* What's This? This is a Pomodoro timer indicator for your GTK panel. [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/abo-abo/gtk-pomodoro-indicator/images/gtk-pomodoro-indicator.png]] * Requirements #+begin_src sh sudo apt-get install python-gi #+end_src * Install #+begin_src sh sudo -H pip3 install pomodoro-indicator #+end_src * Usage Start a timer with a stopwatch icon for 25 minutes: #+begin_src sh gpi p 25 #+end_src Start a timer with a coffee icon for 5 minutes: #+begin_src sh gpi b 5 #+end_src You can be notified of the end of the task with a custom message notification using --notify option: #+begin_src sh gpi b 5 --notify NOTIFY_MESSAGE #+end_src * Icons Icons files are obtained from http://www.pixeden.com/icon-fonts/stroke-7-icon-font-set. They are free for personal and commercial use.