"""Minimal Python 2 & 3 shim around all Qt bindings DOCUMENTATION Qt.py was born in the film and visual effects industry to address the growing need for the development of software capable of running with more than one flavour of the Qt bindings for Python - PySide, PySide2, PyQt4 and PyQt5. 1. Build for one, run with all 2. Explicit is better than implicit 3. Support co-existence Default resolution order: - PySide2 - PyQt5 - PySide - PyQt4 Usage: >> import sys >> from Qt import QtWidgets >> app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) >> button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Hello World") >> button.show() >> app.exec_() All members of PySide2 are mapped from other bindings, should they exist. If no equivalent member exist, it is excluded from Qt.py and inaccessible. The idea is to highlight members that exist across all supported binding, and guarantee that code that runs on one binding runs on all others. For more details, visit https://github.com/mottosso/Qt.py LICENSE See end of file for license (MIT, BSD) information. """ import os import sys import types import shutil import importlib __version__ = "1.1.0.b1" # Enable support for `from Qt import *` __all__ = [] # Flags from environment variables QT_VERBOSE = bool(os.getenv("QT_VERBOSE")) QT_PREFERRED_BINDING = os.getenv("QT_PREFERRED_BINDING", "") QT_SIP_API_HINT = os.getenv("QT_SIP_API_HINT") # Reference to Qt.py Qt = sys.modules[__name__] Qt.QtCompat = types.ModuleType("QtCompat") try: long except NameError: # Python 3 compatibility long = int """Common members of all bindings This is where each member of Qt.py is explicitly defined. It is based on a "lowest common denominator" of all bindings; including members found in each of the 4 bindings. Find or add excluded members in build_membership.py """ _common_members = { "QtGui": [ "QAbstractTextDocumentLayout", "QActionEvent", "QBitmap", "QBrush", "QClipboard", "QCloseEvent", "QColor", "QConicalGradient", "QContextMenuEvent", "QCursor", "QDoubleValidator", "QDrag", "QDragEnterEvent", "QDragLeaveEvent", "QDragMoveEvent", "QDropEvent", "QFileOpenEvent", "QFocusEvent", "QFont", "QFontDatabase", "QFontInfo", "QFontMetrics", "QFontMetricsF", "QGradient", "QHelpEvent", "QHideEvent", "QHoverEvent", "QIcon", "QIconDragEvent", "QIconEngine", "QImage", "QImageIOHandler", "QImageReader", "QImageWriter", "QInputEvent", "QInputMethodEvent", "QIntValidator", "QKeyEvent", "QKeySequence", "QLinearGradient", "QMatrix2x2", "QMatrix2x3", "QMatrix2x4", "QMatrix3x2", "QMatrix3x3", "QMatrix3x4", "QMatrix4x2", "QMatrix4x3", "QMatrix4x4", "QMouseEvent", "QMoveEvent", "QMovie", "QPaintDevice", "QPaintEngine", "QPaintEngineState", "QPaintEvent", "QPainter", "QPainterPath", "QPainterPathStroker", "QPalette", "QPen", "QPicture", "QPictureIO", "QPixmap", "QPixmapCache", "QPolygon", "QPolygonF", "QQuaternion", "QRadialGradient", "QRegExpValidator", "QRegion", "QResizeEvent", "QSessionManager", "QShortcutEvent", "QShowEvent", "QStandardItem", "QStandardItemModel", "QStatusTipEvent", "QSyntaxHighlighter", "QTabletEvent", "QTextBlock", "QTextBlockFormat", "QTextBlockGroup", "QTextBlockUserData", "QTextCharFormat", "QTextCursor", "QTextDocument", "QTextDocumentFragment", "QTextFormat", "QTextFragment", "QTextFrame", "QTextFrameFormat", "QTextImageFormat", "QTextInlineObject", "QTextItem", "QTextLayout", "QTextLength", "QTextLine", "QTextList", "QTextListFormat", "QTextObject", "QTextObjectInterface", "QTextOption", "QTextTable", "QTextTableCell", "QTextTableCellFormat", "QTextTableFormat", "QTransform", "QValidator", "QVector2D", "QVector3D", "QVector4D", "QWhatsThisClickedEvent", "QWheelEvent", "QWindowStateChangeEvent", "qAlpha", "qBlue", "qGray", "qGreen", "qIsGray", "qRed", "qRgb", "qRgb", ], "QtWidgets": [ "QAbstractButton", "QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem", "QAbstractItemDelegate", "QAbstractItemView", "QAbstractScrollArea", "QAbstractSlider", "QAbstractSpinBox", "QAction", "QActionGroup", "QApplication", "QBoxLayout", "QButtonGroup", "QCalendarWidget", "QCheckBox", "QColorDialog", "QColumnView", "QComboBox", "QCommandLinkButton", "QCommonStyle", "QCompleter", "QDataWidgetMapper", "QDateEdit", "QDateTimeEdit", "QDesktopWidget", "QDial", "QDialog", "QDialogButtonBox", "QDirModel", "QDockWidget", "QDoubleSpinBox", "QErrorMessage", "QFileDialog", "QFileIconProvider", "QFileSystemModel", "QFocusFrame", "QFontComboBox", "QFontDialog", "QFormLayout", "QFrame", "QGesture", "QGestureEvent", "QGestureRecognizer", "QGraphicsAnchor", "QGraphicsAnchorLayout", "QGraphicsBlurEffect", "QGraphicsColorizeEffect", "QGraphicsDropShadowEffect", "QGraphicsEffect", "QGraphicsEllipseItem", "QGraphicsGridLayout", "QGraphicsItem", "QGraphicsItemGroup", "QGraphicsLayout", "QGraphicsLayoutItem", "QGraphicsLineItem", "QGraphicsLinearLayout", "QGraphicsObject", "QGraphicsOpacityEffect", "QGraphicsPathItem", "QGraphicsPixmapItem", "QGraphicsPolygonItem", "QGraphicsProxyWidget", "QGraphicsRectItem", "QGraphicsRotation", "QGraphicsScale", "QGraphicsScene", "QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent", "QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent", "QGraphicsSceneEvent", "QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent", "QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent", "QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent", "QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent", "QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent", "QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent", "QGraphicsSimpleTextItem", "QGraphicsTextItem", "QGraphicsTransform", "QGraphicsView", "QGraphicsWidget", "QGridLayout", "QGroupBox", "QHBoxLayout", "QHeaderView", "QInputDialog", "QItemDelegate", "QItemEditorCreatorBase", "QItemEditorFactory", "QKeyEventTransition", "QLCDNumber", "QLabel", "QLayout", "QLayoutItem", "QLineEdit", "QListView", "QListWidget", "QListWidgetItem", "QMainWindow", "QMdiArea", "QMdiSubWindow", "QMenu", "QMenuBar", "QMessageBox", "QMouseEventTransition", "QPanGesture", "QPinchGesture", "QPlainTextDocumentLayout", "QPlainTextEdit", "QProgressBar", "QProgressDialog", "QPushButton", "QRadioButton", "QRubberBand", "QScrollArea", "QScrollBar", "QShortcut", "QSizeGrip", "QSizePolicy", "QSlider", "QSpacerItem", "QSpinBox", "QSplashScreen", "QSplitter", "QSplitterHandle", "QStackedLayout", "QStackedWidget", "QStatusBar", "QStyle", "QStyleFactory", "QStyleHintReturn", "QStyleHintReturnMask", "QStyleHintReturnVariant", "QStyleOption", "QStyleOptionButton", "QStyleOptionComboBox", "QStyleOptionComplex", "QStyleOptionDockWidget", "QStyleOptionFocusRect", "QStyleOptionFrame", "QStyleOptionGraphicsItem", "QStyleOptionGroupBox", "QStyleOptionHeader", "QStyleOptionMenuItem", "QStyleOptionProgressBar", "QStyleOptionRubberBand", "QStyleOptionSizeGrip", "QStyleOptionSlider", "QStyleOptionSpinBox", "QStyleOptionTab", "QStyleOptionTabBarBase", "QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame", "QStyleOptionTitleBar", "QStyleOptionToolBar", "QStyleOptionToolBox", "QStyleOptionToolButton", "QStyleOptionViewItem", "QStylePainter", "QStyledItemDelegate", "QSwipeGesture", "QSystemTrayIcon", "QTabBar", "QTabWidget", "QTableView", "QTableWidget", "QTableWidgetItem", "QTableWidgetSelectionRange", "QTapAndHoldGesture", "QTapGesture", "QTextBrowser", "QTextEdit", "QTimeEdit", "QToolBar", "QToolBox", "QToolButton", "QToolTip", "QTreeView", "QTreeWidget", "QTreeWidgetItem", "QTreeWidgetItemIterator", "QUndoCommand", "QUndoGroup", "QUndoStack", "QUndoView", "QVBoxLayout", "QWhatsThis", "QWidget", "QWidgetAction", "QWidgetItem", "QWizard", "QWizardPage", ], "QtCore": [ "QAbstractAnimation", "QAbstractEventDispatcher", "QAbstractItemModel", "QAbstractListModel", "QAbstractState", "QAbstractTableModel", "QAbstractTransition", "QAnimationGroup", "QBasicTimer", "QBitArray", "QBuffer", "QByteArray", "QByteArrayMatcher", "QChildEvent", "QCoreApplication", "QCryptographicHash", "QDataStream", "QDate", "QDateTime", "QDir", "QDirIterator", "QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent", "QEasingCurve", "QElapsedTimer", "QEvent", "QEventLoop", "QEventTransition", "QFile", "QFileInfo", "QFileSystemWatcher", "QFinalState", "QGenericArgument", "QGenericReturnArgument", "QHistoryState", "QIODevice", "QLibraryInfo", "QLine", "QLineF", "QLocale", "QMargins", "QMetaClassInfo", "QMetaEnum", "QMetaMethod", "QMetaObject", "QMetaProperty", "QMetaType", "QMimeData", "QModelIndex", "QMutex", "QMutexLocker", "QObject", "QParallelAnimationGroup", "QPauseAnimation", "QPersistentModelIndex", "QPluginLoader", "QPoint", "QPointF", "QProcess", "QProcessEnvironment", "QPropertyAnimation", "QReadLocker", "QReadWriteLock", "QRect", "QRectF", "QRegExp", "QResource", "QRunnable", "QSemaphore", "QSequentialAnimationGroup", "QSettings", "QSignalMapper", "QSignalTransition", "QSize", "QSizeF", "QSocketNotifier", "QState", "QStateMachine", "QSysInfo", "QSystemSemaphore", "QTemporaryFile", "QTextBoundaryFinder", "QTextCodec", "QTextDecoder", "QTextEncoder", "QTextStream", "QTextStreamManipulator", "QThread", "QThreadPool", "QTime", "QTimeLine", "QTimer", "QTimerEvent", "QTranslator", "QUrl", "QVariantAnimation", "QWaitCondition", "QWriteLocker", "QXmlStreamAttribute", "QXmlStreamAttributes", "QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration", "QXmlStreamEntityResolver", "QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration", "QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration", "QXmlStreamReader", "QXmlStreamWriter", "Qt", "QtCriticalMsg", "QtDebugMsg", "QtFatalMsg", "QtMsgType", "QtSystemMsg", "QtWarningMsg", "qAbs", "qAddPostRoutine", "qChecksum", "qCritical", "qDebug", "qFatal", "qFuzzyCompare", "qIsFinite", "qIsInf", "qIsNaN", "qIsNull", "qRegisterResourceData", "qUnregisterResourceData", "qVersion", "qWarning", "qrand", "qsrand", ], "QtXml": [ "QDomAttr", "QDomCDATASection", "QDomCharacterData", "QDomComment", "QDomDocument", "QDomDocumentFragment", "QDomDocumentType", "QDomElement", "QDomEntity", "QDomEntityReference", "QDomImplementation", "QDomNamedNodeMap", "QDomNode", "QDomNodeList", "QDomNotation", "QDomProcessingInstruction", "QDomText", "QXmlAttributes", "QXmlContentHandler", "QXmlDTDHandler", "QXmlDeclHandler", "QXmlDefaultHandler", "QXmlEntityResolver", "QXmlErrorHandler", "QXmlInputSource", "QXmlLexicalHandler", "QXmlLocator", "QXmlNamespaceSupport", "QXmlParseException", "QXmlReader", "QXmlSimpleReader" ], "QtHelp": [ "QHelpContentItem", "QHelpContentModel", "QHelpContentWidget", "QHelpEngine", "QHelpEngineCore", "QHelpIndexModel", "QHelpIndexWidget", "QHelpSearchEngine", "QHelpSearchQuery", "QHelpSearchQueryWidget", "QHelpSearchResultWidget" ], "QtNetwork": [ "QAbstractNetworkCache", "QAbstractSocket", "QAuthenticator", "QHostAddress", "QHostInfo", "QLocalServer", "QLocalSocket", "QNetworkAccessManager", "QNetworkAddressEntry", "QNetworkCacheMetaData", "QNetworkConfiguration", "QNetworkConfigurationManager", "QNetworkCookie", "QNetworkCookieJar", "QNetworkDiskCache", "QNetworkInterface", "QNetworkProxy", "QNetworkProxyFactory", "QNetworkProxyQuery", "QNetworkReply", "QNetworkRequest", "QNetworkSession", "QSsl", "QTcpServer", "QTcpSocket", "QUdpSocket" ], "QtOpenGL": [ "QGL", "QGLContext", "QGLFormat", "QGLWidget" ] } """Misplaced members These members from the original submodule are misplaced relative PySide2 """ _misplaced_members = { "pyside2": { "QtGui.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QStringListModel", "QtCore.Property": "QtCore.Property", "QtCore.Signal": "QtCore.Signal", "QtCore.Slot": "QtCore.Slot", "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel": "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel", "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel": "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel", "QtCore.QItemSelection": "QtCore.QItemSelection", "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel": "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel", }, "pyqt5": { "QtCore.pyqtProperty": "QtCore.Property", "QtCore.pyqtSignal": "QtCore.Signal", "QtCore.pyqtSlot": "QtCore.Slot", "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel": "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel", "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel": "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel", "QtCore.