* * * * This script is a modified version of a script written by Johannes Knabe: * * , found at http://bibscript.panmental.de/. (Page * * consulted in November 2006, version used marked as June/July 2005 version.) * * * * The objective of the original script by Knabe was to enable the management * * of references, including XML and BibTeX export. The objective of this * * script, however, is only to display the BibTeX entries contained in a given * * file. * * * * I took out the BibTeX formatting part of the original script and wrote * * a parser to extract individual BibTeX entries of a file. * * * * * * Contributors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eric Sommerlade added suppot for accents. * * Johnnie Chan fixed some bugs. * * * * * * How to use? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * All you need to do in order to include the script in your page is to make * * the following function calls to produce an HTML listing of the bibtex file. * * * * * * * * Advanced Parameters * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The bibfile2html function has a number of optional parameters, which * * control the output. If you want to omit a parameter, pass NULL; this will * * make sure that the default value is used. * * * * The signature of the function is: * * * * bibfile2html($filename, // string * * $displayTypes, // array(string => string) * * $groupType, // bool * * $groupYear, // bool * * $bibLink, // string * * $highlightName, // string * * $numbersDesc, // bool * * $sorting, // string or array(string) * * $authorLimit, // int * * $abstractLink, // string * * ) * * * * The parameters (and their defaults) are explained below: * * * * - $filename is the path to the bib file that is to be displayed. * * - $displayTypes is an associative array specifying which bibtex entrtypes * * you want to list and in which order. The key is the * * bibtex entry type, and the value is what is displayed as * * a group title. Only entries whose type is among those in * * this array will be shown, except if you use the special * * key "_unknown", which acts as a sink for those where the * * key could not be found. If you leave the parameter empty, * * there is a default with all common bibtex types and their * * names in english. * * - $groupType A boolean indicating whether entries shoud be grouped by * * type. Default is true. * * - $groupYear Same for the year. Default is true. * * - $bibLink The url to a script which takes as parameter the key of a * * bib entry and outputs the contents of this entry. The * * placeholder %key inside the string will be replaced by the * * key of the entry, and the whole url placed inside the href * * attribute of an tag. If the string is empty (the * * default, the will not be shown). * * Hint: use javascript to open a small popup, i.e. * * "javascript: var bibwindow = window.open( * * '/displayBibTeX.php?key=%key', * * '%key', * * 'height=300,width=750' * * );" * * - $highlightName If the second name of an author matches this parameter, it * * will be put into . * * - $numbersDesc By default, the references will be numbered in ascending * * order. This can be changed by setting this parameter to * * true. * * - $sorting The field used to sort the entries (within a grouping). * * Any field can be used for this. Special values are: * * 'citation' (the rendered citation), 'key' (the BibTeX * * key), 'author' (the rendered author list, not the list * * as it appears in the file) and 'timestamp' (a non-standard * * field). All fields except for 'year' and 'timestamp' are * * sorted in ascending order. It is also possible to specify * * multiple sort criteria by passing an array of field names. * * If left empty, the entries are listed in the order in * * which they appear in the file. * * - $authorLimit Limits the number of authors shown for each entry. Instead * * of the remaining authors, "et al." is shown. * * - $abstractLink The url to a script which takes as parameter the key of a * * bib entry and outputs the abstract of this entry. See the * * description of the $bibLink parameter for more info. * * * * * * Creating a "display BibTeX" script * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you use the $bibLink parameter of the script, you need to link to a * * second script file which displays the BibTeX of a specific entry. This can * * be accomplished by a php file with the following two lines: * * * * * * * * Creating a "display abstract" script * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you use the $abstractLink parameter of the script, you need to link to a * * second script file which displays the BibTeX of a specific entry. This can * * be accomplished by a php file with the following code: * * * * * * * * Formatting * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The script produces an ordered list (
