [t], n._toggleMonthDay(e)
        }), G.plugin(H), B = U.template('<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:headerTitle#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field k-recur-pattern k-scheduler-toolbar"></div><div class="k-recur-view"></div>'), L = U.template('# if (frequency !== "never") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatEvery#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input class="k-recur-interval" pattern="\\\\d*"/>#:messages.interval#</div># } ## if (frequency === "weekly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatOn#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field">#=weekDayCheckBoxes(firstWeekDay)#</div># } else if (frequency === "monthly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatBy#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field k-scheduler-toolbar k-repeat-rule"></div><div class="k-monthday-view" style="display:none"><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.day#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input class="k-recur-monthday" pattern="\\\\d*"/></div></div><div class="k-weekday-view" style="display:none"><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.every#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><select class="k-recur-weekday-offset"></select></div><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.day#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><select class="k-recur-weekday"></select></div></div># } else if (frequency === "yearly") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.repeatBy#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field k-scheduler-toolbar k-repeat-rule"></div><div class="k-monthday-view" style="display:none"><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.day#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input class="k-recur-monthday" pattern="\\\\d*"/></div></div><div class="k-weekday-view" style="display:none"><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.every#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><select class="k-recur-weekday-offset"></select></div><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.day#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><select class="k-recur-weekday"></select></div></div><div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.month#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><select class="k-recur-month"></select></div># } #'), N = U.template('# if (endPattern === "count") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.after#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input class="k-recur-count" pattern="\\\\d*" /></div># } else if (endPattern === "until") { #<div class="k-edit-label"><label>#:messages.on#</label></div><div class="k-edit-field"><input type="date" class="k-recur-until" /></div># } #'), O = U.template('<ul class="k-reset k-header k-scheduler-navigation">#for (var i = 0, length = dataSource.length; i < length; i++) {#<li class="k-state-default #= value === dataSource[i].value ? "k-state-selected" : "" #"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link" data-#=ns#value="#=dataSource[i].value#">#:dataSource[i].text#</a></li>#}#</ul>'), V = R.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                R.fn.init.call(n, e, t), t = n.options, n._optionTemplate = U.template('<option value="#:value#">#:text#</option>'), n.value(t.value), n._pane = t.pane, n._initRepeatButton(), n._initRepeatEnd(), n._defaultValue = n._value
            options: {
                name: "MobileRecurrenceEditor",
                animations: {
                    left: "slide",
                    right: "slide:right"
                mobile: !0,
                messages: {
                    cancel: "Cancel",
                    update: "Save",
                    endTitle: "Repeat ends",
                    repeatTitle: "Repeat pattern",
                    headerTitle: "Repeat event",
                    end: {
                        patterns: {
                            never: "Never",
                            after: "After...",
                            on: "On..."
                        never: "Never",
                        after: "End repeat after",
                        on: "End repeat on"
                    daily: {
                        interval: ""
                    hourly: {
                        interval: ""
                    weekly: {
                        interval: ""
                    monthly: {
                        interval: "",
                        repeatBy: "Repeat by: ",
                        dayOfMonth: "Day of the month",
                        dayOfWeek: "Day of the week",
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every",
                        every: "Every",
                        day: "Day "
                    yearly: {
                        interval: "",
                        repeatBy: "Repeat by: ",
                        dayOfMonth: "Day of the month",
                        dayOfWeek: "Day of the week",
                        repeatEvery: "Repeat every: ",
                        every: "Every",
                        month: "Month",
                        day: "Day"
            events: ["change"],
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options.timezone;
                return e === t ? n._value.freq ? E(n._value, i) : "" : (n._value = D(e, i) || {}, t)
            destroy: function() {
                this._destroyView(), U.destroy(this._endFields), this._repeatButton.off(vt + this._namespace), R.fn.destroy.call(this)
            _initRepeatButton: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.messages.frequencies[this._value.freq || "never"];
                t._repeatButton = e('<a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-recur">' + n + "</a>").on(vt + t._namespace, function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), t._createView("repeat"), t._pane.navigate("recurrence", t.options.animations.left)
                }), t.element.append(t._repeatButton)
            _initRepeatEnd: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = e('<div class="k-edit-label"><label>' + t.options.messages.end.mobileLabel + "</label></div>").insertAfter(t.element.parent(".k-edit-field")),
                    i = e('<div class="k-edit-field"><a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-recur-end"></a></div>').on(vt + t._namespace, function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), t._value.freq && (t._createView("end"), t._pane.navigate("recurrence", t.options.animations.left))
                t._endFields = n.add(i).toggleClass("k-state-disabled", !t._value.freq), t._endButton = i.find(".k-scheduler-recur-end").text(t._endText())
            _endText: function() {
                var e = this._value,
                    t = this.options.messages.end,
                    n = t.never;
                return e.count ? n = U.format("{0} {1}", t.after, e.count) : e.until && (n = U.format("{0} {1:d}", t.on, e.until)), n
            _initFrequency: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.messages.frequencies,
                    i = O({
                        dataSource: e.map(this.options.frequencies, function(e) {
                            return {
                                text: n[e],
                                value: "never" !== e ? e : ""
                        value: t._value.freq || "",
                        ns: U.ns
                t._view.element.find(".k-recur-pattern").append(i).on(vt + t._namespace, ".k-scheduler-navigation li", function(n) {
                    var i = e(this);
                    n.preventDefault(), i.addClass("k-state-selected").siblings().removeClass("k-state-selected"), t._value = {
                        freq: i.children("a").attr(U.attr("value"))
                    }, t._initRepeatView()
            _initEndNavigation: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.messages.end.patterns,
                    r = n._value,
                    o = "";
                r.count ? o = "count" : r.until && (o = "until"), t = O({
                    dataSource: [{
                        text: i.never,
                        value: ""
                    }, {
                        text: i.after,
                        value: "count"
                    }, {
                        text: i.on,
                        value: "until"
                    value: o,
                    ns: U.ns
                }), n._view.element.find(".k-recur-pattern").append(t).on(vt + n._namespace, ".k-scheduler-navigation li", function(t) {
                    var i = e(this),
                        o = null,
                        a = null;
                    t.preventDefault(), i.addClass("k-state-selected").siblings().removeClass("k-state-selected"), n._initEndView(i.children("a").attr(U.attr("value"))), n._count ? (o = n._count.value(), a = null) : n._until && (o = null, a = n._until.val ? U.parseDate(n._until.val(), "yyyy-MM-dd") : n._until.value()), r.count = o, r.until = a
            _createView: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.messages,
                    o = r["repeat" === t ? "repeatTitle" : "endTitle"],
                    a = '<div data-role="view" class="k-popup-edit-form k-scheduler-edit-form k-mobile-list" id="recurrence"><div data-role="header" class="k-header"><a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-cancel">' + r.cancel + "</a>" + r.headerTitle + '<a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-update">' + r.update + "</a></div>",
                    s = n._pane.view().id;
                n._view = n._pane.append(a + B({
                    headerTitle: o
                })), n._view.element.on(vt + n._namespace, "a.k-scheduler-cancel, a.k-scheduler-update", function(t) {
                    t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), e(this).hasClass("k-scheduler-update") ? (n.trigger("change"), n._defaultValue = e.extend({}, n._value)) : n._value = n._defaultValue;
                    var i = n._value.freq;
                    n._endButton.text(n._endText()), n._endFields.toggleClass("k-state-disabled", !i), n._repeatButton.text(r.frequencies[i || "never"]), n._pane.one("viewShow", function() {
                    }), n._pane.navigate(s, n.options.animations.right)
                }), n._container = n._view.element.find(".k-recur-view"), "repeat" === t ? (n._initFrequency(), n._initRepeatView()) : (n._initEndNavigation(), n._initEndView())
            _destroyView: function() {
                this._view && (this._view.destroy(), this._view.element.remove()), this._view = null
            _initRepeatView: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = e._value.freq || "never",
                    i = {
                        frequency: n,
                        weekDayCheckBoxes: I,
                        firstWeekDay: e.options.firstWeekDay,
                        messages: e.options.messages[n]
                    r = L(i),
                    o = e._container,
                    a = e._value;
                return U.destroy(o), o.html(r), r ? ("weekly" !== n || a.weekDays || (a.weekDays = [{
                    day: e.options.start.getDay(),
                    offset: 0
                }]), e._initInterval(), e._initMonthDay(), e._initWeekDays(), e._initWeekDay(), e._initMonth(), e._period(), t) : (e._value = {}, t)
            _initEndView: function(e) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i._value;
                e === t && (r.count ? e = "count" : r.until && (e = "until")), n = {
                    endPattern: e,
                    messages: i.options.messages.end
                }, U.destroy(i._container), i._container.html(N(n)), i._initCount(), i._initUntil()
            _initWeekDay: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.messages.weekdays,
                    r = n.options.messages.offsetPositions,
                    o = n._container.find(".k-recur-weekday"),
                    a = function() {
                        n._weekDayRule(), n.trigger("change")
                o[0] && (n._weekDayOffset = n._container.find(".k-recur-weekday-offset").html(n._options([{
                    text: r.first,
                    value: "1"
                }, {
                    text: r.second,
                    value: "2"
                }, {
                    text: r.third,
                    value: "3"
                }, {
                    text: r.fourth,
                    value: "4"
                }, {
                    text: r.last,
                    value: "-1"
                }])).change(a), t = [{
                    text: i.day,
                    value: "day"
                }, {
                    text: i.weekday,
                    value: "weekday"
                }, {
                    text: i.weekend,
                    value: "weekend"
                }], t = t.concat(e.map(U.culture().calendar.days.names, function(e, t) {
                    return {
                        text: e,
                        value: t
                })), n._weekDay = o.html(n._options(t)).change(a).val(n.options.start.getDay()), n._weekDayView())
            _initMonth: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n._value,
                    r = n.options.start,
                    o = i.months || [r.getMonth() + 1],
                    a = n._container.find(".k-recur-month"),
                    s = U.culture().calendar.months.names;
                a[0] && (t = e.map(s, function(e, t) {
                    return {
                        text: e,
                        value: t + 1
                }), a.html(n._options(t)).change(function() {
                    i.months = [+this.value]
                }), n._monthSelect = a, o && a.val(o[0]))
            _period: function() {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r._value,
                    a = r._container,
                    s = r.options.messages[o.freq],
                    l = a.find(".k-repeat-rule"),
                    c = a.find(".k-weekday-view"),
                    d = a.find(".k-monthday-view");
                l[0] && (t = o.weekDays ? "weekday" : "monthday", n = O({
                    value: t,
                    dataSource: [{
                        text: s.dayOfMonth,
                        value: "monthday"
                    }, {
                        text: s.dayOfWeek,
                        value: "weekday"
                    ns: U.ns
                }), i = function(e) {
                    var t = r._weekDay.val(),
                        n = r._weekDayOffset.val(),
                        i = r._monthDay.value(),
                        a = r._monthSelect ? r._monthSelect.val() : null;
                    "monthday" === e ? (o.weekDays = null, o.monthDays = i ? [i] : i, o.months = a ? [+a] : a, c.hide(), d.show()) : (o.monthDays = null, o.months = a ? [+a] : a, o.weekDays = [{
                        offset: +n,
                        day: +t
                    }], c.show(), d.hide())
                }, l.append(n).on(vt + r._namespace, ".k-scheduler-navigation li", function(t) {
                    var n, r = e(this).addClass("k-state-selected");
                    t.preventDefault(), r.siblings().removeClass("k-state-selected"), n = r.children("a").attr(U.attr("value")), i(n)
                }), i(t))
            _initUntil: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._container.find(".k-recur-until"),
                    n = e.options.start,
                    i = e._value,
                    r = i.until,
                    o = r && n > r ? r : n;
                e._until = U.support.input.date ? t.attr("min", U.toString(o, "yyyy-MM-dd")).val(U.toString(r || n, "yyyy-MM-dd")).on("change", function() {
                    i.until = U.parseDate(this.value, "yyyy-MM-dd")
                }) : t.kendoDatePicker({
                    min: o,
                    value: r || n,
                    change: function() {
                        i.until = this.value()
            _options: function(e, t) {
                var n = 0,
                    i = "",
                    r = e.length,
                    o = this._optionTemplate;
                for (t && (i += o({
                    value: "",
                    text: t
                })); r > n; n++) i += o(e[n]);
                return i
        }), G.plugin(V)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var t = new Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            return c(t, f(e)), t

        function i(e) {
            var t = [],
                n = e.workWeekStart;
            for (t.push(n); e.workWeekEnd != n;) n > 6 ? n -= 7 : n++, t.push(n);
            return t

        function r(e) {
            var t, n = 0;
            if (e.columns) {
                for (t = 0; e.columns.length > t; t++) n += r(e.columns[t]);
                return e.colspan = n, n
            return e.colspan = 1, 1

        function o(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, s;
            for (i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) r = e[i].rectLeft, s = e[i].rectRight, o = t >= r && s >= t, (o || r >= t && n >= s || r >= t && n >= r) && (t > r && (t = r), s > n && (n = s));
            return a(e, t, n)

        function a(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = {
                rectLeft: e[i].rectLeft,
                rectRight: e[i].rectRight
            }, (t > r.rectLeft && r.rectRight > t || r.rectLeft >= t && n >= r.rectRight) && o.push(e[i]);
            return o
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui,
            c = s.date.setTime,
            d = l.SchedulerView,
            u = e.extend,
            h = e.proxy,
            p = s.date.getDate,
            f = s.date.getMilliseconds,
            g = s.date.MS_PER_DAY,
            m = s.date.MS_PER_MINUTE,
            v = ".kendoTimelineView",
            _ = s.template('<div><div class="k-event-template k-event-time">#:kendo.format("{0:t} - {1:t}", start, end)#</div><div class="k-event-template">${title}</div></div>'),
            w = s.template("<span class='k-link k-nav-day'>#=kendo.format('{0:m}', date)#</span>"),
            b = '<div role="gridcell" aria-selected="false" data-#=ns#uid="#=uid#"#if (resources[0]) { #style="background-color:#=resources[0].color#; border-color: #=resources[0].color#"class="k-event#=inverseColor ? " k-event-inverse" : ""#" #} else {#class="k-event"#}#><span class="k-event-actions"># if(data.tail) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span>#}## if(data.isException()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-exception"></span># } else if(data.isRecurring()) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span># } #</span>{0}<span class="k-event-actions">#if (showDelete) {#<a href="\\#" class="k-link k-event-delete"><span class="k-icon k-si-close"></span></a>#}## if(data.head) {#<span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span>#}#</span>#if(resizable && !data.tail){#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-w"></span>#}##if(resizable && !data.head){#<span class="k-resize-handle k-resize-e"></span>#}#</div>',
            y = d.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    d.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.title = n.options.title || n.options.name, n._workDays = i(n.options), n._templates(), n._editable(), n.calculateDateRange(), n._groups(), n._currentTime()
                name: "timeline",
                _currentTimeMarkerUpdater: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = new Date,
                        g = this.options;
                    if (this.datesHeader.find(".k-current-time").remove(), this._isInDateSlot({
                        start: f,
                        end: f
                        for (g.currentTimeMarker.useLocalTimezone === !1 && (t = g.dataSource.options.schema.timezone, g.dataSource && t && (n = s.timezone.offset(f, t), f = s.timezone.convert(f, f.getTimezoneOffset(), n))), i = g.group && "vertical" != g.group.orientation ? this.groups.length : 1, r = 0; i > r; r++) {
                            if (o = this.groups[r], a = s.date.toUtcTime(f), l = o.timeSlotRanges(a, a + 1), 0 === l.length) return;
                            c = l[0].collection, d = c.slotByStartDate(f), d && (u = e("<div class='k-current-time'></div>"), h = this.datesHeader, p = Math.round(l[0].innerRect(f, new Date(f.getTime() + 1), !1).left), u.appendTo(h.find(".k-scheduler-header-wrap")).css({
                                left: this._adjustLeftPosition(p),
                                width: "1px",
                                bottom: "1px",
                                top: 0
                _adjustLeftPosition: function(e) {
                    return this._isRtl && (e -= this.content[0].scrollWidth - this.content[0].offsetWidth), e
                _currentTime: function() {
                    var e, n = this,
                        i = n.options.currentTimeMarker;
                    i !== !1 && i.updateInterval !== t && (e = i.updateInterval, n._currentTimeMarkerUpdater(), n._currentTimeUpdateTimer = setInterval(h(this._currentTimeMarkerUpdater, n), e))
                _editable: function() {
                    this.options.editable && (this._isMobile() ? this._touchEditable() : this._mouseEditable())
                _mouseEditable: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.element.on("click" + v, ".k-event a:has(.k-si-close)", function(n) {
                        t.trigger("remove", {
                            uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(s.attr("uid"))
                        }), n.preventDefault()
                    }), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + v, ".k-scheduler-content td", function(e) {
                        var n, i = t._slotByPosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);
                        i && (n = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                            eventInfo: u({
                                start: i.startDate(),
                                end: i.endDate()
                            }, n)
                        })), e.preventDefault()
                    }), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && t.element.on("dblclick" + v, ".k-event", function(n) {
                        t.trigger("edit", {
                            uid: e(this).closest(".k-event").attr(s.attr("uid"))
                        }), n.preventDefault()
                _touchEditable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = 0;
                    s.support.mobileOS.android && (n = 5), t.options.editable.create !== !1 && (t._addUserEvents = new s.UserEvents(t.element, {
                        threshold: n,
                        filter: ".k-scheduler-content td",
                        tap: function(e) {
                            var n, i = t._slotByPosition(e.x.location, e.y.location);
                            i && (n = t._resourceBySlot(i), t.trigger("add", {
                                eventInfo: u({
                                    start: i.startDate(),
                                    end: i.endDate()
                                }, n)
                            })), e.preventDefault()
                    })), t.options.editable.update !== !1 && (t._editUserEvents = new s.UserEvents(t.element, {
                        threshold: n,
                        filter: ".k-event",
                        tap: function(n) {
                            var i = e(n.target).closest(".k-event");
                            i.hasClass("k-event-active") || t.trigger("edit", {
                                uid: i.attr(s.attr("uid"))
                            }), n.preventDefault()
                _slotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this.content,
                        l = a.offset();
                    for (e -= l.left, t -= l.top, this._isRtl ? (o = s.support.browser, o.mozilla ? (e += a[0].scrollWidth - a[0].offsetWidth, e += a[0].scrollLeft) : o.msie ? (e -= a.scrollLeft(), e += a[0].scrollWidth - a[0].offsetWidth) : o.webkit && (e += a[0].scrollLeft)) : e += a[0].scrollLeft, t += a[0].scrollTop, e = Math.ceil(e), t = Math.ceil(t), r = 0; this.groups.length > r; r++)
                        if (i = this.groups[r], n = i.timeSlotByPosition(e, t)) return n;
                    return null
                options: {
                    name: "TimelineView",
                    title: "Timeline",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d}",
                    date: s.date.today(),
                    startTime: s.date.today(),
                    endTime: s.date.today(),
                    showWorkHours: !1,
                    minorTickCount: 2,
                    editable: !0,
                    workDayStart: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                    workDayEnd: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 17, 0, 0),
                    workWeekStart: 1,
                    workWeekEnd: 5,
                    majorTick: 60,
                    eventHeight: 25,
                    eventMinWidth: 0,
                    columnWidth: 100,
                    groupHeaderTemplate: "#=text#",
                    majorTimeHeaderTemplate: "#=kendo.toString(date, 't')#",
                    slotTemplate: "&nbsp;",
                    eventTemplate: _,
                    dateHeaderTemplate: w,
                    footer: {
                        command: "workDay"
                    currentTimeMarker: {
                        updateInterval: 1e4,
                        useLocalTimezone: !0
                    messages: {
                        defaultRowText: "All events",
                        showFullDay: "Show full day",
                        showWorkDay: "Show business hours"
                events: ["remove", "add", "edit"],
                _templates: function() {
                    var e = this.options,
                        t = u({}, s.Template, e.templateSettings);
                    this.eventTemplate = this._eventTmpl(e.eventTemplate, b), this.majorTimeHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.majorTimeHeaderTemplate, t), this.dateHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.dateHeaderTemplate, t), this.slotTemplate = s.template(e.slotTemplate, t), this.groupHeaderTemplate = s.template(e.groupHeaderTemplate, t)
                _render: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    t = t || [], n._dates = t, n._startDate = t[0], n._endDate = t[t.length - 1 || 0], n._calculateSlotRanges(), n.createLayout(n._layout(t)), n._content(t), n._footer(), n._setContentWidth(), n.refreshLayout(), n.datesHeader.on("click" + v, ".k-nav-day", function(t) {
                        var i = e(t.currentTarget).closest("th"),
                            r = n._slotByPosition(i.offset().left, n.content.offset().top);
                        n.trigger("navigate", {
                            view: "timeline",
                            date: r.startDate()
                    }), n.timesHeader.find("table tr:last").hide(), n.datesHeader.find("table tr:last").hide()
                _setContentWidth: function() {
                    var e = this.content,
                        t = e.width(),
                        n = this.content.find("table"),
                        i = n.find("tr:first").children().length,
                        r = 100,
                        o = i * this.options.columnWidth;
                    o > t && (r = Math.ceil(o / t * 100)), n.add(this.datesHeader.find("table")).css("width", r + "%")
                _calculateSlotRanges: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this._dates,
                        o = this.startTime(),
                        a = this.endTime();
                    for (f(a) === f(s.date.getDate(a)) && (a = s.date.getDate(a), c(a, g - 1)), a = f(a), o = f(o), e = [], t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = p(r[t]), c(n, o), i = p(r[t]), c(i, a), e.push({
                        start: s.date.toUtcTime(n),
                        end: s.date.toUtcTime(i)
                    this._slotRanges = e
                _forTimeRange: function(e, t, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, d, u, h, p, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T;
                    for (e = n(e), t = n(t), o = this, a = f(e), s = f(t), l = o.options.minorTickCount, d = o.options.majorTick * m, u = d / l || 1, h = new Date(+e), p = h.getDate(), _ = 0, b = "", w = g / u, a != s && (a > s && (s += g), w = (s - a) / u), w = Math.round(w); w > _; _++) y = _ % (d / u), k = 0 === y, x = l - 1 > y, C = y === l - 1, S = l, w % l !== 0 && (T = l > w - (_ + 1), k && T && (S = w % l)), b += i(h, k, x, C, S), c(h, u, !1);
                    return s && (v = f(h), p < h.getDate() && (v += g), v > s && (h = new Date(+t))), r && (b += r(h)), b
                _layout: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, o = [],
                        a = [],
                        s = this,
                        l = [{
                            text: s.options.messages.defaultRowText
                        c = [];
                    for (t = 0; s.options.minorTickCount > t; t++) c.push({
                        text: "",
                        className: ""
                    for (this._forTimeRange(s.startTime(), s.endTime(), function(e, t, n, i, a) {
                        var l, d = s.majorTimeHeaderTemplate;
                        t && (l = {
                            text: d({
                                date: e
                            className: i ? "k-slot-cell" : "",
                            columns: c.slice(0, a)
                        }, r(l), o.push(l))
                    }), n = 0; e.length > n; n++) a.push({
                        text: s.dateHeaderTemplate({
                            date: e[n]
                        className: "k-slot-cell",
                        columns: o.slice(0)
                    return i = this.groupedResources, i.length && ("vertical" === this._groupOrientation() ? l = s._createRowsLayout(i, null, this.groupHeaderTemplate) : a = s._createColumnsLayout(i, a, this.groupHeaderTemplate)), {
                        columns: a,
                        rows: l
                _footer: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.options;
                    r.footer !== !1 && (t = '<div class="k-header k-scheduler-footer">', n = r.footer.command, n && "workDay" === n ? (t += '<ul class="k-reset k-header">', t += '<li class="k-state-default k-scheduler-fullday"><a href="#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-clock"></span>', t += (r.showWorkHours ? r.messages.showFullDay : r.messages.showWorkDay) + "</a></li>", t += "</ul>") : t += "&nbsp;", t += "</div>", this.footer = e(t).appendTo(this.element), i = this, this.footer.on("click" + v, ".k-scheduler-fullday", function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), i.trigger("navigate", {
                            view: i.name || r.name,
                            date: i.startDate(),
                            isWorkDay: !r.showWorkHours
                _columnCountForLevel: function(e) {
                    var t = this.columnLevels[e];
                    return t ? t.length : 0
                _rowCountForLevel: function(e) {
                    var t = this.rowLevels[e];
                    return t ? t.length : 0
                _isWorkDay: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.getDay(),
                        i = this._workDays;
                    for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++)
                        if (i[t] === n) return !0;
                    return !1
                _content: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        l = a.options,
                        c = a.startTime(),
                        d = this.endTime(),
                        u = 1,
                        h = 1,
                        p = e.length,
                        f = "",
                        g = this.groupedResources,
                        m = this.slotTemplate,
                        v = !1;
                    for (g.length && (v = "vertical" === a._groupOrientation(), v ? h = a._groupCount() : u = a._groupCount()), f += "<tbody>", t = function(t) {
                        var o, c = "",
                            d = "",
                            u = function(e) {
                                return function() {
                                    return a._resourceBySlot({
                                        groupIndex: e
                        return s.date.isToday(e[r]) && (d += "k-today"), (s.date.getMilliseconds(t) < s.date.getMilliseconds(l.workDayStart) || s.date.getMilliseconds(t) >= s.date.getMilliseconds(l.workDayEnd) || !a._isWorkDay(e[r])) && (d += " k-nonwork-hour"), c += "<td" + ("" !== d ? ' class="' + d + '"' : "") + ">", o = s.date.getDate(e[r]), s.date.setTime(o, s.date.getMilliseconds(t)), c += m({
                            date: o,
                            resources: u(v ? n : i)
                        }), c += "</td>"
                    }, n = 0; h > n; n++) {
                        for (f += "<tr>", i = 0; u > i; i++)
                            for (r = 0, o = p; o > r; r++) f += this._forTimeRange(c, d, t);
                        f += "</tr>"
                    f += "</tbody>", this.content.find("table").append(f)
                _groups: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this._groupCount(),
                        o = this._dates,
                        a = o.length;
                    for (this.groups = [], e = 0; r > e; e++) t = this._addResourceView(e), n = o[0], i = o[o.length - 1 || 0], t.addTimeSlotCollection(n, s.date.addDays(i, 1));
                    this._timeSlotGroups(r, a)
                _isVerticallyGrouped: function() {
                    return this.groupedResources.length && "vertical" === this._groupOrientation()
                _isHorizontallyGrouped: function() {
                    return this.groupedResources.length && "horizontal" === this._groupOrientation()
                _timeSlotGroups: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, g, m, v, _, w, b, y = this._timeSlotInterval(),
                        k = this._isVerticallyGrouped(),
                        x = this.content.find("tr"),
                        C = x.length;
                    for (x.attr("role", "row"), k && (C = Math.floor(C / e)), n = 0; e > n; n++)
                        for (i = 0, r = this.groups[n], k && (i = n), a = i * C, s = 0, k || (s = n), l = x[a].children, c = l.length / (k ? 1 : e), d = c / t, u = 0; t > u; u++)
                            for (h = u * d + c * s, o = f(new Date(+this.startTime())), p = 0; d > p; p++) g = l[p + h], m = r.getTimeSlotCollection(0), v = this._dates[u], _ = Date.UTC(v.getFullYear(), v.getMonth(), v.getDate()), w = _ + o, b = w + y, g.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), g.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1), m.addTimeSlot(g, w, b, !0), o += y
                startDate: function() {
                    return this._startDate
                endDate: function() {
                    return this._endDate
                startTime: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.showWorkHours ? e.workDayStart : e.startTime
                endTime: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.showWorkHours ? e.workDayEnd : e.endTime
                _timeSlotInterval: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return e.majorTick / e.minorTickCount * m
                nextDate: function() {
                    return s.date.nextDay(this.endDate())
                previousDate: function() {
                    return s.date.previousDay(this.startDate())
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                render: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o;
                    for (this._headerColumnCount = 0, this._groups(), this.element.find(".k-event").remove(), e = new s.data.Query(e).sort([{
                        field: "start",
                        dir: "asc"
                    }, {
                        field: "end",
                        dir: "desc"
                    }]).toArray(), t = [], this._eventsByResource(e, this.groupedResources, t), n = [], i = 0, r = 0; t.length > r; r++) o = {
                        groupIndex: r,
                        maxRowCount: 0,
                        events: {}
                    }, n.push(o), this._renderEvents(t[r], r, o), o.maxRowCount > i && (i = o.maxRowCount);
                    this._setRowsHeight(n, t.length, i), this._positionEvents(n, t.length), this.trigger("activate")
                _positionEvents: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    for (n = 0; t > n; n++) {
                        i = e[n].events;
                        for (r in i) o = i[r], this._positionEvent(o)
                _setRowsHeight: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c = this.options.eventHeight + 2,
                        d = this._getBottomRowOffset();
                    for (n = this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? n : 1, r = 0; n > r; r++) o = this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? t[r].maxRowCount : i, o = o ? o : 1, a = (c + 2) * o + d, s = e(this.times.find("tr")[r]), l = e(this.content.find("tr")[r]), s.height(a), l.height(a);
                    this._setContentWidth(), this.refreshLayout(), this._refreshSlots()
                _getBottomRowOffset: function() {
                    var e, t, n = .5 * this.options.eventHeight,
                        i = this._isMobile();
                    return i ? (e = 30, t = 60) : (e = 15, t = 30), n > t ? n = t : e > n && (n = e), n
                _positionEvent: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.options.eventHeight + 2,
                        o = e.slotRange.innerRect(e.start, e.end, !1),
                        a = this._adjustLeftPosition(o.left),
                        s = o.right - o.left - 2;
                    0 > s && (s = 0), this.options.eventMinWidth > s && (t = e.slotRange.collection, n = t._slots[t._slots.length - 1], i = n.offsetLeft + n.offsetWidth, s = this.options.eventMinWidth, a + s > i && (s = i - o.left - 2)), e.element.css({
                        top: e.slotRange.start.offsetTop + e.rowIndex * (r + 2) + "px",
                        left: a,
                        width: s
                _refreshSlots: function() {
                    for (var e = 0; this.groups.length > e; e++) this.groups[e].refresh()
                _eventsByResource: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l = t[0];
                    if (l)
                        for (i = l.dataSource.view(), r = 0; i.length > r; r++) o = this._resourceValue(l, i[r]), a = new s.data.Query(e).filter({
                            field: l.field,
                            operator: d.groupEqFilter(o)
                        }).toArray(), t.length > 1 ? this._eventsByResource(a, t.slice(1), n) : n.push(a);
                    else n.push(e)
                _isInDateSlot: function(e) {
                    var t = e.start,
                        n = e.end,
                        i = p(this._startDate),
                        r = s.date.addDays(p(this._endDate), 1);
                    return r > t && n >= i ? !0 : !1
                _isInTimeSlot: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e._startTime || s.date.toUtcTime(e.start),
                        i = e._endTime || s.date.toUtcTime(e.end),
                        r = this._slotRanges;
                    for (n === i && (i += 1), t = 0; r.length > t; t++)
                        if (r[t].end > n && i > r[t].start) return !0;
                    return !1
                _adjustEvent: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.start,
                        i = e.end,
                        r = e._time("start"),
                        o = e._time("end"),
                        a = f(this.startTime()),
                        l = f(this.endTime()),
                        d = null,
                        u = null,
                        h = !1,
                        m = !1;
                    return e.isAllDay ? (d = p(n), a > r && (c(d, a), m = !0), u = p(i), l === f(p(this.endTime())) ? u = s.date.addDays(u, 1) : (c(u, l), h = !0)) : (l = 0 === l ? g : l, a > r ? (d = p(n), c(d, a), m = !0) : r > l && (d = p(n), d = s.date.addDays(d, 1), c(d, a), m = !0), o > l ? (u = p(i), c(u, l), h = !0) : a > o && (u = p(i), u = s.date.addDays(u, -1), c(u, l), h = !0)), t = e.clone({
                        start: d ? d : n,
                        end: u ? u : i,
                        _startTime: d ? s.date.toUtcTime(d) : e._startTime,
                        _endTime: u ? s.date.toUtcTime(u) : e._endTime,
                        isAllDay: !1
                    }), {
                        occurrence: t,
                        head: h,
                        tail: m
                _renderEvents: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p;
                    for (r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++) i = e[r], this._isInDateSlot(i) && (a = i.isAllDay || i.end.getTime() - i.start.getTime() >= g, s = this.content, (a || this._isInTimeSlot(i)) && (l = this._adjustEvent(i), c = this.groups[t], c._continuousEvents || (c._continuousEvents = []), d = c.slotRanges(l.occurrence, !1), u = d[0], this._isInTimeSlot(l.occurrence) && (h = this._createEventElement(l.occurrence, i, u.head || l.head, u.tail || l.tail), h.appendTo(s).css({
                        top: 0,
                        height: this.options.eventHeight
                    }), p = {
                        start: l.occurrence._startTime || l.occurrence.start,
                        end: l.occurrence._endTime || l.occurrence.end,
                        element: h,
                        uid: i.uid,
                        slotRange: u,
                        rowIndex: 0,
                        offsetTop: 0
                    }, n.events[i.uid] = p, this.addContinuousEvent(c, u, h, i.isAllDay), this._arrangeRows(p, u, n))))
                addContinuousEvent: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r = e._continuousEvents;
                        element: n,
                        isAllDay: i,
                        uid: n.attr(s.attr("uid")),
                        start: t.start,
                        end: t.end
                _createEventElement: function(t, n, i, r) {
                    var o, a, l = this.eventTemplate,
                        c = this.options.editable,
                        d = this._isMobile(),
                        h = c && c.destroy !== !1 && !d,
                        p = c && c.resize !== !1,
                        f = n._time("start"),
                        g = n._time("end"),
                        m = n.start,
                        v = n.end,
                        _ = this.eventResources(n);
                    return n._startTime && (m = new Date(f), m = s.timezone.apply(m, "Etc/UTC")), n.endTime && (v = new Date(g), v = s.timezone.apply(v, "Etc/UTC")), o = u({}, {
                        ns: s.ns,
                        resizable: p,
                        showDelete: h,
                        head: i,
                        tail: r,
                        singleDay: 1 == this._dates.length,
                        resources: _,
                        inverseColor: _ && _[0] ? this._shouldInverseResourceColor(_[0]) : !1
                    }, n, {
                        start: m,
                        end: v
                    }), a = e(l(o)), this.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: a,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: o
                    }), a
                _arrangeRows: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, a, s, l, c, u = t.start.index,
                        h = t.end.index,
                        p = e.slotRange.innerRect(e.start, e.end, !1),
                        f = p.right + this.options.eventMinWidth,
                        g = o(t.events(), p.left, f);
                    for (t.addEvent({
                        slotIndex: u,
                        start: u,
                        end: h,
                        rectLeft: p.left,
                        rectRight: f,
                        element: e.element,
                        uid: e.uid
                    }), g.push({
                        start: u,
                        end: h,
                        uid: e.uid
                    }), i = d.createRows(g), i.length > n.maxRowCount && (n.maxRowCount = i.length), r = 0, a = i.length; a > r; r++)
                        for (s = i[r].events, l = 0, c = s.length; c > l; l++) n.events[s[l].uid].rowIndex = r
                _groupCount: function() {
                    var e = this.groupedResources;
                    return e.length ? "vertical" === this._groupOrientation() ? this._rowCountForLevel(e.length - 1) : this._columnCountForLevel(e.length - 1) : 1
                _updateEventForSelection: function(e) {
                    var t = this._adjustEvent(e.clone());
                    return t.occurrence
                _eventOptionsForMove: function(e) {
                    return e.isAllDay ? {
                        isAllDay: !1
                    } : {}
                _updateEventForResize: function(e) {
                    e.isAllDay && e.set("isAllDay", !1)
                _updateMoveHint: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = this.groups[t],
                        g = e.clone({
                            start: e.start,
                            end: e.end
                        m = g.duration();
                    for (g.start = new Date(g.start.getTime() + n), g.end = new Date(+g.start + m), i = this._adjustEvent(g), r = f.slotRanges(i.occurrence, !1), this._removeMoveHint(), o = 0; r.length > o; o++) a = r[o], s = a.start, l = this._createEventElement(i.occurrence, i.occurrence, !1, !1), l.addClass("k-event-drag-hint"), c = a.innerRect(i.occurrence.start, i.occurrence.end, this.options.snap), d = c.right - c.left - 2, 0 > d && (d = 0), u = this._adjustLeftPosition(c.left), h = {
                        left: u,
                        top: s.offsetTop,
                        height: s.offsetHeight - 2,
                        width: d
                    }, l.css(h), this._moveHint = this._moveHint.add(l);
                    p = this.content, this._moveHint.appendTo(p)
                _updateResizeHint: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, l, c, u, h, p, f, g, m = this.groups[t],
                        v = m.ranges(n, i, !1, !1);
                    for (this._removeResizeHint(), r = 0; v.length > r; r++) o = v[r], a = o.startSlot(), l = o.innerRect(n, i, !1), l.top = a.offsetTop, c = l.right - l.left, u = a.offsetHeight, h = this._adjustLeftPosition(l.left), p = d.fn._createResizeHint.call(this, h, l.top, c, u), this._resizeHint = this._resizeHint.add(p);
                    f = "t", g = this.content, this._resizeHint.appendTo(g), this._resizeHint.find(".k-label-top,.k-label-bottom").text(""), this._resizeHint.first().addClass("k-first").find(".k-label-top").text(s.toString(s.timezone.toLocalDate(n), f)), this._resizeHint.last().addClass("k-last").find(".k-label-bottom").text(s.toString(s.timezone.toLocalDate(i), f))
                selectionByElement: function(e) {
                    var t = e.offset();
                    return this._slotByPosition(t.left, t.top)
                _updateDirection: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o = t[0].start,
                        a = t[t.length - 1].end;
                    n && !r && o.index === a.index && o.collectionIndex === a.collectionIndex && (e.backward = i)
                _changeGroup: function(e, t) {
                    var n = t ? "prevGroupSlot" : "nextGroupSlot",
                        i = this[n](e.start, e.groupIndex, !1);
                    return i && (e.groupIndex += t ? -1 : 1), i
                prevGroupSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this.groups[t],
                        o = r.ranges(e, e, n, !1)[0].start;
                    if (!(0 >= t)) return this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? o : (i = r._collection(0, n), i.last())
                nextGroupSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this.groups[t],
                        o = r.ranges(e, e, n, !1)[0].start;
                    if (!(t >= this.groups.length - 1)) return this._isVerticallyGrouped() ? o : (i = r._collection(0, n), i.first())
                _verticalSlots: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r = i ? "leftSlot" : "rightSlot",
                        o = t[0].start,
                        a = t[t.length - 1].end,
                        s = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                    return o = s[r](o), a = s[r](a), n || !this._isVerticallyGrouped() || o && a || (o = a = this._changeGroup(e, i)), {
                        startSlot: o,
                        endSlot: a
                _horizontalSlots: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r = i ? "upSlot" : "downSlot",
                        o = t[0].start,
                        a = t[t.length - 1].end,
                        s = this.groups[e.groupIndex];
                    return o = s[r](o), a = s[r](a), n || !this._isHorizontallyGrouped() || o && a || (o = a = this._changeGroup(e, i)), {
                        startSlot: o,
                        endSlot: a
                _changeViewPeriod: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = t ? this.previousDate() : this.nextDate(),
                        r = e.start,
                        o = e.end;
                    return e.start = new Date(i), e.end = new Date(i), this._isHorizontallyGrouped() && (e.groupIndex = t ? this.groups.length - 1 : 0), n = o - r, t ? (o = f(this.endTime()), o = 0 === o ? g : o, c(e.start, o - n), c(e.end, o)) : (r = f(this.startTime()), c(e.start, r), c(e.end, r + n)), e.events = [], !0
                move: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, l, c = !1,
                        d = this.groups[e.groupIndex],
                        u = s.keys,
                        h = d.ranges(e.start, e.end, !1, !1);
                    if (t === u.DOWN || t === u.UP) c = !0, o = t === u.UP, this._updateDirection(e, h, n, o, !0), a = this._verticalSlots(e, h, n, o);
                    else if (!(t !== u.LEFT && t !== u.RIGHT || (c = !0, o = t === u.LEFT, this._updateDirection(e, h, n, o, !1), a = this._horizontalSlots(e, h, n, o), a.startSlot && a.endSlot || n || !this._changeViewPeriod(e, o, !1)))) return c;
                    return c && (i = a.startSlot, r = a.endSlot, n ? (l = e.backward, l && i ? e.start = i.startDate() : !l && r && (e.end = r.endDate())) : i && r && (e.start = i.startDate(), e.end = r.endDate()), e.events = []), c
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.element && e.element.off(v), e.footer && e.footer.remove(), e._currentTimeUpdateTimer && clearInterval(e._currentTimeUpdateTimer), d.fn.destroy.call(this), this._isMobile() && e.options.editable && (e.options.editable.create !== !1 && e._addUserEvents.destroy(), e.options.editable.update !== !1 && e._editUserEvents.destroy())
        u(!0, l, {
            TimelineView: y,
            TimelineWeekView: y.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "TimelineWeekView",
                    title: "Timeline Week",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}",
                    majorTick: 120
                name: "timelineWeek",
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.options.date,
                        i = s.date.dayOfWeek(n, this.calendarInfo().firstDay, -1),
                        r = [];
                    for (e = 0, t = 7; t > e; e++) r.push(i), i = s.date.nextDay(i);
            TimelineWorkWeekView: y.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "TimelineWorkWeekView",
                    title: "Timeline Work Week",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}",
                    majorTick: 120
                name: "timelineWorkWeek",
                nextDate: function() {
                    return s.date.dayOfWeek(s.date.nextDay(this.endDate()), this.options.workWeekStart, 1)
                previousDate: function() {
                    return s.date.previousDay(this.startDate())
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                    for (var e = this.options.date, t = s.date.dayOfWeek(e, this.options.workWeekStart, -1), n = s.date.dayOfWeek(t, this.options.workWeekEnd, 1), i = []; n >= t;) i.push(t), t = s.date.nextDay(t);
            TimelineMonthView: y.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "TimelineMonthView",
                    title: "Timeline Month",
                    selectedDateFormat: "{0:D} - {1:D}",
                    selectedShortDateFormat: "{0:d} - {1:d}",
                    workDayStart: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
                    workDayEnd: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59),
                    footer: !1,
                    majorTick: 1440,
                    minorTickCount: 1
                name: "timelineMonth",
                calculateDateRange: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.options.date,
                        i = s.date.firstDayOfMonth(n),
                        r = s.date.lastDayOfMonth(n),
                        o = [];
                    for (e = 0, t = r.getDate(); t > e; e++) o.push(i), i = s.date.nextDay(i);
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            return t = t || "", e.startTimezone && (t = e.startTimezone, e.endTimezone && (t += " | " + e.endTimezone)), t

        function i(e, t) {
            var n = t.timezone;
            n && (e[M.attr("timezone")] = n)

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, i = t.model.fields[t.field].validation;
            i && (n = i.dateCompare, n && $(n) && n.message && (e[M.attr("dateCompare-msg")] = n.message))

        function o(e, t) {
            return function(n) {
                return n = e(n), s(n, "apply", t), n || []

        function a(e, t) {
            return function(n) {
                return n && ("[object Array]" === K.call(n) || n instanceof M.data.ObservableArray || (n = [n])), s(n, "remove", t, !0), n = e(n), n || []

        function s(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a;
            for (e = e || [], o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) r = e[o], i ? r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone ? n ? (r.start = M.timezone.convert(r.start, r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone, n), r.end = M.timezone.convert(r.end, r.endTimezone || r.startTimezone, n), r.start = M.timezone[t](r.start, n), r.end = M.timezone[t](r.end, n)) : (r.start = M.timezone[t](r.start, r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone), r.end = M.timezone[t](r.end, r.endTimezone || r.startTimezone)) : n && (r.start = M.timezone[t](r.start, n), r.end = M.timezone[t](r.end, n)) : r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone ? (r.start = M.timezone[t](r.start, r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone), r.end = M.timezone[t](r.end, r.endTimezone || r.startTimezone), n && (r.start = M.timezone.convert(r.start, r.startTimezone || r.endTimezone, n), r.end = M.timezone.convert(r.end, r.endTimezone || r.startTimezone, n))) : n && (r.start = M.timezone[t](r.start, n), r.end = M.timezone[t](r.end, n)), i && delete r.uid;
            return e

        function l(e, t) {
            for (var n, i = e.length, r = 0; i > r; r++)
                if (n = e[r], n.uid === t) return n

        function c(e, t, n) {
            return e = n ? M.timezone.convert(e, t, n) : M.timezone.remove(e, t)

        function d(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, h, p;
            return e.filter("[name=end]").length && (t = e.closest(".k-scheduler-edit-form"), n = t.find("[name=start]:visible"), i = t.find("[name=end]:visible"), i[0] && n[0] && (a = M.widgetInstance(n, M.ui), s = M.widgetInstance(i, M.ui), l = t.data("kendoEditable"), d = l ? l.options.model : null, a && s ? (r = a.value(), o = s.value()) : (r = M.parseDate(n.val()), o = M.parseDate(i.val())), r && o)) ? (d && (u = n.attr(M.attr("timezone")), h = d.startTimezone, p = d.endTimezone, h = h || p, p = p || h, h && (r = c(r, h, u), o = c(o, p, u))), o >= r) : !0

        function u(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r = e.length, o = [], a = 0; r > a; a++) o = o.concat(e[a].expand(t, n, i));
            return o

        function h(e) {
            return delete e.name, delete e.prefix, delete e.remove, delete e.edit, delete e.add, delete e.navigate, e

        function p(t) {
            return t = null != t ? t : "", t.type || e.type(t) || "string"

        function f(t, n) {
            var i, r, o = (t.fields || t)[n],
                a = ["url", "email", "number", "date", "boolean"],
                s = o ? o.validation : {},
                l = (p(o), M.attr("type")),
                c = e.inArray,
                d = {};
            for (i in s) r = s[i], c(i, a) >= 0 ? d[l] = i : M.isFunction(r) || (d[i] = $(r) ? r.value || i : r), d[M.attr(i + "-msg")] = r.message;
            return d

        function g(t, n) {
            var i = f(n, t.field);
            return function(n) {
                e(M.format('<select data-{0}bind="value:{1}">', M.ns, t.field)).appendTo(n).attr(i).kendoDropDownList({
                    dataTextField: t.dataTextField,
                    dataValueField: t.dataValueField,
                    dataSource: t.dataSource,
                    valuePrimitive: t.valuePrimitive,
                    optionLabel: "None",
                    template: M.format('<span class="k-scheduler-mark" style="background-color:#= data.{0}?{0}:"none" #"></span>#={1}#', t.dataColorField, t.dataTextField)

        function m(t) {
            var n = f(t.model, t.field);
            return function(t) {
                e('<textarea name="description" class="k-textbox"/>').attr(n).appendTo(t)

        function v(t, n) {
            var i = f(n, t.field);
            return function(n) {
                e(M.format('<select data-{0}bind="value:{1}">', M.ns, t.field)).appendTo(n).attr(i).kendoMultiSelect({
                    dataTextField: t.dataTextField,
                    dataValueField: t.dataValueField,
                    dataSource: t.dataSource,
                    valuePrimitive: t.valuePrimitive,
                    itemTemplate: M.format('<span class="k-scheduler-mark" style="background-color:#= data.{0}?{0}:"none" #"></span>#={1}#', t.dataColorField, t.dataTextField),
                    tagTemplate: M.format('<span class="k-scheduler-mark" style="background-color:#= data.{0}?{0}:"none" #"></span>#={1}#', t.dataColorField, t.dataTextField)

        function _(t, n) {
            var i = f(n, t.field);
            return function(n) {
                var r, o, a = "",
                    s = t.dataSource.view();
                for (r = 0, o = s.length; o > r; r++) a += M.format('<option value="{0}">{1}</option>', M.getter(t.dataValueField)(s[r]), M.getter(t.dataTextField)(s[r]));
                e(M.format('<select data-{0}bind="value:{1}" multiple="multiple" data-{0}value-primitive="{3}">{2}</select>', M.ns, t.field, a, t.valuePrimitive)).appendTo(n).attr(i)

        function w(e, t) {
            var n, i = e.end.getTime() - e.start.getTime(),
                r = new Date(e.start.getTime());
            return M.date.setTime(r, t), n = new Date(r.getTime()), M.date.setTime(n, i, !0), {
                start: r,
                end: n
        var b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M = window.kendo,
            z = M.date,
            F = M.support.input,
            R = z.MS_PER_DAY,
            H = z.getDate,
            B = M.date.getMilliseconds,
            L = M.recurrence,
            N = M.keys,
            O = M.ui,
            V = O.Widget,
            U = O.DataBoundWidget,
            W = "string",
            j = O.Popup,
            G = O.Calendar,
            q = M.data.DataSource,
            $ = e.isPlainObject,
            Y = e.extend,
            Q = e.proxy,
            K = Object.prototype.toString,
            X = e.isArray,
            Z = ".kendoScheduler",
            J = "click",
            et = "change",
            tt = "cancel",
            nt = "remove",
            it = "save",
            rt = "add",
            ot = "edit",
            at = /(?:value:start|value:end)(?:,|$)/,
            st = H(new Date),
            lt = "recurrenceException",
            ct = "Are you sure you want to delete this event?",
            dt = "Do you want to delete only this event occurrence or the whole series?",
            ut = "Do you want to edit only this event occurrence or the whole series?",
            ht = "Are you sure you want to delete this event occurrence?",
            pt = "Are you sure you want to delete the whole series?",
            ft = '<a class="k-button #=className#" #=attr# href="\\#">#=text#</a>',
            gt = M.template('<li class="k-current-view" data-#=ns#name="#=view#"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link">${views[view].title}</a></li>'),
            mt = M.template('<div class="k-floatwrap k-header k-scheduler-toolbar"># if (pdf) { #<ul class="k-reset k-scheduler-tools"><li><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-button k-pdf"><span class="k-icon k-i-pdf"></span>${messages.pdf}</a></li></ul># } #<ul class="k-reset k-scheduler-navigation"><li class="k-state-default k-header k-nav-today"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link">${messages.today}</a></li><li class="k-state-default k-header k-nav-prev"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span></a></li><li class="k-state-default k-header k-nav-next"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span></a></li><li class="k-state-default k-nav-current"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-calendar"></span><span class="k-sm-date-format" data-#=ns#bind="text: formattedShortDate"></span><span class="k-lg-date-format" data-#=ns#bind="text: formattedDate"></span></a></li></ul>#if(viewsCount === 1){#<a role="button" data-#=ns#name="#=view#" href="\\#" class="k-link k-scheduler-refresh"><span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span></a>#}else{#<ul class="k-reset k-header k-scheduler-views">#for(var view in views){#<li class="k-state-default k-view-#= view.toLowerCase() #" data-#=ns#name="#=view#"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link">${views[view].title}</a></li>#}#</ul>#}#</div>'),
            vt = M.template('<div class="k-floatwrap k-header k-scheduler-toolbar"><ul class="k-reset k-header k-scheduler-navigation"><li class="k-state-default k-nav-today"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link">${messages.today}</a></li></ul>#if(viewsCount === 1){#<a role="button" data-#=ns#name="#=view#" href="\\#" class="k-link k-scheduler-refresh"><span class="k-icon k-i-refresh"></span></a>#}else{#<ul class="k-reset k-header k-scheduler-views">#for(var view in views){#<li class="k-state-default k-view-#= view.toLowerCase() #" data-#=ns#name="#=view#"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link">${views[view].title}</a></li>#}#</ul>#}#</div><div class="k-floatwrap k-header k-scheduler-toolbar"><ul class="k-reset k-header k-scheduler-navigation"><li class="k-state-default k-nav-prev"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-w"></span></a></li><li class="k-state-default k-nav-current"><span class="k-sm-date-format" data-#=ns#bind="text: formattedShortDate"></span><span class="k-lg-date-format" data-#=ns#bind="text: formattedDate"></span></li><li class="k-state-default k-nav-next"><a role="button" href="\\#" class="k-link"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-e"></span></a></li></ul></div>'),
            _t = function(t, n) {
                var o = {
                        name: n.field
                    a = F.date ? "" : M.attr("role") + '="datepicker" ',
                    s = M.attr("role") + '="datetimepicker" ',
                    l = n.model.isAllDay,
                    c = M.attr("validate") + "='" + !l + "'",
                    d = M.attr("validate") + "='" + l + "'";
                i(o, n), r(o, n), e('<input type="datetime-local" required ' + M.attr("type") + '="date" ' + s + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + ',invisible:isAllDay" ' + c + "/>").attr(o).appendTo(t), e('<input type="date" required ' + M.attr("type") + '="date" ' + a + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + ',visible:isAllDay" ' + d + "/>").attr(o).appendTo(t), e("<span " + M.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
            wt = function(t, n) {
                var o = {
                        name: n.field
                    a = n.model.isAllDay,
                    s = M.attr("validate") + "='" + !a + "' ",
                    l = M.attr("validate") + "='" + a + "' ";
                i(o, n), r(o, n), e('<input type="text" required ' + M.attr("type") + '="date" ' + M.attr("role") + '="datetimepicker" ' + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + ',invisible:isAllDay" ' + s + "/>").attr(o).appendTo(t), e('<input type="text" required ' + M.attr("type") + '="date" ' + M.attr("role") + '="datepicker" ' + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + ',visible:isAllDay" ' + l + "/>").attr(o).appendTo(t), e("<span " + M.attr("bind") + '="text: ' + n.field + 'Timezone"></span>').appendTo(t), "end" === n.field && e("<span " + M.attr("bind") + '="text: startTimezone, invisible: endTimezone"></span>').appendTo(t), e("<span " + M.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
            bt = function(t, n) {
                e("<div " + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + '" />').attr({
                    name: n.field
                    start: n.model.start,
                    timezone: n.timezone,
                    messages: n.messages
            yt = function(t, n) {
                e("<div " + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + '" />').attr({
                    name: n.field
                    start: n.model.start,
                    timezone: n.timezone,
                    messages: n.messages,
                    pane: n.pane,
                    value: n.model[n.field]
            kt = function(t, i) {
                var r = n(i.model, i.messages.noTimezone);
                e('<a href="#" class="k-button k-timezone-button" data-bind="invisible:isAllDay">' + r + "</a>").click(i.click).appendTo(t)
            xt = function(t, n) {
                e('<a href="#" class="k-button" data-bind="invisible:isAllDay">' + n.messages.timezoneEditorButton + "</a>").click(n.click).appendTo(t)
            Ct = function(t, n) {
                e("<div " + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + '" />').attr({
                    name: n.field
                    optionLabel: n.noTimezone
            St = function(t, n) {
                e("<div " + M.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + '" />').attr({
                    name: n.field
                    optionLabel: n.noTimezone
            Tt = M.Class.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = t.timezone;
                    this.reader = n, n.model && (this.model = n.model), this.timezone = i, this.data = o(e.proxy(this.data, this), i), this.serialize = a(e.proxy(this.serialize, this), i)
                errors: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.errors(e)
                parse: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.parse(e)
                data: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.data(e)
                total: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.total(e)
                groups: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.groups(e)
                aggregates: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.aggregates(e)
                serialize: function(e) {
                    return this.reader.serialize(e)
            Dt = M.data.Model.define({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    M.data.Model.fn.init.call(t, e), t._defaultId = t.defaults[t.idField]
                _time: function(e) {
                    var t = this[e],
                        n = "_" + e + "Time";
                    return this[n] ? this[n] - M.date.toUtcTime(M.date.getDate(t)) : B(t)
                _date: function(e) {
                    var t = "_" + e + "Time";
                    return this[t] ? this[t] - this._time(e) : M.date.getDate(this[e])
                clone: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.uid,
                        r = new this.constructor(e.extend({}, this.toJSON(), t));
                    return n || (r.uid = i), r
                duration: function() {
                    var e = this.end,
                        t = this.start,
                        n = (e.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset()) * M.date.MS_PER_MINUTE;
                    return e - t - n
                expand: function(e, t, n) {
                    return L ? L.expand(this, e, t, n) : [this]
                update: function(e) {
                    for (var t in e) this.set(t, e[t]);
                    this._startTime && this.set("_startTime", M.date.toUtcTime(this.start)), this._endTime && this.set("_endTime", M.date.toUtcTime(this.end))
                isMultiDay: function() {
                    return this.isAllDay || this.duration() >= M.date.MS_PER_DAY
                isException: function() {
                    return !this.isNew() && this.recurrenceId
                isOccurrence: function() {
                    return this.isNew() && this.recurrenceId
                isRecurring: function() {
                    return !(!this.recurrenceRule && !this.recurrenceId)
                isRecurrenceHead: function() {
                    return !(!this.id || !this.recurrenceRule)
                toOccurrence: function(t) {
                    return t = e.extend(t, {
                        recurrenceException: null,
                        recurrenceRule: null,
                        recurrenceId: this.id || this.recurrenceId
                    }), t[this.idField] = this.defaults[this.idField], this.clone(t, !0)
                toJSON: function() {
                    var e = M.data.Model.fn.toJSON.call(this);
                    return e.uid = this.uid, delete e._startTime, delete e._endTime, e
                shouldSerialize: function(e) {
                    return M.data.Model.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, e) && "_defaultId" !== e
                set: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this.isAllDay || !1;
                    M.data.Model.fn.set.call(this, e, t), "isAllDay" == e && t != o && (n = M.date.getDate(this.start), i = new Date(this.end), r = M.date.getMilliseconds(i), 0 === r && t && (r = R), this.set("start", n), t === !0 ? (M.date.setTime(i, -r), n > i && (i = n)) : M.date.setTime(i, R - r), this.set("end", i))
                id: "id",
                fields: {
                    id: {
                        type: "number"
                    title: {
                        defaultValue: "",
                        type: "string"
                    start: {
                        type: "date",
                        validation: {
                            required: !0
                    startTimezone: {
                        type: "string"
                    end: {
                        type: "date",
                        validation: {
                            required: !0,
                            dateCompare: {
                                value: d
                    endTimezone: {
                        type: "string"
                    recurrenceRule: {
                        defaultValue: "",
                        type: "string"
                    recurrenceException: {
                        defaultValue: "",
                        type: "string"
                    isAllDay: {
                        type: "boolean",
                        defaultValue: !1
                    description: {
                        type: "string"
            At = q.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    q.fn.init.call(this, Y(!0, {}, {
                        schema: {
                            modelBase: Dt,
                            model: Dt
                    }, e)), this.reader = new Tt(this.options.schema, this.reader)
                expand: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.view(),
                        i = {};
                    return e && t && (t = new Date(t.getTime() + R - 1), i = {
                        logic: "or",
                        filters: [{
                            logic: "and",
                            filters: [{
                                field: "start",
                                operator: "gte",
                                value: e
                            }, {
                                field: "end",
                                operator: "gte",
                                value: e
                            }, {
                                field: "start",
                                operator: "lte",
                                value: t
                        }, {
                            logic: "and",
                            filters: [{
                                field: "start",
                                operator: "lte",
                                value: new Date(e.getTime() + R - 1)
                            }, {
                                field: "end",
                                operator: "gte",
                                value: e
                    }, n = new M.data.Query(u(n, e, t, this.reader.timezone)).filter(i).toArray()), n
                cancelChanges: function(e) {
                    e && e.isOccurrence() && this._removeExceptionDate(e), q.fn.cancelChanges.call(this, e)
                insert: function(e, t) {
                    if (t) {
                        if (!(t instanceof Dt)) {
                            var n = t;
                            t = this._createNewModel(), t.accept(n)
                        return (!this._pushCreated && t.isRecurrenceHead() || t.recurrenceId) && (t = t.recurrenceId ? t : t.toOccurrence(), this._addExceptionDate(t)), q.fn.insert.call(this, e, t)
                pushCreate: function(e) {
                    this._pushCreated = !0, q.fn.pushCreate.call(this, e), this._pushCreated = !1
                remove: function(e) {
                    return e.isRecurrenceHead() ? this._removeExceptions(e) : e.isRecurring() && this._addExceptionDate(e), q.fn.remove.call(this, e)
                _removeExceptions: function(e) {
                    for (var t = this.data().slice(0), n = t.shift(), i = e.id; n;) n.recurrenceId === i && q.fn.remove.call(this, n), n = t.shift();
                    e.set(lt, "")
                _removeExceptionDate: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    e.recurrenceId && (t = this.get(e.recurrenceId), t && (n = e.start, t.set(lt, t.recurrenceException.replace(L.toExceptionString(n, this.reader.timezone), ""))))
                _addExceptionDate: function(e) {
                    var t = e.start,
                        n = this.reader.timezone,
                        i = this.get(e.recurrenceId),
                        r = i.recurrenceException || "";
                    L.isException(r, t, n) || i.set(lt, r + L.toExceptionString(t, n))
        At.create = function(e) {
            (X(e) || e instanceof M.data.ObservableArray) && (e = {
                data: e
            var t = e || {},
                n = t.data;
            if (t.data = n, !(t instanceof At) && t instanceof M.data.DataSource) throw Error("Incorrect DataSource type. Only SchedulerDataSource instances are supported");
            return t instanceof At ? t : new At(t)
        }, Y(!0, M.data, {
            SchedulerDataSource: At,
            SchedulerDataReader: Tt,
            SchedulerEvent: Dt
        }), b = {
            update: {
                text: "Save",
                className: "k-primary k-scheduler-update"
            canceledit: {
                text: "Cancel",
                className: "k-scheduler-cancel"
            destroy: {
                text: "Delete",
                imageClass: "k-delete",
                className: "k-primary k-scheduler-delete",
                iconClass: "k-icon"
        }, y = {
            mobile: {
                dateRange: _t,
                timezonePopUp: kt,
                timezone: Ct,
                recurrence: yt,
                description: m,
                multipleResources: _,
                resources: g
            desktop: {
                dateRange: wt,
                timezonePopUp: xt,
                timezone: St,
                recurrence: bt,
                description: m,
                multipleResources: v,
                resources: g
        }, k = M.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                M.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this.element = e, this.options = Y(!0, {}, this.options, t), this.createButton = this.options.createButton, this.toggleDateValidationHandler = Q(this._toggleDateValidation, this)
            _toggleDateValidation: function(t) {
                if ("isAllDay" == t.field) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this.container,
                        a = this.editable.options.model.isAllDay,
                        s = M.attr("bind");
                    o.find("[" + s + "*=end],[" + s + "*=start]").each(function() {
                        n = e(this), at.test(n.attr(s)) && (i = n.is("[" + M.attr("role") + "=datetimepicker],[type*=datetime]"), r = a !== i, n.attr(M.attr("validate"), r))
            fields: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options.messages,
                    a = r.options.timezone,
                    s = function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), r._initTimezoneEditor(t, this)
                    l = [{
                        field: "title",
                        title: o.editor.title
                    }, {
                        field: "start",
                        title: o.editor.start,
                        editor: e.dateRange,
                        timezone: a
                    }, {
                        field: "end",
                        title: o.editor.end,
                        editor: e.dateRange,
                        timezone: a
                    }, {
                        field: "isAllDay",
                        title: o.editor.allDayEvent
                M.timezone.windows_zones && (l.push({
                    field: "timezone",
                    title: o.editor.timezone,
                    editor: e.timezonePopUp,
                    click: s,
                    messages: o.editor,
                    model: t
                }), l.push({
                    field: "startTimezone",
                    title: o.editor.startTimezone,
                    editor: e.timezone,
                    noTimezone: o.editor.noTimezone
                }), l.push({
                    field: "endTimezone",
                    title: o.editor.endTimezone,
                    editor: e.timezone,
                    noTimezone: o.editor.noTimezone
                })), t.recurrenceId || l.push({
                    field: "recurrenceRule",
                    title: o.editor.repeat,
                    editor: e.recurrence,
                    timezone: a,
                    messages: o.recurrenceEditor,
                    pane: this.pane
                }), "description" in t && l.push({
                    field: "description",
                    title: o.editor.description,
                    editor: e.description({
                        model: t,
                        field: "description"
                for (n = 0; this.options.resources.length > n; n++) i = this.options.resources[n], l.push({
                    field: i.field,
                    title: i.title,
                    editor: i.multiple ? e.multipleResources(i, t) : e.resources(i, t)
                return l
            end: function() {
                return this.editable.end()
            _buildEditTemplate: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this.options.messages,
                    l = Y({}, M.Template, this.options.templateSettings),
                    c = l.paramName,
                    d = this.options.editable.template,
                    u = "";
                if (d) typeof d === W && (d = window.unescape(d)), u += M.template(d, l)(e);
                    for (i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) o = t[i], "startTimezone" === o.field && (u += '<div class="k-popup-edit-form k-scheduler-edit-form k-scheduler-timezones" style="display:none">', u += '<div class="k-edit-form-container">', u += '<div class="k-edit-label"></div>', u += '<div class="k-edit-field"><label class="k-check"><input class="k-timezone-toggle" type="checkbox" />' + s.editor.separateTimezones + "</label></div>"), u += '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="' + o.field + '">' + (o.title || o.field || "") + "</label></div>", !e.editable || e.editable(o.field) ? (n.push(o), u += "<div " + M.attr("container-for") + '="' + o.field + '" class="k-edit-field"></div>') : (a = "#:", o.field ? (o = M.expr(o.field, c), a += o + "==null?'':" + o) : a += "''", a += "#", a = M.template(a, l), u += '<div class="k-edit-field">' + a(e) + "</div>"), "endTimezone" === o.field && (u += this._createEndTimezoneButton());
                return u
            _createEndTimezoneButton: function() {
                return "</div></div>"
            _revertTimezones: function(e) {
                e.set("startTimezone", this._startTimezone), e.set("endTimezone", this._endTimezone), delete this._startTimezone, delete this._endTimezone
        }), x = k.extend({
            init: function() {
                k.fn.init.apply(this, arguments), this.pane = M.mobile.ui.Pane.wrap(this.element), this.pane.element.parent().css("height", this.options.height), this.view = this.pane.view(), this._actionSheetButtonTemplate = M.template('<li><a #=attr# class="k-button #=className#" href="\\#">#:text#</a></li>'), this._actionSheetPopupOptions = e(document.documentElement).hasClass("km-root") ? {
                    modal: !1
                } : {
                    align: "bottom center",
                    position: "bottom center",
                    effect: "slideIn:up"
            options: {
                animations: {
                    left: "slide",
                    right: "slide:right"
            destroy: function() {
                this.close(), this.unbind(), this.pane.destroy()
            _initTimezoneEditor: function(t) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r.pane,
                    a = r.options.messages,
                    s = r.timezoneView,
                    l = r.container.find(".k-scheduler-timezones"),
                    c = l.find(".k-timezone-toggle"),
                    d = l.find(".k-edit-label:last").add(l.find(".k-edit-field:last")),
                    u = function(e) {
                        if ("startTimezone" === e.field) {
                            var n = t.startTimezone;
                            c.prop("disabled", !n), n || (d.hide(), t.set("endTimezone", ""), c.prop("checked", !1))
                r._startTimezone = t.startTimezone || "", r._endTimezone = t.endTimezone || "", s || (i = '<div data-role="view" class="k-popup-edit-form k-scheduler-edit-form k-mobile-list"><div data-role="header" class="k-header"><a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-cancel">' + a.cancel + "</a>" + a.editor.timezoneTitle + '<a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-update">' + a.save + "</a></div></div>", this.timezoneView = s = o.append(i), s.contentElement().append(l.show()), s.element.on(J + Z, ".k-scheduler-cancel, .k-scheduler-update", function(i) {
                    var s, l;
                    i.preventDefault(), i.stopPropagation(), e(this).hasClass("k-scheduler-cancel") && r._revertTimezones(t), t.unbind("change", u), s = o.element.find("#edit").data("kendoMobileView"), l = n(t, a.editor.noTimezone), s.contentElement().find(".k-timezone-button").text(l), o.navigate(s, r.options.animations.right)
                }), c.click(function() {
                    d.toggle(c.prop("checked")), t.set("endTimezone", "")
                }), t.bind("change", u)), c.prop("checked", t.endTimezone).prop("disabled", !t.startTimezone), t.endTimezone ? d.show() : d.hide(), o.navigate(s, r.options.animations.left)
            _createActionSheetButton: function(e) {
                return e.template = this._actionSheetButtonTemplate, this.createButton(e)
            showDialog: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = "",
                    o = '<ul><li class="km-actionsheet-title">' + t.title + "</li>",
                    a = this.element.find(".k-event[" + M.attr("uid") + "='" + t.model.uid + "']");
                for (this.container && (a = this.container.find(".k-scheduler-delete"), a[0] && (r = "phone")), n = 0; t.buttons.length > n; n++) o += this._createActionSheetButton(t.buttons[n]);
                o += "</ul>", i = e(o).appendTo(this.pane.view().element).kendoMobileActionSheet({
                    type: r,
                    cancel: this.options.messages.cancel,
                    cancelTemplate: '<li class="km-actionsheet-cancel"><a class="k-button" href="\\#">#:cancel#</a></li>',
                    close: function() {
                    command: function(n) {
                        var r = i.element.find("li:not(.km-actionsheet-cancel) > .k-button").index(e(n.currentTarget));
                        r > -1 && (i.close(), t.buttons[r].click())
                    popup: this._actionSheetPopupOptions
                }).data("kendoMobileActionSheet"), i.open(a)
            editEvent: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.pane,
                    l = "",
                    c = this.options.messages,
                    d = c.save,
                    u = c.destroy,
                    h = c.cancel,
                    p = c.editor.editorTitle;
                return l += '<div data-role="view" class="k-popup-edit-form k-scheduler-edit-form k-mobile-list" id="edit" ' + M.attr("uid") + '="' + t.uid + '"><div data-role="header" class="k-header"><a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-cancel">' + h + "</a>" + p + '<a href="#" class="k-button k-scheduler-update">' + d + "</a></div>", n = this.fields(y.mobile, t), i = this, r = [], l += this._buildEditTemplate(t, n, r), !t.isNew() && this.options.editable && this.options.editable.destroy !== !1 && (l += '<div class="k-edit-buttons"><a href="#" class="k-scheduler-delete k-button">' + u + "</a></div>"), l += "</div>", o = s.append(l), a = this.container = o.element, this.editable = a.kendoEditable({
                    fields: r,
                    model: t,
                    clearContainer: !1,
                    target: i.options.target,
                    validateOnBlur: !0
                }).data("kendoEditable"), a.find("input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]").parent(".k-edit-field").addClass("k-check").prev(".k-edit-label").addClass("k-check").click(function() {
                }), this.trigger("edit", {
                    container: a,
                    model: t
                }) ? this.trigger("cancel", {
                    container: a,
                    model: t
                }) : (a.on(J + Z, "a.k-scheduler-edit, a.k-scheduler-cancel, a.k-scheduler-update, a.k-scheduler-delete", function(n) {
                    var r, o;
                    n.preventDefault(), n.stopPropagation(), r = e(this), r.hasClass("k-scheduler-edit") ? s.navigate("#edit", i.options.animations.right) : (o = "cancel", r.hasClass("k-scheduler-update") ? o = "save" : r.hasClass("k-scheduler-delete") && (o = "remove"), i.trigger(o, {
                        container: a,
                        model: t
                }), s.navigate(o, i.options.animations.left), t.bind("change", i.toggleDateValidationHandler)), this.editable
            _views: function() {
                return this.pane.element.find(M.roleSelector("view")).not(this.view.element)
            close: function() {
                var e, t, n, i;
                if (this.container) {
                    for (this.pane.navigate("", this.options.animations.right), e = this._views(), n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = e.eq(n).data("kendoMobileView"), t && t.purge();
                    e.remove(), this.container = null, this.editable && (this.editable.options.model.unbind("change", this.toggleDateValidationHandler), this.editable.destroy(), this.editable = null), this.timezoneView = null
        }), C = k.extend({
            destroy: function() {
                this.close(), this.unbind()
            editEvent: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options.editable,
                    s = "<div " + M.attr("uid") + '="' + t.uid + '" class="k-popup-edit-form k-scheduler-edit-form"><div class="k-edit-form-container">',
                    l = o.options.messages,
                    c = l.save,
                    d = l.cancel,
                    u = l.destroy,
                    h = this.fields(y.desktop, t),
                    p = [];
                return s += this._buildEditTemplate(t, h, p), i = $(a) ? a.window : {}, s += '<div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default">', s += this.createButton({
                    name: "update",
                    text: c,
                    attr: n
                }) + this.createButton({
                    name: "canceledit",
                    text: d,
                    attr: n
                }), t.isNew() || a.destroy === !1 || (s += this.createButton({
                    name: "delete",
                    text: u,
                    attr: n
                })), s += "</div></div></div>", r = this.container = e(s).appendTo(o.element).eq(0).kendoWindow(Y({
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    title: l.editor.editorTitle,
                    visible: !1,
                    close: function(e) {
                        e.userTriggered && o.trigger(tt, {
                            container: r,
                            model: t
                        }) && e.preventDefault()
                }, i)), o.editable = r.kendoEditable({
                    fields: p,
                    model: t,
                    clearContainer: !1,
                    validateOnBlur: !0,
                    target: o.options.target
                }).data("kendoEditable"), o.trigger(ot, {
                    container: r,
                    model: t
                }) ? o.trigger(tt, {
                    container: r,
                    model: t
                }) : (r.data("kendoWindow").center().open(), r.on(J + Z, "a.k-scheduler-cancel", function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), o.trigger(tt, {
                        container: r,
                        model: t
                }), r.on(J + Z, "a.k-scheduler-update", function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), o.trigger("save", {
                        container: r,
                        model: t
                }), r.on(J + Z, "a.k-scheduler-delete", function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), o.trigger(nt, {
                        container: r,
                        model: t
                }), M.cycleForm(r), t.bind("change", o.toggleDateValidationHandler)), o.editable
            close: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = function() {
                        e.editable && (e.editable.options.model.unbind("change", e.toggleDateValidationHandler), e.editable.destroy(), e.editable = null, e.container = null), e.popup && (e.popup.destroy(), e.popup = null)
                e.editable ? (e._timezonePopup && e._timezonePopup.data("kendoWindow") && (e._timezonePopup.data("kendoWindow").destroy(), e._timezonePopup = null), e.container.is(":visible") ? e.container.data("kendoWindow").bind("deactivate", t).close() : t()) : t()
            _createEndTimezoneButton: function() {
                var e = this.options.messages,
                    t = "";
                return t += '<div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default">', t += this.createButton({
                    name: "savetimezone",
                    text: e.save
                }) + this.createButton({
                    name: "canceltimezone",
                    text: e.cancel
                }), t += "</div></div></div>"
            showDialog: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = M.format("<div class='k-popup-edit-form'><div class='k-edit-form-container'><p class='k-popup-message'>{0}</p>", t.text);
                for (o += '<div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default">', n = 0; t.buttons.length > n; n++) o += this.createButton(t.buttons[n]);
                o += "</div></div></div>", i = this.element, this.popup && this.popup.destroy(), r = this.popup = e(o).appendTo(i).eq(0).on("click", ".k-button", function(n) {
                    n.preventDefault(), r.close();
                    var i = e(n.currentTarget).index();
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !1,
                    title: t.title,
                    visible: !1,
                    close: function() {
                        this.destroy(), i.focus()
                }).getKendoWindow(), r.center().open()
            _initTimezoneEditor: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.container.find(".k-scheduler-timezones"),
                    o = r.find(".k-timezone-toggle"),
                    a = r.find(".k-edit-label:last").add(r.find(".k-edit-field:last")),
                    s = r.find(".k-scheduler-savetimezone"),
                    l = r.find(".k-scheduler-canceltimezone"),
                    c = i._timezonePopup,
                    d = function(t) {
                        if ("startTimezone" === t.field) {
                            var n = e.startTimezone;
                            o.prop("disabled", !n), n || (a.hide(), e.set("endTimezone", ""), o.prop("checked", !1))
                i._startTimezone = e.startTimezone, i._endTimezone = e.endTimezone, c || (i._timezonePopup = c = r.kendoWindow({
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    title: i.options.messages.editor.timezoneEditorTitle,
                    visible: !1,
                    close: function(n) {
                        e.unbind("change", d), n.userTriggered && i._revertTimezones(e), t && t.focus()
                }), o.click(function() {
                    a.toggle(o.prop("checked")), e.set("endTimezone", "")
                }), s.click(function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), n.close()
                }), l.click(function(t) {
                    t.preventDefault(), i._revertTimezones(e), n.close()
                }), e.bind("change", d)), o.prop("checked", e.endTimezone).prop("disabled", !e.startTimezone), e.endTimezone ? a.show() : a.hide(), n = c.data("kendoWindow"), n.center().open()
        }), S = U.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                V.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.options.views && i.options.views.length || (i.options.views = ["day", "week"]), i.resources = [], i._initModel(), i._wrapper(), i._views(), i._toolbar(), i._dataSource(), i._resources(), i._resizeHandler = function() {
                }, i.wrapper.on("mousedown" + Z + " selectstart" + Z, function(t) {
                    e(t.target).is(":kendoFocusable") || t.preventDefault()
                }), i.options.editable && i.options.editable.resize !== !1 && i._resizable(), i._movable(), i._bindResize(), i.options.messages && i.options.messages.recurrence && (L.options = i.options.messages.recurrence), i._selectable(), i._ariaId = M.guid(), i._createEditor()
            _bindResize: function() {
                e(window).on("resize" + Z, this._resizeHandler)
            _unbindResize: function() {
                e(window).off("resize" + Z, this._resizeHandler)
            dataItems: function() {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.items(),
                    c = s._data,
                    d = e.map(l, function(t) {
                        return e(t).attr("data-uid")
                    u = {},
                    h = d.length;
                for (n = 0; h > n; n++) u[d[n]] = null;
                for (r = c.length, n = 0; r > n; n++) o = c[n], u[o.uid] !== t && (u[o.uid] = o);
                a = [];
                for (i in u) a.push(u[i]);
                return a
            _isMobile: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return e.mobile === !0 && M.support.mobileOS || "phone" === e.mobile || "tablet" === e.mobile
            _isMobilePhoneView: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return e.mobile === !0 && M.support.mobileOS && !M.support.mobileOS.tablet || "phone" === e.mobile
            _groupsByResource: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
                if (n || (n = []), o = e[0]) {
                    for (s = o.dataSource.view(), l = 0, c = 0; s.length > c; c++) d = M.getter(o.dataValueField)(s[c]), u = t + l + c, a = this._groupsByResource(e.slice(1), u, n, d, o.field), a[o.field] = d, l = a.groupIndex, r && i && (a[r] = i), 1 === e.length && (a.groupIndex = t + c, n.push(a));
                    return a
                return {}
            data: function() {
                return this._data
            select: function(n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = this,
                    f = p.view(),
                    g = p._selection,
                    m = f.groups;
                if (n === t) return o = f._selectedSlots, g ? (g && g.events && (r = p._selectedEvents()), {
                    start: g.start,
                    end: g.end,
                    events: r,
                    slots: o,
                    resources: f._resourceBySlot(g)
                }) : [];
                if (!n) return p._selection = null, f.clearSelection(), t;
                if (e.isArray(n) && (n = {
                    events: n.splice(0)
                }), n.resources) {
                    s = [], l = [], f.groupedResources && p._groupsByResource(f.groupedResources, 0, l);
                    for (a in n.resources) s.push({
                        field: a,
                        operator: "eq",
                        value: n.resources[a]
                    i = new M.data.Query(l).filter(s).toArray()
                return n.events && n.events.length ? (p._selectEvents(n.events, i), p._select(), t) : (m && n.start && n.end && (c = H(f._startDate), d = M.date.addDays(H(f._endDate), 1), d > n.start && n.end >= c && (u = i && i.length ? m[i[0].groupIndex] : m[0], h = u.ranges(n.start, n.end, n.isAllDay, !1), h.length && (p._selection = {
                    start: M.timezone.toLocalDate(h[0].start.start),
                    end: M.timezone.toLocalDate(h[h.length - 1].end.end),
                    groupIndex: h[0].start.groupIndex,
                    index: h[0].start.index,
                    isAllDay: h[0].start.isDaySlot,
                    events: []
                }, p._select()))), t)
            _selectEvents: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                    u = d.view(),
                    h = u.groups,
                    p = e.length,
                    f = t && t.length;
                for (n = 0; p > n; n++)
                    if (h && f) {
                        for (i = h[t[0].groupIndex], r = [], o = i.timeSlotCollectionCount(), a = i.daySlotCollectionCount(), s = 0; o > s; s++) r = r.concat(i.getTimeSlotCollection(s).events());
                        for (l = 0; a > l; l++) r = r.concat(i.getDaySlotCollection(l).events());
                        r = new M.data.Query(r).filter({
                            field: "element[0].getAttribute('data-uid')",
                            operator: "eq",
                            value: e[n]
                        }).toArray(), r[0] && d._createSelection(r[0].element)
                    } else c = u.element.find(M.format(".k-event[data-uid={0}], .k-task[data-uid={0}]", e[n])), c.length && d._createSelection(c[0])
            _selectable: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.wrapper,
                    r = M.support.mobileOS ? "touchend" : "mousedown";
                n.options.selectable && (n._tabindex(), i.on(r + Z, ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td, .k-scheduler-content td, .k-event", function(e) {
                    var t = e.which,
                        r = e.button,
                        o = M.support.browser,
                        a = t && 3 === t || r && 2 == r;
                    M.support.mobileOS && e.isDefaultPrevented() || (a || n._createSelection(e.currentTarget), i.focus(), o.msie && 9 > o.version && setTimeout(function() {
                }), t = e.proxy(n._mouseMove, n), i.on("mousedown" + Z, ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td, .k-scheduler-content td", function(e) {
                    var n = e.which,
                        r = e.button,
                        o = n && 3 === n || r && 2 == r;
                    o || i.on("mousemove" + Z, ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td, .k-scheduler-content td", t)
                }), i.on("mouseup" + Z + " mouseleave" + Z, function() {
                    i.off("mousemove" + Z, ".k-scheduler-header-all-day td, .k-scheduler-content td", t)
                }), i.on("focus" + Z, function() {
                    n._selection || n._createSelection(n.wrapper.find(".k-scheduler-content").find("td:first")), n._select()
                }), i.on("focusout" + Z, function() {
                    n.view().clearSelection(), n._ctrlKey = n._shiftKey = !1
                }), i.on("keydown" + Z, Q(n._keydown, n)), i.on("keyup" + Z, function(e) {
                    n._ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey, n._shiftKey = e.shiftKey
            _select: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.view(),
                    l = a.wrapper,
                    c = s.current(),
                    d = a._selection;
                if (c && (c.removeAttribute("id"), c.removeAttribute("aria-label"), l.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant")), s.select(d), c = s.current(), c && a._old !== c) {
                    if (t = e(c).data("uid"), a._old && t && t === e(a._old).data("uid")) return;
                    i = d, r = a._selectedEvents(), o = s._selectedSlots, r[0] ? (i = r[0] || d, n = M.format(a.options.messages.ariaEventLabel, i.title, i.start, i.start)) : n = M.format(a.options.messages.ariaSlotLabel, i.start, i.end), c.setAttribute("id", a._ariaId), c.setAttribute("aria-label", n), l.attr("aria-activedescendant", a._ariaId), a._old = c, a.trigger("change", {
                        start: d.start,
                        end: d.end,
                        events: r,
                        slots: o,
                        resources: s._resourceBySlot(d)
            _selectedEvents: function() {
                for (var e, t = this._selection.events, n = t.length, i = 0, r = []; n > i; i++) e = this.occurrenceByUid(t[i]), e && r.push(e);
                return r
            _mouseMove: function(t) {
                var n = this;
                clearTimeout(n._moveTimer), n._moveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    var i, r, o, a = n.view(),
                        s = n._selection;
                    s && (i = a.selectionByElement(e(t.currentTarget)), i && s.groupIndex === i.groupIndex && (r = i.startDate(), o = i.endDate(), r >= s.end ? s.backward = !1 : s.start >= o && (s.backward = !0), s.backward ? s.start = r : s.end = o, n._select()))
                }, 5)
            _viewByIndex: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.views;
                for (t in n) {
                    if (!e) return t;
            _keydown: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.keyCode,
                    r = n.view(),
                    o = r.options.editable,
                    a = n._selection,
                    s = t.shiftKey;
                n._ctrlKey = t.ctrlKey, n._shiftKey = t.shiftKey, i === N.TAB ? r.moveToEvent(a, s) && (n._select(), t.preventDefault()) : o && i === N.ENTER ? a.events.length ? o.update !== !1 && n.editEvent(a.events[0]) : o.create !== !1 && (a.isAllDay && (a = e.extend({}, a, {
                    end: M.date.addDays(a.end, -1)
                })), n.addEvent(Y({}, a, r._resourceBySlot(a)))) : i === N.DELETE && o !== !1 && o.destroy !== !1 ? n.removeEvent(a.events[0]) : i >= 49 && 57 >= i ? n.view(n._viewByIndex(i - 49)) : r.move(a, i, s) && (r.inRange(a) ? n._select() : n.date(a.start), t.preventDefault()), n._adjustSelectedDate()
            _createSelection: function(t) {
                var n, i, r;
                this._selection && (this._ctrlKey || this._shiftKey) || (this._selection = {
                    events: [],
                    groupIndex: 0
                }), t = e(t), r = this._selection, t.is(".k-event") && (n = t.attr(M.attr("uid"))), i = this.view().selectionByElement(t), i && (r.groupIndex = i.groupIndex || 0), n && (i = l(this._data, n)), i && i.uid && (n = [i.uid]), this._updateSelection(i, n), this._adjustSelectedDate()
            _updateSelection: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this._selection;
                e && r && (n = this.view(), e.uid && (e = n._updateEventForSelection(e)), this._shiftKey && r.start && r.end ? (i = r.end > e.end, r.end = e.endDate ? e.endDate() : e.end, i && n._timeSlotInterval && M.date.setTime(r.end, -n._timeSlotInterval())) : (r.start = e.startDate ? e.startDate() : e.start, r.end = e.endDate ? e.endDate() : e.end), r.isAllDay = "isDaySlot" in e ? e.isDaySlot : e.isAllDay, r.index = e.index, r.events = this._ctrlKey ? r.events.concat(t || []) : t || [])
            options: {
                name: "Scheduler",
                date: st,
                editable: !0,
                autoBind: !0,
                snap: !0,
                mobile: !1,
                timezone: "",
                allDaySlot: !0,
                min: new Date(1900, 0, 1),
                max: new Date(2099, 11, 31),
                toolbar: null,
                messages: {
                    today: "Today",
                    pdf: "Export to PDF",
                    save: "Save",
                    cancel: "Cancel",
                    destroy: "Delete",
                    deleteWindowTitle: "Delete event",
                    ariaSlotLabel: "Selected from {0:t} to {1:t}",
                    ariaEventLabel: "{0} on {1:D} at {2:t}",
                    views: {
                        day: "Day",
                        week: "Week",
                        workWeek: "Work Week",
                        agenda: "Agenda",
                        month: "Month",
                        timeline: "Timeline",
                        timelineWeek: "Timeline Week",
                        timelineWorkWeek: "Timeline Work Week",
                        timelineMonth: "Timeline Month"
                    recurrenceMessages: {
                        deleteWindowTitle: "Delete Recurring Item",
                        deleteWindowOccurrence: "Delete current occurrence",
                        deleteWindowSeries: "Delete the series",
                        editWindowTitle: "Edit Recurring Item",
                        editWindowOccurrence: "Edit current occurrence",
                        editWindowSeries: "Edit the series"
                    editable: {
                        confirmation: ct
                    editor: {
                        title: "Title",
                        start: "Start",
                        end: "End",
                        allDayEvent: "All day event",
                        description: "Description",
                        repeat: "Repeat",
                        timezone: " ",
                        startTimezone: "Start timezone",
                        endTimezone: "End timezone",
                        separateTimezones: "Use separate start and end time zones",
                        timezoneEditorTitle: "Timezones",
                        timezoneEditorButton: "Time zone",
                        timezoneTitle: "Time zones",
                        noTimezone: "No timezone",
                        editorTitle: "Event"
                height: null,
                width: null,
                resources: [],
                group: {
                    resources: [],
                    direction: "horizontal"
                views: [],
                selectable: !1
            events: [nt, ot, tt, it, "add", "dataBinding", "dataBound", "moveStart", "move", "moveEnd", "resizeStart", "resize", "resizeEnd", "navigate", "change"],
            destroy: function() {
                var t, n = this;
                V.fn.destroy.call(n), n.dataSource && (n.dataSource.unbind(et, n._refreshHandler), n.dataSource.unbind("progress", n._progressHandler), n.dataSource.unbind("error", n._errorHandler)), n.calendar && (n.calendar.destroy(), n.popup.destroy()), n.view() && n.view().destroy(), n._editor && n._editor.destroy(), this._moveDraggable && this._moveDraggable.destroy(), this._resizeDraggable && this._resizeDraggable.destroy(), t = n.element.add(n.wrapper).add(n.toolbar).add(n.popup), t.off(Z), clearTimeout(n._moveTimer), n._model = null, n.toolbar = null, n.element = null, e(window).off("resize" + Z, n._resizeHandler), M.destroy(n.wrapper)
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
            items: function() {
                return this.wrapper.find(".k-scheduler-content").children(".k-event, .k-task")
            _movable: function() {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = 0,
                    u = c._isMobile(),
                    h = c.options.editable && c.options.editable.move !== !1,
                    p = c.options.editable && c.options.editable.resize !== !1;
                (h || p && u) && (u && M.support.mobileOS.android && (d = 5), c._moveDraggable = new M.ui.Draggable(c.element, {
                    distance: d,
                    filter: ".k-event",
                    ignore: ".k-resize-handle",
                    holdToDrag: u
                }), h && c._moveDraggable.bind("dragstart", function(e) {
                    var o = c.view(),
                        d = e.currentTarget;
                    return o.options.editable && o.options.editable.move !== !1 ? u && !d.hasClass("k-event-active") ? (c.element.find(".k-event-active").removeClass("k-event-active"), e.preventDefault(), t) : (a = c.occurrenceByUid(d.attr(M.attr("uid"))), s = a.clone(), s.update(o._eventOptionsForMove(s)), n = o._slotByPosition(e.x.startLocation, e.y.startLocation), r = n.startOffset(e.x.startLocation, e.y.startLocation, c.options.snap), i = n, l = n, (!n || c.trigger("moveStart", {
                        event: a
                    })) && e.preventDefault(), t) : (e.preventDefault(), t)
                }).bind("drag", function(e) {
                    var t, l, d = c.view(),
                        u = d._slotByPosition(e.x.location, e.y.location);
                    u && (o = u.startOffset(e.x.location, e.y.location, c.options.snap), u.isDaySlot !== n.isDaySlot ? (n = d._slotByPosition(e.x.location, e.y.location), r = n.startOffset(e.x.location, e.y.location, c.options.snap), t = o - r, s.isAllDay = u.isDaySlot, s.start = M.timezone.toLocalDate(r), s.end = M.timezone.toLocalDate(o), d._updateMoveHint(s, u.groupIndex, t), l = {
                        start: s.start,
                        end: s.end
                    }) : (t = o - r, d._updateMoveHint(s, u.groupIndex, t), l = w(s, t)), c.trigger("move", {
                        event: a,
                        slot: {
                            element: u.element,
                            start: u.startDate(),
                            end: u.endDate(),
                            isDaySlot: u.isDaySlot
                        resources: d._resourceBySlot(u),
                        start: l.start,
                        end: l.end
                    }) ? d._updateMoveHint(s, u.groupIndex, t) : i = u)
                }).bind("dragend", function(t) {
                    var d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _;
                    c.view()._removeMoveHint(), d = o - r, u = w(s, d), h = u.start, p = u.end, f = c.view()._resourceBySlot(i), g = c.view()._resourceBySlot(n), m = c.trigger("moveEnd", {
                        event: a,
                        slot: {
                            element: i.element,
                            start: i.startDate(),
                            end: i.endDate()
                        start: h,
                        end: p,
                        resources: f
                    }), m || a.start.getTime() === h.getTime() && a.end.getTime() === p.getTime() && l.isDaySlot === i.isDaySlot && M.stringify(f) === M.stringify(g) || (v = c.view()._eventOptionsForMove(a), _ = l.isDaySlot !== i.isDaySlot ? i.isDaySlot ? e.extend({
                        start: i.startDate(),
                        end: i.startDate(),
                        isAllDay: i.isDaySlot
                    }, v, f) : e.extend({
                        isAllDay: i.isDaySlot,
                        start: h,
                        end: p
                    }, v, f) : e.extend({
                        isAllDay: a.isAllDay,
                        start: h,
                        end: p
                    }, v, f), c._updateEvent(null, a, _)), t.currentTarget.removeClass("k-event-active"), this.cancelHold()
                }).bind("dragcancel", function() {
                    c.view()._removeMoveHint(), this.cancelHold()
                }), u && (c._moveDraggable.bind("hold", function(e) {
                    c.element.find(".k-scheduler-monthview").length && e.preventDefault(), c.element.find(".k-event-active").removeClass("k-event-active"), e.currentTarget.addClass("k-event-active")
                }), c._moveDraggable.userEvents.bind("press", function(e) {
            _resizable: function() {
                function t(e) {
                    var t, n = {
                        "k-resize-e": "east",
                        "k-resize-w": "west",
                        "k-resize-n": "north",
                        "k-resize-s": "south"
                    for (t in n)
                        if (e.hasClass(t)) return n[t]
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = 0;
                s._isMobile() && M.support.mobileOS.android && (l = 5), s._resizeDraggable = new M.ui.Draggable(s.element, {
                    distance: l,
                    filter: ".k-resize-handle",
                    dragstart: function(t) {
                        var l = e(t.currentTarget),
                            c = l.closest(".k-event"),
                            d = c.attr(M.attr("uid")),
                            u = s.view();
                        r = s.occurrenceByUid(d), o = r.clone(), u._updateEventForResize(o), a = u._slotByPosition(t.x.startLocation, t.y.startLocation), s.trigger("resizeStart", {
                            event: r
                        }) && t.preventDefault(), n = M.date.toUtcTime(o.start), i = M.date.toUtcTime(o.end)
                    drag: function(l) {
                        var c, d, u, h, p, f;
                        a && (c = e(l.currentTarget), d = t(c), u = s.view(), h = u._slotByPosition(l.x.location, l.y.location), h && a.groupIndex == h.groupIndex && (a = h, p = n, f = i, "south" == d ? !a.isDaySlot && a.end - M.date.toUtcTime(o.start) >= u._timeSlotInterval() && (i = o.isAllDay ? a.startOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap) : a.endOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap)) : "north" == d ? !a.isDaySlot && M.date.toUtcTime(o.end) - a.start >= u._timeSlotInterval() && (n = a.startOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap)) : "east" == d ? a.isDaySlot && M.date.toUtcTime(M.date.getDate(a.endDate())) >= M.date.toUtcTime(M.date.getDate(o.start)) ? i = o.isAllDay ? a.startOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap) : a.endOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap) : !a.isDaySlot && a.end - M.date.toUtcTime(o.start) >= u._timeSlotInterval() && (i = a.endOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap)) : "west" == d && (a.isDaySlot && M.date.toUtcTime(M.date.getDate(o.end)) >= M.date.toUtcTime(M.date.getDate(a.startDate())) ? n = a.startOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap) : !a.isDaySlot && M.date.toUtcTime(o.end) - a.start >= u._timeSlotInterval() && (n = a.startOffset(l.x.location, l.y.location, s.options.snap))), s.trigger("resize", {
                            event: r,
                            slot: {
                                element: a.element,
                                start: a.startDate(),
                                end: a.endDate()
                            start: M.timezone.toLocalDate(n),
                            end: M.timezone.toLocalDate(i),
                            resources: u._resourceBySlot(a)
                        }) ? (n = p, i = f) : u._updateResizeHint(o, a.groupIndex, n, i)))
                    dragend: function(l) {
                        var c, d = e(l.currentTarget),
                            u = new Date(o.start.getTime()),
                            h = new Date(o.end.getTime()),
                            p = t(d);
                        s.view()._removeResizeHint(), "south" == p ? h = M.timezone.toLocalDate(i) : "north" == p ? u = M.timezone.toLocalDate(n) : "east" == p ? h = a.isDaySlot ? M.date.getDate(M.timezone.toLocalDate(i)) : M.timezone.toLocalDate(i) : "west" == p && (a.isDaySlot ? (u = new Date(M.timezone.toLocalDate(n)), u.setHours(0), u.setMinutes(0)) : u = M.timezone.toLocalDate(n)), c = s.trigger("resizeEnd", {
                            event: r,
                            slot: {
                                element: a.element,
                                start: a.startDate(),
                                end: a.endDate()
                            start: u,
                            end: h,
                            resources: s.view()._resourceBySlot(a)
                        }), !c && h.getTime() >= u.getTime() && (o.start.getTime() != u.getTime() || o.end.getTime() != h.getTime()) && (s.view()._updateEventForResize(r), s._updateEvent(p, r, {
                            start: u,
                            end: h
                        })), a = null, r = null
                    dragcancel: function() {
                        s.view()._removeResizeHint(), a = null, r = null
            _updateEvent: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = function(e, t) {
                        try {
                            r._preventRefresh = !0, e.update(n), r._convertDates(e)
                        } finally {
                            r._preventRefresh = !1
                        r.trigger(it, {
                            event: e
                        }) || (t && t(), r._updateSelection(e), r.dataSource.sync())
                    a = function(e) {
                        return e.recurrenceRule ? r.dataSource.getByUid(e.uid) : r.dataSource.get(e.recurrenceId)
                    s = function() {
                        var i, s, l = a(t);
                        ("south" == e || "north" == e) && (n.start && (i = M.date.getDate(l.start), M.date.setTime(i, B(n.start)), n.start = i), n.end && (s = M.date.getDate(l.end), M.date.setTime(s, B(n.end)), n.end = s)), r.dataSource._removeExceptions(l), o(l)
                    l = function() {
                        var e = a(t),
                            n = function() {
                            i = e.toOccurrence({
                                start: t.start,
                                end: t.end
                        o(r.dataSource.add(i), n)
                t.recurrenceRule || t.isOccurrence() ? (i = r.options.messages.recurrenceMessages, r._showRecurringDialog(t, l, s, {
                    title: i.editWindowTitle,
                    text: i.editRecurring ? i.editRecurring : ut,
                    occurrenceText: i.editWindowOccurrence,
                    seriesText: i.editWindowSeries
                })) : o(r.dataSource.getByUid(t.uid))
            _modelForContainer: function(t) {
                return t = e(t).closest("[" + M.attr("uid") + "]"), this.dataSource.getByUid(t.attr(M.attr("uid")))
            showDialog: function(e) {
            focus: function() {
            _confirmation: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.options.editable;
                s === !0 || s.confirmation !== !1 ? (n = this.options.messages, i = n.deleteWindowTitle, r = typeof s.confirmation === W ? s.confirmation : n.editable.confirmation, this._isEditorOpened() && t.isRecurring() && (o = this.options.messages.recurrenceMessages, i = o.deleteWindowTitle, r = t.isException() ? o.deleteRecurringConfirmation ? o.deleteRecurringConfirmation : ht : o.deleteSeriesConfirmation ? o.deleteSeriesConfirmation : pt), a = [{
                    name: "destroy",
                    text: n.destroy,
                    click: function() {
                }], this._isMobile() && M.mobile.ui.Pane || a.push({
                    name: "canceledit",
                    text: n.cancel,
                    click: function() {
                }), this._unbindResize(), this.showDialog({
                    model: t,
                    text: r,
                    title: i,
                    buttons: a
                }), this._bindResize()) : e()
            addEvent: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._editor.editable,
                    r = this.dataSource;
                e = e || {}, n = this.trigger("add", {
                    event: e
                }), !n && (i && i.end() || !i) && (this.cancelEvent(), e && e.toJSON && (e = e.toJSON()), t = r.add(e), t && (this.cancelEvent(), this._editEvent(t)))
            saveEvent: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this._editor;
                i && (e = i.editable, t = i.container, n = this._modelForContainer(t), t && e && e.end() && !this.trigger(it, {
                    container: t,
                    event: n
                }) && (n.isRecurrenceHead() && this.dataSource._removeExceptions(n), n.dirty || n.isOccurrence() || this._convertDates(n, "remove"), this.dataSource.sync()))
            cancelEvent: function() {
                var e, t = this._editor,
                    n = t.container;
                n && (e = this._modelForContainer(n), e && e.isOccurrence() && (this._convertDates(e, "remove"), this._convertDates(this.dataSource.get(e.recurrenceId), "remove")), this.dataSource.cancelChanges(e), t.close())
            editEvent: function(e) {
                var t = "string" == typeof e ? this.occurrenceByUid(e) : e;
                t && (this.cancelEvent(), t.isRecurring() ? this._editRecurringDialog(t) : this._editEvent(t))
            _editEvent: function(e) {
                this._unbindResize(), this._createPopupEditor(e), this._bindResize()
            _editRecurringDialog: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = function() {
                        e.isException() ? t._editEvent(e) : t.addEvent(e)
                    i = function() {
                        e.recurrenceId && (e = t.dataSource.get(e.recurrenceId)), t._editEvent(e)
                    r = t.options.messages.recurrenceMessages;
                t._showRecurringDialog(e, n, i, {
                    title: r.editWindowTitle,
                    text: r.editRecurring ? r.editRecurring : ut,
                    occurrenceText: r.editWindowOccurrence,
                    seriesText: r.editWindowSeries
            _showRecurringDialog: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = r.options.editable,
                    a = $(o) ? o.editRecurringMode : "dialog";
                "series" === a ? n() : "occurrence" === a ? t() : (this._unbindResize(), r.showDialog({
                    model: e,
                    title: i.title,
                    text: i.text,
                    buttons: [{
                        text: i.occurrenceText,
                        click: t
                    }, {
                        text: i.seriesText,
                        click: n
                }), this._bindResize())
            _createButton: function(e) {
                var t = e.template || ft,
                    n = typeof e === W ? e : e.name || e.text,
                    i = {
                        className: "k-scheduler-" + (n || "").replace(/\s/g, ""),
                        text: n,
                        attr: ""
                if (!(n || $(e) && e.template)) throw Error("Custom commands should have name specified");
                return $(e) ? (e.className && (e.className += " " + i.className), "edit" === n && $(e.text) && (e = Y(!0, {}, e), e.text = e.text.edit), i = Y(!0, i, b[n], e)) : i = Y(!0, i, b[n]), M.template(t)(i)
            _convertDates: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.dataSource.reader.timezone,
                    i = e.startTimezone,
                    r = e.endTimezone,
                    o = e.start,
                    a = e.start;
                t = t || "apply", i = i || r, r = r || i, i && (n ? "apply" === t ? (o = M.timezone.convert(e.start, n, i), a = M.timezone.convert(e.end, n, r)) : (o = M.timezone.convert(e.start, i, n), a = M.timezone.convert(e.end, r, n)) : (o = M.timezone[t](e.start, i), a = M.timezone[t](e.end, r)), e._set("start", o), e._set("end", a))
            _createEditor: function() {
                var e, n = this;
                e = n._editor = this._isMobile() && M.mobile.ui.Pane ? new x(this.wrapper, Y({}, this.options, {
                    target: this,
                    timezone: n.dataSource.reader.timezone,
                    resources: n.resources,
                    createButton: Q(this._createButton, this)
                })) : new C(this.wrapper, Y({}, this.options, {
                    target: this,
                    createButton: Q(this._createButton, this),
                    timezone: n.dataSource.reader.timezone,
                    resources: n.resources
                })), e.bind("cancel", function(e) {
                    return n.trigger("cancel", {
                        container: e.container,
                        event: e.model
                    }) ? (e.preventDefault(), t) : (n.cancelEvent(), n.focus(), t)
                }), e.bind("edit", function(e) {
                    n.trigger(ot, {
                        container: e.container,
                        event: e.model
                    }) && e.preventDefault()
                }), e.bind("save", function() {
                }), e.bind("remove", function(e) {
            _createPopupEditor: function(e) {
                var t = this._editor;
                (!e.isNew() || e.isOccurrence()) && (e.isOccurrence() && this._convertDates(e.recurrenceId ? this.dataSource.get(e.recurrenceId) : e), this._convertDates(e)), this.editable = t.editEvent(e)
            removeEvent: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = "string" == typeof e ? t.occurrenceByUid(e) : e;
                n && (n.isRecurring() ? t._deleteRecurringDialog(n) : t._confirmation(function(e) {
                    e || t._removeEvent(n)
                }, n))
            occurrenceByUid: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataSource.getByUid(e);
                return t || (t = l(this._data, e)), t
            occurrencesInRange: function(e, t) {
                return new M.data.Query(this._data).filter({
                    logic: "or",
                    filters: [{
                        logic: "and",
                        filters: [{
                            field: "start",
                            operator: "gte",
                            value: e
                        }, {
                            field: "end",
                            operator: "gte",
                            value: e
                        }, {
                            field: "start",
                            operator: "lt",
                            value: t
                    }, {
                        logic: "and",
                        filters: [{
                            field: "start",
                            operator: "lte",
                            value: e
                        }, {
                            field: "end",
                            operator: "gt",
                            value: e
            _removeEvent: function(e) {
                this.trigger(nt, {
                    event: e
                }) || this.dataSource.remove(e) && this.dataSource.sync()
            _deleteRecurringDialog: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = e,
                    l = a.options.editable,
                    c = $(l) ? l.editRecurringMode : "dialog",
                    d = function() {
                        var e = s.recurrenceId ? s : s.toOccurrence(),
                            t = a.dataSource.get(e.recurrenceId);
                        a._convertDates(t), a._removeEvent(e)
                    u = function() {
                        s.recurrenceId && (s = a.dataSource.get(s.recurrenceId)), a._removeEvent(s)
                ("dialog" != c || a._isEditorOpened()) && (t = function() {
                    a._confirmation(function(e) {
                        e || d()
                    }, s)
                }, n = function() {
                    a._confirmation(function(e) {
                        e || u()
                    }, s)
                }), i = n || u, r = t || d, a._isEditorOpened() ? e.isException() ? r() : i() : (o = a.options.messages.recurrenceMessages, a._showRecurringDialog(e, r, i, {
                    title: o.deleteWindowTitle,
                    text: o.deleteRecurring ? o.deleteRecurring : dt,
                    occurrenceText: o.deleteWindowOccurrence,
                    seriesText: o.deleteWindowSeries
            _isEditorOpened: function() {
                return !!this._editor.container
            _unbindView: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.angular("cleanup", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: t.items()
                }), e.destroy()
            _bindView: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.options.editable && (t._viewRemoveHandler && e.unbind(nt, t._viewRemoveHandler), t._viewRemoveHandler = function(e) {
                }, e.bind(nt, t._viewRemoveHandler), t._viewAddHandler && e.unbind(rt, t._viewAddHandler), t._viewAddHandler = function(e) {
                }, e.bind(rt, this._viewAddHandler), t._viewEditHandler && e.unbind(ot, t._viewEditHandler), t._viewEditHandler = function(e) {
                }, e.bind(ot, this._viewEditHandler)), t._viewNavigateHandler && e.unbind("navigate", t._viewNavigateHandler), t._viewNavigateHandler = function(e) {
                    var n, i;
                    e.view && (n = "isWorkDay" in e, i = n ? "changeWorkDay" : "changeView", t.trigger("navigate", {
                        view: e.view,
                        isWorkDay: e.isWorkDay,
                        action: i,
                        date: e.date
                    }) || (n && (t._workDayMode = e.isWorkDay), t._selectView(e.view), t.date(e.date)))
                }, e.bind("navigate", t._viewNavigateHandler), t._viewActivateHandler && e.unbind("activate", t._viewActivateHandler), t._viewActivateHandler = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    t._selection && (e.constrainSelection(t._selection), t._select(), t._adjustSelectedDate())
                }, e.bind("activate", t._viewActivateHandler)
            _selectView: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this;
                e && r.views[e] && (r._selectedView && r._unbindView(r._selectedView), r._selectedView = r._renderView(e), r._selectedViewName = e, r._viewsCount > 1 && (t = gt({
                    views: r.views,
                    view: e,
                    ns: M.ns
                }), n = r.toolbar.find(".k-scheduler-views li:first-child"), n.is(".k-current-view") ? n.replaceWith(t) : r.toolbar.find(".k-scheduler-views").prepend(t), i = r.toolbar.find(".k-scheduler-views li").removeClass("k-state-selected"), i.end().find(".k-view-" + e.replace(/\./g, "\\.").toLowerCase()).addClass("k-state-selected")))
            view: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e ? (n._selectView(e), n.rebind(), t) : n._selectedView
            viewName: function() {
                return this.view().name
            _renderView: function(e) {
                var t = this._initializeView(e);
                return this._bindView(t), this._model.set("formattedDate", t.dateForTitle()), this._model.set("formattedShortDate", t.shortDateForTitle()), t
            resize: function(e) {
                var t = this.getSize(),
                    n = this._size,
                    i = this.view();
                i && i.groups && (e || !n || t.width !== n.width || t.height !== n.height) && (this.refresh({
                    action: "resize"
                }), this._size = t)
            _adjustSelectedDate: function() {
                var e = this._model.selectedDate,
                    t = this._selection,
                    n = t.start;
                n && !M.date.isInDateRange(e, H(n), H(t.end)) && e.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate())
            _initializeView: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.views[e];
                if (i) {
                    if (t = $(i), n = i.type, typeof n === W && (n = M.getter(i.type)(window)), !n) throw Error("There is no such view");
                    i = new n(this.wrapper, h(Y(!0, {}, this.options, t ? i : {}, {
                        resources: this.resources,
                        date: this.date(),
                        showWorkHours: this._workDayMode
                return i
            _views: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this.options.views;
                for (this.views = {}, this._viewsCount = 0, a = 0, s = c.length; s > a; a++) l = !1, e = c[a], i = $(e), i ? (o = r = e.type ? e.type : e, typeof o !== W && (r = e.title, l = !0)) : o = r = e, t = T[r], t && !l && (e.type = t.type, t.title = this.options.messages.views[r], "day" === t.type ? t.messages = {
                    allDay: this.options.messages.allDay
                } : "agenda" === t.type && (t.messages = {
                    event: this.options.messages.event,
                    date: this.options.messages.date,
                    time: this.options.messages.time
                })), e = Y({
                    title: r
                }, t, i ? e : {}), r && (this.views[r] = e, this._viewsCount++, (!n || e.selected) && (n = r));
                n && (this._selectedViewName = n)
            rebind: function() {
            _dataSource: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.dataSource;
                n = X(n) ? {
                    data: n
                } : n, !t.timezone || n instanceof At ? n instanceof At && (t.timezone = n.options.schema ? n.options.schema.timezone : "") : n = Y(!0, n, {
                    schema: {
                        timezone: t.timezone
                }), e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler ? e.dataSource.unbind(et, e._refreshHandler).unbind("progress", e._progressHandler).unbind("error", e._errorHandler) : (e._refreshHandler = Q(e.refresh, e), e._progressHandler = Q(e._requestStart, e), e._errorHandler = Q(e._error, e)), e.dataSource = M.data.SchedulerDataSource.create(n).bind(et, e._refreshHandler).bind("progress", e._progressHandler).bind("error", e._errorHandler), e.options.dataSource = e.dataSource
            _error: function() {
            _requestStart: function() {
            _progress: function(e) {
                var t = this.element.find(".k-scheduler-content");
                M.ui.progress(t, e)
            _resources: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options.resources;
                for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++) {
                    if (n = s[t], i = n.field, r = n.dataSource, !i || !r) throw Error('The "field" and "dataSource" options of the scheduler resource are mandatory.');
                        field: i,
                        name: n.name || i,
                        title: n.title || i,
                        dataTextField: n.dataTextField || "text",
                        dataValueField: n.dataValueField || "value",
                        dataColorField: n.dataColorField || "color",
                        valuePrimitive: null != n.valuePrimitive ? n.valuePrimitive : !0,
                        multiple: n.multiple || !1,
                        dataSource: M.data.DataSource.create(r)
                o = e.map(a.resources, function(e) {
                    return e.dataSource.fetch()
                }), e.when.apply(null, o).then(function() {
                    a.options.autoBind ? a.view(a._selectedViewName) : a._selectView(a._selectedViewName)
            _initModel: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._model = M.observable({
                    selectedDate: new Date(this.options.date),
                    formattedDate: "",
                    formattedShortDate: ""
                }), e._model.bind("change", function(t) {
                    "selectedDate" === t.field && e.view(e._selectedViewName)
            _wrapper: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.height,
                    i = t.width;
                e.wrapper = e.element.addClass("k-widget k-scheduler k-floatwrap").attr("role", "grid").attr("aria-multiselectable", !0), e._isMobile() && e.wrapper.addClass("k-scheduler-mobile"), e._isMobilePhoneView() && e.wrapper.addClass("k-scheduler-phone"), n && e.wrapper.height(n), i && e.wrapper.width(i)
            date: function(e) {
                return null != e && H(e) >= H(this.options.min) && H(e) <= H(this.options.max) && this._model.set("selectedDate", e), H(this._model.get("selectedDate"))
            _toolbar: function() {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = [];
                o.toolbar && (a = e.isArray(o.toolbar) ? o.toolbar : [o.toolbar]), n = this._isMobilePhoneView() ? vt : mt, i = e(n({
                    messages: o.messages,
                    pdf: e.grep(a, function(e) {
                        return "pdf" == e || "pdf" == e.name
                    }).length > 0,
                    ns: M.ns,
                    views: r.views,
                    viewsCount: r._viewsCount
                })), r.wrapper.append(i), r.toolbar = i, M.bind(r.toolbar, r._model), i.on(J + Z, ".k-pdf", function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), r.saveAsPDF()
                }), i.on(J + Z, ".k-scheduler-navigation li", function(n) {
                    var i = e(this),
                        o = new Date(r.date()),
                        a = "";
                    if (n.preventDefault(), i.hasClass("k-nav-today")) a = "today", o = new Date;
                    else if (i.hasClass("k-nav-next")) a = "next", o = r.view().nextDate();
                    else if (i.hasClass("k-nav-prev")) a = "previous", o = r.view().previousDate();
                    else if (i.hasClass("k-nav-current") && !r._isMobilePhoneView()) return r._showCalendar(), t;
                    r.trigger("navigate", {
                        view: r._selectedViewName,
                        action: a,
                        date: o
                    }) || r.date(o)
                }), i.on(J + Z, ".k-scheduler-views li, .k-scheduler-refresh", function(t) {
                    var n = e(this).attr(M.attr("name"));
                    r.trigger("navigate", {
                        view: n,
                        action: "changeView",
                        date: r.date()
                    }) || (r.view(n), r.element.find(".k-state-expanded").removeClass("k-state-expanded"))
                }), i.on(J + Z, ".k-scheduler-views li.k-current-view", function() {
                }), i.find("li").hover(function() {
                }, function() {
            _showCalendar: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.toolbar.find(".k-nav-current"),
                    i = e('<div class="k-calendar-container"><div class="k-scheduler-calendar"/></div>');
                t.popup || (t.popup = new j(i, {
                    anchor: n,
                    activate: function() {
                        t.calendar || (t.calendar = new G(this.element.find(".k-scheduler-calendar"), {
                            change: function() {
                                var e = this.value();
                                t.trigger("navigate", {
                                    view: t._selectedViewName,
                                    action: "changeDate",
                                    date: e
                                }) || (t.date(e), t.popup.close())
                            min: t.options.min,
                            max: t.options.max
                        })), t.calendar.value(t.date())
                    copyAnchorStyles: !1
                })), t.popup.open()
            refresh: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = this.view();
                this._progress(!1), this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: t.items()
                }), e = e || {}, n && (e && "itemchange" === e.action && (this._editor.editable || this._preventRefresh) || this.trigger("dataBinding", {
                    action: e.action || "rebind",
                    index: e.index,
                    items: e.items
                }) || (e && "resize" === e.action || !this._editor || this._editor.close(), this._data = this.dataSource.expand(n.startDate(), n.endDate()), n.render(this._data), this.trigger("dataBound")))
            slotByPosition: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.view();
                return i._slotByPosition ? (n = i._slotByPosition(e, t), n ? {
                    startDate: n.startDate(),
                    endDate: n.endDate(),
                    groupIndex: n.groupIndex,
                    element: n.element,
                    isDaySlot: n.isDaySlot
                } : null) : null
            slotByElement: function(t) {
                var n = e(t).offset();
                return this.slotByPosition(n.left, n.top)
            resourcesBySlot: function(e) {
                return this.view()._resourceBySlot(e)
        }), T = {
            day: {
                type: "kendo.ui.DayView"
            week: {
                type: "kendo.ui.WeekView"
            workWeek: {
                type: "kendo.ui.WorkWeekView"
            agenda: {
                type: "kendo.ui.AgendaView"
            month: {
                type: "kendo.ui.MonthView"
            timeline: {
                type: "kendo.ui.TimelineView"
            timelineWeek: {
                type: "kendo.ui.TimelineWeekView"
            timelineWorkWeek: {
                type: "kendo.ui.TimelineWorkWeekView"
            timelineMonth: {
                type: "kendo.ui.TimelineMonthView"
        }, O.plugin(S), M.PDFMixin && (M.PDFMixin.extend(S.prototype), D = "k-scheduler-pdf-export", S.fn._drawPDF = function(t) {
            var n, i, r = this.wrapper,
                o = r[0].style.cssText;
            return r.css({
                width: r.width(),
                height: r.height()
            }), r.addClass(D), this.resize(!0), n = this, i = new e.Deferred, this._drawPDFShadow().done(function(e) {
                var n = {
                    page: e,
                    pageNumber: 1,
                    progress: 1,
                    totalPages: 1
                t.notify(n), i.resolve(n.page)
            }).fail(function(e) {
            }).always(function() {
                r[0].style.cssText = o, r.removeClass(D), n.resize(!0)
            }), i
        }), A = V.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = M.timezone.windows_zones;
                if (!i || !M.timezone.zones_titles) throw Error("kendo.timezones.min.js is not included.");
                V.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.wrapper = n.element, n._zonesQuery = new M.data.Query(i), n._zoneTitleId = M.guid(), n._zoneTitlePicker(), n._zonePicker(), n._zoneTitle.bind("cascade", function() {
                    this.value() || n._zone.wrapper.hide()
                }), n._zone.bind("cascade", function() {
                    n._value = this.value(), n.trigger("change")
                }), n.value(n.options.value)
            options: {
                name: "TimezoneEditor",
                value: "",
                optionLabel: "No timezone"
            events: ["change"],
            _zoneTitlePicker: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = e('<input id="' + t._zoneTitleId + '"/>').appendTo(t.wrapper);
                t._zoneTitle = new M.ui.DropDownList(n, {
                    dataSource: M.timezone.zones_titles,
                    dataValueField: "other_zone",
                    dataTextField: "name",
                    optionLabel: t.options.optionLabel
            _zonePicker: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = e("<input />").appendTo(this.wrapper);
                t._zone = new M.ui.DropDownList(n, {
                    dataValueField: "zone",
                    dataTextField: "territory",
                    dataSource: t._zonesQuery.data,
                    cascadeFrom: t._zoneTitleId,
                    dataBound: function() {
                        t._value = this.value(), this.wrapper.toggle(this.dataSource.view().length > 1)
                }), t._zone.wrapper.hide()
            destroy: function() {
                V.fn.destroy.call(this), M.destroy(this.wrapper)
            value: function(e) {
                var n, i = this;
                return e === t ? i._value : (n = i._zonesQuery.filter({
                    field: "zone",
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: e
                }).data[0], n ? (i._zoneTitle.value(n.other_zone), i._zone.value(n.zone)) : i._zoneTitle.select(0), t)
        }), O.plugin(A), E = M.template('<option value="#=other_zone#">#=name#</option>'), I = M.template('<option value="#=zone#">#=territory#</option>'), P = V.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = M.timezone.windows_zones;
                if (!i || !M.timezone.zones_titles) throw Error("kendo.timezones.min.js is not included.");
                V.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.wrapper = n.element, n._zonesQuery = new M.data.Query(i), n._zoneTitlePicker(), n._zonePicker(), n.value(n.options.value)
            options: {
                name: "MobileTimezoneEditor",
                optionLabel: "No timezone",
                value: ""
            events: ["change"],
            _bindZones: function(e) {
                var t = e ? this._filter(e) : [];
                this._zone.html(this._options(t, I))
            _filter: function(e) {
                return this._zonesQuery.filter({
                    field: "other_zone",
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: e
            _options: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = 0,
                    r = "",
                    o = e.length;
                for (n && (r += t({
                    other_zone: "",
                    name: n
                })); o > i; i++) r += t(e[i]);
                return r
            _zoneTitlePicker: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = t._options(M.timezone.zones_titles, E, t.options.optionLabel);
                t._zoneTitle = e("<select>" + n + "</select>").appendTo(t.wrapper).change(function() {
                    var e = this.value,
                        n = t._zone;
                    t._bindZones(e), e && n[0].children.length > 1 ? n.show() : n.hide(), t._value = n[0].value, t.trigger("change")
            _zonePicker: function() {
                var t = this;
                t._zone = e('<select style="display:none"></select>').appendTo(this.wrapper).change(function() {
                    t._value = this.value, t.trigger("change")
                }), t._bindZones(t._zoneTitle.val()), t._value = t._zone[0].value
            destroy: function() {
                V.fn.destroy.call(this), M.destroy(this.wrapper)
            value: function(e) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i._zone,
                    o = "",
                    a = "";
                return e === t ? i._value : (n = i._zonesQuery.filter({
                    field: "zone",
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: e
                }).data[0], n && (a = n.zone, o = n.other_zone), i._zoneTitle.val(o), i._bindZones(o), r.val(a), a = r[0].value, a && r[0].children.length > 1 ? r.show() : r.hide(), i._value = a, t)
        }), O.plugin(P)
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.ui.Widget,
            i = e.proxy,
            r = Math.abs,
            o = 20,
            a = n.extend({
                init: function(e, r) {
                    function o(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            s._triggerTouch(e, t)

                    function a(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            s.trigger(e, {
                                touches: t.touches,
                                distance: t.distance,
                                center: t.center,
                                event: t.event
                    var s = this;
                    n.fn.init.call(s, e, r), r = s.options, e = s.element, s.wrapper = e, s.events = new t.UserEvents(e, {
                        filter: r.filter,
                        surface: r.surface,
                        minHold: r.minHold,
                        multiTouch: r.multiTouch,
                        allowSelection: !0,
                        press: o("touchstart"),
                        hold: o("hold"),
                        tap: i(s, "_tap"),
                        gesturestart: a("gesturestart"),
                        gesturechange: a("gesturechange"),
                        gestureend: a("gestureend")
                    }), r.enableSwipe ? (s.events.bind("start", i(s, "_swipestart")), s.events.bind("move", i(s, "_swipemove"))) : (s.events.bind("start", i(s, "_dragstart")), s.events.bind("move", o("drag")), s.events.bind("end", o("dragend"))), t.notify(s)
                events: ["touchstart", "dragstart", "drag", "dragend", "tap", "doubletap", "hold", "swipe", "gesturestart", "gesturechange", "gestureend"],
                options: {
                    name: "Touch",
                    surface: null,
                    global: !1,
                    multiTouch: !1,
                    enableSwipe: !1,
                    minXDelta: 30,
                    maxYDelta: 20,
                    maxDuration: 1e3,
                    minHold: 800,
                    doubleTapTimeout: 800
                cancel: function() {
                _triggerTouch: function(e, t) {
                    this.trigger(e, {
                        touch: t.touch,
                        event: t.event
                    }) && t.preventDefault()
                _tap: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.lastTap,
                        r = e.touch;
                    i && n.options.doubleTapTimeout > r.endTime - i.endTime && t.touchDelta(r, i).distance < o ? (n._triggerTouch("doubletap", e), n.lastTap = null) : (n._triggerTouch("tap", e), n.lastTap = r)
                _dragstart: function(e) {
                    this._triggerTouch("dragstart", e)
                _swipestart: function(e) {
                    2 * r(e.x.velocity) >= r(e.y.velocity) && e.sender.capture()
                _swipemove: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = e.touch,
                        o = e.event.timeStamp - i.startTime,
                        a = i.x.initialDelta > 0 ? "right" : "left";
                    r(i.x.initialDelta) >= n.minXDelta && r(i.y.initialDelta) < n.maxYDelta && n.maxDuration > o && (t.trigger("swipe", {
                        direction: a,
                        touch: e.touch
                    }), i.cancel())
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            var t, n, i = [],
                r = e.className;
            for (t = 0, n = e.level; n > t; t++) i.push(o("span", {
                className: r
            return i

        function n() {
            var t = i._activeElement();
            "body" !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() && e(t).blur()
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.dom,
            o = r.element,
            a = r.text,
            s = i.support.browser,
            l = i.support.mobileOS,
            c = i.ui,
            d = c.Widget,
            u = e.extend,
            h = e.map,
            p = e.isFunction,
            f = s.msie && 9 > s.version,
            g = i.keys,
            m = {
                title: "Title",
                start: "Start Time",
                end: "End Time",
                percentComplete: "% Done",
                parentId: "Predecessor ID",
                id: "ID",
                orderId: "Order ID"
            v = "string",
            _ = ".kendoGanttList",
            w = "click",
            b = ".",
            y = {
                wrapper: "k-treelist k-grid k-widget",
                header: "k-header",
                alt: "k-alt",
                editCell: "k-edit-cell",
                group: "k-treelist-group",
                gridHeader: "k-grid-header",
                gridHeaderWrap: "k-grid-header-wrap",
                gridContent: "k-grid-content",
                gridContentWrap: "k-grid-content",
                selected: "k-state-selected",
                icon: "k-icon",
                iconCollapse: "k-i-collapse",
                iconExpand: "k-i-expand",
                iconHidden: "k-i-none",
                iconPlaceHolder: "k-icon k-i-none",
                input: "k-input",
                link: "k-link",
                dropPositions: "k-insert-top k-insert-bottom k-add k-insert-middle",
                dropTop: "k-insert-top",
                dropBottom: "k-insert-bottom",
                dropAdd: "k-add",
                dropMiddle: "k-insert-middle",
                dropDenied: "k-denied",
                dragStatus: "k-drag-status",
                dragClue: "k-drag-clue",
                dragClueText: "k-clue-text"
            k = c.GanttList = d.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    d.fn.init.call(this, e, t), 0 === this.options.columns.length && this.options.columns.push("title"), this.dataSource = this.options.dataSource, this._columns(), this._layout(), this._domTrees(), this._header(), this._sortable(), this._editable(), this._selectable(), this._draggable(), this._attachEvents(), this._adjustHeight()
                _adjustHeight: function() {
                    this.content.height(this.element.height() - this.header.parent().outerHeight())
                destroy: function() {
                    d.fn.destroy.call(this), this._reorderDraggable && this._reorderDraggable.destroy(), this._tableDropArea && this._tableDropArea.destroy(), this._contentDropArea && this._contentDropArea.destroy(), this.touch && this.touch.destroy(), this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer), this.content.off(_), this.header.find(b + k.link).off(_), this.header = null, this.content = null, this.levels = null, i.destroy(this.element)
                options: {
                    name: "GanttList",
                    selectable: !0,
                    editable: !0
                _attachEvents: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = k.styles;
                    t.content.on(w + _, "td > span." + n.icon + ":not(." + n.iconHidden + ")", function(n) {
                        var i = e(this),
                            r = t._modelFromElement(i);
                        r.set("expanded", !r.get("expanded")), n.stopPropagation()
                _domTrees: function() {
                    this.headerTree = new r.Tree(this.header[0]), this.contentTree = new r.Tree(this.content[0])
                _columns: function() {
                    var e = this.options.columns,
                        t = function() {
                            this.field = "", this.title = "", this.editable = !1, this.sortable = !1
                    this.columns = h(e, function(e) {
                        return e = "string" == typeof e ? {
                            field: e,
                            title: m[e]
                        } : e, u(new t, e)
                _layout: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = k.styles;
                    e.addClass(t.wrapper).append("<div class='" + t.gridHeader + "'><div class='" + t.gridHeaderWrap + "'></div></div>").append("<div class='" + t.gridContentWrap + "'></div>"), this.header = e.find(b + t.gridHeaderWrap), this.content = e.find(b + t.gridContent)
                _header: function() {
                    var e = this.headerTree,
                        t = o("colgroup", null, this._cols()),
                        n = o("thead", {
                            role: "rowgroup"
                        }, [o("tr", {
                            role: "row"
                        }, this._ths())]),
                        i = o("table", {
                            style: {
                                minWidth: this.options.listWidth + "px"
                            role: "grid"
                        }, [t, n]);
                _render: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    this.levels = [{
                        field: null,
                        value: 0
                    }], t = o("colgroup", null, this._cols()), n = o("tbody", {
                        role: "rowgroup"
                    }, this._trs(e)), i = o("table", {
                        style: {
                            minWidth: this.options.listWidth + "px"
                        tabIndex: 0,
                        role: "treegrid"
                    }, [t, n]), this.contentTree.render([i]), this.trigger("render")
                _ths: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.columns,
                        s = [];
                    for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) e = r[n], t = {
                        "data-field": e.field,
                        "data-title": e.title,
                        className: k.styles.header,
                        role: "columnheader"
                    }, s.push(o("th", t, [a(e.title)]));
                    return s
                _cols: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, a = this.columns,
                        s = [];
                    for (i = 0, r = a.length; r > i; i++) e = a[i], n = e.width, t = n && 0 !== parseInt(n, 10) ? {
                        style: {
                            width: typeof n === v ? n : n + "px"
                    } : null, s.push(o("col", t, []));
                    return s
                _trs: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = [],
                        s = [],
                        l = k.styles;
                    for (r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++) t = e[r], i = this._levels({
                        idx: t.parentId,
                        id: t.id,
                        summary: t.summary
                    }), n = {
                        "data-uid": t.uid,
                        "data-level": i,
                        role: "row"
                    }, t.summary && (n["aria-expanded"] = t.expanded), r % 2 !== 0 && s.push(l.alt), t.summary && s.push(l.group), s.length && (n.className = s.join(" ")), a.push(this._tds({
                        task: t,
                        attr: n,
                        level: i
                    })), s = [];
                    return a
                _tds: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = [],
                        a = this.columns;
                    for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++) t = a[n], r.push(this._td({
                        task: e.task,
                        column: t,
                        level: e.level
                    return o("tr", e.attr, r)
                _td: function(e) {
                    var n, r, s, l = [],
                        c = this.options.resourcesField,
                        d = k.styles,
                        u = e.task,
                        h = e.column,
                        p = u.get(h.field) || [];
                    if (h.field == c) {
                        for (n = [], r = 0; p.length > r; r++) n.push(i.format("{0} [{1}]", p[r].get("name"), p[r].get("formatedValue")));
                        n = n.join(", ")
                    } else n = h.format ? i.format(h.format, p) : p;
                    return "title" === h.field && (l = t({
                        level: e.level,
                        className: d.iconPlaceHolder
                    }), l.push(o("span", {
                        className: d.icon + " " + (u.summary ? u.expanded ? d.iconCollapse : d.iconExpand : d.iconHidden)
                    })), s = i.format("{0}, {1:P0}", n, u.percentComplete)), l.push(o("span", {
                        "aria-label": s
                    }, [a(n)])), o("td", {
                        role: "gridcell"
                    }, l)
                _levels: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.levels,
                        o = e.summary,
                        a = e.idx,
                        s = e.id;
                    for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++)
                        if (t = r[n], t.field == a) return o && r.push({
                            field: s,
                            value: t.value + 1
                        }), t.value
                _sortable: function() {
                    var e, t, n, r, o, a = this,
                        s = this.options.resourcesField,
                        l = this.columns,
                        c = this.header.find("th"),
                        d = function(e) {
                            a.editable && a.editable.trigger("validate") && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation())
                    for (r = 0, o = c.length; o > r; r++) e = l[r], e.sortable && e.field !== s && (n = c.eq(r), t = n.data("kendoColumnSorter"), t && t.destroy(), n.attr("data-" + i.ns + "field", e.field).kendoColumnSorter({
                        dataSource: this.dataSource
                    }).find(b + k.link).on("click" + _, d));
                    c = null
                _selectable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = this.options.selectable;
                    n && this.content.on(w + _, "tr", function(n) {
                        var i = e(this);
                        t.editable && t.editable.trigger("validate"), n.ctrlKey ? t.clearSelection() : t.select(i)
                select: function(e) {
                    var t = this.content.find(e),
                        n = k.styles.selected;
                    return t.length ? (t.siblings(b + n).removeClass(n).attr("aria-selected", !1).end().addClass(n).attr("aria-selected", !0), void this.trigger("change")) : this.content.find(b + n)
                clearSelection: function() {
                    var e = this.select();
                    e.length && (e.removeClass(k.styles.selected), this.trigger("change"))
                _setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.dataSource = e
                _editable: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        i = k.styles,
                        r = "span." + i.icon + ":not(" + i.iconHidden + ")",
                        o = function() {
                            var e = t.editable;
                            e && (e.end() ? t._closeCell() : e.trigger("validate"))
                        a = function(t) {
                            var r = e(t.currentTarget);
                            r.hasClass(i.editCell) || n()
                    this.options.editable && (this._startEditHandler = function(n) {
                        var i = n.currentTarget ? e(n.currentTarget) : n,
                            r = t._columnFromElement(i);
                        t.editable || r.editable && t._editCell({
                            cell: i,
                            column: r
                    }, t.content.on("focusin" + _, function() {
                        clearTimeout(t.timer), t.timer = null
                    }).on("focusout" + _, function() {
                        t.timer = setTimeout(o, 1)
                    }).on("keyup" + _, function(e) {
                        var i, r, a = e.keyCode;
                        switch (a) {
                            case g.ENTER:
                                n(), o();
                            case g.ESC:
                                t.editable && (i = t._editableContainer, r = t._modelFromElement(i), t.trigger("cancel", {
                                    model: r,
                                    cell: i
                                }) || t._closeCell(!0))
                    }), l ? t.touch = t.content.kendoTouch({
                        filter: "td",
                        touchstart: function(e) {
                        doubletap: function(n) {
                            e(n.touch.initialTouch).is(r) || t._startEditHandler(n.touch)
                    }).data("kendoTouch") : t.content.on("mousedown" + _, "td", function(e) {
                    }).on("dblclick" + _, "td", function(n) {
                        e(n.target).is(r) || t._startEditHandler(n)
                _editCell: function(t) {
                    var n, r = this.options.resourcesField,
                        o = k.styles,
                        a = t.cell,
                        s = t.column,
                        l = this._modelFromElement(a),
                        c = this.dataSource._createNewModel(l.toJSON()),
                        d = c.fields[s.field] || c[s.field],
                        u = d.validation,
                        h = i.attr("type"),
                        g = i.attr("bind"),
                        m = i.attr("format"),
                        v = {
                            name: s.field,
                            required: d.validation ? d.validation.required === !0 : !1
                    return s.field === r ? void s.editor(a, c) : (this._editableContent = a.children().detach(), this._editableContainer = a, a.data("modelCopy", c), "date" !== d.type && "date" !== e.type(d) || s.format && !/H|m|s|F|g|u/.test(s.format) || (v[g] = "value:" + s.field, v[h] = "date", s.format && (v[m] = i._extractFormat(s.format)), n = function(t, n) {
                        e('<input type="text"/>').attr(v).appendTo(t).kendoDateTimePicker({
                            format: n.format
                    }), this.editable = a.addClass(o.editCell).kendoEditable({
                        fields: {
                            field: s.field,
                            format: s.format,
                            editor: s.editor || n
                        model: c,
                        clearContainer: !1
                    }).data("kendoEditable"), u && u.dateCompare && p(u.dateCompare) && u.message && (e("<span " + i.attr("for") + '="' + s.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(a), a.find("[name=" + s.field + "]").attr(i.attr("dateCompare-msg"), u.message)), this.trigger("edit", {
                        model: l,
                        cell: a
                    }) && this._closeCell(!0), void this.editable.bind("validate", function(e) {
                        var t = this.element.find(":kendoFocusable:first").focus();
                        f && t.focus(), e.preventDefault()
                _closeCell: function(e) {
                    var t = k.styles,
                        n = this._editableContainer,
                        i = this._modelFromElement(n),
                        r = this._columnFromElement(n),
                        o = r.field,
                        a = n.data("modelCopy"),
                        s = {};
                    s[o] = a.get(o), n.empty().removeData("modelCopy").removeClass(t.editCell).append(this._editableContent), this.editable.unbind(), this.editable.destroy(), this.editable = null, this._editableContainer = null, this._editableContent = null, e || ("start" === o && (s.end = new Date(s.start.getTime() + i.duration())), this.trigger("update", {
                        task: i,
                        updateInfo: s
                _draggable: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        r = null,
                        o = !0,
                        a = k.styles,
                        s = "tr[" + i.attr("level") + " = 0]:last",
                        c = {},
                        d = function() {
                            r = null, t = null, o = !0, c = {}
                        h = function(e) {
                            for (var t = e; t;) {
                                if (r.get("id") === t.get("id")) {
                                    o = !1;
                                t = n.dataSource.taskParent(t)
                        p = function() {
                            var n = e(t).height(),
                                r = i.getOffset(t).top;
                            u(t, {
                                beforeLimit: r + .25 * n,
                                afterLimit: r + .75 * n
                        f = function(e) {
                            var n, r = e.location,
                                o = a.dropAdd,
                                s = "add",
                                l = parseInt(t.attr(i.attr("level")), 10);
                            t.beforeLimit >= r ? (n = t.prev(), o = a.dropTop, s = "insert-before") : r >= t.afterLimit && (n = t.next(), o = a.dropBottom, s = "insert-after"), n && parseInt(n.attr(i.attr("level")), 10) === l && (o = a.dropMiddle), c.className = o, c.command = s
                        g = function() {
                            return n._reorderDraggable.hint.children(b + a.dragStatus).removeClass(a.dropPositions)
                    this.options.editable && (this._reorderDraggable = this.content.kendoDraggable({
                        distance: 10,
                        holdToDrag: l,
                        group: "listGroup",
                        filter: "tr[data-uid]",
                        ignore: b + a.input,
                        hint: function(t) {
                            return e('<div class="' + a.header + " " + a.dragClue + '"/>').css({
                                width: 300,
                                paddingLeft: t.css("paddingLeft"),
                                paddingRight: t.css("paddingRight"),
                                lineHeight: t.height() + "px",
                                paddingTop: t.css("paddingTop"),
                                paddingBottom: t.css("paddingBottom")
                            }).append('<span class="' + a.icon + " " + a.dragStatus + '" /><span class="' + a.dragClueText + '"/>')
                        cursorOffset: {
                            top: -20,
                            left: 0
                        container: this.content,
                        dragstart: function(e) {
                            return n.editable && n.editable.trigger("validate") ? void e.preventDefault() : (r = n._modelFromElement(e.currentTarget), void this.hint.children(b + a.dragClueText).text(r.get("title")))
                        drag: function(e) {
                            o && (f(e.y), g().addClass(c.className))
                        dragend: function() {
                        dragcancel: function() {
                    }).data("kendoDraggable"), this._tableDropArea = this.content.kendoDropTargetArea({
                        distance: 0,
                        group: "listGroup",
                        filter: "tr[data-uid]",
                        dragenter: function(e) {
                            t = e.dropTarget, h(n._modelFromElement(t)), p(), g().toggleClass(a.dropDenied, !o)
                        dragleave: function() {
                            o = !0, g()
                        drop: function() {
                            var e = n._modelFromElement(t),
                                i = e.orderId,
                                a = {
                                    parentId: e.parentId
                            if (o) {
                                switch (c.command) {
                                    case "add":
                                        a.parentId = e.id;
                                    case "insert-before":
                                        a.orderId = e.parentId === r.parentId && e.orderId > r.orderId ? i - 1 : i;
                                    case "insert-after":
                                        a.orderId = e.parentId === r.parentId && e.orderId > r.orderId ? i : i + 1
                                n.trigger("update", {
                                    task: r,
                                    updateInfo: a
                    }).data("kendoDropTargetArea"), this._contentDropArea = this.element.kendoDropTargetArea({
                        distance: 0,
                        group: "listGroup",
                        filter: b + a.gridContent,
                        drop: function() {
                            var e = n._modelFromElement(n.content.find(s)),
                                t = e.orderId,
                                i = {
                                    parentId: null,
                                    orderId: null !== r.parentId ? t + 1 : t
                            n.trigger("update", {
                                task: r,
                                updateInfo: i
                _modelFromElement: function(e) {
                    var t = e.closest("tr"),
                        n = this.dataSource.getByUid(t.attr(i.attr("uid")));
                    return n
                _columnFromElement: function(e) {
                    var t = e.closest("td"),
                        n = t.parent(),
                        i = n.children().index(t);
                    return this.columns[i]
        u(!0, c.GanttList, {
            styles: y
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return delete e.name, delete e.prefix, delete e.views, e

        function n(e) {
            var t = [],
                n = e.workWeekStart;
            for (t.push(n); e.workWeekEnd != n;) n > 6 ? n -= 7 : n++, t.push(n);
            return t

