var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; (function(global, factory) { typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? factory(exports) : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(["exports"], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.sss = {})); })(this, function(exports2) { "use strict"; function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) { return x && x.__esModule &&, "default") ? x["default"] : x; } var lib = { exports: {} }; var Syntax$2 = { Note: "Note", Rest: "Rest", Octave: "Octave", OctaveShift: "OctaveShift", NoteLength: "NoteLength", NoteVelocity: "NoteVelocity", NoteQuantize: "NoteQuantize", Tempo: "Tempo", InfiniteLoop: "InfiniteLoop", LoopBegin: "LoopBegin", LoopExit: "LoopExit", LoopEnd: "LoopEnd" }; var DefaultParams$1 = { tempo: 120, octave: 4, length: 4, velocity: 100, quantize: 75, loopCount: 2 }; var _createClass$2 = function() { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck$2(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var Scanner$1 = function() { function Scanner2(source) { _classCallCheck$2(this, Scanner2); this.source = source; this.index = 0; } _createClass$2(Scanner2, [{ key: "hasNext", value: function hasNext() { return this.index < this.source.length; } }, { key: "peek", value: function peek() { return this.source.charAt(this.index) || ""; } }, { key: "next", value: function next() { return this.source.charAt(this.index++) || ""; } }, { key: "forward", value: function forward() { while (this.hasNext() && this.match(/\s/)) { this.index += 1; } } }, { key: "match", value: function match(matcher) { if (matcher instanceof RegExp) { return matcher.test(this.peek()); } return this.peek() === matcher; } }, { key: "expect", value: function expect(matcher) { if (!this.match(matcher)) { this.throwUnexpectedToken(); } this.index += 1; } }, { key: "scan", value: function scan(matcher) { var target = this.source.substr(this.index); var result = null; if (matcher instanceof RegExp) { var matched = matcher.exec(target); if (matched && matched.index === 0) { result = matched[0]; } } else if (target.substr(0, matcher.length) === matcher) { result = matcher; } if (result) { this.index += result.length; } return result; } }, { key: "throwUnexpectedToken", value: function throwUnexpectedToken() { var identifier = this.peek() || "ILLEGAL"; throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected token: " + identifier); } }]); return Scanner2; }(); var Scanner_1 = Scanner$1; var _createClass$1 = function() { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck$1(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var Syntax$1 = Syntax$2; var Scanner = Scanner_1; var NOTE_INDEXES = { c: 0, d: 2, e: 4, f: 5, g: 7, a: 9, b: 11 }; var MMLParser$1 = function() { function MMLParser2(source) { _classCallCheck$1(this, MMLParser2); this.scanner = new Scanner(source); } _createClass$1(MMLParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2() { var _this = this; var result = []; this._readUntil(";", function() { result = result.concat(_this.advance()); }); return result; } }, { key: "advance", value: function advance() { switch (this.scanner.peek()) { case "c": case "d": case "e": case "f": case "g": case "a": case "b": return this.readNote(); case "[": return this.readChord(); case "r": return this.readRest(); case "o": return this.readOctave(); case ">": return this.readOctaveShift(1); case "<": return this.readOctaveShift(-1); case "l": return this.readNoteLength(); case "q": return this.readNoteQuantize(); case "v": return this.readNoteVelocity(); case "t": return this.readTempo(); case "$": return this.readInfiniteLoop(); case "/": return this.readLoop(); } this.scanner.throwUnexpectedToken(); } }, { key: "readNote", value: function readNote() { return { type: Syntax$1.Note, noteNumbers: [this._readNoteNumber(0)], noteLength: this._readLength() }; } }, { key: "readChord", value: function readChord() { var _this2 = this; this.scanner.expect("["); var noteList = []; var offset = 0; this._readUntil("]", function() { switch (_this2.scanner.peek()) { case "c": case "d": case "e": case "f": case "g": case "a": case "b": noteList.push(_this2._readNoteNumber(offset)); break; case ">":; offset += 12; break; case "<":; offset -= 12; break; default: _this2.scanner.throwUnexpectedToken(); } }); this.scanner.expect("]"); return { type: Syntax$1.Note, noteNumbers: noteList, noteLength: this._readLength() }; } }, { key: "readRest", value: function readRest() { this.scanner.expect("r"); return { type: Syntax$1.Rest, noteLength: this._readLength() }; } }, { key: "readOctave", value: function readOctave() { this.scanner.expect("o"); return { type: Syntax$1.Octave, value: this._readArgument(/\d+/) }; } }, { key: "readOctaveShift", value: function readOctaveShift(direction) { this.scanner.expect(/<|>/); return { type: Syntax$1.OctaveShift, direction: direction | 0, value: this._readArgument(/\d+/) }; } }, { key: "readNoteLength", value: function readNoteLength() { this.scanner.expect("l"); return { type: Syntax$1.NoteLength, noteLength: this._readLength() }; } }, { key: "readNoteQuantize", value: function readNoteQuantize() { this.scanner.expect("q"); return { type: Syntax$1.NoteQuantize, value: this._readArgument(/\d+/) }; } }, { key: "readNoteVelocity", value: function readNoteVelocity() { this.scanner.expect("v"); return { type: Syntax$1.NoteVelocity, value: this._readArgument(/\d+/) }; } }, { key: "readTempo", value: function readTempo() { this.scanner.expect("t"); return { type: Syntax$1.Tempo, value: this._readArgument(/\d+(\.\d+)?/) }; } }, { key: "readInfiniteLoop", value: function readInfiniteLoop() { this.scanner.expect("$"); return { type: Syntax$1.InfiniteLoop }; } }, { key: "readLoop", value: function readLoop() { var _this3 = this; this.scanner.expect("/"); this.scanner.expect(":"); var loopBegin = { type: Syntax$1.LoopBegin }; var loopEnd = { type: Syntax$1.LoopEnd }; var result = []; result = result.concat(loopBegin); this._readUntil(/[|:]/, function() { result = result.concat(_this3.advance()); }); result = result.concat(this._readLoopExit()); this.scanner.expect(":"); this.scanner.expect("/"); loopBegin.value = this._readArgument(/\d+/) || null; result = result.concat(loopEnd); return result; } }, { key: "_readUntil", value: function _readUntil(matcher, callback) { while (this.scanner.hasNext()) { this.scanner.forward(); if (!this.scanner.hasNext() || this.scanner.match(matcher)) { break; } callback(); } } }, { key: "_readArgument", value: function _readArgument(matcher) { var num = this.scanner.scan(matcher); return num !== null ? +num : null; } }, { key: "_readNoteNumber", value: function _readNoteNumber(offset) { var noteIndex = NOTE_INDEXES[]; return noteIndex + this._readAccidental() + offset; } }, { key: "_readAccidental", value: function _readAccidental() { if (this.scanner.match("+")) { return 1 * this.scanner.scan(/\++/).length; } if (this.scanner.match("-")) { return -1 * this.scanner.scan(/\-+/).length; } return 0; } }, { key: "_readDot", value: function _readDot() { var len = (this.scanner.scan(/\.+/) || "").length; var result = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { result[i] = 0; } return result; } }, { key: "_readLength", value: function _readLength() { var result = []; result = result.concat(this._readArgument(/\d+/)); result = result.concat(this._readDot()); var tie = this._readTie(); if (tie) { result = result.concat(tie); } return result; } }, { key: "_readTie", value: function _readTie() { this.scanner.forward(); if (this.scanner.match("^")) {; return this._readLength(); } return null; } }, { key: "_readLoopExit", value: function _readLoopExit() { var _this4 = this; var result = []; if (this.scanner.match("|")) {; var loopExit = { type: Syntax$1.LoopExit }; result = result.concat(loopExit); this._readUntil(":", function() { result = result.concat(_this4.advance()); }); } return result; } }]); return MMLParser2; }(); var MMLParser_1 = MMLParser$1; var _createClass = function() { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var Syntax = Syntax$2; var DefaultParams = DefaultParams$1; var MMLParser = MMLParser_1; var ITERATOR = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"; var MMLIterator$1 = function() { function MMLIterator2(source) { _classCallCheck(this, MMLIterator2); this.source = source; this._commands = new MMLParser(source).parse(); this._commandIndex = 0; this._processedTime = 0; this._iterator = null; this._octave = DefaultParams.octave; this._noteLength = [DefaultParams.length]; this._velocity = DefaultParams.velocity; this._quantize = DefaultParams.quantize; this._tempo = DefaultParams.tempo; this._infiniteLoopIndex = -1; this._loopStack = []; this._done = false; } _createClass(MMLIterator2, [{ key: "hasNext", value: function hasNext() { return this._commandIndex < this._commands.length; } }, { key: "next", value: function next() { if (this._done) { return { done: true, value: null }; } if (this._iterator) { var iterItem =; if (!iterItem.done) { return iterItem; } } var command = this._forward(true); if (isNoteEvent(command)) { this._iterator = this[command.type](command); } else { this._done = true; return { done: false, value: { type: "end", time: this._processedTime } }; } return; } }, { key: ITERATOR, value: function value() { return this; } }, { key: "_forward", value: function _forward(forward) { while (this.hasNext() && !isNoteEvent(this._commands[this._commandIndex])) { var command = this._commands[this._commandIndex++]; this[command.type](command); } if (forward && !this.hasNext() && this._infiniteLoopIndex !== -1) { this._commandIndex = this._infiniteLoopIndex; return this._forward(false); } return this._commands[this._commandIndex++] || {}; } }, { key: "_calcDuration", value: function _calcDuration(noteLength) { var _this = this; if (noteLength[0] === null) { noteLength = this._noteLength.concat(noteLength.slice(1)); } var prev = null; var dotted = 0; noteLength = { switch (elem) { case null: elem = prev; break; case 0: elem = dotted *= 2; break; default: prev = dotted = elem; break; } var length = elem !== null ? elem : DefaultParams.length; return 60 / _this._tempo * (4 / length); }); return noteLength.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); } }, { key: "_calcNoteNumber", value: function _calcNoteNumber(noteNumber) { return noteNumber + this._octave * 12 + 12; } }, { key: Syntax.Note, value: function value(command) { var _this2 = this; var type = "note"; var time = this._processedTime; var duration = this._calcDuration(command.noteLength); var noteNumbers = { return _this2._calcNoteNumber(noteNumber); }); var quantize2 = this._quantize; var velocity = this._velocity; this._processedTime = this._processedTime + duration; return arrayToIterator( { return { type, time, duration, noteNumber, velocity, quantize: quantize2 }; })); } }, { key: Syntax.Rest, value: function value(command) { var duration = this._calcDuration(command.noteLength); this._processedTime = this._processedTime + duration; } }, { key: Syntax.Octave, value: function value(command) { this._octave = command.value !== null ? command.value : DefaultParams.octave; } }, { key: Syntax.OctaveShift, value: function value(command) { var value2 = command.value !== null ? command.value : 1; this._octave += value2 * command.direction; } }, { key: Syntax.NoteLength, value: function value(command) { var noteLength = { return value2 !== null ? value2 : DefaultParams.length; }); this._noteLength = noteLength; } }, { key: Syntax.NoteVelocity, value: function value(command) { this._velocity = command.value !== null ? command.value : DefaultParams.velocity; } }, { key: Syntax.NoteQuantize, value: function value(command) { this._quantize = command.value !== null ? command.value : DefaultParams.quantize; } }, { key: Syntax.Tempo, value: function value(command) { this._tempo = command.value !== null ? command.value : DefaultParams.tempo; } }, { key: Syntax.InfiniteLoop, value: function value() { this._infiniteLoopIndex = this._commandIndex; } }, { key: Syntax.LoopBegin, value: function value(command) { var loopCount = command.value !