    ), and if grouping is activated, * * it will use

    for first-level titles and

    for second-level titles. * * * * Furthermore, several fields are enclosed in s so that they can be * * formatted based on their class. Most classes correspond to bibtex fiedls: * * - authors: The list of authors;. * * - highlight: An author that matched the $highlightedName parameter. * * - title: The title field of the entry. * * - in: The book, booktitle, or journal field of the entry. * * - publisher: The publisher filed of the entry. * * - school: The school filed of the entry (Thesis). * * - institute: The institue filed of the entry (Techreport). * * * * At the end of each entry is a list with links (see also below), each of * * them is enclosed by a . The classes are: * * - webpdf: The "pdf" link. * * - url: The "www" link. * * - publisherurl: The "publisher" link. * * - citeseerurl: The "citeseer" link. * * - doi: The "doi" link. * * - links: Encloses all of these links. * * If the $abstractLink parameter is set and the abstract of the entry is * * specified, a link titled "Abstract" is placed at the end of the entry; it * * is also enclosed by a span. * * - abstractlink: The "Abstract" link. * * If the $bibLink parameter is set, a BibTeX link is placed at the end of the * * entry (also enclosed by a span). * * - bibtexlink: The BibTeX link. * * * * You can use CSS to format (or hide) these things. Note that, if you * * already use

    somewhere else on your page, and you want the

    's * * produced by this script to look different, you can simply wrap the output * * in a
    and use conditional CSS. * * * * * * BibTeX format and special fields * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This script interprets several non-standard BibTeX fields for web links. A * * link has to start with "http://", except for DOIs where only the name is * * required. The fields are: * * - url: Link to the venue, is used on the "in" part of the citation. If * * there is no "in" part, a "www" link is displayed at the end. * * - webpdf: This is assumed to be a link to the pdf file of the given * * publication (title becomes clickable and also displayed as "pdf"). * * - publisherurl: The url of the publisher, is used on the "publisher" part * * of the citation. If there is none, a "publisher" link is displayed at * * the end. * * - citeseerurl: The citeseer url (displayed as "citeseer"). * * - doi: Interpreted as a DOI name from dx.doi.org (alternative for the "in" * * part, otherwise displayed as "doi"). * * * * If you use the JabRef BibTeX manager (jabref.sourceforge.net), most of the * * above fields are available as default. You can add custom fields by * * choosing "Customize entry types" from the "Options" menu. * * * * Note that the script does not interpret BibTeX strings (abbreviations), * * crossrefs or similar things, maybe I'll add this one time. In the meantime, * * a more comprehensive BibTeX parser exists at bibliophile.sourceforge.net. * * * * Also note that the script assumes each BibTeX entry to start on a new line. * * (This is how most tools save BibTeX, but there might be exceptions). * * * * * * License * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Feel free to use this script wherever you want to, there are no speicific * * licence restrictions. * * * * I do not guarantee the correctness of the script, use it at your own risk! * * If you detect errors in the presentation of a given entry, you can send me * * a desciption of the error (this is: the BibTeX entry, the output of this * * script and the output how it should look like), using the e-mail address * * specified on www.classen.be (presumably ). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function make_accent_table(){ $a = array( "\\'{x}" => "&xacute;", "\\`{x}" => "&xgrave;", "\\^{x}" => "◯", "\\~{x}" => "&xtilde;", "\\\"{x}" => "&xuml;", ); $vowel = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "n", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "N"); $b = array( "\\vr" => "ř", "\\v{r}" => "ř", "\\vR" => "Ř", "\\v{R}" => "Ř", "\\vs" => "š", "\\v{s}" => "š", "\\vS" => "Š", "\\v{S}" => "Š", "\\vi" => "ĭ", "\\v{i}" => "ĭ", "\\vI" => "Ĭ", "\\v{I}" => "Ĭ", "\\c{c}" => "ç", "\\c{C}" => "Ç", ); foreach ($a as $k => $v ) { foreach ( $vowel as $vv ) { $kvv = str_replace('x',$vv,$k); $svv = str_replace('x',$vv,$v); $b[$kvv] = $svv; } } return $b; } // Replaces accents in a string function replace_accents($s, $table){ return strtr($s, $table); } function extractBib($what, $haystack, $acc){ $delim1 = "{"; $delim2 = "}"; if(substr_count($haystack,$delim1) < 3){ $delim1 = "\""; $delim2 = "\""; } $ret=""; while(($ret=="")&&($test=stristr($haystack,$what))){ $haystack=trim(substr($haystack,strpos(strtoupper($haystack),strtoupper($what))-1)); if($haystack!