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QStringListModel", "QtCore.QItemSelection": "QtCore.QItemSelection", "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel": "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel", }, "pyside": { "QtGui.QAbstractProxyModel": "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel", "QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel": "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel", "QtGui.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QStringListModel", "QtGui.QItemSelection": "QtCore.QItemSelection", "QtGui.QItemSelectionModel": "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel", "QtCore.Property": "QtCore.Property", "QtCore.Signal": "QtCore.Signal", "QtCore.Slot": "QtCore.Slot", }, "pyqt4": { "QtGui.QAbstractProxyModel": "QtCore.QAbstractProxyModel", "QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel": "QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel", "QtGui.QItemSelection": "QtCore.QItemSelection", "QtGui.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QStringListModel", "QtGui.QItemSelectionModel": "QtCore.QItemSelectionModel", "QtCore.pyqtProperty": "QtCore.Property", "QtCore.pyqtSignal": "QtCore.Signal", "QtCore.pyqtSlot": "QtCore.Slot", } } def _apply_site_config(): try: import QtSiteConfig except ImportError: # If no QtSiteConfig module found, no modifications # to _common_members are needed. pass else: # Update _common_members with any changes made by QtSiteConfig QtSiteConfig.update_members(_common_members) def _new_module(name): return types.ModuleType(__name__ + "." + name) def _setup(module, extras): """Install common submodules""" Qt.__binding__ = module.__name__ for name in list(_common_members) + extras: try: submodule = importlib.import_module( module.__name__ + "." + name) except ImportError: continue setattr(Qt, "_" + name, submodule) if name not in extras: # Store reference to original binding, # but don't store speciality modules # such as uic or QtUiTools setattr(Qt, name, _new_module(name)) def _wrapinstance(func, ptr, base=None): """Enable implicit cast of pointer to most suitable class This behaviour is available in sip per default. Based on http://nathanhorne.com/pyqtpyside-wrap-instance Usage: This mechanism kicks in under these circumstances. 1. Qt.py is using PySide 1 or 2. 2. A `base` argument is not provided. See :func:`QtCompat.wrapInstance()` Arguments: func (function): Original function ptr (long): Pointer to QObject in memory base (QObject, optional): Base class to wrap with. Defaults to QObject, which should handle anything. """ assert isinstance(ptr, long), "Argument 'ptr' must be of type " assert (base is None) or issubclass(base, Qt.QtCore.QObject), ( "Argument 'base' must be of type ") if base is None: q_object = func(long(ptr), Qt.QtCore.QObject) meta_object = q_object.metaObject() class_name = meta_object.className() super_class_name = meta_object.superClass().className() if hasattr(Qt.QtWidgets, class_name): base = getattr(Qt.QtWidgets, class_name) elif hasattr(Qt.QtWidgets, super_class_name): base = getattr(Qt.QtWidgets, super_class_name) else: base = Qt.QtCore.QObject return func(long(ptr), base) def _reassign_misplaced_members(binding): """Parse `_misplaced_members` dict and remap values based on the underlying binding. :param str binding: Top level binding in _misplaced_members. """ for src, dst in _misplaced_members[binding].items(): src_module, src_member = src.split(".") dst_module, dst_member = dst.split(".") try: src_object = getattr(Qt, dst_module) except AttributeError: # Skip reassignment of non-existing members. # This can happen if a request was made to # rename a member that didn't exist, for example # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform. continue dst_value = getattr(getattr(Qt, "_" + src_module), src_member) setattr( src_object, dst_member, dst_value ) def _pyside2(): """Initialise PySide2 These functions serve to test the existence of a binding along with set it up in such a way that it aligns with the final step; adding members from the original binding to Qt.py """ import PySide2 as module _setup(module, ["QtUiTools"]) Qt.