== null ? command.value : DefaultParams.loopCount; var loopTopIndex = this._commandIndex; var loopOutIndex = -1; this._loopStack.push({ loopCount, loopTopIndex, loopOutIndex }); } }, { key: Syntax.LoopExit, value: function value() { var looper = this._loopStack[this._loopStack.length - 1]; var index2 = this._commandIndex; if (looper.loopCount <= 1 && looper.loopOutIndex !== -1) { index2 = looper.loopOutIndex; } this._commandIndex = index2; } }, { key: Syntax.LoopEnd, value: function value() { var looper = this._loopStack[this._loopStack.length - 1]; var index2 = this._commandIndex; if (looper.loopOutIndex === -1) { looper.loopOutIndex = this._commandIndex; } looper.loopCount -= 1; if (0 < looper.loopCount) { index2 = looper.loopTopIndex; } else { this._loopStack.pop(); } this._commandIndex = index2; } }]); return MMLIterator2; }(); function arrayToIterator(array) { var index2 = 0; return { next: function next() { if (index2 < array.length) { return { done: false, value: array[index2++] }; } return { done: true }; } }; } function isNoteEvent(command) { return command.type === Syntax.Note || command.type === Syntax.Rest; } var MMLIterator_1 = MMLIterator$1; (function(module2) { module2.exports = MMLIterator_1; })(lib); const MMLIterator = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(lib.exports); var jsfx = {}; (function(jsfx2) { var TAU = +Math.PI * 2; var bitsPerSample = 16 | 0; var numChannels = 1 | 0; var sin = Math.sin; var pow = Math.pow; var abs = Math.abs; var EPSILON = 1e-6; var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; jsfx2.SampleRate = 0 | 0; jsfx2.Sec = 0 | 0; jsfx2.SetSampleRate = function(sampleRate) { jsfx2.SampleRate = sampleRate | 0; jsfx2.Sec = sampleRate | 0; }; jsfx2.SetSampleRate(getDefaultSampleRate()); jsfx2.Live = function() { var player = {}; player._generate = function(params) { var processor = new Processor(params, jsfx2.DefaultModules); var block = createFloatArray(processor.getSamplesLeft()); processor.generate(block); return block; }; return player; }; jsfx2.Module = {}; jsfx2.G = {}; var stage = jsfx2.stage = { PhaseSpeed: 0, PhaseSpeedMod: 10, Generator: 20, SampleMod: 30, Volume: 40 }; function byStage(a, b) { return a.stage - b.stage; } jsfx2.InitDefaultParams = InitDefaultParams; function InitDefaultParams(params, modules) { for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i += 1) { var M = modules[i]; var P = params[] || {}; map_object(M.params, function(def, name2) { if (typeof P[name2] === "undefined") { P[name2] = def.D; } }); params[] = P; } } jsfx2.Processor = Processor; function Processor(params, modules) { params = params || {}; modules = modules || jsfx2.DefaultModules; if (typeof params === "function") { params = params(); } else { params = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params)); } this.finished = false; this.state = { SampleRate: params.SampleRate || jsfx2.SampleRate }; modules = modules.slice(); modules.sort(byStage); this.modules = modules; InitDefaultParams(params, modules); for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i += 1) { var M = this.modules[i]; this.modules[i].setup(this.state, params[]); } } Processor.prototype = { generate: function(block) { for (var i = 0 | 0; i < block.length; i += 1) { block[i] = 0; } if (this.finished) { return; } var $ = this.state, N = block.length | 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i += 1) { var M = this.modules[i]; var n = M.process($, block.subarray(0, N)) | 0; N = Math.min(N, n); } if (N < block.length) { this.finished = true; } for (var i = N; i < block.length; i++) { block[i] = 0; } }, getSamplesLeft: function() { var samples = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.state.envelopes.length; i += 1) { samples += this.state.envelopes[i].N; } if (samples === 0) { samples = 3 * this.state.SampleRate; } return samples; } }; jsfx2.Module.Frequency = { name: "Frequency", params: { Start: { L: 30, H: 1800, D: 440 }, Min: { L: 30, H: 1800, D: 30 }, Max: { L: 30, H: 1800, D: 1800 }, Slide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, DeltaSlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, RepeatSpeed: { L: 0, H: 3, D: 0 }, ChangeAmount: { L: -12, H: 12, D: 0 }, ChangeSpeed: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 } }, stage: stage.PhaseSpeed, setup: function($, P) { var SR = $.SampleRate; $.phaseParams = P; $.phaseSpeed = P.Start * TAU / SR; $.phaseSpeedMax = P.Max * TAU / SR; $.phaseSpeedMin = P.Min * TAU / SR; $.phaseSpeedMin = Math.min($.phaseSpeedMin, $.phaseSpeed); $.phaseSpeedMax = Math.max($.phaseSpeedMax, $.phaseSpeed); $.phaseSlide = 1 + pow(P.Slide, 3) * 64 / SR; $.phaseDeltaSlide = pow(P.DeltaSlide, 3) / (SR * 1e3); $.repeatTime = 0; $.repeatLimit = Infinity; if (P.RepeatSpeed > 0) { $.repeatLimit = P.RepeatSpeed * SR; } $.arpeggiatorTime = 0; $.arpeggiatorLimit = P.ChangeSpeed * SR; if (P.ChangeAmount == 0) { $.arpeggiatorLimit = Infinity; } $.arpeggiatorMod = 1 + P.ChangeAmount / 12; }, process: function($, block) { var speed = +$.phaseSpeed, min = +$.phaseSpeedMin, max = +$.phaseSpeedMax, slide = +$.phaseSlide, deltaSlide = +$.phaseDeltaSlide; var repeatTime = $.repeatTime, repeatLimit = $.repeatLimit; var arpTime = $.arpeggiatorTime, arpLimit = $.arpeggiatorLimit, arpMod = $.arpeggiatorMod; for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { slide += deltaSlide; speed *= slide; speed = speed < min ? min : speed > max ? max : speed; if (repeatTime > repeatLimit) { this.setup($, $.phaseParams); return i + this.process($, block.subarray(i)) - 1; } repeatTime++; if (arpTime > arpLimit) { speed *= arpMod; arpTime = 0; arpLimit = Infinity; } arpTime++; block[i] += speed; } $.repeatTime = repeatTime; $.arpeggiatorTime = arpTime; $.arpeggiatorLimit = arpLimit; $.phaseSpeed = speed; $.phaseSlide = slide; return block.length; } }; jsfx2.Module.Vibrato = { name: "Vibrato", params: { Depth: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 }, DepthSlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, Frequency: { L: 0.01, H: 48, D: 0 }, FrequencySlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 } }, stage: stage.PhaseSpeedMod, setup: function($, P) { var SR = $.SampleRate; $.vibratoPhase = 0; $.vibratoDepth = P.Depth; $.vibratoPhaseSpeed = P.Frequency * TAU / SR; $.vibratoPhaseSpeedSlide = 1 + pow(P.FrequencySlide, 3) * 3 / SR; $.vibratoDepthSlide = P.DepthSlide / SR; }, process: function($, block) { var phase = +$.vibratoPhase, depth = +$.vibratoDepth, speed = +$.vibratoPhaseSpeed, slide = +$.vibratoPhaseSpeedSlide, depthSlide = +$.vibratoDepthSlide; if (depth == 0 && depthSlide <= 0) { return block.length; } for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { phase += speed; if (phase > TAU) { phase -= TAU; } block[i] += block[i] * sin(phase) * depth; speed *= slide; depth += depthSlide; depth = clamp1(depth); } $.vibratoPhase = phase; $.vibratoDepth = depth; $.vibratoPhaseSpeed = speed; return block.length; } }; jsfx2.Module.Generator = { name: "Generator", params: { Func: { C: jsfx2.G, D: "square" }, A: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 }, B: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 }, ASlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, BSlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 } }, stage: stage.Generator, setup: function($, P) { $.generatorPhase = 0; if (typeof P.Func === "string") { $.generator = jsfx2.G[P.Func]; } else { $.generator = P.Func; } if (typeof $.generator === "object") { $.generator = $.generator.create(); } assert(typeof $.generator === "function", "generator must be a function"); $.generatorA = P.A; $.generatorASlide = P.ASlide; $.generatorB = P.B; $.generatorBSlide = P.BSlide; }, process: function($, block) { return $.generator($, block); } }; var GuitarBufferSize = 1 << 16; jsfx2.Module.Guitar = { name: "Guitar", params: { A: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 1 }, B: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 1 }, C: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 1 } }, stage: stage.Generator, setup: function($, P) { $.guitarA = P.A; $.guitarB = P.B; $.guitarC = P.C; $.guitarBuffer = createFloatArray(GuitarBufferSize); $.guitarHead = 0; var B = $.guitarBuffer; for (var i = 0; i < B.length; i++) { B[i] = random2() * 2 - 1; } }, process: function($, block) { var BS = GuitarBufferSize, BM = BS - 1; var A = +$.guitarA, B = +$.guitarB, C = +$.guitarC; var T = A + B + C; var h = $.guitarHead; var buffer = $.guitarBuffer; for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { var n = TAU / block[i] | 0; n = n > BS ? BS : n; var t = h - n + BS & BM; buffer[h] = (buffer[t - 0 + BS & BM] * A + buffer[t - 1 + BS & BM] * B + buffer[t - 2 + BS & BM] * C) / T; block[i] = buffer[h]; h = h + 1 & BM; } $.guitarHead = h; return block.length; } }; jsfx2.Module.Filter = { name: "Filter", params: { LP: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 1 }, LPSlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, LPResonance: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 }, HP: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0 }, HPSlide: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 } }, stage: stage.SampleMod + 0, setup: function($, P) { $.FilterEnabled = P.HP > EPSILON || P.LP < 1 - EPSILON; $.LPEnabled = P.LP < 1 - EPSILON; $.LP = pow(P.LP, 3) / 10; $.LPSlide = 1 + P.LPSlide * 100 / $.SampleRate; $.LPPos = 0; $.LPPosSlide = 0; $.LPDamping = 5 / (1 + pow(P.LPResonance, 2) * 20) * (0.01 + P.LP); $.LPDamping = 1 - Math.min($.LPDamping, 0.8); $.HP = pow(P.HP, 2) / 10; $.HPPos = 0; $.HPSlide = 1 + P.HPSlide * 100 / $.SampleRate; }, enabled: function($) { return $.FilterEnabled; }, process: function($, block) { if (!this.enabled($)) { return block.length; } var lp = +$.LP; var lpPos = +$.LPPos; var lpPosSlide = +$.LPPosSlide; var lpSlide = +$.LPSlide; var lpDamping = +$.LPDamping; var lpEnabled = +$.LPEnabled; var hp = +$.HP; var hpPos = +$.HPPos; var hpSlide = +$.HPSlide; for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { if (hp > EPSILON || hp < -EPSILON) { hp *= hpSlide; hp = hp < EPSILON ? EPSILON : hp > 0.1 ? 0.1 : hp; } var lpPos_ = lpPos; lp *= lpSlide; lp = lp < 0 ? lp = 0 : lp > 0.1 ? 