=$test){ //character before $what must be white-space $haystack=substr($test,strlen($what)); continue; } $haystack=trim(substr($test,strlen($what))); if(strpos($haystack,"=")==0){ //first non-white-space character must be = $cnt=0; $startpos=strpos($haystack,$delim1); if(strpos($haystack,",")<$startpos){ $ret=substr($haystack,1,strpos($haystack,",")-1); return trim(str_replace("\\","",str_replace($delim2,"",str_replace($delim1,"",replace_accents($ret,$acc))))); } $endpos=$startpos; while($cnt. * * @author Johannes Knabe, Andreas Classen */ function formatAuthors($author, $hightlightName, $authorLimit = 0){ $editorStr = ", ed."; $suffix = ""; if(strpos($author,", ed.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(", ed.","",$author); } if(strpos($author,", eds.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(", eds.","",$author); } if(strpos($author,", edt.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(", edt.","",$author); } if(strpos($author," ed.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(" ed.","",$author); } if(strpos($author," eds.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(" eds.","",$author); } if(strpos($author," edt.")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(" edt.","",$author); } if(strpos($author,", editors")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(", editors","",$author); } if(strpos($author,", editor")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(", editor","",$author); } if(strpos($author," editors")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(" editors","",$author); } if(strpos($author," editor")){ $suffix=$editorStr; $author=str_replace(" editor","",$author); } // Formatting $sepName = ", "; // the separator between the second name and the abbreviated first name $authArr = explode(" and ", str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t")," ", $author)); $i = 0; while(is_array($authArr) && $i < count($authArr)) { $authArr[$i] = trim($authArr[$i]); $firstNames = ''; $secondNames = ''; // When there is a comma in the name, then it is written "SecondName, FirstName"; if(strpos($authArr[$i], ",") !== false) { $firstNames = trim(substr($authArr[$i], strpos($authArr[$i], ",")+1)); $secondNames = trim(substr($authArr[$i], 0, strpos($authArr[$i], ","))); // Otherwise "FirstName SecondName" } else { $firstNames = substr($authArr[$i], 0, strrpos($authArr[$i], " ")); $secondNames = substr($authArr[$i], strrpos($authArr[$i], " ")+1); } // Abbreviate first names $firstNamesArr = explode(" ", trim($firstNames)); foreach($firstNamesArr as $j => $name) { if(strlen($name) > 2 && strpos($name, ".") === false) { if(strpos($name, "-") === false) { $firstNamesArr[$j] = substr($name,0,1)."."; } else { $firstNamesArr[$j] = substr($name,0,1).substr($name, strpos($name, '-'), 2)."."; } } } $firstNames = implode(' ', $firstNamesArr); $authArr[$i] = trim($secondNames.$sepName.$firstNames); if($hightlightName != '' && strtolower($secondNames) == strtolower($hightlightName)) $authArr[$i] = ''.$authArr[$i].''; $i++; } $authors = ''; if(count($authArr) == 1) $authors = $authArr[0]; else { $limit = $authorLimit == 0 ? count($authArr) : min(count($authArr), $authorLimit); $addEtAl = $authorLimit != 0 && count($authArr) > $authorLimit; $authors = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $limit - ($addEtAl ? 0 : 1); $i++) { $authors .= '; '.$authArr[$i]; } if($addEtAl) $authors = substr($authors, 2).' et al.'; else $authors = substr($authors, 2).' and '.$authArr[$i]; } return $authors.$suffix; } /** * Takes one BibTeX entry, its type, and an accent table and formats it as a citation. * If the entry is not valid, an empty string will be returned. * * The hightlightName parameter can be used to print a matching author/editor name in bold. * * @author Johannes Knabe, Andreas Classen */ function bibtex2html($entry, $type, $accents, $hightlightName = '', $authorLimit = 0){ $ret = extractBib("text", $entry, $accents); if(trim($ret)==""){ // There is no predefined text to show, we create some $title = extractBib("title", $entry, $accents); $webpdf = extractBib("webpdf", $entry, $accents); $publisherurl = extractBib("publisherurl", $entry, $accents); $doi = extractBib("doi", $entry, $accents); if($doi != '') $doi = 'http://dx.doi.org/'.