import os import pathlib import re import setuptools root_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent exec((root_dir / "src" / "websockets" / "").read_text(encoding="utf-8")) # PyPI disables the "raw" directive. Remove this section of the README. long_description = re.sub( r"^\.\. raw:: html.*?^(?=\w)", "", (root_dir / "README.rst").read_text(encoding="utf-8"), flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) # Set BUILD_EXTENSION to yes or no to force building or not building the # speedups extension. If unset, the extension is built only if possible. if os.environ.get("BUILD_EXTENSION") == "no": ext_modules = [] else: ext_modules = [ setuptools.Extension( "websockets.speedups", sources=["src/websockets/speedups.c"], optional=os.environ.get("BUILD_EXTENSION") != "yes", ) ] # Static values are declared in pyproject.toml. setuptools.setup( version=version, long_description=long_description, ext_modules=ext_modules, )