# Exact Quick Find > A Sublime Text plugin that implements quick-find aware of case-sensitive / whole-word / wrap-scan flags. ![](img/basic.gif) *^ Quick-finding the exact whole word `"debug"` in lowercase.* Note that non-matches such as `_debug_print` and `DEBUG` are not qualified and have been skipped. Also note that the flags on the status bar are toggled to `[C][W][R]`. `[C]` for case sensitive. `[W]` for whole word. `[R]` for wrap scan. ## Install [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Exact%20Quick%20Find) ## How to Use ### 1. Key Bindings No default key bindings. Define your own. For recommended key bindings, open ``` Preferences > Package Settings > Exact Quick Find > Key Bindings ``` or enter in the command palette ``` Preferences: Exact Quick Find Key Bindings ``` #### Recommended Key Bindings ##### Basic Commands | Command | Windows / Linux | macOS | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | Exact Quick Find: Goto Next | Ctrl + E | Cmd + E | | Exact Quick Find: Goto Prev | Ctrl + B | Cmd + B | | Exact Quick Find: Goto Prev | Ctrl + Shift + E | Cmd + Shift + E | | Exact Quick Find: Add Next | Ctrl + D | Cmd + D | | Exact Quick Find: Add Prev | Ctrl + Shift + D | Cmd + Shift + D | | Exact Quick Find: Add All | Ctrl + Alt + D | Cmd + Opt + D | | Exact Quick Find: Toggle `Case Sensitive` | Alt + C | Opt + C | | Exact Quick Find: Toggle `Whole Word` | Alt + W | Opt + W | | Exact Quick Find: Toggle `Wrap Scan` | Alt + R | Opt + R | | Exact Quick Find: Flip Find Flags | Alt + F | Opt + F | ##### Advanced Commands | Command | Windows / Linux | macOS | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | Exact Quick Find: Peek Next | Ctrl + G | Cmd + G | | Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev | Ctrl + Shift + G | Cmd + Shift + G | | Exact Quick Find: Peek Next Selected | Ctrl + H | Cmd + H | | Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev Selected | Ctrl + Shift + H | Cmd + Shift + H | | Exact Quick Find: Add This | Ctrl + 6 | Cmd + 6 | | Exact Quick Find: Subtract This | Ctrl + Shift + 6 | Cmd + Shift + 6 | | Exact Quick Find: Single Select This | Ctrl + 7 | Cmd + 7 | | Exact Quick Find: Invert Select This | Ctrl + Shift + 7 | Cmd + Shift + 7 | | Exact Quick Find: Go First | Ctrl + 5 | Cmd + 5 | | Exact Quick Find: Go Last | Ctrl + Shift + 5 | Cmd + Shift + 5 | | Exact Quick Find: Go Back | Ctrl + 8 | Cmd + 8 | ### 2. Main Menu ``` Find > Exact Quick Find > Goto Next Find > Exact Quick Find > Goto Prev Find > Exact Quick Find > Add Next Find > Exact Quick Find > Add Prev Find > Exact Quick Find > Add All Find > Exact Quick Find > Peek Next Find > Exact Quick Find > Peek Prev Find > Exact Quick Find > Peek Next Selected Find > Exact Quick Find > Peek Prev Selected Find > Exact Quick Find > Add This Find > Exact Quick Find > Subtract This Find > Exact Quick Find > Single Select This Find > Exact Quick Find > Go First Find > Exact Quick Find > Go Last Find > Exact Quick Find > Go Back Find > Exact Quick Find > Toggle Case Sensitive Find > Exact Quick Find > Toggle Whole Word Find > Exact Quick Find > Toggle Wrap Scan Find > Exact Quick Find > Flip Find Flags ``` ### 3. Command Palette ``` Exact Quick Find: Goto Next Exact Quick Find: Goto Prev Exact Quick Find: Add Next Exact Quick Find: Add Prev Exact Quick Find: Add All Exact Quick Find: Peek Next Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev Exact Quick Find: Peek Next Selected Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev Selected Exact Quick Find: Add This Exact Quick Find: Subtract This Exact Quick Find: Single Select This Exact Quick Find: Go First Exact Quick Find: Go Last Exact Quick Find: Go Back Exact Quick Find: Toggle Case Sensitive Exact Quick Find: Toggle Whole Word Exact Quick Find: Toggle Wrap Scan Exact Quick Find: Flip Find Flags ``` *Hint: enter `eqf` in the command palette and all the commands will show up.* ## Settings ``` Preferences > Package Settings > Exact Quick Find > Settings ``` or enter in the command palette ``` Preferences: Exact Quick Find Settings ``` ## Documentation ### Basic Commands: Finding Matches and Toggling Flags - `Exact Quick Find: Goto Next` to go to the next match *- this is like the built-in `Quick Find Next`* - `Exact Quick Find: Goto Prev` to go to the previous match - `Exact Quick Find: Add Next` to add the next match *- this is like the built-in `Quick Add Next`* - `Exact Quick Find: Add Prev` to add the previous match - `Exact Quick Find: Add All` to add all the matches *- this is like the built-in `Quick Find All`* - `Exact Quick Find: Toggle Case Sensitive` to toggle the case-sensitive flag - `Exact Quick Find: Toggle Whole Word` to toggle the whole-word flag - `Exact Quick Find: Toggle Wrap Scan` to toggle the wrap-scan flag - `Exact Quick Find: Flip Find Flags` to toggle multiple flags in one go ### Advanced Commands: Editing Selections with Peek-Based Methods ![](img/advanced.gif) *^ Adding, subtracting, and reviewing selections with peek-based methods.* - `Exact Quick Find: Peek Next` to peek at the next match - `Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev` to peek at the previous match - `Exact Quick Find: Peek Next Selected` to peek at the next selected match - `Exact Quick Find: Peek Prev Selected` to peek at the previous selected match - `Exact Quick Find: Add This` to add the current match to selections - `Exact Quick Find: Subtract This` to subtract the current match from selections - `Exact Quick Find: Single Select This` to select only the current match - `Exact Quick Find: Invert Select This` to select all the matches except the current one - `Exact Quick Find: Go First` to go to / add / peek at the first match - `Exact Quick Find: Go Last` to go to / add / peek at the last match - `Exact Quick Find: Go Back` to go to / add / peek at the match where quick-find starts ### Understanding `Peek` Among 3 different types of moves 1. `Goto` - leave the old region and move to a new region 2. `Add` - additionally select a new region 3. `Peek` - tentatively move to a new region without selecting it `Peek` does ***not*** affect selections. You can first move to a region and then decide whether to select or de-select it. ### Understanding `Go` How `Go` affects selections depends on its previous command - If the previous command is `Goto`, to `Go` is to `Goto` - If the previous command is `Add`, to `Go` is to `Add` - If the previous command is `Peek`, to `Go` is to `Peek` - If no previous commands, to `Go` is to `Goto` ## Author Aaron Fu Lei ## License MIT