#! /bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH #=============================================================================================== # System Required: CentOS Debian or Ubuntu (32bit/64bit) # Description: A tool to auto-compile & install KCPTUN for SS/SSR on Linux # Intro: https://github.com/onekeyshell/kcptun_for_ss_ssr/issues #=============================================================================================== version="2.0.7" if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then echo "Error: You must be root to run this script, please use root to install SS/SSR/KCPTUN" exit 1 fi shell_update(){ fun_clangcn "clear" echo "+ Check updates for shell..." remote_shell_version=`wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${shell_download_link} | sed -n '/'^version'/p' | cut -d\" -f2` if [ ! -z ${remote_shell_version} ]; then if [[ "${version}" != "${remote_shell_version}" ]];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Found a new version,update now!!!${COLOR_END}" echo echo -n "+ Update shell ..." if ! wget --no-check-certificate -qO $0 ${shell_download_link}; then echo -e " [${COLOR_RED}failed${COLOR_END}]" echo exit 1 else echo -e " [${COLOR_GREEN}OK${COLOR_END}]" echo echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Please Re-run${COLOR_END} ${COLOR_PINK}$0 ${clang_action}${COLOR_END}" echo exit 1 fi exit 1 fi fi } shell_download_link="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ackurdeeve/kcptun_for_ss_ssr/master/kcptun_for_ss_ssr-install.sh" program_version_link="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ackurdeeve/kcptun_for_ss_ssr/master/version.sh" ss_libev_config="/etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json" ssr_config="/usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocksR.json" ssrr_config="/usr/local/shadowsocksrr/user-config.json" kcptun_config="/usr/local/kcptun/config.json" # Check if user is root contact_us="https://github.com/onekeyshell/kcptun_for_ss_ssr/issues" fun_clangcn(){ local clear_flag="" clear_flag=$1 if [[ ${clear_flag} == "clear" ]]; then clear fi echo "" echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| KCPTUN for SS/SSR on Linux Server |" echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| A tool to auto-compile & install KCPTUN for SS/SSR on Linux |" echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| Intro: ${contact_us} |" echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "" } fun_set_text_color(){ COLOR_RED='\E[1;31m' COLOR_GREEN='\E[1;32m' COLOR_YELOW='\E[1;33m' COLOR_BLUE='\E[1;34m' COLOR_PINK='\E[1;35m' COLOR_PINKBACK_WHITEFONT='\033[45;37m' COLOR_GREEN_LIGHTNING='\033[32m \033[05m' COLOR_END='\E[0m' } # Check OS Get_Dist_Name(){ release='' systemPackage='' DISTRO='' if grep -Eqi "CentOS" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "CentOS" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='CentOS' release="centos" systemPackage='yum' elif grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='RHEL' release="centos" systemPackage='yum' elif grep -Eqi "Aliyun" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Aliyun" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Aliyun' release="centos" systemPackage='yum' elif grep -Eqi "Fedora" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Fedora" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Fedora' release="centos" systemPackage='yum' elif grep -Eqi "Debian" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Debian" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Debian' release="debian" systemPackage='apt' elif grep -Eqi "Ubuntu" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Ubuntu" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Ubuntu' release="ubuntu" systemPackage='apt' elif grep -Eqi "Raspbian" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Raspbian" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Raspbian' release="debian" systemPackage='apt' elif grep -Eqi "Deepin" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Deepin" /etc/*-release; then DISTRO='Deepin' release="debian" systemPackage='apt' else release='unknow' fi Get_OS_Bit } # Check OS bit Get_OS_Bit(){ ARCHS="" if [[ `getconf WORD_BIT` = '32' && `getconf LONG_BIT` = '64' ]] ; then Is_64bit='y' ARCHS="amd64" else Is_64bit='n' ARCHS="386" fi } # Check system check_sys(){ local checkType=$1 local value=$2 if [[ ${checkType} == "sysRelease" ]]; then if [ "$value" == "$release" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi elif [[ ${checkType} == "packageManager" ]]; then if [ "$value" == "$systemPackage" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } # Get version getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } # CentOS version centosversion(){ if check_sys sysRelease centos; then local code=$1 local version="$(getversion)" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ "$main_ver" == "$code" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } get_opsy(){ [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } debianversion(){ if check_sys sysRelease debian;then local version=$( get_opsy ) local code=${1} local main_ver=$( echo ${version} | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') if [ "${main_ver}" == "${code}" ];then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } Check_OS_support(){ # Check OS system if [ "${release}" == "unknow" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Unable to get Linux distribution name, or do NOT support the current distribution.${COLOR_END}" echo exit 1 elif [ "${DISTRO}" == "CentOS" ]; then if centosversion 5; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Not support CentOS 5, please change to CentOS 6 or 7 and try again.${COLOR_END}" echo exit 1 fi fi } Press_Install(){ echo "" echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Press any key to install...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel${COLOR_END}" OLDCONFIG=`stty -g` stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0 dd count=1 2>/dev/null stty ${OLDCONFIG} } Press_Start(){ echo "" echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Press any key to continue...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel${COLOR_END}" OLDCONFIG=`stty -g` stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0 dd count=1 2>/dev/null stty ${OLDCONFIG} } Press_Exit(){ echo "" echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Press any key to Exit...or Press Ctrl+c${COLOR_END}" OLDCONFIG=`stty -g` stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0 dd count=1 2>/dev/null stty ${OLDCONFIG} } Print_Sys_Info(){ cat /etc/issue cat /etc/*-release uname -a MemTotal=`free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}'` echo "Memory is: ${MemTotal} MB " df -h } Disable_Selinux(){ if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config fi } pre_install_packs(){ local wget_flag='' local killall_flag='' local netstat_flag='' wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1 wget_flag=$? killall -V >/dev/null 2>&1 killall_flag=$? netstat --version >/dev/null 2>&1 netstat_flag=$? if [[ ${wget_flag} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${killall_flag} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${netstat_flag} -gt 6 ]];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN} Install support packs...${COLOR_END}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then yum install -y wget psmisc net-tools elif check_sys packageManager apt; then apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install wget psmisc net-tools fi fi } # Random password fun_randstr(){ index=0 strRandomPass="" for i in {a..z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {A..Z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {0..9}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {1..16}; do strRandomPass="$strRandomPass${arr[$RANDOM%$index]}"; done echo $strRandomPass } get_ip(){ local IP=$(ip addr | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | egrep -v "^192\.168|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-2]\.|^10\.|^127\.|^255\.|^0\." | head -n 1) [ -z ${IP} ] && IP=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ip.clang.cn | sed -r 's/\r//') [ -z ${IP} ] && IP=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ipv4.icanhazip.com | sed -r 's/\r//') [ ! -z ${IP} ] && echo ${IP} || echo } Dispaly_Selection(){ def_Install_Select="7" echo -e "${COLOR_YELOW}You have 7 options for your kcptun/ss/ssr install.${COLOR_END}" echo "1: Install Shadowsocks-libev" echo "2: Install ShadowsocksR(python)" echo "3: Install KCPTUN" echo "4: Install Shadowsocks-libev + KCPTUN" echo "5: Install ShadowsocksR(python) + KCPTUN" echo "6: Install Shadowsocksrr(python)" echo "7: Install Shadowsocksrr(python) + KCPTUN [default]" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or exit. default [${def_Install_Select}]): " Install_Select case "${Install_Select}" in 1) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install Shadowsocks-libev ${SS_LIBEV_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 2) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install ShadowsocksR(python) ${SSR_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 3) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install KCPTUN ${KCPTUN_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 4) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Install Shadowsocks-libev ${SS_LIBEV_VER} + KCPTUN ${KCPTUN_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 5) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install ShadowsocksR(python) ${SSR_VER} + KCPTUN ${KCPTUN_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 6) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install Shadowsocksrr(python) ${SSRR_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; 7) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will install Shadowsocksrr(python) ${SSRR_VER} + KCPTUN ${KCPTUN_VER}${COLOR_END}" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You select , shell exit now!