To save time later in the DEMO we should populate this before configuring the ONPREM environment. There are two VPN connections ... one between AWS and ONPREM ROUTER1 and one between AWS and ONPREM ROUTER2 For each of those there are two tunnels ... AWS Endpoint A -> ONPREMROUTER and AWS endpointB -> ONPREMROUTER Those are the details we will populate # SHARED VALUES ROUTER1_PRIVATE_IP = ROUTER2_PRIVATE_IP = ONPREM BGP ASN = 65016 AWS BGP ASN = 64512 # CONNECTION1 - AWS => ON PREM ROUTER1 CONN1_TUNNEL1_PresharedKey = CONN1_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_BGP_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL2_PresharedKey = CONN1_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP = CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_BGP_IP = # CONNECTION2 - AWS => ON PREM ROUTER2 CONN2_TUNNEL1_PresharedKey = CONN2_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_BGP_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL2_PresharedKey = CONN2_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP = CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_BGP_IP = # INSTRUCTIONS ON GETTING THE VALUES We will be locating values for a specific connection `CONN1` or `CONN2` and a specific tunnel .. `TUNNEL1` or `TUNNEL2` For anything starting with CONN1 .. Look in the `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT` file For anything starting with CONN2 .. Look in the `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT` file In each of the above files, for anything showing TUNNEL1 fine the section `IPSec Tunnel #1` in the above files (THE TOP HALF) In each of the above files, for anything showing TUNNEL2 fine the section `IPSec Tunnel #2` in the above files (THE BOTTOM HALF) For `ROUTER1_PRIVATE_IP` its the 192.168.12.SOMETHING Private IPv4 Address for `ROUTER1` - Check the `Outputs` of the `ONPREM` CFN Stack for `Private IP of Router1` For `ROUTER2_PRIVATE_IP` its the 192.168.12.SOMETHING Private IPv4 Address for `ROUTER2` - Check the `Outputs` of the `ONPREM` CFN Stack for `Private IP of Router2` For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_PresharedKey` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, Locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, Locate `- Pre-Shared Key` Your key is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL2_PresharedKey` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, Locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, Locate `- Pre-Shared Key` Your key is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL1_PresharedKey` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, Locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, Locate `- Pre-Shared Key` Your key is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL2_PresharedKey` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, Locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, Locate `- Pre-Shared Key` Your key is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP` its the PublicIPv4 Address of `ROUTER1` `CONN1_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP` its the PublicIPv4 Address of `ROUTER1` `CONN2_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP` its the PublicIPv4 Address of `ROUTER2` `CONN2_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_OUTSIDE_IP` its the PublicIPv4 Address of `ROUTER2` For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Outside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Outside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Outside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_OUTSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Outside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Customer Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Customer Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL1_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Customer Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL2_ONPREM_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Customer Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION1CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #1`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP` open `CONNECTION2CONFIG.TXT`, locate `IPSec Tunnel #2`, locate `#3: Tunnel Interface Configuration`, locate `Inside IP Addresses:`, locate `- Virtual Private Gateway` the value is there For `CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_BGP_IP` the value is the same as `CONN1_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP` (without the /30) For `CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_BGP_IP` the value is the same as `CONN1_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP` (without the /30) For `CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_BGP_IP` the value is the same as `CONN2_TUNNEL1_AWS_INSIDE_IP` (without the /30) For `CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_BGP_IP` the value is the same as `CONN2_TUNNEL2_AWS_INSIDE_IP` (without the /30)