0.1 : lp; var sample = block[i]; if (lpEnabled) { lpPosSlide += (sample - lpPos) * lp; lpPosSlide *= lpDamping; } else { lpPos = sample; lpPosSlide = 0; } lpPos += lpPosSlide; hpPos += lpPos - lpPos_; hpPos *= 1 - hp; block[i] = hpPos; } $.LPPos = lpPos; $.LPPosSlide = lpPosSlide; $.LP = lp; $.HP = hp; $.HPPos = hpPos; return block.length; } }; var PhaserBufferSize = 1 << 10; jsfx2.Module.Phaser = { name: "Phaser", params: { Offset: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 }, Sweep: { L: -1, H: 1, D: 0 } }, stage: stage.SampleMod + 1, setup: function($, P) { $.phaserBuffer = createFloatArray(PhaserBufferSize); $.phaserPos = 0; $.phaserOffset = pow(P.Offset, 2) * (PhaserBufferSize - 4); $.phaserOffsetSlide = pow(P.Sweep, 3) * 4e3 / $.SampleRate; }, enabled: function($) { return abs($.phaserOffsetSlide) > EPSILON || abs($.phaserOffset) > EPSILON; }, process: function($, block) { if (!this.enabled($)) { return block.length; } var BS = PhaserBufferSize, BM = BS - 1; var buffer = $.phaserBuffer, pos = $.phaserPos | 0, offset = +$.phaserOffset, offsetSlide = +$.phaserOffsetSlide; for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { offset += offsetSlide; if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; offsetSlide = -offsetSlide; } if (offset > BM) { offset = BM; offsetSlide = 0; } buffer[pos] = block[i]; var p = pos - (offset | 0) + BS & BM; block[i] += buffer[p]; pos = pos + 1 & BM | 0; } $.phaserPos = pos; $.phaserOffset = offset; return block.length; } }; jsfx2.Module.Volume = { name: "Volume", params: { Master: { L: 0, H: 1, D: 0.5 }, Attack: { L: 1e-3, H: 1, D: 0.01 }, Sustain: { L: 0, H: 2, D: 0.3 }, Punch: { L: 0, H: 3, D: 1 }, Decay: { L: 1e-3, H: 2, D: 1 } }, stage: stage.Volume, setup: function($, P) { var SR = $.SampleRate; var V = P.Master; var VP = V * (1 + P.Punch); $.envelopes = [ { S: 0, E: V, N: P.Attack * SR | 0 }, { S: VP, E: V, N: P.Sustain * SR | 0 }, { S: V, E: 0, N: P.Decay * SR | 0 } ]; for (var i = 0; i < $.envelopes.length; i += 1) { var e = $.envelopes[i]; e.G = (e.E - e.S) / e.N; } }, process: function($, block) { var i = 0; while ($.envelopes.length > 0 && i < block.length) { var E = $.envelopes[0]; var vol = E.S, grad = E.G; var N = Math.min(block.length - i, E.N) | 0; var end = i + N | 0; for (; i < end; i += 1) { block[i] *= vol; vol += grad; vol = clamp(vol, 0, 10); } E.S = vol; E.N -= N; if (E.N <= 0) { $.envelopes.shift(); } } return i; } }; jsfx2.DefaultModules = [ jsfx2.Module.Frequency, jsfx2.Module.Vibrato, jsfx2.Module.Generator, jsfx2.Module.Filter, jsfx2.Module.Phaser, jsfx2.Module.Volume ]; jsfx2.DefaultModules.sort(byStage); jsfx2.EmptyParams = EmptyParams; function EmptyParams() { return map_object(jsfx2.Module, function() { return {}; }); } jsfx2._RemoveEmptyParams = RemoveEmptyParams; function RemoveEmptyParams(params) { for (var name2 in params) { if (Object_keys(params[name2]).length == 0) { delete params[name2]; } } } jsfx2.Preset = { Reset: function() { return EmptyParams(); }, Coin: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Frequency.Start = runif(880, 660); p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.4, 0.1); p.Volume.Punch = runif(0.3, 0.3); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Frequency.ChangeSpeed = runif(0.15, 0.1); p.Frequency.ChangeAmount = runif(8, 4); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Laser: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = rchoose(["square", "saw", "sine"]); if (runif() < 0.33) { p.Frequency.Start = runif(880, 440); p.Frequency.Min = runif(0.1); p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.3, -0.8); } else { p.Frequency.Start = runif(1200, 440); p.Frequency.Min = p.Frequency.Start - runif(880, 440); if (p.Frequency.Min < 110) { p.Frequency.Min = 110; } p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.3, -1); } if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Generator.A = runif(0.5); p.Generator.ASlide = runif(0.2); } else { p.Generator.A = runif(0.5, 0.4); p.Generator.ASlide = runif(0.7); } p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.2, 0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.4); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Volume.Punch = runif(0.3); } if (runif() < 0.33) { p.Phaser.Offset = runif(0.2); p.Phaser.Sweep = runif(0.2); } if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Filter.HP = runif(0.3); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Explosion: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = "noise"; if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Frequency.Start = runif(440, 40); p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.4, -0.1); } else { p.Frequency.Start = runif(1600, 220); p.Frequency.Slide = runif(-0.2, -0.2); } if (runif() < 0.2) { p.Frequency.Slide = 0; } if (runif() < 0.3) { p.Frequency.RepeatSpeed = runif(0.5, 0.3); } p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.3, 0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.5); p.Volume.Punch = runif(0.6, 0.2); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Phaser.Offset = runif(0.9, -0.3); p.Phaser.Sweep = runif(-0.3); } if (runif() < 0.33) { p.Frequency.ChangeSpeed = runif(0.3, 0.6); p.Frequency.ChangeAmount = runif(24, -12); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Powerup: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Generator.Func = "saw"; } else { p.Generator.A = runif(0.6); } p.Frequency.Start = runif(220, 440); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.5, 0.2); p.Frequency.RepeatSpeed = runif(0.4, 0.4); } else { p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.2, 0.05); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Vibrato.Depth = runif(0.6, 0.1); p.Vibrato.Frequency = runif(30, 10); } } p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.4); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.4, 0.1); RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Hit: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = rchoose(["square", "saw", "noise"]); p.Generator.A = runif(0.6); p.Generator.ASlide = runif(1, -0.5); p.Frequency.Start = runif(880, 220); p.Frequency.Slide = -runif(0.4, 0.3); p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.2, 0.1); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Filter.HP = runif(0.3); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Jump: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = "square"; p.Generator.A = runif(0.6); p.Frequency.Start = runif(330, 330); p.Frequency.Slide = runif(0.4, 0.2); p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.3, 0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.2, 0.1); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Filter.HP = runif(0.3); } if (runif() < 0.3) { p.Filter.LP = runif(-0.6, 1); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Select: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = rchoose(["square", "saw"]); p.Generator.A = runif(0.6); p.Frequency.Start = runif(660, 220); p.Volume.Sustain = runif(0.1, 0.1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.2); p.Filter.HP = 0.2; RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Lucky: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); map_object(p, function(out, moduleName) { var defs = jsfx2.Module[moduleName].params; map_object(defs, function(def, name2) { if (def.C) { var values = Object_keys(def.C); out[name2] = values[values.length * random2() | 0]; } else { out[name2] = random2() * (def.H - def.L) + def.L; } }); }); p.Volume.Master = 0.4; p.Filter = {}; RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Synth: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = rchoose(["square", "saw"]); p.Frequency.Start = rchoose([340, 240, 170]); p.Volume.Attack = runif() > 0.6 ? runif(0.5) : 0; p.Volume.Sustain = runif(1); p.Volume.Punch = runif(1); p.Volume.Decay = runif(0.9) + 0.1; p.Generator.A = runif(1); if (runif() < 0.25) { p.Filter.HP = runif(1); } if (runif() < 0.25) { p.Filter.LP = runif(1); } RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Tone: function() { var p = EmptyParams(); p.Generator.Func = "square"; p.Frequency.Start = 261.6; p.Volume.Sustain = 0.6441; RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; }, Click: function() { var p = runif() > 0.5 ? jsfx2.Preset.Hit() : jsfx2.Preset.Explosion(); if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Frequency.Slide = -0.5 + runif(1); } if (runif() < 0.5) { p.Volume.Sustain *= runif(0.4) + 0.2; p.Volume.Decay *= runif(0.4) + 0.2; } p.Frequency.Start = runif(1200, 440); RemoveEmptyParams(p); return p; } }; jsfx2.G.unoise = newGenerator("sample = Math.random();"); jsfx2.G.sine = newGenerator("sample = Math.sin(phase);"); jsfx2.G.saw = newGenerator("sample = 2*(phase/TAU - ((phase/TAU + 0.5)|0));"); jsfx2.G.triangle = newGenerator( "sample = Math.abs(4 * ((phase/TAU - 0.25)%1) - 2) - 1;" ); jsfx2.G.square = newGenerator( "var s = Math.sin(phase); sample = s > A ? 1.0 : s < A ? -1.0 : A;" ); jsfx2.G.synth = newGenerator( "sample = Math.sin(phase) + .5*Math.sin(phase/2) + .3*Math.sin(phase/4);" ); jsfx2.G.noise = newGenerator( "if(phase % TAU < 4){__noiseLast = Math.random() * 2 - 1;} sample = __noiseLast;" ); jsfx2.G.string = { create: function() { var BS = 1 << 16; var BM = BS - 1; var buffer = createFloatArray(BS); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { buffer[i] = random2() * 2 - 1; } var head = 0; return function($, block) { var TAU2 = Math.PI * 2; var A = +$.generatorA, ASlide = +$.generatorASlide, B = +$.generatorB, BSlide = +$.generatorBSlide; var buf = buffer; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < block.length; i2++) { var phaseSpeed = block[i2]; var n = TAU2 / phaseSpeed | 0; A += ASlide; B += BSlide; A = A < 0 ? 0 : A > 1 ? 1 : A; B = B < 0 ? 0 : B > 1 ? 1 : B; var t = head - n + BS & BM; var sample = (buf[t - 0 + BS & BM] * 1 + buf[t - 1 + BS & BM] * A + buf[t - 2 + BS & BM] * B) / (1 + A + B); buf[head] = sample; block[i2] = buf[head]; head = head + 1 & BM; } $.generatorA = A; $.generatorB = B; return block.length; }; } }; function newGenerator(line) { return new Function( "$", "block", "var TAU = Math.PI * 2;\nvar sample;\nvar phase = +$.generatorPhase,\n A = +$.generatorA, ASlide = +$.generatorASlide,\n B = +$.generatorB, BSlide = +$.generatorBSlide;\n\nfor(var i = 0; i < block.length; i++){\n var phaseSpeed = block[i];\n phase += phaseSpeed;\n if(phase > TAU){ phase -= TAU };\n A += ASlide; B += BSlide;\n A = A < 0 ? 0 : A > 1 ? 1 : A;\n B = B < 0 ? 0 : B > 1 ? 1 : B;\n" + line + " block[i] = sample;\n}\n\n$.generatorPhase = phase;\n$.generatorA = A;\n$.generatorB = B;\nreturn block.length;\n" ); } jsfx2.CreateAudio = CreateAudio; function CreateAudio(data) { if (typeof Float32Array !== "undefined") { assert(data instanceof Float32Array, "data must be an Float32Array"); } var blockAlign = numChannels * bitsPerSample >> 3; var byteRate = jsfx2.SampleRate * blockAlign; var output = createByteArray(8 + 36 + data.length * 2); var p = 0; function S(value) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { output[p] = value.charCodeAt(i); p++; } } function V(value, nBytes) { if (nBytes <= 0) { return; } output[p] = value & 255; p++; V(value >> 8, nBytes - 1); } S("RIFF"); V(36 + data.length * 2, 4); S("WAVEfmt "); V(16, 4); V(1, 2); V(numChannels, 2); V(jsfx2.SampleRate, 4); V(byteRate, 4); V(blockAlign, 2); V(bitsPerSample, 2); S("data"); V(data.length * 2, 4); CopyFToU8(output.subarray(p), data); return new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64," + U8ToB64(output)); } jsfx2.DownloadAsFile = function(audio) { assert(audio instanceof Audio, "input must be an Audio object"); document.location.href = audio.src; }; jsfx2.Util = {}; jsfx2.Util.CopyFToU8 = CopyFToU8; function CopyFToU8(into, floats) { assert( into.length / 2 == floats.length, "the target buffer must be twice as large as the iinput" ); var k = 0; for (var i = 0; i < floats.length; i++) { var v = +floats[i]; var a = v * 32767 | 0; a = a < -32768 ? -32768 : 32767 < a ? 32767 : a; a += a < 0 ? 65536 : 0; into[k] = a & 255; k++; into[k] = a >> 8; k++; } } function U8ToB64(data) { var CHUNK = 32768; var result = ""; for (var start2 = 0; start2 < data.length; start2 += CHUNK) { var end = Math.min(start2 + CHUNK, data.length); result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data.subarray(start2, end)); } return btoa(result); } function getDefaultSampleRate() { if (typeof AudioContext !== "undefined") { return new AudioContext().sampleRate; } return 44100; } function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } } function clamp(v, min, max) { v = +v; min = +min; max = +max; if (v < min) { return +min; } if (v > max) { return +max; } return +v; } function clamp1(v) { v = +v; if (v < 0) { return 0; } if (v > 1) { return 1; } return +v; } function map_object(obj, fn) { var r = {}; for (var name2 in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name2)) { r[name2] = fn(obj[name2], name2); } } return r; } function runif(scale, offset) { var a = random2(); if (scale !== void 0) a *= scale; if (offset !== void 0) a += offset; return a; } function rchoose(gens) { return gens[gens.length * random2() | 0]; } function Object_keys(obj) { var r = []; for (var name2 in obj) { r.push(name2); } return r; } jsfx2._createFloatArray = createFloatArray; function createFloatArray(N) { if (typeof Float32Array === "undefined") { var r = new Array(N); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { r[i] = 0; } } return new Float32Array(N); } function createByteArray(N) { if (typeof Uint8Array === "undefined") { var r = new Array(N); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { r[i] = 0 | 0; } } return new Uint8Array(N); } var randomFunc = Math.random; jsfx2.setRandomFunc = function(func) { randomFunc = func; }; function random2() { return randomFunc(); } })(jsfx = {}); let audioContext; let tempo; let playInterval; let quantize; let volume; let isStarted = false; function init$3(_audioContext = void 0) { audioContext = _audioContext == null ? new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)() : _audioContext; setTempo(); setQuantize(); setVolume(); } function start() { if (isStarted) { return; } isStarted = true; playEmpty(); } function setTempo(_tempo = 120) { tempo = _tempo; playInterval = 60 / tempo; } function setQuantize(noteLength = 8) { quantize = noteLength > 0 ? 