        function i() {
            var t = kendo._activeElement();
            "body" !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() && e(t).blur()
        var r, o, a = kendo.ui.Widget,
            s = kendo.dom.element,
            l = kendo.dom.text,
            c = e.isPlainObject,
            d = e.extend,
            u = e.proxy,
            h = kendo.support.browser,
            p = !1,
            f = kendo.keys,
            g = kendo.data.Query,
            m = ".kendoGanttTimeline",
            v = "click",
            _ = "dblclick",
            w = "mousemove",
            b = "mouseenter",
            y = "mouseleave",
            k = "keydown",
            x = ".",
            C = kendo.template("#=kendo.toString(start, 't')#"),
            S = kendo.template("#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')#"),
            T = kendo.template("#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')# - #=kendo.toString(kendo.date.addDays(end, -1), 'ddd M/dd')#"),
            D = kendo.template("#=kendo.toString(start, 'MMM')#"),
            A = kendo.template("#=kendo.toString(start, 'yyyy')#"),
            E = kendo.template('<div class="#=styles.marquee#"><div class="#=styles.marqueeColor#"></div></div>'),
            I = kendo.template('<div style="z-index: 100002;" class="#=styles.tooltipWrapper#"><div class="#=styles.tooltipContent#"><div>#=messages.start#: #=kendo.toString(start, format)#</div><div>#=messages.end#: #=kendo.toString(end, format)#</div></div></div>'),
            P = kendo.template('<div style="z-index: 100002;" class="#=styles.tooltipWrapper#" ><div class="#=styles.tooltipContent#">#=text#%</div><div class="#=styles.tooltipCallout#" style="left:13px;"></div></div>'),
            M = kendo.template('<div class="#=styles.taskDetails#"><strong>#=task.title#</strong><div class="#=styles.taskDetailsPercent#">#=kendo.toString(task.percentComplete, "p0")#</div><ul class="#=styles.reset#"><li>#=messages.start#: #=kendo.toString(task.start, "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d")#</li><li>#=messages.end#: #=kendo.toString(task.end, "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d")#</li></ul></div>'),
            z = {
                day: {
                    type: "kendo.ui.GanttDayView"
                week: {
                    type: "kendo.ui.GanttWeekView"
                month: {
                    type: "kendo.ui.GanttMonthView"
                year: {
                    type: "kendo.ui.GanttYearView"
            F = {
                alt: "k-alt",
                reset: "k-reset",
                nonWorking: "k-nonwork-hour",
                header: "k-header",
                gridHeader: "k-grid-header",
                gridHeaderWrap: "k-grid-header-wrap",
                gridContent: "k-grid-content",
                tasksWrapper: "k-gantt-tables",
                rowsTable: "k-gantt-rows",
                columnsTable: "k-gantt-columns",
                tasksTable: "k-gantt-tasks",
                dependenciesWrapper: "k-gantt-dependencies",
                resource: "k-resource",
                resourceAlt: "k-resource k-alt",
                task: "k-task",
                taskSingle: "k-task-single",
                taskMilestone: "k-task-milestone",
                taskSummary: "k-task-summary",
                taskWrap: "k-task-wrap",
                taskMilestoneWrap: "k-milestone-wrap",
                resourcesWrap: "k-resources-wrap",
                taskDot: "k-task-dot",
                taskDotStart: "k-task-start",
                taskDotEnd: "k-task-end",
                taskDragHandle: "k-task-draghandle",
                taskContent: "k-task-content",
                taskTemplate: "k-task-template",
                taskActions: "k-task-actions",
                taskDelete: "k-task-delete",
                taskComplete: "k-task-complete",
                taskDetails: "k-task-details",
                taskDetailsPercent: "k-task-pct",
                link: "k-link",
                icon: "k-icon",
                iconDelete: "k-si-close",
                taskResizeHandle: "k-resize-handle",
                taskResizeHandleWest: "k-resize-w",
                taskResizeHandleEast: "k-resize-e",
                taskSummaryProgress: "k-task-summary-progress",
                taskSummaryComplete: "k-task-summary-complete",
                line: "k-line",
                lineHorizontal: "k-line-h",
                lineVertical: "k-line-v",
                arrowWest: "k-arrow-w",
                arrowEast: "k-arrow-e",
                dragHint: "k-drag-hint",
                dependencyHint: "k-dependency-hint",
                tooltipWrapper: "k-widget k-tooltip k-popup k-group k-reset",
                tooltipContent: "k-tooltip-content",
                tooltipCallout: "k-callout k-callout-s",
                callout: "k-callout",
                marquee: "k-marquee k-gantt-marquee",
                marqueeColor: "k-marquee-color"
            R = kendo.ui.GanttView = a.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    a.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.title = this.options.title || this.options.name, this.header = this.element.find(x + R.styles.gridHeader), this.content = this.element.find(x + R.styles.gridContent), this.contentWidth = this.content.width(), this._workDays = n(this.options), this._headerTree = t.headerTree, this._taskTree = t.taskTree, this._dependencyTree = t.dependencyTree, this._taskCoordinates = {}, this._currentTime()
                destroy: function() {
                    a.fn.destroy.call(this), clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout), this.headerRow = null, this.header = null, this.content = null, this._dragHint = null, this._resizeHint = null, this._resizeTooltip = null, this._taskTooltip = null, this._percentCompleteResizeTooltip = null, this._headerTree = null, this._taskTree = null, this._dependencyTree = null
                options: {
                    showWorkHours: !1,
                    showWorkDays: !1,
                    workDayStart: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                    workDayEnd: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 17, 0, 0),
                    workWeekStart: 1,
                    workWeekEnd: 5,
                    hourSpan: 1,
                    slotSize: 100,
                    currentTimeMarker: {
                        updateInterval: 1e4
                renderLayout: function() {
                    this._slots = this._createSlots(), this._tableWidth = this._calculateTableWidth(), this.createLayout(this._layout()), this._slotDimensions(), this._adjustHeight(), this.content.find(x + R.styles.dependenciesWrapper).width(this._tableWidth)
                _adjustHeight: function() {
                    this.content.height(this.element.height() - this.header.outerHeight())
                createLayout: function(e) {
                    var t = this._headers(e),
                        n = this._colgroup(),
                        i = this._headerTree,
                        r = s("thead", null, t),
                        o = s("table", {
                            style: {
                                width: this._tableWidth + "px"
                        }, [n, r]);
                    i.render([o]), this.headerRow = this.header.find("table:first tr").last()
                _slotDimensions: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.headerRow[0].children,
                        o = this._timeSlots();
                    for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) t = r[n], e = o[n], e.offsetLeft = t.offsetLeft, e.offsetWidth = t.offsetWidth
                render: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.length,
                        i = R.styles,
                        r = this._rowsTable(n),
                        o = this._columnsTable(n),
                        a = this._tasksTable(e),
                        s = this.options.currentTimeMarker;
                    this._taskTree.render([r, o, a]), t = this.content.find(x + i.rowsTable), this._contentHeight = t.height(), this._rowHeight = this._contentHeight / t.find("tr").length, this.content.find(x + i.columnsTable).height(this._contentHeight), s !== !1 && void 0 !== s.updateInterval && this._renderCurrentTime()
                _rowsTable: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = [],
                        r = R.styles,
                        o = [null, {
                            className: r.alt
                    for (n = 0; e > n; n++) t = s("tr", o[n % 2], [s("td", null, [l(" ")])]), i.push(t);
                    return this._createTable(1, i, {
                        className: r.rowsTable
                _columnsTable: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = [],
                        a = R.styles,
                        c = this._timeSlots(),
                        d = c.length,
                        u = 0;
                    for (r = 0; d > r; r++) t = c[r], i = {}, n = t.span, u += n, 1 !== n && (i.colspan = n), t.isNonWorking && (i.className = a.nonWorking), o.push(s("td", i, [l(" ")]));
                    return e = s("tr", null, o), this._createTable(u, [e], {
                        className: a.columnsTable
                _tasksTable: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d = [],
                        u = R.styles,
                        h = this._taskCoordinates = {},
                        f = this._calculateMilestoneWidth(),
                        g = Math.round(f.width),
                        m = this.options.resourcesField,
                        v = [u.resource, u.resourceAlt],
                        _ = this._calculateResourcesMargin(),
                        w = this._calculateTaskBorderWidth(),
                        b = function(e) {
                            var t = i.left,
                                n = t + i.width;
                            r.isMilestone() && (t -= g / 2, n = t + g), h[r.id] = {
                                start: t,
                                end: n,
                                rowIndex: e
                    for (l = 0, c = e.length; c > l; l++) r = e[l], i = this._taskPosition(r), i.borderWidth = w, t = s("tr", null), n = s("td", null, [this._renderTask(e[l], i)]), r[m] && r[m].length && (o = p ? this._tableWidth - i.left : Math.max(i.width || f.clientWidth, 0) + i.left, a = {
                        width: this._tableWidth - (o + _) + "px"
                    }, a[p ? "right" : "left"] = o + "px", n.children.push(s("div", {
                        className: u.resourcesWrap,
                        style: a
                    }, this._renderResources(r[m], v[l % 2])))), t.children.push(n), d.push(t), b(l);
                    return this._createTable(1, d, {
                        className: R.styles.tasksTable
                _createTable: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = [];
                    for (o = 0; e > o; o++) a.push(s("col"));
                    return i = s("colgroup", null, a), r = s("tbody", null, t), n.style || (n.style = {}), n.style.width = this._tableWidth + "px", s("table", n, [i, r])
                _calculateTableWidth: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this._timeSlots(),
                        o = 0,
                        a = 0;
                    for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) e = r[n].span, a += e, e > o && (o = e);
                    return t = Math.round(a * this.options.slotSize / o)
                _calculateMilestoneWidth: function() {
                    var t, n, i = R.styles.task + " " + R.styles.taskMilestone,
                        r = e("<div class='" + i + "' style='visibility: hidden; position: absolute'>");
                    return this.content.append(r), n = r[0].getBoundingClientRect(), t = {
                        width: n.right - n.left,
                        clientWidth: r[0].clientWidth
                    }, r.remove(), t
                _calculateResourcesMargin: function() {
                    var t, n = e("<div class='" + R.styles.resourcesWrap + "' style='visibility: hidden; position: absolute'>");
                    return this.content.append(n), t = parseInt(n.css(p ? "margin-right" : "margin-left"), 10), n.remove(), t
                _calculateTaskBorderWidth: function() {
                    var t, n, i = R.styles.task + " " + R.styles.taskSingle,
                        r = e("<div class='" + i + "' style='visibility: hidden; position: absolute'>");
                    return this.content.append(r), n = kendo.getComputedStyles(r[0], ["border-left-width"]), t = parseFloat(n["border-left-width"], 10), r.remove(), t
                _renderTask: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this.options.editable,
                        a = t.left,
                        l = R.styles,
                        c = l.taskWrap,
                        d = {};
                    return e.summary ? i = this._renderSummary(e, t) : e.isMilestone() ? (i = this._renderMilestone(e, t), c += " " + l.taskMilestoneWrap) : i = this._renderSingleTask(e, t), n = s("div", {
                        className: c,
                        style: {
                            left: a + "px"
                    }, [i]), o && (n.children.push(s("div", {
                        className: l.taskDot + " " + l.taskDotStart
                    })), n.children.push(s("div", {
                        className: l.taskDot + " " + l.taskDotEnd
                    }))), e.summary || e.isMilestone() || !o || (r = Math.round(t.width * e.percentComplete), d[p ? "right" : "left"] = r + "px", n.children.push(s("div", {
                        className: l.taskDragHandle,
                        style: d
                    }))), n
                _renderSingleTask: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = R.styles,
                        r = Math.round(t.width * e.percentComplete),
                        o = s("div", {
                            className: i.taskContent
                        }, [s("div", {
                            className: i.taskTemplate
                        }, [l(e.title)])]);
                    return this.options.editable && (o.children.push(s("span", {
                        className: i.taskActions
                    }, [s("a", {
                        className: i.link + " " + i.taskDelete,
                        href: "#"
                    }, [s("span", {
                        className: i.icon + " " + i.iconDelete
                    })])])), o.children.push(s("span", {
                        className: i.taskResizeHandle + " " + i.taskResizeHandleWest
                    })), o.children.push(s("span", {
                        className: i.taskResizeHandle + " " + i.taskResizeHandleEast
                    }))), n = s("div", {
                        className: i.task + " " + i.taskSingle,
                        "data-uid": e.uid,
                        style: {
                            width: Math.max(t.width - 2 * t.borderWidth, 0) + "px"
                    }, [s("div", {
                        className: i.taskComplete,
                        style: {
                            width: r + "px"
                    }), o])
                _renderMilestone: function(e) {
                    var t = R.styles,
                        n = s("div", {
                            className: t.task + " " + t.taskMilestone,
                            "data-uid": e.uid
                    return n
                _renderSummary: function(e, t) {
                    var n = R.styles,
                        i = Math.round(t.width * e.percentComplete),
                        r = s("div", {
                            className: n.task + " " + n.taskSummary,
                            "data-uid": e.uid,
                            style: {
                                width: t.width + "px"
                        }, [s("div", {
                            className: n.taskSummaryProgress,
                            style: {
                                width: i + "px"
                        }, [s("div", {
                            className: n.taskSummaryComplete,
                            style: {
                                width: t.width + "px"
                    return r
                _renderResources: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = [];
                    for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) n = e[i], o.push(s("span", {
                        className: t,
                        style: {
                            color: n.get("color")
                    }, [l(n.get("name"))]));
                    return p && o.reverse(), o
                _taskPosition: function(e) {
                    var t = Math.round,
                        n = t(this._offset(p ? e.end : e.start)),
                        i = t(this._offset(p ? e.start : e.end));
                    return {
                        left: n,
                        width: i - n
                _offset: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this._timeSlots(),
                        a = 0;
                    return o.length ? (r = this._slotIndex("start", e), t = o[r], e > t.end ? a = t.offsetWidth : e >= t.start && (n = e - t.start, i = t.end - t.start, a = n / i * t.offsetWidth), p && (a = t.offsetWidth + 1 - a), t.offsetLeft + a) : 0
                _slotIndex: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this._timeSlots(),
                        o = 0,
                        a = r.length - 1;
                    n && (r = [].slice.call(r).reverse());
                    do i = Math.ceil((a + o) / 2), t > r[i][e] ? o = i : (i === a && i--, a = i); while (o !== a);
                    return n && (o = r.length - 1 - o), o
                _timeByPosition: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s = this._slotByPosition(t);
                    return n ? i ? s.end : s.start : (r = t - e(x + R.styles.tasksTable).offset().left, o = s.end - s.start, a = r - s.offsetLeft, p && (a = s.offsetWidth - a), new Date(s.start.getTime() + o * (a / s.offsetWidth)))
                _slotByPosition: function(t) {
                    var n = t - e(x + R.styles.tasksTable).offset().left,
                        i = this._slotIndex("offsetLeft", n, p);
                    return this._timeSlots()[i]
                _renderDependencies: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = [],
                        r = this._dependencyTree;
                    for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i.push.apply(i, this._renderDependency(e[t]));
                _renderDependency: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this._taskCoordinates[e.predecessorId],
                        a = this._taskCoordinates[e.successorId];
                    if (!o || !a) return [];
                    for (n = "_render" + ["FF", "FS", "SF", "SS"][p ? 3 - e.type : e.type], t = this[n](o, a), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) t[i].attr["data-uid"] = e.uid;
                    return t
                _renderFF: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._dependencyFF(e, t, !1);
                    return n[n.length - 1].children[0] = this._arrow(!0), n
                _renderSS: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._dependencyFF(t, e, !0);
                    return n[0].children[0] = this._arrow(!1), n.reverse()
                _renderFS: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._dependencyFS(e, t, !1);
                    return n[n.length - 1].children[0] = this._arrow(!1), n
                _renderSF: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._dependencyFS(t, e, !0);
                    return n[0].children[0] = this._arrow(!0), n.reverse()
                _dependencyFF: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = [],
                        a = 0,
                        s = 0,
                        l = 0,
                        c = 0,
                        d = n ? "start" : "end",
                        u = 2,
                        h = 1,
                        p = this._rowHeight,
                        f = 10,
                        g = e.rowIndex * p + Math.floor(p / 2) - 1,
                        m = t.rowIndex * p + Math.floor(p / 2) - 1,
                        v = R.styles,
                        _ = function() {
                            o.push(r._line(v.line + " " + v.lineHorizontal, {
                                left: a + "px",
                                top: s + "px",
                                width: l + "px"
                        w = function() {
                            o.push(r._line(v.line + " " + v.lineVertical, {
                                left: a + "px",
                                top: s + "px",
                                height: c + "px"
                    return a = e[d], s = g, l = f, i = t[d] - e[d], i > 0 !== n && (l = Math.abs(i) + f), n ? (a -= l, l -= h, _()) : (_(), a += l - u), s > m ? (c = s - m, c += u, s = m, w()) : (c = m - s, c += u, w(), s += c - u), l = Math.abs(a - t[d]), n || (l -= h, a -= l), _(), o
                _dependencyFS: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = [],
                        o = 0,
                        a = 0,
                        s = 0,
                        l = 0,
                        c = this._rowHeight,
                        d = Math.floor(c / 2),
                        u = 10,
                        h = 2 * u,
                        p = t.start - e.end,
                        f = 2,
                        g = 1,
                        m = e.rowIndex * c + Math.floor(c / 2) - 1,
                        v = t.rowIndex * c + Math.floor(c / 2) - 1,
                        _ = R.styles,
                        w = function() {
                            r.push(i._line(_.line + " " + _.lineHorizontal, {
                                left: o + "px",
                                top: a + "px",
                                width: s + "px"
                        b = function() {
                            r.push(i._line(_.line + " " + _.lineVertical, {
                                left: o + "px",
                                top: a + "px",
                                height: l + "px"
                    return o = e.end, a = m, s = u, n && (o += g, p > h && (s = p - (u - f)), s -= g), w(), o += s - f, h >= p && (l = n ? Math.abs(v - m) - d : d, m > v ? (a -= l, l += f, b()) : (b(), a += l), s = e.end - t.start + h, u > s && (s = u), o -= s - f, w()), m > v ? (l = a - v, a = v, l += f, b()) : (l = v - a, b(), a += l), s = t.start - o, n || (s -= g), w(), r
                _line: function(e, t) {
                    return s("div", {
                        className: e,
                        style: t
                _arrow: function(e) {
                    return s("span", {
                        className: e ? R.styles.arrowWest : R.styles.arrowEast
                _colgroup: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this._timeSlots(),
                        r = i.length,
                        o = [];
                    for (e = 0; r > e; e++)
                        for (t = 0, n = i[e].span; n > t; t++) o.push(s("col"));
                    return s("colgroup", null, o)
                _createDragHint: function(e) {
                    this._dragHint = e.clone().addClass(R.styles.dragHint).css("cursor", "move"), e.parent().append(this._dragHint)
                _updateDragHint: function(e) {
                    var t = this._offset(e);
                        left: t
                _removeDragHint: function() {
                    this._dragHint.remove(), this._dragHint = null
                _createResizeHint: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = R.styles,
                        o = this._taskCoordinates[t.id].rowIndex * this._rowHeight,
                        a = this.options,
                        s = a.messages;
                    this._resizeHint = e(E({
                        styles: r
                        top: 0,
                        height: this._contentHeight
                    }), this.content.append(this._resizeHint), this._resizeTooltip = e(I({
                        styles: r,
                        start: t.start,
                        end: t.end,
                        messages: s.views,
                        format: a.resizeTooltipFormat
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                    }), this.content.append(this._resizeTooltip), this._resizeTooltipWidth = this._resizeTooltip.outerWidth(), n = this._resizeTooltip.outerHeight(), i = o - n, 0 > i && (i = o + this._rowHeight), this._resizeTooltipTop = i
                _updateResizeHint: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r = this._offset(p ? n : t),
                        o = this._offset(p ? t : n),
                        a = o - r,
                        s = i !== p ? r : o,
                        l = this._tableWidth - kendo.support.scrollbar(),
                        c = this._resizeTooltipWidth,
                        d = this.options,
                        u = d.messages,
                        h = e(x + R.styles.tasksTable).offset().left - e(x + R.styles.tasksWrapper).offset().left;
                    p && (r += h), this._resizeHint.css({
                        left: r,
                        width: a
                    }), this._resizeTooltip && this._resizeTooltip.remove(), s -= Math.round(c / 2), 0 > s ? s = 0 : s + c > l && (s = l - c), p && (s += h), this._resizeTooltip = e(I({
                        styles: R.styles,
                        start: t,
                        end: n,
                        messages: u.views,
                        format: d.resizeTooltipFormat
                        top: this._resizeTooltipTop,
                        left: s,
                        "min-width": c
                _removeResizeHint: function() {
                    this._resizeHint.remove(), this._resizeHint = null, this._resizeTooltip.remove(), this._resizeTooltip = null
                _updatePercentCompleteTooltip: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s;
                    this._removePercentCompleteTooltip(), r = this._percentCompleteResizeTooltip = e(P({
                        styles: R.styles,
                        text: i
                    })).appendTo(this.element), o = Math.round(r.outerWidth() / 2), a = r.find(x + R.styles.callout), s = Math.round(a.outerWidth() / 2), r.css({
                        top: t - (r.outerHeight() + s),
                        left: n - o
                    }), a.css("left", o - s)
                _removePercentCompleteTooltip: function() {
                    this._percentCompleteResizeTooltip && this._percentCompleteResizeTooltip.remove(), this._percentCompleteResizeTooltip = null
                _updateDependencyDragHint: function(e, t, n) {
                    this._removeDependencyDragHint(), n ? this._creteVmlDependencyDragHint(e, t) : this._creteDependencyDragHint(e, t)
                _creteDependencyDragHint: function(t, n) {
                    var i = R.styles,
                        r = n.x - t.x,
                        o = n.y - t.y,
                        a = Math.sqrt(r * r + o * o),
                        s = Math.atan(o / r);
                    0 > r && (s += Math.PI), e("<div class='" + i.line + " " + i.lineHorizontal + " " + i.dependencyHint + "'></div>").css({
                        top: t.y,
                        left: t.x,
                        width: a,
                        "transform-origin": "0% 0",
                        "-ms-transform-origin": "0% 0",
                        "-webkit-transform-origin": "0% 0",
                        transform: "rotate(" + s + "rad)",
                        "-ms-transform": "rotate(" + s + "rad)",
                        "-webkit-transform": "rotate(" + s + "rad)"
                _creteVmlDependencyDragHint: function(t, n) {
                    var i = e("<kvml:line class='" + R.styles.dependencyHint + "' style='position:absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;' strokecolor='black' strokeweight='2px' from='" + t.x + "px," + t.y + "px' to='" + n.x + "px," + n.y + "px'></kvml:line>").appendTo(this.content);
                    i[0].outerHTML = i[0].outerHTML
                _removeDependencyDragHint: function() {
                    this.content.find(x + R.styles.dependencyHint).remove()
                _createTaskTooltip: function(t, n, i) {
                    var r, o = R.styles,
                        a = this.options,
                        s = this.content,
                        l = s.offset(),
                        c = s.width(),
                        d = s.scrollLeft(),
                        u = e(n).parents("tr").first(),
                        h = u.offset(),
                        p = a.tooltip && a.tooltip.template ? kendo.template(a.tooltip.template) : M,
                        f = i - (l.left - s.scrollLeft()),
                        g = h.top + u.outerHeight() - l.top + s.scrollTop(),
                        m = this._taskTooltip = e('<div style="z-index: 100002;" class="' + o.tooltipWrapper + '" ><div class="' + o.taskContent + '"></div></div>');
                        left: f,
                        top: g
                    }).appendTo(s).find(x + o.taskContent).append(p({
                        styles: o,
                        task: t,
                        messages: a.messages.views
                    })), m.outerHeight() < h.top - l.top && m.css("top", h.top - l.top - m.outerHeight() + s.scrollTop()), r = m.outerWidth(), r + f - d > c && (f -= r, d > f && (f = d + c - (r + 17)), m.css("left", f))
                _removeTaskTooltip: function() {
                    this._taskTooltip && this._taskTooltip.remove(), this._taskTooltip = null
                _scrollTo: function(e) {
                    var t = e.offset().left,
                        n = e.width(),
                        i = t + n,
                        r = e.closest("tr"),
                        o = r.offset().top,
                        a = r.height(),
                        s = o + a,
                        l = this.content,
                        c = l.offset(),
                        d = c.top,
                        u = l.height(),
                        h = d + u,
                        p = c.left,
                        f = l.width(),
                        g = p + f,
                        m = kendo.support.scrollbar();
                    d > o ? l.scrollTop(l.scrollTop() + (o - d)) : s > h && l.scrollTop(l.scrollTop() + (s + m - h)), p > t && n > f && g > i || i > g && f > n ? l.scrollLeft(l.scrollLeft() + (i + m - g)) : (i > g && n > f && t > p || p > t && f > n) && l.scrollLeft(l.scrollLeft() + (t - p))
                _timeSlots: function() {
                    return this._slots && this._slots.length ? this._slots[this._slots.length - 1] : []
                _headers: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, c, d, u = [],
                        h = R.styles;
                    for (o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) {
                        for (t = e[o], n = [], c = 0, d = t.length; d > c; c++) i = t[c], r = l(i.text), n.push(s("th", {
                            colspan: i.span,
                            className: h.header + (i.isNonWorking ? " " + h.nonWorking : "")
                        }, [r]));
                        u.push(s("tr", null, n))
                    return u
                _hours: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = [],
                        a = this.options,
                        s = a.workDayStart.getHours(),
                        l = a.workDayEnd.getHours(),
                        c = a.hourSpan;
                    for (e = new Date(e), t = new Date(t); t > e;) n = new Date(e), r = n.getHours(), i = r >= s && l > r, n.setHours(n.getHours() + c), r == n.getHours() && n.setHours(n.getHours() + 2 * c), (!a.showWorkHours || i) && o.push({
                        start: e,
                        end: n,
                        isNonWorking: !i,
                        span: 1
                    }), e = n;
                    return o
                _days: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = [];
                    for (e = new Date(e), t = new Date(t); t > e;) n = kendo.date.nextDay(e), i = this._isWorkDay(e), (!this.options.showWorkDays || i) && r.push({
                        start: e,
                        end: n,
                        isNonWorking: !i,
                        span: 1
                    }), e = n;
                    return r
                _weeks: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = [],
                        a = this.calendarInfo().firstDay;
                    for (e = new Date(e), t = new Date(t); t > e;) n = kendo.date.dayOfWeek(kendo.date.addDays(e, 1), a, 1), n > t && (n = t), i = this._days(e, n), r = i.length, r > 0 && o.push({
                        start: i[0].start,
                        end: i[r - 1].end,
                        span: r
                    }), e = n;
                    return o
                _months: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = [];
                    for (e = new Date(e), t = new Date(t); t > e;) n = new Date(e), n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + 1), i = this._days(e, n), r = i.length, r > 0 && o.push({
                        start: i[0].start,
                        end: i[r - 1].end,
                        span: r
                    }), e = n;
                    return o
                _years: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = [];
                    for (e = new Date(e), t = new Date(t); t > e;) n = new Date(e), n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + 1), i.push({
                        start: e,
                        end: n,
                        span: 12
                    }), e = n;
                    return i
                _slotHeaders: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = [];
                    for (i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++) n = e[i], o.push({
                        text: t(n),
                        isNonWorking: !!n.isNonWorking,
                        span: n.span
                    return o
                _isWorkDay: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e.getDay(),
                        r = this._workDays;
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (r[t] === i) return !0;
                    return !1
                calendarInfo: function() {
                    return kendo.getCulture().calendars.standard
                _renderCurrentTime: function() {
                    var t, n = this._getCurrentTime(),
                        i = this._offset(n),
                        r = e("<div class='k-current-time'></div>"),
                        o = R.styles,
                        a = e(x + o.tasksWrapper),
                        s = e(x + o.tasksTable);
                    this.content && this._timeSlots().length && (this.content.find(".k-current-time").remove(), t = this._timeSlots()[this._slotIndex("start", n)], t.start > n || n > t.end || (a.length && s.length && (i += s.offset().left - a.offset().left), r.css({
                        left: i + "px",
                        top: "0px",
                        width: "1px",
                        height: this._contentHeight + "px"
                _getCurrentTime: function() {
                    return new Date
                _currentTime: function() {
                    var e = this.options.currentTimeMarker;
                    e !== !1 && void 0 !== e.updateInterval && (this._renderCurrentTime(), this._currentTimeUpdateTimer = setInterval(u(this._renderCurrentTime, this), e.updateInterval))
        d(!0, R, {
            styles: F
        }), kendo.ui.GanttDayView = R.extend({
            name: "day",
            options: {
                timeHeaderTemplate: C,
                dayHeaderTemplate: S,
                resizeTooltipFormat: "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d"
            range: function(e) {
                this.start = kendo.date.getDate(e.start), this.end = kendo.date.getDate(e.end), (kendo.date.getMilliseconds(e.end) > 0 || this.end.getTime() === this.start.getTime()) && (this.end = kendo.date.addDays(this.end, 1))
            _createSlots: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = [],
                    o = this._days(this.start, this.end),
                    a = [];
                for (n = 0, i = o.length; i > n; n++) e = o[n], t = this._hours(e.start, e.end), e.span = t.length, a.push.apply(a, t);
                return r.push(o), r.push(a), r
            _layout: function() {
                var e = [],
                    t = this.options;
                return e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[0], kendo.template(t.dayHeaderTemplate))), e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[1], kendo.template(t.timeHeaderTemplate))), e
        }), kendo.ui.GanttWeekView = R.extend({
            name: "week",
            options: {
                dayHeaderTemplate: S,
                weekHeaderTemplate: T,
                resizeTooltipFormat: "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d"
            range: function(e) {
                var t = this.calendarInfo(),
                    n = t.firstDay,
                    i = e.end;
                n === i.getDay() && i.setDate(i.getDate() + 7), this.start = kendo.date.getDate(kendo.date.dayOfWeek(e.start, n, -1)), this.end = kendo.date.getDate(kendo.date.dayOfWeek(i, n, 1))
            _createSlots: function() {
                var e = [];
                return e.push(this._weeks(this.start, this.end)), e.push(this._days(this.start, this.end)), e
            _layout: function() {
                var e = [],
                    t = this.options;
                return e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[0], kendo.template(t.weekHeaderTemplate))), e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[1], kendo.template(t.dayHeaderTemplate))), e
        }), kendo.ui.GanttMonthView = R.extend({
            name: "month",
            options: {
                weekHeaderTemplate: T,
                monthHeaderTemplate: D,
                resizeTooltipFormat: "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
            range: function(e) {
                this.start = kendo.date.firstDayOfMonth(e.start), this.end = kendo.date.addDays(kendo.date.getDate(kendo.date.lastDayOfMonth(e.end)), 1)
            _createSlots: function() {
                var e = [];
                return e.push(this._months(this.start, this.end)), e.push(this._weeks(this.start, this.end)), e
            _layout: function() {
                var e = [],
                    t = this.options;
                return e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[0], kendo.template(t.monthHeaderTemplate))), e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[1], kendo.template(t.weekHeaderTemplate))), e
        }), kendo.ui.GanttYearView = R.extend({
            name: "year",
            options: {
                yearHeaderTemplate: A,
                monthHeaderTemplate: D,
                resizeTooltipFormat: "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
            range: function(e) {
                this.start = kendo.date.firstDayOfMonth(new Date(e.start.setMonth(0))), this.end = kendo.date.firstDayOfMonth(new Date(e.end.setMonth(12)))
            _createSlots: function() {
                var t = [],
                    n = this._months(this.start, this.end);
                return e(n).each(function(e, t) {
                    t.span = 1
                }), t.push(this._years(this.start, this.end)), t.push(n), t
            _layout: function() {
                var e = [],
                    t = this.options;
                return e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[0], kendo.template(t.yearHeaderTemplate))), e.push(this._slotHeaders(this._slots[1], kendo.template(t.monthHeaderTemplate))), e
        }), r = {
            wrapper: "k-timeline k-grid k-widget",
            gridHeader: "k-grid-header",
            gridHeaderWrap: "k-grid-header-wrap",
            gridContent: "k-grid-content",
            gridContentWrap: "k-grid-content",
            tasksWrapper: "k-gantt-tables",
            dependenciesWrapper: "k-gantt-dependencies",
            task: "k-task",
            line: "k-line",
            taskResizeHandle: "k-resize-handle",
            taskResizeHandleWest: "k-resize-w",
            taskDragHandle: "k-task-draghandle",
            taskComplete: "k-task-complete",
            taskDelete: "k-task-delete",
            taskWrapActive: "k-task-wrap-active",
            taskWrap: "k-task-wrap",
            taskDot: "k-task-dot",
            taskDotStart: "k-task-start",
            taskDotEnd: "k-task-end",
            hovered: "k-state-hover",
            selected: "k-state-selected",
            origin: "k-origin"
        }, o = kendo.ui.GanttTimeline = a.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                a.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.options.views && this.options.views.length || (this.options.views = ["day", "week", "month"]), p = kendo.support.isRtl(e), this._wrapper(), this._domTrees(), this._views(), this._selectable(), this._draggable(), this._resizable(), this._percentResizeDraggable(), this._createDependencyDraggable(), this._attachEvents(), this._tooltip()
            options: {
                name: "GanttTimeline",
                messages: {
                    views: {
                        day: "Day",
                        week: "Week",
                        month: "Month",
                        year: "Year",
                        start: "Start",
                        end: "End"
                snap: !0,
                selectable: !0,
                editable: !0
            destroy: function() {
                a.fn.destroy.call(this), clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout), this._currentTimeUpdateTimer && clearInterval(this._currentTimeUpdateTimer), this._unbindView(this._selectedView), this._moveDraggable && this._moveDraggable.destroy(), this._resizeDraggable && this._resizeDraggable.destroy(), this._percentDraggable && this._percentDraggable.destroy(), this._dependencyDraggable && this._dependencyDraggable.destroy(), this.touch && this.touch.destroy(), this._headerTree = null, this._taskTree = null, this._dependencyTree = null, this.wrapper.off(m), kendo.destroy(this.wrapper)
            _wrapper: function() {
                var e = o.styles;
                this.wrapper = this.element.addClass(e.wrapper).append("<div class='" + e.gridHeader + "'><div class='" + e.gridHeaderWrap + "'></div></div>").append("<div class='" + e.gridContentWrap + "'><div class='" + e.tasksWrapper + "'></div><div class='" + e.dependenciesWrapper + "'></div></div>")
            _domTrees: function() {
                var e = o.styles,
                    t = kendo.dom.Tree,
                    n = this.wrapper;
                this._headerTree = new t(n.find(x + e.gridHeaderWrap)[0]), this._taskTree = new t(n.find(x + e.tasksWrapper)[0]), this._dependencyTree = new t(n.find(x + e.dependenciesWrapper)[0])
            _views: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this.options.views;
                for (this.views = {}, o = 0, a = s.length; a > o; o++) e = s[o], t = c(e), t && e.selectable === !1 || (n = t ? "string" != typeof e.type ? e.title : e.type : e, i = z[n], i && (t && (e.type = i.type), i.title = this.options.messages.views[n]), e = d({
                    title: n
                }, i, t ? e : {}), n && (this.views[n] = e, (!r || e.selected) && (r = n)));
                r && (this._selectedViewName = r)
            view: function(e) {
                return e && (this._selectView(e), this.trigger("navigate", {
                    view: e,
                    action: "changeView"
                })), this._selectedView
            _selectView: function(e) {
                e && this.views[e] && (this._selectedView && this._unbindView(this._selectedView), this._selectedView = this._initializeView(e), this._selectedViewName = e)
            _viewByIndex: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.views;
                for (t in n) {
                    if (!e) return t;
            _initializeView: function(e) {
                var n, i = this.views[e];
                if (i) {
                    if (n = i.type, "string" == typeof n && (n = kendo.getter(i.type)(window)), !n) throw Error("There is no such view");
                    i = new n(this.wrapper, t(d(!0, {
                        headerTree: this._headerTree,
                        taskTree: this._taskTree,
                        dependencyTree: this._dependencyTree
                    }, i, this.options)))
                return i
            _unbindView: function(e) {
                e && e.destroy()
            _range: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {
                        field: "start",
                        dir: "asc"
                    r = {
                        field: "end",
                        dir: "desc"
                return e && e.length ? (t = new g(e).sort(i).toArray()[0].start || new Date, n = new g(e).sort(r).toArray()[0].end || new Date, {
                    start: new Date(t),
                    end: new Date(n)
                }) : {
                    start: new Date,
                    end: new Date
            _render: function(e) {
                var t = this.view(),
                    n = this._range(e);
                this._tasks = e, t.range(n), t.renderLayout(), t.render(e)
            _renderDependencies: function(e) {
            _taskByUid: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._tasks,
                    r = i.length;
                for (n = 0; r > n; n++)
                    if (t = i[n], t.uid === e) return t
            _draggable: function() {
                var e, t, n, r, a = this,
                    s = this.options.snap,
                    l = o.styles,
                    c = function() {
                        a.view()._removeDragHint(), e && e.css("opacity", 1), e = null, t = null, a.dragInProgress = !1
                this.options.editable && (this._moveDraggable = new kendo.ui.Draggable(this.wrapper, {
                    distance: 0,
                    filter: x + l.task,
                    holdToDrag: kendo.support.mobileOS,
                    ignore: x + l.taskResizeHandle
                }), this._moveDraggable.bind("dragstart", function(i) {
                    var o = a.view();
                    return e = i.currentTarget.parent(), t = a._taskByUid(i.currentTarget.attr("data-uid")), a.trigger("moveStart", {
                        task: t
                    }) ? void i.preventDefault() : (n = t.start, r = o._timeByPosition(i.x.location, s) - n, o._createDragHint(e), e.css("opacity", .5), clearTimeout(a._tooltipTimeout), void(a.dragInProgress = !0))
                }).bind("drag", kendo.throttle(function(e) {
                    var i, o, l;
                    a.dragInProgress && (i = a.view(), o = new Date(i._timeByPosition(e.x.location, s) - r), l = o, a.trigger("move", {
                        task: t,
                        start: o
                    }) || (n = o, p && (l = new Date(n.getTime() + t.duration())), i._updateDragHint(l)))
                }, 15)).bind("dragend", function() {
                    a.trigger("moveEnd", {
                        task: t,
                        start: n
                    }), c()
                }).bind("dragcancel", function() {
                }).userEvents.bind("select", function() {
            _resizable: function() {
                var e, t, n, r, a, s = this,
                    l = this.options.snap,
                    c = o.styles,
                    d = function() {
                        s.view()._removeResizeHint(), e = null, t = null, s.dragInProgress = !1
                this.options.editable && (this._resizeDraggable = new kendo.ui.Draggable(this.wrapper, {
                    distance: 0,
                    filter: x + c.taskResizeHandle,
                    holdToDrag: !1
                }), this._resizeDraggable.bind("dragstart", function(i) {
                    return a = i.currentTarget.hasClass(c.taskResizeHandleWest), p && (a = !a), e = i.currentTarget.closest(x + c.task), t = s._taskByUid(e.attr("data-uid")), s.trigger("resizeStart", {
                        task: t
                    }) ? void i.preventDefault() : (n = t.start, r = t.end, s.view()._createResizeHint(t), clearTimeout(s._tooltipTimeout), void(s.dragInProgress = !0))
                }).bind("drag", kendo.throttle(function(e) {
                    var i, o;
                    s.dragInProgress && (i = s.view(), o = i._timeByPosition(e.x.location, l, !a), a ? n = r > o ? o : r : r = o > n ? o : n, s.trigger("resize", {
                        task: t,
                        start: n,
                        end: r
                    }) || i._updateResizeHint(n, r, a))
                }, 15)).bind("dragend", function() {
                    s.trigger("resizeEnd", {
                        task: t,
                        resizeStart: a,
                        start: n,
                        end: r
                    }), d()
                }).bind("dragcancel", function() {
                }).userEvents.bind("select", function() {
            _percentResizeDraggable: function() {
                var e, t, n, r, a, s, l, c, d, u, h = this,
                    f = o.styles,
                    g = function() {
                        h.view()._removePercentCompleteTooltip(), t = null, e = null, h.dragInProgress = !1
                    m = function(e) {
                        t.find(x + f.taskComplete).width(e).end().siblings(x + f.taskDragHandle).css(p ? "right" : "left", e)
                this.options.editable && (this._percentDraggable = new kendo.ui.Draggable(this.wrapper, {
                    distance: 0,
                    filter: x + f.taskDragHandle,
                    holdToDrag: !1
                }), this._percentDraggable.bind("dragstart", function(i) {
                    return h.trigger("percentResizeStart") ? void i.preventDefault() : (t = i.currentTarget.siblings(x + f.task), e = h._taskByUid(t.attr("data-uid")), l = e.percentComplete, n = t.offset(), r = this.element.offset(), a = t.find(x + f.taskComplete).width(), s = t.outerWidth(), clearTimeout(h._tooltipTimeout), void(h.dragInProgress = !0))
                }).bind("drag", kendo.throttle(function(e) {
                    if (h.dragInProgress) {
                        u = p ? -e.x.initialDelta : e.x.initialDelta;
                        var t = Math.max(0, Math.min(s, a + u));
                        l = Math.round(t / s * 100), m(t), c = n.top - r.top, d = n.left + t - r.left, p && (d += s - 2 * t), h.view()._updatePercentCompleteTooltip(c, d, l)
                }, 15)).bind("dragend", function() {
                    h.trigger("percentResizeEnd", {
                        task: e,
                        percentComplete: l / 100
                    }), g()
                }).bind("dragcancel", function() {
                    m(a), g()
                }).userEvents.bind("select", function() {
            _createDependencyDraggable: function() {
                var t, n, r, a = this,
                    s = e(),
                    l = e(),
                    c = h.msie && 9 > h.version,
                    d = o.styles,
                    u = function() {
                        t.css("display", "").removeClass(d.hovered), t.parent().removeClass(d.origin), t = null, p(!1), l = e(), s = e(), a.view()._removeDependencyDragHint(), a.dragInProgress = !1
                    p = function(e) {
                        l.hasClass(d.origin) || (l.find(x + d.taskDot).css("display", e ? "block" : ""), s.toggleClass(d.hovered, e))
                this.options.editable && (c && document.namespaces && document.namespaces.add("kvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", "#default#VML"), this._dependencyDraggable = new kendo.ui.Draggable(this.wrapper, {
                    distance: 0,
                    filter: x + d.taskDot,
                    holdToDrag: !1
                }), this._dependencyDraggable.bind("dragstart", function(i) {
                    var o, s;
                    return a.trigger("dependencyDragStart") ? void i.preventDefault() : (t = i.currentTarget.css("display", "block").addClass(d.hovered), t.parent().addClass(d.origin), o = t.offset(), s = e(x + d.tasksWrapper).offset(), n = Math.round(o.left - s.left + t.outerHeight() / 2), r = Math.round(o.top - s.top + t.outerWidth() / 2), clearTimeout(a._tooltipTimeout), void(a.dragInProgress = !0))
                }).bind("drag", kendo.throttle(function(t) {
                    var i, o, u, h;
                    a.dragInProgress && (a.view()._removeDependencyDragHint(), i = e(kendo.elementUnderCursor(t)), o = e(x + d.tasksWrapper).offset(), u = t.x.location - o.left, h = t.y.location - o.top, a.view()._updateDependencyDragHint({
                        x: n,
                        y: r
                    }, {
                        x: u,
                        y: h
                    }, c), p(!1), s = i.hasClass(d.taskDot) ? i : e(), l = i.closest(x + d.taskWrap), p(!0))
                }, 15)).bind("dragend", function() {
                    var e, n, i, r, o;
                    s.length && (e = t.hasClass(d.taskDotStart), n = s.hasClass(d.taskDotStart), i = e ? n ? 3 : 2 : n ? 1 : 0, r = a._taskByUid(t.siblings(x + d.task).attr("data-uid")), o = a._taskByUid(s.siblings(x + d.task).attr("data-uid")), r !== o && a.trigger("dependencyDragEnd", {
                        type: i,
                        predecessor: r,
                        successor: o
                    })), u()
                }).bind("dragcancel", function() {
                }).userEvents.bind("select", function() {
            _selectable: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = o.styles;
                this.options.selectable && this.wrapper.on(v + m, x + n.task, function(n) {
                    n.stopPropagation(), n.ctrlKey ? t.trigger("clear") : t.trigger("select", {
                        uid: e(this).attr("data-uid")
                }).on(v + m, x + n.taskWrap, function(t) {
                    t.stopPropagation(), e(this).css("z-index", "0");
                    var i = e(document.elementFromPoint(t.clientX, t.clientY));
                    i.hasClass(n.line) && i.click(), e(this).css("z-index", "")
                }).on(v + m, x + n.tasksWrapper, function() {
                    t.selectDependency().length > 0 ? t.clearSelection() : t.trigger("clear")
                }).on(v + m, x + n.line, function(e) {
                    e.stopPropagation(), t.selectDependency(this)
            select: function(e) {
                var t = this.wrapper.find(e),
                    n = o.styles;
                return t.length ? (this.clearSelection(), t.addClass(n.selected), void(kendo.support.mobileOS && t.parent().addClass(n.taskWrapActive))) : this.wrapper.find(x + n.task + x + n.selected)
            selectDependency: function(t) {
                var n, i = this.wrapper.find(t),
                    r = o.styles;
                return i.length ? (this.clearSelection(), this.trigger("clear"), n = e(i).attr("data-uid"), void this.wrapper.find(x + r.line + "[data-uid='" + n + "']").addClass(r.selected)) : this.wrapper.find(x + r.line + x + r.selected)
            clearSelection: function() {
                var e = o.styles;
                this.wrapper.find(x + e.selected).removeClass(e.selected), kendo.support.mobileOS && this.wrapper.find(x + e.taskWrapActive).removeClass(e.taskWrapActive)
            _attachEvents: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = o.styles;
                this.options.editable && (this._tabindex(), this.wrapper.on(v + m, x + n.taskDelete, function(i) {
                    t.trigger("removeTask", {
                        uid: e(this).closest(x + n.task).attr("data-uid")
                    }), i.stopPropagation(), i.preventDefault()
                }).on(k + m, function(e) {
                    var n;
                    e.keyCode === f.DELETE && (n = t.selectDependency(), n.length && (t.trigger("removeDependency", {
                        uid: n.attr("data-uid")
                    }), t.clearSelection()))
                }), kendo.support.mobileOS ? this.touch = this.wrapper.kendoTouch({
                    filter: x + n.task,
                    doubletap: function(n) {
                        t.trigger("editTask", {
                            uid: e(n.touch.currentTarget).attr("data-uid")
                }).data("kendoTouch") : this.wrapper.on(_ + m, x + n.task, function(n) {
                    t.trigger("editTask", {
                        uid: e(this).attr("data-uid")
                    }), n.stopPropagation(), n.preventDefault()
            _tooltip: function() {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = this.options.tooltip,
                    r = o.styles,
                    a = function(e) {
                        t = e.clientX
                i && i.visible === !1 || (kendo.support.mobileOS ? (this.wrapper.on(v + m, x + r.taskDelete, function(e) {
                    e.stopPropagation(), n.view()._removeTaskTooltip()
                }).on(y + m, x + r.task, function(t) {
                    var i = e(t.relatedTarget).parents(x + r.taskWrap, x + r.task);
                    0 === i.length && n.view()._removeTaskTooltip()
                }), this.touch.bind("tap", function(t) {
                    var i = t.touch.target,
                        r = n._taskByUid(e(i).attr("data-uid")),
                        o = t.touch.x.client;
                    n.view()._taskTooltip && n.view()._removeTaskTooltip(), n.view()._createTaskTooltip(r, i, o)
                }).bind("doubletap", function() {
                })) : this.wrapper.on(b + m, x + r.task, function() {
                    var i = this,
                        r = n._taskByUid(e(this).attr("data-uid"));
                    n.dragInProgress || (n._tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        n.view()._createTaskTooltip(r, i, t)
                    }, 800), e(this).on(w, a))
                }).on(y + m, x + r.task, function() {
                    clearTimeout(n._tooltipTimeout), n.view()._removeTaskTooltip(), e(this).off(w, a)
        }), d(!0, o, {
            styles: r
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return "[" + f.attr("uid") + (e ? "='" + e + "']" : "]")

        function i(e) {
            return delete e.name, delete e.prefix, delete e.remove, delete e.edit, delete e.add, delete e.navigate, e

        function r(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a;
            if (e.filter("[name=end], [name=start]").length) {
                for (t = e.attr("name"), n = f.widgetInstance(e, f.ui), i = {}, r = e; r !== window && !o;) r = r.parent(), o = r.data("kendoEditable");
                return (a = o ? o.options.model : null) ? (i.start = a.start, i.end = a.end, i[t] = n ? n.value() : f.parseDate(e.value()), i.end >= i.start) : !0
            return !0

        function o(t, n) {
            var i = t.parents("[" + f.attr("role") + '="gantt"]'),
                r = [],
                o = a(i);
            t.attr(z, 0), n && o.each(function(t, n) {
                r[t] = e(n).scrollTop()
            try {
            } catch (s) {
            n && o.each(function(t, n) {

        function a(t) {
            return e(t).parentsUntil("body").filter(function(e, t) {
                var n = f.getComputedStyles(t, ["overflow"]);
                return "visible" != n.overflow
        var s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = window.kendo,
            g = f.support.browser,
            m = f.support.mobileOS,
            v = f.Observable,
            _ = f.ui.Widget,
            w = f.data.DataSource,
            b = f.data.ObservableObject,
            y = f.data.ObservableArray,
            k = f.data.Query,
            x = e.isArray,
            C = e.inArray,
            S = f.isFunction,
            T = e.proxy,
            D = e.extend,
            A = e.isPlainObject,
            E = e.map,
            I = f.keys,
            P = ".kendoGantt",
            M = "p0",
            z = "tabIndex",
            F = "click",
            R = "width",
            H = "string",
            B = {
                down: {
                    origin: "bottom center",
                    position: "top center"
                up: {
                    origin: "top center",
                    position: "bottom center"
            L = "aria-activedescendant",
            N = "gantt_active_cell",
            O = "action-option-focused",
            V = ".",
            U = "Are you sure you want to delete this task?",
            W = "Are you sure you want to delete this dependency?",
            j = '<button class="#=styles.button# #=className#" #if (action) {#data-action="#=action#"#}#><span class="#=iconClass#"></span>#=text#</button>',
            G = '<a class="#=className#" #=attr# href="\\#">#=text#</a>',
            q = f.template('<ul class="#=styles.viewsWrapper#">#for(var view in views){#<li class="#=styles.viewButtonDefault# #=styles.viewButton#-#= view.toLowerCase() #" data-#=ns#name="#=view#"><a href="\\#" class="#=styles.link#">#=views[view].title#</a></li>#}#</ul>'),
            $ = f.template('<div class="#=styles.popupWrapper#"><ul class="#=styles.popupList#" role="listbox">#for(var i = 0, l = actions.length; i < l; i++){#<li class="#=styles.item#" data-action="#=actions[i].data#" role="option">#=actions[i].text#</span>#}#</ul></div>'),
            Y = function(t, n) {
                var i = {
                        name: n.field
                    r = n.model.fields[n.field].validation;
                r && A(r) && r.message && (i[f.attr("dateCompare-msg")] = r.message), e('<input type="text" required ' + f.attr("type") + '="date" ' + f.attr("role") + '="datetimepicker" ' + f.attr("bind") + '="value:' + n.field + '" ' + f.attr("validate") + "='true' />").attr(i).appendTo(t), e("<span " + f.attr("for") + '="' + n.field + '" class="k-invalid-msg"/>').hide().appendTo(t)
            Q = function(t, n) {
                e('<a href="#" class="' + n.styles.button + '">' + n.messages.assignButton + "</a>").click(n.click).appendTo(t)
            K = {
                wrapper: "k-widget k-gantt",
                listWrapper: "k-gantt-layout k-gantt-treelist",
                list: "k-gantt-treelist",
                timelineWrapper: "k-gantt-layout k-gantt-timeline",
                timeline: "k-gantt-timeline",
                splitBarWrapper: "k-splitbar k-state-default k-splitbar-horizontal k-splitbar-draggable-horizontal k-gantt-layout",
                splitBar: "k-splitbar",
                splitBarHover: "k-splitbar-horizontal-hover",
                popupWrapper: "k-list-container",
                popupList: "k-list k-reset",
                resizeHandle: "k-resize-handle",
                icon: "k-icon",
                item: "k-item",
                line: "k-line",
                buttonDelete: "k-gantt-delete",
                buttonCancel: "k-gantt-cancel",
                buttonSave: "k-gantt-update",
                primary: "k-primary",
                hovered: "k-state-hover",
                selected: "k-state-selected",
                focused: "k-state-focused",
                gridHeader: "k-grid-header",
                gridHeaderWrap: "k-grid-header-wrap",
                gridContent: "k-grid-content",
                popup: {
                    form: "k-popup-edit-form",
                    editForm: "k-gantt-edit-form",
                    formContainer: "k-edit-form-container",
                    resourcesFormContainer: "k-resources-form-container",
                    message: "k-popup-message",
                    buttonsContainer: "k-edit-buttons k-state-default",
                    button: "k-button",
                    editField: "k-edit-field",
                    editLabel: "k-edit-label",
                    resourcesField: "k-gantt-resources"
                toolbar: {
                    headerWrapper: "k-floatwrap k-header k-gantt-toolbar",
                    footerWrapper: "k-floatwrap k-header k-gantt-toolbar",
                    toolbar: "k-gantt-toolbar",
                    views: "k-gantt-views",
                    viewsWrapper: "k-reset k-header k-gantt-views",
                    actions: "k-gantt-actions",
                    button: "k-button k-button-icontext",
                    iconPlus: "k-icon k-i-plus",
                    iconPdf: "k-icon k-i-pdf",
                    viewButtonDefault: "k-state-default",
                    viewButton: "k-view",
                    link: "k-link",
                    pdfButton: "k-gantt-pdf",
                    appendButton: "k-gantt-create"
            X = {
                append: {
                    text: "Add Task",
                    action: "add",
                    className: K.toolbar.appendButton,
                    iconClass: K.toolbar.iconPlus
                pdf: {
                    text: "Export to PDF",
                    className: K.toolbar.pdfButton,
                    iconClass: K.toolbar.iconPdf
            Z = v.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    v.fn.init.call(this), this.element = e, this.options = D(!0, {}, this.options, t), this._popup()
                options: {
                    direction: "down",
                    navigatable: !1
                _current: function(e) {
                    var t = p.styles,
                        n = this.list.find(V + t.focused),
                        i = n[e]();
                    i.length && (n.removeClass(t.focused).removeAttr("id"), i.addClass(t.focused).attr("id", O), this.list.find("ul").removeAttr(L).attr(L, O))
                _popup: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = p.styles,
                        i = "li" + V + n.item,
                        r = V + n.toolbar.appendButton,
                        o = this.options.messages.actions,
                        a = this.options.navigatable;
                    this.list = e($({
                        styles: n,
                        actions: [{
                            data: "add",
                            text: o.addChild
                        }, {
                            data: "insert-before",
                            text: o.insertBefore
                        }, {
                            data: "insert-after",
                            text: o.insertAfter
                    })), this.element.append(this.list), this.popup = new f.ui.Popup(this.list, D({
                        anchor: this.element.find(r),
                        open: function() {
                        animation: this.options.animation
                    }, B[this.options.direction])), this.element.on(F + P, r, function(i) {
                        var r = e(this),
                            o = r.attr(f.attr("action"));
                        i.preventDefault(), o ? t.trigger("command", {
                            type: o
                        }) : (t.popup.open(), a && t.list.find("li:first").addClass(n.focused).attr("id", O).end().find("ul").attr({
                            TABINDEX: 0,
                            "aria-activedescendant": O
                    }), this.list.find(i).hover(function() {
                    }, function() {
                    }).end().on(F + P, i, function() {
                        t.trigger("command", {
                            type: e(this).attr(f.attr("action"))
                        }), t.popup.close()
                    }), a && (this.popup.bind("close", function() {
                        t.list.find(i).removeClass(n.focused).end().find("ul").attr(z, 0), t.element.parents("[" + f.attr("role") + '="gantt"]').find(V + n.gridContent + " > table:first").focus()
                    }), this.list.find("ul").on("keydown" + P, function(e) {
                        var i = e.keyCode;
                        switch (i) {
                            case I.UP:
                                e.preventDefault(), t._current("prev");
                            case I.DOWN:
                                e.preventDefault(), t._current("next");
                            case I.ENTER:
                                t.list.find(V + n.focused).click();
                            case I.ESC:
                                e.preventDefault(), t.popup.close()
                _adjustListWidth: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.list,
                        i = p.styles,
                        r = n[0].style.width,
                        o = this.element.find(V + i.toolbar.appendButton);
                    (n.data(R) || !r) && (e = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(o[0], null) : 0, t = e ? parseFloat(e.width) : o.outerWidth(), e && (g.mozilla || g.msie) && (t += parseFloat(e.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(e.paddingRight) + parseFloat(e.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(e.borderRightWidth)), r = "border-box" !== n.css("box-sizing") ? t - (n.outerWidth() - n.width()) : t, n.css({
                        fontFamily: o.css("font-family"),
                        width: r
                    }).data(R, r))
                destroy: function() {
                    clearTimeout(this._focusTimeout), this.popup.destroy(), this.element.off(P), this.list.off(P), this.unbind()
            J = function(e, t) {
                return function(n) {
                    var i, r;
                    if (n = x(i) ? {
                        data: n
                    } : n, i = n || {}, r = i.data, i.data = r, !(i instanceof e) && i instanceof w) throw Error("Incorrect DataSource type. Only " + t + " instances are supported");
                    return i instanceof e ? i : new e(i)
            et = f.data.Model.define({
                id: "id",
                fields: {
                    id: {
                        type: "number"
                    predecessorId: {
                        type: "number"
                    successorId: {
                        type: "number"
                    type: {
                        type: "number"
            tt = w.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    w.fn.init.call(this, D(!0, {}, {
                        schema: {
                            modelBase: et,
                            model: et
                    }, e))
                successors: function(e) {
                    return this._dependencies("predecessorId", e)
                predecessors: function(e) {
                    return this._dependencies("successorId", e)
                dependencies: function(e) {
                    var t = this.predecessors(e),
                        n = this.successors(e);
                    return t.push.apply(t, n), t
                _dependencies: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.view(),
                        i = {
                            field: e,
                            operator: "eq",
                            value: t
                    return n = new k(n).filter(i).toArray()
        tt.create = J(tt, "GanttDependencyDataSource"), s = f.data.Model.define({
            duration: function() {
                var e = this.end,
                    t = this.start;
                return e - t
            isMilestone: function() {
                return 0 === this.duration()
            _offset: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = ["start", "end"];
                for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) t = new Date(this.get(i[n]).getTime() + e), this.set(i[n], t)
            id: "id",
            fields: {
                id: {
                    type: "number"
                parentId: {
                    type: "number",
                    defaultValue: null,
                    validation: {
                        required: !0
                orderId: {
                    type: "number",
                    validation: {
                        required: !0
                title: {
                    type: "string",
                    defaultValue: ""
                start: {
                    type: "date",
                    validation: {
                        required: !0
                end: {
                    type: "date",
                    validation: {
                        required: !0,
                        dateCompare: r,
                        message: "End date should be after or equal to the start date"
                percentComplete: {
                    type: "number",
                    validation: {
                        required: !0,
                        min: 0,
                        max: 1,
                        step: .01
                summary: {
                    type: "boolean"
                expanded: {
                    type: "boolean",
                    defaultValue: !0
        }), l = w.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                w.fn.init.call(this, D(!0, {}, {
                    schema: {
                        modelBase: s,
                        model: s
                }, e))
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = e.get("parentId"),
                    n = this.taskAllChildren(e);
                return this._removeItems(n), e = w.fn.remove.call(this, e), this._childRemoved(t, e.get("orderId")), e
            add: function(e) {
                return e ? (e = this._toGanttTask(e), this.insert(this.taskSiblings(e).length, e)) : t
            insert: function(e, n) {
                return n ? (n = this._toGanttTask(n), n.set("orderId", e), n = w.fn.insert.call(this, e, n), this._reorderSiblings(n, this.taskSiblings(n).length - 1), this._resolveSummaryFields(this.taskParent(n)), n) : t
            taskChildren: function(e) {
                var n, i = this.view(),
                    r = {
                        field: "parentId",
                        operator: "eq",
                        value: null
                    o = this._sort || {
                        field: "orderId",
                        dir: "asc"
                if (e) {
                    if (n = e.get("id"), n === t || null === n || "" === n) return [];
                    r.value = n
                return i = new k(i).filter(r).sort(o).toArray()
            taskAllChildren: function(e) {
                var t = [],
                    n = this,
                    i = function(e) {
                        var r = n.taskChildren(e);
                        t.push.apply(t, r), E(r, i)
                return e ? i(e) : t = this.view(), t
            taskSiblings: function(e) {
                if (!e) return null;
                var t = this.taskParent(e);
                return this.taskChildren(t)
            taskParent: function(e) {
                return e && null !== e.get("parentId") ? this.get(e.parentId) : null
            taskLevel: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0, n = this.taskParent(e); null !== n;) t += 1, n = this.taskParent(n);
                return t
            taskTree: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = [],
                    a = this.taskChildren(e);
                for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++) t = a[n], o.push(t), t.get("expanded") && (r = this.taskTree(t), o.push.apply(o, r));
                return o
            update: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = function(e, t) {
                        var n, i, r = o.taskAllChildren(e);
                        for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) r[n]._offset(t)
                    s = function(e) {
                        var t = e.field,
                            n = e.sender;
                        switch (t) {
                            case "start":
                                o._resolveSummaryStart(o.taskParent(n)), a(n, n.get(t).getTime() - i.getTime());
                            case "end":
                            case "percentComplete":
                            case "orderId":
                                o._reorderSiblings(n, i)
                n.parentId !== t && (i = e.get("parentId"), i !== n.parentId && (e.set("parentId", n.parentId), o._childRemoved(i, e.get("orderId")), e.set("orderId", o.taskSiblings(e).length - 1), o._resolveSummaryFields(o.taskParent(e))), delete n.parentId), e.bind("change", s);
                for (r in n) i = e.get(r), e.set(r, n[r]);
                e.unbind("change", s)
            _resolveSummaryFields: function(e) {
                e && (this._updateSummary(e), this.taskChildren(e).length && (this._resolveSummaryStart(e), this._resolveSummaryEnd(e), this._resolveSummaryPercentComplete(e)))
            _resolveSummaryStart: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = function(e) {
                        var n, i, r, o = t.taskChildren(e),
                            a = o[0].start.getTime();
                        for (i = 1, r = o.length; r > i; i++) n = o[i].start.getTime(), a > n && (a = n);
                        return new Date(a)
                this._updateSummaryRecursive(e, "start", n)
            _resolveSummaryEnd: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = function(e) {
                        var n, i, r, o = t.taskChildren(e),
                            a = o[0].end.getTime();
                        for (i = 1, r = o.length; r > i; i++) n = o[i].end.getTime(), n > a && (a = n);
                        return new Date(a)
                this._updateSummaryRecursive(e, "end", n)
            _resolveSummaryPercentComplete: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = function(e) {
                        var n = t.taskChildren(e),
                            i = new k(n).aggregate([{
                                field: "percentComplete",
                                aggregate: "average"
                        return i.percentComplete.average
                this._updateSummaryRecursive(e, "percentComplete", n)
            _updateSummaryRecursive: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                e && (i = n(e), e.set(t, i), r = this.taskParent(e), r && this._updateSummaryRecursive(r, t, n))
            _childRemoved: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = null === e ? null : this.get(e),
                    o = this.taskChildren(r);
                for (n = t, i = o.length; i > n; n++) o[n].set("orderId", n);
            _reorderSiblings: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e.get("orderId"),
                    r = i > t,
                    o = r ? t : i,
                    a = r ? i : t,
                    s = r ? o : o + 1,
                    l = this.taskSiblings(e);
                for (a = Math.min(a, l.length - 1), n = o; a >= n; n++) l[n] !== e && (l[n].set("orderId", s), s += 1)
            _updateSummary: function(e) {
                if (null !== e) {
                    var t = this.taskChildren(e).length;
                    e.set("summary", t > 0)
            _toGanttTask: function(e) {
                if (!(e instanceof s)) {
                    var t = e;
                    e = this._createNewModel(), e.accept(t)
                return e
        }), l.create = J(l, "GanttDataSource"), D(!0, f.data, {
            GanttDataSource: l,
            GanttTask: s,
            GanttDependencyDataSource: tt,
            GanttDependency: et
        }), c = {
            desktop: {
                dateRange: Y,
                resources: Q
        }, d = f.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                f.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this.element = e, this.options = D(!0, {}, this.options, t), this.createButton = this.options.createButton
            fields: function(t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = this.options,
                    a = o.messages.editor,
                    s = o.resources,
                    l = function(e) {
                        e.preventDefault(), s.editor(r.container.find(V + p.styles.popup.resourcesField), n)
                return o.editable.template ? i = e.map(n.fields, function(e, t) {
                    return {
                        field: t
                }) : (i = [{
                    field: "title",
                    title: a.title
                }, {
                    field: "start",
                    title: a.start,
                    editor: t.dateRange
                }, {
                    field: "end",
                    title: a.end,
                    editor: t.dateRange
                }, {
                    field: "percentComplete",
                    title: a.percentComplete,
                    format: M
                }], n.get(s.field) && i.push({
                    field: s.field,
                    title: a.resources,
                    messages: a,
                    editor: t.resources,
                    click: l,
                    styles: p.styles.popup
                })), i
            _buildEditTemplate: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this.options.resources,
                    l = this.options.editable.template,
                    c = D({}, f.Template, this.options.templateSettings),
                    d = c.paramName,
                    u = p.styles.popup,
                    h = "";
                if (l) typeof l === H && (l = window.unescape(l)), h += f.template(l, c)(e);
                    for (i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) o = t[i], h += '<div class="' + u.editLabel + '"><label for="' + o.field + '">' + (o.title || o.field || "") + "</label></div>", o.field === s.field && (h += '<div class="' + u.resourcesField + '" style="display:none"></div>'), !e.editable || e.editable(o.field) ? (n.push(o), h += "<div " + f.attr("container-for") + '="' + o.field + '" class="' + u.editField + '"></div>') : (a = "#:", o.field ? (o = f.expr(o.field, d), a += o + "==null?'':" + o) : a += "''", a += "#", a = f.template(a, c), h += '<div class="' + u.editField + '">' + a(e) + "</div>");
                return h
        }), u = d.extend({
            destroy: function() {
                this.close(), this.unbind()
            editTask: function(e) {
                this.editable = this._createPopupEditor(e)
            close: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = function() {
                        e.editable && (e.editable.destroy(), e.editable = null, e.container = null), e.popup && (e.popup.destroy(), e.popup = null)
                this.editable && this.container.is(":visible") ? this.container.data("kendoWindow").bind("deactivate", t).close() : t()
            showDialog: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = t.buttons,
                    s = p.styles.popup,
                    l = f.format('<div class="{0}"><div class="{1}"><p class="{2}">{3}</p><div class="{4}">', s.form, s.formContainer, s.message, t.text, s.buttonsContainer);
                for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++) l += this.createButton(a[n]);
                l += "</div></div></div>", r = this.element, this.popup && this.popup.destroy(), o = this.popup = e(l).appendTo(r).eq(0).on("click", V + s.button, function(t) {
                    t.preventDefault(), o.close();
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget).index();
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !1,
                    title: t.title,
                    visible: !1,
                    close: function() {
                        this.destroy(), r.focus()
                }).getKendoWindow(), o.center().open()
            _createPopupEditor: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = {},
                    a = this.options.messages,
                    s = p.styles,
                    l = s.popup,
                    d = f.format('<div {0}="{1}" class="{2} {3}"><div class="{4}">', f.attr("uid"), t.uid, l.form, l.editForm, l.formContainer),
                    u = this.fields(c.desktop, t),
                    h = [];
                return d += this._buildEditTemplate(t, u, h), d += '<div class="' + l.buttonsContainer + '">', d += this.createButton({
                    name: "update",
                    text: a.save,
                    className: p.styles.primary
                }), d += this.createButton({
                    name: "cancel",
                    text: a.cancel
                }), d += this.createButton({
                    name: "delete",
                    text: a.destroy
                }), d += "</div></div></div>", n = this.container = e(d).appendTo(this.element).eq(0).kendoWindow(D({
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    title: a.editor.editorTitle,
                    visible: !1,
                    close: function(e) {
                        e.userTriggered && r.trigger("cancel", {
                            container: n,
                            model: t
                        }) && e.preventDefault()
                }, o)), i = n.kendoEditable({
                    fields: h,
                    model: t,
                    clearContainer: !1,
                    validateOnBlur: !0,
                    target: r.options.target
                }).data("kendoEditable"), f.cycleForm(n), this.trigger("edit", {
                    container: n,
                    model: t
                }) ? r.trigger("cancel", {
                    container: n,
                    model: t
                }) : (n.data("kendoWindow").center().open(), n.on(F + P, V + s.buttonCancel, function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), r.trigger("cancel", {
                        container: n,
                        model: t
                }), n.on(F + P, V + s.buttonSave, function(e) {
                    var i, o, a, s, l;
                    for (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i = r.fields(c.desktop, t), o = {}, s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) a = i[s].field, o[a] = t.get(a);
                    r.trigger("save", {
                        container: n,
                        model: t,
                        updateInfo: o
                }), n.on(F + P, V + s.buttonDelete, function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), r.trigger("remove", {
                        container: n,
                        model: t
                })), i
        }), h = _.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                _.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.wrapper = this.element, this.model = this.options.model, this.resourcesField = this.options.resourcesField, this.createButton = this.options.createButton, this._initContainer(), this._attachHandlers()
            events: ["save"],
            open: function() {
                this.window.center().open(), this.grid.resize(!0)
            close: function() {
                this.window.bind("deactivate", T(this.destroy, this)).close()
            destroy: function() {
                this._dettachHandlers(), this.grid.destroy(), this.grid = null, this.window.destroy(), this.window = null, _.fn.destroy.call(this), f.destroy(this.wrapper), this.element = this.wrapper = null
            _attachHandlers: function() {
                var t = p.styles,
                    n = this.grid,
                    i = this._cancelProxy = T(this._cancel, this);
                this.container.on(F + P, V + t.buttonCancel, this._cancelProxy), this._saveProxy = T(this._save, this), this.container.on(F + P, V + t.buttonSave, this._saveProxy), this.window.bind("close", function(e) {
                    e.userTriggered && i(e)
                }), n.wrapper.on(F + P, "input[type='checkbox']", function() {
                    var t = e(this),
                        i = e(t).closest("tr"),
                        r = n.dataSource.getByUid(i.attr(f.attr("uid"))),
                        o = e(t).is(":checked") ? 1 : "";
                    r.set("value", o)
            _dettachHandlers: function() {
                this._cancelProxy = null, this._saveProxy = null, this.container.off(P), this.grid.wrapper.off()
            _cancel: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this.close()
            _save: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this._updateModel(), this.wrapper.is(V + p.styles.popup.resourcesField) || this.trigger("save", {
                    container: this.wrapper,
                    model: this.model
                }), this.close()
            _initContainer: function() {
                var t = p.styles.popup,
                    n = f.format('<div class="{0} {1}"><div class="{2} {3}"/></div>"', t.form, t.editForm, t.formContainer, t.resourcesFormContainer);
                n = e(n), this.container = n.find(V + t.resourcesFormContainer), this.window = n.kendoWindow({
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    visible: !1,
                    title: this.options.messages.resourcesEditorTitle
                }).data("kendoWindow"), this._resourceGrid(), this._createButtons()
            _resourceGrid: function() {
                var t = this,
                    n = this.options.messages,
                    i = e('<div id="resources-grid"/>').appendTo(this.container);
                this.grid = new f.ui.Grid(i, {
                    columns: [{
                        field: "name",
                        title: n.resourcesHeader,
                        template: "<label><input type='checkbox' value='#=name#'# if (value > 0 && value !== null) {#checked='checked'# } #/>#=name#</labe>"
                    }, {
                        field: "value",
                        title: n.unitsHeader,
                        template: function(e) {
                            var t = e.format,
                                n = null !== e.value ? e.value : "";
                            return t ? f.toString(n, t) : n
                    height: 280,
                    sortable: !0,
                    editable: !0,
                    filterable: !0,
                    dataSource: {
                        data: t.options.data,
                        schema: {
                            model: {
                                id: "id",
                                fields: {
                                    id: {
                                        from: "id"
                                    name: {
                                        from: "name",
                                        type: "string",
                                        editable: !1
                                    value: {
                                        from: "value",
                                        type: "number",
                                        defaultValue: ""
                                    format: {
                                        from: "format",
                                        type: "string"
                    save: function(e) {
                        var t = !!e.values.value;
                        e.container.parent().find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", t)
            _createButtons: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options.buttons,
                    i = '<div class="' + p.styles.popup.buttonsContainer + '">';
                for (e = 0, t = n.length; t > e; e++) i += this.createButton(n[e]);
                i += "</div>", this.container.append(i)
            _updateModel: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = [],
                    r = this.grid.dataSource.data();
                for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) e = r[t].get("value"), null !== e && e > 0 && i.push(r[t]);
                this.model[this.resourcesField] = i
        }), p = _.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                x(t) && (t = {
                    dataSource: t
                }), _.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._wrapper(), this._resources(), this._timeline(), this._toolbar(), this._footer(), this._adjustDimensions(), this._preventRefresh = !0, this.view(this.timeline._selectedViewName), this._preventRefresh = !1, this._dataSource(), this._assignments(), this._dropDowns(), this._list(), this._dependencies(), this._resizable(), this._scrollable(), this._dataBind(), this._attachEvents(), this._createEditor(), f.notify(this)
            events: ["dataBinding", "dataBound", "add", "edit", "remove", "cancel", "save", "change", "navigate", "moveStart", "move", "moveEnd", "resizeStart", "resize", "resizeEnd"],
            options: {
                name: "Gantt",
                autoBind: !0,
                navigatable: !1,
                selectable: !0,
                editable: !0,
                columns: [],
                views: [],
                dataSource: {},
                dependencies: {},
                resources: {},
                assignments: {},
                messages: {
                    save: "Save",
                    cancel: "Cancel",
                    destroy: "Delete",
                    deleteTaskConfirmation: U,
                    deleteDependencyConfirmation: W,
                    deleteTaskWindowTitle: "Delete task",
                    deleteDependencyWindowTitle: "Delete dependency",
                    views: {
                        day: "Day",
                        week: "Week",
                        month: "Month",
                        year: "Year",
                        start: "Start",
                        end: "End"
                    actions: {
                        append: "Add Task",
                        addChild: "Add Child",
                        insertBefore: "Add Above",
                        insertAfter: "Add Below",
                        pdf: "Export to PDF"
                    editor: {
                        editorTitle: "Task",
                        resourcesEditorTitle: "Resources",
                        title: "Title",
                        start: "Start",
                        end: "End",
                        percentComplete: "Complete",
                        resources: "Resources",
                        assignButton: "Assign",
                        resourcesHeader: "Resources",
                        unitsHeader: "Units"
                showWorkHours: !0,
                showWorkDays: !0,
                toolbar: null,
                workDayStart: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                workDayEnd: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 17, 0, 0),
                workWeekStart: 1,
                workWeekEnd: 5,
                hourSpan: 1,
                snap: !0,
                height: 600,
                listWidth: "30%"
            select: function(e) {
                var n = this.list;
                return e ? (n.select(e), t) : n.select()
            clearSelection: function() {
            destroy: function() {
                _.fn.destroy.call(this), this.dataSource && (this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._refreshHandler), this.dataSource.unbind("progress", this._progressHandler), this.dataSource.unbind("error", this._errorHandler)), this.dependencies && (this.dependencies.unbind("change", this._dependencyRefreshHandler), this.dependencies.unbind("error", this._dependencyErrorHandler)), this.timeline && (this.timeline.unbind(), this.timeline.destroy()), this.list && (this.list.unbind(), this.list.destroy()), this.footerDropDown && this.footerDropDown.destroy(), this.headerDropDown && this.headerDropDown.destroy(), this._editor && this._editor.destroy(), this._resizeDraggable && this._resizeDraggable.destroy(), this.toolbar.off(P), e(window).off("resize" + P, this._resizeHandler), e(this.wrapper).off(P), this.toolbar = null, this.footer = null
            _attachEvents: function() {
                this._resizeHandler = T(this.resize, this, !1), e(window).on("resize" + P, this._resizeHandler)
            _wrapper: function() {
                var e = p.styles,
                    t = [e.icon, e.resizeHandle].join(" "),
                    n = this.options,
                    i = n.height,
                    r = n.width;
                this.wrapper = this.element.addClass(e.wrapper).append("<div class='" + e.listWrapper + "'><div></div></div>").append("<div class='" + e.splitBarWrapper + "'><div class='" + t + "'></div></div>").append("<div class='" + e.timelineWrapper + "'><div></div></div>"), this.wrapper.find(V + e.list).width(n.listWidth), i && this.wrapper.height(i), r && this.wrapper.width(r)
            _toolbar: function() {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = p.styles,
                    o = V + r.toolbar.views + " > li",
                    a = V + r.toolbar.pdfButton,
                    s = r.hovered,
                    l = this.options.toolbar,
                    c = e("<div class='" + r.toolbar.actions + "'>");
                S(l) || (l = typeof l === H ? l : this._actions(l), l = T(f.template(l), this)), n = e(q({
                    ns: f.ns,
                    views: this.timeline.views,
                    styles: r.toolbar
                })), c.append(l({})), t = e("<div class='" + r.toolbar.headerWrapper + "'>").append(c).append(n), this.wrapper.prepend(t), this.toolbar = t, t.on(F + P, o, function(t) {
                    var n, r;
                    t.preventDefault(), n = i.list, r = e(this).attr(f.attr("name")), n.editable && n.editable.trigger("validate") || i.trigger("navigate", {
                        view: r
                    }) || i.view(r)
                }).on(F + P, a, function() {
                }), this.wrapper.find(V + r.toolbar.toolbar + " li").hover(function() {
                }, function() {
            _actions: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options,
                    i = n.toolbar,
                    r = "";
                if (!x(i)) {
                    if (!n.editable) return r;
                    i = ["append"]
                for (e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) r += this._createButton(i[e]);
                return r
            _footer: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                this.options.editable && (t = p.styles.toolbar, n = this.options.messages.actions, i = e(f.template(j)(D(!0, {
                    styles: t
                }, X.append, {
                    text: n.append
                }))), r = e("<div class='" + t.actions + "'>").append(i), o = e("<div class='" + t.footerWrapper + "'>").append(r), this.wrapper.append(o), this.footer = o)
            _createButton: function(e) {
                var t = e.template || j,
                    n = this.options.messages.actions,
                    i = typeof e === H ? e : e.name || e.text,
                    r = X[i] ? X[i].className : "k-gantt-" + (i || "").replace(/\s/g, ""),
                    o = {
                        iconClass: "",
                        action: "",
                        text: i,
                        className: r,
                        styles: p.styles.toolbar
                if (!(i || A(e) && e.template)) throw Error("Custom commands should have name specified");
                return o = D(!0, o, X[i], {
                    text: n[i]
                }), A(e) && (e.className && C(o.className, e.className.split(" ")) < 0 && (e.className += " " + o.className), o = D(!0, o, e)), f.template(t)(o)
            _adjustDimensions: function() {
                var e = this.element,
                    t = p.styles,
                    n = V + t.list,
                    i = V + t.timeline,
                    r = V + t.splitBar,
                    o = this.toolbar.outerHeight(),
                    a = this.footer ? this.footer.outerHeight() : 0,
                    s = e.height(),
                    l = e.width(),
                    c = e.find(r).outerWidth(),
                    d = e.find(n).outerWidth();
                e.children([n, i, r].join(",")).height(s - (o + a)).end().children(i).width(l - (c + d))
            _scrollTo: function(e) {
                var t = this.timeline.view(),
                    i = f.attr("uid"),
                    r = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.closest("tr" + n()).attr(i),
                    o = t.content.find(n(r));
                0 !== o.length && t._scrollTo(o)
            _dropDowns: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = V + p.styles.toolbar.actions,
                    n = this.options.messages.actions,
                    i = this.dataSource,
                    r = this.timeline,
                    o = function(t) {
                        var n, o = t.type,
                            a = i._createNewModel(),
                            s = e.dataItem(e.select()),
                            l = i.taskParent(s),
                            c = r.view()._timeSlots()[0],
                            d = "add" === o ? s : l,
                            u = e.list.editable;
                        u && u.trigger("validate") || (a.set("title", "New task"), d ? (a.set("parentId", d.get("id")), a.set("start", d.get("start")), a.set("end", d.get("end"))) : (a.set("start", c.start), a.set("end", c.end)), "add" !== o && (n = s.get("orderId"), n = "insert-before" === o ? n : n + 1), e._createTask(a, n))
                this.options.editable && (this.footerDropDown = new Z(this.footer.children(t).eq(0), {
                    messages: {
                        actions: n
                    direction: "up",
                    animation: {
                        open: {
                            effects: "slideIn:up"
                    navigatable: e.options.navigatable
                }), this.headerDropDown = new Z(this.toolbar.children(t).eq(0), {
                    messages: {
                        actions: n
                    navigatable: e.options.navigatable
                }), this.footerDropDown.bind("command", o), this.headerDropDown.bind("command", o))
            _list: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.navigatable,
                    r = p.styles,
                    a = this.wrapper.find(V + r.list),
                    s = a.find("> div"),
                    l = this.wrapper.find(V + r.toolbar.actions + " > button"),
                    c = {
                        columns: this.options.columns || [],
                        dataSource: this.dataSource,
                        selectable: this.options.selectable,
                        editable: this.options.editable,
                        listWidth: a.outerWidth(),
                        resourcesField: this.resources.field
                    d = c.columns,
                    u = function() {
                        i && (n._current(n._cachedCurrent), o(n.list.content.find("table"), !0)), delete n._cachedCurrent
                for (t = 0; d.length > t; t++) e = d[t], e.field === this.resources.field && "function" != typeof e.editor && (e.editor = T(this._createResourceEditor, this));
                this.list = new f.ui.GanttList(s, c), this.list.bind("render", function() {
                }, !0).bind("edit", function(e) {
                    n._cachedCurrent = e.cell, n.trigger("edit", {
                        task: e.model,
                        container: e.cell
                    }) && e.preventDefault()
                }).bind("cancel", function(e) {
                    n.trigger("cancel", {
                        task: e.model,
                        container: e.cell
                    }) && e.preventDefault(), u()
                }).bind("update", function(e) {
                    n._updateTask(e.task, e.updateInfo), u()
                }).bind("change", function() {
                    var e = n.list.select();
                    e.length ? (l.removeAttr("data-action", "add"), n.timeline.select("[data-uid='" + e.attr("data-uid") + "']")) : (l.attr("data-action", "add"), n.timeline.clearSelection())
            _timeline: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = p.styles,
                    r = i(D(!0, {
                        resourcesField: this.resources.field
                    }, this.options)),
                    o = this.wrapper.find(V + n.timeline + " > div");
                this.timeline = new f.ui.GanttTimeline(o, r), this.timeline.bind("navigate", function(t) {
                    e.toolbar.find(V + n.toolbar.views + " > li").removeClass(n.selected).end().find(V + n.toolbar.viewButton + "-" + t.view.replace(/\./g, "\\.").toLowerCase()).addClass(n.selected), e.refresh()
                }).bind("moveStart", function(n) {
                    var i = e.list.editable;
                    return i && i.trigger("validate") ? (n.preventDefault(), t) : (e.trigger("moveStart", {
                        task: n.task
                    }) && n.preventDefault(), t)
                }).bind("move", function(t) {
                    var n = t.task,
                        i = t.start,
                        r = new Date(i.getTime() + n.duration());
                    e.trigger("move", {
                        task: n,
                        start: i,
                        end: r
                    }) && t.preventDefault()
                }).bind("moveEnd", function(t) {
                    var n = t.task,
                        i = t.start,
                        r = new Date(i.getTime() + n.duration());
                    e.trigger("moveEnd", {
                        task: n,
                        start: i,
                        end: r
                    }) || e._updateTask(e.dataSource.getByUid(n.uid), {
                        start: i,
                        end: r
                }).bind("resizeStart", function(n) {
                    var i = e.list.editable;
                    return i && i.trigger("validate") ? (n.preventDefault(), t) : (e.trigger("resizeStart", {
                        task: n.task
                    }) && n.preventDefault(), t)
                }).bind("resize", function(t) {
                    e.trigger("resize", {
                        task: t.task,
                        start: t.start,
                        end: t.end
                    }) && t.preventDefault()
                }).bind("resizeEnd", function(t) {
                    var n = t.task,
                        i = {};
                    t.resizeStart ? i.start = t.start : i.end = t.end, e.trigger("resizeEnd", {
                        task: n,
                        start: t.start,
                        end: t.end
                    }) || e._updateTask(e.dataSource.getByUid(n.uid), i)
                }).bind("percentResizeStart", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate") && t.preventDefault()
                }).bind("percentResizeEnd", function(t) {
                    e._updateTask(e.dataSource.getByUid(t.task.uid), {
                        percentComplete: t.percentComplete
                }).bind("dependencyDragStart", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate") && t.preventDefault()
                }).bind("dependencyDragEnd", function(t) {
                    var n = e.dependencies._createNewModel({
                        type: t.type,
                        predecessorId: t.predecessor.id,
                        successorId: t.successor.id
                }).bind("select", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate"), e.select("[data-uid='" + t.uid + "']")
                }).bind("editTask", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate") || e.editTask(t.uid)
                }).bind("clear", function() {
                }).bind("removeTask", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate") || e.removeTask(e.dataSource.getByUid(t.uid))
                }).bind("removeDependency", function(t) {
                    var n = e.list.editable;
                    n && n.trigger("validate") || e.removeDependency(e.dependencies.getByUid(t.uid))
            _dataSource: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.dataSource;
                t = x(t) ? {
                    data: t
                } : t, this.dataSource && this._refreshHandler ? this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._refreshHandler).unbind("progress", this._progressHandler).unbind("error", this._errorHandler) : (this._refreshHandler = T(this.refresh, this), this._progressHandler = T(this._requestStart, this), this._errorHandler = T(this._error, this)), this.dataSource = f.data.GanttDataSource.create(t).bind("change", this._refreshHandler).bind("progress", this._progressHandler).bind("error", this._errorHandler)
            _dependencies: function() {
                var e = this.options.dependencies || {},
                    t = x(e) ? {
                        data: e
                    } : e;
                this.dependencies && this._dependencyRefreshHandler ? this.dependencies.unbind("change", this._dependencyRefreshHandler).unbind("error", this._dependencyErrorHandler) : (this._dependencyRefreshHandler = T(this.refreshDependencies, this), this._dependencyErrorHandler = T(this._error, this)), this.dependencies = f.data.GanttDependencyDataSource.create(t).bind("change", this._dependencyRefreshHandler).bind("error", this._dependencyErrorHandler)
            _resources: function() {
                var e = this.options.resources,
                    t = e.dataSource || {};
                this.resources = {
                    field: "resources",
                    dataTextField: "name",
                    dataColorField: "color",
                    dataFormatField: "format"
                }, D(this.resources, e), this.resources.dataSource = f.data.DataSource.create(t)
            _assignments: function() {
                var e = this.options.assignments,
                    t = e.dataSource || {};
                this.assignments ? this.assignments.dataSource.unbind("change", this._assignmentsRefreshHandler) : this._assignmentsRefreshHandler = T(this.refresh, this), this.assignments = {
                    dataTaskIdField: "taskId",
                    dataResourceIdField: "resourceId",
                    dataValueField: "value"
                }, D(this.assignments, e), this.assignments.dataSource = f.data.DataSource.create(t), this.assignments.dataSource.bind("change", this._assignmentsRefreshHandler)
            _createEditor: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = this._editor = new u(this.wrapper, D({}, this.options, {
                        target: this,
                        resources: {
                            field: this.resources.field,
                            editor: T(this._createResourceEditor, this)
                        createButton: T(this._createPopupButton, this)
                n.bind("cancel", function(n) {
                    var i = e.dataSource.getByUid(n.model.uid);
                    return e.trigger("cancel", {
                        container: n.container,
                        task: i
                    }) ? (n.preventDefault(), t) : (e.cancelTask(), t)
                }).bind("edit", function(t) {
                    var n = e.dataSource.getByUid(t.model.uid);
                    e.trigger("edit", {
                        container: t.container,
                        task: n
                    }) && t.preventDefault()
                }).bind("save", function(t) {
                    var n = e.dataSource.getByUid(t.model.uid);
                    e.saveTask(n, t.updateInfo)
                }).bind("remove", function(t) {
            _createResourceEditor: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t instanceof b ? t : t.model,
                    r = i.get("id"),
                    o = this.options.messages,
                    a = n.resources.field,
                    s = this._resourceEditor = new h(e, {
                        resourcesField: a,
                        data: this._wrapResourceData(r),
                        model: i,
                        messages: D({}, o.editor),
                        buttons: [{
                            name: "update",
                            text: o.save,
                            className: p.styles.primary
                        }, {
                            name: "cancel",
                            text: o.cancel
                        createButton: T(this._createPopupButton, this),
                        save: function(e) {
                            n._updateAssignments(e.model.get("id"), e.model.get(a))
            _createPopupButton: function(e) {
                var t = e.name || e.text,
                    n = {
                        className: p.styles.popup.button + " k-gantt-" + (t || "").replace(/\s/g, ""),
                        text: t,
                        attr: ""
                if (!(t || A(e) && e.template)) throw Error("Custom commands should have name specified");
                return A(e) && (e.className && (e.className += " " + n.className), n = D(!0, n, e)), f.template(G)(n)
            view: function(e) {
                return this.timeline.view(e)
            dataItem: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                return e ? (t = this.list, n = t.content.find(e), t._modelFromElement(n)) : null
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.list._setDataSource(this.dataSource), this.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
            setDependenciesDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.dependencies = e, this._dependencies(), this.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
            items: function() {
                return this.wrapper.children(".k-task")
            _updateAssignments: function(e, t) {
                for (var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this.assignments.dataSource, d = this.assignments.dataTaskIdField, u = this.assignments.dataResourceIdField, h = !1, p = new k(c.view()).filter({
                    field: d,
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: e
                }).toArray(); p.length;) {
                    for (n = p[0], o = 0, a = t.length; a > o; o++)
                        if (i = t[o], n.get(u) === i.get("id")) {
                            r = t[o].get("value"), this._updateAssignment(n, r), t.splice(o, 1), h = !0;
                    h || this._removeAssignment(n), h = !1, p.shift()
                for (s = 0, l = t.length; l > s; s++) i = t[s], this._createAssignment(i, e);
            cancelTask: function() {
                var e = this._editor,
                    t = e.container;
                t && e.close()
            editTask: function(e) {
                var t, n = "string" == typeof e ? this.dataSource.getByUid(e) : e;
                n && (t = this.dataSource._createNewModel(n.toJSON()), t.uid = n.uid, this.cancelTask(), this._editTask(t))
            _editTask: function(e) {
            saveTask: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._editor,
                    i = n.container,
                    r = n.editable;
                i && r && r.end() && this._updateTask(e, t)
            _updateTask: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.resources.field;
                this.trigger("save", {
                    task: e,
                    values: t
                }) || (this._preventRefresh = !0, this.dataSource.update(e, t), t[n] && this._updateAssignments(e.get("id"), t[n]), this._syncDataSource())
            _updateAssignment: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.assignments.dataValueField;
                e.set(n, t)
            removeTask: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = "string" == typeof e ? this.dataSource.getByUid(e) : e;
                n && this._taskConfirm(function(e) {
                    e || t._removeTask(n)
                }, n)
            _createTask: function(e, n) {
                if (!this.trigger("add", {
                    task: e,
                    dependency: null
                })) {
                    var i = this.dataSource;
                    this._preventRefresh = !0, n === t ? i.add(e) : i.insert(n, e), this._scrollToUid = e.uid, this._syncDataSource()
            _createDependency: function(e) {
                this.trigger("add", {
                    task: null,
                    dependency: e
                }) || (this._preventDependencyRefresh = !0, this.dependencies.add(e), this._preventDependencyRefresh = !1, this.dependencies.sync())
            _createAssignment: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.assignments,
                    i = n.dataSource,
                    r = n.dataTaskIdField,
                    o = n.dataResourceIdField,
                    a = n.dataValueField,
                    s = i._createNewModel();
                s[r] = t, s[o] = e.get("id"), s[a] = e.get("value"), i.add(s)
            removeDependency: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = "string" == typeof e ? this.dependencies.getByUid(e) : e;
                n && this._dependencyConfirm(function(e) {
                    e || t._removeDependency(n)
                }, n)
            _removeTaskDependencies: function(e, t) {
                this._preventDependencyRefresh = !0;
                for (var n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) this.dependencies.remove(t[n]);
                this._preventDependencyRefresh = !1, this.dependencies.sync()
            _removeTaskAssignments: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.assignments.dataSource,
                    r = i.view(),
                    o = {
                        field: this.assignments.dataTaskIdField,
                        operator: "eq",
                        value: e.get("id")
                for (r = new k(r).filter(o).toArray(), this._preventRefresh = !0, t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) i.remove(r[t]);
                this._preventRefresh = !1, i.sync()
            _removeTask: function(e) {
                var t = this.dependencies.dependencies(e.id);
                this.trigger("remove", {
                    task: e,
                    dependencies: t
                }) || (this._removeTaskDependencies(e, t), this._removeTaskAssignments(e), this._preventRefresh = !0, this.dataSource.remove(e) && this._syncDataSource(), this._preventRefresh = !1)
            _removeDependency: function(e) {
                this.trigger("remove", {
                    task: null,
                    dependencies: [e]
                }) || this.dependencies.remove(e) && this.dependencies.sync()
            _removeAssignment: function(e) {
            _taskConfirm: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.options.messages;
                this._confirm(e, {
                    model: t,
                    text: n.deleteTaskConfirmation,
                    title: n.deleteTaskWindowTitle
            _dependencyConfirm: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.options.messages;
                this._confirm(e, {
                    model: t,
                    text: n.deleteDependencyConfirmation,
                    title: n.deleteDependencyWindowTitle
            _confirm: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.options.editable;
                r === !0 || r.confirmation !== !1 ? (n = this.options.messages, i = [{
                    name: "delete",
                    text: n.destroy,
                    className: p.styles.primary,
                    click: function() {
                }, {
                    name: "cancel",
                    text: n.cancel,
                    click: function() {
                }], this.showDialog(D(!0, {}, t, {
                    buttons: i
                }))) : e()
            showDialog: function(e) {
            refresh: function() {
                var e, t, i, r, o, a;
                this._preventRefresh || this.list.editable || (this._progress(!1), e = this.dataSource, t = e.taskTree(), i = this._scrollToUid, a = -1, this.current && (o = this.current.closest("tr").attr(f.attr("uid")), a = this.current.index()), this.trigger("dataBinding") || (0 !== this.resources.dataSource.data().length && this._assignResources(t), this._editor && this._editor.close(), this.clearSelection(), this.list._render(t), this.timeline._render(t), this.timeline._renderDependencies(this.dependencies.view()), i && (this._scrollTo(i), this.select(n(i))), (i || o) && a >= 0 && (r = this.list.content.find("tr" + n(i || o) + " > td:eq(" + a + ")"), this._current(r)), this._scrollToUid = null, this.trigger("dataBound")))
            refreshDependencies: function() {
                this._preventDependencyRefresh || this.trigger("dataBinding") || (this.timeline._renderDependencies(this.dependencies.view()), this.trigger("dataBound"))
            _assignResources: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.resources,
                    r = this.assignments,
                    o = function() {
                        var e = r.dataSource.view(),
                            t = {
                                field: r.dataTaskIdField
                        return e = new k(e).group(t).toArray()
                    a = o(),
                    s = function(e, t) {
                        var n, r, o = e.get("id");
                        for (f.setter(i.field)(e, new y([])), n = 0, r = a.length; r > n; n++) a[n].value === o && t(e, a[n].items)
                    l = function(e, t) {
                        var n, o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
                        for (n = 0, o = t.length; o > n; n++) a = t[n], s = i.dataSource.get(a.get(r.dataResourceIdField)), l = a.get(r.dataValueField), c = a.get(r.dataResourceIdField), d = s.get(i.dataFormatField) || M, u = f.toString(l, d), e[i.field].push(new b({
                            id: c,
                            name: s.get(i.dataTextField),
                            color: s.get(i.dataColorField),
                            value: l,
                            formatedValue: u
                for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) s(e[t], l)
            _wrapResourceData: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = [],
                    a = this.resources.dataSource.view(),
                    s = this.assignments.dataSource.view(),
                    l = new k(s).filter({
                        field: r.assignments.dataTaskIdField,
                        operator: "eq",
                        value: e
                    c = function(e) {
                        var t = null;
                        return new k(l).filter({
                            field: r.assignments.dataResourceIdField,
                            operator: "eq",
                            value: e
                        }).select(function(e) {
                            t += e.get(r.assignments.dataValueField)
                        }), t
                for (n = 0, i = a.length; i > n; n++) t = a[n], o.push({
                    id: t.get("id"),
                    name: t.get(r.resources.dataTextField),
                    format: t.get(r.resources.dataFormatField) || M,
                    value: c(t.id)
                return o
            _syncDataSource: function() {
                this._preventRefresh = !1, this._requestStart(), this.dataSource.sync()
            _requestStart: function() {
            _error: function() {
            _progress: function(e) {
                f.ui.progress(this.element, e)
            _resizable: function() {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = this.wrapper,
                    a = p.styles,
                    s = V + a.gridContent,
                    l = o.find(V + a.list),
                    c = o.find(V + a.timeline);
                this._resizeDraggable = o.find(V + a.splitBar).height(l.height()).hover(function() {
                }, function() {
                    orientation: "horizontal",
                    handle: V + a.splitBar,
                    start: function() {
                        t = l.width(), n = c.width(), i = c.find(s).scrollLeft()
                    resize: function(e) {
                        var a = e.x.initialDelta;
                        f.support.isRtl(o) && (a *= -1), 0 > t + a || 0 > n - a || (l.width(t + a), c.width(n - a), c.find(s).scrollLeft(i + a), r.timeline.view()._renderCurrentTime())
            _scrollable: function() {
                var t = p.styles,
                    n = V + t.gridContent,
                    i = V + t.gridHeaderWrap,
                    r = this.timeline.element.find(i),
                    o = this.timeline.element.find(n),
                    a = this.list.element.find(i),
                    s = this.list.element.find(n);
                m && s.css("overflow-y", "auto"), o.on("scroll", function() {
                    r.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), s.scrollTop(this.scrollTop)
                }), s.on("scroll", function() {
                    a.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), o.scrollTop(this.scrollTop)
                }).on("DOMMouseScroll" + P + " mousewheel" + P, function(t) {
                    var n = o.scrollTop(),
                        i = f.wheelDeltaY(t);
                    i && (t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).one("wheel" + P, !1), o.scrollTop(n + -i))
            _navigatable: function() {
                var i, r = this,
                    a = this.options.navigatable,
                    s = this.options.editable,
                    l = this.list.header.find("table"),
                    c = this.list.content.find("table"),
                    d = p.styles,
                    u = f.support.isRtl(this.wrapper),
                    h = this.timeline.element.find(V + d.gridContent),
                    g = l.add(c),
                    m = n(),
                    v = {
                        collapse: !1,
                        expand: !0
                    _ = function(e) {
                        var t = r.timeline.view()._timeSlots()[0].offsetWidth;
                        h.scrollLeft(h.scrollLeft() + (e ? -t : t))
                    w = function(e) {
                        var t = r.current.parent("tr" + n()),
                            i = r.current.index(),
                            a = t[e]();
                        0 !== r.select().length && r.clearSelection(), 0 !== a.length ? (r._current(a.children("td:eq(" + i + ")")), r._scrollTo(r.current)) : r.current.is("td") && "prev" == e ? o(l) : r.current.is("th") && "next" == e && o(c)
                    b = function(e) {
                        var t = r.current[e]();
                        0 !== t.length && (r._current(t), i = r.current.index())
                    y = function(e) {
                        var t = r.dataItem(r.current);
                        t.summary && t.expanded !== e && t.set("expanded", e)
                    k = function() {
                        var e, t;
                        r.options.editable && !r.list.editable && (e = r.select(), t = f.attr("uid"), e.length && r.removeTask(e.attr(t)))
                return e(this.wrapper).on("mousedown" + P, "tr" + m + ", div" + m + ":not(" + V + d.line + ")", function(t) {
                    var i, l = e(t.currentTarget),
                        c = e(t.target).is(":button,a,:input,a>.k-icon,textarea,span.k-icon,span.k-link,.k-input,.k-multiselect-wrap");
                    t.ctrlKey || (a && (i = l.is("tr") ? e(t.target).closest("td") : r.list.content.find("tr" + n(l.attr(f.attr("uid"))) + " > td:first"), r._current(i)), !a && !s || c || (r._focusTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        o(r.list.content.find("table"), !0)
                    }, 2)))
                }), a !== !0 ? (c.on("keydown" + P, function(e) {
                    e.keyCode == I.DELETE && k()
                }), t) : (g.on("focus" + P, function() {
                    var t = this === c.get(0) ? "td" : "th",
                        n = (e(this), r.select()),
                        o = r.current || e(n.length ? n : this).find(t + ":eq(" + (i || 0) + ")");
                }).on("blur" + P, function() {
                    r._current(), this == l && e(this).attr(z, -1)
                }).on("keydown" + P, function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.keyCode;
                    if (r.current) switch (t = r.current.is("td"), n) {
                        case I.RIGHT:
                            e.preventDefault(), e.altKey ? _() : e.ctrlKey ? y(u ? v.collapse : v.expand) : b(u ? "prev" : "next");
                        case I.LEFT:
                            e.preventDefault(), e.altKey ? _(!0) : e.ctrlKey ? y(u ? v.expand : v.collapse) : b(u ? "next" : "prev");
                        case I.UP:
                            e.preventDefault(), w("prev");
                        case I.DOWN:
                            e.preventDefault(), w("next");
                        case I.SPACEBAR:
                            e.preventDefault(), t && r.select(r.current.closest("tr"));
                        case I.ENTER:
                            e.preventDefault(), t ? r.options.editable && (r._cachedCurrent = r.current, r.list._startEditHandler(r.current), e.stopPropagation()) : r.current.children("a.k-link").click();
                        case I.ESC:
                        case I.DELETE:
                            t && k();
                            n >= 49 && 57 >= n && r.view(r.timeline._viewByIndex(n - 49))
                }), t)
            _current: function(t) {
                var n, i = p.styles;
                this.current && this.current.length && this.current.removeClass(i.focused).removeAttr("id"), t && t.length ? (this.current = t.addClass(i.focused).attr("id", N), n = e(f._activeElement()), n.is("table") && this.wrapper.find(n).length > 0 && n.removeAttr(L).attr(L, N)) : this.current = null
            _dataBind: function() {
                var t, n = this;
                n.options.autoBind && (this._preventRefresh = !0, this._preventDependencyRefresh = !0, t = e.map([this.dataSource, this.dependencies, this.resources.dataSource, this.assignments.dataSource], function(e) {
                    return e.fetch()
                }), e.when.apply(null, t).done(function() {
                    n._preventRefresh = !1, n._preventDependencyRefresh = !1, n.refresh()
            _resize: function() {
                this._adjustDimensions(), this.timeline.view()._adjustHeight(), this.timeline.view()._renderCurrentTime(), this.list._adjustHeight()
        }), f.PDFMixin && (f.PDFMixin.extend(p.fn), p.fn._drawPDF = function() {
            var e = "." + K.list,
                t = this.wrapper.find(e).width(),
                n = this.wrapper.clone();
            return n.find(e).css("width", t), this._drawPDFShadow({
                content: n
        }), f.ui.plugin(p), D(!0, p, {
            styles: K
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return t[e]

        function i(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return !e(t)

        function r() {
            return "none" !== this.style.display

        function o(n) {
            var i, r = n.find(">tr:not(.k-filter-row)"),
                o = function() {
                    var t = e(this);
                    return !t.hasClass("k-group-cell") && !t.hasClass("k-hierarchy-cell")
                a = e();
            return r.length > 1 && (a = r.find("th").filter(o).filter(function() {
                return this.rowSpan > 1
            })), a = a.add(r.last().find("th").filter(o)), i = kendo.attr("index"), a.sort(function(n, r) {
                var o, a;
                return n = e(n), r = e(r), o = n.attr(i), a = r.attr(i), o === t && (o = e(n).index()), a === t && (a = e(r).index()), o = parseInt(o, 10), a = parseInt(a, 10), o > a ? 1 : a > o ? -1 : 0
            }), a

        function a(e) {
            var t, n, i = [],
                r = e.className;
            for (t = 0, n = e.level; n > t; t++) i.push(m("span", {
                className: r
            return i

        function s(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = 0;
            for (n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++) t = e[n].style.width, t && -1 == t.indexOf("%") && (r += parseInt(t, 10));
            return r

        function l(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            e = e[0], t = t[0], e.rows.length !== t.rows.length && (n = e.offsetHeight, i = t.offsetHeight, n > i ? (r = t.rows[t.rows.length - 1], o = n - i) : (r = e.rows[e.rows.length - 1], o = i - n), r.style.height = r.offsetHeight + o + "px")
        var c, d, u, h, p = kendo.data,
            f = e.extend,
            g = kendo.dom,
            m = g.element,
            v = g.text,
            _ = g.html,
            w = kendo.ui,
            b = w.DataBoundWidget,
            y = p.DataSource,
            k = p.ObservableArray,
            x = p.Query,
            C = p.Model,
            S = e.proxy,
            T = e.map,
            D = e.grep,
            A = e.inArray,
            E = e.isPlainObject,
            I = Array.prototype.push,
            P = "string",
            M = "change",
            z = "error",
            F = "progress",
            R = ".",
            H = ".kendoTreeList",
            B = "click",
            L = "mousedown",
            N = "edit",
            O = "save",
            V = "expand",
            U = "collapse",
            W = "remove",
            j = "dataBinding",
            G = "dataBound",
            q = "cancel",
            $ = "filterMenuInit",
            Y = "columnHide",
            Q = "columnShow",
            K = "th.k-header",
            X = "columnReorder",
            Z = "columnResize",
            J = "columnMenuInit",
            et = "columnLock",
            tt = "columnUnlock",
            nt = "parentId",
            it = {
                wrapper: "k-treelist k-grid k-widget",
                header: "k-header",
                button: "k-button",
                alt: "k-alt",
                editCell: "k-edit-cell",
                group: "k-treelist-group",
                gridToolbar: "k-grid-toolbar",
                gridHeader: "k-grid-header",
                gridHeaderWrap: "k-grid-header-wrap",
                gridContent: "k-grid-content",
                gridContentWrap: "k-grid-content",
                gridFilter: "k-grid-filter",
                footerTemplate: "k-footer-template",
                loading: "k-loading",
                refresh: "k-i-refresh",
                retry: "k-request-retry",
                selected: "k-state-selected",
                status: "k-status",
                link: "k-link",
                withIcon: "k-with-icon",
                filterable: "k-filterable",
                icon: "k-icon",
                iconFilter: "k-filter",
                iconCollapse: "k-i-collapse",
                iconExpand: "k-i-expand",
                iconHidden: "k-i-none",
                iconPlaceHolder: "k-icon k-i-none",
                input: "k-input",
                dropPositions: "k-insert-top k-insert-bottom k-add k-insert-middle",
                dropTop: "k-insert-top",
                dropBottom: "k-insert-bottom",
                dropAdd: "k-add",
                dropMiddle: "k-insert-middle",
                dropDenied: "k-denied",
                dragStatus: "k-drag-status",
                dragClue: "k-drag-clue",
                dragClueText: "k-clue-text"
            rt = {
                create: {
                    imageClass: "k-add",
                    className: "k-grid-add",
                    methodName: "addRow"
                createchild: {
                    imageClass: "k-add",
                    className: "k-grid-add",
                    methodName: "addRow"
                destroy: {
                    imageClass: "k-delete",
                    className: "k-grid-delete",
                    methodName: "removeRow"
                edit: {
                    imageClass: "k-edit",
                    className: "k-grid-edit",
                    methodName: "editRow"
                update: {
                    imageClass: "k-update",
                    className: "k-primary k-grid-update",
                    methodName: "saveRow"
                canceledit: {
                    imageClass: "k-cancel",
                    className: "k-grid-cancel",
                    methodName: "_cancelEdit"
                excel: {
                    imageClass: "k-i-excel",
                    className: "k-grid-excel",
                    methodName: "saveAsExcel"
                pdf: {
                    imageClass: "k-i-pdf",
                    className: "k-grid-pdf",
                    methodName: "saveAsPDF"
            ot = C.define({
                id: "id",
                parentId: nt,
                fields: {
                    id: {
                        type: "number"
                    parentId: {
                        type: "number",
                        nullable: !0
                init: function(e) {
                    C.fn.init.call(this, e), this._loaded = !1, this.parentIdField || (this.parentIdField = nt), this.parentId = this.get(this.parentIdField)
                accept: function(e) {
                    C.fn.accept.call(this, e), this.parentId = this.get(this.parentIdField)
                loaded: function(e) {
                    return e === t ? this._loaded : (this._loaded = e, t)
                shouldSerialize: function(e) {
                    return C.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, e) && "_loaded" !== e && "_error" != e && "_edit" != e && !("parentId" !== this.parentIdField && "parentId" === e)
        ot.parentIdField = nt, ot.define = function(e, n) {
            var i, r;
            return n === t && (n = e, e = ot), i = n.parentId || nt, delete n.parentId, n.parentIdField = i, r = C.define(e, n), i && (r.parentIdField = i), r
        }, c = y.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                y.fn.init.call(this, f(!0, {}, {
                    schema: {
                        modelBase: ot,
                        model: ot
                }, e))
            _createNewModel: function(e) {
                var t = {},
                    n = e instanceof C;
                return n && (t = e), t = y.fn._createNewModel.call(this, t), n || (e.parentId && (e[t.parentIdField] = e.parentId), t.accept(e)), t
            _shouldWrap: function() {
                return !0
            _readData: function(e) {
                var t = this.data();
                return e = y.fn._readData.call(this, e), this._concat(e, t), e instanceof k ? e : t
            _concat: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = t.length;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t[i++] = e[n];
                t.length = i
            _readAggregates: function(e) {
                var t = f(this._aggregateResult, this.reader.aggregates(e));
                return "" in t && (t[this._defaultParentId()] = t[""], delete t[""]), t
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = this._subtree(this._childrenMap(this.data()), e.id);
                this._removeItems(t), y.fn.remove.call(this, e)
            _filterCallback: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {},
                    r = [],
                    o = e.toArray();
                for (t = 0; o.length > t; t++)
                    for (n = o[t]; n && (i[n.id] || (i[n.id] = !0, r.push(n)), !i[n.parentId]);) i[n.parentId] = !0, n = this.parentNode(n), n && r.push(n);
                return new x(r)
            _subtree: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = e[t] || [],
                    o = this._defaultParentId();
                for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) r[n].id !== o && (r = r.concat(this._subtree(e, r[n].id)));
                return r
            _childrenMap: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = {};
                for (e = this._observeView(e), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], i = n.id, r = n.parentId, o[i] = o[i] || [], o[r] = o[r] || [], o[r].push(n);
                return o
            _calculateAggregates: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s;
                for (t = t || {}, n = {}, a = t.filter, a && (e = x.process(e, {
                    filter: a,
                    filterCallback: S(this._filterCallback, this)
                }).data), s = this._childrenMap(e), n[this._defaultParentId()] = new x(this._subtree(s, this._defaultParentId())).aggregate(t.aggregate), o = 0; e.length > o; o++) i = e[o], r = this._subtree(s, i.id), n[i.id] = new x(r).aggregate(t.aggregate);
                return n
            _queryProcess: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                for (t = t || {}, t.filterCallback = S(this._filterCallback, this), n = this._defaultParentId(), i = x.process(e, t), r = this._childrenMap(i.data), e = r[n] || [], a = 0; e.length > a; a++) s = e[a], s.id !== n && (l = r[s.id], o = !(!l || !l.length), s.loaded() || s.loaded(o || !s.hasChildren), (s.loaded() || s.hasChildren !== !0) && (s.hasChildren = o), o && (e = e.slice(0, a + 1).concat(l, e.slice(a + 1))));
                return i.data = e, i
            _queueRequest: function(e, t) {
            _modelLoaded: function(e) {
                var t = this.get(e);
                t.loaded(!0), t.hasChildren = this.childNodes(t).length > 0
            _modelError: function(e, t) {
                this.get(e)._error = t
            success: function(e, t) {
                return t && t.id || (this._data = this._observe([])), y.fn.success.call(this, e, t)
            load: function(t) {
                var n = "_query",
                    i = this.options.serverSorting || this.options.serverPaging || this.options.serverFiltering || this.options.serverGrouping || this.options.serverAggregates,
                    r = e.Deferred().resolve().promise();
                if (t.loaded()) {
                    if (i) return r
                } else t.hasChildren && (n = "read");
                return this[n]({
                    id: t.id
                }).then(S(this._modelLoaded, this, t.id), S(this._modelError, this, t.id))
            contains: function(e, t) {
                for (var n = e.id; t;) {
                    if (t.parentId === n) return !0;
                    t = this.parentNode(t)
                return !1
            _byParentId: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = [],
                    o = this.view();
                if (e === t) return [];
                for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) n = o.at(i), n.parentId == e && r.push(n);
                return r
            _defaultParentId: function() {
                return this.reader.model.fn.defaults[this.reader.model.parentIdField]
            childNodes: function(e) {
                return this._byParentId(e.id, this._defaultParentId())
            rootNodes: function() {
                return this._byParentId(this._defaultParentId())
            parentNode: function(e) {
                return this.get(e.parentId)
            level: function(e) {
                var t = -1;
                e instanceof ot || (e = this.get(e));
                do e = this.parentNode(e), t++; while (e);
                return t
            filter: function(e) {
                var n = y.fn.filter;
                return e === t ? n.call(this, e) : (n.call(this, e), t)
        }), c.create = function(t) {
            return e.isArray(t) ? t = {
                data: t
            } : t instanceof k && (t = {
                data: t.toJSON()
            }), t instanceof c ? t : new c(t)
        }, d = kendo.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                kendo.Observable.fn.init.call(this), t = this.options = f(!0, {}, this.options, t), this.element = e, this.bind(this.events, t), this.model = this.options.model, this.fields = this._fields(this.options.columns), this._initContainer(), this.createEditable()
            events: [],
            _initContainer: function() {
                this.wrapper = this.element
            createEditable: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.editable = new w.Editable(this.wrapper, {
                    fields: this.fields,
                    target: e.target,
                    clearContainer: e.clearContainer,
                    model: this.model
            _isEditable: function(e) {
                return e.field && this.model.editable(e.field)
            _fields: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = [];
                for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i = e[t], this._isEditable(i) && r.push({
                    field: i.field,
                    format: i.format,
                    editor: i.editor
                return r
            end: function() {
                return this.editable.end()
            close: function() {
            destroy: function() {
                this.editable.destroy(), this.editable.element.find("[" + kendo.attr("container-for") + "]").empty().end().removeAttr(kendo.attr("role")), this.model = this.wrapper = this.element = this.columns = this.editable = null
        }), u = d.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                d.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._attachHandlers(), kendo.cycleForm(this.wrapper), this.open()
            events: [q, O],
            options: {
                window: {
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    title: "Edit",
                    visible: !1
            _initContainer: function() {
                var t = this.options,
                    n = [];
                this.wrapper = e('<div class="k-popup-edit-form"/>').attr(kendo.attr("uid"), this.model.uid).append('<div class="k-edit-form-container"/>'), t.template ? (this._appendTemplate(n), this.fields = []) : this._appendFields(n), this._appendButtons(n), new g.Tree(this.wrapper.children()[0]).render(n), this.wrapper.appendTo(t.appendTo), this.window = new w.Window(this.wrapper, t.window)
            _appendTemplate: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.template;
                typeof t === P && (t = window.unescape(t)), t = kendo.template(t)(this.model), e.push(_(t))
            _appendFields: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.options.columns;
                for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) i = r[t], i.command || (e.push(_('<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="' + i.field + '">' + (i.title || i.field || "") + "</label></div>")), e.push(this._isEditable(i) ? _("<div " + kendo.attr("container-for") + '="' + i.field + '" class="k-edit-field"></div>') : m("div", {
                    "class": "k-edit-field"
                }, [this.options.fieldRenderer(i, this.model)])))
            _appendButtons: function(e) {
                e.push(m("div", {
                    "class": "k-edit-buttons k-state-default"
                }, this.options.commandRenderer()))
            _attachHandlers: function() {
                var e = this._cancelProxy = S(this._cancel, this);
                this.wrapper.on(B + H, ".k-grid-cancel", this._cancelProxy), this._saveProxy = S(this._save, this), this.wrapper.on(B + H, ".k-grid-update", this._saveProxy), this.window.bind("close", function(t) {
                    t.userTriggered && e(t)
            _dettachHandlers: function() {
                this._cancelProxy = null, this._saveProxy = null, this.wrapper.off(H)
            _cancel: function(e) {
                this.trigger(q, e)
            _save: function() {
            open: function() {
            close: function() {
                this.window.bind("deactivate", S(this.destroy, this)).close()
            destroy: function() {
                this.window.destroy(), this.window = null, this._dettachHandlers(), d.fn.destroy.call(this)
        }), h = b.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                if (b.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this._dataSource(this.options.dataSource), this._columns(), this._layout(), this._selectable(), this._sortable(), this._resizable(), this._filterable(), this._attachEvents(), this._toolbar(), this._scrollable(), this._reorderable(), this._columnMenu(), this._minScreenSupport(), this._draggable(), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch(), this._hasLockedColumns) {
                    var i = this;
                    this.wrapper.addClass("k-grid-lockedcolumns"), this._resizeHandler = function() {
                    }, e(window).on("resize" + H, this._resizeHandler)
            _draggable: function() {
                var t = this.options.editable;
                t && t.move && (this._dragging = new kendo.ui.HierarchicalDragAndDrop(this.wrapper, {
                    $angular: this.$angular,
                    autoScroll: !0,
                    filter: "tbody>tr",
                    itemSelector: "tr",
                    allowedContainers: this.wrapper,
                    hintText: function(t) {
                        var n = function() {
                                return e(this).text()
                            i = "<span class='k-header k-drag-separator' />";
                        return t.children("td").map(n).toArray().join(i)
                    contains: S(function(e, t) {
                        var n = this.dataItem(t),
                            i = this.dataItem(e);
                        return i == n || this.dataSource.contains(i, n)
                    }, this),
                    itemFromTarget: function(e) {
                        var t = e.closest("tr");
                        return {
                            item: t,
                            content: t
                    dragstart: S(function() {
                    }, this),
                    drop: S(function() {
                    }, this),
                    dragend: S(function(e) {
                        var t = this.dataItem(e.destination),
                            n = this.dataItem(e.source);
                        n.set("parentId", t ? t.id : null)
                    }, this),
                    reorderable: !1,
                    dropHintContainer: function(e) {
                        return e.children("td:eq(1)")
                    dropPositionFrom: function(e) {
                        return e.prevAll(".k-i-none").length > 0 ? "after" : "before"
            _scrollable: function() {
                var t, n, i;
                this.options.scrollable && (t = this.thead.closest(".k-grid-header-wrap"), n = e(this.lockedContent).bind("DOMMouseScroll" + H + " mousewheel" + H, S(this._wheelScroll, this)), this.content.bind("scroll" + H, function() {
                    t.scrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), n.scrollTop(this.scrollTop)
                }), i = kendo.touchScroller(this.content), i && i.movable && (this._touchScroller = i, i.movable.bind("change", function(e) {
                    t.scrollLeft(-e.sender.x), n && n.scrollTop(-e.sender.y)
            _wheelScroll: function(t) {
                if (!t.ctrlKey) {
                    var n = kendo.wheelDeltaY(t);
                    n && (t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).one("wheel" + H, !1), this.content.scrollTop(this.content.scrollTop() + -n))
            _progress: function() {
                var e = this.options.messages;
                this.tbody.find("tr").length || this._showStatus(kendo.template("<span class='#= className #' /> #: messages.loading #")({
                    className: it.icon + " " + it.loading,
                    messages: e
            _error: function(e) {
                this.dataSource.rootNodes().length || this._render({
                    error: e
            refresh: function(e) {
                e = e || {}, "itemchange" == e.action && this.editor || this.trigger(j) || (this._cancelEditor(), this._render(), this._adjustHeight(), this.trigger(G))
            _angularFooters: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.dataSource.aggregates(),
                    o = this._footerItems();
                for (t = 0; o.length > t; t++) n = o.eq(t), i = r[n.attr("data-parentId")], this._angularFooter(e, n.find("td").get(), i)
            _angularFooter: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this.columns;
                this.angular(e, function() {
                    return {
                        elements: t,
                        data: T(i, function(e) {
                            return {
                                column: e,
                                aggregate: n && n[e.field]
            items: function() {
                return this._hasLockedColumns ? this._items(this.tbody).add(this._items(this.lockedTable)) : this._items(this.tbody)
            _items: function(t) {
                return t.find("tr").filter(function() {
                    return !e(this).hasClass(it.footerTemplate)
            _footerItems: function() {
                var t = this.tbody;
                return this._hasLockedColumns && (t = t.add(this.lockedTable)), t.find("tr").filter(function() {
                    return e(this).hasClass(it.footerTemplate)
            dataItems: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = kendo.ui.DataBoundWidget.fn.dataItems.call(this);
                if (this._hasLockedColumns) {
                    for (e = i.length, t = Array(2 * e), n = e; --n >= 0;) t[n] = t[n + e] = i[n];
                    i = t
                return i
            _showStatus: function(t) {
                var n = this.element.find(".k-status"),
                    i = e(this.content).add(this.lockedContent);
                n.length || (n = e("<div class='k-status' />").appendTo(this.element)), this._contentTree.render([]), this._hasLockedColumns && this._lockedContentTree.render([]), i.hide(), n.html(t)
            _hideStatus: function() {
                this.element.find(".k-status").remove(), e(this.content).add(this.lockedContent).show()
            _adjustHeight: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.element,
                    i = n.find(R + it.gridContentWrap),
                    r = n.find(R + it.gridHeader),
                    o = n.find(R + it.gridToolbar),
                    a = kendo.support.scrollbar();
                n.height(this.options.height), t = function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    return e[0].style.height ? !0 : (t = e.height(), e.height("auto"), n = e.height(), e.height(""), t != n)
                }, t(n) && (e = n.height() - r.outerHeight() - o.outerHeight(), i.height(e), this._hasLockedColumns && (a = this.table[0].offsetWidth > this.table.parent()[0].clientWidth ? a : 0, this.lockedContent.height(e - a)))
            _resize: function() {
                this._applyLockedContainersWidth(), this._adjustHeight()
            _minScreenSupport: function() {
                var t = this.hideMinScreenCols();
                t && (this.minScreenResizeHandler = S(this.hideMinScreenCols, this), e(window).on("resize", this.minScreenResizeHandler))
            hideMinScreenCols: function() {
                var e, n, i, r = this.columns,
                    o = !1,
                    a = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width;
                for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) n = r[e], i = n.minScreenWidth, i !== t && null !== i && (o = !0, i > a ? this.hideColumn(n) : this.showColumn(n));
                return o
            destroy: function() {
                var t = this.dataSource;
                t.unbind(M, this._refreshHandler), t.unbind(z, this._errorHandler), t.unbind(F, this._progressHandler), this._resizeHandler && e(window).off("resize" + H, this._resizeHandler), this._dragging && (this._dragging.destroy(), this._dragging = null), this.resizable && (this.resizable.destroy(), this.resizable = null), this.reorderable && (this.reorderable.destroy(), this.reorderable = null), this._draggableInstance && this._draggableInstance.element && (this._draggableInstance.destroy(), this._draggableInstance = null), this.minScreenResizeHandler && e(window).off("resize", this.minScreenResizeHandler), this._destroyEditor(), this.element.off(H), this._touchScroller && this._touchScroller.destroy(), this._autoExpandable = null, this._refreshHandler = this._errorHandler = this._progressHandler = null, this.thead = this.content = this.tbody = this.table = this.element = this.lockedHeader = this.lockedContent = null, this._statusTree = this._headerTree = this._contentTree = this._lockedHeaderColsTree = this._lockedContentColsTree = this._lockedHeaderTree = this._lockedContentTree = null
            options: {
                name: "TreeList",
                columns: [],
                autoBind: !0,
                scrollable: !0,
                selectable: !1,
                sortable: !1,
                toolbar: null,
                height: null,
                columnMenu: !1,
                messages: {
                    noRows: "No records to display",
                    loading: "Loading...",
                    requestFailed: "Request failed.",
                    retry: "Retry",
                    commands: {
                        edit: "Edit",
                        update: "Update",
                        canceledit: "Cancel",
                        create: "Add new record",
                        createchild: "Add child record",
                        destroy: "Delete",
                        excel: "Export to Excel",
                        pdf: "Export to PDF"
                excel: {
                    hierarchy: !0
                resizable: !1,
                filterable: !1,
                editable: !1,
                reorderable: !1
            events: [M, N, O, W, V, U, j, G, q, $, Y, Q, X, Z, J, et, tt],
            _toggle: function(e, n) {
                var i = e.loaded();
                e._error && (e.expanded = !1, e._error = t), (i || !e.expanded) && (t === n && (n = !e.expanded), e.expanded = n, i || this.dataSource.load(e).always(S(function() {
                    this._render(), this._syncLockedContentHeight()
                }, this)), this._render(), this._syncLockedContentHeight())
            expand: function(e) {
                this._toggle(this.dataItem(e), !0)
            collapse: function(e) {
                this._toggle(this.dataItem(e), !1)
            _toggleChildren: function(t) {
                var n = e(t.currentTarget),
                    i = this.dataItem(n),
                    r = i.expanded ? U : V;
                this.trigger(r, {
                    model: i
                }) || this._toggle(i), t.preventDefault()
            _attachEvents: function() {
                var e = R + it.iconCollapse + ", ." + it.iconExpand + ", ." + it.refresh,
                    t = R + it.retry,
                    n = this.dataSource;
                this.element.on(L + H, e, S(this._toggleChildren, this)).on(B + H, t, S(n.fetch, n)).on(B + H, ".k-button[data-command]", S(this._commandClick, this))
            _commandByName: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.columns,
                    s = e.isArray(this.options.toolbar) ? this.options.toolbar : [];
                if (t = t.toLowerCase(), rt[t]) return rt[t];
                for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++)
                    if (r = a[n].command)
                        for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++)
                            if (o = r[i].name, o && o.toLowerCase() == t) return r[i];
                for (n = 0; s.length > n; n++)
                    if (o = s[n].name, o && o.toLowerCase() == t) return s[n]
            _commandClick: function(n) {
                var i = e(n.currentTarget),
                    r = i.attr("data-command"),
                    o = this._commandByName(r),
                    a = i.parentsUntil(this.wrapper, "tr");
                a = a.length ? a : t, o && (o.methodName ? this[o.methodName](a) : o.click && o.click.call(this, n), n.preventDefault())
            _ensureExpandableColumn: function() {
                var e, t;
                this._autoExpandable && delete this._autoExpandable.expandable, e = D(this.columns, i(n("hidden"))), t = D(e, n("expandable")), this.columns.length && !t.length && (this._autoExpandable = e[0], e[0].expandable = !0)
            _columns: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.columns || [];
                this.columns = T(t, function(e) {
                    return e = "string" == typeof e ? {
                        field: e
                    } : e, f({
                        encoded: !0
                    }, e)
                }), e = this._lockedColumns(), e.length > 0 && (this._hasLockedColumns = !0, this.columns = e.concat(this._nonLockedColumns())), this._ensureExpandableColumn(), this._columnTemplates(), this._columnAttributes()
            _columnTemplates: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.columns;
                for (e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) n = i[e], n.template && (n.template = kendo.template(n.template)), n.headerTemplate && (n.headerTemplate = kendo.template(n.headerTemplate)), n.footerTemplate && (n.footerTemplate = kendo.template(n.footerTemplate))
            _columnAttributes: function() {
                function t(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    if (t && t.style)
                        for (n = t.style.split(";"), t.style = {}, i = 0; n.length > i; i++) r = n[i].split(":"), o = e.trim(r[0]), o && (t.style[e.camelCase(o)] = e.trim(r[1]))
                var n, i, r = this.columns;
                for (n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++) t(r[n].attributes), t(r[n].headerAttributes)
            _layout: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.columns,
                    i = this.element,
                    r = "";
                this.wrapper = i.addClass(it.wrapper), r = "<div class='#= gridHeader #' style=\"padding-right: " + kendo.support.scrollbar() + 'px;">', this._hasLockedColumns && (r += "<div class='k-grid-header-locked'><table role='grid'><colgroup></colgroup><thead role='rowgroup' /></table></div>"), r += "<div class='#= gridHeaderWrap #'><table role='grid'><colgroup></colgroup><thead role='rowgroup' /></table></div></div>", this._hasLockedColumns && (r += "<div class='k-grid-content-locked'><table role='treegrid' tabindex='0'><colgroup></colgroup><tbody /></table></div>"), r += "<div class='#= gridContentWrap #'><table role='treegrid' tabindex='0'><colgroup></colgroup><tbody /></table></div>", this.options.scrollable || (r = "<table role='treegrid' tabindex='0'><colgroup></colgroup><thead class='#= gridHeader #' role='rowgroup' /><tbody /></table>"), this.options.toolbar && (r = "<div class='#= header # #= gridToolbar #' />" + r), i.append(kendo.template(r)(it) + "<div class='k-status' />"), this.toolbar = i.find(R + it.gridToolbar), e = i.find(R + it.gridHeader).find("thead").addBack().filter("thead"), this.thead = e.last(), t = i.find(R + it.gridContentWrap), t.length ? this.content = t : t = i, this.table = t.find(">table"), this.tbody = this.table.find(">tbody"), this._hasLockedColumns && (this.lockedHeader = e.first().closest(".k-grid-header-locked"), this.lockedContent = i.find(".k-grid-content-locked"), this.lockedTable = this.lockedContent.children()), this._initVirtualTrees(), this._renderCols(), this._renderHeader(), this.angular("compile", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: e.find("th.k-header").get(),
                        data: T(n, function(e) {
                            return {
                                column: e
            _initVirtualTrees: function() {
                this._headerColsTree = new g.Tree(this.thead.prev()[0]), this._contentColsTree = new g.Tree(this.tbody.prev()[0]), this._headerTree = new g.Tree(this.thead[0]), this._contentTree = new g.Tree(this.tbody[0]), this._statusTree = new g.Tree(this.element.children(".k-status")[0]), this.lockedHeader && (this._lockedHeaderColsTree = new g.Tree(this.lockedHeader.find("colgroup")[0]), this._lockedContentColsTree = new g.Tree(this.lockedTable.find(">colgroup")[0]), this._lockedHeaderTree = new g.Tree(this.lockedHeader.find("thead")[0]), this._lockedContentTree = new g.Tree(this.lockedTable.find(">tbody")[0]))
            _toolbar: function() {
                var t, n = this.options.toolbar,
                    i = this.toolbar;
                n && (e.isArray(n) ? (t = this._buildCommands(n), new g.Tree(i[0]).render(t)) : i.append(kendo.template(n)({})), this.angular("compile", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: i.get()
            _lockedColumns: function() {
                return D(this.columns, n("locked"))
            _nonLockedColumns: function() {
                return D(this.columns, i(n("locked")))
            _flushCache: function() {
                this.options.$angular && (this._contentTree.render([]), this._hasLockedColumns && this._lockedContentTree.render([]))
            _render: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                t = t || {}, n = this.options.messages, i = this.dataSource.rootNodes(), r = this.dataSource.aggregates(), o = this.select().map(function(t, n) {
                    return e(n).attr("data-uid")
                }), this._absoluteIndex = 0, this._angularItems("cleanup"), this._angularFooters("cleanup"), this._flushCache(), t.error ? this._showStatus(kendo.template("#: messages.requestFailed # <button class='#= buttonClass #'>#: messages.retry #</button>")({
                    buttonClass: [it.button, it.retry].join(" "),
                    messages: n
                })) : i.length ? (this._hideStatus(), this._contentTree.render(this._trs({
                    columns: this._nonLockedColumns(),
                    aggregates: t.aggregates,
                    selected: o,
                    data: i,
                    visible: !0,
                    level: 0
                })), this._hasLockedColumns && (this._absoluteIndex = 0, this._lockedContentTree.render(this._trs({
                    columns: this._lockedColumns(),
                    aggregates: t.aggregates,
                    selected: o,
                    data: i,
                    visible: !0,
                    level: 0
                })))) : this._showStatus(kendo.htmlEncode(n.noRows)), this._touchScroller && this._touchScroller.contentResized(), this._angularItems("compile"), this._angularFooters("compile"), this._adjustRowsHeight()
            _adjustRowsHeight: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p;
                if (this._hasLockedColumns) {
                    for (e = this.table, t = this.lockedTable, n = e[0].rows, i = n.length, o = t[0].rows, a = e.add(t), s = a.length, l = [], c = this.lockedHeader.find("tr"), d = this.thead.find("tr"), c.add(d).height("auto").height(Math.max(c.height(), d.height())), r = 0; i > r && o[r]; r++) n[r].style.height && (n[r].style.height = o[r].style.height = ""), u = n[r].offsetHeight, h = o[r].offsetHeight, p = 0, u > h ? p = u : h > u && (p = h), l.push(p);
                    for (r = 0; s > r; r++) a[r].style.display = "none";
                    for (r = 0; i > r; r++) l[r] && (n[r].style.height = o[r].style.height = l[r] + 1 + "px");
                    for (r = 0; s > r; r++) a[r].style.display = ""
            _ths: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = [];
                for (s = 0, l = e.length; l > s; s++) t = e[s], i = [], r = [it.header], n = t.headerTemplate ? t.headerTemplate({}) : t.title || t.field || "", a = t.headerTemplate ? _(n) : v(n), i.push(t.sortable ? m("a", {
                    href: "#",
                    className: it.link
                }, [a]) : a), o = {
                    "data-field": t.field,
                    "data-title": t.title,
                    style: t.hidden === !0 ? {
                        display: "none"
                    } : {},
                    className: r.join(" "),
                    role: "columnheader"
                }, o = f(!0, {}, o, t.headerAttributes), c.push(m("th", o, i));
                return c
            _cols: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = [];
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) e[i].hidden !== !0 && (t = e[i].width, n = {}, t && 0 !== parseInt(t, 10) && (n.style = {
                    width: "string" == typeof t ? t : t + "px"
                }), r.push(m("col", n)));
                return r
            _renderCols: function() {
                var e = this._nonLockedColumns();
                this._headerColsTree.render(this._cols(e)), this.options.scrollable && this._contentColsTree.render(this._cols(e)), this._hasLockedColumns && (e = this._lockedColumns(), this._lockedHeaderColsTree.render(this._cols(e)), this._lockedContentColsTree.render(this._cols(e)))
            _renderHeader: function() {
                var e = this._nonLockedColumns();
                this._headerTree.render([m("tr", {
                    role: "row"
                }, this._ths(e))]), this._hasLockedColumns && (e = this._lockedColumns(), this._lockedHeaderTree.render([m("tr", {
                    role: "row"
                }, this._ths(e))]), this._applyLockedContainersWidth())
            _applyLockedContainersWidth: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o;
                this._hasLockedColumns && (e = s(this.lockedHeader.find(">table>colgroup>col")), t = this.thead.parent(), n = s(t.find(">colgroup>col")), i = this.wrapper[0].clientWidth, r = kendo.support.scrollbar(), e >= i && (e = i - 3 * r), this.lockedHeader.add(this.lockedContent).width(e), t.add(this.table).width(n), o = i - e - 2, this.content.width(o), t.parent().width(o - r))
            _trs: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = [],
                    u = t.level,
                    h = t.data,
                    p = this.dataSource,
                    f = p.aggregates() || {},
                    g = t.columns;
                for (s = 0, l = h.length; l > s; s++) r = [], n = h[s], a = n.loaded() && p.childNodes(n), o = a && a.length, i = {
                    "data-uid": n.uid,
                    role: "row"
                }, o && (i["aria-expanded"] = !!n.expanded), t.visible ? (this._absoluteIndex % 2 !== 0 && r.push(it.alt), this._absoluteIndex++) : i.style = {
                    display: "none"
                }, e.inArray(n.uid, t.selected) >= 0 && r.push(it.selected), o && r.push(it.group), n._edit && r.push("k-grid-edit-row"), i.className = r.join(" "), d.push(this._tds({
                    model: n,
                    attr: i,
                    level: u
                }, g, S(this._td, this))), o && (d = d.concat(this._trs({
                    columns: g,
                    parentId: n.id,
                    aggregates: f,
                    selected: t.selected,
                    visible: t.visible && !!n.expanded,
                    data: a,
                    level: u + 1
                return this._hasFooterTemplate() && (c = t.parentId || null, i = {
                    className: it.footerTemplate,
                    "data-parentId": c
                }, t.visible || (i.style = {
                    display: "none"
                }), d.push(this._tds({
                    model: f[c],
                    attr: i,
                    level: u
                }, g, this._footerTd))), d
            _footerTd: function(t) {
                var n = [],
                    i = t.column,
                    r = t.column.footerTemplate || e.noop,
                    o = t.model[i.field] || {},
                    s = {
                        role: "gridcell",
                        style: i.hidden === !0 ? {
                            display: "none"
                        } : {}
                return i.expandable && (n = n.concat(a({
                    level: t.level + 1,
                    className: it.iconPlaceHolder
                }))), i.attributes && f(s, i.attributes), n.push(_(r(o) || "")), m("td", s, n)
            _hasFooterTemplate: function() {
                return !!D(this.columns, function(e) {
                    return e.footerTemplate
            _tds: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = [];
                for (r = 0, o = t.length; o > r; r++) i = t[r], a.push(n({
                    model: e.model,
                    column: i,
                    level: e.level
                return m("tr", e.attr, a)
            _td: function(e) {
                var t, n = [],
                    i = e.model,
                    r = e.column,
                    o = {
                        role: "gridcell",
                        style: r.hidden === !0 ? {
                            display: "none"
                        } : {}
                return i._edit && r.field && i.editable(r.field) ? o[kendo.attr("container-for")] = r.field : (r.expandable && (n = a({
                    level: e.level,
                    className: it.iconPlaceHolder
                }), t = [it.icon], t.push(i.hasChildren ? i.expanded ? it.iconCollapse : it.iconExpand : it.iconHidden), i._error ? t.push(it.refresh) : !i.loaded() && i.expanded && t.push(it.loading), n.push(m("span", {
                    className: t.join(" ")
                })), o.style["white-space"] = "nowrap"), r.attributes && f(!0, o, r.attributes), r.command ? n = this._buildCommands(i._edit ? ["update", "canceledit"] : r.command) : n.push(this._cellContent(r, i))), m("td", o, n)
            _cellContent: function(e, n) {
                var i;
                return e.template ? i = e.template(n) : e.field && (i = n.get(e.field), null !== i && e.format && (i = kendo.format(e.format, i))), (null === i || t === i) && (i = ""), e.template || !e.encoded ? _(i) : v(i)
            _buildCommands: function(e) {
                var t, n = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n.push(this._button(e[t]));
                return n
            _button: function(e) {
                var t = (e.name || e).toLowerCase(),
                    n = this.options.messages.commands[t],
                    i = [];
                return e = f({}, rt[t], {
                    text: n
                }, e), e.imageClass && i.push(m("span", {
                    className: ["k-icon", e.imageClass].join(" ")
                })), m("button", {
                    "data-command": t,
                    className: ["k-button k-button-icontext", e.className].join(" ")
                }, i.concat([v(e.text || e.name)]))
            _positionResizeHandle: function(n) {
                var i, r, o, a = e(n.currentTarget),
                    s = this.resizeHandle,
                    l = a.position(),
                    c = l.left,
                    d = a.outerWidth(),
                    u = a.closest("div"),
                    h = n.clientX + e(window).scrollLeft(),
                    p = this.options.columnResizeHandleWidth || 3;
                return c += u.scrollLeft(), s || (s = this.resizeHandle = e('<div class="k-resize-handle"><div class="k-resize-handle-inner" /></div>')), i = a.offset().left + d, (r = h > i - p && i + p > h) ? (u.append(s), s.show().css({
                    top: l.top,
                    left: c + d - p - 1,
                    height: a.outerHeight(),
                    width: 3 * p
                }).data("th", a), o = this, s.off("dblclick" + H).on("dblclick" + H, function() {
                    var t = a.index();
                    e.contains(o.thead[0], a[0]) && (t += D(o.columns, function(e) {
                        return e.locked && !e.hidden
                    }).length), o.autoFitColumn(t)
                }), t) : (s.hide(), t)
            autoFitColumn: function(t) {
                var n, i, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k = this,
                    x = k.options,
                    C = k.columns,
                    S = kendo.support.browser,
                    T = k.lockedHeader ? o(k.lockedHeader.find(">table>thead")).filter(r).length : 0;
                if (t = "number" == typeof t ? C[t] : E(t) ? D(C, function(e) {
                    return e === t
                })[0] : D(C, function(e) {
                    return e.field === t
                })[0], t && !t.hidden) {
                    for (n = A(t, C), s = t.locked, a = s ? k.lockedHeader.children("table") : k.thead.parent(), i = a.find("[data-index='" + n + "']"), c = s ? k.lockedTable : k.table, d = k.footer || e(), k.footer && k.lockedContent && (d = k.footer.children(s ? ".k-grid-footer-locked" : ".k-grid-footer-wrap")), u = d.find("table").first(), k.lockedHeader && T >= n && !s && (n -= T), h = 0; C.length > h && C[h] !== t; h++) C[h].hidden && n--;
                    if (l = x.scrollable ? a.find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + n + ")").add(c.children("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + n + ")")).add(u.find("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + n + ")")) : c.children("colgroup").find("col:not(.k-group-col):not(.k-hierarchy-col):eq(" + n + ")"), p = a.add(c).add(u), f = i.outerWidth(), l.width(""), p.css("table-layout", "fixed"), l.width("auto"), p.addClass("k-autofitting"), p.css("table-layout", ""), g = Math.max(a.width(), c.width(), u.width()), m = Math.ceil(Math.max(i.outerWidth(), c.find("tr").eq(0).children("td:visible").eq(n).outerWidth(), u.find("tr").eq(0).children("td:visible").eq(n).outerWidth())), l.width(m), t.width = m, x.scrollable) {
                        for (v = a.find("col"), w = 0, b = 0, y = v.length; y > b; b += 1) {
                            if (_ = v[b].style.width, !_ || -1 != _.indexOf("%")) {
                                w = 0;
                            w += parseInt(_, 10)
                        w && p.each(function() {
                            this.style.width = w + "px"
                    S.msie && 8 == S.version && (p.css("display", "inline-table"), setTimeout(function() {
                        p.css("display", "table")
                    }, 1)), p.removeClass("k-autofitting"), k.trigger(Z, {
                        column: t,
                        oldWidth: f,
                        newWidth: m
                    }), k._applyLockedContainersWidth(), k._syncLockedContentHeight(), k._syncLockedHeaderHeight()
            _adjustLockedHorizontalScrollBar: function() {
                var e = this.table,
                    t = e.parent(),
                    n = e[0].offsetWidth > t[0].clientWidth ? kendo.support.scrollbar() : 0;
                this.lockedContent.height(t.height() - n)
            _syncLockedContentHeight: function() {
                this.lockedTable && (this._touchScroller || this._adjustLockedHorizontalScrollBar(), this._adjustRowsHeight(this.table, this.lockedTable))
            _syncLockedHeaderHeight: function() {
                var e, t;
                this.lockedHeader && (e = this.lockedHeader.children("table"), t = this.thead.parent(), this._adjustRowsHeight(e, t), l(e, t))
            _resizable: function() {
                if (this.options.resizable) {
                    this.resizable && this.resizable.destroy();
                    var t = this;
                    e(this.lockedHeader).find("thead").add(this.thead).on("mousemove" + H, "th", e.proxy(this._positionResizeHandle, this)), this.resizable = new kendo.ui.Resizable(this.wrapper, {
                        handle: ".k-resize-handle",
                        start: function(n) {
                            var i, r, o = e(n.currentTarget).data("th"),
                                a = "col:eq(" + o.index() + ")";
                            t.wrapper.addClass("k-grid-column-resizing"), t.lockedHeader && e.contains(t.lockedHeader[0], o[0]) ? (i = t.lockedHeader, r = t.lockedTable) : (i = t.thead.parent(), r = t.table), this.col = r.children("colgroup").find(a).add(i.find(a)), this.th = o, this.startLocation = n.x.location, this.columnWidth = o.outerWidth(), this.table = this.col.closest("table"), this.totalWidth = this.table.width()
                        resize: function(e) {
                            var t = 11,
                                n = e.x.location - this.startLocation;
                            t > this.columnWidth + n && (n = t - this.columnWidth), this.table.width(this.totalWidth + n), this.col.width(this.columnWidth + n)
                        resizeend: function() {
                            var e, n, i;
                            t.wrapper.removeClass("k-grid-column-resizing"), e = this.th.attr("data-field"), n = D(t.columns, function(t) {
                                return t.field == e
                            }), i = Math.floor(this.th.outerWidth()), n[0].width = i, t._resize(), t._adjustRowsHeight(), t.trigger(Z, {
                                column: n,
                                oldWidth: this.columnWidth,
                                newWidth: i
                            }), this.table = this.col = this.th = null
            _sortable: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.columns,
                    s = e(this.lockedHeader).add(this.thead).find("th"),
                    l = kendo.attr("field"),
                    c = this.options.sortable;
                if (c)
                    for (r = 0, o = s.length; o > r; r++) t = a[r], t.sortable !== !1 && !t.command && t.field && (i = s.eq(r), n = i.data("kendoColumnSorter"), n && n.destroy(), i.attr(l, t.field).kendoColumnSorter(f({}, c, t.sortable, {
                        dataSource: this.dataSource
            _filterable: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = e(this.lockedHeader).add(this.thead).find("th"),
                    l = this.options.filterable;
                if (l && !this.options.columnMenu)
                    for (a = S(function(e) {
                        this.trigger($, {
                            field: e.field,
                            container: e.container
                    }, this), t = 0, n = s.length; n > t; t++) i = this.columns[t], r = s.eq(t), o = r.data("kendoFilterMenu"), o && o.destroy(), i.command || i.filterable === !1 || r.kendoFilterMenu(f(!0, {}, l, i.filterable, {
                        dataSource: this.dataSource,
                        init: a
            _change: function() {
            _selectable: function() {
                var e, n, i = this.options.selectable,
                    r = this.table;
                i && (i = kendo.ui.Selectable.parseOptions(i), this._hasLockedColumns && (r = r.add(this.lockedTable), n = i.multiple && i.cell), e = ">tbody>tr:not(.k-footer-template)", i.cell && (e += ">td"), this.selectable = new kendo.ui.Selectable(r, {
                    filter: e,
                    aria: !0,
                    multiple: i.multiple,
                    change: S(this._change, this),
                    useAllItems: n,
                    continuousItems: S(this._continuousItems, this, e, i.cell),
                    relatedTarget: !i.cell && this._hasLockedColumns ? S(this._selectableTarget, this) : t
            _continuousItems: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l;
                if (this.lockedContent) {
                    for (i = e(t, this.lockedTable), r = e(t, this.table), o = n ? this._lockedColumns().length : 1, a = n ? this.columns.length - o : 1, s = [], l = 0; i.length > l; l += o) I.apply(s, i.slice(l, l + o)), I.apply(s, r.splice(0, a));
                    return s
            _selectableTarget: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o = e();
                for (i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) n = this._relatedRow(t[i]), A(n[0], t) < 0 && (o = o.add(n));
                return o
            _relatedRow: function(t) {
                var n, i, r = this.lockedTable;
                return t = e(t), r ? (n = t.closest(this.table.add(this.lockedTable)), i = n.find(">tbody>tr").index(t), n = n[0] === this.table[0] ? r : this.table, n.find(">tbody>tr").eq(i)) : t
            select: function(n) {
                var i = this.selectable;
                return i ? (t !== n && (i.options.multiple || (i.clear(), n = n.first()), this._hasLockedColumns && (n = n.add(e.map(n, S(this._relatedRow, this))))), i.value(n)) : e()
            clearSelection: function() {
                var e = this.select();
                e.length && (this.selectable.clear(), this.trigger(M))
            _dataSource: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataSource;
                t && (t.unbind(M, this._refreshHandler), t.unbind(z, this._errorHandler), t.unbind(F, this._progressHandler)), this._refreshHandler = S(this.refresh, this), this._errorHandler = S(this._error, this), this._progressHandler = S(this._progress, this), t = this.dataSource = c.create(e), t.bind(M, this._refreshHandler), t.bind(z, this._errorHandler), t.bind(F, this._progressHandler)
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this._dataSource(e), this._sortable(), this._filterable(), this._contentTree.render([]), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
            dataItem: function(t) {
                var n = e(t).closest("tr"),
                    i = this.dataSource.getByUid(n.attr(kendo.attr("uid")));
                return i
            editRow: function(e) {
                var t;
                typeof e === P && (e = this.tbody.find(e)), t = this.dataItem(e), t && ("popup" != this._editMode() && (t._edit = !0), this._cancelEditor(), this._render(), this._createEditor(t), this.trigger(N, {
                    container: this.editor.wrapper,
                    model: t
            _cancelEdit: function(e) {
                e = f(e, {
                    container: this.editor.wrapper,
                    model: this.editor.model
                }), this.trigger(q, e) || this.cancelRow()
            cancelRow: function() {
                this._cancelEditor(), this._render()
            saveRow: function() {
                var e, t = this.editor;
                t && (e = {
                    model: t.model,
                    container: t.wrapper
                }, t.end() && !this.trigger(O, e) && this.dataSource.sync())
            addRow: function(e) {
                var n = this.editor,
                    i = 0,
                    r = {};
                if (!n || n.end()) return e ? (e instanceof ot || (e = this.dataItem(e)), r[e.parentIdField] = e.id, i = this.dataSource.indexOf(e) + 1, e.set("expanded", !0), this.dataSource.load(e).then(S(this._insertAt, this, r, i)), t) : (this._insertAt(r, i), t)
            _insertAt: function(e, t) {
                e = this.dataSource.insert(t, e);
                var n = this.tbody.find("[" + kendo.attr("uid") + "=" + e.uid + "]");
            removeRow: function(e) {
                var t = this.dataItem(e),
                    n = {
                        model: t,
                        row: e
                t && !this.trigger(W, n) && (this.dataSource.remove(t), this.dataSource.sync())
            _cancelEditor: function() {
                var e, t = this.editor;
                t && (e = t.model, this._destroyEditor(), this.dataSource.cancelChanges(e), e._edit = !1)
            _destroyEditor: function() {
                this.editor && (this.editor.close(), this.editor = null)
            _createEditor: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.tbody.find("[" + kendo.attr("uid") + "=" + e.uid + "]");
                i = i.add(this._relatedRow(i)), t = this._editMode(), n = {
                    columns: this.columns,
                    model: e,
                    target: this,
                    clearContainer: !1,
                    template: this.options.editable.template
                }, "inline" == t ? this.editor = new d(i, n) : (f(n, {
                    window: this.options.editable.window,
                    commandRenderer: S(function() {
                        return this._buildCommands(["update", "canceledit"])
                    }, this),
                    fieldRenderer: this._cellContent,
                    save: S(this.saveRow, this),
                    cancel: S(this._cancelEdit, this),
                    appendTo: this.wrapper
                }), this.editor = new u(i, n))
            _editMode: function() {
                var e = "inline",
                    t = this.options.editable;
                return t !== !0 && (e = "string" == typeof t ? t : t.mode || e), e.toLowerCase()
            hideColumn: function(e) {
                this._toggleColumnVisibility(e, !0)
            showColumn: function(e) {
                this._toggleColumnVisibility(e, !1)
            _toggleColumnVisibility: function(e, t) {
                e = this._findColumn(e), e && e.hidden !== t && (e.hidden = t, this._ensureExpandableColumn(), this._renderCols(), this._renderHeader(), this._render(), this._adjustTablesWidth(), this.trigger(t ? Y : Q, {
                    column: e
                }), t || e.width || this.table.add(this.thead.closest("table")).width(""))
            _findColumn: function(e) {
                return e = "number" == typeof e ? this.columns[e] : E(e) ? D(this.columns, function(t) {
                    return t === e
                })[0] : D(this.columns, function(t) {
                    return t.field === e
            _adjustTablesWidth: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.thead.prev().children(),
                    r = 0;
                for (e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) {
                    if (n = i[e].style.width, !n || -1 != n.indexOf("%")) {
                        r = 0;
                    r += parseInt(n, 10)
                r && this.table.add(this.thead.closest("table")).width(r)
            _reorderable: function() {
                var t, n, i;
                this.options.reorderable && (t = this.options.scrollable === !0, n = (t ? ".k-grid-header:first " : "table:first>.k-grid-header ") + K, i = this, this._draggableInstance = new w.Draggable(this.wrapper, {
                    group: kendo.guid(),
                    filter: n,
                    hint: function(t) {
                        return e('<div class="k-header k-drag-clue" />').css({
                            width: t.width(),
                            paddingLeft: t.css("paddingLeft"),
                            paddingRight: t.css("paddingRight"),
                            lineHeight: t.height() + "px",
                            paddingTop: t.css("paddingTop"),
                            paddingBottom: t.css("paddingBottom")
                        }).html(t.attr(kendo.attr("title")) || t.attr(kendo.attr("field")) || t.text()).prepend('<span class="k-icon k-drag-status k-denied" />')
                }), this.reorderable = new w.Reorderable(this.wrapper, {
                    draggable: this._draggableInstance,
                    dragOverContainers: S(this._allowDragOverContainers, this),
                    inSameContainer: function(t) {
                        return e(t.source).parent()[0] === e(t.target).parent()[0]
                    change: function(e) {
                        var t = e.newIndex,
                            n = e.oldIndex,
                            r = "before" === e.position,
                            o = i.columns[n];
                        i.trigger(X, {
                            newIndex: t,
                            oldIndex: n,
                            column: o
                        }), i.reorderColumn(t, o, r)
            _allowDragOverContainers: function(e) {
                return this.columns[e].lockable !== !1
            reorderColumn: function(n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l = this.columns,
                    c = A(i, l),
                    d = l[n],
                    u = !!d.locked,
                    h = this._nonLockedColumns().length;
                c !== n && (!u || i.locked || 1 != h) && (u || !i.locked || l.length - h != 1) && (r === t && (r = c > n), o = !!i.locked, o = o != u, i.locked = u, l.splice(r ? n : n + 1, 0, i), l.splice(n > c ? c : c + 1, 1), this._renderCols(), a = e(this.lockedHeader).add(this.thead).find("th"), a.eq(c)[r ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](a.eq(n)), s = this._headerTree.children[0].children, this._hasLockedColumns && (s = this._lockedHeaderTree.children[0].children.concat(s)), s.splice(r ? n : n + 1, 0, s[c]), s.splice(n > c ? c : c + 1, 1), this._hasLockedColumns && (this._lockedHeaderTree.children[0].children = s.splice(0, this._lockedColumns().length), this._headerTree.children[0].children = s), this._applyLockedContainersWidth(), this.refresh(), o && (u ? this.trigger(et, {
                    column: i
                }) : this.trigger(tt, {
                    column: i
            lockColumn: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.columns;
                e = "number" == typeof e ? n[e] : D(n, function(t) {
                    return t.field === e
                })[0], e && !e.hidden && (t = this._lockedColumns().length - 1, this.reorderColumn(t, e, !1))
            unlockColumn: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.columns;
                e = "number" == typeof e ? n[e] : D(n, function(t) {
                    return t.field === e
                })[0], e && !e.hidden && (t = this._lockedColumns().length, this.reorderColumn(t, e, !0))
            _columnMenu: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = e(this.lockedHeader).add(this.thead).find("th"),
                    l = this.columns,
                    c = this.options,
                    d = c.columnMenu,
                    u = S(this._columnMenuInit, this),
                    h = this._lockedColumns().length;
                if (d)
                    for ("boolean" == typeof d && (d = {}), a = 0; s.length > a; a++) t = l[a], t.field && (n = s.eq(a).data("kendoColumnMenu"), n && n.destroy(), r = !1, t.sortable !== !1 && d.sortable !== !1 && c.sortable !== !1 && (r = f({}, c.sortable, {
                        compare: (t.sortable || {}).compare
                    })), o = !1, c.filterable && t.filterable !== !1 && d.filterable !== !1 && (o = f({
                        pane: this.pane
                    }, t.filterable, c.filterable)), i = {
                        dataSource: this.dataSource,
                        values: t.values,
                        columns: d.columns,
                        sortable: r,
                        filterable: o,
                        messages: d.messages,
                        owner: this,
                        closeCallback: e.noop,
                        init: u,
                        pane: this.pane,
                        lockedColumns: t.lockable !== !1 && h > 0
                    }, c.$angular && (i.$angular = c.$angular), s.eq(a).kendoColumnMenu(i))
            _columnMenuInit: function(e) {
                this.trigger(J, {
                    field: e.field,
                    container: e.container
        }), kendo.ExcelMixin && kendo.ExcelMixin.extend(h.prototype), kendo.PDFMixin && kendo.PDFMixin.extend(h.prototype), f(!0, kendo.data, {
            TreeListDataSource: c,
            TreeListModel: ot
        }), f(!0, kendo.ui, {
            TreeList: h
        }), w.plugin(h)
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            for (var t, n = 0, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (2 == e[n].type) {
                    t = !0;
            t && e.splice(n + 1, 0, {
                caption: "KPIs",
                defaultHierarchy: "[KPIs]",
                name: "KPIs",
                uniqueName: "[KPIs]"

        function n(e) {
            return {
                name: e.uniqueName,
                type: e.type

        function i(e) {
            for (var t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) e[t].uniqueName = e[t].name, e[t].type = "kpi";
            return e

        function r(t) {
            var n = e(t).closest(".k-pivot-setting");
            return n.length ? n.data("kendoPivotSettingTarget") : null

        function o(e, t, n) {
            return {
                hierarchyUniqueName: e,
                uniqueName: t,
                caption: t,
                measure: t,
                name: t,
                type: n,
                kpi: !0

        function a(e) {
            var t = e.name;
            return [o(t, e.value, "value"), o(t, e.goal, "goal"), o(t, e.status, "status"), o(t, e.trend, "trend")]
        var s = window.kendo,
            l = s.ui,
            c = l.Widget,
            d = ".kendoPivotConfigurator",
            u = "mouseenter" + d + " mouseleave" + d,
            h = s.template('<p class="k-reset"><span class="k-icon #=icon#"></span>${name}</p><div class="k-list-container k-reset"/>'),
            p = c.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    c.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.element.addClass("k-widget k-fieldselector k-alt k-edit-form-container"), this._dataSource(), this._layout(), this.refresh(), s.notify(this)
                events: [],
                options: {
                    name: "PivotConfigurator",
                    filterable: !1,
                    sortable: !1,
                    messages: {
                        measures: "Drop Data Fields Here",
                        columns: "Drop Column Fields Here",
                        rows: "Drop Rows Fields Here",
                        measuresLabel: "Measures",
                        columnsLabel: "Columns",
                        rowsLabel: "Rows",
                        fieldsLabel: "Fields"
                _dataSource: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource && t._refreshHandler ? t.dataSource.unbind("change", t._refreshHandler).unbind("error", t._errorHandler).unbind("progress", t._progressHandler) : (t._errorHandler = e.proxy(t._error, t), t._refreshHandler = e.proxy(t.refresh, t), t._progressHandler = e.proxy(t._requestStart, t)), t.dataSource = s.data.PivotDataSource.create(t.options.dataSource), t.dataSource.bind("change", t._refreshHandler).bind("error", t._errorHandler).bind("progress", t._progressHandler)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.measures && this.measures.setDataSource(e), this.rows && this.rows.setDataSource(e), this.columns && this.columns.setDataSource(e), this.refresh()
                _treeViewDataSource: function() {
                    var n = this;
                    return s.data.HierarchicalDataSource.create({
                        schema: {
                            model: {
                                id: "uniqueName",
                                hasChildren: function(e) {
                                    return !("hierarchyUniqueName" in e || "aggregator" in e)
                        transport: {
                            read: function(r) {
                                var o, s, l;
                                e.isEmptyObject(r.data) ? (o = n.dataSource.schemaDimensions(), o.done(function(e) {
                                    n.dataSource.cubeBuilder || t(e), r.success(e)
                                }).fail(r.error)) : (s = n.treeView.dataSource.get(r.data.uniqueName), "[KPIs]" === s.uniqueName ? (l = !0, o = n.dataSource.schemaKPIs(), o.done(function(e) {
                                }).fail(r.error)) : "kpi" == s.type && (l = !0, r.success(a(s))), l || (o = 2 == s.type ? n.dataSource.schemaMeasures() : s.dimensionUniqueName ? n.dataSource.schemaLevels(r.data.uniqueName) : n.dataSource.schemaHierarchies(r.data.uniqueName), o.done(r.success).fail(r.error)))
                _progress: function(e) {
                    s.ui.progress(this.element, e)
                _error: function() {
                _requestStart: function() {
                _layout: function() {
                    this.form = e('<div class="k-columns k-state-default k-floatwrap"/>').appendTo(this.element), this._fields(), this._targets()
                _fields: function() {
                    var t = e('<div class="k-state-default"><p class="k-reset"><span class="k-icon k-i-group"></span>' + this.options.messages.fieldsLabel + "</p></div>").appendTo(this.form),
                        i = '# if (item.type == 2 || item.uniqueName == "[KPIs]") { #<span class="k-icon k-i-#= (item.type == 2 ? "sum" : "kpi") #"></span># } else if (item.type && item.type !== "kpi") { #<span class="k-icon k-i-dimension"></span># } ##: item.caption || item.name #';
                    this.treeView = e("<div/>").appendTo(t).kendoTreeView({
                        template: i,
                        dataTextField: "caption",
                        dragAndDrop: !0,
                        autoBind: !1,
                        dataSource: this._treeViewDataSource(),
                        dragstart: function(e) {
                            var t = this.dataItem(e.sourceNode);
                            (t.hasChildren || t.aggregator || t.measure) && 2 != t.type && "[KPIs]" !== t.uniqueName || e.preventDefault()
                        drag: function(e) {
                            var t = "k-denied",
                                n = r(e.dropTarget);
                            n && n.validate(this.dataItem(e.sourceNode)) && (t = "k-add"), e.setStatusClass(t)
                        drop: function(e) {
                            var t, i, o, s, l, c;
                            if (e.preventDefault(), t = r(e.dropTarget), i = this.dataItem(e.sourceNode), t && t.validate(i)) {
                                if (c = i.defaultHierarchy || i.uniqueName, "kpi" === i.type)
                                    for (l = a(i), s = l.length, c = [], o = 0; s > o; o++) c.push(n(l[o]));
                                else i.kpi && (c = [n(i)]);
                _createTarget: function(t, n) {
                    var i = '<li class="k-item k-header" data-' + s.ns + 'name="${data.name}">${data.name}',
                        r = n.sortable,
                        o = "";
                    return r && (o += "#if (data.sortIcon) {#", o += '<span class="k-icon ${data.sortIcon} k-setting-sort"></span>', o += "#}#"), (n.filterable || r) && (o += '<span class="k-icon k-i-arrowhead-s k-setting-fieldmenu"></span>'), o += '<span class="k-icon k-si-close k-setting-delete"></span>', i += '<span class="k-field-actions">' + o + "</span></li>", new s.ui.PivotSettingTarget(t, e.extend({
                        dataSource: this.dataSource,
                        hint: function(t) {
                            var n = e('<div class="k-fieldselector"><ul class="k-list k-reset"></ul></div>');
                            return n.find(".k-list").append(t.clone()), n
                        template: i,
                        emptyTemplate: '<li class="k-item k-empty">${data}</li>'
                    }, n))
                _targets: function() {
                    var t = e('<div class="k-state-default"/>').appendTo(this.form),
                        n = e(h({
                            name: this.options.messages.columnsLabel,
                            icon: "k-i-vbars"
                        i = e('<ul class="k-pivot-configurator-settings k-list k-reset" />').appendTo(n.last()),
                        r = e(h({
                            name: this.options.messages.rowsLabel,
                            icon: "k-i-hbars"
                        o = e('<ul class="k-pivot-configurator-settings k-list k-reset" />').appendTo(r.last()),
                        a = e(h({
                            name: this.options.messages.measuresLabel,
                            icon: "k-i-sum"
                        s = e('<ul class="k-pivot-configurator-settings k-list k-reset" />').appendTo(a.last()),
                        l = this.options;
                    this.columns = this._createTarget(i, {
                        filterable: l.filterable,
                        sortable: l.sortable,
                        connectWith: o,
                        messages: {
                            empty: l.messages.columns,
                            fieldMenu: l.messages.fieldMenu
                    }), this.rows = this._createTarget(o, {
                        filterable: l.filterable,
                        setting: "rows",
                        connectWith: i,
                        messages: {
                            empty: this.options.messages.rows,
                            fieldMenu: this.options.messages.fieldMenu
                    }), this.measures = this._createTarget(s, {
                        setting: "measures",
                        messages: {
                            empty: l.messages.measures
                    }), i.add(o).add(s).on(u, ".k-item:not(.k-empty)", this._toggleHover)
                _toggleHover: function(t) {
                    e(t.currentTarget).toggleClass("k-state-hover", "mouseenter" === t.type)
                _resize: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.element,
                        i = this.options.height;
                    i && (n.height(i), n.is(":visible") && (t = n.children(".k-columns").children("div.k-state-default"), i = n.innerHeight(), e = (n.outerHeight() - i) / 2, i = i - (t.outerHeight(!0) - t.height()) - e, t.height(i)))
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this.dataSource;
                    (e.cubeBuilder || this._cube !== e.cube() || this._catalog !== e.catalog()) && this.treeView.dataSource.fetch(), this._catalog = this.dataSource.catalog(), this._cube = this.dataSource.cube(), this._resize(), this._progress(!1)
                destroy: function() {
                    c.fn.destroy.call(this), this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._refreshHandler), this.form.find(".k-list").off(d), this.rows.destroy(), this.columns.destroy(), this.measures.destroy(), this.treeView.destroy(), this.element = null, this._refreshHandler = null
    function(e, t, n) {
        "use strict";

        function i(e) {
            var t = C;
            try {
                return C = function(e) {
                    return e()
                }, e()
            } finally {
                C = t

        function r(e, i, r, o) {
            i[r] = t.copy(e.$eval(o)), i[r] === n && o.match(/^\w*$/) && T.warn(r + " attribute resolved to undefined. Maybe you meant to use a string literal like: '" + o + "'?")