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 ;; *) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}No input,You will install Shadowsocksrr(python) + KCPTUN${COLOR_END}" Install_Select="${def_Install_Select}" esac } # Install cleanup install_cleanup(){ cd ${cur_dir} rm -rf .version.sh shadowsocks-libev-* manyuser.zip shadowsocksr-manyuser shadowsocks-manyuser kcptun-linux-* libsodium-* mbedtls-* shadowsocksr-akkariiin-master ssrr.zip } check_kcptun_for_ss_ssr_installed(){ ss_libev_installed_flag="" ssr_installed_flag="" ssrr_installed_flag="" kcptun_installed_flag="" kcptun_install_flag="" ss_libev_install_flag="" ssr_install_flag="" ssrr_install_flag="" if [ "${Install_Select}" == "1" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "4" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "1" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "1" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [[ "$(command -v "ss-server")" ]] || [[ "$(command -v "/usr/local/bin/ss-server")" ]]; then ss_libev_installed_flag="true" else ss_libev_installed_flag="false" fi fi if [ "${Install_Select}" == "2" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "2" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "2" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [[ -x /usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocks/server.py ]] && [[ -s /usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocks/__init__.py ]]; then ssr_installed_flag="true" else ssr_installed_flag="false" fi fi if [ "${Install_Select}" == "6" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "7" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "4" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "4" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [[ -x /usr/local/shadowsocksrr/shadowsocks/server.py ]] && [[ -s /usr/local/shadowsocksrr/shadowsocks/__init__.py ]]; then ssrr_installed_flag="true" else ssrr_installed_flag="false" fi fi if [ "${Install_Select}" == "3" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "4" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Install_Select}" == "7" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "3" ] || [ "${Update_Select}" == "5" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "3" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [[ "$(command -v "/usr/local/kcptun/kcptun")" ]] || [[ "$(command -v "kcptun")" ]]; then kcptun_installed_flag="true" else kcptun_installed_flag="false" fi fi } get_install_version(){ rm -f ${cur_dir}/.version.sh if ! wget --no-check-certificate -qO ${cur_dir}/.version.sh ${program_version_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download version.sh${COLOR_END}" fi if [ -s ${cur_dir}/.version.sh ]; then [ -x ${cur_dir}/.version.sh ] && chmod +x ${cur_dir}/.version.sh . ${cur_dir}/.version.sh fi if [ -z ${LIBSODIUM_VER} ] || [ -z ${MBEDTLS_VER} ] || [ -z ${SS_LIBEV_VER} ] || [ -z ${SSR_VER} ] || [ -z ${SSRR_VER} ] || [ -z ${KCPTUN_VER} ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: ${COLOR_END}Get Program version failed!" exit 1 fi } get_latest_version(){ rm -f ${cur_dir}/.api_*.txt if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then echo -e "Loading SS-libev version, please wait..." if check_sys packageManager yum; then ss_libev_init_link="${SS_LIBEV_YUM_INIT}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then ss_libev_init_link="${SS_LIBEV_APT_INIT}" fi shadowsocks_libev_ver="shadowsocks-libev-${SS_LIBEV_VER}" if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then echo -e "Get the ss-libev version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${SS_LIBEV_VER}${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libsodium.a ] && [ ! -L /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so ]; then #echo -e "Loading libsodium version, please wait..." libsodium_laster_ver="libsodium-${LIBSODIUM_VER}" if [ "${libsodium_laster_ver}" == "" ] || [ "${LIBSODIUM_LINK}" == "" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get libsodium version failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi #echo -e "Get the libsodium version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${LIBSODIUM_VER}${COLOR_END}" fi if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libmbedtls.a ] && [ ! -f /usr/include/mbedtls/version.h ]; then #echo -e "Loading mbedtls version, please wait..." mbedtls_laster_ver="mbedtls-${MBEDTLS_VER}" if [ "${mbedtls_laster_ver}" == "" ] || [ "${MBEDTLS_LINK}" == "" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get mbedtls version failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi #echo -e "Get the mbedtls version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${MBEDTLS_VER}${COLOR_END}" fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then echo -e "Loading ShadowsocksR version, please wait..." ssr_download_link="${SSR_LINK}" ssr_latest_ver="${SSR_VER}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then ssr_init_link="${SSR_YUM_INIT}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then ssr_init_link="${SSR_APT_INIT}" fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then echo -e "Get the ShadowsocksR version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${SSR_VER}${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then echo -e "Loading Shadowsocksrr version, please wait..." ssrr_download_link="${SSRR_LINK}" ssrr_latest_ver="${SSRR_VER}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then ssrr_init_link="${SSRR_YUM_INIT}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then ssrr_init_link="${SSRR_APT_INIT}" fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then echo -e "Get the Shadowsocksrr version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${SSRR_VER}${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then echo -e "Loading kcptun version, please wait..." kcptun_init_link="${KCPTUN_INIT}" kcptun_latest_file="kcptun-linux-${ARCHS}-${KCPTUN_VER}.tar.gz" if [[ `getconf WORD_BIT` = '32' && `getconf LONG_BIT` = '64' ]] ; then kcptun_download_link="${KCPTUN_AMD64_LINK}" else kcptun_download_link="${KCPTUN_386_LINK}" fi if [[ "${kcptun_init_link}" == "" || "${kcptun_download_link}" == "" ]]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get kcptun version failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then echo -e "Get the kcptun version:${COLOR_GREEN} ${kcptun_latest_file}${COLOR_END}" fi fi } # Download latest down_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libsodium.a ] && [ ! -L /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so ]; then if [ -f ${libsodium_laster_ver}.tar.gz ]; then echo "${libsodium_laster_ver}.tar.gz [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O ${libsodium_laster_ver}.tar.gz ${LIBSODIUM_LINK}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ${libsodium_laster_ver}.tar.gz${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ss_libev_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then if [ -f ${shadowsocks_libev_ver}.tar.gz ]; then echo "${shadowsocks_libev_ver}.tar.gz [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O ${shadowsocks_libev_ver}.tar.gz ${SS_LIBEV_LINK}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ${shadowsocks_libev_ver}.tar.gz${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi # Download init script if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/shadowsocks ${ss_libev_init_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download shadowsocks-libev init script!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libmbedtls.a ] && [ ! -f /usr/include/mbedtls/version.h ]; then if [ -f ${mbedtls_laster_ver}-gpl.tgz ]; then echo "${mbedtls_laster_ver}-gpl.tgz [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O ${mbedtls_laster_ver}-gpl.tgz ${MBEDTLS_LINK}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ${mbedtls_laster_ver}-gpl.tgz${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi fi fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssr_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then if [ -f manyuser.zip ]; then echo "manyuser.zip [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O manyuser.zip ${ssr_download_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ShadowsocksR file!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/ssr ${ssr_init_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ShadowsocksR init script!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssrr_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then if [ -f ssrr.zip ]; then echo "ssrr.zip [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O ssrr.zip ${ssrr_download_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download Shadowsocksrr file!