#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # accsyn example Hook Python 2/3 script for processing an incoming publish request # by user. See README.md for more information. import sys import json import copy import datetime def get_version(version_ident): result = -1 try: result = int(version_ident.split("v")[1]) except: pass return result def validate_task_and_version(project_ident, task_ident, version_ident): # Here you could check the project and task against your production database, # for example directories on disk or by querying a project management system/Google sheet or similar. if project_ident.lower() != "proj": return "Unknown project '{}'!".format(project_ident) if not task_ident.lower() in ["task001", "task002"]: return "Unknown task '{}'!".format(task_ident) if not version_ident.lower().startswith("v"): return "Invalid version identifier '{}' - has to start with an 'v'!".format(version_ident) try: version = int(version_ident.split("v")[1]) except: return "Invalid version identifier '{}' - must be a 'v' followed by integer number!".format(version_ident) if version != 1: return "Version {} is not the next publishable version!".format(version_ident) return None # All ok if __name__ == '__main__': p_input = sys.argv[1] data = json.load(open(p_input, "r")) print("Pre Publish hook incoming data from user {}: {}".format(data['user_hr'], json.dumps(data, indent=3))) print("Analyzing data") result = { "guidelines": ''' Please follow our naming convention for publishing back to us:

Select entries below and enter comment, time report and status: ''', "comment": True, "time_report": True, "metadata": False, "statuses": [ {"label": "For approval", "value": "for_approval", "default": True}, {"label": "Work in progress", "value": "work_in_progress"}, ], "files": [] } ROOT_SHARE = "/Volumes/projects" DAILY_FOLDER = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") for entry in data['files']: d = copy.deepcopy(entry) # Return what we get - preserve ID field # Identify project, task parts = entry['filename'].split(".")[0].split("_") if 3 <= len(parts): warning_message = validate_task_and_version(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]) if warning_message is None: project = parts[0] task = parts[1] version = get_version(parts[2]) publish_ident = "%s / %s / v%03d" % (project, task, version) if len(parts) == 3: if entry.get('is_dir') is True: # This is a valid publish! Check the data provided if 0 < len(entry.get('files', [])): start_image = 999999 end_image = -999999 found_numbers = [] for file_entry in entry['files']: # Expect 'SOMENAME..' if file_entry['filename'] in ['.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db']: continue image_parts = file_entry['filename'].split(".") if len(image_parts) == 3: # Check number try: number = int(image_parts[1]) found_numbers.append(number) if number < start_image: start_image = number if end_image < number: end_image = number # Check extension if not image_parts[2].lower() in ['tiff', 'tif', 'png', 'tga', 'exr', 'dpx', 'jpg']: warning_message = "Image '{}' does not have a known frame format " \ "extension ('tiff','tif','png','tga','exr','dpx'," \ "'jpg')!".format(file_entry['filename']) break # Here you can check if image size is ok and not varying - # detect possible corrupt images. except: warning_message = "Image '{}' does not have a valid frame number!".format( file_entry['filename']) break else: warning_message = "Image '{}' is not on the form 'imagename.number.ext'!".format( file_entry['filename']) if warning_message is None: image_count = end_image - start_image + 1 # Here you can check if all images are present, we check for missing images (holes) n_prev = -1 for n in sorted(found_numbers): if n_prev != -1 and n != n_prev + 1: warning_message = "Image '{}' is missing!".format(n_prev + 1) break n_prev = n else: warning_message = "Directory is empty" if warning_message is None: d['ident'] = publish_ident d['can_publish'] = True d['path'] = "%s/%s/%s/publish/%s_%s_%03d" % ( ROOT_SHARE, project, task, project, task, version) else: d['warning'] = warning_message d['can_upload'] = True else: d['warning'] = "Only directories can be published!" d['rejected'] = True elif len(parts) == 4: if parts[3] == "preview": filename_parts = entry['filename'].split(".") if len(filename_parts) == 2 and (filename_parts[1].lower() == "mov" or filename_parts[1].lower() == "jpg"): d['ident'] = "{}_preview".format(publish_ident) d['can_upload'] = True d['path'] = "%s/%s/%s/preview/%s_%s_%03d.%s" % (ROOT_SHARE, project, task, project, task, version, filename_parts[1].lower()) else: d['warning'] = "Previews can only be of .mov or .jpg file type/extension!" d['rejected'] = True elif parts[3] == "assets": # Check so not empty if 0 < len(entry.get('files', [])): d['ident'] = "{}_assets".format(publish_ident) d['can_upload'] = True d['path'] = "%s/%s/%s/assets/%s_%s_%03d" % ( ROOT_SHARE, project, task, project, task, version) else: d['warning'] = "Empty assets directory!" d['rejected'] = True else: d['warning'] = "Unknown additional {} asset, only previews and assets are supported!".format( publish_ident) d['rejected'] = True else: d['warning'] = "File are not following our naming convention!" d['rejected'] = True else: d['warning'] = warning_message d['can_upload'] = True # Still offer to upload somewhere, you can also choose to reject this. else: d['warning'] = "File are not following our naming convention!" d['rejected'] = True if d.get('can_upload') is True and not d.get('rejected') is True and 'path' not in d: d['path'] = "{}/_FROM_VENDORS/{}/{}/{}".format( ROOT_SHARE, data['user_hr'], DAILY_FOLDER, entry['filename']) result['files'].append(d) print("My results: {}".format(json.dumps(result, indent=3))) p_output = sys.argv[2] print("Writing results back to: {}".format(p_output)) with open(p_output, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(result)) sys.exit(0)