[![License][license-image]](/LICENSE) [![Downloads][packagecontrol-image]][packagecontrol-link] # CodeLines ## About `CodeLines` is a code statistic plugin for **Sublime Text 4**. It provides visual statistics of codes in a directory or a file. ## Installation Download the repository and unzip it into your packages path of Sublime Text, or direct clone it with the help of `git` tools. Of course, you can also use `Package Control` to help you if you have installed it before. ## Features overview - sidebar Menu items * Files Size * Code Lines * Code Lines (with Pattern) - commands Palette * CodeLines: Count * CodeLines: Count with Pattern * CodeLines: File Size ### Screen shots 1. Overview by languages ![](image/languages.png) 2. Details by file types ![](image/types.png) 3. File size ![](image/filesize.png) ### Pattern specific ## Settings ```json { "encoding": "utf-8", } ``` ## TODO - [x] Path matching - [ ] Initial cursor location - [ ] Next language/file (align cursor with scope name) - [ ] Proportions ## [Issue](https://github.com/absop/CodeLines/issues) [license-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [packagecontrol-image]: https://img.shields.io/packagecontrol/dt/CodeLines.svg [packagecontrol-link]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/CodeLines