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/ssrr ${ssrr_init_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download Shadowsocksrr init script!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${kcptun_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then if [ -f ${kcptun_latest_file} ]; then echo "${kcptun_latest_file} [found]" else if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O ${kcptun_latest_file} ${kcptun_download_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download ${kcptun_latest_file}${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/kcptun ${kcptun_init_link}; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Failed to download kcptun init script!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi } config_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then [ ! -d /etc/shadowsocks-libev ] && mkdir -p /etc/shadowsocks-libev cat > ${ss_libev_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "server_port":${set_ss_libev_port}, "local_address":"", "local_port":${ss_libev_local_port}, "password":"${set_ss_libev_pwd}", "timeout":600, "method":"${set_ss_libev_method}" } EOF fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then [ ! -d /usr/local/shadowsocksR ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/shadowsocksR cat > ${ssr_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "local_address":"", "local_port":${ssr_local_port}, "port_password":{ "${set_ssr_port}":"${set_ssr_pwd}" }, "timeout":120, "method":"${set_ssr_method}", "protocol":"${set_ssr_protocol}", "protocol_param":"", "obfs":"${set_ssr_obfs}", "obfs_param":"", "redirect":"", "dns_ipv6":false, "fast_open":false, "workers":1 } EOF fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then [ ! -d /usr/local/shadowsocksrr ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/shadowsocksrr cat > ${ssrr_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "server_ipv6":"::", "local_address":"", "local_port":${ssrr_local_port}, "port_password":{ "${set_ssrr_port}":{"protocol":"${set_ssrr_protocol}", "protocol_param":"", "password":"${set_ssrr_pwd}", "obfs":"${set_ssrr_obfs}", "obfs_param":""} }, "timeout":300, "method":"${set_ssrr_method}", "redirect": "", "dns_ipv6": false, "fast_open": false, "workers": 1 } EOF fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then [ ! -d /usr/local/kcptun ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/kcptun # Config file cat > ${kcptun_config}<<-EOF { "listen": ":${set_kcptun_port}", "target": "${kcptun_target_port}", "key": "${set_kcptun_pwd}", "crypt": "${set_kcptun_method}", "mode": "${set_kcptun_mode}", "mtu": ${set_kcptun_mtu}, "sndwnd": 1024, "rcvwnd": 1024, "nocomp": ${set_kcptun_nocomp} } EOF fi } install_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ #if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]]; then if check_sys packageManager yum; then yum install -y epel-release yum install -y unzip openssl-devel gcc swig autoconf libtool libevent vim automake make psmisc curl curl-devel zlib-devel perl perl-devel cpio expat-devel gettext-devel xmlto asciidoc pcre pcre-devel python python-devel python-setuptools udns-devel libev-devel c-ares-devel mbedtls-devel if [ $? -gt 1 ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Install support packs failed!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi elif check_sys packageManager apt; then if debianversion 7; then grep "jessie" /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -r /etc/apt/sources.list ]; then echo "deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian jessie main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list fi fi apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends gettext curl wget vim unzip psmisc gcc swig autoconf automake make perl cpio build-essential libtool openssl libssl-dev zlib1g-dev xmlto asciidoc libpcre3 libpcre3-dev python python-dev python-pip python-m2crypto libev-dev libc-ares-dev libudns-dev if [ $? -gt 1 ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Install support packs failed!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi #fi if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libsodium.a ] && [ ! -L /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so ]; then cd ${cur_dir} echo "+ Install libsodium for SS-Libev/SSR/KCPTUN" tar xzf ${libsodium_laster_ver}.tar.gz cd ${libsodium_laster_ver} ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then install_cleanup echo -e "${COLOR_RED}libsodium install failed!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi ldconfig #echo "/usr/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf fi if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ss_libev_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then if check_sys packageManager yum; then echo "+ Install mbedtls for SS-Liber..." yum install -y mbedtls-devel if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then install_cleanup echo -e "${COLOR_RED}mbedtls install failed!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi elif check_sys packageManager apt; then if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libmbedtls.a ]; then cd ${cur_dir} echo "+ Install mbedtls for SS-Liber..." tar xzf ${mbedtls_laster_ver}-gpl.tgz cd ${mbedtls_laster_ver} make SHARED=1 CFLAGS=-fPIC && make DESTDIR=/usr install if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then install_cleanup echo -e "${COLOR_RED}mbedtls install failed!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi ldconfig fi fi cd ${cur_dir} tar zxf ${shadowsocks_libev_ver}.tar.gz cd ${shadowsocks_libev_ver} ./configure make && make install if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/shadowsocks if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add shadowsocks chkconfig shadowsocks on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f shadowsocks defaults fi # Run shadowsocks in the background /etc/init.d/shadowsocks start if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then [ -x /etc/init.d/shadowsocks ] && ln -s /etc/init.d/shadowsocks /usr/bin/shadowsocks echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocks-libev start success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocks-libev start failure!${COLOR_END}" fi ss_libev_install_flag="true" else install_cleanup echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocks-libev install failed! Please visit ${contact_us} and contact.${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssr_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then cd ${cur_dir} unzip -qo manyuser.zip mv shadowsocksr-manyuser/shadowsocks/ /usr/local/shadowsocksR if [ -x /usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocks/server.py ] && [ -s /usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocks/__init__.py ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ssr if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ssr chkconfig ssr on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssr defaults fi /etc/init.d/ssr start if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then [ -x /etc/init.d/ssr ] && ln -s /etc/init.d/ssr /usr/bin/ssr echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}ShadowsocksR start success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}ShadowsocksR start failure!${COLOR_END}" fi ssr_install_flag="true" else install_cleanup echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}ShadowsocksR install failed! Please visit ${contact_us} and contact.${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssrr_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then cd ${cur_dir} unzip -qo ssrr.zip mv shadowsocksr-akkariiin-master/* /usr/local/shadowsocksrr/ if [ -x /usr/local/shadowsocksrr/shadowsocks/server.py ] && [ -s /usr/local/shadowsocksrr/shadowsocks/__init__.py ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ssrr if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ssrr chkconfig ssrr on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssrr defaults fi /etc/init.d/ssrr start if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then [ -x /etc/init.d/ssrr ] && ln -s /etc/init.d/ssrr /usr/bin/ssrr echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocksrr start success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocksrr start failure!${COLOR_END}" fi ssrr_install_flag="true" else install_cleanup echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocksrr install failed! Please visit ${contact_us} and contact.${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]$ ]] || [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${kcptun_update_flag}" == "true" && "${clang_action}" =~ ^[Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]$ ]]; then cd ${cur_dir} tar xzf ${kcptun_latest_file} [ ! -d /usr/local/kcptun ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/kcptun mv server_linux_${ARCHS} /usr/local/kcptun/kcptun rm -f ${kcptun_latest_file} client_linux_${ARCHS} chown root:root /usr/local/kcptun/* [ ! -x /usr/local/kcptun/kcptun ] && chmod 755 /usr/local/kcptun/kcptun /usr/local/kcptun/kcptun --version if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/kcptun if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add kcptun chkconfig kcptun on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f kcptun defaults fi /etc/init.d/kcptun start if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then [ -x /etc/init.d/kcptun ] && ln -s /etc/init.d/kcptun /usr/bin/kcptun echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}kcptun start success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}kcptun start failure!