# od.config # abcdesktop Configuration File # # This file is a cherrypy config file # Global config is stored in the cherrypy.config dict # Syntax must be Python builtin ConfigParser # # To create your own config file : # update this file, then # run the kubectl create configmap command : # # to delete previous abcdesktop-config configmap # kubectl delete configmap abcdesktop-config -n abcdesktop # # to create a abcdesktop-config configmap # kubectl create configmap abcdesktop-config --from-file=od.config -n abcdesktop # # same commands in one line # kubectl create -n abcdesktop configmap abcdesktop-config --from-file=od.config -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -n abcdesktop -f - # # to restart pyos # kubectl delete pods -l run=pyos-od -n abcdesktop # # to detect non-ASCII characters in file # perl -ne 'if (/[^[:ascii:]]/) { print $. . ": " . $_ }' od.config ####### # data [global] # default abcdesktop namespace # abcdesktop is the default namespace # if you change it, you must update the abcdesktop.yaml file namespace: 'ns-abcdesktop' # if you update the namepsace # local account path must be updated too desktop.secretslocalaccount : '/etc/localaccount' # DEFAULT HOST URL # public host url of the service # change this with your URL or # set the external URL service if you use a reverse proxy # default_host_url : 'https://external.domain.org' default_host_url : 'http://localhost' # END OF DEFAULT HOST URL # WEBSOCKETROUTING # describe which url is returned by od.py to reach the WebSocket server # the more secured value is default_host_url # websocketrouting: permit value are ['bridge', 'default_host_url', 'host','http_origin'] # websocketrouting describe how the web browser can establish web socket to the user container # # the default websocketrouting value is http_origin # default_host_url : the default_host_url value is used as the wss or ws connect # host : use the hostname in the requested url # http_origin : use the hostname set in the recievied http Header request # this is less secure than default_host_url # but it always works # bridge : use if the user's container need to bridge the host's ethernet interface # bridge is only used if user container can bind a local network (level 2) # this value is experimental and is not yet avalaible websocketrouting: 'http_origin' # END OF WEBSOCKETROUTING # BIND_SECTION # # od.py need an ip address and tcp port to listen # ip addr to listen is set by default to # this option is only used if you run od.py without a docker container # this option is only used for developers # if you run abcdesktop.io in a container, # the common usage, keep the default value to server.socket_host: '' # TCP PORT # the default tcp port to listen is 8000 # this tcp port is used by nginx to forward HTTP request to od.py # if you change the default TCP port value, you have to change it to the nginx config file server.socket_port: 8000 # # END OF BIND_SECTION # # EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS SECTION # THIS IS NOT THE BINDING IP ADDR # server.default.ipaddr is only used to locate the external ip of the service # the server.default.ipaddr is used by geoip and Active Directory site subnet queries # the default value is a dummy value '' # change this value to help geoip to locate your service or for Active Directory site and subnet query server.default.ipaddr: '' # END OF EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS SECTION # JWT SECTION # # # JWT Token for /API URL # exp : time in seconds, None for unlimited jwt_token_user : { 'exp': 360, 'jwtuserprivatekeyfile': '/config.usersigning/abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_private_key.pem', 'jwtuserpublickeyfile' : '/config.usersigning/abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_public_key.pem' } # # JWT RSA SIGNING ANS PAYLOAD KEYS # od.py use two RSA keys to sign jwt and encrypt payload's jwt # Use OpenSSL to generate the RSA Keys # # command to build rsa kay pairs for jwt