        function o(i, o, c, d, m, v) {
            function _() {
                var n, v, _, w, b, x, C, S, T, P, M, z, F;
                return c.kRebind && (n = e(e(o)[0].cloneNode(!0))), v = d.replace(/^kendo/, ""), _ = t.extend({}, c.defaultOptions, i.$eval(c.kOptions || c.options)), (w = e(o)[d]) ? (b = w.widget.prototype.options, x = w.widget.prototype.events, e.each(c, function(e, t) {
                    var n, o, a, s;
                    "source" !== e && "kDataSource" !== e && "kScopeField" !== e && (n = "data" + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1), 0 === e.indexOf("on") && (o = e.replace(/^on./, function(e) {
                        return e.charAt(2).toLowerCase()
                    }), x.indexOf(o) > -1 && (_[o] = t)), b.hasOwnProperty(n) ? r(i, _, n, t) : b.hasOwnProperty(e) && !I[e] ? r(i, _, e, t) : E[e] || (a = e.match(/^k(On)?([A-Z].*)/), a && (s = a[2].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + a[2].slice(1), a[1] && "kOnLabel" != e ? _[s] = t : ("kOnLabel" == e && (s = "onLabel"), r(i, _, s, t)))))
                }), C = c.kDataSource || c.source, C && (_.dataSource = A(i, o, v, C)), _.$angular = [i], o.is("select") && ! function(t) {
                    if (t.length > 0) {
                        var n = e(t[0]);
                        !/\S/.test(n.text()) && /^\?/.test(n.val()) && n.remove()
                }(o[0].options), S = w.call(o, D = _).data(d), l(S, i, c, d, m), i.$emit("kendoWidgetCreated", S), T = p(i, S), c.kRebind && g(S, i, o, n, c.kRebind, T, c), c.kNgDisabled && (P = c.kNgDisabled, M = i.$eval(P), M && S.enable(!M), a(S, i, o, P)), c.kNgReadonly && (z = c.kNgReadonly, F = i.$eval(z), F && S.readonly(F), s(S, i, o, z)), c.kNgModel && h(S, i, c.kNgModel), y && u(S, i, o, y, k), S && f(S, o), S) : (window.console.error("Could not find: " + d), null)
            var w, b, y, k, x, S;
            if (!(o instanceof jQuery)) throw Error("The Kendo UI directives require jQuery to be available before AngularJS. Please include jquery before angular in the document.");
            return w = c.kNgDelay, b = i.$eval(w), v = v || [], y = v[0], k = v[1], w && !b ? (x = i.$root || i, S = function() {
                var e = i.$watch(w, function(t, n) {
                    t !== n && (e(), o.removeAttr(c.$attr.kNgDelay), w = null, C(_))
            }, /^\$(digest|apply)$/.test(x.$$phase) ? S() : i.$apply(S), n) : _()

        function a(e, t, i, r) {
            return kendo.ui.PanelBar && e instanceof kendo.ui.PanelBar || kendo.ui.Menu && e instanceof kendo.ui.Menu ? (T.warn("k-ng-disabled specified on a widget that does not have the enable() method: " + e.options.name), n) : (t.$watch(r, function(t, n) {
                t != n && e.enable(!t)
            }), n)

        function s(e, t, i, r) {
            return "function" != typeof e.readonly ? (T.warn("k-ng-readonly specified on a widget that does not have the readonly() method: " + e.options.name), n) : (t.$watch(r, function(t, n) {
                t != n && e.readonly(t)
            }), n)

        function l(e, t, n, i, r) {
            if (n[r]) {
                var o = x(n[r]).assign;
                if (!o) throw Error(r + " attribute used but expression in it is not assignable: " + n[i]);
                o(t, e)

        function c(e) {
            return /checkbox|radio/i.test(e.attr("type")) ? e.prop("checked") : e.val()

        function d(e) {
            return P.test(e[0].tagName)

        function u(e, t, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l, u;
            e.value && (a = d(i) ? function() {
                return c(i)
            } : function() {
                return e.value()
            }, r.$render = function() {
                var t = r.$viewValue;
                t === n && (t = r.$modelValue), t === n && (t = null), setTimeout(function() {
                    e && e.value(t)
                }, 0)
            }, s = !1, d(i) && i.on("change", function() {
                s = !0
            }), l = function(e) {
                return function() {
                    var n;
                    s || (s = !1, e && o && (n = o.$pristine), r.$setViewValue(a()), e && (r.$setPristine(), n && o.$setPristine()), _(t))
            }, e.first("change", l(!1)), kendo.ui.AutoComplete && e instanceof kendo.ui.AutoComplete || e.first("dataBound", l(!0)), u = a(), u != r.$viewValue && (r.$isEmpty(r.$viewValue) ? null != u && "" !== u && u != r.$viewValue && r.$setViewValue(u) : e.value(r.$viewValue)), r.$setPristine())

        function h(t, i, r) {
            var o, a, s, l, c, d;
            return "function" != typeof t.value ? (T.warn("k-ng-model specified on a widget that does not have the value() method: " + t.options.name), n) : (o = e(t.element).parents("form"), a = i[o.attr("name")], s = x(r), l = s.assign, c = !1, t.$angular_setLogicValue(s(i)), d = function(e, i) {
                e === n && (e = null), c || e !== i && t.$angular_setLogicValue(e)
            }, kendo.ui.MultiSelect && t instanceof kendo.ui.MultiSelect ? i.$watchCollection(r, d) : i.$watch(r, d), t.first("change", function() {
                c = !0, a && a.$pristine && a.$setDirty(), i.$apply(function() {
                    l(i, t.$angular_getLogicValue())
                }), c = !1
            }), n)

        function p(e, t) {
            var n = e.$on("$destroy", function() {
                n(), t && (t.element && (t = v(t.element), t && t.destroy()), t = null)
            return n

        function f(t, n) {
            function i() {

            function r() {
                a.observe(e(n)[0], {
                    attributes: !0
            var o, a;
            window.MutationObserver && t.wrapper && (o = [].slice.call(e(n)[0].classList), a = new MutationObserver(function(n) {
                i(), t && (n.forEach(function(n) {
                    var i, r = e(t.wrapper)[0];
                    switch (n.attributeName) {
                        case "class":
                            i = [].slice.call(n.target.classList), i.forEach(function(e) {
                                o.indexOf(e) < 0 && (r.classList.add(e), kendo.ui.ComboBox && t instanceof kendo.ui.ComboBox && t.input[0].classList.add(e))
                            }), o.forEach(function(e) {
                                i.indexOf(e) < 0 && (r.classList.remove(e), kendo.ui.ComboBox && t instanceof kendo.ui.ComboBox && t.input[0].classList.remove(e))
                            }), o = i;
                        case "disabled":
                            "function" == typeof t.enable && t.enable(!e(n.target).attr("disabled"));
                        case "readonly":
                            "function" == typeof t.readonly && t.readonly(!!e(n.target).attr("readonly"))
                }), r())
            }), r(), t.first("destroy", i))

        function g(t, n, i, r, o, a, s) {
            var l = n.$watch(o, function(o, c) {
                var d, u, h, p;
                o !== c && (l(), d = H[t.options.name], d && d.forEach(function(t) {
                    var i = n.$eval(s["k" + t]);
                    i && r.append(e(i).attr(kendo.toHyphens("k" + t), ""))
                }), u = e(t.wrapper)[0], h = e(t.element)[0], p = i.injector().get("$compile"), t._destroy(), a && a(), t = null, u && h && (u.parentNode.replaceChild(h, u), e(i).replaceWith(r)), p(r)(n))
            }, !0);

        function m(e, n) {
            function i(e, t) {
                y.directive(e, ["directiveFactory",
                    function(n) {
                        return n.create(t, e)
            var r, o, a, s, l = n ? "Mobile" : "";
            l += e.fn.options.name, r = l, o = "kendo" + l.charAt(0) + l.substr(1).toLowerCase(), l = "kendo" + l, a = l.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1"), -1 == z.indexOf(l.replace("kendo", "")) && (s = l === o ? [l] : [l, o], t.forEach(s, function(e) {
                y.directive(e, function() {
                    return {
                        restrict: "E",
                        replace: !0,
                        template: function(e, t) {
                            var n = M[r] || "div",
                                i = t.kScopeField;
                            return "<" + n + " " + a + (i ? '="' + i + '"' : "") + ">" + e.html() + "</" + n + ">"
            })), F.indexOf(l.replace("kendo", "")) > -1 || (i(l, l), o != l && i(o, l))

        function v(t) {
            return t = e(t), kendo.widgetInstance(t, kendo.ui) || kendo.widgetInstance(t, kendo.mobile.ui) || kendo.widgetInstance(t, kendo.dataviz.ui)

        function _(e, t) {
            var n = e.$root || e,
                i = /^\$(digest|apply)$/.test(n.$$phase);
            t ? i ? t() : n.$apply(t) : i || n.$digest()

        function w(t, n) {
            t.$destroy(), n && e(n).removeData("$scope").removeData("$$kendoScope").removeData("$isolateScope").removeData("$isolateScopeNoTemplate").removeClass("ng-scope")

        function b(n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s;
            if (e.isArray(n)) return t.forEach(n, function(e) {
                b(e, i, r)
            if ("string" == typeof n) {
                for (o = n.split("."), a = kendo; a && o.length > 0;) a = a[o.shift()];
                if (!a) return R.push([n, i, r]), !1;
                n = a.prototype
            return s = n[i], n[i] = function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = arguments;
                return r.apply({
                    self: e,
                    next: function() {
                        return s.apply(e, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments : t)
                }, t)
            }, !0
        var y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H;
        t && (y = t.module("kendo.directives", []), k = t.injector(["ng"]), x = k.get("$parse"), C = k.get("$timeout"), T = k.get("$log"), A = function() {
            var e = {
                    TreeList: "TreeListDataSource",
                    TreeView: "HierarchicalDataSource",
                    Scheduler: "SchedulerDataSource",
                    PanelBar: "$PLAIN",
                    Menu: "$PLAIN",
                    ContextMenu: "$PLAIN"
                t = function(e, t) {
                    return "$PLAIN" == t ? e : kendo.data[t].create(e)
            return function(n, i, r, o) {
                var a = e[r] || "DataSource",
                    s = t(n.$eval(o), a);
                return n.$watch(o, function(e, n) {
                    var r, o;
                    e !== n && (r = t(e, a), o = v(i), o && "function" == typeof o.setDataSource && o.setDataSource(r))
                }), s
        }(), E = {
            kDataSource: !0,
            kOptions: !0,
            kRebind: !0,
            kNgModel: !0,
            kNgDelay: !0
        }, I = {
            name: !0,
            title: !0,
            style: !0
        }, P = /^(input|select|textarea)$/i, y.factory("directiveFactory", ["$compile",
            function(t) {
                var n, i, r = !1;
                return S = t, i = function(t, i) {
                    return {
                        restrict: "AC",
                        require: ["?ngModel", "^?form"],
                        scope: !1,
                        controller: ["$scope", "$attrs", "$element",
                            function(e, t) {
                                var n = this;
                                n.template = function(e, n) {
                                    t[e] = kendo.stringify(n)
                                }, e.$on("$destroy", function() {
                                    n.template = null, n = null
                        link: function(a, s, l, c) {
                            var d, u = e(s),
                                h = t.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1");
                            u.attr(h, u.attr("data-" + h)), u[0].removeAttribute("data-" + h), d = o(a, s, l, t, i, c), d && (n && clearTimeout(n), n = setTimeout(function() {
                                a.$emit("kendoRendered"), r || (r = !0, e("form").each(function() {
                                    var t = e(this).controller("form");
                                    t && t.$setPristine()
                }, {
                    create: i
        ]), M = {
            Editor: "textarea",
            NumericTextBox: "input",
            DatePicker: "input",
            DateTimePicker: "input",
            TimePicker: "input",
            AutoComplete: "input",
            ColorPicker: "input",
            MaskedTextBox: "input",
            MultiSelect: "input",
            Upload: "input",
            Validator: "form",
            Button: "button",
            MobileButton: "a",
            MobileBackButton: "a",
            MobileDetailButton: "a",
            ListView: "ul",
            MobileListView: "ul",
            TreeView: "ul",
            Menu: "ul",
            ContextMenu: "ul",
            ActionSheet: "ul"
        }, z = ["MobileView", "MobileLayout", "MobileSplitView", "MobilePane", "MobileModalView"], F = ["MobileApplication", "MobileView", "MobileModalView", "MobileLayout", "MobileActionSheet", "MobileDrawer", "MobileSplitView", "MobilePane", "MobileScrollView", "MobilePopOver"], t.forEach(["MobileNavBar", "MobileButton", "MobileBackButton", "MobileDetailButton", "MobileTabStrip", "MobileScrollView", "MobileScroller"], function(e) {
            F.push(e), e = "kendo" + e, y.directive(e, function() {
                return {
                    restrict: "A",
                    link: function(t, n, i) {
                        o(t, n, i, e, e)
        }), function() {
            function e(e) {
                return function(n) {
                    t.forEach(n, function(t) {
                        t.fn && t.fn.options && t.fn.options.name && /^[A-Z]/.test(t.fn.options.name) && m(t, e)
            t.forEach([kendo.ui, kendo.dataviz && kendo.dataviz.ui], e(!1)), t.forEach([kendo.mobile && kendo.mobile.ui], e(!0))
        }(), R = [], b(kendo.ui, "plugin", function(t, n, i) {
            this.next(), R = e.grep(R, function(e) {
                return !b.apply(null, e)
            }), m(t, "Mobile" == i)
        }), b(["ui.Widget", "mobile.ui.Widget"], "angular", function(r, o) {
            var a, s = this.self;
            return "init" == r ? (!o && D && (o = D), D = null, o && o.$angular && (s.$angular_scope = o.$angular[0], s.$angular_init(s.element, o)), n) : (a = s.$angular_scope, a && i(function() {
                var i, l, c = o(),
                    d = c.elements,
                    u = c.data;
                if (d.length > 0) switch (r) {
                    case "cleanup":
                        t.forEach(d, function(t) {
                            var n = e(t).data("$$kendoScope");
                            n && n !== a && n.$$kendoScope && w(n, t)
                    case "compile":
                        i = s.element.injector(), l = i ? i.get("$compile") : S, t.forEach(d, function(t, i) {
                            var r, o;
                            c.scopeFrom ? r = c.scopeFrom : (o = u && u[i], o !== n ? (r = e.extend(a.$new(), o), r.$$kendoScope = !0) : r = a), e(t).data("$$kendoScope", r), l(t)(r)
                        }), _(a)
            }), n)
        }), b("ui.Widget", "$angular_getLogicValue", function() {
            return this.self.value()
        }), b("ui.Widget", "$angular_setLogicValue", function(e) {
        }), b("ui.Select", "$angular_getLogicValue", function() {
            var e = this.self.dataItem(),
                t = this.self.options.dataValueField;
            return e ? this.self.options.valuePrimitive ? t ? e[t] : e : e.toJSON() : null
        }), b("ui.Select", "$angular_setLogicValue", function(e) {
            var t = this.self,
                i = t.options,
                r = i.dataValueField,
                o = i.text || "";
            e === n && (e = ""), r && !i.valuePrimitive && e && (o = e[i.dataTextField] || "", e = e[r || i.dataTextField]), t.options.autoBind !== !1 || t.listView.isBound() ? t.value(e) : !o && e && i.valuePrimitive ? t.value(e) : t._preselect(e, o)
        }), b("ui.MultiSelect", "$angular_getLogicValue", function() {
            var t = this.self.dataItems().slice(0),
                n = this.self.options.dataValueField;
            return n && this.self.options.valuePrimitive && (t = e.map(t, function(e) {
                return e[n]
            })), t
        }), b("ui.MultiSelect", "$angular_setLogicValue", function(t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            null == t && (t = []), n = this.self, i = n.options, r = i.dataValueField, o = t, r && !i.valuePrimitive && (t = e.map(t, function(e) {
                return e[r]
            })), i.autoBind !== !1 || i.valuePrimitive || n.listView.isBound() ? n.value(t) : n._preselect(o, t)
        }), b("ui.AutoComplete", "$angular_getLogicValue", function() {
            var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.self.options,
                a = this.self.value().split(o.separator),
                s = o.valuePrimitive,
                l = this.self.dataSource.data(),
                c = [];
            for (e = 0, t = l.length; t > e; e++)
                for (n = l[e], i = o.dataTextField ? n[o.dataTextField] : n, r = 0; a.length > r; r++)
                    if (i === a[r]) {
                        c.push(s ? i : n.toJSON());
            return c
        }), b("ui.AutoComplete", "$angular_setLogicValue", function(t) {
            null == t && (t = []);
            var n = this.self,
                i = n.options.dataTextField;
            i && !n.options.valuePrimitive && (t = e.map(t, function(e) {
                return e[i]
            })), n.value(t)
        }), b("ui.Widget", "$angular_init", function(t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s = this.self;
            if (n && !e.isArray(n))
                for (i = s.$angular_scope, r = s.events.length; --r >= 0;) o = s.events[r], a = n[o], a && "string" == typeof a && (n[o] = s.$angular_makeEventHandler(o, i, a))
        }), b("ui.Widget", "$angular_makeEventHandler", function(e, t, n) {
            return n = x(n),
                function(e) {
                    _(t, function() {
                        n(t, {
                            kendoEvent: e
        }), b(["ui.Grid", "ui.ListView", "ui.TreeView"], "$angular_makeEventHandler", function(e, n, i) {
            return "change" != e ? this.next() : (i = x(i), function(e) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = e.sender,
                    f = p.options,
                    g = {
                        kendoEvent: e
                for (t.isString(f.selectable) && (r = -1 !== f.selectable.indexOf("cell"), o = -1 !== f.selectable.indexOf("multiple")), a = g.selected = this.select(), s = g.data = [], l = g.columns = [], d = 0; a.length > d; d++) u = r ? a[d].parentNode : a[d], h = p.dataItem(u), r ? (t.element.inArray(h, s) < 0 && s.push(h), c = t.element(a[d]).index(), t.element.inArray(c, l) < 0 && l.push(c)) : s.push(h);
                o || (g.dataItem = g.data = s[0], g.selected = a[0]), _(n, function() {
                    i(n, g)
        }), b("ui.Grid", "$angular_init", function(i, r) {
            if (this.next(), r.columns) {
                var o = e.extend({}, kendo.Template, r.templateSettings);
                t.forEach(r.columns, function(e) {
                    !e.field || e.template || e.format || e.values || e.encoded !== n && !e.encoded || (e.template = "<span ng-bind='" + kendo.expr(e.field, "dataItem") + "'>#: " + kendo.expr(e.field, o.paramName) + "#</span>")
        }), b("mobile.ui.ButtonGroup", "value", function(e) {
            var t = this.self;
            return null != e && (t.select(t.element.children("li.km-button").eq(e)), t.trigger("change"), t.trigger("select", {
                index: t.selectedIndex
            })), t.selectedIndex
        }), b("mobile.ui.ButtonGroup", "_select", function() {
            this.next(), this.self.trigger("change")
        }), y.directive("kendoMobileApplication", function() {
            return {
                terminal: !0,
                link: function(e, t, n) {
                    o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileApplication", "kendoMobileApplication")
        }).directive("kendoMobileView", function() {
            return {
                scope: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, n._instance = o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileView", "kendoMobileView")
                    post: function(e, t, n) {
                        n._instance._layout(), n._instance._scroller()
        }).directive("kendoMobileDrawer", function() {
            return {
                scope: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, n._instance = o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileDrawer", "kendoMobileDrawer")
                    post: function(e, t, n) {
                        n._instance._layout(), n._instance._scroller()
        }).directive("kendoMobileModalView", function() {
            return {
                scope: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, n._instance = o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileModalView", "kendoMobileModalView")
                    post: function(e, t, n) {
                        n._instance._layout(), n._instance._scroller()
        }).directive("kendoMobileSplitView", function() {
            return {
                terminal: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, n._instance = o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileSplitView", "kendoMobileSplitView")
                    post: function(e, t, n) {
        }).directive("kendoMobilePane", function() {
            return {
                terminal: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, o(e, t, n, "kendoMobilePane", "kendoMobilePane")
        }).directive("kendoMobileLayout", function() {
            return {
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        o(e, t, n, "kendoMobileLayout", "kendoMobileLayout")
        }).directive("kendoMobileActionSheet", function() {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                link: function(t, n, i) {
                    n.find("a[k-action]").each(function() {
                        e(this).attr("data-" + kendo.ns + "action", e(this).attr("k-action"))
                    }), o(t, n, i, "kendoMobileActionSheet", "kendoMobileActionSheet")
        }).directive("kendoMobilePopOver", function() {
            return {
                terminal: !0,
                link: {
                    pre: function(e, t, n) {
                        n.defaultOptions = e.viewOptions, o(e, t, n, "kendoMobilePopOver", "kendoMobilePopOver")
        }).directive("kendoViewTitle", function() {
            return {
                restrict: "E",
                replace: !0,
                template: function(e) {
                    return "<span data-" + kendo.ns + "role='view-title'>" + e.html() + "</span>"
        }).directive("kendoMobileHeader", function() {
            return {
                restrict: "E",
                link: function(e, t) {
                    t.addClass("km-header").attr("data-role", "header")
        }).directive("kendoMobileFooter", function() {
            return {
                restrict: "E",
                link: function(e, t) {
                    t.addClass("km-footer").attr("data-role", "footer")
        }).directive("kendoMobileScrollViewPage", function() {
            return {
                restrict: "E",
                replace: !0,
                template: function(e) {
                    return "<div data-" + kendo.ns + "role='page'>" + e.html() + "</div>"
        }), t.forEach(["align", "icon", "rel", "transition", "actionsheetContext"], function(e) {
            var t = "k" + e.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);
            y.directive(t, function() {
                return {
                    restrict: "A",
                    priority: 2,
                    link: function(n, i, r) {
                        i.attr(kendo.attr(kendo.toHyphens(e)), n.$eval(r[t]))
        }), H = {
            TreeMap: ["Template"],
            MobileListView: ["HeaderTemplate", "Template"],
            MobileScrollView: ["EmptyTemplate", "Template"],
            Grid: ["AltRowTemplate", "DetailTemplate", "RowTemplate"],
            ListView: ["EditTemplate", "Template", "AltTemplate"],
            Pager: ["SelectTemplate", "LinkTemplate"],
            PivotGrid: ["ColumnHeaderTemplate", "DataCellTemplate", "RowHeaderTemplate"],
            Scheduler: ["AllDayEventTemplate", "DateHeaderTemplate", "EventTemplate", "MajorTimeHeaderTemplate", "MinorTimeHeaderTemplate"],
            TreeView: ["Template"],
            Validator: ["ErrorTemplate"]
        }, function() {
            var e = {};
            t.forEach(H, function(n, i) {
                t.forEach(n, function(t) {
                    e[t] || (e[t] = []), e[t].push("?^^kendo" + i)
            }), t.forEach(e, function(e, t) {
                var n = "k" + t,
                    i = kendo.toHyphens(n);
                y.directive(n, function() {
                    return {
                        restrict: "A",
                        require: e,
                        terminal: !0,
                        compile: function(t, r) {
                            if ("" === r[n]) {
                                var o = t[0].outerHTML;
                                return function(r, a, s, l) {
                                    for (var c; !c && l.length;) c = l.shift();
                                    c ? (c.template(n, o), t.remove()) : T.warn(i + " without a matching parent widget found. It can be one of the following: " + e.join(", "))
    }(window.kendo.jQuery, window.angular),
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n = {
                top: 0,
                right: 0,
                bottom: 0,
                left: 0
            return t = t || 0, "number" == typeof e ? n[Ht] = n[Rt] = n[ct] = n[Tt] = e : (n[Ht] = e[Ht] || t, n[Rt] = e[Rt] || t, n[ct] = e[ct] || t, n[Tt] = e[Tt] || t), n

        function i(e, t) {
            var n = e.tickX,
                i = e.tickY,
                r = e.position,
                o = new X.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        width: t.width,
                        color: t.color
            return e.vertical ? o.moveTo(n, r).lineTo(n + t.size, r) : o.moveTo(r, i).lineTo(r, i + t.size), y(o), o

        function r(e, t) {
            var n = e.lineStart,
                i = e.lineEnd,
                r = e.position,
                o = new X.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        width: t.width,
                        color: t.color,
                        dashType: t.dashType
            return e.vertical ? o.moveTo(n, r).lineTo(i, r) : o.moveTo(r, n).lineTo(r, i), y(o), o

        function o(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = u(t - e, _t - 1);
            if (0 === o) {
                if (0 === t) return .1;
                o = ot.abs(t)
            return n = ot.pow(10, ot.floor(ot.log(o) / ot.log(10))), i = u(o / n, _t), r = 1, r = 1.904762 > i ? .2 : 4.761904 > i ? .5 : 9.523809 > i ? 1 : 2, u(n * r, _t)

        function a(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o = r * bt;
            return new Wt(n + (e - n) * ot.cos(o) + (t - i) * ot.sin(o), i - (e - n) * ot.sin(o) + (t - i) * ot.cos(o))

        function s(t, n) {
            if (t.x1 == n.x1 && t.y1 == n.y1 && t.x2 == n.x2 && t.y2 == n.y2) return n;
            var i = ot.min(t.x1, n.x1),
                r = ot.max(t.x1, n.x1),
                o = ot.min(t.x2, n.x2),
                a = ot.max(t.x2, n.x2),
                s = ot.min(t.y1, n.y1),
                l = ot.max(t.y1, n.y1),
                c = ot.min(t.y2, n.y2),
                d = ot.max(t.y2, n.y2),
                u = [];
            return u[0] = C(r, s, o, l), u[1] = C(i, l, r, c), u[2] = C(o, l, a, c), u[3] = C(r, c, o, d), t.x1 == i && t.y1 == s || n.x1 == i && n.y1 == s ? (u[4] = C(i, s, r, l), u[5] = C(o, c, a, d)) : (u[4] = C(o, s, a, l), u[5] = C(i, c, r, d)), e.grep(u, function(e) {
                return e.height() > 0 && e.width() > 0

        function l(e, t) {
            return -1 != nt(e, t)

        function c(e, t) {
            return u(ot.ceil(e / t) * t, _t)

        function d(e, t) {
            return u(ot.floor(e / t) * t, _t)

        function u(e, t) {
            var n = ot.pow(10, t || 0);
            return ot.round(e * n) / n

        function h(e, t) {
            return ot.log(e) / ot.log(t)

        function p(e, t, n) {
            var i = u(ot.abs(e % t), _t),
                r = t * (1 - n);
            return 0 === i || i > r

        function f(e, t, n) {
            return u(e + (t - e) * n, ut)

        function g(e, t) {
            return e - t

        function m(e, t) {
            return e.match(yt) ? W.format.apply(this, arguments) : W.toString(t, e)

        function v(e, t) {
            return 0 > -e.x * t.y + e.y * t.x

        function _(e, t) {
            return e && t ? e.getTime() - t.getTime() : -1

        function w(e) {
            var t = e.originalEvent,
                n = 0;
            return t.wheelDelta && (n = -t.wheelDelta / 120, n = n > 0 ? ot.ceil(n) : ot.floor(n)), t.detail && (n = u(t.detail / 3)), n

        function b(e) {
            if (!e || !e.indexOf || e.indexOf("&") < 0) return e;
            var t = b._element;
            return t.innerHTML = e, t.textContent || t.innerText

        function y(e) {
            if (!W.support.vml)
                for (var t = 0; e.segments.length > t; t++) e.segments[t].anchor().round(0).translate(.5, .5);
            return e

        function k(e) {
            var t, n, i = e.stops,
                r = e.innerRadius / e.radius * 100,
                o = i.length,
                a = [];
            for (t = 0; o > t; t++) n = at({}, i[t]), n.offset = (n.offset * (100 - r) + r) / 100, a.push(n);
            return a

        function x(e) {
            var t = e.origin,
                n = e.bottomRight();
            return new C(t.x, t.y, n.x, n.y)
        var C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U, W = window.kendo,
            j = W.util,
            G = j.append,
            q = j.defined,
            $ = j.last,
            Y = j.valueOrDefault,
            Q = W.dataviz,
            K = Q.geometry,
            X = Q.drawing,
            Z = X.util.measureText,
            J = W.Class,
            et = W.template,
            tt = e.noop,
            nt = e.inArray,
            it = e.isPlainObject,
            rt = e.trim,
            ot = Math,
            at = W.deepExtend,
            st = "axisLabelClick",
            lt = "#000",
            ct = "bottom",
            dt = "center",
            ut = 3,
            ht = "clip",
            pt = "circle",
            ft = "cross",
            gt = "12px sans-serif",
            mt = 400,
            vt = 7,
            _t = 6,
            wt = 600,
            bt = ot.PI / 180,
            yt = /\{\d+:?/,
            kt = "height",
            xt = 1e5,
            Ct = 600,
            St = "inside",
            Tt = "left",
            Dt = "linear",
            At = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            Et = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            It = "none",
            Pt = "noteClick",
            Mt = "noteHover",
            zt = "outside",
            Ft = "radial",
            Rt = "right",
            Ht = "top",
            Bt = "triangle",
            Lt = "width",
            Nt = "#fff",
            Ot = "x",
            Vt = "y",
            Ut = .2,
            Wt = function(e, n) {
                var i = this;
                return i instanceof Wt ? (i.x = e || 0, i.y = n || 0, t) : new Wt(e, n)
        Wt.fn = Wt.prototype = {
            clone: function() {
                var e = this;
                return new Wt(e.x, e.y)
            equals: function(e) {
                return e && e.x === this.x && e.y === this.y
            rotate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t * bt,
                    r = ot.cos(i),
                    o = ot.sin(i),
                    a = e.x,
                    s = e.y,
                    l = n.x,
                    c = n.y;
                return n.x = u(a + (l - a) * r + (c - s) * o, ut), n.y = u(s + (c - s) * r - (l - a) * o, ut), n
            multiply: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.x *= e, t.y *= e, t
            distanceTo: function(e) {
                var t = this.x - e.x,
                    n = this.y - e.y;
                return ot.sqrt(t * t + n * n)
        }, Wt.onCircle = function(e, t, n) {
            return t *= bt, new Wt(e.x - n * ot.cos(t), e.y - n * ot.sin(t))
        }, C = function(e, n, i, r) {
            var o = this;
            return o instanceof C ? (o.x1 = e || 0, o.x2 = i || 0, o.y1 = n || 0, o.y2 = r || 0, t) : new C(e, n, i, r)
        }, C.fn = C.prototype = {
            width: function() {
                return this.x2 - this.x1
            height: function() {
                return this.y2 - this.y1
            translate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return n.x1 += e, n.x2 += e, n.y1 += t, n.y2 += t, n
            move: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.height(),
                    r = n.width();
                return q(e) && (n.x1 = e, n.x2 = n.x1 + r), q(t) && (n.y1 = t, n.y2 = n.y1 + i), n
            wrap: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.x1 = ot.min(t.x1, e.x1), t.y1 = ot.min(t.y1, e.y1), t.x2 = ot.max(t.x2, e.x2), t.y2 = ot.max(t.y2, e.y2), t
            wrapPoint: function(e) {
                return this.wrap(new C(e.x, e.y, e.x, e.y)), this
            snapTo: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return t != Ot && t || (n.x1 = e.x1, n.x2 = e.x2), t != Vt && t || (n.y1 = e.y1, n.y2 = e.y2), n
            alignTo: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.height(),
                    a = r.width(),
                    s = t == Ht || t == ct ? Vt : Ot,
                    l = s == Vt ? o : a;
                return t === dt ? (n = e.center(), i = r.center(), r.x1 += n.x - i.x, r.y1 += n.y - i.y) : r[s + 1] = t === Ht || t === Tt ? e[s + 1] - l : e[s + 2], r.x2 = r.x1 + a, r.y2 = r.y1 + o, r
            shrink: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return n.x2 -= e, n.y2 -= t, n
            expand: function(e, t) {
                return this.shrink(-e, -t), this
            pad: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    i = n(e);
                return t.x1 -= i.left, t.x2 += i.right, t.y1 -= i.top, t.y2 += i.bottom, t
            unpad: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    i = n(e);
                return i.left = -i.left, i.top = -i.top, i.right = -i.right, i.bottom = -i.bottom, t.pad(i)
            clone: function() {
                var e = this;
                return new C(e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2)
            center: function() {
                var e = this;
                return new Wt(e.x1 + e.width() / 2, e.y1 + e.height() / 2)
            containsPoint: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return e.x >= t.x1 && t.x2 >= e.x && e.y >= t.y1 && t.y2 >= e.y
            points: function() {
                var e = this;
                return [new Wt(e.x1, e.y1), new Wt(e.x2, e.y1), new Wt(e.x2, e.y2), new Wt(e.x1, e.y2)]
            getHash: function() {
                var e = this;
                return [e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2].join(",")
            overlaps: function(e) {
                return !(this.y1 > e.y2 || e.y1 > this.y2 || this.x1 > e.x2 || e.x1 > this.x2)
            rotate: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.width(),
                    i = t.height(),
                    r = t.center(),
                    o = r.x,
                    s = r.y,
                    l = a(0, 0, o, s, e),
                    c = a(n, 0, o, s, e),
                    d = a(n, i, o, s, e),
                    u = a(0, i, o, s, e);
                return n = ot.max(l.x, c.x, d.x, u.x) - ot.min(l.x, c.x, d.x, u.x), i = ot.max(l.y, c.y, d.y, u.y) - ot.min(l.y, c.y, d.y, u.y), t.x2 = t.x1 + n, t.y2 = t.y1 + i, t
            toRect: function() {
                return new K.Rect([this.x1, this.y1], [this.width(), this.height()])
            hasSize: function() {
                return 0 !== this.width() && 0 !== this.height()
            align: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = t + 1,
                    o = t + 2,
                    a = t === Ot ? Lt : kt,
                    s = i[a]();
                l(n, [Tt, Ht]) ? (i[r] = e[r], i[o] = i[r] + s) : l(n, [Rt, ct]) ? (i[o] = e[o], i[r] = i[o] - s) : n == dt && (i[r] = e[r] + (e[a]() - s) / 2, i[o] = i[r] + s)
        }, S = J.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = this;
                o.c = e, o.ir = t, o.r = n, o.startAngle = i, o.angle = r
            clone: function() {
                var e = this;
                return new S(e.c, e.ir, e.r, e.startAngle, e.angle)
            middle: function() {
                return this.startAngle + this.angle / 2
            radius: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return t ? n.ir = e : n.r = e, n
            point: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e * bt,
                    r = ot.cos(i),
                    o = ot.sin(i),
                    a = t ? n.ir : n.r,
                    s = u(n.c.x - r * a, ut),
                    l = u(n.c.y - o * a, ut);
                return new Wt(s, l)
            adjacentBox: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this.clone().expand(e),
                    r = i.middle(),
                    o = i.point(r),
                    a = t / 2,
                    s = n / 2,
                    l = o.x - a,
                    c = o.y - s,
                    d = ot.sin(r * bt),
                    u = ot.cos(r * bt);
                return ot.abs(d) < .9 && (l += a * -u / ot.abs(u)), ot.abs(u) < .9 && (c += s * -d / ot.abs(d)), new C(l, c, l + t, c + n)
            containsPoint: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.c,
                    i = t.ir,
                    r = t.r,
                    o = t.startAngle,
                    a = t.startAngle + t.angle,
                    s = e.x - n.x,
                    l = e.y - n.y,
                    c = new Wt(s, l),
                    d = t.point(o),
                    h = new Wt(d.x - n.x, d.y - n.y),
                    p = t.point(a),
                    f = new Wt(p.x - n.x, p.y - n.y),
                    g = u(s * s + l * l, ut);
                return (h.equals(c) || v(h, c)) && !v(f, c) && g >= i * i && r * r >= g
            getBBox: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = new C(At, At, Et, Et),
                    o = u(i.startAngle % 360),
                    a = u((o + i.angle) % 360),
                    s = i.ir,
                    l = [0, 90, 180, 270, o, a].sort(g),
                    c = nt(o, l),
                    d = nt(a, l);
                for (e = o == a ? l : d > c ? l.slice(c, d + 1) : [].concat(l.slice(0, d + 1), l.slice(c, l.length)), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = i.point(e[t]), r.wrapPoint(n), r.wrapPoint(n, s);
                return s || r.wrapPoint(i.c), r
            expand: function(e) {
                return this.r += e, this
        }), T = S.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                S.fn.init.call(this, e, 0, t, n, i)
            expand: function(e) {
                return S.fn.expand.call(this, e)
            clone: function() {
                var e = this;
                return new T(e.c, e.r, e.startAngle, e.angle)
            radius: function(e) {
                return S.fn.radius.call(this, e)
            point: function(e) {
                return S.fn.point.call(this, e)
        }), D = function() {}, D.fn = D.prototype = {
            createRing: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e.startAngle + 180,
                    r = e.angle + i,
                    o = new K.Point(e.c.x, e.c.y),
                    a = ot.max(e.r, 0),
                    s = ot.max(e.ir, 0),
                    l = new K.Arc(o, {
                        startAngle: i,
                        endAngle: r,
                        radiusX: a,
                        radiusY: a
                    c = X.Path.fromArc(l, t).close();
                return s ? (l.radiusX = l.radiusY = s, n = l.pointAt(r), c.lineTo(n.x, n.y), c.arc(r, i, s, s, !0)) : c.lineTo(o.x, o.y), c
        }, D.current = new D, A = J.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.children = [], t.options = at({}, t.options, e)
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.children;
                for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++) i = o[n], i.reflow(e), t = t ? t.wrap(i.box) : i.box.clone();
                r.box = t || e
            destroy: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.children;
                for (this.animation && this.animation.destroy(), e = 0; n.length > e; e++) n[e].destroy()
            getRoot: function() {
                var e = this.parent;
                return e ? e.getRoot() : null
            translateChildren: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.children,
                    o = r.length;
                for (n = 0; o > n; n++) r[n].box.translate(e, t)
            append: function() {
                G(this.children, arguments);
                for (var e = 0; arguments.length > e; e++) arguments[e].parent = this
            renderVisual: function() {
                this.options.visible !== !1 && (this.createVisual(), this.addVisual(), this.renderChildren(), this.createAnimation(), this.renderComplete())
            addVisual: function() {
                this.visual && (this.visual.chartElement = this, this.parent && this.parent.appendVisual(this.visual))
            renderChildren: function() {
                var e, t = this.children;
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e].renderVisual()
            createVisual: function() {
                this.visual = new Q.drawing.Group({
                    zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
                    visible: Y(this.options.visible, !0)
            createAnimation: function() {
                this.visual && (this.animation = X.Animation.create(this.visual, this.options.animation))
            appendVisual: function(e) {
                e.chartElement || (e.chartElement = this), e.options.noclip ? this.clipRoot().visual.append(e) : q(e.options.zIndex) ? this.stackRoot().stackVisual(e) : this.visual ? this.visual.append(e) : this.parent.appendVisual(e)
            clipRoot: function() {
                return this.parent ? this.parent.clipRoot() : this
            stackRoot: function() {
                return this.parent ? this.parent.stackRoot() : this
            stackVisual: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = e.options.zIndex || 0,
                    o = this.visual.children;
                for (t = 0; o.length > t && (n = o[t], i = Y(n.options.zIndex, 0), !(i > r)); t++);
                this.visual.insertAt(e, t)
            traverse: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.children;
                for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++) n = i[t], e(n), n.traverse && n.traverse(e)
            closest: function(e) {
                for (var n = this, i = !1; n && !i;) i = e(n), i || (n = n.parent);
                return i ? n : t
            renderComplete: e.noop,
            hasHighlight: function() {
                var e = (this.options || {}).highlight;
                return !(!this.createHighlight || e && e.visible === !1)
            toggleHighlight: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n._highlight,
                    r = (n.options || {}).highlight,
                    o = (r || {}).visual;
                if (!i) {
                    if (t = {
                        fill: {
                            color: Nt,
                            opacity: .2
                        stroke: {
                            color: Nt,
                            width: 1,
                            opacity: .2
                    }, o) {
                        if (i = n._highlight = o(at(n.highlightVisualArgs(), {
                            createVisual: function() {
                                return n.createHighlight(t)
                            series: n.series,
                            dataItem: n.dataItem,
                            category: n.category,
                            value: n.value,
                            percentage: n.percentage,
                            runningTotal: n.runningTotal,
                            total: n.total
                        })), !i) return
                    } else i = n._highlight = n.createHighlight(t);
                    i.options.zIndex = n.options.zIndex, n.appendVisual(i)
            createGradientOverlay: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = new X.Path(at({
                    stroke: {
                        color: It
                    fill: this.createGradient(n),
                    closed: e.options.closed
                }, t));
                return i.segments.elements(e.segments.elements()), i
            createGradient: function(e) {
                return this.parent ? this.parent.createGradient(e) : t
        }), E = A.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.gradients = {}, A.fn.init.call(t, e)
            options: {
                width: wt,
                height: mt,
                background: Nt,
                border: {
                    color: lt,
                    width: 0
                margin: n(5),
                zIndex: -2
            reflow: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.children,
                    r = new C(0, 0, n.width, n.height);
                for (t.box = r.unpad(n.margin), e = 0; i.length > e; e++) i[e].reflow(r), r = s(r, i[e].box) || C()
            createVisual: function() {
                this.visual = new X.Group, this.createBackground()
            createBackground: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.border || {},
                    n = this.box.clone().pad(e.margin).unpad(t.width),
                    i = X.Path.fromRect(n.toRect(), {
                        stroke: {
                            color: t.width ? t.color : "",
                            width: t.width,
                            dashType: t.dashType
                        fill: {
                            color: e.background,
                            opacity: e.opacity
                        zIndex: -10
            getRoot: function() {
                return this
            createGradient: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.gradients,
                    r = j.objectKey(e),
                    o = Q.Gradients[e.gradient];
                return i[r] ? t = i[r] : (n = at({}, o, e), "linear" == o.type ? t = new X.LinearGradient(n) : (e.innerRadius && (n.stops = k(n)), t = new X.RadialGradient(n), t.supportVML = o.supportVML !== !1), i[r] = t), t
        }), I = A.extend({
            options: {
                align: Tt,
                vAlign: Ht,
                margin: {},
                padding: {},
                border: {
                    color: lt,
                    width: 0
                background: "",
                shrinkToFit: !1,
                width: 0,
                height: 0,
                visible: !0
            reflow: function(e) {
                function t() {
                    s.align(e, Ot, l.align), s.align(e, Vt, l.vAlign), s.paddingBox = i.clone().unpad(p).unpad(g)
                var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.options,
                    c = l.width,
                    d = l.height,
                    u = c && d,
                    h = l.shrinkToFit,
                    p = n(l.margin),
                    f = n(l.padding),
                    g = l.border.width,
                    m = s.children;
                for (r = e.clone(), u && (r.x2 = r.x1 + c, r.y2 = r.y1 + d), h && r.unpad(p).unpad(g).unpad(f), A.fn.reflow.call(s, r), i = u ? s.box = C(0, 0, c, d) : s.box, h && u ? (t(), r = s.contentBox = s.paddingBox.clone().unpad(f)) : (r = s.contentBox = i.clone(), i.pad(f).pad(g).pad(p), t()), s.translateChildren(i.x1 - r.x1 + p.left + g + f.left, i.y1 - r.y1 + p.top + g + f.top), o = 0; m.length > o; o++) a = m[o], a.reflow(a.box)
            align: function(e, t, n) {
                this.box.align(e, t, n)
            hasBox: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return e.border.width || e.background
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                e.visible && this.hasBox() && this.visual.append(X.Path.fromRect(this.paddingBox.toRect(), this.visualStyle()))
            visualStyle: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.border || {};
                return {
                    stroke: {
                        width: n.width,
                        color: n.color,
                        opacity: Y(n.opacity, t.opacity),
                        dashType: n.dashType
                    fill: {
                        color: t.background,
                        opacity: t.opacity
                    cursor: t.cursor
        }), P = A.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                A.fn.init.call(n, t), n.content = e, n.reflow(C())
            options: {
                font: gt,
                color: lt,
                align: Tt,
                vAlign: ""
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options;
                t = i.size = Z(n.content, {
                    font: i.font
                }), n.baseline = t.baseline, n.box = C(e.x1, e.y1, e.x1 + t.width, e.y1 + t.height)
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.visual = new X.Text(this.content, this.box.toRect().topLeft(), {
                    font: e.font,
                    fill: {
                        color: e.color,
                        opacity: e.opacity
                    cursor: e.cursor
        }), M = A.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                A.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initDirection()
            _initDirection: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                e.vertical ? (this.groupAxis = Ot, this.elementAxis = Vt, this.groupSizeField = Lt, this.elementSizeField = kt, this.groupSpacing = e.spacing, this.elementSpacing = e.vSpacing) : (this.groupAxis = Vt, this.elementAxis = Ot, this.groupSizeField = kt, this.elementSizeField = Lt, this.groupSpacing = e.vSpacing, this.elementSpacing = e.spacing)
            options: {
                vertical: !0,
                wrap: !0,
                vSpacing: 0,
                spacing: 0
            reflow: function(e) {
                this.box = e.clone(), this.reflowChildren()
            reflowChildren: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                    u = d.box,
                    h = d.elementAxis,
                    p = d.groupAxis,
                    f = d.elementSizeField,
                    g = d.groupSizeField,
                    m = d.groupOptions(),
                    v = m.groups,
                    _ = v.length,
                    w = u[p + 1] + d.alignStart(m.groupsSize, u[g]()),
                    b = w;
                if (_) {
                    for (a = 0; _ > a; a++) {
                        for (n = v[a], i = n.groupElements, r = i.length, e = u[h + 1], o = 0; r > o; o++) s = i[o], c = d.elementSize(s), t = b + d.alignStart(c[g], n.groupSize), l = C(), l[p + 1] = t, l[p + 2] = t + c[g], l[h + 1] = e, l[h + 2] = e + c[f], s.reflow(l), e += c[f] + d.elementSpacing;
                        b += n.groupSize + d.groupSpacing
                    u[p + 1] = w, u[p + 2] = w + m.groupsSize, u[h + 2] = u[h + 1] + m.maxGroupElementsSize
            alignStart: function(e, t) {
                var n = 0,
                    i = this.options.align;
                return i == Rt || i == ct ? n = t - e : i == dt && (n = (t - e) / 2), n
            groupOptions: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.box,
                    r = n.children,
                    o = r.length,
                    a = this.elementSizeField,
                    s = this.groupSizeField,
                    l = this.elementSpacing,
                    c = this.groupSpacing,
                    d = u(i[a]()),
                    h = 0,
                    p = 0,
                    f = 0,
                    g = 0,
                    m = [],
                    v = [],
                    _ = 0;
                for (h = 0; o > h; h++) t = r[h], t.box || t.reflow(i), e = this.elementSize(t), n.options.wrap && u(f + l + e[a]) > d && (m.push({
                    groupElements: v,
                    groupSize: p,
                    groupElementsSize: f
                }), _ = ot.max(_, f), g += c + p, p = 0, f = 0, v = []), p = ot.max(p, e[s]), f > 0 && (f += l), f += e[a], v.push(t);
                return m.push({
                    groupElements: v,
                    groupSize: p,
                    groupElementsSize: f
                }), _ = ot.max(_, f), g += p, {
                    groups: m,
                    groupsSize: g,
                    maxGroupElementsSize: _
            elementSize: function(e) {
                return {
                    width: e.box.width(),
                    height: e.box.height()
            createVisual: tt
        }), z = I.extend({
            ROWS_SPLIT_REGEX: /\n|\\n/m,
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.content = e, I.fn.init.call(n, t), n._initContainer(), n.reflow(C())
            _initContainer: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = (n.content + "").split(n.ROWS_SPLIT_REGEX),
                        o = new M({
                            vertical: !0,
                            align: i.align,
                            wrap: !1
                        a = at({}, i, {
                            opacity: 1,
                            animation: null
                for (n.container = o, n.append(o), t = 0; r.length > t; t++) e = new P(rt(r[t]), a), o.append(e)
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, i, r, o = this.options,
                    a = o.visual;
                this.container.options.align = o.align, a && !this._boxReflow ? (e.hasSize() || (this._boxReflow = !0, this.reflow(e), this._boxReflow = !1, e = this.box), this.visual = a(this.visualContext(e)), t = e, this.visual && (t = x(this.visual.clippedBBox() || new K.Rect), this.visual.options.zIndex = o.zIndex, this.visual.options.noclip = o.noclip), this.box = this.contentBox = this.paddingBox = t) : (I.fn.reflow.call(this, e), o.rotation && (i = n(o.margin), r = this.box.unpad(i), this.targetBox = e, this.normalBox = r.clone(), r = this.rotate(), r.translate(i.left - i.right, i.top - i.bottom), this.rotatedBox = r.clone(), r.pad(i)))
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t = this.options;
                t.visible && (this.visual = new Q.drawing.Group({
                    transform: this.rotationTransform(),
                    zIndex: t.zIndex,
                    noclip: t.noclip
                }), this.hasBox() && (e = X.Path.fromRect(this.paddingBox.toRect(), this.visualStyle()), this.visual.append(e)))
            renderVisual: function() {
                this.options.visual ? (this.addVisual(), this.createAnimation()) : I.fn.renderVisual.call(this)
            visualOptions: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return {
                    background: e.background,
                    border: e.border,
                    color: e.color,
                    font: e.font,
                    margin: e.margin,
                    padding: e.padding,
                    visible: e.visible
            visualContext: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return {
                    text: t.content,
                    rect: e.toRect(),
                    options: t.visualOptions(),
                    createVisual: function() {
                        return t._boxReflow = !0, t.reflow(e), t._boxReflow = !1, t.getDefaultVisual()
            getDefaultVisual: function() {
                this.createVisual(), this.renderChildren();
                var e = this.visual;
                return delete this.visual, e
            rotate: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return this.box.rotate(e.rotation), this.align(this.targetBox, Ot, e.align), this.align(this.targetBox, Vt, e.vAlign), this.box
            rotationTransform: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this.options.rotation;
                return r ? (e = this.normalBox.center(), t = e.x, n = e.y, i = this.rotatedBox.center(), K.transform().translate(i.x - t, i.y - n).rotate(r, [t, n])) : null
        }), F = A.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                A.fn.init.call(t, e), e = t.options, t.append(new z(e.text, at({}, e, {
                    vAlign: e.position
            options: {
                color: lt,
                position: Ht,
                align: dt,
                margin: n(5),
                padding: n(5)
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                A.fn.reflow.call(t, e), t.box.snapTo(e, Ot)
        }), F.buildTitle = function(e, t, n) {
            var i;
            return "string" == typeof e && (e = {
                text: e
            }), e = at({
                visible: !0
            }, n, e), e && e.visible && e.text && (i = new F(e), t.append(i)), i
        }, R = z.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = this;
                o.text = t, o.value = e, o.index = n, o.dataItem = i, z.fn.init.call(o, t, r)
            visualContext: function(e) {
                var t = z.fn.visualContext.call(this, e);
                return t.value = this.value, t.dataItem = this.dataItem, t.format = this.options.format, t.culture = this.options.culture, t
            click: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                t.trigger(st, {
                    element: e(n.target),
                    value: i.value,
                    text: i.text,
                    index: i.index,
                    dataItem: i.dataItem,
                    axis: i.parent.options
            rotate: function() {
                var e, t;
                return this.options.alignRotation != dt ? (e = this.normalBox.toRect(), t = this.rotationTransform(), this.box = x(e.bbox(t.matrix()))) : z.fn.rotate.call(this), this.box
            rotationTransform: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w = this.options,
                    b = w.rotation;
                return b ? w.alignRotation == dt ? z.fn.rotationTransform.call(this) : (e = K.transform().rotate(b).matrix(), t = this.normalBox.toRect(), n = this.targetBox.toRect(), i = w.rotationOrigin || Ht, r = i == Ht || i == ct ? Ot : Vt, o = i == Ht || i == ct ? Vt : Ot, a = i == Ht || i == Tt ? n.origin : n.bottomRight(), s = t.topLeft().transformCopy(e), l = t.topRight().transformCopy(e), c = t.bottomRight().transformCopy(e), d = t.bottomLeft().transformCopy(e), h = K.Rect.fromPoints(s, l, c, d), p = {}, p[o] = n.origin[o] - h.origin[o], f = ot.abs(s[o] + p[o] - a[o]), g = ot.abs(l[o] + p[o] - a[o]), u(f, _t) === u(g, _t) ? (m = s, v = l) : f > g ? (m = l, v = c) : (m = s, v = d), _ = m[r] + (v[r] - m[r]) / 2, p[r] = n.center()[r] - _, K.transform().translate(p.x, p.y).rotate(b)) : null
        }), H = A.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                A.fn.init.call(t, e), t.options.visible || (t.options = at({}, t.options, {
                    labels: {
                        visible: !1
                    line: {
                        visible: !1
                    margin: 0,
                    majorTickSize: 0,
                    minorTickSize: 0
                })), t.options.minorTicks = at({}, {
                    color: t.options.line.color,
                    width: t.options.line.width,
                    visible: t.options.minorTickType != It
                }, t.options.minorTicks, {
                    size: t.options.minorTickSize,
                    align: t.options.minorTickType
                }), t.options.majorTicks = at({}, {
                    color: t.options.line.color,
                    width: t.options.line.width,
                    visible: t.options.majorTickType != It
                }, t.options.majorTicks, {
                    size: t.options.majorTickSize,
                    align: t.options.majorTickType
                }), this.options._deferLabels || t.createLabels(), t.createTitle(), t.createNotes()
            options: {
                labels: {
                    visible: !0,
                    rotation: 0,
                    mirror: !1,
                    step: 1,
                    skip: 0
                line: {
                    width: 1,
                    color: lt,
                    visible: !0
                title: {
                    visible: !0,
                    position: dt
                majorTicks: {
                    align: zt,
                    size: 4,
                    skip: 0,
                    step: 1
                minorTicks: {
                    align: zt,
                    size: 3,
                    skip: 0,
                    step: 1
                axisCrossingValue: 0,
                majorTickType: zt,
                minorTickType: It,
                majorGridLines: {
                    skip: 0,
                    step: 1
                minorGridLines: {
                    visible: !1,
                    width: 1,
                    color: lt,
                    skip: 0,
                    step: 1
                margin: 5,
                visible: !0,
                reverse: !1,
                justified: !0,
                notes: {
                    label: {
                        text: ""
                _alignLines: !0,
                _deferLabels: !1
            createLabels: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = a.vertical ? Rt : dt,
                    l = at({}, a.labels, {
                        align: s,
                        zIndex: a.zIndex
                    c = ot.max(1, l.step);
                if (o.children = e.grep(o.children, function(e) {
                    return !(e instanceof R)
                }), o.labels = [], l.visible)
                    for (t = o.labelsCount(), n = l.rotation, it(n) && (l.alignRotation = n.align, l.rotation = n.angle), "auto" == l.rotation && (l.rotation = 0, a.autoRotateLabels = !0), r = l.skip; t > r; r += c) i = o.createAxisLabel(r, l), i && (o.append(i), o.labels.push(i))
            lineBox: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = e.box,
                    i = t.vertical,
                    r = t.labels.mirror,
                    o = r ? n.x1 : n.x2,
                    a = r ? n.y2 : n.y1,
                    s = t.line.width || 0;
                return i ? C(o, n.y1, o, n.y2 - s) : C(n.x1, a, n.x2 - s, a)
            createTitle: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = at({
                        rotation: n.vertical ? -90 : 0,
                        text: "",
                        zIndex: 1,
                        visualSize: !0
                    }, n.title);
                i.visible && i.text && (e = new z(i.text, i), t.append(e), t.title = e)
            createNotes: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.notes,
                    a = o.data || [];
                for (i.notes = [], e = 0; a.length > e; e++) t = at({}, o, a[e]), t.value = i.parseNoteValue(t.value), n = new B(t.value, t.label.text, null, null, null, t), n.options.visible && (q(n.options.position) ? r.vertical && !l(n.options.position, [Tt, Rt]) ? n.options.position = r.reverse ? Tt : Rt : r.vertical || l(n.options.position, [Ht, ct]) || (n.options.position = r.reverse ? ct : Ht) : n.options.position = r.vertical ? r.reverse ? Tt : Rt : r.reverse ? ct : Ht, i.append(n), i.notes.push(n))
            parseNoteValue: function(e) {
                return e
            renderVisual: function() {
                A.fn.renderVisual.call(this), this.createPlotBands()
            createVisual: function() {
                A.fn.createVisual.call(this), this.createBackground(), this.createLine()
            gridLinesVisual: function() {
                var e = this._gridLines;
                return e || (e = this._gridLines = new X.Group({
                    zIndex: -2
                }), this.appendVisual(this._gridLines)), e
            createTicks: function(e) {
                function t(t, n, r) {
                    var s, c = t.length;
                    if (n.visible)
                        for (s = n.skip; c > s; s += n.step) q(r) && s % r === 0 || (l.tickX = a ? o.x2 : o.x2 - n.size, l.tickY = a ? o.y1 - n.size : o.y1, l.position = t[s], e.append(i(l, n)))
                var n = this,
                    r = n.options,
                    o = n.lineBox(),
                    a = r.labels.mirror,
                    s = r.majorTicks.visible ? r.majorUnit : 0,
                    l = {
                        vertical: r.vertical
                t(n.getMajorTickPositions(), r.majorTicks), t(n.getMinorTickPositions(), r.minorTicks, s / r.minorUnit)
            createLine: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.line,
                    o = n.lineBox();
                r.width > 0 && r.visible && (e = new X.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        width: r.width,
                        color: r.color,
                        dashType: r.dashType
                }), e.moveTo(o.x1, o.y1).lineTo(o.x2, o.y2), i._alignLines && y(e), t = this._lineGroup = new X.Group, t.append(e), this.visual.append(t), this.createTicks(t))
            getActualTickSize: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = 0;
                return t.majorTicks.visible && t.minorTicks.visible ? n = ot.max(t.majorTicks.size, t.minorTicks.size) : t.majorTicks.visible ? n = t.majorTicks.size : t.minorTicks.visible && (n = t.minorTicks.size), n
            createBackground: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.background,
                    i = e.box;
                n && (e._backgroundPath = X.Path.fromRect(i.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: n
                    stroke: null
                }), this.visual.append(e._backgroundPath))
            createPlotBands: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = l.options,
                    d = c.plotBands || [],
                    u = c.vertical,
                    h = l.plotArea;
                0 !== d.length && (o = this._plotbandGroup = new X.Group({
                    zIndex: -1
                }), a = e.grep(l.pane.axes, function(e) {
                    return e.options.vertical !== l.options.vertical
                })[0], s = this.range(), e.each(d, function(e, s) {
                    var c, d, p;
                    i = Y(s.from, Et), r = Y(s.to, At), c = [], u ? (t = (a || h.axisX).lineBox(), n = l.getSlot(s.from, s.to, !0)) : (t = l.getSlot(s.from, s.to, !0), n = (a || h.axisY).lineBox()), 0 !== t.width() && 0 !== n.height() && (d = new K.Rect([t.x1, n.y1], [t.width(), n.height()]), p = X.Path.fromRect(d, {
                        fill: {
                            color: s.color,
                            opacity: s.opacity
                        stroke: null
                    }), o.append(p))
                }), l.appendVisual(o))
            createGridLines: function(e) {
                function t(e, t, i) {
                    var o, s = e.length;
                    if (t.visible)
                        for (o = t.skip; s > o; o += t.step) n = u(e[o]), l(n, g) || o % i === 0 || a && p === n || (f.position = n, m.append(r(f, t)), g.push(n))
                var n, i = this,
                    o = i.options,
                    a = e.options.line.visible,
                    s = o.majorGridLines,
                    c = s.visible ? o.majorUnit : 0,
                    d = o.vertical,
                    h = e.lineBox(),
                    p = h[d ? "y1" : "x1"],
                    f = {
                        lineStart: h[d ? "x1" : "y1"],
                        lineEnd: h[d ? "x2" : "y2"],
                        vertical: d
                    g = [],
                    m = this.gridLinesVisual();
                return t(i.getMajorTickPositions(), o.majorGridLines), t(i.getMinorTickPositions(), o.minorGridLines, c / o.minorUnit), m.children
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.vertical,
                    a = i.labels,
                    s = a.length,
                    l = i.title,
                    c = o ? Lt : kt,
                    d = l ? l.box[c]() : 0,
                    u = i.getActualTickSize() + r.margin + d,
                    h = 0,
                    p = (this.getRoot() || {}).box || e,
                    f = p[c]();
                for (n = 0; s > n; n++) t = a[n].box[c](), f >= t + u && (h = ot.max(h, t));
                i.box = o ? C(e.x1, e.y1, e.x1 + h + u, e.y2) : C(e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y1 + h + u), i.arrangeTitle(), i.arrangeLabels(), i.arrangeNotes()
            arrangeLabels: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = this,
                    h = u.options,
                    p = u.labels,
                    f = !h.justified,
                    g = h.vertical,
                    m = u.lineBox(),
                    v = h.labels.mirror,
                    _ = u.getMajorTickPositions(),
                    w = u.getActualTickSize() + h.margin;
                for (n = 0; p.length > n; n++) i = p[n], r = i.index, o = g ? i.box.height() : i.box.width(), a = _[r] - o / 2, g ? (f && (s = _[r], l = _[r + 1], c = s + (l - s) / 2, a = c - o / 2), d = m.x2, v ? (d += w, i.options.rotationOrigin = Tt) : (d -= w + i.box.width(), i.options.rotationOrigin = Rt), e = i.box.move(d, a)) : (f ? (s = _[r], l = _[r + 1]) : (s = a, l = a + o), t = m.y1, v ? (t -= w + i.box.height(), i.options.rotationOrigin = ct) : (t += w, i.options.rotationOrigin = Ht), e = C(s, t, l, t + i.box.height())), i.reflow(e)
            autoRotateLabels: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o;
                if (this.options.autoRotateLabels && !this.options.vertical) {
                    for (e = this.getMajorTickPositions(), t = this.labels, o = 0; t.length > o; o++) {
                        if (r = e[o + 1] - e[o], n = t[o].box, n.height() > r) {
                            i = -90;
                        n.width() > r && (i = -45)
                    if (i) {
                        for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++) t[o].options.rotation = i, t[o].reflow(C());
                        return !0
            arrangeTitle: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.labels.mirror,
                    i = t.vertical,
                    r = e.title;
                r && (i ? (r.options.align = n ? Rt : Tt, r.options.vAlign = r.options.position) : (r.options.align = r.options.position, r.options.vAlign = n ? Ht : ct), r.reflow(e.box))
            arrangeNotes: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this;
                for (e = 0; r.notes.length > e; e++) t = r.notes[e], i = t.options.value, q(i) ? (r.shouldRenderNote(i) ? t.show() : t.hide(), n = r.getSlot(i)) : t.hide(), t.reflow(n || r.lineBox())
            alignTo: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.lineBox(),
                    i = t.options.vertical,
                    r = i ? Vt : Ot;
                t.box.snapTo(n, r), i ? t.box.shrink(0, t.lineBox().height() - n.height()) : t.box.shrink(t.lineBox().width() - n.width(), 0), t.box[r + 1] -= t.lineBox()[r + 1] - n[r + 1], t.box[r + 2] -= t.lineBox()[r + 2] - n[r + 2]
            axisLabelText: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = e;
                return n.template ? (i = et(n.template), r = i({
                    value: e,
                    dataItem: t,
                    format: n.format,
                    culture: n.culture
                })) : n.format && (r = n.format.match(yt) ? W.format(n.format, e) : W.toString(e, n.format, n.culture)), r
            slot: function(e, n) {
                var i = this.getSlot(e, n);
                return i ? i.toRect() : t
            contentBox: function() {
                var e = this.box.clone();
                return this.labels.length && e.wrap(this.labels[0].box).wrap($(this.labels).box), e
        }), B = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                var a = this;
                I.fn.init.call(a, o), a.value = e, a.text = t, a.dataItem = n, a.category = i, a.series = r, a.render()
            options: {
                icon: {
                    visible: !0,
                    type: pt
                label: {
                    position: St,
                    visible: !0,
                    align: dt,
                    vAlign: dt
                line: {
                    visible: !0
                visible: !0,
                position: Ht,
                zIndex: 2
            hide: function() {
                this.options.visible = !1
            show: function() {
                this.options.visible = !0
            render: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = o.label,
                    s = r.text,
                    l = o.icon,
                    c = l.size,
                    d = C();
                o.visible && (q(a) && a.visible && (a.template ? (i = et(a.template), s = i({
                    dataItem: r.dataItem,
                    category: r.category,
                    value: r.value,
                    text: s,
                    series: r.series
                })) : a.format && (s = m(a.format, s)), r.label = new z(s, at({}, a)), a.position !== St || q(c) || (l.type === pt ? c = ot.max(r.label.box.width(), r.label.box.height()) : (t = r.label.box.width(), n = r.label.box.height()), d.wrap(r.label.box))), l.width = t || c || vt, l.height = n || c || vt, e = new L(at({}, l)), r.marker = e, r.append(e), r.label && r.append(r.label), e.reflow(C()), r.wrapperBox = d.wrap(e.box))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = e.center(),
                    s = r.wrapperBox,
                    c = o.line.length,
                    d = o.position,
                    u = r.label,
                    h = r.marker;
                o.visible && (l(d, [Tt, Rt]) ? d === Tt ? (i = s.alignTo(e, d).translate(-c, e.center().y - s.center().y), o.line.visible && (t = [ot.floor(e.x1), a.y], r.linePoints = [t, [ot.floor(i.x2), a.y]], n = i.clone().wrapPoint(t))) : (i = s.alignTo(e, d).translate(c, e.center().y - s.center().y), o.line.visible && (t = [ot.floor(e.x2), a.y], r.linePoints = [t, [ot.floor(i.x1), a.y]], n = i.clone().wrapPoint(t))) : d === ct ? (i = s.alignTo(e, d).translate(e.center().x - s.center().x, c), o.line.visible && (t = [ot.floor(a.x), ot.floor(e.y2)], r.linePoints = [t, [ot.floor(a.x), ot.floor(i.y1)]], n = i.clone().wrapPoint(t))) : (i = s.alignTo(e, d).translate(e.center().x - s.center().x, -c), o.line.visible && (t = [ot.floor(a.x), ot.floor(e.y1)], r.linePoints = [t, [ot.floor(a.x), ot.floor(i.y2)]], n = i.clone().wrapPoint(t))), h && h.reflow(i), u && (u.reflow(i), h && (o.label.position === zt && u.box.alignTo(h.box, d), u.reflow(u.box))), r.contentBox = i, r.targetBox = e, r.box = n || i)
            createVisual: function() {
                I.fn.createVisual.call(this), this.options.visible && this.createLine()
            renderVisual: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.visual;
                n.visible && i ? (e = t.targetPoint, t.visual = i({
                    dataItem: t.dataItem,
                    category: t.category,
                    value: t.value,
                    text: t.text,
                    series: t.series,
                    rect: t.targetBox.toRect(),
                    options: {
                        background: n.background,
                        border: n.background,
                        icon: n.icon,
                        label: n.label,
                        line: n.line,
                        position: n.position,
                        visible: n.visible
                    createVisual: function() {
                        t.createVisual(), t.renderChildren();
                        var e = t.visual;
                        return delete t.visual, e
                }), t.addVisual()) : I.fn.renderVisual.call(t)
            createLine: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.line;
                this.linePoints && (e = X.Path.fromPoints(this.linePoints, {
                    stroke: {
                        color: t.color,
                        width: t.width,
                        dashType: t.dashType
                }), y(e), this.visual.append(e))
            click: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.eventArgs(t);
                e.trigger(Pt, n) || t.preventDefault()
            hover: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.eventArgs(t);
                e.trigger(Mt, n) || t.preventDefault()
            leave: function(e) {
            eventArgs: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options;
                return {
                    element: e(t.target),
                    text: q(i.label) ? i.label.text : "",
                    dataItem: n.dataItem,
                    series: n.series,
                    value: n.value,
                    category: n.category
        }), L = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.pointData = t, I.fn.init.call(this, e)
            options: {
                type: pt,
                align: dt,
                vAlign: dt
            getElement: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.type,
                    o = i.rotation,
                    a = n.paddingBox,
                    s = a.center(),
                    l = a.width() / 2;
                if (i.visible && n.hasBox()) return t = n.visualStyle(), r === pt ? e = new X.Circle(new K.Circle([u(a.x1 + l, ut), u(a.y1 + a.height() / 2, ut)], l), t) : r === Bt ? e = X.Path.fromPoints([
                    [a.x1 + l, a.y1],
                    [a.x1, a.y2],
                    [a.x2, a.y2]
                ], t).close() : r === ft ? (e = new X.MultiPath(t), e.moveTo(a.x1, a.y1).lineTo(a.x2, a.y2), e.moveTo(a.x1, a.y2).lineTo(a.x2, a.y1)) : e = X.Path.fromRect(a.toRect(), t), o && e.transform(K.transform().rotate(-o, [s.x, s.y])), e.options.zIndex = this.options.zIndex, e
            createElement: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options.visual,
                    i = t.pointData || {};
                return e = n ? n({
                    value: i.value,
                    dataItem: i.dataItem,
                    series: i.series,
                    category: i.category,
                    rect: t.paddingBox.toRect(),
                    options: t.visualOptions(),
                    createVisual: function() {
                        return t.getElement()
                }) : t.getElement()
            visualOptions: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return {
                    background: e.background,
                    border: e.border,
                    margin: e.margin,
                    padding: e.padding,
                    type: e.type,
                    size: e.width,
                    visible: e.visible
            createVisual: function() {
                this.visual = this.createElement()
        }), N = H.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.initDefaults(e, t, n);
                H.fn.init.call(i, r)
            startValue: function() {
                return 0
            options: {
                type: "numeric",
                min: 0,
                max: 1,
                vertical: !0,
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !0,
                    width: 1,
                    color: lt
                labels: {
                    format: "#.####################"
                zIndex: 1
            initDefaults: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    a = n.narrowRange,
                    s = r.autoAxisMin(e, t, a),
                    l = r.autoAxisMax(e, t, a),
                    u = o(s, l),
                    h = {
                        majorUnit: u
                return n.roundToMajorUnit !== !1 && (0 > s && p(s, u, 1 / 3) && (s -= u), l > 0 && p(l, u, 1 / 3) && (l += u)), h.min = d(s, u), h.max = c(l, u), n && (i = q(n.min) || q(n.max), i && n.min === n.max && (n.min > 0 ? n.min = 0 : n.max = 1), n.majorUnit ? (h.min = d(h.min, n.majorUnit), h.max = c(h.max, n.majorUnit)) : i && (n = at(h, n), h.majorUnit = o(n.min, n.max))), h.minorUnit = (n.majorUnit || h.majorUnit) / 5, at(h, n)
            range: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return {
                    min: e.min,
                    max: e.max
            autoAxisMax: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                if (!e && !t) return 1;
                if (0 >= e && 0 >= t) {
                    if (t = e == t ? 0 : t, r = ot.abs((t - e) / t), n === !1 || !n && r > Ut) return 0;
                    i = ot.min(0, t - (e - t) / 2)
                } else e = e == t ? 0 : e, i = t;
                return i
            autoAxisMin: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                if (!e && !t) return 0;
                if (e >= 0 && t >= 0) {
                    if (e = e == t ? 0 : e, r = (t - e) / t, n === !1 || !n && r > Ut) return 0;
                    i = ot.max(0, e - (t - e) / 2)
                } else t = e == t ? 0 : t, i = e;
                return i
            getDivisions: function(e) {
                if (0 === e) return 1;
                var t = this.options,
                    n = t.max - t.min;
                return ot.floor(u(n / e, ut)) + 1
            getTickPositions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.vertical,
                    a = r.reverse,
                    s = i.lineBox(),
                    l = o ? s.height() : s.width(),
                    c = r.max - r.min,
                    d = l / c,
                    h = e * d,
                    p = 0,
                    f = i.getDivisions(e),
                    g = (o ? -1 : 1) * (a ? -1 : 1),
                    m = 1 === g ? 1 : 2,
                    v = s[(o ? Vt : Ot) + m],
                    _ = [];
                for (t && (p = t / e), n = 0; f > n; n++) n % p !== 0 && _.push(u(v, ut)), v += h * g;
                return _
            getMajorTickPositions: function() {
                var e = this;
                return e.getTickPositions(e.options.majorUnit)
            getMinorTickPositions: function() {
                var e = this;
                return e.getTickPositions(e.options.minorUnit)
            getSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = a.reverse,
                    l = a.vertical,
                    c = l ? Vt : Ot,
                    d = o.lineBox(),
                    u = d[c + (s ? 2 : 1)],
                    h = l ? d.height() : d.width(),
                    p = s ? -1 : 1,
                    f = p * (h / (a.max - a.min)),
                    g = new C(d.x1, d.y1, d.x1, d.y1);
                return q(e) || (e = t || 0), q(t) || (t = e || 0), n && (e = ot.max(ot.min(e, a.max), a.min), t = ot.max(ot.min(t, a.max), a.min)), l ? (i = a.max - ot.max(e, t), r = a.max - ot.min(e, t)) : (i = ot.min(e, t) - a.min, r = ot.max(e, t) - a.min), g[c + 1] = ot.max(ot.min(u + f * (s ? r : i), xt), -xt), g[c + 2] = ot.max(ot.min(u + f * (s ? i : r), xt), -xt), g
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.reverse,
                    o = i.vertical,
                    a = 1 * i.max,
                    s = 1 * i.min,
                    l = o ? Vt : Ot,
                    c = n.lineBox(),
                    d = c[l + (r ? 2 : 1)],
                    h = o ? c.height() : c.width(),
                    p = r ? -1 : 1,
                    f = p * (e[l] - d),
                    g = (a - s) / h,
                    m = f * g;
                return 0 > f || f > h ? null : (t = o ? a - m : s + m, u(t, _t))
            translateRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.lineBox(),
                    r = n.vertical,
                    o = n.reverse,
                    a = r ? i.height() : i.width(),
                    s = n.max - n.min,
                    l = a / s,
                    c = u(e / l, _t);
                return !r && !o || r && o || (c = -c), {
                    min: n.min + c,
                    max: n.max + c
            scaleRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = -e * n.majorUnit;
                return {
                    min: n.min - i,
                    max: n.max + i
            labelsCount: function() {
                return this.getDivisions(this.options.majorUnit)
            createAxisLabel: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = u(i.min + e * i.majorUnit, _t),
                    o = n.axisLabelText(r, null, t);
                return new R(r, o, e, null, t)
            shouldRenderNote: function(e) {
                var t = this.range();
                return e >= t.min && t.max >= e
        }), O = H.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.options = this._initOptions(e, t, n), H.fn.init.call(this, n)
            startValue: function() {
                return this.options.min
            options: {
                type: "log",
                majorUnit: 10,
                minorUnit: 1,
                axisCrossingValue: 1,
                vertical: !0,
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !0,
                    width: 1,
                    color: lt
                zIndex: 1
            getSlot: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.reverse,
                    c = s.vertical,
                    d = c ? Vt : Ot,
                    u = a.lineBox(),
                    p = u[d + (l ? 2 : 1)],
                    f = c ? u.height() : u.width(),
                    g = l ? -1 : 1,
                    m = s.majorUnit,
                    v = a.logMin,
                    _ = a.logMax,
                    w = g * (f / (_ - v)),
                    b = new C(u.x1, u.y1, u.x1, u.y1);
                return q(e) || (e = n || 1), q(n) || (n = e || 1), 0 >= e || 0 >= n ? t : (i && (e = ot.max(ot.min(e, s.max), s.min), n = ot.max(ot.min(n, s.max), s.min)), e = h(e, m), n = h(n, m), c ? (r = _ - ot.max(e, n), o = _ - ot.min(e, n)) : (r = ot.min(e, n) - v, o = ot.max(e, n) - v), b[d + 1] = p + w * (l ? o : r), b[d + 2] = p + w * (l ? r : o), b)
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.reverse,
                    o = i.vertical,
                    a = n.lineBox(),
                    s = i.majorUnit,
                    l = n.logMin,
                    c = n.logMax,
                    d = o === r ? 1 : -1,
                    h = 1 === d ? 1 : 2,
                    p = o ? a.height() : a.width(),
                    f = (c - l) / p,
                    g = o ? Vt : Ot,
                    m = a[g + h],
                    v = d * (e[g] - m),
                    _ = v * f;
                return 0 > v || v > p ? null : (t = l + _, u(ot.pow(s, t), _t))
            range: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return {
                    min: e.min,
                    max: e.max
            scaleRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.majorUnit,
                    r = -e;
                return {
                    min: ot.pow(i, t.logMin - r),
                    max: ot.pow(i, t.logMax + r)
            translateRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.majorUnit,
                    r = t.lineBox(),
                    o = n.vertical,
                    a = n.reverse,
                    s = o ? r.height() : r.width(),
                    l = s / (t.logMax - t.logMin),
                    c = u(e / l, _t);
                return !o && !a || o && a || (c = -c), {
                    min: ot.pow(i, t.logMin + c),
                    max: ot.pow(i, t.logMax + c)
            labelsCount: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = ot.floor(e.logMax),
                    n = ot.floor(t - e.logMin) + 1;
                return n
            getMajorTickPositions: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = [];
                return e.traverseMajorTicksPositions(function(e) {
                }, {
                    step: 1,
                    skip: 0
                }), t
            createTicks: function(e) {
                function t(t, n) {
                    d.tickX = s ? a.x2 : a.x2 - n.size, d.tickY = s ? a.y1 - n.size : a.y1, d.position = t, e.append(i(d, n))
                var n = this,
                    r = [],
                    o = n.options,
                    a = n.lineBox(),
                    s = o.labels.mirror,
                    l = o.majorTicks,
                    c = o.minorTicks,
                    d = {
                        vertical: o.vertical
                return l.visible && n.traverseMajorTicksPositions(t, l), c.visible && n.traverseMinorTicksPositions(t, c), r
            createGridLines: function(e) {
                function t(e, t) {
                    l(e, u) || (d.position = e, h.append(r(d, t)), u.push(e))
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    o = i.majorGridLines,
                    a = i.minorGridLines,
                    s = i.vertical,
                    c = e.lineBox(),
                    d = {
                        lineStart: c[s ? "x1" : "y1"],
                        lineEnd: c[s ? "x2" : "y2"],
                        vertical: s
                    u = [],
                    h = this.gridLinesVisual();
                return o.visible && n.traverseMajorTicksPositions(t, o), a.visible && n.traverseMinorTicksPositions(t, a), h.children
            traverseMajorTicksPositions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r._lineOptions(),
                    a = o.lineStart,
                    s = o.step,
                    l = r.logMin,
                    c = r.logMax;
                for (n = ot.ceil(l) + t.skip; c >= n; n += t.step) i = u(a + s * (n - l), _t), e(i, t)
            traverseMinorTicksPositions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.options,
                    c = s._lineOptions(),
                    d = c.lineStart,
                    p = c.step,
                    f = l.majorUnit,
                    g = s.logMin,
                    m = s.logMax,
                    v = ot.floor(g),
                    _ = l.max,
                    w = l.min,
                    b = l.minorUnit;
                for (n = v; m > n; n++)
                    for (o = s._minorIntervalOptions(n), a = t.skip; b > a && (i = o.value + a * o.minorStep, !(i > _)); a += t.step) i >= w && (r = u(d + p * (h(i, f) - g), _t), e(r, t))
            createAxisLabel: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = ot.ceil(n.logMin + e),
                    o = Math.pow(i.majorUnit, r),
                    a = n.axisLabelText(o, null, t);
                return new R(o, a, e, null, t)
            shouldRenderNote: function(e) {
                var t = this.range();
                return e >= t.min && t.max >= e
            _throwNegativeValuesError: function() {
                throw Error("Non positive values cannot be used for a logarithmic axis")
            _initOptions: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = at({}, r.options, {
                        min: e,
                        max: t
                    }, n),
                    a = o.min,
                    s = o.max,
                    l = o.majorUnit;
                return 0 >= o.axisCrossingValue && r._throwNegativeValuesError(), q(n.max) ? 0 >= n.max && r._throwNegativeValuesError() : (i = u(h(s, l), _t) % 1, s = 0 >= s ? l : 0 !== i && (.3 > i || i > .9) ? ot.pow(l, h(s, l) + .2) : ot.pow(l, ot.ceil(h(s, l)))), q(n.min) ? 0 >= n.min && r._throwNegativeValuesError() : 0 >= a ? a = 1 >= s ? ot.pow(l, -2) : 1 : n.narrowRange || (a = ot.pow(l, ot.floor(h(a, l)))), r.logMin = u(h(a, l), _t), r.logMax = u(h(s, l), _t), o.max = s, o.min = a, o.minorUnit = n.minorUnit || u(l - 1, _t), o
            _minorIntervalOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.majorUnit,
                    n = ot.pow(t, e),
                    i = ot.pow(t, e + 1),
                    r = i - n,
                    o = r / this.options.minorUnit;
                return {
                    value: n,
                    minorStep: o
            _lineOptions: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.reverse,
                    i = t.vertical,
                    r = i ? Vt : Ot,
                    o = e.lineBox(),
                    a = i === n ? 1 : -1,
                    s = 1 === a ? 1 : 2,
                    l = i ? o.height() : o.width(),
                    c = a * (l / (e.logMax - e.logMin)),
                    d = o[r + s];
                return {
                    step: c,
                    lineStart: d,
                    lineBox: o
        }), Q.Gradients = {
            glass: {
                type: Dt,
                rotation: 0,
                stops: [{
                    offset: 0,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
                }, {
                    offset: .25,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .3
                }, {
                    offset: 1,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
            sharpBevel: {
                type: Ft,
                stops: [{
                    offset: 0,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .55
                }, {
                    offset: .65,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
                }, {
                    offset: .95,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .25
            roundedBevel: {
                type: Ft,
                stops: [{
                    offset: .33,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .06
                }, {
                    offset: .83,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .2
                }, {
                    offset: .95,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
            roundedGlass: {
                type: Ft,
                supportVML: !1,
                stops: [{
                    offset: 0,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
                }, {
                    offset: .5,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .3
                }, {
                    offset: .99,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
            sharpGlass: {
                type: Ft,
                supportVML: !1,
                stops: [{
                    offset: 0,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .2
                }, {
                    offset: .15,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .15
                }, {
                    offset: .17,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .35
                }, {
                    offset: .85,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .05
                }, {
                    offset: .87,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: .15
                }, {
                    offset: .99,
                    color: Nt,
                    opacity: 0
        }, V = {
            extend: function(e, t) {
                if (!e.exportVisual) throw Error("Mixin target has no exportVisual method defined.");
                e.exportSVG = this.exportSVG, e.exportImage = this.exportImage, e.exportPDF = this.exportPDF, t || (e.svg = this.svg, e.imageDataURL = this.imageDataURL)
            exportSVG: function(e) {
                return X.exportSVG(this.exportVisual(), e)
            exportImage: function(e) {
                return X.exportImage(this.exportVisual(), e)
            exportPDF: function(e) {
                return X.exportPDF(this.exportVisual(), e)
            svg: function() {
                if (X.svg.Surface) return X.svg._exportGroup(this.exportVisual());
                throw Error("SVG Export failed. Unable to export instantiate kendo.drawing.svg.Surface")
            imageDataURL: function() {
                var t, n, i;
                if (!W.support.canvas) return null;
                if (X.canvas.Surface) return t = e("<div />").css({
                    display: "none",
                    width: this.element.width(),
                    height: this.element.height()
                }).appendTo(document.body), n = new X.canvas.Surface(t), n.draw(this.exportVisual()), i = n._rootElement.toDataURL(), n.destroy(), t.remove(), i;
                throw Error("Image Export failed. Unable to export instantiate kendo.drawing.canvas.Surface")
        }, U = function(e) {
            this.closed = e
        }, U.prototype = U.fn = {
            WEIGHT: .333,
            process: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = this,
                    h = u.closed,
                    p = e.slice(0),
                    f = p.length,
                    g = [];
                if (f > 2 && (u.removeDuplicates(0, p), f = p.length), 2 > f || 2 == f && p[0].equals(p[1])) return g;
                for (t = p[0], n = p[1], i = p[2], g.push(new X.Segment(t)); t.equals(p[f - 1]);) h = !0, p.pop(), f--;
                if (2 == f) return s = u.tangent(t, n, Ot, Vt), $(g).controlOut(u.firstControlPoint(s, t, n, Ot, Vt)), g.push(new X.Segment(n, u.secondControlPoint(s, t, n, Ot, Vt))), g;
                for (h ? (t = p[f - 1], n = p[0], i = p[1], r = u.controlPoints(t, n, i), o = r[1], a = r[0]) : (s = u.tangent(t, n, Ot, Vt), o = u.firstControlPoint(s, t, n, Ot, Vt)), l = o, c = 0; f - 3 >= c; c++) u.removeDuplicates(c, p), f = p.length, f >= c + 3 && (t = p[c], n = p[c + 1], i = p[c + 2], r = u.controlPoints(t, n, i), $(g).controlOut(l), l = r[1], d = r[0], g.push(new X.Segment(n, d)));
                return h ? (t = p[f - 2], n = p[f - 1], i = p[0], r = u.controlPoints(t, n, i), $(g).controlOut(l), g.push(new X.Segment(n, r[0])), $(g).controlOut(r[1]), g.push(new X.Segment(i, a))) : (s = u.tangent(n, i, Ot, Vt), $(g).controlOut(l), g.push(new X.Segment(i, u.secondControlPoint(s, n, i, Ot, Vt)))), g
            removeDuplicates: function(e, t) {
                for (; t[e].equals(t[e + 1]) || t[e + 1].equals(t[e + 2]);) t.splice(e + 1, 1)
            invertAxis: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = !1;
                return e.x === t.x ? a = !0 : t.x === n.x ? (n.y > t.y && t.y >= e.y || t.y > n.y && e.y >= t.y) && (a = !0) : (i = o.lineFunction(e, t), r = o.calculateFunction(i, n.x), t.y >= e.y && r >= n.y || e.y >= t.y && n.y >= r || (a = !0)), a
            isLine: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.lineFunction(e, t),
                    o = i.calculateFunction(r, n.x);
                return e.x == t.x && t.x == n.x || u(o, 1) === u(n.y, 1)
            lineFunction: function(e, t) {
                var n = (t.y - e.y) / (t.x - e.x),
                    i = e.y - n * e.x;
                return [i, n]
            controlPoints: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = Ot,
                    u = Vt,
                    h = !1,
                    p = !1,
                    f = c.EXTREMUM_ALLOWED_DEVIATION;
                return c.isLine(e, t, n) ? i = c.tangent(e, t, Ot, Vt) : (r = {
                    x: c.isMonotonicByField(e, t, n, Ot),
                    y: c.isMonotonicByField(e, t, n, Vt)
                }, r.x && r.y ? (i = c.tangent(e, n, Ot, Vt), h = !0) : (c.invertAxis(e, t, n) && (d = Vt, u = Ot), r[d] ? i = 0 : (s = e[u] > n[u] && t[u] >= e[u] || n[u] > e[u] && e[u] >= t[u] ? c.sign((n[u] - e[u]) * (t[d] - e[d])) : -c.sign((n[d] - e[d]) * (t[u] - e[u])), i = f * s, p = !0))), a = c.secondControlPoint(i, e, t, d, u), p && (l = d, d = u, u = l), o = c.firstControlPoint(i, t, n, d, u), h && (c.restrictControlPoint(e, t, a, i), c.restrictControlPoint(t, n, o, i)), [a, o]
            sign: function(e) {
                return 0 >= e ? -1 : 1
            restrictControlPoint: function(e, t, n, i) {
                t.y > e.y ? n.y > t.y ? (n.x = e.x + (t.y - e.y) / i, n.y = t.y) : e.y > n.y && (n.x = t.x - (t.y - e.y) / i, n.y = e.y) : t.y > n.y ? (n.x = e.x - (e.y - t.y) / i, n.y = t.y) : n.y > e.y && (n.x = t.x + (e.y - t.y) / i, n.y = e.y)
            tangent: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o = t[n] - e[n],
                    a = t[i] - e[i];
                return r = 0 === o ? 0 : a / o
            isMonotonicByField: function(e, t, n, i) {
                return n[i] > t[i] && t[i] > e[i] || t[i] > n[i] && e[i] > t[i]
            firstControlPoint: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = this,
                    a = t[i],
                    s = n[i],
                    l = (s - a) * o.WEIGHT;
                return o.point(a + l, t[r] + l * e, i, r)
            secondControlPoint: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = this,
                    a = t[i],
                    s = n[i],
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                        color: "#444444"
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                        color: "#444444"
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                                    color: "#444444"
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                            stroke: {
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                            color: "#787878"
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                        opacity: .9
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                        line: {
                            color: "#4d4d4d"
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                        line: {
                            color: "#4d4d4d"
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                        gradient: "none"
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                        _brightness: 1
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                    background: "#1c1c1c"
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                        color: "#4d4d4d"
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                        color: "#fff"
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                        color: "#4d4d4d"
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                    color: "#3f51b5"
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                        color: "#fff"
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                        color: "#fff"
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                        color: "#fff"
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                    fill: {
                        color: "#3f51b5"
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                        fill: {
                            color: "#7f7f7f"
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                            color: h
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                            fill: {
                                color: h
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                                color: "#7f7f7f"
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                                fill: {
                                    color: "#fff"
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                                    color: "#fff"
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                        thumb: {
                            stroke: {
                                color: "#fff"
                            fill: {
                                color: "#fff"
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                        color: "#fff"
                connectionDefaults: {
                    stroke: {
                        color: "#7f7f7f"
                    content: {
                        color: "#fff"
                    selection: {
                        handles: {
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                                color: h
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                                color: "#fff"
                        stroke: {
                            color: "#fff"
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                colors: [
                    ["#3f51b5", "#cff3f0"],
                    ["#03a9f4", "#e5f6fe"],
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                    ["#f9ce1d", "#fefae8"],
                    ["#ff9800", "#fff4e5"],
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        function() {
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                    icon: {
                        background: "#007cc0",
                        border: {
                            color: "#007cc0"
                    label: {
                        color: "#ffffff"
                    line: {
                        color: o
            var n = "#333333",
                i = "#7f7f7f",
                r = "#bdbdbd",
                o = "#c8c8c8",
                a = "#dddddd",
                s = ["#008fd3", "#99d101", "#f39b02", "#f05662", "#c03c53", "#acacac"],
                l = ["#cbe8f5", "#eaf5cb", "#fceacc", "#fbdcdf", "#f2d7dc", "#eeeeee"],
                c = s[0],
                d = h;
            v("fiori", {
                chart: {
                    title: {
                        color: n
                    legend: {
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        inactiveItems: {
                            labels: {
                                color: i
                            markers: {
                                color: i
                    seriesDefaults: {
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        errorBars: {
                            color: n
                        notes: e(),
                        candlestick: {
                            downColor: o,
                            line: {
                                color: r
                        area: {
                            opacity: .8
                        waterfall: {
                            line: {
                                color: o
                        horizontalWaterfall: {
                            line: {
                                color: o
                        overlay: {
                            gradient: "none"
                        border: {
                            _brightness: 1
                    seriesColors: s,
                    axisDefaults: {
                        line: {
                            color: o
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        minorGridLines: {
                            color: a
                        majorGridLines: {
                            color: o
                        title: {
                            color: n
                        crosshair: {
                            color: i
                        notes: e()
                gauge: {
                    pointer: {
                        color: c
                    scale: {
                        rangePlaceholderColor: o,
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        minorTicks: {
                            color: n
                        majorTicks: {
                            color: n
                        line: {
                            color: n
                diagram: {
                    shapeDefaults: {
                        fill: {
                            color: c
                        connectorDefaults: {
                            fill: {
                                color: n
                            stroke: {
                                color: d
                            hover: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: n
                        content: {
                            color: n
                    editable: {
                        resize: {
                            handles: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                                hover: {
                                    fill: {
                                        color: r
                                    stroke: {
                                        color: r
                        rotate: {
                            thumb: {
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                                fill: {
                                    color: r
                    selectable: {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r
                    connectionDefaults: {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r
                        content: {
                            color: r
                        selection: {
                            handles: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                            stroke: {
                                color: r
                treeMap: {
                    colors: t(s, l)
        function() {
            function e() {
                return {
                    icon: {
                        background: "#00b0ff",
                        border: {
                            color: "#00b0ff"
                    label: {
                        color: "#ffffff"
                    line: {
                        color: o
            var n = "#4e4e4e",
                i = "#7f7f7f",
                r = "#bdbdbd",
                o = "#c8c8c8",
                a = "#e5e5e5",
                s = ["#0072c6", "#5db2ff", "#008a17", "#82ba00", "#ff8f32", "#ac193d"],
                l = ["#cbe2f3", "#deeffe", "#cbe7d0", "#e5f0cb", "#fee8d5", "#eed0d7"],
                c = s[0],
                d = h;
            v("office365", {
                chart: {
                    title: {
                        color: n
                    legend: {
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        inactiveItems: {
                            labels: {
                                color: i
                            markers: {
                                color: i
                    seriesDefaults: {
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        errorBars: {
                            color: n
                        notes: e(),
                        candlestick: {
                            downColor: o,
                            line: {
                                color: r
                        area: {
                            opacity: .8
                        waterfall: {
                            line: {
                                color: o
                        horizontalWaterfall: {
                            line: {
                                color: o
                        overlay: {
                            gradient: "none"
                        border: {
                            _brightness: 1
                    seriesColors: s,
                    axisDefaults: {
                        line: {
                            color: o
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        minorGridLines: {
                            color: a
                        majorGridLines: {
                            color: o
                        title: {
                            color: n
                        crosshair: {
                            color: i
                        notes: e()
                gauge: {
                    pointer: {
                        color: c
                    scale: {
                        rangePlaceholderColor: o,
                        labels: {
                            color: n
                        minorTicks: {
                            color: n
                        majorTicks: {
                            color: n
                        line: {
                            color: n
                diagram: {
                    shapeDefaults: {
                        fill: {
                            color: c
                        connectorDefaults: {
                            fill: {
                                color: n
                            stroke: {
                                color: d
                            hover: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: n
                        content: {
                            color: n
                    editable: {
                        resize: {
                            handles: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                                hover: {
                                    fill: {
                                        color: r
                                    stroke: {
                                        color: r
                        rotate: {
                            thumb: {
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                                fill: {
                                    color: r
                    selectable: {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r
                    connectionDefaults: {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r
                        content: {
                            color: r
                        selection: {
                            handles: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: d
                                stroke: {
                                    color: r
                            stroke: {
                                color: r
                treeMap: {
                    colors: t(s, l)
    function(e, t) {
        function n() {
            this._defaults = {}

        function i(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a = (i.x - n.x) * (e.y - n.y) - (i.y - n.y) * (e.x - n.x),
                s = (i.y - n.y) * (t.x - e.x) - (i.x - n.x) * (t.y - e.y);
            return 0 !== s && (o = a / s, r = new $n(e.x + o * (t.x - e.x), e.y + o * (t.y - e.y))), r

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, a = e.series,
                s = a.length,
                l = e.seriesDefaults,
                c = Pn({}, e.seriesDefaults),
                d = t ? Pn({}, t.seriesDefaults) : {},
                u = Pn({}, d);
            for (o(c), o(u), n = 0; s > n; n++) i = a[n].type || e.seriesDefaults.type, r = Pn({
                data: []
            }, u, d[i], {
                tooltip: e.tooltip
            }, c, l[i]), a[n]._defaults = r, a[n] = Pn({}, r, a[n])

        function o(e) {
            delete e.bar, delete e.column, delete e.rangeColumn, delete e.line, delete e.verticalLine, delete e.pie, delete e.donut, delete e.area, delete e.verticalArea, delete e.scatter, delete e.scatterLine, delete e.bubble, delete e.candlestick, delete e.ohlc, delete e.boxPlot, delete e.bullet, delete e.verticalBullet, delete e.polarArea, delete e.polarLine, delete e.radarArea, delete e.radarLine, delete e.waterfall

        function a(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o = e.series,
                a = e.seriesColors || [];
            for (t = 0; o.length > t; t++) n = o[t], i = a[t % a.length], n.color = n.color || i, r = n._defaults, r && (r.color = r.color || i)

        function s(e) {
            var t;
            _n([Bi, Uo, Qo, Ko], function() {
                t = this + "Axes", e[t] && (e[this + "Axis"] = e[t], delete e[t])

        function l(t, n) {
            var i = (n || {}).axisDefaults || {};
            _n([Bi, Uo, Qo, Ko], function() {
                var n = this + "Axis",
                    r = [].concat(t[n]),
                    o = t.axisDefaults || {};
                r = e.map(r, function(e) {
                    var t = (e || {}).color,
                        r = Pn({}, i, i[n], o, o[n], {
                            line: {
                                color: t
                            labels: {
                                color: t
                            title: {
                                color: t
                        }, e);
                    return delete r[n], r
                }), t[n] = r.length > 1 ? r : r[0]

        function c(e) {
            var t, n = e.length,
                i = 0;
            for (t = 0; n > t; t++) i = kn.max(i, e[t].data.length);
            return i

        function d(e) {
            return e * e

        function u(e, t) {
            if (null === t) return t;
            var n = Mn(e, !0);
            return n(t)

        function h(e, t) {
            if (null === t) return t;
            var n = "_date_" + e,
                i = t[n];
            return i || (i = p(Mn(e, !0)(t)), t[n] = i), i

        function p(e) {
            var t, n;
            if (e instanceof Date) t = e;
            else if (typeof e === So) t = Tn.parseDate(e) || new Date(e);
            else if (e)
                if (wn(e))
                    for (t = [], n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t.push(p(e[n]));
                else t = new Date(e);
            return t

        function f(e) {
            return wn(e) ? yn(e, f) : e ? p(e).getTime() : t

        function g(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o = e;
            return e && (e = p(e), r = e.getHours(), n === Xo ? (o = new Date(e.getFullYear() + t, 0, 1), Tn.date.adjustDST(o, 0)) : n === Or ? (o = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + t, 1), Tn.date.adjustDST(o, r)) : n === $o ? (o = g(m(e, i), 7 * t, Xi), Tn.date.adjustDST(o, r)) : n === Xi ? (o = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate() + t), Tn.date.adjustDST(o, r)) : n === yr ? (o = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), e.getHours() + t), t > 0 && S(e, o) && (o = g(e, t + 1, n, i))) : n === Nr ? (o = new Date(e.getTime() + t * Ao), o.getSeconds() > 0 && o.setSeconds(0)) : n === fo && (o = new Date(e.getTime() + t * Do)), o.getMilliseconds() > 0 && o.setMilliseconds(0)), o

        function m(e, t) {
            var n = e.getDay(),
                i = 0;
            if (!isNaN(n))
                for (t = t || 0; n !== t;) 0 === n ? n = 6 : n--, i++;
            return b(e, -i * Io)

        function v(e, t, n) {
            return e = p(e), g(e, 0, t, n)

        function _(e, t, n) {
            return e = p(e), e && v(e, t, n).getTime() === e.getTime() ? e : g(e, 1, t, n)

        function w(e, t) {
            var n = e.getTime() - t,
                i = e.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset();
            return n - i * Ao

        function b(e, t) {
            var n = e.getTimezoneOffset(),
                i = new Date(e.getTime() + t),
                r = i.getTimezoneOffset() - n;
            return new Date(i.getTime() + r * Ao)

        function y(e, t, n) {
            var i;
            return i = n === Xo ? t.getFullYear() - e.getFullYear() : n === Or ? 12 * y(e, t, Xo) + t.getMonth() - e.getMonth() : kn.floor(n === Xi ? w(t, e) / Io : (t - e) / Fo[n])

        function k(e) {
            return 1 === e.length ? e[0] : e

        function x(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = e.length;
            if (r > 0)
                for (n = 0; r > n; n++) i = e[n].contentBox(), t ? t.wrap(i) : t = i.clone();
            return t || Ln()

        function C(e, t) {
            return e && t ? e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() : e === t

        function S(e, t) {
            return e && t ? f(e) === f(t) : e === t

        function T(e, t) {
            null !== t && e.push(t)

        function D(e, t) {
            for (var n, i, r = 0, o = t.length - 1; o >= r;)
                if (n = kn.floor((r + o) / 2), i = t[n], e > i) r = n + 1;
                else {
                    if (!(i > e)) {
                        for (; S(t[n - 1], e);) n--;
                        return n
                    o = n - 1
            return e >= t[n] ? n : n - 1

        function A(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e && !isNaN(e)

        function E(e) {
            var t, n, i = e.length,
                r = 0;
            for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n = e[t], A(n) && r++;
            return r

        function I(e) {
            return E(e) === e.length

        function P(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = {};
            for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], i = n.options.name, i && (r[i] = n.range());
            return r

        function M(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a, s, l, c = !1;
            if (n = n || {}, a = n.excluded = n.excluded || [], s = n.defaults = n.defaults || {}, l = n.depth = n.depth || 0, !(l > Rr)) {
                for (r in e)!ri(r, n.excluded) && e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (o = e[r], zn(o) ? (c = !0, i || (e[r] = vi(o(t), s[r]))) : typeof o === Zr && (n.defaults = s[r], n.depth++, c = M(o, t, n, i) || c, n.depth--));
                return c

        function z(e, n) {
            var i, r, o, a = [],
                s = e.groupNameTemplate,
                l = n.length;
            if (0 === l) return o = Pn({}, e), o.visibleInLegend = !1, [o];
            for (di(s) ? (Tn.logToConsole("'groupNameTemplate' is obsolete and will be removed in future versions. Specify the group name template as 'series.name'"), s && (i = Fn(s))) : (i = Fn(e.name || ""), 0 === i._slotCount && (i = Fn(di(e.name) ? "#= group.value #: #= series.name #" : "#= group.value #"))), r = 0; l > r; r++) o = Pn({}, e), zn(o.color) || (o.color = t), o._groupIx = r, a.push(o), i && (o.name = i({
                series: o,
                group: n[r]
            return a

        function F(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = [];
            for (t = [].concat(t), n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n], ri(i.type, t) && r.push(i);
            return r

        function R(t, n) {
            if (t instanceof Date) {
                for (var i = 0, r = n.length; r > i; i++)
                    if (S(n[i], t)) return i;
                return -1
            return e.inArray(t, n)

        function H(e, t) {
            t = t || ni;
            for (var n = 1, i = e.length; i > n; n++)
                if (t(e[n], e[n - 1]) < 0) {
            return e

        function B(e, t) {
            var n, i = H(e, t),
                r = i.length,
                o = r > 0 ? [i[0]] : [];
            for (t = t || ni, n = 1; r > n; n++) 0 !== t(i[n], ui(o)) && o.push(i[n]);
            return o

        function L(e, t) {
            var n = e.type,
                i = t instanceof Date;
            return !n && i || C(n, Ki)

        function N(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o = [],
                a = e.length;
            for (t = 0; a > t; t++)
                for (n = e[t], r = n.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) o[i] = o[i] || [], o[i].push(n[i]);
            return o

        function O(e, t) {
            if (e.indexOf(".") > -1)
                for (var n, i = e.split("."), r = ""; i.length > 1;) r += i.shift(), n = Tn.getter(r)(t) || {}, Tn.setter(r)(t, n), r += "."

