#Create a new file in your home directory called .gtkrc-eclipse # call eclipse with this command: # env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/USER/.gtkrc-eclipse '/path_to_eclipse/eclipse' # In your Eclipse directory find the file 'plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.*/css/e4_default_gtk.css' # (there's an * in there, because I guess that the version may change in the future or may be different already). # In this file there's a CSS class: #.MPartStack { # font-size: 11; # swt-simple: false; # swt-mru-visible: false; #} # And you have two possible solutions: # 1. Change font-size to something smaller # 2. Just comment out or remove font-size from this class (works well for me) # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11805784/very-large-tabs-in-eclipse-panes-on-ubuntu # .gtkrc-eclipse style "gtkcompact" { GtkButton::default_border={0,0,0,0} GtkButton::default_outside_border={0,0,0,0} GtkButtonBox::child_min_width=0 GtkButtonBox::child_min_heigth=0 GtkButtonBox::child_internal_pad_x=0 GtkButtonBox::child_internal_pad_y=0 GtkMenu::vertical-padding=1 GtkMenuBar::internal_padding=0 GtkMenuItem::horizontal_padding=4 GtkToolbar::internal-padding=0 GtkToolbar::space-size=0 GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size=0 GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing=0 GtkPaned::handle_size=4 GtkRange::trough_border=0 GtkRange::stepper_spacing=0 GtkScale::value_spacing=0 GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar_spacing=0 GtkTreeView::vertical-separator=0 GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator=0 GtkTreeView::fixed-height-mode=TRUE GtkWidget::focus_padding=0 } class "GtkWidget" style "gtkcompact" # Make tabs smaller style "compact-toolbar" { GtkToolbar::internal-padding = 0 xthickness = 1 ythickness = 1 } style "compact-button" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } class "GtkToolbar" style "compact-toolbar" widget_class "**" style "compact-button"