__binding_version__ = module.__version__ try: import shiboken2 Qt.QtCompat.wrapInstance = ( lambda ptr, base=None: _wrapinstance( shiboken2.wrapInstance, ptr, base) ) Qt.QtCompat.getCppPointer = lambda object: \ shiboken2.getCppPointer(object)[0] except ImportError: pass # Optional if hasattr(Qt, "_QtUiTools"): Qt.QtCompat.loadUi = _loadUi if hasattr(Qt, "_QtCore"): Qt.__qt_version__ = Qt._QtCore.qVersion() Qt.QtCompat.translate = Qt._QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate if hasattr(Qt, "_QtWidgets"): Qt.QtCompat.setSectionResizeMode = \ Qt._QtWidgets.QHeaderView.setSectionResizeMode _reassign_misplaced_members("pyside2") def _pyside(): """Initialise PySide""" import PySide as module _setup(module, ["QtUiTools"]) Qt.__binding_version__ = module.__version__ try: import shiboken Qt.QtCompat.wrapInstance = ( lambda ptr, base=None: _wrapinstance( shiboken.wrapInstance, ptr, base) ) Qt.QtCompat.getCppPointer = lambda object: \ shiboken.getCppPointer(object)[0] except ImportError: pass # Optional if hasattr(Qt, "_QtUiTools"): Qt.QtCompat.loadUi = _loadUi if hasattr(Qt, "_QtGui"): setattr(Qt, "QtWidgets", _new_module("QtWidgets")) setattr(Qt, "_QtWidgets", Qt._QtGui) Qt.QtCompat.setSectionResizeMode = Qt._QtGui.QHeaderView.setResizeMode if hasattr(Qt, "_QtCore"): Qt.__qt_version__ = Qt._QtCore.qVersion() QCoreApplication = Qt._QtCore.QCoreApplication Qt.QtCompat.translate = ( lambda context, sourceText, disambiguation, n: QCoreApplication.translate( context, sourceText, disambiguation, QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n ) ) _reassign_misplaced_members("pyside") def _pyqt5(): """Initialise PyQt5""" import PyQt5 as module _setup(module, ["uic"]) try: import sip Qt.QtCompat.wrapInstance = ( lambda ptr, base=None: _wrapinstance( sip.wrapinstance, ptr, base) ) Qt.QtCompat.getCppPointer = lambda object: \ sip.unwrapinstance(object) except ImportError: pass # Optional if hasattr(Qt, "_uic"): Qt.QtCompat.loadUi = _loadUi if hasattr(Qt, "_QtCore"): Qt.__binding_version__ = Qt._QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR Qt.__qt_version__ = Qt._QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR Qt.QtCompat.translate = Qt._QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate if hasattr(Qt, "_QtWidgets"): Qt.QtCompat.setSectionResizeMode = \ Qt._QtWidgets.QHeaderView.setSectionResizeMode _reassign_misplaced_members("pyqt5") def _pyqt4(): """Initialise PyQt4""" import sip # Validation of envivornment variable. Prevents an error if # the variable is invalid since it's just a hint. try: hint = int(QT_SIP_API_HINT) except TypeError: hint = None # Variable was None, i.e. not set. except ValueError: raise ImportError("QT_SIP_API_HINT=%s must be a 1 or 2") for api in ("QString", "QVariant", "QDate", "QDateTime", "QTextStream", "QTime", "QUrl"): try: sip.setapi(api, hint or 2) except AttributeError: raise ImportError("PyQt4 < 4.6 isn't supported by Qt.py") except ValueError: actual = sip.getapi(api) if not hint: raise ImportError("API version already set to %d" % actual) else: # Having provided a hint indicates a soft constraint, one # that doesn't throw an exception. sys.stderr.write( "Warning: API '%s' has already been set to %d.\n" % (api, actual) ) import PyQt4 as module _setup(module, ["uic"]) try: import sip Qt.QtCompat.wrapInstance = ( lambda ptr, base=None: _wrapinstance( sip.wrapinstance, ptr, base) ) Qt.QtCompat.getCppPointer = lambda object: \ sip.unwrapinstance(object) except ImportError: pass # Optional if hasattr(Qt, "_uic"): Qt.QtCompat.loadUi = _loadUi if hasattr(Qt, "_QtGui"): setattr(Qt, "QtWidgets", _new_module("QtWidgets")) setattr(Qt, "_QtWidgets", Qt._QtGui) Qt.QtCompat.setSectionResizeMode = \ Qt._QtGui.QHeaderView.setResizeMode if hasattr(Qt, "_QtCore"): Qt.__binding_version__ = Qt._QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR Qt.