${COLOR_END}" fi kcptun_install_flag="true" else install_cleanup echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}kcptun install failed! Please visit ${contact_us} and contact.${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi install_cleanup } # Firewall set firewall_set(){ if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "+ firewall set start..." firewall_set_flag="false" if centosversion 6; then /etc/init.d/iptables status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i ${set_ss_libev_port} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${set_ss_libev_port} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${set_ss_libev_port} -j ACCEPT firewall_set_flag="true" else echo "+ port ${set_ss_libev_port} has been set up." fi fi if [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i ${set_ssr_port} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${set_ssr_port} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${set_ssr_port} -j ACCEPT firewall_set_flag="true" else echo "+ port ${set_ssr_port} has been set up." fi fi if [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i ${set_ssrr_port} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${set_ssrr_port} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${set_ssrr_port} -j ACCEPT firewall_set_flag="true" else echo "+ port ${set_ssrr_port} has been set up." fi fi if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i ${set_kcptun_port} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${set_kcptun_port} -j ACCEPT firewall_set_flag="true" else echo "+ port ${set_kcptun_port} has been set up." fi fi if [ "${firewall_set_flag}" == "true" ]; then /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart fi else echo "WARNING: iptables looks like shutdown or not installed, please manually set it if necessary." fi elif centosversion 7; then systemctl status firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ss_libev_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ss_libev_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssr_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssr_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssrr_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssrr_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_kcptun_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${firewall_set_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --reload fi else echo "+ Firewalld looks like not running, try to start..." systemctl start firewalld if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ss_libev_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ss_libev_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssr_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssr_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssrr_port}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_ssrr_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${set_kcptun_port}/udp firewall_set_flag="true" fi if [ "${firewall_set_flag}" == "true" ]; then firewall-cmd --reload fi else echo "WARNING: Try to start firewalld failed. please enable port manually if necessary." fi fi fi echo "+ firewall set completed..." fi } show_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ echo if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ] || [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then SERVER_IP=$(get_ip) fun_clangcn echo "Congratulations, install completed!" echo -e "========================= Your Server Setting =========================" echo -e "Your Server IP: ${COLOR_GREEN}${SERVER_IP}${COLOR_END}" fi if [ "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "-------------------- SS-libev Setting --------------------" echo -e "SS-libev configure file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ss_libev_config}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SS-libev Server Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ss_libev_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SS-libev Password : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ss_libev_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SS-libev Encryption Method : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ss_libev_method}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SS-libev Local IP : ${COLOR_GREEN}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SS-libev Local Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ss_libev_local_port}${COLOR_END}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "SS-libev status manage: ${COLOR_PINK}/etc/init.d/shadowsocks${COLOR_END} {${COLOR_GREEN}start|stop|restart|status|config|version${COLOR_END}}" echo "==========================================================" fi if [ "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "-------------------- ShadowsocksR Setting --------------------" echo -e "SSR configure file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssr_config}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSR Server Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssr_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSR Password : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssr_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSR Encryption Method : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssr_method}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSR protocol : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssr_protocol}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSR obfs : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssr_obfs}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SSR Local IP : ${COLOR_GREEN}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SSR Local Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssr_local_port}${COLOR_END}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "SSR status manage: ${COLOR_PINK}/etc/init.d/ssr${COLOR_END} {${COLOR_GREEN}start|stop|restart|status|config|version${COLOR_END}}" echo "==========================================================" fi if [ "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "-------------------- Shadowsocksrr Setting --------------------" echo -e "SSRR configure file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssrr_config}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSRR Server Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssrr_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSRR Password : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssrr_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSRR Encryption Method : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssrr_method}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSRR protocol : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssrr_protocol}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "SSRR obfs : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_ssrr_obfs}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SSRR Local IP : ${COLOR_GREEN}${COLOR_END}" #echo -e "SSRR Local Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssrr_local_port}${COLOR_END}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "SSRR status manage: ${COLOR_PINK}/etc/init.d/ssrr${COLOR_END} {${COLOR_GREEN}start|stop|restart|status|config|version${COLOR_END}}" echo "==========================================================" fi if [ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo "-------------------- KCPTUN Setting --------------------" echo -e "Kcptun configure file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${kcptun_config}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun Server Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun Key : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun Crypt mode : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_method}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun Fast mode : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_mode}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun MTU : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_mtu}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun sndwnd : ${COLOR_GREEN}1024${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun rcvwnd : ${COLOR_GREEN}1024${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun compression : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_compression}${COLOR_END}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Kcptun config for SS/SSR/Phone:${COLOR_END}" echo -e "KCP Port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcptun_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "KCP parameter : ${COLOR_GREEN}--crypt ${set_kcptun_method} --key ${set_kcptun_pwd} --mtu ${set_kcptun_mtu} --sndwnd 128 --rcvwnd 1024 --mode ${set_kcptun_mode}${show_kcptun_nocomp}${COLOR_END}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "Kcptun status manage: ${COLOR_PINK}/etc/init.d/kcptun${COLOR_END} {${COLOR_GREEN}start|stop|restart|status|config|version${COLOR_END}}" echo "==========================================================" fi echo } pre_install_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ fun_clangcn "clear" get_install_version Dispaly_Selection Press_Install Print_Sys_Info Disable_Selinux