btShapes <- function(scores, vectors, fcn, row.names, pcs = 1:2, n = c(3,4), m = 3, pc.margin=c(0,0), phy.means = NULL, centroid.size = 1, flip = rep(1,2), ...){ if(length(row.names) == 0) stop("Input parameter 'row.names' has length of 0. Length must correspond to the number of landmarks.") # Set total number of shapes n_shapes <- n[1]*n[2] # Start matrix with mean PC scores for all coordinates scores_bt <- matrix(colMeans(scores), n_shapes, ncol(vectors), byrow=TRUE) # Set min and max for scores along PC1 pc1_range <- range(scores[, pcs[1]]) pc1_range <- c(pc1_range[1] + pc.margin[1]*diff(pc1_range), pc1_range[2] - pc.margin[1]*diff(pc1_range)) # Set min and max for scores along PC2 pc2_range <- range(scores[, pcs[2]]) pc2_range <- c(pc2_range[1] + pc.margin[2]*diff(pc2_range), pc2_range[2] - pc.margin[2]*diff(pc2_range)) # Replace mean PC1 scores with particular scores at evenly spaced points across range scores_bt[, pcs[1]] <- rep(seq(from=pc1_range[1], to=pc1_range[2], length=n[1]), n[2]) # Replace mean PC2 scores with particular scores at evenly spaced points across range y <- rep(NA, 0) for(s in 0:(n[2]-1)) y <- c(y, rep((pc2_range[2] - pc2_range[1])*(s/(n[2]-1)) + pc2_range[1], n[1])) scores_bt[, pcs[2]] <- t(y) # Set rownames row_names <- cbind(paste0('PC', pcs[1], '_', rep(1:n[1], n[2])), paste0('PC', pcs[2], '_', c(matrix(rep(1:n[2], n[1]), n[1], n[2], byrow=TRUE)))) rownames(scores_bt) <- paste0(row_names[, 1], '_', row_names[, 2]) if(is.null(phy.means)){ # Back-transform PC scores by multiplying by the inverse of the eigenvector matrix lm_bt_temp <- scores_bt %*% solve(vectors) }else{ # Create rows of 1s one <- matrix(1, n_shapes, 1) # Back-transform PC scores by multiplying by the inverse of the eigenvector matrix # Need ginv (from MASS) because eigen vectors from phyl.pca is not a square matrix # The first version of phyl.pca did return a square matrix but then it was changed # to return a non-square matrix lm_bt_temp <- (scores_bt %*% ginv(vectors)) + one %*% t(phy.means) } # Create array to hold each backtransform shape lm_arr <- array(NA, dim=c(length(row.names), m, n_shapes), dimnames=list(row.names, NULL, rownames(scores_bt))) # Fill shape array for(i in 1:n_shapes){ # Get shape coordinates xy <- matrix(lm_bt_temp[i, ], nrow=length(row.names), ncol=m, byrow=TRUE) # Center about zero xy <- xy - matrix(colMeans(xy), nrow(xy), ncol(xy), byrow=TRUE) # Scale to centroid size if(!is.null(centroid.size)) xy <- xy * (centroid.size / sqrt(sum(xy^2))) # Center (by range) about PC score and save to array lm_arr[, , i] <- xy } # Flip positions of shapes in plot by reversing scores for(i in 1:length(pcs)) scores_bt[, pcs[i]] <- flip[i]*scores_bt[, pcs[i]] # Plot each shape for(i in 1:n_shapes){ # Test aspect ratio with square seq_x <- seq(0, 1, length=10) square <- rbind( cbind(seq_x, rep(1,10), rep(0,10)), cbind(rep(1,10), seq_x, rep(0,10)), cbind(seq_x, rep(0,10), rep(0,10)), cbind(rep(0,10), seq_x, rep(0,10)) ), list(scores_bt[i, pcs], square, ...)), list(xy=scores_bt[i, pcs], coor=lm_arr[, , i], ...)) #break } }