payload # 512 bits is a small value, change here if need # >openssl genrsa -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_private_key.pem 512 # >openssl rsa -in abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out _abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem # >openssl rsa -pubin -in _abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem -RSAPublicKey_out -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem # # command build rsa kay pairs for jwt signing # >openssl genrsa -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem 1024 # >openssl rsa -in abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_public_key.pem # # ! IMPORTANT # ! the same key files are used by nginx # ! you have to copy the key file to nginx container image # jwt_token_desktop : { 'exp': 420, 'jwtdesktopprivatekeyfile': '/config.signing/abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem', 'jwtdesktoppublickeyfile' : '/config.signing/abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_public_key.pem', 'payloaddesktoppublickeyfile' : '/config.payload/abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem' } # END OF JWT SECTION # controllers: { 'ManagerController': { 'permitip': [ '', '', '', 'fd00::/8', '', '' ] }, 'StoreController': { 'wrapped_key': {} }, 'ComposerController' : { 'requestsallowed' : { 'getdesktopdescription': False } }, 'DesktopController' : { 'requestsallowed' : { 'dns': False }, 'permitip': [ '', '', '', 'fd00::/8', '', '' ] } } ### AUTH SECTION ### # Complete AUTH Sample dictionnary # The authmanagers is defined as a dictionnary object : # # # authmanagers: { # 'external': { }, # 'explicit': { }, # 'implicit': { } # } # The od.config defines 3 kinds of entries in the authmanagers object : # external: use for OAuth 2.0 Authentification # explicit: use for LDAP, LDAPS and ActiveDirectory Authentification # implicit: use for Anonymous Authentification # # external: use for OAuth 2.0 Authentification # 'external': { # 'providers': { # 'google': { # 'displayname': 'Google', # 'enabled': True, # 'client_id': 'YYYYYY', # 'client_secret': 'XXXXXX', # 'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email', # 'dialog_url': 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?client_id={client_id}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&response_type=code&scope={scope}', # 'auth_url': 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token?code={code}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={callback_url}&scope={scope}&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}', # 'userinfo_url': 'https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo?access_token={access_token}', # 'callback_url': 'https://FQDN/API/auth/oauth?manager={manager.name}&provider={name}' # } # } # # explicit: use for LDAP, LDAPS and ActiveDirectory Authentification # # 'explicit': { # 'show_domains': True, # 'providers': { # 'LDAP': { # 'config_ref': 'ldapconfig', # 'enabled': True # } # }} # ldapconfig : { 'planet': { # 'default' : True, # 'ldap_timeout' : 15, # 'ldap_protocol' : 'ldap', # 'ldap_basedn' : 'ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', # 'servers' : [ '' ], # 'secure' : False # }} # # explicit with ActiveDirectory Authentification # 'explicit': { # 'show_domains': True, # 'providers': { # 'AD': { # 'config_ref': 'adconfig', # 'enabled': True # } # } # adconfig : { 'AD': { 'default' : True, # 'ldap_timeout' : 15, # 'ldap_protocol' : 'ldap', # 'ldap_basedn' : 'DC=ad,DC=domain,DC=local', # 'ldap_fqdn' : '_ldap._tcp.ad.domain.local', # 'domain' : 'AD', # 'domain_fqdn': 'AD.DOMAIN.LOCAL', # 'servers' : [ '' ], # 'kerberos_realm': 'AD.DOMAIN.LOCAL', # 'query_dcs' : True, # 'wins_servers' : [ '' ], # } # } # implicit: use for Anonymous Authentification # 'implicit': { # 'providers': { # 'anonymous': { # 'displayname': 'Anonymous', # 'caption': 'Have a look !', # 'userid': 'anonymous', # 'username': 'Anonymous' # } # } fail2ban : { 'enable' : False, 'banexpireafterseconds': 