        function V(e) {
            var t, n, i, r = e.data,
                o = 0;
            for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = Q.current.bindPoint(e, t), i = n.valueFields.value, typeof i === So && (i = parseFloat(i)), A(i) && n.fields.visible !== !1 && (o += kn.abs(i));
            return o

        function U(e) {
            var t = e.overlay;
            return t && t.gradient && "none" != t.gradient

        function W() {
            return this

        function j(e) {
            for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                if (di(e[t].zIndex)) return !0

        function G() {
            this._defaultPrevented = !0

        function q(e, t) {
            if (e)
                for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                    if (e[n].category === t) return [e[n]]

        function $(e) {
            return di(e) && null !== e
        var Y, Q, K, X, Z, J, et, tt, nt, it, rt, ot, at, st, lt, ct, dt, ut, ht, pt, ft, gt, mt, vt, _t, wt, bt, yt, kt, xt, Ct, St, Tt, Dt, At, Et, It, Pt, Mt, zt, Ft, Rt, Ht, Bt, Lt, Nt, Ot, Vt, Ut, Wt, jt, Gt, qt, $t, Yt, Qt, Kt, Xt, Zt, Jt, en, tn, nn, rn, on, an, sn, ln, cn, dn, un, hn, pn, fn, gn, mn, vn, _n = e.each,
            wn = e.isArray,
            bn = e.isPlainObject,
            yn = e.map,
            kn = Math,
            xn = e.noop,
            Cn = e.extend,
            Sn = e.proxy,
            Tn = window.kendo,
            Dn = Tn.Class,
            An = Tn.Observable,
            En = Tn.data.DataSource,
            In = Tn.ui.Widget,
            Pn = Tn.deepExtend,
            Mn = Tn.getter,
            zn = Tn.isFunction,
            Fn = Tn.template,
            Rn = Tn.dataviz,
            Hn = Rn.Axis,
            Bn = Rn.AxisLabel,
            Ln = Rn.Box2D,
            Nn = Rn.BoxElement,
            On = Rn.ChartElement,
            Vn = Tn.drawing.Color,
            Un = Rn.CurveProcessor,
            Wn = Rn.FloatElement,
            jn = Rn.Note,
            Gn = Rn.LogarithmicAxis,
            qn = Rn.NumericAxis,
            $n = Rn.Point2D,
            Yn = Rn.RootElement,
            Qn = Rn.Ring,
            Kn = Rn.ShapeElement,
            Xn = Rn.ShapeBuilder,
            Zn = Rn.TextBox,
            Jn = Rn.Title,
            ei = Rn.alignPathToPixel,
            ti = Rn.autoFormat,
            ni = Rn.dateComparer,
            ii = Rn.getSpacing,
            ri = Rn.inArray,
            oi = Rn.interpolateValue,
            ai = Rn.mwDelta,
            si = Rn.round,
            li = Tn.util,
            ci = li.append,
            di = li.defined,
            ui = li.last,
            hi = li.limitValue,
            pi = li.sparseArrayLimits,
            fi = li.sparseArrayMin,
            gi = li.sparseArrayMax,
            mi = li.renderTemplate,
            vi = li.valueOrDefault,
            _i = Rn.geometry,
            wi = Rn.drawing,
            bi = ".kendoChart",
            yi = "above",
            ki = "area",
            xi = "auto",
            Ci = "fit",
            Si = Rn.AXIS_LABEL_CLICK,
            Ti = "bar",
            Di = 6,
            Ai = .8,
            Ei = "below",
            Ii = "#000",
            Pi = "both",
            Mi = "bottom",
            zi = "boxPlot",
            Fi = "bubble",
            Ri = "bullet",
            Hi = "candlestick",
            Bi = "category",
            Li = "center",
            Ni = "change",
            Oi = "circle",
            Vi = "contextmenu" + bi,
            Ui = Rn.CLIP,
            Wi = "color",
            ji = "column",
            Gi = Rn.COORD_PRECISION,
            qi = "cross",
            $i = "k-",
            Yi = "custom",
            Qi = "dataBound",
            Ki = "date",
            Xi = "days",
            Zi = Rn.DEFAULT_FONT,
            Ji = Rn.DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
            er = Rn.DEFAULT_PRECISION,
            tr = Rn.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
            nr = 4,
            ir = "donut",
            rr = 50,
            or = "drag",
            ar = "dragEnd",
            sr = "dragStart",
            lr = "errorLow",
            cr = "errorHigh",
            dr = "xErrorLow",
            ur = "xErrorHigh",
            hr = "yErrorLow",
            pr = "yErrorHigh",
            fr = "fadeIn",
            gr = "first",
            mr = "from",
            vr = "funnel",
            _r = "glass",
            wr = "horizontal",
            br = "horizontalWaterfall",
            yr = "hours",
            xr = "insideBase",
            Cr = "insideEnd",
            Sr = "interpolate",
            Tr = "leave",
            Dr = "left",
            Ar = "legendItemClick",
            Er = "legendItemHover",
            Ir = "line",
            Pr = 8,
            Mr = "linear",
            zr = "log",
            Fr = "max",
            Rr = 5,
            Hr = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            Br = "min",
            Lr = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            Nr = "minutes",
            Or = "months",
            Vr = "mouseleave" + bi,
            Ur = "mousemove.tracking",
            Wr = "mouseover" + bi,
            jr = "mouseout" + bi,
            Gr = "mousemove" + bi,
            qr = 20,
            $r = 150,
            Yr = "DOMMouseScroll" + bi + " mousewheel" + bi,
            Qr = Rn.NOTE_CLICK,
            Kr = Rn.NOTE_HOVER,
            Xr = "noteText",
            Zr = "object",
            Jr = "ohlc",
            eo = "outsideEnd",
            to = "pie",
            no = 70,
            io = "plotAreaClick",
            ro = "pointer",
            oo = "rangeBar",
            ao = "rangeColumn",
            so = "render",
            lo = "right",
            co = "roundedBevel",
            uo = "roundedGlass",
            ho = "scatter",
            po = "scatterLine",
            fo = "seconds",
            go = "selectStart",
            mo = "select",
            vo = "selectEnd",
            _o = "seriesClick",
            wo = "seriesHover",
            bo = .001,
            yo = "step",
            ko = "smooth",
            xo = "stderr",
            Co = "stddev",
            So = "string",
            To = "summary",
            Do = 1e3,
            Ao = 60 * Do,
            Eo = 60 * Ao,
            Io = 24 * Eo,
            Po = 7 * Io,
            Mo = 31 * Io,
            zo = 365 * Io,
            Fo = {
                years: zo,
                months: Mo,
                weeks: Po,
                days: Io,
                hours: Eo,
                minutes: Ao,
                seconds: Do
            Ro = "to",
            Ho = "top",
            Bo = 150,
            Lo = 5,
            No = 100,
            Oo = 100,
            Vo = "chart-tooltip-inverse",
            Uo = "value",
            Wo = "verticalArea",
            jo = "verticalBullet",
            Go = "verticalLine",
            qo = "waterfall",
            $o = "weeks",
            Yo = "#fff",
            Qo = "x",
            Ko = "y",
            Xo = "years",
            Zo = "zero",
            Jo = 3,
            ea = "zoomStart",
            ta = "zoom",
            na = "zoomEnd",
            ia = [fo, Nr, yr, Xi, $o, Or, Xo],
            ra = [Ti, ji, Jr, Hi, zi, Ri, ao, oo, qo, br],
            oa = {
                seconds: "HH:mm:ss",
                minutes: "HH:mm",
                hours: "HH:mm",
                days: "M/d",
                weeks: "M/d",
                months: "MMM 'yy",
                years: "yyyy"
            aa = In.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this;
                    Tn.destroy(e), In.fn.init.call(o, e), o.element.addClass($i + this.options.name.toLowerCase()).css("position", "relative"), n && (r = n.dataSource, n.dataSource = t), i = Pn({}, o.options, n), o._originalOptions = Pn({}, i), o._initTheme(i), o._initSurface(), o.bind(o.events, o.options), o.wrapper = o.element, n && (n.dataSource = r), o._initDataSource(n), Tn.notify(o, Rn.ui)
                _initTheme: function(n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = Rn.ui.themes || {},
                        l = n.theme,
                        c = o[l] || o[l.toLowerCase()],
                        d = l && c ? c.chart : {},
                        u = [],
                        h = n.series || [];
                    for (i = 0; h.length > i; i++) u.push(e.extend({}, h[i]));
                    n.series = u, s(n), r._applyDefaults(n, d), null === n.seriesColors && (n.seriesColors = t), r.options = Pn({}, d, n), a(r.options)
                _initDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = (e || {}).dataSource;
                    t._dataChangeHandler = Sn(t._onDataChanged, t), t.dataSource = En.create(n).bind(Ni, t._dataChangeHandler), t._bindCategories(), n && (t._hasDataSource = !0), t._redraw(), t._attachEvents(), n && t.options.autoBind && t.dataSource.fetch()
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource.unbind(Ni, t._dataChangeHandler), t.dataSource = e = En.create(e), t._hasDataSource = !0, t._hasData = !1, e.bind(Ni, t._dataChangeHandler), t.options.autoBind && e.fetch()
                events: [Qi, _o, wo, Si, Ar, Er, io, sr, or, ar, ea, ta, na, go, mo, vo, Qr, Kr, so],
                items: function() {
                    return e()
                options: {
                    name: "Chart",
                    renderAs: "",
                    theme: "default",
                    chartArea: {},
                    legend: {
                        visible: !0,
                        labels: {}
                    categoryAxis: {},
                    autoBind: !0,
                    seriesDefaults: {
                        type: ji,
                        data: [],
                        highlight: {
                            visible: !0
                        labels: {},
                        negativeValues: {
                            visible: !1
                    series: [],
                    seriesColors: null,
                    tooltip: {
                        visible: !1
                    transitions: !0,
                    valueAxis: {},
                    plotArea: {},
                    title: {},
                    xAxis: {},
                    yAxis: {},
                    panes: [{}]
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._applyDefaults(e.options), a(e.options), e._bindSeries(), e._bindCategories(), e.trigger(Qi), e._redraw()
                getSize: function() {
                    return Tn.dimensions(this.element)
                _resize: function() {
                    var e = this.options.transitions;
                    this.options.transitions = !1, this._redraw(), this.options.transitions = e
                redraw: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this;
                    i._applyDefaults(i.options), a(i.options), e ? (n = i._model._plotArea, t = n.findPane(e), n.redraw(t)) : i._redraw()
                getAxis: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this._plotArea.axes;
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++)
                        if (n[t].options.name === e) return new vn(n[t])
                toggleHighlight: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = this._plotArea,
                        s = this._highlight,
                        l = (a.srcSeries || a.series || [])[0];
                    if (bn(t) ? (n = t.series, i = t.category) : n = i = t, r = l.type === ir ? q(a.pointsBySeriesName(n), i) : l.type === to || l.type === vr ? q((a.charts[0] || {}).points, i) : a.pointsBySeriesName(n))
                        for (o = 0; r.length > o; o++) s.togglePointHighlight(r[o], e)
                _initSurface: function() {
                    var e = this.surface,
                        t = this._surfaceWrap(),
                        n = this.options.chartArea;
                    n.width && t.css("width", n.width), n.height && t.css("height", n.height), e && e.options.type === this.options.renderAs ? (this.surface.clear(), this.surface.resize()) : (e && e.destroy(), this.surface = wi.Surface.create(t, {
                        type: this.options.renderAs
                _surfaceWrap: function() {
                    return this.element
                _redraw: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t._getModel();
                    t._destroyView(), t._model = n, t._plotArea = n._plotArea, n.renderVisual(), this.options.transitions !== !1 && n.traverse(function(e) {
                        e.animation && e.animation.setup()
                    }), t._initSurface(), t.surface.draw(n.visual), this.options.transitions !== !1 && n.traverse(function(e) {
                        e.animation && e.animation.play()
                    }), t._tooltip = t._createTooltip(), t._highlight = new ln(e), t._setupSelection(), t._hasDataSource && !t._hasData && t.options.autoBind || t.trigger(so)
                exportVisual: function() {
                    return this.surface.exportVisual()
                _sharedTooltip: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options;
                    return e._plotArea instanceof en && t.tooltip.shared
                _createTooltip: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.element;
                    return e = t._sharedTooltip() ? new un(i, t._plotArea, n.tooltip) : new dn(i, n.tooltip), e.bind(Tr, Sn(t._tooltipleave, t)), e
                _tooltipleave: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._plotArea,
                        n = e._highlight;
                    t.hideCrosshairs(), n.hide()
                _applyDefaults: function(e, t) {
                    l(e, t), r(e, t)
                _getModel: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = new Yn(t._modelOptions());
                    return i.chart = t, Jn.buildTitle(n.title, i), e = i._plotArea = t._createPlotArea(), n.legend.visible && i.append(new J(e.options.legend)), i.append(e), i.reflow(), i
                _modelOptions: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e.element,
                        i = kn.floor(n.height()),
                        r = kn.floor(n.width());
                    return e._size = null, Pn({
                        width: r || tr,
                        height: i || Ji,
                        transitions: t.transitions
                    }, t.chartArea)
                _createPlotArea: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options;
                    return Y.current.create(e ? [] : n.series, n)
                _setupSelection: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a._plotArea,
                        l = s.axes,
                        c = a._selections = [];
                    for (a._selectStartHandler || (a._selectStartHandler = Sn(a._selectStart, a), a._selectHandler = Sn(a._select, a), a._selectEndHandler = Sn(a._selectEnd, a)), t = 0; l.length > t; t++) n = l[t], o = n.options, n instanceof et && o.select && !o.vertical && (i = 0, r = o.categories.length - 1, n instanceof tt && (i = o.categories[i], r = o.categories[r]), o.justified || (n instanceof tt ? r = g(r, 1, o.baseUnit, o.weekStartDay) : r++), e = new gn(a, n, Pn({
                        min: i,
                        max: r
                    }, o.select)), e.bind(go, a._selectStartHandler), e.bind(mo, a._selectHandler), e.bind(vo, a._selectEndHandler), c.push(e))
                _selectStart: function(e) {
                    return this.trigger(go, e)
                _select: function(e) {
                    return this.trigger(mo, e)
                _selectEnd: function(e) {
                    return this.trigger(vo, e)
                _attachEvents: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element;
                    t.on(Vi, Sn(e._click, e)), t.on(Wr, Sn(e._mouseover, e)), t.on(jr, Sn(e._mouseout, e)), t.on(Yr, Sn(e._mousewheel, e)), t.on(Vr, Sn(e._mouseleave, e)), e._mousemove = Tn.throttle(Sn(e._mousemove, e), qr), e._shouldAttachMouseMove() && t.on(Gr, e._mousemove), Tn.UserEvents && (e._userEvents = new Tn.UserEvents(t, {
                        global: !0,
                        filter: ":not(.k-selector)",
                        multiTouch: !1,
                        tap: Sn(e._tap, e),
                        start: Sn(e._start, e),
                        move: Sn(e._move, e),
                        end: Sn(e._end, e)
                _mouseout: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._getChartElement(e);
                    n && n.leave && n.leave(t, e)
                _start: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._events;
                    di(n[sr] || n[or] || n[ar]) && t._startNavigation(e, sr)
                _move: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s._navState,
                        c = {};
                    if (l) {
                        for (e.preventDefault(), t = l.axes, n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i = t[n], r = i.options.name, r && (o = i.options.vertical ? e.y : e.x, a = o.startLocation - o.location, 0 !== a && (c[i.options.name] = i.translateRange(a)));
                        l.axisRanges = c, s.trigger(or, {
                            axisRanges: c,
                            originalEvent: e
                _end: function(e) {
                    this._endNavigation(e, ar)
                _mousewheel: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = e.originalEvent,
                        c = ai(e),
                        d = s._navState,
                        u = {};
                    if (d || (t = s._startNavigation(l, ea), t || (d = s._navState)), d) {
                        for (n = d.totalDelta || c, d.totalDelta = n + c, i = s._navState.axes, r = 0; i.length > r; r++) o = i[r], a = o.options.name, a && (u[a] = o.scaleRange(-n));
                        s.trigger(ta, {
                            delta: c,
                            axisRanges: u,
                            originalEvent: e
                        }), s._mwTimeout && clearTimeout(s._mwTimeout), s._mwTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                            s._endNavigation(e, na)
                        }, $r)
                _startNavigation: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o._eventCoordinates(e),
                        s = o._model._plotArea,
                        l = s.findPointPane(a),
                        c = s.axes.slice(0),
                        d = !1;
                    if (l) {
                        for (n = 0; c.length > n; n++)
                            if (i = c[n], i.box.containsPoint(a)) {
                                d = !0;
                            }!d && s.backgroundBox().containsPoint(a) && (r = o.trigger(t, {
                            axisRanges: P(c),
                            originalEvent: e
                        }), r ? o._userEvents.cancel() : (o._suppressHover = !0, o._unsetActivePoint(), o._navState = {
                            pane: l,
                            axes: c
                _endNavigation: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n._navState && (n.trigger(t, {
                        axisRanges: n._navState.axisRanges,
                        originalEvent: e
                    }), n._suppressHover = !1, n._navState = null)
                _getChartElement: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r = this.surface.eventTarget(e);
                    if (r) {
                        for (; r && !i;) i = r.chartElement, r = r.parent;
                        return i ? (i.aliasFor && (i = i.aliasFor(e, this._eventCoordinates(e))), n && (i = i.closest(n)), i) : t
                _eventCoordinates: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = di((e.x || {}).client),
                        i = n ? e.x.client : e.clientX,
                        r = n ? e.y.client : e.clientY;
                    return t._toModelCoordinates(i, r)
                _toModelCoordinates: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this.element,
                        r = i.offset(),
                        o = parseInt(i.css("paddingLeft"), 10),
                        a = parseInt(i.css("paddingTop"), 10),
                        s = e(window);
                    return new $n(t - r.left - o + s.scrollLeft(), n - r.top - a + s.scrollTop())
                _tap: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._getChartElement(e);
                    t._activePoint === n ? t._click(e) : (t._startHover(e) || t._unsetActivePoint(), t._click(e))
                _click: function(e) {
                    for (var t = this, n = t._getChartElement(e); n;) n.click && n.click(t, e), n = n.parent
                _startHover: function(e) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i._getChartElement(e),
                        o = i._tooltip,
                        a = i._highlight,
                        s = i.options.tooltip;
                    if (!i._suppressHover && a && !a.isHighlighted(r) && !i._sharedTooltip()) return n = i._getChartElement(e, function(e) {
                        return e.hover
                    }), n && !n.hover(i, e) ? (i._activePoint = n, s = Pn({}, s, n.options.tooltip), s.visible && o.show(n), a.show(n), n.tooltipTracking) : t
                _mouseover: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n._startHover(t) && e(document).on(Ur, Sn(n._mouseMoveTracking, n))
                _mouseMoveTracking: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = r._tooltip,
                        s = r._highlight,
                        l = r._eventCoordinates(t),
                        c = r._activePoint;
                    r._plotArea.box.containsPoint(l) ? c && c.tooltipTracking && c.series && c.parent.getNearestPoint && (i = c.parent.getNearestPoint(l.x, l.y, c.seriesIx), i && i != c && (i.hover(r, t), r._activePoint = i, n = Pn({}, o.tooltip, c.options.tooltip), n.visible && a.show(i), s.show(i))) : (e(document).off(Ur), r._unsetActivePoint())
                _mousemove: function(e) {
                    var t = this._eventCoordinates(e);
                    this._trackCrosshairs(t), this._sharedTooltip() && this._trackSharedTooltip(t, e)
                _trackCrosshairs: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this._plotArea.crosshairs;
                    for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++) n = i[t], n.box.containsPoint(e) ? n.showAt(e) : n.hide()
                _trackSharedTooltip: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.options,
                        c = s._plotArea,
                        d = c.categoryAxis,
                        u = s._tooltip,
                        h = l.tooltip,
                        p = s._highlight;
                    c.box.containsPoint(t) && (i = d.pointCategoryIndex(t), i !== s._tooltipCategoryIx && (r = c.pointsByCategoryIndex(i), o = e.map(r, function(e) {
                        return e.eventArgs(n)
                    }), a = o[0] || {}, a.categoryPoints = o, r.length > 0 && !this.trigger(wo, a) ? (h.visible && u.showAt(r, t), p.show(r)) : u.hide(), s._tooltipCategoryIx = i))
                _mouseleave: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n._plotArea,
                        r = n._tooltip,
                        o = n._highlight,
                        a = t.relatedTarget;
                    a && e(a).closest(r.element).length || (n._mousemove.cancel(), i.hideCrosshairs(), o.hide(), setTimeout(Sn(r.hide, r), Oo), n._tooltipCategoryIx = null)
                _unsetActivePoint: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._tooltip,
                        n = e._highlight;
                    e._activePoint = null, t && t.hide(), n && n.hide()
                _onDataChanged: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n._sourceSeries || i.series,
                        o = r.length,
                        s = n.dataSource.view(),
                        l = (n.dataSource.group() || []).length > 0,
                        c = [];
                    for (e = 0; o > e; e++) t = r[e], n._isBindable(t) && l ? ci(c, z(t, s)) : c.push(t || []);
                    n._sourceSeries = r, i.series = c, a(n.options), n._bindSeries(), n._bindCategories(), n._hasData = !0, n._deferRedraw()
                _deferRedraw: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    Tn.support.vml ? (e._clearRedrawTimeout(), e._redrawTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        e.surface && (e.trigger(Qi), e._redraw())
                    }, 0)) : (e.trigger(Qi), e._redraw())
                _clearRedrawTimeout: function() {
                    this._redrawTimeout && (clearInterval(this._redrawTimeout), this._redrawTimeout = null)
                _bindSeries: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.dataSource.view(),
                        a = r.options.series,
                        s = a.length;
                    for (e = 0; s > e; e++) t = a[e], r._isBindable(t) && (n = t._groupIx, i = di(n) ? (o[n] || {}).items : o, t.autoBind !== !1 && (t.data = i))
                _bindCategories: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.dataSource.view() || [],
                        r = (n.dataSource.group() || []).length > 0,
                        o = i,
                        a = n.options,
                        s = [].concat(a.categoryAxis);
                    for (r && i.length && (o = i[0].items), e = 0; s.length > e; e++) t = s[e], t.autoBind !== !1 && n._bindCategoryAxis(t, o, e)
                _bindCategoryAxis: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = (t || []).length;
                    if (e.field)
                        for (e.categories = [], i = 0; a > i; i++) o = t[i], r = u(e.field, o), 0 === i ? (e.categories = [r], e.dataItems = [o]) : (e.categories.push(r), e.dataItems.push(o));
                    else this._bindCategoryAxisFromSeries(e, n)
                _bindCategoryAxisFromSeries: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, p, f, g = this,
                        m = [],
                        v = g.options.series,
                        _ = v.length,
                        w = {};
                    for (i = 0; _ > i; i++)
                        if (r = v[i], o = r.categoryAxis === e.name || !r.categoryAxis && 0 === t, a = r.data, l = a.length, r.categoryField && o && l > 0)
                            for (f = L(e, u(r.categoryField, a[0])), p = f ? h : u, s = 0; l > s; s++) c = a[s], d = p(r.categoryField, c), (f || !w[d]) && (m.push([d, c]), f || (w[d] = !0));
                    m.length > 0 && (f && (m = B(m, function(e, t) {
                        return ni(e[0], t[0])
                    })), n = N(m), e.categories = n[0], e.dataItems = n[1])
                _isBindable: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = Q.current.valueFields(e),
                        r = !0;
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++)
                        if (t = i[n], t === Uo ? t = "field" : t += "Field", !di(e[t])) {
                            r = !1;
                    return r
                _legendItemClick: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o._plotArea,
                        s = (a.srcSeries || a.series)[e],
                        l = (o._sourceSeries || [])[e] || s;
                    ri(s.type, [to, ir, vr]) ? (r = l.data[t], i = di(r.visible) ? !r.visible : !1, r.visible = i) : (i = !l.visible, l.visible = i, s.visible = i), o.options.transitions && (o.options.transitions = !1, n = !0), o.redraw(), n && (o.options.transitions = !0)
                _legendItemHover: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = this,
                        o = r._plotArea,
                        a = r._highlight,
                        s = (o.srcSeries || o.series)[e];
                    n = ri(s.type, [to, ir, vr]) ? t : e, i = o.pointsBySeriesIndex(n), a.show(i)
                _shouldAttachMouseMove: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return e._plotArea.crosshairs.length || e._tooltip && e._sharedTooltip()
                setOptions: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = n.dataSource;
                    n.dataSource = t, i._originalOptions = Pn(i._originalOptions, n), i.options = Pn({}, i._originalOptions), i._sourceSeries = null, e(document).off(Gr), In.fn._setEvents.call(i, n), i._initTheme(i.options), r && i.setDataSource(r), i._hasDataSource ? i.refresh() : (i._bindCategories(), i.redraw()), i._shouldAttachMouseMove() && i.element.on(Gr, i._mousemove)
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.dataSource;
                    t.element.off(bi), n.unbind(Ni, t._dataChangeHandler), e(document).off(Ur), t._userEvents && t._userEvents.destroy(), t._destroyView(), t.surface.destroy(), t.surface = null, t._clearRedrawTimeout(), In.fn.destroy.call(t)
                _destroyView: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._model,
                        n = e._selections;
                    if (t && (t.destroy(), e._model = null), n)
                        for (; n.length > 0;) n.shift().destroy();
                    e._unsetActivePoint(), e._tooltip && e._tooltip.destroy(), e._highlight && e._highlight.destroy()
        Rn.ExportMixin.extend(aa.fn), Tn.PDFMixin && Tn.PDFMixin.extend(aa.fn), Y = Dn.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._registry = []
            register: function(e, t) {
                    type: e,
                    seriesTypes: t
            create: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this._registry,
                    a = o[0];
                for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = o[n], r = F(e, i.seriesTypes), r.length > 0) {
                        a = i;
                return new a.type(r, t)
        }), Y.current = new Y, Q = Dn.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._valueFields = {}, this._otherFields = {}, this._nullValue = {}, this._undefinedValue = {}
            register: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this;
                for (n = n || [Uo], r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], a._valueFields[o] = n, a._otherFields[o] = i, a._nullValue[o] = a._makeValue(n, null), a._undefinedValue[o] = a._makeValue(n, t)
            canonicalFields: function(e) {
                return this.valueFields(e).concat(this.otherFields(e))
            valueFields: function(e) {
                return this._valueFields[e.type] || [Uo]
            otherFields: function(e) {
                return this._otherFields[e.type] || [Uo]
            bindPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = e.data,
                    c = l[t],
                    d = {
                        valueFields: {
                            value: c
                    u = s.valueFields(e),
                    h = s._otherFields[e.type];
                return null === c ? a = s._nullValue[e.type] : di(c) ? wn(c) ? (i = c.slice(u.length), a = s._bindFromArray(c, u), n = s._bindFromArray(i, h)) : typeof c === Zr && (r = s.sourceFields(e, u), o = s.sourceFields(e, h), a = s._bindFromObject(c, u, r), n = s._bindFromObject(c, h, o)) : a = s._undefinedValue[e.type], di(a) && (1 === u.length ? d.valueFields.value = a[u[0]] : d.valueFields = a), d.fields = n || {}, d
            _makeValue: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = {},
                    o = e.length;
                for (n = 0; o > n; n++) i = e[n], r[i] = t;
                return r
            _bindFromArray: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = {};
                if (t)
                    for (i = kn.min(t.length, e.length), n = 0; i > n; n++) r[t[n]] = e[n];
                return r
            _bindFromObject: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = {};
                if (t)
                    for (r = t.length, n = n || t, i = 0; r > i; i++) o = t[i], a = n[i], s[o] = u(a, e);
                return s
            sourceFields: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a;
                if (t)
                    for (i = t.length, o = [], n = 0; i > n; n++) r = t[n], a = r === Uo ? "field" : r + "Field", o.push(e[a] || r);
                return o
        }), Q.current = new Q, K = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), this.textBox = new Zn(e, n.options), n.append(this.textBox)
            options: {
                position: eo,
                margin: ii(3),
                padding: ii(4),
                color: Ii,
                background: "",
                border: {
                    width: 1,
                    color: ""
                aboveAxis: !0,
                vertical: !1,
                animation: {
                    type: fr,
                    delay: kr
                zIndex: 2
            createVisual: function() {
                this.textBox.options.noclip = this.options.noclip
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.vertical,
                    r = n.aboveAxis,
                    o = t.children[0],
                    a = o.box,
                    s = o.options.padding;
                o.options.align = i ? Li : Dr, o.options.vAlign = i ? Ho : Li, n.position == Cr ? i ? (o.options.vAlign = Ho, !r && a.height() < e.height() && (o.options.vAlign = Mi)) : o.options.align = r ? lo : Dr : n.position == Li ? (o.options.vAlign = Li, o.options.align = Li) : n.position == xr ? i ? o.options.vAlign = r ? Mi : Ho : o.options.align = r ? Dr : lo : n.position == eo && (i ? e = r ? new Ln(e.x1, e.y1 - a.height(), e.x2, e.y1) : new Ln(e.x1, e.y2, e.x2, e.y2 + a.height()) : (o.options.align = Li, e = r ? new Ln(e.x2, e.y1, e.x2 + a.width(), e.y2) : new Ln(e.x1 - a.width(), e.y1, e.x1, e.y2))), n.rotation || (i ? s.left = s.right = (e.width() - o.contentBox.width()) / 2 : s.top = s.bottom = (e.height() - o.contentBox.height()) / 2), o.reflow(e)
            alignToClipBox: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.vertical,
                    r = i ? Ko : Qo,
                    o = r + "1",
                    a = r + "2",
                    s = n.children[0],
                    l = n.parent.box;
                (e[o] > l[o] || l[a] > e[a]) && (t = s.paddingBox.clone(), t[o] = kn.max(l[o], e[o]), t[a] = kn.min(l[a], e[a]), this.reflow(t))
        }), X = Nn.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                Nn.fn.init.call(t, e), t.createContainer(), t.createMarker(), t.createLabel()
            createContainer: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.container = new Wn({
                    vertical: !1,
                    wrap: !1,
                    align: Li
                }), e.append(e.container)
            createMarker: function() {
                this.container.append(new Kn(this.markerOptions()))
            markerOptions: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.markerColor;
                return Pn({}, e.markers, {
                    background: t,
                    border: {
                        color: t
            createLabel: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = Pn({}, t.labels);
                e.container.append(new Zn(t.text, n))
            renderComplete: function() {
                var e, t;
                On.fn.renderComplete.call(this), e = this.options.cursor || {}, t = this._itemOverlay = wi.Path.fromRect(this.container.box.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: Yo,
                        opacity: 0
                    stroke: null,
                    cursor: e.style || e
                }), this.appendVisual(t)
            click: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.eventArgs(t);
                e.trigger(Ar, n) || (t.preventDefault(), e._legendItemClick(n.seriesIndex, n.pointIndex))
            hover: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.eventArgs(t);
                return e.trigger(Er, n) || (t.preventDefault(), e._legendItemHover(n.seriesIndex, n.pointIndex)), !0
            leave: function(e) {
            eventArgs: function(t) {
                var n = this.options;
                return {
                    element: e(t.target),
                    text: n.text,
                    series: n.series,
                    seriesIndex: n.series.index,
                    pointIndex: n.pointIndex
            renderVisual: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.visual;
                n ? (e.visual = n({
                    active: t.active,
                    series: t.series,
                    options: {
                        markers: e.markerOptions(),
                        labels: t.labels
                    createVisual: function() {
                        var t = e.visual;
                        return delete e.visual, t
                }), this.addVisual()) : On.fn.renderVisual.call(e)
        }), Z = On.extend({
            render: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this.children,
                        i = this.options,
                        r = i.vertical;
                    this.visual = new wi.Layout(null, {
                        spacing: r ? 0 : i.spacing,
                        lineSpacing: r ? i.spacing : 0,
                        orientation: r ? "vertical" : "horizontal"
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) e = n[t], e.reflow(new Ln), e.renderVisual()
            reflow: function(e) {
                this.visual.rect(e.toRect()), this.visual.reflow();
                var t = this.visual.clippedBBox();
                this.box = t ? Rn.rectToBox(t) : new Ln
            renderVisual: function() {
            createVisual: xn
        }), J = On.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                On.fn.init.call(t, e), ri(t.options.position, [Ho, lo, Mi, Dr, Yi]) || (t.options.position = lo), t.createContainer(), t.createItems()
            options: {
                position: lo,
                items: [],
                labels: {
                    margin: {
                        left: 6
                offsetX: 0,
                offsetY: 0,
                margin: ii(5),
                padding: ii(5),
                border: {
                    color: Ii,
                    width: 0
                item: {
                    cursor: ro
                spacing: 6,
                background: "",
                zIndex: 1,
                markers: {
                    border: {
                        width: 1
                    width: 7,
                    height: 7,
                    type: "rect",
                    align: Dr,
                    vAlign: Li
            createContainer: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.align,
                    i = t.position,
                    r = i,
                    o = Li;
                i == Yi ? r = Dr : ri(i, [Ho, Mi]) ? (r = "start" == n ? Dr : "end" == n ? lo : Li, o = i) : n && ("start" == n ? o = Ho : "end" == n && (o = Mi)), e.container = new Nn({
                    margin: t.margin,
                    padding: t.padding,
                    background: t.background,
                    border: t.border,
                    vAlign: o,
                    align: r,
                    zIndex: t.zIndex,
                    shrinkToFit: !0
                }), e.append(e.container)
            createItems: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.items,
                    a = o.length,
                    s = i.isVertical();
                for (e = new Z({
                    vertical: s,
                    spacing: r.spacing
                }), r.reverse && (o = o.slice(0).reverse()), t = 0; a > t; t++) n = o[t], e.append(new X(Pn({}, {
                    markers: r.markers,
                    labels: r.labels
                }, r.item, n)));
                e.render(), i.container.append(e)
            isVertical: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.orientation,
                    i = t.position,
                    r = i == Yi && n != wr || (di(n) ? n != wr : ri(i, [Dr, lo]));
                return r
            hasItems: function() {
                return this.container.children[0].children.length > 0
            reflow: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options;
                return e = e.clone(), n.hasItems() ? (i.position === Yi ? (n.containerCustomReflow(e), n.box = e) : n.containerReflow(e), t) : (n.box = e, t)
            containerReflow: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.position,
                    o = r == Ho || r == Mi ? Qo : Ko,
                    a = e.clone(),
                    s = n.container,
                    l = i.width,
                    c = i.height,
                    d = n.isVertical(),
                    u = e.clone();
                (r == Dr || r == lo) && (a.y1 = u.y1 = 0), d && c ? (a.y2 = a.y1 + c, a.align(u, Ko, s.options.vAlign)) : !d && l && (a.x2 = a.x1 + l, a.align(u, Qo, s.options.align)), s.reflow(a), a = s.box, t = a.clone(), (i.offsetX || i.offsetY) && (a.translate(i.offsetX, i.offsetY), n.container.reflow(a)), t[o + 1] = e[o + 1], t[o + 2] = e[o + 2], n.box = t
            containerCustomReflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.offsetX,
                    r = n.offsetY,
                    o = t.container,
                    a = n.width,
                    s = n.height,
                    l = t.isVertical(),
                    c = e.clone();
                l && s ? c.y2 = c.y1 + s : !l && a && (c.x2 = c.x1 + a), o.reflow(c), c = o.box, o.reflow(Ln(i, r, i + c.width(), r + c.height()))
            renderVisual: function() {
                this.hasItems() && On.fn.renderVisual.call(this)
        }), et = Hn.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                Hn.fn.init.call(t, e), e = t.options, e.categories = e.categories.slice(0), t._ticks = {}
            options: {
                type: Bi,
                categories: [],
                vertical: !1,
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !1,
                    width: 1,
                    color: Ii
                labels: {
                    zIndex: 1
                justified: !1
            range: function() {
                return {
                    min: 0,
                    max: this.options.categories.length
            getTickPositions: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.vertical,
                    o = i.justified,
                    a = n.lineBox(),
                    s = r ? a.height() : a.width(),
                    l = e - (o ? 1 : 0),
                    c = s / l,
                    d = r ? Ko : Qo,
                    u = a[d + 1],
                    h = [];
                for (t = 0; e > t; t++) h.push(si(u, Gi)), u += c;
                return o || h.push(a[d + 2]), i.reverse ? h.reverse() : h
            getMajorTickPositions: function() {
                return this.getTicks().majorTicks
            getMinorTickPositions: function() {
                return this.getTicks().minorTicks
            getTicks: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t._ticks,
                    i = t.options,
                    r = i.categories.length,
                    o = i.reverse,
                    a = i.justified,
                    s = t.lineBox();
                return e = s.getHash() + r + o + a, n._hash !== e && (n._hash = e, n.majorTicks = t.getTickPositions(r), n.minorTicks = t.getTickPositions(2 * r)), n
            getSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = o.getTicks().majorTicks,
                    l = a.reverse,
                    c = a.justified,
                    d = a.vertical ? Ko : Qo,
                    u = o.lineBox(),
                    h = u[d + (l ? 2 : 1)],
                    p = u[d + (l ? 1 : 2)],
                    f = u.clone(),
                    g = kn.max(1, s.length - (c ? 0 : 1)),
                    m = !di(t);
                return e = vi(e, 0), t = vi(t, e), e = hi(e, 0, g), t = hi(t - 1, e, g), t = kn.max(e, t), n = 0 === e ? h : s[e] || p, i = c ? n : s[t], r = t - e, (r > 0 || e === t) && (i = s[t + 1] || p), m && c && (e === g ? n = i : i = n), f[d + 1] = l ? i : n, f[d + 2] = l ? n : i, f
            pointCategoryIndex: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = a.reverse,
                    l = a.vertical,
                    c = l ? Ko : Qo,
                    d = o.lineBox(),
                    u = d[c + 1],
                    h = d[c + 2],
                    p = e[c],
                    f = o.getMajorTickPositions(),
                    g = Hr;
                if (u > p || p > h) return null;
                for (i = 0; f.length > i; i++)
                    if (t = f[i], n = f[i + 1], di(n) || (n = s ? u : h), s && (t = n, n = f[i]), a.justified) {
                        if (p === n) {
                            r = kn.max(0, l ? f.length - i - 1 : i + 1);
                        kn.abs(p - t) < g && (g = p - t, r = i)
                    } else if (p >= t && n >= p) {
                    r = i;
                return r
            getCategory: function(e) {
                var t = this.pointCategoryIndex(e);
                return null === t ? null : this.options.categories[t]
            categoryIndex: function(e) {
                return R(e, this.options.categories)
            translateRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.lineBox(),
                    r = n.vertical ? i.height() : i.width(),
                    o = n.categories.length,
                    a = r / o,
                    s = si(e / a, er);
                return {
                    min: s,
                    max: o + s
            scaleRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.categories.length,
                    r = e * i;
                return {
                    min: -r,
                    max: i + r
            labelsCount: function() {
                return this.options.categories.length
            createAxisLabel: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.dataItems ? i.dataItems[e] : null,
                    o = vi(i.categories[e], ""),
                    a = n.axisLabelText(o, r, t);
                return new Bn(o, a, e, r, t)
            shouldRenderNote: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.categories;
                return t.length && t.length > e && e >= 0
        }), tt = et.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this;
                e = e || {}, e = Pn({
                    roundToBaseUnit: !0
                }, e, {
                    categories: p(e.categories),
                    min: p(e.min),
                    max: p(e.max)
                }), e.categories && e.categories.length > 0 ? (t = (e.baseUnit || "").toLowerCase(), n = t !== Ci && !ri(t, ia), n && (e.baseUnit = i.defaultBaseUnit(e)), (t === Ci || e.baseUnitStep === xi) && i.autoBaseUnit(e), i.groupCategories(e)) : e.baseUnit = e.baseUnit || Xi, et.fn.init.call(i, e)
            options: {
                type: Ki,
                labels: {
                    dateFormats: oa
                autoBaseUnitSteps: {
                    seconds: [1, 2, 5, 15, 30],
                    minutes: [1, 2, 5, 15, 30],
                    hours: [1, 2, 3],
                    days: [1, 2, 3],
                    weeks: [1, 2],
                    months: [1, 2, 3, 6],
                    years: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50]
                maxDateGroups: 10
            shouldRenderNote: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.range(),
                    i = t.options.categories || [];
                return ni(e, n.min) >= 0 && ni(e, n.max) <= 0 && i.length
            parseNoteValue: function(e) {
                return p(e)
            translateRange: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.baseUnit,
                    a = r.weekStartDay,
                    s = i.lineBox(),
                    l = r.vertical ? s.height() : s.width(),
                    c = i.range(),
                    d = l / (c.max - c.min),
                    u = si(e / d, er);
                return c.min && c.max && (t = b(r.min || c.min, u), n = b(r.max || c.max, u), c = {
                    min: g(t, 0, o, a),
                    max: g(n, 0, o, a)
                }), c
            scaleRange: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = kn.abs(e),
                    r = n.range(),
                    o = r.min,
                    a = r.max;
                if (r.min && r.max) {
                    for (; i--;) r = w(o, a), t = kn.round(.1 * r), 0 > e ? (o = b(o, t), a = b(a, -t)) : (o = b(o, -t), a = b(a, t));
                    r = {
                        min: o,
                        max: a
                return r
            defaultBaseUnit: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = e.categories,
                    s = di(a) ? a.length : 0,
                    l = Hr;
                for (t = 0; s > t; t++) n = a[t], n && r && (i = w(n, r), i > 0 && (l = kn.min(l, i), o = l >= zo ? Xo : l >= Mo - 3 * Io ? Or : l >= Po ? $o : l >= Io ? Xi : l >= Eo ? yr : l >= Ao ? Nr : fo)), r = n;
                return o || Xi
            _categoryRange: function(e) {
                var t = e._range;
                return t || (t = e._range = pi(e)), t
            range: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                return e = e || this.options, t = e.categories, n = e.baseUnit === Ci, i = n ? ia[0] : e.baseUnit, r = e.baseUnitStep || 1, o = f(e.min), a = f(e.max), s = this._categoryRange(t), l = f(s.min), c = f(s.max), e.roundToBaseUnit ? {
                    min: g(o || l, 0, i, e.weekStartDay),
                    max: g(a || c, r, i, e.weekStartDay)
                } : {
                    min: p(o || l),
                    max: p(a || this._srcMaxDate || c)
            autoBaseUnit: function(e) {
                for (var t, n, i, r = this, o = r.range(Pn({}, e, {
                    baseUnitStep: 1
                })), a = e.baseUnit === Ci, s = 0, l = a ? ia[s++] : e.baseUnit, c = o.max - o.min, d = c / Fo[l], u = d, h = e.maxDateGroups || r.options.maxDateGroups, p = Pn({}, r.options.autoBaseUnitSteps, e.autoBaseUnitSteps); !n || d > h;)
                    if (t = t || p[l].slice(0), i = t.shift()) n = i, d = u / n;
                    else {
                        if (l === ui(ia)) {
                            n = kn.ceil(u / h);
                        if (!a) {
                            d > h && (n = kn.ceil(u / h));
                        l = ia[s++] || ui(ia), u = c / Fo[l], t = null
                e.baseUnitStep = n, e.baseUnit = l
            _timeScale: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.range(),
                    o = i.options,
                    a = i.lineBox(),
                    s = o.vertical,
                    l = s ? a.height() : a.width();
                return o.justified && o._collapse !== !1 ? (t = this._categoryRange(o.categories), n = f(t.max), e = p(n) - r.min) : e = r.max - r.min, l / e
            getTickPositions: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = this,
                    v = m.options,
                    _ = v.categories,
                    w = [];
                if (v.roundToBaseUnit || 0 === _.length) w = et.fn.getTickPositions.call(m, e);
                else {
                    for (t = v.vertical, n = v.reverse, i = m.lineBox(), r = _[0].getTime(), o = vi(v._collapse, v.justified), a = _.length - (o ? 1 : 0), s = m._timeScale(), l = (t ? -1 : 1) * (n ? -1 : 1), c = 1 === l ? 1 : 2, d = 1 === l ? 2 : 1, u = i[(t ? Ko : Qo) + c], h = i[(t ? Ko : Qo) + d], p = u, f = 0; a > f; f++) g = _[f] - r, p = u + g * s * l, w.push(si(p, Gi));
                    ui(w) !== h && w.push(h)
                return w
            groupCategories: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = e.categories,
                    o = p(gi(r)),
                    a = e.baseUnit,
                    s = e.baseUnitStep || 1,
                    l = i.range(e),
                    c = l.max,
                    d = [];
                for (t = l.min; c > t && (d.push(t), n = g(t, s, a, e.weekStartDay), !(n > o) || e.max); t = n);
                e.roundToBaseUnit || S(ui(d), c) || (n > c && e._collapse !== !1 ? this._srcMaxDate = c : d.push(c)), e.srcCategories = r, e.categories = d
            createAxisLabel: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o = this.options,
                    a = o.dataItems ? o.dataItems[e] : null,
                    s = o.categories[e],
                    l = o.baseUnit,
                    c = !0,
                    d = n.dateFormats[l];
                return o.justified ? (i = v(s, l, o.weekStartDay), c = S(i, s)) : o.roundToBaseUnit || (c = !S(this.range().max, s)), c && (n.format = n.format || d, r = this.axisLabelText(s, a, n)) ? new Bn(s, r, e, a, n) : t
            categoryIndex: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = o.categories;
                return e = p(e), t = t || r.range(), n = o.roundToBaseUnit && S(t.max, e), e && (e > t.max || n) ? a.length : !e || t.min > e ? -1 : i = D(e, a)
            getSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                return typeof e === Zr && (e = n.categoryIndex(e)), typeof t === Zr && (t = n.categoryIndex(t)), et.fn.getSlot.call(n, e, t)
        }), nt = Hn.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                n = n || {}, Pn(n, {
                    min: p(n.min),
                    max: p(n.max),
                    axisCrossingValue: p(n.axisCrossingValues || n.axisCrossingValue)
                }), n = i.applyDefaults(p(e), p(t), n), Hn.fn.init.call(i, n)
            options: {
                type: Ki,
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !0,
                    width: 1,
                    color: Ii
                labels: {
                    dateFormats: oa
            applyDefaults: function(e, n, i) {
                var r = this,
                    o = i.min || e,
                    a = i.max || n,
                    s = i.baseUnit || r.timeUnits(a - o),
                    l = Fo[s],
                    c = v(f(o) - 1, s) || p(a),
                    d = _(f(a) + 1, s),
                    u = i.majorUnit ? i.majorUnit : t,
                    h = u || Rn.ceil(Rn.autoMajorUnit(c.getTime(), d.getTime()), l) / l,
                    m = y(c, d, s),
                    w = Rn.ceil(m, h),
                    b = w - m,
                    k = kn.floor(b / 2),
                    x = b - k;
                return i.baseUnit || delete i.baseUnit, i.baseUnit = i.baseUnit || s, i.min = i.min || g(c, -k, s), i.max = i.max || g(d, x, s), i.minorUnit = i.minorUnit || h / 5, i.majorUnit = h, i
            range: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return {
                    min: e.min,
                    max: e.max
            getDivisions: function(e) {
                var t = this.options;
                return kn.floor(y(t.min, t.max, t.baseUnit) / e + 1)
            getTickPositions: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.options,
                    o = r.vertical,
                    a = r.reverse,
                    s = this.lineBox(),
                    l = (o ? -1 : 1) * (a ? -1 : 1),
                    c = 1 === l ? 1 : 2,
                    d = s[(o ? Ko : Qo) + c],
                    u = this.getDivisions(e),
                    h = r.max - r.min,
                    p = o ? s.height() : s.width(),
                    f = p / h,
                    m = [d];
                for (t = 1; u > t; t++) n = g(r.min, t * r.majorUnit, r.baseUnit), i = d + (n - r.min) * f * l, m.push(si(i, Gi));
                return m
            getMajorTickPositions: function() {
                var e = this;
                return e.getTickPositions(e.options.majorUnit)
            getMinorTickPositions: function() {
                var e = this;
                return e.getTickPositions(e.options.minorUnit)
            getSlot: function(e, t, n) {
                return qn.fn.getSlot.call(this, p(e), p(t), n)
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t = qn.fn.getValue.call(this, e);
                return null !== t ? p(t) : null
            labelsCount: function() {
                return this.getDivisions(this.options.majorUnit)
            createAxisLabel: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this.options,
                    o = e * r.majorUnit,
                    a = r.min;
                return o > 0 && (a = g(a, o, r.baseUnit)), n = t.dateFormats[r.baseUnit], t.format = t.format || n, i = this.axisLabelText(a, null, t), new Bn(a, i, e, null, t)
            timeUnits: function(e) {
                var t = yr;
                return e >= zo ? t = Xo : e >= Mo ? t = Or : e >= Po ? t = $o : e >= Io && (t = Xi), t
            translateRange: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.baseUnit,
                    r = n.weekStartDay,
                    o = t.lineBox(),
                    a = n.vertical ? o.height() : o.width(),
                    s = t.range(),
                    l = a / (s.max - s.min),
                    c = si(e / l, er),
                    d = b(n.min, c),
                    u = b(n.max, c);
                return {
                    min: g(d, 0, i, r),
                    max: g(u, 0, i, r)
            scaleRange: function(e) {
                for (var t, n, i = this, r = i.options, o = kn.abs(e), a = r.min, s = r.max; o--;) t = w(a, s), n = kn.round(.1 * t), 0 > e ? (a = b(a, n), s = b(s, -n)) : (a = b(a, -n), s = b(s, n));
                return {
                    min: a,
                    max: s
            shouldRenderNote: function(e) {
                var t = this.range();
                return ni(e, t.min) >= 0 && ni(e, t.max) <= 0
        }), it = On.extend({
            options: {
                vertical: !1,
                gap: 0,
                spacing: 0
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.vertical,
                    a = o ? Ko : Qo,
                    s = i.children,
                    l = r.gap,
                    c = r.spacing,
                    d = s.length,
                    u = d + l + c * (d - 1),
                    h = (o ? e.height() : e.width()) / u,
                    p = e[a + 1] + h * (l / 2);
                for (n = 0; d > n; n++) t = (s[n].box || e).clone(), t[a + 1] = p, t[a + 2] = p + h, s[n].reflow(t), d - 1 > n && (p += h * c), p += h
        }), rt = On.extend({
            options: {
                vertical: !0
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.options,
                    o = r.vertical,
                    a = o ? Qo : Ko,
                    s = this.children,
                    l = this.box = new Ln,
                    c = s.length;
                for (t = 0; c > t; t++) n = s[t], n.visible !== !1 && (i = n.box.clone(), i.snapTo(e, a), 0 === t && (l = this.box = i.clone()), n.reflow(i), l.wrap(i))
        }), ot = {
            click: function(e, t) {
                return e.trigger(_o, this.eventArgs(t))
            hover: function(e, t) {
                return e.trigger(wo, this.eventArgs(t))
            eventArgs: function(t) {
                return {
                    value: this.value,
                    percentage: this.percentage,
                    category: this.category,
                    series: this.series,
                    dataItem: this.dataItem,
                    runningTotal: this.runningTotal,
                    total: this.total,
                    element: e((t || {}).target),
                    originalEvent: t,
                    point: this
        }, at = {
            createNote: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options.notes,
                    n = e.noteText || t.label.text;
                t.visible !== !1 && di(n) && null !== n && (e.note = new jn(e.value, n, e.dataItem, e.category, e.series, e.options.notes), e.append(e.note))
        }, st = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n), n.options = t, n.color = t.color || Yo, n.aboveAxis = vi(n.options.aboveAxis, !0), n.value = e
            defaults: {
                border: {
                    width: 1
                vertical: !0,
                overlay: {
                    gradient: _r
                labels: {
                    visible: !1,
                    format: "{0}"
                opacity: 1,
                notes: {
                    label: {}
            render: function() {
                this._rendered || (this._rendered = !0, this.createLabel(), this.createNote(), this.errorBar && this.append(this.errorBar))
            createLabel: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options,
                    i = n.labels;
                i.visible && (i.template ? (t = Fn(i.template), e = t({
                    dataItem: this.dataItem,
                    category: this.category,
                    value: this.value,
                    percentage: this.percentage,
                    runningTotal: this.runningTotal,
                    total: this.total,
                    series: this.series
                })) : e = this.formatValue(i.format), this.label = new K(e, Pn({
                    vertical: n.vertical
                }, n.labels)), this.append(this.label))
            formatValue: function(e) {
                return this.owner.formatPointValue(this, e)
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r;
                if (this.render(), t = this, n = t.options, i = t.label, t.box = e, i && (i.options.aboveAxis = t.aboveAxis, i.reflow(e)), t.note && t.note.reflow(e), t.errorBars)
                    for (r = 0; t.errorBars.length > r; r++) t.errorBars[r].reflow(e)
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.box,
                    i = t.options,
                    r = i.visual;
                t.visible !== !1 && (On.fn.createVisual.call(t), r ? (e = this.rectVisual = r({
                    category: t.category,
                    dataItem: t.dataItem,
                    value: t.value,
                    series: t.series,
                    percentage: t.percentage,
                    runningTotal: t.runningTotal,
                    total: t.total,
                    rect: n.toRect(),
                    createVisual: function() {
                        var e = new wi.Group;
                        return t.createRect(e), e
                    options: i
                }), e && t.visual.append(e)) : n.width() > 0 && n.height() > 0 && t.createRect(t.visual))
            createRect: function(e) {
                var n = this.options,
                    i = n.border,
                    r = di(i.opacity) ? i.opacity : n.opacity,
                    o = this.rectVisual = wi.Path.fromRect(this.box.toRect(), {
                        fill: {
                            color: this.color,
                            opacity: n.opacity
                        stroke: {
                            color: this.getBorderColor(),
                            width: i.width,
                            opacity: r,
                            dashType: i.dashType
                    a = this.box.width(),
                    s = this.box.height(),
                    l = n.vertical ? a : s;
                l > Di && (ei(o), (1 > a || 1 > s) && (o.options.stroke.lineJoin = "round")), e.append(o), U(n) && e.append(this.createGradientOverlay(o, {
                    baseColor: this.color
                }, Pn({
                    end: n.vertical ? t : [0, 1]
                }, n.overlay)))
            createHighlight: function(e) {
                var t = wi.Path.fromRect(this.box.toRect(), e);
                return ei(t)
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return this.rectVisual
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                return {
                    options: this.options,
                    rect: this.box.toRect(),
                    visual: this.rectVisual
            getBorderColor: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = e.color,
                    i = t.border,
                    r = i.color,
                    o = i._brightness || Ai;
                return di(r) || (r = new Vn(n).brightness(o).toHex()), r
            tooltipAnchor: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = a.box,
                    c = s.vertical,
                    d = a.aboveAxis,
                    u = a.owner.pane.clipBox() || l;
                return c ? (n = l.x2 + Lo, i = d ? kn.max(l.y1, u.y1) : kn.min(l.y2, u.y2) - t) : (r = kn.max(l.x1, u.x1), o = kn.min(l.x2, u.x2), s.isStacked ? (n = d ? o - e : r, i = l.y1 - t - Lo) : (n = d ? o + Lo : r - e - Lo, i = l.y1)), new $n(n, i)
        }), Pn(st.fn, ot), Pn(st.fn, at), lt = wi.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                duration: kr
            setup: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.element,
                    r = this.options,
                    o = i.bbox();
                o ? (e = this.origin = r.origin, t = r.vertical ? Ko : Qo, n = this.fromScale = new _i.Point(1, 1), n[t] = bo, i.transform(_i.transform().scale(n.x, n.y))) : this.abort()
            step: function(e) {
                var t = oi(this.fromScale.x, 1, e),
                    n = oi(this.fromScale.y, 1, e);
                this.element.transform(_i.transform().scale(t, n, this.origin))
            abort: function() {
                wi.Animation.fn.abort.call(this), this.element.transform(null)
        }), wi.AnimationFactory.current.register(Ti, lt), ct = wi.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                duration: 200,
                easing: Mr
            setup: function() {
                this.fadeTo = this.element.opacity(), this.element.opacity(0)
            step: function(e) {
                this.element.opacity(e * this.fadeTo)
        }), wi.AnimationFactory.current.register(fr, ct), dt = function(e, t, n) {
            var i = this;
            i.initGlobalRanges(e, t, n)
        }, dt.prototype = dt.fn = {
            percentRegex: /percent(?:\w*)\((\d+)\)/,
            standardDeviationRegex: RegExp("^" + Co + "(?:\\((\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\))?$"),
            initGlobalRanges: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = t.data,
                    d = l.standardDeviationRegex.exec(e);
                d ? (l.valueGetter = l.createValueGetter(t, n), i = l.getAverage(c), r = l.getStandardDeviation(c, i, !1), o = d[1] ? parseFloat(d[1]) : 1, a = {
                    low: i.value - r * o,
                    high: i.value + r * o
                }, l.globalRange = function() {
                    return a
                }) : e.indexOf && e.indexOf(xo) >= 0 && (l.valueGetter = l.createValueGetter(t, n), s = l.getStandardError(c, l.getAverage(c)), l.globalRange = function(e) {
                    return {
                        low: e - s,
                        high: e + s
            createValueGetter: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = e.data,
                    a = Q.current,
                    s = a.valueFields(e),
                    l = di(o[0]) ? o[0] : {};
                return wn(l) ? (n = t ? R(t, s) : 0, r = Mn("[" + n + "]")) : A(l) ? r = Mn() : typeof l === Zr && (i = a.sourceFields(e, s), r = Mn(i[R(t, s)])), r
            getErrorRange: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this;
                if (di(t)) {
                    if (a.globalRange) return a.globalRange(e);
                    if (wn(t)) n = e - t[0], i = e + t[1];
                    else if (A(r = parseFloat(t))) n = e - r, i = e + r;
                    else {
                        if (!(r = a.percentRegex.exec(t))) throw Error("Invalid ErrorBar value: " + t);
                        o = e * (parseFloat(r[1]) / 100), n = e - kn.abs(o), i = e + kn.abs(o)
                    return {
                        low: n,
                        high: i
            getStandardError: function(e, t) {
                return this.getStandardDeviation(e, t, !0) / kn.sqrt(t.count)
            getStandardDeviation: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = 0,
                    a = e.length,
                    s = n ? t.count - 1 : t.count;
                for (r = 0; a > r; r++) i = this.valueGetter(e[r]), A(i) && (o += kn.pow(i - t.value, 2));
                return kn.sqrt(o / s)
            getAverage: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = 0,
                    r = 0,
                    o = e.length;
                for (n = 0; o > n; n++) t = this.valueGetter(e[n]), A(t) && (i += t, r++);
                return {
                    value: i / r,
                    count: r
        }, ut = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.plotArea = e, n.categoryAxis = e.seriesCategoryAxis(t.series[0]), n.valueAxisRanges = {}, n.points = [], n.categoryPoints = [], n.seriesPoints = [], n.seriesOptions = [], n._evalSeries = [], n.render()
            options: {
                series: [],
                invertAxes: !1,
                isStacked: !1,
                clip: !0
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.traverseDataPoints(Sn(e.addValue, e))
            pointOptions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.seriesOptions[t];
                return i || (n = this.pointType().fn.defaults, this.seriesOptions[t] = i = Pn({}, n, {
                    vertical: !this.options.invertAxes
                }, e)), i
            plotValue: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                if (!e) return 0;
                if (this.options.isStacked100 && A(e.value)) {
                    for (t = e.categoryIx, n = this.categoryPoints[t], i = 0, r = [], o = 0; n.length > o; o++)
                        if (a = n[o]) {
                            if (s = e.series.stack, l = a.series.stack, s && l && s.group !== l.group) continue;
                            A(a.value) && (i += kn.abs(a.value), r.push(kn.abs(a.value)))
                    if (i > 0) return e.value / i
                return e.value
            plotRange: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = e.categoryIx,
                    g = this.categoryPoints[f];
                if (this.options.isStacked) {
                    for (t = t || 0, n = this.plotValue(e), i = n >= 0, r = t, o = !1, a = 0; g.length > a && (s = g[a], e !== s); a++) {
                        if (l = e.series.stack, c = s.series.stack, l && c) {
                            if (typeof l === So && l !== c) continue;
                            if (l.group && l.group !== c.group) continue
                        d = this.plotValue(s), (d >= 0 && i || 0 > d && !i) && (r += d, n += d, o = !0, this.options.isStacked100 && (n = kn.min(n, 1)))
                    return o && (r -= t), [r, n]
                return u = e.series, h = this.seriesValueAxis(u), p = this.categoryAxisCrossingValue(h), [p, e.value || p]
            stackLimits: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = Hr,
                    l = Lr;
                for (n = 0; this.categoryPoints.length > n; n++)
                    for (i = this.categoryPoints[n], r = 0; i.length > r; r++) o = i[r], o && (o.series.stack === t || o.series.axis === e) && (a = this.plotRange(o, 0)[1], di(a) && isFinite(a) && (l = kn.max(l, a), s = kn.min(s, a)));
                return {
                    min: s,
                    max: l
            updateStackRange: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options.series,
                    l = a.options.isStacked,
                    c = {};
                if (l)
                    for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++) n = s[t], i = n.axis, r = i + n.stack, e = c[r], e || (e = a.stackLimits(i, n.stack), o = a.errorTotals, o && (o.negative.length && (e.min = kn.min(e.min, fi(o.negative))), o.positive.length && (e.max = kn.max(e.max, gi(o.positive)))), e.min !== Hr || e.max !== Lr ? c[r] = e : e = null), e && (a.valueAxisRanges[i] = e)
            addErrorBar: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = e.value,
                    a = e.series,
                    s = e.seriesIx,
                    l = e.options.errorBars,
                    c = t.fields[lr],
                    d = t.fields[cr];
                A(c) && A(d) ? i = {
                    low: c,
                    high: d
                } : l && di(l.value) && (r.seriesErrorRanges = r.seriesErrorRanges || [], r.seriesErrorRanges[s] = r.seriesErrorRanges[s] || new dt(l.value, a, Uo), i = r.seriesErrorRanges[s].getErrorRange(o, l.value)), i && (e.low = i.low, e.high = i.high, r.addPointErrorBar(e, n))
            addPointErrorBar: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = e.series,
                    s = e.low,
                    l = e.high,
                    c = !o.options.invertAxes,
                    d = e.options.errorBars;
                o.options.isStacked ? (i = o.stackedErrorRange(e, t), s = i.low, l = i.high) : (r = {
                    categoryIx: t,
                    series: a
                }, o.updateRange({
                    value: s
                }, r), o.updateRange({
                    value: l
                }, r)), n = new wt(s, l, c, o, a, d), e.errorBars = [n], e.append(n)
            stackedErrorRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.plotRange(e, 0)[1] - e.value,
                    r = e.low + i,
                    o = e.high + i;
                return n.errorTotals = n.errorTotals || {
                    positive: [],
                    negative: []
                }, 0 > r && (n.errorTotals.negative[t] = kn.min(n.errorTotals.negative[t] || 0, r)), o > 0 && (n.errorTotals.positive[t] = kn.max(n.errorTotals.positive[t] || 0, o)), {
                    low: r,
                    high: o
            addValue: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = n.categoryIx,
                    s = n.series,
                    l = n.seriesIx,
                    c = o.categoryPoints[a];
                c || (o.categoryPoints[a] = c = []), i = o.seriesPoints[l], i || (o.seriesPoints[l] = i = []), r = o.createPoint(t, n), r && (e.extend(r, n), r.owner = o, r.dataItem = s.data[a], r.noteText = t.fields.noteText, o.addErrorBar(r, t, a)), o.points.push(r), i.push(r), c.push(r), o.updateRange(t.valueFields, n)
            evalPointOptions: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                var a = {
                        defaults: r._defaults,
                        excluded: ["data", "aggregate", "_events", "tooltip", "template", "visual", "toggle"]
                    s = this._evalSeries[o];
                return di(s) || (this._evalSeries[o] = s = M(e, {}, a, !0)), s && (e = Pn({}, e), M(e, {
                    value: t,
                    category: n,
                    index: i,
                    series: r,
                    dataItem: r.data[i]
                }, a)), e
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.series.axis,
                    r = e.value,
                    o = n.valueAxisRanges[i];
                isFinite(r) && null !== r && (o = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = o || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, o.min = kn.min(o.min, r), o.max = kn.max(o.max, r))
            seriesValueAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this.plotArea,
                    n = e.axis,
                    i = n ? t.namedValueAxes[n] : t.valueAxis;
                if (!i) throw Error("Unable to locate value axis with name " + n);
                return i
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = 0,
                    a = r.categorySlots = [],
                    s = r.points,
                    l = r.categoryAxis;
                r.traverseDataPoints(function(e, c) {
                    var d, u, h, p, f = c.categoryIx,
                        g = c.series;
                    t = r.pointValue(e), n = r.seriesValueAxis(g), i = s[o++], d = a[f], d || (a[f] = d = r.categorySlot(l, f, n)), i && (u = r.plotRange(i, n.startValue()), h = n.getSlot(u[0], u[1], !r.options.clip), h ? (p = r.pointSlot(d, h), i.aboveAxis = r.aboveAxis(i, n), r.options.isStacked100 && (i.percentage = r.plotValue(i)), r.reflowPoint(i, p)) : i.visible = !1)
                }), r.reflowCategories(a), r.box = e
            aboveAxis: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.categoryAxisCrossingValue(t),
                    i = e.value;
                return t.options.reverse ? n > i : i >= n
            categoryAxisCrossingValue: function(e) {
                var t = this.categoryAxis,
                    n = e.options,
                    i = [].concat(n.axisCrossingValues || n.axisCrossingValue);
                return i[t.axisIndex || 0] || 0
            reflowPoint: function(e, t) {
            reflowCategories: function() {},
            pointSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.invertAxes,
                    o = r ? t : e,
                    a = r ? e : t;
                return new Ln(o.x1, a.y1, o.x2, a.y2)
            categorySlot: function(e, t) {
                return e.getSlot(t)
            traverseDataPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.series,
                    d = a.categoryAxis.options.categories || [],
                    u = c(l),
                    h = l.length;
                for (t = 0; u > t; t++)
                    for (n = 0; h > n; n++) o = l[n], r = d[t], i = this._bindPoint(o, n, t), e(i, {
                        category: r,
                        categoryIx: t,
                        series: o,
                        seriesIx: n
            _bindPoint: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                return this._bindCache || (this._bindCache = []), i = this._bindCache[t], i || (i = this._bindCache[t] = []), r = i[n], r || (r = i[n] = Q.current.bindPoint(e, n)), r
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                return null === e.value ? "" : ti(t, e.value)
            pointValue: function(e) {
                return e.valueFields.value
        }), ht = ut.extend({
            options: {
                animation: {
                    type: Ti
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                ut.fn.render.apply(e), e.updateStackRange()
            pointType: function() {
                return st
            clusterType: function() {
                return it
            stackType: function() {
                return rt
            stackLimits: function(e, t) {
                var n = ut.fn.stackLimits.call(this, e, t);
                return n
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = t.categoryIx,
                    l = t.category,
                    c = t.series,
                    d = t.seriesIx,
                    u = a.pointValue(e),
                    h = a.options,
                    p = a.children,
                    f = a.options.isStacked,
                    g = a.pointType(),
                    m = a.clusterType(),
                    v = this.pointOptions(c, d),
                    _ = v.labels;
                return f && _.position == eo && (_.position = Cr), v.isStacked = f, r = e.fields.color || c.color, 0 > u && v.negativeColor && (r = v.negativeColor), v = a.evalPointOptions(v, u, l, s, c, d), Tn.isFunction(c.color) && (r = v.color), n = new g(u, v), n.color = r, i = p[s], i || (i = new m({
                    vertical: h.invertAxes,
                    gap: h.gap,
                    spacing: h.spacing
                }), a.append(i)), f ? (o = a.getStackWrap(c, i), o.append(n)) : i.append(n), n
            getStackWrap: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = e.stack,
                    a = o ? o.group || o : o,
                    s = t.children;
                if (typeof a === So) {
                    for (i = 0; s.length > i; i++)
                        if (s[i]._stackGroup === a) {
                            n = s[i];
                } else n = s[0];
                return n || (r = this.stackType(), n = new r({
                    vertical: !this.options.invertAxes
                }), n._stackGroup = a, t.append(n)), n
            categorySlot: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = e.getSlot(t),
                    l = n.startValue();
                return a.isStacked && (r = n.getSlot(l, l, !0), i = a.invertAxes ? Qo : Ko, s[i + 1] = s[i + 2] = r[i + 1]), s
            reflowCategories: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.children,
                    r = i.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++) i[t].reflow(e[t])
            createAnimation: function() {
                this._setAnimationOptions(), On.fn.createAnimation.call(this), j(this.options.series) && this._setChildrenAnimation()
            _setChildrenAnimation: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.points;
                for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) e = i[n], t = e.visual, t && di(t.options.zIndex) && (e.options.animation = this.options.animation, e.createAnimation())
            _setAnimationOptions: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options,
                    i = n.animation || {};
                this.options.isStacked ? (t = this.seriesValueAxis(n.series[0]), e = t.getSlot(t.startValue())) : e = this.categoryAxis.getSlot(0), i.origin = new _i.Point(e.x1, e.y1), i.vertical = !n.invertAxes
        }), pt = st.extend({
            defaults: {
                labels: {
                    format: "{0} - {1}"
                tooltip: {
                    format: "{1}"
            createLabel: function() {
                var e = this.options.labels,
                    t = Pn({}, e, e.from),
                    n = Pn({}, e, e.to);
                t.visible && (this.labelFrom = this._createLabel(t), this.append(this.labelFrom)), n.visible && (this.labelTo = this._createLabel(n), this.append(this.labelTo))
            _createLabel: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                return e.template ? (n = Fn(e.template), t = n({
                    dataItem: this.dataItem,
                    category: this.category,
                    value: this.value,
                    percentage: this.percentage,
                    runningTotal: this.runningTotal,
                    total: this.total,
                    series: this.series
                })) : t = this.formatValue(e.format), new K(t, Pn({
                    vertical: this.options.vertical
                }, e))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.labelFrom,
                    i = t.labelTo;
                t.box = e, n && (n.options.aboveAxis = t.value.from > t.value.to, n.reflow(e)), i && (i.options.aboveAxis = t.value.to > t.value.from, i.reflow(e)), t.note && t.note.reflow(e)
        }), ft = ht.extend({
            pointType: function() {
                return pt
            pointValue: function(e) {
                return e.valueFields
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                return null === e.value.from && null === e.value.to ? "" : ti(t, e.value.from, e.value.to)
            plotLimits: ut.fn.plotLimits,
            plotRange: function(e) {
                return e ? [e.value.from, e.value.to] : 0
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.series.axis,
                    r = e.from,
                    o = e.to,
                    a = n.valueAxisRanges[i];
                null !== e && A(r) && A(o) && (a = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = a || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, a.min = kn.min(a.min, r), a.max = kn.max(a.max, r), a.min = kn.min(a.min, o), a.max = kn.max(a.max, o))
            aboveAxis: function(e) {
                var t = e.value;
                return t.to > t.from
        }), gt = ut.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.wrapData(t), ut.fn.init.call(n, e, t)
            options: {
                animation: {
                    type: Ti
            wrapData: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = e.series;
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) i = r[t], n = i.data, n && !wn(n[0]) && typeof n[0] != Zr && (i.data = [n])
            reflowCategories: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.children,
                    r = i.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++) i[t].reflow(e[t])
            plotRange: function(e) {
                var t = e.series,
                    n = this.seriesValueAxis(t),
                    i = this.categoryAxisCrossingValue(n);
                return [i, e.value.current || i]
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = t.categoryIx,
                    a = t.category,
                    s = t.series,
                    l = t.seriesIx,
                    c = e.valueFields,
                    d = r.options,
                    u = r.children,
                    h = Pn({
                        vertical: !d.invertAxes,
                        overlay: s.overlay,
                        categoryIx: o,
                        invertAxes: d.invertAxes
                    }, s),
                    p = e.fields.color || s.color;
                return h = r.evalPointOptions(h, c, a, o, s, l), Tn.isFunction(s.color) && (p = h.color), n = new mt(c, h), n.color = p, i = u[o], i || (i = new it({
                    vertical: d.invertAxes,
                    gap: d.gap,
                    spacing: d.spacing
                }), r.append(i)), i.append(n), n
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.series.axis,
                    r = e.current,
                    o = e.target,
                    a = n.valueAxisRanges[i];
                di(r) && !isNaN(r) && di(o && !isNaN(o)) && (a = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = a || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, a.min = kn.min.apply(kn, [a.min, r, o]), a.max = kn.max.apply(kn, [a.max, r, o]))
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                return ti(t, e.value.current, e.value.target)
            pointValue: function(e) {
                return e.valueFields.current
            aboveAxis: function(e) {
                var t = e.value.current;
                return t > 0
            createAnimation: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.points;
                for (this._setAnimationOptions(), t = 0; n.length > t; t++) e = n[t], e.options.animation = this.options.animation, e.createAnimation()
            _setAnimationOptions: ht.fn._setAnimationOptions
        }), mt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.aboveAxis = n.options.aboveAxis, n.color = t.color || Yo, n.value = e
            options: {
                border: {
                    width: 1
                vertical: !1,
                opacity: 1,
                target: {
                    shape: "",
                    border: {
                        width: 0,
                        color: "green"
                    line: {
                        width: 2
                tooltip: {
                    format: "Current: {0}</br>Target: {1}"
            render: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options;
                e._rendered || (e._rendered = !0, di(e.value.target) && (e.target = new vt({
                    type: t.target.shape,
                    background: t.target.color || e.color,
                    opacity: t.opacity,
                    zIndex: t.zIndex,
                    border: t.target.border,
                    vAlign: Ho,
                    align: lo
                }), e.append(e.target)), e.createNote())
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = n.owner,
                    o = n.target,
                    a = i.invertAxes,
                    s = r.seriesValueAxis(n.options),
                    l = r.categorySlot(r.categoryAxis, i.categoryIx, s),
                    c = s.getSlot(n.value.target),
                    d = a ? c : l,
                    u = a ? l : c;
                o && (t = new Ln(d.x1, u.y1, d.x2, u.y2), o.options.height = a ? t.height() : i.target.line.width, o.options.width = a ? i.target.line.width : t.width(), o.reflow(t)), n.note && n.note.reflow(e), n.box = e
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t;
                On.fn.createVisual.call(this), e = this.options, t = wi.Path.fromRect(this.box.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: this.color,
                        opacity: e.opacity
                    stroke: null
                }), e.border.width > 0 && t.options.set("stroke", {
                    color: e.border.color || this.color,
                    width: e.border.width,
                    dashType: e.border.dashType,
                    opacity: vi(e.border.opacity, e.opacity)
                }), this.bodyVisual = t, ei(t), this.visual.append(t)
            createAnimation: function() {
                this.bodyVisual && (this.animation = wi.Animation.create(this.bodyVisual, this.options.animation))
            tooltipAnchor: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = a.box,
                    c = s.vertical,
                    d = a.aboveAxis,
                    u = a.owner.pane.clipBox() || l;
                return c ? (n = l.x2 + Lo, i = d ? kn.max(l.y1, u.y1) : kn.min(l.y2, u.y2) - t) : (r = kn.max(l.x1, u.x1), o = kn.min(l.x2, u.x2), s.isStacked ? (n = d ? o - e : r, i = l.y1 - t - Lo) : (n = d ? o + Lo : r - e - Lo, i = l.y1)), new $n(n, i)
            createHighlight: function(e) {
                return wi.Path.fromRect(this.box.toRect(), e)
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return this.bodyVisual
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                return {
                    rect: this.box.toRect(),
                    visual: this.bodyVisual,
                    options: this.options
            formatValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.owner.formatPointValue(t, e)
        }), Pn(mt.fn, ot), Pn(mt.fn, at), vt = Kn.extend(), Pn(vt.fn, ot), _t = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                var a = this;
                a.low = e, a.high = t, a.isVertical = n, a.chart = i, a.series = r, On.fn.init.call(a, o)
            options: {
                animation: {
                    type: fr,
                    delay: kr
                endCaps: !0,
                line: {
                    width: 1
                zIndex: 1
            getAxis: function() {},
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.endCaps,
                    r = n.isVertical,
                    o = n.getAxis(),
                    a = o.getSlot(n.low, n.high),
                    s = e.center(),
                    l = n.getCapsWidth(e, r),
                    c = r ? s.x : s.y,
                    d = c - l,
                    u = c + l;
                r ? (t = [$n(s.x, a.y1), $n(s.x, a.y2)], i && t.push($n(d, a.y1), $n(u, a.y1), $n(d, a.y2), $n(u, a.y2)), n.box = Ln(d, a.y1, u, a.y2)) : (t = [$n(a.x1, s.y), $n(a.x2, s.y)], i && t.push($n(a.x1, d), $n(a.x1, u), $n(a.x2, d), $n(a.x2, u)), n.box = Ln(a.x1, d, a.x2, u)), n.linePoints = t
            getCapsWidth: function(e, t) {
                var n = t ? e.width() : e.height(),
                    i = kn.min(kn.floor(n / 2), nr) || nr;
                return i
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.visual;
                n ? e.visual = n({
                    low: e.low,
                    high: e.high,
                    rect: e.box.toRect(),
                    options: {
                        endCaps: t.endCaps,
                        color: t.color,
                        line: t.line
                    createVisual: function() {
                        var t = e.visual;
                        return delete e.visual, t
                }) : e.createDefaultVisual()
            createDefaultVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = {
                        stroke: {
                            color: i.color,
                            width: i.line.width,
                            dashType: i.line.dashType
                    o = n.linePoints;
                for (On.fn.createVisual.call(this), e = 0; o.length > e; e += 2) t = new wi.Path(r).moveTo(o[e].x, o[e].y).lineTo(o[e + 1].x, o[e + 1].y), this.visual.append(t)
        }), wt = _t.extend({
            getAxis: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.chart,
                    n = e.series,
                    i = t.seriesValueAxis(n);
                return i
        }), bt = _t.extend({
            getAxis: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.chart,
                    n = e.series,
                    i = t.seriesAxes(n),
                    r = e.isVertical ? i.y : i.x;
                return r
        }), yt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n), n.value = e, n.options = t, n.aboveAxis = vi(n.options.aboveAxis, !0), n.tooltipTracking = !0
            defaults: {
                vertical: !0,
                markers: {
                    visible: !0,
                    background: Yo,
                    size: Pr,
                    type: Oi,
                    border: {
                        width: 2
                    opacity: 1
                labels: {
                    visible: !1,
                    position: yi,
                    margin: ii(3),
                    padding: ii(4),
                    animation: {
                        type: fr,
                        delay: kr
                notes: {
                    label: {}
                highlight: {
                    markers: {
                        border: {}
            render: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.markers,
                    r = n.labels,
                    o = t.value;
                t._rendered || (t._rendered = !0, i.visible && i.size && (t.marker = t.createMarker(), t.append(t.marker)), r.visible && (r.template ? (e = Fn(r.template), o = e({
                    dataItem: t.dataItem,
                    category: t.category,
                    value: t.value,
                    percentage: t.percentage,
                    series: t.series
                })) : r.format && (o = t.formatValue(r.format)), t.label = new Zn(o, Pn({
                    align: Li,
                    vAlign: Li,
                    margin: {
                        left: 5,
                        right: 5
                    zIndex: vi(r.zIndex, this.series.zIndex)
                }, r)), t.append(t.label)), t.createNote(), t.errorBar && t.append(t.errorBar))
            markerBorder: function() {
                var e = this.options.markers,
                    t = e.background,
                    n = Pn({
                        color: this.color
                    }, e.border);
                return di(n.color) || (n.color = new Vn(t).brightness(Ai).toHex()), n
            createVisual: xn,
            createMarker: function() {
                var e = this.options.markers,
                    t = new Kn({
                        type: e.type,
                        width: e.size,
                        height: e.size,
                        rotation: e.rotation,
                        background: e.background,
                        border: this.markerBorder(),
                        opacity: e.opacity,
                        zIndex: vi(e.zIndex, this.series.zIndex),
                        animation: e.animation,
                        visual: e.visual
                    }, {
                        dataItem: this.dataItem,
                        value: this.value,
                        series: this.series,
                        category: this.category
                return t
            markerBox: function() {
                return this.marker || (this.marker = this.createMarker(), this.marker.reflow(this._childBox)), this.marker.box
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = a.vertical,
                    l = o.aboveAxis;
                if (o.render(), o.box = e, t = e.clone(), s ? l ? t.y1 -= t.height() : t.y2 += t.height() : l ? t.x1 += t.width() : t.x2 -= t.width(), o._childBox = t, o.marker && o.marker.reflow(t), o.reflowLabel(t), o.errorBars)
                    for (i = 0; o.errorBars.length > i; i++) o.errorBars[i].reflow(t);
                o.note && (r = o.markerBox(), o.marker || (n = r.center(), r = Ln(n.x, n.y, n.x, n.y)), o.note.reflow(r))
            reflowLabel: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.label,
                    r = n.labels.position;
                i && (r = r === yi ? Ho : r, r = r === Ei ? Mi : r, i.reflow(e), i.box.alignTo(t.markerBox(), r), i.reflow(i.box))
            createHighlight: function() {
                var e = this.options.highlight,
                    t = e.markers,
                    n = this.markerBorder().color,
                    i = this.options.markers,
                    r = new Kn({
                        type: i.type,
                        width: i.size,
                        height: i.size,
                        rotation: i.rotation,
                        background: t.color || n,
                        border: {
                            color: t.border.color,
                            width: t.border.width,
                            opacity: vi(t.border.opacity, 1)
                        opacity: vi(t.opacity, 1)
                return r.reflow(this._childBox), r.getElement()
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return (this.marker || {}).visual
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.marker;
                return o ? (t = o.paddingBox.toRect(), e = o.visual) : (n = this.options.markers.size, i = n / 2, r = this.box.center(), t = new _i.Rect([r.x - i, r.y - i], [n, n])), {
                    options: this.options,
                    rect: t,
                    visual: e
            tooltipAnchor: function(e, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = i.markerBox(),
                    o = i.aboveAxis,
                    a = r.x2 + Lo,
                    s = o ? r.y1 - n : r.y2,
                    l = i.owner.pane.clipBox(),
                    c = !l || l.overlaps(r);
                return c ? $n(a, s) : t
            formatValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.owner.formatPointValue(t, e)
        }), Pn(yt.fn, ot), Pn(yt.fn, at), kt = yt.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                yt.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.category = e.category
            defaults: {
                labels: {
                    position: Li
                highlight: {
                    opacity: 1,
                    border: {
                        width: 1,
                        opacity: 1
            createHighlight: function() {
                var e = this.options.highlight,
                    t = e.border,
                    n = this.options.markers,
                    i = this.box.center(),
                    r = n.size / 2 - t.width / 2,
                    o = new wi.Circle(new _i.Circle([i.x, i.y], r), {
                        stroke: {
                            color: t.color || new Vn(n.background).brightness(Ai).toHex(),
                            width: t.width,
                            opacity: t.opacity
                        fill: {
                            color: n.background,
                            opacity: e.opacity
                return o
        }), xt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                On.fn.init.call(i), i.linePoints = e, i.series = t, i.seriesIx = n
            options: {
                closed: !1
            points: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.linePoints.concat(e || []),
                    o = [];
                for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) r[t].visible !== !1 && o.push(r[t]._childBox.toRect().center());
                return o
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t = this.options,
                    n = this.series,
                    i = n._defaults,
                    r = n.color;
                zn(r) && i && (r = i.color), e = wi.Path.fromPoints(this.points(), {
                    stroke: {
                        color: r,
                        width: n.width,
                        opacity: n.opacity,
                        dashType: n.dashType
                    zIndex: n.zIndex
                }), t.closed && e.close(), this.visual = e
            aliasFor: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.seriesIx;
                return n.parent.getNearestPoint(t.x, t.y, i)
        }), Ct = {
            renderSegments: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = l.options,
                    d = c.series,
                    u = l.seriesPoints,
                    h = u.length;
                for (this._segments = [], t = 0; h > t; t++) {
                    for (e = d[t], n = l.sortPoints(u[t]), a = n.length, i = [], o = 0; a > o; o++) r = n[o], r ? i.push(r) : l.seriesMissingValues(e) !== Sr && (i.length > 1 && (s = l.createSegment(i, e, t, s), this._addSegment(s)), i = []);
                    i.length > 1 && (s = l.createSegment(i, e, t, s), this._addSegment(s))
                this.children.unshift.apply(this.children, this._segments)
            _addSegment: function(e) {
                this._segments.push(e), e.parent = this
            sortPoints: function(e) {
                return e
            seriesMissingValues: function(e) {
                var t = e.missingValues,
                    n = !t && this.options.isStacked;
                return n ? Zo : t || Sr
            getNearestPoint: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = new $n(e, t),
                    c = this.seriesPoints[n],
                    d = Hr;
                for (r = 0; c.length > r; r++) o = c[r], o && di(o.value) && null !== o.value && o.visible !== !1 && (a = o.box, s = a.center().distanceTo(l), d > s && (i = o, d = s));
                return i
        }, St = {
            createAnimation: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.getRoot();
                n && (n.options || {}).transitions !== !1 && (e = n.box, t = wi.Path.fromRect(e.toRect()), this.visual.clip(t), this.animation = new Dt(t, {
                    box: e
                }), j(this.options.series) && this._setChildrenAnimation(t))
            _setChildrenAnimation: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.animationPoints();
                for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++) t = r[i], n = t.visual, n && di(n.options.zIndex) && n.clip(e)
        }, Tt = ut.extend({
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                ut.fn.render.apply(e), e.updateStackRange(), e.renderSegments()
            pointType: function() {
                return yt
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = t.categoryIx,
                    s = t.category,
                    l = t.series,
                    c = t.seriesIx,
                    d = e.valueFields.value,
                    u = o.seriesMissingValues(l);
                if (!di(d) || null === d) {
                    if (u !== Zo) return null;
                    d = 0
                return i = this.pointOptions(l, c), i = o.evalPointOptions(i, d, s, a, l, c), r = e.fields.color || l.color, Tn.isFunction(l.color) && (r = i.color), n = new yt(d, i), n.color = r, o.append(n), n
            plotRange: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this.plotValue(e);
                if (this.options.isStacked)
                    for (t = e.categoryIx, n = this.categoryPoints[t], i = 0; n.length > i && (r = n[i], e !== r); i++) o += this.plotValue(r);
                return [o, o]
            createSegment: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = t.style;
                return new(i = r === yo ? At : r === ko ? Et : xt)(e, t, n)
            animationPoints: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.seriesOptions,
                    r = [];
                for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++)
                    if (i[n].markers.visible)
                        for (e = this.seriesPoints[n], t = 0; e.length > t; t++) r.push(e[t].marker);
                return r.concat(this._segments)
        }), Pn(Tt.fn, Ct, St), Dt = wi.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                duration: kr
            setup: function() {
            step: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.box;
                this._setEnd(oi(t.x1, t.x2, e))
            _setEnd: function(e) {
                var t = this.element,
                    n = t.segments,
                    i = n[1].anchor(),
                    r = n[2].anchor();
                t.suspend(), i.setX(e), t.resume(), r.setX(e)
        }), wi.AnimationFactory.current.register(Ui, Dt), At = xt.extend({
            points: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                return t = n.calculateStepPoints(n.linePoints), e && e.length && (t = t.concat(n.calculateStepPoints(e).reverse())), t
            calculateStepPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.parent,
                    l = s.plotArea,
                    c = l.seriesCategoryAxis(a.series),
                    d = s.seriesMissingValues(a.series) === Sr,
                    u = e.length,
                    h = c.options.reverse,
                    p = c.options.vertical,
                    f = h ? 2 : 1,
                    g = h ? 1 : 2,
                    m = [];
                for (i = 1; u > i; i++) t = e[i - 1], n = e[i], r = t.markerBox().center(), o = n.markerBox().center(), c.options.justified ? (m.push(new _i.Point(r.x, r.y)), m.push(p ? new _i.Point(r.x, o.y) : new _i.Point(o.x, r.y)), m.push(new _i.Point(o.x, o.y))) : p ? (m.push(new _i.Point(r.x, t.box[Ko + f])), m.push(new _i.Point(r.x, t.box[Ko + g])), d && m.push(new _i.Point(r.x, n.box[Ko + f])), m.push(new _i.Point(o.x, n.box[Ko + f])), m.push(new _i.Point(o.x, n.box[Ko + g]))) : (m.push(new _i.Point(t.box[Qo + f], r.y)), m.push(new _i.Point(t.box[Qo + g], r.y)), d && m.push(new _i.Point(n.box[Qo + f], r.y)), m.push(new _i.Point(n.box[Qo + f], o.y)), m.push(new _i.Point(n.box[Qo + g], o.y)));
                return m || []
        }), Et = xt.extend({
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this.series,
                    r = i._defaults,
                    o = i.color;
                zn(o) && r && (o = r.color), e = new Un(this.options.closed), t = e.process(this.points()), n = new wi.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        color: o,
                        width: i.width,
                        opacity: i.opacity,
                        dashType: i.dashType
                    zIndex: i.zIndex
                }), n.segments.push.apply(n.segments, t), this.visual = n
        }), It = {
            points: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.parent,
                    r = i.plotArea,
                    o = i.options.invertAxes,
                    a = i.seriesValueAxis(n.series),
                    s = a.lineBox(),
                    l = r.seriesCategoryAxis(n.series),
                    c = l.lineBox(),
                    d = o ? c.x1 : c.y1,
                    u = n.stackPoints,
                    h = n._linePoints(u),
                    p = o ? Qo : Ko;
                return d = hi(d, s[p + 1], s[p + 2]), !n.stackPoints && h.length > 1 && (e = h[0], t = ui(h), o ? (h.unshift(new _i.Point(d, e.y)), h.push(new _i.Point(d, t.y))) : (h.unshift(new _i.Point(e.x, d)), h.push(new _i.Point(t.x, d)))), h
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this.series,
                    t = e._defaults,
                    n = e.color;
                zn(n) && t && (n = t.color), this.visual = new wi.Group({
                    zIndex: e.zIndex
                }), this.createArea(n), this.createLine(n)
            createLine: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.series,
                    i = Pn({
                        color: e,
                        opacity: n.opacity
                    }, n.line);
                i.visible !== !1 && i.width > 0 && (t = wi.Path.fromPoints(this._linePoints(), {
                    stroke: {
                        color: i.color,
                        width: i.width,
                        opacity: i.opacity,
                        dashType: i.dashType,
                        lineCap: "butt"
                }), this.visual.append(t))
            createArea: function(e) {
                var t = this.series,
                    n = wi.Path.fromPoints(this.points(), {
                        fill: {
                            color: e,
                            opacity: t.opacity
                        stroke: null
        }, Pt = xt.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this;
                r.stackPoints = t, xt.fn.init.call(r, e, n, i)
            _linePoints: xt.fn.points
        }), Pn(Pt.fn, It), Mt = Tt.extend({
            createSegment: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.options,
                    c = l.isStacked,
                    d = (t.line || {}).style;
                return c && n > 0 && i && (a = this.seriesMissingValues(t), r = "gap" != a ? i.linePoints : this._gapStackPoints(e, n, d), d !== yo && (r = r.slice(0).reverse())), d === ko ? new zt(e, i, c, t, n) : new(o = d === yo ? Ft : Pt)(e, r, t, n)
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r;
                if (Tt.fn.reflow.call(this, e), t = this._stackPoints)
                    for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++) n = t[r], i = this.categoryAxis.getSlot(n.categoryIx), n.reflow(i)
            _gapStackPoints: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this.seriesPoints,
                    l = e[0].categoryIx,
                    c = l + e.length,
                    d = [];
                for (this._stackPoints = this._stackPoints || [], a = l; c > a; a++) {
                    i = t;
                    do i--, r = s[i][a]; while (i > 0 && !r);
                    r ? (n !== yo && a > l && !s[i][a - 1] && d.push(this._previousSegmentPoint(a, a - 1, i)), d.push(r), n !== yo && c > a + 1 && !s[i][a + 1] && d.push(this._previousSegmentPoint(a, a + 1, i))) : (o = this._createGapStackPoint(a), this._stackPoints.push(o), d.push(o))
                return d
            _previousSegmentPoint: function(e, t, n) {
                for (var i, r = this.seriesPoints; n > 0 && !i;) n--, i = r[n][t];
                return i ? i = r[n][e] : (i = this._createGapStackPoint(e), this._stackPoints.push(i)), i
            _createGapStackPoint: function(e) {
                var t = this.pointOptions({}, 0),
                    n = new yt(0, t);
                return n.categoryIx = e, n.series = {}, n
            seriesMissingValues: function(e) {
                return e.missingValues || Zo
        }), zt = Pt.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = this;
                o.prevSegment = t, o.isStacked = n, xt.fn.init.call(o, e, i, r)
            strokeSegments: function() {
                var e, t, n = this._strokeSegments;
                return n || (e = new Un(this.options.closed), t = xt.fn.points.call(this), n = this._strokeSegments = e.process(t)), n
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this.series,
                    t = e._defaults,
                    n = e.color;
                zn(n) && t && (n = t.color), this.visual = new wi.Group({
                    zIndex: e.zIndex
                }), this.createFill({
                    fill: {
                        color: n,
                        opacity: e.opacity
                    stroke: null
                }), this.createStroke({
                    stroke: Pn({
                        color: n,
                        opacity: e.opacity,
                        lineCap: "butt"
                    }, e.line)
            createFill: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.strokeSegments(),
                    l = s.slice(0),
                    c = this.prevSegment;
                this.isStacked && c && (n = c.strokeSegments(), i = ui(n).anchor(), l.push(new wi.Segment(i, i, ui(s).anchor())), r = e.map(n, function(e) {
                    return new wi.Segment(e.anchor(), e.controlOut(), e.controlIn())
                }).reverse(), ci(l, r), o = l[0].anchor(), l.push(new wi.Segment(o, o, ui(r).anchor()))), a = new wi.Path(t), a.segments.push.apply(a.segments, l), this.closeFill(a), this.visual.append(a)
            closeFill: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.parent,
                    i = t.prevSegment,
                    r = n.plotArea,
                    o = n.options.invertAxes,
                    a = n.seriesValueAxis(t.series),
                    s = a.lineBox(),
                    l = r.seriesCategoryAxis(t.series),
                    c = l.lineBox(),
                    d = o ? c.x1 : c.y1,
                    u = o ? Qo : Ko,
                    h = t.strokeSegments(),
                    p = h[0].anchor(),
                    f = ui(h).anchor();
                d = hi(d, s[u + 1], s[u + 2]), n.options.isStacked && i || !(h.length > 1) || (o ? e.lineTo(d, f.y).lineTo(d, p.y) : e.lineTo(f.x, d).lineTo(p.x, d))
            createStroke: function(e) {
                if (e.stroke.width > 0) {
                    var t = new wi.Path(e);
                    t.segments.push.apply(t.segments, this.strokeSegments()), this.visual.append(t)
        }), Ft = At.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = this;
                r.stackPoints = t, At.fn.init.call(r, e, n, i)
            _linePoints: At.fn.points
        }), Pn(Ft.fn, It), Rt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.plotArea = e, n.xAxisRanges = {}, n.yAxisRanges = {}, n.points = [], n.seriesPoints = [], n.seriesOptions = [], n._evalSeries = [], n.render()
            options: {
                series: [],
                tooltip: {
                    format: "{0}, {1}"
                labels: {
                    format: "{0}, {1}"
                clip: !0
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.traverseDataPoints(Sn(e.addValue, e))
            addErrorBar: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = e.value[t],
                    a = t + "Value",
                    s = t + "ErrorLow",
                    l = t + "ErrorHigh",
                    c = n.seriesIx,
                    d = n.series,
                    u = e.options.errorBars,
                    h = n[s],
                    p = n[l];
                A(o) && (A(h) && A(p) && (i = {
                    low: h,
                    high: p
                }), u && di(u[a]) && (r.seriesErrorRanges = r.seriesErrorRanges || {
                    x: [],
                    y: []
                }, r.seriesErrorRanges[t][c] = r.seriesErrorRanges[t][c] || new dt(u[a], d, t), i = r.seriesErrorRanges[t][c].getErrorRange(o, u[a])), i && r.addPointErrorBar(i, e, t))
            addPointErrorBar: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = e.low,
                    a = e.high,
                    s = t.series,
                    l = n === Ko,
                    c = t.options.errorBars,
                    d = {};
                t[n + "Low"] = o, t[n + "High"] = a, t.errorBars = t.errorBars || [], i = new bt(o, a, l, r, s, c), t.errorBars.push(i), t.append(i), d[n] = o, r.updateRange(d, s), d[n] = a, r.updateRange(d, s)
            addValue: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = e.x,
                    o = e.y,
                    a = t.seriesIx,
                    s = this.options.series[a],
                    l = this.seriesMissingValues(s),
                    c = i.seriesPoints[a];
                $(r) && $(o) || (e = this.createMissingValue(e, l)), e && (n = i.createPoint(e, t), n && (Cn(n, t), i.addErrorBar(n, Qo, t), i.addErrorBar(n, Ko, t)), i.updateRange(e, t.series)), i.points.push(n), c.push(n)
            seriesMissingValues: function(e) {
                return e.missingValues
            createMissingValue: xn,
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e.x,
                    r = e.y,
                    o = t.xAxis,
                    a = t.yAxis,
                    s = n.xAxisRanges[o],
                    l = n.yAxisRanges[a];
                $(i) && (s = n.xAxisRanges[o] = s || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, typeof i === So && (i = p(i)), s.min = kn.min(s.min, i), s.max = kn.max(s.max, i)), $(r) && (l = n.yAxisRanges[a] = l || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, typeof r === So && (r = p(r)), l.min = kn.min(l.min, r), l.max = kn.max(l.max, r))
            evalPointOptions: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n.series,
                    r = n.seriesIx,
                    o = {
                        defaults: i._defaults,
                        excluded: ["data", "tooltip", "tempate", "visual", "toggle"]
                    a = this._evalSeries[r];
                return di(a) || (this._evalSeries[r] = a = M(e, {}, o, !0)), a && (e = Pn({}, e), M(e, {
                    value: t,
                    series: i,
                    dataItem: n.dataItem
                }, o)), e
            pointType: function() {
                return yt
            pointOptions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.seriesOptions[t];
                return i || (n = this.pointType().fn.defaults, this.seriesOptions[t] = i = Pn({}, n, {
                    markers: {
                        opacity: e.opacity
                    tooltip: {
                        format: this.options.tooltip.format
                    labels: {
                        format: this.options.labels.format
                }, e)), i
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = t.series,
                    o = this.pointOptions(r, t.seriesIx),
                    a = t.color || r.color;
                return o = i.evalPointOptions(o, e, t), Tn.isFunction(r.color) && (a = o.color), n = new yt(e, o), n.color = a, i.append(n), n
            seriesAxes: function(e) {
                var t = this.plotArea,
                    n = e.xAxis,
                    i = n ? t.namedXAxes[n] : t.axisX,
                    r = e.yAxis,
                    o = r ? t.namedYAxes[r] : t.axisY;
                if (!i) throw Error("Unable to locate X axis with name " + n);
                if (!o) throw Error("Unable to locate Y axis with name " + r);
                return {
                    x: i,
                    y: o
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.points,
                    o = 0,
                    a = !i.options.clip;
                i.traverseDataPoints(function(e, s) {
                    t = r[o++], n = i.seriesAxes(s.series);
                    var l, c = n.x.getSlot(e.x, e.x, a),
                        d = n.y.getSlot(e.y, e.y, a);
                    t && (c && d ? (l = i.pointSlot(c, d), t.reflow(l)) : t.visible = !1)
                }), i.box = e
            pointSlot: function(e, t) {
                return new Ln(e.x1, t.y1, e.x2, t.y2)
            traverseDataPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = l.options,
                    d = c.series,
                    u = l.seriesPoints;
                for (n = 0; d.length > n; n++)
                    for (i = d[n], r = u[n], r || (u[n] = []), t = 0; i.data.length > t; t++) o = this._bindPoint(i, n, t), a = o.valueFields, s = o.fields, e(a, Pn({
                        pointIx: t,
                        series: i,
                        seriesIx: n,
                        dataItem: i.data[t],
                        owner: l
                    }, s))
            _bindPoint: ut.fn._bindPoint,
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.value;
                return ti(t, n.x, n.y)
            animationPoints: function() {
                var e, t = this.points,
                    n = [];
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e].marker && n.push(t[e].marker);
                return n
        }), Pn(Rt.fn, St), Ht = Rt.extend({
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                Rt.fn.render.call(e), e.renderSegments()
            createSegment: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = t.style;
                return new(i = r === ko ? Et : xt)(e, t, n)
            animationPoints: function() {
                var e = Rt.fn.animationPoints.call(this);
                return e.concat(this._segments)
            createMissingValue: function(e, t) {
                if (t === Zo) {
                    var n = {
                        x: e.x,
                        y: e.y
                    return $(n.x) || (n.x = 0), $(n.y) || (n.y = 0), n
        }), Pn(Ht.fn, Ct), Bt = Rt.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this._maxSize = Lr, Rt.fn.init.call(this, e, t)
            options: {
                tooltip: {
                    format: "{3}"
                labels: {
                    format: "{3}"
            addValue: function(e, t) {
                (null !== e.size && e.size >= 0 || t.series.negativeValues.visible) && (this._maxSize = kn.max(this._maxSize, kn.abs(e.size)), Rt.fn.addValue.call(this, e, t))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.updateBubblesSize(e), Rt.fn.reflow.call(t, e)
            pointType: function() {
                return kt
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = t.series,
                    a = o.data.length,
                    s = t.pointIx * (kr / a),
                    l = {
                        delay: s,
                        duration: kr - s,
                        type: Fi
                    c = t.color || o.color;
                return 0 > e.size && o.negativeValues.visible && (c = vi(o.negativeValues.color, c)), i = Pn({
                    labels: {
                        animation: {
                            delay: s,
                            duration: kr - s
                }, this.pointOptions(o, t.seriesIx), {
                    markers: {
                        type: Oi,
                        border: o.border,
                        opacity: o.opacity,
                        animation: l
                }), i = r.evalPointOptions(i, e, t), Tn.isFunction(o.color) && (c = i.color), i.markers.background = c, n = new kt(e, i), n.color = c, r.append(n), n
            updateBubblesSize: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _ = this,
                    w = _.options,
                    b = w.series,
                    y = kn.min(e.width(), e.height());
                for (t = 0; b.length > t; t++)
                    for (i = b[t], r = _.seriesPoints[t], o = i.minSize || kn.max(.02 * y, 10), a = i.maxSize || .2 * y, s = o / 2, l = a / 2, c = kn.PI * s * s, d = kn.PI * l * l, u = d - c, h = u / _._maxSize, n = 0; r.length > n; n++) p = r[n], f = kn.abs(p.value.size) * h, g = kn.sqrt((c + f) / kn.PI), m = vi(p.options.zIndex, 0), v = m + (1 - g / l), Pn(p.options, {
                        zIndex: v,
                        markers: {
                            size: 2 * g,
                            zIndex: v
                        labels: {
                            zIndex: v + 1
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.value;
                return ti(t, n.x, n.y, n.size, e.category)
            createAnimation: xn,
            createVisual: xn
        }), Lt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                On.fn.init.call(this, t), this.value = e
            options: {
                border: {
                    _brightness: .8
                line: {
                    width: 2
                overlay: {
                    gradient: _r
                tooltip: {
                    format: "<table style='text-align: left;'><th colspan='2'>{4:d}</th><tr><td>Open:</td><td>{0:C}</td></tr><tr><td>High:</td><td>{1:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Low:</td><td>{2:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Close:</td><td>{3:C}</td></tr></table>"
                highlight: {
                    opacity: 1,
                    border: {
                        width: 1,
                        opacity: 1
                    line: {
                        width: 1,
                        opacity: 1
                notes: {
                    visible: !0,
                    label: {}
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = r.owner,
                    s = r.value,
                    l = a.seriesValueAxis(o),
                    c = [];
                n = l.getSlot(s.open, s.close), i = l.getSlot(s.low, s.high), n.x1 = i.x1 = e.x1, n.x2 = i.x2 = e.x2, r.realBody = n, t = i.center().x, c.push([
                    [t, i.y1],
                    [t, n.y1]
                ]), c.push([
                    [t, n.y2],
                    [t, i.y2]
                ]), r.lines = c, r.box = i.clone().wrap(n), r._rendered || (r._rendered = !0, r.createNote()), r.reflowNote()
            reflowNote: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.note && e.note.reflow(e.box)
            createVisual: function() {
                On.fn.createVisual.call(this), this._mainVisual = this.mainVisual(this.options), this.visual.append(this._mainVisual), this.createOverlay()
            mainVisual: function(e) {
                var t = new wi.Group;
                return this.createBody(t, e), this.createLines(t, e), t
            createBody: function(e, t) {
                var n = wi.Path.fromRect(this.realBody.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: this.color,
                        opacity: t.opacity
                    stroke: null
                t.border.width > 0 && n.options.set("stroke", {
                    color: this.getBorderColor(),
                    width: t.border.width,
                    dashType: t.border.dashType,
                    opacity: vi(t.border.opacity, t.opacity)
                }), ei(n), e.append(n), U(t) && e.append(this.createGradientOverlay(n, {
                    baseColor: this.color
                }, Pn({}, t.overlay)))
            createLines: function(e, t) {
                this.drawLines(e, t, this.lines, t.line)
            drawLines: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a;
                if (n)
                    for (r = {
                        stroke: {
                            color: i.color || this.color,
                            opacity: vi(i.opacity, t.opacity),
                            width: i.width,
                            dashType: i.dashType,
                            lineCap: "butt"
                    }, o = 0; n.length > o; o++) a = wi.Path.fromPoints(n[o], r), ei(a), e.append(a)
            getBorderColor: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.border,
                    i = n.color;
                return di(i) || (i = new Vn(e.color).brightness(n._brightness).toHex()), i
            createOverlay: function() {
                var e = wi.Path.fromRect(this.box.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: Yo,
                        opacity: 0
                    stroke: null
            createHighlight: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.highlight,
                    n = this.color;
                return this.color = t.color || this.color, e = this.mainVisual(Pn({}, this.options, {
                    line: {
                        color: this.getBorderColor()
                }, t)), this.color = n, e
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return this._mainVisual
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                return {
                    options: this.options,
                    rect: this.box.toRect(),
                    visual: this._mainVisual
            tooltipAnchor: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.box,
                    n = e.owner.pane.clipBox() || t;
                return new $n(t.x2 + Lo, kn.max(t.y1, n.y1) + Lo)
            formatValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.owner.formatPointValue(t, e)
        }), Pn(Lt.fn, ot), Pn(Lt.fn, at), Nt = ut.extend({
            options: {},
            reflowCategories: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.children,
                    r = i.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++) i[t].reflow(e[t])
            addValue: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = t.categoryIx,
                    a = t.category,
                    s = t.series,
                    l = t.seriesIx,
                    c = r.options,
                    d = e.valueFields,
                    u = r.children,
                    h = r.splitValue(d),
                    p = I(h),
                    f = r.categoryPoints[o],
                    g = s.data[o];
                f || (r.categoryPoints[o] = f = []), p && (n = r.createPoint(e, t)), i = u[o], i || (i = new it({
                    vertical: c.invertAxes,
                    gap: c.gap,
                    spacing: c.spacing
                }), r.append(i)), n && (r.updateRange(d, t), i.append(n), n.categoryIx = o, n.category = a, n.series = s, n.seriesIx = l, n.owner = r, n.dataItem = g, n.noteText = e.fields.noteText), r.points.push(n), f.push(n)
            pointType: function() {
                return Lt
            createPoint: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = t.categoryIx,
                    o = t.category,
                    a = t.series,
                    s = t.seriesIx,
                    l = e.valueFields,
                    c = Pn({}, a),
                    d = i.pointType(),
                    u = e.fields.color || a.color;
                return c = i.evalPointOptions(c, l, o, r, a, s), a.type == Hi && l.open > l.close && (u = e.fields.downColor || a.downColor || a.color), Tn.isFunction(a.color) && (u = c.color), n = new d(l, c), n.color = u, n
            splitValue: function(e) {
                return [e.low, e.open, e.close, e.high]
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.series.axis,
                    r = n.valueAxisRanges[i],
                    o = n.splitValue(e);
                r = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = r || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, r = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = {
                    min: kn.min.apply(kn, o.concat([r.min])),
                    max: kn.max.apply(kn, o.concat([r.max]))
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.value;
                return ti(t, n.open, n.high, n.low, n.close, e.category)
            animationPoints: function() {
                return this.points
        }), Pn(Nt.fn, St), Ot = Lt.extend({
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.options,
                    s = o.owner,
                    l = o.value,
                    c = s.seriesValueAxis(a),
                    d = [],
                    u = [],
                    h = [];
                r = c.getSlot(l.low, l.high), n = c.getSlot(l.open, l.open), i = c.getSlot(l.close, l.close), n.x1 = i.x1 = r.x1 = e.x1, n.x2 = i.x2 = r.x2 = e.x2, t = r.center().x, d.push([n.x1, n.y1]), d.push([t, n.y1]), u.push([t, i.y1]), u.push([i.x2, i.y1]), h.push([t, r.y1]), h.push([t, r.y2]), o.lines = [d, u, h], o.box = r.clone().wrap(n.clone().wrap(i)), o.reflowNote()
            createBody: e.noop
        }), Vt = Nt.extend({
            pointType: function() {
                return Ot
        }), Ut = Nt.extend({
            addValue: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = t.categoryIx,
                    a = t.category,
                    s = t.series,
                    l = t.seriesIx,
                    c = r.options,
                    d = r.children,
                    u = e.valueFields,
                    h = r.splitValue(u),
                    p = I(h),
                    f = r.categoryPoints[o],
                    g = s.data[o];
                f || (r.categoryPoints[o] = f = []), p && (n = r.createPoint(e, t)), i = d[o], i || (i = new it({
                    vertical: c.invertAxes,
                    gap: c.gap,
                    spacing: c.spacing
                }), r.append(i)), n && (r.updateRange(u, t), i.append(n), n.categoryIx = o, n.category = a, n.series = s, n.seriesIx = l, n.owner = r, n.dataItem = g), r.points.push(n), f.push(n)
            pointType: function() {
                return Wt
            splitValue: function(e) {
                return [e.lower, e.q1, e.median, e.q3, e.upper]
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.series.axis,
                    r = n.valueAxisRanges[i],
                    o = n.splitValue(e).concat(n.filterOutliers(e.outliers));
                di(e.mean) && (o = o.concat(e.mean)), r = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = r || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, r = n.valueAxisRanges[i] = {
                    min: kn.min.apply(kn, o.concat([r.min])),
                    max: kn.max.apply(kn, o.concat([r.max]))
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.value;
                return ti(t, n.lower, n.q1, n.median, n.q3, n.upper, n.mean, e.category)
            filterOutliers: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = (e || []).length,
                    r = [];
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n = e[t], di(n) && T(r, n);
                return r
        }), Wt = Lt.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.value = e, n.createNote()
            options: {
                border: {
                    _brightness: .8
                line: {
                    width: 2
                mean: {
                    width: 2,
                    dashType: "dash"
                overlay: {
                    gradient: _r
                tooltip: {
                    format: "<table style='text-align: left;'><th colspan='2'>{6:d}</th><tr><td>Lower:</td><td>{0:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Q1:</td><td>{1:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Median:</td><td>{2:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Mean:</td><td>{5:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Q3:</td><td>{3:C}</td></tr><tr><td>Upper:</td><td>{4:C}</td></tr></table>"
                highlight: {
                    opacity: 1,
                    border: {
                        width: 1,
                        opacity: 1
                    line: {
                        width: 1,
                        opacity: 1
                notes: {
                    visible: !0,
                    label: {}
                outliers: {
                    visible: !0,
                    size: Pr,
                    type: qi,
                    background: Yo,
                    border: {
                        width: 2,
                        opacity: 1
                    opacity: 0
                extremes: {
                    visible: !0,
                    size: Pr,
                    type: Oi,
                    background: Yo,
                    border: {
                        width: 2,
                        opacity: 1
                    opacity: 0
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = a.owner,
                    c = a.value,
                    d = l.seriesValueAxis(s);
                i = d.getSlot(c.q1, c.q3), a.boxSlot = i, n = d.getSlot(c.lower, c.upper), r = d.getSlot(c.median), i.x1 = n.x1 = e.x1, i.x2 = n.x2 = e.x2, a.realBody = i, c.mean && (o = d.getSlot(c.mean), a.meanPoints = [
                        [e.x1, o.y1],
                        [e.x2, o.y1]
                ]), t = n.center().x, a.whiskerPoints = [
                        [t - 5, n.y1],
                        [t + 5, n.y1],
                        [t, n.y1],
                        [t, i.y1]
                        [t - 5, n.y2],
                        [t + 5, n.y2],
                        [t, n.y2],
                        [t, i.y2]
                ], a.medianPoints = [
                        [e.x1, r.y1],
                        [e.x2, r.y1]
                ], a.box = n.clone().wrap(i), a.reflowNote()
            renderOutliers: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = e.markers || {},
                    s = o.value,
                    l = s.outliers || [],
                    c = (o.owner.seriesValueAxis(e), 3 * kn.abs(s.q3 - s.q1)),
                    d = [];
                for (r = 0; l.length > r; r++) i = l[r], a = s.q3 + c > i && i > s.q1 - c ? e.outliers : e.extremes, t = Pn({}, a.border), di(t.color) || (t.color = di(o.color) ? o.color : new Vn(a.background).brightness(Ai).toHex()), n = new Kn({
                    type: a.type,
                    width: a.size,
                    height: a.size,
                    rotation: a.rotation,
                    background: a.background,
                    border: t,
                    opacity: a.opacity
                }), n.value = i, d.push(n);
                return this.reflowOutliers(d), d
            reflowOutliers: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.owner.seriesValueAxis(this.options),
                    o = this.box.center().x;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t].value, i = r.getSlot(n).move(o), this.box = this.box.wrap(i), e[t].reflow(i)
            mainVisual: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = Lt.fn.mainVisual.call(this, e),
                    r = this.renderOutliers(e);
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t].getElement(), n && i.append(n);
                return i
            createLines: function(e, t) {
                this.drawLines(e, t, this.whiskerPoints, t.line), this.drawLines(e, t, this.medianPoints, t.median), this.drawLines(e, t, this.meanPoints, t.mean)
            getBorderColor: function() {
                return this.color ? this.color : Lt.getBorderColor.call(this)
        }), Pn(Wt.fn, ot), jt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.value = e, i.sector = t, On.fn.init.call(i, n)
            options: {
                color: Yo,
                overlay: {
                    gradient: co
                border: {
                    width: .5
                labels: {
                    visible: !1,
                    distance: 35,
                    font: Zi,
                    margin: ii(.5),
                    align: Oi,
                    zIndex: 1,
                    position: eo
                animation: {
                    type: to
                highlight: {
                    visible: !0,
                    border: {
                        width: 1
                visible: !0
            render: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.labels,
                    r = t.value;
                t._rendered || t.visible === !1 || (t._rendered = !0, i.template ? (e = Fn(i.template), r = e({
                    dataItem: t.dataItem,
                    category: t.category,
                    value: t.value,
                    series: t.series,
                    percentage: t.percentage
                })) : i.format && (r = ti(i.format, r)), i.visible && r && (t.label = new Zn(r, Pn({}, i, {
                    align: Li,
                    vAlign: "",
                    animation: {
                        type: fr,
                        delay: t.animationDelay
                })), t.append(t.label)))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.render(), t.box = e, t.reflowLabel()
            reflowLabel: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.sector.clone(),
                    a = r.options,
                    s = r.label,
                    l = a.labels,
                    c = l.distance,
                    d = o.middle();
                s && (i = s.box.height(), n = s.box.width(), l.position == Li ? (o.r = kn.abs((o.r - i) / 2) + i, e = o.point(d), s.reflow(Ln(e.x, e.y - i / 2, e.x, e.y))) : l.position == Cr ? (o.r = o.r - i / 2, e = o.point(d), s.reflow(Ln(e.x, e.y - i / 2, e.x, e.y))) : (e = o.clone().expand(c).point(d), e.x >= o.c.x ? (t = e.x + n, s.orientation = lo) : (t = e.x - n, s.orientation = Dr), s.reflow(Ln(t, e.y - i, e.x, e.y))))
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.sector,
                    i = t.options,
                    r = i.border || {},
                    o = r.width > 0 ? {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r.color,
                            width: r.width,
                            opacity: r.opacity,
                            dashType: r.dashType
                    } : {},
                    a = i.color,
                    s = {
                        color: a,
                        opacity: i.opacity
                On.fn.createVisual.call(this), t.value && (e = t.createSegment(n, Pn({
                    fill: s,
                    stroke: {
                        opacity: i.opacity
                    zIndex: i.zIndex
                }, o)), this.visual.append(e), U(i) && this.visual.append(this.createGradientOverlay(e, {
                    baseColor: a,
                    fallbackFill: s
                }, Pn({
                    center: [n.c.x, n.c.y],
                    innerRadius: n.ir,
                    radius: n.r,
                    userSpace: !0
                }, i.overlay))))
            createSegment: function(e, t) {
                return t.singleSegment ? new wi.Circle(new _i.Circle(new _i.Point(e.c.x, e.c.y), e.r), t) : Xn.current.createRing(e, t)
            createAnimation: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this.sector.c;
                Pn(e, {
                    animation: {
                        center: [t.x, t.y],
                        delay: this.animationDelay
                }), On.fn.createAnimation.call(this)
            createHighlight: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.highlight || {},
                    i = n.border || {};
                return t.createSegment(t.sector, Pn({}, e, {
                    fill: {
                        color: n.color,
                        opacity: n.opacity
                    stroke: {
                        opacity: i.opacity,
                        width: i.width,
                        color: i.color
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return this.visual.children[0]
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                var e = this.sector;
                return {
                    options: this.options,
                    radius: e.r,
                    innerRadius: e.ir,
                    center: new _i.Point(e.c.x, e.c.y),
                    startAngle: e.startAngle,
                    endAngle: e.angle + e.startAngle,
                    visual: this.visual
            tooltipAnchor: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.sector.adjacentBox(Lo, e, t);
                return new $n(i.x1, i.y1)
            formatValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.owner.formatPointValue(t, e)
        }), Pn(jt.fn, ot), Gt = {
            createLegendItem: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                    c = l.options.legend || {},
                    d = c.labels || {},
                    u = c.inactiveItems || {},
                    h = u.labels || {};
                n && n.visibleInLegend !== !1 && (s = n.visible !== !1, i = n.category || "", r = s ? d.template : h.template || d.template, r && (i = Fn(r)({
                    text: i,
                    series: n.series,
                    dataItem: n.dataItem,
                    percentage: n.percentage,
                    value: e
                })), s ? (a = {}, o = t.color) : (a = {
                    color: h.color,
                    font: h.font
                }, o = (u.markers || {}).color), i && l.legendItems.push({
                    pointIndex: n.index,
                    text: i,
                    series: n.series,
                    markerColor: o,
                    labels: a
        }, qt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.plotArea = e, n.points = [], n.legendItems = [], n.render()
            options: {
                startAngle: 90,
                connectors: {
                    width: 1,
                    color: "#939393",
                    padding: 4
                inactiveItems: {
                    markers: {},
                    labels: {}
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.traverseDataPoints(Sn(e.addValue, e))
            traverseDataPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f = this,
                    g = f.options,
                    m = f.plotArea.options.seriesColors || [],
                    v = m.length,
                    _ = g.series,
                    w = _.length,
                    b = 0;
                for (r = 0; w > r; r++) {
                    for (t = _[r], a = t.data, u = V(t), s = 360 / u, h = di(t.startAngle) ? t.startAngle : g.startAngle, r != w - 1 && t.labels.position == eo && (t.labels.position = Li), p = 0; a.length > p; p++) n = Q.current.bindPoint(t, p), l = n.valueFields.value, c = kn.abs(l), i = n.fields, o = c * s, d = 1 != a.length && !!i.explode, zn(t.color) || (t.color = i.color || m[p % v]), e(l, new Qn(null, 0, 0, h, o), {
                        owner: f,
                        category: i.category || "",
                        index: b,
                        series: t,
                        seriesIx: r,
                        dataItem: a[p],
                        percentage: 0 !== u ? c / u : 0,
                        explode: d,
                        visibleInLegend: i.visibleInLegend,
                        visible: i.visible,
                        zIndex: w - r,
                        animationDelay: f.animationDelay(p, r, w)
                    }), n.fields.visible !== !1 && (h += o), b++;
                    b = 0
            evalSegmentOptions: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = n.series;
                M(e, {
                    value: t,
                    series: i,
                    dataItem: n.dataItem,
                    category: n.category,
                    percentage: n.percentage
                }, {
                    defaults: i._defaults,
                    excluded: ["data", "template", "visual", "toggle"]
            addValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = Pn({}, n.series, {
                        index: n.index
                r.evalSegmentOptions(o, e, n), r.createLegendItem(e, o, n), n.visible !== !1 && (i = new jt(e, t, o), Cn(i, n), r.append(i), r.points.push(i))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = c.options,
                    u = e.clone(),
                    h = 5,
                    p = kn.min(u.width(), u.height()),
                    f = p / 2,
                    g = p - .85 * p,
                    m = vi(d.padding, g),
                    v = Ln(u.x1, u.y1, u.x1 + p, u.y1 + p),
                    _ = v.center(),
                    w = c.seriesConfigs || [],
                    b = u.center(),
                    y = c.points,
                    k = y.length,
                    x = d.series.length,
                    C = [],
                    S = [];
                for (m = m > f - h ? f - h : m, v.translate(b.x - _.x, b.y - _.y), a = f - m, l = $n(a + v.x1 + m, a + v.y1 + m), s = 0; k > s; s++) r = y[s], o = r.sector, o.r = a, o.c = l, n = r.seriesIx, w.length && (t = w[n], o.ir = t.ir, o.r = t.r), n == x - 1 && r.explode && (o.c = o.clone().radius(.15 * o.r).point(o.middle())), r.reflow(v), i = r.label, i && i.options.position === eo && n == x - 1 && (i.orientation === lo ? S.push(i) : C.push(i));
                C.length > 0 && (C.sort(c.labelComparator(!0)), c.leftLabelsReflow(C)), S.length > 0 && (S.sort(c.labelComparator(!1)), c.rightLabelsReflow(S)), c.box = v
            leftLabelsReflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.distanceBetweenLabels(e);
                t.distributeLabels(n, e)
            rightLabelsReflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.distanceBetweenLabels(e);
                t.distributeLabels(n, e)
            distanceBetweenLabels: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.points,
                    a = o[o.length - 1],
                    s = a.sector,
                    l = e[0].box,
                    c = e.length - 1,
                    d = s.r + a.options.labels.distance,
                    u = [];
                for (n = si(l.y1 - (s.c.y - d - l.height() - l.height() / 2)), u.push(n), i = 0; c > i; i++) l = e[i].box, t = e[i + 1].box, n = si(t.y1 - l.y2), u.push(n);
                return n = si(s.c.y + d - e[c].box.y2 - e[c].box.height() / 2), u.push(n), u
            distributeLabels: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = e.length;
                for (o = 0; s > o; o++)
                    for (i = r = o, n = -e[o]; n > 0 && (i >= 0 || s > r);) n = a._takeDistance(e, o, --i, n), n = a._takeDistance(e, o, ++r, n);
                a.reflowLabels(e, t)
            _takeDistance: function(e, t, n, i) {
                if (e[n] > 0) {
                    var r = kn.min(e[n], i);
                    i -= r, e[n] -= r, e[t] += r
                return i
            reflowLabels: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.points,
                    l = s[s.length - 1],
                    c = l.sector,
                    d = t.length,
                    u = l.options.labels,
                    h = u.distance,
                    p = c.c.y - (c.r + h) - t[0].box.height();
                for (e[0] += 2, o = 0; d > o; o++) n = t[o], p += e[o], r = n.box, i = a.hAlignLabel(r.x2, c.clone().expand(h), p, p + r.height(), n.orientation == lo), n.orientation == lo ? (u.align !== Oi && (i = c.r + c.c.x + h), n.reflow(Ln(i + r.width(), p, i, p))) : (u.align !== Oi && (i = c.c.x - c.r - h), n.reflow(Ln(i - r.width(), p, i, p))), p += r.height()
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g = this,
                    m = g.options,
                    v = m.connectors,
                    _ = g.points,
                    w = _.length,
                    b = 4;
                for (On.fn.createVisual.call(this), this._connectorLines = [], s = 0; w > s; s++) r = _[s], t = r.sector, n = t.middle(), a = r.label, o = {
                    seriesId: r.seriesIx
                }, a && (e = new wi.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        color: v.color,
                        width: v.width
                    animation: {
                        type: fr,
                        delay: r.animationDelay
                }), a.options.position === eo && 0 !== r.value && (l = a.box, c = t.c, d = t.point(n), u = $n(l.x1, l.center().y), d = t.clone().expand(v.padding).point(n), e.moveTo(d.x, d.y), a.orientation == lo ? (p = $n(l.x1 - v.padding, l.center().y), f = i(c, d, u, p), u = $n(p.x - b, p.y), f = f || u, f.x = kn.min(f.x, u.x), g.pointInCircle(f, t.c, t.r + b) || t.c.x > f.x ? (h = t.c.x + t.r + b, r.options.labels.align !== ji ? u.x > h ? e.lineTo(h, d.y) : e.lineTo(d.x + 2 * b, d.y) : e.lineTo(h, d.y), e.lineTo(u.x, p.y)) : (f.y = p.y, e.lineTo(f.x, f.y))) : (p = $n(l.x2 + v.padding, l.center().y), f = i(c, d, u, p), u = $n(p.x + b, p.y), f = f || u, f.x = kn.max(f.x, u.x), g.pointInCircle(f, t.c, t.r + b) || f.x > t.c.x ? (h = t.c.x - t.r - b, r.options.labels.align !== ji ? h > u.x ? e.lineTo(h, d.y) : e.lineTo(d.x - 2 * b, d.y) : e.lineTo(h, d.y), e.lineTo(u.x, p.y)) : (f.y = p.y, e.lineTo(f.x, f.y))), e.lineTo(p.x, p.y), this._connectorLines.push(e), this.visual.append(e)))
            labelComparator: function(e) {
                return e = e ? -1 : 1,
                    function(t, n) {
                        return t = (t.parent.sector.middle() + 270) % 360, n = (n.parent.sector.middle() + 270) % 360, (t - n) * e
            hAlignLabel: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = t.c.x,
                    a = t.c.y,
                    s = t.r,
                    l = kn.min(kn.abs(a - n), kn.abs(a - i));
                return l > s ? e : o + kn.sqrt(s * s - l * l) * (r ? 1 : -1)
            pointInCircle: function(e, t, n) {
                return d(t.x - e.x) + d(t.y - e.y) < d(n)
            formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                return ti(t, e.value)
            animationDelay: function(e) {
                return e * no
        }), Pn(qt.fn, Gt), $t = jt.extend({
            options: {
                overlay: {
                    gradient: uo
                labels: {
                    position: Li
                animation: {
                    type: to
            reflowLabel: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.sector.clone(),
                    r = n.options,
                    o = n.label,
                    a = r.labels,
                    s = i.middle();
                o && (t = o.box.height(), a.position == Li ? (i.r -= (i.r - i.ir) / 2, e = i.point(s), o.reflow(new Ln(e.x, e.y - t / 2, e.x, e.y))) : jt.fn.reflowLabel.call(n))
            createSegment: function(e, t) {
                return Xn.current.createRing(e, t)
        }), Pn($t.fn, ot), Yt = qt.extend({
            options: {
                startAngle: 90,
                connectors: {
                    width: 1,
                    color: "#939393",
                    padding: 4
            addValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = Pn({}, n.series, {
                        index: n.index
                r.evalSegmentOptions(o, e, n), r.createLegendItem(e, o, n), e && n.visible !== !1 && (i = new $t(e, t, o), Cn(i, n), r.append(i), r.points.push(i))
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.options,
                    c = e.clone(),
                    d = 5,
                    u = kn.min(c.width(), c.height()),
                    h = u / 2,
                    p = u - .85 * u,
                    f = vi(l.padding, p),
                    g = l.series,
                    m = g.length,
                    v = 0,
                    _ = 0,
                    w = 0,
                    b = 0;
                for (s.seriesConfigs = [], f = f > h - d ? h - d : f, i = h - f, o = 0; m > o; o++) t = g[o], 0 === o && di(t.holeSize) && (n = t.holeSize, i -= t.holeSize), di(t.size) ? i -= t.size : v++, di(t.margin) && o != m - 1 && (i -= t.margin);
                for (di(n) || (b = (h - f) / (m + .75), n = .75 * b, i -= n), w = n, o = 0; m > o; o++) t = g[o], r = vi(t.size, i / v), w += _, a = w + r, s.seriesConfigs.push({
                    ir: w,
                    r: a
                }), _ = t.margin || 0, w = a;
                qt.fn.reflow.call(s, e)
            animationDelay: function(e, t, n) {
                return e * rr + kr * (t + 1) / (n + 1)
        }), Qt = ht.extend({
            render: function() {
                ht.fn.render.call(this), this.createSegments()
            traverseDataPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, h = this.options.series,
                    p = this.categoryAxis.options.categories || [],
                    f = c(h),
                    g = !this.options.invertAxes;
                for (t = 0; h.length > t; t++)
                    for (n = h[t], i = 0, r = 0, o = 0; f > o; o++) a = Q.current.bindPoint(n, o), s = a.valueFields.value, l = a.fields.summary, d = i, l ? "total" === l.toLowerCase() ? (a.valueFields.value = i, d = 0, u = i) : (a.valueFields.value = r, u = d - r, r = 0) : A(s) && (r += s, i += s, u = i), e(a, {
                        category: p[o],
                        categoryIx: o,
                        series: n,
                        seriesIx: t,
                        total: i,
                        runningTotal: r,
                        from: d,
                        to: u,
                        isVertical: g
            updateRange: function(e, t) {
                ht.fn.updateRange.call(this, {
                    value: t.to
                }, t)
            aboveAxis: function(e) {
                return e.value >= 0
            plotRange: function(e) {
                return [e.from, e.to]
            createSegments: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this.options.series,
                    l = this.seriesPoints,
                    c = this.segments = [];
                for (e = 0; s.length > e; e++)
                    if (t = s[e], n = l[e])
                        for (r = 0; n.length > r; r++) o = n[r], o && i && (a = new Kt(i, o, t), c.push(a), this.append(a)), i = o
        }), Kt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                On.fn.init.call(i), i.from = e, i.to = t, i.series = n
            options: {
                animation: {
                    type: fr,
                    delay: kr
            linePoints: function() {
                var e, t, n = [],
                    i = this.from,
                    r = i.box,
                    o = this.to.box;
                return i.isVertical ? (e = i.aboveAxis ? r.y1 : r.y2, n.push([r.x1, e], [o.x2, e])) : (t = i.aboveAxis ? r.x2 : r.x1, n.push([t, r.y1], [t, o.y2])), n
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n;
                On.fn.createVisual.call(this), e = this.options, t = this.series.line || {}, n = wi.Path.fromPoints(this.linePoints(), {
                    stroke: {
                        color: t.color,
                        width: t.width,
                        opacity: t.opacity,
                        dashType: t.dashType
                }), ei(n), this.visual.append(n)
        }), Xt = Nn.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                Nn.fn.init.call(t, e), e = t.options, t.id = Tn.guid(), t.createTitle(), t.content = new On, t.chartContainer = new Zt({}, t), t.append(t.content), t.axes = [], t.charts = []
            options: {
                zIndex: -1,
                shrinkToFit: !0,
                title: {
                    align: Dr
                visible: !0
            createTitle: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options.title;
                typeof t === Zr && (t = Pn({}, t, {
                    align: t.position,
                    position: Ho
                })), e.title = Jn.buildTitle(t, e, Xt.fn.options.title)
            appendAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.content.append(e), t.axes.push(e), e.pane = t
            appendChart: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.chartContainer.parent !== t.content && t.content.append(t.chartContainer), t.charts.push(e), t.chartContainer.append(e), e.pane = t
            empty: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.parent;
                if (n) {
                    for (e = 0; t.axes.length > e; e++) n.removeAxis(t.axes[e]);
                    for (e = 0; t.charts.length > e; e++) n.removeChart(t.charts[e])
                t.axes = [], t.charts = [], t.content.destroy(), t.content.children = [], t.chartContainer.children = []
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                ui(n.children) === n.content && (t = n.children.pop()), Nn.fn.reflow.call(n, e), t && n.children.push(t), n.title && (n.contentBox.y1 += n.title.box.height())
            visualStyle: function() {
                var e = Nn.fn.visualStyle.call(this);
                return e.zIndex = -10, e
            renderComplete: function() {
                this.options.visible && this.createGridLines()
            stackRoot: W,
            clipRoot: W,
            createGridLines: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.axes,
                    l = s.concat(a.parent.axes),
                    c = [],
                    d = [];
                for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++)
                    for (i = s[t], r = i.options.vertical, e = r ? c : d, n = 0; l.length > n; n++) 0 === e.length && (o = l[n], r !== o.options.vertical && ci(e, i.createGridLines(o)))
            refresh: function() {
                this.visual.clear(), this.content.parent = null, this.content.createGradient = e.proxy(this.createGradient, this), this.content.renderVisual(), this.content.parent = this, this.title && this.visual.append(this.title.visual), this.visual.append(this.content.visual), this.renderComplete()
            clipBox: function() {
                return this.chartContainer.clipBox
        }), Zt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, e), n.pane = t
            shouldClip: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.children,
                    i = n.length;
                for (e = 0; i > e; e++)
                    if (n[e].options.clip === !0) return !0;
                return !1
            _clipBox: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.pane,
                    a = o.axes,
                    s = a.length,
                    l = o.box.clone();
                for (t = 0; s > t; t++) i = a[t], e = i.options.vertical ? Ko : Qo, n = i.lineBox(), l[e + 1] = n[e + 1], l[e + 2] = n[e + 2];
                return l
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n;
                this.visual = new wi.Group({
                    zIndex: 0
                }), this.shouldClip() && (e = this.clipBox = this._clipBox(), t = e.toRect(), n = wi.Path.fromRect(t), this.visual.clip(n), this.unclipLabels())
            stackRoot: W,
            unclipLabels: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.children,
                    s = o.clipBox;
                for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++)
                    for (e = a[n].points || {}, r = e.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) t = e[i], t && t.label && t.label.options.visible && t.box.overlaps(s) && (t.label.alignToClipBox && t.label.alignToClipBox(s), t.label.options.noclip = !0)
            destroy: function() {
                On.fn.destroy.call(this), delete this.parent
        }), Jt = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                On.fn.init.call(n, t), n.series = e, n.initSeries(), n.charts = [], n.options.legend.items = [], n.axes = [], n.crosshairs = [], n.createPanes(), n.render(), n.createCrosshairs()
            options: {
                series: [],
                plotArea: {
                    margin: {}
                background: "",
                border: {
                    color: Ii,
                    width: 0
                legend: {
                    inactiveItems: {
                        labels: {
                            color: "#919191"
                        markers: {
                            color: "#919191"
            initSeries: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.series;
                for (e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t = n[e], t.index = e
            createPanes: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = [],
                    r = n.options.panes || [],
                    o = kn.max(r.length, 1);
                for (e = 0; o > e; e++) t = new Xt(r[e]), t.paneIndex = e, i.push(t), n.append(t);
                n.panes = i
            createCrosshairs: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this;
                for (e = e || a.panes, t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                    for (i = e[t], n = 0; i.axes.length > n; n++) r = i.axes[n], r.options.crosshair && r.options.crosshair.visible && (o = new hn(r, r.options.crosshair), a.crosshairs.push(o), i.content.append(o))
            removeCrosshairs: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.crosshairs,
                    o = e.axes;
                for (t = r.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)
                    for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++)
                        if (r[t].axis === o[n]) {
                            r.splice(t, 1);
            hideCrosshairs: function() {
                var e, t = this.crosshairs;
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e].hide()
            findPane: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.panes;
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++)
                    if (r[t].options.name === e) {
                        n = r[t];
                return n || r[0]
            findPointPane: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.panes;
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++)
                    if (r[t].box.containsPoint(e)) {
                        n = r[t];
                return n
            appendAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.findPane(e.options.pane);
                n.appendAxis(e), t.axes.push(e), e.plotArea = t
            removeAxis: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = [];
                for (t = 0; i.axes.length > t; t++) n = i.axes[t], e !== n ? r.push(n) : n.destroy();
                i.axes = r
            appendChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.charts.push(e), t ? t.appendChart(e) : n.append(e)
            removeChart: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = [];
                for (t = 0; i.charts.length > t; t++) n = i.charts[t], n !== e ? r.push(n) : n.destroy();
                i.charts = r
            addToLegend: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = e.length,
                    u = [],
                    h = this.options.legend,
                    p = h.labels || {},
                    f = h.inactiveItems || {},
                    g = f.labels || {};
                for (t = 0; d > t; t++) n = e[t], l = n.visible !== !1, n.visibleInLegend !== !1 && (i = n.name || "", c = l ? p.template : g.template || p.template, c && (i = Fn(c)({
                    text: i,
                    series: n
                })), r = n.color, s = n._defaults, zn(r) && s && (r = s.color), l ? (o = {}, a = r) : (o = {
                    color: g.color,
                    font: g.font
                }, a = f.markers.color), i && u.push({
                    text: i,
                    labels: o,
                    markerColor: a,
                    series: n,
                    active: l
                ci(h.items, u)
            groupAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = [],
                    a = [];
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++)
                    for (t = e[i].axes, r = 0; t.length > r; r++) n = t[r], n.options.vertical ? a.push(n) : o.push(n);
                return {
                    x: o,
                    y: a,
                    any: o.concat(a)
            groupSeriesByPane: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.series,
                    o = {};
                for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) n = r[e], t = i.seriesPaneName(n), o[t] ? o[t].push(n) : o[t] = [n];
                return o
            filterVisibleSeries: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], n.visible !== !1 && i.push(n);
                return i
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.plotArea,
                    i = t.panes,
                    r = ii(n.margin);
                t.box = e.clone().unpad(r), t.reflowPanes(), t.reflowAxes(i), t.reflowCharts(i)
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                for (e = [].concat(e), this.initSeries(), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n.removeCrosshairs(e[t]), e[t].empty();
                for (n.render(e), n.reflowAxes(n.panes), n.reflowCharts(e), n.createCrosshairs(e), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) e[t].refresh()
            axisCrossingValues: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e.options,
                    r = [].concat(i.axisCrossingValues || i.axisCrossingValue),
                    o = t.length - r.length,
                    a = r[0] || 0;
                for (n = 0; o > n; n++) r.push(a);
                return r
            alignAxisTo: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = e.getSlot(n, n, !0),
                    o = e.options.reverse ? 2 : 1,
                    a = t.getSlot(i, i, !0),
                    s = t.options.reverse ? 2 : 1,
                    l = e.box.translate(a[Qo + s] - r[Qo + o], a[Ko + s] - r[Ko + o]);
                e.pane !== t.pane && l.translate(0, e.pane.box.y1 - t.pane.box.y1), e.reflow(l)
            alignAxes: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = e[0],
                    l = t[0],
                    c = a.axisCrossingValues(s, t),
                    d = a.axisCrossingValues(l, e),
                    u = {},
                    h = {},
                    p = {},
                    f = {};
                for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++) r = t[o], n = r.pane, i = n.id, a.alignAxisTo(r, s, d[o], c[o]), r.options._overlap || (si(r.lineBox().x1) === si(s.lineBox().x1) && (u[i] && r.reflow(r.box.alignTo(u[i].box, Dr).translate(-r.options.margin, 0)), u[i] = r), si(r.lineBox().x2) === si(s.lineBox().x2) && (r._mirrored || (r.options.labels.mirror = !r.options.labels.mirror, r._mirrored = !0), a.alignAxisTo(r, s, d[o], c[o]), h[i] && r.reflow(r.box.alignTo(h[i].box, lo).translate(r.options.margin, 0)), h[i] = r), 0 !== o && l.pane === r.pane && (r.alignTo(l), r.reflow(r.box)));
                for (o = 0; e.length > o; o++) r = e[o], n = r.pane, i = n.id, a.alignAxisTo(r, l, c[o], d[o]), r.options._overlap || (si(r.lineBox().y1) === si(l.lineBox().y1) && (r._mirrored || (r.options.labels.mirror = !r.options.labels.mirror, r._mirrored = !0), a.alignAxisTo(r, l, c[o], d[o]), p[i] && r.reflow(r.box.alignTo(p[i].box, Ho).translate(0, -r.options.margin)), p[i] = r), si(r.lineBox().y2, Gi) === si(l.lineBox().y2, Gi) && (f[i] && r.reflow(r.box.alignTo(f[i].box, Mi).translate(0, r.options.margin)), f[i] = r), 0 !== o && (r.alignTo(s), r.reflow(r.box)))
            shrinkAxisWidth: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.groupAxes(e).any,
                    a = x(o),
                    s = 0;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], n.axes.length > 0 && (s = kn.max(s, a.width() - n.contentBox.width()));
                if (0 !== s)
                    for (t = 0; o.length > t; t++) i = o[t], i.options.vertical || i.reflow(i.box.shrink(s, 0))
            shrinkAxisHeight: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = e[t], i = n.axes, r = kn.max(0, x(i).height() - n.contentBox.height()), 0 !== r) {
                        for (o = 0; i.length > o; o++) a = i[o], a.options.vertical && a.reflow(a.box.shrink(0, r));
                        s = !0
                return s
            fitAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = c.groupAxes(e).any,
                    u = 0;
                for (s = 0; e.length > s; s++)
                    if (o = e[s], t = o.axes, n = o.contentBox, t.length > 0)
                        for (i = x(t), u = kn.max(u, n.x1 - i.x1), r = kn.max(n.y1 - i.y1, n.y2 - i.y2), l = 0; t.length > l; l++) a = t[l], a.reflow(a.box.translate(0, r));
                for (s = 0; d.length > s; s++) a = d[s], a.reflow(a.box.translate(u, 0))
            reflowAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.groupAxes(e);
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n.reflowPaneAxes(e[t]);
                i.x.length > 0 && i.y.length > 0 && (n.alignAxes(i.x, i.y), n.shrinkAxisWidth(e), n.autoRotateAxisLabels(i), n.alignAxes(i.x, i.y), n.shrinkAxisWidth(e) && n.alignAxes(i.x, i.y), n.shrinkAxisHeight(e), n.alignAxes(i.x, i.y), n.shrinkAxisHeight(e) && n.alignAxes(i.x, i.y), n.fitAxes(e))
            autoRotateAxisLabels: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.axes,
                    o = this.panes;
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t = r[n], t.autoRotateLabels() && (i = !0);
                if (i) {
                    for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++) this.reflowPaneAxes(o[n]);
                    e.x.length > 0 && e.y.length > 0 && (this.alignAxes(e.x, e.y), this.shrinkAxisWidth(o))
            reflowPaneAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.axes,
                    i = n.length;
                if (i > 0)
                    for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t].reflow(e.contentBox)
            reflowCharts: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.charts,
                    o = r.length,
                    a = i.box;
                for (n = 0; o > n; n++) t = r[n].pane, (!t || ri(t, e)) && r[n].reflow(a)
            reflowPanes: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.box,
                    s = o.panes,
                    l = s.length,
                    c = a.height(),
                    d = l,
                    u = 0,
                    h = a.y1;
                for (e = 0; l > e; e++) t = s[e], i = t.options.height, t.options.width = a.width(), t.options.height ? (i.indexOf && i.indexOf("%") && (r = parseInt(i, 10) / 100, t.options.height = r * a.height()), t.reflow(a.clone()), c -= t.options.height) : u++;
                for (e = 0; l > e; e++) t = s[e], t.options.height || (t.options.height = c / u);
                for (e = 0; l > e; e++) t = s[e], n = a.clone().move(a.x1, h), t.reflow(n), d--, h += t.options.height
            backgroundBox: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.axes,
                    l = s.length;
                for (n = 0; l > n; n++)
                    for (r = s[n], i = 0; l > i; i++) o = s[i], r.options.vertical !== o.options.vertical && (e = r.lineBox().clone().wrap(o.lineBox()), t = t ? t.wrap(e) : e);
                return t || a.box
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o;
                On.fn.createVisual.call(this), e = this.backgroundBox(), t = this.options.plotArea, n = t.border || {}, i = t.background, r = t.opacity, li.isTransparent(i) && (i = Yo, r = 0), o = this._bgVisual = wi.Path.fromRect(e.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: i,
                        opacity: r
                    stroke: {
                        color: n.width ? n.color : "",
                        width: n.width,
                        dashType: n.dashType
                    zIndex: -1
                }), this.appendVisual(o)
            pointsByCategoryIndex: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.charts,
                    s = [];
                if (null !== e)
                    for (t = 0; a.length > t; t++)
                        if (o = a[t], "_navigator" !== o.pane.options.name && (i = a[t].categoryPoints[e], i && i.length))
                            for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) r = i[n], r && di(r.value) && null !== r.value && s.push(r);
                return s
            pointsBySeriesIndex: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.charts,
                    s = [];
                for (i = 0; a.length > i; i++)
                    for (o = a[i], t = o.points, r = 0; t.length > r; r++) n = t[r], n && n.options.index === e && s.push(n);
                return s
            pointsBySeriesName: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this.charts,
                    s = [];
                for (i = 0; a.length > i; i++)
                    for (o = a[i], t = o.points, r = 0; t.length > r; r++) n = t[r], n && n.series.name === e && s.push(n);
                return s
            paneByPoint: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.panes;
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++)
                    if (t = r[n], t.box.containsPoint(e)) return t
        }), en = Jt.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this;
                if (r.namedCategoryAxes = {}, r.namedValueAxes = {}, r.valueAxisRangeTracker = new tn, e.length > 0)
                    for (r.invertAxes = ri(e[0].type, [Ti, Ri, Go, Wo, oo, br]), n = 0; e.length > n; n++)
                        if (i = e[n].stack, i && "100%" === i.type) {
                            r.stack100 = !0;
                Jt.fn.init.call(r, e, t)
            options: {
                categoryAxis: {
                    categories: []
                valueAxis: {}
            render: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                e = e || t.panes, t.createCategoryAxes(e), t.aggregateCategories(e), t.createCategoryAxesLabels(e), t.createCharts(e), t.createValueAxes(e)
            removeAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.options.name;
                Jt.fn.removeAxis.call(t, e), e instanceof et ? delete t.namedCategoryAxes[n] : (t.valueAxisRangeTracker.reset(n), delete t.namedValueAxes[n]), e === t.categoryAxis && delete t.categoryAxis, e === t.valueAxis && delete t.valueAxis
            createCharts: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this.groupSeriesByPane();
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = e[t], i = s[n.options.name || "default"] || [], this.addToLegend(i), r = this.filterVisibleSeries(i))
                        for (o = this.groupSeriesByCategoryAxis(r), a = 0; o.length > a; a++) this.createChartGroup(o[a], n)
            createChartGroup: function(e, t) {
                this.createAreaChart(F(e, [ki, Wo]), t), this.createBarChart(F(e, [ji, Ti]), t), this.createRangeBarChart(F(e, [ao, oo]), t), this.createBulletChart(F(e, [Ri, jo]), t), this.createCandlestickChart(F(e, Hi), t), this.createBoxPlotChart(F(e, zi), t), this.createOHLCChart(F(e, Jr), t), this.createWaterfallChart(F(e, [qo, br]), t), this.createLineChart(F(e, [Ir, Go]), t)
            aggregateCategories: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.srcSeries || a.series,
                    l = [];
                for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++) n = s[t], i = a.seriesCategoryAxis(n), r = a.findPane(i.options.pane), o = C(i.options.type, Ki), (o || n.categoryField) && ri(r, e) && (n = a.aggregateSeries(n, i)), l.push(n);
                a.srcSeries = s, a.series = l
            aggregateSeries: function(e, t) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l = t.options,
                    c = C(t.options.type, Ki),
                    d = l.categories,
                    p = l.srcCategories || d,
                    f = e.data,
                    g = [],
                    m = t.range(),
                    v = Pn({}, e),
                    _ = Pn({}, e),
                    w = u;
                for (v.data = a = [], c && (w = h), i = 0; f.length > i; i++) r = e.categoryField ? w(e.categoryField, f[i]) : p[i], o = t.categoryIndex(r, m), o > -1 && (g[o] = g[o] || [], g[o].push(i));
                for (s = new mn(_, Q.current, n.current), i = 0; d.length > i; i++) a[i] = s.aggregatePoints(g[i], d[i]);
                return t.options.dataItems = a, v
            appendChart: function(e, t) {
                for (var n = this, i = e.options.series, r = n.seriesCategoryAxis(i[0]), o = r.options.categories, a = kn.max(0, c(i) - o.length); a--;) o.push("");
                n.valueAxisRangeTracker.update(e.valueAxisRanges), Jt.fn.appendChart.call(n, e, t)
            seriesPaneName: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = t.axis,
                    o = [].concat(i.valueAxis),
                    a = e.grep(o, function(e) {
                        return e.name === r
                    s = i.panes || [{}],
                    l = (s[0] || {}).name || "default",
                    c = (a || {}).pane || l;
                return c
            seriesCategoryAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.categoryAxis,
                    i = n ? t.namedCategoryAxes[n] : t.categoryAxis;
                if (!i) throw Error("Unable to locate category axis with name " + n);
                return i
            stackableChartOptions: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = e.stack,
                    r = i && "100%" === i.type;
                return di(t.options.clip) ? n = t.options.clip : r && (n = !1), {
                    isStacked: i,
                    isStacked100: r,
                    clip: n
            groupSeriesByCategoryAxis: function(n) {
                function i(t, i) {
                    return e.grep(n, function(e) {
                        return 0 === i && !e.categoryAxis || e.categoryAxis == t
                var r, o, a, s = {},
                    l = e.map(n, function(e) {
                        var n = e.categoryAxis || "$$default$$";
                        return s.hasOwnProperty(n) ? t : (s[n] = !0, n)
                    c = [];
                for (r = 0; l.length > r; r++) o = l[r], a = i(o, r), 0 !== a.length && c.push(a);
                return c
            createBarChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new ht(n, Cn({
                            series: e,
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            spacing: i.spacing
                        }, n.stackableChartOptions(i, t)));
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createRangeBarChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new ft(n, {
                            series: e,
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            spacing: i.spacing
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createBulletChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new gt(n, {
                            series: e,
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            spacing: i.spacing,
                            clip: t.options.clip
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createLineChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Tt(n, Cn({
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            series: e
                        }, n.stackableChartOptions(i, t)));
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createAreaChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Mt(n, Cn({
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            series: e
                        }, n.stackableChartOptions(i, t)));
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createOHLCChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Vt(n, {
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            series: e,
                            spacing: i.spacing,
                            clip: t.options.clip
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createCandlestickChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Nt(n, {
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            series: e,
                            spacing: i.spacing,
                            clip: t.options.clip
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createBoxPlotChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Ut(n, {
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            series: e,
                            spacing: i.spacing,
                            clip: t.options.clip
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            createWaterfallChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = new Qt(n, {
                            series: e,
                            invertAxes: n.invertAxes,
                            gap: i.gap,
                            spacing: i.spacing
                    n.appendChart(r, t)
            axisRequiresRounding: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = F(a.series, ra);
                for (n = 0; a.series.length > n; n++) r = a.series[n], (r.type === Ir || r.type === ki) && (o = r.line, o && o.style === yo && s.push(r));
                for (n = 0; s.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = s[n].categoryAxis || "", i === e || !i && 0 === t) return !0
            createCategoryAxesLabels: function() {
                var e, t = this.axes;
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e] instanceof et && t[e].createLabels()
            createCategoryAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = c.invertAxes,
                    u = [].concat(c.options.categoryAxis),
                    h = [];
                for (t = 0; u.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = u[t], i = c.findPane(n.pane), ri(i, e)) {
                        if (a = n.name, r = n.categories || [], o = n.type || "", n = Pn({
                            vertical: d,
                            axisCrossingValue: d ? Hr : 0,
                            _deferLabels: !0
                        }, n), di(n.justified) || (n.justified = c.isJustified()), c.axisRequiresRounding(a, t) && (n.justified = !1, n.roundToBaseUnit = !0), s = L(n, r[0]) ? new tt(n) : new et(n), a) {
                            if (c.namedCategoryAxes[a]) throw Error("Category axis with name " + a + " is already defined");
                            c.namedCategoryAxes[a] = s
                        s.axisIndex = t, h.push(s), c.appendAxis(s)
                l = c.categoryAxis || h[0], c.categoryAxis = l, d ? c.axisY = l : c.axisX = l
            isJustified: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.series;
                for (e = 0; i.length > e; e++)
                    if (t = i[e], !ri(t.type, [ki, Wo])) return !1;
                return !0
            createValueAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this,
                    u = d.valueAxisRangeTracker,
                    h = u.query(),
                    p = [].concat(d.options.valueAxis),
                    f = d.invertAxes,
                    g = {
                        vertical: !f
                    m = [];
                for (d.stack100 && (g.roundToMajorUnit = !1, g.labels = {
                    format: "P0"
                }), c = 0; p.length > c; c++)
                    if (t = p[c], n = d.findPane(t.pane), ri(n, e)) {
                        if (l = t.name, s = C(t.type, zr) ? {
                            min: .1,
                            max: 1
                        } : {
                            min: 0,
                            max: 1
                        }, o = u.query(l) || h || s, 0 === c && o && h && (o.min = kn.min(o.min, h.min), o.max = kn.max(o.max, h.max)), a = C(t.type, zr) ? Gn : qn, i = new a(o.min, o.max, Pn({}, g, t)), l) {
                            if (d.namedValueAxes[l]) throw Error("Value axis with name " + l + " is already defined");
                            d.namedValueAxes[l] = i
                        i.axisIndex = c, m.push(i), d.appendAxis(i)
                r = d.valueAxis || m[0], d.valueAxis = r, f ? d.axisX = r : d.axisY = r
            click: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = t._eventCoordinates(n),
                    l = new $n(s.x, s.y),
                    c = a.pointPane(l),
                    d = [],
                    u = [];
                if (c) {
                    for (i = c.axes, r = 0; i.length > r; r++) o = i[r], o.getValue ? T(u, o.getValue(l)) : T(d, o.getCategory(l));
                    0 === d.length && T(d, a.categoryAxis.getCategory(l)), d.length > 0 && u.length > 0 && t.trigger(io, {
                        element: e(n.target),
                        originalEvent: n,
                        category: k(d),
                        value: k(u)
            pointPane: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.panes;
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++)
                    if (t = r[n], t.contentBox.containsPoint(e)) return t
        }), tn = Dn.extend({
            init: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.axisRanges = {}
            update: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.axisRanges;
                for (i in e) t = o[i], n = e[i], o[i] = t = t || {
                    min: Hr,
                    max: Lr
                }, t.min = kn.min(t.min, n.min), t.max = kn.max(t.max, n.max)
            reset: function(e) {
                this.axisRanges[e] = t
            query: function(e) {
                return this.axisRanges[e]
        }), nn = Jt.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.namedXAxes = {}, n.namedYAxes = {}, n.xAxisRangeTracker = new tn, n.yAxisRangeTracker = new tn, Jt.fn.init.call(n, e, t)
            options: {
                xAxis: {},
                yAxis: {}
            render: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                    a = o.groupSeriesByPane();
                for (e = e || o.panes, t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], i = a[n.options.name || "default"] || [], o.addToLegend(i), r = o.filterVisibleSeries(i), r && (o.createScatterChart(F(r, ho), n), o.createScatterLineChart(F(r, po), n), o.createBubbleChart(F(r, Fi), n));
            appendChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.xAxisRangeTracker.update(e.xAxisRanges), n.yAxisRangeTracker.update(e.yAxisRanges), Jt.fn.appendChart.call(n, e, t)
            removeAxis: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.options.name;
                Jt.fn.removeAxis.call(t, e), e.options.vertical ? (t.yAxisRangeTracker.reset(n), delete t.namedYAxes[n]) : (t.xAxisRangeTracker.reset(n), delete t.namedXAxes[n]), e === t.axisX && delete t.axisX, e === t.axisY && delete t.axisY
            seriesPaneName: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = t.xAxis,
                    o = [].concat(i.xAxis),
                    a = e.grep(o, function(e) {
                        return e.name === r
                    s = t.yAxis,
                    l = [].concat(i.yAxis),
                    c = e.grep(l, function(e) {
                        return e.name === s
                    d = i.panes || [{}],
                    u = d[0].name || "default",
                    h = (a || {}).pane || (c || {}).pane || u;
                return h
            createScatterChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                e.length > 0 && n.appendChart(new Rt(n, {
                    series: e,
                    clip: t.options.clip
                }), t)
            createScatterLineChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                e.length > 0 && n.appendChart(new Ht(n, {
                    series: e,
                    clip: t.options.clip
                }), t)
            createBubbleChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                e.length > 0 && n.appendChart(new Bt(n, {
                    series: e,
                    clip: t.options.clip
                }), t)
            createXYAxis: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = this,
                    h = e.name,
                    p = t ? u.namedYAxes : u.namedXAxes,
                    f = t ? u.yAxisRangeTracker : u.xAxisRangeTracker,
                    g = Pn({}, e, {
                        vertical: t
                    m = C(g.type, zr),
                    v = f.query(),
                    _ = m ? {
                        min: .1,
                        max: 1
                    } : {
                        min: 0,
                        max: 1
                    w = f.query(h) || v || _,
                    b = u.series,
                    y = [g.min, g.max];
                for (o = 0; b.length > o; o++)
                    if (a = b[o], s = a[t ? "yAxis" : "xAxis"], s == g.name || 0 === n && !s) {
                        l = Q.current.bindPoint(a, 0).valueFields, y.push(l[t ? "y" : "x"]);
                for (0 === n && v && (w.min = kn.min(w.min, v.min), w.max = kn.max(w.max, v.max)), d = 0; y.length > d; d++)
                    if (y[d] instanceof Date) {
                        c = !0;
                if (r = C(g.type, Ki) || !g.type && c ? nt : m ? Gn : qn, i = new r(w.min, w.max, g), h) {
                    if (p[h]) throw Error((t ? "Y" : "X") + " axis with name " + h + " is already defined");
                    p[h] = i
                return u.appendAxis(i), i
            createAxes: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = [].concat(i.xAxis),
                    o = [],
                    a = [].concat(i.yAxis),
                    s = [];
                _n(r, function(i) {
                    t = n.findPane(this.pane), ri(t, e) && o.push(n.createXYAxis(this, !1, i))
                }), _n(a, function(i) {
                    t = n.findPane(this.pane), ri(t, e) && s.push(n.createXYAxis(this, !0, i))
                }), n.axisX = n.axisX || o[0], n.axisY = n.axisY || s[0]
            click: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = t._eventCoordinates(n),
                    c = new $n(l.x, l.y),
                    d = s.axes,
                    u = d.length,
                    h = [],
                    p = [];
                for (i = 0; u > i; i++) r = d[i], a = r.options.vertical ? p : h, o = r.getValue(c), null !== o && a.push(o);
                h.length > 0 && p.length > 0 && t.trigger(io, {
                    element: e(n.target),
                    originalEvent: n,
                    x: k(h),
                    y: k(p)
        }), rn = Jt.extend({
            render: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.series;
            createPieChart: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e[0],
                    i = new qt(t, {
                        series: e,
                        padding: n.padding,
                        startAngle: n.startAngle,
                        connectors: n.connectors,
                        legend: t.options.legend
            appendChart: function(e, t) {
                Jt.fn.appendChart.call(this, e, t), ci(this.options.legend.items, e.legendItems)
        }), on = rn.extend({
            render: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.series;
            createDonutChart: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e[0],
                    i = new Yt(t, {
                        series: e,
                        padding: n.padding,
                        connectors: n.connectors,
                        legend: t.options.legend
        }), an = wi.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                easing: "easeOutElastic",
                duration: kr
            setup: function() {
                this.element.transform(_i.transform().scale(bo, bo, this.options.center))
            step: function(e) {
                this.element.transform(_i.transform().scale(e, e, this.options.center))
        }), wi.AnimationFactory.current.register(to, an), sn = wi.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                easing: "easeOutElastic"
            setup: function() {
                var e = this.center = this.element.bbox().center();
                this.element.transform(_i.transform().scale(bo, bo, e))
            step: function(e) {
                this.element.transform(_i.transform().scale(e, e, this.center))
        }), wi.AnimationFactory.current.register(Fi, sn), ln = Dn.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._points = []
            destroy: function() {
                this._points = []
            show: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (e = [].concat(e), this.hide(), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], n && n.toggleHighlight && n.hasHighlight() && (this.togglePointHighlight(n, !0), this._points.push(n))
            togglePointHighlight: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = (e.options.highlight || {}).toggle;
                i ? (n = {
                    category: e.category,
                    series: e.series,
                    dataItem: e.dataItem,
                    value: e.value,
                    preventDefault: G,
                    visual: e.highlightVisual(),
                    show: t
                }, i(n), n._defaultPrevented || e.toggleHighlight(t)) : e.toggleHighlight(t)
            hide: function() {
                for (var e = this._points; e.length;) this.togglePointHighlight(e.pop(), !1)
            isHighlighted: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._points;
                for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = i[t], e == n) return !0;
                return !1
        }), cn = An.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this;
                An.fn.init.call(o), o.options = Pn({}, o.options, n), o.chartElement = t, o.template = cn.template, o.template || (o.template = cn.template = mi("<div class='" + $i + "tooltip " + $i + "chart-tooltip' style='display:none; position: absolute; font: #= d.font #;border: #= d.border.width #px solid;opacity: #= d.opacity #; filter: alpha(opacity=#= d.opacity * 100 #);'></div>")), i = ii(o.options.padding || {}, "auto"), o.element = e(o.template(o.options)).css({
                    "padding-top": i.top,
                    "padding-right": i.right,
                    "padding-bottom": i.bottom,
                    "padding-left": i.left
                }), o.move = Sn(o.move, o), o._mouseleave = Sn(o._mouseleave, o), r = Tn.format("[{0}='content'],[{0}='scroller']", Tn.attr("role")), o._mobileScroller = t.closest(r).data("kendoMobileScroller")
            destroy: function() {
                this._clearShowTimeout(), this.element && (this.element.off(Vr).remove(), this.element = null)
            options: {
                border: {
                    width: 1
                opacity: 1,
                animation: {
                    duration: Bo
            move: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.element;
                t.anchor && t.element && (e = t._offset(), t.visible || i.css({
                    top: e.top,
                    left: e.left
                }), t.visible = !0, t._ensureElement(document.body), i.stop(!0, !0).show().animate({
                    left: e.left,
                    top: e.top
                }, n.animation.duration))
            _clearShowTimeout: function() {
                this.showTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.showTimeout), this.showTimeout = null)
            _padding: function() {
                if (!this._chartPadding) {
                    var e = this.chartElement;
                    this._chartPadding = {
                        top: parseInt(e.css("paddingTop"), 10),
                        left: parseInt(e.css("paddingLeft"), 10)
                return this._chartPadding
            _offset: function() {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i._measure(),
                    o = i.anchor,
                    a = i._padding(),
                    s = i.chartElement.offset(),
                    l = si(o.y + a.top + s.top),
                    c = si(o.x + a.left + s.left),
                    d = Tn.support.zoomLevel(),
                    u = e(window),
                    h = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0,
                    p = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || 0,
                    f = (this._mobileScroller || {}).movable;
                return f && 1 !== f.scale ? (t = _i.transform().scale(f.scale, f.scale, [f.x, f.y]), n = new _i.Point(c, l).transform(t), c = n.x, l = n.y) : (l += i._fit(l - h, r.height, u.outerHeight() / d), c += i._fit(c - p, r.width, u.outerWidth() / d)), {
                    top: l,
                    left: c
            setStyle: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = e.background,
                    o = e.border.color;
                t && (n = t.color || t.options.color, r = vi(r, n), o = vi(o, n)), di(e.color) || (i = new Vn(r).percBrightness(), this.element.toggleClass($i + Vo, i > 180)), this.element.css({
                    backgroundColor: r,
                    borderColor: o,
                    font: e.font,
                    color: e.color,
                    opacity: e.opacity,
                    borderWidth: e.border.width
            show: function() {
                this._clearShowTimeout(), this.showTimeout = setTimeout(this.move, No)
            hide: function() {
                var e = this;
                clearTimeout(e.showTimeout), e._hideElement(), e.visible && (e.point = null, e.visible = !1, e.index = null)
            _measure: function() {
                var e = {
                    width: this.element.outerWidth(),
                    height: this.element.outerHeight()
                return e
            _ensureElement: function() {
                this.element && this.element.appendTo(document.body).on(Vr, this._mouseleave)
            _mouseleave: function(t) {
                var n = t.relatedTarget,
                    i = this.chartElement[0];
                n && n !== i && !e.contains(i, n) && (this.trigger(Tr), this.hide())
            _hideElement: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = this.element;
                t && t.fadeOut({
                    always: function() {
                        e.visible || t.off(Vr).remove()
            _pointContent: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = Pn({}, i.options, e.options.tooltip);
                return di(e.value) && (t = "" + e.value), r.template ? (n = Fn(r.template), t = n({
                    value: e.value,
                    category: e.category,
                    series: e.series,
                    dataItem: e.dataItem,
                    percentage: e.percentage,
                    runningTotal: e.runningTotal,
                    total: e.total,
                    low: e.low,
                    high: e.high,
                    xLow: e.xLow,
                    xHigh: e.xHigh,
                    yLow: e.yLow,
                    yHigh: e.yHigh
                })) : r.format && (t = e.formatValue(r.format)), t
            _pointAnchor: function(e) {
                var t = this._measure();
                return e.tooltipAnchor(t.width, t.height)
            _fit: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = 0;
                return e + t > n && (i = n - (e + t)), 0 > e && (i = -e), i
        }), dn = cn.extend({
            show: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = Pn({}, t.options, e.options.tooltip);
                e && e.tooltipAnchor && t.element && (t.element.html(t._pointContent(e)), t.anchor = t._pointAnchor(e), t.anchor ? (t.setStyle(n, e), cn.fn.show.call(t, e)) : t.hide())
        }), un = cn.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                cn.fn.init.call(i, e, n), i.plotArea = t
            options: {
                sharedTemplate: "<table><th colspan='2'>#= categoryText #</th># for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { ## var point = points[i]; #<tr># if(point.series.name) { # <td> #= point.series.name #:</td># } #<td>#= content(point) #</td></tr># } #</table>",
                categoryFormat: "{0:d}"
            showAt: function(t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = r.plotArea,
                    s = a.categoryAxis,
                    l = s.pointCategoryIndex(n),
                    c = s.getCategory(n),
                    d = s.getSlot(l);
                t = e.grep(t, function(e) {
                    var t = e.series.tooltip,
                        n = t && t.visible === !1;
                    return !n
                }), t.length > 0 && (i = r._content(t, c), r.element.html(i), r.anchor = r._slotAnchor(n, d), r.setStyle(o, t[0]), cn.fn.show.call(r))
            _slotAnchor: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.plotArea,
                    o = r.categoryAxis,
                    a = this._measure(),
                    s = e.y - a.height / 2;
                return n = o.options.vertical ? $n(e.x, s) : $n(t.center().x, s)
            _content: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this;
                return n = Tn.template(r.options.sharedTemplate), i = n({
                    points: e,
                    category: t,
                    categoryText: ti(r.options.categoryFormat, t),
                    content: r._pointContent
        }), hn = On.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                On.fn.init.call(this, t), this.axis = e, this.stickyMode = e instanceof et
            options: {
                color: Ii,
                width: 1,
                zIndex: -1,
                tooltip: {
                    visible: !1
            showAt: function(e) {
                var t;
                this.point = e, this.moveLine(), this.line.visible(!0), t = this.options.tooltip, t.visible && (this.tooltip || (this.tooltip = new pn(this, Pn({}, t, {
                    stickyMode: this.stickyMode
                }))), this.tooltip.showAt(e))
            hide: function() {
                this.line.visible(!1), this.tooltip && this.tooltip.hide()
            moveLine: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.axis,
                    o = r.options.vertical,
                    a = i.getBox(),
                    s = i.point,
                    l = o ? Ko : Qo;
                t = new _i.Point(a.x1, a.y1), n = o ? new _i.Point(a.x2, a.y1) : new _i.Point(a.x1, a.y2), s && (i.stickyMode ? (e = r.getSlot(r.pointCategoryIndex(s)), t[l] = n[l] = e.center()[l]) : t[l] = n[l] = s[l]), i.box = a, this.line.moveTo(t).lineTo(n)
            getBox: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.axis,
                    o = r.pane.axes,
                    a = o.length,
                    s = r.options.vertical,
                    l = r.lineBox().clone(),
                    c = s ? Qo : Ko;
                for (n = 0; a > n; n++) t = o[n], t.options.vertical != s && (e ? e.wrap(t.lineBox()) : e = t.lineBox().clone());
                return l[c + 1] = e[c + 1], l[c + 2] = e[c + 2], l
            createVisual: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.line = new wi.Path({
                    stroke: {
                        color: e.color,
                        width: e.width,
                        opacity: e.opacity,
                        dashType: e.dashType
                    visible: !1
                }), this.moveLine(), this.visual.append(this.line)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.tooltip && e.tooltip.destroy(), On.fn.destroy.call(e)
        }), pn = cn.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e.axis.getRoot().chart.element;
                n.crosshair = e, cn.fn.init.call(n, i, Pn({}, n.options, {
                    background: e.axis.plotArea.options.seriesColors[0]
                }, t)), n.setStyle(n.options)
            options: {
                padding: 10
            showAt: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.element;
                n && (t.point = e, t.element.html(t.content(e)), t.anchor = t.getAnchor(), t.move())
            move: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element,
                    n = e._offset();
                e._ensureElement(), t.css({
                    top: n.top,
                    left: n.left
            content: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = r.crosshair.axis,
                    s = a.options;
                return n = t = a[o.stickyMode ? "getCategory" : "getValue"](e), o.template ? (i = Fn(o.template), t = i({
                    value: n
                })) : o.format ? t = ti(o.format, n) : s.type === Ki && (t = ti(s.labels.dateFormats[s.baseUnit], n)), t
            getAnchor: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.position,
                    r = this.crosshair,
                    o = !r.axis.options.vertical,
                    a = r.line.bbox(),
                    s = this._measure(),
                    l = s.width / 2,
                    c = s.height / 2,
                    d = n.padding;
                return e = o ? i === Mi ? a.bottomLeft().translate(-l, d) : a.topLeft().translate(-l, -s.height - d) : i === Dr ? a.topLeft().translate(-s.width - d, -c) : a.topRight().translate(d, -c)
            hide: function() {
                this.element.hide(), this.point = null
            destroy: function() {
                cn.fn.destroy.call(this), this.point = null
        }), fn = {
            min: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = Hr,
                    r = e.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++) n = e[t], A(n) && (i = kn.min(i, n));
                return i === Hr ? e[0] : i
            max: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = Lr,
                    r = e.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++) n = e[t], A(n) && (i = kn.max(i, n));
                return i === Lr ? e[0] : i
            sum: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e.length,
                    r = 0;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n = e[t], A(n) && (r += n);
                return r
            sumOrNull: function(e) {
                var t = null;
                return E(e) && (t = fn.sum(e)), t
            count: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e.length,
                    r = 0;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n = e[t], null !== n && di(n) && r++;
                return r
            avg: function(e) {
                var t = e[0],
                    n = E(e);
                return n > 0 && (t = fn.sum(e) / n), t
            first: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e.length;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++)
                    if (n = e[t], null !== n && di(n)) return n;
                return e[0]
        }, n.prototype = {
            register: function(e, t) {
                for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++) this._defaults[e[n]] = t
            query: function(e) {
                return this._defaults[e]
        }, n.current = new n, gn = An.extend({
            init: function(t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this,
                    s = t.element,
                    l = n.lineBox(),
                    c = a.getValueAxis(n),
                    d = c.lineBox(),
                    u = "." + $i;
                An.fn.init.call(a), a.options = Pn({}, a.options, i), i = a.options, a.chart = t, a.chartElement = s, a.categoryAxis = n, a._dateAxis = a.categoryAxis instanceof tt, a.valueAxis = c, a._dateAxis && Pn(i, {
                    min: p(i.min),
                    max: p(i.max),
                    from: p(i.from),
                    to: p(i.to)
                }), a.template = gn.template, a.template || (a.template = gn.template = mi("<div class='" + $i + "selector' style='width: #= d.width #px; height: #= d.height #px; top: #= d.offset.top #px; left: #= d.offset.left #px;'><div class='" + $i + "mask'></div><div class='" + $i + "mask'></div><div class='" + $i + "selection'><div class='" + $i + "selection-bg'></div><div class='" + $i + "handle " + $i + "leftHandle'><div></div></div><div class='" + $i + "handle " + $i + "rightHandle'><div></div></div></div></div>")), o = {
                    left: parseInt(s.css("paddingLeft"), 10),
                    right: parseInt(s.css("paddingTop"), 10)
                }, a.options = Pn({}, {
                    width: l.width(),
                    height: d.height(),
                    padding: o,
                    offset: {
                        left: d.x2 + o.left,
                        top: d.y1 + o.right
                    from: i.min,
                    to: i.max
                }, i), a.options.visible && (a.wrapper = r = e(a.template(a.options)).appendTo(s), a.selection = r.find(u + "selection"), a.leftMask = r.find(u + "mask").first(), a.rightMask = r.find(u + "mask").last(), a.leftHandle = r.find(u + "leftHandle"), a.rightHandle = r.find(u + "rightHandle"), a.options.selection = {
                    border: {
                        left: parseFloat(a.selection.css("border-left-width"), 10),
                        right: parseFloat(a.selection.css("border-right-width"), 10)
                }, a.leftHandle.css("top", (a.selection.height() - a.leftHandle.height()) / 2), a.rightHandle.css("top", (a.selection.height() - a.rightHandle.height()) / 2), a.set(a._index(i.from), a._index(i.to)), a.bind(a.events, a.options), a.wrapper[0].style.cssText = a.wrapper[0].style.cssText, a.wrapper.on(Yr, Sn(a._mousewheel, a)), Tn.UserEvents ? a.userEvents = new Tn.UserEvents(a.wrapper, {
                    global: !0,
                    stopPropagation: !0,
                    multiTouch: !0,
                    start: Sn(a._start, a),
                    move: Sn(a._move, a),
                    end: Sn(a._end, a),
                    tap: Sn(a._tap, a),
                    gesturestart: Sn(a._gesturechange, a),
                    gesturechange: Sn(a._gesturechange, a)
                }) : a.leftHandle.add(a.rightHandle).removeClass($i + "handle"))
            events: [go, mo, vo],
            options: {
                visible: !0,
                mousewheel: {
                    zoom: Pi
                min: Lr,
                max: Hr
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.userEvents;
                t && t.destroy(), clearTimeout(e._mwTimeout), e._state = null, e.wrapper.remove()
            _rangeEventArgs: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return {
                    axis: t.categoryAxis.options,
                    from: t._value(e.from),
                    to: t._value(e.to)
            _start: function(t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = e(t.event.target);
                !i._state && o && (i.chart._unsetActivePoint(), i._state = {
                    moveTarget: o.parents(".k-handle").add(o).first(),
                    startLocation: t.x ? t.x.location : 0,
                    range: {
                        from: i._index(r.from),
                        to: i._index(r.to)
                }, n = i._rangeEventArgs({
                    from: i._index(r.from),
                    to: i._index(r.to)
                }), i.trigger(go, n) && (i.userEvents.cancel(), i._state = null))
            _move: function(e) {
                if (this._state) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._state,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = t.categoryAxis.options.categories,
                        o = t._index(i.from),
                        a = t._index(i.to),
                        s = t._index(i.min),
                        l = t._index(i.max),
                        c = n.startLocation - e.x.location,
                        d = n.range,
                        u = {
                            from: d.from,
                            to: d.to
                        h = d.to - d.from,
                        p = n.moveTarget,
                        f = t.wrapper.width() / (r.length - 1),
                        g = kn.round(c / f);
                    p && (e.preventDefault(), p.is(".k-selection, .k-selection-bg") ? (d.from = kn.min(kn.max(s, o - g), l - h), d.to = kn.min(d.from + h, l)) : p.is(".k-leftHandle") ? (d.from = kn.min(kn.max(s, o - g), l - 1), d.to = kn.max(d.from + 1, d.to)) : p.is(".k-rightHandle") && (d.to = kn.min(kn.max(s + 1, a - g), l), d.from = kn.min(d.to - 1, d.from)), (d.from !== u.from || d.to !== u.to) && (t.move(d.from, d.to), t.trigger(mo, t._rangeEventArgs(d))))
            _end: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._state.range;
                delete e._state, e.set(t.from, t.to), e.trigger(vo, e._rangeEventArgs(t))
            _gesturechange: function(e) {
                if (this._state) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.chart,
                        i = t._state,
                        r = t.options,
                        o = t.categoryAxis,
                        a = i.range,
                        s = n._toModelCoordinates(e.touches[0].x.location).x,
                        l = n._toModelCoordinates(e.touches[1].x.location).x,
                        c = kn.min(s, l),
                        d = kn.max(s, l);
                    e.preventDefault(), i.moveTarget = null, a.from = o.pointCategoryIndex(new Rn.Point2D(c)) || r.min, a.to = o.pointCategoryIndex(new Rn.Point2D(d)) || r.max, t.move(a.from, a.to)
            _tap: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.chart._eventCoordinates(e),
                    r = t.categoryAxis,
                    o = r.pointCategoryIndex(new Rn.Point2D(i.x, r.box.y1)),
                    a = t._index(n.from),
                    s = t._index(n.to),
                    l = t._index(n.min),
                    c = t._index(n.max),
                    d = s - a,
                    u = a + d / 2,
                    h = kn.round(u - o),
                    p = {},
                    f = 3 === e.event.which;
                t._state || f || (e.preventDefault(), t.chart._unsetActivePoint(), r.options.justified || h--, p.from = kn.min(kn.max(l, a - h), c - d), p.to = kn.min(p.from + d, c), t._start(e), t._state && (t._state.range = p, t.trigger(mo, t._rangeEventArgs(p)), t._end()))
            _mousewheel: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = ai(e);
                    event: {
                        target: n.selection
                }), n._state && (t = n._state.range, e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), kn.abs(r) > 1 && (r *= Jo), i.mousewheel.reverse && (r *= -1), n.expand(r) && n.trigger(mo, {
                    axis: n.categoryAxis.options,
                    delta: r,
                    originalEvent: e,
                    from: n._value(t.from),
                    to: n._value(t.to)
                }), n._mwTimeout && clearTimeout(n._mwTimeout), n._mwTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                }, $r))
            _index: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.categoryAxis,
                    i = n.options.categories,
                    r = e;
                return e instanceof Date && (r = D(e, i), !n.options.justified && e > ui(i) && (r += 1)), r
            _value: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = this.categoryAxis,
                    i = n.options.categories,
                    r = e;
                return t._dateAxis && (r = e > i.length - 1 ? t.options.max : i[e]), r
            _slot: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = this.categoryAxis;
                return n.getSlot(t._index(e))
            move: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.offset,
                    c = s.padding,
                    d = s.selection.border;
                r = a._slot(e), n = si(r.x1 - l.left + c.left), a.leftMask.width(n), a.selection.css("left", n), r = a._slot(t), i = si(s.width - (r.x1 - l.left + c.left)), a.rightMask.width(i), o = s.width - i, o != s.width && (o += d.right), a.rightMask.css("left", o), a.selection.width(kn.max(s.width - (n + i) - d.right, 0))
            set: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = n._index(i.min),
                    o = n._index(i.max);
                e = hi(n._index(e), r, o), t = hi(n._index(t), e + 1, o), i.visible && n.move(e, t), i.from = n._value(e), i.to = n._value(t)
            expand: function(e) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = n._index(i.min),
                    o = n._index(i.max),
                    a = i.mousewheel.zoom,
                    s = n._index(i.from),
                    l = n._index(i.to),
                    c = {
                        from: s,
                        to: l
                    d = Pn({}, c);
                return n._state && (c = n._state.range), a !== lo && (c.from = hi(hi(s - e, 0, l - 1), r, o)), a !== Dr && (c.to = hi(hi(l + e, c.from + 1, o), r, o)), c.from !== d.from || c.to !== d.to ? (n.set(c.from, c.to), !0) : t
            getValueAxis: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = e.pane.axes,
                    r = i.length;
                for (t = 0; r > t; t++)
                    if (n = i[t], n.options.vertical !== e.options.vertical) return n
        }), mn = function(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o, a = this,
                s = t.canonicalFields(e),
                l = t.valueFields(e),
                c = t.sourceFields(e, s),
                d = a._seriesFields = [],
                u = n.query(e.type),
                h = e.aggregate || u;
            for (a._series = e, a._binder = t, i = 0; s.length > i; i++) {
                if (r = s[i], typeof h === Zr) o = h[r];
                else {
                    if (0 !== i && !ri(r, l)) break;
                    o = h
                o && d.push({
                    canonicalName: r,
                    name: c[i],
                    transform: zn(o) ? o : fn[o]
        }, mn.prototype = {
            aggregatePoints: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s._bindPoints(e || []),
                    c = s._series,
                    d = s._seriesFields,
                    u = l.dataItems[0],
                    h = {};
                for (!u || A(u) || wn(u) || (a = function() {}, a.prototype = u, h = new a), n = 0; d.length > n; n++) {
                    if (i = d[n], r = s._bindField(l.values, i.canonicalName), o = i.transform(r, c, l.dataItems, t), null !== o && typeof o === Zr && !di(o.length)) {
                        h = o;
                    di(o) && (O(i.name, h), Tn.setter(i.name)(h, o))
                return h
            _bindPoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i._binder,
                    o = i._series,
                    a = [],
                    s = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], a.push(r.bindPoint(o, n)), s.push(o.data[n]);
                return {
                    values: a,
                    dataItems: s
            _bindField: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = [],
                    s = e.length;
                for (n = 0; s > n; n++) i = e[n], o = i.valueFields, r = di(o[t]) ? o[t] : i.fields[t], a.push(r);
                return a
        }, vn = Dn.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this._axis = e
            slot: function(e, t) {
                return this._axis.slot(e, t)
            range: function() {
                return this._axis.range()
        }), Cn(e.easing, {
            easeOutElastic: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = 1.70158,
                    o = 0,
                    a = i;
                return 0 === e ? n : 1 === e ? n + i : (o || (o = .5), a < kn.abs(i) ? (a = i, r = o / 4) : r = o / (2 * kn.PI) * kn.asin(i / a), a * kn.pow(2, -10 * e) * kn.sin(1.1 * (1 * e - r) * kn.PI / o) + i + n)
        }), Rn.ui.plugin(aa), Y.current.register(en, [Ti, ji, Ir, Go, ki, Wo, Hi, Jr, Ri, jo, zi, ao, oo, qo, br]), Y.current.register(nn, [ho, po, Fi]), Y.current.register(rn, [to]), Y.current.register(on, [ir]), Q.current.register([Ti, ji, Ir, Go, ki, Wo], [Uo], [Bi, Wi, Xr, lr, cr]), Q.current.register([ao, oo], [mr, Ro], [Bi, Wi, Xr]), Q.current.register([qo, br], [Uo], [Bi, Wi, Xr, To]), n.current.register([Ti, ji, Ir, Go, ki, Wo, qo, br], {
            value: Fr,
            color: gr,
            noteText: gr,
            errorLow: Br,
            errorHigh: Fr
        }), n.current.register([ao, oo], {
            from: Br,
            to: Fr,
            color: gr,
            noteText: gr
        }), Q.current.register([ho, po, Fi], [Qo, Ko], [Wi, Xr, dr, ur, hr, pr]), Q.current.register([Fi], [Qo, Ko, "size"], [Wi, Bi, Xr]), Q.current.register([Hi, Jr], ["open", "high", "low", "close"], [Bi, Wi, "downColor", Xr]), n.current.register([Hi, Jr], {
            open: Fr,
            high: Fr,
            low: Br,
            close: Fr,
            color: gr,
            downColor: gr,
            noteText: gr
        }), Q.current.register([zi], ["lower", "q1", "median", "q3", "upper", "mean", "outliers"], [Bi, Wi, Xr]), n.current.register([zi], {
            lower: Fr,
            q1: Fr,
            median: Fr,
            q3: Fr,
            upper: Fr,
            mean: Fr,
            outliers: gr,
            color: gr,
            noteText: gr
        }), Q.current.register([Ri, jo], ["current", "target"], [Bi, Wi, "visibleInLegend", Xr]), n.current.register([Ri, jo], {
            current: Fr,
            target: Fr,
            color: gr,
            noteText: gr
        }), Q.current.register([to, ir], [Uo], [Bi, Wi, "explode", "visibleInLegend", "visible"]), Pn(Rn, {
            EQUALLY_SPACED_SERIES: ra,
            Aggregates: fn,
            AreaChart: Mt,
            AreaSegment: Pt,
            AxisGroupRangeTracker: tn,
            Bar: st,
            BarChart: ht,
            BarLabel: K,
            BubbleChart: Bt,
            Bullet: mt,
            BulletChart: gt,
            CandlestickChart: Nt,
            Candlestick: Lt,
            CategoricalChart: ut,
            CategoricalErrorBar: wt,
            CategoricalPlotArea: en,
            CategoryAxis: et,
            ChartAxis: vn,
            ChartContainer: Zt,
            ClipAnimation: Dt,
            ClusterLayout: it,
            Crosshair: hn,
            CrosshairTooltip: pn,
            DateCategoryAxis: tt,
            DateValueAxis: nt,
            DefaultAggregates: n,
            DonutChart: Yt,
            DonutPlotArea: on,
            DonutSegment: $t,
            ErrorBarBase: _t,
            ErrorRangeCalculator: dt,
            Highlight: ln,
            SharedTooltip: un,
            Legend: J,
            LegendItem: X,
            LegendLayout: Z,
            LineChart: Tt,
            LinePoint: yt,
            LineSegment: xt,
            Pane: Xt,
            PieAnimation: an,
            PieChart: qt,
            PieChartMixin: Gt,
            PiePlotArea: rn,
            PieSegment: jt,
            PlotAreaBase: Jt,
            PlotAreaFactory: Y,
            PointEventsMixin: ot,
            RangeBar: pt,
            RangeBarChart: ft,
            ScatterChart: Rt,
            ScatterErrorBar: bt,
            ScatterLineChart: Ht,
            Selection: gn,
            SeriesAggregator: mn,
            SeriesBinder: Q,
            ShapeElement: Kn,
            SplineSegment: Et,
            SplineAreaSegment: zt,
            StackWrap: rt,
            Tooltip: dn,
            OHLCChart: Vt,
            OHLCPoint: Ot,
            WaterfallChart: Qt,
            WaterfallSegment: Kt,
            XYPlotArea: nn,
            addDuration: g,
            areNumbers: I,
            axisGroupBox: x,
            categoriesCount: c,
            ceilDate: _,
            countNumbers: E,
            duration: y,
            ensureTree: O,
            indexOf: R,
            isNumber: A,
            floorDate: v,
            filterSeriesByType: F,
            hasValue: $,
            lteDateIndex: D,
            evalOptions: M,
            seriesTotal: V,
            singleItemOrArray: k,
            sortDates: H,
            startOfWeek: m,
            transpose: N,
            toDate: p,
            toTime: f,
            uniqueDates: B
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            return e.value.x - t.value.x