$doi; $url = extractBib("url", $entry, $accents); $year = extractBib("year", $entry, $accents); $author = extractBib("author", $entry, $accents); $urllinked = false; // true if the url has been set in a link; it will be placed on the "in" part $publisherlinked = false; // true if the publisherurl has been set in a link; it will be placed on the "in" part except if the url is there, in which case it will be placed on the publisher part $doilinked = false; // true if the doi has been set in a link; it will be placed on the "in", except if one of the previous guys is // Title should not end with a full stop if($title[strlen($title)-1] == ".") $title = substr($title, 0, strlen($title)-1); if($author == "") { $author = extractBib("editor", $entry, $accents); $author = $author.", ed."; } // Authors: $ret = $ret . ''.formatAuthors($author, $hightlightName, $authorLimit).' '; // Check validity: if((trim($author)=="") || (trim($title)=="")) return ""; if(trim($webpdf)!="") { $title = ''.$title.''; } // Ttitle: $ret .= ''.$title.'. '; // Main content: switch($type) { case "article": $journ = extractBib("journal", $entry, $accents); if($journ == "") $journ = extractBib("book", $entry, $accents); //might be a book chapter... if($journ == "") $journ = extractBib("booktitle", $entry, $accents); //might be a book chapter... if(trim($journ) != ""){ $vol = extractBib("volume", $entry, $accents); $numb = extractBib("number", $entry, $accents); $pages = extractBib("pages", $entry, $accents); // Decide on link if(trim($url) != "") { $journ = ''.$journ.''; $urllinked = true; } elseif(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $journ = ''.$journ.''; $publisherlinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $journ = ''.$journ.''; $doilinked = true; } // Build output $ret = $ret.' In '.$journ.''; if(trim($vol) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$vol; if(trim($numb) != "") $ret = $ret.' ('.str_replace(array("--", " -", "- "), "-", $numb).")"; if(trim($pages) != "") $ret = $ret.': '.str_replace(array("--", " -", "- "), "-", $pages); if(trim($year) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$year; $ret = $ret."."; } break; case "inbook": case "inproceedings": case "incollection": $booktitle = extractBib("booktitle", $entry, $accents); if($booktitle == "") $booktitle = extractBib("book", $entry, $accents); if($booktitle == "") $booktitle = extractBib("journal", $entry, $accents); if(trim($booktitle)!=""){ $publisher = extractBib("publisher", $entry, $accents); $pubaddress = extractBib("address", $entry, $accents); $pages = extractBib("pages", $entry, $accents); $series = extractBib("series", $entry, $accents); $volume = extractBib("volume", $entry, $accents); // Decide on link for booktitle if(trim($url) != "") { $booktitle = ''.$booktitle.''; $urllinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $booktitle = ''.$booktitle.''; $doilinked = true; } elseif(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $booktitle = ''.$booktitle.''; $publisherlinked = true; } // Decide on link for publisher if(trim($publisher) != "") { if(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $publisher = ''.$publisher.''; $publisherlinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $publisher = ''.$publisher.''; $doilinked = true; } } // Build output $ret = $ret.' In '.$booktitle.''; if(trim($pages) != "") $ret = $ret.", pages ".str_replace(array("--"," -","- "),"-",$pages); if(trim($publisher) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$publisher.''; if(trim($pubaddress)!= "") $ret = $ret.', '.$pubaddress.''; if(trim($series) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$series.' '.$volume.''; if(trim($year) != "") $ret = $ret.", ".$year; $ret = $ret."."; } break; case "book": case "booklet": case "proceedings": case "conference": $publisher = extractBib("publisher", $entry, $accents); $pubaddress = extractBib("address", $entry, $accents); $series = extractBib("series", $entry, $accents); $volume = extractBib("volume", $entry, $accents); // Decide on link for publisher if(trim($publisher) != "") { if(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $publisher = ''.$publisher.''; $publisherlinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $publisher = ''.$publisher.''; $doilinked = true; } } // Build output if(trim($publisher) != "") $ret = $ret.' '.$publisher.''; if(trim($pubaddress) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$pubaddress.''; if(trim($series) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$series.' '.$volume.''; if(trim($year) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$year; $ret = $ret."."; break; case "mastersthesis": case "phdthesis": $school = extractBib("school", $entry, $accents); $addrs = extractBib("address", $entry, $accents); // Decide on link for school if(trim($url) != "") { $school = ''.$school.''; $urllinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $school = ''.