600, 'failsbeforeban' : 5, 'protectednetworks' : [''] } auth.logmein : { 'enable' : False, 'network_list' : [''], 'permit_querystring' : True, 'http_attribut' : 'ABCDESKTOPUSERCERT' } auth.prelogin : { 'enable' : False, 'url' : 'https://FQHN/index.session.mustache.html', 'network_list' : [''], 'http_attribut ' : 'abcuserid', 'http_attribut_to_force_auth_prelogin': 'MUST_USE_PRELOGIN' } tipsinfo : { 'networkmap': False } authmanagers: { 'external': { 'providers': {} }, 'metaexplicit': {}, 'explicit': { 'show_domains': True, 'providers' : { 'planet': { 'config_ref': 'ldapconfig', 'enabled': True } } }, 'implicit': { 'providers' : { 'anonymous': { 'displayname': 'Anonymous', 'caption': 'Have a look !', 'userid': 'anonymous', 'username': 'Anonymous', 'policies': { 'acl' : { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'rules' : { 'rule-net-home': { 'conditions' : [ { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ], 'expected' : True, 'label' : 'tennetwork' } } } } } } } # Note serviceaccount is optional ldapconfig : { 'planet': { 'default' : True, 'ldap_timeout' : 15, 'ldap_protocol' : 'ldap', 'ldap_basedn' : 'ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'servers' : [ 'openldap.ns-abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local' ], 'secure' : False, 'serviceaccount': { 'login': 'cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'password': 'GoodNewsEveryone' }, 'policies': { 'acls': None, 'rules' : { 'rule-dummy' : { 'conditions' : [ {'boolean':True, 'expected':True } ], 'expected' : True, 'label':'labeltrue' }, 'rule-ship': { 'conditions' : [ { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'expected' : True } ], 'expected' : True, 'label':'shipcrew' }, 'rule-test': { 'conditions' : [ { 'memberOf': 'cn=admin_staff,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'expected' : True } ], 'expected' : True, 'label': 'adminstaff' } } } } } # END OF AUTH SECTION # MEMCACHE SECTION # memcache server # describe how od.py can reach the memcached server # memcacheserver is the name (FQDN) of the memcached server # memcacheserver default value is None # memcacheserver SHOULD BE SET TO None # od.py build the default : # in standalone mode the build value is 'memcached' # in kubernetes mode the build value is 'memcached.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local' # change it if you need or if you have to run od.py in developer env # memcacheserver: 'localhost' # memcacheserver: 'memcached' memcacheserver: 'memcached.ns-abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local' # # # memcachedport is the tcp port of the memcached server # the default value is 11211 # memcachedport: 11211 # END OF MEMCACHE SECTION # MONGO SECTION # mongodb url # describe how od.py can reach the mongodb server # mongodburi is the URI name of the mongodb server # the same var name mongodbserver support connection string URI format # read https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/#mongodb-uri # the format is: # mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]] # mongodburl SHOULD BE SET TO None # od.py build the default : # in standalone mode the build value is 'mongodb://mongodb:27017' # in kubernetes mode the build value is 'mongodb://mongodb.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local:27017' # change it if you need or if you have to run od.py in developer env # mongodburl: None # mongodburl: 'mongodb://localhost:27017' # mongodburl: 'mongodb://pyos:Az4MeYWUjZDg4Zjhk@mongodb.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local:32017' # mongodburl: 'mongodb://mongodb.