# ChromeREPL
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A SublimeText 3 Plugin to use Chrome as your [REPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop).
Execute JavaScript in your browser. Interact with your running webapps. Live code your brains out!
### Why?
Because Chrome ain't no text editor. Anything longer than a line is a pain, and so is recalling what you typed earlier.
## Installation
Via Package Control (recommended! 👍👍👍)
Alternatively, clone this repo into your `Packages` directory. e.g. `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/` on macOS. If you do this you will need to open the Command Palette and run `Package Control: Satisfy Dependencies`.
## Starting Chrome
Chrome needs to be started with a special flag 🏳️ (`--remote-debugging-port`).
Don't worry, commands are provided to do this for you 😅.
Run them by opening the Command Pallete (macOS: `cmd shift P`, win/lin: `ctrl shift P`).
1. If you haven't opened Chrome, use the `Chrome REPL: Start Chrome` command.
2. If Chrome is already running, use `Chrome REPL: Restart Chrome with remote debugging`*
>**this will quit and re-open Chrome, if you want to preserve your tabs, make sure you have set this behaviour in Chrome's settings: `On start-up: Continue where you left off`.*
### 🚨 Security Warning: New User Profile 🚨
When Chrome restarts, it will use a new Chrome user profile. This is because the Chrome DevTools protocol (that is used for communication) opens a port for communication, but also exposes your cookies. To prevent people on your network from sniffing your important cookies (e.g. website logins), a temporary Chrome user profile is used.
## Usage
1. Start/Restart Chrome as above
2. Run the `Chrome REPL: Connect to Tab` command
3. Select the tab you want to connect to
4. You should see `"Sublime Text connected"` in the Chrome Developer Tools console
5. Use Shift Enter in Sublime Text to execute JavaScript code:
- If you have nothing selected it will execute the current line
- With code selected it will execute just the selection
>Note: Each Sublime tab can be connected to one Chrome tab. The connected tab is displayed in Sublime in the status bar at the bottom of tab.
### Additional commands
- `Clear Console` Cmd/Ctrl Shift C
- `Reload Page` Cmd/Ctrl Shift R
- `Reload Page (Ignore Cache)` Cmd/Ctrl Shift Alt R
## Settings
- 📁 Path to Chrome (can be Chrome, Canary, or Chromium)
- 👀 Automatically focus on connected Chrome tab (requires `wmctrl` on Linux)
- 🔧 Automatically opening the Developer Tools for every new window
- 🏳️ Additional chrome flags
- ⌨️ Enabling the [Command Line API](https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/console/command-line-reference)
- 🏠 Custom hostname and port
## Thanks
The project was inspired by [SublimeWebInspector](https://github.com/sokolovstas/SublimeWebInspector/tree/master), but is far less ambitious, not as opinionated, and thus easier to maintain.
This uses a *ever so slightly* modified version of [PyChromeDevTools](https://github.com/marty90/PyChromeDevTools), and a stripped down version of [Sublime Goto Window](https://github.com/ccampbell/sublime-goto-window).
## Known Issues
This plugin relies on [psutil](https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil). The latest version of psutil requires Python 3.4. This means we are stuck with 5.4.1 which has a [known issue](https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1044) on macOS to do with zombie processes. If the only option in the command palette is `Restart Chrome` then you may need to reboot your machine to clear the issue.
## Author
Arthur Carabott - [arthurcarabott.com](https://arthurcarabott.com)
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