check_kcptun_for_ss_ssr_installed cd ${cur_dir} ############################### SS-libev ############################### if [ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "false" ]; then echo echo "==========================================================" echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Please input your SS-libev setting:${COLOR_END}" echo # Set shadowsocks-libev password def_ss_libev_pwd=`fun_randstr` echo "Please input password for shadowsocks-libev" read -p "(Default password: ${def_ss_libev_pwd}):" set_ss_libev_pwd [ -z "${set_ss_libev_pwd}" ] && set_ss_libev_pwd="${def_ss_libev_pwd}" echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SS-libev password = ${set_ss_libev_pwd}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo # Set shadowsocks-libev port while true do def_ss_libev_port="18989" echo -e "Please input port for shadowsocks-libev [1-65535]" read -p "(Default port: ${def_ss_libev_port}):" set_ss_libev_port [ -z "$set_ss_libev_port" ] && set_ss_libev_port="${def_ss_libev_port}" expr ${set_ss_libev_port} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_ss_libev_port} -ge 1 ] && [ ${set_ss_libev_port} -le 65535 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SS-libev port = ${set_ss_libev_port}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done ss_libev_local_port="1086" def_ss_libev_method="aes-256-cfb" echo -e "Please select method for shadowsocks-libev" echo " 1: rc4-md5" echo " 2: aes-128-gcm" echo " 3: aes-192-gcm" echo " 4: aes-256-gcm" echo " 5: aes-128-cfb" echo " 6: aes-192-cfb" echo " 7: aes-256-cfb (default)" echo " 8: aes-128-ctr" echo " 9: aes-192-ctr" echo " 10: aes-256-ctr" echo " 11: camellia-128-cfb" echo " 12: camellia-192-cfb" echo " 13: camellia-256-cfb" echo " 14: bf-cfb" echo " 15: chacha20-ietf-poly1305" echo " 16: salsa20" echo " 17: chacha20" echo " 18: chacha20-ietf" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ss_libev_method}]): " set_ss_libev_method case "${set_ss_libev_method}" in 1|[Rr][Cc]4-[Mm][Dd]5) set_ss_libev_method="rc4-md5" ;; 2|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Gg][Cc][Mm]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-128-gcm" ;; 3|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Gg][Cc][Mm]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-192-gcm" ;; 4|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Gg][Cc][Mm]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-256-gcm" ;; 5|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-128-cfb" ;; 6|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-192-cfb" ;; 7|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-256-cfb" ;; 8|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-128-ctr" ;; 9|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-192-ctr" ;; 10|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ss_libev_method="aes-256-ctr" ;; 11|[Cc][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ll][Ll][Ii][Aa]-128-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="camellia-128-cfb" ;; 12|[Cc][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ll][Ll][Ii][Aa]-192-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="camellia-192-cfb" ;; 13|[Cc][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ll][Ll][Ii][Aa]-256-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="camellia-256-cfb" ;; 14|[Bb][Ff]-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ss_libev_method="bf-cfb" ;; 15|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20-[Ii][Ee][Tt][Ff]-[Pp][Oo][Ll][Yy]1305) set_ss_libev_method="chacha20-ietf-poly1305" ;; 16|[Ss][Aa][Ll][As][Aa]20) set_ss_libev_method="salsa20" ;; 17|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20) set_ss_libev_method="chacha20" ;; 18|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20-[Ii][Ee][Tt][Ff]) set_ss_libev_method="chacha20-ietf" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ss_libev_method="${def_ss_libev_method}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SS-libev method: ${set_ss_libev_method}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo echo "==========================================================" elif [ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Shadowsocks-libev has been installed, nothing to do...${COLOR_END}" [ "${Install_Select}" == "1" ] && exit 0 fi ############################### ShadowsocksR ############################### if [ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "false" ]; then echo echo "==========================================================" echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Please input your ShadowsocksR(SSR) setting:${COLOR_END}" echo # Set shadowsocksR password def_ssr_pwd=`fun_randstr` echo "Please input password for shadowsocksR" read -p "(Default password: ${def_ssr_pwd}):" set_ssr_pwd [ -z "${set_ssr_pwd}" ] && set_ssr_pwd="${def_ssr_pwd}" echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSR password = ${set_ssr_pwd}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo # Set shadowsocksR port while true do def_ssr_port="28989" echo -e "Please input port for shadowsocksR [1-65535]" read -p "(Default port: ${def_ssr_port}):" set_ssr_port [ -z "$set_ssr_port" ] && set_ssr_port="${def_ssr_port}" expr ${set_ssr_port} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_ssr_port} -ge 1 ] && [ ${set_ssr_port} -le 65535 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSR port = ${set_ssr_port}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done ssr_local_port="1088" #mujson_mgr.py def_ssr_method="aes-256-cfb" echo -e "Please select encryption method for shadowsocksR" echo " 0: none" echo " 1: aes-128-cfb" echo " 2: aes-192-cfb" echo " 3: aes-256-cfb (default)" echo " 4: rc4-md5" echo " 5: rc4-md5-6" echo " 6: chacha20" echo " 7: chacha20-ietf" echo " 8: salsa20" echo " 9: aes-128-ctr" echo " 10: aes-192-ctr" echo " 11: aes-256-ctr" read -p "Enter your choice (0, 1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssr_method}]): " set_ssr_method case "${set_ssr_method}" in 0|[Nn][Oo][Nn][Ee]) set_ssr_method="none" ;; 1|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssr_method="aes-128-cfb" ;; 2|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssr_method="aes-192-cfb" ;; 3|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssr_method="aes-256-cfb" ;; 4|[Rr][Cc]4-[Mm][Dd]5) set_ssr_method="rc4-md5" ;; 5|[Rr][Cc]4-[Mm][Dd]5-6) set_ssr_method="rc4-md5-6" ;; 6|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20) set_ssr_method="chacha20" ;; 7|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20-[Ii][Ee][Tt][Ff]) set_ssr_method="chacha20-ietf" ;; 8|[Ss][Aa][Ll][As][Aa]20) set_ssr_method="salsa20" ;; 9|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssr_method="aes-128-ctr" ;; 10|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssr_method="aes-192-ctr" ;; 11|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssr_method="aes-256-ctr" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssr_method="${def_ssr_method}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSR method: ${set_ssr_method}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo def_ssr_protocol="origin" echo -e "Please select Protocol plugin for shadowsocksR" echo " 1: origin (default)" echo " 2: auth_sha1_v4" echo " 3: auth_sha1_v4_compatible" echo " 4: auth_aes128_md5" echo " 5: auth_aes128_sha1" echo " 6: auth_chain_a" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssr_protocol}]): " set_ssr_protocol case "${set_ssr_protocol}" in 1|[Oo][Rr][Ii][Gg][Ii][Nn]) set_ssr_protocol="origin" ;; 2|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Ss][Hh][Aa]1_[Vv]4) set_ssr_protocol="auth_sha1_v4" ;; 3|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Ss][Hh][Aa]1_[Vv]4_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssr_protocol="auth_sha1_v4_compatible" ;; 4|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Aa][Ee][Ss]128_[Mm][Dd]5) set_ssr_protocol="auth_aes128_md5" ;; 5|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Aa][Ee][Ss]128_[Ss][Hh][Aa]5) set_ssr_protocol="auth_aes128_sha1" ;; 6|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Hh][Aa][Ii][Nn]_[Aa]) set_ssr_protocol="auth_chain_a" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssr_protocol="${def_ssr_protocol}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSR Protocol: ${set_ssr_protocol}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo def_ssr_obfs="plain" echo -e "Please select Obfs plugin for shadowsocksR" echo " 1: plain (default)" echo " 2: http_simple_compatible" echo " 3: http_simple" echo " 4: tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible" echo " 5: tls1.2_ticket_auth" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssr_obfs}]): " set_ssr_obfs case "${set_ssr_obfs}" in 1|[Pp][Ll][Aa][Ii][Nn]) set_ssr_obfs="plain" ;; 2|[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]_[Ss][Ii][Mm][Pp][Ll][Ee]_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssr_obfs="http_simple_compatible" ;; 3|[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]_[Ss][Ii][Mm][Pp][Ll][Ee]) set_ssr_obfs="http_simple" ;; 4|[Tt][Ll][Ss]1.2_[Tt][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ee][Tt]_[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssr_obfs="tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible" ;; 5|[Tt][Ll][Ss]1.2_[Tt][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ee][Tt]_[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]) set_ssr_obfs="tls1.2_ticket_auth" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssr_obfs="${def_ssr_obfs}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSR obfs: ${set_ssr_obfs}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo echo "==========================================================" elif [ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}ShadowsocksR has been installed, nothing to do...