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local:32017' # END OF MONGO SECTION mongodburl: 'mongodb://pyos:Az4MeYWUjZDg4Zjhk@mongodb.ns-abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local:27017' # LANGUAGE SECTION # list of default supported language # user container must have the supported language installed # else the default fallback language is en_US language : [ 'af_ZA', 'am_ET', 'an_ES', 'ar_AE', 'ar_BH', 'ar_DZ', 'ar_EG', 'ar_IN', 'ar_IQ', 'ar_JO', 'ar_KW','ar_LB', 'ar_LY', 'ar_MA', 'ar_OM', 'ar_QA', 'ar_SA', 'ar_SD', 'ar_SY', 'ar_TN', 'ar_YE', 'as_IN', 'ast_ES', 'az_AZ', 'be_BY', 'bg_BG', 'bn_BD', 'bn_IN', 'bo_CN', 'bo_IN', 'br_FR', 'bs_BA', 'ca_AD', 'ca_ES', 'ca_FR', 'ca_IT', 'crh_UA', 'cs_CZ', 'cy_GB', 'da_DK', 'de_AT', 'de_BE', 'de_CH', 'de_DE', 'de_LI', 'de_LU', 'dz_BT', 'el_CY', 'el_GR', 'en_AG', 'en_AU', 'en_BW', 'en_CA', 'en_DK', 'en_GB', 'en_HK', 'en_IE', 'en_IN', 'en_NG', 'en_NZ', 'en_PH', 'en_SG', 'en_US', 'en_ZA', 'en_ZM', 'en_ZW', 'eo', 'eo_US', 'es_AR', 'es_BO', 'es_CL', 'es_CO', 'es_CR', 'es_CU', 'es_DO', 'es_EC', 'es_ES', 'es_GT', 'es_HN', 'es_MX', 'es_NI', 'es_PA', 'es_PE', 'es_PR', 'es_PY', 'es_SV', 'es_US', 'es_UY', 'es_VE', 'et_EE', 'eu_ES', 'eu_FR', 'fa_IR', 'fi_FI', 'fr_BE', 'fr_CA', 'fr_CH', 'fr_FR', 'fr_LU', 'ga_IE', 'gd_GB', 'gl_ES', 'gu_IN', 'he_IL', 'hi_IN', 'hr_HR', 'hu_HU', 'id_ID', 'is_IS', 'it_CH', 'it_IT', 'ja_JP', 'ka_GE', 'kk_KZ', 'km_KH', 'kn_IN', 'ko_KR', 'ku_TR', 'lt_LT', 'lv_LV', 'mai_IN', 'mk_MK', 'ml_IN', 'mn_MN', 'mr_IN', 'ms_MY', 'my_MM', 'nb_NO', 'nds_DE', 'nds_NL', 'ne_NP', 'nl_AW', 'nl_BE', 'nl_NL', 'nn_NO', 'oc_FR', 'or_IN', 'pa_IN', 'pa_PK', 'pl_PL', 'pt_BR', 'pt_PT', 'ro_RO', 'ru_RU', 'ru_UA', 'si_LK', 'sk_SK', 'sl_SI', 'sq_AL', 'sq_MK', 'sr_ME', 'sr_RS', 'sv_FI', 'sv_SE', 'ta_IN', 'ta_LK', 'te_IN', 'tg_TJ', 'th_TH', 'tr_CY', 'tr_TR', 'ug_CN', 'uk_UA', 'uz_UZ', 'vi_VN', 'xh_ZA', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_SG', 'zh_TW' ] # END OF LANGUAGE SECTION # WebRTC Janus config # webrtc.enable : False # Application execute class defined executeclasses : { 'default':{ 'nodeSelector':None, 'resources':{ 'requests':{'memory':"64Mi",'cpu':"100m"},        'limits': {'memory':"1Gi",'cpu':"1000m"} } }, 'bronze':{ 'nodeSelector':None, 'resources':{ 'requests':{'memory':"64Mi",'cpu':"100m"},        'limits': {'memory':"512Mi",'cpu':"500m"} } }, 'silver':{ 'nodeSelector':None, 'resources':{ 'requests':{'memory':"64Mi",'cpu':"100m"},        'limits': {'memory':"4Gi",'cpu':"1000m"} } }, 'gold':{ 'nodeSelector':None, 'resources':{ 'requests':{'memory':"128Mi",'cpu':"100m"},        'limits':{'memory':"8Gi",'cpu':"1000m"} } } } # DESKTOP OPTIONS # describe how the user container is created # desktop options desktop.release : '3.0' desktop.pod : { 'spec' : { 'shareProcessNamespace': True, 'shareProcessMemory': True, 'shareProcessMemorySize': '256Mi', 'securityContext': { 'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ], 'runAsUser': '{{ uidNumber }}', 'runAsGroup': '{{ gidNumber }}' } }, 'graphical' : { 'image': { 'default': 'abcdesktopio/oc.user.ubuntu:3.0' }, 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'enable': True, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'waitportbin' : '/composer/node/wait-port/node_modules/.bin/wait-port', # 'resources': { # 'requests': { 'memory': "320Mi", 'cpu': "250m" }, # 'limits' : { 'memory': "1Gi", 'cpu': "1000m" } # }, 'securityContext': { 'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True }, 'tcpport': 6081, 'secrets_requirement' : [ 'abcdesktop/vnc', 'abcdesktop/kerberos'] }, 'spawner' : { 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 29786, 'waitportbin' : '/composer/node/wait-port/node_modules/.bin/wait-port', 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'broadcast' : { 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 29784, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'webshell' : { 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 29781, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'printer' : { 'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.cupsd:3.0', 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 681, 'securityContext': { 'runAsUser': 0 }, 'resources': { 'requests': { 'memory': "64Mi", 'cpu': "125m" }, 'limits' : { 'memory': "512Mi", 'cpu': "500m" } }, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'printerfile' : { 