#!/bin/sh ##need internet connection #before starting need to rename the downloaded tar.xz eg slimjet_amd64- #put this script and the downloaded slimjetXXX.tar.gz into the place where you want the portable install #need uextract to be installed #click startslimjet.sh after install to run uextract slimjet*tar.xz found=$(ls slimjet*.tar.xz.extracted ) echo "$found" found=$(echo -e "$found" | tail -n 2 ) echo "$found" dir=$(echo -e $found | cut -d":" -f 1 ) echo $dir cd $dir/slimjet rm flashpeak-slimjet wget -4c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aarf/puppylinux/master/flashpeak-slimjet wget -4c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aarf/puppylinux/master/startslimjet.sh cdline=$(pwd) cdline="cd ""$cdline" echo "$cdline" #my gawd will you look at this nonsense the sed line below wont work if / is in $cdline cdline=$(echo ${cdline//"/"/"\/"}) #have tried just using pwd but it has issues with either desktop link or startup link (both to come in next editions of this script) #for now do these manually if you want them sed -i "1s/.*/$cdline/" startslimjet.sh exit