4 / noteLength : void 0; } function setVolume(_volume = 0.1) { volume = _volume; } function getQuantizedTime(time) { if (quantize == null) { return time; } const interval2 = playInterval * quantize; return interval2 > 0 ? Math.ceil(time / interval2) * interval2 : time; } function playEmpty() { const bufferSource = audioContext.createBufferSource(); bufferSource.start = bufferSource.start || bufferSource.noteOn; bufferSource.start(); } function resumeAudioContext() { audioContext.resume(); } class Random { constructor(seed = null) { __publicField(this, "x"); __publicField(this, "y"); __publicField(this, "z"); __publicField(this, "w"); this.setSeed(seed); } get(lowOrHigh = 1, high) { if (high == null) { high = lowOrHigh; lowOrHigh = 0; } return / 4294967295 * (high - lowOrHigh) + lowOrHigh; } getInt(lowOrHigh, high) { if (high == null) { high = lowOrHigh; lowOrHigh = 0; } const lowOrHighInt = Math.floor(lowOrHigh); const highInt = Math.floor(high); if (highInt === lowOrHighInt) { return lowOrHighInt; } return % (highInt - lowOrHighInt) + lowOrHighInt; } getPlusOrMinus() { return this.getInt(2) * 2 - 1; } select(values) { return values[this.getInt(values.length)]; } setSeed(w, x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, loopCount = 32) { this.w = w != null ? w >>> 0 : Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295) >>> 0; this.x = x >>> 0; this.y = y >>> 0; this.z = z >>> 0; for (let i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {; } return this; } getState() { return { x: this.x, y: this.y, z: this.z, w: this.w }; } next() { const t = this.x ^ this.x << 11; this.x = this.y; this.y = this.z; this.z = this.w; this.w = (this.w ^ this.w >>> 19 ^ (t ^ t >>> 8)) >>> 0; return this.w; } } function times(n, func) { let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { result.push(func(i)); } return result; } function pitchToFreq(pitch) { return 440 * Math.pow(2, (pitch - 69) / 12); } function getHashFromString(str) { let hash = 0; const len = str.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const chr = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr; hash |= 0; } return hash; } const types = [ "coin", "laser", "explosion", "powerUp", "hit", "jump", "select", "lucky", "random", "click", "synth", "tone" ]; const typeFunctionNames = { coin: "Coin", laser: "Laser", explosion: "Explosion", powerUp: "Powerup", hit: "Hit", jump: "Jump", select: "Select", lucky: "Lucky", random: "Lucky", click: "Click", synth: "Synth", tone: "Tone" }; const random$2 = new Random(); let soundEffects$1; let live; function init$2() { live = jsfx.Live(); soundEffects$1 = []; jsfx.setRandomFunc(() => random$2.get()); } function play$2(soundEffect) { playSoundEffect$1(soundEffect); } function update$3(currentTime) { soundEffects$1.forEach((se) => { updateSoundEffect(se, currentTime); }); } function get$9(type = void 0, seed = void 0, numberOfSounds = 2, volume2 = 0.5, freq2 = void 0, attackRatio = 1, sustainRatio = 1) { if (seed != null) { random$2.setSeed(seed); } const preset = jsfx.Preset[typeFunctionNames[type != null ? type : types[random$2.getInt(8)]]]; const params = times(numberOfSounds, () => { const p = preset(); if (freq2 != null && p.Frequency.Start != null) { p.Frequency.Start = freq2; } if (p.Volume.Attack != null) { p.Volume.Attack *= attackRatio; } if (p.Volume.Sustain != null) { p.Volume.Sustain *= sustainRatio; } return p; }); return createBuffers(type, params, volume2); } function createBuffers(type, params, volume$1) { const buffers = => { const values = live._generate(p); const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, values.length, jsfx.SampleRate); var channelData = buffer.getChannelData(0); channelData.set(values); return buffer; }); const gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); gainNode.gain.value = volume$1 * volume; gainNode.connect(audioContext.destination); return { type, params, volume: volume$1, buffers, bufferSourceNodes: void 0, gainNode, isPlaying: false, playedTime: void 0 }; } function getForSequence(sequence, isDrum, seed, type, volume2) { const random2 = new Random(); random2.setSeed(seed); let se; if (isDrum) { let t =["hit", "hit", "click", "click", "explosion"]); if (type != null) { t = type; } se = get$9( t, random2.getInt(999999999), t === "explosion" ? 1 : 2, volume2 != null ? volume2 : t === "explosion" ? 0.4 : 0.5, random2.get(100, 200), t === "explosion" ? 0.5 : 1, t === "explosion" ? 0.2 : 1 ); } else { const al = calcNoteLengthAverage(sequence); let t = random2.get() < 1 / al ? "select" :["tone", "tone", "synth"]); if (type != null) { t = type; } se = get$9( t, random2.getInt(999999999), t !== "select" ? 1 : 2, volume2 != null ? volume2 : t === "tone" ? 0.3 : t === "synth" ? 0.4 : 0.25, 261.6, t !== "select" ? 0.1 : 1, t !== "select" ? 2 : 1 ); } se.isDrum = isDrum; se.seed = seed; return se; } function calcNoteLengthAverage(sequence) { if (sequence == null || sequence.notes.length === 0) { return 1; } let sl = 0; let nc = 0; sequence.notes.forEach((n) => { const o = n.quantizedEndStep - n.quantizedStartStep; if (o > 0) { sl += o; nc++; } }); return sl / nc; } function add$3(se) { soundEffects$1.push(se); } function playSoundEffect$1(soundEffect) { soundEffect.isPlaying = true; } function updateSoundEffect(soundEffect, currentTime) { if (!soundEffect.isPlaying) { return; } soundEffect.isPlaying = false; const time = getQuantizedTime(currentTime); if (soundEffect.playedTime == null || time > soundEffect.playedTime) { playLater(soundEffect, time); soundEffect.playedTime = time; } } function playLater(soundEffect, when, detune = void 0) { soundEffect.bufferSourceNodes = []; soundEffect.buffers.forEach((b) => { const bufferSourceNode = audioContext.createBufferSource(); bufferSourceNode.buffer = b; if (detune != null && bufferSourceNode.playbackRate != null) { const semitoneRatio = Math.pow(2, 1 / 12); bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.value = Math.pow(semitoneRatio, detune); } bufferSourceNode.start = bufferSourceNode.start || bufferSourceNode.noteOn; bufferSourceNode.connect(soundEffect.gainNode); bufferSourceNode.start(when); soundEffect.bufferSourceNodes.push(bufferSourceNode); }); } function stop$1(soundEffect, when = void 0) { if (soundEffect.bufferSourceNodes != null) { soundEffect.bufferSourceNodes.forEach((n) => { if (when == null) { n.stop(); } else { n.stop(when); } }); soundEffect.bufferSourceNodes = void 0; } } const volumeMultiplier = 100; function fromMml(mml) { let leftMml = `${mml}`; let type; types.forEach((t) => { const st = `@${t}`; const ti = leftMml.indexOf(st); if (ti >= 0) { type = t; leftMml = `${leftMml.slice(0, ti)}${leftMml.slice(ti + st.length)}`; } }); const sd = "@d"; const di = leftMml.indexOf(sd); let isDrum = false; if (di >= 0) { isDrum = true; leftMml = `${leftMml.slice(0, di)}${leftMml.slice(di + sd.length)}`; } const ss = leftMml.match(/@s\d+/); let seed = 1; if (ss != null) { seed = Number.parseInt(ss[0].substring(2)); leftMml = leftMml.replace(/@s\d+/, ""); } const vs = leftMml.match(/v\d+/); let volume2 = 0.5; if (vs != null) { volume2 = Number.parseInt(vs[0].substring(1)) / volumeMultiplier; leftMml = leftMml.replace(/v\d+/, ""); } return { mml: leftMml, args: { isDrum, seed, type, volume: volume2 } }; } function get$8(mml, sequence, soundEffect2, visualizer) { return { mml, sequence, soundEffect: soundEffect2, noteIndex: 0, endStep: -1, visualizer }; } function update$2(t, p, time) { const n = p.sequence.notes[p.noteIndex]; if (n == null) { return; } if ((p.soundEffect.type === "synth" || p.soundEffect.type === "tone") && p.endStep === t.notesStepsIndex) { stop$1(p.soundEffect, time); } if (n.quantizedStartStep !== t.notesStepsIndex) { return; } if (p.soundEffect.type === "synth" || p.soundEffect.type === "tone") { stop$1(p.soundEffect); } if (p.soundEffect.isDrum) { playLater(p.soundEffect, time); } else { playLater(p.soundEffect, time, n.pitch - 69); } if (p.visualizer != null) { p.visualizer.redraw(n); } p.endStep = n.quantizedEndStep; if (p.endStep >= t.notesStepsCount) { p.endStep -= t.notesStepsCount; } p.noteIndex++; if (p.noteIndex >= p.sequence.notes.length) { p.noteIndex = 0; } } let tracks = []; function init$1() { stopAll(); tracks = []; } function get$7(parts, notesStepsCount, speedRatio = 1) { parts.forEach((p) => { p.noteIndex = 0; }); const t = { parts, notesStepsCount, notesStepsIndex: void 0, noteInterval: void 0, nextNotesTime: void 0, speedRatio, isPlaying: false, isLooping: false }; initTrack(t); return t; } function initTrack(track) { const noteInterval = playInterval / 4 / track.speedRatio; track.notesStepsIndex = 0; track.noteInterval = noteInterval; track.nextNotesTime = getQuantizedTime(audioContext.currentTime) - noteInterval; } function add$2(track) { tracks.push(track); } function remove(track) { tracks = tracks.filter((t) => t !== track); } function update$1(currentTime) { tracks.forEach((t) => { updateTrack(t, currentTime); }); } function play$1(track, isLooping = false) { track.isLooping = isLooping; initTrack(track); track.isPlaying = true; } function stop(track) { track.isPlaying = false; => { stop$1(p.soundEffect); }); } function stopAll() { tracks.forEach((t) => { stop(t); }); } function updateTrack(track, currentTime) { if (!track.isPlaying) { return; } if (currentTime < track.nextNotesTime) { return; } track.nextNotesTime += track.noteInterval; if (track.nextNotesTime < currentTime - playInterval) { track.nextNotesTime = getQuantizedTime(currentTime); } => { update$2(track, p, track.nextNotesTime); }); track.notesStepsIndex++; if (track.notesStepsIndex >= track.notesStepsCount) { if (track.isLooping) { track.notesStepsIndex = 0; } else { track.isPlaying = false; } } } const playPrefixes = { c: "coin", l: "laser", e: "explosion", p: "powerUp", h: "hit", j: "jump", s: "select", u: "random", r: "random", i: "click", y: "synth", t: "tone" }; const random$1 = random$2; let baseRandomSeed$2 = 1; function setSeed$2(_baseRandomSeed) { baseRandomSeed$2 = _baseRandomSeed; } function generateBgm(name2, pitch, len, interval2, numberOfTracks, soundEffectTypes, volume2) { random$1.setSeed(baseRandomSeed$2 + getHashFromString(name2)); initProgression(); prevTrack = null; let param = random$; const tracks2 = times(numberOfTracks, () => { const randomness = Math.floor( Math.abs(random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1) * 3 ); const chordOffset = Math.floor((random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1) * 10); const velocityRatio = Math.abs(random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1); const hasSameNoteWithPrevPart = random$1.get() < 0.25; if (!hasSameNoteWithPrevPart) { param = random$; } const isLimitNoteWidth = random$1.get() < 0.5; const isLimitNoteResolution = random$1.get() < 0.5; const isRepeatHalf = random$1.get() < 0.9; return generatePart( len, param, pitch, 0.7, randomness, chordOffset, velocityRatio, hasSameNoteWithPrevPart, isLimitNoteWidth, isLimitNoteResolution, isRepeatHalf, void 0, volume2 ); }); return getTrack(tracks2, 0.5 / interval2); } function generateJingle(name2 = "0", isSe = false, note2 = 69 - 12, len = 16, interval2 = 0.25, numberOfTracks = 4, volume2 = 1) { random$1.setSeed(baseRandomSeed$2 + getHashFromString(name2)); initProgression(); prevTrack = null; let soundEffectType = playPrefixes[name2[0]]; if (soundEffectType == null) { soundEffectType = types[random$1.getInt(8)]; } let durationRatio = 0.8; if (isSe) { interval2 /= 4; durationRatio /= 2; } const tracks2 = times(numberOfTracks, () => { const randomness = Math.floor( Math.abs(random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1) * 3 ); const chordOffset = Math.floor((random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1) * 10); const velocityRatio = isSe ? 