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 29782, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'filer' : { 'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.filer:3.0', 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'enable': True, 'tcpport': 29783, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } }, 'storage' : { 'image': 'k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.8', 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'enable': True, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'resources': { 'requests': { 'memory': "32Mi", 'cpu': "100m" }, 'limits' : { 'memory': "128Mi", 'cpu': "250m" } } }, 'sound': { 'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.pulseaudio.18.04:3.0', 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'enable': False, 'tcpport': 4714, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'resources': { 'requests': { 'memory': "8Mi", 'cpu': "50m" }, 'limits' : { 'memory': "64Mi", 'cpu': "250m" } } }, 'init': { 'image': 'busybox', 'enable': True, # 'imagePullSecrets': [ { 'name': name_of_secret } ] 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'securityContext': { 'runAsUser': 0 }, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'command': [ 'sh', '-c', 'chmod 750 ~ && chown {{ uidNumber }}:{{ gidNumber }} ~' ] }, 'ephemeral_container': { 'enable': True, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'securityContext': { 'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ] , 'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True, 'runAsUser': '{{ uidNumber }}', 'runAsGroup': '{{ gidNumber }}' } }, 'pod_application' : { 'enable': True, # 'imagePullSecrets': [ { 'name': name_of_secret } ] 'securityContext': { 'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ] , 'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True, 'runAsUser': '{{ uidNumber }}', 'runAsGroup': '{{ gidNumber }}' }, 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } } } desktop.policies: { 'rules': { } } # # desktop.homedirectorytype: 'persistentVolumeClaim' # desktop.homedirectorytype: 'hostPath' desktop.homedirectorytype: 'hostPath' # # read https://www.abcdesktop.io/3.0/config/volumes # # where user home dir are located if desktop.homedirectorytype is 'hostPath' # this can be /tmp for example # in production the recommanded value is a mount point (like nfs) # set : # desktop.hostPathRoot: '/mnt/abcdesktop' desktop.hostPathRoot: '/tmp' # if desktop.homedirectorytype is set to persistentVolumeClaim # replace mystorageclass by your own storageClassName # # desktop.homedirectorytype: 'persistentVolumeClaim' # desktop.persistentvolumespec: None # desktop.persistentvolumeclaimspec: { # 'storageClassName': 'mystorageclass', # 'resources': { #. 'requests': { 'storage': '1Gi' } # }, # 'accessModes': [ 'ReadWriteOnce' ] } # # # desktop.defaultbackgroundcolors # list of string color # example [ '#6EC6F0', '#333333' ] # The desktop.defaultbackgroundcolors allow you to change the desktop default background color. # The default value is a list of string # [ '#6EC6F0', '#333333', '#666666', '#CD3C14', '#4BB4E6', '#50BE87', '#A885D8', '#FFB4E6' ] # The desktop.defaultbackgroundcolors length can contain up to 8 entries. desktop.defaultbackgroundcolors : [ '#6EC6F0', '#333333', '#666666', '#CD3C14', '#4BB4E6', '#50BE87', '#A885D8', '#FFB4E6' ] # # desktop.nodeselector # This option permits to assign user pods to nodes # Value can be None or dict # # - None: # description: No node selector # all roles is are supported # for example # desktop.nodeselector: None # # - dict : # description: It specifies a map of key-value pairs. # For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels (it can have additional labels as well). # The most common usage is one key-value pair. # On the cluster set label to node # kubectl label node YOURNODE abcdesktoprole=worker # for example # desktop.nodeselector : { 'abcdesktoprole': 'worker' } # # ClusterRole must be