getBREFTeamStatTable <- function(season_end = 2015, table_name = 'team', date = T){ c('rvest','dplyr','pipeR','RCurl', 'XML','reshape2') -> packages lapply(packages, library, character.only = T) '' -> base (season_end-1) %>>% paste0("-",season_end) -> season 'NBA' -> league table_name %>>% tolower -> table_name '#' %>>% paste0(table_name) -> css_page table_name %>>% paste('stats', sep = "_") -> table css_page %>>% paste0(" a") -> css_id base %>>% paste0(league,'_',season_end,".html") -> url if(table_name == 'standings'){ pipeline({ url html html_table(fill = T) ~t }) if(season_end >= 1971){ t[2] %>>% data.frame %>>% tbl_df -> df c('team','wins','losses','win_pct','games_back','pts.g','opp_pts.g','srs') -> names(df) 'Eastern' -> df$conference t[3] %>>% data.frame() %>>% tbl_df -> df2 c('team','wins','losses','win_pct','games_back','pts.g','opp_pts.g','srs') -> names(df2) 'Western' -> df2$conference rbind_list(df,df2) -> df df$team %>>% (grepl('\\*',.)) -> df$playoff_team df$team %>>% (gsub('\\*','',.)) -> df$team df$team %>>% (colsplit(.,'\\(',c('team','conference_rank'))) %>>% (.$conference_rank) -> conference_rank conference_rank %>>% (gsub('\\)','',.)) %>>% as.numeric -> df$conference_rank df$team %>>% (colsplit(.,'\\(',c('team','conference_rank'))) %>>% (.$team) %>>% Trim -> df$team } else{ t[2] %>>% data.frame %>>% tbl_df -> df c('team','wins','losses','win_pct','games_back','pts.g','opp_pts.g','srs') -> names(df) df$team %>>% (grep('Western Division',.)) %>>% as.numeric -> div '' -> df$conference 'Eastern' -> df[1:div,'conference'] 'Western' -> df[div:nrow(df),'conference'] if(grep('\\(',df$team) %>>% length > 0){ df$team %>>% (colsplit(.,'\\(',c('team','conference_rank'))) %>>% (.$conference_rank) -> conference_rank conference_rank %>>% (gsub('\\)','',.)) %>>% as.numeric -> df$conference_rank df$team %>>% (colsplit(.,'\\(',c('team','conference_rank'))) %>>% (.$team) %>>% Trim -> df$team } df$team %>>% (grepl('\\*',.)) -> df$playoff_team df$team %>>% (gsub('\\*','',.)) -> df$team } df[df$games_back == '—','games_back'] <- 0 df$games_back %>>% as.numeric -> df$games_back df %>>% filter(team == 'Baltimore Bullets'|! -> df df$pts.g - df$opp_pts.g -> df$point_differential pipeline({ url html xpathSApply(path = '//*[(@id = "all_standings")]//a',xmlAttrs) unlist ~team_url_stems }) NULL -> names(team_url_stems) team_url_stems %>>% (gsub('.html|\\/teams|\\/','',.)) %>>% (gsub(pattern = "[^[:alpha:]]", replacement = "", .)) -> bref_team_id data.frame(season,table_name = 'standings', bref_team_id, df) -> df '' %>>% paste0(team_url_stems) -> df$bref_team_season_url } else{ url %>>% ## get table html %>>% html_nodes(css_page) %>>% html_table(header = F) %>>% data.frame() %>>% tbl_df() -> df if(df$X1[1] == 'Rk'){ df %>>% filter(X1 == "Rk") %>>% as.character -> names 'Rk' %>>% grep(x = df$X1) -> row_of_header #find where rank is (row_of_header + 1) %>>% (df[.:nrow(df),]) -> df #skip that row and go to the end names %>>% tolower-> names(df)} else{ df %>>% filter(X1 == "Rk") %>>% as.character -> names 'Rk' %>>% grep(x = df$X1) -> row_of_header #find where rank is (row_of_header + 1) %>>% (df[.:nrow(df),]) -> df #skip that row and go to the end names %>>% tolower-> names(df) } names(df) %>>% (gsub('\\%|/','\\.',.)) -> names(df) NULL -> df$rk c('team','arena') -> table_name_character df[,!(df %>>% names) %in% table_name_character] %>>% apply(2, function(x) gsub('\\,','',x) %>>% as.numeric(x)) -> df[,!(df %>>% names) %in% table_name_character] #get rid of commas and make numeric df$team %>>% grepl(pattern = '\\*') -> df$playoff_team df$team %>>% (gsub('\\*','',.)) -> df$team df %>>% nrow() -1 -> rows df[1:rows,] -> df paste0("//*[(@id = '",table_name,"')]//a") -> xpath ##Grab Team Ids url %>>% ## get table html %>>% xpathSApply(xpath,xmlAttrs) %>>% unlist %>>% as.character -> stems stems %>>% (gsub('\\/|.html|teams','',.)) %>>% (gsub(season_end,'',.)) -> bref_team_id data.frame(season,table_name = table, bref_team_id, df) -> df '' %>>% paste0(stems) -> df$bref_team_season_url } if(date == T){ Sys.time() -> df$scrape_time } return(df) }