        function i(e, t) {
            return 180 - C.abs(C.abs(e - t) - 180)
        var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C = Math,
            S = window.kendo,
            T = S.deepExtend,
            D = S.util,
            A = D.append,
            E = S.drawing,
            I = S.geometry,
            P = S.dataviz,
            M = P.AreaSegment,
            z = P.Axis,
            F = P.AxisGroupRangeTracker,
            R = P.BarChart,
            H = P.Box2D,
            B = P.CategoryAxis,
            L = P.CategoricalChart,
            N = P.CategoricalPlotArea,
            O = P.ChartElement,
            V = P.CurveProcessor,
            U = P.DonutSegment,
            W = P.LineChart,
            j = P.LineSegment,
            G = P.LogarithmicAxis,
            q = P.NumericAxis,
            $ = P.PlotAreaBase,
            Y = P.PlotAreaFactory,
            Q = P.Point2D,
            K = P.Ring,
            X = P.ScatterChart,
            Z = P.ScatterLineChart,
            J = P.SeriesBinder,
            et = P.ShapeBuilder,
            tt = P.SplineSegment,
            nt = P.SplineAreaSegment,
            it = P.getSpacing,
            rt = P.filterSeriesByType,
            ot = D.limitValue,
            at = P.round,
            st = "arc",
            lt = "#000",
            ct = P.COORD_PRECISION,
            dt = .15,
            ut = C.PI / 180,
            ht = "gap",
            pt = "interpolate",
            ft = "log",
            gt = "plotAreaClick",
            mt = "polarArea",
            vt = "polarLine",
            _t = "polarScatter",
            wt = "radarArea",
            bt = "radarColumn",
            yt = "radarLine",
            kt = "smooth",
            xt = "x",
            Ct = "y",
            St = "zero",
            Tt = [mt, vt, _t],
            Dt = [wt, bt, yt],
            At = {
                createGridLines: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = C.abs(i.box.center().y - e.lineBox().y1),
                        a = !1,
                        s = [];
                    return r.majorGridLines.visible && (t = i.majorGridLineAngles(e), a = !0, s = i.renderMajorGridLines(t, o, r.majorGridLines)), r.minorGridLines.visible && (n = i.minorGridLineAngles(e, a), A(s, i.renderMinorGridLines(n, o, r.minorGridLines, e, a))), s
                renderMajorGridLines: function(e, t, n) {
                    return this.renderGridLines(e, t, n)
                renderMinorGridLines: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o = this.radiusCallback && this.radiusCallback(t, i, r);
                    return this.renderGridLines(e, t, n, o)
                renderGridLines: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a = {
                            stroke: {
                                width: n.width,
                                color: n.color,
                                dashType: n.dashType
                        s = this.box.center(),
                        l = new I.Circle([s.x, s.y], t),
                        c = this.gridLinesVisual();
                    for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = new E.Path(a), i && (l.radius = i(e[r])), o.moveTo(l.center).lineTo(l.pointAt(e[r])), c.append(o);
                    return c.children
                gridLineAngles: function(n, i, r, o, a) {
                    var s = this,
                        l = s.intervals(i, r, o, a),
                        c = n.options,
                        d = c.visible && (c.line || {}).visible !== !1;
                    return e.map(l, function(e) {
                        var n = s.intervalAngle(e);
                        return d && 90 === n ? t : n
            Et = B.extend({
                options: {
                    startAngle: 90,
                    labels: {
                        margin: it(10)
                    majorGridLines: {
                        visible: !0
                    justified: !0
                range: function() {
                    return {
                        min: 0,
                        max: this.options.categories.length
                reflow: function(e) {
                    this.box = e, this.reflowLabels()
                lineBox: function() {
                    return this.box
                reflowLabels: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.labels,
                        r = i.skip || 0,
                        o = i.step || 1,
                        a = new H,
                        s = n.labels;
                    for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++) s[t].reflow(a), e = s[t].box, s[t].reflow(n.getSlot(r + t * o).adjacentBox(0, e.width(), e.height()))
                intervals: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o = this,
                        a = o.options,
                        s = a.categories.length,
                        l = 0,
                        c = s / e || 1,
                        d = 360 / c,
                        u = [];
                    for (t = t || 0, n = n || 1, r = t; c > r; r += n) l = a.reverse ? 360 - r * d : r * d, l = at(l, ct) % 360, i && P.inArray(l, i) || u.push(l);
                    return u
                majorIntervals: function() {
                    return this.intervals(1)
                minorIntervals: function() {
                    return this.intervals(.5)
                intervalAngle: function(e) {
                    return (360 + e + this.options.startAngle) % 360
                majorAngles: function() {
                    return e.map(this.majorIntervals(), e.proxy(this.intervalAngle, this))
                createLine: function() {
                    return []
                majorGridLineAngles: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.majorGridLines;
                    return this.gridLineAngles(e, 1, t.skip, t.step)
                minorGridLineAngles: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.options,
                        i = n.minorGridLines,
                        r = n.majorGridLines,
                        o = t ? this.intervals(1, r.skip, r.step) : null;
                    return this.gridLineAngles(e, .5, i.skip, i.step, o)
                radiusCallback: function(e, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s;
                    return n.options.type !== st ? (r = 360 / (2 * this.options.categories.length), o = C.cos(r * ut) * e, a = this.majorAngles(), s = function(t) {
                        return !i && P.inArray(t, a) ? e : o
                    }) : t
                createPlotBands: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.options,
                        c = l.plotBands || [],
                        d = this._plotbandGroup = new E.Group({
                            zIndex: -1
                    for (e = 0; c.length > e; e++) t = c[e], n = s.plotBandSlot(t), i = s.getSlot(t.from), r = t.from - C.floor(t.from), n.startAngle += r * i.angle, o = C.ceil(t.to) - t.to, n.angle -= (o + r) * i.angle, a = et.current.createRing(n, {
                        fill: {
                            color: t.color,
                            opacity: t.opacity
                        stroke: {
                            opacity: t.opacity
                    }), d.append(a);
                plotBandSlot: function(e) {
                    return this.getSlot(e.from, e.to - 1)
                getSlot: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.options,
                        s = a.justified,
                        l = o.box,
                        c = o.majorAngles(),
                        d = c.length,
                        u = 360 / d;
                    return a.reverse && !s && (e = (e + 1) % d), e = ot(C.floor(e), 0, d - 1), i = c[e], s && (i -= u / 2, 0 > i && (i += 360)), t = ot(C.ceil(t || e), e, d - 1), n = t - e + 1, r = u * n, new K(l.center(), 0, l.height() / 2, i, r)
                slot: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.getSlot(e, t),
                        i = n.startAngle + 180,
                        r = i + n.angle;
                    return new I.Arc([n.c.x, n.c.y], {
                        startAngle: i,
                        endAngle: r,
                        radiusX: n.r,
                        radiusY: n.r
                pointCategoryIndex: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = null,
                        o = i.options.categories.length;
                    for (t = 0; o > t; t++)
                        if (n = i.getSlot(t), n.containsPoint(e)) {
                            r = t;
                    return r
        T(Et.fn, At), r = {
            options: {
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !0
            createPlotBands: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.plotBands || [],
                    c = s.majorGridLines.type,
                    d = a.plotArea.polarAxis,
                    u = d.majorAngles(),
                    h = d.box.center(),
                    p = this._plotbandGroup = new E.Group({
                        zIndex: -1
                for (e = 0; l.length > e; e++) t = l[e], n = {
                    fill: {
                        color: t.color,
                        opacity: t.opacity
                    stroke: {
                        opacity: t.opacity
                }, i = a.getSlot(t.from, t.to, !0), r = new K(h, h.y - i.y2, h.y - i.y1, 0, 360), o = c === st ? et.current.createRing(r, n) : E.Path.fromPoints(a.plotBandPoints(r, u), n).close(), p.append(o);
            plotBandPoints: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = [],
                    r = [],
                    o = [e.c.x, e.c.y],
                    a = new I.Circle(o, e.ir),
                    s = new I.Circle(o, e.r);
                for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) i.push(a.pointAt(t[n])), r.push(s.pointAt(t[n]));
                return i.reverse(), i.push(i[0]), r.push(r[0]), r.concat(i)
            createGridLines: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = n.radarMajorGridLinePositions(),
                    o = e.majorAngles(),
                    a = e.box.center(),
                    s = [];
                return i.majorGridLines.visible && (s = n.renderGridLines(a, r, o, i.majorGridLines)), i.minorGridLines.visible && (t = n.radarMinorGridLinePositions(), A(s, n.renderGridLines(a, t, o, i.minorGridLines))), s
            renderGridLines: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c = {
                        stroke: {
                            width: i.width,
                            color: i.color,
                            dashType: i.dashType
                    d = this.gridLinesVisual();
                for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++)
                    if (r = e.y - t[o], r > 0)
                        if (s = new I.Circle([e.x, e.y], r), i.type === st) d.append(new E.Circle(s, c));
                        else {
                            for (l = new E.Path(c), a = 0; n.length > a; a++) l.lineTo(s.pointAt(n[a]));
                            l.close(), d.append(l)
                return d.children
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t, n, r, o, a, s, l, c = this,
                    d = c.options,
                    u = c.lineBox(),
                    h = c.plotArea.polarAxis,
                    p = h.majorAngles(),
                    f = h.box.center(),
                    g = e.distanceTo(f),
                    m = g;
                return d.majorGridLines.type !== st && p.length > 1 && (t = e.x - f.x, n = e.y - f.y, r = (C.atan2(n, t) / ut + 540) % 360, p.sort(function(e, t) {
                    return i(e, r) - i(t, r)
                }), o = i(p[0], p[1]) / 2, a = i(r, p[0]), s = 90 - o, l = 180 - a - s, m = g * (C.sin(l * ut) / C.sin(s * ut))), c.axisType().fn.getValue.call(c, new Q(u.x1, u.y2 - m))
        }, o = q.extend({
            radarMajorGridLinePositions: function() {
                return this.getTickPositions(this.options.majorUnit)
            radarMinorGridLinePositions: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = 0;
                return t.majorGridLines.visible && (n = t.majorUnit), e.getTickPositions(t.minorUnit, n)
            axisType: function() {
                return q
        }), T(o.fn, r), a = G.extend({
            radarMajorGridLinePositions: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = [];
                return e.traverseMajorTicksPositions(function(e) {
                }, e.options.majorGridLines), t
            radarMinorGridLinePositions: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = [];
                return e.traverseMinorTicksPositions(function(e) {
                }, e.options.minorGridLines), t
            axisType: function() {
                return G
        }), T(a.fn, r), s = z.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                z.fn.init.call(t, e), e = t.options, e.minorUnit = e.minorUnit || t.options.majorUnit / 2
            options: {
                type: "polar",
                startAngle: 0,
                reverse: !1,
                majorUnit: 60,
                min: 0,
                max: 360,
                labels: {
                    margin: it(10)
                majorGridLines: {
                    color: lt,
                    visible: !0,
                    width: 1
                minorGridLines: {
                    color: "#aaa"
            getDivisions: function(e) {
                return q.fn.getDivisions.call(this, e) - 1
            reflow: function(e) {
                this.box = e, this.reflowLabels()
            reflowLabels: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.labels,
                    o = r.skip || 0,
                    a = r.step || 1,
                    s = new H,
                    l = n.intervals(i.majorUnit, o, a),
                    c = n.labels;
                for (t = 0; c.length > t; t++) c[t].reflow(s), e = c[t].box, c[t].reflow(n.getSlot(l[t]).adjacentBox(0, e.width(), e.height()))
            lineBox: function() {
                return this.box
            intervals: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = a.getDivisions(e),
                    c = s.min,
                    d = [];
                for (t = t || 0, n = n || 1, o = t; l > o; o += n) r = (360 + c + o * e) % 360, i && P.inArray(r, i) || d.push(r);
                return d
            majorIntervals: function() {
                return this.intervals(this.options.majorUnit)
            minorIntervals: function() {
                return this.intervals(this.options.minorUnit)
            intervalAngle: function(e) {
                return (540 - e - this.options.startAngle) % 360
            majorAngles: Et.fn.majorAngles,
            createLine: function() {
                return []
            majorGridLineAngles: function(e) {
                var t = this.options.majorGridLines;
                return this.gridLineAngles(e, this.options.majorUnit, t.skip, t.step)
            minorGridLineAngles: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.options,
                    i = n.minorGridLines,
                    r = n.majorGridLines,
                    o = t ? this.intervals(n.majorUnit, r.skip, r.step) : null;
                return this.gridLineAngles(e, this.options.minorUnit, i.skip, i.step, o)
            createPlotBands: Et.fn.createPlotBands,
            plotBandSlot: function(e) {
                return this.getSlot(e.from, e.to)
            getSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.startAngle,
                    a = i.box;
                return e = ot(e, r.min, r.max), t = ot(t || e, e, r.max), r.reverse && (e *= -1, t *= -1), e = (540 - e - o) % 360, t = (540 - t - o) % 360, e > t && (n = e, e = t, t = n), new K(a.center(), 0, a.height() / 2, e, t - e)
            slot: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.options,
                    s = 360 - a.startAngle,
                    l = this.getSlot(e, t);
                return P.util.defined(t) || (t = e), r = C.min(e, t), o = C.max(e, t), a.reverse ? (n = r, i = o) : (n = 360 - o, i = 360 - r), n = (n + s) % 360, i = (i + s) % 360, new I.Arc([l.c.x, l.c.y], {
                    startAngle: n,
                    endAngle: i,
                    radiusX: l.r,
                    radiusY: l.r
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = t.box.center(),
                    r = e.x - i.x,
                    o = e.y - i.y,
                    a = C.round(C.atan2(o, r) / ut),
                    s = n.startAngle;
                return n.reverse || (a *= -1, s *= -1), (a + s + 360) % 360
            range: q.fn.range,
            labelsCount: q.fn.labelsCount,
            createAxisLabel: q.fn.createAxisLabel
        }), T(s.fn, At), l = O.extend({
            options: {
                gap: 1,
                spacing: 0
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = i.children,
                    a = r.gap,
                    s = r.spacing,
                    l = o.length,
                    c = l + a + s * (l - 1),
                    d = e.angle / c,
                    u = e.startAngle + d * (a / 2);
                for (n = 0; l > n; n++) t = e.clone(), t.startAngle = u, t.angle = d, o[n].sector && (t.r = o[n].sector.r), o[n].reflow(t), o[n].sector = t, u += d + d * s
        }), c = O.extend({
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options.isReversed,
                    o = i.children,
                    a = o.length,
                    s = r ? a - 1 : 0,
                    l = r ? -1 : 1;
                for (i.box = new H, n = s; n >= 0 && a > n; n += l) t = o[n].sector, t.startAngle = e.startAngle, t.angle = e.angle
        }), d = U.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                U.fn.init.call(this, e, null, t)
            options: {
                overlay: {
                    gradient: null
                labels: {
                    distance: 10
        }), u = R.extend({
            pointType: function() {
                return d
            clusterType: function() {
                return l
            stackType: function() {
                return c
            categorySlot: function(e, t) {
                return e.getSlot(t)
            pointSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.clone(),
                    i = e.c.y;
                return n.r = i - t.y1, n.ir = i - t.y2, n
            reflow: L.fn.reflow,
            reflowPoint: function(e, t) {
                e.sector = t, e.reflow()
            options: {
                clip: !1,
                animation: {
                    type: "pie"
            createAnimation: function() {
                this.options.animation.center = this.box.toRect().center(), R.fn.createAnimation.call(this)
        }), h = W.extend({
            options: {
                clip: !1
            pointSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.c.y - t.y1,
                    i = Q.onCircle(e.c, e.middle(), n);
                return new H(i.x, i.y, i.x, i.y)
            createSegment: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = t.style;
                return r = o == kt ? tt : j, i = new r(e, t, n), e.length === t.data.length && (i.options.closed = !0), i
        }), p = M.extend({
            points: function() {
                return j.fn.points.call(this, this.stackPoints)
        }), f = nt.extend({
            closeFill: e.noop
        }), g = h.extend({
            createSegment: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.options,
                    l = s.isStacked,
                    c = (t.line || {}).style;
                return c === kt ? (o = new f(e, i, l, t, n), o.options.closed = !0) : (l && n > 0 && i && (r = i.linePoints.slice(0).reverse()), e.push(e[0]), o = new p(e, r, t, n)), o
            seriesMissingValues: function(e) {
                return e.missingValues || St
        }), m = X.extend({
            pointSlot: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.c.y - t.y1,
                    i = Q.onCircle(e.c, e.startAngle, n);
                return new H(i.x, i.y, i.x, i.y)
            options: {
                clip: !1
        }), v = Z.extend({
            pointSlot: m.fn.pointSlot,
            options: {
                clip: !1
        }), _ = M.extend({
            points: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.parent,
                    n = t.plotArea,
                    i = n.polarAxis,
                    r = i.box.center(),
                    o = e.stackPoints,
                    a = j.fn.points.call(e, o);
                return a.unshift([r.x, r.y]), a.push([r.x, r.y]), a
        }), w = nt.extend({
            closeFill: function(e) {
                var t = this._polarAxisCenter();
                e.lineTo(t.x, t.y)
            _polarAxisCenter: function() {
                var e = this.parent,
                    t = e.plotArea,
                    n = t.polarAxis,
                    i = n.box.center();
                return i
            strokeSegments: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this._strokeSegments;
                return i || (e = this._polarAxisCenter(), t = new V(!1), n = j.fn.points.call(this), n.push(e), i = this._strokeSegments = t.process(n), i.pop()), i
        }), b = v.extend({
            createSegment: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = (t.line || {}).style;
                return i = r == kt ? new w(e, null, !1, t, n) : new _(e, [], t, n)
            createMissingValue: function(e, t) {
                var n;
                return P.hasValue(e.x) && t != pt && (n = {
                    x: e.x,
                    y: e.y
                }, t == St && (n.y = 0)), n
            seriesMissingValues: function(e) {
                return e.missingValues || St
            _hasMissingValuesGap: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.series;
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++)
                    if (this.seriesMissingValues(t[e]) === ht) return !0
            sortPoints: function(e) {
                var t, i, r;
                if (e.sort(n), this._hasMissingValuesGap())
                    for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) i = e[r], i && (t = i.value, P.hasValue(t.y) || this.seriesMissingValues(i.series) !== ht || delete e[r]);
                return e
        }), y = $.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.valueAxisRangeTracker = new F, $.fn.init.call(n, e, t)
            render: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.addToLegend(e.series), e.createPolarAxis(), e.createCharts(), e.createValueAxis()
            alignAxes: function() {
                var e = this.valueAxis,
                    t = e.range(),
                    n = e.options.reverse ? t.max : t.min,
                    i = e.getSlot(n),
                    r = this.polarAxis.getSlot(0).c,
                    o = e.box.translate(r.x - i.x1, r.y - i.y1);
            createValueAxis: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    s = r.valueAxisRangeTracker,
                    l = s.query(),
                    c = r.valueAxisOptions({
                        roundToMajorUnit: !1,
                        zIndex: -1
                c.type === ft ? (n = a, i = {
                    min: .1,
                    max: 1
                }) : (n = o, i = {
                    min: 0,
                    max: 1
                }), e = s.query(name) || l || i, e && l && (e.min = C.min(e.min, l.min), e.max = C.max(e.max, l.max)), t = new n(e.min, e.max, c), r.valueAxis = t, r.appendAxis(t)
            reflowAxes: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.options.plotArea,
                    i = t.valueAxis,
                    r = t.polarAxis,
                    o = t.box,
                    a = C.min(o.width(), o.height()) * dt,
                    s = it(n.padding || {}, a),
                    l = o.clone().unpad(s),
                    c = l.clone().shrink(0, l.height() / 2);
                r.reflow(l), i.reflow(c), e = i.lineBox().height() - i.box.height(), i.reflow(i.box.unpad({
                    top: e
                })), t.axisBox = l, t.alignAxes(l)
            backgroundBox: function() {
                return this.box
        }), k = y.extend({
            options: {
                categoryAxis: {
                    categories: []
                valueAxis: {}
            createPolarAxis: function() {
                var e, t = this;
                e = new Et(t.options.categoryAxis), t.polarAxis = e, t.categoryAxis = e, t.appendAxis(e)
            valueAxisOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t._hasBarCharts && T(e, {
                    majorGridLines: {
                        type: st
                    minorGridLines: {
                        type: st
                }), t._isStacked100 && T(e, {
                    roundToMajorUnit: !1,
                    labels: {
                        format: "P0"
                }), T(e, t.options.valueAxis)
            appendChart: N.fn.appendChart,
            createCharts: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.filterVisibleSeries(e.series),
                    n = e.panes[0];
                e.createAreaChart(rt(t, [wt]), n), e.createLineChart(rt(t, [yt]), n), e.createBarChart(rt(t, [bt]), n)
            chartOptions: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {
                        series: e
                    r = e[0];
                return r && (t = this.filterVisibleSeries(e), n = r.stack, i.isStacked = n && t.length > 1, i.isStacked100 = n && "100%" === n.type && t.length > 1, i.isStacked100 && (this._isStacked100 = !0)), i
            createAreaChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = new g(this, this.chartOptions(e));
                    this.appendChart(n, t)
            createLineChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = new h(this, this.chartOptions(e));
                    this.appendChart(n, t)
            createBarChart: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                0 !== e.length && (n = e[0], i = this.chartOptions(e), i.gap = n.gap, i.spacing = n.spacing, r = new u(this, i), this.appendChart(r, t), this._hasBarCharts = !0)
            seriesCategoryAxis: function() {
                return this.categoryAxis
            click: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = t._eventCoordinates(n),
                    s = new Q(a.x, a.y);
                i = o.categoryAxis.getCategory(s), r = o.valueAxis.getValue(s), null !== i && null !== r && t.trigger(gt, {
                    element: e(n.target),
                    category: i,
                    value: r
            createCrosshairs: e.noop
        }), x = y.extend({
            options: {
                xAxis: {},
                yAxis: {}
            createPolarAxis: function() {
                var e, t = this;
                e = new s(t.options.xAxis), t.polarAxis = e, t.axisX = e, t.appendAxis(e)
            valueAxisOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return T(e, {
                    majorGridLines: {
                        type: st
                    minorGridLines: {
                        type: st
                }, t.options.yAxis)
            createValueAxis: function() {
                var e = this;
                y.fn.createValueAxis.call(e), e.axisY = e.valueAxis
            appendChart: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.valueAxisRangeTracker.update(e.yAxisRanges), $.fn.appendChart.call(n, e, t)
            createCharts: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.filterVisibleSeries(e.series),
                    n = e.panes[0];
                e.createLineChart(rt(t, [vt]), n), e.createScatterChart(rt(t, [_t]), n), e.createAreaChart(rt(t, [mt]), n)
            createLineChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = new v(n, {
                            series: e
                    n.appendChart(i, t)
            createScatterChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = new m(n, {
                            series: e
                    n.appendChart(i, t)
            createAreaChart: function(e, t) {
                if (0 !== e.length) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = new b(n, {
                            series: e
                    n.appendChart(i, t)
            click: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o = this,
                    a = t._eventCoordinates(n),
                    s = new Q(a.x, a.y);
                i = o.axisX.getValue(s), r = o.axisY.getValue(s), null !== i && null !== r && t.trigger(gt, {
                    element: e(n.target),
                    x: i,
                    y: r
            createCrosshairs: e.noop
        }), Y.current.register(x, Tt), Y.current.register(k, Dt), J.current.register(Tt, [xt, Ct], ["color"]), J.current.register(Dt, ["value"], ["color"]), P.DefaultAggregates.current.register(Dt, {
            value: "max",
            color: "first"
        }), T(P, {
            PolarAreaChart: b,
            PolarAxis: s,
            PolarLineChart: v,
            PolarPlotArea: x,
            RadarAreaChart: g,
            RadarBarChart: u,
            RadarCategoryAxis: Et,
            RadarClusterLayout: l,
            RadarLineChart: h,
            RadarNumericAxis: o,
            RadarPlotArea: k,
            SplinePolarAreaSegment: w,
            SplineRadarAreaSegment: f,
            RadarStackLayout: c
    function(e, t) {
        var n, i = window.kendo,
            r = i.deepExtend,
            o = e.extend,
            a = i.isFunction,
            s = i.template,
            l = i.util,
            c = l.append,
            d = i.drawing,
            u = i.geometry,
            h = i.dataviz,
            p = i.drawing.Color,
            f = h.ChartElement,
            g = h.PieChartMixin,
            m = h.PlotAreaBase,
            v = h.PlotAreaFactory,
            _ = h.Point2D,
            w = h.Box2D,
            b = h.SeriesBinder,
            y = h.TextBox,
            k = h.autoFormat,
            x = h.evalOptions,
            C = l.limitValue,
            S = h.seriesTotal,
            T = "category",
            D = "color",
            A = "funnel",
            E = "value",
            I = "black",
            P = "white",
            M = m.extend({
                render: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.series;
                createFunnelChart: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e[0],
                        i = new z(t, {
                            series: e,
                            legend: t.options.legend,
                            neckRatio: n.neckRatio,
                            dynamicHeight: n.dynamicHeight,
                            dynamicSlope: n.dynamicSlope,
                            segmentSpacing: n.segmentSpacing,
                            highlight: n.highlight
                appendChart: function(e, t) {
                    m.fn.appendChart.call(this, e, t), c(this.options.legend.items, e.legendItems)
            z = f.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    f.fn.init.call(n, t), n.plotArea = e, n.points = [], n.labels = [], n.legendItems = [], n.render()
                options: {
                    neckRatio: .3,
                    width: 300,
                    dynamicSlope: !1,
                    dynamicHeight: !0,
                    segmentSpacing: 0,
                    labels: {
                        visible: !1,
                        align: "center",
                        position: "center"
                formatPointValue: function(e, t) {
                    return k(t, e.value)
                render: function() {
                    var e, n, i, o, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = d.options,
                        h = d.plotArea.options.seriesColors || [],
                        p = h.length,
                        f = u.series[0],
                        g = f.data;
                    if (g)
                        for (i = S(f), s = 0; g.length > s; s++) e = b.current.bindPoint(f, s), o = e.valueFields.value, null !== o && o !== t && (n = e.fields, a(f.color) || (f.color = n.color || h[s % p]), n = r({
                            index: s,
                            owner: d,
                            series: f,
                            category: n.category,
                            dataItem: g[s],
                            percentage: Math.abs(o) / i,
                            visibleInLegend: n.visibleInLegend,
                            visible: n.visible
                        }, n), l = d.createSegment(o, n), c = d.createLabel(o, n), l && c && l.append(c))
                evalSegmentOptions: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = n.series;
                    x(e, {
                        value: t,
                        series: i,
                        dataItem: n.dataItem,
                        index: n.index
                    }, {
                        defaults: i._defaults,
                        excluded: ["data", "toggle", "visual"]
                createSegment: function(e, i) {
                    var a, s = this,
                        l = r({}, i.series);
                    return s.evalSegmentOptions(l, e, i), s.createLegendItem(e, l, i), i.visible !== !1 ? (a = new n(e, l, i), o(a, i), s.append(a), s.points.push(a), a) : t
                createLabel: function(e, n) {
                    var i, o, a, l = this,
                        c = n.series,
                        d = n.dataItem,
                        u = r({}, l.options.labels, c.labels),
                        h = e;
                    return u.visible ? (u.template ? (o = s(u.template), h = o({
                        dataItem: d,
                        value: e,
                        percentage: n.percentage,
                        category: n.category,
                        series: c
                    })) : u.format && (h = k(u.format, h)), u.color || "center" !== u.align || (a = new p(c.color).percBrightness(), u.color = a > 180 ? I : P), l.evalSegmentOptions(u, e, n), i = new y(h, r({
                        vAlign: u.position
                    }, u)), l.labels.push(i), i) : t
                labelPadding: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r = this.labels,
                        o = {
                            left: 0,
                            right: 0
                    for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++) e = r[i], t = e.options.align, "center" !== t && (n = r[i].box.width(), "left" === t ? o.left = Math.max(o.left, n) : o.right = Math.max(o.right, n));
                    return o
                reflow: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, h, p, f, g = this,
                        m = g.options,
                        v = g.points,
                        _ = v.length,
                        w = 1 >= m.neckRatio,
                        b = t.clone().unpad(g.labelPadding()),
                        y = b.width(),
                        k = 0,
                        x = w ? 0 : (y - y / m.neckRatio) / 2,
                        S = m.segmentSpacing,
                        T = m.dynamicSlope,
                        D = b.height() - S * (_ - 1),
                        A = w ? m.neckRatio * y : y;
                    if (_) {
                        if (T)
                            for (l = v[0], c = l, e.each(v, function(e, t) {
                                t.percentage > c.percentage && (c = t)
                            }), r = l.percentage / c.percentage * y, x = (y - r) / 2, n = 0; _ > n; n++) a = v[n].percentage, d = v[n + 1], h = d ? d.percentage : a, o = v[n].points = [], i = m.dynamicHeight ? D * a : D / _, s = (y - r * (h / a)) / 2, s = C(s, 0, y), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + x, b.y1 + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + y - x, b.y1 + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + y - s, b.y1 + i + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + s, b.y1 + i + k)), x = s, k += i + S, r *= h / a, r = C(r, 0, y);
                            for (p = w ? y : y - 2 * x, f = (p - A) / 2, n = 0; _ > n; n++) o = v[n].points = [], a = v[n].percentage, s = m.dynamicHeight ? f * a : f / _, i = m.dynamicHeight ? D * a : D / _, o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + x, b.y1 + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + y - x, b.y1 + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + y - x - s, b.y1 + i + k)), o.push(new u.Point(b.x1 + x + s, b.y1 + i + k)), x += s, k += i + S;
                        for (n = 0; _ > n; n++) v[n].reflow(t)
        r(z.fn, g), n = f.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                f.fn.init.call(i, t), i.value = e, i.options.index = n.index
            options: {
                color: P,
                border: {
                    width: 1
            reflow: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.points,
                    i = t.children[0];
                t.box = new w(n[0].x, n[0].y, n[1].x, n[2].y), i && i.reflow(new w(e.x1, n[0].y, e.x2, n[2].y))
            createVisual: function() {
                var e, t, n;
                f.fn.createVisual.call(this), e = this.options, t = e.border, n = d.Path.fromPoints(this.points, {
                    fill: {
                        color: e.color,
                        opacity: e.opacity
                    stroke: {
                        color: t.color,
                        opacity: t.opacity,
                        width: t.width
                }).close(), this.visual.append(n)
            createHighlight: function(e) {
                return d.Path.fromPoints(this.points, e)
            highlightVisual: function() {
                return this.visual.children[0]
            highlightVisualArgs: function() {
                var e = d.Path.fromPoints(this.points).close();
                return {
                    options: this.options,
                    path: e
            highlightOverlay: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, a = this.options,
                    s = a.highlight || {};
                if (s.visible !== !1) return n = s.border || {}, i = o({}, t, {
                    fill: s.color,
                    stroke: n.color,
                    strokeOpacity: n.opacity,
                    strokeWidth: n.width,
                    fillOpacity: s.opacity
                }), r = e.createPolyline(this.points, !0, i)
            tooltipAnchor: function(e) {
                var t = this.box;
                return new _(t.center().x - e / 2, t.y1)
            formatValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return t.owner.formatPointValue(t, e)
        }), r(n.fn, h.PointEventsMixin), v.current.register(M, [A]), b.current.register([A], [E], [T, D, "visibleInLegend", "visible"]), r(h, {
            FunnelChart: z,
            FunnelSegment: n
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n = e.box,
                i = e.children[0].box,
                o = t.border || {},
                a = t.background || "",
                s = new A,
                l = E.fromRect(new I([n.x1, n.y1], [n.width(), n.height()]), {
                    stroke: {}
                c = new P(e.text, new D(i.x1, i.y1), {
                    font: t.font,
                    fill: {
                        color: t.color
                d = r(c.bbox().clone(), t.padding),
                u = E.fromRect(d, {
                    stroke: {
                        color: o.width ? o.color : "",
                        width: o.width,
                        dashType: o.dashType,
                        lineJoin: "round",
                        lineCap: "round"
                    fill: {
                        color: a
            return s.append(l), s.append(u), s.append(c), s

        function i(e, t, n) {
            var i = b(e.from) ? e.from : V,
                r = b(e.to) ? e.to : O;
            return e.from = l.max(l.min(r, i), t), e.to = l.min(l.max(r, i), n), e

        function r(e, t) {
            var n = e.getOrigin(),
                i = e.getSize(),
                r = x(t);
            return e.setOrigin([n.x - r.left, n.y - r.top]), e.setSize([i.width + (r.left + r.right), i.height + (r.top + r.bottom)]), e

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = x(t);
            return n.left = -n.left, n.top = -n.top, n.right = -n.right, n.bottom = -n.bottom, r(e, n)
        var a, s, l = Math,
            c = window.kendo,
            d = c.util,
            u = c.ui.Widget,
            h = c.deepExtend,
            p = c.dataviz,
            f = p.autoMajorUnit,
            g = p.ChartElement,
            m = p.NumericAxis,
            v = p.Axis,
            _ = p.Box2D,
            w = c.Class,
            b = d.defined,
            y = d.isNumber,
            k = p.interpolateValue,
            x = p.getSpacing,
            C = p.round,
            S = p.geometry,
            T = p.drawing,
            D = S.Point,
            A = T.Group,
            E = T.Path,
            I = S.Rect,
            P = T.Text,
            M = 150,
            z = 250,
            F = "arrow",
            R = "arrowPointer",
            H = "barPointer",
            B = "#000",
            L = .05,
            N = p.COORD_PRECISION,
            O = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            V = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            U = 200,
            W = .5,
            j = 200,
            G = 60,
            q = 60,
            $ = 5,
            Y = l.PI / 180,
            Q = 180,
            K = "inside",
            X = "linear",
            Z = "needle",
            J = "outside",
            et = "radialPointer",
            tt = "x",
            nt = "y",
            it = w.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e.options;
                    g.fn.init.call(n, t), t = n.options, t.fill = t.color, n.scale = e, t.value = b(t.value) ? l.min(l.max(t.value, i.min), i.max) : i.min
                options: {
                    color: B
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.value,
                        o = n.scale.options;
                    return 0 === arguments.length ? r : (i._oldValue = i._oldValue !== t ? i.value : o.min, i.value = l.min(l.max(e, o.min), o.max), n.elements && n.repaint(), t)
            rt = it.extend({
                options: {
                    shape: Z,
                    cap: {
                        size: L
                    arrow: {
                        width: 16,
                        height: 14
                    animation: {
                        type: et,
                        duration: M
                setRadius: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e && (t.elements.clear(), t.render(t.parent, t.center, e))
                setAngle: function(e) {
                    this.elements.transform(S.transform().rotate(e, this.center))
                repaint: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.scale,
                        n = e.options,
                        i = t.slotAngle(n._oldValue),
                        r = t.slotAngle(n.value);
                    n.animation.transitions === !1 ? e.setAngle(r) : new pt(e.elements, h(n.animation, {
                        oldAngle: i,
                        newAngle: r
                render: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.scale,
                        n = t.arc.center,
                        i = e.options,
                        r = (t.slotAngle(t.options.min), new A);
                    return i.animation !== !1 && h(i.animation, {
                        startAngle: 0,
                        center: n,
                        reverse: t.options.reverse
                    }), i.shape === Z ? r.append(e._renderNeedle(), e._renderCap()) : r.append(e._renderArrow()), e.elements = r, e.setAngle(Y), r
                reflow: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.center = e.center,
                        i = t.radius = e.getRadiusX(),
                        r = t.capSize = Math.round(i * t.options.cap.size);
                    t.bbox = I.fromPoints(new D(n.x - r, n.y - r), new D(n.x + r, n.y + r))
                _renderNeedle: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e.scale.options.minorTicks.size,
                        i = e.center,
                        r = t.color,
                        o = new E({
                            fill: {
                                color: r
                            stroke: {
                                color: r,
                                width: W
                    return o.moveTo(i.x + e.radius - n, i.y).lineTo(i.x, i.y - e.capSize / 2).lineTo(i.x, i.y + e.capSize / 2).close(), o
                _renderCap: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = t.cap.color || t.color,
                        i = new S.Circle(e.center, e.capSize),
                        r = new T.Circle(i, {
                            fill: {
                                color: n
                            stroke: {
                                color: n
                    return r
            ot = m.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options = h({}, t.options, e), t.options.majorUnit = t.options.majorUnit || f(t.options.min, t.options.max), t.options.minorUnit = t.options.minorUnit || t.options.majorUnit / 10, v.fn.init.call(t, t.options)
                options: {
                    min: 0,
                    max: 100,
                    majorTicks: {
                        size: 15,
                        align: K,
                        color: B,
                        width: W,
                        visible: !0
                    minorTicks: {
                        size: 10,
                        align: K,
                        color: B,
                        width: W,
                        visible: !0
                    startAngle: -30,
                    endAngle: 210,
                    labels: {
                        position: K,
                        padding: 2
                render: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.renderArc(e, t);
                    n.bbox = i.bbox(), n.labelElements = n.renderLabels(), n.ticks = n.renderTicks(), n.ranges = n.renderRanges()
                reflow: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e.center(),
                        r = l.min(e.height(), e.width()) / 2;
                    return n.bbox === t ? n.render(i, r) : (n.bbox = n.arc.bbox(), n.radius(n.arc.getRadiusX()), n.repositionRanges(), n.renderLabels(), t)
                slotAngle: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.options,
                        i = n.startAngle,
                        r = n.reverse,
                        o = n.endAngle - i,
                        a = n.min,
                        s = n.max;
                    return t = r ? n.endAngle - (e - a) / (s - a) * o : (e - a) / (s - a) * o + i, t + Q
                renderLabels: function() {
                    var e, i, r, o, a, s, c, d, u, h, f, g, m, v, _ = this,
                        w = _.options,
                        b = w.majorTicks.size,
                        y = _.arc.clone(),
                        k = y.getRadiusX(),
                        x = _.tickAngles(y, w.majorUnit),
                        C = _.labels,
                        T = C.length,
                        E = w.labels,
                        P = E.padding,
                        M = .05 * k,
                        z = w.rangeSize = w.rangeSize || .1 * k,
                        F = w.ranges || [],
                        R = new A;
                    for (_.options.rangeDistance !== t ? M = _.options.rangeDistance : _.options.rangeDistance = M, E.position === K && (k -= b, F.length && _.labelElements === t && (k -= z + M), y.setRadiusX(k).setRadiusY(k)), c = 0; T > c; c++) a = C[c], e = a.box.width() / 2, i = a.box.height() / 2, o = x[c], r = (o - Q) * Y, h = E.position === K, s = y.pointAt(o), d = s.x + l.cos(r) * (e + P) * (h ? 1 : -1), u = s.y + l.sin(r) * (i + P) * (h ? 1 : -1), a.reflow(new p.Box2D(d - e, u - i, d + e, u + i)), g = new D(a.box.x1, a.box.y1), _.labelElements === t ? (f = n(a, w.labels), R.append(f)) : (f = _.labelElements.children[c], m = f.bbox().origin, v = f.transform() || S.transform(), v.translate(g.x - m.x, g.y - m.y), f.transform(v)), _.bbox = I.union(_.bbox, f.bbox());
                    return R
                repositionRanges: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.ranges.children,
                        o = i.options.rangeSize,
                        a = i.options.rangeDistance;
                    if (r.length > 0) {
                        for (e = i.getRangeRadius(), i.options.labels.position === K && (e += o + a), t = e + o / 2, n = 0; r.length > n; n++) r[n]._geometry.setRadiusX(t).setRadiusY(t);
                        i.bbox = I.union(i.bbox, i.ranges.bbox())
                renderRanges: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.arc,
                        l = new A,
                        c = a.rangeSegments(),
                        d = c.length,
                        u = a.options.reverse,
                        h = (a.radius(), a.options.rangeSize),
                        p = a.options.rangeDistance;
                    if (d)
                        for (i = a.getRangeRadius(), a.radius(a.radius() - h - p), o = 0; d > o; o++) n = c[o], e = a.slotAngle(n[u ? "to" : "from"]), t = a.slotAngle(n[u ? "from" : "to"]), t - e !== 0 && (r = new S.Arc(s.center, {
                            radiusX: i + h / 2,
                            radiusY: i + h / 2,
                            startAngle: e,
                            endAngle: t
                        }), l.append(new T.Arc(r, {
                            stroke: {
                                width: h,
                                color: n.color,
                                opacity: n.opacity
                    return l
                rangeSegments: function() {
                    function e(e, t, n, i) {
                        return {
                            from: e,
                            to: t,
                            color: n,
                            opacity: i
                    var t, n, r, o, a, s = this,
                        l = s.options,
                        c = l.ranges || [],
                        d = c.length,
                        u = l.rangePlaceholderColor,
                        h = [],
                        p = l.min,
                        f = l.max;
                    if (d)
                        for (h.push(e(p, f, u)), o = 0; d > o; o++)
                            for (t = i(c[o], p, f), n = h.length, a = 0; n > a; a++)
                                if (r = h[a], t.from >= r.from && r.to >= t.from) {
                                    h.push(e(t.from, t.to, t.color, t.opacity)), t.to >= r.from && r.to >= t.to && h.push(e(t.to, r.to, u, t.opacity)), r.to = t.from;
                    return h
                getRangeRadius: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = n.majorTicks.size,
                        r = n.rangeSize,
                        o = n.rangeDistance,
                        a = t.arc;
                    return e = n.labels.position === J ? a.getRadiusX() - i - o - r : a.getRadiusX() - r
                renderArc: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n.arc = new S.Arc(e, {
                            radiusX: t,
                            radiusY: t,
                            startAngle: i.startAngle + Q,
                            endAngle: i.endAngle + Q
                    return r
                renderTicks: function() {
                    function e(e, t, n, i) {
                        var r, o, a, s = new A,
                            l = e.center,
                            c = e.getRadiusX(),
                            d = i.visible;
                        if (d)
                            for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++) o = e.pointAt(t[r]), a = new D(l.x + c - i.size, l.y).rotate(t[r], l), s.append(new E({
                                stroke: {
                                    color: i.color,
                                    width: i.width
                        return s
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.arc,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = i.labels.position,
                        o = new A,
                        a = i.majorTicks.size,
                        s = i.minorTicks.size,
                        l = n.clone(),
                        c = l.getRadiusX();
                    return t.majorTickAngles = t.tickAngles(n, i.majorUnit), t.majorTicks = e(l, t.majorTickAngles, i.majorUnit, i.majorTicks), o.append(t.majorTicks), t._tickDifference = a - s, r === J && l.setRadiusX(c - a + s).setRadiusY(c - a + s), t.minorTickAngles = t.normalizeTickAngles(t.tickAngles(n, i.minorUnit)), t.minorTicks = e(l, t.minorTickAngles, i.minorUnit, i.minorTicks, i.majorUnit), o.append(t.minorTicks), o
                normalizeTickAngles: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.majorUnit / i.minorUnit;
                    for (t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) t % r === 0 && e.splice(t, 1);
                    return e
                tickAngles: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = r.reverse,
                        a = r.max - r.min,
                        s = e.endAngle - e.startAngle,
                        l = e.startAngle,
                        c = a / t,
                        d = s / c,
                        u = [];
                    for (o && (l += s, d = -d), n = 0; c > n; n++) u.push(C(l, N)), l += d;
                    return C(l) <= e.endAngle && u.push(l), u
                radius: function(e) {
                    var n = this;
                    return e ? (n.arc.setRadiusX(e).setRadiusY(e), n.repositionTicks(n.majorTicks.children, n.majorTickAngles), n.repositionTicks(n.minorTicks.children, n.minorTickAngles, !0), t) : n.arc.getRadiusX()
                repositionTicks: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                        c = n ? l._tickDifference || 0 : 0,
                        d = l.arc,
                        u = d.getRadiusX();
                    for (n && l.options.labels.position === J && 0 !== c && (d = l.arc.clone(), d.setRadiusX(u - c).setRadiusY(u - c)), i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = d.pointAt(t[i]), o = e[i].segments, a = r.x - o[0].anchor().x, s = r.y - o[0].anchor().y, e[i].transform((new S.Transformation).translate(a, s))
            at = u.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = this,
                        d = p.ui.themes || {};
                    if (c.destroy(t), e(t).empty(), u.fn.init.call(l, t), l.wrapper = l.element, l._originalOptions = h({}, n), i = h({}, l.options, n), o = i.theme, a = d[o] || d[o.toLowerCase()], r = o && a ? a.gauge : {}, l.options = h({}, r, i), e.isArray(i.pointer))
                        for (s = 0; i.pointer.length > s; s++) l.options.pointer[s] = h({}, r.pointer, i.pointer[s]);
                    l.element.addClass("k-gauge"), l.surface = l._createSurface(), l.redraw()
                options: {
                    plotArea: {},
                    theme: "default",
                    renderAs: "",
                    pointer: {},
                    scale: {},
                    gaugeArea: {}
                destroy: function() {
                    this.surface.destroy(), u.fn.destroy.call(this)
                value: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.pointers[0];
                    return 0 === arguments.length ? i.value() : (i.value(e), n._setValueOptions(e), t)
                _draw: function() {
                    var e = this.surface;
                    e.clear(), e.draw(this._visuals)
                exportVisual: function() {
                    return this._visuals
                allValues: function(t) {
                    var n, i = this,
                        r = i.pointers,
                        o = [];
                    if (0 === arguments.length) {
                        for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) o.push(r[n].value());
                        return o
                    if (e.isArray(t))
                        for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) y(t[n]) && r[n].value(t[n]);
                _setValueOptions: function(e) {
                    var t, n = [].concat(this.options.pointer);
                    for (e = [].concat(e), t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n[t].value = e[t]
                _resize: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options.transitions;
                    for (t.options.transitions = !1, e = 0; t.pointers.length > e; e++) t.pointers[e].options.animation.transitions = !1;
                    for (t.redraw(), t.options.transitions = n, e = 0; t.pointers.length > e; e++) t.pointers[e].options.animation.transitions = n
                redraw: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = h(t._getSize(), t.options.gaugeArea),
                        i = new I([0, 0], [n.width, n.height]);
                    t.surface.clear(), t.gaugeArea = t._createGaugeArea(), t.surface.element.css({
                        width: n.width,
                        height: n.height
                    }), t._createModel(), e = o(i.bbox(), t._gaugeAreaMargin), t.reflow(e)
                _createGaugeArea: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options.gaugeArea,
                        i = t.surface.size(),
                        r = (t._gaugeAreaMargin = n.margin || $, n.border || {}),
                        a = new I([0, 0], [i.width, i.height]);
                    return r.width > 0 && (a = o(a, r.width)), e = E.fromRect(a, {
                        stroke: {
                            color: r.width ? r.color : "",
                            width: r.width,
                            dashType: r.dashType,
                            lineJoin: "round",
                            lineCap: "round"
                        fill: {
                            color: n.background
                _createSurface: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n._getSize();
                    return r = i.gaugeArea ? h(r, i.gaugeArea) : r, t = e("<div></div>").appendTo(n.element).css({
                        width: r.width,
                        height: r.height
                    }), new T.Surface.create(t, {
                        type: i.renderAs
                getSize: function() {
                    return this._getSize()
                _getSize: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = t.width(),
                        i = t.height();
                    return n || (n = j), i || (i = U), {
                        width: n,
                        height: i
            st = at.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    at.fn.init.call(n, e, t), c.notify(n, p.ui)
                options: {
                    name: "RadialGauge",
                    transitions: !0,
                    gaugeArea: {
                        background: ""
                reflow: function(e) {
                        var t, n, i = this,
                            r = i.pointers;
                    for (i._initialPlotArea = i.scale.bbox, t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t].reflow(i.scale.arc), i._initialPlotArea = I.union(i._initialPlotArea, r[t].bbox);
                    i.fitScale(e), i.alignScale(e), i._buildVisual(i.gaugeArea, r, i.scale), i._draw()
                _buildVisual: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = new A;
                    for (o.append(e), o.append(n.ticks), o.append(n.ranges), r = 0; t.length > r; r++) i = t[r], i.render(), o.append(i.elements), i.value(i.options.value);
                    o.append(n.labelElements), this._visuals = o
                fitScale: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n, i, r, o, a = this, s = a.scale, c = s.arc, d = a._initialPlotArea, u = l.abs(a.getDiff(d, e)), h = C(u, N), p = C(-u, N), f = 0, g = 0; !(!(g++ < 100) || (f = o === i ? f + 1 : 0, f > 5) || h != r && (t = a.getPlotBox(h, e, c), t >= 0 && 2 >= t) || p != r && (i = a.getPlotBox(p, e, c), i >= 0 && 2 >= i) || (r = t > 0 && i > 0 ? 2 * h : 0 > t && 0 > i ? 2 * p : C((h + p) / 2 || 1, N), n = a.getPlotBox(r, e, c), n >= 0 && 2 >= n));) o = i, n > 0 ? (p = r, i = n) : (h = r, t = n)
                getPlotBox: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.scale,
                        a = r.pointers,
                        s = n.getRadiusX();
                    for (n = n.clone(), n.setRadiusX(s + e).setRadiusY(s + e), o.arc = n, o.reflow(t), r.plotBbox = o.bbox, i = 0; a.length > i; i++) a[i].reflow(n), r.plotBbox = I.union(r.plotBbox, a[i].bbox);
                    return r.getDiff(r.plotBbox, t)
                getDiff: function(e, t) {
                    return l.min(t.width() - e.width(), t.height() - e.height())
                alignScale: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.plotBbox.center(),
                        r = e.center(),
                        o = i.x - r.x,
                        a = i.y - r.y,
                        s = n.scale,
                        l = n.pointers;
                    for (s.arc.center.x -= o, s.arc.center.y -= a, s.reflow(e), t = 0; l.length > t; t++) l[t].reflow(s.arc), n.plotBbox = I.union(s.bbox, l[t].bbox)
                _createModel: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = r.pointer,
                        a = i.scale = new ot(r.scale);
                    for (i.pointers = [], o = e.isArray(o) ? o : [o], n = 0; o.length > n; n++) t = new rt(a, h({}, o[n], {
                        animation: {
                            transitions: r.transitions
                    })), i.pointers.push(t)
            lt = at.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    at.fn.init.call(n, e, t), c.notify(n, p.ui)
                options: {
                    name: "LinearGauge",
                    transitions: !0,
                    gaugeArea: {
                        background: ""
                    scale: {
                        vertical: !0
                reflow: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.pointers,
                        r = e.origin.x,
                        o = e.origin.y,
                        a = new p.Box2D(r, r, r + e.width(), o + e.height());
                    for (n.scale.reflow(a), t = 0; i.length > t; t++) i[t].reflow();
                    n.bbox = n._getBox(a), n._alignElements(), n._shrinkElements(), n._buildVisual(), n._draw()
                _buildVisual: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = new A,
                        r = n.scale.render(),
                        o = n.pointers;
                    for (i.append(n.gaugeArea), i.append(r), t = 0; o.length > t; t++) e = o[t], i.append(e.render()), e.value(e.options.value);
                    n._visuals = i
                _createModel: function() {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = o.pointer,
                        s = r.scale = new ct(o.scale);
                    for (r.pointers = [], a = e.isArray(a) ? a : [a], i = 0; a.length > i; i++) n = h({}, a[i], {
                        animation: {
                            transitions: o.transitions
                    }), t = n.shape === F ? new ut(s, n) : new ht(s, n), r.pointers.push(t)
                _getSize: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.element,
                        n = t.width(),
                        i = t.height(),
                        r = e.options.scale.vertical;
                    return n || (n = r ? G : j), i || (i = r ? U : q), {
                        width: n,
                        height: i
                _getBox: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.scale,
                        o = i.pointers,
                        a = e.center(),
                        s = o[0].box.clone().wrap(r.box);
                    for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++) s.wrap(o[n].box.clone());
                    return r.options.vertical ? (t = s.width() / 2, s = new _(a.x - t, e.y1, a.x + t, e.y2)) : (t = s.height() / 2, s = new _(e.x1, a.y - t, e.x2, a.y + t)), s
                _alignElements: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.scale,
                        r = n.pointers,
                        o = i.box,
                        a = r[0].box.clone().wrap(i.box),
                        s = n.bbox;
                    for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) a.wrap(r[t].box.clone());
                    for (i.options.vertical ? (e = s.center().x - a.center().x, i.reflow(new _(o.x1 + e, s.y1, o.x2 + e, s.y2))) : (e = s.center().y - a.center().y, i.reflow(new _(s.x1, o.y1 + e, s.x2, o.y2 + e))), t = 0; r.length > t; t++) r[t].reflow(n.bbox)
                _shrinkElements: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.scale,
                        i = t.pointers,
                        r = n.box.clone(),
                        o = n.options.vertical ? "y" : "x",
                        a = i[0].box;
                    for (e = 0; i.length > e; e++) a.wrap(i[e].box.clone());
                    for (r[o + 1] += l.max(r[o + 1] - a[o + 1], 0), r[o + 2] -= l.max(a[o + 2] - r[o + 2], 0), n.reflow(r), e = 0; i.length > e; e++) i[e].reflow(t.bbox)
            ct = m.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options = h({}, t.options, e), t.options = h({}, t.options, {
                        labels: {
                            mirror: t.options.mirror
                    }), t.options.majorUnit = t.options.majorUnit || f(t.options.min, t.options.max), v.fn.init.call(t, t.options), t.options.minorUnit = t.options.minorUnit || t.options.majorUnit / 10
                options: {
                    min: 0,
                    max: 50,
                    majorTicks: {
                        size: 15,
                        align: K,
                        color: B,
                        width: W,
                        visible: !0
                    minorTicks: {
                        size: 10,
                        align: K,
                        color: B,
                        width: W,
                        visible: !0
                    line: {
                        width: W
                    labels: {
                        position: K,
                        padding: 2
                    mirror: !1,
                    _alignLines: !1
                render: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.elements = new A,
                        n = e.renderLabels(),
                        i = e.renderLine(),
                        r = e.renderTicks(),
                        o = e.renderRanges();
                    return t.append(i, n, r, o), t
                renderRanges: function() {
                    var e, t, n, r, o, a = this,
                        s = a.options,
                        l = s.min,
                        c = s.max,
                        d = s.ranges || [],
                        u = s.vertical,
                        h = s.labels.mirror,
                        p = new A,
                        f = d.length,
                        g = s.rangeSize || s.minorTicks.size / 2;
                    if (f)
                        for (o = 0; f > o; o++) e = i(d[o], l, c), t = a.getSlot(e.from, e.to), n = u ? a.lineBox() : t, r = u ? t : a.lineBox(), u ? n.x1 -= g * (h ? -1 : 1) : r.y2 += g * (h ? -1 : 1), p.append(E.fromRect(new I([n.x1, r.y1], [n.x2 - n.x1, r.y2 - r.y1]), {
                            fill: {
                                color: e.color,
                                opacity: e.opacity
                            stroke: {}
                    return p
                renderLabels: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = t.labels,
                        o = new A;
                    for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) o.append(n(r[e], i.labels));
                    return o
                renderLine: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = n.line,
                        r = t.lineBox(),
                        o = new A;
                    return i.width > 0 && i.visible && (e = new E({
                        stroke: {
                            color: i.color,
                            dashType: i.dashType,
                            width: i.width
                    }), e.moveTo(r.x1, r.y1).lineTo(r.x2, r.y2), o.append(e)), o
                renderTicks: function() {
                    function e(e, i) {
                        var a, l = e.length;
                        if (i.visible)
                            for (a = i.skip; l > a; a += i.step) a % i.skipUnit !== 0 && (s.tickX = o ? r.x2 : r.x2 - i.size, s.tickY = o ? r.y1 - i.size : r.y1, s.position = e[a], n.append(t.renderAxisTick(s, i)))
                    var t = this,
                        n = new A,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = t.lineBox(),
                        o = i.labels.mirror,
                        a = i.majorTicks.visible ? i.majorUnit : 0,
                        s = {
                            _alignLines: i._alignLines,
                            vertical: i.vertical
                    return e(t.getMajorTickPositions(), i.majorTicks), e(t.getMinorTickPositions(), h({}, {
                        skipUnit: a / i.minorUnit
                    }, i.minorTicks)), n
                renderAxisTick: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o = e.tickX,
                        a = e.tickY,
                        s = e.position;
                    return e.vertical ? (n = new D(o, s), i = new D(o + t.size, s)) : (n = new D(s, a), i = new D(s, a + t.size)), r = new E({
                        stroke: {
                            color: t.color,
                            width: t.width
            dt = it.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    it.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.options = h({
                        track: {
                            visible: b(t.track)
                    }, n.options)
                options: {
                    shape: H,
                    track: {
                        border: {
                            width: 1
                    color: B,
                    border: {
                        width: 1
                    opacity: 1,
                    margin: x(3),
                    animation: {
                        type: H
                    visible: !0
                reflow: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = i.scale,
                        a = o.lineBox(),
                        s = r.track.size || r.size,
                        l = r.size / 2,
                        c = o.options.mirror,
                        d = x(r.margin),
                        u = o.options.vertical,
                        h = u ? d[c ? "left" : "right"] : d[c ? "bottom" : "top"];
                    h = c ? -h : h, u ? (n = new _(a.x1 + h, a.y1, a.x1 + h, a.y2), c ? n.x1 -= s : n.x2 += s, r.shape !== H && (t = new _(a.x2 + h, a.y1 - l, a.x2 + h, a.y2 + l), e = t)) : (n = new _(a.x1, a.y1 - h, a.x2, a.y1 - h), c ? n.y2 += s : n.y1 -= s, r.shape !== H && (t = new _(a.x1 - l, a.y1 - h, a.x2 + l, a.y1 - h), e = t)), i.trackBox = n, i.pointerRangeBox = t, i.box = e || n.clone().pad(r.border.width)
                getElementOptions: function() {
                        var e = this.options;
                        new A
                    return {
                        fill: {
                            color: e.color,
                            opacity: e.opacity
                        stroke: b(e.border) ? {
                            color: e.border.width ? e.border.color || e.color : "",
                            width: e.border.width,
                            dashType: e.border.dashType,
                            opacity: e.opacity
                        } : null
                _margin: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = e.scale,
                        i = n.options.mirror,
                        r = x(t.margin),
                        o = n.options.vertical,
                        a = o ? r[i ? "left" : "right"] : r[i ? "bottom" : "top"];
                    return a
            ut = dt.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    dt.fn.init.call(this, e, n), this.options.size === t && (this.options.size = .6 * this.scale.options.majorTicks.size)
                pointerShape: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n.scale,
                        o = i.size,
                        a = r.options.vertical,
                        s = o / 2,
                        l = r.options.mirror ? -1 : 1,
                        c = r.options.reverse;
                    return a ? (e = c ? "y2" : "y1", t = [new D(0, 0 - s), new D(0 - l * o, 0), new D(0, 0 + s)]) : (e = c ? "x1" : "x2", t = [new D(0 - s, 0), new D(0, 0 + l * o), new D(0 + s, 0)]), t
                repaint: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.scale,
                        n = e.options,
                        i = new a(e.elements, h(n.animation, {
                            vertical: t.options.vertical,
                            mirror: t.options.mirror,
                            margin: e._margin(n.margin),
                            from: t.getSlot(n._oldValue),
                            to: t.getSlot(n.value)
                    n.animation.transitions === !1 && (i.options.duration = 0), i.setup(), i.play()
                render: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = new A,
                        r = t.scale,
                        o = t.getElementOptions(),
                        a = t.pointerShape(n.value);
                    return n.animation.type = R, i = new E({
                        stroke: o.stroke,
                        fill: o.fill
                    }).moveTo(a[0]).lineTo(a[1]).lineTo(a[2]).close(), e = r.getSlot(n.value), i.transform(S.transform().translate(e.x1, e.y1)), t.elements = i, i
            ht = dt.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    dt.fn.init.call(this, e, n), this.options.size === t && (this.options.size = .3 * this.scale.options.majorTicks.size)
                pointerShape: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = r.scale,
                        s = a.options.vertical,
                        l = a.options.mirror,
                        c = l == s ? -1 : 1,
                        d = o.size * c,
                        u = a.getSlot(a.options.min),
                        h = a.getSlot(e),
                        p = s ? nt : tt,
                        f = s ? tt : nt,
                        g = r._margin() * c,
                        m = new D;
                    return m[p] = u[p + "1"], m[f] = u[f + "1"], t = new D, t[p] = h[p + "1"], t[f] = h[f + "1"], s ? (m.translate(g, 0), t.translate(g, 0)) : (m.translate(0, g), t.translate(0, g)), n = t.clone(), i = m.clone(), s ? (n.translate(d, 0), i.translate(d, 0)) : (n.translate(0, d), i.translate(0, d)), [m, t, n, i]
                repaint: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.scale,
                        i = t.options,
                        r = t.pointerShape(i.value),
                        o = t.elements.children[0],
                        a = t.pointerShape(i._oldValue);
                    o.moveTo(r[0]).lineTo(r[1]).lineTo(r[2]).lineTo(r[3]).close(), e = new s(o, h(i.animation, {
                        reverse: n.options.reverse,
                        vertical: n.options.vertical,
                        oldPoints: [a[1], a[2]],
                        newPoints: [r[1], r[2]]
                    })), i.animation.transitions === !1 && (e.options.duration = 0), e.setup(), e.play()
                render: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = new A,
                        n = e.getElementOptions(),
                        i = new E({
                            stroke: n.stroke,
                            fill: n.fill
                    return t.append(i), e.elements = t, t
            pt = T.Animation.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    T.Animation.fn.init.call(this, e, t), t = this.options, t.duration = l.max(l.abs(t.newAngle - t.oldAngle) / t.duration * 1e3, 1)
                options: {
                    easing: X,
                    duration: M
                step: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = k(n.oldAngle, n.newAngle, e);
                    t.element.transform(S.transform().rotate(i, n.center))
        T.AnimationFactory.current.register(et, pt), a = T.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                easing: X,
                duration: z
            setup: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options,
                    i = (this.element.bbox().width() / 2, n.margin),
                    r = n.from,
                    o = n.to,
                    a = n.vertical ? "x1" : "y1";
                n.mirror == n.vertical ? (r[a] -= i, o[a] -= i) : (r[a] += i, o[a] += i), e = this.fromScale = new D(r.x1, r.y1), t = this.toScale = new D(o.x1, o.y1), 0 !== n.duration && (n.duration = l.max(e.distanceTo(t) / n.duration * 1e3, 1))
            step: function(e) {
                var t = k(this.fromScale.x, this.toScale.x, e),
                    n = k(this.fromScale.y, this.toScale.y, e);
                this.element.transform(S.transform().translate(t, n))
        }), T.AnimationFactory.current.register(R, a), s = T.Animation.extend({
            options: {
                easing: X,
                speed: z
            setup: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.newPoints,
                    n = e.oldPoints,
                    i = this.axis = e.vertical ? nt : tt,
                    r = this.to = t[0][i],
                    o = this.from = n[0][i];
                0 !== e.duration && (e.duration = l.max(l.abs(r - o) / e.speed * 1e3, 1)), this._set(o)
            step: function(e) {
                var t = k(this.from, this.to, e);
            _set: function(e) {
                var t = "set" + this.axis.toUpperCase(),
                    n = this.options.newPoints;
                n[0][t](e), n[1][t](e)
        }), T.AnimationFactory.current.register(H, s), p.ui.plugin(st), p.ui.plugin(lt), p.ExportMixin.extend(at.fn), h(p, {
            Gauge: at,
            RadialPointer: rt,
            LinearPointer: dt,
            ArrowLinearPointer: ut,
            BarLinearPointer: ht,
            LinearScale: ct,
            RadialScale: ot,
            LinearGauge: lt,
            RadialGauge: st
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            return e.substring(t, t + n)
        var i, r, o, a, s, l, c = window.kendo,
            d = c.ui.Widget,
            u = e.extend,
            h = c.deepExtend,
            p = e.inArray,
            f = e.isPlainObject,
            g = c.drawing,
            m = c.geometry,
            v = c.util,
            _ = v.defined,
            w = c.dataviz,
            b = w.Box2D,
            y = w.TextBox,
            k = 300,
            x = 100,
            C = 10,
            S = /^\d+$/,
            T = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i,
            D = "Character '{0}' is not valid for symbology {1}",
            A = c.Class.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.options = u({}, t.options, e), t.quietZoneLength = t.options.addQuietZone ? 2 * t.options.quietZoneLength : 0
                encode: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    return _(e) && (e += ""), i.initValue(e, t, n), i.options.addQuietZone && i.addQuietZone(), i.addData(), i.options.addQuietZone && i.addQuietZone(), {
                        baseUnit: i.baseUnit,
                        pattern: i.pattern
                options: {
                    quietZoneLength: C,
                    addQuietZone: !0,
                    addCheckSum: !0
                initValue: function() {},
                addQuietZone: function() {
                    this.pattern.push(this.options.quietZoneLength || C)
                addData: function() {},
                invalidCharacterError: function(e) {
                    throw Error(c.format(D, e, this.name))
            E = {},
            I = A.extend({
                minBaseUnitLength: .7,
                addData: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.value;
                    for (t.addStart(), e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t.addCharacter(n.charAt(e));
                    t.options.addCheckSum && t.pushCheckSum(), t.addStop(), t.prepareValues()
                addCharacter: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.characterMap[e];
                    n || t.invalidCharacterError(e), t.addBase(n)
                addBase: function() {}
            P = {
                addCharacter: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.characterMap[e] ? t.addBase(t.characterMap[e]) : e.charCodeAt(0) > 127 ? t.invalidCharacterError(e) : t.addExtended(e.charCodeAt(0))
                addExtended: function(e) {
                    var n, i, r, o = this;
                    for (i = 0; o.extendedMappings.length > i; i++)
                        if (n = o.extendedMappings[i].call(o, e)) {
                            for (r = 0; n.length > r; r++) o.addBase(n[r]);
                            return o.dataLength += n.length - 1, t
                extendedMappings: [
                    function(e) {
                        if (e >= 97 && 122 >= e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return [t.characterMap[t.shiftCharacters[0]], t.characterMap[String.fromCharCode(e - 32)]]
                    function(e) {
                        if (e >= 33 && 58 >= e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return [t.characterMap[t.shiftCharacters[1]], t.characterMap[String.fromCharCode(e + 32)]]
                    function(e) {
                        if (e >= 1 && 26 >= e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return [t.characterMap[t.shiftCharacters[2]], t.characterMap[String.fromCharCode(e + 64)]]
                    function(e) {
                        var t, n, i, r = this;
                        if (r.specialAsciiCodes[e])
                            for (t = [], i = 0; r.specialAsciiCodes[e].length > i; i++) t.push(r.characterMap[r.shiftCharacters[3]]), t.push(r.characterMap[r.specialAsciiCodes[e][i]]);
                        else n = 6 * Math.floor(e / 32) + (e - 27) % 32 + 64, t = [r.characterMap[r.shiftCharacters[3]], r.characterMap[String.fromCharCode(n)]];
                        return t
                specialAsciiCodes: {
                    0: ["U"],
                    64: ["V"],
                    96: ["W"],
                    127: ["T", "X", "Y", "Z"]
                shiftValuesAsciiCodes: {
                    39: 36,
                    40: 47,
                    41: 43,
                    42: 37
                characterMap: {
                    "+": !1,
                    "/": !1,
                    $: !1,
                    "%": !1
                shiftCharacters: ["SHIFT0", "SHIFT1", "SHIFT2", "SHIFT3"]
        E.code39 = I.extend({
            name: "Code 39",
            checkSumMod: 43,
            minRatio: 2.5,
            maxRatio: 3,
            gapWidth: 1,
            splitCharacter: "|",
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.width = t, i.height = n, i.value = e, i.dataLength = e.length, i.pattern = [], i.patternString = ""
            prepareValues: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.minBaseUnitLength,
                    r = n.maxRatio,
                    o = n.minRatio,
                    a = Math.max(.15 * n.width, 24);
                if (a > n.height) throw Error("Insufficient Height. The minimum height for value: " + n.value + " is: " + a);
                for (;
                    (e = n.getBaseUnit(r)) < i && r > o;) r = parseFloat((r - .1).toFixed(1));
                if (i > e) throw t = Math.ceil(n.getBaseWidth(o) * i), Error("Insufficient width. The minimum width for value: " + n.value + " is: " + t);
                n.ratio = r, n.baseUnit = e, n.patternString = n.patternString.substring(0, n.patternString.length - 1), n.pattern = n.pattern.concat(n.patternString.replace(/ratio/g, r).split(n.splitCharacter))
            getBaseUnit: function(e) {
                return this.width / this.getBaseWidth(e)
            getBaseWidth: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = 3 * (e + 2);
                return t.quietZoneLength + n * (t.dataLength + 2) + t.gapWidth * (t.dataLength + 1)
            addStart: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.addPattern(e.characterMap.START.pattern), e.addCharacterGap()
            addBase: function(e) {
                this.addPattern(e.pattern), this.addCharacterGap()
            addStop: function() {
            addPattern: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.patternString += this.patternMappings[e.charAt(t)]
            addCharacterGap: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.patternString += e.gapWidth + e.splitCharacter
            patternMappings: {
                b: "1|",
                w: "1|",
                B: "ratio|",
                W: "ratio|"
            characterMap: {
                0: {
                    pattern: "bwbWBwBwb",
                    value: 0
                1: {
                    pattern: "BwbWbwbwB",
                    value: 1
                2: {
                    pattern: "bwBWbwbwB",
                    value: 2
                3: {
                    pattern: "BwBWbwbwb",
                    value: 3
                4: {
                    pattern: "bwbWBwbwB",
                    value: 4
                5: {
                    pattern: "BwbWBwbwb",
                    value: 5
                6: {
                    pattern: "bwBWBwbwb",
                    value: 6
                7: {
                    pattern: "bwbWbwBwB",
                    value: 7
                8: {
                    pattern: "BwbWbwBwb",
                    value: 8
                9: {
                    pattern: "bwBWbwBwb",
                    value: 9
                A: {
                    pattern: "BwbwbWbwB",
                    value: 10
                B: {
                    pattern: "bwBwbWbwB",
                    value: 11
                C: {
                    pattern: "BwBwbWbwb",
                    value: 12
                D: {
                    pattern: "bwbwBWbwB",
                    value: 13
                E: {
                    pattern: "BwbwBWbwb",
                    value: 14
                F: {
                    pattern: "bwBwBWbwb",
                    value: 15
                G: {
                    pattern: "bwbwbWBwB",
                    value: 16
                H: {
                    pattern: "BwbwbWBwb",
                    value: 17
                I: {
                    pattern: "bwBwbWBwb",
                    value: 18
                J: {
                    pattern: "bwbwBWBwb",
                    value: 19
                K: {
                    pattern: "BwbwbwbWB",
                    value: 20
                L: {
                    pattern: "bwBwbwbWB",
                    value: 21
                M: {
                    pattern: "BwBwbwbWb",
                    value: 22
                N: {
                    pattern: "bwbwBwbWB",
                    value: 23
                O: {
                    pattern: "BwbwBwbWb",
                    value: 24
                P: {
                    pattern: "bwBwBwbWb",
                    value: 25
                Q: {
                    pattern: "bwbwbwBWB",
                    value: 26
                R: {
                    pattern: "BwbwbwBWb",
                    value: 27
                S: {
                    pattern: "bwBwbwBWb",
                    value: 28
                T: {
                    pattern: "bwbwBwBWb",
                    value: 29
                U: {
                    pattern: "BWbwbwbwB",
                    value: 30
                V: {
                    pattern: "bWBwbwbwB",
                    value: 31
                W: {
                    pattern: "BWBwbwbwb",
                    value: 32
                X: {
                    pattern: "bWbwBwbwB",
                    value: 33
                Y: {
                    pattern: "BWbwBwbwb",
                    value: 34
                Z: {
                    pattern: "bWBwBwbwb",
                    value: 35
                "-": {
                    pattern: "bWbwbwBwB",
                    value: 36
                ".": {
                    pattern: "BWbwbwBwb",
                    value: 37
                " ": {
                    pattern: "bWBwbwBwb",
                    value: 38
                $: {
                    pattern: "bWbWbWbwb",
                    value: 39
                "/": {
                    pattern: "bWbWbwbWb",
                    value: 40
                "+": {
                    pattern: "bWbwbWbWb",
                    value: 41
                "%": {
                    pattern: "bwbWbWbWb",
                    value: 42
                START: {
                    pattern: "bWbwBwBwb"
            options: {
                addCheckSum: !1
        }), E.code39extended = E.code39.extend(h({}, P, {
            name: "Code 39 extended",
            characterMap: {
                SHIFT0: {
                    pattern: "bWbwbWbWb",
                    value: 41
                SHIFT1: {
                    pattern: "bWbWbwbWb",
                    value: 40
                SHIFT2: {
                    pattern: "bWbWbWbwb",
                    value: 39
                SHIFT3: {
                    pattern: "bwbWbWbWb",
                    value: 42
        })), E.code93 = I.extend({
            name: "Code 93",
            cCheckSumTotal: 20,
            kCheckSumTotal: 15,
            checkSumMod: 47,
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.value = e, i.width = t, i.height = n, i.pattern = [], i.values = [], i.dataLength = e.length
            prepareValues: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = Math.max(.15 * e.width, 24);
                if (t > e.height) throw Error("Insufficient Height");
                if (e.setBaseUnit(), e.minBaseUnitLength > e.baseUnit) throw Error("Insufficient Width")
            setBaseUnit: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = 2;
                e.baseUnit = e.width / (9 * (e.dataLength + 2 + t) + e.quietZoneLength + 1)
            addStart: function() {
                var e = this.characterMap.START.pattern;
            addStop: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.addStart(), e.pattern.push(e.characterMap.TERMINATION_BAR)
            addBase: function(e) {
                this.addPattern(e.pattern), this.values.push(e.value)
            pushCheckSum: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n._getCheckValues();
                for (n.checksum = i.join(""), t = 0; i.length > t; t++) e = n.characterMap[n._findCharacterByValue(i[t])], n.addPattern(e.pattern)
            _getCheckValues: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.values,
                    o = r.length,
                    a = 0;
                for (n = o - 1; n >= 0; n--) a += i.weightedValue(r[n], o - n, i.cCheckSumTotal);
                for (e = a % i.checkSumMod, a = i.weightedValue(e, 1, i.kCheckSumTotal), n = o - 1; n >= 0; n--) a += i.weightedValue(r[n], o - n + 1, i.kCheckSumTotal);
                return t = a % i.checkSumMod, [e, t]
            _findCharacterByValue: function(e) {
                for (var t in this.characterMap)
                    if (this.characterMap[t].value === e) return t
            weightedValue: function(e, t, n) {
                return (t % n || n) * e
            addPattern: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = parseInt(e.charAt(n), 10), this.pattern.push(t)
            characterMap: {
                0: {
                    pattern: "131112",
                    value: 0
                1: {
                    pattern: "111213",
                    value: 1
                2: {
                    pattern: "111312",
                    value: 2
                3: {
                    pattern: "111411",
                    value: 3
                4: {
                    pattern: "121113",
                    value: 4
                5: {
                    pattern: "121212",
                    value: 5
                6: {
                    pattern: "121311",
                    value: 6
                7: {
                    pattern: "111114",
                    value: 7
                8: {
                    pattern: "131211",
                    value: 8
                9: {
                    pattern: "141111",
                    value: 9
                A: {
                    pattern: "211113",
                    value: 10
                B: {
                    pattern: "211212",
                    value: 11
                C: {
                    pattern: "211311",
                    value: 12
                D: {
                    pattern: "221112",
                    value: 13
                E: {
                    pattern: "221211",
                    value: 14
                F: {
                    pattern: "231111",
                    value: 15
                G: {
                    pattern: "112113",
                    value: 16
                H: {
                    pattern: "112212",
                    value: 17
                I: {
                    pattern: "112311",
                    value: 18
                J: {
                    pattern: "122112",
                    value: 19
                K: {
                    pattern: "132111",
                    value: 20
                L: {
                    pattern: "111123",
                    value: 21
                M: {
                    pattern: "111222",
                    value: 22
                N: {
                    pattern: "111321",
                    value: 23
                O: {
                    pattern: "121122",
                    value: 24
                P: {
                    pattern: "131121",
                    value: 25
                Q: {
                    pattern: "212112",
                    value: 26
                R: {
                    pattern: "212211",
                    value: 27
                S: {
                    pattern: "211122",
                    value: 28
                T: {
                    pattern: "211221",
                    value: 29
                U: {
                    pattern: "221121",
                    value: 30
                V: {
                    pattern: "222111",
                    value: 31
                W: {
                    pattern: "112122",
                    value: 32
                X: {
                    pattern: "112221",
                    value: 33
                Y: {
                    pattern: "122121",
                    value: 34
                Z: {
                    pattern: "123111",
                    value: 35
                "-": {
                    pattern: "121131",
                    value: 36
                ".": {
                    pattern: "311112",
                    value: 37
                " ": {
                    pattern: "311211",
                    value: 38
                $: {
                    pattern: "321111",
                    value: 39
                "/": {
                    pattern: "112131",
                    value: 40
                "+": {
                    pattern: "113121",
                    value: 41
                "%": {
                    pattern: "211131",
                    value: 42
                SHIFT0: {
                    pattern: "122211",
                    value: 46
                SHIFT1: {
                    pattern: "311121",
                    value: 45
                SHIFT2: {
                    pattern: "121221",
                    value: 43
                SHIFT3: {
                    pattern: "312111",
                    value: 44
                START: {
                    pattern: "111141"
                TERMINATION_BAR: "1"
        }), E.code93extended = E.code93.extend(h({}, P, {
            name: "Code 93 extended",
            pushCheckSum: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n._getCheckValues();
                for (n.checksum = i.join(""), t = 0; i.length > t; t++) e = i[t], n.shiftValuesAsciiCodes[e] ? n.addExtended(n.shiftValuesAsciiCodes[e]) : n.addPattern(n.characterMap[n._findCharacterByValue(e)].pattern)
        })), i = c.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.encoding = e
            addStart: function() {},
            is: function() {},
            move: function() {},
            pushState: function() {}
        }), r = i.extend({
            FNC4: "FNC4",
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.encoding = e, n.states = t, n._initMoves(t)
            addStart: function() {
            is: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
                return this.isCode(n)
            move: function(e) {
                for (var t = this, n = 0; !t._moves[n].call(t, e) && t._moves.length > n;) n++
            pushState: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.states,
                    o = e.value,
                    a = o.length;
                for (p("C", r) >= 0 && (n = o.substr(e.index).match(/\d{4,}/g), n && (a = o.indexOf(n[0], e.index)));
                    (t = e.value.charCodeAt(e.index)) >= 0 && i.isCode(t) && a > e.index;) i.encoding.addPattern(i.getValue(t)), e.index++
            _initMoves: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t._moves = [], p(t.FNC4, e) >= 0 && t._moves.push(t._moveFNC), p(t.shiftKey, e) >= 0 && t._moves.push(t._shiftState), t._moves.push(t._moveState)
            _moveFNC: function(e) {
                return e.fnc ? (e.fnc = !1, e.previousState == this.key) : t
            _shiftState: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e.previousState == n.shiftKey && (e.index + 1 >= e.value.length || n.encoding[n.shiftKey].is(e.value, e.index + 1)) ? (n.encoding.addPattern(n.SHIFT), e.shifted = !0, !0) : t
            _moveState: function() {
                return this.encoding.addPattern(this.MOVE), !0
            SHIFT: 98
        }), o = {}, o.A = r.extend({
            key: "A",
            shiftKey: "B",
            isCode: function(e) {
                return e >= 0 && 96 > e
            getValue: function(e) {
                return 32 > e ? e + 64 : e - 32
            MOVE: 101,
            START: 103
        }), o.B = r.extend({
            key: "B",
            shiftKey: "A",
            isCode: function(e) {
                return e >= 32 && 128 > e
            getValue: function(e) {
                return e - 32
            MOVE: 100,
            START: 104
        }), o.C = i.extend({
            key: "C",
            addStart: function() {
            is: function(e, t) {
                var i = n(e, t, 4);
                return (e.length >= t + 4 || 2 == e.length) && S.test(i)
            move: function() {
            pushState: function(e) {
                for (var t;
                    (t = n(e.value, e.index, 2)) && S.test(t) && 2 == t.length;) this.encoding.addPattern(parseInt(t, 10)), e.index += 2
            getValue: function(e) {
                return e
            MOVE: 99,
            START: 105
        }), o.FNC4 = i.extend({
            key: "FNC4",
            dependentStates: ["A", "B"],
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.encoding = e, this._initSubStates(t)
            addStart: function(e) {
                var t = e.value.charCodeAt(0) - 128,
                    n = this._getSubState(t);
            is: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
                return this.isCode(n)
            isCode: function(e) {
                return e >= 128 && 256 > e
            pushState: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n._initSubState(e),
                    r = n.encoding,
                    o = i.value.length;
                if (e.index += o, 3 > o)
                    for (; o > i.index; i.index++) t = i.value.charCodeAt(i.index), i.state = n._getSubState(t), i.previousState != i.state && (i.previousState = i.state, r[i.state].move(i)), r.addPattern(r[i.state].MOVE), r.addPattern(r[i.state].getValue(t));
                else i.state != i.previousState && r[i.state].move(i), n._pushStart(i), r.pushData(i, n.subStates), e.value.length > e.index && n._pushStart(i);
                e.fnc = !0, e.state = i.state
            _pushStart: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.encoding.addPattern(t.encoding[e.state].MOVE), t.encoding.addPattern(t.encoding[e.state].MOVE)
            _initSubState: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = {
                        value: t._getAll(e.value, e.index),
                        index: 0
                return n.state = t._getSubState(n.value.charCodeAt(0)), n.previousState = e.previousState == t.key ? n.state : e.previousState, n
            _initSubStates: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                for (n.subStates = [], t = 0; e.length > t; t++) p(e[t], n.dependentStates) >= 0 && n.subStates.push(e[t])
            _getSubState: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                for (t = 0; n.subStates.length > t; t++)
                    if (n.encoding[n.subStates[t]].isCode(e)) return n.subStates[t]
            _getAll: function(e, t) {
                for (var n, i = "";
                    (n = e.charCodeAt(t++)) && this.isCode(n);) i += String.fromCharCode(n - 128);
                return i
        }), o.FNC1 = i.extend({
            key: "FNC1",
            startState: "C",
            dependentStates: ["C", "B"],
            startAI: "(",
            endAI: ")",
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.encoding = e, this.states = t
            addStart: function() {
            is: function() {
                return p(this.key, this.states) >= 0
            pushState: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.encoding,
                    a = e.value.replace(/\s/g, ""),
                    s = RegExp("[" + r.startAI + r.endAI + "]", "g"),
                    l = e.index,
                    c = {
                        state: r.startState
                for (o.addPattern(r.START);;) {
                    if (c.index = 0, i = a.charAt(l) === r.startAI ? 2 : 0, t = i > 0 ? r.getBySeparator(a, l) : r.getByLength(a, l), t.ai.length) n = l + i + t.id.length + t.ai.length;
                    else if (n = a.indexOf(r.startAI, l + 1), 0 > n) {
                        if (a.length > l + t.ai.max + t.id.length + i) throw Error("Separators are required after variable length identifiers");
                        n = a.length
                    if (c.value = a.substring(l, n).replace(s, ""), r.validate(t, c.value), o.pushData(c, r.dependentStates), n >= a.length) break;
                    l = n, c.state != r.startState && (o[r.startState].move(c), c.state = r.startState), t.ai.length || o.addPattern(r.START)
                e.index = e.value.length
            validate: function(e, t) {
                var n = t.substr(e.id.length),
                    i = e.ai;
                if (!i.type && !S.test(n)) throw Error("Application identifier " + e.id + " is numeric only but contains non numeric character(s).");
                if ("alphanumeric" == i.type && !T.test(n)) throw Error("Application identifier " + e.id + " is alphanumeric only but contains non alphanumeric character(s).");
                if (i.length && i.length !== n.length) throw Error("Application identifier " + e.id + " must be " + i.length + " characters long.");
                if (i.min && i.min > n.length) throw Error("Application identifier " + e.id + " must be at least " + i.min + " characters long.");
                if (i.max && n.length > i.max) throw Error("Application identifier " + e.id + " must be at most " + i.max + " characters long.")
            getByLength: function(e, t) {
                var i, r, o, a = this;
                for (o = 2; 4 >= o; o++)
                    if (i = n(e, t, o), r = a.getAI(i) || a.getAI(i.substring(0, i.length - 1))) return {
                        id: i,
                        ai: r
            unsupportedAIError: function(e) {
                throw Error(c.format("'{0}' is not a supported Application Identifier"), e)
            getBySeparator: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = e.indexOf(n.startAI, t),
                    r = e.indexOf(n.endAI, i),
                    o = e.substring(i + 1, r),
                    a = n.getAI(o) || n.getAI(o.substr(o.length - 1));
                return a || n.unsupportedAIError(o), {
                    ai: a,
                    id: o
            getAI: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.applicationIdentifiers,
                    o = r.multiKey;
                if (r[e]) return r[e];
                for (t = 0; o.length > t; t++) {
                    if (o[t].ids && p(e, o[t].ids) >= 0) return o[t].type;
                    if (o[t].ranges)
                        for (n = o[t].ranges, i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
                            if (e >= n[i][0] && n[i][1] >= e) return o[t].type
            applicationIdentifiers: {
                22: {
                    max: 29,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                402: {
                    length: 17
                7004: {
                    max: 4,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                242: {
                    max: 6,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                8020: {
                    max: 25,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                703: {
                    min: 3,
                    max: 30,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                8008: {
                    min: 8,
                    max: 12,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                253: {
                    min: 13,
                    max: 17,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                8003: {
                    min: 14,
                    max: 30,
                    type: "alphanumeric"
                multiKey: [{
                    ids: ["15", "17", "8005", "8100"],
                    ranges: [
                        [11, 13],
                        [310, 316],
                        [320, 336],
                        [340, 369]
                    type: {
                        length: 6
                }, {
                    ids: ["240", "241", "250", "251", "400", "401", "403", "7002", "8004", "8007", "8110"],
                    ranges: [
                    type: {
                        max: 30,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["7001"],
                    ranges: [
                        [410, 414]
                    type: {
                        length: 13
                }, {
                    ids: ["10", "21", "254", "420", "8002"],
                    type: {
                        max: 20,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["00", "8006", "8017", "8018"],
                    type: {
                        length: 18
                }, {
                    ids: ["01", "02", "8001"],
                    type: {
                        length: 14
                }, {
                    ids: ["422"],
                    ranges: [
                        [424, 426]
                    type: {
                        length: 3
                }, {
                    ids: ["20", "8102"],
                    type: {
                        length: 2
                }, {
                    ids: ["30", "37"],
                    type: {
                        max: 8,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["390", "392"],
                    type: {
                        max: 15,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["421", "423"],
                    type: {
                        min: 3,
                        max: 15,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["391", "393"],
                    type: {
                        min: 3,
                        max: 18,
                        type: "alphanumeric"
                }, {
                    ids: ["7003", "8101"],
                    type: {
                        length: 10
            START: 102
        }), a = A.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                A.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initStates()
            _initStates: function() {
                var e, t = this;
                for (e = 0; t.states.length > e; e++) t[t.states[e]] = new o[t.states[e]](t, t.states)
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.pattern = [], i.value = e, i.width = t, i.height = n, i.checkSum = 0, i.totalUnits = 0, i.index = 0, i.position = 1
            addData: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = {
                        value: e.value,
                        index: 0,
                        state: ""
                0 !== e.value.length && (t.state = t.previousState = e.getNextState(t, e.states), e.addStart(t), e.pushData(t, e.states), e.addCheckSum(), e.addStop(), e.setBaseUnit())
            pushData: function(e, t) {
                for (var n, i = this;;) {
                    if (i[e.state].pushState(e), e.index >= e.value.length) break;
                    e.shifted ? (n = e.state, e.state = e.previousState, e.previousState = n, e.shifted = !1) : (e.previousState = e.state, e.state = i.getNextState(e, t), i[e.state].move(e))
            addStart: function(e) {
                this[e.state].addStart(e), this.position = 1
            addCheckSum: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.checksum = e.checkSum % 103, e.addPattern(e.checksum)
            addStop: function() {
            setBaseUnit: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.baseUnit = e.width / (e.totalUnits + e.quietZoneLength)
            addPattern: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this,
                    r = "" + i.characterMap[e];
                for (n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t = parseInt(r.charAt(n), 10), i.pattern.push(t), i.totalUnits += t;
                i.checkSum += e * i.position++
            getNextState: function(e, t) {
                for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                    if (this[t[n]].is(e.value, e.index)) return t[n];
            characterMap: [212222, 222122, 222221, 121223, 121322, 131222, 122213, 122312, 132212, 221213, 221312, 231212, 112232, 122132, 122231, 113222, 123122, 123221, 223211, 221132, 221231, 213212, 223112, 312131, 311222, 321122, 321221, 312212, 322112, 322211, 212123, 212321, 232121, 111323, 131123, 131321, 112313, 132113, 132311, 211313, 231113, 231311, 112133, 112331, 132131, 113123, 113321, 133121, 313121, 211331, 231131, 213113, 213311, 213131, 311123, 311321, 331121, 312113, 312311, 332111, 314111, 221411, 431111, 111224, 111422, 121124, 121421, 141122, 141221, 112214, 112412, 122114, 122411, 142112, 142211, 241211, 221114, 413111, 241112, 134111, 111242, 121142, 121241, 114212, 124112, 124211, 411212, 421112, 421211, 212141, 214121, 412121, 111143, 111341, 131141, 114113, 114311, 411113, 411311, 113141, 114131, 311141, 411131, 211412, 211214, 211232, 2331112],
            STOP: 106
        }), E.code128a = a.extend({
            name: "Code 128 A",
            states: ["A"]
        }), E.code128b = a.extend({
            name: "Code 128 B",
            states: ["B"]
        }), E.code128c = a.extend({
            name: "Code 128 C",
            states: ["C"]
        }), E.code128 = a.extend({
            name: "Code 128",
            states: ["C", "B", "A", "FNC4"]
        }), E["gs1-128"] = a.extend({
            name: "Code GS1-128",
            states: ["FNC1", "C", "B"]
        }), s = A.extend({
            initValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.pattern = [], n.value = e, n.checkSumLength = 0, n.width = t
            setBaseUnit: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = 7;
                e.baseUnit = e.width / (12 * (e.value.length + e.checkSumLength) + e.quietZoneLength + t)
            addData: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.value;
                for (t.addPattern(t.START), e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t.addCharacter(n.charAt(e));
                t.options.addCheckSum && t.addCheckSum(), t.addPattern(t.STOP), t.setBaseUnit()
            addCharacter: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.characterMap[e];
                n || t.invalidCharacterError(e), t.addPattern(n)
            addPattern: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.pattern.push(parseInt(e.charAt(t), 10))
            addCheckSum: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.checkSums[t.checkSumType],
                    i = n.call(t.checkSums, t.value);
                for (t.checksum = i.join(""), e = 0; i.length > e; e++) t.checkSumLength++, t.addPattern(t.characterMap[i[e]])
            checkSums: {
                Modulo10: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = [0, ""],
                        o = e.length % 2;
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) r[(t + o) % 2] += parseInt(e.charAt(t), 10);
                    for (i = r[0], n = "" + 2 * r[1], t = 0; n.length > t; t++) i += parseInt(n.charAt(t), 10);
                    return [(10 - i % 10) % 10]
                Modulo11: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = 0,
                        o = 11,
                        a = e.length;
                    for (i = 0; a > i; i++) t = ((a - i) % 6 || 6) + 1, r += t * e.charAt(i);
                    return n = (o - r % o) % o, 10 != n ? [n] : [1, 0]
                Modulo11Modulo10: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.Modulo11(e);
                    return t = e + n[0], n.concat(this.Modulo10(t))
                Modulo10Modulo10: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.Modulo10(e);
                    return t = e + n[0], n.concat(this.Modulo10(t))
            characterMap: ["12121212", "12121221", "12122112", "12122121", "12211212", "12211221", "12212112", "12212121", "21121212", "21121221"],
            START: "21",
            STOP: "121",
            checkSumType: ""
        }), E.msimod10 = s.extend({
            name: "MSI Modulo10",
            checkSumType: "Modulo10"
        }), E.msimod11 = s.extend({
            name: "MSI Modulo11",
            checkSumType: "Modulo11"
        }), E.msimod1110 = s.extend({
            name: "MSI Modulo11 Modulo10",
            checkSumType: "Modulo11Modulo10"
        }), E.msimod1010 = s.extend({
            name: "MSI Modulo10 Modulo10",
            checkSumType: "Modulo10Modulo10"
        }), E.code11 = A.extend({
            name: "Code 11",
            cCheckSumTotal: 10,
            kCheckSumTotal: 9,
            kCheckSumMinLength: 10,
            checkSumMod: 11,
            DASH_VALUE: 10,
            DASH: "-",
            START: "112211",
            STOP: "11221",
            initValue: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.pattern = [], n.value = e, n.width = t, n.totalUnits = 0
            addData: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.value;
                for (t.addPattern(t.START), e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t.addCharacter(n.charAt(e));
                t.options.addCheckSum && t.addCheckSum(), t.addPattern(t.STOP), t.setBaseUnit()
            setBaseUnit: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.baseUnit = e.width / (e.totalUnits + e.quietZoneLength)
            addCheckSum: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.value,
                    i = n.length,
                    r = t.getWeightedSum(n, i, t.cCheckSumTotal) % t.checkSumMod;
                t.checksum = r + "", t.addPattern(t.characterMap[r]), i++, i >= t.kCheckSumMinLength && (e = (r + t.getWeightedSum(n, i, t.kCheckSumTotal)) % t.checkSumMod, t.checksum += e, t.addPattern(t.characterMap[e]))
            getWeightedSum: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = 0;
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r += this.weightedValue(this.getValue(e.charAt(i)), t, i, n);
                return r
            weightedValue: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r = (t - n) % i || i;
                return r * e
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return isNaN(e) ? (e !== t.DASH && t.invalidCharacterError(e), t.DASH_VALUE) : parseInt(e, 10)
            addCharacter: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.getValue(e),
                    i = t.characterMap[n];
            addPattern: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = parseInt(e.charAt(n), 10), this.pattern.push(t), this.totalUnits += t
            characterMap: ["111121", "211121", "121121", "221111", "112121", "212111", "122111", "111221", "211211", "211111", "112111"],
            options: {
                addCheckSum: !0
        }), E.postnet = A.extend({
            name: "Postnet",
            START: "2",
            VALID_CODE_LENGTHS: [5, 9, 11],
            DIGIT_SEPARATOR: "-",
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.height = n, i.width = t, i.baseHeight = n / 2, i.value = e.replace(RegExp(i.DIGIT_SEPARATOR, "g"), ""), i.pattern = [], i.validate(i.value), i.checkSum = 0, i.setBaseUnit()
            addData: function() {
                var e, t = this,
                    n = t.value;
                for (t.addPattern(t.START), e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t.addCharacter(n.charAt(e));
                t.options.addCheckSum && t.addCheckSum(), t.addPattern(t.START), t.pattern.pop()
            addCharacter: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.characterMap[e];
                t.checkSum += parseInt(e, 10), t.addPattern(n)
            addCheckSum: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.checksum = (10 - e.checkSum % 10) % 10, e.addCharacter(e.checksum)
            setBaseUnit: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = 3;
                e.baseUnit = e.width / (10 * (e.value.length + 1) + t + e.quietZoneLength)
            validate: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                if (S.test(e) || t.invalidCharacterError(e.match(/[^0-9]/)[0]), p(e.length, t.VALID_CODE_LENGTHS) < 0) throw Error("Invalid value length. Valid lengths for the Postnet symbology are " + t.VALID_CODE_LENGTHS.join(","))
            addPattern: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = i.height - i.baseHeight * e.charAt(n), i.pattern.push({
                    width: 1,
                    y1: t,
                    y2: i.height
                }), i.pattern.push(1)
            characterMap: ["22111", "11122", "11212", "11221", "12112", "12121", "12211", "21112", "21121", "21211"]
        }), E.ean13 = A.extend({
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                if (e += "", 12 != e.length || /\D/.test(e)) throw Error('The value of the "EAN13" encoding should be 12 symbols');
                var i = this;
                i.pattern = [], i.options.height = n, i.baseUnit = t / (95 + i.quietZoneLength), i.value = e, i.checksum = i.calculateChecksum(), i.leftKey = e[0], i.leftPart = e.substr(1, 6), i.rightPart = e.substr(7) + i.checksum
            addData: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.addPieces(e.characterMap.start), e.addSide(e.leftPart, e.leftKey), e.addPieces(e.characterMap.middle), e.addSide(e.rightPart), e.addPieces(e.characterMap.start)
            addSide: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t && parseInt(i.keyTable[t].charAt(n), 10) ? i.addPieces(Array.prototype.slice.call(i.characterMap.digits[e.charAt(n)]).reverse(), !0) : i.addPieces(i.characterMap.digits[e.charAt(n)], !0)
            addPieces: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i.pattern.push(t ? {
                    y1: 0,
                    y2: .95 * i.options.height,
                    width: e[n]
                } : e[n])
            calculateChecksum: function() {
                var e, t, n = 0,
                    i = 0,
                    r = this.value.split("").reverse().join("");
                for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) e % 2 ? i += parseInt(r.charAt(e), 10) : n += parseInt(r.charAt(e), 10);
                return t = (10 - (3 * n + i) % 10) % 10
            keyTable: ["000000", "001011", "001101", "001110", "010011", "011001", "011100", "010101", "010110", "011010"],
            characterMap: {
                digits: [
                    [3, 2, 1, 1],
                    [2, 2, 2, 1],
                    [2, 1, 2, 2],
                    [1, 4, 1, 1],
                    [1, 1, 3, 2],
                    [1, 2, 3, 1],
                    [1, 1, 1, 4],
                    [1, 3, 1, 2],
                    [1, 2, 1, 3],
                    [3, 1, 1, 2]
                start: [1, 1, 1],
                middle: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        }), E.ean8 = E.ean13.extend({
            initValue: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                if (7 != e.length || /\D/.test(e)) throw Error("Invalid value provided");
                i.value = e, i.options.height = n, i.checksum = i.calculateChecksum(i.value), i.leftPart = i.value.substr(0, 4), i.rightPart = i.value.substr(4) + i.checksum, i.pattern = [], i.baseUnit = t / (67 + i.quietZoneLength)
        }), l = d.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                d.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.element = e(t), i.wrapper = i.element, i.element.addClass("k-barcode").css("display", "block"), i.surfaceWrap = e("<div />").css("position", "relative").appendTo(this.element), i.surface = g.Surface.create(i.surfaceWrap, {
                    type: i.options.renderAs
                }), i.setOptions(n)
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                if (t.type = (e.type || t.options.type).toLowerCase(), "upca" == t.type && (t.type = "ean13", e.value = "0" + e.value), "upce" == t.type && (t.type = "ean8", e.value = "0" + e.value), !E[t.type]) throw Error("Encoding " + t.type + "is not supported.");
                t.encoding = new E[t.type], t.options = u(!0, t.options, e), _(e.value) && t.redraw()
            redraw: function() {
                var e = this._getSize();
                    width: e.width,
                    height: e.height
                }), this.surface.clear(), this.createVisual(), this.surface.draw(this.visual)
            getSize: function() {
                return c.dimensions(this.element)
            _resize: function() {
            createVisual: function() {
                this.visual = this._render()
            _render: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this,
                    r = i.options,
                    o = r.value,
                    a = r.text,
                    s = w.getSpacing(a.margin),
                    l = i._getSize(),
                    c = r.border || {},
                    d = i.encoding,
                    u = b(0, 0, l.width, l.height).unpad(c.width).unpad(r.padding),
                    h = u.height(),
                    p = new g.Group;
                return i.contentBox = u, p.append(i._getBackground(l)), a.visible && (n = g.util.measureText(o, {
                    font: a.font
                }).height, h -= n + s.top + s.bottom), e = d.encode(o, u.width(), h), a.visible && (t = o, r.checksum && _(d.checksum) && (t += " " + d.checksum), p.append(i._getText(t))), i.barHeight = h, this._bandsGroup = this._getBands(e.pattern, e.baseUnit), p.append(this._bandsGroup), p
            exportVisual: function() {
                return this._render()
            _getSize: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element,
                    n = new m.Size(k, x);
                return t.width() > 0 && (n.width = t.width()), t.height() > 0 && (n.height = t.height()), e.options.width && (n.width = e.options.width), e.options.height && (n.height = e.options.height), n
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return _(e) ? (n.options.value = e + "", n.redraw(), t) : n.options.value
            _getBands: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s.contentBox,
                    c = l.x1,
                    d = new g.Group;
                for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) i = f(e[r]) ? e[r] : {
                    width: e[r],
                    y1: 0,
                    y2: s.barHeight
                }, n = i.width * t, r % 2 && (o = m.Rect.fromPoints(new m.Point(c, i.y1 + l.y1), new m.Point(c + n, i.y2 + l.y1)), a = g.Path.fromRect(o, {
                    fill: {
                        color: s.options.color
                    stroke: null
                }), d.append(a)), c += n;
                return d
            _getBackground: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options,
                    i = n.border || {},
                    r = b(0, 0, e.width, e.height).unpad(i.width / 2),
                    o = g.Path.fromRect(r.toRect(), {
                        fill: {
                            color: n.background
                        stroke: {
                            color: i.width ? i.color : "",
                            width: i.width,
                            dashType: i.dashType
                return o
            _getText: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.options.text,
                    i = t._textbox = new y(e, {
                        font: n.font,
                        color: n.color,
                        align: "center",
                        vAlign: "bottom",
                        margin: n.margin
                return i.reflow(t.contentBox), i.renderVisual(), i.visual
            options: {
                name: "Barcode",
                renderAs: "svg",
                value: "",
                type: "code39",
                checksum: !1,
                width: 0,
                height: 0,
                color: "black",
                background: "white",
                text: {
                    visible: !0,
                    font: "16px Consolas, Monaco, Sans Mono, monospace, sans-serif",
                    color: "black",
                    margin: {
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0
                border: {
                    width: 0,
                    dashType: "solid",
                    color: "black"
                padding: {
                    top: 0,
                    bottom: 0,
                    left: 0,
                    right: 0
        }), w.ExportMixin.extend(l.fn), w.ui.plugin(l), c.deepExtend(w, {
            encodings: E,
            Encoding: A
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return parseInt(e, 2)

        function i(e, t) {
            var n = (+e).toString(2);
            return t > n.length && (n = Array(t - n.length + 1).join(0) + n), n

        function r(e, t) {
            for (var n = [], i = 0; e.length > i;) n.push(e.substring(i, i + t)), i += t;
            return n

        function o(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r = 0; e.length > r; r++) e[r][n][i] = t

        function a(e, t, n, i) {
            for (var r = 0; vt.length > r; r++) e[r][n][i] = vt[r](n, i) ? 1 ^ t : parseInt(t, 10)

        function s() {
            var e, t;
            for (t = 1; 255 > t; t++) e = 2 * ot[t - 1], e > 255 && (e = 285 ^ e), ot[t] = e, rt[e] = t;
            e = 2 * ot[t - 1] ^ 285, ot[t] = e, ot[-1] = 0

        function l() {
            var e, t, n, i = 68;
            for (e = 2; i >= e; e++) t = at[e - 1], n = [e, 0], at[e] = b(t, n)

        function c(e, n) {
            var i = [],
                r = e.length - 1;
            do i[r] = ot[(e[r] + n) % 255], r--; while (e[r] !== t);
            return i

        function d(e, t) {
            return parseInt(e.charAt(t), 10)

        function u(e, t, n, i, r) {
            t[e][i] = (t[e][i] << 1 ^ r) % 128, t[e][i] == mt && (n[e] += 40)

        function h(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
            n[e][o] == i ? r[e][o]++ : (n[e][o] = i, r[e][o] >= 5 && (t[e] += 3 + r[e][o] - 5), r[e][o] = 1)

        function p(e, t) {
            var n = Math.floor(e / t * 100),
                i = n % 5,
                r = Math.abs(n - i - 50),
                o = Math.abs(n + 5 - i - 50),
                a = 10 * Math.min(r / 5, o / 5);
            return a
        var f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U, W, j, G, q, $, Y = window.kendo,
            Q = e.extend,
            K = Y.drawing,
            X = Y.dataviz,
            Z = Y.ui.Widget,
            J = X.Box2D,
            et = "0000",
            tt = "numeric",
            nt = "alphanumeric",
            it = "byte",
            rt = {
                1: 0
            ot = {
                0: 1
            at = [
                [1, 0],
                [1, 25, 0]
            st = {
                15: 20,
                16: 20,
                18: 24,
                19: 24,
                22: 20,
                24: 22,
                26: 24,
                28: 20,
                30: 20,
                31: 24,
                32: 28,
                33: 24,
                36: 18,
                37: 22,
                39: 20,
                40: 24
            lt = [{
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 19]
                    totalDataCodewords: 19,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 7
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 16,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 10
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 13,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 13
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 9]
                    totalDataCodewords: 9,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 17
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 34]
                    totalDataCodewords: 34,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 10
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 28]
                    totalDataCodewords: 28,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 16
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 22]
                    totalDataCodewords: 22,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 16,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 55]
                    totalDataCodewords: 55,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 15
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 44]
                    totalDataCodewords: 44,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 34,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 26,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 80]
                    totalDataCodewords: 80,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 20
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 32]
                    totalDataCodewords: 64,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 24]
                    totalDataCodewords: 48,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 9]
                    totalDataCodewords: 36,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 16
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 108]
                    totalDataCodewords: 108,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 43]
                    totalDataCodewords: 86,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 15],
                        [2, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 62,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 11],
                        [2, 12]
                    totalDataCodewords: 46,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 68]
                    totalDataCodewords: 136,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 27]
                    totalDataCodewords: 108,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 16
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 19]
                    totalDataCodewords: 76,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 60,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 78]
                    totalDataCodewords: 156,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 20
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 31]
                    totalDataCodewords: 124,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 14],
                        [4, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 88,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 13],
                        [1, 14]
                    totalDataCodewords: 66,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 97]
                    totalDataCodewords: 194,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 38],
                        [2, 39]
                    totalDataCodewords: 154,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 18],
                        [2, 19]
                    totalDataCodewords: 110,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 14],
                        [2, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 86,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 232,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 36],
                        [2, 37]
                    totalDataCodewords: 182,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 16],
                        [4, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 132,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 20
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 12],
                        [4, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 100,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 68],
                        [2, 69]
                    totalDataCodewords: 274,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 18
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 43],
                        [1, 44]
                    totalDataCodewords: 216,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 19],
                        [2, 20]
                    totalDataCodewords: 154,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 15],
                        [2, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 122,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 81]
                    totalDataCodewords: 324,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 20
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 50],
                        [4, 51]
                    totalDataCodewords: 254,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 22],
                        [4, 23]
                    totalDataCodewords: 180,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 12],
                        [8, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 140,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 92],
                        [2, 93]
                    totalDataCodewords: 370,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 36],
                        [2, 37]
                    totalDataCodewords: 290,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 20],
                        [6, 21]
                    totalDataCodewords: 206,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [7, 14],
                        [4, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 158,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 107]
                    totalDataCodewords: 428,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 37],
                        [1, 38]
                    totalDataCodewords: 334,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 20],
                        [4, 21]
                    totalDataCodewords: 244,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [12, 11],
                        [4, 12]
                    totalDataCodewords: 180,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 115],
                        [1, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 461,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 40],
                        [5, 41]
                    totalDataCodewords: 365,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 16],
                        [5, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 261,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 20
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 12],
                        [5, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 197,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 87],
                        [1, 88]
                    totalDataCodewords: 523,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 22
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 41],
                        [5, 42]
                    totalDataCodewords: 415,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 24],
                        [7, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 295,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 12],
                        [7, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 223,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 98],
                        [1, 99]
                    totalDataCodewords: 589,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [7, 45],
                        [3, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 453,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [15, 19],
                        [2, 20]
                    totalDataCodewords: 325,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 15],
                        [13, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 253,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 107],
                        [5, 108]
                    totalDataCodewords: 647,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [10, 46],
                        [1, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 507,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 22],
                        [15, 23]
                    totalDataCodewords: 367,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 14],
                        [17, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 283,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 120],
                        [1, 121]
                    totalDataCodewords: 721,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [9, 43],
                        [4, 44]
                    totalDataCodewords: 563,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 22],
                        [1, 23]
                    totalDataCodewords: 397,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 14],
                        [19, 15]
                    totalDataCodewords: 313,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 113],
                        [4, 114]
                    totalDataCodewords: 795,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 44],
                        [11, 45]
                    totalDataCodewords: 627,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 21],
                        [4, 22]
                    totalDataCodewords: 445,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [9, 13],
                        [16, 14]
                    totalDataCodewords: 341,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 107],
                        [5, 108]
                    totalDataCodewords: 861,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 41],
                        [13, 42]
                    totalDataCodewords: 669,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [15, 24],
                        [5, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 485,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [15, 15],
                        [10, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 385,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 116],
                        [4, 117]
                    totalDataCodewords: 932,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 42]
                    totalDataCodewords: 714,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 22],
                        [6, 23]
                    totalDataCodewords: 512,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 16],
                        [6, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 406,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 111],
                        [7, 112]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1006,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 782,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [7, 24],
                        [16, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 568,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [34, 13]
                    totalDataCodewords: 442,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 24
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 121],
                        [5, 122]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1094,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 47],
                        [14, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 860,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 24],
                        [14, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 614,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [16, 15],
                        [14, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 464,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 117],
                        [4, 118]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1174,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 45],
                        [14, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 914,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 24],
                        [16, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 664,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [30, 16],
                        [2, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 514,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 106],
                        [4, 107]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1276,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 26
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 47],
                        [13, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1e3,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [7, 24],
                        [22, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 718,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [22, 15],
                        [13, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 538,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [10, 114],
                        [2, 115]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1370,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 46],
                        [4, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1062,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [28, 22],
                        [6, 23]
                    totalDataCodewords: 754,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [33, 16],
                        [4, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 596,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 122],
                        [4, 123]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1468,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [22, 45],
                        [3, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1128,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [8, 23],
                        [26, 24]
                    totalDataCodewords: 808,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [12, 15],
                        [28, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 628,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 117],
                        [10, 118]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1531,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [3, 45],
                        [23, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1193,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 24],
                        [31, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 871,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 15],
                        [31, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 661,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [7, 116],
                        [7, 117]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1631,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [21, 45],
                        [7, 46]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1267,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [1, 23],
                        [37, 24]
                    totalDataCodewords: 911,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 15],
                        [26, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 701,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [5, 115],
                        [10, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1735,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 47],
                        [10, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1373,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [15, 24],
                        [25, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 985,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [23, 15],
                        [25, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 745,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [13, 115],
                        [3, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1843,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 46],
                        [29, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1455,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [42, 24],
                        [1, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1033,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [23, 15],
                        [28, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 793,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 115]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1955,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [10, 46],
                        [23, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1541,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [10, 24],
                        [35, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1115,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 15],
                        [35, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 845,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 115],
                        [1, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2071,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [14, 46],
                        [21, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1631,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [29, 24],
                        [19, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1171,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [11, 15],
                        [46, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 901,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [13, 115],
                        [6, 116]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2191,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [14, 46],
                        [23, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1725,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [44, 24],
                        [7, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1231,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [59, 16],
                        [1, 17]
                    totalDataCodewords: 961,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [12, 121],
                        [7, 122]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2306,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [12, 47],
                        [26, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1812,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [39, 24],
                        [14, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1286,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [22, 15],
                        [41, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 986,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 121],
                        [14, 122]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2434,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [6, 47],
                        [34, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1914,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [46, 24],
                        [10, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1354,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [2, 15],
                        [64, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1054,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [17, 122],
                        [4, 123]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2566,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [29, 46],
                        [14, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1992,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [49, 24],
                        [10, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1426,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [24, 15],
                        [46, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1096,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [4, 122],
                        [18, 123]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2702,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [13, 46],
                        [32, 47]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2102,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [48, 24],
                        [14, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1502,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [42, 15],
                        [32, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1142,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [20, 117],
                        [4, 118]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2812,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [40, 47],
                        [7, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2216,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [43, 24],
                        [22, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1582,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [10, 15],
                        [67, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1222,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            }, {
                L: {
                    groups: [
                        [19, 118],
                        [6, 119]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2956,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                M: {
                    groups: [
                        [18, 47],
                        [31, 48]
                    totalDataCodewords: 2334,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 28
                Q: {
                    groups: [
                        [34, 24],
                        [34, 25]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1666,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
                H: {
                    groups: [
                        [20, 15],
                        [61, 16]
                    totalDataCodewords: 1276,
                    errorCodewordsPerBlock: 30
            ct = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
            dt = [1, 0, 1],
            ut = {
                L: "01",
                M: "00",
                Q: "11",
                H: "10"
            ht = "101010000010010",
            pt = "10100110111",
            ft = "1111100100101",
            gt = ["11101100", "00010001"],
            mt = 93,
            vt = [
                function(e, t) {
                    return (e + t) % 2 === 0
                function(e) {
                    return e % 2 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return t % 3 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return (e + t) % 3 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return (Math.floor(e / 2) + Math.floor(t / 3)) % 2 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return e * t % 2 + e * t % 3 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return (e * t % 2 + e * t % 3) % 2 === 0
                function(e, t) {
                    return ((e + t) % 2 + e * t % 3) % 2 === 0
            _t = /^\d+/,
            wt = "A-Z0-9 $%*+./:-",
            bt = "A-Z $%*+./:-",
            yt = RegExp("^[" + bt + "]+"),
            kt = RegExp("^[" + wt + "]+"),
            xt = RegExp("^[^" + wt + "]+"),
            Ct = 8,
            St = 5,
            Tt = 8,
            Dt = 17,
            At = 9,
            Et = 16,
            It = Math.round,
            Pt = Y.Class.extend({
                getVersionIndex: function(e) {
                    return 10 > e ? 0 : e > 26 ? 2 : 1
                getBitsCharacterCount: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return t.bitsInCharacterCount[t.getVersionIndex(e || 40)]
                getModeCountString: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return n.modeIndicator + i(e, n.getBitsCharacterCount(t))
                encode: function() {},
                getStringBitsLength: function() {},
                getValue: function() {},
                modeIndicator: "",
                bitsInCharacterCount: []
            Mt = {};
        Mt[tt] = Pt.extend({
            bitsInCharacterCount: [10, 12, 14],
            modeIndicator: "0001",
            getValue: function(e) {
                return parseInt(e, 10)
            encode: function(e, t) {
                var n, o = this,
                    a = r(e, 3),
                    s = o.getModeCountString(e.length, t);
                for (n = 0; a.length - 1 > n; n++) s += i(a[n], 10);
                return s + i(a[n], 1 + 3 * a[n].length)
            getStringBitsLength: function(e, t) {
                var n = e % 3;
                return 4 + this.getBitsCharacterCount(t) + 10 * Math.floor(e / 3) + 3 * n + (0 === n ? 0 : 1)
        }), Mt[nt] = Pt.extend({
            characters: {
                0: 0,
                1: 1,
                2: 2,
                3: 3,
                4: 4,
                5: 5,
                6: 6,
                7: 7,
                8: 8,
                9: 9,
                A: 10,
                B: 11,
                C: 12,
                D: 13,
                E: 14,
                F: 15,
                G: 16,
                H: 17,
                I: 18,
                J: 19,
                K: 20,
                L: 21,
                M: 22,
                N: 23,
                O: 24,
                P: 25,
                Q: 26,
                R: 27,
                S: 28,
                T: 29,
                U: 30,
                V: 31,
                W: 32,
                X: 33,
                Y: 34,
                Z: 35,
                " ": 36,
                $: 37,
                "%": 38,
                "*": 39,
                "+": 40,
                "-": 41,
                ".": 42,
                "/": 43,
                ":": 44
            bitsInCharacterCount: [9, 11, 13],
            modeIndicator: "0010",
            getValue: function(e) {
                return this.characters[e]
            encode: function(e, t) {
                var n, o, a = this,
                    s = r(e, 2),
                    l = a.getModeCountString(e.length, t);
                for (o = 0; s.length - 1 > o; o++) n = 45 * a.getValue(s[o].charAt(0)) + a.getValue(s[o].charAt(1)), l += i(n, 11);
                return n = 2 == s[o].length ? 45 * a.getValue(s[o].charAt(0)) + a.getValue(s[o].charAt(1)) : a.getValue(s[o].charAt(0)), l + i(n, 1 + 5 * s[o].length)
            getStringBitsLength: function(e, t) {
                return 4 + this.getBitsCharacterCount(t) + 11 * Math.floor(e / 2) + 6 * (e % 2)
        }), Mt[it] = Pt.extend({
            bitsInCharacterCount: [8, 16, 16],
            modeIndicator: "0100",
            getValue: function(e) {
                var t = e.charCodeAt(0);
                if (127 >= t || t >= 160 && 255 >= t) return t;
                throw Error("Unsupported character: " + e)
            encode: function(e, t) {
                var n, r = this,
                    o = r.getModeCountString(e.length, t);
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) o += i(r.getValue(e.charAt(n)), 8);
                return o
            getStringBitsLength: function(e, t) {
                return 4 + this.getBitsCharacterCount(t) + 8 * e
        }), f = {};
        for (g in Mt) f[g] = new Mt[g];
        m = function(e) {
            var n = this,
                i = e.length - 1,
                r = e.length - 1,
                o = r,
                a = -1,
                s = 0;
            n.move = function() {
                i += a * s, s ^= 1, r = o - s
            }, n.getNextCell = function() {
                for (; e[i][r] !== t;) n.move(), (0 > i || i >= e.length) && (a = -a, o -= 8 != o ? 2 : 3, r = o, i = 0 > a ? e.length - 1 : 0);
                return {
                    row: i,
                    column: r
            }, n.getNextRemainderCell = function() {
                return n.move(), e[i][r] === t ? {
                    row: i,
                    column: r
                } : t
        }, v = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o, s, l, c = new m(e[0]);
            for (o = 0; t.length > o; o++)
                for (n = t[o], i = 0; n.length > 0;) {
                    for (s = 0; n.length > s; s++)
                        for (l = 0; 8 > l; l++) r = c.getNextCell(), a(e, n[s][i].charAt(l), r.row, r.column);
                    for (i++; n[0] && i == n[0].length;) n.splice(0, 1)
            for (; r = c.getNextRemainderCell();) a(e, 0, r.row, r.column)
        }, _ = function(e, t) {
            for (var n = 8 * t, i = 0, r = 0; n > e.length && et.length > i;) e += et.charAt(i++);
            for (e.length % 8 !== 0 && (e += Array(9 - e.length % 8).join("0")); n > e.length;) e += gt[r], r ^= 1;
            return e
        }, w = function(e, t) {
            var n, i = [],
                r = e.length - 2;
            for (n = r; n >= 0; n--) i[n] = e[n] ^ t[n];
            return i
        }, b = function(e, n) {
            var i, r, o = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++)
                for (r = 0; n.length > r; r++) o[i + r] = o[i + r] === t ? (e[i] + (n[r] >= 0 ? n[r] : 0)) % 255 : rt[ot[o[i + r]] ^ ot[(e[i] + n[r]) % 255]];
            return o
        }, s(), l(), y = function(e, t) {
            var n, r, o = at[t - 1],
                a = Array(t).concat(e),
                s = Array(a.length - o.length).concat(o),
                l = e.length,
                d = [];
            for (r = 0; l > r; r++) n = c(s, rt[a[a.length - 1]]), s.splice(0, 1), a = w(n, a);
            for (r = a.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) d[t - 1 - r] = i(a[r], 8);
            return d
        }, k = function(e, t) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = 0,
                h = [],
                p = [],
                f = t.groups;
            for (l = 0; f.length > l; l++)
                for (o = f[l][0], c = 0; o > c; c++) {
                    for (r = f[l][1], i = [], a = [], d = 1; r >= d; d++) s = e.substring(u, u + 8), i.push(s), a[r - d] = n(s), u += 8;
                    h.push(i), p.push(y(a, t.errorCodewordsPerBlock))
            return [h, p]
        }, x = function(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a, s = _t.exec(e),
                l = s ? s[0] : "",
                c = yt.exec(e),
                d = c ? c[0] : "",
                u = kt.exec(e),
                h = u ? u[0] : "";
            return l && (l.length >= t || e.length == l.length || l.length >= n && !kt.test(e.charAt(l.length))) ? (o = tt, a = l) : h && (e.length == h.length || h.length >= i || r == nt) ? (o = nt, a = l || d) : (o = it, a = h ? h + xt.exec(e.substring(h.length))[0] : xt.exec(e)[0]), {
                mode: o,
                modeString: a
        }, C = function(e) {
            var t, n, i = [],
                r = 0;
            for (i.push(x(e, Ct, St, Tt, t)), t = i[0].mode, e = e.substr(i[0].modeString.length); e.length > 0;) n = x(e, Dt, At, Et, t), n.mode != t ? (t = n.mode, i.push(n), r++) : i[r].modeString += n.modeString, e = e.substr(n.modeString.length);
            return i
        }, S = function(e) {
            var t, n, i = 0;
            for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = f[e[n].mode], i += t.getStringBitsLength(e[n].modeString.length);
            return Math.ceil(i / 8)
        }, T = function(e, t) {
            var n = 0,
                i = lt.length - 1,
                r = Math.floor(lt.length / 2);
            do lt[r][t].totalDataCodewords > e ? i = r : n = r, r = n + Math.floor((i - n) / 2); while (i - n > 1);
            return lt[n][t].totalDataCodewords >= e ? r + 1 : i + 1
        }, D = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = "";
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) n = f[e[i].mode], r += n.encode(e[i].modeString, t);
            return r
        }, A = function(e) {
            var t, i, r = n(e),
                o = "";
            if (0 === r) return "101010000010010";
            for (t = E(n(e), pt, 15), i = 0; t.length > i; i++) o += t.charAt(i) ^ ht.charAt(i);
            return o
        }, E = function(e, t, r) {
            var o = n(t),
                a = t.length - 1,
                s = e << a,
                l = r - a,
                c = i(e, l),
                d = I(s, o);
            return d = c + i(d, a)
        }, I = function(e, t) {
            var n = t.toString(2).length,
                i = e.toString(2).length;
            do e ^= t << i - n, i = e.toString(2).length; while (i >= n);
            return e
        }, P = function(e) {
            var t, n, i = [],
                r = 17 + 4 * e;
            for (t = 0; vt.length > t; t++)
                for (i[t] = Array(r), n = 0; r > n; n++) i[t][n] = Array(r);
            return i
        }, M = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = e[0],
                a = 0,
                s = t.length;
            for (n = 0, i = 8; 8 >= n; n++) 6 !== n && o(e, d(t, s - 1 - a++), n, i);
            for (n = 8, i = 7; i >= 0; i--) 6 !== i && o(e, d(t, s - 1 - a++), n, i);
            for (a = 0, i = r.length - 1, n = 8; i >= r.length - 8; i--) o(e, d(t, s - 1 - a++), n, i);
            for (o(e, 1, r.length - 8, 8), n = r.length - 7, i = 8; r.length > n; n++) o(e, d(t, s - 1 - a++), n, i)
        }, z = function(e) {
            return E(e, ft, 18)
        }, F = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, a, s = e[0],
                l = s.length,
                c = 0,
                u = l - 11,
                h = l - 11,
                p = 0;
            for (a = 0; t.length > a; a++) n = Math.floor(a / 3), i = a % 3, r = d(t, t.length - a - 1), o(e, r, c + n, u + i), o(e, r, h + i, p + n)
        }, R = function(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, a, s, l = t.length + 2,
                c = t.length + 1;
            for (a = 0; t.length > a; a++)
                for (s = a; l - a > s; s++) r = t[a], o(e, r, n + s, i + a), o(e, r, n + a, i + s), o(e, r, n + c - s, i + c - a), o(e, r, n + c - a, i + c - s)
        }, H = function(e, t, n, i) {
            var r = n,
                a = i,
                s = e[0];
            do o(e, 0, r, i), o(e, 0, n, a), r += t[0], a += t[1]; while (r >= 0 && s.length > r)
        }, B = function(e) {
            var t = e[0].length;
            R(e, ct, 0, 0), H(e, [-1, -1], 7, 7), R(e, ct, t - 7, 0), H(e, [1, -1], t - 8, 7), R(e, ct, 0, t - 7), H(e, [-1, 1], 7, t - 8)
        }, L = function(e, n) {
            var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
            if (!(2 > n)) {
                for (i = e[0], r = i.length, o = Math.floor(n / 7), a = [6], c = 0, (s = st[n]) ? l = (r - 13 - s) / o : s = l = (r - 13) / (o + 1), a.push(a[c++] + s); r > a[c] + l;) a.push(a[c++] + l);
                for (d = 0; a.length > d; d++)
                    for (u = 0; a.length > u; u++) i[a[d]][a[u]] === t && R(e, dt, a[d] - 2, a[u] - 2)
        }, N = function(e) {
            var t, n = 6,
                i = 6,
                r = 1,
                a = e[0].length;
            for (t = 8; a - 8 > t; t++) o(e, r, n, t), o(e, r, t, i), r ^= 1
        }, O = function(e) {
            var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = [],
                c = [],
                d = [],
                f = [],
                g = [],
                m = 0,
                v = 1,
                _ = e[0].length;
            for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) l[n] = 0, d[n] = 0, g[n] = [0, 0], f[n] = [0, 0], c[n] = [];
            for (n = 0; _ > n; n++)
                for (i = 0; _ > i; i++)
                    for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) t = e[r], d[r] += parseInt(t[n][i], 10), c[r][m] === t[n][i] && _ > n + 1 && i - 1 >= 0 && t[n + 1][i] == c[r][m] && t[n + 1][i - 1] == c[r][m] && (l[r] += 3), u(r, f, l, m, t[n][i]), u(r, f, l, v, t[i][n]), h(r, l, c, t[n][i], g, m), h(r, l, c, t[i][n], g, v);
            for (o = _ * _, s = Number.MAX_VALUE, n = 0; l.length > n; n++) l[n] += p(d[n], o), s > l[n] && (s = l[n], a = n);
            return a
        }, V = function(e, t) {
            this.dataString = e, this.version = t
        }, U = function() {
            this.getEncodingResult = function(e, t) {
                var n = C(e),
                    i = S(n),
                    r = T(i, t),
                    o = D(n, r);
                return new V(o, r)
        }, W = function() {
            this.mode = f[this.encodingMode]
        }, W.fn = W.prototype = {
            encodingMode: it,
            utfBOM: "111011111011101110111111",
            initialModeCountStringLength: 20,
            getEncodingResult: function(e, t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = n.encode(e),
                    r = n.getDataCodewordsCount(i),
                    o = T(r, t),
                    a = n.mode.getModeCountString(i.length / 8, o) + i;
                return new V(a, o)
            getDataCodewordsCount: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.length,
                    i = Math.ceil((t.initialModeCountStringLength + n) / 8);
                return i
            encode: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = n.utfBOM;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) i += n.encodeCharacter(e.charCodeAt(t));
                return i
            encodeCharacter: function(e) {
                var t, n, r = this.getBytesCount(e),
                    o = r - 1,
                    a = "";
                if (1 == r) a = i(e, 8);
                else {
                    for (t = 8 - r, n = 0; o > n; n++) a = i(e >> 6 * n & 63 | 128, 8) + a;
                    a = (e >> 6 * o | 255 >> t << t).toString(2) + a
                return a
            getBytesCount: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.ranges;
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++)
                    if (n[t] > e) return t + 1
            ranges: [128, 2048, 65536, 2097152, 67108864]
        }, j = function(e) {
            return e && e.toLowerCase().indexOf("utf_8") >= 0 ? new W : new U
        }, G = function(e, t, n) {
            var r, o, a, s = new j(n),
                l = s.getEncodingResult(e, t),
                c = l.version,
                d = lt[c - 1][t],
                u = _(l.dataString, d.totalDataCodewords),
                h = k(u, d),
                p = P(c);
            return B(p), L(p, c), N(p), c >= 7 && F(p, i(0, 18)), M(p, i(0, 15)), v(p, h), r = O(p), o = p[r], c >= 7 && F([o], z(c)), a = ut[t] + i(r, 3), M([o], A(a)), o
        }, q = {
            DEFAULT_SIZE: 200,
            QUIET_ZONE_LENGTH: 4,
            DEFAULT_BACKGROUND: "#fff",
            DEFAULT_DARK_MODULE_COLOR: "#000",
            MIN_BASE_UNIT_SIZE: 1
        }, $ = Z.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                Z.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.element = e(t), i.wrapper = i.element, i.element.addClass("k-qrcode"), i.surfaceWrap = e("<div />").css("position", "relative").appendTo(this.element), i.surface = K.Surface.create(i.surfaceWrap, {
                    type: i.options.renderAs
                }), i.setOptions(n)
            redraw: function() {
                var e = this._getSize();
                    width: e,
                    height: e
                }), this.surface.clear(), this.createVisual(), this.surface.draw(this.visual)
            getSize: function() {
                return Y.dimensions(this.element)
            _resize: function() {
            createVisual: function() {
                this.visual = this._render()
            exportVisual: function() {
                return this._render()
            _render: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    l = s._value,
                    c = s.options.border || {},
                    d = s.options.padding || 0,
                    u = c.width || 0;
                return c.width = u, a = new K.Group, l && (n = G(l, s.options.errorCorrection, s.options.encoding), i = s._getSize(), o = i - 2 * (u + d), e = s._calculateBaseUnit(o, n.length), r = n.length * e, t = u + d + (o - r) / 2, a.append(s._renderBackground(i, c)), a.append(s._renderMatrix(n, e, t))), a
            _getSize: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = this;
                return i.options.size ? e = parseInt(i.options.size, 10) : (t = i.element, n = Math.min(t.width(), t.height()), e = n > 0 ? n : q.DEFAULT_SIZE), e
            _calculateBaseUnit: function(e, t) {
                var n = Math.floor(e / t);
                if (q.MIN_BASE_UNIT_SIZE > n) throw Error("Insufficient size.");
                return n * t >= e && n - 1 >= q.MIN_BASE_UNIT_SIZE && n--, n
            _renderMatrix: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u = new K.MultiPath({
                    fill: {
                        color: this.options.color
                    stroke: null
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++)
                    for (r = n + i * t, o = 0; e.length > o;) {
                        for (; 0 === e[i][o] && e.length > o;) o++;
                        if (e.length > o) {
                            for (a = o; 1 == e[i][o];) o++;
                            s = It(n + a * t), l = It(r), c = It(n + o * t), d = It(r + t), u.moveTo(s, l).lineTo(s, d).lineTo(c, d).lineTo(c, l).close()
                return u
            _renderBackground: function(e, t) {
                var n = J(0, 0, e, e).unpad(t.width / 2);
                return K.Path.fromRect(n.toRect(), {
                    fill: {
                        color: this.options.background
                    stroke: {
                        color: t.color,
                        width: t.width
            setOptions: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                e = e || {}, n.options = Q(n.options, e), e.value !== t && (n._value = n.options.value + ""), n.redraw()
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this;
                return e === t ? n._value : (n._value = e + "", n.redraw(), t)
            options: {
                name: "QRCode",
                renderAs: "svg",
                encoding: "ISO_8859_1",
                value: "",
                errorCorrection: q.DEFAULT_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL,
                background: q.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND,
                color: q.DEFAULT_DARK_MODULE_COLOR,
                size: "",
                padding: 0,
                border: {
                    color: "",
                    width: 0
        }), X.ExportMixin.extend($.fn), X.ui.plugin($), Y.deepExtend(X, {
            QRCode: $,
            QRCodeDefaults: q,
            QRCodeFunctions: {
                FreeCellVisitor: m,
                fillData: v,
                padDataString: _,
                generateErrorCodewords: y,
                xorPolynomials: w,
                getBlocks: k,
                multiplyPolynomials: b,
                chooseMode: x,
                getModes: C,
                getDataCodewordsCount: S,
                getVersion: T,
                getDataString: D,
                encodeFormatInformation: A,
                encodeBCH: E,
                dividePolynomials: I,
                initMatrices: P,
                addFormatInformation: M,
                encodeVersionInformation: z,
                addVersionInformation: F,
                addCentricPattern: R,
                addFinderSeparator: H,
                addFinderPatterns: B,
                addAlignmentPatterns: L,
                addTimingFunctions: N,
                scoreMaskMatrixes: O,
                encodeData: G,
                UTF8Encoder: W
            QRCodeFields: {
                modes: f,
                powersOfTwo: rt,
                powersOfTwoResult: ot,
                generatorPolynomials: at
    function(e, t) {
        function n() {}