${COLOR_END}" [ "${Install_Select}" == "2" ] && exit 0 fi ############################### Shadowsocksrr ############################### if [ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "false" ]; then echo echo "==========================================================" echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Please input your Shadowsocksrr(SSRR) setting:${COLOR_END}" echo # Set shadowsocksrr password def_ssrr_pwd=`fun_randstr` echo "Please input password for shadowsocksrr" read -p "(Default password: ${def_ssrr_pwd}):" set_ssrr_pwd [ -z "${set_ssrr_pwd}" ] && set_ssrr_pwd="${def_ssrr_pwd}" echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSRR password = ${set_ssrr_pwd}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo # Set shadowsocksrr port while true do def_ssrr_port="48989" echo -e "Please input port for shadowsocksrr [1-65535]" read -p "(Default port: ${def_ssrr_port}):" set_ssrr_port [ -z "$set_ssrr_port" ] && set_ssrr_port="${def_ssrr_port}" expr ${set_ssrr_port} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_ssrr_port} -ge 1 ] && [ ${set_ssrr_port} -le 65535 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSRR port = ${set_ssrr_port}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done ssrr_local_port="1089" #mujson_mgr.py def_ssrr_method="aes-256-cfb" echo -e "Please select encryption method for shadowsocksrr" echo " 0: none" echo " 1: aes-128-cfb" echo " 2: aes-192-cfb" echo " 3: aes-256-cfb (default)" echo " 4: rc4-md5" echo " 5: rc4-md5-6" echo " 6: chacha20" echo " 7: chacha20-ietf" echo " 8: salsa20" echo " 9: aes-128-ctr" echo " 10: aes-192-ctr" echo " 11: aes-256-ctr" read -p "Enter your choice (0, 1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssrr_method}]): " set_ssrr_method case "${set_ssrr_method}" in 0|[Nn][Oo][Nn][Ee]) set_ssrr_method="none" ;; 1|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssrr_method="aes-128-cfb" ;; 2|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssrr_method="aes-192-cfb" ;; 3|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Ff][Bb]) set_ssrr_method="aes-256-cfb" ;; 4|[Rr][Cc]4-[Mm][Dd]5) set_ssrr_method="rc4-md5" ;; 5|[Rr][Cc]4-[Mm][Dd]5-6) set_ssrr_method="rc4-md5-6" ;; 6|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20) set_ssrr_method="chacha20" ;; 7|[Cc][Hh][Aa][Cc][Hh][Aa]20-[Ii][Ee][Tt][Ff]) set_ssrr_method="chacha20-ietf" ;; 8|[Ss][Aa][Ll][As][Aa]20) set_ssrr_method="salsa20" ;; 9|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-128-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssrr_method="aes-128-ctr" ;; 10|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-192-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssrr_method="aes-192-ctr" ;; 11|[Aa][Ee][Ss]-256-[Cc][Tt][Rr]) set_ssrr_method="aes-256-ctr" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssrr_method="${def_ssrr_method}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSRR method: ${set_ssrr_method}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo def_ssrr_protocol="origin" echo -e "Please select Protocol plugin for shadowsocksrr" echo " 1: origin (default)" echo " 2: auth_sha1_v4" echo " 3: auth_sha1_v4_compatible" echo " 4: auth_aes128_md5" echo " 5: auth_aes128_sha1" echo " 6: auth_chain_a" echo " 7: auth_chain_b" echo " 8: auth_chain_c" echo " 9: auth_chain_d" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssrr_protocol}]): " set_ssrr_protocol case "${set_ssrr_protocol}" in 1|[Oo][Rr][Ii][Gg][Ii][Nn]) set_ssrr_protocol="origin" ;; 2|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Ss][Hh][Aa]1_[Vv]4) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_sha1_v4" ;; 3|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Ss][Hh][Aa]1_[Vv]4_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_sha1_v4_compatible" ;; 4|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Aa][Ee][Ss]128_[Mm][Dd]5) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_aes128_md5" ;; 5|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Aa][Ee][Ss]128_[Ss][Hh][Aa]5) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_aes128_sha1" ;; 6|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Hh][Aa][Ii][Nn]_[Aa]) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_chain_a" ;; 7|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Hh][Aa][Ii][Nn]_[Bb]) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_chain_b" ;; 8|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Hh][Aa][Ii][Nn]_[Cc]) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_chain_c" ;; 9|[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Hh][Aa][Ii][Nn]_[Dd]) set_ssrr_protocol="auth_chain_d" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssrr_protocol="${def_ssrr_protocol}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSRR Protocol: ${set_ssrr_protocol}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo def_ssrr_obfs="plain" echo -e "Please select Obfs plugin for shadowsocksrr" echo " 1: plain (default)" echo " 2: http_simple_compatible" echo " 3: http_simple" echo " 4: tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible" echo " 5: tls1.2_ticket_auth" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_ssrr_obfs}]): " set_ssrr_obfs case "${set_ssrr_obfs}" in 1|[Pp][Ll][Aa][Ii][Nn]) set_ssrr_obfs="plain" ;; 2|[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]_[Ss][Ii][Mm][Pp][Ll][Ee]_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssrr_obfs="http_simple_compatible" ;; 3|[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]_[Ss][Ii][Mm][Pp][Ll][Ee]) set_ssrr_obfs="http_simple" ;; 4|[Tt][Ll][Ss]1.2_[Tt][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ee][Tt]_[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Tt][Ii][Bb][Ll][Ee]) set_ssrr_obfs="tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible" ;; 5|[Tt][Ll][Ss]1.2_[Tt][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ee][Tt]_[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]) set_ssrr_obfs="tls1.2_ticket_auth" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_ssrr_obfs="${def_ssrr_obfs}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "SSRR obfs: ${set_ssrr_obfs}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo echo "==========================================================" elif [ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Shadowsocksrr has been installed, nothing to do...${COLOR_END}" [ "${Install_Select}" == "6" ] && exit 0 fi ############################### KCPTUN ############################### if [ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "false" ]; then echo echo "==========================================================" echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}Please input your KCPTUN setting:${COLOR_END}" echo def_kcptun_pwd=`fun_randstr` echo "Please input password for kcptun" read -p "(Default password: ${def_kcptun_pwd}):" set_kcptun_pwd [ -z "${set_kcptun_pwd}" ] && set_kcptun_pwd="${def_kcptun_pwd}" echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun password = ${set_kcptun_pwd}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo # Set kcptun port while true do def_kcptun_port="38989" echo -e "Please input port for kcptun [1-65535]" read -p "(Default port: ${def_kcptun_port}):" set_kcptun_port [ -z "$set_kcptun_port" ] && set_kcptun_port="${def_kcptun_port}" expr ${set_kcptun_port} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_kcptun_port} -ge 1 ] && [ ${set_kcptun_port} -le 65535 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun port = ${set_kcptun_port}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done if [ ! -z ${set_ss_libev_port} ]; then kcptun_target_port="${set_ss_libev_port}" elif [ ! -z ${set_ssr_port} ]; then kcptun_target_port="${set_ssr_port}" elif [ ! -z ${set_ssrr_port} ]; then kcptun_target_port="${set_ssrr_port}" else while true do def_kcptun_target_port="" read -p "Please input kcptun Target Port for SS/SSR/Socks5 [1-65535]:" set_kcptun_target_port [ -z "$set_kcptun_target_port" ] && set_kcptun_target_port="${def_kcptun_target_port}" expr ${set_kcptun_target_port} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_kcptun_target_port} -ge 1 ] && [ ${set_kcptun_target_port} -le 65535 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun target port = ${set_kcptun_target_port}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done kcptun_target_port="${set_kcptun_target_port}" fi def_kcptun_method="aes" echo -e "Please select method for kcptun" echo " 1: aes (default)" echo " 2: aes-128" echo " 3: aes-192" echo " 4: salsa20" echo " 5: blowfish" echo " 6: twofish" echo " 7: cast5" echo " 8: 3des" echo " 9: tea" echo " 10: xtea" echo " 11: xor" echo " 12: none" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_kcptun_method}]): " set_kcptun_method case "${set_kcptun_method}" in 1|[aA][eE][sS]) set_kcptun_method="aes" ;; 2|[aA][eE][sS]-128) set_kcptun_method="aes-128" ;; 3|[aA][eE][sS]-192) set_kcptun_method="aes-192" ;; 