bind to pyos-service account to permit list cluster nodes # ClusterRole is defined on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcdesktopio/conf/main/kubernetes/rbac-cluster.yaml # use ClusterRoleBinding and ClusterRole # if pyos-service account does NOT have ClusterRole image pulling is not guarantee # # the default value for desktop.nodeselector is None # the default service account role is RoleBinding # set at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcdesktopio/conf/main/kubernetes/rbac-role.yaml # desktop.nodeselector: None # Add default environment vars # desktop.envlocal is a dictionary. # desktop.envlocal contains a (key,value) added by default as environment variables to oc.user. # Only static variables are defined here. # Dynamics values are set by python code desktop.envlocal: { 'LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR':'0', 'UBUNTU_MENUPROXY':'0', 'X11LISTEN':'tcp' } # # for demo or kiosk mode # remove all files in user's home directory # add ['lifecycle'] = { 'preStop': { 'exec': { 'command': [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "rm -rf ~/{*,.*}" ] } } # to the graphical container desktop.removehomedirectory : False # # desktop default generic user # balloon is the default generic user name. # The user is created inside the oc.user container # this user MUST exist in the oc.user image # If you change this value, you have to rebuild your own oc.user file # The script oc.user in Dockerfile oc.user : # oc.user Dockerfile commands extract # ENV BUSER balloon # RUN groupadd --gid 4096 $BUSER # RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash --uid 4096 -g $BUSER --groups lpadmin,sudo $BUSER # desktop.username : 'balloon' # default user id of desktop.username desktop.userid : 4096 # default group id of desktop.username desktop.groupid : 4096 # default home directory of desktop.username desktop.userhomedirectory : '/home/balloon' # END OF DESKTOP OPTIONS # # default dock config # dock option describes which default application are show by default # dock option is a dictionary # 'terminal' : Terminal application # 'webshell' : HTML 5, terminal application based on xterm.js # The values are parsed by javascript front # dock : { 'terminal': { 'args': '', 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'name': u'TerminalBuiltin', 'keyword': u'terminal,shell,bash,builtin,pantheon', 'launch': u'qterminal.qterminal', 'displayname': u'Terminal Builtin', 'execmode': u'builtin', 'cat': u'utilities,development', 'id': u'terminalbuiltin.d', 'hideindock': True, 'icon': u'pantheon-terminal-builtin-icons.svg' }, 'webshell': { 'name': u'WebShell', 'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }, 'keyword': u'terminal,shell,webshell,bash,cmd', 'launch': u'frontendjs.webshell', 'displayname': u'Web Shell', 'execmode': u'frontendjs', 'cat': u'utilities,development', 'id': u'webshell.d', 'icon': u'webshell.svg' } } # FRONT END OPTIONS # front.menuconfig is a dictionary to show or hide menu entries # at the to rignt corner # in front js # 'grabmouse': False, front.menuconfig : { 'settings': True, 'appstore': True, 'screenshot':True, 'download': True, 'logout': True, 'disconnect': True } # # GEOLOCATION Geolocation # params used for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation/getCurrentPosition # An optional object including the following parameters: # # maximumAge A positive long value indicating the maximum age in milliseconds of a possible cached position that is acceptable to return. If set to 0, it means that the device cannot use a cached position and must attempt to retrieve the real current position. If set to Infinity the device must return a cached position regardless of its age. Default: 0. # timeout A positive long value representing the maximum length of time (in milliseconds) the device is allowed to take in order to return a position. The default value is Infinity, meaning that getCurrentPosition() won't return until the position is