        function i(e) {
            return n.prototype = e, new n
        var r, o = window.kendo,
            a = o.Class,
            s = o.Observable,
            l = o.deepExtend,
            c = Math,
            d = e.proxy,
            u = o.util,
            h = u.last,
            p = u.renderTemplate,
            f = o.dataviz,
            g = u.defined,
            m = f.filterSeriesByType,
            v = o.template,
            _ = f.ui.Chart,
            w = f.Selection,
            b = f.addDuration,
            y = u.limitValue,
            k = f.lteDateIndex,
            x = f.toDate,
            C = f.toTime,
            S = 28,
            T = "change",
            D = "k-",
            A = "drag",
            E = "dragEnd",
            I = "_navigator",
            P = I,
            M = f.EQUALLY_SPACED_SERIES,
            z = 3,
            F = "zoom",
            R = "zoomEnd",
            H = _.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    e(t).addClass(D + "chart"), _.fn.init.call(this, t, n)
                _applyDefaults: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element.width() || f.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
                        r = {
                            seriesDefaults: {
                                categoryField: e.dateField
                            axisDefaults: {
                                categoryAxis: {
                                    name: "default",
                                    majorGridLines: {
                                        visible: !1
                                    labels: {
                                        step: 2
                                    majorTicks: {
                                        visible: !1
                                    maxDateGroups: c.floor(i / S)
                    t && (t = l({}, t, r)), n._navigator || B.setup(e, t), _.fn._applyDefaults.call(n, e, t)
                _initDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e || {},
                        r = i.dataSource,
                        o = r && r.serverFiltering,
                        a = [].concat(i.categoryAxis)[0],
                        s = i.navigator || {},
                        c = s.select,
                        d = c && c.from && c.to;
                    o && d && (t = [].concat(r.filter || []), n = new f.DateCategoryAxis(l({
                        baseUnit: "fit"
                    }, a, {
                        categories: [c.from, c.to]
                    })), r.filter = B.buildFilter(n.range().min, c.to).concat(t)), _.fn._initDataSource.call(this, e)
                options: {
                    name: "StockChart",
                    dateField: "date",
                    axisDefaults: {
                        categoryAxis: {
                            type: "date",
                            baseUnit: "fit",
                            justified: !0
                        valueAxis: {
                            narrowRange: !0,
                            labels: {
                                format: "C"
                    navigator: {
                        select: {},
                        seriesDefaults: {
                            markers: {
                                visible: !1
                            tooltip: {
                                visible: !0,
                                template: "#= kendo.toString(category, 'd') #"
                            line: {
                                width: 2
                        hint: {},
                        visible: !0
                    tooltip: {
                        visible: !0
                    legend: {
                        visible: !1
                _resize: function() {
                    var e = this.options.transitions;
                    this.options.transitions = !1, this._fullRedraw(), this.options.transitions = e
                _redraw: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._navigator;
                    !this._dirty() && t && t.dataSource ? t.redrawSlaves() : e._fullRedraw()
                _dirty: function() {
                    var t = this.options,
                        n = [].concat(t.series, t.navigator.series),
                        i = e.grep(n, function(e) {
                            return e && e.visible
                        r = this._seriesCount !== i;
                    return this._seriesCount = i, r
                _fullRedraw: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._navigator;
                    t || (t = e._navigator = new B(e)), t._setRange(), _.fn._redraw.call(e), t._initSelection()
                _onDataChanged: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    _.fn._onDataChanged.call(e), e._dataBound = !0
                _bindCategoryAxis: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r = this,
                        o = r.options.categoryAxis,
                        a = o.length;
                    if (_.fn._bindCategoryAxis.apply(this, arguments), e.name === P)
                        for (; a > n;) i = o[n++], i.pane == I && (i.categories = e.categories)
                _trackSharedTooltip: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t._plotArea,
                        i = n.paneByPoint(e);
                    i && i.options.name === I ? t._unsetActivePoint() : _.fn._trackSharedTooltip.call(t, e)
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e._navigator.destroy(), _.fn.destroy.call(e)
            B = s.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.chart = e, t.options = l({}, t.options, e.options.navigator), t._initDataSource(), g(t.options.hint.visible) || (t.options.hint.visible = t.options.visible), e.bind(A, d(t._drag, t)), e.bind(E, d(t._dragEnd, t)), e.bind(F, d(t._zoom, t)), e.bind(R, d(t._zoomEnd, t))
                options: {},
                _initDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = t.autoBind,
                        i = t.dataSource;
                    g(n) || (n = e.chart.options.autoBind), e._dataChangedHandler = d(e._onDataChanged, e), i && (e.dataSource = o.data.DataSource.create(i).bind(T, e._dataChangedHandler), n && e.dataSource.fetch())
                _onDataChanged: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = o.chart,
                        s = a.options.series,
                        l = s.length,
                        c = a.options.categoryAxis,
                        d = c.length,
                        u = o.dataSource.view();
                    for (e = 0; l > e; e++) n = s[e], n.axis == P && a._isBindable(n) && (n.data = u);
                    for (t = 0; d > t; t++) i = c[t], i.pane == I && (i.name == P ? (a._bindCategoryAxis(i, u, t), r = i.categories) : i.categories = r);
                    a._model && (o.redraw(), o.filterAxes(), (!a.options.dataSource || a.options.dataSource && a._dataBound) && o.redrawSlaves())
                destroy: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.dataSource;
                    t && t.unbind(T, e._dataChangeHandler), e.selection && e.selection.destroy()
                redraw: function() {
                    this._redrawSelf(), this._initSelection()
                _initSelection: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.chart,
                        o = t.options,
                        a = t.mainAxis(),
                        s = i(a),
                        l = a.range(),
                        c = l.min,
                        d = l.max,
                        u = a.options.categories,
                        h = t.options.select,
                        p = t.selection,
                        f = x(h.from),
                        g = x(h.to);
                    0 !== u.length && (p && (p.destroy(), p.wrapper.remove()), s.box = a.box, p = t.selection = new w(n, s, {
                        min: c,
                        max: d,
                        from: f,
                        to: g,
                        selectStart: e.proxy(t._selectStart, t),
                        select: e.proxy(t._select, t),
                        selectEnd: e.proxy(t._selectEnd, t),
                        mousewheel: {
                            zoom: "left"
                    }), o.hint.visible && (t.hint = new r(n.element, {
                        min: c,
                        max: d,
                        template: o.hint.template,
                        format: o.hint.format
                _setRange: function() {
                    var e, t = this.chart._createPlotArea(!0),
                        n = t.namedCategoryAxes[P],
                        i = n.options,
                        r = n.range(),
                        o = r.min,
                        a = b(r.max, i.baseUnitStep, i.baseUnit),
                        s = this.options.select || {},
                        l = x(s.from) || o;
                    o > l && (l = o), e = x(s.to) || a, e > a && (e = a), this.options.select = {
                        from: l,
                        to: e
                    }, this.filterAxes()
                _redrawSelf: function(e) {
                    var t = this.chart._plotArea;
                    t && t.redraw(h(t.panes), e)
                redrawSlaves: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.chart,
                        n = t._plotArea,
                        i = n.panes.slice(0, -1);
                    n.srcSeries = t.options.series, n.redraw(i)
                _drag: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this,
                        o = r.chart,
                        a = o._eventCoordinates(e.originalEvent),
                        s = r.mainAxis(),
                        l = s.range(),
                        c = s.pane.box.containsPoint(a),
                        d = o._plotArea.categoryAxis,
                        u = e.axisRanges[d.options.name],
                        h = r.options.select,
                        p = r.selection;
                    u && !c && p && (t = h.from && h.to ? C(h.to) - C(h.from) : C(p.options.to) - C(p.options.from), n = x(y(C(u.min), l.min, C(l.max) - t)), i = x(y(C(n) + t, C(l.min) + t, l.max)), r.options.select = {
                        from: n,
                        to: i
                    }, r._liveDrag() && (r.filterAxes(), r.redrawSlaves()), p.set(n, i), r.showHint(n, i))
                _dragEnd: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.filterAxes(), e.filterDataSource(), e.redrawSlaves(), e.hint && e.hint.hide()
                _liveDrag: function() {
                    var e = o.support,
                        t = e.touch,
                        n = e.browser,
                        i = n.mozilla,
                        r = n.msie && 9 > n.version;
                    return !t && !i && !r
                readSelection: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.selection,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = e.options.select;
                    i.from = n.from, i.to = n.to
                filterAxes: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.select || {},
                        r = n.chart,
                        o = r.options.categoryAxis,
                        a = i.from,
                        s = i.to;
                    for (e = 0; o.length > e; e++) t = o[e], t.pane !== I && (t.min = x(a), t.max = x(s))
                filterDataSource: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options.select || {},
                        i = t.chart,
                        r = i.dataSource,
                        o = r && r.options.serverFiltering;
                    t.dataSource && o && (e = new f.DateCategoryAxis(l({
                        baseUnit: "fit"
                    }, i.options.categoryAxis[0], {
                        categories: [n.from, n.to]
                    })).options, r.filter(B.buildFilter(b(e.min, -e.baseUnitStep, e.baseUnit), b(e.max, e.baseUnitStep, e.baseUnit))))
                _zoom: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.chart,
                        a = e.delta,
                        s = r._plotArea.categoryAxis,
                        l = i.options.select,
                        d = i.selection,
                        u = i.mainAxis().options.categories;
                    d && (t = k(d.options.from, u), n = k(d.options.to, u), e.originalEvent.preventDefault(), c.abs(a) > 1 && (a *= z), n - t > 1 ? (d.expand(a), i.readSelection()) : (s.options.min = l.from, l.from = s.scaleRange(-e.delta).min), o.support.touch || (i.filterAxes(), i.redrawSlaves()), d.set(l.from, l.to), i.showHint(i.options.select.from, i.options.select.to))
                _zoomEnd: function(e) {
                showHint: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.chart,
                        r = i._plotArea;
                    n.hint && n.hint.show(e, t, r.backgroundBox())
                _selectStart: function(e) {
                    var t = this.chart;
                    t._selectStart.call(t, e)
                _select: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.chart;
                    t.showHint(e.from, e.to), n._select.call(n, e)
                _selectEnd: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.chart;
                    t.hint && t.hint.hide(), t.readSelection(), t.filterAxes(), t.filterDataSource(), t.redrawSlaves(), n._selectEnd.call(n, e)
                mainAxis: function() {
                    var e = this.chart._plotArea;
                    return e ? e.namedCategoryAxes[P] : t
        B.setup = function(e, t) {
            e = e || {}, t = t || {};
            var n = l({}, t.navigator, e.navigator),
                i = e.panes = [].concat(e.panes),
                r = l({}, n.pane, {
                    name: I
            n.visible || (r.visible = !1, r.height = .1), i.push(r), B.attachAxes(e, n), B.attachSeries(e, n, t)
        }, B.attachAxes = function(e, t) {
            var n = t.series || [],
                i = e.categoryAxis = [].concat(e.categoryAxis),
                r = e.valueAxis = [].concat(e.valueAxis),
                o = m(n, M),
                a = 0 === o.length,
                s = l({
                    type: "date",
                    pane: I,
                    roundToBaseUnit: !a,
                    justified: a,
                    _collapse: !1,
                    majorTicks: {
                        visible: !0
                    tooltip: {
                        visible: !1
                    labels: {
                        step: 1
                    autoBind: !t.dataSource,
                    autoBaseUnitSteps: {
                        minutes: [1],
                        hours: [1, 2],
                        days: [1, 2],
                        weeks: [],
                        months: [1],
                        years: [1]
                    _overlap: !1
                c = t.categoryAxis;
            i.push(l({}, s, {
                maxDateGroups: 200
            }, c, {
                name: P,
                baseUnit: "fit",
                baseUnitStep: "auto",
                labels: {
                    visible: !1
                majorTicks: {
                    visible: !1
            }), l({}, s, c, {
                name: P + "_labels",
                maxDateGroups: 20,
                baseUnitStep: "auto",
                plotBands: [],
                autoBaseUnitSteps: {
                    minutes: []
            }), l({}, s, c, {
                name: P + "_ticks",
                maxDateGroups: 200,
                majorTicks: {
                    width: .5
                plotBands: [],
                labels: {
                    visible: !1,
                    mirror: !0
            })), r.push(l({
                name: P,
                pane: I,
                majorGridLines: {
                    visible: !1
                visible: !1
            }, t.valueAxis))
        }, B.attachSeries = function(e, t, n) {
            var i, r = e.series = e.series || [],
                o = [].concat(t.series || []),
                a = n.seriesColors,
                s = t.seriesDefaults;
            for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) r.push(l({
                color: a[i % a.length],
                categoryField: t.dateField,
                visibleInLegend: !1,
                tooltip: {
                    visible: !1
            }, s, o[i], {
                axis: P,
                categoryAxis: P,
                autoBind: !t.dataSource
        }, B.buildFilter = function(e, t) {
            return [{
                field: "Date",
                operator: "gte",
                value: x(e)
            }, {
                field: "Date",
                operator: "lt",
                value: x(t)
        }, r = a.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                i.options = l({}, i.options, n), i.container = t, i.chartPadding = {
                    top: parseInt(t.css("paddingTop"), 10),
                    left: parseInt(t.css("paddingLeft"), 10)
                }, i.template = i.template, i.template || (i.template = i.template = p("<div class='" + D + "navigator-hint' style='display: none; position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px;'><div class='" + D + "tooltip " + D + "chart-tooltip'>&nbsp;</div><div class='" + D + "scroll' /></div>")), i.element = e(i.template()).appendTo(t)
            options: {
                format: "{0:d} - {1:d}",
                hideDelay: 500
            show: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = this,
                    a = x(C(e) + C(t - e) / 2),
                    s = r.options,
                    l = o.format(r.options.format, e, t),
                    c = r.element.find("." + D + "tooltip"),
                    d = r.element.find("." + D + "scroll"),
                    u = .4 * n.width(),
                    h = n.center().x - u,
                    p = n.center().x,
                    f = p - h,
                    g = s.max - s.min,
                    m = f / g,
                    _ = a - s.min;
                r._hideTimeout && clearTimeout(r._hideTimeout), r._visible || (r.element.stop(!1, !0).css("visibility", "hidden").show(), r._visible = !0), s.template && (i = v(s.template), l = i({
                    from: e,
                    to: t
                })), c.html(l).css({
                    left: n.center().x - c.outerWidth() / 2,
                    top: n.y1
                }), d.css({
                    width: u,
                    left: h + _ * m,
                    top: n.y1 + parseInt(c.css("margin-top"), 10) + parseInt(c.css("border-top-width"), 10) + c.height() / 2
                }), r.element.css("visibility", "visible")
            hide: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._hideTimeout && clearTimeout(e._hideTimeout), e._hideTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    e._visible = !1, e.element.fadeOut("slow")
                }, e.options.hideDelay)
        }), f.ui.plugin(H), l(f, {
            Navigator: B
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e ? [e] : e
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.dataviz,
            r = i.ui.Chart,
            o = n.data.ObservableArray,
            a = i.SharedTooltip,
            s = n.deepExtend,
            l = e.isArray,
            c = e.proxy,
            d = i.inArray,
            u = Math,
            h = "k-",
            p = 150,
            f = 150,
            g = "bar",
            m = "bullet",
            v = "pie",
            _ = "leave",
            w = [g, m],
            b = r.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    var a = this,
                        c = a.stage = e("<span />"),
                        p = i || {};
                    n = e(n).addClass(h + "sparkline").empty().append(c), a._initialWidth = u.floor(n.width()), p = t(p), (l(p) || p instanceof o) && (p = {
                        seriesDefaults: {
                            data: p
                    }), p.series || (p.series = [{
                        data: t(p.data)
                    }]), s(p, {
                        seriesDefaults: {
                            type: p.type
                    }), (d(p.series[0].type, w) || d(p.seriesDefaults.type, w)) && (p = s({}, {
                        categoryAxis: {
                            crosshair: {
                                visible: !1
                    }, p)), r.fn.init.call(a, n, p)
                options: {
                    name: "Sparkline",
                    chartArea: {
                        margin: 2
                    axisDefaults: {
                        visible: !1,
                        majorGridLines: {
                            visible: !1
                        valueAxis: {
                            narrowRange: !0
                    seriesDefaults: {
                        type: "line",
                        area: {
                            line: {
                                width: .5
                        bar: {
                            stack: !0
                        padding: 2,
                        width: .5,
                        overlay: {
                            gradient: null
                        highlight: {
                            visible: !1
                        border: {
                            width: 0
                        markers: {
                            size: 2,
                            visible: !1
                    tooltip: {
                        visible: !0,
                        shared: !0
                    categoryAxis: {
                        crosshair: {
                            visible: !0,
                            tooltip: {
                                visible: !1
                    legend: {
                        visible: !1
                    transitions: !1,
                    pointWidth: 5,
                    panes: [{
                        clip: !1
                _modelOptions: function() {
                    var t, n, i = this,
                        r = i.options,
                        o = i._initialWidth,
                        a = i.stage;
                    return i.stage.children().hide(), n = e("<span>&nbsp;</span>"), i.stage.append(n), t = s({
                        width: o ? o : i._autoWidth(),
                        height: a.height(),
                        transitions: r.transitions
                    }, r.chartArea, {
                        inline: !0,
                        align: !1
                    }), a.css({
                        width: t.width,
                        height: t.height
                    }), n.remove(), i.stage.children().show(), i.surface.resize(), t
                _createTooltip: function() {
                    var e, t = this,
                        n = t.options,
                        i = t.element;
                    return e = t._sharedTooltip() ? new y(i, t._plotArea, n.tooltip) : r.fn._createTooltip.call(t), e.bind(_, c(t._tooltipleave, t)), e
                _surfaceWrap: function() {
                    return this.stage
                _autoWidth: function() {
                    var e, t, n, r = this,
                        o = r.options,
                        a = i.getSpacing(o.chartArea.margin),
                        s = o.series,
                        l = r.dataSource.total(),
                        c = 0;
                    for (t = 0; s.length > t; t++) {
                        if (n = s[t], n.type === g) return p;
                        if (n.type === m) return f;
                        if (n.type === v) return r.stage.height();
                        n.data && (c = u.max(c, n.data.length))
                    return e = u.max(l, c) * o.pointWidth, e > 0 && (e += a.left + a.right), e
            y = a.extend({
                options: {
                    animation: {
                        duration: 0
                _anchor: function(e, t) {
                    var n = a.fn._anchor.call(this, e, t),
                        i = this._measure();
                    return n.y = -i.height - this.options.offset, n
                _hideElement: function() {
                    this.element && this.element.hide().remove()
        i.ui.plugin(b), s(i, {
            SparklineSharedTooltip: y
    function(e, t) {
        var n, i = Math,
            r = i.abs,
            o = i.atan,
            a = i.atan2,
            s = i.cos,
            l = i.max,
            c = i.min,
            d = i.sin,
            u = i.tan,
            h = window.kendo,
            p = h.Class,
            f = h.dataviz,
            g = h.deepExtend,
            m = h.util,
            v = m.defined,
            _ = m.deg,
            w = m.rad,
            b = m.round,
            y = m.sqr,
            k = m.valueOrDefault,
            x = p.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    1 === arguments.length ? (this.lat = e[0], this.lng = e[1]) : (this.lat = e, this.lng = t)
                DISTANCE_ITERATIONS: 100,
                DISTANCE_CONVERGENCE: 1e-12,
                DISTANCE_PRECISION: 2,
                FORMAT: "{0:N6},{1:N6}",
                toArray: function() {
                    return [this.lat, this.lng]
                equals: function(e) {
                    return e && e.lat === this.lat && e.lng === this.lng
                clone: function() {
                    return new x(this.lat, this.lng)
                round: function(e) {
                    return this.lng = b(this.lng, e), this.lat = b(this.lat, e), this
                wrap: function() {
                    return this.lng = this.lng % 180, this.lat = this.lat % 90, this
                distanceTo: function(e, t) {
                    return this.greatCircleTo(e, t).distance
                destination: function(e, t, n) {
                    var r, o, l, c, u;
                    return t = w(t), n = n || f.map.datums.WGS84, r = w(this.lat), o = w(this.lng), l = e / h.dataviz.map.datums.WGS84.a, c = i.asin(d(r) * s(l) + s(r) * d(l) * s(t)), u = o + a(d(t) * d(l) * s(r), s(l) - d(r) * d(c)), new x(_(c), _(u))
                greatCircleTo: function(e, t) {
                    var n, l, c, h, p, g, m, v, k, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V, U, W;
                    if (e = x.create(e), t = t || f.map.datums.WGS84, !e || this.clone().round(8).equals(e.clone().round(8))) return {
                        distance: 0,
                        azimuthFrom: 0,
                        azimuthTo: 0
                    for (n = t.a, l = t.b, c = t.f, h = w(e.lng - this.lng), p = o((1 - c) * u(w(this.lat))), g = d(p), m = s(p), v = o((1 - c) * u(w(e.lat))), k = d(v), C = s(v), S = h, D = this.DISTANCE_ITERATIONS, A = !1; !A && D-- > 0;) E = d(S), I = s(S), P = i.sqrt(y(C * E) + y(m * k - g * C * I)), z = g * k + m * C * I, R = a(P, z), H = m * C * E / P, M = 1 - y(H), F = 0, 0 !== M && (F = z - 2 * g * k / M), T = S, B = c / 16 * M * (4 + c * (4 - 3 * M)), S = h + (1 - B) * c * H * (R + B * P * (F + B * z * (-1 + 2 * y(F)))), A = r(S - T) <= this.DISTANCE_CONVERGENCE;
                    return L = M * (y(n) - y(l)) / y(l), N = 1 + L / 16384 * (4096 + L * (-768 + L * (320 - 175 * L))), O = L / 1024 * (256 + L * (-128 + L * (74 - 47 * L))), V = O * P * (F + O / 4 * (z * (-1 + 2 * y(F)) - O / 6 * F * (-3 + 4 * y(P)) * (-3 + 4 * y(F)))), U = a(C * E, m * k - g * C * I), W = a(m * E, -g * C + m * k * I), {
                        distance: b(l * N * (R - V), this.DISTANCE_PRECISION),
                        azimuthFrom: _(U),
                        azimuthTo: _(W)
        x.fn.toString = function() {
            return h.format(this.FORMAT, this.lat, this.lng)
        }, x.fromLngLat = function(e) {
            return new x(e[1], e[0])
        }, x.fromLatLng = function(e) {
            return new x(e[0], e[1])
        }, x.create = function(e, n) {
            return v(e) ? e instanceof x ? e.clone() : 1 === arguments.length && 2 === e.length ? x.fromLatLng(e) : new x(e, n) : t
        }, n = p.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                e = x.create(e), t = x.create(t), e.lng + 180 > t.lng + 180 && t.lat + 90 > e.lat + 90 ? (this.se = e, this.nw = t) : (this.se = t, this.nw = e)
            contains: function(e) {
                var t = this.nw,
                    n = this.se,
                    i = k(e.lng, e[1]),
                    r = k(e.lat, e[0]);
                return e && i + 180 >= t.lng + 180 && n.lng + 180 >= i + 180 && r + 90 >= n.lat + 90 && t.lat + 90 >= r + 90
            center: function() {
                var e = this.nw,
                    t = this.se,
                    n = e.lng + (t.lng - e.lng) / 2,
                    i = e.lat + (t.lat - e.lat) / 2;
                return new x(i, n)
            containsAny: function(e) {
                var t, n = !1;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = n || this.contains(e[t]);
                return n
            include: function(e) {
                var t = this.nw,
                    n = this.se,
                    i = k(e.lng, e[1]),
                    r = k(e.lat, e[0]);
                t.lng = c(t.lng, i), t.lat = l(t.lat, r), n.lng = l(n.lng, i), n.lat = c(n.lat, r)
            includeAll: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.include(e[t])
            edges: function() {
                var e = this.nw,
                    t = this.se;
                return {
                    nw: this.nw,
                    ne: new x(e.lat, t.lng),
                    se: this.se,
                    sw: new x(t.lat, e.lng)
            toArray: function() {
                var e = this.nw,
                    t = this.se;
                return [e, new x(e.lat, t.lng), t, new x(t.lat, e.lng)]
            overlaps: function(e) {
                return this.containsAny(e.toArray()) || e.containsAny(this.toArray())
        }), n.World = new n([90, -180], [-90, 180]), n.create = function(e, i) {
            return e instanceof n ? e : e && i ? new n(e, i) : e && 4 === e.length && !i ? new n([e[0], e[1]], [e[2], e[3]]) : t
        }, g(f, {
            map: {
                Extent: n,
                Location: x
    function() {
        var e = window.kendo,
            t = e.ui.Widget,
            n = e.template,
            i = e.util.valueOrDefault,
            r = e.util.defined,
            o = t.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    t.fn.init.call(this, e, n), this._initOptions(n), this.items = [], this.element.addClass("k-widget k-attribution")
                options: {
                    name: "Attribution",
                    separator: "&nbsp;|&nbsp;",
                    itemTemplate: "#= text #"
                filter: function(e, t) {
                    this._extent = e, this._zoom = t, this._render()
                add: function(e) {
                    r(e) && ("string" == typeof e && (e = {
                        text: e
                    }), this.items.push(e), this._render())
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = [];
                    for (t = 0; this.items.length > t; t++) n = this.items[t], n.text !== e && i.push(n);
                    this.items = i, this._render()
                clear: function() {
                    this.items = [], this.element.empty()
                _render: function() {
                    var e, t, i, r = [],
                        o = n(this.options.itemTemplate);
                    for (e = 0; this.items.length > e; e++) t = this.items[e], i = this._itemText(t), "" !== i && r.push(o({
                        text: i
                    r.length > 0 ? this.element.empty().append(r.join(this.options.separator)).show() : this.element.hide()
                _itemText: function(e) {
                    var t = "",
                        n = this._inZoomLevel(e.minZoom, e.maxZoom),
                        i = this._inArea(e.extent);
                    return n && i && (t += e.text), t
                _inZoomLevel: function(e, t) {
                    var n = !0;
                    return e = i(e, -Number.MAX_VALUE), t = i(t, Number.MAX_VALUE), n = this._zoom > e && t > this._zoom
                _inArea: function(e) {
                    var t = !0;
                    return e && (t = e.contains(this._extent)), t
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return n.format('<button class="k-button k-navigator-{0}"><span class="k-icon k-i-arrow-{0}"/></button>', e)
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui.Widget,
            r = n.keys,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = ".kendoNavigator",
            s = t("n") + t("e") + t("s") + t("w"),
            l = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    i.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._initOptions(t), this.element.addClass("k-widget k-header k-shadow k-navigator").append(s).on("click" + a, ".k-button", o(this, "_click"));
                    var r = this.element.parent().closest("[" + n.attr("role") + "]");
                    this._keyroot = r.length > 0 ? r : this.element, this._tabindex(this._keyroot), this._keydown = o(this._keydown, this), this._keyroot.on("keydown", this._keydown)
                options: {
                    name: "Navigator",
                    panStep: 1
                events: ["pan"],
                dispose: function() {
                    this._keyroot.off("keydown", this._keydown)
                _pan: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.options.panStep;
                    this.trigger("pan", {
                        x: e * n,
                        y: t * n
                _click: function(t) {
                    var n = 0,
                        i = 0,
                        r = e(t.currentTarget);
                    r.is(".k-navigator-n") ? i = 1 : r.is(".k-navigator-s") ? i = -1 : r.is(".k-navigator-e") ? n = 1 : r.is(".k-navigator-w") && (n = -1), this._pan(n, i), t.preventDefault()
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    switch (e.which) {
                        case r.UP:
                            this._pan(0, 1), e.preventDefault();
                        case r.DOWN:
                            this._pan(0, -1), e.preventDefault();
                        case r.RIGHT:
                            this._pan(1, 0), e.preventDefault();
                        case r.LEFT:
                            this._pan(-1, 0), e.preventDefault()
    function(e) {
        function t(e, t) {
            return n.format('<button class="k-button k-zoom-{0}" title="zoom-{0}">{1}</button>', e, t)
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.ui.Widget,
            r = n.keys,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = ".kendoZoomControl",
            s = t("in", "+") + t("out", "-"),
            l = 187,
            c = 189,
            d = 61,
            u = 173,
            h = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    i.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._initOptions(t), this.element.addClass("k-widget k-zoom-control k-button-wrap k-buttons-horizontal").append(s).on("click" + a, ".k-button", o(this, "_click"));
                    var r = this.element.parent().closest("[" + n.attr("role") + "]");
                    this._keyroot = r.length > 0 ? r : this.element, this._tabindex(this._keyroot), this._keydown = o(this._keydown, this), this._keyroot.on("keydown", this._keydown)
                options: {
                    name: "ZoomControl",
                    zoomStep: 1
                events: ["change"],
                _change: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.zoomStep;
                    this.trigger("change", {
                        delta: e * t
                _click: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.currentTarget),
                        i = 1;
                    n.is(".k-zoom-out") && (i = -1), this._change(i), t.preventDefault()
                _keydown: function(e) {
                    switch (e.which) {
                        case r.NUMPAD_PLUS:
                        case l:
                        case d:
                        case r.NUMPAD_MINUS:
                        case c:
                        case u:
    function() {
        var e = Math,
            t = e.atan,
            n = e.exp,
            i = e.pow,
            r = e.sin,
            o = e.log,
            a = e.tan,
            s = window.kendo,
            l = s.Class,
            c = s.dataviz,
            d = s.deepExtend,
            u = s.geometry,
            h = u.Point,
            p = c.map,
            f = p.Location,
            g = s.util,
            m = g.rad,
            v = g.deg,
            _ = g.limitValue,
            w = e.PI,
            b = w / 2,
            y = w / 4,
            k = w / 180,
            x = {
                a: 6378137,
                b: 6356752.314245179,
                f: .0033528106647474805,
                e: .08181919084262149
            C = l.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                MAX_LNG: 180,
                MAX_LAT: 85.0840590501,
                INVERSE_ITERATIONS: 15,
                INVERSE_CONVERGENCE: 1e-12,
                options: {
                    centralMeridian: 0,
                    datum: x
                forward: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.datum,
                        o = r.a,
                        a = i.centralMeridian,
                        s = _(e.lat, -n.MAX_LAT, n.MAX_LAT),
                        l = t ? _(e.lng, -n.MAX_LNG, n.MAX_LNG) : e.lng,
                        c = m(l - a) * o,
                        d = n._projectLat(s);
                    return new h(c, d)
                _projectLat: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.datum,
                        n = t.e,
                        s = t.a,
                        l = m(e),
                        c = a(y + l / 2),
                        d = n * r(l),
                        u = i((1 - d) / (1 + d), n / 2);
                    return s * o(c * u)
                inverse: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.options,
                        r = i.datum,
                        o = r.a,
                        a = i.centralMeridian,
                        s = e.x / (k * o) + a,
                        l = _(n._inverseY(e.y), -n.MAX_LAT, n.MAX_LAT);
                    return t && (s = _(s, -n.MAX_LNG, n.MAX_LNG)), new f(l, s)
                _inverseY: function(o) {
                    var a, s, l, c, d = this,
                        u = d.options.datum,
                        h = u.a,
                        p = u.e,
                        f = p / 2,
                        g = n(-o / h),
                        m = b - 2 * t(g);
                    for (a = 0; d.INVERSE_ITERATIONS >= a && (s = p * r(m), l = i((1 - s) / (1 + s), f), c = b - 2 * t(g * l) - m, m += c, !(e.abs(c) <= d.INVERSE_CONVERGENCE)); a++);
                    return v(m)
            S = C.extend({
                MAX_LAT: 85.0511287798,
                _projectLat: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.datum.a,
                        n = m(e),
                        i = a(y + n / 2);
                    return t * o(i)
                _inverseY: function(e) {
                    var i = this.options.datum.a,
                        r = n(-e / i);
                    return v(b - 2 * t(r))
            T = l.extend({
                forward: function(e) {
                    return new h(e.lng, e.lat)
                inverse: function(e) {
                    return new f(e.y, e.x)
            D = l.extend({
                init: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e._proj = new S,
                        n = this.c = 2 * w * t.options.datum.a;
                    this._tm = u.transform().translate(.5, .5).scale(1 / n, -1 / n), this._itm = u.transform().scale(n, -n).translate(-.5, -.5)
                toPoint: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this._proj.forward(e, n);
                    return i.transform(this._tm).scale(t || 1)
                toLocation: function(e, t, n) {
                    return e = e.clone().scale(1 / (t || 1)).transform(this._itm), this._proj.inverse(e, n)
            A = l.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this._proj = new C
                toPoint: function(e) {
                    return this._proj.forward(e)
                toLocation: function(e) {
                    return this._proj.inverse(e)
            E = l.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this._proj = new T
                toPoint: function(e) {
                    return this._proj.forward(e)
                toLocation: function(e) {
                    return this._proj.inverse(e)
        d(c, {
            map: {
                crs: {
                    EPSG3395: A,
                    EPSG3857: D,
                    EPSG4326: E
                datums: {
                    WGS84: x
                projections: {
                    Equirectangular: T,
                    Mercator: C,
                    SphericalMercator: S
    function(e) {
        var t = e.proxy,
            n = window.kendo,
            i = n.Class,
            r = n.dataviz,
            o = n.deepExtend,
            a = r.map.Extent,
            s = n.util,
            l = s.defined,
            c = i.extend({
                init: function(n, i) {
                    this._initOptions(i), this.map = n, this.element = e("<div class='k-layer'></div>").css({
                        zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
                        opacity: this.options.opacity
                    }).appendTo(n.scrollElement), this._beforeReset = t(this._beforeReset, this), this._reset = t(this._reset, this), this._resize = t(this._resize, this), this._panEnd = t(this._panEnd, this), this._activate(), this._updateAttribution()
                destroy: function() {
                show: function() {
                    this.reset(), this._activate(), this._applyExtent(!0)
                hide: function() {
                    this._deactivate(), this._setVisibility(!1)
                reset: function() {
                    this._beforeReset(), this._reset()
                _reset: function() {
                _beforeReset: e.noop,
                _resize: e.noop,
                _panEnd: function() {
                _applyExtent: function() {
                    var e = this.options,
                        t = this.map.zoom(),
                        n = !l(e.minZoom) || t >= e.minZoom,
                        i = !l(e.maxZoom) || e.maxZoom >= t,
                        r = a.create(e.extent),
                        o = !r || r.overlaps(this.map.extent());
                    this._setVisibility(n && i && o)
                _setVisibility: function(e) {
                    this.element.css("display", e ? "" : "none")
                _activate: function() {
                    var e = this.map;
                    e.bind("beforeReset", this._beforeReset), e.bind("reset", this._reset), e.bind("resize", this._resize), e.bind("panEnd", this._panEnd)
                _deactivate: function() {
                    var e = this.map;
                    e.unbind("beforeReset", this._beforeReset), e.unbind("reset", this._reset), e.unbind("resize", this._resize), e.unbind("panEnd", this._panEnd)
                _updateAttribution: function() {
                    var e = this.map.attribution;
                    e && e.add(this.options.attribution)
        o(r, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    Layer: c
    function(e) {
        var t = e.proxy,
            n = window.kendo,
            i = n.Class,
            r = n.data.DataSource,
            o = n.dataviz,
            a = n.deepExtend,
            s = n.util.last,
            l = n.util.defined,
            c = n.geometry,
            d = n.drawing,
            u = d.Group,
            h = o.map,
            p = h.Location,
            f = h.layers.Layer,
            g = f.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    f.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.surface = d.Surface.create(this.element, {
                        width: e.scrollElement.width(),
                        height: e.scrollElement.height()
                    }), this._initRoot(), this.movable = new n.ui.Movable(this.surface.element), this._markers = [], this._click = this._handler("shapeClick"), this.surface.bind("click", this._click), this._mouseenter = this._handler("shapeMouseEnter"), this.surface.bind("mouseenter", this._mouseenter), this._mouseleave = this._handler("shapeMouseLeave"), this.surface.bind("mouseleave", this._mouseleave), this._initDataSource()
                options: {
                    autoBind: !0
                destroy: function() {
                    f.fn.destroy.call(this), this.surface.destroy(), this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._dataChange)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.dataSource && this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._dataChange), this.dataSource = e, this.dataSource.bind("change", this._dataChange), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
                _reset: function() {
                    f.fn._reset.call(this), this._translateSurface(), this._data && this._load(this._data)
                _initRoot: function() {
                    this._root = new u, this.surface.draw(this._root)
                _beforeReset: function() {
                    this.surface.clear(), this._initRoot()
                _resize: function() {
                _initDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this.options.dataSource;
                    this._dataChange = t(this._dataChange, this), this.dataSource = r.create(e).bind("change", this._dataChange), e && this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
                _dataChange: function(e) {
                    this._data = e.sender.view(), this._load(this._data)
                _load: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i;
                    for (this._clearMarkers(), this._loader || (this._loader = new m(this.map, this.options.style, this)), t = new u, n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = this._loader.parse(e[n]), i && t.append(i);
                    this._root.clear(), this._root.append(t)
                shapeCreated: function(e) {
                    var t, n = !1;
                    return e instanceof d.Circle && (n = l(this._createMarker(e))), n || (t = {
                        layer: this,
                        shape: e
                    }, n = this.map.trigger("shapeCreated", t)), n
                _createMarker: function(e) {
                    var t = this.map.markers.bind({
                        location: e.location
                    }, e.dataItem);
                    return t && this._markers.push(t), t
                _clearMarkers: function() {
                    for (var e = 0; this._markers.length > e; e++) this.map.markers.remove(this._markers[e]);
                    this._markers = []
                _panEnd: function(e) {
                    f.fn._panEnd.call(this, e), this._translateSurface()
                _translateSurface: function() {
                    var e = this.map,
                        t = e.locationToView(e.extent().nw);
                    this.surface.translate && (this.surface.translate(t), this.movable.moveTo({
                        x: t.x,
                        y: t.y
                _handler: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return function(n) {
                        if (n.element) {
                            var i = {
                                layer: t,
                                shape: n.element,
                                originalEvent: n.originalEvent
                            t.map.trigger(e, i)
            m = i.extend({
                init: function(e, t, n) {
                    this.observer = n, this.locator = e, this.style = t
                parse: function(e) {
                    var t = new u;
                    return "Feature" === e.type ? this._loadGeometryTo(t, e.geometry, e) : this._loadGeometryTo(t, e, e), 2 > t.children.length && (t = t.children[0]), t
                _shapeCreated: function(e) {
                    var t = !1;
                    return this.observer && this.observer.shapeCreated && (t = this.observer.shapeCreated(e)), t
                _loadGeometryTo: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = t.coordinates;
                    switch (t.type) {
                        case "LineString":
                            r = this._loadPolygon(e, [o], n), this._setLineFill(r);
                        case "MultiLineString":
                            for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) r = this._loadPolygon(e, [o[i]], n), this._setLineFill(r);
                        case "Polygon":
                            this._loadPolygon(e, o, n);
                        case "MultiPolygon":
                            for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) this._loadPolygon(e, o[i], n);
                        case "Point":
                            this._loadPoint(e, o, n);
                        case "MultiPoint":
                            for (i = 0; o.length > i; i++) this._loadPoint(e, o[i], n)
                _setLineFill: function(e) {
                    var t = e.segments;
                    (4 > t.length || !t[0].anchor().equals(s(t).anchor())) && (e.options.fill = null)
                _loadShape: function(e, t) {
                    return this._shapeCreated(t) || e.append(t), t
                _loadPolygon: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = this._buildPolygon(t);
                    return i.dataItem = n, this._loadShape(e, i)
                _buildPolygon: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = e.length > 1 ? d.MultiPath : d.Path,
                        o = new r(this.style);
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                        for (n = 0; e[t].length > n; n++) i = this.locator.locationToView(p.fromLngLat(e[t][n])), 0 === n ? o.moveTo(i.x, i.y) : o.lineTo(i.x, i.y);
                    return o
                _loadPoint: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = p.fromLngLat(t),
                        r = this.locator.locationToView(i),
                        o = new c.Circle(r, 10),
                        a = new d.Circle(o, this.style);
                    return a.dataItem = n, a.location = i, this._loadShape(e, a)
        a(n.data, {
            schemas: {
                geojson: {
                    type: "json",
                    data: function(e) {
                        return "FeatureCollection" === e.type ? e.features : "GeometryCollection" === e.type ? e.geometries : e
            transports: {
                geojson: {
                    read: {
                        dataType: "json"
        }), a(o, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    shape: g,
                    ShapeLayer: g
                GeoJSONLoader: m
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.getter,
            i = t.dataviz,
            r = t.deepExtend,
            o = t.util,
            a = o.defined,
            s = t.geometry,
            l = t.drawing,
            c = i.map,
            d = c.Location,
            u = c.layers.ShapeLayer,
            h = u.extend({
                options: {
                    autoBind: !0,
                    locationField: "location",
                    valueField: "value",
                    minSize: 0,
                    maxSize: 100,
                    scale: "sqrt",
                    symbol: "circle"
                _load: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o, s, l, c, u, h, p, f, g;
                    if (this.surface.clear(), 0 !== e.length)
                        for (t = this.options, i = n(t.valueField), e = e.slice(0), e.sort(function(e, t) {
                            return i(t) - i(e)
                        }), r = i(e[0]), o = this._scaleType(), l = 0; e.length > l; l++) c = e[l], u = n(t.locationField)(c), h = n(t.valueField)(c), a(u) && a(h) && (s || (s = new o([0, h], [t.minSize, t.maxSize])), u = d.create(u), p = this.map.locationToView(u), f = s.map(h), g = this._createSymbol({
                            center: p,
                            size: f,
                            style: t.style,
                            dataItem: c,
                            location: u
                        }), g.dataItem = c, g.location = u, g.value = h, this._drawSymbol(g))
                _scaleType: function() {
                    var e = this.options.scale;
                    return t.isFunction(e) ? e : i.map.scales[e]
                _createSymbol: function(e) {
                    var n = this.options.symbol;
                    return t.isFunction(n) || (n = i.map.symbols[n]), n(e)
                _drawSymbol: function(e) {
                    var t = {
                            layer: this,
                            shape: e
                        n = this.map.trigger("shapeCreated", t);
                    n || this.surface.draw(e)
            p = t.Class.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i;
                    this._domain = e, this._range = t, n = Math.sqrt(e[1]) - Math.sqrt(e[0]), i = t[1] - t[0], this._ratio = i / n
                map: function(e) {
                    var t = (Math.sqrt(e) - Math.sqrt(this._domain[0])) * this._ratio;
                    return this._range[0] + t
            f = {
                circle: function(e) {
                    var t = new s.Circle(e.center, e.size / 2);
                    return new l.Circle(t, e.style)
                square: function(e) {
                    var t = new l.Path(e.style),
                        n = e.size / 2,
                        i = e.center;
                    return t.moveTo(i.x - n, i.y - n).lineTo(i.x + n, i.y - n).lineTo(i.x + n, i.y + n).lineTo(i.x - n, i.y + n).close(), t
        r(i, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    bubble: h,
                    BubbleLayer: h
                scales: {
                    sqrt: p
                symbols: f
    function(e) {
        function t(e) {
            return new d(f(e.x), f(e.y))
        var n = Math,
            i = e.proxy,
            r = window.kendo,
            o = r.Class,
            a = r.template,
            s = r.dataviz,
            l = r.deepExtend,
            c = r.geometry,
            d = c.Point,
            u = s.map.layers.Layer,
            h = r.util,
            p = h.objectKey,
            f = h.round,
            g = h.renderSize,
            m = h.limitValue,
            v = u.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    u.fn.init.call(this, e, t), "string" == typeof this.options.subdomains && (this.options.subdomains = this.options.subdomains.split(""));
                    var n = this._viewType();
                    this._view = new n(this.element, this.options)
                destroy: function() {
                    u.fn.destroy.call(this), this._view.destroy(), this._view = null
                _reset: function() {
                    u.fn._reset.call(this), this._updateView(), this._view.reset()
                _viewType: function() {
                    return _
                _activate: function() {
                    u.fn._activate.call(this), r.support.mobileOS || (this._pan || (this._pan = r.throttle(i(this._render, this), 100)), this.map.bind("pan", this._pan))
                _deactivate: function() {
                    u.fn._deactivate.call(this), this._pan && this.map.unbind("pan", this._pan)
                _updateView: function() {
                    var e = this._view,
                        t = this.map,
                        n = t.extent(),
                        i = {
                            nw: t.locationToLayer(n.nw).round(),
                            se: t.locationToLayer(n.se).round()
                    e.center(t.locationToLayer(t.center())), e.extent(i), e.zoom(t.zoom())
                _resize: function() {
                _panEnd: function(e) {
                    u.fn._panEnd.call(this, e), this._render()
                _render: function() {
                    this._updateView(), this._view.render()
            _ = o.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.element = e, this._initOptions(t), this.pool = new b
                options: {
                    tileSize: 256,
                    subdomains: ["a", "b", "c"],
                    urlTemplate: ""
                center: function(e) {
                    this._center = e
                extent: function(e) {
                    this._extent = e
                zoom: function(e) {
                    this._zoom = e
                pointToTileIndex: function(e) {
                    return new d(n.floor(e.x / this.options.tileSize), n.floor(e.y / this.options.tileSize))
                tileCount: function() {
                    var e = this.size(),
                        t = this.pointToTileIndex(this._extent.nw),
                        i = this._extent.nw,
                        r = this.indexToPoint(t).translate(-i.x, -i.y);
                    return {
                        x: n.ceil((n.abs(r.x) + e.width) / this.options.tileSize),
                        y: n.ceil((n.abs(r.y) + e.height) / this.options.tileSize)
                size: function() {
                    var e = this._extent.nw,
                        t = this._extent.se,
                        n = t.clone().translate(-e.x, -e.y);
                    return {
                        width: n.x,
                        height: n.y
                indexToPoint: function(e) {
                    var t = e.x,
                        n = e.y;
                    return new d(t * this.options.tileSize, n * this.options.tileSize)
                subdomainText: function() {
                    var e = this.options.subdomains;
                    return e[this.subdomainIndex++ % e.length]
                destroy: function() {
                    this.element.empty(), this.pool.empty()
                reset: function() {
                    this.pool.reset(), this.subdomainIndex = 0, this.basePoint = this._extent.nw, this.render()
                render: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i = this.tileCount(),
                        r = this.pointToTileIndex(this._extent.nw);
                    for (t = 0; i.x > t; t++)
                        for (n = 0; i.y > n; n++) e = this.createTile({
                            x: r.x + t,
                            y: r.y + n
                        }), e.visible || e.show()
                createTile: function(e) {
                    var t = this.tileOptions(e),
                        n = this.pool.get(this._center, t);
                    return 0 === n.element.parent().length && this.element.append(n.element), n
                tileOptions: function(e) {
                    var n = this.wrapIndex(e),
                        i = this.indexToPoint(e),
                        r = this.basePoint,
                        o = i.clone().translate(-r.x, -r.y);
                    return {
                        index: n,
                        currentIndex: e,
                        point: i,
                        offset: t(o),
                        zoom: this._zoom,
                        subdomain: this.subdomainText(),
                        urlTemplate: this.options.urlTemplate,
                        errorUrlTemplate: this.options.errorUrlTemplate
                wrapIndex: function(e) {
                    var t = n.pow(2, this._zoom);
                    return {
                        x: this.wrapValue(e.x, t),
                        y: m(e.y, 0, t - 1)
                wrapValue: function(e, t) {
                    var i = n.abs(e) % t;
                    return e = e >= 0 ? i : t - (0 === i ? t : i)
            w = o.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    this.id = e, this.visible = !0, this._initOptions(t), this.createElement(), this.show()
                options: {
                    urlTemplate: "",
                    errorUrlTemplate: ""
                createElement: function() {
                    this.element = e("<img style='position: absolute; display: block;' />").error(i(function(e) {
                        this.errorUrl() ? e.target.setAttribute("src", this.errorUrl()) : e.target.removeAttribute("src")
                    }, this))
                show: function() {
                    var e, t = this.element[0];
                    t.style.top = g(this.options.offset.y), t.style.left = g(this.options.offset.x), e = this.url(), e && t.setAttribute("src", e), t.style.visibility = "visible", this.visible = !0
                hide: function() {
                    this.element[0].style.visibility = "hidden", this.visible = !1
                url: function() {
                    var e = a(this.options.urlTemplate);
                    return e(this.urlOptions())
                errorUrl: function() {
                    var e = a(this.options.errorUrlTemplate);
                    return e(this.urlOptions())
                urlOptions: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    return {
                        zoom: e.zoom,
                        subdomain: e.subdomain,
                        z: e.zoom,
                        x: e.index.x,
                        y: e.index.y,
                        s: e.subdomain,
                        quadkey: e.quadkey,
                        q: e.quadkey,
                        culture: e.culture,
                        c: e.culture
                destroy: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element.remove(), this.element = null)
            b = o.extend({
                init: function() {
                    this._items = []
                options: {
                    maxSize: 100
                get: function(e, t) {
                    return this._items.length >= this.options.maxSize && this._remove(e), this._create(t)
                empty: function() {
                    var e, t = this._items;
                    for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e].destroy();
                    this._items = []
                reset: function() {
                    var e, t = this._items;
                    for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++) t[e].hide()
                _create: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this._items,
                        r = h.hashKey(p(e) + p(e.currentIndex));
                    for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) i[n].id === r && (t = i[n]);
                    return t ? t.show() : (t = new w(r, e), this._items.push(t)), t
                _remove: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this._items,
                        r = -1,
                        o = -1;
                    for (t = 0; i.length > t; t++) n = i[t].options.point.distanceTo(e), n > r && (o = t, r = n); - 1 !== o && (i[o].destroy(), i.splice(o, 1))
        l(s, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    tile: v,
                    TileLayer: v,
                    ImageTile: w,
                    TilePool: b,
                    TileView: _
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.dataviz,
            r = n.deepExtend,
            o = n.util.defined,
            a = i.map.Extent,
            s = i.map.Location,
            l = i.map.layers.TileLayer,
            c = i.map.layers.TileView,
            d = l.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    l.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this._onMetadata = e.proxy(this._onMetadata, this), this._fetchMetadata()
                options: {
                    baseUrl: "//dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/",
                    imagerySet: "road"
                _fetchMetadata: function() {
                    var t = this.options;
                    if (!t.key) throw Error("Bing tile layer: API key is required");
                        url: t.baseUrl + t.imagerySet,
                        data: {
                            output: "json",
                            include: "ImageryProviders",
                            key: t.key,
                            uriScheme: this._scheme(window.location.protocol)
                        type: "get",
                        dataType: "jsonp",
                        jsonp: "jsonp",
                        success: this._onMetadata
                _scheme: function(e) {
                    return "https" === e.replace(":", "") ? "https" : "http"
                _onMetadata: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    e && e.resourceSets.length && (t = this.resource = e.resourceSets[0].resources[0], r(this._view.options, {
                        urlTemplate: t.imageUrl.replace("{subdomain}", "#= subdomain #").replace("{quadkey}", "#= quadkey #").replace("{culture}", "#= culture #"),
                        subdomains: t.imageUrlSubdomains
                    }), n = this.options, o(n.minZoom) || (n.minZoom = t.zoomMin), o(n.maxZoom) || (n.maxZoom = t.zoomMax), this._addAttribution(), "none" !== this.element.css("display") && this.reset())
                _viewType: function() {
                    return u
                _addAttribution: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.map.attribution;
                    if (o && (e = this.resource.imageryProviders))
                        for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                            for (n = e[t], i = 0; n.coverageAreas.length > i; i++) r = n.coverageAreas[i], o.add({
                                text: n.attribution,
                                minZoom: r.zoomMin,
                                maxZoom: r.zoomMax,
                                extent: new a(new s(r.bbox[2], r.bbox[1]), new s(r.bbox[0], r.bbox[3]))
                imagerySet: function(e) {
                    return e ? (this.options.imagerySet = e, this.map.attribution.clear(), this._fetchMetadata(), this._reset(), t) : this.options.imagerySet
            u = c.extend({
                options: {
                    culture: "en-US"
                tileOptions: function(e) {
                    var t = c.fn.tileOptions.call(this, e);
                    return t.culture = this.options.culture, t.quadkey = this.tileQuadKey(this.wrapIndex(e)), t
                tileQuadKey: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = "";
                    for (i = this._zoom; i > 0; i--) t = 0, n = 1 << i - 1, 0 !== (e.x & n) && t++, 0 !== (e.y & n) && (t += 2), r += t;
                    return r
        r(i, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    bing: d,
                    BingLayer: d,
                    BingView: u
    function(e, t) {
        var n = document,
            i = Math,
            r = e.inArray,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = window.kendo,
            s = a.Class,
            l = a.data.DataSource,
            c = a.ui.Tooltip,
            d = a.dataviz,
            u = a.deepExtend,
            h = d.map,
            p = h.Location,
            f = h.layers.Layer,
            g = f.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    f.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this._markerClick = o(this._markerClick, this), this.element.on("click", ".k-marker", this._markerClick), this.items = [], this._initDataSource()
                destroy: function() {
                    f.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.off("click", ".k-marker", this._markerClick), this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._dataChange), this.clear()
                options: {
                    zIndex: 1e3,
                    autoBind: !0,
                    dataSource: {},
                    locationField: "location",
                    titleField: "title"
                add: function(t) {
                    if (!e.isArray(t)) return this._addOne(t);
                    for (var n = 0; t.length > n; n++) this._addOne(t[n])
                remove: function(e) {
                    var t = r(e, this.items);
                    t > -1 && this.items.splice(t, 1)
                clear: function() {
                    for (var e = 0; this.items.length > e; e++) this.items[e].destroy();
                    this.items = []
                update: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.location();
                    n && (e.showAt(this.map.locationToView(n)), t = {
                        marker: e,
                        layer: this
                    }, this.map.trigger("markerActivate", t))
                _reset: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    for (f.fn._reset.call(this), e = this.items, t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.update(e[t])
                bind: function(e, n) {
                    var i, r, o = h.Marker.create(e, this.options);
                    return o.dataItem = n, i = {
                        marker: o,
                        layer: this
                    }, r = this.map.trigger("markerCreated", i), r ? t : (this.add(o), o)
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    this.dataSource && this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._dataChange), this.dataSource = e, this.dataSource.bind("change", this._dataChange), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
                _addOne: function(e) {
                    var t = m.create(e, this.options);
                    return t.addTo(this), t
                _initDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this.options.dataSource;
                    this._dataChange = o(this._dataChange, this), this.dataSource = l.create(e).bind("change", this._dataChange), e && this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
                _dataChange: function(e) {
                _load: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r;
                    for (this._data = e, this.clear(), t = a.getter(this.options.locationField), n = a.getter(this.options.titleField), i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], this.bind({
                        location: t(r),
                        title: n(r)
                    }, r)
                _markerClick: function(t) {
                    var n = {
                        marker: e(t.target).data("kendoMarker"),
                        layer: this
                    this.map.trigger("markerClick", n)
            m = s.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.options = e || {}
                addTo: function(e) {
                    this.layer = e.markers || e, this.layer.items.push(this), this.layer.update(this)
                location: function(e) {
                    return e ? (this.options.location = p.create(e).toArray(), this.layer && this.layer.update(this), this) : p.create(this.options.location)
                showAt: function(e) {
                    this.render(), this.element.css({
                        left: i.round(e.x),
                        top: i.round(e.y)
                    }), this.tooltip && this.tooltip.popup && this.tooltip.popup._position()
                hide: function() {
                    this.element && (this.element.remove(), this.element = null), this.tooltip && (this.tooltip.destroy(), this.tooltip = null)
                destroy: function() {
                    this.layer = null, this.hide()
                render: function() {
                    var t, i;
                    this.element || (t = this.options, i = this.layer, this.element = e(n.createElement("span")).addClass("k-marker k-marker-" + a.toHyphens(t.shape || "pin")).attr("title", t.title).attr(t.attributes || {}).data("kendoMarker", this).css("zIndex", t.zIndex), i && i.element.append(this.element), this.renderTooltip())
                renderTooltip: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.options.title,
                        r = n.options.tooltip || {};
                    r && c && (e = r.template, e && (t = a.template(e), r.content = function(e) {
                        return e.location = n.location(), e.marker = n, t(e)
                    }), (i || r.content || r.contentUrl) && (this.tooltip = new c(this.element, r), this.tooltip.marker = this))
        m.create = function(e, t) {
            return e instanceof m ? e : new m(u({}, t, e))
        }, u(d, {
            map: {
                layers: {
                    marker: g,
                    MarkerLayer: g
                Marker: m
    function(e) {
        var t = document,
            n = Math,
            i = n.min,
            r = n.pow,
            o = e.proxy,
            a = window.kendo,
            s = a.ui.Widget,
            l = a.deepExtend,
            c = a.dataviz,
            d = c.ui,
            u = a.geometry,
            h = u.Point,
            p = c.map,
            f = p.Extent,
            g = p.Location,
            m = p.crs.EPSG3857,
            v = a.util,
            _ = v.defined,
            w = v.limitValue,
            b = v.renderPos,
            y = v.valueOrDefault,
            k = "k-",
            x = .9,
            C = .93,
            S = "DOMMouseScroll mousewheel",
            T = 5,
            D = s.extend({
                init: function(e, n) {
                    a.destroy(e), s.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initOptions(n), this.bind(this.events, n), this.crs = new m, this.element.addClass(k + this.options.name.toLowerCase()).css("position", "relative").empty().append(t.createElement("div")), this._viewOrigin = this._getOrigin(), this._initScroller(), this._initMarkers(), this._initControls(), this._initLayers(), this._reset(), this._mousewheel = o(this._mousewheel, this), this.element.bind("click", o(this._click, this)), this.element.bind(S, this._mousewheel)
                options: {
                    name: "Map",
                    controls: {
                        attribution: !0,
                        navigator: {
                            panStep: 100
                        zoom: !0
                    layers: [],
                    layerDefaults: {
                        shape: {
                            style: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: "#fff"
                                stroke: {
                                    color: "#aaa",
                                    width: .5
                        bubble: {
                            style: {
                                fill: {
                                    color: "#fff",
                                    opacity: .5
                                stroke: {
                                    color: "#aaa",
                                    width: .5
                        marker: {
                            shape: "pinTarget",
                            tooltip: {
                                position: "top"
                    center: [0, 0],
                    zoom: 3,
                    minSize: 256,
                    minZoom: 1,
                    maxZoom: 19,
                    markers: [],
                    markerDefaults: {
                        shape: "pinTarget",
                        tooltip: {
                            position: "top"
                    wraparound: !0
                events: ["beforeReset", "click", "reset", "pan", "panEnd", "markerActivate", "markerClick", "markerCreated", "shapeClick", "shapeCreated", "shapeMouseEnter", "shapeMouseLeave", "zoomStart", "zoomEnd"],
                destroy: function() {
                    this.scroller.destroy(), this.navigator && this.navigator.destroy(), this.attribution && this.attribution.destroy(), this.zoomControl && this.zoomControl.destroy(), this.markers.destroy();
                    for (var e = 0; this.layers.length > e; e++) this.layers[e].destroy();
                zoom: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options;
                    return _(e) ? (e = w(e, t.minZoom, t.maxZoom), t.zoom !== e && (t.zoom = e, this._reset()), this) : t.zoom
                center: function(e) {
                    return e ? (this.options.center = g.create(e).toArray(), this._reset(), this) : g.create(this.options.center)
                extent: function(e) {
                    return e ? (this._setExtent(e), this) : this._getExtent()
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    s.fn.setOptions.call(this, e), this._reset()
                locationToLayer: function(e, t) {
                    var n = !this.options.wraparound;
                    return e = g.create(e), this.crs.toPoint(e, this._layerSize(t), n)
                layerToLocation: function(e, t) {
                    var n = !this.options.wraparound;
                    return e = h.create(e), this.crs.toLocation(e, this._layerSize(t), n)
                locationToView: function(e) {
                    var t, n;
                    return e = g.create(e), t = this.locationToLayer(this._viewOrigin), n = this.locationToLayer(e), n.translateWith(t.scale(-1))
                viewToLocation: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.locationToLayer(this._getOrigin(), t);
                    return e = h.create(e), e = e.clone().translateWith(n), this.layerToLocation(e, t)
                eventOffset: function(e) {
                    var t = this.element.offset(),
                        n = e.originalEvent || e,
                        i = y(n.pageX, n.clientX) - t.left,
                        r = y(n.pageY, n.clientY) - t.top;
                    return new u.Point(i, r)
                eventToView: function(e) {
                    var t = this.eventOffset(e);
                    return this.locationToView(this.viewToLocation(t))
                eventToLayer: function(e) {
                    return this.locationToLayer(this.eventToLocation(e))
                eventToLocation: function(e) {
                    var t = this.eventOffset(e);
                    return this.viewToLocation(t)
                viewSize: function() {
                    var e = this.element,
                        t = this._layerSize(),
                        n = e.width();
                    return this.options.wraparound || (n = i(t, n)), {
                        width: n,
                        height: i(t, e.height())
                exportVisual: function() {
                    return this._reset(), !1
                _setOrigin: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = this.viewSize();
                    return e = this._origin = g.create(e), n = this.locationToLayer(e, t), n.x += i.width / 2, n.y += i.height / 2, this.options.center = this.layerToLocation(n, t).toArray(), this
                _getOrigin: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.viewSize();
                    return (e || !this._origin) && (t = this.locationToLayer(this.center()), t.x -= n.width / 2, t.y -= n.height / 2, this._origin = this.layerToLocation(t)), this._origin
                _setExtent: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                    for (e = f.create(e), this.center(e.center()), t = this.element.width(), i = this.element.height(), r = this.options.maxZoom; r >= this.options.minZoom && (o = this.locationToLayer(e.nw, r), a = this.locationToLayer(e.se, r), s = n.abs(a.x - o.x), l = n.abs(a.y - o.y), !(t >= s && i >= l)); r--);
                _getExtent: function() {
                    var e, t = this._getOrigin(),
                        n = this.locationToLayer(t),
                        i = this.viewSize();
                    return n.x += i.width, n.y += i.height, e = this.layerToLocation(n), new f(t, e)
                _zoomAround: function(e, t) {
                    this._setOrigin(this.layerToLocation(e, t), t), this.zoom(t)
                _initControls: function() {
                    var e = this.options.controls;
                    d.Attribution && e.attribution && this._createAttribution(e.attribution), a.support.mobileOS || (d.Navigator && e.navigator && this._createNavigator(e.navigator), d.ZoomControl && e.zoom && this._createZoomControl(e.zoom))
                _createControlElement: function(t, n) {
                    var i = t.position || n,
                        r = "." + b(i).replace(" ", "."),
                        o = e(".k-map-controls" + r, this.element);
                    return 0 === o.length && (o = e("<div>").addClass("k-map-controls " + b(i)).appendTo(this.element)), e("<div>").appendTo(o)
                _createAttribution: function(e) {
                    var t = this._createControlElement(e, "bottomRight");
                    this.attribution = new d.Attribution(t, e)
                _createNavigator: function(e) {
                    var t = this._createControlElement(e, "topLeft"),
                        n = this.navigator = new d.Navigator(t, e);
                    this._navigatorPan = o(this._navigatorPan, this), n.bind("pan", this._navigatorPan), this._navigatorCenter = o(this._navigatorCenter, this), n.bind("center", this._navigatorCenter)
                _navigatorPan: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.scroller,
                        i = n.scrollLeft + e.x,
                        r = n.scrollTop - e.y,
                        o = this._virtualSize,
                        a = this.element.height(),
                        s = this.element.width();
                    i = w(i, o.x.min, o.x.max - s), r = w(r, o.y.min, o.y.max - a), t.scroller.one("scroll", function(e) {
                    }), t.scroller.scrollTo(-i, -r)
                _navigatorCenter: function() {
                _createZoomControl: function(e) {
                    var t = this._createControlElement(e, "topLeft"),
                        n = this.zoomControl = new d.ZoomControl(t, e);
                    this._zoomControlChange = o(this._zoomControlChange, this), n.bind("change", this._zoomControlChange)
                _zoomControlChange: function(e) {
                    this.trigger("zoomStart", {
                        originalEvent: e
                    }) || (this.zoom(this.zoom() + e.delta), this.trigger("zoomEnd", {
                        originalEvent: e
                _initScroller: function() {
                    var e = a.support.mobileOS ? C : x,
                        t = this.options.zoomable !== !1,
                        n = this.scroller = new a.mobile.ui.Scroller(this.element.children(0), {
                            friction: e,
                            velocityMultiplier: T,
                            zoom: t,
                            mousewheelScrolling: !1
                    n.bind("scroll", o(this._scroll, this)), n.bind("scrollEnd", o(this._scrollEnd, this)), n.userEvents.bind("gesturestart", o(this._scaleStart, this)), n.userEvents.bind("gestureend", o(this._scale, this)), this.scrollElement = n.scrollElement
                _initLayers: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.options.layers,
                        a = this.layers = [];
                    for (e = 0; o.length > e; e++) t = o[e], n = t.type || "shape", i = this.options.layerDefaults[n], r = c.map.layers[n], a.push(new r(this, l({}, i, t)))
                _initMarkers: function() {
                    this.markers = new p.layers.MarkerLayer(this, this.options.markerDefaults), this.markers.add(this.options.markers)
                _scroll: function(e) {
                    var t = this.locationToLayer(this._viewOrigin).round(),
                        n = e.sender.movable,
                        i = new u.Point(n.x, n.y).scale(-1).scale(1 / n.scale);
                    t.x += i.x, t.y += i.y, this._scrollOffset = i, this._setOrigin(this.layerToLocation(t)), this.trigger("pan", {
                        originalEvent: e,
                        origin: this._getOrigin(),
                        center: this.center()
                _scrollEnd: function(e) {
                    this._scrollOffset && this._panComplete() && (this._scrollOffset = null, this._panEndTS = new Date, this.trigger("panEnd", {
                        originalEvent: e,
                        origin: this._getOrigin(),
                        center: this.center()
                _panComplete: function() {
                    return new Date - (this._panEndTS || 0) > 50
                _scaleStart: function(e) {
                    if (this.trigger("zoomStart", {
                        originalEvent: e
                    })) {
                        var t = e.touches[1];
                        t && t.cancel()
                _scale: function(e) {
                    var t = this.scroller.movable.scale,
                        n = this._scaleToZoom(t),
                        i = new u.Point(e.center.x, e.center.y),
                        r = this.viewToLocation(i, n),
                        o = this.locationToLayer(r, n),
                        a = o.translate(-i.x, -i.y);
                    this._zoomAround(a, n), this.trigger("zoomEnd", {
                        originalEvent: e
                _scaleToZoom: function(e) {
                    var t = this._layerSize() * e,
                        i = t / this.options.minSize,
                        r = n.log(i) / n.log(2);
                    return n.round(r)
                _reset: function() {
                    this.attribution && this.attribution.filter(this.center(), this.zoom()), this._viewOrigin = this._getOrigin(!0), this._resetScroller(), this.trigger("beforeReset"), this.trigger("reset")
                _resetScroller: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, o = this.scroller,
                        a = o.dimensions.x,
                        s = o.dimensions.y,
                        l = this._layerSize(),
                        c = 20 * l,
                        d = this.extent().nw,
                        u = this.locationToLayer(d).round();
                    o.movable.round = !0, o.reset(), o.userEvents.cancel(), e = this.options.maxZoom - this.zoom(), o.dimensions.maxScale = r(2, e), t = {
                        min: -u.x,
                        max: l - u.x
                    }, n = {
                        min: -u.y,
                        max: l - u.y
                    }, this.options.wraparound && (t.min = -c, t.max = c), this.options.pannable === !1 && (i = this.viewSize(), t.min = n.min = 0, t.max = i.width, n.max = i.height), a.makeVirtual(), s.makeVirtual(), a.virtualSize(t.min, t.max), s.virtualSize(n.min, n.max), this._virtualSize = {
                        x: t,
                        y: n
                _renderLayers: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.options.layers,
                        a = this.layers = [],
                        s = this.scrollWrap;
                    for (s.empty(), e = 0; o.length > e; e++) t = o[e], n = t.type || "shape", i = this.options.layerDefaults[n], r = c.map.layers[n], a.push(new r(this, l({}, i, t)))
                _layerSize: function(e) {
                    return e = y(e, this.options.zoom), this.options.minSize * r(2, e)
                _click: function(e) {
                    if (this._panComplete()) {
                        var t = this.eventOffset(e);
                        this.trigger("click", {
                            originalEvent: e,
                            location: this.viewToLocation(t)
                _mousewheel: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                    e.preventDefault(), t = c.mwDelta(e) > 0 ? -1 : 1, n = this.options, i = this.zoom(), r = w(i + t, n.minZoom, n.maxZoom), n.zoomable !== !1 && r !== i && (this.trigger("zoomStart", {
                        originalEvent: e
                    }) || (o = this.eventOffset(e), a = this.viewToLocation(o), s = this.locationToLayer(a, r), l = s.translate(-o.x, -o.y), this._zoomAround(l, r), this.trigger("zoomEnd", {
                        originalEvent: e
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, n, i) {
            function r(e) {
                for (var t = 1; e * t % 1;) t *= 10;
                return t
            var o, a, s, l;
            if (t === e || t === n) return [];
            if (i && u.sign(n - e) != u.sign(i)) throw "The sign of the increment should allow to reach the stop-value.";
            if (i = i || 1, e = e || 0, n = n || e, (n - e) / i === 1 / 0) throw "Infinite range defined.";
            if (o = [], a = -1, l = r(Math.abs(i)), e *= l, n *= l, i *= l, e > n && i > 0 && (i = -i), 0 > i)
                for (;
                    (s = e + i * ++a) >= n;) o.push(s / l);
                for (;
                    (s = e + i * ++a) <= n;) o.push(s / l);
            return o

        function i(e, t) {
            if (e == t) return 0;
            var n = t.x - e.x,
                i = e.y - t.y,
                r = Math.atan(n / i);
            return i >= 0 ? 0 > n ? r + 2 * Math.PI : r : r + Math.PI
        var r, o, a = window.kendo,
            s = a.dataviz.diagram = {},
            l = a.deepExtend,
            c = e.isArray,
            d = 1e-6,
            u = {};
        l(u, {
            isNearZero: function(e) {
                return Math.abs(e) < d
            isDefined: function(e) {
                return t !== e
            isUndefined: function(e) {
                return t === e || null === e
            isObject: function(e) {
                return e === Object(e)
            has: function(e, t) {
                return Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
            isString: function(e) {
                return "[object String]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(e)
            isBoolean: function(e) {
                return "[object Boolean]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(e)
            isType: function(e, t) {
                return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) == "[object " + t + "]"
            isNumber: function(e) {
                return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e)
            isEmpty: function(e) {
                if (null === e) return !0;
                if (c(e) || u.isString(e)) return 0 === e.length;
                for (var t in e)
                    if (u.has(e, t)) return !1;
                return !0
            simpleExtend: function(e, t) {
                if (u.isObject(t))
                    for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]
            initArray: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = [];
                for (n = 0; e > n; ++n) i[n] = t;
                return i
            serializePoints: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = [];
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], i.push(n.x + ";" + n.y);
                return i.join(";")
            deserializePoints: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.split(";"),
                    i = [];
                if (n.length % 2 !== 0) throw "Not an array of points.";
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t += 2) i.push(new s.Point(parseInt(n[t], 10), parseInt(n[t + 1], 10)));
                return i
            randomInteger: function(e, t) {
                return parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * t) + e, 10)
            DFT: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                if (t(e), e.childNodes)
                    for (n = 0; e.childNodes.length > n; n++) i = e.childNodes[n], this.DFT(i, t)
            getMatrixAngle: function(e) {
                return null === e || 0 === e.d ? 0 : 180 * Math.atan2(e.b, e.d) / Math.PI
            getMatrixScaling: function(e) {
                var t = Math.sqrt(e.a * e.a + e.c * e.c),
                    n = Math.sqrt(e.b * e.b + e.d * e.d);
                return [t, n]
        }), u.sign = function(e) {
            return e ? 0 > e ? -1 : 1 : 0
        }, u.findAngle = function(e, t) {
            return 180 * i(e, t) / Math.PI
        }, u.forEach = function(e, t, n) {
            for (var i = 0; e.length > i; i++) t.call(n, e[i], i, e)
        }, u.any = function(e, t) {
            for (var n = 0; e.length > n; ++n)
                if (t(e[n])) return e[n];
            return null
        }, u.remove = function(e, t) {
            for (var n; - 1 !== (n = u.indexOf(e, t));) e.splice(n, 1);
            return e
        }, u.contains = function(e, t) {
            return -1 !== u.indexOf(e, t)
        }, u.indexOf = function(t, n) {
            return e.inArray(n, t)
        }, u.fold = function(e, t, n, i) {
            var r, o, a = arguments.length > 2;
            for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], a ? n = t.call(i, n, o, r, e) : (n = o, a = !0);
            if (!a) throw "Reduce of empty array with no initial value";
            return n
        }, u.find = function(e, t, n) {
            var i;
            return u.any(e, function(e, r, o) {
                return t.call(n, e, r, o) ? (i = e, !0) : !1
            }), i
        }, u.first = function(e, t, n) {
            return 0 === e.length ? null : u.isUndefined(t) ? e[0] : u.find(e, t, n)
        }, u.insert = function(e, t, n) {
            return e.splice(n, 0, t), e
        }, u.all = function(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, o = !0;
            for (r = 0; e.length > r && (i = e[r], o = o && t.call(n, i, r, e), o); r++);
            return o
        }, u.clear = function(e) {
            e.splice(0, e.length)
        }, u.bisort = function(e, t, n) {
            if (u.isUndefined(e)) throw "First array is not specified.";
            if (u.isUndefined(t)) throw "Second array is not specified.";
            if (e.length != t.length) throw "The two arrays should have equal length";
            var i, r = [];
            for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r.push({
                x: e[i],
                y: t[i]
            for (r.sort(u.isUndefined(n) ? function(e, t) {
                return e.x - t.x
            } : function(e, t) {
                return n(e.x, t.x)
            }), u.clear(e), u.clear(t), i = 0; r.length > i; i++) e.push(r[i].x), t.push(r[i].y)
        }, u.addRange = function(e, t) {
            e.push.apply(e, t)
        }, r = {
            easeInOut: function(e) {
                return -Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2 + .5
        }, o = a.Class.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.adapters = [], this.target = 0, this.tick = 0, this.interval = 20, this.duration = 800, this.lastTime = null, this.handlers = [];
                var e = this;
                this.transition = r.easeInOut, this.timerDelegate = function() {
            addAdapter: function(e) {
            onComplete: function(e) {
            removeHandler: function(t) {
                this.handlers = e.grep(this.handlers, function(e) {
                    return e !== t
            trigger: function() {
                var e = this;
                this.handlers && u.forEach(this.handlers, function(t) {
                    return t.call(null !== e.caller ? e.caller : e)
            onStep: function() {},
            seekTo: function(e) {
                this.seekFromTo(this.tick, e)
            seekFromTo: function(e, t) {
                this.target = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)), this.tick = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e)), this.lastTime = (new Date).getTime(), this.intervalId || (this.intervalId = window.setInterval(this.timerDelegate, this.interval))
            stop: function() {
                this.intervalId && (window.clearInterval(this.intervalId), this.intervalId = null, this.trigger())
            play: function(e) {
                0 !== this.adapters.length && (null !== e && (this.caller = e), this.initState(), this.seekFromTo(0, 1))
            reverse: function() {
                this.seekFromTo(1, 0)
            initState: function() {
                if (0 !== this.adapters.length)
                    for (var e = 0; this.adapters.length > e; e++) this.adapters[e].initState()
            propagate: function() {
                var e, t = this.transition(this.tick);
                for (e = 0; this.adapters.length > e; e++) this.adapters[e].update(t)
            onTimerEvent: function() {
                var e, t = (new Date).getTime(),
                    n = t - this.lastTime;
                this.lastTime = t, e = n / this.duration * (this.target > this.tick ? 1 : -1), Math.abs(e) >= Math.abs(this.tick - this.target) ? this.tick = this.target : this.tick += e;
                try {
                } finally {
                    this.onStep.call(this), this.target == this.tick && this.stop()
        }), a.deepExtend(s, {
            init: function(e) {
                a.init(e, s.ui)
            Utils: u,
            Range: n,
            Ticker: o
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return Math.abs(e) < z

        function i(e, t, i, r, o) {
            var a, s, l, c, d = (t.x - e.x) * (r.y - i.y) - (t.y - e.y) * (r.x - i.x);
            if (!n(d) && (a = (e.y - i.y) * (r.x - i.x) - (e.x - i.x) * (r.y - i.y), s = (e.y - i.y) * (t.x - e.x) - (e.x - i.x) * (t.y - e.y), l = a / d, c = s / d, !o || !(0 > l || l > 1 || 0 > c || c > 1))) return new A(e.x + l * (t.x - e.x), e.y + l * (t.y - e.y))

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, i, r;
            do n = 2 * Math.random() - 1, i = 2 * Math.random() - 1, r = n * n + i * i; while (!r || r > 1);
            return e + t * n * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r)

        function o(e) {
            var t, n, i;
            for (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 10), t = "", n = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", i = e; i > 0; --i) t += n.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (n.length - 1)));
            return t
        var a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k = window.kendo,
            x = k.dataviz.diagram,
            C = k.Class,
            S = k.deepExtend,
            T = k.dataviz,
            D = x.Utils,
            A = T.Point2D,
            E = k.isFunction,
            I = D.contains,
            P = e.map,
            M = 3,
            z = 1e-6;
        S(A.fn, {
            plus: function(e) {
                return new A(this.x + e.x, this.y + e.y)
            minus: function(e) {
                return new A(this.x - e.x, this.y - e.y)
            offset: function(e) {
                return new A(this.x - e, this.y - e)
            times: function(e) {
                return new A(this.x * e, this.y * e)
            normalize: function() {
                return 0 === this.length() ? new A : this.times(1 / this.length())
            length: function() {
                return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)
            toString: function() {
                return "(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ")"
            lengthSquared: function() {
                return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y
            middleOf: function(e, t) {
                return new A(t.x - e.x, t.y - e.y).times(.5).plus(e)
            toPolar: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = 1;
                if (e && (r = 180 / Math.PI), t = Math.atan2(Math.abs(this.y), Math.abs(this.x)), n = Math.PI / 2, i = this.length(), 0 === this.x) {
                    if (0 === this.y) return new u(0, 0);
                    if (this.y > 0) return new u(i, r * n);
                    if (0 > this.y) return new u(i, 3 * r * n)
                } else if (this.x > 0) {
                    if (0 === this.y) return new u(i, 0);
                    if (this.y > 0) return new u(i, r * t);
                    if (0 > this.y) return new u(i, r * (4 * n - t))
                } else {
                    if (0 === this.y) return new u(i, 2 * n);
                    if (this.y > 0) return new u(i, r * (2 * n - t));
                    if (0 > this.y) return new u(i, r * (2 * n + t))
            isOnLine: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a;
                return e.x > t.x && (n = t, t = e, e = n), i = new s(e.x, e.y).inflate(M, M), r = new s(t.x, t.y).inflate(M, M), i.union(r).contains(this) ? e.x === t.x || e.y === t.y ? !0 : (t.y > e.y ? (o = i.x + (r.x - i.x) * (this.y - (i.y + i.height)) / (r.y + r.height - (i.y + i.height)), a = i.x + i.width + (r.x + r.width - (i.x + i.width)) * (this.y - i.y) / (r.y - i.y)) : (o = i.x + (r.x - i.x) * (this.y - i.y) / (r.y - i.y), a = i.x + i.width + (r.x + r.width - (i.x + i.width)) * (this.y - (i.y + i.height)) / (r.y + r.height - (i.y + i.height))), this.x > o && a > this.x) : !1
        }), S(A, {
            parse: function(e) {
                var n = e.slice(1, e.length - 1),
                    i = n.split(","),
                    r = parseInt(i[0], 10),
                    o = parseInt(i[1], 10);
                return isNaN(r) || isNaN(o) ? t : new A(r, o)
        }), a = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.point = e, this.left = t, this.right = n
        }), s = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                this.x = e || 0, this.y = t || 0, this.width = n || 0, this.height = i || 0
            contains: function(e) {
                return e.x >= this.x && this.x + this.width >= e.x && e.y >= this.y && this.y + this.height >= e.y
            inflate: function(e, n) {
                return n === t && (n = e), this.x -= e, this.y -= n, this.width += 2 * e + 1, this.height += 2 * n + 1, this
            offset: function(e, t) {
                var n = e,
                    i = t;
                return e instanceof A && (n = e.x, i = e.y), this.x += n, this.y += i, this
            union: function(e) {
                var t = Math.min(this.x, e.x),
                    n = Math.min(this.y, e.y),
                    i = Math.max(this.x + this.width, e.x + e.width),
                    r = Math.max(this.y + this.height, e.y + e.height);
                return new s(t, n, i - t, r - n)
            center: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height / 2)
            top: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y)
            right: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height / 2)
            bottom: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height)
            left: function() {
                return new A(this.x, this.y + this.height / 2)
            topLeft: function() {
                return new A(this.x, this.y)
            topRight: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width, this.y)
            bottomLeft: function() {
                return new A(this.x, this.y + this.height)
            bottomRight: function() {
                return new A(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height)
            clone: function() {
                return new s(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)
            isEmpty: function() {
                return !this.width && !this.height
            equals: function(e) {
                return this.x === e.x && this.y === e.y && this.width === e.width && this.height === e.height
            rotatedBounds: function(e) {
                var t = this.clone(),
                    n = this.rotatedPoints(e),
                    i = n[0],
                    r = n[1],
                    o = n[2],
                    a = n[3];
                return t.x = Math.min(o.x, i.x, r.x, a.x), t.y = Math.min(o.y, i.y, r.y, a.y), t.width = Math.max(o.x, i.x, r.x, a.x) - t.x, t.height = Math.max(o.y, i.y, r.y, a.y) - t.y, t
            rotatedPoints: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.center(),
                    i = t.bottomRight().rotate(n, 360 - e),
                    r = t.topLeft().rotate(n, 360 - e),
                    o = t.topRight().rotate(n, 360 - e),
                    a = t.bottomLeft().rotate(n, 360 - e);
                return [r, o, i, a]
            toString: function(e) {
                return e = e || " ", this.x + e + this.y + e + this.width + e + this.height
            scale: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l = this.topLeft(),
                    c = this.center();
                l.rotate(c, 360 - r).rotate(i, r), o = n.minus(l), a = new A(o.x * e, o.y * t), s = o.minus(a), l = l.plus(s), l.rotate(i, 360 - r).rotate(c, r), this.x = l.x, this.y = l.y, this.width *= e, this.height *= t
            zoom: function(e) {
                return this.x *= e, this.y *= e, this.width *= e, this.height *= e, this
        }), l = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.width = e, this.height = t
        }), l.prototype.Empty = new l(0, 0), s.toRect = function(e) {
            return e instanceof s || (e = new s(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height)), e
        }, s.empty = function() {
            return new s(0, 0, 0, 0)
        }, s.fromPoints = function(e, t) {
            if (isNaN(e.x) || isNaN(e.y) || isNaN(t.x) || isNaN(t.y)) throw "Some values are NaN.";
            return new s(Math.min(e.x, t.x), Math.min(e.y, t.y), Math.abs(e.x - t.x), Math.abs(e.y - t.y))
        }, c = {
            lines: function(e, t, n, r) {
                return i(e, t, n, r)
            segments: function(e, t, n, r) {
                return i(e, t, n, r, !0)
            rectWithLine: function(e, t, n) {
                return c.segments(t, n, e.topLeft(), e.topRight()) || c.segments(t, n, e.topRight(), e.bottomRight()) || c.segments(t, n, e.bottomLeft(), e.bottomRight()) || c.segments(t, n, e.topLeft(), e.bottomLeft())
            rects: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o = t.topLeft(),
                    a = t.topRight(),
                    s = t.bottomLeft(),
                    l = t.bottomRight(),
                    d = t.center();
                return n && (o = o.rotate(d, n), a = a.rotate(d, n), s = s.rotate(d, n), l = l.rotate(d, n)), i = e.contains(o) || e.contains(a) || e.contains(s) || e.contains(l) || c.rectWithLine(e, o, a) || c.rectWithLine(e, o, s) || c.rectWithLine(e, a, l) || c.rectWithLine(e, s, l), i || (o = e.topLeft(), a = e.topRight(), s = e.bottomLeft(), l = e.bottomRight(), n && (r = 360 - n, o = o.rotate(d, r), a = a.rotate(d, r), s = s.rotate(d, r), l = l.rotate(d, r)), i = t.contains(o) || t.contains(a) || t.contains(s) || t.contains(l)), i
        }, d = C.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.container = s.toRect(e)
            align: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = t.toLowerCase().split(" ");
                for (n = 0; i.length > n; n++) e = this._singleAlign(e, i[n]);
                return e
            _singleAlign: function(e, t) {
                return E(this[t]) ? this[t](e) : e
            left: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._left)
            center: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._center)
            right: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._right)
            stretch: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._stretch)
            top: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._top)
            middle: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._middle)
            bottom: function(e) {
                return this._align(e, this._bottom)
            _left: function(e, t) {
                t.x = e.x
            _center: function(e, t) {
                t.x = (e.width - t.width) / 2 || 0
            _right: function(e, t) {
                t.x = e.width - t.width
            _top: function(e, t) {
                t.y = e.y
            _middle: function(e, t) {
                t.y = (e.height - t.height) / 2 || 0
            _bottom: function(e, t) {
                t.y = e.height - t.height
            _stretch: function(e, t) {
                t.x = 0, t.y = 0, t.height = e.height, t.width = e.width
            _align: function(e, t) {
                return e = s.toRect(e), t(this.container, e), e
        }), u = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.r = e, this.angle = t
        }), h = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                this.a = e || 0, this.b = t || 0, this.c = n || 0, this.d = i || 0, this.e = r || 0, this.f = o || 0
            plus: function(e) {
                this.a += e.a, this.b += e.b, this.c += e.c, this.d += e.d, this.e += e.e, this.f += e.f
            minus: function(e) {
                this.a -= e.a, this.b -= e.b, this.c -= e.c, this.d -= e.d, this.e -= e.e, this.f -= e.f
            times: function(e) {
                return new h(this.a * e.a + this.c * e.b, this.b * e.a + this.d * e.b, this.a * e.c + this.c * e.d, this.b * e.c + this.d * e.d, this.a * e.e + this.c * e.f + this.e, this.b * e.e + this.d * e.f + this.f)
            apply: function(e) {
                return new A(this.a * e.x + this.c * e.y + this.e, this.b * e.x + this.d * e.y + this.f)
            applyRect: function(e) {
                return s.fromPoints(this.apply(e.topLeft()), this.apply(e.bottomRight()))
            toString: function() {
                return "matrix(" + this.a + " " + this.b + " " + this.c + " " + this.d + " " + this.e + " " + this.f + ")"
        }), S(h, {
            fromSVGMatrix: function(e) {
                var t = new h;
                return t.a = e.a, t.b = e.b, t.c = e.c, t.d = e.d, t.e = e.e, t.f = e.f, t
            fromMatrixVector: function(e) {
                var t = new h;
                return t.a = e.a, t.b = e.b, t.c = e.c, t.d = e.d, t.e = e.e, t.f = e.f, t
            fromList: function(e) {
                if (6 !== e.length) throw "The given list should consist of six elements.";
                var t = new h;
                return t.a = e[0], t.b = e[1], t.c = e[2], t.d = e[3], t.e = e[4], t.f = e[5], t
            translation: function(e, t) {
                var n = new h;
                return n.a = 1, n.b = 0, n.c = 0, n.d = 1, n.e = e, n.f = t, n
            unit: function() {
                return new h(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
            rotation: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = new h;
                return i.a = Math.cos(e * Math.PI / 180), i.b = Math.sin(e * Math.PI / 180), i.c = -i.b, i.d = i.a, i.e = t - t * i.a + n * i.b || 0, i.f = n - n * i.a - t * i.b || 0, i
            scaling: function(e, t) {
                var n = new h;
                return n.a = e, n.b = 0, n.c = 0, n.d = t, n.e = 0, n.f = 0, n
            parse: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                if (e) {
                    if (e = e.trim(), "matrix" === e.slice(0, 6).toLowerCase()) {
                        if (n = e.slice(7, e.length - 1).trim(), t = n.split(","), 6 === t.length) return h.fromList(P(t, function(e) {
                            return parseFloat(e)
                        if (t = n.split(" "), 6 === t.length) return h.fromList(P(t, function(e) {
                            return parseFloat(e)
                    if ("(" === e.slice(0, 1) && ")" === e.slice(e.length - 1) && (e = e.substr(1, e.length - 1)), e.indexOf(",") > 0 && (t = e.split(","), 6 === t.length)) return h.fromList(P(t, function(e) {
                        return parseFloat(e)
                    if (e.indexOf(" ") > 0 && (t = e.split(" "), 6 === t.length)) return h.fromList(P(t, function(e) {
                        return parseFloat(e)
                return t
        }), p = C.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
                this.a = e || 0, this.b = t || 0, this.c = n || 0, this.d = i || 0, this.e = r || 0, this.f = o || 0
            fromMatrix: function(e) {
                var t = new p;
                return t.a = e.a, t.b = e.b, t.c = e.c, t.d = e.d, t.e = e.e, t.f = e.f, t
        }), f = {
            _distanceToLineSquared: function(e, t, n) {
                function i(e, t) {
                    return (e.x - t.x) * (e.x - t.x) + (e.y - t.y) * (e.y - t.y)
                if (t === n) return i(e, t);
                var r = n.x - t.x,
                    o = n.y - t.y,
                    a = (e.x - t.x) * r + (e.y - t.y) * o;
                return 0 > a ? i(t, e) : (a = (n.x - e.x) * r + (n.y - e.y) * o, 0 > a ? i(n, e) : (a = (n.x - e.x) * o - (n.y - e.y) * r, a * a / (r * r + o * o)))
            distanceToLine: function(e, t, n) {
                return Math.sqrt(this._distanceToLineSquared(e, t, n))
            distanceToPolyline: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                if (D.isUndefined(t) || 0 === t.length) return Number.MAX_VALUE;
                for (n = 0; t.length - 1 > n; n++) i = t[n], r = t[n + 1], o = this._distanceToLineSquared(e, i, r), a > o && (a = o);
                return Math.sqrt(a)
        }, g = k.Class.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._buckets = [], this.length = 0
            add: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._createGetBucket(e);
                return D.isDefined(t) && (n.value = t), n
            get: function(e) {
                return this._bucketExists(e) ? this._createGetBucket(e) : null
            set: function(e, t) {
                this.add(e, t)
            containsKey: function(e) {
                return this._bucketExists(e)
            remove: function(e) {
                if (this._bucketExists(e)) {
                    var t = this._hash(e);
                    return delete this._buckets[t], this.length--, e
            forEach: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this._hashes();
                for (t = 0, n = o.length; n > t; t++) i = o[t], r = this._buckets[i], D.isUndefined(r) || e(r)
            clone: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = new g,
                    o = this._hashes();
                for (e = 0, t = o.length; t > e; e++) n = o[e], i = this._buckets[n], D.isUndefined(i) || r.add(i.key, i.value);
                return r
            _hashes: function() {
                var e, t = [];
                for (e in this._buckets) this._buckets.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.push(e);
                return t
            _bucketExists: function(e) {
                var t = this._hash(e);
                return D.isDefined(this._buckets[t])
            _createGetBucket: function(e) {
                var t = this._hash(e),
                    n = this._buckets[t];
                return D.isUndefined(n) && (n = {
                    key: e
                }, this._buckets[t] = n, this.length++), n
            _hash: function(e) {
                if (D.isNumber(e)) return e;
                if (D.isString(e)) return this._hashString(e);
                if (D.isObject(e)) return this._objectHashId(e);
                throw "Unsupported key type."
            _hashString: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = 0;
                if (0 === e.length) return i;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e.charCodeAt(t), i = 32 * i - i + n;
                return i
            _objectHashId: function(e) {
                var t = e._hashId;
                return D.isUndefined(t) && (t = o(), e._hashId = t), t
        }), m = k.Observable.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                var n, i = this;
                if (k.Observable.fn.init.call(i), this._hashTable = new g, this.length = 0, D.isDefined(t))
                    if (e.isArray(t))
                        for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) this.add(t[n]);
                    else t.forEach(function(e, t) {
                        this.add(e, t)
                    }, this)
            add: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._hashTable.get(e);
                n || (n = this._hashTable.add(e), this.length++, this.trigger("changed")), n.value = t
            set: function(e, t) {
                this.add(e, t)
            get: function(e) {
                var t = this._hashTable.get(e);
                if (t) return t.value;
                throw Error("Cannot find key " + e)
            containsKey: function(e) {
                return this._hashTable.containsKey(e)
            remove: function(e) {
                return this.containsKey(e) ? (this.trigger("changed"), this.length--, this._hashTable.remove(e)) : t
            forEach: function(e, t) {
                this._hashTable.forEach(function(n) {
                    e.call(t, n.key, n.value)
            forEachValue: function(e, t) {
                this._hashTable.forEach(function(n) {
                    e.call(t, n.value)
            forEachKey: function(e, t) {
                this._hashTable.forEach(function(n) {
                    e.call(t, n.key)
            keys: function() {
                var e = [];
                return this.forEachKey(function(t) {
                }), e
        }), v = k.Class.extend({
            init: function() {
                this._tail = null, this._head = null, this.length = 0
            enqueue: function(e) {
                var t = {
                    value: e,
                    next: null
                this._head ? (this._tail.next = t, this._tail = this._tail.next) : (this._head = t, this._tail = this._head), this.length++
            dequeue: function() {
                if (1 > this.length) throw Error("The queue is empty.");
                var e = this._head.value;
                return this._head = this._head.next, this.length--, e
            contains: function(e) {
                for (var t = this._head; t;) {
                    if (t.value === e) return !0;
                    t = t.next
                return !1
        }), _ = k.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                k.Observable.fn.init.call(t), this._hashTable = new g, this.length = 0, D.isDefined(e) && (e instanceof g ? e.forEach(function(e) {
                }) : e instanceof m && e.forEach(function(e, t) {
                        key: e,
                        value: t
                }, this))
            contains: function(e) {
                return this._hashTable.containsKey(e)
            add: function(e) {
                var t = this._hashTable.get(e);
                t || (this._hashTable.add(e, e), this.length++, this.trigger("changed"))
            get: function(e) {
                return this.contains(e) ? this._hashTable.get(e).value : null
            hash: function(e) {
                return this._hashTable._hash(e)
            remove: function(e) {
                this.contains(e) && (this._hashTable.remove(e), this.length--, this.trigger("changed"))
            forEach: function(e, t) {
                this._hashTable.forEach(function(t) {
                }, t)
            toArray: function() {
                var e = [];
                return this.forEach(function(t) {
                }), e
        }), w = k.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                if (this.links = [], this.outgoing = [], this.incoming = [], this.weight = 1, this.id = D.isDefined(e) ? e : o(), D.isDefined(t)) {
                    this.associatedShape = t;
                    var n = t.bounds();
                    this.width = n.width, this.height = n.height, this.x = n.x, this.y = n.y
                } else this.associatedShape = null;
                this.data = null, this.type = "Node", this.shortForm = "Node '" + this.id + "'", this.isVirtual = !1
            isIsolated: function() {
                return D.isEmpty(this.links)
            bounds: function(e) {
                return D.isDefined(e) ? (this.x = e.x, this.y = e.y, this.width = e.width, this.height = e.height, t) : new x.Rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)
            isLinkedTo: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                return D.any(t.links, function(n) {
                    return n.getComplement(t) === e
            getChildren: function() {
                var e, t, n, i;
                if (0 === this.outgoing.length) return [];
                for (e = [], t = 0, n = this.outgoing.length; n > t; t++) i = this.outgoing[t], e.push(i.getComplement(this));
                return e
            getParents: function() {
                var e, t, n, i;
                if (0 === this.incoming.length) return [];
                for (e = [], t = 0, n = this.incoming.length; n > t; t++) i = this.incoming[t], e.push(i.getComplement(this));
                return e
            clone: function() {
                var e = new w;
                return D.isDefined(this.weight) && (e.weight = this.weight), D.isDefined(this.balance) && (e.balance = this.balance), D.isDefined(this.owner) && (e.owner = this.owner), e.associatedShape = this.associatedShape, e.x = this.x, e.y = this.y, e.width = this.width, e.height = this.height, e
            adjacentTo: function(e) {
                return null !== this.isLinkedTo(e)
            removeLink: function(e) {
                e.source === this && (D.remove(this.links, e), D.remove(this.outgoing, e), e.source = null), e.target === this && (D.remove(this.links, e), D.remove(this.incoming, e), e.target = null)
            hasLinkTo: function(e) {
                return D.any(this.outgoing, function(t) {
                    return t.target === e
            degree: function() {
                return this.links.length
            incidentWith: function(e) {
                return I(this.links, e)
            getLinksWith: function(e) {
                return D.all(this.links, function(t) {
                    return t.getComplement(this) === e
                }, this)
            getNeighbors: function() {
                var e = [];
                return D.forEach(this.incoming, function(t) {
                }, this), D.forEach(this.outgoing, function(t) {
                }, this), e
        }), b = k.Class.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n, i) {
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "The source of the new link is not set.";
                if (D.isUndefined(t)) throw "The target of the new link is not set.";
                var r, a;
                r = D.isString(e) ? new w(e) : e, a = D.isString(t) ? new w(t) : t, this.source = r, this.target = a, this.source.links.push(this), this.target.links.push(this), this.source.outgoing.push(this), this.target.incoming.push(this), this.id = D.isDefined(n) ? n : o(), this.associatedConnection = D.isDefined(i) ? i : null, this.type = "Link", this.shortForm = "Link '" + this.source.id + "->" + this.target.id + "'"
            getComplement: function(e) {
                if (this.source !== e && this.target !== e) throw "The given node is not incident with this link.";
                return this.source === e ? this.target : this.source
            getCommonNode: function(e) {
                return this.source === e.source || this.source === e.target ? this.source : this.target === e.source || this.target === e.target ? this.target : null
            isBridging: function(e, t) {
                return this.source === e && this.target === t || this.source === t && this.target === e
            getNodes: function() {
                return [this.source, this.target]
            incidentWith: function(e) {
                return this.source === e || this.target === e
            adjacentTo: function(e) {
                return I(this.source.links, e) || I(this.target.links, e)
            changeSource: function(e) {
                D.remove(this.source.links, this), D.remove(this.source.outgoing, this), e.links.push(this), e.outgoing.push(this), this.source = e
            changeTarget: function(e) {
                D.remove(this.target.links, this), D.remove(this.target.incoming, this), e.links.push(this), e.incoming.push(this), this.target = e
            changesNodes: function(e, t) {
                this.source === e ? this.changeSource(t) : this.target === e && this.changeTarget(t)
            reverse: function() {
                var e = this.source,
                    t = this.target;
                return this.source = t, D.remove(e.outgoing, this), this.source.outgoing.push(this), this.target = e, D.remove(t.incoming, this), this.target.incoming.push(this), this
            directTo: function(e) {
                if (this.source !== e && this.target !== e) throw "The given node is not incident with this link.";
                this.target !== e && this.reverse()
            createReverseEdge: function() {
                var e = this.clone();
                return e.reverse(), e.reversed = !0, e
            clone: function() {
                var e = new b(this.source, this.target);
                return e
        }), y = k.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.links = [], this.nodes = [], this.diagram = null, this._root = null, D.isDefined(e) ? D.isString(e) ? this.id = e : (this.diagram = e, this.id = e.id) : this.id = o(), this.bounds = new s, this._hasCachedRelationships = !1, this.type = "Graph"
            cacheRelationships: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                if (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = !1), !this._hasCachedRelationships || e) {
                    for (t = 0, n = this.nodes.length; n > t; t++) i = this.nodes[t], i.children = this.getChildren(i), i.parents = this.getParents(i);
                    this._hasCachedRelationships = !0
            assignLevels: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a;
                if (!e) throw "Start node not specified.";
                for (D.isUndefined(t) && (t = 0), this.cacheRelationships(), D.isUndefined(n) && (n = new m, D.forEach(this.nodes, function(e) {
                    n.add(e, !1)
                })), n.set(e, !0), e.level = t, i = e.children, r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) a = i[r], a && !n.get(a) && this.assignLevels(a, t + 1, n)
            root: function(e) {
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) {
                    if (this._root) return this._root;
                    var t = D.first(this.nodes, function(e) {
                        return 0 === e.incoming.length
                    return t ? t : D.first(this.nodes)
                this._root = e
            getConnectedComponents: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r;
                for (this.componentIndex = 0, this.setItemIndices(), e = D.initArray(this.nodes.length, -1), t = 0; this.nodes.length > t; t++) - 1 === e[t] && (this._collectConnectedNodes(e, t), this.componentIndex++);
                for (n = [], i = 0; this.componentIndex > i; ++i) n[i] = new y;
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; ++i) r = n[e[i]], r.addNodeAndOutgoings(this.nodes[i]);
                return n.sort(function(e, t) {
                    return t.nodes.length - e.nodes.length
                }), n
            _collectConnectedNodes: function(e, t) {
                e[t] = this.componentIndex;
                var n = this.nodes[t];
                D.forEach(n.links, function(t) {
                    var i = t.getComplement(n),
                        r = i.index; - 1 === e[r] && this._collectConnectedNodes(e, r)
                }, this)
            calcBounds: function() {
                var e, t, n, i;
                if (this.isEmpty()) return this.bounds = new s;
                for (e = null, t = 0, n = this.nodes.length; n > t; t++) i = this.nodes[t], e = e ? e.union(i.bounds()) : i.bounds();
                return this.bounds = e
            getSpanningTree: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p = new y,
                    f = new m;
                for (p.root = e.clone(), p.root.level = 0, p.root.id = e.id, f.add(e, p.root), e.level = 0, i = [], r = [], p.nodes.push(p.root), i.push(e), r.push(e), o = 1; r.length > 0;)
                    for (a = r.pop(), s = 0; a.links.length > s; s++) l = a.links[s], c = l.getComplement(a), I(i, c) || (c.level = a.level + 1, c.level + 1 > o && (o = c.level + 1), I(r, c) || r.push(c), I(i, c) || i.push(c), f.containsKey(a) ? t = f.get(a) : (t = a.clone(), t.level = a.level, t.id = a.id, f.add(a, t)), f.containsKey(c) ? n = f.get(c) : (n = c.clone(), n.level = c.level, n.id = c.id, f.add(c, n)), d = new b(t, n), p.addLink(d));
                for (u = [], h = 0; o > h; h++) u.push([]);
                return D.forEach(p.nodes, function(e) {
                }), p.treeLevels = u, p.cacheRelationships(), p
            takeRandomNode: function(t, n) {
                if (D.isUndefined(t) && (t = []), D.isUndefined(n) && (n = 4), 0 === this.nodes.length) return null;
                if (1 === this.nodes.length) return I(t, this.nodes[0]) ? null : this.nodes[0];
                var i = e.grep(this.nodes, function(e) {
                    return !I(t, e) && e.degree() <= n
                return D.isEmpty(i) ? null : i[D.randomInteger(0, i.length)]
            isEmpty: function() {
                return D.isEmpty(this.nodes)
            isHealthy: function() {
                return D.all(this.links, function(e) {
                    return I(this.nodes, e.source) && I(this.nodes, e.target)
                }, this)
            getParents: function(e) {
                if (!this.hasNode(e)) throw "The given node is not part of this graph.";
                return e.getParents()
            getChildren: function(e) {
                if (!this.hasNode(e)) throw "The given node is not part of this graph.";
                return e.getChildren()
            addLink: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a;
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "The source of the link is not defined.";
                if (D.isUndefined(n)) {
                    if (D.isDefined(e.type) && "Link" === e.type) return this.addExistingLink(e), t;
                    throw "The target of the link is not defined."
                return r = this.getNode(e), D.isUndefined(r) && (r = this.addNode(e)), o = this.getNode(n), D.isUndefined(o) && (o = this.addNode(n)), a = new b(r, o), D.isDefined(i) && (a.owner = i), this.links.push(a), a
            removeAllLinks: function() {
                for (; this.links.length > 0;) {
                    var e = this.links[0];
            addExistingLink: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                this.hasLink(e) || (this.links.push(e), this.hasNode(e.source.id) ? (t = this.getNode(e.source.id), e.changeSource(t)) : this.addNode(e.source), this.hasNode(e.target.id) ? (n = this.getNode(e.target.id), e.changeTarget(n)) : this.addNode(e.target))
            hasLink: function(e) {
                if (D.isString(e)) return D.any(this.links, function(t) {
                    return t.id === e
                if ("Link" === e.type) return I(this.links, e);
                throw "The given object is neither an identifier nor a Link."
            getNode: function(e) {
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "No identifier or Node specified.";
                return D.isString(e) ? D.find(this.nodes, function(t) {
                    return t.id == e
                }) : this.hasNode(e) ? e : null
            hasNode: function(e) {
                if (D.isString(e)) return D.any(this.nodes, function(t) {
                    return t.id === e
                if (D.isObject(e)) return D.any(this.nodes, function(t) {
                    return t === e
                throw "The identifier should be a Node or the Id (string) of a node."
            removeNode: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = e;
                if (D.isString(e) && (o = this.getNode(e)), !D.isDefined(o)) throw "The identifier should be a Node or the Id (string) of a node.";
                for (t = o.links, o.links = [], n = 0, i = t.length; i > n; n++) r = t[n], this.removeLink(r);
                D.remove(this.nodes, o)
            areConnected: function(e, t) {
                return D.any(this.links, function(n) {
                    return n.source == e && n.target == t || n.source == t && n.target == e
            removeLink: function(e) {
                D.remove(this.links, e), D.remove(e.source.outgoing, e), D.remove(e.source.links, e), D.remove(e.target.incoming, e), D.remove(e.target.links, e)
            addNode: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = null;
                if (!D.isDefined(e)) throw "No Node or identifier for a new Node is given.";
                if (D.isString(e)) {
                    if (this.hasNode(e)) return this.getNode(e);
                    i = new w(e)
                } else {
                    if (this.hasNode(e)) return this.getNode(e);
                    i = e
                return D.isDefined(t) && i.bounds(t), D.isDefined(n) && (i.owner = n), this.nodes.push(i), i
            addNodeAndOutgoings: function(e) {
                I(this.nodes, e) || this.nodes.push(e);
                var t = e.outgoing;
                e.outgoing = [], D.forEach(t, function(e) {
                }, this)
            setItemIndices: function() {
                var e;
                for (e = 0; this.nodes.length > e; ++e) this.nodes[e].index = e;
                for (e = 0; this.links.length > e; ++e) this.links[e].index = e
            clone: function(e) {
                var t, n = new y,
                    i = D.isDefined(e) && e === !0;
                return i && (n.nodeMap = new m, n.linkMap = new m), t = new m, D.forEach(this.nodes, function(e) {
                    var r = e.clone();
                    t.set(e, r), n.nodes.push(r), i && n.nodeMap.set(r, e)
                }), D.forEach(this.links, function(e) {
                    if (t.containsKey(e.source) && t.containsKey(e.target)) {
                        var r = n.addLink(t.get(e.source), t.get(e.target));
                        i && n.linkMap.set(r, e)
                }), n
            linearize: function(e) {
                return y.Utils.linearize(this, e)
            depthFirstTraversal: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "You need to supply a starting node.";
                if (D.isUndefined(t)) throw "You need to supply an action.";
                if (!this.hasNode(e)) throw "The given start-node is not part of this graph";
                n = this.getNode(e), i = [], this._dftIterator(n, t, i)
            _dftIterator: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a;
                for (t(e), n.push(e), i = e.getChildren(), r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) a = i[r], I(n, a) || this._dftIterator(a, t, n)
            breadthFirstTraversal: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "You need to supply a starting node.";
                if (D.isUndefined(t)) throw "You need to supply an action.";
                if (!this.hasNode(e)) throw "The given start-node is not part of this graph";
                for (n = this.getNode(e), i = new v, r = [], i.enqueue(n); i.length > 0;)
                    for (o = i.dequeue(), t(o), r.push(o), a = o.getChildren(), s = 0, l = a.length; l > s; s++) c = a[s], I(r, c) || I(i, c) || i.enqueue(c)
            _stronglyConnectedComponents: function(e, t, n, i, r, o, a) {
                var s, l, c, d, u;
                for (n.add(t, a), i.add(t, a), a++, o.push(t), s = t.getChildren(), c = 0, d = s.length; d > c; c++) l = s[c], n.containsKey(l) ? I(o, l) && i.add(t, Math.min(i.get(t), n.get(l))) : (this._stronglyConnectedComponents(e, l, n, i, r, o, a), i.add(t, Math.min(i.get(t), i.get(l))));
                if (i.get(t) === n.get(t)) {
                    u = [];
                    do l = o.pop(), u.push(l); while (l !== t);
                    (!e || u.length > 1) && r.push(u)
            findCycles: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                for (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = !0), t = new m, n = new m, i = [], r = [], o = 0, a = this.nodes.length; a > o; o++) s = this.nodes[o], t.containsKey(s) || this._stronglyConnectedComponents(e, s, t, n, i, r, 0);
                return i
            isAcyclic: function() {
                return D.isEmpty(this.findCycles())
            isSubGraph: function(e) {
                var t = e.linearize(),
                    n = this.linearize();
                return D.all(t, function(e) {
                    return I(n, e)
            makeAcyclic: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, A, E, I, P, M, z;
                if (this.isEmpty() || 1 >= this.nodes.length || 1 >= this.links.length) return [];
                if (2 == this.nodes.length) {
                    if (e = [], this.links.length > 1)
                        for (t = this.links[0], n = t.source, i = 0, r = this.links.length; r > i; i++) o = this.links[i], o.source != n && (a = o.reverse(), e.push(a));
                    return e
                for (s = this.clone(!0), l = this.nodes.length, c = new m, d = function(e) {
                    return 0 === e.outgoing.length ? 2 - l : 0 === e.incoming.length ? l - 2 : e.outgoing.length - e.incoming.length
                }, u = function(e, t) {
                    var n = d(e, l);
                    t.containsKey(n) || t.set(n, []), t.get(n).push(e)
                }, D.forEach(s.nodes, function(e) {
                    u(e, c)
                }), h = [], p = []; s.nodes.length > 0;) {
                    if (c.containsKey(2 - l))
                        for (_ = c.get(2 - l); _.length > 0;) {
                            for (g = _.pop(), w = 0; g.links.length > w; w++) b = g.links[w], f = b.getComplement(g), v = d(f, l), D.remove(c.get(v), f), f.removeLink(b), u(f, c);
                            D.remove(s.nodes, g), p.unshift(g)
                    if (c.containsKey(l - 2))
                        for (y = c.get(l - 2); y.length > 0;) {
                            for (f = y.pop(), k = 0; f.links.length > k; k++) x = f.links[k], g = x.getComplement(f), v = d(g, l), D.remove(c.get(v), g), g.removeLink(x), u(g, c);
                            h.push(f), D.remove(s.nodes, f)
                    if (s.nodes.length > 0)
                        for (C = l - 3; C > 2 - l; C--)
                            if (c.containsKey(C) && c.get(C).length > 0) {
                                for (S = c.get(C), T = S.pop(), A = 0; T.links.length > A; A++) E = T.links[A], I = E.getComplement(T), v = d(I, l), D.remove(c.get(v), I), I.removeLink(E), u(I, c);
                                h.push(T), D.remove(s.nodes, T);
                for (h = h.concat(p), P = new m, M = 0; this.nodes.length > M; M++) P.set(s.nodeMap.get(h[M]), M);
                return z = [], D.forEach(this.links, function(e) {
                    P.get(e.source) > P.get(e.target) && (e.reverse(), z.push(e))
                }), z
        }), y.Predefined = {
            EightGraph: function() {
                return y.Utils.parse(["1->2", "2->3", "3->4", "4->1", "3->5", "5->6", "6->7", "7->3"])
            Mindmap: function() {
                return y.Utils.parse(["0->1", "0->2", "0->3", "0->4", "0->5", "1->6", "1->7", "7->8", "2->9", "9->10", "9->11", "3->12", "12->13", "13->14", "4->15", "4->16", "15->17", "15->18", "18->19", "18->20", "14->21", "14->22", "5->23", "23->24", "23->25", "6->26"])
            ThreeGraph: function() {
                return y.Utils.parse(["1->2", "2->3", "3->1"])
            BinaryTree: function(e) {
                return D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 5), y.Utils.createBalancedTree(e, 2)
            Linear: function(e) {
                return D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 10), y.Utils.createBalancedTree(e, 1)
            Tree: function(e, t) {
                return y.Utils.createBalancedTree(e, t)
            Forest: function(e, t, n) {
                return y.Utils.createBalancedForest(e, t, n)
            Workflow: function() {
                return y.Utils.parse(["0->1", "1->2", "2->3", "1->4", "4->3", "3->5", "5->6", "6->3", "6->7", "5->4"])
            Grid: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = new x.Graph;
                if (0 >= e && 0 >= t) return s;
                for (n = 0; e + 1 > n; n++)
                    for (i = null, r = 0; t + 1 > r; r++) o = new w("" + n + "." + r), s.addNode(o), i && s.addLink(i, o), n > 0 && (a = s.getNode("" + (n - 1) + "." + r), s.addLink(a, o)), i = o;
                return s
        }, y.Utils = {
            parse: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a = new x.Graph,
                    s = e.slice();
                for (n = 0, i = s.length; i > n; n++) {
                    if (r = s[n], D.isString(r)) {
                        if (r.indexOf("->") < 0) throw "The link should be specified as 'a->b'.";
                        if (o = r.split("->"), 2 != o.length) throw "The link should be specified as 'a->b'.";
                        t = new b(o[0], o[1]), a.addLink(t)
                    if (D.isObject(r)) {
                        if (!t) throw "Specification found before Link definition.";
                        k.deepExtend(t, r)
                return a
            linearize: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "Expected an instance of a Graph object in slot one.";
                for (D.isUndefined(t) && (t = !1), n = [], i = 0, r = e.links.length; r > i; i++) o = e.links[i], n.push(o.source.id + "->" + o.target.id), t && n.push({
                    id: o.id
                return n
            _addShape: function(e, t, n, i) {
                return D.isUndefined(t) && (t = new x.Point(0, 0)), D.isUndefined(n) && (n = o()), i = k.deepExtend({
                    width: 20,
                    height: 20,
                    id: n,
                    radius: 10,
                    fill: "#778899",
                    data: "circle",
                    undoable: !1,
                    x: t.x,
                    y: t.y
                }, i), e.addShape(i)
            _addConnection: function(e, t, n, i) {
                return e.connect(t, n, i)
            createDiagramFromGraph: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b;
                if (D.isUndefined(e)) throw "The diagram surface is undefined.";
                if (D.isUndefined(t)) throw "No graph specification defined.";
                for (D.isUndefined(n) && (n = !0), D.isUndefined(i) && (i = !1), r = e.element.clientWidth || 200, o = e.element.clientHeight || 200, a = [], d = 0, u = t.nodes.length; u > d; d++) l = t.nodes[d], h = l.position, D.isUndefined(h) && (h = D.isDefined(l.x) && D.isDefined(l.y) ? new A(l.x, l.y) : new A(D.randomInteger(10, r - 20), D.randomInteger(10, o - 20))), p = {}, "0" === l.id || i && k.deepExtend(p, {
                    width: 150 * Math.random() + 20,
                    height: 80 * Math.random() + 50,
                    data: "rectangle",
                    fill: {
                        color: "#778899"
                }), c = this._addShape(e, h, l.id, p), f = c.bounds(), D.isDefined(f) && (l.x = f.x, l.y = f.y, l.width = f.width, l.height = f.height), a[l.id] = c;
                for (g = 0; t.links.length > g; g++) m = t.links[g], v = a[m.source.id], D.isUndefined(v) || (_ = a[m.target.id], D.isUndefined(_) || this._addConnection(e, v, _, {
                    id: m.id
                if (n)
                    for (w = new e.SpringLayout(e), w.layoutGraph(t, {
                        limitToView: !1
                    }), b = 0; t.nodes.length > b; b++) l = t.nodes[b], c = a[l.id], c.bounds(new s(l.x, l.y, l.width, l.height))
            createBalancedTree: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u;
                if (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 3), D.isUndefined(t) && (t = 3), n = new x.Graph, i = -1, r = [], 0 >= e || 0 >= t) return n;
                for (a = new w("" + ++i), n.addNode(a), n.root = a, r.push(a), s = 0; e > s; s++) {
                    for (o = [], l = 0; r.length > l; l++)
                        for (c = r[l], d = 0; t > d; d++) u = new w("" + ++i), n.addLink(c, u), o.push(u);
                    r = o
                return n
            createBalancedForest: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p;
                if (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 3), D.isUndefined(t) && (t = 3), D.isUndefined(n) && (n = 5), i = new x.Graph, r = -1, o = [], 0 >= e || 0 >= t || 0 >= n) return i;
                for (s = 0; n > s; s++)
                    for (l = new w("" + ++r), i.addNode(l), o = [l], c = 0; e > c; c++) {
                        for (a = [], d = 0; o.length > d; d++)
                            for (u = o[d], h = 0; t > h; h++) p = new w("" + ++r), i.addLink(u, p), a.push(p);
                        o = a
                return i
            createRandomConnectedGraph: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h;
                if (D.isUndefined(e) && (e = 40), D.isUndefined(t) && (t = 4), D.isUndefined(n) && (n = !1), i = new x.Graph, r = -1, 0 >= e) return i;
                if (o = new w("" + ++r), i.addNode(o), 1 === e) return i;
                if (e > 1) {
                    for (a = 1; e > a && (s = i.takeRandomNode([], t), s); a++) l = i.addNode("" + a), i.addLink(s, l);
                    if (!n && e > 1)
                        for (c = D.randomInteger(1, e), d = 0; c > d; d++) u = i.takeRandomNode([], t), h = i.takeRandomNode([], t), u && h && !i.areConnected(u, h) && i.addLink(u, h);
                    return i
            randomDiagram: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o = k.dataviz.diagram.Graph.Utils.createRandomConnectedGraph(t, n, i);
                y.Utils.createDiagramFromGraph(e, o, !1, r)
        }, k.deepExtend(x, {
            init: function(e) {
                k.init(e, x.ui)
            Point: A,
            Intersect: c,
            Geometry: f,
            Rect: s,
            Size: l,
            RectAlign: d,
            Matrix: h,
            MatrixVector: p,
            normalVariable: r,
            randomId: o,
            Dictionary: m,
            HashTable: g,
            Queue: v,
            Set: _,
            Node: w,
            Link: b,
            Graph: y,
            PathDefiner: a
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            return {
                x: e.x || 0,
                y: e.y || 0,
                width: e.width || 0,
                height: e.height || 0

        function i(e) {
            if (e) {
                var t = e;
                return B(t) && (t = {
                    color: t
                }), t.color && (t.color = r(t.color)), t

        function r(e) {
            var t;
            return t = e != W ? new O.Color(e).toHex() : e

        function o(e, t) {
            var n = t.x - e.x,
                i = t.y - e.y,
                r = A.util.deg(Math.atan2(i, n));
            return r

        function a(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = this.options,
                a = !1;
            for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++) i = t[r], n = e[i], H(n) && o[i] !== n && (o[i] = n, a = !0);
            return a

        function s(e, t) {
            return new O.Segment(new N.Point(e, t))
        var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A = window.kendo,
            E = A.dataviz.diagram,
            I = A.Class,
            P = A.deepExtend,
            M = E.Point,
            z = E.Rect,
            F = E.Matrix,
            R = E.Utils,
            H = R.isNumber,
            B = R.isString,
            L = E.MatrixVector,
            N = A.geometry,
            O = A.drawing,
            V = A.util.defined,
            U = e.inArray,
            W = "transparent",
            j = {
                none: "none",
                arrowStart: "ArrowStart",
                filledCircle: "FilledCircle",
                arrowEnd: "ArrowEnd"
            G = 360,
            q = "start",
            $ = "end",
            Y = "width",
            Q = "height",
            K = "x",
            X = "y";
        E.Markers = j, l = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.x = e, this.y = t
            toMatrix: function() {
                return F.scaling(this.x, this.y)
            toString: function() {
                return A.format("scale({0},{1})", this.x, this.y)
            invert: function() {
                return new l(1 / this.x, 1 / this.y)
        }), c = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.x = e, this.y = t
            toMatrixVector: function() {
                return new L(0, 0, 0, 0, this.x, this.y)
            toMatrix: function() {
                return F.translation(this.x, this.y)
            toString: function() {
                return A.format("translate({0},{1})", this.x, this.y)
            plus: function(e) {
                this.x += e.x, this.y += e.y
            times: function(e) {
                this.x *= e, this.y *= e
            length: function() {
                return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)
            normalize: function() {
                0 !== this.Length && this.times(1 / this.length())
            invert: function() {
                return new c(-this.x, -this.y)
        }), d = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.x = t || 0, this.y = n || 0, this.angle = e
            toString: function() {
                return this.x && this.y ? A.format("rotate({0},{1},{2})", this.angle, this.x, this.y) : A.format("rotate({0})", this.angle)
            toMatrix: function() {
                return F.rotation(this.angle, this.x, this.y)
            center: function() {
                return new M(this.x, this.y)
            invert: function() {
                return new d(G - this.angle, this.x, this.y)
        }), d.create = function(e) {
            return new d(e.angle, e.x, e.y)
        }, d.parse = function(e) {
            var t = e.slice(1, e.length - 1).split(","),
                n = t[0],
                i = t[1],
                r = t[2],
                o = new d(n, i, r);
            return o
        }, u = I.extend({
            init: function(e, n, i, r, o, a) {
                this.translate = new c(e, n), i !== t && r !== t && (this.scale = new l(i, r)), o !== t && (this.rotate = a ? new d(o, a.x, a.y) : new d(o))
            toString: function() {
                var e = function(e) {
                    return e ? "" + e : ""
                return e(this.translate) + e(this.rotate) + e(this.scale)
            render: function(e) {
                e._transform = this, e._renderTransform()
            toMatrix: function() {
                var e = F.unit();
                return this.translate && (e = e.times(this.translate.toMatrix())), this.rotate && (e = e.times(this.rotate.toMatrix())), this.scale && (e = e.times(this.scale.toMatrix())), e
            invert: function() {
                var e, n, i = this.rotate ? this.rotate.invert() : t,
                    r = i ? i.toMatrix() : F.unit(),
                    o = this.scale ? this.scale.invert() : t,
                    a = o ? o.toMatrix() : F.unit(),
                    s = new M(-this.translate.x, -this.translate.y);
                return s = r.times(a).apply(s), e = new c(s.x, s.y), n = new u, n.translate = e, n.rotate = i, n.scale = o, n
        }), h = {
            _setScale: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this._originWidth,
                    n = this._originHeight,
                    i = e.width / t,
                    r = e.height / n;
                H(i) || (i = 1), H(r) || (r = 1), this._transform.scale = new l(i, r)
            _setTranslate: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.x || 0,
                    n = e.y || 0;
                this._transform.translate = new c(t, n)
            _initSize: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = !1;
                e.autoSize !== !1 && (V(e.width) || V(e.height)) && (this._measure(!0), this._setScale(), t = !0), (V(e.x) || V(e.y)) && (this._setTranslate(), t = !0), t && this._renderTransform()
            _updateSize: function(e) {
                var t = !1;
                return this.options.autoSize !== !1 && this._diffNumericOptions(e, [Y, Q]) && (t = !0, this._measure(!0), this._setScale()), this._diffNumericOptions(e, [K, X]) && (t = !0, this._setTranslate()), t && this._renderTransform(), t
        }, p = I.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.options = P({}, t.options, e), t.id = t.options.id, t._originSize = z.empty(), t._transform = new u
            visible: function(e) {
                return this.drawingContainer().visible(e)
            redraw: function(e) {
                e && e.id && (this.id = e.id)
            position: function(e, n) {
                var i = this.options;
                return V(e) ? (V(n) ? (i.x = e, i.y = n) : e instanceof M && (i.x = e.x, i.y = e.y), this._transform.translate = new c(i.x, i.y), this._renderTransform(), t) : new M(i.x, i.y)
            rotate: function(e, t) {
                return V(e) && (this._transform.rotate = new d(e, t.x, t.y), this._renderTransform()), this._transform.rotate || new d(0)
            drawingContainer: function() {
                return this.drawingElement
            _renderTransform: function() {
                var e = this._transform.toMatrix();
                this.drawingContainer().transform(new N.Matrix(e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.e, e.f))
            _hover: function() {},
            _diffNumericOptions: a,
            _measure: function(e) {
                var t, n, i;
                return !this._measured || e ? (n = this._boundingBox() || new N.Rect, i = n.topLeft(), t = new z(i.x, i.y, n.width(), n.height()), this._originSize = t, this._originWidth = t.width, this._originHeight = t.height, this._measured = !0) : t = this._originSize, t
            _boundingBox: function() {
                return this.drawingElement.rawBBox()
        }), f = p.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                p.fn.init.call(this, e), e = this.options, e.fill = i(e.fill), e.stroke = i(e.stroke)
            options: {
                stroke: {
                    color: "gray",
                    width: 1
                fill: {
                    color: W
            fill: function(e, t) {
                    color: r(e),
                    opacity: t
            stroke: function(e, t, n) {
                    color: r(e),
                    width: t,
                    opacity: n
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                e && (t = e.stroke, n = e.fill, t && this._stroke(i(t)), n && this._fill(i(n)), p.fn.redraw.call(this, e))
            _hover: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.drawingElement,
                    r = this.options,
                    o = r.hover;
                o && o.fill && (t = e ? i(o.fill) : r.fill, n.fill(t.color, t.opacity))
            _stroke: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.options;
                P(n, {
                    stroke: e
                }), e = n.stroke, t = null, e.width > 0 && (t = {
                    color: e.color,
                    width: e.width,
                    opacity: e.opacity,
                    dashType: e.dashType
                }), this.drawingElement.options.set("stroke", t)
            _fill: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.options;
                P(r, {
                    fill: e || {}
                }), t = r.fill, t.gradient ? (n = t.gradient, i = "radial" === n.type ? O.RadialGradient : O.LinearGradient, this.drawingElement.fill(new i(n))) : this.drawingElement.fill(t.color, t.opacity)
        }), g = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this._textColor(e), f.fn.init.call(this, e), this._font(), this._initText(), this._initSize()
            options: {
                fontSize: 15,
                fontFamily: "sans-serif",
                stroke: {
                    width: 0
                fill: {
                    color: "black"
                autoSize: !0
            _initText: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.drawingElement = new O.Text(V(e.text) ? e.text : "", new N.Point, {
                    font: e.font
                }), this._fill(), this._stroke()
            _textColor: function(e) {
                e && e.color && P(e, {
                    fill: {
                        color: e.color
            _font: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                e.fontFamily && V(e.fontSize) ? e.font = e.fontSize + "px " + e.fontFamily : delete e.font
            content: function(e) {
                return this.drawingElement.content(e)
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                e && (t = !1, n = this.options, this._textColor(e), f.fn.redraw.call(this, e), (e.fontFamily || V(e.fontSize)) && (P(n, {
                    fontFamily: e.fontFamily,
                    fontSize: e.fontSize
                }), this._font(), this.drawingElement.options.set("font", n.font), t = !0), e.text && (this.content(e.text), t = !0), !this._updateSize(e) && t && this._initSize())
        }), P(g.fn, h), m = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initPath(), this._setPosition()
            _setPosition: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = e.x,
                    n = e.y;
                (V(t) || V(n)) && this.position(t || 0, n || 0)
            redraw: function(e) {
                e && (f.fn.redraw.call(this, e), this._diffNumericOptions(e, [Y, Q]) && this._drawPath(), this._diffNumericOptions(e, [K, X]) && this._setPosition())
            _initPath: function() {
                    var e = this.options;
                    this.drawingElement = new O.Path({
                        stroke: e.stroke,
                        closed: !0
                this._fill(), this._drawPath()
            _drawPath: function() {
                var e = this.drawingElement,
                    t = n(this.options),
                    i = t.width,
                    r = t.height;
                e.segments.elements([s(0, 0), s(i, 0), s(i, r), s(0, r)])
        }), v = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e);
                var t = this.options.anchor;
                this.anchor = new N.Point(t.x, t.y), this.createElement()
            options: {
                stroke: {
                    color: W,
                    width: 0
                fill: {
                    color: "black"
            _transformToPath: function(e, t) {
                var n = t.transform();
                return e && n && (e = e.transformCopy(n)), e
            redraw: function(e) {
                e && (e.position && (this.options.position = e.position), f.fn.redraw.call(this, e))
        }), _ = v.extend({
            options: {
                radius: 4,
                anchor: {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
            createElement: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.drawingElement = new O.Circle(new N.Circle(this.anchor, e.radius), {
                    fill: e.fill,
                    stroke: e.stroke
            positionMarker: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.options,
                    r = i.position,
                    o = e.segments;
                t = r == q ? o[0] : o[o.length - 1], t && (n = this._transformToPath(t.anchor(), e), this.drawingElement.transform(N.transform().translate(n.x, n.y)))
        }), w = v.extend({
            options: {
                path: "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 L 3 5 z",
                anchor: {
                    x: 10,
                    y: 5
            createElement: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.drawingElement = O.Path.parse(e.path, {
                    fill: e.fill,
                    stroke: e.stroke
            positionMarker: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._linePoints(e),
                    r = i.start,
                    a = i.end,
                    s = N.transform();
                r && s.rotate(o(r, a), a), a && (t = this.anchor, n = a.clone().translate(-t.x, -t.y), s.translate(n.x, n.y)), this.drawingElement.transform(s)
            _linePoints: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.options,
                    l = e.segments;
                return s.position == q ? (r = l[0], r && (i = r.anchor(), n = r.controlOut(), o = l[1], !n && o && (n = o.anchor()))) : (r = l[l.length - 1], r && (i = r.anchor(), n = r.controlIn(), a = l[l.length - 2], !n && a && (n = a.anchor()))), i ? {
                    start: this._transformToPath(n, e),
                    end: this._transformToPath(i, e)
                } : t
        }), b = {
            _getPath: function(e) {
                var n = this.drawingElement;
                return n instanceof O.MultiPath && (n = e == q ? n.paths[0] : n.paths[n.paths.length - 1]), n && n.segments.length ? n : t
            _normalizeMarkerOptions: function(e) {
                var t = e.startCap,
                    n = e.endCap;
                B(t) && (e.startCap = {
                    type: t
                }), B(n) && (e.endCap = {
                    type: n
            _removeMarker: function(e) {
                var t = this._markers[e];
                t && (this.drawingContainer().remove(t.drawingElement), delete this._markers[e])
            _createMarkers: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this._normalizeMarkerOptions(e), this._markers = {}, this._markers[q] = this._createMarker(e.startCap, q), this._markers[$] = this._createMarker(e.endCap, $)
            _createMarker: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o = (e || {}).type,
                    a = this._getPath(n);
                return a ? (o == j.filledCircle ? i = _ : o == j.arrowStart || o == j.arrowEnd ? i = w : this._removeMarker(n), i ? (r = new i(P({}, e, {
                    position: n
                })), r.positionMarker(a), this.drawingContainer().append(r.drawingElement), r) : t) : (this._removeMarker(n), t)
            _positionMarker: function(e) {
                var t, n = this._markers[e];
                n && (t = this._getPath(e), t ? n.positionMarker(t) : this._removeMarker(e))
            _capMap: {
                start: "startCap",
                end: "endCap"
            _redrawMarker: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s;
                return this._normalizeMarkerOptions(n), i = this.options, r = this._capMap[t], o = (i[r] || {}).type, a = n[r], s = !1, a ? (i[r] = P({}, i[r], a), a.type && o != a.type ? (this._removeMarker(t), this._markers[t] = this._createMarker(i[r], t), s = !0) : this._markers[t] && this._markers[t].redraw(a)) : e && !this._markers[t] && i[r] && (this._markers[t] = this._createMarker(i[r], t), s = !0), s
            _redrawMarkers: function(e, t) {
                !this._redrawMarker(e, q, t) && e && this._positionMarker(q), !this._redrawMarker(e, $, t) && e && this._positionMarker($)
        }, y = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e), this.container = new O.Group, this._createElements(), this._initSize()
            options: {
                autoSize: !0
            drawingContainer: function() {
                return this.container
            data: function(e) {
                var n = this.options;
                return e ? (n.data != e && (n.data = e, this._setData(e), this._initSize(), this._redrawMarkers(!0, {})), t) : n.data
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                e && (f.fn.redraw.call(this, e), t = this.options, n = e.data, V(n) && t.data != n ? (t.data = n, this._setData(n), this._updateSize(e) || this._initSize(), this._redrawMarkers(!0, e)) : (this._updateSize(e), this._redrawMarkers(!1, e)))
            _createElements: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.drawingElement = O.Path.parse(e.data || "", {
                    stroke: e.stroke
                }), this._fill(), this.container.append(this.drawingElement), this._createMarkers()
            _setData: function(e) {
                var t = this.drawingElement,
                    n = O.Path.parse(e || ""),
                    i = n.paths.slice(0);
                n.paths.elements([]), t.paths.elements(i)
        }), P(y.fn, h), P(y.fn, b), k = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e), this.container = new O.Group, this._initPath(), this._createMarkers()
            drawingContainer: function() {
                return this.container
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                e && (e = e || {}, t = e.from, n = e.to, t && (this.options.from = t), n && (this.options.to = n), t || n ? (this._drawPath(), this._redrawMarkers(!0, e)) : this._redrawMarkers(!1, e), f.fn.redraw.call(this, e))
            _initPath: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this.drawingElement = new O.Path({
                        stroke: e.stroke
                this._fill(), this._drawPath(), this.container.append(t)
            _drawPath: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this.drawingElement,
                    n = e.from || new M,
                    i = e.to || new M;
                t.segments.elements([s(n.x, n.y), s(i.x, i.y)])
        }), P(k.fn, b), x = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e), this.container = new O.Group, this._initPath(), this._createMarkers()
            drawingContainer: function() {
                return this.container
            points: function(e) {
                var n = this.options;
                return e ? (n.points = e, this._updatePath(), t) : n.points
            redraw: function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var t = e.points;
                    f.fn.redraw.call(this, e), t && this._pointsDiffer(t) ? (this.points(t), this._redrawMarkers(!0, e)) : this._redrawMarkers(!1, e)
            _initPath: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.drawingElement = new O.Path({
                    stroke: e.stroke
                }), this._fill(), this.container.append(this.drawingElement), e.points && this._updatePath()
            _pointsDiffer: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.options.points,
                    i = n.length !== e.length;
                if (!i)
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                        if (n[t].x !== e[t].x || n[t].y !== e[t].y) {
                            i = !0;
                return i
            _updatePath: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.drawingElement,
                    i = this.options,
                    r = i.points,
                    o = [];
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) e = r[t], o.push(s(e.x, e.y));
            options: {
                points: []
        }), P(x.fn, b), C = p.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                p.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initImage()
            redraw: function(e) {
                e && (e.source && this.drawingElement.src(e.source), this._diffNumericOptions(e, [Y, Q, K, X]) && this.drawingElement.rect(this._rect()), p.fn.redraw.call(this, e))
            _initImage: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this._rect();
                this.drawingElement = new O.Image(e.source, t, {})
            _rect: function() {
                var e = n(this.options),
                    t = new N.Point(e.x, e.y),
                    i = new N.Size(e.width, e.height);
                return new N.Rect(t, i)
        }), S = p.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.children = [], p.fn.init.call(this, e), this.drawingElement = new O.Group, this._initSize()
            options: {
                autoSize: !1
            append: function(e) {
                this.drawingElement.append(e.drawingContainer()), this.children.push(e), this._childrenChange = !0
            remove: function(e) {
                this._remove(e) && (this._childrenChange = !0)
            _remove: function(e) {
                var n = U(e, this.children);
                return n >= 0 ? (this.drawingElement.removeAt(n), this.children.splice(n, 1), !0) : t
            clear: function() {
                this.drawingElement.clear(), this.children = [], this._childrenChange = !0
            toFront: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], this._remove(t) && this.append(t)
            toBack: function(e) {
                this._reorderChildren(e, 0)
            toIndex: function(e, t) {
                this._reorderChildren(e, t)
            _reorderChildren: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.drawingElement,
                    l = s.children.slice(0),
                    c = this.children,
                    d = H(t);
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) a = e[n], o = a.drawingContainer(), i = U(a, c), i >= 0 && (l.splice(i, 1), c.splice(i, 1), r = d ? t : t[n], l.splice(r, 0, o), c.splice(r, 0, a));
                s.clear(), s.append.apply(s, l)
            redraw: function(e) {
                e && (this._childrenChange ? (this._childrenChange = !1, this._updateSize(e) || this._initSize()) : this._updateSize(e), p.fn.redraw.call(this, e))
            _boundingBox: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this.children;
                for (i = 0; r.length > i; i++) t = r[i], t.visible() && t._includeInBBox !== !1 && (n = t.drawingContainer().clippedBBox(null), n && (e = e ? z.union(e, n) : n));
                return e
        }), P(S.fn, h), T = f.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                f.fn.init.call(this, e), this._initCircle(), this._initSize()
            redraw: function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var t = this.options;
                    e.center && (P(t, {
                        center: e.center
                    }), this._center.move(t.center.x, t.center.y)), this._diffNumericOptions(e, ["radius"]) && this._circle.setRadius(t.radius), this._updateSize(e), f.fn.redraw.call(this, e)
            _initCircle: function() {
                var e, t = this.options,
                    n = t.width,
                    i = t.height,
                    r = t.radius;
                V(r) || (V(n) || (n = i), V(i) || (i = n), t.radius = r = Math.min(n, i) / 2), e = t.center || {
                    x: r,
                    y: r
                }, this._center = new N.Point(e.x, e.y), this._circle = new N.Circle(this._center, r), this.drawingElement = new O.Circle(this._circle, {
                    stroke: t.stroke
                }), this._fill()
        }), P(T.fn, h), D = I.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                t = t || {}, this.element = e, this.surface = O.Surface.create(e, t), A.isFunction(this.surface.translate) && (this.translate = this._translate), this.drawingElement = new O.Group, this._viewBox = new z(0, 0, t.width, t.height), this.size(this._viewBox)
            bounds: function() {
                var e = this.drawingElement.clippedBBox();
                return new z(0, 0, e.width(), e.height())
            size: function(e) {
                var t = this._viewBox;
                return V(e) && (t.width = e.width, t.height = e.height, this.surface.setSize(e)), {
                    width: t.width,
                    height: t.height
            _translate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._viewBox;
                return V(e) && V(t) && (n.x = e, n.y = t, this.surface.translate({
                    x: e,
                    y: t
                })), {
                    x: n.x,
                    y: n.y
            draw: function() {
            append: function(e) {
                return this.drawingElement.append(e.drawingContainer()), this
            remove: function(e) {
            insertBefore: function() {},
            clear: function() {
            destroy: function(t) {
                this.surface.destroy(), t && e(this.element).remove()
        }), A.deepExtend(E, {
            init: function(e) {
                A.init(e, E.ui)
            diffNumericOptions: a,
            Element: p,
            Scale: l,
            Translation: c,
            Rotation: d,
            Circle: T,
            Group: S,
            Rectangle: m,
            Canvas: D,
            Path: y,
            Line: k,
            MarkerBase: v,
            ArrowMarker: w,
            CircleMarker: _,
            Polyline: x,
            CompositeTransform: u,
            TextBlock: g,
            Image: C,
            VisualBase: f
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            e.isSelected ? t.ctrlKey && e.select(!1) : e.diagram.select(e, {
                addToSelection: t.ctrlKey