2 : Math.abs(random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1); const hasSameNoteWithPrevPart = random$1.get() < 0.25; const isLimitNoteWidth = isSe ? false : random$1.get() < 0.5; const isLimitNoteResolution = random$1.get() < 0.5; const isRepeatHalf = isSe ? random$1.get() < 0.25 : random$1.get() < 0.9; const restRatio = random$1.get(0.5); const track2 = generatePart( len, soundEffectType, note2, durationRatio, randomness, chordOffset, velocityRatio, hasSameNoteWithPrevPart, isLimitNoteWidth, isLimitNoteResolution, isRepeatHalf, restRatio, volume2 ); return track2; }); return getTrack(tracks2, 0.5 / interval2); } function getTrack(gps, speedRatio) { const parts = => { const notes = []; t.notes.forEach((n, i) => { if (n != null) { notes.push({ pitch: n + 69, quantizedStartStep: i * 2 }); } }); return get$8(void 0, { notes }, t.soundEffect); }); return get$7(parts, gps[0].notes.length * 2, speedRatio); } let prevTrack; function generatePart(len = 32, soundEffectName, pitch = 60, durationRatio = 1, chordOffset = 0, randomness = 0, velocityRatio = 1, hasSameNoteWithPrevPart = false, isLimitNoteWidth = false, isLimitNoteResolution = false, isRepeatHalf = false, restRatio = null, volume2 = 0.1) { const generatedPart = getGeneratedPart( soundEffectName, pitchToFreq(pitch), durationRatio, volume2 ); if (prevTrack != null && hasSameNoteWithPrevPart) { generatedPart.noteRatios = prevTrack.noteRatios; } else { const pattern = restRatio != null ? createRandomPatternWithRestRatio(len, restRatio) : createRandomPattern$1(len); generatedPart.noteRatios = createNoteRatios( pattern, isLimitNoteWidth ? 0 : -1, 1, velocityRatio, isRepeatHalf ); } generatedPart.notes = createNotes( generatedPart.noteRatios, chordOffset, randomness, isLimitNoteResolution ); prevTrack = generatedPart; return generatedPart; } function createRandomPattern$1(len) { let pattern = times(len, () => false); let pi = 4; while (pi <= len) { pattern = reversePattern$1(pattern, pi); pi *= 2; } return pattern; } function reversePattern$1(pattern, interval2) { let pt = times(interval2, () => false); const pn = Math.floor(Math.abs(random$1.get() + random$1.get() - 1) * 4); for (let i = 0; i < pn; i++) { pt[random$1.getInt(interval2 - 1)] = true; } return, i) => pt[i % interval2] ? !p : p); } function createRandomPatternWithRestRatio(len, restRatio) { return times(len, () => random$1.get() >= restRatio); } const chords$2 = [ [0, 4, 7], [0, 3, 7], [0, 4, 7, 10], [0, 4, 7, 11], [0, 3, 7, 10] ]; const progressions = [ [ [0, 0], [7, 0], [9, 1], [4, 1] ], [ [5, 0], [0, 0], [5, 0], [7, 0] ], [ [5, 3], [7, 2], [4, 4], [9, 1] ], [ [9, 1], [2, 1], [7, 0], [0, 0] ], [ [9, 1], [5, 0], [7, 0], [0, 0] ] ]; let progression; function initProgression() { const baseProgression = random$; progression =, i) => [ random$1.get() < 0.7 ? bp[0] : progressions[random$1.getInt(progressions.length)][i][0], random$1.get() < 0.7 ? bp[1] : random$1.getInt(chords$2.length) ]); } function createNoteRatios(pattern, min, max, velocityRatio, isRepeatHalf) { let n = random$1.get(); let nv = random$1.get(-0.5, 0.5); let len = pattern.length; let cordLength = len / progression.length; let noteRatios = []; pattern.forEach((p, pi) => { let i = Math.floor(pi / cordLength); let j = pi % cordLength; if (isRepeatHalf && i === Math.floor(progression.length / 2)) { noteRatios.push(noteRatios[j]); if (noteRatios[j] != null) { n = noteRatios[j]; } return; } if (!p) { noteRatios.push(null); return; } noteRatios.push(n); nv += random$1.get(-0.25, 0.25); n += nv * velocityRatio; if (random$1.get() < 0.2 || n <= min || n >= max) { n -= nv * 2; nv *= -1; } }); return noteRatios; } function createNotes(noteRatios, offset, randomness, isLimitNoteResolution) { let len = noteRatios.length; let cordLength = len / progression.length; return, ni) => { if (nr == null) { return null; } let i = Math.floor(ni / cordLength); let d = progression[i][0]; let chord2 = chords$2[progression[i][1]]; let n = nr; if (isLimitNoteResolution) { n = Math.floor(n * 2) / 2; } let b = Math.floor(n); let cn = Math.floor((n - b) * chord2.length); cn += offset + random$1.getInt(-randomness, randomness + 1); while (cn >= chord2.length) { cn -= chord2.length; b++; } while (cn < 0) { cn += chord2.length; b--; } return d + b * 12 + chord2[cn]; }); } function getGeneratedPart(soundEffectName, freq2, durationRatio, volume2) { return { noteRatios: void 0, notes: void 0, soundEffect: get$9( soundEffectName, void 0, 1, volume2, freq2, durationRatio, durationRatio ) }; } const fillStr = (s, n) => Array(Math.abs(n) + 1).join(s); function deprecate(original, alternative, fn) { return function(...args) { console.warn(`${original} is deprecated. Use ${alternative}.`); return fn.apply(this, args); }; } function isNamed(src) { return src !== null && typeof src === "object" && typeof === "string" ? true : false; } function isPitch(pitch) { return pitch !== null && typeof pitch === "object" && typeof pitch.step === "number" && typeof pitch.alt === "number" ? true : false; } const FIFTHS = [0, 2, 4, -1, 1, 3, 5]; const STEPS_TO_OCTS = => Math.floor(fifths * 7 / 12)); function encode(pitch) { const { step, alt, oct, dir = 1 } = pitch; const f = FIFTHS[step] + 7 * alt; if (oct === void 0) { return [dir * f]; } const o = oct - STEPS_TO_OCTS[step] - 4 * alt; return [dir * f, dir * o]; } const FIFTHS_TO_STEPS = [3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6]; function decode(coord) { const [f, o, dir] = coord; const step = FIFTHS_TO_STEPS[unaltered(f)]; const alt = Math.floor((f + 1) / 7); if (o === void 0) { return { step, alt, dir }; } const oct = o + 4 * alt + STEPS_TO_OCTS[step]; return { step, alt, oct, dir }; } function unaltered(f) { const i = (f + 1) % 7; return i < 0 ? 7 + i : i; } const NoNote = { empty: true, name: "", pc: "", acc: "" }; const cache$1$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const stepToLetter = (step) => "CDEFGAB".charAt(step); const altToAcc = (alt) => alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt); const accToAlt = (acc) => acc[0] === "b" ? -acc.length : acc.length; function note(src) { const cached = cache$1$1.get(src); if (cached) { return cached; } const value = typeof src === "string" ? parse$1(src) : isPitch(src) ? note(pitchName$1(src)) : isNamed(src) ? note( : NoNote; cache$1$1.set(src, value); return value; } const REGEX$1$1 = /^([a-gA-G]?)(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(-?\d*)\s*(.*)$/; function tokenizeNote(str) { const m = REGEX$1$1.exec(str); return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]]; } function coordToNote(noteCoord) { return note(decode(noteCoord)); } const mod = (n, m) => (n % m + m) % m; const SEMI = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; function parse$1(noteName) { const tokens = tokenizeNote(noteName); if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "") { return NoNote; } const letter = tokens[0]; const acc = tokens[1]; const octStr = tokens[2]; const step = (letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7; const alt = accToAlt(acc); const oct = octStr.length ? +octStr : void 0; const coord = encode({ step, alt, oct }); const name2 = letter + acc + octStr; const pc = letter + acc; const chroma2 = (SEMI[step] + alt + 120) % 12; const height = oct === void 0 ? mod(SEMI[step] + alt, 12) - 12 * 99 : SEMI[step] + alt + 12 * (oct + 1); const midi2 = height >= 0 && height <= 127 ? height : null; const freq2 = oct === void 0 ? null : Math.pow(2, (height - 69) / 12) * 440; return { empty: false, acc, alt, chroma: chroma2, coord, freq: freq2, height, letter, midi: midi2, name: name2, oct, pc, step }; } function pitchName$1(props) { const { step, alt, oct } = props; const letter = stepToLetter(step); if (!letter) { return ""; } const pc = letter + altToAcc(alt); return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc; } const NoInterval = { empty: true, name: "", acc: "" }; const INTERVAL_TONAL_REGEX = "([-+]?\\d+)(d{1,4}|m|M|P|A{1,4})"; const INTERVAL_SHORTHAND_REGEX = "(AA|A|P|M|m|d|dd)([-+]?\\d+)"; const REGEX$2 = new RegExp("^" + INTERVAL_TONAL_REGEX + "|" + INTERVAL_SHORTHAND_REGEX + "$"); function tokenizeInterval(str) { const m = REGEX$2.exec(`${str}`); if (m === null) { return ["", ""]; } return m[1] ? [m[1], m[2]] : [m[4], m[3]]; } const cache$2 = {}; function interval(src) { return typeof src === "string" ? cache$2[src] || (cache$2[src] = parse$2(src)) : isPitch(src) ? interval(pitchName(src)) : isNamed(src) ? interval( : NoInterval; } const SIZES = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; const TYPES = "PMMPPMM"; function parse$2(str) { const tokens = tokenizeInterval(str); if (tokens[0] === "") { return NoInterval; } const num = +tokens[0]; const q = tokens[1]; const step = (Math.abs(num) - 1) % 7; const t = TYPES[step]; if (t === "M" && q === "P") { return NoInterval; } const type = t === "M" ? "majorable" : "perfectable"; const name2 = "" + num + q; const dir = num < 0 ? -1 : 1; const simple = num === 8 || num === -8 ? num : dir * (step + 1); const alt = qToAlt(type, q); const oct = Math.floor((Math.abs(num) - 1) / 7); const semitones = dir * (SIZES[step] + alt + 12 * oct); const chroma2 = (dir * (SIZES[step] + alt) % 12 + 12) % 12; const coord = encode({ step, alt, oct, dir }); return { empty: false, name: name2, num, q, step, alt, dir, type, simple, semitones, chroma: chroma2, coord, oct }; } function coordToInterval(coord, forceDescending) { const [f, o = 0] = coord; const isDescending = f * 7 + o * 12 < 0; const ivl = forceDescending || isDescending ? [-f, -o, -1] : [f, o, 1]; return interval(decode(ivl)); } function qToAlt(type, q) { return q === "M" && type === "majorable" || q === "P" && type === "perfectable" ? 0 : q === "m" && type === "majorable" ? -1 : /^A+$/.test(q) ? q.length : /^d+$/.test(q) ? -1 * (type === "perfectable" ? q.length : q.length + 1) : 0; } function pitchName(props) { const { step, alt, oct = 0, dir } = props; if (!dir) { return ""; } const calcNum = step + 1 + 7 * oct; const num = calcNum === 0 ? step + 1 : calcNum; const d = dir < 0 ? "-" : ""; const type = TYPES[step] === "M" ? "majorable" : "perfectable"; const name2 = d + num + altToQ(type, alt); return name2; } function altToQ(type, alt) { if (alt === 0) { return type === "majorable" ? "M" : "P"; } else if (alt === -1 && type === "majorable") { return "m"; } else if (alt > 0) { return fillStr("A", alt); } else { return fillStr("d", type === "perfectable" ? alt : alt + 1); } } function transpose$2(noteName, intervalName) { const note$1 = note(noteName); const interval$1 = interval(intervalName); if (note$1.empty || interval$1.empty) { return ""; } const noteCoord = note$1.coord; const intervalCoord = interval$1.coord; const tr2 = noteCoord.length === 1 ? [noteCoord[0] + intervalCoord[0]] : [noteCoord[0] + intervalCoord[0], noteCoord[1] + intervalCoord[1]]; return coordToNote(tr2).name; } function distance(fromNote, toNote) { const from = note(fromNote); const to = note(toNote); if (from.empty || to.empty) { return ""; } const fcoord = from.coord; const tcoord = to.coord; const fifths = tcoord[0] - fcoord[0]; const octs = fcoord.length === 2 && tcoord.length === 2 ? tcoord[1] - fcoord[1] : -Math.floor(fifths * 7 / 12); const forceDescending = to.height === from.height && to.midi !== null && from.midi !