available. # enableHighAccuracy A boolean value that indicates the application would like to receive the best possible results. If true and if the device is able to provide a more accurate position, it will do so. Note that this can result in slower response times or increased power consumption (with a GPS chip on a mobile device for example). On the other hand, if false, the device can take the liberty to save resources by responding more quickly and/or using less power. Default: false. # geolocation : { 'enableHighAccuracy': True, 'timeout': 5000, 'maximumAge': 0 } # # LOGGING SECTION # The logging configuration is a dictionnary object. # The logging configuration describes where and how log message information have to been send. # The syslog and graylog protocol messaging are supported too. # The default features for each handlers are : # handler Features # console log message using a logging.StreamHandler to the stream: ext://sys.stdout formated as standard # cherrypy_console log message using a logging.StreamHandler to the stream: ext://sys.stdout formatted as access # cherrypy_access log message using a logging.StreamHandler to the file stream logs/access.log formatted as access # cherrypy_trace log message using a logging.StreamHandler to the stream: logs/trace.log formatted as standard # # Sub modules used by od.py can log information too. # # Sub module Default Values # docker.utils.config { 'level': 'INFO' }, # urllib3.connectionpool { 'level': 'ERROR'}, # # # logging configuration # come from https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/logging.config.html # need double %% to escape % # # graylog https://github.com/severb/graypy # use handler class name as # graypy.GELFUDPHandler - UDP log forwarding # graypy.GELFTCPHandler - TCP log forwarding # graypy.GELFTLSHandler - TCP log forwarding with TLS support # graypy.GELFHTTPHandler - HTTP log forwarding # graypy.GELFRabbitHandler - RabbitMQ log forwarding logging: { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'access': { 'format': '%%(message)s - user: %%(userid)s', 'datefmt': '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S' }, 'standard': { 'format': '%%(asctime)s %%(module)s [%%(levelname)-7s] %%(name)s.%%(funcName)s:%%(userid)s %%(message)s', 'datefmt': '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S' }, 'syslog': { 'format': '%%(asctime)s %%(levelname)s %%(module)s %%(process)d %%(name)s.%%(funcName)s:%%(userid)s %%(message)s', 'datefmt': '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S' }, 'graylog': { 'format': '%%(levelname)s %%(module)s %%(process)d %%(name)s.%%(funcName)s:%%(userid)s %%(message)s' } }, 'filters': { 'odcontext': { '()': 'oc.logging.OdContextFilter' } }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'filters': [ 'odcontext' ], 'formatter': 'standard', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout' }, 'cherrypy_console': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'filters': [ 'odcontext' ], 'formatter': 'access', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout' }, 'cherrypy_access': { 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filters': [ 'odcontext' ], 'formatter': 'access', 'filename': 'logs/access.log', 'maxBytes': 10485760, 'backupCount': 20, 'encoding': 'utf8' }, 'cherrypy_trace': { 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filters': [ 'odcontext' ], 'formatter': 'standard', 'filename': 'logs/trace.log', 'maxBytes': 10485760, 'backupCount': 20, 'encoding': 'utf8', 'mode': 'w' } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'handlers': [ 'console', 'cherrypy_trace' ], 'level': 'DEBUG' }, 'docker.utils.config': { 'level': 'INFO' }, 'urllib3.connectionpool': { 'level': 'ERROR' }, 'cherrypy.access': { 'handlers': [ 'cherrypy_access' ], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False }, 'cherrypy.error': { 'handlers': [ 'console', 'cherrypy_trace' ], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False } } } # END OF LOGGING SECTION [/] [/img]