$school.''; $doilinked = true; } elseif(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $school = ''.$school.''; $publisherlinked = true; } // Build output if($type == "mastersthesis") $ret = $ret." Master's Thesis"; else $ret = $ret." Ph.D. Thesis"; if(trim($school)!= "") $ret = $ret.', '.$school.''; if(trim($addrs) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$addrs; if(trim($year) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$year; $ret = $ret."."; break; case "techreport": $institution = extractBib("institution", $entry, $accents); $number = extractBib("number", $entry, $accents); $addrs = extractBib("address", $entry, $accents); // Decide on link for institution if(trim($url) != "") { $institution = ''.$institution.''; $urllinked = true; } elseif(trim($doi) != "") { $institution = ''.$institution.''; $doilinked = true; } elseif(trim($publisherurl) != "") { $institution = ''.$institution.''; $publisherlinked = true; } // Build output $ret = $ret." Technical Report"; if(trim($number) != "") $ret = $ret.' '.$number; if(trim($institution) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$institution.''; if(trim($addrs) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$addrs; if(trim($year) != "") $ret = $ret.', '.$year; $ret = $ret."."; break; case "misc": case "unpublished": case "manual": $note = extractBib("note", $entry,$accents); if(trim($note) != "") $ret .= ', '.$note; break; } // Put a full stop before the links $ret = trim($ret); if($ret[strlen($ret)-1] != '.') $ret .= '.'; // Links: $ret .= ''; if(trim($webpdf) != "") { $ret .= ' pdf '; } $webcs = extractBib("citeseerurl", $entry, $accents); if(trim($webcs) != "") { $ret .= ' citeseer '; } if(!$doilinked && trim($doi) != "") { $ret .= ' doi '; } if(!$urllinked && trim($url) != "") { $ret .= ' www '; } if(!$publisherlinked && trim($publisherurl) != "") { $ret .= ' publisher '; } $ret .= ''; } return $ret; } /** * Extracts the bibtex entry with the specified key from the specified file. * If no such bibtex entry could be found, the function returns false. */ function extractBibEntry($filename, $key) { return extractBibEntryFromString(file($filename), $key); } function extractBibEntryFromString($fileContent, $key) { if(is_array($fileContent)) $fileContent = implode("", $fileContent); $fileContent = str_replace("\r", "\n", $fileContent); $fileContent = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $fileContent); $pos = strpos($fileContent, '{'.$key.','); if($pos === false) return false; else { while(substr($fileContent, $pos, 1) != '@' && $pos >= -1) $pos--; if($pos == -1) return false; else { $braceLevel = 0; for($i = strpos($fileContent, '{', $pos); $i < strlen($fileContent); $i++) { if(substr($fileContent, $i, 1) == '{') $braceLevel++; if(substr($fileContent, $i, 1) == '}') $braceLevel--; if($braceLevel == 0) { return substr($fileContent, $pos, $i - $pos + 1); } } return false; } } } /** * bibfile2html($filename): * Returns an enumerated list of all entries contained in a BibTeX file. * Comments and encoding notes are ignored. * * For documentation see top of the script. * * @author Andreas Classen */ function bibfile2html($filename, $displayTypes = NULL, $groupType = NULL, $groupYear = NULL, $bibLink = NULL, $highlightName = NULL, $numbersDesc = NULL, $sorting = NULL, $authorLimit = NULL, $abstractLink = NULL) { return bibstring2html(file($filename), $displayTypes, $groupType, $groupYear, $bibLink, $highlightName, $numbersDesc, $sorting, $authorLimit, $abstractLink); } /** * Returns an enumerated list of all entries contained in the passed string. * Comments and encoding notes are ignored. * * For documentation see top of the script. * * @author Andreas Classen */ function bibstring2html($fileContent, $displayTypes = NULL, $groupType = NULL, $groupYear = NULL, $bibLink = NULL, $highlightName = NULL, $numbersDesc = NULL, $sorting = NULL, $authorLimit = NULL, $abstractLink = NULL) { // Default parameter values if($displayTypes === null) { $displayTypes = array( 'article' => 'Articles', 'book' => 'Books', 'booklet' => 'Booklets', 'conference' => 'Conferences', 'inbook' => 'Book chapters', 'incollection' => 'Collections', 'inproceedings' => 'In Proceedings', 'manual' => 'Manuals', 'mastersthesis' => "Master's Theses", 'misc' => 'Misc', 'phdthesis' => 'PhD Theses', 'proceedings' => 'Conference Proceedings', 'techreport' => 'Technical Reports', 'unpublished' => 'Unpublished', '_unknown' => 'Other'); } if($groupType === null) $groupType = true; if($groupYear === null) $groupYear = true; if($bibLink === null) $bibLink = ''; if($abstractLink === null) $abstractLink = ''; if($highlightName === null) $highlightName = ''; if($numbersDesc === null) $numbersDesc = false; if($authorLimit === null) $authorLimit = 0; // Preparation $accentTable = make_accent_table(); if(!is_array($fileContent)) $fileContent = explode("\n", $fileContent); // The $entries array will hold the formatted bibtex entries. // Structure: // - If grouping by types is activated, then it is first indexed by type, then by year // - Otherwise, it is indexed by year first. // At each index is an assocative array with three keys // - text: the formatted bibtex entry // - bib: the original bibtex entry // - key: the key of the entry $entries = array(); $i = 0; $j = 0; $len = count($fileContent); for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if(substr($fileContent[$i], 0, 1) == '@') { // Start of new entry $type = trim(strtolower(substr($fileContent[$i], 1, strpos($fileContent[$i], '{') - 1))); // First we read the bibtex entry into the $bibEntry variable $braceLevel = 0; $bibEntry = ''; $eoe = false; for($l = $i; $l < $len && !$eoe; $l++) { $fileContent[$l] = rtrim($fileContent[$l]); $braceLevel += substr_count($fileContent[$l], '{') - substr_count($fileContent[$l], '}'); if($braceLevel == 0) { $eoe = true; $bibEntry .= substr($fileContent[$l], 0, strrpos($fileContent[$l], '}'))." "; } else { $bibEntry .= $fileContent[$l]." "; } } $i = $l-1; // Collect info about the entry $bibEntry = trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), array(' ', ' ', ' '), $bibEntry)); $key = extractBibName($bibEntry); $year = extractBib("year", $bibEntry, $accentTable); $text = bibtex2html($bibEntry, $type, $accentTable, $highlightName, $authorLimit); if($abstractLink != '' && trim(extractBib("abstract", $bibEntry, $accentTable)) != '') { $text .= ' Abstract'; } if($bibLink != '') { $text .= ' BibTeX'; } // The index has to be unique; Entries will be sorted along this index before printed // it can be used to control the display order of the entries if($sorting == null) $index = sprintf("%08d", $j); else { if(!is_array($sorting)) $sorting = array($sorting); $index = ''; foreach($sorting as $field) { if($field == 'key') $index .= $key; else if($field == 'citation') $index .= substr(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($text)), 0, 200); else if($field == 'year') $index .= sprintf("%04d", 9999 - (int) extractBib("year", $bibEntry, $accentTable)); else if($field == 'timestamp') $index .= sprintf("%010d", 2147483647 - strtotime(extractBib("timestamp", $bibEntry, $accentTable))); else if($field == 'author') { $temp = html_entity_decode(extractBib("author", $bibEntry, $accentTable)); if($temp == "") $temp = html_entity_decode(extractBib("editor", $bibEntry, $accentTable)); $index .= formatAuthors($temp, "", $authorLimit); } else { $index .= html_entity_decode(extractBib($field, $bibEntry, $accentTable)); } } $index .= sprintf(" %s %08d", $key, $j); // make it unique } $element = array('text' => $text, 'bib' => $bibEntry, 'key' => $key); // Save if(!array_key_exists($type, $displayTypes)) $type = '_unknown'; if($year != '' && $text != '') { if($groupType && $groupYear) $entries[$type][$year][$index] = $element; elseif($groupYear) $entries[$year][$index] = $element; elseif($groupType) $entries[$type][$index] = $element; else $entries[$index] = $element; $j++; } } } $ret = ''; // contains the output that will be returned if(!$numbersDesc) $j = 1; if($groupType && $groupYear) { foreach($displayTypes as $type => $typeName) { if(isset($entries[$type])) { krsort($entries[$type]); $ret .= '


    '; foreach($entries[$type] as $year => $yearEntries) { $ret .= '


    '; $ret .= '
      '; uksort($yearEntries, 'strcoll'); foreach($yearEntries as $index => $info) { if(trim($info['text']) != '') $ret .= '
    1. '.$info['text'].'
    2. '; $j = $numbersDesc ? $j - 1 : $j + 1; } $ret .= '
    '; } } } } elseif($groupType) { foreach($displayTypes as $type => $typeName) { if(isset($entries[$type])) { uksort($entries[$type], 'strcoll'); $ret .= '


    '; $ret .= '
      '; foreach($entries[$type] as $index => $info) { if(trim($info['text']) != '') $ret .= '
    1. '.$info['text'].'
    2. '; $j = $numbersDesc ? $j - 1 : $j + 1; } $ret .= '
    '; } } } elseif($groupYear) { krsort($entries); foreach($entries as $year => $yearEntries) { $ret .= '


    '; $ret .= '
      '; uksort($yearEntries, 'strcoll'); foreach($yearEntries as $index => $info) { if(trim($info['text']) != '') $ret .= '
    1. '.$info['text'].'
    2. '; $j = $numbersDesc ? $j - 1 : $j + 1; } $ret .= '
    '; } } else { uksort($entries, 'strcoll'); $ret .= '
      '; foreach($entries as $index => $info) { if(trim($info['text']) != '') $ret .= '
    1. '.$info['text'].'
    2. '; $j = $numbersDesc ? $j - 1 : $j + 1; } $ret .= '
    '; } return $ret; } ?>