== null && from.step > to.step; return coordToInterval([fifths, octs], forceDescending).name; } function rotate(times2, arr) { const len = arr.length; const n = (times2 % len + len) % len; return arr.slice(n, len).concat(arr.slice(0, n)); } function compact(arr) { return arr.filter((n) => n === 0 || n); } const EmptyPcset = { empty: true, name: "", setNum: 0, chroma: "000000000000", normalized: "000000000000", intervals: [] }; const setNumToChroma = (num) => Number(num).toString(2); const chromaToNumber = (chroma2) => parseInt(chroma2, 2); const REGEX$1 = /^[01]{12}$/; function isChroma(set) { return REGEX$1.test(set); } const isPcsetNum = (set) => typeof set === "number" && set >= 0 && set <= 4095; const isPcset = (set) => set && isChroma(set.chroma); const cache$1 = { [EmptyPcset.chroma]: EmptyPcset }; function get$6(src) { const chroma2 = isChroma(src) ? src : isPcsetNum(src) ? setNumToChroma(src) : Array.isArray(src) ? listToChroma(src) : isPcset(src) ? src.chroma : EmptyPcset.chroma; return cache$1[chroma2] = cache$1[chroma2] || chromaToPcset(chroma2); } const IVLS = [ "1P", "2m", "2M", "3m", "3M", "4P", "5d", "5P", "6m", "6M", "7m", "7M" ]; function chromaToIntervals(chroma2) { const intervals = []; for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (chroma2.charAt(i) === "1") intervals.push(IVLS[i]); } return intervals; } function modes$1(set, normalize = true) { const pcs = get$6(set); const binary = pcs.chroma.split(""); return compact(, i) => { const r = rotate(i, binary); return normalize && r[0] === "0" ? null : r.join(""); })); } function isSubsetOf(set) { const s = get$6(set).setNum; return (notes) => { const o = get$6(notes).setNum; return s && s !== o && (o & s) === o; }; } function isSupersetOf(set) { const s = get$6(set).setNum; return (notes) => { const o = get$6(notes).setNum; return s && s !== o && (o | s) === o; }; } function chromaRotations(chroma2) { const binary = chroma2.split(""); return, i) => rotate(i, binary).join("")); } function chromaToPcset(chroma2) { const setNum = chromaToNumber(chroma2); const normalizedNum = chromaRotations(chroma2).map(chromaToNumber).filter((n) => n >= 2048).sort()[0]; const normalized = setNumToChroma(normalizedNum); const intervals = chromaToIntervals(chroma2); return { empty: false, name: "", setNum, chroma: chroma2, normalized, intervals }; } function listToChroma(set) { if (set.length === 0) { return EmptyPcset.chroma; } let pitch; const binary = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { pitch = note(set[i]); if (pitch.empty) pitch = interval(set[i]); if (!pitch.empty) binary[pitch.chroma] = 1; } return binary.join(""); } const CHORDS = [ ["1P 3M 5P", "major", "M ^ "], ["1P 3M 5P 7M", "major seventh", "maj7 \u0394 ma7 M7 Maj7 ^7"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M", "major ninth", "maj9 \u03949 ^9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 13M", "major thirteenth", "maj13 Maj13 ^13"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M", "sixth", "6 add6 add13 M6"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 9M", "sixth/ninth", "6/9 69 M69"], ["1P 3M 6m 7M", "major seventh flat sixth", "M7b6 ^7b6"], [ "1P 3M 5P 7M 11A", "major seventh sharp eleventh", "maj#4 \u0394#4 \u0394#11 M7#11 ^7#11 maj7#11" ], ["1P 3m 5P", "minor", "m min -"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m", "minor seventh", "m7 min7 mi7 -7"], [ "1P 3m 5P 7M", "minor/major seventh", "m/ma7 m/maj7 mM7 mMaj7 m/M7 -\u03947 m\u0394 -^7" ], ["1P 3m 5P 6M", "minor sixth", "m6 -6"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M", "minor ninth", "m9 -9"], ["1P 3m 5P 7M 9M", "minor/major ninth", "mM9 mMaj9 -^9"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M 11P", "minor eleventh", "m11 -11"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M 13M", "minor thirteenth", "m13 -13"], ["1P 3m 5d", "diminished", "dim \xB0 o"], ["1P 3m 5d 7d", "diminished seventh", "dim7 \xB07 o7"], ["1P 3m 5d 7m", "half-diminished", "m7b5 \xF8 -7b5 h7 h"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m", "dominant seventh", "7 dom"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M", "dominant ninth", "9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 13M", "dominant thirteenth", "13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 11A", "lydian dominant seventh", "7#11 7#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m", "dominant flat ninth", "7b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A", "dominant sharp ninth", "7#9"], ["1P 3M 7m 9m", "altered", "alt7"], ["1P 4P 5P", "suspended fourth", "sus4 sus"], ["1P 2M 5P", "suspended second", "sus2"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m", "suspended fourth seventh", "7sus4 7sus"], ["1P 5P 7m 9M 11P", "eleventh", "11"], [ "1P 4P 5P 7m 9m", "suspended fourth flat ninth", "b9sus phryg 7b9sus 7b9sus4" ], ["1P 5P", "fifth", "5"], ["1P 3M 5A", "augmented", "aug + +5 ^#5"], ["1P 3m 5A", "minor augmented", "m#5 -#5 m+"], ["1P 3M 5A 7M", "augmented seventh", "maj7#5 maj7+5 +maj7 ^7#5"], [ "1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 11A", "major sharp eleventh (lydian)", "maj9#11 \u03949#11 ^9#11" ], ["1P 2M 4P 5P", "", "sus24 sus4add9"], ["1P 3M 5A 7M 9M", "", "maj9#5 Maj9#5"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m", "", "7#5 +7 7+ 7aug aug7"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9A", "", "7#5#9 7#9#5 7alt"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9M", "", "9#5 9+"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9M 11A", "", "9#5#11"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9m", "", "7#5b9 7b9#5"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9m 11A", "", "7#5b9#11"], ["1P 3M 5A 9A", "", "+add#9"], ["1P 3M 5A 9M", "", "M#5add9 +add9"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 11A", "", "M6#11 M6b5 6#11 6b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 7M 9M", "", "M7add13"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 9M 11A", "", "69#11"], ["1P 3m 5P 6M 9M", "", "m69 -69"], ["1P 3M 5P 6m 7m", "", "7b6"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9A 11A", "", "maj7#9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 11A 13M", "", "M13#11 maj13#11 M13+4 M13#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9m", "", "M7b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 11A 13m", "", "7#11b13 7b5b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 13M", "", "7add6 67 7add13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A", "", "7#9#11 7b5#9 7#9b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A 13M", "", "13#9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A 13m", "", "7#9#11b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 13M", "", "13#9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 13m", "", "7#9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A", "", "9#11 9+4 9#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A 13M", "", "13#11 13+4 13#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A 13m", "", "9#11b13 9b5b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A", "", "7b9#11 7b5b9 7b9b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A 13M", "", "13b9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A 13m", "", "7b9b13#11 7b9#11b13 7b5b9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 13M", "", "13b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 13m", "", "7b9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 9A", "", "7b9#9"], ["1P 3M 5P 9M", "", "Madd9 2 add9 add2"], ["1P 3M 5P 9m", "", "Maddb9"], ["1P 3M 5d", "", "Mb5"], ["1P 3M 5d 6M 7m 9M", "", "13b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7M", "", "M7b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7M 9M", "", "M9b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7m", "", "7b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7m 9M", "", "9b5"], ["1P 3M 7m", "", "7no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 13m", "", "7b13"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M", "", "9no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M 13M", "", "13no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M 13m", "", "9b13"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P", "", "madd4"], ["1P 3m 5P 6m 7M", "", "mMaj7b6"], ["1P 3m 5P 6m 7M 9M", "", "mMaj9b6"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 11P", "", "m7add11 m7add4"], ["1P 3m 5P 9M", "", "madd9"], ["1P 3m 5d 6M 7M", "", "o7M7"], ["1P 3m 5d 7M", "", "oM7"], ["1P 3m 6m 7M", "", "mb6M7"], ["1P 3m 6m 7m", "", "m7#5"], ["1P 3m 6m 7m 9M", "", "m9#5"], ["1P 3m 5A 7m 9M 11P", "", "m11A"], ["1P 3m 6m 9m", "", "mb6b9"], ["1P 2M 3m 5d 7m", "", "m9b5"], ["1P 4P 5A 7M", "", "M7#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5A 7M 9M", "", "M9#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5A 7m", "", "7#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7M", "", "M7sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7M 9M", "", "M9sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9M", "", "9sus4 9sus"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9M 13M", "", "13sus4 13sus"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9m 13m", "", "7sus4b9b13 7b9b13sus4"], ["1P 4P 7m 10m", "", "4 quartal"], ["1P 5P 7m 9m 11P", "", "11b9"] ]; const NoChordType = { ...EmptyPcset, name: "", quality: "Unknown", intervals: [], aliases: [] }; let dictionary$1 = []; let index$5 = {}; function get$5(type) { return index$5[type] || NoChordType; } function all$1() { return dictionary$1.slice(); } function add$1(intervals, aliases, fullName) { const quality = getQuality(intervals); const chord2 = { ...get$6(intervals), name: fullName || "", quality, intervals, aliases }; dictionary$1.push(chord2); if ( { index$5[] = chord2; } index$5[chord2.setNum] = chord2; index$5[chord2.chroma] = chord2; chord2.aliases.forEach((alias) => addAlias$1(chord2, alias)); } function addAlias$1(chord2, alias) { index$5[alias] = chord2; } function getQuality(intervals) { const has = (interval2) => intervals.indexOf(interval2) !== -1; return has("5A") ? "Augmented" : has("3M") ? "Major" : has("5d") ? "Diminished" : has("3m") ? "Minor" : "Unknown"; } CHORDS.forEach(([ivls, fullName, names2]) => add$1(ivls.split(" "), names2.split(" "), fullName)); dictionary$1.sort((a, b) => a.setNum - b.setNum); const namedSet = (notes) => { const pcToName = notes.reduce((record, n) => { const chroma2 = note(n).chroma; if (chroma2 !== void 0) { record[chroma2] = record[chroma2] || note(n).name; } return record; }, {}); return (chroma2) => pcToName[chroma2]; }; function detect(source) { const notes = => note(n).pc).filter((x) => x); if (note.length === 0) { return []; } const found = findExactMatches(notes, 1); return found.filter((chord2) => chord2.weight).sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight).map((chord2) =>; } function findExactMatches(notes, weight) { const tonic = notes[0]; const tonicChroma = note(tonic).chroma; const noteName = namedSet(notes); const allModes = modes$1(notes, false); const found = []; allModes.forEach((mode, index2) => { const chordTypes = all$1().filter((chordType) => chordType.chroma === mode); chordTypes.forEach((chordType) => { const chordName = chordType.aliases[0]; const baseNote = noteName(index2); const isInversion = index2 !