__qt_version__ = Qt._QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR QCoreApplication = Qt._QtCore.QCoreApplication Qt.QtCompat.translate = ( lambda context, sourceText, disambiguation, n: QCoreApplication.translate( context, sourceText, disambiguation, QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n) ) _reassign_misplaced_members("pyqt4") def _none(): """Internal option (used in installer)""" Mock = type("Mock", (), {"__getattr__": lambda Qt, attr: None}) Qt.__binding__ = "None" Qt.__qt_version__ = "0.0.0" Qt.__binding_version__ = "0.0.0" Qt.QtCompat.loadUi = lambda uifile, baseinstance=None: None Qt.QtCompat.setSectionResizeMode = lambda *args, **kwargs: None for submodule in _common_members.keys(): setattr(Qt, submodule, Mock()) setattr(Qt, "_" + submodule, Mock()) def _log(text): if QT_VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write(text + "\n") def _loadUi(uifile, baseinstance=None): """Dynamically load a user interface from the given `uifile` This function calls `uic.loadUi` if using PyQt bindings, else it implements a comparable binding for PySide. Documentation: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/designer.html#PyQt5.uic.loadUi Arguments: uifile (str): Absolute path to Qt Designer file. baseinstance (QWidget): Instantiated QWidget or subclass thereof Return: baseinstance if `baseinstance` is not `None`. Otherwise return the newly created instance of the user interface. """ if hasattr(baseinstance, "layout") and baseinstance.layout(): message = ("QLayout: Attempting to add Layout to %s which " "already has a layout") raise RuntimeError(message % (baseinstance)) if hasattr(Qt, "_uic"): return Qt._uic.loadUi(uifile, baseinstance) elif hasattr(Qt, "_QtUiTools"): # Implement `PyQt5.uic.loadUi` for PySide(2) class _UiLoader(Qt._QtUiTools.QUiLoader): """Create the user interface in a base instance. Unlike `Qt._QtUiTools.QUiLoader` itself this class does not create a new instance of the top-level widget, but creates the user interface in an existing instance of the top-level class if needed. This mimics the behaviour of `PyQt5.uic.loadUi`. """ def __init__(self, baseinstance): super(_UiLoader, self).__init__(baseinstance) self.baseinstance = baseinstance def load(self, uifile, *args, **kwargs): from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree # For whatever reason, if this doesn't happen then # reading an invalid or non-existing .ui file throws # a RuntimeError. etree = ElementTree() etree.parse(uifile) widget = Qt._QtUiTools.QUiLoader.load( self, uifile, *args, **kwargs) # Workaround for PySide 1.0.9, see issue #208 widget.parentWidget() return widget def createWidget(self, class_name, parent=None, name=""): """Called for each widget defined in ui file Overridden here to populate `baseinstance` instead. """ if parent is None and self.baseinstance: # Supposed to create the top-level widget, # return the base instance instead return self.baseinstance # For some reason, Line is not in the list of available # widgets, but works fine, so we have to special case it here. if class_name in self.availableWidgets() + ["Line"]: # Create a new widget for child widgets widget = Qt._QtUiTools.QUiLoader.createWidget(self, class_name, parent, name) else: raise Exception("Custom widget '%s' not supported" % class_name) if self.baseinstance: # Set an attribute for the new child widget on the base # instance, just like PyQt5.uic.loadUi does. setattr(self.baseinstance, name, widget) return widget widget = _UiLoader(baseinstance).load(uifile) Qt.QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(widget) return widget else: raise NotImplementedError("No implementation available for loadUi") def _convert(lines): """Convert compiled .ui file from PySide2 to Qt.py Arguments: lines (list): Each line of of .ui file Usage: >> with open("myui.py") as f: .. lines = _convert(f.readlines()) """ def parse(line): line = line.replace("from PySide2 import", "from Qt import QtCompat,") line = line.replace("QtWidgets.QApplication.translate", "QtCompat.translate") return line parsed = list() for line in lines: line = parse(line) parsed.append(line) return parsed def _cli(args): """Qt.py command-line interface""" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--convert", help="Path to compiled Python module, e.g. my_ui.py") parser.add_argument("--compile", help="Accept raw .ui file and compile with native " "PySide2 compiler.") parser.add_argument("--stdout", help="Write to stdout instead of file", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--stdin", help="Read from stdin instead of file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.stdout: raise NotImplementedError("--stdout") if args.stdin: raise NotImplementedError("--stdin") if args.compile: raise NotImplementedError("--compile") if args.convert: sys.stdout.write("#\n" "# WARNING: --convert is an ALPHA feature.