{The work of dissecting the passed commandline is left to the PBOnceOnly unit,
since it "knows" how it packaged the parameters in the other instance. The
technique used by the unit is rather simple: the first instance creates a
memory mapped file and stores its main threads thread ID into this file. It
cannot store the main forms handle since the form has not been created yet
when AlreadyRunning is called. It would be a bad idea anyway since a forms
handle can change over the form objects lifetime. The second instance gets
this handle, uses EnumThreadWindows to find the first instances main form
handle (doing this way avoids problems with the IDE designers form instance
during development), packages the command line and sends it over to the found
window. The second instance will then terminate since AlreadyRunning returns
true in it. It never creates any of the autocreated forms or datamodules and
never enters its message loop.}
{== PBOnceOnly ========================================================}
{: Implements a function to detect a running instance of the program and
(optionally) pass over any command line to the first instances main
@author Dr. Peter Below
@desc Version 1.0 created 2003-02-23
Last modified 2003-02-23
@modified by 1248 Last modified 2006-10-18 If a command line has to be passed over we need the window handle of the first instances main window, to send a WM_COPYDATA message to it. Since the first instance may not have gotten around to creating its main form window handle yet we retry a couple of times and wait a bit in between. This process can be configured by setting the MAX_RETRIES and RETRIES_INTERVAL variables before calling AlreadyRunning. } {======================================================================} {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {Unit depends on shortcut boolean evaluation} unit PBOnceOnly; interface uses // Delphi Winapi.Windows; var {: Specifies how often we retry to find the first instances main window. } MAX_RETRIES: Integer = 10; {: Specifies how long, in milliseconds, we sleep between retries. } RETRIES_INTERVAL: Integer = 1000; {-- AlreadyRunning ----------------------------------------------------} {: Checks for another instance of the program and optionally passes over this instances command line. @Param aProcessName is a unique name to be used to identify this program. @Param aMainformClass is the programs main form class, can be nil. @Param passCommandline indicates whether to pass the command line, true by default. @Param allowMultiuserInstances indicates whether to allow other instances of the program to run in another user context. Only applies to Windows terminal server or XP. True by default. @Returns true if there is another instance running, false if not. @Precondition The function has not been called already. It must only be called once per program run. @Desc Creates a memory mapped file with the passed process name, optionally with an added 'Global' prefix. If the MMF already existed we know that this is a second instance. The first instance stores its main thread ID into the MMF, the second one uses that with EnumThreadWindows to find the first instances main window and sends the command line via WM_COPYDATA to this window, if requested. @Raises Exception if creation of the MMF fails for some reason. }{ Created 2003-02-23 by P. Below -----------------------------------------------------------------------} function AlreadyRunning(const aProcessName: string; aMainformClass: TClass = nil; aPassCommandLineToClass: TClass = nil; passCommandline: Boolean = True; allowMultiuserInstances: Boolean = True): Boolean; type {: Callback type used by HandleSendCommandline. The callback will be handed one parameter at a time. } TParameterEvent = procedure(const aParam: string) of object; {-- HandleSendCommandline ---------------------------------------------} {: Dissect a command line passed via WM_COPYDATA from another instance @Param data contains the data received via WM_COPYDATA. @Param onParameter is a callback that will be called with every passed parameter in turn. @Precondition onParameter <> nil }{ Created 2003-02-23 by P. Below -----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure HandleSendCommandline(const data: TCopyDataStruct; onParameter: TParameterEvent); {-- HandleCommandline -------------------------------------------------} {: This is a convenience procedure that allows handling of this instances command line parameters to be done the same way as a command line send over from another instance. @Param onParameter will be called for every command line parameter in turn. @Precondition onParameter <> nil }{ Created 2003-02-23 by P. Below -----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure HandleCommandline(onParameter: TParameterEvent); implementation uses // Delphi Winapi.Messages, System.Classes, System.Sysutils; { The THandledObject and TShareMem classes come from the D6 IPCDemos demo project. } type THandledObject = class(TObject) protected FHandle: THandle; public destructor Destroy; override; property Handle: THandle read FHandle; end; { This class simplifies the process of creating a region of shared memory. In Win32, this is accomplished by using the CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile functions. } TSharedMem = class(THandledObject) private FName: string; FSize: Integer; FCreated: Boolean; FFileView: Pointer; public constructor Create(const Name: string; Size: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; property Name: string read FName; property Size: Integer read FSize; property Buffer: Pointer read FFileView; property Created: Boolean read FCreated; end; procedure Error(const Msg: string); begin raise Exception.Create(Msg); end; { THandledObject } destructor THandledObject.Destroy; begin if FHandle <> 0 then CloseHandle(FHandle); end; { TSharedMem } constructor TSharedMem.Create(const Name: string; Size: Integer); begin try FName := Name; FSize := Size; { CreateFileMapping, when called with $FFFFFFFF for the handle value, creates a region of shared memory } FHandle := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, Size, PChar(Name)); if FHandle = 0 then abort; FCreated := GetLastError = 0; { We still need to map a pointer to the handle of the shared memory region } FFileView := MapViewOfFile(FHandle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, Size); if FFileView = nil then abort; except Error(Format('Error creating shared memory %s (%d)', [Name, GetLastError])); end; end; destructor TSharedMem.Destroy; begin if FFileView <> nil then UnmapViewOfFile(FFileView); inherited Destroy; end; var { This object is destroyed by the unit finalization } ProcessInfo: TSharedMem = nil; { Check if we are running in a terminal client session } function IsRemoteSession: Boolean; const sm_RemoteSession = $1000; { from WinUser.h } begin Result := GetSystemMetrics(sm_RemoteSession) <> 0; end; { Check if we are running on XP or a newer version. XP is Windows NT 5.1 } function IsXP: Boolean; begin Result := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and ( (Win32MajorVersion > 5) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 5) and (Win32MinorVersion > 0)) ); end; { Check if we are running in a Windows terminal client session or on Windows XP. } function IsWTSOrXP: Boolean; begin Result := IsRemoteSession or IsXP end; type { Helper class to hold classname and found window handle for EnumThreadWindows } TEnumhelper = class public FClassname: string; FWnd: HWND; constructor Create(const aClassname: string); function Matches(wnd: HWND): Boolean; end; constructor TEnumhelper.Create(const aClassname: string); begin inherited Create; FClassname := aClassname; end; function TEnumhelper.Matches(wnd: HWND): Boolean; var classname: array[0..127] of Char; begin classname[0] := #0; GetClassname(wnd, classname, SizeOf(classname)); Result := AnsiSameText(Fclassname, classname); if Result then FWnd := wnd; end; function EnumProc(wnd: HWND; helper: TEnumHelper): BOOL; stdcall; begin Result := not helper.Matches(wnd); end; function FindFirstInstanceMainform(const aClassname: string): HWND; var threadID: DWORD; helper: TEnumHelper; begin threadID := PDWORD(Processinfo.FFileView)^; helper := TEnumHelper.Create(aclassname); try EnumThreadWindows(threadID, @EnumProc, Integer(helper)); Result := helper.FWnd; finally helper.Free; end; end; function AlreadyRunning(const aProcessName: string; aMainformClass: TClass = nil; aPassCommandLineToClass: TClass = nil; passCommandline: Boolean = True; allowMultiuserInstances: Boolean = True): Boolean; function Processname: string; begin if not allowMultiuserInstances and IsWTSorXP then Result := 'Global\' + aProcessName else Result := aProcessName; end; procedure StoreThreadID; begin PDWORD(ProcessInfo.FFileView)^ := GetCurrentThreadID; end; function GetCommandline: string; var sl: TStringlist; i: Integer; begin if ParamCount = 1 then Result := ParamStr(1) else begin sl := TStringlist.Create; try for i := 1 to ParamCount do sl.Add(ParamStr(i)); Result := sl.Text; finally sl.free; end; { finally } end; end; procedure DoPassCommandline(ToClass: TClass); var wnd: HWND; S: string; copydata: TCopyDataStruct; retries: Integer; begin retries := 0; repeat wnd := FindFirstInstanceMainform(ToClass.Classname); if wnd <> 0 then begin S := GetCommandline; copydata.dwData := Paramcount; copydata.cbData := Length(S) + 1; copydata.lpData := PChar(S); SendMessage(wnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, Integer(@copydata)); end else begin Inc(retries); Sleep(RETRIES_INTERVAL); end; until (wnd <> 0) or (retries > MAX_RETRIES); end; var AppMainWnd, ActivePopUpWnd: HWND; begin Assert(not Assigned(ProcessInfo), 'Do not call AlreadyRunning more than once!'); ProcessInfo := TSharedMem.Create(Processname, Sizeof(DWORD)); Result := not ProcessInfo.Created; if Result then begin //Added by 1248 AppMainWnd := FindFirstInstanceMainform(aMainformclass.Classname); ActivePopUpWnd := GetLastActivePopup(AppMainWnd); SetForegroundWindow(ActivePopUpWnd); //End 1248 if passCommandline and Assigned(aPassCommandLineToClass) and (ParamCount > 0) then DoPassCommandline(aPassCommandLineToClass); end else StoreThreadID; end; procedure HandleSendCommandline(const data: TCopyDataStruct; onParameter: TParameterEvent); var i: Integer; sl: TStringlist; begin Assert(Assigned(onParameter), 'OnParameter cannot be nil'); if data.dwData = 1 then onParameter(PChar(data.lpData)) else begin sl := TStringlist.Create; try sl.Text := PChar(data.lpData); for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do onParameter(sl[i]); finally sl.Free; end; { finally } end; end; procedure HandleCommandline(onParameter: TParameterEvent); var i: Integer; begin Assert(Assigned(onParameter), 'OnParameter cannot be nil'); for i := 1 to ParamCount do onParameter(ParamStr(i)); end; initialization finalization ProcessInfo.Free; end.