== tonicChroma; if (isInversion) { found.push({ weight: 0.5 * weight, name: `${baseNote}${chordName}/${tonic}` }); } else { found.push({ weight: 1 * weight, name: `${baseNote}${chordName}` }); } }); }); return found; } const SCALES = [ ["1P 2M 3M 5P 6M", "major pentatonic", "pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4P 5P 7M", "ionian pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4P 5P 7m", "mixolydian pentatonic", "indian"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 6M", "ritusen"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 7m", "egyptian"], ["1P 3M 4P 5d 7m", "neopolitan major pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 6m", "vietnamese 1"], ["1P 2m 3m 5P 6m", "pelog"], ["1P 2m 4P 5P 6m", "kumoijoshi"], ["1P 2M 3m 5P 6m", "hirajoshi"], ["1P 2m 4P 5d 7m", "iwato"], ["1P 2m 4P 5P 7m", "in-sen"], ["1P 3M 4A 5P 7M", "lydian pentatonic", "chinese"], ["1P 3m 4P 6m 7m", "malkos raga"], ["1P 3m 4P 5d 7m", "locrian pentatonic", "minor seven flat five pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 7m", "minor pentatonic", "vietnamese 2"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 6M", "minor six pentatonic"], ["1P 2M 3m 5P 6M", "flat three pentatonic", "kumoi"], ["1P 2M 3M 5P 6m", "flat six pentatonic"], ["1P 2m 3M 5P 6M", "scriabin"], ["1P 3M 5d 6m 7m", "whole tone pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4A 5A 7M", "lydian #5P pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4A 5P 7m", "lydian dominant pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 7M", "minor #7M pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4d 5d 7m", "super locrian pentatonic"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 7M", "minor hexatonic"], ["1P 2A 3M 5P 5A 7M", "augmented"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 5P 6M", "major blues"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "piongio"], ["1P 2m 3M 4A 6M 7m", "prometheus neopolitan"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 6M 7m", "prometheus"], ["1P 2m 3M 5d 6m 7m", "mystery #1"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5A 6M", "six tone symmetric"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 7m", "whole tone", "messiaen's mode #1"], ["1P 2m 4P 4A 5P 7M", "messiaen's mode #5"], ["1P 3m 4P 5d 5P 7m", "minor blues", "blues"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian major", "arabian"], ["1P 2m 3M 4A 5P 6m 7M", "double harmonic lydian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7M", "harmonic minor"], [ "1P 2m 2A 3M 4A 6m 7m", "altered", "super locrian", "diminished whole tone", "pomeroy" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian #2", "half-diminished", "aeolian b5"], [ "1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "mixolydian b6", "melodic minor fifth mode", "hindu" ], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "lydian dominant", "lydian b7", "overtone"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 6M 7M", "lydian augmented"], [ "1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6M 7m", "dorian b2", "phrygian #6", "melodic minor second mode" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6M 7M", "melodic minor"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian"], [ "1P 2m 3m 4d 5d 6m 7d", "ultralocrian", "superlocrian bb7", "superlocrian diminished" ], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 6M 7m", "locrian 6", "locrian natural 6", "locrian sharp 6"], ["1P 2A 3M 4P 5P 5A 7M", "augmented heptatonic"], [ "1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6M 7m", "dorian #4", "ukrainian dorian", "romanian minor", "altered dorian" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian diminished"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m", "phrygian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 7m 7M", "leading whole tone"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6m 7m", "lydian minor"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "phrygian dominant", "spanish", "phrygian major"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6m 7M", "balinese"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6M 7M", "neopolitan major"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m", "aeolian", "minor"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6m 7M", "harmonic major"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7M", "double harmonic major", "gypsy"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6M 7m", "dorian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6m 7M", "hungarian minor"], ["1P 2A 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "hungarian major"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5d 6M 7m", "oriental"], ["1P 2m 3m 3M 4A 5P 7m", "flamenco"], ["1P 2m 3m 4A 5P 6m 7M", "todi raga"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "mixolydian", "dominant"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5d 6m 7M", "persian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7M", "major", "ionian"], ["1P 2m 3M 5d 6m 7m 7M", "enigmatic"], [ "1P 2M 3M 4P 5A 6M 7M", "major augmented", "major #5", "ionian augmented", "ionian #5" ], ["1P 2A 3M 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian #9"], ["1P 2m 2M 4P 4A 5P 6m 7M", "messiaen's mode #4"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 4A 5P 6m 7M", "purvi raga"], ["1P 2m 3m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "spanish heptatonic"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m 7M", "bebop"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "bebop minor"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 5A 6M 7M", "bebop major"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 5P 6m 7m", "bebop locrian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m 7M", "minor bebop"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5d 6m 6M 7M", "diminished", "whole-half diminished"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5d 5P 6M 7M", "ichikosucho"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 6M 7M", "minor six diminished"], [ "1P 2m 3m 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "half-whole diminished", "dominant diminished", "messiaen's mode #2" ], ["1P 3m 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m 7M", "kafi raga"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 4A 5A 6A 7M", "messiaen's mode #6"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4P 5d 5P 6M 7m", "composite blues"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4A 5P 6m 7m 7M", "messiaen's mode #3"], ["1P 2m 2M 3m 4P 4A 5P 6m 6M 7M", "messiaen's mode #7"], ["1P 2m 2M 3m 3M 4P 5d 5P 6m 6M 7m 7M", "chromatic"] ]; const NoScaleType = { ...EmptyPcset, intervals: [], aliases: [] }; let dictionary = []; let index$4 = {}; function get$4(type) { return index$4[type] || NoScaleType; } function all() { return dictionary.slice(); } function add(intervals, name2, aliases = []) { const scale = { ...get$6(intervals), name: name2, intervals, aliases }; dictionary.push(scale); index$4[] = scale; index$4[scale.setNum] = scale; index$4[scale.chroma] = scale; scale.aliases.forEach((alias) => addAlias(scale, alias)); return scale; } function addAlias(scale, alias) { index$4[alias] = scale; } SCALES.forEach(([ivls, name2, ...aliases]) => add(ivls.split(" "), name2, aliases)); const NoChord = { empty: true, name: "", symbol: "", root: "", rootDegree: 0, type: "", tonic: null, setNum: NaN, quality: "Unknown", chroma: "", normalized: "", aliases: [], notes: [], intervals: [] }; const NUM_TYPES = /^(6|64|7|9|11|13)$/; function tokenize$1(name2) { const [letter, acc, oct, type] = tokenizeNote(name2); if (letter === "") { return ["", name2]; } if (letter === "A" && type === "ug") { return ["", "aug"]; } if (!type && (oct === "4" || oct === "5")) { return [letter + acc, oct]; } if (NUM_TYPES.test(oct)) { return [letter + acc, oct + type]; } else { return [letter + acc + oct, type]; } } function get$3(src) { if (src === "") { return NoChord; } if (Array.isArray(src) && src.length === 2) { return getChord(src[1], src[0]); } else { const [tonic, type] = tokenize$1(src); const chord2 = getChord(type, tonic); return chord2.empty ? getChord(src) : chord2; } } function getChord(typeName, optionalTonic, optionalRoot) { const type = get$5(typeName); const tonic = note(optionalTonic || ""); const root = note(optionalRoot || ""); if (type.empty || optionalTonic && tonic.empty || optionalRoot && root.empty) { return NoChord; } const rootInterval = distance(tonic.pc, root.pc); const rootDegree = type.intervals.indexOf(rootInterval) + 1; if (!root.empty && !rootDegree) { return NoChord; } const intervals = Array.from(type.intervals); for (let i = 1; i < rootDegree; i++) { const num = intervals[0][0]; const quality = intervals[0][1]; const newNum = parseInt(num, 10) + 7; intervals.push(`${newNum}${quality}`); intervals.shift(); } const notes = tonic.empty ? [] : => transpose$2(tonic, i)); typeName = type.aliases.indexOf(typeName) !== -1 ? typeName : type.aliases[0]; const symbol = `${tonic.empty ? "" : tonic.pc}${typeName}${root.empty || rootDegree <= 1 ? "" : "/" + root.pc}`; const name2 = `${optionalTonic ? tonic.pc + " " : ""}${}${rootDegree > 1 && optionalRoot ? " over " + root.pc : ""}`; return { ...type, name: name2, symbol, type:, root:, intervals, rootDegree, tonic:, notes }; } const chord = deprecate("Chord.chord", "Chord.get", get$3); function transpose$1(chordName, interval2) { const [tonic, type] = tokenize$1(chordName); if (!tonic) { return chordName; } return transpose$2(tonic, interval2) + type; } function chordScales(name2) { const s = get$3(name2); const isChordIncluded = isSupersetOf(s.chroma); return all().filter((scale) => isChordIncluded(scale.chroma)).map((scale) =>; } function extended(chordName) { const s = get$3(chordName); const isSuperset = isSupersetOf(s.chroma); return all$1().filter((chord2) => isSuperset(chord2.chroma)).map((chord2) => s.tonic + chord2.aliases[0]); } function reduced(chordName) { const s = get$3(chordName); const isSubset = isSubsetOf(s.chroma); return all$1().filter((chord2) => isSubset(chord2.chroma)).map((chord2) => s.tonic + chord2.aliases[0]); } var index$3 = { getChord, get: get$3, detect, chordScales, extended, reduced, tokenize: tokenize$1, transpose: transpose$1, chord }; const L2 = Math.log(2); const L440 = Math.log(440); function freqToMidi(freq2) { const v = 12 * (Math.log(freq2) - L440) / L2 + 69; return Math.round(v * 100) / 100; } const SHARPS = "C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B".split(" "); const FLATS = "C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B".split(" "); function midiToNoteName(midi2, options = {}) { if (isNaN(midi2) || midi2 === -Infinity || midi2 === Infinity) return ""; midi2 = Math.round(midi2); const pcs = options.sharps === true ? SHARPS : FLATS; const pc = pcs[midi2 % 12]; if (options.pitchClass) { return pc; } const o = Math.floor(midi2 / 12) - 1; return pc + o; } const NAMES$1 = ["C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B"]; const toName = (n) =>; const onlyNotes = (array) => => !n.empty); function names(array) { if (array === void 0) { return NAMES$1.slice(); } else if (!Array.isArray(array)) { return []; } else { return onlyNotes(array).map(toName); } } const get$2 = note; const name = (note2) => get$2(note2).name; const pitchClass = (note2) => get$2(note2).pc; const accidentals = (note2) => get$2(note2).acc; const octave = (note2) => get$2(note2).oct; const midi = (note2) => get$2(note2).midi; const freq = (note2) => get$2(note2).freq; const chroma = (note2) => get$2(note2).chroma; function fromMidi(midi2) { return midiToNoteName(midi2); } function fromFreq(freq2) { return midiToNoteName(freqToMidi(freq2)); } function fromFreqSharps(freq2) { return midiToNoteName(freqToMidi(freq2), { sharps: true }); } function fromMidiSharps(midi2) { return midiToNoteName(midi2, { sharps: true }); } const transpose = transpose$2; const tr = transpose$2; const transposeBy = (interval2) => (note2) => transpose(note2, interval2); const trBy = transposeBy; const transposeFrom = (note2) => (interval2) => transpose(note2, interval2); const trFrom = transposeFrom; function transposeFifths(noteName, fifths) { const note2 = get$2(noteName); if (note2.empty) { return ""; } const [nFifths, nOcts] = note2.coord; const transposed = nOcts === void 0 ? coordToNote([nFifths + fifths]) : coordToNote([nFifths + fifths, nOcts]); return; } const trFifths = transposeFifths; const ascending = (a, b) => a.height - b.height; const descending = (a, b) => b.height - a.height; function sortedNames(notes, comparator) { comparator = comparator || ascending; return onlyNotes(notes).sort(comparator).map(toName); } function sortedUniqNames(notes) { return sortedNames(notes, ascending).filter((n, i, a) => i === 0 || n !== a[i - 1]); } const simplify = (noteName) => { const note2 = get$2(noteName); if (note2.empty) { return ""; } return midiToNoteName(note2.midi || note2.chroma, { sharps: note2.alt > 0, pitchClass: note2.midi === null }); }; function enharmonic(noteName, destName) { const src = get$2(noteName); if (src.empty) { return ""; } const dest = get$2(destName || midiToNoteName(src.midi || src.chroma, { sharps: src.alt < 0, pitchClass: true })); if (dest.empty || dest.chroma !== src.chroma) { return ""; } if (src.oct === void 0) { return dest.pc; } const srcChroma = src.chroma - src.alt; const destChroma = dest.chroma - dest.alt; const destOctOffset = srcChroma > 11 || destChroma < 0 ? -1 : srcChroma < 0 || destChroma > 11 ? 