def strip_instructions(infilename): """ This function removes the instructions to the data imager from the It takes a string giving the name of the input file and will produce a backup file with the original script and a new file with the instructions to the data imager removed. Example: execfile('strip_instructions') strip_instructions('') strip_instructions('') """ import shutil import os.path backupfilename = infilename + '.backup' if os.path.isfile(backupfilename): print "Backup file exists! Stopping." return else: print "Moving " + infilename + " to " + backupfilename +"." shutil.move(infilename,backupfilename) outfilename = infilename infilename = backupfilename infile = open(infilename,'r') outfile = open(outfilename, 'w') print "Stripping instructions" for line in infile: if line.startswith('#>>>'): continue else: outfile.write(line) infile.close() outfile.close()