\n#\n" "# See https://github.com/mottosso/Qt.py/pull/132\n" "# for details.\n" "#\n") # # ------> Read # with open(args.convert) as f: lines = _convert(f.readlines()) backup = "%s_backup%s" % os.path.splitext(args.convert) sys.stdout.write("Creating \"%s\"..\n" % backup) shutil.copy(args.convert, backup) # # <------ Write # with open(args.convert, "w") as f: f.write("".join(lines)) sys.stdout.write("Successfully converted \"%s\"\n" % args.convert) def _install(): # Default order (customise order and content via QT_PREFERRED_BINDING) default_order = ("PySide2", "PyQt5", "PySide", "PyQt4") preferred_order = list( b for b in QT_PREFERRED_BINDING.split(os.pathsep) if b ) order = preferred_order or default_order available = { "PySide2": _pyside2, "PyQt5": _pyqt5, "PySide": _pyside, "PyQt4": _pyqt4, "None": _none } _log("Order: '%s'" % "', '".join(order)) # Allow site-level customization of the available modules. _apply_site_config() found_binding = False for name in order: _log("Trying %s" % name) try: available[name]() found_binding = True break except ImportError as e: _log("ImportError: %s" % e) except KeyError: _log("ImportError: Preferred binding '%s' not found." % name) if not found_binding: # If not binding were found, throw this error raise ImportError("No Qt binding were found.") # Install individual members for name, members in _common_members.items(): try: their_submodule = getattr(Qt, "_%s" % name) except AttributeError: continue our_submodule = getattr(Qt, name) # Enable import * __all__.append(name) # Enable direct import of submodule, # e.g. import Qt.QtCore sys.modules[__name__ + "." + name] = our_submodule for member in members: # Accept that a submodule may miss certain members. try: their_member = getattr(their_submodule, member) except AttributeError: _log("'%s.%s' was missing." % (name, member)) continue setattr(our_submodule, member, their_member) # Backwards compatibility Qt.QtCompat.load_ui = Qt.QtCompat.loadUi _install() # Setup Binding Enum states Qt.IsPySide2 = Qt.__binding__ == 'PySide2' Qt.IsPyQt5 = Qt.__binding__ == 'PyQt5' Qt.IsPySide = Qt.__binding__ == 'PySide' Qt.IsPyQt4 = Qt.__binding__ == 'PyQt4' """Augment QtCompat QtCompat contains wrappers and added functionality to the original bindings, such as the CLI interface and otherwise incompatible members between bindings, such as `QHeaderView.setSectionResizeMode`. """ Qt.QtCompat._cli = _cli Qt.QtCompat._convert = _convert # Enable command-line interface if __name__ == "__main__": _cli(sys.argv[1:]) # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Marcus Ottosson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # In PySide(2), loadUi does not exist, so we implement it # # `_UiLoader` is adapted from the qtpy project, which was further influenced # by qt-helpers which was released under a 3-clause BSD license which in turn # is based on a solution at: # # - https://gist.github.com/cpbotha/1b42a20c8f3eb9bb7cb8 # # The License for this code is as follows: # # qt-helpers - a common front-end to various Qt modules # # Copyright (c) 2015, Chris Beaumont and Thomas Robitaille # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the Glue project nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Which itself was based on the solution at # # https://gist.github.com/cpbotha/1b42a20c8f3eb9bb7cb8 # # which was released under the MIT license: # # Copyright (c) 2011 Sebastian Wiesner # Modifications by Charl Botha # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"),to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.