1 : 0; const destOct = src.oct + destOctOffset; return dest.pc + destOct; } var index$2 = { names, get: get$2, name, pitchClass, accidentals, octave, midi, ascending, descending, sortedNames, sortedUniqNames, fromMidi, fromMidiSharps, freq, fromFreq, fromFreqSharps, chroma, transpose, tr, transposeBy, trBy, transposeFrom, trFrom, transposeFifths, trFifths, simplify, enharmonic }; const NoRomanNumeral = { empty: true, name: "", chordType: "" }; const cache = {}; function get$1(src) { return typeof src === "string" ? cache[src] || (cache[src] = parse(src)) : typeof src === "number" ? get$1(NAMES[src] || "") : isPitch(src) ? fromPitch(src) : isNamed(src) ? get$1( : NoRomanNumeral; } function fromPitch(pitch) { return get$1(altToAcc(pitch.alt) + NAMES[pitch.step]); } const REGEX = /^(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(IV|I{1,3}|VI{0,2}|iv|i{1,3}|vi{0,2})([^IViv]*)$/; function tokenize(str) { return REGEX.exec(str) || ["", "", "", ""]; } const ROMANS = "I II III IV V VI VII"; const NAMES = ROMANS.split(" "); function parse(src) { const [name2, acc, roman, chordType] = tokenize(src); if (!roman) { return NoRomanNumeral; } const upperRoman = roman.toUpperCase(); const step = NAMES.indexOf(upperRoman); const alt = accToAlt(acc); const dir = 1; return { empty: false, name: name2, roman, interval: interval({ step, alt, dir }).name, acc, chordType, alt, step, major: roman === upperRoman, oct: 0, dir }; } Object.freeze([]); const MODES = [ [0, 2773, 0, "ionian", "", "Maj7", "major"], [1, 2902, 2, "dorian", "m", "m7"], [2, 3418, 4, "phrygian", "m", "m7"], [3, 2741, -1, "lydian", "", "Maj7"], [4, 2774, 1, "mixolydian", "", "7"], [5, 2906, 3, "aeolian", "m", "m7", "minor"], [6, 3434, 5, "locrian", "dim", "m7b5"] ]; const NoMode = { ...EmptyPcset, name: "", alt: 0, modeNum: NaN, triad: "", seventh: "", aliases: [] }; const modes =; const index$1 = {}; modes.forEach((mode) => { index$1[] = mode; mode.aliases.forEach((alias) => { index$1[alias] = mode; }); }); function get(name2) { return typeof name2 === "string" ? index$1[name2.toLowerCase()] || NoMode : name2 && ? get( : NoMode; } function toMode(mode) { const [modeNum, setNum, alt, name2, triad, seventh, alias] = mode; const aliases = alias ? [alias] : []; const chroma2 = Number(setNum).toString(2); const intervals = get$4(name2).intervals; return { empty: false, intervals, modeNum, chroma: chroma2, normalized: chroma2, name: name2, setNum, alt, triad, seventh, aliases }; } function chords$1(chords2) { return (modeName, tonic) => { const mode = get(modeName); if (mode.empty) return []; const triads = rotate(mode.modeNum, chords2); const tonics = => transpose$2(tonic, i)); return, i) => tonics[i] + triad); }; } chords$1( => x[4])); chords$1( => x[5])); function fromRomanNumerals(tonic, chords2) { const romanNumerals =$1); return => transpose$2(tonic, interval(rn)) + rn.chordType); } function toRomanNumerals(tonic, chords2) { return => { const [note2, chordType] = tokenize$1(chord2); const intervalName = distance(tonic, note2); const roman = get$1(interval(intervalName)); return + chordType; }); } var index = { fromRomanNumerals, toRomanNumerals }; const defaultOptions = { seed: 0, noteLength: 32, partCount: 4, drumPartRatio: 0.5 }; const random = new Random(); let baseRandomSeed$1 = 1; function setSeed$1(_baseRandomSeed) { baseRandomSeed$1 = _baseRandomSeed; } function generate(_options) { const options = { ...defaultOptions, ..._options }; random.setSeed(baseRandomSeed$1 + options.seed); const chordProgressionNotes = generateChordProgression(options.noteLength); return times(options.partCount, () => { const isDrum = random.get() < options.drumPartRatio; if (isDrum) { return generateDrumNote(options.noteLength); } else { return generateMelodyNote(options.noteLength, chordProgressionNotes); } }); } function generateMelodyNote(noteLength, chordProgressionNotes) { const pattern = createRandomPattern(noteLength, 1); const continuingPattern = times(noteLength, () => random.get() < 0.8); const randomChordPatterns =[ [0, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3] ]); let seType =[ "tone", "tone", "tone", "select", "laser", "synth", "hit" ]); let volume2 = random.getInt(36, 50); if (seType === "synth" || seType === "select") { volume2 = Math.floor(volume2 * 0.6); } const baseOctaveOffset = random.getInt(-1, 1); const baseNoteDuration = 16; let mml = `@${seType}@s${random.getInt( 999999999 )} v${volume2} l${baseNoteDuration} `; let octave2 = -1; let hasPrevNote = false; for (let i = 0; i < noteLength; i++) { if (!pattern[i]) { mml += "r"; hasPrevNote = false; continue; } if (continuingPattern[i] && hasPrevNote) { mml += "^"; continue; } hasPrevNote = true; const ns = chordProgressionNotes[i][]; let o = Number.parseFloat(ns.charAt(ns.length - 1)) + baseOctaveOffset; let n = ns.substring(0, ns.length - 1).replace("#", "+").replace("b", "-").toLowerCase(); if (o !== octave2) { mml += ` o${o}`; octave2 = o; } mml += n; } return mml; } function generateDrumNote(noteLength) { const pattern = createRandomPattern(noteLength, 3); const continuingPattern = times(noteLength, () => random.get() < 0.4); const seType =["hit", "hit", "click", "explosion"]); let volume2 = random.getInt(36, 50); if (seType === "click" || seType === "explosion") { volume2 = Math.floor(volume2 * 0.5); } const baseNoteDuration = 16; let mml = `@${seType}@d@s${random.getInt( 999999999 )} v${volume2} l${baseNoteDuration} `; let hasPrevNote = false; for (let i = 0; i < noteLength; i++) { if (!pattern[i]) { mml += "r"; hasPrevNote = false; continue; } if (continuingPattern[i] && hasPrevNote) { mml += "^"; continue; } hasPrevNote = true; mml += "c"; } return mml; } const chords = [ ["I", "IIIm", "VIm"], ["IV", "IIm"], ["V", "VIIm"] ]; const nextChordsIndex = [ [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0] ]; function generateChordProgression(len) { const key =["C", "D", "Eb", "F", "G", "A", "Bb"]); const octave2 = 4; const chordChangeInterval = 4; let chord2; let chordsIndex; let type; let tonic; return times(len, (i) => { if (i % chordChangeInterval === 0) { if (i === 0) { chordsIndex = random.getInt(chords.length - 1); chord2 =[chordsIndex]); } else if (random.get() < 0.8 - i / chordChangeInterval % 2 * 0.5) { chordsIndex =[chordsIndex]); chord2 =[chordsIndex]); } const progression2 = index.fromRomanNumerals(`${key}${octave2}`, [ chord2 ])[0]; if (progression2.charAt(progression2.length - 1) === "m") { type = "m7"; tonic = progression2.substring(0, progression2.length - 1); } else { type = "7"; tonic = progression2; } } return index$3.getChord(type, tonic).notes; }); } function createRandomPattern(len, freq2) { let pattern = times(len, () => false); let interval2 = 4; while (interval2 <= len) { pattern = reversePattern(pattern, interval2, freq2); interval2 *= 2; } return pattern; } function reversePattern(pattern, interval2, freq2) { let pt = times(interval2, () => false); times(freq2, () => { pt[random.getInt(interval2)] = true; }); return, i) => pt[i % interval2] ? !p : p); } let baseRandomSeed; function playSoundEffect(type, _options) { const options = { ...{ seed: 0, numberOfSounds: 2, volume: 1 }, ..._options }; const key = `${type}_${JSON.stringify(options)}_${baseRandomSeed}`; if (soundEffects[key] != null) { play$2(soundEffects[key]); return soundEffects[key]; } let freq2; if (options.freq != null) { freq2 = options.freq; } else if (options.pitch != null) { freq2 = pitchToFreq(options.pitch); } else if (options.note != null) { freq2 = index$2.get( options.note.toUpperCase().replace("+", "#").replace("-", "b") ).freq; } let numberOfSounds = options.numberOfSounds; let attackRatio = 1; let sustainRatio = 1; if (type === "synth") { attackRatio = sustainRatio = 0.2; } else if (type === "tone") { attackRatio = sustainRatio = 0.1; numberOfSounds = 1; } const se = get$9( type, options.seed + baseRandomSeed, numberOfSounds, options.volume, freq2, attackRatio, sustainRatio ); add$3(se); soundEffects[key] = se; play$2(se); return se; } const mmlQuantizeInterval = 0.125; let soundEffects; let loopingTrack; function playMml(mmlStrings, _options) { stopMml(); const options = { ...{ volume: 1, speed: 1, isLooping: true }, ..._options }; let notesStepsCount = 0; const tracks2 = => fromMml(ms)); tracks2.forEach((t2) => { const s = getNotesStepsCount(t2.mml); if (s > notesStepsCount) { notesStepsCount = s; } }); const parts = => { const { mml, args } = t2; const sequence = mmlToQuantizedSequence(mml, notesStepsCount); const se = getForSequence( sequence, args.isDrum, args.seed, args.type, args.volume * options.volume ); return get$8(mml, sequence, se); }); const t = get$7(parts, notesStepsCount, options.speed); add$2(t); play$1(t, options.isLooping); if (options.isLooping) { loopingTrack = t; } return t; } function stopMml(_track) { let t = _track; if (t == null) { if (loopingTrack != null) { t = loopingTrack; loopingTrack = void 0; } else { return; } } stop(t); remove(t); loopingTrack = void 0; } function generateMml(option) { return generate(option); } function update() { const currentTime = audioContext.currentTime; update$1(currentTime); update$3(currentTime); } function init(baseRandomSeed2 = 1, audioContext2 = void 0) { setSeed(baseRandomSeed2); init$3(audioContext2); reset(); } function reset() { init$1(); loopingTrack = void 0; jingles = {}; init$2(); soundEffects = {}; } function setSeed(_baseRandomSeed = 1) { baseRandomSeed = _baseRandomSeed; setSeed$2(baseRandomSeed); setSeed$1(baseRandomSeed); } function getNotesStepsCount(mml) { const iter = new MMLIterator(mml); for (let ne of iter) { if (ne.type === "end") { return Math.floor(ne.time / mmlQuantizeInterval); } } } function mmlToQuantizedSequence(mml, notesStepsCount) { const notes = []; const iter = new MMLIterator(mml); for (let ne of iter) { if (ne.type === "note") { let endStep = Math.floor((ne.time + ne.duration) / mmlQuantizeInterval); if (endStep >= notesStepsCount) { endStep -= notesStepsCount; } notes.push({ pitch: ne.noteNumber, quantizedStartStep: Math.floor(ne.time / mmlQuantizeInterval), quantizedEndStep: endStep }); } } return { notes }; } let jingles; let generatedTrack; function play(name2 = "0", numberOfSounds = 2, pitch, volume2 = 1) { playSoundEffect(playPrefixes[name2[0]], { seed: getHashFromString(name2), numberOfSounds, pitch, volume: volume2 }); } function playBgm(name2 = "0", pitch = 69 - 24, len = 32, interval2 = 0.25, numberOfTracks = 4, soundEffectTypes = ["laser", "select", "hit", "hit"], volume2 = 1) { stopBgm(); generatedTrack = generateBgm( name2, pitch, len, interval2, numberOfTracks, soundEffectTypes, volume2 ); add$2(generatedTrack); play$1(generatedTrack, true); } function stopBgm() { if (generatedTrack == null) { return; } stop(generatedTrack); remove(generatedTrack); generatedTrack = void 0; } function playJingle(name2 = "0", isSoundEffect = false, note2 = 69 - 12, len = 16, interval2 = 0.25, numberOfTracks = 4, volume2 = 1) { const key = `${name2}_${isSoundEffect}_${note2}_${len}_${interval2}_${numberOfTracks}_${volume2}`; if (jingles[key] == null) { const jingle = generateJingle( name2, isSoundEffect, note2, len, interval2, numberOfTracks, volume2 ); add$2(jingle); jingles[key] = jingle; } play$1(jingles[key]); } function stopJingles() { stopAll(); } exports2.generateMml = generateMml; exports2.init = init; = play; exports2.playBgm = playBgm; exports2.playEmpty = playEmpty; exports2.playJingle = playJingle; exports2.playMml = playMml; exports2.playSoundEffect = playSoundEffect; exports2.reset = reset; exports2.resumeAudioContext = resumeAudioContext; exports2.setQuantize = setQuantize; exports2.setSeed = setSeed; exports2.setTempo = setTempo; exports2.setVolume = setVolume; exports2.startAudio = start; exports2.stopBgm = stopBgm; exports2.stopJingles = stopJingles; exports2.stopMml = stopMml; exports2.update = update; Object.defineProperties(exports2, { __esModule: { value: true }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Module" } }); });