        function i(e) {
            return e.ctrlKey === !1 && e.altKey === !1 && e.shiftKey === !1

        function r(e, t) {
            var n = e !== !1;
            return e.key && "none" != e.key && (n = t[e.key + "Key"]), n

        function o(e, t) {
            return t.charCodeAt(0) == e || t.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) == e

        function a(e, t) {
            var n;
            return -1 == e.x && -1 == e.y ? n = t.bottomRight() : 1 == e.x && 1 == e.y ? n = t.topLeft() : -1 == e.x && 1 == e.y ? n = t.topRight() : 1 == e.x && -1 == e.y ? n = t.bottomLeft() : 0 === e.x && -1 == e.y ? n = t.bottom() : 0 === e.x && 1 == e.y ? n = t.top() : 1 == e.x && 0 === e.y ? n = t.left() : -1 == e.x && 0 === e.y && (n = t.right()), n

        function s(e) {
            var t = e.options.editable;
            return t && t.drag !== !1

        function l(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o;
            for (o = 0; e.connectors.length > o; o++)
                if (n = e.connectors[o], i = n.position(), r = new q(i.x, i.y), r.inflate(at, at), r.contains(t)) return n
        var c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E, I, P, M, z, F, R, H, B, L, N, O, V = window.kendo,
            U = V.dataviz,
            W = U.diagram,
            j = V.Class,
            G = W.Group,
            q = W.Rect,
            $ = W.Rectangle,
            Y = W.Utils,
            Q = Y.isUndefined,
            K = W.Point,
            X = W.Circle,
            Z = W.Ticker,
            J = V.deepExtend,
            et = V.ui.Movable,
            tt = V.support.browser,
            nt = V.util.defined,
            it = e.inArray,
            rt = e.proxy,
            ot = {
                arrow: "default",
                grip: "pointer",
                cross: "pointer",
                add: "pointer",
                move: "move",
                select: "pointer",
                south: "s-resize",
                east: "e-resize",
                west: "w-resize",
                north: "n-resize",
                rowresize: "row-resize",
                colresize: "col-resize"
            at = 10,
            st = "Auto",
            lt = "Top",
            ct = "Right",
            dt = "Left",
            ut = "Bottom",
            ht = 10,
            pt = 10,
            ft = "dragStart",
            gt = "drag",
            mt = "dragEnd",
            vt = "itemRotate",
            _t = "itemBoundsChange",
            wt = 5,
            bt = 5,
            yt = "mouseEnter",
            kt = "mouseLeave",
            xt = "zoomStart",
            Ct = "zoomEnd",
            St = -2e4,
            Tt = 2e4,
            Dt = .9,
            At = .93,
            Et = 5,
            It = "transparent",
            Pt = "pan",
            Mt = "rotated";
        W.Cursors = ot, c = V.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.layoutState = e, this.diagram = e.diagram
            initState: function() {
                function e(e, t) {
                    var n = this.diagram.getShapeById(e);
                    n && (this.subjects.push(n), this.froms.push(n.bounds().topLeft()), this.tos.push(t.topLeft()))
                this.froms = [], this.tos = [], this.subjects = [], this.layoutState.nodeMap.forEach(e, this)
            update: function(e) {
                if (!(0 >= this.subjects.length))
                    for (var t = 0; this.subjects.length > t; t++) this.subjects[t].position(new K(this.froms[t].x + (this.tos[t].x - this.froms[t].x) * e, this.froms[t].y + (this.tos[t].y - this.froms[t].y) * e))
        }), d = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.animate = Q(n) ? !1 : n, this._initialState = e, this._finalState = t, this.title = "Diagram layout"
            undo: function() {
            redo: function() {
            setState: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.diagram;
                this.animate ? (e.linkMap.forEach(function(e, t) {
                    var i = n.getShapeById(e);
                    i.visible(!1), i && i.points(t)
                }), t = new Z, t.addAdapter(new c(e)), t.onComplete(function() {
                    e.linkMap.forEach(function(e) {
                        var t = n.getShapeById(e);
                }), t.play()) : (e.nodeMap.forEach(function(e, t) {
                    var i = n.getShapeById(e);
                    i && i.position(t.topLeft())
                }), e.linkMap.forEach(function(e, t) {
                    var i = n.getShapeById(e);
                    i && i.points(t)
        }), u = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.units = [], this.title = "Composite unit", e !== t && this.units.push(e)
            add: function(e) {
            undo: function() {
                for (var e = 0; this.units.length > e; e++) this.units[e].undo()
            redo: function() {
                for (var e = 0; this.units.length > e; e++) this.units[e].redo()
        }), h = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.item = e, this._redoSource = t, this._redoTarget = n, nt(t) && (this._undoSource = e.source()), nt(n) && (this._undoTarget = e.target()), this.title = "Connection Editing"
            undo: function() {
                this._undoSource !== t && this.item._updateConnector(this._undoSource, "source"), this._undoTarget !== t && this.item._updateConnector(this._undoTarget, "target"), this.item.updateModel()
            redo: function() {
                this._redoSource !== t && this.item._updateConnector(this._redoSource, "source"), this._redoTarget !== t && this.item._updateConnector(this._redoTarget, "target"), this.item.updateModel()
        }), p = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.item = e, this._undoSource = t, this._undoTarget = n, this._redoSource = e.source(), this._redoTarget = e.target(), this.title = "Connection Editing"
            undo: function() {
                this.item._updateConnector(this._undoSource, "source"), this.item._updateConnector(this._undoTarget, "target"), this.item.updateModel()
            redo: function() {
                this.item._updateConnector(this._redoSource, "source"), this.item._updateConnector(this._redoTarget, "target"), this.item.updateModel()
        }), f = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.connection = e, this.diagram = e.diagram, this.targetConnector = e.targetConnector, this.title = "Delete connection"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram._addConnection(this.connection, !1)
            redo: function() {
                this.diagram.remove(this.connection, !1)
        }), g = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.shape = e, this.diagram = e.diagram, this.title = "Deletion"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram._addShape(this.shape, !1), this.shape.select(!1)
            redo: function() {
                this.shape.select(!1), this.diagram.remove(this.shape, !1)
        }), m = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                for (this.shapes = e, this.undoStates = t, this.title = "Transformation", this.redoStates = [], this.adorner = n, i = 0; this.shapes.length > i; i++) r = this.shapes[i], this.redoStates.push(r.bounds())
            undo: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], t.bounds(this.undoStates[e]), t.hasOwnProperty("layout") && t.layout(t, this.redoStates[e], this.undoStates[e]), t.updateModel();
                this.adorner && (this.adorner.refreshBounds(), this.adorner.refresh())
            redo: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], t.bounds(this.redoStates[e]), t.hasOwnProperty("layout") && t.layout(t, this.undoStates[e], this.redoStates[e]), t.updateModel();
                this.adorner && (this.adorner.refreshBounds(), this.adorner.refresh())
        }), v = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.connection = e, this.diagram = t, this.title = "New connection"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram.remove(this.connection, !1)
            redo: function() {
                this.diagram._addConnection(this.connection, !1)
        }), _ = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.shape = e, this.diagram = t, this.title = "New shape"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram.deselect(), this.diagram.remove(this.shape, !1)
            redo: function() {
                this.diagram._addShape(this.shape, !1)
        }), w = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.initial = e, this.finalPos = t, this.diagram = n, this.title = "Pan Unit"
            undo: function() {
            redo: function() {
        }), b = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                for (this.shapes = t, this.undoRotates = n, this.title = "Rotation", this.redoRotates = [], this.redoAngle = e._angle, this.adorner = e, this.center = e._innerBounds.center(), i = 0; this.shapes.length > i; i++) r = this.shapes[i], this.redoRotates.push(r.rotate().angle)
            undo: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], t.rotate(this.undoRotates[e], this.center, !1), t.hasOwnProperty("layout") && t.layout(t), t.updateModel();
                this.adorner && (this.adorner._initialize(), this.adorner.refresh())
            redo: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], t.rotate(this.redoRotates[e], this.center, !1), t.hasOwnProperty("layout") && t.layout(t), t.updateModel();
                this.adorner && (this.adorner._initialize(), this.adorner.refresh())
        }), y = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.diagram = e, this.indices = n, this.items = t, this.title = "Rotate Unit"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram._toIndex(this.items, this.indices)
            redo: function() {
                this.diagram.toFront(this.items, !1)
        }), k = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                this.diagram = e, this.indices = n, this.items = t, this.title = "Rotate Unit"
            undo: function() {
                this.diagram._toIndex(this.items, this.indices)
            redo: function() {
                this.diagram.toBack(this.items, !1)
        }), x = V.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                V.Observable.fn.init.call(this, e), this.bind(this.events, e), this.stack = [], this.index = 0, this.capacity = 100
            events: ["undone", "redone"],
            begin: function() {
                this.composite = new u
            cancel: function() {
                this.composite = t
            commit: function(e) {
                this.composite.units.length > 0 && this._restart(this.composite, e), this.composite = t
            addCompositeItem: function(e) {
                this.composite ? this.composite.add(e) : this.add(e)
            add: function(e, t) {
                this._restart(e, t)
            pop: function() {
                this.index > 0 && (this.stack.pop(), this.index--)
            count: function() {
                return this.stack.length
            undo: function() {
                this.index > 0 && (this.index--, this.stack[this.index].undo(), this.trigger("undone"))
            redo: function() {
                this.stack.length > 0 && this.stack.length > this.index && (this.stack[this.index].redo(), this.index++, this.trigger("redone"))
            _restart: function(e, t) {
                this.stack.splice(this.index, this.stack.length - this.index), this.stack.push(e), t !== !1 ? this.redo() : this.index++, this.stack.length > this.capacity && (this.stack.splice(0, this.stack.length - this.capacity), this.index = this.capacity)
            clear: function() {
                this.stack = [], this.index = 0
        }), C = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.toolService = e
            start: function() {},
            move: function() {},
            end: function() {},
            tryActivate: function() {
                return !1
            getCursor: function() {
                return ot.arrow
        }), S = C.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = V.support.mobileOS ? At : Dt;
                C.fn.init.call(a, t), n = a.toolService.diagram, i = n.canvas, r = n.scroller = a.scroller = e(n.scrollable).kendoMobileScroller({
                    friction: s,
                    velocityMultiplier: Et,
                    mousewheelScrolling: !1,
                    zoom: !1,
                    scroll: rt(a._move, a)
                }).data("kendoMobileScroller"), i.translate && (a.movableCanvas = new et(i.element)), o = function(e, t, n) {
                    e.makeVirtual(), e.virtualSize(t || St, n || Tt)
                }, o(r.dimensions.x), o(r.dimensions.y), r.disable()
            tryActivate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.toolService,
                    r = n.diagram.options.pannable,
                    o = t.ctrlKey;
                return nt(r.key) && (o = r.key && "none" != r.key ? t[r.key + "Key"] && !(t.ctrlKey && nt(n.hoveredItem)) : i(t)), r !== !1 && o && !nt(n.hoveredAdorner) && !nt(n._hoveredConnector)
            start: function() {
            move: function() {},
            _move: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = t.toolService.diagram,
                    i = n.canvas,
                    r = new K(e.scrollLeft, e.scrollTop);
                i.translate ? (n._storePan(r.times(-1)), t.movableCanvas.moveTo(r), i.translate(r.x, r.y)) : r = r.plus(n._pan.times(-1)), n.trigger(Pt, {
                    pan: r
            end: function() {
            getCursor: function() {
                return ot.move
        }), T = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.toolService = e
            tryActivate: function() {
                return !0
            start: function(e, t) {
                var i = this.toolService,
                    o = i.diagram,
                    a = i.hoveredItem,
                    s = o.options.selectable;
                a && (r(s, t) && n(a, t), a.adorner && (this.adorner = a.adorner, this.handle = this.adorner._hitTest(e))), this.handle || (this.handle = o._resizingAdorner._hitTest(e), this.handle && (this.adorner = o._resizingAdorner)), this.adorner && (this.adorner.isDragHandle(this.handle) && o.trigger(ft, {
                    shapes: this.adorner.shapes,
                    connections: []
                }) ? (i.startPoint = e, i.end(e)) : this.adorner.start(e))
            move: function(e) {
                this.adorner && (this.adorner.move(this.handle, e), this.adorner.isDragHandle(this.handle) && this.toolService.diagram.trigger(gt, {
                    shapes: this.adorner.shapes,
                    connections: []
            end: function(e, n) {
                var i, r = this.toolService.diagram,
                    o = this.toolService,
                    a = this.adorner;
                a && (a.isDragHandle(this.handle) && r.trigger(mt, {
                    shapes: a.shapes,
                    connections: []
                }) ? a.cancel() : (i = a.stop(), i && r.undoRedoService.add(i, !1))), o.hoveredItem && this.toolService.triggerClick({
                    item: o.hoveredItem,
                    point: e,
                    meta: n
                }), this.adorner = t, this.handle = t
            getCursor: function(e) {
                return this.toolService.hoveredItem ? this.toolService.hoveredItem._getCursor(e) : ot.arrow
        }), D = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.toolService = e
            tryActivate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.toolService,
                    i = r(n.diagram.options.selectable, t);
                return i && !nt(n.hoveredItem) && !nt(n.hoveredAdorner)
            start: function(e) {
                var t = this.toolService.diagram;
                t.deselect(), t.selector.start(e)
            move: function(e) {
                var t = this.toolService.diagram;
            end: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.toolService.diagram,
                    i = this.toolService.hoveredItem,
                    r = n.selector.bounds();
                i && i.isSelected || t.ctrlKey || n.deselect(), r.isEmpty() || n.selectArea(r), n.selector.end()
            getCursor: function() {
                return ot.arrow
        }), A = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.toolService = e, this.type = "ConnectionTool"
            tryActivate: function() {
                return this.toolService._hoveredConnector
            start: function(e, t) {
                var i = this.toolService.diagram,
                    r = this.toolService._hoveredConnector,
                    o = i._createConnection({}, r._c, e);
                s(o) && !i.trigger(ft, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [o]
                }) && i._addConnection(o) ? (this.toolService._connectionManipulation(o, r._c.shape, !0), this.toolService._removeHover(), n(this.toolService.activeConnection, t)) : (o.source(null), this.toolService.end(e))
            move: function(e) {
                var t = this.toolService,
                    n = t.activeConnection;
                return n.target(e), t.diagram.trigger(gt, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [n]
                }), !0
            end: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.toolService,
                    i = n.diagram,
                    r = n.activeConnection,
                    o = n.hoveredItem,
                    a = n._hoveredConnector;
                r && (t = a && a._c != r.sourceConnector ? a._c : o && o instanceof W.Shape ? o.getConnector(st) || o.getConnector(e) : e, r.target(t), i.trigger(mt, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [r]
                }) ? (i.remove(r, !1), i.undoRedoService.pop()) : (r.updateModel(), i._syncConnectionChanges()), n._connectionManipulation())
            getCursor: function() {
                return ot.arrow
        }), E = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.toolService = e, this.type = "ConnectionTool"
            tryActivate: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.toolService,
                    i = n.diagram,
                    o = i.options.selectable,
                    a = n.hoveredItem,
                    s = r(o, t) && a && a.path && !(a.isSelected && t.ctrlKey);
                return s && (this._c = a), s
            start: function(e, t) {
                var i, r = this._c;
                n(r, t), i = r.adorner, s(r) && i && !this.toolService.diagram.trigger(ft, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [r]
                }) ? (this.handle = i._hitTest(e), i.start(e)) : (this.toolService.startPoint = e, this.toolService.end(e))
            move: function(e) {
                var n = this._c.adorner;
                return s(this._c) && n ? (n.move(this.handle, e), this.toolService.diagram.trigger(gt, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [this._c]
                }), !0) : t
            end: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this._c,
                    r = i.adorner,
                    o = this.toolService,
                    a = o.diagram;
                r && (o.triggerClick({
                    item: i,
                    point: e,
                    meta: t
                }), s(i) && (n = r.stop(e), a.trigger(mt, {
                    shapes: [],
                    connections: [i]
                }) ? n.undo() : (a.undoRedoService.add(n, !1), i.updateModel(), a._syncConnectionChanges())))
            getCursor: function() {
                return ot.move
        }), I = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.diagram = e, this.tools = [new S(this), new E(this), new A(this), new D(this), new T(this)], this.activeTool = t
            start: function(e, t) {
                return t = J({}, t), this.activeTool && this.activeTool.end(e, t), this._updateHoveredItem(e), this._activateTool(e, t), this.activeTool.start(e, t), this._updateCursor(e), this.diagram.focus(), this.startPoint = e, !0
            move: function(e, t) {
                t = J({}, t);
                var n = !0;
                return this.activeTool && (n = this.activeTool.move(e, t)), n && this._updateHoveredItem(e), this._updateCursor(e), !0
            end: function(e, n) {
                return n = J({}, n), this.activeTool && this.activeTool.end(e, n), this.activeTool = t, this._updateCursor(e), !0
            keyDown: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.diagram;
                if (t = J({
                    ctrlKey: !1,
                    metaKey: !1,
                    altKey: !1
                }, t), !t.ctrlKey && !t.metaKey || t.altKey) {
                    if (46 === e || 8 === e) return n = this.diagram._triggerRemove(i.select()), n.length && (this.diagram.remove(n, !0), this.diagram._syncChanges(), this.diagram._destroyToolBar()), !0;
                    if (27 === e) return this._discardNewConnection(), i.deselect(), i._destroyToolBar(), !0
                } else {
                    if (o(e, "a")) return i.selectAll(), i._destroyToolBar(), !0;
                    if (o(e, "z")) return i.undo(), i._destroyToolBar(), !0;
                    if (o(e, "y")) return i.redo(), i._destroyToolBar(), !0;
                    o(e, "c") ? (i.copy(), i._destroyToolBar()) : o(e, "x") ? (i.cut(), i._destroyToolBar()) : o(e, "v") ? (i.paste(), i._destroyToolBar()) : o(e, "l") ? (i.layout(), i._destroyToolBar()) : o(e, "d") && (i._destroyToolBar(), i.copy(), i.paste())
            wheel: function(e, t) {
                var n = this.diagram,
                    i = t.delta,
                    r = n.zoom(),
                    o = n.options,
                    a = o.zoomRate,
                    s = {
                        point: e,
                        meta: t,
                        zoom: r
                if (!n.trigger(xt, s)) return 0 > i ? r += a : r -= a, r = V.dataviz.round(Math.max(o.zoomMin, Math.min(o.zoomMax, r)), 2), s.zoom = r, n.zoom(r, s), n.trigger(Ct, s), !0
            setTool: function(e, t) {
                e.toolService = this, this.tools[t] = e
            triggerClick: function(e) {
                this.startPoint.equals(e.point) && this.diagram.trigger("click", e)
            _discardNewConnection: function() {
                this.newConnection && (this.diagram.remove(this.newConnection), this.newConnection = t)
            _activateTool: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                for (n = 0; this.tools.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = this.tools[n], i.tryActivate(e, t)) {
                        this.activeTool = i;
            _updateCursor: function(e) {
                var t = this.diagram.element,
                    n = this.activeTool ? this.activeTool.getCursor(e) : this.hoveredAdorner ? this.hoveredAdorner._getCursor(e) : this.hoveredItem ? this.hoveredItem._getCursor(e) : ot.arrow;
                    cursor: n
                }), tt.msie && 7 == tt.version && (t[0].style.cssText = t[0].style.cssText)
            _connectionManipulation: function(e, n, i) {
                this.activeConnection = e, this.disabledShape = n, this.newConnection = i ? this.activeConnection : t
            _updateHoveredItem: function(e) {
                var n = this._hitTest(e),
                    i = this.diagram;
                n == this.hoveredItem || this.disabledShape && n == this.disabledShape || (this.hoveredItem && (i.trigger(kt, {
                    item: this.hoveredItem
                }), this.hoveredItem._hover(!1)), n && n.options.enable ? (i.trigger(yt, {
                    item: n
                }), this.hoveredItem = n, this.hoveredItem._hover(!0)) : this.hoveredItem = t)
            _removeHover: function() {
                this.hoveredItem && (this.hoveredItem._hover(!1), this.hoveredItem = t)
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.diagram;
                if (this._hoveredConnector && (this._hoveredConnector._hover(!1), this._hoveredConnector = t), a._connectorsAdorner._visible && (n = a._connectorsAdorner._hitTest(e))) return n;
                if (n = this.diagram._resizingAdorner._hitTest(e)) {
                    if (this.hoveredAdorner = a._resizingAdorner, 0 !== n.x || 0 !== n.y) return;
                    n = t
                } else this.hoveredAdorner = t; if (!this.activeTool || "ConnectionTool" !== this.activeTool.type) {
                    for (o = [], r = 0; a._selectedItems.length > r; r++) i = a._selectedItems[r], i instanceof W.Connection && o.push(i);
                    n = this._hitTestItems(o, e)
                return n || this._hitTestElements(e)
            _hitTestElements: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this.diagram,
                    a = this._hitTestItems(o.shapes, e),
                    s = this._hitTestItems(o.connections, e);
                return this.activeTool && "ConnectionTool" == this.activeTool.type || !a || !s || l(a, e) || (n = o.mainLayer, i = it(a.visual, n.children), r = it(s.visual, n.children), t = i > r ? a : s), t || a || s
            _hitTestItems: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                for (n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    if (i = e[n], r = i._hitTest(t)) return r
        }), P = V.Class.extend({
            init: function() {}
        }), M = P.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                P.fn.init.call(t), this.connection = e
            hitTest: function(e) {
                var t = this.getBounds().inflate(at);
                return t.contains(e) ? W.Geometry.distanceToPolyline(e, this.connection.allPoints()) < at : !1
            getBounds: function() {
                var e, t = this.connection.allPoints(),
                    n = t[0],
                    i = t[t.length - 1],
                    r = Math.max(n.x, i.x),
                    o = Math.min(n.x, i.x),
                    a = Math.min(n.y, i.y),
                    s = Math.max(n.y, i.y);
                for (e = 1; t.length - 1 > e; ++e) r = Math.max(r, t[e].x), o = Math.min(o, t[e].x), a = Math.min(a, t[e].y), s = Math.max(s, t[e].y);
                return new q(o, a, r - o, s - a)
        }), z = M.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                M.fn.init.call(t), this.connection = e
            route: function() {}
        }), F = M.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                M.fn.init.call(t), this.connection = e
            routePoints: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r;
                return r = n && i ? this._connectorPoints(e, t, n, i) : this._floatingPoints(e, t, n)
            route: function() {
                var e = this.connection._resolvedSourceConnector,
                    t = this.connection._resolvedTargetConnector,
                    n = this.connection.sourcePoint(),
                    i = this.connection.targetPoint(),
                    r = this.routePoints(n, i, e, t);
            _connectorSides: [{
                name: "Top",
                axis: "y",
                boundsPoint: "topLeft",
                secondarySign: 1
            }, {
                name: "Left",
                axis: "x",
                boundsPoint: "topLeft",
                secondarySign: 1
            }, {
                name: "Bottom",
                axis: "y",
                boundsPoint: "bottomRight",
                secondarySign: -1
            }, {
                name: "Right",
                axis: "x",
                boundsPoint: "bottomRight",
                secondarySign: -1
            _connectorSide: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = e.position(),
                    l = e.shape.bounds(Mt),
                    c = {
                        topLeft: l.topLeft(),
                        bottomRight: l.bottomRight()
                    d = this._connectorSides,
                    u = V.util.MAX_NUM;
                for (a = 0; d.length > a; a++) o = d[a], r = o.axis, n = Math.round(Math.abs(s[r] - c[o.boundsPoint][r])), u > n ? (u = n, i = o) : n === u && (s[r] - t[r]) * o.secondarySign > (s[i.axis] - t[i.axis]) * i.secondarySign && (i = o);
                return i.name
            _sameSideDistance: function(e) {
                var t = e.shape.bounds(Mt);
                return Math.min(t.width, t.height) / this.SAME_SIDE_DISTANCE_RATIO
            _connectorPoints: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this._connectorSide(n, t),
                    s = this._connectorSide(i, e),
                    l = t.x - e.x,
                    c = t.y - e.y,
                    d = this._sameSideDistance(n),
                    u = [];
                return a === lt || a == ut ? s == lt || s == ut ? a == s ? (o = a == lt ? Math.min(e.y, t.y) - d : Math.max(e.y, t.y) + d, u = [new K(e.x, o), new K(t.x, o)]) : u = [new K(e.x, e.y + c / 2), new K(t.x, e.y + c / 2)] : u = [new K(e.x, t.y)] : s == dt || s == ct ? a == s ? (r = a == dt ? Math.min(e.x, t.x) - d : Math.max(e.x, t.x) + d, u = [new K(r, e.y), new K(r, t.y)]) : u = [new K(e.x + l / 2, e.y), new K(e.x + l / 2, e.y + c)] : u = [new K(t.x, e.y)], u
            _floatingPoints: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a = n ? this._connectorSide(n, t) : null,
                    s = this._startHorizontal(e, t, a),
                    l = [e, e, t, t],
                    c = t.x - e.x,
                    d = t.y - e.y,
                    u = l.length;
                for (o = 1; u - 1 > o; ++o) s ? o % 2 !== 0 ? (i = c / (u / 2), r = 0) : (i = 0, r = d / ((u - 1) / 2)) : o % 2 !== 0 ? (i = 0, r = d / (u / 2)) : (i = c / ((u - 1) / 2), r = 0), l[o] = new K(l[o - 1].x + i, l[o - 1].y + r);
                return o--, l[u - 2] = s && o % 2 !== 0 || !s && o % 2 === 0 ? new K(l[u - 1].x, l[u - 2].y) : new K(l[u - 2].x, l[u - 1].y), [l[1], l[2]]
            _startHorizontal: function(e, t, n) {
                var i;
                return i = null === n || n !== ct && n !== dt ? Math.abs(e.x - t.x) > Math.abs(e.y - t.y) : !0
        }), R = j.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                n.diagram = e, n.options = J({}, n.options, t), n.visual = new G, n.diagram._adorners.push(n)
            refresh: function() {}
        }), H = R.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = this;
                o.connection = e, n = o.connection.diagram, o._ts = n.toolService, R.fn.init.call(o, n, t), i = o.connection.sourcePoint(), r = o.connection.targetPoint(), o.spVisual = new X(J(o.options.handles, {
                    center: i
                })), o.epVisual = new X(J(o.options.handles, {
                    center: r
                })), o.visual.append(o.spVisual), o.visual.append(o.epVisual)
            options: {
                handles: {}
            _getCursor: function() {
                return ot.move
            start: function(e) {
                switch (this.handle = this._hitTest(e), this.startPoint = e, this._initialSource = this.connection.source(), this._initialTarget = this.connection.target(), this.handle) {
                    case -1:
                        this.connection.targetConnector && this._ts._connectionManipulation(this.connection, this.connection.targetConnector.shape);
                    case 1:
                        this.connection.sourceConnector && this._ts._connectionManipulation(this.connection, this.connection.sourceConnector.shape)
            move: function(e, t) {
                switch (e) {
                    case -1:
                    case 1:
                        var n = t.minus(this.startPoint);
                        this.startPoint = t, this.connection.sourceConnector || this.connection.source(this.connection.sourcePoint().plus(n)), this.connection.targetConnector || this.connection.target(this.connection.targetPoint().plus(n))
                return this.refresh(), !0
            stop: function(e) {
                var n, i = this.diagram.toolService,
                    r = i.hoveredItem;
                return n = i._hoveredConnector ? i._hoveredConnector._c : r && r instanceof W.Shape ? r.getConnector(st) || r.getConnector(e) : e, -1 === this.handle ? this.connection.source(n) : 1 === this.handle && this.connection.target(n), this.handle = t, this._ts._connectionManipulation(), new p(this.connection, this._initialSource, this._initialTarget)
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var t = this.connection.sourcePoint(),
                    n = this.connection.targetPoint(),
                    i = this.options.handles.width / 2,
                    r = this.options.handles.height / 2,
                    o = new q(t.x, t.y).inflate(i, r),
                    a = new q(n.x, n.y).inflate(i, r);
                return o.contains(e) ? -1 : a.contains(e) ? 1 : 0
            refresh: function() {
                    center: this.diagram.modelToLayer(this.connection.sourcePoint())
                }), this.epVisual.redraw({
                    center: this.diagram.modelToLayer(this.connection.targetPoint())
        }), B = R.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                R.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._refreshHandler = function(e) {
                    e.item == n.shape && n.refresh()
            show: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this;
                for (r._visible = !0, r.shape = e, r.diagram.bind(_t, r._refreshHandler), t = e.connectors.length, r.connectors = [], r.visual.clear(), n = 0; t > n; n++) i = new O(e.connectors[n]), r.connectors.push(i), r.visual.append(i.visual);
                r.visual.visible(!0), r.refresh()
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.diagram.unbind(_t, e._refreshHandler), e.shape = t, e._visible = t, e.visual.visible(!1)
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (n = 0; this.connectors.length > n; n++)
                    if (t = this.connectors[n], t._hitTest(e)) {
                        t._hover(!0), this.diagram.toolService._hoveredConnector = t;
            refresh: function() {
                if (this.shape) {
                    var t = this.shape.bounds();
                    t = this.diagram.modelToLayer(t), this.visual.position(t.topLeft()), e.each(this.connectors, function() {
        }), L = R.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                R.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._manipulating = !1, n.map = [], n.shapes = [], n._initSelection(), n._createHandles(), n.redraw(), n.diagram.bind("select", function(e) {
                }), n._refreshHandler = function() {
                    n._internalChange || (n.refreshBounds(), n.refresh())
                }, n._rotatedHandler = function() {
                    1 == n.shapes.length && (n._angle = n.shapes[0].rotate().angle), n._refreshHandler()
                }, n.diagram.bind(_t, n._refreshHandler).bind(vt, n._rotatedHandler), n.refreshBounds(), n.refresh()
            options: {
                editable: {},
                selectable: {
                    stroke: {
                        color: "#778899",
                        width: 1,
                        dashType: "dash"
                    fill: {
                        color: It
                offset: 10
            _initSelection: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.diagram,
                    n = t.options.selectable,
                    i = J({}, e.options.selectable, n);
                e.rect = new $(i), e.visual.append(e.rect)
            _createHandles: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this.options.editable;
                if (r && r.resize)
                    for (e = r.resize.handles, i = -1; 1 >= i; i++)
                        for (n = -1; 1 >= n; n++)(0 !== i || 0 !== n) && (t = new $(e), t.drawingElement._hover = rt(this._hover, this), this.map.push({
                            x: i,
                            y: n,
                            visual: t
                        }), this.visual.append(t))
            bounds: function(e) {
                return e ? (this._innerBounds = e.clone(), this._bounds = this.diagram.modelToLayer(e).inflate(this.options.offset, this.options.offset), t) : this._bounds
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.diagram.modelToLayer(e),
                    s = this.options.editable,
                    l = this.map.length;
                if (this._angle && (a = a.clone().rotate(this._bounds.center(), this._angle)), s && s.rotate && this._rotationThumbBounds && this._rotationThumbBounds.contains(a)) return new K(-1, -2);
                if (s && s.resize)
                    for (n = 0; l > n; n++)
                        if (o = this.map[n], i = new K(o.x, o.y), r = this._getHandleBounds(i), r.offset(this._bounds.x, this._bounds.y), r.contains(a)) return i;
                return this._bounds.contains(a) ? new K(0, 0) : t
            _getHandleBounds: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.options.editable;
                return a && a.resize ? (n = a.resize.handles || {}, i = n.width, r = n.height, o = new q(0, 0, i, r), 0 > e.x ? o.x = -i / 2 : 0 === e.x ? o.x = Math.floor(this._bounds.width / 2) - i / 2 : e.x > 0 && (o.x = this._bounds.width + 1 - i / 2), 0 > e.y ? o.y = -r / 2 : 0 === e.y ? o.y = Math.floor(this._bounds.height / 2) - r / 2 : e.y > 0 && (o.y = this._bounds.height + 1 - r / 2), o) : t
            _getCursor: function(e) {
                var t, n = this._hitTest(e);
                if (n && n.x >= -1 && 1 >= n.x && n.y >= -1 && 1 >= n.y && this.options.editable && this.options.editable.resize) {
                    if (t = this._angle, t && (t = 360 - t, n.rotate(new K(0, 0), t), n = new K(Math.round(n.x), Math.round(n.y))), -1 == n.x && -1 == n.y) return "nw-resize";
                    if (1 == n.x && 1 == n.y) return "se-resize";
                    if (-1 == n.x && 1 == n.y) return "sw-resize";
                    if (1 == n.x && -1 == n.y) return "ne-resize";
                    if (0 === n.x && -1 == n.y) return "n-resize";
                    if (0 === n.x && 1 == n.y) return "s-resize";
                    if (1 == n.x && 0 === n.y) return "e-resize";
                    if (-1 == n.x && 0 === n.y) return "w-resize"
                return this._manipulating ? ot.move : ot.select
            _initialize: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.diagram.select();
                for (n.shapes = [], e = 0; i.length > e; e++) t = i[e], t instanceof W.Shape && (n.shapes.push(t), t._rotationOffset = new K);
                n._angle = 1 == n.shapes.length ? n.shapes[0].rotate().angle : 0, n._startAngle = n._angle, n._rotates(), n._positions(), n.refreshBounds(), n.refresh(), n.redraw()
            _rotates: function() {
                var e, t, n = this;
                for (n.initialRotates = [], e = 0; n.shapes.length > e; e++) t = n.shapes[e], n.initialRotates.push(t.rotate().angle)
            _positions: function() {
                var e, t, n = this;
                for (n.initialStates = [], e = 0; n.shapes.length > e; e++) t = n.shapes[e], n.initialStates.push(t.bounds())
            _hover: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.options.editable;
                a && a.resize && (n = a.resize.handles, i = n.hover, r = n.stroke, o = n.fill, e && Y.isDefined(i.stroke) && (r = J({}, r, i.stroke)), e && Y.isDefined(i.fill) && (o = i.fill), t.stroke(r.color, r.width, r.opacity), t.fill(o.color, o.opacity))
            start: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                for (this._sp = e, this._cp = e, this._lp = e, this._manipulating = !0, this._internalChange = !0, this.shapeStates = [], t = 0; this.shapes.length > t; t++) n = this.shapes[t], this.shapeStates.push(n.bounds())
            redraw: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options.editable,
                    r = i.resize,
                    o = i.rotate,
                    a = i && r ? !0 : !1,
                    s = i && o ? !0 : !1;
                for (e = 0; this.map.length > e; e++) t = this.map[e], t.visual.visible(a);
                n.rotationThumb && n.rotationThumb.visible(s)
            angle: function(e) {
                return nt(e) && (this._angle = e), this._angle
            rotate: function() {
                var e, t, n = this._innerBounds.center(),
                    i = this.angle();
                for (this._internalChange = !0, e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], i = (i + this.initialRotates[e] - this._startAngle) % 360, t.rotate(i, n);
            move: function(e, n) {
                var i, r, o, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v, _, w = new K,
                    b = new K,
                    y = 0;
                if (-2 === e.y && -1 === e.x) {
                    for (l = this._innerBounds.center(), this._angle = this._truncateAngle(Y.findAngle(l, n)), d = 0; this.shapes.length > d; d++) c = this.shapes[d], u = (this._angle + this.initialRotates[d] - this._startAngle) % 360, c.rotate(u, l), c.hasOwnProperty("layout") && c.layout(c), this._rotating = !0;
                } else {
                    if (this.shouldSnap()) {
                        if (m = this._truncateDistance(n.minus(this._lp)), 0 === m.x && 0 === m.y) return this._cp = n, t;
                        i = m, this._lp = new K(this._lp.x + m.x, this._lp.y + m.y)
                    } else i = n.minus(this._cp);
                    for (this.isDragHandle(e) ? (b = w = i, r = !0) : (this._angle && i.rotate(new K(0, 0), this._angle), -1 == e.x ? w.x = i.x : 1 == e.x && (b.x = i.x), -1 == e.y ? w.y = i.y : 1 == e.y && (b.y = i.y)), r || (p = a(e, this._innerBounds), f = (this._innerBounds.width + i.x * e.x) / this._innerBounds.width, g = (this._innerBounds.height + i.y * e.y) / this._innerBounds.height), d = 0; this.shapes.length > d; d++) {
                        if (c = this.shapes[d], o = c.bounds(), r) {
                            if (!s(c)) continue;
                            h = this._displaceBounds(o, w, b, r)
                        } else h = o.clone(), h.scale(f, g, p, this._innerBounds.center(), c.rotate().angle), v = h.center(), v.rotate(o.center(), -this._angle), h = new q(v.x - h.width / 2, v.y - h.height / 2, h.width, h.height);
                        h.width >= c.options.minWidth && h.height >= c.options.minHeight && (_ = o, c.bounds(h), c.hasOwnProperty("layout") && c.layout(c, _, h), (_.width !== h.width || _.height !== h.height) && c.rotate(c.rotate().angle), y += 1)
                    y && (y == d ? (h = this._displaceBounds(this._innerBounds, w, b, r), this.bounds(h)) : this.refreshBounds(), this.refresh()), this._positions()
                this._cp = n
            isDragHandle: function(e) {
                return 0 === e.x && 0 === e.y
            cancel: function() {
                var e, n = this.shapes,
                    i = this.shapeStates;
                for (e = 0; n.length > e; e++) n[e].bounds(i[e]);
                this.refreshBounds(), this.refresh(), this._manipulating = t, this._internalChange = t, this._rotating = t
            _truncatePositionToGuides: function(e) {
                return this.diagram.ruler ? this.diagram.ruler.truncatePositionToGuides(e) : e
            _truncateSizeToGuides: function(e) {
                return this.diagram.ruler ? this.diagram.ruler.truncateSizeToGuides(e) : e
            _truncateAngle: function(e) {
                var t = this.snapOptions(),
                    n = Math.max(t.angle || pt, bt);
                return t ? Math.floor(e % 360 / n) * n : e % 360
            _truncateDistance: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                return e instanceof W.Point ? new W.Point(this._truncateDistance(e.x), this._truncateDistance(e.y)) : (t = this.snapOptions() || {}, n = Math.max(t.size || ht, wt), t ? Math.floor(e / n) * n : e)
            snapOptions: function() {
                var e = this.diagram.options.editable,
                    t = ((e || {}).drag || {}).snap || {};
                return t
            shouldSnap: function() {
                var e = this.diagram.options.editable,
                    t = (e || {}).drag,
                    n = (t || {}).snap;
                return e !== !1 && t !== !1 && n !== !1
            _displaceBounds: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o = e.topLeft().plus(t),
                    a = e.bottomRight().plus(n),
                    s = q.fromPoints(o, a);
                return i || (r = s.center(), r.rotate(e.center(), -this._angle), s = new q(r.x - s.width / 2, r.y - s.height / 2, s.width, s.height)), s
            stop: function() {
                var e, n, i, r;
                if (this._cp != this._sp)
                    if (this._rotating) e = new b(this, this.shapes, this.initialRotates), this._rotating = !1;
                    else if (this._diffStates()) {
                    if (this.diagram.ruler)
                        for (n = 0; this.shapes.length > n; n++) i = this.shapes[n], r = i.bounds(), r = this._truncateSizeToGuides(this._truncatePositionToGuides(r)), i.bounds(r), this.refreshBounds(), this.refresh();
                    for (n = 0; this.shapes.length > n; n++) i = this.shapes[n], i.updateModel();
                    e = new m(this.shapes, this.shapeStates, this), this.diagram._syncShapeChanges()
                return this._manipulating = t, this._internalChange = t, this._rotating = t, e
            _diffStates: function() {
                var e, t = this.shapes,
                    n = this.shapeStates;
                for (e = 0; t.length > e; e++)
                    if (!t[e].bounds().equals(n[e])) return !0;
                return !1
            refreshBounds: function() {
                var e = 1 == this.shapes.length ? this.shapes[0].bounds().clone() : this.diagram.boundingBox(this.shapes, !0);
            refresh: function() {
                var t, n, i, r, o = this;
                this.shapes.length > 0 ? (n = this.bounds(), this.visual.visible(!0), this.visual.position(n.topLeft()), e.each(this.map, function() {
                    t = o._getHandleBounds(new K(this.x, this.y)), this.visual.position(t.topLeft())
                }), this.visual.position(n.topLeft()), i = new K(n.width / 2, n.height / 2), this.visual.rotate(this._angle, i), this.rect.redraw({
                    width: n.width,
                    height: n.height
                }), this.rotationThumb && (r = this.options.editable.rotate.thumb, this._rotationThumbBounds = new q(n.center().x, n.y + r.y, 0, 0).inflate(r.width), this.rotationThumb.redraw({
                    x: n.width / 2 - r.width / 2
                }))) : this.visual.visible(!1)
        }), N = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = e.options.selectable;
                this.options = J({}, this.options, t), this.visual = new $(this.options), this.diagram = e
            options: {
                stroke: {
                    color: "#778899",
                    width: 1,
                    dashType: "dash"
                fill: {
                    color: It
            start: function(e) {
                this._sp = this._ep = e, this.refresh(), this.diagram._adorn(this, !0)
            end: function() {
                this._sp = this._ep = t, this.diagram._adorn(this, !1)
            bounds: function(e) {
                return e && (this._bounds = e), this._bounds
            move: function(e) {
                this._ep = e, this.refresh()
            refresh: function() {
                if (this._sp) {
                    var e = q.fromPoints(this.diagram.modelToLayer(this._sp), this.diagram.modelToLayer(this._ep));
                    this.bounds(q.fromPoints(this._sp, this._ep)), this.visual.position(e.topLeft()), this.visual.redraw({
                        height: e.height + 1,
                        width: e.width + 1
        }), O = j.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                this.options = J({}, e.options), this._c = e, this.visual = new X(this.options), this.refresh()
            _hover: function(e) {
                var t = this.options,
                    n = t.hover,
                    i = t.stroke,
                    r = t.fill;
                e && Y.isDefined(n.stroke) && (i = J({}, i, n.stroke)), e && Y.isDefined(n.fill) && (r = n.fill), this.visual.redraw({
                    stroke: i,
                    fill: r
            refresh: function() {
                var e = this._c.shape.diagram.modelToView(this._c.position()),
                    t = e.minus(this._c.shape.bounds("transformed").topLeft()),
                    n = new q(e.x, e.y, 0, 0);
                n.inflate(this.options.width / 2, this.options.height / 2), this._visualBounds = n, this.visual.redraw({
                    center: new K(t.x, t.y)
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var t = this._c.shape.diagram.modelToView(e);
                return this._visualBounds.contains(t)
        }), J(W, {
            CompositeUnit: u,
            TransformUnit: m,
            PanUndoUnit: w,
            AddShapeUnit: _,
            AddConnectionUnit: v,
            DeleteShapeUnit: g,
            DeleteConnectionUnit: f,
            ConnectionEditAdorner: H,
            ConnectionTool: A,
            ConnectorVisual: O,
            UndoRedoService: x,
            ResizingAdorner: L,
            Selector: N,
            ToolService: I,
            ConnectorsAdorner: B,
            LayoutUndoUnit: d,
            ConnectionEditUnit: h,
            ToFrontUnit: y,
            ToBackUnit: k,
            ConnectionRouterBase: P,
            PolylineRouter: z,
            CascadingRouter: F,
            SelectionTool: D,
            ScrollerTool: S,
            PointerTool: T,
            ConnectionEditTool: E,
            RotateUnit: b
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.dataviz.diagram,
            i = n.Graph,
            r = n.Node,
            o = n.Link,
            a = t.deepExtend,
            s = n.Size,
            l = n.Rect,
            c = n.Dictionary,
            d = n.Set,
            u = n.Graph,
            h = n.Utils,
            p = n.Point,
            f = 1e-6,
            g = Math.PI / 180,
            m = h.contains,
            v = e.grep,
            _ = t.Class.extend({
                defaultOptions: {
                    type: "Tree",
                    subtype: "Down",
                    roots: null,
                    animate: !1,
                    limitToView: !1,
                    friction: .9,
                    nodeDistance: 50,
                    iterations: 300,
                    horizontalSeparation: 90,
                    verticalSeparation: 50,
                    underneathVerticalTopOffset: 15,
                    underneathHorizontalOffset: 15,
                    underneathVerticalSeparation: 15,
                    grid: {
                        width: 1500,
                        offsetX: 50,
                        offsetY: 50,
                        componentSpacingX: 20,
                        componentSpacingY: 20
                    layerSeparation: 50,
                    layeredIterations: 2,
                    startRadialAngle: 0,
                    endRadialAngle: 360,
                    radialSeparation: 150,
                    radialFirstLevelSeparation: 200,
                    keepComponentsInOneRadialLayout: !1,
                    ignoreContainers: !0,
                    layoutContainerChildren: !1,
                    ignoreInvisible: !0,
                    animateTransitions: !1
                init: function() {},
                gridLayoutComponents: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f, g, m, v;
                    if (!e) throw "No components supplied.";
                    for (h.forEach(e, function(e) {
                    }), e.sort(function(e, t) {
                        return t.bounds.width - e.bounds.width
                    }), t = this.options.grid.width, n = this.options.grid.componentSpacingX, i = this.options.grid.componentSpacingY, r = 0, o = this.options.grid.offsetX, a = this.options.grid.offsetY, s = o, l = a, d = [], u = []; e.length > 0;) {
                        for (s >= t && (s = o, l += r + i, r = 0), f = e.pop(), this.moveToOffset(f, new p(s, l)), c = 0; f.nodes.length > c; c++) u.push(f.nodes[c]);
                        for (c = 0; f.links.length > c; c++) d.push(f.links[c]);
                        g = f.bounds, m = g.height, (0 >= m || isNaN(m)) && (m = 0), v = g.width, (0 >= v || isNaN(v)) && (v = 0), m >= r && (r = m), s += v + n
                    return {
                        nodes: u,
                        links: d
                moveToOffset: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, c, d, u = e.bounds,
                        h = t.x - u.x,
                        f = t.y - u.y;
                    for (n = 0; e.nodes.length > n; n++) r = e.nodes[n], o = r.bounds(), 0 === o.width && 0 === o.height && 0 === o.x && 0 === o.y && (o = new l(0, 0, 0, 0)), o.x += h, o.y += f, r.bounds(o);
                    for (n = 0; e.links.length > n; n++)
                        if (a = e.links[n], a.points) {
                            for (s = [], c = a.points, i = 0; c.length > i; i++) d = c[i], d.x += h, d.y += f, s.push(d);
                            a.points = s
                    return this.currentHorizontalOffset += u.width + this.options.grid.offsetX, new p(h, f)
                transferOptions: function(e) {
                    this.options = t.deepExtend({}, this.defaultOptions), h.isUndefined(e) || (this.options = t.deepExtend(this.options, e || {}))
            w = t.Class.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.nodeMap = new c, this.shapeMap = new c, this.nodes = [], this.edges = [], this.edgeMap = new c, this.finalNodes = [], this.finalLinks = [], this.ignoredConnections = [], this.ignoredShapes = [], this.hyperMap = new c, this.hyperTree = new i, this.finalGraph = null, this.diagram = e
                convert: function(e) {
                    if (h.isUndefined(this.diagram)) throw "No diagram to convert.";
                    return this.options = t.deepExtend({
                        ignoreInvisible: !0,
                        ignoreContainers: !0,
                        layoutContainerChildren: !1
                    }, e || {}), this.clear(), this._renormalizeShapes(), this._renormalizeConnections(), this.finalNodes = new c(this.nodes), this.finalLinks = new c(this.edges), this.finalGraph = new i, this.finalNodes.forEach(function(e) {
                    }, this), this.finalLinks.forEach(function(e) {
                    }, this), this.finalGraph
                mapConnection: function(e) {
                    return this.edgeMap.first(function(t) {
                        return m(this.edgeMap.get(t), e)
                mapShape: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r = this.nodeMap.keys();
                    for (t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++)
                        if (i = r[t], m(this.nodeMap.get(i), e)) return i
                getEdge: function(e, t) {
                    return h.first(e.links, function(n) {
                        return n.getComplement(e) === t
                clear: function() {
                    this.finalGraph = null, this.hyperTree = !this.options.ignoreContainers && this.options.layoutContainerChildren ? new u : null, this.hyperMap = !this.options.ignoreContainers && this.options.layoutContainerChildren ? new c : null, this.nodeMap = new c, this.shapeMap = new c, this.nodes = [], this.edges = [], this.edgeMap = new c, this.ignoredConnections = [], this.ignoredShapes = [], this.finalNodes = [], this.finalLinks = []
                listToRoot: function(e) {
                    var t = [],
                        n = e.container;
                    if (!n) return t;
                    for (t.push(n); n.parentContainer;) n = n.parentContainer, t.push(n);
                    return t.reverse(), t
                firstNonIgnorableContainer: function(e) {
                    return e.isContainer && !this._isIgnorableItem(e) ? e : e.parentContainer ? this.firstNonIgnorableContainer(e.parentContainer) : null
                isContainerConnection: function(e, t) {
                    return e.isContainer && this.isDescendantOf(e, t) ? !0 : t.isContainer && this.isDescendantOf(t, e)
                isDescendantOf: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    if (!e.isContainer) throw "Expecting a container.";
                    if (e === t) return !1;
                    if (m(e.children, t)) return !0;
                    for (n = [], i = 0, r = e.children.length; r > i; i++) o = e.children[i], o.isContainer && this.isDescendantOf(o, t) && n.push(o);
                    return n.length > 0
                isIgnorableItem: function(e) {
                    return this.options.ignoreInvisible ? e.isCollapsed && this._isVisible(e) ? !1 : !e.isCollapsed && this._isVisible(e) ? !1 : !0 : e.isCollapsed && !this._isTop(e)
                isShapeMapped: function(e) {
                    return e.isCollapsed && !this._isVisible(e) && !this._isTop(e)
                leastCommonAncestor: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s;
                    if (!e) throw "Parameter should not be null.";
                    if (!t) throw "Parameter should not be null.";
                    if (!this.hyperTree) throw "No hypertree available.";
                    if (n = this.listToRoot(e), i = this.listToRoot(t), r = null, h.isEmpty(n) || h.isEmpty(i)) return this.hyperTree.root.data;
                    for (o = n[0], a = i[0], s = 0; o === a && (r = n[s], s++, !(s >= n.length || s >= i.length));) o = n[s], a = i[s];
                    return r ? v(this.hyperTree.nodes, function(e) {
                        return e.data.container === r
                    }) : this.hyperTree.root.data
                _isTop: function(e) {
                    return !e.parentContainer
                _isVisible: function(e) {
                    return e.visible() ? e.parentContainer ? this._isVisible(e.parentContainer) : e.visible() : !1
                _isCollapsed: function(e) {
                    return e.isContainer && e.isCollapsed ? !0 : e.parentContainer && this._isCollapsed(e.parentContainer)
                _renormalizeShapes: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i;
                    if (!this.options.ignoreContainers) throw "Containers are not supported yet, but stay tuned.";
                    for (e = 0, t = this.diagram.shapes.length; t > e; e++) n = this.diagram.shapes[e], this.options.ignoreInvisible && !this._isVisible(n) || n.isContainer ? this.ignoredShapes.push(n) : (i = new r(n.id, n), i.isVirtual = !1, this.nodeMap.add(i, [n]), this.nodes.push(i))
                _renormalizeConnections: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, a, s, l;
                    if (0 !== this.diagram.connections.length)
                        for (e = 0, t = this.diagram.connections.length; t > e; e++)
                            if (n = this.diagram.connections[e], this.isIgnorableItem(n)) this.ignoredConnections.push(n);
                            else if (i = n.sourceConnector ? n.sourceConnector.shape : null, r = n.targetConnector ? n.targetConnector.shape : null, i && r)
                        if (!m(this.ignoredShapes, i) || this.shapeMap.containsKey(i))
                            if (!m(this.ignoredShapes, r) || this.shapeMap.containsKey(r))
                                if (this.shapeMap.containsKey(i) && (i = this.shapeMap[i]), this.shapeMap.containsKey(r) && (r = this.shapeMap[r]), a = this.mapShape(i), s = this.mapShape(r), a === s || this.areConnectedAlready(a, s)) this.ignoredConnections.push(n);
                                else {
                                    if (null === a || null === s) throw "A shape was not mapped to a node.";
                                    if (!this.options.ignoreContainers) throw "Containers are not supported yet, but stay tuned.";
                                    a.isVirtual || s.isVirtual ? this.ignoredConnections.push(n) : (l = new o(a, s, n.id, n), this.edgeMap.add(l, [n]), this.edges.push(l))
                                } else this.ignoredConnections.push(n);
                    else this.ignoredConnections.push(n);
                    else this.ignoredConnections.push(n)
                areConnectedAlready: function(e, t) {
                    return h.any(this.edges, function(n) {
                        return n.source === e && n.target === t || n.source === t && n.target === e
            b = _.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    if (_.fn.init.call(t), h.isUndefined(e)) throw "Diagram is not specified.";
                    this.diagram = e
                layout: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o, a, s;
                    if (this.transferOptions(e), t = new w(this.diagram), i = t.convert(e), !i.isEmpty() && (r = i.getConnectedComponents(), !h.isEmpty(r))) {
                        for (o = 0; r.length > o; o++) a = r[o], this.layoutGraph(a, e);
                        return s = this.gridLayoutComponents(r), new n.LayoutState(this.diagram, s)
                layoutGraph: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r;
                    for (h.isDefined(t) && this.transferOptions(t), this.graph = e, n = 9 * this.options.nodeDistance, this.temperature = n, i = this._expectedBounds(), this.width = i.width, this.height = i.height, r = 0; this.options.iterations > r; r++) this.refineStage = r >= 5 * this.options.iterations / 6, this.tick(), this.temperature = this.refineStage ? n / 30 : n * (1 - r / (2 * this.options.iterations))
                tick: function() {
                    var e, t, n;
                    for (e = 0; this.graph.nodes.length > e; e++) this._repulsion(this.graph.nodes[e]);
                    for (e = 0; this.graph.links.length > e; e++) this._attraction(this.graph.links[e]);
                    for (e = 0; this.graph.nodes.length > e; e++) {
                        if (t = this.graph.nodes[e], n = Math.sqrt(t.dx * t.dx + t.dy * t.dy), 0 === n) return;
                        t.x += Math.min(n, this.temperature) * t.dx / n, t.y += Math.min(n, this.temperature) * t.dy / n, this.options.limitToView && (t.x = Math.min(this.width, Math.max(t.width / 2, t.x)), t.y = Math.min(this.height, Math.max(t.height / 2, t.y)))
                _shake: function(e) {
                    var t = Math.random() * this.options.nodeDistance / 4,
                        n = 2 * Math.random() * Math.PI;
                    e.x += t * Math.cos(n), e.y -= t * Math.sin(n)
                _InverseSquareForce: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    return this.refineStage ? (r = t.x - n.x, o = t.y - n.y, a = t.width / 2, s = t.height / 2, l = n.width / 2, c = n.height / 2, i = Math.pow(r, 2) / Math.pow(a + l + this.options.nodeDistance, 2) + Math.pow(o, 2) / Math.pow(s + c + this.options.nodeDistance, 2)) : i = Math.pow(e, 2) / Math.pow(this.options.nodeDistance, 2), 4 * i / 3
                _SquareForce: function(e, t, n) {
                    return 1 / this._InverseSquareForce(e, t, n)
                _repulsion: function(e) {
                    e.dx = 0, e.dy = 0, h.forEach(this.graph.nodes, function(t) {
                        var n, i, r, o;
                        if (t !== e) {
                            for (; e.x === t.x && e.y === t.y;) this._shake(t);
                            n = e.x - t.x, i = e.y - t.y, r = Math.sqrt(n * n + i * i), o = 2 * this._SquareForce(r, e, t), e.dx += n / r * o, e.dy += i / r * o
                    }, this)
                _attraction: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s = e.target,
                        l = e.source;
                    if (l !== s) {
                        for (; l.x === s.x && l.y === s.y;) this._shake(s);
                        t = l.x - s.x, n = l.y - s.y, i = Math.sqrt(t * t + n * n), r = 5 * this._InverseSquareForce(i, l, s), o = t / i * r, a = n / i * r, s.dx += o, s.dy += a, l.dx -= o, l.dy -= a
                _expectedBounds: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.graph.nodes.length,
                        a = 1.5,
                        s = 4;
                    return 0 === o ? e : (e = h.fold(this.graph.nodes, function(e, t) {
                        var n = t.width * t.height;
                        return n > 0 ? e += Math.sqrt(n) : 0
                    }, 0, this), t = e / o, n = t * Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(o)), i = n * Math.sqrt(a), r = n / Math.sqrt(a), {
                        width: i * s,
                        height: r * s
            y = t.Class.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    this.center = null, this.options = e
                layout: function(e, t) {
                    if (this.graph = e, this.graph.nodes && 0 !== this.graph.nodes.length) {
                        if (!m(this.graph.nodes, t)) throw "The given root is not in the graph.";
                        this.center = t, this.graph.cacheRelationships(), this.layoutSwitch()
                layoutLeft: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l, c;
                    for (this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Left", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), t = 0, n = 0, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], o.TreeDirection = "Left", a = this.measure(o, s.Empty), n = Math.max(n, a.Width), t += a.height + this.options.verticalSeparation;
                    for (t -= this.options.verticalSeparation, l = this.center.x - this.options.horizontalSeparation, i = this.center.y + (this.center.height - t) / 2, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], c = new p(l - o.Size.width, i), this.arrange(o, c), i += o.Size.height + this.options.verticalSeparation
                layoutRight: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l, c;
                    for (this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Right", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), t = 0, n = 0, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], o.TreeDirection = "Right", a = this.measure(o, s.Empty), n = Math.max(n, a.Width), t += a.height + this.options.verticalSeparation;
                    for (t -= this.options.verticalSeparation, l = this.center.x + this.options.horizontalSeparation + this.center.width, i = this.center.y + (this.center.height - t) / 2, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) o = e[r], c = new p(l, i), this.arrange(o, c), i += o.Size.height + this.options.verticalSeparation
                layoutUp: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l;
                    for (this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Up", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), t = 0, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) i = e[r], i.TreeDirection = "Up", o = this.measure(i, s.Empty), t += o.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                    for (t -= this.options.horizontalSeparation, a = this.center.x + this.center.width / 2 - t / 2, r = 0; e.length > r; r++) i = e[r], n = this.center.y - this.options.verticalSeparation - i.Size.height, l = new p(a, n), this.arrange(i, l), a += i.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation
                layoutDown: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, l;
                    for (this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Down", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), i = 0, n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], t.treeDirection = "Down", o = this.measure(t, s.Empty), i += o.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                    for (i -= this.options.horizontalSeparation, a = this.center.x + this.center.width / 2 - i / 2, r = this.center.y + this.options.verticalSeparation + this.center.height, n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], l = new p(a, r), this.arrange(t, l), a += t.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation
                layoutRadialTree: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    if (this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Radial", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), this.previousRoot = null, e = this.options.startRadialAngle * g, t = this.options.endRadialAngle * g, e >= t) throw "Final angle should not be less than the start angle.";
                    this.maxDepth = 0, this.origin = new p(this.center.x, this.center.y), this.calculateAngularWidth(this.center, 0), this.maxDepth > 0 && this.radialLayout(this.center, this.options.radialFirstLevelSeparation, e, t), this.center.Angle = t - e
                tipOverTree: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, l, c;
                    for (h.isUndefined(t) && (t = 0), this.setChildrenDirection(this.center, "Down", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Default", !1), this.setChildrenLayout(this.center, "Underneath", !1, t), n = 0, o = 0; e.length > o; o++) r = e[o], r.TreeDirection = "Down", a = this.measure(r, s.Empty), n += a.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                    for (n -= this.options.horizontalSeparation, n -= e[e.length - 1].width, n += e[e.length - 1].associatedShape.bounds().width, l = this.center.x + this.center.width / 2 - n / 2, i = this.center.y + this.options.verticalSeparation + this.center.height, o = 0; e.length > o; o++) r = e[o], c = new p(l, i), this.arrange(r, c), l += r.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation
                calculateAngularWidth: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l;
                    if (t > this.maxDepth && (this.maxDepth = t), n = 0, i = 1e3, r = 1e3, o = 0 === t ? 0 : Math.sqrt(i * i + r * r) / t, e.children.length > 0) {
                        for (a = 0, s = e.children.length; s > a; a++) l = e.children[a], n += this.calculateAngularWidth(l, t + 1);
                        n = Math.max(o, n)
                    } else n = o;
                    return e.sectorAngle = n, n
                sortChildren: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, f = 0;
                    if (e.parents.length > 1) throw "Node is not part of a tree.";
                    if (n = e.parents[0], n && (i = new p(n.x, n.y), r = new p(e.x, e.y), f = this.normalizeAngle(Math.atan2(i.y - r.y, i.x - r.x))), o = e.children.length, 0 === o) return null;
                    for (a = [], s = [], t = 0; o > t; ++t) l = e.children[t], c = new p(l.x, l.y), s[t] = t, a[t] = this.normalizeAngle(-f + Math.atan2(c.y - c.y, c.x - c.x));
                    for (h.bisort(a, s), d = [], u = e.children, t = 0; o > t; ++t) d.push(u[s[t]]);
                    return d
                normalizeAngle: function(e) {
                    for (; e > 2 * Math.PI;) e -= 2 * Math.PI;
                    for (; 0 > e;) e += 2 * Math.PI;
                    return e
                radialLayout: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c = i - n,
                        d = c / 2,
                        u = e.sectorAngle,
                        h = 0,
                        p = this.sortChildren(e);
                    for (r = 0, o = p.length; o > r; r++) a = p[r], s = a, l = s.sectorAngle / u, a.children.length > 0 && this.radialLayout(a, t + this.options.radialSeparation, n + h * c, n + (h + l) * c), this.setPolarLocation(a, t, n + h * c + l * d), s.angle = l * c, h += l
                setPolarLocation: function(e, t, n) {
                    e.x = this.origin.x + t * Math.cos(n), e.y = this.origin.y + t * Math.sin(n), e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height)
                setChildrenDirection: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = e.treeDirection;
                    this.graph.depthFirstTraversal(e, function(e) {
                        e.treeDirection = t
                    }), n || (e.treeDirection = i)
                setChildrenLayout: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    h.isUndefined(i) && (i = 0);
                    var r = e.childrenLayout;
                    i > 0 ? (this.graph.assignLevels(e), this.graph.depthFirstTraversal(e, function(e) {
                        e.level >= i + 1 && (e.childrenLayout = t)
                    })) : (this.graph.depthFirstTraversal(e, function(e) {
                        e.childrenLayout = t
                    }), n || (e.childrenLayout = r))
                measure: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, l, c, d = 0,
                        u = 0,
                        p = new s(0, 0);
                    if (!e) throw "";
                    if (i = e.associatedShape.bounds(), r = i.width, o = i.height, 1 !== e.parents.length) throw "Node not in a spanning tree.";
                    if (a = e.parents[0], "Undefined" === e.treeDirection && (e.treeDirection = a.treeDirection), h.isEmpty(e.children)) p = new s(Math.abs(r) < f ? 50 : r, Math.abs(o) < f ? 25 : o);
                    else if (1 === e.children.length) {
                        switch (e.treeDirection) {
                            case "Radial":
                                n = this.measure(e.children[0], t), d = r + this.options.radialSeparation * Math.cos(e.AngleToParent) + n.width, u = o + Math.abs(this.options.radialSeparation * Math.sin(e.AngleToParent)) + n.height;
                            case "Left":
                            case "Right":
                                switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                    case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "Underneath":
                                        n = this.measure(e.children[0], t), d = r + n.width + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset, u = o + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset + n.height;
                                    case "Default":
                                        n = this.measure(e.children[0], t), d = r + this.options.horizontalSeparation + n.width, u = Math.max(o, n.height);
                                        throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the Radial layout measuring."
                            case "Up":
                            case "Down":
                                switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                    case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "Underneath":
                                        n = this.measure(e.children[0], t), d = Math.max(r, n.width + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset), u = o + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset + n.height;
                                    case "Default":
                                        n = this.measure(e.children[0], t), u = o + this.options.verticalSeparation + n.height, d = Math.max(r, n.width);
                                        throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the Down layout measuring."
                                throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the layout measuring."
                        p = new s(d, u)
                    } else {
                        switch (e.treeDirection) {
                            case "Left":
                            case "Right":
                                switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                    case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "Underneath":
                                        for (d = r, u = o + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset, l = 0; e.children.length > l; l++) c = e.children[l], n = this.measure(c, t), d = Math.max(d, n.width + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset), u += n.height + this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                        u -= this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                    case "Default":
                                        for (d = r, u = 0, l = 0; e.children.length > l; l++) c = e.children[l], n = this.measure(c, t), d = Math.max(d, r + this.options.horizontalSeparation + n.width), u += n.height + this.options.verticalSeparation;
                                        u -= this.options.verticalSeparation;
                                        throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the Right layout measuring."
                            case "Up":
                            case "Down":
                                switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                    case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                    case "Underneath":
                                        for (d = r, u = o + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset, l = 0; e.children.length > l; l++) c = e.children[l], n = this.measure(c, t), d = Math.max(d, n.width + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset), u += n.height + this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                        u -= this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                    case "Default":
                                        for (d = 0, u = 0, l = 0; e.children.length > l; l++) c = e.children[l], n = this.measure(c, t), d += n.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation, u = Math.max(u, n.height + this.options.verticalSeparation + o);
                                        d -= this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                                        throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the Down layout measuring."
                                throw "Unhandled TreeDirection in the layout measuring."
                        p = new s(d, u)
                    return e.SectorAngle = Math.sqrt(d * d / 4 + u * u / 4), e.Size = p, p
                arrange: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, c, d, u = e.associatedShape.bounds(),
                        g = u.width,
                        m = u.height;
                    if (h.isEmpty(e.children)) e.x = t.x, e.y = t.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(t.x, t.y, g, m);
                    else switch (e.treeDirection) {
                        case "Left":
                            switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                case "Underneath":
                                    for (d = t, e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), c = t.y + m + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset, n = 0; o.children.length > n; n++) o = o.children[n], s = d.x - o.associatedShape.width - this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset, i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), c += o.Size.height + this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                case "Default":
                                    for (d = new p(t.x + e.Size.width - g, t.y + (e.Size.height - m) / 2), e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), s = d.x - this.options.horizontalSeparation, c = t.y, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], i = new p(s - o.Size.width, c), this.arrange(o, i), c += o.Size.height + this.options.verticalSeparation;
                                    throw "Unsupported TreeDirection"
                        case "Right":
                            switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                case "Underneath":
                                    for (d = t, e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), s = t.x + g + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset, c = t.y + m + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), c += o.Size.height + this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                case "Default":
                                    for (d = new p(t.x, t.y + (e.Size.height - m) / 2), e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), s = t.x + g + this.options.horizontalSeparation, c = t.y, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), c += o.Size.height + this.options.verticalSeparation;
                                    throw "Unsupported TreeDirection"
                        case "Up":
                            if (d = new p(t.x + (e.Size.width - g) / 2, t.y + e.Size.height - m), e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), Math.abs(d.x - t.x) < f) {
                                for (a = 0, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) r = e.children[n], a += r.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                                a -= this.options.horizontalSeparation, s = t.x + (g - a) / 2
                            } else s = t.x;
                            for (n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], c = d.y - this.options.verticalSeparation - o.Size.height, i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), s += o.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                        case "Down":
                            switch (e.childrenLayout) {
                                case "TopAlignedWithParent":
                                case "BottomAlignedWithParent":
                                case "Underneath":
                                    for (d = t, e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), s = t.x + this.options.underneathHorizontalOffset, c = t.y + m + this.options.underneathVerticalTopOffset, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), c += o.Size.height + this.options.underneathVerticalSeparation;
                                case "Default":
                                    if (d = new p(t.x + (e.Size.width - g) / 2, t.y), e.x = d.x, e.y = d.y, e.BoundingRectangle = new l(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height), Math.abs(d.x - t.x) < f) {
                                        for (a = 0, n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) r = e.children[n], a += r.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                                        a -= this.options.horizontalSeparation, s = t.x + (g - a) / 2
                                    } else s = t.x;
                                    for (n = 0; e.children.length > n; n++) o = e.children[n], c = d.y + this.options.verticalSeparation + m, i = new p(s, c), this.arrange(o, i), s += o.Size.width + this.options.horizontalSeparation;
                                    throw "Unsupported TreeDirection"
                        case "None":
                            throw "Unsupported TreeDirection"
                layoutSwitch: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o;
                    if (this.center && !h.isEmpty(this.center.children)) switch (e = this.options.subtype, h.isUndefined(e) && (e = "Down"), o = this.center.children, e.toLowerCase()) {
                        case "radial":
                        case "radialtree":
                        case "mindmaphorizontal":
                        case "mindmap":
                            t = this.center.children, 1 === this.center.children.length ? this.layoutRight(t) : (r = o.length / 2, n = v(this.center.children, function(e) {
                                return h.indexOf(o, e) < r
                            }), i = v(this.center.children, function(e) {
                                return h.indexOf(o, e) >= r
                            }), this.layoutLeft(n), this.layoutRight(i));
                        case "mindmapvertical":
                            t = this.center.children, 1 === this.center.children.length ? this.layoutDown(t) : (r = o.length / 2, n = v(this.center.children, function(e) {
                                return h.indexOf(o, e) < r
                            }), i = v(this.center.children, function(e) {
                                return h.indexOf(o, e) >= r
                            }), this.layoutUp(n), this.layoutDown(i));
                        case "right":
                        case "left":
                        case "up":
                        case "bottom":
                        case "down":
                        case "top":
                        case "tipover":
                        case "tipovertree":
                            if (0 > this.options.tipOverTreeStartLevel) throw "The tip-over level should be a positive integer.";
                            this.tipOverTree(this.center.children, this.options.tipOverTreeStartLevel);
                        case "undefined":
                        case "none":
            k = _.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    if (_.fn.init.call(t), h.isUndefined(e)) throw "No diagram specified.";
                    this.diagram = e
                layout: function(e) {
                    var t, i;
                    return this.transferOptions(e), t = new w(this.diagram), this.graph = t.convert(), i = this.layoutComponents(), new n.LayoutState(this.diagram, i)
                layoutComponents: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                    if (!this.graph.isEmpty() && (e = this.graph.getConnectedComponents(), !h.isEmpty(e))) {
                        for (t = new y(this.options), n = [], i = 0; e.length > i; i++) {
                            if (r = e[i], o = this.getTree(r), !o) throw "Failed to find a spanning tree for the component.";
                            a = o.root, s = o.tree, t.layout(s, a), n.push(s)
                        return this.gridLayoutComponents(n)
                getTree: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a = null;
                    if (this.options.roots && this.options.roots.length > 0)
                        for (t = 0, n = e.nodes.length; n > t; t++)
                            for (i = e.nodes[t], r = 0; this.options.roots.length > r; r++)
                                if (o = this.options.roots[r], o === i.associatedShape) {
                                    a = i;
                    if (!a && (a = e.root(), !a)) throw "Unable to find a root for the tree.";
                    return this.getTreeForRoot(e, a)
                getTreeForRoot: function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.getSpanningTree(t);
                    return h.isUndefined(n) || n.isEmpty() ? null : {
                        tree: n,
                        root: n.root
            x = _.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    if (_.fn.init.call(t), h.isUndefined(e)) throw "Diagram is not specified.";
                    this.diagram = e
                layout: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o, a, s;
                    if (this.transferOptions(e), t = new w(this.diagram), i = t.convert(e), !i.isEmpty() && (r = i.getConnectedComponents(), !h.isEmpty(r))) {
                        for (o = 0; r.length > o; o++) a = r[o], this.layoutGraph(a, e);
                        return s = this.gridLayoutComponents(r), new n.LayoutState(this.diagram, s)
                _initRuntimeProperties: function() {
                    var e, t;
                    for (e = 0; this.graph.nodes.length > e; e++) t = this.graph.nodes[e], t.layer = -1, t.downstreamLinkCount = 0, t.upstreamLinkCount = 0, t.isVirtual = !1, t.uBaryCenter = 0, t.dBaryCenter = 0, t.upstreamPriority = 0, t.downstreamPriority = 0, t.gridPosition = 0
                _prepare: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, p, f, g = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.links.length > n; n++) e.links[n].depthOfDumminess = 0;
                    for (r = new c, h.forEach(e.nodes, function(e) {
                        0 === e.incoming.length && (r.set(e, 0), g.push(e))
                    }); g.length > 0;)
                        for (o = g.shift(), t = 0; o.outgoing.length > t; t++) i = o.outgoing[t], a = i.target, r.containsKey(a) ? r.set(a, Math.max(r.get(o) + 1, r.get(a))) : r.set(a, r.get(o) + 1), m(g, a) || g.push(a);
                    for (s = 0, r.forEachValue(function(e) {
                        s = Math.max(s, e)
                    }), l = [], h.addRange(l, r.keys()), l.sort(function(e, t) {
                        var n = r.get(e),
                            i = r.get(t);
                        return h.sign(i - n)
                    }), d = 0; l.length > d; ++d)
                        if (u = l[d], p = Number.MAX_VALUE, 0 !== u.outgoing.length) {
                            for (n = 0; u.outgoing.length > n; ++n) i = u.outgoing[n], p = Math.min(p, r.get(i.target));
                            p > 1 && r.set(u, p - 1)
                    for (this.layers = [], t = 0; s + 1 > t; t++) this.layers.push([]);
                    for (r.forEach(function(e, t) {
                        e.layer = t, this.layers[t].push(e)
                    }, this), n = 0; this.layers.length > n; n++)
                        for (f = this.layers[n], t = 0; f.length > t; t++) f[t].gridPosition = t
                layoutGraph: function(e, t) {
                    if (h.isUndefined(e)) throw "No graph given or graph analysis of the diagram failed.";
                    h.isDefined(t) && this.transferOptions(t), this.graph = e, e.setItemIndices();
                    var n = e.makeAcyclic();
                    this._initRuntimeProperties(), this._prepare(e, t), this._dummify(), this._optimizeCrossings(), this._swapPairs(), this.arrangeNodes(), this._moveThingsAround(), this._dedummify(), h.forEach(n, function(e) {
                        e.points && e.points.reverse()
                setMinDist: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = e.layer,
                        r = e.layerIndex;
                    this.minDistances[i][r] = n
                getMinDist: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = 0,
                        r = e.layerIndex,
                        o = t.layerIndex,
                        a = e.layer,
                        s = Math.min(r, o),
                        l = Math.max(r, o);
                    for (n = s; l > n; ++n) i += this.minDistances[a][n];
                    return i
                placeLeftToRight: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, p = new c;
                    for (i = 0; this.layers.length > i; ++i)
                        if (r = e[i]) {
                            for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], p.containsKey(n) || this.placeLeft(n, p, i);
                            for (o = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], a = this.rightSibling(n), a && this.nodeLeftClass.get(a) !== i && (o = Math.min(o, p.get(a) - p.get(n) - this.getMinDist(n, a)));
                            if (o === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                                for (s = [], t = 0; r.length > t; t++)
                                    for (n = r[t], l = [], h.addRange(l, this.upNodes.get(n)), h.addRange(l, this.downNodes.get(n)), d = 0; l.length > d; d++) u = l[d], this.nodeLeftClass.get(u) < i && s.push(p.get(u) - p.get(n));
                                s.sort(), o = 0 === s.length ? 0 : s.length % 2 === 1 ? s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2)] : (s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2) - 1] + s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2)]) / 2
                            for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], p.set(n, p.get(n) + o)
                    return p
                placeRightToLeft: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, p = new c;
                    for (i = 0; this.layers.length > i; ++i)
                        if (r = e[i]) {
                            for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], p.containsKey(n) || this.placeRight(n, p, i);
                            for (o = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], a = this.leftSibling(n), a && this.nodeRightClass.get(a) !== i && (o = Math.max(o, p.get(a) - p.get(n) + this.getMinDist(a, n)));
                            if (o === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                                for (s = [], t = 0; r.length > t; t++)
                                    for (n = r[t], l = [], h.addRange(l, this.upNodes.get(n)), h.addRange(l, this.downNodes.get(n)), d = 0; l.length > d; d++) u = l[d], this.nodeRightClass.get(u) < i && s.push(p.get(n) - p.get(u));
                                s.sort(), o = 0 === s.length ? 0 : s.length % 2 === 1 ? s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2)] : (s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2) - 1] + s[this.intDiv(s.length, 2)]) / 2
                            for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], p.set(n, p.get(n) + o)
                    return p
                _getLeftWing: function() {
                    var e = {
                            value: null
                        t = this.computeClasses(e, 1);
                    return this.nodeLeftClass = e.value, t
                _getRightWing: function() {
                    var e = {
                            value: null
                        t = this.computeClasses(e, -1);
                    return this.nodeRightClass = e.value, t
                computeClasses: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, h = 0,
                        p = e.value = new c;
                    for (n = 0; this.layers.length > n; ++n)
                        for (h = n, i = this.layers[n], r = 1 === t ? 0 : i.length - 1; r >= 0 && i.length > r; r += t)
                            if (o = i[r], p.containsKey(o)) h = p.get(o);
                            else if (p.set(o, h), o.isVirtual)
                        for (a = this._nodesInLink(o), s = 0; a.length > s; s++) l = a[s], p.set(l, h);
                    for (d = [], u = 0; this.layers.length > u; u++) d.push(null);
                    return p.forEach(function(e, t) {
                        null === d[t] && (d[t] = []), d[t].push(e)
                    }), d
                _isVerticalLayout: function() {
                    return "up" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase() || "down" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase() || "vertical" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase()
                _isHorizontalLayout: function() {
                    return "right" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase() || "left" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase() || "horizontal" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase()
                _isIncreasingLayout: function() {
                    return "right" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase() || "down" === this.options.subtype.toLowerCase()
                _moveThingsAround: function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        var n, i, r = Number.MIN_VALUE;
                        for (n = 0; e.length > n; ++n) i = e[n], r = t._isVerticalLayout() ? Math.max(r, i.height) : Math.max(r, i.width);
                        return r
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, d, u, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A, E;
                    for (n = 0; this.layers.length > n; ++n) r = this.layers[n], r.sort(this._gridPositionComparer);
                    for (this.minDistances = [], n = 0; this.layers.length > n; ++n)
                        for (r = this.layers[n], this.minDistances[n] = [], o = 0; r.length > o; ++o) i = r[o], i.layerIndex = o, this.minDistances[n][o] = this.options.nodeDistance, r.length - 1 > o && (this.minDistances[n][o] += this._isVerticalLayout() ? (i.width + r[o + 1].width) / 2 : (i.height + r[o + 1].height) / 2);
                    for (this.downNodes = new c, this.upNodes = new c, h.forEach(this.graph.nodes, function(e) {
                        this.downNodes.set(e, []), this.upNodes.set(e, [])
                    }, this), h.forEach(this.graph.links, function(e) {
                        var t = e.source,
                            n = e.target,
                            i = null,
                            r = null;
                        t.layer > n.layer ? (i = e.source, r = e.target) : (r = e.source, i = e.target), this.downNodes.get(r).push(i), this.upNodes.get(i).push(r)
                    }, this), this.downNodes.forEachValue(function(e) {
                    }, this), this.upNodes.forEachValue(function(e) {
                    }, this), n = 0; this.layers.length - 1 > n; ++n)
                        for (r = this.layers[n], a = 0; r.length - 1 > a; a++)
                            if (s = r[a], s.isVirtual && (l = this.downNodes.get(s)[0], l.isVirtual))
                                for (o = a + 1; r.length > o; ++o) i = r[o], i.isVirtual && (d = this.downNodes.get(i)[0], d.isVirtual && l.gridPosition > d.gridPosition && (u = l.gridPosition, l.gridPosition = d.gridPosition, d.gridPosition = u, p = l.layerIndex, f = d.layerIndex, this.layers[n + 1][p] = d, this.layers[n + 1][f] = l, l.layerIndex = f, d.layerIndex = p));
                    for (g = this._getLeftWing(), m = this._getRightWing(), v = this.placeLeftToRight(g), _ = this.placeRightToLeft(m), w = new c, h.forEach(this.graph.nodes, function(e) {
                        w.set(e, (v.get(e) + _.get(e)) / 2)
                    }), b = new c, y = new c, n = 0; this.layers.length > n; ++n)
                        for (r = this.layers[n], k = -1, x = -1, o = 0; r.length > o; ++o) i = r[o], b.set(i, 0), y.set(i, !1), i.isVirtual && (-1 === k ? k = o : k === o - 1 ? k = o : (x = o, b.set(r[k], 0), w.get(i) - w.get(r[k]) === this.getMinDist(r[k], i) ? y.set(r[k], !0) : y.set(r[k], !1), k = o));
                    for (C = [1, -1], h.forEach(C, function(e) {
                        var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = 1 === e ? 0 : this.layers.length - 1;
                        for (n = c; n >= 0 && this.layers.length > n; n += e) {
                            if (i = this.layers[n], r = this._firstVirtualNode(i), o = null, a = null, -1 !== r)
                                for (o = i[r], a = [], t = 0; r > t; t++) a.push(i[t]);
                            else o = null, a = i; if (a.length > 0) {
                                for (this._sequencer(w, null, o, e, a), t = 0; a.length - 1 > t; ++t) this.setMinDist(a[t], a[t + 1], w.get(a[t + 1]) - w.get(a[t]));
                                o && this.setMinDist(a[a.length - 1], o, w.get(o) - w.get(a[a.length - 1]))
                            for (; o;) {
                                if (s = this.nextVirtualNode(i, o)) {
                                    if (b.get(o) === e) {
                                        for (r = o.layerIndex, l = s.layerIndex, a = [], t = r + 1; l > t; t++) a.push(i[t]);
                                        a.length > 0 && this._sequencer(w, o, s, e, a), y.set(o, !0)
                                } else {
                                    for (r = o.layerIndex, a = [], t = r + 1; i.length > t; t++) a.push(i[t]);
                                    if (a.length > 0) {
                                        for (this._sequencer(w, o, null, e, a), t = 0; a.length - 1 > t; ++t) this.setMinDist(a[t], a[t + 1], w.get(a[t + 1]) - w.get(a[t]));
                                        this.setMinDist(o, a[0], w.get(a[0]) - w.get(o))
                                o = s
                            this.adjustDirections(n, e, b, y)
                    }, this), S = this._isIncreasingLayout() ? 0 : this.layers.length - 1, T = function(e, t) {
                        return t._isIncreasingLayout() ? t.layers.length > e : e >= 0
                    }, D = this._isIncreasingLayout() ? 1 : -1, A = 0, t = S; T(t, this); t += D) {
                        for (r = this.layers[t], E = e(r, this), o = 0; r.length > o; ++o) i = r[o], this._isVerticalLayout() ? (i.x = w.get(i), i.y = A + E / 2) : (i.x = A + E / 2, i.y = w.get(i));
                        A += this.options.layerSeparation + E
                adjustDirections: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    var r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v;
                    if (!(0 > e + t || e + t >= this.layers.length))
                        for (r = null, o = null, a = this.layers[e + t], s = 0; a.length > s; ++s)
                            if (l = a[s], l.isVirtual && (c = this.getNeighborOnLayer(l, e), c.isVirtual)) {
                                if (r) {
                                    for (d = i.get(o), u = this.layers[e], h = o.layerIndex, p = c.layerIndex, f = h + 1; p > f; ++f) u[f].isVirtual && (d = d && i.get(u[f]));
                                    if (d)
                                        for (n.set(r, t), g = r.layerIndex, m = l.layerIndex, v = g + 1; m > v; ++v) a[v].isVirtual && n.set(a[v], t)
                                r = l, o = c
                getNeighborOnLayer: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this.upNodes.get(e)[0];
                    return n.layer === t ? n : (n = this.downNodes.get(e)[0], n.layer === t ? n : null)
                _sequencer: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    if (1 === r.length && this._sequenceSingle(e, t, n, i, r[0]), r.length > 1) {
                        var o = r.length,
                            a = this.intDiv(o, 2);
                        this._sequencer(e, t, n, i, r.slice(0, a)), this._sequencer(e, t, n, i, r.slice(a)), this.combineSequences(e, t, n, i, r)
                _sequenceSingle: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o = -1 === i ? this.downNodes.get(r) : this.upNodes.get(r),
                        a = o.length;
                    0 !== a && (a % 2 === 1 ? e.set(r, e.get(o[this.intDiv(a, 2)])) : e.set(r, (e.get(o[this.intDiv(a, 2) - 1]) + e.get(o[this.intDiv(a, 2)])) / 2), t && e.set(r, Math.max(e.get(r), e.get(t) + this.getMinDist(t, r))), n && e.set(r, Math.min(e.get(r), e.get(n) - this.getMinDist(r, n))))
                combineSequences: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g = r.length,
                        m = this.intDiv(g, 2),
                        v = [];
                    for (o = 0; m > o; ++o) {
                        for (a = 0, l = -1 === i ? this.downNodes.get(r[o]) : this.upNodes.get(r[o]), s = 0; l.length > s; ++s) c = l[s], e.get(c) >= e.get(r[o]) ? a++ : (a--, v.push({
                            k: e.get(c) + this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m - 1]),
                            v: 2
                            k: e.get(r[o]) + this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m - 1]),
                            v: a
                    for (t && v.push({
                        k: e.get(t) + this.getMinDist(t, r[m - 1]),
                        v: Number.MAX_VALUE
                    }), v.sort(this._positionDescendingComparer), u = [], o = m; g > o; ++o) {
                        for (a = 0, l = -1 === i ? this.downNodes.get(r[o]) : this.upNodes.get(r[o]), s = 0; l.length > s; ++s) c = l[s], e.get(c) <= e.get(r[o]) ? a++ : (a--, u.push({
                            k: e.get(c) - this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m]),
                            v: 2
                            k: e.get(r[o]) - this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m]),
                            v: a
                    for (n && u.push({
                        k: e.get(n) - this.getMinDist(n, r[m]),
                        v: Number.MAX_VALUE
                    }), u.sort(this._positionAscendingComparer), h = 0, p = 0, f = this.getMinDist(r[m - 1], r[m]); e.get(r[m]) - e.get(r[m - 1]) < f;)
                        if (p > h) {
                            if (0 === v.length) {
                                e.set(r[m - 1], e.get(r[m]) - f);
                            d = v.shift(), h += d.v, e.set(r[m - 1], d.k), e.set(r[m - 1], Math.max(e.get(r[m - 1]), e.get(r[m]) - f))
                        } else {
                            if (0 === u.length) {
                                e.set(r[m], e.get(r[m - 1]) + f);
                            d = u.shift(), p += d.v, e.set(r[m], d.k), e.set(r[m], Math.min(e.get(r[m]), e.get(r[m - 1]) + f))
                    for (o = m - 2; o >= 0; o--) e.set(r[o], Math.min(e.get(r[o]), e.get(r[m - 1]) - this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m - 1])));
                    for (o = m + 1; g > o; o++) e.set(r[o], Math.max(e.get(r[o]), e.get(r[m]) + this.getMinDist(r[o], r[m])))
                placeLeft: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    h.forEach(this._getComposite(e), function(e) {
                        var r = this.leftSibling(e);
                        r && this.nodeLeftClass.get(r) === this.nodeLeftClass.get(e) && (t.containsKey(r) || this.placeLeft(r, t, n), i = Math.max(i, t.get(r) + this.getMinDist(r, e)))
                    }, this), i === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && (i = 0), h.forEach(this._getComposite(e), function(e) {
                        t.set(e, i)
                placeRight: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    h.forEach(this._getComposite(e), function(e) {
                        var r = this.rightSibling(e);
                        r && this.nodeRightClass.get(r) === this.nodeRightClass.get(e) && (t.containsKey(r) || this.placeRight(r, t, n), i = Math.min(i, t.get(r) - this.getMinDist(e, r)))
                    }, this), i === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && (i = 0), h.forEach(this._getComposite(e), function(e) {
                        t.set(e, i)
                leftSibling: function(e) {
                    var t = this.layers[e.layer],
                        n = e.layerIndex;
                    return 0 === n ? null : t[n - 1]
                rightSibling: function(e) {
                    var t = this.layers[e.layer],
                        n = e.layerIndex;
                    return n === t.length - 1 ? null : t[n + 1]
                _getComposite: function(e) {
                    return e.isVirtual ? this._nodesInLink(e) : [e]
                arrangeNodes: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                    for (t = 0; this.layers.length > t; t++)
                        for (i = this.layers[t], n = 0; i.length > n; n++) r = i[n], r.upstreamPriority = r.upstreamLinkCount, r.downstreamPriority = r.downstreamLinkCount;
                    for (o = 2, a = 0; o > a; a++) {
                        for (e = this.layers.length - 1; e >= 1; e--) this.layoutLayer(!1, e);
                        for (e = 0; this.layers.length - 1 > e; e++) this.layoutLayer(!0, e)
                    for (s = Number.MAX_VALUE, t = 0; this.layers.length > t; t++)
                        for (i = this.layers[t], n = 0; i.length > n; n++) r = i[n], s = Math.min(s, r.gridPosition);
                    if (0 > s)
                        for (t = 0; this.layers.length > t; t++)
                            for (i = this.layers[t], n = 0; i.length > n; n++) r = i[n], r.gridPosition = r.gridPosition - s
                layoutLayer: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o;
                    for (i = e ? this.layers[n = t + 1] : this.layers[n = t - 1], r = [], o = 0; i.length > o; o++) r.push(i[o]);
                    r.sort(function(e, t) {
                        var n = (e.upstreamPriority + e.downstreamPriority) / 2,
                            i = (t.upstreamPriority + t.downstreamPriority) / 2;
                        return Math.abs(n - i) < 1e-4 ? 0 : i > n ? 1 : -1
                    }), h.forEach(r, function(e) {
                        var t = e.gridPosition,
                            n = this.calcBaryCenter(e),
                            r = (e.upstreamPriority + e.downstreamPriority) / 2;
                        if (!(Math.abs(t - n) < 1e-4 || Math.abs(t - n) < .2501))
                            if (n > t)
                                for (; n > t && this.moveRight(e, i, r);) t = e.gridPosition;
                                for (; t > n && this.moveLeft(e, i, r);) t = e.gridPosition
                    }, this), n > 0 && this.calcDownData(n - 1), this.layers.length - 1 > n && this.calcUpData(n + 1)
                moveRight: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = h.indexOf(t, e);
                    return o === t.length - 1 ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition + .5, !0) : (i = t[o + 1], r = (i.upstreamPriority + i.downstreamPriority) / 2, i.gridPosition > e.gridPosition + 1 ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition + .5, !0) : r > n || Math.abs(r - n) < 1e-4 ? !1 : this.moveRight(i, t, n) ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition + .5, !0) : !1)
                moveLeft: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = h.indexOf(t, e);
                    return 0 === o ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition - .5, !0) : (i = t[o - 1], r = (i.upstreamPriority + i.downstreamPriority) / 2, e.gridPosition - 1 > i.gridPosition ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition - .5, !0) : r > n || Math.abs(r - n) < 1e-4 ? !1 : this.moveLeft(i, t, n) ? (e.gridPosition = e.gridPosition - .5, !0) : !1)
                mapVirtualNode: function(e, t) {
                    this.nodeToLinkMap.set(e, t), this.linkToNodeMap.containsKey(t) || this.linkToNodeMap.set(t, []), this.linkToNodeMap.get(t).push(e)
                _nodesInLink: function(e) {
                    return this.linkToNodeMap.get(this.nodeToLinkMap.get(e))
                _dummify: function() {
                    var e, t, n, i, a, s, l, d, u, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y;
                    for (this.linkToNodeMap = new c, this.nodeToLinkMap = new c, u = this.graph.links.slice(0), d = 0; u.length > d; d++) {
                        if (p = u[d], f = p.source, g = p.target, m = f.layer, v = g.layer, _ = f.gridPosition, w = g.gridPosition, b = (w - _) / Math.abs(v - m), y = f, m - v > 1) {
                            for (l = m - 1; l > v; l--) {
                                for (n = new r, n.x = f.x, n.y = f.y, n.width = f.width / 100, n.height = f.height / 100, e = this.layers[l], t = (l - v) * b + _, t > e.length && (t = e.length), _ >= this.layers[m].length - 1 && w >= this.layers[v].length - 1 ? t = e.length : 0 === _ && 0 === w && (t = 0), n.layer = l, n.uBaryCenter = 0, n.dBaryCenter = 0, n.upstreamLinkCount = 0, n.downstreamLinkCount = 0, n.gridPosition = t, n.isVirtual = !0, h.insert(e, n, t), a = t + 1; e.length > a; a++) i = e[a], i.gridPosition = i.gridPosition + 1;
                                s = new o(y, n), s.depthOfDumminess = 0, y = n, this.graph.nodes.push(n), this.graph.addLink(s), n.index = this.graph.nodes.length - 1, this.mapVirtualNode(n, p)
                            p.changeSource(y), p.depthOfDumminess = m - v - 1
                        if (-1 > m - v) {
                            for (l = m + 1; v > l; l++) {
                                for (n = new r, n.x = f.x, n.y = f.y, n.width = f.width / 100, n.height = f.height / 100, e = this.layers[l], t = (l - m) * b + _, t > e.length && (t = e.length), _ >= this.layers[m].length - 1 && w >= this.layers[v].length - 1 ? t = e.length : 0 === _ && 0 === w && (t = 0), n.layer = l, n.uBaryCenter = 0, n.dBaryCenter = 0, n.upstreamLinkCount = 0, n.downstreamLinkCount = 0, n.gridPosition = t, n.isVirtual = !0, t &= t, h.insert(e, n, t), a = t + 1; e.length > a; a++) i = e[a], i.gridPosition = i.gridPosition + 1;
                                s = new o(y, n), s.depthOfDumminess = 0, y = n, this.graph.nodes.push(n), this.graph.addLink(s), n.index = this.graph.nodes.length - 1, this.mapVirtualNode(n, p)
                            p.changeSource(y), p.depthOfDumminess = v - m - 1
                _dedummify: function() {
                    for (var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = !0; l;)
                        for (l = !1, e = 0; this.graph.links.length > e; e++)
                            if (t = this.graph.links[e], 0 !== t.depthOfDumminess) {
                                for (n = [], n.unshift({
                                    x: t.target.x,
                                    y: t.target.y
                                }), n.unshift({
                                    x: t.source.x,
                                    y: t.source.y
                                }), i = t, r = t.depthOfDumminess, o = 0; r > o; o++) a = i.source, s = a.incoming[0], n.unshift({
                                    x: s.source.x,
                                    y: s.source.y
                                }), i = s;
                                t.changeSource(i.source), t.depthOfDumminess = 0, n.length > 2 ? (n.splice(0, 1), n.splice(n.length - 1), t.points = n) : t.points = [], l = !0;
                _optimizeCrossings: function() {
                    for (var e, t = -1, n = 3, i = 0; 0 !== t && !(i++ > n);) {
                        for (t = 0, e = this.layers.length - 1; e >= 1; e--) t += this.optimizeLayerCrossings(!1, e);
                        for (e = 0; this.layers.length - 1 > e; e++) t += this.optimizeLayerCrossings(!0, e)
                calcUpData: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    if (0 !== e) {
                        for (t = this.layers[e], o = new d, a = this.layers[e - 1], n = 0; a.length > n; n++) o.add(a[n]);
                        for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) {
                            for (s = t[n], l = 0, c = 0, i = 0; s.incoming.length > i; i++) r = s.incoming[i], o.contains(r.source) && (c++, l += r.source.gridPosition);
                            for (i = 0; s.outgoing.length > i; i++) r = s.outgoing[i], o.contains(r.target) && (c++, l += r.target.gridPosition);
                            c > 0 ? (s.uBaryCenter = l / c, s.upstreamLinkCount = c) : (s.uBaryCenter = n, s.upstreamLinkCount = 0)
                calcDownData: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    if (e !== this.layers.length - 1) {
                        for (t = this.layers[e], o = new d, a = this.layers[e + 1], n = 0; a.length > n; n++) o.add(a[n]);
                        for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++) {
                            for (s = t[n], l = 0, c = 0, i = 0; s.incoming.length > i; i++) r = s.incoming[i], o.contains(r.source) && (c++, l += r.source.gridPosition);
                            for (i = 0; s.outgoing.length > i; i++) r = s.outgoing[i], o.contains(r.target) && (c++, l += r.target.gridPosition);
                            c > 0 ? (s.dBaryCenter = l / c, s.downstreamLinkCount = c) : (s.dBaryCenter = n, s.downstreamLinkCount = 0)
                optimizeLayerCrossings: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c;
                    for (i = e ? this.layers[n = t + 1] : this.layers[n = t - 1], r = i.slice(0), e ? this.calcUpData(n) : this.calcDownData(n), o = this, i.sort(function(e, t) {
                        var n, i = o.calcBaryCenter(e),
                            r = o.calcBaryCenter(t);
                        return Math.abs(i - r) < 1e-4 ? e.degree() === t.degree() ? o.compareByIndex(e, t) : e.degree() < t.degree() ? 1 : -1 : (n = 1e3 * (r - i), n > 0 ? -1 : 0 > n ? 1 : o.compareByIndex(e, t))
                    }), s = 0, a = 0; i.length > a; a++) i[a] !== r[a] && s++;
                    if (s > 0)
                        for (l = 0, a = 0; i.length > a; a++) c = i[a], c.gridPosition = l++;
                    return s
                _swapPairs: function() {
                    for (var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m, v = this.options.layeredIterations, _ = 0;;) {
                        if (_++ > v) break;
                        for (e = 1 >= _ % 4, t = _ % 4 === 1, n = e ? 0 : this.layers.length - 1; e ? this.layers.length - 1 >= n : n >= 0; n += e ? 1 : -1) {
                            for (i = this.layers[n], r = !1, o = !0, a = 0, s = 0; i.length - 1 > s; s++) l = 0, c = 0, d = 0, o ? (0 !== n && (l = this.countLinksCrossingBetweenTwoLayers(n - 1, n)), n !== this.layers.length - 1 && (c = this.countLinksCrossingBetweenTwoLayers(n, n + 1)), e ? l *= 2 : c *= 2, d = l + c) : d = a, 0 !== d && (u = i[s], h = i[s + 1], p = u.gridPosition, f = h.gridPosition, i[s] = h, i[s + 1] = u, u.gridPosition = f, h.gridPosition = p, l = 0, 0 !== n && (l = this.countLinksCrossingBetweenTwoLayers(n - 1, n)), c = 0, n !== this.layers.length - 1 && (c = this.countLinksCrossingBetweenTwoLayers(n, n + 1)), e ? l *= 2 : c *= 2, g = l + c, m = !1, m = t ? g >= d : g > d, m ? (u = i[s], h = i[s + 1], p = u.gridPosition, f = h.gridPosition, i[s] = h, i[s + 1] = u, u.gridPosition = f, h.gridPosition = p, a = d, o = !1) : (r = !0, o = !0));
                            r && (n !== this.layers.length - 1 && this.calcUpData(n + 1), 0 !== n && this.calcDownData(n - 1))
                countLinksCrossingBetweenTwoLayers: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, u, p, f, g, m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C = 0,
                        S = new d,
                        T = this.layers[e];
                    for (n = 0; T.length > n; n++) S.add(T[n]);
                    for (i = new d, r = this.layers[t], n = 0; r.length > n; n++) i.add(r[n]);
                    for (o = new d, a = [], s = [], S.forEach(function(e) {
                        h.addRange(s, e.incoming), h.addRange(s, e.outgoing)
                    }), l = 0; s.length > l; l++) c = s[l], S.contains(c.source) && i.contains(c.target) ? (o.add(c), a.push(c)) : i.contains(c.source) && S.contains(c.target) && a.push(c);
                    for (u = 0; a.length > u; u++)
                        for (p = a[u], f = 0; a.length > f; f++) u !== f && (g = a[f], o.contains(p) ? (m = p.source, v = p.target) : (m = p.target, v = p.source), o.contains(g) ? (_ = g.source, w = g.target) : (_ = g.target, w = g.source), b = m.gridPosition, y = v.gridPosition, k = _.gridPosition, x = w.gridPosition, 0 > (b - k) * (y - x) && C++);
                    return C / 2
                calcBaryCenter: function(e) {
                    var t = e.upstreamLinkCount,
                        n = e.downstreamLinkCount,
                        i = e.uBaryCenter,
                        r = e.dBaryCenter;
                    return t > 0 && n > 0 ? (i + r) / 2 : t > 0 ? i : n > 0 ? r : 0
                _gridPositionComparer: function(e, t) {
                    return t.gridPosition > e.gridPosition ? -1 : e.gridPosition > t.gridPosition ? 1 : 0
                _positionAscendingComparer: function(e, t) {
                    return t.k > e.k ? -1 : e.k > t.k ? 1 : 0
                _positionDescendingComparer: function(e, t) {
                    return t.k > e.k ? 1 : e.k > t.k ? -1 : 0
                _firstVirtualNode: function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                        if (e[t].isVirtual) return t;
                    return -1
                compareByIndex: function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.index,
                        i = t.index;
                    return i > n ? 1 : n > i ? -1 : 0
                intDiv: function(e, t) {
                    return (e - e % t) / t
                nextVirtualNode: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i = t.layerIndex;
                    for (n = i + 1; e.length > n; ++n)
                        if (e[n].isVirtual) return e[n];
                    return null
            C = t.Class.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    if (h.isUndefined(e)) throw "No diagram given";
                    this.diagram = e, this.nodeMap = new c, this.linkMap = new c, this.capture(t ? t : e)
                capture: function(e) {
                    var t, i, r, o, a, s, c, d, u;
                    if (e instanceof n.Graph) {
                        for (o = 0; e.nodes.length > o; o++) t = e.nodes[o], r = t.associatedShape, this.nodeMap.set(r.visual.id, new l(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height));
                        for (o = 0; e.links.length > o; o++) s = e.links[o], a = s.associatedConnection, this.linkMap.set(a.visual.id, s.points())
                    } else if (e instanceof Array)
                        for (i = e, o = 0; i.length > o; o++) t = i[o], r = t.associatedShape, r && this.nodeMap.set(r.visual.id, new l(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height));
                    else if (e.hasOwnProperty("links") && e.hasOwnProperty("nodes")) {
                        for (i = e.nodes, c = e.links, o = 0; i.length > o; o++) t = i[o], r = t.associatedShape, r && this.nodeMap.set(r.visual.id, new l(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height));
                        for (o = 0; c.length > o; o++) s = c[o], a = s.associatedConnection, a && this.linkMap.set(a.visual.id, s.points)
                    } else {
                        for (d = this.diagram.shapes, u = this.diagram.connections, o = 0; d.length > o; o++) r = d[o], this.nodeMap.set(r.visual.id, r.bounds());
                        for (o = 0; u.length > o; o++) a = u[o], this.linkMap.set(a.visual.id, a.points())
        a(n, {
            init: function(e) {
                t.init(e, n.ui)
            SpringLayout: b,
            TreeLayout: k,
            GraphAdapter: w,
            LayeredLayout: x,
            LayoutBase: _,
            LayoutState: C
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            var t = e.originalEvent,
                n = 0;
            return t.wheelDelta ? (n = -t.wheelDelta / 40, n = n > 0 ? vt.ceil(n) : vt.floor(n)) : t.detail && (n = t.detail), n

        function i(e) {
            return e.options.name.toLowerCase() === Et.toLowerCase()

        function r(e, t) {
            var n, r, o, a, s = Ft,
                l = t.connectors;
            for (r = 0; l.length > r; r++) o = l[r], i(o) || (a = e.distanceTo(o.position()), s > a && (s = a, n = o));
            return n

        function o(e, t) {
            var n, i, r, o = [],
                a = e.drawingContainer().children,
                s = a.length;
            for (n = 0; t.length > n; n++)
                for (i = t[n], r = 0; s > r; r++)
                    if (a[r] == i.drawingContainer()) {
            return o

        function a(e) {
            var t = e.drawingContainer().clippedBBox(null);
            (0 !== t.origin.x || 0 !== t.origin.y) && e.position(-t.origin.x, -t.origin.y)

        function s(e) {
            var t = {};
            return e = e || {}, ht(e.text) && null !== e.text && (t.text = e.text), ht(e.x) && null !== e.x && (t.x = e.x), ht(e.y) && null !== e.y && (t.y = e.y), ht(e.width) && null !== e.width && (t.width = e.width), ht(e.height) && null !== e.height && (t.height = e.height), ht(e.type) && null !== e.type && (t.type = e.type), t

        function l(e) {
            var t = {};
            return e = e || {}, ht(e.text) && null !== e.text && (t.content = e.text), ht(e.type) && null !== e.type && (t.type = e.type), ht(e.from) && null !== e.from && (t.from = e.from), ht(e.fromX) && null !== e.fromX && (t.fromX = e.fromX), ht(e.fromY) && null !== e.fromY && (t.fromY = e.fromY), ht(e.to) && null !== e.to && (t.to = e.to), ht(e.toX) && null !== e.toX && (t.toX = e.toX), ht(e.toY) && null !== e.toY && (t.toY = e.toY), t

        function c(t, n) {
            var i, r = this.dataSource.reader.model;
            r && (i = r.fn.fields.text ? "text" : r.idField, e("<input name='" + n.field + "' />").appendTo(t).kendoDropDownList({
                dataValueField: r.idField,
                dataTextField: i,
                dataSource: this.dataSource.data().toJSON(),
                optionLabel: " ",
                valuePrimitive: !0

        function d(e) {
            this.dataItem = e, this.callbacks = []

        function u() {
            this.items = {}

        function h(e) {
            var t = e;
            return e instanceof kendo.data.Model && (t = e.toJSON(), t[e.idField] = e._defaultId), t

        function p(e) {
            var t, n, i = [],
                r = [];
            for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], t instanceof w ? r.push(t) : i.push(t);
            return {
                shapes: r,
                connections: i

        function f(e, t) {
            return e.reader.model ? new e.reader.model(t) : new kendo.data.ObservableObject(t)

