variable "location" { description = "Location of the network" default = "westeurope" } variable "rg_location_onprem" { description = "location of resource group" default = "westeurope" } variable "rg_location_cloud" { description = "location of resource group in cloud" default = "northeurope" } variable "username" { description = "Username for Virtual Machines" type = string } variable "password" { description = "Password for Virtual Machines" type = string } variable "vmsize" { description = "Size of the VMs" default = "Standard_DS1_v2" } variable "vpn_key" { description = "The shared key used for VPN tunnel" type = string } variable "rg_prefix" { description = "Prefix used for resource groups" type = string } variable "sub_id" { description = "Enter the subscription ID of your Azure subscription" type = string }