4|[sS][aA][lL][sS][aA]20) set_kcptun_method="salsa20" ;; 5|[bB][lL][oO][wW][fF][iI][sS][hH]) set_kcptun_method="blowfish" ;; 6|[tT][wW][oO][fF][iI][sS][hH]) set_kcptun_method="twofish" ;; 7|[cC][aA][sS][tT]5) set_kcptun_method="cast5" ;; 8|3[dD][eE][sS]) set_kcptun_method="3des" ;; 9|[tT][eE][aA]) set_kcptun_method="tea" ;; 10|[xX][tT][eE][aA]) set_kcptun_method="xtea" ;; 11|[xX][oO][rR]) set_kcptun_method="xor" ;; 12|[Nn][Oo][Nn][Ee]) set_kcptun_method="none" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_kcptun_method="${def_kcptun_method}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun method: ${set_kcptun_method}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo def_kcptun_mode="fast2" echo -e "Please select fast mode for kcptun" echo "1: fast" echo "2: fast2 (default)" echo "3: fast3" echo "4: normal" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_kcptun_mode}]): " set_kcptun_mode case "${set_kcptun_mode}" in 1|[fF][aA][sS][tT]) set_kcptun_mode="fast" ;; 2|[fF][aA][sS][tT]2) set_kcptun_mode="fast2" ;; 3|[fF][aA][sS][tT]3) set_kcptun_mode="fast3" ;; 4|[nN][oO][rR][mM][aA][lL]) set_kcptun_mode="normal" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_kcptun_mode="${def_kcptun_mode}" ;; esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun mode: ${set_kcptun_mode}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo while true do def_kcptun_mtu="1350" echo -e "Please input MTU for kcptun [900-1400]" read -p "(Default mtu: ${def_kcptun_mtu}):" set_kcptun_mtu [ -z "$set_kcptun_mtu" ] && set_kcptun_mtu="${def_kcptun_mtu}" expr ${set_kcptun_mtu} + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${set_kcptun_mtu} -ge 900 ] && [ ${set_kcptun_mtu} -le 1400 ]; then echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun mtu = ${set_kcptun_mtu}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo break else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi else echo "Input error, please input correct number" fi done def_kcptun_compression="enable" echo -e "Please select Compression for kcptun" echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [${def_kcptun_compression}]): " set_kcptun_compression case "${set_kcptun_compression}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcptun_compression="enable" set_kcptun_nocomp="false" show_kcptun_nocomp="" ;; 2|0|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcptun_compression="disable" set_kcptun_nocomp="true" show_kcptun_nocomp=" --nocomp" ;; *) set_kcptun_compression="enable" set_kcptun_nocomp="false" show_kcptun_nocomp="" esac echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "kcptun compression: ${set_kcptun_compression}" echo "---------------------------------------" echo echo "==========================================================" elif [ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}kcptun has been installed, nothing to do...${COLOR_END}" [ "${Install_Select}" == "3" ] && exit 0 [ "${Install_Select}" == "4" ] && [ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" ] && exit 0 [ "${Install_Select}" == "5" ] && [ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" ] && exit 0 [ "${Install_Select}" == "7" ] && [ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" ] && exit 0 fi Press_Start get_latest_version down_kcptun_for_ss_ssr config_kcptun_for_ss_ssr install_kcptun_for_ss_ssr install_cleanup if check_sys packageManager yum; then firewall_set fi show_kcptun_for_ss_ssr } uninstall_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ Get_Dist_Name fun_clangcn "clear" def_Uninstall_Select="6" echo -e "${COLOR_YELOW}You have 5 options for your kcptun/ss/ssr Uninstall${COLOR_END}" echo "1: Uninstall Shadowsocks-libev" echo "2: Uninstall ShadowsocksR(python)" echo "3: Uninstall KCPTUN" echo "4: Uninstall Shadowsocksrr(python)" echo "5: Uninstall All" echo "6: Exit,cancell uninstall [default]" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, ... or exit. default [${def_Uninstall_Select}]): " Uninstall_Select case "${Uninstall_Select}" in 1) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Uninstall Shadowsocks-libev${COLOR_END}" ;; 2) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Uninstall ShadowsocksR(python)${COLOR_END}" ;; 3) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Uninstall KCPTUN${COLOR_END}" ;; 4) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Uninstall Shadowsocksrr(python)${COLOR_END}" ;; 5) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will Uninstall All${COLOR_END}" ;; 6|[eE][xX][iI][tT]) echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You select , shell exit now!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 ;; *) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}No input,default select , shell exit now!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 esac Press_Start check_kcptun_for_ss_ssr_installed if [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "1" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -i "ss-server" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/shadowsocks stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del shadowsocks elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f shadowsocks remove fi rm -fr /etc/shadowsocks-libev rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-local rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-tunnel rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-server rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-manager rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-redir rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-nat rm -f /usr/local/lib/libshadowsocks-libev.a rm -f /usr/local/lib/libshadowsocks-libev.la rm -f /usr/local/include/shadowsocks.h rm -f /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/shadowsocks-libev.pc rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-local.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-tunnel.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-server.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-manager.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-redir.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-nat.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man8/shadowsocks-libev.8 rm -fr /usr/local/share/doc/shadowsocks-libev rm -f /usr/bin/shadowsocks rm -f /etc/init.d/shadowsocks echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocks-libev uninstall success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocks-libev not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "2" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then /etc/init.d/ssr status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/ssr stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ssr elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssr remove fi rm -f ${ssr_config} rm -f /usr/bin/ssr rm -f /etc/init.d/ssr rm -f /var/log/shadowsocksR.log rm -rf /usr/local/shadowsocksR echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}ShadowsocksR uninstall success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}ShadowsocksR not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "3" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then /etc/init.d/kcptun status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/kcptun stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del kcptun elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f kcptun remove fi rm -f ${kcptun_config} rm -f /usr/bin/kcptun rm -f /etc/init.d/kcptun rm -f /var/log/kcptun.log rm -rf /usr/local/kcptun echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}kcptun uninstall success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}kcptun not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "4" ] || [ "${Uninstall_Select}" == "5" ]; then if [ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then /etc/init.d/ssrr status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/ssrr stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ssrr elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssrr remove fi rm -f ${ssrr_config} rm -f /usr/bin/ssrr rm -f /etc/init.d/ssrr rm -f /var/log/shadowsocksrr.log rm -rf /usr/local/shadowsocksrr echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocksrr uninstall success!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Shadowsocksrr not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi } configure_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ if [ -f ${ss_libev_config} ]; then echo -e "Shadowsocks-libev config file: ${COLOR_GREEN}${ss_libev_config}${COLOR_END}" fi if [ -f ${ssr_config} ]; then echo -e "ShadowsocksR config file: ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssr_config}${COLOR_END}" fi if [ -f ${ssrr_config} ]; then echo -e "Shadowsocksrr config file: ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssrr_config}${COLOR_END}" fi if [ -f ${kcptun_config} ]; then echo -e "Kcptun config file: ${COLOR_GREEN}${kcptun_config}${COLOR_END}" fi } update_kcptun_for_ss_ssr(){ ss_libev_update_flag="false" ssr_update_flag="false" kcptun_update_flag="false" fun_clangcn "clear" echo -e "${COLOR_YELOW}You have 5 options for your kcptun/ss/ssr update.