![Squidex Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidex/squidex/master/media/logo-wide.png "Squidex") # Squidex Templates This repository contains app templates for Squidex CMS. The main repository: https://github.com/squidex/squidex ## How to make feature requests, get help or report bugs? Please join our community forum: https://support.squidex.io ## Existing Templates Just click one of the following links to navigate to the templates and to get installation instructions. > IMPORTANT: The samples are based on the official CLI, which can be downloaded from the following link: [Download CLI](https://github.com/Squidex/squidex-samples/releases). * [Original Starter Sample Profile](sample-profile/README.md): Original sample from squidex/templates to create a simple profile page with a sample for ASP.NET Core. ## How to create a new template? This repository is open for contributions. You can easily create new templates without any coding knowledge: ### 1. Download the CLI The first step is to download the CLI: https://github.com/Squidex/squidex-samples/releases This tool provides a lot of useful features to work with Squidex CMS and to automate processes such as export, import and backups. [Documentation](https://docs.squidex.io/02-documentation/developer-guides/automation-tools). It also provides a powerful `sync` command, which can be used to export all settings, contents and assets to a file system and to import everything to an existing app. This is the command which is used for the samples. ### 2. Create a new App in Squidex This app will contain everything (and not more) that should be part of your sample. ### 3. Connect the CLI to your App ![Connect Client](_tutorial/01-Client.png "Connect CLI") 1. Go to the **Settings** area of your app. 2. Go to the **Clients** settings. 3. Ensure that your client has owner permissions. It actually depends what you want to export, but usually the CLI needs a lot of permissions. Therefore we temporarily give full permissions to the CLI. 4. Click the **Connect** button to follow a wizard that will tell you exactly how to configure the CLI. ### 4. Export your App Enter the following command to your shell: ``` sq sync out --describe ``` This will export all settings. You can also target a subset of the data and settings. For example use the following command to export only contents and schemas: ``` sq sync out -t contents -t schemas --describe ``` Use the help with `--help` to see all targets. ``` sq sync out --help ``` The `--describe` parameter is used to create a `README.md` file to describe your template. You can also create a description from an existing export with ``` sq sync describe ``` ### 5. Describe your Sample Enrich the `README.md` file with a description of your sample. ### 6. Create a pull request Clone this repository and create a full request. Follow this checklist: * [ ] I have added a link in the root `README.md` file to my sample. * [ ] I have tested my sample with a new, empty app. * [ ] I have added a few lines of description to my sample. * [ ] I have added links to sample source code, if available. * [ ] I have updated the `README.md` file to point to the repository location.