        function g(e, t, n) {
            var i, r;
            for (r = 0; n.length > r; r++) i = n[r], t && !ht(t[i]) && (t[i] = e[i])
        var m, v, _, w, b, y, k, x, C, S, T, D, A = kendo.dataviz,
            E = kendo.drawing,
            I = kendo.geometry,
            P = A.diagram,
            M = kendo.ui.Widget,
            z = kendo.Class,
            F = e.proxy,
            R = kendo.deepExtend,
            H = e.extend,
            B = kendo.data.HierarchicalDataSource,
            L = P.Canvas,
            N = P.Group,
            O = P.Rectangle,
            V = P.Circle,
            U = P.CompositeTransform,
            W = P.Rect,
            j = P.Path,
            G = P.DeleteShapeUnit,
            q = P.DeleteConnectionUnit,
            $ = P.TextBlock,
            Y = P.Image,
            Q = P.Point,
            K = P.Intersect,
            X = P.ConnectionEditAdorner,
            Z = P.UndoRedoService,
            J = P.ToolService,
            et = P.Selector,
            tt = P.ResizingAdorner,
            nt = P.ConnectorsAdorner,
            it = P.Cursors,
            rt = P.Utils,
            ot = kendo.Observable,
            at = P.ToBackUnit,
            st = P.ToFrontUnit,
            lt = P.PolylineRouter,
            ct = P.CascadingRouter,
            dt = rt.isUndefined,
            ut = rt.isDefined,
            ht = kendo.util.defined,
            pt = e.isArray,
            ft = kendo.isFunction,
            gt = rt.isString,
            mt = e.isPlainObject,
            vt = Math,
            _t = ".kendoDiagram",
            wt = "cascading",
            bt = "itemBoundsChange",
            yt = "change",
            kt = "click",
            xt = "drag",
            Ct = "dragEnd",
            St = "dragStart",
            Tt = "mouseEnter",
            Dt = "mouseLeave",
            At = "error",
            Et = "Auto",
            It = "Top",
            Pt = "Right",
            Mt = "Left",
            zt = "Bottom",
            Ft = 9007199254740992,
            Rt = "select",
            Ht = "itemRotate",
            Bt = "pan",
            Lt = "zoomStart",
            Nt = "zoomEnd",
            Ot = "none",
            Vt = 600,
            Ut = 600,
            Wt = "rectangle",
            jt = 100,
            Gt = 100,
            qt = 20,
            $t = 20,
            Yt = 0,
            Qt = "Yellow",
            Kt = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            Xt = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            Zt = "absolute",
            Jt = "transformed",
            en = "rotated",
            tn = "transparent",
            nn = "width",
            rn = "height",
            on = "x",
            an = "y",
            sn = "DOMMouseScroll" + _t + " mousewheel" + _t,
            ln = .05,
            cn = 5,
            dn = '<a class="k-button k-button-icontext #=className#" href="\\#"><span class="#=iconClass# #=imageClass#"></span>#=text#</a>';
        P.DefaultConnectors = [{
            name: It
        }, {
            name: zt
        }, {
            name: Mt
        }, {
            name: Pt
        }, {
            name: Et,
            position: function(e) {
                return e.getPosition("center")
        }], m = {
            cancel: {
                text: "Cancel",
                imageClass: "k-cancel",
                className: "k-diagram-cancel",
                iconClass: "k-icon"
            update: {
                text: "Update",
                imageClass: "k-update",
                className: "k-diagram-update",
                iconClass: "k-icon"
        }, P.shapeDefaults = function(e) {
            var t = {
                type: Wt,
                path: "",
                autoSize: !0,
                visual: null,
                x: Yt,
                y: Yt,
                minWidth: qt,
                minHeight: $t,
                width: jt,
                height: Gt,
                hover: {},
                editable: {
                    connect: !0,
                    tools: []
                connectors: P.DefaultConnectors,
                rotation: {
                    angle: 0
            return rt.simpleExtend(t, e), t
        }, v = ot.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                t.dataItem = (e || {}).dataItem, ot.fn.init.call(t), t.options = R({
                    id: P.randomId()
                }, t.options, e), t.isSelected = !1, t.visual = new N({
                    id: t.options.id,
                    autoSize: t.options.autoSize
                }), t._template()
            options: {
                hover: {},
                cursor: it.grip,
                content: {
                    align: "center middle"
                selectable: !0,
                serializable: !0,
                enable: !0
            _getCursor: function(e) {
                return this.adorner ? this.adorner._getCursor(e) : this.options.cursor
            visible: function(e) {
                return dt(e) ? this.visual.visible() : (this.visual.visible(e), t)
            bounds: function() {},
            refresh: function() {
            position: function(e) {
                this.options.x = e.x, this.options.y = e.y, this.visual.position(e)
            toString: function() {
                return this.options.id
            serialize: function() {
                var e = R({}, {
                    options: this.options
                return this.dataItem && (e.dataItem = "" + this.dataItem), e
            _content: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                return e !== t && (n = this.options, i = this.bounds(), P.Utils.isString(e) ? n.content.text = e : R(n.content, e), r = n.content, o = this._contentVisual, !o && r.text ? (this._contentVisual = new $(r), this._contentVisual._includeInBBox = !1, this.visual.append(this._contentVisual)) : o && o.redraw(r)), this.options.content.text
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                var t = this.bounds();
                return this.visible() && t.contains(e) && this.options.enable
            _template: function() {
                var e, t, n = this;
                n.options.content.template && (e = n.dataItem || {}, t = kendo.template(n.options.content.template, {
                    paramName: "dataItem"
                }), n.options.content.text = t(e))
            _canSelect: function() {
                return this.options.selectable !== !1
            toJSON: function() {
                return {
                    id: this.options.id
        }), _ = z.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                this.options = R({}, this.options, t), this.connections = [], this.shape = e
            options: {
                width: 7,
                height: 7,
                fill: {
                    color: Qt
                hover: {}
            position: function() {
                return this.options.position ? this.options.position(this.shape) : this.shape.getPosition(this.options.name)
            toJSON: function() {
                return {
                    shapeId: "" + this.shape,
                    connector: this.options.name
        }), _.parse = function(e, t) {
            var n, i, r = t.split(":"),
                o = r[0],
                a = r[1] || Et;
            for (n = 0; e.shapes.length > n; n++)
                if (i = e.shapes[n], i.options.id == o) return i.getConnector(a.trim())
        }, w = v.extend({
            init: function(e, n) {
                var i = this;
                v.fn.init.call(i, e), this.diagram = n, this.updateOptionsFromModel(), e = i.options, i.connectors = [], i.type = e.type, i.shapeVisual = w.createShapeVisual(i.options), i.visual.append(this.shapeVisual), i.updateBounds(), i.content(i.content()), i._createConnectors(), i.parentContainer = null, i.isContainer = !1, i.isCollapsed = !1, i.id = i.visual.id, e.hasOwnProperty("layout") && e.layout !== t && (i.layout = e.layout.bind(e))
            options: P.shapeDefaults(),
            _setOptionsFromModel: function(e) {
                var t = s(e || this.dataItem);
                this.options = R({}, this.options, t), this.redrawVisual(), this.options.content && (this._template(), this.content(this.options.content))
            updateOptionsFromModel: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                this.diagram && this.diagram._isEditable && (n = s(e || this.dataItem), e && t ? A.inArray(t, ["x", "y", "width", "height"]) ? (i = this.bounds(), i[t] = e[t], this.bounds(i)) : (this.options.visual ? this.redrawVisual() : n.type && (this.options = R({}, this.options, n), this.redrawVisual()), this.options.content && (this._template(), this.content(this.options.content))) : this.options = R({}, this.options, n))
            redrawVisual: function() {
                this.visual.clear(), this._contentVisual = null, this.options.dataItem = this.dataItem, this.shapeVisual = w.createShapeVisual(this.options), this.visual.append(this.shapeVisual), this.updateBounds()
            updateModel: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.diagram;
                i && i._isEditable && (t = this._bounds, n = this.dataItem, n && (i._suspendModelRefresh(), ht(n.x) && t.x !== n.x && n.set("x", t.x), ht(n.y) && t.y !== n.y && n.set("y", t.y), ht(n.width) && t.width !== n.width && n.set("width", t.width), ht(n.height) && t.height !== n.height && n.set("height", t.height), this.dataItem = n, i._resumeModelRefresh(), e && i._syncShapeChanges()))
            updateBounds: function() {
                var e = this.visual._measure(!0),
                    t = this.options;
                this.bounds(new W(t.x, t.y, e.width, e.height)), this._rotate(), this._alignContent()
            content: function(e) {
                var t = this._content(e);
                return this._alignContent(), t
            _alignContent: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o = this.options.content || {},
                    a = this._contentVisual;
                a && o.align && (e = this.visual._measure(), t = new P.RectAlign(e), n = a.drawingElement.bbox(null), i = new W(0, 0, n.width(), n.height()), r = t.align(i, o.align), a.position(r.topLeft()))
            _createConnectors: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.options,
                    i = n.connectors.length,
                    r = n.connectorDefaults;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++) e = new _(this, R({}, r, n.connectors[t])), this.connectors.push(e)
            bounds: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                if (e)
                    if (gt(e)) switch (e) {
                        case Jt:
                            t = this._transformedBounds();
                        case Zt:
                            t = this._transformedBounds(), n = this.diagram._pan, t.x += n.x, t.y += n.y;
                        case en:
                            t = this._rotatedBounds();
                            t = this._bounds
                    } else this._setBounds(e), this._triggerBoundsChange(), this.refreshConnections();
                    else t = this._bounds;
                return t
            _setBounds: function(e) {
                var t = this.options,
                    n = e.topLeft(),
                    i = t.x = n.x,
                    r = t.y = n.y,
                    o = t.width = vt.max(e.width, t.minWidth),
                    a = t.height = vt.max(e.height, t.minHeight);
                this._bounds = new W(i, r, o, a), this.visual.redraw({
                    x: i,
                    y: r,
                    width: o,
                    height: a
            position: function(e) {
                return e ? (this.bounds(new W(e.x, e.y, this._bounds.width, this._bounds.height)), t) : this._bounds.topLeft()
            clone: function() {
                var e = this.serialize();
                return e.options.id = P.randomId(), this.diagram && this.diagram._isEditable && ht(this.dataItem) && (e.options.dataItem = h(this.dataItem)), new w(e.options)
            select: function(e) {
                var n, i, r = this.diagram;
                return dt(e) && (e = !0), this._canSelect() && this.isSelected != e ? (n = [], i = [], this.isSelected = e, this.isSelected ? (r._selectedItems.push(this), n.push(this)) : (rt.remove(r._selectedItems, this), i.push(this)), r._internalSelection || r._selectionChanged(n, i), !0) : t
            rotate: function(e, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l = this.visual.rotate();
                return e !== t && (i !== !1 && this.diagram && this.diagram.undoRedoService && e !== l.angle && this.diagram.undoRedoService.add(new P.RotateUnit(this.diagram._resizingAdorner, [this], [l.angle]), !1), r = this.bounds(), o = new Q(r.width / 2, r.height / 2), n && (a = e - l.angle, s = r.center().rotate(n, 360 - a).minus(o), this._rotationOffset = this._rotationOffset.plus(s.minus(r.topLeft())), this.position(s)), this.visual.rotate(e, o), this.options.rotation.angle = e, this.diagram && this.diagram._connectorsAdorner && this.diagram._connectorsAdorner.refresh(), this.refreshConnections(), this.diagram && this.diagram.trigger(Ht, {
                    item: this
                })), l
            connections: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l = [];
                for (t = 0; this.connectors.length > t; t++)
                    for (o = this.connectors[t], r = o.connections, n = 0, r; r.length > n; n++) i = r[n], "out" == e ? (a = i.source(), a.shape && a.shape == this && l.push(i)) : "in" == e ? (s = i.target(), s.shape && s.shape == this && l.push(i)) : l.push(i);
                return l
            refreshConnections: function() {
                e.each(this.connections(), function() {
            getConnector: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                if (!gt(e)) return e instanceof Q ? r(e, this) : this.connectors.length ? this.connectors[0] : null;
                for (e = e.toLocaleLowerCase(), t = 0; this.connectors.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = this.connectors[t], n.options.name.toLocaleLowerCase() == e) return n
            getPosition: function(e) {
                var t = this.bounds(),
                    n = e.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + e.slice(1);
                return ft(t[n]) ? this._transformPoint(t[n]()) : t.center()
            redraw: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                e && (t = this.options, this.shapeVisual.redraw(this._visualOptions(e)), this._diffNumericOptions(e, [nn, rn, on, an]) && (this.bounds(new W(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height)), n = !0), e.connectors && (t.connectors = e.connectors, this._updateConnectors()), t = R(t, e), (e.rotation || n) && this._rotate(), t.content && this.content(t.content))
            _updateConnectors: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this.connections();
                for (this.connectors = [], this._createConnectors(), i = 0; r.length > i; i++) e = r[i], t = e.source(), n = e.target(), t.shape && t.shape === this ? e.source(this.getConnector(t.options.name) || null) : n.shape && n.shape === this && e.target(this.getConnector(n.options.name) || null), e.updateModel()
            _diffNumericOptions: P.diffNumericOptions,
            _visualOptions: function(e) {
                return {
                    data: e.path,
                    source: e.source,
                    hover: e.hover,
                    fill: e.fill,
                    stroke: e.stroke,
                    startCap: e.startCap,
                    endCap: e.endCap
            _triggerBoundsChange: function() {
                this.diagram && this.diagram.trigger(bt, {
                    item: this,
                    bounds: this._bounds.clone()
            _transformPoint: function(e) {
                var t = this.rotate(),
                    n = this.bounds(),
                    i = n.topLeft();
                return t.angle && e.rotate(t.center().plus(i), 360 - t.angle), e
            _transformedBounds: function() {
                var e = this.bounds(),
                    t = e.topLeft(),
                    n = e.bottomRight();
                return W.fromPoints(this.diagram.modelToView(t), this.diagram.modelToView(n))
            _rotatedBounds: function() {
                var e = this.bounds().rotatedBounds(this.rotate().angle),
                    t = e.topLeft(),
                    n = e.bottomRight();
                return W.fromPoints(t, n)
            _rotate: function() {
                var e = this.options.rotation;
                e && e.angle && this.rotate(e.angle), this._rotationOffset = new Q
            _hover: function(e) {
                var t = this.options,
                    n = t.hover,
                    i = t.stroke,
                    r = t.fill;
                e && ut(n.stroke) && (i = R({}, i, n.stroke)), e && ut(n.fill) && (r = n.fill), this.shapeVisual.redraw({
                    stroke: i,
                    fill: r
                }), t.editable && t.editable.connect && this.diagram._showConnectors(this, e)
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                if (this.visible()) {
                    var t, n = this.bounds(),
                        i = this.rotate().angle;
                    if (e.isEmpty && !e.isEmpty()) return K.rects(e, n, i ? i : 0);
                    if (t = e.clone().rotate(n.center(), i), n.contains(t)) return this
            toJSON: function() {
                return {
                    shapeId: this.options.id
        }), w.createShapeVisual = function(e) {
            var t, n, i, r;
            return delete e.diagram, t = R({}, e, {
                x: 0,
                y: 0
            }), n = t.visual, i = (t.type + "").toLocaleLowerCase(), ft(n) ? r = n.call(this, t) : t.path ? (t.data = t.path, r = new j(t), a(r)) : r = "rectangle" == i ? new O(t) : "circle" == i ? new V(t) : "text" == i ? new $(t) : "image" == i ? new Y(t) : new j(t), r
        }, b = v.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                v.fn.init.call(i, n), this.updateOptionsFromModel(), this._initRouter(), i.path = new P.Polyline(i.options), i.path.fill(tn), i.visual.append(i.path), i._sourcePoint = i._targetPoint = new Q, i.source(e), i.target(t), i.content(i.options.content), i.definers = [], ht(n) && n.points && i.points(n.points), i.refresh()
            options: {
                hover: {
                    stroke: {}
                startCap: Ot,
                endCap: Ot,
                points: [],
                selectable: !0
            _setOptionsFromModel: function(e) {
                this.updateOptionsFromModel(e || this.dataItem)
            updateOptionsFromModel: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                this.diagram && this.diagram._isEditable && (t = this.diagram._dataMap, n = l(e || this.dataItem), e ? (ht(n.from) ? this.source(t[n.from]) : ht(n.fromX) && ht(n.fromY) && this.source(new Q(n.fromX, n.fromY)), ht(n.to) ? this.target(t[n.to]) : ht(n.toX) && ht(n.toY) && this.target(new Q(n.toX, n.toY)), ht(n.type) && this.type() !== n.type && (this.points([]), this.type(n.type)), this.dataItem = e, this._template(), this.redraw(this.options)) : this.options = R({}, n, this.options))
            updateModel: function(e) {
                if (this.diagram && this.diagram._isEditable && this.diagram.connectionsDataSource) {
                    var t = this.diagram.connectionsDataSource.getByUid(this.dataItem.uid);
                    t && (this.diagram._suspendModelRefresh(), ht(this.options.fromX) && null !== this.options.fromX ? (t.set("from", null), t.set("fromX", this.options.fromX), t.set("fromY", this.options.fromY)) : (t.set("from", this.options.from), t.set("fromX", null), t.set("fromY", null)), ht(this.options.toX) && null !== this.options.toX ? (t.set("to", null), t.set("toX", this.options.toX), t.set("toY", this.options.toY)) : (t.set("to", this.options.to), t.set("toX", null), t.set("toY", null)), ht(this.options.type) && ht(t.type) && t.set("type", this.options.type), this.dataItem = t, this.diagram._resumeModelRefresh(), e && this.diagram._syncConnectionChanges())
            sourcePoint: function() {
                return this._resolvedSourceConnector ? this._resolvedSourceConnector.position() : this._sourcePoint
            source: function(e, n) {
                var i, r;
                if (ut(e)) {
                    if (r = e instanceof w, r && !e.getConnector(Et)) return;
                    n && this.diagram && this.diagram.undoRedoService.addCompositeItem(new P.ConnectionEditUnit(this, e)), e !== t && (this.from = e), this._removeFromSourceConnector(), null === e ? this.sourceConnector && (this._sourcePoint = this._resolvedSourceConnector.position(), this._clearSourceConnector(), this._setFromOptions(null, this._sourcePoint)) : e instanceof _ ? (i = e.shape.dataItem, i && this._setFromOptions(i.id), this.sourceConnector = e, this.sourceConnector.connections.push(this)) : e instanceof Q ? (this._setFromOptions(null, e), this._sourcePoint = e, this.sourceConnector && this._clearSourceConnector()) : r && (i = e.dataItem, i && this._setFromOptions(i.id), this.sourceConnector = e.getConnector(Et), this.sourceConnector.connections.push(this)), this.refresh()
                return this.sourceConnector ? this.sourceConnector : this._sourcePoint
            _setFromOptions: function(e, t) {
                this.options.from = e, t ? (this.options.fromX = t.x, this.options.fromY = t.y) : (this.options.fromX = null, this.options.fromY = null)
            sourceDefiner: function(e) {
                if (!e) return this._sourceDefiner || (this._sourceDefiner = new P.PathDefiner(this.sourcePoint(), null, null)), this._sourceDefiner;
                if (!(e instanceof P.PathDefiner)) throw "The sourceDefiner needs to be a PathDefiner.";
                e.left = null, this._sourceDefiner = e, this.source(e.point)
            targetPoint: function() {
                return this._resolvedTargetConnector ? this._resolvedTargetConnector.position() : this._targetPoint
            target: function(e, n) {
                var i, r;
                if (ut(e)) {
                    if (r = e instanceof w, r && !e.getConnector(Et)) return;
                    n && this.diagram && this.diagram.undoRedoService.addCompositeItem(new P.ConnectionEditUnit(this, t, e)), e !== t && (this.to = e), this._removeFromTargetConnector(), null === e ? this.targetConnector && (this._targetPoint = this._resolvedTargetConnector.position(), this._clearTargetConnector(), this._setToOptions(null, this._targetPoint)) : e instanceof _ ? (i = e.shape.dataItem, i && this._setToOptions(i.id), this.targetConnector = e, this.targetConnector.connections.push(this)) : e instanceof Q ? (this._setToOptions(null, e), this._targetPoint = e, this.targetConnector && this._clearTargetConnector()) : r && (i = e.dataItem, i && this._setToOptions(i.id), this.targetConnector = e.getConnector(Et), this.targetConnector.connections.push(this)), this.refresh()
                return this.targetConnector ? this.targetConnector : this._targetPoint
            _setToOptions: function(e, t) {
                this.options.to = e, t ? (this.options.toX = t.x, this.options.toY = t.y) : (this.options.toX = null, this.options.toY = null)
            targetDefiner: function(e) {
                if (!e) return this._targetDefiner || (this._targetDefiner = new P.PathDefiner(this.targetPoint(), null, null)), this._targetDefiner;
                if (!(e instanceof P.PathDefiner)) throw "The sourceDefiner needs to be a PathDefiner.";
                e.right = null, this._targetDefiner = e, this.target(e.point)
            _updateConnectors: function() {
                this._updateConnector(this.source(), "source"), this._updateConnector(this.target(), "target")
            _updateConnector: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.diagram;
                e instanceof _ && !s.getShapeById(e.shape.id) ? (n = e.shape.dataItem, i = e.options.name, r = function() {
                    var r = s._dataMap[n.id];
                    e = r.getConnector(i), a[t](e, !1), a.updateModel()
                }, s._dataMap[n.id] ? r() : (o = s._inactiveShapeItems.getByUid(n.uid), o && s._deferredConnectionUpdates.push(o.onActivate(r)))) : a[t](e, !1)
            content: function(e) {
                var t = this._content(e);
                return ht(e) && this._alignContent(), t
            _alignContent: function() {
                var e, t, n, i;
                this._contentVisual && (e = this._bounds.topLeft(), t = this.sourcePoint().minus(e), n = this.targetPoint().minus(e), i = Q.fn.middleOf(t, n), this._contentVisual.position(new Q(i.x + e.x, i.y + e.y)))
            select: function(e) {
                var n, i, r = this.diagram;
                return this._canSelect() && this.isSelected !== e ? (this.isSelected = e, n = [], i = [], this.isSelected ? (this.adorner = new X(this, this.options.selection), r._adorn(this.adorner, !0), r._selectedItems.push(this), n.push(this)) : this.adorner && (r._adorn(this.adorner, !1), rt.remove(r._selectedItems, this), this.adorner = t, i.push(this)), this.adorner && this.adorner.refresh(), r._internalSelection || r._selectionChanged(n, i), !0) : t
            bounds: function(e) {
                return !e || gt(e) ? this._bounds : (this._bounds = e, t)
            type: function(e) {
                var n = this.options;
                return e ? (e !== n.type && (n.type = e, this._initRouter(), this.refresh()), t) : n.type
            _initRouter: function() {
                var e = (this.options.type || "").toLowerCase();
                this._router = e == wt ? new ct(this) : new lt(this)
            points: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r;
                if (!e) {
                    if (i = [], ut(this.definers))
                        for (r = 0; this.definers.length > r; r++) i.push(this.definers[r].point);
                    return i
                for (this.definers = [], t = 0; e.length > t; t++)
                    if (n = e[t], n instanceof P.Point) this.definers.push(new P.PathDefiner(n));
                    else {
                        if (!n.hasOwnProperty("x") || !n.hasOwnProperty("y")) throw "A Connection point needs to be a Point or an object with x and y properties.";
                        this.definers.push(new P.PathDefiner(new Q(n.x, n.y)))
            allPoints: function() {
                var e, t = [this.sourcePoint()];
                if (this.definers)
                    for (e = 0; this.definers.length > e; e++) t.push(this.definers[e].point);
                return t.push(this.targetPoint()), t
            refresh: function() {
                this._resolveConnectors(), this._refreshPath(), this._alignContent(), this.adorner && this.adorner.refresh()
            _resolveConnectors: function() {
                var e, t, n, o, a = this,
                    s = a.source(),
                    l = a.target();
                s instanceof Q ? e = s : s instanceof _ && (i(s) ? n = s.shape : (a._resolvedSourceConnector = s, e = s.position())), l instanceof Q ? t = l : l instanceof _ && (i(l) ? o = l.shape : (a._resolvedTargetConnector = l, t = l.position())), e ? o && (a._resolvedTargetConnector = r(e, o)) : n && (t ? a._resolvedSourceConnector = r(t, n) : o && this._resolveAutoConnectors(n, o))
            _resolveAutoConnectors: function(e, t) {
                var n, r, o, a, s, l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g = Ft,
                    m = Ft,
                    v = e.connectors;
                for (h = 0; v.length > h; h++)
                    if (d = v[h], !i(d))
                        for (a = d.position(), n = t.connectors, p = 0; n.length > p; p++) u = n[p], i(u) || (s = u.position(), f = vt.round(a.distanceTo(s)), g > f && this.diagram && this._testRoutePoints(a, s, d, u) && (g = f, r = d, o = u), m > f && (l = d, c = u, m = f));
                r && (l = r, c = o), this._resolvedSourceConnector = l, this._resolvedTargetConnector = c
            _testRoutePoints: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this._router,
                    u = !0;
                if (d instanceof ct)
                    for (r = d.routePoints(e, t, n, i), r.unshift(e), r.push(t), s = [n.shape, i.shape], c = 1; r.length > c; c++)
                        if (o = r[c - 1], a = r[c], l = new W(vt.min(o.x, a.x), vt.min(o.y, a.y), vt.abs(o.x - a.x), vt.abs(o.y - a.y)), this.diagram._shapesQuadTree.hitTestRect(l, s)) {
                            u = !1;
                return u
            redraw: function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    this.options = R({}, this.options, e);
                    var t = this.options.points;
                    ht(t) && t.length > 0 && (this.points(t), this._refreshPath()), (e && e.content || e.text) && this.content(e.content), this.path.redraw({
                        fill: e.fill,
                        stroke: e.stroke,
                        startCap: e.startCap,
                        endCap: e.endCap
            clone: function() {
                var e = this.serialize();
                return this.diagram && this.diagram._isEditable && ht(this.dataItem) && (e.options.dataItem = h(this.dataItem)), new b(this.from, this.to, e.options)
            serialize: function() {
                var e = this.from.toJSON ? this.from.toJSON : "" + this.from,
                    t = this.to.toJSON ? this.to.toJSON : "" + this.to,
                    n = R({}, {
                        options: this.options,
                        from: e,
                        to: t
                return ht(this.dataItem) && (n.dataItem = "" + this.dataItem), n.options.points = this.points(), n
            _hitTest: function(e) {
                if (this.visible()) {
                    var t = new Q(e.x, e.y),
                        n = this.sourcePoint(),
                        i = this.targetPoint();
                    if (e.isEmpty && !e.isEmpty() && e.contains(n) && e.contains(i)) return this;
                    if (this._router.hitTest(t)) return this
            _hover: function(e) {
                var t = (this.options.stroke || {}).color;
                e && ut(this.options.hover.stroke.color) && (t = this.options.hover.stroke.color), this.path.redraw({
                    stroke: {
                        color: t
            _refreshPath: function() {
                ht(this.path) && (this._drawPath(), this.bounds(this._router.getBounds()))
            _drawPath: function() {
                var e, t, n;
                this._router && this._router.route(), e = this.sourcePoint(), t = this.targetPoint(), n = this.points(), this.path.redraw({
                    points: [e].concat(n, [t])
            _clearSourceConnector: function() {
                rt.remove(this.sourceConnector.connections, this), this.sourceConnector = t, this._resolvedSourceConnector = t
            _clearTargetConnector: function() {
                rt.remove(this.targetConnector.connections, this), this.targetConnector = t, this._resolvedTargetConnector = t
            _removeFromSourceConnector: function() {
                this.sourceConnector && rt.remove(this.sourceConnector.connections, this)
            _removeFromTargetConnector: function() {
                this.targetConnector && rt.remove(this.targetConnector.connections, this)
        }), y = M.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n = this;
                kendo.destroy(e), M.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._initTheme(), n._initElements(), n._extendLayoutOptions(n.options), n._initDefaults(t), n._initCanvas(), n.mainLayer = new N({
                    id: "main-layer"
                }), n.canvas.append(n.mainLayer), n._shapesQuadTree = new D(n), n._pan = new Q, n._adorners = [], n.adornerLayer = new N({
                    id: "adorner-layer"
                }), n.canvas.append(n.adornerLayer), n._createHandlers(), n._initialize(), n._fetchFreshData(), n._createGlobalToolBar(), n._resizingAdorner = new tt(n, {
                    editable: n.options.editable
                }), n._connectorsAdorner = new nt(n), n._adorn(n._resizingAdorner, !0), n._adorn(n._connectorsAdorner, !0), n.selector = new et(n), n._clipboard = [], n.pauseMouseHandlers = !1, n._createShapes(), n._createConnections(), n.options.layout && n.layout(n.options.layout), n.zoom(n.options.zoom), n.canvas.draw()
            options: {
                name: "Diagram",
                theme: "default",
                layout: "",
                zoomRate: .1,
                zoom: 1,
                zoomMin: 0,
                zoomMax: 2,
                dataSource: {},
                draggable: !0,
                template: "",
                autoBind: !0,
                editable: {
                    rotate: {},
                    resize: {},
                    text: !0,
                    tools: [],
                    drag: {
                        snap: {
                            size: 10,
                            angle: 10
                    remove: !0
                pannable: {
                    key: "ctrl"
                selectable: {
                    key: "none"
                tooltip: {
                    enabled: !0,
                    format: "{0}"
                copy: {
                    enabled: !0,
                    offsetX: 20,
                    offsetY: 20
                shapeDefaults: P.shapeDefaults({
                    undoable: !0
                connectionDefaults: {
                    editable: {
                        tools: []
                    type: wt
                shapes: [],
                connections: []
            events: [Nt, Lt, Bt, Rt, Ht, bt, yt, kt, Tt, Dt, "toolBarClick", "save", "cancel", "edit", "remove", "add", "dataBound", St, xt, Ct],
            _createGlobalToolBar: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.editable;
                t && (e = t.tools, this._isEditable && 0 === e.length && (e = ["createShape", "undo", "redo", "rotateClockwise", "rotateAnticlockwise"]), e && e.length && (this.toolBar = new k(this, {
                    tools: e || {},
                    click: F(this._toolBarClick, this),
                    modal: !1
                }), this.toolBar.element.css({
                    textAlign: "left"
                }), this.element.prepend(this.toolBar.element), this._resize()))
            createShape: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o;
                (this.editor && this.editor.end() || !this.editor) && (e = this.dataSource, t = e.view() || [], n = t.length, i = f(e, {}), r = this._createShape(i, {}), this.trigger("add", {
                    shape: r
                }) || (e.insert(n, i), o = this._inactiveShapeItems.getByUid(i.uid), o.element = r, this.edit(r)))
            _createShape: function(e, t) {
                t = R({}, this.options.shapeDefaults, t), t.dataItem = e;
                var n = new w(t, this);
                return n
            createConnection: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r;
                (this.editor && this.editor.end() || !this.editor) && (e = this.connectionsDataSource, t = e.view() || [], n = t.length, i = f(e, {}), r = this._createConnection(i), this.trigger("add", {
                    connection: r
                }) || (this._connectionsDataMap[i.uid] = r, e.insert(n, i), this.addConnection(r, !1), this.edit(r)))
            _createConnection: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r = R({}, this.options.connectionDefaults);
                return r.dataItem = e, i = new b(t || new Q, n || new Q, r)
            editModel: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                if (this.cancelEdit(), r = this.options.editable, "shape" == t) n = r.shapeEditors, i = r.shapeTemplate;
                else {
                    if ("connection" != t) return;
                    o = F(c, this), n = R({}, {
                        from: o,
                        to: o
                    }, r.connectionEditors), i = r.connectionTemplate
                this.editor = new C(this.element, {
                    update: F(this._update, this),
                    cancel: F(this._cancel, this),
                    model: e,
                    type: t,
                    target: this,
                    editors: n,
                    template: i
                }), this.trigger("edit", this._editArgs())
            edit: function(e) {
                if (e.dataItem) {
                    var t = e instanceof w ? "shape" : "connection";
                    this.editModel(e.dataItem, t)
            cancelEdit: function() {
                this.editor && (this._getEditDataSource().cancelChanges(this.editor.model), this._destroyEditor())
            saveEdit: function() {
                this.editor && this.editor.end() && !this.trigger("save", this._editArgs()) && this._getEditDataSource().sync()
            _update: function() {
                this.editor && this.editor.end() && !this.trigger("save", this._editArgs()) && (this._getEditDataSource().sync(), this._destroyEditor())
            _cancel: function() {
                var e, t;
                this.editor && !this.trigger("cancel", this._editArgs()) && (e = this.editor.model, this._getEditDataSource().cancelChanges(e), t = this._connectionsDataMap[e.uid] || this._dataMap[e.id], t && t._setOptionsFromModel(e), this._destroyEditor())
            _getEditDataSource: function() {
                return "shape" === this.editor.options.type ? this.dataSource : this.connectionsDataSource
            _editArgs: function() {
                var e = {
                    container: this.editor.element
                return e[this.editor.options.type] = this.editor.model, e
            _destroyEditor: function() {
                this.editor && (this.editor.close(), this.editor = null)
            _initElements: function() {
                this.wrapper = this.element.empty().css("position", "relative").attr("tabindex", 0).addClass("k-widget k-diagram"), this.scrollable = e("<div />").appendTo(this.element)
            _initDefaults: function(e) {
                var t = this.options,
                    n = t.editable,
                    i = t.shapeDefaults,
                    r = t.connectionDefaults,
                    o = (e || {}).shapeDefaults;
                n === !1 ? (i.editable = !1, r.editable = !1) : (g(n, i.editable, ["drag", "remove", "connect"]), g(n, r.editable, ["drag", "remove"])), o && o.connectors && (t.shapeDefaults.connectors = o.connectors)
            _initCanvas: function() {
                var t = e("<div class='k-layer'></div>").appendTo(this.scrollable)[0],
                    n = this.viewport();
                this.canvas = new L(t, {
                    width: n.width || Vt,
                    height: n.height || Ut
            _createHandlers: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.element;
                t.on(sn, F(e._wheel, e)), kendo.support.touch || kendo.support.mobileOS ? (e._userEvents = new kendo.UserEvents(t, {
                    multiTouch: !0,
                    tap: F(e._tap, e)
                }), e._userEvents.bind(["gesturestart", "gesturechange", "gestureend"], {
                    gesturestart: F(e._gestureStart, e),
                    gesturechange: F(e._gestureChange, e),
                    gestureend: F(e._gestureEnd, e)
                }), e.toolService = new J(e), e.options.pannable !== !1 && e.scroller.enable()) : (e.toolService = new J(e), this.scroller.wrapper.on("mousemove" + _t, F(e._mouseMove, e)).on("mouseup" + _t, F(e._mouseUp, e)).on("mousedown" + _t, F(e._mouseDown, e)).on("mouseover" + _t, F(e._mouseover, e)).on("mouseout" + _t, F(e._mouseout, e)), t.on("keydown" + _t, F(e._keydown, e))), this._syncHandler = F(e._syncChanges, e), e._resizeHandler = F(e.resize, e, !1), kendo.onResize(e._resizeHandler), this.bind(Lt, F(e._destroyToolBar, e)), this.bind(Bt, F(e._destroyToolBar, e))
            _tap: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.toolService,
                    i = this._caculateMobilePosition(e);
                n._updateHoveredItem(i), n.hoveredItem && (t = n.hoveredItem, this.options.selectable !== !1 && (this._destroyToolBar(), t.isSelected ? t.select(!1) : this.select(t, {
                    addToSelection: !0
                }), this._createToolBar()), this.trigger("click", {
                    item: t,
                    point: i
            _caculateMobilePosition: function(e) {
                return this.documentToModel(Q(e.x.location, e.y.location))
            _gestureStart: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                this._destroyToolBar(), this.scroller.disable(), t = this.documentToModel(new Q(e.center.x, e.center.y)), n = {
                    point: t,
                    zoom: this.zoom()
                }, this.trigger(Lt, n) || (this._gesture = e, this._initialCenter = t)
            _gestureChange: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._gesture,
                    r = this._initialCenter,
                    o = this.documentToView(new Q(e.center.x, e.center.y)),
                    a = e.distance / i.distance,
                    s = this._zoom,
                    l = !1;
                vt.abs(a - 1) >= ln && (this._zoom = s = this._getValidZoom(s * a), this.options.zoom = s, this._gesture = e, l = !0), t = r.times(s), n = o.minus(t), (l || this._pan.distanceTo(n) >= cn) && (this._panTransform(n), this._updateAdorners()), e.preventDefault()
            _gestureEnd: function() {
                this.options.pannable !== !1 && this.scroller.enable(), this.trigger(Nt, {
                    point: this._initialCenter,
                    zoom: this.zoom()
            _resize: function() {
                var e = this.viewport();
                this.canvas && this.canvas.size(e), this.scrollable && this.toolBar && this.scrollable.height(e.height)
            _mouseover: function(e) {
                var t = e.target._kendoNode;
                t && t.srcElement._hover && t.srcElement._hover(!0, t.srcElement)
            _mouseout: function(e) {
                var t = e.target._kendoNode;
                t && t.srcElement._hover && t.srcElement._hover(!1, t.srcElement)
            _initTheme: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = A.ui.themes || {},
                    n = ((e.options || {}).theme || "").toLowerCase(),
                    i = (t[n] || {}).diagram;
                e.options = R({}, i, e.options)
            _createShapes: function() {
                var e, t, n = this,
                    i = n.options,
                    r = i.shapes;
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) e = r[t], n.addShape(e)
            _createConnections: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.options,
                    a = o.connectionDefaults,
                    s = o.connections;
                for (i = 0; s.length > i; i++) e = s[i], t = r._findConnectionShape(e.from), n = r._findConnectionShape(e.to), r.connect(t, n, R({}, a, e))
            _findConnectionShape: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = gt(e) ? e : e.shapeId,
                    i = t.getShapeById(n);
                return i.getConnector(e.connector || Et)
            destroy: function() {
                var e = this;
                M.fn.destroy.call(e), this._userEvents && this._userEvents.destroy(), kendo.unbindResize(e._resizeHandler), e.clear(), e.element.off(_t), e.scroller.wrapper.off(_t), e.canvas.destroy(!0), e.canvas = t, e._destroyEditor(), e.destroyScroller(), e._destroyGlobalToolBar(), e._destroyToolBar()
            destroyScroller: function() {
                var e = this.scroller;
                e && (e.destroy(), e.element.remove(), this.scroller = null)
            save: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r = {};
                for (r.shapes = [], r.connections = [], e = 0; this.shapes.length > e; e++) t = this.shapes[e], t.options.serializable && r.shapes.push(t.options);
                for (e = 0; this.connections.length > e; e++) n = this.connections[e], i = R({}, n.options, {
                    from: n.from.toJSON(),
                    to: n.to.toJSON()
                }), r.connections.push(i);
                return r
            focus: function() {
                if (!this.element.is(kendo._activeElement())) {
                    var e, t = this.element,
                        n = t[0],
                        i = [],
                        r = [],
                        o = document.documentElement;
                    do n = n.parentNode, n.scrollHeight > n.clientHeight && (i.push(n), r.push(n.scrollTop)); while (n != o);
                    for (t.focus(), e = 0; i.length > e; e++) i[e].scrollTop = r[e]
            load: function(e) {
                this.clear(), this.setOptions(e), this._createShapes(), this._createConnections()
            setOptions: function(e) {
                R(this.options, e)
            clear: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.select(!1), e.mainLayer.clear(), e._shapesQuadTree.clear(), e._initialize()
            connect: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r;
                return this.connectionsDataSource && this._isEditable ? (r = this.connectionsDataSource.add({}), i = this._connectionsDataMap[r.uid], i.source(e), i.target(t), i.redraw(n), i.updateModel()) : (i = new b(e, t, R({}, this.options.connectionDefaults, n)), this.addConnection(i)), i
            connected: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                for (n = 0; this.connections.length > n; n++)
                    if (i = this.connections[n], i.from == e && i.to == t) return !0;
                return !1
            addConnection: function(e, t) {
                return t !== !1 && this.undoRedoService.add(new P.AddConnectionUnit(e, this), !1), e.diagram = this, e._setOptionsFromModel(), e.refresh(), this.mainLayer.append(e.visual), this.connections.push(e), this.trigger(yt, {
                    added: [e],
                    removed: []
                }), e
            _addConnection: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.connectionsDataSource;
                if (i && this._isEditable) {
                    if (n = f(i, h(e.dataItem)), e.dataItem = n, e.updateModel(), !this.trigger("add", {
                        connection: e
                    })) return this._connectionsDataMap[n.uid] = e, i.add(n), this.addConnection(e, t), e._updateConnectors(), e
                } else if (!this.trigger("add", {
                    connection: e
                })) return this.addConnection(e, t), e._updateConnectors(), e
            addShape: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.options.shapeDefaults;
                if (e instanceof w) i = R({}, i, t), e.redraw(t), n = e;
                else {
                    if (e instanceof kendo.Class) return;
                    i = R({}, i, e || {}), n = new w(i)
                return i.undoable && this.undoRedoService.add(new P.AddShapeUnit(n, this), !1), this.shapes.push(n), n.diagram = this, this.mainLayer.append(n.visual), this._shapesQuadTree.insert(n), this.trigger(yt, {
                    added: [n],
                    removed: []
                }), n.hasOwnProperty("layout") && n.layout(n), n
            _addShape: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = this,
                    o = r.dataSource;
                if (o && this._isEditable) {
                    if (n = f(o, h(e.dataItem)), e.dataItem = n, e.updateModel(), !this.trigger("add", {
                        shape: e
                    })) return this.dataSource.add(n), i = this._inactiveShapeItems.getByUid(n.uid), i.element = e, i.undoable = t, e
                } else if (!this.trigger("add", {
                    shape: e
                })) return this.addShape(e, {
                    undoable: t
            remove: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                for (e = pt(e) ? e.slice(0) : [e], n = p(e), i = n.shapes, r = n.connections, ht(t) || (t = !0), t && this.undoRedoService.begin(), this._suspendModelRefresh(), o = i.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) this._removeItem(i[o], t, r);
                for (o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) this._removeItem(r[o], t);
                this._resumeModelRefresh(), t && this.undoRedoService.commit(!1), this.trigger(yt, {
                    added: [],
                    removed: e
            _removeShapeDataItem: function(e) {
                this._isEditable && (this.dataSource.remove(e.dataItem), delete this._dataMap[e.dataItem.id])
            _removeConnectionDataItem: function(e) {
                this._isEditable && (this.connectionsDataSource.remove(e.dataItem), delete this._connectionsDataMap[e.dataItem.uid])
            _triggerRemove: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o = [];
                for (r = 0; e.length > r; r++) t = e[r], i = t.options.editable, n = t instanceof w ? {
                    shape: t
                } : {
                    connection: t
                }, i && i.remove !== !1 && !this.trigger("remove", n) && o.push(t);
                return o
            undo: function() {
            redo: function() {
            select: function(e, t) {
                if (!ut(e)) return this._selectedItems;
                t = R({
                    addToSelection: !1
                }, t);
                var n, i, r = t.addToSelection,
                    o = [],
                    a = [];
                for (r || this.deselect(), this._internalSelection = !0, e instanceof Array ? o = e : e instanceof v && (o = [e]), n = 0; o.length > n; n++) i = o[n], i.select(!0) && a.push(i);
                this._selectionChanged(a, []), this._internalSelection = !1
            selectAll: function() {
            selectArea: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r;
                if (this._internalSelection = !0, r = [], e instanceof W)
                    for (n = this.shapes.concat(this.connections), t = 0; n.length > t; t++) i = n[t], e && !i._hitTest(e) || !i.options.enable || i.select(!0) && r.push(i);
                this._selectionChanged(r, []), this._internalSelection = !1
            deselect: function(e) {
                this._internalSelection = !0;
                var t, n, i = [],
                    r = [];
                for (e instanceof Array ? r = e : e instanceof v ? r.push(e) : ut(e) || (r = this._selectedItems.slice(0)), n = 0; r.length > n; n++) t = r[n], t.select(!1) && i.push(t);
                this._selectionChanged([], i), this._internalSelection = !1
            toFront: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                e || (e = this._selectedItems.slice()), n = this._getDiagramItems(e), !ht(t) || t ? (i = o(this.mainLayer, n.visuals), r = new st(this, e, i), this.undoRedoService.add(r)) : (this.mainLayer.toFront(n.visuals), this._fixOrdering(n, !0))
            toBack: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                e || (e = this._selectedItems.slice()), n = this._getDiagramItems(e), !ht(t) || t ? (i = o(this.mainLayer, n.visuals), r = new at(this, e, i), this.undoRedoService.add(r)) : (this.mainLayer.toBack(n.visuals), this._fixOrdering(n, !1))
            bringIntoView: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a = this.viewport(),
                    s = new P.RectAlign(a);
                0 !== a.width && 0 !== a.height && (t = R({
                    animate: !1,
                    align: "center middle"
                }, t), "none" == t.align && (t.align = "center middle"), e instanceof v ? i = e.bounds(Jt) : pt(e) ? i = this.boundingBox(e) : e instanceof W && (i = e.clone()), r = i.clone(), i.zoom(this._zoom), this._storePan(new Q), (i.width > a.width || i.height > a.height) && (this._zoom = this._getValidZoom(vt.min(a.width / r.width, a.height / r.height)), i = r.clone().zoom(this._zoom)), this._zoomMainLayer(), n = i.clone(), s.align(i, t.align), o = i.topLeft().minus(n.topLeft()), this.pan(o.times(-1), t.animate))
            alignShapes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                if (dt(e) && (e = "Left"), t = this.select(), 0 !== t.length) {
                    switch (e.toLowerCase()) {
                        case "left":
                        case "top":
                            n = Kt;
                        case "right":
                        case "bottom":
                            n = Xt
                    for (r = 0; t.length > r; r++)
                        if (i = t[r], i instanceof w) switch (e.toLowerCase()) {
                            case "left":
                                n = vt.min(n, i.options.x);
                            case "top":
                                n = vt.min(n, i.options.y);
                            case "right":
                                n = vt.max(n, i.options.x);
                            case "bottom":
                                n = vt.max(n, i.options.y)
                        for (o = [], a = [], r = 0; t.length > r; r++)
                            if (i = t[r], i instanceof w) switch (a.push(i), o.push(i.bounds()), e.toLowerCase()) {
                                case "left":
                                case "right":
                                    i.position(new Q(n, i.options.y));
                                case "top":
                                case "bottom":
                                    i.position(new Q(i.options.x, n))
                            s = new P.TransformUnit(a, o), this.undoRedoService.add(s, !1)
            zoom: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                return e && (n = t ? t.point : new P.Point(0, 0), e = this._zoom = this._getValidZoom(e), dt(n) || (n = new P.Point(vt.round(n.x), vt.round(n.y)), i = n.times(e), r = this.modelToView(n), o = r.minus(i), this._storePan(new P.Point(vt.round(o.x), vt.round(o.y)))), t && (t.zoom = e), this._panTransform(), this._updateAdorners()), this._zoom
            _getPan: function(e) {
                var t = this.canvas;
                return t.translate || (e = e.plus(this._pan)), e
            pan: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                e instanceof Q && (n = this, i = n.scroller, e = n._getPan(e), e = e.times(-1), t ? i.animatedScrollTo(e.x, e.y, function() {
                }) : (i.scrollTo(e.x, e.y), n._updateAdorners()))
            viewport: function() {
                var e = this.element,
                    t = e.width(),
                    n = e.height();
                return this.toolBar && (n -= this.toolBar.element.outerHeight()), new W(0, 0, t, n)
            copy: function() {
                var e, t;
                if (this.options.copy.enabled)
                    for (this._clipboard = [], this._copyOffset = 1, e = 0; this._selectedItems.length > e; e++) t = this._selectedItems[e], this._clipboard.push(t)
            cut: function() {
                var e, t;
                if (this.options.copy.enabled) {
                    for (this._clipboard = [], this._copyOffset = 0, e = 0; this._selectedItems.length > e; e++) t = this._selectedItems[e], this._clipboard.push(t);
                    this.remove(this._clipboard, !0)
            paste: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s;
                if (this._clipboard.length > 0) {
                    for (i = {}, r = p(this._clipboard), o = r.connections, a = r.shapes, s = {
                        x: this._copyOffset * this.options.copy.offsetX,
                        y: this._copyOffset * this.options.copy.offsetY
                    }, this.deselect(), n = 0; a.length > n; n++) e = a[n], t = e.clone(), i[e.id] = t, t.position(new Q(e.options.x + s.x, e.options.y + s.y)), t.diagram = this, t = this._addShape(t), t && t.select();
                    for (n = 0; o.length > n; n++) e = o[n], t = this._addConnection(e.clone()), t && (this._updateCopiedConnection(t, e, "source", i, s), this._updateCopiedConnection(t, e, "target", i, s), t.select(!0), t.updateModel());
                    this._syncChanges(), this._copyOffset += 1
            _updateCopiedConnection: function(e, t, n, i, r) {
                var o, a, s, l = t[n](),
                    c = this;
                l instanceof _ && i[l.shape.id] ? (s = i[l.shape.id], c.getShapeById(s.id) ? e[n](s.getConnector(l.options.name)) : (a = c._inactiveShapeItems.getByUid(s.dataItem.uid), a && (o = function(t) {
                    s = c._dataMap[t.id], e[n](s.getConnector(l.options.name)), e.updateModel()
                }, c._deferredConnectionUpdates.push(a.onActivate(o))))) : e[n](new Q(t[n + "Point"]().x + r.x, t[n + "Point"]().y + r.y))
            boundingBox: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o = W.empty(),
                    a = ut(e) ? this._getDiagramItems(e) : {
                        shapes: this.shapes
                if (a.shapes.length > 0)
                    for (i = a.shapes[0], o = i.bounds(en), r = 1; a.shapes.length > r; r++) i = a.shapes[r], n = i.bounds(en), t === !0 && (n.x -= i._rotationOffset.x, n.y -= i._rotationOffset.y), o = o.union(n);
                return o
            _containerOffset: function() {
                var e = this.element.offset();
                return this.toolBar && (e.top += this.toolBar.element.outerHeight()), e
            documentToView: function(e) {
                var t = this._containerOffset();
                return new Q(e.x - t.left, e.y - t.top)
            viewToDocument: function(e) {
                var t = this._containerOffset();
                return new Q(e.x + t.left, e.y + t.top)
            viewToModel: function(e) {
                return this._transformWithMatrix(e, this._matrixInvert)
            modelToView: function(e) {
                return this._transformWithMatrix(e, this._matrix)
            modelToLayer: function(e) {
                return this._transformWithMatrix(e, this._layerMatrix)
            layerToModel: function(e) {
                return this._transformWithMatrix(e, this._layerMatrixInvert)
            documentToModel: function(e) {
                var t = this.documentToView(e);
                return this.canvas.translate || (t.x = t.x + this.scroller.scrollLeft, t.y = t.y + this.scroller.scrollTop), this.viewToModel(t)
            modelToDocument: function(e) {
                return this.viewToDocument(this.modelToView(e))
            _transformWithMatrix: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = e;
                return e instanceof Q ? t && (r = t.apply(e)) : (n = this._transformWithMatrix(e.topLeft(), t), i = this._transformWithMatrix(e.bottomRight(), t), r = W.fromPoints(n, i)), r
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.dataSource = e, this._dataSource(), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
            setConnectionsDataSource: function(e) {
                this.options.connectionsDataSource = e, this._connectionDataSource(), this.options.autoBind && this.connectionsDataSource.fetch()
            layout: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                switch (this.isLayouting = !0, dt(e) && (e = this.options.layout), t = dt(e) || dt(e.type) ? "Tree" : e.type, t.toLowerCase()) {
                    case "tree":
                        n = new P.TreeLayout(this);
                    case "layered":
                        n = new P.LayeredLayout(this);
                    case "forcedirected":
                    case "force":
                    case "spring":
                    case "springembedder":
                        n = new P.SpringLayout(this);
                        throw "Layout algorithm '" + t + "' is not supported."
                i = new P.LayoutState(this), r = n.layout(e), r && (o = new P.LayoutUndoUnit(i, r, e ? e.animate : null), this.undoRedoService.add(o)), this.isLayouting = !1
            getShapeById: function(e) {
                var t;
                return (t = rt.first(this.shapes, function(t) {
                    return t.visual.id === e
                })) ? t : t = rt.first(this.connections, function(t) {
                    return t.visual.id === e
            _extendLayoutOptions: function(e) {
                e.layout && (e.layout = R(P.LayoutBase.fn.defaultOptions || {}, e.layout))
            _selectionChanged: function(e, t) {
                (e.length || t.length) && this.trigger(Rt, {
                    selected: e,
                    deselected: t
            _getValidZoom: function(e) {
                return vt.min(vt.max(e, this.options.zoomMin), this.options.zoomMax)
            _panTransform: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e || t._pan;
                t.canvas.translate ? (t.scroller.scrollTo(n.x, n.y), t._zoomMainLayer()) : (t._storePan(n), t._transformMainLayer())
            _finishPan: function() {
                this.trigger(Bt, {
                    total: this._pan,
                    delta: Number.NaN
            _storePan: function(e) {
                this._pan = e, this._storeViewMatrix()
            _zoomMainLayer: function() {
                var e = this._zoom,
                    t = new U(0, 0, e, e);
                t.render(this.mainLayer), this._storeLayerMatrix(t), this._storeViewMatrix()
            _transformMainLayer: function() {
                var e = this._pan,
                    t = this._zoom,
                    n = new U(e.x, e.y, t, t);
                n.render(this.mainLayer), this._storeLayerMatrix(n), this._storeViewMatrix()
            _storeLayerMatrix: function(e) {
                this._layerMatrix = e.toMatrix(), this._layerMatrixInvert = e.invert().toMatrix()
            _storeViewMatrix: function() {
                var e = this._pan,
                    t = this._zoom,
                    n = new U(e.x, e.y, t, t);
                this._matrix = n.toMatrix(), this._matrixInvert = n.invert().toMatrix()
            _toIndex: function(e, t) {
                var n = this._getDiagramItems(e);
                this.mainLayer.toIndex(n.visuals, t), this._fixOrdering(n, !1)
            _fixOrdering: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = t ? this.shapes.length - 1 : 0,
                    o = t ? this.connections.length - 1 : 0;
                for (n = 0; e.shapes.length > n; n++) i = e.shapes[n], rt.remove(this.shapes, i), rt.insert(this.shapes, i, r);
                for (n = 0; e.cons.length > n; n++) i = e.cons[n], rt.remove(this.connections, i), rt.insert(this.connections, i, o)
            _getDiagramItems: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = {},
                    r = e;
                for (i.visuals = [], i.shapes = [], i.cons = [], e ? pt(e) || (r = [e]) : r = this._selectedItems.slice(), t = 0; r.length > t; t++) n = r[t], n instanceof w ? (i.shapes.push(n), i.visuals.push(n.visual)) : n instanceof b && (i.cons.push(n), i.visuals.push(n.visual));
                return i
            _removeItem: function(e, t, n) {
                e.select(!1), e instanceof w ? (this._removeShapeDataItem(e), this._removeShape(e, t, n)) : e instanceof b && (this._removeConnectionDataItem(e), this._removeConnection(e, t)), this.mainLayer.remove(e.visual)
            _removeShape: function(e, t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = [],
                    l = [];
                for (this.toolService._removeHover(), t && this.undoRedoService.addCompositeItem(new G(e)), rt.remove(this.shapes, e), this._shapesQuadTree.remove(e), i = 0; e.connectors.length > i; i++)
                    for (o = e.connectors[i], a = 0; o.connections.length > a; a++) r = o.connections[a], n && A.inArray(r, n) || (r.sourceConnector == o ? s.push(r) : r.targetConnector == o && l.push(r));
                for (i = 0; s.length > i; i++) s[i].source(null, t), s[i].updateModel();
                for (i = 0; l.length > i; i++) l[i].target(null, t), l[i].updateModel()
            _removeConnection: function(e, t) {
                e.sourceConnector && rt.remove(e.sourceConnector.connections, e), e.targetConnector && rt.remove(e.targetConnector.connections, e), t && this.undoRedoService.addCompositeItem(new q(e)), rt.remove(this.connections, e)
            _removeDataItems: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                for (e = pt(e) ? e : [e]; e.length;)
                    if (n = e.shift(), r = this._dataMap[n.uid], r && (this._removeShapeConnections(r), this._removeItem(r, !1), delete this._dataMap[n.uid], t && n.hasChildren && n.loaded()))
                        for (i = n.children.data(), o = 0; i.length > o; o++) e.push(i[o])
            _removeShapeConnections: function(e) {
                var t, n = e.connections();
                if (n)
                    for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) this._removeItem(n[t], !1)
            _addDataItem: function(e, t) {
                var n, i;
                if (ht(e)) return (n = this._dataMap[e.id]) ? n : (i = R({}, this.options.shapeDefaults), i.dataItem = e, n = new w(i, this), this.addShape(n, {
                    undoable: t !== !1
                }), this._dataMap[e.id] = n, n)
            _addDataItemByUid: function(e) {
                var t, n;
                if (ht(e)) return (t = this._dataMap[e.uid]) ? t : (n = R({}, this.options.shapeDefaults), n.dataItem = e, t = new w(n, this), this.addShape(t), this._dataMap[e.uid] = t, t)
            _addDataItems: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a;
                for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) n = e[i], r = this._addDataItemByUid(n), o = this._addDataItemByUid(t), o && !this.connected(o, r) && (a = this.connect(o, r))
            _refreshSource: function(e) {
                var t, n = this,
                    i = e.node,
                    r = e.action,
                    o = e.items,
                    a = n.options;
                if (!e.field) {
                    if ("remove" == r) this._removeDataItems(e.items, !0);
                        for (r || i || n.clear(), this._addDataItems(o, i), t = 0; o.length > t; t++) o[t].load();
                    a.layout && n.layout(a.layout)
            _mouseDown: function(e) {
                var t = this._calculatePosition(e);
                1 == e.which && this.toolService.start(t, this._meta(e)) && (this._destroyToolBar(), e.preventDefault())
            _addItem: function(e) {
                e instanceof w ? this.addShape(e) : e instanceof b && this.addConnection(e)
            _mouseUp: function(e) {
                var t = this._calculatePosition(e);
                1 == e.which && this.toolService.end(t, this._meta(e)) && (this._createToolBar(), e.preventDefault())
            _createToolBar: function() {
                var e, t, n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = this.toolService.diagram;
                this.singleToolBar || 1 !== d.select().length || (e = d.select()[0], e && e.options.editable !== !1 && (t = e.options.editable, n = t.tools, this._isEditable && 0 === n.length && (e instanceof w ? n = ["edit", "rotateClockwise", "rotateAnticlockwise"] : e instanceof b && (n = ["edit"]), t && t.remove !== !1 && n.push("delete")), n && n.length && (i = 20, this.singleToolBar = new k(d, {
                    tools: n,
                    click: F(this._toolBarClick, this),
                    modal: !0
                }), o = this.singleToolBar.element, a = this.singleToolBar._popup.element.outerWidth(), s = this.singleToolBar._popup.element.outerHeight(), e instanceof w ? (l = this.modelToView(e.bounds(en)), r = Q(l.x, l.y).minus(Q((a - l.width) / 2, s + i))) : e instanceof b && (c = this.modelToView(e.bounds()), r = Q(c.x, c.y).minus(Q((a - c.width - 20) / 2, s + i))), r ? (this.canvas.translate || (r = r.minus(Q(this.scroller.scrollLeft, this.scroller.scrollTop))), r = this.viewToDocument(r), r = Q(vt.max(r.x, 0), vt.max(r.y, 0)), this.singleToolBar.showAt(r)) : this._destroyToolBar())))
            _toolBarClick: function(e) {
                this.trigger("toolBarClick", e), this._destroyToolBar()
            _mouseMove: function(e) {
                if (!this.pauseMouseHandlers) {
                    var t = this._calculatePosition(e);
                    0 !== e.which && 1 != e.which || !this.toolService.move(t, this._meta(e)) || e.preventDefault()
            _keydown: function(e) {
                this.toolService.keyDown(e.keyCode, this._meta(e)) && e.preventDefault()
            _wheel: function(e) {
                var t = n(e),
                    i = this._calculatePosition(e),
                    r = R(this._meta(e), {
                        delta: t
                this.toolService.wheel(i, r) && e.preventDefault()
            _meta: function(e) {
                return {
                    ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
                    metaKey: e.metaKey,
                    altKey: e.altKey,
                    shiftKey: e.shiftKey
            _calculatePosition: function(e) {
                var n = e.pageX === t ? e.originalEvent : e,
                    i = new Q(n.pageX, n.pageY),
                    r = this.documentToModel(i);
                return r
            _normalizePointZoom: function(e) {
                return e.times(1 / this.zoom())
            _initialize: function() {
                this.shapes = [], this._selectedItems = [], this.connections = [], this._dataMap = {}, this._connectionsDataMap = {}, this._inactiveShapeItems = new u, this._deferredConnectionUpdates = [], this.undoRedoService = new Z({
                    undone: this._syncHandler,
                    redone: this._syncHandler
                }), this.id = P.randomId()
            _fetchFreshData: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._dataSource(), e._isEditable && e._connectionDataSource(), e.options.autoBind && (e._isEditable ? (this._loadingShapes = !0, this._loadingConnections = !0, e.dataSource.fetch(), e.connectionsDataSource.fetch()) : e.dataSource.fetch())
            _dataSource: function() {
                var e, t;
                ht(this.options.connectionsDataSource) ? (this._isEditable = !0, e = this.options.dataSource || {}, t = pt(e) ? {
                    data: e
                } : e, this.dataSource && this._shapesRefreshHandler ? this.dataSource.unbind("change", this._shapesRefreshHandler).unbind("requestStart", this._shapesRequestStartHandler).unbind("error", this._shapesErrorHandler) : (this._shapesRefreshHandler = F(this._refreshShapes, this), this._shapesRequestStartHandler = F(this._shapesRequestStart, this), this._shapesErrorHandler = F(this._error, this)), this.dataSource = kendo.data.DataSource.create(t).bind("change", this._shapesRefreshHandler).bind("requestStart", this._shapesRequestStartHandler).bind("error", this._shapesErrorHandler)) : (this._treeDataSource(), this._isEditable = !1)
            _connectionDataSource: function() {
                var e, t = this.options.connectionsDataSource;
                t && (e = pt(t) ? {
                    data: t
                } : t, this.connectionsDataSource && this._connectionsRefreshHandler ? this.connectionsDataSource.unbind("change", this._connectionsRefreshHandler).unbind("requestStart", this._connectionsRequestStartHandler).unbind("error", this._connectionsErrorHandler) : (this._connectionsRefreshHandler = F(this._refreshConnections, this), this._connectionsRequestStartHandler = F(this._connectionsRequestStart, this), this._connectionsErrorHandler = F(this._connectionsError, this)), this.connectionsDataSource = kendo.data.DataSource.create(e).bind("change", this._connectionsRefreshHandler).bind("requestStart", this._connectionsRequestStartHandler).bind("error", this._connectionsErrorHandler))
            _shapesRequestStart: function(e) {
                "read" == e.type && (this._loadingShapes = !0)
            _connectionsRequestStart: function(e) {
                "read" == e.type && (this._loadingConnections = !0)
            _error: function() {
                this._loadingShapes = !1
            _connectionsError: function() {
                this._loadingConnections = !1
            _refreshShapes: function(e) {
                "remove" === e.action ? this._shouldRefresh() && this._removeShapes(e.items) : "itemchange" === e.action ? this._shouldRefresh() && this._updateShapes(e.items, e.field) : "add" === e.action ? this._inactiveShapeItems.add(e.items) : "sync" === e.action ? this._syncShapes(e.items) : this.refresh()
            _shouldRefresh: function() {
                return !this._suspended
            _suspendModelRefresh: function() {
                this._suspended = (this._suspended || 0) + 1
            _resumeModelRefresh: function() {
                this._suspended = vt.max((this._suspended || 0) - 1, 0)
            refresh: function() {
                this._loadingShapes = !1, this._loadingConnections || (this.trigger("dataBound"), this._rebindShapesAndConnections())
            _rebindShapesAndConnections: function() {
                this.clear(), this._addShapes(this.dataSource.view()), this.connectionsDataSource && this._addConnections(this.connectionsDataSource.view(), !1), this.options.layout && this.layout(this.options.layout)
            refreshConnections: function() {
                this._loadingConnections = !1, this._loadingShapes || (this.trigger("dataBound"), this._rebindShapesAndConnections())
            _removeShapes: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this._dataMap;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) t = e[n], i[t.id] && (this.remove(i[t.id], !1), i[t.id] = null)
            _syncShapes: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e._inactiveShapeItems;
                t.forEach(function(n) {
                    var i = n.dataItem,
                        r = n.element;
                    i.isNew() || (r ? (r._setOptionsFromModel(), e.addShape(r, {
                        undoable: n.undoable
                    }), e._dataMap[i.id] = r) : e._addDataItem(i), n.activate(), t.remove(i))
            _updateShapes: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r;
                for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n], r = this._dataMap[i.id], r && r.updateOptionsFromModel(i, t)
            _addShapes: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this._addDataItem(e[t], !1)
            _refreshConnections: function(e) {
                "remove" === e.action ? this._shouldRefresh() && this._removeConnections(e.items) : "add" === e.action ? this._addConnections(e.items) : "sync" === e.action || ("itemchange" === e.action ? this._shouldRefresh() && this._updateConnections(e.items) : this.refreshConnections())
            _removeConnections: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.remove(this._connectionsDataMap[e[t].uid], !1), this._connectionsDataMap[e[t].uid] = null
            _updateConnections: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r, o;
                for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n = e[t], i = this._connectionsDataMap[n.uid], i.updateOptionsFromModel(n), r = this._validateConnector(n.from), r && i.source(r), o = this._validateConnector(n.to), o && i.target(o)
            _addConnections: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r = e.length;
                for (n = 0; r > n; n++) i = e[n], this._addConnectionDataItem(i, t)
            _addConnectionDataItem: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o;
                this._connectionsDataMap[e.uid] || (n = this._validateConnector(e.from), ht(n) && null !== n || (n = new Q(e.fromX, e.fromY)), i = this._validateConnector(e.to), ht(i) && null !== i || (i = new Q(e.toX, e.toY)), ht(n) && ht(i) && (r = R({}, this.options.connectionDefaults), r.dataItem = e, o = new b(n, i, r), this._connectionsDataMap[e.uid] = o, this.addConnection(o, t)))
            _validateConnector: function(e) {
                var t;
                return ht(e) && null !== e && (t = this._dataMap[e]), t
            _treeDataSource: function() {
                var e = this,
                    t = e.options,
                    n = t.dataSource;
                n = pt(n) ? {
                    data: n
                } : n, n.fields || (n.fields = [{
                    field: "text"
                }, {
                    field: "url"
                }, {
                    field: "spriteCssClass"
                }, {
                    field: "imageUrl"
                }]), e.dataSource && e._refreshHandler && e._unbindDataSource(), e._refreshHandler = F(e._refreshSource, e), e._errorHandler = F(e._error, e), e.dataSource = B.create(n).bind(yt, e._refreshHandler).bind(At, e._errorHandler)
            _unbindDataSource: function() {
                var e = this;
                e.dataSource.unbind(yt, e._refreshHandler).unbind(At, e._errorHandler)
            _adorn: function(e, n) {
                n !== t && e && (n ? (this._adorners.push(e), this.adornerLayer.append(e.visual)) : (rt.remove(this._adorners, e), this.adornerLayer.remove(e.visual)))
            _showConnectors: function(e, t) {
                t ? this._connectorsAdorner.show(e) : this._connectorsAdorner.destroy()
            _updateAdorners: function() {
                var e, t, n = this._adorners;
                for (e = 0; n.length > e; e++) t = n[e], t.refreshBounds && t.refreshBounds(), t.refresh()
            _refresh: function() {
                for (var e = 0; this.connections.length > e; e++) this.connections[e].refresh()
            _destroyToolBar: function() {
                this.singleToolBar && (this.singleToolBar.hide(), this.singleToolBar.destroy(), this.singleToolBar = null)
            _destroyGlobalToolBar: function() {
                this.toolBar && (this.toolBar.hide(), this.toolBar.destroy(), this.toolBar = null)
            exportDOMVisual: function() {
                var e = this.canvas._viewBox,
                    t = I.transform().translate(-e.x, -e.y),
                    n = new I.Rect([0, 0], [e.width, e.height]),
                    i = E.Path.fromRect(n),
                    r = new E.Group({
                        transform: t
                    o = new E.Group({
                        clip: i
                    a = this.canvas.drawingElement.children[0];
                return o.append(r), r.children.push(a), o
            exportVisual: function() {
                var e = I.transform().scale(1 / this._zoom),
                    t = new E.Group({
                        transform: e
                    n = this.mainLayer.drawingElement;
                return t.children.push(n), t
            _syncChanges: function() {
                this._syncShapeChanges(), this._syncConnectionChanges()
            _syncShapeChanges: function() {
                this.dataSource && this._isEditable && this.dataSource.sync()
            _syncConnectionChanges: function() {
                var t = this;
                t.connectionsDataSource && t._isEditable && (e.when.apply(e, t._deferredConnectionUpdates).then(function() {
                }), t.deferredConnectionUpdates = [])
        }), A.ExportMixin.extend(y.fn, !0), kendo.PDFMixin && kendo.PDFMixin.extend(y.fn), k = kendo.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                kendo.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this.diagram = e, this.options = R({}, this.options, t), this._tools = [], this.createToolBar(), this.createTools(), this.appendTools(), this.options.modal && this.createPopup(), this.bind(this.events, t)
            events: ["click"],
            createPopup: function() {
                this.container = e("<div/>").append(this.element), this._popup = this.container.kendoPopup({}).getKendoPopup()
            appendTools: function() {
                var e, t;
                for (e = 0; this._tools.length > e; e++) t = this._tools[e], (t.buttons && t.buttons.length || !ht(t.buttons)) && this._toolBar.add(t)
            createToolBar: function() {
                this.element = e("<div/>"), this._toolBar = this.element.kendoToolBar({
                    click: F(this.click, this),
                    resizable: !1
                }).getKendoToolBar(), this.element.css("border", "none")
            createTools: function() {
                for (var e = 0; this.options.tools.length > e; e++) this.createTool(this.options.tools[e])
            createTool: function(e) {
                var t = (mt(e) ? e.name : e) + "Tool";
                this[t] ? this[t](e) : this._tools.push(e)
            showAt: function(e) {
                this._popup && this._popup.open(e.x, e.y)
            hide: function() {
                this._popup && this._popup.close()
            newGroup: function() {
                return {
                    type: "buttonGroup",
                    buttons: []
            editTool: function() {
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-pencil",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    type: "button",
                    text: "Edit",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "edit"
            deleteTool: function() {
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-close",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    type: "button",
                    text: "Delete",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "delete"
            rotateAnticlockwiseTool: function(e) {
                this._appendGroup("rotate"), this._rotateGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-rotateccw",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "RotateAnticlockwise",
                    group: "rotate",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "rotateAnticlockwise",
                        step: e.step
            rotateClockwiseTool: function(e) {
                this._appendGroup("rotate"), this._rotateGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-rotatecw",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "rotateClockwise",
                        step: e.step
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "RotateClockwise",
                    group: "rotate"
            createShapeTool: function() {
                this._appendGroup("create"), this._createGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-shape",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "CreateShape",
                    group: "create",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "createShape"
            createConnectionTool: function() {
                this._appendGroup("create"), this._createGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-connector",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "CreateConnection",
                    group: "create",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "createConnection"
            undoTool: function() {
                this._appendGroup("history"), this._historyGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-undo",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "Undo",
                    group: "history",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "undo"
            redoTool: function() {
                this._appendGroup("history"), this._historyGroup.buttons.push({
                    spriteCssClass: "k-icon k-i-redo",
                    showText: "overflow",
                    text: "Redo",
                    group: "history",
                    attributes: this._setAttributes({
                        action: "redo"
            _appendGroup: function(e) {
                var t = "_" + e + "Group";
                this[t] || (this[t] = this.newGroup(), this._tools.push(this[t]))
            _setAttributes: function(e) {
                var t = {};
                return e.action && (t[kendo.attr("action")] = e.action), e.step && (t[kendo.attr("step")] = e.step), t
            _getAttributes: function(e) {
                var t, n = {},
                    i = e.attr(kendo.attr("action"));
                return i && (n.action = i), t = e.attr(kendo.attr("step")), t && (n.step = t), n
            click: function(t) {
                var n = this._getAttributes(e(t.target)),
                    i = n.action;
                i && this[i](n), this.trigger("click", this.eventData(i))
            eventData: function(e) {
                var t = this.selectedElements(),
                    n = [],
                    i = [];
                return t instanceof w ? n.push(t) : i.push(t), {
                    shapes: n,
                    connections: i,
                    action: e
            "delete": function() {
                var e = this.diagram,
                    t = e._triggerRemove(this.selectedElements());
                t.length && (this.diagram.remove(t, !0), this.diagram._syncChanges())
            edit: function() {
            rotateClockwise: function(e) {
                var t = (this.selectedElements(), parseFloat(e.step || 90));
            rotateAnticlockwise: function(e) {
                var t = (this.selectedElements(), parseFloat(e.step || 90));
            _rotate: function(e) {
                var t = this.diagram._resizingAdorner;
                t.angle(t.angle() + e), t.rotate()
            selectedElements: function() {
                return this.diagram.select()
            createShape: function() {
            createConnection: function() {
            undo: function() {
            redo: function() {
            destroy: function() {
                this.diagram = null, this.element = null, this.options = null, this._toolBar && this._toolBar.destroy(), this._popup && this._popup.destroy()
        }), x = kendo.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                kendo.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this.options = H(!0, {}, this.options, t), this.element = e, this.model = this.options.model, this.fields = this._getFields(), this._initContainer(), this.createEditable()
            options: {
                editors: {}
            _initContainer: function() {
                this.wrapper = this.element
            createEditable: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.editable = new kendo.ui.Editable(this.wrapper, {
                    fields: this.fields,
                    target: e.target,
                    clearContainer: !1,
                    model: this.model
            _isEditable: function(e) {
                return this.model.editable && this.model.editable(e)
            _getFields: function() {
                var e, t, n, i = [],
                    r = this.model.fields;
                for (e in r) t = {}, this._isEditable(e) && (n = this.options.editors[e], n && (t.editor = n), t.field = e, i.push(t));
                return i
            end: function() {
                return this.editable.end()
            destroy: function() {
                this.editable.destroy(), this.editable.element.find("[" + kendo.attr("container-for") + "]").empty(), this.model = this.wrapper = this.element = this.columns = this.editable = null
        }), C = x.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                x.fn.init.call(this, e, t), this.bind(this.events, this.options), this.open()
            events: ["update", "cancel"],
            options: {
                window: {
                    modal: !0,
                    resizable: !1,
                    draggable: !0,
                    title: "Edit",
                    visible: !1
            _initContainer: function() {
                var t, n = this;
                this.wrapper = e('<div class="k-popup-edit-form"/>').attr(kendo.attr("uid"), this.model.uid), t = "", this.options.template ? (t += this._renderTemplate(), this.fields = []) : t += this._renderFields(), t += this._renderButtons(), this.wrapper.append(e('<div class="k-edit-form-container"/>').append(t)), this.window = new kendo.ui.Window(this.wrapper, this.options.window), this.window.bind("close", function(e) {
                    e.userTriggered && (e.sender.element.focus(), n._cancelClick(e))
                }), this._attachButtonEvents()
            _renderTemplate: function() {
                var e = this.options.template;
                return "string" == typeof e && (e = window.unescape(e)), e = kendo.template(e)(this.model)
            _renderFields: function() {
                var e, t, n = "";
                for (e = 0; this.fields.length > e; e++) t = this.fields[e], n += '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="' + t.field + '">' + (t.field || "") + "</label></div>", this._isEditable(t.field) && (n += "<div " + kendo.attr("container-for") + '="' + t.field + '" class="k-edit-field"></div>');
                return n
            _renderButtons: function() {
                var e = '<div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default">';
                return e += this._createButton("update"), e += this._createButton("cancel"), e += "</div>"
            _createButton: function(e) {
                return kendo.template(dn)(m[e])
            _attachButtonEvents: function() {
                this._cancelClickHandler = F(this._cancelClick, this), this.window.element.on(kt + _t, "a.k-diagram-cancel", this._cancelClickHandler), this._updateClickHandler = F(this._updateClick, this), this.window.element.on(kt + _t, "a.k-diagram-update", this._updateClickHandler)
            _updateClick: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this.trigger("update")
            _cancelClick: function(e) {
                e.preventDefault(), this.trigger("cancel")
            open: function() {
            close: function() {
                this.window.bind("deactivate", F(this.destroy, this)).close()
            destroy: function() {
                this.window.close().destroy(), this.window.element.off(kt + _t, "a.k-diagram-cancel", this._cancelClickHandler), this.window.element.off(kt + _t, "a.k-diagram-update", this._updateClickHandler), this._cancelClickHandler = null, this._editUpdateClickHandler = null, this.window = null, x.fn.destroy.call(this)
        }), d.fn = d.prototype = {
            onActivate: function(t) {
                var n = e.Deferred();
                return this.callbacks.push({
                    callback: t,
                    deferred: n
                }), n
            activate: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.callbacks;
                for (t = 0; n.length > t; t++) e = this.callbacks[t], e.callback(this.dataItem), e.deferred.resolve();
                this.callbacks = []
        }, u.fn = u.prototype = {
            add: function(e) {
                for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t++) this.items[e[t].uid] = new d(e[t])
            forEach: function(e) {
                for (var t in this.items) e(this.items[t])
            getByUid: function(e) {
                return this.items[e]
            remove: function(e) {
                delete this.items[e.uid]
        }, S = z.extend({
            init: function() {
                this.shapes = []
            _add: function(e, t) {
                    bounds: t,
                    shape: e
                }), e._quadNode = this
            insert: function(e, t) {
                this._add(e, t)
            remove: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.shapes,
                    i = n.length;
                for (t = 0; i > t; t++)
                    if (n[t].shape === e) {
                        n.splice(t, 1);
            hitTestRect: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.shapes,
                    r = i.length,
                    o = !1;
                for (n = 0; r > n; n++)
                    if (this._overlaps(i[n].bounds, e) && !A.inArray(i[n].shape, t)) {
                        o = !0;
                return o
            _overlaps: function(e, t) {
                var n = e.bottomRight(),
                    i = t.bottomRight(),
                    r = !(t.x > n.x || t.y > n.y || e.x > i.x || e.y > i.y);
                return r
        }), T = S.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                S.fn.init.call(this), this.children = [], this.rect = e
            inBounds: function(e) {
                var t = this.rect,
                    n = t.bottomRight(),
                    i = e.bottomRight(),
                    r = e.x >= t.x && e.y >= t.y && n.x >= i.x && n.y >= i.y;
                return r
            overlapsBounds: function(e) {
                return this._overlaps(this.rect, e)
            insert: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = !1,
                    r = this.children,
                    o = r.length;
                if (this.inBounds(t)) {
                    if (!o && 4 > this.shapes.length) this._add(e, t);
                    else {
                        for (o || this._initChildren(), n = 0; r.length > n; n++)
                            if (r[n].insert(e, t)) {
                                i = !0;
                        i || this._add(e, t)
                    i = !0
                return i
            _initChildren: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.rect,
                    i = this.children,
                    r = this.shapes,
                    o = n.center(),
                    a = n.width / 2,
                    s = n.height / 2;
                for (i.push(new T(new W(n.x, n.y, a, s)), new T(new W(o.x, n.y, a, s)), new T(new W(n.x, o.y, a, s)), new T(new W(o.x, o.y, a, s))), t = r.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)
                    for (e = 0; i.length > e; e++)
                        if (i[e].insert(r[t].shape, r[t].bounds)) {
                            r.splice(t, 1);
            hitTestRect: function(e, t) {
                var n, i = this.children,
                    r = i.length,
                    o = !1;
                if (this.overlapsBounds(e))
                    if (S.fn.hitTestRect.call(this, e, t)) o = !0;
                        for (n = 0; r > n; n++)
                            if (i[n].hitTestRect(e, t)) {
                                o = !0;
                return o
        }), D = z.extend({
            ROOT_SIZE: 1e3,
            init: function(e) {
                e.bind(bt, F(this._boundsChange, this)), e.bind(Ht, F(this._boundsChange, this)), this.initRoots()
            initRoots: function() {
                this.rootMap = {}, this.root = new S
            clear: function() {
            _boundsChange: function(e) {
                e.item._quadNode && (e.item._quadNode.remove(e.item), this.insert(e.item))
            insert: function(e) {
                var t = e.bounds(en),
                    n = this.ROOT_SIZE,
                    i = this.getSectors(t),
                    r = i[0][0],
                    o = i[1][0];
                this.inRoot(i) ? this.root.insert(e, t) : (this.rootMap[r] || (this.rootMap[r] = {}), this.rootMap[r][o] || (this.rootMap[r][o] = new T(new W(r * n, o * n, n, n))), this.rootMap[r][o].insert(e, t))
            remove: function(e) {
                e._quadNode && e._quadNode.remove(e)
            inRoot: function(e) {
                return e[0].length > 1 || e[1].length > 1
            getSectors: function(e) {
                var t = this.ROOT_SIZE,
                    n = e.bottomRight(),
                    i = Math.floor(e.x / t),
                    r = Math.floor(e.y / t),
                    o = Math.floor(n.x / t),
                    a = Math.floor(n.y / t),
                    s = [
                return i !== o && s[0].push(o), r !== a && s[1].push(a), s
            hitTestRect: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s = this.getSectors(e);
                if (this.root.hitTestRect(e, t)) return !0;
                for (n = 0; s[0].length > n; n++)
                    for (r = s[0][n], i = 0; s[1].length > i; i++)
                        if (o = s[1][i], a = (this.rootMap[r] || {})[o], a && a.hitTestRect(e, t)) return !0;
                return !1
        }), A.ui.plugin(y), R(P, {
            Shape: w,
            Connection: b,
            Connector: _,
            DiagramToolBar: k,
            QuadNode: T,
            QuadRoot: S,
            ShapesQuadTree: D
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            if (null === t) return t;
            var n = y(e, !0);
            return n(t)

        function i(e) {
            return typeof e !== I

        function r(e, t, n) {
            var i, r, l = s(e),
                c = s(t),
                d = u(e) - u(t) < 0,
                h = [];
            for (h.push(e), i = 0; n > i; i++) r = {
                r: o(l.r, c.r, i, n, d),
                g: o(l.g, c.g, i, n, d),
                b: o(l.b, c.b, i, n, d)
            }, h.push(a(r));
            return h.push(t), h

        function o(e, t, n, i, r) {
            var o, a = p.min(p.abs(e), p.abs(t)),
                s = p.max(p.abs(e), p.abs(t)),
                l = (s - a) / (i + 1),
                c = l * (n + 1);
            return o = r ? a + c : s - c

        function a(e) {
            return "#" + l(e.r) + l(e.g) + l(e.b)

        function s(e) {
            e = e.replace("#", "");
            var t = c(e);
            return {
                r: d(t.r),
                g: d(t.g),
                b: d(t.b)

        function l(e) {
            var t = p.round(e).toString(16).toUpperCase();
            return 1 === t.length && (t = "0" + t), t

        function c(e) {
            var t = e.length,
                n = {};
            return 3 === t ? (n.r = e[0], n.g = e[1], n.b = e[2]) : (n.r = e.substring(0, 2), n.g = e.substring(2, 4), n.b = e.substring(4, 6)), n

        function d(e) {
            return parseInt(e.toString(16), 16)

        function u(e) {
            var t = 0;
            return e && (e = s(e), t = p.sqrt(.241 * e.r * e.r + .691 * e.g * e.g + .068 * e.b * e.b)), t

        function h(e) {
            var t = p.pow(10, 4);
            return p.round(e * t) / t
        var p = Math,
            f = e.proxy,
            g = window.kendo,
            m = g.Class,
            v = g.ui.Widget,
            _ = g.template,
            w = g.deepExtend,
            b = g.data.HierarchicalDataSource,
            y = g.getter,
            k = g.dataviz,
            x = ".kendoTreeMap",
            C = "change",
            S = "dataBound",
            T = "itemCreated",
            D = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            A = "mouseover" + x,
            E = "mouseleave" + x,
            I = "undefined",
            P = v.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    g.destroy(t), e(t).empty(), v.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this._initTheme(this.options), this.element.addClass("k-widget k-treemap"), this._setLayout(), this._originalOptions = w({}, this.options), this._initDataSource(), this._attachEvents(), g.notify(this, k.ui)
                options: {
                    name: "TreeMap",
                    theme: "default",
                    autoBind: !0,
                    textField: "text",
                    valueField: "value",
                    colorField: "color"
                events: [S, T],
                _initTheme: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = k.ui.themes || {},
                        i = ((e || {}).theme || "").toLowerCase(),
                        r = (n[i] || {}).treeMap;
                    t.options = w({}, r, e)
                _attachEvents: function() {
                    this.element.on(A, f(this._mouseover, this)).on(E, f(this._mouseleave, this))
                _setLayout: function() {
                    "horizontal" === this.options.type ? (this._layout = new F(!1), this._view = new R(this, this.options)) : "vertical" === this.options.type ? (this._layout = new F(!0), this._view = new R(this, this.options)) : (this._layout = new M, this._view = new z(this, this.options))
                _initDataSource: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.options,
                        n = t.dataSource;
                    e._dataChangeHandler = f(e._onDataChange, e), e.dataSource = b.create(n).bind(C, e._dataChangeHandler), n && e.options.autoBind && e.dataSource.fetch()
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.dataSource.unbind(C, t._dataChangeHandler), t.dataSource = e.bind(C, t._dataChangeHandler), e && t.options.autoBind && t.dataSource.fetch()
                _onDataChange: function(e) {
                    var t, n, o, a, s, l, c = e.node,
                        d = e.items,
                        u = this.options;
                    if (c) {
                        if (d.length) {
                            for (a = this._getByUid(c.uid), a.children = [], o = i(a.minColor) || i(a.maxColor) ? r(a.minColor, a.maxColor, d.length) || [] : u.colors || [], n = 0; d.length > n; n++) t = d[n], a.children.push(this._wrapItem(t));
                            for (s = this._view.htmlSize(a), this._layout.compute(a.children, a.coord, s), n = 0; a.children.length > n; n++) t = a.children[n], i(t.color) || ("string" == typeof o[0] ? t.color = o[n % o.length] : (l = o[n % o.length], l && (t.color = l[0], t.minColor = l[0], t.maxColor = l[1])));
                    } else this.element.empty(), t = this._wrapItem(d[0]), this._layout.createRoot(t, this.element.outerWidth(), this.element.outerHeight(), "vertical" === this.options.type), this._view.createRoot(t), this._root = t;
                    for (n = 0; d.length > n; n++) d[n].load();
                    c && this.trigger(S, {
                        node: c
                _contentSize: function(e) {
                _wrapItem: function(e) {
                    var t = {};
                    return i(this.options.valueField) && (t.value = n(this.options.valueField, e)), i(this.options.colorField) && (t.color = n(this.options.colorField, e)), i(this.options.textField) && (t.text = n(this.options.textField, e)), t.level = e.level(), t.dataItem = e, t
                _getByUid: function(e) {
                    for (var t, n = [this._root]; n.length;) {
                        if (t = n.pop(), t.dataItem.uid === e) return t;
                        t.children && (n = n.concat(t.children))
                dataItem: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t).attr(g.attr("uid")),
                        i = this.dataSource;
                    return i && i.getByUid(n)
                findByUid: function(e) {
                    return this.element.find(".k-treemap-tile[" + g.attr("uid") + "='" + e + "']")
                _mouseover: function(t) {
                    var n = e(t.target);
                    n.hasClass("k-leaf") && (this._removeActiveState(), n.removeClass("k-state-hover").addClass("k-state-hover"))
                _removeActiveState: function() {
                _mouseleave: function() {
                destroy: function() {
                    v.fn.destroy.call(this), this.element.off(x), this.dataSource && this.dataSource.unbind(C, this._dataChangeHandler), this._root = null, g.destroy(this.element)
                items: function() {
                    return e()
                getSize: function() {
                    return g.dimensions(this.element)
                _resize: function() {
                setOptions: function(e) {
                    var n = e.dataSource;
                    e.dataSource = t, this._originalOptions = w(this._originalOptions, e), this.options = w({}, this._originalOptions), this._setLayout(), this._initTheme(this.options), v.fn._setEvents.call(this, e), n && this.setDataSource(b.create(n)), this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
            M = m.extend({
                createRoot: function(e, t, n) {
                    e.coord = {
                        width: t,
                        height: n,
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                leaf: function(e) {
                    return !e.children
                layoutChildren: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a = t.width * t.height,
                        s = 0,
                        l = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) l[n] = parseFloat(e[n].value), s += l[n];
                    for (n = 0; l.length > n; n++) e[n].area = a * l[n] / s;
                    i = this.layoutHorizontal() ? t.height : t.width, e = new g.data.Query(e)._sortForGrouping("value", "desc"), r = [e[0]], o = e.slice(1), this.squarify(o, r, i, t)
                squarify: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    this.computeDim(e, t, n, i)
                computeDim: function(e, n, i, r) {
                    var o, a, s;
                    return e.length + n.length == 1 ? (o = 1 == e.length ? e : n, this.layoutLast(o, i, r), t) : (e.length >= 2 && 0 === n.length && (n = [e[0]], e = e.slice(1)), 0 === e.length ? (n.length > 0 && this.layoutRow(n, i, r), t) : (a = e[0], this.worstAspectRatio(n, i) >= this.worstAspectRatio([a].concat(n), i) ? this.computeDim(e.slice(1), n.concat([a]), i, r) : (s = this.layoutRow(n, i, r), this.computeDim(e, [], s.dim, s)), t))
                layoutLast: function(e, t, n) {
                    e[0].coord = n
                layoutRow: function(e, t, n) {
                    return this.layoutHorizontal() ? this.layoutV(e, t, n) : this.layoutH(e, t, n)
                orientation: "h",
                layoutVertical: function() {
                    return "v" === this.orientation
                layoutHorizontal: function() {
                    return "h" === this.orientation
                layoutChange: function() {
                    this.orientation = this.layoutVertical() ? "h" : "v"
                worstAspectRatio: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r, o, a;
                    if (!e || 0 === e.length) return D;
                    for (n = 0, i = 0, r = D, o = 0; e.length > o; o++) a = e[o].area, n += a, r = a > r ? r : a, i = i > a ? i : a;
                    return p.max(t * t * i / (n * n), n * n / (t * t * r))
                compute: function(e, t, n) {
                    if (t.width >= t.height && this.layoutHorizontal() || this.layoutChange(), e && e.length > 0) {
                        var i = {
                            width: t.width,
                            height: t.height - n.text,
                            top: 0,
                            left: 0
                        this.layoutChildren(e, i)
                layoutV: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = this._totalArea(e),
                        s = 0;
                    for (t = h(a / t), i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = h(e[i].area / t), e[i].coord = {
                        height: r,
                        width: t,
                        top: n.top + s,
                        left: n.left
                    }, s += r;
                    return o = {
                        height: n.height,
                        width: n.width - t,
                        top: n.top,
                        left: n.left + t
                    }, o.dim = p.min(o.width, o.height), o.dim != o.height && this.layoutChange(), o
                layoutH: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o = this._totalArea(e),
                        a = h(o / t),
                        s = n.top,
                        l = 0;
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) e[i].coord = {
                        height: a,
                        width: h(e[i].area / a),
                        top: s,
                        left: n.left + l
                    }, l += e[i].coord.width;
                    return r = {
                        height: n.height - a,
                        width: n.width,
                        top: n.top + a,
                        left: n.left
                    }, r.dim = p.min(r.width, r.height), r.dim != r.width && this.layoutChange(), r
                _totalArea: function(e) {
                    var t, n = 0;
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n += e[t].area;
                    return n
            z = m.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    this.options = w({}, this.options, n), this.treeMap = t, this.element = e(t.element), this.offset = 0
                htmlSize: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this._getByUid(e.dataItem.uid),
                        r = {
                            text: 0
                    return e.children && (this._clean(i), t = this._getText(e), t && (n = this._createTitle(e), i.append(n), r.text = n.height()), i.append(this._createWrap()), this.offset = (i.outerWidth() - i.innerWidth()) / 2), r
                _getByUid: function(e) {
                    return this.element.find(".k-treemap-tile[" + g.attr("uid") + "='" + e + "']")
                render: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this._getByUid(e.dataItem.uid),
                        a = e.children;
                    if (a)
                        for (t = o.find(".k-treemap-wrap"), n = 0; a.length > n; n++) i = a[n], r = this._createLeaf(i), t.append(r), this.treeMap.trigger(T, {
                            element: r
                createRoot: function(e) {
                    var t = this._createLeaf(e);
                    this.element.append(t), this.treeMap.trigger(T, {
                        element: t
                _clean: function(e) {
                    e.css("background-color", ""), e.removeClass("k-leaf"), e.removeClass("k-inverse"), e.empty()
                _createLeaf: function(t) {
                    return this._createTile(t).css("background-color", t.color).addClass("k-leaf").toggleClass("k-inverse", this._tileColorBrightness(t) > 180).append(e("<div></div>").html(this._getText(t)))
                _createTile: function(t) {
                    var n, r = {
                        width: t.coord.width,
                        height: t.coord.height,
                        left: t.coord.left,
                        top: t.coord.top
                    return r.width += r.left && this.offset ? 2 * this.offset : this.offset, r.height += r.top ? 2 * this.offset : this.offset, n = e("<div class='k-treemap-tile'></div>").css({
                        width: r.width,
                        height: r.height,
                        left: r.left,
                        top: r.top
                    }), i(t.dataItem) && i(t.dataItem.uid) && n.attr(g.attr("uid"), t.dataItem.uid), n
                _getText: function(e) {
                    var t = e.text;
                    return this.options.template && (t = this._renderTemplate(e)), t
                _renderTemplate: function(e) {
                    var t = _(this.options.template);
                    return t({
                        dataItem: e.dataItem,
                        text: e.text
                _createTitle: function(t) {
                    return e("<div class='k-treemap-title'></div>").append(e("<div></div>").html(this._getText(t)))
                _createWrap: function() {
                    return e("<div class='k-treemap-wrap'></div>")
                _tileColorBrightness: function(e) {
                    return u(e.color)
            F = m.extend({
                createRoot: function(e, t, n, i) {
                    e.coord = {
                        width: t,
                        height: n,
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                    }, e.vertical = i
                init: function(e) {
                    this.vertical = e, this.quotient = e ? 1 : 0
                compute: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o;
                    e.length > 0 && (i = t.width, r = t.height, this.vertical ? r -= n.text : i -= n.text, o = {
                        width: i,
                        height: r,
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                    }, this.layoutChildren(e, o))
                layoutChildren: function(e, t) {
                    var n, i, r = t.width * t.height,
                        o = 0,
                        a = [];
                    for (n = 0; e.length > n; n++) i = e[n], a[n] = parseFloat(e[n].value), o += a[n], i.vertical = this.vertical;
                    for (n = 0; a.length > n; n++) e[n].area = r * a[n] / o;
                    e = new g.data.Query(e)._sortForGrouping("value", "desc"), this.sliceAndDice(e, t)
                sliceAndDice: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this._totalArea(e);
                    e[0].level % 2 === this.quotient ? this.layoutHorizontal(e, t, n) : this.layoutVertical(e, t, n)
                layoutHorizontal: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = 0;
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], o = r.area / (n / t.width), r.coord = {
                        height: t.height,
                        width: o,
                        top: t.top,
                        left: t.left + a
                    }, a += o
                layoutVertical: function(e, t, n) {
                    var i, r, o, a = 0;
                    for (i = 0; e.length > i; i++) r = e[i], o = r.area / (n / t.height), r.coord = {
                        height: o,
                        width: t.width,
                        top: t.top + a,
                        left: t.left
                    }, a += o
                _totalArea: function(e) {
                    var t, n = 0;
                    for (t = 0; e.length > t; t++) n += e[t].area;
                    return n
            R = z.extend({
                htmlSize: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this._getByUid(e.dataItem.uid),
                        r = {
                            text: 0,
                            offset: 0
                    return e.children && (this._clean(i), t = this._getText(e), t && (n = this._createTitle(e), i.append(n), r.text = e.vertical ? n.height() : n.width()), i.append(this._createWrap()), this.offset = (i.outerWidth() - i.innerWidth()) / 2), r
                _createTitle: function(t) {
                    var n;
                    return n = e(t.vertical ? "<div class='k-treemap-title'></div>" : "<div class='k-treemap-title-vertical'></div>"), n.append(e("<div></div>").html(this._getText(t)))
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.mobile.ui,
            i = n.Shim,
            r = n.Widget,
            o = "beforeOpen",
            a = "open",
            s = "close",
            l = "init",
            c = '<div class="km-modalview-wrapper" />',
            d = n.View.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    r.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n._id(), n._wrap(), n._shim(), this.options.$angular || (n._layout(), n._scroller(), n._model()), n.element.css("display", ""), n.trigger(l)
                events: [l, o, a, s],
                options: {
                    name: "ModalView",
                    modal: !0,
                    width: null,
                    height: null
                destroy: function() {
                    r.fn.destroy.call(this), this.shim.destroy()
                open: function(t) {
                    var n = this;
                    n.target = e(t), n.shim.show(), n._invokeNgController(), n.trigger("show", {
                        view: n
                openFor: function(e) {
                    this.trigger(o, {
                        target: e
                    }) || (this.open(e), this.trigger(a, {
                        target: e
                close: function() {
                    this.element.is(":visible") && !this.trigger(s) && this.shim.hide()
                _wrap: function() {
                    var e, t, n = this,
                        i = n.element,
                        r = n.options;
                    e = i[0].style.width || "auto", t = i[0].style.height || "auto", i.addClass("km-modalview").wrap(c), n.wrapper = i.parent().css({
                        width: r.width || e || 300,
                        height: r.height || t || 300
                    }).addClass("auto" == t ? " km-auto-height" : ""), i.css({
                        width: "",
                        height: ""
                _shim: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.shim = new i(e.wrapper, {
                        modal: e.options.modal,
                        position: "center center",
                        align: "center center",
                        effect: "fade:in",
                        className: "km-modalview-root",
                        hide: function(t) {
                            e.trigger(s) && t.preventDefault()
    function(e, t) {
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.mobile,
            r = n.support.mobileOS,
            o = n.effects.Transition,
            a = n.roleSelector,
            s = "x",
            l = i.ui,
            c = !(r.ios && 7 == r.majorVersion && !r.appMode),
            d = "beforeShow",
            u = "init",
            h = "show",
            p = "hide",
            f = "afterHide",
            g = {
                enable: e.noop
            m = l.View.extend({
                init: function(t, r) {
                    var o, s, l, d, h;
                    if (e(t).parent().prepend(t), i.ui.Widget.fn.init.call(this, t, r), this.options.$angular || (this._layout(), this._scroller()), this._model(), o = this.element.closest(a("pane")).data("kendoMobilePane")) this.pane = o, this.pane.bind("viewShow", function(e) {
                    }), this.pane.bind("sameViewRequested", function() {
                    }), s = this.userEvents = new n.UserEvents(o.element, {
                        filter: a("view splitview"),
                        allowSelection: !0
                    else {
                        if (this.currentView = g, l = e(this.options.container), !l) throw Error("The drawer needs a container configuration option set.");
                        s = this.userEvents = new n.UserEvents(l, {
                            allowSelection: !0
                        }), this._attachTransition(l)
                    d = this, h = function(e) {
                        d.visible && (d.hide(), e.preventDefault())
                    }, this.options.swipeToOpen && c ? (s.bind("press", function() {
                    }), s.bind("start", function(e) {
                    }), s.bind("move", function(e) {
                    }), s.bind("end", function(e) {
                    }), s.bind("tap", h)) : s.bind("press", h), this.leftPositioned = "left" === this.options.position, this.visible = !1, this.element.hide().addClass("km-drawer").addClass(this.leftPositioned ? "km-left-drawer" : "km-right-drawer"), this.trigger(u)
                options: {
                    name: "Drawer",
                    position: "left",
                    views: [],
                    swipeToOpenViews: [],
                    swipeToOpen: !0,
                    title: "",
                    container: null
                events: [d, p, f, u, h],
                show: function() {
                    this._activate() && this._show()
                hide: function() {
                    this.currentView && (this.currentView.enable(), m.current = null, this._moveViewTo(0), this.trigger(p, {
                        view: this
                openFor: function() {
                    this.visible ? this.hide() : this.show()
                destroy: function() {
                    l.View.fn.destroy.call(this), this.userEvents.destroy()
                _activate: function() {
                    if (this.visible) return !0;
                    var e = this._currentViewIncludedIn(this.options.views);
                    return !e || this.trigger(d, {
                        view: this
                    }) ? !1 : (this._setAsCurrent(), this.element.show(), this.trigger(h, {
                        view: this
                    }), this._invokeNgController(), !0)
                _currentViewIncludedIn: function(t) {
                    if (!this.pane || !t.length) return !0;
                    var n = this.pane.view();
                    return e.inArray(n.id.replace("#", ""), t) > -1 || e.inArray(n.element.attr("id"), t) > -1
                _show: function() {
                    this.currentView.enable(!1), this.visible = !0;
                    var e = this.element.width();
                    this.leftPositioned || (e = -e), this._moveViewTo(e)
                _setAsCurrent: function() {
                    m.last !== this && (m.last && m.last.element.hide(), this.element.show()), m.last = this, m.current = this
                _moveViewTo: function(e) {
                    this.userEvents.cancel(), this.transition.moveTo({
                        location: e,
                        duration: 400,
                        ease: o.easeOutExpo
                _viewShow: function(e) {
                    return this.currentView && this.currentView.enable(), this.currentView === e.view ? (this.hide(), t) : (this.currentView = e.view, this._attachTransition(e.view.element), t)
                _attachTransition: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        i = this.movable,
                        r = i && i.x;
                    this.transition && (this.transition.cancel(), this.movable.moveAxis("x", 0)), i = this.movable = new n.ui.Movable(e), this.transition = new o({
                        axis: s,
                        movable: this.movable,
                        onEnd: function() {
                            0 === i[s] && (e[0].style.cssText = "", t.element.hide(), t.trigger(f), t.visible = !1)
                    }), r && (e.addClass("k-fx-hidden"), n.animationFrame(function() {
                        e.removeClass("k-fx-hidden"), t.movable.moveAxis(s, r), t.hide()
                _start: function(e) {
                    var i, r, o, a, s, l = e.sender;
                    return Math.abs(e.x.velocity) < Math.abs(e.y.velocity) || n.triggeredByInput(e.event) || !this._currentViewIncludedIn(this.options.swipeToOpenViews) ? (l.cancel(), t) : (i = this.leftPositioned, r = this.visible, o = i && r || !i && !m.current, a = !i && r || i && !m.current, s = 0 > e.x.velocity, (o && s || a && !s) && this._activate() ? (l.capture(), t) : (l.cancel(), t))
                _update: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this.movable,
                        i = n.x + e.x.delta;
                    t = this.leftPositioned ? Math.min(Math.max(0, i), this.element.width()) : Math.max(Math.min(0, i), -this.element.width()), this.movable.moveAxis(s, t), e.event.preventDefault(), e.event.stopPropagation()
                _end: function(e) {
                    var t, n = e.x.velocity,
                        i = Math.abs(this.movable.x) > this.element.width() / 2,
                        r = .8;
                    t = this.leftPositioned ? n > -r && (n > r || i) : r > n && (-r > n || i), t ? this._show() : this.hide()
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.mobile.ui,
            i = n.Widget,
            r = "<div class='km-expanded-pane-shim' />",
            o = n.View,
            a = o.extend({
                init: function(o, a) {
                    var s, l, c = this;
                    i.fn.init.call(c, o, a), o = c.element, e.extend(c, a), c._id(), c.options.$angular ? c._overlay() : (c._layout(), c._overlay()), c._style(), l = o.children(c._locate("modalview")), c.options.$angular ? l.each(function(n, i) {
                        t.compileMobileDirective(e(i), a.$angular[0])
                    }) : t.mobile.init(l), c.panes = [], c._paramsHistory = [], c.options.$angular ? (c.element.children(t.directiveSelector("pane")).each(function() {
                        s = t.compileMobileDirective(e(this), a.$angular[0]), c.panes.push(s)
                    }), c.element.children(t.directiveSelector("header footer")).each(function() {
                        t.compileMobileDirective(e(this), a.$angular[0])
                    })) : c.content.children(t.roleSelector("pane")).each(function() {
                        s = t.initWidget(this, {}, n.roles), c.panes.push(s)
                    }), c.expandedPaneShim = e(r).appendTo(c.element), c._shimUserEvents = new t.UserEvents(c.expandedPaneShim, {
                        tap: function() {
                _locate: function(e) {
                    return this.options.$angular ? t.directiveSelector(e) : t.roleSelector(e)
                options: {
                    name: "SplitView",
                    style: "horizontal"
                expandPanes: function() {
                collapsePanes: function() {
                _layout: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        n = e.element;
                    e.transition = t.attrValue(n, "transition"), t.mobile.ui.View.prototype._layout.call(this), t.mobile.init(this.header.add(this.footer)), e.element.addClass("km-splitview"), e.content.addClass("km-split-content")
                _style: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options.style,
                        i = this.element;
                    n && (t = n.split(" "), e.each(t, function() {
                        i.addClass("km-split-" + this)
                showStart: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    t.element.css("display", ""), t.inited ? this._invokeNgController() : (t.inited = !0, e.each(t.panes, function() {
                        this.options.initial ? this.navigateToInitial() : this.navigate("")
                    }), t.trigger("init", {
                        view: t
                    })), t.trigger("show", {
                        view: t
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t) {
            var n = [];
            return f && n.push("km-on-" + f.name), n.push(e.skin ? "km-" + e.skin : "ios" == e.name && e.majorVersion > 6 ? "km-ios7" : "km-" + e.name), ("ios" == e.name && 7 > e.majorVersion || "ios" != e.name) && n.push("km-" + e.name + e.majorVersion), n.push("km-" + e.majorVersion), n.push("km-m" + (e.minorVersion ? e.minorVersion[0] : 0)), e.variant && (e.skin && e.skin === e.name || !e.skin || e.setDefaultPlatform === !1) && n.push("km-" + (e.skin ? e.skin : e.name) + "-" + e.variant), e.cordova && n.push("km-cordova"), n.push(e.appMode ? "km-app" : "km-web"), t && t.statusBarStyle && n.push("km-" + t.statusBarStyle + "-status-bar"), n.join(" ")

        function i(t) {
            return "km-wp-" + (t.noVariantSet ? 0 === parseInt(e("<div style='background: Background' />").css("background-color").split(",")[1], 10) ? "dark" : "light" : t.variant + " km-wp-" + t.variant + "-force")

        function r(e) {
            return f.wp ? "-kendo-landscape" == e.css("animation-name") : Math.abs(window.orientation) / 90 == 1

        function o(e) {
            return r(e) ? y : v

        function a(e) {
            e.parent().addBack().css("min-height", window.innerHeight)

        function s() {
            e("meta[name=viewport]").remove(), R.append(x({
                height: ", width=device-width" + (r() ? ", height=" + window.innerHeight + "px" : d.mobileOS.flatVersion >= 600 && 700 > d.mobileOS.flatVersion ? ", height=" + window.innerWidth + "px" : ", height=device-height")
        var l = window.kendo,
            c = l.mobile,
            d = l.support,
            u = c.ui.Widget,
            h = c.ui.Pane,
            p = "ios7",
            f = d.mobileOS,
            g = "blackberry" == f.device && f.flatVersion >= 600 && 1e3 > f.flatVersion && f.appMode,
            m = .93,
            v = "km-vertical",
            _ = "chrome" === f.browser,
            w = f.ios && f.flatVersion >= 700 && 800 > f.flatVersion && (f.appMode || _),
            b = Math.abs(window.orientation) / 90 == 1,
            y = "km-horizontal",
            k = {
                ios7: {
                    ios: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "iphone",
                    flatVersion: "700",
                    majorVersion: "7",
                    minorVersion: "0.0",
                    name: "ios",
                    tablet: !1
                ios: {
                    ios: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "iphone",
                    flatVersion: "612",
                    majorVersion: "6",
                    minorVersion: "1.2",
                    name: "ios",
                    tablet: !1
                android: {
                    android: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "android",
                    flatVersion: "442",
                    majorVersion: "4",
                    minorVersion: "4.2",
                    name: "android",
                    tablet: !1
                blackberry: {
                    blackberry: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "blackberry",
                    flatVersion: "710",
                    majorVersion: "7",
                    minorVersion: "1.0",
                    name: "blackberry",
                    tablet: !1
                meego: {
                    meego: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "meego",
                    flatVersion: "850",
                    majorVersion: "8",
                    minorVersion: "5.0",
                    name: "meego",
                    tablet: !1
                wp: {
                    wp: !0,
                    browser: "default",
                    device: "wp",
                    flatVersion: "800",
                    majorVersion: "8",
                    minorVersion: "0.0",
                    name: "wp",
                    tablet: !1
            x = l.template('<meta content="initial-scale=#: data.scale #, maximum-scale=#: data.scale #, user-scalable=no#=data.height#" name="viewport" />', {
                usedWithBlock: !1
            C = l.template('<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="#= data.webAppCapable === false ? \'no\' : \'yes\' #" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="#=data.statusBarStyle#" /> <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" /> ', {
                usedWithBlock: !1
            S = l.template("<style>.km-view { clip: rect(0 #= data.width #px #= data.height #px 0); }</style>", {
                usedWithBlock: !1
            T = f.android && "chrome" != f.browser || f.blackberry,
            D = l.template('<link rel="apple-touch-icon' + (f.android ? "-precomposed" : "") + '" # if(data.size) { # sizes="#=data.size#" #}# href="#=data.icon#" />', {
                usedWithBlock: !1
            A = ("iphone" == f.device || "ipod" == f.device) && 7 > f.majorVersion,
            E = ("iphone" == f.device || "ipod" == f.device) && f.majorVersion >= 7,
            I = E ? "none" : null,
            P = "mobilesafari" == f.browser ? 60 : 0,
            M = 20,
            z = e(window),
            F = window.screen,
            R = e("head"),
            H = "init",
            B = e.proxy,
            L = u.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    c.application = this, e(e.proxy(this, "bootstrap", t, n))
                bootstrap: function(t, n) {
                    var i, r, o;
                    t = e(t), t[0] || (t = e(document.body)), u.fn.init.call(this, t, n), this.element.removeAttr("data-" + l.ns + "role"), this._setupPlatform(), this._attachMeta(), this._setupElementClass(), this._attachHideBarHandlers(), i = e.extend({}, this.options), delete i.name, r = this, o = function() {
                        r.pane = new h(r.element, i), r.pane.navigateToInitial(), r.options.updateDocumentTitle && r._setupDocumentTitle(), r._startHistory(), r.trigger(H)
                    }, this.options.$angular ? setTimeout(o) : o()
                options: {
                    name: "Application",
                    hideAddressBar: !0,
                    browserHistory: !0,
                    historyTransition: I,
                    modelScope: window,
                    statusBarStyle: "black",
                    transition: "",
                    retina: !1,
                    platform: null,
                    skin: null,
                    updateDocumentTitle: !0,
                    useNativeScrolling: !1
                events: [H],
                navigate: function(e, t) {
                    this.pane.navigate(e, t)
                replace: function(e, t) {
                    this.pane.replace(e, t)
                scroller: function() {
                    return this.view().scroller
                hideLoading: function() {
                    if (!this.pane) throw Error("The mobile application instance is not fully instantiated. Please consider activating loading in the application init event handler.");
                showLoading: function() {
                    if (!this.pane) throw Error("The mobile application instance is not fully instantiated. Please consider activating loading in the application init event handler.");
                changeLoadingMessage: function(e) {
                    if (!this.pane) throw Error("The mobile application instance is not fully instantiated. Please consider changing the message in the application init event handler.");
                view: function() {
                    return this.pane.view()
                skin: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    return arguments.length ? (t.options.skin = e || "", t.element[0].className = "km-pane", t._setupPlatform(), t._setupElementClass(), t.options.skin) : t.options.skin
                destroy: function() {
                    u.fn.destroy.call(this), this.pane.destroy(), this.router.destroy()
                _setupPlatform: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        r = t.options.platform,
                        o = t.options.skin,
                        a = [],
                        s = f || k[p];
                    r && (s.setDefaultPlatform = !0, "string" == typeof r ? (a = r.split("-"), s = e.extend({
                        variant: a[1]
                    }, s, k[a[0]])) : s = r), o && (a = o.split("-"), f || (s.setDefaultPlatform = !1), s = e.extend({}, s, {
                        skin: a[0],
                        variant: a[1]
                    })), s.variant || (s.noVariantSet = !0, s.variant = "dark"), t.os = s, t.osCssClass = n(t.os, t.options), "wp" == s.name && (t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy || (t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy = e.proxy(function() {
                        (t.os.variant && t.os.skin && t.os.skin === t.os.name || !t.os.skin) && t.element.removeClass("km-wp-dark km-wp-light km-wp-dark-force km-wp-light-force").addClass(i(t.os))
                    }, t)), e(document).off("visibilitychange", t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy), e(document).off("resume", t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy), s.skin || (t.element.parent().css("overflow", "hidden"), e(document).on("visibilitychange", t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy), e(document).on("resume", t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy), t.refreshBackgroundColorProxy()))
                _startHistory: function() {
                    this.options.browserHistory ? (this.router = new l.Router({
                        pushState: this.options.pushState,
                        root: this.options.root,
                        hashBang: this.options.hashBang
                    }), this.pane.bindToRouter(this.router), this.router.start()) : this.options.initial || this.pane.navigate("")
                _resizeToScreenHeight: function() {
                    var t, n = e("meta[name=apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style]").attr("content").match(/black-translucent|hidden/),
                        i = this.element;
                    t = _ ? window.innerHeight : r(i) ? n ? b ? F.availWidth + M : F.availWidth : b ? F.availWidth : F.availWidth - M : n ? b ? F.availHeight : F.availHeight + M : b ? F.availHeight - M : F.availHeight, i.height(t)
                _setupElementClass: function() {
                    var t, n = this,
                        i = n.element;
                    i.parent().addClass("km-root km-" + (n.os.tablet ? "tablet" : "phone")), i.addClass(n.osCssClass + " " + o(i)), this.options.useNativeScrolling && i.parent().addClass("km-native-scrolling"), _ && i.addClass("km-ios-chrome"), d.wpDevicePixelRatio && i.parent().css("font-size", d.wpDevicePixelRatio + "em"), this.options.retina && (i.parent().addClass("km-retina"), i.parent().css("font-size", d.devicePixelRatio * m + "em")), g && s(), n.options.useNativeScrolling ? i.parent().addClass("km-native-scrolling") : T && (t = (screen.availWidth > screen.availHeight ? screen.availWidth : screen.availHeight) + 200, e(S({
                        width: t,
                        height: t
                    })).appendTo(R)), w && n._resizeToScreenHeight(), l.onResize(function() {
                        i.removeClass("km-horizontal km-vertical").addClass(o(i)), n.options.useNativeScrolling && a(i), w && n._resizeToScreenHeight(), g && s(), l.resize(i)
                _clearExistingMeta: function() {
                _attachMeta: function() {
                    var e, t = this.options,
                        n = t.icon;
                    if (this._clearExistingMeta(), g || R.prepend(x({
                        height: "",
                        scale: this.options.retina ? 1 / d.devicePixelRatio : "1.0"
                    })), R.prepend(C(t)), n) {
                        "string" == typeof n && (n = {
                            "": n
                        for (e in n) R.prepend(D({
                            icon: n[e],
                            size: e
                    t.useNativeScrolling && a(this.element)
                _attachHideBarHandlers: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = B(e, "_hideBar");
                    !d.mobileOS.appMode && e.options.hideAddressBar && A && !e.options.useNativeScrolling && (e._initialHeight = {}, z.on("load", t), l.onResize(function() {
                        setTimeout(window.scrollTo, 0, 0, 1)
                _setupDocumentTitle: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        n = document.title;
                    e.pane.bind("viewShow", function(e) {
                        var i = e.view.title;
                        document.title = i !== t ? i : n
                _hideBar: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.element;
                    n.height(l.support.transforms.css + "calc(100% + " + P + "px)"), e(window).trigger(l.support.resize)
        l.mobile.Application = L, l.ui.plugin(L, l.mobile, "Mobile")
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t, n, i) {
            e(n.target).closest(".km-button,.km-detail").toggleClass("km-state-active", i), d && t.deactivateTimeoutID && (clearTimeout(t.deactivateTimeoutID), t.deactivateTimeoutID = 0)

        function i(t) {
            return e('<span class="km-badge">' + t + "</span>")
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = r.mobile,
            a = o.ui,
            s = a.Widget,
            l = r.support,
            c = l.mobileOS,
            d = c.android && c.flatVersion >= 300,
            u = "click",
            h = "disabled",
            p = "km-state-disabled",
            f = s.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var i, o = this;
                    s.fn.init.call(o, e, t), i = "up" === o.options.clickOn, o._wrap(), o._style(), i || o.element.attr("data-navigate-on-press", !0), o.options.enable = o.options.enable && !o.element.attr(h), o.enable(o.options.enable), o._userEvents = new r.UserEvents(o.element, {
                        allowSelection: !i,
                        press: function(e) {
                        release: function(e) {
                            n(o, e, !1), i || e.event.stopPropagation()
                    }), o._userEvents.bind(i ? "tap" : "press", function(e) {
                    }), d && o.element.on("move", function(e) {
                destroy: function() {
                    s.fn.destroy.call(this), this._userEvents.destroy()
                events: [u],
                options: {
                    name: "Button",
                    icon: "",
                    style: "",
                    badge: "",
                    clickOn: "up",
                    enable: !0
                badge: function(e) {
                    var t = this.badgeElement = this.badgeElement || i(e).appendTo(this.element);
                    return e || 0 === e ? (t.html(e), this) : e === !1 ? (t.empty().remove(), this.badgeElement = !1, this) : t.html()
                enable: function(e) {
                    var n = this.element;
                    t === e && (e = !0), this.options.enable = e, e ? n.removeAttr(h) : n.attr(h, h), n.toggleClass(p, !e)
                _timeoutDeactivate: function(e) {
                    this.deactivateTimeoutID || (this.deactivateTimeoutID = setTimeout(n, 500, this, e, !1))
                _activate: function(e) {
                    var t = document.activeElement,
                        i = t ? t.nodeName : "";
                    this.options.enable && (n(this, e, !0), ("INPUT" == i || "TEXTAREA" == i) && t.blur())
                _release: function(n) {
                    var i = this;
                    if (!(n.which > 1)) return i.options.enable ? (i.trigger(u, {
                        target: e(n.target),
                        button: i.element
                    }) && n.preventDefault(), t) : (n.preventDefault(), t)
                _style: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options.style,
                        i = this.element;
                    n && (t = n.split(" "), e.each(t, function() {
                        i.addClass("km-" + this)
                _wrap: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.icon,
                        r = t.options.badge,
                        o = '<span class="km-icon km-' + n,
                        a = t.element.addClass("km-button"),
                        s = a.children("span:not(.km-icon)").addClass("km-text"),
                        l = a.find("img").addClass("km-image");
                    !s[0] && a.html() && (s = a.wrapInner('<span class="km-text" />').children("span.km-text")), !l[0] && n && (s[0] || (o += " km-notext"), t.iconElement = a.prepend(e(o + '" />'))), (r || 0 === r) && (t.badgeElement = i(r).appendTo(a))
            g = f.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "BackButton",
                    style: "back"
                init: function(e, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    f.fn.init.call(i, e, n), t === i.element.attr("href") && i.element.attr("href", "#:back")
            m = f.extend({
                options: {
                    name: "DetailButton",
                    style: ""
                init: function(e, t) {
                    f.fn.init.call(this, e, t)
                _style: function() {
                    var t, n = this.options.style + " detail",
                        i = this.element;
                    n && (t = n.split(" "), e.each(t, function() {
                        i.addClass("km-" + this)
                _wrap: function() {
                    var t = this,
                        n = t.options.icon,
                        i = '<span class="km-icon km-' + n,
                        r = t.element,
                        o = r.children("span"),
                        a = r.find("img").addClass("km-image");
                    !a[0] && n && (o[0] || (i += " km-notext"), r.prepend(e(i + '" />')))
        a.plugin(f), a.plugin(g), a.plugin(m)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(t) {
            return e('<span class="km-badge">' + t + "</span>")
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.mobile.ui,
            o = r.Widget,
            a = "km-state-active",
            s = "km-state-disabled",
            l = "select",
            c = "li:not(." + a + ")",
            d = o.extend({
                init: function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    o.fn.init.call(n, e, t), n.element.addClass("km-buttongroup").find("li").each(n._button), n.element.on(n.options.selectOn, c, "_select"), n._enable = !0, n.select(n.options.index), n.options.enable || (n._enable = !1, n.wrapper.addClass(s))
                events: [l],
                options: {
                    name: "ButtonGroup",
                    selectOn: "down",
                    index: -1,
                    enable: !0
                current: function() {
                    return this.element.find("." + a)
                select: function(n) {
                    var i = this,
                        r = -1;
                    n !== t && -1 !== n && i._enable && !e(n).is("." + s) && (i.current().removeClass(a), "number" == typeof n ? (r = n, n = e(i.element[0].children[n])) : n.nodeType && (n = e(n), r = n.index()), n.addClass(a), i.selectedIndex = r)
                badge: function(t, i) {
                    var r, o = this.element;
                    return isNaN(t) || (t = o.children().get(t)), t = o.find(t), r = e(t.children(".km-badge")[0] || n(i).appendTo(t)), i || 0 === i ? (r.html(i), this) : i === !1 ? (r.empty().remove(), this) : r.html()
                enable: function(e) {
                    var n = this.wrapper;
                    t === e && (e = !0), e ? n.removeClass(s) : n.addClass(s), this._enable = this.options.enable = e
                _button: function() {
                    var t = e(this).addClass("km-button"),
                        r = i.attrValue(t, "icon"),
                        o = i.attrValue(t, "badge"),
                        a = t.children("span"),
                        s = t.find("img").addClass("km-image");
                    a[0] || (a = t.wrapInner("<span/>").children("span")), a.addClass("km-text"), !s[0] && r && t.prepend(e('<span class="km-icon km-' + r + '"/>')), (o || 0 === o) && n(o).appendTo(t)
                _select: function(e) {
                    e.which > 1 || e.isDefaultPrevented() || !this._enable || (this.select(e.currentTarget), this.trigger(l, {
                        index: this.selectedIndex
    function(e) {
        var t = window.kendo,
            n = t.mobile.ui,
            i = n.Widget,
            r = "km-collapsible",
            o = "km-collapsible-header",
            a = "km-collapsible-content",
            s = "km-collapsibleinset",
            l = "<div data-role='collapsible-header' class='" + o + "'></div>",
            c = "<div data-role='collapsible-content' class='" + a + "'></div>",
            d = "km-collapsed",
            u = "km-expanded",
            h = "km-animated",
            p = "left",
            f = "expand",
            g = "collapse",
            m = i.extend({
                init: function(n, o) {
                    var a = this,
                        l = e(n);
                    i.fn.init.call(a, l, o), l.addClass(r), a._buildHeader(), a.content = l.children().not(a.header).wrapAll(c).parent(), a._userEvents = new t.UserEvents(a.header, {
                        tap: function() {
                    }), l.addClass(a.options.collapsed ? d : u), a.options.inset && l.addClass(s), a.options.animation ? (a.content.addClass(h), a.content.height(0), a.options.collapsed && a.content.hide()) : a.options.collapsed && a.content.hide()
                events: [f, g],
                options: {
                    name: "Collapsible",
                    collapsed: !0,
                    collapseIcon: "arrow-n",
                    expandIcon: "arrow-s",
                    iconPosition: p,
                    animation: !0,
                    inset: !1
                destroy: function() {
                    i.fn.destroy.call(this), this._userEvents.destroy()
                expand: function(e) {
                    var n = this.options.collapseIcon,
                        i = this.content,
                        r = t.support.mobileOS.ios;
                    this.trigger(f) || (n && this.header.find(".km-icon").removeClass().addClass("km-icon km-" + n), this.element.removeClass(d).addClass(u), this.options.animation && !e ? (i.off("transitionend"), i.show(), r && i.removeClass(h), i.height(this._getContentHeight()), r && i.addClass(h), t.resize(i)) : i.show())
                collapse: function(e) {
                    var t = this.options.expandIcon,
                        n = this.content;
                    this.trigger(g) || (t && this.header.find(".km-icon").removeClass().addClass("km-icon km-" + t), this.element.removeClass(u).addClass(d), this.options.animation && !e ? (n.one("transitionend", function() {
                    }), n.height(0)) : n.hide())
                toggle: function(e) {
                    this.isCollapsed() ? this.expand(e) : this.collapse(e)
                isCollapsed: function() {
                    return this.element.hasClass(d)
                resize: function() {
                    !this.isCollapsed() && this.options.animation && this.content.height(this._getContentHeight())
                _buildHeader: function() {
                    var t = this.element.children(":header").wrapAll(l),
                        n = e('<span class="km-icon"/>'),
                        i = this.options.collapsed ? this.options.expandIcon : this.options.collapseIcon,
                        r = this.options.iconPosition;
                    i && (t.prepend(n), n.addClass("km-" + i)), this.header = t.parent(), this.header.addClass("km-icon-" + r)
                _getContentHeight: function() {
                    var e, t = this.content.attr("style");
                    return this.content.css({
                        position: "absolute",
                        visibility: "hidden",
                        height: "auto"
                    }), e = this.content.height(), this.content.attr("style", t ? t : ""), e
    function(e, t) {
        function n() {
            return this.nodeType === v.TEXT_NODE && this.nodeValue.match(U)

        function i(e, t) {
            t && !e[0].querySelector(".km-icon") && e.prepend('<span class="km-icon km-' + t + '"/>')

        function r(e) {
            i(e, T(e, "icon")), i(e, T(e.children(C), "icon"))

        function o(e) {
            var t = e.parent(),
                r = e.add(t.children(m.roleSelector("detailbutton"))),
                o = t.contents().not(r).not(n);
            o.length || (e.addClass("km-listview-link").attr(m.attr("role"), "listview-link"), i(e, T(t, "icon")), i(e, T(e, "icon")))

        function a(e) {
            if (e[0].querySelector("input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]")) {
                var t = e.parent();
                t.contents().not(e).not(function() {
                    return 3 == this.nodeType
                })[0] || (e.addClass("km-listview-label"), e.children("[type=checkbox],[type=radio]").addClass("km-widget km-icon km-check"))

        function s(t, n) {
            e(t).css("transform", "translate3d(0px, " + n + "px, 0px)")
        var l, c, d, u, h, p, f, g, m = window.kendo,
            v = window.Node,
            _ = m.mobile,
            w = _.ui,
            b = m.data.DataSource,
            y = w.DataBoundWidget,
            k = ".km-list > li, > li:not(.km-group-container)",
            x = ".km-listview-link, .km-listview-label",
            C = "[" + m.attr("icon") + "]",
            S = e.proxy,
            T = m.attrValue,
            D = "km-group-title",
            A = "km-state-active",
            E = '<div class="' + D + '"><div class="km-text"></div></div>',
            I = m.template('<li><div class="' + D + '"><div class="km-text">#= this.headerTemplate(data) #</div></div><ul>#= kendo.render(this.template, data.items)#</ul></li>'),
            P = '<div class="km-listview-wrapper" />',
            M = m.template('<form class="km-filter-form"><div class="km-filter-wrap"><input type="search" placeholder="#=placeholder#"/><a href="\\#" class="km-filter-reset" title="Clear"><span class="km-icon km-clear"></span><span class="km-text">Clear</span></a></div></form>'),
            z = ".kendoMobileListView",
            F = "styled",
            R = "dataBound",
            H = "dataBinding",
            B = "itemChange",
            L = "click",
            N = "change",
            O = "progress",
            V = "function",
            U = /^\s+$/,
            W = /button/,
            j = m.Class.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = e.scroller();
                    i && (this.options = e.options, this.element = e.element, this.scroller = e.scroller(), this._shouldFixHeaders(), t = this, n = function() {
                    }, e.bind("resize", n), e.bind(F, n), e.bind(R, n), i.bind("scroll", function(e) {
                _fixHeader: function(t) {
                    if (this.fixedHeaders) {
                        var n, i, r, o = 0,
                            a = this.scroller,
                            s = this.headers,
                            l = t.scrollTop;
                        do {
                            if (n = s[o++], !n) {
                                r = e("<div />");
                            i = n.offset, r = n.header
                        } while (i + 1 > l);
                        this.currentHeader != o && (a.fixedContainer.html(r.clone()), this.currentHeader = o)
                _shouldFixHeaders: function() {
                    this.fixedHeaders = "group" === this.options.type && this.options.fixedHeaders
                _cacheHeaders: function() {
                    if (this._shouldFixHeaders(), this.fixedHeaders) {
                        var t = [],
                            n = this.scroller.scrollTop;
                        this.element.find("." + D).each(function(i, r) {
                            r = e(r), t.unshift({
                                offset: r.position().top + n,
                                header: r
                        }), this.headers = t, this._fixHeader({
                            scrollTop: n
            G = function() {
                return {
                    page: 1
            q = m.Class.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.options,
                        i = e.scroller(),
                        r = n.pullParameters || G;
                    this.listView = e, this.scroller = i, e.bind("_dataSource", function(e) {
                    }), i.setOptions({
                        pullToRefresh: !0,
                        pull: function() {
                            t._pulled || (t._pulled = !0, t.dataSource.read(r.call(e, t._first)))
                        messages: {
                            pullTemplate: n.messages.pullTemplate,
                            releaseTemplate: n.messages.releaseTemplate,
                            refreshTemplate: n.messages.refreshTemplate
                setDataSource: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    this._first = e.view()[0], this.dataSource = e, e.bind("change", function() {
                    }), e.bind("error", function() {
                _change: function() {
                    var e, t = this.scroller,
                        n = this.dataSource;
                    this._pulled && t.pullHandled(), (this._pulled || !this._first) && (e = n.view(), e[0] && (this._first = e[0])), this._pulled = !1
            $ = m.Observable.extend({
                init: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    m.Observable.fn.init.call(t), t.buffer = e.buffer, t.height = e.height, t.item = e.item, t.items = [], t.footer = e.footer, t.buffer.bind("reset", function() {
                refresh: function() {
                    for (var e, t, n, i, r = this.buffer, o = this.items, a = !1; o.length;) o.pop().destroy();
                    for (this.offset = r.offset, e = this.item, i = 0; r.viewSize > i; i++) {
                        if (i === r.total()) {
                            a = !0;
                        n = e(this.content(this.offset + o.length)), n.below(t), t = n, o.push(n)
                    this.itemCount = o.length, this.trigger("reset"), this._resize(), a && this.trigger("endReached")
                totalHeight: function() {
                    if (!this.items[0]) return 0;
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.items,
                        n = t[0].top,
                        i = t[t.length - 1].bottom,
                        r = (i - n) / e.itemCount,
                        o = e.buffer.length - e.offset - e.itemCount;
                    return (this.footer ? this.footer.height : 0) + i + o * r
                batchUpdate: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i = this.height(),
                        r = this.items,
                        o = this.offset;
                    if (r[0]) {
                        if (this.lastDirection)
                            for (; r[r.length - 1].bottom > e + 2 * i && 0 !== this.offset;) this.offset--, t = r.pop(), t.update(this.content(this.offset)), t.above(r[0]), r.unshift(t);
                            for (; e - i > r[0].top;) {
                                if (n = this.offset + this.itemCount, n === this.buffer.total()) {
                                if (n === this.buffer.length) break;
                                t = r.shift(), t.update(this.content(this.offset + this.itemCount)), t.below(r[r.length - 1]), r.push(t), this.offset++
                        o !== this.offset && this._resize()
                update: function(e) {
                    var t, n, i, r, o = this,
                        a = this.items,
                        s = this.height(),
                        l = this.itemCount,
                        c = s / 2,
                        d = (this.lastTop || 0) > e,
                        u = e - c,
                        h = e + s + c;
                    a[0] && (this.lastTop = e, this.lastDirection = d, d ? a[0].top > u && a[a.length - 1].bottom > h + c && this.offset > 0 && (this.offset--, t = a.pop(), n = a[0], t.update(this.content(this.offset)), a.unshift(t), t.above(n), o._resize()) : h > a[a.length - 1].bottom && u - c > a[0].top && (r = this.offset + l, r === this.buffer.total() ? this.trigger("endReached") : r !== this.buffer.length && (t = a.shift(), i = a[a.length - 1], a.push(t), t.update(this.content(this.offset + this.itemCount)), o.offset++, t.below(i), o._resize())))
                content: function(e) {
                    return this.buffer.at(e)
                destroy: function() {
                _resize: function() {
                    var e = this.items,
                        t = 0,
                        n = 0,
                        i = e[0],
                        r = e[e.length - 1];
                    i && (t = i.top, n = r.bottom), this.trigger("resize", {
                        top: t,
                        bottom: n
                    }), this.footer && this.footer.below(r)
        m.mobile.ui.VirtualList = $, l = m.Class.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = t.append([n], !0)[0],
                    r = i.offsetHeight;
                e.extend(this, {
                    top: 0,
                    element: i,
                    listView: t,
                    height: r,
                    bottom: r
            update: function(e) {
                this.element = this.listView.setDataItem(this.element, e)
            above: function(e) {
                e && (this.height = this.element.offsetHeight, this.top = e.top - this.height, this.bottom = e.top, s(this.element, this.top))
            below: function(e) {
                e && (this.height = this.element.offsetHeight, this.top = e.bottom, this.bottom = this.top + this.height, s(this.element, this.top))
            destroy: function() {
                m.destroy(this.element), e(this.element).remove()
        }), c = '<div><span class="km-icon"></span><span class="km-loading-left"></span><span class="km-loading-right"></span></div>', d = m.Class.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                this.element = e('<li class="km-load-more km-scroller-refresh" style="display: none"></li>').appendTo(t.element), this._loadIcon = e(c).appendTo(this.element)
            enable: function() {
                this.element.show(), this.height = this.element.outerHeight(!0)
            disable: function() {
                this.element.hide(), this.height = 0
            below: function(e) {
                e && (this.top = e.bottom, this.bottom = this.height + this.top, s(this.element, this.top))
        }), u = d.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                this._loadIcon = e(c).hide(), this._loadButton = e('<a class="km-load">' + t.options.messages.loadMoreText + "</a>").hide(), this.element = e('<li class="km-load-more" style="display: none"></li>').append(this._loadIcon).append(this._loadButton).appendTo(t.element);
                var i = this;
                this._loadButton.kendoMobileButton().data("kendoMobileButton").bind("click", function() {
                    i._hideShowButton(), n.next()
                }), n.bind("resize", function() {
                }), this.height = this.element.outerHeight(!0), this.disable()
            _hideShowButton: function() {
                this._loadButton.hide(), this.element.addClass("km-scroller-refresh"), this._loadIcon.css("display", "block")
            _showLoadButton: function() {
                this._loadButton.show(), this.element.removeClass("km-scroller-refresh"), this._loadIcon.hide()
        }), h = m.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                this.chromeHeight = e.wrapper.children().not(e.element).outerHeight() || 0, this.listView = e, this.scroller = e.scroller(), this.options = e.options, e.bind("_dataSource", function(e) {
                    t.setDataSource(e.dataSource, e.empty)
                }), e.bind("resize", function() {
                    t.list.items.length && (t.scroller.reset(), t.buffer.range(0), t.list.refresh())
                }), this.scroller.makeVirtual(), this.scroller.bind("scroll", function(e) {
                }), this.scroller.bind("scrollEnd", function(e) {
            destroy: function() {
                this.list.unbind(), this.buffer.unbind()
            setDataSource: function(t, n) {
                var i, r, o, a, s = this,
                    c = this.options,
                    h = this.listView,
                    p = h.scroller(),
                    f = c.loadMore;
                if (this.dataSource = t, i = t.pageSize() || c.virtualViewSize, !i && !n) throw Error("the DataSource does not have page size configured. Page Size setting is mandatory for the mobile listview virtual scrolling to work as expected.");
                this.buffer && this.buffer.destroy(), r = new m.data.Buffer(t, Math.floor(i / 2), f), o = f ? new u(h, r) : new d(h), this.list && this.list.destroy(), a = new $({
                    buffer: r,
                    footer: o,
                    item: function(e) {
                        return new l(h, e)
                    height: function() {
                        return p.height()
                }), a.bind("resize", function() {
                    s.updateScrollerSize(), h.updateSize()
                }), a.bind("reset", function() {
                }), a.bind("endReached", function() {
                    o.disable(), s.updateScrollerSize()
                }), r.bind("expand", function() {
                    a.lastDirection = !1, a.batchUpdate(p.scrollTop)
                }), e.extend(this, {
                    buffer: r,
                    scroller: p,
                    list: a,
                    footer: o
            updateScrollerSize: function() {
                this.scroller.virtualSize(0, this.list.totalHeight() + this.chromeHeight)
            refresh: function() {
            reset: function() {
                this.buffer.range(0), this.list.refresh()
        }), p = m.Class.extend({
            init: function(e) {
                var t, n = this;
                this.listView = e, this.options = e.options, t = this, this._refreshHandler = function(e) {
                }, this._progressHandler = function() {
                }, e.bind("_dataSource", function(e) {
            destroy: function() {
            reset: function() {},
            refresh: function(e) {
                var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c = e && e.action,
                    d = e && e.items,
                    u = this.listView,
                    h = this.dataSource,
                    p = this.options.appendOnRefresh,
                    f = h.view(),
                    g = h.group(),
                    m = g && g[0];
                return "itemchange" !== c || u._hasBindingTarget() ? (a = "add" === c && !m || p && !u._filter, s = "remove" === c && !m, a ? i = [] : s && (i = u.findByDataItem(d)), u.trigger(H, {
                    action: c || "rebind",
                    items: d,
                    removedItems: i,
                    index: e && e.index
                }) ? (this._shouldShowLoading() && u.hideLoading(), t) : ("add" !== c || m ? "remove" !== c || m ? m ? u.replaceGrouped(f) : p && !u._filter ? (r = u.prepend(f), o = f) : u.replace(f) : (r = [], u.remove(d)) : (l = f.indexOf(d[0]), l > -1 && (r = u.insertAt(d, l), o = d)), this._shouldShowLoading() && u.hideLoading(), u.trigger(R, {
                    ns: w,
                    addedItems: r,
                    addedDataItems: o
                }), t)) : (n = u.findByDataItem(d)[0], n && u.setDataItem(n, d[0]), t)
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.dataSource && this._unbindDataSource(), this.dataSource = e, e.bind(N, this._refreshHandler), this._shouldShowLoading() && this.dataSource.bind(O, this._progressHandler)
            _unbindDataSource: function() {
                this.dataSource.unbind(N, this._refreshHandler).unbind(O, this._progressHandler)
            _shouldShowLoading: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                return !e.pullToRefresh && !e.loadMore && !e.endlessScroll
        }), f = m.Class.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                var n = this,
                    i = t.options.filterable,
                    r = "change paste",
                    o = this;
                this.listView = t, this.options = i, t.element.before(M({
                    placeholder: i.placeholder || "Search..."
                })), i.autoFilter !== !1 && (r += " keyup"), this.element = t.wrapper.find(".km-search-form"), this.searchInput = t.wrapper.find("input[type=search]").closest("form").on("submit" + z, function(e) {
                }).end().on("focus" + z, function() {
                    n._oldFilter = n.searchInput.val()
                }).on(r.split(" ").join(z + " ") + z, S(this._filterChange, this)), this.clearButton = t.wrapper.find(".km-filter-reset").on(L, S(this, "_clearFilter")).hide(), this._dataSourceChange = e.proxy(this._refreshInput, this), t.bind("_dataSource", function(e) {
                    e.dataSource.bind("change", o._dataSourceChange)
            _refreshInput: function() {
                var e = this.listView.dataSource.filter(),
                    t = this.listView._filter.searchInput;
                t.val(e && e.filters[0].field === this.listView.options.filterable.field ? e.filters[0].value : "")
            _search: function(e) {
                this._filter = !0, this.clearButton[e ? "show" : "hide"](), this.listView.dataSource.filter(e)
            _filterChange: function(e) {
                var t = this;
                "paste" == e.type && this.options.autoFilter !== !1 ? setTimeout(function() {
                }, 1) : this._applyFilter()
            _applyFilter: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = this.searchInput.val(),
                    n = t.length ? {
                        field: e.field,
                        operator: e.operator || "startswith",
                        ignoreCase: e.ignoreCase,
                        value: t
                    } : null;
                t !== this._oldFilter && (this._oldFilter = t, this._search(n))
            _clearFilter: function(e) {
                this.searchInput.val(""), this._search(null), e.preventDefault()
        }), g = y.extend({
            init: function(t, n) {
                var i = this;
                y.fn.init.call(this, t, n), t = this.element, n = this.options, n.scrollTreshold && (n.scrollThreshold = n.scrollTreshold), t.on("down", x, "_highlight").on("move up cancel", x, "_dim"), this._userEvents = new m.UserEvents(t, {
                    filter: k,
                    allowSelection: !0,
                    tap: function(e) {
                }), t.css("-ms-touch-action", "auto"), t.wrap(P), this.wrapper = this.element.parent(), this._headerFixer = new j(this), this._itemsCache = {}, this._templates(), this.virtual = n.endlessScroll || n.loadMore, this._style(), this.options.$angular && (this.virtual || this.options.pullToRefresh) ? setTimeout(e.proxy(this, "_start")) : this._start()
            _start: function() {
                var e = this.options;
                this.options.filterable && (this._filter = new f(this)), this._itemBinder = this.virtual ? new h(this) : new p(this), this.options.pullToRefresh && (this._pullToRefreshHandler = new q(this)), this.setDataSource(e.dataSource), this._enhanceItems(this.items()), m.notify(this, w)
            events: [L, H, R, B],
            options: {
                name: "ListView",
                style: "",
                type: "flat",
                autoBind: !0,
                fixedHeaders: !1,
                template: "#:data#",
                headerTemplate: '<span class="km-text">#:value#</span>',
                appendOnRefresh: !1,
                loadMore: !1,
                endlessScroll: !1,
                scrollThreshold: 30,
                pullToRefresh: !1,
                messages: {
                    loadMoreText: "Press to load more",
                    pullTemplate: "Pull to refresh",
                    releaseTemplate: "Release to refresh",
                    refreshTemplate: "Refreshing"
                pullOffset: 140,
                filterable: !1,
                virtualViewSize: null
            refresh: function() {
            reset: function() {
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                var t = !e;
                this.dataSource = b.create(e), this.trigger("_dataSource", {
                    dataSource: this.dataSource,
                    empty: t
                }), this.options.autoBind && !t && (this.items().remove(), this.dataSource.fetch())
            destroy: function() {
                y.fn.destroy.call(this), m.destroy(this.element), this._userEvents.destroy(), this._itemBinder && this._itemBinder.destroy(), this.element.unwrap(), delete this.element, delete this.wrapper, delete this._userEvents
            items: function() {
                return "group" === this.options.type ? this.element.find(".km-list").children() : this.element.children().not(".km-load-more")
            scroller: function() {
                return this._scrollerInstance || (this._scrollerInstance = this.element.closest(".km-scroll-wrapper").data("kendoMobileScroller")), this._scrollerInstance
            showLoading: function() {
                var e = this.view();
                e && e.loader && e.loader.show()
            hideLoading: function() {
                var e = this.view();
                e && e.loader && e.loader.hide()
            insertAt: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                return i._renderItems(e, function(r) {
                    if (0 === t ? i.element.prepend(r) : -1 === t ? i.element.append(r) : i.items().eq(t - 1).after(r), n)
                        for (var o = 0; r.length > o; o++) i.trigger(B, {
                            item: r.eq(o),
                            data: e[o],
                            ns: w
            append: function(e, t) {
                return this.insertAt(e, -1, t)
            prepend: function(e, t) {
                return this.insertAt(e, 0, t)
            replace: function(e) {
                return this.options.type = "flat", this._angularItems("cleanup"), this.element.empty(), this._style(), this.insertAt(e, 0)
            replaceGrouped: function(t) {
                this.options.type = "group", this._angularItems("cleanup"), this.element.empty();
                var n = e(m.render(this.groupTemplate, t));
                this._enhanceItems(n.children("ul").children("li")), this.element.append(n), _.init(n), this._style(), this._angularItems("compile")
            remove: function(e) {
                var t = this.findByDataItem(e);
                this.angular("cleanup", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: t
                }), m.destroy(t), t.remove()
            findByDataItem: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = [];
                for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) i[t] = "[data-" + m.ns + "uid=" + e[t].uid + "]";
                return this.element.find(i.join(","))
            setDataItem: function(t, n) {
                var i = this,
                    r = function(r) {
                        var o = e(r[0]);
                        m.destroy(t), e(t).replaceWith(o), i.trigger(B, {
                            item: o,
                            data: n,
                            ns: w
                return this._renderItems([n], r)[0]
            updateSize: function() {
                this._size = this.getSize()
            _renderItems: function(t, n) {
                var i = e(m.render(this.template, t));
                return this.angular("compile", function() {
                    return {
                        elements: i,
                        data: t.map(function(e) {
                            return {
                                dataItem: e
                }), n(i), _.init(i), this._enhanceItems(i), i
            _dim: function(e) {
                this._toggle(e, !1)
            _highlight: function(e) {
                this._toggle(e, !0)
            _toggle: function(t, n) {
                if (!(t.which > 1)) {
                    var i = e(t.currentTarget),
                        r = i.parent(),
                        o = T(i, "role") || "",
                        a = !o.match(W),
                        s = t.isDefaultPrevented();
                    a && r.toggleClass(A, n && !s)
            _templates: function() {
                var e = this.options.template,
                    t = this.options.headerTemplate,
                    n = ' data-uid="#=arguments[0].uid || ""#"',
                    i = {},
                    r = {};
                typeof e === V && (i.template = e, e = "#=this.template(data)#"), this.template = S(m.template("<li" + n + ">" + e + "</li>"), i), r.template = this.template, typeof t === V && (r._headerTemplate = t, t = "#=this._headerTemplate(data)#"), r.headerTemplate = m.template(t), this.groupTemplate = S(I, r)
            _click: function(t) {
                if (!(t.event.which > 1 || t.event.isDefaultPrevented())) {
                    var n, i = t.target,
                        r = e(t.event.target),
                        o = r.closest(m.roleSelector("button", "detailbutton", "backbutton")),
                        a = m.widgetInstance(o, w),
                        s = i.attr(m.attr("uid"));
                    s && (n = this.dataSource.getByUid(s)), this.trigger(L, {
                        target: r,
                        item: i,
                        dataItem: n,
                        button: a
                    }) && t.preventDefault()
            _styleGroups: function() {
                var t = this.element.children();
                t.children("ul").addClass("km-list"), t.each(function() {
                    var t = e(this),
                        n = t.contents().first();
                    t.addClass("km-group-container"), n.is("ul") || n.is("div." + D) || n.wrap(E)
            _style: function() {
                var e = this.options,
                    t = "group" === e.type,
                    n = this.element,
                    i = "inset" === e.style;
                n.addClass("km-listview").toggleClass("km-list", !t).toggleClass("km-virtual-list", this.virtual).toggleClass("km-listinset", !t && i).toggleClass("km-listgroup", t && !i).toggleClass("km-listgroupinset", t && i), n.parents(".km-listview")[0] || n.closest(".km-content").toggleClass("km-insetcontent", i), t && this._styleGroups(), this.trigger(F)
            _enhanceItems: function(t) {
                t.each(function() {
                    var t, n = e(this),
                        i = !1;
                    n.children().each(function() {
                        t = e(this), t.is("a") ? (o(t), i = !0) : t.is("label") && (a(t), i = !0)
                    }), i || r(n)
        }), w.plugin(g)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(n, i) {
            var o = i.find("[" + r.attr("align") + "=" + n + "]");
            return o[0] ? e('<div class="km-' + n + 'item" />').append(o).prependTo(i) : t

        function i(t) {
            var n = t.siblings(),
                i = !!t.children("ul")[0],
                o = !!n[0] && "" === e.trim(t.text()),
                a = !(!r.mobile.application || !r.mobile.application.element.is(".km-android"));
            t.prevAll().toggleClass("km-absolute", i), t.toggleClass("km-show-title", o), t.toggleClass("km-fill-title", o && !e.trim(t.html())), t.toggleClass("km-no-title", i), t.toggleClass("km-hide-title", a && !n.children().is(":visible"))
        var r = window.kendo,
            o = r.mobile,
            a = o.ui,
            s = a.Widget,
            l = s.extend({
                init: function(t, i) {
                    var r = this;
                    s.fn.init.call(r, t, i), t = r.element, r.container().bind("show", e.proxy(this, "refresh")), t.addClass("km-navbar").wrapInner(e('<div class="km-view-title km-show-title" />')), r.leftElement = n("left", t), r.rightElement = n("right", t), r.centerElement = t.find(".km-view-title")
                options: {
                    name: "NavBar"
                title: function(e) {
                    this.element.find(r.roleSelector("view-title")).text(e), i(this.centerElement)
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t = e.view;
                    t.options.title ? this.title(t.options.title) : i(this.centerElement)
                destroy: function() {
                    s.fn.destroy.call(this), r.destroy(this.element)
    function(e, t) {
        var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, d = window.kendo,
            u = d.mobile,
            h = u.ui,
            p = e.proxy,
            f = d.effects.Transition,
            g = d.ui.Pane,
            m = d.ui.PaneDimensions,
            v = h.DataBoundWidget,
            _ = d.data.DataSource,
            w = d.data.Buffer,
            b = d.data.BatchBuffer,
            y = Math,
            k = y.abs,
            x = y.ceil,
            C = y.round,
            S = y.max,
            T = y.min,
            D = y.floor,
            A = "change",
            E = "changing",
            I = "refresh",
            P = "km-current-page",
            M = "km-virtual-page",
            z = "function",
            F = "itemChange",
            R = "cleanup",
            H = 3,
            B = -1,
            L = 0,
            N = 1,
            O = -1,
            V = 0,
            U = 1,
            W = d.Class.extend({
                init: function(t) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = e("<ol class='km-pages'/>");
                    t.element.append(i), this._changeProxy = p(n, "_change"), this._refreshProxy = p(n, "_refresh"), t.bind(A, this._changeProxy), t.bind(I, this._refreshProxy), e.extend(n, {
                        element: i,
                        scrollView: t
                items: function() {
                    return this.element.children()
                _refresh: function(e) {
                    var t, n = "";
                    for (t = 0; e.pageCount > t; t++) n += "<li/>";
                    this.element.html(n), this.items().eq(e.page).addClass(P)
                _change: function(e) {
                destroy: function() {
                    this.scrollView.unbind(A, this._changeProxy), this.scrollView.unbind(I, this._refreshProxy), this.element.remove()
        d.mobile.ui.ScrollViewPager = W, n = "transitionEnd", i = "dragStart", r = "dragEnd", o = d.Observable.extend({
            init: function(t, o) {
                var a, s, l, c, u, h, p = this;
                d.Observable.fn.init.call(this), this.element = t, this.container = t.parent(), a = new d.ui.Movable(p.element), s = new f({
                    axis: "x",
                    movable: a,
                    onEnd: function() {
                }), l = new d.UserEvents(t, {
                    start: function(e) {
                        2 * k(e.x.velocity) >= k(e.y.velocity) ? l.capture() : l.cancel(), p.trigger(i, e), s.cancel()
                    allowSelection: !0,
                    end: function(e) {
                        p.trigger(r, e)
                }), c = new m({
                    element: p.element,
                    container: p.container
                }), u = c.x, u.bind(A, function() {
                }), h = new g({
                    dimensions: c,
                    userEvents: l,
                    movable: a,
                    elastic: !0
                }), e.extend(p, {
                    duration: o && o.duration || 1,
                    movable: a,
                    transition: s,
                    userEvents: l,
                    dimensions: c,
                    dimension: u,
                    pane: h
                }), this.bind([n, i, r, A], o)
            size: function() {
                return {
                    width: this.dimensions.x.getSize(),
                    height: this.dimensions.y.getSize()
            total: function() {
                return this.dimension.getTotal()
            offset: function() {
                return -this.movable.x
            updateDimension: function() {
            refresh: function() {
            moveTo: function(e) {
                this.movable.moveAxis("x", -e)
            transitionTo: function(e, t, n) {
                n ? this.moveTo(-e) : this.transition.moveTo({
                    location: e,
                    duration: this.duration,
                    ease: t
        }), d.mobile.ui.ScrollViewElasticPane = o, a = d.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                d.Observable.fn.init.call(this), i.element = e, i.pane = t, i._getPages(), this.page = 0, this.pageSize = n.pageSize || 1, this.contentHeight = n.contentHeight, this.enablePager = n.enablePager, this.pagerOverlay = n.pagerOverlay
            scrollTo: function(e, t) {
                this.page = e, this.pane.transitionTo(-e * this.pane.size().width, f.easeOutExpo, t)
            paneMoved: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o, a = this,
                    s = a.pane,
                    l = s.size().width * a.pageSize,
                    c = C,
                    d = t ? f.easeOutBack : f.easeOutExpo;
                e === O ? c = x : e === U && (c = D), o = c(s.offset() / l), r = S(a.minSnap, T(-o * l, a.maxSnap)), o != a.page && n && n({
                    currentPage: a.page,
                    nextPage: o
                }) && (r = -a.page * s.size().width), s.transitionTo(r, d, i)
            updatePage: function() {
                var e = this.pane,
                    t = C(e.offset() / e.size().width);
                return t != this.page ? (this.page = t, !0) : !1
            forcePageUpdate: function() {
                return this.updatePage()
            resizeTo: function(e) {
                var t, n, i = this.pane,
                    r = e.width;
                this.pageElements.width(r), "100%" === this.contentHeight && (t = this.element.parent().height(), this.enablePager === !0 && (n = this.element.parent().find("ol.km-pages"), !this.pagerOverlay && n.length && (t -= n.outerHeight(!0))), this.element.css("height", t), this.pageElements.css("height", t)), i.updateDimension(), this._paged || (this.page = D(i.offset() / r)), this.scrollTo(this.page, !0), this.pageCount = x(i.total() / r), this.minSnap = -(this.pageCount - 1) * r, this.maxSnap = 0
            _getPages: function() {
                this.pageElements = this.element.find(d.roleSelector("page")), this._paged = this.pageElements.length > 0
        }), d.mobile.ui.ScrollViewContent = a, s = d.Observable.extend({
            init: function(e, t, n) {
                var i = this;
                d.Observable.fn.init.call(this), i.element = e, i.pane = t, i.options = n, i._templates(), i.page = n.page || 0, i.pages = [], i._initPages(), i.resizeTo(i.pane.size()), i.pane.dimension.forceEnabled()
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                this.dataSource = _.create(e), this._buffer(), this._pendingPageRefresh = !1, this._pendingWidgetRefresh = !1
            _viewShow: function() {
                var e = this;
                e._pendingWidgetRefresh && (setTimeout(function() {
                }, 0), e._pendingWidgetRefresh = !1)
            _buffer: function() {
                var e = this.options.itemsPerPage;
                this.buffer && this.buffer.destroy(), this.buffer = e > 1 ? new b(this.dataSource, e) : new w(this.dataSource, 3 * e), this._resizeProxy = p(this, "_onResize"), this._resetProxy = p(this, "_onReset"), this._endReachedProxy = p(this, "_onEndReached"), this.buffer.bind({
                    resize: this._resizeProxy,
                    reset: this._resetProxy,
                    endreached: this._endReachedProxy
            _templates: function() {
                var e = this.options.template,
                    t = this.options.emptyTemplate,
                    n = {},
                    i = {};
                typeof e === z && (n.template = e, e = "#=this.template(data)#"), this.template = p(d.template(e), n), typeof t === z && (i.emptyTemplate = t, t = "#=this.emptyTemplate(data)#"), this.emptyTemplate = p(d.template(t), i)
            _initPages: function() {
                var e, t, n = this.pages,
                    i = this.element;
                for (t = 0; H > t; t++) e = new l(i), n.push(e);
            resizeTo: function(e) {
                var t, n, i, r = this.pages,
                    o = this.pane;
                for (t = 0; r.length > t; t++) r[t].setWidth(e.width);
                "auto" === this.options.contentHeight ? this.element.css("height", this.pages[1].element.height()) : "100%" === this.options.contentHeight && (n = this.element.parent().height(), this.options.enablePager === !0 && (i = this.element.parent().find("ol.km-pages"), !this.options.pagerOverlay && i.length && (n -= i.outerHeight(!0))), this.element.css("height", n), r[0].element.css("height", n), r[1].element.css("height", n), r[2].element.css("height", n)), o.updateDimension(), this._repositionPages(), this.width = e.width
            scrollTo: function(e) {
                var t, n = this.buffer;
                n.syncDataSource(), t = n.at(e), t && (this._updatePagesContent(e), this.page = e)
            paneMoved: function(e, t, n, i) {
                var r, o = this,
                    a = o.pane,
                    s = a.size().width,
                    l = a.offset(),
                    c = Math.abs(l) >= s / 3,
                    u = t ? d.effects.Transition.easeOutBack : d.effects.Transition.easeOutExpo,
                    h = o.page + 2 > o.buffer.total(),
                    p = 0;
                e === U ? 0 !== o.page && (p = -1) : e !== O || h ? l > 0 && c && !h ? p = 1 : 0 > l && c && 0 !== o.page && (p = -1) : p = 1, r = o.page, p && (r = p > 0 ? r + 1 : r - 1), n && n({
                    currentPage: o.page,
                    nextPage: r
                }) && (p = 0), 0 === p ? o._cancelMove(u, i) : -1 === p ? o._moveBackward(i) : 1 === p && o._moveForward(i)
            updatePage: function() {
                var e = this.pages;
                return 0 === this.pane.offset() ? !1 : (this.pane.offset() > 0 ? (e.push(this.pages.shift()), this.page++, this.setPageContent(e[2], this.page + 1)) : (e.unshift(this.pages.pop()), this.page--, this.setPageContent(e[0], this.page - 1)), this._repositionPages(), this._resetMovable(), !0)
            forcePageUpdate: function() {
                var e = this.pane.offset(),
                    t = 3 * this.pane.size().width / 4;
                return k(e) > t ? this.updatePage() : !1
            _resetMovable: function() {
            _moveForward: function(e) {
                this.pane.transitionTo(-this.width, d.effects.Transition.easeOutExpo, e)
            _moveBackward: function(e) {
                this.pane.transitionTo(this.width, d.effects.Transition.easeOutExpo, e)
            _cancelMove: function(e, t) {
                this.pane.transitionTo(0, e, t)
            _resetPages: function() {
                this.page = this.options.page || 0, this._updatePagesContent(this.page), this._repositionPages(), this.trigger("reset")
            _onResize: function() {
                this.pageCount = x(this.dataSource.total() / this.options.itemsPerPage), this._pendingPageRefresh && (this._updatePagesContent(this.page), this._pendingPageRefresh = !1), this.trigger("resize")
            _onReset: function() {
                this.pageCount = x(this.dataSource.total() / this.options.itemsPerPage), this._resetPages()
            _onEndReached: function() {
                this._pendingPageRefresh = !0
            _repositionPages: function() {
                var e = this.pages;
                e[0].position(B), e[1].position(L), e[2].position(N)
            _updatePagesContent: function(e) {
                var t = this.pages,
                    n = e || 0;
                this.setPageContent(t[0], n - 1), this.setPageContent(t[1], n), this.setPageContent(t[2], n + 1)
            setPageContent: function(t, n) {
                var i = this.buffer,
                    r = this.template,
                    o = this.emptyTemplate,
                    a = null;
                n >= 0 && (a = i.at(n), e.isArray(a) && !a.length && (a = null)), this.trigger(R, {
                    item: t.element
                }), t.content(null !== a ? r(a) : o({})), d.mobile.init(t.element), this.trigger(F, {
                    item: t.element,
                    data: a,
                    ns: d.mobile.ui
        }), d.mobile.ui.VirtualScrollViewContent = s, l = d.Class.extend({
            init: function(t) {
                this.element = e("<div class='" + M + "'></div>"), this.width = t.width(), this.element.width(this.width), t.append(this.element)
            content: function(e) {
            position: function(e) {
                this.element.css("transform", "translate3d(" + this.width * e + "px, 0, 0)")
            setWidth: function(e) {
                this.width = e, this.element.width(e)
        }), d.mobile.ui.VirtualPage = l, c = v.extend({
            init: function(e, t) {
                var n, i, r, l = this;
                v.fn.init.call(l, e, t), t = l.options, e = l.element, d.stripWhitespace(e[0]), e.wrapInner("<div/>").addClass("km-scrollview"), this.options.enablePager && (this.pager = new W(this), this.options.pagerOverlay && e.addClass("km-scrollview-overlay")), l.inner = e.children().first(), l.page = 0, l.inner.css("height", t.contentHeight), l.pane = new o(l.inner, {
                    duration: this.options.duration,
                    transitionEnd: p(this, "_transitionEnd"),
                    dragStart: p(this, "_dragStart"),
                    dragEnd: p(this, "_dragEnd"),
                    change: p(this, I)
                }), l.bind("resize", function() {
                }), l.page = t.page, n = 0 === this.inner.children().length, i = n ? new s(l.inner, l.pane, t) : new a(l.inner, l.pane, t), i.page = l.page, i.bind("reset", function() {
                    l._syncWithContent(), l.trigger(I, {
                        pageCount: i.pageCount,
                        page: i.page
                }), i.bind("resize", function() {
                    l.trigger(I, {
                        pageCount: i.pageCount,
                        page: i.page
                }), i.bind(F, function(e) {
                    l.trigger(F, e), l.angular("compile", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e.item,
                            data: [{
                                dataItem: e.data
                }), i.bind(R, function(e) {
                    l.angular("cleanup", function() {
                        return {
                            elements: e.item
                }), l._content = i, l.setDataSource(t.dataSource), r = l.container(), r.nullObject ? (l.viewInit(), l.viewShow()) : r.bind("show", p(this, "viewShow")).bind("init", p(this, "viewInit"))
            options: {
                name: "ScrollView",
                page: 0,
                duration: 400,
                velocityThreshold: .8,
                contentHeight: "auto",
                pageSize: 1,
                itemsPerPage: 1,
                bounceVelocityThreshold: 1.6,
                enablePager: !0,
                pagerOverlay: !1,
                autoBind: !0,
                template: "",
                emptyTemplate: ""
            events: [E, A, I],
            destroy: function() {
                v.fn.destroy.call(this), d.destroy(this.element)
            viewInit: function() {
                this.options.autoBind && this._content.scrollTo(this._content.page, !0)
            viewShow: function() {
            refresh: function() {
                var e = this._content;
                e.resizeTo(this.pane.size()), this.page = e.page, this.trigger(I, {
                    pageCount: e.pageCount,
                    page: e.page
            content: function(e) {
                this.element.children().first().html(e), this._content._getPages(), this.pane.refresh()
            value: function(e) {
                var n = this.dataSource;
                return e ? (this.scrollTo(n.indexOf(e), !0), t) : n.at(this.page)
            scrollTo: function(e, t) {
                this._content.scrollTo(e, t), this._syncWithContent()
            prev: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = e.page - 1;
                e._content instanceof s ? e._content.paneMoved(U, t, function(t) {
                    return e.trigger(E, t)
                }) : n > -1 && e.scrollTo(n)
            next: function() {
                var e = this,
                    n = e.page + 1;
                e._content instanceof s ? e._content.paneMoved(O, t, function(t) {
                    return e.trigger(E, t)
                }) : e._content.pageCount > n && e.scrollTo(n)
            setDataSource: function(e) {
                if (this._content instanceof s) {
                    var t = !e;
                    this.dataSource = _.create(e), this._content.setDataSource(this.dataSource), this.options.autoBind && !t && this.dataSource.fetch()
            items: function() {
                return this.element.find("." + M)
            _syncWithContent: function() {
                var e, n, i = this._content.pages,
                    r = this._content.buffer;
                this.page = this._content.page, e = r ? r.at(this.page) : t, e instanceof Array || (e = [e]), n = i ? i[1].element : t, this.trigger(A, {
                    page: this.page,
                    element: n,
                    data: e
            _dragStart: function() {
                this._content.forcePageUpdate() && this._syncWithContent()
            _dragEnd: function(e) {
                var t = this,
                    n = e.x.velocity,
                    i = this.options.velocityThreshold,
                    r = V,
                    o = k(n) > this.options.bounceVelocityThreshold;
                n > i ? r = U : -i > n && (r = O), this._content.paneMoved(r, o, function(e) {
                    return t.trigger(E, e)
            _transitionEnd: function() {
                this._content.updatePage() && this._syncWithContent()
        }), h.plugin(c)
    function(e, t) {
        function n(e, t, n) {
            return Math.max(t, Math.min(n, e))
        var i = window.kendo,
            r = i.mobile.ui,
            o = r.Widget,
            a = i.support,
            s = "change",
            l = "km-switch-on",
            c = "km-switch-off",
            d = "margin-left",
            u = "km-state-active",
            h = "km-state-disabled",
            p = "disabled",
            f = a.transitions.css + "transform",
            g = e.proxy,
            m = '<span class="km-switch km-widget">        <span class="km-switch-wrapper"><span class="km-switch-background"></span></span>         <span class="km-switch-container"><span class="km-switch-handle" >             <span class="km-switch-label-on">{0}</span>             <span class="km-switch-label-off">{1}</span>         </span>     </span>',
            v = o.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var r, a = this;
                    o.fn.init.call(a, t, n), n = a.options, a.wrapper = e(i.format(m, n.onLabel, n.offLabel)), a.handle = a.wrapper.find(".km-switch-handle"), a.background = a.wrapper.find(".km-switch-background"), a.wrapper.insertBefore(a.element).prepend(a.element), a._drag(), a.origin = parseInt(a.background.css(d), 10), a.constrain = 0, a.snapPoint = 0, t = a.element[0], t.type = "checkbox", a._animateBackground = !0, r = a.options.checked, null === r && (r = t.checked), a.check(r), a.options.enable = a.options.enable && !a.element.attr(p), a.enable(a.options.enable), a.refresh(), i.notify(a, i.mobile.ui)
                refresh: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = e.handle.outerWidth(!0);
                    e.width = e.wrapper.width(), e.constrain = e.width - t, e.snapPoint = e.constrain / 2, "number" != typeof e.origin && (e.origin = parseInt(e.background.css(d), 10)), e.background.data("origin", e.origin), e.check(e.element[0].checked)
                events: [s],
                options: {
                    name: "Switch",
                    onLabel: "on",
                    offLabel: "off",
                    checked: null,
                    enable: !0
                check: function(e) {
                    var n = this,
                        i = n.element[0];
                    return e === t ? i.checked : (n._position(e ? n.constrain : 0), i.checked = e, n.wrapper.toggleClass(l, e).toggleClass(c, !e), t)
                value: function() {
                    return this.check.apply(this, arguments)
                destroy: function() {
                    o.fn.destroy.call(this), this.userEvents.destroy()
                toggle: function() {
                    var e = this;
                enable: function(e) {
                    var n = this.element,
                        i = this.wrapper;
                    t === e && (e = !0), this.options.enable = e, e ? n.removeAttr(p) : n.attr(p, p), i.toggleClass(h, !e)
                _resize: function() {
                _move: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.preventDefault(), t._position(n(t.position + e.x.delta, 0, t.width - t.handle.outerWidth(!0)))
                _position: function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    t.position = e, t.handle.css(f, "translatex(" + e + "px)"), t._animateBackground && t.background.css(d, t.origin + e)
                _start: function() {
                    this.options.enable ? (this.userEvents.capture(), this.handle.addClass(u)) : this.userEvents.cancel()
                _stop: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.handle.removeClass(u), e._toggle(e.position > e.snapPoint)
                _toggle: function(e) {
                    var t, n = this,
                        r = n.handle,
                        o = n.element[0],
                        a = o.checked,
                        d = i.mobile.application && i.mobile.application.os.wp ? 100 : 200;
                    n.wrapper.toggleClass(l, e).toggleClass(c, !e), n.position = t = e * n.constrain, n._animateBackground && n.background.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate({
                        effects: "slideMargin",
                        offset: t,
                        reset: !0,
                        reverse: !e,
                        axis: "left",
                        duration: d
                    }), r.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate({
                        effects: "slideTo",
                        duration: d,
                        offset: t + "px,0",
                        reset: !0,
                        complete: function() {
                            a !== e && (o.checked = e, n.trigger(s, {
                                checked: e
                _drag: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    e.userEvents = new i.UserEvents(e.wrapper, {
                        tap: function() {
                            e.options.enable && e._toggle(!e.element[0].checked)
                        start: g(e._start, e),
                        move: g(e._move, e),
                        end: g(e._stop, e)
    function(e) {
        function t(t) {
            return e('<span class="km-badge">' + t + "</span>")
        var n = window.kendo,
            i = n.mobile.ui,
            r = i.Widget,
            o = "km-state-active",
            a = "select",
            s = r.extend({
                init: function(t, n) {
                    var i = this;
                    r.fn.init.call(i, t, n), i.container().bind("show", e.proxy(this, "refresh")), i.element.addClass("km-tabstrip").find("a").each(i._buildButton).eq(i.options.selectedIndex).addClass(o), i.element.on("down", "a", "_release")
                events: [a],
                switchTo: function(t) {
                    var n, i, r = this.element.find("a"),
                        o = 0,
                        a = r.length;
                    if (!isNaN(t)) return this._setActiveItem(r.eq(t)), !0;
                    for (; a > o; o++)
                        if (n = r[o], i = n.href.replace(/(\#.+)(\?.+)$/, "$1"), -1 !== i.indexOf(t, i.length - t.length)) return this._setActiveItem(e(n)), !0;
                    return !1
                switchByFullUrl: function(e) {
                    var t;
                    t = this.element.find("a[href$='" + e + "']"), this._setActiveItem(t)
                clear: function() {
                currentItem: function() {
                    return this.element.children("." + o)
                badge: function(n, i) {
                    var r, o = this.element;
                    return isNaN(n) || (n = o.children().get(n)), n = o.find(n), r = e(n.find(".km-badge")[0] || t(i).insertAfter(n.children(".km-icon"))), i || 0 === i ? (r.html(i), this) : i === !1 ? (r.empty().remove(), this) : r.html()
                _release: function(t) {
                    if (!(t.which > 1)) {
                        var n = this,
                            i = e(t.currentTarget);
                        i[0] !== n.currentItem()[0] && (n.trigger(a, {
                            item: i
                        }) ? t.preventDefault() : n._setActiveItem(i))
                _setActiveItem: function(e) {
                    e[0] && (this.clear(), e.addClass(o))
                _buildButton: function() {
                    var i = e(this),
                        r = n.attrValue(i, "icon"),
                        o = n.attrValue(i, "badge"),
                        a = i.find("img"),
                        s = e('<span class="km-icon"/>');
                    i.addClass("km-button").attr(n.attr("role"), "tab").contents().not(a).wrapAll('<span class="km-text"/>'), a[0] ? a.addClass("km-image").prependTo(i) : (i.prepend(s), r && (s.addClass("km-" + r), (o || 0 === o) && t(o).insertAfter(s)))
                refresh: function(e) {
                    var t = e.view.element.attr(n.attr("url"));
                    t && !this.switchTo(e.view.id) && this.switchTo(t)
                options: {
                    name: "TabStrip",
                    selectedIndex: 0,
                    enable: !0
    return window.kendo
}, typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define : function(_, f) {