${COLOR_END}" echo "1: Update Shadowsocks-libev" echo "2: Update ShadowsocksR(python)" echo "3: Update KCPTUN" echo "4: Update Shadowsocksrr(python)" echo "5: Update All" echo "6: Exit (default)" read -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or exit. default [exit]): " Update_Select case "${Update_Select}" in 1) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will update Shadowsocks-libev${COLOR_END}" ;; 2) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will update ShadowsocksR(python)${COLOR_END}" ;; 3) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will update KCPTUN${COLOR_END}" ;; 4) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will update Shadowsocksrr(python)${COLOR_END}" ;; 5) echo echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You will update All${COLOR_END}" ;; *) echo -e "${COLOR_PINK}You select , shell exit now!${COLOR_END}" exit 1 ;; esac check_kcptun_for_ss_ssr_installed get_install_version get_latest_version if [[ "${Update_Select}" == "1" || "${Update_Select}" == "5" ]]; then echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------+" if [ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then ss_libev_local_ver=$(ss-server --help | grep -i "shadowsocks-libev" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -z ${ss_libev_local_ver} ] || [ -z ${SS_LIBEV_VER} ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get shadowsocks-libev shell version failed${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "Shadowsocks-libev shell version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${SS_LIBEV_VER}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Shadowsocks-libev local version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ss_libev_local_ver}${COLOR_END}" if [[ "${ss_libev_local_ver}" != "${SS_LIBEV_VER}" ]];then ss_libev_update_flag="true" else echo "Shadowsocks-libev local version is up-to-date." fi fi else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocks-libev not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${Update_Select}" == "2" || "${Update_Select}" == "5" ]]; then echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------+" if [ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then ssr_local_ver=$(ssr version | grep -i "shadowsocksr" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -z ${ssr_local_ver} ] || [ -z ${SSR_VER} ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get ShadowsocksR shell version failed${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "ShadowsocksR shell version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${SSR_VER}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "ShadowsocksR local version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssr_local_ver}${COLOR_END}" if [[ "${ssr_local_ver}" != "${SSR_VER}" ]];then ssr_update_flag="true" else echo "ShadowsocksR local version is up-to-date." fi fi else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}ShadowsocksR not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${Update_Select}" == "3" || "${Update_Select}" == "5" ]]; then echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------+" if [ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then kcptun_local_ver=$(/usr/local/kcptun/kcptun --version | awk '{print $3}') if [ -z ${kcptun_local_ver} ] || [ -z ${KCPTUN_VER} ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get Kcptun shell version failed${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "Kcptun shell version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${KCPTUN_VER}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Kcptun local version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${kcptun_local_ver}${COLOR_END}" if [[ "${kcptun_local_ver}" != "${KCPTUN_VER}" ]];then kcptun_update_flag="true" else echo "Kcptun local version is up-to-date." fi fi else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Kcptun not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${Update_Select}" == "4" || "${Update_Select}" == "5" ]]; then echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------+" if [ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" ]; then ssrr_local_ver=$(ssrr version | grep -i "SSRR" | awk '{print $3}') if [ -z ${ssrr_local_ver} ] || [ -z ${SSRR_VER} ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Get Shadowsocksrr shell version failed${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "Shadowsocksrr shell version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${SSRR_VER}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Shadowsocksrr local version : ${COLOR_GREEN}${ssrr_local_ver}${COLOR_END}" if [[ "${ssrr_local_ver}" != "${SSRR_VER}" ]];then ssrr_update_flag="true" else echo "Shadowsocksrr local version is up-to-date." fi fi else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Shadowsocksrr not install!${COLOR_END}" fi fi if [[ "${ss_libev_update_flag}" == "true" || "${ssr_update_flag}" == "true" || "${ssrr_update_flag}" == "true" || "${kcptun_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------+" echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Found a new version,update now...${COLOR_END}" Press_Start fi if [[ "${ss_libev_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ss_libev_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -i "ss-server" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/shadowsocks stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del shadowsocks elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f shadowsocks remove fi rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-local rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-tunnel rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-server rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-manager rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-redir rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-nat rm -f /usr/local/lib/libshadowsocks-libev.a rm -f /usr/local/lib/libshadowsocks-libev.la rm -f /usr/local/include/shadowsocks.h rm -f /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/shadowsocks-libev.pc rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-local.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-tunnel.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-server.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-manager.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-redir.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/ss-nat.1 rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man8/shadowsocks-libev.8 rm -fr /usr/local/share/doc/shadowsocks-libev rm -f /usr/bin/shadowsocks rm -f /etc/init.d/shadowsocks fi if [[ "${ssr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssr_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then /etc/init.d/ssr status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/ssr stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ssr elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssr remove fi rm -f /usr/bin/ssr rm -f /etc/init.d/ssr rm -f /var/log/shadowsocksR.log rm -rf /usr/local/shadowsocksR/shadowsocks fi if [[ "${ssrr_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${ssrr_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then /etc/init.d/ssrr status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/ssrr stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ssrr elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ssrr remove fi rm -f /usr/bin/ssrr rm -f /etc/init.d/ssrr rm -f /var/log/shadowsocksrr.log rm -rf /usr/local/shadowsocksrr fi if [[ "${kcptun_installed_flag}" == "true" && "${kcptun_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then /etc/init.d/kcptun status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/kcptun stop fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del kcptun elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f kcptun remove fi rm -f /usr/bin/kcptun rm -f /etc/init.d/kcptun rm -f /var/log/kcptun.log rm -f /usr/local/kcptun/kcptun fi if [[ "${ss_libev_update_flag}" == "true" || "${ssr_update_flag}" == "true" || "${ssrr_update_flag}" == "true" || "${kcptun_update_flag}" == "true" ]]; then down_kcptun_for_ss_ssr install_kcptun_for_ss_ssr install_cleanup else echo echo -e "nothing to do..." echo exit 1 fi if [[ "${kcptun_install_flag}" == "true" || "${ss_libev_install_flag}" == "true" || "${ssr_install_flag}" == "true" || "${ssrr_install_flag}" == "true" ]]; then fun_clangcn echo "Congratulations, update completed, Enjoy it!" echo else echo echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Update failed! Please visit ${contact_us} and contact.${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi } fun_set_text_color # Initialization clang_action=$1 clear cur_dir=$(pwd) fun_clangcn "clear" Get_Dist_Name Check_OS_support pre_install_packs shell_update [ -z ${clang_action} ] && clang_action="install" case "${clang_action}" in [Ii]|[Ii][Nn]|[Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|-[Ii]|--[Ii]) pre_install_kcptun_for_ss_ssr 2>&1 | tee ${cur_dir}/ss-ssr-kcptun-install.log ;; [Cc]|[Cc][Oo][Nn][Ff][Ii][Gg]|-[Cc]|--[Cc]) configure_kcptun_for_ss_ssr ;; [Uu][Nn]|[Uu][Nn][Ii][Nn][Ss][Tt][Aa][Ll][Ll]|[Uu][Nn]|-[Uu][Nn]|--[Uu][Nn]) uninstall_kcptun_for_ss_ssr 2>&1 | tee ${cur_dir}/ss-ssr-kcptun-uninstall.log ;; [Uu]|[Uu][Pp][Dd][Aa][Tt][Ee]|-[Uu]|--[Uu]|[Uu][Pp]|-[Uu][Pp]|--[Uu][Pp]) update_kcptun_for_ss_ssr 2>&1 | tee ${cur_dir}/ss-ssr-kcptun-update.log ;; *) fun_clangcn "clear" echo "Arguments error! [${clang_action}]" echo "Usage: `basename $0` {install|uninstall|update|config}" ;; esac