|Utility Name|Description| |:--|-- |**BatUtil**|Collection of batch scripts utilities for Windows. For download releases, see [here](https://github.com/abbodi1406/WHD/tree/master/scripts)| |**W10UI**|Windows 10 Updates Installer. Install/integrate Windows 10 Updates.| |**WHD-W8.1UI**|Windows 8.1 Updates Installer. Install/integrate Windows 8.1 Updates, depending on WHDownloader repository.| |**WHD-W7UI**|Windows 7 Updates Installer. Install/integrate Windows 7 Updates, depending on WHDownloader repository.| |**W81ESUI**|Standalone Installer for Windows 8.1 / Embedded / Server 2012 R2 Extended Security Updates.| |**W7ESUI**|Standalone Installer for Windows 7 / Embedded / Server 2008 R2 Extended Security Updates.| |**EdgeChromiumInstaller**|Install Microsoft Edge (Chromium) offline with working Edge Update| |**uup-converter-wimlib**| UUP -> ISO Converter ft. WimLib. Process and convert Microsoft Windows 10 Unified Update Platform files into a usable state (ISO / WIM). |**esd-decrypter-wimlib**|ESD -> ISO Decrypter ft. WimLib. Process and convert Microsoft Windows 10 full ESD files (encrypted or decrypted) into a usable state (ISO / WIM / decrypted ESD). |**YAOCTRI**|Yet Another Office Click-To-Run Installer. Install Office Click To Run from offline source without using Office Deployment Tool (setup.exe). |**OfficeC2R-R2V**|Office Click To Run 365/2021/2019/2016/2013 licensing converter from Retail to Volume.| |**OfficeScrubber**|Scrub/Remove Office (MSI or Click-to-Run), from 2003 to 2021.| |**OfficeMSPs**|Office MSP Updates Organizer. Extract and prepare Office msp files from global exe/cab update files to a folder with meaningful names.| |**OfficeUpdates**|Installer for Microsoft Office Updates. Install MSI-based Office 2010/2013/2016 updates directly from exe/cab/msp files.| |**W10MUI**|Windows 10 Multilingual Distribution Creator. Add language packs to Windows 10 distribution, resulting a multilingual ISO/WIM.| |**W8.1MUI**|Windows 8.1 Multilingual Distribution Creator. Add language packs to Windows 8.1 distribution, resulting a multilingual ISO/WIM.| |**W7MUI**|Windows 7 Multilingual Distribution Creator. Add language packs to Windows 7 distribution, resulting a multilingual ISO/WIM.| |**ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD**|Convert Windows 10 UUP's ESD files to CAB files and vice versa| |**ESD2WIM-WIM2ESD**|Convert Solid-compressed ESD file to a Regular-compressed WIM file and vice versa.| |**ActionListUUP**|Create ActionList.xml file to be used with WindowsUpdateBox.exe to directly upgrade from Windows 10 UUP files set.| |**WinDLS**|Windows Display Language Switcher. Install and change "Display Language" for Windows Editions (SKUs) that are not alllowed to have multiple languages by default.| |**Win81Bing**|Convert leaked Windows 8.1 with Bing ISOs to other languages.| |**PSFX_MSU**|Create Windows 11 LCU MSU file out of the UUP update files.| |**PSFX_Repack**|Extract PSFX format psf/cab files, and repackage into a full cab or esd file.|