# VSCodeColumnSelection Adds a column selection command to Sublime Text similar to VSCode's shift + alt + click. ## Installation #### Automatic Via Package Control. Search for `VSCodeColumnSelection`. #### Manual Clone this repository into your Sublime Text's Packages directory. Easy. ```sh cd /path/to/Sublime Text/Packages git clone https://github.com/acheronfail/VSCodeColumnSelection.git ``` ## Usage This package aims to add the VSCcode-like column selection commands to Sublime Text. While it aims to mimic as close as possible the behaviour of VSCode, there is a slight limitation (see [L13-23](https://github.com/acheronfail/VSCodeColumnSelection/blob/4f3c0b574603cd3e6b9138bef4e667915ab30545/vscode_column_selection.py#L13-L23)). Other than that, it works a treat! Place a cursor anywhere, and then shift + alt + click where you want the bottom right of the column selection to end. Best explained with a gif: ![example gif](./example.gif) ### Remapping to different keys This package adds the command `"column_selection"`. If you want to map it to a different mouse command, then you need to add that in your sublime-mousemap like so: ```js { "button": "button1", // Remap command to shift+super "modifiers": ["shift", "super"], "press_command": "column_selection" } ``` ### Known Issues * Doesn't work with wrapped lines - Unfortunately, due to a limitation with Sublime's API this isn't feasible to implement at the moment. - See the [topic in forum.sublimetext](https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/how-to-find-wrapped-line-lengths/36045). - And feature request [here](https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/2256). # License [MIT](./LICENSE)